FW: The war has started [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-19 Thread Knight, Jonathan

The war has started 
By Robert Fox, Defence Correspondent and David Taylor, Evening Standard 
19 March 2003 
British and American troops were involved in fierce fighting near Iraqi's main port 
today as the war to topple Saddam Hussein began. 
Look here too!

* The Allies' battle plan 
* Saddam's options for counter-attack 
* Full coverage of the crisis 

The firefight broke out near Basra as men of the Special Boat Service targeted the 
strategically vital city and the oilfields in southern Iraq. 
At the same time allied troops were flooding into the demilitarised zone on the Iraqi 
border with Kuwait 40 miles away to take up positions for an all-out invasion. 

Cruise missiles were also loaded onto B52 bombers at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire, 
a clear sign that the bombardment of Baghdad could be only hours away. 
British troops taking up forward battle positions were ordered to switch off 
satellite phones and allied warplanes bombed targets in Iraq after coming under fire 
in the no-fly zone. 
By lunchtime, allied forces were in position to strike from the moment the 48-hour 
deadline set by President Bush for Saddam to quit Iraq expires at 1am British time 
tomorrow. But the White House had refused to rule out a strike before that. 
The fighting reported at Basra was believed to involve British special forces and US 
marines in an operation to prepare landing sites for amphibious craft during an 
Other special units were deep inside Iraq on secret operations to prepare landing 
strips in the desert for airborne troops. 
Basra, Iraq's only seaport, lies on the Shatt al Arab waterway where the Tigris and 
the Euphrates open into the northern Gulf. 
Surrounded by treacherous sandbanks and marshes it is difficult to approach from the 
Artillery, infantry and the tanks of the 7th Armoured Brigade had already moved into 
Forming Up Positions, and some were already on the start line. 
An attack could target Basra and proceed up alongside the Euphrates towards the 
strategic cities of Nasariya, Najaf and Karbala. 
Tony Blair said he believed all MPs, irrespective of their views on the war, now 
wished British troops well. 
I know everyone in this House wishes our Armed Forces well, he said in the Commons. 
A sandstorm whipped across northern Kuwait as the pace of preparations suddenly 
quickened Kuwaiti security sources disclosed that allied troops move into the 
demilitarised zone, which straddles the Iraq-Kuwait border, at around 11am local time, 
8am UK time. 
The source, working in the Umm Qasr area in the east of the zone, said: American 
convoys are still driving towards Umm Qasr. 
A US military spokesman said he could not confirm or deny that troops were inside the 
A British Army spokesman said only that soldiers had taken up  forward battle 
At Fairford, 14 giant American B52 bombers which will lead the fight against Saddam 
were loaded up with cruise missiles this morning. 
The first flight of B52s were expected to take off two hours before sunset to give 
them enough flying time to identify their targets and drop their first devastating 
payload before heading for home. 
The missiles were driven to the aircraft in five articulated lorries escorted by 
police at 10.30am. 
Troops meticulously loaded the weapons - each costing around £1million - into the bomb 
bays by forklift truck. 
With an estimated flight time of only six hours to Iraq the bombers are expected to 
play a huge part in the initial air bombardment. A single B52 can deliver a payload of 
more than 70,000lb at a range of 8,800 miles without being refuelled. They are likely 
to take up positions over the Mediterranean or the Red Sea to unleash cruise missiles 
or satelliteguided smart bombs. RAF Tornados, Harriers and Jaguars are also likely to 
be involved in the opening 48-hour offensive. 
The Tornados will be given the specific task of taking out air defences and barracks 
round small missile batteries and air strips in the Iraqi desert. 
This will enable the enemy positions to be quickly seized by airborne forces and 
turned into bases for the advancing allied armies. 
The Harrier force of up to 20 planes has the job of supporting special forces, the SAS 
and Special Boat Service and American Rangers in the hunt for Scud missile sites and 
any artillery shells with chemical warheads. Intelligence suggests Saddam has given 
his generals personal authority to unleash the deadly weapons as a last desperate 
measure to hold the Allies off from attacking Baghdad. 
The mainstay of the bombing attack will be the 750 American and British fighter 
bombers from Gulf bases and the six American aircraft carriers now at battle stations 
in the Mediterranean and the Arabian Sea. 
The aircraft, including RAF Tornados and Harriers, F16s, F15s and F18 Hornets will 
work on a taxi rank basis, forming ranks in the air 


2002-10-14 Thread Knight, Jonathan


KICK THE POODLE White House slaps down Blair as he works for Bush in Russia
By Jon Clements And Oonagh Blackman
TONY Blair came under fire from America last night as he tried to persuade Russia to 
back plans for a tough new UN resolution against Iraq.

The Prime Minister was in Moscow attempting to get President Putin onside against 
Saddam Hussein when he was accused by the US of rushing the strategy over the 
Palestinian problem.

Mr Blair - often dubbed President Bush's poodle - had told the Labour Party conference 
that he envisaged substantive talks between Israel and the Palestinians before the 
year's end.

But a US State Department official claimed last night that Mr Blair's strategy for the 
Middle East was at odds with the quartet of mediators - Britain, America, Russia and 
the UN - which had agreed to postpone talks on the future of the Palestinian 
territories until at least 2004.

A State Department official said: Blair's proposal goes directly against the 
statement of the quartet that not until 2004 to 2005 would there be 
Israeli-Palestinian negotiations on final status issues.

As the rift emerged, Israeli troops opened fire in a Palestinian refugee camp in the 
Gaza Strip, killing two teenage children, and injuring another 18 people, including a 

Mr Blair also came under fire yesterday from Saddam's bitter enemy, Iran. They 
condemned British and American sabre-rattling and said a war against Baghdad would 
alienate the Arab world. The outburst from Iran's Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi came 
as Foreign Secretary Jack Straw was on a four-day Middle East diplomatic mission, 
trying to drum up support against Saddam. Mr Kharrazi said: We feel beating the drums 
of war for Iraq has been reason enough for Palestine to become marginalised and this 
has prepared the ground for Israel to continue its aggression.

All countries of the Islamic world are against the unilateral policies of the US and 
this has been reason enough for a deep hatred to be felt throughout Islamic countries.

Mr Straw has already been snubbed by Egypt and Jordan over a new hardline UN 
resolution. Arab leaders want UN weapons inspectors back in Iraq under existing 

Last night, Mr Blair denied trying to bribe Russia.

Commentators in Moscow had claimed the West would offer inducements such as 
guaranteed oil contracts in Iraq if Saddam's regime was toppled.

But Mr Blair said: Obviously there are interests that Russia has in this issue, but I 
don't think it's a question of price tags.

Meanwhile, President Bush suffered a setback from his own CIA, which claimed that the 
likelihood of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein launching an unprovoked attack on the US 
was very low.


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Butcher Blair presents his 'evidence' to Parliament [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-26 Thread Knight, Jonathan



Commons Debate




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This dossier is not enough [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-24 Thread Knight, Jonathan


This dossier is not enough

Evening Standard editorial comment

The Iraq dossier, which MPs will read today before their debate tonight on military 
action against Saddam Hussein, adds little concrete information to that published 
earlier this month by the International Institute of Strategic Studies. It does 
confirm that Saddam possesses stores of chemical and biological weapons, and could 
produce a nuclear weapon within two years if he is sent nuclear material from abroad. 

It further confirms that Iraq has delivery mechanisms with a range of 400 miles, 
capable of reaching Israel or British bases in Cyprus. Saddam's concealment of his 
weapons programmes is becoming more sophisticated. There are signs that he is 
attempting to increase the range of his rockets and self-propelled gliders (though 
missiles capable of striking Britain or the US are probably a decade away, and harder 
to conceal from US surveillance). The rest consists of a reworking of information 
already made public. 

Saddam is undoubtedly a monstrous dictator. The questions MPs on both sides of the 
House will have to ask themselves, however, are, first, whether Saddam's possession of 
these weapons is in itself enough to persuade the West to invade Iraq in order to 
remove them, and, second, whether Saddam is likely to allow his arsenal to be used by 
terrorists to strike against the West. He is, after all, a man whose primal instinct 
and ambition is to maintain his absolute power base in Iraq. People who would answer 
Yes will be satisfied that Saddam, in Tony Blair's language, needs to be stopped. 
People who would answer No, in the belief that the tested policy of deterrence should 
be able to prevent war with Iraq, will surely conclude that Mr Blair's dossier today 
does nothing to strengthen the case for military action against Saddam. We continue to 
take the latter view. 

Britain should not take military action against Iraq without being part of a concerted 
international coalition which could only emerge after a Security Council resolution 
setting a deadline for compliance by Saddam with unfettered weapons inspection. 
Today's dossier contains nothing to alter that. 

45 minutes from chemical attack

by Charles Reiss, Political Editor, Evening Standard
Saddam Hussein's armoury of chemical weapons is on standby for use within 45 minutes, 
Tony Blair's dossier revealed today. 
The Iraqi leader has 20 missiles which could reach British military bases in Cyprus, 
as well as Israel and Nato members Greece and Turkey. 

He has also been seeking to buy uranium from Africa for use in nuclear weapons. Those 
are the key charges in a 14-point dossier of death finally published by the 
Government today. 

In an introduction, Mr Blair says that the evidence leaves Britain and the 
international community no choice but to act. 

The central charges against Saddam are set out at the start of the document. They 

* Plans for the use of chemical and biological weapons, some deployable within 45 

* Evidence he has retained up to 20 al-Hussein missiles from the Gulf War. These could 
be used with chemical, biological or nuclear warheads and with a range of 650 
kilometres, could reach the UK sovereign base areas in Cyprus and Nato members Greece 
and Turkey as well as all Iraq's neighbours. 

* Evidence he has sought significant amounts of uranium from Africa. 

* Work to extend the range of the al-Samud liquid propellant missile to at least 200 

These and the other charges are amplified in the 55-page dossier. The Prime Minister's 
foreword says: I believe that, faced with the information available to me, the United 
Kingdom government has been right to support the demand that this issue is confronted 
and dealt with. 

We must ensure that he [Saddam] does not get to use the weapons he has, or get hold 
of the weapons he wants. 

Critics, however, said that the dossier - entitled Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction, 
The Assessment of the British Government - failed to produce a new killer fact to 
justify all-out war to topple Saddam. 

Some defence experts also acknowledged that much of the information was already known. 

Mr Blair, however, says that the document, based on the work of the Joint Intelligence 
Committee at the heart of the British intelligence machine, demonstrates that the 
Iraqi regime is a current and serious threat to the UK national interest. 

The dossier goes further - to document Iraq's human rights abuses, with horrific 
individual accounts of tortures and mass executions. It also uses extraordinary means 
to show the almost farcical lengths to which Saddam has gone to hide the evidence of 
his weapons programme. 

The report includes a map of one of the dictator's presidential palaces, from which 
UN weapons inspectors have always been barred on the grounds that they 


2002-09-24 Thread Knight, Jonathan


-Original Message-
Sent: 24 September 2002 14:34
To: Knight, Jonathan
Subject: FCO Website Update: COMMONS DEBATE ON IRAQ

This email is to advise you that an article matching one of your interests has been 
published on the FCO website:
The Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, opened the parliamentary debate on Iraq in the 
House of Commons on 24 September 2002.  Mr Straw addressed four key questions in his 
opening speech: first, is the Iraqi regime the threat we say it is?  Second, are there 
other countries which have developed equally dangerous arsenals of weapons of mass 
destruction? Third, is the international community guilty of double standards?  And 
fourth, even if Iraq is the danger we claim, is the threat of force or its use 
justified?  Mr Straw said: 'the choice is Saddam's.  He has flouted international law, 
he does pose a serious and significant threat to the region and beyond, yet this 
threat can be resolved without force, by full disarmament verified by the inspectors.'
To view the article in full, visit the page below:
Kind regards,
FCO Webmaster
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FW: Urgent, cyber action required [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-25 Thread Knight, Jonathan
Title: Urgent, cyber action required


-Original Message-From: John O 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 25 July 2002 12:57To: 
Recipient List SuppressedSubject: Urgent, cyber action 
National Coalition of 
Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
 110 Hamstead 
 Birmingham B20 
Phone: 0121-554-6947 Fax: 0121-554-7891
Web site: http://www.ncadc.org.uk/

Urgent, cyber action required

Ahmadi Family facing imminent deportation

At 06.00am this morning Thursday 25th July 2002. West Midlands police and 
Immigration officials stormed the Gnausia Jamia mosque in Lye, smashed in the 
doors with a battering ram and arrested Farid and Feriba Ahmadi, who had 
taken sanctuary in the mosque.

Hajikhadim Hussein, an elder at the mosque, said morning prayers had just 
finished when the raid occurred. "I think very badly of this morning. The way 
they caught them and broke the door of the mosque. If they were coming and 
talking with the mosque committee maybe we could have found some way. This 
family are very, very upset. They have no home in Afghanistan and no family. 
They think they are not safe there."

Their children were not in the mosque when the police arrived.

Soraya a supporter of the campaign to keep the Ahmadi Family in the UK 
said: "I am glad the children were not in there this morning having to face a 
whole squad of police officers and Home Office officials. Nobody ever actually 
thought they (the Immigration Service) were going to do this. I am rather 
shocked by the heavy-handedness of how immigration deal with this type of 

Farid and Feriba, and the children are now in Harmondsworth 
removal/detention centre, due to be put on a flight for Munich tomorrow morning 
Friday 26th July at o7.55hrs.

Ahamadi Family, background

What You can do to keep the family in the UK
British Airways (BA) have the family booked on one of their flights 
tomorrow morning. BA have in the past been persuaded not to carry deportees, 
please send a fax to (model letter below, copy, amend write your own):

Lord Colin Marshall British Airways Chairperson
Fax Number 0208 738 9801 from outside the UK +44 208 738 9801
Rob Eddington Cheif Executive British Airways
Fax Number 0208 738 9990 from outside the UK +44 208 738 9990
Lord Colin Marshall
Rob Eddington

Dear Sirs,The Ahmadi family Farid and Feriba, and their 
children Hadia, now 6, and Seear, 4, are due to be deported on the 26th July 
0755 hours to Munich on a British Airways flight BA948 from Heathrow Terminal 
They do not want to be deported, (1) to Germany where they suffered racism 
and horrendous living conditions, and (2) ultimately to Afghanistan a country 
which Amnesty internationals latest country update, states that it is still an 
unsafe country to return anyone to.

I understand from, British Airways Social and Environmental Annual 
Report 2002 " you will not carry passengers who are distressed".

The Ahmadi family fit this criteria.

I am asking you to not carry them on your flight on grounds of 
compassion and carrying out BA policy, as they have suffered persecution in 
Afghanistan and racism in Germany, where Mrs Ahmadi suffered 2 nervous 

I look forward to your support on this matter.




Email address:

If you have time please fax a copy of anything sent to:
Immigration and Asylum Support Project
020 554 4553 from outside the UK +44 20 554 4553


The immediate priority is to keep the Ahmadi Family in the UK. Once that 
has been resolved their are questions to be asked!
Was it necessary for the police and Home Office to desecrate a place of 
Who ordered the raid on the mosque
Why such heavy handed tactics

Further information:
Salmon Mirza
0796 753 9771

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FW: NCADC - Newsletter - 27 - July - August - September - 2002 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-07-17 Thread Knight, Jonathan
Title: NCADC - Newsletter - 27 - July - August - September -


-Original Message-From: John O 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 17 July 2002 06:26To: 
Recipient List SuppressedSubject: NCADC - Newsletter - 27 - July - 
August - September - 2002
National Coalition of 
Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
 110 Hamstead 
 Birmingham B20 
Phone: 0121-554-6947 Fax: 0121-554-7891
Web site: http://www.ncadc.org.uk/

NCADC - Newsletter - 27 - July - August - September - 2002

Now Online - 

A copy of the 'NCADC newsletter, can be obtained in PDF format by 
returning a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and in the 
subject line put: Subscribe News27.pdf

Their Voices were not HeardAhmad Family Fight Deportation by 
Going into SanctuaryNikola Garzova's Diary
Secure Removal Centres - Safe Votes, by Steve Cohen
Duman Family Must Stay CampaignMaking Complaints about Bad 
Legal Representation!'With friends like keith Best, Asylum Seekers don't 
need enemies'Oppose separate schooling for asylum seekers
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill
Good news from North London
'Growing up Under New Labour', by Richard DunstanGroup 4 grab 
another Slice of the Immigration PieAsylum Seekers - 3 Absences and 
you're outScottish MPs Demand End to Child 
DetentionHarmondsworth: Full-scale prison regime to be 
introducedWorking Together to Stop Trafficking in Women and 
ChildrenNASS: Discriminates against Gay CouplesChallenging 
Detention in Criminal PrisonsAndrew Ochaki Defence 
CampaignWomen: 51% of the world's refugeesFamily reunion and the 
White Paper: Some Good, mainly Bad and UglySay No to Indefinite 
Imprisonment *Free Aziz AhmedLetter from a RefugeeStop 
the Double Punishment of Samar  JawadCampaign Against Criminalising 
CommunitiesRound-up of London CampaignsImmigration Detention 
capacity: UK June 2002Making Complaints about Bad Legal 
Representation!NCADC Annual General MeetingSolidarity Vigil, 
Refugee Week 2002The Emigration StoneRooker Shuts Liverpool 
Asylum Tower BlocksRefugee WomenUNHCR Guidelines: Gender-Related 
Persecution within the context of Article . . . . .UNCHR Report: Women: 
51% of the world's refugees
UNHCR Guidelines: "Membership of a particular social 

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FW: Cheney Saddam!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread Knight, Jonathan


Bloody hypocrites


Cheney Calls for the Destruction of His Client, Hussein

(*Editors Note | This page contains two stories. The first, yesterday's
Reuters news wire report of Dick Cheney's call for the overthrow of Saddam
Hussein. The second is an account his business dealings with the Iraqi
government. Cheney originally denied that Halliburton under his tenure as
CEO had in fact circumvented US law to do business with Hussein's Iraqi
government. He was later forced to retract his denials when presented with
evidence of Halliburton's dealings.)

Cheney Sees 'Gathering Danger' in Iraq

By Reuters | New York Times

Thursday, 20 June, 2002

DETROIT (Reuters) - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein represents a gathering
danger'' to the United States, Vice President Dick Cheney said on Thursday,
while warning that Washington will act preemptively against threats of

We are greatly concerned about any possible linkup between terrorists and
regimes that have or seek weapons of mass destruction,'' said Cheney. In
the case of Saddam Hussein, we've got a dictator who is clearly pursuing and
already possesses some of these weapons,'' he said.

A regime that hates America and everything we stand for must never be
permitted to threaten America with weapons of mass destruction,'' the vice
president added, referring to Saddam and the Iraqi forces he fought as
defense minister under President Bush's father during the Gulf War in 1991.

Cheney, who spoke at a political fund-raiser here, stopped short of saying
there were any established ties between Baghdad and the al Qaeda network, or
the Sept. 11 attacks that took about 3,000 U.S. lives.

But he said the possibility of such links was too great to ignore,
especially in light of Saddam's defiance of U.N. weapons inspection programs
and international oversight.

This gathering danger requires the most urgent, deliberate and decisive
response,'' he said.

It is very clear that our enemies are determined to do further significant
damage to the American people,'' Cheney said, citing recent intelligence

Wars are not won on the defensive,'' he added. We must take the battle to
the enemy anywhere necessary, to preempt greater stress to our country,'' he


Cheney Made Millions Off Oil Deals with Hussein
by Martin A. Lee
San Francisco Bay Guardian

November 13, 2000

Here's a whopper of a story you may have missed amid the cacophony of
campaign ads and stump speeches in the run- up to the elections.

During former defense secretary Richard Cheney's five-year tenure as chief
executive of Halliburton, Inc., his oil services firm raked in big bucks
from dubious commercial dealings with Iraq. Cheney left Halliburton with a
$34 million retirement package last July when he became the GOP's
vice-presidential candidate.

Of course, U.S. firms aren't generally supposed to do business with Saddam
Hussein. But thanks to legal loopholes large enough to steer an oil tanker
through, Halliburton profited big-time from deals with the Iraqi
dictatorship. Conducted discreetly through several Halliburton subsidiaries
in Europe, these greasy transactions helped Saddam Hussein retain his grip
on power while lining the pockets of Cheney and company.

According to the Financial Times of London, between September 1998 and last
winter, Cheney, as CEO of Halliburton, oversaw $23.8 million of business
contracts for the sale of oil-industry equipment and services to Iraq
through two of its subsidiaries, Dresser Rand and Ingersoll-Dresser Pump,
which helped rebuild Iraq's war-damaged petroleum-production infrastructure.
The combined value of these contracts exceeded those of any other U.S.
company doing business with Baghdad.

Halliburton was among more than a dozen American firms that supplied Iraq's
petroleum industry with spare parts and retooled its oil rigs when U.N.
sanctions were eased in 1998. Cheney's company utilized subsidiaries in
France, Italy, Germany, and Austria so as not to draw undue attention to
controversial business arrangements that might embarrass Washington and
jeopardize lucrative ties to Iraq, which will pump $24 billion of petrol
under the U.N.-administered oil-for-food program this year. Assisted by
Halliburton, Hussein's government will earn another $1 billion by illegally
exporting oil through black-market channels.

With Cheney at the helm since 1995, Halliburton quickly grew into America's
number-one oil-services company, the fifth-largest military contractor, and
the biggest nonunion employer in the nation. Although Cheney claimed that
the U.S. government had absolutely nothing to do with his firm's meteoric
financial success, State Department documents obtained by the Los Angeles
Times indicate that U.S. officials helped Halliburton 

FW: [balkanhr] COM - 36 Council of Europe member states undertake to abolish the

2002-05-03 Thread Knight, Jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Council of Europe Press [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 May 2002 10:02
Subject: [balkanhr] COM - 36 Council of Europe member states undertake
to abolish the death penalty in all circumstances
Council of Europe Press Release
Spokesperson and Press Division
Tel. +33 3 88 41 25 60
Fax. +33 3 88 41 27 89
For more informations: www.coe.int
36 Council of Europe member states undertake to abolish the death penalty in
all circumstances

Vilnius, 03.05.2002 - The Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Representatives
of 36 member states (*) of the Council of Europe, present in Vilnius on the
occasion of the 110th session of the Organisation's Committee of Ministers,
today signed Protocol No. 13 to the European Convention on Human Rights,
concerning the abolition of the death penalty in all circumstances.  

With Protocol No. 6, and a moratorium in the countries that have not yet
ratified it, the 44 Council of Europe member states already constituted a
death-penalty-free zone in peacetime.  Protocol No. 13 provides the
Organisation with an instrument that prohibits capital punishment, whatever
the circumstances.  

The Council of Europe was already proud to have banished the death penalty
in peacetime on a continent where more than 800 million people live. With
Protocol No. 13, it opens the way to abolishing this barbaric punishment in
all circumstances.  We hope that this will be a decisive step towards a
universal abolition of the death penalty and we shall spare no effort in
achieving this, declared Walter Schwimmer, Secretary General of the
44-nation Organisation.

The Protocol will enter into force with 10 ratifications.  The text and
further information available at http://conventions.coe.int

(*) 36 signatory States : Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San
Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.
Ireland, Malta and Switzerland signed and ratified this Protocol. 


  Press Release 
Council of Europe Spokesperson and Press Division
Ref: 240a02
Contact : Can Fisek
Tel: +33 3 88 41 30 41 ; portable +33 6 76 65 03 41 
Fax:+33 3 88 41 39 11
internet: www.coe.int/press

To receive our press releases by e-mail, contact :

A political organisation set up in 1949, the Council of Europe works to
promote democracy and human rights continent-wide. It also develops common
responses to social, cultural and legal challenges in its 44 member states.
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RE: Milosevic trial [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-03 Thread Knight, Jonathan


Rugova, of course, by boycotting the elections of the 1990's helped to keep Milosevic 
in power. He was told that he could shorten the wars in BiH and Croatia by so doing, 
but as he wanted the Kosovo Albanians to appear persecuted - he did not want a 
democratic Government in FRY, he refused to allow his supporters to vote as all he is 
interested in an independent Kosovo and power for himself. In this, he was pretty 
stupid - the Albanians have the highest and the Serbs the lowest birth-rates in 
Europe; had he been patient and less selfish, he could have been president of 

-Original Message-
Sent: 03 May 2002 14:35
Subject: RE: Milosevic trial [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


 I put the quesiton across to the list: who's the 'scummier'of the two, 
that is, Rugova or the KLA???

I say Rugova, as the KLA is generally forthright about its fascistic 

Barry Stoller wrote:
 AFP. 3 May 2002. Kosovo's moderate president clashes with Milosevic in
 THE HAGUE -- Kosovo's president, Ibrahim Rugova, clashed with his
 nemesis Slobodan Milosevic at the UN war crimes tribunal Friday,
 accusing the former Yugoslav president of massacres against ethnic
 Albanians in Kosovo.
 But in cross examination, Milosevic labelled Rugova -- who led the
 non-violent movement for Kosovo's independence from Serbia since 1989 --
 of being a pawn of the great powers trying to implement their own
 Milosevic told the Kosovo Albanian leader the situation in Kosovo was a
 result of actions by the international community.
 Milosevic asked several times, quoting newspapers and books, if Rugova
 believed the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was a terrorist organisation.
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Barry Stoller



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FW: Teachers Fight Back Against Blunkett 'swamping' Rhetoric [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-05-02 Thread Knight, Jonathan
Title: Teachers Fight Back Against Blunkett 'swamping' Rhetor


-Original Message-From: John O 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 02 May 2002 06:17To: 
Recipient List SuppressedSubject: Teachers Fight Back Against 
Blunkett 'swamping' Rhetoric
National Coalition of 
Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
Hamstead Road
 Birmingham B20 2QS
Phone: 0121-554-6947 Fax: 0121-554-7891
 Web site: 

Teachers Fight Back Against Blunkett 'swamping' Rhetoric
 Newham teachers, supported by Newham 
Teachers' Association (NUT), have launched a petition affirming that refugee 
children are welcome in schools and opposing any moves towards segregated 
schooling as proposed by the government.

 The petition condemns the 
comments made by David Blunkett, the Home Secretary, that refugee children have 
'swamped' local schools. The Home Office plans to establish special 
'accommodation centres' where asylum seeker children will be educated separately 
from others in remote areas of the country.

 In the past, refugee children 
have received strong support from other school students, often leading to highly 
energetic schools-based campaigns against any deportation attempts.
 The petition is for teachers, parents, 
schoolchildren and students and can be signed by people anywhere in the UK. 
Newham Teachers Association hope that the petition will become a national 
initiative to show the strength of feeling after the Home Secretary's comments. 
Other NUT branches are being asked to adopt the petition, subject to approval 
from local officers.

The petition can be downloaded as a Word file from:

Or as a PDF file from:

Newham teachers invite everyone in the world to sign this 

It can be freely photocopied and distributed
and needs to be returned by 31 May 2002 to the
Newham Teachers' Association
NTA Office
The Credon Centre
Kirton Road,
United Kindom
E13 9BT.

Further information and source:
Institute of Race Relations


NUT condemns Government plans 
for education of asylum seeking childrenThe NUT is alarmed at the proposals in 
the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill for the education of asylum 
seeking children in accommodation centres. A far better way of tackling 
the complex educational needs of asylum seeking children would be for the 
Government to provide adequate resources to schools.The NUT has 
called on the Department for Education and Skills to provide a fund for 
education authorities to draw on as the need arises.Doug McAvoy, 
NUT General Secretary, said:"The Government should listen to teachers, 
who are completely committed to teaching asylum-seeking children. It 
should be concerned to promote the best interests of these children, including 
their right to education in an appropriate environment. Instead, the 
Government is promoting an extremely regressive proposal to deny asylum-seeking 
children education within mainstream provision."Asylum seeking children 
are children first and asylum seekers second. Their educational rights 
should be vigorously protected irrespective of immigration status. 
Education within the confines of an accommodation centre cannot equal the range 
of provision within a school or education authority. The Government's proposals 
flout asylum-seeking children's right to a decent education by segregating them 
from other children in mainstream schools. Children in mainstream schools 
are the key to the rapid rehabilitation of asylum seeking children - many of 
whom will be traumatised by their experience of fleeing persecution or 
"The NUT is calling on the 
Government to abandon any proposals which undermine asylum seeking children's 
right to care and development through education. This is the only way in 
which the Government's rhetoric on social inclusion will have any 


Education Of Children Seeking 

84 MPs led by Karen Buck, the chair of the London group of Labour MPs, have 
tabled a Parliamentary motion opposing Clause 30 of the Immigration Bill and 
calling for all children to have the same access to mainstream school places. If 
your MP is not listed below contact them immediately through NCADC's web 
go to left hand frame, Faxyourmp.com

EDM 1187 

Education Of Children Seeking Asylum 23.04.02
Buck/KarenThat this House 
expresses its concern at sections 30 and 31 of the Nationality, Immigration and 
Asylum Bill, which removes refugee children in accommodation centres from the 
application of key sections of education law; notes that the United Nations 

RE: Privatization: UMMIK-NATO's Mission In Kosovo [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-02 Thread Knight, Jonathan


It sounds as though the occupiers want to sell off the assets and keep the money, but 
make FRY responsible for the debts!


-Original Message-
From: Rick Rozoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 May 2002 12:06
Subject: Privatization: UMMIK-NATO's Mission In Kosovo


[This appears to read as follows: Michael Steiner,
current UNMIK chief, wants to privatize
Yugoslav/Serbia state and mixed assets - to be sold
off cheap to foreign investors - while leaving the
Yugoslav and Serbian governments, and their citizens,
saddled with onerous World Bank interest and other
One-sided privatization.
Recall that one of the first initiatives of UNMIK
immediately after NATO troops took over the Serbian
province of Kosovo in 1999 was, responding to a
'study' commissioned by the National Endowment For
Democracy/George Soros Open Society Institute-funded
International Crisis Group (also based in Brussels),
was for then UNMIK head Bernard Kouchner to send NATO
troops into the Trepca Mining Complex, perhaps the
largest in Europe, to take it over and sell it off to
foreign interests - reputedly to a Soros-controlled
Humanitarianism doesn't come free evidently.]

Belgrade Rejects UN Privatization Plan for Kosovo
BELGRADE, May 2, 2002 -- (dpa) Belgrade on Tuesday
rejected the privatization plan proposed by the United
Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), saying assets of
Kosovo companies must be privatized together with
their debts.
Chief of the state committee in charge of the
province, Nebojsa Covic, said the plan was rejected at
a meeting of Serbian finance and privatization
ministers, chiefs of the Serbian Privatization Agency
and federal and Serbian property directorates.
We gave our objections and finance and privatization
ministers are now in charge of reaching an agreement
with UNMIK on the concept, said Covic, a Serbian
deputy premier.


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FW: Tutu,on Israeli Apartheid [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-30 Thread Knight, Jonathan


-Original Message-From: Patrick 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 30 April 2002 
06:07To: Kofi Amegashie; Knight, Jonathan; Ayo 
ObisanyaSubject: Tutu,on Israeli "Apartheid"


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FW: Proud to be British [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-30 Thread Knight, Jonathan
Title: Message


Subject: FW: Proud to be British??   Only 
in Britain... can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.  
   Only in Britain... do supermarkets make sick people walk all 
the way to   the back of the shop to get their prescriptions while 
healthy people can   buy cigarettes at the front.   
  Only in Britain... do people order double cheeseburgers, large 
fries, and   a DIET coke. Only 
in Britain... do banks leave both doors open and chain the pens to   
the counters. Only in Britain... do we leave cars 
worth thousands of pounds on the drive   and put our junk 
and cheap lawn mower in the garage. Only in 
Britain... do we buy hot dogs in packs of ten and buns in packs of 
  eight. Only in Britain... do we use 
answering machines to screen calls and then   have call waiting so 
we won't miss a call from someone we didn't want to   talk to in the 
first place. Only in Britain... are there handicap 
parking places in front of a skating   rink.   
  3 Brits die each year testing if a 9v battery works on their 
tongue. 142 Brits were injured in 1999 by not 
removing all pins from new shirts. 58 Brits are 
injured each year by using sharp knives instead of   screwdrivers. 
31 Brits have died since 1996 by watering their 
Christmas tree while the   fairy lights were plugged in.  
   19 Brits have died in the last 3 years believing that 
Christmas   decorations were chocolate. 
British Hospitals reported 4 broken arms last year after cracker pulling 
  accidents. 101 people since 1999 have 
had to have broken parts of plastic toys pulled   out of the 
soles of their feet. 18 Brits had serious burns in 
2000 trying on a new jumper with a lit   cigarette in their mouth. 
A massive 543 Brits were admitted to AE in the 
last two years after   opening bottles of beer with their teeth. 
5 Brits were injured last year in accidents 
involving out of control   Scalextric cars.
 and finally. In 2000 eight Brits 
cracked their skull whilst throwing up into the   toilet.  

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FW: SupplySideInvestor [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-26 Thread jonathan
Title: SupplySideInvestor


-Original Message-From: Patrick 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 25 April 2002 
18:29To: A.P.C.Subject: 



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Memo on the Margin
April 9, 2002Send to a 
  Saddam Hussein: From Ally to EnemyTo: 
  Friends of President BushFrom: Jude WanniskiRe: The 1988 Turning 
  PointWhen the eight year Iran-Iraq war ended in September 1988, 
  the little Iraq of 20 million people had defeated big Iran of 60 million 
  people. We recently have been looking back on that period because they 
  speak volumes about why the Bush administration is so hellbent on going to 
  war with Iraq, if he ever nails down a cease-fire and settlement in 
  Israel. As friends of President George W. Bush, you should encourage him 
  to take a look at the past, as he was probably not paying much attention, 
  totally involved that fall in helping his father win the presidential 
  election. Earlier in 1988, it was conventional wisdom that Iran would beat 
  Iraq, which had fought a defensive war. The United States had given 
  support to Iraq in the war; Israel, which in 1981 had blown up Iraq's 
  nuclear power plant a few months after the Iran-Iraq war broke out, sided 
  with Iran, fully expecting Iraq would lose and be crippled thereafter. The 
  U.S. foreign policy establishment gave every sign of cheering the killing 
  on both sides, as only Muslims were involved. I urged President Ronald 
  Reagan to undertake a peace initiative, but he told me he was helpless in 
  this situation.In March 1988, the tide turned as Iraq decided to 
  go all out on the offensive. It borrowed another several billion dollars 
  from Arab friends and European banks to buy war materials from the West, 
  had a successful call-up of young men, and by September broke the depleted 
  and demoralized Iranis. We ran a report two weeks ago by Dr. 
  Stephen Pelletiere, who studied the action with two colleagues of the Army 
  War College, concluding that Iraq's decisive victory at Halabja on the 
  Iraq side of the border did not involve use of poison gas against its own 
  people. Pelletiere, who was an intelligence officer for the CIA during the 
  Iran-Iraq war, argued the hundreds of civilians who died in the crossfire 
  were felled by the kind of gas Iranians used. Iranians, though, insisted 
  it was Iraqi gas that killed the Iraqi civilians. Their claim got better 
  play in the U.S. press, which to this day refers to it as fact. The War 
  College report also argued that Iraqi use of gas against the Iranians was 
  not decisive, but that Iraq had successfully engineered Scud missiles to 
  travel far enough to hit the distant Iranian capital and the Iranian 
  people begged the Ayatollah to sue for peace. In his 2001 book, "Iraq 
  and the International Oil System," Dr. Pelletiere picks up the story 
  post-Halabja. The headline refers to Reagan's Secretary of State, George 
  Shultz. * * * * *SHULTZ'S MOVEWe go forward 
  now to the period immediately after the end of the [Iran-Iraq] war, when 
  the Iranians had agreed to cease fighting and when the two sides remained 
  at odds over how to bring the war to a close. As stated earlier, the 
  Iraqis were reluctant to call off their attack, given that they did not 
  trust the Iranians to make concessions. Hence, even though by August 20 
  Saddam had been pressured into agreeing to enter into negotiations, the 
  Iraqi army remained poised to resume the offensive. UN delegations went 
  out to the area; talks were set up in Geneva. There was a plan to shift 
  the venue of the talks to New York -- but all this was like pulling teeth, 
  since the Iraqis fought every move to advance the process.Then, on 
  September 7, 1988, America's secretary of state George Shultz invited 
  Iraq's junior foreign minister, Sadoun Hammadi, to Foggy Bottom, 
  ostensibly to discuss how the negotiations could be speeded up. Hammadi 
  appeared on September 8, 

FW: Suffer the little children [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread jonathan
Title: "Suffer the little children"


-Original Message-From: John O 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 15 April 2002 09:48To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: "Suffer the little 
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns 
Hamstead Road
 Birmingham B20 2QS
Phone: 0121-554-6947 Fax: 0121-554-7891
 Web site: 

"Suffer the little children"

 "Suffer the little children who come unto Britain, for 
theirs shall be the kingdom of the accommodation and removal 
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum bill, chapters 2  
5, verses numerous

 "and deportation, shall follow them, all the days 
of their lives."
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum bill, chapter 4, verse 

 The Nationality, Immigration and 
Asylum bill, was published last Friday the 12th 
of April. Its sheer nastiness beggars description. None of the concerns of those 
asked to submit consultative papers on the bill were met. NCADC doubts the 
papers were even read.

 Children who have no choice of where they are born, or 
choice of what countries their parents choose to seek asylum, are the latest 
targets of New Labour's immigration paranoia.
 Legislation now going through parliament, if it becomes law, 
will mean that children on arrival will face Induction Centres, Accommodation 
Centres and Removal Centres.
 Children held in accommodation centres will be subject 
to statutory segregation, they will not be allowed to attend schools or 
nurseries outside the centre. (Part 2, clause 30,3).
 Children can be served with deportation notices, along 
with their parents. (Part 4, clause 52,1)
 If they are dispersed into the community, they will find 
themselves in the most deprived areas of the UK. If their parents asylum claim 
fails, the children no matter how young or however long they have been here, can 
be put in detention to await removal. In all of this they will have no 

 For their parents and individuals the Nationality, Immigration 
and Asylum bill, just means more detention and dispersal, which always lead 
to discrimination, destitution, self harm, and more than likely back to 
detention and then removal. All this they face if they don't die trying to get 
here or commit suicide in desperation not to be returned to their country of 

 Families in accommodation centres will be means 
tested, (part 2, clause 27).

 Sentence first, judgement afterwards: Super fast 
tracking - a deportation order can be served and removal directions set on the 
same day that an asylum claim is made, or any time afterwards, (part 4, clause 
56, 4a), though not enforceable till final decision on claim.

 These are just a few examples of a thoroughly unjust bill. 
David Blunkett said when presenting "Secure Borders, Safe Haven", the precursor 
to the bill, this would create a "more robust, faster and efficient 
system." Robust it certainly is, if R is for 
rotten, O for obscene, B 
for brutal, U for ugly, 
S for sick and T for tyrannical.

 "The bill is even 
harsher than the white paper," Habib Rahman, Joint Council for the 
Welfare of Immigrants.

 "The government's 
proposals to crack down on those who abuse the asylum system is in real danger 
of cracking down on those who genuinely need it - those who have been persecuted 
in other countries, those who have a right to be here." John Wadham, 
director of Liberty.

 The Nationality, Immigration and Asylum bill, is not yet law. Let your MP know what you think about 
the new bill. Use Faxyourmp.com which you can access from the left hand frame 

Copies of the proposed legislation the Nationality, Immigration and 
Asylum bill, (this is a technical document, in PDF format), with the more 
readable explanatory document (word doc), can be obtained from NCADC.

For the bill, return a BLANK message in the subject line put: subscribe 
bill doc

For the Explanatory document, return a BLANK message in the subject 
line put: subscribe Explanatory doc.

For both, return a BLANK message in the subject line put: subscribe 

This is an automated service, any messages which contain text in the body, 
will bounce back to you.

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FW: US credibility in ME shattered!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 April 2002 07:33
To: jonathan; Kofi Amegashie
Subject: US credibility in ME shattered!!!


Robert Fisk: Mr Powell must see for himself what Israel inflicted on Jenin

The credibility of US policy on the conflict has been shattered
Independent Digital (UK) Ltd4 April 2002

The credibility of US policy on the conflict has been shattered

14 April 2002

Why doesn't Colin Powell go to Jenin? What has happened to the world's
moral compass - indeed to the United States - when America's most famous
ex-general, the Secretary of State of the most powerful country on
earth, on a supposedly desperate mission to stop the bloodshed in the
Middle East, fails to grasp what is taking place in front of his nose?
The stench of decaying corpses is wafting out of the Palestinian city.
The Israeli army is still keeping the Red Cross and journalists from
seeing the evidence of the mass killings that have taken place there.
Hundreds'' - on Israel's own admission - have died, including
civilians. Why, for God's sake, can't Mr Powell do the decent thing and
demand an explanation for the extraordinary, sinister events that have
taken place in Jenin?
Instead, after joshing with Ariel Sharon after his arrival in
Jerusalem on Friday, Mr Powell is playing games, demanding that Yasser
Arafat condemn Friday's bloody suicide bombing in Jerusalem (total, six
dead and 65 wounded) while failing to utter more than a word of
concern'' for the infinitely more terrible death toll in Jenin. Is Mr
Powell frightened of the Israelis? Does he really have to debase himself
in this way? Does he think that meeting Arafat, or refusing to do so,
takes precedence over the enormous humanitarian tragedy and slaughter
that has overwhelmed the Palestinians? Is President Bush - whose demand
that Ariel Sharon withdraw his troops from the West Bank has been
blandly ignored - so gutless, so cynical, as to allow this charade to
continue? For this is the endgame, the very final proof that the United
States is no longer morally worthy of being a Middle East peacemaker.
Even for one who has witnessed so much duplicity in the Middle East,
it is a shock to reflect on the events of the past nine days. Let's just
remember, as the Americans would say, the facts. Almost two weeks ago,
the United Nations Security Council, with the active participation and
support of the United States, demanded an immediate end to Israel's
reoccupation of the West Bank and Gaza. President Bush insisted that Mr
Sharon should follow the advice of Israel's American friends'' and -
because our own Mr Blair was with the President at the time - of
Israel's British friends, and withdraw. When I say withdraw, I mean
it, Mr Bush snapped three days later. But of course, it's now clear
that he meant nothing of the kind.
Instead, he sent Mr Powell off on his urgent mission of peace, a
journey to Israel and the West Bank that would take the Secretary of
State an incredible eight days - just enough time, Mr Bush presumably
thought, to allow his good friend'' Mr Sharon to finish his latest
bloody adventure in the West Bank. Supposedly unaware that Israel's
chief of staff, Shoal Mofaz, had told Mr Sharon that he needed at least
eight weeks to finish the job'' of crushing the Palestinians, Mr Powell
wandered off around the Mediterranean, dawdling in Morocco, Spain, Egypt
and Jordan before finally washing up in Israel on Friday morning. If
Washington firefighters took that long to reach a blaze, the American
capital would long ago have turned to ashes. But of course, the purpose
of Mr Powell's idleness was to allow enough time for Jenin to be turned
to ashes. Mission, I suppose, accomplished.
As Israel's indisciplined soldiery yesterday continued to hide their
deeds from the outside world by preventing the Red Cross, aid workers,
ambulances and journalists from entering the rubble of Jenin, Mr Powell
was sitting idly by in Israel, calling for the utmost restraint'' from
an army that has not yet finished filling the mass graves of Jenin. That
he should see a visit to Yasser Arafat - the grotesque, corrupt old man
of Ramallah - as the make-or-break issue of his peacemaking shows just
how skewed Mr Powell's morality has become. Mr Arafat's advisers (let's
not give any credit to the would-be martyr-chairman of the Palestinian
Authority for this) shrewdly announced that it is for Mr Powell to
condemn the killings in Jenin, for Mr Arafat could be expected to
condemn the vicious suicide bombing in Jerusalem on Friday. And even
though Mr Arafat mouthed the relevant words of contrition and
condemnation yesterday afternoon, it makes little difference.
All last week, while Mr Sharon's soldiers were running amok in
Jenin, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer was playing the role of Mr

FW: Israeli War Crimes, US double standards!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 April 2002 07:08
To: jonathan; Kofi Amegashie; Ayo Obisanya
Subject: Israeli War Crimes, US double standards!!!

At least the UK media are being objective of sorts.Does this mean that the
Jewish controlled US networks aren't aware of what's going on???


The camp that became a slaughterhouse
By Justin Huggler
14 April 2002

A woman with her leg all but ripped off by a helicopter rocket, the
mangled remains hanging on by a thread of skin as she slowly bleeds to
death. A 10-year-old boy lying dead in the street, his arm blown off and
a great hole in his side. A mother shot dead when she ran into the
street to scream for help for her dying son. The wounded left to die
slowly, in horrible agony, because the ambulances were not allowed in to
treat them.

A terrible crime has been committed by Israel in Jenin refugee camp, and
the world is turning a blind eye. Colin Powell, the US Secretary of
State, visited the scene of a suicide bombing that murdered six Israelis
in Jerusalem, but he did not visit Jenin, where the Israelis admit they
killed at least 100 Palestinians. The Israel army claims all of the dead
were armed men, that it took special care to avoid civilian casualties.
But we saw the helicopter rockets rain down on desperately crowded
areas: civilian casualties could not have been prevented.

The Israeli army sealed off the entire area around Jenin yesterday,
arresting journalists who ventured into it. That is because they have
something to hide in Jenin: the bodies.

The Israeli army has told the Israeli courts that it will not start
burying the bodies until Sunday. But there are abundant eyewitnesses who
say they have already seen the soldiers piling the bodies in mass
graves. Hiding the bodies is what Slobodan Milosevic did in Kosovo.

Either way, the Palestinians are not allowed to bury their own dead,
because Israel does not want the world to see what happened inside Jenin
refugee camp. The grieving have no way of knowing where to find the
bodies of those they have lost.

For nine days, Jenin camp became a slaughterhouse. Fifteen thousand
Palestinians lived in a square kilometre in the camp, a packed warren of
narrow lanes. Thousands of terrified civilians, women and children,
cowered inside their homes while the Israeli helicopters rained down
rockets on them and tanks fired shells into the camp.

The wounded were left to die. The Israeli army refused to allow
ambulances in to treat them, which is a war crime under the Geneva
Conventions. The Red Cross has publicly said people have died because
Israel blocked the ambulances. Slobodan Milosevic is on trial in the
Hague for breaking the Geneva Conventions, while Ariel Sharon shakes
Colin Powell's hand for the television cameras. The Geneva Conventions
are in tatters in Israel.

The Israeli authorities may be able to hide the evidence, but they
cannot silence the stories that have been pouring out of those who
managed to escape the carnage in the camp. These stories cannot be
verified yet, but there are scores of them, and many agree in details.
Fikri abu al-Heija was one of those who came out of the carnage in the camp.

At the beginning the soldiers came and surrounded the camp with tanks,
he says. There were two Apache helicopters. A rocket hit our house ?
they were concentrating the rockets on the houses. All the windows were
broken by the explosions. All you could hear was explosions. When the
rocket hit the house, everybody gathered together on the lower floors. A
woman was with us from the second floor who had had her leg almost cut
off by the rocket. It was just hanging on by a little piece of skin. We
saw the ambulance coming for her but the soldiers stopped it.

Six days after the attack, Mr abu al-Heija was captured by the soldiers.
They made us take off our clothes and tied us in groups of five with
metal wire. As we were walking through the camp we saw demolished
houses, burning houses, bodies in the street. Every 10 or 20 metres
there was a body. I recognised some. One was a cousin of mine. His name
was Ashraf abu al-Heija.

The Palestinians have been writing all the accounts like Mr abu
al-Heija's down: they are not going to allow what happened at Jenin to
be covered up. The Independent on Sunday has seen these meticulous
handwritten notes, of which several copies have been made. There are
records of everybody who used to live in the camp, and it will be
possible to match the missing with the accounts of the dead. The
Palestinians say there are 200 missing.

The names are coming out now: Mohammed Hamad, Nidal Nubam, Mustafa
Shnewa. A man who asked to remain anonymous says he saw their bodies
being put in a mass grave in the Haret al-Hawashin neighbourhood.

Yusra Ahmad, a mentally disabled woman, was killed by a helicopter

FW: Israel should learn from SA's Apartheid past!!/Basson [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 April 2002 13:12
To: jonathan
Subject: Fw: Israel should learn from SA's Apartheid past!!/Basson

- Original Message -
To: Ayo Obisanya [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Dr Antia Daniel
Mveng [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Kofi Amegashie
Sent: 15 April 2002 08:04
Subject: Israel should learn from SA's Apartheid past!!/Basson

 Subject: Israel repeating mistakes of apartheid rulers

 22:38 12/04/2002Last update - 00:36 13/04/2002

 Mbeki: Israel repeating mistakes of apartheid rulers

 By Reuters

 CAPE TOWN - Israel is repeating the mistakes of South Africa's apartheid
 rulers in its effort to crush a popular rebellion, South African President
 Thabo Mbeki said on Friday.

 Mbeki said in a weekly online letter that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was
 wrong to demand an end to Palestinian violence as a pre-condition for

 South Africa has consistently criticized Israel's handling of the crisis,
 but Mbeki said he was equally concerned about the rights and the losses of
 both Israelis and Palestinians.

 When we call for respect for life, we must state firmly that we refer
 to Israelis and Palestinians, he said.

 However...we must proceed from the concrete reality that the Israelis
 their own independent state and homeland. The Palestinians do not.

 Israeli forces launched a military offensive in the West Bank two weeks
 to try to crush Palestinian militants blamed for a series of suicide
 that killed dozens of Israelis.

 Mbeki said South Africa's own experience, in which tens of thousands of
 people died in the uprising against white minority rule, had shown that an
 oppressed people fought because they had nothing to lose but their
 servitude, not because they were told to fight.

 South Africa's white rulers, who negotiated themselves out of power
 1990 and 1994, fought for 30 years to maintain their exclusive hold on

 Police and government agents shot protesters, assassinated civic leaders,
 jailed activists and banished high-profile opponents in a bid to break the
 uprising that eventually forced them into talks.

 The rulers of Israel are repeating the costly mistakes made by the
 of apartheid in our country, Mbeki said.

 Everything that has happened in the Palestinian territories in almost two
 years says, in action, that the Palestinians and especially the youth are
 ready to march against tanks and armoured cars because it is no longer
 possible for them to live as a dispossessed people.

 The attempt to search and destroy so-called agitators and terrorists in
 their midst, in the belief that these are the instigators of the
 without whom the rebellion would cease, is to live in worse than a fool's
 paradise, he said.

 Welcoming U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's peace mission, he said
 leaders of both the people of Israel and Palestine have a common
 responsibility to take advantage of the presence of the Secretary of State
 to break the chain of violence.

 Powell, on a Middle East peace mission, is due to hold talks with
 Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat on Saturday at Arafat's
 in Ramallah, besieged by Israeli forces.



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FW: What's in a name? - Shpresa - Hope [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread jonathan
Title: What's in a name? - Shpresa - Hope


-Original Message-From: John O 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 08 April 2002 10:04To: 
Recipient List SuppressedSubject: What's in a name? - Shpresa - 
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns 
Hamstead Road
 Birmingham B20 2QS
Phone: 0121-554-6947 Fax: 0121-554-7891
 Web site: 

What's in a name? - Shpresa - 
 To Shpresa, a young Albanian 
mother, her name is her way of life. Shpresa means hope and that is 
how she survives each moment of the day. After her terrifying experience 
at Yarl's Wood detention centre on the night of February 14th, and, all that 
preceded and followed, it is only hope that keeps her 
going. 'The reason I fled to England is because 
of a blood feud,' she explains, 'I damaged family honour, we are 
Muslim and I fell in love and married a Catholic without family permission. My 
brothers have sworn they will kill us and our two children. It is the law 
of the Kanun. They have already killed my 
brother-in-law.' The Kanun of Lek Dukajini 
is a strict, 15th century, code of laws governing marriage, birth, death, 
hospitality and inheritance, which has been handed down orally through the 
generations and used as a system for administering justice in northern Albania, 
which historically has remained isolated from central government law. With 
the collapse of communism in 1991 and the subsequent lack of law and order, the 
number of vendetta killings has soared. 
But, how more civilised is British 'justice' that seeks to return her to 
this? "It was very early in the morning', said 
Shpresa, 'We were awoken by banging on the door, my husband opened it and seven 
officers burst into our home. Outside, police cars and vans blocked the 
street. They said 'pack quickly, you're being deported.' Almost 
hysterical, Shpresa woke her children and packed a few clothes while her husband 
desperately tried to explain that their case 'wasn't finished.' The 
response was 'move more quickly.' Taken first to 
the Regional Immigration Centre, they were searched then transported to Yarl's 
Wood. It was like a prison', reflected Shpresa, 'surrounded by high barbed 
wire fencing, patrolled by guards and with locked doors. We had one room with 
three narrow beds and slept each with a child in our arms. There was 
a bathroom, but no water came from the 
taps.' On the ninth day of their detention 
fire broke out. 'It was 8pm,' said Shpresa, 'our 
children were sleeping when we heard much noise. We didn't know it was the 
fire alarm because there'd been no fire instructions. Friends on the 
landing shouted 'Come out quickly, the building's on 
fire.' Choking, acrid smoke had already 
begun to seep into their room, situated on the first floor where the fire 
originated, when, panicking with fear and gasping for breath they'd 
grabbed their babies and stumbled out into the suffocating black corridor. 
'I was so scared, recalled Shpresa, 'The fire was very close and we were 
almost overcome by smoke. Thankfully, we located the stairs and got 
out. We were last from the building, but nobody noticed. No one was 
counting. The young parents, each with a 
babe in arms (18 and 4 months), were forced to remain outside all night. In bare 
feet and dressed only in a tee shirt, Shpresa begged to be allowed inside 
because the youngest child was going blue with cold. She was 
refused. Then, after twelve freezing hours, on the excuse the camp shop 
had been raided, they were humiliatingly searched, and bused to a detention camp 
near London. Twenty hours passed before food and drink were 
offered. Two days later, Shpresa was separated 
from her husband. 'I was given a ticket, taken 
to the station and left with my babies,' said Shpresa. 'I couldn't stop 
crying because I missed my husband and I couldn't speak any 
English.' Shpresa described her nightmare 
journey back to her home in the north of England. How, before 
breakfast and without food, drink, nappies and money she'd waited four hours for 
a train that only went part way to her destination. How she'd got lost, 
then eventually found a policeman and was taken to a bed and breakfast 
hostel. How the following morning, still without food and nappies, 
she was taken to the town's Civic Centre where she'd waited four hours for the 
housing provider to come and take her home.

 Shpresa was 48 hours without 
food or drink. Her two babies were sustained by suckling from their 
mother's breasts.

 Bravely optimistic about an 
uncertain future, Shpresa, continues to live in hope.


Letter from a Detainee

Wednesday 3rd April 2002
From: Nikola GarzovaRoom 409Dungavel 
DetentionStrathavenSouth LanarkshireML10 6RF
To: Mr. David Blunkett
Home Office50 Queen Annes Gate
London SW1H 9AT

Dear Mr 

FW: Why Bush is addicted to perpetual War!!/Iraq,war propaganda [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-04-08 Thread jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 08 April 2002 15:04
To: Kofi Amegashie; jonathan; Mark Dapin
Subject: Why Bush is addicted to perpetual War!!/Iraq,war  propaganda

Why Bush Is Addicted to Perpetual War
Ted Rall, AlterNet
March 19, 2002

I began working on a graphic-novel update and parody of 1984 a few years
ago. An awful lot had changed since Orwell posited his dystopian vision of
the future from his late-1940s deathbed, and I accounted for those
differences in my own version, 2001's 2024.

In order to acknowledge the collapse of Soviet Communism and the failure of
fascism to reemerge as a potent political force, I ditched Orwell's
oppressive totalitarian state in favor of an entertainment-fueled nihilism
in which dimwitted citizens frittered away their lives watching web TV and
working at slightly overpaid jobs to buy worthless junk ... on web TV,
natch. Where Orwell envisioned endless rows of soldiers marching in perfect
unison to the strains of the Two-Minute Hate, I saw a world where nations
had been replaced by trading blocs and the objects of hatred were the
immigrants in our midst.

The six months following The Really Bad Thing That Happened have made clear
that I wasn't the only guy boning up on Orwell.

In 1984, the elite Inner Party rules the rattled and irradiated citizens
of Oceania through three conduits of fear and intimidation: surveillance,
terrorism and perpetual warfare.

The Oceanians had their two-way telescreens; we suffer a 10,000-employee
National Security Agency that relies on automated voice-recognition and
keyword software (Echelon, not to be confused with the more picayune and
widely-reported Carnivore system) to monitor millions of e-mails, faxes and
phone calls each day. But few Americans give much thought to this wholesale
violation of their privacy; only those who are doing something wrong, they
tell themselves, have anything to worry about.

The first eight months of the Bush Administration were characterized by
political insecurity. Bush, widely derided as unintelligent and oafish, had
carried less than half of the popular vote in 2000, and many Democrats
believed that he had bullied his way into the Oval Office. Jim Jeffords'
defection from the GOP, partially a reaction to Bush's hard turn to the
right after his inauguration, cost Republicans control of the Senate. Most
analysts expected big Democratic gains in the 2002 Congressional elections,
due both to the stagnating economy and to historical trends against
incumbency in mid-term.

The White House saw September 11 as a golden opportunity. The first
catastrophic terrorist attack on American soil sparked an unprecedented case
of leadership projection: desperate for protection and answers (why do they
hate us? can we kill them before they kill us?), Americans wishfully
compared Bush to FDR and Churchill. Approval ratings hit 92 percent. But
Bush's political advisors knew that peaking early wouldn't guarantee
reelection in 2004. Bush's father had been turned out of office just 20
months after the Gulf War ratcheted his score up to 91.

The Bushies have lifted their reelection strategy straight out of 1984,
and not just by creating ominous-sounding agencies like the Office of
Homeland Security, the supposedly-closed Office of Strategic Information,
and a Shadow Government. As in 1984, the Bush regime tolerates zero
dissent -- a two-party system in name only has been distilled to one in
which only Republicans express acceptable opinions. And an absence of
follow-up attacks has been met by endless alerts, advisors and empty
hysterics in the name of security, most recently culminating with Tom
Ridge's much-mocked color-code warning system.

But Americans don't seem to miss their Democratic Party very much; after
all, Clinton spent more time sucking up to big business than worrying about
the fact that ordinary people can't afford to see a doctor. And unless Bush
resorts to the Orwellian tactic of setting off bombs to kill his own
citizens, the passage of time will inevitably yield to the complacency that
could cost him '04.

That leaves 1984's most potent political tool: perpetual warfare. Just as
Oceania was always at war with Eurasia or Eastasia -- who could keep
track? -- the war on terror, we are told, will continue indefinitely.

Indefinitely is just another word for forever.

Thus hundreds, possibly thousands, of American troops are headed to the
Philippines to fight a rag-tag outfit of 80 jungle bandits. Our boys are
scouring the back hills of far-flung Yemen in search of Al Qaeda fighters on
the lam from our ongoing war in Afghanistan. We've set up bases in
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to fight Central Asia's Islamic
Movement of Uzbekistan -- never mind that the world hasn't heard from them
since they kidnapped four American mountain climbers in 2000.

China, Indonesia, the former Soviet republic

FW: Robert Fisk on current ME crisis!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 08 April 2002 08:01
To: jonathan
Subject: Robert Fisk on current ME crisis!!!

R Fisk comments on G Bush's speech .

   But of course, the White House, which according to the Israeli press
   has repeatedly been asking Mr Sharon how long he intends to reoccupy
   the Palestinian cities of the West Bank, is to give the Israeli Prime
   Minister more time to finish his invasion, destroy the Palestinian
   infrastructure and dismantle the Palestinian Authority.

(article not for cross posting)


   The Independent

Robert Fisk: A speech laced with obsessions and little else

05 April 2002

   Ariel Sharon could not have done better. The heaping of blame upon an
   occupied people, the obsessive use of the word terror - by my rough
   count there were 50 references in just 10 minutes - and the brief,
   frightened remarks about occupation and (one mention only) to Jewish
   settlements and the need for Israeli compassion at the end were
   proof enough that President Bush had totally failed to understand the
   tragedy he is supposedly trying to solve.

   The mugger became the victim and the victim became the mugger. What, I
   wonder, is the exact distance between the Rose Garden and Bethlehem?
   So the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, is travelling to the
   region'' next week. Next week? Why not now?

   But of course, the White House, which according to the Israeli press
   has repeatedly been asking Mr Sharon how long he intends to reoccupy
   the Palestinian cities of the West Bank, is to give the Israeli Prime
   Minister more time to finish his invasion, destroy the Palestinian
   infrastructure and dismantle the Palestinian Authority.

   The speech was laced with all the war on terror'' obsessions: Iraq as
   a sponsor of terror for donating money to a family of Palestinian
   martyrs'', and Syria for not making up its mind if it is for or
   against terror''.

   The European Union, fearful of rising oil prices and their effect on
   the eurozone economy, had earlier dispatched a mission to Israel; with
   typical contempt, Mr Sharon told its members they could not visit
   Yasser Arafat in Ramallah. The delegation, which had earlier announced
   that the Americans had failed in their mission as peacemaker in the
   Middle East, simply packed up and left Tel Aviv within hours.

   But will Mr Powell do any better? The dollar has fallen against world
   currencies because of the Middle East crisis - as good a reason as any
   for Mr Bush to act - and the possible restrictions on Middle East oil
   production, though more damaging to Europe, must have helped to prompt
   the President's decision to dispatch Mr Powell.

   The Palestinian suicide bombings, however, were the core of Mr Bush's
   address. He talked of the 18-year-old Palestinian girl who blew
   herself up and killed a 17-year-old Israeli girl, the Jewish state's
   dream'' of peace with its neighbours. Terror must be stopped ... no
   nation can negotiate with terrorists ... leaderships not terror ...
   you're either with the civilised world or you're with the terrorists
   ... all in the Middle East ... must move in word and deed against
   terrorists ... I call on the Palestinian Authority to do everything in
   their power to stop terrorist activities.'' Arafat had agreed to
   control terrorism'' - he failed'.' The reoccupation of the West Bank
   was a temporary measure'', Mr Bush announced, trusting the word of
   the Israeli occupiers. Suicide bombing missions could well blow up
   the only hope of a Palestinian state.''

   On it went, 11 September-speak applied to the Middle East. Israel's
   enemies must be eliminated - Al Aqsa, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and
   Hizbollah, which yesterday beat up a UN observer on the Lebanese
   border in the most dangerous incident of its kind since the Israeli
   withdrawal in 2000. The whole Bush speech revolved around Israel's
   wellbeing, with scarcely three minutes devoted to the Palestinians and
   their 35 years under occupation. Israel should, Mr Bush decided, show
   a respect'' for and concern'' for the Palestinian people.

   There was some ritual mention of UN Security Council resolutions 242
   and 338, which calls for Israeli withdrawal from territories occupied
   in the 1967 war but which Mr Sharon has already said he cannot accept,
   and an appeal to halt settlement building. But Jewish settlements are
   still being built, at an ever-faster rate, on Palestinian land.

   Only a heart of stone could not respond to the suffering of those
   Israeli families whose loved ones have been so wickedly cut down by
   the Palestinian suicide bombers. But where was Mr Bush's compassion
   for the vastly greater number of Palestinians who have been killed by
   the Israelis over

RE: Of Robert Mugabe and the cadre [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-28 Thread jonathan


The N'debele of Matebeleland who were murdered and tortured by Mugabe's 5th Brigade in 
the 1980's 
show the inhumanity of the man and the total hypocrasy of the West. They act when 
white frmers are targetted, but, although they have suffered the most the plight of 
the black farm workers and rural school teachers who have been targetted by the CIO 
for many years, has been mainly ignored. The UK Government, until very recently,was 
returning opponents of the current regime to Zimbabwe.


-Original Message-
From: Stephen Gowans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 25 February 2002 15:18
Subject: Of Robert Mugabe and the cadre [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]



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RE: FYROM: Terrorist Chief Elected Head Of 'Coordinative Council' [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-03-27 Thread jonathan


It should be clear to all that the 'saintly' Albanians are permitted nd encouraged to 
kill and dispossess whomsoever they wish - until Uncle Sam is directly affected. 
Whilst those 'evil Serbs' deserve all they get. Some egs from this week's press:

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - A Serbian court Tuesday sentenced a former Bosnian interior 
minister to three months in jail for running a business in Serbia with forged 
documents, a news agency reported..Alija Delimustafic, who headed the ministry in 
charge of police when the Bosnian war broke out in 1992, had pleaded guilty to the 
crime. When released, he is expected to be extradited to Bosnia, where he is wanted on 
separate charges of organized crime, the independent news agency Beta reported...He 
was arrested by Serbian police in January, and reports about Delimustafic's true 
identity triggered outrage as many Serbs blame him for the killings of dozens of 
Yugoslav army soldiers killed by Bosnian police in 1992 as they were withdrawing from 
the newly independent Bosnia...The Belgrade court did not deal with Delimustafic's 
role in the war and handed him the minimal prison term for falsifying personal 
documents, a crime that carries a prison term of up to five years.' Harsh Serbian 
justice against an 'innocent' Bosnian Muslim 'freedom fighting leader'

'Five Bosnians _ four of whom survived the Srebrenica massacre _ killed in traffic 
Hirkic and her sons survived the July 1995 Srebrenica massacre in which up to 8,000 
men were killed by Bosnian Serb troops.'  Numbers up again. Bosnian Muslim men have 
now become women.

US Embassy Reopens in Sarajevo 
Mon Mar 25, 5:49 PM ET 
'The embassy shut down amid fears last week that al-Qaida terrorists were planning a 
major attack on Americans in Bosnia. It was closed to the public Wednesday and shut 
down entirely on Friday.'

They magically appeared after the war in order to pick on the 'freedom loving' 
Americans who are protecting their Muslim brethren. Ungrateful lot!

'SFOR to scour Bosnia for illegal weapons during cranked-up Operation Harvest
By Ivana Avramovic, Bosnia bureau
European edition, Tuesday, March 26, 2002
SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Troops will check every attic, basement, cave, 
barn, dark corner and car trunk to find illegal weapons still abundant six years after 
the end of the war, the Stabilization Forces' top commander said during a news 
conference Friday.' Disarmed the KLA too
© 2002 Stars and Stripes

'Shootout among former rebels in Macedonia leaves at last two dead, several wounded 
TETOVO, Macedonia - Overnight clashes between rival ethnic Albanian rebel factions in 
Macedonia left at least two militants dead and several others wounded, a NATO 
spokesman said Tuesday.'

Must have been started by the Serbs and their lackies, the Macedonians.

Assessing the Effects of NATO's Air Strikes Three Years on
By Jolyon Naegele 
'It was the 15 January 1999 massacre by Serb forces of 45 Albanian inhabitants of the 
Kosovo village of Racak that so incensed the international community and paved the way 
to launching the air strikes.

Racak resident Faik Limani lost three grown sons in the massacre, leaving him with 
seven fatherless grandchildren. After the air strikes ended, Limani praised the 
bravery of William Walker, the Kosovo mission chief of the Organization for Security 
and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Walker laid the blame squarely on Belgrade on a 
visit to Racak the day after the massacre.

If Walker had not come here and had not seen the bodies, it would have been just 
another forgotten massacre, Limani said. The world would have known nothing of what 
had happened here, and NATO would not have intervened. NATO saved us. Without NATO, we 
would have all been exterminated. The lives of my three sons are the price we have 
paid for freedom. After all, only freedom is worth what we went through.

The air strikes also unleashed a massive wave of violence by the Serb forces in Kosovo 
directed at the province's ethnic Albanian inhabitants -- 800,000 of whom fled under 
duress to neighboring Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, and beyond...A new Albanian 
nationalist spirit, free of fear of Serb repression, occurred in Kosovo almost 
overnight.Gjakova greets the UCK,Pristina greets the UCK,Gjilan greets the 
UCK,All Drenica is talking about the UCK,UCK from hill to hill,
The UCK is shedding blood. The refrain of this war-time Albanian pop song, titled 
The UCK Greets Kosovo and sung by Bekim Ibrahimi and the group Korabi, could be 
heard on sidewalks and in marketplaces across Kosovo, an audible warning to all Serbs 
that what they had called the cradle of Serb civilization for generations was Serb 
land no more...An initial post-conflict wave of murders -- 400 in the first six months 
after NATO's arrival, with one-third of the victims Serb, 

Milosevic and the Impeachment of President Clinton 12 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-26 Thread jonathan


A bit long, but not the easiest of Sites to access

Milosevic and the Impeachment of President Clinton 
Lev Navrozov
Monday, March 18, 2002 
[Editor's Note: This is the first part of a two-part article.] 
The trial of Slobodan Milosevic is expected to last for at least two years. On Feb. 
12, 2002, the first day of the trial, Carla Del Ponte, chief prosecutor of the 
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, addressed the Tribunal. BBC 
News immediately excerpted her address on the Internet, with this summary of it under 
her photograph: Del Ponte said Milosevic was driven by quest for power. (1) 
What a triumph for a three-year criminal investigation! A startling prosecutorial 
discovery, indeed. Three years ago, Milosevic was being described by President 
Clinton, his State Department and the Tribunal itself as the Hitler of today, and 
Yugoslavia was attacked to save the Albanians of Kosovo from Hitler-like 
For three years the Tribunal, headed by its chief prosecutor, had been working on the 
case of the Hitler of today, and here, on Feb. 12, 2002, she came up with the 
epoch-making and bloodcurdling discovery that Milosevic was driven by quest for 
As everyone knows, innocent people such as Carla del Ponte and Bill Clinton are never 
driven by quest for power, ambition or any other such vices of Hitler and 
True, some evil tongues may insinuate that Carla, a short time ago an obscure 
nonentity, mentally at the level of a retarded 7-year-old (as Milosevic put it, 
without naming her by name for obvious reasons), has been driven by the ambition to be 
a world celebrity, to be a new global Solon, who has appeared as a female about 26 
centuries after the male Solon of Athens - nay, to be the founder of new international 
justice under which Hitler, Stalin and Mao would have been put on trial in The Hague 
at the first sign of their crimes against humanity, such as the invasion of the 
But axiomatically, all of Carla's motives can be only virtuous. As for Bill Clinton, 
who can doubt that he has been as all-virtuous as Carla? 
Inversely, listen in horror to what she said about Milosevic in the final one-third of 
her address, entitled on the Internet Quest for Power. (Keep this from children 
under 12, for Carla's revelations of something so heinous may traumatize them 
Thus we learn that a mediocre strategist, Milosevic did nothing but pursue his 
ambition. (2) 
Can you imagine Carla being mediocre and pursuing her ambition, or Bill Clinton being 
mediocre and pursuing his? On the other hand, this is how she describes the Hitler of 
today: Everything, your honors, everything, was an instrument in the service of his 
quest for power. (3) 
How could their honors listen to this without fainting? I hope there were no children 
under 12 in the audience! But this was not all. One must not seek ideals underlying 
the acts of the accused, she concluded. (4) 
Carla! Have a heart! You cannot do that to us! No ideals! Not only is he the Hitler of 
today, as everyone already knew three years ago, but he also has no ideals either! 
Such an unspeakable villain must be sentenced by the Tribunal to death by hanging at 
the very least! 
First War Crimes, Then Mediocrity 
Yet prepare for something even more heinous. While the search for power is what 
motivated Slobodan Milosevic, he concealed that search behind ... 
Some judiciary simpletons or laymen may suppose that he concealed his heinous 
motivation behind his brilliant speeches; Hitler was a brilliant speaker. Oh, no! Only 
innocent people, having ideals and unmotivated by power, ambition or vanity, such as 
Carla or Bill Clinton, can be brilliant, original and talented, while Milosevic 
concealed his vices behind the grandiloquent rhetoric and the hackneyed phrases he 
used. (5) 
You see? He is guilty of mediocrity - nay, a triteness, sterility, bad taste. Take any 
phrase of Carla or Bill Clinton. Can it be hackneyed? Never, ever! It is always a gem 
of intellectual brilliance, originality and profundity, to say nothing of ideals and 
other virtues. 
If Carla or anyone else at the Tribunal had had a sense of humor, they could have been 
told Mark Twain's joke about someone first accused of having murdered his parents and 
then of having taken to smoking. 
In 1999, Milosevic was accused of having been the Hitler of today, and in 2002, after 
nearly three years of building the case and collecting evidence, Carla accuses him of 
being mediocre, pompous, trite, seeking power and having no ideals. Has he taken to 
smoking, too? 
Defending Milosevic 
In his speech, Milosevic spoke as a person abducted by criminals who are trying to 
prove that he is a criminal in order to justify their crimes, such as an attack on 
I will not quote his 

RE: For those with a strong stomach [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-26 Thread jonathan


Here is a Conservative response.

Blair has achieved nothing apart from poorer public services and higher taxes - unless 
one counts bombing and killing innocent people as an achievement. Even his own Party 
is getting sick of this egotistical fascist.

Ancram: We can show that we believe in Great Britain again 
Speech to Conservative Spring Forum 2002

It is a great pleasure to be addressing you here in Harrogate again. My role this year 
is different, but my aim is the same. To start to win the next election. 

I must thank you for the enormous help and support you gave me in my three years as 
Party Chairman. I know you will do the same for David Davis who has got off to such a 
flying start, and I wish him well.

Our task over the coming months and years is to rebuild public trust in our Party. It 
will be won primarily on the public services. But it can be won on broader canvases 
too, and foreign affairs is one of them.

September 11 changed many things. It changed in particular the perception of the 
invulnerability of powers like America and the UK. 

Defence strategies suddenly required new dimensions. 

International aid came centre stage as part of international economic planning and 

We have had a good session. The contributions we have had from the floor have been of 
great insight and common sense as well.

Today we face a changed world where Cold War certainties and the stability of the 
great blocs are gone. 

What we have do now is to identify common interests, and to create agile international 
alliances from them. 

I also believe that loyalty, and trust and friendship have an important part to play. 

Loyalty to those who have stood and still stand by us; trust in those with whom we can 
do business; and friendship with those whose values we share. 

After 11 September Tony Blair did well. I paid tribute to his role in building the 
international coalition against terrorism, and we gave him our support. 

But since then power seems to have gone to his head. 

Building coalitions suddenly turned into his I can heal the World speech to his 
conference last October. 

That speech was vainglorious claptrap and it was dangerously misjudged.

For a start, how can he aspire to heal the world when he so clearly cannot heal public 
services in Britain? 

And far from his much vaunted ethical foreign policy, too much of the rest of his 
actual foreign policy is coloured by three shaming features - let-down, sell-out and 

Firstly let-down.

Blair told his Party Conference that if Rwanda happened again today ... we would have 
a moral duty to act there, and that he would not tolerate ... the behaviour of 
Mugabe's henchmen. He talked about healing the scars on Africa.

Brave words which raised high hopes in Zimbabwe.

But they were words without action. 

Blair went to Africa recently, but he never went near Zimbabwe. Nothing new. 

When we called for targeted sanctions after the rigged parliamentary elections in 
2000, this Government wrung its hands and did nothing. The same when the illegal land 
grabs began. And when voter registration began to be rigged in November. 

On each of these occasions we called for real pressure on Mugabe and on each occasion 
the Government did nothing. They even accused us of irresponsibility. 

And when in February they finally saw the light, it was too late. 

So in the face of murder and torture in Zimbabwe whatever happened to Blair's 'moral 
duty to act'? 

As Mugabe's thugs stole the election where was the active non-toleration he had 

Far from healing the world - or even the scars on Africa - he stood by while the open 
wound which is Zimbabwe gaped and bled, and he did nothing. 

He let the people of Zimbabwe down, and in the process killed his ethical foreign 
policy stone dead.

There is still just a chance to retrieve something from this mess. 

The Commonwealth suspension was a start and I pay tribute to Australian PM John Howard 
for it. 

But we must start now in earnest to bring together a wider international coalition 
including the US, the Commonwealth, the EU and the states of southern Africa, to exert 
real pressure on the Mugabe regime to hold new free and fair elections under 
international scrutiny. Only that way can democracy be restored.

Our Government should lead this initiative. They should stop talking and start doing - 
and we will chase them until they do.

And then there is sell out, betraying one's friends. 

This government has no qualms about betrayal. 

Blair and Straw are turning their backs on centuries of loyalty to Britain and to the 
Crown by selling out the sovereignty of the people of Gibraltar. 

They are preparing a deal with Spain to share sovereignty over the rock and a bribe 
for Gibraltar to accept it. 

But however it is wrapped up, sovereignty 

FW: The Prayer Of The Political Bigot [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-26 Thread jonathan
Title: The Prayer Of The Political Bigot


-Original Message-From: John O 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 18 March 2002 09:52To: 
Recipient List SuppressedSubject: The Prayer Of The Political 
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns 
Hamstead Road
 Birmingham B20 2QS
Phone: 0121-554-6947 Fax: 0121-554-7891
 Web site: 

The Prayer Of The Political 
 "In the beginning god created states and 
borders. And the borders were without form.
 And God said let there be visas. And there were 
visas. And God saw that the visas, were good and he divided visa nationals from 
non visa nationals. And this was the first day.
 And God said let there be waters between the 
borders and let there be immigration officers in the midst of the borders and 
let the waters and the officers divide peoples from peoples. And he told the 
immigration officers to go forth and multiply. And this was the second 
 And God said let there be passports and let these 
passports provide a way over the waters for some peoples and not other peoples. 
And the peoples denied a way he called economic migrants and bogus and 
illegals. Those granted a way he called Europeans, Americans, Canadians and 
Australians. And this was the third day.

 And God said let the states bring forth housing 
officers and welfare officers and social workers - so that economic migrants and 
the bogus and illegals be denied housing, social welfare and work. And this was 
on the fourth day.
 And God said let there be brought forth 
prisons, induction centres, accommodation centres and detention centres. 
And let the prisons and the centres be spread over the face of the earth. 
And the earth he called a Fortress. And this was the fifth 
day. And God said let us make immigration 
officers in our own image. And so he gave the officers power over every living 
thing that moveth upon the earth and tried to moveth between the borders. And 
this was the sixth day.
 And on the seventh day God ended his work and 
rested. But the immigration officers continued their work of imprisoning, 
excluding and deporting. And the housing officers and welfare officers and 
social workers continued their work of denying housing, social welfare and work. 

 And God said this was good".

Steve Cohen, Manchester, UK, Monday 18th March 2002

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FW: Compensation for Rape workshop, Legal Action for Women [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-26 Thread jonathan


  -Original Message-
 From: leila  
 Sent: 26 March 2002 14:19
 To:   eveyone
 Subject:  FW: Compensation for Rape workshop, Legal Action for Women
  -Original Message-
 From: All Women Count [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: 26 March 2002 14:00
 Subject:  Compensation for Rape workshop, Legal Action for Women
 Legal Action for Women
 Crossroads Women ' s Centre  PO Box 287  London NW6 5QU
 Tel: 020 7482 2496 minicom/voice  Fax: 020 7209 4761
 13 March 2002
 Self-help workshop: 
 Claiming compensation for rape  
 other sexual violence
  Thursday 11 April 2002, 2-5.30pm, Crossroads Women ' s Centre
 Dear Friends,
 We are writing to invite you to a self-help workshop on claiming criminal injuries 
compensation for rape.  The workshop will bring together rape survivors with 
organisations and lawyers who have supported them, or who want to find out how they 
can be helpful.  
 We will hear from one of the women who brought and won the first private prosecution 
for rape in England but saw her compensation award reduced because she was a sex 
worker; other rape survivors who faced similar discrimination; and the organisations 
and legal representatives who worked on their case.  
 Whilst women who have pursued compensation claims have developed vital expertise, 
this expertise is not generally recognised nor is it available to others.  As you 
know, rape is widespread, and although reporting is on the increase, less than 7% of 
reported rapes result in conviction.  For any woman, official recognition that a 
serious crime has been committed against her is a vital first step in the healing 
process.  Where the attacker is not convicted, criminal injuries compensation can 
provide that vital acknowledgement as well as some resources to help rebuild one ' 
s life.  
 But rape survivors face many obstacles in claiming compensation. Some find 
themselves disbelieved by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), and 
their sexual and medical history is used to humiliate and dismiss them.  A woman ' 
s   character and conduct   is routinely used to deny her compensation, 
discriminating against women on the basis of her occupation, lifestyle or criminal 
convictions for prostitution, shoplifting or possession of cannabis.  And while a 
woman can apply for legal aid to get a lawyer to prepare her claim or appeal, there 
is no legal aid for representation at the appeal hearing.  
 Working with Women Against Rape, which has attended many hearings, we have been able 
to win higher awards for women.  We hope that the workshop will encourage lawyers and 
others to take on this crucial area of work.
 The workshop will begin with women ' s experiences of pursuing their own claims.  
 It will address the following:
 * Which experiences of claiming compensation are common to all claimants and 
which are particular to rape survivors.  
 * How rape survivors have challenged sexism, racism and other prejudices and 
discrimination by the CICA.
 * How to get the best from lawyers, and from statutory and voluntary agencies.
 * How to present or question the evidence of witnesses, police, doctors, 
psychiatrists and other professionals so that it helps rather than undermine a claim. 
 * What has been won, in procedures, in decision-making and in the rules.
 * What changes to press for and how to press for them most effectively.
 * How to combine effective legal action with campaigning. 
 This is the second in a series of workshops organised by Legal Action for Women.  
The workshops aim to: give visibility to women who have accumulated enormous skill, 
knowledge and insight through their work demanding justice; put that experience at 
the disposal of others; evaluate how women ' s self-help enhances the legal and 
civil rights of the most disadvantaged in society and how it can help to train others 
to demand better representation and accountability from lawyers and other 
professionals, and get it.
 For those not familiar with our work.  
 Legal Action for Women (LAW) is a grassroots anti-sexist, anti-racist legal service 
for all women.  Since it began in 1982, it has focussed on providing free legal 
advice and support to low-income women who are more likely to be denied justice.  LAW 
combines access to a network of sympathetic lawyers, with experienced lay workers 
from similar backgrounds to the women using its services.  We have helped prevent 
many injustices and set important precedents, including with the first private 
prosecution for rape in England, which resulted in an 11-year conviction.  We enclose 
some information about our work.
 This workshop is open to the public and you are welcome to pass this invite on to 
anyone you think may be 

FW: [balkans] CfP: Armed Forces Society conference, Bukarest, 27.6.-3.7.2002

2002-01-29 Thread Knight, Jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Florian Bieber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 21 January 2002 15:38
Subject: [balkans] CfP: Armed Forces  Society conference, Bukarest,

Von:Zirker, Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Datum:  Thu, 27 Dec 2001 12:28:35 -0700

Dear Colleagues,

Attached (in MS Word) is a copy of the December Newsletter of the
Research Committee on Armed Forces and Society (RC#24) of the
International Political Science Association.  It includes a call for
papers for our conference in Bucharest, Romania in June/July, 2002.

Very Best Wishes,
Dan Zirker

College of Arts and Sciences
Montana State University-Billings
1500 North 30th Street
Billings, Montana 59101

Phone: (406) 657-2177
Fax  (406) 657-2187

[JG: Hier natürlich KEIN Attachment, sondern einfacher Text:]

DECEMBER 27, 2001



June 27th to July 3rd of 2002, in Bucharest, Romania, is the schedule
for our next conference.  The Research Committee on Armed Forces and
Society of the International Political Science Association holds its
own conference every three years, and focuses upon the theory and
cases of civil-military relations and military politics throughout
the world.   The Bucharest Conference will be sponsored by the
Romanian Defense Ministry and at least one other Romanian
organization, to be announced in the next few weeks. Panel and paper
proposals, and registration, will be through Dan Zirker, the
Chair/President of the Research Committee.The deadline for
proposals will be February 15, 2002.  Earlier proposals are welcome.
The panel titles are listed below. Proposals should include a title,
abstract of 300 words or less, and author information including
address, e-mail, phone, fax and institutional affiliation.

Costs for the conference are now nearly finalized, although the
hotels will not be able to begin making reservations, nor will we be
able to begin accepting registration payment until February.  Housing
will be at the Hotel Capitol (next to Military Center) and is
currently estimated at $66/day, including some meals.  Registration
for the conference is estimated at $130, with a supplementary
excursion available for about $100.

Dr. João R. Martins Filho
Board Member for Latin America:

PANEL TITLES for the Bucharest conference are as follows:

I.  Democratization, Theory and Practice:
-Democratic Oversight
-Media, Military and Society
-Military and Police Roles in Transition Societies
-Roles of NGOs
-Mil. Establishments and Associational Interest Groups
-Composition within Military Institutions

II.  Reform:
-Civilian Control in Theory and Practice
-New Missions and Structuring Reform
-Reform Dynamics and Civil-military Relationships
-Political Economy of Reform
-Military Education and Professionalization

III.  Security:
-Regional Security Arrangements
-Military and Non-Traditional Cross-Border Trends
-Ethnonationalism and Military Missions
-Public Opinion and Security Imperatives
-Peace-Keeping and War-Making

Additionally, Dr. George Kourvetaris, Editor of the Journal of
Political and Military Sociology, has suggested three panel topics:

-The Role of NATO in the Post Cold War Era
-Terrorism:  Past, Present, and Future
-Emerging Political and Military Elites in Eastern and Central
Europe Following the Demise of Communism

The preferred hotels for the Conference are the Hotel Boulevard and
the Capitol Hotel, both of which are immediately across the street
 from the Military Circle.

The Research Committee on Armed Forces and Society (IPSA RC#24) was
notified in October, 1999, that it had successfully passed its
accreditation review by IPSA, and is continued as one of IPSA's
standing research Committees.  Our thanks go out to all of you who
assisted in the review process with your faxes and letters of


Don't hesitate to contact the Chair/President:

Dr. Daniel Zirker
College of Arts and Sciences
1500 University Drive
Billings, Montana 59101

Phone:  (406) 657-2177
FAX:(406) 657-2187
Website: http://www.msubillings.edu/dzirker/ArmedForcesIPSA99.htm


President/Chair: Daniel Zirker

Vice Presidents:
Vladimir Rukavishnikov,
René Armand Dreifuss

Secretary/Treasurer: Cynthia Watson

Board Members and Secretaries for:

 Africa:Frederic Belle Torimiro
 Asia:  Dongsung Kong
 Europe:Karl W. Haltiner

FW: Meeting 31 Jan 2001 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-29 Thread Knight, Jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Hancox, Leila 
Sent: 29 January 2002 17:08
To: CP
Subject: FW: Meeting 31 Jan 2001

-Original Message-
From: Rights of Women [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 29 January 2002 16:16
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Discrimination Law Assoc; Fawcett Society
Subject: Meeting 31 Jan 2001

-Original Message-
From: Rights of Women [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 14 January 2002 16:11
Just a reminder that this meeting is taking place. All are welcome

Rights of Women and the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers would like to
invite you to a public meeting entitled 'Women's Rights: The Current
Challege' on the 31 January 2001 from 6pm - 8pm. Confirmed speakers include
Helena Kennedy QC, Hannana Siddiqui (Southall Black Sisters) and Liz Davies
(Barrister and former member of Labour's NEC). They will be giving their
views on the above subject. The meeting is being held at the NUT, Hamilton
House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H (the nearest tube is Euston.)

We would be grateful if you could distribute the attached poster widely and,
if possible, put the details on your website. Many Thanks.

Rights Of Women


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Consequences of Insulting the US Flag [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-29 Thread Knight, Jonathan


Neutral Citation Number: [2001] EWHC Admin 1125 
NO: CO/3212/01
Royal Courts of Justice
   London WC2
   Friday, 21st December 2001
B e f o r e:




- - - - - - -



- - - - - -
Computer-Aided Transcript of the stenograph notes of
Smith Bernal Reporting Limited,
190 Fleet Street, London EC4A 2AG
Telephone No: 020 7421 4040 Fax No: 020 7404 1424
(Official Shorthand Writers to the Court)
- - - - - -

MR K STARMAR and MR P MENON (instructed by Birnberg Peirce  Partners,
London NW1 7HJ) appeared on behalf of the Claimant
MR J FARMER (MISS G GIBBS for judgment) (instructed by Crown Prosecution
Service, Norfolk) appeared on behalf of the Defendant
MR HUGO KEITH (instructed by The Treasury Solicitor) appeared on behalf of
the Intervener
- - - - - - -
( As approved by the Court)
- - - - - - -
  Friday, 21st December 2001

1.  MRS JUSTICE HALLETT: On 11th and 18th May 2001 the appellant stood
trial at the Thetford Magistrates' Court on charges of obstructing the
highway and using threatening, abusive and insulting words or behaviour
likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress contrary to section 5 of the
Public Order Act 1986. It is only the latter charge which concerns this
court. District Judge Heley having heard evidence and submissions convicted
her of both offences and she was fined a total of £300 and ordered to pay
costs. The maximum penalty on conviction for an offence under section 5 is a
fine of £1000.
2.  The convictions arose from the appellant's behaviour at an American
air base at RAF Feltwell. The appellant is a co-ordinator of an organisation
called the Campaign for Accountability of American Bases and has
experience over many years of protesting against the use of weapons of mass
destruction and against American military policy, including the Star Wars
National Missile Defence System. She believed that the base at Feltwell
would have a part to play in such a system. She defaced the American flag by
putting a stripe across the stars and by writing the words Stop Star Wars
across the stripes. She stepped in front of a vehicle and she placed the
flag down in front of it and stood upon it. Those affected by her behaviour
were mostly American service personnel or their families, five of whom gave
evidence of their distress to varying degrees. They regarded her acts as a
desecration of their national flag to which they attach considerable
importance. The District Judge rejected the appellant's evidence that she
was unaware of the effect of her conduct upon those present. He relied upon
various passages of her evidence which, in his judgment, indicated that she
understood the importance that many Americans, particularly military
personnel, attach to their national flag as a symbol of freedom and
democracy. The court concluded from her failure to offer any explanation
save that it was a spontaneous protest to place the flag on the floor and
stand upon it, that her actions were calculated to offend. The court found
that the appellant's behaviour with the flag was insulting to American
citizens at whom it was directed.
3.  The appellant did, however, satisfy the court that her behaviour was
motivated by strongly held beliefs that the Star Wars project was
misguided, posed a danger to international stability and was not in the best
interests of the United Kingdom. She failed to persuade the court that her
conduct on the balance of probabilities was reasonable. Having made his
findings of fact, which on the evidence called before him are unimpeachable,
the District Judge then turned to the impact of Article 10 of the European
Convention on Human Rights on section 5 of the Public Order Act. He
acknowledged that Article 10 applied and that it protected an individual's
right to express views which are unpopular and offensive to others. He
highlighted, however, that under Article 10(2) the right is not unqualified.
The exercise of the right to freedom of expression carries attendant duties
and responsibilities and so may be restricted and made subject to penalties,
provided they there are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic
society (for example, for the prevention of disorder, or for the protection
of the rights of others). The court considered in this case the risk of
disorder and criminal offences by others to be slight. His only concern,
therefore, was as to the protection of the rights of others. So far so good.
No one takes exception to his approach to this point.
4.  The District Judge went on to consider, however:

FW: [balkans] CfA: NATO-PA Research Assistant Programme [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-28 Thread Knight, Jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Florian Bieber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 January 2002 08:56
Subject: [balkans] CfA: NATO-PA Research Assistant Programme


Dear Sir/Madame,

I am the Economics and Security Committee Director of the NATO
Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels and am also responsible for our
Research Assistant/Internship program.  The NATO PA works with
Parliamentarians from all the NATO Member and Associate Member
countries on a range of issues shaping both the trans-Atlantic
relationship and East-West relations.  Each year we engage five
Researchers from January to June and the same number from August to
December to assist our Committee Directors in researching and
drafting reports. Researchers work with several of the Committees
during their tenure and are thus exposed to a wide range of subjects.
  The five NATO PA Committees cover political and diplomatic affairs,
defence and security matters, the civilian aspects of security and
trans-Atlantic and transition economic issues. The reports, which are
posted on our website at http://www.naa.be, are the central focus of
debate at the NATO PA's bi-annual plenary sessions and provide a
framework for Committee and Sub-Committee fact finding missions.  Our
sessions are held each year in different North American and European
cities, and our researchers also help staff these large events.

We believe that the Research Assistant Program is one of the best
internships in international affairs and want to ensure that
outstanding recent graduates in international affairs are aware of
this opportunity. Candidates for these positions must be nationals of
any NATO Member or Associate Member country, and they should hold a
first degree and a Master's degree (or equivalent) in Political
Science, International Relations, Contemporary History, International
Economics, European Studies or related subjects.  Ph.D. candidates
are also welcome to apply but should recognize that during their
tenure with the NATO-PA, their workday will be dedicated to Assembly
defined projects. I should note as well that we do have many
applications for these positions, and those selected have had
outstanding academic records. We ask candidates to send us a letter
of introduction, a CV and two letters of recommendation.

The NATO PA provides a small fully-equipped apartment near the center
of Brussels free of charge for each Researcher as well as a stipend
of Euro 620 a month. The Assembly also pays their way to and from
Brussels and provides basic medical insurance.  All of this is
explained in greater detail on our web page under the Research
Assistant Program link.   I have pasted the text from that page below
in this e mail.

I invite you to place this letter and a print out from our web page
in the job/internship listings at your career office. This program is
a truly excellent opportunity for young people interested in
launching a career in international affairs.

Finally, we hope to bring in the next group of Researchers in August
2002 applications and the deadline for applications is April 20,
2002. Please note that our schedule does not permit us to accept
interns interested only in working during the summer.

I hope this information is useful, and thank you for your


Paul Cook, Ph.D.
Director NATO PA Economics and Security Committee,
 Research Assistant Program

NATO-PA Research Assistant Programme (From the NATO PA Website

Information for Candidates from NATO Member Countries

Information for Candidates from Associate Delegation Countries

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly usually employs eight paid Research
Assistants from NATO nations each year. In general, four of these
start in early February and finish in June. The second group starts
in August and finishes in late November or mid-December. In addition,
the Assembly employs two Research Assistants from Associate Delegate

All applications from candidates with the appropriate qualifications
are placed on a list for consideration. Their names remain on the
list for consideration for about twelve months. Candidates are
requested to inform the Assembly if they cease to be available to
take up a position during that time.

The Assembly receives well over one hundred of well qualified
applications per year from candidates. Inevitably, this means that
fewer than one in ten applicants are offered positions.

Every effort is made to assess applications objectively, but many
factors must be taken into account. These include the desire to have
a regional balance among participants in the programme. Consequently,
it is rare to select two candidates from the same nation for the 

Nato plans to admit five states as members [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-28 Thread Knight, Jonathan


Nato plans to admit five states as members
By Judy Dempsey in Brussels
Published: January 27 2002 20:27 | Last Updated: January 27 2002 21:30
Nato is preparing to include at least five new countries in an enlargement
that will require radical changes in the role and functioning of the US-led
military alliance. 
Military planners and diplomats said a majority of the 19 Nato countries
want to include the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well
as Slovenia and Slovakia at Nato's summit in Prague in November. 
A greater enlargement would be a significant shift for Nato, which is still
grappling over how to deal with Russia and unsure what role, if any, it can
play in the US-led fight against international terrorism. 
But, given the pace of reforms among the applicant countries, such as
restructuring defence ministries and reducing the size of armies, diplomats
said they saw no reason why these five countries could not be admitted in
Nato, concerned about Russia's reaction, had originally considered admitting
only Slovenia and Slovakia, which would join Poland, the Czech Republic and
Hungary - members since 1999. 
But Washington has shifted ground, partly in response to pressure from
lobbies supporting the inclusion of the three Baltic states, but also to the
September 11 attacks on the US. 
In his visit to Poland last summer, President George W. Bush spoke openly
about a large expansion of Nato, brushing aside objections by Russia. There
will be no red lines [on expansion], he said. 
This was despite objections from the Russian defence ministry. It has
repeatedly warned Nato of the security consequences for Europe if the
alliance included the three Baltic states. However, Vladimir Putin, Russia's
president, has told the Bush administration he would not veto such an
But if Turkey, France and other countries have their way, enlargement could
also include Bulgaria and Romania. 
Turkey wants both countries included since it could strengthen security in
the Balkans, provide Sofia and Bucharest with an incentive to modernise and
reform their armies and help to establish a belt of Nato countries in the
southern Mediterranean region stretching from Portugal to Turkey. 
France wants to give Bulgaria and Romania some political incentive since it
is unlikely both countries will be ready to join the European Union by 2004.
This is the timetable set by the EU for admitting up to 10 countries, the
majority from central and eastern Europe. 
The enlargement debate coincides with a range of issues confronting Nato.
There are already differences within Nato over how to bring Russia closer to
the alliance in a relationship that would not restrict any of Nato's
military actions. 
There is also uncertainty over how at least five new countries could be
integrated into an alliance that makes decisions on consensus. Some
countries, for example, want decisions to be made unanimously. 


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FW: EMMA Nominations open on www.emma.uk.com [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-28 Thread Knight, Jonathan


-Original Message-From: Hancox, Leila Sent: 
28 January 2002 09:46To: EveryoneSubject: FW: EMMA 
Nominations open on www.emma.uk.com

-Original Message-From: EMMA Awards 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 28 January 2002 09:41To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: EMMA Nominations open on 

forward WIN 
2002 Nominations are open now onwww.emma.uk.comTo take place at Grosvenor House 
Hotel, Park Lane, LondonOn 30th May 
2002 Celebrating Multicultural Excellence.
The EMMA's (Ethnic 
Multicultural Media Awards) have highlighted the importance of the media 
industry, by reflecting a unique multicultural perspective, which should 
ultimately not be missed by the community as a whole. With 19 categories from 
the fields of entertainment to journalism, we invite nominations from the 
general public to celebrate media stars, public role models and the many 
outstanding multicultural organisations. The creativity that exudes from 
these rich diverse communities cannot be overlooked by News Editors; Television 
Commissioners; advertising executives etc. 
The message since EMMA 1998 has been clear that fifty years of 
multicultural Britain has left an indelible mark around the global media 
industry. This has sparked a global 
cultural revolution, which has transcended race, class and gender within a 
growing media industry, reflective of economic and political changes in the 
twenty first century. Please nominate personalities or organisations for 
the EMMA's and you will be entered into a draw to win 2 VIP Tickets for the 
Awards Ceremony and the After Party, to be held on the 30th May 
2002. The winner will be notified 
on 1st May 2002 by email and letter. Please note that all nominations 
suggestions will not require an entry fee, however the material submission will 
require a £50 entrance fee made payable to EMMA Awards Ltd contributing to 
administration costs. We have honoured in the past, legends such as Muhammad 
Ali, Nelson Mandela and Lord Richard Attenborough for Lifetime Achievement 
Awards, respectively. The closing date for receiving all material 
submissions will be Friday 1st March 2002 and the finalists will be 
displayed from 8th April 2002 on the Internet and telephone voting 
line (0700 CALLEMMA), the public will be encouraged to vote for their preferred 
finalists during the period starting from 8th April to 
26th April 2002. The BBC 
will broadcast the EMMA Awards on the forthcoming Queen's Golden Jubilee weekend 
in June 2002. For further information log onto www.emma.uk.com for full Entry Details or 
contact:Bobby Ayyub Syed, Hearsay Communications Worldwide, 67-69 
Whitfield Street, London W1P 5RL Tel: 0207 636 1233 / 0207 468 3779/ 3502 Fax: 
0207 636 1255 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Please log-on to 
our EMMA website for sponsors details)

Award Categories 
The following award 
categories are a reflection of the vast depth and width that the media industry 
covers, without overlooking the rich cultural/professional contribution made by 
the ethnic/multicultural community in the UK and beyond. 
The nominees are 
selected by the judges/panel for their outstanding professional work, with the 
view that they reflect a universal/multicultural theme in their production, and 
has a distinct an ethnic/multicultural background or workable initiative. 

Music Section 

1. Best British 
Music Act/Production2. Best International Music Act/Production3. Best 
World Music Act/Production 
Film Section 

4. Best Film 
Production5. Best Actor6. Best Actress
7. Best TV 
Entertainment Production8. Best Actor9. Best Actress 
Entertainment10. Best Play/Theatre Production11. Best Book/Novel12. Best 
Section13. Best Print Newspaper Journalist*14. Best Radio News 
Journalist*15. Best TV News Journalist16. Best TV Documentary 
Public Figure 
Section17. Public Figure for the Year18. Media Personality for 
the Year19. Sporting Personality for the Year 
AWARD 21. LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD * The general public can 
nominate,but not vote for these two journalism 
categories.Please forward before the above closing date, so that you 
may notify as many people as possible with regards to voting opportunities 
between 8th April to 27th April 2002 from the judges 


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FW: [balkans] CfA: East-West Crude Oil Transport Corridor in the Aspect of the

2002-01-24 Thread Knight, Jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Sergei Sardanovsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 16 January 2002 12:02
Subject: [balkans] CfA: East-West Crude Oil Transport Corridor in the
Aspect of the Black Sea Area Regional Security, Yalta, 22-26.4.2002

Dear Sirs,

  In 2000-2002 there were three international
meetings conducted by the Black Sea Area Research
Group (BSARG)
  At the end of April in Yalta (Crimea, Ukraine) we
are going to organize the next conference on topic:
East-West Crude Oil Transport Corridor in the Aspect
of the Black Sea Area Regional Security. Together
with the conference there should be conducted the IV
BSARG Meeting on the same topic. That event will take
place with the help and financial support of the
Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine, Government of
the Crimea, State Share Company Black Sea Oil and
Gas, Dogus University (Istanbul, Turkey), Tavrida
State University, Tavrida Ecological Institute,
Information Agency Crimean Electronic
Communications, Information and Analytical Center
Zlato Chernomoria.

  The working group on Black Sea Area Research
(BSARG) seeks to assess the situation in the Black Sea
Region through enhanced international cooperation and
strategic research on an academic level. The main
focus is to form the general conception of a
productive collaboration between the Black Sea area
countries and to strengthen political stabilization in
that region as the main factors of the  Black Sea area

  The Conference will take place in Yalta, 22-26
April 2002. During the conference there will be an
exposition on the discussed topic and tours to the
local sights.

  The latest geopolitical development in the Black
Sea region gave rise to the main topic of the
forthcoming conference, which, at the same time, is
one of the topics proposed at the III BSARG Meeting
for further elaboration. The conference will follow
the outlined procedure: it will identify the main
problem areas, assess their relevance to the academic
community and identify those which the academics are
able to solve. The discussions during the conference
will be mainly focused on the Program issues.
Moreover, the continuation of the debate after the end
of the workshop until the next conference will be

  The Conference will be organized through panel
discussions and question and answer sessions. The
Conference will consist of five day sessions on the
following topics:

Political Workshop:
1. Black Sea area political and geopolitical situation
development concerning the East-West crude oil
transport corridor. Western and local scientists,
analysts, and politicians points of view upon those
2. The place and role of Ukraine and Russia in the
modern infrastructure of the crude oil transport routs
from the Central Asia and Caspian regions to Europe.
3. Positions of the Russian leading oil companies
concerning Ukraine and its place in that structure.
4. East-West crude oil transport corridor: Modern
realities and perspectives of developments (experts
5. Possibilities of international institutions use in
the way to solve the issue of the oil consortium
creation for common exploiting of the Odessa-Brody
pipe line.

Economic Workshop:
1. Economic aspects of the «Blue Stream» project for
the states of the Black Sea region.
2. Free trade development in the Black Sea and Caspian
regions in the context of East-West crude oil
transport corridor, «TRASECA», and
Europe-Asia-Caucasus communication corridor projects.
3. Baltics - Black Sea cooperation in the united
Europe case.
4. Economy globalization as a factor of the Black Sea
states changed relations.

Environmental Workshop:
1. Black Sea states ecological security issues in case
of the crude oil transportation volume increase.
2. The solve of ecological problems while oil
terminals and oil pipe lines construction in states
with a high recreation infrastructure.
3. Public organizations and NGO role in oil transport
projects realization in the Black Sea region.

  Representatives from different scientific
organizations of Turkey (Dogus University, Marmara
University, Galatasaray University, Yeditepe
University), Greece (Balkan Trust Network),
independent experts from USA, Italy, Russia, Ukraine
took part in the previous BSARG international
  Following the conference, the organizers plan to
publish a campaign booklet which will include the
conference speeches, and to present this information
on a CD. The booklet will be distributed to a wide
range of NGOs, politicians, regional ministries of
Foreign Affairs, newspapers.
  We would be glad to see you at our conference!
Please, fill in the Application Form and direct it to
the organizers:

1, Shalfeinaya St., 95050 Simferopol, Crimea, UKRAINE
Tel./Fax: + 38 0652 260833

Information Agency 

European Rapid Reaction Force [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-10 Thread Knight, Jonathan


House of Lords Debates
Wednesday, 9th January 2002
European Rapid Reaction Force

2.51 p.m.
Baroness Knight of Collingtree asked Her Majesty's Government: 
How many British servicemen and women have currently been allocated
to serve with the European Rapid Reaction Force. 
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence (Lord Bach):
My Lords, there is no standing European rapid reaction force; therefore, no
specific UK forces have been allocated to it. 
However, the United Kingdom has identified a pool of relevant forces and
capabilities up to a maximum of 12,500 troops, plus, if required, up to 18
warships and 72 combat aircraft. Any decision by the UK Government to
participate in an EU-directed operation, as well as the nature of our
contribution, would depend on the circumstances at the time. 
Baroness Knight of Collingtree: My Lords, is the Minister aware that his
reply will occasion some amazement in the rest of Europe? It is apparently
9 Jan 2002 : Column 557
case that whatever RRF personnel are allocated, the number is exactly the
same as is presently allocated to NATO--they will sometimes be within one
force and sometimes within another. Under which general will they be
allocated? Let us suppose, for example, that the RRF, including our own
troops, were involved in clearing up following flooding or following the
eruption of a volcano and NATO had urgent need of them for a terrorist
exercise, who would say whether they would go or whether they would stay?
Which general would be the senior and how would the chain of command
work--bearing in mind that there must be extreme urgency in matters of this
Lord Bach: My Lords, I would be surprised if there were any amazement at the
Answer that I have given. So far as concerns any chain of command, any
decisions about where British Armed Forces will or will not be used will be
a matter for Her Majesty's Government. 
Baroness Seccombe: My Lords, will the Minister tell the House how the United
Kingdom could possibly contribute any of its Armed Forces to the European
rapid reaction force when they are fully engaged on present operational
commitments? Secondly, if we are to commit our Armed Forces to this force,
when will the national defence budget be increased to make that possible? 
Lord Bach: My Lords, like all of us, the noble Baroness will have to wait
for an answer to the second part of her question until later this year. As
to her first point--I want to emphasise this because there may be some
misunderstanding about it--there is no additional commitment for the
deployment of United Kingdom forces on operations. The new arrangements do
not mean that we shall consider operations that we should not otherwise
consider. Individual countries will decide whether, when and how to commit
their forces. Of course, national governments will continue to be answerable
to national parliaments for the use of their forces. 
Lord Burnham: My Lords, the Minister says that there will be no commitment,
but there are a number of Petersberg tasks which various countries,
including this one, will feel that they have to carry out. How are those
Petersberg tasks to which the ERRF is committed to be carried out if there
are no staff and no armed force in place? 
Lord Bach: My Lords, I repeat that there is no European rapid reaction
force. I must make that clear to the House; there is not one. When and if
the Petersberg tasks needed to be fulfilled, it would be a matter for Her
Majesty's Government to decide if and when that should take place. I
emphasise that there is no extra commitment so far as concerns the Armed
Lord Hardy of Wath: My Lords, does my noble friend agree that the
establishment and development 
9 Jan 2002 : Column 558
of this force might well encourage our European partners to make more
realistic contributions to European and international defence and stability?

Lord Bach: My Lords, I agree with my noble friend. That was one of the
principles behind the arrangement. The United States has argued for many
years--and perhaps with some force--that European countries have not had
sufficient capabilities to meet the needs of NATO. It is very important that
European nations find extra capabilities to meet whatever requirements there
may be. It is an essential part of this policy that European countries
obtain the right capability to meet the new situation in which they find
Lord Glenarthur: My Lords, what proportion of the 12,500 troops mentioned by
the Minister might have to be committed in any sense from the Reserves? 
Lord Bach: My Lords, I am not in a position to say how many would have to
come from the Reserves. I again make the point that there will be no extra
commitment. There would always be a possibility that Reserves would be used,
but no more so for 

RE: Kosovo: Stones Against Occupiers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-08 Thread Knight, Jonathan


When do revenge attacks cease being revenge and become ethnic


-Original Message-
From: Rick Rozoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 January 2002 23:49
Subject: Kosovo: Stones Against Occupiers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

Dozens of Serbs have been killed and tens of thousands
have fled the province fearing attacks levelled in
revenge by ethnic Albanians after the U.N. and NATO
took control of Kosovo in 1999. 

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FW: War for Oil or Drugs, or both? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-10 Thread Knight, Jonathan


Subject: Between Oil and Drugs: the Roots of Conflict in Central Asia

Between Oil and Drugs: the Roots of Conflict in Central Asia

By Chris Floyd
The Moscow TImes

MOSCOW, Dec. 4, 2001 -- Among the isolated, out-of-step losers who dare open
their mouths to mutter doubts about America's military campaign in
Afghanistan, you will sometimes hear the traitorous comment: This war is
just about oil.

We here at the Global Eye take stern exception to such cynical tommyrot. No
one who has made a clear and dispassionate assessment of the situation in
the region could possibly say the new Afghan war is just about oil.

It's also about drugs.

For although we must now hail the warlords of the Northern Alliance as noble
defenders of civilization, the fact is that for some time they have also
functioned as one of the world's biggest drug-dealing operations. Indeed,
one of the main sticking points between the holy warriors of the alliance
and their ideological brethren in the Taliban has been control of the
profitable poppy, which by God's grace grows so plentifully in a land
otherwise bereft of natural resources. (Always excepting the production of

In the good old days, when the mujahedin were united against the Soviet
devil, all shared equally in the drug-running trade, under the benevolent
eye of that great lubricator of illicit commerce, the CIA. When the Northern
Alliance was driven from Kabul -- having killed 50,000 of the city's
inhabitants during its civilized rule -- the Taliban seized the lion's share
of Afghanistan's opium production. The noble lords managed to hold on to
several prize fields in the north, however, and together with avaricious
Taliban, they helped fuel a worldwide rise in heroin traffic.

Earlier this year, the U.S. administration bribed the Taliban to stop
growing opium -- a most effective use of baksheesh, according to the United
Nations, which found that Afghan opium production dropped from 3,300 tons
annually to less than 200. But the Northern Alliance leapt manfully into the
breach, engineering a threefold rise in opium output in its territory this

Now the bountiful southern fields are also there for the plucking. For
war-ravaged Afghan farmers, the market realities are clear: they can plant
wheat, and get 20 bucks per hectare, or plant opium and pull down $8,000 in
hard cash for the same fields. Needless to say, the poppy replanting has
already begun. Come harvest time, the drug lords -- sorry, the noble
warlords -- will take their cut and ship the dope off to pollute the minds
of decadent infidels in the West. Ah, the spoils of victory!

Hey, maybe their CIA buddies will help coordinate the shipments. Those guys
are killer when it comes to covert logistics.


After all, as U.S. Attorney General Jailin' John Ashcroft tells us, the
war on terrorism is just like the war on drugs -- that is to say, a
never-ending fount of profitable corruption for the ruthless, the murderous
and the well-connected.

Certainly, the war on drugs makes little sense otherwise. We all know that
if the ingestion of various arbitrarily chosen substances were no longer
prosecuted, the level of violence, crime and repression in society would be
reduced immeasurably. Substance abuse would then become what is it is now
for drugs like alcohol and nicotine: a matter of personal character and
private consequence.

A crack addict, for example, could have his nightly pipe in the safety of
his own home, for the same price as a six-pack of beer, a carton of
cigarettes, or the latest Disney video. He wouldn't need to resort to crime
to feed an expensive criminalized habit. And his resulting stupefaction
would be no more harmful to the public good than that of millions of his
fellow citizens sitting slack-jawed in front of the tube.

But decriminalization will never happen. Illegal drugs are simply too
profitable for the various powerful criminal elements known as mafias,
warlords -- and intelligence agencies. For drug-running is the perfect
way to fund your black ops -- no budget restraints, no legal niceties, no
pesky legislators looking over your shoulder.

That's how they did it back in those high old Iran-Contra days, as
investigator Robert Parry reports on Consortiumnews.com. Buried in the
papers of that thwarted investigation are outright admissions of CIA
connivance with the drug dealers who helped finance the murderous
Reagan-Bush terrorist network in Latin America.

This is -- in part -- what Bush Jr. is covering up with his recent
autocratic edict sealing past presidential papers. And the fact that his
Daddy lied about his own involvement in the criminal enterprise -- lies that
he drowned certain fathoms deep by pardoning his co-conspirators. Some of
these criminal connivers with drug-running now hold high office in the new
Bush administration.

You know, the one that restored 

FW: Who is really responsible for Sep 11th??/Bush Jnr [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-05 Thread Knight, Jonathan



by Stan Goff

I'm a retired Special Forces Master Sergeant.  That doesn't cut much for
those who will only accept the opinions of former officers on military
matters, since we enlisted swine are assumed to be incapable of grasping the
nuances of doctrine.

But I wasn't just in the army, I studied and taught military science and
doctrine.  I was a tactics instructor at the Jungle Operations Training
Center in Panama, and I taught Military Science at West Point.  And contrary
to the popular image of what Special Forces does, SF's mission is to teach.
We offer advice and assistance to foreign forces.  That's everything from
teaching marksmanship to a private to instructing a Battalion staff on how
to coordinate effective air operations with a sister service.

Based on that experience, and operations in eight designated conflict areas
from Vietnam to Haiti, I have to say that the story we hear on the news and
read in the newspapers is simply not believable.  The most cursory glance at
the verifiable facts, before, during, and after September 11th, does 'not'
support the official line or conform to the current actions of the United
States government.

But the official line only works if they can get everyone to accept its
underlying premises.  I'm not at all surprised about the Republican and
Democratic Parties repeating these premises.  They are simply two factions
within a single dominant political class, and both are financed by the same
economic powerhouses.  My biggest disappointment, as someone who identifies
himself with the left, has been the tacit acceptance of those premises by
others on the left, sometimes naively,and sometimes to score some morality
points.  Those premises are twofold.  One, there is the premise that what
this de facto administration is doing now is a response to September 11th.
Two, there is the premise that this attack on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon was done by people based in Afghanistan.  In my opinion, neither of
these is sound.

To put this in perspective we have to go back not to September 11th, but to
last year or further.

A man of limited intelligence, George W.  Bush, with nothing more than his
name and the behind-the-scenes pressure of his powerful father-a former
President, ex-director of Central Intelligence, and an oil man-is
systematically constructed as a candidate, at tremendous cost.

Across the country, subtle and not-so-subtle mechanisms are put into place
to disfranchise a significant fraction of the Democrat's African-American
voter base.  This doesn't come out until Florida becomes a battleground for
Electoral College votes, and the magnitude of the story has been suppressed
by the corporate media to this day.

In a decision so lacking in legitimacy, the Supreme Court will neither
by-line the author of the decision nor allow the decision to ever be used as
a precedent, Bush v.  Gore awards the presidency of the United States to a
man who loses the popular vote in Florida and loses the national popular
vote by over 600,000.

This de facto regime then organizes a very interesting cabinet.  The Vice
President is an oil executive and the former Secretary of Defense.  The
National Security Advisor is a director on the board of a transnational oil
corporation and a Russia scholar.  The Secretary of State is a man with no
diplomatic experience whatsoever, and the former Chair of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff.  The other interesting appointment is Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary
of Defense.  Rumsfeld is the former CEO of Searle Pharmaceuticals.  He and
Cheney were featured as speakers at the May, 2000, Russian-American Business
Leaders Forum. So the consistent currents in this cabinet are petroleum, the

former Soviet Union, and the military.

Based on the record of Daddy Bush, in all his guises, and the general
trajectory of US foreign policy as far back as the Carter Administration, I
feel I can reasonably conclude that Middle Eastern and South Asian fossil
fuels are one of their major preoccupations.

Not just because this klavern has some very direct financial interests in
fossil fuel, but because they surely know that worldwide oil production is
peaking as we speak, and will soon begin a permanent and precipitous decline
that will completely change the character of civilization as we know it
within 20 years.  Even the left seems to be in deep denial about this, but
the math is available.  And, no, alternative energies and energy
technologies will not save us.  All the alternatives in the world can not
begin to provide more than a tiny fraction of the energy base now provided
by oil.  This makes it more than a resource, and the drive to control what's
left more than an economic competition.

I further conclude that the economic colonization of the former Soviet Union
is probably high on that agenda, and in 

FW: Various quotes articles... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-05 Thread Knight, Jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 December 2001 07:44
To: Jonathan Knight; Ayo Obisanya
Subject: Various quotes  articles...

Dear media person

I've compiled for you a number of articles and quotes that should be
carefully reviewed for possible reporting and/or disclosure.

I trust you still believe in democracy...

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired
signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not
fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not
spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius
of its scientists, the hopes of its children... Under the cloud of
threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.

- President Eisenhower

Today we stand on the verge of a civil liberties calamity in this country.
The Administration and the Attorney General have taken a series of
constitutionally dubious actions that place the Executive branch in the
untenable role of legislator, prosecutor, judge, and jury. Certainly, we
stand together as a nation in our collective outrage over the September
11th terrorist attacks. However, we do nothing to win the battle against
terrorism by sacrificing our precious freedoms and liberties. (...)
Collectively, the Administration has swept away the independent judiciary,
the right to a public trial, the right to an appeal, the right to counsel,
due process, equal protection and habeas corpus. Not bad for two week's

- Congressman John Conyers, Jr. - Details at

What we've seen, since September 11th, if you add up everything that
Ashcroft, Bush, Gonzales and their coterie of Federalist Society lawyers
have done here, is a coup d'etat against the United States Constitution.
There's no question about it. When you add in the Ashcroft police state
bill that was passed by Congress (and several members of Congress admitted,
We never even read this thing when we voted for it.) - that's really what
we're seeing now, Dennis, a constitutional coup d'etat. There's no other
word for it. (...) The critical question is: When will the FBI, the CIA and
the National Security Agency start to turn these powers, that they have
under the Ashcroft police state bill, against American citizens? Clearly,
that will be the next step.

- Professor Francis A. Boyle, in an interview by Dennis Bernstein, host of
Flashpoints, KPFA Radio 94.1 FM - Berkeley, California Wednesday,
November 14, 2001.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001
From: Jon Chance [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We control America

Every time we do something you [Shimon Peres] tell me America will do this
and will do that I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry
about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people [sic], control
America, and the Americans know it.

- Ariel Sharon, Israeli Prime Minister, Knesset, Tel Aviv, October 3, 2001.

The Israelis wasted no time in the wake of the attack in downtown Manhattan.

Within three minutes a former Prime Minister was seen on the BBC demanding
that Iraq, Iran, Libya and others be destroyed. A remarkably rapid response
driving the average reader to question how Israeli officials could possibly
have responded to a surprise attack of this sort without prior or inside
knowledge. Read the story here:


Media review of Florida ballots whitewashes theft of 2000 election (6
November 2001) http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/nov2001/flor-n16.shtml
On November 12, a consortium of major US news organizations, including the
New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and CNN, released the
results of a 10-month investigation into disputed votes cast in Florida
during the 2000 presidential election. The media report was calculated to
boost the political legitimacy of the Bush administration and obscure the
profoundly anti-democratic manner in which Bush was installed in the White
House. CLIP Both during and after the 2000 election, the main preoccupation
of the media has been to insist on Bush's political legitimacy and dismiss
the election crisis as little more than a partisan squabble. Just two
months ago, New York Times Washington bureau chief Richard Berke wrote a
column in which he said the events of September 11 had rendered the
consortium's recount utterly irrelevant. CLIP

Consortium Muddles Recount, Again
The long-awaited recount of the Florida election revealed little new
information. That didn't stop news outlets from declaring Bush a winner,
even though more people intended to vote for Gore.

(...) Under some of the strictest standards -- including those proposed by
the Bush camp during last year's recount fight

FW: US's Afghan secret... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-05 Thread Knight, Jonathan


America's Dirty Afghan Secret: It's a War over Oil
By V K Shashikumar, New Delhi, November 21, 2001

Intelligence analysts Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie have
released an explosive book that claims the US' primary interest in the
Afghan War might be oil, not terrorism; the US president, they claim,
had obstructed investigation into the Taliban's terrorist activities.
A book written by two French intelligence analysts is certain to
embarrass President George W Bush and his administration. The book, Bin
Laden, La Verite Interdite (Bin Laden, the Forbidden Truth), released
recently, claims that Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Deputy
Director John O'Neill resigned in July in protest over Bush's
obstruction of an investigation into Taliban's terrorist activities. The
authors, Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie, claim that Bush
resorted to this obstruction under the influence of the United States'
oil companies.

Bush stymied the intelligence agency's investigations on terrorism, even
as it bargained with the Taliban on handing over of Osama bin Laden in
exchange for political recognition and economic aid. The main obstacles
to investigate Islamic terrorism were US oil corporate interests, and
the role played by Saudi Arabia in it, O'Neill reportedly told the
authors. According to the Brisard and Dasquie, the main objective of the
US government in Afghanistan prior to Black Tuesday was aimed at
consolidating the Taliban regime, in order to obtain access to the oil
and gas reserves in Central Asia.

Prior to September 11, the US government had an extremely benevolent
understanding of the Taliban regime. The Taliban was perceived as a
source of stability in Central Asia that would enable the construction
of an oil pipeline across Central Asia from the rich oilfields in
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, through Afghanistan and
Pakistan, to the Indian Ocean. This would have secured for the US
another huge captive and alternate oil resource centre. The oil and gas
reserves of Central Asia have been controlled by Russia. The Bush
government wanted to change all that.this rationale of energy security
changed into a military one, the authors claim.

At one moment during the negotiations, US representatives told the
Taliban, 'either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury
you under a carpet of bombs', Brisard said in an interview in Paris. On
Saturday, representatives of the Northern Alliance (NA), former King
Zahir Shah's confidantes, and possibly, non-Taliban Pashtun leaders,
will meet in Berlin under the aegis of the US-led coalition to discuss a
broad-based government in Afghanistan. It might be a coincidence that
the US and Taliban diplomatic representatives met in Berlin early this

According to the book, the Bush administration began a series of
negotiations with the Taliban early in 2001. Washington and Islamabad
were also venues for some of the meetings. The authors claim that before
the September 11 attacks, Christina Rocca, in charge of Asian Affairs in
the US State Department, met Taliban Ambassador to Pakistan Abdul Salam
Zaeef in Islamabad on August 2, 2001. Interestingly, Rocca is a veteran
of US involvement in Afghanistan. She was previously in charge of
contacts with Islamist guerrilla groups at the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA), where she oversaw the delivery of Stinger missiles to
Afghan mujahideen fighting the Soviet occupation forces in the 1980s.

Brisard and Dasquie also reveal that the Taliban were not really
ultra-orthodox in their diplomatic approach, because they actually hired
an American public relations' expert for an image-making campaign in the
US. It is, of course, not known whether the Pakistanis helped the
Taliban secure the services of a professional image-maker. What is,
however, revealed in the book is that Laila Helms, a public relations
professional, who also doubles up as an authority on the way the US
intelligence agencies work, was employed by the Taliban. Her task was to
get the US recognise the Taliban regime. Prior to September 11, only
three countries - Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and UAE - recognised the
Taliban regime. Helms' familiarity with the ways of US intelligence
organisations comes through her association with Richard Helms, who is
her uncle a former director of the CIA and former US ambassador to

Helms is described as the Mata Hari of US-Taliban negotiations. The
authors claim that she brought Sayed Rahmatullah Hashimi, an advisor to
Mullah Omar, to Washington for five days in March 2001 - after the
Taliban had destroyed the ancient Buddhas of Bamiyan. Hashimi met the
Directorate of Central Intelligence at the CIA, and the Bureau of
Intelligence and Research at the State Department.

The Frenchmen have indeed produced a controversial book, which is
undoubtedly explosive, because of the interesting nuggets of information
they have dug up. Besides, 

FW: Injustice film [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-05 Thread Knight, Jonathan


 -Original Message-
 From: wp346748 [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 05 December 2001 12:04
 To:   UK anti racists
 Subject:  Injustice film
 INJUSTICE -  the feature length documentary about deaths in police custody
 went on general release on Friday 30th November when it began it's West
 run at the Prince Charles Cinema, London.
 Injustice has been described as the most politically controversial film of
 recent years. This breathtaking piece of cinema has reduced audiences to
 tears with its moving portrayal of the struggles for justice by the
 of people who have died at the hands of police officers. The film is
 the families far reaching attention on the issue of deaths in custody and
 the demands for prosecutions of the police officers responsible for the
 deaths featured in the film. The attempts by police officers to censor the
 film have also made Injustice the subject of national and international
 media attention.
 The official launch screening took place Sunday 2nd December at the Prince
 Charles Cinema. The families  film makers were be present for a QA after
 the film. Further dates are as follows:
 5th December
 Prince Charles Cinema, 7 Leicester Place, London WC2H
 9.00pm screening.
 Information Line: 0901 2727 007 Booking Line: 020 7494 3654
 8th December
 Prince Charles Cinema, 7 Leicester Place, London WC2H
 3.30 screening.
 Information Line: 0901 2727 007 Booking Line: 020 7494 3654
 12th December
 Prince Charles Cinema, 7 Leicester Place, London WC2H
 9.00pm screening.
 Information Line: 0901 2727 007 Booking Line: 020 7494 3654
 Support the families by supporting the film. Let others know about it.
 For further information on the film, reviews, stills and screening dates
 check out: www.injusticefilm.co.uk
 Injustice is also touring both in the UK and abroad in screenings and
 Migrant Media contact:  07770 432 439
 Prince Charles Cinema contact: Nicole Bailey 020 7485 2424

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FW: Detention figures, September 2001 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-04 Thread Knight, Jonathan
Title: Detention figures, September 2001


-Original Message-From: John O 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 03 December 2001 09:26To: 
Recipient List SuppressedSubject: Detention figures, September 
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)110 
Hamstead RoadBirmingham B20 2QSPhone: 0121-554-6947 
Fax: 0870-055-4570
Web site: http://www.ncadc.org.uk/

Detention figures, September 2001
Things Ain't what they used to be!

 Following a review by the Director of Research, 
Development and Statistics Directorate (RDSD) of the publication arrangements of 
immigration statistics. The previous method of issuing monthly stats has been 
replaced by a Quarterly bulletin.
 The change to quarterly release was announced in 
September by David Blunkett the Home Secretary, who commented:
 "I am absolutely committed to the transparency, 
clarity and reliability of official statistics. It is essential that people have 
confidence in the statistics produced, especially on such an important issue as 

 Asylum Statistics: 3rd Quarter 2001 United Kingdom: was 
published on the 30th November.
 Minister, Lord Rooker, on the 30th November, on the 
publication, said:
 "It is absolutely essential that people have 
confidence in the statistics we produce. A quarterly publication will enable 
greater accuracy and the inclusion of additional data, such as removals and 
detention, will better inform public debate."

 'Transparency', is some what clouded by lack of monthly 
break downs on detention, (only September in this issue) and partially sighted 
when it comes to enforcement figures.
 The number of criminal prisons holding immigration 
detainees, is obscured by changing the method of publishing. (HMPs, holding 
between 2 - 4 detainees previously listed separate, now included in 'other 

 Enforcement figures, (Deportations and refused and 
removed) for non asylum seekers have been excluded completely. RDSD, have said 
"Non-asylum removals figures will be published annually; it is currently planned 
that information for 2001 will be published in the RDSD bulletin "Control of 
Immigration Statistics: United Kingdom 2001" in mid-2002."

 This latter is extremely worrying as this 'will not 
better inform public debate." to misquote Lord Rooker. - (150 Zimbabwean 
asylum-seekers were turned back from Heathrow airport last month. Word, has it 
that not one person was allowed off the plane. No one as yet has been able to 
find out the full story)
Persons recorded as being in 
detention in the United Kingdom under Immigration Act powers as at 30 September 
2001, by nationality:

Nationality Total detainees 
of whom, asylum seekers

Sri Lanka 
Ivory Coast 
Sierra Leone 
South Africa 
Czech Republic 15 

Other nationalities 

Figures exclude persons detained in police cells.Figures include 260 
persons detained in prison establishments under dual immigration andother 
powers.(3) Persons detained under Immigration Act powers who are recorded as 
having sought asylumat some stage, of whom 145 were detained under dual 
immigration and other powers.Other nationalities: with 5 or fewer 
Persons recorded as being in detention in the United Kingdom under 
Immigration Act powers as at 30 September 2001, by place of detention.

Place of detention 
 Total detainees 
 of whom, asylum seekers

Oakington RC 
Tinsley House 
75Campsfield House 
Dover Harbour 
15Manchester Airport 
*Dedicated Immigration Service wings
Holme House 
High Down 

Of which: 


2001-11-30 Thread Knight, Jonathan


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2001-11-30 Thread Knight, Jonathan



Robert Fisk 

WE ARE becoming war criminals in Afghanistan. The US Air Force bombs Mazar-e
Sharif for the Northern Alliance and our heroic Afghan allies - who
slaughtered 50,000 people in Kabul between 1992 and 1996 - move into the
city and execute up to 300 Taliban fighters. The report is a footnote on the
television satellite channels, a nib in journalistic parlance. Perfectly
normal, it seems. The Afghans have a tradition of revenge. So, with the
strategic assistance of the USAF, a war crime is committed. Now we have the
Mazar-e Sharif prison revolt, in which Taliban inmates opened fire on
their Alliance jailers. US Special Forces - and, it has emerged, British
troops - helped the Alliance to overcome the uprising and, sure enough, CNN
tells us some prisoners were executed trying to escape. It is an atrocity.
British troops are now stained with war crimes. WITHIN days, The
Independent's Justin Huggler has found more executed Taliban members in
Kunduz. The Americans have even less excuse for this massacre. For the US
Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld, stated quite specifically during the
siege of the city that US air raids on the Taliban defenders would stop if
the Northern Alliance requested it. Leaving aside the revelation that the
thugs and murderers of the Northern Alliance were now acting as air
controllers to the USAF in its battle with the thugs and murderers of the
Taliban, Mr Rumsfeld's incriminating remark places Washington in the witness
box of any war-crimes trial over Kunduz. The US were acting in full military
co-operation with the Northern Alliance militia. Most television
journalists, to their shame, have shown little or no interest in these
disgraceful crimes. Cosying up to the Northern Alliance, chatting to the
American troops, most have done little more than mention the war crimes
against prisoners in the midst of their reports. What on earth has gone
wrong with our moral compass since September 11? Perhaps I can suggest an
answer. After both World War One and Two, we - the West - grew a forest of
legislation to prevent further war crimes. The very first
Anglo-French-Russian attempt to formulate such laws was provoked by the
Armenian Holocaust at the hands of the Turks in 1915; The Entente said it
would hold personally responsible all members of the (Turkish) Ottoman
government and those of their agents who are implicated in such massacres.
After the Jewish Holocaust and the collapse of Germany in 1945, article six
(C) of the Nuremberg Charter and the Preamble of the UN Convention on
genocide referred to crimes against humanity. Each new post-1945 war
produced a raft of legislation and the creation of evermore human rights
groups to lobby the world on liberal, humanistic Western values. OVER the
past 50 years, we sat on our moral pedestal and lectured the Chinese and the
Soviets, the Arabs and the Africans about human rights. We pronounced on the
human rights crimes of Bosnians and Croatians and Serbs. We put many of them
in the dock, just as we did the Nazis at Nuremberg. Thousands of dossiers
were produced, describing - in nauseous detail - the secret courts and death
squads and torture and extra judicial executions carried out by rogue states
and pathological dictators. Quite right too. Yet suddenly, after September
11, we went mad. We bombed Afghan villages into rubble, along with their
inhabitants - blaming the insane Taliban and Osama bin Laden for our
slaughter - and now we have allowed our gruesome militia allies to execute
their prisoners. President George Bush has signed into law a set of secret
military courts to try and then liquidate anyone believed to be a terrorist
murderer in the eyes of America's awesomely inefficient intelligence
services. And make no mistake about it, we are talking here about legally
sanctioned American government death squads. They have been created, of
course, so that Osama bin Laden and his men, should they be caught rather
than killed, will have no public defence, just a pseudo trial and a firing
squad. It's quite clear what has happened. When people with yellow or black
or brownish skin, with communist or Islamic or nationalist credentials,
murder their prisoners or carpet bomb villages to kill their enemies or set
up death squad courts, they must be condemned by the United States, the
European Union, the United Nations and the civilised world. We are the
masters of human rights, the Liberals, the great and good who can preach to
the impoverished masses. BUT when our people are murdered - when our
glittering buildings are destroyed - then we tear up every piece of human
rights legislation, send off the B-52s in the direction of the impoverished
masses and set out to murder our enemies. Winston Churchill took the Bush
view of his enemies. In 1945, he 

FW: 'asylum seekers snatch squads', Kill again [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-11-29 Thread Knight, Jonathan
Title: 'asylum seekers snatch squads', Kill again


-Original Message-From: John O 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 29 November 2001 07:22To: 
Recipient List SuppressedSubject: 'asylum seekers snatch squads', 
Kill again
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)110 
Hamstead RoadBirmingham B20 2QSPhone: 0121-554-6947 
Fax: 0870-055-4570
Web site: http://www.ncadc.org.uk/

'asylum seekers snatch squads', Kill again

On Sunday 25th November 2001 a 'immigration snatch squad', (two police 
officers and two immigration officials), raided a high rise flat in Streatham, 
south west London. Five people were in the third floor flat, one person fell to 
his death from the balcony, trying to escape.

Jenny Jones, Green Party member on the Greater London Assembly, has 
called for a halt to the activities of the Immigration Service 'snatch squads' 
in London, and is urging the Government to review the high pressure targets it 
has imposed on the Service. 

Jenny warned in September that an increase in such incidences and deaths 
was a possible consequence of the planned ten fold increase in the arrests of 
failed asylum seeker in London.
Jenny said: "I am saddened and shocked by this death. My condolences go out 
to his family. I'm sure that all of us on the Metropolitan Police Authority will 
want to know why such a terrible incident happened."

Jenny Jones believes "there should be an immediate halt 
to the operation of the asylum snatch squads in London and the Government should 
urgently review the targets it is imposing upon the Immigration Service. A ten 
fold increase in arrests of failed asylum seekers could mean more such deaths 
and incidents.

Back ground: snatch 
balcony deaths:27/4/94 Kwanele Eldah Siziba (27) Fell 150 feet to her 
death as she attempted to flee from what she believed to be immigration 
officials coming to deport her.23/10/94 Joseph Nnalue (31) Died after 
falling from his second floor flat in Stockwell, South London, when police and 
immigration officials called to question him regarding his immigration 
15/3/96 Noorjahan Begum (35) Died after falling 30 feet from the balcony of 
a flat in Stepney, east London. Two immigration officers called at the flat 
early on the morning of her death.
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2001-11-28 Thread Knight, Jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 November 2001 14:52
To: Jonathan Knight
Subject: Opium  Oil?

The Lies About Taliban Heroin

Russia and Oil the Real Objectives With Heroin As A Weapon of War

A Replay of CIA's Vietnam-era Drug Dealing

FTW Revises Its Map On Economic Impacts

by Michael C. Ruppert

[© Copyright 2001, Michael C. Ruppert
and From The Wilderness Publications,
May be reproduced or distributed for non-profit purposes only]

FTW, October 10, 2001 - The governments of the United States and Britain -
along with a lap-dog mainstream media all too willing to regurgitate
falsehoods - are feeding us a line of demonstrably inaccurate lies about the
Taliban and opium. We are being warned of a new flood of al-Q'aeda opium
as the war expands. As British Prime Minister Tony Blair boasts, We will
bomb their poppy fields, he neglects to mention that there aren't any poppy
fields in Taliban controlled areas to bomb. This outrageous deception of the
public, in an effort to stir up support for the war effort, is further
evidence that most of the rest of the government's line following the
attacks of September 11, is simply not credible.
A simple side-by-side comparison of reports from the UN and the U.S.
government, along with major media stories from before and after the Sept.
11 attacks exposes the lie.

Even the U.S. State Department
(www.state.gov/www/regions/sa/facts_taliban_drugs.html.) acknowledges that
in July 2000, Mullah Omar of the Taliban ordered a ban on poppy cultivation
in all Taliban controlled regions of Afghanistan. That State Department Fact
Sheet, published after Jan 1, 2000, however, expresses U.S. disbelief in the
ban's effectiveness. This position is, however, flatly contradicted by some
very credible sources, including Secretary of State Colin Powell. He gave
the Taliban $43 million this May to replace the income lost to Afghani
farmers as a result of the ban. Their wheat crops had failed due to the
drought and they had no money from opium harvests to buy food. The middlemen
who had stockpiled the opium had income. But the farmers, who had harvested
in the summer of 2000, had already been paid.

In February 2000 citing reports from Agence France-Presse, the AP, and UPI,
FTW published a story describing the Taliban's successful destruction of
their poppy crop. We viewed this at the time - possibly incorrectly - as a
move by the Taliban to take $90 billion in drug cash out of the western
banking system. That sales remained stable, however, is reflected in the
fact that heroin prices fell only slightly in 2000. Had Afghanistan stopped
selling altogether, then Western Europe, which gets its opium from
Afghanistan, would have seen a steep increase in prices. It did not. So why
then did Powell give Afghanistan the $43 million? I wish I knew.

Now, based upon new evidence, we know that in 1999 Afghanistan produced a
bumper crop of 4,600 metric tons of opium and that this has been verified by
a number of sources including the United Nations Drug Control Program
(UNDCP) as well as in a multitude of press stories. The 2000 harvest was
close to 3,300 metric tons. The result, as Colombia expanded poppy
cultivation in the late 1990s, and as the Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia
showed only a minor drop in output, was a glut. Therefore the Taliban's ban
on production would have had the impact of creating a price support by
reducing supplies. How successful was the ban and destruction of crops?
Well, aside from the above reports, which all indicated that inspections
confirming the ban had taken place, consider the following:

- On January 3, 2001 an ABC News story, posted on their web site stated,
Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Inam ul-Haq's claim to have eliminated all
opium plantations in Taliban controlled territories - reported by Agence
France-Presse -- seems to have been confirmed by a UN survey.

This development could have several important ramifications for both the
geopolitical situation in the region and the world drug trade...

The center of world drug production will shift from Afghanistan, which
accounted for 75 percent of world opium production last year, to Colombia
and the Golden Triangle on the border between Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand.

A February 16, 2001 AP story by Kathy Gannon was headlined, Taliban
virtually wipes out opium production in Afghanistan. It opened with these

U.N. drug control officers said the Taliban religious militia has virtually
wiped out opium production in Afghanistan - once the world's largest
producer - since banning poppy cultivation in July.

A 12-member team from the U.N. Drug Control Program spent two weeks
searching most of the nation's largest opium-producing areas and found so
few poppies that they do not expect any opium to come out of Afghanistan
this year.


Tony Blair interview: transcript in full [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Knight, Jonathan

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

Try not to throw up at this. Butcher Blair's hypocrisy is unbelievable. This
is a man responsible for the deaths of thousands of people and for
encouraging terrorists world wide. The, I hesitate to call him a man, is

Wednesday, 19 September, 2001, 13:11 GMT 14:11 UK 
Tony Blair interview: transcript in full
UK Prime Minister Tony Blair was interviewed on BBC's World Service's
Newshour on Tuesday about the UK's role following last week's terror attacks
in the US. Here is the transcript of the interview in full. 
Alex Brodie: Is Osama Bin Laden your prime suspect? 
Tony Blair: He is the prime suspect. 
We are still assembling the evidence and we have said we will do so in a
careful and measured way. 
But we've known for some time of his activities and those of his associates,
that have been designed to spread terror around the world that are I believe
fundamentally contrary to the basic teachings of Islam. 
And in respect of this particular incident there's no doubt at all - as both
ourselves and President have said - he is the prime suspect. 
AB: Him alone or anybody else? 
TB: Well, when we assemble the evidence finally, we will present it to
But as we have said he is the prime suspect. 
AB: Have you seen evidence yourself? 
TB: Yes of course, all the time we are going through evidence that comes to
us from various sources and what is important, as I said the other day, is
that when we proceed, we proceed on the basis of a hard-headed assessment of
that evidence. 
But I think, people are still taking in the enormity of what happened last
Thousands of people killed in the worst terrorist incident of all time. 
This was the worst terrorist incident in respect of British citizens -
incidentally 200 - 300 killed - since World War II. 
When you think that Britain went through the Blitz when we were under attack
- day in day out - for several years and we lost just over 20,000 of our
Here were 5,000 or more murdered, literally, in a day and I think some
impression is given of just how serious this is. 
Let's be quite clear as well, the thing that we have to confront and the
reason why we have to take action against this apparatus of terrorism at
every level, is that if these people were able to kill more people they
The only limits on their actions are not moral in any sense at all - they
are practical or technical. 
AB: Is it Osama Bin Laden who you have the evidence against that he was
actively involved in planning what happened in the United States or is it
just that you have evidence that he has set up a network? 
TB: Well Alex, when we are in a position to put evidence before people, we
will put it before them then. 
What we have said so far, because people have asked us and it's right
because this is where the evidence tends, that he is the prime suspect. 
AB: Anybody else? 
TB: There may be various other people but that is a matter that we can deal
with when we come to present the evidence fully? 
AB: And do you know where he is? 
TB: We know that he is in Afghanistan. 
We know the various places that he has been. 
But it is important that other people co-operate with us in ensuring that he
is brought to justice and this is a situation in which those who have been
harbouring him or helping him have a very simple choice. 
They either cease the protection of Bin Laden or they will be treated as
people helping him. 
AB: This is echoing what George Bush said isn't it about how we will go not
just for the perpetrators but for those who harbour him - and you are
talking about the Taleban? 
TB: Well, for all those people who have been in a position where they have
been helping or harbouring terrorism - the way that it operates, camps that
are dedicated to training people in it. 
These are people trained in these camps who go out and basically wreak havoc
wherever they can, killing many, many innocent people. 
And although what happened last week is obviously an atrocity almost beyond
our imagination, it is not an isolated incident - in that sense, there has
been a history going back over several years. 
Now you mention the Taleban - the Taleban have a very clear choice - the
Taleban either cease to help or harbour those that are fermenting terrorism
or they will be treated as part of the terrorist apparatus themselves. 
Now they have that choice and they should consider very, very carefully the
consequences that they face at this moment of choice. 
AB: If they don't give him up, what are those consequences? 
TB: Those are the consequences again that we will consider and we will
announce the appropriate response when we have made up our minds. 
AB: So what you are looking for the Taleban to do now, is to say - you can
have him we will extradite him, we will give him up. 
TB: We are looking for the Taleban to co-operate on the basis of the
evidence that we present - 

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2001-09-17 Thread Jonathan

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FW: CIA trained nasties! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-17 Thread Knight, Jonathan

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-Original Message-From: Patrick 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 16 September 2001 
03:29To: Jonathan KnightSubject: CIA trained 

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 Sunday Times - South Africa's best selling newspaper.url

RE: Documentary: Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK] [WWW.STOP

2001-09-14 Thread Knight, Jonathan

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My research results. It is obtainable from


Available Now -- Updated Documentary 

“Yugoslavia The AvoidableWar” 

 Video copies of the updated, award-winning,two-hour and forty-five minute 
documentary “Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War” arecurrently available. The 
three-part documentary, includes powerful newfootage from NATO intervention 
in Kosovo and its aftermath.  Ideal for schools, libraries, foreign 
policyforums and home use at a reduced price of $39.95. 

Thedocumentary traces how crucial mistakes by the West – particularly
andthe US – helped lead to the violent breakup of Yugoslavia in 1991, 
culminatingin the devastating NATO bombing campaign of 1999. “Yugoslavia:
AvoidableWar” traces the role of Western intelligence agencies in arming 
separatistgroups in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. The film also examines media

manipulation by the warring sides whichhelped shape policies that prolonged 
the war. 

Revealinginterviews with EC Mediator Lord Peter Carrington, UN Commanders
MacKenzieand Sir Michael Rose, former Newsweek Military Correspondent Col 
DavidHackworth, Former German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher, 
StateDepartment official George Kenney, author Susan Woodward, former 
Nuremburgprosecutor Walter Rockler,  Canadiandiplomat James Bissett, author 
Scott Taylor and many other participants andobservers. 

Winner “BestSocial Documentary” 

--NewYork International Independent Film and Video 

“Riveting documentary…..truly accomplished” 


TO PAY BY CREDIT CARD -- Using the internet, log on www.x.com.Follow easy 
instructions and make payment to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  This is a free 
service using a secureserver, and for a limited time X.Com offers a $5.00 
credit toward your firstpurchase. 
To order by check, please make out a check for $39.95(including shipping and

to Frontier Theatre and Film Inc. for each videotape of”Yugoslavia: The 
Avoidable War,” along with this form  to P.O.Box 869, New York, NY 10021.  
(Outside US, you must use an internationalmoney order for US dollars.) 
Please send(number) videotape(s) of “Yugoslavia – The Avoidable 
War” to: 
Name__ Address_ 

CityState___  Zip Code 

The other place apart from being exceptionally expensive replied:

Barbara Wendroff [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

We hold only US rights to this program.


As promised details of Committee for Peace in the Balkans seminars:

Tues 25th September
Yugoslavia: the avoidable war. 

Part of film to be shown followed by a discussion led by Tony Benn and
Michael Gavrilovic about the impact of western intervention in the Balkans.

7pm sharp in Room 7/8 Friends House, 173-7 Euston Road, London NW1 (opposite
Euston Station)

Tuesday 23rd October
The Balkans and the international community

Alice Mahon MP on the situation in Macedonia and Dragos Kalajic from
Belgrade, author of THE LAST EUROPEAN, discussing the policies of
cooperation and resistance facing Yugoslavia today

7pm in Committee Room 5, House of Commons, London SW1.

Seminars on 13th November and 4th December - topics and speakers to be

These are very popular so it is best to get there early.



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FW: Conference to bring together all defenders of asylum seekers [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2001-09-07 Thread Knight, Jonathan

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-Original Message-
From: emma ginn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 8:44 PM


The Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers is taking the initiative to bring 
together all groups working for asylum seeker welfare together for a 
conference in January – location : maybe Birmingham or Manchester.

The objectives of the conference are envisaged to be … networking, learning,

how to pool resources / energy … for the ultimate goal of achieving better 
conditions for asylum seekers in the UK.

The conference is for the benefit of all of us, so the Committee to Defend 
Asylum Seekers would like your input for planning the conference.  They 
invite you to a planning meeting on Sunday 23rd September in London (address

to be supplied).

This is your chance to determine everything about the conference …. 
Location, date, themes for lectures, work-shops, stalls, speeches, social 
event, facilities, funding, advertising, invitations, etc., etc.

If you are like me – confused as to who all the various groups are, what 
they do, keen to hook up with others who have similar aims … hopefully 
you’ll feel the conference will help you in your work for asylum seeker 

Come and join us on the 23rd September for the planning meeting.  Please 
confirm if you intend to come …

Emma Ginn (Campaign to Close Yarl's Wood) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alan Gibson (Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hope to see you there !


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