Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@84, perhaps I was a bit harsh, but I really feel as though my level of harshness was well-deserved in this instance. But I did get the warning you were trying to tell me -- whether you said it flat out or not, and I understand.@85: Well done. Very, very good post.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

+1 to Jayde, Nolan, Ethan, Marina and Jimmy. I'm not going to give much more on the topic as what the mentioned people have said pretty much sums it up.Reguarding Jimmy's last post, there's a fine line there. I personally believe, if this isn't already a thing, that people who come back from a ban should be on a watchlist of sorts until, A: A set amount of time elapses, or B: They proove themselves worthy to be a member again. During that time, punishment would be a lot more heavy handed.The reason I have this idea is because of people like to ones mentioned have the chance to either fix there act, or get the hell out. There's a breaking point guys, and a couple members have hit it a few times.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I sometimes feel like there are certain users, I’m not going to specify who, that I feel just don’t deserve to come back.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I can't agree more with Jayde here.I think the main problem, Deathstar, that you take things too personally without the need to. You may not accept the advice from me even, as it is still clear that you quite disagree with me, which is actually not a problem, but the problem is that you dislike me for it. Do you see where I am getting at?Disagreeing with someone is not a problem if you are trying to be constructive and present your point of view in a nice way. But on the other hand, if all what you show anyone volunteering is anger, personal attacks and disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing, now that's rather bullying. You should remember that the moderator is a user as well, it does not make him/her immune to punishments or to abuse their powers, but it doesn't mean also that it is ok to bully them or treat them badly, it works both ways. Let's imagine that I was a normal user whom you personally attack everywhere, wouldn't that require some action? So I am both a user and a moderator.And no, I should not leave just because you attack me, that doesn't make sense and rather funny, I am sorry. If you attack me for no reason then that is obviously the wrong part, the wrong part isn't me being in that position.Please try to think more about your motives before writing such angry emotional posts, and try to remind yourself that this person you're angry at, probably does not even know you at all in order to dislike you.It would maybe also help that you re-read what you write once or twice, because when we write we do not tend to think much, re-reading helps to realize what is important to say and what is not.My first instinct here was to write about how this post was exploded and was not the reason for the solution and so on. I even wrote a lot, but I re-read and I removed it all again, because I thought what would this bring to the discussion? I guess more drama and more defensiveness, and this is of course is not what we need.I believe the difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism is obvious if we look at this topic closely.The original poster did have a point, it was caused because of misunderstanding but his action was a bit justified given that it was unlucky one of the helpers was online to answer him. However, he did not attack anyone personally, and stayed so reasonable in his posts, until the solution was told to him.All the other people who came to explode the topic did not help in solving his problem, but they rather decided to pick on a particular helper that happened to be me, without having a clear motive, and without saying what is the particular issue they faced. turning things personal will never do any the way I am Marina7, without the 0, haha, it of course doesn't matter but just thought to mention it. If you ask me I prefer Marina, but it was taken in both the playroom and here, so yeah, sad fact.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

To be fair here, it looks like Deathstar and Marina put their differences aside and worked things out. And good for them. To be even more fair, Deathstar has not been anywhere near as critical since returning as she once was. I am certainly not feeling attacked.Deathstar, I will handle this personally though.You're factually right when you say that we could just quit if we don't like the stress. And truly, if that stress gets bad enough, I will end up leaving. I think it's a good thing I've got pretty thick skin though. So yes, it's true that we signed up voluntarily and aren't relying on this job for our daily bread. You're right about that.But this is where I start talking about how things look vs. the exact words you say.If you truly don't have a problem with a group of people who are volunteering their time to run a forum or a gaming platform or whatnot, then you're doing a bad job of showing it. Instead of pointing out that some people can be idiots and that we have to go through a lot of bullshit with jobs like this, you focus instead on our apparent responsibility to leave if we find it too stressful. This sounds a lot like you're passing the buck to us for handling ourselves, and not to the people who are making situations more difficult for us to handle in the first place. It might be a language thing, and I'm not angry with you, but it definitely looks like you're trying to justify other people's bad behaviour. At the very, very least, it looks like you're trying to invalidate our right to lose patience or have a hard time when people do stupid things they shouldn't do.Speaking personally, this is a role I take pretty seriously. I bet most people who've been around this forum for the last year and a half get the picture by now if they didn't at first. I didn't do this on a dare or for a lark. I volunteered because I wanted to do some good, and overall I feel I'm doing that. If my stress levels go high enough that moderating this forum actually becomes a threat to my health or mental well-being, then yeah, I'll back out and wish the rest of you luck. But until that happens, I would rather not hear another word about how we can just quit if things get too tough. Because I believe I know you well enough to know that if a mod -did quit for that reason, you'd probably think they gave up too fast.I've come to believe that as harsh as he is, Ethin may be right in his assessment of you. I don't think you like power structures. You want to fight with them or force yourself against them as a first line of behaviour, as opposed to only when it's necessary. I've seen it many times, and Marina's and your explanation, the way it was handled, only strengthens this impression. Rather than assess things and fight the battles that need fighting, you seem to operate under the notion that all power structures of which you are not a part are inherently corrupt, and inherently responsible or at fault if something goes wrong. I hope that one day you come to deepen and broaden this pattern of thought, because right now it's leading to a lot of exchanges that grow stale and tiresome long before they're finished.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Out of curiosity, has whoever started this again actually read through the whole topic? Because regardless of whether your points against deathstar are valid or not, you guys are kind of late to the party.I'm not trying to bash, because I, too, and often very tempted to respond to a large topic after having read some of it and being appalled at what I see, only to discover that things have either already been solved, or have died down on their own. But it's doubly bad when you are late and then post something telling people they are stirring things up, because then your own post could be construed as doing the same thing.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@82, I'm laughing at that. That's just... hilarious. How about you sign up to be a moderator of something and I'll make sure everyone treats you just how you treat all the moderation teams that you come across. Then we'll see if you hold that same opinion.There is a significant difference, Deathstar, between needless complaining and legitimate complaining. You are needlessly complaining about moderators just to demean them and make them feel bad while simultaneously trying to make yourself look good. Your just complaining to complain; you have absolutely no legitimate complaints to throw around, and any you think you do usually were dealt with long before you started complaining about them to begin with. You nitpick Jayde's moderation style and how he runs things just because you can. You nitpick Marina07 again, just because you can. All you enjoy doing is creating Drama. If you actually were trying to fix things, the community wouldn't be so against you.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

79, they're free to step down if they don't like what they signed up for.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ernie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Yeah. i was just floored while reading Marina's first post here and how she handled all the points brought up. Also, glad to see there are people around who don't let themselves be badgered down by the i am teaching you a lesson or i'm always right mentality.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Yeah, it's also funny to me how the subset of people who criticize a group, and the subset of people who say "You signed up for this, suck it up and deal" have a great deal of overlap. That right there is a huge reason I haven't, and likely won't, ever volunteer to moderate here. Having a constructive discussion about someone's decisions is one thing. Having little other substance than anything critical of those same individuals is another. Following that up by complaining that volunteers have no right to be upset is just the shitty cherry on top of a bad experience.I know it's too much to ask for a bit of consistency and consideration in thought from some folks. I'll put that next to "self-driving car" on the list of things I wish I had more of, which is OK because they're both probably equally likely.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Fun fact: I knew almost from the start of this topic that Marina07 had an account here. When people were talking about her being unable to defend herself, I just smirked, because I knew that it was, at the time, a deliberate choice not to do so, at the risk of starting drama.I want to raise one point, and gently, but I do think it bears mentioning.Just because someone volunteers for a position doesn't mean they can't get upset if they're bullied, badgered or treated badly. Sure, they opted in at no cost, but they also decided to voluntarily give up their time for free (in most cases), so to turn and attack them needlessly feels pretty slimy. The way I see it, legit problems with administration are fine to bring up, but if you're only bringing up stuff just to nitpick, you have to start asking yourself what the point is, and who's really at fault here. Responding by saying "well you signed up for this" is pretty disingenuous. As someone who also signed up to help a community for free, I can tell you that yes, I knew what I'd be getting into, and yes, I can handle it, but that does not in any way justify someone else's bad behaviour, and I won't tolerate that as an excuse. If you make my life hell during my volunteer time, I'm perfectly justified in getting pissed off at you for it, even if I chose to take on the responsibility and even if I choose not to give up that responsibility.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Jimmy69. The problem is that some people just seem to get some perverse pleasure from making other people feel like they are less than others for things that they one, have no control over, two, have expressed remorse and been dealt suitable punishment for, or three, just plain aren't in the wrong. Unfortunately, such plagues upon the human race will not go away, no matter how much you yell at them. Maybe it's possible to let them fizzle out a bit more, although I'll admit to not being the best at letting people off the hook when I see them as committing a wrong.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ernie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Agree with @69. There was a time when i was involved with the trolling and Marina as a mod woarned me for it. I later explained to the person that i had trolled that i was being influenced by a certen group and we became friends thanks to me realising my actions and marina woarning me in the manner that she did. Some people can't just handle making mistakes or being rong and hence you get personal attacks from them no matter what you do.nolan wrote:Christ, folks, at the end of the day, this is a free game, isn't it? You are entitled to absolutely nothing from it, you don't get to tell others how to run it, and I promise that your life can be rich and fulfilling without it. Maybe you'd have a case if you were a paying customer and didn't get a refund, but just picking fight after fight after fight with volunteers, whether that's here or elsewhere, is not going to encourage those volunteers to stick around. Just take your lumps, deal, and go on with your days. You're not in an ICU dying of COVID, so be grateful for that and either enjoy your playroom or find another game. *drops mic*


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@74 Nope: if you notice, these sorts of topis are what raises the total post counts among users on this forum. So while some of us try to be self-righteous and yell "stop," we're still posting here, you included.That leads me to believe that secretly, a large part of the community loves this stuff.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Can't we live without this? Can't we just live a month without drama


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@Aarush:Actually, they were just facts, did you know that I had an account here? I don't think so. Have you mentioned earlier the good points you have mentioned, only after my post? no you haven't. So how weren't they personal attacks, it doesn't matter if you say "I do not single anyone but Marina has done..." It still counts.And yes nothing you're going to say is changing my mind on this matter, I will let other judge by reading your posts. It does not matter how I personally see it, it matters if you were fairly or unfairly treated in the playroom, and you have said that you were fairly treated. So that's the point, my personal views of the matter will still be my personal views, and I am not going to change them just because you simply said I didn't mean them after the truth came out.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Well I read it, and you were very unnecessarily antagonistic. This is a really tough time in the world, and all you’re doing is making people’s lives a little tougher. Why not just be kind to everyone


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

70, I'd kindly ask you to read through all of the posts again and again, until you get it properly. I made this topic explode, but thankfully after it everything was sorted out with Marina. I listened to her version, she listened to mine and we managed to agree finally. No need to stirr up drama just because of who I am, that is the way of how children act, I'm sorry.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Death star, can you just stop posting for a while please? I don’t mean to sound rude, it just seems like all you ever do is stir up drama and make these topics explode. You’re not actually contributing anything to the forum. This place is actually starting to trend a little more positive and the last thing we need is someone ruining that. I am sick and tired of reading posts from you just screaming at moderation teams. You just make yourself sound like a child. So please, for the love of God, grow up


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Christ, folks, at the end of the day, this is a free game, isn't it? You are entitled to absolutely nothing from it, you don't get to tell others how to run it, and I promise that your life can be rich and fulfilling without it. Maybe you'd have a case if you were a paying customer and didn't get a refund, but just picking fight after fight after fight with volunteers, whether that's here or elsewhere, is not going to encourage those volunteers to stick around. Just take your lumps, deal, and go on with your days. You're not in an ICU dying of COVID, so be grateful for that and either enjoy your playroom or find another game. *drops mic*


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aarush via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@marina7 I do not know what you mean actually, since i clearly stated multiple times i might add in my post that i'm not trying to single out a mod, its just that you were the only one i was in contact with so i have to name you, it wasn't  ever anything personal, i was just not agreeing with certain ways the mod adopted, that is all. However,  you did say you dont want any explenation, from me since you've made up your mind clearly even though i tried my best to explain it and worded it exactly the way i am now, and this was kind of what i was pointing out, making up your mind so soon, and even when there's proof against the same, i mean ok if i just had gone on and on about complaining about the pr, which i dind't, i simplly pointed out some thigns i dont agree with, and for mods, i named you, since i did not know any other,   so i do not see how that warrents as a personal attack, but to each their own. You claerly neither think i was genuinenly not going after you as a person, nor do you agree with my point of view anyway so there doens't seem to be any point. I know you didn't want to hear any explenations from me, which is kind of a reason of my problems with the moderation on pr, mods making up their minds too soon, and not listenning, but anyway that's beside the point in all respects you clearly stated that whatever i say won't even make a difference to you whether its my views regarding the pr moderation or  in my defence that i was not indeed attacking you so i digress. The only reason i had to reply was that its in my second nature, i dont feel good from inside if i leave things hanging; I have to say my peace untill  i'm satesfied that i've put my point across clear enough, and that i think i did even in my previous post and am pritty much repeating the same, but anyway that is all i will say, whether you agree or not agree now is completely up to you, i have said what i had to and even if you in fact dont agree nothing that i say is not going to make a difference. Oh and also, correct me if i'm wrong but the way you braught out the i did not know you were registerring to the forum card and hence was attacking and some thigns never hcange doens't even make sence here again because i explisitely pointed out my reason for singling you out as a mod even though that was not the intention, so i dont evenneed to defend myself on that matter, i dont see what other kind of proof you need, its simplly that you refuse to believe that its something other than that as you clearly pointed out  because according to you "somethings never change" then feel free to believe whatever you wish, I like i said, have said my peace clearly enough.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I am not complaining I am reminding you all of this fact, and also if you read the rest of my post, even payed jobs do not tell you what are the actions they take, they tell you we will file a complaint, and even if you ask them they will say the punishment may range from bla bla to bla bla depending on the case, but they will not tell you the exact punishment they have taken.If you guys want me to sound that robotic I can do it. anyone will ask me I will copy paste a message that says something like,Thank you for your report, we have received your complaint and we will take the appropriate action that may range from a warning to a permanent ban in case of repeated offenses. We are so sorry for what happened.But I don't think that such robotic answers please anyone do they? Plus I am guessing this is already known.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I'd understand that you are complaining because of it's a voluntary job and you don't get anything back, but you were the one who applied for it.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I am sorry Aarush, but I will not give you that. Some things never change, drama in this case.When you wrote, you did not know I recently created an account on here, and was not at all expecting that I would answer. If it was not personal attacks as you claim, you would have mentioned the many cases I was less rigid at, as you have done now. You did not mention them just because you thought I will never reply, and this will serve you at stirring up drama more.So this shows you something. I don't want further explanations from you on that matter, because everything is clear. And it doesn't mean that I will not be impartial when treating any case that concerns you in the playroom. Rest assured on that matter, we're a team now and we consult each other in most major actions.However, I explained it above, no you do not deserve an explanation for each and every action, it is enough to know we have done something and if we need more clarifications we would get in contact with you. As I said, this type of moderation is not preferred as it will always create comparisons, and then the need to justify each and every action and background in such long posts. No this is not part of our role, and remember that all of this is voluntary, we are not payed for doing our role, nor do you pay to come to the playroom. Even big companies do not actually tell you what their taken measures were. And as you mentioned yourself, when there are cases that requires talking and being less rigid it happens and it had happened many times. Banning someone permanently will never happen just from the first offense, we always try to be as flexible as possible and do a lot of talking before this decision is taken.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

57 wrote:We are not, and we will never be just ready to fire our gun at any moment. The playroom has a daily 200 active users, only in the English part, and if the moderation is as bad as some of you describe, then people would have left us since long.Yup, I've seen this happen on RSGames over the years. It's pretty much a dead platform now because of how the moderation team is; in fact, one of the reasons I left was because I saw one of my friends so mistreated it was horrible. Glad to see the latter game room isn't like that.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aarush via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@marina7I never doubted your moderating, like i said in my previous posts i do agree that what i did was wrong back then and we all make mistakes i agree. Yet, my only and only consirn is as ethin said, sometimes you refuse to make things a bit clearer. I do not agree with the "no need to clarify" i think sometimes the mods need to be a bit less ridgid, as you already are in some cases and i've seen that and i thank you for that marina, and do try to explain if someone asks and if they are directly or indirectly related to the issue and if they want to know, please try to give them more than "we've delt with it" if possible. Not much, perhaps ignore if there's too much cross questioning, but may be a bit more discriptive? I dont know just my  views. Other than that as i have said i have had no problems with you, as a person or as a mod, these are just a few problems i have with the way qc handles things in general, and like i mentioned in my previous post the only reason i gave your name is because you'rfe the only mod i've been in contact with so i appologise if it sounded like a personal attack of some sort, it was not i asure you.And, marina the third ault, was because the said drama causing fokes had managed to locate me on my second ault and i had no choice, should have consulted you though i appologise for that too it was just that i didn't really have much time, everything was starting up again and i didn't really have much time as i was dealing with a lot back then and then all that drama, it was kind of unbairable, and so i created that third ault, then realised my stupidity and just left pr for a good while, now i'm back and just with my primary, again i'm sorry for not asking first.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Oh, that's clear now.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@deathstar please re-read post 59. I may add that Stormy, was not at all banned. nor do we usually ban someone randomly just for using VPN, but what I am saying is, if you're unlucky enough that the connection you're using is used by another troll as well, it will display the reason the troll is banned for. And we did not ban nor unban stormy, we just explained to him this fact, so when he dropped the VPN connection, all worked fine. But I said it may risk you getting banned incorrectly because we will have no valid method to know whether you're the troll so you may also receive a ban. But in this specific case and in fact, most cases it is the case of the previously banned connection.the bottom line is, trust me on that, you do not want to use VPN when connecting to playroom and we do not at all encourage that.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

One more question, but not specificaly to Marina... If the said guy was banned because os VPN, why is the reason "stupid nickname" instead of using VPN?


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@58 Thank you for the suggestions, we indeed try to do that now. This particular problem was caused because an old ban of a VPN which was probably done before I even join the helpers team.As I said this thing will continue to be frequent unfortunately, unless people stopped joining using VPN. what usually happens is, some random troll comes with any inappropriate name, they get banned then they come back using VPN so we ban the VPN connection itself. it can be inappropriate username or anything else that requires a permanent ban. So when Stormy forgot to turn off his VPN as he explained to us, he was connected to an already banned connection that its reason was "stupid nickname". I hope the picture is more clear now.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@57, I appreciate your long report on your side of the story. It makes things a bit easier to understand from my point of view, and only makes the points I've mentioned in prior posts even more valid because many a post on here were attacking you without allowing you to defend yourself, which is akin to the courts not allowing you to plead your case and just sentencing you. I do feel like your moderator/F4 contact system could be improved in several ways, however I shall publish those thoughts in a more appropriate forum. A bit of advice though would be to clarify your bans a bit more than just "stupid nickname" or something short like that. Describe your bans in more thorough detail when issuing them because it will give people like Deathstar less ground to stand on when they want to stir up the pot because they can.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Hi everyone,I actually decided to clear up a lot of things claimed against me in this post, although it is not its place. that is actually what made me skeptical all this time.With this out of the way, let's clear all the points discussed in this topic.First of all, If you have been banned and you think it's unfair, contact us through f4 or ask a friend to do it if your ban was long enough, this is of course not the place to write about it.Now mistakes may happen, no human is immune to them, but I can tell you that 99% of the time, the bans now are addition, sometimes it is also a mistake on the user's side and some misunderstandings. In fact, this VPN problem is really very common. We do not believe that you need to use VPN when connecting to the playroom, in our experience, VPN's are used on a daily basis to work around bans. so in many cases, using a VPN might put you at risk of getting banned, and most importantly, many VPN connections are actually banned. this mistakenly leads users to think that they are banned while they just are using a VPN connection that is banned like in Stormy's case and many other cases.I understand the frustration related to it, and the bad coincidence that none of the helpers was online to answer, but we do not ignore these cases but rather explain the problem. And in fact, later Stormy contacted us when we were online, and he was answered.I don't want to go in much details with regards to Deathstar's case since it has been solved already after she contacted me in a more constructive way as mentioned in post 54, and it is pointless to write about it now. All I have to say in this case, or any future similar one, is please be willing to listen more instead of arguing and directly assuming the reason for the ban is the moderator is evil, the moderator do not like me so they decided to ban me. It was a long story that was thankfully solved after Deathstar promised to be more mindful when posting on forums.However, I would like to correct some of the claims she made when she was angry, and she might even agree now that they weren't true. Now no helper or admin spies on your conversation ever, it is true, that we do have the ability to join private tables, but this is never abused, and you can see if we join your table or not like any normal player, and thus it is far from any  form of "spy".As for Aarush's case.We are not, and we will never be just ready to fire our gun at any moment. The playroom has a daily 200 active users, only in the English part, and if the moderation is as bad as some of you describe, then people would have left us since long. Most importantly, it is funny to me that Aarush is writing in this post while he actually does not have any problem, neither him nor anyone of his close friends. None of them is currently banned, neither from the Playroom itself nor from posting on the forums.Now let me explain though, why Aarush is that badly angry. Yes, he and a group of friends, have previously caused problems. This group had a lot of problems ranging between screen reader crashes, unneeded drama and insults so on, and they were deliberately crashing each other screen readers and then sending a history report to complain. I always failed to understand the motive of someone reporting their friends, then staying with them again in the same free table, and getting crashed, thus repeating the incident every 2 or 3 days. This is one of the cases where I feel forced to act while I might really consider it next times, if you know x is crashing screen readers, then block him, or do not join his tables. As simple as that, of course that's a very annoying thing, and it would require an action if some troll joined a free table spammed it with crash codes and left. At some point, this drama got so bad, and here is where the major incident started. I recommend you see this topic, if you haven't already.So in his own words, he said "we were bored and we decided to challenge the moderators to a Reversi game." Now imagine this group who creates such drama messaging you all at once through f4, and saying let's play, wouldn't that be considered spam? It is clear that it's not a coincidence and it is useless arguing here. I fail to see the need to even provide any explanation further to the one in the ban of the 30 minutes, I admit that the reason written might have not been very professional, but since they were trolling under the excuse of a joke, so I was matching that humor.Now when they came back, someone at the table sent us a history report that had these angry messages and swears. I have known that this poor person would suffer many consequences, so I made it a bit obscure about how we have known the information in the following, also justified ban. They actually did not ask about it, and I did not mention how we received the information, until they came yet to create another drama in the previ

Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Marina7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Hi everyone,I actually decided to clear up a lot of things claimed against me in this post, although it is not its place. that is actually what made me skeptical all this time.With this out of the way, let's clear all the points discussed in this topic.First of all, If you have been banned and you think it's unfair, contact us through f4 or ask a friend to do it if your ban was long enough, this is of course not the place to write about it.Now mistakes may happen, no human is immune to them, but I can tell you that 99% of the time, the bans now are addition, sometimes it is also a mistake on the user's side and some misunderstandings. In fact, this VPN problem is really very common. We do not believe that you need to use VPN when connecting to the playroom, in our experience, VPN's are used on a daily basis to work around bans. so in many cases, using a VPN might put you at risk of getting banned, and most importantly, many VPN connections are actually banned. this mistakenly leads users to think that they are banned while they just are using a VPN connection that is banned like in Stormy's case and many other cases.I understand the frustration related to it, and the bad coincidence that none of the helpers was online to answer, but we do not ignore these cases but rather explain the problem. And in fact, later Stormy contacted us when we were online, and he was answered.I don't want to go in much details with regards to Deathstar's case since it has been solved already after she contacted me in a more constructive way as mentioned in post 54, and it is pointless to write about it now. All I have to say in this case, or any future similar one, is please be willing to listen more instead of arguing and directly assuming the reason for the ban is the moderator is evil, the moderator do not like me so they decided to ban me. It was a long story that was thankfully solved after Deathstar promised to be more mindful when posting on forums.However, I would like to correct some of the claims she made when she was angry, and she might even agree now that they weren't true. Now no helper or admin spies on your conversation ever, it is true, that we do have the ability to join private tables, but this is never abused, and you can see if we join your table or not like any normal player, and thus it is far from any  form of "spy".As for Aarush's case.We are not, and we will never be just ready to fire our gun at any moment. The playroom has a daily 200 active users, only in the English part, and if the moderation is as bad as some of you describe, then people would have left us since long. Most importantly, it is funny to me that Aarush is writing in this post while he actually does not have any problem, neither him nor anyone of his close friends. None of them is currently banned, neither from the Playroom itself nor from posting on the forums.Now let me explain though, why Aarush is that badly angry. Yes, he and a group of friends, have previously caused problems. This group had a lot of problems ranging between screen reader crashes, unneeded drama and insults so on, and they were deliberately crashing each other screen readers and then sending a history report to complain. I never failed to understand the motive of someone reporting their friends, then staying with them again in the same free table, and getting crashed, thus repeating the incident every 2 or 3 days. This is one of the cases where I feel forced to act while I might really consider it next times, if you know x is crashing screen readers, then block him, or do not join his tables. As simple as that, of course that's a very annoying thing, and it would require an action if some troll joined a free table spammed it with crash codes and left. At some point, this drama got so bad, and here is where the major incident started. I recommend you see this topic, if you haven't already.So in his own words, he said "we were bored and we decided to challenge the moderators to a Reversi game." Now imagine this group who creates such drama messaging you all at once through f4, and saying let's play, wouldn't that be considered spam? It is clear that it's not a coincidence and it is useless arguing here. I fail to see the need to even provide any explanation further to the one in the ban of the 30 minutes, I admit that the reason written might have not been very professional, but since they were trolling under the excuse of a joke, so I was matching that humor.Now when they came back, someone at the table sent us a history report that had these angry messages and swears. I have known that this poor person would suffer many consequences, so I made it a bit obscure about how we have known the information in the following, also justified ban. They actually did not ask about it, and I did not mention how we received the information, until they came yet to create another drama in the previ

Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@54, hell yeah. 


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

All right.Finally we've had a calm and constructive conversation with Marina, and my problem got solved as well. She asked me to post about it so nobody would be confused or anything. As I've seen, she was fair as I contacted her via f4, and I also tried not to snap or anything.Hopefully playroom becomes a better place, with helpful hands being around, and without any drama.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Oh yeah we've had far worse experiences.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BoundTo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Being the person this topic was created in an attempt to help, I wanted to thank supremekiller for reaching out to the playroom helpers in order to get some further information about the situation. The most frustrating aspect of the whole thing was not having an opportunity to get any clarification on what happened. (there being no way, to my knowledge, for me to get in touch with any of the helpers/admins while banned.) I'm not entirely sure what the topic spiraled into, but I appreciate the information relating to the original topic. I'll see what can be done from here.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

If your case was going on for months and you wouldn't have got any answers even if you tried contacting like 3 times, you'd assume the same thing. Never mind, I'm not continuing this further, it's not my topic after all. I'm glad about Amerikranian's case was solved, and I don't really write on that forum so it's not so a huge thing that they took away my rights, so yeah.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@50, that's a pretty big assumption. Just because someone has remained silent on an issue doesn't mean they don't give a damn. If this were a corporation I'd get it, but this is one individual, not all of the helpers. Please, stop with your BS'ing.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

We'll never know her version, even I won't, because she decided to stay silent. This stuff is going on for months now, but she doesn't give a damn.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@ deathstar, your jumping to extrems without enough info. I get your case, however it would be best to wait until more info has been given for the ban... Although you where not ban, the vpn or network you use was, but not your account, as someone else said in an earlier post. I would wait for a bit more info or until the accused party, marina in this case, tells her side of the story. There are always 3 sides to a story, first person's version, second person's version, and there is the third side, the truth. As of now, we're only seeing your side of this. Who knows if we'll see marina's side of things, but until we do, it is rash to make any concrete conclusions on this matter.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Maybe you don't, but we do. It's annoying and serves no purpose. Also, this is precisely why we now have the community failure clause, because I mostly see shit talk from you with very little substance.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

when you state you don't care, you admit that you care lol. If you didn't care, you wouldn't have to justify it in words. Your actions would clearly indicate that you don't care. Ah well.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

44, the last thing I care about is my reputation on an online platform full of strangers.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Unless she is a different one  marena is in the forum actually. Check out the introduction topic somewhere in the last three pages


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

No, you're the one that needs to think before you go shit talking everyone under the sun. It's not a good look and now you have a rep for it.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

42. I guess I've told everything so I'd kindly ask you to read through this topic again and think a bit, okay? We all would be grateful.Obviously, I've contacted Marina like 3 times since this situation is present, and it's present for months. I never got any answers regarding my ban from the forum, and it's shady. Extremely shady. She could defend herself if she wanted to, but she never talked in my eyes.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@41, I have to ask you this... why do you feel its necessary to assassinate the character of every moderation team you come across? You don't know the motives that Marina is driven by. Hell, one could even argue you don't know Marina at all. And yet your quite happily making allegations against her when its very probable that she can't defend herself against them. So I'm honestly curious -- what are you trying to achieve, and why do you see it necessary to be so cold towards every moderation team you encounter? Answer that, and then I'd advise you to stay away from this topic. I significantly doubt anyone who has posted in this topic, besides yourself, holds you in very high regard right now. Stop assassinating peoples characters. Stop trying to ruin reputations because you can. There are better ways of showing people that someone is bad (like providing actual evidence and letting that individual defend themselves). And you wonder why you got banned...


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Usually I go on rants about stuff like this, but I'm just going to stick to a simple post this time around by saying, there can be no cause without an effect.  When you push water, it pushes back. My point is simple: someone, somewhere, messed up, and without the knowledge to honestly put the shoe where it belongs, this leaves the topic open to nothing but pointless speculation.  All we can say for sure is that someone did something somewhere and now a few someone's are upset by that something that someone else did.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Few. I took a nap and this is what I come back to?@nidza07, thank you for the PM, I saw it and will pass the message along. Also, thank you and supremekiller for contacting the mod team. You did not have to do this, and I appreciate the effort you went to investigate this.I personally am done here unless dropping the VPN will not resolve the issue.Again, thank you for the help.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Sorry for double posting.37, it's not cool either. I've never seen someone deleting posts for example from here just to avoid drama, even if everyone knows it's happening all the time. Why is it better for someone new to experience it after they registered and got into the community? It's like wiping everything out to have a good public image but if you register and see how things go, you immediately turn away.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Few. I took a nap and this is what I come back to?@nidza07, thank you for the PM, I saw it and will pass the message along. Also, thank you and supremekiller to contacting the mod team. You did not have to do this, and I appreciate the effort you went to investigate this.I personally am done here unless dropping the VPN will not resolve the issue.Again, thank you for the help.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Of course I understand. If Marina wanted to, she could have already defended herself when I looked for her, and this thing would have been closed a long time ago.Nidza, sadly I know what was going on. If I remember well, Mayya was a helper at that time, and Zorvax kept banning you. And yes, accounts like Nadkraljevomzivavatraseva, Ubijamoustase and such weren't a great idea. And it's clearly stated in the playroom rules that you can't use any other languages in public free tables, so I'm not sure what you are crying about.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I've only ever heard bad things about mods on the playroom to be honest.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aarush via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Editionally, i have been told that the posts are never deleted, simplly hidden from normal players. Yes, a mod themself told me this. So its basically hiding from the playerbase in order to avoid drama so the threads are deleted, not even closed mind you, deleted. That is indeed fishy, hell there's nothing what so ever wrong with drama it is everywhere, you shouldnt' be so insecure or paranoid about poeple not coming to the platform due to simplly arguements since those happen everywhere, anybody coming to an online community should be fully aware of that unless there's a different motive behind deleting them, again, just theories nothing concrete.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Deathstar, I just want to point out something to you here.If you believe that Marina isn't here, then you're making claims that are one-sided. You're pleading your case without the other side being able to plead their own. That's not reasonable, and just makes you look worse. You'd never receive a warning for that alone, since that's not in breach of any rule, but stop and think about this for a second. You're telling the lot of us that you've been mistreated by Marina, who is ostensibly not here to defend herself, or unwilling to do so. You don't provide any proof, just your say-so. And as I've pointed out, this isn't your first go-round. Can you see now why you come across badly sometimes?I'm glad, at least, that you see that you went too far earlier on.For what it's worth to you, I really hope that if you were this badly treated, there is an answer at some point.Incidentally, I want to point out that I think deleting someone's posts after finding fault with them is pretty fishy. Why would you want to destroy evidence you're trying to use to nail someone with some sort of crime or charge of bad behaviour? It doesn't make any sense.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Which previous helpers? There were not any previous helpers at the time so you could almost do whatever you want on the English side. My last post on the matter, and after this one I advice you not to spread information about me that you do not even know. My first ban in 2015 happened literally only because we were at a free table listening to Serbian music and speaking our language. We broke a rule that said we should have made our table private in order to speak a language which isn't English. There was no spam, no insults or anything else you said in your incorrect post. The only thing I did incorrectly and that is what I was talking in my post is creating additional accounts to work around that ban, though I did it because I could not get a response, and the reason why I could not get a reply is in fact because the English side had no helpers at the time. If I was spamming, I wouldn't complain. The way you spread misinformation  about me is probably the same what you do in your discussions with Marina, so I don't doubt why you were banned anymore.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Jayde, I understand why I got my warning and I'm fully aware I attacked Marina in a way I shouldn't have done it. The problem is that we can't bring it up in her eyes, even if we are more civil than I was here by trying to tell what's going on. If you ask her what happened or why we get banned, she wipes it away or the worst is when she doesn't answer at all. She has a really bad habit of deleting posts that she doesn't like, meaning that she can't even prove my ban for example, because she deleted most of my posts which were like 2 or 3 on the whole forum. I still have some posts counted in my statistics but she deleted most of them. I asked her several times about this matter but she always answered in a tone that led me to think she's the almighty one and if you ask something be careful about what you say because one word worths a permaban. I really, really wish she was on this forum and saw what's going on, because there's no way to reach her. I was thinking about writing to Aminiel with the official contact form, but several people tried to do so but all they got back as an answer was to contact the helpers because he doesn't want to jump in. It's sad, and at the same moment, frustrating as well. I know playroom since mid 2014 and I never had any issues with the previous helper team. I didn't do anything wrong and they didn't give me any warnings or bans. Nidza's case is different, if I spammed the helpers with serbian swearwords and stuff, I would have been banned, too. I feel like I must mention I was 12 at that time and if someone's 14 it isn't an accuse for doing shit.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aarush via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@nidzaI do agree that dictator might be inaccurate actually, sorry for not wording it correctly.And yes people do refer to jayde using similar terms, which is why I braught it up in the first place.And, perhaps no it does not. But when you do not get a response even after submitting via operator message what then, and you get proof that the admen has indeed red since there's no response but when you contact said person via pm you get an answer  similar to what I said above. hell, I'm just consirned about the matter because its not just always me, but others who I am close to who are at stake. Do I not have a right to at least know what happened and can I not expect the mods to understand that bit and try to be civil? As you said mods are indeed, humans as well. One should be able to expect this courtesy and decency from them. Besides, even if you put all that aside in my opinion everybody has a right to know what they did as I mentioned in my above post,  even the police do that much for god's sake. They do it to the people who are probably full and well aware of what they've done, yet they want them to have a proper and clear-cut understanding of what they are being punished for. Here, you get threatenned for trying to enquire about a matter which indirectly or directly consirns you somehow and you just want to make sure that it is all indeed sorted out for the sake of whoever the matter's about because indeed, one would deliberately be trying to annoy and troll the mods by nagging them unnecesssarily. There just can not be a better reason than that, can there? As i mentioned, fixed mindsets to a degree.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Of course not, I don't know a single administration team with no mistakes. However, what supremekiller said is also the answer I received and sent to OP as a PM, and that is that this account is in fact not banned at all and the reason they can't connect is because of using an already banned VPN. Many VPN connections are blocked because on the Playroom, it's regular that people get around bans by using a VPN pretty much daily.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

The way I read this situation is that there isn't enough info from either side to come to a reasonable conclusion. I don't for one minute believe the staff over there are angels and do no wrong. It would also seem to be an absurd reason to ban someone because they called themselves Stormy. So there are questions left unanswered.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Moderation:Deathstar, I'm issuing you an official warning here. Had this been your first offense ever, it would be a caution, but unfortunately you've developed something of a reputation for stirring shit up and attacking people, and in some cases blowing stuff way out of proportion. Sometimes the things you say have some truth to them - most of the time, in fact - but you can't seem to ever just stick to the facts. You most often seem to need to dial it up to eleven, and it's for this reason that you're getting a warning. This is, in itself, a form of character assassination. It's pursuant to all of your anti-Marina posts in this thread, not one in particular. If you really have had these sorts of troubles with Marina, there is a much better way to go about it than you've chosen.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

27, I agree. You worded my thoughts better than I did, I admit.I tried to contact Marina several times, but either I got no response or I got something like "you are an idiot, grow up" "we don't deal with such problems" and stuff. I don't think it's a professional way of handling conflicts.Jayde is indeed much much better here than Marina on playroom, and quoting from Aarush's post, we'd be out of this forum a really long time ago if she was here and moderated the community.I'm not so hardly on the moderators here anymore because the first and main thing is that I'm seeing some change. Maybe I don't always agree with their decisions, but at least they are constructive, calm and from them you get an explanation. I'm not telling that my views have changed, but that I'm seeing a positive change regarding mods and it feels like a bit better place than it was.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

That's also quite funny, because Jayde was also called a dictator multiple times by multiple people. I kind of hate that term because on both platforms it is extremely inaccurate, but to each their own. No matter who the administrators are, it's impossible to please everybody. We're humans and make mistakes, but it's also impossible to always judge a discussion accurately. If you send a history report, it indeed makes no sense to expect a reply, the admins and helpers simply deal with it, just like they do on here when  you activate the report link and send a report.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aarush via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I could say that when I made a similar topic a while back I was met with resignation and disapproval from all sides, but back then what I was unfortunately involved in was also not necessary though I stand by my statement that the punishment given was a bit too harsh, yet I dropped it since it wasn't like I was in the clear myself and when we're young, we make mistakes as nidza rightly pointed out. However, unfortunately there's somewhat of a dictatorship developing on that playroom, and growing day-by-day.  Mods, or helpers often do not feel they owe any explanation, neither to the one who has committed a crime, nor to the victim. In my opinion, both do indeed deserve a  complete talking to , a discussion so they actually know what they did, hell it might also change them for the better if they really know what they've done and say if they decide to come back after the ban. And the victim? By what logic may I ask do they, after going through whatever they went through, do not need an explanation? literally this is what I was told by marina7 I did not intend to actually start giving out names but unfortunately that is the only mod I've been in touch with whenever stuff happened, and have seen jump the gun as I've mentioned on this post, anyway, she responded to me saying something like this" We've dealt with it, there's no need to explain. If you're needed, we'll contact you" Hell they do not even tell you if they saw your message, indeed we are just supposed to give them the info, and sit back and do nothing then, otherwise it is us at fault then for nagging them. This I have seen multiple times, once when I was a victim, once when I was defending someone who was in fact, proven innocent. They've developed an impression, of certain people as well as situations and just refuse to except that things could be different, could be better. that people could change. Then, keeping those views in mind, they take "appropriate" actions, often flying off the handlebars with punishments and jumping the gun when it is indeed not necessary, or not as seviour as they hand down, at least. I do understand that they have dealt with a lot, but hell. That cannot be used  as an excuse, not at all. IT simply comes down to whether you can handle the job, if you can you sign up, if not? There's nothing you can be excused of simply because you're a mod, or be immune from. Guys, for months and months  , everybody's been jumping down jayde's throat. Acussing him of stuff he did not do, blaming him for every single  bad thing that occurred on this forum, even though he's tried his best to take decisions wisely, listen to both the sides, even when it was clear as day what party was in fact guilty he made sure justice was given even when he was quite alone both as a mod and a member of this forum. Now ask yourselves, had such a situation occurred on , would jayde do what marina did? Would he simply ban you off for stirring up drama without even listening to you and not even bother to explain why he did it? Because that is what happened, when I tried to speak up against this injustice, I was shunted as I said above and even threatened once that if I continued the discussion I would be kicked and later banned for provoking the mods and yeah, you guessed it! "stirring up drama". No guys, not at all. far worse stuff has happened on here and yet jayde here would have handled it in a much more mature, professional, calm way without making any sort of assumptions, he would do his job with an open mind.  pleasee be more thankful to him, please try to give him less hell for in fact if marina was in his place, most of us would be out of this forum long, long ago.  Again not meaning to point fingers, but it is the only mod I know and I don't really know the approach of any others.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : supremekiller via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Hello there Since there were active helpers on the playroom at the time of my reading of this topic, I decided to notify  them about it.They told me that the person in question is not banned however that they may have used a vpn IP which could have been banned.Please note: I'm not ofiliated with the admin team, this is just the answer I got form them about it.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Don't ya just love character assasinating? You attack Patryk, now you attack Nidza and the merina person. How fabulous


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I wish everybody such a throne. It's so enjoyable up there. Besides, why exactly should she be the one to contact you? I personally don't even know what your issue is. You hijacked a topic about a completely different issue to talk about your own. Imagine if moderators would be the ones to contact banned users all day. Hey, I am just contacting you so we can talk about the thing you did wrong.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Again. If Marina stands up from her almighty throne and talks to me about it, I'm willing to cooperate. If not, I'm justified.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@deathstar nice try as well with that topic, I suppose you don't like to joke in your life... You don't need to remind me of my past experience on the platform, there is a very, very simple reason why I mentioned that the situation about bans was a lot different in the past. Not only that, but 5 years ago, I was 14. People at that age do things that are a lot worse than some jokes about the Playroom moderation. It was funny at the time, and I would not do it at this age. It's as simple as that. If you like to bring that up, you can feel free to do so. I stand by the things I did. My ban was at that time unjustified, in 2015 you'd get a permanent ban much easier than now, and so were my actions to get around it.@amerikranian I sent you a PM.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@deathstar nice try as well with that topic, I suppose you don't like to joke in your life... You don't need to remind me of my past experience on the platform, there is a very, very simple reason why I mentioned that the situation about bans was a lot different in the past. Not only that, but 5 years ago, I was 14. People at that age do things that are a lot worse than some jokes about the Playroom moderation. It was funny at the time, and I would not do it at this age. It's as simple as that. If you like to bring that up, you can feel free to do so. I stand by the things I did. My ban was at that time unjustified, in 2015 you'd get a permanent ban much easier than now, and so were my actions to get around it.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Um no, I guess on this site the moderation is much much better than on playroom. But nice try.You want to help people? Here too? Let's just not forget that you don't have a clear past there though. I still remember your revenge against Zorvax and other helpers somewhere around 2015 or 2016, which always resulted in you losing the game.Since then, the arrogance has grown, but in the end, nothing has changed. As I said, if Marina decides to talk about my situation with me, I'm up for it. But until she responds with silence, I won't let it all go away.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I want to be a helper? Can you show where exactly I applied for that most terrible job in our community? No thanks, I don't want to have to deal with people like you every day. I'm only thankful that there are people who do. The only case I want to be a helper is on the technical side of things, providing technical support and assistance for the platform and it's usage, and that is why as you rightfully say I am active on the forums helping people when they have an issue. What exactly you want to achieve,  even you don't know, being that you have  an issue with the moderation on every site you join as it seems. I praise the platform, it is no secret, and I don't see anything wrong with that. Being that there are thousands of active users counting all languages together, clearly the platform is doing something right...


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I want to be a helper? Can you show where exactly I applied for that most terrible job in our community? No thanks, I don't want to have to deal with people like you every day. I'm only thankful that there are people who do. The only case I want to be a helper is on the technical side of things, providing technical support and assistance for the platform and it's usage, and that is why as you rightfully say I am active on the forums helping people when they have an issue. What exactly you want to achieve,  even you don't know, being that you have  an issue with the moderation on every site you join as it seems.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Nidza, we all know you want to be a helper and that's why you are praising the site, both there and here. You don't see other posts because the forum is full of yours, don't you think? Yes, Marina is a helper, but that doesn't allow her to abuse her power. After she decides to talk to me about it all and sort it out, I'm up for it. But until she reacts with silence, I won't be kind and let it go.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

A lot of misinformation overhere. First of all, the secure server is down, so @Slaughter if you want to connect, from the server combo box temporarily choose the non secure server and it will work until the SSL certificate is fixed again.Second, Marina is not an administrator, she is a helper. Administrators and helpers are two different things on the platform. More importantly however, she is certainly not the only one on the English site. I advise you to chek out for more accurate information. I am following the forum regularly, and on that I am 100 percent certain nobody was banned without justification. In  fact, I would say the moderation on there is too inactive and it is becoming a little too spammy. For the nickname issue, I can't comment until we here an answer from the other side. It's absurd and ridiculous that this happened out of nowhere and just because of a nickname, so I'm 99 percent sure that isn't the complete story. Admins on there no longer ban randomly and for no reason, and back when this was the case, it was simply due to misunderstandings and no active helpers on the English side. This has changed and improved over the last few years. @deathstar nothing but trying to ruin somebody's reputation for no reason. Someone can do whatever they want on a free table, and I am also 99 percent sure you weren't banned just because you said can I join. Most important of all, nobody can read your chats unless they are on the table with you. It is true that helpers and admins do have the ability to join a private table, but this is never abused and it is used in case someone reports a table where a rule is being broken so they can join and investigate.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

A lot of misinformation overhere. First of all, the secure server is down, so @Slaughter if you want to connect, from the server combo box temporarily choose the non secure server and it will work until the SSL certificate is fixed again.Second, Marina is not an administrator, she is a helper. Administrators and helpers are two different things on the platform. More importantly however, she is certainly not the only one on the English site. I advise you to chek out for more accurate information. I am following the forum regularly, and on that I am 100 percent certain nobody was banned without justification. In  fact, I would say the moderation on there is too inactive and it is becoming a little too spammy. For the nickname issue, I can't comment until we here an answer from the other side. It's absurd and ridiculous that this happened out of nowhere and just because of a nickname, so I'm 99 percent sure that isn't the complete story. Admins on there no longer ban randomly and for no reason, and back when this was the case, it was simply due to misunderstandings and no active helpers on the English side. This has changed and improved over the last few years. @deathstar nothing but trying to ruin somebody's reputation for no reason. Someone can do whatever they want on a free table, and I am also 99 percent sure you weren't banned just because you said can I join.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : PatrykK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

@16, I have problem too.Allso, Im done with this stupidity of admins in this platform, but there's way to delete account?


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Slaughter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Its very strange, but if I try to login into the QuentinCs Client on Windows, he says me thats an error and that its impossible to conect to the server. Have some one the same issue?


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

14, the problem is that Marina is the only administrator on the english side, as far as I know. If she doesn't want something to be solved, she'll react with silence and you can't do anything because Aminiel won't act like a jury. I love playroom, I like the games there but the moderation team, khm team? Is ridiculously corrupt and they love abusing their powers. Maybe I'm going to get a warning or a ban here, but it's like they can join your free tables even if they are made private, and they can freely listen to what you are talking about even if they aren't joined. Marina is there all day long, talking to her friends in a free table, but even if they don't want anyone to be there, they still make it public so if you ask if you can join you could get a little ban without any warnings. And don't forget to sympathize with her friends because if you criticise the team in their eyes, that'll result in a ban, too.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

14, the problem is that Marina is the only administrator on the english side, as far as I know. If she doesn't want something to be solved, she'll react with silence and you can't do anything because Aminiel won't act like a jury. I love playroom, I like the games there but the moderation team, khm team? Is ridiculously corrupt and they love abusing their powers. Maybe I'm going to get a warning or a ban here, but it's like they can join your free tables even if they are made private, and they can freely listen to what you are talking about even if they aren't joined. Marian is there all day long, talking to her friends in a free table, but even if they don't want anyone to be there, they still make it public so if you ask if you can join you could get a little ban without any warnings. And don't forget to sympathize with her friends because if you criticise the team in their eyes, that'll result in a ban, too.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : PatrykK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

maybe tell somebody else.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deathstar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Don't hope for any answers until Marina is on the mod team. She blocked me from the playroom forum, just because she didn't like me, but she didn't give me any warnings or anything and after blocking, she deleted my posts so she can't even prove I was ever rude or harsh. Someone really needs to step down.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

well, can't put much hope on the main dev. aside from he is not here so often, he'll probably defends his platform as much as he could as I witness on the topic which also discuss the same issue. I don't think there is no advancement about this until now. but then again I am not sure though, I think the last poster had caused problem before?


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dragons via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I see worse nickname before. And they never get ban. Some of the nicknames I'm not even wanted to posted.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Someone needs chucked off the mod team, and that's coming from someone that probably leans toward the heavy-handed end of dealing with people. Provided that all the information given us thus far is accurate, that's ridiculous. There are supposed to be people in charge of moderators, yes? I mean, generally there are in well-run projects. If not, then the responsibility falls on the main dev. You don't just ban someone for something that happened ex post facto; you deal with it while the person is online, and you deal with it fairly.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I don't get why the moderator having issue with such a nickname? Every online place have people use nicknames, that's the internet, anyway.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I don't get why the moderator having issue with such a nickname? Every online place have people uses nicknames, that's the internet, anyway.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

Yeah, the slight problem with this approach is that the message only goes to administrators who are online at the time, so if you are a little unlucky and nobody is present at the time, you won't get a response. Still, good luck and hope you sort it out. You could also try the contact page on the website, though in my experience that was even worse than F4, maybe I got a reply only a few times when reporting very urgent issues.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I did, hence me saying that I was met with stony silence. Still, I will try again.  Thank you.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

In that case, normally that should not be offensive of course, unless there was some incident behind it we aren't aware of. The best thing you can do is ask for an explanation on F4 on behalf of your friend, since you probably won't get much help here being that as far as I am aware the only person from the Playroom staff reading this forum is the main developer himself, though he isn't on here very often.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

My bad. I don't think the player would have an issue with it, so...The nickname was Stormy.I would be very, very interested in how exactly was it offensive in any shape or form.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

I mean, the fact it was such an  ordinary nickname and can't be pasted in two posts... A permanent ban was too much though, I'll give you that, but again, we don't know what the nickname really said and to who it was offensive. It could have been racist, could have been anything at this point. As I said, I didn't really say in my post that you were lying and clarified it could have very well been a simple case of missing the warning.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

The ban is for 1800 or so days, 4 or so years last time we did the conversion. Again, for me, this is ridiculous even if the ban was valid, which it was not. The nickname had nothing to do with the moderators. It had nothing to do with any player. It was just your ordinary nickname.Also, I mean, fair point, I could be lying, but I personally have nothing to gain from doing so.


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Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

2020-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Similar Quenten C experiences?

It kind of would be a reason to ban. If I post a nickname  ModeratorsAreJerks, it is a clear troll and nothing else. Sure, you could say it's a simple matter of asking somebody to change their nickname, but imagine having to do that hundreds of times, which is probably what helpers have to do being that the platform has over 200 active users pretty much daily, then having to argue with somebody who thinks that this is fine, and so on. It also doesn't really help you didn't post what is the nickname your friend had so people can see whether it was provoking and worth a ban or not. Being that the rules for example clearly say no insults, if the nickname was insulting, there is no excuse. Also, if a ban is not too long, and most often a first ban nowadays is only  for a few days, this is also a kind of warning and should not be a big deal. All that being said, the helpers do warn you before a ban in most cases, so I am not entirely sure if this is the truth. I'm not saying that you are lying, but perhaps your friend missed the message he might have received from the moderation or something like that.


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