Re: The State of Virtual Reality

2019-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The State of Virtual Reality

The buzzword these days is [XR], which is a mix of altered reality, virtual reality, and combinations thereof. VR headsets come in a variety of flavours, ranging in price and novelty factor, bit of a comparison [here]. There's the ultra-cheap cellphone headsets like the Nintendo Labo VR Kit, or a few cellphone based headsets, they go for around 50$ to 80$'ish. There more of a dock with a bluetooth remote you strap to your face, so you'll need a compatible cellphone that can work with it, generally only good for some select mobile games, movies, demos.The second tier is something like the Oculus Go for 200$ or Oculus Quest for 400$, same capabilities as above, runs on android but is more standalone and doesn't need a cellphone, may support more VR style controllers. Some of the more powerful ones, like the Oculus Rift S for 400$ or HTC Vive Cosmos for 700$ need a higher end PC to connect to, but can handle dual VR controllers, then there's something like the [Valve Index] headset with steam knuckle controllers, which goes for 999$. Wide field of view, good refresh rate, meant to be worn long term, but the price is pretty steep.As for accessibility, there's a few articles around on low vision access such as [here], which talks about microsofts VR cane-troller, and googles experimental spatial audio navigation system, you can read a bit more about those [here], there's also some blind and low vision api software like [SeeingVR].I haven't played around with one, so I can't say how accessible things like menus, games, or apps are, but I'm not finding too much information on anything concrete about that, so would probably lean towards "not remotely accessible". Unless you count novelty games like [Blind] where sound is represented visually to simulate "blindness" for sighted folk...


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Re: The State of Virtual Reality

2019-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The State of Virtual Reality

The buzzword these days is [XR], which is a mix of altered reality, virtual reality, and combinations thereof. VR headsets come in a variety of flavours, ranging in price and novelty factor, bit of a comparison [here]. There's the ultra-cheap cellphone headsets like the Nintendo Labo VR Kit, or a few cellphone based headsets, they go for around 50$ to 80$'ish. There more of a dock with a bluetooth remote you strap to your face, so you'll need a compatible cellphone that can work with it, generally only good for some select mobile games, movies, demos.The second tier is something like the Oculus Go for 200$ or Oculus Quest for 400$, same capabilities as above, runs on android but is more standalone and doesn't need a cellphone, may support more VR style controllers. Some of the more powerful ones, like the Oculus Rift S for 400$ or HTC Vive Cosmos for 700$ need a higher end PC to connect to, but can handle dual VR controllers, then there's something like the [Value Index] headset with steam knuckle controllers, which goes for 999$. Wide field of view, good refresh rate, meant to be worn long term, but the price is pretty steep.As for accessibility, there's a few articles around on low vision access such as [here], which talks about microsofts VR cane-troller, and googles experimental spatial audio navigation system, you can read a bit more about those [here], there's also some blind and low vision api software like [SeeingVR].I haven't played around with one, so I can't say how accessible things like menus, games, or apps are, but I'm not finding too much information on anything concrete about that, so would probably lean towards "not remotely accessible". Unless you count novelty games like [Blind] where sound is represented visually to simulate "blindness" for sighted folk...


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Re: The State of Virtual Reality

2019-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : destroyer762 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The State of Virtual Reality

I can't wait for the day when vr feels completely real. Hoping this happens during my life time.


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Re: The State of Virtual Reality

2019-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The State of Virtual Reality

I would like the full dive experience, but we not quite there yet lol.


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The State of Virtual Reality

2019-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


The State of Virtual Reality

I have not been keeping up. It's seemed like an expensive novelty, imo. But as everyone insists it's the next big thing, and I don't know where to begin with research, and there could be more to discuss than just a compilation of articles or whathaveyou, this topic was conceived.What is the current state of VR? Products and costs, equipment, games, accessibility, availability, maturity as a technology? What do people expect in the near future? What seems plausible, unlikely, desirable, pointless, etc?What thinkst thou?


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello again everyone. KoolTurk, that actually makes lots of sense. I noticed that after awhile, when I quit miriani that it would send you an email saying something along the lines of hey, you've been inactive for thus and so number of days or months, and if you don't log in with in a certain number of days your account would be completely deleted. So I think I'll do something along those lines but yes I can see right where you're going with that. Also, I've decided to put one pre-built city on planet Utopia for when you first arrive in the world after creating your avitar. You'll arrive in a visitor's complex and a guide would walk you around and teach you about all of the different things to do to earn credits and have fun in the world of NewDawn including how to put on events if you so wish. I can't think of a name for this city though but I suppose that will come in time. Also, I've decided that since this world of ours is set in the Milky Way galaxy, I've decided that you'll be able to visit all of the planets that are currently known and that everyone knows about. Why not right? and you'll of course be able to visit other galaxies as well with your warp drive. You'll have quantum drives too in order to help you get from one planet to another faster and you'll be able to land anywhere on the planet you so wish. You just plot a course to where you want to go and fly there. And I'm going to try my menu idea for building buildings and structures, but I also have another idea for buildings that I think might work better as far as modules go. Since I'm going to have ships that can carry vast numbers of people in them to colonize other planets anyway, you'll have the ability to load space stations and other structures in the bays of your ship and then set them up when you arrive at your destination and then you'll be able to connect other modules to them once they've been set up and are running. I'm also planning on still having the dynamic voice stuff so that when you're talking with one another in world, you'll sound like you're actually there. If and only if I can pull that part off. I'll go over all of that with Anne though when she comes so I'll keep you all posted. Loads of wonderful stuff here guys and I thank you one and all for every bit of it. This is fun, and I think we're going to have fun together.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Another suggestion to add to the subscription model, again I'm borrowing from Netflix.If for whatever reason you choose to unsubscribe, don't delete the account straight away.I read somewhere that Netflix deletes your profile after 12 months of inactivity, so if you're going on holiday somewhere in the real world, you obviously wouldn't need to pay for something you're not going to use for a few months.Alter aeon  for example, keeps your account for 6 months of inactivity.I'm sure others do something similar.I know about Alter Aeon because I got curious one day and simply asked.It's quite easy when the admin comes out and chats to their players.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

You know what KoolTurk, you really do have me thinking right now. And I just want you folks to know that you have this really neat way of making me reconsider ideas when I'm possibly making things more complicating than they really ought to be, and you do it by offering really nice suggestions that really make me do just that. Rethink my strategy. Because as you know, I not only want to build us a fun and interesting world but as I said in a recent post, one that'll have staying power and not just blow away in a year or so like dmnb did. That poor fellow was so overworked and there were these huge buildings with absolutely nothing in them and big empty spaces in the buildings, walls with gaps in them as though a house were being built and never finished, really a shame but I digress. I can see now that a subscription model is going to be the way to go. I had hoped to avoid such a thing but I can see now thanks to post #59 that I'm going to have to do that in order to make this world stay afloat. Thank you connor for helping me to see where I was going wrong, I mean that with all do sincerity. I can promise everyone this though, I will keep my subscription afordable and I'm thinking of having an anual subscription where you'll be able to have the subscription auto renew at the end of your subscription before it expires, but should you wish you don't want to stay around, you can uncheck the auto renewal box and your subscription would expire and your account would be deleted.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

I think Elder Scrolls has a subscription model that gives you DLC for a discounted price as long as you're subscribed.My brother use to be subscribed, but he found he wasn't using the  perks that much so he unsubscribed.Another alternative you could do is have a season pass, but I kind of like the subscription model, that way you can decide when you no longer wish to use it.Besides, most companies are opting to use the subscription model, I see no reason why you can't do the same.I don't know how muds like alter-aeon have stayed a float for all these years, donations? or premium content you have to pay for, I haven't played it for years, the grinding got on my nerves so I stopped playing.Anyway, these are just my thoughts for now.If it was me, I'd go with the subscription model.You could even have different rates for different levels each accessing more premium content, like netflix has with the one screen standard definition, then you've got the next level up, which most people use, that being HD and two devices at once.Then you've got the four devices, plus 4K plan.Obviously this isn't Netflix, I'm just using this as an example.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello there again everyone, karate25 here again. I hope I didn't scare you all away with the whole paying real money for virtual items idea, it's just that post 59 made a good point about how to keep our world going for the long haul. I don't want this world of ours to be just another thing that's around for only a few months or maybe even at the very most a year or so, I want this thing to really stick around and have staying power behind it. And I'm going to do what ever that takes but believe me, this will not be one of these pay to get ahead worlds but I will have to do something to keep money comeing in for it. I'm really looking forward to speaking with Anne later on this summer and going over a possible partnership, and she is absolutely delighted at the prospect of working together. She, like me feels that this will not only be a wonderful contribution to the blind gaming community but also a terrific display piece to show the rest of the gaming industry that hey, we are intelligent enough to play video and computer games with our sighted counterparts as well as live inside of a virtual world completely independently too. I'm just doing my small part to help build us up some steam in this accessibility train and get her moving a little further and faster down the line if you know what I mean. And if I have to outsource the work to get it done and bring it into reality then gosh darn it all, I am going to do it. Have a wonderful day and any sorts of ideas that you think would be good for contests that we could have, or events that we could hold inworld to raise real money would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to make this as interactive and as fun as I can. I'm going to sit here after I finish writing this post and work some more on my outline. I can see I'm going to have to step it up if Anne's going to want to speak to me this summer. Man, I'm excited. Have a wonderful day to you all and keep those ideas flowing because when and if the work does start, I'll be sending my team to this very forum and thread.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello there again everyone, karate25 here again. post #59? I completely hear you, and the reason I agree with you so quickly and easily is because I spoke with Anne this morning to get her opinion on the whole cripto currency thing and she said that it would basically open our world completely up to hackers and I am absolutely not going to do that to anyone, so I'm leaving the currency system just as it is, and I like the idea of encouragements and incentives for people to donate. What do you think of contests that could be held? maybe something like different kinds of land masses that could be purchased? I was thinking along those kinds of lines and-or maybe even just offering different kinds of packages at different times of the year for the different holidays. I could have a store inside the client that you could access through a menu, and you would get updates as to when these packages would be available. Maybe I could just set up a store and put some items in it that would be worth real money and people could purchase them whenever they so wished. What do you think of that idea? also, Anne tells me that she's absolutely delighted with the prospect of working with me to bring this world into reality, and hopefully this summer, we'll be able to sit down and talk about what an agreement would look like. She'd like me to come to their lab, but since transportation is such an issue, she has agreed to come to me and have our chat here at my house. Between you and I though, I would love to visit their lab if only I could lol. Keep your fingers crossed that we get to work together, and I even told her about Microsoft's free plugin that would really help to make our world really usable for us. I'm also going to ask about making it available on the Xbox if at all possible, but will be happy if we even get to build it and will be content with having it only on pc.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

@58 I fail to see your reasoning here. What would blockchain technology provide for a game other than a fancy way of handling currency? I don't see a need for such a thing, all you really need is to create a virtual currency like credits and give the items you can buy according values, and of course giving the player opertunities to earn the currency by spending time and doing activities within the world. I don't think there's a point to the creation of a full cryptocurrency. Also, I doubt something like this can simply run off one-time access fees. If this is going to be at least a little sustainable, there has to be some encouragement or insentive for the player to give money.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello everyone, karate25 here again with a quick question about our virtual world and its currency that I just wanted your feedback on. I'm actually thinking of switching from an all virtual currency to using a blockchain. My reservation about this however is that if I decide to have this implemented, I don't want it to break the accessibility in our world in any way what so ever, which is why I wanted to check with you guys first. Also, if I did decide to have this implemented, it would still be easy to earn money inside the game, and putting real money inside the world to do anything would be completely and totally optional and you would absolutely not have to do it in order to live your life. This isn't iron realms entertainment here, this is our virtual world and there won't be any sort of loot boxes or any sorts of pay to get ahead stuff or pay to win functionality since there really is no winning or losing in our virtual world. At the very most, I might have to have you pay a one time small fee that would get you the world itself but beyond that, nothing else. So you could think of it as just making a video game or computer game purchase, and if I did that I would keep us in mind when I set the price. So what do you all think of this? I just think it would give our world some more realism in it. We've got time too honestly, Anne says their program won't be up and running for a year or more, and this was a couple of months ago, so I'm still sitting here comeing up with ideas for our world and things to go in it. I like the idea though of having history behind each of the planets though as far as when and why they were colonized Etc. Lots of good feedback on here and I thank you one and all for it. I might not be able to incorporate everyone's suggestions, but this is still all good stuff none the less. Have a wonderful day to you all and I look forward to hearing your feedback.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello there again everyone, karate25 here again. Post 55, I like your idea of creating things and then selling them which you would of course be able to do since the world is definitely going to be online so that we can all interact with one another which was the whole point in the very beginning. And I'm thinking of things like having a menue driven system for building things possibly as an option for making items. The world will run in real time by the way with day and night cycles.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : annellin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

I know that it's completely different from a mud. I tried second life but gave up on it pretty fast. Hopefully your world will turn into reality.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sirpdex via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hi, What about having your own version of Cortana which would scan and describe objects and items that you are currently viewing and give you detailed distance like a navigation system. If every item and building is tagged it should make things a lot easier. I am not a programmer but I am guessing this is quite difficult.  My other question is,  is this world going to be online and allow other users to interact with each other. Or off-line and allow people to do what they like freely. If it is online based it could be pretty interesting that you could build up and sell your items to other members.  Vehicles, properties, food et cetera   And why limit yourself by not having a story you could have expansion packs .  Which could introduce origin stories that can explain how we gain access and discovered these planets and technology .  The game could end up being 100 times better then what no man sky try to be  Lol.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Kool_turk, I know this world won't exactly be what second life is, but I'm doing my very best to come up with something enjoyable for all of us to live in and enjoy. No, you're right, it might not come to fruition but then again it very well may from the way Anne sounds. If it doesn't though, I'm prepared for that even though it would be a very disappointing blow. Rest assured though that I'm doing everything in my limited power to see that this world of ours comes to be a thing and that we all enjoy it. I can read your skepticism and you have every right to be so but please know that I'm trying as hard as I possibly can to make this a reality and all that I ask of you is to be constructive and kind. I decided long ago that I didn't want this to be a text-based world, on that you and I can both completely agree and no, text life doesn't sound good at all I agree there too. Also, there aren't going to be any cash shops or loot boxes of any kind in our world. Have a wonderful day to you all.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

@ 50, that's what I like about second life, it isn't set in a certain time period, instead it's made up of many worlds, if you wanted to go to Middle Earth, or Narnia, or Westeros, if someone created it, you could go there.I doubt this world would come to half of what second life has, if it even gets created in the first place.We could do all of this now, with text, but text isn't virtual reality or immersive.To be immersive with text, you would need to be a really great writer, something which I'm not, but at least you won't need to worry about 3d audio or the perfect sound effect.Text life, anyone? doesn't really have a nice ring to it.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Well actually, I was trying to figure out a way to do creation like building and things and I actually think that menues would be the way to go. I know it may disrupt the immersion somewhat, but quite honestly I don't really see a way around it unless some of you might have some suggestions. Also, since you don't seem to like the idea of having a cerebral computer implant I was thinking more along the lines of kiosks that you could set up inside of different cities that would let you look for payed tasks to do Etc. I just wonder how star citizen actually handles their mobiglass feature since that's a device that remains with your character at all times and can be used like a futuristic smart phone. I'd love to have some sort of similar device like that in our world. So if any of you guys have suggestions or ideas that I might be able to pull that off, please let me know and bounce them my way.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Methinks you've missed the point entirely . The difference between a MUD and Virtual Reality is more like the difference between reading a Star Wars novel, and going to Disney World to ride Star Tours. One is just words, the other was flippin' awesome in 1997 but simulators like that got way better by the time Universal's Islands of Adventure added that Spider-man ride, and the Nicktunes ride might possibly have beaten it (as much as being dragged around by Spongebob Squarepants can be considered realistic).I say "more like", but that's pretty much exactly the difference. Games are interactive, whereas the books and rides are not, but the difference in the experiences are the same.I need to go back and reread what was said regarding UI for things more easily handled via menus. I will point out, though, that VR is all about immersion, and menus aren't very amenable to immersion.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : annellin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

This idea is great. but... You know... If there's something that i wonder, that is. Why do we need to have this game take place in the future? There are already space based games, Alright, muds, like cosmic rage, miriani etc, so...I'm just curious.You'll give the player the option to buy or create clothes, items etc by say, using a menu of options?


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Naruto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

sounds neet.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Yes indeed, it will be playable on pc which is why I'm thinking it out this way. It'll be similar to second life in that there's not really a storyline just as you guys all said you wanted and I agree, rather like the outline says, you're pretty much free to live your life as you see fit. I'm not really planning any sorts of scripted quests or anything, in fact, people will be able to post contracts and bounties and other people would be able to fill them in real time and get payed.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Naruto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

so, how would we play same game, would it be playable VIA pc?


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Thank you. I'm trying to find that happy medium that everyone is happy with and writting down ideas so I'll have something to give my team if I'm able to put this all together and if Shenandoah is willing to take this kind of a project on. I'm sincerely hoping they do and so does professor Marchant. So since you seem to like my outline thus far, I'll keep going with it and continue jotting down ideas and keep those ideas comeing if you think it needs them. I'll continue to share the outline with you as I put ideas down on digital paper and get your feedback on them.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hannes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

This sounds so cool


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2019-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello there again everyone, karate25 here with an update on our virtual world called NewDawn. I've reworked the outline a little taking into account that the general consensus of the community seems to be that you would rather not have any sort of storyline but rather just a big open virtual world in which you're pretty much free to do as you choose. So all I've done here is to simply set the time period in which the world is set, and layed out some basic stuff here and I'm going to put it all here in this post for you to read and you can then give me your feedback on how to improve it. Since this is will be our world, let's build it together and I'll have plenty of things to give to Anne when next we speak. Have a wonderful day to you all and I hope you enjoy this new outline a bit better and of course it'll expand with your input and feedback.In the world of NewDawn, the setting is in the 30th century but other than the time setting for the world, there is no storyline to speak of, NewDawn is just that.  A virtual world in which you will create your own human avatar, known from here on as a colonist and you will begin your new life on a wonderfully peaceful planet called utopia.  An earthlike planet that was discovered deep within the Milky Way galaxy.    The in world currency will be in the form of credits and you’ll be free to do pretty much anything you wish.  Starships will have warp drives which will allow them to warp between galaxies and can be purchased at starship stores.  Housing will be another wonderful and plentiful thing on Utopia taking on the form of such structures of land-based habitation complexes or individual family housing pods, or for those who might wish to live with more than a bit of a view can choose to live in their own orbiting space station whether that station is an individual family unit or an entire community of colonists.  Finally you’ll even be able to build habitation under water should you so wish using devices called water breathers which quite literally work like a set of fish gills, removing the oxygen from the water around the wearer and then allowing them to breathe using a small hose and nose plugs and mouthpiece.  The nose plugs keep water from entering the nose but also will allow the wearer to breathe through his or her nose.    Speaking some more on starships, they’ll have several roles from something as simple as moving cargo from one planet or system to another clear up to hospital ships with multiple beds inside them and even ships that can be used as homes for those who don’t like to stay in one place for too long.  If you should decide that you don’t want to live on Utopia, you are of course very free to colonize other planets if you so wish as well even having the ability to terraform planets that are not currently habitable.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello there again everyone, karate25 here. Connor142 I think I like ideas number 1 and 3 of your suggestions and I'll consider them both and decide on one of them but I like the first and third of those suggestions. All sorts of wonderful ideas coming in and I'm going to stick with not having a storyline with our world. It'll be just that, a world in which we all can live. I like #32's suggestion as far as that went. Why make things more complicating than they need to be. I'm thinking too of giving the colonists the ability to build and found our own cities if we so wish. Have a wonderful day to you all and this is so much fun.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

The question of ftl travel is a good one. Just remember that as far as we know, there’s absolutely no way to go faster than light directly. The only ways I know that ftl would make sense is to either add one or more of the following:1: ftl capable starships have a way to fold time and space, like a warp tunnel, vastly shortening your interstellar travel time.2: starships have the ability to create wormholes, triangulate the exit wormhole out of the infinit possibilities there are, and carry the ship through. Would drain a lot of power so jumps would have to be done wisely.Or 3: a system contains a jumpgate station that permanently maintains a wormhole. Galactic gates would do a similar thing but on a larger scale to fasilitate galactic travel. Not free to use, but players could set up and run a gate themselves that could provide income.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello there everyone, karate25 here again and I am absolutely going to check out that youtube channel right now. If you mean by ftl travel are we going to be able to travel between galaxies the answer is absolutely we're going to have that. It just wouldn't be a futuristic world without starships that can travel between galaxies now would it? lol. We're going to have fun with this and I'm having it right along with you.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Utopian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Have a look at the science and futurism with Isaac Arthur YouTube channel for reallistic ideas for future technology.Will there be ftl travel?


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello again everyone, so sorry I didn't put this in my last post so I'll say it now. Imagining stuff, you had asked about the currency in our virtual world. I'm thinking that our currency is going to be credits since that seems to be the universally accepted currency for futuristic virtual worlds and games such as ours. There'll be plenty to do here when I'm through.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Well, you've actually touched on one of the things that I was going to put into the world. I was going to have bio domes where you could grow all manner of crops big and small. Everything from fruits and vegetables such as those found in your backyard garden, clear on up to fruit trees, so I suppose that you could have livestock inside of one of your bio domes. And as for shops, these aren't shops that you're used to where you're walking around in them scanning the shelves, but rather, they're shopping kiosks that you stock with goods and they're all computerized. So I hope this answers some of your questions.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : imaginingstuff via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

I'm curious about the currency and what if we want a farm or something like that? Can we muy livestock and sell eggs, that sort of thing? Do I have the concept right? Also why not have certain words display certain things, if you can put a sound in it you can put a word spoken in it, like Green door  or rosebush  or blue cheese, whatever it is.  Say  I'm zipping through a virtual store and as I examine the shelves it says bread or milk or  something of the sort. There can't be sounds for all of that, truly blue cheese is a rather quiet  sort.A


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello there everyone, karate25 here. Now don't say that Kool_Turk, it's not a moot point about building, I think I am going to have building in our world but it'll be done by machines I think. In other words, if you have the credits to build a building, you can have it built and I'm even going to give you the ability to purchase buildings and empty land too so you can build on it. As a matter of fact, I'm just going to scrap the outline I've got right now since quite frankly there isn't much of it, and start fresh now that we know there won't be a storyline but rather just a world that you're living in and I'll simply focus on things to do inside the world that you can do to make which ever kind of life for yourselves you so choose. Have a wonderful day to you all and we'll keep this all going after I've redone the outline.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Sounds good, although someone could probably make a bomb and distroy a building that way.But this sounds like we won't be able to make our own stuff so it's probably a moot point.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

That I'm not completely certain about Conner. I was actually thinking of a sort of a learning by doing sort of sanario where you could start to simply use a skill and then you could research that skill with your cerebral computer and raise it up. I haven't even written that part down yet in my outline but I will tomorrow morning at some point when I've thought some more about it and let you all know. Good point though and well taken. I appreciate all of your help thus far as well as the suggestions by the way in case I haven't told you that yet I'll say it now. Thanks so much. You guys are really proving to me that you really would love to see this come to reality and I promise you that I will do all within my power to make it a reality if Shenandoah university winds up willing to work with me as Dr. Marchant is hoping, and of course I'll keep you all posted as far as that goes too. Have a wonderful evening to you all where ever you are.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

the thing is, what would this information downloading surve to accomplish, from the game's perspective? Would it be a way to exchange currency for abilities? Do those downloads take time? Do they have any requirements you must fulfill first?


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello everyone, karate25 here again. So, what do you think of the outline thus far? suggestions and improvements? I'm enjoying reading your feedback by the way, you've taught me a lot and I enjoy checking this thread to see what you will all say next. Dr. Marchant really hopes that we'll get to work together on this and has been nothing but encouraging to me. Have a wonderful day and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and views on the outline as it stands right now.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello there again everyone, karate25 here and as promised, here's what I have thus far with my outline. It'll seem like I'm jumping around here but I'm basically writing down ideas as they come to me in no particular order but I hope you like what I have thus far and if you can think of any sorts of names for either the starting planet or the world itself, by all means, feel free to bounce them my way.    In the world of NewDawn, the time is the beginning of the 30th century and mankind has long since learned how to become a space fairing society and has left the milkyway galaxy for more habitable worlds since the earth was struck by a massive meteor and destroyed. Luckily, scientists were able to locate the approaching meteor before it struck the earth and there was a mass evacuation of earth without a single fatality since everyone was put into massive voyager class starships and departed the impending disaster for a newly discovered planet almost identical to earth just outside of the milkyway galaxy called Utopia.    Starships in NewDawn will employ both ion thrusters as well as fusion drives for both their propultion as well as supplying power for their internal electrical systems and life support.  Every avatar, known from here on as colonists will take on the roles of humans to carve out their lives here in NewDawn.  Each colonist will have implanted in their brain a device called a cerebral computer which is a tiny chip in the head that will allow you to do everything from making transactions at a shop’s console, making calls to other colonists and even summoning your starship to your current location.    Dynamic voice chatting will be mandatory in NewDawn, dynamic meaning that where ever you happen to be, your voice will sound as though you are actually there.  Your cerebral computer uses bone conduction technology to allow you to hear its voice if you are a totally blind colonist as well as hearing your caller’s voice when making voice calls or watching video messages.  Yes, you will even be able to watch video messages with your cerebral computer as well.    Starships will have many roles in NewDawn.  Everything from asteroid mining and salvaging on up to transporting passengers in ships called spaceliners that are equipped with seat-mounted food and drink ordering consoles for your passengers to feel more comfortable as you take them where they need to go.  The voyager class of starship mentioned earlier can literally hold thousands of people and is a luxurious model and is meant for very long distance traveling and exploration but it also can be outfitted with weaponry if one is so inclined to visit more dangerous parts of space.  Starships will also be equipped with hyperdrives to move quickly between galaxies.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Good heavens, am I ever glad that I asked the question about batteries versus fuel for our ships. What a lot of wonderful meat to chew on and mull over as I set to work on my outline tonight. And I'll share it with you as I work on it so you and I can iron out all the rinkles and fine tune our world. That actually makes lots of sense having the battery take up so much space, space better used for cargo and docking bays as well as vehicle bays and other things. Have a wonderful evening to you all my friends and get ready to check out my beginning outline.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Post 20 makes some very good points.Now, I'm going to assume any combat will be optional, that way if you decide combat isn't your thing, you don't have to.All I ask is please don't make the combat like Miriani.I've only played Miriani a few times and I sucked at that combat style.I was never quick enough.Some others on here could probably come up with a decent combat design, like deathmatch: a new beginning, just don't make it like Miriani, because having ships jump about like that is just weird, not to mention, unrealistic.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Mainstream engines like Unity, Unreal, Doom, Blender, etc. are not generally accessible to develop with. But, if your planning on directing a team for PC/VR, then the Unreal engine isn't a bad choice. As connor142 touched on, it would probably be a good idea to come up with a Design or Technical Document to tackle [The Door Problem] before you start hitting the funding pool and putting a team together. Having a general idea of what the game is supposed to be, whats in the game, how it works, what players do, etc. will cut alot of time out of development, and thus save you money. There may still be a few bumps and changes along the road if some parts of the design conflict with others, better ideas come along, or with unexpected complications during development, but having a design ready really helps.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Wait, you’d be given a grant? That’s great news. However, asooming you’d design this world rather than building it, trust me when I say that all the devs in the world won’t be able to create this if they don’t know what to code. Make sure to exactly plan out what features this world should have, and lay them out clearly. Should the project ever get off the ground, this will help to avoid getting stuck with everyone unsure what to do or work on next.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello there everyone, karate25 here again. I have some very happy news for you all that I've just received from Dr. Marchant, and she says that once they've got their program assembled which should take about a year or so, since they're in the process of hiring staff for it, she feels very certain that not only will I be able to find the people to do all of the work that needs to be done but also that they could help me with obtaining a grant to support this project as well as helping me to make it commercially viable. So keep your fingers crossed and here's hoping. We just might get our virtual world after all if I have my say about it.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello everyone, karate25 here again. Would it be at all possible for me to have our virtual world built with the unreal engine? and since it's free, that'd be one way to save money. I like what you're seemingly able to do with it judging by the youtube video that I watched yesterday. I'm going to ask a rather frank question and I'd like your honest opinion. Since I already know you would like to have a virtual world, would you just like me to be quiet now and get to work on it when I can and stop posting here about it? come on now, be honest with me. If there's one thing I don't want to be it's an annoyance. So if you folks tell me, I'll stop with the posts about the virtual world until and if I can even get it started. Just please know that in the meantime, I'll do my level best to see what I can put together with regards to a team. Have a wonderful day and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Diegogaribay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

I would love to have this be a reality! It sounds amazing, however it is a major major undertaking. I would mean creating a totally new framework and new game mechanics and a server to host it all. Try to build on top of other frameworks and use systems people have already created. Building this would take too long. I would encourage you to retrofit something else that is already present. the development time and cost would be huge! Please use speech synthesis for all talking in game. It is extremely hard to replicate sound characteristics in a room especially one that is always changing. I wish you all the best! Hope you get this done!


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

what is audimesh? I've never heard of it. Is there a way I could download it and look it over? is this a system that lets you build things in audio format? just curious but I really do want to make this world happen for both of us so that we can play and live together inside of it. And no, we might not be able to build like they do in second life, but we'll at least have a virtual world of some sort where you can live your life in a futuristic setting. I'm thinking it's going to be a space life simulator like star citizen is but I'm going to do my best not to imitate Star citizen. I would never be that disrespectful. Have a wonderful day.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Installers have been known to offer to download optional components during the process. I've been thinking about that sort of thing as relates to, for example, voiced language packs, that would be too big to want to download in bulk, but more than one might be worth getting with the installation. That sort of thing could apply to accessibility components, maybe even the visual components but that's probably pointless since the visual properties of objects will still be there under the hood.


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Haptics, conflabit! Aereal, Ultrahaptics, Novint, a Wiimote stuck to an overhead cable that is stuck to a Delta-like system, magnets, clever manipulation of airpressure, flat surfaces with electrically-generated textures... Half of which, I should add, have been around for quite some time, but for some reason, no one does anything with any of them besides show it off at CES or CSUN and disappear into the ether.Some might say it's pointless novelty crap, to which I say: so is VR in general. Does anyone hear about the Nintendo Switch half as often as, not the PS4 or Xbox, but individual games available for the latter but not the former? Some phones are Immersion™ enabled. Am I going to have to buy 10, take classes in how to develop for it, and then teach people who are better at making games people outside my head can understand to make examples? Immersion™ sounds pretty minimalist, even, but for some reason people only buy things with vibration, so it works with what's available. It'd work much better on a force-feedback mouse, but PC gamers hated them, because apparently no one can imagine how a developer could compensate for active effects which they themselves generated! I mean, it's not like every touch device with any market value to speak of has to compensate for its own electronics and activities, or anything.But if audio must, then fine; let's get creative. Has anyone tried Audimesh?


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Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Well, that can be done in many ways. 1, you would have a really good reverb and 3d audio digital signal processing system that would make the sounds of your person reflect off of stuff like in real life, which is probably the hardest  of these to do, 2, something like in swamp or A Hero's Call, where you have a radar that makes noises or speaks through TTS to tell you what's around. That's all I can think of


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an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello there everyone, this is karate25 here and I'd love to share this very interesting article I've been given by a new ally and friend of mine at my former university. This topic will do two things. First of all, you'll be able to click this link and read the article and give feedback on it, but I also have some pretty exciting news for you all. As I said, this article was given to me by a professor at Shenandoah University which is my former college here in Virginia where I'm from, and they're the first college in the state to offer a program in which you're able to major in both augmented and virtual realities to build virtual worlds. I've offered her my services as a guest speaker in her classes via skype since I do that with another professor buddy of mine for his business administration classes about what it's like to be a former blind college student. Well, I'm taking that idea a step further with Doctor Anne Marchant here who is heading up this new virtual reality program, by offering her my services as a guest speaker on what it's like to be a totally blind video and computer gamer, and my ultimate goal is to try and gather together a group of willing team members who would be willing to help me to construct a virtual world that we the totally blind may live in, as well as our sighted counterparts without any sort of assistance from either party. In other words, we wouldn't need any help from the sighted, and the sighted wouldn't need any help from us either but we would both be able to live inside of this virtual world without either party hindering the other with the accessibility features. And that's where you'll all come in. If I'm able to put this team together, I'm going to instruct them all to come here and create accounts on here and then threads, or maybe only a single thread about how we can all work together on making this virtual world the very best that it can be. I'm going to use indeogogo as my crowdfunding site, since I've heard from this very site that it's the most blind friendly and the most flexible as far as funding goes, and I also have resources that I know of that I'll use to find professional voice talent. And I'm going to crowd fund all of this the same way a hero's call was done. I ask that when and if I'm able to gather this team together that you all be very kind and as helpful as you can possibly be in your advice about accessibility features that we can use in this virtual world which will be a futuristic themed one. Have a wonderful day my friends and here's the link to the article. I hope you all enjoy it. … -impaired/Also, to make things even more exciting, not only did Professor Marchant not laugh me off or brush me aside, rather she said rather cheerfully that she felt very sure that this was the kind of project that Shenandoah University would gladly stand behind and she's also looking very forward to having me as a guest speaker to explain why accessible tools are important to our community.


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an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Hello there everyone, this is karate25 here and I'd love to share this very interesting article I've been given by a new ally and friend of mine at my former university. This topic will do two things. First of all, you'll be able to click this link and read the article and give feedback on it, but I also have some pretty exciting news for you all. As I said, this article was given to me by a professor at Shenandoah University which is my former college here in Virginia where I'm from, and they're the first college in the state to offer a program in which you're able to major in both augmented and virtual realities to build virtual worlds. I've offered her my services as a guest speaker in her classes via skype since I do that with another professor buddy of mine for his business administration classes about what it's like to be a former blind college student. Well, I'm taking that idea a step further with Doctor Anne Marchant here who is heading up this new virtual reality program, by offering her my services as a guest speaker on what it's like to be a totally blind video and computer gamer, and my ultimate goal is to try and gather together a group of willing team members who would be willing to help me to construct a virtual world that we the totally blind may live in, as well as our sighted counterparts without any sort of assistance from either party. In other words, we wouldn't need any help from the sighted, and the sighted wouldn't need any help from us either but we would both be able to live inside of this virtual world without either party hindering the other with the accessibility features. And that's where you'll all come in. If I'm able to put this team together, I'm going to instruct them all to come here and create accounts on here and then threads, or maybe only a single thread about how we can all work together on making this virtual world the very best that it can be. I'm going to use indeogogo as my crowdfunding site, since I've heard from this very site that it's the most blind friendly and the most flexible as far as funding goes, and I also have resources that I know of that I'll use to find professional voice talent. And I'm going to crowd fund all of this the same way a hero's call was done. I ask that when and if I'm able to gather this team together that you all be very kind and as helpful as you can possibly be in your advice about accessibility features that we can use in this virtual world which will be a futuristic themed one. Have a wonderful day my friends and here's the link to the article. I hope you all enjoy it. … -impaired/


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Re: Virtual reality

2016-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality

People, I have one idea.What do You say, if somebody from us can create a virtual reality for the blind? Only professional sounds, nothing else?I am not a programmer, but this idea I used only in my stories in Slovak language.


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Re: Virtual reality

2016-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality

I look forward to get more information about the Sony Playstation VR. Why? Because this have speakers all around the face, or something like that, as far as I have read. This will give the full surround sound, and the developers can make it directly as they want us to hear the sound, because this is one standard headset, and not some random speakers, which are very different depending on what people have...


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Re: Virtual reality

2016-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality

I'd be interested in something like the HTC Vive if we knew the developers were willing to support accessibility initiatives and we had enough devs willing to work on such projects.  I can see it in my mind's eye now, a VR version of Doom using the head tracking and the Vive's controlers as guns as has been done in sight-centric experiences, but in a darkened base, where no matter what you do, the lights won't come back on (could be a plot point).


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Re: Virtual reality

2016-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality

Mohamed -  yes, exactly, that plus head tracking, so it knows which way you're facing and adjusts sound accordingly.


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Re: Virtual reality

2016-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mohamed the weirdo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality

Actually, you guys should have a look at this. …


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Re: Virtual reality

2016-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mohamed the weirdo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality

Actually, you guys should see this. …


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Re: Virtual reality

2016-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality

It actually surprises me that more hasn't been done with tactile interfaces in general, not since rumblepacks. Where as in the nineties every generation brought a leap in graphics, these days graphics are at the point where things can be pretty much identical to film, indeed a little too much slicker and more perfect, something which causes endless problems in hollywood.I would've expected the next work in development to take computer reproduction of tactile sensations out of the realms of research labs and into something with practical experience value, especially with the craze for realistic motion sports games like wii sports etc, but instead it seems the games industry is as usual just based on what will pump out the most cash, ie, working on making games more like social media and more based on a continuous payment freemium system, than actually on the experiences of the games themselves. Then again, I freely admit my synicism is entirely self intereste
 d, since I still want my Snes back and good 16 bit .


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Re: Virtual reality

2016-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality

It's no more inherently about sight  than any other platform is. There's also full head tracking combined with accurate 3D audio, I.e you hear a sound to your right, turn your head to face it and it is then in front of you, if that sounds any good? Also due to simulation sickness games often have modes that turn off complex movement, just teleporting between points.


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Re: Virtual reality

2016-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality

Ah, that's it.I caught myself wondering the other day why I wasn't the least bit enthusiastic about developments in VR. Apparently, I'd forgotten that "develops in VR" means "better angular tricks in tiny video screens."I'm gonna go play a lap harp on a street corner until I can afford a Novint Falcon and some surround-sound headphones. ... And maybe to hire someone to do all the parts of engine creation I'm bad at.(But, hey, Aireal3d is supposed to be cool, or something. Using air pressure to create 3d tactile illusions. I feel like it's probably in the "a room covered in monitors" phase, though.)


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Re: Virtual reality

2016-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality

I don't think it will work for us. Its all in the sight aspect of things. The only way it could work for vi gamers is to have a completely soundproof environment.


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Virtual reality

2016-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Virtual reality

Anyone had any experience, or have any thoughts?


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Re: (podcast) experience virtual reality environment sounds with myNoise

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: (podcast) experience virtual reality environment sounds with myNoise

Thanks a lot for this podcast.I like to use soundscapes during work so this will help me a lot.I am also to report that I don't have flash installed on my computer and the sounds still play fine so this website is html5 compatible I think.I hope to see an android app as well one day so I can have it on my phone.Nikos


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Re: (podcast) experience virtual reality environment sounds with myNoise

2016-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: (podcast) experience virtual reality environment sounds with myNoise

[[wow]], thanks for sharing! I will check it out.


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Re: (podcast) experience virtual reality environment sounds with myNoise

2016-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: (podcast) experience virtual reality environment sounds with myNoise

hello, I'm pretty sure we could contact the generator's developper on this. I'm sure he's willing to make the sliders accessible for us.


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Re: (podcast) experience virtual reality environment sounds with myNoise

2016-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: (podcast) experience virtual reality environment sounds with myNoise

BTW, IT'd be cool if someone on OSX or linux could test this on Voice Over/safari and Orca


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(podcast) experience virtual reality environment sounds with myNoise

2016-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


(podcast) experience virtual reality environment sounds with myNoise

Hi guysI'm going to show you something very cool today, I'm pretty sure you will enjoy it. This is a fully-featured noise generator that generates extremely real sounds. The sounds are  greatly designed, They sound so good to my ears. be aware! You will get addicted to this; I warned you.How many of you are audio enthusiasts; How many of you would like to have a professionally generated background sounds of  different rooms of the enterprise spaceship played for you while you  perform your daily activity?Perhaps You like something else; rain in a forest? a quiet night in a mountainside? I personally like the engine which provides a sailing boat drifting on an ocean; You can find your preferred sound with the MyNoise app!So, I realized that this is not a random looping-based sound application, This is a noise generator that generates noise based off the professional recordings that Dr. Ir. Stéphane Pigeon has done. You'll about to dive into something  amazing. I am pretty sure every one of you guys in this community, Specially the audio enthusiasts are going to love this.Please listen to this podcast to find out how to properly play the sounds in firefox. I will also talk about the accessibility issues and things that we are missing on the web and iPhone application.podcast notes are below.Podcast download link: … odcast.mp3Podcast notes:Contact the sound designer, Dr. Ir. Stéphane Pigeon on twitter, his twitter handle is @audiosampling You can ask him about his mail in twitter, His mail is an image in the website.Contact the developer at twitter: @NSMustacheContact the developer with mail: a...@mynoise.netmyNoise website: http://mynoise.netThings that are accessible with the web app: Choosing sounds, playing and pausing, adjust volume, change presetsThings that are not accessible with the web app: adjusting the sliders for custimizing the sound, the super noise generator for mixing sounds.Things that are accessible with the iPhone app: pretty much everything, except mixing sounds.ways to support these guys: $5 at the website once only, access to additional features. $10 in appstore once only, access to all sounds, passed and future.Enjoy this gem  guysP.S please forgive my terrible voice acting at the beginning; I gotta brush on my voice acting skillz! Also sorry about the language skills, English aint my first language.CheersHadi


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Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

2015-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

But then again, I'm at least 101% sure that the Atari AI didn't learn how to play the games; It changed the right variables automatically that a normal player would ordinarily have to figure out how to change. In otherwords, an AI is always perfect at what it's programmed to do. If random mistakes are thrown in to the code that the AI will make, it's still gonna do them exactly the same every time. So literally AIs are the only things that can do things exactly perfect.


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Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

2015-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

The Atari AI is able to play all Atari games with a score to some degree, winning many.  It does not have initiative beyond Atari, but I suppose one could argue that it has initiative to win Atari games.The way these work is that you build a rating function of some sort.  Something that says how good it's doing.  In the case of the Atari game, that's the game score.  You then throw stuff at have some breakthroughs in the complexity of the task an Ai can learn about.  Plug in rating function "make humans happy."  Maybe it uses a survey to come up with that rating.  Now imagine 5 ways that could go wrong because, really, all it wants is a good rating on your daily happiness survey.  It still has as much initiative as the Atari AI, we've just asked it to solve a different task.The Center for Applied Rationality people argue that we need to figure out the ethics part of this now.  Translatin
 g human-friendly don't kill us all ethics to a mathematical formalism is very difficult.  The part of their argument I disagree with is the part that says this could happen any day now (where any day now is in 20 years or less) and by accident.  I still agree with most of the rest of what they have to say, and they're at least interesting reading even if you do disagree.


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Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

2015-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

Still, you're having to "ask" it to learn to be sencient. And programming it to learn something is still, well, programming it to learn something. That AI that has been programmed to learn how to beat Atari. Has it taken the initiative to learn how to beat any of the Mario games? Or play Call of Duty?  If you're having to program something that can program an AI, it's still less than human intelogence. Sure it can learn, but as of now it can only learn what we program it to learn, nothing else.


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Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

2015-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

Still, you're having to "ask" it to learn to be sencient. And programming it to learn something is still, well, programming it to learn something. That AI that has been programmed to learn how to beat Atari. Has it taken the initiative to learn how to beat any of the Mario games? Or play Call of Duty?  If you're having to program something that can program an AI, it's still less than human intelogence. Sure it can learn, but as of now it can only learn what we program it to learn, nothing else: Programming an AI that can learn how to be sad, or mad, or love, or hate, sure that might work. But the thing will still not feel these emotions; it will only learn what we think is bad, or good, and act accordingly.


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Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

2015-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

@severestormsteve1We already have learning algorithms.  Go look up IBM Watson.  Go look up how the Google self-driving car works, or how Google has managed to get their hands on a system that can learn to beat most Atari games given only the graphics and the game score.  If you know a bit of programming, you can have an AI that learns to do a simple thing like xor two binary numbers off examples in a couple hours.  My point is that what you know of as AI from games isn't even touching what the actual field is doing.In theory, if nothing else, you could make an algorithm and ask it to learn how to be sentient.  one of the possible ways people think this could happen is building a program that learns how to build your AI instead of just doing it yourself.@darkYou can define ethical frameworks for good and evil if and only if a human or a god-like being is involved.  Trees aren't evil.  Rocks aren't evil. 
  A being which we build that has a mindstate that doesn't even allow for ethics is not evil in itself.  We're stupid for doing it, but it's not evil save from a human perspective.  The best that can be said is that it's kind of like a nuclear bomb.  Give us another hundred years and we'll probably have the tech to use them in peacetime applications.  In fact, they're one way we could actually reach Alpha Centauri in theory.  We almost did.  But good and evil are just too ridiculously human.  Something that cares only about getting paperclips doesn't even have those concepts; if it does, more paperclips is goodness and less paperclips is evil.As for my brain, yes, my sentience is here.  I'm a computer scientist.  I can go out and start playing with genetic algorithms on my laptop if I want.  Therefore, if intelligence can happen via evolution, it can probably be evolved if we have a big en
 ough computer and some key insights.  A complete brain upload is possible if we can develop the scanning technology, even if we have to go down to the molecular level.  The estimates place this anywhere from 50 to 500 years away, depending on how detailed the simulation has to be.  If you want to say intelligence is separate from molecules, you're going to have to allow for something which is outside of physics.  The argument to sentient AI is the same as the argument "can we upload a brain and run it?"  If the answer is yes to the latter, the answer is yes to the former.  Everything I have seen that says no to the latter relies on stuff which is not physically possible.  The most common I've seen is that our brains are using quantum effects.  But this still isn't an ethics thing, it's a "can we do it" thing.As for BCI, well, we've got artificial retinas.  A team at my college is working 
 on figuring out how to figure out what you are focusing on at all times, the application being to get your mouse to follow your attention so you never have to move it.  They expect to meet with success.  We are again pretty far out from something like a neurocanula, but no one in these sciences is seriously thinking it's impossible anymore.


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Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

2015-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

@severestormsteve1We already have learning algorithms.  Go look up IBM Watson.  Go look up how the Google self-driving car works, or how Google has managed to get their hands on a system that can learn to beat most Atari games given only the graphics and the game score.  If you know a bit of programming, you can have an AI that learns to do a simple thing like xor two binary numbers off examples in a couple hours.  My point is that what you know of as AI from games isn't even touching what the actual field is doing.In theory, if nothing else, you could make an algorithm and ask it to learn how to be sentient.  one of the possible ways people think this could happen is building a program that learns how to build your AI instead of just doing it yourself.@darkYou can define ethical frameworks for good and evil if and only if a human or a god-like being is involved.  Trees aren't evil.  Rocks aren't evil. 
  A being which we build that has a mindstate that doesn't even allow for ethics is not evil in itself.  We're stupid for doing it, but it's not evil save from a human perspective.  The best that can be said is that it's kind of like a nuclear bomb.  Give us another hundred years and we'll probably have the tech to use them in peacetime applications.  In fact, they're one way we could actually reach Alpha Centauri in theory.  We almost did.  But good and evil are just too ridiculously human.  Something that cares only about getting paperclips doesn't even have those concepts; if it does, more paperclips is goodness and less paperclips is evil.As for my brain, yes, my sentience is here.  I'm a computer scientist.  I can go out and start playing with genetic algorithms on my laptop if I want.  A complete brain upload is possible if we can develop the scanning technology, even if we have to g
 o down to the molecular level.  The estimates place this anywhere from 50 to 500 years away, depending on how detailed the simulation has to be.  If you want to say intelligence is separate from molecules, you're going to have to allow for something which is outside of physics.  The argument to sentient AI is the same as the argument "can we upload a brain and run it?"  If the answer is yes to the latter, the answer is yes to the former.  Everything I have seen that says no to the latter relies on stuff which is not physically possible.  The most common I've seen is that our brains are using quantum effects.As for BCI, well, we've got artificial retinas.  A team at my college is working on figuring out how to figure out what you are focusing on at all times, the application being to get your mouse to follow your attention so you never have to do it.  They expect to meet with success.  We are again pretty far
  out from something like a neurocanula, but no one in these sciences is seriously thinking it's impossible anymore.


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Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

2015-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

Well guitarman, that's the thing, and it's also the reason why I don't see AI as being sencient. Whilst you can program an AI to bomb a whole city of defenceless people, or get it to bring food and supplies to a world of starving people, it still wouldn't be doing it from its own heart; the AI would be a simulation, and only a simulation, of these things. It's only mindlessly performing the actions that were programmed for it: it sees the code, or script, and acts it out without thinking. So it's not up to them to decide what's evil or good, it's up to us. It's also up to the programmer of the AI to decide what kind of personality the AI will simulate.


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Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

2015-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

@Camlorn, good and evil don't exist without a religious framework? hmmm, perhaps you should study more ethics sinse defining the nature of good without respect to god is what people have been doing for the last two thousand years ever sinse socrates and the euthephro dilemma, and all the religious right yellings about "We need god to say what's good because the devil is evil" doesn't change that. After all what are ethical systems like utilitarianism for? Getting back to Ai,  personally my problem with the idea of ai is whether we can create consciousness. That we could create a system which is able to learn to an extent I don't doubt, but whether we could have a system with real qualea, ie, real experience of a mental world I am not sure sinse I personally do not believe that the properties of mental objects reduce to the properties of physical objects. this isn't actually a belief in souls or whatever, it's just th
 e belief that saying "I am happy" Doesn't reduce down to a "my neurones are in state x"  With Ai there is a very famous thought experiment called the chinese room that illustrates the problem. Imagine you have someone locked in a room with many draws labeled with chinese characters, each containing some peaces of paper written in chinese. You post a paper into the room with chinese characters on it, and the person inside the room matches those characters to one of the draws, takes a peace of paper out of that draw and posts it back to you. In this way you could theoretically have an intelligent conversation in Chinese. You post a paper saying "hello" into the room, and the person matches it with the right draw and posts a paper back saying "Hello, how are you?" The problem however is that the person in the room is just pattern matching. They themselves have no knolidge of the Chinese language, no ide
 a what the papers they send out of the room actually refer to, they just match and send a response. this is my issue with Ai, sinse while I am quite convinced when I search for a file my computer is able to find it quite coherently by putting together sets of positively and negatively charged logic gates on it's circuit boards that adhere to my request, I am not convinced that my computer has any extra sensation or consciousness involved with that system. So, even if (and it is a pretty gigantic if), a system were developed that was able to assimilate different sorts of information outside it's initially prescribed intake I'm not sure if that system would be actually sentient, especially considering that in biological terms we're not even sure on the sentience of other none animal species, and even our knolidge of the sentience of animals is generally ganed by assumption and empathy rather than something impyrical. Note that this idea has not
 hing to do either with souls or with God, it's just the recognition that our current language of biological determinism isn't adequate to explain our mental landscape and so any system developed only with the knolidge of that language will not in any sense approximate who and what we are. Otherland is an awsome series, and I love the portrayals of The Other and the clones of human brains involved, but it is at rock bottom fiction, albeit extremely good fiction, that is based on some pretty major assumptions, same goes for Data in Tng (indeed rather more so). As to virtual reality, I am not sure whether or not we will have accurate enough knolidge of the brain to actually interface brains and computers for the reasons just mentioned. We may well get to the point that computers can monitor certain nurvous activity and that a person can think control a device, although odds are you probably won't be able to just think and have it happen like magic, you'
 ;ll need to think something specific, eg, think of moving your right hand up to access the top part of a screen. But actual virtual reality of a real environment projected into the brain that someone can manipulate? I'm not sure. I do see us getting to a point where devices! will be able to completely mimic reality in sensations, at least as far as sight sound and movement go, although touch is something that hasn't even been considered yet, let alone taste and smell, (and sinse those two actually would require relese of particles into the body they have rather worrying implications). However, to me the ethics of virtual reality are far less worrying than the ethics of the companies selling the devices involved with producing it. After all, companies are already using every casino trick the gam bling industry ever produced to flease people out of money as we discussed in This topic and the bette
 r the vr devices the more that will continue, not to mention the amount of power people like Apple hav

Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

2015-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

Hi Camlorn.I think that came out wrong I did mean AI would be amoral. The x-files episode I watched was about a computer killing people not because it enjoyed it but to protect itself from being shut down or killed if you could call something like that a living thing. At the end of the episode it's not said if the machine is good or evil it's left up to you.I've read some fiction where the characters use human brains as AI machines which obviously would be impossible to keep a brain alive long enough to transfer it from a human to a computer but it did make me think. If this were really possible we would just be brains floating in tanks without bodies that is a horrible thought.As for virtual reality if it were made possible in the near future it would change humanity forever. Things like military training could be done in a vr environment that could take you through scenarios that you might not experience in the real world.Of course there wo
 uld be plenty of downsides to this like you mentioned having religious experiences that would really be aweful.@Severestormsteve, that's interesting if somebody coded an AI to do something like commit murder or something like that it could be considered an evil thing. You could also try to make something good but the big question is how would you explain morality to a machine? If you think about it if we had AI computers we could just write a program to tell it to go kill somebody or blow up a building but how would you explain to a machine something like doing something nice for somebody just because you want to? Years ago I watched the terminator movies where skynet is always the bad guy always evil but how would it know if it hated humans or not? As much as I like those movies I have to admit there not well thought out.[[wow]] this post got way longer than I wanted it to be lol.


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Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

2015-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

I was going to post something long and technical.  Instead, go read Accellerando by Charles Stross.  it's a nice bit of fiction, and it also happens to be a nice introduction to a lot of the transhuman stuff.  It's technically 9 short stories linked as a novel.  The first 3 are things that can happen in 50 years or so, and for which we are starting to see the first hints now.  The next 6 get a lot of the ways that I suspect culture and society will change right, but kind of go off the rails in terms of tech a little.  Fortunately, that's okay--it's a demonstration of a so-called singularity and, if we manage to have one in real life, it'll go along the same lines.Also, Verner Vinge's A Fire Upon the Deep which has an antagonist that is an AI along these lines: not exactly evil in and of itself.  Verner Vinge is one of the authors credited with getting a lot of the current movement started, way back before peopl
 e were going "well, we can make cars drive themselves, so why not?"I think Accellerando is kinda essential reading for this conversation.  It presents the possibility which most people who argue about this stuff argue about in the first place.  Unfortunately, we don't have a paperclip maximizer book because that just doesn't work as a plot (and then, they were all turned into paperclips.  Or drugged to be happy and lived happily ever after).  To that end, the article I linked is also kinda essential reading.


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Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

2015-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

Well AI is as good or evil as it's programmer. One could perhaps include AI in a game (I'd use a more suttle example such as robots but those don't yet exist), that's main goal is to kill, destroy, and smash everything. On the other hand, the AI could be programmed to simulate a god in a game, giving grace and mercy and love to the player.  But as Camlorn said, that AI would still be a mindless drone, rather than a sencient being, as it would be unable to learn new things, feel emotions etc.


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Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

2015-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

AI is not good or evil.  AI is something which does not exist in anything close to either of those concepts but, if it did, it would be at best amoral.  We probably won't have anything close to a sentient AI for at least 50 years, but it is possible we might see breakthroughs.  There is a quote which I am not exactly remembering, but there's some small truth to it: The AI does not love you nor does it hate you; you are merely made of atoms it can use for something else.I no longer think that it can happen by accident.  I used to, but then I actually stopped listening to Center for Applied Rationality stuff exclusively (one source is bad) and started actually applying some computer science knowledge to it.  Still, Center for Applied Rationality has some good points about ethics, even if I now strongly believe them to be wrong about it suddenly happening overnight.An interesting thought experiment that gives some idea as to the real iss
 ues of AI ethics in general is the paperclip maximizer.  This system is neither good nor evil.  Part of the problem with discussing AI ethics is that good and evil are not really real concepts, they're just human frameworks that we've built as a species.  If you posit that strong, sentient AI is possible, you have to leave all religious frameworks at the door, and you only have a globally defined good and evil if you look at the world through a religious framework.As for virtual reality, it's a tool like your television.  We might get brain-computer interfaces within the next 50-75 years, but even then it's still a tool like your television.  I can use your television for evil things.  I can use your VR gear for evil things.  But they don't really have ethics in themselves, and I don't really see any new ethical situations that come up.  Yes, u
 sing good VR for torture is a thing that we don't want to happen.  But it doesn't make torture more or less evil, and it's not really any sort of a new situation.  Many of the other objections are religious, for example using VR technologies for living out abhorrent fantasies.  You can posit a wide variety of cultures.  My worst is very not safe for work.  But such cultures, even the not safe for work ones? They're only evil if looked at through the view of some religious framework that provides a universally global evil.The problem with putting these together is that one (VR) is much more interesting in a religious context, but the other (AI) can't really be talked about through a religious lens.  The AI question that comes from religion is if we can build something sentient; if we can, it has major implications as proof that souls don't exist.  Yes, I know that people will just reinterpret, but if there's 
 anything that's capable of killing my last personal vestiges of maybe, the day we start stretching religions to the breaking point to incorporate sentient AI into them is it.


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Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

2015-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence And Virtual Reality

Hi.Well recently I just finished reading otherland by tad williams and watching some star trek tng. It's got me interested in ai and vr. I also watched an x-files episode, ghost in the machine which argues whether ai is good or evil.So what do you guys think about this?


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Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

Regarding tactile holograms (... holotouch? Hlohaptics?), Disney has it covered, sort of. They kinda explain how it works, but not the limits of what it can and cannot simulate (Presumably, it doesn't do walls).While trying to refind Aerial, I found the very similarly-named Aerial3d for visual holograms (which are imperfect, naturally).


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Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

For many various reasons I pointed out and some I haven't I don't think true full VR is on the cards any time soon, even if it were available not all gamers would want it. Sure it sounds cool but do you really want to feel the physical exertion?


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Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

hello, how are you guys expected to still play games if all the pc games turn to vr games? it's possible for people with enough rest vision, but what about fokes who are totally blind? they would never be able to play games any more, unless the pc would stay as it is and wouldn't turn into something completely inaccessable. I mean if we're talking startreck with voice input an output for the computers, that'd be great but how do you expect to play games like swamp or rtr in a vertual reality? like in swamp. how as a blind person do you expect to kill a zombie? and you couldn't really have the radars because the radars are a help to blind gamers. Then the matter of nollage comes to mind. I'm one of the people who has never fired a gun. the closest I've ever fired do a gun is a bow, so your weapon usage for games with guns would be rather limmited, unless you'd learn how to fire a gun.


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Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

Gloves could provide some feedback but even a full body suit would struggle to provide the resistance offered by say a real physical wall.The replicator thing is more because in Trek replicators and transporters are very, very similar meaning that objects which need to be created in the holodeck are replicated in place and then recycled as needed which a 3D printer couldn't achieve. In particular this would be things like food and drink but could also extend to smells, as well as liquids and gooey substances leaving a residue on you after contact. Imagine how strange it would be to dip your hand in water and take it out only for it to be bone dry, or to touch some mud without having some left on your hand. Sometimes this would be a good thing but sometimes it would break the immersion considerably.


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Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Locutus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

Someone really ought to make a movie of that book. Or at least a good solid audio drama. Can you imagine all the awesome ear candy such a project would offer?


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Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

Ready Player One is beast. If you feel like shelling out for the commercial version, Will wheaton reads it. So much awesome.


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Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

[[wow]] Locutus. I heard about this book a while back I really need to read it. Also for another good story about virtual reality read tad williams's otherland series.@Cx2 you could create some type of glove that would give you the sense of touching a wall or object. And yes speakers to play the correct sounds during a simulation would be awesome!


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Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Locutus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

Replicators are pretty close to being a reality methinks, what with 3-d printing advancing by leaps and bounds the way it is. True, we're not at the stage of literally creating objects out of thin air, but then nobody said that any real counterpart to a fictional device works exactly as depicted in the fictional setting, right? I think the one book that has truly depicted virtual reality in an awesome and believable way is Ernest Cline's Ready Player One. Highly recommended read for anyone that loves believable science fiction and has a love for 80's era computer games and culture in general.


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Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

The main barrier to the holodeck is the fact that holograms can't be touched and produce no sound. It's possible to use speakers embedded in the walls but unless someone comes up with some very, very clever tricks it'll be hard to make it sound exactly like its coming from the object which we won't be able to touch anyway since a hologram is an image made of light. Star Trek justified this with some explanation involving force fields and replicators, which even if they're possible we're nowhere near them and they may not work in a way which would permit their use in a holodeck.It's a great idea but so many things from fiction are.


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Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

Hi Guys.Interesting topic. Well it would be really cool if we could play audiogames in virtual reality. Can you imagine playing swamp in vr? That would be awesome instead of controlling a character on your computer you are the character. You walk around, kill zombies, pick up items, explore new maps, and all that. That would be a lot of fun.But we could also use virtual reality to learn how to navigate new places. Like if we were going to a new store we could just load it up on our computer explore the store see what it's like and then when we are really there we know exactly where we need to go. It would be nice to have something like the holodeck since we would have freedom of movement and places to explore. I've wanted something like virtual reality for years since it could help millions of people sighted and blind.You got that right Cinnamon vr should definitly be Aprone's next project lol.


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Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

The term for what Google Glass does is augmented reality and it has a lot of exciting applications, unfortunately conveying that to us is rather more difficult especially without it compromising our ability to hear dangers in our surroundings. You could argue that a talking GPS is a form of augmented reality of course, though the current solutions either have no digital compass at all or don't align it to your physical facing which would be a very nice next step. It'd be expensive but adding a digital compass to some bone conduction headphones like the Aftershokz could be rather interesting since it could reliably tell which direction you're head is turned at least, even if not which way you're facing.Virtual reality is actually a lot simpler for us than sighted people, take some 5.1 headphones like the Roccat Cave I use and couple it with some kind of tracker for which way your head is facing. Not doing this can in sighted people lead to nausea so I ima
 gine it could do likewise with us, as well as just making things much easier. Combine this with some form of controller, be it a keyboard, trackball or gamepad and you've got the most basic elements. Adding in haptick feedback would be incredibly, incredibly useful though not technically necessary.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

I want something that would render the world in 16 bit super metroid stile graphics. I'd be able to get about so much easier. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cinnamon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

I've heard a little about the Oculous Rift and what it can do. It sounds amazing. That should be Aprone's next project; create an Oculous Rift that incorperates audio and cutting-edge smell transmitting technology. He already has the See Monkey. Just take that about fifty steps farther.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

2014-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Virtual reality and virtual worlds?

I have played Alter Aeon and swamp among other audio based games. The more I think about it, what would virtual reality mean to each of us. What would it take to create a virtual world that each of us takes part in and what will it look like? Will it take form in a way that looks a lot like the holodeck off of star trek? What brings this up is listening to them on the "this week in tech" show talking about the Oculus Rift thing some and I got to thinking that it would be nice to have something like that in the blind community. Another thing that comes to mind is the whole google glass thing, but that is more of an overlay to what you seeing around you. Think heads up display. Any thoughts? Don't just restrict this to games. If you think it could be useful in other areas, let's talk about it...


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