Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Poping sounds with Kora Hermes DAC

2008-07-24 Thread CardinalFang

Phil Leigh;322429 Wrote: 
  CardinalFang;322421 Wrote: 
  Wow - Mine has never dropped lock - ever and it's been in permannent
  use for 4 years. Are you using the wall wart or the X-PSU (aka a big
  toroid in a box!).
  Coax or toslink?  
 The wall-wart, I keep meaning to get the X-PSU, but at the same time
 that takes the price into the territory where I could get a new dac,
 so I'm torn!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Poping sounds with Kora Hermes DAC

2008-07-24 Thread CardinalFang

seanadams;322424 Wrote: 
 We only attenuate, so anything like that would be a serious bug that we
 would want to fix.

Your explanation sounds much more plausible though, I just noticed it
on tracks that were very dynamic, with quiet passages and then sudden
loud parts, so assumed it might be some volume adjustment issue,
especially since lowing the volume made it go away.

I must admit I haven't tried it again recently and I'm using a Duet
now, not the SB2. Perhaps I should try to recreate it sometime and see
if I can isolate it better,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Poping sounds with Kora Hermes DAC

2008-07-23 Thread CardinalFang

itai;322201 Wrote: 
 The music plays with poping sounds, like small explosions.
 This happens when the music gets bussy, not with calm music.
 Any idea s to the cause?

Does is still happen if you turn down the volume on the digital output?
I had this for a while on some recordings until I made sure that all
volume adjustment was turned off. There must have been some bad data in
the recordings that caused the final output to clip when adjusted -
that's my theory anyway!

Before I found the cause, I tried turning down the volume to about 80%
on the digital out and the popping went away.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Poping sounds with Kora Hermes DAC

2008-07-23 Thread CardinalFang

seanadams;322412 Wrote: 
 There's no such thing as bad PCM data as far as a s/pdif interface is

It wasn't bad PCM data as such, I didn't explain that well. My theory
was that if there was an incorrect volume adjustment value stored, then
when the volume adjustment was applied, you might get clipping in the
signal, or even wrapping round of the values, like when you overflow an
integer. So that data is valid, but the peaks have ended up as troughs.
No idea how the algorithm in the SB would cope with a volume adjustment
that caused out of range values.

I use a Musical Fidelity X-Dac V3, usually very good sound, but it is
susceptible to mains borne interference - sometimes dropping the Duet
controller into its cradle will cause it to lose lock on the signal and
go quiet for a moment.

EDIT: I should add that I always used 100% volume on the digital output
prior to hearing the problem. It did sound very much like clipping.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] bitrate

2008-07-22 Thread CardinalFang

mr_bill;321839 Wrote: 
 I believe you have to have 7.1 SC running to see the Last.FM icon.

Thanks - I'll wait until it goes primetime before I upgrade, the rest
of my system is fine. 

I hope the menu structure is revised as well, there are way too many
options on display. I showed it to my wife who would really like the service and she took one look at what I had to do to start the
stream and declared no thanks, much too hard to remember what to


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] bitrate

2008-07-21 Thread CardinalFang

mr_bill;318312 Wrote: 
 Thanks Andy,
 I'll give it a try as soon as I get my new Duet fired up!

I was using it all of yesterday - it sounds pretty good, a little
dull compared to a good rip, but certainly much better than DAB here
in the UK. 

My only gripe however is starting a new station. Entering text with the
controller is painful, I wish I could pick an artist from my library as
a starting point more easily. You can do it if you have just played a
track by that artist before switching to SqueezeNetwork, but I wish I
could go to any artist in the library and start a station as an

Not sure if that's doable though, as you have to disconnect from the
library to start SqueezeNetwork - a bit of a usability disconnect in my
view. It would also be cool if you could store several artist names as
starting points for new stations.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] bitrate

2008-07-21 Thread CardinalFang

bhaagensen;321709 Wrote: 
 (On SC 7.2 and also 7.1. I believe)
 1. There is no need to (explicetly) connect to SN. You should have an
 entry for in the Music Services menu.

Hmmm, I may need to upgrade then, the music service doesn't
appear until I log into SN.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread CardinalFang

radish;316977 Wrote: 
 2) If you're serious about sound quality, don't use iTunes for

That's an interesting comment. 

Surely if any other ripping tool were being used it would be using the
same drive and unless the CD were damaged, there would be very little
error concealment going on, only error correction, which by definition
fixes up any read errors. Why would iTunes be worse? It's always worked
well for me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread CardinalFang

m1abrams;317006 Wrote: 
 No see that is what you are missing Redbook audio really does not have
 any way to handle error corrections.

Nope, RedBook does indeed contain error correction.

This is from a HP CDROM technical paper, but there are plenty of other

Because the CD-ROM disk has a very high bit density, it has an
inherent error rate of [10.sup.-5] to [10.sup.-6] errors per bit. The
red book standard, which has become International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) standard 908, specifies the CD audio media format and
provides a parity and error correction scheme that reduces the error
rate to 10-11 to [10.sup.-12] errors per bit. All CD manufacturers
provide this level of error protection.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread CardinalFang

m1abrams;317040 Wrote: 
 Bottom line is this, would you want to spend the time to rip 500 CDs and
 possibly have errors in the data but really have no way to know until
 you listen to each and every track.  Or use a proper program and rip
 500 CDs and know that you have no errors in the data.
 Also I have found that many CDs have errors, even brand new CDs.

They all have errors, but it's whether they can be corrected or not is
the issue. iTunes works for me, the only time I ever found an problem,
I cleaned the disk and re-ripped it and all was fine.

I'm a Mac user and I do run Parallels, so I could use these other
rippers, but to be honest I haven't found the need, because when I did
trial them they were painfully slow and gave no discernible

The only reason I posted was because it was said that if you care about
audio, you shouldn't use iTunes, which is misleading. It only matters if
you have disks that error correction can't fix and then a more
industrial strength solution is needed. I haven't needed it.

I will admit that EAC and the ilk do appeal to the geeky audiophile
part of me, but the busy pragmatic side makes me use iTunes because it
is a far more pleasant experience. I'd rather be listening than


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] FLAC or ALAC that is the question!?

2008-07-03 Thread CardinalFang

radish;317085 Wrote: 
 I find it astonishing that in the same forum as people talk about things
 like SPDIF jitter and 24-bit digitial volume scaling as being
 detrimental to sound quality that there's anyone who's unwilling to use
 a good ripper.

I do use a good ripper - iTunes. I haven't read anything that says it
doesn't rip CDs well. So far it's all hearsay and conjecture, no actual
data to back it up.

I don't spend $5K on cartridges and don't fuss about room treatments,
but equally I don't want to listen to music through a cheap box.

However, I have realised during this conversation that I'm probably not
an audiophile in the terms that others may view the subject. I'm prefer
to enjoy my music, not analyse it and fuss about the nth degree of


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sometimes I really don't get it!

2008-06-27 Thread CardinalFang

bigfool1956;314547 Wrote: 
 Thing is, when I walk back into the room I'm staggered by the change in
 sound. Now the TP sounds great again. Clearly switching on and off the
 desktop affects the sound, and it's not subtle. Why on earth? I mean
 CAT5 is decoupled AFAIK. It's a different ring main, different room.

The only other long-shot theory I can add to the most likely
explanation that it's mains-borne interference is that perhaps the PC
is either clogging up the router with lots of activity or that the PC
is trying to talk to the TP through network tools of some sort, both of
which causing higher processing requirements from the TP. Neither of
these things should make any difference, but is there the possibility
that excessive network activity could affect PSUs within the TP and
therefore impact sound? I'm sure they're all decoupled from each other,
so as I said, this is highly unlikely. Has anyone else noticed a
difference when TPs are in high traffic networks?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Posible bug in built-in MP3 decoder - please verify

2008-06-06 Thread CardinalFang

sikahr;309281 Wrote: 
 Because, ALMOST ALL users (use tapes)/(listens mp3).
 What is Your opinion, how many users of slimdevices use mp3 (in %)?

If we're talking about people on this audiophile forum, and so people
using transporters and SB3 in good hifi systems, I would guess that the
vast majority will be using lossless most of the time. My guess is that
people are only using MP3 because they have some downloads or for some
reason don't want to buy more disk space or also use the same files on
portable players. 

Those who do have large MP3 collections do not in the main appear to
have noticed any problem - I didn't on any of my MP3 downloads. I have
never seen it discussed in any other thread. Clearly it's not audible
to most MP3 users or there would be a huge outcry.

I really do suggest you get this into perspective. The bug is
acknowledged but it only affects a small group of people in edge
conditions. You are one of those people, but you do have alternatives.
It wouldn't have priority in any software company I know of.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Posible bug in built-in MP3 decoder - please verify

2008-06-05 Thread CardinalFang

sikahr;308923 Wrote: 
 My point of view is that soundquality related bugs have very high
 priority, slimdevices obviously have opposite.

Without wanting to fan any flames, anyone who is really interested in
the highest quality would not be using a lossy format. I can't
personally see any benefit in using 320kbs MP3 over FLAC or Apple
Lossless. Storage is cheap and 320kbs is over the top if you wanted to
use it on a portable device as well as SB. I can see why this is a low
priority, it really is an edge case and frankly obscure and with easy
workarounds. I'd much rather the team fix problems in mainstream
features that affect the majority.

Why not transcode the MP3s to FLAC?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Posible bug in built-in MP3 decoder - please verify

2008-06-05 Thread CardinalFang

sikahr;308953 Wrote: 
 To CardinalFang and others who think that high quality MP3 decoding is
 not important:

The whole point behind all the comments made is that there is a better
way of doing it - use a lossless format instead. Problem solved.  The
fact that the SB doesn't do as good a job as it should is secondary to
the core fact that the source data is already compromised. You're never
going to get as good an experience as you could do.

To me it's like buying a compact hifi system and discovering that the
cassette tape deck doesn't work as well as it could. Do I bother with
complaining to the manufacturer, or just go play CDs instead? I know it
should play the tapes better, but even if it did, they are still an
inferior experience. Why am I even bothering with them?

You *really* shouldn't be using MP3 in a serious hifi set-up, you are
spoiling the ship for a hap'worth of tar as the saying goes.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Duet Sound

2008-05-01 Thread CardinalFang

I did note a difference between the Duet and my SB2 when I first got it,
the Duet somehow sounded more restrained. I seem to remember at the time
that in fact there was a difference in output levels between the two, 
which would perhaps explain it.

Now? I couldn't care less. I use the Duet into a MF-XDAC  and the only
thing I'd change is the DAC, the Duet is there to stay.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How many reasons...

2008-04-29 Thread CardinalFang

I think they've pitched it right for the UK audiophile audience. No PC
to set up, no wireless streaming, in fact all the things that baffle
the audiophiles and make them shout but they'll be degradation as the
bits go through the air and get dirty all go away with this design.
The only gripe (apart from the price) would have been the 400G disk
space, but you can extend it.

The shame of it all is that the established names will come through
with products that make it a far easier purchasing decision for people
keen to empty their wallets of more money. They may not be as
innovative, or usable even, but they have the badge.

It's an expensive product for the audio bigots who will happily lap it
up. The transporter is no longer the high end for audiophiles, even if
it is the best.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Songs you use for critical listening

2008-04-25 Thread CardinalFang

ModelCitizen;295221 Wrote: 
 Does anyone wonder why virtually no one really gives a s*** about
 obtaining music illegally now? It's just one in a long list of things
 that modern people pretend publically that they don't do.

I'm used to paying for recorded music, so continue to do so, but I do
like the convenience of buying just the tracks I want and not the
filler crap on most CDs. That of course means the labels get less money
from me.

I think that eventually the music business model will change and
downloaded music will become a free marketing tool and the big money
will come from touring and merchandising. We're already starting to see
that with Prince and others, and with the new deals that U2 and Madonna
are cutting.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Songs you use for critical listening

2008-04-24 Thread CardinalFang

Little Red Rooster - The Persuasions, makes the hairs stand up on your
neck on the right system
Little Wing - Stevie Ray Vaughan, love that amplifier buzz!
Brushed with Oil, Dusted with Powder - Scritti Politti. Great studio
recording, as are all his albums
OK - Talvin Singh, great recording of modern Asian music


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping Vinyl

2008-02-26 Thread CardinalFang

bigfool1956;273081 Wrote: 
 I've been thinking about digitising my singles. I haven't quite decided
 to what hardware to use as yet, but never mind.

I have a ton of old 12 singles from the 80's, well perhaps not a ton,
but more like 100 or so. Luckily I still have my old Pink Triangle
turntable from the 70's which I feed through my amp into a   M-Audio
Audiophile 2496 and then use Audacity on my old PowerMac. It's
laborious as you have to record at normal speed, but I leave all the
clicks and pops in the recording as it transports me straight back to
my youth!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-17 Thread CardinalFang

ted_b;270145 Wrote: 
 The vile and unsupported criticism (i.e without ever hearing it) on this
 thread is embarrassing.

Well to be fair, you kind of set yourself up for it be saying how much
better your TP is than those of other posters on this forum. However
true that is, it's bound to annoy.

I'm definitely in the skeptical camp, most of the claims made by
modders are pseudo-science and easily disproved, but what the heck,
it's your money. For me, it's similar to whether something is a more
accurate recording as opposed to being a more emotional experience. I
love my old punk records, but are they well recorded? Nope. Put a big
smile on my face? Yep. I'm sure it's the same for modded gear. It's
almost definitely a step back in accuracy, but it feels more like
music, or perhaps it's just apart of this hobby and doesn't need

One reminder for me of keeping it real was the recent outcry about
mosquito sound machines in the UK, designed to keep teenagers from
forming gangs around shopping centres. Apparently only the under-25
hear a painful noise, the rest of us can't hear a thing. So much for my
ability to judge the tonal accuracy of a system when I'm only hearing a
fraction of what's on the CD.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] ModWright Transporter experience: truth vs. beauty?

2008-02-17 Thread CardinalFang

Phil Leigh;270306 Wrote: 
 There are CD's with stuff on up there - but you aren't going to miss it
 too much IMHO.

I guess my point was that we ought to recognise that our ears are
significantly degraded by age, loud concerts, iPods etc., so we
shouldn't get too wound up about accuracy when in all likelihood we  
need boosted frequencies to actually hear everything in the first

Meh. Just trying to present an alternate point of view, I suppose the
sides are drawn up already.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 VS the Transporter

2008-01-29 Thread CardinalFang

Caad;263772 Wrote: 
 If any have some ideas for more mods.. Please return..

How about cleaning up all the flux after you have soldered, it looks
pretty nasty to see that mess and it's not good practice. Also, given
that you are trying to achieve better sound quality, some of those
joints look a little dubious and could well not be working that well.
It really doesn't help your case for saying it sounds better than a
transporter when the workmanship look a bit amateur.

Seriously though, changing a few caps is not going to change the
fundamentals of the SB3 significantly. It'll sound a little different
perhaps, but it's still an SB3. I can put new wheels on a  Lada, but
it's still not a Ferrari.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Million dollars to provecables areworth money

2007-10-22 Thread CardinalFang

servies;237065 Wrote: 
 As expected...

And although it is being regarded as Pear chickening out, I doubt it'll
affect their sales. Their customers are unlikely to have value for money
concerns in the first place.

Not that I'd ever waste my money on stupid-money cables even if I had
it. $7K is a lot of CDs and I would find it hard to live with knowing
I'd fallen for their marketing drivel. 

Isn't there a rule of thumb that if your system costs more than your CD
collection, then you've got the wrong priorities?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Million dollars to prove cables areworth money

2007-10-07 Thread CardinalFang

zanash;233069 Wrote: 
 Theres a thread on the audio asylum digital that puts this spurious
 challenge to bed with a spanked bottom.

I don't particularly care one way or another, but I couldn't find a
thread that clearly dismissed the challenge. As far as I know, he has
the money held by a 3rd party and the reason for requiring a media
presence is that he wants the reviewers or manufacturers to come
forwards, not crazies.

It would seem to me that you for one have confidence in your abilities
to tell the difference, so why not go for it? If the rules are unfair,
then what should they be? If someone can prove these cables do deliver
what they promise, I'm sure many people would be happy.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] sound kval that supasses that of even the most exotic cd player

2007-09-25 Thread CardinalFang

jaysung;229757 Wrote: 
 PS.: Enjoy your tea. Which one came first? Milk or tea?
 PPS.: The english say that there is truly a difference caused by
 already resident milk slowly warmed up by flooding tea compared to a
 hot cup of tea which drastically warms up the milk which is being

Actually the supposed real reason for adding milk first was that fine
china used to be quite fragile and subject to cracking from the thermal
shock of adding a hot liquid, so pouring a hot liquid into a cold one
lessened the effect. Supposedly.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-18 Thread CardinalFang

fred7;227716 Wrote: 
 I am glad that Sean clarified the fact that the SB does indeed draw
 slightly more power when decoding FLAC since someone was disputing

Actually, I'm not sure he *did* explicitly say that. What I read was
that although the Squeezebox has no power saving features, it does
suspend processing in the threads when there is nothing to do.  I guess
the argument is around whether FLAC uses more processing and so there
are less idle moments for the decoding thread than when decoding WAV,
resulting in different power consumption profile.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Affordable Audio review of SB3

2007-09-10 Thread CardinalFang

abelincoln;226246 Wrote: 
 Amazing how many sound difference can not be statically identified in
 the double blind test.

Stand back - I've got a double blind test invitation for an argument
and I'm not afraid to use it! :-)

Don't go taking all the fun out of this by suggesting we measure
things! I agree 100% that double blind is important for reviewers, but
I think the rest of us can just enjoy the gear we have. I'm not even
sure that my old ears are up to it anyways.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So, this new iPod Touch thing

2007-09-07 Thread CardinalFang

opaqueice;225830 Wrote: 
 But if it ever becomes possible, I'll be able to listen to my entire
 music library any place, any time (so long as I have phone service at
 Not bad, eh?  ;-)

Only if you have a flat rate data plan, otherwise be prepared for the
massive bill shock at the end of the month :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] So, this new iPod Touch thing

2007-09-07 Thread CardinalFang

DCtoDaylight;225734 Wrote: 
 Well, certainly those of us using iTunes to organize their music
 collections should be able to!  But given Apple's refusal to have
 anything to do with flac, I would guess the rest of you will be out of
 I do have to say tho, I'm a little disappointed that it's a flash based
 player, I had been hoping for the capacity of a hard disc.
 Cheers,  Dave

There's a fair bit of speculation that they have arranged the product
line so that the iPod classic with the extra disk space is for the
audiophiles and the Touch is for the gadget freaks who have to have the
latest thing to impress their peer geeks. 

The odd thing is that I have found that the more you use an iPod, the
less memory you want. I used to have all my music on my iPod, now it's
a lot less at higher bit rates and I only really listen to a fraction
of the songs on the move.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-13 Thread CardinalFang

Mark Lanctot;214296 Wrote: 
 But the skin effect is most pronounced at VHF and microwave frequencies.
 MHz or GHz, not kHz unless it's undersized.

Crack detection frequencies for eddy current skin effect tend to be in
the low to mid 100KHz, the lower the frequency, the deeper it goes.
There are a number of research papers around on this topic, but it
certainly doesn't need MHz to demonstrate voltage fluctuations with
cracks in materials due to flexing and manufacturing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-13 Thread CardinalFang

Mark Lanctot;214328 Wrote: 
 But still, at 100 kHz you're far from impacting audible frequencies. 
 It's not like your speakers could even reproduce it, or that you could
 even hear it (not even dogs can hear this high).

The point is that the lower the frequency, the deeper the skin effect,
so a 10KHz signal exhibits a skin effect too, just a deeper skin. The
speaker might reproduce 100KHz too, just at a very low level dictated
by the response curve - it doesn't necessarily go to zero at very high
KHz frequencies.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-12 Thread CardinalFang

Ejorne;213967 Wrote: 
 But i don't want to go further off-topic. This is a topic about the
 squeezebox and not about cdr. The thing about cdr was just to
 illustrate the common phenomenon. ...

There is a belief in some audio circles that if you rip a CD using EAC
and then burn a CDR with an exact copy, you get in effect a better
pressing. In other words, EAC can do a better job of getting the data
than a CD player and the resulting CDR is better that the CD because
the pits are created in a non mass-production way and to a higher

However, it all seems to be based on the old misunderstanding between
error correction and error concealment. In other words the CDR sounds
different because the data has less errors, but the reality is that the
data is the same after it comes out of the CD read buffer because errors
are corrected in both cases. You might get a better CDR if you were
able to extract data from areas where the CD player could only conceal
them, but that's a very small minority of cases I would imagine.

As for the original subject, I believe Sean's assertion that the data
and process of decoding it is identical in both cases. However, I have
personally seen software developers caught out in similar circumstances
where they know how something is *supposed* to work, and have found that
in reality there are subtleties from system interactions in the real
world that cause differences. Not that I'm implying that's the case
here since Sean has reviewed his design and the operation on the SB3
prior to posting comments.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-12 Thread CardinalFang

Patrick Dixon;214001 Wrote: 
 I think if there is any difference between a CD and a CDR it's more
 likely to be because the data got burnt with a more or less stable
 clock, which then affects the read clock, and hence the DAC clock.
 So jitter rather than errors.

Presumably you mean the original master rather than the copies which
are manufactured by another process other than burning.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-12 Thread CardinalFang

seanadams;213966 Wrote: 
 I have to disagree with you there. The reason it has a polarized plug is
 so that the fuse is assured to be on hot side.  Isn't it also the case that 
 mains switches also sometimes only switch
the live and not both live and neutral? I do also remember reading
somewhere that back at the power station that neutral is tied to earth,
not sure how true that is any more.

I admire your patience by the way Sean, although I wish you would stop
using facts and measurements - they have no place on an audiophile
forum and take all the fun out of it :-) James Randi would have a field
day with this industry...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-12 Thread CardinalFang

Pat Farrell;214009 Wrote: 
 Commercial CDs, and DVDs are pressed, not burned.
 They are stamped out much in the spirit of vinyl records.

Not quite, the plastic part is pressed, but the pits are coated by
metallising using a plasma. The pits are then covered in plastic, but
you are right in that it is a copying process, not a mastering one like
making a CDR.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-12 Thread CardinalFang

Mark Lanctot;214011 Wrote: 
 I thought he already did, with an article about cable magic, but I can't
 find it at his website anymore.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-12 Thread CardinalFang

Pat Farrell;214014 Wrote: 
 This thin layer of metal is unstable and will oxidise if it is not
 protected by a lacquer.

That just screams for audiophile products that remove the latent
voltage potential from the plasma, and a range of pit stabilising green
pens. As for the lacquer on my audiophile CDs, I insist on finest
Chinese (preferably Ming red) lacquer. 

Back on topic, we seem to have eliminated the SB3 as a potential factor
in there being a different data stream, but what about the server. Are
we sure that it streams exactly the same data in both cases? Just
trying to nail this one down as highly unlikely.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-09 Thread CardinalFang

truckfighters;213231 Wrote: 
 some audio devices sound different when turning the 230V power plug via
 180 degrees (change phase). does this also apply to transporter?

I've never heard that one before. You might as well say that it matters
at what exact moment you play a track as you need to make sure that the
music is exactly aligned with the absolute phase of the mains supply.
And logically 50Hz units will sound different to 60 Hz units.

It's also potentially lethal if you start rewiring units to reverse
live and neutral in case only live is disconnected at any mains switch.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-09 Thread CardinalFang

truckfighters;213251 Wrote: 
 as far as I am informed it has something to do with several devices
 connected to each other via. e.g. RCA cable connection.
 you might get different potentials, if one device is connected out of
 phase and the other isn't.

There are phase inversion switches on some gear for the audio output -
nothing to do with mains supply. Some people believe that some
recordings were made out of phase to others and by flicking the switch
you can restore them to their correct absolute phase. It also might
work in cases where other gear in the reproduction chain have reversed
phase during amplification stages. In other words, you make the
loudspeakers move in the same direction as the monitors in the studio.

Given that recordings are made up of many tracks with all types of
effects, compression and filtering on them, I doubt that this has any
audible effect. Of course having one channel out of phase to the other
is audible as it can cancel out pressure waves in the more monotonic
signals at the low end.

Personally, my ears are so shot by live concerts, I wouldn't claim to
hear any perceptible differences!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Any good mods for Transporter out there? Validated?

2007-07-09 Thread CardinalFang

seanadams;213245 Wrote: 
 I wouldn't put it past anyone...

Hey - you should check out my DJ-stylee LP stylus in tha' groove
skillz, I've got my cue-in's down to microseconds to get that bass
boost from riding the peak 'n' troughs.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Nice feature on why modern music sounds bad

2007-06-29 Thread CardinalFang

It's down to compression of course.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sb4 ?

2007-06-28 Thread CardinalFang

JJZolx;211319 Wrote: 
 Hmmm...  Unless the new Squeezebox is a complete and total mess of a
 system including a CD-ROM drive, I don't see this end of things being
 improved upon.  The best Logitech might do is to develop a
 jack-of-all-trades (and master of none?) music manager to be run on
 your PC.  I dunno, that strikes me as a very big software project and a
 lot to give away just to sell $128.88 music boxes.

An alternative would be to drop SlimServer completely and make future
Squeezeboxes work in a more integrated way with iTunes and Windows
media. Now that DRM has been dropped from some of the music and since
iTunes is a complete music management suite, it would solve the need to
maintain their own music management and server software in a stroke. It
would need a thicker client and that's a diversion from existing
philosophy, but it would make it more scalable as well.

Of course there's already AppleTV, but there's still room for a
multi-room/audiophile solution that doesn't need a TV in every room.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sb4 ?

2007-06-28 Thread CardinalFang

cliveb;211367 Wrote: 
 This is a joke, right? You can't be serious. Why would we ever want to
 be at the mercy of what Apple or Microsoft decide to do in the future?

Because they own the mass market for music and if it's Logitech's aim
to make Slim more mass market, then they ought to consider it. It
eliminates a lot of the hurdles for the average user.

In any case, many of us already use iTunes for managing our libraries
and that doesn't mean using DRM or lossy formats. The only difference
I'm suggesting is that you could consider putting some of what is in
slimserver, i.e. reading data from network drives, into a Squeezebox. A
thicker client that doesn't need the server to stream data to it. It's
additional firmware that may need more memory and perhaps a hike in
processor speed, but since we already use up spare cycles doing
visualisers, why not use it to grab files directly from networked
drives and use the iTunes XML library descriptors like Slim does now?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sb4 ?

2007-06-28 Thread CardinalFang

erland;211452 Wrote: 
 If I'm not mistaken, Apple provide their own streaming hardware in
 Airport Express, I'm pretty sure they would do everything they can to
 make it as hard as possible for a competitor (like Logitech) to make a
 tight integration with iTunes.
It doesn't need to be that tight - as long as the SB can get access to
the files via the network, it can read and decide them itself. It might
need a small app to monitor changes to the iTunes directory and provide
a socket for data transfer, but that can be much, much simpler than

Personally, I'd write a plug-in for iTunes that keeps the player
up-to-date. I've written several and one of them sends information to a
remote connection. The Airport express probably uses hardware decoding
as it's cheaper than using a general purpose CPU and all the ancillary
hardware that that entails.

erland;211452 Wrote: 
 But making the SqueezeBox be a fat device instead of a slim device,
 would be a radical change of the current architecture. Some problems
 with this:
 - It would require everyone to by a new SB (SB4?) to get the
 - It would probably not be compatible with previous SB versions, so if
 you have multiple SB's in your home you would have to replace them
 - The number of plugin developers would decrease radically since it is
 a lot different to program an embedded device compared to server
 software. At least there is less people available that have the
 knowledge to program an embedded device.

I'm not sure that any of the reasons you give have any relevance to a
product that is targeted at the larger mass market. They don't have
pre-existing SB systems and if a plug-in is that useful, it should be
in the product anyway. There is no reason to not keep the old
software/systems going as well if it is profitable - the Transporter
didn't make the Squeezebox obsolete.

It's just a thought - I'm not suggesting it as the way to go as it is
very different to the current philosophy, just that if I were part of
Logitech's management I would be considering all options to make the
system more attractive to the huge number of iTunes users (100 million
at least).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Olive Musica

2007-06-13 Thread CardinalFang

cliveb;208558 Wrote: 
 Audio CDs without CD-Text simply don't have this information on them. I
 can say for sure that the vast majority of the CDs in my collection
 have no CD-Text on them. So how does the Olive read data from the CD
 when it's not there?

I thought it had a built-in database of CDs and used that for tagging.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2007-05-22 Thread CardinalFang

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Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

crooner;203372 Wrote: 
 Here are some updated photos of my setup.
 It now includes my spanking new custom made Super Squeezebox :-) and
 Enlightened Audio Designs DSP-7000 Series III with HDCD.

Now that's how I always wanted the Transporter to be, clean and simple,
but upgraded electronics. Nice work!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Buying Transporters in the UK

2007-05-06 Thread CardinalFang

cliveb;199530 Wrote: 
 I fear that the future is not at all bright for the Transporter, which
 is a crying shame, because it's a *stunning* piece of kit.

Well being as there is a sale on for Squeezeboxes, I would expect them
to also become Logitech branded as well come June 1st when the sale
ends. Perhaps even a new model or one with a new remote as well.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Tried the Mac Mini directly to the DAC

2007-05-01 Thread CardinalFang

Nikhil;198747 Wrote: 
 Can you elaborate please? I thought SlimServer wasn't supposed to cause
 clipping or any other modifications to the files other than transcoding
 if required.

I have a problem that some tracks that I have recorded in Apple
Lossless play back fine on iTunes, but have audible clicking sounds on
peaks when they play back through SlimServer, exactly like clipping
effects. It happens on a number of CDs. I even tried ripping via EAC to
WAV, then to Apple Lossless, but no improvement and feed the same DAC
from the PC and the SB2.

I can't explain it myself, both routes use the same Quicktime CODEC,
but perhaps something else in the Slimserver chain is causing a

I've pretty much given up on it now, I just play the CDs instead or use


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Tried the Mac Mini directly to the DAC

2007-04-30 Thread CardinalFang

Kiwi;198591 Wrote: 
 My conclusion is that creativepart had some reason to make claims that
 weren't factual so I am choosing to ignore what was said.

I think that's a little harsh. I re-read his postings and didn't feel
that he was trying to be disingenuous at all. 

I have a laptop connected to my DAC as well as a SB2 (with modded PSU)
and there isn't a big difference in sound between the two. I wouldn't
expect one unless the jitter performance of the laptop was really bad
compared to the SB2.

For those of us with some iTunes store purchases, it's a damn fine
alternative, and even on lossless tracks that I have ripped myself, it
can sound better since SlimServer seems to induce volume clipping when
compared to iTunes playback of the same tracks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-09 Thread CardinalFang

crooner;193511 Wrote: 
 Did they cut the faceplate or did you have it machined for the display?

A local light engineering company machined it out for me - it has a lip
so I could fix a new acrylic display filter in place and two holes for
the IR and a power LED. The opening for the display could have done
with being a little larger in actual fact.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Super Squeezebox Project

2007-04-08 Thread CardinalFang

crooner;193497 Wrote: 
 I'm choosing a 1RU or 2RU rack mount enclosure from Par Metal. Cost
 effective and should look nice stacked on the DAC60...

If you don't mind ordering from Italy, these guys do really nice
enclosures - I rehoused my SB2 in one of their units with a 10mm front
and included a new linear PSU (3 amp rated). It made a not
insignificant improvement to the sound, but it still needs an external

Here's a picture of what the final unit looks like, it's the top unit.
A little too wide for the other units, but pretty good nonetheless. It
cost around 80 euros shipped to the UK I seem to remember, but I may
have that wrong.

|Filename: slim.jpg |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Apple Lossless a compromise?

2007-04-06 Thread CardinalFang

opaqueice;192974 Wrote: 
 That's an extraordinary claim - my understanding is that SS converts
 apple lossless files into WAV *at the server side* before streaming it
 to the SB3, and therefore the packets the SB3 receives, and the
 processing it has to perform, are *identical* whether your music is
 stored as apples lossless or as WAV/AIFF.

Isn't it the case that SS uses Quicktime to decode the Apple Lossless
format? Are their any circumstances under which that process could
result in less than perfect WAV or AIFF files? 

I find that some of my Apple Lossless files which play perfectly
through iTunes exhibit clipping or clicking sounds when played back
through my SB2 - it's one of the reasons I've been thinking about a
radical change. When I play the same files back through my laptop into
the same DAC using the laptop SPDIF connector, the artifacts are gone.
So it's as though something in the SS transcoding is messing up gain


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Benchmark USB DAC1

2007-04-06 Thread CardinalFang

darkglobe;192411 Wrote: 
 Have you considered the racket a laptop actually makes?

Mine is very quiet - the fan only comes on if it is doing some serious
processing and playing back music isn't that stressful. 

As far as USB DAC goes, I don't see why it should be prone to losing
data if it is used in the mode of USB disk drives, they don't lose data
and the transfer rate is adequate. I'll have to try it and see if I
prefer the sound. 

I know most of you won't agree, but the SB doesn't work that well for
me anymore. I feel that it's fallen behind the market in usability
whilst not really improving in audio quality - the SB3 isn't really an
audible improvement over the SB2 for example. Perhaps they'll be a new
version soon that'll stop me giving up on Slim. If there was for
example a version of the Transporter that dispensed with the displays
and knob, kept the high end electronics and came with a Sonos-like
remote, then I might think again, but right now I'm looking for a
change to something that works better for me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Benchmark USB DAC1

2007-04-06 Thread CardinalFang

opaqueice;193078 Wrote: 
 But for the moment I'm happy - upgraditis will set in later :-).

I just haven't been able to get the SB2 that I have up to where my CD
player is in terms of audio quality. Every time I spin a disc it just
reminds me that there is something not there and I do think it's the MF
DAC since the network side is unlikely to have any significant effect on
audio signal. The SB2 DAC is nowhere near the CD Player on its own. The
Transporter just isn't for me, partly down to design and partly down to
software and a big chunk down to cost.

All I want is a top notch DAC with a network interface and a simple GUI
remote, but to me Slim development seems to focus more and more on more
knobs and whistles rather than the fundamentals of audio reproduction.
I wish it were a more simple solution with a server that didn't remind
me of a software version of Buckeroo. Just one more

All a personal opinion of course, I'm a big fan of less is more. I
used to love my SB, now I want something more.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping CD's

2007-04-03 Thread CardinalFang

BigTony;192240 Wrote: 
 So the question is, should I use Itunes to rip ro .wav, then FLAC the
 wav's - or is it not making a good digital copy?

As far as I can tell, the advantage to EAC is that it can in theory get
more off the CD if the CD is a bit suspect by repeated reads. Since the
error correction data is on the CD and therefore the same for both
iTunes and EAC, it can't actually repair errors any better than iTunes.
What it can do is perhaps get the original data or get enough for
correction on a damaged CD through repeated reading. 

I personally use iTunes for all my rips (to Apple Lossless) - EAC is
just too slow and I have very few damaged or suspect CDs.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] EMI takes locks off music tracks

2007-04-02 Thread CardinalFang

amcluesent;191970 Wrote: 
 No DRM, 256kbit/sec AAC played via the SB3/Transporter may sound quite
 OK for pop-music.

256K AAC should sound more than OK for the vast majority of people,  I
doubt many consumers could tell the difference between that coding and

I buy the odd song now and then that's hard to get in stores, or where
the album isn't worth the outlay because of filler tracks, and my
daughters buy a lot of tracks off iTunes, so this really good news for
me at least.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Benchmark USB DAC1

2007-04-02 Thread CardinalFang

I was previously looking at getting one of the new MF XDAC V8 with USB,
but this looks more like it - straight through transmission of data via
USB with no filtering or tweaking by the PC mixers software. 

Someone tell me why I shouldn't sell my SB+XDAC V3 and just hook one of
these up to my laptop! The transporter was to be my natural next step,
but with this I can use iTunes or any other player I like for lossless
and listen to digital TV broadcasts as well through a USB tuner I have.
I'm sorely tempted if I can find a way to have a remote control for my


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] EMI takes locks off music tracks

2007-04-02 Thread CardinalFang

Seineseeker;191983 Wrote: 
 It's only EMI for the moment. 99p a track is a bit expensive though,
 when you can buy plenty of CDs new and old still for 5-8 pounds.

That's true, but how often are there only one or two good tracks on
many CDs released nowadays?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Benchmark USB DAC1

2007-04-02 Thread CardinalFang

johann;192001 Wrote: 
 Without installation of other software, I don't see how it would
 possibly bypass kmixer and other limits as long as you run any kind of
 Windows else than Vista.

They claim it bypasses kmixer on their website on other OS part from
Vista, although it might be that it holds true if you have the volume
set to maximum only.

The main reason I'm not hitting the buy button right now for this is
remote capability. I do like the idea of being able to see the album
art from across the room on my laptop, which I could do with iTunes,
but also being able to change song without getting up has become quite
important to me.

I guess part of it is also that that I have gotten tired of the Slim
Web Interface and lack of graphical remote. I have written my own Java
interface that runs on the laptop so that I can see album art, but if I
have to have a laptop to get a decent GUI remote screen for SlimServer,
then I think that I might as well dispense with the Slim part and
stream direct from the laptop.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Benchmark USB DAC1

2007-04-02 Thread CardinalFang

ezkcdude;192006 Wrote: 
 Well, a few reasons come to mind immediately:
 1) It'll put you out a thousand or so dollars.
true, but I'd be selling the SB and XDAc.
ezkcdude;192006 Wrote: 
 2) It may not sound much better, if any.
Absolutely, it would have to sound better, but it would also be a
simpler set-up.
ezkcdude;192006 Wrote: 
 3) You lose wireless capability.
 Not really, I can stream from iTunes via my laptop from another PC
already via wireless into the DAC. 

Thanks for the comments though, I'm still not 100% sure whether I'll do
it, but with the rumoured big price increase for the Transporter in the
UK, it'd be the cheaper upgrade if the benchmark proves to be a better


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Benchmark USB DAC1

2007-04-02 Thread CardinalFang

adamslim;192022 Wrote: 
 Looks good, but I doubt they'll sell you one direct to the UK.  Their UK
 distro, SCV, sells the DAC-1 for £839 ($975), so that $1,275 is going to
 be well over a grand.

I saw a quote for £999 for it and I suppose once you add in shipping
VAT, etc., it does add up. It's still rip-off Britain though :-) no
wonder 10% of the population has left already!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter review at Positive Feedback

2007-03-29 Thread CardinalFang

CardinalFang;189297 Wrote: 
 I'll open an account and put it up on - thanks.

If anyone wants to grab the source code and/or the jar file, it's all
up at

I'm not sure how much time I can put into it, but please feel free to
modify it any way you like. I'm also new to setting up SourceForge
projects, so if you want to join as a developer, I will have to do some
research on how to achieve that!

I've also modified the look slightly,  but it's easily tweaked to how
you want it. No documentation as of yet, it was a home brew hack to
start with.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cheap tweaks that really work

2007-03-29 Thread CardinalFang

jeffmeh;191077 Wrote: 
 Well, from a quantum mechanics standpoint it is possible that this could
 work.  Of course, it is also possible that an elephant will quantum
 tunnel to a position above my head and strike me dead before I finish
 typing thi

The double slit experiment is fundamental to quantum physics, but the
wave/particle duality could only apply to electrons, not sound waves,
which are obviously sound pressure waves and never particles.

The really weird part for me is that the Copenhagan Interpretation,
which is probably the most widely accepted explanation for the
experiment, is that electrons and other quantum objects exist as
probability waves until they are detected, when they become particles.
In other words, nothing really exists as a particle unless someone is
looking at it. If you try to watch the individual electrons passing
through the slits, they appear as particles, if don't, you see an
interference pattern. It's called collapsing the wave function.

Taken to its extreme, that also implies that if there wasn't someone or
something observing the universe, then it would still exist as
probability waves, and therefore it proves the existence of God,
because something has to be observing the universe to collapse the wave
function. Either God, or the flying spaghetti monster.

Or in Peter Belts' world, if you avoid measuring or looking at the
electrons in your HiFi system, they won't exist as particles any more,
and your HiFi won't work properly. Or is it the other way round. In any
case, you should ask for a refund if your HiFi becomes a probability

It also means that your TV has no picture on it unless you are looking
at it, and you really can't be sure if the light really does come on in
your fridge if you are not watching.

Hello nurse, time for my shot already?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cheap tweaks that really work

2007-03-29 Thread CardinalFang

Pat Farrell;191123 Wrote: 
 To me, proper placement is 5 feet from all walls, but even in fairly hi
 end audio shops, far too many speakers are pushed up against the wall.
 So clearly some people have not gotten the memo

I use some fairly old Rega Ela speakers that supposedly were designed
to be placed much closer to the wall to reinforce the bass, but I find
that this collapses the imaging. Five feet into the room wouldn't work
for me either  - here in dear old England, rooms, especially in older
houses, tend to be compact and bijou, to use a well-worn phrase. My
compromise is toed-in, a foot or so off the rear wall.

My other favourite cheap tweak is to pull out and re-insert cables now
and then to clean the connectors, although I have never tried contact
cleaner - does that work for anyone?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cheap tweaks that really work

2007-03-27 Thread CardinalFang

Here's a good one - cup your hands behind your ears. It's amazing how
much more detail you can hear, but your hands get tired after a while.

OK, so it's not entirely serious, but I do remember seeing cardboard
ear amplifiers at a HiFi show once in the UK!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ review by TNT - Audio

2007-03-27 Thread CardinalFang

opaqueice;190258 Wrote: 
 Another clueless reviewer.

That depends on what he means doesn't it? What if he means that WiFi
bandwidth for some devices is generally insufficient for lossless
formats, like FLAC, so typically lossy formats are used, whereas with
wired connection higher quality lossless formats are more successful.

I do tend to agree though that it is more likely that he is repeating
biased and incorrect viewpoints from other audiophile reviewers.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter review at Positive Feedback

2007-03-21 Thread CardinalFang

crooner;189160 Wrote: 
 Nice review but I can't help but wonder why he prefers Apple Lossless
 and iTunes to manage his music. FLAC is a much better format and iTunes
 simply sucks IMHO. 
 It's so bad I prefer Rockbox to run my iPod. Full FLAC support as well!

I agree with him to be honest. I use iTunes because it is so much
easier to manage a library and create playlists than SlimServer, plus
ripping is a breeze and to my ears accurate. It is simply far more
consumer-friendly, my kids use it all the time and shy away from the

As for Apple Lossless, since both it and FLAC are lossless, there
should be no audible difference, so it's down to open source vs
proprietary and again ease of use. FLAC is not technically better than
Apple Lossless, but if your qualifier is whether it is open source or
not, then that's your choice.

Most people in this world want slick, easy to use software. Firing up
EAC every time you want to rip, combined with the non-obvious set-up is
too much fuss for most audio lovers, me included. I do't have any
deep-seated requirements that my audio be open source, just good. And
look at how reviewers continually misunderstand digital audio - is it
any wonder they gravitate towards the easy solutions?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter review at Positive Feedback

2007-03-21 Thread CardinalFang

adamslim;189233 Wrote: 
 Surely the perfect reason to ditch iTunes - keep the kids away from the
 stereo! ;)

No, no, no!

It's the Squeezebox they hate, they leave it alone and use iTunes all
the time, plus they can buy music they like instead of suffering my
stuff. They don't like the Squeezebox because it is hard to use by
comparison (their words), doesn't display pictures and they can't
search for music easily, so they leave that for me. 

I even wrote my own Java app to control the Squeezebox from a laptop so
that I can see the album artwork for the song that's playing and get
fast interaction with selecting playlists, tracks etc. Screenshot below
in case anyone is interested. It gives me back some of the immediacy and
clarity that iTunes has and the Slim web interface sadly lacks. It's not
perfect by any means, but works better for me.

|Filename: slimjava.jpg |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter review at Positive Feedback

2007-03-21 Thread CardinalFang

P Floding;189278 Wrote: 
 That Java app looks extremely useful!
 Any thoughts about making it available for other SB-users?
 What does it interact with, SS or some iTunes?

It uses CLI to talk to the SlimServer. My installation uses Slim on a
Mac outside the listening room and I have the laptop with this Java app
on it in the room since it is silent most of the time.

As for the source code - it's very suboptimal, a real hack and needs
more work, but if there's a place to upload it so that others can
improve it or change it to their suiting, then I'm happy to do that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter review at Positive Feedback

2007-03-21 Thread CardinalFang

P Floding;189290 Wrote: 
 Finding such a place won't be a problem.
 I can put it on for you, or you can start your own
 account there.

I'll open an account and put it up on - thanks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-20 Thread CardinalFang

seanadams;188912 Wrote: 
 Have you considered the possibility that it is complete nonsense?

I have no time for reviewers most of the time, they are rarely
qualified and mostly self-elected experts, however they do hold a lot
of sway and a review like this damns the Transporter with faint praise.
I personally think that traditional HiFi company DACs with USB input
where the reviewers feel on safer ground will get better reviews. I
also think there is a time window where the Transporter can still make
a mark as a reference component.

Why not invite the reviewers to do the old double-blind test at Slim
HQ? Surely leaving things as they are simply cements the notion that
computer-based audio is still not true HiFi and is allowing the
reviewers to spread misinformed opinion on your products? Perhaps I
have it wrong and it is totally irrelevant to future sales.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter review at Audioholics

2007-03-19 Thread CardinalFang

johann;188628 Wrote: 
 BTW, I have now a new Musical Fidelity DAC for test, the X-DACv8. First
 impression is a better sound than the X-DAC-v3 but I need to listen
 some more and then also try to AB test it. :)

I'd be really interested how it compares with the Transporter. I have a
V3 I use with my SB2, but the V8 also has USB inputs, which I read can
be a better digital source than SPDIF - someone please correct me if
that's wrong.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sonos with Transporter

2007-03-09 Thread CardinalFang

sting;186663 Wrote: 
 I'm thinking about getting a Transporter to use with a Sonos ZP80.  The
 plan is to use a Sonos hanheld controller and the ZP80 will output
 digital signal to the digital in on the Transporter.  The Transporter
 is mainly going to be used as an external DAC (and potentially as a
 player for non-16bit music).

If you prefer the Sonos remote, then to me it would make more sense to
buy a ZP80 and a good external DAC, like the Lavry, Benchmark or any of
the others recommended in these threads. Alternately, have a look at the
Nokia 770/800 as a remote control for the Transporter.

Whatever happened to the remoured fancy LogiTech remote for the SB that
was hinted at just before the LogiTech takeover? Has it been shelved?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Mac OSX, Lossless and alternatives to iTunes

2007-03-01 Thread CardinalFang

I use Apple Lossless exclusively because it lets my kids play music on
their PCs as well as letting me listen via the SB. I use an old 500MHz
G3 Mac as a server on a 802.11g network with no problems. Apple
Lossless is transcoded to WAV on the server on my system, but has the
advantage that it stores tags, which I don't think AIFF does.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Definitive sonic differences between itunes and eac/flac

2007-01-30 Thread CardinalFang

adamslim;175432 Wrote: 
 Hey, this is fun :)  I suspect that CD correction is not inaudible
 (otherwise, why not use it for compression, none of this messing with
 FLAC and MP42).  However, I have no evidence for this, thoughts

Since the read buffer of the CD or iTunes or EAC ends up with the same
correct data, I don't see how error correction affects audio quality.
Error correction requires extra data on the disc, so not terribly
useful for compression.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Definitive sonic differences between itunes and eac/flac

2007-01-30 Thread CardinalFang

cliveb;175624 Wrote: 
 Not sure exactly what you mean by damaged, but if you are talking
 about scratches and the like, these aren't the only ones that need
 error concealment. In my experience, the majority are not as a result
 of scratches, but that the CD was originally pressed with uncorrectable
 errors from the start. Most of the CDs I've seen with uncorrectable
 errors look absolutely pristine - they are just badly made.
I initially did mean those that have been badly scratched, but yes you
are right, an awful lot are just badly made. Interestingly, the clear
side can take quite a scratch before it gets really bad since they will
tend to be out of focus to the laser because the pits are much closer to
the label side. So a less deep scratch on the label could actually cause
a lot of damage. I also have a couple of disc that are old and have
oxidised slightly making them unreadable - I guess that's the fate of
all our CDs...
cliveb;175624 Wrote: 
 *All* CDs require C1 corrections, typically on every sector. It's in
 the nature of the beast.
Especially in those discs that are deliberately corrupted by copy
protection mechanisms :-(

cliveb;175624 Wrote: 
 Are you sure that EAC has error concealment? My understanding is that
 if it fails to get a clean read, it leaves the data in whatever state
 it found it.
I must admit I'm not sure - I don't use EAC, too slow and too much
fussing about to set up. I thought it had concealment via the drive
electronics, but you could be right and it does nothing. In that case,
EAC would be creating audibly broken rips on bad discs rather than a
barely-audible concealment. Is that really the case?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Audiophile shops

2007-01-30 Thread CardinalFang

In the UK I would say that there is a huge amount of snobbery involved,
plus a decent helping of ignorance based on iTunes and iPods being the 
public perception of computer audio. Most audio shops regard computer
audio as MP3 quality and I doubt many have sat down and listened to a
well structured system based on SB3, Sonos any other lossless capable
transport fed into a good DAC.

There is also the notion that if it is more conventient, then it can't
be as good - the old LP vs CD debates spring to mind here too. The fact
is that computer based audio is cheaper to buy and mainly online too, so
not interesting to these guys, and also requires skills that they may
not have, hence their fear of it. They much prefer the networked
solutions from established audio companies, like Linn and Naim who
charge vastly inflated prices for standard computer drives and hardware
in a nice box.

One of the biggest obstacles I can see though is that established
experts suddenly become learners again, so it is much easier to
dismiss new technology than admit your opinions are no longer pearls
before swine.

I see mentions of 12,000 tracks and so on, just how many people buying
HiFi actually have that number of CDs? Are we assuming that everyone
really does benefit from having their library on tap, or perhaps they
prefer the physical pleasure of closing the machined from a solid
billet of unobtanium lids on their transports as they insert one of
their twenty or so CDs of Barbara Streisand?

Having said all that, it won't be long before audiophile stores catch
on and start selling and recomending audiophile grade hard drives, cat6
cables and feng-shui wooden blocks to go under your keyboard.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Definitive sonic differences between itunes and eac/flac

2007-01-29 Thread CardinalFang

adamslim;175363 Wrote: 
 However, EAC will make a difference.  iTunes will take the first rip it
 gets, and will use error correction (i.e. guessing) if there is a
 problem; EAC will make sure that the rip is correct by rereading dozens
 of times, if necessary.  (This is simplified, but close enough)

Sorry, but that's just plain wrong. Error correction isn't guessing,
it's using additional data on the disk to fix missing data perfectly.
Error *concealment* is when a drive has to make up data by
interpolation. Only damaged disks require concealment, most disks have
error correction but are bit perfect after correction. iTunes is a good
as EAC on normal disks. EAC may have an advantage on damaged disks, but
it too will resort to concealent if it can't read the data.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: New DAC sorts out SB3

2007-01-25 Thread CardinalFang

jeffmeh;174050 Wrote: 
 I am not an Itunes user, but does error correction mean that it will
 do some type of interpolation/extrapolation when it finds an error? 
 Conversely, EAC will slow down and reread many times until it either
 gets a good read or gives up.  In the latter case, it tells you that it
 encountered errors.

Error correction means just that, the error is corrected and the data
is as it should be. Error concealment happens far less frequently and
requires interpolation between good samples and this is when EAC tries
to re-read data.

My biggest problems with ripped CDs appear during playback when some
tracks appear to overload DACs, or at least there are some errors being
introduced by very high recorded levels in the digital data. I have one
or two CDs that start to break up via my SB2/MF DACv3 combination on
fast and loud transients, whereas the original CDs sound fine.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: New DAC sorts out SB3

2007-01-25 Thread CardinalFang

totoro;174138 Wrote: 
 I deal with that by setting the attenuation very high in my inguz
 configuration (16db!). That's what I had to do to make sure that
 clipping is very rare in my playback. Recent ecm records seem to be
 terrible this way.

I'm not using Inguz, but still get clipping or distortion during
playback. It should be the same data as the CD since I have the digital
output fixed, or is there some gain being added in the SB? I don't
understand why through the SB I get clipping...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: ok, may be i am just crazy, but how can i be so lucky

2007-01-19 Thread CardinalFang

etfun2000;171604 Wrote: 
 The only rationale explanation i see: the fact that flac is native
 versus wma lossless bring some difference, evne thouhg i think i red in
 some forums this should not impact.

I don't know the details of the formats that well, but is it possible
that one is 16 bit and the other 24 bit or float, or that there has
been some volume adjustment in the conversion?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: AppleTV

2007-01-10 Thread CardinalFang

ezkcdude;168698 Wrote: 
 I think both the TV and iPhone miss the mark. There are numerous
 solutions that do what the AppleTV does, and the iPhone is way too
 expensive for what it does. Although, I agree with the above poster
 that a nice SlimServer skin would make it more appealing, in that it
 could be used as a Wi-Fi remote.

I think it is too expensive for the iPod user market, most have Nanos
or shuffles, but it is not expensive compared to Smartphones, such as
Trios, SonyEricssons, Nokias and others that cost in the region of
$500. What is scary though is that you have to sign up for a 2 year
contract to get that price and there is no mention of monthly charges
as yet. It gives you an idea of what it would cost without contract. In
the UK we're used to getting handsets for free or under £100 with a
year's contract.

So the question is - will an iPod user shell out for the phone and
ditch the handset and iPod they currently own, or will business users
switch? The business users may well want to stick with exchange-based
devices from Microsoft, or encrypted devices like the Blackberry.

The real big plus point is it now means that the other manufacturers
have got to smarten up their act and produce handsets that are easy to
use to compete.

I think the AppleTV will be a big success, £199 in the UK compares very
favourably with SB3, especially if you already have a TV and I would
imagine leaves Roku and Sonus wondering what to do next. We may scoff
at proprietary file formats and closed nature of the beast, but
consumers simply don't care - the many millions of downloads on iTunes
testify to that.

I will probably buy one because the interface is far better for my
family to use, the SB is so geeky in comparison - they have used both
and never come back to the SB. The SB survives because of audio
quality, but I may well ditch it if the AppleTV sounds as good through
my DAC. I rip all my CDs to Apple Lossless anyway so that my kids can
use iTunes on their PCs, so it would just make life a lot easier for
all of us.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: AppleTV

2007-01-10 Thread CardinalFang

Robin Bowes;168860 Wrote: 
 1. FLAC is open source, not proprietary

Apologies for jumping into your discussion, but how does that affect
audio quality? It's more of a personal issue whether you care or not
about open source vs proprietary and it doesn't make either technically
superior to the other. They are both lossless and take up less file
space. I like choice too, but I'm not a zealot either way. I've never
used FLAC because the tools take too long to use, if it were as slick
as iTunes, I might switch, but then I like the to being able to use
iTunes for playback on a PC as well.

Robin Bowes;168860 Wrote: 
 2. FLAC itakes up less space than AIFF,

That is a good reason, but so does Apple Lossless and with disk space
so cheap, it's probably the tagging aspect that is more relevant.

Robin Bowes;168860 Wrote: 
 Nope. The microwave/phone/xmas tree will still affect the signal.

Is that another Apple convergence device? It cooks your brain and pokes
tinsel in your eyes at the same time when you are calling home at
Christmas? :-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: AppleTV

2007-01-10 Thread CardinalFang

Robin Bowes;168892 Wrote: 
 Audio quality should be identical, given that all file formats under
 discussion here are lossless.

Exaxctly. They are audio file formats and the only way to judge
superiority is on their performance in that role. 

Judgement based on Open Source vs Proprietary is irrelevant in deciding
the superior format, it's just a personal view of philisophical 
approach to the formats. I like Open Source because of the community
aspects and I also like proprietary because it is designed for one
product - the one I own. But they are my personal reasons and not due
to measurable technical superiority.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: AppleTV

2007-01-10 Thread CardinalFang

Robin Bowes;168923 Wrote: 
 You seem to have unilaterally decided to define superior as
 technically superior.
Perhaps I did, but it's the most meaningful way to compare audio
formats within the context of the original discussion which was about
FLAC being genuinely lossless. 

Anyway, the orginal discussion was also based on a misunderstanding, so
let's let it rest eh?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] AppleTV

2007-01-09 Thread CardinalFang

So what do we think?

At £199 (in the UK) it's very good value with a 40G drive thrown in.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: AppleTV

2007-01-09 Thread CardinalFang

Matt B;168668 Wrote: 
 and the iPhone looks neat. I wonder how the handheld or nokia skins
 would work well on it?

They should work well - it's a full Web 2.0 browser.

Mind you $499 plus 2 year contract to Cingular for a remote is a bit
steep! (yes I know it does a lot more than that for the money) The
Nokia 800 still looks the better bet.

My main gripe with it is the need for a new HD TV, I wish it had RGB so
you could attach a cheap monitor. It does have optical out, so use of an
external DAC is on the cards, and it suppports Apple Lossless, so I'll
be keen to read some reviews of the audio side.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: poor sound quality, advice please!

2007-01-09 Thread CardinalFang

caroline nixon;168693 Wrote: 
  can anyone explain what one of these is, and how it would help ?!
I would back off buying any new gear until you track down the source of
the sibilance (the  sound) - it's usually down to a peak in response
around 5-10KHz.

One thing you could try is replaying music using another lossless
format, like FLAC, WAV or Apple Lossless to double check that it isn't
the WMA encoding/decoding? It shouldn't make a difference, but you
never know and it costs nothing to try!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Personal Introductions: Please Make This a Sticky!

2006-12-07 Thread CardinalFang

highdudgeon;158363 Wrote: 
 1.  You post about your music experience, your audio experience, what
 drives you in this hobby, what brings you to Slim Devices, etc.
I'm not aaudio engineer or anything like that, although I have a degree
in Applied Physics and have studied acoustics and solid state physics.
My first job was actually in electronics, but now I'm a CTO of a new
company developing consumer products (not competing with Slim by the
way!) I know a fair bit about embedded software, 3D and multimedia as
well as Internet site development. I also used to do robotics and

I was into music from my teens and have a pretty decent collection of
singles and LPs from the 70's to show for it (Sex Pistols on EMI, early
Stiff and of course the obligitory Iggy and  New York Dolls LPs.) I also
used to be a bit of a plank spanker, although I stupidly sold my Strat
in the 70's to buy a HiFi - sorry to all your audiophiles out there,
but it was a bad swap. I picked up guitar again about five years ago
and now have a couple of electrics (Suhr, Gibson) and an acoustic. 

I got a SB2 after a recommendation and getting fed up with all those CD
cases lying around the place. I don't see that mentioned often on these
forums, the sound is great, but it also clears up a whole load of mess
from the listening area. 

highdudgeon;158363 Wrote: 
 2.  You post about your current, past, and future (hopefully!) rigs. 
 Discuss your room, speaker placement, cables, whatever.
My gear reflects a fairly simple approach to HiFi, no fancy cable,
classic looks and a neutral performance. I have a Pink Triangle
turntable which I bought new in 1978, Copland CD and hybrid Amp and
currently running some old Rega speakers - they're next for an upgrade,
hopefully to some Anthony Gallo's. Prior to that I had Naim Nait 2
(actually I still have it) and a Transcriptors deck, looked wonderful,
but the PT was so much better sounding.
highdudgeon;158363 Wrote: 
 3.  Say something about your audio philosophy.  For example, do you
 believe in blind testing or not?  Why?
Never bothered with blind testing for my own choices - if it sounds
good to me, that's all I care about. I like to compare gear with my own
fave test CDs, currently they are Vaughan Browsers - Family Style,
Persuasions - Man, oh Man, Yello - Stella and Eric Bibb - Spirit
and the Blues. I've just added a new one to the list Rodrigo y
Gabriella, some Mexican thrash metal flamenco.

Where I do believe blind testing has a place is proper reviewing, as do
measurements as they usually provide evidence for what is heard. My
reason is simply that those people have the power to influence people's
purchases and therefore should accept the responsibility to carry out
thorough evaluation of technology. 

My view on modders is that they definitely have a place, although some
of the pseudo science seriously detracts from the credibility of the
scene and I personally have some qualms about after market changes
affecting long term safety of products (I would doubt that many of the
small concerns have got the means or facilities to do long terms soak
testing or critical electrical safety testing).

For your own home, just buy what you like.
highdudgeon;158363I Wrote: 
 4.  Say something about what brings you to the forum and what you hope
 to get out of it.
I came here to learn about the SB from real users before buying it, now
I stay here because I enjoy chewing the fat with interesting people. I'd
love a transporter, I don't care much for the looks, but it is the best
component out there for networked music playback. If only it had a
better remote!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-24 Thread CardinalFang

chinablues;157143 Wrote: 
 Surface corrosion of copper cables would effectively make the cable
 slightly thinner...with the current now flowing in this thinner cable.
 This would make little difference until the cable got exceedingly thin.

That's not exactly my point - if the surface is corroded, then the
higher frequencies will tend to travel through corroded or oxidised
metal. I once worked for an inspection company that measured surface
cracks in metal using AC current and measuring voltage drops. It isn't
a timing issue, but one of current travelling through a higher
resistance surface to the orginal clean surface. And the frequencies
don't need to be that high.

Whether you can hear it is debatable, but it can be a genuine effect on
cable conductivity.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Audiophilia as a religion?

2006-11-24 Thread CardinalFang

highdudgeon;157140 Wrote: 
 To my English friends out there: I am kidding.  Actually, it's an odd
 fact that some 4,000 words in our two versions of the language have
 taken on different meanings, or no longer even exist in one of the
 versions, and this is to say nothing of the spelling differences. 
 Strangely enough, or perhaps not, scholars seem to agree to British
 English is more and more influenced by the American version rather than
 the other way around.  I suppose that has something to do with our
 almighty empire.

Actually I believe that American English is more reflective of the
state of the English language at the time when the founding fathers
came across. Words like skedaddle and fall were in common use in
the UK with the same meaning as in the US now and it was mainly the
Victorians who gave us modern UK English. 

If you watch TV in the UK right now, English is more influenced by
Estruary English and the Chav culture than American English. I haven't
heard the phrase Look at the 20 inchers on me Nova, it's well phat
innit! on any US rap video lately, but you hear something similar
everytime you walk the streets. A lot of the speach is also derived
from Jamaican patois too, with a few bits of rap terminology thrown in.
It's hard to find anyone who speaks  the Queen's English in most town


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Audiophilia as a religion?

2006-11-24 Thread CardinalFang

tomsi42;157223 Wrote: 
 English has been under the influence of many languages from before it
 was even English! Even us vikings have done our part! I guess that
 makes it more difficult to express us in English at times, because it
 sounds right to us, but it actually isn't...

That's because we got invaded so many times and each invader left their
own bit of language behind. Most of our justice system is French
language, there's a lot of Viking words in the North, especially place
names  and of course many Roman words and places too all over the
country. Many village names show the rich heritage of invaders.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: TP changes with break in

2006-11-23 Thread CardinalFang

opaqueice;156682 Wrote: 
 And don't forget we're talking about, say, a 10-gauge speaker wire
 carrying a current of around an amp.  Not exactly a major stress.
I don't think we're talking about cables wearing out as such, but there
is degradation due to corrosion and UV light on insulators for example.
The question is, is this a positive or negative effect? If you are
carrying AC power to a motor, it really doesn't matter if there's a
tiny bit more resistance, but since AC at higher frequencies travels on
the surface of cables, a corroding surface may well make things worse
for audio - or just different.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Audiophilia as a religion?

2006-11-23 Thread CardinalFang

I think some of the debates get very close in nature to some of the
creationism discussions - since there are gaps in the fossil records,
evolution is flawed, goes the argument, a kind of reverse proof based
on destroying alternative rather than providing evidence. Or in audio
terms, since there are things that it doesn't seem possible to measure
yet, engineering theory is flawed and you should just use your ears.

Everyone will have their own point of view on whether someone selling a
product should prove the effectiveness of that product, but my view is
that we tend to get more or less bothered by the lack of evidence
according to our own backgrounds, such as whether we are engineers or
studied science at college or come from an arts or creative background
(why you can't be good at both I don't know, Leonardo DaVinci seemed to
have a grasp on scienec and art)

Myself, I get irritated by products like Bybees and expensive cables
because as someone with a physics background, the poor science is
almost an insult to people who have studied hard and made genuine
discoveries. When someone then compounds it by saying but engineering
just isn't good enough yet to measure how they work, my feeling is
that it may well be true that accuracy may not be there or the test
hasn't been devised yet, but that doesn't excuse not trying if you are
in a position to do so. I do wish I'd been able to use that line during
my finals though, it would have saved me a ton of work.

At the same time, I buy gear based on listening to it to see if it
excites me and pay scant attention to data sheets. Contrary I know, but
I do assume whoever built it engineered it correctly and it's good if it
is based on solid science because it means it that I have some respect
for the company and they aren't insulting my intelligence either. The
first sign of psuedo science and my money goes elsewhere.

At the end of the day, you are free to spend your money how you like,
but if you buy a product that is in any way out there and talk about
it on a forum, it seems you will invariably set off a stream of counter
views that generally start off by taking what what was previously said
to the extreme to make it seem idiotic rather than providing a point by
point considered response.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Does your Transporter love acoustic guitar?

2006-11-19 Thread CardinalFang

Mark Lanctot;155774 Wrote: 
 For some reason my Transporter really plays acoustic guitar songs well.As I 
 remember, a lot of acoustic guitar is in the midrange, so the
Transporter must particularly excel at that.

If you love acoustic guitar, try some Antonio Forcione, Tommy Emmanuel,
Clive Carroll, Michael Hedges or Eric Roche - I particularly like Eric
Roche's version of Stevie Wonder's Higher Ground. Sadly he died
recently, but his work is outstanding, as are the others.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Does your Transporter love acoustic guitar?

2006-11-19 Thread CardinalFang

PhilNYC;155912 Wrote: 
 I've been listening to Tommy Emmanuel's Endless Road CD (uh...ripped
 CD... :-)) a lot recently.  Really tremendous stuff, and quite amazing
 what a guy can do with a solo acoustic guitar...and the percussive
 stuff he does with the guitar body on the last track on the disc is
 really fun! 

I've seen Tommy Emmanuel live a number of times in the UK - he's a
superb entertainer too, not at all serious and stunning live. He has a
really whacked out transducer set-up in his guitars so he can do the
percussive stuff - the highpoint is his tribute to Aboriginal music
called Initiation. You either love it or hate it, a Marmite song if
you know what I mean. 

Thoroughly recommended for a good night out. Also, search YouTube for
some videos of the man, he really is *that* good. Having said that, his
older stuff with electric guitar does nothing for me...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-11-17 Thread CardinalFang

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ModelCitizen;155430 Wrote: 
 As I've just taken a photo for another thread I thought I'd upload it
 here. Here's my system... complete with racing playlist. Not SB3
 strictly, but a Transporter. All Naim, PC OB1s and a Transporter.

Damn you, I'm really jealous now...that's a fine layout. I still have
my racing minis in the loft that I got for my 21st birthday, I must dig
them out this weekend. I used to have a nice set when I was a kid too,
but it suffered from additional realism, like 3-in-one oil for oil
patches and meths for the occasional fire :-) I can't imagine my kids
getting up to the kind of stupid stuff I did when I was their age, it's
too scary!

I'm a fan of Naim gear too, although I'm currently all Copland for the
main setup. I still have a Nait 2 that I use in the kitchen coupled up
to some Linn ceiling speakers, a fine old amp that can still hold its


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-08 Thread CardinalFang

Unfortunately engadget are now compounding the mediocre review, whether
this results in lost sales is very debatable, but can't be good for the
future of the Transporter.

Lose the displays, handles and buttons, put in a cheaper alphanumeric
display, apply heavy damping, drop the price and I suspect the reviews
will be kinder. You *are* paying a lot for things that don't improve
the sound IMHO.


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audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter review

2006-11-08 Thread CardinalFang

ezkcdude;153415 Wrote: 
 They're just quoting the other review.

Exactly, and engadget is one of the most highly read tech sites out
there. They have a fair amount of influence, perhaps not with
audiophiles, but pretty soon it can become common knowledge that a
product is mediocre unless some good reviews come along.


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