Fw: [globalnews] Meditation Focus #67: Bringing US All Back In Harmony With Nature

2002-07-01 Thread jsherry

-Original Message-
From: Jean Hudon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2002 4:55 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Meditation Focus #67: Bringing US All Back In Harmony With
Nature --- This material is also available at


What follows is the 67th Meditation Focus suggested for the two consecutive
weeks beginning Sunday, June 30, 2002.


1. Summary
2. Meditation times
3. More information on this Meditation Focus
4. Peace Watch for the Midlle East



As huge wildfires destroy vast tracks of forest in the U.S. Midwest and
severe droughts affect several African countries threatening millions of
people with starvation and death, notably in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe, extreme
floods have recently devastated several parts of the world, mainly in
China, in the south of Russia, and in some U.S. states. Although some of
these problems are man-made either because of bad policies and
shorth-sighted planning and deforestation, it seems that Nature is
increasingly showing signs of imbalance in its global weather patterns, a
problem which may in large part be attributed to global warming. This
imbalance may also be a reflection of the lack of harmony of most humans
with Nature, a situation exacerbated by a lifestyle that has cut many of us
from our natural roots and which encourages us to consume natural resources
at an unsustainable rate. As many of us enjoy outdoor activities in this
summer season (in the northern hemisphere), it may be appropriate to spend
some time reflecting on how we may find a better balance with Mother Earth
and foster positive changes around us so as to gradually improve this
situation. We may also act as catalysts through our prayers and meditations
to help inspire a global awakening to our indissociable unity with Nature
and the urgent need to cherish and protect all aspects of Nature as well as
nurture our environment back to its perfect original balance.

Please dedicate your prayers and meditations, as guided by Spirit, in the
coming two weeks - and during this whole season - to contribute in bringing
us all back in harmony with Nature. Envision an opening of the hearts to
the sacredness of all forms of Life and the blossoming of an awareness that
cherish the unique beauty of Nature in all its multitudinous forms.
Reconnecting with Nature at the deepest levels, we will then collectively
assist our beloved living planet in rebalancing its weather patterns so as
to benefit the regions that need rain and avoid flooding again those that
already received too much of it. May we thus be instrumental in bringing
balance and Harmony on Earth, for the Highest Good of All.

This entire Meditation Focus is also available at



i) Global Meditation Day: Sunday at 16:00 Universal Time (GMT) or at noon
local time. Suggested duration: 30 minutes.

ii) Golden Moment of At-Onement: Daily, at the top of any hour, or whenever
it better suits you.

These times below are currently corresponding to 16:00 Universal Time/GMT:

Honolulu 6:00 AM -- Anchorage * 8:00 AM -- Los Angeles * 9:00 AM -- Mexico
City, San Salvador  Denver * 10:00 AM -- Houston *  Chicago * 11:00 AM --
Santo Domingo, La Paz, Caracas, New York *, Toronto *. Montreal *, Asuncion
 Santiago 12:00 AM -- Halifax *, Rio de Janeiro  Montevideo 1:00 PM --
Reykjavik  Casablanca 4 PM -- Lagos, Algiers, London *, Dublin *  Lisbon
* 5:00 PM -- Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Geneva *, Rome *, Berlin *, Paris * 
Madrid * 6:00 PM -- Ankara *, Athens *, Helsinki *  Istanbul *  Nairobi
7:00 PM -- Baghdad *, Moscow * 8:00 PM -- Tehran * 8:30 PM -- Islamabad
9:00 PM -- Calcutta  New Delhi 9:30 PM -- Dhaka 10:00 PM -- Rangoon 10:30
PM -- Hanoi, Bangkok  Jakarta 11:00 PM -- Hong Kong, Perth, Beijing 
Kuala Lumpur +12:00 PM -- Seoul  Tokyo +1:00 AM -- Brisbane, Canberra 
Melbourne +2:00 AM -- Wellington +4:00 AM

+ means the place is one day ahead of Universal Time/Greenwich Mean Time.
* means the place is observing daylight saving time (DST) at the moment.

You may also check at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/full.html to
find your current corresponding local time if a closeby city is not listed



This section is for those who wish to understand in more detail the
situation of this Meditation Focus. For those who wish to read on, we would
encourage you to view the following information from a positive
perspective, and not allow the details to tinge the positive vision you
wish to hold in meditation. Since what we focus on grows, the more positive
our mindset, the more successful we will be in manifesting a vision of
healing. We provide the details below because we recognise that the
knowledge of what needs healing can assist us to structure our awareness to
maximise our healing effect.

Re: Solstice Salutations! rain

2002-06-22 Thread jsherry

Hello Gil,
We too have received much needed blessed rain! Drought is almost officially

May you have time to contemplate this winter  be well!


- Original Message -
From: Gil Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: Solstice Salutations!

Hi! Jane,
Thank you, and I wish you a special Winter Solstice from here in Oz.
It was so cold and wet we did not do anything this year, as we normally
have something out side for all the Celtic dates, but stayed in our own
homes and enjoyed the rain, which is very welcome as we had a dry start
to winter and really need a good wet winter to put some thing in the
depleted sub soil and under ground water basins.


jsherry wrote:

 hello to all,
 Wishing you a Joyous, Fertile  Loving Summer Solstice Today!

 May the fires of Peace burn bright in our hearts.


Solstice Salutations!

2002-06-21 Thread jsherry

hello to all,
Wishing you a Joyous, Fertile  Loving Summer Solstice Today!

May the fires of Peace burn bright in our hearts.


Fw: Tell AOL to Stop Sending Metal Junk Mail

2002-06-20 Thread jsherry

Tell AOL To Stop Sending Wasteful Metal Junk Mail

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  Tell AOL To Stop Sending Wasteful Metal Junk Mail

  America Online's aluminum junk mail is in a class all its own. The
company's newest gimmick is to package its disks advertising free hours of
online access in a metal box. This metal mail is a central part of the
company's $3.8 billion annual ad budget and really takes a toll on our
nation's energy security and on our environment. Take action!

  Aluminum production consumes more energy than is needed to produce
steel, glass, paper or plastic. It also relies on bauxite mining, which
destroys more of the earth's surface area than any other type of mining.
And, to make matters worse, the discarded junk mail is filling up our

  Urge AOL's Steve Case to conserve energy and help the environment by
reforming his company's junk mail practices. Take action!


  Increase Funding for Child Care
  Urge your senators to reauthorize the Child Care  Development Block
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years in order to provide assistance to an additional 2 million children and
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  Click here to take action now!

  Protect America's Wild Forests
  Urge your representative to support the National Forest Roadless Area
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  Click here to take action now!


  Celebrate Bush's Birthday by Making a Donation to Your Favorite Group
  On July 6, President George W. Bush will celebrate his 56th birthday.
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  Make a tax-deductible donation on GiveForChange to Sierra Club,
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group of your choice, and GiveForChange will send a gift card to President
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  Click here to donate.


  Melissa Simpson


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Fw: [globalnews] Cost of Ending Global Warming A Blip on Screen Over Next 100 Years

2002-06-15 Thread jsherry


  The World's No.1 Science  Technology News Service

  Two years to save the world

  19:00 12 June 02

  Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition

  People will be five times as rich in a hundred years' time. And if we
are willing to postpone that prosperity by just two years, we could fix
global warming into the bargain. That's the startling conclusion of leading
US climate scientist Stephen Schneider and Swedish energy economist
Christian Azar, who are about to publish a bruising assault on the Bush
administration's claims that international plans to curb climate change
would cripple the US and world economies.

   (Photo: Getty Images)
  The wild rhetoric about enslaving the poor and bankrupting the
economy to do climate policy is fallacious, even if one accepts the
conventional economic models, Schneider told New Scientist. He says the
economic arguments need to be put in context, and called on climate
scientists to take a tougher stand against the doom-mongers who say action
would be too costly.

  Schneider's assault comes a week after a further blow was dealt to the
prospects that the Kyoto Protocol will come into force. Australian Prime
Minister John Howard announced that his government would not ratify the
protocol, claiming it would cost jobs and damage our industry.

  The Bush administration, and now apparently Howard, have taken their
tone from leading environmental economists such as Yale's William Nordhaus,
who has argued that a vague premonition of some potential disaster is
insufficient grounds to plunge the world into depression. But, says
Schneider, over a century even the trillions of dollars thought necessary to
halt global warming would be a blip compared with the economic advances
predicted by the same experts.

  Potential dangers

  Many climate scientists have become frustrated by what they regard as
the dead hand of economic orthodoxy in academic analyses of the costs and
benefits of action to halt global warming. But in a forthcoming issue of the
journal Ecological Economics, Schneider and Azar tackle the economists
head-on, taking their own numbers and putting a dramatic new spin on them.

  Last year's report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
included the economists' assessment that stabilising atmospheric carbon
dioxide at twice pre-industrial concentrations by 2100 would cost between $1
trillion and $8 trillion. It sounds a lot, says Schneider, but the money
would be all but invisible against the 2 per cent a year economic growth
predicted by the same economists.

  Without action to halt global warming, economists predict that the
world as a whole will be 10 times as rich by 2100, and people on average
will be five times as well off. Adding on the costs of tackling warming,
says Schneider, would postpone this target by a mere two years. To be 10
times richer in 2100 versus 2102 would hardly be noticed. Similarly,
meeting the terms of the Kyoto Protocol would mean industrialised countries
get 20 per cent richer by June 2010 rather than in January 2010.

  Put that way, he believes, the American public and politicians could
be convinced that curbing greenhouse emissions is a necessary insurance
policy against the potential dangers of climate change.

  Fred Pearce

Fw: [globalnews] African Droughts Triggered by Western Pollution -- Seven Figure Deaths the Result

2002-06-15 Thread jsherry


  The World's No.1 Science  Technology News Service

  African droughts triggered by Western pollution

  19:00 12 June 02

  Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition

  Emissions spewed out by power stations and factories in North America
and Europe may have sparked the severe droughts that have afflicted the
Sahel region of Africa. The droughts have been among the worst the world has
ever seen, and led to the infamous famines that crippled countries such as
Ethiopia in the 1980s.

   Sahel dries out
  The cause appears to be the clouds of sulphur belched out alongside
the soot, organic carbon, ammonium and nitrate produced when fossil fuels
are burnt, according to researchers in Australia and Canada. As these
compounds move through the atmosphere, they create aerosols that affect
cloud formation, altering the temperature of the Earth's surface and leading
to dramatic shifts in regional weather patterns.

  In the past thirty to forty years, the Sahel--a loosely defined band
across Africa, just south of the Sahara and including parts of Ethiopia in
the east and Guinea in the west--has suffered the most sustained drought
seen in any part of the world since records began, with precipitation
falling by between 20 and 50 per cent.

  Although the droughts have had climate experts scratching their heads,
the impacts have been obvious. During the worst years, between 1972 and
1975, and 1984 and 1985, up to a million people starved to death.

  Now Leon Rotstayn of the CSIRO, Australia's national research agency,
thinks he knows what caused them. Rotstayn and his colleague Ulrike Lohmann
of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, ran a simulation of global
climate that included interactions between sulphur dioxide emissions and
cloud formation. Sulphur dioxide creates sulphate aerosols that provide
condensation nuclei for clouds. With more nuclei, clouds form from smaller
droplets than usual, and are more efficient at reflecting solar radiation,
cooling the Earth below.

  Acid rain

  When the researchers included the huge sulphur emissions from the
northern hemisphere during the 1980s in their model, the Earth's surface in
the north cooled relative to the south, driving the tropical rain belt south
and causing droughts in the Sahel. Their results will be reported soon in
the Journal of Climate.

  It's still speculative, and the model isn't very refined, but it's
very interesting. It's the first time we've seen a connection between
pollution in the mid-latitudes and climate in the tropics, says Johann
Feichter of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg. Feichter,
who has run similar simulations but cannot talk about the results because
the research is being peer-reviewed for a major journal, says the sulphur
emissions probably worsen the natural cycle of droughts that would have
happened anyway.

  During the past few years, the droughts have become less severe, a
change that Rotstayn puts down to the clean air laws in North America and
Europe that reduced sulphur dioxide emissions in response to another
environmental crisis, acid rain.

  But the problems in Asia may be just beginning. Climate researchers
around the world are beginning to study other types of aerosols, such as the
clouds of black soot and sulphate being churned out by rapidly
industrialising India and China, in the hope that they may shed light on
other regional weather anomalies. For instance, northern China has had
unusually dry summers in the past few years, while it has been particularly
wet in the south.

  Rachel Nowak, Melbourne


2002-06-13 Thread jsherry

Friends of the Earth Europe
Press Statement
Roma, Italy 13 June 2002: Immediate Release.


Industrial Nations and Biotech Companies show their technology is out of
control: Developing World alarmed at deliberate programme of GMO

Six years after the 1996 World Food Summit, Friends of the Earth deeply
regrets that once again world agriculture and food policies are not
addressing the real causes of hunger and instead remain locked in
mythical policy solutions that have no chance of ever bringing benefits
to the world's hungry.  A clear example of a mythical solution to world
hunger problems is biotechnology which while widely discredited as a
genuine solution to hunger, nonetheless has been the focus of a powerful
lobby campaign by the biotechnology industry and the US Administration
in the run up to the Rome Summit.

The widespread condemnation during this week's Summit of the discovery
that food donated by USAID comprised of GM corn StarLink not authorized
for human consumption anywhere in the world reflects the complete lack
of control that biotech companies have over their products. Friends of
the Earth US has requested the US Administration to recall the StarLink
corn and to require Aventis to pay for any costs incurred by recalls and
replacements (see www.foe.org/foodaid).

According to Juan Lopez of Friends of the Earth International, The
promises of the biotech companies are broken each time one of these
contamination incidents happens. FAO should think twice before jumping
into bed with biotechnology.

Additionally, as illustrated by GMO contamination results recently
from Mexico, the distribution of whole seed intended for consumption
leads to planting in centers of origin, threatening local agricultural
diversity. Further, corn seed sent as food aid to Guatemala has been
confirmed to contain GMOs not authorized in the European Union. In
Nicaragua the presence of GMOs was also confirmed in corn seed sent as
food aid from Germany.

The fact that Germany is financing aid comprising of corn seed
contaminated with GMOs and has sent it to a center of origin of corn
such as Nicaragua is further proof of the irresponsible management of
this technology said Julio Sanchez from Centro Humboldt-Friends of the
Earth Nicaragua.

Other discoveries of genetic contamination in food aid have also
occurred in
several Latin American countries in the last months.

 Food Aid programmes when used systematically in impoverished countries

serve as instruments for the dumping of production surpluses from
countries, creating dependency and contributing to the destruction of
local production. says Ana Lucia Bravo Acción Ecológica - Friends of
the Earth Ecuador.  Friends of the Earth Latin America is requesting the
Governments in the Summit, the FAO and the WFP to forbid GMOs in food
aid programmes in accordance with the precautionary principle.  Our
livelihood is our future.

Increasing numbers of organisations have been expressing concern about
the promotion of biotechnology as a solution for developing countries.
International development organisation Oxfam International recently
announced a moratorium on GMOs and the need for improved enforcement of
monitoring systems to stop GMOs from entering countries in consignments
of food aid.

Contact Friends of the Earth at the World Food Summit:

Juan Lopez - mobile telephone number: 00 39 339 74 49 630

Friends of the Earth is the largest grassroots environmental network in
the world campaigning to protect the environment and to create
sustainable societies.

Friends of the Earth Europe unites more than 30 national member groups
with thousands of local groups.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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OFF:Fw: [globalnews] The Bundle of Faggots

2002-06-13 Thread jsherry


Sometimes I compare the troubles we have to undergo in the course 

of a year to a great bundle of faggots, far too large for us to 

lift. But God does not require us to carry the whole at once. He 

mercifully unties the bundles, and gives us first one stick, which we 

are able to carry today, and then another, which we are able to carry 

tomorrow, and so on. This we might easily manage, if we would only 

take the burden appointed for each day; but we choose to increase our 

trouble by carrying yesterday's stick over again today, and adding 

tomorrow's burden to our load before we are required to bear it. 


Be the change
you want to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Help with Glycyrrhiza glabra when to plant?

2002-06-11 Thread jsherry

I have licorice which I am not sure whether to consider a root or stem
plant? Steven Foster says it is an underground stem, Richter's little
plastic thing that came with the plant says the underground stolons are used
for flavoring etc (oops, is that what a stolon is? An underground stem?). I
guess I thought it was roots being used? Should I have gotten the Chinese
variety for medicinal use?

Anyone know? I was thinking of using that little window this morning (8-11
am EST) to plant it even though we're just after the eclipse. One of them is
begging to go into the ground, the other two are growing fast, and I would
rather not wait a week.

Anyone with experience? Thanks,


OFF: Fw: [globalnews] Only the FBI could spend a year in the French Quarter and find just 12 prostitutes

2002-06-11 Thread jsherry


A Comedy of Eros
Only the FBI could spend a year in the French Quarter and find just 12
Jonathan Turley teaches constitutional law at George Washington University
School of Law.

June 7 2002

When I lived in New Orleans, I was told about a trial before one of our
state judges in which a local madam appeared under a charge of assaulting an
officer. The bordello was periodically subject to routine sweeps by the
police to keep up appearances. The madam, however, was mistaken on the
appointed time and, according to one arresting officer, slammed a swinging
door in his face.

On cross-examination, the madam denied the allegation and insisted that
there was no swinging door in that room. When the prosecutor expressed
skepticism, the madam turned to the judge and said, Judge, you know ...
there is no swinging door in that parlor.

The story captured the attitude of local authorities toward bordellos in
Louisiana. In New Orleans, houses of ill-repute are some of the oldest
institutions in the French Quarter and are often cited on tours as virtual
cultural landmarks. Prostitution itself is a misdemeanor, a law universally
honored in the breach. This is a view not shared by Atty. Gen. John
Ashcroft's Justice Department.

This week, the Justice Department announced the results of a long
investigation of a French Quarter bordello that serviced a virtual who's who
of New Orleans elite, including at least one judge.

For more than 13 months, the Justice Department has conducted a major
investigation of this bordello, producing hundreds of pages of surveillance
transcripts and reports by 10 FBI agents. With considerable fanfare, the
Justice Department touted its catch in a news conference: 12 prostitutes.

Only the FBI could go to the French Quarter and find just a dozen
prostitutes after a year of investigation. Given the roughly one-to-one
ratio between agents and prostitutes, the FBI could have produced a hundred
times this number by having agents walk down Bourbon Street.

In some parts of New Orleans, a sting operation for prostitutes requires
the simple opening of a car door.

Of course, when the Justice Department convinced an unwitting judge to sign
this surveillance order, it had promised something far more alluring. It
insisted that the bordello would reveal mob dealings as well as criminal
activities by an infamous gang. It further assured the judge that the
bordello was a hot spot for major drug transactions.

Ultimately, the surveillance failed to nail a single mobster or gang member.

As for the drugs, the FBI carefully made a case against a 62-year-old woman
who sold small amounts of marijuana for personal use at the location--often
a joint at a time.

When confronted by the ludicrous haul of 12 prostitutes, the Justice
Department was unapologetic and insisted that this was a major law
enforcement victory. Federal prosecutor Sal Perricone spoke for the Justice
Department when he pledged more of such enforcement.

'We'll seek it out, we'll find it, we'll grab it by the scruff of the neck,
and we're going to prosecute it, Perricone said.

That is certainly reassuring. While it was revealed this week that the FBI
largely ignored CIA identifications of known terrorists in the U.S. before
Sept. 11, it appears that it was able to find prostitutes in New Orleans.

It simply boggles the mind how such an investigation could have been
approved, let alone continued after the September attacks.

When these agents were carefully recording calls to a bordello, hundreds of
other agents were being shifted from major crimes to homeland security.
While Ashcroft was seeking expanded powers to listen in on suspected
terrorists, these agents were listening to the descriptions of particular
prostitutes and their special capabilities.

Agents carefully recorded the strict rates of $200 to $300 an hour and how
the mother-daughter team that ran the bordello could barely pay their bills
on their 50% take. The mother and daughter are now cooperating in the
prosecution of their former employees.

None of the johns (including the judge, respected lawyers, stockbrokers,
bankers and civic leaders) have been charged.

Though the Justice Department found federal crimes for the prostitutes, they
could not imagine a federal crime for the johns.

Such matters, they explained, are strictly matters for local enforcement.

The Justice Department is half-right. It was all a matter for local concern.

The Justice Department insists that it had jurisdiction in this case because
some of the prostitutes crossed state lines. However, this merely explains
that the government could investigate, not that it should.

Most any crime today has some element that crosses state lines, but we
expect the Justice Department to resist temptation.

One can certainly appreciate that it is more interesting to listen 

Fw: [globalnews] GM contamination spreads in Mexico

2002-06-11 Thread jsherry

BBC News

Sunday, 9 June, 2002, 13:09 GMT 14:09 UK
GM contamination spreads in Mexico

Scientists fear crop varieties will be dramatically reduced

  By Nick Miles
  BBC correspondent in Mexico

Political leaders and academics begin a three day meeting in Rome on Monday
to discuss issues surrounding global food security.
The United Nations World Food Summit will be looking at the spread of
genetically modified crop strains as well as the immediate problem of famine
in parts of southern Africa.

  Our best guess is that the Mexican corn harvests have been
contaminated by imported corn from the United States

  Juan Martin
  Laboratory manager
Recent reports from Mexico suggest that despite a moratorium on planting GM
corn strains, wild varieties have become contaminated by laboratory
developed plants.

The most heavily contaminated area is in Oaxaca, where up to a quarter of
corn samples have tested positive for GM.

GM contamination

The area is home to thousands of small subsistence farmers. High up in the
central mountains of the state one such farmer, Olga Maldonado, is weeding
her tiny plantation of corn. It's just forty metres square and barely
provides enough food for her and her family.

Corn is our way of life, she told me, as she worked under the harsh
tropical sun. Most of what we eat like tortillas and thick soups come from
the crop.

  Research has yet to prove GM foods are harmful

But six months ago Olga got a shock. Tests showed that her field had been
contaminated with genetically modified corn. Now she says she's worried
about the possible effects on the heath of her children.

I'm concerned because our children eat corn all the time. We don't know
whether it's safe to eat or not. The government has told us nothing about
these GM plants. Absolutely nothing.

Just 16 kilometres away down a dirt track in the incongruous setting of
rural Mexico, white coated workers at a hi-tech laboratory are testing
samples of corn from across the country. The hum of electrical stirrers
fills the air as the corn goes though the rigorous testing procedures.

This privately funded work has found widespread GM contamination in corn
samples from across Mexico.

Despite the moratorium on GM crop growing four years ago, many GM strains
have slipped through the net, says Juan Martin, who's in charge at the lab.

  We've had a number of different campaigns aimed at telling farmers not
to use imported corn as seed

  Victor Arambula, Mexican agriculture spokesman
Our best guess is that the Mexican corn harvests have been contaminated by
imported corn from the United States, he says.

That corn was supposed to be for human consumption but farmers weren't
aware of that and they sowed it in their fields.

Genie released

It's difficult to assess the Mexican Government's stance on the issue. State
and federal governments seem to contradict each other on the significance
and even the very existence of GM contamination.

  Halberg fears food security will be affected

If there is GM contamination then it's not because of any government
failure, says Victor Arambula, spokesman for the Mexican agriculture

We've had a number of different campaigns aimed at telling farmers not to
use imported corn as seed.

Over the last four years, we've made it perfectly clear to farmers that
this contamination might happen.

However it happened, the GM genie is now out of the bottle. And many people
are worried.

Whilst there is no universally accepted research proving any health risks
from eating GM crops, environmentalists say that many GM strains encourage
pests to become tolerant to insecticides.

There will also be a drastic reduction in the variety of corn strains in
Mexico, Boone Hallberg told me. Mr Hallberg, a sprightly 79-year-old US
educated botanist, has been working with Mexican corn growers for almost
four decades.

  Maldonado's field has been contaminated

Until now, when there's been a virus in other parts of the world, people
have been able to come here to find strains resistant to the virus, he
tells me as we walk through his organic corn fields.

GM contamination will change all that. The thousands of varieties here will
be lost forever, threatening food security around the world.

Meanwhile for small farmers like Olga the concerns are more immediate. Every
mealtime is now a worrying time for her. She has to feed her children corn
tortillas made from her now genetically modified crops by a farmer who
unwittingly tainted her own land.

I feel misled by the government, she says as she ladles some steaming corn
drink into a bowl. As usual in Mexico the needs of the farmers here have
been overlooked.

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

Be the change
you want to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Fw: [globalnews] u.s. opposes labeling genetically engineered food

2002-06-11 Thread jsherry


U.S. opposes labeling genetically engineered
By Deena Beasley, Reuters
Tuesday, June 11, 2002

TORONTO - The U.S. White House is against adopting regulations, already in
use in some countries, that would require companies to label foods that use
genetically engineered ingredients, Health and Human Services Secretary
Tommy Thompson said Monday.

Thompson said labeling foods as genetically altered puts fear in the
and would serve only to stymie innovation in the rapidly advancing
biotechnology food industry.

I don't think it solves the problem. Mandatory labeling doesn't work, he
said at
the annual meeting of the Biotechnology Industry Organization, the trade
representing the fields of health care, agricultural, industrial, and

Last year the group's conference, held in San Diego, was targeted by
opposed to so-called Frankenfoods, but their ranks fell short of
Here in Toronto, the scene is even more subdued; protesters staged a brief
on Sunday, and there are no concrete barriers, although the police presence
still noticeable.

Some countries already require labels to state whether food contains, for
instance, corn whose genes have been altered to enable the organism to
the corn borer pest. But the United States does not.

We are concerned about food safety. None of these crops have been tested
for safety, said Charles Margulis, genetic engineering specialist at the
environmental group Greenpeace.

The European Union, unnerved by food safety scares such as mad cow disease,
has banned new biotech crops from other parts of the world for the past
years. The United States is by far the largest producer of genetically
corn- and soy-based food.

No one really knows what happens when plants that have not evolved in nature
are consumed by humans, Margulis said. There could be allergies, increased
toxins, or other unexpected side effects, he said.

In the United States, weed- and pest-resistant versions of six crops -
soybeans, corn, cotton, papaya, squash, and canola - are now being grown,
and many other transgenic plants are being developed.

Last month, a report by the U.S. General Accounting Office said the U.S.
and Drug Administration had adequately tested the safety of new biotech
before allowing them to be sold, and consumers who ate bioengineered foods
were not at a higher risk of allergies or toxic reactions.

A biotech corn variety not approved for human consumption slipped into the
food supply in late 2000, sparking a nationwide recall of more than 300
kinds of
corn-based foods. StarLink was approved only for animal feed due to concern
that it might cause allergic reactions in humans. Several U.S. class action
are pending against Aventis CropScience, which made StarLink.

A National Academy of Sciences panel in February said the government had
allowed food manufacturers to market biotech crops without fully probing
potential environmental impact.

Copyright 2002 - Reuters

Any reprinting, rebroadcast or digital transmission of this
work without written permission from Environmental News Network, Inc. is
strictly prohibited.

Fw: [globalnews] The Man with the Hoe: The Origins of Terror

2002-06-09 Thread jsherry


God made man in his own image, 

In the image of God made He him. 


Bowed by the weight of centuries he leans 

Upon his hoe and gazes on the ground, 

The emptiness of ages in his face, 

And on his back the burden of the world. 

Who made him dead to rapture and despair, 

A thing that grieves not and that never hopes, 

Stolid and stunned, a brother to the ox? 

Who loosened and let down this brutal jaw? 

Whose was the hand that slanted back this brow? 

Whose breath blew out the light within this brain? 

Is this the Thing the Lord God made and gave 

To have dominion over sea and land; 

To trace the stars and search the heavens for power; 

To feel the passion of Eternity? 

Is this the dream He dreamed who shaped the suns 

And markt their ways upon the ancient deep? 

Down all the caverns of Hell to their last gulf 

There is no shape more terrible than this - 

More tongued with censure of the world's blind greed - 

More filled with signs and portents for the soul - 

More packt with danger to the universe. 

What gulfs between him and the seraphim! 

Slave of the wheel of labour, what to him 

Are Plato and the swing of Pleiades? 

What the long reaches of the peaks of song, 

The rift of dawn, the reddening of the rose? 

Thru this dread shape the suffering ages look, 

Time's tragedy is in that aching stoop; 

Thru this dread shape humanity betrayed, 

Plundered, profaned and disinherited, 

Cries protest to the Judges of the World, 

A protest that is also prophecy. 

O masters, lords and rulers in all lands, 

Is this the handiwork you give to God, 

This monstrous thing distorted and soul-quencht? 

How will you ever straighten up this shape; 

Touch it again with immortality; 

Give back the upward looking and the light; 

Rebuild in it the music and the dream; 

Make right the immemorial infamies, 

Perfidious wrongs, immedicable woes? 

O masters, lords and rulers in all lands, 

How will the future reckon with this Man? 

How answer his brute question in that hour 

When whirlwinds of rebellion shake all shores? 

How will it be with kingdoms and with kings - 

With those who shaped him to the thing he is - 

When this dumb Terror shall rise to judge the world, 

After the silence of the centuries? 


Be the change
you want to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Fw: [globalnews] How to Build for Eternity

2002-06-09 Thread jsherry


Catastrophe will come; or worse than catastrophe, slow mouldering

and withering into Hades. But if you can fix some conception of a 

true human state of life to be striven for - life, good, for all men, 

as for yourselves; if you can determine some honest and simple order 

of existence; following those trodden ways of wisdom, which are 

pleasantness, and seeking her quiet and withdrawn paths, which are 

peace; - then, and so sanctifying wealth into 'common-wealth', all 

your art, your literature, your daily labours, your domestic 

affection, and citizen's duty, will join and increase into one 

magnificent harmony. You will know then how to build, well enough; 

you will build with stone well, but with flesh better; temples not 

made with hands, but riveted of hearts; and that kind of marble, 

crimson-veiled, is indeed eternal. 


Be the change
you want to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Fw: [globalnews] THE GUARDIAN WALL

2002-06-09 Thread jsherry


Know that the stream of superhuman knowledge and the Deva-Wisdom 

thou hast won, must, from thyself, the channel of Alaya, be poured 

forth into another bed. 

Know, O Narjol, thou of the Secret Path, its pure fresh waters 

must be used to sweeter make the Ocean's bitter waves - that mighty 

sea of sorrow formed of the tears of men. 

Alas! when once thou hast become like the fix'd star in highest 

heaven, that bright celestial orb must shine from out the spatial 

depths for all - save for itself; give light to all, but take from 


Alas! when once thou hast become like the pure snow in mountain 

vales, cold and unfeeling to the touch, warm and protective to the 

seed that sleepeth deep beneath its bosom - 'tis now that snow which 

must receive the biting frost, the northern blasts, thus shielding 

from their sharp and cruel tooth the earth that holds the promised 

harvest, the harvest that will feed the hungry. 

Self-doomed to live through future Kalpas, unthanked and 

unperceived by men; wedged as a stone with countless other stones 

which form the Guardian Wall, such is thy future if the seventh 

Gate thou passest. Built by the hands of many Masters of Compassion, 

raised by their tortures, by their blood cemented, it shields 

mankind, since man is man, protecting it from further and far greater

misery and sorrow. 

Withal man sees it not, will not perceive it, nor will he heed 

the word of Wisdom...for he knows it not. 

But thou hast heard it, thou knowest all, O thou of eager, 

guileless Soul...and thou must choose. Then hearken yet again. 

The Voice of the Silence

Be the change
you want to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Fw: [globalnews] will gm-food in Europe be labelled ?

2002-06-05 Thread jsherry




Date: 3 June, 2002

Concerns: Vote in the EP's Environment Committee on labelling and the
traceability of GMO-food and animal feed, 4 June, 2002


Friends of the Earth wants to draw your attention to an important
meeting of the European Parliament's (EP)  Committee on the Environment,
Public Health and Consumer Policy.  On 4 June this Committee will vote
upon two proposals by the European Commission concerning the
authorisation and labelling of  genetically modified food and animal
feed (1). To the Commission's proposals more than 532 amendments have
been tabled, indicating that genetically modified organisms (GMO's) in
food and feed are still a hotly debated and controversial issue.

Since the Environment Committee will vote upon all 532 amendments it is
expected that the vote will take more than two hours. After tomorrows
vote the plenary of the European Parliament will vote again on
(amendments to) the same proposals. This vote is expected in the
beginning of July.  Hence, tomorrow's vote is not the final one, but
will nevertheless be of  importance because it will give an indication
of the probable outcome of the parliamentary decision-making process on
GM-food and feed labelling.


The key-element in both proposals of the  European Commission is a
different approach to the labelling of  food and feed derived from
genetically modified organisms. Under the current legislation (Novel
Food Regulation 258/97) only food-products in which genetically modified
DNA or protein can be detected are subject to a labelling obligation.
Consequently, many products derived from GMO's, such as sugar,
vegetable-oils and corn flour do not have to be labelled.

The Commission now proposes to change this situation and bring the
labelling provisions for GM-food more in accordance with the general
principles laid down in European food safety law. The most important of
these principle is the traceability principle, which can be found in
Regulation 178/2002/EC. If adopted , the Commission's proposals will
ensure traceability of GMO's and of food and feed produced therefrom. It
would mean that operators throughout the food-chain (eg farmers,
transporters, processors, etc.) must inform the next operator that the
product is produced from GMO's. Such a traceability system will
facilitate accurate consumer labelling, environmental monitoring and, if
necessary, withdrawal of products.

If  the traceability  system is adopted by Parliament all food products
produced from  GMO's would have to be labelled, also if genetically
modified DNA or protein cannot be detected in the final products. The
implication would be that many food-products derived from GMO's (eg.
vegetable oils and sugar) that don't have to be labelled now would be
subject to a labelling obligation in the future. The Commission also
proposes to label animal feed, consisting of or produced from GMO's.
However, in the Commissions proposals consumer products (like milk, eggs
and meat) that are derived from animals raised on GM-animal feed are
excluded form the labelling provisions.


In different Parliamentarian Committees several Members of the European
Parliament (MEP's) tabled 55 amendments pressing for the restriction of
the labelling requirements and aiming at the removal of  the Commissions
proposals for a more comprehensive labelling system. Most of these
amendments were drafted by Conservative MEP's (EVP-ED) and by David
Bowe, a Social Democratic MEP who is taking a dissident position in the
PSE-fraction.  The most important argument put forward by the
EVP-ED-MEP's  and by Mr. Bowe is that only those products in which
genetically modified DNA or protein can be detected through chemical
tests should be subject to labelling. According to this MEP's any other
system is open to fraud. However, this argument is countered by the
European Commission by pointing at the fact that the traceability system
is already laid down in European food law and is applied to many
conventional products, such as fruits, vegetables and meat.

Another important group of amendments aims at an extension of the
labelling regime as proposed by the Commission. These amendments ( 15 in
total) call for labelling of food products derived from animals fed on
GM-feed. Such amendments were tabled  in different Parlementarian
Commissions by  Social Democratic and  Green MEP's.


This is hard to predict. The vast majority of the Conservative MEP's are
against the traceability and extended labelling as posed by the
Commission. The vast majority of the Greens and the Socialists are in
favour of  such traceability. Moreover, they want to amend the
Commission's proposal and include food products, derived from animals
fed with GM-feed in the compulsory labelling 

skunk advice

2002-06-04 Thread jsherry

Hello all,
anyone know anything ab out skunk behavior? There seems to be a skunk(s)
that lurks right next to the house at both twilight hours, spraying right
outside the windows. It takes so long to get rid of the smell with an air
filter  windows shut, seems a shame not to have the evening air inside the
house. I am wondering what exactly is going on, what they're attracted to?

Last year, we observed a particular skunk that was fond of a new circular
flower bed we'd put right close to the house. He would wander through quite
leisurely. Perhaps there were yummy grubs he'd (she?) dig up? It was a piece
reclaimed from lawn, so I know there are nice juicy fat things to eat under

any suggestions of what smells they don't like? I would just like to keep
them away from the windows. That smell doesn't do anything for me.


Re: skunk advice

2002-06-04 Thread jsherry

gee wiz. that all sounds worse than I thought. Not going to use mothballs,
lutefisk, or other worse smelling stuff. I was hoping there was some
essential oil they didn't like like rosemary or eucalyptus or something we
like the smell of...

thanks for weighing in. Under the house sounds really awful. I guess this
would be one time I'm happy to have a basement.

- Original Message -
From: Deborah Byron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: skunk advice

Hi Jane,

Here we go with everything we've ever heard about repelling skunks.
I've been told that scattering mothballs around their favorite spots
will work but, of course, you have to keep reapplying the stuff.  Also
make sure they can't get into your garbage as that'll keep them coming
back for more.  Good luck--I've had the buggers take up residence under
my house during mating season and let me tell you they do know how to


Fw: [globalnews] 21 Year Swiss Study Shows Organic Farming Yields Ecological Benefits

2002-06-04 Thread jsherry

this actually mentions biodynamics  mycorrizhaie
Environmental News Service: Organic Farming Yields Fringe Benefits

  WASHINGTON, DC, June 3, 2002 (ENS) - A 21 year comparison
of farming methods has shown that organic farming produces crops that
average about 20 percent smaller than crops produced using conventional
methods. The study by Swiss scientists also found that organic farmers use
land far more efficiently and with less environmental impact than other
modern farmers.

  Unlike conventional farming, organic farming uses no
synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. The organic approach more than made up
the difference in crop yields through its ecological benefits, argue the
scientists who conducted the study.

In one of the longest running studies of its kind, Paul
Mäder of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, in Frick,
Switzerland, and his colleagues compared the performance of agricultural
plots grown either with organic or with conventional methods.

 There is a need to evaluate alternative farming systems
as a whole system in a scientific way. The most appropriate method to do
this is still to conduct long term experiments, which can be analyzed
statistically and performed under identical soil and climate conditions,
Mäder explained. Soil fertility and biodiversity develop slowly, and this
is why a long term study is essential.

  Mäder's team compared plots of cropland grown side by side
using different farming methods. The crops used included barley, beets,
grass clover, potatoes and winter wheat.

  Besides examining conventional farming and organic
farming, the authors also studied an organic approach called biodynamic
farming, based the environmental and spiritual philosophies of its inventor,
Rudolph Steiner. Crop rotation, varieties, and tillage were identical in all
the systems studied.

  Overall, the organic systems were able to produce more
with less energy and fewer resources, the researchers report. Their results
appear in the journal Science, published by the American Association for the
Advancement of Science.

  These results should be encouraging for farmers, because
they can see that yields are stable over time, and that soil fertility has
increased, Mäder said.

  Over the course of the study, organic farmers added 34
percent to 51 percent less nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients to the
soil than conventional farmers. Even so, crop yields from organic systems
were just 20 percent lower than those from the conventional systems, which
Mäder said shows that the organic systems use their resources more

  The organic soils were also more fertile in other key
ways, such as hosting a larger and more diverse community of organisms,
Mäder and his colleagues report. This was true for soil microbes, which
govern the nutrient cycling reactions in soils, and for mycorrhizae, root
colonizing fungi that help plants absorb the nutrients.

  Mycorrhizae are fungi that colonize plant roots, helping
the plants absorb nutrients.
  These fungi were also at least partly responsible for the
more stable physical structure of the organic soils, the researchers said.
Earthworms, which help to aerate and turn over the soil, were more abundant
as well.
  Insects were almost twice as abundant and more diverse,
including pest eating spiders and beetles. Weed plants were more diverse in
the organic systems, and included some specialized and endangered species,
the researchers found.

  Our results suggest that, by enhancing soil fertility,
organic farmers can help increase biodiversity, Mäder said.

  The organic soils also decomposed more efficiently, the
researchers found. This is an important feature of fertile soil, Mäder
explained, because the process releases nutrients and carbon to be used by
the plants and microbes.

  The organic systems show efficient resource utilization
and enhanced floral and faunal diversity, features typical of mature
systems, wrote the researchers. We conclude that organically manured,
legume based crop rotations utilizing organic fertilizers from the farm
itself are a realistic alternative to conventional farming systems.

  Organic produce, a mainstay at farmers' markets, must now
meet stricter standards in the United States. (Photo courtesy USDA)
  In Europe, both organic and biodynamic farming are
regulated by national governments, in accordance with standards set by the
European Union.
  In December 2000, the U.S. Department of Agriculture
finalized the United States' first national standards for organic foods,
barring not only the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, but 

Fw: [globalnews] sacred circle dance concert in nyc june 8th 9th, 2002 (free events)

2002-06-04 Thread jsherry

does anyone know if there's a relationship btwn this paneurethymy and the
eurythmy of Steiner folks?


The culture of the fellowship of all nations is coming.  They will all
consider themselves as members of one great family.  The stronger nations
will help the weaker ones.  All nations are organs of one cosmic Organism.
And as every organ has its assigned place, function and special mission, so
does each nation.  This idea is currently arising in the consciousness of
humankind,   Beinso Douno (Peter Deunov)

The PanEuRhythmy Circle of Sacred Dance  The Earth Concert Project


Concert of Sacred Music and PanEuRhythmy Workshop

The NYC Paneurhythmy Circle meets Sunday mornings in Central Park,
Spring through Fall Equinoxes.  There is no charge for participation.

Free events: Concert: Saturday June 8th and
Workshop: Sunday, June 9th, 2002

Dear Friends,

You are invited to share in the blessing of this uplifting, simple circle
dance, and to send blessings to the world by your participation.

PanEuRhythmy is a sacred dance. Its music and movements were given by Peter
Konstantinov Deunov (Beinsa Douno, 1864-1944, Bulgaria). The fundamental
principles of Deunov's teaching are Love, Wisdom and Truth. He was a
spiritual giant who touched many lives with his wisdom, purity and gentle

Love brings life. Wisdom brings knowledge and light which help in the study
of the laws of Nature. Truth shining within the soul brings freedom from all
weakness and vice.

There is nothing greater than these principles; there is no straighter or
surer path. In these three principles lies the salvation of the world.
Beinsa Douno

Paneurhythmy is a a series of circular/wave/spiral movements built around
spiritual concepts such as love, beauty, joy, celebration of life, etc. and
is performed by couples in a circle with musicians in the center. It
elevates participants to new levels of awareness of the body, mind, spirit

The PanEuRhythmy Circle of Sacred Dance gathers between Spring and Fall
Equinoxes in New York City on Sunday mornings in Central Park, on Cherry
Hill, to the northwest of Bethesda Terrace's Angel of the Healing Waters
Fountain; 72nd St. entrances, in the heart of the park.  Participants arrive
beginning about 9 a.m. and may remain until noon.

Please join us in a Summer PanEuRhythmy Celebration in New York City with
two events on June 8th and 9th. If you are in the area, join us for these
events, and if you are somehwere else on the planet, then please join us in
spirit. Please send this invitation to your friends that may be interested
in this celebration and may enjoy the harmonic synthesis of music, motion
poetry.  Both events are free and open to the public.


Artists: Bozhidar Simov - Classical Guitar, and Ina Doynova - Voice

Program includes: J.S. Bach, A. Barios-Mangore, L. Brouwer, B. Douno

Venue: Good Shepherd Faith Presbyterian Church
   152 West 66th St., Manhattan


Workshop - Manhattan: Sunday: June 9th 2002, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

9:30am-10:30 PanEuRhythmy Sacred Circle Dance
10:30-noon and 1-3pm Instruction in the Practise

Venue: Cherry Hill, Central Park  to the northwest of Bethesda
Fountain Angel of the Healing Waters fountain. (72nd Street
entrances, in the heart of the park.)

This is the first part of the current US tour for these Bulgarian
performance artists. The distinguished violinist Yoana Strateva will join
the above musicians in San Francisco for all other engagements. The tour
includes San Francisco, St. Louis, Washington, D.C., Virginia Beach and
other venues.   Numerous wonderful souls helped organize the tour so that
many may benefit and so contribute further to the sharing and spreading of
this majestic offering.

The complete schedule of the tour is located at:

God is Love,

Love brings life. Wisdom brings knowledge and light which help in the study
of the laws of Nature. Truth shining within the soul brings freedom from all
weakness and vice.

There is nothing greater than these principles; there is no straighter or
surer path. In these three principles lies the salvation of the world.
Beinsa Douno

For more information and photos on PanEuRhythmy, see


The word PanEuRhythmy means supreme cosmic rhythm:

PAN means whole, all-over, cosmic.
EU means true, supreme, the essence from which everything arises.
RHYTHM means periodicity or correct regularity of movement.

Each PanEuRhythmy exercise has symbolic significance and expresses a
particular thought, feeling and action. It also reflects the Divine Spirit.
The PanEuRhythmy is a harmonious creative manifestation of the Divine in the
Universe. The circle of sacred dance is a symbol of the great Wheel of Life,

Spiritual Food For The New Millenium

2002-05-31 Thread jsherry

Hello to all you bdnow good food consumers,

I recently contacted SFNM to order the wonderful vital food I've missed from
Steiner-practicing-farmers in Victor  Linette Landa's network.

The food arrived so quickly that I called to say thanks and asked how come
it arrived so fast. Victor told me that orders were down and therefore it
was easier to fill the few orders more quickly. This alarmed me and I asked
if this was since the fallout over the trademarking, Demeter issue, which of
course it was.

So I am asking you (I think Kristy also mentioned this a few weeks back)
that we should ALL call or go to the website and order up!! (or at least
those of you in the US) Let's ensure this service stays viable so we can
continue to taste and enjoy this vital food-- some of which is even from
some of the farmers on this list!

Blessings on all your good work!


Call  888-384-9642 to order

Re: Spiritual Food For The New Millenium

2002-05-31 Thread jsherry

Apologies to Christy for the misspell...it's yr. last name starts with a

sorry, Allan, can't find Christy's email to have sent this directly to

BTW, Allan how did your babies survive that frost?

- Original Message -
From: jsherry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 9:45 AM
Subject: Spiritual Food For The New Millenium

Re: EU Suppresses GE Study

2002-05-28 Thread jsherry

try going to the greenpeace website: http://www.greenpeace.org/~geneng/

- Original Message - 
From: Merla Barberie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 4:10 AM
Subject: EU Suppresses GE Study

Hi all,

The email that Jane sent interested me very much, but it was so garbled
on my machine that I couldn't read it so I spent a few hours fixing it
(See below).  Jane, I couldn't figure out how to set up Tables A and B.
Could you help me?

Fw: [globalnews] Water Wars: The Next Major Mideast Conflict

2002-05-27 Thread jsherry

The next major conflict in the Middle East
  Water Wars

  A Lecture by Adel Darwish- Geneva conference on Environment and
Quality of Life June 1994.

  Oil has always been thought of as the traditional cause of conflict in
the Middle East past and present. Since the first Gulf oil well gushed in
Bahrain in 1932, countries have squabbled over borders in the hope that
ownership of a patch of desert or a sand bank might give them access to new
riches. No longer. Now, most borders have been set, oil fields mapped and
reserves accurately estimated - unlike the water resources, which are still
often unknown. WATER is taking over from oil as the likeliest cause of
conflict in the Middle East.

  When President Anwar Sadat signed the peace treaty with Israel in
1979, he said Egypt will never go to war again, except to protect its water
resources. King Hussein of Jordan has said he will never go to war with
Israel again except over water and the Untied Nation Secretary General
Boutros Boutros-Ghali has warned bluntly that the next war in the area will
be over water.

  From Turkey, the southern bastion of Nato, down to Oman, looking out
over the Indian Ocean, the countries of the Middle East are worrying today
about how they will satisfy the needs of their burgeoning industries, or
find drinking water for the extra millions born each year, not to mention
agriculture, the main cause of depleting water resources in the region.

  All these nations depend on three great river systems, or vast
underground aquifers, some of which are of `fossil water' that cannot be

  Take the greatest source of water in the region, the Nile. Its basin
nations have one of the highest rate of population growth which are likely
to double in less than thirty years, yet the amount of water the Nile brings
is no more than it was when Moses was found in the bulrushes.

  The shortage:

  Although all natural water resources are replenished through the
natural hydrological cycle, their renewal rate ranges from days to
millennia. The average renewal rate for rivers are about 18 days - that is
to renew every drop taken out - while for large lakes and deep aquifer they
can span thousand years.

  The world's oldest reserves such as the Nubian aquifer in North Africa
were filled when water infiltrated the earth's subsurface in past geological
years. When we refer to fossil water in an aquifer, it is water trapped
since the ice age and there is no certainty how long it would take to
replenish them, thus it safe to conclude that mining their water is only a
temporary solution.

  The oil boom in the Gulf and other Middle Eastern states, desalination
became an industry. In 1990 over 13 million cubic meter were produced each
day world wide using 7,500 plants, yet this represents just under one
thousandth of fresh water consumption per day.

  Water scarcity: In general a country with less than 1,700 cubic meter
per capita is regarded as experiencing water stress, while less than 1000
cubic meter is regarded as water shortage.

  Water scarcity or availability is based on measurements of stream flow
within countries in question, with evaporation calculated based on local
climate and subtracted from the total. Dr Malin Falkenmark expresses the
thresholds as number of people per ``flow unit'' of water, a unit equal to
one million cubic meters per year. Dr Falkenmark uses 600 or more persons
per floe unit as an indicator of water stress, 1000 or more persons per flow
unit as an indicator of water scarcity and 2000 or more per flow unit as
absolute scarcity. But most reports - and the methods used in publications -
usually reverse the ratio of people per flow unit, expressing the figure as
the amount of water available per capita. So reversing the first two
equations yields fewer than 1,667 cubic meter per person per annum as an
indicator of water stress ( again this figure is rounded up to 1700) and
1000 or fewer cubic meters per person as an indicator of scarcity.

  In the case of Renewable fresh water resources there is no universal
uniform on it since there is no international consensus on how to define and
measure renewable fresh water resources.

  * The list of water-scarce countries in 1955 were seven including
three Middle Eastern countries : Bahrain, Jordan and Kuwait.

  By 1990, 13 were added among them eight from the Middle East :
Algeria, Israel/Palestine , Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, United
Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

  UN studies anticipate to add another 10 countries by the year 2025
seven of them are from the Middle east : Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Libya,
Morocco, Oman and Syria. This mean that by the year 2025 some eighteen
countries in this troublesome region will suffer from water shortages.

  * The Annual Renewable fresh water Available Per Person ranked by 1990
Availability in Cubic Metres

  Country 1955 1990 2025

  Kuwait 147 23 9

Fw: [globalnews] Industrial Agriculture Poisons Our Water and Homes

2002-05-27 Thread jsherry

Waterkeeper Alliance

Industrial Agriculture: Poisoning
Our Waters and Our Homes

American food production is undergoing the most dramatic consolidation in
our history. Industrial meat factories and corporate controlled farms are
replacing family, hands-on farms. These facilities are owned by or
indentured to a handful of giant corporations with little or no interest in
socially responsible agriculture. Their livestock factories contaminate
water bodies across the nation with nutrients, pesticides, antibiotic
residues and other pollutants.

One of the nation's largest environmental problems stems from the vast
amounts of waste generated at Confined Animal Feeding Operations, or CAFOs.
These facilities shoehorn thousands of animals into barns full of small
pens, where they are fed nutrient rich imported feed, laced with antibiotics
and growth stimulants. Waste from these facilities is often piped into open
pits, euphemistically called lagoons, and then applied to adjacent fields.
Nutrient and pesticide laden animal waste contaminates streams, lakes and
rivers, local groundwater, and ultimately, has created a New Jersey-sized
dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.

Waterkeeper Alliance's campaign against this threat began in 1993 with Rick
Dove, the first Neuse Riverkeeper. When Rick retired from the United States
Marine Corps, he picked up his childhood dream of becoming a commercial
fisherman on North Carolina's Neuse River. Rick's dream was soon crushed as
pollution from industrial hog production contaminated his beloved river,
rendering the fish he caught unfit for market. Even worse, the nutrient rich
waters spawned an outbreak of Pfiesteria piscicidia, a micro-organism that
causes lesions in infected fish, and poisons humans as well. Pfiesteria
kills fish, and brings disabling illness to fishermen, bridge workers and
people enjoying the state's rivers.

Over the past two years, Waterkeeper Alliance has initiated a series of
lawsuits targeting waste disposal at large hog facilities. In February 2001,
the Alliance filed a lawsuit in federal district court for the Eastern
District of North Carolina. Our suit claims that Smithfield Foods, the
nation's largest hog producer, has polluted local waterways in violation of
the Clean Water Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA),
two of the nation's primary environmental laws. In September 2001, District
Court Judge Malcolm Howard rejected Smithfield's attempt to have the case
dismissed; the case will proceed to trial late in 2002.

In the months and years since that initial commitment, the Alliance has
launched a national campaign designed to reform this industry, to restore
healthy landscapes and waterways, and to return good stewardship, prosperity
and democracy to America's rural communities. Waterkeeper Alliance partners
with family farm advocates, environmental groups, animal welfare advocates
and private citizens who are concerned about rural life in America.

Consumers have the real power to solve this environmental and social crisis.
As you buy meat, milk, cheese, and produce take the extra step to learn more
about it. Where did it come from? Were pesticides, chemical fertilizers,
hormones or antibiotics used? Your choices at the market can make a big
difference in the struggle to keep agriculture healthy and sustainable.
Hands-on farmers, using proven techniques that reduce chemical use and
animal cruelty, are the strongest link between healthy food and a secure
environment. Please, think twice before buying corporate pork and other
factory grown food!

We have YOU and THE LAW on our side, and with generous financial support
form concerned people like yourself, we'll be able to continue our efforts
to rein in this industry.

Be the change
you want to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Fw: [globalnews] EU Suppresses GE Study Showing GE Crops Increase Costs, Threaten Organic

2002-05-27 Thread jsherry

The Executive Summary of this Suppressed Study is at the Bottom of this

Greenpeace International: EU suppresses GE study:
GE crops add high costs, threaten organic

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, 16 May 2002 - A secret European Union (EU) study leaked
to Greenpeace states that all farmers would face high additional, in some
cases unsustainable costs of production if genetically engineered (GE) crops
were commercially grown in a large scale in Europe. The study predicts that
the situation would become particularly critical for organic farming of
oilseed rape as well as for intensive production of conventional maize.
The study was ordered in May 2000 by the EU Commission, to examine the
co-existence of GE and non-GE crops. It was carried out by the Institute for
Prospective Technological Studies of the EU Joint Research Centre.

When the study was delivered to the EU Commission in January 2002, it came
with the recommendation that it not be made public.

Lorenzo Consoli, EU policy advisor for Greenpeace sais that, The European
Commission has tried to keep this study secret because it was afraid of its

The question is, if the introduction of GE crops on a commercial scale in
Europe increases costs of production for all farmers, makes them more
dependent on the big seed companies, and require complicated and costly
measures to avoid contamination, why should we accept GE cultivation in the
first place? asked Consoli.

The EU study states that in oilseed rape production the co-existence of GE
and non-GE crops in a same region, even when technically possible, would
be economically difficult. This is because of the additional costs and
complexity of changes required in farming practices in order to avoid
genetic contamination.

Both organic and conventional farmers would probably be forced to stop
saving seed and instead buy certified seed, because of the increased risk
of GE impurity for seeds that have been exposed to field contamination. The
study predicts that smaller farms would face relatively higher costs
compared to larger entities, and that cultivation of GE and non-GE crops in
the same farm might be an unrealistic scenario, even for larger farms.

The Executive Summary of this Suppressed Study Follows:

Co-existence in European Agriculture Summary


Background, objectives and scope

1. If genetically modified (GM) crops eventually increase their share in EU
agriculture, adventitious

presence of GM varieties in non-GM seeds and crops might become an issue.
Therefore there is a

need to find appropriate measures at the farm level to minimise adventitious
presence of GM


2. The objectives of this study, covering three model crops, are to

- identify sources and estimate levels of adventitious presence of GM crops
in non-GM crops at

farm level,

- identify and assess changes of farming practices that could reduce
adventitious presence of

GM crops in non-GM crops below policy-relevant thresholds,

- estimate costs of relevant changes in farming practices, costs of
monitoring systems and costs

of potential insurance systems to cover possible financial losses due to
adventitious presence

of GM crops in non-GM crops.

3. The study covers three arable crops, with several farm types for each
crop in representative

production areas of the EU:

- winter oilseed rape (OSR) for seed production (certified and farm-saved
seed) (France,


- grain maize for feed production (Italy, France)

- potato for direct consumption and food processing (UK, Germany)

4. The three model crops have been studied on different conventional and
organic farm types,

representing the average farm context for each of the different production
forms in the selected

geographical areas (certified and farm-saved OSR seed, intensive and
nonintensive maize

cultivation, early and regular potatoes). For a better comparison similar
farm and plot sizes have

been assumed for conventional and organic farms. Additionally smaller
organic farm types have

been studied to reflect the actual situation in some Member States.

General Findings

5. Sources of adventitious presence of GM crops in non-GM crops at farm
level are seed impurities,

spread of pollen and seeds from field to field by wind, insects and
machines, overwintering of

plants and plants growing from spread seeds as well as mixing of crops after

6. The percentage of GMOs grown in the region represents an important
factor, already a level of 10

% GM varieties in the region causes significant levels of GMO content in
non-GM crops. Two

scenarios of 10 % or 50 % share of GM crops in the region were analysed. A
share of 50 %

mimics the current situation in countries which adopted GM crops readily
(e.g. in 2000, GM

soybeans represented about 54 % of the American soybean acreage, GM rape
seed represented

about 50 % of the Canadian rape seed acreage) and is the principal scenario
examined in the study,

while a share 


2002-05-25 Thread jsherry

did y'all know that there's an article on Manganese at the Price Foundation
website? http://www.westonaprice.org/soy/manganese.html

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 7:46 AM
Subject: MARK PURDEY: Motivation to write faster! ;-)

Fw: [globalnews] Searching for Water falls web sites networks

2002-05-24 Thread jsherry

- Original Message - 
To: Sri Lanka Environmental Journalists Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 9:03 AM
Subject: [globalnews] Searching for Water falls web sites  networks


I am a moderator of World Environmental Journalists Egroup(WEJEG)
and President of the Asia Pacific Forum Of Environmental 
Journalists(APFEJ)Hq in Sri Lanka.http://www.oneworld.org/slejf
And also founder of Sri Lanka Environmental Journalists Forum(SLEJF).

I have introduce new concepts of environmental journalism and 
ethnic reporting in Sri Lanka.I am engaged as the editor of 
Sri Lanka's one and only environmental monthly since 1992.
I have published over dozen of eco books including Sri lanka's
first glossary of eco terms and citizen's report.

Also i am now in the process of editing a book on
Waterfalls of Sri Lanka.This will be publish in July,2002.
In my research i have found that we have in all 340 waterfalls
in Sri Lanka.Can anyone recommend a good reference on waterfalls web sites 
and national,regional or International networks on waterfalls.
This also will be of interrest to our readers.That might be used as a 
yardstick to measure world's interests in waterfalls.


Dharman Wickremaretne.
P.O.Box 26
434/3 Sri Jayawardenapura 
Sri Lanka.

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CLICK HERE to search
600,000 scholarships!


Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ 

OFF: [Fwd: FW: poem]

2002-05-22 Thread jsherry

  On January 28, 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced that he
  $8,000 of taxpayer's money for drapes to cover up the exposed breast
  of The
  Spirit of Justice, an 18 ft aluminum statue of a woman that stands in
  the Department of Justice's Hall of Justice.
  John, John, John,
  you've got your priorities all wrong.
  While men fly airplanes into skyscrapers,
  dive bomb the pentagon,
  while they stick explosives into their shoes,
  and then book a seat right next to us,
  while they hide knives in their luggage,
  steal kids on school buses,
  take little girls from their beds at night
  drive trucks into our state capital buildings,
  while our president calls dangerous men all over the world
  evildoers and devils,
  while we live in the threat of biological warfare
  nuclear destruction,
  you are out buying yardage
  to save Americans
  from the appalling
  alarming, abominable
  aluminum alloy of evil,
  that terrible ten foot tin tittie.
  You might not be able to find Bin Laden
  But you sure as hell found the hooter in the hall of justice.
  It's not that we aren't grateful
  But while we were begging the women of Afghanistan
  To not cover up their faces
  You are begging your staff members to
  Just cover up that nipple
  To save the American people
From that monstrous metal mammary
  How can we ever thank you?
  So, in your office every morning
  in your secret prayer meeting
  while an American woman is sexually assaulted every 6 seconds
  while anthrax floats around the post office
  and settles in the chest of senior citizens,
  you've got another chest on your mind.
  While American sons arrive home in body bags
  and heat seeking missiles
  fly around a foreign country
  looking for any warm body
  you think of another body.
  And you pray for the biggest bra in the world John
  because you see that breast on the spirit of justice
  in the spirit of your
  own inhibited sexuality.
  And when we women see
  our grandmothers, our mothers, our daughters, our granddaughters,
  our sisters, ourselves,
  when we women see that
  statue the spirit of justice
  we see the spirit of strength
  the spirit of survival.
  While every day
  we view innocent bodies dragged out of rubble
  and women and children laid out
  like thin limp dolls
  and baptized into death as collateral damage
  and the hollow eyed Afghani mother's milk has dried
  up underneath her burka
  in famine in shame
  and her children are dead at her breast.
  While you look at that breast John
  that jug on the spirit of justice
  and deal with your thoughts of lust
  and sex and nakedness
  we see it as a testimony to motherhood
  And you see it as a tit.
  It's not the money it cost.
  It's the message you send:
  We've got the right to live in freedom.
  We've got the right to cheat Americans out
  of millions of dollars and then
  not tell congress about it.
  We've got the right
  to drop bombs night and day
  on a small country that has no army,
  no navy, no military at all,
  because we've got the right to bear arms.
  But we just better not even think
  about the right to bare breasts.
  So now John you can be photographed
  while you stand there and talk about
  guns and bombs and poisons
  without the breast appearing over your right shoulder
  without that bodacious bosom bothering you
  and we just wanted to tell you
  in the spirit of justice
  in the spirit of truth
  John there is still one very big boob left standing there in that
   Claire Braz-Valentine

Kalindi Trietley, EdS, LPC
Co-Director, Counseling and Student Support
University of Michigan Medical School
(734) 936-1513

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: 

Re: Mark Purdey in OZ: To the Ends of the Earth part 1

2002-05-21 Thread jsherry

Dear Mark  Allan,
thanks for this extraordinary story, and the generous work you both do on
behalf of the world. I look forward to hearing more from Mark.

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 7:25 PM
Subject: Mark Purdey in OZ: To the Ends of the Earth part 1

To the Ends of the Earth 1.

Re: OFF: [globalnews] IMF and World Bank Blamed for Health Crisis

2002-05-20 Thread jsherry

Is there some reason you are unable to think these things through for

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 6:24 PM
Subject: RE: OFF: [globalnews] IMF and World Bank Blamed for Health Crisis

The policies dictated by the World Bank and IMF
exacerbated poverty, providing fertile ground for
the spread of HIV/AIDS...

Pardon me, but I thought that copulation of some sort with an infected
person caused the spread of AIDS.  Now, it appears that poverty causes AIDS.
  Oh, wait a minute, maybe the author is saying that only poor people
copulate.  Or, maybe poor people have more time to copulate.

These institutions must be made
accountable for their role in causing the worst
health crisis in human history, which Africa now

Are these poor people at all responsible for their behavior, ie, who they
copulate with?

If these poor people had more money, do you suppose they would stop
copulating and spreading AIDS?  I doubt it!


Re: Horsetail/Equisetum Arvense

2002-05-19 Thread jsherry

Tony  Pam,
If it's tea for human consumption you're planning on, I have read that it is
wise to ONLY collect the horsetail after the first 4-6 weeks of growth after
appearing in the spring otherwise it can be toxic to humans. I don't know if
this is also true for making compost tea.

- Original Message -
From: Anthony Nelson-Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: Horsetail/Equisetum Arvense

Steve - Pulling horsetail shoots damages the plant?  I should be so lucky!
I approve of this plant in the right place, but not overwhelming my veg
patch.  I've dug down three feet into my subsoil (solid glacial clay)
without coming to the end of its stolons - I've read that they can extend
downwards for several yards.  Every spring I pull each shoot as it appears,
and appears, and appears;  after a decade or more, they are as vigorous
as ever.  Of course, if I'd _wanted_ them there
Naturally, I dry the best leafy shoots for tea making.
Tony N-S.

Fw: [globalnews] Dry Rio Grande Point of U.S./Mexico Friction

2002-05-19 Thread jsherry

Dry Rio Grande Point of U.S./Mexico Friction

SILVER CITY, New Mexico, May 17, 2002 (ENS) - The Rio Grande,
the river dividing the United States from Mexico, no longer reaches the Gulf
of Mexico into which it has emptied for millions of years. The water has
stopped flowing due to a sandbar formed by several years of low water levels
plus high water usage in drought stricken northern Mexico.

Left high and dry, Texas politicians are threatening retaliation
in what has become an acrimonious water dispute between the two countries.

Sharing the Waters, a report issued today by the
Interhemispheric Resource Center, a nonprofit policy studies center,
outlines the international dispute over the waters of the Rio Grande and Rio
Bravo rivers in Texas and Mexico.

The Rio Grande forms the border between the United States and
Mexico. Here it flows through Big Bend National Park. (Photo credit unknown)
The report by Mary Kelly and Karen Chapman of the Texas Center
for Policy Studies shows how Texas officials have accused Mexico of a
failure to live up to its obligations under the 1944 binational treaty
governing the waters of the river basin and how the resources are to be
Northern Mexico has replied that it is suffering from a
persistent, severe drought that has reduced capacity in its reservoirs to
dangerous levels.

One of the largest reservoirs in the Mexican portion of the
basin, La Boquilla on the Río Conchos in Chihuahua, is at about 20 percent
of normal capacity.

Further down the Conchos, the Luís León reservoir is at less
than 20 percent of its normal storage. Mexico's reserves amount to less than
10 percent of that system's capacity.

Under these conditions, short of cutting off all irrigation
south of the border, it is not practical for Mexico to rapidly repay its
current deficit of about 1.4 million acre-feet as agreed under the joint
1944 Amistad/Falcon Reservoir Treaty.

However, many people in Texas are demanding that Mexico abide by
the treaty regardless of the consequences to that country.

Chapman and Kelly say, Those Texas politicians leading the
charge against Mexico seem to agree with farmers in the Lower Rio Grande
Valley of Texas who maintain that Mexico is purposefully managing its part
of the Rio Grande/Río Bravo basin in order to deliberately withhold water
and put Texas farmers out of business. They have mounted a sustained
campaign to convince U.S. federal officials that Mexico should be
transferring all its Río Bravo water through to the Rio Grande instead of
using some of it for irrigation in Chihuahua.

In response, Mexico points out that the many farmers in the area
have had to resort to dryer crops such as grain sorghum in order to survive.

Francisco I. Maderas Dam, located near Delicias, Chihuahua, on
the Conchos River, stores irrigation water and generates hydro power for the
region. (Photo by Enrique Rios Gonzalez courtesy Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Basin
The government of Mexico has signaled its intent to tackle these
problems by announcing plans for 11 irrigation modernization projects in the
northern part of the country. A series of new water recycling programs has
been started as a way to meet its water debts and address its own domestic
water needs.
The joint U.S.-Mexico North American Development Bank, created
in a side agreement to the North American Free Trade Agreement, proposes to
fund $40 million of the $420 million total price tag that Mexico's National
Water Commission estimates as the total cost of the irrigation and municipal
infrastructure improvements project.

Most federal officials in Washington have maintained a low
profile on the issue. But constant pressure from Texas officials, widespread
media coverage and lack of progress in resolving the dispute could bring
attention from the federal government.

Earlier this week, President George W. Bush, formerly governor
of Texas, discussed the water issue with Mexican President Vincente Fox, who
responded with a public statement promising Mexico will establish a plan for
paying its water debt within 15 days.

Last week, Mexican and U.S. conservation organizations convened
a forum in Chihuahua to discuss what cooperative actions can be taken to
protect and restore the Río Conchos basin.

Chapman and Kelly warn that further escalation of the dispute
could damage the bilateral relationship, affecting the two countries'
ability to cooperate on water issues along other parts of the border, and
threaten progress on other issues such as immigration and economic

In the near term, says Chapman and Kelly, the governments must
agree on a formula for allocating what rain does fall this year. A realistic
payment plan for the current deficit, based on actual 

OFF:Fw: [globalnews] IMF and World Bank Blamed for Worst Health Crisis in History

2002-05-19 Thread jsherry


What's in the News at FPIF?
May 16, 2002

**IMF and World Bank Blamed for Worst Health
Crisis in History

Salih Booker, FPIF Advisory Committee member,
says, The IMF and World Bank have much to answer
for. Many of the strongest critiques come from
Africans, although they have little opportunity to
travel to Washington to demonstrate. The policies
of the World Bank and IMF have eroded Africa's
health care systems and intensified the poverty of
Africa's people. These institutions must be made
accountable for their role in causing the worst
health crisis in human history, which Africa now

Africa Action has launched a new campaign called
Africa's Right to Health Campaign. The campaign
is based information on a new position paper,
Hazardous to Health: The World Bank and IMF in
Africa, published by Africa Action and written by
Ann-Louise Colgan. According to this new paper,
The policies dictated by the World Bank and IMF
exacerbated poverty, providing fertile ground for
the spread of HIV/AIDS and other infectious
diseases. Cutbacks in health budgets and
privatization of health services eroded previous
advances in health care and weakened the capacity
of African governments to cope with the growing
health crisis. Consequently, during the past two
decades the life expectancy of Africans has
dropped by 15 years.

For information about Africa Action's campaign and
to read the new report, go to:

For analysis by Salih Booker and other Africa
Action staff, visit:

For more FPIF analysis on Africa, see FPIF Africa

Siri D. Khalsa
Interhemispheric Resource Center
P.O. Box 2178
Silver City, NM 88062   USA
(505) 388-0208
(505) 388-0916 (fax)
Websites: http://www.irc-online.org/
http://www.fpif.org/ ,

The IRC is a nonprofit research and policy studies
institute; a think tank without walls.
Our two main projects are the Americas Program and
Foreign Policy in Focus (FPIF).
stop-imf mailing list
To subscribe or unsubscribe by e-mail, send a message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], with your administrative request in the
subject line. Or go to http://lists.essential.org/mailman/listinfo/stop-imf

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Fw: [globalnews] EU Caving in to US on GM Food

2002-05-19 Thread jsherry

Subject: [globalnews] EU Caving in to US on GM Food
(From Le Monde Diplomatique)

The United States wants the European Union to lift its 1998 moratorium on
the import of new genetically modified organisms. This is one-sided free
trading - as at the same time the US is adopting protectionist measures to
help its steel industry. The EC, far from resisting, is doing its
undemocratic best to help the US.

The United States declaration of unlimited war on terrorism was not the only
outcome of the 11 September attacks. Appealing to patriotism also enabled
President Bush to squeeze a bill through the House of Representatives, by
only 216 votes to 215, giving him trade promotion (formerly called fast
track) authority. If the Senate follows suit, the executive will be entitled
to negotiate international trade agreements without interference from
Congress, which will have no power of amendment. Congress will have to
accept or reject the texts as they stand, and outright rejection is
unlikely. Without such authority, it is argued, US negotiators lack
credibility, as their partners will fear negotiated agreements may be
vitiated by Congressional amendments.

With Congress still to take its final decision, the ministerial conference
of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), held last November in Doha, Qatar,
was another slap in the face for the opponents of neo-liberal globalisation
and a success for the business lobby. It launched a new round of
comprehensive negotiations, called the Doha Development Round, to take over
from the Millennium Round that failed in Seattle in December 1999. Of the
areas it covered, the environment is probably the most sensitive in the
immediate future.

Mention of the environment in the final declaration of the Doha conference
was mainly due to pressure from the European Union, backed by Japan, Norway
and Switzerland. India was strongly opposed to it, followed by most of the
developing countries and the US. But the cost of securing a mention of the
environment was very high. This was because of the inclusion of an important
rider making the results of future negotiations on compatibility between WTO
rules and multilateral environmental agreements binding only on countries
that have already signed MEAs - which is reason enough for all countries to
follow the example of the US and not sign, or renege. It was also because,
totally contradicting the stated aims, there is a risk of the WTO gaining
the upper hand over MEAs. And that is just what big businesses, especially
biotech firms, hope for.

Pascal Lamy, the European commissioner for trade, shares this perspective.
Before the signing of the Doha declaration, he wrote to his friend Robert
Zoellick, the US trade representative: You have informed me of your
government's deep concern that Europe might use the negotiations decided on
in Doha to justify illegitimate barriers to trade, particularly trade in
biotechnological products and application of the commercial clauses of
present or future multilateral agreements on biosecurity. As the European
Commission's negotiator, I am writing to assure you that will not be the
case. I can also assure you I shall not use the negotiations to change the
balance of rights and obligations within the WTO with regard to the
precautionary principle (1).

The last sentence speaks volumes. It means that there is no question of the
EU calling for the precautionary principle to be strengthened, no question
of the EU demanding that the burden of proof in biosecurity be reversed. So
any country or group of countries not wishing to import a given product
(like the EU and hormone-treated beef) will continue to be required to prove
that the product is dangerous. And the exporter will still be exempt from
any obligation to prove it is harmless. This was no doubt the return
demanded by Washington for its agreement to mention the environment in the

The EU's capitulation on this issue may soon impact genetically modified
organisms (GMOs). Lamy's consideration for the US is not entirely
reciprocated. Barely a month after Doha, Zoellick announced that the Bush
administration was considering filing a complaint about Europe's alleged
delays in authorising imports of new GMOs, and its directives about
traceability and labelling.

The EU has effectively maintained a moratorium on the import of new GMOs
since 1998. In fact, the measures on traceability and labelling put to the
EU council and the European parliament last July, not yet implemented, are
the commission's chosen method of opening the door to new imports. By
enabling Europe's consumers to choose between products that do or do not
contain GMOs, the EU is attempting to make its policy acceptable. But the US
remains adamant: it is not prepared to countenance a moratorium or rules on
traceability and labelling. GMOs are harmless. End of story (2).

At present 

OFF or Rel: Kuan Yin

2002-04-28 Thread jsherry

Avalokitesvara Boddhisattva

By Lin Sen-shou
Often seen alone or next to a statue of Amitabha Buddha, Avalokitesvara
Bodhisattva--in Chinese also known as Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy--is the
most popular and most venerated Buddhist figure besides Amitabha Buddha and
Sakyamuni Buddha. A popular Chinese saying illustrates this aspect:
Everyone knows how to chant Amitabha Buddha, and every household worships
Kuan Yin.

Why is this bodhisattva popular in so many Chinese families? It may be
because Kuan Yin is represented as a female with an appearance that embraces
the qualities of compassion and motherly love. In addition, because many
Buddhist scriptures state that one can invoke Kuan Yin's assistance by
simply calling out her name, people feel that this bodhisattva is very

According to the Huayen Sutra (Buddha-vatamsaka-mahavaipulya Sutra), Kuan
Yin uses all kinds of ways to attract people: she makes gifts, uses words of
love, and transforms herself into persons like those that she deals with.
The Universal Gateway chapter in the Lotus Sutra lists thirty-two typical
forms in which Kuan Yin may appear. For instance, if a boy or girl is about
to gain some enlightenment, Kuan Yin transforms herself into a boy or a girl
to teach the child. If a monk is about to attain some enlightenment, Kuan
Yin transforms herself into a monk. In short, she can appear as a monk, a
nun, a king, a minister, a celestial being, or a normal person like you and
me. The purpose of such transformations is to make people feel close to her
and willing to listen to her words.

I am cultivating this method of great compassion and hope to save all
living beings, Kuan Yin said. Any living being who calls my name or sees
me will be free from all fear and danger. I will activate that being's
spiritual awareness and maintain it forever.

Sakyamuni Buddha confirmed Kuan Yin's vow: If a suffering being hears the
name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and earnestly calls out to the
bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara will hear the call and redeem that being from
his suffering (Universal Gateway, Lotus Sutra).

In other words, this bodhisattva's main attraction for people lies in her
efforts to eliminate suffering and to make people live in peace and harmony.
This kind of immediate benefit and the ability to receive protection or help
simply by calling the bodhisattva's name, similar to children receiving an
instant reply when calling their mother, have contributed to Kuan Yin's
great popularity.

Fw: [globalnews] Message from Babaji

2002-04-25 Thread jsherry

From Babaji's 1984 Speech:

  Love and serve all humanity.
  Help everyone.
  Be happy, be courteous.
  Be a dynamo of irrepressible joy.
  Recognize God and goodness in every face.
  There is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future.
  Praise everyone. If you cannot praise someone, let them out of your
  Be original, be inventive.
  Be courageous. Take courage again and again.
  Do not imitate, be strong, be upright.
  Do not lean on the crutches of others.
  Think with your own head. Be yourself.
  All perfection and every divine virtue are hidden within you.
  Reveal them to the world.
  Wisdom, too, is already within you. Let it shine forth.
  Let the Lord's grace make you free.
  Let your life be that of the rose.
  In silence, it speaks the language of fragrance.

Be the change
you want to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Re: OFF Re: religion vs ethnicity ( Americans Support Cutting Aid to Israel)

2002-04-23 Thread jsherry

Thank you for your thoughtful reply  feedback Stephen. I will screen the
posts more carefully before sending them on.

I am aware that many on this list work very hard and care very deeply about
what they do often with little material reward from the culture, but much in
the way of personal and spiritual reward.

Perhaps, my main intent is to present these pieces in order to remind us
that in our ag work, we can call upon all the intelligences of the world to
work with us for peace. Injustice in any form, in any part of the world
calls out for Love and healing.


Fw: [globalnews] Earth Day 2002: Where Has All the Fire Gone?

2002-04-23 Thread jsherry

Healing Our World: Weekly Comment

  By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.

  Earth Day 2002: No Time for Craft Fairs

  Where have all the flowers gone?
  Long time passing.
  Where have all the flowers gone?
  Long time ago.
  Where have all the flowers gone?
  Young girls picked them, every one.
  Oh, when will they ever learn?
  Oh, when will they ever learn
  -- Pete Seeger

  Compassion is sometimes the fatal capacity
  for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else's skin.
  It is the knowledge that there can never really be
  any peace and joy for me
  until there is peace and joy finally for you too.
  -- Frederick Buechner

  The list of events planned around the U.S. for Earth Day 2002 is
chilling. While tens of thousands of people die from soil, air, and water
poisoned with pesticides and scores of toxic chemicals, craft fairs,
discussion groups, and lectures will be held. Lost is the passion and sense
of urgency that heralded in the first Earth Day 32 years ago.

  The 32nd Earth Day this year will mark an unprecedented time resource
consumption and environmental violence against the Earth and our health.

  On Earth Day this year, while speeches, conversations and trinket
sales take place:

a.. 603 people worldwide will die from exposure to pesticides and
countless more will suffer serious health threats from chronic exposure

b.. 5,400 to 11,000 children will die from diarrhea from polluted
drinking water

c.. 27,000 children will die from curable infectious diseases

d.. 164 babies will be born that are effected by mercury poisoning
because their mothers ate contaminated fish - while government agencies
recommend that pregnant women eat several servings of fish each week

e.. Over 103,000 animals will be killed for fur coats

f.. Nearly 2 million gallons of engine oil will be poured down the
drain and will enter our nation's waterways

g.. Over 41 million pounds of trash will be dumped at sea worldwide.
About 77 percent of all ship waste comes from cruise ships.

h.. Over 3 million pounds of hydrocarbons will be released into the
atmosphere just from jet skis, lawn mowers, boat engines, and other 2-cycle

i.. At least 1200 gallons of oil and fuel will leak from aging and
malfunctioning pipelines in the U.S., polluting groundwater, lakes, rivers,
oceans and soil.

j.. 313 million gallons of fuel, enough to drain 26 tractor-trailer
trucks every minute, will be used in the U.S.

k.. 18 million tons of raw materials will be taken from U.S. soil

l.. Miscarriages will continue to take place among women of the
Shoalwater Bay Tribe in Washington State, possibly from pesticide
contamination in cranberry bogs.
  Earth Day has become a time when the right wing corporate, industrial,
and political leaders probably rejoice in the passivity of the population.
Of course, there are exceptions and a number of groups throughout the nation
will be mindful of the significance of the day.

  Gaylord Nelson, former Senator from Wisconsin who also served as
Wisconsin's Governor (Photo courtesy The Wilderness Society)
  But the first Earth Day in 1970 saw an estimated 20 million people
across the nation participating in peaceful demonstrations that called
attention to our environmental dilemmas. Senator Gaylord Nelson and activist
attorney Denis Hayes organized it as a nationwide teach-in about the
environment. Over 10,000 grade schools, 2,000 colleges, and 1,000
communities participated, sending a strong message to political leaders that
the environment was part of everyone's lives and needed attention.
  What happened to the grand expectations we had at the first Earth Day,
32 years ago?

  Senator Nelson said the purpose of Earth Day was to shake up the
political establishment and force this issue onto the national agenda.

  It was a gamble, he recalls, but it worked. There is no gamble any
longer. Earth Day is hardly controversial or threatening to anyone.

  Some would argue that although many people are more aware of
environmental issues today than in 1970, little has been done to stem the
tide of environmental destruction in a world where economic growth outweighs
planetary health. If anything, the destruction is happening at a greater
level than ever before. It is often less visible because industry leaders
and politicians know how to keep things quieter with the help of well paid
public relations firms.

  The first Earth Day's message was heard and in the few years that
followed, sweeping environmental legislation was enacted including the
Endangered Species Act, The Federal Clean Air Act, the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, and the creation of
the Environmental Protection Agency.

  It was a powerful time of reawakening and it appeared, for 

Fw: [globalnews] April 20 Anti-war Protests Overwhelm Expectations

2002-04-23 Thread jsherry

April 20 Anti-war Protests Overwhelm Expectations
Don Hazen, AlterNet
April 22, 2002

Huge anti-war demonstrations on Saturday in Washington, San Francisco,
Seattle, Boston, Salt Lake City and Houston turned out considerably more
people than organizers and police authorities expected. District of Columbia
Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey estimated that 75,000 marched in Washington,
while estimates in San Francisco varied between 30,000 and 50,000.

The size, energy and peacefulness of the marches was a big boost to
progressive forces across the country who have been very much on the
defensive in the post-9/11 period. Saturday was inspiring evidence that
there is enormous grassroots opposition to the Bush agenda of endless war at
home and abroad, said Terra Lawson-Remer, one of the D.C. organizers.

The gatherings, by far the biggest in the U.S. since the Sept. 11 attacks,
focused on an array of progressive grievances -- the undermining of civil
liberties, questions about U.S. foreign policy in Afghanistan and Colombia,
as well as the effects of corporate globalization around the world.

But the protesters' most powerful message was their anger about Israel's
repression in the West bank. Chants of Stop the occupation now and We are
all Palestinians today emanated from the marchers, and the black, red,
white and green flag of Palestine dominated the visual landscape.

Saturday's demonstrations in Washington were in contrast to the memorable
April 2000 actions in Washington, when protests against the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund led to a virtual shutdown of the downtown area.
At that time there were pitched clashes between police and demonstrators,
and many hundreds were arrested. In this weekend's protests, separate events
with differing goals were held on Saturday morning, but in the afternoon,
everyone -- despite some differences in strategy and tactics -- came
together to create a huge and peaceful crowd. According to the Washington
Post, Chief Ramsey praised the decorum of Saturday's demonstrations.

The organizers did an outstanding job, said Ramsey, baton in hand as he
watched thousands file past the Justice Department building. This is really
what protests ought to be.

The San Francisco four-hour protest caused widespread gridlock. It's one of
the biggest protests in the past five years, San Francisco Police Commander
Greg Suhr told Jim Herron Zamora of the San Francisco Chronicle. It's not
often that you see one where a crowd has formed in the Civic Center but
there are still people in Dolores Park who haven't started marching.

The San Francisco demonstration was billed as a march against the real axis
of evil: war, racism, poverty. But clearly, support for the Palestinian
cause transcended the other issues. The march included many Americans of
Palestinian descent, as well as immigrants from other Arab countries who
became politically active after the Sept. 11 attacks. One protester, Riad
Morrar, immigrated from Egypt 27 years ago, and now owns a technology
company in the Sacramento area. There is nothing else I can do but tell
President Bush: 'You are wrong. Stop killing my people,' Morrar told the
San Francisco Chronicle, as he marched with his wife and four children.

I spent 20 years avoiding the news, avoiding conflict. It is too
depressing, said Kais Menoufy, another Egyptian immigrant at the march. I
love America. But I'm embarrassed and angry that my country is supporting

According to Herron Zamora, the oldest marcher in San Francisco was probably
Dave Smith, an 89-year-old member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, an
American group opposing nationalists in the Spanish Civil War from 1936-39.
I am proud to fight fascism and oppression, whether it's in Spain, Nazi
Germany or Israel, said Smith.

The youngest demonstrator might have been Hanif Amanullah, a four-month-old
from Oakland who slept in his father's arms. I'm marching for this little
guy, said Shahed Amanullah. I want him to grow up in a world without this
kind of violence.

Not everyone agreed with how the rallies turned out. Robert Elan, an
inner-city school teacher in San Francisco, felt that Saturday's actions
were supposed to be about war, racism and poverty. Instead of focusing on
U.S. corporate corruption, the attack on civil liberties ... and celebrating
the environmental victories just before Earth Day, the multi-issue
demonstration was dominated by solidarity with the Palestinian people, he
explained. Palestinian Independence took the front seat and relegated many
other important issues to the back seat. By doing so, the rally
de-emphasized domestic issues and the problems associated with
globalization. I believe this was a missed opportunity. Some people are
calling this a huge success for it's large numbers. I think it was rather a
failure for its impact.

Nevertheless, as John Nichols wrote for TheNation.com, the size of the
protests is notable because they come at a time when most 

Re: Sub Info For GlobalNews Mailing List

2002-04-23 Thread jsherry

GlobalNews is a private mailing list devoted to discussion of the
issues, news and events that are creating tomorrow's news today.
Geo-politics, global financial markets, electronic commerce, the Internet,
environmental concerns and spiritual transformation at the Millennium.
Members only, with messages distributed directly to the group. This means
the host Curtis Lang is not pre-screening messages, although that may change
as the needs of the group change over time. For now, let's treat this as a
chat in Curtis' living room and maintain decorum suitable for that milieu.
Curtis will send interesting and thought provoking material from various
sources for discussion. It is hoped that other members of the group will
also send information they feel is of importance and generally ignored by
the mainstream news media. To subscribe, send an empty message to

Once you've subscribed, you can go to the website,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/globalnews, and click on Edit my membership
in the upper right hand corner. This will take you to a page where you can
choose to enable web access to the archive, but you will receive no more
emails. Or you can choose to receive digest or individual emails.
This way you can go when you want and read what you want.

To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Group Moderator: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: OFF Re: religion vs ethnicity ( Americans Support Cutting Aidto

Jane - Howabout posting the subscription info for Global News?

Re: OFF Re: religion vs ethnicity ( Americans Support Cutting Aid to Israel)

2002-04-22 Thread jsherry

Dear Members of Bdnow,
It seems highly appropriate on Earth Day today to address this issue.
Perhaps I should be adding the OFF preface to these forwarded posts from
GlobalNews Mailing List.

I find the situation in theMiddle East highly offensive in the sense that
there are people on both sides there who are suffering because of their
outmoded beliefs, practices or fundamentalist zeal. I am not starting a
personal political discussion, Stephen, but am sending out already published
articles by media organizations.

Is there some way to practice spiritual agriculture on earth, anywhere on
earth, in a void or vacuum where we ignore the incendiary desperate plight
of our brothers and sisters? Agriculture in this country is certainly a
highly charged politically determined profession.

Are you happy to garden in your part of the world while the elementals,
devas, nature spirits are also under attack along with the human and animal
residents? Does this situation not inspire you to send as much loving energy
as possible?

I do not apologize for sending in reports which show both perspectives,
especially the least reported perspective by the mainstream media to those
of you who farm and garden. It seems to me that by being so close to nature
you are in the priveleged position to send out your fervent prayers directly
to the earth and sky spirits, all the loving intelligences of the universe
to ask for peace and love to reign on earth.

Peace on Earth and Love in our hearts, happy earth day to you all!
- Original Message -
From: Stephen Barrow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 12:13 AM
Subject: OFF Re: religion vs ethnicity ( Americans Support Cutting Aid to

I'd like to add my voice to this request at keeping this group orientated
towards agriculture in general and BD in particular.  I have found recent
politically orientated posts highly offensive, have written replies, but
have then had second thoughts as I would not wish to offend others.  Those
who want the globalnews indoctrination can subscribe to it in their own
space and time.

So, please, cut the politics.

Stephen Barrow

FES query

2002-04-22 Thread jsherry

Hello all,

do any of you work with or know anything about Flower Essence Services?


thanks for any feedback.


Fw: [globalnews] What happened at Jenin

2002-04-21 Thread jsherry

The Economist

What happened at Jenin

Under the rubble of the refugee camp

Apr 18th 2002 | JENIN REFUGEE CAMP
From The Economist print edition


Picking through fact and fiction after Israel's assault on Jenin

Get article background

MANY facts are known, others are still contested. On April 2nd the Israeli
army invaded Jenin as part of its military operations to root out the
Palestinian terrorist infrastructure which, in Israel's mind, now includes
the Palestinian Authority. The conquest took three days. Then the army laid
siege to the refugee camp just outside the town.

The camp had been among the prime targets of Israel's assault on the West
Bank, along with the casbah in Nablus and the Palestinian gunmen sheltering
in churches in Bethlehem's old city. Huddled on a northern mountain-side
lush with cypress trees, it has long been a bastion of Yasser Arafat's Fatah
movement and, recently, of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Of the 100 Palestinian
suicide bombers in the 18 months of the intifada, 23 were bred in its warren
of poverty, breezeblock shelters, sloping lanes and a militant brew of
Palestinian nationalism and radical Islam. The Palestinian Authority
doesn't really exist here. It's the fighters who run things, said a camp
resident, before the invasion.

For five days Israeli helicopters and tanks relentlessly rocketed the square
kilometre of the camp to soften the resolve of the 160 Palestinian
militiamen holed up within it. Men aged 15 to 45 were ordered by loudspeaker
to surrender. Hundreds did so. They were stripped to their underwear,
manacled, hooded, beaten and finally dumped in neighbouring villages. Some
were used as human shields in front of the army as it pushed its way into
people's houses. Women and children were told to flee to Jenin town.

By April 8th a UN official estimated that perhaps half of the camp's 13,000
refugees had gone. The army then tried to breach the camp's interior with
infantry. We figured it would be a breeze, one reservist told Haaretz
newspaper. It wasn't. Instead, 23 Israeli soldiers were killed, including 13
on April 9th from an elaborate ambush involving a suicide bomber, a
booby-trapped house and a hail of gunfire.

It was then that the army took the decision to crush the resistance once and
for all. There was an intensive blitz of shelling into the camp's heart,
followed by an invasion of tanks and bulldozers, tearing down everything
that stood in their way. The army insists civilians were given fair warning
that the thrust was coming. Palestinians say it was a massacre, with
anywhere between 100 and 500 Palestinians killed, most of them buried
beneath the razed buildings.

Neither claim can be proved or refuted. What is beyond doubt is that the
camp one week on from the invasion is a scene of devastation that has had no
equal throughout Israel's 34-year conquest and occupation of the West Bank
and Gaza.

There is literally no house without bullet marks. Some have had lower floors
sheared away by the blades of bulldozers or tracks of tanks. From one
three-storey house all that is left is a stairwell, hanging in the ether,
descending into nothing.

This is the lesser destruction. The camp's residential core-the last redoubt
of the fighters-resembles an earthquake. Vast craters have been ploughed,
girdled by shored-up mountains of earth, topped by concrete avalanches of
houses, offices, a restaurant. It is a massive furrow the size of three
football pitches.

There is a mass grave beneath it, insist Palestinians. Or, rather, say many,
there was before the Israelis collected the corpses and sped them away while
keeping the Red Cross, the UN and other independent witnesses firmly at bay.
I saw the soldiers dumping the dead in trucks...I saw this with my own
eyes, says a woman from the camp.

Less disputable acounts of horror are legion. A man describes what happened
to his neighbours, the Fayed family. We heard the bulldozers coming. Jamal
told the soldiers they couldn't evacuate so quickly because of his disabled
son. The soldiers suspected he was a wounded fighter. They pulled down the
house with the son inside. That's where he's buried. He points to a mound
of earth.

Other Palestinians describe how, in the chaos of the assault, they had no
idea whether they were supposed to stay in their homes or flee. The orders
were confused, says one. Some soldiers told us to get out, others told us
there was a curfew. We decided to run and were immediately fired upon by the
army. I have a wife, four daughters and three sons. I haven't seen them
since that moment. I don't know if they're alive or dead.

Whether there was a warning or not, the evidence of the Israeli army's
absolute negligence in trying to protect civilian life is everywhere. One
man describes how his elderly father was shot in the head while getting
water from his kitchen, six metres from the room in which his family was
sheltering. The son could not reach his father for six days 

Re: Drought Redux

2002-04-21 Thread jsherry

Tony asked every single window was brightly lit.
Does anyone know how the great and the good are conserving water?

Yeah, great, they've asked corporate industry to cut back their usage by a
whopping 15%!!


Fw: [globalnews] Wesak Festival of Light April 26

2002-04-19 Thread jsherry

Orin and DaBen, and Sanaya and Duane, Invite You to Join Us and
lightworkers around the world to celebrate the Spring Festival of Light, the
Wesak Festival during the full moon time on April 26, 2002 at 8:01 PM
Pacific Time (San Francisco time) or 10:01 pm EST 11:01 pm EDT.  Go here for
information on your time zone by filling times in the table, using New York
City 11:01 PM as the conversion time.  Or, check your local newspaper for
the full moon time.  Taurus Full Moon is April 26, 2002 at: 23:01 pm EDT -
03:01 GMT (27 April) - 04:01 CET (27 April).

  It is said that during the full moon of Taurus, Buddha descends from
his high place to bestow spiritual blessings on the world.  Buddha sends to
humanity the energies that are next.  Divine Love and Wisdom pour into
humanity, received by many Masters and high initiates.  These energies are
then transmitted to all those who are open and able to receive this energy.
Join in this time and be one of the receivers of this energy, then let it
flow out of you as you radiate it to others.  This is considered one of the
highest spiritual times of the year, a time when great spiritual gains can
be made and where you can experience many expansions of consciousness.

  To join in this meditation, follow the process on the Worldwide
Meditations to call upon the Great Ones during the full moon time. Receive
the potent spiritual energy of light that is being transmitted. Then radiate
this light to humanity.  Imagine light coming from the highest realms and
reaching the minds of humanity, Divine Love radiating into the hearts of
humanity, and everyone's personal will becoming more aligned with Divine
Will.  Prepare by listening to Side 3-The Will to Initiate, The Millennium
Tapes  Transforming With Divine Will by Orin, if you have these tapes.  You
may also want to read the information about the Will to Initiate that is
part of the energy being transmitted to humanity at this time.

  General Information about all three Spring Festivals:

  The three Spring Festivals are celebrated during the full moon. A door
is opened wide at the time of each full moon, for two days before and for
two days afterward. Through that door, we can contact energies of
transformation, sent to us by the Enlightened Ones, which are otherwise not
as easily available.

  The purpose of these Spring Festivals, which are celebrated worldwide,
is to come together as a group to invoke spiritual energy and to receive the
inflow of energy that we have called to us. Together we can create a unified
field of thought that can telepathically reach the Great Ones, those
spiritual beings who are sensitive to and responsive to this call. Their
response is sent out as spiritual energy first to those who are awakened,
and through these people this energy will eventually reach the minds of
humanity, carrying inspiration and revelation that will lead to the needed
spiritual unfoldment.

  The rhythm of the full moon is used to schedule these meditations as
it marks the time each month when the impact of the divine energies of
Light, Love, and Power are at their peak and can be registered by a group
and radiated into human consciousness. Millions will be meditating during
this time, creating a wonderful group energy that we will join, adding our
light and love to this group energy.

  The remaining full moons constitute lesser festivals but are also of
great importance.

  More information on the Three Major (Spring) Festivals and other full
moon times and information can be obtained from Lucis Trust, 120 Wall
Street, 24th Floor, Suite 54, New York NY 10005, USA Tel: 1 (212) 292-0707,
or by visiting their website at http://www.lucistrust.org. You can request
their free brochure on the Spring Festivals, and read their many wonderful
articles on Divine Will.  We highly recommend the books by Alice A. Bailey.

Be the change
you want to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Re: Dandelions

2002-04-19 Thread jsherry

are you doing anything more than preps to make the elementals happy?

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: Dandelions

Hi Jane, we are two weeks ahead, bone dry too.  We are picking Asparagus and
the store is not even open yet!!!  Our Quanson Cherries will be in full
by tommorrow, usually not until the end of April...disturbances in the
elemental world...SStorch


2002-04-19 Thread jsherry

Susan V. Thompson, ed.
Read online or subscribe at:

1. Introduction: A Legacy of Death
2. Depleted Uranium
3. Landmines
4. Cluster Bombs
5. Take Action
6. Get Involved
7. About the Bulletin

Afghanistan has more landmines than any other country in the world. The US
spent millions on demining the country prior to 9-11, and according to the
US government, no new mines are being laid in the current war. However, the
US is using cluster bombs, and it is estimated that thousands of these
bright yellow bomblets now lie unexploded on Afghan soil. Along with the
hidden landmines, they'll pose a deadly threat to the civilian population
there for years to come (and no, the US has not yet changed the bright
yellow food packets to a different color to distinguish them from these
bombs). The bunker busters that have been much touted for use in destroying
the cave hideouts of Al Q'aeda cells also contain depleted uranium, a
radioactive material that has been blamed for birth defects, cancer, and
other serious health problems in Gulf War veterans.
The problem is that cluster bombs, depleted uranium shells and landmines
can't discriminate between an Afghan or a US soldier, between an Al Q'aeda
operative or a child, between good and evil. They never get a ceasefire
order or understand that a war has ended - they just keep on killing and
maiming anyone who crosses their path. In a war that has generally been
described as a just war, meant to help root evil out of the world, the use
of such weapons seems to indicate that there is little concern about
differentiating between justified and accidental targets. Also, despite
repeated claims that the US military is taking pains to prevent civilian
deaths through the use of smart weapons, the use of cluster bombs and DU
belies a lack of concern about the fact that innocent civilians will still
face the possibility of becoming collateral damage in the so-called war on
terrorism long after it has moved on to other fronts.
This week, we will explore the history and use of these types of weapons,
both in Afghanistan and around the world, with the hope that this
information will help garner support for grassroots efforts to investigate
and rid the world of them.
Next week: Humanitarian aid.

Depleted uranium is a radioactive material that is used in weapons in order
to allow them to more easily pierce armor and ground. However, there is
little known about the long-term effects of the use of DU. While the idea
that spreading radioactive waste around a battlefield could cause health
problems may seem like simple common sense, the governments who use DU have
been reluctant to investigate its effects. They've discounted anecdotal and
statistical evidence that cancer, birth defects, and health problems found
in civilians and soldiers are related to DU exposure.
The World Health Organization's report on DU, which concludes that
investigation into the effects of DU weapons is warranted.
Doctors at the Basra Pediatric Hospital just north of Kuwait have documented
an extremely high number of cancer deaths, birth defects, and other serious
medical problems which seem to have a direct correlation to the DU weapons
used in the Gulf War. The controversial Gulf War Syndrome may also be
closely related to the use of DU, although Canadian, US and British
officials vehemently deny it.
British soldiers who served in the Gulf War report a high number of
Thalidomide-type defects among their children.
This excellent article focuses on the use of DU weapons by the Pentagon, and
the various concerns about them. The article notes that it would cost
billions to clean up the Gulf, although the Pentagon is maintaining that the
US has no responsibility for doing this.
Tests done by a team of American and Canadian scientists show that American
Gulf War soldiers are suffering from uranium poisoning, a fact which is
embarrassing for the Ministry of Defense (MoD) and American Defense
Department. Both have refused to test Gulf War veterans for DU.
DU is also a concern in the Balkans, although Balkans War Syndrome is
being under-reported in the mainstream media.
DU is in the bunker bombs used on Afghanistan.

Landmines are a major problem in many parts of the world. They can continue
to maim and kill people decades after a conflict has ended, and their
removal is both 

Fw: [globalnews] New York City: Garbage Capital of the World

2002-04-19 Thread jsherry


For Immediate Release
Copyright Earth Policy Institute 2002
April 17, 2002


Lester R. Brown

The question of what to do with the 11,000 tons of garbage produced each
day in New York City has again surfaced, this time with Mayor Michael
Bloomberg's budget, which proposes to halt the recycling of metal, glass and
plastic to save money.  Unfortunately, this would mean more garbage to
dispose of when the goal should be less.

The city's garbage problem has three faces. It is an economic problem, an
environmental challenge, and a potential public relations nightmare. When
the Fresh Kills landfill, the local destination for New York's garbage, was
permanently closed in March 2001, the city found itself hauling garbage to
distant landfill sites in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Virginia--some of
the sites 300 miles away.

Assuming a load of 20 tons of garbage for each of the tractor trailers used
for the long-distance hauling, some 550 rigs are needed to move garbage from
New York City each day. These tractor trailers form a convoy nearly nine
miles long, impeding traffic, polluting the air, and raising carbon
emissions. This daily convoy led Deputy Mayor Joseph J. Lhota, who
supervised the Fresh Kills shutdown, to say that getting rid of the city's
trash is now like a military-style operation on a daily basis.

Instead of rapidly reducing the amount of garbage generated as Fresh Kills
was filling, the decision was made simply to haul it all elsewhere. Fiscally
strapped local communities in other states are willing to take New York's
garbage--if they are paid enough. Some see it as a bonanza. For the state
governments, however, that are saddled with increased road maintenance
costs, the arrangement is not so attractive. They also have to contend with
the traffic congestion, noise, increased air pollution, and complaints from
nearby communities.

Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore wrote to Mayor Rudy Giuliani in 2001
complaining about the use of Virginia as a dumping ground. I understand the
problem New York faces, he noted. But the home state of Washington,
Jefferson and Madison has no intention of becoming New York's dumping

The new governor of Virginia, Mark Warner, proposed in early April 2002 a
tax of $5 per ton on all solid waste deposited in Virginia. This is expected
to generate an annual cash flow of $76 million for the Virginia treasury,
but it will not help New York with its economic woes.

In Pennsylvania, the General Assembly is considering legislation that would
restrict garbage imports from other states. As landfills in adjacent states
begin to fill up, there will be progressively fewer sites to take New York's
garbage, pushing disposal costs ever higher.

Landfilling garbage uses land. For every 40,000 tons of garbage added to a
landfill at least one acre of land is lost to future use. A large
surrounding area is also lost as the landfill with its potentially toxic
wastes must be isolated from residential areas.

Mayor Bloomberg's office has proposed incineration as the solution to the
garbage mess. But burning 11,000 tons of garbage each day will only add to
air pollution, making already unhealthy city air even worse. Like hauling
the garbage to distant sites, incineration treats the symptoms, not the
causes of New York's mountain of garbage.

The amount of garbage produced in the city is a manifestation of a more
fundamental problem--the evolution of a global throwaway economy. Throwaway
products, facilitated by the appeal to convenience and the artificially low
cost of energy, account for much of the garbage we produce. (See Chapter 6
of Eco-Economy http://www.earth-policy.org/Books/index.htm)

It is easy to forget how many throwaway products there are until we
actually begin making a list. We have substituted facial tissues for
handkerchiefs, disposable paper towels for hand towels, disposable table
napkins for cloth napkins, and throwaway beverage containers for refillable
ones. In perhaps the ultimate insult, the shopping bags that are used to
carry home throwaway products are themselves designed to be discarded,
becoming part of the garbage flow. The question at the supermarket checkout
counter, Paper or plastic? should be replaced with, Do you have your
canvas shopping bag with you?

The challenge we now face is to replace the throwaway economy with a
reduce/reuse/recycle economy. The earth can no longer tolerate the
pollution, the energy use, the disruption from mining, and the deforestation
that the throwaway economy requires. For cities like New York, the challenge
is not so much what to do with the garbage as it is how to avoid producing
it in the first place.

New York recycles only 18 percent of its municipal waste. Los Angeles
recycles 44 percent and Chicago 47 percent. Seattle and Minneapolis are both
near 60 percent recycling 

Fw: Prominent Israeli MP calls it 'barbarism'

2002-04-18 Thread jsherry

Prominent Israeli MP accuses Sharon of 'barbarism'

[In the most dramatic and forceful statement by a Jewish government official
to date, a British MP sharply denounced the Sharon government and expressed
a surprisingly nuanced understanding of the dynamics of the Israel-Palestine
conflict. Gerald Kaufman, a long-time Labour Party MP and self-described
friend of Israel loudly proclaimed that the Star of David represents all
Jews and not Sharon's repulsive government. He roundly rips Sharon, whom
he had the insight to label a war criminal, as well as offering a voice of
reason on the subject of suicide bombings. While unequivocally denouncing
such attacks, he asks the reasonable questions of what would happen if we
were occupied for 35 years, and raises the key questions of how Zionist
fighters behaved in the 1940s with such acts as the bombing of the King
David Hotel and the massacre at Deir Yassin. He also points out that another
difference is that Israel is a state and that it needs to be held to the
standards of an independent state. He says, The difference between the Deir
Yassin massacre and what happened in Jenin is that Deir Yassin was the work
of terrorist groups denounced by mainstream Jewish groups. The horrors in
Jenin were carried out by the official Israeli army. One may hope that such
a powerful statement, from a prominent Jewish official in a major Western
state may inspire other Jews the world over to finally speak out against
what is happening in our names. - MP]


MP accuses Sharon of 'barbarism'

All sides condemn West Bank incursions

Nicholas Watt, political correspondent
Wednesday April 17, 2002
The Guardian

The veteran Labour MP and prominent Jewish parliamentarian, Gerald Kaufman,
yesterday launched a ferocious attack on the Israeli prime minister, Ariel
Sharon, denouncing him as a war criminal who was staining the Star of
Speaking in a Commons debate on the Middle East crisis, in which MPs from
across the house condemned Israel's incursions into the West Bank, Mr
Kaufman likened Mr Sharon's tactics to the actions of Zionist terrorists in
Palestine in the 1940s.
In an emotional speech, in which he described himself as a lifelong friend
of Israel, the former shadow foreign secretary said: Sharon has ordered his
troops to use methods of barbarism against the Palestinians ... It is time
to remind Sharon that the Star of David belongs to all Jews and not to his
repulsive government. His actions are staining the Star of David with blood.
The Jewish people, whose gifts to civilised discourse include Einstein and
Epstein, are now symbolised throughout the world by the blustering bully
Ariel Sharon, a war criminal implicated in the murder of Palestinians in the
Sabra-Shatila camp and now involved in killing Palestinians once again.
To nods of approval from MPs, Mr Kaufman condemned Palestinian suicide
bombers. But he added that it was important to ask why Palestinians resort
to such tactics. We need to ask how we would feel if we had been occupied
for 35 years by a foreign power which denied us the most elementary human
rights and decent living conditions.
Mr Kaufman then likened the suicide bombers to the Zionist Irgun and Stern
gangs, which launched a series of terrorist attacks in Palestine in the
run-up to the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.
We need to ask what the Jews did in comparable circumstances, he said. In
1946 the Irgun controlled by Menacham Begin blew up the King David hotel in
Jerusalem, slaughtering 91 innocent people. In 1948 the Palestinians
denounced what they described as a massacre in the village of Deir Yassin
... The difference between the Deir Yassin massacre and what happened in
Jenin is that Deir Yassin was the work of terrorist groups denounced by
mainstream Jewish groups. The horrors in Jenin were carried out by the
official Israeli army.
A Blair loyalist, Mr Kaufman warned that Mr Sharon's conduct had made it
impossible for Britain and the United States to take action against Iraq.
To do so would unite the whole Muslim world against the US, the coalition
against terrorism would disintegrate, western economies could suffer a shock
comparable to the oil shock of 1973.
Mr Kaufman's attack on the Israeli government were echoed across the
chamber. The former Tory cabinet minister, John Gummer, said that a
fundamental distinction should be drawn between the actions of the Israelis
and that of the Arabs.
Israel is a state, with the trappings of a state which claims the
legitimacy of a state and the more that it rightly claims that legitimacy,
the more it has to be judged by the standards of a state and the standards
of democracy, he said.
Amid such a serious Middle East crisis it was irresponsible of Washington to
take such a tough stance against Iraq, Mr Gummer warned. He criticised the
kind of approach that says that we judge what is in our self-interest and

Fw: Another death of a high ranking scientist

2002-04-17 Thread jsherry

Gene Mallove, editor of Infinite Energy, was asked if he knew anything
about Dr. Brown's death.  He said:

Yeah, Paul Brown who we knew well and had featured in IE was drag racing,
informally, and was killed and a tragic accident. We'll have an obit in the
next issue.

Also, my husband remembers people on the Vortex list talking about his
death and several who knew him personally attested that he like to drag
race and that this was a very believable and likely cause of death.


Re: Dandelions

2002-04-17 Thread jsherry

Hi Steve  all,
Am I mistaken, or are these dandies  violet blooms way early? Much in my so
called spring garden looks about to bolt (chives, turnip greens that
overwintered are in full bloom, my anise hyssop is already inches tall, the
lemon balm fragrant, the roses way behind!)

This week hitting 90's in NYC and the burbs after just a couple of weeks ago
it was so cold we were finishing up the indoor firewood just to warm the

Can't believe it's almost time to make violet syrup and dandelion wine
already!! Which reminds me, my wine was not so great last year. Anyone with
any recipes they'd like to share?

Each night I pray for peace and balance!

Blessings in these strange times!
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 2:22 PM
Subject: Dandelions

I have accumulated about five gallons of dried dandelion blooms for making
the 506 remedy.  They won't let me be, everyplace I walk they pull me dowm
pick them.  Bullseyes are fat and juicy. Anybody else on the list practicing
any biodyn???  SStorch

Fw: 'I Just Can't Go On,' Ex-Officer Wrote

2002-04-15 Thread jsherry

See the The Harris County Medical Examiners Office.. para
below.  It appears to be the basis for what I heard Not
as definitive as the TV news report ... which emphasized that
homicide was still a possible finding...guru.


April 12, 2002
  'I Just Can't Go On,' Ex-Officer Wrote
  UGAR LAND, Tex., April 11 - In a pained handwritten note, J. Clifford
Baxter, the former Enron vice chairman, described himself as tormented and
ashamed but did not mention the Enron scandal or whether it was leading him
to take his own life.

  I am so sorry for this, Mr. Baxter wrote to his wife, Carol, in the
note, which the Sugar Land police released today. I feel I just can't go
on. I have always tried to do the right thing but where there once was great
pride now its gone. I love you and the children so much.

  I just can't be any good to you or myself. The pain is overwhelming.

  Please try to forgive me.


  Early on the morning of Jan. 25, Mr. Baxter was found dead from a
single gunshot wound to the head. His body was discovered inside his parked
Mercedes-Benz a few blocks from his home in a subdivision of Sugar Land, an
affluent suburb of Houston.

  The Harris County Medical Examiner's office has ruled his death a
suicide, though the Sugar Land police have left the case open, awaiting
results on what officials described as routine tests involving DNA and
ballistic information. A police spokesman said today that the case was
expected to be closed early next week.

  The existence of the note had generated much speculation about whether
Mr. Baxter had offered any details about Enron. He had retired from the
company in May 2001, about seven months before Enron filed for bankruptcy
protection. Former colleagues said Mr. Baxter had criticized some of the
accounting practices conducted by the former chief financial officer, Andrew
S. Fastow, whose off-balance-sheet partnerships later contributed to the
company's collapse.

  Colleagues also said that Mr. Baxter had clashed with Jeffrey K.
Skilling, the former chief executive, though Mr. Skilling testified before
Congress in February that the two had been close friends.

  In the days and weeks before his death, Mr. Baxter had been named a
defendant in at least one civil lawsuit filed against officers of the
company, and Congressional investigators had subpoenaed him to testify.

  The Sugar Land police department released the note late this morning
after the state attorney general ruled that it and other related documents
should be made public under the Texas Open Records Act. Within hours, a
state judge issued a temporary restraining order on the release of the
documents after a motion was filed by Mr. Baxter's wife.

  The order came too late to prevent the release of the note. A hearing
will be held in the next 14 days to determine whether other items, including
a police report and photographs taken at the scene, will be released.

  Copyright 2002 The New York Times Company | Privacy Information

Fw: Chomsky on the Current Situation in The Middle East

2002-04-15 Thread jsherry

Noam Chomsky on the Current Situation in The Middle East..

 Znet Interview with Chomsky
 April 2, 2002

 Z: Is there a qualitative change in what's happening now?

 I think there is a qualitative change. The goal of the Oslo process was
 accurately described in 1998 by Israeli academic Shlomo Ben-Ami just
 before he joined the Barak government, going on to become Barak's chief
 negotiator at Camp David in summer 2000. Ben-Ami observed that in
 practice, the Oslo agreements were founded on a neo-colonialist basis,
 on a life of dependence of one on the other forever. With these goals,
 the Clinton-Rabin-Peres agreements were designed to impose on the
 Palestinians almost total dependence on Israel, creating an extended
 colonial situation, which is expected to be the permanent basis for
 a situation of dependence. The function of the Palestinian Authority
 (PA) was to control the domestic population of the Israeli-run
 neocolonial dependency. That is the way the process unfolded, step by
 step, including the Camp David suggestions. The Clinton-Barak stand
 (left vague and unambiguous) was hailed here as remarkable and
 magnanimous, but a look at the facts made it clear that it was -- as
 commonly described in Israel -- a Bantustan proposal; that is presumably
 the reason why maps were carefully avoided in the US mainstream. It is
 true that Clinton-Barak advanced a few steps towards a Bantustan-style
 settlement of the kind that South Africa instituted in the darkest days
 of Apartheid. Just prior to Camp David, West Bank Palestinians were
 confined to over 200 scattered areas, and Clinton-Barak did propose an
 improvement: consolidation to three cantons, under Israeli control,
 virtually separated from one another and from the fourth canton, a small
 area of East Jerusalem, the center of Palestinian life and of
 communications in the region. And of course separated from Gaza, where
 the outcome was left unclear.

 But now that plan has apparently been shelved in favor of demolition of
 the PA. That means destruction of the institutions of the potential
 Bantustan that was planned by Clinton and his Israeli partners; in the
 last few days, even a human rights center. The Palestinian figures who
 were designated to be the counterpart of the Black leaders of the
 Bantustans are also under attack, though not killed, presumably because
 of the international consequences. The prominent Israeli scholar Ze'ev
 Sternhell writes that the government is no longer ashamed to speak of
 war when what they are really engaged in is colonial policing, which
 recalls the takeover by the white police of the poor neighborhoods of
 the blacks in South Africa during the apartheid era. This new policy is
 a regression below the Bantustan model of South Africa 40 years ago to
 which Clinton-Rabin-Peres-Barak and their associates aspired in the Oslo
 peace process.

 None of this will come as a surprise to those who have been reading
 critical analyses for the past 10 years, including plenty of material
 posted regularly on Znet, reviewing developments as they proceeded.

 Exactly how the Israeli leadership intends to implement these programs
 is unclear -- to them too, I presume.

 It is convenient in the US, and the West, to blame Israel and
 particularly Sharon, but that is unfair and hardly honest. Many of
 Sharon's worst atrocities were carried out under Labor governments.
 Peres comes close to Sharon as a war criminal. Furthermore, the prime
 responsibility lies in Washington, and has for 30 years. That is true of
 the general diplomatic framework, and also of particular actions. Israel
 can act within the limits established by the master in Washington,
 rarely beyond.

 Z: What's the meaning of Friday's Security Council Resolution?

 The primary issue was whether there would be a demand for immediate
 Israeli withdrawal from Ramallah and other Palestinian areas that the
 Israeli army had entered in the current offensive, or at least a
 deadline for such withdrawal. The US position evidently prevailed: there
 is only a vague call for withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian
 cities, no time frame specified. The Resolution therefore accords with
 the official US stand, largely reiterated in the press: Israel is under
 attack and has the right of self-defense, but shouldn't go too far in
 punishing Palestinians, at least too visibly. The facts -- hardly
 controversial -- are quite different. Palestinians have been trying to
 survive under Israeli military occupation, now in its 35th year. It has
 been harsh and brutal throughout, thanks to decisive US military and
 economic support, and diplomatic protection, including the barring of
 the long-standing international consensus on a peaceful political
 settlement. There is no symmetry in this confrontation, not the
 slightest, and to frame it in terms of Israeli self-defense goes beyond
 even standard forms of distortion in the interests of power. The

Fw: Before and after: what else was destroyed?

2002-04-15 Thread jsherry

Amnesty International Report:

The Palestinians must be hit and it must be very painful. We must cause
them losses, victims, so that they feel the heavy price.
  - Ariel Sharon, Israeli Prime Minister,
speaking to the press on 5 March 2002

The military operations we have investigated appear to be carried out not
for military purposes but instead to harass, humiliate, intimidate and
harm the Palestinian population. Either the Israeli army is extremely
ill-disciplined or it has been ordered to carry out acts which violate the
laws of war.

Ben Welderman from CNN stated on the air todaywe feel Israel is hiding
something by not letting any of us enter. 'Us' is not only journalists.
But int'l relief services, Red Cross, human rights activists, Israeli
peace activists, ambulances, clean water trucks, etc, etc...  It is amazing
how much was destroyed. Our offices were entered like all others in town by
about 25 Israeli soldiers...they used [a Palestinian guard] as a human
to go from room to room... I felt violated.



We started in 1994 with damage control after the occupation. In 1995 we
moved to rehabilitation. In 1999 we were building new infrastructure, roads,
apartments, a seaport, strategic projects, said Muhammad Shtayyeh, the
director of the Palestinian Economic Council for Development and
Reconstruction, PECDAR, talking of an era that now seemed ages past. Then
Sharon went to the mosque.

What is impossible to dispute is the calamitous setback to what had been a
steady development of the Palestinian homelands. In 1999, the
best year for the Palestinians, there were 20 million square meters of
construction under way, $8 billion dollars in private investment, 143,000
Palestinians working in Israel each bringing home $30 a day, a 6 percent
rate of growth.

The Palestinian budget actually had a surplus. The airport in Gaza was
functioning, the private sector had created 3,500 new jobs, industrial
zones were luring large new companies.

The Palestinian administration was highly functional, and delivered good
services, said Nigel Roberts, the World Bank representative for the
West Bank and Gaza. One of the good stories of the past 19 months was that
they managed to maintain a functioning civil administration that
delivered basic services, health, education, despite all the problems of
delivering these services. Schools were running, municipalities were
working, there was a government out there that was functioning.

  JERUSALEM, April 10 - Thirteen days ago, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon sent
Israeli forces into the West Bank to uproot the infrastructure of terror.
Since then, the uprooting inflicted by his tanks, bulldozers, helicopters
and sappers has created a landscape of devastation from Bethlehem to Jenin.
   The images are indelible: piles of concrete and twisted metal in the
casbah of Nablus, husks of savaged computers littering ministries in
Ramallah, rows of storefronts sheared by passing tanks in Tulkarm, broken
pipes gushing precious water, flattened cars in fields of shattered
glass and garbage, electricity poles snapped like twigs, tilting walls where
homes used to stand, gaping holes where rockets pierced office
   Today, on the day after 13 Israeli soldiers were killed going house to
in the crowded refugee camp of Jenin, the D-9 bulldozer was
sent in instead, erasing whole stretches of tightly packed concrete houses.
   There is no way to assess the full extent of the latest damage to the
and towns - Ramallah, Bethlehem, Tulkarm, Qalqilya, Nablus and
Jenin - while they remain under a tight siege, with patrols and snipers
firing in the streets.

But it is safe to say that the infrastructure of life itself and of any
future Palestinian state - roads, schools, electricity pylons, water pipes,
telephone lines - has been devastated.

Even in areas where there is no fighting, the streets are largely the realm
of alley cats prowling overturned garbage bins, while residents huddle
behind shutters and drawn curtains. Many residents have been without water,
electricity or telephones for long stretches of time.

International aid and development organizations have managed to make only
occasional forays into the besieged towns. Today, a convoy of
cars and trucks with United Nations flags carrying emergency supplies for
refugee camps in Ramallah waited for an hour at Qalandria
checkpoint, and were forced to turn back at the end.

The images and reports of damage and destruction have come largely from
journalists who make risky forays into the towns, or from
residents reporting what they see when curfews are briefly lifted so they
can restock on supplies.

What they see is only the visible 

Re: Fw: curiosity, to share

2002-04-14 Thread jsherry

This came from another friend's list. Can't deal with paranoia now.
Antidote: Shape the compost heap!

- Original Message -
From: Essie Hull [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2002 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: curiosity, to share

Jane -
How best to explore this?  I'd been wondering the same thing, and your
forward was reassuring in that it gave some basis, or at least some
support, to my paranoia.

Fw: [globalnews] Meditation Focus # 62: Reclaiming Our Humanity

2002-04-14 Thread jsherry


What follows is the 62nd Meditation Focus suggested for the two consecutive
weeks beginning Sunday, April 14, 2002.


1. Summary
2. Meditation times
3. More information on this week's Focus



Following the last two weeks of utter destruction inflicted upon the
Palestinian territories and the grave allegations of widespread slaughter
of innocent and unarmed Palestinian civilians caused during a large-scale
military operation by the Israeli army in its effort to root out those
would-be suicide bombers who may be preparing other attacks upon innocent
and unarmed Israeli civilians, the cycle of violence in the Middle East has
reached new heights of horror that have left the rest of the world sickened
by all this reckless killing, triggered worldwide street protests mostly
against the heavy-handed Israeli military operations, and provoked
international condemnations against all these gross violations of all human
rights conventions in times of war. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell
who finally arrived Friday in Israel to try to get both parties to agree to
and uphold a ceasefire, has so far been unsuccessful in obtaining from
Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to withdraw his troops from the
Palestinian Territories despite repeated requests from the U.S. government
and several U.N. Security Council resolutions demanding an immediate halt
to the bloodshed and mayhem by the Israeli Defense Forces in what would now
be the State of Palestine if the now frozen peace process had succeeded in
bringing peace to the region.

What has been called by many a Mission Impossible is perhaps the last
best chance that remains to prevent the situation from spiralling into even
worst-case scenarios of war and it would seem that a quasi-miracle is now
the only thing that could bring these two people to their sense, so they
may finally reclaim their humanity and stop all this senseless violence
that has absolutely no chance of ever solving the divisive issues that have
opposed them since Israel invaded what is now called the Palestinian
Territories 35 years ago.

Please dedicate your prayers and meditations, as guided by Spirit, in the
coming two weeks to contribute in fostering in everyone's mind and heart
the true, sincere desire to put an end to all forms of violence, to
acknowledge that fear and hatred will only bring everyone further away from
their innate, compassionate loving self, and to endeavour to gradually
build up mutual trust, mutual security and mutual appreciation in a spirit
of forgiveness and unconditional love. Since this conflict is in a sense a
litmus test for all humanity as to our growing resolve to peacefully settle
all conflicts from the past and create a new world of justice, sharing and
harmony for all human beings, along with heightened respect for the
sacredness of all other life forms, we all have a direct stake in the
successful completion of Mr. Powell's mission and all the successive
further steps that must be taken afterwards to mend the relationship
between the Israelis and Palestinians and eventually bring peace to the
Middle East, for the Highest Good of All.

This entire Meditation Focus is also available at




i) Global Meditation Day: Sunday at 16:00 Universal Time (GMT) or at noon
local time. Suggested duration: 30 minutes.

ii) Golden Moment of At-Onement: Daily, at the top of any hour, or whenever
it better suits you.

These times below are currently corresponding to 16:00 Universal Time/GMT:

Honolulu 6:00 AM -- Anchorage * 8:00 AM -- Los Angeles * 9:00 AM -- Mexico
City, San Salvador  Denver * 10:00 AM -- Houston *  Chicago * 11:00 AM --
Santo Domingo, La Paz, Caracas, New York *, Toronto *. Montreal *, Asuncion
 Santiago 12:00 AM -- Halifax *, Rio de Janeiro  Montevideo 1:00 PM --
Reykjavik  Casablanca 4 PM -- Lagos, Algiers, London *, Dublin *  Lisbon
* 5:00 PM -- Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Geneva *, Rome *, Berlin *, Paris * 
Madrid * 6:00 PM -- Ankara *, Athens *, Helsinki *  Istanbul *  Nairobi
7:00 PM -- Baghdad *, Moscow * 8:00 PM -- Tehran * 8:30 PM -- Islamabad
9:00 PM -- Calcutta  New Delhi 9:30 PM -- Dhaka 10:00 PM -- Rangoon 10:30
PM -- Hanoi, Bangkok  Jakarta 11:00 PM -- Hong Kong, Perth, Beijing 
Kuala Lumpur +12:00 PM -- Seoul  Tokyo +1:00 AM -- Brisbane, Canberra 
Melbourne +2:00 AM -- Wellington +4:00 AM

+ means the place is one day ahead of Universal Time/Greenwich Mean Time.
* means the place is observing daylight saving time (DST) at the moment.

You may also check at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/full.html
tomorrow to find your current corresponding local time if a closeby city is
not listed above.



This section is for those who wish to understand in more detail the
situation of this week's Meditation 

Re: poison oak

2002-04-12 Thread jsherry

I would only add that you should drink copious amounts of fresh spring water
to help your body eliminate toxins. And of course, a reminder NOT to burn
any poison ivy (I assume it would be the same with the oak) at all if you
have cleared some off your property.

Good luck for a speedy recovery,
- Original Message -
From: Deborah Byron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 10:28 AM
Subject: poison oak

I am desperately seeking advice on how to treat a worsening case of
poison oak.  It is day 8 and still spreading in spite of initially using
homeopathic 30X Rhus Tox, an herbal tincture astringent, then on to
topical applications of vinegar and aloe vera, and now, finally and
reluctantly, generic benadryl (an over-the-counter antihistamine) both
topically and orally. It feels like it has become systemic now, although
dissolving benadryl tablets in water and applying to the affected areas
has brought some relief.

Has anyone out there found a successful way to treat this affliction
without resorting to allopathic steroids?


Fw: NYC Opens Bids for Pesticide Spraying - Surprise!

2002-04-12 Thread jsherry

No Spray Coalition News Flash -- APRIL 12, 2002

Toxified City Residents Catch a Break

Congratulations! The City opened the bids this morning for aerial pesticide
spraying. Lo and behold - NO ONE SUBMITTED BIDS!

We believe that this was due to all the pressure brought to bear on spraying
companies by the No Spray Coalition, New York Environmental Law  Justice
Project, and other activists through lawsuits, protests, publicity and the
possibility of heavy fines, such as the $1 million fine against Clarke
Environmental that we fought for and won last year. Companies, we've been
told, simply felt it wasn't worth it to bid for the aerial spraying
contract. One company submitted a bid for larviciding sewers and such.

Chalk up a much needed victory for our side.

The City could, however, reschedule bidding or attempt to pilot the
helicopters on its own - an unlikely scenario, but not totally out of the
question since the DOH wants to spray us this year with Scourge (Resmethrin
+ piperonyl butoxide + inerts). The Department of Health resorted to
having the Sanitation Dept. spray us with Anvil (Sumithrin +) last year. No
official word yet on what was spent monetarily nor the health and
environmental consequences.

In a city that has had its share of toxic overload and is trying to pare its
budget, removing the millions of dollars of unnecessary and indiscriminate
pesticide spraying would be a step in the right direction.

Meanwhile, the No Spray lawsuit moves forward. Both sides are filing motions
for summary judgment, and the Judge has scheduled a settlement conference
for next week.

The Mayor, thus far, has not responded to our requests to meet with him.
Please check the hotline at (718) 670-7110 for updates.

Finally, for those who will be at the Socialist Scholars Conference this
weekend at Cooper Union in Manhattan, Mitchel will be speaking about Anthrax
at a workshop on Sunday, April 14, 1:30 pm, Foundation Building room 312.
This is a terrific panel sponsored by the radical philosophy association, on
State Terrorism and Terrorizing Dissent. Hope you can come! Tariq Ali is
speaking on an opening panel TONIGHT (Friday), and again at the Brecht Forum
on Sunday afternoon at 4 pm.

- Mitchel Cohen, for the
No Spray Coalition

No Spray Coalition
PO Box 334
Peck Slip Station
NYC 10272
Hotline: (718) 670-7110
website: www.nospray.org
listserve: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The No Spray Coalition is funded solely by its activist base. Please
contribute what you can to help sustain these efforts. Thank you.


Re: Learning to dowse

2002-04-11 Thread jsherry

Joey Korn, a lovely guy and member of the Dowsers Society, is available to
do one on one instruction as well as offering classes in different locations
in the states. He did a presentation at one of Allan's Bd conferences, I
believe two years ago or so. Missed him there, but I checked out his site,
sent an email and arranged for a home visit when he was staying in Brooklyn
a while back. He's a wonderful spirit, also got me Walt's book. His website



- Original Message -
From: Wayne and Sharon McEachern [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: Learning to dowse

Gil Robertson wrote:

 Hi! Lloyd,
 Thanks for posting that. It is probably the most used of that sort of
 thing. I think it could do with editing to a briefer item, but apart
 from that, it is fine.


Anyone wishing a bit of a shorter how-to on dowsing can also visit the
Light Expression website at http://lightexpression.com/index2.htm and
read instruction which was offered by a friend of ours -- then tuned to
its finished state by Sharon and I.  Wishing everyone well in their


Sharon and Wayne McEachern

Expressing the Light


A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process


Light Expression Essences


A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation


Re: OT HR2459

2002-04-11 Thread jsherry

Hi Bonnie,
Haven't had time to talk with my local rep. Actually, I think trying to
legislate decency is a waste of time  money. But as a magical act, it seems
that it might insert a seed for peace in the imagination of that legislative

Best Regards,
- Original Message -
From: Bonnie York [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 11:58 AM
Subject: OT HR2459

On Monday, April 8, 2002, at 05:59 AM, jsherry wrote:


 by U.S. Rep Dennis Kucinich

I just talked to the local contact person for my US representative. He
had never heard of the bill. When he found it, he told me that Peace
Bill HR2459 is in 4 committees and 3 subcommittees. It will probably
never see the light of day.His words.

I told this young man,unless the people call for it.

Jane, what did your representative say?


Fw: [globalnews] US Sent Millions of Radical Islamist Schoolbooks to Afghanistan

2002-04-10 Thread jsherry

The Emperor's New Clothes

  URL for this article:

  By Jared Israel
  [Posted 9 April 2002]

  Have you heard about the Afghan Jihad schoolbook scandal?

  Or perhaps I should say, Have you heard about the Afghan Jihad
schoolbook scandal that's waiting to happen?

  Because it has been almost unreported in the Western media that the US
government shipped - and continues to ship - millions of Islamist (that's
short for Islamic fundamentalist) textbooks into Afghanistan.

  Only one English-speaking newspaper we could find has investigated
this issue: the Washington Post. The story appeared March 23rd. (A)

  According to Washington Post investigators, over the past twenty years
the US has spent millions of dollars producing fanatical schoolbooks, which
were then distributed in Afghanistan.

The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured
drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then [i.e.,
since the violent destruction of the Afghan secular government in the early
1990s] as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used
the American-produced books... -- Washington Post, 23 March 2002 (A)

  According to the Post, these violent Islamist schoolbooks, which
served...as the Afghan school system's core curriculum produced
unintended consequences.

  Core curriculum? Unintended consequences?

  Yes, reports the Washington Post, according to unnamed officials the
schoolbooks steeped a generation in [Islamist] violence.

  How could this result be unintended? Did they expect that having
fundamentalist schoolbooks in the core curriculum would produce moderate


  Nobody with normal intelligence could expect to distribute millions of
violent Islamist schoolbooks without influencing school children towards
violent Islamism. Therefore one would assume that the unnamed US officials
who, we are told, are distressed at these unintended consequences must
previously have been unaware of the Islamist content of the schoolbooks.

  But surely someone was aware. The US government can't write, edit,
print and ship millions of violent, Muslim fundamentalist primers into
Afghanistan without somebody in high places (in the US government) approving
those primers.

  So if the books weren't supposed to be Islamist, that is, if their
fanatical content contradicted US policy in Afghanistan, shouldn't the mass
media and top politicians, such as President George Bush, now be calling for
an investigation? Shouldn't they be demanding to know the identity of the
official or officials who subverted the *intended* US policy by flooding
Afghanistan with jihad primers?

  Indeed, considering the disastrous consequences, shouldn't US
officials and the media be questioning the very practice of violating the
sovereignty of other countries by distributing millions of Islamic
fundamentalist schoolbooks?

  Yet after a thorough Internet search we could find no evidence that
any mainstream Western newspaper, with the exception of the Washington Post,
or any TV station or government leader has questioned - let alone
denounced - sending fundamentalist schoolbooks to Afghanistan.

  Quite the contrary.

  For example, here's what the Boston Globe (owned by the NY Times)
wrote about the old textbooks:

Those schoolbooks that still exist are pro-Taliban screeds and
deemed unusable.
-- Boston Globe, March 17, 2002 (B)

  This is implicitly misleading. How could Elizabeth Neuffer, who wrote
this article, and who is the Globe's UN Bureau Chief, not know that these
schoolbooks were made in USA? Was the UN also involved in distributing the
Islamist books? Perhaps instead of hiding US complicity, she should do some
investigative reporting!

  Other newspapers went further, lying more elaborately about US
involvement. Here is the Daily Telegraph from Sydney, Australia:


AFGHAN children ran, skipped and dawdled to their classrooms like
pupils everywhere yesterday for the start of a new school year -- with girls
and women teachers back in class and subjects like math replacing the
Islamic dogma of the Taliban.

In a symbolic break from a war-scarred past, children opened new
textbooks written by Afghan scholars based at universities in the US.

There are even pictures of people -- images banned by the
fundamentalist Taliban.
- The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), March 25, 2002 (C)


  By beginning the article with the irrelevant but cheery image, Afghan
children ran, skipped and dawdled, etc., the Telegraph prepares us for an
upbeat news experience. We 

NIH Funded Parkinson's Distance Healing Study

2002-03-27 Thread jsherry

Hello Friends,

If there is anyone who has a loved one suffering from Parkinson's, they may
be interested in participating in a study apparently funded by the NIH here
in the US using distance healing. I know nothing more than the above. If
interested contact Kathry Kass, Licensed Acupuncturist in Connecticut at the
following email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

She mentioned it at the study group of md's and alternative healers (mostly)
which I attend monthly in Katonah, New York.


Fw: Healing Modalities

2002-03-26 Thread jsherry

- Original Message -
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 3:34 PM
Subject: Healing Modalities

Dear Friends,

There is a bill in committee to restrict alternative healing modalities.

If you are a practitioner or recipient (consumer) of the following healing
modalities this bill affects YOU, as A8704 states:

INCLUDING, BUT  NOT LIMITED TO: accupressure, asian healing practices;
Anthroposophy (Rudolph Steiner methods); Cranial Sacral Therapy; culturally
traditional healing practices; detoxification practices and therapies;
energetic healing; flower essences; folk practices; Gerson Therapy; Healing
practices utilizing food, food supplements; nutrients and physical forces of
heat, cold, water, color,
 touch, and light; healing-related kinesiology; Healing Touch; Hellerwork;
 hergology or herbalixm; homeopathy; Iridology; Jin Shin Therapy; Mind-Body
 Healing practices; naturopathy; polarity therapy; Qi Gong; reflexology;
 Reiki; Rolfing; Shiatsu; Trager Approach; Heawlth; Tuina; Yoga; or any
 combination of such practices.

In addition to the drawbacks of this legislation as listed below, please
 be aware that the bill, A8704, clearly states that this state legislation
 supercedes U.S. constitutional protections and rights guaranteed by the 5th
 Amendment under U.S. law if a complaint is received against any healer
 an unlicensed healing modality (sic, see above list).  Also,  the
In other words, if A8704 is passed into law, NY State spiritual and other
 healers (including priests, nuns, ministers who do laying on of hands
 healing) may be forced to surrender the privacy of their medical records
 to submit to forced medical examinations in the case of any complaint made
 against them to the state regarding non medical healing modalities which do
 not harm!!

We need calls (today and tomorrow especially) to Assemblyman Ed Sullivan's
 Albany office regarding bill A8704, especially if you know anyone in his
 upper west side district (and they can call his Manhattan office numbers).
 Callers should politely state their names, give an address, if asked,
 (especially important if they are constituents) and state their opposition
 to the bill as unlicensed healers and/or consumers.
 The bill A8704 is presently in the Higher Education Committee which Ed
 Sullivan chairs.  His telephone in Albany is:  1518-455-5603.

 If you have ever done a Sun Salutation or enjoyed a massage, please call.


I send you all blessings for health, vitality and peace.

xxMama Donna

Donna Henes, Urban Shaman presents:

New and Full Moon Drumming Circles and other Celestially Auspicious
Occasions, Ongoing Spirit Support Group Sessions, Public Celebration Events,
Life Cycle Ceremonies, Seminars, Ritual Consultations, Spiritual Counseling,
Life Path Coaching, Mentoring, Reiki Healing and Balancing, Tarot Readings,
and a Spirit Shop.

Mama Donna, as she is affectionately known, has offered lectures, workshops,
circles, and celebrations worldwide for 30 years. The publisher of the
acclaimed quarterly,  Always In Season: Living In Sync With The Cycles, she
is also the author of Moon Watcher’s Manual, Celestially Auspicious
Occasions™: Seasons, Cycles and Celebrations, and Dressing Our Wounds In
Clothes, as well as the CD, Reverence To Her: Mythology, The Matriarchy, 

For further information, a list of services and publications, a calendar of
upcoming events, and a complimentary issue of Always in Season: Living in
Sync with the Cycles. contact:

PO Box 380403
Exotic Brooklyn, NY 11238-0403
Phone/Fax 718-857-2247

OFF:Fw: [globalnews] denver police raid activist files

2002-03-25 Thread jsherry

denver  atlanta are reputed to be significant reptilian centers.

Published on Friday, March 22, 2002 in the Los Angeles Times
Denver Police Spied on Activists, ACLU Says
by Julie Cart

DENVER -- The American Civil Liberties Union charged Thursday that Denver
illegally searched a local activist group's office and confiscated
lists to include them in the department's secret files.

The suit, which was amended Thursday in federal court here, is connected to
recent disclosures that an intelligence unit of the Denver police has
files for years on protest groups. The so-called spy files have been kept on
individuals and organizations since 1999 and include information gleaned
public rallies and meetings.

The Police Department admitted it has files on about 3,200 individuals and
organizations. It defends the practice, calling it a necessary aspect of
criminal intelligence.

Group Labeled 'Criminal Extremists'

The Denver police have no legitimate interest in keeping permanent files on
peaceful protest activities of law-abiding citizens, said Mark Silverstein,
legal director of the Colorado ACLU. Silverstein filed Thursday's amendment
include allegations that his clients' group was included in the files and
labeled criminal extremists.

The ACLU revealed the existence of the spy files last week. That brought
protests from a broad range of civic groups. This week Denver Mayor
Webb joined with the City Council in issuing a nonbinding resolution that
for a curb on police power to gather information on residents based on
ethnicity, religion or politics.

Webb, who claimed the FBI kept a file on him in the mid-1970s as he became
politically active in Colorado, said the police had overstepped their bounds
maintaining intelligence files on law-abiding groups.

Have we done an exemplary job at tempering legitimate
versus collecting information on groups or organizations that do not pose a
threat? I think the answer is clearly no, Webb said.

The ACLU's complaint states that on Dec. 14, 2000, officers from the Denver
Golden police departments raided the offices of the Denver Justice and Peace
Committee, an organization that works for social justice in Latin America.

The purpose of the raid, according to police, was to obtain evidence in a
involving vandalism of a department store. Among the items taken from the
offices were membership phone and e-mail lists, phone-tree lists and other
rosters that included the names of 984 people.

The ACLU complaint states that police used the lists to call more than 100
people and question them about the vandalism case. None of those called had
information about the case, the complaint said. Silverstein said the police
selected those they called based on their political activities and

A Denver police spokesman did not return calls for comment.

Quaker Group Was Targeted

To many here, the issue is not just police surveillance of private citizens
also that many appear to be targeted merely for associating with groups or
individuals that have a political agenda.

According to city policy, the Police Department may only collect and
maintain a
file on an individual if there is a reasonable suspicion that that person
involved in criminal activity. The same standard applies to religious and
political groups.

Among the organizations that Denver police labeled as criminal extremists
the American Friends Service Committee, a nonviolent Quaker organization
has won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Additionally, police kept files on citizens who attended events sponsored by
Amnesty International, and a demonstration organized by Native American and
Latino groups protesting the celebration of Columbus Day.

One group the police has kept tabs on is the Chiapas Coalition, which
the rights of indigenous people in southern Mexico. According to the police
file, the group is dedicated to the overthrow of the Mexican government.

Kerry Appel, co-founder of the group, called that characterization flat-out

I had an idea they were keeping tabs on us, Appel said. Sometimes the
government surveillance teams and police would outnumber the protesters at
events. You can always see them with their video and still cameras.

But we didn't have any idea how they describe us and who they share the
information with. I'm shocked and angered to be labeled as a criminal
None of us have any criminal record. I don't think it makes a person an
extremist to be vigorous in the defense of human rights, peace and justice,
Appel said.

The existence of secret files has shocked civil libertarians and activists,
also have raised the question of which other police or governmental agencies
have access to the files.

Mayor Webb, who had been unaware that the files existed, said an independent
review of them is likely. Webb said the spy files could be audited and

Fw: [globalnews] Esoteric Astrology and The Festival of Resurrection

2002-03-24 Thread jsherry

Esoteric Astrology for the week of March 21 - 27, 2002

  Beams of Resurrecting Light

  This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Next week Passover (Jewish festival of
freedom from death) and the Aries Full Sun/Moon spiritual festival occur.
The Aries Festival is the first of three (Aries, Taurus  Gemini) Sun
festivals of the new Spiritual year (begun at Spring equinox). This festival
overlays both Passover (Jewish) and Easter (Christian), festivals
representing previous developmental stages for humanity and celebrated
during different ages (learning stages of Aries and Pisces). Each age (2,500
years long) provides humanity with new laws, dispensations, rules, and
opportunities for development. In the present Aquarian (our new age)
unfoldment more of humanity will begin to embrace the Full Sun/Moon
festivals which represent the new Aquarian rituals,dispensation, laws,
rules, and opportunities for development. Long term readers of this column
are aware that energies and forces stream into our planet through light
waves. These light waves emanate from the 7 Rays in the Big Dipper, the
constellations, and planets, dropping their information (encoded in light)
to Earth. This reception and utilization of light is one very important and
precise way humanity and Earth's kingdoms evolve. The 12 monthly Full
Sun/Moon festivals are specific (and the only) times when the Earth is
bathed in this special light (five days in all). During these times our
evolutionary journey is accelerated. This information, little known to the
masses of people, is known to those who study the esoteric Ancient Wisdom
teachings (and read these columns).

  This week esoteric students the world over are preparing for the Aries
Full Sun/Moon festival, also called the Festival of Resurrection (new
light/seeds/Life of Spring), the same name for Easter. It is important to
know what energies are available from this Aries Full Sun/Moon. For without
this knowledge we cannot fully use, unify with, understand, and/or
distribute the radiations of light available that brings more life to Earth
and to all we come into contact (mineral, planet, animal, and human). During
the Aries Full Sun/Moon festival the Forces of Restoration are provided.
This is particularly important after the events of September 11th. During
the Aries Full Sun/Moon a great Being called the Spirit of Resurrection
streams forth energies into the world that lead humanity out of darkness
(ignorance) into light, from the unreal to the real, from death to
immortality (all dualities). We initiate a new creative work in Aries --
that of resurrecting the light out of form. An appropriate art visual
responding to the Spirit of Resurrection during the Full Sun/Moon Festival
are the etheric blue beams of light rising up from Manhattan's Ground Zero
and representing the resurrection of the Twin Towers (Gemini) destroyed on
September 11th. These beams of light, ascending from New York City (U.S.
throat chakra signifying creativity) are a tribute to the spirit of
recovery, renewal, and rebuilding. Sunday, the 24th is Palm Sunday with the
Moon in Leo (leadership sign). On the first Palm Sunday, two thousand years
ago, the first Aquarian,called Jesus the Christ, rode a donkey (commonality
with the masses) into the city of Jerusalem (Jeru means city, and salem
means peace) as the people waved palms (celebration heralding the coming
Aquarian Age of Knowledge). Jerusalem is a state of heart/mind (where the
Soul resides), the love center in the body. Jerusalem also signifies the
unfoldment of peace (salem) and love (heart) in the Aquarian Age (city)
through the development of knowledge. Because after knowledge is given and
understanding happens, love occurs. This is Aquarian.

  Thursday, the 21st, begins with a mid morning void-of-course (v/c) and
continues till 4:06 pm when the Moon enters Cancer. Comforting and nurturing
foods will be sought. Mercury, the way we speak with each other, could
create rather unempowering states of communication. We are to beware of this
in order to maintain right Speech. Right Speech, with the intentions of
goodwill and praise, is a quality of the Soul infused person.

  Friday, the 22nd, is an excellent money day (Venus/Pluto) but another
day of difficult communication, especially late morning when our
communication, intent on transforming situations, could also hurt and
destroy. Mercury is square (challenge) Pluto. What this means is that the
way we've spoken before may no longer be appropriate and we will be
challenged to seek new levels of connections that regenerate and give new
life with whatever and whomever we find ourselves. Silence is best.

  Saturday, the 23rd, is v/c all day till 9:12 pm. And Mars, which helps
us initiate things but also makes us impatient and angry, could challenge
the activities in our relationships. Beware of feeling aggressive,
impatient, and angry. It's also not a day to initiate things due to the v/c.
A day of 

Fw: Spiritual Communion

2002-03-24 Thread jsherry


So the lover of Earth obtains his reward, and little by little the

veil is lifted of an inexhaustible beauty and majesty. It may be he

will be tranced in some spiritual communion, or will find his being

overflowing into the being of the elements, or become aware that they

are breathing their life into his own. Or Earth may become on an

instant, all faery to him, and earth and air resound with the music of

its invisible people. Or the trees and rocks may waver before his eyes

and become transparent, revealing what creatures were hidden from him

by the curtain, and he will know as the ancients did of dryad and

hamadryad, of genii of wood and mountain. Or earth may suddenly blaze

about him with supernatural light in some lonely spot amid the hills,

and he will find he stands as the prophet in a place that is holy

ground, and he may breathe the intoxicating exhalations as did the

sibyls of old. Or his love may hurry him away in dream to share in

deeper mysteries, and he may see the palace chambers of nature where

the wise ones dwell in secret, looking out over the nations, breathing

power into this man's heart or that man's brain, on any who appear to

their vision to wear the colour of truth. So gradually the earth lover

realizes the golden world is all about him in imperishable beauty, and

he may pass from the vision to the profounder beauty of being, and

know an eternal love is within and around him, pressing upon him and

sustaining with infinite tenderness his body, his soul and his spirit.


Be the change
you want to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Fw: equinox marches on

2002-03-24 Thread jsherry

This has been passed along so many times I do not know the original author
named Maggie. It came via a member of the GlobalNews Mailing list


  Equinox is upon us, a time for celebration and joy, a time of transition.
As we let go of the difficulties and intensity of the last three months, we
can make the shift into the new. Yet again we stand on the threshold of
somethng new. Spring is also a time of opening, cleansing and releasing and
an opportunity to move into the fullness of our being, a chance to blossom
like the beautiful spring flowers that are opening and eager to share their
beauty and delightful smells. As I watch my daffodils and hyacinths opening
and look at the early morning mist lifting from the mountains, I feel a deep
sense of awe and gratitude for all that has been given and for the wonder of

  Make this time of the Equinox, today and tomorrow, one of special
celebration, paying attention to the inner world. In your meditations these
days, feel the transition, attune to the seeds of change and transformation
and open to the joys of life.

  I wish you a beautiful, wonderful Equinox, love and light, Maggie

  Morning has broken like the first morning
   Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
   Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
   Praise for the springing fresh from the Word.

 - Scottish  Irish ballad

 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


  The worst feeling energies are being experienced at this tail end of the
Snake / Mars zodiacal year. All the toxic remainder of the challenging Mars
year now ending is coming up to be transmuted. But great new energies will
be coming in soon with the Equinox and the Spring Full Moon.

  Those who are more feeling based and or more tuned to world need will have
been suffering most the last few weeks. The more taken on to transform, the
more the suffering, the more creative energy will be coming available in the
new cycle. Transforming is facilitated through prayer and fasting, singing
and dancing. This is also a good time for Epsom salt footbaths and Shiatsu
foot massage. The feet are the last part of the body through which psychic
toxins are released. Sun in Pisces (and Pisces lunation that follows)is the
time for clearing in this way. The more psychic and physical toxins are
cleared now the brighter will be the Equinox dawn.

  The month of March is named from the custom of setting armies marching at
this time of year. March is the month of Mars, the planet of vital energy,
ambition and warfare. This is scapegoat season, a time when it is easier
to set people against each other. Shadow aspects of the psyche always are
revealed at the close of the zodiacal year. Whenever our cultural traditions
and personal practices fail us in integrating the personal and collective
shadow, then this shadow is apt to be projected onto others.

  St Patrick chasing the snakes from Ireland is a metaphor for chasing out
the old Mars, an ancient pagan practice for this time in the annual cycle.
St Gertrude, the saint who chased the rats from Norway,  is also celebrated
on Mar 17th.

  Mars rules Aries, the first sign of Spring. Mars also rules the last third
of Pisces, the Scorpio decan with its keynote purging. The toxic residue
of the last zodiacal year comes up in this time - Mar 10th to 20th - to be
transformed and cleared.

  The old Mars represents outmoded behavioral patterns and beliefs, what
drove us last zodiacal year but doesn't serve in the zodiacal year soon
beginning (Mar 20th). The old Mars is going out now in this Scorpio
(elimination) subsign of Pisces. This clearing and purging process will
continue through the Pisces lunation, the lunar cycle that began on Mar 13th
and continues until April 12th.

  This is spring cleaning time. The better we do our spring cleaning and
clear out our closets, physical and psychic, the more good will come to us
in this zodiacal year. The trappings of the old zodiacal year are now to be
let go. All the toxic residue of the past zodiacal year comes up to be
released during this time. Psychic toxins may appear in the form of negative
and confused thought forms. Old psychic forms broken up now release energy
back to the source within where it will be available for future creative
expression. This process corresponds to plowing under in preparing a

  Emotional and physical toxins always come up to be released from the
system at this phase of the annual cycle. Many  common illnesses are
designed to help in the clearing process. Some herbs that can be helpful for
internal cleansing are dandelion, milk thistle, cayenne, gentian.

  Mother Nature also provides aromatherapy in a timely manner. It's
important now to take time to smell the flowers that bloom around us. Each
scent has its special 

Fw: [globalnews] German Govt: Charging for use of global commons could save resources

2002-03-22 Thread jsherry

Edie weekly summaries   08/03/2002

  Keeping you up to speed with news and events from around the world.

Front Page UK Europe International News Releases

Charging for use of global commons could save resources

Charging for the use of global commons, such as the sky and the
oceans, would reduce resource use, and cut climate change, according to a
new report to the German government produced in the run-up to the
International Conference on Financing for Development, in Monterrey this

 Ships achieving environmental standards would receive tax
rebate (courtesy NOAA)
The German Advisory council on Global Change (WBGU) suggests
that charges on the use of airspace by aviation, and charges on the use of
the oceans by shipping, would reduce the rapid growth in emissions from
international travel. Aviation, in particular, is responsible for up to 15%
of greenhouse gas emissions, and is predicted to grow so that 36% of the
global population chooses to fly by 2050 - up from 9% in 1990, with carbon
dioxide emissions trebling between 1992 and 2025. And yet, aviation is not
covered by the Kyoto Protocol.

The report also predicts that although reductions in fuel
consumption would reduce carbon dioxide emissions, such efficiency will
merely result in an increase in another unsavoury emission, that of NOx.

Instead, a charge based on the number of users, or on kerosene
consumption, or even in the form of tradable permits, would serve to limit
the amount of air travel. The report recommends to the German government
that the first option would be the best, as the auctioning of permits would
hit political resistance, and a tariff on kerosene could mean that aircraft
tend to refuel in countries not party to such a tax, also possibly
increasing the distance that aircraft travel.

As well as taxing aviation, the Council also recommends curbing
emissions from ocean travel. Shipping is, over long distances, by far the
most environmentally sound form of transportation, says the report. In
particular, it is much more energy-efficient than aviation, which gives rise
to up to 100 times higher CO2 emissions per tonne of freight. Nevertheless,
ocean transport is still a significant source of air and marine pollution,
says the Council. Such pollutants include oil, tributyl tin (TBT), and the
movement of alien species around the globe (see related story). On top of
this, shipping produces around 7% of all sulphur dioxide emissions and
11-12% of all nitrogen oxide emissions.

In the case of ocean travel, however, charges should not be
designed to reduce the amount of travel, due to its significance for world
trade, says the Council. The aim is rather to create an incentive for
measures to be taken, particularly in the areas of technology and
environmental management, to reduce shipping-induced marine pollution, says
the report. The Council recommends an annual charge, with rebates granted
depending on the general and environmental qualities of each ship - and at
first, be levied only on ships from industrialised nations.

Finally, the two charging options, for air and sea travel,
should be combined with a third scheme - that of paying developing nations
for non-use of resources, known as non utilisation obligatory payments
(NUOPs). Under the scheme, funds would be spent on compensating those who
would have derived income from a degrading use, also assisting in
alleviating poverty-induced environmental problems.

One such scheme would be through the use of non-utilisation
commitment certificates (NUCCs). States would agree not to use a certain
minimum amount of valuable natural area, with those nations not possessing
sufficient of their own, having to purchase NUCCs from those who have

In the run-up to the international meeting on financing for
development, in Monterrey, World Bank President, James D Wolfensohn, has
called on wealthy donor nations to double their foreign aid over five years,
and to tear down the trade barriers that harm the world's poorest workers.

The horrifying events of September 11th have made this a time
of reflection on how to make the world a better and safer place, and we will
not create that world with bombs or brigades alone, said Wolfensohn.
Poverty is the war we must fight. I believe we have a greater chance today,
than perhaps at any other time in the last 50 years, to win that war and
forge that new partnership for peace.

edie newsroom

© Faversham House Group Ltd 2002. edie news articles may be
copied or forwarded for individual use only. No other reproduction or
distribution is permitted without prior written consent.

Fw: [globalnews] un meditation this coming wed., march 27th

2002-03-22 Thread jsherry

The Spiritual Work of the United Nations  the Liberation of Humanity
Creative Meditation - A Planetary Service in Support of the Work of the UN

Wednesday, March 27th, 5:30 P.M. - 6:15 P.M.

240-242 East 53rd 3rd Floor Meditation Room, Quest Book Shop

Our planet seems to many more and more like a small boat driven by a fierce
gale through dark and uncharted waters, with more and more people crowded on
board, hoping desperately to survive. None of us can afford to ignore the
condition of our fellow passengers on this little boat. If they are sick,
all of us risk infection. And if they are angry, all of us can easily get
hurt. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Address to the World Social Forum in
Porto Alegre, Brazil, 4 February 2002

The heart centre of humanity is created by the sum total of the hearts
(symbolically speaking) of all those men and women of goodwill...who are
serving their fellowmen, sponsoring human welfare movements, working for the
establishing of right human relations, and constantly offsetting the
separativeness of the human mind through the inclusiveness of the divine
love nature. The Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul in The Rays and the
Initiations by Alice A. Bailey, p. 619

Dear Friends,

The Plan of Love and Light will appear as a fact on Earth when individuals
willingly seek to reproduce upon the plane of earth the inner kingdom of the

Within the chaos and turmoil of the daily planetary life, the voice of the
Soul is as a whisper of the reeds. How to hear that voice save in the
silence of a quiescent, meditative mind and heart? In the book, Infinity,
Vol. I, one of the Masters of the Wisdom refers to how The beauty of Cosmos
is manifested in silence. (80)

In meditative silence we have the opportunity to contact and then radiate
into our environment those subtle Soul energies that would transform our
daily experience if we but would provide the needed dynamic conditions of
disciplined individual and group receptivity.

Will you join us subjectively or in person this coming Wednesday to invoke
those subtle but fiery healing energies of light, love and the will-to-good
that can strengthen the spiritual work of the United Nations, thus enabling
the Plan of Love and Light?

Prior to the meditation this month, we are most pleased to welcome our guest
speaker, Dorothy Tilson who will address Our Globalization Plateau looking
at how current globalization practices either are or are not advancing the
Four Basic Freedoms. Ms. Tilson is a long-time member of the United Nations
Association/USA and a long time student of the Ageless Wisdom.

If you need a meditation form, a copy of the UN Charter or a copy of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, please let us know.

We take this opportunity to once again invite you to share your ideas about
the work of the United Nations and/or the Liberation of Humanity, and
read/respond to ideas posted by co-workers at the following web site
address: http://www.aquaac.org/UNtalk/UNtalk.html

Please feel free to share this message with others who you think might be

If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, please write
delete in the subject when you reply.

Thank you.

In loving planetary service,

Aquarian Age Community

***Certainly not from without but from within is the spark of Divine Fire
set aflame.  (Fiery World, III)  You are invited to visit the website of
the Aquarian Age Community at http://www.aquaac.org.***

OFF: Fw: [globalnews] Something to Learn: Sex Ed in Europe Versus in the U.S

2002-03-22 Thread jsherry

Something to Learn: Sex Ed in Europe Versus in the U.S
  Melissa Harris, WireTap
  March 19, 2002
  Viewed on March 22,

During the summer of 1998, immediately following my graduation from
high school, Teen People sent me on a two week tour of Europe. It was an
exciting trip, but I didn't go as a tourist. I was joined by 42 American
experts (writers, students, educators, clinical workers, activists,
politicians and clergy) and we were all there to examine the European
approach to teen sexuality.

  European policies and programs have dramatically lowered teen birth,
sexually transmitted disease and abortion rates. The annual European Study
Tour, sponsored by Advocates For Youth, a non-profit organization that
focuses on preventing teen pregnancy and HIV, and paid for by the Kaiser
Family Foundation, encouraged participants to look deeply into why U.S. teen
sexual health rates are among the worst in the world.

  Coming from a conservative, religious, suburban Ohio background, I saw
things that shocked and surprised me. But, looking back, I realize that the
trip spurred a series of important changes in my perspective that still
affect who I am today. You could say the trip was my own little sexual
revolution. While traveling through the Netherlands, Germany and France, I
discovered that I was part of the problem. I hadn't conceived a child, or
contracted an STD, or even had sex.  But I was afraid to talk about it,
afraid to accept my own sexuality as natural and healthy. In my journal on
the first day I remember writing It's all about sex! I despise talking
about my sexuality with people other than my closest, closest friends. I
hope no one asks me to 'reveal a personal experience.' I will probably vomit
before I say anything.

  Of course, I wasn't alone in these feelings. Most Americans don't talk
about sex. Slowly, as I heard personal stories from other study tour
participants, I started to see that it wasn't so difficult.

  Many of people we met with in Europe told us about the open dialogue
they maintained with their children. In fact, parents were often among the
first people Dutch children told when they became sexually active. When
Doortje Brachen's daughter became sexually active, she says she was,
Thrilled. I asked her whether she enjoyed it. Doortje was a presenter on
the trip from the Rutgers Foundation, which was founded in the early 1980s
by the Dutch government. Its mission is to provide special services for
adolescents, reproductive care to the public and sexuality education.


  When the Dutch experienced their sexual revolution after WWII, they
never looked back. From the perspective of a 17-year-old suburban teen from
Ohio, sex pervaded Amsterdam's culture. In the Red Light District there was
legal prostitution, a Sex Museum, a Condom Museum and coffee shops. And
then there were four blocks of scantily clad women sitting in shop windows
lined with red neon. Although some of these kinds of places surely exist in
America, I had never seen them before, and I was left feeling very curious,
and a little disturbed.

  But outside of Amsterdam, the cultural differences are more subtle.
During the trip, we interviewed teens and families in restaurants and cafes.
We also spoke with ministers, doctors, government officials and sex
educators. I noticed that the same type of activism surrounding abstinence
in America wasn't present in the Dutch or European rhetoric. Many of the
people we interviewed, including one minister, saw the differences as tied
to religion. About 25 percent of Dutch residents report practicing their
religion, compared to 44 percent of Americans who say they attend church
regularly. The priest I spoke with said he still encouraged youth to
abstain, but admitted there was little if anything he could say or do to
make teens follow his advice.

  But there's more to it than religious differences. In 1968, more than
half of Dutch adults disagreed with the statement, Sex is natural -- even
outside marriage. In 1981, this number dropped to 24 percent. In a Dutch
sex survey conducted in 1990, the researchers didn't even bother to ask the
question. The sale of condoms in vending machines was approved in 1969,
legalized abortion in 1981 and contraceptives were covered by national
health insurance by 1971.

  Parents begin talking with their children around 10 or 11, and not
just once. There's no talk; it's a dialouge. Girls report taking oral
contraceptives around age 16, even if they aren't sexually active. And in
school, they start learning about their body and how it works as young as
age 5. In high school, they talk about sexual responsibility, using a
condom, birth control pills or both, a practice they call the Double Dutch
method. The strategy is to give youth a lot of information. Information
based upon research and statistics, and then to trust them to use it.

  In another journal entry, part way through 

Re: Did Anyone Lose a Cesium Rod?

2002-03-20 Thread jsherry

Tony-I hate to think that I could be buying a new fying pan which is just
recycled nuclear waste. Gee I like to think my 'radar' would pick it up in
the store long before I brought it home!

- Original Message -
From: Anthony Nelson-Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: Did Anyone Lose a Cesium Rod?

Jane - I'm sure that the suspicions reported are well-founded, but
radioactive releases can sometimes be due to plain ignorant stupidity - as
in London some years ago, when a radio-source used in some sort of checking
on a demolition site was taken away by the scrap merchant commissioned to
clear the site of waste metal.  The source was kept in a lead castle in a
pit railed off and marked with the standard danger signs.  The lead castle
was recovered from the scrap-yard only minutes before a worker there was
about to break it open.  The man clearing the site claimed, apparently in
all honesty, that he had no idea what the radioactive danger sign meant and
that he'd been told he could take all the metal left there.   Tony

Re: Gathering Chi (was re: agrisynthesis...)

2002-03-20 Thread jsherry

Hi Chris,
thanks for the memory jog! Seems like our Markess was the only one who
expressed concern for tying up the resources of the tree so I guess I'll
have to ask him  why he thinks that?


- Original Message -
From: Chris Shade [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: Gathering Chi (was re: agrisynthesis...)


I was figuring on the void being the universal source,
but am not really sure of what terminology to use at
this point.  I know that it fells like the heavy
energy sinks (feminine) and the light energy rises
(masculine) and in the middle something new is
generated (son/product) so I guess it is a life ether
type of thing.

As far as tree as broadcaster, the thread was called
Tree as Cosmic Pipe and was around July.  You
yourself had a few postings.  I copied a few to jog
your memory.


First orient the tree. Say: ''In accordance with
God's will and the
Jesus let this tree have its proper orientation in
the ground for it's
possible future growth  Place the vials as such:
+500 in ground
+++west 501 up in tree++east 508
in ground
+++barrel compost, in ground
The tree has an energy field that inhales and exhales
in a daily rhythm
does the earth.  The preparations placed in this
energy field are
similarly to the cosmic pipe, but in the living realm
and must be
with real stirring and spraying.  I ask my trees to do
a sequential
for rain the week of every full moon during the
growing season, it
works like
a charm as long as I commune with the tree's spirit.

Thanks for getting this thread going Christy! And to
all who are
contributing much 'preparation' for thought...


- Original Message -
From: The Korrows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 2:57 PM
Subject: Tree as cosmic pipe

am thinking the preps were buried with each one in a

In light of the discussion this past week, I wonder
how some
preps might work more effectively for this type of
work. I know this is
general description. Hope this helps.Christy

Markess writes,

can they (the trees) get all their other work done
if the are tied up doing pipe work?

Christy writes:
I have just finished reading some talks by Manfred
Klett about the preps. He makes the point that we, as
human beings making preparations are taking substances
as they naturally occur in nature, and combining them
to bring them to a higher state of evolutionary
capability. We create a seed or germinal substance.

Steiner talked about domesticated animals. He said
that as we properly care for them, we are allowing
them to fullfill what and who they are in their
evolutionary process.Some of those against keeping
farm animals would disagree. They might think the
animals are enslaved to humanity. ( of course we are
not talking about factory farming here, but instead a
biodynamic ideal.)It is a gift from the human being to
the animal when the animal has this opportunity to
serve. The animal also receives love in return for
what it is offering.

To use a tree as a tool to emminate the preparations,
I can't see where this would make a tree tired. If the
person involved has a loving attitude, and is working
for the betterment of all life, the tree will be
lifted up, as Manfred Klett talked about, to a higher
stage in its evolutionary process. This is something
that would not have come into existance with out the
human activity.I do not talk to trees, so I can not
speak for a tree nessecarily! But I do know that
nature spirits want to work with us in a co creative

I don't feel a tree has a finite amount of energy, I
imagine it has a constant life force pouring out,
regardless of what is burried around it. If the preps
are buried around the tree, the life force pours out
of the tree, and sweeps along with it what ever is in
its path, on out into the atmosphere and the soil. The
tree does not have to generate more life force to
broadcast the preps. It all happens naturally. If
anything, the energy of the preps surrounding the tree
would increase the life force of the tree, thus
creating a mutual magnification of positive prep

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Re: Dowsing and Intuition

2002-03-20 Thread jsherry

Hi Steve, Woody et al,
I could easily be 50 projects behind based on the extraordinary advice I
get. If I listen, my life improves even if it'sonly one suggestion at a

Intuition comes in many forms: knowing, hearing, seeing, feeling, dreaming

Love  Blessings,
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: Dowsing and Intuition

Woody, I experience this the same way.  The spirits are constantly giving me
messages/intuitions and it is an iindividual choice as to whether I choose
carry on or carry out the task.  Sometimes they get a little carried away, I
am probably fifty projects in arrears, but trying to keep up.  I too dowse
but like to save it for things that I can either never know any other way or
thing s that would require vast resource of time and effort [ie: counting
micro-organisms in compost tea} ...SStorch

Fw: Return of the Snakes Berkeley's First Annual Interfaith Pagan Pride Parade

2002-03-16 Thread jsherry

Berkeley's First Annual Interfaith Pagan Pride Parade, 'Return of the

We are pleased to invite you to the West Coasts first-ever Interfaith Pagan
Pride Parade.
This Pagan Interfaith parade will draw in spiritual and artistic groups from
around the State to march in co-existence, peace, and harmony. Additionally,
people from all walks of life, Pagan or not, will be welcomed from across
the State to enjoy a day of fun, understanding, and education.  The parade
will bring people of many different earth-based and polytheistic faiths
together to march in pride and unity.  This years theme is the Return of
the Snakes, which serves as a symbolic metaphor for groups with indigenous
beliefs, as well as the Kundalini life-energy within us all. Please visit
our website for more information.


This parade will be held on Upper Telegraph ave, Between Dwight and Bancroft
from 11:00am to 2:00pm on Saturday, March 23rd 2002. Afterwards, at People's
Park, each group will have a chance to express their unique way of
connecting to spirit. This is an Interfaith gathering, and the groups that
are currently being invited include many denominations, such as Native
American, Neopagan, Hindu, Shinto, African Diasporic, Taoist, and Shamanic

There is still time to get involved in the parade, whether you are by
yourself, or with your spiritual community, so please register by visiting
our website and filling out a brief registration form. We also have an
urgent need for member who wish to be a part of our 'Guardian' staff, acting
as crowd monitors, so if interested, please contact us immediately at
510-872-1188 or 510-843-0333 cell.

We have been endorsed by the Interfaith Center at the Presidio (hosting 17
different denominations,) the A.C.L.U., Reclaiming, Covenant of the Goddess,
and Ancient Ways, to name a few.

Join us in this Wonderful celebration of pride, spirit, understanding, and
unity !


Micha Dunston
Arlynne Camire
Parade Coordinators

Re: Gathering Chi (was re: agrisynthesis...)

2002-03-15 Thread jsherry

Chris, Gil, James et al,
I don't recall reading on this list in discussion about trees as
broadcasters that this was an additional burden on the trees. Do you recall
who's post that was? Also, don't you think those tai chi practitioners are
using chi from universal source, and not Nature, nor the void?


- Original Message -
From: Chris Shade [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: Gathering Chi (was re: agrisynthesis...)


A few months back there was a discussion about using
trees as broadcasters for preps and a few people wrote
in their impressions as well as tree spirit's
impressions and the general conclusion was that the
trees had to do the work in addition to everything
else they do.

I was not really worried that Tai Chi practitioners
would suck the life from all the trees, but that the
effect could not really be dependent on good spare
chi from living things in nature.  Rather the
practitioner must be able at some level to pull energy
out of the void.  Given the number of good TaiChi
people in big cities, nature must not be the only


Fw: hallelujah

2002-03-14 Thread jsherry

- Original Message -
From: Michael Roboz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jane Sherry/wcdev/US [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 1:03 AM
Subject: hallelujah

There has been a suggestion from European Anthroposophists that we should
Easter Sunday, 12:00, local time
do three time the Hallelujah.
Please pass onto BDNOW, as I am not back on it yet.
PL, Michael

Re: drought report from Westchester County, NY

2002-03-13 Thread jsherry

Hi Steve,
I used some when I first got it and then turned it over to Jean-Paul, since
it was so much more than I could use. He looked very happy to receive it
too. Saved some to use this season as well on my garden and yard.

Curtis and I have been studying past life regression therapy all winter so I
have been a little behind on everything else in my life, since we've been
having regressions to learn!! It's been fascinating, but now I'm really
worried about the drought. Your address has been sitting on my table all
winter too, but I still haven't made the new batch of healing salve I want
to send you along with some of my tinctures.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: drought report from Westchester County, NY

Hi Jane, how is the bc I sent you???  Did you use it all???  Do you have

Fw: [globalnews] A Springtime Gift

2002-03-13 Thread jsherry

(can't tell you anything about the writer of this, but it really resonates,
so I thought it appropriate esp. this time of year-Jane)

The following was shared with me by a friend

Lesson of the Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) given to a group of young
friends on Easter, April 24th, 1927.

What is the best way to celebrate Easter? Everything man possesses must be
actively used, must be applied.  Without such use and application, things
become sour, as we say, or ferment. Feelings, for example, may ferment.

Now, with you young people great reforms may be undertaken. If you are not
in touch with the laws of Nature you will get the same results as the old
people. You should begin with your bodies. For example, do you know the
results of the accumulation of uric acid in the human body? Or the meaning
of feeble breathing? And do you know the cause of inner inertness, that
laziness specific to man? There is a sacred laziness in man. Men call it
sacred rest or sacred repose. There should be no difficulties, no
sufferings. Man desires to be silent and relaxed, to be completely inert.

And thus, to you young people, I say: in order to be strong and healthy you
should make use of the morning air and sunlight. For tomorrow, if one
becomes sick, even a dozen doctors might not be able to improve his
condition. A few years later he will have lost the chance to learn to
become skillful. Diseases destroy the body. All the doctors are appointed
to prevent diseases, but they have not succeeded.

The life of man must change from the roots. I notice on your faces, from
the construction of your blood vessels that something is wrong. Here are
young people of 22 years and there is premature aging. This untimely aging
is due to the accumulation of certain uric acids and poisons in the body.
Besides, there is also an accumulation of calcium. The aged person dies
because of dust. This calcium hardens in the human body, causing sclerosis.
The arteries harden, the brain cannot think, the lungs harden, and finally
the whole body hardens. Then the person passes away, Old people say that
one should not think much. He who speaks this way has sclerosis. They also
say, We must eat everything we find. In such cases food becomes only a
source of all these morbid conditions. In order to eat correctly, the whole
of man must participate: his mind, heart, his will, and each individual

Living nature has created the home of man very intelligently. She has made
millions of windows so that prana and vital energy may penetrate, and thus
the body of man may be renewed, These windows must be kept always clean,
and open, not clogged. Dust collects not only on the surface of the body,
but also in the inner organs through the accumulation of acids and poisons.
If you do not have sensible thoughts, there are inner congestions of the
cells and pores. This is the source of all morbid conditions of the body,
as well as of the spirit.

The first thing to do is to open the pores of the body, and this can be
accomplished through water. First you learn the magic power of water.
Without water no culture can exist. Do you know how much water you must
use? Water is a good conductor of magnetism. When you study the different
temperaments, you will notice, that the skin of nervous people easily
becomes dry. In people who are skinny, evaporation occurs very easily and,
as a result, moisture disappears. In people with a high rate of
evaporation, a dry temperament is born. Such a person becomes nervous,
restless; he cannot sleep well; he cannot think calmly. Therefore, he must
use water. Besides, the water which must remain in the body must be the
purest water. There are certain muscles, certain parts of the body, which
must be absolutely clean. Han [?] must be clean so that this water may be
filtered. The inner moisture must be always filtered.

If this filtration is not properly done, all the impurities from the food
enter into the blood stream, either as liquids or as gases. The gases pass
through the pores and through the tissues of the whole body. Gradually,
they condense and form sensitive hardenings. For this reason, water is
necessary to wash away these impurities.

To free yourself from thoughts about the symptoms of diseases you must
think about the beneficial function of water in the body. I don't like to
speak about bad influences because I don't want to leave a negative image
in your consciousness, an image of disease with which might be obsessed
wherever you go. But I want to tell you that in this coming season after
Easter, you should go out in nature each morning and for at least one hour,
breathe deeply, and take for yourself food and water, and think your best
thoughts. If you want to be healthy and strong you must do this every day.
When you come back, then you start serious work and study. Every one of you
must do this without fail.

Learn to breathe correctly, broadly and deeply. When I observe you, I think
sometimes that you are 

Re: drought report from Westchester County, NY

2002-03-13 Thread jsherry

Robert, haven't you noticed how much America loves war?


- Original Message - 
From: Robert Farr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: drought report from Westchester County, NY

Latest polls - published in the media, of course, the government tool
that it is - show that the public overwhelmingly supports Georgie's
war on the brown-skinned peoples of the world.

Who in the world were they polling???

I like Alec Baldwin's comment of last week:  the tragedies of Sept. 11
were second only to GW being elected in the first place.

Robert Farr
(540) 668-7160
Check out http://www.thechileman.com
for Hot Sauces, Salsas, Mustards  More!

Fw: [globalnews] The Nature of Evil

2002-03-13 Thread jsherry


Technology and Human Responsibility

Issue #129 A Publication of The Nature InstituteMarch 12, 2002
 Editor:  Stephen L. Talbott ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

  On the Web: http://www.netfuture.org/
 You may redistribute this newsletter for noncommercial purposes.

Can we take responsibility for technology, or must we sleepwalk
in submission to its inevitabilities?  NetFuture is a voice for
responsibility.  It depends on the generosity of those who support its
goals.  To make a contribution:  http://www.netfuture.org/support.html.


Editor's Note

Quotes and Provocations
   Nature's Defective Xerox Machine


   Non-intuitive Computers Make for a Vigorous Economy (Ralph Barhydt)

Announcements and Resources
   Confident Children in Complex Times
   Valdemar Setzer's Papers: Correction

About this newsletter



This, I believe, is the shortest issue of NetFuture ever published.
Actually, it's the result of an issue that just got too long; the main
part of that issue -- the continuation of my dialog with *Wired* magazine
founding editor, Kevin Kelly -- will come out in a week or two.





I was raised a traditionalist conservative, and one of the rock-solid
virtues of that mindset was a vivid awareness that the line between good
and evil runs through every individual heart.  This, of course, was why
one distrusted all schemes for salvation-by-government and favored the
notion of checks and balances.  No excess of power should be vested in any
one place, because no group of people can claim fully to have healed their
own hearts of that fundamental schism.

When we begin to believe that we've fingered the true locus of evil over
there rather than in here -- when the battle between us and them is
equated with the battle between good and evil -- then we have placed
ourselves above all evil.  This is to make gods of ourselves.

Yes, we must resist evil in the world -- resist it for all we are worth.
We must strive to represent the good against the evil.  This endless,
internal striving -- never wholly successful, never finished once for all
-- is, in fact, the decisive thing.  But when the evil turns out, after
all, to be over there, the striving is no longer necessary.  It becomes
*nothing but* a matter of dialing in the coordinates and calling down the

This is how disastrous moral reversal occurs.  To focus on the evil over
there is to forget its strategic alliance with the evil in oneself, and to
forget the evil in oneself is to turn one's own good -- now untethered
from modesty and rendered tyrannical -- into a magnified power for evil.
If we follow this path of arrogance, the destruction we call down upon the
world may be unparalleled.

One other note:  As I have often remarked, our hopes for good tend to be
vested out there in the gadgets and technical machinery of our lives.
This externalization of the good is the flip side of the externalization
of evil.  Both are gestures of self-forgetfulness.  Both recast the
struggle within ourselves as a purely external drama.

The whole idea of technology, really, is this externalization of part of
ourselves -- our muscular activity, our speech, our logical constructions.
This is perfectly fine as long as we recognize these projections for what
they are -- mechanistic aspects of ourselves -- and as long as we bear
responsibility for them.  This, however, is exactly what we are not doing
when we are looking for good and evil out there.

The soldier returning home from war -- and now lacking the simple moral
compass provided by an external enemy -- sometimes faces a difficult
adjustment as he tries to recover a place of shared and mutual
responsibility among his fellows in normal society.  I suspect we will
face a similar challenge if ever we return home from our various
technological infatuations.  When we remember ourselves and look within,
we never find quite the same, neatly specified virtues we have spent so
much time admiring in our machines.  Everything is muddier, and opposites
are often intertwined.  An intolerance for such subtleties seems to be one
of the more sinister legacies of technology.

Nature's Defective Xerox Machine

The belief, long fostered by far too many geneticists, that if you record
someone's genome on a CD-ROM you've captured their essence is about as
sound, scientifically, as the old belief that if you take someone's
photograph you've captured their soul.  Actually, the latter 

Fw: [globalnews] Arctic Meltdown: There will be anarchy as northern seas open up to shipping

2002-03-13 Thread jsherry

This Week

Arctic meltdown 02 Mar 02

  There will be anarchy as northern seas open up to shipping

  THE Arctic ice cap is melting at a rate that could allow routine
commercial shipping through the far north in a decade and open up new
fisheries. But a report for the US Navy seen by New Scientist reveals that
naval vessels will be unable to police these areas.

  It was in 1906, after centuries of attempts, that Roald Amundsen
finally navigated the North-West Passage through the sea ice north of
Canada. Even today, only specially strengthened ships can make the trip.

  But in 10 years' time, if melting patterns change as predicted, the
North-West Passage could be open to ordinary shipping for a month each
summer. And the Northern Sea Route across the top of Russia could allow
shipping for at least two months a year in as little as five years.

  The new routes will slash the distances for voyages between Europe and
East Asia by a third, and open up new fisheries. The resulting boom in
shipping could lead to conflicts, as nations try to enforce fisheries rules,
prevent smuggling and piracy, and protect the Arctic environment from oil
spills. To complicate matters, Russia and Canada consider their northern sea
routes as national territory, while the US regards them as international

  These predictions come in a recently declassified report of a meeting
of American, British and Canadian Arctic and naval experts in April last
year, organised by Dennis Conlon of the US Office of Naval Research in
Arlington, Virginia. Entitled Naval Operations in an Ice-Free Arctic, the
report reveals that standard naval operations could be close to impossible
in Arctic waters. The biggest problem is that communications satellites do
not cover the area well, says Conlon.

  Modern ships and weapons rely on various kinds of sensors but none
work well in Arctic conditions, he adds. Ice complicates the way sound
travels through water, making sonar and acoustic monitoring difficult. Icy
decks and high winds make it extremely difficult for aircraft to operate.
Unbroken summer daylight makes covert operations harder.

  The US and the Soviet Union invested heavily in Arctic research
throughout the cold war, because it was a place where submarines could hide
under the ice, ready to surface and launch nuclear missiles. But that
research has stopped and no new work is planned.

  Peter Wadhams of the Scott Polar Research Institute in Cambridge
agrees that the Arctic could soon open up. Within a decade we can expect
regular summer trade there, he predicts.

New shipping routes open as the Arctic ice cap melts.
  Debora MacKenzie

  From New Scientist magazine, vol 173 issue 2332, 02/03/2002, page 5

  © Copyright New Scientist, RBI Limited 2001

Be the change
you want to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Fw: [globalnews] U'wa people of Colombia's message regarding oil

2002-03-12 Thread jsherry

From GlobalNews Mailing List:

U'wa Traditional Authorities
Cubará, Colombia, February 14, 2002


The U'wa Community represented by the U'wa Grand Council and the U'wa
Traditional Authority, addresses the difficulties faced by our Sarare
region that is partly Our Ancestral Territory established by our Highest
Colonial Letters.

We express our voice of protest and rejection before the national and
international community against the actions of Armed Actors that
destabilize the normal development of rural and indigenous communities
and that in some way affect our way of life and integrity.  The
aforesaid permits our support of the mobilization, in a healthy manner,
taking place in the Tame municipality of Aruaca, to make the demands
made by the mobilized communities understood, since the Colombian people
make most of the sacrifices in every sense of the word, and also demand
the Colombian State that it must listen to the outcry of the Sarare and
Arauca communities which is also the feeling of the Colombian People,
our non-U'wa brothers from the outside world (Riowa).

The United States is also financing Plan Colombia, the struggle against
drug trafficking, which signifies the increase of violence in the
department of Arauca, Boyacá and North of Santander and Our Ancestral
Territory, assigning US $98 million to protect the Caño Limón Pipeline
in Coveña, solely for having found oil in the Capachos 1 well without
seeing that what Colombia needs is more investment in social, health,
education and employment programs, so that we can live in Peace.

For the U'wa People it is fundamental that the Ancestral and Traditional
Territories are respected and conserved with a socio-cultural vision,
since these give us our daily sustenance and maintenance of all living

The U'wa People and the inhabitants of the Sarare region wish to live in
harmony with nature and within a tranquil space.  The territories of
Indigenous Peoples are territories of Peace.  The government and
petroleum multinationals are the first responsible for the social and
environmental problem in the Arauca and base of the mountain region, and
in second place are the actors of the armed conflict, for the dynamiting
actions against the Oil pipeline that cause the contamination of water,
pastoral areas and watershed basins of the Arauca River. These actions
are affecting climatic changes and the basic sustenance of our
communities.  We have the right to freedom of expression and thought.

But it is the actors of the conflict that drive the country into wars
that have no reason to exist.  At each step they leave havoc, misery,
and the gravest thing is that they attack LIFE.  These actions are on
occasion unjustified and bring destruction to individuals who are the
least implicated; which hurt the communities which have suffered and are
the most needed in the Country.

In addition, and taking advantage of this space, we want to reiterate
one more time for public opinion, to Ecopetrol, the Colombian
Government, Multinationals, and especially to Occidental of Colombia,
that we will never step back from the process of territorial defense,
and neither will we change our cultural principles as it is clear that
cultures with principles have no price, which means that we will not
permit oil exploration or development in our sacred territory, this is a
position and thought that surges from our ancestral millenary law and
our cultural principles.  And if oil was found in the Capacho sector and
they plan to export it, they are violating the rights of our ancestors
and our mother earth, which belongs to all who live in This beautiful Blue



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A moment to reflect

2002-03-12 Thread jsherry

From: Eli Pariser, 9-11Peace
Date: 11 Mar 2002 19:39:31 -

Subject: A moment to reflect

This is an update to you as a signer of the 9-11peace petition. If you
don't want to receive any more messages from 9-11peace, just go to:

Dear friends,

It was six months ago today that commercial jets crashed into the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and the terrible impact of those
collisions continues to reverberate throughout our lives.

In the days and weeks after September 11th, you joined half a million
other people from around the world in signing the 9-11peace petition
and urging world leaders to exercise restraint in their response.
Now, six months later, we're writing to brief you on our work and
to highlight an opportunity to help.

The petition that you were part of was a great success.  With
participants form 192 countries, widespread media attention, and even
a personal response from Tony Blair, we are confident that our message
was heard.

Since the petition, we have expanded 9-11peace into an ongoing
grassroots action network.  9-11peace is now a campaign of MoveOn.org,
an organization that helps people influence national leaders through
the internet.  9-11peace action alerts reach hundreds of thousands
worldwide; in recent months members have sent close to 100,000 emails
to world leaders, made thousands of phone calls, and written hundreds
of letters to newspapers.

But unfortunately it appears the work for peace is just beginning.
The Bush administration has declared a permanent state of war, without
clearly identified goals or an endpoint, which is a threat to us all.
And the international structures that can support a democratic and
just response to terrorism are just now being built.

Six months after September 11th, it is time for a memorial. The best
way we can imagine to pay our respects is by making a commitment to
creating a better world, a world in which terrorism and war are only
a bad memory.  We invite you to join us in this most important work.

The 9-11peace campaign is supporting a group of American victims'
families, September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, in their
efforts to create a compensation fund for the families of Afghan
victims.  They are running a Washington call-in campaign.  Can you help?

Contact your Senators through the main Capitol Hill switchboard:

   Capitol Hill Switchboard   (202) 224-3121 or (202) 225-3121

Make sure their staffers know you're a constituent. Then urge them to:

  Please support September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
   by enacting a Afghan Victims Compensation Fund.

Please let us know you're making these vital calls, at:


The US military response has lead to the deaths of many innocent
Afghan civilians -- perhaps thousands of them.  For their families,
circumstances could not be more dire.  Those whose homes have been
leveled now live in houses made of scraps of metal; food is scarce and
the winter is extremely cold.

September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows is urging Congress
to set up an Afghan Victims Compensation Fund that would provide money
for bare necessities for these families.  Further information is
attached below.

Over 25 members of Congress have expressed their sympathy and support
for the idea of a compensation fund for innocent Afghan victims when
Peaceful Tomorrows members met with them in late January.  Now they
need to hear from you.


- Eli Pariser
  The 9-11peace Campaign
  March 11, 2002

For more information on the 9-11peace Campaign, please visit:



Peaceful Tomorrows is a group of family members of September
Eleventh victims who are working for peace.

Six months ago members of our families and thousands of other
innocents lost their lives in the attacks on the World Trade Center,
the Pentagon and on Flight 93. The loss of innocent lives continues --
it has now been over five months since the beginning of US military
action in Afghanistan in which other families have also suffered.
Yet there is no official acknowledgment that innocent Afghan
civilians have been killed or maimed in the bombing. While the number
of civilian casualties is unclear, estimates range from 1,000 to
4,000 people.

The innocent victims in Afghanistan who lost their lives during
the U.S. air strikes deserve our compassion and support. Out of our
concern for our Afghan sister families, four Peaceful Tomorrows
members traveled to Afghanistan in January with Global Exchange
visiting dozens of grieving and devastated Afghan families. Many of
the families of those who were killed or injured by US bombs are
living in dire economic straits. We returned from our visit

Thimerosal Linked to Autism in Confidential CDC Study

2002-03-12 Thread jsherry

Thimerosal Linked to Autism in Confidential CDC Study

Controversy is mounting regarding the Center for Disease Control's
(CDC) Thimerosal Vaccine Safety Data-Link Study (VSD) presented to
the public at the July 15, 2001, Institute of Medicine (IOM) meeting
on Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes.
Thimerosal is the mercury preservative used in vaccines and other
biologics.  The CDC study evaluated nuerodevelopmental injury and
cumulative exposures to Thimerosal at one and three months of age by
studying the health records of over 100,000 children at four HMOs.

The organization SAFEMINDS (Sensible Action for Ending
Mercury-Induced Neurological Disorders) has obtained an earlier,
confidential February 2000 version of the VSD study through the
Freedom of Information Act, as well as transcripts from a scientific
review of this earlier study, which took place at Simpsonwood Retreat
Center in Georgia. Serious disparities exist between the
neurodevelopmental outcomes of the two different versions of the
study.  For over a year, SAFEMINDS and Congressman Dan Burton (R-
Indiana) have been requesting the VSD raw data from the CDC for
independent review.  So far their requests have been denied.

The Texas firm Waters and Kraus leads the consortium of 25 law firms
in as many states in the first civil suit brought against vaccine
manufacturers and alleges that the February 2000 confidential version
of the VSD study clearly demonstrates an exposure to more than 62.5
micrograms of mercury within the first three months of life
significantly increases a child's risk of developing
nuerodevelopmental orders such as speech and language delay, autism,
stuttering, and attention deficit disorder.  In fact, the study
indicates that children at this exposure level are more than twice as
likely (2.48) to develop autism as those not exposed.  Waters and
Kraus note: Courts of law have generally upheld that a relative risk
of 2.0 or higher is sufficient to substantiate that a given exposure
causes disease.

When the VSD study was presented at the July 2001 IOM meeting, the
relative risk of autism had been reduced to 1.69.  According to Mark
Blaxill of SAFEMINDS, all previous versions of the study had used the
same dataset.  Yet for the version presented at the IOM meeting had
an additional 34,334 children added to the database. The majority of
the additional children were added by altering the inclusion
criteria, as well as by updating the HMO data cycle by adding an
additional year, 1998.  The additional children were too young to
have been diagnosed autistic since they were just turning two at the
time the analysis was performed.  Autism is diagnosed on the average
at 44 months.

When the author of the VSD study, Tom Verstraeten, first presented the
confidential version for scientific review by a panel of experts at
Simpsonwood in June 2000, he said, One thing that is for sure, there
is certainly an under-ascertainment of all these [neurodevelopmental
disorders] because some of the children are just not old enough to be
diagnosed. So the crude incidence rates
are probably much lower than what you would expect because the cohort
is still very young.

The FDA and EPA called for the removal of mercury in infant vaccines
beginning in 1999.  At that time, vaccine manufacturers agreed to
have thimerosal-free vaccines available at the beginning of 2001 and
later offered voluntary exchange for all remaining thimerosal
vaccines still on the shelf.  In July of 1999, the American Academy
of Pediatrics (AAP), under the leadership of pediatric vaccinologist
Dr. Neal A. Halsey, met with officials from the CDC to ask that the
birth dose of Hepatitis B be pushed back as far as six months of age.
The CDC and members of its National Immunization Program (NIP)
refused, arguing that there was no evidence of harm done.  They
didn't want to undermine public confidence in the vaccination
program.  After much negotiation, the CDC released an ambiguous and
weak statement that suggested that in certain low-risk populations
physicians could wait until babies were two months of age before they
administered their first hepatitis B vaccine.

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the CDC
committee that recommends the vaccines for the Childhood Immunization
Schedule, has yet to state a preference for thimerosal-free
vaccines.  It was the ACIP that approved of the additions to the
Childhood Immunization Schedule of hepatitis B and Hib in the late
1980s and early 1990s, two thimerosal-containing vaccines that pushed
infant ethyl mercury exposure levels far above any existing federal
methyl mercury exposure guidelines.

At the June 200o Simpsonwood meeting, the following comment was made
by a participant, This association leads me to favor a
recommendation that infants up to two years old not be immunized with
thimerosal-containing vaccines if suitable alternative preparations
are available. Forgive this personal 

FW: here's to women friends!

2002-03-12 Thread jsherry

   A landmark UCLA study suggests that women respond to stress with
   a cascade of brain chemicals that cause us to make and maintain
   friendships with other women. It's a stunning finding that has turned
   five decades of stress research -most of it on men- upside down.
   this study was published, scientists generally believed that when
   experience stress, they trigger a hormonal cascade that revs the body
   either stand and fight or flee as fast as possible, explains
Laura Cousino
   Klein, PhD, now an assistant professor of biobehavioral health at
   Pennsylvania State University in State College and one of the study's
   authors. It's an ancient survival mechanism left over from the time
   we were chased across the planet by saber-toothed tigers. Now the
   researchers suspect that women have a larger behavioral repertoire
   than just fight or flight. In fact, says Dr. Klein, it seems
that when the
   hormone oxytocin is released as part of the stress response in a
   it buffers the fight or flight response and encourages her to
tend children
   and gather with other women instead. When she actually engages in this
   tending or befriending, studies suggest that more oxytocin is
   which further counters stress and produces a calming effect.
   This calming response does not occur in men, says Dr. Klein, because
   testosterone-which men produce in high levels when they're under
   stress-seems to reduce the effects of oxytocin. Estrogen, she adds,
   to enhance it.
   The discovery that women respond to stress differently than men was
   made in a classic aha! moment shared by two women scientists who
   were talking one day in a lab at UCLA. There was this joke that when
   the women who worked in the lab were stressed, they came in, cleaned
   the lab, had coffee, and bonded, says Dr. Klein. When the men were
   stressed, they holed up somewhere on their own.
   I commented one day to fellow researcher Shelley Taylor that nearly
   90% of the stress research is on males. I showed her the data
from my lab,
   and the two of us knew instantly that we were on to something.
   The women cleared their schedules and started meeting with one
   after another from various research specialties. Very quickly, Drs.
   and Taylor discovered that by not including women in stress research,
   scientists had made a huge mistake: The fact that women respond to
   differently than men has significant implications for our health.
   It may take some time for new studies to reveal all the ways
that oxytocin
   encourages us to care for children and hang out with other women, but
   tend and befriend notion developed by Drs. Klein and Taylor may
   why women consistently outlive men. Study after study has found
that social
   ties reduce our risk of disease by lowering blood pressure,
heart rate, and
   There's no doubt, says Dr. Klein, that friends are helping
us live longer.
  In one study, for example, researchers found that people who had no
   friends increased their risk of death over a 6-month period. In
   study, those who had the most friends over a 9-year period cut
their risk of
   death by more than 60%.
   Friends are also helping us live better. The famed Nurses' Health
   from Harvard Medical School found that the more friends women had,
   the less likely they were to develop physical impairments as they
   and the more likely they were to be leading a joyful life. In fact,
   results were so significant, the researchers concluded, that not
   having close friend or confidante was as detrimental to your health as
   smoking or carrying extra weight!
   And that's not all: When the researchers looked at how well the women
   functioned after the death of their spouse, they found that
even in the face
   of this biggest stressor of all, those women who had close friend and
   confidante were more likely to survive the experience without any new
   physical impairment or permanent loss of vitality. Those without
   were not always so fortunate.
   Yet if friends counter the stress that seems to swallow up so much of
   life these days, if they keep us healthy and even add years to
our life, why
   is it so hard to find time to be with them? That's a question that
   troubles researcher Ruthellen Josselson, PhD, coauthor of Best
   The Pleasures and Perils of Girls' and Women's Friendships (Three
   Rivers Press, 1998). Every time we get overly busy with work and
   the first thing we do is let go of friendships with other
women, explains
   Dr. Josselson. We push them right to the back burner. That's really a
   mistake, because women are such a source of strength to each other. We
   nurture one another. And we need to have unpressured space in which
   we can do the special kind of talk that women do when they're with


2002-03-12 Thread jsherry



Posted on Mar 10, 2002

The Climate Prediction Center, which monitors weather conditions
in the United States, released data on March, 5, 2002 indicating that almost
a third of the country is suffering from drought. According to Christina
Ward of disasterrelief.org, If the dry trend continues as expected, many
regions of the country could encounter severe water shortages this spring
and summer. Already, some states have announced drought emergencies and are
drawing water from back-up supplies.

Douglas LeComte, of the Climate Prediction Center told
disasterrelief.org, Since last October, high-pressure systems have
deflected storm patterns to the south and north of affected areas along the
East Coast, missing localities in need of precipitation. La Nina is
considered a factor in the dryness in the West.

Mark Svoboda, a climatologist with the National Drought
Mitigation Center, told the Associated Press. This is a sleeping giant. The
impact is still to come.

From the National Drought Summary:

The East: A storm brought 1 to 2 inches of rain to drought
areas along the Eastern Seaboard on March 2-3, offering some respite from
the persistent dry weather that has dominated the region since autumn.
Although the rain was beneficial, it was not sufficient to significantly
alter the overall drought picture, allowing extreme drought to continue over
Maine, the mid-Atlantic from New Jersey to northern Virginia, and the
Southeast from South Carolina to eastern Georgia. The drought in the
mid-Atlantic and Northeast remains mostly a hydrological drought, with
impacts on ponds, lakes, rivers, wells, and reservoirs. However, there are a
variety of other effects from the drought, including long-term impacts on
vegetation and trees.

According to preliminary data, the Northeast experienced the
second driest September-February in 107 years of record. The 12 months
ending in February were the driest on record in Maine. New Jersey, Delaware,
and Maryland reported the driest February on record.

The Plains and Midwest: The early-March storm had little impact
on dryness in this region, as the heaviest snow and rain mostly fell in
areas not experiencing abnormal dryness. Abnormally dry conditions continued
in the northern Plains, with severe to extreme drought persisting in
southwest Texas. Moderate drought intensified to severe drought in extreme
southern Texas. Drought also intensified to severe levels in western
Oklahoma and southwest Kansas. - Climate Prediction Center, NOAA /
disasterrelief.org / Associated Press - Graphic: Climate Prediction Center -
Map shows ranges from abnormally dry (Yellow) to exceptionally dry (Dark

Be the change
you want to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

drought report from Westchester County, NY

2002-03-12 Thread jsherry

Hello All,

We did get a moment of rain over a week ago, but have had many days all
summer, fall, and now winter where clouds gather in the sky, promising rain,
only to dissipate either later in the day or even days later producing NO
rain at all. It is clear that the atmosphere is not able to organize a rain

Frankly, I find this more alarming than terrorism, especially because I
consider my government to be one of the leading terrorists in the world.

A trip a couple of weeks ago, up to the northern end of the county, where
the NYC water supply begins, was even more alarming, to see some reservoirs
which were literally bone dry and others down by more than 40 %. It's as if
the land were gasping around the area.

My garden has been great, producing small amounts of kale, turnip greens,
herbs even and a few straggling carrots all winter--further proof as far as
I'm concerned about how compost and preps and communion can enliven and
create protected space. I stand in awe of those of you responsible for
feeding others and farming. As I've said many times before on this list, if
Americans all had to grow their own food, they'd probably starve.

As for the drought, wow, this lazy self may actually have to get out there
and do sequential sprays.


Fw: Europe is once again standing at the crossroads!

2002-03-11 Thread jsherry

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 10:43 AM
Subject: Europe is once again standing at the crossroads!

Planned Europe-wide ban on vitamin therapies

Dear Advisers,

Europe is once again standing at the crossroads. On 12th March the European
Parliament decides whether the people of Europe will continue to have
unrestricted access to side-effect free natural therapies or whether the
pharmaceutical lobby will succeed in reducing the European Parliament to the
role of the pharmaceutical cartel's Strasbourg puppet show.

Never before in history has there been such an intense struggle over the
right of the European people to natural, effective and side-effect free
health care. To date over 400 million (!) e-mails have been sent to EU
politicians demanding this right and rejecting the unscrupulous EU Directive
providing for a Europe-wide ban on vitamin therapies and whole groups of
natural substances, for example natural amino acids.

Only by being aware of the background facts can we understand the aggression
with which the pharmaceutical lobby and its political marionettes are
acting. How, otherwise, can we explain
 - that there are still MEPs, particularly those from the pharmaceutical
republic of Germany, who are ignoring the 400 million no votes against this
Europe-wide muzzling law.
 - that there are still EU politicians who believe in the pharmaceutical
lobby fairy tale of consumer protection from vitamins and other natural
substances, whereas every child now knows that no-one has ever died from
taking vitamins, whereas every year hundreds of thousands of people die from
the lethal side effects of pharmaceutical drugs (remember Lipobay?)
 - that the planned EU Directive would ban precisely those natural
substances which have now proved vital to the breakthrough in the natural
fight against cancer: optimum doses of vitamin therapies in conjunction with
natural amino acids such as lysine and proline. These are now to be outlawed
under this unscrupulous EU Directive because they threaten a billion-pound
market in chemotherapy and other hazardous anti-cancer drugs.
 - that the newly-erupting EU corruption scandal has now revealed that the
pharmaceutical lobby has managed to infiltrate a member of the supervisory
board of the second-largest pharmaceutical company in the world, in the
person of EU commissar Bolkenstein, into the 'cabinet of Europe' , without
this man ever having been elected by anyone.

Are you really surprised that the debate about EU corruption seems
never-ending, given that the unelected and anonymous pharmaceutical cartel
is sitting in the highest political body in Europe and is now issuing its
own laws from there?
In view of these alarming facts, the eyes of millions of Europeans have
turned to Strasbourg, where the European Parliament votes on the EU
Directive for the banning of natural therapies on 12th March. EU politicians
have the following choice: either to send out a message against corruption
of the EU by the pharmaceutical lobby by rejecting this directive, or to
vote for it, and in so doing reduce the entire European Parliament in the
eyes of the world to a Strasbourg puppet show run by the pharmaceutical
cartel. Worse still, any such decision would endanger the health and lives
of millions of Europeans.
On 12th March every European politician present will be taking the most
important decision of his or her life - and they will have to take
responsibility for it.

What you should do before the vote on 12th March:
 - Phone the MEPs from your region, either in their UK or Brussels office
and insist on speaking to the MEP personally. As a voter you have that
right. Speak up for yourself!
 - Demand a clear no vote from the MEP on the EU Directive on Dietary
Supplements on 12th March. No MEP has the right to ignore 400 million votes.
 - Tell the MEPs that if they do not vote against this muzzling law, the
debate on EU corruption will grow still louder, because one group and one
group alone will profit from the outlawing of natural therapies: the
pharmaceutical industry.
 - Point out that the consumer protection argument used by the
pharmaceutical lobby to attempt to force this directive through the European
Parliament is ridiculous in face of the facts: no person has ever died from
taking vitamins, whereas the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs have
become the fourth -most common cause of death.
 - Say that it is unacceptable for laws affecting the health of all the
people of Europe to be made by a commission for which no-one has voted. Make
it clear that it is unacceptable, that members of the supervisory boards of
pharmaceutical companies are sitting on the European Commission (e.g., EU
commissar Bolkenstein) from where they are writing Europe's laws in the
interest of pharmaceutical companies and other economic interest groups. Say
to them: that's corruption!
 - Ask them: who voted you into the European 

Re: Solara's March Surf Report

2002-03-10 Thread jsherry

Hi David C,
I did some checking and one of my teachers, a Reiki master, who  (among many
other qualifications in traditional and vibrational therapies) has worked
with Solara in the past leading up to the 11:11. In her opinion Solara
provided a powerful service to the planet during that time.


Here is Solara's bio from her website:

One of the true visionaries of our time, Solara is widely respected for her
integrity, courage and dedication. She facilitated the 11:11 Planetary
Activation in 1992 in which well over 100,000 people participated worldwide.
She describes herself as an intrepid explorer into the Unknown, going where
few have dared go before. . . into the undiscovered subtle realms of the

Solara is not a guru, nor does she have followers, rather she serves as a
catalyst to activate us into our own mastery so we may live in the Greater
Reality. Solara is also not a channel. She simply embodies her vastness;
something which is available to all of us.

Solara has a rare gift of expressing the unexpressible, communicating with
clarity, power, grounded practicality, strong love and humor. Her message
calls us to embrace our vastness so we can anchor it into the physical and
become Vibrantly Alive. To become integrated Earth-Star Beings. In other
words, how to be real in an unreal world!

Although she avoids media attention whenever possible, articles about her
have appeared in US News  World Reports  numerous other publications
throughout the world. Entire television programs have been devoted to her in
Brazil  articles have appeared in Australia describing the Solara

Traveling widely throughout the planet since 1987, Solara has helped
activate many through talks, workshops, MasterClasses, Star-Borne Reunions
and Planetary Activations. She has helped many to step free of duality,
anchor their beings in Oneness and love with the One Heart. She is a true
revolutionary of the spirit!

Since 1991 Solara has presented numerous Star-Borne events in: Argentina,
Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Ecuador, Egypt, England,
Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Peru,
Scotland, Slovakia, Slovenija, Sweden, Switzerland, Tahiti  the US.

Solara is the founder of Star-Borne Unlimited which was created in 1986 to
publish her books and act as a focus for the Great Awakening into Oneness.
She is the author of six beloved metaphysical classics:

How to LIVE LARGE on a Small Planet
The Star-Borne
The Legend of Altazar
Invoking Your Celestial Guardians

- Original Message -
From: D  S Chamberlain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: Solara's March Surf Report

Jane: Thank you for this post. it feels right. Who is Solara?
David C

The Healer Within-Breath Practice by Dr. Roger Jahnke

2002-03-10 Thread jsherry


The Healer Within-Breath Practice by Dr. Roger Jahnke

It is a bit unusual to us in the western world to consider the importance of
breathing techniques. After all, we are always breathing, aren't we? It
seems a little silly to put extra attention to something we do naturally.
Notice your own breathing. Isn't each breath actually very shallow? Does
your posture or position encourage or restrict your ability to take full
breaths? If you note carefully you will probably realize that you are
utilizing one quarter or less, of your lung capacity.

The presence of special breathing practices in the ancient cultures has
always been a mystery to people in the Western world. There are numerous
beneficial physiological mechanisms that are triggered when we turn our
attention to the breath and then increase it's volume. When volume, rate and
attention level are all altered, dramatic physiological, and even emotional,
changes can occur. As it turns out, unknown to science until very recently,
the action of the lungs, diaphragm and thorax are a primary pump for the
lymph fluid, a lymph heart. This mechanism may be more important to the
lymph heart than body movements. In addition, the breath is the source for
oxygen which is the key element in the body's ability to produce energy. And
the act of relaxed, full breathing moves the function of the autonomic
nervous system towards balance or homeostasis. (Please see the section on
physiology in The Most Profound Medicine for a complete revelation of the
mechanisms initiated by Qigong).

From the traditions of the ancients we know that breathing practices are
important. Why would they continue to employ techniques that were
ineffective? Empirical science, the scientific method of all original
cultures, is based on trial and error. That which has value is kept and
employed. That which is found to have little or no value is dropped. In the
empirical approach, that which is kept, is tried and true. Empirically
breath practice is tried and true.

We also know that these practices are important through clinical experience.
Patients who have learned and used breath practice as a part of their daily
personal system of self-applied health enhancement respond more quickly to
treatment, no matter what type of physician they are seeing. Individuals who
are well are able to remain more well, adapt to greater stress and have
greater endurance when they keep breath practice in their daily self-care

Inspiration is the rush that one feels when over taken by spiritual energy,
it is the force that impels one forward into life, and it is the divine
influence that brings forth creativity and vitality. Inspiration is, also,
to breath in . The breath is a link to the most profound medicine that we
carry within us. Within this nearly unconscious gesture, a breath, that we
enact 1,261,440,000 (1 and 1/4 billion) times in our life span there is a
simple yet profound healing capability.

Our first act when we emerge from the womb is to inspire. Our last act is to
dis-inspire or expire. These breaths, first in and finally out, are like
parentheses that encompass our corporal life. It is no surprise that the
breath would be so remarkably linked to the power of healing.

Solara's March Surf Report

2002-03-09 Thread jsherry



Updated March 5, 2002

About the Surf Reports:
Each month I receive anxious emails wondering where the Surf Report is or
why it is late? The Surf Reports are based on my intuitive feelings of the
energies of the month, not on astrology or numerology. Sometimes, it takes
me a few days to tune into the energies of the month especially if I am
busy, undergoing a personal crisis, or in a deep quiet place where words
don't come easily.

March is a difficult month to write about since it is so full of paradoxes.
Things are certainly not as they appear throughout the month. Just when we
think for sure that we know something, or feel something, or want to do
something, the veils shift and a vaster perspective is revealed.

This puts us in the challenging situation of constantly having to look
beyond outer appearances and keep our beings stretched wide open. We need to
constantly question everything and continually look at everything with new
eyes. Nothing is set in stone; absolutely nothing is certain.

At the beginning of the month, we may feel overwhelmed by a sense of
inertia. It feels difficult, if not impossible, to get things done. Yet, we
are actually very busy and doing a lot more than we realize. It's just that
so very much is happening and it is happening on such a large scale and it
is happening in different ways than what we are used to. This makes
everything feel different and difficult to measure using our old methods of

New opportunities are now coming into our lives. It's just that we are not
yet certain which ones to follow. Although we have long looked forward to
new opportunities, this makes us take the rather surprising stance of
sitting back and waiting. Calmly observing the possibilities, but not
jumping into them. We are waiting to see what lies beyond these
opportunities. Where will they really take us? And do we really want to go

It is still a time of feeling very alone and needing to be alone. Another
Paradox: we crave friendship and companionship, to be with kindred beings;
yet we know that we need to be alone at this time. This is because we are
still delving deep inside ourselves, deeper than we have ever ventured
before, to discern what we really value in our lives. To see what we really
want to do. To discover who we have now become.

During March, we are going to be doing a Spring Cleaning of our emotions,
sifting through all the forgotten corners, coming to new realizations,
crying those unshed tears and letting go of any remainders of unresolved
emotional residue.

Some of us have felt that we are dying. We've been feeling this for many
months, but we probably aren't. It's just that so many parts of our beings
and of our history are dying away. For many of us, it feels like there is
someone behind us sweeping away the footprints of our past. We glance behind
us trying to find some of the touchstones and potent memories which used to
feed and sustain us, but they are no longer there. The past is becoming

It's not that the memories are gone; we still remember the details of many
experiences. But the emotional charge of our past is gone. It has been
greatly neutralized and there is little to grab onto. This is a
disconcerting feeling, making us feel like boats which have pulled away from
their moorings and are starting to drift out to sea.

Drifting out to sea doesn't give us a great sense of control or of knowing
our new direction, but it does give us heightened freedom. Since this is the
year of the activation of the 5th Gate of the 11:11, which will take place
in the fall with the Master Cylinder probably in Asia, it's not surprising.
The keynote of 5th Gate is Personal Freedom. This is exactly what we are in
the process of achieving. The reason that it's not entirely comfortable is
that it's taking us into places where we haven't been before. The great
Unknown. And it is also closing our options of clinging to the past or to
our past behaviors. We couldn't go back even if we tried or even if we
wanted to. The bridge has evaporated; the door behind us is closed.

Another Paradox: Just when we have accepted the unacceptable and unresolved
situations in our lives, they are going to resolve themselves.

At the same time that we are on this amazing journey into freedom and
Oneness, the world situation continues to get stranger and more ominous.
Another Paradox. Again, it's vitally important that we don't attach
ourselves to the outer appearance of things. THINGS ARE NOT AS THEY APPEAR.
There is so much fear and so much distortion and so much duality and so much
misinformation and so much hatred swirling about right now. We have to be
very aware of these elements, yet not get engulfed by them. We need to
continually strengthen our compassion and hold EVERYONE, EVERYTHING, all
over the planet in our One Heart, all the time!

Compassion is serious stuff. This can help turn the tide. We need 

Re: CEc balancing I for ornamental

2002-03-07 Thread jsherry

I assume you dilute this a great deal?

- Original Message - 
From: Stephen Barrow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 12:44 PM
Subject: RE: CEc balancing I for ornamental

An aside to Lloyd Charles' answer to Tony Robinson, re the use of Rescue
Remedy.  I spray it on any transplants to help them overcome the transplant
shock.  Sounds rather crazy, but it works.

Stephen Barrow

Fw: Tulku Thondup in DC: March 8-10

2002-03-05 Thread jsherry

The Shambhala Meditation Center of Washington DC presents
  Tulku Thondup: March 8 - 10, 2002

Public Talk:  The Healing Power of Mind
Friday, March 8, 7:00pm, Registration begins at 6:00pm
Western Presbyterian Church
2401 Virginia Ave. NW (24th  G St - Foggy Bottom Metro), Washington, DC
Suggested Donation:  $10 General / $5  Students

One-Day Healing Workshop:  Boundless Healing
Saturday, March 9, 9:00am - 6:00pm, registration begins at 8:30am
Location: Shambhala Meditation Center
Suggested Donation: $70 General / $50 Members  Students

One-Day Program:  Life of Padmasambhava
Sunday, March 10, 10:00am - 4:00pm, Registration at 9:30am
Location: Shambhala Meditation Center
Suggested Donation:  $50 / $40 Members  Students

Package Rate for Entire Weekend:  $120 /  $90 Members  Students
Pre-registration is necessary for the one-day programs due to space
The Public Talk has ample seating.  Tickets may be purchased at the door.
Housing available for out of town participants - please contact us.

How to Register:
- Send your name, address, phone,  e-mail
- List the programs you plan to attend (or complete the registration form)
- Include a check made out to the Shambhala Center
- Send to:
Shambhala Meditation Center
8719 Colesville Rd. Suite 210
Silver Spring, MD 20906

Overall Contact for further information:
Kathy at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 301-949-0517

Greening The Desert-interview with Masanobu Fukuoka

2002-03-05 Thread jsherry

(another from GlobalNews which is almost as good a mailing list as BdNow.
Curtis found this article after reading the Fukuoka piece Allan posted to
BdNow last week)

Greening The Desert
Applying natural farming techniques in Africa
an interview with Masanobu Fukuoka, by Robert and Diane Gilman
One of the articles in Sustainable Habitat (IC#14)
Autumn 1986, Page 37
Copyright (c)1986, 1997 by Context Institute | To order this issue ...

Masanobu Fukuoka is another of the major pioneers of sustainable agriculture
who came to the 2nd International Permaculture Conference. We spoke with him
a few days before the conference while he was visiting the Abundant Life
Seed Foundation in Port Townsend, Washington.

He likes to say of himself that he has no knowledge, but his books,
including One-Straw Revolution and The Natural Way of Farming illustrate
that he at least has wisdom. His farming method involves no tillage, no
fertilizer, no pesticides, no weeding, no pruning, and remarkably little
labor! He accomplishes all this (and high yields) by careful timing of his
seeding and careful combinations of plants (polyculture). In short, he has
brought the practical art of working with nature to a high level of

In this interview, he describes how his natural farming methods might be
applied to the world's deserts, based on his experience in Africa during
1985. Translation assistance for the interview was provided by Katsuyuki
Shibata and Hizuru Aoyama.

Robert: What have you learned in your 50 years of work about what people
could do with their agriculture?

Masanobu: I am a small man, as you can see, but I came to the States with a
very big intention. This small man becomes smaller and smaller, and won't
last very long, so I'd like to share my idea from 50 years ago. My dream is
just like a balloon. It could get smaller and smaller, or it could get
bigger and bigger. If it could be said in a brief way, it could be said as
the word nothingness. In a larger way it could wrap the entire earth.

I live on a small mountain doing farming. I don't have any knowledge, I
don't do anything. My way of farming is no cultivation, no fertilizer, no
chemicals. Ten years ago my book, One Straw Revolution, was published by
Rodale Press in the United States. From that point I couldn't just sleep in
the mountains. Seven years ago I took an airplane for the first time in my
life and went to California, Boston, New York City. I was surprised because
I thought the United States was full of green everywhere, but it looked like
death land to me.

Then I talked to the head of the desert department at the United Nations
about my natural farming. He asked me if my natural farming could change the
desert of Iraq. He told me to develop the way of changing the desert to
green. At that point I thought that I was a poor farmer and I had no power
and no knowledge, so I told him that I couldn't. But from then I started
thinking that my task is working on the desert.

Several years ago, I travelled around Europe. It seemed to me that Europe
was very nice and beautiful, with lots of nature preserved. But three feet
under the surface I felt desert slowly coming in. I kept wondering why. I
realized it was the mistake they made in agriculture. The beginning of the
mistake is from growing meat for the king and wine for the church. All
around, cow, cow, cow, grape, grape, grape. European and American
agriculture started with grazing cows and growing grapes for the king and
the church. They changed nature by doing this, especially on the hill
slopes. Then soil erosion occurs. Only the 20% of the soil in the valleys
remains healthy, and 80% of the land is depleted. Because the land is
depleted, they need chemical fertilizers and pesticides. United States,
Europe, even in Japan, their agriculture started by tilling the land.
Cultivation is also related to civilization, and that is the beginning of
the mistake. True natural farming uses no cultivation, no plow. Using
tractors and tools destroys the true nature. Trees' biggest enemies are the
saw and ax. Soil's biggest enemies are cultivation and plowing. If people
don't have those tools, it will be a better life for everything.

Since my farm uses no cultivation, no fertilizer, no chemicals, there are
many insects and animals living there within the farm. They use pesticide to
kill a certain kind of pest, and that destroys the balance of nature. If we
allow it to be completely free, a perfect nature will come back.

Robert: How have you applied your method to the deserts?

Masanobu: Chemical agriculture can't change the desert. Even if they have a
tractor and a big irrigation system, they are not able to do it. I came to
the realization that to make the desert green requires natural farming. The
method is very simple. You just need to sow seeds in the desert. Here is a
picture of experimentation in Ethiopia. This area was beautiful 90 years
ago, and now it looks like the desert in Colorado. I 


2002-03-05 Thread jsherry




March 18, 7 P.M.

Welcoming Venus Back from the Underworld

(For Her Triumphant World Tour Launching Next Stage of Culture)

A talk to celebrate the Vernal Equinox

Open Secret Bookstore

San Rafael, California

for reservations call 415-457-4191


March 20, 8 P.M.

We gather to welcome and align with Venus as she re-emerges from the
Underworld to


Welcoming Venus Back from the Underworld

(For Her Triumphant World Tour Launching Next Stage of Culture)

A celebration of the Vernal Equinox 2002


with music by Carnaval Spirit

Sebastopol Veterans Memorial Building

282 High St Sebastopol, California


8 p.m.

(doors open at 7 p.m.)

tickets at Copperfield's Bookstores

for more information or reservations call

Town Hall Coalition 707-874-9110


March 23, 8 P.M.

Return of the Snake

Caroline Casey  Bruce Silverman


with The Sons and Daughters of Orpheus

The University of Creation Spirituality

2141 Broadway Oakland, California

$20 -$25

8 p.m.

tickets call 510-910-8515

see poster on Caroline's schedule for more information

www.visionaryactivism.com  (click on Mercury for schedule)

***to receive an email copy of the lovely serpent poster, please send your
request to :



***Caroline Casey, weaver of context of The Visionary Activist Show on
KPFA, uses the language of astrology to catalyze the awakening of the
individual and the collective. Based in the spiritual hardship post known as
Washington DC, (aka Mordor, where she and her team are even now inching
their way towards the Crack of Doom into which they plan to toss the Enron
Ring of Power) she is a frequent rousing speaker at such far-flung venues as
the Bioneers Conference in California, and The Parliament of World Religions
in Capetown, South Africa. Caroline has appeared on ABC's Nightline, CNN's
Crossfire, and public radio. Her book, Making the Gods Work for You: The
Astrological Language of the Psyche, was selected as one of the Best
Spiritual Books of 1998. Her forthcoming book is The Compassionate
Trickster Handbook.

At these upcoming events, Caroline will discuss wedding spiritual magic to
social activism in hopes of creating a more ingenious and reverent world. In
her own words Casey says,We need imaginative people to become politically
engaged, and political people to become more imaginatively engaged. She is
sure to deliver a witty and provocative account of social activism for the
new millennium.

On March 20th, the Vernal Equinox, Kim Atkinson and Carnaval Spirit will
join Caroline with their unique blend of Afro-Brazilian percussion.  On
March 23, The Sons  Daughters of Orpheus will join Casey  Silverman,
adding music and dance to celebrate the Return of the Snake. The Sons 
Daughters of Orpheus comprise a healing community of individuals who
practice the ancient soul arts of drumming, chanting, poetry and
storytelling, along with contemporary group work and community ritual. They
appear at healing conferences, parades and sacred and transformative
gatherings and celebrations of all kinds.


If you would like to receive a tape cassette of the Vernal Equinox
Celebration, March 20, 2002, for $16.50, or order the series of 4
Solstice/Equinox talks for a year for $55, please order on-line by visiting

www.visionaryactivism.com (click on Saturn for the catalogue)

or call 1-888-741-GODS and leave your name, mailing address, phone and
MC/VISA# and exp date with your order. Instructions for sending a check are
on the website under ordering information. You can also email us at



OFF:Fw: [globalnews] Meditation Focus #59: Showering Love in Zimbabwe, India, Israel/Palestine and Colombia

2002-03-03 Thread jsherry

-Original Message-
From: jean hudon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2002 3:37 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Meditation Focus #59: Showering Love in Zimbabwe, India,
Israel/Palestine and Colombia --- This material is also available at


What follows is the 59th Meditation Focus suggested for the two consecutive
weeks beginning Sunday, March 3, 2002.


1. Summary
2. Meditation times
3. More information on this Focus
4. Peace Watch for India
5. Peace Watch for the Middle East
6. Peace Watch for Colombia



Although the main focus suggested for the 2 coming weeks is the tense
situation in Zimbabwe where presidential elections will be held next March
9-10 amidst increasing human rights violations and often brutal
intimidation tactics aimed at preserving the 22-year hold onto power by
President Robert Mugabe, we need also to extend our peace and global
healing work to the flaring of extremely savage communal violence in India
between the Hindu and Muslim communities in the western state of Gujarat
that has left 415 deaths so far, the ever-increasing cycle of violence in
the Middle East where the memories of the Oslo peace Accord are fast fading
despite repeated attempts to revive the peace process, and the renewed
fightings between the FARC rebels and the Colombia army leading to an
upsurge of violence and bombings following the collapse this week of peace
talks aimed at ending the 38-year war that has left over 40,000 deaths and
forced the displacement of over 2 million people in Colombia. In all these
disconcertingly violent conflicts, where utter mutual distrust and
sometimes raging hatred have dominated for so long the minds and hearts of
the various opponents, only a true and profound opening to the healing
power of love, leading to the recognition of our ultimate unity as brothers
and sisters of the One common Life and to a genuine willingness to forgive
past wrongs and forge together a better future for all, can turn around
those seemingly hopeless situations and open the way to a new Golden Era of
Peace on Earth. All these highly traumatic events are like heavy balls and
chains holding back every single soul on Earth as we are striving to
co-create a better world and thus cannot simply be ignored, however
difficult their peaceful resolution may appear to be.

Please dedicate your prayers and meditations, as guided by Spirit, in the
coming two weeks to contribute in showering love in Zimbabwe, India,
Israel/Palestine and Colombia, thus fostering in everyone's mind the
awakening of a higher consciousness that will render utterly revulsive and
inacceptable to all any further recourse to violence as a means to resolve
whatever conflict may be at hand. May the spirit of unity and forgiveness
overcome the sense of separation and the resulting fears that still pervade
the hearts and minds of too many people, and may Peace prevail in Zimbabwe,
India, Israel/Palestine and Colombia for the Highest Good of All.

This whole Meditation Focus is also available at



i) Global Meditation Day: Sunday at 16:00 Universal Time (GMT) or at noon
local time. Suggested duration: 30 minutes.

ii) Golden Moment of At-Onement: Daily, at the top of any hour, or whenever
it better suits you.

These times below currently correspond to 16:00 Universal Time/GMT:

Honolulu 6:00 AM -- Anchorage 7:00 AM -- Los Angeles 8:00 AM -- Denver 9:00
AM -- San Salvador, Mexico City, Houston  Chicago 10:00 AM -- New York,
Toronto  Montreal 11:00 AM -- Halifax, Santo Domingo, La Paz  Caracas
12:00 PM -- Montevideo, Asuncion *  Santiago * 1:00 PM -- Rio de Janeiro *
2:00 PM -- London, Dublin, Lisbon, Reykjavik  Casablanca 4:00 PM -- Lagos,
Algiers, Geneva, Rome, Berlin, Paris  Madrid 5:00 PM -- Ankara, Jerusalem,
Johannesburg, Athens, Helsinki  Istanbul 6:00 PM -- Baghdad, Moscow 
Nairobi 7:00 PM -- Tehran 7:30 PM -- Islamabad 9:00 PM -- Calcutta  New
Delhi 9:30 PM -- Dhaka 10:00 PM -- Rangoon 10:30 PM -- Hanoi, Bangkok 
Jakarta 11:00 PM -- Hong Kong, Perth, Beijing  Kuala Lumpur +12:00 AM --
Seoul  Tokyo +1:00 AM -- Brisbane, Canberra  Melbourne +2:00 AM --
Wellington * +5:00 AM

+ means the place is one day ahead of Universal Time/Greenwich Mean Time.
* means the place is observing daylight saving time (DST) at the moment.

You may also check at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/full.html to
find your current corresponding local time if a closeby city is not listed



This section is for those who wish to understand in more details the
situation pertaining to the current Meditation Focus. We encourage you to
view the following information from a positive perspective, and not allow
the details to tinge the positive vision you wish to hold in 

OFF:Fw: The Shadow Knows...

2002-03-01 Thread jsherry


  Indeed the Spirit of Justice has itself truly been

MER- Washington - 2/27/2002:
While U.S. Attorney John Ashcroft is busy draping the statue of the Spirit
of Justice, whose breast has been on display at the Department of Justice
since the 1930s and is hardly a mystery; and while the White House is busy
making excuses for getting rid of the Israeli-centric speechwriter, David
Frum, the guy who penned the phrase Axis of Evil but made the mistake of
letting his wife credit it to him; the USG is using the terrorism excuse
not only to get ready for regime change in Iraq but to keep
undesireables from even speaking up through all kinds of new intimidation
and repression techniques.  The following letter from a Canadian activist
helps explain what is going on as never before when it comes to
demonstrations and conferences that expose and oppose what the U.S. is
really up to; and is a reminder that what we learn in this way is just the
tip of the repression iceberg.

 Interrogation at the US Border

  By John Clarke

My name is John Clarke and I am an Organizer with the Ontario Coalition
Against Poverty (OCAP). In the early afternoon of February 19th, 2002, I
crossed the international bridge between Sarnia, Ontario and Port Huron,
Michigan. I was on my way to a speaking engagement that had been set up by
students at Michigan State University.

When I pulled up my car at the customs booth, the officer asked where I was
bound and I told him. He wanted to know on what basis I was asked to speak
and whether I would be paid. I replied that I was with OCAP and that I had
been told by the organizers of the meeting that an honourarium would be
provided as was normal. The officer was concerned that this meant I was
coming into the US to work. Of course, people on both sides of the border
accept speaking invitations all the time on this basis and the issue of a
work permit is never raised. At this point, the matter was nothing that
could not have been rapidly cleared up if I had been on my way to address a
business seminar or deliver a lecture on self awareness.

As instructed by the officer, I parked my car and made my way into the
offices shared by customs and US Immigration. As soon as my ID was run
through the computer, there was a marked change in the situation. An
officer asked me more questions about my intentions in the US, what anti
globalization protests I had attended and whether I opposed the 'ideology
of the United States'. My car was searched and I was taken into a room and
thoroughly (though not roughly) frisked. I was then told that I would be
denied entry to the US and that the FBI and State Department wanted to
speak to me. Agents were on their way from Detroit I was told.

After about an hour and a half, a man entered the 'controlled reception'
area that I was being kept in and passed by me into the inner offices. He
was carrying a big folder and a pile of files. It struck me that he carried
them the way a highly skilled worker might carry his or her precision
tools. He spent some time in discussion with the local officers and then I
was brought into an interrogation room to deal with him. He introduced
himself and gave me his card. His name was Edward J. Seitz of the State
Department of the United States Diplomatic Security Service and his rank
was Special Agent. I found him to be an impressive and fascinating

Seitz, with the backing of another local officer, interrogated me for some
considerable time. It was not a situation like an arrest by Canadian police
where silence is the best option. Had I refused to talk to him, I did not
doubt that he would order me detained and that it would be some time before
the Canadian consular authorities came into the picture. If I was to avoid
at least several days in detention, I determined that I had no option but
to answer his questions. It was immediately obvious to me that I was
dealing with a specialist in interrogation methods. He told the admiring
locals at one point that he had been stationed in Yemen and I avoided
speculating on how he had employed his talents there.

Seitz's basic strategy, apart from general intelligence gathering, was to
try and set me up to tell him something false that would place me in the
situation of violating US law. He began with some very basic questions on
my personal background, extremely affable in his manner and striking a pose
of mild confusion that was designed to make me underestimate him. He then
asked about OCAP. He told me it sounded like we were good people but he had
heard something about an organization that a year or so before had been
involved in a confrontation with the police at the Ontario Legislature.
That wasn't us was it? The trap was clear and I told him that we were
indeed that organization. His affable manner then vanished and his

OFF:Fw: [globalnews] Some Want to Target High-Profile Activists in Battle on Ecoterror

2002-03-01 Thread jsherry

Some Want to Target High-Profile Activists in Battle on Ecoterror

  Masked protesters, some proclaiming to be supporters of the Earth
Liberation Front, hold signs during a demonstration in Portland, Ore., on
Feb. 12. (Don Ryan/AP Photo)New Front on Ecoterror?
  Some Want to Target High-Profile Activists in Battle on Ecoterror

  By Dean Schabner

  Feb. 26
  - Some congressmen and industry advocates want the federal government
to take a hard look at some well-known animal rights and environmental
groups, and maybe shut them down as supporters of terrorism.

  The idea was floated earlier this month at a congressional
subcommittee hearing on ecoterrorism by Richard Berman, the executive
director of a group called the Center for Consumer Freedom.
  Berman, whose group represents restaurant and tavern owners and
advocates protecting the public's right to a full menu of dining and
entertainment choices, said a number of high-profile activist groups,
including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, have links to groups
named on the FBI's domestic terrorism list, such as the Earth Liberation

  He came to the hearing advocating that the government wage war against
domestic terrorism the way the war has been waged against accused terror
mastermind Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network - not just by going after
those who carry out illegal acts, but by trying to cut off financial support
for organizations identified as being terrorist.

  In cases of domestic offenders, he said the federal government could
crack down by revoking the tax-free status of not-for-profit organizations
found to fund domestic terror groups.

  I'd like Congress to look at the tax-exempt status of groups like
PETA, Berman told ABCNEWS.com. I don't see this being any different from
George Bush being able to shut down foundations funneling money to al Qaeda.
The difference in degree of activity doesn't mean anything if you're on the
receiving end of it.

  Where Does the Money Come From?

  Berman was dismissed by officials at PETA and Physicians Committee for
Responsible Medicine - another group that he accused of ties to
organizations that have been linked to criminal activity - as a showman
doing his best to earn his paycheck as a lobbyist for restaurant and tavern
chains. But many members of the House Resources Subcommittee on Forests and
Forest Health seemed to take him more seriously.

  I would say there is real cause for concern, said Joshua Penry, the
staff director of the subcommittee. A lot of the evidence is
circumstantial, but in some cases it's deeply troubling.

  As one piece of evidence, Berman submitted a federal tax return
showing that PETA gave $1,500 to ELF, which has taken credit and been blamed
for millions of dollars in vandalism in recent years.

  The reality is these groups are getting their money from somewhere,
Penry said. That's the question, just where are these groups getting their

  James Jarboe, the domestic terrorism chief of the FBI's
Counterterrorism Division, said during testimony at the hearing that ELF and
the related Animal Liberation Front have caused more than $43 million in
damage in more than 600 attacks since 1996, including the firebombing of the
Vail ski resort in 1998, which did $12 million in damages. The FBI calls
both groups terrorist operations.

  These are hardened criminals, said subcommittee Chairman Rep. Scott
McInnis, R-Colo. They are dangerous, they are well-funded, they are savvy,
sophisticated and stealthy, and if their violence continues to escalate, it
is only a matter of time before their parade of terror results in a lost
human life.

  Members of ALF, ELF Elusive

  The two groups have managed to almost completely elude law
enforcement, despite not being shy about trumpeting their successes. They
issued a joint statement in January claiming responsibility for 67 illegal
acts last year, including setting a fire that destroyed a $5.4 million
horticulture building at the University of Washington.

  The fact that many Americans support protecting the environment and
oppose cruelty to animals, combined with the success of ELF and ALF in
avoiding any human casualties in their attacks, seems to some of the
lawmakers at the hearing to have created undue sympathy for the activist

  We must strip away the Robin Hood mystique and perceived high ground
that some have given these radicals, McInnis said. It's just a matter of
time before a human life is taken.

  The lawmakers were thwarted in their efforts to get information about
ELF and its backers from a Portland, Ore., man who has acted as the group's
spokesman. Craig Rosebraugh took the Fifth Amendment more than 50 times when
he appeared before the subcommittee. Outside the hearing room he also
refused to answer reporters' questions.

  FBI and Justice Department officials declined to comment on 

Fw: Unreleased Federal Study on Radioactive Fallout in US

2002-03-01 Thread jsherry

Subject: Unreleased Federal Study on Radioactive Fallout in US

Fallout likely caused 15,000 deaths
By Peter Eisler, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON - Radioactive fallout from Cold War nuclear weapons tests across
the globe probably caused at least 15,000 cancer deaths in U.S. residents
born after 1951, according to data from an unreleased federal study. The
study, coupled with findings from previous government investigations,
suggests that 20,000 non-fatal cancers - and possibly many more - also can
be tied to fallout from aboveground weapons tests.

The study shows that far more fallout than previously known reached the USA
from nuclear tests in the former Soviet Union and on several Pacific islands
used for U.S. and British exercises. It also finds that fallout from scores
of U.S. trials at the Nevada Test Site spread substantial amounts of
radioactivity across broad swaths of the country. When fallout from all
tests, domestic and foreign, is taken together, no U.S. resident born after
1951 escaped exposure, the study says.

The study is the government's first effort to assess the nationwide effects
of all forms of radiation from the hundreds of aboveground nuclear blasts
detonated worldwide before such testing was banned in 1963. The cancer
estimates add a new human toll to the Cold War and raise profound public
policy questions, including whether the government should do cancer
screenings in high-fallout areas.

USA TODAY obtained portions of the study, which was supposed to be finished
more than a year ago.

There should be no more waiting, says Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, who pushed
the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct the study in 1998.
People are still waiting for real communication on their exposure risks and
steps they can take.

The study's estimates of radiation dispersal are based on complex computer
analyses of weather patterns, population trends and other data that can help
gauge public exposure to fallout from aboveground nuclear tests.

The cancer figures are a general nationwide estimate - there is no way to
link specific cases to fallout. The study does not assess cancer risks in
other countries.

The data show that global fallout blanketed much of the USA, with heavy
pockets in Iowa, Tennessee, California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
Fallout from the Nevada tests settled more in the mountain and Midwest
states, including Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and

The study measures exposure to an array of fallout elements based on county
of residence, birth date and factors such as consumption of foods that
absorb fallout.

It concludes that about 22,000 cancers, half of them fatal, probably
occurred from external exposure to radioactive fallout. Those could include
everything from melanoma to breast cancer.

The study attributes thousands of additional cancers to internal radiation
exposure, such as inhalation or eating tainted food. Those cancers include
at least 550 fatal leukemias and about 2,500 thyroid cancer deaths.

Nuclear weapons powers owe the world a real accounting of what they did to
its health, says Arjun Makhijani of the Institute for Energy and
Environmental Research. The U.S. has been the only honest country so far.

Fallout likely caused 15,000 deaths

By Peter Eisler, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON - Radioactive fallout from Cold War nuclear weapons tests across
the globe probably caused at least 15,000 cancer deaths in U.S. residents
born after 1951, according to data from an unreleased federal study. The
study, coupled with findings from previous government investigations,
suggests that 20,000 non-fatal cancers - and possibly many more - also can
be tied to fallout from aboveground weapons tests.

The study shows that far more fallout than previously known reached the USA
from nuclear tests in the former Soviet Union and on several Pacific islands
used for U.S. and British exercises. It also finds that fallout from scores
of U.S. trials at the Nevada Test Site spread substantial amounts of
radioactivity across broad swaths of the country. When fallout from all
tests, domestic and foreign, is taken together, no U.S. resident born after
1951 escaped exposure, the study says.

The study is the government's first effort to assess the nationwide effects
of all forms of radiation from the hundreds of aboveground nuclear blasts
detonated worldwide before such testing was banned in 1963. The cancer
estimates add a new human toll to the Cold War and raise profound public
policy questions, including whether the government should do cancer
screenings in high-fallout areas.

USA TODAY obtained portions of the study, which was supposed to be finished
more than a year ago.

There should be no more waiting, says Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, who pushed
the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct the study in 1998.
People are still waiting for real communication on their exposure risks and
steps they can take.

The study's estimates of 

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