Re: [ Blackbox web site]

2002-07-22 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Mon, Jul22,02 09:34, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
  In this page: you write:
  M$ Windows (all varieties) 
  I do not know the problem you might have with Microsoft sir, but this is
  down right unprofessional and filthy to reffer to Microsoft as M$,
  ESPECIALLY when the project you are developing is actually running on
  that platform. 
 While I can see their point, they strike me as a bith of a zealot with the
 request.  Anyway, doesn't Blackbox require Cygwin in order to operate on
 MS OSes?  If so, why not just change the reference to Cygwin?

I'll stop being a linux zealot, just as soon as _M$_ stops it's antitrust
practices. Sure, I'm stooping to their level, maybe, but alas, zealotry
isn't breaking the law (and getting away with it)!!!

I love it when people are contradictory... this chick comes across as a
zealot more than using an altered abreviation does.

yak yak yak... GET A JOB! -- Hackers.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: [ Blackbox web site]

2002-07-22 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Mon, Jul22,02 09:34, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  You might want to add a short mailto-link at the bottom of the
 yeah, I suppose I should.



Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Emulating a right-click on the root window

2002-07-15 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Mon, Jul15,02 11:17, Roy Wood wrote:
 1) you typically won't want to send i've just clicked the lmb, but
show me the menu. for this to work, blackbox would have to have
keybindings, which is not the case... kinda chicken and egg.
 That is the preferred solution, but there seems to be lots of resistance 
 to the idea, despite a lot of user demand.  Though maybe if we keep 
 whining long enough Mom and Dad will take us to Disneyland.  :-)

Doubt it... you see, Disneyland has too many features, and we don't want that!

All joking aside, I think once the netwm spec gets implemented, and the
bblib separation arrives, we may have some choices. Otherwise, I'm gonna
just write up that menu app that'll read the blackbox menu. That seems to
make the most sense anyhow, because navigating the menu with jkhl is ideal,
and this can only really be done if a single app is used, since you
certainly don't want to map jkhl to universal keybindings.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: new NETWM key grabber

2002-07-12 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Jul11,02 22:49, Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper wrote:
  PS: I had thought you meant the stupid little list that pops up WHILE
  cycling windows. :)
 Heh.  Careful, matey.  xOr's the one who helped me put that stupid
 little list in.  =:)  I happen to love it.  *shrug*  One man's stupid
 is another man's most favoritest new toy.  

Yeah... I had _no idea_ who's feet I was going to step on with that comment,
but I suspected that like all criticism (even harsh words like mine) it
would be accepted, and discarded, gracefully. And hey, there's some features
I just don't get (horizontal maximize??), yet others love them, and thusly
the list thingy is cool, but not my cup of tea (time for me to start yelling
feeping creaturism!!) and I'll live. :)


PS: Since it doesn't get in my way... I for some reason have the list thingy
enabled. heh... I believe I turned it on to check it out, but never bothered
to turn it off. *shrug*

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: new NETWM key grabber

2002-07-12 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Jul11,02 16:39, Gerrit Hoetzel wrote:
  What I WOULD like to see is an emacs-like ability to string characters
  together. ie: CTRL+Z+R will perform some action, and CTRL+Z+T will perform
  some other action. Think that's doable?
 Or maybe distinguish sth. like vi's command and insert mode.
 Insert mode would give the focused window control over the keyboard,
 Command mode would give control to the key grabber; and special
 (vi-like) commands could be issued: 

Of course the commands would only be 'vi-like' if you configured them that
way, as it would be customizable what keys do what things.

I DO like the idea of separating things this way... however I'm not sure I'd
even want to turn off Command mode, lest an app I encountered needed the
keys I had mapped, in which circumstance I'd probably just adjust they way
my keys are mapped.

And of course, for all flexibility, if we had this Insert/Command mode,
AS WELL AS the emacs-style key combining, then we'd be absolutely set.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Blackbox/GNOME conflicts

2002-07-12 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Jul12,02 15:54, Marco Fioretti wrote:
 here at work I've been finally given a PC with Linux Red Hat 7.2
 and blackbox-0.61.1-2. Distro and/or blackbox version cannot be
 changed because of company policies too shameful to discuss them
 here. Also, I have no root password.
 The problem: the PC has been configured with initlevel 5, and GNOME.
 How can I use blackbox as my wm? If I put /usr/bin/blackbox in .xsession
 and the WINDOW_MANAGER environment variable, GNOME croaks because I
 am not using a GNOME compliant WM, and I'm left with an unusable desktop
 Keep in mind that I don't need GNOME at all, I just got it with the PC,
 and, again, requests to change the default install, i.e. to mess with
 gdm or such, are going to be ignored, for the more or less right reason
 that other people may use this PC, and they would get lost without icons
 and such. Any clues?
Marco Fioretti

Well... you COULD try to press ALT+F(2-6) to see if they've configured GDM
to run on all the terminals (Since this tends to be quite tricky, there's
high probability that they haven't), in which circumstance you should just
be able to login via text console, then run startx as per normal.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Blackbox/GNOME conflicts

2002-07-12 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Jul12,02 16:10, Marco Fioretti wrote:
  Well... you COULD try to press ALT+F(2-6) to see if they've configured GDM
  to run on all the terminals (Since this tends to be quite tricky, there's
  high probability that they haven't), in which circumstance you should just
  be able to login via text console, then run startx as per normal.
 Yes, I know, and other consoles *are* in text mode, but won't that mean
 that there will be 1 GNOME and TWO X servers running? I'm not that full
 of RAM...

yeah... basically... but hey, it gives you the ability to run what you
like... so the RAM usage is a small price to pay. Also bear in mind that yes
there are two X sessions running... but on the first X session, there isn't
a whole lot there (gdm CAN'T take up THAT much RAM).

Also... if you don't want to use their version of blackbox... compile a new
version, then run the binary (you can run ./configure and make without being
root... you just won't do 'make install', which is fine, as blackbox can be
run from any directory).


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: new NETWM key grabber

2002-07-11 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Wed, Jul10,02 22:35, Ben Jansens wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Wednesday 10 July 2002 10:33 pm, Derek Cunningham wrote:
  On Wed, Jul10,02 22:16, Ben Jansens wrote:
   Hash: SHA1
   Hey folks.
   So, work has begun as of tonight on a next generation key handler for
   blackbox. It will be written against the NETWM spec as much as possible.
   But, we're not sure just what kind of feature people out there want in
   their keyhandler. So, I'd like to take a bit of a poll.
   Do you use the window list cycling currently found in bbkeys?
  yes I do... but it's useless, for me at least.
  What I WOULD like to see is an emacs-like ability to string characters
  together. ie: CTRL+Z+R will perform some action, and CTRL+Z+T will perform
  some other action. Think that's doable?
 Thats in the todo list. So, yes. :)

I should note that after reading through the other responses, I
misunderstood what you meant by window list cycling. I use ALT+TAB all the
time, and I use ALT+(1|2|3|...) all the time too, so an emphatic YES to
window list cycling. :)


PS: I had thought you meant the stupid little list that pops up WHILE
cycling windows. :)

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: new NETWM key grabber

2002-07-10 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Wed, Jul10,02 22:16, Ben Jansens wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Hey folks.
 So, work has begun as of tonight on a next generation key handler for 
 blackbox. It will be written against the NETWM spec as much as possible. But, 
 we're not sure just what kind of feature people out there want in their 
 keyhandler. So, I'd like to take a bit of a poll.
 Do you use the window list cycling currently found in bbkeys?

yes I do... but it's useless, for me at least.

What I WOULD like to see is an emacs-like ability to string characters
together. ie: CTRL+Z+R will perform some action, and CTRL+Z+T will perform
some other action. Think that's doable?


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825


2002-06-27 Thread Derek Cunningham

Is there some standard window manager keybindings? I'm more curious than
anything, but if there is such a standards doc out there, I'd like to peruse


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: keybindings

2002-06-27 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Jun27,02 08:48, xOr wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 09:05:52AM -0400, Derek Cunningham wrote:
  Is there some standard window manager keybindings? I'm more curious than
  anything, but if there is such a standards doc out there, I'd like to peruse
 No, the default bbkeys install doesn't come with any key-bindings. I
 think epist is the same as well. Blackbox itself doesn't catch any key


I'm aware that bbkeys doesn't come with a default config... that wasn't even
my question.

The question is whether or not there's some doc, similar to the ICCCM
specification, that defines which keys the window manager should be allowed
to map (ie: the doc would say that ALT+# is reserved for workspace changing,
ALT+F4 is reserved for closing windows, etc). 

Again, I ask out of curiosity, and don't suspect such a doc exists, and if
it does, I'm SURE there's applications and/or window managers that are
violating it.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: keybindings

2002-06-27 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Jun27,02 09:05, xOr wrote:
  The question is whether or not there's some doc, similar to the ICCCM
  specification, that defines which keys the window manager should be allowed
  to map (ie: the doc would say that ALT+# is reserved for workspace changing,
  ALT+F4 is reserved for closing windows, etc). 
  Again, I ask out of curiosity, and don't suspect such a doc exists, and if
  it does, I'm SURE there's applications and/or window managers that are
  violating it.
 Ah, I see. I have never heard of nor seen such a document, and highly
 doubt its existance, since everyone loves modifyable keybindings so

As expected. :)


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Bbappconf

2002-06-10 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Sat, Jun08,02 13:32, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm running a transparent aterm window, and want it borderless as well.  I
downloaded bbappconf, edited so that class = XTerm, name =
aterm, and decorless = true.  Still no decorless window.  I've tried to make
this happen with xterm as well, to see if it's emulator or wm specific.
Both term windows remain unaffected.  Any suggestions?

Use 'xprop' to confirm that the aterm fields are correct. 

Did you make sure that your aterm config lies with in the
'bbappconf.numberOf.configs' threshold?

!** Style file for bbappconf when using Blackbox **

!Uncomment what you need
!Number of windows to configure
bbappconf.numberOf.configs: 3

bbappconf.1.classHint.class: XTerm login
bbappconf.1.Stick: true
bbappconf.1.decorless: true

! To find classhint use xprop: WM_CLASS(string) = name, class
bbappconf.2.classHint.class: XTerm aterm_ws2
bbappconf.2.decorless: true
bbappconf.2.startOnWorkspace: 2

bbappconf.3.classHint.class: bbappman bbtools
bbappconf.3.startOnWorkspace: 9

aterm options:

# export ATERM_OPTIONS=-fg white -bg black -fn 6x13 +sb --loginShell \
--transparent -sh 75
# export ATERM_WS2=-name aterm_ws2 -title aterm


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: BlackBox 0.65alpha8 death after 30-35 hours of continuous usage

2002-06-10 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Mon, Jun10,02 20:58, Øyvind Stegard wrote:
 If someone has any debug tips or anything, I will certainly try those, 
 if it helps. 


Don't let your blackbox session kill your work. I have this in my .xinitrc:



This way, if blackbox exits... my work is fine...  it's not until 'xterm'
exists that my X session is over.

Also, I've run alpha8 for more than 30 hours without a problem, what apps
are you running?


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Blackbox Site

2002-06-07 Thread Derek Cunningham

OK... well, my little screenshots page has pretty much migrated to a
blackbox site. I've just displayed my desktop, and explained all the apps
that I use (well, some of them).

For those interested... there's quite a bit more info there today:


PS: Yes... I should probably separate my config files. :)

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: alpha8 - maximization stuff

2002-06-06 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Jun06,02 08:55, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
 On Thu, 6 Jun 2002 09:08:11 -0400
 Derek Cunningham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I see no reason why I would want to move a maxmimized window, as moving
  it puts some of the windows off screen. I propose that maximized windows
  should not be moveable (config option?).
 I can think of a few.  I almost never fully maximize a window.  I
 frequently vertically maximize my windows.  Should these windows then
 become stuck?  If so, in what way?  Should I still be able resize their
 horizontal width, and just not be able to move them vertically?  There are
 many possibilities here.

Hmm... since I never use H/V Maximization... I didnt' really consider those.
To be honest, if the snap-to-edge-while-resizing was implemented... that
would solve my problems. :) Otherwise, you could just provide an option 'No
Move on Full Maximization?'.

 Jamin W. Collins

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825


2002-06-06 Thread Derek Cunningham


I've been getting some queries on my screenshots... so I've created a quick
little page with some quick descriptions of what's going on. I'd be happy to
expand on any of the information if there's interest.

Please visit: 



Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: A somewhat new BBtool -- bbweb

2002-06-06 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Jun06,02 12:53, Mr.X wrote:
 On 06 Jun 2002 12:00:55 -0400
 Matthew Weier O'Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, 2002-06-06 at 11:19, Scott Furt wrote:
   Good morning everyone:
   I couldnt get any sleep last night so i decided to hack up
   bbrun and modify it to bbweb.
   Now, instead of typing in a binary to run, you can type
   in a URL, and it'll load the browser of your choice with
   the URL.
   Put the path to your fav. browser in ~/.bbtools/bbweb.browser
   it stores a history of past URLs in ~/.bbtools/bbweb.history
   Whoopee :)
   To get it:
  I just downloaded it and compiled it on my Debian Woody installation
  -- when I tried to run it, it gave me a segmentation fault...
  (I've had a functionality like this for some time, actually, by piping
  the input from an xask dialog to my browser... just another way to go,
  if you don't hack C or C++... :-)  )
 This is cool.  Works fine for me, by the way.

Hmm... now we need bbgoogle. :)


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: shading and window tiling

2002-06-05 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Wed, Jun05,02 14:46, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
 On Wed, 5 Jun 2002 15:44:21 -0400
 David Bonner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Saw all the negative reactions to the new layout feature, and thought
  I'd chime in with a positive one.  I much prefer this method of layout
  to the old one.  If I've shaded a window, I don't want it to figure
  into the layout calculations.
 I too find this quite useful.

I haven't used it yet (just been too lazy to try out any of the CVS'), but I
KNOW I'll like this.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: shading and window tiling

2002-06-05 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Wed, Jun05,02 12:58, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  I haven't used it yet (just been too lazy to try out any of the CVS'), but I
  KNOW I'll like this.
 I do make alpha releases for a reason (-:

heh... yeah... unfortunately, my window manager doesn't affect me much these
days. I've mainly been reading email at home, and thusly only spend about
5-10 mins per evening on my computer. At the office on the other hand... I'm
stuck using the Windows window manager... so unfortunately I can't try out
your alphas there. 

Maybe I'll give a try... the new snappyness that everyone keeps touting
does intrigue me quite a bit... 


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825


2002-06-05 Thread Derek Cunningham

k... I'm running it... yes, it does seem snappier... sweeet.

I really do like that ignore-shaded change... makes alot more sense. also
REALLY love the new struct... is there some quick way I could redefine it? I
have bbpager down in the bottom right, and I'd absolutely love it if
'maximize' didn't cover bbpager. I know that after things are finalized,
bbpager will be able to say don't cover me but for now, just being able to
specify with hard integers where I want it to be would be fine.

Thanks Sean and Brad... kickass work. now I guess I'll have to keep up with
the alpha updates. :)


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

alpha8 - maximization stuff

2002-06-05 Thread Derek Cunningham

Hmm... so I notice that when you maximize, then resize, the maximize button
will re-maximize (ie: maximization was turned off after the resize).
However, if I maximize the window, then MOVE it, maximization is not turned
off. For consistency sake, wouldn't that be a good idea... it also seems


ok... another thought. Would it be desired to have resizing snap to the
screen (well, the struct) edges?


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Icon menu oddity (alpha8)

2002-06-05 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Jun06,02 06:25, Martin Rowe wrote:
 Hi all
 Just noted an odd effect on the icon menu. If I hover the mouse over an 
 item there for more than a second or two, the style effect for mouse-over 
 disappears - ie. it appears unselected again. To explain what I mean 
 (don't know the technical terms), try setting style to 'Minimal' and you 
 get a dark blue middle click menu. Items under the mouse go white. Open 
 the icon menu and hover the mouse over an item there - it turns white. 
 After a second it goes back to blue. No other menu seems to do this, with 
 items under the mouse staying white. It isn't a problem, as a click still 
 restores the window, but I'm curious about the different behaviour ;-)

Nope... not seeing that here. I have bbkeys and bbappman in the icons
menu... also added an aterm there... waited 10 seconds, just not happening.
I'm using the rancor style... but also tried the minimal style.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Icon menu oddity (alpha8)

2002-06-05 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Jun06,02 17:49, Matt Wilson wrote:
  Just noted an odd effect on the icon menu. If I hover the mouse over an 
  item there for more than a second or two, the style effect for mouse-over 
  disappears - ie. it appears unselected again. To explain what I mean 
  (don't know the technical terms), try setting style to 'Minimal' and you 
  get a dark blue middle click menu. Items under the mouse go white. Open 
  the icon menu and hover the mouse over an item there - it turns white. 
  After a second it goes back to blue. No other menu seems to do this, with 
  items under the mouse staying white. It isn't a problem, as a click still 
  restores the window, but I'm curious about the different behaviour ;-)
 It happens when the menu redraws, and it happens with workspace menus as
 well - the menu checks the windows on-screen, and their names, and
 redraws, updating if it needs to.. (I think)
 It's a redraw thing anyway...

Ahh... yes... I see that now. I iconified XMMS, and it happens.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: alpha8 - maximization stuff

2002-06-05 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Jun06,02 17:50, Matt Wilson wrote:
  ok... another thought. Would it be desired to have resizing snap to the
  screen (well, the struct) edges?
 agreed, that would make a lot of sense (not to mention be very useful)
 also, how about opaque resizing, like opaque moving?

That was going to be my next request! :)

Opaque resizing would be really cool... 


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: FAQ link (was: Automatically starting programs (Newbie quest

2002-05-31 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, May31,02 07:52, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 On 31-May-2002 Jan Schaumann wrote:
  Jim Severino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just started using BB and man, it's a speedy joy on my aging laptop. I
  have a question: When I launch BB I'd like several programs - namely
  bbkeys -i, bbsload, and bbapm - to start automatically.
  Can we please append a link to the list-archive and the FAQ to all list
  -Jan (who at least _hopes_ that people might follow such a link)
 I have a hard time getting any changes made to this list.  Apparently Trolltech
 in their infinite old school UNIX wisdom hand rolled their own mailing list
 software.  I do not even know if they CAN do this.
 As for the list archive it is a woeful 3 month archive.

I can host a blackbox list if you'd like. The email address would be
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and the archive would be, well, infinite. :) Also,
someone mentioned that they registered a blackbox domain.. if they forward
that to my name servers, I can host that domain, and we can use that for our
mailing list address.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Terminal Window Text

2002-05-30 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, May30,02 11:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Folks,

 I'm new to the list.  I'd like to change the transparency, color and size
of my xterm window.  On the archives I read a note about how transparency
can be done with something called aterm.  Is this necessary or is there
another way?

Transparency is done via the application, not the window manager. You have
to either use Eterm or aterm. aterm is recommended as it has a smaller
footprint, however Eterm is a little bit more configurable (borderless
mode... the only way to go borderless with aterm is to use bblaunch or
 Also, can someone recommend a good (i.e. compact and solid) text editor
for bb?

vi, jed, joe, emacs, xemacs, nedit, pico... any number of editors work just
fine, you should investigate a bunch of them, then choose the one that works
best for you. These aren't exactly blackbox specific questions. :)


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: idea about shade treatment was Re: Toolbar icons - taskbar p

2002-05-29 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Wed, May29,02 23:04, xOr wrote:
  I like Shaleh's idea too. And what you are looking for is an always on top 
  Which could be useful: I use xmms as a shade and it would be very
  useful to have always on top working.
 It would be nice to have an interger for a window level. 0 is normal.
 And higher values are alwys on top of lower values. Then you could
 implement this just as always on top and always on bottom with 1 and
 -1, but you could also do a lot more with it.

I like this idea as well!


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: (ugly) patch: allow rootCommand config option.

2002-05-26 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Sun, May26,02 10:34, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  I thought this idea might be useful: some people might use other
  background managers, or might like to disable rootcommands for security
  reasons.  Please feel free to either ignore it or make it better, it works
  for me.
 we have talked about this in the devel list.  My approach is to make the rc
 file override any setting the a style.  So if you want to have your own bg
 image regardless of the style you are using you could specify the rootCommand
 in the rc and be done with it.  Specifying an empty rootCommand would disable
 it completely.
 This idea still needs some work though.

It'd be REALLY cool if you could specify X rootcommands (X being the number
of virtual desktops you have) and thusly have blackbox load the X commands
(or images) into memory, then switch the desktop background as the user
switches desktops.

But... this is one of those creature-featurism ideas... but I thought I'd
post it anyway.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: No title bar, minimal border

2002-05-24 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, May23,02 19:36, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  use bblaunch with the -d option: 
  $ bblaunch -d none aterm -tr +sb  etc.
  not sure where you'd find bblaunch if you don't have it, but I think
  it's floating round somewhere...
 there is also bbappconf 

To the original poster:

I use a combination of bbappconf, and bblaunch. I find bbappconf a bit
better when X is just starting, but use bblaunch for launching apps from the

Glad you liked my screenshots. :)


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: alpha6

2002-05-23 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, May23,02 13:48, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 On 23-May-2002 Jamin W. Collins wrote:
  On Thu, 23 May 2002 15:11:03 -0500
  Rachel Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  (And as Jamin's wife, I can vouch for the insert project
  here refugee thing. ;-)
  GACK!!! did she really just do that to me?  Yep, she did =)
  Jamin W. Collins
 Hell, my wife uses window maker (-:

My fiance uses windows... :)


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

[Re: Problems with replying to list.]

2002-05-12 Thread Derek Cunningham

forwarded because my current email address wasn't subscribed. :)

- Forwarded message from Derek Cunningham [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From: Derek Cunningham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: BlackBox Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 01:42:08 -0400
Subject: Re: Problems with replying to list.

On Sat, May11,02 22:23, Mr. Brigham Young wrote:
 Hi Jan, 
 No Offense whatsover :)
 Regarding your comment I would have to say that the argument presented in
 the document you referenced is spurious for the following reasons.
 5. Why would you want to reply-all when it is safe to assume that the
 person you are replying to (in this case) is a member of
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and will recieve two copies if you did that?

And if the situation arises that a person does NOT wish to send it to the
list, they have two corses of action:

1) use the From: address. 
2) check the old-reply-to header field, as some mailing list mailers put
the value of the Reply-to in the old-reply-to field.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

- End forwarded message -

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Focus New Windows

2002-05-12 Thread Derek Cunningham

Blackbox 0.62.1pre0 (which is rather odd, because I'm running
debian-unstable... *shrug*).

Anyway... Sloppy Focus, Focus New Windows is not selected... yet new windows
still get focus when they're drawn. The reason: because they come up under
my mouse.

So, my question: wouldn't it make sense to have a Raise New Windows
option, which would bring the new window up BELOW the current window?


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Focus New Windows

2002-05-12 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Sun, May12,02 00:57, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 On 12-May-2002 Derek Cunningham wrote:
  Blackbox 0.62.1pre0 (which is rather odd, because I'm running
  debian-unstable... *shrug*).
 I may not have editing the before releasing.

  Anyway... Sloppy Focus, Focus New Windows is not selected... yet new windows
  still get focus when they're drawn. The reason: because they come up under
  my mouse.
 but that just happens to be the magic of where you mouse is.  Move it somewhere
 else and this would not happen.
 the window is getting a mouse just entered me message so it gets focus.  Just
 like if you moved the mouse there.  How is blackbox supposed to know to ignore

Yes, I realised this, and I don't expect blackbox to ignore the event.
Instead, it would seem to make sense that the window come up BELOW the
current window, thus leaving focus on the current window, and making the
focus new windows option useful with sloppy focus.

Just a suggestion.

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Fixed size slit apps?

2002-05-03 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, May03,02 07:21, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 On 02-May-2002 Ciprian Popovici wrote:
  Just off the top of my head: would it be nice if slit-bbtools makers
  would agree on a graphical standard? Like, say, 60x60 squares, or
  scale to fixed user custom AxA. It would look nicer when you bundle
  them together in the slit, whereas now you have all kinds of sizes
  which are sometimes hard to assemble into a good looking slit.
  (Where did I see something similar? I can't recall.)
  Ciprian Popovici
 48x48 is standard afterstep, 64x64 is standard window maker.

Hmm... gkrellm has a user-configurable width, which works fine for me, and it
looks pretty damn good in the slit.


PS: One thing that does need to happen though... is bbkeys, bbappconf, and
other bbtools that don't actually need an interface should have a daemon mode!

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Fixed size slit apps?

2002-05-03 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, May03,02 09:16, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  PS: One thing that does need to happen though... is bbkeys, bbappconf, and
  other bbtools that don't actually need an interface should have a daemon
 because of the way blackbox works the programs are required to map a window. 
 Blackbox uses a listener (subscriber, whatever) protocol.  The app has to
 register with blackbox and they do this by mapping a window with a certain flag
 set.  No window, no messages.  So the best you can get is iconified at startup.
 netwm does not have this requirement near as I can see.

Cool.. thanks for the info.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Stupid idea

2002-05-02 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, May02,02 00:13, Ciprian Popovici wrote:
 Monday, April 29, 2002, 16:11:39, Derek Cunningham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, it IS possible to warp the position of the mouse cursor:
  There's also a program called xbut (xbutton? :) here: which seems to handle button events...
 After playing around with xwarppointer and xbut I can say I have quite
 a happy little setup on my box. Here it goes:

I'm glad my web research paid off... now I just gotta take the time to do
this myself. :)


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: 2nd set of questions/comments

2002-05-02 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, May02,02 00:35, thelupine wrote:
   Third:  Is there a default/global setting to force BB to
   remember windows postion, size...attributes?  I'll
   resize and position a window the way I want it, and then
   it loses this the next time I launch it.
  Once you decide how you like things, pass geometry
  arguments to your applications.  Anything xaw is going to
  support a -geometry option. Netscape and Mozilla support a
  resource setting to control their position and size.
 now that you mention, I remember seeing/reading something
 about that.  Guess I forgottendamn newbie ;-)
 thanks man, I will look into that option some more.

Yeah... this is the only way to go... session management just reduces a need
for people to THINK about how they use their computer. I've spend a
considerable number of hours (cumulative, not all at once) considering how I
can effectively setup my desktop, as well as make it look good. I've got
everything the way I like it (well, since I've upgraded to Debian,
everything is cosher except I'm missing the don't-maximize-over-the-slit
patch *shrug*), and the most beautiful thing is that everything starts when
my window manager starts... and it all shows up in the same place (man,
bbappconf, even in it's sub-alpha version, is an amazing program... bblaunch
is also nice because it doesn't FORCE apps to be a certain way).


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Stupid idea

2002-04-29 Thread Derek Cunningham


this was originally sent to John, but I also found some more info, so this
is an addition. :)

On Mon, Apr29,02 21:56, John Kennison wrote:
 I've just had an idea, and I'd always question myself if I didn't ask if it was
 possible or not.
 Would it be possible for a program to 'emulate' the action of the pressing the
 right mouse button? (i.e. I hit key F1 key, whatever program I am on, thinks
 that I have hit the right mouse button?). 
 Now that I've thought about, most new keyboards have a button designated for
 this purpose... however, can it be done on linux and more importantly within X?
 If this is possible, where would one go to start looking for how to do this??
 Any replies or CC, please direct to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, it IS possible to warp the position of the mouse cursor:

Maybe if you converse with the author, he'll have some ideas how to click
mouse buttons... this could likely be very usefull to many blackbox users.


There's also a program called xbut (xbutton? :) here:

which seems to handle button events... maybe it'll handle the blackbox menu.

Good luck!


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Stupid idea

2002-04-29 Thread Derek Cunningham

Oh! there's this too:

Sure, it's used for Dragon Dictate... but still, you can probably just past
standard text to it, and it should work fine... man, I gotta check some of
these out when I get home.

There... seems to round up the programs available.


On Mon, Apr29,02 09:11, Derek Cunningham wrote:
 this was originally sent to John, but I also found some more info, so this
 is an addition. :)
 On Mon, Apr29,02 21:56, John Kennison wrote:
  I've just had an idea, and I'd always question myself if I didn't ask if it was
  possible or not.
  Would it be possible for a program to 'emulate' the action of the pressing the
  right mouse button? (i.e. I hit key F1 key, whatever program I am on, thinks
  that I have hit the right mouse button?). 
  Now that I've thought about, most new keyboards have a button designated for
  this purpose... however, can it be done on linux and more importantly within X?
  If this is possible, where would one go to start looking for how to do this??
  Any replies or CC, please direct to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Well, it IS possible to warp the position of the mouse cursor:
 Maybe if you converse with the author, he'll have some ideas how to click
 mouse buttons... this could likely be very usefull to many blackbox users.
 There's also a program called xbut (xbutton? :) here:
 which seems to handle button events... maybe it'll handle the blackbox menu.
 Good luck!
 Derek Cunningham
 Human beings act intelligently only after they have
 exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban
 Registered Linux User Number 195825

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: read GNOME/KDE desktop files?

2002-04-28 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Mon, Apr29,02 02:36, thelupine wrote:
 Correct me if I'm wrong, but according to this:
 Both Gnome and KDE do not use a single file to manipulate
 their menus.  Instead they use a sort of directory structure
 with description files within those directories to
 manipulate their menus.  A combination of all these
 directories (/usr/share/gnome/apps/... for gnome) and the
 directory, .order and .desktop files, are all used
 collectively to make up the menu.  So, I am sure it could
 still be done, but it is not as easy as just a one file
 Just trying to help/learn, 

OK... so if someone can send me a couple zip files, I'll have a look at
them, and see if I can't create a conversion tool for both GNOME and KDE.

Can't be that hard... after all, I DID program scripts that automated the
entire process of configuring Apache/Bind/Sendmail for domains at the ISP I
work for.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Feature Request

2002-04-27 Thread Derek Cunningham


What are your thoughts on Window edge snapping? I'd love it if my windows
would snap to my other windows! :)


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Feature Request

2002-04-27 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Sat, Apr27,02 13:10, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 On 27-Apr-2002 Derek Cunningham wrote:
  What are your thoughts on Window edge snapping? I'd love it if my windows
  would snap to my other windows! :)
 Not opposed to it, it is on the list of features to consider when features are
 being considered again.

Cool, thanks.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Any ways to hide the window title bar?

2002-04-26 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Apr26,02 21:46, Sankaranarayanan K V wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 09:07:54AM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  Ah, you want to control the decor.  bbkeys can do this as can
  bblaunch.  There is no magic rc file to edit and the wm itself does
  not get involved.  These two apps set flags on the window that
  blackbox honours.
 Oh, that's cool. Only minutes back I switched from WM to BB.  
 I was trying to get the same functionality WM. Thanks!

check out bbappconf, it's pretty damn close to the features that window
maker offers, and I find it works better (from the perspective of having
apps without decor loading at startup) than bblaunch.

search google for it... it's only the bbtools page, you'll have to hit
CTRL+F to find it... -peak3 is stable enough for me that I run it 24/7.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: wmWeather strangeness

2002-04-26 Thread Derek Cunningham

I think your problem is that you aren't forking the processes into the
background in your .xinitrc.

it should be something like this:


and that should work fine.

On Fri, Apr26,02 12:50, Kit O'Connell wrote:
 I recently broke myself of my attachment to KDE applets, so I am now able
 to use the most recent version of blackbox. I have just built from the
 most recent cvs files.
 If I start blackbox with either wmWeather or bbweather running, blackbox
 does not load properly. Instead of getting all the way in, I get to a grey
 screen with a mouse pointer. The various applets seem to load, but they
 all sit in piles in the corners of the screen because the slit never
 appears. I am not able to call up a menu, and have to use ^C to kill
 xwindows. If I remove the weather applets from my .xinitrc, blackbox loads
 I haven't had this problem before. If I load wmWeather or bbweather from
 an xterm command line after blackbox loads, I don't have any problems with
 it. This is a pretty weird problem. Any light you can shed on it will be
   'Dreams aren't dangerous, or thrilling, until we think of them as real
   possibilities.' -Jonathon Carroll, _Sleeping in Flame_
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Homepage:
   PGP public key:

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: MenuTokenizer, take 3

2002-04-25 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Apr25,02 12:54, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 So, I slept on the bbconf ideas and the requests for trimmed whitespace.  The
 result is a cleaner, easier to read next() method which has *0* gotos (-:
 Comments welcome as always.
 Note, the tokenizer now lets [ This \[token\] ] through the chunk finder but it
 then fails to be found in the keyword map.  I decided it was easier to use one
 chunk interface than one special and two the same like I had before.
 Enclosed is a tarball with Makefile and two menu files (Debian generated ones)
 I am using for my tests.  I did split out the header this time.

I'm sorry, I must have slept through a mailing list thread, or something...
but what does this thing do?


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: More xmms stuff...

2002-04-22 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Sun, Apr21,02 23:24, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 On 22-Apr-2002 Matt Wilson wrote:
  Xmms is doing some more funny stuff as far as BB is concerned, this time with
  the workspace/icons menus. The menu that has XMMS on it (eg, Workspace 1 if
  that's where XMMS is, or Icons if I have it iconified) flickers and seems to
  lose focus. (that is, if I'm moused over an entry, when it flickers the
  highlight on that entry disappears, and it just appears normal.) (apart from
  whole menu flickering)
  Sorry to be bothering you, but it's never done this before, and I figure
  probably want it fixed :P
 bizarre.  I am definately not seeing the menu oddness, but my playlist is not

Not sure what version of BB Matt's using... but I've also noticed that with
alpha1 my playlist doesn't do what it used to do with 62.1. I'm running
bbappman, which uses window information to place windows on workspaces. I
force xmms onto wspace2, and my playlist remians on wspace1 at login. That's
fine... but when I go to wspace2 and click the playlist buttom on xmms it
closes the playlist. Now here's where the difference is... before clicking
the playlist button reopens it on the current workspace... now, it reopens it
on the same workspace.

Not necessarily a bad thing... but a different thing.

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Question about some late night thoughts

2002-04-20 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Sat, Apr20,02 18:50, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 I believe the window is forced on you due to the way the current inter client
 communication is done.  Perhaps we will see a daemon mode in the not too
 distant future.

Man... what I wouldn't give for a -d option. :)
 Of course there is also talk of integrating bbkeys back into blackbox .

That would be cool too.


Ok, my own little brainfart for the night... it's early though, so let's see
how this goes.

for fun I tore off the Icons menu... I never really use it, but I wanted to
see how well it works. Pretty neat. Then, for soem more fun, I tore off my
aterms menu... NEAT! I've now got a quicklaunch menu that takes up barely
any space, and I suspect uses NO more ram. 

So, the brainfart: what would it take to have these menus show up at
startup, in an already torn-off state, or do we have to create bbmenu? :)
Oh, and I guess if this were an option, it may also be a good idea to have
the menu show up on the main menu, even if it is torn off.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825


2002-04-20 Thread Derek Cunningham

To the bbkeys author:

I use keybindings to do most things, like raise/lower my windows... and I've
just noticed that you don't have an Iconify command. Bummer... think you
could add one?


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: bbkeys

2002-04-20 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Sat, Apr20,02 23:05, Derek Cunningham wrote:
 To the bbkeys author:
 I use keybindings to do most things, like raise/lower my windows... and I've
 just noticed that you don't have an Iconify command. Bummer... think you
 could add one?

Man... I get so hung up on terminology sometimes... I consider Minimize to
be to some sort of system tray or task bar... and with respect to blackbox I
cnsider Iconify to be to send a program to the Icons menu.

Maybe an alias should be added for Minimize? :) then again, maybe I should
read more carefully.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Question about some late night thoughts

2002-04-20 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Sat, Apr20,02 21:01, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  So, the brainfart: what would it take to have these menus show up at
  startup, in an already torn-off state, or do we have to create bbmenu? :)
  Oh, and I guess if this were an option, it may also be a good idea to have
  the menu show up on the main menu, even if it is torn off.
 egads no.  If you tear it off it should not be there.  Keeping that consistent
 would be a nightmare.
 As for it being there when you start up that would mean once again storing some
 kind of blackbox state.  Been trying real hard to avoid that.
 This seems like something better solved by an external app.  The blackbox
 library will have a menu in it so it should be fairly trivial to get what you

I guess I agree on all fronts... and to be honest, I figured a response like
this would come, but you never know. :) I'm definately looking forward to
the possibilities that this new fan-dangled blackbox-lib will have...


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: odd window resize behaviour with applixware

2002-04-18 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Apr18,02 09:14, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
 px wide. However, when I try to resize it, it jumps to some unknown
 maximum size -- I think around 1280x1024; all I know for certain is it's
 bigger than my 1024x768 desktop -- and I am unable to size it back down.

 etc.). Any ideas, anyone?

Well... I have no idea why this is happening... but you can resize it back
down using the ALT key, and the right mouse button. Similarily you can use
the ALT key and the left mouse button to move the window around.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: LainOS

2002-04-18 Thread Derek Cunningham

 you ever seen waimea?  

heard of it awhile ago.. never looked at it though.

 i looked at it a while ago and
 it looked neat, who knows where it will go.  

Yeah.. it sounds neat.. the action-thingys sound cool, for sure.

 i dont
 think i'll be leaving blackbox.  

I keep searching... it's fun. :)

 if i did, it would be
 for ratpoison, ion or pwm, something like that.  but
 they are a little too limiting.

yeha... those are definately special purpose WMs... I'd use them in certain
areas, to do certain things... but BB is a nice general purpose WM... 


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: LainOS

2002-04-18 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Apr18,02 11:52, Matt Wilson wrote:
 On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 11:01:09 -0400
 Derek Cunningham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is a neat project... and one that might actually pull me away from
  blackbox... but alas, we'll see how it develops. :)
  Oh, there's also this... which due to my familiarity with Perl probably has
  the highest chance of taking me away:
  Both have relations with Blackbox... and likely inspiration from them. :)
 Yes they do. And likewise fluxbox. And I find it quite telling that they haven't
 even taken the time to change blackbox anywhere it appears in tarballs to whatever
 name they're using... the fluxbox readme suddenly starts referring to blackbox
 halfway through, and 

haha... that's funny.

 judging by a ss on the lainos site, the untarred code still
 sits in a Blackbox/ folder...

I think at this point in time the author is just hacking later on he may
clean things up, one would hope. :)

 I guess it comes down to what you want most.. stability, and features by the
 original coders (ie reliable) or what's basically a bunch of patches stuck on the bb

yeah... Free Software is beautiful because we have such a large base to
start from.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: LainOS

2002-04-18 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Apr18,02 08:34, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 On 18-Apr-2002 Derek Cunningham wrote:
  you ever seen waimea?  
  heard of it awhile ago.. never looked at it though.
  i looked at it a while ago and
  it looked neat, who knows where it will go.  
  Yeah.. it sounds neat.. the action-thingys sound cool, for sure.
 I actually have a printed copy of waimea circa Jan 2002 on my desk (along with
 the 300 odd double sided pages of blackbox 0.61.1).  The fellow has some
 interesting approaches to coding and he definately simplified some of the
 blackbox code.  

heh... printed copies, that's funny, must be a pretty big book, ey?

 However this simplification came at a price.  He removed
 multihead support, the i18n code, portability in general and a few other things
 I am forgetting.  But there are good ideas there.

Well, I don't use multiheads yet, but plan to in the distant future, I don't
believe I require i18n support... but I'm not sure what that is, and I only
use linux so portability isn't totally important... but still, why would you
delete things like that?! ugh...


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: LainOS

2002-04-17 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Wed, Apr17,02 12:30, Joe MacDonald wrote:
 In message: Re: LainOS ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 on 17/04/2002 (Wed 11:27) Derek Cunningham wrote:
   didn't play nicely with X (it had no way to interact with other
   applications like rox or xv who did things with the root window) 
  Hmm... I should hope that's been fixed... it is proporting itself to
  be a desktop environment.
 Ah, there's the rub.  It created it's own window that sat on top of X's
 root window.  That window was where the Perlbox desktop lived.
 Basically a perl/tk version of Star Office 5.2.

ewww... that just tastes funny thinking about it! I'll still have a look...
but if this is still true, it'll be scrapped pretty quickly.
   and it was TK based.  (Like the TK wigets aren't
   ugly enough to make one swear off any UI on their own.)
  well.. the screenshots look good. :)
 Yeah, that's what I thought too.  Somehow, though, when I got it set up
 all the TK-ness oozed out at me.  :-)


   Of course, don't take my word for it, both projects may have
   improved vastly since then, and maybe my Athelon 1.33GHz with 1Gig
   of RAM was just too puny for perlbox to run properly.  I know it's
   inadquate for Enlightenment.  ;-)
  hmm... I'm running PII300/512Ram and E ran fairly decently on my
  system...  *shrug* maybe we have different expectations? :)
 Undoubtedly.  :-)  I expect everything to run as snappy as bb, which is
 why I'm not running something else right now.  Nothing measures up
 except for some of those 9wm-style managers (and possibly twm) and I
 can't bring myself to use them.

whenever I reinstall a Linux distro (in my case: slackware) I ONLY install
TWM... and then proceed to use it long enough to get blackbox online. :) I
doubt I'll change... but using blackbox is like my search for religion... I
currently don't believe in God, but I keep looking for him, whereas with
Blackbox I currently don't believe anything is better, but I keep looking
for something better anyway. :) heh...

Maybe I should suck it up, and find something useful to do with my time,
instead of the never-ending persuit of God, and the
fruitless-since-blackbox-was-developed persuit of the Perfect WM.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: The Slit

2002-04-16 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Mon, Apr15,02 23:38, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 On 16-Apr-2002 Neverness wrote:
  FWIW, I thought that maybe an alternative to slit could be pocket. Even
  non-english speakers could recogbnise that you can put apps into your pocket.
  The moving of apps within the slit|pocket|whatever would be handy with the
  alt+mouse. I can see why someone would want the menu move up|down, if they
  don't use the keyboard much. As far as I am concerned, whatever is earier to
  implement is better.
 hmmm, pocket.  Haven't heard or considered that one.
 /me writes it on the white board for consideration.

Something else to consider is that when you say Dock, that seems to imply
some sort of dockableness (my word! :)... What I mean is that in WindowMaker
you can place doc apps side by side, whereas in blackbox you can only place
(doc)apps inside the slit.

Pocket? hmm... IMO, the -w flag of most apps gives lots of help... items are
_withdrawn_ into the slit... bearing that in mind though, I still can't
think of a better word, yet.

*shrug* The hole? :) heh... I got better things to do this morning... 


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825


2002-04-16 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Tue, Apr16,02 12:06, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 On 16-Apr-2002 Mr. Brigham Young wrote: actually has a pointer now to: has been pulled out of DNS AFAICT
 spiffy.  Thanks.

I think they should have just forwarded to,
woulda made a bit more sense... but this is of course from someone that runs
an ISP. :)


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: slit functionality...

2002-04-05 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Apr05,02 10:50, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
  From: Kevin Geiss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 22:01:59 -0700
  Subject: Re: slit functionality...
  check out xtoolwait!
 where can we get it?

Google, where else?!


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Blackbox Session Management?

2002-04-05 Thread Derek Cunningham

No, this is not a feature request! :)

I was checking out xtoolwait (as per a previous post to the bb mailing
list), which will load programs one after another, allowing each to load
completely before loading the next (thus putting docapps into the slit in
the appropriate order).

Also, the author of xtoolwait talked about xtoolplaces, which does some sort
of session management. For those of you who are session management junkies,
you should check it out! :)

So, to summarize, I believe there's no need to add any code to blackbox to
store the order of the docapps (although it would be nice to rearrange them
in runtime), AND when people ask for session management, we can recommend
xtoolplaces. :) neat stuff, now... someone try it out to be sure it works.
:) I will, hopefully this weekend.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: new cvs release up

2002-04-05 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Apr05,02 08:10, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 This is the 'strut support' you have heard me talk about.  What happens is the
 screen's dimensions are taken, then the toolbar says please give me X pixels
 here and the slit does the same.  When a window is opened or maximized this
 adjusted area (referred to as screen-availableArea() in the source) is used to
 decide window dimensions and placement.  Note I did not say resize or user
 move.  Blackbox does not get in the user's way here.

Hmm... neat... I may have to check this out. Now, one question though: what
happens if a new window to be created is large than screen-availableArea()?
Is the slit/toolbar shown on top of the new window, or below it?


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Feature request: text shadows?

2002-04-02 Thread Derek Cunningham

The forecast: a long thread arguing for and against freeping creaturism.

Anyway... I just wanted to voice my opinion in favour of said addition... it
would definately add some character additional to BB!


On Tue, Apr02,02 18:29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How about adding shadows for the text on toolbar, windows bars and menus?
 Nothing fancy, just the same text with different color under the normal
 one, and displaced by 1px VH. Maybe some resources describing the color
 of the shadow and maybe the displacement distance in the menu files? If
 someone doesn't like the shadow they can use sameasparent or whatever
 that transparent attribute was.
 I've tempered with an actual screenshot and manually added some shadows to
 see what it would look like. It's pretty cool, and I'm surprised nobody
 thought of this before. Of course, there may be other difficulties I'm not
 aware of.
 See the shadows screenshot at:
 Ciprian Popovici

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Feature request: text shadows?

2002-04-02 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Tue, Apr02,02 09:24, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 This is not KDE or Windows.  We do not have to do everything just like
 they do.

And we're also not catering to morons! :)


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Feature request: text shadows?

2002-04-02 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Tue, Apr02,02 09:54, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  And we're also not catering to morons! :)
 I was attempting to not be insulting (-;

*shrug* life's too short to walk on shells.
 Seriously, from the user perspective, is having an empty menu actually be empty
 that shocking?  Must we advertise that this menu is indeed empty?  

IMHO, the only thing that would make sense, would be to drop the menu item
entirely, unless it get something in it. Besides, the default menu doesn't
have any empty menus... and most people have generated their own menus
manually, so why would one leave a menu empty?

 I almost
 feel like I would be attaching warning this hot chocolate you ordered is
 indeed hot, we are not responsible for any burns that may result.

hehe, catering to morons. The concerning part is that most of the world
(well, at least N.A., I haven't travelled so I can't make such a broad
general statement) does in fact include warnings such as the one you

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Feature request: text shadows?

2002-04-02 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Tue, Apr02,02 10:24, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  IMHO, the only thing that would make sense, would be to drop the menu item
  entirely, unless it get something in it. Besides, the default menu doesn't
  have any empty menus... and most people have generated their own menus
  manually, so why would one leave a menu empty?
 think icons/window list menus.  If no window in on workspace 3, the menu is
 perfectly empty, you just get a titlebar.

Ahh yes... then I'll abbreviate my opinion: who cares.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: slit functionality...

2002-04-02 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Tue, Apr02,02 14:38, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
 I've only been using blackbox for a few months, but it is certainly my 
 favorite WM in the more than two years I've been using Linux. My only beef 
 with it so far is the slit... and not so much how it looks or works, but how 
 programs are loaded into it.
 I've searched through the archives, and seen the hacks people have done to 
 get dockapps, bbtools, and whatnot to load in a specified order, and to date 
 I have been unable to get 100% compliance on my machine. About 1 in 4 times 
 or more, the apps I load into it come in a randy order.
 I saw somewhere, when I was first trying out blackbox, a little application 
 somebody had written to insure that apps came in in the appropriate order... 
 but since I didn't know what that meant at the time, I ignored it and 
 promptly lost the URL. 
 I've tried hacks like:
   sleep 1  bbpager 
   sleep 1  wmusic 
 etc., but these are not consistent.

 Any _other_ ideas anyone?

sleep 1  bbpager 
sleep 3  wmusic 

This gives bbpager enough time to load first, then wmusic, and then any
other apps after that.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: slit functionality...

2002-04-02 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Tue, Apr02,02 11:52, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  I've tried hacks like:
sleep 1  bbpager 
sleep 1  wmusic 
  etc., but these are not consistent.
  Any _other_ ideas anyone?
 There is no good way.  The slit is given windows as they are opened and it
 basically adds them to the bottom of the stack.  The only sure fire way is to
 force the programs to load in the order you want.  Which means icky sleep/delay
 Window Maker solves this in two ways.  First, you can drag the docked apps
 around and second it remembers their order and their command lines and starts
 them for you next time.
 I have been loathe to implement that second option, I am not against the first.

Maybe bblaunch could be modified (with some source code modification in BB
as well) to specify which position a dockable app should be in?

Just an idea... expand on it as you see fit. :)


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: slit functionality...

2002-04-02 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Tue, Apr02,02 12:02, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  Maybe bblaunch could be modified (with some source code modification in BB
  as well) to specify which position a dockable app should be in?
  Just an idea... expand on it as you see fit. :)
 we would have to come up with some way to tell blackbox where to put it.  
 Seems icky:

Agreed... _I_ don't really care anymore, since I've found gkrellm, it solves
all of my problems (well, except for bbpager, and bbkeys is iconified).

The whole :

sleep n  program1 
sleep n+1  program 2 
sleep n+n  program 3 

worked for me quite well when I was still using 10 different apps in my slit.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: bbkeys blew up on me

2002-03-28 Thread Derek Cunningham

hmm... that's funny... ALT+Mouse1 wasn't working either... hitting other
keys a few times seems to have brought things back to life. wtf?


On Thu, Mar28,02 21:37, Derek Cunningham wrote:
 Blackbox list... I've been running bbkeys v0.3.5 for some time now (over 6
 months, at least!) and just the other day... it blew up. *sniff* *sniff* it
 was working fine, now, it's not.
 I'm compiling 0.8.4 as we speak (err, I type, you read, then again, it's
 probably done compiling by the time you read this), which I hope will fix
 the problem.
 I'm running Blackbox 0.6.2, any ideas why bbkeys 0.3.5 would blow up?
 Derek Cunningham
 Human beings act intelligently only after they have
 exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban
 Registered Linux User Number 195825

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: feature suggestion?

2002-03-11 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Mar08,02 13:53, David Terrell wrote:
 Perhaps I could mark a window as being on a non-default layer, and
 smart placement would be per-layer.  This would, of course, require
 the concept of layers in blackbox. :)

Is there any window manager that incorporates such a concept?


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have exhausted the
alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Snap to window

2002-03-11 Thread Derek Cunningham

IMO, windows should only snap to visible _borders_.

As far as implementation goes... I'm not familiar with the bb source, or 
C/C++. :)


On Mon, Mar11,02 15:51, Mattias Eklöf wrote:
 I've written two different implementations of a snap-to-window
 behaviour, but right now I have a problem I don't quite know how to deal
 with. As it is now a window doesn't care about how the other windows are
 layered and will snap to the closest window, even if the closest window
 is all covered. I don't think this is a desired behaviour, but I don't
 know what to do about it. I'm not quite familar with the properties of a
 window. Like what is meant by a window being visible? I also don't know
 what the desired behaviour should be. Should windows only snap to top
 layered windows, or any part of a visible window?
 Any input or suggestions would be appreciated.

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have exhausted the
alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: I'm Feeling Lucky

2002-03-07 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Mar07,02 15:18, John Kennison wrote:
 I know that I always found it difficult to locate the website, without
 using freshmeat or google.

I'm sorry, but in this day and age, why would you NOT use google? 

I'm Feeling Lucky!


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have exhausted the
alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: blackbox-0.62.1-custom_titlebar-fab.patch

2002-03-05 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Sat, Mar02,02 20:37, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 On 03-Mar-2002 Marc Wilson wrote:
  Ok, here's another one that shaleh says is never gonna make it into
 actually, I am on the fence on this one.  It may make it in ..

yes vote here.


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have exhausted the
alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Dockapps

2002-02-19 Thread Derek Cunningham

dockapp1  sleep 1
dockapp2  sleep 2

adjust sleep times accordingly for longer loading apps.


On Tue, Feb19,02 19:18, Johan Ronström wrote:
 Hello. Not really a bb question but...
 I use dockapps in blackbox (not fluxbox). I have just written the program names
 in .xinitrc but my problem is that the dockapps never are in the same order and
 less in the order i wrote them to start in.
 Is there any way to controll the order of the dockapps in blackbox (I know
 there is in WM) or is there a way to make them start in the right order.
 Doesn't someone else  have this problem?
  / Nimbus
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Everything you'll ever need on one web page
 from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have exhausted the
alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: for those of you feeling lucky

2002-02-18 Thread Derek Cunningham


Are you working with Sean on this, or is this just code you've had, and
wanted to create a CVS branch for?

I'm just curious to see how development on blackbox is being managed. :)



On Mon, Feb18,02 17:21, Bradley T Hughes wrote:
 i created a new branch in blackbox's cvs this morning.
 the moving_target branch has gotten a pretty hefty update too (stuff i've
 been working on last week and over the weekend).
 the stuff adds lots of new things, which will make development on blackbox
 and the blackbox tools/utils much easier.
 the stuff is in a half finished state at the moment... but it compiles and
 runs.  however, nothing works :)
 the interesting thing is the new code.  i've completely redone Basemenu,
 which is now a real popupmenu (That does pointer and key grabbing).  one
 thing i noticed on my laptop with a mouse touchpad is that touchpads suck,
 and key navigation through menus is something i really want.  i hope to
 get this soon.
 i've also added lots of other things.  for example, the new Basemenu is a
 subclass of the Widget class.  Widget is a simple wrapper for an X window.
 these things register with the BaseDisplay's event loop, and you get
 events delivered to them very nicely.  these things are perfect for a
 small library for people that want to write blackbox tools/utils.
 new as well is BGCCache, which is an X GC cache that lets you do quick
 color/font lookups, without having to keep a GC around all the time.
 BColor has also been split away from BImageControl, and it can be dropped
 into any other program that has a BaseDisplay created
 BTexture has undergone some updates too, and it has rendering capabilities
 builtin (instead of having to use BImageControl::render( texture ) ).
 ummm... there are lots more things that are new/changed.  too much to
 really describe here.  have a look at the code in the moving_target branch
 to get and idea of where things are going.  and remember: it compiles and
 runs, but does absolutely nothing :)
 this stuff is just mean for people that know the blackbox code, and are 
 interested in seeing what i'm breaking.
 commments are of course welcome and invited.
 Bradley T. Hughes - bhughes at
 Trolltech AS - Waldemar Thranes gt. 98 N-0175 Oslo, Norway

Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have exhausted the
alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Feature Request

2002-02-17 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Sun, Feb17,02 00:17, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 On 16-Feb-2002 Derek Cunningham wrote:
  Is it possible to have blackbox recognize the ~ in it's .blackboxrc file? I
  know at least a few people encounter this problem when using blackbox, and
  IMHO, it just makes SENSE to have it understand ~.
 It should.  There is code in there to handle turning ~ into HOME.  This is the
 main issue with supporting ~/ -- there is no OS or library support, you have
 to code it yourself.

 Where specifically are you having problems with ~/ support?

ya go me... I read a post on another mailing list (a LUG) where a person was
having a problem with the whol ~ thing... and just assumed it was still
broken. In retrospec, they were using 61.1, and I hadn't updated my
.blackboxrc file. *shrug* sorry...

HOWEVER... there IS one bug that I KNOW is still a bug, and that's the
resize code. Now, I'm fairly certain the resize code is in, or
whichever file it is that you feel is a mammoth headache to change, so I
suspect that is the reason you haven't fixed things yet but none-the-less,
here goes:

Basically, when you resize things, it locks up all display activity. It
really sucks when watching movies.

Finally, would it be possible in the future to have an opaque resize option? 

Thanks Sean/Shaleh for updating a fine product! :)


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have exhausted the
alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Feature Request

2002-02-16 Thread Derek Cunningham


Is it possible to have blackbox recognize the ~ in it's .blackboxrc file? I
know at least a few people encounter this problem when using blackbox, and
IMHO, it just makes SENSE to have it understand ~.

What do you think?


Derek Cunningham

Human beings act intelligently only after they have exhausted the
alternatives -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: [BlackBox] I know I'm not supposed to like eyecandy, but...

2002-02-08 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Feb08,02 09:13, dan radom wrote:
 amen!  i can't imagine a file manager that could ever be better then $SHELL.  i 
guess eye candy means different things to different people, but to me blackbox is all 
eye candy and pure X bliss...

IMO, blackbox, coupled with a couple transparent decorless aterms (75%
shading, to differenciate them from the bg) is all the eye-candy I need!
It's also nice to throw an orange shaded terminal in there for colour once
in a while! :)


 * Jeff Taylor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  I run at 1280x1024 (17 LCD) and still use BB for the extra room.  Of
  course, I ran BB on a Sun 21 display because of the room.  I've tried
  3-4 Desktop Environments and have concluded I just don't like them.
  I'd rather type rm file in a terminal window than drag a file icon
  in a file manager to a trash can.
  Quoting Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
(like fvwm or twm), then BlackBox is a very beautiful alternative. In
fact, in a lot of ways, I prefer BlackBox because of its simplicity.
There is little to distract you. 

   that is exactly what I like about blackbox.  I often use it on a 800x600
   display.  There is still room.

Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: [BlackBox] I know I'm not supposed to like eyecandy, but...

2002-02-08 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Feb08,02 10:36, Anh Lai wrote:
  IMO, blackbox, coupled with a couple transparent decorless aterms (75%
  shading, to differenciate them from the bg) is all the eye-candy I need!
 And now i can choose to use Eterm transparency with the patch in cvs. ..
 .tis nice.

OK... I must be stupid or something... but I used to use Eterm and I had NO
problems with transparency. Please enlighten me on the issues that you have.

I know there was some issues with setting the bg with something other than
Esetroot, but what's wrong with just using Esetroot?


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: [BlackBox] I know I'm not supposed to like eyecandy, but...

2002-02-08 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Feb08,02 11:03, Anh Lai wrote:
 Eterm could not use transparent mode with bsetbg generated backgrouds:
 e.g:  bsetbg -mod 4 4 -bg rgb:46/46/46 -fg rgb:53/53/53
 only aterm could use this.
 but Eterm would work if you just use bsetbg to point to a jpg.
 now Eterm transparent mode works for both methods of background
 production with the patch mentioned earlier inthe mailing list that is
 now in cvs.

ahhh... ok... now I get it. :)

But with why would one
not want to use a jpg?! :)


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: [BlackBox] I know I'm not supposed to like eyecandy, but...

2002-02-08 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Feb08,02 12:34, Jeff Taylor wrote:
 I don't know if you have just slashdotted the site, but those are some
 awesome images.  I'm gonna grab me one or two.

nah... someone else slashdotted the site earlier. :) bastards... I'll wait a
day or so, then get some images. :)


 Quoting Derek Cunningham [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  But with why would one
  not want to use a jpg?! :)

Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Fluxbox review

2002-02-07 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Feb07,02 10:42, Marco Fioretti wrote:
  Head on over to
  and check out the fluxbox review.  While I suppose fluxbox is nice,
  he really doesn't get it, does he?
 He the reviewer? Or fluxbox itself? What doesn't he get exactly?

Well, first off... he's not familiar with the slit in blackbox.

And then, aside from that... I'm curious... the author states this:

Fluxbox also adds a native key grabber to the base functionality it
inherits from Blackbox. The key grabber gives the ability to not only handle
keyboard shortcuts for common window manager commands, but it also allows
sophisticated multi-key sequences to be assigned in a manner similar to

Now, considering his false statement regarding the slit, is the keygrabbing
ability EXACTLY like emacs'? or what?

any fluxbox users out there?


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Fluxbox review

2002-02-07 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Thu, Feb07,02 10:06, Jan Schaumann wrote:
 Derek Cunningham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, Feb07,02 10:42, Marco Fioretti wrote:
Head on over to
  And then, aside from that... I'm curious... the author states this:
  Fluxbox also adds a native key grabber to the base functionality it
  inherits from Blackbox. The key grabber gives the ability to not only handle
  keyboard shortcuts for common window manager commands, but it also allows
  sophisticated multi-key sequences to be assigned in a manner similar to
  Now, considering his false statement regarding the slit, is the keygrabbing
  ability EXACTLY like emacs'? or what?
 Why would you assume the keybindings are *exactly* as in Emacs, if the
 author says they are *similar*?  I haven't read the article, but from
 what you quoted here, I can't find any false information[1].
 P.S.: Not using Fluxbox, I have no idea anyway ;-)  If fluxbox does
 *not* include a keygrabber, or if that keygrabber does not allow
 multi-key sequences *similar* to Emacs, I'll gladly call the author a
 liar and claim that he doesn't get it.

If it pleases the court, I will rephrase.

How similar to emacs are they keybindings?

Better yet... I should just try it out. :)


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: screenshots

2002-02-05 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Mon, Feb04,02 20:08, Jan Schaumann wrote:
 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   How would you like us to submit screenshots?
  please, link to a URL.  That way everyone can see them and if my mail goes
  flaky we do not lose anything.  has a few blackbox screenshots.
 Feel free to use whatever you like.

And here's my additions...

This one shows the beautiful simplicity of blackbox (with a few apps loaded,
namely, gkrellm, eterm, a login eterm, and bbpager).

and here's a full desktop.

more can be found here:

NOTE: All linux (blackbox) screenshots use one of the included themes... the
only change I made, is a different background. I forget the name of the theme.


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Logitech Keyboard

2002-02-01 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Feb01,02 09:53, Bo Thorsen wrote:
 On Thursday 31 January 2002 17:38, Ola Ormset wrote:
  On Thu, 2002-01-31 at 16:49, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
   I have to reasons for wanting key bindings back:
   a) people find it annoying to have to compile and install one more app
   just to get blackbox working the way they want
  But bbkeys comes in very handy when using f.x. KDE, which can't launch
  apps on keyboard shortcuts :)
 Not true. Run System-Menu Editor. Now choose the application icon you want 
 and set the key to run it. The only downside is that there has to be a menu 
 item in the kde menu. I set up my multimedia keys on my Logitech keyboard 
 with this and it works fine.

Is that one of the Logitech Wireless Optical keyboard/mouse bundles? the
black ones? 

If so... do all the keys work properly under linux?


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Borderless Windows

2002-01-31 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Wed, Jan30,02 21:44, xOr wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 10:00:08PM -0500, Derek Cunningham wrote:
  I guess this is a minor feature request, however I do believe that someone
  mentioned that blackbox just handles this wrong, so here goes.
  Using bbkeys, or bbappconf, one has the ability to remove the decorations
  from windows, however, after this happens, the window is not longer movable
  with ALT+click. Would it be poissible to change this behaviour such that you
  CAN still move the window?
 Have you tried this in Blackbox 0.62? This should have already been

hehe... nope. I will tho, shortly.

 I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way.

xOr, WTF does this mean?!?!


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Xinerama support

2002-01-30 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Wed, Jan30,02 18:10, Ola Ormset wrote:
 Well, actually you can. I sometimes run W98 (yep, I got a
 license...stupid me), and as you can see on this picture here: is fully possible to run my external monitor at 640x480 with 256
 colors while running my internal laptop monitor at it's 1400x1050, 16bit
 Just had to correct you, sorry.
  Ok, that's it - I'm done ranting... :)
 Better to be right when ranting, yes? :)

What kind of laptop is that? It looks like my Dell Inspiron 5000, but I
don't think my dell has dual-head support.


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Borderless Windows

2002-01-30 Thread Derek Cunningham


I guess this is a minor feature request, however I do believe that someone
mentioned that blackbox just handles this wrong, so here goes.

Using bbkeys, or bbappconf, one has the ability to remove the decorations
from windows, however, after this happens, the window is not longer movable
with ALT+click. Would it be poissible to change this behaviour such that you
CAN still move the window?



Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Key bindings patch

2002-01-28 Thread Derek Cunningham

K... and, umm... what does this patch do?

Sorry... I just don't recall this patch.


On Mon, Jan28,02 21:57, Gregory J. Barlow wrote:
 I have updated my key bindings patch for 0.62.0 and built rpms with the 
 patch applied.  You can find all this at:
 Gregory J. Barlow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: taskbar-icon patch again

2002-01-27 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Sun, Jan27,02 00:50, Mike Douglas wrote:
 On Sat, 2002-01-26 at 23:26, Derek Cunningham wrote:
  On Fri, Jan25,02 16:52, Mike Douglas wrote:
   I'd like to reiterate a question that was asked earlier. Are there any
   plans to update the taskbar-icon patch for .62? I miss it.
  I've never used it... but I'd like to see it updated for .62, since it's
  soemthing I've wanted in blackbox for a _long_ time.

 It comes in handy. It was the only thing I liked about Fluxbox.

heh.. yeah. My only concern about it, is that I iconify bbkeys, and
bbappconf, and _like_ the fact that I can't seem them (since IMO they have
no visual use), however with said patch applied, it'll be a pain because
they'll be down in the iconbar. *shrug* maybe the developers of the above
apps, and others that have the possibility of running without an interface,
could create a daemon mode? just an idea...

Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: website, let's get the decision made

2002-01-26 Thread Derek Cunningham


On Sat, Jan26,02 08:28, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 Right now I am leaning towards 2 (with the updates to fit the screen better).
 Please only mail this list, check those CC lists.

Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: website, let's get the decision made

2002-01-26 Thread Derek Cunningham

Sorry to the vote counter, but I was unable to view #4 (or 5), therefore
made a decision on what was viewable. I definately prefer #4 (from what I
recollect), however if I'm to vote from what I can see... I vote for #5.


On Sun, Jan27,02 03:08, Alexander Volovics wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 26, 2002 at 08:28:09AM -0800, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
  Right now I am leaning towards 2 (with the updates to fit the screen better).
  Please only mail this list, check those CC lists.
 As long as 4) and 5) are down a fair choice is not possible.
 I can't refresh my memory.
 Going by memory I vote:
 1e = 4)
 2e = 1)
 3e = 6)

Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: taskbar-icon patch again

2002-01-26 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Jan25,02 16:52, Mike Douglas wrote:
 Hello, all,
 I'd like to reiterate a question that was asked earlier. Are there any
 plans to update the taskbar-icon patch for .62? I miss it.

I've never used it... but I'd like to see it updated for .62, since it's
soemthing I've wanted in blackbox for a _long_ time.


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: cvs on

2002-01-25 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Jan25,02 18:08, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 ok, cvs is up to date on  It even has 0.62.1pre0 which is not released.
 The website shows (0 commits, 0 adds).  Not sure how it tracks this.  My usual
 usage of cvs is:
 cvs import blackbox version blackbox blackbox blackbox-0_XX_X
 so at any time you can do
 cvs co -rblackbox-0_XX_X to look at a version. 
 For some reason it does not consider my usage a commit or an add.  cvs is being
 used, just not in the way some people are accustomed to seeing.

Will you be making mention of this somewhere on the page, perhaps on the
newly created blackbox page, when it's done?


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Xinerama support

2002-01-25 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Fri, Jan25,02 22:25, scott wrote:
 Jamin W. Collins wrote:
  So, because it's done by Sawfish and/or KWin, it should now be done by
 sawfish/kwin do a lot of other things that are
 not in blackbox either - for good reason.  :-)
 how many people *do* use xinerama on this list?
 it seems like a pretty hot topic.
 i, for one, do not.

I do not _at this time_, however once funds are available, it is my goal to
purchase a dual video card, and an additional monitor, so I'll then start to
use Xinerama.

Considering both possible implementations (w/ xinerama patch, w/out xinerama
patch) I think i'd prefer the patch, however I'd like it to be a runtime
option, as the ability to span a widescreen DVD movie onto two monitors
would be amazing!

Just MO.


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825


2002-01-23 Thread Derek Cunningham

is it possible to make bbpager moveable?


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Slit Question (NOT regarding the whole slit/toolbar argument)

2002-01-22 Thread Derek Cunningham


I'm wondering if you'd be willing to implement a small feature. Basically,
I'd like to see an additional option for the slit, call it Always
Viewable. Basically, I'd like to always be able to see the slit, so when I
maximize a window, it _does not_ maximize over the slit, it maximizes around

There's been some code changes out there (I think a few people emailed the
list with patches, or at least told me what to change to make it happen).

Further to this, I actually believe that if Always on top is set, then it
shouldn't maximize over the slit, and if it's not set, then it should,
however an additional option would make sense as well.

What do you think?


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Slit Question (NOT regarding the whole slit/toolbar argument)

2002-01-22 Thread Derek Cunningham

neat... thanks.


On Tue, Jan22,02 16:45, Mattias Eklöf wrote:
  Basically, I'd like to always be able to see the slit, so when I
  maximize a window, it _does not_ maximize over the slit, it maximizes around
 I think I might have the cure. A patch for a behaviour something like
 The new 0.62.0 patch is found here:
 The old (slightly less high tech) 0.61.1 patch is found here:

Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Comments desired regarding possible upcoming changes

2002-01-21 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Mon, Jan21,02 09:15, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 I am not found of the icon on toolbar idea.  It turns the toolbar into more of a
 panel and well, there are already plenty of those.
 As for the battery load idea, I like it and have considered it know and then
 before I became the blackbox hacker.

OK. I can see one problem with this: where does it stop?

_You_ like the battery load idea... what about the bbcpu app? the bbmem app?
what about insert a whole host of other possible apps here?

Sure, you're the main developer now, so you can kind of choose what goes,
and what doesn't... but the inclusion of just one of the apps necessitates
the ability to choose which app it is, and therefore moves you to developing
a panel. Sure, it'd be one kickass panel because it's a bb panel, but why
doesn't someone just develop a sparate bbpanel that plays nicely with bb?
Then you could also have the option (run time!) to disable the toolbar. THAT
makes alot more sense to me.


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

Re: Blackbox Web Design

2002-01-08 Thread Derek Cunningham

On Mon, Jan07,02 23:31, Thread wrote:
 Man, some browsers just suck. The design rendered beautifully in the
 brosers I developed it with, but ie, and apparently others, choked on it
 as some folks reported it not being variable width. It was, in fact,
 designed to be variable width.
 Should be all good now, though.

Still got a bottom (left/right) scroll bar in ie6 and I'm using 1024x768


Derek Cunningham

All men by nature desire to know. -- Aristotle.

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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