Re: WTC Redux

2006-07-19 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 7/19/06 11:47 AM, Dave Land [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On the strength of your reasoning (as well as recent views of myself
 in a mirror), I concede the point that I am nowhere /near/ as hot as
 Sigourney Weaver, who would be significantly hotter regardless of
 her mode of dress.

You may be no Sigourney Weaver, but are you hotter than Rick Moranis?

Almost Rhetorical Maru

Re: WSJournal: Western Moral Authority is based on White Supremecy

2006-05-02 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 5/2/06 1:07 PM, The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What you would expect to read in the more overtly racist Washington

The Opinion Journal is part of the Wall Street Journal.

But just to entertain me, how can a newspaper be racist?  If you need some
background info on Shelby Steele, you could start here:

But that would be too easy.

Re: Huzzah for chocolate milk

2006-04-14 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 4/13/06 4:53 PM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you run 25 miles a week, you can eat what you want.
 If you breastfeed twins, you can eat what you want.  Unless one of them
 reacts badly to something in your diet.

Just keeping up with twins would be exercise enough for me, thank you very
much.  I don't know much about breast feeding other than Julie could never
eat spicy food whilst breast feeding.  Bad things happen.

An American who uses the word whilst,
Matthew Bos

Re: Huzzah for chocolate milk

2006-04-13 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 4/12/06 6:27 PM, Charlie Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 13/04/2006, at 1:24 AM, Matthew and Julie Bos wrote:
 If you run 25 miles a week, you can eat what you want.
 And if you cycle 60 miles a day for 6 months, you can have trouble
 eating enough...

Wow.  Its hard for me to schedule a 20 mile session on my favorite mountain
bike trail once a week.  But I am looking forward to summer biking season.

Re: Huzzah for chocolate milk

2006-04-12 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 4/12/06 4:04 PM, Deborah Harrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I read about this a couple of weeks ago and started to drink more of the
stuff.  Like I need more excuses for chocolate consumption.

Although I do add more protein powder to it for extra kick.  I am training
for a 25K the middle of next month.  And now that I am jobless, I have more
time to train!

If you run 25 miles a week, you can eat what you want.


Re: Unspeakably offensive canine behavior

2006-04-02 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 4/1/06 12:08 PM, Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Completely unrelated, but I'll mention that today is a hard one for Wes'
 family... he was an April Fool's baby.  Stop the damn war!  There are things
 worse than a gift of regurgitated dog shit in the living room.

This post has cheered me up since losing my job on Thursday.

I don't know for certain, but this seems to be small dog behavior.  My
large dogs wouldn't go near its own business, much less eat it.

I was watching my step-sisters pug a couple of weeks ago, when I saw this
habit first hand.  I was out in the yard letting Mugsy tend to business when
I noticed him eating something...

He kept it down, but I didn't want him near me or the kids.

Solving the problem?  Air horn.  Even before thinks about it, scare it out
of him before he can take it back in.  It works for big dog behaviors, and
I know enough about those.


Re: House Project

2005-12-13 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 12/11/05 11:06 AM, Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What's all that white stuff?

It's the reason I am using every energy saving technology possible.  Proof
positive that even conservatives are environmentally conscious.  If you want
to help out hucking shingles this week, just let me know :).

This house would look good even in California.  I got some inspiration
walking around the bungalows near the Naval base in San Diego.  Wonderful
place, but I can't afford to live there.  You got to write books that sell
to live in a place like that!

Not dropping names,
Matthew Bos
 Nick (in California)
Who doesn't know what he's missing!

House Project

2005-12-10 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
I just wanted to show the progress on my house-building project.  The rough
framing is finally complete, and it is looking like a real house.  It's my
own design, using some very energy-efficient building technologies.  It's a
little old-fashioned, but we like it that way.

No illegal Mexican labor was used in the construction of this house.  You
can see the pictures at the following:

Are we having fun yet?
Matthew Bos


Re: Work photos

2005-11-13 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 11/10/05 10:55 PM, Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I ought to take some pics of the Remote Box Terminations in some of the Fire
 Alarm Boxes. The Fire Alarm company did the terminations themselves thinking
 that we were not as qualified as they were. Their work looks like hammered
 shit in comparison to our work and now everyone can plainly see why we get
 paid as much as we do.
I liked the pictures, very cool stuff.  I used to work in a special
automated machine company, so I know how much effort goes into something
like that.  Those people were absolutely incredible in the neatness.  Their
near obsessive compulsive disorder wiring skills resulted in control panels
that made grown men cry.  I don't think they could have been as fast as they
were without being so neat.

They weren't union, but most of them had journeyman cards from previous
jobs.  But then again, we paid them more than union wage to keep them

And although they were awesome electricians, it was the only skill they were
neat in.  You didn't even want to look into their cars.  Nasty.

Keeping the Snap-on man in good spirits,
Matthew Bos

(I am seriously considering taking some pictures of what I am working
with...just so you can have a laugh)


Re: WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-10-20 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 10/19/05 11:55 PM, Robert G. Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I would at this time like to thank Houston for beating St. Louis.  As a Cubs
fan it is really hard to cheer on the Astros.  But against the Cards it was
surprisingly easy to do.

It's going to be hard to root on the Sox because first I am going to have to
learn their names...

Matthew Bos

Re: Action Alert: Ensure Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims!

2005-10-04 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 10/3/05 6:52 PM, Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know what you are saying. Electricians in NO make $22.09 /hr. This
 is comparable with Houston and is a fair wage for skilled electrical
 work in the commecial enviroment here in a Southern city. Compare that
 with the $40.00/hr electricians get in parts of California. (Can you
 say real estate crash..I thought you could!)

Summary is nobody with a journeyman card will accept less than that.
Period.  Even if DBA was in place or revoked.  NO is screwed because if a
journeyman can find work somewhere else (and they can), they will leave the
NO job market forever.

(My plant has been around for 100 years.  You should see some of the wiring
messes we have.)
 Good for you. Really! That is the responsible way to accept bids!

Management would have my ass if they found out, but cheap doesn't save me
money.  And I like buying stuff like Minster presses which always cost at
least 25% more than a Korean knockoff.  (if you want to know more...)

I would buy a 40 year old Minster press and retrofit it before I would buy a
Korean press.  Don't even ask me about a Chinese made press.

 You and I seem to be on converging paths here.G

As long as we don't discuss baseball and Blues music, we are covered.


Re: Action Alert: Ensure Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims!

2005-10-04 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 10/3/05 6:30 PM, Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fortunately the original purpose has prectically no relation to DBAs
 current purpose, now that racism is no longer in vogue.

I'm still not all that hip on the it was conceived for the wrong reasons,
but now it's OK line of thinking.  I still don't think it's necessary
today.  It's a bigger concern to me to stress quality and its value to a
society.  But that¹s the manufacturing engineer in me.

 Somewhat true, but even then it kept contractors from competing by
 lowering wages, which is what it does today. It also keeps contractors
 who hire the unskilled from bidding competitively, since the Gov.
 *has* to take the lowest bid.

I think that the lowest bid wins line of thinking should go to.  That
would help union jobs more than ANY benefit of DBA.

 Yesand what party did the sponsers belong to??
 Ah yes..the party that calls itself the Party Of Lincoln!
 I'm glad you recognise the delicious irony.

Racisim is not a one party trait.  I didn't look at the party affiliation of
the primary sponsors because it would have been a bad correlation.

 Ah...minority businesses get preferential treatment on government
 contracts. I've worked for minority contractors and have seen it
 firsthand. It is a good thing IMO, but DBA does *not* keep minority
 contractors out of the loop since they have other resources to draw

I don't like preferential treatment either.  But that's another topic...

 You've mentioned this a couple of times. I suppose you have never
 heard of apprenticeship or helpers. Jeezour union takes in
 non-union workers all the time (in addition to your regular organizing
 campaigns). Of the 9 journeymen working on my job ATM, 3 are organized
 hands. Technically, I was organized into apprenticeship, and I have
 done organizing work for my local.

Yes, I know about apprenticeships.  But under DBA work, everybody has to get
paid the same wage.  So somebody makes money on the apprentice's back.  You
can call this paying someone's dues.  But historically this has always
been the case.  For example Ben Franklin's apprenticeship with his brother.

 What was the effect on wages after Bush 41 repealed DBA because of
 Hurricane Andrew?  You know there is a history on this if you want
 find it.
 It has been done, but that doesn't make it right, then or now.

Nobody had their pay reduced because of it.  In fact, jobs were created in
the process.  It hurt no one.  This suspension will hurt no one either.  I
guess that could be the big danger the union has is; if the DBA is not
needed to save jobs, why do we need it?

 Sounds like a case of patent infringement. Are you in one of those
 situations where skilled labor will not increase efficiency enough to
 remain competitive?

My company has been around 100 years.  Our products are in 85% of America's
homes.  Most of our stuff has been on the market for more than 25 years.  It
would take 4 Mexican or 6 Chinese laborers to equal the output of 1 of my
union workers.  Three words - health care costs.

 I'm not sure I understand what you are saying in this sentence.

If a contractor has a choice of Military, Government, or private industry
work, who do you think they will choose?

They don't call it government work for nothing,
Matthew Bos

Re: Action Alert: Ensure Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims!

2005-10-04 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 10/3/05 11:49 AM, Gibson Jonathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Given the topics covered I'm going on my merry way knowing you disputed
 very little of what I put forth.  As I find my morning unexpectedly
 free of responsibility I can turn some attention to this and I'll
 respond to what you deemed worthy.

It's what I have time for...really.

 Well ... when people assume the worst archetypes {not necessarily you
 here} and respond to the crudest hind-brain insults I hear out of
 people aping Rush  Savage on the construction site as well as the
 country club I think it's all too appropriate to talk in short-hand.
 But a 'world of stereotypes', I think not.  I assess people by what
 they say and do.  Answering you in-depth is part of this.

I've never been to a country club (crashing one does not count :) ).  How
can you be a out of work construction guy and be in one?  Stop using
stereotypes in your arguments and maybe I'll believe you.

 I think you are somewhat correct on the history of DB you've answered
 elsewhere, but the conservatives DID fight it's enactment and as unions
 were pretty much white-only back then you score partial points.
 Successive court and legal battles have since made it egalitarian and
 worthy of retaining now.

See response to Rob

 Once more into the breech, How does depressing the wages of a
 recovering community help them rebuild their lives?

Again, it probably won't happen.  I am just curious on why this battle now?

 We really may only be arguing style over substance.

Probably, the more and varied t-cells that can attack any problem the
better.  Its the effects that having so many t-cells active that I wonder
When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail,
Matthew Bos

Re: Action Alert: Ensure Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims!

2005-10-02 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 10/1/05 8:18 PM, Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If $9/hr isn¹t going to attract skilled labor, isn't the absence of a low
 limit going to keep them away in droves?

You may have to pay people more than the prevailing wage to get down there.
DBA sets the wage in a locality.  I just think it's weird that everybody
thinks the wages will immediately plummet to $5.15.  The market price has
yet to be set.  If restrictions in supply caused prices to go down, we
wouldn't be paying $3 dollars a gallon now wouldn't we?
 If contractors can get really cheap labor, by what mechanism do they pass
 those savings on to the government?

The government saves money by accepting the lowest bid.  The contractor
saves money by not getting the best people to do the work done right the
first time.  I have never saved money by using a cheap bid.  That¹s why I
usually get five bids so I can throw a couple out.  I save money by
getting my stuff done on time, and on budget.  Most of the time by union
labor might I add.

 What the f**k is so great about Halliburton?  Every time I turn around
 they're being charged with ripping us off.

Nothing really.  They just have big toys and get to do big things that I
have a hard time contemplating.  Sometimes they make a lot of money and
sometimes they lose it.  They are the governmental contract equivalent of
Wal-Mart.  Nobody likes them either.


Re: Action Alert: Ensure Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims!

2005-10-02 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 10/2/05 2:46 AM, Gibson Jonathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Excuse me, but what about this Davis Bacon wage act is racist?
 Just what is your definition of racism?
 The American middle class didn't grow large until wage/union rules were
 enacted under the New Deal.  In case you haven't paid attention there
 are a heck-o-lot more po' white folk in America than po' black folk
 affected by this law - and all of them need to work.

Why don't you ask the people who live in the areas affected in the last LA
riots?  You could have helped out a lot of unemployed people out by paying
them 8 bucks an hour to learn how to frame a wall or run wire.  They might
even learn a trade.  Making people pay somebody 23 bucks to figure out if he
can use a hammer doesn't make much sense either.

 H-e-l-l-o, consumer confidence at 15-yr low now and societal leadership
 is rudderless.

I don't look to Government for societal leadership.  And thanks for the
useless factiod.

 You came on strong all full of opinion, so I don't mind rolling up my
 sleeves here and entering this swinging.  I call a spade a spade when I
 see it, and sorry, you are wrong on a number of fronts.  You appear
 ready to drag America back to some Dickens' world of Have Nots -v- Have
 Lots, as though the work of the Greatest Generation should be
 dismantled as the oldest of them watch.  There's a way to show honor to
 those who saved the world from Nazi's, heh?
 Have Republicans no shame?
 I have never let this so-called conservative noise-making go unanswered
 when I'm out and about and I see no reason to let such sociopathic
 philosophy spread further unchecked.  Please reconsider your stance and
 evaluate the RESULTANTS of what you see around you instead of the
 slogans people SAY - we may have more common ground than first

You are nothing more than slogan.  Do a five minute google search on the
history of DBA and how it came into existence.  If I want to hear more
useless crap I will read Free Republic or Democratic Underground.

We need more skilled labor in this country, but I don't know the best way to
get it.  We need to make things in this country again, and keep the
knowledge here.  It takes generations to build up the knowledge base
required for innovation and leadership.  We are gladly pissing it away for
some reason.  There is more than enough blame to go around.
 Let me guess: you're one of those
 'pull-yerselves-up-by-the-bootstraps' crowd that inherited most of your
 money:  yes-or-no?

Nope, and it is a sad world of stereotypes you live in.

 My favorite tool is a Stilleto Ruger Titanium 14oz hammer when I'm not
 mudding sheetrock or laying clear-water method ceramic tile.  I'd
 shovel shite to keep my family going ... what's your cred?

I have been on Brin-L for close to 9 years.  I started this list making
$5.70 and hour washing dishes in a nursing home.  And now as a engineer, I
think I even work harder than I did back then.

Favorite tool?  Porter-Cable reciprocating saw with a Lennox 12 inch carbide
tipped fire and rescue blade.  To paraphrase the movie Johnny Dangerously

This thing can cut through schools...
Matthew Bos


Re: Help!: fleas, dogs spiders

2005-10-02 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 10/2/05 2:23 PM, Gary Nunn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't know by you, but this year has been drier than most.  This brings
the bugs into your basements and on your dog.  Get a couple of big bags of
lawn bug killer.  One kill'em now, one keep on killing them.  Go around the
perimeter of you house heavy, then spread the rest over your entire lawn.

Enjoy pest-free life and thank your lucky stars you don't own a big hairy
dog with fleas!

Matthew Bos

Re: Action Alert: Ensure Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims!

2005-10-01 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 9/30/05 10:16 AM, Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Today I wrote a letter urging my member of Congress to sign on
 to legislation reinstating the wage protections enshrined in the
 Davis-Bacon Act. Two hundred representatives and 30 senators
 have already signed on. These numbers are encouraging, but they
 are not enough. Please join me by calling on your member of
 Congress to support the Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims Act.
 The people of the Gulf Coast are counting on us.

Why is it so important to keep this piece of racist depression-era crap on
the books?  Enshrined?  Don't make me puke.  Thanks for taking the party
line and avoiding any rational thought on this issue.

After all the volunteers go home, and they will, you will still have two to
three years of rebuilding to do.  How are you going to get all the skilled
workers down there?  I'm sure IBEW workers from NYC are just jumping at the
chance to earn 9 bucks an hour.  Do you have any kind of evidence of these
5.15 jobs?  An ad in the paper to prove me wrong?

This isn't about wages and you know it.  It's about government work and
union jobs and the nice cozy relationship enjoyed between the two.
Everybody loves to complain about Haliburton, but if they were strident
AFL-CIO you wouldn't hear one thing about them.  Like the unions have never
overcharged the US taxpayer for any government project.

I won't be supporting the Rebuild New Orleans With Union Labor or Else Act
or whatever it really is called.  You could also explain to me  how your
motives are not political in nature and only in the best interest of the
people affected by these storms.

Realize that any person in the skilled trades down there has more than
enough work to keep them busy for years to come. They can turn down any work
that won't pay them what they think they are worth.  So can the unskilled.
They are people, not victims.  Get your hands off them.

Matthew Bos


Re: Action Alert: Ensure Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims!

2005-10-01 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 10/1/05 6:40 AM, Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: know absolutely zip about the construction job market,
 Speaking of rational thought, why don't you learn something about the
 subject before you start spouting off.
 Oh wait, conservative...never mind!

I might not know anywhere as much as you, but I will award about 50 to 80K
of electrical work this year, along with subcontracting my house this year.
I work with a lot of contractors.  I pride myself with giving them enough
information to do the job right the first time.

You have experience, but I don't know in what.  You call contractors
scumbags without any explanation.

If you are a union member, how much would it take to get you to relocate
yourself to NO for a year?


Re: Action Alert: Ensure Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims!

2005-10-01 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 10/1/05 1:01 PM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have one question for Matthew:

 How many framing crews (by percentage) in your area are NOT at least
 half illegal Mexican immigrants?

Zero.  It's probably different in Texas, I know.  I'm in Michigan, and I
know things are different down south.


Re: Action Alert: Ensure Fair Wages for Hurricane Victims!

2005-10-01 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 10/1/05 2:52 PM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Without the prevailing wage stuff in place for LA (or TX construction,
 in the wake of Rita) there will probably be MORE people illegally
 working on the construction, because it'll be easier to haul them in and
 pay them less.  (Not that that's not going to happen anyway.)

There still isn't enough electricians in all of LA, MS, and AL to cover all
the damage done by Katrina.  How are you going to get other tradespeople to
go down there if the prevailing wage is lower than their home market?
 I think that between Rob and myself, we probably know a little more
 about construction in Texas than you do, at least in terms of who works
 in it and how much they're paid.  And our reactions to the LA
 construction are colored by *our* knowledge, which is somewhat different
 from what someone in Michigan knows.

I agree.  It doesn't make me wrong or that I don't know what I am talking
about.  On the whole, the Act sounds more politically moviated than anything


Re: Are you in the right religion?

2005-08-06 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 8/2/05 11:56 PM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There's something peaceful about being in a room full of people waiting
 for someone to be inspired to say something.

One of the nice benefits of Brin-L by the way...

Re: Are you in the right religion?

2005-08-06 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 8/6/05 9:49 AM, Warren Ockrassa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 6, 2005, at 6:45 AM, Matthew and Julie Bos wrote:
 On 8/2/05 11:56 PM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There's something peaceful about being in a room full of people
 for someone to be inspired to say something.
 One of the nice benefits of Brin-L by the way...
 Wait. Are you saying this list becomes silent?

We are never silent as a list, but people tend to post here when they are
inspired.  Inspired posts are always my favorite.  Like Gautam's take  on
Harry Potter's latest adventure and his actions as a hero.  Good stuff to
think on being a dad and all.

Right now, I can only listen, as I spend most of my summer away from home on
business.  I have to get back to yardwork, as I can't do it during the week.

Arizona is no summer vacation!
Matthew Bos

Re: Pensions

2005-06-12 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 6/7/05 2:33 PM, Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm glad to see that there are still sensible Republicans (like Bush 1) who
 know that voodoo ecconomics don't work.  Maybe a father and son talk would
 help our deficits. :-)

No it wouldn't.  We create deficits because we like to spend other people's
money.  It makes us feel good, it gives us power and comfort.  Irregardless
of who ever is president at any given time great sums of money have been
spent on people  who for some other reason or another couldn't take care of
themselves.  Now we are in trouble because the group who couldn't take care
of themselves now include members of I won't take care of myself, my
problems are because of somebody else so you have to take care of me, and 
I'm entitled to it, so give me what I want.

So company funded pension plans are simply imploding due to costs that were
never imagined.  How does that make ANYTHING the government has to offer any
different?  If you started a business that worked like social security, you
would be in jail.  As much as you like to bash companies for acting in
self-interest, I just want to point out that the government funded
alternatives face the same problem.

Oh my solution?  Since we younger gen's have to wait you boomers out, and
there is no way you are going to let us off the hook.  I will propose the

1.  Keep social security and Medicare open for business for those currently
over 35.
2.  Those 35 and unders will still have to pay the way for those above them.
But they will have to invest at least 10 percent of their wages into some
kind of investment.  Anything beats the government, because they too can
back out of their promises.  No SS or Medicare for this group unless they
are have no money.
3.  At 65, if you have more than 500,000 in net worth you get nothing from
the government.  That would change if you ran out of money, of course.

The only positive thing us under 35 people get is the comfort of getting rid
of something that won't work, for the benefit of the next generation who
won't have to pay in to schemes designed for power, comfort, and good

Matthew Bos
(Who will be in Tucson AZ for the next week or so.  Please pardon my lack of
response until I get back)


Re: why thinking bad

2005-05-07 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 5/4/05 6:14 PM, Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 4 May 2005 13:04:59 -0700, d.brin wrote
 The following, psassed on by Joe Miller.
 Ouch.  Stomach hurt.  Laughing too hard.

I have always though Dr. Brin should write the short story...

Everything I Know About the Republican Party I Learned by Watching Porky's

But somebody beat him to it... :)

Matthew Bos


Re: Irregulars question: Nothing to do with computers as such

2005-02-12 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 2/11/05 9:47 AM, Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If there is any such problem, I'd imagine that using a relay, so that the
 drain comes straight off
 the battery, would mitigate it, since car batteries act as pretty good voltage
 regulators on their own.
 Never heard of such a problem, though.

I agree with Nick on this, mostly because auto computers are pretty well
isolated from lighting circuits and other high amperage automotive systems.

Since I come from the Tim Allen school of automotive lighting  (I am a fan
of rally racing and lots of big driving lights), I suggest the following
website for all your automotive lighting needs...

They even have a diagram of the basic wiring diagram.   And if you need it
you can purchase a wiring kit from them.  The diagram is at:

If you need more answers, now you know who to call!

Matthew Bos


Re: Dimebag Darrell Killed

2004-12-10 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 12/10/04 1:59 PM, Travis Edmunds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For a short time Jim I was worried that nobody would reply, and that I had
 actually imagined past music conversations with some of you folks. Including
 Anyway I really have nothing to say about this, other than reiterate the
 fact that it's stupid. Beyond stupid even.

Nope I don't get it either.  Some people just have a hard time with change.
Especially things beyond their control.  Sad social commentary.

I am old enough that I remember when mosh pits were new and actually pretty
fun places to be.  Just a nice place to let some energy out without hurting
anyone.  Times have changed to the point that you wouldn't catch me in one
of those things.

Caught in a Mosh Maru
Matthew Bos


Re: So it begins.... Evangelicals to Bush: Payback Time

2004-11-30 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 11/30/04 4:34 PM, William T Goodall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I did, and got.
 16   -   Your score rates you as high-grade non-homophobic.
 I did too!
 10   -   Your score rates you as high-grade non-homophobic.

I got a 24 which is also high-grade non-homophobic

Which therefore I can be... Republican, conservative, Christian, and
anti-gay marriage and still not be homophobic.

Matthew Bos


Re: Xbox verses PS2

2004-09-25 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 9/25/04 8:38 PM, Gary Nunn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, seeing as haw we have some of the most intelligent, passionate geeks on
 the planet on this list, I was wondering if anyone had an opinion on either
 game console. 

As I am hopelessly addicted to Colin McRae rally, my family bought me a Xbox
for Father's Day.  I love it for its hard drive.  It has proved to be a
great improvement over my previous gaming system--the  almighty Atari 2600.

I feel kinda guilty though, as it is the only Microsoft driven thing I own.
Then again if I want to open a can of whoop-ass on Return to Castle
Wolfenstein the  dual G5 is there waiting for me.  Ditto for Halo2.

Sorry W.T.
Matthew Bos


Re: Help! Offshoring/Outsourcing

2004-09-20 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 9/20/04 8:55 PM, Gautam Mukunda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Given the disparity between me and the other people on the panel, I'm not
kidding or engaging in false modesty when I say the odds are that I'm going
to come off very, very badly.

Give me a break, like that's ever going to happen!  Just so you won't be
stuck with a knife in a gun fight

It's study of outsourcing effects on the state of Michigan. (Where I live)

I could come up with more, but I need to pack for a two week business trip
to  Huntsville.  My goal is to eliminate some of our own outsourcing and
bring production back in house.

Steve Sloan, if you get stuck in traffic on Wednesday morning because a
seriously oversized tractor-trailer is snaking its way through Huntsville it
is really my fault.  At 10:00 I will be taking delivery of a 400 metric ton
stamping press.  It weighs in at 130,000 pounds.  Its going to be cool to
see it going down the road!

The company that I bought it from is a Japanese press manufacturer who
decided to build the world's largest press building facility in Dayton Ohio.
Just an example of how outsourcing actually helps America.

Matthew Bos

PS - Steve Sloan is much taller in real life than how he appears on the


Re: Week 2 NFL Picks

2004-09-20 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 9/19/04 12:38 PM, iaamoac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Chicago, ever just getting upset by Detroit is nowheres near good
 enough to go into Green Bay and win.  I like the Packers.

The W stands for wrong!  (Say it like Kerry, it makes it funnier)

There is no greater football-related joy in my life than seeing the Bears
win at Lambeau field.  If this is the only game the Bears win this year, I
consider the entire year a success.  Lovie Smith became my hero when he said
that beating the Packers was his highest priority.  Watching Brett Farve
lose was a joy.

Matthew Bos
And yes Julia, I hate them that much.  One of my fantasies in life is to
paint the Lombardi statue outside of Lambeau Field blue and orange.  Once I
figure out how to get out of Wisconsin alive after I do it, it can happen.


Re: Did you want the naked bike ride or the church youth group ride?

2004-06-03 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 6/3/04 1:32 PM, Gary Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 They have tried in vain to get local authorities to ban the nudists to
 stop them clashing with the youth chapter of the Reformed Church when
 they both take to the road in the eastern town of Apeldoorn on June

Wow, I didn't even know they still had Reformed Churches in the Netherlands.
I thought we were run out of there a long time ago.  And yes, I am a youth
group leader in a Reformed  Church (CRC to be exact).

As long as they weren't in OUR group, we would probably have a good laugh
with it.  I guess we are a little more liberal than those from the mother

Matthew Bos


Re: right-wingers favorite company Wal-Mart fined for Clean Water Act violations

2004-05-12 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 5/12/04 11:08 PM, The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The fine was the largest civil penalty ever against a company for storm
 water runoff violations. Officials said they hoped the settlement with
 the world's biggest retailer would set an example for smaller companies.

I read this as first we screw the big guys, then we will go after the little
guy.  To plagiarize the diamond industry Because precedence is forever.
With this ruling in their back pocket the EPA can fine anybody who is
putting up a building with a parking lot.

I will now have to add to my list of structures that have lawsuits attached
to every proposed construction...nuclear power plants, petroleum refineries,
and Wall Marts.

 If evil could be branded, its emblem would be the Wal-Mart logo.

You don't get out much do you?



Re: Beheading Avenges Prison Abuse

2004-05-12 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 5/12/04 6:07 AM, Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The phrase is waiting for the other shoe to drop and the idea is
 that things are not finished here yet.

To me it means an inevitable event.  Something that can't be stopped or
suppressed.  Or see the following:

I may have jumped off the deep end with equating what you said with
justification.  But in essence it is darn close and it still makes me angry.
Just don't take it personally, it just rubbed me the wrong way.



Re: Trailer trash... but no less American

2004-05-11 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 5/11/04 10:04 PM, William T Goodall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In other words, to the America that the New York Times addresses,
 redneck still means bigot and - this is not putting it too strongly -
 pervert. What would have clinched the dismissal of the Abu Ghraib
 incidents as the excesses of people whom enlightened America despises
 was the specifically sexual element of degradation.
 If the US Army is now recruiting no-hopers from its social swamps,
 then it must come to terms with the fact that they, too, are Americans,
 who are prepared to die for their country - however alien their idea of
 it may be to their condescending countrymen.

But don't people in New York and San Francisco pay a lot of money to people
who will abuse them and put them on leashes?

Just a thought,
Matthew Bos


Re: Beheading Avenges Prison Abuse

2004-05-11 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 5/11/04 10:23 PM, Gary Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Michael Berg said he blamed the U.S. government for creating
 circumstances that led to his son's death. He said if his son hadn't
 been detained for so long, he might have been able to leave the
 country before the violence worsened.

As much as he has a right to be angry, I blame the guy with the knife and
his masked buddies.  But then again I do gloss over the big issues...



Re: Beheading Avenges Prison Abuse

2004-05-11 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 5/11/04 8:58 PM, Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Other Shoe Maru

As much as I like tag lines, this one gets me.  These people can kill a man
on video, and you can go ahead and justify it.  Great.  At least I can get a
taste of what I am going to read tomorrow in the New York Times.

Matthew Bos


Re: Brin: More on the environmental movement

2004-04-22 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 4/22/04 7:08 PM, The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am curious
 as to your thoughts on the matter, as I think this particular article is
 one of the most mendacious pieces of propaganda ever written.

Kevin, take this as a complement from Kneem!  Because  we all know what he
posts it the unvarnished truth.  I can go to sleep happy now because that
was the funniest thing I read today.

Kettle meet pot,
Matthew Bos



2004-04-08 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 4/8/04 9:47 PM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Unless someone's offering a margarita (on the rocks, with salt) made
 with Jose Cuervo Gold.

I will repeat the warning that I was given on a business trip to
Mexicali...Don't drink that Jose Cuervo crap!  This free piece of advice
was given to me by the Governor of Baja California.

He proved that point by summoning two waiters to provide me two shots of his
favorite tequila, with limes and a Dos Equis to wash it down.  I am usually
not a straight tequila person...but when in Rome...  After the shots he
asked me what I thought of it.  I guess my answer was good enough that he
summoned the waiter to bring me a bottle on the house. :)

Conservative beer drinker...
Matthew Bos
(if you are wondering, the tequila was Herencia del Plata)


Re: This time I won't blame Bush

2004-04-08 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 4/9/04 12:29 AM, Tom Beck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The story about the young man who drowned in mud had me almost shaking
 with rage. The fact that literally nothing was done to punish the woman
 who owns the company that employed him - how can _anyone_ not feel
 infuriated by the lack of justice in this case?

As someone who lives and breathes OSHA and MiOSHA all day long, that case
made me very angry.  I am in charge of buying large stamping presses and
safety is something that I plan from the beginning of any project.  The sad
thing about OSHA is that they only go where the money is.  Since I work for
a large corporation, we are under a lot more scrutiny than a small business
with 5-10 employees.  But more often than not...its employees not thinking
about what they're doing.

Eyeglasses with sideshields required,
Matthew Bos


Re: Frequent ejaculation may protect against cancer

2004-04-08 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 4/9/04 1:08 AM, Tom Beck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Buy stock in companies that make lubricants!

You may go blind...but you will have a healthy prostate!

Matthew Bos


Long Drives and Open Roads

2004-04-06 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
One of my favorite things in life is driving down the road less traveled.
If I could figure out a way for people to pay me for driving around, getting
lost, and drinking coffee in remote would be good.

If you have some free time, follow the link to THE road less traveled.  And
probably for good reason.

Would I make the journey if I had the chance? Only if I could start in

Curiosity killed the cat,
Matthew Bos
(Satisfaction brought him back)


Do anything fun over the weekend?

2004-03-28 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
This weekend I watched my friend put his new two-seater ultralight into the
air.  While doing this we ate Oreo's and chocolate milk.  Anneka walked for
8 consecutive steps!  Then we ate hot dogs at the park.

Just a non-political break in the action,
Matthew Bos


Re: Do anything fun over the weekend?

2004-03-28 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 3/29/04 12:22 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oreo's are for regular milk.
 Vanilla wafers are for chocolate milk.

The best is hand-dipped chocolate Oreo's with chocolate milk.  It goes like

1. Bite corner of cookie
2. Dunk bitten corner of cookie into chocolate milk
3. After 5 seconds remove from milk
4. Consume
5. Repeat

 Drove back from Phoenix by taking the frontage road as much as possible.
 Service engine soon light was on all the way.
 No idea why.

Do you by chance own a Land Rover?

Matthew Bos


Re: Sex Crazed Pantywaists (was:Re: Emulation)

2004-03-16 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 3/16/04 8:12 PM, Robert Seeberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now you know why the leading causes of teen pregnancy are bathrooms
 and open windows, and why younger neoconservatives resemble older
 progressives. Its also why Ann Coulter is so mean. If you had to get a
 full wax every other day so you could protect yourself with duct tape
 you would be chock full of attitude too.

This is the funniest thing I have read today.  Robert why don't you get your
own radio show?  

You can have Molly; I'll stick to Ann,
Matthew Bos


Re: I just died in your arms tonight

2004-03-08 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 3/8/04 5:47 PM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hm.  My usual help keep me awake to drive home combo was Coca-cola and
 MMs.  :)

Mine is chocolate covered espresso beans.  A word of caution, do not ingest
more than a half a pound at a time.  Getting pulled over for doing thirty
over and only being able to talk like Beavis (in full on Cornholio) will do
bad things for your driving record and insurance rates.

Its like meth...only legal,
Matthew Bos


Re: This Is Spinal Ta-, er, Metallica

2004-02-27 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 2/27/04 1:04 PM, Travis Edmunds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You like Slayer!? Neat. How heavy are you willing to go, if you don't mind
 my asking? Do you listen to the likes of Sepultura, Soulfly, Pantera, White
 Zombie, Coal Chamber, or newer bands like Godsmack, Papa Roach, Korn,
 Static-X, Andrew W.K., Sevendust, Drowning Pool, Flaw?

I have never had the response of neat whenever I say I listen to Slayer.
That's a new one.  How heavy do I go?  Well for short periods of time I can
handle some Napalm Death...but most of the other death metal has no appeal
to me.  Too fast to be useful, and the lyrics are downright stupid.  About
the other bands, I have listened to them all...but I can't recall any song
by Flaw.  My favorites on that list would be Mr. Zombie, Pantera, Static-X,
AWK, and Sevendust.  Other current faves are Fear Factory, KMFDM, and Type 0

 So I'm a walking contradiction...

Music isn't a rational enjoyment...we like what we like.  No contradiction
there.  Although I might have to cut down on the Slayer and the Lords of
Acid if I am elected Deacon in my church.

 Satriani is one of my fav guitarists. Though he is behind Vai, Malmsteen,
 Buckethead, and a few other select band guitarists such as Slash, Bratta,
 Van Halen, Petrucci and perhaps a few others.

We are going to have to agree to disagree about this...the teacher has yet
to be bettered by the pupil.  Joe is simply more incredibler* in my opinion.
If you have a good home theater spend the 15 bucks or so to get the DVD Live
in San Francisco.  Get the volume past 30% and make your mind happy.  Joe is
so technically perfect, I still have a hard time believing he plays that

My list of guitar masters are Hendrix, Vaughn, Satriani, and Carlos (you may
call him Mr. Santana)  The world is a better place because of them.

New cool guitar orientated rock groups?  The Darkness, and Los Lonely Boys.

Long hair no more,
Matthew Bos

* - I voted for Bush, I can do that :) 


Re: No Predictions But...

2004-02-22 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 2/22/04 4:56 AM, The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 'Cept the Cubs will Lose the Pennant to the Mets.  The Mets will go on to
 trounce the Yankees in the World Series.

Normally I only question your sanity with respect to politics...but this is
madness, sheer madness I say!  I feel bad saying this 'cus I am a Cub fan;
its time for the USS Kneem to orbit planet Reality for some well deserved

1969 is not a memory for me,
Matthew Bos
(for I was born on the day the music died)


No Predictions But...

2004-02-21 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
It's against my religion to predict anything regarding the Chicago
Cubs...but I am excited for the season to start.  Nothing Gautam can say can
bring me down at this point.  Bring it on, Astro fans, its time for you to
get your super-sized bucket of suck.  Cardinal fans?  No hope for you

It really feels great to be talking smack in the middle of February. :)

For its one, two, three strikes you're out,
Matthew Bos


Re: No Predictions But...

2004-02-21 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 2/21/04 11:53 PM, Gautam Mukunda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm pretty excited myself.  The Yankees and Red Sox
 are definitely the two best teams in the Majors, but
 I'm not sure that the Cubs are far behind.  I have
 some questinos about their offense, but their pitching
 will be superb as long as Dusty Baker doesn't ride
 their young guns into the ground.

The tickets to get this year are for the following series: Yankees vs. Red
Sox and Cubs vs. Astros.  That's all you are going to need to know this
year.  The Cub's offense will ebb and flow throughout the year, as it always
does.  One just hopes it peaks at the right time.
 One note of warning.  Mark Prior was the most-abused
 pitcher in the Majors last year.  He has the best
 mechanics of any pitcher of his age ever recorded, so
 if anyone can survive that, he can.  Nonetheless, that
 would be my major concern if I were a Cubs fan.

We Cub fans worry about EVERYTHING, not just pitching.  I am a little less
worried about it now that Maddux has returned to the roost.  As one of the
best pitchers in baseball (other than Clemens) he may be able to teach the
young guns pitch economy, location, and speed change strategies.  If that
works out half as well as Cub fans dream about...well just the thought of it
makes me smile.  

Ah the matchups
Wood vs. Clemens 
Prior vs. Oswalt
Maddux vs. Pettitte.

Its going to be a great year,
Matthew Bos


Re: A Chink in the Armor

2004-01-01 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 1/1/04 6:00 PM, Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How'd I know I'd get a reply from you 8^)
 I don't doubt that Apples manufacturing is superior.  That's one of the
 reasons their computers cost more.

Please don't remind me of that.  I almost get physically sick every time I
see one of those Gateway ads for a 600 buck complete system.

Plus PC are so much lighter than our new dual G5.  The thing is a brick.
Why the entire case has to be made out of metal is beyond me.  It has
something like 7 fans to keep it cool.  I am trying to figure out how to
keep dog hair out of it.

But man is it cool.  And if you're really quiet, you'll here the other G4's
in our house whimper.

 Why don't they have easily replicable batteries like cameras?  18 months
 seems like a short lifespan especially considering the cost of the
 product.  I don't think I'd buy anything that expensive with an integrated

I will be buying one of those Apple care plans for my ipod.  Apple can't
have enough of our money :(

Steve Jobs sends us Xmas cards,
Matthew and Julie Bos


Re: Back to telescopes...

2003-12-07 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 12/6/03 11:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I haven't heard more about the telescope buying project.

Oops, I should write more often, but life's been a blur lately.  I am going
to buy either a 3 or a 4.5 inch reflector scope from Orion this week.  They
also give out a copy their astronomy software with the scope (a nice touch).
And  I will shuck out the little bit extra for the equatorial mount.

My kids had a great time watching the lunar eclipse.  We would watch
cartoons for a little bit, and then see how the moon got smaller over time.
Nathaniel can't wait to see Saturn with a real telescope.  I guess the
Playstation is going to have to wait another year.

A belated thank-you to Robert Chassell for all links to astronomy minutia
that I would have never found on my own.  Robert recommended a larger scope,
(4-6 inches) but I have a hard time plunking down that kind of coin on
people who are still very hard on equipment.  Maybe when I build my barn
with silo-style observatory (and beer drinking platform) I'll buy one of
those big mirror Star-Splitter Newtonians and watch the heavens really open
up. (

Oh, and for Julie?  A Kitchen Aid mixer.  Really, it's the only thing she
really wants.  I'm still thinking about diamond earrings, but I am afraid
that Anneka will rip them out.

Waiting for snow,
Matthew Bos


Re: life at fox news

2003-10-30 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 10/30/03 3:42 AM, The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoted the following
excerpt of another article:

 My advice to the pundits: If you really want to know about bias at Fox,
 talk to the grunts who work there - the desk assistants, tape editors,
 writers, researchers and assorted producers who have to deal with it
 every day. Ask enough of them what goes on, promise them anonymity, and
 you'll get the real story.

I am so glad that the same thing can't occur over at CNN.  Ted Turner really
knows how to keep his personal politics out of the newsroom.  Wha-wha-wha.

You know what, we are big people.  We know spin when we see it and we know
liberal and conservative viewpoints when we see them.  The  Fox news channel
is the only network that treats a conservative viewpoint as something worthy
of consideration. You most likely have a problem with that.  It also
explains why they have been so successful.  That being said, I found the
perfect counter article:

We¹re Not Losing the Culture Wars Anymore
Brian C. Anderson

The Left¹s near monopoly over the institutions of opinion and
information‹which long allowed liberal opinion makers to sweep aside ideas
and beliefs they disagreed with, as if they were beneath argument‹is
skidding to a startlingly swift halt. The transformation has gone far beyond
the rise of conservative talk radio, that, ever since Rush Limbaugh¹s debut
15 years ago, has chipped away at the power of the New York Times, the
networks, and the rest of the elite media to set the terms of the nation¹s
political and cultural debate. Almost overnight, three huge changes in
communications have injected conservative ideas right into the heart of that
debate. Though commentators have noted each of these changes separately,
they haven¹t sufficiently grasped how, taken together, they add up to a
revolution: no longer can the Left keep conservative views out of the
mainstream or dismiss them with bromide instead of argument. Everything has

I guess to be fair and balanced  I will have to watch CNN and Fox, but that
takes way to much time.  I will just keep to Rush and NPR during my working

Matthew Bos

(Oh, and by the way, I found the perfect X-mas present for you...
Just tell me where to ship it :) )


First Timers Telescope

2003-10-30 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
My son Nathaniel (6) is asking for a telescope for Christmas this year.  I
am looking to spend about 100-150 dollars for it (I have always wanted one
too!).  What would be a good new model in that price range? What would be a
good used telescope in that price range?  I would rather ask this group than
to to the reviews on  Thanks for the advice in advance.

Matthew Bos


Re: life at fox news

2003-10-30 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 10/31/03 12:46 AM, The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ted turner hasn't controlled CNN for a very long time now.

Officially that may be the case.  All it takes is a phone call.

 As opposed to MSNBC, with Michael savage (who was fired for his extremely
 bigoted remarks), and Scarbourough, who unlike O'reilly (A registered
 republican outed by the Washington Post who writes articles for
 exclusively extremist right-wing magazines like townhall, newsmax,
 worldnetdaily, and gives speeches to republican national committee
 rallies) who unabashedly shows off his extremist right-wing viewpoint.
 Lets not forget How MSNBC fired Donahue, their highest rated show (with
 rating continuing to go up), and replaced it with scaroughbough whose
 ratings are less than stellar and not going up at all.  Or perhaps you
 remember last year when MSNBC had religious extremist Alan Keys doing a
 daily show.

Michael is better on the radio.  I can't stand Scarbourgh and Keys.  I have
a hard enough time with Hannity and Colmes. Donahue's ratings almost went
negative they were that bad.  MSNBC's ratings are never that great.
Townhall is mainstream conservative site.  The whacko hang out at Free
Republic, but you know that.  Newsmax and WorldNetDaily are more concerned
that you buy something from them.
 If people wanted to read extremist right-wing newspapers then they would.
 They Exist.  The Washington Times has one of the smallest circulation's
 of any paper in the country, and in fact Sun Young Moon (who owns it) has
 spent more than 2 Billion dollars of his own money to keep the Washington
 Times afloat.  In the same way the New York Post loses 20 Million dollars
 a year, and has lost about that much for about the last 25 years.

Wall Street Journal?  Oh, that one makes money.

 They aren't conservative, they're extremist.  There's a difference.

You use the terms interchangeably, could you give me your definitions?  I am
a religious conservative.  I want to know how to get to extreme.  Remember
extreme is in :)

 I'll see your article and raise you a 'Rush, Newspeak and Fascism':

Deal.  As long as you read mine, I'll read yours.  I have listened to Rush
for about 10 years now...I really need to understand how he can be fascist
when he doesn't hold a government position and he is against big government.

Crum, I missed Adult Swim for this!
Matthew Bos


Re: snarkyness on the edge of town

2003-10-28 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 10/28/03 12:01 AM, Ronn!Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At the bottom of the form in tiny  type was the footnote:

Note to self:

Stop signing anonymous memos with the Management, start using required by
USA Patriot Act

Matthew Bos


Re: New mini cooper

2003-09-22 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 9/22/03 4:34 PM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Congratulations!  I wish great comfort upon his mother.  :)

She's just really glad she didn't have a Freightliner!

Matthew Bos


Re: New mini cooper

2003-09-22 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 9/22/03 3:06 PM, Chad Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We took delivery of a new MINI Cooper around 3:30 pm Tuesday.
 For those interested in the specs:
 MINI Cooper (Baby body style)
 Name: Collin Ridley Cooper

Whoo-whee!  Great news!  Congratulations to you and your wife.

Matthew Bos


Re: 2003 NFL Preview

2003-09-06 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 9/6/03 11:49 PM, Kevin Tarr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The bears will suck so bad they'll wish  they were playing in Champaign

You said that just to get at me.  You are still angry that the Bears keep
beating the Falcons no matter how good or bad they are.  But what really
angers me is that both you and John picked the Lions over the Bears.  No
matter if you are the only other list-member who owns Kix albums; you have
really crossed the line.

As long as the Bears beat the Packers on Monday night when the stadium
opens, all else can be forgiven.

Let the games begin!
Matthew Bos


Re: I've done it again!

2003-08-14 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 8/12/03 2:04 PM, Adam C. Lipscomb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Reproduced, that is.

Congratulations!  It is nice to come back to the list and have some great
news!  Welcome to the months of sleeplessness!  May the bags under your eyes
be small.

Let's see some pictures,
Matthew Bos


Re: New list members

2003-04-02 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 4/2/03 9:55 PM, Reggie Bautista [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Matt replied:
 So if you're the Crone, and Julia's the Goddess,
 who's the Maiden?
 Is Kat still on the list?

No Kat is the Princess!

Fuse lit, finding shelter
Matthew Bos


Re: Down with Texas!

2003-04-01 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 4/1/03 12:31 AM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now I don't know whether to feel more sorry for you or not.  Cubs?

Once you are a Cubs are always a Cubs fan.  My grandmother was a
huge Cub fan.  It was rare for her to miss a game either on radio or TV.
She was born in 1911 and always said she would stick around until the Cubs
won the world series.  Well, she got tired of waiting.  So now it is up to
the rest of the family to keep the faith.

Give me a sunny day at Wrigley Field in June, and I can make anybody a Cubs
fan.  Well, maybe not a White Sox fan.  Some people never learn.

I have two favorite teams in baseball... The Cubs and whoever is playing the
White Sox.

Now all I am waiting for is for Gautam to swoop down with his baseball
predictions and crush my expectations for the coming year.  If he would only
wait a bit, that fate is usually known by early June., a...two, a...three!!
Matthew Bos

 Red Sox fan, trying not to get sucked in this year, but you *know* it'll

Ah, so you admit to having a problem too?  :)  Oh and congratulations on the
news!  Boy, I'm even less punctual than Joanne.


Re: Down with Texas!

2003-03-31 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 3/30/03 7:47 PM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Matthew and Julie Bos wrote:
 On 3/30/03 4:19 PM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now, which tournament are you talking about -- the men's or the women's?
 Oh, it really doesn't matter, Michigan State is better.
 Then why did they lose by, what was it, something like 9 points?  :)

Because, even if we is still no excuse not to turn over cop cars
and burn stuff!

Actually the loss wasn't that bad.  Just call it training for the upcoming
Cubs season.

Matthew Bos


Down with Texas!

2003-03-30 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
Go Spartans!

Matthew Bos


Re: Down with Texas!

2003-03-30 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 3/30/03 4:19 PM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Matthew and Julie Bos wrote:
 Go Spartans!
 Them's fighting words!

That's what I meant them as! :)

Now all we have to do is prank call my uncle (Prof at U of T) a couple of
He he he!

 Now, which tournament are you talking about -- the men's or the women's?

Oh, it really doesn't matter, Michigan State is better.



Re: Question regarding a couple of (non-fiction!) books

2003-03-22 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 3/19/03 4:23 PM, Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone here read both _Late-Talking Children_ and _The Einstein
 Syndrome_, both by Thomas Sowell?

I have only read _Late Talking Children_ .   Awesome book.  I read it
because I was a late talker.  I started around the age of five.  It freaked
my parents out because when I started talking, it was only in complete
sentences. (That and I could read at the fifth grade level).

I would recommend anything by Thomas Sowell.  I like him as much as Brin.



Re: ADD/ADHD (was RE: Head Injuries (was Re: Anger)

2003-02-23 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
Ronn wrote:

 I have to wonder how many of those kids diagnosed with ADD/ADHD today are
 really just like I was then:  bored out of their minds and restless.

Ronn, you were just ahead of your time!  I too was bored out of my mind.
Spent most of my childhood in advanced classes being bored out of my mind.
Did my level best to screw everything up during high school. And half-way
through college was diagnosed with ADD after a religion professor noted my
erratic writing style.  I thought he was just picking on another engineering

Spent the next year on 30mg of Ritalin every three waking hours.  After
awhile I burnet out...then they put me on Prozac.  The only time I felt any
better is when I quit that stuff and learned how to study and succeed on my

Which brings me to this.  I just got back from parent/teacher conferences to
find out that Nathaniel is just like me.  How do I keep this kid engaged in
school?  How do I lead him around the ruts that boredom can lead to?  We on
this list turned out just fine, but not everybody does.

I think meds are the last solution I would take.  Maybe for now I'll settle
for some good first sci-fi books for reading aloud.  Something that will
make me shake off my dry monotone speaking style and open those blue eyes to
some place only imagination can take you to.

Matthew Bos

(Who declined to tell Nathaniel's kindergarten teacher about the times that
I would sneak out of the window during first grade.  Being stuck in a room
for eight hours was such a bitch...)


Re: Bush Seeks To Roll-Back Clean Air Rules

2002-11-30 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 11/30/02 3:41 PM, Doug [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hmm, do you have to be a Democrat to be susceptible to mercury or
 dioxins?  Ohio plants alone released more than 1,600 lbs of mercury in
 1998 and the state has issued warnings about eating fish caught in their
 waters.  Dioxins are released in much smaller numbers, but are also
 thought to pose health risks even at very low levels.  And of course the
 pollution Ohio creates doesn't just pollute Ohio.  That's why a group of
 Northeast states are threatening to suit to prevent the changes from
 taking effect.

No you don't have to be a Democrat to be susceptible to mercury or dioxins.
It is, however, a big stretch to shift the blame to a particular group for a
problem that has existed since the burning of coal as a fuel.  You will not
get any disagreement from me that the reduction of mercury is a worthwhile
goal.  What's being done about it?  I am glad you asked.  From the article:

An excerpt from the article:

Cherokee Station coal-powered plant, Denver, Colorado. The Public Service
Company of Colorado relies primarily on coal for power generation at the
Cherokee Station and its other power plants. A mercury emissions control
system now used on municipal waste incinerators is being adapted to function
on coal-fired power plants by Consol Inc. of Library, Pennsylvania. The
system is expected to remove not only mercury but also sulfur pollutants
that can create visible plumes and contaminate other pollution control

The Consol project is one of six new projects selected by the U.S.
Department of Energy to curb mercury emissions from coal-fired plants more
effectively that systems in use today and at a fraction of current costs.
The program is designed to address environmental objections to the continued
burning of coal to generate electricity. Coal currently generates just over
half of America's electrical power.

The six proposals, selected by the Energy Department's National Energy
Technology Laboratory, will receive nearly $8 million in federal funds. The
proposers will contribute nearly $2.3 million in cost sharing funding.

U.S. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham says the Bush administration's
newly announced National Energy Policy calls for this type of technological
ingenuity to meet many of the nation's energy and environmental goals.

The Anti-Christ strikes again! But this one did not make the news.

 So we have the industry trying to extend the lives of the plants that
 pollute the most by working around the rules.  It is unfortunate that
 one of the only ways we have to impose our values on consciousless
 corporations is to sue them, but there is often no alternative.

But from your same quoted article comes the following:

The Clinton EPA suits allege 51 coal-fired power plants made repairs and
changes dating as far back as 1975, and as recent as 2000, that did not
comply with permitting and the application of technologies as called for in
NSR. Industry questions why EPA, as well as state and local environmental
officials, inspected their sites throughout the previous decades and never
raised the possibility of enforcement action.

We have a legal process, said Gaynor. Congress enacts laws. EPA issues
regulations. Industry abides by those laws and regulations. What this
[Clinton] NSR initiative is all about is EPA not following the normal
rulemaking processes to establish an interpretation of the law, and instead
it is trying to argue that the interpretation that they're now seeking to
enforce has always been in existence, when in fact it hasn't been.

The Clinton era EPA changed the rules to a place where they were never meant
to be.  Bush switched them back.  Yes, the old plants stay put, but they can
get better.  And they should.  And they will.  People will demand it, again
this is not a bad thing.

Oh, and about the fifteen percent.  I'll make a correction down to 12
percent, but that's my final offer.  (It just takes time to track down
source documentation (That is unless your name is Dan M.)).

Detroit Edison is proposing to replace the entire high-pressure sections of
two turbines to allow for the use of a new type of turbine blade and to
reconfigure the design in order to improve efficiency and reduce maintenance
costs. To install the Dense Pack, Detroit Edison must shut down the units.
Detroit Edison expects the installation to take approximately 44 days, and
plans to complete the installation during the time normally allotted for
turbine outages. Installation of the Dense Pack would involve replacement
and reconfiguration of blades in the high-pressure sections of the two
units, using rotors and casings to support the new blade configuration. In
addition, the Dense Pack would use a newer, substantially improved type of
blade than is currently in use at the Monroe facility.

As noted above, Detroit Edison states that the high pressure sections of 

Re: Bush Seeks To Roll-Back Clean Air Rules

2002-11-26 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 11/25/02 12:41 PM, The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoted the
following article:

 Existing rules require U.S. utilities and refineries to invest in
 state-of-the-art pollution controls if a plant undergoes a major
 expansion or modification. The issue is pivotal for aging coal-fired
 utilities in the Midwest that could face hundreds of millions of dollars
 in new investments.  Under the proposed rules, the EPA would change the
 definition of routine maintenance to give utilities more leeway to
 modify a plant without triggering extra pollution-reduction requirements.

So let's say that a coal fired power plant wanted to upgrade their steam
turbines to a new design that was 15 percent more efficient than their
previous design.  Under the old (Clinton era) rules, this would trigger the
EPA to force new source review; killing the upgrade because of the
hundreds of millions of dollars to upgrade the entire plant to the highest
achievable standards.  So instead of being 15 percent more efficient, plants
are only being maintained and not improved.   Maybe you would like to
explain how in this case the Clinton era policy actually helps the

The Bush rollback consists of putting the new source review back to
where it belongs, namely in ensuring that any new power plant be built to
utilize the best pollution fighting technology available.  Old coal plants
are by definition old.  They should be allowed to upgrade as necessary
without being burdened with regulations that only brand new power plants
should adhere to.

 Critics also warned that the new proposal could endanger ongoing
 lawsuits brought by the EPA against nine U.S. utilities to enforce the
 new source review rules.

Always important to sue utility companies.  It's only one of the ways the
government makes everything we buy just a little more expensive.  And maybe
a little less cleaner than they should be.

Hanging with the Anti-Christ,
Matthew Bos


Re: Bush Seeks To Roll-Back Clean Air Rules

2002-11-26 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 11/27/02 12:51 AM, Doug [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is 15% a realistic number or is 1.5% closer to the mark?  How long will
 upgrading the polluting plant allow it to continue to spew carcinogens
 and acidic byproducts into our air and what is the cost to the state and
 federal governments, not to mention the citizenry, for not upgrading
 these destructive plants?   The Bush administration is excellent at
 making short term, stopgap measures look good for the economy, but I'm
 more interested in preserving the quality of life for my grandchildren
 than preserving the fortune of wealthy Americans.

When you are looking at a power plant that is in the neighborhood of 30
years old, a fifteen percent increase in efficiency  is not really unheard
of.  Computer modeling has come a long way since the 70's.

Spewing carcinogens?  Do you write script for the Democratic Party?  (I
really think the Democrats should come up with a flash animation of Bush
tossing a old lady in a wheelchair down a smokestack for this one.)  Are
these the same coal plants that have despite a tripling of coal usage
managed to cut the total emission of nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide? I
know you haven't mentioned it yet (why would you? :))  but the Clean Air
targets which would reduce emissions by fifty percent were not touched by by
the new rules. 

In my example the destructive power plant (which by the way had a 650
million dollar upgrade to  meet new nitrogen oxide standards) was trying to
be more efficient producing energy.  I thought that was the goal.  Greens
(and I don't know that you are one) always push for increases of CAFÉ
standards for cars and light trucks.  Why does this logic not work for
utilities?  Why do they have to tear down existing power plants to comply
with rules that are written for new power plants?  Does the government have
the right to sue people into buying new cars when their old cars no longer
meets smog standards?

The old standards worked fine.  They are a great idea.  I am fully in
support of newer cleaner technology.  I believe that in the long term it is
the best for people, the environment, and power companies.  The Clinton EPA
after changing the new source review rules found that eighty percent of
the nation's utilities were outside of the new regulations.  So instead of
questioning what's wrong here, they decided the best way to proceed is by
lawsuit.  But then again the Clinton administration was excellent at making
short term, stopgap measures that looked good for the environment, but in
the long term actually decreased the quality of life (by increased energy
costs). :)

Did you know that one of the most popular investments for average Americans
are the utility companies?  I would like to keep them profitable, thereby
creating the fortunes of average Americans.

I do wish the Greens in this country would actually build a power plant just
so we can see how its done.  But then again, how would they pay for all
their lawyers?

Beggars can't be choosers,
Matthew Bos

(I don't know if I can respond in the next couple of days, I'll be out of
town.  So have a happy Thanksgiving, and I'll look forward to responding to
you this weekend.)


Re: This Message Is For Male Brinellers Only

2002-10-07 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos

On 10/6/02 4:01 PM, J. van Baardwijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ATTENTION: This message is for MALE Brinellers only. All FEMALE members
 should close this message IMMEDIATELY!!!

 Guys, if our female significant others find out about this, we are in
 dp trouble...   GRIN

On one of our delft tiles it reads:

Ik ben thuis de baas, wat myn vrouw zegt zat gebeuren.*

Matthew if your not Dutch... Maru

*(my spelling may be off, but it's not that great in English either)


Brineller Sighting

2002-10-03 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos

From the article,

The rhetoric of recessions is usually, though not always, worse than the
reality of recessions. Since World War II, recessions -- signifying falling
production and rising unemployment -- have become less frequent and milder.
From 1946 to 1998, the economy has spent about 15 percent of its time in
recession, reports economist J. Bradford DeLong of the University of
California at Berkeley. From 1901 to 1930 the comparable figure was 30

Its' kinda fun to find stuff like this,
Matthew Bos


Re: Playing Politics

2002-09-28 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos

On 9/28/02 3:30 AM, Doug [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is not how a great nation should debate issues of war and peace.
 To question people's patriotism for simply raising questions about how a
 war is to be fought and won -- to say that anybody who doesn't support
 the president's particular policy on national security is against
 national security -- is not only insulting, it's immoral.

To accuse only the Republicans of politicizing the war exposes the polarity
of your views on the matter.  I have a question for you.  Why should the
interests of a labor union dictate matters of national security?  Is it in
the best interests of the US to have a union dictate labor rules in the
Dept. of Homeland Defense?  Cool thing to read before replying:

Why in the name of homeland security do we want to take power away from the
President that he possessed on 9/11? Power that Jimmy Carter had. Power that
Ronald Reagan had. Power that the first President Bush had and power that
Bill Clinton had. Have we lost our minds? The U.S. Senate's refusal to grant
this President and future presidents the same power that four previous
presidents have had will haunt the Democratic Party worst than Marley's
ghost haunted Ebenezer Scrooge. Why did they put workers' rights above
American lives? Why did that 2002 US Senate - on the one year anniversary of
9/11 - with malice and forethought, deliberately weaken the powers of the
president in time of war?

Matthew Bos


Re: Playing Politics

2002-09-28 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos

On 9/28/02 9:19 PM, Doug [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Matthew and Julie Bos wrote:
 To accuse only the Republicans of politicizing the war exposes the polarity
 of your views on the matter.
 They all play politics, but Bush  Co. seem to have taken it to a new
 level, basically  using the fear generated by 911 to obscure the
 important issues of an election. Far more despicable, IMO, than the more
 mundane kind of politics described in the Miller piece you posted.

But the reason for the flare up this week was because of the issues stated
in my last posting.  It might be mundane, but it is what passes for news.

If the Democrats wanted to shift the emphasis off of national security they
should have done it months before.  Two months before elections is not
enough time to frame any issue before voters.

Then again, neither party is really pushing any new initiatives (Social
Security, Health Care, etc.) this election season.

Let's wait until after the elections!  :(
Matthew Bos
