nassa tapes destroyed but the family left to dispose of the computer?

2017-08-13 Thread Ed via cctalk
wonder where it  ended up?

Bellmac 8 Bell system microprocessor and singe board computer sale/trade WECo

2017-08-12 Thread Ed via cctalk
Bellmac  8 Bell system microprocessor and singe board computer  sale/trade
western electric.
drop note of interest and offers off list  
thanks Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ ( 

Nextgen processor and mother board historic proc and board sale/trade

2017-08-12 Thread Ed via cctalk
Nextgen processor and mother board historic proc and board sale/trade
dropnote of interest and offers off list  
thanks Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ ( 

Re: PDP-8s that was EBAY.. what is the other rack? Thought TTY inf in main box?

2017-08-09 Thread Ed via cctalk

In a message dated 8/8/2017 9:35:14 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On  08/08/2017 10:51 PM, Ed via cctalk wrote:
> PDP-8s that was EBAY.. what  is  the other rack? Thought TTY inf. in  main
>  box?
>  type-Extremely-rare-/282485298792?hash=item41c56f9668:g:JBkAAOSwCU1Y4nfa
> We have an 8S in warehouse and will need to drag out and start  learning
> about it Clean it up and  get it on  display  -
> We have   CLASSIC 8  with plexi S/N #18on  display already.
8 **S**  Arrgh!  The worst  computer DEC ever made!  It was a 
real speed demon, when compared to  computers with vacuum 
tubes and drum memory!

8s was 20 microsecond  cycle  time  compared toclassic  8 at  1.5 
microsecond? ( pulling  from ancient memories  in my head... correct em if  

PDP-8s that was EBAY.. what is the other rack? Thought TTY inf in main box?

2017-08-08 Thread Ed via cctalk
PDP-8s that was EBAY.. what is  the other rack? Thought TTY inf. in  main 
We have an 8S in warehouse and will need to drag out and start learning  
about it Clean it up and  get it on  display - 
We have   CLASSIC 8  with plexi S/N #18   on  display already.

Re: Informer D304 terminal docs, etc?

2017-08-08 Thread Ed via cctalk
pretty neat!   Something to display that is visually  different!
what  year(s)  were they  made!?
In a message dated 8/8/2017 3:42:20 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Re: pdp-8/e restoration.

2017-08-07 Thread Ed via cctalk
I did not  know of Kevin's  site..
Great  stuff there.
In a message dated 8/7/2017 2:41:24 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On  07/08/2017 18:37, Rod Smallwood via cctalk wrote:

> So to-morrow  connect up a terminal that will do 110 baud and try an echo 
>  test.
> Next part is interesting. There should be a way to fake  a reader / punch 
> and feed in tape images.

There is.  Look  on Kevin McQuiggin's site:

In the  section called "Software", about 1/3 of the way down, look for 
send.c or  better still new-send.c (I call it rsend, on my system).  You 
might  also find rim.c and the BIN loader useful.

They're also on my webpage,  with the corresponding  manpages:

That's the  easiest place to get the manpages for rim.c, send.c, rsend.c. 
Here's the  gist (top parts of the manpages):

rim - create RIM-format file from  ASCII addr/instr
rim is a very simple converter.  It  reads in a file containing two
columns of ASCII digits; the  first column is a list of addresses (in
octal) and the second  is a list of machine instructions (also octal).
Output is a  file suitable to feed to the RIM loader on a PDP-8.

send, rsend - send  a file in RIM or BIN format to a PDP-8
send and rsend are  utilities to transmit a RIM format or BIN format
file from a  UNIX (or other) host to a PDP-8 over a serial line.  The
PDP-8 should be running the RIM loader routine prior to  starting
either of these programs.
Input  should be a file in RIM format or BIN format.  Output goes  to
the host serial port, which should be connected via  appropriate cable
to the PDP-8.
send is a  simple version, with built-in serial port settings and a
fixed  delay between characters.  rsend is more sophisticated; it  can
be controlled by command-line options or environment  variables, and
can accept input on stdin.

On a Unix (or  Linux etc) machine you can pipe the output from rim to 
rsend, and if  you're using papertape images (of which there are load on 
the net), rsend  can strip the headers for you.

Pete  Turnbull

Re: VCF?

2017-08-06 Thread Ed via cctalk
Ol'  Fred -  Best of  luck  with surgery
Prayers be  with you...
In a message dated 8/6/2017 11:27:03 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

How is  VCF going?

I was going to take a dozen boxes of books, a couple of  computers, and 
some miscellaneous.
My health got in the way.
I'm  getting prostate surgery (ANOTHER TURP) on Thursday,
I just don't feel up  to packing loading, or even driving an hour each  

Grumpy Ol' Fred

Re: Honeywall mainframe CPU front panel ID?

2017-07-27 Thread Ed via cctalk Mean  the LCM one doing the  snake dance is not MULTICS? or 
am I getting confused?
( Hey that  snake  dance is captivating! I want one of our panels to  do 
In a message dated 7/27/2017 12:04:38 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Notably,  no "APU COUNTER" as seen on the LCM_Labs panel; so presumably no
Append  Unit. This panel is from a GCOS machine.

--  Charles

Re: Honeywall mainframe CPU front panel ID?

2017-07-27 Thread Ed via cctalk
Charles - OK  do the difference in the MULTICS  processor  is  just the one 
 panel   With the APU then? Thx - Ed#
In a message dated 7/27/2017 12:12:18 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 12:03 PM,  wrote:

the  the one  doing the snake  crawl is an op  panel?  that has  apu
and these other  white multics panels are maint panels or?
Thanks  Ed# 

[Details vary across models]

Typically 'maintenance panel' and 'configuration panel'.

The snake crawl is the maintenance panel; the snake is the contents of  the 
A and Q registers. Set "DISPLAY SELECT" to "SCROLL" and rotate the DATA  
scroll wheel to "AQ".

The maintenance panels are mostly lights; the configuration panels mostly  

-- Charles

Re: Honeywall mainframe CPU front panel ID?

2017-07-27 Thread Ed via cctalk
the  the one  doing the snake  crawl is an op panel?   that has  apu
and these other  white multics panels are maint panels or?
Thanks  Ed# 
In a message dated 7/27/2017 11:22:57 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

My email  skillz are quickly deteriorating . Trying again:

Southern Company  Services Inc. (Atlanta GA, USA) (2 L68, 4 MSU0451, 4
MSU0501) [1982 -  ?]"

I'm not sure how authoritative that is, but it implies that Jim's  Atlanta
CPU panels would be from a Level 68 machine.(In 1975, Honeywell  rebranded
everything into Level xx lines, so 645 -> 6180 -> Level 68  -> DPS8/M).

Re: Honeywall mainframe CPU front panel ID?

2017-07-27 Thread Ed via cctalk
I will have  to  dig out our  GE 400 op console and   look  -Ed#
In a message dated 7/27/2017 11:47:07 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Thu,  Jul 27, 2017 at 11:28 AM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk  <> wrote:

> On the subject, I need  someone with a better memory.
> Around 1973 or so, I visited a  friend at the old GE Plant in Phoenix.
> All Hoyt could talk about was  GECOS, but he was gracious enough to give
> me a cook's tour of the  development area, including the water-cooled
> something or the other,  which was still in free-standing racks.  The CE
> console for that  thing was impressive--several CRTs, a couple of Nixie
> thermometer-type  displays.
> At any rate, prowling around, he pointed out a few  of the older GE
> systems, apparently awaiting a journey to the  scrapyard.   One really
> impressed me--the console had an  analog meter in it calibrated in
> "thousands of operations per  second".   I have never seen such a thing
>  since.
> Anyone remember what system this might have  been?
Gah. I saw a picture of one somewhere recently, but I  can't remember where.

--  Charles

Re: Honeywall mainframe CPU front panel ID?

2017-07-27 Thread Ed via cctalk
In looking at our  collection of  panels  in front of us,  the  large group 
of smaller and   large black panels  seem  to be the same between all op 
sys  however.   On the   main panel - yes the difference is the APU  lights.  
As  I  work  though the volume of  stuff in warehousing will have to keep an 
 eye out  for one  with  APU.
Would  all the  processors  have  APU on the panel  or  just  some of them 
in a cluster ( if that is the correct  term)
So the ones on the surface here   were probably running  GCOS  or  CP6 (The 
Big H that thought it was a Xerox Sigma...) 
For me that is a closer personal tie since I had a GCOS account I   would 
occasionally 'Play'  with.
Looking at all the panels in the publications below is  really a brain  
whack  compared to the   full maint  panel I  have   for series II series III 
HP-3000  that neatly fits in a  suitcase I can carry under one  arm.. ( I 
guess I had it easy!)
Ed Sharpe Archivist  for SMECC 
In a message dated 7/27/2017 6:01:49 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> From: Dave Wade

>> All CPU's were  upgradable on site to any other model. There wasn't
>>  really any difference between the models

Yes and no, is my impression.  I got the impression from my recent reading
that the addition of the  Appending Unit used to create the Multics 
memory meant changes  throughout the CPU, so that in any line 
(Multics/GCOS) a
CPU could be field  upgraded, but one couldn't upgrade from one line to  the

>> Later models also had virtual  memory which I think used the MULTICs
>>  hardware

No, I think GCOS had it's own. (The Multics one was  complex, a lot more 
GCOS needed.)

>> so  whilst its possible to say a panel is not from a multics box, I
>> don't think its possible to say exactly which model it came  from, and
>> indeed as the CPU was upgradable the same  panel could have been on
>> multiple models

Good  point.

> Actually looking at this manual:-
> these are from the original hardware GE600/6000/L66/DPS300  machines.
> The DPS8 had a redesigned  panel...

Thanks for that pointer! I don't know why I hadn't thought of  looking for
Honeywell CPU manuals, that should have been  obvious!!

Anyway,I found several with useful bits, especially this  one:

which  does illustrate a number of the panels. From which it's pretty
conclusive  that these aren't Multics CPU panels (sigh).

These  two:

are  also interesting in filling in the history.


Re: Honeywall mainframe CPU front panel ID?

2017-07-26 Thread Ed via cctalk
from  what  I was  told,  many versions of   machines by Big H  were used 
to run multics over the span of  time.  Ed#
In a message dated 7/26/2017 9:59:19 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Wed,  Jul 26, 2017 at 7:37 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk  <> wrote:

> So, I've been collecting  images of 'Multics' 'front' panels from around 
> Internet, intending  to do a gallery.
> (I should explain that, in common with  mainframes of that era, a Multics
> system had a variety of different  kinds of boxes - CPUs, memories, etc -
> but
> also others,  intended to support the multi-CPU 'utility' concept. It was
> possible  to take, say, a running 3-CPU system, split off a CPU, bring 
>  up
> as a separate system, then later bring that down, and add it back  to the
> running system! This was actually done at the MIT site, to  allow
> development
> work in the evenings on the OS  software.)
> The Multicians site has a nice picture of a Multics  system with the some 
> the panels swung open (they're actually  'diagnostic' panels, so would
> normally
> be swung  shut):
> The  CPU is the one in the center (the panel on the left is an IOM, 'I/O
>  Multiplexor', one of the other kinds of box).
> So,  anyway,I had this large collection of pictures, and asked: Tom Van
>  Vleck,
> the maintainer of the Multicians Web site what the other  (non-CPU) panels
> on
> offer might be, and his reaction was  (roughly) 'some of the CPU panels
> there
> might not be Multics  CPU panels'.
> (Honeywell had an entire line,  the
> but most  models in that line ran an OS called GECOS (later GCOS), not
> Multics.  So possibly those CPU 'front' panels are from some other 6000
>  series
> CPU.)
> His reasoning was that they don't have  the Appending Unit sections: to
> explain
> this, Multics used an  extra box (the Appending Unit), inserted between 
> and  the memory, to implement the paging and segmentation of Multics, and
>  most
> 6000-series CPUs did not have this.
> If you look  at this image of what is probably the Multics CPU panel now 
>  the
> LCM:
> it  has an Appending Unit section at the top. (BTW, are there any pictures
>  online of LCM panel? All I could find was the video, which is  admittedly
> ultra-cool.) See the "APU Scroll" section (first full-width  section), for
> the
> Appending Unit, at the top in this detailed  shot:
>  It's not an extra panel: the CPU panel on a Multics machine, although  
> same
> overall size, has a different configuration, with the  APU sections.
> However, the suspect CPU panels don't  have those sections; see an image 
> one
>  here:
>  with detailed images here:
>  Which is not _definitive_ that they aren't from a Multics machine, but  
> certainly raises a big question mark. So, the question is, 'are  they
> Multics
> panels, just for some reason without the APU  section, or what'?
> So maybe these are from some other  Honeywell Series 6000 CPU? If so, does
> anyone knows which Honeywell  6000 series machine (it pretty much has to 
> from one of them) they  are from?
>   Noel

someone wanted a motorola single board computer SMECC had.. Please contact me

2017-07-24 Thread Ed via cctalk
Someone here wanted a Motorola single board computer  SMECC  had..
We have misplaced the contact info...
 Please contact me off list ASAP
Thanks!  Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  

Re: Teletype vs Mice

2017-07-24 Thread Ed via cctalk
what is the trade name of the "No-live" and  where can we  get  it!?
In a message dated 7/24/2017 2:45:55 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Been though it before,  and a friend who is an electrician  and was laid up 
in the hospital for a few days after updating the wiring of a  barn.  

Everything was sprayed with what I call "No-live" it is used in hospitals  
and for an hour or so pretty nasty stuff. Then I use a spray that targets 
HPS  as one of its main killers.
I later did the whole bed of the truck and the area around where I  

For those on the list that don't think it can happen to them

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Ed Sharpe  wrote:

ecch! happy hunta virus eh.
please wear respirator and gloves  Pete. 
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail 


On Monday, July  24, 2017 william degnan via cctalk  
On Mon,  Jul 24, 2017 at 2:42 PM, Pete Lancashire via cctalk <> wrote:

> Although not  100% CC, I had the same happen to a PDP11/35 about 20 years
> ago that  was in storage.
> _ 

Ug.  Too many times I have seen something like  this.

Re: Teletype vs Mice

2017-07-24 Thread Ed via cctalk
Wise per cautions! Yea...  the result of the Virus is nasty..
In a message dated 7/24/2017 2:45:55 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Been though it before,  and a friend who is an electrician  and was laid up 
in the hospital for a few days after updating the wiring of a  barn.  

Everything was sprayed with what I call "No-live" it is used in hospitals  
and for an hour or so pretty nasty stuff. Then I use a spray that targets 
HPS  as one of its main killers.
I later did the whole bed of the truck and the area around where I  

For those on the list that don't think it can happen to them

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Ed Sharpe  wrote:

ecch! happy hunta virus eh.
please wear respirator and gloves  Pete. 
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail 


On Monday, July  24, 2017 william degnan via cctalk  
On Mon,  Jul 24, 2017 at 2:42 PM, Pete Lancashire via cctalk <> wrote:

> Although not  100% CC, I had the same happen to a PDP11/35 about 20 years
> ago that  was in storage.
> _ 

Ug.  Too many times I have seen something like  this.

Re: Repurposed Art (ahem...)

2017-07-19 Thread Ed via cctalk

Pete - 
Sad about the  McGraw-Hill Electronics
Which issues are  you missing!?
Ed# _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 7/18/2017 9:43:25 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

The  paint job doesn't bother me much. I had a working 26 that I donated to
CHM.  Its things like selling the keyboard then expecting to get more the
$20 for  the remains. My Teletype version of that is a Western Union 2-B in
good  shape missing all it key caps and motor. Both pulled to sell to the
'steam  punk' crowed.
BTW not putting them down at all. I've not met one who would  do something
like that, its the people who think they can make a sale that  do the 
Other examples of things I am collecting, McGraw-Hill  Electronics. Finding
a 2 foot stack of issues I don't have that have been  gutted for their
Atwater Kent that worked trashed for  the cabinet, and a crappy job at that.
Could go on for hours of  examples.

On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 1:11 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk  <> wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Jul 2017, Ed  via cctalk wrote:
>> at least they did not glue a bunch  of  gears on it and call it steam
>> punk...
>> I  have  run across  weird glued and punked items on   ebay...   what a
>> bunch
>> of   AH's
> a model 026 punch is already a masterpiece of  steam punk.
> A model 029, on the other hand, appeals to  trekkies.
> I think that a keypunch rationalized as art  needs a clock on it:
>  item3d2861577f:g:kE4AAOSwONBZFFUo
> --
> Grumpy  Ol' Fred

Re: Repurposed Art (ahem...)

2017-07-18 Thread Ed via cctalk
at least they did not glue a bunch of  gears on it and call it steam  
I have  run across  weird glued and punked items on  ebay...   what a bunch 
of  AH's
In a message dated 7/18/2017 7:20:21 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Tue,  Jul 18, 2017 at 8:03 AM, E. Groenenberg via cctalk  <> wrote:

> Re-purposed art  or vandalism?
> Ed
> --
> Ik  email, dus ik besta.
It (literally) looks like something  out of Pee-Wee's Playhouse.

Eric  Christopherson

Re: Repurposed Art (ahem...)

2017-07-18 Thread Ed via cctalk
tell ya  about it  sometime offlist  Mike
In a message dated 7/18/2017 12:41:31 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

It wasn't the LIS collectors that did that, it  was 20th Century Fox 
back in the '60s.  I'm not aware of a single LIS  collector that ever had 
access to a B205.

Mike Loewen
Old  Technology

On Tue, 18 Jul 2017, Ed via cctalk  wrote:

> or lost  in space collectors that  rip  the   b205  front panel  from the
> machine and  leave the rest  to  be destroyed in fire or   flood...
> In a message dated 7/18/2017 11:27:44  A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
>  writes:
> Keyboard  collectors are a great evil in this  world. I liken them to  
> poachers.
> On Tue,  Jul 18, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Fred Cisin via  cctalk <
>> wrote:
>> Re-purposed art or   vandalism?
>>  On  Tue, 18 Jul 2017, Eric Christopherson via cctalk  wrote:
>>> It  (literally) looks like something  out of Pee-Wee's  Playhouse.
>>  Earlier than that.
>> The seller  may have grown up with Peewee  Herman,
>> but that kind of painting  decoration, with such  color schemes and
>> disjointed themes, wasn't all  that  uncommon in the late  sixties.
>  --
> Ian Finder
> (206) 395-MIPS

Re: Repurposed Art (ahem...)

2017-07-18 Thread Ed via cctalk
Hey Pete! there was also a rage of ripping off the early key tops   with 
the metal rim and celoid over the letters  to make women's   jewelry...  the 
scoundrels  ripped up tty  units and typewriters  also.
These are the teletype units  I really  like to collect ... those  with the 
old  keys..
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 7/18/2017 12:35:08 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I collect older teleprinters (Teletype, Morkrum-Kleinschmidt,  etc) and 
twice now I've seen where they have had their keyboards removed and  the 
machine put out for scrap. One a quite rare Navy version of the model 28  known 
a compact case variation where someone had used what looked like a  
reciprocating saw to cut the keyboard off.  

On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 12:20 PM, Ed via cctalk  

or  lost  in space collectors that  rip the   b205   front panel  from the
machine and leave the rest  to  be  destroyed in fire or  flood...

In a message dated  7/18/2017 11:27:44 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  writes:

Keyboard  collectors are a great evil in this world. I  liken them to  ivory

On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Fred Cisin via  cctalk  <>  wrote:

> Re-purposed art or  vandalism?
>>>   _ 
>  On  Tue, 18 Jul 2017, Eric Christopherson via cctalk  wrote:
>> It  (literally) looks like something out of  Pee-Wee's  Playhouse.
> Earlier than  that.
> The seller  may have grown up with Peewee Herman,
>  but that kind of painting  decoration, with such color schemes  and
> disjointed themes, wasn't all  that uncommon in the late  sixties.

Ian Finder
(206)  395-MIPS

Re: Repurposed Art (ahem...)

2017-07-18 Thread Ed via cctalk
or lost  in space collectors that  rip the   b205  front panel  from the 
machine and leave the rest  to  be destroyed in fire or  flood...
In a message dated 7/18/2017 11:27:44 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Keyboard  collectors are a great evil in this world. I liken them to  ivory

On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Fred Cisin via  cctalk <> wrote:

> Re-purposed art or  vandalism?
> On  Tue, 18 Jul 2017, Eric Christopherson via cctalk wrote:
>> It  (literally) looks like something out of Pee-Wee's  Playhouse.
> Earlier than that.
> The seller  may have grown up with Peewee Herman,
> but that kind of painting  decoration, with such color schemes and
> disjointed themes, wasn't all  that uncommon in the late sixties.

Ian Finder
(206) 395-MIPS

Re: HP 12653A line printer interface

2017-07-16 Thread Ed via cctalk
if the one I think it is... 300 lpm but if  you are printing   only  one 
zone  on the left  side 1000 lpm
if  one was  close  to  AZ  I would buy it.   I have great  fond memories 
of that  unit ! we had on our hp  2000.
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 7/16/2017 4:54:59 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I do  indeed have the printer. Found it on the weekend. No sign of the 
interface  card or cable yet though. 

David Collins

(Sent from out of  office)

> On 14 Jul 2017, at 6:02 pm, CuriousMarc via cctalk  
> Ah, thanks, I learned  something. The HP 2767 is a weird beast - line drum
> printer but only  80 columns, from what I glean from David
> (Collins), do  you have the printer?
> Marc
> -Original  Message-
> From: J. David Bryan [] 
>  Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 11:12 AM
> To: CuriousMarc
> Cc:  Classic Computing List
> Subject: Re: HP 12653A line printer  interface
> Marc,
>> On Monday, July  10, 2017 at 22:24, CuriousMarc wrote:
>> I thought I  did, but what I have is the HP 12845B Line Printer 
>> interface  card, for which I could find the documentation.
> Thanks for  checking.  Yes, that does seem to be the more common card.   
> far as I know, the 12653A was used only for the HP 2767 (a  rebranded Data
> Products 2310), whereas the 12845B was used for a  number of other HP
> printers.
>> Reading  some more, it is meant for the 2607/261x series of printers, 
>>  which apparently use a narrower 7 bit interface (the 12566 is a 16 bit  
>> interface card).
> Which is all a bit odd, as the  2767 also uses 7 bits for data.  Unlike 
> other printers that  use differential interfaces, the 2767 uses 
> TTL-level  (more or less) drivers and receivers, which may explain the 
use of
> the  microcircuit-based interface.
> The 2767 signal drivers are  adjustable for a 3- to 8-volt output level, 
> perhaps the 12635A  "modification" was to clip the inputs to avoid 
> the standard  microcircuit receivers (7400 TTL with an absolute maximum 
> spec  of 5.5 V).  In the absence of a manual, I was hoping that a  
> would reveal the modification.
>> But maybe you can inspire yourself from it.
> The  existing 2767/12653 simulation was reverse-engineered from the
>  diagnostic and OS drivers.  Although it works, I was hoping for  
> more authoritative so that the code could serve as a  reference for the
> now-extinct hardware.
>  -- Dave

NASA Computers and Tapes found in dead engineer's basement YEAASS!!!

2017-07-15 Thread Ed via cctalk
NASA Computers and Tapes found in dead engineer's basement
Yes indeed! Still treasures to be  found
Ed# _www.smecc.org_ ( 

Re: Xerox stores

2017-07-14 Thread Ed via cctalk
I liked the DEC retail   store over in mid  Phx.
the sales guy was an  ex  pdp8 customer   engineer!   leaned much  from 
I mentioned metro center in  several posts  contains   places   it  also 
harbored the  corp. hq  for Dataphase  ( AZ version of computerland)  and also 
Businessland...  I watched  them all die...
Ed# _www.smecc.org_ ( 
In a message dated 7/14/2017 1:27:29 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

- Original Message - 
From: "Jason T via cctalk"  
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and  Off-Topic Posts" 

Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017  12:46 PM
Subject: Re: Xerox stores

> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at  8:13 AM, william degnan via cctalk
>   wrote:
>> And don't forget about the IBM Product Centers, bought out  in the late 
>> by NyNex.  They sold IBM business products  including copiers, 
>> Displaywriters, System 36  accessories, printers and eventually PCs and
>> modems and such,  diskettes...
> Although I lived mere miles from it, I don't  remember ever seeing this
> DEC retail outlet:

There  was a DEC retail store here in Mississauga (suburb of Toronto) that 
looked  just like that; still have a printer and some other stuff that I 
bought  there.


Re: Xerox stores

2017-07-14 Thread Ed via cctalk
Xerox comps were featured copiers too...
plus  some other brands.. I always  had the feeling  they  were  XEROX  
company sponsored... but?
In a newspaper archive  search I come up  with a lot of ads  across the 
country between 81 and 83... I sent  some  adds   to  some of the people that 
were discussing this last  night.
This  comes at a  time of  interest as  I am   working on  documenting  
some of the early  computer biz  in   AZ...  part of it  is pretty  easy  as   
I was   involved in it... but  there is that  77 to 79   area  that still 
holds  some mystery for me.  If anyone   has  any thing related to  early  PHX 
 Byte shop   etc... drop me a note off list.
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 7/14/2017 9:06:13 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On  07/13/2017 11:14 PM, jim stephens via cctalk wrote:
>  But he swears they were sold in Xerox Computer Stores that 
> existed by  the
> thousands - for a rather brief period.
> I have only  the faintest memory of such a thing, I didn't 
> start to work  for
> Xerox until 1985, and I don't recall the stores at all.   
> Can anyone add to that?
Hmmm, I really don't remember any  such thing.  I suspect 
that some independent computer store chain got  an OK to have 
a big Xerox logo out on the front.  That would be quite  
believable.  Some time in the early 80's there were computer  
stores popping up overnight like mushrooms, and disappearing 
just  about as fast.


Re: Xerox stores

2017-07-14 Thread Ed via cctalk
Jim sending you in a separate message   some newspaper ads   for some of 
these stores...  they also  sold osbornes and apples   etc... as well as  
their  own  business  xerox   systems.
Ed#  smecc - 
In a message dated 7/13/2017 10:05:50 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On  07/13/2017 09:14 PM, jim stephens via cctalk wrote:

> A friend asked  about this, figured perfect for here.
> Any info?
> thanks
>  Jim

Yup, there was definitely one in Santa Clara (IIRC).   I  picked up a few
things at their going-out-of business sale.  I think  one was a DTC
document feeder for a Diablo Hitype and some miscellaneous  furniture.

Who knows--buried in my old records, I may even have an  invoice.

Control Data also had retail stores at about the same  time.


Re: Xerox stores

2017-07-14 Thread Ed via cctalk

yes indeed!
yea  would have been the  front  part of the  80s   date wise...  can not 
remember exactly  though..
We had a Xerox store in Metro Center here in Phx...
I remember  laughing as  I went  away how thankful our  company was in an 
industrial  park and NOT in a high traffic   area...  ie. only those that 
really needed us  showed up... no  mass of lolly gaggers!
In a message dated 7/13/2017 9:15:05 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

A  friend asked about this, figured perfect for here.
Any  info?

An old (!) friend was just reminding me of the  Xerox personal computer
circa 1981, which ran CP/M on a Z80 and came with a  nifty daisy-wheel 
and that's all well and good.

But he  swears they were sold in Xerox Computer Stores that existed by  the
thousands - for a rather brief period.

I have only the faintest  memory of such a thing, I didn't start to work for
Xerox until 1985, and I  don't recall the stores at all.  Can anyone add to 


Re: [multicians] Fwd: Multics dps8m emulator

2017-07-09 Thread Ed via cctalk

OK  had  to  find photos out on the server I shot ages   ago.
sent them to those that asked  on and offlist
As mentioned  we have 2 sets of panels.
they are nice  not  scrap - 
In a message dated 7/9/2017 11:43:34 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Tom Van  Vleck  [multicians]
Date: Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 7:20 AM
Subject:  [multicians] Fwd: Multics dps8m emulator
To: multicians

The  Multics Simulator now has a packaged non-beta Release 1.0.
Thanks to all  the folks who worked hard on this.

> Begin forwarded  message:
> From :Walt  Riordan

Re: [multicians] Fwd: Multics dps8m emulator

2017-07-09 Thread Ed via cctalk
I will have to refind them
I had circulated them before to some of the  multics people. anyone  still 
have them top of  stack?
In a message dated 7/9/2017 6:25:50 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Sun,  Jul 09, 2017 at 08:00:24PM -0400, Ed via cctalk wrote:
> ( we have xtra  set for  sale too... Large...  heavy and many panel  set)

Pictures  please?


Re: [multicians] Fwd: Multics dps8m emulator

2017-07-09 Thread Ed via cctalk
need to make an interface that  would  run the big Honeywell  computer  
front  panels we have here... ( we have xtra set   for  sale too... Large... 
heavy and many panel set)
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 7/9/2017 11:46:33 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:


there was also a slashdot post about it, with typical  clueless response

On 7/9/17 11:43 AM, Charles Anthony via cctalk  wrote:
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Tom Van  Vleck  [multicians]
> Date: Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 7:20 AM
>  Subject: [multicians] Fwd: Multics dps8m emulator
> To:  multicians
> The Multics Simulator now has a  packaged non-beta Release 1.0.
> Thanks to all the folks who worked hard  on this.

Re: OMNI to USB Interface

2017-07-07 Thread Ed via cctalk
Wow- I can use a paper tape version  too...
but thought the  usb would be  good  for quickly loading  anything?
In a message dated 7/6/2017 11:56:42 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hello  Ed,
I don't know a lot about the project or interface and am waiting to  hear 
if it is still available before I spend time researching it. Why would  you 
need it to load FOCAL?
I think I have FOCAL on paper tape if that is  any use.
Regards,   Baz

Sent from my  iPad

Re: New batch of pdp8 OMNIBUS to USB interface! Please Read and react!

2017-07-05 Thread Ed via cctalk
I have an interest in this  too  can I use ot to load  focal  to our  pdp-8?
links?  details?
Thanks  Ed# 
In a message dated 7/5/2017 9:51:48 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hello  Phillip,
This is hastily prepared but I am interested in purchasing a OMNI  to USB 
Is the list still open?
Barry McMahon

Sent from  my iPad

Re: Windows 10 recent creator release may take your printer out. I am really ...

2017-07-05 Thread Ed via cctalk
Hi  Torfinn!
Well  driver  worked ok this  time...  just had to  TOTALLY  remove the old 
 one thenreinstall  thedriver again and bingo.  the scanner  had   
no  problem either before or  after  driver  switch   after the upgrade...
The  real horrible thing was all the scanners that were orphaned in  the  
win 98 se  to  XP change  over...lotsa  parallel  port scannersat the  
good will after that  upgrade!
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 7/4/2017 1:41:56 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Mon,  Jul 3, 2017 at 7:47 PM, Ed via cctalk   
> Windows 10 recent creator  release  may take  your printer  out.

FWIW, this is nothing new with Windows: when  the switch from Windows
2000 to XP happened, a lot of HP printer owners (I  don't know if it
was limited to HP, sorry) was stuck with printers without  a working
Yes, I know this doesn't help.
Torfinn  Ingolfsen

offering to anyone with HP printers that is cursed with the Win 10 Creators

2017-07-03 Thread Ed via cctalk
Here is what I found that works... for the benefit of  all and any that get 
cursed by Creator Win 10 update!The  secret seems to be   cleaning out 
the old  crap then  reinstalling...Some one on a vintage electronics list  
pointed me to  the  following...

THE FIX - The  recommended... 

Follow the steps in the below  article to uninstall the printer. 
Once the printer is uninstalled  completely, follow the instructions in the 
below document and install the  printer. 

We have  our  printer back. 
It is quite odd as  you will loose network connectivity   when  doing it,  
you will also  have  your  screen  go  to a lower res... However...   when 
all is  done the  screen res. resets the  computer will yes  talk to the  
cable modem router again and all is just  fine.  

All is  good.  I was luck to  find this  help as I had tried   to  search 
all the HP sites and MS sites etc.  and  got  no  where. 

I was pointed to this entry  by someone on  a vintage video  equipment 
listserve as a possible solution.. 

Thanks  Ed Sharpe archivist for SMECC 

Windows 10 recent creator release may take your printer out. I am really irri

2017-07-03 Thread Ed via cctalk
Windows 10 recent creator  release  may take your printer  out.
I am really irritated... my  HP 7610/7612  Officejet   printer  scanner  
IT WILL NOT PRINT after the upgrade.
I seem not to be able to bring it  back.\
Do not accept this  update if  you are in the 
middle of doing something critical and need
to be able to print things  out...
If  you have hints or a solve for this  drop
a note or post publicly  for  others that will need info.
None of the posted  stuff so far brought relief...
Thanks  Ed@  _www.smecc.org_ (  

Re: tape baking

2017-07-02 Thread Ed via cctalk
Yep  we handle a lot of  video  media.   Bake Bake  Bake!
Really  works  well. over t time  it  will revert   but... you can back 
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ ( 
In a message dated 7/2/2017 11:46:06 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On  07/02/2017 11:34 AM, Warner Losh via cctalk wrote:

> What's the  theory behind baking floppies? For tapes it makes sense to 
> with  self-adhesion, but what's the benefit to single surfaced media that
>  doesn't overlap?

The audio tape guys pretty much took the lead on this  one, probably
because they ran into the problem earlier.

The reason  for baking is to ameliorate the problem of binder
degradation.  It  seems that baking at a mild temperature (there is a
patent on this method),  tends to "melt" the binder back into
workability.  If you've ever  stuck a floppy into a drive and heard a
loud squealing sound and wound up  with a cookie with "see through" rings
on it, you've experienced binder  failure.

There's quite a bit of information on this on the  web.


Re: Monitors for ADM3 and ADM3a parts or replacement whole unit?

2017-06-30 Thread Ed via cctalk
Ian   we  are in   Arizona!
In a message dated 6/30/2017 12:12:56 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Where are you?  -- Ian 

On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 10:46 PM, Ed via cctalk  

Monitors   for ADM3  and ADM3a parts  or replacement whole  unit?

Have  a beauty  that was just  given  us   but  there is much of the monitor
circuitry missing..  the  picture tube  is  there  the flyback  transformer
is there.

But the rest of the monitor...   GONE!

Assuming the  logic  and keyboard  work   where  can I get the  rest  to
make the monitor  whole again?
Or.. do I just  leave it as a static  display next  to another  static
display  early system?

It is  a  beauty  save for  the missing monitor   parts..
Advice Hints?

thanks   Ed#


Ian S. King, MSIS, MSCS, Ph.D. Candidate
_The  Information School_ ( 

Dissertation: "Why the Conversation Mattered: Constructing a  
Sociotechnical Narrative Through a Design Lens

Archivist, _Voices From the Rwanda  Tribunal_ (  
_Value Sensitive Design Research Lab_ ( 

University of Washington

There is an old Vulcan saying: "Only Nixon  could go to China." 

Monitors for ADM3 and ADM3a parts or replacement whole unit?

2017-06-27 Thread Ed via cctalk
Monitors  for ADM3  and ADM3a parts  or replacement whole unit?
Have  a beauty  that was just  given us   but  there is much of the monitor 
circuitry missing.. the  picture tube  is  there  the flyback transformer 
is there.
But the rest of the monitor...  GONE!  
Assuming the  logic  and keyboard  work   where  can I get the  rest  to 
make the monitor whole again?
Or.. do I just  leave it as a static  display next to another  static  
display  early system?
It is  a beauty  save for  the missing monitor   parts..
Advice Hints?
thanks   Ed#

BBS INDEX w/110 baud phone #'s and HP2000 Phx Union HS System Console HOME!

2017-06-27 Thread Ed via cctalk
BBS INDEX with110 baud phone #'s and the HP2000   Phx Union HS System 
Console   comes  back to PHX AZ  this  month! 
BBS phones!   -  how about  one   that  is  dial up? that  will answer  at 
110 baud  so I can use my  ASR 35 that  just came  home after 30 plus  
years?   this ASR 35  Teletype was the console for Phoenix Union high  School's 
HP-2000A  timeshare  system in the late  60s and  stayed on the system   
throughout   2000F   upgrade. 
The 2000F config was still using a  2116 processor!  We got  the  2000F  
systems and   put in a  2100 processor  upgraded it to 2000 ACCESS and resold 
it but kept the teletype   around  but  sold it to a fried in calif that 
wanted a  cheap  printer.  so away the teletype  went 
I still had the  2116 HP  computer I had  saved   soe  gave that to SMECC  
for the museum  display. 
Now the Teletype   that was the console can rejoin it!
The Phx  Union  2000A  orig. had  2116, 16 port mux, a  drum and a asr 35 
Now  a  ASR 35  is a wonderful memory for me even before  that as I had one 
 with a GE Diginet TDM 114  modem as my first   terminal. wish I  used to   
access the Maricopa  Community  College  2000f  which is the one  we  
bought and   ran  even before we  got the Phx  Union  one.  (   we  still have 
the  Maricopa College  system  under  glass  here at  SMECC  but  need the GE 
terminet with  HP paint job (Sherman... where is one?)
and  the  2883  disc  for it.
Now back to the  ASR 35!  We need the   following... ( already  checked the 
usual  teletype  places)

1- Plastic  dome on the top  of the teletype..
2- the cover plate that  fits an ASR 35 paper tape  reader.
3 - A clean set of real printed manuals  and schematic  drawings ( Yea I 
have the download)
4 -  A working  TDM 114  GE Diginet modem 
5 -  A list of 110 bad  dial ups... does telenet or tymnet  still exist ?  
will int answer at 110 baud?  what  will?   ok  how about  some BBS ssytems 
that  will answer at 110  baud?
Thanks in advance for any  advice, parts, info  etc...
Ed Sharpe archivist  for SMECC  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 6/27/2017 9:11:32 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On 6/27/2017 6:01 AM, william degnan via cctalk  wrote:
> as of 9AM EST 6/27 this site is unavailable.
>  Bill
Example for my zip code (Los Angeles Area)

92xxx   -  Orange County

1 Los Angeles,CA   BIT  SUNRISE
Telnet: BIT SUNRISE Website:

Telnet: BORDERLINE BBS  Website:

Telnet: BRAINTOYS BBS   Website:

Telnet: COTTONWOOD BBS  Website:

Telnet: DOGTOWN BBS   Website:

6 North Hollywood,CA   DREAMLAND BBS
Telnet:  DREAMLAND BBS   Website:

7 Huntington  Beach,CA  HORIZON BBS
Telnet: HORIZON BBS  Website:

San Francisco zip code

94119   -  San Francisco (picked off search at random)

1 Santa  Barbara,CA BARBARIA BBS
Telnet: BARBARIA BBS Website:

Telnet: BATES MOTEL BBS   Website:

3 Rohnert Park,CA  BLOOD STONE
Telnet:  BLOOD STONE   Website:



Re: File recovery help needed (Alabama)

2017-06-23 Thread Ed via cctalk
Well- just write it  to an ide hard drive on the win 95 Packard  Bell
 pull the  drive and  read it on something   newer!
Ed# _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 6/23/2017 4:04:22 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On  06/23/2017 10:53 AM, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Jun 2017,  Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
>> If it's a P1 or later system, don't  forget USB pen drive.There
>> are even DOS drivers  available for that functionality.
> Since Ed said Win95, I  chose to discount the likelihood of that 
> capability.  I doubted  that he would have rolled his own. Win98SE
> seems to be the point where  that became mainstream
USB was available for Win95A as an add-on  IIRC.  By OSR2 it was
standard.   I still have a carton of  brand-new Toshiba Infinia InTouch
USB modules and the Win95 driver for  them.


Re: File recovery help needed (Alabama)

2017-06-22 Thread Ed via cctalk
with a Packard Bell w/' Win 95 (Not hooked to the internet) with a 5 1/4  
drive in it! -- Ed# _www.smecc.org_ ( 
In a message dated 6/22/2017 2:39:20 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Which  brings it all down to:
"How do you read 5.25" MS-DOS  disks?"

Re: Where to send scans for publishing and preservation - Re: DEC archives

2017-06-16 Thread Ed via cctalk
I have always pondered...
Which will last the eternity?
Of course,  the  best plan is to stash
stuff at all the archiving facilities. 
Geographically diverse  storage has
always been a favorite topic of our.
NOTE!> Make it  clear, on your passing,
that material or copies  of  such
is distributed on a wide basis.
You might also see about  places to leave  
copies at  Living Computer Museum 
and others. Lets face it,  with Paul Allen's
backing, I do not think they are going away 
for a long   long time, or  if ever. I hear 
good things  about them.
Just  some thought 
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 6/16/2017 5:54:27 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes: will take all your scans no questions asked. Mail me if  you
need assistance.

On Jun 16, 2017 11:47 AM, "Toby Thain via  cctalk" 

> On 2017-06-16 1:40  PM, Tony Duell via cctalk wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at  6:20 PM, Rob Jarratt
>>   wrote:
>>> I have therefore come to  the conclusion that people don't want my scans
 whatever reason). And I am not going to waste my time  scanning manuals
 as a
 result. So no  Philips P800 schematics,  etc.

>>> I  would suggest that it is not a waste of time at all. If  BitSavers
>>> won't have them
>>> then perhaps someone  else will? That could go for other scans that have
>>>  been
>>> deemed inappropriate for  bitsavers.
>> Maybe, maybe  not...
>> If I have something scanned or otherwise  available I will try to pass
>> it on to anyone
>> that  wants it. I am not going to be selfish about it.
>>  BUT... To scan, say the P851 technical manual (both volumes) would  take
>> several
>> days. I am not going to do that on the  off-chance that somebody wants
>> it. I don't
>> want it, I  have it on paper which I find more convenient at the  bench.
>> I have somewhat bitter experience of this. Some  time ago somebody 
>> I had a Trend HSR reader in one of my  photos on filckr. They asked if I
>> had the
>> manual. I  do, and I scanned it for him. I mentioned it here and nobody 
>>  interested in making it public. At the same time I found the Trend  UDR
>> manual,
>> so I scanned that too. I assume nobody  would want that, so I've not
>> bothered
>> to even try to  get it 'out there'.
>>  -tony
> I second geneb. Just submit to as a default, in addition to
> wherever  else.
> Somebody pointed out to me that they also have  tools:
>  --Toby

Re: Unknown boards

2017-06-16 Thread Ed via cctalk
don't  think it is any  GE 100 200 400 or 600 series. nor   any of the  
early process control computers either.
Ed# _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 6/16/2017 8:19:05 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I'd  guess something from the GE 200 series or thereabouts.
You may find  something like it in the GE service manuals on bitsavers.

On 6/16/17  7:31 AM, David Gesswein via cctalk wrote:
>Can anyone  identify these boards?

Re: DEC archives

2017-06-16 Thread Ed via cctalk
Alan and others - Yes I like  the  colored  covers on  things  also.  many 
are cool to  put in displays or  just  frame and put on the  wall.
Ed# _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 6/16/2017 11:21:26 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> On Jun 16, 2017, at 07:20, Liam Proven via cctalk  
>> On 16 June 2017 at  16:17, Alan Perry via cctalk  
>>  that it was in an inappropriate format and that I was "wasting 
everybody's  time".
> That's not good. What format did you use,  JOOI?

As I recall, the problem was the resolution and the image format  not being 
OCR'able at the time (this was many years ago). I don't recall the  
details, but it was a format from a volume, consumer scanner.

One thing  is that I wanted to preserve the colorful cover art and the 
hand-written notes  in the margins, so I selected a format that I thought would 
be better for  that.


> -- 
> Liam Proven • Profile:
> Email: • Google  Mail/Talk/Plus:
> Twitter/Facebook/Flickr: lproven •  Skype/LinkedIn/AIM/Yahoo: liamproven
> UK: +44 7939-087884 •  ČR/WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal: +420 702 829  053

Re: gobs of stuff today from recovering a unit of mine.

2017-06-11 Thread Ed via cctalk
Toby - I  do like the specs  on this  though.
In a message dated 6/11/2017 5:36:40 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Yes  if  you are lucky enough  to get one that isgood.
many good  type office  gear is being  gotten   rid  of  for a  reason and 
many times is that it is   used up!

are  win 10  drivers  avail for  this   scanner?

In a message dated 6/11/2017 5:23:56  P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  writes:

On  2017-06-11 7:41 PM, wrote:
>  Toby - We appreciate the  offer but  we do not ship things off-site  to 
>  scanned.
> Someday, if  we  fall  heir to a   fast  scanner, things  will happen
>  faster  here.

Fujitsu make some very good ones. Around $100 on  ebay (that's  where I 
got mine, fi-4530C). What's it worth to make  some  progress?


> We have had  /'promises'/ of them  throughout the  years but none have
>  materialized!
>  We   have a hp 7610  which  scans  and prints to 11x17  and  does a nice
> job   ...but  not  fast. For the  most  part it takes care of  what  we
> need  done but  not  always   extra  work.
> It also prints a nice 11x17  blow up of  stuff   for display building
> too... a marvel for  the  $150 on sale  price... sure can use up ink
> printing   Hi  gloss color stuff though!
> Ed#  <>
> In a message  dated 6/11/2017  4:30:53 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
>  writes:
> On  2017-06-11 5:21 PM, Ed via  cctalk wrote:
> >  re: scanning earlier   versions -  perhaps at some point  as   we
>   have a slow
>  > scanner and plenty  of   other things in line for  us  to do  if  
> already
>   > have a  usable  copy up there.
>   >
> I have a fast ADF for  things that can  be reduced to pages. If I can
> help.
> And I'm working on slow  methods for  things that can't.
> --Toby
> located in Toronto,   Ontario
> > will note this   though  for  some future  time.
>  >  Ed#
> > .
>   >
> >
> > In  a  message dated 6/11/2017 1:26:59 P.M. US Mountain Standard  
>   > writes:
>   >
> >>
>   > Yes,  APL is on the Multics distribution tape and runs  on  the
>   emulator.
>  >
>   > Older versions of manual do have historic  interest and   having
> them   scanned
>   > and upload to bitsavers should beconsidered.`
> >
>  >  -- Charles
>   >

Re: gobs of stuff today from recovering a unit of mine.

2017-06-11 Thread Ed via cctalk
Yes if  you are lucky enough  to get one that is   good.
many good  type office  gear is being  gotten  rid  of  for a  reason and 
many times is that it is  used up!
are  win 10  drivers  avail for this   scanner?

In a message dated 6/11/2017 5:23:56 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On  2017-06-11 7:41 PM, wrote:
> Toby - We appreciate the  offer but  we do not ship things off-site to be
>  scanned.
> Someday, if  we  fall heir to a   fast  scanner, things  will happen
> faster  here.

Fujitsu make some very good ones. Around $100 on ebay (that's  where I 
got mine, fi-4530C). What's it worth to make some  progress?


> We have had /'promises'/ of them  throughout the  years but none have
> materialized!
>  We   have a hp 7610  which scans  and prints to 11x17  and  does a nice
> job  ...but  not  fast. For the  most  part it takes care of what  we
> need  done but  not  always  extra  work.
> It also prints a nice 11x17  blow up of stuff   for display building
> too... a marvel for  the $150 on sale  price... sure can use up ink
> printing  Hi  gloss color stuff though!
> Ed#  <>
> In a message dated 6/11/2017  4:30:53 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
>  writes:
> On 2017-06-11 5:21 PM, Ed via  cctalk wrote:
> > re: scanning earlier   versions -  perhaps at some point as   we
>   have a slow
> > scanner and plenty  of   other things in line for  us to do  if  you
> already
> > have a  usable  copy up there.
>  >
> I have a fast ADF for things that can  be reduced to pages. If I can
>  help.
> And I'm working on slow methods for  things that can't.
>  --Toby
> located in Toronto,  Ontario
> > will note this  though  for  some future  time.
> >  Ed#
> > .
>  >
> >
> > In a  message dated 6/11/2017 1:26:59 P.M. US Mountain Standard 
>   > writes:
>  >
> >>
> > Yes,  APL is on the Multics distribution tape and runs on  the
>   emulator.
> >
>   > Older versions of manual do have historic interest and   having
> them  scanned
>   > and upload to bitsavers should be   considered.`
> >
> >  -- Charles
>  >

Re: gobs of stuff today from recovering a unit of mine.

2017-06-11 Thread Ed via cctalk
Toby - We appreciate the offer but  we do not ship things  off-site to be 
Someday, if  we  fall heir to a  fast  scanner,  things  will happen faster 
We have had 'promises' of them throughout the  years but none  have 
We   have a hp 7610  which scans  and prints to 11x17  and  does a nice  
job  ...but  not  fast. For the  most  part it takes care of what  we need  
done but not   always  extra  work.
It also prints a nice 11x17 blow up of stuff   for display  building too... 
a marvel for the $150 on sale  price... sure can use up ink  printing  Hi 
gloss color stuff though!
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 6/11/2017 4:30:53 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On  2017-06-11 5:21 PM, Ed via cctalk wrote:
> re: scanning earlier   versions -  perhaps at some point as   we have a 
>  scanner and plenty of   other things in line for  us to  do  if you 
> have a usable  copy up  there.

I have a fast ADF for things that can be reduced to  pages. If I can help.

And I'm working on slow methods for things that  can't.

located in Toronto, Ontario

> will  note this though  for  some future  time.
> Ed#
>  .
> In a message dated 6/11/2017 1:26:59 P.M. US  Mountain Standard Time,
>  writes:
> Yes, APL is on the Multics distribution  tape and runs on  the emulator.
> Older versions of manual  do have historic interest and  having them  
> and  upload to bitsavers should be  considered.`
> --  Charles

Re: gobs of stuff today from recovering a unit of mine.

2017-06-11 Thread Ed via cctalk
re: scanning earlier  versions -  perhaps at some point as   we have a slow 
scanner and plenty of   other things in line for  us to do  if you already 
have a usable  copy up there.
will note this though  for  some future  time.
In a message dated 6/11/2017 1:26:59 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Yes, APL is on the Multics distribution tape and runs on  the emulator.

Older versions of manual do have historic interest and  having them  scanned
and upload to bitsavers should be  considered.`

-- Charles

Re: gobs of stuff today from recovering a unit of mine.

2017-06-11 Thread Ed via cctalk
tell me  abuot the  display or  send me a link to pix- 
hmmm... was he the one that got the GE Terminet  with a HP paint  job  be 
case   ge terminets were used  with multics??   I need the  HP version  paint 
We have a beauty of the HONEYWELL version  with the keyboard and  the  
black and white  big H  color scheme...
Back to Big  H---wonder if we have any tapesEd#
In a message dated 6/11/2017 1:06:39 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

You  should consider a display incorporating Charles's work.  He had an  
excellent display at last years VCF West.

I don't know if APL made  it to the tapes we have or not.


On 6/11/2017 12:33  AM, Ed via cctalk wrote:
> Lucky for you  one edge of the  protective orig. plastic  packaging  had 
> side  open!
> OK sure looks   better  with the color   cover 
> Ours is for  earlier...   basically a  first edition of  the  book
> OK differences stated  are:
> Ours was  for  MULTICS   1.0yours  states MULTICS  11.00
> Our pub is ak95 rev,0 1974  -
>  -  ak95-01 ( a version between  ours and your was dated march   1979
> And your copy being ak95-01a , is dated  1980.
> Probably yours would be the most useful  if  you were to fire up   the 
> issuance of  MULTICS
> As an artifact this early one will indeed  be treasured here!
> In a message dated 6/10/2017 11:16:36 P.M. US  Mountain Standard Time,
>  writes:
> On 6/10/2017 10:54 PM, Ed via cctalk  wrote:
>> also an  APL for MULTICS
> Can you scan and  email to me or Charles Anthony so I can  get the title
> and  information to the Multics emulation group if it's   different?
> thanks
> Jim
> Below is a link  to a  scan.
>  20Users%20Guide_AK95-02.pdf

Re: gobs of stuff today from recovering a unit of mine.

2017-06-11 Thread Ed via cctalk
Lucky for you  one edge of the protective orig. plastic  packaging  had one 
side open!
OK sure looks   better  with the color  cover 
Ours is for earlier...   basically a  first edition of  the book
OK differences stated are:
Ours was  for  MULTICS  1.0yours  states MULTICS  11.00
Our pub is ak95 rev,0 1974  -  
-  ak95-01 ( a version between  ours and your was dated march  1979
And your copy being ak95-01a , is dated 1980.
Probably yours would be the most useful if  you were to fire up   the last 
issuance of MULTICS
As an artifact this early one will indeed be treasured here!
In a message dated 6/10/2017 11:16:36 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On 6/10/2017 10:54 PM, Ed via cctalk wrote:
> also an  APL for MULTICS
Can you scan and email to me or Charles Anthony so I can  get the title 
and information to the Multics emulation group if it's  different?


Below is a link to a  scan.

Re: gobs of stuff today from recovering a unit of mine.

2017-06-10 Thread Ed via cctalk
looks like from memory what a b/w cover would translate to
  from the orange and white one I handled earlier from  memory... I will 
check but I
suspect there is a match, -ed#
In a message dated 6/10/2017 11:16:36 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On 6/10/2017 10:54 PM, Ed via cctalk wrote:
> also an  APL for MULTICS
Can you scan and email to me or Charles Anthony so I can  get the title 
and information to the Multics emulation group if it's  different?


Below is a link to a  scan.

Re: gobs of stuff today from recovering a unit of mine.

2017-06-10 Thread Ed via cctalk
correction should  say
also an APL for MULTICS
In a message dated 6/10/2017 10:42:29 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Excellent! Sounds like a good  Haul Jim!

out here in  the stikn' desert this weekend  we  got  some more  univac  2  
and univac 1100 stuff
Plus  - scary  but  true  also a APL or MULTICS manual still in 
Cromemco catalogs  ...   catalogs also  for some stuff I  never   knew  was 
Lots of other   product stuff  to  add to the  to be  scanned   stack  

more  as  I  sort it.

Ed#   _www.smecc.org_ (  

In a message dated  6/10/2017 10:30:42 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I have a  lot of keyboards,  mice, IBM 3290, aperture card reader, 4000 
cards (ones  with the  angle, not round, Al).

Also a pile 2' high of the big blus   binders for an IBM datacenter. 
Includes 3350's, 3380's and 4341.   No  idee where the hell they came 
from, I owned a 4381 at one   time...

Will need to catalog and photograph.

20 boxes of   documentation, and probably useless half inch tapes, but got 
them   anyway.  full sets of VM ESA and the like, will catalog them as   

Long story about it, a couple people know it, won't elaborate  for  now, 
but very glad to get what I did.  More to come   too.


Re: gobs of stuff today from recovering a unit of mine.

2017-06-10 Thread Ed via cctalk
Excellent! Sounds like a good  Haul Jim!
 out here in the stikn' desert this weekend  we  got  some more  univac 2  
and univac 1100 stuff
Plus  - scary  but  true also a APL or MULTICS manual still in shrinkwrap...
Cromemco catalogs ...   catalogs also  for some stuff I  never  knew  was 
Lots of other   product stuff  to add to the  to be  scanned   stack too
more  as  I  sort it.
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 6/10/2017 10:30:42 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I have a  lot of keyboards, mice, IBM 3290, aperture card reader, 4000 
cards (ones  with the angle, not round, Al).

Also a pile 2' high of the big blus  binders for an IBM datacenter. 
Includes 3350's, 3380's and 4341.  No  idee where the hell they came 
from, I owned a 4381 at one  time...

Will need to catalog and photograph.

20 boxes of  documentation, and probably useless half inch tapes, but got 
them  anyway.  full sets of VM ESA and the like, will catalog them as  well.

Long story about it, a couple people know it, won't elaborate for  now, 
but very glad to get what I did.  More to come  too.


Re: Anybody has Control Data (CDC) disk packs for 841 and 844 disk drives to ...

2017-06-08 Thread Ed via cctalk
we have a couple  6 high  cdc  packs we need to keep  one  for show in tell 
In a message dated 6/8/2017 5:20:24 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On 06.06.2017 20:26, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:
> On  6/6/17 6:10 AM, Philipp Hachtmann via cctalk wrote:
>> And I have  cables and lots of spare heads: All submerged since 
Saturday. I most probly  won't try to recover the packs
> If they really are that rare you may  want to reconsider.
The cables have been rescued and washed.
The special  tools and spares have been washed and cleaned. Looks still 
usable. The  spare bearings don't look perfect but might be still usable.
The heads  (probably for my very old discretely built CDC drive) have 
been rescued  but still sit in their detoriated and soaked foam packages.

I can do  only a bit from time to time. Hopefully the heads survive. It 
looks as  they don't rust (in contrast to the bearings and some screws 
which  instantly became a bit rusty).

So I'm not careless. But I have a job  and some other duties, the stuff 
is not directly at home. So it takes a  bit.

FOLKS LOOK! - In Case you have some Radio Shack Vintage interest also... - -

2017-06-04 Thread Ed via cctalk
FOLKS  LOOK! -  In Case  you have  some Radio Shack Vintage interest  
Thru  - July 3 - with online bidding-
>From  humble beginnings in Boston in 1921, over the past 95 years 
RadioShack  established itself as a globally recognized leader and the go to 
for  consumer electronics. RadioShack has always been known as the place 
for answers  to the American public's technology and electronics questions. 
"You've got  questions, we've got answers." Over the years, RadioShack 
introduced consumers  to exciting and affordable gadgets and electronics that 
become household  items. As they cleaned out their historic archives in Fort 
Worth, Texas,  they uncovered a cache of iconic memorabilia in 12 huge 
safes, including: unused  original TRS-80 Microcomputers, Realistic Transistor 
Radios, Tandy computer  software games, original brick cell phones and so 
much more. We all remember  coming into RadioShack whether it was for the 
battery-of-the-month, new  walkie-talkies, or to check out the newest RC toy 
(A  rewrite  of the   auction announcement -  ES_)
Should  be   some lively competition! - -  Ed Sharpe  Archivist  for  SMECC 
 _www.smecc.org_ (  

Re: Teletype 43

2017-05-29 Thread Ed via cctalk
We need to  find a source of the pin feed  paper  for  the  43!  Also  a 
great thing  to round out the display  would be to have the  aux.  tape reader 
punch that was marketed   for it-  non working is  ok visually  - working 
would be  a  wonderful thing!
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 5/24/2017 8:26:28 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Tue,  May 23, 2017 at 7:20 PM, Jim Brain via cctalk  

> On 5/23/2017 1:07 AM, wrote:
>> You probably need a null modem  cable.
> I had one (and used it), but not all null modem  cables are evidently the
> same :-)  I soldered up a loopback as  you suggested, and the unit dropped
> into DATA MODE on startup.  I  then played with the signals.  The unit
> really does want DCD to  be active, as just doing CTS/RTS, DTR/DSR, and
> RX/TX did not do the  trick.  Evidently, my null modem cable I had tested
> with  previously does not connect DCD. Swapped out for a null modem 
>  (from our old now deceased friend Radio Shack) and the unit works with  a
> new Dell M4800 laptop (so "newer" style +-10V RS232 levels must be  OK.

The minimum legit voltage swing for RS-232 is supposed to  be plus and minus
5 volts and the
maximum allowed voltage swing is plus  and minus 25 volts.  The problems
occur when gear didn't
bother to  do the negative swing to minus 5 volts.  Plus and Minus 10 volts
is  more than adequate.

The printer ribbon has less life left in it  than I anticipated, but a list
> member is helping me, so it should be  good to go after a deep cleaning 
> a light oiling.  I did  notice the printhead starts to stutter at times on
> long lines, but I  *think* it's a function of the damage to the ribbon, so
> we'll  troubleshoot that only if it continues after ribbon fixes.

The  ribbon on my 43 is a reinking type.  The ribbon loop is maybe  18
inches?  I have a new in bag
ribbon which I am sure is also  dried out.  I used a drop of thin oil on the
reinking roller the last  time
I messed with it and that seemed to work.  You probably want to  use
something that will lubricate
because the pins on the dot matrix  print heads do need that to keep them
from rusting and  wearing

The "stutter" you mention is normal.  The printer  electronics buffers a few
characters during the slow
carriage return and  prints slightly faster than 30cps so when a new line is
started it goes at  full speed
until the buffer is empty at which point it goes into the  stutter mode.
This eliminated the need to send
nulls after a carriage  return that was necessary on the earlier purely
mechanical  printers.

Doug Ingraham
PDP-8 SN  1175

Re: Ebay - PDP-8/M

2017-05-26 Thread Ed via cctalk
The most we saw  had   the full panel  back in  the  day...
good lookin' 8!
In a message dated 5/26/2017 12:06:07 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Oh  boyee:

I thought the M  variants all had blank front panels and bootstraps, but
this has all the  pretty stuff!

How difficult are those switchers to fix for one trained  in EE, but better
at debugging logic?


Anders  Nelson

+1 (517)  775-6129

Re: Directory of old computer collectors

2017-05-22 Thread Ed via cctalk
Risk indeed,..
Pity the   fool that  brags he has an  APPLE 1...
In a message dated 5/22/2017 2:06:36 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I really  think you should give people the chance to yay/neh their listing
and a way  to edit/delete.  Otherwise it's a potential risk.  Letting  the
world know who has what where coukld invite a thief under the  right
circumstances now that I think about it.

Bill  Degnan
twitter: billdeg
On May 22, 2017 4:57 PM,  "Jason Scott via cctalk" 

> I  have no idea if I am on this list or not but I do not want to be on it 
> all.
> On May 22, 2017 16:52, "Mark Linimon via  cctalk" 
> wrote:
> > I do  not want my location information published other than city.
>  >
> > mcl
>  >

Re: BBS software for the PDP 11

2017-05-18 Thread Ed via cctalk
we ran ours first on a hp-2000 then migrated to a hp-3000
final version had  100 boards on it  email  ,  multi  user  chat, poll and 
voting and much more.
yep it kicked ass!
The machines were  used also as  board test machines   etc  when needed
and   also some  were used as   sale   of  computer time to people tthat  
had  developed an application  and did not want to rewrite it  for a pc.
... and I found they were better to  just  run rather than turn  on and 
but  they drew power!  and they generated heat.
... nothing like having a  10 platter 500 lb  drive as a leg  warmer next t
o your desk.
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 5/18/2017 1:23:13 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Thu,  18 May 2017, allison via cctalk wrote:

> Never forget, BBS were  about storage and cheap which at that time were 
> opposed (disks  weren't cheap!).  The amount of Ram and CPU were less 
>  important
> considering what had to be done.  Often the modem and  hard disk were as 
> costly
> as the basic system and we didn't  exceed 2400 baud till '85or later.  
> anything
> could  keep up with IO at under 4800 baud.
Here's what amounts to a  canonnical(sp?) list of BBS programs for a number 
of different  platforms:


Proud owner of F-15C 80-0007 - The only one of  its kind. - Go Collimated or Go  Home.
Some people collect things for a hobby.  Geeks collect  hobbies.

ScarletDME - The red hot Data Management Environment
A  Multi-Value database for the masses, not the  classes. - Get it  _today_!

Re: BBS software for the PDP 11

2017-05-18 Thread Ed via cctalk
added info  this  would have  been  for  
_RSTS_ (  of course.
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  

In a message dated 5/18/2017 4:51:21 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

back in  the 80s there was a  fellow  at  dec mark huntwrote a bbs  for 
the   11/70 ... wonder what  ever  happened  to  Mark?

Ed#  _www.smecc.org_  (  

In a message dated 5/17/2017 11:30:29  P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  writes:

On Thu,  May 18, 2017 at 06:38:24AM +0100, Rod Smallwood  wrote:
>So whats  stopping you?

That question applies to so  much ...

John  Wilson
D  Bit

Re: BBS software for the PDP 11

2017-05-18 Thread Ed via cctalk
back in the 80s there was a  fellow  at  dec mark hunt   wrote a bbs  for  
the   11/70 ... wonder what ever  happened  to  Mark?
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 5/17/2017 11:30:29 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Thu,  May 18, 2017 at 06:38:24AM +0100, Rod Smallwood wrote:
>So whats  stopping you?

That question applies to so much ...

John  Wilson
D Bit

Re: Wollongong HP 3000 TCP/IP

2017-05-15 Thread Ed via cctalk
the tcp for MPE5...
In a message dated 5/15/2017 3:05:09 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Wow,  nice find. I have bought from thus guy before, but this time it's not 

Sent from my iPad

> On May 12, 2017, at 12:33  PM, Al Kossow via cctalk 
> Did someone on the list outbid me on these?

Re: Key for Intel MDS-800

2017-05-10 Thread Ed via cctalk
wonder if the is a same  key as the  intelect 8 uses.?
In a message dated 5/10/2017 7:28:16 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Is this  a thing? There's an archive of vintage physical computer keys? 
This would be  very cool. Heck one could potentially even 3d print a key for 
short term  usage.
 Original message From: Dennis Boone via cctalk  
 Date: 5/10/17  4:13 PM  (GMT-06:00)  To: "General 
On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"   Subject: Re: Key for 
Intel MDS-800
If someone  has one, let's get it added to the ccmp keys list: blank
type, cut info,  etc.


Re: 110 Baud modem

2017-05-08 Thread Ed via cctalk
"And the teletypists knees and feet were always kept  warm..."
What is the weight of   this  modem Pete?
Being the  the earlier   rev of  101 was earlier  technology for SAGE I 
wonder how large it was?
In a message dated 5/8/2017 9:40:52 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Bell  101C


Re: Beautifully-posed photos of various kinds of retro kit

2017-05-03 Thread Ed via cctalk
Nice  work Liam!
 great to see things  displayed in a  'setting'  rather  than just   
computers on shelves!
In a message dated 5/3/2017 4:52:30 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

>From the  Apple ][ up to PowerMac G4s. So, possibly a bit new for many
of you folk,  but I enjoyed them and thought others might  too.

Liam Proven • Profile:
Email: • Google Mail/Talk/Plus:
Twitter/Facebook/Flickr: lproven •  Skype/LinkedIn/AIM/Yahoo: liamproven
UK: +44 7939-087884 •  ČR/WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal: +420 702 829  053

Air Force Issues Challenge to “Hack the Air Force” 04/26/2017 04:10 PM CDT --

2017-04-27 Thread Ed via cctalk


April 26,  2017

Air Force Issues Challenge to “Hack the Air Force”

The Air Force is inviting vetted computer  security specialists from across 
the U.S. and select partner nations to do  their best to hack some of its 
key public websites. 
The initiative is part of the Cyber Secure  campaign sponsored by the Air 
Force’s Chief Information Office as a  measure to further operationalize the 
domain and leverage talent from both  within and outside the Department of 
The event expands on the DoD ‘Hack the  Pentagon’ bug bounty program by 
broadening the participation pool from  U.S. citizens to include “white hat” 
hackers from the United Kingdom,  Canada, Australia and New Zealand. 
“This outside approach--drawing on the  talent and expertise of our 
citizens and partner-nation citizens--in  identifying our security 
will help bolster our  cybersecurity. We already aggressively conduct 
exercises and 'red team'  our public facing and critical websites. But this 
step throws open  the doors and brings additional talent onto our cyber team,”
 said Air  Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein. 
White hat hacking and crowdsourced security  concepts are industry 
standards that are used by small businesses and  large corporations alike to 
secure their networks against malicious  attacks. Bug bounty programs offer 
paid bounties for all legitimate  vulnerabilities reported. 
“This is the first time the AF has opened up  our networks to such a broad 
scrutiny,” said Air Force Chief Information  Security Officer Peter Kim.  “
We have malicious hackers trying to get  into our systems every day. It will 
be nice to have friendly hackers  taking a shot and, most importantly, 
showing us how to improve our  cybersecurity and defense posture. The 
participation from our  partner nations greatly widens the variety of 
experience available to find  additional unique vulnerabilities.” 
Kim made the announcement at a kick-off  event held at the headquarters of 
HackerOne, the contracted security  consulting firm running the contest. 
"The whole idea of 'security through  obscurity' is completely backwards. 
We need to understand where our  weaknesses are in order to fix them, and 
there is no better way than to  open it up to the global hacker community," 
said Chris Lynch of the  Defense Digital Service (DDS), an organization 
comprised of industry  experts incorporating critical private sector experience 
across numerous  digital challenges.

The competition for technical talent in  both the public and private 
sectors is fiercer than it has ever been  according to Kim. The Air Force must 
compete with companies like Facebook  and Google for the best and brightest, 
particularly in the science,  technology, engineering, and math fields.
Keen to leverage private sector talent, the  Air Force partnered with DDS 
to launch the Air Force Digital Service team  in January 2017, affording a 
creative solution that turns that competition  for talent into a partnership. 
In fact, Acting Secretary of the Air Force  Lisa S. Disbrow and Gen. 
Goldfein visited the Defense Digital Service and  Air Force Digital Service in 
early April to discuss a variety of  initiatives the Air Force can benefit 
“We're mobilizing the best talent from  across the nation and among partner 
nations to help strengthen the Air  Force's cyber defenses.  It's an 
exciting venture, one that will make  us better, and one that focuses an 
incredible pool of capabilities toward  keeping our Air Force sites secure," 
Acting Secretary  Disbrow.  
The DoD’s ‘Hack the Pentagon’ initiative was  launched by the Defense 
Digital Service in April 2016 as the first bug  bounty program employed by the 
federal government. More than 1,400 hackers  registered to participate in the 
program. Nearly 200 reports were received  within the first six hours of 
the program’s launch, and $75,000 in total  bounties was paid out to 
participating hackers. 
Registration for the ‘Hack the Air Force’ event opens on May  15th on the 
_HackerOne_ (
website. The contest opens on  May 30th and ends on June 23rd. Military members 
 government civilians are not eligible for compensation, but can  
participate on-duty with supervisor approval.


Updates from the U.S. Department of Defense 

Re: Does anyone know what kind of terminal/computer this is?

2017-04-26 Thread Ed via cctalk
OK here is a photo!
Can you get a shot of the back of it~!? or
a shot downwards at the keys?
could be a terminal... could  be  a computer...
with no further  info  ..  a  terminal would  be  my first  guess...
In a message dated 4/26/2017 12:37:55 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Just  wondering if anyone has any idea what  this

I am not sure if it is a  terminal or a
computer as I don't recognize the logo.

(I apologize  if this appears as
a duplicate  post)

Re: Help identifying this old terminal

2017-04-26 Thread Ed via cctalk
If we concentrate raalyyy  hard   
Nope.. not  working...
Send us a link to photo!
In a message dated 4/26/2017 2:32:44 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Wed,  26 Apr 2017, Syd Bolton via cctalk wrote:
> Anybody recognize what kind  of terminal this is? I am assuming it is
> a terminal rather than a  personal computer.

Do you have a link, or a picture, or a  description?

> Thoughts?
Without seeing  it?

Re: TRS-80 Model 12 versus 16B

2017-04-25 Thread Ed via cctalk

In a message dated 4/25/2017 10:24:42 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On 4/25/17, 7:28 PM, "cctalk on behalf of Jim Brain via  cctalk"

>Been trying to Google things, but  not having a lot of luck.  I
>understand both are white case, both  have slimline drives, 12 had no
>card cage, I think I read somewhere  that the 16 came with 68K std (no
>Z80?), and 12 had KB conn on case,  16B had KB conn on KB. Beyond that,
>though, would love more  information.
>Lots of info on 2 and 6000, but not so much on the  intermediate  machines.

Some 12¹s came  with the card cage in it, it depended on luck mostly.

So what I never really looked at  closely and warehousedcould be 12  or 
I know  not an  model 2  as  it was not silver like the trs-80  model 1 in 
the collected here on  display.

Re: Looking for TRS-80 Model parts (and/or someone in the Phoenix, AZ area)

2017-04-24 Thread Ed via cctalk
very good radioengr  give Jim a  hand  with it 
It is going to take a pretty big  box to  ship it  for  Jim.. I  am trying 
to remember how  big the  think is  I  have not seen ours in eons.
We have some large boxes  we have saved but will have to see what it  would 
take to get at them.
The one thing I would recommend is  some sort of internal support  against 
crushing.. almost an inner  reinforcing  frame that would  prevent  collapse 
of the box and thus shattering the plastic.
Used to  run into  stuff like this  when shipping  hp  2624 terminals  etc.
Then the  other way is one huge ass box and  that  injectable  foam  stuff 
in  2 molded sections... with  some  wood stakes that keep top  from 
In a message dated 4/23/2017 11:25:43 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I'm in  the Phoenix area - Peoria specifically. Let me know if I an help.

On  4/23/2017 8:14 PM, Jim Brain via cctalk wrote:

> Found a seller of a  model 12 with these items, but local pickup
>  only.

Re: Looking for TRS-80 Model parts (and/or someone in the Phoenix, AZ area)

2017-04-23 Thread Ed via cctalk
Well ... they are packed away at  present.. I do know there  are several 
systems and a printer.
Do not remember if there was software with them or  not. stashed  many 
years ago... 
I always  had wished it was a model II  and I suppose was   holding this it 
in reserve in case a 2 does not show.
In a message dated 4/23/2017 8:40:37 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Sun,  23 Apr 2017, Ed via cctalk wrote:
> is the 12 the thing that looks  like  a  trs 80 mod  2   in size? if  so  
> have some
> what is the history behind  your   unit!?!?!?!?!?!?
> Yes---  I am in Phx!  Ed#

Yes, the  2, the 12, and the 16 look similar.
There are Z80 and 68000 CPU  boards.

Which of the variant versions of CP/M do you have for  it?

Re: Looking for TRS-80 Model parts (and/or someone in the Phoenix, AZ area)

2017-04-23 Thread Ed via cctalk
is the 12 the thing that looks like  a  trs 80 mod  2   in size? if  so i 
have some
what is the history behind  your  unit!?!?!?!?!?!?
Yes---  I am in Phx!  Ed# 
In a message dated 4/23/2017 8:14:33 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Just  picked up a TRS-80 Model 12, and it boot to the "insert disk 
prompt" ...  Yay!

But, no card cage, and no KB (and no disks, but those might be  easier to 

Found a seller of a model 12 with these items, but  local pickup only.

I'd like to get this unit up to the Model 16 specs,  with Xenix on it.  I 
see the cards are available, but without the  cage, no joy.


Jim  Brain

Research info needed.In early days-(60's) develop Blind/ RTTY asn Comp. Output

2017-04-19 Thread Ed via cctalk
Research info needed.In early days-(60's) there was an effort  to develop 
Blind/Deaf Blind Amateur Radio RTTY and computer output utilizing  assistive 
technology with braille output. There were also efforts for computer  output 
devices also.


Please respond OFFLIST so we do not clog the  reflector.

We are seeking more information,materials, and stories (This is  a history 
project for SMECC Communications and Computation Museum) 


Note I have checked google and other things ALREADY! -  I

HAVE NOT checked some of the online but restricted access 

database of publications that may bot be indexed in google so  if 

something looks really great drop it to  us.


We are primarily looking for material and stories from 

the 60's and 70s - But before ok! (If there was  any?)

and after... yes if during the early development  phases


We have the following questions:


- Aside from Ray Morrison, who else was working on  this?


- Anyone here work with Ray on this or have photos of gear and  paperwork?


- Although we have some of Ray Morrison's articles, we are  looking for 
other letters, documents hardware, memories of use  etc.


- ` Are there any Blind / Deaf Blind RTTY or computer users  here today 

that participated in this effort?


- Are there any Blind/Deaf Blind CURRENT participants Amateur  Radio 

RTTY or other digital modes with assistive technology producing  braille 



- Anyone use Lee Brody's Deaf Blind Communication terminal hand  have a 

recounting of it or still have an example of the hardware? 


- Looking for Computer output devices and information, photos,  stories 
etc, by any developer or user from the 60's and 70s primarily but later  
material will go into the archives on this subject as well. Nowadays there are  
plenty of things, but way back then... not so much!


- Feel free to send me anything you think I should know related  to the 
above topics that I may not have hinted on, but you think I  need.


Thanks in Advance -

Ed Sharpe archivist for SMECC _www.smecc.org_  ( 


E-mail direct at also please cc


Snail mail to:



Attn. Ed Sharpe - Archivist

5802 W. Palmaire Ave

Glendale AZ 85301  USA

Re: APL and descendants - was Re: If C is so evil why is it so successful?

2017-04-14 Thread Ed via cctalk
At SMECC we have a very curious laptop with a little tape  drive in it  
that seems to take small dictation  size tapes.  The little laptop has  a 
rounded top to it.  Mfr  name on tip of tongue ... but   ...
It  live in one of the  Glass chasses .. wonder how   scarce they are?  
only seen the one...
In a message dated 4/14/2017 8:09:32 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

>  On Apr 13, 2017, at 7:34 PM, Toby Thain via cctalk  
> On 2017-04-13 6:54 PM,  Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
>> ...
>> ...or that Iverson  language, APL, present on the 5100 and what was
>> probably one of  the the first microcomputers, the MCM/70.
>> So, whence  APL today?
> Still lives on -- Dyalog, J, K, etc. Recently  discovered the #jsoftware 
channel on Freenode for APL fans.

For that  matter, APL itself also still exists, the OpenAPL open source 
implementation  for example.  Works nicely.


Re: Micral - France

2017-04-12 Thread Ed via cctalk
I like the MICRAL  808 computer...  if you have never seen  one  folks  
check out this link!
In a message dated 4/12/2017 10:15:49 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

>From  earlest days:

Here in France and saw a Micral…Now there’s a classic  computer.
Originated in 1973; 8008 :) :)

Happy computing  all!

Murray  :)

Bernie Appel, ‘Mr. RadioShack, ’ Dies ushered in TRS 80

2017-04-04 Thread Ed via cctalk
Bernie Appel, ‘Mr. RadioShack,’ Dies
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  

Re: interesting... hp-9000 in the news! - russian-hackers-used-backdoor-two-d...

2017-04-03 Thread Ed via cctalk
Awesome David! now I know what to look for!
I like things with a story for our museum displays...   the  original one 
always best but next to it is 'one like it'
example  We do not have Tim Berners-Lee's NeXT cube... but  we  have one 
like  it!

Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 4/3/2017 8:20:04 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

It's an  HP9000 E55. The HP Computer Museum even has one in our  collection!

David Collins

David  Collins
Client Engagement Manager
Dimension Data
Tel: +61 3 9626  0593
Mob: +61 424 785 131

(Sent from out of office)

On 4 Apr 2017, at 9:23 am, Cameron  Kaiser via cctalk 

>>  interesting... hp-9000 in the news!  -  
>>  russian-hackers-used-backdoor-two-decades
> I'm trying to  identify the specific unit. It looks like an early PA-RISC,
> but even  the enlargement doesn't show the model number clearly.
> -- 
>  personal: --
>  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap  Systems * *
> -- Please dispose of  this message in the usual manner. -- Mission: 
Impossible  -

Re: interesting... hp-9000 in the news! - russian-hackers-used-backdoor-two-d...

2017-04-03 Thread Ed via cctalk
due to it's infamyI think we need one like it  for the  museums's  
Ed# _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 4/3/2017 4:23:47 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

>  interesting... hp-9000 in the news!  -  
>  russian-hackers-used-backdoor-two-decades

I'm trying to identify the  specific unit. It looks like an early PA-RISC,
but even the enlargement  doesn't show the model number clearly.


 personal: --
Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * *
-- Please dispose of this message  in the usual manner. -- Mission: 
Impossible  -

interesting... hp-9000 in the news! - russian-hackers-used-backdoor-two-decades

2017-04-03 Thread Ed via cctalk
interesting... hp-9000 in the news!  -  
enjoy!   Ed#

Re: New HP42s clone almost available

2017-04-03 Thread Ed via cctalk
Good  hear it stood the  test of  time! As an HP  PC  dealer in the 80s 
into early 90s   we ha a calculator   contract with HP also and...
we  sold the heck out of them!
Is it the only  one of the 10  series  calcs that stayed in  production?
I have a set of the  special demo versions that were mounted on a  
descriptive plaque 
that had been in the PHX HP Corp demo center... when they redid that   they 
knew I
Hoarded stuff and   sent them over.  For  some of the  10 series that were 
still being used
we had them on the  display  floor  the others went into the  the suites 
next to the business
in the historical display.
In a message dated 4/2/2017 8:50:16 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Sun,  2 Apr 2017, Ed via cctalk wrote:

> That is an undertaking  indeed!  I had not seen this   Ed#
> Someone   said the 12c was still being made?

The 12c never went out of  production.  It has been continuously updated. 
A lot of bankers,  insurance people, etc still rely on them.

David  Griffith

A: Because it fouls the order in which people  normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A:  Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in  e-mail?

Re: New HP42s clone almost available

2017-04-02 Thread Ed via cctalk
That is an undertaking indeed!  I had not seen this   Ed#
Someone  said the 12c was still being made? 
In a message dated 4/2/2017 9:00:53 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

A few  months ago I had a prototype of this 42S clone in my hands.
It looked and  felt very promising!
I’ll will buy one when it will be available.
For  those of you who are interested, please follow the discussions on   forum.


> Am 10.03.2017 um  16:34 schrieb David Griffith via cctalk 
> There's a Swiss guy who's made a name for himself by  producing working 
replicas of classic HP calculators.  See  I 
recently discovered his post on Youtube  a video showing off an enhanced 
replica of my favorite HP calculator, the  HP42s.  This one is called the DM42. 
Here's the video:
> -- 
> David  Griffith
> A: Because it fouls the order  in which people normally read text.
> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad  thing?
> A: Top-posting.
> Q: What is the most annoying thing in  e-mail?

Re: Looking for windows 1.x for HP-150 touchscreen Also looking for Touchscre...

2017-03-20 Thread Ed via cctalk
Yepper ...sure... I know that...
But we need the physical artifact  or at lest the box and a real  
manual to lay in the display.
remember  90 percent of what I have to do here is for  the  visual!
thnx  Ed#
In a message dated 3/20/2017 2:55:35 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Mon,  20 Mar 2017, Ed wrote:
> Looking for windows 1.x  for HP-150  touchscreen Also looking for

Look at the obvious site,  it's there.


Looking for windows 1.x for HP-150 touchscreen Also looking for Touchscreen II

2017-03-20 Thread Ed via cctalk
Looking for windows 1.x  for HP-150 touchscreen Also looking for  
Touchscreen II
drop me   a line offlist.
Thanks  Ed Sharpe archivist  for SMECC
In a message dated 3/20/2017 1:06:35 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Probably  you wanna say "original retail package" :)

2017-03-19 21:54  GMT-03:00 Sellam Ismail via cctalk 

>  I have for sale a complete copy of Windows 1.0 (release 1.01) in the
>  original retail pricing.  Please check out my ad on the VCF forums  for
> complete info:
>  original-retail-packaging-complete
> Thanks!
>  Sellam

Re: FTGH Large amount of DEC/Misc Classic computer hardware

2017-03-18 Thread Ed via cctalk

The New "CC Anonymous"  Survey   Form!! 

Assessment for Compulsive Hoarding  & Cluttering1. Are some living 
areas in your home cluttered?  
2. Do  you have trouble controlling urges to acquire things?  
3. Does  the clutter in your home prevent you from using some of your 
living  space?  
4. Do  you have trouble controlling your urges to save things?  
5. Do  you have trouble walking through areas of your house because of  
6. Do  you have trouble throwing away or discarding things?  
7. Do  you experience distress throwing away or discarding possessions?  
8. Do  you feel distressed or uncomfortable when you can not acquire 
something  you want?  
9. Does  the clutter in your home interfere with your social, work or 
everyday  functioning?  
10. Do  you have strong urges to buy or acquire free things for which you 
have no  immediate use?  
11. Does  the clutter in your home causes you distress?  
12. Do  you have strong urges to save things you know you may never use?  
13. Do  you feel upset/distressed about your acquiring habits?  
14. Do  you feel unable to control the clutter in your home?  
15. Has  compulsive buying resulted in financial difficulties?  
16. Do  you often avoid trying to discard possessions because it is too 
stressful  or time consuming?  
17. Do  you often decide to keep things you do not need and have little 
space  for?  
18. Does  the clutter in your home prevent you from inviting people to 
19. Do  you often buy or acquire for free things for which you have no 
immediate  use or need?  
20. Do  you often feel unable to discard a possession or possessions you 
would  like to get rid of?  

Most  hoarders will answer "yes" to at least 7 of these questions.
In a message dated 3/18/2017 5:23:28 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

 Original message From: jim stephens via cctalk  

On 3/17/2017 9:01 PM, Peter C. Wallace via  cctalk wrote:
>>also significant pressure from SO to
>> "get  rid of that junk"
>So far noone that matters has said anything >that  dumb to me.

It happens when your XYL gets the rank of Spousal  Officer.

Re: Looking to re-home some NeXT hardware

2017-03-14 Thread Ed via cctalk
Hi  CHris -We  wanted one cleaner! for the  exterior  view.
also  2  are  good.
one   can be showed set up 
another one   for people to peek inside.
OK   did that   with  pair  of Altairs   which  due to conditions   worked 
out  well
had  pristine looking Altair   with  replacedpower supply and  mother 
board ... blahright?   but  left  closed  for exterior  view in display  
looks   great.
had  2ed one  nasty  out side and front pane front...  not  so nice l but  
inside  it  has  the   correct orig. wimpy power supply and the little  
linked together   mother board  segments  with 100 jumper  wiresholding 
together...this MADE A GREAT  INTERIOR display.  
Ed#  _www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 3/14/2017 12:08:45 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Mar  12, 2017, at 7:26 PM, Ed via cctalk   wrote:
> OK anyone else have a cube out there that is   cosmetically  decent?  
> not need to be internally  complete?
> Ours is a bit of a beater  for the   display

What’s wrong with yours that you can’t clean it up for a  non-operational 

--  Chirs

Re: Looking to re-home some NeXT hardware

2017-03-12 Thread Ed via cctalk
OK anyone else have a cube out there that is  cosmetically  decent?  does 
not need to be internally complete?
Ours is a bit of a beater  for the  display
thanks  Ed Sharpe archivist for smecc
In a message dated 3/12/2017 7:18:42 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 10:13 PM,  wrote:

ok can you spare the cube?
Ed# _www.smecc.org_ ( 

No.  As I noted, I haven't even booted it up yet to try it.  I  will be 
keeping that, one of the mono NeXTstations (the one for parts ) and  passing on 
a NeXTstation to a fellow collector.   I appreciate the  interest but it 
hasn't even warmed up yet from the cold :)


Re: Looking to re-home some NeXT hardware

2017-03-12 Thread Ed via cctalk
ok can you spare the cube?
Ed# _www.smecc.org_ ( 
In a message dated 3/12/2017 7:12:11 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Thanks  to Chris, I have given the equipment a new home. Pics have been
taken of  the two NeXT Cube boards in question and pics of the motherboard,
for good  measure.  I've made a post on the NeXT computer forum here for
those  who may be  interested:


On  Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 12:19 PM, Ed via cctalk  

> let  me   put  my name  back in the hat  for  the  cube   next  
> all the other stuff  we have looks   ok  but  appears  like our  cube may
> have met a  baseball bat on part of  it
> poor thing   would  not  look  good in a   display.
> Ed  Sharpe archivist  for SMECC
> In a message dated  3/10/2017 10:13:29 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
> writes:
> On 9  March 2017 at 01:21,  Ian Finder via cctalk 
> wrote:
>  > Is someone testing a Markov chainer on the list? If so, you  have  some
> more
> > work to do...
> It would  explain the resolute  & total failure of our efforts to
>  explain top-quoting to him. Er, to  it.
> --
> Liam  Proven • Profile:
> Email: • Google Mail/Talk/Plus:
>  Twitter/Facebook/Flickr: lproven •  Skype/LinkedIn/AIM/Yahoo:  liamproven
> UK: +44 7939-087884 •  ČR/WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal:  +420 702 829 053

Re: Looking to re-home some NeXT hardware

2017-03-10 Thread Ed via cctalk
let  me  put  my name  back in the hat  for  the  cube  next  computer...
all the other stuff  we have looks  ok  but  appears  like our  cube may 
have met a baseball bat on part of  it
poor thing  would  not  look  good in a   display.
Ed Sharpe archivist  for SMECC
In a message dated 3/10/2017 10:13:29 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On 9  March 2017 at 01:21, Ian Finder via cctalk   
> Is someone testing a Markov chainer on the list? If so, you  have some 
> work to do...

It would explain the resolute  & total failure of our efforts to
explain top-quoting to him. Er, to  it.

Liam Proven • Profile:
Email: • Google Mail/Talk/Plus:
Twitter/Facebook/Flickr: lproven •  Skype/LinkedIn/AIM/Yahoo: liamproven
UK: +44 7939-087884 •  ČR/WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal: +420 702 829  053

Re: Looking to re-home some NeXT hardware

2017-03-08 Thread Ed via cctalk
we may  some parts pieces  maybe  when  we stage  our  next cube...
who knows  might pop up and  work  by it self..
let me know what you are not  going to  used there.
thx  Ed#
_www.smecc.org_ (  
In a message dated 3/8/2017 2:07:11 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hi  Mark,

Works for me or I can post.  I am "snuci" on
and have been a member for a little  while.  I have a couple of NeXTs
already including only one that I've  put on my site at   One of these will go
to a friend who has a small collection and is new to  NeXT so we'll have
another potential member soon :)  For the record,  that blog post is old.  I
have the Cube working with dual monitors and  have no issues with that one
at all.


On Wed,  Mar 8, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Tapley, Mark   wrote:

> On Mar 8, 2017, at 1:28 PM, Santo Nucifora  
> wrote:
> > Hi  Mark,
> >
> > I have reached out to Chris (I am local) and  will providing a new home
> for the lot.  I will be happy to take  hi-res pics of the board when I get
> them over the weekend.
>  >
> > Santo
> Santo,
>   that’s great! Wonderful to hear they are going to a good  home.
> I will try to pass on the  photos to
>   if that’s OK with you, or you can do so directly.  That seems to be
> one of the biggest active repositories of NeXT  information.
> If you want to get them  running, there is also a lot of useful
> information in the forum area  on the same site, including pretty detailed
> steps on how to implement  a SCSI2SD or other hard drives. Some of that 
> be helpful with the  cube as well.
>  -  Mark

Re: Fluorescent lights (Was: Full immersion emulation)

2017-03-07 Thread Ed via cctalk
have no idea...  wife bought them at  home depot  they were  not cheap but 
just twisted ino fixture and  done.
I am going to  do dame in some of the  rooms at  SMECC  museum too.
I like a simple  fix and this was!
In a message dated 3/7/2017 12:43:24 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On 3/7/2017 11:04 AM, Ed via cctalk wrote:
> we  had   tubes  with LEDs in them... took oldflorescent  tube out of
> fixture.. twisted in the   thing  with the  LEDs in it  that hacked  
wight  into
> the lighting  fixture and  done!  Ed#
I've asked about those and have no sources of  such.  They do have to 
work thru ballasts and deal with starter  issues that are no longer 
relevant, unless you remove and rewire the  ballasts / starters out of 
the old fixtures.

The things I've seen  are the same form factor as a 4' dual tube dual 40 
watt fixture with 110  in and light out.  Pull and toss an old dual tube 
fixture and replace  with new LED.  But I've not seen the tube solution.  
I've got a  couple of spots the tube thing would be desirable, but no 
source of  such.  If you do have a source I'd be  interested.


Re: Fluorescent lights (Was: Full immersion emulation)

2017-03-07 Thread Ed via cctalk
we had   tubes  with LEDs in them... took old   florescent  tube out of 
fixture.. twisted in the  thing  with the  LEDs in it  that hacked  wight into 
the lighting  fixture and  done! Ed#
In a message dated 3/7/2017 10:23:36 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

> From: Jon Elson

> I have converted our  kitchen to LEDs. 

Yeah, I've already done ours, too. Our fixtures are  let into the ceiling, 
just replacing them with LED ones wasn't an  option; I couldn't find ones 
took the same opening. But I bought an  under-ceiling fluorescent-sized LED
fixture, made by a company called  Hampton Bay, to replace an under-ceiling
fixture in another room, and I  noticed it was just enough smaller than the
ones in the kitchen. So I  gutted the kitchen fixtures, took Hampton Bay
units, discarded the plastic  light-shields, and with a bit of trimming,
convinced the base plates (which  holds the power supply, LEDs, etc) to fit
into the existing  fixtures.

I'm now currently wanting to do my shop, and I'm looking for  something 
is a bit less work - tubes that I simply plug in, or  something like that, 
what I'm looking for!


Re: HP 2647A BASIC/AUTOPLOT47 and DEMO tape preservation

2017-03-07 Thread Ed via cctalk
smecc would like a tape also!  neat!
In a message dated 3/7/2017 1:08:12 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I am interested. I have an HP 2647 with two restored tape  drives, and have 
been looking for this exact tape set. I have some "new"  Athana tapes. Step 
1 would be to copy them to a new Athana master tape. Then  step to could be 
to make copies available to the group. Step 3 would be to  transfer them to 
an archive format, but in essence it's already been done by  the hpmuseum 
(in 5.25" 2647 disc format, LIF I presume?). But I don't have  that rare disc 
unit and interface card to connect it to the 2647 (if I had, I  could 
indeed recreate the tapes). That said, I first need to work on step 0,  which 
lots of practicing recovering DC100 tapes reliably: baking them,  changing 
the belt, cleaning the guides... Fortunately I have lots of DC100  tapes that 
I need to recover before touching yours. It might take me a couple  month 
to get there. Contact me off list if you want.

> On  Mar 6, 2017, at 1:12 PM, Dave via cctalk   
> Hello,
> I have a couple of HP 2647A  tapes:  BASCI/AUTOPLOT47 and DEMO.   They 
look to be in good  condition.  I have had them in a climate controlled lab 
since acquiring  them as part of a sizeable lot of HP tapes last year.
> I am curious if  there are any known good copies of these tapes out 
there.   Are  these the same as (i.e., can be created from) the floppy images 
available on
> If these are not already archived, I would be interested  in preserving 
them.  I realize that reading tapes this old may be a  "one-shot only" 
process, and I don't have the expertise or equipment to be  able to archive 
> Is there anyone on this list with the  interest and ability to archive 
these tapes and make the images available to  the community in a useful format?
> Thanks,
>  Dave

Re: Test

2017-03-06 Thread Ed via cctalk
I see it!
In a message dated 3/6/2017 5:18:52 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Test  again, None of my posts seem to be getting through...

On 28/02/2017  00:35, "Jay West"  wrote:

> Test  received ;)
> -Original Message-
> From: cctalk  [] On Behalf Of Adrian
>  Graham
> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2017 6:34 PM
> To: Discussion:  On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts 
> Subject:  Test
> Ezwind?
> --
> Adrian/Witchy
> Binary  Dinosaurs creator/curator
> - the UK's biggest  private home computer
> collection?

Re: I hate the new mail system

2017-03-01 Thread Ed via cctalk
actually  when it all shows up as  cc talk as the sender it  is  of value 
as   we can clear  the   group  of   mail  faster after I have picked out the 
 topics relative to  what  we are working on.
In a message dated 3/1/2017 2:47:11 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On 28  February 2017 at 21:23, Rich Alderson via cctalk  <> wrote:

> OK, it's official.   I rarely criticize mail interfaces, because they're
> usually
>  mostly innocuous.  However, today's change makes life a lot more  
> In the past, it was simple to direct a reply to an  individual instead of
> to the
> list because the originator's  address was right there in the From:
> header.  As
> of  today, the list address is substituted for that, so that it is
>  impossible to
> respond privately...


Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems:  "The Future Begins Tomorrow"
Visit  us at:

"When a true  genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign,
that the dunces  are all in confederacy against him." -- Jonathan  Swift

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