RE: CFEclipse 1.2

2005-08-15 Thread Christian Cantrell
For some reason, Eclipse isn't seeing that an update is available.  I
can just install 1.2 manually, but I just wanted to check to see if
others were experiencing the same thing.


 -Original Message-
 From: Patrick Burm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 11:20 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CFEclipse 1.2
 You can also use the eclipse update feature, register a 
 remote site using

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RE: Ajax and CFCs

2005-08-15 Thread Christian Cantrell
CFCs can be invoked directly through the XMLHttpRequest object as long
as the CFC support remote access.  I tend to cache my components and
access them through a controller/proxy which can also be easily done via
Ajax.  And finally, you can easily call CFM pages directly which return
either HTML or XML (the XMLHttpRequest object supports both).

You don't need any third-party products.  Ajax and ColdFusion go very
well together as-is.  You can see an example of integration here:


 Do you know any example on how to integrate an AJAX web 
 interface with ColdFusion Components?
 Do you know any good AJAX client/server library with 
 ColdFusion support?

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RE: CFEclipse 1.2

2005-08-15 Thread Christian Cantrell
That worked for me.  Thanks.


 I was having the same problem. I removed the old site and 
 added the new one linked to
 Then it found the update fine.

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MySQL 4.1 and UTF8

2005-02-18 Thread Christian Cantrell
For some reason, I'm not able to get the UTF8 character set to work 
properly with MySQL 4.1.  I'm specifying the character set when 
creating my tables, but any non-latin character comes out as a question 
mark.  I had this working fine in previous versions of MySQL, but 4.1 
isn't cooperating.  ColdFusion seems to be handing the encoding well, 
but not MySQL.  I am using the INNODB engine, so I'm wondering if 
that's the problem, but MySQL is not returning any error messages -- 
just garbage.  Any ideas?

(After sending this, I'll try it w/o INNODB to see what happens, but I 
don't think that will fix it.)


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Re: MySQL 4.1 and UTF8

2005-02-18 Thread Christian Cantrell
Very close!  The parameters below actually have to be included in the  
JDBC URL, like this:


(I'm using a newer driver than then one that shipped with CFMX 7.)


On Feb 18, 2005, at 4:28 PM, Barney Boisvert wrote:

 Try putting this


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Re: CFMX7 and DevNet

2005-02-09 Thread Christian Cantrell
Hi, Cutter.  Let me see if I can help:

1. It's true that each developer using the development server needs to 
have his or her own DevNet subscription.
2. The scenario you mention below is definitely legitimate.  One of the 
advantages of the development server is that other people in the 
company, and even clients, can keep an eye on development.  (As long as 
they aren't actually writing code, or technically QAing the system, no 
3. Now back to your main point: unfortunately, I don't have an answer, 
but I do have a contact for you.  I recommend emailing your question to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  That goes directly to DevNet business owners, 
so you will get a quick and accurate response.

Feel free to email me personally if you don't hear something back in a 
reasonable amount of time.


On Feb 9, 2005, at 8:59 AM, Cutter (CF related) wrote:

 I don't remember this restriction (not that it matters much in my
 organization). A more important advantage for us was the ability for 
 of the 7+ members of our management staff could pull up a site in
 development from their desktop and gage it's progress without having to
 be at a specific workstation and without us having to place that
 developing site on a production server with our hosting provider.

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Re: CF7 MySQL question

2005-02-09 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 9, 2005, at 6:10 AM, Ian Winter wrote:

 Hmm, OK. I saw Steven's post when it came out. I'll go back and have a
 re-read. Would be nice to know why it didn't ship though.

I'll save some of you the Google search: 


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Re: CFMX 7 is released

2005-02-07 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 7, 2005, at 11:10 AM, Rick Root wrote:

 I'm sure that Macromedia realized that the vast majority of developers
 are using windows machines or have access to a Windows machine, even in
 worlds where they deploy to Linux, Solaris, etc..

That's correct.  Ideally, we would release Report Builder applications 
for all platforms, but we figured it made more sense to just get it 
right on a single platform, and for obvious reasons, that platform had 
to be Windows.  I can't imagine a web development operation without 
some Windows machines around, at least for testing if nothing else.


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Re: The Death of DevNet :-(

2005-01-05 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Jan 5, 2005, at 9:40 AM, Ben Rogers wrote:

 I still have yet to receive anything from Macromedia notifying me that
 program was being phased out. They have my e-mail address. They have my
 mailing address. Do they need a blood sample before they'll tell me 
 what the
 heck is going on?

Emails were sent out over the last couple of days to all DevNet 

Anyway, I really really really encourage you guys to send feedback and 
questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  All the right people are on that 
list.  All we can do on cf-talk is post URLs to information on the 
website which you guys have probably already seen.


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Re: ot: contacting MM

2005-01-05 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Jan 4, 2005, at 7:49 PM, Adrocknaphobia wrote:

 Hes scheduled back in 'early Jan'.

Ed is back next week.  If you don't hear anything by the end of the 
week, feel free to email me personally and I'll make sure you get your 


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Re: The Death of DevNet :-(

2005-01-04 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Jan 4, 2005, at 9:09 AM, Alex Sherwood wrote:

 Any idea why MACR would do this?

Macromedia is consolidating subscription programs.  Right now, there is 
MVLP (Macromedia Volume Licensing Program), DevNet, Studio, and 
subscription programs that we have taken on through acquisitions.  It's 
confusing for customers and expensive for Macromedia.  It's like code 
re-factoring, but in a business/sales sense.

You should be able to find answers to all your questions here:

Any issues that are not answered on the Macromedia website can be 
emailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: (ot - admin) advertisers

2005-01-03 Thread Christian Cantrell
I'd definitely join and participate.


On Jan 2, 2005, at 11:23 PM, Michael Dinowitz wrote:

 Actually, based on the interest people have brought up, I've got a 
 question for people here. If there was a list that handled SEO, 
 and other site business things, would you both join and post?
 We have a huge amount of people on HoF and there has to be a lot of 
 here that can be shared. This all came up due to an off list 
 discussion with
 someone here about their site and what they make in non-google type 
 Really shook me.

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Re: CF Poll with Flash interface

2004-08-04 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Aug 4, 2004, at 9:22 AM, Andy Allan wrote:

 You can buy DRK5 and get Pollster 2, which is of course what Christian

Yup, that's what I use, and it works great.You can read more about
Pollster 2.0 here: 

You can buy DRK 5 for $99 here: 

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Re: someone has to know this... MACROMEDIANS, anyone...cfdump 3rd post

2004-06-14 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Jun 11, 2004, at 12:43 PM, Tony Weeg wrote:

 yeah, the hotfixes, and its not just one of them, it's them, it's the
directory.  I tried renaming everything with an _1 at the end, and the
cfdump didn't work, so I new it wasn't the files in the 
 directory.  then I
renamed the directory with an _1 at the end, and GUESS WHAT? it works.

Very strange, Tony.I'm getting ready to quit for the day, but I'll 
take a look in the morning, and pass this along to some engineers if I 
can't find anything.Has anyone else every had problems dumping a 
cfcatch struct?

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Re: CF access to NT Performance Stats?

2004-06-09 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Jun 8, 2004, at 12:40 PM, Mark W. Breneman wrote:

 Is there any way for CF access the info that the NT performance
(perfmon.mmc) displays?

Have you looked at the getMetricData function?It has a mode
attribute which can be set to perf_monitor.I don't have a Windows
server set up, but according to the docs:

Returns internal data, in a structure.To receive data, you must
enable PerfMonitor in ColdFusion Administrator before executing the
function.On Windows, this data is otherwise displayed in the Windows

You can read more here: 

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Re: Date Bug in CFWDDX

2004-05-25 Thread Christian Cantrell
On May 24, 2004, at 6:06 PM, Mark Murphy wrote:

 CFWDDX action="" has a bug

Thanks, Mark.I will report this issue.

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Re: SOT - Last nights NYCFUG meeting.

2004-05-20 Thread Christian Cantrell
On May 20, 2004, at 11:59 AM, Ray Champagne wrote:

 What is this all about now?  PDF's from CFML?  Easily? Me likee, want 
hear more

Here's your chance.Ben, Tim and Dave Gruber will be presenting at 
12:00 PM Pacific (3:00 PM Eastern).Just go to the URL below:

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Re: ANNOUNCE: WorldWide Macromedia User Group meeting, sneak peaks and Community week.

2004-05-13 Thread Christian Cantrell
On May 12, 2004, at 7:29 PM, Irvin Gomez wrote:

 If history is any indicator, 4/5 of whatever they announce will be 

What history?Did you attend this session at the last MAX conference 
on Salt Lake?It was very widely attended, and definitely one of the 
coolest sessions.

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Re: why? are we different?

2004-05-11 Thread Christian Cantrell
On May 11, 2004, at 1:38 PM, Larry White wrote:

 The hotfix kind of works. On my developer's edition, which is single
user Enterprise, it worked. On my production server, Professional 6.0 
 upgraded to 6.1, it doesn't.

You're saying that you applied the exact same hotfix to two different 
servers -- one development and one production -- and it works in one 
place, but not the other?Can you confirm that the hotfix was picked 
up in your production server's classpath?

 Why am I not surprised?

I certainly am!

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Re: Named anchor

2004-05-10 Thread Christian Cantrell
On May 10, 2004, at 7:37 AM, Pascal Peters wrote:

 Is it possible to find a named anchor passed in the url (if there is
one) in ColdFusion?

I don't think there is a way.The named anchor (anything after the 
hash symbol in a URL) does not get sent to the server, and therefore 
does not show up in variables like CGI.SCRIPT_NAME.

If you really need it, you might have to do something like this:


The anchor name is then available as the value of the variable 

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Re: flash remoting books

2004-04-13 Thread Christian Cantrell
I recommend Tom's book, as well.I worked on the ColdFusion section, 
so I know it's comprehensive.:)


On Apr 12, 2004, at 11:49 AM, Dave Carabetta wrote:

Sorry for the crosspost all . . .

I know that Tom Muck's book Flash Remoting: The Definitive Guide has
gotten solid reviews. I looked at it in a bookstore once and it seemed
pretty comprehensive. I just don't do much with remoting, so I can't 
you any real world feedback.


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Re: ...just took 60+ seconds to load Hello World in Flex!

2004-04-10 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Apr 9, 2004, at 4:04 AM, Samuel R. Neff wrote:

The overhead will be addressed as soon as Flex supports runtime shared
libraries.  With this then the classes only have to be downloaded 
 once.  I
would say that RSL are critical to the success of Flex, but it's 
strange they weren't made a high-enough priority to be included in 
 1.0.  I'd
expect to see them in a 1.x or at least a 2.0 release.

BTW, runtime shared libraries are on the Flex Roadmap.From the Flex 
Technology White Paper:

In the core technology, Macromedia will continue to add features in 
the short and longer term. In the short term, users will benefit from 
features like runtime shared libraries, component templates, and 
additional themes...

You can find the entire white paper here:

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Re: ...just took 60+ seconds to load Hello World in Flex!

2004-04-09 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Apr 8, 2004, at 11:25 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:

btw, is there a way to get rid of the loading message that appears
with the rendering of each FlexFlash page?

You can set the usePreloader attribute of the Application tag to false 
like this:

mx:Application xmlns:mx= 

You can also customize it using the preloader attribute.

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Re: ...just took 60+ seconds to load Hello World in Flex!

2004-04-09 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Apr 8, 2004, at 10:41 PM, Samuel R. Neff wrote:

The second run should be significantly faster, but still a lot slower 
 than a
Flash Hello World app since every app will have the 130kb of Flex 

Small applications requiring little interaction can still benefit from 
the look and functionality that Flex provides, but as Sam points out, 
they are going to be significantly larger than their Flash or HTML 
equivalents.Medium to large applications, however, which are more 
interactive, start to benefit very quickly from a bandwidth perspective 
from the Flex application model.It's not unusual for pages on sites 
like Amazon or eBay to be anywhere from 60K to 90K in size, not 
counting external assets like images, style sheets, scripts, etc.It 
only takes one or two clicks before you are actually saving significant 
amounts of bandwidth with Flex.

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Re: RIA options, Flex Flash and others.

2004-04-07 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Apr 7, 2004, at 9:33 AM, Dick Applebaum wrote:

I for one was/am critical of the Flash RIA as not being good enough --
resulting in a heavy or sticky feel to the UI.

That's all well and good, if Flash can deliver acceptable performance
-- if it can't then I will look elsewhere for RIA solutions.

It just isn't fast enough to be usable, especially when you consider
the amount of client resources it consumes to attain poor UI
performance.  My particular criticism is with the expanding and
collapsing of the folders -- where only client-side RIA processing is

I actually don't find the performance to be all that bad.Your XUL 
example is obviously much faster, however as Sam pointed out, that's 
not really a fair comparison.Additionally, I don't think XUL is a 
very viable solution given the size of the audience that it addresses.
Performance is your point, however, and not ubiquity, so I will say 
that although I find the performance of Flex applications to be quite 
acceptable, Macromedia is fully aware of the importance of performance 
as it relates to our RIA strategy.I obviously can't get into 
specifics, but I will say that performance is a big priority at 

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Re: Flex not?

2004-04-07 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Apr 7, 2004, at 12:21 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:

Has anyone done this?

Just about all the Flex development I've done so far has been on a Mac. 
It works great.Dave's explanation is correct.Here are the details:

1. Create a flex directory in JRun4/servers/default
2. Copy the flex.war file into the flex directory and unjar it.
3. Optionally copy the samples.war file into the flex directory and 
unjar it.
4. Restart your server.
5. Make a request like: http://localhost/flex

I got the war files by installing Flex on a Linux box first.I'm sure 
you can get them from a Windows installation, too.

Note that this is not supported, but it seems to work very well.

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Re: RIA options, Flex Flash and others.

2004-04-07 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Apr 7, 2004, at 12:20 PM, Whittingham, P wrote:

 Is the 'slowness' done on purpose or by accident. I've created Flash 
 reports which render instantly and some 'slower' for effect? Is this 
 for 'effect'???

I guess the best way to say this is that the animation is obviously 
done on purpose, which is slow enough to be perceptible.Any 
sluggishness or jerkiness you might see is not intentional, if that 
makes sense.

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Re: Flex is out

2004-04-02 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Mar 31, 2004, at 7:42 AM, Whittingham, P wrote:

 The main problem I have with flex and flash mx 2004 is the size of swf 
 file. The download times suffer even on an intranet.

What kind of file sizes are you seeing?We have seen that typical Flex 
applications are around 100K to 150K.Typically, they achieve the 
majority of their size very early on, then tend to plateau since assets 
are shared very efficiently across components.150K for an RIA might 
seem hefty at first, but actually, it isn't.I pulled up an arbitrary 
eBay page the other day that was 87K *without* images.The Amazon home 
page is about 63K, again without images.Once all the images and other 
external assets have been fully loaded, both these pages are far larger 
than typical Flex applications, and you have to load that amount of 
data with every page refresh as opposed to just loading data with Flex. 
I actually believe that Flex applications are much more bandwidth 
efficient than comparable HTML applications.

 I tried your flex sample and they are slow. MM needs to address 

I agree with you there.The online examples are not performing like 
they should, and not how I am seeing them perform locally.We're 
actually looking into this to see what's wrong.Thanks for the 

 Also, MM needs more components like maps/graphs and reports.

Agreed.From the Flex FAQ:

Q: Does Flex include charting components?
A: Charting components for Flex are currently in beta. To be notified 
aboutparticipating in the Flex charting components beta program, 
pleasesign up for the Flex Newse-mail list.

I'm sure other frequently requested components will follow.

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Re: FLEX: are you HERE or are you NOW?

2004-04-01 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Mar 31, 2004, at 3:43 PM, Scott Weikert wrote:

Now is it just me, or does that paragraph simply NOT answer the 
it's associated with? How does offering it only on CD have anything 
 to do
with support?

I think this question has been pretty well covered by responses form 
Dave and others, but just to reiterate and summarize, we would like to 
try to make sure that the people who are evaluating Flex right now are 
serious potential customers so that we can provide them with as much 
support as possible.(Yes, this is subtly implied in the FAQ rather 
than explicitly stated.)Of course, charging $8.99 for the trial is no 
guarantee, but it will help to reduce the noise.The $8.99 obviously 
does not cover support costs, but it can at least help to keep them 
under control.

I also want to mention that there was a misconfiguration in the 
Macromedia online store that was causing international customers to be 
overcharged for the trial.Apparently that has been fixed.Please let 
me know if you discover otherwise.

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Re: Flex is out

2004-03-31 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Mar 31, 2004, at 11:51 AM, Morgan Senkal wrote:

 Thanks for the clarifications, Christian.  One question tho:  I have 
 checked out the samples explorer, and the one thing that I find 
 lacking as far as an example is accessibility - an issue of extreme 
 importance in my shop... On the features page, Flex claims to be 
 accessible, my question is how?  And I would like to see it!

This is something I actually don't know much about, but there's a whole 
Flex Accessibility center on our website:

Let me know if this material doesn't answer all your questions, and 
I'll see if I can dig up more information.

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Re: FLEX: are you HERE or are you NOW?

2004-03-31 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Mar 31, 2004, at 1:42 PM, Peter Tilbrook wrote:

How do I get 'Flex' and can I download a trial? - Yes you can but 
 at the
same time no you cannot. I had to say pay up or order the CD-ROM. 
cannot download it from an easily accessible site just yet (if ever).

Here is information on why the Flex trial is only currently available 
on CD:

 But for $15.00 or more Australian dollars you may get it on CD 

Anyone who orders the CD will receive one promptly.

And that is pretty much how Macromedia are treating their 
customers at the moment. Pay up or give up.

The trial is only available on CD for all customers, not just 
international ones.What do you mean?

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Re: Flex is out

2004-03-30 Thread Christian Cantrell
I've been traveling recently, so I wasn't able to address these 
Flex-related posts as they came in.In the interest of efficiency, 
rather than responding to each post, I've aggregated the main points 

 I predict that Macromedia is going to sell off ColdFusion within the 
 next 2 years.  Their product portfolio is too diversified and their 
 customer segments have very little in common - Flash, ColdFusion, 
 Director, Fireworks, Breeze, and now Flex - very different developer 

We absolutely have no plans to sell off ColdFusion.I don't know to 
say it any more plainly than that.Macromedia is very dedicated to 
ColdFusion as I think we will demonstrate with Blackstone.One of the 
primary focuses of CFMX was obviously the port to the J2EE platform 
which demanded significant resources.These are resources that we have 
been able to dedicate to innovation with Blackstone.I think you will 
like what we have planned.

 FORGET flex! Go Laszlo!

If you are considering Flex, it only makes sense that you will want to 
consider Laszlo, as well.Make sure you thoroughly understand the 
capabilities and limitations of each product, and make sure you fully 
understand each product's pricing.Contact Laszlo Systems for 
information on their enterprise pricing (it's not posted on their 
site), and make an educated decision.By no means do we expect Flex 
customers to be ignorant of Laszlo.

 Maybe just another go nowhere Spectra product chasing tumble weeds...

I've seen this statement in a few different places, and all I can say 
is that Macromedia is extremely dedicated to Flex and to RIAs in 
general.Although we know that traditional HTML-based web applications 
aren't going anywhere for a very very long time, we also believe that 
RIAs present huge opportunities for our customers, and Flex is key 
technology for supporting those customers.I'd also like to add that 
discontinuing products that are not performing where we need them to is 
not a shameful thing.I think it's amazing how Macromedia experiments 
with so many different technologies, and is willing to take chances.
Macromedia is constantly investigating, playing with and investing in 
new technologies, many of which never see the light of day, but that's 
what it takes to be a technology leader.That said, however, we feel 
very very good about Flex and the opportunities it presents.

 1) Is an alternative way to create swf files

Generating SWF files is only one thing Flex does.It is certainly the 
functionality that gets most of the attention, but it does a lot more.
See the Flex Features page for more details:

 2) Offers nothing new to the Flash Client (I.E. with enough time; you 
 couldbuild anything created in Flex through other means )

It's true that Flex does not extend the capabilities of the Flash 
Player.The fact that Flex applications run inside the existing Flash 
7 player is a significant portion of its appeal, in fact.It is also 
true that you could build Flex-like applications using just Flash, and 
if that's efficient for you, than it makes sense just to stick with the 
Flash authoring tool.Take a look at a sophisticated Flex application, 
however, and ask yourself how long it would realistically take you to 
build and maintain it with Flash versus with Flex.

 I'm willing to bet you could do it in-house for less.

If you can, then you should.But again, get to know the technology and 
what it's capable of.Working for Macromedia, I have obviously been 
exposed to Flex throughout its development cycle, but I can honestly 
say that I was absolutely amazed with the finished product and what it 
is capable of doing.I'm not too bad with Flash, but I couldn't 
imagine building an extensive Flex-like application from scratch at 
this point.Its capabilities clearly set a new standard for RIAs.
That said, if Flex can't save you enough time and/or resources, or 
present enough opportunity, than it's simply not right for you.

 ...while Flex is no doubt cool, it would be a tough sell convince a 
 client to pony up $12K when UI development in either Flash or HTML 
 would be far less than that.  Obviously, the pricing is enterprise 

Again, you have to do the math.Figure out:

1. If you think your business can benefit from a Flex application.
2. If so, how long (in man hours) would it take you build it without 
using Flex.
3. How much return do you think you can get from rewriting your 
application with Flex.
4. Do the math and compare the end result to $12,000.

Just like any other business decision, it require careful analysis.

 what are the advantages of using Flex, when price is obviously not one 
 of them.

I would encourage you to visit the Flex product page, view the sample 
applications, and install and experiment with the Flex trial.I think 
the functionality that Flex applications bring to the web, and the Flex 
development paradigm, speak for 

Re: Flex is out

2004-03-30 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Mar 31, 2004, at 12:05 AM, Rob wrote:

Well I am running FireFox on a Debian linux box so  I doubt you are
running that - and I doubt it is a supported setup anyway.

That explains it.Flex requires Flash Player 7, which has not yet been 
released for Linux.It will be out shortly, however.

Still, shouldn't be getting 404s, though.I will report it.

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Re: More on Laszlo

2004-03-16 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Mar 16, 2004, at 1:33 PM, Dave Carabetta wrote:

 Laszlo does not have an
IDE that I see. They assume you'll use another IDE to code your Laszlo
applications (which is fine by me).

Macromedia has already started working on a MXML (the language that 
Flex uses) IDE codenamed Brady.I think that anyone who wants to 
write MXML will be very interested in what Brady has to offer.Very 
cool stuff.

More info:

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Re: Question about Macromedia DRK subscription.

2004-02-20 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 20, 2004, at 3:11 PM, Ciliotta, Mario wrote:

I was wondering if anyone has subscribe to the DRK's. I was wondering 
 if you
could tell me are they worth the cost.

I should probably defer to others since my opinion might not be 
completely objective.:-)

I am interested in the CF content and the Flash content. Also does 
 anyone know
if there are plans to include some JSP content or maybe JSP tags that 
developers can use.

We haven't really given much thought to JSP custom tags simply because 
we have been focusing on ColdFusion custom tags and components.If 
there appears to be a demand, we will certainly consider it.We have 
included a few very nice Java projects, however, with ColdFusion custom 
tag wrappers.The thinking is that they would appeal to both 
ColdFusion and Java developers.

Have a look at the DRK home page for more information on content 
included on the current and past DRKs:

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Re: Security Documentation

2004-02-13 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 13, 2004, at 12:41 PM, Richard Crawford wrote:

 I'm looking for some good websites dedicated to issues of security for
Cold Fusion and JRun.  Anyone got any suggestions?

I don't know of any sites dedicated to ColdFusion security, but here 
are several good resources on Macromedia's site:

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Re: running on top of Mach II

2004-02-09 Thread Christian Cantrell
Well, in the interest of putting this thread to bed, let me try to wrap 
things up by saying that when Sean comes back, I will discuss this 
issue with him.Although I don't have a problem with Macromedia's web 
team using Mach II or Sean contributing to Mach II development, his 
actions should not be interpreted as an official Macromedia endorsement 
of any one project over another.


On Feb 9, 2004, at 1:56 AM, Michael Dinowitz wrote:

 I understand the tradeoff. I'm just saying that MM is big enough with 
money and skilled programmers to write some of the tightest, fastest, 
optimized code around if they wanted to. The extra few dollars to 
 make the
code 'fast but inflexibility' (it really isn't inflexible, it's just
specific to the needs of the MM site) is worth it to avoid what 
 started this
entire thread. To have anyone see an error on a website, let alone 
 for there
to be an error in the first place is just not acceptable (in my mind 
thinking of a multi-million dollar internet software company).

 There is almost always a trade-off between flexibility, abstraction,
 etc. and performance, but one typically tries to strike the right
 balance between the two extremes.  The right balance typically falls
 between the cost of extending and maintaining a fast but 
 application, and the cost of having to throw hardware or other
 optimizations as a slow but highly configurable application.  I'm
 certain Sean's team understands this equation and has made their
 decisions accordingly.


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Re: running on top of Mach II

2004-02-09 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 9, 2004, at 9:09 AM, Philip Arnold wrote:

No disrepect meant here Christian, but there are a few of us here who
are of the opinion that MM selecting MachII to use on their site is a
glowing endorsement of the framework

Point taken.I was referring specifically to the statement that 
Macromedia screwed up by using Mach II.My impression is that very 
few people actually have a problem with this, however I also 
acknowledge that we should be more clear about the fact that we are not 
officially endorsing any particular project over another.When Sean 
gets back into town, I will discuss this with him.

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Re: running on top of Mach II

2004-02-09 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 9, 2004, at 10:02 AM, Geoff Bowers wrote: is *not* built in Mach-II.  The Dylan65 project was
released well in advance of Mach-II emerging as a framework.  Mach-II 
being used for some specific point-applications on the website.

Thanks for bringing this up, Geoff.This is a very important point.
Mach II is something the web team experimented with, found increased 
their productivity, and now uses for some projects.It is NOT the 
framework used for

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Re: running on top of Mach II

2004-02-09 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 9, 2004, at 9:56 AM, Angus McFee wrote:

Macromedia would be better off using no framework at all. Let's face 
 it, a framework is just a loosely connected group of ideas anyways, 
 that offers a temporary development efficency until something new 
 comes along.

I guess frameworks mean different things to different people.
Personally, I can't imagine building any application without some sort 
of framework, even a very small and lightweight one.I have found that 
frameworks (not specifically Mach II, but frameworks in general) make 
development much more efficient, and applications easier to extend and 
maintain.However, this should not be interpreted as a Macromedia 
endorsement for frameworks in general.:)

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Re: Just slightly

2004-02-09 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 9, 2004, at 1:26 PM, Doug White wrote:

 The link returns a
Internal Server Error

Get rid of the trailing dot from the URL.Worked for me.

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Re: running on top of Mach II

2004-02-08 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 8, 2004, at 2:05 PM, Matt Liotta wrote:

Boy-oh-boy. Where to start?

should want to support everything and anything that the CFML community
produces, but of course it is impossible to support everything.
Therefore, they shouldn't support anything in particular.

We have chosen instead to support the community and contribute where we 
can.If that sets us apart from Sun, so be it.

I think Sean Corfield's coding standards document is a perfect example
of where a useful contribution has turned into something else 

Has this document had some sort of negative impact that I'm not aware 

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Re: running on top of Mach II

2004-02-08 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 8, 2004, at 2:18 PM, Matt Liotta wrote:

 The fact they are using a particular
framework implies that they choose it as opposed to other frameworks
because it was the best. The DRK is another example of where they
screwed up as it implies the same thing; that what they ship in the 
is best of breed.

I think this is another example of where *you* believe Macromedia 
screwed up.You appear to be in the minority, however.As I've 
written in the past when you have said that Macromedia should be 
ashamed of itself for the DRK, we are actually proud to both accept and 
solicit contributes from the Macromedia development community.

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Re: running on top of Mach II

2004-02-08 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 8, 2004, at 3:04 PM, Matt Liotta wrote:

 Do you not remember all the flak
about Google vs. Verity when it's rewrite used Google
instead of Verity?

I remember that the majority of that flack came from you, just as you 
seem to be the only one on this thread who has a problem with Sean's 
team using Mach II.I think you have made your opinion abundantly 
clear.I'm sure Sean and his team will give it due consideration.

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Re: running on top of Mach II

2004-02-08 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 8, 2004, at 3:48 PM, Matt Liotta wrote:

If in this case, MachII was the best solution then the community would
certainly benefit from understanding why that was the case. If not,
many will just assume that is the case, which benefits no one except
for the people behind MachII.

Perhaps Sean needs to make it more clear that his team's decision 
should not be considered an endorsement from the company he works for.
Sounds fair enough.I'm sure he will be happy to clarify the situation 
when he gets back.

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Re: running on top of Mach II

2004-02-08 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 9, 2004, at 12:07 AM, Michael Dinowitz wrote:

The problem with every framework that exists is that it has to be 
 generalized. It is almost totally non-specific because it has to be 
 used on site A, site B, etc. This leads to code that may work but is 
 not the tightest, fastest or even the most optimized for the site. MM 
 should be going the tight, optimized, elegant code route. Instead 
 they're going the 'mass production' route. They should be beyond that 

There is almost always a trade-off between flexibility, abstraction, 
etc. and performance, but one typically tries to strike the right 
balance between the two extremes.The right balance typically falls 
between the cost of extending and maintaining a fast but inflexibility 
application, and the cost of having to throw hardware or other 
optimizations as a slow but highly configurable application.I'm 
certain Sean's team understands this equation and has made their 
decisions accordingly.

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Re: jRockit

2004-02-06 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 6, 2004, at 8:58 AM, Kwang Suh wrote:

 CFMX comes with and uses the IBM JRE, not Sun's.

JRun and ColdFusion use Sun's JRE.

IBM's can be found here:

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Re: What could be wrong with this code ? Any expertise on this please??

2004-02-05 Thread Christian Cantrell
Can you verify that all queries fail as opposed to just this one?For 
instance, can you run a simple query like this?


Should we be focusing on your query syntax, or should we be looking at 
a potential driver problem?


On Feb 4, 2004, at 10:49 AM, Ian Vaughan wrote:

I have set up a connection to an IBM universe database through Windows
Administrative Tools  ODBC Datasource Administrator, this pings and
tests correctly...
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Re: jRockit

2004-02-05 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Feb 5, 2004, at 2:36 PM, Michael Wolfe wrote:

Can anyone tell me more about jRockit?

I don't know about JRockit in particular, but I do know that there are 
faster JVMs out there than Sun's.I used to get very good results with 
IBM's.It's strange that Sun doesn't make the fastest JVM, and that 
Java does not run better on Solaris than on other operation systems, 
but it's true.

If you get ColdFusion working with JRockit, let us know what it's like.

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Re: OpenXCF

2004-02-03 Thread Christian Cantrell
Both of these projects look very interesting.I look forward to 
following their development, and hopefully contributing, as well.


On Feb 2, 2004, at 7:55 PM, Simon Horwith wrote:

 I suppose I should say more about the project I've begun...
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Re: How to Pass Varibles on Multipage Form?

2004-01-29 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Wednesday, January 28, 2004, at 04:28PM, Justin Jefferson wrote:

 I'm working with a multipage survey (3 pages) and I'm trying to figure 
 out how to pass the survey answers over the multiple pages.

I highly recommend using the session scope as others have suggested.
That way, users can back up and refresh, and their data is still 

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Re: randomize()

2004-01-26 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Friday, January 23, 2004, at 03:24PM, Tony Weeg wrote:

 does randomize do anything for randRange(), or ONLY for rand()

Here's a lot more information than you probably wanted to know:

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Re: randomize()

2004-01-26 Thread Christian Cantrell
They should be passed in.The hardcoded zeros are defaults which 
actually result in the next() function returning any number within the 
range of an integer.The component is meant to be used like this:

cfset rng = createObject(component, com.macromedia.util.Random)/
cfset rng.setBounds(1, 52)/

You can also do this...

cfset rng.setSeed(getTickCount())/
cfset rng.nextBoolean()/

I think I would create in instance during your initialization routine 
(probably in your Application.cfm file), stash the instance in a 
persistent scope, and use it like this:

You can also reset the bounds at any time without having to create a 
new instance.


On Monday, January 26, 2004, at 10:54AM, Tony Weeg wrote:

 so do you hardcode your min/max at the top of the cfc?

 you don't pass them in right?

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Re: log visit time?

2004-01-26 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Monday, January 26, 2004, at 02:32AM, Emmet McGovern wrote:

 Anyone know of a simple way to keep track of the total amount of time a
 user is logged into an application for?

Two ideas.One is to explore 
HttpSessionBindingListener is an interface with two functions: 
valueBound and valueUnbound.An implementation can be used to catch 
notifications of when a session is created or cleaned up.I've never 
tried this in ColdFusion, and in fact, I'm not even sure it's possible, 
but it's worth pursuing.In the J2EE world, this works great.

My second idea is much easier and will certainly work.Rather than 
trying to measure the time between login and logout (since you never 
really know when someone has stopped using your app unless they 
explicitly log out, which you cannot count on them to do), measure the 
time between login and the users last request.Store the current time 
at login-time (inside your CFLOGIN tag, possibly), then record the time 
on every request after that (use the session scope to make the time 
user-specific).The total time logged in will (approximately) be 
timeOfLastRequest - loginTime.

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Re: CFMX 'bug'? Easy to crash CFMAIL.

2004-01-22 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Wednesday, January 21, 2004, at 06:28PM, Matt Robertson wrote:

 But I hope someone smacked themselves on the head and at the very, 
 *very* least said Oops.  Lets try not do *that* again!  when the 
 realization hit that this change was undocumented and unannounced 
 (assuming I am not incorrect on that score)

I haven't been able to find it documented anywhere, so you're right.I 
will make sure the appropriate person smacks himself on the head.

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Re: CF Start a process - don't wait for it to finish

2004-01-22 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Wednesday, January 21, 2004, at 11:06PM, Taco Fleur wrote:

 What's the best way to start/call a process in CF and not wait for it 

I tried once to write a CFTHREAD tag (that spawned a new Java thread in 
which some task would be performed), but it managed to eluded me.
Sounds like a good candidate for a future version of CF, unless someone 
else has some ideas on how to do it.

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Re: CF Start a process - don't wait for it to finish

2004-01-22 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Thursday, January 22, 2004, at 01:22PM, Andre Turrettini wrote:

 make it an attribute of a cfc?  Give it its own scope and perhaps an
 optional callback function.  Maybe cfevent and cfcallback.  That 
 be nice if used properly.  Just because its complex doesnt mean it 
 should be

A callback was exactly what I had in mind.I can't remember what 
ultimately stopped it from working, but I remember getting close then 
hitting a brick wall.Maybe I'll try again sometime with a fresh 

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Re: SOT: How to set a file upload input box to readonly.

2004-01-22 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Thursday, January 22, 2004, at 05:52PM, Ciliotta, Mario wrote:

 Does anyone know how to make a file upload input box read only.

If you go with one of the _javascript_ solutions recommend by others, 
make sure you test it thoroughly on all browsers.I seem to recall 
that some browsers don't allow any access to file inputs via scripting 
for security reasons.The danger is that someone hides a file input 
(through various techniques) and populates it with the path to a common 
file using _javascript_.If the user were to submit the form (or the 
form were submitted via JS), the user's file would be stolen.

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Re: OT radio button validation

2004-01-21 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Wednesday, January 21, 2004, at 01:04PM, Robert Orlini wrote:

 Anyone have a quick _javascript_ code top check if a certain radio 
 button is selected then a input field must have content?

Here's a two minute solution:

script language=_javascript_
 function checkForm()
var f = document.myForm;
for (var i = 0; i  f.paymentmethod.length; ++i)
if (f.paymentmethod[i].value == cc)
 if (f.paymentmethod[i].checked  f.ccNum.value 
== ) //maybe replace with an RE
alert(Please fill in a credit card 
return false;
 return true;
return true;
form name=myForm  checkForm()
 Purchase order: input type=radio name=paymentmethod 
 Credit card: input type=radio name=paymentmethod 
 input type=text name=ccNum/br
 input type=submit value=Submit/

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Re: Finding JavaMail version

2004-01-21 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Wednesday, January 21, 2004, at 02:00PM, Michael Wolfe wrote:

 How do I determine what version of JavaMail CFMX is running? Also, how 
 can I
 update it to a newer version (if one is available)?

Here is the top of the MANIFEST.MF file from mail.jar:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
SCCS-ID: @(#) 1.4 00/09/26
Extension-Name: javax.mail
Specification-Title: JavaMail(TM) API Design Specification
Specification-Version: 1.2
Specification-Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Implementation-Version: 1.2
Implementation-Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Implementation-Vendor-Id: com.sun

I think this means that ColdFusion is using JavaMail 1.2.To update 
it, replace mail.jar with a newer jar file.Don't forget to back up 
the old one.:)

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Re: CFMX 'bug'? Easy to crash CFMAIL.

2004-01-21 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Wednesday, January 21, 2004, at 10:18AM, Tyler Clendenin wrote:

 My main problem with this is that if you send to a query and it throws 
 error it stops mid e-mail and does not rollback or anything it only 
 out the first percentage of the e-mail before the bad e-mail address.

Do you mean if you pass a query into the CFMAIL tag?That's the price 
you pay for convenience.If you have validated all your email address 
on their way in, use this feature with confidence.If you have not, 
then loop through the query manually and either validate or catch 
errors.Sometimes the most convent solution is not the most 
appropriate for your needs.

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Re: CFMX 'bug'? Easy to crash CFMAIL.

2004-01-21 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Wednesday, January 21, 2004, at 02:54PM, Tyler Clendenin wrote:

 so you see no forseeable performance issue with looping over using the

I wouldn't think so.I would guess that's what is happening internally 
anyway.Perhaps Tom can clarify.

 also does the validator follow all rfc822 standards such as quoted

I'll leave that for Tom to answer.

 and in clarification, this behavoir is a new improvement and
 not a bug?

Yes.We realize that the behavior is inconsistent with previous 
versions of ColdFusion, however we believe the new behavior exhibited 
by CFMX is preferable.Sorry for the difficulties it has caused with 
your code, but I think once you have completed the required 
re-factoring, you will find that your application is actually more 

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Re: Can any one do this?

2004-01-21 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Wednesday, January 21, 2004, at 03:18PM, Phillip B wrote:

 Anyone think they could do this or know of some one that provides this
 type of service?

With Flash Communication Server, this type of application (streaming 
audio and/or video) is fairly straightforward:

The first time I played with Flash Comm, I wrote a video chat 
application in about 30 minutes.The server and components do all the 
hard work.All you have to do is use the API.

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Re: CFMX 'bug'? Easy to crash CFMAIL.

2004-01-20 Thread Christian Cantrell
I'm checking with the engineering team.I'll let you know what I hear.


On Tuesday, January 20, 2004, at 11:14AM, Matt Robertson wrote:

 Well, it was about time... Finally upgraded my CF 4.5 server to 6.1.
 Had minimal problems, and really nothing unexpected, except for this 

 Previously, if you tried to send cfmail to foo@ (note the
 space) or or somesuch, cfmail would just dump it into 
 undeliverable folder and soldier on.  Under 6.1 it crashes the
 application.  Now, we all know the GIGO rule about data, but try 
 that to a large client with an equally large membership they can no
 longer send mail to as a group.

 I've written an email validator, and added a lot of processing overhead
 to the mail service, but I've still taken a big black eye over this.
 Something this obvious has been reported, right?  Or is it taken for
 granted now that CFMAIL breaks on this?

 I can only find minimal mention of this (one post on some guy's forum)
 on Google and nothing at MM, although I may be missing it.

 Matt Robertson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 MSB Designs, Inc.

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Re: CFMX 'bug'? Easy to crash CFMAIL.

2004-01-20 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Tuesday, January 20, 2004, at 11:14AM, Matt Robertson wrote:

 Previously, if you tried to send cfmail to foo@ (note the
 space) or or somesuch, cfmail would just dump it into 
 undeliverable folder and soldier on.

Just to verify what I think everyone has already figured out, the 
current behavior isn't a bug.When you said the application was 
crashing, I thought you meant it was crashing the application server, 
which obviously would have been big bug.It seems ColdFusion is 
throwing an exception, instead, indicating that the email address is 
invalid, which was a deliberate change in CFMX.

It looks like you have already considered several options for 
re-factoring your code.If you like having undelivered mail saved in a 
particular directory or file, you can always manually do so in a 
CFCATCH block.Otherwise, validation either at the time the data is 
entered (preferable), or at the time the data is selected is clearly in 

Sorry for the confusion.

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Re: Flash for Developers/Programmers WAS: Flash Remoting with Blue Dragon

2004-01-15 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Wednesday, January 14, 2004, at 11:07AM, Bryan F. Hogan wrote:

 What I want to do is
 replicate, my existing intranet's in flash, create a projector, install
 it on a users desktop and automatically pull data from my server, no
 html, no dhtml, no _javascript_, etc. Multiple clients, one app.

I recommend that anyone considering this type of approach look very 
seriously at Central.In most circumstances, it's much more practical 
than projectors since you get a lot of great built-in functionality 
like auto-update, installation management and notifications.

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Re: Flash for Developers/Programmers WAS: Flash Remoting with Blue Dragon

2004-01-15 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Thursday, January 15, 2004, at 10:14AM, Thomas Chiverton wrote:

 A version of Central that allowed you to specify your own application 
 would be great !

We've actually heard this a lot and it has given us some ideas.It's 
great feedback.Thanks.

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Re: Flashpaper Macromedia - Please

2004-01-15 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Thursday, January 15, 2004, at 09:43AM, Dan Murphy wrote:

 Please take a look at it and let me know what you think. For others 
 out there, try downloading it and pass your comments along too. We'd 
 like to get a feel for people's document format preferences and make 
 sure we're poviding the information and tools in the formats your 
 looking for.

This thread has inspired a post and a new survey on my weblog:

If you have a strong opinion, please take the poll and I will make sure 
the ColdFusion team sees the results.

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Re: Flash for Developers/Programmers WAS: Flash Remoting with Blue Dragon

2004-01-14 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 01:22PM, Bryan F. Hogan wrote:

 Everytime I'm about ready to pick up on using Flash something else 
 me not too. SOAP and Flash almost had me convinced on starting to use
 Flash, then I hear something like this.

I certainly didn't intend to discourage the use of Flash!I think 
these types of issues are to be expected when working with such new 
technology.Fortunately, if you know where to look, you can learn from 
other people's experience and avoid most of the frustration.

If you decide to have a go at it, I can probably help you with any 
issues you run into.And I should probably clarify that I have written 
several Flash/CF applications that integrate through SOAP and work 
great.There are just a couple of issues to watch out for.

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Re: sot: active desktop ticker

2004-01-14 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 06:10PM, Ryan Mitchell wrote:

 I was wondering if anyone had experience making a news style ticker 
 that a
 user can put on their desktop... I was thinking active desktop was the 
 way to do it (I'm happy enough to limit to windows), and I looked into
 channel definition files, but I can't get them working...

Have you investigated Central?It runs on the desktop and is cross 
platform (at least Windows and OS X, at this point).

Introduction to Central white paper:

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Re: sot: active desktop ticker

2004-01-14 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Wednesday, January 14, 2004, at 10:12AM, Ryan Mitchell wrote:

 How did I know you would suggest that?!!

How could I not?:)I'm actually a very big fan of Central.I'd be 
interesting in knowing what you think of it once you get around to 
playing with it.

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Re: Flash Remoting with Blue Dragon

2004-01-13 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 10:22AM, Burns, John wrote:

 I haven't gotten into this a lot, but is the HTTP compression of soap 
 option in Flash?  Their argument with the memory leak information 
 like it was pretty solidly based.  I'm assuming that's just a Flash
 player issue?  Any explanation or further education would be greatly
 appreciated as I'm looking into these options now.

Compression addresses the verbosity of SOAP, but there are other things 
to take into consideration:

1. The overhead of zipping and unzipping the XML.I have found this to 
be minimal to negligible, but if I were basing a new project on this 
type of communication, I would probably do some more tests just to be 
2. The overhead of parsing (serializing and deserializing) SOAP 
requests and responses on both the client and the server.
3. The overhead in generating binary AMF responses on the server (this 
isn't an issue on the client because the Flash player doesn't have to 
deserialize AMF).

My experience is that Flash Remoting is slightly faster, but I don't 
have definitive numbers.I would encourage anyone weighing the pros 
and cons of the two to set up some simple performance tests and decide 
for yourself.Published benchmarks and personal anecdotes have too 
much potential to be biased or just plain wrong.

Other things to consider:

1. SOAP is obviously an open format and will make your projects more 
portable.For some, that's an important consideration, and for some, 
it's not.
2. Not all browsers support Flash Remoting.Last time I checked, 
Mozilla and Opera were not compatible.Hopefully that's changed by now 
(anyone know?), but there are always legacy browsers to consider.
3. I have found Flash Remoting and AMF to be more robust than the web 
service implementations I have used.I have forced myself to use web 
services in newer projects rather than Flash Remoting just to get the 
experience, and I have found bugs in both the Flash implementation and 
in Apache Axis which caused a lot of frustration and would have been 
avoided if I had used Flash Remoting.So far, I have not run into any 
significant bugs with Flash Remoting that I can recall.

The bottom line is, as always, there is no single answer that is right 
for everyone.I think it's a decision that has to be made on a project 
by project basis.The only absolute I can offer is to encapsulate the 
communication mechanism enough to allow you to change your mind later 
on down the road.

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Re: cfunit test suites

2004-01-13 Thread Christian Cantrell
Here is a little test suite I used for meta testing the test suite:

cfcomponent extends=com.macromedia.cfunit.test_suite output=yes
setSuiteName(Meta Test Suite);

Make a direct HTTP request to this component just like you would to an
individual test (with the method=run parameter), and the test suite
will run all the tests that were added to it.

Does that make sense?


On Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 06:53AM, Thomas Chiverton wrote:

 The docs are slightly lacking in how to group test cases together into
 suite, I've tried creating a component like:
 cfcomponent extends=com.macromedia.cfunit.test_suite
 cffunction name=run access=remote
 setSuiteName('Test Suite for CEO');
 but that doesn't work.

 The individual test cases for each object
 run fine.
 Tom Chiverton
 Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

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Re: Lightweight blog software

2004-01-13 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 07:10PM, Matthew Walker wrote:

 Isn't there one in a recent devnet volume that uses xml for storage?
 that do?

BlogMan.It's lightweight and implemented in CF, but alas, it's not

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Re: real quick ot

2004-01-13 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 04:23PM, Tony Weeg wrote:

 I mean I understand the theory, I love it for windows apps, but
 I just cant see the deal with web apps.

The idea is that you release a web application with a specific set of 
features.You (and presumably others in your company, or perhaps 
clients) decide on a new set of features.That set of features gets a 
version number, and the development process begins.Your team starts 
implementing features, checking in changes as they reach milestones 
(CVS allows developers to work on files simultaneously and 
automatically merges most changes), and eventually the code goes into 
QA.Once QA has signed off on the new version, the source tree is 
tagged with the new version number (allowing you to roll back to that 
exact point at any time, if necessary), and the new code is installed 
(typically on staging, then on production at some ridiculous hour of 
the morning).It's also possible to branch off the main source tree to 
isolate certain features and changes, which is great for experimental 
work, and the branch can later be merged onto the trunk.

Personally, I can't imagine developing without CVS.If you want a 
simplified form of version control for a single user, consider RCS.
It's CVS without the concurrency.

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Re: Calendar Code

2004-01-12 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Sunday, January 11, 2004, at 04:44AM, Mickael wrote:

 Hopefully someone can help me out.  I am looking for some CF code for 
 a Calendar of Events.  What I am looking for is the type of calendar 
 where the admin of the site can add HTML content via a form (with 
 something like HTMLedit) and enter items to a calendar for a specific 

If you decide you want to roll your own, there is a calendar component 
on DRK 3.I used it to build a system similar to the one you are 
describing (it was actually a weblog, but it had similar 
functionality), and the calendar component gave me a big head start.

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Re: Calendar Code

2004-01-12 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Monday, January 12, 2004, at 11:19AM, Mickael wrote:

 What is DRK 3 sorry I have never heard about it?

DRK = DevNet Resource Kit.It's a quarterly CD of components, custom 
tags, sample applications, etc. for several different products 
(ColdFusion, Flash and Dreamweaver, primarily).You can get 
information on DRK 3 here:

(For fear of doing too much promoting on this list, if you have any 
more questions, I would be happy to answer them off-list.)

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Re: What are ColdFusion developers doing with Web Services?

2004-01-12 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Sunday, January 11, 2004, at 05:34PM, Ralph Ogden wrote:

 I'd especially like to know if
 anyone in the ColdFusion development community is even
 doing much with Web Services.

Just about everything I write these days exposes web services for one 
reason or another.I've been doing a lot of RIA development, which web 
services are obviously perfect for.But even with 100% CF apps, there 
is usually some kind of functionality I want to expose through a web 
service.I think of it as just another application interface.

Big players like Amazon, eBay and Google have all seen the benefits 
(both technically and from a financial perspective) of exposing web 
services (or at least XML APIs).I think they are here to stay, and I 
personally can't imagine developing applications without them, at this 

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Re: What are ColdFusion developers doing with Web Services?

2004-01-12 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Monday, January 12, 2004, at 12:15PM, Daniel O'Keefe wrote:

 What would be an example of the type of functionality you would use a 
 web service for in this case?

I sometimes like to provide a Flash front-end alternative to CF/HTML 
apps.I think some functionality is better expressed in Flash and some 
better in CF/HTML.I like to try to get the best of both worlds.Web 
services are a great way for Flash to hook into the CF back-end.

In terms of pure CF applications:

1. I added web services to MXNA ( so that 
people could write their own presentation layers.(We haven't made the 
API public yet).
2. Community Vision ( is exposed through 
web services which Mike Chambers leveraged for a Central application.
3. I wrote an application for internal use called Community Resource 
Directory which has 100% of its functionality exposed through web 
services.This allows the CF front end to be hosted on different 
servers throughout the company while I maintain the bulk of the 
application on an internal community server.

In general, allowing communities to write their own code on top of a 
set of core services has a lot of interesting potential.In the case 
of eBay, it has translated directly into serious revenue.I don't know 
about Amazon and Google, but I'm guessing it will eventually bring in 
money if it hasn't already.

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Re: CFDJ isn't exactly kicking bootay

2004-01-08 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Thursday, January 8, 2004, at 01:26AM, Dave Carabetta wrote:

 ...and the price of the subscription is almost twice what Time 
 magazine costs me...
 The last issue of CFDJ was 52 pages. Of the 52, I think *maybe* half 
 had article content.

I'm not sure it's fair to compare CFDJ to Time.Because CFDJ is so 
specialized, it reaches a relatively limited audience, which means 
Sys-Con cannot charge nearly what a publication like Time can charge 
for advertising.Generally speaking, the more specialized a 
publication, the more expensive it is.

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Re: CFGrid, CFForm and other cf tags that use applets

2004-01-08 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Thursday, January 8, 2004, at 08:41AM, DURETTE, STEVEN J (AIT) 

 Have any of you heard that Macromedia will be dropping CFGrid and 
 other tags
 that are applet based (cfslider, cfselect, etc.  even CFFORM!) in 

 This was put out by someone in our company telling us that we need to 
 all of our pages to remove these.

I don't know of any immediate plans to deprecate these tags.Do you 
know where he or she got this information?

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Re: CFCACHE parts of pages without cfhttp

2004-01-08 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Thursday, January 8, 2004, at 02:26PM, Matt Liotta wrote:

 Have you ever seen an application with so many CF generated
 class files that the server can't even handle a request?

Can you expand on this?That must have been one insanely big site.
Can you share some numbers?

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Re: Flashpaper Macromedia - Please

2003-12-29 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Wednesday, December 24, 2003, at 01:35PM, Mike Brunt wrote:

 I hope someone at MM is listening.

Thanks for the feedback.Indeed we are.I will pass this along.(I'm 
personally not crazy about PDFs in this particular context, either.)

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Re: OT Flex beta

2003-12-05 Thread Christian Cantrell
Christophe Coenraets, the Flex evangelist, made a post this morning 
describing the beta process:

Hopefully this will clarify the issue somewhat.


On Wednesday, December 3, 2003, at 10:58PM, Michael Dinowitz wrote:

 If anyone in the ColdFusion community has been accepted to the Flex 
 program, could you please join the HoF Flex mailing list and just say 
 hi. I just
 want to know that someone in the community has been accepted. Everyone 
 talked to, including some of the top names in the community, has been 
 I just need to know that at least one CF programmer is in on this 
 project. It'll
 also go far in allaying some of the fears I've been hearing from 

 P.S. Please respond on the Flex list. Thanks

 Michael Dinowitz
 Finding technical solutions to the problems you didn't know you had yet

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Re: OT Flex beta

2003-12-04 Thread Christian Cantrell
I'm trying to find out what criteria was used to select beta 
participants.When I have more information, I will post it here.


On Wednesday, December 3, 2003, at 10:58PM, Michael Dinowitz wrote:

 If anyone in the ColdFusion community has been accepted to the Flex 
 program, could you please join the HoF Flex mailing list and just say 
 hi. I just
 want to know that someone in the community has been accepted. Everyone 
 talked to, including some of the top names in the community, has been 
 I just need to know that at least one CF programmer is in on this 
 project. It'll
 also go far in allaying some of the fears I've been hearing from 

 P.S. Please respond on the Flex list. Thanks

 Michael Dinowitz
 Finding technical solutions to the problems you didn't know you had yet

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Re: Macromedia launches Flex (Was Royale)

2003-11-20 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Wednesday, November 19, 2003, at 05:37PM, Dave Watts wrote:

 From my understanding, having sat through the keynote and one other 
 presentation, Flex is all just client-side code, which can 
 interoperate with
 CFMX, webservices, local Java objects, and whatever else you have 
 around, more or less.

This is a good summary.Flex is a presentation server.You can 
think of Flex as a rich version of HTML with a huge amount of 
functionality and flexibility.Instead of generating an interface 
using HTML and ColdFusion, JSP, ASP, PHP, etc., you use MXML to 
generate Flash, then wire that interface to web services, which can 
be implemented in any language.

It's a wild paradigm.


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Re: Eolas patent suit

2003-10-25 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Friday, October 24, 2003, at 12:03 PM, Jeff Beer wrote:

 My livelihood comes
 from developing and delivering flash-based newsletters and promotions 
 e-mail.  When this change goes into effect, we're either out of 
 or facing the loss of our primary product.

You don't have anything to worry about, Jeff.Users who have enabled 
ActiveX controls in Outlook will not be prompted before the Flash 
player and other ActiveX controls are loaded.Microsoft confirmed that 
since Outlook is not considered a browser, the upcoming changes to 
Internet Explorer will not affect it.


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Re: Eolas patent suit

2003-10-25 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Saturday, October 25, 2003, at 04:22 PM, Nick de Voil wrote:

 Does anyone in their right mind enable ActiveX controls in Outlook?

That's a good question.ActiveX controls are disabled in Outlook by 
default.Of course, that is not a result of the upcoming changes to 
Internet Explorer.The point that I want to get across is that nothing 
is changing with respect to Outlook.Whether it is a good idea to 
embed Flash in emails is a different question altogether.


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Re: Macromedia sinks on sales news

2003-10-24 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Friday, October 24, 2003, at 09:53 AM, Kevin Graeme wrote:

 An example of this is any site that wants to be accessible following 
 guidelines. According to the Web Content Accessiblity Guidelines, a 
 must still function with _javascript_ turned off at the browser.

Keep in mind that Flash still works when embedded the old way.The 
user simply has to click OK when prompted before the Flash loads.
Therefore, if you use the _javascript_ solution to cover the huge 
majority of your visitors, you can place your OBJECT and EMBED tags in 
a NOSCRIPT tag to cover the few who, for whatever reason, have 
_javascript_ turned off.


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Re: Macromedia sinks on sales news

2003-10-24 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Friday, October 24, 2003, at 01:04 AM, Matt Liotta wrote:

 I have an article that will be published by DevX real soon now that
 IMHO provides a much better solution than what is currently provided at

Since I haven't seen this particular solution, I cannot comment on it 
directly, however I will say that Macromedia's solution was created in 
close collaboration with Microsoft and is implemented in a very 
specific way for very specific reasons (we will be releasing more 
information on this shortly).In other words, there are all kinds of 
solutions out there that are smaller and may seem more elegant, however 
Macromedia believes the solutions that we have provided and will 
continue to provide are the safest choice for Flash developers.From 
the Active Content FAQ:

Q: Why did Macromedia choose this technical solution? Are others 
A: Macromedia has worked closely with Microsoft; we have created 
solutions that are based on information provided to us by Microsoft 
about how the future browser version will work. While other solutions 
are possible, we feel confident that the solution presented here is the 
most generally applicable and useful to a large audience.


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Re: Macromedia sinks on sales news

2003-10-23 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Thursday, October 23, 2003, at 09:04 PM, Matt Liotta wrote:

 Of course, I'm sure that the Eolas patent dispute may put a
 damper on that real soon.

The upcoming changes in Internet Explorer have been successfully 
addressed.Macromedia is very confident in our recommended solution.


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Re: Tried the other fix and it did not work either

2003-10-07 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Tuesday, October 7, 2003, at 04:41 PM, Bruce Sorge wrote:

 So I tried the inline fix and it too does not work. I know that this 
 is not
 MM's fault, but I am not a member of any M$ groups.

This is certainly the right approach (assuming the tags get closed).
It is possible that you are doing everything right and the browser is 
erroneouslyprompting you.The version of IE that Microsoft released 
yesterday is only test code, and Macromedia has actually been able 
isolate some configurations on which the browser did not behave as 
expected.We are currently working with Microsoft to help debug the 
browser and get the issues resolved.If your fix still isn't working, 
can you send me your code (or, better yet, a URL pointing to it) and 
information on your OS configuration?


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Active Content Developer Center

2003-10-06 Thread Christian Cantrell
Just wanted to let people know that Macromedia recently launched the 
Active Content Developer Center in order to help developers prepare for 
upcoming changes in Internet Explorer.You can find the Active Content 
Developer Center here:

Active Content Update FAQ:

Active Content Update Forums:

Microsoft has quite a bit of information, as well, and you can go ahead 
and download the Pre-Release Internet Explorer Bits for testing (don't 
worry -- the actual browser won't be released until early next year):


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2003-10-03 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Friday, October 3, 2003, at 01:14 AM, Jim Davis wrote:

 However when I do this (as I am) from with the parents delete() method
 (making the call sorta recursive-like) I get the error we all know and
 love: Cannot nest CFTRANSACTIONS

The approach I sometimes take is to have a set of components called 
entities which only worry about a single database table (the 
relationship between an entity and a database table is usually 1 to 1). 
For instance, I might have a User entity, and an Orders entity.Each 
contains functions (and SQL) for inserting, updating and deleting.
Calling the deleteUser function of the User entity would often fail 
because of referential integrity violations if that particular user had 
any orders.That's where the higher-level components come in: the 

I create a second package of components called managers which handle 
transactions and glue entities together.The User manager component 
might have a delete function which does the following:

1. Starts a transaction.
2. Deletes all of the users orders.
3. Deletes the user.
4. Commits the transaction.

These types of cascading deletes can get as complex as you need them 
to.The key is to keep all your SQL in your entities, and all your 
transactions in your managers.


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Re: Customg tag that will ring a phone

2003-10-03 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Friday, October 3, 2003, at 11:07 AM, John McCosker wrote:

 is anyone aware of a CFX tag free or for purchase that will ring a 

I have no idea if this is any help or not, but it might be worth 
checking out the Java Telephony API:


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Re: Macromedia Folks - Upgrades to MX2004?

2003-09-10 Thread Christian Cantrell

You need to contact your sales rep.  The fact that you own a 
subscription to Studio means you are a part of the MVLP program, and 
that you have a dedicated sales rep.  He or she will be able to give 
you specific pricing information.


On Wednesday, September 10, 2003, at 09:21 AM, Bosky, Dave wrote:

 We have the two year subscription for Studio MX.
 I assume this includes the upgrades to StudioMX2004 but is there an
 additional fee to upgrade to FlashMX2004 professional?



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Re: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?

2003-08-28 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Thursday, August 28, 2003, at 09:52 AM, Angel Stewart wrote:

 I thought the purpose of Marketing a new product was to keep existing
 clients and gain new buyers for a product.

Marketing is about awareness.  Given a budget, the goal is to get as 
many of the right people aware of your product as possible.  Do you 
think there are more ColdFusion developers out there who need to be 
made aware of Dreamweaver, or PHP and ASP developers?



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Re: cfc vs php rule of thumb

2003-08-26 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Monday, August 25, 2003, at 11:51 AM, Patricia G. L. Hall wrote:

 I've seen you talk about the ini way of doing things before and I 
 it was an interesteing way to carry on.  I'm pretty sure you've 
 ini on your blog, but have you ever blogged its use specifically?

I actually think INI files, or initialization files, are a great way to 
externalize simple application configuration.  They are somewhere 
between defining variables in your Application.cfm file, and creating a 
configuration file in XML.  For simple apps (or even complex apps that 
don't require a lot of configuration), they work great and are quick 
and simple to write and parse (using the getProfileSections and 
getProfileString functions).  They are much less verbose than XML and 
more human-readable.  Where you tend to run into trouble is when you 
try to create your own namespaces with dot notation or something as 
your files start to get complex.  If you don't need the relational 
nature of XML, however, and you don't mind other developers making fun 
of you for not using XML, INI files are often a good solution.



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Re: MX 2004 and Devnet Pro

2003-08-26 Thread Christian Cantrell
Thanks for posting this URL, Massimo.  Rob, let me know if you have 


On Tuesday, August 26, 2003, at 07:54 AM, Massimo Foti wrote:

 I am thinking of subscribing to Devnet Pro in the next month or so.  I
 understand that i should get the upgrades to MX 2004 as part of Devnet
 Pro.  One question that i am stuck on is, will the MX 2004 versions 
 of the
 various studio products contain the items that are in DRKs prior to MX
 2004?  In other words, do i still need to buy DRKs 1-3 (since 4 is the
 current one) to get all the features (Flash components, Dreamweaver
 components, CFMX components) that are in available in those DRKs, or 
 can i
 just wait for the 2004 versions of the products?

 You may try this:

 Massimo Foti
 Certified Dreamweaver MX Developer
 Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer


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Re: multiple user login

2003-08-25 Thread Christian Cantrell
On Monday, August 25, 2003, at 03:27 AM, Margrit John wrote:

 I would like to have two applications of Mozilla open on the same 
 machine and login on each application with a seperate user.

I just wrote about this last week in a post entitled Separating 
Sessions from Cookies:



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