Re: Moving part of my hosting business - thoughts about my plan please ...

2014-05-29 Thread Jaime Metcher

Coming in a couple of months late here, but I've just been through a move
from Windows/Adobe CF/MS SQL Server to Linux/Railo/MySQL and found a couple
of things not previously mentioned.

Windows - Linux: already covered above, but I'll just add that anything
that turns into a file name (like CFC paths)  is also included in the
case-sensitivity issue.  One issue that hit me was case inconsistency in
strings stored in the database that were later used to build path names.

AdobeCF - Railo: Even aside from the unsupported tags, syntax
compatibility although very good is not 100%.  See e.g.  A lot of this will come down to coding
style - your code might be completely fine.  The big thing for me though is
the way Apache and Tomcat work together.   ACF goes to some lengths to
disappear the Tomcat layer and make the whole thing look like a web server
that miraculously knows what to do with cfm files.  Railo is much more of a
classic Tomcat app, in that it is definitely sitting behind the web server
with its own separate configuration.  I can go into more detail about the
consequences of that if you like, but if you take the path of least
resistance (use mod_cfml and make the Apache document root the same as the
Tomcat context root) then at the very least you end up with a dirty big
WEB-INF folder in your document root.

MSSQL - MySQL:  CRUD queries will almost certainly be fine.  Heavy-weight
slicing and dicing queries probably won't.  There are lots of differences
in DDL (I have a very home-brewed set of regexes that did the trick for me
- happy to share).  Stored procedures will need to be completely
rewritten.  Many functions are different, but most have direct
equivalents.  One gotcha is that when MySQL is running on Linux, database
object names (e.g. table names) are case sensitive.

That sounds like a lot, but it is perfectly feasible to have one codebase
that will deploy and run happily in both environments (that might not be a
requirement for you, but it does illustrate that the differences are not
major).  My total changeover time was about six weeks, but I was completely
reworking my build and provisioning procedures at the same time.

Feel free to ping me on or off list if you want any more detail on any of


On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Mike K wrote:

 Thank you everybody, I'm glad I asked.I have changed my plan now.
  Cameron and others  made a  good point.   I was trying to do too many
 thing at once. My plan now is to get a new hosting environment as
 similar as possible to my current one, so its gives me the most chance that
 I'll be able to just copy everything over and most of it will work as is.
  Then work from there on the transition to Linux or the cloud and Railo in
 two more steps.

 Thanks to a suggestion from another member of this list off-list I'm not
 going with the cloud just yet,  I'll go with a VPS at Viviotech and work
 from there.   So far every question I've asked they have said yes we can
 do that all you do is    

 Once again this group helps me out.  In this case, I can see if I had gone
 with my original plan,  it MIGHT have worked out ok, but with my luck the
 odds were that it would give me a lot of grief before it was all said and
 done.Thank you all

 I'll let you know how it all turns out.

 Mike Kear

 On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 2:12 AM, Money Pit wrote:

  Having been there/done that myself, I would follow Cameron's described
  route.  You don't want to be debugging so many different issues at once
  an OS you aren't intimately familiar with (and maybe not familiar at
  You mentioned you are on Win2003.  Have you by chance missed out on
  CF on a 64-bit Win OS?  That was like manna from heaven when I first
  Consider a Windows VPS from Viviotech.  They can license you a copy of CF
  Enterprise *very* inexpensively.  They are surprisingly robust for the
  prices charged, they are CF-literate and an excellent firm on general
  principles.  From there consider leasing another Windows VPS and put
  on it (Viviotech will do this for you for a small setup fee or for free
  IIRC).  Then tinker away, migrate a low-profile site over when you're
  etc.  This is what I did with my personal sites.  You could take it a
  further and after mastering Railo, retire the Windows/Railo VPS, fire up
  one with linux and start over again on the tinkering so you limit your
  issues to that part of the change.
  If you need more horsepower and have the budget for a CF license, look at
  the blade servers at Cybercon; check out their hardware configs.  I don't
  see how you can beat those prices.  My servers there have been absolutely
  Janitor, The Robertson Team


Order the Adobe 

Re: Can application scope gateways/DAOs returning an array of Objects?

2010-01-13 Thread Jaime Metcher

Hi Jonathon,

There's only one thisContact variable, which is being reused each time
through the loop.  So all you need to do is put:

cfset var thisContact = 

right at the start.  There's an indeterminate number of values that are
passing through that one variable on their way into the array, but it's
still one variable.

And of course var scope returnArray and q_Contacts as well.  If you're on
CF9 things may a little different in that you may not need to explicitly var
scope, but I'll let the CF9 gurus pick that one up.

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Jonathan Price wrote:

 So, I'm relatively new to OO in ColdFusion, and I'm banging my head against
 one issue in particular.  Let's say I've got a DAO or Gateway object in my
 APPLICATION scope that needs to return a collection of beans, I'm having
 trouble understanding the need to VAR scope all internally used variables
 when I've got a dynamic number of objects being returned.  That's not very
 clear, so let's say this is the function in question:

 cffunction name=getContacts access=public returntype=Contact[]

   cfset returnArray = ArrayNew()
   cfset q_Contacts = 

   cfquery name=q_Contacts
   FROM Contacts

  cfloop query=q_Contacts
   cfset thisContact = createObject('component',
 'Contact').init(...insert init info here...)
   cfset ArrayAppend(returnArray, thisContact)

  cfreturn returnArray

 So, my concern is with the inability to create the Contact objects in the
 VAR scope since I don't know how many I'll be creating before hand.  If I do
 it like this (i.e. without the VAR on the createObject), am I setting myself
 up problems?  If so, how should I handle this?

 Thanks again, and I hope it's not to ridiculous a question.


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Re: SQLServer Express and SQLServer - totally compatible?

2010-01-04 Thread Jaime Metcher

Just a thought: if you're carting an external disk back and forth, why not
put a VM with SQL Express and your databases on that disk?  Personally I run
a little VM farm with SQL and CF all off the one eSATA disk.  All is kosher
as far as SQL is concerned, and if you need to get data onto another server
you've still got linked servers and/or SSRS, or even just a file copy of the
results of your processing.

BTW, I would not be at all suprised if SQL had some kind of fit when your
database files arrive back from wherever with a big hole in their LSN's.
It's precisely for this reason that detaching/reattaching is necessary.


On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Mike Kear wrote:

 I'm building a second machine which will run CF on it, and will need
 to manipulate my SQLServer2005 databases on a network server.  I'm
 going to be connecting this machine to these databases on an external
 drive as though they're local, because i'm going to be swapping back
 and forth between these machines regularly.   I dont want to keep
 attaching and detatching lots of databases  - i'd rather just connect
 the external database to this machine and then boot it up.

 So if i have SQLServer2005 (the full version) driving the databases
 when I'm working at one location,  and SQLServer2005 Express driving
 the databases when I'm working at my other location,   will that cause
 problems in the databases?   Are the two versions fully compatible at
 least as far as database file structure etc is concerned?

 I should also add that I'm only going to be using the Express on a dev
 machine - not connected to the internet, and there wont be multiple
 users.   And i hardly ever use the advanced features of the database
 for these little applications - things like syndication and triggers
 etc - i prefer to have ColdFusion take care of all those kinds of
 jobs.  So for the most part,  the databases are simple data storage
 mechanisms, with all the processing of data being done in ColdFusion.

 Can anyone see a problem if i do this?I'm not sure the machine I'm
 building justifies the cost of buying a licence for SQLServer2005 the
 full version.

 Mike Kear
 Windsor, NSW, Australia
 Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
 AFP Webworks
 ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month


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Re: Possible thread issue?

2009-12-08 Thread Jaime Metcher


Is this DAO a singleton?  I notice the queries aren't var scoped.  If this
is a singleton under load another thread could easily overwrite your
trans_insert variable in between issuing the query and logging the generated


On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 8:58 PM, Andre Kapp wrote:

 Ok - changed the pk id field returned to the following:
  cfset theTransID = trans_insert_res.GENERATED_KEY

 Still the same issue.

 Here is the complete cfc module sorry for it being a bit long...

 cfcomponent displayname=TransDAO

cffunction name=init access=public
 returntype=moneymaker.core.model.trans.TransDAO output=false
cfargument name=datasourceSettings
 type=moneymaker.core.model.DatasourceSettings required=true/
cfset variables.dss = arguments.datasourceSettings /
cfset variables.dsn = variables.dss.getDatasourceName() /
cfset variables.accountService =
cfreturn this /

cffunction name=fetch access=public returntype=Trans

cffunction name=process access=public returntype=struct

cfargument name=acctid required=Yes type=numeric /
cfargument name=cardid required=Yes type=numeric /
cfargument name=cardnumber required=Yes type=numeric /
cfargument name=amount required=Yes type=numeric /
cfargument name=type required=Yes type=string /
cfargument name=paytype required=Yes type=numeric /
cfargument name=description required=Yes type=string /
cfargument name=tracenumber required=no type=string
 default= /
cfargument name=stLimits required=Yes type=struct /

cfset var stTrans = structNew() /

cflog file=transdao_cfc text=Process tx for
 #cardnumber# type=information
!--- Get balance ---
cfset theCurrentAvailableBalance =
 variables.accountService.getAccountBalance(available, arguments.acctid)
cfset theCurrentActualBalance =
 variables.accountService.getAccountBalance(actual, arguments.acctid)
cfset theNewAvailableBalance =
 numberformat(theCurrentAvailableBalance, _.__) +
 numberformat(arguments.amount, _.__)
cfset theNewActualBalance =
 numberformat(theCurrentActualBalance, _.__) +
 numberformat(arguments.amount, _.__)
cfset theNewActualRunningBalance =
 numberformat(theCurrentActualBalance, _.__) +
 numberformat(arguments.amount, _.__)

!--- If debit, make sure there is enough funds ---

2009-09-29 AJK
Changed this to enabled debit to push the account
 into negative.

cfif arguments.type IS D99 AND theNewAvailableBalance LT 0
cfthrow errorcode=51 detail=Insuffcient Funds
 message=Error 51: Card has insufficient funds

!--- Check status of card/account ---
cfquery datasource=#variables.dsn# name=cardcheck
FROM card
WHERE card_id = cfqueryparam cfsqltype=CF_SQL_NUMERIC

cfif cardcheck.status_id NEQ 1
cfswitch expression=#cardcheck.status_id#
!--- Closed account ---
cfcase value=3cflog text=closed
 card:#cardcheck.card_cardnumber# loaded for #arguments.amount# on
 #dateformat(now(), '-mm-dd')# #timeformat(now(), 'HH:mm:ss')#
 file=closed_card_loads type=Information/cfcase
!--- Lost Card ---
cfcase value=4cfif arguments.type NEQ
 D98cfthrow errorcode=41 detail=Lost Card message=Error 41: Card has
 been reported lost/cfif/cfcase
!--- Stolen Card ---
cfcase value=5cfif arguments.type NEQ
 D98cfthrow errorcode=43 detail=Stolen Card message=Error 43: Card
 has been reported stolen/cfif/cfcase
!--- Restricted Card ---
cfcase value=10
cfthrow errorcode=62 detail=Restricted Card
 message=Error 62: Card is restricted
!--- New Inactive Card ---
cfcase value=11
cfif cardcheck.card_type_id EQ 1 OR
 cardcheck.bin_prog_link_id EQ 9
cfquery datasource=#variables.dsn#
update card
set status_id = 1
where card_id = cfqueryparam
 cfsqltype=CF_SQL_NUMERIC value=#arguments.cardid#
cflog text=#cardcheck.card_cardnumber#
 activated on load 

Re: Possible thread issue?

2009-12-08 Thread Jaime Metcher


Yeah, looks like singleton, but you'd have to find where the service is
instantiated to be sure.  Throw it back to the guys who wrote the code
anyway!  They should be var scoping always.

Don't know about the classid.  You can of course get the hashcode - see   Failing that, a
common but invasive way to establish CFC instance identity is to set a

cfset transDAO.__variable_name_unlikely_to_be_already_used = I'm back!!!

and then next time around check IsDefined(transDAO,
__variable_name_unlikely_to_be_already_used ).


On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Andre Kapp wrote:

  Is this DAO a singleton?  I notice the queries aren't var scoped.  If
  is a singleton under load another thread could easily overwrite your
  trans_insert variable in between issuing the query and logging the
  Tks Jaime.
  I have traced the code back to where this object is instantiated. It
  pretty much looks like a singleton design!
  This is the code just above this transdao.cfc

 Just a quick question.

 I'm much more familiar with the Java environment, so still learning the CF

 Is there a way to get the classid value of the Java object that gets
 created by coldfusion? This will help me to dump the TransDAO classid when
 displaying the transid value. If the classid is the same, then it will prove
 the singleton implementation.



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Re: Possible thread issue?

2009-12-08 Thread Jaime Metcher

I can't comment on whether for your app singleton is right or not.  Just be
aware that in CF singleton is much more common than in Java, largely due to
the much higher object instantiation overhead.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 3:28 PM, Andre Kapp wrote:

 Tks Leigh

 I changed all the variables to be var scoped. I have also var scoped the
 Still busy testing but it looks go

 Tks again for all the input. Without this I would have been lost! I still
 believe the Singleton is not the correct design pattern here, so will still
 do some work on that.



Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

Re: Possible thread issue?

2009-12-07 Thread Jaime Metcher


I can't help thinking the code you haven't shown is important.  Are you
creating a CF thread?  And are any of your variables in shared scopes?
Transactions and threads don't necessarily work the way you might expect.
There are lots of possibilites for cross-talk between threads, connections
and transaction in a CF thread scenario, particularly where shared scopes
are involved.


On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 5:22 AM, Andre Kapp wrote:

 I'v now come across a code problem that I simply cannot understand what is
 happending here.

 The code is part of a cfc module that is behind a web-service.
 This is not inside a loop - just a normal cfc with a function that enter,
 process and returns data...

 The problem here is the transID.
 When you start putting a bit of load on this code, the transID gets
 When looking at the first cflog here, the trans id is the correct value is
 an thedatabase table.
 However, after the values are assigned to stTrans, the trans id is
 different! It is that of another tx that happend later on...

 Nowere is the transID updated in the code between the two cflog's. The
 value in the cflog is correct, as it is this value that I receive on the
 other side of the WebService module

 Here is the logfile output
 Look for card no 00213

 Information,jrpp-5,12/07/09,20:11:27,GCCSVPWS,Process tx for
 xxx00213 with tx id 163537 and Thread.txid is 163537

 Information,jrpp-0,12/07/09,20:11:27,GCCSVPWS, Process tx (after
 transaction) for x000346 with tx id 163537 and Thread.txid is 163537
 Information,jrpp-4,12/07/09,20:11:27,GCCSVPWS, Process tx (after
 transaction) for 38304 with tx id 163537 and Thread.txid is 163537
 Information,jrpp-7,12/07/09,20:11:27,GCCSVPWS,Process tx for
 Information,jrpp-9,12/07/09,20:11:27,GCCSVPWS,Process tx for
 Information,jrpp-16,12/07/09,20:11:27,GCCSVPWS, Process tx
 (after transaction) for xx005097 with tx id 163537 and Thread.txid is
 Information,jrpp-18,12/07/09,20:11:27,GCCSVPWS, Process tx
 (after transaction) for xx00239 with tx id 163537 and Thread.txid is
 Information,jrpp-19,12/07/09,20:11:27,GCCSVPWS, Process tx
 (after transaction) for xx00304 with tx id 163537 and Thread.txid is
 Information,jrpp-8,12/07/09,20:11:27,GCCSVPWS,Process tx for
 x12 with tx id 163538 and Thread.txid is 163538
 Information,jrpp-9,12/07/09,20:11:27,GCCSVPWS,Process tx for
 x270 with tx id 163539 and Thread.txid is 163539
 Information,jrpp-3,12/07/09,20:11:27,GCCSVPWS, Process tx (after
 transaction) for 0288 with tx id 163539 and Thread.txid is 163539
 Information,jrpp-7,12/07/09,20:11:27,GCCSVPWS,Process tx for
 xxx254 with tx id 163540 and Thread.txid is 163540
 Information,jrpp-5,12/07/09,20:11:27,GCCSVPWS, Process tx (after
 transaction) for xx0213 with tx id 163540 and Thread.txid is 163540

 I found a problem when I did code optimizationon the other side of the
 webservice. First thought it was the web service, but trace it right down to
 this bit of code on the one server.

 This is happening on my Mac's VM's running CentOS 5.2 and Coldfusion 8 on
 top of that.

 Coldfusion details:
 Server Product  ColdFusion
 Version 8,0,1,195765

 Operating SystemUNIX
 OS Version  2.6.18-128.2.1.el5
 JVM Details
 Java Version1.6.0_04

 Database is MySQL version 5.0

 Any any any  ideas will be appreciated!


SELECT last_insert_id() AS transid;

cfset theTransID = trans_insert.transid
cfset Thread.txid = trans_insert.transid

cflog file=transdao_cfc text=Process tx for #cardnumber#
 with tx id #theTransID# and Thread.txid is #Thread.txid#

!--- Update acct balance on gateway ---
cfquery datasource=#variables.dsn#
UPDATE acct_balances
acct_balance = acct_balance + #arguments.amount#,
acct_balance_available = acct_balance_available +
acct_id = cfqueryparam cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER



cfif theCurrentActualBalance LT 0 AND theNewActualBalance
 GTE 0
cfquery datasource=#variables.dsn#
UPDATE fees_collection
settled = cfqueryparam
 cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER value=1,
settled_trans_id = cfqueryparam

Re: Possible thread issue?

2009-12-07 Thread Jaime Metcher

Andrew G,


A single request won't necessarily keep the same connection, especially
under load.  So unless you use a transaction, it's entirely possible for the
insert query to run on one connection, and the select last_insert_id() to
run on another connection. See
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Andrew Grosset wrote:

 maybe not (wrong)...

 The ID that was generated is maintained in the server on a per-connection
 basis. This means that the value returned by the function to a given client
 is the first AUTO_INCREMENT value generated for most recent statement
 affecting an AUTO_INCREMENT column by that client. This value cannot be
 affected by other clients, even if they generate AUTO_INCREMENT values of
 their own. This behavior ensures that each client can retrieve its own ID
 without concern for the activity of other clients, and without the need for
 locks or transactions.

   I was under the impression that Last_Insert_ID() in MySQL was the
  equilavent of Scope_Identity() in MSSQL.please correct me
   if I'm wrong.
  You're wrong, I think. From the MySQL docs:
  For LAST_INSERT_ID(), the most recently generated ID is maintained
  the server on a per-connection basis.
  If two page requests are running simultaneously, they're not using
  same connection.
  Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
  Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
  instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
  Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
  Visit for more


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Re: CF8, Vista, SQL 2005

2009-11-19 Thread Jaime Metcher

It might be worth looking at the connection settings in SQL studio.  SQL
studio by default will truncate long fields, which may be hiding row size
limitations.  If you bump up the field length limit in SQL studio and it
still works, that would point even more strongly to JDBC.


On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 8:37 AM, A D wrote:

 Its works ok using SQL managment studio.

 Doesnt work from eclipse RDS or CF.

  Its around 40 columns - none of them text or ntext.
  Selecting the 40 colums results in the same, but selecting a few columns
 is ok.
 I suspect you're hitting some sort of row length limitation in the
 JDBC drivers. Are you able to select an entire row from a native SQL
 Server client?
 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
 instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
 Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
 Visit for more information!


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RE: Query Retries

2009-04-03 Thread Jaime Metcher

A transaction that has rolled back due to a deadlock should always be
retried at least once.  Unless your server is chronically ill or you use
massively long transactions, the chances of getting the same deadlock twice
in a row are pretty small.


 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 Sent: Friday, 3 April 2009 6:06 AM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: RE: Query Retries
 Just speaking for myself here-- I never retry a query.  Most 
 errors I tend to get with a database call is due to something 
 like a column not existing or some data truncation error that 
 is going to happen no matter how many times I try it.
 The only times I have ever really seen SQL Server throw an 
 error that is recoverable is when it is trying to to connect 
 to some remote linked server via ODBC and the connection has 
 timed out.  In those specific instances, the query always 
 works the second time.
 Why don't you tell us what kind of errors you usually have 
 thrown from the database.
  Original Message 
 Subject: Query Retries
 From: Byte Me
 Date: Thu, April 02, 2009 3:46 pm
 To: cf-talk
 Is there a rule of thumb on how many times a query should be retried?
 I'm using nested cftry/catch and will retry a maximum of 4 
 times. Each retry is delayed by a random number of 
 milliseconds. Thanks for any insight. 

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RE: uml modelling tool

2009-03-29 Thread Jaime Metcher

Visual Paradigm is the only one I've used where I feel like I'm drawing
rather than filling out forms.  It has about a million features I don't use,
but I just stick to basic drawings.   


 -Original Message-
 From: Richard White [] 
 Sent: Sunday, 29 March 2009 12:26 AM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: uml modelling tool
 Can anyone give suggestions on good UML Modelling tools for 
 small to medium sized projects. we don't mind cost as we dont 
 really like open source products
 thanks for your suggestions

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


RE: Java Training: moving from CF to Java

2009-03-11 Thread Jaime Metcher

Answering for myself, not for Dan:

1. Java is a squillion times faster than CF (OK, it's only about 200 times
faster - might as well be a squillion)
2. That means it becomes feasible to create a truly cohesive OO domain
model, which can be a lifesaver for large apps.
3. And once you have that domain model in a jar file, it can go anywhere -
desktop apps, backend datasource for an LDAP server, suck it into .NET, trad
JEE server...

Dunno about XML/XSLT for the front end, though.  I reckon CF still rules


 -Original Message-
 From: James Holmes [] 
 Sent: Thursday, 12 March 2009 1:32 AM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: Re: Java Training: moving from CF to Java
 Please forgive me the odd topic reply, but why on earth would 
 you want to do that?
 mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:
  1) We're moving our platform form CF to Java

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


RE: Java Training: moving from CF to Java

2009-03-11 Thread Jaime Metcher

 I'd want to see some pretty solid benchmarks before I 
 believed that the Java written by CF is 200 times slower than 
 the Java written by a random programmer.

The 200 times difference comes from my own comparison of the same domain
model implemented idiomatically in both ColdFusion/ColdSpring/Transfer and
Java/Spring/Hibernate.  Similar experiments conducted by colleagues give
similar results.  Mark Drew did some testing with a totally different
scenario, but the results are in the same ballpark.

Not sure why you'd find this surprising.  Java code to solve a given problem
isn't remotely similar to the bytecode that CF spits out for the same
problem, unless that problem happens to be interpreting a dynamic language.
The fact that they are both Java is far less significant than the fact
that one is dynamic and the other static.  There have been similar results
from comparisons of Jruby and Java, and Groovy and Java.  We're not talking
about 20% or 50% performance differences, we're talking about orders of


Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


RE: dynamic names for named locks

2009-02-09 Thread Jaime Metcher

I do this frequently.  Works well.


 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Root [] 
 Sent: Monday, 9 February 2009 9:51 AM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: dynamic names for named locks
 Is it possible to use named locks with dynamic names?
 I've got a site running a single application under thousands 
 of domains.
 Site information for each domain is stored in the application 
 scope so I don't have to get it from the DB all the time.
 So my first lock looks like this
 cflock name=appInitLock1 type=exclusive timeout=30
   cfif not structKeyExists(application,sites) or NOT
 isStruct(application.sites) or isDefined(url.reinit) or 
   cfset application.sites = structNew()
 My second piece that is locked is specifically to get or set 
 the detail within the application.sites struct with the site 
 specific information based on the domain name.
 So while many threads *MAY* execute the code, only threads 
 making a request to the same domain would need to be 
 protected from each other.
 So I was thinking about doing a named lock with a dynamic 
 name based on the domain... ie:
 cflock name=appInitLock2_#replace(request.domain,.,,ALL)#
 type=exclusive timeout=30
 Would this work and can anyone think of any reasons NOT to do this?
 Rick Root
 New Brian Vander Ark Album, songs in the music player and 
 cool behind the scenes video at

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


RE: Connection pooling - why bother?

2009-02-04 Thread Jaime Metcher


Sent to you off-list.  Thanks for having a look.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jochem van Dieten [] 
 Sent: Wednesday, 4 February 2009 10:19 PM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: Re: Connection pooling - why bother?
 On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Jaime Metcher wrote:
  And for the CF datasource:
 bean id=CFDataSourceService
 bean id=collegeDataSource 
 constructor-arg type=java.lang.String 
  And then I go into the CF admin and turn maintain 
 connections on or off.
 Could you grab the full settings from neo-datasource.xml so 
 we can see what is configured there?
 Jochem van Dieten

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RE: Connection pooling - why bother?

2009-02-04 Thread Jaime Metcher

D'oh.  *And* he knows I was silly enough to set all my usernames and
passwords to xxx.  Wait - now *everyone* knows!

pulling plug on database server in last ditch defense

 -Original Message-
 From: Brad Wood [] 
 Sent: Thursday, 5 February 2009 3:33 PM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: Re: Connection pooling - why bother?
 Oh man, you fell for it.  Now Jochem has all your datasource 
 passwords. :)
 His plan for total world annihilation is one step closer now...
 - Original Message -
 From: Jaime Metcher
  Sent to you off-list.  Thanks for having a look.
  Could you grab the full settings from neo-datasource.xml so we can 
  see what is configured there?

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RE: Connection pooling - why bother?

2009-02-03 Thread Jaime Metcher

Hey Cutter,

 in our environment we would be insane not to use connection pooling.

...unless it's actually faster to not use connection pooling.  So is it?


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RE: Connection pooling - why bother?

2009-02-03 Thread Jaime Metcher

@Cutter: thanks for the info - that's what I would have expected, so good to

The config for the Spring provider looks like this:

bean id=collegeDataSource
property name=usernamevaluexxx/value/property
property name=passwordvaluexxx/value/property

And for the CF datasource:

bean id=CFDataSourceService

bean id=collegeDataSource factory-bean=CFDataSourceService
constructor-arg type=java.lang.String value=xxx/

And then I go into the CF admin and turn maintain connections on or off.
This is a clean CF8.01 developer install, so pool settings would be default
(but not sure where to check that).


 -Original Message-
 From: Jochem van Dieten [] 
 Sent: Wednesday, 4 February 2009 5:00 AM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: Re: Connection pooling - why bother?
 On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Jaime Metcher wrote:
  Just wondering if anyone has benchmarked CF's connection 
 pooling.  I'm 
  getting results suggesting that turning on maintain 
 connections does 
  basically nothing for performance, and that using an alternative 
  unpooled connection provider (in this case Spring's 
  DriverManagerDataSource with
  jTDS) is way faster.
  However, testing on CF8.01 with 10 simultaneous requests, 
 I'm getting 
  about 50% better throughput with Spring's setup than going 
 via CF's datasources.
 How did you configure both? Can you provide full JDBC URLs 
 and pool settings?
 Jochem van Dieten

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RE: Load testing tools.

2009-01-12 Thread Jaime Metcher
+1 for jMeter.  It's not *too* finicky...

Coupla nice features worth mentioning:
1. You can set it to either remember or forget cookies.  With cookies on,
you can script a whole login sequence and use that as your load test.  With
cookies off, you can stress your server with 50,000 live sessions in the
blinking of an eye.
2. The test scripts can read parameters out of a comma-delimited file.  If
you point the above-mentioned login sequence at a file containing a bunch of
user accounts, you can get the worst of both worlds and have 50,000 live
*authenticated* sessions. 

Kind of fun.  Your server *will* crash - but do you know when? (cue spooky


 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Mandel [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, 13 January 2009 7:23 AM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: Re: Load testing tools.
 I got quite into jMeter, but its a bit finicky to get into.
 Once you understand how it works, tho', its very flexible (and free!)
 On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 6:28 AM, Robert Rawlins wrote:
  Afternoon guys,
  Any good recommendations on load testing tools? I'm just 
 looking for 
  something that'll make HTTP requests to a bunch of given 
 URLS on set 
  intervals for a period of time, monitoring response times etc. I've 
  used a couple in the past but forget which, thought I'd get 
 your suggestions.
  Obviously I'm quite partial to something free or open source ;-)

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RE: sharing vars between applications

2008-12-30 Thread Jaime Metcher

I'm making some big assumptions here.  Firstly, I'm presuming you don't want
to go as far as having a real distributed authentication mechanism like CAS,
Kerberos or Shibboleth, and that your servers aren't authenticating against
a Windows AD.  Secondly, I'm presuming there's no way to get both sites
running on the same CF instance, as this is far and away the easiest way to
share data between CF apps - just give the two apps the same application
name and that's all.

Given those assumptions, the low-rent way to do this is to pass the user's
authentication details through to the secure site in a form post or in a
cookie when the user navigates from one site to the other.  For more
security, have your member site notify the secure site via a backchannel
(e.g. CFHTTP) when somebody logs in.  Then the secure site can compare the
details coming in from the browser with the notification it previously
received from your server, and reject the request if there's no match or the
request is stale.  Just make sure the backchannel is properly restricted,
preferably to a single IP address.  For even better security, you can
encrypt the backchannel as well.

Note that in this scenario authentication details need not mean the actual
data of interest - it may be a time-limited key that you can then use to
look up the data, perhaps in a shared database or by issuing a webservice

This is a very simplified version of what things like Kerberos and
Shibboleth do, and if it's all you need it will probably take weeks less to
do than setting up something like Shibboleth.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jessica Kennedy 
 Sent: Wednesday, 31 December 2008 9:13 AM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: sharing vars between applications
 Posted this last week... no response, I am still not any 
 further... any help would be greatly appreciated!
 OK, I have a member area on my site that is unencrypted.  
 there are a couple of pages that need to be encrypted as they 
 deal with passing credit card info to our cc processor.  I'm 
 using crystaltech, so our site has a mirrored site on their 
 shared SSL domain.  I thought it would be fairly easy to pass 
 some session vars to the mirrored site and keep the user 
 logged in, but that is clearly not working; i am assuming 
 because the cfid  token are the same it is kicking me out of 
 the system on the mirrored site.  does anyone have 
 suggestions for how i can accomplish this without moving my 
 entire member area to ssl??  

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RE: Sharing Data Between Applications

2008-10-15 Thread Jaime Metcher

For the highest throughput, you're right of course.  But even a modest
hardware configuration can easily handle thousands of database queries per
second.  Do you really need to avoid hitting the database?


 -Original Message-
 From: Ryan J. Heldt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, 16 October 2008 12:09 AM
 To: cf-talk
 Subject: Re: Sharing Data Between Applications
 Hey, thanks for responding. Creating a shared data source 
 like you mention would work, however this this data I'm 
 wanting to share is probably going accessed on every page 
 request, so hitting the database on every request is 
 something I would like to try to avoid, if possible.
 *Ryan J. Heldt*, Senior Web Developer
 Global Reach Internet Productions
 Phone: 515-296-0792, Fax: 515-296-3748
 Jason Fisher wrote:
  To clarify a bit on Adrian's suggestion, allow the other 
 applications to access the database of the core management 
 application.  One suggestion is to create a read-only 
 datasource to that database and use that new DSN when 
 accessing from the 'other' applications.
  adminSource: datasource with full INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE 
 access, used 
  by core app
  adminReader: datasource with SELECT / proc access ONLY, 
 used by other 

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RE: CFC and MG2 where does validation fit in?

2008-09-08 Thread Jaime Metcher

There was a ton of discussion on this just recently - maybe on CFCDEV - so
there might be a bit of validation fatigue out there.  On the upside, you
should find rich pickings in the list archives.

Basically both of your proposed solutions sound fine.  If there was a
consensus (not sure if there was), I think it would go something like:
1. Your instinct to remove the reusable validation logic from the controller
is sound.
2. Putting it in the service is OK
3. Breaking it out into a separate validation object is also OK, and maybe
slightly preferable.


 -Original Message-
 From: Richard White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 8 September 2008 9:41 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CFC and MG2 where does validation fit in?
 does anyone have any ideas on this?
  we have hit a little sticking point with CFC's and model glue 2.
  we have an object named subject.
  we have created a DAO to handle single record db work and a GW to
  handle all multiple record db work. we also have a service cfc to
  handle the DAO and GW CFC's.
  we also have a controller for the interface which listens for events
  on that interface. One of the events listens for the user to edit
  subject details. the listener calls a function in the controller named
  validateAndSave which is where the problem arises:
  we want to validate the subject details but we dont want to validate
  them in this controller as there will also be other interfaces in our
  system where we might want to validate the same details, so this
  defeats the object of the cfc's.
  so we thought that we could add functions such as validateFirstName,
  validateLastName in the subject services cfc. alterntaively we can
  create a whole new cfc called subject validation cfc and add all
  validation functions in there.
  this way, other interfaces can also call these validation functions
  easily and makes logical sense.
  we would really appreciate your feedback on what you guys think would
  be the best route, and how you do this?

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RE: TDD vs. Big Ball of Mud (was Re: fusebox vs model glue)

2008-09-03 Thread Jaime Metcher
Well, it's kind of cool that cf-talk is having the TDD argument.  Don't
really mind how it turns out.  Makes me feel good about being a CF

Thanks for the links.  The thing that intrigues me about a lot of the TDD
debate, including these articles you point to, is that most of the anti-TDD
side of the argument ends up espousing pretty much all of the principles of
TDD in the very act of trying to refute it. 

So a lot of the debate is actually about people reacting to what they see as
extremism and overly prescriptive statements.  IMHO, there's nothing wrong
with strongly stating a principle - everyone knows that principles get
modified in application - but it's true that some people get way too
personal about it.

The rest of the debate is along the lines of I blindly followed the letter
of the TDD law while ignoring the principles and it didn't work for me -
therefore TDD is flawed.  The poster then lays out how they manage to apply
all the principles of TDD in some other way that is superficially different
from cookbook TDD.

So leaving those two smokescreens aside, I have yet to see anyone even
attempt to seriously contradict the principles of TDD - but I'm still


 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Shelton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 4 September 2008 1:59 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: TDD vs. Big Ball of Mud (was Re: fusebox vs model glue)
 I'm not going to get into the discussion of whether or not TDD is good,
 bad, or should be done lest you are just stupid and ugly. Anytime, or
 anyway, you think hard about the software you deliver, it's is going to be
 better than if you just bang it out with one eye open and hope no one sees
 it's shortcomings. TDD kind of forces you to open both eyes. TDD seems to
 work for some and others it does not - why is that?
 This one has been floating around this year, and with good cause: The
 Flawed Theory Behind Unit Testing -
 Here's some other really interesting debates on TDD:
 Cedric Beust wrote the TestNG framework, with others, and though a total
 hard-core tester, openly criticizes TDD:
 Uncle Bob Martin has some good responses to Cedric as well as some other
 good points:
 I hope I have few illusions about the quality of my software. Today, I
 truly believe my delivered software is only as good as the tests that have
 executed it. In other words, the number of defects is directly
 proportionals to how thoroughly it's been tested - either manually or
 through automation.
  It's actually switching over, to where the tests come first, that's
  the hard part, for me.  Due to a lot of the reasons listed in that
  article about big balls of mud.  :]
 I'm not entirely convinced that writing the test before writing the code
 is the best strategy... or at least that it's the best strategy for
 everyone. Development work by its nature means doing things that (we
 hope anyway) haven't been done before. And while you may have some ideas
 about how to accomplish those things ahead of time, the human brain is
 really just not equipped to map out large numbers of variables
 accurately in advance.
 snip ...
 s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
  isn't it time for a change?
  ph: 781.769.0723

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RE: TDD vs. Big Ball of Mud (was Re: fusebox vs model glue)

2008-09-01 Thread Jaime Metcher
 -Original Message-
 From: s. isaac dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 2 September 2008 3:06 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: TDD vs. Big Ball of Mud (was Re: fusebox vs model glue)

 And so it's an assumed that the TDD advocates who talk about writing all
 your tests before writing your code will be overconfident about their

Whoa, hold it right there.  Show me the TDD advocate who promotes writing
all tests before writing code and I'll personally have their card revoked!
TDD means write a test, then write some code, then write another testby
the time you write your last test, you've written all your code bar that
last function.  You will actually rewrite less of your stuff than otherwise,
because writing tests first really brings a poorly factored design into the
spotlight much earlier than would otherwise happen.

The assertion is that if you can't write a test you don't *have* a design,
or indeed a clear intention.  And if your tests are hard to write, it's
because you have a bad design.  So given all of this, it's hard to argue
that the right thing to do in this situation is to go ahead and write some
code anyway.  Thinking out loud in code is fine, but thinking out loud
into a test case is even better.

Agreed that behaviour is a better word.  I also like the last D to stand
for design.  Test driven design takes away some of the quality-control
mindset that's introduced by the word test.


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RE: Best method for Export to Excel...

2008-08-18 Thread Jaime Metcher
+1 to POI.  jXLS is also nice if you need templating. 

But +2 to SSIS (or similar).  CF as a data pump just does not scale.


 -Original Message-
 From: Dawson, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, 19 August 2008 1:56 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Best method for Export to Excel...
 With 20,000 records, do you actually need to create it 
 on-demand for each user?
 Can you have a scheduled task rebuild the .xls file every so often?
 If that would work, then you could just have SSIS dump the 
 .xls file on your web server.
 This would take CF completely out of the process.
 -Original Message-
 From: jonese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 10:09 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Best method for Export to Excel...
 Hey all,
 I've got lots of ideas. done this a million times. but wanted 
 to just check in with the crowd to see if maybe I've missed 
 something new etc.
 I've got about 20k records in a sql 2005 DB table which i 
 need to dump to an excel file on demand for users.
 Basically inside a cfthread tag I'm grabbing the 20k records 
 from a web service, dumping them into a table, and then need 
 to go from that table to an excel file and email / provide a 
 download link for the end user.
 Best practices? super duper suggestions?
 thanks in advance!

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RE: Way to View SQL Transaction history.. RE SQL Injection

2008-08-11 Thread Jaime Metcher
There's a bunch of transaction log analysis tools out there.  We use
Redgate's SQL Log Rescue.  

On a busy site the transaction logs are voluminous and take a long time to
analyze.  Depending on your situation you may actually be better off
analyzing the injected queries, perhaps running them on a test server.


 -Original Message-
 From: jonese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Saturday, 9 August 2008 12:32 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Way to View SQL Transaction history.. RE SQL Injection
 Hey all,
 So far we've been good but i'm helping some other companies 
 who have experience successful SQL injection attacks.
 Is there any way to see the log files of every transaction 
 for a DB so we can see which queries failed and which ones 
 were a success?

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RE: Database Sessions

2008-08-11 Thread Jaime Metcher

With pooled connections you can force a request to stay on one connection by
wrapping your queries in cftransaction.  Otherwise, CF can and will swap
connections on you right in the middle of processing a request, and your
temp tables will go away.


 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Rawlins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, 11 August 2008 9:01 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Database Sessions
 Thanks James, that makes fair sense,
 I'll check my connection pooling setting and have a play 
 around, I'll let you know how I get on.
 -Original Message-
 From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 11 August 2008 11:55
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Database Sessions
 CF does conenctions two ways:
 1) CF uses pooled connections if you have maintain 
 connections checked for the datasource, This means a 
 connection will stay open for quite some time, across 
 multiple web requests.
 2) If you don't maintain connections, CF opens a connection 
 at the first cfquery tag and keeps it open until the request 
 ends, so that all the queries in a single request use the 
 same connection.
 So, at the very least, you should be able to use your 
 temporary table for everything in the page.
 On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Robert Rawlins 
  Morning guys,
  Does anyone know how ColdFusion handles opening and closing 
 a database 
  session? Is it for every cfquery tag set? Or for every 
  tag set? Or is it less predictable than that?
  The reason I ask is that I've been looking at using 
 temporary tables 
  in a procedure, as I understand it, SQL Server creates these in a 
  session local variable. I need to know how long the temporary table 
  will be accessible
  me in this session scope, can it spread across multiple queries? Or 
  single one?.

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RE: HELP! SQL Injection Attack!

2008-08-11 Thread Jaime Metcher
If you block APNIC's range you're blocking the whole of the Asia/Pacific
region.  APNIC is not an ISP or large company, it's actually the regional
authority for internet addresses, so it owns *all* addresses in Asia/Pacific
- just like ARIN owns all addresses in North America and RIPE owns all
addresses in Europe.

Your lookup is resolving back to APNIC because you're using your regional
authority (in your case ARIN) and it will only resolve addresses in its own
range.  For all other addresses it will just refer you to the appropriate
regional authority.  If you then use *that* authority's whois, you'll get
the real story.

Oh, and if you try to automate this to look up lots of addresses, you're
breaking the terms of use of the whois server.  I'd imagine they'd block
you, but I've never tried it.


 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Peddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Saturday, 9 August 2008 4:28 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: HELP! SQL Injection Attack!
 Just curious as I have no seen this on an old asp site months 
 ago and now on CF.  Every IP lookup I do goes back to
 OrgName:Asia Pacific Network Information Centre 
 Address:PO Box 2131
 City:   Milton
 StateProv:  QLD
 PostalCode: 4064
 For ASP I ended up blocking full ranges of ips which helped 
 the issue quicker.
 Paul Ihrig wrote:
  what are you seeing if you limit email to unique IP's?
  ours is way down if we do that.
  we are just sending unique ip's to one of our GREAT it guys 
 to insert 
  into ban list in firewall.
  should figure out how to auto add remove ip's
  On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 11:03 AM, Les Mizzell 

  After putting this on a number of sites in just the last 
 two hours, I 
  am completely blown away by the number of attacks I'm seeing! Over 
  2500 in less than 2 hours on just 3 sites.
  My poor mail server can't take all the extra incoming mail!!! I'm 
  going to have to mod the code to remove the warning email 
 that goes 
  out, and have it create a log file or something instead!
  I have to think to myself - is this payback for baiting all those 
  Nigerian scammers last week? Oh jezz
  This is unbelievable!

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RE: Am I a thread or not ?

2008-07-15 Thread Jaime Metcher
Lifted from Transfer:

cfset var group = 

!--- if we're in onAppEnd, or onSessionEnd, ignore ---
cfif group eq scheduler
cfreturn /
!--- if we're inside a cfthread, run syncronously ---
cfelseif group eq cfthread

Thanks, Mark!


 -Original Message-
 From: Tom Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 14 July 2008 10:22 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Am I a thread or not ?

 How can I tell if the CF code being run is inside a CFTHREAD
 block or not ?

 The reason is that scopes like CGI are not available inside such
 a block (i.e.
 all the values are empty), and I need to turn off some security
 settings in
 my code if so.

 Tom Chiverton


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RE: Agile coldfusion

2008-07-15 Thread Jaime Metcher
Just to add to Brian's comments:  it can also be useful to just lay down
some integration tests using Selenium or the like prior to a TDD refactoring
effort.  You'll be going through and reviewing the existing functionality
anyway, so you might as well record how it behaves.


 -Original Message-
 From: Neb o'Gwbl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, 13 July 2008 6:44 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Agile coldfusion

 Hello all,

 I've just started work at a company that is in the middle of
 moving to an agile development process who use coldfusion,
 javascript and pl/sql.

 I have a couple of questions where you hopefully will be able to
 point me in the right direction ...

 Given that most agile texts are geared towards object oriented
 development and that there are unit testing frameworks for
 coldfusion and pl/sql, how do developers approach agile
 techniques in an environment with mostly procedural code?

 Where are there examples of realistic unit tests and refactoring
 in coldfusion (or pl/sql)? Does anyone really do this? 'Toad'
 doesn't have an 'extract method' function ...

 How do you, at a code level, seperate ui from domain logic in an
 environment like this?

 How does domain driven design fit in here?

 Thanks for taking the time to read this and forgive me if I've
 asked in the wrong list,



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RE: When is is time to upgrade to Enterprise Edition?

2008-05-29 Thread Jaime Metcher
Have you tried making the perm size bigger again?  With lots of apps,
especially if any of them are using frameworks, you'll be using the perm gen
pretty heavily.  If your app is freezing with plenty of headroom left in the
heap, perm gen is certainly a suspect.


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Patti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 30 May 2008 6:16 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: When is is time to upgrade to Enterprise Edition?

 Hi Mark,

 To clarify about the JRUN memory usage: I'm looking in the Task
 Manager under the Processes tab.  When I sort on the 'Mem Usage'
 column, jrun.exe is almost always at the top of the list, with at
 least 350 MB of memory being used at any time.  I'm also running
 FusionReactor to monitor memory usage, but that tool doesn't
 include the permanent heap in it's stats.  I read some postings
 that suggested looking in the task manager, since that *does*
 include JVM memory from the permanent heap; and that's where I
 discovered the memory leak.

 On most days, task manager will show the jrun.exe memory starting
 off at around 200 MB right after a re-start of CF, but the levels
 rise steadily throughout the day, until it reaches 500 MB, and
 then I script I have in place restarts CF (when things reach the
 500 MB mark, which is when pages start to freeze up).  Right now,
 CF is restarting on average every 6 hours, which is absolutely

 I know some of this is related to the persistent CFCs, but I'm
 done my best to go back into the applications I've built and make
 sure that variables used/returned by the CFCs are within the
 'request' scope, rather than the 'variables' scope.  When I run
 SQL profiler against my DB server, I'm not seeing any patterns of
 the same query re-running endlessly, so I don't think that's an
 issue. But, this is the point at which my knowledge of Java's
 memory management breaks down.  What I probably need to do is set
 up a jave profiler like JProbe to see which threads are eating up
 memory, but I haven't had a chance to do this yet.

 If anyone out there is a JVM expert looking for a few hours work,
 let me know :-)


 These args are pretty close to what I use on several CF7
 standard servers. I
 don't see anything that  jumps out at me. I wonder where you got the idea
 that Jrun is only using 350 megs of memory however. The args below should
 put it close to 1200 megs (1.2 gigs). What are you using to make that
 determination? If you are using the task manager make sure you
 can see the
 VM size column.
 Mark A. Kruger, CFG, MCSE
 (402) 408-3733 ext 105
 Thanks Wil,
 I have actually been doing a fair amount of tuning the JVM.
 I'll definitely
 read your article, but in the meanwhile, here's my jvm.config
 file. Let me
 know if it seems totally wrong:
 # VM configuration
 # Where to find JVM, if {java.home}/jre exists then that JVM is used # if
 not then it must be the path to the JRE itself
 java.home=C:/j2sdk1.4.2_16/jre # # If no java.home is specified a VM is
 located by looking in these places in this # order:
 #  1) bin directory for java.dll (windows) or
 lib/ARCH/ (unix) #
 2) ../jre #  3) registry (windows only) #  4) JAVA_HOME env var
 plus jre (ie
 $JAVA_HOME/jre) #
 # Arguments to VM
 -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
 -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:NewSize=48m
 -Dcoldfusion.libPath={application.home}/../lib -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
 # commas will be converted to platform specific separator and the result
 will be passed # as -Djava.ext.dirs= to the VM
 # where to find shared libraries
 # set the current working directory - useful for Windows to control # the
 default search path used when loading DLLs since it comes # before system
 directory, windows directory and PATH
 # JVM classpath


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RE: cfcs good practise

2008-05-26 Thread Jaime Metcher

If your project.add() method is adding a test - yeah, that sounds right.
Although I'd call it addTest().  And then internally the project would
delegate to a DAO to do the add.  So project.addTest() would call

project.addTest() would take a parameter of type Test - i.e. you'd first
create a Test object, then pass it to addTest().  It's also often convient
to have a project.createTest(), which takes as parameters all the basic
properties required to create a new Test object and returns the new Test.
So you might say:
project.addTest(project.createTest(param1, param2));

OK, some details:

In this example TestDAO is acting as a collection object, albeit
specifically a database-backed collection.  You can imagine you could do a
similar thing with an in-memory collection like a struct.  The natural
progression is to make in-memory collections act just like database-backed
collections so you can switch between the two, but in practice there are
some ColdFusion-specific issues with doing this.

project.createTest() is a factory method, which makes Project a factory
for Tests.  This makes sense if all tests have to live inside projects.  If
tests can stand alone, you need a different factory, maybe a dedicated
factory object that encapsulates the creation logic for your top-level
domain objects.  You'll probably need this for creating Project instances
anyway.  If this same top-level factory also has a DAO that lets it
manipulate existing Projects, it's starting to look like a service object.

Where do all these DAOs come from?  You can have your top-level factory know
how to create them, and then the creation logic for your domain objects
would make sure that each domain object has it's DAO.  So you'd have
something like (in pseudocode):

component myAppFactory:

method createTestDAO()
return new TestDAO(DSN = my_datasource)

method createProject (name_param, description_param)
return new Project(
name = name_param,
description = description_param,
dao = createTestDAO()

Hope this helps

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Richard White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 26 May 2008 8:58 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: cfcs good practise

 Thanks for your reply Jaime

 so am i correct in understanding that i should have a project
 class with methods such as add, remove, find etc... and
 properties such as name etc... and a test class with much the
 same methods and attributes, and a materials class, again with
 much the same attributes

 then in order to create a collection of the objects so i can
 manipulate and query the collections i should use dao (and gateways)

 is this what you mean?

 apologies, i understand the basic principles of OO but this is
 the first time i am putting it into practise!!!

 thanks again

 Start with just a pure object model.  Later you can pick it
 apart and patch
 up the bits that don't map real well to CF.
 So, Projects have Tests.  To me, that says that you have a Project class
 with an instance variable Tests.  Tests is a collection that has methods
 like add, remove, find etc.  The elements of the Tests collection are
 instances of the Test class.
 Instances of Test *may* have an instance variable Project, which
 points to
 the parent project - or may not.  The benefit is flexibility in
 between objects, the downside is another reference you have to manage.  I
 tend to add these back pointers when and if I need them.
 Ditto for the tests-materials relationship.
 OK, so how do you do this in CF?  The biggest mismatches are:
 1) no built-in collection classes
 2) the need to avoid instantiating lots of objects
 The usual workaround is to build the collection object as a (or with a)
 DAO (see also Gateway) and return a CF query from any method that might
 return more than one item.  Within the DAO you can go crazy with
 naked SQL,
 or abstract the SQL with a framework, or both.
 Just keeping this brief for the moment, but ask for more detail and you
 shall receive.
 Jaime Metcher


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RE: cfcs good practise

2008-05-25 Thread Jaime Metcher
Start with just a pure object model.  Later you can pick it apart and patch
up the bits that don't map real well to CF.

So, Projects have Tests.  To me, that says that you have a Project class
with an instance variable Tests.  Tests is a collection that has methods
like add, remove, find etc.  The elements of the Tests collection are
instances of the Test class.

Instances of Test *may* have an instance variable Project, which points to
the parent project - or may not.  The benefit is flexibility in navigating
between objects, the downside is another reference you have to manage.  I
tend to add these back pointers when and if I need them.

Ditto for the tests-materials relationship.

OK, so how do you do this in CF?  The biggest mismatches are:
1) no built-in collection classes
2) the need to avoid instantiating lots of objects

The usual workaround is to build the collection object as a (or with a)
DAO (see also Gateway) and return a CF query from any method that might
return more than one item.  Within the DAO you can go crazy with naked SQL,
or abstract the SQL with a framework, or both.

Just keeping this brief for the moment, but ask for more detail and you
shall receive.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Richard White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, 25 May 2008 10:29 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: cfcs good practise


 just wondering what you guys think about the structure of the
 following cfc scenario, i am having difficulties picturing how to
 best do it

 i have 3 core components to a system

 materials, projects, and tests

 they are relating as follows:

 each project contains various tests, and each test analyzes
 various materials. the material can also be part of one or many
 projects: for example they could have 1000 materials, 5 projects,
 and each project has one or more tests analysing these materials
 in different ways - a test could also be a part of one or more projects

 in the database i have 5 tables to represent this:

 projects, tests, and materials hold their individual information,
 then they are linked by 2 tables:

 projecttests (include primary keys from these tables)
 testmaterials (include primary keys from these tables)

 this is working fine but when i try to think of this in terms of
 cfc's then i get a bit lost, as i am new to working with cfc's so
 would appreciate any advice on what you guys would do.

 i am thinking there would be a cfc called project, one called
 test, and one called materials. but then what would i call in
 order to get the testmaterials for a specific test etc...

 i know i can normally query the database table to get that
 information but i am wanting to get to grips with how to best use
 the cfc's and wonder if you guys have any pointers

 also, if i wanted to get information about multiple tests, i.e.
 their test locations, then would i need to create a collection of
 cfc objects in order to store this data

 i know this is a lengthy question but i feel if i can get my head
 around these concepts then i would understand cfc's alot more

 thanks again for your help



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RE: CF and SQL Server temporary tables

2008-04-17 Thread Jaime Metcher
It's entirely possible for a CF page to change connections in the middle of
processing a request, and therefore lose sight of the temp table.  It's also
possible for the new connection to be one that was previously used by
another invocation of the same page, producing the problem that James

You can avoid both of these problems by wrapping the relevant code in a
cftransaction - the transaction binds the connection to the CF thread -
but, like all locking, you have to consider the impact on throughput.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: James Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 17 April 2008 10:38 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CF and SQL Server temporary tables

 If I remember correctly if you have CF maintaining connections your
 temp table will hang around almost indefinitely, best practice would
 be to DROP it once you are done with it.

 Also worth noting that if the page that creates the table can be
 called multiple times simultaneously (by different users of the system
 for example) then the second request will fail and error on you
 because the table has already been created.

 If you need a truly temporary table you could lock the database (to
 prevent other requests getting in the way) create the table, do what
 you need it for, then drop the table and unlock the database.  If the
 table will hold data needed by multiple requests I would look at some
 way of creating a permanent table and managing the data across



 On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 1:13 PM, Rick Root
  so I have a question about temporary tables in SQL Server 2005.
   From the SQL Server documentation for CREATE TABLE:
   You can create local and global temporary tables. Local
 temporary tables are
   visible only in the current session, and global temporary
 tables are visible
   to all sessions. Temporary tables cannot be partitioned.
   Prefix local temporary table names with single number sign
   and prefix global temporary table names with a double number sign (##*
   What exactly does current session mean as it applies to a Coldfusion
   request?  The life of the request?  the life of the
 transaction, if any?
   The life of the executing query?  Or, since CF maintains the database
   connection between requests, and pools connections, how does
 that affect
   I'm hoping that each cf request is a separate session as far
 as SQL Server
   is concerned.
   Rick Root
   New Brian Vander Ark Album, songs in the music player and cool
 behind the
   scenes video at


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RE: Determining The Server's IP

2008-03-27 Thread Jaime Metcher
This gets the hostname:

cfset txtLocalHostname = CreateObject(java,

IP address would be something similar.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Sonny Savage [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 27 March 2008 5:17 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Determining The Server's IP

 I was wondering if there are some values I can look at that reliably hold
 the server's IP address.  The CGI variables seem to show the same thing as
 what's in the address bar.



 Edward A Savage Jr - Sonny
 Senior Software Engineer
 Creditdiscovery, LLC
 I was gratified to be able to answer promptly. I said I don't
 know. ~ Mark


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RE: What are the Necessary Code Changes for Migrating from 6.1 to 8?

2008-03-10 Thread Jaime Metcher
 -Original Message-
 From: Russ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 11 March 2008 2:05 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: What are the Necessary Code Changes for Migrating from 6.1
 to 8?

 Automated testing isn't always possible, especially when you are dealing
 with enterprise applications with millions of lines of code.


If you do any testing at all, record the tests.  Then you have automated

You can't, for example, expect a company like Myspace to thoroughly test
their code.  Or even Google for that matter.  Most of Google's services are
in perpetual beta, because they need people to test their product.

Are you saying Google doesn't use automated tests?

Jaime Metcher

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RE: Find/Replace for Eclipse

2008-03-04 Thread Jaime Metcher
Folder: Click on the folder you want in the Navigator view, then choose
Selected Resources in the search dialog.
Site: Ditto, but start at the site root


 -Original Message-
 From: j s [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 5 March 2008 1:11 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Find/Replace for Eclipse

 Does a plugin exist for Find/Replace that is as good as the one
 for Dreamweaver? I like the option of searching the entire site
 or folder.


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RE: CFC Naming Convention Question

2008-02-20 Thread Jaime Metcher
Depends on the kinds of rules.  I often end up with a strategy object e.g.
PermissionsStrategy or PricingStrategy.


 -Original Message-
 From: Tom Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 21 February 2008 2:01 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CFC Naming Convention Question

 On Wednesday 20 Feb 2008, Dan Skaggs wrote:
  objectNameBR.cfc  Business Rules

 'service' (or 'manager' if you prefer).


 Tom Chiverton
 Helping to assertively repurpose error-free schemas


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RE: Reading Excel..

2008-02-13 Thread Jaime Metcher

I would also recommend POI with Ben Nadel's POIUtility, but if you want to
stick with a DSN, the following includes a way to unlock the datasource:

No idea if it still works in CFMX 6/7/8.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Dumbledore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 14 February 2008 2:05 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Reading Excel..

 I made the subject look easy so I can have more viewers ;) But
 here is my problem.. After having trouble with working
 cfx_Excel2Query ( I finally reverted to it in the end and got it
 working), I thought why not do this:

 1) Create a odbc dsn to a excel file
 2) Create a cf dsn to this odbc dsn
 3) User uploads his file, I copy it as the file to which the dsn
 si specified.
 4) I query the file using [sheet$1] as the table, and so on.

 This method works fine, however, sometimes (most of the times),
 it appears the file being used as the dsn gets 'locked'. I cann't
 delete, rename etc, 'next' upload of file fails to overwrite this
 file because it is locked.
 Basically this method is too inconsistent.

 My question is, is there anything I need to do to make sure the
 file is 'released' after the query has run? If this one thing is
 solved, I no longer have to use third party solutions, I can just
 create a dsn to the file and keep overwriting the file with the
 new file whenever.

 Any suggestions?


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RE: Cannot create a new thread because the task queue has reached it maximum limit

2008-02-13 Thread Jaime Metcher
FWIW, I have seen this error on a stressed CF7 box undergoing GC thrashing,
where it basically meant the server was totally resource starved and about
to die.  I have a vague recollection that the queue in question is not the
list of jrpp worker threads but rather the queue of things waiting to be
assigned to a worker thread.   Obviously CF8 changes the game, but I presume
you've ruled out memory issues, infinite loops, pathological GCs etc?

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Mandel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 14 February 2008 3:28 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Cannot create a new thread because the task queue has reached
 it maximum limit

 Hey all,

 We keep getting this error on our server:

 Cannot create a new thread because the task queue has reached it
 maximum limit

 Where we are attempting to use cfthread for some code (it's actually
 Transfer code).

 The error occurs on the block:
 cffunction name=run hint=Runs the aspect of clearing out discard
 queues access=public returntype=void output=false

   !--- if we're inside a cfthread, run syncronously ---
 getThread().currentThread().getThreadGroup().getName() eq cfthread
   cfthread action=run

 On the link starting with cfthread

 Has anyone come across this before? or have any idea what it is caused by?




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RE: Combine Documents and Databse Records in a Verity Index

2007-11-26 Thread Jaime Metcher

It's certainly possible.  The key is to use multiple CFINDEX tags to build
the collection.  When you execute a search, you then need to do some sort of
parsing on the result query to determine how to build the link to the
appropriate resource.

With the use of the custom fields available in Verity, we've successfully
integrated half-a-dozen different database tables and 2-3 file system trees
into the one collection.  For example, we might have a website with a
calendar system, a library of FAQs and a document library.  Depending on the
contents of the search query, a line in the list of search hits might link
to a calendar event, a particular FAQ, a document or just a plain old web

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Shaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 26 November 2007 9:18 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Combine Documents and Databse Records in a Verity Index

 We're exploring Verity to use on a new project. Our user profiles
 are made up of several database fields and an optional uploaded
 document (word / pdf). Is it possible to combine both file and
 database data in a Verity index so that we can search both with a
 single CF_Search? Ideally we only want to get one ranked result
 set back to work with.

 Our work around would be to create two collections, one for
 files, one for database records and merge the two results sets -
 but this seems an inferior path.



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RE: SOLVED: Race Condition and Locking?

2007-11-21 Thread Jaime Metcher

It's still going to bite you in the butt.  You still have a race condition,
and lots of people share IPs.  From what you've said, I'd say take a good
hard look inside the AuthorizeNet component.  Or lock the bejeesus out of
it - but if you just do that it's going to be hard to know whether you've
killed the problem or not, until it happens again.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Will Tomlinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 22 November 2007 3:57 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: SOLVED: Race Condition and Locking?

 After consultation with the disruptor, I came to the conclusion
 that using a timestamp wasn't a good idea for a customer ID. :)
 It finally bit me in the butt after 860 orders.

 Now I use a timestamp + IP add.



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RE: Converting simple Java code to CF

2007-11-17 Thread Jaime Metcher
That error is a totally non-specific object instantiation error.  That third
sentence (...must not be an interface...) is just a stab in the dark by some
engineer trying to be helpful.  Look down the full stack trace to find out
what the real error is.

Jaime Metcher

 That looks very promising, it coming up with a different error now:

 Object Instantiation Exception.
 An exception occurred when instantiating a Java object. The class
 must not be an interface or an abstract class. Error: ''.

 It does it when it reaches this bit of code
 cfset pres2 = CreateObject(java,


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RE: CF Coding Standards

2007-10-09 Thread Jaime Metcher
Surely the Smith project has one?  For that matter, cfeclipse itself is
obviously doing some sort of parsing, no?


 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Mandel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 10 October 2007 9:04 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CF Coding Standards


 To do something like that, you would need a decent Open Source
 CFML parser.

 I started working on one a while back, and got pretty far into it, but
 I got sidetracked by other OSS commitments.

 I should return to it at some point, and finish it off.


 On 10/10/07, Gaulin, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Actually, all this talk about cf code formatting styles is
 making me wish there was a way to reformat code in cfeclipse (to
 my liking), but I'd always be wary about the formatter changing
 something important (and subtle) in the html. Still, it might
 make an interesting addition to cfeclipse.
  What I would find more interesting is something approaching a
 coding style validator for important things, like varing
 local variables in functions and always scoping variables
 properly (to the degree that I would want), checking for cfparam
 tags for url, form, and attribute variables, etc.
  Does anything like that already exist for Eclipse, or in CFEclipse?
  From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tue 10/9/2007 3:41 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: CF Coding Standards
  or don't do tabs and use spaces exclusively.  Tell HomeSite/CF Studio
  to convert tabs to spaces so you don't have to actually use the
  spacebar.  I went that route after I wound up having to edit non-CF
  code in HS and weird things started happening to the other code, whose
  (primitive) native editor used spaces only, and whose interpreter
  didn't figure on seeing tabs in the code like that.  Not sure if CF
  cares much over the extra char count.
  Must be a slow day if we are all waxing eloquent on this utterly
  worthless topic :D
  Oh and another variation on the tag thing:
  I put the closing bracket on the same line as the last
 attribute.  woo hoo.
  Janitor, The Robertson Team


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RE: Rollback db changes in CFCUnit/CFUnit tests

2007-10-07 Thread Jaime Metcher

+1 to dbunit.  You also have the option of wrapping each unit test in a
transaction and then rolling it back at the end.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Janet MacKay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 5 October 2007 3:28 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: SOT: Rollback db changes in CFCUnit/CFUnit tests

 Does anyone know of an article(s) explaining how to work
 rollbacks into unit testing? I want to test a series of DAO's,
 but am not sure how to incorporate this into my tests.



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RE: CF8 configuration issues in a VM environment

2007-09-24 Thread Jaime Metcher
Hope I'm not just spreading FUD, but I suspect that's not possible.  On
W2K3, the only way to get a mapped drive letter is to run CF  under a login
session - i.e., login to the server, map the drive, then start CF as a
console app.  I'd presume XP would be the same.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 25 September 2007 12:01 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CF8 configuration issues in a VM environment

 One wrinkle:  when I added an additional custom tags directory
 mapping, the CF administrator didn't like using the mapped drive
 (i.e. Z:\customtags\), but it seems to work well with a SMB
 share (i.e. \\osx-machine\user\sites\customtags\).

 Letter drive mappings are user account specific.  Did you define
 that Z drive under the account that the CF service runs under?


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RE: #$^% Forms!

2007-09-24 Thread Jaime Metcher
LOL.  I think the general strategy (which several other replies have alluded
to) is:

1. Hire a munchkin to code your boring forms
2. Spend all your new free time becoming the nifty-cool guy in the dark room

After an interval that's both long (what a huge undertaking!) and short (but
what a guru!):

3. Earn the munchkin's pathetic gratitude by freeing them from their

Course you could just use someone else's system, but where's the glory in
that :)

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 25 September 2007 5:47 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: #$^% Forms!

 Ok, I admit it; I hate developing forms!

 There's not one part of the process that I find even remotely
 interesting, enlightening, or fulfilling.

 Forms suck.

 Now that I got that off of my chest, does anyone know of some
 nifty-cool program/guy in a dark room halfway around the world/magic spell
 that would help with most of the more mundane aspects of the process.

 Did I mention that I hate developing forms?!?!



 Michael David


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RE: Odd behavior when using cfform inside a CFC

2007-09-11 Thread Jaime Metcher
Not sure how much effort you want to go to, but if you want to have it both
ways you could have a per-request object which has composed into it the
session-scope object.

Did you do that dump of the variables scope?  I'd be interested to see how
CFGRID is doing this.  I'd have a look myself, but my copy of CF8 is still
in a box on my desk.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Charles Sheehan-Miles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 11 September 2007 7:14 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Odd behavior when using cfform inside a CFC

 Well, the verdict here:

 1) If I create the object every request, the javascript appears and
 the cfform works fine
 2) If I CFINCLUDE a CFM template, the javascript appears and the
 cffform works fine
 3) If it is invoked from a persistent object (in either application
 or session scope) it shows up the first time I access the page, but
 subsequent access fails to send the page with the needed javascript

 Hmm.  I want the cfgrid considerably less than I want to do either of
 the first two, because both of the first two options introduce the
 problems I was trying to avoid by having the thing in memory in the
 first place.  Ah, well.

 Charles Sheehan-Miles |
 Author of Republic: A Novel of America's Future

 Sparse, clean narrative... Pay attention to this new book... --
 Prize winning journalist John Hanchette, Niagara Falls Reporter

 This novel ...may be prophetic...It will disturb you...It should. --

 On Sep 10, 2007, at 11:53 AM, Brian Kotek wrote:

  You could try dumping the variables scope of the CFC to see if
  cfform is
  putting something in there. But whatever the problem is, I'm pretty
  sure it
  must be related to the fact that the CFC is being stored in a
  shared scope.
  Does switching to a per-request CFC allow the JavaScript to work
  While I don't recommend doing it in general, you might also see if
  doing a
  cfinclude of a template that contains the cfform tags makes a
  On 9/10/07, Jaime Metcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, this really is just a wild guess, but maybe it's worth trying
  re-instantiating the CFC on every request.  CFFORM could be
  stashing some
  state in that CFC.
  Jaime Metcher
  -Original Message-
  From: Charles Sheehan-Miles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, 10 September 2007 6:58 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Odd behavior when using cfform inside a CFC
  Jaime  interesting question, and yes, the CFC in this case is
  stored in the session scope.


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RE: Odd database behavior: duplicate key error

2007-09-11 Thread Jaime Metcher

According to livedocs cftransaction by default uses the default isolation
level of the database - which in most installations will be either read
committed or repeatable read.

What you say is true if one sets the isolation level explicitly to
serializable.  However (I'm sure you know this but it's worth saying), it's
hard to overstate the crippling effect on database throughput that
serializable transactions can have.  I would recommend that even for lightly
loaded sites it's worth the extra effort to put a locking strategy in place
using cflock, and save serializable transactions for stop the world
database maintenance tasks.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 12 September 2007 4:32 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Odd database behavior: duplicate key error

 This is not correct at all, according to my understanding. CFTRANSACTION
 creates a database transaction, which uses either locking or MVCC
 on the specifics of the database used) to prevent concurrent access to
 database objects that would cause data integrity problems. It doesn't just
 affect the current thread; it affects any attempt to simultaneously
 manipulate the same database objects - not just from within other
 threads in
 CF, but even from other database clients. The default isolation level for
 CFTRANSACTION is SERIALIZABLE, if I recall correctly.

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RE: Odd behavior when using cfform inside a CFC

2007-09-10 Thread Jaime Metcher
Well, this really is just a wild guess, but maybe it's worth trying
re-instantiating the CFC on every request.  CFFORM could be stashing some
state in that CFC.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Charles Sheehan-Miles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 10 September 2007 6:58 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Odd behavior when using cfform inside a CFC

 Jaime  interesting question, and yes, the CFC in this case is
 stored in the session scope.

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RE: Odd behavior when using cfform inside a CFC

2007-09-09 Thread Jaime Metcher

Nothing obvious, but a couple of questions come to mind:
1. Is it just the javascript that's missing i.e. the other content is OK?
2. Is the CFC instance cached e.g. in session or application scope?

Also, I know that was only pseudocode, but given that var is a reserved
word it looks a bit dodgy.  You'd want to at least var scope that result
variable, e.g.

cfset var result = 
cfsavecontent variable=result

You're implying that the V layer in MVC not be implemented using CFCs,
right?  Any particular reason why?

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Charles Sheehan-Miles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 10 September 2007 12:32 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Odd behavior when using cfform inside a CFC

 It's CF8.

 On Sep 9, 2007, at 10:19 PM, Andrew Scott wrote:

  What version of Coldfusion?
  Personally I would be looking at an MVC solution and not be placing
  output into CFC's
  Andrew Scott
  Senior Coldfusion Developer
  Aegeon Pty. Ltd.
  Phone: +613  8676 4223
  Mobile: 0404 998 273
  -Original Message-
  From: Charles Sheehan-Miles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, 10 September 2007 12:07 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Odd behavior when using cfform inside a CFC
  Hi all,
  Here's my situation, and its a bit odd.  I've reproduced it under a
  couple of different contexts.
  I have a number of CFC methods which handle page processing for my
  application.  It typically looks something like this:
  cffunction name=blah
  cfargument blah
  cfset var=result
  cfsavecontent variable=result
  page content executes here: example:
  cfreturn result
  Here's the issue.  This works just fine, but I'm starting to play
  with cf8 cfforms, particularly cfgrid.  What's interesting is that
  the first time I call one of these pages, the grid works fine. On
  subsequent page loads, I don't get any of the coldfusion javascript,
  so I get no grid.  Looking at the page source at the browser, the
  scripts don't even show up.
  It I have the ajax calls in a vanilla cfm template, they load every
  time. But when loaded from a cfc -- the scripts only appear the first
  time.  Anyone run into anything like this?
  Charles Sheehan-Miles |
  Author of Republic: A Novel of America's Future
  .Sparse, clean narrative... Pay attention to this new book... --
  Prize winning journalist John Hanchette, Niagara Falls Reporter
  This novel ...may be prophetic...It will disturb you...It should. --


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RE: Implications of no JVM loaded

2007-09-05 Thread Jaime Metcher
+1.  I'd have a close look at that SDC, it may be more far-reaching than you
think.  I've seen standard environments that exclude Flash, Java, ActiveX
controls, Javascript (!), cookies, and external links to all but an approved
list of sites.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Cutter (CFRelated) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 6 September 2007 4:07 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Implications of no JVM loaded

 I doubt it's a lack of a JVM. More likely it's a lack of a Flash Player...

 Steve Cutter Blades
 Adobe Certified Professional
 Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

 Howell, Craig H Civ WRALC/ITMS wrote:
  This is a simple question that may have far reaching implications for
  me.  The DoD pushes Standard Desktop Configurations, SDC, to all
  client machines so all the machines look alike.  The newest SDC that
  will be released soon will not have the JVM loaded and will have IE 7..
  I was wondering what the implications will be for our apps.  I know the
  CF code is converted to HTML before it reaches the desktop, but are
  there other issues we need to be concerned with, especially in areas
  like Flash Forms?
  We have discovered that our Flash Forms don't appear to be working in IE
  7, but is it IE or the lack of a JVM?
  Any inputs/responses would be greatly appreciated.


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RE: Clear Object Variables

2007-09-05 Thread Jaime Metcher
It sounds like the cache is in a static variable in the Java class, hence in
the CF classloader.

However, a quick peruse of the documentation for java.awt.Toolkit reveals
that getImage will cache images indefinitely, but the underlying createImage
will not:

Since the mechanism required to facilitate this sharing of Image objects
may continue to hold onto images that are no longer of use for an indefinite
period of time, developers are encouraged to implement their own caching of
images by using the createImage variant wherever available.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Harrison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 6 September 2007 4:48 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Clear Object Variables

  Did you try my suggestion to re-run the constructor?

 Yes. That did not clear the cached data. I tried to init the entire
 structure but I don't really know the actual name of the img object CF is
 creating. I'm naming it img, but CF is probably appending some
 longer name
 that has img as part of it.

 Wherever these are being cached they not in any of the CF variables I can
 find... although strangely enough they are clearing at the purge interval
 set in the CF administrator.

 Robert B. Harrison
 Director of Interactive services
 Austin  Williams
 125 Kennedy Drive, Suite 100 Hauppauge NY 11788
 T : 631.231.6600 Ext. 119
 F : 631.434.7022

 Great advertising can't be either/or... It must be .

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Kotek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 2:10 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Clear Object Variables

 Did you try my suggestion to re-run the constructor?

 On 9/5/07, Robert Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The code below is caching the results for each file. They stay
  until server reboot. I need to clear them on demand and have tried
  everything to find them. I've dumped all the client, session,
  and server variables. Cannot find them there.
  Where are these being cached? If I can find them I should be
 able to clear
  cfobject type=JAVA action=Create name=tk
  cfobject type=JAVA action=Create name=img
  img =
  width = img.getWidth();
  height = img.getHeight();


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RE: Unit Testing Code Coverage

2007-08-21 Thread Jaime Metcher
Given that a step debugger is basically sitting there watching line numbers
fly by waiting for a break-point, it seems to me that if the debugger kept a
record of those line numbers you'd have a test coverage tool.  I did lodge a
feature request with the FusionDebug guys, but I have no notion of whether
this is a serious possibility for them.  Maybe if there's enough demand it'd
move up the priority list?

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Rich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 22 August 2007 12:32 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Unit Testing  Code Coverage

 It looks as though I am going to have to develop a solution for our needs,
 but I will see if my company will allow me to release our efforts into the
 public domain.


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RE: I'm Old - ColdFusion 4.x

2007-08-09 Thread Jaime Metcher
Not ideal, but you could skim through the online CFMX developer's guide
that's on livedocs:

I'd focus on the sections on user defined functions, cold fusion components
and J2EE integration.  If you're feeling bold, go for the flash remoting
section as well and check out the new features in CF8.

Beyond the new language features, the biggest change since you've been away
is the upsurge in production quality open source frameworks.  Check here:

for a list.  It's a long list and uneven in terms of maturity and currency,
but you can get a flavour by looking at Fusebox, ColdSpring, Transfer and

Beyond that again, you have the world of OOP plus all the Java libraries and
frameworks...but maybe save that for next weekend :)  Good luck!

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Sorteberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 10 August 2007 9:11 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: I'm Old - ColdFusion 4.x

 I haven't been around the ColdFusion world since 4.x.  I have a
 good job lead that requires that I get back into ColdFusion.  I
 am having a very difficult time doing two things.  1. Finding a
 good training center. (I called Adobe and they couldn't help and
 the training center(s) on their website do not return calls and
 they have no email address to send questions to.  2. Is there an
 online tutorial website that I can use to get reaquainted with CF
 over the weekend.  I obviously do not have the CF product at home
 or where I currently work.  I have an interview on Monday and I'd
 like to play with CF as much as I can over the next few days.
 Any advice?


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RE: any idea how to

2007-08-08 Thread Jaime Metcher
LOL.  I miss those perl days, when hackers were real hackers and the top
line of the keyboard was nervous.

 -Original Message-
 From: Zaphod Beeblebrox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 9 August 2007 12:57 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: any idea how to

 cfset new_date=rereplace (20060523,

 On 8/8/07, Scott Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Convert 20060523
  Into 5/23/2006
  I'm at a loss.
  Thanks in advance
  Scott Stewart
  ColdFusion Developer
  4405 Oakshyre Way
  Raleigh, NC. 27616
  (703) 220-2835


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RE: massive jrun -out.log files

2007-08-07 Thread Jaime Metcher
There's lots of stuff there I don't understand (particularly the JINI
stuff), but it seems apparent that FusionReactor is throwing a thread dump.
If you had a chronic low-memory condition or otherwise were continually
triggering FusionReactor's crash protection you'd see some pretty beefy log
files.  Maybe start with your FusionReactor settings, and take a look at the
CP logs?

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: John Beynon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 7 August 2007 7:49 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: massive jrun -out.log files

 All of a sudden my CF on Jrun instances are churning out MASSIVE
 -out.log files in the jrun/logs folder and i have no idea what it
 means and would appreciate it if anyone could take a look - I've
 loaded part of the log file onto a server at - it's only
 one of our CF servers doing it but all instances on the box are
 doing the same thing.

 many thanks for your time,



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RE: running jrockit with CFusionMX7 to find memory leak

2007-08-07 Thread Jaime Metcher
Have I missed something here?  Things like visualgc, FusionReactor etc just
tell you how big the heap is.  Unless you can pin down the memory leakage to
particular moments in time, this doesn't help much.   We need to know what's
in that heap.

From what I've seen the only one of Sun's tools that runs on the 1.4.x JVM
is visualgc.  The heap analysis tools require later JVMs, which CFMX7 does
not support.  That leaves us with things like OptimizeIt and JProfiler.

I'd love to know if there's another way.  I have a memory leak on my
production server which I've been unable to reproduce on dev, and don't want
to load down production with instrumentation.  My current plan is to upgrade
to CF8 and a) see if the leak goes away and b) get into the JVM 1.6 good
stuff like JHAT.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Calvert Rent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 8 August 2007 7:21 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: running jrockit with CFusionMX7 to find memory leak

 varScoper looks good, but this page uses cfscript which doesn't
 work w/ varScooper.

 I am currently downloading Java SE 5.0 so I can try out jvmstat.
 After I download a new version of Java, I assume I need to point
 coldfusion (through the admin interface) to point to the new
 instance of java.  At that point I should be able to use jvmstat.

 Am I on the right track here?

 No reason to completely switch out the JVM for this..
 Sun has free tools to help find memory leaks with their jvm's
 You can also use Seefusion or Fusion-reactor which pulls a lot
 of the same
 info but more in the light of CF.
 John Mason
 770.337.8363 - ColdFusion and Flex hosting
 Now offering ColdFusion 8 Enterprise hosting
 FREE Subversion hosting
 This is not relating to jrockit, but do you happen to be running
 FusionReactor?  There was a bug in v2 of FR that, in some
 instances, caused
 the ODBC Wrapper to make memory climb.  This has been fixed in their 2.04
 release - and works great I might add.  Just thought I would
 though that out
 there in case you are running FR with the ODBC wrapper.


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RE: Unit Testing an XML Parsing Function

2007-07-26 Thread Jaime Metcher

How about this: rather than calling the built-in CreateUUID(), call your own
function that will return either a hardcoded value or a real UUID, depending
on a test mode flag.

if (Request.testFlag)
return fake UUID;
return CreateUUID();

For maximum verisimilitude you could return test UUIDs from out of a preset
list - not sure how sensitive your testing needs to be.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Chastain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 27 July 2007 3:18 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Unit Testing an XML Parsing Function

 I have a component whose init method takes the path to an xml file and
 parses the contents of that xml file into an internal data
 structure.  Now I
 am trying to write the unit test for this function and I am getting stuck.
 My original attempt was to pass in a test xml file and the manually create
 the matching data structure and compare the two.  The problem is,
 during the
 parsing of this xml file, the component creates and inserts several UUID
 values into the internal data structure.  Obviously, I cannot magically
 generate the same UUID value when I manually create the matching data
 structure to compare against.

 So, does anybody have any suggestions on testing this type of



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RE: Writing large data files

2007-07-24 Thread Jaime Metcher
I'd *really* be trying to get the DBMS to dump this file out.  If that's
completely out of the question, I'd look at cfexecute-ing some sort of batch
query tool (not sure what this is for oracle - the mssql equivalent is bcp).
As a last resort, maybe dropping into Java offers you something, but I
really don't know what the options are here - maybe open a cursor?

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Garth Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 25 July 2007 2:14 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Writing large data files

 I have released a UDF over at, that will convert a ColdFusion
 query to CSV using JavaString Buffer which is considerably faster.
 Thanks and let me know if you have any problem.

 The problem I have is that the Coldfusion query is not returning
 as the result set is too big. I could simply run the query
 pulling out blocks of rows from it but this would require
 re-executing the SQL 6-7 times at least.

 I suppose I could increase the JVM max memory to 2GB but I'm not
 really sure if this is a viable option.


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RE: SOT: managing multiple dev environments

2007-07-17 Thread Jaime Metcher
 -Original Message-
 From: John Paul Ashenfelter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 18 July 2007 5:08 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: SOT: managing multiple dev environments

 There's two pieces, right -- schema, and data. Developers need the
 schema and enough data, whatever that means.I find the redgate
 software tools are pretty spectacular as an aside for both
 moving/syncing schema and data.

  I'd be interested in any good Ant references anyone can throw
 my way as well.

 Pragmatic Project Automation with Ant is a good lite start.

 You can also take a look at the DBUnit task for Ant which will help
 you reset your database(s)... :)

+1.   The Redgate tools are great.  DBUnit/Ant takes a little bit more
thought but still very worthwhile for test automation.

Jaime Metcher

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
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RE: Metadata for code documentation (was RE: SURVEY RESULTS: Is ColdFusion OO?)

2007-07-11 Thread Jaime Metcher
 -Original Message-
 From: Tom Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 11 July 2007 7:59 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Metadata for code documentation (was RE: SURVEY RESULTS: Is
 ColdFusion OO?)

 On Wednesday 11 Jul 2007, Jaime Metcher wrote:
  there is no enforceable contract, so cfinterface turns into an elaborate
  commenting mechanism with a runtime performance penalty.

 Did you try the CF8 beta yet :-) ?

That's the Mona Lisa smiley - I can tell you're thinking something, but I'm
not sure what it is.


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2007-07-11 Thread Jaime Metcher
 -Original Message-
 From: Sean Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 12 July 2007 2:21 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: SURVEY RESULTS: Is ColdFusion OO?

 2) simply use type=any and allow any strategy object to be pass in -
 if it doesn't implement the right methods, you'll get a runtime error

Just musing about how to preserve some of the documentation benefits of
typing in the presence of duck-typing.

I guess if we stick to short methods (20 lines) the set of methods required
to be implemented by duck-typed arguments is not too hard to work out just
by reading the method body.   In fact if we wanted to soup up the code
introspection I'd think this is something that could be determined
automatically by inspecting the CF parse tree.  Obviously we couldn't follow
the call tree as we don't know which implementation to look at until
runtime, but we could at least determine method names and number of

Beyond that, there's still a need to document somewhere central the
semantics of each duck-typed method - it's all very well to know that a
method will take as an argument any object that implements a setID() method,
e.g., but it's important that the caller and implementor share a common
world view regarding what an ID is.  cfinterface or the abstract superclass
technique provides a place to put that documentation, and it would be nice
to have a documentation mechanism with no runtime impact that is similarly
structured and introspectable.

Jaime Metcher

Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7  Flex 2. 
Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial 


Metadata for code documentation (was RE: SURVEY RESULTS: Is ColdFusion OO?)

2007-07-10 Thread Jaime Metcher
 -Original Message-
 From: Tom Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 10 July 2007 7:16 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: SURVEY RESULTS: Is ColdFusion OO?

 On Tuesday 10 Jul 2007, Sean Corfield wrote:
  In ColdFusion, all type checking is done at run time. So if you use
  interfaces, you will get a *runtime* check, just like all the other
  checks. And if you screw up, you'll get a runtime error. If you use
  interfaces, the error just has different text in it (OK, that's a
  *slight* oversimplification :)

 I want Interfaces so I can aid other developers intergrating with
 my code- it
 explictly codes the contract.

I love the idea of documenting the intention - something that can be very
obscure using mixins.  However, as Sean and Ben Nadel have pointed out,
there is no enforceable contract, so cfinterface turns into an elaborate
commenting mechanism with a runtime performance penalty.  That reminds me of
another idea for documenting intention in a structured way that *doesn't*
have a performance penalty.

I'm certainly not the first person to point this out, but you can add
arbitrary attributes to the cfcomponent, cffunction and cfargument tags that
then appear in the metadata.  I'd love to see the community generate some
momentum on a standard set of metadata to aid in code introspection.

For example, if converting code from typed to untyped for performance
reasons, instead of removing type and returntype attributes, why not
change them to _type and _returntype, thus documenting the original
intention?.  If ducktyping, the _type attribute could read any CFC that
implements getID() for example.  It would then be simple matter to adapt
CF's builtin CFC introspection to read these attributes.

Similarly, if you have a function in a superclass like this:

cffunction name=doSomething
cfthrow Subclass responsibility

why not add an abstract attribute to document the intention.  From there
it's not too hard to parse the metadata into XMI and produce a UML diagram,
if that's what floats your boat.  And I know there's somebody out there
(sorry -forgot who you are) who uses cfproperty tags to document composition

This *is* just documentation, *not* an attempt to add Java-style
annotations, and isn't necessarily any more accurate than any other
documentation.  The cool thing is the ability to import it into other tools.

Jaime Metcher

Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
Upgrade to MX7  experience time-saving features, more productivity.


RE: Init method and getters / setters in cfc

2007-07-09 Thread Jaime Metcher
Somebody (Peter Bell, I think?) has a comprehensive solution involving lists
of properties where on a per-property basis you can define whether it is
gettable or settable for each access type (i.e. public, private, package),
and on a per-class basis you define whether properties are addable and what
happens when a non-existent property is accessed.  This is non-trivial and
gets around the infinitely mutable object problem, and the
self-documentation issue.

The naked get(key, value), set(key, value) (maybe simplified for use as an
example?) is really just a way to expose the variables scope to the world.
I wouldn't want to do that in most cases, and if I was really doing a quick
and dirty hack I'd just use the this scope and save myself the trouble of
even writing the generic get/set.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 10 July 2007 6:25 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Init method and getters / setters in cfc

 I would add your component is now completely mutable.  A developer can
 add any data they want which may or may not be a big deal depending on
 ones thinking on such things and what the component is meant to do.

 An example that shows this code is going to accept any and all input
 such as this.
 aObj.set(myOwnSillyvar,Some really bad data)


 Ben Nadel wrote:
  While I don't know what is *right*, here are the arguments that I have
  heard against the generic getter/setter:
  * The CFC is not self documenting. Looking at its functions does not
  give you any insight into what it can set/get.
  * Not clear on what should be returned if an invalid get is requested.
  * It makes extending a component more difficult because the parent
  component now has to be smarter about where it looks for its data.
  Take that with a grain of salt ;)
  Ben Nadel
  Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX7 Developer
  Need ColdFusion Help?
  -Original Message-
  From: Peterson, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 3:52 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Init method and getters / setters in cfc
  A lot of cfc's using init and 'good' OO practices have functions like
  getDSN(), setDSN('Blah') littered throughout. Can I ask any guru out
  there why you wouldn't use simple get('keyname') and
  set('keyname','keyvalue') like the following?
  cffunction name=get access=public output=no
  cfargument name=name required=true type=string
  cfreturn evaluate('variables.' /
  cffunction name=set access=public output=no
  cfargument name=name required=true type=string
  cfargument name=value required=true type=any
  cfset variables[] = arguments.value /
  Then instead of littering your cfc with numerous getters / setter, you
  have 2 methods that should be able to handle simple or complex values
  without any problems with much less code.
  Chris Peterson
  Gainey IT
  Adobe Certified Advanced Coldfusion Developer


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RE: Coldfusion MX7 Developer Exam for certification, a must? Wher e is the location of the exam?

2007-07-05 Thread Jaime Metcher
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, 6 July 2007 4:32 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Coldfusion MX7 Developer Exam for certification, a must?
 Wher e is the location of the exam?

 Out of the last five or so that we hired, ONE really knows ColdFusion.


 there was the one.  Great resume, extensive experience with SQL, CF,
 and other things; great responses from previous employers.  Had to fire
 him after a week.  He didn't even know do a simple table join. (we now
 ask basic technical questions during the interview)

Amen to that.

However, I also have scant regard for certification.  I now do two things:

1. Just talk to them.  If someone is knowledgeable and enthusiastic it will
show.  And I do expect my programmers to be able to speak.  In an interview,
I expect a programmer to a) tell me something I didn't know - they're keen
and up with all the buzzwords, right? and b) get so intrigued with something
I tell them that they forget to be the poised interviewee and go into
problem-solving mode.

2. Ask them to read out load from a page of code (any page).  If they say
nothing more than this is a loop followed by a query I'm not impressed.
If they say Hey, it looks like you've coded your own free text search here.
Are you trying to work around the file limits in Verity?  Did you try
Lucene?  I *am* impressed.

Jaime Metcher

ColdFusion 8 beta – Build next generation applications today.
Free beta download on Labs


RE: CF Editor

2007-06-25 Thread Jaime Metcher
 -Original Message-
 From: James Wolfe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 26 June 2007 8:47 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CF Editor


 CF Eclipse has lots of nice features, and if it didn't use over
 400MB of RAM + VM (not an exaggeration), I think it might even be
 considered usable. Unfortunately, the massive Java bloat, that
 would be funny if it werent so sad, makes the editor
 responsive/usable only to those who have 2GB+ of RAM (unless you
 want to run your own CF Dev instance on the box in which case I'd
 go for 3GB+) which can obviously get prohibitively expensive if
 you have more than 1 or 2 developers using it.

I've got 2GB.  I run Eclipse, CFMX7 on IIS, Firefox, IE, Outlook, any number
of Excel/MS Word documents, JMeter, VisualGC, Tomcat with Alfresco CMS.
CFMX7 gets the first 1GB, all the rest fit within the second 1GB. All within
physical RAM, no paging.

Within Eclipse I use Ant with CFCUnit and Selenium tasks, Subclipse,
XMLBuddy and CFEclipse.  Right now the Eclipse instance has 235MB.

 I guess only the super rich can develop for CF at this point.

2GB of RAM pays for itself before morning tea on Monday.  Everything else I
mentioned above (other than the MS Office stuff) is free.  What are the
super rich CF developers spending their money on?

Jaime Metcher

ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 
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RE: CF Editor

2007-06-25 Thread Jaime Metcher
Total RAM used is *not* the sum of the Mem usage and VM columns in task
manager.  See - the punchline is
right at the end.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: James Wolfe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 26 June 2007 2:08 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: CF Editor

 I said that Eclipse only runs well on 2GB of ram and then
 everyone comes out of the woodwork and says I got 2GB of RAM and
 it runs fine! What is the point of that post?

 I'm very glad for you that have 2GB of RAM (and mildly jealous),
 but the average non-brand-spanking new machine has 512MB of RAM
 which is simply not enough to run Eclipse properly.

 I also specifically said that it uses 400MB of [RAM + VM] and I
 get responses from people that clearly leave off the VM (which is
 extremely relevant).

 For reference, in order to see the total RAM (including VM) that
 an app uses, open Task Manager, click View, click Columns, check
 off Virtual Memory and sum the RAM + Virtual Memory for the
 total RAM used.

 After using eclipse for 5 minutes, you will see the total RAM is
 at or (far) above 400GB. That is an obscene amount of memory for
 a program to use. Visual Studio, which is all the IDE Eclipse is
 and more, uses 1/10 (~40MB) of that at load time and 1/3 (100 -
 150MB) of that when you have 20 files open and are compiling software.

 I honestly dont understand how everyone cheers about such a
 poorly written memory hog. I understand that its free and you get
 what you pay for, but there are limits.

 In short, as I said in my original post, use Eclipse if you have
 2GB or more of RAM. Don't if you don't.


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RE: Subversion Revisions

2007-06-21 Thread Jaime Metcher
We check out a working copy to our integration server, then use a file
comparison/copy tool to go from there to production.  For incremental
releases, this means we just do a svn update to the integration server -
no need for a full checkout each time.

Ant or even xcopy can do the upload to production, but we use a gui tool
called directory toolkit (we have mapped drive access to the production
server).  By default directory toolkit ignores hidden files, so the .svn
files aren't a problem.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Cutter (CFRelated) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 22 June 2007 1:55 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: SOT: Subversion Revisions

 OK, quick OT. Moving to using Subversion in our dev environment (yeah!),
 but hitting a few stumbling blocks.

 I can 'export' a clean version of my 'HEAD', or any revision. But, I
 have a massive (3,000+ template) code base. Not every 'commit' to the
 system is tagged, or part of a branch. How (or is it even possible) do I
 pull ONLY the modified files from the repository? I have SvnAnt
 installed within Eclipse, to utilize Ant with Subversion for creating
 builds and deployments, but I'm still struggling to get my head around
 all of this.


 Steve Cutter Blades
 Adobe Certified Professional
 Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer


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RE: How many CF developers does it take to manage a site ???

2007-06-11 Thread Jaime Metcher
Yeah, like:

Ten: one to write the code, one to make sure it's not Java, one to make sure
it's better than PHP, one to scan the press for adverse comments, and six to
argue about which framework to use.

Sorry - best I could do.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: JJ Cool [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 12 June 2007 1:47 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: How many CF developers does it take to manage a site ???

 By the title of this thread I thought this was going to be a joke. :(



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RE: cfEclipse :: Find closing tag

2007-06-05 Thread Jaime Metcher
Right-click, Jump to end tag?

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: AJ Mercer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 5 June 2007 7:28 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: cfEclipse :: Find closing tag

 Not for me - that maximises the edit window

 do you know if there is a menu or right click option

 On 6/5/07, Michael Bramwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi AJ,
  Ctrl + M
  On 6/5/07, AJ Mercer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Can cfEclipse find closing tags?
   So if I select cfif
   it will find for me /cfif


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RE: Concepts of Developing Locally with CFEclipse

2007-05-17 Thread Jaime Metcher

It think your questions have mostly been answered, but to do so in the
context of your original post:

 We have 7 or 8 web sites that I work on regularly, so from a local
 development perspective, I either need to use a locally installed web
 server with one instance of coldfusion...  or I need to install
 multiple instances of coldfusion and use the built in web server for
 each web site.  Those are my options, right?

If you're using single instance installs on production, that's what I'd do
on dev.

 Can I use the Developer Edition locally but still use an external web
 server with host headers to determine which site I'm accessing?  That
 way I could just use a hosts file to get to them.


 Now... should I edit the source code in place in the appropriate web


I've been using flex Builder a lot and it publishes the
 compiled swf and HTML to the destination directory each time.. is
 there something similar when using CFEclipse to edit HTML/CFM/CFC

No need.

 If I'm also using Subversion and something like Subclipse (I haven't
 tried this yet)... should my webroot also be my working copy?


Jaime Metcher

Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7  Flex 2. 
Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial 


RE: New developer vs. Veteran developer

2007-05-16 Thread Jaime Metcher
I agree about upgrading the bean counters or at least adjusting their
attitude.  The fact is that the productivity gap between an excellent
developer and a merely competent one can be enormous, a factor of 10-20, and
it can vary depending on the task.  I believe this is a finding arising out
of formal research, not just anecdotal (sorry, don't have the reference).
In fact (and this is anecdotal now) in a small agile shop an even slightly
sub-par developer can be a net drain on team productivity, and you may not
diagnose this until training time is over, crunch time has come and gone,
the developer has moved on and you now need to do the first major upgrade of
the subsystem they wrote.

You don't see anything like these extremes in most professions (say,
counting beans), so bean counters can find it hard to accept.

I'd also echo Barney and say that years of CF experience is much less
important than years of development experience.  I would expect a top notch
developer who had never used CF to be teaching *me* things about CF after
3-6 months.

And finally, years of development experience is much less important than
years of actively pursuing professional excellence.  For example, a CF
developer of 10 years experience who has never heard of patterns and never
played with Java integration isn't worth much IMHO.  NOT because I expect
them to use patterns, or even OO - but if they are actively seeking after
best practices, the WILL be aware of these things, WILL have investigated
them and WILL have coherent reasons for using/not using them.

So, to finally give my answer to the question:
developer A = webmaster type who can do ColdFusion but doesn't really get
development as a profession
developer B = CS grad with solid skills but maybe a bit of a plodder
developer C = CS grad with talent and great attitude
developer D = Zen master with 10 years of the pursuit of excellence

Productivity ratio B:C:D ~ 1:2:4
What about developer A?  After six months, D will have mentored A, B and C,
done his/her own work, collaborated with C on improving the teams practices,
completely rewritten all of A's code, and participated in interviewing for
A's replacement.  So A's contribution is that D is now very tired.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 17 May 2007 3:37 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: New developer vs. Veteran developer

 If the bean counters want to quantify that, you might be well advised
 to find some new bean counters. ; )  My opinion is that language
 idioms are pretty simple, but core development concepts are quite
 complex.  As such, I'd generally rather hire a developer with
 experience building the types of applications I'm building in a
 different language over a CF developer who is new to the arena I'm
 building apps in.

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RE: Subversion Tutorial Posted

2007-05-13 Thread Jaime Metcher

Where's your blog?  I did google it - do you have any idea how many people
out there are pretending to be you?

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, 12 May 2007 10:37 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Subversion Tutorial Posted


 I am, it will be a very lengthy tutorial. And should be up in the next
 couple of days. It is written for any number of team members, one
 or 20. But
 its not a rule, its a guide...

 On 5/12/07, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Boy... and to think I was really looking forward to reading this long
  thread, hoping that, as I contemplate implementing Eclipse, CFEclipse,
  and Subversion, that I would be able to confidently set up a new
  working environment... but alas, all this thread has brought is
  It seems almost all perspectives offered in this thread revolves around
  team environments.
  As a sole (as in the only developer on my projects) developer, the
  remains, what would be the be approach to Subversion for me?
  Anyone blogged that in detail?  I'm sure the best (or at least very
  practices to all for an solo developer would be, perhaps, very different
  from team best practices... or are there 5,233 different perspectives on
  that, too,
  and I should be dive in and figure out what works best for me.
  Remember, after about 9 or 10 years of development on CF 4.5 without
  (going to CF8), I'm very comfortable with developing on my *production*
  which would cause most of you to pull your hair out in a team


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RE: Subversion Tutorial Posted

2007-05-11 Thread Jaime Metcher
I don't reckon this thread is long enough yet, so here's some more...

There are so many ways to use Subversion that it's easy to be in violent
agreement.  We all agree on this:

Don't break the build.  Make sure you thoroughly test before you commit.
And be sure to backup your working copy.

But we interpret the  words differently:

Andrew: the build = the latest revision
Tom: the build = the approved tag
Me: the build = the latest revision from trunk

Andrew: commit = the usual subversion commit
Tom: commit = create an approved tag
Me: commit = merge my personal dev branch into trunk

Andrew: backup = filesystem backup of working copy
Tom: backup = commit working copy into repo, then backup repo
Me: backup = commit working copy into my dev branch of the repo, then backup

And thereby end up with three different procedures that look different but
in fact do the same thing (maybe with slightly different emphases).  We all
create abstractions for a living here, surely we can cope with that.

Jaime Metcher
 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, 12 May 2007 3:00 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Subversion Tutorial Posted

 So what your saying is this.

 You and I are on the same team working on the same project

 I make some changes to my code, and I have not written any TDD test cases
 and just submit my work into subversion and go home, while I am travelling
 home I am involved in a car accident and put into hospital and
 out of action
 for a day or 2... Thanking god its not serious...

 Anyway, the code that I submitted broke the website / application
 in a major
 way. now its your Job or someone elses to step through the
 revisions to see
 what I did to break the code. Now on top of this, you have one hour to
 figure this out before you demostrate the new changes that had
 been made for
 the last few weeks.

 However I can't be contacted cause I am still not very
 coheriant But due
 to an unforseen problem, I not only broke the latest version
 (Note: version
 not revision) and forced others to waste time finding out what I did to
 break the latest build / code. In the meantime the client is
 being patient,
 and you have to put him/her off for a day or two to get this sorted out,
 then he begins to wonder what he/she has paid for and is
 becomming a little
 impatient with you.

 Are you begining to understand my point now, it doesn't matter what you
 think in the long run you might have saved more time on the
 project if I did
 not commit this code and stopped everyone else from getting their
 job done.

 Subversion is a version control system, with the ability to handle
 revisions. It is not a revision control system and should not be treated
 that way. The mentality of a developer should be take action against all
 possible problems, and if my code is going to break the latest
 build at the
 11th hour or not I shouldn't commit it until I am 100% happy with the fact
 all my unit test cases have passed and I have covered 100% of code in my

 Bobby, your methods might work. But it can be improved and thats what I am
 trying to say to you, why do you think the java community adopted
 the agile
 and TDD aproach, and use subversion for what it is designed for. They know
 at the end of the day they can export the code to a test server,
 and its as
 stable as it should be for any demo or presentation at the drop of a hat.

 On 5/12/07, Bobby Hartsfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Its your time your wasting
  I'm not wasting any time or money but thanks for your concern. I have a
  pretty good reputation for OVER delivering applications WELL
 under budget
  AND deadline. Anyone who has worked with me can vouch for that. I also
  from a place where I clean up after myself. If I spill it, I'll clean it
  up... If I break it, I'll fix it. I don't depend on other developers to
  my hand and fix mistakes that I might have made. I would do
 that on my own
  time and dime. If I had back every dollar I've 'wasted' doing
 so over the
  years, I MIGHT be able to buy you a beer. Maybe, over that beer, I could
  explain to you the concept of agree to disagree and the definition of
  No virus found in this outgoing message.
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RE: Subversion Tutorial Posted

2007-05-11 Thread Jaime Metcher
FWIW, our procedure (having created the repo) is this:

1. Identify a batch of requirements totalling 1-3 weeks work.
2. Create a branch from the head revision of trunk. This is a branch of the
entire system, not just the subsystem under development.
3. Assign the job to a developer, who will check out that branch as their
working copy onto their local CF environment.
4. The developer can then use that branch as backup/undo if they want to.
5. 1-3 weeks later when finished, merge the latest trunk revision into the
6. Then, after passing both unit and integration tests the branch is merged
back into trunk.
7. Back to step 1.

In the rare (and undesirable) instance where the work can't be completed due
to external dependencies or some overriding priority, the developer can
simply park that branch and start work on a second job with a second branch.
Obviously parking a branch for too long has all sorts of hairs, but not
being able to do this can be even hairier.

In the rare (but desirable) instance where we want to just futz around with
some new ideas, same story - create a second branch and go for it.  This one
might never be merged back to trunk.

If two developers are working on the same batch, we may check out a dev
branch to two different machines, but in practice we rarely do this.  We
either pair program or work on something different.

Meanwhile, maintenance fixes and small tweaks (meaning one hour fixes)
continue from the trunk, which is checked out to a shared CF environment.
The head revision of trunk must be deployable at all times (i.e. it is the

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Will Tomlinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 11 May 2007 12:18 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Subversion Tutorial Posted

 Just wanted to let you folks know I setup an REALLY basic
 tutorial on getting started with Subversion/Tortoise SVN. It's
 still pretty rough, so any suggestions/tips would be appreciated.

 I'm pretty dense most of the time and it took some time, and some
 good help from Bobby before I could grasp what I needed to do to
 make it work. The docs really confused me.

 Maybe this will help others save some time.



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RE: Unit Testing A Web Interface

2007-05-11 Thread Jaime Metcher
and automation of cross-domain testing.  You can run cross-domain scripts
manually, but the automation is experimental and didn't work for me.  But
it's hard to see how checking cross-domain workflows could be called unit

I use selenium a lot, but if you just want to unit test a single form
post, you can also do this in cfcunit or cfunit pretty easily.

1. Use a global test mode flag to make the form think it's been POSTed to:

if (CGI.request_method is POST or StructKeyExists(Request,
flgFormTestMode)) {
// processing code here

2. Instead of cflocation, use a UDF which checks the same flag and prints
out the URL if the flag is set.
3. Use cfunit's AssertOutputs function (or steal or write your own for
cfcunit) to run the form processing module, capture its output and run a set
of assertions agains the output.

So then your test looks something like:

Request.flgFormTestMode = 1;
FORM.myField = hello;

AssertOutputs(type=module, template=/mymodule.cfm, expected=Redirect:

This has the advantage that it's easy to simulate some of the bizarro form
transmissions that only real users and spambots seem to be able to create -
you know, missing fields, strange query string parameters, a list of 2,000
porno sites in a form field that's supposed to be a yes/no radio button...

So I tend to use selenium for success scenarios and typical exceptions, and
cfcunit for strange edge cases.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, 12 May 2007 3:20 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Unit Testing A Web Interface

 There is a better one out there but its costs... The one thing selinium
 lacks is the fact you can't script RMB (Right Mouse Button) :-(

 On 5/12/07, Ben Nadel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That looks pretty cool. I like that it can integrate with FireFox.
  -Original Message-
  From: Kris Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 11:30 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Unit Testing A Web Interface
   Hey All, I have a new manager for a current project and he wants to
   see me do unit tests for form interfaces for an existing web
   I have an idea of what a Unit Test is for code classes, but I have no
   idea how this is to be done for a web interface? Does anyone have any
   explanation or resources I can look into? Am I supposed to write code
   that attempts to submit a form with bad value sets? Are there apps out
   there that do that? Is that what a test harness would do - submit a
   form and maybe check for resultant error text on the returned page?


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RE: defeating offline form posts

2007-05-08 Thread Jaime Metcher
Put the session ID in the form and then check to see if the session has

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Eric J. Hoffman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 9 May 2007 12:44 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: defeating offline form posts

 Curious question here.   If I think about this, if someone takes a form
 of ours for login, for example, and makes a local copy on their
 machineand they set the post action to be the live server
 authenticate filewhat is the best way to detect this and defeat it?
 Noone has ever gained access this way as of yet, but we are studying
 possibilities, and this seems to me to be an attack vector.

 Any thoughts?A check to see if the referrer was the domain
 name/login file name?   Or can that be spoofed as well then?



 Eric J. Hoffman
 Managing Partner
 2081 Industrial Blvd
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RE: defeating offline form posts

2007-05-08 Thread Jaime Metcher
It's thoroughly unreliable even if not spoofed.  Some browsers won't set it,
some proxies will mask it or strip it out.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Eric J. Hoffman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 9 May 2007 1:02 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: defeating offline form posts

 That's where I startedbut the thing is, I think they can spoof that
 variable?  Or not?


 Eric J. Hoffman
 Managing Partner
 2081 Industrial Blvd
 tel: 651.717.4105
 fax: 651.717.4101
 mob: 651.245.2717
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 -Original Message-

 From: AJ Mercer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 9:53 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: defeating offline form posts

 Have a look at the CGI variables
 in particular CGI.HTTP_REFERER
 This is the page before the current one - it should have your server
 in there, other wise discard.

 On 5/9/07, Eric J. Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Curious question here.   If I think about this, if someone takes a
  of ours for login, for example, and makes a local copy on their
  machineand they set the post action to be the live server
  authenticate filewhat is the best way to detect this and defeat
  Noone has ever gained access this way as of yet, but we are studying
  possibilities, and this seems to me to be an attack vector.
  Any thoughts?A check to see if the referrer was the domain
  name/login file name?   Or can that be spoofed as well then?
  Eric J. Hoffman
  Managing Partner
  2081 Industrial Blvd
  tel: 651.717.4105
  fax: 651.717.4101
  mob: 651.245.2717
  Adobe Solutions Partner
  Microsoft Certified Partner
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 request a
  hard-copy version.


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RE: Best Practice: Query User Specific Data

2007-05-07 Thread Jaime Metcher
I'd always want an open version that will take any user ID, then another
layer over that that enforces the rules about what user ID can be passed in.
Otherwise you have a hell of a time writing admin systems or unit tests.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
 Sent: Friday, 4 May 2007 10:05 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Best Practice: Query User Specific Data

 Hey Guys,

 Something crossed my mind this morning and I thought I'd run it past you,
 see what your thoughts on it were. In my application I have allot
 of queries
 that pull data dependant on the user that is currently signed in using the
 user_id which sits in their session. Now for the moment I pass
 this user_id
 in as an argument to my functions that contain queries, like this.


 cfargument name=userid


 SELECT somthing

 FROM wherever

 WHERE userid = #arguments.userid#



 I then call this function by doing the usual

 Now is this the best way of doing this? Presumably there is a slight
 vulnerability in security as anyone could effectively pass in any old user
 ID and have it pull their information from the database. What I'd really
 like to do it have that WHERE clause interact directly with the SESSION
 scope to collect that user ID, that way the user HAS to have an active
 session and will only ever be able to retrieve their information,
 and to get
 an active session with a populated user_id they must have been

 I know this might make the code a little less usable, but I feel that it's
 probably a little more secure.

 What do you think?



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RE: Display number of users online

2007-04-16 Thread Jaime Metcher
cfset tracker = createObject(java,coldfusion.runtime.SessionTracker)
cfoutputpThere are #tracker.getSessionCount()# active

cfset sk = tracker.getSessionKeys()
cfset count_logged_in = 0
cfloop condition=#sk.hasNext()#
cfset k = sk.nextElement()
cfset s = tracker.getSession(k)
cfif StructKeyExists(s, whatever key you use to check whether 
somebody is
logged in)
cfset count_logged_in = count_logged_in + 1

cfoutputpThere are #count_logged_in# logged in users/p/cfoutput

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Joel Watson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 17 April 2007 12:03 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Display number of users online

 I have a site (a forum, really) that allows users to login and
 post messages.  Is there a way that I can display the number of
 users that are currently logged in?



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RE: Using CFCs in session scope - need cflock help

2007-04-15 Thread Jaime Metcher
Wow, this thread sure kicked off.

While we've got the attention of all these big brains, can we just agree
that Jason's problem has nothing to do with locking or lack thereof?  There
are certainly race condition scenarios when initializing shared scopes (as
per Sean's example) that can *look* like a new session is being created,
where in fact all that's happened is you've clobbered your existing session
variables.  But the fact that Jason is seeing new session IDs indicates that
the problem is something completely different.  Yes?

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 16 April 2007 7:18 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Using CFCs in session scope - need cflock help


 A race condition is as stated in one of my previous posts.

 And I quote again...

 If thread one, is running and it checked the condition
 session.flag is true
 and while halfway through that check, the variable is changed it
 is going to
 cause a few problems.

 If for instance I have a serious of variables and while I need to
 use those
 variables, and whil reading them in and they change, the results are going
 to be unexpected dat results.

 On 4/16/07, Sean Corfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 4/15/07, Andrew Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
cfset application.flag = true /
   no on its own that can not cause a race condition, but if
 somewhere else
   there is a read on that variable somewhere then that will cause a race
  Code can read that variable to its heart's content all over the
  application without a race condition.
   Now as this debate is being discussed because of a CFC inside of a
   scope, there is an extremely high chance that a race condtion is going
   occur, so as Ben says lock it.
  Not necessarily true. You can have a bean in session scope and never
  need to lock it. If the operations are *atomic*.
  You are just simply refusing to listen to what people are telling you
  and you aren't reading the documents closely enough. I don't think you
  actually understand what a race condition is...?
  Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
  An Architect's View --
  If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
  -- Margaret Atwood


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RE: What conditions would cause a new jsessionid to be assigned to a user session?

2007-04-15 Thread Jaime Metcher

Not sure if you saw my reply to the now somewhat out of control thread on
CFC locking, so here it is again:

I have seen a problem where a proxy cache was mixing up user's sessions so
they would actually see each other's data.  The actual mechanism was that
the proxy would return the cookie headers (to the browser) out of proxy
cache.  A
lot of the time, of course, the cached cookie would be referring to an
expired session, so it would look like a session timeout.  We developed a
mechanism for comparing the cookie sent to the browser by the server with
the cookie that the browser sends back - where they're different, there's
been a cache mixup.

We resolved this with no-cache directives.  I'm presuming you've tried that,
but it's suprisingly difficult, so it might be worth another look.  See:

Ultimately, though, neither browsers nor proxies are obliged to honour your
caching directives.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Dunaway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 13 April 2007 11:33 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: What conditions would cause a new jsessionid to be assigned to
 a user session?

 I know this may be a rather rookie question, but I want as much
 input as possible on this so I'm asking it anyways.

 We're having problems with users being timed out prematurely,
 before the 2hr time limit our client has decided upon.
 Everything has been setup in CFadministrator correctly, as 95% of
 the users are able to stay logged in for the 2hr time frame and
 have no problems.  With the small percentage of users that are
 not being able to stay logged, the timeout is random and the
 server assigns a NEW jsessionid to them.  Of course, when this
 happens all of the user info that is stored in session is lost,
 therefore they are gracefully kicked out of the site and asked to
 log in again.

 Anyone have any input as to what can be causing this?  Thanks!


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RE: Using CFCs in session scope - need cflock help

2007-04-14 Thread Jaime Metcher

If you are seeing the session ID values change (as per the earlier thread)
then the user is getting a new session.  Whether there was a race condition
in the old session has nothing to do with it.  The request with the new
session ID is starting with a clean slate and is not even aware the old
session existed.

AFAIK, there's only one thing you can do in code that will cause somebody to
get a new session ID, and that's destroy their cookie with a CFCOOKIE or
CFHEADER tag.  If you're not doing that, the problem must be at the HTTP
level, and all the previous suggestions about browser bugs, proxies and
caching come into play.

I have seen a problem where a proxy cache was mixing up user's sessions so
they would actually see each other's data.  The actual mechanism was that
the proxy would return the cookie headers (to the browser) out of cache.  A
lot of the time, of course, the cached cookie would be referring to an
expired session, so it would look like a session timeout.  We developed a
mechanism for comparing the cookie sent to the browser by the server with
the cookie that the browser sends back - where they're different, there's
been a cache mixup.

We resolved this with no-cache directives.  I'm presuming you've tried that,
but it's suprisingly difficult, so it might be worth another look.  See:

Ultimately, though, neither browsers nor proxies are obliged to honour your
caching directives.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Dunaway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 13 April 2007 11:15 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Using CFCs in session scope - need cflock help

 I've been out of the office for 4 days so I'm just now responding.

 Thanks to all who offered valuable feedback and input.

 I am a huge fan of OO programing.  I graduated college in
 December 2002 from Miami U. of Ohio.  The program I studied there
 really focused on OO design and use.  So I've been somewhat
 brainwashed, but I really believe in it despite this.

 So when I took on the current project my employer wanted the site
 cleaned up.  It was a mess prior to the redesign.  I chose to use
 components rather then using cookies or individual session
 variables because I love the structure and organization that a
 nice, neat wrapped up component providesand I love reusing
 code instead of having copies of it everywhere.  Everything is
 much more consistent and logical.  Instantiating them in session
 was a natural choice since, in theory, the data should be
 maintained for the user's session across all pages.  The main
 user component only contains DATA relevant to the user and
 methods that deal with this data.  I honestly don't see a huge
 problem with this because it's not a huge amount of code.  RAM is
 not really a concern to us, the machine is adequately equipped.

 So now we're having issues with the site timing out users
 prematurely and randomly.  We have verified that what is causing
 this is that the user is getting a NEW jsessionid from the
 server.  What we don't know is WHY this is happening.  Responses
 from another post I made where that there are a number of causes,
 many which are unrelated to actual code.

 What I really need to determine is if the lack of cflock in
 appropriate places is the culprit.  I see that there are
 pros/cons to using cfcs in session, as have been noted in most of
 the responses here, but I need to pin down what is causing it.
 If anyone has any helpful advice please send it my way.  If you
 want to scorn me for using CFCs in session scope, please keep
 your comments to yourself unless you truely feel it is relevant
 to my problem.

 Thanks in advance!


Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
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RE: Using CFCs in session scope - need cflock help

2007-04-14 Thread Jaime Metcher
Andrew, I just don't see what your code example has to do with race
conditions.  cfset is an atomic operation (didn't used to be, but that's
been fixed) so no race condition is possible.  Using locks like this is a
bizarre but mostly harmless practice that is only common in ColdFusion
because of bugs in earlier versions.  What *isn't* harmless is the notion
that doing this in any way protects you from a real race condition.

I'm preaching to the choir here, but for the record, a race condition looks
like this:

1. I query some piece of shared state.
2. Some other thread or process changes that state
3. I perform some operation that depends on the state not having changed.

Even if we restrict the problem to, say, just the CF session scope, the only
blanket approach that will prevent race conditions is to single-thread the
whole session.  Locking single cfset tags in setter functions will do
nothing for you.

If you don't want to single thread the session (and if you're doing frames
or AJAX you shouldn't), you need to understand for every operation what
shared state it depends on and what the impact of a change in the shared
state would be.   If there would be an impact you care about, put the
querying of the state and the operation where you use it as close together
as possible and wrap them in a lock.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, 14 April 2007 1:04 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Using CFCs in session scope - need cflock help


 I answered your question, in my post I gave you a code example of what you
 need to do.

 So the answer is yes, when writing to any scoped variable you must cflock
 the write. I am very sure I said that:-)

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RE: Using CFCs in session scope - need cflock help

2007-04-14 Thread Jaime Metcher

OK, I'm officially confused.  I remember it being nutted out, and the
conclusion being that you *don't* need to lock when writing to a session
variable.  A simple cfset Session.x = y can't possibly have a race
condition, right?  It *may* be part of a multistatement operation that
creates a race condition, but in itself, no way.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, 15 April 2007 9:46 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Using CFCs in session scope - need cflock help


 In the example of the original question the CFC is stored inside a session

 Anytime one write to session.somevariable, there is a chance that there
 could be a race condition. I am sure you know that, and if the session
 containes a CFC then the rules of race conditions still need to apply.

 This was nutted out many moons ago on the CFCDev mailing list.


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RE: cfcontent excel session and url variables

2007-04-08 Thread Jaime Metcher
Also check your exception log.  Even if an error does make it to the browser
it should be logged there.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Kris Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, 7 April 2007 6:58 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: cfcontent excel session and url variables

 Hi William,

 We also use this method for handling excel formatting of reports,
 although we use the form scope, not the URL. We have also seen the
 could not open  error. After much investigation, we found that
 this error was due to a CF error that would naturally not propagate
 through to excel. The way we fixed it was to run the report with the
 cfcontent/cfheader commented out, and see the actual CF error, fix it,
 uncomment the cfcontent/cfheader and run it again. In every case, we
 were able to fix the problem. Usually it was a reference to an
 undefined variable causing the problem.

 Also, you should probably wrap your URL variables in a
 urlencodedformat() for good measure (we also encrypt ours, but
 depending on your requirements that may not be necessary).


  A question relating to cfcontent and session variables, with a
 hint of URL variables.
  We are migrating from a relatively open system to one that has
 a login and session management.  We have stumbled across
 something that seems to be behaving oddly, though I don't know
 why.  We have a coldfusion page that will generate a report as
 HTML.  If the user selects a button to save it to excel, it runs
 the same page, but inserts the
  CFCONTENT TYPE=application/ reset=yes
  CFHEADER NAME=Content-Disposition VALUE=filename=myreport.xls
  at the top.  The only other difference, is the variables to
 generate are passed through as URL variables.  Before adding the
 session, they worked fine. Now though, and it is not all
 situations, it almost seems like IE or Excel are trying to open a
 new instance of IE outside of the session in an attempt to
 download the file.  As I said though, it is not all.  This link...
  reportactionoutput.cfm?DATEPARAMS=Dec 09,
  does not work, with excel popping up an error message saying
 Cold not open
http://mysite/reportactionoutput.cfm?DATEPARAMS=Dec 09,

 Now, if I run a slightly different report type, the exact same url with
maybe another parameter like this
 reportactionoutput.cfm?DATEPARAMS=Dec 09,

 It opens fine, no issues.  The only thing I found that may fix the problem
is changing the spaces in the url variable to %20  This falls into different
reports doing different things, not common code so there is a lot of places
to change it, with no full assurance that this will fix the issue.

 Anyone run into anything similar?


Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
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RE: Using CFCs in session scope - need cflock help

2007-04-08 Thread Jaime Metcher
It's looking pretty bleak - we can't store CFCs in session because they take
too much memory, and we can't instantiate per request because it takes too
much CPU.Thank heavens for procedural programming. ;)

Seriously, though, I have high hopes of CF8 in this respect.  We have the
language features for OO, but trying to think OO with one eye on the
performance monitor is just a bit too schizoid for me.  Now it's up to Adobe
to tune the app server.  Failing that, you can always write your model in

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Dawson, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, 7 April 2007 6:49 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Using CFCs in session scope - need cflock help

 Re-instantiating an object, on each request, can be processor-intensive.

 I have used session-based CFCs for a couple of years and have had no
 problems.  I have the data and the methods all in a nice, neat package.


 -Original Message-
 From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 2:15 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Using CFCs in session scope - need cflock help

 Well, it's doesn't make any programmatic sense for a start.  They are
 static providing a common layer of functionality, to put them into a
 scope other than application or server (to a degree) just doesn't make
 any sense.

 They can be very memory intensive so giving each user their own
 session CFC which is identical to ever other users doesn't make any
 sense as it would be needless consumption of memory space.

 You also cannot use replication with them in session scope (this may
 have been fixed in CF7/JRun updater, I know it was true before)


Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
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RE: Verity exclude sub-directories?

2007-03-28 Thread Jaime Metcher
We do this by actually removing the excluded keys from the search collection
after it is built, like this:

cfloop list=#stDS.txtExclusions# index=txtExclude
cfset txtCriteria = Replace (txtExclude, \, \\, ALL)
cfsearch name=qryDeleteKeys
criteria=CF_KEY SUBSTRING #txtCriteria#
cfindex collection=#stDS.txtCollectionName#

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Josh Knopp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 29 March 2007 6:40 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Verity exclude sub-directories?

 I am extremely new to Verity searching - today is literally my
 first day.  So there may be more graceful ways to solve this
 conundrum, but here's what I have...

 I have subdirectories called 'admin' and 'includes' that I do not
 want showing up in search results, so at the top of the search
 results page, I have:

 CFSEARCH NAME=Search_mySite
   CRITERIA=#FORM.Search_Term# NOT /admin/ NOT /includes/

 Seems to work great.

 Good luck,
 Josh Knopp
 AMS, Inc.

  I'm working with Verity and have a questionis there a way to
  certain sub-directories from being indexed in the collection?  I have
  a few
  'procedure' directories that I don't want coming up in the user search.
  Thanks for your help!
  Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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RE: You think you know OOP.. but you don't

2007-03-22 Thread Jaime Metcher

Yes - it's called Smalltalk ;P

Also, check out Nando's series of articles

Seriously, I agree there's a lot of crap to learn, although my crap list is
different.  And IMHO, a lot of the crap is there because a) J2EE has a lot
of stuff to support highly specific use cases surrounding distributed
transactions and the performance and reliability issues thereof and b)
ColdFusion has some serious performance problems as an OO language in that
you are very restricted in the number of objects you can reasonably

So you *do* know OOP - what you're seeing is OOP PLUS the Java baggage PLUS
the performance workarounds.  I.e. we're not in Kansas anymore.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jonathan Block [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 23 March 2007 5:16 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: You think you know OOP.. but you don't

 Why do so many articles get published in the CFMX world about OOP.

 I've read though several, not going to mention names here... but you
 read it and it makes you think.. wow .. i thought I understood
 OOP but maybe
 I don't.

 Factories... abstraction... models... patterns... that's too much crap for
 someone to learn.

 I feel like anybody who's trying to learn CFMX need not worry
 about whether
 or not they know OOP or any of these crazy buzzwords. If we think OOP is
 important, or any other buzz word for that matter, we really
 aught to make a
 simple application that shows you the recommended way to do something in

 Is there such a resource?



Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
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RE: CFCs and the THIS scope

2007-03-08 Thread Jaime Metcher
Well, it seems to me that both forms are being handled by a new instance of
temp.  update1 stores the value in that new instance, which is garbage
collected some time after the POST request terminates. update2 stores the
value in the prexisting instance which has been placed in the session scope,
which of course hangs around for future reference.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: joe smiths [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 9 March 2007 4:36 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: CFCs and the THIS scope

 Given the files below - why does update1() fail to update the cfc

 file TEMP.CFM:
 cfif not isDefined(session.temp)
 cfset session.temp=#createObject('component','temp')#

 form method=post action=temp.cfc?method=update1
   select name=tableName onChange=this.form.submit()
 option cfif session.temp.tableName eq
 option cfif session.temp.tableName eq
 option cfif session.temp.tableName eq

 form method=post action=temp.cfc?method=update2
   select name=tableName onChange=this.form.submit()
 option cfif session.temp.tableName eq
 option cfif session.temp.tableName eq
 option cfif session.temp.tableName eq



 file TEMP.CFC:

 cfset this.tableName=

 cffunction name=update1 access=remote
   cfargument name=tableName required=yes

   cfset this.tableName=arguments.tableName

   cflocation url=temp.cfm addToken=no

 cffunction name=update2 access=remote
   cfargument name=tableName required=yes

   cfset session.temp.tableName=arguments.tableName

   cflocation url=temp.cfm addToken=no



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RE: Coldfusion Server Issues

2007-03-08 Thread Jaime Metcher
What could cause cross-interference between sites?  Some ideas:

1. Contention for shared resources e.g. you keep a file open somewhere, or
each site has a logging thread that keeps a lock on some table.

2. An insidious one can be where you inadvertently use the same application
name, so the two sites keep blowing away and reinitializing the shared

3. Mapping - you've got a mapping for one site that's a real directory in
the other site.  The mapping takes precedence, so you're executing code in
the wrong context.

4. Memory overload - if you're loading a lot of data into shared scopes, the
GC could be thrashing.

I'd highly recommend a management tool like Fusion Reactor.  The ability to
look into the guts of a running thread can clear the fog in a microsecond.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Musial [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 9 March 2007 4:04 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Coldfusion Server Issues

 I have been experiencing issues (slowness, high thread counts,
 constant crashes, etc) on a shared server for about 2 weeks now.
 I got another server, transferred one site (the largest one) to
 it...everything seemed to be working fine.  The troubled server
 was running like it should and the new server was running well
 too.  I moved another site from the previously troubled server to
 the new server today and now i am experiencing problems with the
 new server.  High thread counts, slower, and a crash.  Everything
 seems to be running ok on the new server now...but im afraid its
 going to crash again.  Any ideas what can be causing high thread
 counts and slowness?


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RE: udf var

2007-03-06 Thread Jaime Metcher
No need to var arguments.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Will Tomlinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 7 March 2007 10:05 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: udf var
 I haven't built a simple udf in forever, but decided to do one 
 for my trimming of formfields. I tried sticking a cfset var form 
 =  right above the loop, but I get an error:
 Cannot declare local variable FORM twice.
   cffunction name=cleanFormfields access=public 
   cfargument name=form
   cfloop list=#ARGUMENTS.FORM.fieldnames# 
cfset FORM[thisfield] = Trim(ARGUMENTS.FORM[thisfield])
   cfreturn form
 Am I not supposed to var this one?

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RE: Fizzbuzz. Simple programming problems.

2007-03-01 Thread Jaime Metcher
Code it.
Show the customer.

Only then will you learn the truth - which is not what they said, it's what
they thought they said...or what they would have said if they'd thought
about it...which until now they haven't, but now they finally have.

In this example, there is no customer, so there is no truth.  Only a spec,
which is an entirely different thing.

Jaime Metcher

-Original Message-
From: Adkins, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 28 February 2007 11:40 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Fizzbuzz. Simple programming problems.

I think this is a classic case where interpretation can lead to various
Without concise details about the desires results, a developer can have
different views.

-Original Message-
From: Cutter (CFRelated) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Fizzbuzz. Simple programming problems.

Which, in a literal since, says that you would print 'Fizz' instead of
the number, but print 'Buzz' and 'FizzBuzz' with the number.


Paul Vernon wrote:

I don't see anything in the spec that says instead of


 It's on line three below...

Here's the specific one he mentioned:
Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100.
But for multiples of three print Fizz instead of the number.
For the multiples of five print Buzz.
For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print

 From that I'd say Andy is correct in his interpretation of the


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RE: Referencing a CFC above the calling file.

2007-02-08 Thread Jaime Metcher

I think the technique is very cool.  I know what you say is true. My old
brain keeps slipping back to the days of C and telling me that cfinclude
includes the *code* of the included template in the including template. But
no, it *calls* the code and includes the *output*.  So my C brain says
thats twisted - that's a bug - but my CF brain says Cool technique, Ben -
wish I'd thought of it.


-Original Message-
From: Ben Nadel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 9 February 2007 7:17 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Referencing a CFC above the calling file.


Twisted. I don't see how. As far as bug. I would say not at all. Many
things in ColdFusion are based on a path relative the CURRENT template,
NOT the base template path. Creating CFCs is one of them (others being
CFInclude paths, CFModule paths). This just uses that architecture to
the advantage of child directories. I would say this is not a bug at

Ben Nadel
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX7 Developer

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-Original Message-
From: Jaime Metcher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 7:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Referencing a CFC above the calling file.


That's quite twisted.  I'd even call it a bug.  I wish I'd thought of

This probably doesn't help Andy, but the way I deal with this is to use
IIS virtual directories, not CF mappings, and remove all IIS permissions
to the virtual directory.  This addresses Peter Bell's security concerns
- the web server can't see the CFCs under any circumstances, but the CF
server will quite happily find them and read them.

Jaime Metcher

-Original Message-
From: Ben Nadel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 7 February 2007 9:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Referencing a CFC above the calling file.


I know that you already found a solution, but you might want to ake a
peek at this one. I never used mapped paths and here is a solution that
I have used before:

Just thought you might be curious...

Ben Nadel
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX7 Developer

Need ColdFusion Help?

-Original Message-
From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 2:55 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Referencing a CFC above the calling file.

That's what I needed Doug. Thanks a lot for finding it!


-Original Message-
From: Doug Bezona [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 1:49 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Referencing a CFC above the calling file.

No, it's quite relevant.

From the docs:
If you use a cfinvoke or cfobject tag, or the CreateObject function, to
access the CFC from a CFML page, ColdFusion searches directories in the
following order:
1. Local directory of the calling CFML page 2. Web root 3. Directories
specified on the Custom Tag Paths page of ColdFusion MX Administrator

Note #2 - if it doesn't find it in the directory of the calling page, it
next starts at the web root and works from there.

If the component is outside of the web root, you're out of luck without
a mapping - you can't do the equivalent of ../. All of the lookups are
forward only.

 -Original Message-
 From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 2:36 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Referencing a CFC above the calling file.

 Well, it's sort of irrelevant that it's outside the web root (or is
 important thing is that the CFC exists ABOVE the calling page. How can
 create a path using dot notation to a file that's above your calling

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RE: Referencing a CFC above the calling file.

2007-02-06 Thread Jaime Metcher

That's quite twisted.  I'd even call it a bug.  I wish I'd thought of it.

This probably doesn't help Andy, but the way I deal with this is to use IIS
virtual directories, not CF mappings, and remove all IIS permissions to the
virtual directory.  This addresses Peter Bell's security concerns - the web
server can't see the CFCs under any circumstances, but the CF server will
quite happily find them and read them.

Jaime Metcher

-Original Message-
From: Ben Nadel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 7 February 2007 9:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Referencing a CFC above the calling file.


I know that you already found a solution, but you might want to ake a
peek at this one. I never used mapped paths and here is a solution that
I have used before:

Just thought you might be curious...

Ben Nadel
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX7 Developer

Need ColdFusion Help?

-Original Message-
From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 2:55 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Referencing a CFC above the calling file.

That's what I needed Doug. Thanks a lot for finding it!


-Original Message-
From: Doug Bezona [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 1:49 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Referencing a CFC above the calling file.

No, it's quite relevant.

From the docs:
If you use a cfinvoke or cfobject tag, or the CreateObject function, to
access the CFC from a CFML page, ColdFusion searches directories in the
following order:
1. Local directory of the calling CFML page 2. Web root 3. Directories
specified on the Custom Tag Paths page of ColdFusion MX Administrator

Note #2 - if it doesn't find it in the directory of the calling page, it
next starts at the web root and works from there.

If the component is outside of the web root, you're out of luck without
a mapping - you can't do the equivalent of ../. All of the lookups are
forward only.

 -Original Message-
 From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 2:36 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Referencing a CFC above the calling file.

 Well, it's sort of irrelevant that it's outside the web root (or is
 important thing is that the CFC exists ABOVE the calling page. How can
 create a path using dot notation to a file that's above your calling

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 
Experience Flex 2  MX7 integration  create powerful cross-platform RIAs 


RE: moving from CF 4.5 to 7.0

2007-02-05 Thread Jaime Metcher
There's an Adobe document called cfmx7_migrating.pdf.  We basically just
worked through it.  Every issue we had was described in this document -
things like cfmail, cfdirectory, TimeFormat etc.  I might add we only needed
a dozen changes in several thousand modules.

The only thing we found hard to find by examining the code was the change in
the structure dot notation handling - in 4.5 if you forgot to do a
StructNew(), then cfset a.b = c, you end up with a variable whose name
is a.b.  In 6  7 you get an error telling you a is not a struct.

Let me know if you want me to email you a copy of the document.

Jaime Metcher

-Original Message-
From: Nathan C. Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 6 February 2007 8:31 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: moving from CF 4.5 to 7.0

I'm in the process of doing this now.  And 4.0 to 6.1 before that - on
another box.  For the most part the update is going well.  I have a few
niggling details with how variables are referenced, but that has been the
biggest issue to date.

The code-scanner  in the administrator can be helpful but it will not
catch everything.

It will probably depend a lot on how many less obscure features you use too
- if any.  The one that reads and writes windows registry is the one that
comes to mind.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Fuqua [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 3:15 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: moving from CF 4.5 to 7.0

 No personal experience, but I think the info you find about
 4.5 to MX or
 especially 6.1 would translate well.  I think 7.0 was mostly
 about adding
 features and fixing bugs, not a big rewrite of the code base.


 -Original Message-
 From: So Kenfused [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 2:49 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: moving from CF 4.5 to 7.0

 Just started a new job and they are looking at moving from CF
 4.5 to CF7.
 We do have a Dev box, so we can play a little before doing it on the
 production boxes.

 I'm finding several posts about going from 4.5 to 5, or MX
 and the issues
 people ran into however, I am wondering if anyone who has
 made the jump from
 4.5 to 7 can provide details to any issues they might have

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 
Experience Flex 2  MX7 integration  create powerful cross-platform RIAs 


RE: Eclipse/CFEclipse problem???

2007-02-04 Thread Jaime Metcher
Maybe unrelated, but there is a current issue with cfscript that produces
these symptoms.

Jaime Metcher

 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Holden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 5 February 2007 8:35 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Eclipse/CFEclipse problem???

  I'm having a small problem with Eclipse/CFEclipse.  Anytime I type the
  world parent into the editor it causes Eclipse to freeze.  javaw.exe
  pegs my CPU at 100% and I have to forcefully kill the process and
  restart Eclipse.
  Has anyone else had this

 UPDATE:  This is not just associated with typing parent, i
 guess it was just a coiencedence that it happened each time.  I'm
 trying edit javascript and after a few minutes of editing the
 Eclipse IDE becomes unstable and javaw.exe uses 100% of the CPU.


Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7 
Experience Flex 2  MX7 integration  create powerful cross-platform RIAs 
