Re: NSPipe (NSFileHandle) writedata limit?

2010-04-12 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 12 Apr 2010, at 10:56, McLaughlin, Michael P. wrote:
 Greg Guerin wrote
 The fundamental design is send all data before looking for any
 results.  This is inherently synchronous, even though two or more
 processes are involved.  If the subtask is designed to read all data
 before producting any results, then it shouldn't deadlock.  However,
 if the subtask is designed to read some data, produce some results,
 then it is prone to deadlock.
 In my app so far, I have not even gotten to the point where the subtask
 produces any output.  I am sending all data from main but main blocks iff
 the number of bytes sent  65536.

What I think you're missing here is that pipes have a finite capacity -- this 
is 64K in current releases of OS X, as you've discovered, but POSIX guarantees 
only that it will be at least 512 bytes. As such, writing data to a pipe and 
then beginning to read bytes from the other end WILL cause deadlocks; you will 
need to start reading data from the pipe at the same time as data is being 
written to it. In practical terms, this means either ordering the reading end 
to start reading before beginning to write data to the other end, or adding the 
pipe fd as a runloop source.___

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Re: Cant read second table from same sqlite database iphone

2010-04-11 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 10 Apr 2010, at 18:02, charisse napeÿf1as wrote:
//get the name and the score
int  iDen = sqlite3_column_int(statement, 0);
NSString* name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char 
 *)sqlite3_column_text(statement, 0)];

Surely column 0 cannot be both an integer and text. Which one is 

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Re: Removing quit button from dock menu

2010-02-24 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 24 Feb 2010, at 05:09, Arun wrote:
 I think what Yogin is looking for is something like what Finder has. The
 finder doc menu does not has the Quit option in it.
 Well i wish i could have given the solution if i were to know how finder has
 did it. Unfortunately i am Novice in cocoa..!!!

The Finder is handled as a special case in the Dock -- it has different menu 
options than all other applications, and can't be moved away from the end of 
the Dock. As far as I am aware, there is no way to make the Dock handle any 
other application in this way.___

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Re: How to call on id

2010-02-24 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 24 Feb 2010, at 19:43, David Blanton wrote:
 I misspoke earlier.
 What I want to do is access an an ivar in m_view such as m_cpp wher m_cpp is 
 an instance of a C++ class and then call functions on m_cpp such as
 but I get 'struct objc_object' has no member named 'm_cppr'

Your best bet is to either:

 1. Declare m_cpp as @public in the class's @interface, cast m_view to the 
correct class, and access m_cpp as shown above, or - better yet -

 2. Define an accessor method on the class and use it: [m_view 

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Re: How is the best way to emulate the plist editor GUI?

2010-02-15 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 14 Feb 2010, at 22:35, Juanma Cabello wrote:
 I have a simple object that only has a NSMutableDictionary where I
 store all the Apache configurations parameters. That's the collection
 I want to bind.

I know it's a bit of a tangent, but that representation isn't going to work 
very well. Particularly when mod_rewrite becomes involved, Apache configuration 
values don't follow a strict key-value pattern: a single directive may appear 
multiple times with similar (or even identical) values, and the order of 
directives can affect their 

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Re: RegisterEventHotKey and keylogging

2010-02-06 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 6 Feb 2010, at 02:34, Michael Vannorsdel wrote:
 I found that I can hotkey any keys and then use CGEventPost to post the key 
 to the front application.  This effectively lets me track all the keys the 
 user presses from a non-privileged application while still sending input to 
 the key window/process.  I was also able to see my admin pass as it was typed 
 in to an authentication window without any side-effects.
 Am I missing something or is this a security flaw?

That sounds like a potential bug. Report it:

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Re: Touch: Non-rectangular Touch areas

2010-02-06 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 6 Feb 2010, at 11:05, Jens Alfke wrote:
 The easiest way to do this is to create an NSBezierPath in the shape of the 
 trapezoid and call -containsPoint: on it; but IIRC, that class doesn't exist 
 on iPhone. Fortunately the math for hit-testing convex polygons is pretty 
 easy: check any computer graphics textbook for details.

Another simple approach is to use an image to do hit testing. You can either 
create a bitmap image for each touchable area, or a single image with a 
different color for each target, then test the color at the target point to 
determine membership. My only concern with using this approach on iPhone might 
be the memory usage of that 

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Re: Revolving scoreboard

2010-01-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 3 Jan 2010, at 15:24, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 Core Animation is the perfect tech for this. Probably by using layer-backed 
 table views to display the scores.

Quartz Composer is also worth looking into if you're after a full-screen 
display with a minimum of coding. The default RSS and Word Of The Day 
screensavers both make use of QC, if you're looking for examples. As an added 
bonus, it uses Javascript internally for the logic that can't be implemented 
with the built-in patches, so it'll be an easy step up for the 

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Re: Dynamically update drawRect

2009-12-27 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 27 Dec 2009, at 01:18, proger proger wrote:
 I'm still don't know how to do it. As solution i see programmically create
 MyView class and call drawRect function as i needed.

There is rarely any good reason to call drawRect yourself. It should only be 
called by the AppKit drawing internals.

 Because now MyView(NSView) is created by nib. And i can't call MyView class 
 instance methods.

Why not? This is the basis of most (non-KVO) view 

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Re: Any way to keep on pane of NSSplitView from resizing?

2009-12-27 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 27 Dec 2009, at 16:41, Rick Mann wrote:
 I have an NSSplitView that divides my window in to two panes (vertically). 
 When the window is resized, I'd like the left pane to keep the width it has, 
 rather than having both panes resizing proportionally. Is this possible?

Sure. Even without getting BWToolkit involved, a split view delegate can 
control what goes where when the view gets 

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Re: IPhone app passing info into Desktop app

2009-12-26 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 26 Dec 2009, at 06:54, Chad Eubanks wrote:
 Does anyone know of an example that has an iPhone app passing information to 
 a desktop app?  Could this be done with CoreData or should I be looking into 
 a webview based app?

Neither CoreData nor WebView are appropriate technologies for what you're 
describing. CoreData's purpose is managing object graphs, and WebView's purpose 
is displaying web pages. Neither one is particularly proficient at contacting a 
remote system and transferring data*.

Depending on what you're wanting to do here, you'll probably want to look into 
either Sync Services or Bonjour / sockets.

(*: While WebView superficially fits the bill, it's the wrong approach 

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Re: Diacritics in Thai

2009-12-17 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 17 Dec 2009, at 16:41, Randall Meadows wrote:
 If this is such an emergency for you, open up a DTS support incident.  Good 
 luck, you're gonna need it.

Alternatively, ignore AppKit and implement the comparison yourself! AppKit does 
not demand your undying devotion; you're perfectly free to go off on your own 
whenever it's more convenient for you to do so.

(And, again, good luck. You will still need 

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Re: Sending a non http request

2009-12-15 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 15 Dec 2009, at 14:22, Development wrote:
 I am trying to post data to NSString * url = [NSString 
 stringWithFormat:@ipp://%@:%i/%@,host,[service port],item];
 Which as you can see is an ipp address. However the code below fails as I get 
 an error from the NSError that I am using an unsupported url. Obviously if I 
 send it as http:// all I get is the cups page. So the question then is how to 
 format this url or how to send the request.

This is more of a question about IPP than about Cocoa... start reading up on 
how IPP works.

Once you've figured out how to properly format the request, just call it HTTP 
and send it off. If you're still just getting the CUPS page, your request isn't 
formatted properly.___

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Re: memcpy with 64 bit

2009-12-14 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 14 Dec 2009, at 11:06, wrote:
 Handle   imagesH = NewHandleClear(totImages * oneImageSize);

Wait, Handle? NewHandleClear? Your use of these functions suggests that you may 
be working from a dangerously old textbook. There's really no reason to use 
them in new code.___

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Re: NSNumber stringValue

2009-12-12 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 12 Dec 2009, at 09:32, Ben Haller wrote:
 You should not compare floating point numbers for equality in most cases. 
 This is true of any language on any platform.
 Indeed, some floating-point numbers (such as the one represented by the 
 integer 0x7fc0) will compare as not equal to themselves:
  I think what the OP really wanted to know (and I'm interested in the answer 
 too) is whether going out to the stringValue and back to the doubleValue is 
 guaranteed to yield a float that is bitwise identical to the original float, 
 or whether there is drift in the least significant bit or two due to the 
 changes in representation.  Anyway, even if that's not the OP meant, that's 
 what I'd like to ask.  :-

Nope, there are trivial counterexamples there too. All NaNs stringify to nan, 
for instance, and all infinities stringify to either inf or -inf, depending 
on sign.

(And, even if you only care about finite numbers, Andy Lee has an excellent 
counterexample for that as well.)___

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Re: NSNumber stringValue

2009-12-11 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 11 Dec 2009, at 21:14, Bryan Henry wrote:
 You should not compare floating point numbers for equality in most cases. 
 This is true of any language on any platform.

Indeed, some floating-point numbers (such as the one represented by the integer 
0x7fc0) will compare as not equal to themselves:

union { float f; long i; } u;
u.i = 0x7fc0;
if(u.f == u.f)
printf(As expected.\n);
printf(How strange.\n);

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Re: Localizing Xibs using bindings

2009-12-07 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 5 Dec 2009, at 10:05, Rossi Matteo wrote:
 I find it very annoying to localize Xibs by keeping a copy for each 
 translation. It's both tedious and error-prone.
 I've found that by simply binding each button's title (or wharever other 
 control you need) to the appropriate key of a NSDictionary object I can 
 easily localize each item.
 No need to create tons of outlets for each control. Indeed I have no outlet 
 at all. It works smoothly and I can send only .strings files to my 
 Since I haven't found no article on this solution, I was wondering if it's 
 wrong or which problems may arise.
 Obvously I take care to keep control sizes large enough to host each 

Among other issues, it will make your application look backwards in RTL 

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Re: Heap and memory zone queries

2009-12-06 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 6 Dec 2009, at 13:57, wrote:
 1. GC is on. Does that mean that all allocations invocation by NS*/CF* will 
 be in the auto_zone?

Not necessarily. AppKit and CoreFoundation objects are still capable of 
allocating unmanaged memory (via malloc(), for instance) for their use under 
garbage collection, so long as they clean it up when they're done with it.

 2. Are the allocations accomplished using NSZoneMalloc and 

Not sure on this one - I'll defer to someone more knowledgable.

 3. grepping the heap(1) output shows little data allocated to NSText* 
 instances. Is some of the 40MB of non-object data allocated by the NSText 
 system? for glyph storage?`
 4. If 3 is not utterly incorrect - why isn't the memory utilised by  the 
 NSText system flagged as being allocated by NSText*.

All that #3 means is that the NSText objects themselves are small. heap(1) is 
relatively simplistic - it can't determine that one allocated object belongs 
to another. If a NSText object allocates a bunch of CTRun objects (for 
instance), those allocation will be billed against CTRun, not 

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Re: applicationShouldTerminate problem

2009-12-03 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 3 Dec 2009, at 00:25, proger proger wrote:
 I'm making little cocoa application. After the application will be closed i
 need to show alert. So i created applicationShouldTerminate delegate:
 - (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication*)app 
 if (textChanged == 1)
 int ret = NSRunAlertPanel(@Save the work?, @Do you want save the work?,
 @Yes, @Cancel, @No ) ;

You are reimplementing NSDocumentController, awkwardly. Read this before you 

Don't reinvent the wheel!___

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Re: dynamic NSPointArray allocation

2009-12-01 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 1 Dec 2009, at 05:27, Jonathan Dann wrote:
 Just use NSPointerArray...

Just as is the case with an array of NSValue objects, NSPointerArray doesn't 
help here -- it makes no guarantees about how the objects will be arranged in 
memory, and NSBezierPath needs them to be 

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Re: Download Alert -- Quarantine information removal

2009-12-01 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 1 Dec 2009, at 22:04, John Joyce wrote:
 Please do not do this. 
 Please read the documentation on why this is there and what is expected 
 Code Signing does not prevent this. 
 Even Apple software that is downloaded internally triggers the quarantine 
 message to users on first launch of that software.

No, I think you're conflating two different warnings here - there's one warning 
for first time you've opened X, and a separate warning for first launch of 
quarantined app. The former only shows up once, but the latter will show up 
every launch if you don't have permissions to clear the quarantined attribute 
-- which is why it's important to clear that up in an automated install. 

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Re: Cast NSNumber to int

2009-11-28 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 28 Nov 2009, at 03:20, Philip Vallone wrote:
 I want to cast a NSNumber to int. When I execute the below code, my result 
 should be 1, not 68213232. What am I doing wrong?

You are trying to cast a pointer to an integer and expecting meaningful 
results. Don't.

If you want to get the numeric value of a NSNumber object, use its intValue (or 
floatValue, longValue, etc.) 

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Re: dynamic NSPointArray allocation

2009-11-28 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 28 Nov 2009, at 15:12, Henry McGilton (Boulevardier) wrote:
 Another possible approach is simply use a NSMutableArray full of NSValue 
 objects that contain
 the NSPoint structures . . .

I don't believe that'll work - storing everything in NSValue objects will end 
up scattering the actual NSPoint structures to the four winds, which isn't much 
use when you need a contiguous array of them (a NSPointArray) to pass to 

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Re: Conversion of CFSocketCreateWithNative - NSSocketPort

2009-11-27 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 27 Nov 2009, at 06:48, Michael Ash wrote:
 There's no Cocoa version of this, as far as I know. However,
 CFSocketCopyPeerAddress is just a wrapper around the POSIX function
 getpeername(), so you can just get the native socket from your
 NSSocketPort and then call that.

Or just keep using CFSocketCopyPeerAddress. Using CoreFoundation is not a crime 
- it's just as much a part of OS X as Cocoa is, and it's not going to be 
removed at any point in the foreseeable 

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Re: My try/catch block isn't catching exceptions on 10.6

2009-11-27 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 27 Nov 2009, at 11:40, Mark Allan wrote:
 Isn't it the case that you only need locks around something if you plan that 
 it will be modified by more than one thread at a time, or if you write to it 
 in another thread and care that any read operation will be predictable?

No, that is not the case. An object that is described as not thread-safe may 
enter an inconsistent state while being modified that will cause a crash or 
data corruption if accessed. Moreover, there is no guarantee that accessor 
methods will not modify internal state of an object (to cache results, for 
instance, or to control access to another object).

Short version - if an object is not described as being thread-safe, never try 
to do *anything* with it from multiple threads at a time. Otherwise, you're 
just asking for trouble.___

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Re: How can I not block hotkey from other apps

2009-11-24 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 23 Nov 2009, at 07:17, Symadept wrote:
 I managed to get my app support for registering hotkeys and using it. But
 unfortunately if I register Cmd P as hot key in my app, no one in the system
 can use this hotkey to print unless I deregister it. How can I make it not
 block others.

If you don't want to make your hotkey active in all applications, 
RegisterEventHotKey is probably the wrong approach. Is there any specific 
reason you can't set this up as a menu keyboard shortcut, or by catching the 
event in -[NSApplication 

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Re: Keeping NSView square

2009-11-19 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 19 Nov 2009, at 00:10, Kyle Sluder wrote:
 2009/11/18 Andrew Farmer
 Don't. Arbitrarily changing the size of your view in setFrame: makes AppKit 
 lose track of what size your view was, making it impossible to restore the 
 original size later. Cut the view down to square at draw time instead.
 This sounds like an even worse idea.

To be more specific - I wasn't suggesting adjusting the size of the view at 
draw time, or refusing to draw the entire dirty rect, but simply performing the 
min(frame width, frame height) calculation at draw time and drawing the view's 
content into the minimized rect. -resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: sounds like an 
excellent alternative, though, and probably more 

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Re: Keeping NSView square

2009-11-18 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 18 Nov 2009, at 04:38, Henri Häkkinen wrote:
 I'm making a custom NSView derived class and I need the view to have a fixed 
 width/height ratio at all times, specifically I would like the view to stay 
 square. I am trying to override the setFrame: method like this...

Don't. Arbitrarily changing the size of your view in setFrame: makes AppKit 
lose track of what size your view was, making it impossible to restore the 
original size later. Cut the view down to square at draw time 

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Re: Multiple variable rules in for() statement

2009-11-13 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 12 Nov 2009, at 11:50, David Ross wrote:
 GCC does not like declaring variables in a for statement.

Adding -std=c99 or -std=gnu99 to the compiler flags will fix that.

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Re: Close/Minimize the app

2009-11-13 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 11 Nov 2009, at 21:23, kirankumar wrote:
 this will help you
 keep this 3lines of code in awakeFromNib, and mpwindow is you are window name.
 id closeButton = [mpWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton ];
 [closeButton setAction:@selector(closeapp:)];
 [closeButton setTarget:self];

No, don't do that. See -[NSApplication 
applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:] for the correct approach.

 - (IBAction)closeapp:(id)sender

I'm pretty sure that this will end up skipping most cleanup routines (including 
important ones, like syncing dirty preferences). NSApplication has a terminate: 
method for a reason.___

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Re: Drag-Move the Transparent windowed app over the screen

2009-11-13 Thread Andrew Farmer
On 12 Nov 2009, at 01:58, kirankumar wrote:
 goto attributes for your window ,enable the texture checkbox so that
 you can drag your window.

While this does have the desired effect, there is a much more direct approach 
available (which Dave Keck has hinted 

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Re: beginner question, NSNumber, NSDecimalAsNumber

2009-11-09 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 9 Nov 2009, at 10:49, Jeffrey Oleander wrote:

Last I looked, 1-bit count was an assembly/
hardware instruction.  Getting the highest
order on-bit required a little cleverness.

Take a look at __builtin_clz(). (It maps to 'bsr' on x86.)

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Re: beginner question, NSNumber, NSDecimalAsNumber

2009-11-08 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 8 Nov 2009, at 08:53, Jay Swartzfeger wrote:

Hi all, I'm an absolute beginner to Objective-C (and programming in
general). I have lots of books on order, but I've been messing with
Xcode/Cocoa/iPhone SDK with online resources while I wait.

My question -- for my next project, I want to do a simple number -
binary converter. Is this handled via the superclass NSNumber, or the
more specific NSDecimalAsNumber? I've been looking for examples online
and have come up empty handed. Thanks!

NSNumber, if anything. The conversion to and from binary is probably  
best done by hand using the C bitwise operators, though.


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Re: Getting a handle on inf

2009-10-26 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 26 Oct 2009, at 12:11, Ian Piper wrote:

...and I still get a failed build with this message:

Expecting inf; we got inf

Which seems odd.

And internally, this is because the IEEE float machinery guarantees  
that all infinite and NaN values compare as not-equal to each other,  
so that 1/0 != 2/0, 1e100 != 1e100 + 1, and so on. Sadly, this also  
means that some floats will compare as not equal to themselves -- an  
unfortunate, but necessary result.


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Re: Crash drawing image

2009-10-24 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 24 Oct 2009, at 10:36, wrote:

And after the crash, gdb
is confused and can't get info about the process?

Sort of. I think the problem is no app can have keyboard focus as long
as the screensaver is running/frontmost. So Xcode is not responding to
keyboard events until I terminate the process.

Try SSHing in from another machine and attaching to the process that  


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Re: Getting a view's size?

2009-10-19 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 18 Oct 2009, at 22:45, patrick wrote:

Thank you! That was exactly the problem. :)

While we're at it, don't forget about NSStringFromRect(). No need to  
write format strings yourself when Apple's done it for you -- and  
written a parser to go with (NSRectFromString).


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Re: NSURLRequest SSL Mac vs iPhone

2009-10-16 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 16 Oct 2009, at 00:48, Greg Hoover wrote:
I have the same piece of code making a secure request to a server in  
a Mac application and in an iPhone app.  Both use an NSURLRequest  
with exactly the same settings, message, body, etc.  On the Mac, the  
request succeeds, returning the data expected.  On the iPhone  
however, the request fails with an untrusted server certificate  
error (NSURLErrorDomain -1202).

My guess is the root certificates are different on the two platforms.  
Just a guess, but if the server you're connecting to is using a cert  
signed by a weird authority, that might be it.

I suspected that the iPhone implementation somehow doesn't have  
access to the root certificates, so I checked on the servers SSL  
cert using openssl.  Openssl says: unable to verify the first  
certificate.  So now I figure that the Mac (10.6.1) implementation  
just allows the request to proceed when the verification fails (it  
doesn't return an error of any kind actually).  Can anyone shed some  
light on this?

OpenSSL is a red herring. NSURLRequest doesn't use openssl to verify  
certificates. In fact, openssl has no root certs installed at all by  
default on OS X, so it'll fail to verify any certificate at all.


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Re: UITextField formatting for IP Address

2009-10-16 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 16 Oct 2009, at 17:54, Alex Kac wrote:
Here is my code, btw. It works OK, but it still has the issue of  
moving the cursor to the end. Perhaps there is no way to do this on  
the iPhone - I just don't want to bang my head for hours.

- (void)formatForIP:(UITextField*)textField string:(NSString*)string
	long long ip = [[string stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@.  
withString:@] longLongValue];

	NSNumberFormatter* numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc]  

[numberFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterNoStyle];
[numberFormatter setPositiveFormat:@###,###,###,###];
[numberFormatter setGroupingSize:3];
[numberFormatter setSecondaryGroupingSize:3];
[numberFormatter setGroupingSeparator:@.];
[numberFormatter setUsesGroupingSeparator:YES];

	textField.text = [numberFormatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber  

[numberFormatter release];

This isn't a valid approach to formatting IP addresses - it considers to be equal to 12.345.678, which isn't even a valid  
address, let alone equivalent.


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Re: A good Obc-C framework for sending email?

2009-10-15 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 15 Oct 2009, at 13:34, Ben Haller wrote:
 Hi all.  I need a good Obj-C framework for sending email.  I used  
to use the Message.framework associated with Apple's Mail, but they  
killed that a long time ago, sadly.  Then I used Pantomime; but it  
seems to also be abandoned, now, and it is crashing on 10.5 (and it  
was never terribly reliable anyway).  Does anybody know of a good  
replacement?  I haven't had any luck trying to find one using Google.

Keep in mind that many users may not have any SMTP server configured  
-- an increasing number of users use webmail for everything, and don't  
have a desktop client set up. And, in many of these cases, they may be  
behind a firewall or ISP that blocks connections to port 25 (SMTP) on  
all servers other than their own. If you need to reliably deliver  
email from a user's machine, you'll probably need to set up a gateway  
of some sort yourself, or have them input SMTP settings manually.


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Re: NSString vs. encoding

2009-09-17 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 16 Sep 2009, at 22:55, Johan Kool wrote:
Thanks so much!! That is indeed the case! I now use strunvis and  
it's all done in just 4 lines of code. (Well, except that I should  
still handle a returned error code.)

   int len = [stringA  

   char dst[len];
   strunvis(dst, [stringA UTF8String]);
   return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:dst];

Not to burst your bubble, but that doesn't look quite right. It fails  
in the case where stringA contains no escaped characters (including  
the case where it's empty) -- the terminating null byte isn't counted  
by lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:, so it ends up writing one byte off the  
end of dst[].


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Re: Making a new ICNS file with NSImage

2009-09-17 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 17 Sep 2009, at 19:39, Squ Aire wrote:
My problem is this: I want to derive a new icon file (simulated by  
an NSImage somehow) which has some margins applied to it. The  
margins on each side should be the size of the area being drawn on  
divided by 100. So for instance, if we are drawing the icon on a  
300x300 area, the top,bottom,left,right margins should all be 3. If  
drawing on a 30x30 area the margins are .3 or simply negligible.

In other words, I somehow want to make an instance of NSImage such  
that if drawn on a 300x300 rect, it will look slightly smaller than  
that because of the margins, i.e. it will not fill out the whole  
rect as the original ICNS would.

Correct me if I'm missing something, but can't this be accomplished by  
simply adding a 10% margin to the original image and scaling that down  
as necessary? The behavior you're describing is scale-invariant, after  


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Re: sprintf and 64-bit integers

2009-09-14 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 14 Sep 2009, at 11:48, Sean McBride wrote:

On 9/13/09 12:01 PM, Jens Alfke said:

It would be best to convert all your sprintf calls to snprintf, which
is a safer equivalent that won't overflow the buffer.

Yes, sprintf is pure evil.  snprintf is less evil.

Also, I recommend adding -fstack-protector -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2, they  

help catch some of these problems.  And valgrind would probably have
caught this problem immediately.

Sadly, valgrind hasn't yet been updated to run under Snow Leopard.

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Re: NSString and UIWebView load

2009-09-11 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 11 Sep 2009, at 06:59, Dragos Ionel wrote:

Is the following code supposed to run correctly?

NSString* *htmlContent* = ...;// very long html content

UIWebView* webView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:...];

[webView  loadHTMLString:*htmlContent* baseURL:...]; //assume this  
will take

some time

*htmlContent* = @different text;

My question is if the memory space for *htmlContent* will be  
preserved until
the webView finishes loading it, considering the fact that it will  
run in a

different thread.

Assigning a new value to a NSString * pointer does not mutate the  
original string.


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Re: Create VNC Client iPhone

2009-08-24 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 24 Aug 2009, at 07:49, Joe Turner wrote:
I've wanted to switch from bonjour to something more universal for a  
while now. And, I'm wondering about how to do VNC. I've seen that  
many apps on the iPhone use Apple's Screen-Sharing functionality as  
a VNC Server, and I would like to do the same. I have looked around  
for any sample code for VNC, but cannot find any.

So, how do I connect to a Mac with Screen-Sharing on (password set  
or not), and then how do I tell it to type something? I'm fairly new  
to VNC, so any help would be much appreciated :)

You'll need to write some code implementing the RFB protocol... read  

If you aren't comfortable with network programming, now is the time to  
start looking that stuff up.


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Re: Help needed with ConvertCocoa64 script

2009-08-24 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 24 Aug 2009, at 19:17, Graham Cox wrote:

Trying to run the ConvertCocoa64 script.

/Developer/Extras/64BitConversion/ConvertCocoa64 'find . -name '*. 
[hm]' | xargs'

this comes up 'no match'

Try this:

find . -name '*.[hm]' | xargs /Developer/Extras/64BitConversion/ 


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Re: debug control not reaching init method

2009-08-22 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 20 Aug 2009, at 04:20, Navneet Kumar wrote:

AppController is not coming from an archive.
Dragged an NSObject to MainMenu.xib, set its class to AppController,  
made AppController the delegate of File's Owner.

Er, that IS coming from an archive. (Nib files are archives.)

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Re: NSAlternateKeyMask is not working

2009-08-22 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 20 Aug 2009, at 04:54, Nikhil Khandelwal wrote:

In my application I am setting shortcut key for a menu item as

[Menuitem setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:NSAlternateMask];
[Menuitem setKeyEquivalent:@1];

But it is not working with alt key though it is working fine if I  
press Fn + option + 1 or control + option + 1.

Is option key is not supposed to make as shortcut key alone ?

No. In the US keyboard layout, Option+1 is the shortcut for ¡  
(inverted exclamation point). Keyboard shortcuts should contain either  
the Command or the Control key.___

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Re: Table view with multiple columns

2009-08-21 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 21 Aug 2009, at 03:53, Massimiliano Gargani wrote:
I have a mutable array with inside something like luke, 
,mark,, ..

- (id) tableView: (NSTableView*) tableView  
objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *) tableColumn row: (int)  


id record, result;
record = [namesList objectAtIndex:row];
result = [record objectForKey:[tableColumn identifier]];

return result;



Well... yes. NSString doesn't have an objectForKey method, so it  
throws an exception. I'd recommend restructuring your data store as an  
array of dictionaries, or an array of arrays - anything, really,  
besides an interleaved array.

If you're dead-set on storing things that way, though, you'll need to  
handle that properly in your objectValueForTableColumn method.


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Re: int to bytes(value in NSString)

2009-08-18 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 17 Aug 2009, at 23:21, bosco fdo wrote:

Hi graham
Thanks for the reply.  I have tried %i.1 but i am getting ,

but i need it in binary byte value

Wait, you're trying to construct a NSString with null bytes in it? I'm  
pretty sure that doesn't work correctly in a lot of circumstances -  
NSString is primarily intended for representing a sequence of  
characters, not an arbitrary set of bytes. What you probably want  
instead is NSData.


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Re: [iPhone] Webview stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString

2009-08-05 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 5 Aug 2009, at 12:08, Development wrote:
NSString * aString =[theWebView  

This Javascript will never work correctly, no matter whether it's from  
HTML or from ObjC. getElementsByName returns a collection, not an  


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Re: Cocoa Document-Based App v. Windows MDI App

2009-07-27 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 26 Jul 2009, at 22:57, Jeff Biggus wrote:
If you want it to look like Safari tabs across the top you'll just  
have to do a little work to make that top bar view behave how you  
want. Side tabs are much easier to get up and running, and are often  
a better solution GUI-wise, depending on your app.

Check out PSMTabBar. Turns a standard NSTabView into a Safari-style  
tab view, with tabs on any side you want - including all the tricky  
functionality like draggable tabs.


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Re: How to display the information in the columns of the table view?

2009-07-27 Thread Andrew Farmer
The crash you're seeing is almost certainly occuring because you  
aren't retaining infoDictionary correctly.


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Re: NSTableView - populating from C procedure

2009-07-25 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 25 Jul 2009, at 03:56, Uli Kusterer wrote:
I don't think you can use sizeof() on a pointer passed as a  
parameter, though. That only works on variables in the current  
scope. That pointer could point at anything, so the compiler has no  
idea whether it points at the stack or the heap. Even if it  
generated specialized code for the stack case, what code would it  
generate for the heap case? sizeof() is independent from malloc(),  
NewPtr() and all the other allocator schemes the OS knows, sizeof()  
wouldn't know which one to use.

sizeof() does exactly one thing, which is return the amount of storage  
allocated *by the compiler* for its argument. Despite appearances, it  
is not a function: it's a compiler directive, and compiles to a  
constant value. For example:

  char charArray[24];
  sizeof(charArray) = 24

  int intArray[16];
  sizeof(intArray) = 64

  char *charArrayPointer = charArray;
  int *intArrayPointer = intArray;
  sizeof(charArrayPointer) = sizeof(intArrayPointer) = 4 (8 on 64-bit  

What's happened here? Taking the sizeof() a pointer doesn't tell you  
anything about the size of the object it's pointing to - all it can  
tell you is how big *the pointer itself* is.

You can dereference a pointer in a sizeof() expression, but only in a  
limited fashion:

  sizeof(*charArrayPointer) = 1
  sizeof(*intArrayPointer) = 4

Confused? Keep in mind that *charArrayPointer is equivalent to  
charArrayPointer[0] - it returns the first element, not the whole  
original array.


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Re: Screen Saver test button click notification

2009-07-23 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 23 Jul 2009, at 03:57, Santosh Sinha wrote:

I have developing a calibration tool , but there is a little issue,
When i have done the calibration and go into the system preferences  
and click screen saver test button , after that calibration is gone,

What kind of calibration are you attempting to perform, and how are  
you applying it? If this is for a screen color profile, you you're  
probably either not using ColorSync or using it incorrectly.


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Re: missing vertical scroll bar

2009-07-17 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 17 Jul 2009, at 13:36, Joel Norvell wrote:
I believe the recipe you want involves shoe-horning the  
scrollViewRect into its containing window.

Also, I might just be missing something, but isn't there usually a  
NSClipView in the hierarchy somewhere?


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Re: Problems displaying an image in UIWebView [solved]

2009-07-16 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 16 Jul 2009, at 09:55, M.S. Hrishikesh wrote:
img align=center src=/file://Users/hrishi/Library/Application  
Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/87888BAB-2F9D-44F6-BEB8- 
FB7D65D2F1CC/ /

Although it may display correctly, that's still not correct. The URI  
scheme goes first, like this:

img align=center src=file:///Users/hrishi/like/this /

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Re: Windowed Video

2009-07-16 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 16 Jul 2009, at 05:15, Eric E. Dolecki wrote:

I would like to play a m4v from my bundle and I am using
MPMoviePlayerController to do this. Works great. However in my view  
designer would like the video to playback overlaid on top of a  
graphic of a

television set. I don't seem to be able to do this with
How can I play that asset from my main bundle in a windowed fashion?  
(ie. I

give the x,y and width, height), etc.?

In the absence of any API for framing a video, how about just making  
the television set graphic part of the video? As long as it's not  
changing, it shouldn't impact file size too severely.


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Re: Trouble with binary data and byte buffers

2009-07-13 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 13 Jul 2009, at 22:02, Chase Meadors wrote:

Hi, I'm having some confusion here over displaying raw binary data.

I have my NSMutableData object that I'm getting the bytes from. As I  
understand it, there are different ways to get the bytes.

The -getBytes:range: method

NSRange r = NSMakeRange(x, y);
char buf[y];
[data getBytes:buf length:r];

getBytes:length: takes a scalar argument for length, not a NSRange  
object. You're probably thinking of getBytes:range:. However, I'd  
recommend strongly against using stack allocation (particularly  
variable-length stack allocation) for a buffer of unknown, potentially  
large size.

Or the -bytes or -mutableBytes methods

char buf = [data bytes];

What is the generally accepted method of doing this? I'm using the  
first method, as the other one sometimes crashes.

It won't crash if you assign it to a variable of the proper type:

char *buf = [data bytes];

Second, I'm testing the data with the following code:

for (int i = 0;  i  aNumber;  i ++) {
NSLog(@%02X, buf[i]);

This is what's really bothering me because I'll get normal bytes,  
like 2E 00 AA, but sometimes, seemingly randomly, there are six  
leading F's.

Hardly random. It's occurring for every value with the high bit set  
(0x80 - 0xff).


Then switch char to unsigned char and you'll get the results  
you're expecting.


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Re: Intercepting console in an app

2009-07-08 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 8 Jul 2009, at 03:48, Angelo Chen wrote:
I use NSTask to run a command line program(ffmpeg in this case),   
NSPipe can't get the output from the program, but I can see those  
messages from the Console during runtime, is there a way to grab the  
Console output from a running cocoa app? Thanks,

Are you capturing the program's standard error (stderr) output as  
well as its standard output (stdout)?


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Re: The code limit to the media type to .mp3 and .aiff

2009-07-08 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 8 Jul 2009, at 00:56, Bright wrote:

{ if(UTTypeConformsTo(uti, CFSTR(public.aiff-audio)))

You're looking for the wrong thing here.

% mdls /System/Library/Sounds/Morse.aiff
kMDItemContentType = public.aifc-audio
kMDItemContentTypeTree = (

But if what you're actually trying to accomplish is limiting your  
listing to sound files, may be more appropriate.


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Re: CGSRegisterNotifyProc and unlock screen notification

2009-07-08 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 8 Jul 2009, at 09:53, Austin wrote:

I am wondering if anybody could provide a little details on how to
register through CGSRegisterNotifyProc for an unlock screen

Basically I would like my application to get notified when the user
successfully unlock the screen from screensaver.

You're probably thinking of my post from back in 2007, right? A little  
birdie told me shortly afterwards that CGSRegisterNotifyProc is  


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Re: EXC_BAD_ACCESS on returning an int?

2009-07-05 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 4 Jul 2009, at 17:39, Ian Havelock wrote:

@synthesize numberOfSides;
@synthesize minimumNumberOfSides;
@synthesize maximumNumberOfSides;

- (int)numberOfSides {
return numberOfSides;

- (void)setNumberOfSides:(int)value {
numberOfSides = value;

Let me guess: does your stack trace (type tb in the gdb console)  
indicate infinite recursion? Either synthesize accessors or write your  
own - but don't try to do both at once. Down that road lies madness.


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Re: looks like my syntax is wrong. Does not compile

2009-07-03 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 3 Jul 2009, at 21:29, Agha Khan wrote:

Aobject is type of Myobject*

it has an array for 6 intergers

Aobject.myArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt: 
1], [NSNumber numberWithInt: 2],[NSNumber numberWithInt:3],  
[NSNumber numberWithInt:4], [NSNumber numberWithInt:5],[NSNumber  
numberWithInt:6], nil];

Now I would like to randomize it.

for (int j = 0; j  6; j++)
NSNumber* aNumber = [Aobject _Edge] numberWithInt:j;
   // looks like my syntax is wrong. Does not compile

Your syntax is indeed incorrect - you may want to review Apple's  
Objective-C documentation [1]. Moreover, it's not clear how this is  
supposed to randomize the array, as no random numbers are involved.


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Re: Determining OS at Runtime

2009-07-02 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 2 Jul 2009, at 16:29, Steve Christensen wrote:
If you want to make sure that you don't include any old code in  
your executable when you decide to make 10.5 (for example) your base  
OS version, you could arrange your code like this:

   if (SomeLeopardFunction == NULL)

Preprocessor directives take effect at compile time, not at runtime.

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Re: Window not displaying

2009-07-01 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 30 Jun 2009, at 22:28, rethish wrote:

@implementation SendWindowClass

 [ScheduleWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];

What is ScheduleWindow, and how is it allocated? The code you've  
provided here never initializes a window - I'm assuming that it's  
sometimes initialized by a nib, but that doesn't work when you  
allocate an instance manually!

As a side point, names beginning with capital letters are generally  
used for classes, and names which begin with lower case are used for  
everything else. Naming an instance variable ScheduleWindow, or a  
class controller, is very likely to confuse readers of your code.


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Re: Raw Infrared Data

2009-06-30 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 30 Jun 2009, at 07:03, Mr. Gecko wrote:
Is there anyway to get raw Infrared data from the Apple IR  
Controller? I'll like to be able to see data from remotes that are  
not the Apple Remote and also see the raw data of the apple remote  
so I could make a generic game controller or something like that.

Along with what jcr pointed out, keep in mind that not all infrared  
remotes are made alike. There is a significant chance that the Apple  
IR receiver was never designed to communicate with anything other than  
an Apple remote.


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Re: UITextView symbols

2009-06-28 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 27 Jun 2009, at 16:26, DKJ wrote:

I'm using this method:


to let users put special symbols into a UITextView.

I detect the Return key by checking whether the input string is  
equal to @\n. But how would I detect the back-delete key? @\b  
doesn't do it. And I can't seem to find any docs that list these  

I haven't done any iPhone development myself, but I'd imagine that  
your problem is that you're looking for the wrong sort of change.  
Pressing Return inserts a newline, but pressing backspace doesn't  
insert a backspace. It removes a character. At a blind guess, maybe  
it'll show up as a range of length 1 being replaced with @?


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Re: Tool-tips on NSTabViewItem

2009-06-28 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 26 Jun 2009, at 08:01, PKameo wrote:
How do you add a tool-tip to a NSTabViewItem? I tried the following,  

that didn't work right.
[[tabViewItem view] setToolTip:toolTip];
//Where tabViewItem is of type NSTabViewItem* and toolTip is of type

[tabViewItem view] returns the content view of the tab (i.e, what gets  
displayed when the tab is selected), not a view representing the tab  

Tab view items don't support attributed labels, so I suspect there  
isn't any easy way of accomplishing this task. If you really need it,  
you can probably subclass NSTabView and do something awful with mouse- 
moved events and/or tracking rects. However, given as how there aren't  
any other applications out there where NSTabViews have tooltips, I  
wouldn't sweat it.


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Re: Bonjour over the web

2009-06-27 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 27 Jun 2009, at 21:58, Development wrote:
I was reading the docs and did not see the answer to this so I am  
hoping that I can get some help through the list.

Is it possible to publish a bonjour service on the web?

No. Bonjour depends on the availability of local network broadcasts to  
do its thing.


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Re: Cocoa and email (SMTP/POP3)

2009-06-23 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 23 Jun 2009, at 20:42, Dave DeLong wrote:
3.5: Use /usr/sbin/sendmail:  Create an NSTask that launches /usr/ 
sbin/sendmail, configures the headers, and then just pipes your  
email through the task's standardInput.

That doesn't work for users behind residential ISPs that block port  
25, or for destinations that block mail from residential ISPs.


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Re: Cocoa and email (SMTP/POP3)

2009-06-23 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 23 Jun 2009, at 21:52, Jeff Laing wrote:

Ok, I'll bite.

How does the mail server that is talking to distinguish  
between and /usr/sbin/sendmail ?  They both presumably just  
talk SMTP ? is configurable by the user to connect to a specific relay  
mail server, potentially using login credentials, SSL, and/or an  
alternate port. Sendmail, by contrast, is not configurable (without  
cracking open the terminal, at least), and will by default always  
connect directly to the destination mail server. It's this exact  
behavior that makes it unlikely to work properly.

Consider also that not all users even have configured. An  
increasing number of users use online mail services such as GMail  
exclusively. In their case, not even scripting will help you.

If you really need to deliver email notifications from an application,  
the only reliable solution is to put together a properly secured web- 
to-email gateway for your application somewhere and use that. Sending  
email directly from the desktop is no longer a viable solution without  
explicit configuration.


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Re: Possible to set tab stops in an NSTextView?

2009-06-21 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 21 Jun 2009, at 15:44, Ken Tozier wrote:

Here's how I interpreted your code

NSArray *tabStops   = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithInt: 70],
[NSNumber numberWithInt: 400],
[NSNumber numberWithInt: 460],

style   = [[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy];

[style setTabStops: tabStops];

setTabStops takes an array of NSTextTab objects, not an array of  


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Re: Show the dock icon's context menu:

2009-06-21 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 19 Jun 2009, at 16:37, Ian was here wrote:
I think the best way to show an application dock icon's context menu  
from within the application itself is to write an AppleScript that  
can find the desired application's dock icon, then ask it to show  
its context menu.

And how would you propose to do that? AppleScript isn't magic (sadly).  
It can't do anything that you can't do from code already.


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Re: Weird dyld loader crash

2009-06-20 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 20 Jun 2009, at 20:27, Erg Consultant wrote:
I suddenly started getting a weird loader crash when launching my  
app. Has anyone seen any errors similar to this one:

Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x
Crashed Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   ???   00 0 + 0
1   X 0x00010c89 0x1000 + 64649
2   X 0x00011970 0x1000 + 67952
3   X 0x0004ef07 0x1000 + 319239
4   X 0x0004efb9 0x1000 + 319417

This error is in your code. It has nothing to do with dyld, save that  
it occurred in code that was called at initialization time.


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Re: Jerky/juttery (core-)animation in a screensaver

2009-06-19 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 17 Jun 2009, at 11:51, Phillip B Oldham wrote:

Also, I'm quite sure its not a problem with the hardware. I've tested
the built-in screensavers which use core-animation, and downloaded a
few free CA-based for comparison, and they run without issue on both

None of the standard screensavers use Core Animation (at least, not  
that I'm aware of). There are a few that use Quartz Composer, but  
that's rather different.


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Re: Problem with capturing active state of the application

2009-06-18 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 17 Jun 2009, at 22:49, Srinivasa Prabhu wrote:
In our application we want to capture a selected area similar to  
Apple's Cmd+Shift+4 i.e
during selection capture, the active state of another application  
has to be captured.

Is there any workaround to capture the active state of the  

Yes: CGWindow. 


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Re: How to fill rectangle under vertical scroller?

2009-06-17 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 16 Jun 2009, at 21:40, Sumin Kim wrote:

That's not part of the scroller. Assuming you're working with  

this is the cornerView, which you can set up separately.

Yes, you are right. I am working with table. Of course I tried to use
cornerView. But as far as I understood with my experience dealing with
cornerView, it was not I want to handle. I think the cornerView is  
the upper
right corner of the tableView -I mean, above of the vertical  
scroller- but
what I want to fill with my color is right bottom corner, under the  


Am I understanding wrong?

No, you're correct - I was mistaken about the purpose of cornerView.  
Carry on.


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Re: How to fill rectangle under vertical scroller?

2009-06-16 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 16 Jun 2009, at 16:43, Sumin Kim wrote:
I am drawing custom scroller for my application and could change  
color and
looks of knob, arrows, and knob slot. But I still cannot change the  
color of
a rectangle located in right bottom corner under vertical scroller.  
I could

not find out how to handle the area. Any advice will be appreciated.

That's not part of the scroller. Assuming you're working with  
NSTableView, this is the cornerView, which you can set up separately.


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Re: Serial port access from C / Objective C

2009-06-15 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 15 Jun 2009, at 15:10, Vansickle, Greg wrote:
With the write / read in place, although the write appears to work  
(numbytes returns 5),  the photometer does not respond (I get no  
REMOTE indication on the instrument panel. The subsequent read  
fails (returns -1).

This indicates that an error is occurring when you try to read from  
the device. What shows up in errno when this occurs?


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Re: Putting files in an flat-file executable

2009-06-13 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 13 Jun 2009, at 14:35, KK wrote:
Well, I'm making a command-line tool that uses another tool, and it  
would be
convenient if that other tool could be packaged right inside the  
first tool.

So, the bundle structure is basically out... Right?

You can't execute a binary that doesn't exist as a distinct file on  
disk without some really egregious hacks.


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Re: searching a string in big file

2009-06-13 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 13 Jun 2009, at 00:27, Angelo Chen wrote:

Hi Stephen,
Thanks for the quick reply, it is a binary file, coming from  
Quicktime's mov, I need to search backward for a string 'free', then  
change it to 'moov', so search should start from the end of file,  
any ideas? Thanks,


This is not a safe way to alter video files. If you really want to  
modify QT atoms like this (why?!), parse the file properly - there's a  
format spec online somewhere.


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Re: Drop dowm status menubar item while hovering cursor over it

2009-06-11 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 10 Jun 2009, at 23:02, Arjun SM wrote:

Pardon me for i din't understand (still a novice). I did try adding a
tooltip for the menu item, but when i clicked on the menu bar and  
the mouse over my Menulet drop down didn't appear even though  
menuitem of
Time Machine, Bluetooth and other applications did drop down. any  
help is

much appreciated.

Oh, what he's asking is why you can't single-click to drop down one  
menu, then switch over to a statusbar item's menu without clicking  

This behavior is common to all status bar items, and is arguably a  
bug. You can try reporting it to Apple, but it's unlikely to be fixed  
for a while yet.


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Re: crashing web browser with openURL call

2009-06-06 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 6 Jun 2009, at 08:37, iseecolors wrote:
What I am doing is a single sign on to an web service.  I send the  
URL (with cert and nounce) to the server and get back a re-direct to  
the actual page, which does start to load.   I see all of this take  
place.  Than before the page finishes loading, the browser quits.   
The interesting note is that what little the log shows is that  
Debugger() is called just before the browsers quit.  It seems odd  
that both browsers would call Debugger() when loading the same page,  
but only when the browser didn't already have a page open -  
suggestion some common code is actually calling Debugger().

If I recall correctly, this is a bug in the Flash plugin, which  
contains a number of calls to Debugger() for some reason. Under normal  
circumstances, they're ignored and just generate a log message - I'm  
curious why they appear to be actually interrupting the program here.


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Re: NSTask curl

2009-06-06 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 6 Jun 2009, at 14:18, Ammar Ibrahim wrote:
I'm using NSTask to spawn a process to do some work as per the code  


[task setLaunchPath:@/usr/bin/curl];

Why on earth are you shelling out to do that? NSURLDownload exists for  
a reason.

In any case, the reason you aren't ending up with a file where you  
expect it is this:

[NSString stringWithFormat:@-o %@, [downloadFilePath  

Given downloadFilePath /foo/bar/baz, this'll create a file called   
baz - with a leading space. Either use -o%@ or use two separate  


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Re: NSTask curl

2009-06-06 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 6 Jun 2009, at 15:05, Ammar Ibrahim wrote:
On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 12:29 AM, Andrew Farmer  

Given downloadFilePath /foo/bar/baz, this'll create a file called   
baz -
with a leading space. Either use -o%@ or use two separate  

Thanks that fixed it! Although when you call it directly from the  

line, it's fine to have the space there!

No, it's not. Invoking NSTask with an argument like that is equivalent  
to typing:

curl -s -o foo http://url/

which is not equivalent to

curl -s -o foo http://url/


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Re: NSAppleScript's compileAndReturnError always succeeds

2009-06-04 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 3 Jun 2009, at 19:47, Paul J. Lucas wrote:
Given that NSAppleScript objects are always supposed to run on the  
main thread, I created a small proxy object to use:


If I compile a valid script, it works as expected; however, if I  
compile a gibberish script, e.g., foo, compileAndReturnError  
doesn't fail, i.e., it returns YES and errorDict is still nil.


Have you tried it with any other gibberish scripts? foo is a  
syntactically valid script which returns the value of the variable foo  
- it just happens to error out at runtime because the variable isn't  

A better choice would be something like $ which actually fails to  


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Re: Can't set header on NSURLRequest

2009-06-02 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 1 Jun 2009, at 23:44, Chris wrote:

I'm having an issue with setting two headers for my NSURLRequest:

	[theRequest setValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:@/principals/ 
__uids__/%@/\r\n,self.userGUID] forHTTPHeaderField:@Originator];

	[theRequest setValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:@/principals/ 
__uids__/%@/\r\n,roomGUID] forHTTPHeaderField:@Recipient];

Lose the \r\n. They're part of the HTTP protocol, not part of your  
value, and NSURLRequest will add them for you.


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Re: Validation of toolbaritem based on certain action is encountered?

2009-06-02 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 2 Jun 2009, at 19:48, archana udupa wrote:

I m havin a list of toolbar.I m working on application similar to
winmerge in windows,which shows difference between 2 files.When i
click toolbar item Previous difference ma cursor ll move to previous
difference.But after it reaches the first difference, i want to
disable that toolbar item. How can do that?can i use setEnabled
method? If so for wot i should  assign? whether for toolbar
itemidentifier or toolbar action?

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Re: NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest: crashes since, upgrading to 10.5.7

2009-05-31 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 27 May 2009, at 18:20, Dennis Hartigan-O'Connor wrote:
I have a very similar problem: my simple program that downloads  
stock prices has been working fine but intermittently crashes on  
10.5.7, whether I use sendSynchronousRequest or  
stringWithContentsOfURL.  For me, too, everything is fine for 10-15  
minutes and then the program crashes.

Here is the crash log from the crashed thread:

Thread 1 Crashed:
0   libobjc.A.dylib 0x965c3688 objc_msgSend + 24
_CFStreamSignalEventSynch + 193
CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 3141
CFRunLoopRunInMode + 88
4 + 
[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionReallyInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:]  
+ 320
5 -[NSThread main]  
+ 45
__NSThread__main__ + 308

Any ideas out there?  I can't believe this isn't happening to lots  
of people.

The symptoms described in the original thread all pointed strongly to  
a latent memory management issue that's being triggered by changes in  
the URL loading code. Does your application print any console output  
before (or as) it's crashing? If this doesn't point straight at  
anything, try running your application under MallocDebug.


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Re: Question about NSFileHandle class

2009-05-30 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 30 May 2009, at 00:14, Graham Cox wrote:

On 30/05/2009, at 5:09 PM, Adil Saleem wrote:
Does the class NSFileHandle implements endianness checks or is it  
the responsibility of the programmer? I am using its method  -  
(NSData *)readDataOfLength:(NSUInteger)length
I want to read binary data from files and i want it to be same  
every time in my application (no endianness issues)  whether it is  
an Intel based Mac or PPC based Mac. If NSFileHandle does not  
implement these checks itself, then please suggest some other Cocoa  
method that does it automatically.

It's your responsibility. It's not possible to hide endian issues  
for an arbitrary binary file, because there is no way to know what  
its contents represent.

Moreover, NSData is endian-neutral - it's just a bag of bytes. Endian  
issues only appear when you impose an interpretation on those bytes.


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Re: sending continues NSImage data to iPhone

2009-05-29 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 28 May 2009, at 06:31, sheen mac wrote:
I am doing a screen sharing app for iPhone and Mac.I captured the  
Mac Screen as NSImage using OpenGL and send it to iPod as Gif data.  
But sending and restoring to UIImage process make delay because of  
Image size.The image size of capture is 320 x 388.

Is any better way available for compressing the Image data?.

Yes, there are a number of better compression algorithms out there.  
(See [1] for a comprehensive list.) However, you will find it  
impossible to write a screen sharing application which works in the  
way you're proposing - in order to make it use a reasonable amount of  
bandwidth, you'll need to limit it to transferring changing regions of  
the screen, rather than the whole thing every time. You can do this  
using the Quartz Display Services API (CGRegisterScreenRefreshCallback  
et. al).

You may also want to look at the Quartz Window Services (CGWindow) API  
for taking screenshots. It's supposed to be considerably faster than  
the old OpenGL method, as well as more flexible.


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Re: Performance, Efficiency - Coding practice

2009-05-28 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 28 May 2009, at 16:57, John Ku wrote:
Is this a more efficient way to code? Which coding practice is  
better in

terms of efficiency, memory, performance?
The update method will get called often. So Im thinking there is no  
need to

create 'NSPoint drawAtOrigin' everytime.
Your thoughts?

NSPoint is a structure, not an object, so creating it is practically  
free - there is literally no measurable difference in performance  
between the two approaches.

However, you have an unrelated but serious problem in your original  

NSString *title = [[NSString alloc] init];
title = @TEST;

This leaks a NSString object. Also, it's almost never correct to call  
NSString's init method, as the object created is immutable.


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Re: Sending keycode to stdin

2009-05-22 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 22 May 2009, at 15:54, Marc Tecles wrote:
i'm trying to write a Cocoa application that launch a command line  
tool for example top. I've used NSTask with 2 NSPipe to launch the  
command line tool and to redirect the stdout and stderr to an  
NSTextview in my applycation asynchronously with Notification center.
Now i want to send to the top application the keycode corresponding  
to the keyboard Q to terminate the task. I tried to write to the  
stdin without success.
Do you have any idea how to send key code to a command line tool  
launch with NSTask ?

(Quick reminder: command line tools take strings of characters as  
input, not keycodes.)

Unfortunately, top doesn't accept keyboard input when it isn't  
attached to a terminal. Your best bet is to just kill() the child  
process. (The alternative is creating a pty, which involves all sorts  
of painful issues like parsing VT100 control sequences.)


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Re: Escaping white space in an NSString

2009-05-21 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 20 May 09, at 23:26, Bruce Johnson wrote:

char  mdfile[PATHSIZE];
strncpy(mdfile, pathToFile, MAXREAD);

FILE * stream = fopen(pathToFile, rt);

the rest of the c-code iterates over a rather large text file getting
a line at a time, (fgets(inbuff,MAXREAD,stream)) make some
calculations and then go onto the next line.

So as you can see, a non-escaped, white space laden pathToFile will
return a bogus FILE *stream.

Where are you getting this idea from? fopen performs no special  
parsing on the path argument.


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Re: Unknown Host: Operation timed out Error

2009-05-15 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 15 May 09, at 04:54, Shraddha Karwan wrote:
I am writing an iPhone application. When I traverse from the main  
screen to

a second screen, an AlertView is displayed.
If the user clicks on the Cancel button of this alert view I am  

back to the main screen.
I used this

[self.navigationController popToViewController:
[self.navigationController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0]  

But I get an error Unknown Host: Operation timed out on the  
debugger and

the application crashes. I searched on the internet and
got to know that this error is related to SNMP.

No, you're on the wrong track. SNMP is not involved at all here - the  
fact that a similar error message appears on the net-snmp-users  
mailing list is a coincidence.


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Re: Hex to NSString or NSData

2009-05-09 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 09 May 09, at 18:58, Gwynne Raskind wrote:

 c = hexCharToNibble(i % 255);
May want to use the  operator instead of %.  IIRC, modulus needs  
integer division, and may be taking more time than the inlined  

Yeah, but since that was only done as part of a benchmark, it didn't  
much matter. It may have skewed the numbers upwards unnecessarily,  
but wouldn't have changed their relation to each other since the  
same sequence was calculated for all three versions.

It's irrelevant, though, because i % 255 is wrong. It should be i %  
256, which the compiler will optimize to i  255 (which is much faster).


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Re: NSString to bit pattern

2009-05-08 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 08 May 09, at 08:47, Greg Guerin wrote:
A string is a sequence of characters.  Retrieve each character,  
determine its bit-pattern, then append that pattern to an  
NSMutableString.  Now you have to figure out how to turn a character  
into its bit-pattern.  So break that down.

One extra complication: By Cocoa's standards, a string is not a  
sequence of bytes: it's a sequence of Unicode codepoints.* To treat a  
string as a bag of bytes, you will first need to choose a text  
encoding to treat the text as, then convert it using the NSString  
dataUsingEncoding: method.

If all you're working with is standard ASCII characters, though, this  
shouldn't be an issue.


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Re: NSApplication and command line args

2009-05-08 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 07 May 09, at 12:36, Brian Arnold wrote:

I have recently converted an application which processes command line
arguments to call NSApplicationMain when it starts up, and defer
command line processing until later in a separate thread.  The
deferred command line processing still works; however, I am seeing a
new behavior where, in some circumstances, NSApplication is passing
certain arguments to openFiles, which is undesirable.  For example,
there may be a command line argument '-logfile /foo/bar', where '/foo/
bar' is also being passed to openFiles.

My proposed solution is to detect when an argument is being passed to
openFiles during startup (i.e., when the arguments are being
processed), and filter it out.  I do this by using a boolean flag
which is initialized to false and set to true when
applicationDidFinishLaunching is called on my delegate.  If openFiles
is called when sIsRunning is false, I perform this extra check if it's
on the command line and ignore it if it is.


A much simpler solution would be to preprocess the arguments which you  
pass to NSApplicationMain. Run through everything in argv, then create  
a new array of arguments from that with all arguments your application  
wants to handle removed and pass that to AppKit.


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Re: Cancel NSThread - cocoa/mysql database search...

2009-05-08 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 08 May 09, at 07:08, spartan g wrote:
But the problem I am facing now is, once i sent the query to MySQL  
SMySQL framework, I am unable to cancel it. This query takes so much  
time to

return the results and cannot be canceled as far as I understand.
Is there any way to cancel this query??? any command or API!!!

No. The MySQL C API [1] is synchronous, and provides no method to  
cancel a query that's in progress. Indeed, the network protocol  
doesn't either - the only way to stop a query that's running is by  
using the MySQL KILL command to terminate the connection.

If you are ending up with queries that run for 15 to 20 minutes, you  
probably need to do one or more of the following:

 1. Adjust your database schema to make these queries run faster
 2. Fetch smaller chunks of data at a time using the LIMIT modifier  
on queries

 3. Change your application so that it performs more efficient queries

All of these are really outside the scope of Cocoa development,  
though. You may have better results asking on a MySQL-specific mailing  
list or forum.


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Re: HFS Format API?

2009-05-08 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 08 May 09, at 07:01, iseecolors wrote:

Is there a Cocoa/Core Foundation (or ___) API for formatting a Volume?

No, largely because formatting a volume is a privileged operation  
which can't be performed by a userspace application anyway. However,  
you may want to look into the newfs_hfs and diskutil command-line  
utilities. And be careful.


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