Re: Problem with tableView:viewForTableColumn:row:

2014-08-15 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 15, 2014, at 14:09 , Laurent Daudelin  wrote:

> Now, I implement *tableView:viewForTableColumn:row:*. Based on an array of
> dictionaries, I set the various UI items in the tableCellView that I get
> calling *makeViewWithIdentifier:owner:* passing the tableColumn identifier
> that is set to my custom tableViewCell subclass. Everything works but as I
> download stuff associated with each row and update the appropriate
> dictionary, the tableview starts flickering. Inserting an NSLog() at the
> beginning of *tableView:viewForTableColumn:row:* reveals that the method is
> called several times per second. NOTE: I am not calling *reloadData* or
> *reloadDataForRowIndexes:columnIndexes:* at *ANY* place in my code.
> How is that possible? Is it possible that the NSProgressIndicator is
> causing this? Otherwise, what am I missing?

My guess is that it’s the data updates that are leading to this, rather than 
the progress indicator. However, you can test it easily enough — (1) try the 
download without updating the dictionaries, and (2) try the download with the 
progress indicator hidden.

*How* are you updating the data that the table view sees? Are there bindings 
involved? Is there an objectValue -> underlying dictionary binding, or a cell 
view element -> objectValue binding?


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Re: Translating to Swift

2014-08-14 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 14, 2014, at 19:17 , Gerriet M. Denkmann  wrote:

> But does "global variable" means "var"? 
> Jean-Daniel rightly says: " I think that it should be 'let' and not 'var', 
> and you don't want the pointer to be changed after initialization"

I know nothing about the real answer, but my guess is that writes to a global 
var after initialization would not be atomic, but the initialization itself 
would be.


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Re: Translating to Swift

2014-08-14 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 14, 2014, at 11:44 , Gerriet M. Denkmann  wrote:

> But: is this thread-safe? What if several threads are trying to use the 
> sharedThing?

Jean-Daniel is teasing you slightly. It *is* thread-safe. For the reason, look 
at the August 1 entry in the Swift blog:

It’s in the 2nd-last paragraph of the entry.


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Re: KVO query

2014-08-13 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 13, 2014, at 14:53 , Jonathan Mitchell  wrote:

> At one point i need to invoke a manual KVO notification like so:
> [submission willChangeValueForKey:@“status”];
> [submission didChangeValueForKey:@“status”];
> This raises like so:
> Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', 
> reason: 'Cannot update for observer  for 
> the key path "" from , most likely 
> because the value for the key "status" has changed without an appropriate KVO 
> notification being sent. Check the KVO-compliance of the Submission class.’

This is one of those infuriating errors that is hard to make sense of. Try 
thinking about it literally.

Because you’re observing the “” path from ‘submission’, the observer 
is *also* observing the “name” path from ‘submission.status’**. In your 
scenario, the originally observed ‘status’ instance (call it X) is no longer 
the current ‘status’ instance at willChange time (it’s now Y, say), and in 
general it might not be the same as that at didChange time (Z, say). Even if Y 
== Z, there’s been a non-KVO-compliant change in ‘status’ prior to the 
notification being sent.

Now, we do this quite often, without problems, but I’d suggest that’s only in 
cases where the “temporarily non KVO compliant” change is for the *last* key of 
the path — in which case the last object isn’t being observed, just because 
it’s the last key.

So, in the case of a non-KVO-compliant change to the value of a non-terminal 
key path object, the non-KVO-compliance may not be tolerated by the frameworks. 
Hence this error message.

What I suggest you try is to make two properties: “currentStatus” and 
“observableStatus”. The second of these would be updated KVO compliantly (i.e. 
via its setter) when you know that the first has changed and the change should 
be propagated (i.e. in the places where you now trigger the 
willChange/didChange notification manually). Code in the ‘submission’ class can 
use ‘self.currentStatus’ to get or set the most recent status object; observers 
would observe “observableStatus”, of course.

** Because there’re “really” no such thing as a key path observation. It’s 
“really” a chain of object/key observations.


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Re: Advise on referencing NSDocument from custom view

2014-08-13 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 13, 2014, at 11:31 , Luc Van Bogaert  wrote:

> My question now is , where I should remove MyView as an observer with 
> 'self.model removeObserver: self forKey: @"property"...' '?
> I tried to do this in 'dealloc', but it seems that from time to time my model 
> object is pulled right from under my when I close the document window, 
> resulting in an error stating that MyModel was deallocated while it still had 
> observers attached to it.

Yes, this behavior is a consequence of the fact that the view’s “model” 
property is weak, and therefore not KVO compliant. (It can change to nil 
without anyone getting notified.)

One way to handle this is to implement the window delegate method 
‘windowWillClose:’ in your window controller, and use that to inform the view 
that it should stop observing the model.

Unfortunately, there’s one other case you probably need to handle — what 
happens when the model is deallocated for some other reason. It’s possible that 
this isn’t possible in your app, but consider what happens if the user reverts 
the document, and the document object handles that by re-reading the document 
file and creating a new model. (I *think* that’s what happens if you don’t have 
any revert-handling code of your own.)

In that case , the view’s weak “model” property will change to nil, which isn’t 
very useful.

The upshot of this is that you’ll likely have a model-monitoring slab of code 
in your window controller, which is responsible for keeping the view up to 
date. Then, you’d probably use this mechanism to get the model reference to the 
view initially, rather than having the custom initializer. Or, you’d change the 
view to observe a “model” property of the window controller, which itself is 
derived from the document’s “model” property.

But the details will vary depending on the details of your app.


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Re: Bindings in Swift

2014-08-11 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 11, 2014, at 16:14 , Greg Parker  wrote:

> Do you have an example?

For example (beta 5), enter some source that uses type “Array”, then 
command-click on “Array”. (I don’t know how to get Xcode to display the 
resulting file directly, so I’ve been using this technique. I don’t know if the 
result is real or synthetic.)

Look for the 2nd “extension Array”, and the 2nd constructor in this extension:

init(_ s: S)

or look at ‘extend’ or look at ‘join’.

Incidentally, I had other issues when trying to use things declared in this 
file. For example, if I try to define a class that conforms to “Collection”, 
the compiler says “‘Collection' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context”.

(What I was trying to do was define a new class that had the same interface as 
an Array, but had only the immutable parts of the interface as its public API.)


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Re: Bindings in Swift

2014-08-10 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 10, 2014, at 14:39 , Roland King  wrote:

> I haven't yet understood why there are two different syntaxes for 
> class/function generics, with the  syntax but protocols are unadorned 
> but have associated types. Naively I would have expected both to look the 
> same, with parameters in angle brackets

Well, the semantics *are* different. Each “parameterized” class is a different 
type, but all “parameterized” protocols (of the same name, I mean) are the same 
type. A while back I did start to consider what a "generic protocol” might 
mean, instead of a type-associated one, but my head immediately started to hurt.

> I think it's time to resurrect the Swift book and read the second 1/2 of it 
> more slowly than I did the first time.

I wouldn’t hold out much hope. The book just skates over the surface. In 
particular, it seems to me that what it says about associated types in 
protocols is either pure nonsense, or is missing a couple of key facts.

[Specifically, I suspect that a ‘typealias’ in a protocol must either get bound 
to a specific auxiliary type in an inheritor of the protocol, otherwise it 
defaults to being bound to the inheritor’s type (i.e. ‘Self’). However, it 
looks to me that the specific binding is generally by inference, and so is 
indistinguishable syntactically from the default binding. The book describes 
one thing, but links to an example that shows the other.

There’s also something going on with the silly-looking generic specifier ‘’ that appears in some of Swift’s internal class declarations, but 
it seems to be meaningful in relation to protocols in some non-obvious way.]


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Re: Advise on referencing NSDocument from custom view

2014-08-10 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 10, 2014, at 13:16 , Luc Van Bogaert  wrote:

> Let's see if I understand this correctly: do you mean I could create a 
> separate model class, eg. "Drawing" with all of it's properties and reference 
> this in my document class as an instance variable or even as a property.
> Then, from my custom view, instead of using [[self.window.windowController 
> document] someProperty]', I could use '[self.window.windowController 
> someProperty]', which in turn would message my model object to return the 
> value of 'someProperty' using 'return [self.document someProperty]' ? 

To be specific:

In a document-based app, I will generally have MyDocument, MyWinController and 

MyDocument has a MyModel property, referencing the model that it loaded from 
the document file (or whatever).

MyWinController has a MyModel property, referencing the same model as the 

A custom MyView would also have a MyModel property referencing the same model, 
initialized in any of various ways depending on how the view was created. The 
view would then use myModel.someProperty whenever it needed it, perhaps even 
binding to it.

Putting a derived “someProperty” directly on the window controller, or even on 
a view controller, *is* feasible too. Often, I find, I use this approach when 
the view presents a somewhat transformed picture of the data model. Databasey 
kinds of apps (such as master/detail) often seem to want to use the real data 
model directly. UIey kinds of apps often seem to want to use a transformed 


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Re: Bindings in Swift

2014-08-10 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 10, 2014, at 10:15 , Kyle Sluder  wrote:

>> OTOH, C++ has historically proved that generics (i.e. templates)
> I really wish people would stop referring to C++ templates as generics.

Point taken, dope-slap administered.


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Re: Advise on referencing NSDocument from custom view

2014-08-10 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 10, 2014, at 09:01 , Luc Van Bogaert  wrote:

> I was thinking of using a weak property for my custom view to reference the 
> document and set this property from the same windowDidLoad: method, but I'm 
> not sure if this is a good approach to take. Any advise on this?

It’s not a bad approach, but it’s probably not necessary, since the view can 
already get the document as ‘self.window.windowController.document’.

In a simple project, putting a reference to the document from a view is fine, 
but in a larger project I’d be a bit reluctant. The “problem” is that it puts 
some implementation details (that your data model is implemented in a subclass 
of NSDocument) in a place where they’re really irrelevant.

A better approach is to define your data model separately from the document, 
even if the document is responsible for creating and owning the data model. The 
window controller would vend references to the data model (not the document) to 
views and view controllers that need it.

In an even more sophisticated project, this may still over-constrain your 
design. Another approach is to create an auxiliary data model in the window 
controller, that’s specific to the needs of the custom view. The window 
controller is then responsible (usually via KVO observations) for keeping the 
auxiliary model in sync with the main data model.

The point here is to reduce the amount of information that’s globally known, 
because you’ll find (in later design iterations) that global knowledge will 
frustrate your attempts to rearrange your design as you add features, or come 
to understand the design problem better.


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Re: Bindings in Swift

2014-08-10 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 10, 2014, at 06:46 , Roland King  wrote:

> And if anyone thinks Swift is all simplicity and scripty loveliness I came 
> across this StackOverflow question and answer today. It will be a while 
> before I entirely understand it, it will be a long while before I could 
> attempt to reproduce it. 

Deliberately missing your point, I’d say the problem is that Swift has two 
kinds of generics — one for class types and one for protocols. The concepts are 
fairly easy to grasp individually, but become horrendously complex when allowed 
to interact. Personally, I regard this as a bug in the language design.

OTOH, C++ has historically proved that generics (i.e. templates) *alone* can 
become horrendously complex. Even on this list, the most common C++ question 
is, “Why won’t my template instantiate properly?”.

One of the joys of Obj-C has always been that it isn’t very ambitious in the 
language-features department. Remember the fuss when property syntax was 


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Re: Bindings in Swift

2014-08-09 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 9, 2014, at 18:13 , Roland King  wrote:

> If this is where we are then it would be handy to have the runtime throw, or 
> at least log, if you attempt to KVO a Swift property which isn't dynamic.

Yes, though I expect (hope?) that there is eventually something better than 
traditional KVO/bindings/etc coming along for Swift. (Note, for example, that 
did/willSet takes over a little bit of the KVO universe. Just not very much.)

> If I have understood properly, up until beta 4 that also used objc_MsgSend 
> and was fully dynamic, as of beta 5 it may or may not use objc_MsgSend or it 
> may optimize around it.

I got the impression that earlier betas might have optimized around it, and 
therefore that KVO wasn’t reliable. I think ‘dynamic’ is a bug fix.

> if you write such a property in Swift and mark it only @objc then it's quite 
> possible Swift will call the original, unswizzled methods, and you won't get 
> your notification .. because objc_MsgSend may not be used

Yes, I suppose if Swift decided to use a direct call, it would call the wrong 
thing, but not because of swizzling, since KVO doesn’t swizzle. Instead, it 
dynamically changes the class of your object to a synthetic class with a method 
that overrides your setter. So, the error in Swift’s “reasoning” would be that 
the method wasn’t overridden when it really was.


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Re: Bindings in Swift

2014-08-09 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 9, 2014, at 09:48 , Gerriet M. Denkmann  wrote:

> Are bindings supposed to work in Swift?

I haven’t played with them at all, yet, but they have to work (eventually, even 
if not yet), or interoperability couldn’t work. But …

1. Don’t forget to mark your observable methods and properties as ‘dynamic’ 
(new in the latest beta).

Now that I think about it, though, I hate this “enhancement”. It turns 
something that’s relatively simple to use (bindings or KVO) into something 
that’s obscure for Cocoa newbies, and gives us one more housekeeping task to 
forget, even if we’re newbies.

2. Is your class a subclass of NSObject? If not, or maybe even if so, you have 
name-mangling and namespace (i.e. module name) issues to be wary of.

3. You could try getting Xcode to generate the Obj-C bridging header and see 
what it says about your class from an Obj-C perspective.

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Re: Does NSPointerArray support zeroing weak references under ARC

2014-08-09 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 9, 2014, at 01:46 , Roland King  wrote:

> I do sometimes wish the revision history was a bit more verbose, or at least 
> there was a way to see the various revisions of the document to see what 
> actually changed. 

The 2011-09-16 revision note was correct, because at that time (and until 10.8, 
I suppose) there wasn’t a way to use weak references with this class in ARC 
(or, NSMapTable, for that matter — for a while there I had my own 
implementation of a NSMapTable-API-lookalike that *did* support ARC weak 

When the weak pointer functionality was eventually restored, the new constants 
were introduced and the old ones deprecated.

I have to admit that I’ve read the description of the difference between the 
old and new constants several times, and I don’t really understand what it 
says. On a good day, perhaps, it makes sense for a few seconds before I need to 
go “Huh?” again.


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Re: Swift and NSXPCInterface

2014-08-09 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 8, 2014, at 23:48 , Gerriet M. Denkmann  wrote:

>   let b = NSXPCInterface( protocol: Xpc_CommonProtocol )

When I try it, the “protocol” is syntax highlighted as a keyword, so I suspect 
that’s the first problem. Taking a cue from the declaration of NSXPCInterface 
itself, I can fix that problem like this (using a protocol that exists for me, 
just for this test):

let b = NSXPCInterface( `protocol`: NSTableViewDelegate )

After that, the compiler gives another error, and offers to fix it to:

let b = NSXPCInterface( `protocol`: NSTableViewDelegate.self )

which compiled without error.

Then I tried declaring a protocol called ‘Xpc_CommonProtocol’ and using it 

protocol Xpc_CommonProtocol {}

let b = NSXPCInterface( `protocol`: Xpc_CommonProtocol.self )

and that fails with a hard-to-interpret error about type “Protocol”. Fiddling 
around, I changed it to:

@objc protocol Xpc_CommonProtocol {}

let b = NSXPCInterface( `protocol`: Xpc_CommonProtocol.self )

and it compiled. I guess it makes sense that it has to be an Obj-C protocol, 
but getting there isn’t at all obvious.


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Re: restricting InterfaceOrientations

2014-08-07 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 7, 2014, at 20:50 , Gerriet M. Denkmann  wrote:

> Problem: on iPhone the DetailView does not make sense in landscape (iPad is 
> fine with landscape).

A while back I went through some self-immolation trying to sort out a similar 
difficulty. I don’t remember the details, but it’s not just a question of 
getting the  correct orientation, but getting the status bar in the right 
place, and that turned out to be harder than it ought to be.

My suggestion: don’t try to restrict the rotation of the detail view, but 
display something else when it’s in landscape. For an example, look at the Now 
Playing view in the built-in Music app. (It actually seems to have some 
controls in landscape now, but IIRC it used to just display the cover art in 
iOS 6 and before.)


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Re: Is substitution of block-function parameters OK when it's an object type?

2014-08-05 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 5, 2014, at 09:38 , Daryle Walker  wrote:

> The type of “obj” was originally “id,” but I changed it to what I knew the 
> NSArray object actually held. The compiler accepted it. Can I change any 
> block parameter, or only ones that are Objective-C objects? (For example, 
> would changing the type of “idx” or “stop” cause errors?) What happens if I 
> use the wrong Objective-C type?

There are two separate issues:

1. If you change the type, does that change the internals of the way the 
underlying function is called?

Generally, substituting one pointer type for another is safe in this respect, 
since on all Apple-supported architectures, all pointers are the same size. 
(Same size within the architecture, I mean. Different architectures might have 
different sizes.)

2. If you change the type, does the value of the parameter get mishandled?

Generally, yes. But when you are downcasting an object pointer (that is, the 
type you specify is a subclass of the object class that the API specifies), 
it’s safe if you have reason to know that the object is really of the downcast 
type. (If not, you can make a runtime check on the object class.)

Changing idx's ‘NSUInteger’ to something else won’t cause any immediate crash, 
but in theory you might end up with the wrong value, because of a missing sign 
conversion, or a bit truncation.

Changing the ‘stop’ parameter type is a very dangerous thing to do, because 
it’s an ‘out’ parameter, and so involves a pointer to somewhere else in memory. 
Write the wrong thing there and you can unleash havoc.

The kind of object downcasting you did is fairly common, and fairly safe, 
pragmatically. (OTOH Swift won’t let you get away with it.)


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Re: ARC and NSObjectController bindings through file's owner

2014-08-01 Thread Quincey Morris
On Aug 1, 2014, at 12:03 , Jerry Krinock  wrote:

> Unfortunately, I’m not able to justify my design pattern based on the Cocoa 
> Bindings API documentation.

As I said earlier in the thread, that fact that the error messages go away 
doesn’t mean the problem doesn’t exist. However, I think you’re correct that a 
good-enough solution is here good enough.

> Looking through my code, although I never really gave this too much thought, 
> it appears that I tend to -unbind: when in doubt.

I’d suggest sprinkling around the setting of relationships to nil (KVO 
compliantly). If you do that, bindings will take care of themselves, and you’ll 
deal with more cases (that is, observations that aren’t bindings).

The other thing we’ve got going for us is that we know *when* the whole 
structure needs to be brought down — when the window closes, or when the 
document closes, depending on which properties we’re talking about — and our 
code can act accordingly. This is not true in the general case of old GC code 
that implicitly relied on a “finalization is eventual resource release” 

As a side effect of this last knowledge, Sean could actually solve his weak 
reference observation problem (though it was not, as it turned out, the cause 
of the error messages in this case) by changing the references back to strong, 
and manually breaking cycles at close time. It’s nicer not to have to do this, 
but it’s certainly feasible.

Rambling on…

I think Swift’s take on the referencing part of this problem is interesting. 
For a situation like this, where the objects have basically the same lifetime, 
as the document, window controller and view controller do in this case, Swift 
encourages you to use ‘unowned’ references rather than weak references to avoid 
the reference cycles.

That’s not quite as scary as the equivalent ‘__unsafe_unretained’ in Obj-C, 
because such references in Swift are *guaranteed* to crash if used after the 
referenced object has been deallocated. In Obj-C, of course, it’s a matter of 
luck whether it crashes.

Unfortunately, Swift has nothing to say (yet) on the subjects of KVO or 
observations, but we live in hope.


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Re: ARC and NSObjectController bindings through file's owner

2014-07-31 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 31, 2014, at 09:05 , Sean McBride  wrote:

> Other than use of 'weak', how else might something be changed in a 
> non-KVO-compliant manner in ARC but not GC?  Again, the error is only in ARC 
> and not GC.

I’m not sure this is the most productive way to approach this. The detection of 
an error may depend on the order of deallocation, so your ARC and GC 
implementations may be equally incorrect, but the error not equally reported.

Also, the aggressiveness with which this error is reported may vary with the 
system version and the memory model. I had the impression that Mavericks was 
checking for dangling observers more thoroughly than earlier versions. 


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Re: ARC and NSObjectController bindings through file's owner

2014-07-30 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 30, 2014, at 13:33 , Sean McBride  wrote:

> File's Owner (my NSViewController subclass) responds to 'windowController' 
> because I have a vanilla synthesized weak property relating my 
> NSViewController to its containing window's controller.

This is the problem. Weak properties aren’t KVO compliant (they change to nil 
when the referenced object deallocates, but no KVO notification is produced), 
so you can’t safel bind through them.


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Re: Autolayout frustrations with NSOutlineView [SOLVED, +follow-up question]

2014-07-30 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 30, 2014, at 00:39 , Graham Cox  wrote:

> it seems to simply be shifting the problem to another place, not solving it

Yeah, I suppose so.

Typically, NSClipView *not* intended to be responsible for constraining its 
"document view” subview in at least one direction (and possibly both). I think 
that means that at the very least, you’d hypothetically need to install and/or 
modify height or width constraints dynamically at run time to make scrolling 
work. That might be marginally easier than calculating the frame dynamically, 
but it doesn’t seem like a good use case for autolayout.


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Re: Autolayout frustrations with NSOutlineView [SOLVED, +follow-up question]

2014-07-30 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 29, 2014, at 22:38 , Graham Cox  wrote:

> Unfortunately I don't think this will work for me if I understand what you're 
> saying correctly, because my document content is in fact a drawing canvas 
> that has a fixed size (that the user can set) but this is independent of the 
> size and aspect ratio of the clip view. The canvas can be zoomed at will, and 
> will often become smaller than the entire clip view, at least in one or other 
> dimension (though both is common too).

What I’m suggesting is that the document view and the canvas are not the same 
thing, and the canvas need not even be a view. The canvas bounds and the 
document view bounds are not the same thing, in general:

— The document view bounds are forced to be at least as large as the clip 

— The document view bounds are forced to be at least as large as the canvas 
bounds, in the canvas’s current scale.

Thus, if the canvas is smaller than the clip view (in either or both 
dimensions), it is simply drawn within the document view. This can be achieved 
either by making the canvas a subview of the document view, or by drawing in 
the document view itself but limiting the drawing to the bounds of the canvas, 
in the dimensions that the canvas is smaller.


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Re: Autolayout frustrations with NSOutlineView [SOLVED, +follow-up question]

2014-07-29 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 29, 2014, at 18:52 , Graham Cox  wrote:

> What I want is to have my enclosed custom view 'stick' to the top, left (or 
> wherever it's scrolled to) of the clip view as long as it's larger than the 
> clip view, but become horizontally and vertically centered in the clip view 
> if it's smaller (e.g. when zoomed so that its frame shrinks). This is a 
> fairly classic requirement, and has been solved in the past by having a 
> custom clip view that can recognise the 'smaller than' situation and force 
> its contained view to be centred.

Actually, I’ve never (that I recall) taken that approach, but rather 
constrained the “document” view (the clip view’s child) to be at least as large 
as the clip view —  and coincident with the clip view when they’re the same 
size, of course.

Then, when the content is zoomed in far enough, it can just be drawn directly 
on the central part of the (too-large) document view, or you can add a subview 
pinned to the center of the document view that’s responsible for the drawing.

There are a couple of other good reasons to draw in a clip-view-size document 
view, rather than a smaller view that just encloses the content:

1. If you have the ability to drag out a selection rectangle, its visible 
representation doesn’t stop at the edges of the central portion of the clip 

2. IIRC, the ruler annotations stop drawing at the boundaries of the document 
view, which in your scenario produces blank ruler sections that can look mighty 

3. If there’s an inner focus-ring indication of some sort for the content area, 
I think it looks better drawn just inside the clip view bounds, rather than the 
smaller content bounds. (But I had to draw a custom indication, because it was 
on the inside of the view instead of the outside. Now that we have more robust 
outer-focus-ring drawing mechanisms, I don’t think I’d bother with the custom 
inside-view focus ring any more.)


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Re: UIScrollView question

2014-07-26 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 26, 2014, at 22:19 , Luther Baker  wrote:

> Are you hoping that when the keyboard comes up -- it shortens the parent view 
> you are referring to?

No, it’s more complicated than that, but I think it’s the *question* that’s 
complicated, more than the answer.

First you have to decide what you actually want to happen when the keyboard is 
up. You have 4 views, you said, 3 of which I assume are short (maybe about 1 
line high each), and the last of which takes up the rest of the screen normally.

So, when the text view becomes first responder and brings up the keyboard, do 
you want all of them to keep their original sizes, but just scroll what doesn’t 
fit off the top of the screen? Or do you want to have the top 3 views to keep 
their original sizes, and the text view to get smaller according to how much 
space is left by the keyboard? Or something else?

If you don’t need to change the scroll view’s size (if “yes” to the first 
question — which I think is what you originally described as the goal), then 
setting the content and scroll indicator insets (along with scrolling the 
current insertion point onto the screen) ought to be all you need. You don’t 
actually need to resize anything.

If you need to change the scroll view’s size, then any auto layout constraints 
*inside* the scroll view should keep your text view at a suitable size, and you 
shouldn’t need to muck about with the layout inside the scroll view manually. 
The problem then becomes one of getting the scroll view itself sized correctly.

If the scroll view itself is subject to auto layout constraints relative to its 
own ancestors and siblings, I guess you’ll have to update its 
height-controlling constraint, *or* override its superview’s ‘layoutSubviews’ 
to set its frame directly after auto layout has had at it.

If the scroll view is not subject to auto layout constraints, then you can just 
resize it directly.

That’s a lot of if’s…


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Re: UIScrollView question

2014-07-26 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 26, 2014, at 21:09 , Quincey Morris 

> Isn’t the answer to this …

Sorry, I quoted the wrong thing. I meant, isn’t the answer to the stuff about 
the keyboard in that documentation?

Is the scroll view there only to deal with the case of the keyboard appearing? 
In that case, won’t a “bottom space to superview” constraint do the right 
thing, or (if scroll views are one of those cases where the obvious thing 
doesn’t work) can’t you add a height constraint to the text view at 
viewWillAppear time?


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Re: UIScrollView question

2014-07-26 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 26, 2014, at 20:58 , Luther Baker  wrote:

> I have a pretty good frames based background but I'd like to consider an
> iPhone screen done with AutoLayout on a UIScrollView such that the bottom
> UITextView grows vertically to fill the vertical space remaining from the
> text view to the bottom of the device.
>  UIScrollView parent 
> [Label]
> [TextField]
> [Label]
> [TextView]
> So basically, without calculating and then setting the height explicitly,
> how should the TextView be directed to vertically grow to fill the lower,
> visible part UIScrollView?

Isn’t the answer to this here:

(especially the code fragment at the end)?


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Re: NSCursor tracking areas

2014-07-24 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 24, 2014, at 14:35 , Cody Garvin  wrote:

> I think I’ll try your’s and Edward’s suggestion on attempt mouseEntered / 
> mouseMoved with a single tracking area.

From one point of view, I would recommend *not* taking this approach, since it 
comes near to flailing, and that’s never a good way to solve a problem for 

OTOH, I have to admit that I usually end up taking an overkill approach. That 
is, I implement whatever event method overrides I need (including 
cursorUpdate), then in *all* of them I invoke a method that decides what cursor 
to show. That includes mouseDown, mouseUp and mouseMoved/Dragged if they’re 
overridden. This doesn’t feel quite as smelly as making an end-run around 
cursorUpdate, but that may just be self-justification.

I’d advise you to persevere with debugging the original problem. The most 
informative route is to find out what the conditions for failure are. 
(Coordinate system changes when scrolling occurs? Tracking areas overlapping 
system-defined tracking areas at the borders of the window? Something changing 
the cursor after you set it correctly? One particularly annoying special case 
is that in a scroll view, the clip view monitors the cursor near the edges 
where scroll bars appear, and will set the cursor back to the arrow if you 
venture into the scroll bar. You may need to set the scroll view’s 
“documentCursor” property to get the cursor you expect.)

> Again, I am building on 10.10 for 10.10, so maybe there is something there. 
> It seems like a very straight forward attempt. 

It may of course be a 10.10 issue, but it’s not a good idea to start there. In 
my experience with NSTrackingArea, it’s always your own fault, but it’s always 
very hard to debug.


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Re: NSStream's enum of NSStreamEventEndEncountered.

2014-07-24 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 24, 2014, at 11:58 , edward taffel  wrote:

> NSStreamEventOpenCompleted = 1 << 0,
> a point of style?


It’s point of API self-documentation. The shift indicates that this is a bit 
mask (or bit field) value, and hence that the enum’s members can usefully be 
OR’ed together. Unshifted, the members would be whole values, and therefore 
mutually exclusive.

But I wouldn’t necessarily expect that the SDK is 100% consistent in this 


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Re: How do I temporary retain self, under ARC?

2014-07-17 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 17, 2014, at 20:01 , Jens Alfke  wrote:

> The only thing I’ve found that works is
>   CFRetain((__bridge CFTypeRef)self);
> at the top of the method, and a corresponding CFRelease at the end, but this 
> is pretty ugly

This seems to be the right way to do it. A CFBridgingRetain/CFBridgingRelease 
pair may be a slightly prettier way of achieving the same effect.

It’s always going to be ugly to some degree, because the solution you’re using 
isn’t the solution to your problem, it just fixes your problem “accidentally" 
as a side effect.

> and could cause leaks if the method returns early.

Perhaps the following pattern would work:

- (void) someMethod {
CFTypeRef selfRef = CFBridgingRetain (self);
@try {
[self.delegate object: self didSomeStuff: yeah];
if (somethingWentWrong)
@finally {
CFBridgingRelease (selfRef);

> Am I missing some convenient way of doing this? I looked through the ARC 
> docs, at least those I could find, and didn’t see anything relating to this.

Your real problem is that you don’t have a safe mechanism for ensuring the 
object’s lifetime. If you solve that, you won’t have to worry about any of the 


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Re: Issue with -[NSOutlineView autosaveExpandedItems] - SOLVED

2014-07-12 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 12, 2014, at 13:50 , Bill Cheeseman  wrote:

>__block id returnItem = nil;
>__block void (^findItemForIdentifierInArray)(NSArray *) = ^(NSArray 
> *contents) {
>[contents enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL 
> *stop) {
>if ([[obj objectForKey:ID_KEY] isEqualToString:identifier]) {
>returnItem = obj;
>*stop = YES;
>id subarray = [obj objectForKey:CONTENTS_KEY];
>if (subarray) {
>findItemForIdentifierInArray(subarray); // recursive
>findItemForIdentifierInArray([self sourceListContents]);
>return returnItem;
> }
> The only remaining problem is that the recursive call to 
> findItemForIdentifierInArray() is flagged with a warning that it is likely to 
> lead to retain cycles, hence leaks.

I dunno, this sort of thing makes my head hurt too. But I can’t see any 
downside to changing this to use a private method and a for loop inside it, 
other than having to think of a private method name.


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Re: View-based outline view problem

2014-07-11 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 11, 2014, at 00:24 , Shane Stanley  wrote:

> Just seems a lot of work for something that doesn't strike me as an uncommon 
> need. 

In such a case, it’s also worth re-considering your UI at a higher level.

I wonder, for example, whether there’s an alternative that uses *two* text 
fields. Put the file name in the ‘textField’ outlet field, and put the 
extension in a separate but adjacent field. Use auto-layout to keep both fields 
sized to their contents, and to keep the second field immediately adjacent to 
the first. If that’s actually possibly, it’ll look like a single string when 
not being edited, but will change the UI so that editing of the pieces is 
separate. (Or make the extension field uneditable, if you don’t actually allow 
it to be changed.) It might even be *better* than the old way. :)

Something like that.


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Re: View-based outline view problem

2014-07-10 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 10, 2014, at 23:34 , Ken Thomases  wrote:

> Have you connected the delegate outlet of your text view (field?)?

This was my first thought, too, but:

1. The delegate method ‘control:textShouldBeginEditing:’ seems like it’s called 
too late. Presumably the selection change needs to be done when the text field 
gets first responder status, not when the text is actually changed.

2. It’s not obvious to me how the text field gets first responder status. In 
the TableViewPlayground sample code, it does, without any apparent support, so 
I assume this is something built into NSOutlineView -> NSTableViewCell -> 
textField outlet (when you press Return). I don’t know how you’d customize that 
if you have a non-standard table cell view. In particular, I don’t see how 
you’d know *when* this was happening.

I guess you could solve it with a NSTextField subclass that overrides becoming 
first responder. Or is there a more direct solution, do you think?


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Re: View-based outline view problem

2014-07-10 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 10, 2014, at 00:25 , Shane Stanley  wrote:

> I fear I'm doing something basic incorrectly, but I can't see what. My 
> -outlineView:viewForTableColumn:row: is not even getting called, which seems 
> very odd. (And yes, I commented out 
> -outlineView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:item:). Any suggestions?

You are doing something basic incorrectly. That NSOutlineView delegate method 
is called ‘outlineView:viewForTableColumn:item:’.


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Re: Smarter NSTimer?

2014-07-01 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jul 1, 2014, at 11:21 , William Squires  wrote:

> Use-case:
>  I have a (fictitious) FPS game in which the players or bots can "damage" the 
> scenery by leaving blast marks. A timer should remove these "decorations" 
> after a given delay, but I want the timers to pause if any players/bots are 
> within line-of-sight of the decorations.

It seems to me it’s a mistake to use “per event” timers at all in this scenario 
— it might not scale well.

The way I’d approach it (after thinking about it for about 30 seconds, so this 
may not be intelligent at all) is to create a set of “future event” objects, 
each of which has its own “remainingTimeDuration” property, along with 
information about what it is you want to do at the end of the duration.

Then, use a single timer, which is set to fire at the end of the remaining time 
of the soonest event. If a new event is created, or if the game is paused, or 
if the timer expires, invalidate the timer, subtract the actual elapsed time 
since the timer was started from each pending event, and start a new timer for 
the soonest of the newly updated events (if not paused, or start this timer at 
the end of the pause).


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Re: Problems with NSComboBox delegate

2014-06-26 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 26, 2014, at 11:44 , William Squires  wrote:

> the delegate method (of interest):
> -(void)comboBoxSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
> doesn't pass the reference to the NSComboBox whose selection changed,

It does. It’s usual for these sorts of delegate methods that the sender is the 
notification object (that is, ‘notification.object’). This is documented if you 
follow the documentation link to the notification itself.


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Re: How does a UIButton perform a segue?

2014-06-25 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 25, 2014, at 16:06 , Rick Mann  wrote:

> Well, I suppose, but that sort of forces the -prepare method to know a lot 
> about the view hierarchy. I'd rather not do that.

Your original question was about finding the cell for the button. Therefore, 
it’s already implicit in your approach that the view controller doing 
‘prepareForSegue:’ knows that the button is in a table view, hence in a cell, 
hence a subview of the cell. There’s no special-case knowledge involved there.

The view controller doesn’t need to know in advance how many steps up there are 
from the button to the cell, if that’s what’s worrying you. You can use one of 
those loopy things to find the cell. ;)


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Re: How does a UIButton perform a segue?

2014-06-25 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 25, 2014, at 16:00 , Rick Mann  wrote:

> The button is the sender. But there's no way to determine in which cell that 
> button is.

Sure there is. Walk up the tree of superviews from the button till you find the 
enclosing cell.


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Re: How does a UIButton perform a segue?

2014-06-25 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 25, 2014, at 14:44 , Rick Mann  wrote:

> The problem I need to solve is for that destination view controller to know 
> which represented object was associated with the cell in which the source 
> UIButton was. But I can't see how to do that.

Doesn’t ‘prepareForSegue:’ give you the information you need? Presumably 
‘sender’ will be the button in this case


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Re: NSButton, Templates, images…

2014-06-24 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 24, 2014, at 15:31 , Alex Kac  wrote:

> I’m sure I’m missing something simple.

> I have an NSButton with an image. I’d like to have the button look etched 
> when unselected - and tinted blue when selected

It was a while back since I was missing the same thing. IIRC, what you need to 
do is:

1. Set your template image as *both* the standard and the alternate image.

2. Set the button’s *value* to 1 to get the alternate image — which will then 
have the blue highlight.

Currently, I don’t have any buttons that do this with images, but I use the 
same rules for text that turns blue when the button is “on”. Previously, I used 
this for a “play” button that had a black play icon when off, and a blue pause 
icon when on. That ability to use different images for the states is why you 
have to set the image twice.


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Re: NSWindowController and designated initializer rules

2014-06-24 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 24, 2014, at 07:55 , Sean McBride  wrote:

> I guess it's omission could be a bug, but assuming not, Sketch gets a 
> compiler warning if you tag its own designated initializer (init) with 
> NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER, since it doesn't call one of super's designated 
> initializers.

It doesn’t look like a bug per se, since the old NSWindowController pattern is 
grandfathered into the Swift world. However, tagging a subclass ‘init’ as 
designated will break it.

I believe you can solve it if you implement ‘initWithWindow:’ as a designated 
initializer in the subclass too (just calling super). In that case, your 
subclass will inherit ‘initWithWindowNibName:’ as a convenience initializer, so 
it can be called by your subclass ‘init’ — though I would assume only as ‘self 
initWithWindowNibName:’, not as ‘super initWithWindowNibName:’.

> I was trying not to mention 10.10 due to any NDA (though Apple seems more lax 
> about it recently)

Nothing I said was under NDA, since all the information came from the Swift 
book and the WWDC videos, which are not under NDA this year. In fact, I haven’t 
downloaded 10.10 or Xcode 6 yet. Since the answer to your question isn’t under 
NDA, I think we can assume the question was legal too. :)


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Re: NSWindowController and designated initializer rules

2014-06-23 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 23, 2014, at 20:16 , Graham Cox  wrote:

> And the example code is Obj-C. Why would Swift come into it?

Sorry, I wasn’t carping at you. It just occurred to me that “no one cares” in 
the pure Obj-C case — we know that invoking ‘super initWithWindowNibName:’ is 
safe, since we’ve all done it for years.

Hence my speculation that it was Swift’s greater formalism that got Sean 
thinking about this. Speculation only. Anyway, I believe Roland’s answer is 
correct: Swift has a loophole that lets the NSWindowController init pattern 
work there too.


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Re: NSWindowController and designated initializer rules

2014-06-23 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 23, 2014, at 17:30 , Graham Cox  wrote:

> I interpret that to mean it must call a designated initializer *eventually*, 
> not necessarily directly. Since all -initXXX methods of the superclass must 
> call the superclass's designated initializer, your subclass's D.I. can call 
> any of the superclass's -initXXX methods.

Actually, I understood the thrust of Sean’s question as being that 
NSWindowController’s initializers don’t follow Swift rules.

If you look in the Swift book, you’ll see that convenience constructions may 
only call “across” (that is, call an initializer in the same class), while 
designated constructors may only call “up” (to a *designated* initializer in 
the superclass).

In that regard, ‘initWithWindowNibName:’ must be a designated initializer, 
since subclasses that don’t do their own nib loading have nothing else to call 
“up” to.

I assume, therefore, that ‘initWithWindowNibName:’ is marked as a designated 
initializer in 10.10, though I haven’t looked to check this.


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Re: Advice on document handling

2014-06-20 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 20, 2014, at 16:44 , John Brownie  wrote:

> I have a complex document bundle, and I'm trying to figure out which files 
> within the package have unsaved changes, and it looks like there's no support 
> for that model in NSDocument.

I haven’t been following this thread very closely, so I may misunderstand, but 
there’s a fairly simple way of doing this that might work for you.

The key is to *keep* the top level NSFileWrapper you’re given when opening the 
(multi-file) document. When creating a new one, just set the kept wrapper ivar 
or property to nil.

When any change is made to the document (so you’d put this in the same place 
that creates undo actions, I guess), you determine which files within the 
package are/will be affected, and you *remove* the corresponding sub-wrapper 
from the store top level wrapper.

At save time, you walk your new/intended file hierarchy, creating missing 
wrappers as you go. By definition, wrappers that aren’t missing represent files 
that haven’t changed. When you’re done, you return this revised wrapper from 
your save method.

Because you haven’t re-created the wrappers for non-changed files, the 
NSDocument saving mechanism realizes that those files don’t need to be 
re-written and hard-links to the existing ones, typically. Thus, if your 
package contains 100 files but only 1 has changed, a save or autosave will be 
fast because only 1 file gets written and copied (from the temp save location 
to its final location).

Is that procedure of any use to you?


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Re: iOS app restarting from screen one. Why?

2014-06-19 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 19, 2014, at 08:24 , Alex Zavatone  wrote:

> There is no message thrown in the console and the applicationWillTerminate: 
> method isn't called at all.

Generally, since iOS 4, applicationWillTerminate: is never invoked. You get 
applicationDidEnterBackground, and that’s where you’re supposed to save your 
state. (The exception is when you’re doing background processing.)

This is clearly documented here:

and a couple of people already mentioned it in this thread. If you’re still 
using applicationWillTerminate: in your app, you’re Doing It Wrong™.


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Re: Dictionaries or custom class containing no methods?

2014-06-17 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 17, 2014, at 15:21 , Trygve Inda  wrote:

> Thoughts on the pros and cons of both methods?

I strongly agree with Lee Ann that the custom class is a better approach. It 
almost always happens that you (eventually) want to associate behavior with the 
properties. There can also be issues trying to use bindings and KVO on values 
stored in a dictionary, when the relationship between the values and the UI 
gets more complex. I always find myself rewriting quickie dictionaries as 
classes, and swearing not to take the shortcut next time.


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Re: initWithCoder: calling init in custom class

2014-06-16 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 16, 2014, at 13:36 , Trygve Inda  wrote:

> In the later method, if the encoded object does not contain kValueCKey, the
> object created will still have the correct default value for valueC (9).

It won’t, because you assigned nil to valueC *after* it’s set to the default.

Personally, I’d be inclined to have initWithCoder call super, because in more 
complicated examples the logic tends to be quite different. If you have common 
initialization (such as the initial setting of defaults), put them in a private 
method that both initializers call.


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Re: Implicitly unwrapped optionals

2014-06-14 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 14, 2014, at 13:09 , Ken Thomases  wrote:

> For convenience.

Specifically, IIUC, the point is that NSDate? and NSDate are different, 
incompatible types. The convenience comes from not having to “cast” NSDate? to 
NSDate by using the “!” operation in expressions.

On Jun 14, 2014, at 12:45 , Roland King  wrote:

> Finally if you have an implicitly optional Bool, bbb, what does 
> if bbb
> do?

Did you mean “implicitly unwrapped”? Then, by the above logic, the type of the 
‘if’ expression is Bool, so it would crash if ‘bbb’ is nil. Otherwise, it would 
test the boolean value of ‘bbb’.



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Re: NSOutlineView floating group row question

2014-06-14 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 14, 2014, at 11:03 , Bill Cheeseman  wrote:

> I must be overlooking something in those examples.

I have a vague recollection of once trying to use the IB source list item and 
running into something that seemed oddly configured.

It might be simplest to try deleting your source outline view, and adding a 
normal one, then reconfiguring as a source list manually.

But I’m just guessing.


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Re: Conditionally allowing multiple selections in NSOutlineView

2014-06-08 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 8, 2014, at 21:46 , Graham Cox  wrote:

> Can anyone think of a way to achieve this?

'outlineView:selectionIndexesForProposedSelection:’ ?

It’s preferred over ‘outlineView:shouldSelectItem:’ these days anyway.


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Re: Simple question? NSButton/checkbox color

2014-06-06 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 6, 2014, at 01:05 , Lee Ann Rucker  wrote:

> There's no supported way to do it and never has been

I was able to do it — at least partially — in IB:

— Select the checkbox

— Display the “Core Animation Layer” tab of the inspector palette (the last 
icon on the right)

— Check the box next to the checkbox’ entry in the list.

— Add a filter to the “Content Filters” list.

— Change the filter to “Hue Adjust”, and enter a parameter to get the color you 

This worked for me when the checkbox was checked, though it was still gray when 
unchecked — presumably because it’s desaturated so the hue change has no 
effect. You can probably make it work like Calendar by choose a different 
filter (Colorize?) or a combination of filters.

OTOH, I can’t help saying that colorizing checkboxes doesn’t sound like a 
fruitful approach to UI design.


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Re: Silly ARC question - explanation requested

2014-06-04 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 4, 2014, at 14:45 , Alex Zavatone  wrote:

> But I need to come up with an explanation of explain why that is a bad idea 
> and why it smells

It smells because a computationally intensive while loop will stall the 
dispatch queue that’s stuck on it.

If you’re programming with *threads*, it’s fine to dedicate a thread to a 
long-running operation.

If you’re programming with *dispatch queues*, you’re sharing a resource (a CPU) 
with other applications. Taking the resource over for yourself is detrimental 
to overall system performance.

Breaking the long task into smaller pieces allows the pieces to be distributed 
over as many threads as the OS wants to use, and doesn’t deny access to CPUs to 
other threads and processes.


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Re: Silly ARC question - explanation requested

2014-06-04 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 4, 2014, at 12:24 , Alex Zavatone  wrote:

> His response was "Well, I was able to autorelease any offending bits within 
> the loop without a problem, what's the big deal?"

I think the deeper problem is that a while loop of this kind in an 
asynchronously executed block is a bit of a code smell. Surely the first step 
is to refactor the code so that each iteration is a separate block invocation. 
You either queue these for execution on a parallel queue for multitasked 
execution, or on a serial queue if execution must be sequential**. (If the 
interior of the while loop was trivial, you might not do it that way, but if 
it’s allocating significant amounts of memory each iteration, and doing 
significant work, then block-per-iteration sounds more reasonable.)

Then, you can and should enclose each block’s code in an autorelease pool, 
which should stop memory accumulating.

In the context of your original question, the problem is that while you *might* 
be able to predict the autorelease behavior in regard to what you *think of* as 
the “final” autorelease, you don’t know for certain — when any frameworks or 
3rd party code is involved — if there might be *other* life-sustaining 
references to the objects. It’s “autorelease” after all, not “autodealloc”. 
This is not really an ARC-related pitfall, but a GCD-related one, IMO.

** You can use counting dispatch semaphores if you want something in between — 
several blocks queued but not for every iteration at the same time.


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Re: string literals and performance

2014-05-24 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 24, 2014, at 21:08 , 2551 <> wrote:

> Are there any performance implications that would suggest preferring one or 
> the other of these different styles?
> NSString *s = @"sing me a song";
> [myClass aMethod: s];
> and
> [myClass aMethod: @"sing me a song”];

Basically — if not literally — no.

> I have a lot of the first kind in my code, and I'm thinking of simplifying it 
> by turning them all into the second kind.

There’s a good chance that the compiler already optimizes the first form into 
the second form.

> A discussion on stackoverflow here:
> seems to suggest (if I've understood it correctly) that I'd be better off 
> sticking with the first style to avoid errors and to speed up comparisons.

There is no difference in performance that you should consider *unless* you 
have documented evidence of certain string comparisons causing performance 
problem. Any other stance is unnecessary premature optimization (and you don’t 
know that it will make any kind of difference at all).

The case discussed on SO where you use a global string variable is also 
unnecessary premature optimization, again unless you have some reason to 
believe you have a problem.

If this really worries you, you can *try* to write a sample app where the 
source coding style leads to a measurable performance difference. If you can do 
it, post the code here, because I’m sure we’d all be flabbergasted to see it. ;)

> However, since in my code they're all one-off 'throw away" strings that don't 
> get used elsewhere, that doesn't seem relevant. Is there any other reason why 
> I should stick with the first style rather than the second?

No, the second style is better IMO:

a. It’s less keystrokes to type.

b. It’s clearer when you read the source code again later.

OTOH, if you’ve got a method invocation that is very long, it could be be 
argued that splitting it into multiple lines (the first style) makes it easier 
to read. Since it’s almost entirely a stylistic matter, use the form that looks 
less ugly to you.


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Re: 'nuther dumb question

2014-05-16 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 16, 2014, at 16:46 , William Squires  wrote:

>  Why doesn't NSData have a +[NSData dataWithString:(NSString *)] or -[NSData 
> initWithString:(NSString *)] method?

Because strings consist of *encoded* data, which (in principle) has no meaning 
outside the internals of the string itself**, and which is (in principle) 
architecture dependent***. Therefore strings (in principle) have no obvious 
external representation.

> i.e. how do I convert the contents of an NSString object into an NSData 
> object?

-[NSString dataUsingEncoding:allowLossyConversion:]

You can specify UTF-16 for the conversion, if you like.

** That is to say, we *know* that NSString objects are arrays of UTF-16 code 
points, and we use that knowledge, but you can’t interpret the string’s raw 
data without knowing the encoding.

*** That is, endianness is an issue.

 And the most common one these days, I think, is UTF-8, which you can’t get 
from NSString without a conversion.


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Re: debugging unrecognized selector

2014-05-16 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 16, 2014, at 01:01 , Torsten Curdt  wrote:

> the debugger only stops in UIApplicationMain.

That’s most likely because your “level of detail” slider (the horizontal slider 
below the call stack in the Debug pane) isn’t at the extreme right end.

> What I am seeing in the log is
> 2014-05-16 09:46:56.796 MyApp[30998:60b] -[__NSCFString CGColor]:
> unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x10debb640
> Checking the address with `po` I can see the string. But it still did
> not help to find where this happens. I added the following
> breakpoints:
> * All Exceptions
> * -[__NSCFString CGColor]
> * -[NSString CGColor]

The last 2 won’t help. NSString doesn’t have such a method, so the breakpoints 
will never trigger. (You’ve effectively set a breakpoint on a global symbol 
that doesn’t exist.)


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Re: Custom view and array bindings

2014-05-13 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 13, 2014, at 21:14 , Jim Geist  wrote:

> Can anyone point me at sample code and/or docs around implementing bindings 
> to an NSArrayController from a custom view (i.e. what a control like 
> NSTableView might do under the covers?)

AFAIK, the only documentation is here:

but it’s extremely out of date, and was fairly hard to follow even when the 
screen shots matched the actual OS (somewhere around 10.4).

I’d recommend you don’t implement a custom binding at all. Custom bindings were 
only really useful when they were reusable in IB (that is, in Xcode 3, which 
supported IB plugins), because if you are doing it all in code, you may as well 
just write code for a two-way observation/update mechanism, without packaging 
it as a binding. Any custom binding you implement now can’t be used directly in 


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Re: Hang during AESend

2014-05-13 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 13, 2014, at 13:03 , Trygve Inda  wrote:

> NSAppleEventDescriptor *appleEvent = [NSAppleEventDescriptor
> appleEventWithEventClass: kMyAEClass
> eventID: kMyAEEventID
> targetDescriptor: targetDescriptor
> returnID: kAutoGenerateReturnID
> transactionID: kAnyTransactionID];

> AESendMessage([appleEvent aeDesc], NULL, kAENoReply | kAENeverInteract,
> kAEDefaultTimeout);

What memory model? ARC?

You’re getting back back a NSAppleEventDescriptor with +0 semantics, which 
means (if ARC) it’s going to be locally retained, then released when it goes 
out of scope (possibly a scope optimized optimized to the last reference).

What you’re passing to AESendMessage is an interior pointer (‘aeDesc’ is marked 
NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER in the headers). AFAIK that keeps the underlying 
object alive *in the calling code* long enough for the interior pointer to be 
passed safely into the called function, but no longer.

In particular, I don’t know that the interior pointer can be assumed to be 
valid for the entire length of the called function’s execution. Of course, 
there’d have to be asynchronous activity (or perhaps a autorelease pool drain 
inside the called function) for this to matter, but since you’re not asking for 
a reply, that seems possible.

So, my theory: memory management bug in your code. A simple way to test this 
would be to put ‘[appleEvent self];’ after the AESendMessage call, and see if 
the problem goes away.


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Re: Problem posting to this list?

2014-05-11 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 11, 2014, at 17:30 , William Squires  wrote:

> I'm getting a mysterious message

Yes, me too. I think the explanation is that someone subscribed to the list has 
had their email account hacked (or possibly just misconfigured), and there is 
some kind of bounce from their message delivery. Maybe the bounce message is 
actually malware. I’ve also been seeing other spam making it through spam 
filtering recently, and I suspect it’s related.


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Re: How to check if file exists?

2014-05-10 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 10, 2014, at 15:17 , Charles Srstka  wrote:

> Since that's the case Quincey was talking about (greying out files that don't 
> exist in the UI), I'd say checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError: is the 
> appropriate API to use. It's certainly more efficient than reading the file 
> just to see if it exists.

It might be the appropriate API, but its semantics are not entirely obvious. 
The documentation does not make clear what reachability means in the case of a 
file URL. Presumably, file systems are reachable if and only if they are 
mounted, but there’s surely a slight discomfort level with such an assumption. 
Maybe it’s just me.

Anyway, we weren’t suggesting reading the file just to see if it exists. We 
were suggesting reading the file if you’re going to read the file anyway. If 
you’re checking for existence, I think -[NSURL getResourceValue:forKey:error:] 
and -[NSURL resourcesValuesForKeys:error:] are good patterns to keep in mind, 
because in many cases you actually *do* want to know one or more resource 
values. For example, you might at least want to know whether the item is a file 
or a directory.


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Re: How to check if file exists?

2014-05-10 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 10, 2014, at 12:06 , William Squires  wrote:

> How can I make sure MyFile.txt exists before trying to read it in?

You can’t, so don’t even try. :)

Because the file system gets modified asynchronously by other processes, 
there’s always a potential race condition between checking for existence and 
using the result of the check. IOW, the existence check is out of date as soon 
as its done.

The correct strategy is to go ahead and read the file. If the read fails, look 
at the error code, and deal with the “file does not exist” error then.

Incidentally, if you did want to check if a file exists (let’s say, if you have 
a list of files in your UI and you wanted to gray out the ones that don’t exist 
right now), I’d recommend you:

— determine the directory explicitly

— construct a file URL using the directory and file name

— get one of the URL file resources (such as the file name) for that URL

— if an error results, treat that as “file does not exist”

You can check the error for an explicit “file does not exist” code, if it 
really, but that still leaves you with other potential errors that you need to 
deal with somehow. You’ll likely want to do the same thing as if the file 
really doesn’t exist (such as gray out its name, in the above example).

P.S. Fritz beat me to the punch on replying, but I’m posting anyway because I’d 
like to *strongly* recommend that you use a URL-based approach, and not a 
path-based approach. -[NSFileManager fileExistsAtPath:] is pretty much legacy 
API nowadays (and it’s significant that there’s no URL-based version of it). 
It’s worth training yourself to use URLs over paths.


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Re: Resizing last column of NSTableView when it touches window border

2014-05-09 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 9, 2014, at 02:59 , Jakob Egger  wrote:

> Adding an empty 5px spacer column at the end is possible, but an ugly hack. 
> If I can't think of anything better, I'll have to go with that.

Just to clarify the scenario for posterity, you’re envisaging a situation where:

— the user drags the right edge of the rightmost column either to the left or 
to the right

— if left, the column gets smaller, so what the user actually sees is the rest 
of the table slide to the right?

— if right, the column gets bigger, so the user sees the rest of the table 
slide left?

— in neither case does the rightmost column edge itself move to where it’s 
dragged according to the mouse pointer?

Although it’s logical and consistent, it doesn’t seem like a great user 
experience to me. (A mere opinion, I know, and so basically worthless.) I would 
have thought that the natural way to make the last column smaller would be to 
drag its left edge rightwards, and the natural way to make it bigger would be 
to make the window wider.

Technically, I think there may be a way to do what you want with a 
NSTrackingArea. You could put one that’s 5pt x row-height over the right end of 
the header cell, and write your own tracking loop that resizes the column when 
a drag starts there. (You’d have to override the table view’s hitTest: method 
to make this work.) Or even put a little view up there. It’d be a fairly hacky 
solution, but it doesn’t sound non-doable.


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Re: Document being reopened on launch during modal dialog

2014-05-07 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 7, 2014, at 15:08 , Mills, Steve  wrote:

> Is this all safe and legal, releasing self right before it returns to 
> whatever called it?

I believe it’s safe in manual RR, though you could perhaps do ‘[self 
autorelease]’ if you feel uncertain. I’m not sure it’d be safe under ARC (that 
is, doing something that could cause ‘self’ to be deallocated), because ARC 
might have epilogue code at the end of the scope, and that *might* refer to 

However, it’s probably safe for a different reason. ‘performSelector’ should 
retain its receiver, and presumably won’t release it until after the performed 
method returns, so your ‘[self release]’ presumably won’t actually result in 


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Re: Resizing last column of NSTableView when it touches window border

2014-05-07 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 7, 2014, at 14:42 , Avery Pierce  wrote:

> If I'm understanding Jakob's issue, the table view doesn't scroll more than 
> it needs to, so the rightmost column divider is exactly at the edge of the 
> window. It can never be scrolled inside.

You’re right. He said “rightmost column” and I read “rightmost visible column”.

Personally, I think that the ambiguity (of what’s being resize) is a small UI 
defect. Discriminating the two cases may actually make for a poorer UI 
experience. We don’t know the exact circumstances, but avoiding having the last 
column being resizable seems like a better outcome, if there’s a way of doing 

> Have you considered throwing in an extra, blank column at the end with a 
> small fixed width (5px maybe)?

I think that would be reasonable, too. It’s kind of a variation of the previous 

Looking at Finder windows in column view, I see that it’s able to discriminate 
column resizing from window resizing when the last column ends at the edge of 
the window (though it’s not always clear that the correct cursor is displayed). 
But it’s really hard to tell exactly where the mouse is pointing, since pixels 
are mostly pretty small these days.


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Re: Resizing last column of NSTableView when it touches window border

2014-05-07 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 7, 2014, at 13:55 , Jakob Egger  wrote:

> The problem only occurs when you have many columns and the table view
> scrolls horizontally. Then you can't make the last column wider.
> Dragging the left side only makes the second-to-last column narrower,
> and dragging the right side resizes the window.

So where is the right edge of the rightmost visible column? If you haven’t done 
anything special, then it could be at the window’s edge, or it could be further 
to the right, scrolled off the window, depending on the column width. I don’t 
see how the user would know the difference. Wouldn’t a user scroll the rest of 
the column into the window first, stopping only after the vertical line in the 
header row is clearly inside the window? If that’s the case, I don’t see that 
you really have a problem.

If you’re somehow adjusting the table (either the column widths or the amount 
of scroll) so that the rightmost visible column always ends at the window edge, 
then I’d suggest changing your algorithm so that it ends maybe 4-10 points 
inside the edge. That would solve the problem too, wouldn’t it?


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Re: Serializing NSDictionary for network transfer

2014-05-07 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 7, 2014, at 11:17 , Carl Hoefs  wrote:

> (1) I see that NSDictionary has an encoding method:
> - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder;
> but this returns (void), which is puzzling to me. I would expect it to return 
> (void *) to a malloced region containing the serialization. Where does the 
> object serialization reside, and how do I access it?

NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver are the classes that perform the encoding 
and decoding. They are responsible for invoking ‘encodeWithCoder:’ and 
‘initWithCoder:’ for the objects that make up an archive — you don’t do that 

Both NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver have convenience class methods for 
archiving and unarchiving an object hierarchy to/from NSData. (You can also 
create instances of NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver if you need a finer 
level of control.)

Class NSPropertyListSerialization provides a similar service, but for a more 
restricted kind of object graph, useful when you want a textual representation 
of the data, for example.

You really should read some of the documentation:

Just reading the introductory sections should orient you in this Cocoa sub 


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Re: Document being reopened on launch during modal dialog

2014-05-06 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 6, 2014, at 12:28 , Lee Ann Rucker  wrote:

> This may be obvious, but did you try moving it all to 
> applicationDidFinishLaunching: instead?

IIUC, Steve’s point was that it won’t help in this case, because state 
restoration is initiated before applicationDidFinishLaunching:, and he’s 
actually trying to defer state restoration, of documents at least, until after 
the modal dialog is dismissed.


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Re: Document being reopened on launch during modal dialog

2014-05-06 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 6, 2014, at 11:55 , Mills, Steve  wrote:

> We're in [FinaleAppDelegate applicationWillFinishLaunching:] (like you 
> mentioned later), which is where we call our cross-platform InitApp function 
> to load things up, set up audio, etc. The audio engine has discovered a 
> sample rate mismatch and is telling the user about it via modal dialog.

I see. But it seems unreasonable to expect that the app won’t finish launching 
regardless of the modal dialog. (It may even be *necessary* for it to finish 
launching in order for the modal dialog to work.) So it comes down to a 
question of a technical violation of runModalForWindow’s event loop blocking, 
keeping in mind that state restoration likely isn’t triggered by an event at 

Given that a sample rate mismatch sounds like a global condition, I think the 
“theoretically” correct solution is to change your document’s behavior so that 
it can exist under the mismatch condition without getting messed up (and 
perhaps also without fully functionality). However, I don’t imagine you’d 
contemplate doing that, so I’d suggest instead that you simply override 
'[NSDocumentController reopenDocumentForURL:…]’ and put its parameters on a 
queue so that you can re-issue the request from 


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Re: Document being reopened on launch during modal dialog

2014-05-06 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 6, 2014, at 11:23 , Mills, Steve  wrote:

> I'm looking at a crash log for our app that shows our app is initting. During 
> init ([NSApplication finishLaunching]) we discover a problem and put up a 
> modal dialog using [NSApplication runModalForWindow:]. During this modal run 
> loop, something has decided that it would be a great time to handle the 
> reopen event, so [NSDocumentController 
> reopenDocumentForURL:withContentsOfURL:display:completionHandler:] is called 
> and we open a document while the modal dialog is up, and before we've totally 
> finished handling [NSApplication finishLaunching].

It sounds like you’re Doing It Wrong™. Well, sorta j/k, but seriously you’re 
overriding ‘finishLaunching’?

From the NSApplicationDelegate protocol documentation:

> "applicationDidFinishLaunching:
> "Delegates can implement this method to perform further initialization. This 
> method is called after the application’s main run loop has been started but 
> before it has processed any events. If the application was launched by the 
> user opening a file, the delegate’s application:openFile: method is called 
> before this method. If you want to perform initialization before any files 
> are opened, implement the applicationWillFinishLaunching: method in your 
> delegate, which is called before application:openFile:.)”

So documents may be opened between the issuing of the two notifications 
(wiil/didFinishLaunching). Both of those notifications, I would assume, are 
posted in ‘finishLaunching’, so your concept of “totally finished handling 
[NSApplication finishLaunching]” sounds flawed. In particular, putting up a 
modal dialog before invoking [super finishLaunching] — if that’s what you do — 
sounds like a bad idea.

Why aren’t you doing the initialization in the delegate methods?


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Re: How to convert a UTF-8 byte offset into an NSString character offset?

2014-05-06 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 5, 2014, at 12:06 , Jens Alfke  wrote:

> How can I map a byte offset in a UTF-8 string back to the corresponding 
> character offset in the NSString it came from?

I’ve been thinking about this since your original question, and it seems to me 
that this is a subtler problem than it seems:

1. You cannot *in general* map a UTF-8 byte offset to a NSString (UTF-16) 
“character" offset. The two representations may have different numbers of code 
units (1-4 for UTF-8, 1-2 for UTF-16) per code point. There’s no real answer to 
the question of what UTF-16 offset corresponds to the 3rd code unit of a 4-byte 
UTF-8 code point.

2. So, you’re restricted at least to byte offsets of UTF-8 code units that are 
the *start* of a code point. However, there’s a potential problem with this, 
because you’re not in control of the structure of the NSString. It’s possible, 
for example, that the UTF-8 byte offset points to the second (or later) code 
point of a base+combining mark sequence, but an equivalent NSString has a 
single code point consisting of one or two code units (a “composed character”). 
Even if both versions of the string have the same number of code points 
(“characters”), they may have different orders.

3. It’s *possible* that you can create a NSString that has the same code points 
in the same order as the UTF-8 string, but I don’t see any API contract that 
clearly guarantees it. The documentation for -[NSString 
initWithCharacters:length:] says that the return value is "An initialized 
NSString object containing length characters taken from characters.” That 
*might* be a sufficient guarantee, but code-point equivalence possibly isn’t 
guaranteed across some NSString manipulation methods, so you’d have to be 

4. Otherwise, I think it’s yet more difficult. The next-higher Unicode boundary 
is “grapheme clusters”. You can divide a NSString into grapheme clusters 
(either through direct iteration using ‘rangeOfComposedCharacterSequence…’, or 
through enumeration using ‘enumerateSubstrings…’), but to match the UTF-8 and 
NSString representations cluster by cluster you’d need to break the UTF-8 
string into grapheme clusters using the same algorithm as NSString, and it’s 
not documented what the precise algorithm is.

(The documentation at:

refers to this:

which I find pretty overwhelming.)

5. Even if #3 works, you may still have some troubles with grapheme clusters. 
For example, if a UTF-8 byte offset is actually a code point in the middle of a 
cluster, you may have trouble getting consistent NSString behavior with 
substrings that start from that code point.

FWIW, my opinion is that if your library clients are specifying UTF-8 sequences 
at the API, and expect byte offsets into those sequences to be meaningful, you 
might well be forced to maintain the original UTF-8 sequence in the library’s 
internal data model — or, perhaps, an array of the original code points — and 
do all of your internal processing in terms of code points. Conversion to 
NSString would happen only in the journey from data model to UI text field.


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Re: Question on NSScrollView

2014-05-02 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 2, 2014, at 14:06 , Lee Ann Rucker  wrote:

> You might find it useful to get one of the Apple sample apps, like 
> TableViewPlayground, and experiment with that - it's easier to figure out 
> what's happening when you have a fully-implemented example than it is to 
> start from scratch.

FWIW, the code being used by the OP has every appearance of being taken from 
this tutorial:

but it seems to me that the class name ‘DesktopFolderEntity’ suggests an origin 
in a predecessor to the current TableViewPlayground, where there’s currently a 
class name ‘ATDesktopFolderEntity’.

However, now that I look at it, this tutorial seems to be intended to show how 
to use group rows, which isn’t what the OP wants.


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Re: Question on NSScrollView

2014-05-01 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 1, 2014, at 23:03 , Varun Chandramohan  

> I ran ‘tableView:viewForTableColumn and it is always tableColumn == nil as I 
> have just 1 column.

No. ‘tableColumn == nil’ means that you’re being asked for a view for a *group 
row*. A group row:

(a) spans all columns (though there’s just a single column to span, in this 
case), and

(b) has a gray background.

If you don’t want the gray background, then don’t make any group rows. Group 
rows are *supposed* to look different from regular rows, and they have other 
unique behavior, too.

(It is *possible* to customize the appearance of group rows, though I’ve never 
done it. But it is to your users’ advantage if the rows look the same as in 
other apps.)

> I noticed that I never hit anything that is not “GroupCell”. However this 
> does not solve the grey background right?

Presumably, the top level folder that you’re displaying only has subfolders, 
and no files.

Note that if your intention is to display a folder *hierarchy*, you’re going to 
have some trouble using a NSTableView, which is intended for a flat array. 
NSOutlineView is better suited to a hierarchy.


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Re: Question on NSScrollView

2014-05-01 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 1, 2014, at 17:25 , Varun Chandramohan  

> Yes I have implemented tableView:isGroupRow.
> - (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView isGroupRow:(NSInteger)row {
> DesktopEntity *entity = _tableContents[row];
> if ([entity isKindOfClass:[DesktopFolderEntity class]]) {
> return YES;
> }
> return NO;
> }
> What is wrong with this?

Nothing at all! Rows corresponding to a ‘DesktopFolderEntity’ are group rows, 
and all the others are not.

> Also I implemented 
> - (NSView *)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView 
> viewForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row {
> DesktopEntity *entity = _tableContents[row];
> if ([entity isKindOfClass:[DesktopFolderEntity class]]) {
> NSTableCellView *groupCell = [tableView 
> makeViewWithIdentifier:@"GroupCell" owner:self];
> [groupCell.textField];
> return groupCell;
> }
> return nil;
> }
> Are you saying I should not return nil here?

Well, you are returning nil for rows that aren’t ‘DesktopFolderEntity’, which 
doesn’t seem a good idea, but that isn’t the issue you asked about.

In this code, you should return a view with identifier “GroupCell” — as you 
have done — for rows that are ‘DesktopFolderEntity’. Since these are indeed 
group rows, this correctly gives them the group-row appearance (the one with 
the gray background).

That is, your table view is showing exactly what you asked it to show.

Your ‘tableView:viewForTableColumn:’ method is, however, missing some code. You 
need to return a view for non-group rows (that would probably be a view with 
identifier ‘DataCell’, if you have the default setup in IB), and you need to 
test tableColumn (and possibly tableColumn.identifier). (‘tableColumn == nil’ 
means that you’re being asked for a group-row view. Otherwise you’re being 
asked for a per-column view.)

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Re: Question on NSScrollView

2014-05-01 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 1, 2014, at 15:16 , Varun Chandramohan  

> However this is not the case with the same table
> populated manually using NSPasteboardReading and NSTableViewDataSource,
> NSTableViewDelegate. I noticed a grey background to all the entries to the
> table.

It looks like you have inadvertently turned all the rows into group rows. There 
are a couple of ways this might happen, that I can think of offhand. One is 
(obviously) if you implemented the ‘tableView:isGroupRow:’ delegate method and 
returned YES. Otherwise, make sure in methods like ‘tableView:objectValue…’ and 
‘tableView:willDisplayCell…’ or ‘tableView:viewForTableColumn…’ that you don’t 
return a non-nil value when the column is nil. (A nil column is how the table 
view asks the delegate/data source for per-row values that span columns.)


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Re: JSONSerialization 'Garbage at end' error

2014-04-30 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 30, 2014, at 16:00 , Jonathan Hull  wrote:

> I also find that it is good practice to set variables returned by reference 
> to nil before passing them.
> NSError *error = nil;
> Otherwise, they will contain garbage, and cannot reliably be tested to see if 
> the value was set.

This point comes up every few months, and what you say isn’t technically 

It doesn’t do anything useful to set a NSError* value returned via reference to 
nil before the method invocation. According to the particular pattern in use 
here, if the method succeeds, there’s no valid value returned for the NSError*. 
In this case, the value may have changed from the value before the call. The 
changed value is garbage, from the caller’s point of view.

It is *not safe* to test ‘error’ on a successful return, regardless of how you 
initialize it.


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Re: Creating selector for nonexistent method

2014-04-29 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 29, 2014, at 06:18 , Arved von Brasch  wrote:

> sendAction:to:from: seems to be the preferred way to invoke the responder 
> chain to implement the clear: method in the Window controller.

This puzzles me. What are you actually trying to do?

If you’re trying to invoke *the* clear: method in the window controller, then 
‘sendAction:to:from:’ seems like a bad choice. You don’t know if the window 
controller is even in the responder chain leading upwards from the current 
first responder, and you don’t know if other responders in the chain also 
implement ‘clear:’.

In other words, you’re essentially sending ‘clear:’ to a random receiver.

To send a message to the window controller specifically, you’d do better to get 
a reference to it, and send the message normally. If the window isn’t related 
to a NSDocument, it’s reasonable to let your app delegate have a reference to 
the window controller publicly available. If it’s a document window, you can 
look in the document’s ‘windowControllers’ array. Even something like 
‘[[NSApplication main/keyWindow] windowController]’ (with a check on the window 
controller class) would be preferable.

If you’re trying to invoke *a* clear: method in any of several places in the 
responder chain, then ignore everything I just said.


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Re: dispatch_semaphore crash on deletion

2014-04-28 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 28, 2014, at 13:02 , Ken Thomases  wrote:

> I've seen this discussed before, but I don't remember where.  One of the 
> Apple engineers acknowledged the issue.  This check is not done (or not 
> effective) if the semaphore is created with a value of 0.

It was here, a few months ago. I was complaining about this — there are 
situations involving Cocoa frameworks where you don’t get the opportunity to 
restore the value back to its original setting. Greg Parker stated that it’s a 
feature, not a bug.

>  So, the workaround is to create it with a value of 0 and then call 
> dispatch_semaphore_signal() to increase the value up to the size of your 
> resource pool.

Indeed. It’s a minor irritation to have to remember to do so.


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Re: SpriteKit junk

2014-04-27 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 27, 2014, at 09:29 , William Squires  wrote:

> Thanks - reducing the scene to just the score label reveals that - without 
> the background - the (solid) background color is now a dark gray, rather than 
> black, and I can just make out the (simulated) title bar at the top where - 
> on a real device - it would show the carrier, signal strength, time, and 
> battery charge. It was this text at the left (the carrier and signal 
> strength) that was acting as a mask over the top of the SKLabelNode 
> rendering. Now the question is - how do I get rid of it (meaning the bar on 
> the top of the screen)? I remember seeing this somewhere - probably a plist 
> setting - but I don't recall off-hand.

Override -[UIViewController prefersStatusBarHidden]. Or override 
-[UIViewController preferredStatusBarStyle] to return 
UIStatusBarStyleLightContent, and move your labels down a bit.


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Re: SpriteKit junk

2014-04-26 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 26, 2014, at 17:13 , William Squires  wrote:

> I'd show you what this looks like, but I don't think users are supposed to 
> post pics to this group.

You can post screen shots in the Developer Forums, and you’ll find more people 
with SpriteKit experience there.

> Any ideas on how to iron this out? 

You’re kinda overloading us with information. You apparently haven’t tried 
progressively cutting this code down to see if you can tie the display issue to 
a particular node or a particular property. What happens, for example, if you 
create a scoreLabel node and nothing else?

Regarding the different outcome with scoreLabel and shieldLabel, I notice that 
you set scoreLabel’s zPosition to 100, but leave shieldLabel’s zPosition at 0. 
Perhaps that has something to do with why they appear differently.


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Re: GCD killed my performance

2014-04-26 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 26, 2014, at 12:02 , Kyle Sluder  wrote:

> FWIW, I’ve been of the opinion for a while that including dispatch_sync in 
> the API was a mistake.  Too often it becomes a crutch used without 
> understanding, resulting in stop-start behavior across threads or cores.

I don’t know if you’ll agree, but it seems to me that there’s a distinction 
between a *locking* mechanism such as @synchronized, and a *queuing* mechanism, 
which Jens seems to have demonstrated dispatch_sync to be.

I understand that both mechanisms may at a lower level depend on both queues 
and locks, but the distinction I’m making is that a locking mechanism is used 
when we hope that the lock will generally be granted without contention, while 
a queuing mechanism is used when we expect there will generally be some 
contending operation in progress.


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Re: GCD killed my performance

2014-04-24 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 24, 2014, at 22:49 , Jens Alfke  wrote:

> It is, but most of it appears to be memory management _caused_ by GCD, since 
> it goes away when I replace the dispatch calls with @synchronized. GCD is 
> apparently causing a lot of blocks to get copied to the heap.

Well, you know what you’re seeing in Instruments, but this characterization 
seems improbable. Ignoring the GCD-specific entries, if block copy was causing 
a large number of retains and releases (if that’s what you meant by “refcount 
bookkeeping”), I’d expect there to be a large number of block copies, too. If 
block copies (as I’d also expect) are much more time-consuming than the 
retains/releases, by comparison you’d barely notice the retain/release times in 
Instruments. If the retains/releases caused by block copies do dominate, that 
suggests the block copies are comparatively very cheap, which in turn suggests 
a horrible bug in block copies.

With luck someone might jump in with a plausible answer, but this is starting 
to sound TSI-worthy.


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Re: GCD killed my performance

2014-04-24 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 24, 2014, at 20:14 , Jens Alfke  wrote:

> On my MacBook Pro this gave me a nice speedup of 50% or more.
> But when I tested the code on my iPhone 5 today, I found performance had 
> dropped by about a third.

> I know that dispatch queues aren’t free, but I wasn’t expecting them to be 
> this expensive! I’m not doing anything silly like wrapping dispatch_sync 
> around trivial calls. The APIs I’m using it on do things like reading and 
> writing values from the persistent store.

Approaching this naively, this result suggests that the block content, while 
not trivial, is too fine-grained — is divided too finely. For example, if 
you’re putting (essentially) one database read/write operation (or even a 
handful) in each block, perhaps that’s too small a unit of work for GCD. That 
idea is given *some* plausibility by the different outcomes on Mac and iPhone — 
a physical disk access is presumably much slower on average than an access to 
iOS persistent memory. (Of course, if your MacBook Pro is purely SSD, that 
might blow that idea out of the water. I don’t know how SSD access speeds 
compare to iOS memory.)

> Profiling shows that most of the time is being spent in thread/queue 
> management or Objective-C refcount bookkeeping. 

Unless I missed something, all of the responses in this thread went to the GCD 
issue. But if memory management is showing up “hot” like that too, there may be 
something else to investigate.

One option might be to look at what Instruments reports for the hotspots in 
terms of *counts* rather than times, and compare OS X with iOS. This would 
necessitate arranging things so you could get counts for known increments of 
work. If iOS gives comparable counts but much longer times, you will have one 
way of proceeding; if it gives much larger counts but similar or smaller times 
per count, you will have another way of proceeding.


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Re: Good idea/bad idea?

2014-04-24 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 24, 2014, at 14:21 , Andy Lee  wrote:

> I still don't see how
> foo = [@"Something" fallbackIfNil:foo];
> has any advantage over
> foo = foo ?: @"Something";

I don’t see how the latter has any advantage over your earlier suggestion [more 
or less]:

if (!foo)
foo = @“Something”;

Admittedly, it takes two lines instead of one. OTOH, as I said in another 
recent thread, it seems to me that for a *reader* of the code, the latter form 
is far more accessible than code with the “?…:” operator, which tends to force 
the reader to figure out if the code is correct or not. I note that in this 
thread, like the other one, most of the discussion has basically been about 
figuring out what’s actually correct. Is there *any* confusion over the “if” 


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Re: NSOperation - Update UI with delegate or in a Controller with oberseValueForKeyPath:

2014-04-24 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 24, 2014, at 06:47 , Gilles Celli  wrote:

> 1. With KVO in a Controller object: Observing the NSOperation's "isFinished" 
> value and then in observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:
>update the UI (graph display) on the main thread with  
> performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone
> 2. No KVO: in NSOperation the UI is updated after the parsing is done, by 
> calling the delegate again with
> I've tested both approaches but can't decide which one is the most correct / 
> best, or what are the benefits of using one approach or another ?

There’s no absolute answer to this, but I’d choose #1, for a couple of reasons:

— It means the parsing code doesn’t have to know how it’s being “watched” or by 
whom or for what purpose. Other “watchers” can be added later, if necessary, 
without having to intervene in the parsing or delegate code.

— It avoids turning the delegate into a dumping ground for miscellaneous 

Note that it’s not absolutely necessary to use a delegate for #2. You can do:

[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(operationAsciiParsingDone:)
  withObject:[self parsedAscii]  

So long as ‘operationAsciiParsingDone:’ doesn’t try to access any of the 
object’s internal data structures (which a delegate wouldn’t have been able to 
do anyway), this is thread-safe, odd as it might seem at first. (More 
accurately, it’s exactly as thread safe as using a delegate.)


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Re: Mouse cursors and overlapping sibling NSViews

2014-04-24 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 24, 2014, at 08:20 , Sean McBride  wrote:

> Tracking areas are nice, but limited to rects, and I have circular areas to 
> deal with too.

Not really. According to the event handling guide, if a responder's 
cursorUpdate: declines the event (by invoking super), the event passes up the 
responder chain. In effect, you are not forced to provide a cursor for your 
entire tracking area, which sounds like what you want.


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Re: Mouse cursors and overlapping sibling NSViews

2014-04-23 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 23, 2014, at 16:58 , Ken Thomases  wrote:

> If the cursor is appropriate for a given view, that's a *strong* indication 
> to the user that a click will act on that view.  So, the view controlling the 
> cursor at a given point should also be the view that receives the click at 
> that point.

Wait, did I miss something? Wasn’t Edward correct in pointing out that using 
mouseMoved: to set the cursor is not correct, and cursorUpdate: should be used 
instead (with tracking areas with NSTrackingCursorUpdate) should be used. That 
mechanism already chooses the correct view to get set the cursor.


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Re: Memory Leaks and ARC

2014-04-23 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 23, 2014, at 03:01 , Dave  wrote:

> If I changed the names of commandDownloadImageWithFileURLString to be 
> newCommandDownloadImageWithFileURLString, this would cause it to release 
> myImage on each iteration rather than using Autorelease? 

It would remove one — and perhaps the only — reason for ARC to use autorelease, 
but there’s no way of knowing whether there are others, hidden from you. For 
example, even if you create a new image using some alloc/init that returns the 
created object with +1 ownership, it may have already been autoreleased before 
it gets back to you.

The outcome is also going to vary with the version of clang you compiled with, 
and the OS version you’re running on. The current clang already uses 
autorelease less often than the original implementation, and Cocoa classes may 
get converted from MRR to ARC gradually over OS releases.

It seems to me that the best practice is:

— Return objects with +1 ownership when semantically appropriate (when the 
caller gets an object that is conceptually new).

— Investigate memory usage with Instruments, preferably on supported older OS 
versions too.

— Bracket problem areas with @autoreleasepool{} only you’ve identified a 
problem area with Instruments.

— Don't gratuitously insert @autoreleasepool{} in loops “just for safety”.

> Is there anyway of telling if an Object is in “autorelease” state? I mean 
> just for testing, I wouldn’t rely on this in shipping code.

I don’t think so.

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Re: Memory Leaks and ARC

2014-04-22 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 22, 2014, at 15:18 , Dave  wrote:

> I assumed that ARC would release myImage on each interation of the loop, 
> however, this seems not to be the case

The ‘myImage’ variable gives up *ownership* of the previous image object when 
you create a new one in the loop, but whether that leads to a deallocation of 
the object is an implementation detail. If it’s autoreleased anywhere in its 
[short] lifetime, the image object will linger in the autorelease pool until 
the pool is drained, as Keary said.

If you want to avoid autoreleases, you should ensure that the image is returned 
from the download method with +1 ownership semantics. As far as that method is 
concerned, you can do this by changing its name to start with ‘new…’, or 
decorate its declaration with ‘__attribute__((ns_returns_retained))’. You 
would, of course, have to ensure that the download method and the methods it 
calls don’t do anything else that’s likely to retain/autorelease the image.

This sort of thing is a bit messy because it relies on presumed (but partially 
documented) knowledge of the ARC implementation. It’s more robust and 
straightforward to do what Keary says. However, if you really wanted to avoid 
autoreleases completely, there are ARC strategies that can help.


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Re: Strange toolbar/view/resize cursor interaction

2014-04-22 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 22, 2014, at 15:36 , Eric Shepherd  wrote:

> When the cursor is at the top edge of my window, the Y value is off by 10 
> pixels.
> When the cursor is at the bottom edge of my window, the Y value is off by 40 
> pixels.

As I suggested previously, this could indicate that your view bounds have been 
inadvertently scaled.

The next thing you must do is log more environmental information. I suggest:

— the view’s visibleRect
— the view’s bounds
— the view’s frame
— the window content view’s bounds
— the window content view’s frame
— the window’s frame
— when the cursor is at the top edge of your view, event.locationInWindow in 
window coordinates
— when the cursor is at the top edge of your view, your ‘where’ variable (that 
is, event.locationInWindow converted to bounds coordinates)
— when the cursor is at the bottom edge of your view, event.locationInWindow in 
window coordinates
— when the cursor is at the bottom edge of your view, ‘where’ (bounds 


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Re: Strange toolbar/view/resize cursor interaction

2014-04-21 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 21, 2014, at 18:28 , Kyle Sluder  wrote:

> Why not?

Let’s assume for the sake of an example, the toolbar is 40 points high, and the 
OpenGL view (its visible rect, at least) is 200 points high. According to Eric, 
when the cursor is 40 points *above* the bottom of the view, where.y is 200, in 
view bounds coordinates. That seems to me to mean one of 3 possible things:

— When the cursor is at the top of the visible rect, where.y is 40, so that the 
vertical extent of the visible rect is 40..240 in bounds coordinates. If the 
visible rect is the entire view, that means the bounds origin is (0, 40). [Or 
perhaps (0, -40), my brain’s too tired to work it out.]

— Or, if the entire view is bigger than the visible rect, the bounds origin can 
be (0, 0), and the vertical extent must be 0..240, with the top 40 points 

— Or, if where.y is 0 with the cursor at the top of the visible rect, and 
where.y is 200 at a position 40 points above the bottom of the visible rect, 
then the view vertical extent is 0..240 (bounds coordinates) in a frame rect of 
height 200, and therefore the bounds has been scaled.

Otherwise, how can where.y be 200 at a point 40 (bounds coordinates) points 
above the bottom of a view that’s 200 (frame coordinates) points high?

On Apr 21, 2014, at 18:44 , Ken Thomases  wrote:

> Just in general, in the majority of cases the bounds origin is (0, 0) and its 
> size is equal to the frame size (although for OpenGL views, it's the frame 
> size in pixels rather than points).  Outside of scrolling, it's relatively 
> rare to transform a view's bounds.  I think Quincey has gotten himself turned 
> around on this.

Unless I’m doubly confused, therefore, I don’t think I’m turned around. If the 
bounds origin isn’t (0, 0) or the height in bounds coordinates is greater than 
the height in frame coordinates, it’s certainly unexpected, and I’m suggesting 
that the real problem is whatever brought that unexpected situation about.


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Re: Strange toolbar/view/resize cursor interaction

2014-04-21 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 21, 2014, at 17:15 , Eric Shepherd  wrote:

> I've checked -- [self bounds].origin.y is 0.

That can’t be! What is ‘where.y’ at the very top of your view? Can you log 
self.bounds so we can see all of it?

Well, it can be. A couple of other possibilities:

— Your view is larger than you think, and  of it is clipped 
away by its parent.

— Your view’s bounds are vertically scaled by  / .

Either of those things could be caused by incorrect resizing struts, in a 
normal view at least. But surely where and bounds must contain the explanation 
between them?


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Re: Strange toolbar/view/resize cursor interaction

2014-04-21 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 21, 2014, at 16:46 , Eric Shepherd  wrote:

>   where = [self convertPoint:where fromView:nil];   // Convert to the view's 
> frame of reference
>   NSLog(@"Mouse Y: %3.0f", where.y);

And ‘self’ is the NSOpenGLView, yes? It sounds like your view’s bounds origin 
has been moved by the height of the toolbar. Perhaps what you *should* be 
logging (and using) is ‘where.y - self.bounds.origin.y’ — or something similar 
if the coordinates aren’t flipped.


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Re: Strange toolbar/view/resize cursor interaction

2014-04-21 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 21, 2014, at 15:23 , Eric Shepherd  wrote:

> I added code to dump the Y-coordinate of my mouse while I move it around in 
> the NSOpenGLView, and sure enough, it's reaching the value that should be the 
> bottom edge well above the bottom. 

Are you sure you’re using the correct coordinate conversions? Based on what 
Graham said, there are actually 3 coordinate systems involved — the content 
view coordinates, the content (i.e. non-frame) coordinates, and the frame 
coordinates. Officially AFAIK there are only 2 coordinates systems (frame and 
content). If you’re accidentally mixing coordinate systems, perhaps you don’t 
need to adjust the calculations, but just use a different conversion?


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Re: SpriteKit

2014-04-21 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 21, 2014, at 08:13 , William Squires  wrote:

> Question: given an SKLabelNode (reference), is there some way to render it, 
> and turn the rendered image into an SKSpriteNode? I know about [SKSprite 
> spriteWithImageNamed:], but that takes a filename of an image in the bundle, 
> not an actual UIImage, and - since one cannot save into the bundle (at 
> runtime) - that nixes that idea...

(a) -[SKView textureFromNode:]

(b) Render the desired content into an actual UIImage, then +[SKTexture 

Once you have the texture, you can create a SKSpriteNode.


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Re: Strange toolbar/view/resize cursor interaction

2014-04-21 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 20, 2014, at 23:53 , Graham Cox  wrote:

> The toolbar view is actually added as a PEER of the window's content view, 
> and the content view is resized to accommodate the toolbar when it is shown 
> or hidden.

That sounds correct, but IIRC the methods that convert between a window’s 
content size and its frame size don’t take the toolbar into account, which 
means that they work with a "content size” that isn’t actually the content 
*view* size, and correcting the calculation requires the assumption of 
extrinsic information. It strikes me as plausible that an OpenGL view might 
need to make such a conversion, and that it was never implemented to deal with 
the presence of a toolbar.


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Re: canAsynchronouslyWriteToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation: Prevent Quit?

2014-04-20 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 20, 2014, at 22:26 , Kyle Sluder  wrote:

>> In a Save the dirty mark is not cleared until the file is written, thus it
>> asks before quitting about saving the document.

> Come to think of it, does your app adopt Lion Autosave?

The implication of “dirty mark” — if taken literally — is that this is pre-Lion 
NSDocument behavior. The newer behavior has “Edited” text in the title bar, of 
course, and no mark in the close button. Perhaps that’s why it’s not behaving 
as expected on quitting — the deferral of termination may happen only with 
“modern” NSDocument behavior.

Unfortunately, trying to predict the effects of implementing various 
combinations of the various overrides, return values and miscellaneous dreck 
that’s accumulated in NSDocument API since 10.5 is probably beyond the ability 
of mere mortals.


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Re: canAsynchronouslyWriteToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation: Prevent Quit?

2014-04-20 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 20, 2014, at 13:34 , Kyle Sluder  wrote:

> Do you override any other NSDocument saving methods?

Also, there *may* be a relevant interaction between ‘terminate:’, sudden 
termination and automatic termination, even though technically they’re separate 
things. Opting in to the latter two, if you haven’t done so already, might 
improve the saving situation.


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Re: ARC Retain Cycles

2014-04-20 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 20, 2014, at 13:22 , Dave  wrote:

> This App was an iOS application and previously it handled manual memory 
> management - mostly using autorelease. I converted it by hand (didn’t use the 
> ARC coversion process). 

Ah, then ignore everything I said. :)

> if ([prop1 class] == [NSDictionary class])
>   self.propDict = self.pProp1;

You realize that this code is utterly wrong, yes? NSDictionary is a class 
cluster, and so there *are no* objects of class NSDictionary, only of 
subclasses, most of them private to the frameworks. And even if UIImage isn’t a 
class cluster, particular image objects may still be a subclass.

For this situation, ‘isKindOfClass:’ seem much more likely.


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Re: Strange toolbar/view/resize cursor interaction

2014-04-20 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 20, 2014, at 12:54 , Eric Shepherd  wrote:

> Nope. :(

The only *technical* suggestion I can add — beyond Ken’s excellent suggestions 
— is to move the OpenGL view down a level. That is, assuming it’s a subview of 
the window’s content view, make it a subview of a custom view that is a subview 
of the content view (with appropriate resizing behavior at both levels).

More generally, though, you might reconsider using a NSToolbar at all. I guess 
the geometry of NSToolbar has always been "neither fish nor fowl" (that is, 
sort of part of the window frame, yet sort of part of the window content), and 
its presence may be disturbing some assumption a NSOpenGLView makes about its 
own relationship with the window. There may be an inherent conflict there, at 
least in recent versions of OS X.

Also, it’s noteworthy that the NSToolbar API — which has always been horrible 
to use — hasn’t received much (if any, IIRC) attention in the last several OS X 
releases, and it somewhat has the appearance of a distasteful object drifting 
permanently down to the bottom of the punchbowl. If you can devise a 
NSToolbar-free UI for your application, you might be doing yourself a favor in 
the future.

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Re: ARC Retain Cycles

2014-04-20 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 20, 2014, at 11:58 , Cody Garvin  wrote:

> Second, while using instruments use the “mark heap” tool.

> Third, keep in mind that blocks keep strong references to self (especially 
> callbacks).

While these are important debugging steps, I’d suggest that this isn’t the 
place to start *in this case*.

Assuming that this app is being converted from GC (Dave didn’t say so 
explicitly, but presumably conversion from manual RR likely wouldn’t introduce 
these kinds of memory issues), it’s probably better to spend more time looking 
at the source code *before* getting bogged down in debugging. There are two 
kinds of difficult problems that a GC-ARC conversion must contend with:

1. There are patterns of object usage that work fine in GC, but aren’t 
translatable directly into ARC. Specifically, when clusters of objects “go away 
automatically when they are no longer used” under GC, there may be no 
equivalent technique in ARC. (Of course, reference cycles are the underlying 
problematic mechanism, but I’m looking at a higher level.) In particular, under 
ARC it may be necessary to design the app so that it knows explicitly *when* 
such clusters are no longer used, and so can send explicit messages to cause 
the cluster to be deallocated.

2. Arbitrary object graphs that work fine in GC may be a tangle of 
cross-references in ARC. It may be best to redesign the data model so that the 
objects are strictly (or pretty strictly) hierarchical. That is, to change the 
data model from sibling relationships to parent-child relationships**. In other 
words, to change all the relationships to be “up” or “down”, and ensure that 
all the “up” relationships are weak***.

Both of the above are most effectively done by examining and rearranging the 
source code directly, rather than trying to detect reference cycles in 
Instruments or the debugger, which limit you to a lower design level. A 
thorough source code review should remove *most* of the cycles, and then 
Instruments should help find the ones that are obscure at the source level.

** Of course, if the old data model is enshrined in (say) an archive saved in a 
document, then the app will still need to be able to recognize the old model.

*** One resulting gotcha is that weak relationships are *not* KVO compliant, 
and that 10.9 will detect and complain about this, even in cases where 10.8 and 
earlier were silent. The original code was probably wrong in some way, too, but 
we often didn’t notice the problem because we tended to just grab a big hammer 
and smash things when closing windows etc. In 10.9, big hammers aren’t quite as 


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Re: cocoapods: Problem with loading nib for a NSWindowController

2014-04-18 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 18, 2014, at 14:14 , Gerd Knops  wrote:

> Dangerous (and entirely wrong) assumption.

I know perfectly well that Mac HFS+ can be made case sensitive, so perhaps I 
should have worded it better: “…even *when* the Mac file system is case 

However, both you and Fritz missed my real point, which is that it *may* be (I 
have a *vague* recollection of this coming up before) that nib loading might 
fail if the the string passed to ‘initWithNibName:’ doesn’t match the case of 
the actual file name, regardless of the case sensitivity of the file system. 
Perhaps I misremember, but IAC the point is to check for any case-sensitivity 
issues which might amount to a misspelled string.


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