[CTRL] FW: Chemtrails Flu / NSA

2000-01-23 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dan Sewell Ward
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2000 2:48 PM
Subject: [ncnculture] Chemtrails Flu

 National Security Agency (NSA)...

   Warfare Chemicals being Tested: The strange-looking streaks in
the sky  aren't your imagination. They are anti-bacteriological warfare
chemicals being tested by the federal
   government. And the public has been kept in the dark.
  The chemical spraying to the "unconventional pathogen
countermeasures program" of the top secret Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA).

  NOTES : (1) Novavax is a bio pharmaceuticals company.
 (2) BCTP is made of water, soybean oil, Triton X 100
detergent and the solvent tri-n-butyl phosphate. BCTP envelops VIRUSES
and SPORES, causing them to explode and thus destroying them upon
(3) BCTP's research studies were funded by the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). BCTP appears to inactivate
the virus on contact."
  The research is funded by DARPA's "Unconventional Pathogen
Countermeasures Program" [GO TO :
http://www.darpa.mil/DSO/rd/UPC/index.html ]. The U-M and Novavax have
filed a patent application covering BCTP's use as a decontamination
agent forvarious anti-microbial applications.


 Advanced Biological and Medical Technologies: Biological Warfare
Defense Unconventional Pathogen Countermeasures

 The goal of the Unconventional Pathogen Countermeasures program is
to develop and
 demonstrate defensive technologies that afford the greatest
 protection to uniformed warfighters,  and the defense personnel who
 support them, during U.S. military operations. While no defense  may
 stop a determined adversary from unleashing biological weapon, a
 sufficiently robust array  of pathogen defenses and countermeasures —
 deterrents in their own right — will reduce the  probable damage that
 would result from biological weapons used in a particular operation.

 The most sinister offensive biological warfare scenario employs
 surprise, immediate proximity,  and rapidly lethal, persistent agents
 overwhelming quantities. Under these circumstances,  real-time sensing,

 donning of physical protection, and conventional nonmedical
 countermeasures  are only marginally effective. An effective
 defense ideally requires instantly available  or emplaced
 countermeasures that can defeat biological threats as they enter the
 body and before   they reach and attack target cells and tissues.

 The focus of the Unconventional Pathogen Countermeasures program is

 the development of  revolutionary, broad-spectrum, medical
 countermeasures against significantly pathogenic  microorganisms and/or

 their pathogenic products. These countermeasures will be versatile
 enough to eliminate biological threats, whether from natural sources or

 modified through  bioengineering or other manipulation. They will also
 have the potential to provide protection both  within the body and at
 the most common portals of entry (e.g., inhalation, ingestion,
 transcutaneous). Strategies include but are not limited to:

 (1)  Defeat of a pathogen's ability to enter the body, traverse
 bloodstream or lymphatics, and enter target tissues.

 (2)  Identification of novel pathogen vulnerabilities based on
 fundamental, critical molecular  mechanisms of survival or pathogenesis

 (e.g., Type III secretion, cellular energetics, virulence modulation).

 (3)  Construction of unique, robust vehicles for the delivery
 countermeasures into or within the body.

 (4)  Modulation of the advantageous and/or deleterious aspects
of the
 immune response to significantly pathogenic microorganisms and/or their

 pathogenic products in the body.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] Fw: Gospel of Thomas

2000-01-23 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

I've read the book of Thomas not worth putting in I thought. Sorry if its a
bit preachy I just had it in my drafts in case the topic arose for
reference. Got something great on Puharich for tomorrow.

-Original Message-
From: Nicky Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, 23 January 2000 22:10
Subject: Gospel of Thomas

Listed under- Inside the new age

Gospel of Thomas
As you begin to be a witness for Jesus Christ to those involved in the New
Age movement, you will eventually encounter people who will tell you amazing
things that at first may challenge your beliefs about God, Jesus, the Holy
Spirit, sin, creation, and many other aspects of Christianity. The Bible
itself is often brought into question. In fact, there is an ancient
document, "The Gospel of Thomas" which calls into question the very nature
of man and God. Without having a firm foundation in the fundamentals of
Christianity, a person hearing about this "Gospel" can easily mistake it for
the true Gospel. After all, it is a historic fact that this "Gospel of
Thomas" document exists and that it appears to be credible and authoritative
... at least at first glance!

Before we get into the Gospel of Thomas, let's recall what Paul said about
the gospel:

Gal. 1:9 "As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is
preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally

A Gnostic Gospel
The Gospel of Thomas is a collection of 114 individual, unrelated sayings
attributed to Jesus. This collection of sayings falls into the category of
"Gnostic" gospels, or "Gnosticism." The English word "Gnostic" comes from
the Greek word gnosis, which means knowledge. Gnosticism is an ancient
religion which claims secret knowledge based on revelations outside of the
Bible. Its appeal is very simple. Like present day New Agers, Gnosticists
(?) invite seekers to come and be enlightened with knowledge that would give
them the power to be in charge of their own destiny.

Gnosticism can best be described as a blend of Platonic philosophy, ancient
gods, and a smattering of every school of thought, including Christianity.
This is the same system of blending that the Mind Sciences have used to
create their belief system.

Acts 17:11 tells us that "the Bereans received the message with great
eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was
true." So shouldn't we be like the Bereans and examine everything in this
gospel of Thomas in light of the Bible?

What is the Gospel of Thomas?
Gnosticism (which is supported by the so called Gospel of Thomas) believes
that the Kingdom of God is on the earth today. There is divinity within all
people which enables anyone to see the Kingdom of God on earth. The
perspective of Thomas is that the Image of God in the beginning still exists
and people can assume that identity. This gospel encourages people to
restore their identities as the Image of God, and see the Kingdom of God on
earth. No one knows who wrote this gospel of Thomas. New Agers claim that
Jesus took Thomas aside and enlightened him, revealing the secret knowledge
to only Thomas. So the knowledge they claim to have is not mere observation
but rather the "true knowledge" that stems from the personal revelation of
Jesus. Since the revelation is based on an esoteric interpretation, many in
the movement declare that it is more authoritative than the Bible itself.

Does the Gospel of Thomas reflect the views of Jesus?
Many of the sayings attributed to Jesus in the gospel of Thomas are
similarly found in the Bible. New Age adherents would say to you, "See,
right there in the Gospel of Thomas are the very sayings of Jesus that we
find in the Gospels of the Bible! Doesn't that prove that the Gospel of
Thomas is right-on?"

That's an interesting argument, but the answer is "No, that doesn't prove
anything about the Gospel of Thomas." The real test is to examine some of
the actual text of this so-called Gospel of Thomas and see for ourselves if
"these things are true."

Jesus and Caesar's taxes - What is the point of this section?
n verse 100 of the Gospel of Thomas we read: They showed Jesus a gold coin
and said to Him, "Caesar's men demand taxes from us." He said to them, "Give
Caesar what belongs to Caesar, give God what belongs to God, and give Me
what is Mine."

In Matt. 22:18, we read a similar account of this event. "But Jesus, knowing
their evil intent, said, 'You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me?
Show me the coin used for paying the tax.' They brought him a denarius, and
he asked them, 'Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?' 'Caesar's,'
they replied. Then he said to them, 'Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to
God what is God's."

Similar accounts of Jesus' parable of the sower and the seed, and of the
mustard seed are actually in this Gospel of Thomas. Sayings which are

[CTRL] Starbucks 'Killer' Recants

2000-01-23 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

 For the story behind the story...

 Sunday Jaunuary 23, 2000; 1:59 AM EST

 Starbucks 'Killer' Recants, New Questions Emerge
 in Intern's Death

 When Carl Derek Cooper confessed last March to the July 1997
 slayings of onetime Clinton intern Mary Caity Mahoney and
 two other workers at a Washington, DC Starbucks, suspicions
 of a White House connection quickly evaporated.

 But a funny thing happened on the way to Cooper's trial. He
 recanted his confession, the primary piece of evidence
 police had linking him to the crime.

 And if that wasn't enough to set off a fresh round of
 frenzied speculation, now a new investigation suggests
 Mahoney could have been an extremely inconvenient witness in
 the Monica Lewinsky case.

 "I swear on my father's grave and my son's life that I
 didn't do Starbucks," Cooper told the FBI shortly after he
 admitted his guilt to local police, according to courtroom
 testimony reported by the Washington Post last week.

 Now it emerges that Cooper told police several different
 stories about the Starbucks murders; once blaming an
 acquaintance for the killings, another time claiming he was
 merely a lookout.

 But after 54 hours of questioning, Cooper's lawyer says he

 "No matter how many times Mr. Cooper denied his involvement,
 they kept pressuring him. They kept pressuring him until
 they got what they wanted," attorney Steven Kirsch told US
 District Court Judge Joyce Hens Green, according to
 Thursday's Washington Times. Kirsch wants Green to rule the
 confession inadmissible at trial on the grounds it was

 The motive in the Starbuck's massacre was supposedly
 robbery, though none of the $10,000 cash on hand was taken
 even after Mahoney and her two co-workers were felled by a
 fusillade of bullets. Casting further doubt on the robbery
 theory: five of the ten shots fired hit the former Clinton
 intern, including an execution bullet fired into the back of
 her head.

 The same week Cooper recanted, new information emerged about
 Mahoney's background and her possible ties to the Monica
 Lewinsky case.

 Author David M. Hoffman, who spent a year investigating
 Mahoney's murder, tells Globe Magazine's Tom Kuncl that the
 Starbucks massacre came just three days after Monica told
 Clinton she was going to tell her parents about their

 According to Monica Clinton reacted angrily, telling her,
 "It's a crime to threaten the President."

 Hoffman's claim is corroborated by the Starr Report.

 "Monica took the threat seriously," Hoffman told Globe,
 "telling Linda Tripp that she feared for both their lives if
 her affair with Clinton ever became public."

 "I don't want to wind up like Caity Mahoney," Monica is
 rumored to have told friends.

 The Tripp tapes amply document Monica's fears for her own
 physical safety, featuring no fewer than four exchanges
 where the Clinton girlfriend voices sentiments such as: "I
 would not cross these people for fear of my life."

 Hoffman claims to have uncovered new details about Mary
 Mahoney's time at the White House, which, if true, suggest
 the White House alum could have played a key role in the
 Clinton sex scandal despite her own homosexuality:

 "For many months, Mary, an outspoken lesbian and good
 hearted den mother for other young White House interns, had
 been listening to tearful stories from them about alleged
 sexual passes made at them by Bill Clinton. She'd begun to
 tell others she planned to do something to help them."

 Also, reports Hoffman, "a blockbuster piece of gossip
 swirling through Washington (at the time of Mahoney's death)
 was based on a columnist's blind item that a former White
 House intern whose name began with the letter M was about to
 reveal news of a sexual relationship with Bill Clinton."

 Was it Mahoney, Clinton damage controllers no doubt

 Meanwhile, the fuse had been lit on another White House sex
 bombshell just two days before the Starbucks killings.
 That's when cyberscribe Matt Drudge first reported that
 Clinton had put the moves on a then-unnamed White House

 It would be three more weeks till the world knew her name:
 Kathleen Willey. But by early July 1997 White House damage
 controllers knew they had a serious intern problem on their

 Carl Derek Cooper is scheduled to go on trial for Mary Caity
 Mahoney's murder on April 10.

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. For more information go to:

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[CTRL] Questions, contradictions surround FHP crash review

2000-01-23 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


Published Saturday, January 22, 2000, in the Miami Herald

 Questions, contradictions
 surround FHP crash review


 A day after the Florida Highway Patrol released an internal
 review of its investigation into a fatal crash involving an
 allegedly drunk FBI agent, contradictions piled up as
 various state and federal agencies began responding to
 the findings.

 The family of brothers Maurice Williams, 23, and Craig
 Chambers, 19, disputed a claim that FHP admitted to them
 hours after the Nov. 23, 1999, crash that it might have
 mistakenly blamed Williams for the accident.

 FBI officials also responded to the report, offering no
 explanation as to why the license tag was removed from
 agent David Farrall's car or why he was admitted to the
 hospital under a false name.

 Williams and Chambers were killed in the collision on
 Interstate 95 at Atlantic Boulevard in Pompano Beach.
 Farrall, who was allegedly driving in the wrong direction on
 the freeway, was arrested Thursday and charged with
 driving under the influence of alcohol and manslaughter.
 FHP has said none of the troopers involved will be
 disciplined because none of the mistakes in the
 investigation were ``malicious'' or ``inappropriate.''

 Among the contradictions that arose Friday:

 The FHP report says the day after the crash, FBI agents
 asked to remove Farrall's child's car seat and a woman's
 wallet from his wrecked car. They didn't leave with either;
 the car seat was destroyed by the crash and they couldn't
 find the wallet. FHP says the agents removed the license
 tag from the car without asking.

 FBI spokesman Terry Nelson said Friday that agency
 officials ``have no knowledge of that.''

 ``We'll have to research that,'' Nelson said.


 The FHP report says troopers did not test Farrall's blood
 for alcohol because they didn't have probable cause.
 Several troopers came in contact with Farrall, and none
 reported smelling alcohol on his breath.

 But Mike Catalano, a former chief DUI prosecutor for
 Miami-Dade state attorney's office who now specializes in
 DUI defense, said alcohol should have easily been
 detected on someone who had a blood-alcohol content of
 .177. Farrall's blood-alcohol content allegedly registered
 that figure when a sample taken at the hospital after the
 crash for medical reasons was later tested.

 ``He's releasing that odor every time he breathes out,'' he
 said. ``One has to wonder if the odor of the alcohol
 disappeared when the FBI badge came out.''

 FHP Capt. David Brierton said that without probable cause,
 troopers would have needed Farrall to agree to have his
 blood drawn on the night of the crash. They never asked
 him, he said.

 ``We had no reason to suspect alcohol then,'' he said.

 Five days after the crash, FHP troopers went to North
 Broward Medical Center to interview Farrall. They couldn't
 find him. The hospital said they had no patient by the name
 of David Farrall.

 FHP says a hospital security guard told them Farrall had
 been moved to the ``terminally ill'' ward under the name
 Thomas Garber. When the FHP troopers located Farrall in
 the hospital, they say they were barred from seeing him by
 another FBI agent who told them Farrall didn't want to talk
 until he had an attorney.

 Neither the hospital nor the FBI would comment Friday.

 Five days after the encounter at the hospital, Brierton
 called Hector Pesquera, the FBI special agent in charge of
 the Miami office. They discussed the incident and
 Pesquera said he was unaware FBI agents were at the
 hospital guarding Farrall.


 FHP said that just two hours after releasing information to
 the media that blamed Williams for the crash, troopers
 began to doubt the information.

 Brierton said at 8:30 p.m. on the day of the crash, trooper
 Rodney Hylton called the family -- which had insisted that
 the brothers could not possibly be at fault -- to tell them the
 Highway Patrol was rethinking its conclusions and would
 do a thorough investigation.

 The family denies being contacted that day, said Levi
 Williams, the family's attorney.

 ``I asked them about that after the FHP first said it at the
 Dec. 23 press conference when they admitted their error
 and the family said `absolutely not,' '' Williams said. ``I
 asked them about it again today. . . . They said the same

 FHP troopers went to Farrall's home on Dec. 3, 10 days
 after the crash.

 The report indicates Farrall ``asked them how it looked.''

 ``Agent Farrall mentioned to them that he saw headlights
 approaching,'' the report says. ``He told Cpl. Hylton `I
 thought I was going the right way.' ''


 Also Friday, Gov. Jeb Bush said he was unfamiliar with the
 case. But after hearing the details, he said: ``With law
 enforcement, it's important 

[CTRL] [NA] Together, We Can Blow the Lid Off This Year!

2000-01-23 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Jim Condit Jr. 
Subject: [NA] Together, We Can Blow the Lid Off This Year!
Date: Friday, January 21, 2000 11:25 PM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

January 21, 2000 Network America (NA) e-wire

Together, We Can Blow the Lid Off This Year!

To get people motivated, well meaning organizations often go overboard
telling about all the evil accomplishments of the other side, thus
“breathing more life” into them than they merit.

What is rarely focused on, is the POWER just a few of us have IF we are
focused on exactly the right pressure point.  The next step towards
honest elections is to get tens of thousands -- and then hundreds of
thousands -- and then millions -- to say out loud and send messages via
letter and email that read something like this: “If citizen checks and
balances are not restored, -- meaning paper ballots counted by
neighborhood citizens in the neighborhood precincts – then we don’t
accept the results of the 2000 election. We know the media and
government  officials at all levels are protecting and perpetuating
unverifiable elections, thus mocking dishonoring all who have sacrificed
and died for this country. We will view the government as illegitimate,
spread the word, and begin to act accordingly in whatever small way we

This may appear radical to some, but it is the only appropriate
response. The Ruling Elite has called our bluff – and we sit here
bluffed at this moment.

Not only the establishment media and public officials, but also
“mainstream” conservative organizations need to hear this message. If
you are tired of being sent on fool’s errands by National Right to Life,
the Christian Coalition and the like, then join Citizens for a Fair Vote
Count in a message campaign that will be noticed and will put pressure
on the establishment and its lackeys – because the message is exactly on
point and strikes at one of the levers of power which the Ruling Elite
absolutely NEEDS to maintain the farce that lightweights and weirdos
like W. Bush and Algore are the “choice” of the American people.

Tens of thousands of messages like the one above going to the
Establishment Elite and their media and politicians is a necessary first

Notice how much the Big Media wants everyone to VOTE, i.e. become part
of the scam and provide cover for the computer-generated for elections.
At election time there are NEVER media public service announcements
about insuring an honest vote, -- there are thousands of spots just
urging everyone to “vote.” Voting also hooks in that large segment of
humanity who just can’t bear psychologically to admit that they’ve been

Don’t get me wrong, we must vote, or it will become a news items that
constitutionalists aren’t voting --- making it easier for the Ruling
Elite behind the programmers to skew key elections. But we must vote
WHILE SCREAMING every step of the way about the anti-American
unverifiable vote tabulating system we have in this nation.

I ask you all to do two things: 1) forward our e-mails to political
discussion groups, news groups, etc. – or email us on how we do this. I
just don’t know much about the technical side, and could use some
guidance from those of you who do.; 2) join topica.com per the
instructions at the bottom of each of our emails, including this one.
That way you can be sure to read the archives in case you go periods
when you just can’t keep up with emails.  I’m really hoping that many on
this list will use the networkamerica listserve to become informed
warriors – and to do that one really should read all the messages. I’m
trying to mix them up enough to be interesting – but make it over time a
full course in what we’ve learned about our unverifiable election system
and what we must do to move back to honest elections.

We close today with a quote from Philip O’Halloran of Relevance
Magazine. These words began the Relevance issue of Nov. 1996, entitled,
“Pandora’s Black Box: did it really count your vote?” Here they are:

“When we began researching the integrity of the election process, we
wanted to believe that the talk of ‘votescam’ was just overblown hype.
However, we have since discovered that the computer voting system in
this country is a veritable can of worms, so open to tampering that if
there is no organized election fraud going on, the criminals are falling
down on the job.”

Consider emailing Bill O’Reilly at Fox News if he’s seen the USA full
page ad in the Kansas City Region in western Iowa -- and asking him why
he won’t cover the votefraud vs. honest elections issue. He’s probably
our best hope for some kind of 

Re: [CTRL] book burning

2000-01-23 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 01/22/2000 7:12:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 "There ought to be limits to freedom." --GW Bush in reference to

And if he's elected, I'm sure there will be.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: re-sending Jan. 23 column -- long version

2000-01-23 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 01/23/2000 12:38:25 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz
 Video contends Davidians were machine-gunned, crushed by tanks

  Is it possible David Koresh didn't lose his confrontation with the
 Godless state he and his followers identified as "Babylon," at all?

   Throughout their 51-day Texas standoff in the spring of 1993, Koresh and
 his followers repeatedly compared their plight to that of God's people
 facing the "flaming chariots" of Babylon in the biblical prophesies of
 Nahum and Habakkuk. A follower says Koresh believed he would be the one to
 "bring down Babylon" by sacrificing himself and his denomination.

   Will it turn out that -- like an earlier group of Texas martyrs who died
 buying time for Sam Houston at the Alamo -- the Branch Davidians still
 retain the power to reach out from the grave and smite their oppressors?

   After completing the documentary "Waco: The Rules of Engagement' --
 nominated for an Academy Award -- researcher Mike McNulty continued to
 delve into the central mystery of Waco: Why would scores of perfectly sane
 and decent Christian Americans apparently choose to condemn themselves and
 their "unusually bright and well-treated" children (per Texas child welfare
 authorities) to death in the flames, rather than coming out and
 surrendering to the federal tanks and helicopters that surrounded them?

   Mr. McNulty appears to have found some answers -- at least to the extent
 anyone still can, given the determined after-the-fact efforts to bleach and
 bulldoze the "crime scene." Those answers are offered in the new video:
 "Waco: A New Revelation," directed by Jason Van Vleet.

   The documentary is not strident. If anything, the new evidence is piled
 up in such a measured and matter-of-fact way -- superposed with the
 sneering denials of FBI spokesmen and apologists like U.S. Rep. (now Sen.)
 Charles Schumer -- that its full impact may not register without a second

   But at that point, any thoughtful viewer of conscience must wonder how
 willfully the Congress and populace of this country must (start
 ital)want(end ital) to ignore the truth, to be able to close their eyes to
 facts like the following:

   On the evening of Feb. 28, three Branch Davidians who had not been
 present for the initial BATF raid and shoot-out attempted to get home to
 their wives and children in the Mount Carmel church. They were intercepted
 and fired upon by 17 agents "dressed as trees." Two were captured, but
 Michael Dean Schroeder -- not charged with any crime -- was shot seven
 times and killed. As the other two Davidians were led away -- after
 Schroeder was down -- they report hearing two final shots behind them, in
 quick succession. An autopsy showed Michael Dean Schroeder had two neat
 bullet holes immediately behind his right ear. His body was left lying in
 the ravine for five days.

   Far from inviting an exodus and surrender, tape recordings reveal that by
 late March, FBI negotiators told the Davidians: "No one is authorized to
 come out of there for any reason. The patience of the bosses is no longer
 what it was. If anyone tries to come out, they will be treated in such a
 way that they'll be forced to retreat."

   Former FBI Director William Sessions wanted to fly to Waco to negotiate
 with David Koresh face-to-face, but the Justice Department refused to let
 him board his plane. Sessions' wife, Alice Sessions, explains: "The FBI did
 not want it negotiated. They wanted to show they could win with military
 type tactics; it was a paramilitary organization."

   When the final government attack with toxic and disabling CS gas finally
 began early on the morning of April 19, the buried school bus was gassed
 first, forcing the women and children to retreat to the reinforced concrete
 records vault, which the FBI referred to as "the bunker." Gas was then
 pumped into the bunker, which had no ventilation, for two hours. Rep. John
 Mica, R-Fla., tells Congress: "At the very least that resulted in the
 babies and children being tortured for at least three to four hours."

   Manning sniper post Sierra 1 in the "undercover house," Lon Horiuchi (who
 eight months earlier had shot the unarmed Vicky Weaver as she stood holding
 a baby in her kitchen in Ruby Ridge, Idaho), "accompanied by most of the
 FBI team from Ruby Ridge," swore he did not fire into the church on April
 19. But other FBI agents swore they heard fire from his position, and four
 expended .308 shell casings were later found there.

   At 9:02 a.m. on April 19, a Branch Davidian is spotted trying to exit the
 building across the roof. "Falcon 2," an FBI helicopter, is seen
 approaching in ground-level footage. It hovers, and muzzle 

Re: [CTRL] TIMES: One in seven fathers 'not the real parent'

2000-01-23 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

  Oliver Curry, the principal researcher, said long working
  hours and commuting by fathers could contribute to
  uncertainty about whether children have been fathered
  by the man who is bringing them up.

Pretty sexist.  Men aren't the only ones working long hours
and commutingmothers do, too...

  The team from the LSE is calling for investigations to be
  set up by the government's new National Family and
  Parenting Institute.

Yes, let's look for any excuse to get Big Brother more involved
in citizens' lives...

  They believe that mistrust over
  paternity may be an overlooked factor in family
  breakdown. Women are driven by primitive urges to
  seek the optimum genes for their children, which can
  lead to them sleeping with a "high social-status
  Casanova" as well as their regular partner during the
  fertile period around ovulation, researchers claim.

Some more sexist bullshit.

More men sleep around, especially with 'trophy' runway
model types, than most women do...

And women who DO 'sleep around' are usually looking for
any number of things, but getting pregnant is NOT one
of them...

It's obvious that all these studies were conducted by


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] TIMES: One in seven fathers 'not the real parent'

2000-01-23 Thread name AOL USER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 01/23/2000 9:09:27 AM Eastern Standard Time,

   Oliver Curry, the principal researcher, said long working
hours and commuting by fathers could contribute to
uncertainty about whether children have been fathered
by the man who is bringing them up.

  Pretty sexist.  Men aren't the only ones working long hours
  and commutingmothers do, too...

The team from the LSE is calling for investigations to be
set up by the government's new National Family and
Parenting Institute.

  Yes, let's look for any excuse to get Big Brother more involved
  in citizens' lives...

They believe that mistrust over
paternity may be an overlooked factor in family
breakdown. Women are driven by primitive urges to
seek the optimum genes for their children, which can
lead to them sleeping with a "high social-status
Casanova" as well as their regular partner during the
fertile period around ovulation, researchers claim.

  Some more sexist bullshit.

  More men sleep around, especially with 'trophy' runway
  model types, than most women do...

  And women who DO 'sleep around' are usually looking for
  any number of things, but getting pregnant is NOT one
  of them...

  It's obvious that all these studies were conducted by


Perhap the interpretations are not PC (sexist bullshit), but the facts can't
be wrong can they? Just a simple DNA/Blood type match as far as I can tell.
The study is consistent with earlier work that found a 10% impossible
blood-type match between newborns and their supposed fathers.

In history, fathers have killed offspring they believed to be biologically
not theirs. Since the primal drive is to spread one's DNA, a man would not
want to expend economic and emotional resources to bring up a child not his.
This was more critical in times when resources were scarce, but the
biiological drive instilled in men still exists, I believe.

Tough on the kids though, since it ain't their fault. Reminds me of of the
old adage about how...There are no illegitimate children, only illegitimate

I feel that if a man isn't the biofather, he should not be unwillingly be
required to support a child. If it were to happen to me, I'd take my real
kids overseas and abandon the wife to fend for herself---maybe to set up
house with the "real" father. This was not part of the marriage contract, and
laws written to protect women and children are patently unfair in this regard.

If 50% of all marriages end in divorce, and 10% of kids are illegitimate,
this would suggest that with a 100% discovey rate, 25% of all divorces might
be caused by this. Looks like society's little dirty secret.

For once, scientific progress (DNA matching) on a mandatory basis could
actually serve to solidify marriages and provide a better emotional climate
for children if other husbands felt the same way I do.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #1

2000-01-23 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000123a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No ETs manipulated the editor during production of this bulletin. Sure.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Spice Aliens: http://alienstuff.iwarp.com/callouts/spicealiens.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Chemtrail Culprits Identified? BioWarfare Countermeasures Being Tested?
  Warfare Chemicals being Tested: The strange-looking streaks in the sky
  aren't your imagination. They are anti-bacteriological warfare chemicals
  being tested by the federal government. And the public has been kept in
  the dark. The chemical spraying to the "unconventional pathogen counter-
  measures program" of the top secret Defense Advanced Research Projects
  Agency (DARPA). Don't inhale: http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/chemcon.htm

: Have you sprayed any chemicals into the atmosphere lately? Do you prefer
to use airplanes, automobiles, smokestacks, genetically-modified flatulent
bovines, "accidental" railroad/highway spills, leaking storage tanks, very
precise meteorite strikes, sewage "treatment" plants? What's most effective?

# Chemtrails Make The News: http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/chemnews.htm
# Chemtrail Spraying: http://www.sightings.com/politics6/chemswing.htm
# Chemtrails - BioWarfare Chemicals Said Being Tested On Americans:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# NASA Plane Probes Yukon Skies for Meteor Particles. NASA sent an aircraft
  to the Yukon Territory on a one-day trip to collect atmospheric samples
  from a meteor that exploded earlier in the week over a remotely populated
  stretch of northwestern Canada. The meteor detonated at an altitude of 16
  miles (25 kilometers) with the energy of 2-3 kilotons of TNT, rattling
  houses, knocking snow off roofs and shaking seismic monitoring stations in
  the region. The explosion produced twin sonic booms and a sizzling sound
  over Alaska and northwestern Canada, scaring the crap out of many rural
  residents. http://space.com/science/planetearth/nasa_yukon_000121.html

: Have you gathered many meteor samples lately? Did you only find what THEY
wanted you to find? How can you tell? Have you detonated any meteors lately?
D'ya always detonate meteors over remote areas? Will you target cities soon?

# Activate Cloud Shield! Zap a Twister! Starting now, lightning strikes -
  on demand. http://go.wired.com/wired/archive/8.01/weather.html/mg20004
# Taking the Web into outer space - better reserve your .mars address
  now. http://go.wired.com/wired/archive/8.01/solar.html/mg20004
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Many UK Home Buyers Now Use Feng Shui. Nervous housebuyers are increas-
  ingly using feng shui experts to tell them whether their prospective pur-
  chase has the necessary "flow of chi" and offers years of happiness. The
  new army of consultants, who are often brought in to "feel for vibes" at
  a critical point in the sale, are proving a thorn in the side of estate
  agents as buyers pull out on the basis of their advice. Feel my site:

: Do feng-shui'd buildings withstand earthquakes, fires, meteor strikes,
storm winds, termites/dryrot, vandals, etc better than un-processed places?
If you use feng shui to lay out your military encampment, and your enemy
doesn't, and you lose, who do you blame? If anything bad happens at your
site, should/can/must you hold the feng shui consultant responsible? Do
lawyers salivate at the prospect of having a whole new class of lawsuits?

@ OK / NOT OK - Bruce Sterling's fissionary in/out list for the next
  100 years. http://go.wired.com/wired/archive/8.01/inout.html/mg20004
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Abductions By Robed, Hooded Aliens? - Gold Implants Said Coughed Up. In
  recent months we have been getting reports of hooded and robed humanoids
  walking along roads  possibly participating in abductions. The witnesses
  report they're awakened in the middle of the night when a blue light fills
  the bedroom. They are paralyzed but able to look around the room, and a
  robed figure is present. Sometimes the witnesses claim the eyes are red or
  glowing red in appearance.  http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/filersab.htm

: Have you abducted anyone lately? Are you a red-eyed, hooded alien? What do
you really look like? If you have a UFO, why do you bother walking along a
road? Do you need the exercise? Wouldn't it be better if you jogged, pumped
iron, did isometrics? Are you a fat, lazy alien? Do other ETs laugh at you?

# Close-Up UFO Sightings Intensify: www.sightings.com/ufo6/filers20002.htm
@ Are We Truly Alone? http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/arecibo/46/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[CTRL] OEN 1/23/99

2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Money Laundering

Liechtenstein Is Where It's At

The ostrich steak is good too.

BANKERS, politicians, judges and police officers have conspired with
international criminals to turn the principality of Liechtenstein into the
world's biggest money laundering centre, according to a report by the German
Federal Intelligence Service.

The placid Alpine statelet has long been famous for the secretive brass-plate
operations, negligible taxes and lax regulatory oversights that attracted the
likes of Robert Maxwell. But the leaked German dossier paints a startlingly
damning picture of the country. The report alleges that Russian underworld
chiefs, Italian Mafia bosses and Latin American drug barons - including Pablo
Escobar, the former chief of the Medellin cocaine cartel - have all been
targeted by a network of senior Liechtenstein figures and enticed to hide
their illicit fortunes there.

The document was compiled by the so-called "cyber-spies" of the Federal
Intelligence Service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), using surveillance
in Bavaria to tap into satellite and telephone communications in
Liechtenstein. Germany's authorities have long had neighbouring Liechtenstein
in their sights as the favoured tax haven for those who want a relatively
simple way to avoid paying tax in Germany.

The leaking of the report comes as Germany steps up its campaign for tax
harmonisation in Europe. The embarrassing dossier may give Berlin the
ammunition to increase its efforts to stop Germans investing funds in
Liechtenstein, a non-EU member. It also comes at a time when the Germans are
campaigning to impose a minimum 20 per cent withholding tax on savings
anywhere in the EU to discourage investing abroad.

Although the report was leaked only recently, it was submitted to the Berlin
government last year, several months before the current slush fund furore
erupted around the former Chancellor, Helmut Kohl. That scandal has further
tarnished Liechtenstein's name after it emerged that several secret payments
were channelled through the principality to Mr Kohl's Christian Democrats,
including alleged bribes from Elf Aquitaine, the French oil company.

Even Switzerland, which is not known for its fiscal transparency, is urging
its neighbour to put its house in order. Bernard Bertossa, the chief
prosecutor of Geneva, complained of a lack of assistance from Liechtenstein
in pursuing investigations and described the principality as "a very bad
pupil" when it came to learning the merits of international co-operation.

The controversy deepened last week when the monarch, Prince Hans Adam II,
revealed that an anonymous letter sent to the castle three years ago, naming
senior Liechtenstein officials allegedly involved in serious financial
crimes, was only passed on to him a month ago. The prince has also backed an
investigation into the allegations. But he was "extremely upset" by the
claims. His government says the report's contents have been misrepresented
and exaggerated.
Following the leak, Der Spiegel, the German news magazine, remarked: "The
secret document reads like the worst nightmare: an entire country, in the
middle of Europe, appears to be in the service of criminals from all round
the world. The findings destroy once and for all what was left of
Liechtenstein's battered reputation."

Liechtenstein consists of 62 square miles of mountains, valleys and timber
chalets. Its capital, Vaduz, is dominated by the prince's medieval castle.
Little of its income is generated from outside the financial world. The
country's population of 32,000 is a close-knit and affluent community whose
wealth is grounded on watertight secrecy laws covering banking, taxation and
financial affairs. Laws have been comprehensively abused through hundreds of
anonymous trusts and foundations, according to the BND.

Leading Liechtenstein financiers deny the claims. Prof Herbert Batliner, one
of the country's most important trustees, insists that he avoids problems by
accepting no customers from the former Soviet Union and none who turn up with
briefcases full of cash. "They don't get past the front door," said Prof
Batliner, whose name was on German front pages last week in connection with
the Kohl affair.

The BND lists individuals and foundations allegedly involved in money
laundering. One former government politician, for example, is said to have
organised meetings with the "financial managers of South American drug clans"
for many years. The report describes "a network of relationships between
high-ranking officials, judges, politicians, bank managers and investment
advisers who assist each other with illegal financial transactions on behalf
of international criminals".

Even the principality's courts have proved obstructive. When Germany applied
for the 

[CTRL] Prince Albert (Gore) and the King Maker

2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V4.4/prince_a.htm"Prince
Albert (Gore) and the King Maker, by Jim…/A
Prince Albert (Gore) and the King Maker

by Jim Peron

For decades the shadowy Armand Hammer slipped comfortably between the halls
of high finance and the Soviet Politburo. Using his close connections with
the Soviets, Hammer built a fortune pretending to be an advocate of
capitalism while helping sustain and spread Soviet Communism. Masquerading as
a capitalist was quite lucrative.

The FBI was certainly aware that Hammer was used to launder money from Soviet
sources. Edward Jay Epstein, in his exposé Dossier: The Secret History of
Armand Hammer says that by tracing Soviet money through Hammer they “had been
able to determine from the serial numbers on the bills that much of the money
was disbursed to the Soviet underground in America.” Hammer took direct
orders from the Lenin and Stalin regimes. He helped recruit and place Soviet
spies within the US government Yet there was something which prevented the
fervently anti-communist J. Edgar Hoover from moving on Hammer in spite of
his role in financing the communist movement in America.

What prevented such a move was that Hammer was already entangled with top
members of the Senate and US Congress. Clearly in the Hammer camp was then
Congressman Albert Gore, Sr. of Tennessee — the father of the current vice
president. Also closely connected to Hammer was pro-Soviet Congressman
Emmanuel Celler and Congressman James Roosevelt, son of FDR. Hammer was in
fact a secret business partner with Roosevelt—channeling business and funds
into Roosevelt’s coffers via an insurance company they both owned. As we shall
 see, this was a ploy which Hammer also used successfully with Al Gore, Sr.
As Bob Zelnick, biographer of Al Gore Jr., in his Gore: A Political Life
said: “Through the 1950s and well into the following decade, Hammer counted
on Gore as his principal link to the Democratic congressional leadership, and
to defend his economic interests.”

Epstein says that Hoover “had survived in Washington for three decades
because he understood the reality of power, had no interest in challenging
this congressional phalanx. He decided to take no action. Hammer had
effectively stalemated him.”

Hammer had built up a close relationship with Al Gore Sr., which he used to
his ultimate advantage. But this is not to say that Gore didn’t benefit
either. Much of the modern Gore fortune is built on the sweetheart deals that
Hammer gave to his congressional mouth-piece. Like he did with Roosevelt,
Hammer actually became business partners with Gore in a cattle-breeding
project which, according to Epstein “made a substantial profit” for Gore.
Insiders have been highly suspicious of the Gore/Hammer cattle alliance.
Major Wall Street players would suddenly appear on the Gore property bidding
to buy cattle at highly inflated prices. Ned McWherter, former Governor of
Tennessee said: “I’ve sold some Angus [cattle] in my time too, but I never
got the kind of prices for my cattle that the Gores got for theirs.” Zelnick
wrote that neighbors of the Gores would “tell the inquiring visitors of how
lobbyists and others with an interest in Gore’s work would parade to Carthage
[Gore’s home town] during the fall auction period, bid outrageously high
prices for Gore’s stock, and sometimes not even bother to pick up what they
had purchased.”
When the voters of Tennessee put Al Gore, Sr. into involuntary retirement,
the former Senator said that if he were being put out to pasture he intended
to graze in “tall grass.” The tall grass he had in mind was working for
Armand Hammer. Gore left the US Senate to become a vice president of Hammer’s
Occidental Petroleum. But not even that was enough to reward the compliant
ex-Senator from Tennessee. By now Hammer was literally rolling in money.

Hammer had secured oil rights in Libya by bribing the government of King
Idris. But Idris was overthrown by Muammer Gadhafi. No worry for Hammer—who
had long worked with some of the worst despots in the world. Gadhafi was
demanding higher percentages for his government from the oil companies. Other
oil companies balked but Hammer immediately agreed, giving Libya 55 percent
of the profits, forcing the others to follow suit. As a result oil prices
shot up. Epstein notes that Hammer’s Occidental Oil “continue[d] to profit
from Libyan oil for the next fifteen years, [and] the company received $136
million in compensation from Gadhafi for the nationalization in 1973 of 51
percent of its concession. Occidental was the only foreign company in Libya
to receive such compensation.”

Occidental stock values were riding high because of Hammer’s cozy
relationship with Libya. He used these profits to buy companies right and
left. His largest new purchase was the Island Creek Coal Company, then the

[CTRL] The Myth of Market Failure

2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V4.4/market_failure.htm"The
Myth of Market Failure, by Russell Madden/A

The Myth of Market Failure

by Russell Madden

Those opposed to laissez-faire capitalism and the free markets through which
it operates love to shout "market failure" as a rationale for government
intervention into economic activities. Only by limiting citizens' freedom,
they claim, can the state correct the failings of an imperfect market.
By "market failure," these governmental meddlers into private interactions
mean a number of different things. They may refer to:

*   the unequal distribution of wealth;
*   the belief that some "public goods" such as roads, utilities, postal
service, lighthouses, libraries, schools, or operas would not be adequately
provided in a free market;
*   the "free rider" problem where those who do not pay for a service
nevertheless enjoy its benefits;
*   the notion that resources often go to produce such "frivolous" items as
pet rocks, junk food, or trashy movies;
*   the fact that certain objectively superior goods will be under-produced
or ignored; or,
*   just overall "inefficiency" in matching human needs and desires with
economic goods.

In Capitalism and Individualism (1990, p. 51), Tibor Machan describes market
failures as "freely conducted bad deeds in the market." Because of such "bad
deeds," government proponents declare we need regulations and laws as
correctives. Thus it is proper to create and enforce such programs as,
"Affirmative action, safety and health regulation ... prohibitions of trade
in drugs, pornography, or sex ..." (p. 162), "zoning ordinances,
architectural standards ... health codes, (and) minimum wage laws" (p. 89) in
order to achieve certain values or virtues which some people deem are
appropriate and important for us all.

Those who cry "market failure" are indubitably right that some of the values
they desire would not be made, or made in the quantity they desire, without
the state stepping into the picture. The question then is whether these
critics are, indeed, accurate in their characterization of the market as
frequently not achieving its goals or aims, i.e., that it "fails."

The market as used here is known by many monikers: the free market, laissez
faire, capitalism, free enterprise, free trade, or the market economy.

So what is a market? A few definitions might help clarify this issue.
A free market is:

*   "A sphere of human interactions where men and women offer their goods and
services in exchange for ones they would rather have, provided certain terms
are met." (Tibor Machan, op. cit. p. 41.)

*   "(A) market economy where private property is protected, competition is
free and open, and the opportunity to trade and to make voluntary contracts
is protected, so long as the persons involved do not use force, fraud or
threat thereof to interfere with the equal rights of others." (Bettina
Greaves, Free Market Economics, p. 229, 1975.)

*   Where "(m)en trade their goods or services by mutual consent to mutual
advantage, according to their own independent, uncoerced judgment." (Ayn
Rand, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, p. 47, 1967.)

*   "Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual
rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned."
(Rand, op.cit., p. 19, emphasis in original.)

Given these definitions of a free market, are the charges of the
interventionists and statists regarding market failure valid? Indeed, do they
— conceptually — even make sense?
As mentioned above, bad/negative/undesirable things, situations, and outcomes
can occur or result from free market transactions. Many of the problems
critics mention do, in fact, exist. But these results do not represent a
failure of the free market. Indeed, when the concept is properly understood,
the free market cannot fail.

At best, "market failure" is a misnomer or a category error. At worst, it is
a meaningless phrase; a myth.

If one closely examines the definitions above, he will see that a free market
is essentially and simply a process. It is a tool, a method, a way for free
people to interact with one another to achieve what they desire in the economi
c realm. Sometimes certain people end up with results they do not like. Or
they may observe that other people are lacking in or obtaining various values
which the observer believes those individuals should or should not have.

Tastes Are Not Market Failures

These undesired results, however, are not failures of a (truly) free market.
Those less than optimal consequences may occur for a variety of reasons. If a
friend purchases romance novels despite your insistence that he would be
"better off" buying and reading Shakespeare, this is a failure of persuasion
on your part, not a failure of the market.

If billions of dollars are spent on pets 

[CTRL] Secret White House Deal with Networks?

2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V4.4/white_house.htm"Secret
White House Deal with Networks?, by Tibo…/A
Secret White House Deal with Networks?

by Tibor R. Machan

It now comes to light that the Clinton White House has tried to negotiate a
deal with the commercial TV networks concerning the content of TV
entertainment. The proposal, kept from the public until now, has to do with
trading mandatory public service messages for inserting anti-drug abuse
messages into the story lines of television programming directed to kids. The
carrot for this is for Networks to save money by not having to air the unpaid
ads. During a roundtable discussion on PBS-TV, several news reporters
discussed this topic, and while two of them objected not just to the secrecy
but to the substance of the deal, two others found fault only with the
secrecy while finding the idea of the deal quite palatable. The argument in
support went this way: The networks are using public airwaves—namely, the
electromagnetic spectrum that had been nationalized on the floor of the US
Senate back in 1927 (giving rise to the establishment at first of the Federal
Radio Commission, and then later the Federal Communications Commission); this
empowered the federal government to call some of the shots as far as the use
to which the networks will put the signals that travel via the spectrum; so
the FCC, and by some perverse extension the White House itself, is authorized
to impose terms of usage on network television. QED.

As pointed out by many in the past, including yours truly, we have here once
again a way government intrudes upon the free society via the process of
making something public that never should have been made so. Why should
government own the airwaves? There is no justification for this in a free
society. It is socialist governments that characteristically nationalize
important resources in the countries which they rule. Socialism is the
political philosophy according to which individuals do not even exist but are
only dependent parts of the larger whole that is society.

Private property is anathema to socialism. The institution of the right to
private property is a concrete, practical implementation of individual
rights. It makes the free exercise of religion, of freedom of speech and
expression possible for individuals. They can thus act independently of the
wishes of others, should they so choose, including of the wishes of the
government which in such a society has as its proper role the adjudication of
disputes about conflicting rights claims. Beyond such adjudication, and the
associated legal processes, governments in a free society are supposed to
refrain from running the various tasks people may wish to embark upon,
including providing entertainment in return for payment or advertising time.

The beginning of the corruption of the proper role of government is the
transformation of a system of private property rights into a system of public
ownership of valued resources. When this commences, the rights of
individuals, including their commercial associations such as partnerships and
corporations, begins to be eroded and government begins to set the agenda of
society. Granted, in democratic systems this can only be done if a sizable
enough constituency supports that agenda. But even democracies can be
tyrannical by imposing the will of the majority on everyone and thereby
violating individual rights. Indeed, in a free society, democracy has a
limited role in governance. It involves, mainly, the selection of the
administrators of the legal system, not, however, the content of the laws.
Indeed, the laws are supposed to protect individual rights and majorities
only elect the representatives who interpret these laws and extend them to
novel areas of concern.

What we now are witnessing is the gradual elimination, in the name of the
people—that is the majority of those who vote and their lackeys—of individual
sovereignty. Thus, in the case of the White House's proposed secret deal with
the broadcast TV networks, it isn't a matter of market research that
determines what will be put on television. It is, in part at least, a matter
of political power.

Sure, it can be a fine thing to take measures to discourage youngsters from
abusing drugs and such, but this, in a free country, is supposed to be done
by citizens freely associating with other citizens. They are to call the
shots, not Mr. Clinton and his cohorts—whose goals may at some point be fine
but at others be quite insidious and whose job isn't to do the peaceful
business of society. This is so even when they have democratic support. After
all, the lynch mob adheres to majority rule, too, yet it is subverting due
process as it carries out its perverted idea of justice.

In less drastic but no less consequential ways, the federal government, lead
by the 

[CTRL] [5] Drug War/Covert Money, Power Policy- Black Fiends

2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Drug War  - Covert Money, Power  Policy
670 Page Paperback, 350 Illustrations, Sewn Binding, Not Yet Published
Click Here: A HREF="http://www.drugwar.com/euro.htm"http://www.drugwar.com/e
Illustrated Summaries of Much Longer Chapters
Drug War
Covert Money, Power  Policy

Black Fiends

Negro cocaine "fiends" are new southern menace

screamed Dr. Edward H. Williams in The New York Times, Feb. 8, 1914, while
Harrison was in committee. Old Doc Williams didn't let the facts stand in his
way: "But I believe the record of the 'cocaine nigger' near Asheville, who
dropped five men dead in their tracks, using only one cartridge for each,
offers evidence that is sufficiently convincing."

"Nine men killed in Mississippi on one occasion by crazed cocaine takers,
five in North Carolina, three in Tennessee - these are facts that need no
imaginative coloring. And since this gruesome evidence is supported by the
printed records of insane hospitals, police courts, jails, and
penitentiaries, there is no escaping the conviction that drug taking has
become a race menace in certain regions south of the line." At right,
Williams' ally, Dr. Hamilton Wright, author of the Harrison Act.

It seems to me that, from the Black perspective, the achievements of the
cocaine nigger were an endorsement of cocaine. Obayi, in the Akan language of
Ghana, means witchcraft; it is counteracted with myal, spirit possession for
the purpose of identifying and prescribing the curative herbs. The captive
African obeah and myal women and men of the West Indies teamed up to defend
their enslaved culture. An 1891 Scientific American article, "Obeah Poisons
and Poisoners," expresses the usual progressive compassion:

"There is probably no locality where Anglo-Saxon civilization is now waging
so active a warfare in this direction as in the British West Indies. There
the colonial governments are brought face to face with the Obeahman, whose
skill with native poisons is supplemented by a certain rude acquaintance with
the pharmacopoeia, and whose sway over his debased followers is practically

"Obeah, the worship and propitiation of the eternal snake as an emblem of
evil, long ago degenerated into a series of obscene orgies among its West
Indian followersit suffices to say that the result is to bring into great
demand the services of the 'bush doctors,' as those uneducated charlatans are
called who brew simples from the wild herbs at hand. This is not to be
wondered at when we find that there is but one educated physician to every
12,300 of inhabitants, by far the greatest proportion of which are spread
over stretches of wilderness, and what wonder that 'bush physic' is all that t
he ignorant, neglected negroes ever receive?"

The Southerners feared woman suffrage led logically to Black suffrage, and
they had the votes to stop it. But the church ladies, who closed every WCTU
meeting with their marching song, "All Around the World," sung to the tune of
"Old Black Joe," argued that only the votes of educated "American" women
could save the South now.

The church ladies were strong allies of the anti-labor Anti-Saloon League.
Southern factory owners and cotton planters hated unions at least as
passionately as their Northern brethren, and they came to rely on the
wholesome influence of the church ladies. The WCTU's Frances Willard herself
had stressed that the problem with labor was not so much "how to make higher
wages" but "how to turn present wages to better account." What that was
supposed to mean to a sharecropper with starving children is beyond me.
This ruthless bourgeois condescension was the prevailing attitude among the
Southern Suffragettes and WCTU's.  If they were what White female power was
about, the South was all for it.

For those who think that the rationale of American drug law isn't inherently
racist and anti-tribal, or that it's different than the industrial fascism of
alcohol Prohibition, we have the KKK-supported Rep. Richmond P. Hobson of
Alabama. In the 1920's Hobson was the most famous anti-heroin crusader in the
country. In 1911 Hobson was the man who introduced what became the Eighteenth
Amendment, Prohibition, in Congress.

One of Charlie Rangel's favorite lies is that Drug Prohibition and Alcohol
Prohibition are separate issues engineered by separate forces. They were, in
fact, part and parcel of the same political program engineered by exactly the
same individuals, most of them anti-Black racists.

Rep. Hobson of Alabama was the Anti-Saloon League's most popular and highest
paid speaker. The assumptions of his astounding arguments are all written
into today's drug law. Here are some excerpts from his speech introducing
what became the Eighteenth Amendment, Prohibition, on Feb.2, 1911:

"If a peaceable red man is subjected to the regular use of alcoholic
beverage, he will speedily be 

[CTRL] [2] CIA Briefings of Presidential Candidates

2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.odci.gov/csi/books/briefing/cia-5.htm"Chapter
 2 -- Truman and Eisenhower: Launching t…/A

Chapter 2

Truman and Eisenhower: Launching the Process

On 22 November 1952, the newspapers reported that President Harry Truman,
shortly after noon the previous day, had stolen away from the White House to
give an "impromptu" speech at the Central Intelligence Agency. Truman had
come to CIA at the invitation of the fourth Director of Central Intelligence,
Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, to address a training course of government
officials. In that speech--delivered on a Friday afternoon almost two weeks
after the national election--Truman revealed a great deal about his motives
in founding the CIA and his aims in having the Agency provide intelligence
briefings to the new President-elect, Gen. Dwight Eisenhower.

The President reminisced with his audience about how there had been no CIA
when he had succeeded to the presidency in 1945. At that time, by many
accounts, he had been surprised to discover how much information relating to
intelligence and national security matters had been withheld from him. The
most dramatic evidence of how ill-informed he was came on his 12th day in
office when Secretary of War Henry Stimson briefed him for the first time on
the Manhattan (atomic bomb) Project, about which Truman had heard only hints
while serving as Vice President and on key Senate committees.[4]

Truman also recalled how difficult it had been for him to obtain information
from the various government departments, each of which seemed "walled off"
from the others. On various occasions Truman had lamented to Smith that he
"used to do all this myself." The President noted that this situation had
been corrected over the intervening years, saying that the CIA's global
intelligence operations and procedures for forwarding information had made it
possible to "keep the President informed better than ever before." In a
rather backhanded compliment, Truman said he believed that "we have an
intelligence information service now that I think is not inferior to any in
the world."[5]

Truman was responsible for the very existence of that intelligence service.
Within a year of his becoming President, in January 1946, he formed the
Central Intelligence Group (CIG). In the President's mind, its key
responsibility was to ensure that he personally received intelligence reports
on a timely basis. On 15 February 1946 the CIG launched the Daily Summary,
and in June a counterpart Weekly Summary was produced for the first time.
Both these publications were sent to the White House for the President. Both
the daily and weekly publications continued to be published after the Central
Intelligence Group became the Central Intelligence Agency in September of

There was much bureaucratic wrangling throughout the early years of the
Central Intelligence Group and the Central Intelligence Agency about their
proper role in the production of current intelligence. Virtually all key
players involved with intelligence--in the military services, the War (later
Defense) Department, and the State Department--had serious reservations about
the new intelligence agency duplicating their work in current intelligence.
The President was virtually alone in expecting to receive a daily,
comprehensive current intelligence product, whatever the formal charters of
the CIG and CIA might say. Needless to say, his expectations carried the day.

To consolidate the production of current intelligence, CIA in January 1951
formed the Office of Current Intelligence (OCI), which existed until the late
1970s when its functions were assumed by other offices. The CIA officers who
formed OCI were already preparing a closely held, all-source weekly
intelligence publication, the first of its kind, called the Situation Summary.
 This was a global review, built around the Korean situation and its
worldwide implications that formed the basis for General Smith's weekly
briefings of the President. Shortly after the establishment of OCI, two new
publications were inaugurated for wider distribution. The daily publication
became the Current Intelligence Bulletin, first issued on 28 February 1951;
in August a companion weekly publication, the Current Intelligence Weekly
Review, was begun.

Managers of OCI felt their early efforts had been rewarded when Truman,
vacationing in Key West, Florida, wrote of the new publication, "Dear Bedel
[sic], I have been reading the intelligence bulletin and I am highly
impressed with it. I believe you have hit the jackpot with this one.
Sincerely, Harry Truman."[6] The Current Intelligence Bulletin continued
largely unchanged for the next 25 years.


[CTRL] Dealer of Scanner, Ham, Shortwave, Covert, Anarchist, UFO, and Conspiracy Books!

2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.topsecretbooks.com/"Scanner, Shortwave, Ham
Radio, Anarchist, Consp…/A

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and

[CTRL] National ID Card

2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:590624"National ID Card/A

Subject: National ID Card
From: "James O. O'Kelley" A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 22 January 2000 02:50 PM EST
Message-id: dSni4.20694$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

National ID card back from the dead

In October 1999 legislation that would established a National ID System was
repealed thanks to the protests of hundreds of thousands of Americans
concerned about privacy matters.   According to the American Policy Center
Congressman Bill Barrett (R-NE) has now introduced HR 3429, the Legal
Employment Authentication Program (LEAP) Act to completely reinstate the
federal ID system

We must react fast and with force. Call/write/fax Chairman Bill Goodling
(Chairman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce) at (202)
225-4527 and tell him you oppose HR 3429 and any other effort which would
ultimately give rise to a national ID system and then call your Congressman
at (202) 225-3131 and tell him/her the same.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety".   Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Right-wing pagans . . .

2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:590686"Re: Naomi Campbell
and Hank Aaron/A
Subject: Re: Naomi Campbell and Hank Aaron

Date: Sat, 22 January 2000 10:06 PM EST
Message-id: Zeui4.22835$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

This loser is a liar! He says the crap below to look at his fundie Xian
garbage. He knows people are curious and that's why he does this. He then
suckers you to buy his "researched" Christian slop and thus finance his
delusionary state of mind.
Ask yourself this: How come only Xians have this fetish with Freemasonry and
Illuminati. I'm a right-wing pagan and I don't see pagans et al (of all
persuasions) babbling and gibbering about these so-called "conspiracies"
CONSTANTLY. Could it be Christians, as members of a vast CULT mindset and an
actual conspiracy to control people's minds, don't like what they perceive
as *competition*? They are control freaks and view the Freemasons and
Illuminati as an all-powerful and all-controlling phenomena. They want to
reestablish their control over society and are singing the blues because
their dead, discredited, religion's power has waned considerably for the
last 100 years. B h h!


Lord Baal

Kansan1225/con artist wrote in message
  The real given name of country music legend Hank Williams, Sr., was

  For more information on the secret nature of Luciferian Masonry and
satanic Zionism, please visit the Web site "Dark Millennium" at:

A HREF="http://www.kurtsaxon.com/controv02.html"http://www.kurtsaxon.com/con
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Right-wing pagans . . .

2000-01-23 Thread Foxter

  I'd like to 
  Ask yourself this: How come only Xians have this fetish with Freemasonry 
  === Because their beliefs are offensive primarily to, perhaps 
  only to, Christians.
  I'm a right-wing pagan and I don't see pagans et al (of all persuasions) 
  babbling and gibbering about these so-called "conspiracies" CONSTANTLY. 
  === Like all cultural, political, sociological and other issues, some 
  scream louder and more frequently than others.
  Could it be Christians, as members of a vast CULT mindset and an actual 
  conspiracy to control people's minds, don't like what they perceive as 
  === What do you refer to when you allege Christians are engaged in an 
  actual conspiracy to control people's minds? Also, I don't think 
  Christians see anybody or anything as real competition to the Lord Jesus 
  They are control freaks and view the Freemasons and Illuminati as an 
  all-powerful and all-controlling phenomena.
  === I am not a control freak.I view them as fluff 
  compared to the power of Jesus Christ but I do not discount their power in the 
  worldly realm, just as I do not discount the power of Satan in the evil 
  They want to reestablish their control over society and are singing the 
  blues becausetheir dead, discredited, religion's power has waned 
  considerably for thelast 100 years. B h h!
  === Yes, Christians would like to establish Christian principles in 
  society. As would Moslems who maintain to kill a Christian (infidel) 
  will gain them more points with Allah when they get to the next life. 
  Christiansknow that Christianitywon't be established until 
  Revelations says so. They knowthat tribulation must precede 
  it. Again, some are more antsy than others when it comes to 
  persecution. We aren't used to it like they are in Sudan, Iran, 
  Indonesia, Chinaand elsewhere.

[CTRL] Drugging Kids: MTA Study Critique

2000-01-23 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Ian Goddard 
Subject: Drugging Kids: MTA Study Critique
Date: Saturday, January 22, 2000 5:31 PM

  The "MTA study" funded by the National Institute
  of Mental Health is being touted as the long-awaited
  research confirming that long-term (14 month) drugging
  of children with stimulants to control misbehavior is
  more effective than drug-free behavioral therapy. In
  the following report, however, Peter Breggin, MD,
  gives us a second opinion about the findings of this
  study. The first objection Breggin raises constitutes
  the complete elimination of the study: the study was
  not a placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial.
  Amazing! Both the study subjects and those evaluating
  the performance of the subjects knew which subjects
  were on drugs and which were not, which is known as
  an "open label" study. The reasons why double-blind
  placebo-controlled studies are essential for valid
  drug research are basic to established standards
  for scientific research -- standards that the much-
  touted MTA study fails to satisfy. Based on that fact
  alone, the MTA study is essentially junk science that
  amounts to a taxpayer-funded advertisement for drugs,
  yet that's just the beginning of Breggin's critique:

A Critical Analysis of the Multimodal Treatment Study for
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (The MTA Study)

by Peter R. Breggin, M.D.
January 12, 2000

 After many months of positive publicity in the psychiatric
and the general media, the results of the Multimodal Treatment
Study for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (The MTA Study)
were finally published in December 1999 (MTA Cooperative Group,
1999ab).  The study was sponsored by the National Institute of
Mental Health (NIMH) at six separate sites in the United States.
At each site, the study compared four treatment conditions: (1)
medication management alone, (2) combined medication management
and behavioral therapy, (3) behavioral treatment, and (4)
community care.  The average age of the children was eight and
80% were boys.

 The aim of the study was to "resolve controversies and
clinical quandaries about the relative value of medication and
behavioral treatments" (National Institute of Mental Health,
undated).  The proponents of the study claim that it demonstrated
the superiority of stimulant treatment over behavioral treatments
and routine community treatment.  However, an examination of the
MTA study reveals that it was so grossly flawed methodologically
that it lacks scientific validity.  The following is a general
critique of the MTA study.

I. The MTA was not a placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical

 The MTA study fails to meet the commonly accepted criteria
for a scientific study of medication efficacy or effectiveness.
It was not a placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trial (MTA
Cooperative Group, 1999a).  First, there was no placebo control
group and no non-treatment control group.  Second, to reach their
conclusions, the investigators relied upon evaluations made by
teachers and parents who were not blind to the treatment.  That
is, the raters whom the investigators relied upon knew whether
or not the children were taking medication.

 In short, the MTA was an "open label" study--the kind that
does not qualify as scientifically valid.  It could not be used,
for example, for FDA approval of a drug.  Rater, researcher, and
subject biases, unconscious or conscious, influence the outcome
of "open label" studies.  Researchers commonly want to prove that
the treatment under investigation is effective, and in the case
of the MTA studies, all the principal investigators were staunch
advocates of medication.  Evaluators of efficacy are often
unconsciously influenced to perceive what they anticipate
perceiving, such as improvement in subjects treated with drugs.
Also, the subjects themselves often respond positively to please
their doctors or as a result of their belief that the drug will
help them.  Therefore, open label studies have been discredited
for purposes of studying efficacy.  As Nies and Spielberg (1996,
p. 45) observe, "Placebo effects, which occur in a large percentage
of patients, can confound many studies--particularly those that
involve subject responses; controls must take this into account"
(for additional discussions of  placebo, double-blind procedures,
and research standards, see Fisher and Greenberg, 1989).

II. The blind classroom raters found no difference in any of
the treatment groups, i.e., behavioral interventions were equal
to medication interventions.

 The MTA used one group of "blinded ratings 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #2

2000-01-23 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000123b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No clueless newbies were salvaged during production of this bulletin...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Scarlet Letters: http://www.scarletletters.com/current/index.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# OOPS! Nuke Secrets Disclosed by Mistake - DoE Releases, Retracts Weapons
  Data. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government's aggressive push five years ago
  to declassify historic papers led to about 1,000 documents containing
  nuclear weapons secrets to be mistakenly declassified. Is our face red!

: Have you released any nuclear secrets lately? Was your leak intentional,
accidental, un-conscious, other-directed? Are you, like, rilly, rilly sorry?
Are you afraid of what will happen next? Should you be? Should WE be? Why?

@ Disco Nervoso - At Club Phobia, the only thing left to feel is fear
  itself. http://go.wired.com/wired/archive/8.01/phobia.html/mg20004
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Kinkel Tells Cops He Had 'No Choice' - Oregon School Killer's Actions:
# White Supremacist Campaigns on Campus - NWU Grapples With Hateful Message:

: Do you have choices? Do you choose to hate? Is it a good, useful, workable
choice? D'ya mind if others hate you? D'ya thrive on their hate? D'ya feed
on violent emotions? D'ya get an adrenaline rush? Are you addicted to hate?

@ ED. Meet Ed Testy. He's a right-thinkin', God-fearin', gub'mint-hatin'
  American patriot! Oh yeah, there's one little thing: Ed also happens to
  be a small gray alien. But don't tell him that, or he'll plug you full
  o' buckshot. http://www.mediatrip.com/per/House_Picks/Ed_Testy.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Kidnapped Son of Cult Leader Found. TOKYO - Police on Sunday found the
  kidnapped son of a former cult guru who is on trial for the 1995 sarin
  gassing on Tokyo subways. The 7-year-old boy had been abducted Friday by
  several people believed to be members of the Aum Shinri Kyo cult. It was
  unclear why the child, the son of Shoko Asahara, was kidnapped. Japanese
  media reports said it was probably related to infighting within the
  cult. http://www.usatoday.com/aponline/212309/212309393400.htm

: Does y'r cult have serious factional disputes? Do all cults? Do all belief
systems tend to fragment into incompatible factions? Is that how ya can tell
you're dealing with beliefs, not reality? What's your favorite schism? Why?

# Bahai leader buried. The last survivor of the holy family of the Bahai
  faith, Madame Ruhiyyah Rabbani, is buried in Israel - the end of an era.

# "I never knew that there's actually a duct tape fad. Sometimes I feel so
  old." http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A58675-2000Jan17.html
  --from http://www.rc3.org/ -- and see http://www.robotwisdom.com
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# UK Catholic Cardinal Likens Gay Lobby to Nazis. EDINBURGH (Reuters) -
  The leader of Scotland's Roman Catholics provoked an angry reaction
  from gay rights groups on Sunday by comparing the threat from the
  homosexual lobby in Europe to that of the Nazis during World War Two.

: Who has burnt more people: ActUp, Nazis, the Vatican's Holy Office [the
Inquisition]?? Is the Cardinal using the Big Lie technique? What's your fave
Big Lie? Do you lie big? Do you control minds? Do you practice a lot? How?

@ Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula:
@ Chechnya: http://www.fieldingtravel.com/df/dplaces/chechnya/index.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Pornography: an epidemic. Easy access on Net spurs religious intervention.
  Ever-beckoning and always available, Joe's computer seemed to call out
  every time he walked past his home office. Where others saw a dark, blank
  screen, he saw the tawdry images dance through his mind, even when he
  wasn't wired into the Internet. The secret obsession was affecting his
  work, his family, even his relationship with God. He was hooked. What a
  pickle: http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,150007699,00.html

: Are you addicted to sex, porn, gods, food, drugs, ETs, TV, me? Does porn
address more basic drives than religion? Are the most successful religions
pornographic? D'ya prefer sex.porn, god.porn, war.porn, celeb.porn, robots?

# Couple seeks double sex change: http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9267943

Re: [CTRL] National ID Card

2000-01-23 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 01/23/2000 11:05:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 National ID card back from the dead

 In October 1999 legislation that would established a National ID System was
 repealed thanks to the protests of hundreds of thousands of Americans
 concerned about privacy matters.   According to the American Policy Center
 Congressman Bill Barrett (R-NE) has now introduced HR 3429, the Legal
 Employment Authentication Program (LEAP) Act to completely reinstate the
 federal ID system 

How come it's always the Republicans who want to get Government off our backs
that want to know every move we make?  And are we to understand that Nebraska
has a problem with illegal immigrants?  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Colleen's a . . . NOPOST for pennie_hammons@HOTMAIL.COM

2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 1/21/00 8:26:33 PM, Wes676767 writes:


I don't believe that you're being fair in your treatment of Pennie.

I directed her here to CTRL because of the ABUSE she was taking at SNET,
and I feel a bit of responsibility for this. I also think that you're
a double standard  regarding her loss of status. I don't believe that you
even admonished that one fool for using not only my e-mail address but
MY NAME...my REAL name, as the subject line of a recent post!
How could you dismiss Pennie for what she wrote?
I'm not partial but let's face it, Colleen isn't the sanest passenger on
this "ship of fools" and if you recall, she took her leave from this list
as protest of your similar banishment of an e_mael, who DID threaten me
personally...quite a different indiscretion...Fair is fair, and this isn't
I totally disagree with Pennie on the subject of religion, but I fail to
see what she did to deserve this fate. There are worse on this list Kris,
and you know that to be factual!


from an anonymous lurker;

 I am a lurker on CTRL.(I use an internet account becuase frankly it is
alot of mail)  I really enjoy reading all the posts and share them with

I agree with you in that it Doesnt matter if Colleen is a witch.   And
I understand your concern about people not attacking other members of the
List.  But I also do not think it right for members of the list to threaten
other members of list in a personal email. Also last week a guy named ray
personally attacked a guy named Bill and posted to the list and nothing
at all was said to him.   He didnt even get a warning.   I know that you
are the list owner and you get to make the decision to no post someone,
 but it seems like your decision to do so in this case was based on a
dislike for her.You seem to be a fine person and I enjoy reading your
postsas well as Colleens and Pennie's.   Anyways thanks for taking
the time to read my 2cents

In a message dated 1/21/00 7:57:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Being the perogative of the list owner, I have given
[EMAIL PROTECTED] a nopost. I am personally tired of her
divisiveness and baloney. Posting personal email to attack someone is
unethical and I do not care for it. I dunna care if collen is a witch,
or mother teresa. As long as she is civil and conducts her self with decorum,
I have no problem.

Please stop all the unferifiable scriptoral religiousity and bickering
. . .


I will relent an allow Pennie back-on, The drop in noise has been nice
though. Please, I understand that there are differences of belief. But to
truly affect some change and reclaim our republic from the treasonous
deviant-elite it will take coalitions of all of us. We are all human beings
with our own experiences and understandings of the world.  The enemy of your
enemy maybe and can be your friend. The business of whether you are right or
wrong and this continual bickering about matters of faith will garner persons
NOPOSTS. And yes I may seem capricious, and to a certain level it is. I do
not have time to read thoroughly all posts, I do notice "nosiemakers" and
then I will tend to look at their postings closer. And then again this list
is not for me to get out jollies being some sort of referee.  I do not wish
to monitor posts before they hit the list. So let us all please get along.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Insurrection!

2000-01-23 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2000 4:41 PM
Subject: Insurrection Against Neo-Liberalism in Ecuador

PGA Action at WTO Seattle - http://members.aol.com/pgacaravan

-- please spread widely --

Dear All,

I just received this fwd message coming from Ecuador saying
that there are currently mass protests going on against the
dramatic situation in a country that has suffered neoliberal
exploitation and that "the revolution is starting".

I was sceptic, so I picked up the phone and phoned an
organisation called "Accion Ecologica" whose phone number I
had just received recently. I had the chance to speak to
someone who is the representative of this organisation at
the alternative parliament who is currently debating a
strategy for the coming days. He said that the mobilisations
have started progressively in the last days already and that
several cities are already "taken". He said the large
mobilisation for Quito (the capital) is going to be for
Monday and Tuesday. He said at least 40.000 indigenas are
expected to come into the city, but the mobilisation involve
many sectors of society. He said also that international
observers are expected to come in the next days and that
they hope that from then on the news will be spread
internationaly. So far the state controlled media has been
promoting non stop lies about how wonderful the neoliberal
policies have been in the last years. Nobody believes it
anymore. As I asked him if this was a struggle for power,
for taking control of the governement, he said no, it's a
Poeples Power, there is a Poeples assembly who works in a
complicated system of representation [I didn't understand
everything in this short phone call].

Infrastructure for communication is being set up, there is a
press commission that has been created (comision de prensa)
by the Peoples Assembly. I asked him also if they were
afraid of repression and he said he hoped the international
support would be able to avoid it. We are likely to get more
information in the next days and clarification on what kind
of "revolution" this is. So stay tuned ! Most of the
information is likely to be in Spanish, so if there are
people willing to help doing spanish-english translations
(or spanish to any other language) please contact me:


and also


Hasta la victoria !!  Our resistance is as transnational as
capital !!


The following is - a fwd letter sent by Spanish students
currently in Ecuador. This is a rough translation I did,
feel free to correct the English.  - an pasted article from
August 99 which gives a good insight into the situation in

To everyone getting this information:

This is a text that was fwd by companher@s from Barcelona
which are currently in Ecuador for motives related to their
studies and are currently assisting to probably one of the
most encouraging news of the millennium. Please distribute
this message as wide as you can and organise yourself to
find ways of supporting peoples struggle in Ecuador.


Dear companher@s

Ecuador is very close to a national revolution - it is
currently necessary to do solidarity actions in support of
this peoples movement who aims to put an end to neoliberal
economic exploitation which has lead to the current crisis.

We are some students from UAB (university) in the country y
we see the urgent necessity to create a platform of
international support in order to prevent a indiscriminate
repression of this popular movement.

We ask you:

1.- to spread this information through as many ways as

2.- that you send us contacts for the spreading of further
communiques  to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

3.- That people take initiative to coordinate platforms at
continental and national level

4.- it is necessary to create a network that will reach mass
media and alternative media. It is possible that United
States may react with repression in case this popular
movement succeeds in his attempt to overthrow the power

5.- We are currently waiting for a document with the
strategy that is discussed at the Parlament of Ecuatorian
People (a rebel parlament), which will be a document of
international strategy addressed to all movements of the
world, NGOs etc. We ask you to create the necessary
conditions for such a network to function.

General Situation in the Country

The economic, social and political crisis that Ecuador has
been going through in the last years has been worsening
dramatically in the last months.

As a matter of fact since Jamil Mahuad came into power, the
sucre (national currency) has only been losing acquisition
power compared to the dollar: the price of the dollar has
doubled since 1999 (is it 25000 sucres for a dollar now) For
the minority of people, those who have acquisition power and
a bank 

Re: [CTRL] One World Govt 10 regions.

2000-01-23 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

How wrong is this post? Let me count the ways.

earthman wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 I hear that Israel is lumped in with NZ and Oz.
 Hmmm I wonder who will be pulling the strings if this is the case.

1) What could possibly be the point of lumping Israel with NZ and OZ?
   Israel and its neighbors are being forced into phony peace treaties
   because the NWO needs to establish THAT REGION as an economic entity.
   Israel's capitalist economy will be the anchor economy for the region.
   I was told by an ex-Clinton cabinet person that the political elites
   have the attitude that "the Arabs are incapable of running a modern

 - Original Message -
 From: Nicky Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 12:34 PM
 Subject: [CTRL] One World Govt 10 regions.

  -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
  /A -Cui Bono?-
  Nations Comprising 10 Future "Kingdoms"
  This list is compiled from a map found on page 42 of "En Route to Global
  Occupation", by Gary H. Kah, published by Huntington House Publishers of
  Lafayette, Louisiana, 1991. ( This book is great - He is said to have been
  killed for that with quick acting cancer .N)

One really must laugh at this kind of info. This stuff is Bible based bullshit.
" Ten Kingdoms?" When all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like
a nail. When you are afflicted with the religious disease, everything starts
to look like Bible prophesy.

  The data that created the map originates with Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard
  Pestel, authors of "Mankind at the Turning Point-The Second Report to the
  Club of Rome', published by E. P. Dutton  Co., Inc.,/Reader's Digest
  For the uninformed, the Club of Rome is an offsoot of The Bildebergers,
  through one Aurelio Peccei (now deceased), a prominent Italian
  with close ties to the Fiat and Olivetti corporations. Like The
  Bildebergers, the COR draws a high percentage of its members from the
  Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The COR has been assigned the task of
  overseeing the regionalization and unification of the entire world,
  ALL nations of the world will give up their sovereignty in favor of a

So far, so good.

  Following are the ten regions and the approximate territories they will
  comprise. These regions are synonomous with "kingdoms",

Only in the minds of the superstitiously aflicted.

 likely, each with
 a head reporting to the world government of the day.
  United States

1) Mexico is part of NORTH America, and is already a partner in NAFTA with the
US and Canada.

  Western Europe
  British Isles
  Norway, Sweden and Finland

This is probably correct. My personal guess is that Turkey won't remain in
the fold once the Turkish people overthrow their elites.

  Pacific Islands

3) Too limited. Japan's is supposed to be the anchor economy for that region.

  New Zealand
  South Africa

4) Not South Africa. More likely the Pacific Islands. SA is the anchor economy
for Southern Africa, which is also thought of by the ( American )elites as a
" basket case " incapable of developing a modern economy.

  Eastern Europe

Never happen!

  Central America (including Mexico)
  South America
  Carribean Islands

5) This one is all wrong. Mexico is part of NAFTA. Central America and the
Caribbean would be a separate region from South America. None of these areas
will be successful for the NWO, simply because Capitalism is the wrong
economic system for these particular regions. These economies are failing as
we speak. Unless America re-establishes control by providing a new crop of
dictators, the regions will develop their own economics. That would put them
outside the control of the NWO. Before that happens America will invade and
establish military power in the region. The example of Columbia comes to mind.

  Saudi Penisula

6) Ridiculous.

  Africa (without the above North African countries and South Africa)

Probably right.

  S. E. Asia

7) Not as long as China exists.


8) Ridiculous. China will always try to have its OWN economic empire.

  This list is twenty years old. Alignment may vary in final format. The
  primary issue is: a one-world govern- ment has been officially planned and
  shall be fully implemented in the near future.

Officially planned, yes. Implemented? Never! I have been writing for years
that the NWO will not succeed in establishing a one world 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Chip Tatum

2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan


Catherine Austin Fitts wants to know if Doise Gene "Chip" Tatum is for real.
My new book has 5 chapters on Tatum. He is for real. I'll share one vignette
with you. Once, while flying Black Ops for the Company (Tatum thought he was
carrying medical supplies), he landed in a small airport outside Little Rock.
A vehicle drove up. A man stepped out and introduced himself to Tatum as "Dr.
Dan Lasater." Another man was in the vehicle with Tatum. He was introduced to
Tatum as Governor Bill Clinton. Unbeknownst to Lasater and Clinton, one of
the large ice chests (his cargo consisted of 2 large ice chests taped shut
with military issue "hundred-mile-an-hour tape") had broken open earlier, and
had be resealed. Before resealing it, Tatum saw its contents: cellophane bags
of an off-white colored powder. The ice chest containing the powder was
loaded into the Lasater vehicle, and he and Clinton drove away.

I believe Tatum's account is 100% accurate.


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[CTRL] Baltimore Sun article about letters to Tripp prosecutor (fwd)

2000-01-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Notes on Tripp are mostly sour

Letters: A Maryland prosecutor hears from people all over the
country about the wiretap case, and three out of four fault him.

By Del Quentin Wilber
Sun Staff

From all corners of America, dozens of people have written
letters on scrap paper, letterhead and even a Christmas card to
vent their anger at one man: State Prosecutor Stephen

They are upset that Montanarelli is "hounding" and "harassing,"
"persecuting" and "prosecuting" Linda R. Tripp on state
wiretapping charges.

One writer suggests that Montanarelli should die; another calls
him a "pimp"; still another includes his photograph with the
caption, "Liar."

About 130 letters, obtained by The Sun under the Maryland Public
Information Act, have arrived at the state prosecutor's office in
Towson since February 1998, when Montanarelli began looking into
whether Tripp illegally taped White House intern Monica
Lewinsky's conversations about President Clinton.

They portray an interesting slice of the American psyche and what
possesses people from Oregon to New York to write about the
prosecution of a Columbia woman accused of illegally taping a
single telephone conversation.

Most of the letter writers said they wanted to get something off
their chest. Just ask James Giancola, 71, a retired restaurant
owner in Las Vegas, Nev.

Giancola, a Republican, recalled seeing a Tripp-related story in
the newspaper lastmonth, so he decided to send Montanarelli a
card displaying a photograph of a little girl thumbing her nose
at the camera.

"You are going to lose this case and look like a monkey in the
process. I feel you're a disgrace to the Italian people," he

Giancola says he feels bad for Tripp, who has been savaged for
her role in the scandal.

She blew the whistle on high-level corruption, Giancola says, and
was simply trying to protect herself. Writing the letter made him
feel better.

"God bless her," Giancola said. "She deserves a medal."

Polite beginnings

Many of the letters begin "Dear Mr. Montanarelli" and go on to
accuse him of wasting taxpayer dollars, participating in a
nationwide conspiracy and using his office for political
intimidation. One suggests that he has helped the justice system
sink "to the sewer level!" Another writer sent one page -- 30
times by fax -- with the words: "Shame, Disgust and Nauseating!"

For his part, Montanarelli says he reads every single letter and
shrugs off the criticism.

"They are addressed to me, and I read them," Montanarelli said.
"I don't expect everyone to agree with what I do. I think if they
knew me personally, they would not venture those opinions of me."

He should take heart. About 25 percent of the letters were
positive, applauding his determination.

"I am really glad you're taking her to trial and so are many
people I talk to," proclaims one letter writer from Gambrills.
"Don't let Linda Tripp squirm out of it."

Arriving in batches

The letters, faxes and e-mails from ordinary Americans have
arrived in batches.

About 40 were delivered within days of Tripp's indictment in July
on two counts of violating the state's wiretapping statute; 30
arrived after the highly publicized hearings last month on
whether prosecutors gathered their evidence without using Tripp's
immunized testimony to Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr.

Tripp's tape-recordings from her Columbia home exposed a sexual
relationship between Clinton and Lewinsky. The tapes led to
Clinton's impeachment in December 1998.

Others involved in the case have also received piles of mail.

Legal advice for lawyer

Tripp's Web site (www.linda tripp.com) posts dozens of notes from
supporters. Her attorney, Joseph Murtha, says he has received
several letters and his client has accumulated thousands. Though
some have sought his autograph, Murtha says, most letter writers
are giving him unsolicited legal advice from across the nation.

"Some people have taken a lot of time to research the Maryland
statute," Murtha said.

But he doesn't read all of them. "If I read everything, I would
run out of time," he said.

Most experts seem surprised at the relatively small number of
letters Montanarelli has received, especially after the intense
feelings the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal generated.

"This is probably the most publicized minor crime in the last two
years," said Larry Sabato, director of the University of
Virginia's Center for Governmental studies and author of "Feeding
Frenzy," a book about how the news media cover politics.

"The people who are most anti-Clinton would naturally be inclined
to defend her," he said. "The people who were most opposed to the
impeachment process are inclined to call for her head. Linda
Tripp is arguably a central figure in all this."

Outrage to sympathy

The letter writers agreed with that assessment, saying they wrote
to Montanarelli for various reasons, ranging from outrage to
sympathy. Some even 

Re: [CTRL] book burning

2000-01-23 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

 limits on freedom

And if he's elected, I'm sure there will be.

There already are, lots of them, and more everyday. Voting against Bush
will not reverse this trend. Voting will not reverse this trend.  Most
limits on freedom do not stem from elected officials. They are the
dictates of unelected bureaucrats and corporate boards of directors.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Outfitting China's Military--Again (fwd)

2000-01-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


Sunday, January 23, 2000

Outfitting China's Military--Again

Commerce Dept. works to allow the export of a tool like the ones
that prompted a Justice Dept. indictment.


 Just over two months ago, CATIC, the Chinese military and
aviation giant, was indicted for diverting American machine tools
to a Chinese cruise missile and military aircraft plant. The
powerful machines had produced parts for the B-1 strategic bomber
and the MX nuclear missile, and CATIC was charged with lying to
get the machines out of the U.S. in 1995 by promising to restrict
them to civilian use.

 Yet with the ink barely dry on the indictment, the Clinton
administration has begun to undermine it. According to U.S.
officials, the Commerce Department wants to allow one of CATIC's
sister companies to buy the same kind of American machine tool
that CATIC is accused of diverting. "Even in the face of an
indictment," said one government official familiar with the case,
"there is no behavior change. It is still business as usual." If
the deal goes through, it will show that there are no real limits
on high-tech exports to China.

 The export in question is a five-axis milling machine, a
computer-controlled marvel similar to the machines listed in
CATIC's indictment. It is capable of making high-precision parts
for China's next generation of fighters, bombers and missiles.

 A company in Milford, Mass., named Bostomatic has requested
permission to sell the machine to China's Xian Aero Engine Co.,
which makes engines for China's military aircraft, including the
nuclear-capable H-6 strategic bomber. Bostomatic was purchased
last year by the Agie Charmilles Group, a Swiss concern.
According to U.N. inspectors, 11 of Agie's machine tools were
found at five of Saddam Hussein's leading nuclear weapon and
missile sites in 1992. And in January 1999, Gen. Alexander
Zdanovich, a spokesman for Russia's foreign intelligence
services, said that Agie also had supplied Iran with equipment
for making liquid-fueled ballistic missiles.

 Why does the Commerce Department want to allow a suspect
Swiss conglomerate to sell a sensitive American product to a
Chinese military aircraft plant? The Commerce Department is
supposed to protect the American public from such risks but,
instead, is trying to promote trade no matter what the cost to
national security.

 The Pentagon is fighting the export license. The same
officials who tried to block the export of the machines that
CATIC diverted in 1995 are objecting to this one. The officials
were right the last time, but got overruled. Xian Aero Engine is
pledging to use the milling machine only to make civilian
aircraft. That is what CATIC promised. Since Xian and CATIC are
part of the same state-owned organization, no one should be

 Nor should anyone be fooled by the CATIC indictment. It took
more than four years for the Justice Department to get around to
it, and Justice is dragging its feet in a string of other
apparently illegal exports of U.S. high technology.

 In 1996, Silicon Graphics Inc. of Mountain View, Calif.,
sold four supercomputers to one of Russia's leading nuclear
weapon laboratories without the required export license. The U.S.
computers were 10 times more powerful than anything the Russians
had. After the deal was done, Russia's nuclear chief told the
press that Russia would start designing its warheads with
simulated explosions using the American computers. There is
considerable evidence that Silicon Graphics broke the law. It
knew it needed a U.S. export license and did not get one. The
case was sent to a a federal grand jury in 1997, where it has

 Also in 1996, Silicon Graphics sold a powerful supercomputer
to China's Academy of Sciences, which develops nuclear warheads
and long-range missiles, and IBM sold an equally powerful
supercomputer in 1997 to the Indian Institute of Science, India's
leading missile research site. Neither Silicon Graphics nor IBM
bothered to obtain the required export licenses.

 The Cox committee on Chinese spying found that Hughes
Electronics and Loral Space and Communications, two big American
satellite makers, "deliberately acted without the legally
required licenses and violated U.S. export control laws" when
they helped China improve its rockets in 1995 and 1996. To boost
their profits, these U.S. firms gave China technology that could,
in the committee's words, increase "the reliability of all PRC
ballistic missiles." A federal grand jury has had these cases for
more than a year and a half.

 The message from these cases is the same: Get the exports
out, and don't worry about the law. The Justice Department
probably won't indict you, and even if it does, the Commerce
Department will help you get

[CTRL] Canada-USA Border ;-)

2000-01-23 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Sign over the Canada-USA border at Blaine, Washington:


Cartoon, Georgia Straight, 1/00
Vancouver, BC

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [1] The Last of The Big-Time Bosses

2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

an excerpt from:
The Last of The Big-Time Bosses
Warren Moscow©1971
All Rights Reserved
Stein and Day
New York, N.Y.
ISBN 0-8128-1400-2
227 pps. - First/only Edition - Out-of-print
The revelance here is that Bill O'Dwyer—if I remember all this right—was the
military Governor of Italy after WWII and  helped develop a huge blackmarket
with Mafia help and I believe this alliance was used to "dispose" of the
narcotics that Dulles got from the SS stores in Germany after Dulles against
orders accepted terms of surrender from SS and italian forces a day before
the Official surrender and helped to usher in the alliance of the mob, intel,
bureaucrats and drugs.  These "monies' were then used to fund "ops" and other
slushy things with Skorsky[sp?], Ghelen, Barbie, Mengle, Ricord, the ACL's
among others.


In George Washington's first administration as President there came into
being an organization which dubbed itself the Society of Tammany or the
Columbian Order. It was set up as the poor man's answer to the patrician
Society of the Cincinnati, a group of Washington's army officers who hoped
for upper-crust rule of the new republic. Both organizations were supposedly
national in scope, but the Cincinnati died off in short order, and the
Society of Tammany flourished only in New York. By the Jacksonian era the
patriotic order, as Tammany chose to regard itself, was synonymous with the
Democratic Party of the city of New York.

The Society of Tammany had a permanent headquarters, a "hall," where the
sachems and the wiskinkis donned their fraternal regalia every Fourth of July
and, through district clubs with Indian names, operated the Democratic
political machine the other 364 days of the year. To the people and press the
machine became known as Tammany Hall, after the edifice it used to house both
branches. In the first part of the current century the headquarters, or
Wigwam, was a genteelly shabby structure on 14th Street east of Union Square,
where Charles F. Murphy sat behind a desk and quietly issued the orders that
made or broke politicians of the day.

In the late 1920s Tammany's wealth was such that it could afford a handsome,
neo-Colonial brick building, tailored architecturally to its needs, at the
southeast corner of 17th Street and Fourth Avenue; to house both the
political and fraternal wings, with even an assembly hall -for large meetings.

 By 1943, when the thirty-five-year-old Carmine De Sapio first took his seat
as a member of Tammany's ruling body, the executive committee, the
organization was bankrupt of cash and its hall was gone, foreclosed and sold
because there was no money to meet the mortgage payments. So for his first
meeting, De Sapio went to a three-room suite in an office building at 331
Madison Avenue, at 43rd Street, which provided just enough space for a
waiting room, a conference room, and a private office for the boss. The only
political lore attached to the edifice was the fact that on a lower floor, a
decade before, Louis McHenry Howe and James A. Farley had maintained the
private headquarters of their drive to win delegates for the first nomination
of Franklin D. Roosevelt for President.

There was no room in the new quarters for the Society of Tammany, with its
banners, trophies, and souvenirs, so the "patriotic" branch of Tammany,
shifting for itself for the first time, found rooms in the National
Democratic Club, and later expired quietly, without even a public
announcement of its dissolution.

The immediate reason for Tammany's bankruptcy in 1943 lay in La Guardia's
long tenure in City Hall. His original election in 1933 had hurt Tammany, his
reelections in 1937 and 1941 had ruined it. The continued hold of the fiery
little mayor meant, for example, that by, 1943 every city magistrate, whose
term ran for ten years at most, owed his appointment to the mayor, not to
Tammany Hall. The control of these police courts had been of tremendous value
to Tammany in the past: favors could be done there, without fanfare or
publicity, for both honest citizens down on their luck and for professional
criminals who paid for protection.

The mayor had also sponsored the adoption of a new city charter, which
curtailed the power of departments Tammany had always controlled. He was in
the process of wiping out the county office sinecures, such as the sheriff's
office and the 150 no-show jobs that went with it. There was no state
patronage either, for a Republican governor, Tom Dewey, sat in Albany.

There was plenty of job and favor patronage being handed out of Washington by
the third-term Roosevelt administration, but the bulk of it went to the
Democratic organizations in Brooklyn and the Bronx, in return for their
steadfast support of Roosevelt's policies, compared with Tammany's opposition
or sulky acceptance of them. The Bronx and Brooklyn, which once had followed
Tammany's leadership for 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] On a Postive Note, David Guyatt, On a Negative Note, Hillary Clinton

2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Linda Minor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I read the book Blood Sport by James B. Stewart, and one of the things that
struck me was the close connection between Hillary and her lawyer in New
York, Susan Thomases--a partner with the extremely dirty securities firm of
Willkie, Farr and Gallagher.  This is the firm which Zucker and Kenneth
Bialkin were members of.  Bialkin's clients have included Robert Vesco,
Michael Milken and Meshulam Riklis.  He was behind the merger between Lehman
Brothers and Kuhn, Loeb, as well as the buyout by Shearson Hayden Stone of
Loeb Rhoades and the subsequent buyout of all of the above by American
Express.  His reward was a seat on the board of American Express alongside
Henry Kissinger.  It was also Bialkin who engineered the partnership between
Amex and Edmund Safra that later resulted in headlines over money-laundering
allegations in the bank Safra sold to Amex, the Republic National Bank of
New York.  [See:  Editors of EIR, The Ugly Truth about the ADL, pp. 49-50.]
Bialkin left Willkie Farr and went to Skadden, Arps.

It turns out that just before he went on to the IRS, Fred Goldberg -
the IRS Commissioner who gave the controversial tax exemption to the
"Church" of $cientology - was the law partner of ADL National
Chairman Kenneth Bialkin.  The two were ensconced at the Wall Street
firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher  Flom - known to "insiders"
as the ADL's favorite law firm. (For more on $cientology's tax
exemption, see Vince Ryan's column on page 9.)

Seventeen years ago, the first edition of Dope, Inc. was released.
Commissioned by anti-drug American statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr, it was
the first book to reveal that the illegal drug cartel was becoming the
world's biggest business; to name the causes of the war 'Dope, Inc.' has
waged against every nation in the world; and to reveal the names of the
'untouchable' figures who protect it, including the European monarchs, whom
our Hollywood media have sold to the public as veritable deities.

Even before the first copies of the first edition of Dope, Inc.-Britain's
Opium War Against the United States, rolled off the press in December 1978,
leaders of the narcotics enterprise were busy trying to stop LaRouche.
Beginning in summer 1978, the Anti Defamation League (ADL) launched a
multimillion-dollar campaign to label LaRouche and his political associates
as "anti-Semites" for daring to expose the involvement of gangsters like
Merey Lansky and Zionist lobby leaders like Edgar Bronfman and Max Fisher in
the dope business. LaRouche also identified the powerful British Crown
bankers as partners in the dope trade, along with the Jewish crime

The ADL's 'anti-Semitic' smear against LaRouche was pure 'big lie'
terrorism in the tradition of Nazi propagandist Joesph Goebbels. Everyone
who bothered to look into the matter knew that LaRouche's political career
had been built around his discoveries in physical economy, and that by 1978
he had written hundreds of articles and several books exposing the fascist
economic austerity policies behind the Nazi holocaust which killed millions
of Jews and other victims. The ADL's bizarre slanders prompted EIR's
investigators to scrutinize the history of the supposed 'Jewish civil
rights' organization.

The probe turned up a 70-year legacy of intimate ADL ties with Jewish
gangsters, from Meyer Lansky and his 'Our Crowd' sponsor Arnold Rothstein,
to more contemporary Dope, Inc. figures such as Max Fisher, Edgar Bronfman,
Edmond Safra, Meshulam Riklis, the ADL's own national chairman, Kenneth
Bialkin, and the lawyer for the Medellin Cartel's 'American connection',
Robert Vesco. We also discovered that much of the ADL's financial backing
comes from leading families of the Anglo-American establishment, whose
fortunes trace back to the British banks and trading companies that ran the
opium clipper ships in and out of China in the last century.

To this day, the ADL holds the key to the corruption of the American
political and judicial system, a corruption that was bought and paid for by
the proceeds of the international dope trade. Lyndon LaRouche was railroaded
to prison on a train built by drug money and stoked by government officials
and private agencies on the pad of Dope, Inc.

By the summer of 1982, the ADL was joined in its 'Get LaRouche' efforts by
Henry A. Kissinger, former Secretary of State and recipient of the ADL's Man
of the Year award. Kissinger launched a vendetta to get the federal
government to shut down the LaRouche movement.

The case of LaRouche associate, Lewis du Pont Smitch, illustrates the
desperation of the efforts by Kissinger and the 'Get LaRouche' task force to
stop the LaRouche movement's organizing of a national war on drugs. An heir
to the du Pont family industrial fortune, Smitch contributed US$212,000 to

Re: [CTRL] [illusions] Re: [EWAR] Radar weirdness over Pine Ridge-Dialogue

2000-01-23 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Re: [illusions] Re: [EWAR] Radar weirdness over Pine Ridge
 Jan 23, 2000
11:10 PST

  Good debate. My role is like an old bird dog to sniff and fetch, and drop
  the game at the doorstep. The method to sort the chaff is to post it ALL,
  sort later:

  1. Received this from a source close to the rez, info/disinfo is rife,

  "I got original mis/disinformation from Martina Lookinghorse on Sunday. On
  looking back, that was "spun" to imply that the FBI was in confrontation,
  but she never actually *said that.* However, what she said about a standoff
  was true. There was probably more truth to the fact that folks were afraid
  of another Waco than just manipulation.

  Some things were embroidered by folks on-site to get more interest. But
  then, when those were proven wrong, and it looked like interest was starting
  to drop off, REAL nastiness started going down. There have been incidents
  that have not been reported, that the "official" sources have asked me not
  to put out, because of possible panic. There have been attempts to drive
  through barricades and shoot the place up, averted by tribal police. There
  are also factions allied with the tribal council who are trying to incite
  the local racist community. People are posting attempts to discredit each
  other..." (Futhermore a tip to keep an eye on the following message board):

  2. Also from memory, concerning knocking hardware out of the sky, an
  indicated that such would take two "phased" (I think) beams intersecting.
  I recall the poster said that intersecting beams heat things up and
  beams cool things down, something like that. Such transmission can
  from anywhere on earth using over-the horizon tech. Lot of whispering here
  in Seattle about Boeing's research into a new phased radar, something about
  the transmitter being positioned, stationary, the signal scans but the
  antenna does not move.

  3. Additionally, a more exotic possibility, this time perhaps observed from
  sat (weather manipulation this time?), quote:

  ". . . it is possible to focus the potential for the effects of a weapon
  through spacetime itself, in a manner so that mass and energy do not
  through space" from the transmitter to the target at all. Instead, ripples
  and patterns in the fabric of spacetime itself are manipulated to meet and
  interfere in and at the local spacetime of some distant target.
  Weird waves on radar over Northwest

  4. Rumors about mind-disrupter tech involves a signal in the 7.6htz
  frequency, futhermore, even more astounding, quote:
  "On the other hand, it will also be possible to simply pull out a
  personality-structure from a person, without his or her consent, and insert
  another. Or to alter a given personality structure by just altering and
  re-recording the software. This technological possibility, of course, will
  certainly be noticed by would-be egomaniacs and dictators, for it can yield
  the ultimate mind control. It will also be possible to provide direct input
  inside the mind, surreptitiously, from a distance and without the knowledge
  and consent of the individual affected."

  Kent Steadman

  In a message dated 1/23/00 7:32:54 AM Pacific Standard Time,

   There is not enough data to support the suggested theories.

  Yes, Electronic weaponry exists in very sophisticated manners, BUT when we
  are talking about physical phenomena that "might" be detected by a radar
  system, for example- there WILL be physical manifestations in other ways.

  Interference in radio signals manifest themselves in some pretty standard
  forms that are quantifiable and detectable- they did interfere with the
  signal after all.

  But what is gained if we see something that we are not familiar with, in a
  field we are absolutely not familiar with, and we apply a theory because it

  Nothing is gained.

  Just because a child may think that the earth is flat, does not make it

  Field investigations, as suggested very early on, are a good idea, I never
  dismissed that.

  What I would not accept are the assertions of ecotoday that the Pine Ridge
  Reservation site was going to be a site of genocide. I doubt that anyone
  in that area will have any problems if they use some common sense, and drop
  the "victim mentality" that has propelled many democrat politicians into
  office- only to perpetuate 

[CTRL] Fwd: [illusions] Re: [EWAR] Radar weirdness over Pine Ridge -Dialogue

2000-01-23 Thread DIG alfred webre

  Good debate.  My role is like an old bird dog to sniff and fetch, and
  the game at the doorstep.  The method to sort the chaff is to post it
  sort later:

 Here is some more on-the-ground evidence (phone disconnect) to support a
 reasonable conclusion that an EWAR anti-population "base hit" may be
 under way at Pine Ridge. Anti-population EWAR on the continental USA may
 be happening right before our eyes.  Alfred

 - Original Message - From: Wild Horse To: Native_American Sent:
 Friday, January 21, 2000 8:25 PM
 Subject: [AIM_Issues] Pine Ridge Occupation

 From: "Wild Horse" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 January 21, 2000

 We, the occupants of the Red Cloud Tribal Village, are very concerned
 about the phone service being
 disconnected. We have contacted the headquarters of our phone service,
 in Wall South Dakota, inquiring as to
 why the service was disconnected. We were told the information could not
 be released. However, they did say
 that a Government official called them to request that the phone service
 be terminated and they complied.

 We have also been contacted by the Nebraska Public Power. (they provide
 the electricity to our reservation)
 They have been requested to cut off the electricity to those people
 occupying the tribal offices.

 We are becoming very concerned. The elders and women are asking that the
 children be removed from the
 tribal offices for safety reasons. There is a concern that a
 confrontation may ensue.

 The Federal mediator, Silkie Hanson, is on her way back to Pine Ridge
 Reservation because of these
 developments. The people will feel more secure if a federal official is
 present- in hopes of preventing any
 violence that may occur.

 With no telephone service our direct contact abilities are gone.

 As with all my posts concerning the Occupation Peoples in Pine Ridge.
 Please forward this to all interested
 parties in its entirety.

 Wadv Wild Horse


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   List owner: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shortcut URL to this page:

 Good debate.  My role is like an old bird dog to sniff and fetch, and
 the game at the doorstep.  The method to sort the chaff is to post it
 sort later:

Here is some more on-the-ground evidence (phone disconnect) to support a
reasonable conclusion that an EWAR anti-population "base hit" may be
under way at Pine Ridge. Anti-population EWAR on the continental USA may
be happening right before our eyes.  Alfred

- Original Message - From: Wild Horse To: Native_American Sent:
Friday, January 21, 2000 8:25 PM
Subject: [AIM_Issues] Pine Ridge Occupation

From: "Wild Horse" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


January 21, 2000

We, the occupants of the Red Cloud Tribal Village, are very concerned
about the phone service being
disconnected. We have contacted the headquarters of our phone service,
in Wall South Dakota, inquiring as to
why the service was disconnected. We were told the information could not
be released. However, they did say
that a Government official called them to request that the phone service
be terminated and they complied.

We have also been contacted by the Nebraska Public Power. (they provide
the electricity to our reservation)
They have been requested to cut off the electricity to those people
occupying the tribal offices.

We are becoming very concerned. The elders and women are asking that the
children be removed from the
tribal offices for safety reasons. There is a concern that a
confrontation may ensue.

The Federal mediator, Silkie Hanson, is on her way back to Pine Ridge
Reservation because of these
developments. The people will feel more secure if a federal official is
present- in hopes of preventing any
violence that may occur.

With no telephone service our direct contact abilities are gone.

As with all my posts concerning the Occupation Peoples in Pine Ridge.
Please forward this to all interested
parties in its entirety.

Wadv Wild Horse

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[CTRL] In the Age of Networks, All Roads Lead to Washington

2000-01-23 Thread Jeff Hearon

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

@NY Vol. 5, No. 21
 Issue 5.21
 January 21, 2000
 Everything You Need To Do Business in Silicon Alley

In the Age of Networks,
All Roads Lead to Washington
^ By Tom Watson
^ Quick, name the most successful formal organization of human
beings of the last century. You'd be tempted to name the fastest-growing
companies - Standard Oil, General Motors, IBM, Microsoft. How about the New
York Stock Exchange, the United Nations, or the Internet itself? Or
perhaps, if you're sports-minded, the New York Yankees.

Good choices, but not correct. The answer of course is the Federal
Government of the United States of America. In little more than a hundred
years, it went from the loosely centralized hub of an agrarian society to
the power nexus of the world's most influential social and economic system.
You can argue all you want over what causes the power to reside in the
United States government -- is it cause and effect or effect and cause, did
the Federal government save and preserve our capitalist system or does
business thrive in spite of government? But you cannot argue that it is
where the mightiest power resides.

It is no accident that the Presidents we revere from that time, whether
they were "big government liberals" or "no government conservatives," are
the ones who increased the power of our central state. Both Roosevelts,
Wilson, Truman, Johnson, and Reagan.

In business, we love a free market. We are ardent capitalists. But in a
century of awe-inspiring growth, and especially since the New Deal, we have
never lived under a true free market economy. Our markets are highly
regulated and policed. Our monetary policy is centrally controlled. We do
not tolerate harmful trusts and monopolies. Our taxpayer-funded diplomats
cut deals for us overseas. We subsidize this, we subsidize that. Our
government guarantees financial instruments that underlay the bond markets
and the savings accounts of average Joes. We all complain about taxation
and regulation and the limits imposed by government. But we all work within
a government-guaranteed safety zone and benefit from a balance between free
market principles and the legislated version of "the greater good."

The power of the U.S. Government has grown right along with the size of the
gross domestic product, the total capitalization of the stock market, and
the average American salary. The charts march in lock-step. But here comes
the Internet.

There are those who suggest that the network of networks is the greatest
threat yet to strong centralized government. The theory goes something like
this: the Internet is the ultimate populist tool and it allows its members
to break free of the shackles of government, creating both "friction-free"
markets and the possibility of direct democracy. The Internet, it is said,
is chipping away at the power of the Federal government, returning it to
both geographical communities and virtual communities of interest, a true
and democratic decentralization.

That, of course, is nonsense. The rise of the Internet is only increasing
the power and reach of centralized government. And whether you're a
Jeffersonian populist or a Hamiltonian governor -- and particularly, if you
own a business -- the cool realization of that clear fact will influence
how you operate in the Internet age.

Why else would Kevin O'Connor hire a lobbyist? O'Connor is the driven CEO
of DoubleClick, Silicon Alley's most successful homegrown company, the
clear market leader in the Internet advertising space, and a company that's
comfortable in its own skin. That skin has been carefully crafted by
O'Connor, who, judging by his public remarks, is a committed free market
man, not very big on government and its regulatory habits. His is a
viewpoint shared by many of our nation's brightest and most successful
technology executives.

Notwithstanding its CEO's views, DoubleClick this month brought on Josh
Isay, the former chief of staff for Democratic, big government type Charles
Schumer, the junior U.S. Senator from New York. Isay, a liberal who has
spent his career battling conservative Republicans, will be the company's
director of public policy and government affairs, DoubleClick's link to the
governmental bodies that will help to determine its future in the areas of
regulation, taxes, exports, patents and the like. It was widely seen as
both a good hire and the start of things to come.

It's no accident that in the statements accompanying the announcement,
DoubleClick executives spoke repeatedly about the need to "educate
Washington" about the high tech industry and its needs. People on both
sides, business and government, believe there is a disconnect between our
booming technology sector and the Federal government. But there was some
irony in a successful Internet company hiring a 

[CTRL] Is Congress using War on Drugs to suspend Free Speech?

2000-01-23 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: 
Subject: Is Congress using "War on Drugs" to suspend Free Speech?
Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 8:26 PM

 We need to ask if the current attempt to pass the "Methamphetamine
Anti-Proliferation Act", which would make drug magazines and medical
marijuana websites and certain books even by Medical experts like Dr. Lester
illegal,is not a crypto-fascist move to subvert free speech and the Bill of
Rights. Check out the bill which has passed the Senate and now moves into the
house at:



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Re: [CTRL] Colleen's a . . . NOPOST for pennie_hammons@HOTMAIL.COM

2000-01-23 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

I'd like to take this moment to personally thank: a. whoever it was
that invented the BLOCK ADDRESS feature on the email; and b. whoever it
was that invented the DELETE button. ;-D

who doesn't let her ego get between her sense of humor and the DELETE
button...99.44 percent of the time.
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Is Congress using War on Drugs to suspend Free Speech?

2000-01-23 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Do You Yahoo!?
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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Are We About To Experience A Pole Shift?...01/23/00

2000-01-23 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Are We About To Experience A Pole Shift?...01/23/00
by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

I have been so preoccupied with the weather and the "secret meeting"
between NASA and Russian space experts, I over looked this article by two
days. See part two of NASA/Russian meeting  "A Shocking Twist To NASA
"Secret Meeting" With Russians...01/22/00 on "Breaking News" page:
http://www.earthchangesTV.com/breaking/index.htm. The dis-information
machine seems to be running strong, but then what else could we expect. I
witnessed this same thing when disclosing information on what I believe to
be the cause of our weather phenomenon.   More on this later.

It has been known for some time there could very well be a pole shift in
our time. This pole shift is NOT a magnetic pole shift which happens
often, but rather a continental shift. Yes, this could mean crustal
displacement. There are several well known scientist who support this
theory. Dr. Victor Clube, David Talbott, Charles Ginenthal, Ted Holden,
C.J. Ransom, Paul La Violette, Tom Van Flandern and Robert Dunlap just to
name a few. All are well known scientist from paleontologist to
astrophysicist to astronomers.

I have had the privilege to interview each one of the scientist above and
found them extremely knowledgeable in their field of expertise. It was
agreed by most, that earth has had a shift (planet movement) at least 5
times in the past. The five events occurring over hundreds of millions
years. The last event appears to have occurred around the time of the
Crustacean period 65 million years ago. Everyone agreed it would happen
again, and perhaps in this time.

There is another popular personality who wrote a book called "5-5-2000".
His name is Richard Noone. Richard believes during a seven planet
alignment on March 5 2000, will be enough gravitational pull to shift the
earth's axis. It is wildly speculated what this might mean to you and me.
Some believe it will cause continents to shift, perhaps causing millions
to perish. Others believe it will be more of gradual shift hardly noticed
by humans. We will see.

I will have Richard Noone on the show "live" next month. Stay tuned for
day and time. It will also be placed on "audio archive". I would certainly
say the stage is set. I can't help but think the Sun and its solar flares
affecting the Earth's magnetic field may have something to do with it.
Remember, the NASA predicted "apex" for "Cycle 23" is...you guessed it,
March/April 2000. This puts Noone's prediction in close proximity.

Note: A reminder to all. I believe ALL Science interpretation is nothing
more than "subjective conjecture". In other words, an opinion based on
facts. As events heat up, it will be more important than ever to remember
to "Follow Your Truth, not mine or anyone else". Seek and you shall
find...Find What?  Your Truth!

Blessings To All, Mitch

Magnetic traces of a wobbling Earth...01/23/00
By Randolph E. Schmid - Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Researchers say their analysis of volcanoes hints at a
rotational shift 84 million years ago. Scientists studying
underwater volcanoes have found evidence the Earth may have wobbled like
an out-of-balance ball 84 million years ago, relocating the poles and
shifting the location of Washington to the tropics.

SOMETHING — They're not yet sure what — appears to have changed the
distribution of weight in the Earth, causing it to begin shifting to get
back in balance. “What it appears that happened, was a rapid shift” 84
million years ago, followed by a “slow recovery to where things are
today,” explained William W. Sager of Texas AM University.

That shift of between 16 degrees and 21 degrees, occurring over 2
million years or so, was rapid in geological terms, he said.
It would have moved Washington, D.C., south to about the latitude now
occupied by Cuba and the Hispaniola.

The findings are included in a paper by Sager and Anthony K. P. Koppers of
the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, appearing in Friday’s edition of
the journal Science.

Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV

FlyingPhoenix.com http://www.flyingphoenix.com
The High Frequency General Store

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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] OT on: DNA Vaccines (fwd)

2000-01-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

From Scientific American at:


Genetic Vaccines

Vaccines crafted from genetic material might one day prevent
AIDS, malaria and other devastating infections that defy current
immunization technologies. They may even help treat cancer

by David B. Weiner and Ronald C. Kennedy

Vaccines arguably constitute the greatest achievement of modern
medicine.  They have eradicated smallpox, pushed polio to the
brink of extinction and spared countless people from typhus,
tetanus, measles, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, rotavirus and other
dangerous infections. Successful vaccines have yet to be
introduced, however, for too many deadly or debilitating
disorders--among them, malaria, AIDS, herpes and hepatitis C.
This gap exists because standard immunization methods work poorly
or pose unacceptable risks when targeted against certain

Clearly, alternate strategies are needed. One of the most
promising creates vaccines out of genetic material, either DNA or
RNA. In the past 10 years such vaccines have progressed from a
maligned idea to entities being studied intensively in academia
and industry and in early human trials.

Vaccines at Work

The merits of genetic immunization become most apparent when the
actions of traditional vaccines are understood. Traditional
preparations consist primarily of a killed or a weakened version
of a pathogen (disease-causing agent) or of some piece (subunit)
of the agent. As is true of most genetic vaccines under study,
standard types aim to prime the immune system to quash dangerous
viruses, bacteria or parasites quickly, before the pathogens can
gain a foothold in the body. They achieve this effect by tricking
the immune system into behaving as if the body were already beset
by a microorganism that was multiplying unabated and damaging
tissues extensively.

When responding to a real infection, the immune system homes in
on foreign antigen--substances (usually proteins or protein
fragments)  that are produced uniquely by the causative agent and
not by a host.  Two major arms can come into play, both of which
receive critical help from white blood cells known as helper T
lymphocytes. The humoral arm, led by B lymphocytes, acts on
pathogens that are outside cells. These B cells secrete antibody
molecules that latch onto infectious agents and thereby
neutralize them or tag them for destruction by other parts of the
immune system. The cellular arm, spearheaded by cytotoxic
(killer) T lymphocytes, eradicates pathogens that colonize cells.
Infected cells display bits of their attacker's proteins on the
cell surface in a particular way. When cytotoxic T lymphocytes
"see" those flags, they often destroy the cells--and the
infiltrators within.

Beyond eliminating invaders, activation of the immune system
against a specific pathogen leads to the creation of memory cells
that can repel the same pathogens in the future. Vaccines confer
protection by similarly inducing immune responses and the
consequent formation of memory cells.

But standard vaccines vary in the kind and duration of security
they provide. Those based on killed pathogens (such as the
hepatitis A and the injected, or Salk, polio vaccines) or on
antigens isolated from disease-causing agents (such as the
hepatitis B subunit vaccine)  cannot make their way into cells.
They therefore give rise to primarily humoral responses and do
not activate killer T cells. Such responses are ineffective
against many microorganisms that infiltrate cells. Also, even
when nonliving preparations do block disease, the protection
often wears off after a time; consequently, recipients may need
periodic booster shots.

Attenuated live vaccines, usually viruses, do enter cells and
make antigens that are displayed by the inoculated cells. They
thus spur attack by killer T lymphocytes as well as by
antibodies. That dual activity is essential for blocking
infection by many viruses and for ensuring immunity when
investigators do not know whether a humoral immune response would
be sufficient by itself. What is more, live vaccines--such as the
measles, mumps, rubella, oral polio (Sabin)  and smallpox
types--frequently confer lifelong immunity. For those reasons,
they are considered the "gold standard" of existing vaccines.

Live vaccines can be problematic in their own way, however. Even
they can fail to shield against some diseases. Those that work
can cause full-blown illness in people whose immune system is
compromised, as in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, AIDS
sufferers and the elderly.  Such individuals may also contract
disease from healthy people who have been inoculated recently.
Moreover, weakened viruses can at times mutate in ways that
restore virulence, as has happened in some monkeys given an
attenuated simian form of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. For
some diseases, the risks of reversion to virulence are

Re: [CTRL] [illusions] Re: [EWAR] Radar weirdness over Pine Ridge -Dialogue

2000-01-23 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Kent Steadman wrote:

 What I would not accept are the assertions of ecotoday that the Pine Ridge
  Reservation site was going to be a site of genocide. 

Kent- Clarification: We never said a "physical genocide."  Here in Canada,
the government instituted a system of residential schools in the early 1900s
to erase all of the traditional culture from Aboriginals.  Now, the
government is paying reparations for "cultural genocide."  If the US
government is
waging secret EWAR against First Nations peoples at Pine Ridge on the basis
of their race, they are committing cultural genocide under the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.  Thanks, Geri  Alfred, Vancouver, BC

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2000-01-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

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/A -Cui Bono?-





Hillary Rodham Clinton's latest fundraising letter slams
'meanspirited books' currently littering the nation's shelves,
but the first lady will now feel much more comfortable browsing
the aisles of some public libraries in Georgia.

Libraries in Cobb County, Georgia have decided not to carry a
recent NEW YORK TIMES best-seller which is critical of First Lady
Hillary Rodham Clinton, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

HELL TO PAY by Barbara Olsen will not be carried in the County's
Public Library System, a librarian in Marietta, Georgia told a
patron last week.

"This book has gotten bad reviews," the librarian explained.

But the same branch has purchased Gail Sheey's recent profile on
the First Lady, a book far more sympathetic to Clinton.

When pressed why the library was stocking Sheey and not Olsen,
the librarian at the East Marietta Branch [2051 Lower Roswell
Road in Marietta, Georgia; phone Number: 770-509-2711] snapped:
"Well, Sheey is a pretty good writer."

Olsen's HELL outpaced Sheey on the best-sellers list last year,
ranking on the NYT list one week longer Sheey's HILLARY'S CHOICE.

In a January fundraising letter sent to supporters, Mrs. Clinton
notes: "Dear Friend, They can launch anti-Hillary websites. They
can publish mean spirited books and press releases. But they can
never stop me from standing up for what I believe in."

In Georgia, they can make sure you never get on the shelf.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] TIMES: One in seven fathers 'not the real parent'

2000-01-23 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

 Perhap the interpretations are not PC (sexist bullshit), but the facts
 be wrong can they?

I think it was Mark Twain who opined:  "There are lies.  There are damned
And then there are statistics."

Statistics can be skewed to give whatever meaning one chooses.

 Just a simple DNA/Blood type match as far as I can tell.
 The study is consistent with earlier work that found a 10% impossible
 blood-type match between newborns and their supposed fathers.

But just WHO is getting these blood tests?  Not regular Jane and John
not happily married couples.  These are blood tests being conducted when
is already a problem, or suspected problem, in the relationship.

So one can only say that in one out of seven TROUBLED relationships, it
that the husband of the woman is not indeed the father of a particular

That only says that in approximately 14 percent of troubled relationships,
woman lied about the paternity of a child (or was mistaken)...in
86 percent of these relationships, the husband IS the biological father, and
nothing whatsoever can be construed about the sexual behavior, or possible
misbehavior, of the wife in the relationship...

And this tells us absolutely NOTHING regarding the population as a whole...
unless the 2000 Census takers also demand blood samples from each and every
citizen, we have no way of knowing what percentage of fathers amongst the
general population are indeed the biological fathers...

Indeed, this study was conducted in Great Britain, and as such can only be
applied to approximately 14 percent of troubled relationships in that
and tells us absolutely nothing about actual paternity in other countries.

 In history, fathers have killed offspring they believed to be biologically
 not theirs. Since the primal drive is to spread one's DNA,

Perhaps for men.  Women look for more in a relationship than to spread DNA.

 a man would not
 want to expend economic and emotional resources to bring up a child not

Explain that to all the stepfathers and adoptive fathers in the world.

 For once, scientific progress (DNA matching) on a mandatory basis could
 actually serve to solidify marriages and provide a better emotional
 for children if other husbands felt the same way I do.

Fine.  I hope all the chippies that end up with kids when these married
decide to have an extramarital fling also take advantage of this mandatory
testing you're so fond of.

I suspect that if everyone everywhere were required to submit to these DNA
that perhaps we may find that indeed approximately 14 percent of married
have been unfaithful to their spouses, while 86 percent have been faithful
(or at
least weren't stupid enough to get pregnant whilst having their fling)...but
we'd find the numbers inverted for men, IOW we'd find that approximately 86
percent of married men had had extramarital affairs, while only 14 percent
remained faithful (or at least weren't stupid enough to get another woman
with their child)...


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[CTRL] About Space Travel

2000-01-23 Thread Jabr 333

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/A -Cui Bono?-


I dug out one of my old HS yearbooks -- it was 1968, I was living in the
western-midwest at the time in a city of about 200,000.  My HS boyfriend,
Paul S., and I had been together nearly 1/12 years steadily.  We were an item
back then, he was a tall thin lanky sandy haired visual artist, later turned
landscape architect.  In the yearbook I have marked" reserved" for his
comments and the last part of this I wanted to share with you -- as another
sort of ET theory about those in control of humanity:

In May 1968 Paul wrote:

"Judy remember -- ' Zadig directed his course by the stars.  The
constellation of Orion and the splendid dogstars, guided his steps toward the
pole of Campia.  He admired those vast globes of light which appear to our
eyes as so many little sparks, while the earth which in reality is only an
imperrceptable point in nature, appear to our fond imaginations as something
so grand and noble.  He then represented to himself the human species, as it
really is, as a parcel of insects devouring one another on a little atom of
clay.'" --- (no attribution..for this quote) PNS


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #3

2000-01-23 Thread Ric Carter
t of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of
  Women: http://www.swrb.ab.ca/newslett/actualnls/FirBlast.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Laundering in Liechtenstein: Li'l EuroState great place to stash bad cash:
# Mitnick: I was manipulated; Hacker hammers prosecutors, NY Times reporter:
# Immigrants on parade - 40 Indian programmers handcuffed, showcased for
  INS bust: http://www.timesofindia.com/today/23home2.htm

@ THE CARING ECONOMY 11: THE LIMITS OF BIG. How 'global' is globalisation?
  You get big because you're better. You don't get better because you're
  big. http://www.thecaringeconomy.com/about/chapters/chapter11/index.shtml

# Cops Map Y2K Terror Plot - Telephone Data Links Algerian Suspects:
# Doc-posing man talks women into self-mutilation - just slice here:
# Girlfriend: Fake doc's a "misunderstood" abuse victim - poor baby:

# Building a Supermodel - In search of a versatile virtual person. With the
  power of the computer, researchers are using available raw data to refine
  the crude qualitative models of yesteryear into finely tuned simulations
  that can represent—and even predict—the behavior of complex biological
  systems. So do me: http://www.sciencenews.org/2122/bob2.asp

# Bigger holes in Web - Cybercrime growing harder to prosecute:
# Hot under the cyber collar? Road rage on Information Superhighway:
# Online battle of the sexes - Web luring female users, men soon to
  be minority: http://www.sacbee.com/ib/news/ib_news01_2122.html
@ For non-prude geeks only: Nude Overclocking: http://nudeoc.i12.com/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  "Wrong again, you dodderingly wet-ended pynwit, in _your_ hands it is
   merely the spoor of moldering fallacy." -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* Rev. R.Carter, ULC * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * FAX: 603-415-3736
* Fringes of: Science, Faith, Sex, Dope, Art, Paranormal, Conspiracy
* (sorry, I can't answer all email - but thanks for your feedback)
* SkeptiChat/News archives: http://www.sonic.net/~ric/sc/files.htm

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[CTRL] Astute Letter From Boyfriend

2000-01-23 Thread Jabr 333

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/A -Cui Bono?-


Now that I am on a bit of a nostaligic roll -- the HS boyfriend's yearbook
lament I just put on the list aside -- here is a braver statement about what
has been going on in the world from another, man I knew quite well and
romantically, Steve M., a poet at heart who most recently seemed to loose his
heart and possibly soul.  This letter was sent to me from the Sea Islands of
SC in July of 1972, just after he graduated from a college we attended
together, the capitals in this letter were true to his punctuation scheme
[this is another Hippie's rendition of the horrors of the take-over of
humanity from within]:

Front of the envelope says:


Judy B.
 XXth St.
B, XX 8X

"Zoom -- Mail Plane on Fire (drawing of plane headed to earth)"


Postmark dated 20 July 1972

Back of envelope says:

19 B. Rd.
ML, NJ 070XX


"Now Judy - 7/18

"You have earned a diploma and with that award responsibility and ambition go
along like body + soul.  This apparent apathetic sloth of yours toward
civilized endeavor comes, I fear, dangerously close to Blasphemy!  Why I bet
you'll even vote for McGovern!

"Tosh!  Wake up girl - or else bring ruin and shame upon your family.  You
MUST become a legal and functioning unit in our great free society - if
not...My God!...you'd might as well castrate thy father, or rip the telephone
right out of thy Grandmother's hand!  So wake up child!  Why, I bet that at
this very moment IBM would be willing to eagerly caress your future, or
Guiseppe's would settle your life-time agreements, or Eureka!  What an idea -
why not give up your body to the Man who most needs it!  -- Uncle Sam!  Yes!
Wacs and Waves have become obsolete terms because of your pinko-comie
generation - you crazy teenagers have left our armed forces sterile, our
country's defense wombless, Uncle Sam Impotent!  Wake up young Girl.

"Yes, Judy, there is a Santa Claus!

"Anyway -

"I am in South Carolina + received your letter yesterday with 3 different
addresses superimposed upon each other due to my Bohemian existence of late -
Real World is certainly quite strange, and oh, sooo boozy-ridden.  I am in
terrible shape and sit mentally vacant in B.,SC [name of city, state] alone
(Fxxx and other VISTA do-good-bombers were flown to PA to dig out Flood
victims today I arrived) with only Manchester, a little Sid-like doggie to
talk with. $1.45 is whole of my monies + am contemplating whether or not
rusty dog food can top would apply sufficient humor to slice my wrist into
Bologna.  O'slave to hyperbolic expression - heightens intensity of muddy
normalcy.  Actually not all that bad down here -- - is quite soothing -
huge sky with clouds of such height that diversity is never lacking - old
shacks blended into green varieties - so thick that insects don't frighten,
but seem a part of each breath - inlets + ponds and billowing towering
sweeping and jutting and all other types of trees - and all this languidly
draped with Spanish Moss (which by the way does not get one high).  One is
content not to jump here.  HOWEVER - If the intoxicated eye rests Monet-like
for a moment, Vista intrudes with bombs of wrinkled thighs which shatters the
land's sensitive depth and silence into absurb fragments of human Fragility.
"But its good" and everybody nods their heads.  "Good?" - maybe "bbonkers" -
more likely.   Anyway - Write again (use "19 Barton Road" address + it will
be forwarded to wherever I am) + will continue correspondence.  Do come east,
for if nothing else, it is quite wacky and accelerated here.  God I wish
there was music in the air - But the Goddamn Vista phonograph has as much
balls as a can of Downey Fabric Softener - only tunes available Elton John +
Burt Bacharate (sp?) - both of whom I would very much like to see run over by
a truck full of Refrigerators.

"Say hello to all Boulderites!  Yours in Liacosian Spirit.


"P.S. Say hi to that little black dog whose name I do not dare try to spell.

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Re: [CTRL] Canada-USA Border ;-)

2000-01-23 Thread WK

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Where is that sign - Peace Arch or truck crossing?  On the Canadian
side, I presume.  Directions appreciated.

I'd like to get a photo for posterity.


DIG alfred webre wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 Sign over the Canada-USA border at Blaine, Washington:


 Cartoon, Georgia Straight, 1/00
 Vancouver, BC

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
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 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Agencies say gasoline additive is contaminating water nationwide

2000-01-23 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Agencies say gasoline additive is contaminating water nationwide

Copyright © 2000 Nando Media
Copyright © 2000 Associated Press


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (January 21, 2000 10:04 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - MTBE, a widely used gasoline additive that
makes cars burn cleaner, has posed a cruel dilemma: It's making the air
cleaner, but it's polluting the water.

A suspected animal carcinogen with unknown health effects on humans,
MTBE has become the curse of water officials from California to New
England. The additive spreads through water so quickly and thoroughly that
a scant spoonful can foul an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

Leaking from gas stations' underground fuel tanks, it has forced wells to
close, run up millions of dollars in cleanup costs, sparked suits and
prompted state, local and federal investigations into a petrochemical that is
still something of a mystery.

"It's a diabolical chemical. It moves up, it moves down, it moves
everywhere. Our feeling is that as long as MTBE is in gasoline, our
groundwater is in jeopardy," said Dennis Cocking of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District, where 12 of 34 wells were closed because of MTBE.

MTBE has two critical characteristics - its ability to spread quickly, caused
by its high solubility, and its permanency. Even in its tiniest proportions, five
parts per billion, MTBE has an easily detectable smell.

"The stuff moves like wildfire. It increases exponentially. Once you find out
you have a problem, you have a big problem. And once it's in, how do you
get it out?" said Doug Marsano of the Denver-based American Water
Works Association, a consortium of water agencies that has urged
President Clinton to ban MTBE.

According to Marsano, the chemical has been detected in varying amounts
in all 50 states. Significant MTBE contamination also has been found in
such pastoral areas as Ronan, Mont., and Spring Green, Wis., as well as in
major cities like Dallas, Denver and Las Vegas.

"You can see it in a contiguous line from California to the East Coast. One
of the great questions here is why a chemical that we don't have a lot of
information about is being used in such a widespread manner," Marsano
said. "At this point, we think it is a problem in every state, but just how
significant a problem we don't know."

A European study in the mid-1990s linked MTBE to liver and kidney tumors
in mice. The danger to humans is unknown.

"At the levels we're seeing in drinking water, there is no direct human study
that shows cause and effect. The studies being used to assess risk are
essentially studies being done on animals," said California's top drinking
water official, Dr. Dave Spath of the Department of Health Services. "But
the problem with MTBE is whether there is a significant future threat
because of all these tanks that have leaked over many years."

As a result, California - the nation's No. 1 user of MTBE, with about 11
percent of all fuel containing the substance - has banned it by the end of
2002, and other states are expected to follow suit. Eight Northeastern
states from New Jersey to Maine joined to ask Congress to allow them to
decide whether MTBE or similar clean-air additives should be put in their

And an Environmental Protection Agency panel has recommended
strengthening programs to reduce MTBE's presence in drinking water.

The MTBE industry defends the additive.

"Because of cleaner-burning gasoline with MTBE, cities like Los Angeles
are enjoying their best air quality in 50 years," said Terry Wigglesworth,
executive director of the Oxygenated Fuels Association. "MTBE has not
only met, but exceeded expectations."

MTBE, called an oxygenate because it adds oxygen to gasoline, was
developed by oil companies in the 1970s to boost octane and replace
lead. Smog fighters noticed that MTBE improved gasoline combustion and
dramatically reduced tailpipe pollution, in some cases up to 40 percent.

Following the passage of the Clean Air Act in 1990, federal authorities
ordered the phase-in of oxygenates in gasoline sold in the nation's
smoggiest urban areas.

MTBE became the oxygenate of choice. The other best-known oxygenate,
ethanol, is a type of alcohol made from corn and is used widely in the
Midwest. Supporters of ethanol see it as safer; MTBE backers dispute that.

MTBE, or methyl tertiary butyl ether, is now found in the fuel consumed by
70 percent of the nation's cars. About 4.5 billion gallons of the additive are
manufactured annually.

In Santa Monica, hit first and hardest by major MTBE contamination in
1995, the substance leaked into the water supply from the underground
tanks of at least a dozen gas stations.

The city of 92,000 has shut down at least half of its wells and is now
importing most of its water from Southern California's main wholesaler. The
city believes the cleanup could cost $100 million,

"It was quite astounding," said Assistant City 

[CTRL] Revolution in Ecuador

2000-01-23 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: MichaelP
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 5:21 PM

More than 12 hours ago the BBC World Service folk broadcast the Anglican
(Episcopalian) Bishop of Quito stating his support for the peasants  - He
stated the position clearly; I expected to find his words on the BBC's web
pages  and I intended to post them around. But I can't find them!! Instead
of which there's a more bland summary which I attach below.

Those words stated to me that the Ecuador revolution was over because of
U$ intervention, that the indigenous had lost their initiative and would
be going home, that they would invoke Ghandian/ MLK principles of
non-violence in opposition to the renewed Ecuador administration, that the
new President has threatened to eradicate the "snake" of opposition with
all necessary means -that Mr Vargas -the indigenous member of the
now-dissolved Junta -was still in town and would probably be arrested,
and  so on - Oh Yes!! and that the Bishop was using  his BBC interview to
get the truth out.

For the time being this BBC story is the best I can find as a counter to
the usual Mr. Greed spin.


BBC   Sunday, 23 January, 2000, 11:33 GMT

"Mr Vargas has warned that his movement is still alive in the provinces"

Ecuador indians angry at 'betrayal'     Indians head home after
toppling a president

Leaders of the protest movement which overthrew the president of Ecuador
have warned they will fight to oust his successor unless he can solve the
country's economic problems quickly.

Indigenous indians expressed anger and feelings of betrayal that their
uprising has led only to the former vice-president, Gustavo Noboa, being

The new president has pledged to carry on with the same tough economic
policies which provoked the original unrest.

One indian, Salvador Quishpe, told Reuters news agency: "We don't accept
the presidential succession."

As the indians streamed out of the capital, Quito, heading back to their
mountain villages, their leader, Antonio Vargas, said Mr Noboa had only
been installed after pressure from Washington.


In an interview with a Mexican news agency, Mr Vargas denounced General
Carlos Mendoza, leader of the three-man council for betraying the
indigenous groups' drive to form a new system of government that would end
widespread corruption and represent the interests of the country's poor.

"Mr Noboa wants to take advantage of our people's fight to keep helping
the same people as always, the corrupt bankers. We will defend our
historic fight," he said.

Mr Vargas warned that although they have disbanded for now, his movement
is still alive in the provinces and ready to intensify its fight for

The indigenous indian leader was part of the three-man council which took
power briefly before being dissolved in the immediate aftermath of
President Jamil Mahuad's overthrow.

In Washington, a spokesman said the United States supported constitutional
government in Ecuador, and was in close contact with all the relevant

But one taxi-driver in Quito described the change in the corridors of
power as simply "re-arranging the furniture".


"It's made the indians feel like they've achieved something, but nothing
has really changed," he told the BBC's correspondent in Quito, Peter

Mr Noboa - who has the backing of the Ecuadorean Congress and the military
leadership - has said he will continue with the former president's
economic policies.

In recent months, Ecuador's recession-plagued economy has shrunk by 7%,
while inflation soared to 40.7%

Mr Mahuad's 'dollarisation' plan announced this month was unpopular with
the indigenous population and workers' unions, which said the scheme would
further impoverish them by increasing prices but keeping salaries low.


Military chief General Carlos Mendoza, who took a leading role in the
three-man council immediately following the coup, said the decision to
install Mr Noboa was taken after talks with US officials who warned that
Ecuador would lose aid and investment if it did not restore power to the
elected government.

The US, the European Union and almost every Latin nation had condemned any
attempt at imposing a government by non-constitutional means.

Mr Mahuad, who has reportedly been offered asylum in Chile, has given his
support to the new president.

In his surprise television address, he condemned Friday's events as a
"national and international shame", but wished Mr Noboa the best of luck.

"I ask you to give Gustavo Noboa the support you did not give to me," he
said in the broadcast. "The hours ahead for the president will be very
hard... He needs the country's support.''

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2000-01-23 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

First article is spin-control for the stock market.
Second one gives raw facts and price-watch info.

Dave Hartley

Nobody's flinching as oil prices rise

By Dave Carpenter

Associated Press
Saturday, January 22, 2000

As crude oil prices roared toward $30 a barrel this week, reaching levels
last seen on the brink of the Persian Gulf War, airlines were adding
surcharges to ticket prices and consumers were worrying about heating bills.
Yet inflation remains tame and the U.S. economy has barely blinked.
The reason: Oil simply doesn't lubricate the new, tech-savvy economy the way
it once did.
"Oil's overall impact on the economy is vastly reduced" from years past,
said William Cheney, chief economist for John Hancock Financial Services.
"That's due to the increased energy efficiency of companies that use oil
heavily and the increased importance of industries that are not heavily
dependent on it."
Prices for crude have jumped nearly $5 a barrel in the past week. Heating
oil, spurred not only by oil's surge but a Northeastern cold snap, has risen
50 percent in two weeks.
But even with energy products pushing to a series of new nine-year highs,
many Americans keep shelling out undaunted for gasoline and other petroleum
"It doesn't deter me," motorist Chip Tuttle said at a Boston gas station
Friday as he paid $43 to fill his sport-utility vehicle, an indication that
gas prices are the highest they've been there since Christmas 1990. "The
economy is good."
The era of cheap oil began ending last March when the Organization of the
Petroleum Exporting Countries cut production by 4.3 million barrels a day.
The oil producers were determined to end a world oil glut and push up prices
that fell as low as $11.37 a barrel in February.
OPEC, an often undisciplined cartel, was able to hold down production.
U.S. oil supplies now are at their lowest level in several years and the
International Energy Agency warned Thursday that markets "are tight and
getting tighter."
Since March, crude prices have more than doubled, reaching a nine-year high
in November that was smashed again this week. Oil for February delivery rose
as high as $29.95 a barrel during trading Thursday before the contract
expired. In trading Friday, the March contract briefly rose above $29 before
giving up some ground. The new near-term contract still managed to finish
the day with a gain of 23 cents to close at $28.20 a barrel on the New York
Mercantile Exchange.
Two decades ago, a similarly huge spike in oil prices caused gas lines and
sent the U.S. economy into shock. But in 1999, while fuel oil and gasoline
prices climbed sharply, the "core" rate of inflation -- excluding the
volatile energy and food sectors -- rose at its smallest rate in 34 years,
just 1.9 percent.
What happened to inflation? Where's the recession?
Some economists are still warning of dire consequences, especially if oil's
rise continues unabated. Phil Verleger, economist for the Brattle Group, a
consulting firm in Cambridge, Mass., sees oil headed to $40 by year's end,
prompting several interest rate increases and a recession before the year is
"If it went to $40 a barrel, it would be disruptive," said Bruce Steinberg,
chief economist for Merrill Lynch. "You can't keep going up endlessly
without having an effect."
But America has built up a much better resistance to energy shocks. The oil
price explosions of the mid- and late-1970s helped spawn a new energy
consciousness and the giant steps taken by technology steered the economy
away from manufacturing and toward services and the Internet.
Oil expenditures, which accounted for 8.5 percent of gross domestic product
in 1981, have fallen to about 3 percent, according to the U.S. Energy
Information Administration.
"Oil is still probably the single most important price that affects the
well-being of Americans," said Cheney. "When the price goes up . . . America
is in a sense a little poorer. But we are much better at adapting to it
Adjusting or not, consumers are being increasingly squeezed by oil's rise.
Among the latest consequences of the increase in prices:
* The nation's top airlines said this week they are adding a $20 surcharge
to round-trip tickets because of jet fuel costs that have more than doubled
in the past year.
* Trucking companies are hiking rates by 5 percent to 6 percent.
* Business owners are beginning to pass on to consumers the new, higher
prices charged by shippers ranging from the United Parcel Service to the
post office.
* U.S. gasoline prices are rising again after dipping since hitting a 3
1/2-year high of almost $1.35 a gallon last month. Signs announcing hikes of
as much as 15 cents a gallon have been posted this week.

They are saying the worst is yet to come. Read the rest of the story and go

[CTRL] FW: PROVE / Medical Privacy abuses / vaccination

2000-01-23 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

- Original Message -
From: Alan Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Friday, January 21, 2000 10:31 PM
Subject: [Fwd: [PROVE] Medical Privacy Presentation]

Dawn Richardson wrote:

  Dear PROVE members,
   Last year I was invited to sit on a statewide HHS task force sponsored by
the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute which is taking a year
long study on the problems in our health care system that can be addressed
by applying the conservative principles of limited government, individual
liberty, free markets, and traditional family values.  It is composed of
legislators, industry representatives, health policy think tank
organizations and government employees dedicated to the principles above.  I
am there representing PROVE's mission and it is the first time that vaccine
issues are being represented in this type of a forum in Texas and I am very
excited about it.  The task force is hoping to promote their findings to
other states to duplicate the efforts here.  Today, in an all day session,
we talked about how federal issues affect the state, and I was asked to
present on medical privacy because of all our work fighting immunization
registries.  I want to thank my husband Scott for being willing to be Mr.
Mom one day every month so I can participate.  Here is my presentation that
I gave today.  Dawn

  The Federal Erosion of Medical Privacy
  By Dawn Richardson  President, PROVE
  LIFT Texas HHS Task Force Member

  Presented to:
  LIFT Texas Task Force: A Principled Approach to Health and Human Services

  January 21, 2000

  The Influence of Federal Policy on Texas Health Care

 Hello.  My name is Dawn Richardson.
I feel privileged to have the  opportunity today to direct your attention to
the accelerated erosion of the  privacy and confidentiality of our
individual health records by federal  government initiatives and programs.
There is an alarming trend of federal health programs exploiting the
accessibility of an individual's electronic medical record through
persistent and continuous attempts to capture and store our personal
intimate medical details without  our consent under the pretext of
regulating  costs and improving public health and the quality of health
  The question we must all ask ourselves as the ownership of our medical
records continues to evolve away from us and towards the federal government,
is this the path that we want health care in this country to continue on?
If so, we need do nothing since the momentum is in place. However, if we
value choices in treatment options, a private relationship with a health
care provider we choose, individual medical care decisions being made in our
personal best interest, innovative medical research, and health care cost
containment through free markets, we need to reverse this trend and assert
that medical records are our private property and access to them should be
controlled by a contract between the patient and the provider and/or payer,
not the federal government.
   HHS Proposed Medical Privacy Regulations
  The most imminent threat to medical privacy is posed by the U.S.
Department  of Health and Human Services' (HHS) proposed medical privacy
regulations  governing electronic medical records published in the Federal
Register on  November 3, 1999. 1
 Applying to all individuals, whether their health care  is paid for
privately or by the government, the proposed rule would  dangerously grant
federal, state, and local government health employees  broad unrestricted
access and control of our identifying and private medical  information
without our consent for anything that can be linked to the  HHS-defined
"national priority purposes" of research, public health,  government health
data systems, law enforcement and oversight of the health  care system. 2
The section of the proposed rule posing the greatest threat to medical
privacy is entitled "Uses and Disclosures Permitted Without Individual
Authorization."  Un-consented disclosures are rationalized for "public
health  surveillance, investigations and interventions." Immunization and
cancer  registries are cited as beneficiaries of this governmental
information grab.
  HHS states in the proposed rule, "We considered requiring individual
authorization for certain public health disclosures, but rejected this
approach because many important public health activities would not be
possible if individual authorization were required."  They also state,
"We  also considered limiting certain public health disclosures to
de-identified  health information. While de-identified information could be
appropriate for  many public health activities, there are also many public
health activities  that require individual identifiers. Instead, we rely on
the judgment of  public health authorities as to what information would be

[CTRL] Fwd: VAWA Tests the Limits of Federal Power

2000-01-23 Thread Tenorlove

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Alabama Committee To Get Us Out of the UN

From: Clarence H Napier [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Fwd: VAWA Tests the Limits of Federal Power 

Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 19:33:48 EST 
Subject: VAWA Tests the Limits of Federal Power 
VAWA Tests the Limits of Federal Power
December 1, 1999 
With President Clinton issuing a blizzard of overreaching executive
and Congress federalizing hundreds of crimes that are properly in the

jurisdiction of the states, we must depend on the Supreme Court to stand
the Constitutional principles of federalism. The chief reason Americans
retained their liberties through two centuries of governance by
politicians is the separation of power between the states and the federal

government, and then among the three branches.
The case that puts this to the test is Brzonkala v. Morrison, which is
the Court in the current session. It tests the constitutionality of the

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) passed in 1994 under feminist pressure
the wake of the much-ballyhooed Tailhook incident.
Ordinarily the lack of actual and credible complaints, evidence or 
convictions would preclude million-dollar lawsuits over private conduct.
VAWA allows for attorneys' fees and punitive damages for alleged violence

that was never reported to the police, let alone proven in criminal
VAWA's Section 13981 expressly states that a prior criminal
prosecution, or conviction is not required in order to recover
and punitive damages. Plaintiffs can go into federal court seeking
of dollars by alleging violence without ever alerting the police that a
may have taken place.
Real violence should be reported to the police in order to enable
investigation and prevention of recurrence of the violence. Federal law

should not provide financial incentives to bypass police
Plaintiffs should not be allowed to sue in civil court on claims
by allegations of violence without independent and timely investigation
local law enforcement. VAWA's Section 13981 creates such incentives for
federal lawsuits alleging crimes long after the relevant state statute of

limitations has expired.
In attempting to create a new federal cause of action for monetary
VAWA relies on the Commerce Clause and Section 5 of the 14th Amendment.
upheld, VAWA would be an extraordinary and unprecedented extension of
power into the areas of domestic violence and family law.
The Commerce Clause gives Congress the power to regulate interstate
in order to ensure the free flow of goods and services. Domestic violence
absolutely nothing to do with commerce or the flow of goods.
Section 5 of the 14th Amendment gives Congress the power to protect
against state violations of their rights. However, VAWA attempts to reach

private conduct completely removed from any state action.
The federal government should not be undermining state criminal laws. No
is helped when violence against women is trivialized into allowing law
to strategize over how to make the most money from an ugly
The specific facts alleged in the Brzonkala case were, indeed, ugly. But
case is about trying to recover a large judgment in federal court by
a rape that was not promptly reported to the police.
When money, rather than criminal justice, is the name of the game, the
and the public are unable to sift fact from fiction. Under VAWA's
real criminals will go free while the falsely accused will be subjected
financial and reputational ruin.
Congress has no constitutional basis for regulating marriage or domestic

relations. It is neither constitutional nor prudent for Congress to
its one-size-fits-all view of domestic relations on the states.
VAWA's attempt to federalize issues such as rape, spousal rape, spousal

immunity, and other aspects of domestic relations would open the door for

Congress to federalize marriage itself. If VAWA's Section 13981 is
there would be no logical basis to prevent Congress from regulating
alimony, child custody and other aspects of family law.
Just as Congress should not impose a uniform federal remedy for murder,

Congress should not impose a uniform federal remedy for domestic
violence. It 
is foolish to pretend, as VAWA implicitly does, that a perpetrator of a

violent rape will 

[CTRL] (Michael New) U.S. soldiers shouldn't be cannon fodder for the U.N.

2000-01-23 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Frank Hamann - John Birch Society Chapter Leader - Garden Grove
My web page: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/5627/

U.S. soldiers shouldn't be
cannon fodder for the U.N.

January 21, 2000

The role of our military is to protect the United
States. This is a self-evident fact and shouldn't be
debated. However, in recent years our presidents
have ordered American troops into service of the
United Nations. Due to the many recent illegitimate
troop deployments in U.N. peace-keeping
missions, our armed services are becoming short
handed and ill prepared to defend the United

One reason that our military is having a tough time
finding good recruits may well be that America's
young men realize that once they enlist in the U.S.
military they might be drafted to fight for the U.N.

It happened to Michael New. Specialist Third
Class New was a member of the 103rd Infantry of
the United States Army. After serving in the Gulf
war, New's platoon was sent to Macedonia for
U.N. peace-keeping duty. New was ordered by his
superiors to remove his U.S. Army uniform and put
on the uniform of the United Nations.

Having pledged to defend the United States, but not
the United Nations, New refused this unlawful
order. Because of his courageous act, New was
court marshaled. New has been fighting this unjust
ruling in military courts and plans to fight it all the
way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

New's supporters are urging people to write their
congressmen in support of legislation to stop the
practice of placing American soldiers under U.N.
command. New is an American hero and patriot.
Real Americans don't wear U.N. blue!

Frank Hamann
Garden Grove

Eternal Vigilance - The Price of Freedom!

The John Birch Society/The New American
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Re: [CTRL] About Space Travel

2000-01-23 Thread TenebrousT

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 1/23/00 7:19:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In May 1968 Paul wrote:

  "Judy remember -- ' Zadig directed his course by the stars.  The
  constellation of Orion and the splendid dogstars, guided his steps toward
  pole of Campia.  He admired those vast globes of light which appear to our
  eyes as so many little sparks, while the earth which in reality is only an
  imperrceptable point in nature, appear to our fond imaginations as
  so grand and noble.  He then represented to himself the human species, as
  really is, as a parcel of insects devouring one another on a little atom of
  clay.'" --- (no attribution..for this quote) PNS


Judith, see my signature line for a similar quote from H.P.Lovecraft, similar
in concept, not in word use or style.

"Welcome to the desert of the real."  Morpheus, "The Matrix".

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

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Re: [CTRL] One World Govt 10 regions.

2000-01-23 Thread Robin Peters

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 1/22/00 5:35:23 PM Central Standard Time,

 ( This book is great - He is said to have been
 killed for that with quick acting cancer .N) 
He did manage to get a second book out before he died - the title escapes me
- but the content of same is pretty heavily anti-Catholic.
Speaking of Kah, I had no idea he'd passed on; when did he die?

Robin Peters

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Help/Antarctica City

2000-01-23 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

And this one

Horlick Mountains are in Antartica
seems to have something to do with a project of JPL.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: earthman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Help/Antarctica City

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 And this one

 Peter... Yes. you want access to the Hefferlin Manuscripts. i think
 connected to ( i have them im trying to find them ) Hapgood? these cities
 are very well described

 We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

 - Original Message -
 From: Gwinn O Nabisco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2000 5:44 AM
 Subject: [CTRL] Help/Antarctica City

  -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
  /A -Cui Bono?-
  I need some advice.  About six months ago, my friend told me that she
 leaving the "powers that be" and going to a libertarian stronghold in
 Antarctica.  I think the name of the place could be Antarctica City.  I
 find no information about this place.  My friend was not the kind of
 who made things up.  I miss her and fear for her safety.  Please provide
 information about Antarctica City that you have heard.  I am tired of
 attempting to utilize traditional sources.  I am not a conspiritorialist,
 but I am to the point that I am desperate for some type of lead.  Please
 not make up bogus information, but also, please provide any information
 about this place that you have heard.  Thanks.
  LYCOShop. Thousands of products!  One location!
  A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
  CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
  screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
  and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
  frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
  gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
  be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Freemasonry's Occult, Evil Empire Exposed

2000-01-23 Thread earthman

Thanks eagle, I did not realise the Vatican was behind it. Wink wink nudge 
nudge, say no more, say no more.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboardhttp://sites.netscape.net/gsussnzl/poleshift

  - Original Message - 
  Eagle 1 
  Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 8:36 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Freemasonry's Occult, 
  Evil Empire Exposed
  Leaving out the books of Enoch and Jasher were 
  done by the Trent Council in 1821...
  The book of Enoch lost the vote by only one 
  and the book of Daniel was cannonized by only one vote... MEN did the 
  voting. Those books were originally apart of the King James that 
  was translated in 1611. 
  The Trent Council was made up mostly of 
  members of the Vatican... need I say more?
  You can examine a portion of the Enoch scroll 
  on my website, 
  eagle 1
- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 12:41 
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Freemasonry's 
Occult, Evil Empire Exposed

"Even they claim that they could have made errors"
Yeah like leaving out the books of Enoch Thomas, Jasher 

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboardhttp://sites.netscape.net/gsussnzl/poleshift

Re: [CTRL] One World Govt 10 regions.

2000-01-23 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

OK, Where is Israel on that list then. You mean they forgot about Israel?
I can't see it's Arab neighbours agreeing to have Israel in it's region, can
you? They don't seem to get on very well.

Anyway, I got the info from Stan Deyo's  "The Cosmic Conspiracy".
His list is a bit more extensive, but the basics are the same.
And Oceania is lumped in with NZ, Oz, Sth Africa and Israel.

So you don't think a new world order will happen eh?
I don't see it not happening, unless of course we have a UFO invasion or
pole shift. Mind you, both of these scenarios would probably play right into
their hands.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] One World Govt 10 regions.

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 How wrong is this post? Let me count the ways.

 earthman wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
  /A -Cui Bono?-
  I hear that Israel is lumped in with NZ and Oz.
  Hmmm I wonder who will be pulling the strings if this is the case.

 1) What could possibly be the point of lumping Israel with NZ and OZ?
Israel and its neighbors are being forced into phony peace treaties
because the NWO needs to establish THAT REGION as an economic entity.
Israel's capitalist economy will be the anchor economy for the region.
I was told by an ex-Clinton cabinet person that the political elites
have the attitude that "the Arabs are incapable of running a modern

  - Original Message -
  From: Nicky Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 12:34 PM
  Subject: [CTRL] One World Govt 10 regions.
   -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
   /A -Cui Bono?-
   Nations Comprising 10 Future "Kingdoms"
   This list is compiled from a map found on page 42 of "En Route to
   Occupation", by Gary H. Kah, published by Huntington House Publishers
   Lafayette, Louisiana, 1991. ( This book is great - He is said to have
   killed for that with quick acting cancer .N)

 One really must laugh at this kind of info. This stuff is Bible based
 " Ten Kingdoms?" When all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look
 a nail. When you are afflicted with the religious disease, everything
 to look like Bible prophesy.

   The data that created the map originates with Mihajlo Mesarovic and
   Pestel, authors of "Mankind at the Turning Point-The Second Report to
   Club of Rome', published by E. P. Dutton  Co., Inc.,/Reader's Digest
   For the uninformed, the Club of Rome is an offsoot of The
   through one Aurelio Peccei (now deceased), a prominent Italian
   with close ties to the Fiat and Olivetti corporations. Like The
   Bildebergers, the COR draws a high percentage of its members from the
   Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The COR has been assigned the task
   overseeing the regionalization and unification of the entire world,
   ALL nations of the world will give up their sovereignty in favor of a

 So far, so good.

   Following are the ten regions and the approximate territories they
   comprise. These regions are synonomous with "kingdoms",

 Only in the minds of the superstitiously aflicted.

  likely, each with
  a head reporting to the world government of the day.
   United States

 1) Mexico is part of NORTH America, and is already a partner in NAFTA with
 US and Canada.

   Western Europe
   British Isles
   Norway, Sweden and Finland

 This is probably correct. My personal guess is that Turkey won't remain in
 the fold once the Turkish people overthrow their elites.

   Pacific Islands

 3) Too limited. Japan's is supposed to be the anchor economy for that

   New Zealand
   South Africa

 4) Not South Africa. More likely the Pacific Islands. SA is the anchor
 for Southern Africa, which is also thought of by the ( American )elites as
 " basket case " incapable of developing a modern economy.

   Eastern Europe

 Never happen!

   Central America (including Mexico)
   South America
   Carribean Islands

 5) This one is all wrong. Mexico is part of NAFTA. Central America and the
 Caribbean would be a separate region from South America. None of these
 will be successful for the NWO, simply because Capitalism is the wrong
 economic system for these particular regions. These economies are failing
 we speak. 

Re: [CTRL] Chasing Government Monkeys

2000-01-23 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: J. Neil Schulman 
Subject: Re: "Chasing Government Monkeys"
Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 3:27 PM

James Daugherty wrote:


 Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project: [Not Necessarily Endorsed]

 To: www.jail4judges.org [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: "Chasing Government Monkeys"
 Date: Sunday, January 16, 2000 7:29 PM

 I have done some research on the Grand Jury's 5th Amendment
 Presentment power to independently investigate and demand
 criminal prosecution of government officials.

 There are two reasons Presentments have become "obsolete": (1)
 grand jurors are not told about this power, and (2) grand jurors
 don't have enough lead in their pencils to hold press conferences
 on the courthouse steps when prosecutors refuse to prosecute
 judges, fellow prosecutors, police, agents, etc.

In most states, any grand juror who say anything at all about the content of a grand 
jury proceeding
would be in jail on felony charges.

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Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
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Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
Lists  E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs,  resources.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Chip Tatum / Nexus Magazine

2000-01-23 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: nexusmagazine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 4:11 AM
Subject:  Chip Tatum

From: Catherine Austin Fitts

I remember a debate on the list about Chip Tatum and whether or not his
was reliable, and I do not remember the outcome so I thought I would ask.

Last night I watched a long interiew with him before he and his website
retreated from the public eye. One of the topics he covered was the flow of
drugs from Central America during Iran-Contra. He said everything channeled
through Panama and flowed to three locations. Lamar and Pueblo in
California, Dayton in Ohio, and Mena and Arkansas Air Force Base. Given the
importance of those three areas to HUD financial fraud in the 80's and
during the Clinton Administration, I found the locations of interest.

Anyone got a take on Tatum and his reliablity or on the accuracy of this
description of the Iran Contra flow/The Enterprise? I should note that I
found it fascinating that his business during his second attempt at
retirement was a mortgage company in Denver.


Catherine Austin Fitts

Duncan M. Roads Editor, NEXUS Magazine

I have had correspondence with Chip prior to his 'disappearance'.  In
fact, we published an article written by David G. Guyatt (UK), titled
"The Pegasus File".  It ran over two parts in  the April-May 1997; and
June-July 1997 issues of NEXUS Magazine.  I am pretty sure you can get
the articles for free at my web site (www.nexusmagazine.com).

The writer, David Guyatt is exceptionally pedantic about details, and I
know that David spent a lot of time and money verifying Chip's story
before committing the story to be published.  Generally speaking I have
found Chip to be honest and pleasant in all his dealings with NEXUS, and
if you read David's articles, I am sure you will see that there are a
zillion details for y'all to pick at.

I would be most appreciative if any of you can confirm, or deny the
details therein.

The article contains a list of key individuals involved in the cocaine
trail from Columbia, through Honduras to Panama and on into the US.

The list as published is as follows:

William Casey (Director, Central Intelligence)
Clair Elroy George, Head of CIA Central American Task Force
George Bush
Dr Henry Kissinger
Alexander Haig
Donald Gregg (former National Security Advisor to VP Bush, Ambassador to
Duane "Dewey" Clarradge (sp?) CIA
Joseph Fernandez, CIA Costa Rica Station Chief
Oliver North
John Singlaub
William Colby
Richard V. Secord
Willam Weld (Head of Criminal Division, US Dept of Justice, instrumental
in blocking Senate investigations into narcotics, according to Senate
Special Investigator Jack Blum)
Felix Rodriguez (CIA officer with close ties to VP Bush)
General Peroot, (Defense Intelligence Agency)

The article makes it clear that Governor Clinton was knee-deep in the
cocaine venture etc etc.



Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Gun Controls Kills

2000-01-23 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Gun  Controls Kills
Date: Saturday, January 22, 2000 5:45 PM

to Unsubscribe send "leave nevadagop" in body of message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or hit 
reply with "REMOVE" in subject

Just Another Day With Gun Control
January 16, 2000

by Jim Houck

The movie I went to see today, at the request of my film managers, was
Hurricane starring Denzel Washington. I write feature films. I write TV ads
for the largest advertising agencies on earth for clients like Toyota, Ford,
Sony and Coke. I am the "Hollywood crowd" that the liberal press lies about
so often.

I arrived early at the Torrance, California AMC 20 Theaters, so I bought my
ticket and sat on a bench just outside the front lobby under a palm tree for
about half an hour, enjoying the many different faces, the playing kids, the

A flood of Californians streamed out suddenly. A young girl had been attacked
by a criminal who had just shot her.

"Is the shooter stopped?" I asked, reaching for my Heckler  Koch USP .45,
running for the lobby with the intent to kill the criminal before he could
injure or kill more of We the People.

"No, nobody can do anything!  He's just walking around like he owns the
place!" a California woman cried, trembling like a mouse before the lion.
And indeed, the criminal did.

I ripped up my leather jacket and found my holster missing. I didn't have my
.45 with me today. I'd opted not to take it just this one time at the advice
of the local Californians, avoid the hassle of the California cops if they
discover it, I thought, save the massive court costs of exercising my right.
"Don't get caught, the street officers will hook you and book you and let the
judges sort it out," a friend and local California police officer had told me
repeatedly. Besides, it was three in the afternoon next door to Palos Verdes
Estates, one of the most affluent and lowest crime areas in the United States.

My decision to leave my self defense at home very likely cost the young man,
who would be shot next, his life. I have extensive, combat firearms training.
 I've been in three gun battles with criminals in New Orleans and Miami in
the defense of myself twice and a Miami police officer once, and I've never
missed nor have I lost. The criminals did.

Of course the criminal didn't know these things. He didn't know he was in a
"low crime" area and he didn't seem to care that it was three in the
afternoon on a Sunday. All he knew was that he was operating in Senator Diane
Feinstein¹s wet dream, a theater of perfect Gun Control. Not one citizen in
the large crowd of moms, dads, young men or young women had a firearm with
which to defend themselves. So they ran. But the funny thing is, they didn't
run very fast and the certainly didn't run very far, in fact, many basically
hurried and the stood around and complained about not being able to finish
their show. You see, criminals being in full control is nothing new in
California. It's not news. It didn't excite these folks.

I stopped outside the lobby doors. No gun. No way to fight this criminal, I

The shooter fired again, dropping a young man next. Well, the California
people voted this idiocy through, they repeatedly elect servants like Diane
Feinstein and Barbara Boxer as state senators, people who take away their
rights to self defense and the defense of their families, I thought, let them
deal with the consequences of their decisions. Of course the criminal walked
out the back of the AMC 20 Theaters and vanished long before the local police
could wade through the Sunday traffic and do the paperwork. At least they
were nice enough to come. They didn't have to. They responded as a "courtesy"
according to the Supreme Court. They have no legal duty to protect the
individual from criminal assault or murder. Something surprisingly few people
know, especially in California.

I looked at the downed young man. He would die, judging from my own personal
experiences as a shooter of over 20 years, and where the criminal had injured
him. The girl, barring very unusual circumstances, she would live - judging
from where the criminal had injured her and her loss of blood.

The police put pressure on the injuries to try and reduce the bleeding from
the criminal attack. Another courtesy service.

I sat back down on the bench and watched the Californians as they angrily
demanded their ticket money be refunded, the victims of the criminal lying
ten yards from them, moaning, dying.

A man with his wife in the line of angry movie patrons turned to me and
growled, "I'm surprised Feinstein isn't here already. And 

[CTRL] NATO's Pontius Pilate

2000-01-23 Thread WK

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

 Rumor Mill News Forum 


   Posted By: Jerry Zeifman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Saturday, 22 January 2000, at 10:30 p.m.


 Carla Del Ponte, the current prosecutor of the UN's International 
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
 (ICTY) has declined to investigate evidence of War Crimes committed 
by NATO leaders. She has issued a
 press release stating "NATO is not under investigation...There is no 
formal inquiry into the actions of NATO
 during the conflict in Kosovo."

 Viewed simply in ethical terms her posture is an abdication of her 
professional responsibilities. On a legal
 level her position is even more indefensible. Article 18 of the 
ICTY's own statute states specifically, "The
 Prosecutor shall initiate investigations. . . on the basis of 
information obtained from any source. The
 Prosecutor shall assess the information and decide whether there is 
sufficient basis to proceed." Yet Del
 Ponte disavows any need for an investigation or inquiry.

 Del Ponte's press release was issued on December 30, 1999. It is 
remarkably inconsistent with prior
 statements emanating from her and her aides. Just one day before, on 
December 29, the Associated Press
 published a story by its Hague reporter, stating:

 The United Nations chief war crimes prosecutor is reviewing the 
conduct of NATO pilots and their
 commanders during last spring's 78-day bombing campaign against 
Yugoslavia, her spokesman said
 yesterday. Carla Del Ponte's staff compiled a report on the air 
strikes at the urging of several "interested
 parties" ...[who have] ...filed complaints before the the Tribunal, 
said spokesman Paul Risley...The contents of
 the tribunal's report are confidential...

 Her statement is also inconsistent with a variety of other prior 
assurances by her that she would investigate
 evidence of NATO- committed war crimes submitted by a wide variety of 

 On December 26, the London Observer reported: "A dossier of NATO war 
crimes lands in prosecutor's lap."
 In response to a question concerning her willingness to investigate 
such crimes she said: "If I am not willing
 to do that, I am not in the right place, I must give up my mission."

 The recent AP and Observer articles were hardly the first personal 
assurances by the office of the
 prosecutor of an intention to at least investigate, if not indict, 
NATO leaders. For more than six months a
 number of reputable lawyers and private organizations from such NATO 
countries as Canada, the United
 States, Greece, Norway, and Germany have been submitting evidence of 
such crimes to the Tribunal.
 Among the first of these has been a group of Canadian lawyers headed 
by Professor David Mandel of York

 In June 1999 the Canadian group submitted extensively documented 
complaints that NATO leaders have
 admitted knowledge of the inevitability of civilian death, injury and 
destruction and persisted their bombing
 attack despite that knowledge. The complaints also charged them with 
deliberately choosing civilian targets in
 defiance of Geneva Conventions, the UN Charter and other relevant 
provisions of international law.

 Several weeks after filing its complaint the group met with 
then-Prosecutor Louise Arbour who, though non
 committal on the merits of the case, at least indicated a willingness 
to consider submitted evidence impartially.
 Subsequently, Arbour resigned from the Tribunal to accept a judgeship 
on Canada's supreme court -- a
 position which many of NATO's critics in Canada consider a reward for 
not acting on the complaint of the
 Mandel group. On September 15, Carla Del Ponte replaced Arbour as 
ICTY's prosecutor.

 On November 15, 1999 David Mandel had a personal meeting with Del 
Ponte. He submitted a supplementary
 written brief outlining the case and three additional thick volumes 
of evidence documenting the war crimes.
 The supplementary brief and evidence included what Mandel described 

 Overwhelming evidence of war crimes, crimes against humanity 

Re: [CTRL] Armed Dangerous

2000-01-23 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

This story is mentioned in the beginning of "A License to Steal" : The
Forfeiture of Property, by Leonard W. Levy
I haven't finished the book yet - it was recommended as a definitive work on
asset forfeiture laws. The definitive website is http://www.fear.org  which
seems pretty appropriate when "law enforcement" turns goon
squad-in-search-of  OPM other people's money.. or their homes.. and getting
away with murder.

Dave Hartley



Ranch-coveting officials settle for killing owner

Five police agencies staged bogus drug raid on rich eccentric
to acquire 200-acre spread

By Paul Ciotti
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Recent revelations about rampant police perjury have made Los Angeles juries
so mistrustful of law enforcement that attorneys for Los Angeles County are
in some cases offering plaintiffs multi-million dollar settlements, rather
than risking the possibility of far larger damage awards should the cases
ever go to trial.

In one of the more infamous instances of alleged law enforcement misconduct
-- the killing of the reclusive Malibu millionaire and rugged
individualist Donald Scott in his ranch house by Los Angeles sheriff's
deputies in 1992 -- county and federal government officials tentatively
agreed last week to pay Scott's heirs and estate a total of $5 million in
return for their dropping a wrongful death lawsuit.

Furthermore, they made the settlement despite the deep conviction, says
deputy Los Angeles County Counsel Dennis Gonzales, that the deputy who shot
Scott was fully justified and -- even though the sheriff was never able to
prove it -- that the heavy-drinking Scott was growing thousands of marijuana
plants on his remote $2.5 million Malibu ranch.

Early on the morning of Oct. 2, 1992, 31 officers from the Los Angeles
Sheriff's Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Border Patrol,
National Guard and Park Service came roaring down the narrow dirt road to
Scott's rustic 200-acre ranch. They planned to arrest Scott, the wealthy,
eccentric, hard-drinking heir to a Europe-based chemicals fortune, for
allegedly running a 4,000-plant marijuana plantation. When deputies broke
down the door to Scott's house, Scott's wife would later tell reporters, she
screamed, "Don't shoot me. Don't kill me." That brought Scott staggering out
of the bedroom, hung-over and bleary-eyed -- he'd just had a cataract
operation -- holding a .38 caliber Colt snub-nosed revolver over his head.
When he pointed it in the direction of the deputies, they killed him.

Later, the lead agent in the case, sheriff's deputy Gary Spencer and his
partner John Cater posed for photographs arm-in-am outside Scott's cabin,
smiling and triumphant, says Larry Longo, a former Los Angeles deputy
district attorney who now represents Scott's daughter, Susan.

"It was as if they were white hunters who had just shot the buffalo," he

Despite a subsequent search of Scott's ranch using helicopters, dogs,
searchers on foot, and a high-tech Jet Propulsion Laboratory device for
detecting trace amounts of sinsemilla, no marijuana --or any other illegal
drug -- was ever found.

Scott's widow, the former Frances Plante, along with four of Scott's
from prior marriages, subsequently filed a $100 million wrongful death suit
against the county and federal government. For eight years the case dragged
on, requiring the services of 15 attorneys and some 30 volume binders to
all the court documents. Last week, attorneys for Los Angeles County and the
federal government agreed to settle with Scott's heirs and estate, even
though the sheriff's department still maintained its deputies had done
nothing wrong.

"I do not believe it was an illegal raid in any way, shape or form," Captain
Larry Waldie, head of the Sheriff's Department's narcotics bureau, told the
Los Angeles Times after the shooting. When Scott came out of the bedroom,
deputies identified themselves and shouted at him to put the gun down. As
Scott began to lower his arm, one deputy later said, he "kinda" pointed his
gun -- which he initially was holding by the cylinder, not the handle
grip --
at deputy Spencer who, in fear for his life, killed him.

Although attorneys for Los Angeles County believed Scott's shooting was
justified, they weren't eager to see the case go to trial. Recent widespread
revelations of illegal shootings, planted evidence and perjured testimony at
the Los Angeles Police Department's Rampart Division were making the public
mistrust the police.

"I've tried four cases (since the 


2000-01-23 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 20:07:32 -0500
From: Eileen Sutton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Free-Speech Lovers,

As many of you know, censorship at Pacifica Radio has, since the
KPFA crisis last Spring, become a way of life.  And the
"reassignment" of Pacifica Network News director Dan Coughlin
this past November was, for many, the last straw.  Pacifica
Foundation chair Mary Frances Berry also heads the U.S. Civil
Rights Commission, though it's clear her vision of civil rights does
not extend to press freedoms.  Pacifica has a cancer of censorship
growing within that we intend to purge.

To fight Pacifica's rightward and authoritarian drift, the national and
international stringers and contributors to Pacifica Network News--
PNN--have decided to act, and are threatening to strike the national
news on January 31st for 3 months if several demands are not met.
Dozens of reporters have already signed on from across the
Americas, Asia and Europe, and our current strike list comprises
the majority of regular contributors to the national-news broadcast.
(This action in no way affects the local-news division at each sister

Tomorrow, we are sending our demands to management.  This will
be ganged with a massive media push.  Hundreds of press
releases are going out across the country to print and radio
reporters, web sites, community groups, academics, free-speech
institutions, progressive writers, unions, etc.  We are asking for
support at every level, and we are asking those who give interviews
to Pacifica to consider boycotting the network news as well.

We've set up an on-line press kit at "www.savepacific.net" for
reporters and anyone interested in learning more about the action.
There you'll find our press release, our letter to management, a
Chronology of Censorship, several salient articles including an
outstanding Salon piece on Mary Frances Berry, artwork, etc.
Most recently Frank Ahrens of the Washington Post described
Pacifica sister-station WPFW in Washington as the most
censorious in the network, and his comments could not have come
at a better time.

We are trying desperately to save Pacifica.  Opinions vary about
the fate, and the state, of the network.  Some feel the forces within
Pacifica who seek to neuter it's progressive voice have the upper
hand and will ultimately prevail.  Others feel Pacifica management
is, despite its bravado, vulnerable, and that this strike action
comes at an excellent time, and will give activists and journalists
who are fighting for the network a place to focus their energies.

If we can educate the mainstream press about what's really
happening at "free-speech radio" we believe there's a fighting
chance.  The struggle to preserve the country's oldest community-
sponsored, non-commercial media institution is not merely a labor
struggle, as management would have us believe.  The public needs
to know that the fight for this network is historic, especially within
the context of gargantuan corporate media mergers which result in
the strangulation of free, unimpeded access to news and
information.  We hope to build a tidal wave of support for this
action, while renaming this crisis. Management says labor
struggle.  We say CENSORSHIP.  Management says internal
matters. We say CENSORSHIP.  Management tries to gag us, we

What can you do?  Spread the word.  Check out the web site.  We
are setting up a strike fund to support those free-lance reporters
who earn a lot from Pacifica and who will be sacrificing that
income. Even a $5 donation to the strike fund is appreciated.
Please take a moment to circulate and/or send our Affinity Letter to
Mary Frances Berry.  This will be available on the web site as of
January 31st, when the strike is scheduled to begin.  There is also
talk of striking reporters filing stories on-line and producing
alternative broadcasts for Pacifica affiliates.  The possibilities are

A small group here in New York has begun to brainstorm as to how
to involve the New York activist community (forums?  demos?
parades?) and your ideas are most welcome.  Please leave us a
voice mail at (212) 439-8087, or write to us at

We are striking to fight censorship.  Front and center.
Management has tried desperately to keep this issue out of the
national Pacifica debate, but as of this strike action, that particular
black-out is officially over.

Please treat yourself to the comments of Daniel Ellsberg below.
We thank you for your interest, and welcome your support.

Eileen Sutton
Pacifica Reporters Against Censorship
(212) 439-8087


Daniel Ellsberg's KPFA Interview Discussing Censorship
at Pacifica

"The present management of Pacifica seems to me
entirely unsuited to 

[CTRL] FW: EMI and Time Warner propose merger forming biggest record company

2000-01-23 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

One-world megalithic corps  .. merger madness..

Dave Hartley

London, Jan. 23 (Bloomberg) -- EMI Group Plc and Time Warner Inc. said
they're in talks to combine their music units and create the world's
biggest record company.

Warner Music Group, whose artists include Alanis Morrisette, Eric Clapton
and Madonna, will pay EMI shareholders more than $1 billion, or $1.65 a
share, for board control of the 50-50 joint venture, people familiar with
the companies said. Warner and EMI - - whose catalog ranges from the Spice
Girls to the Rolling Stones to Garth Brooks -- expect to unveil the merger
tomorrow, EMI said.

The venture, to be called Warner EMI Music, would have sales of about $8.3
billion, topping its biggest rivals, including Seagram Co.'s Universal
Music Group. The move will boost its marketing clout and an expanded
artist roster will give the venture an edge in selling more albums online
through America Online Inc., which has agreed to buy Time Warner. "If you
can distribute via the Internet -- via AOL -- it's going to boost sales at
EMI," said Nick Ward, an analyst at Commerzbank Global Equities, adding
that EMI tends to sell more of its back catalog of titles on the Internet
than through retail outlets.

$10 Billion Each in Assets

EMI and Warner's music assets are worth about $10 billion each, the people
familiar said. EMI declined to give any details. Time Warner declined to
comment further today.

This "represents an opportunity to establish the world's premiere music
group and to create very considerable value for shareholders of both
companies," EMI said. "The transaction would not involve an offer being
made for EMI."

New York-based Time Warner, the world's largest media and entertainment
company, agreed to AOL's $163.5 billion stock offer earlier this month to
give its brands, including Warner Music, a way to expand in electronic
commerce. AOL is the world's top Internet service with more than 20
million subscribers.

When that transaction was announced, executives said they intended to step
up the pace of acquisitions.

EMI Chairman Eric Nicoli and Time Warner President Richard Parsons will be
co-chairmen of the new venture, a person familiar with EMI said. Warner
Music Chairman Roger Ames will be chief executive and Ken Berry, president
and chief executive of EMI recorded music, will be chief operating

EMI to Keep HMV Media

Warner Music will have six directors on the venture's board, while EMI
will have five, the person said. It would have headquarters in New York
and London.

EMI's music business, including recorded music and music publishing,
account for about 85 percent of the U.K. company's sales. Its stakes in
Internet companies and in bookstore chain HMV Media Group Plc won't be
included, and stock in EMI will continue to trade, a person familiar with
EMI said.

London-based EMI has seen its market share in the U.S. fall as sales in
Europe have stagnated. It's done better in Asia, however, where sales more
than doubled in the six months through September. It was helped by a debut
album from Japan's Utada Hikaru that was the best-selling album in
Japanese history.

Warner Music Group had 1998 sales of $4.03 billion. It suffered last year
from releasing fewer hit albums and delayed releases from popular
performers, causing it to slide to fourth place in domestic market share
with about 15.8 percent of the market.

Fills a Gap

Both need to bulk up after rivals have grown through mergers themselves.
The move will especially bolster Warner Music's position overseas, where
its performance has lagged that in the U.S. "It fills in a gap," said Hal
Vogel, an independent entertainment analyst based in New York. "Warner
Music was generally very strong in the U.S. and weak outside of the U.S.
This pumps them up on an international level."

Seagram's Universal Music Group bought Polygram NV in late 1998 for about
$10 billion, reducing the number of major record distributors to five. In
the 12 months through June 30, 1999, Seagram's music business generated
$6.34 billion in sales. It had a domestic market share of about 26.4
percent last year.

Combining Warner Music with EMI, the world's No. 3 music company, would
cut that number to four. In addition to Warner EMI and Universal, the
others are Sony Corp. and Bertelsmann AG.

The expected merger announcement doesn't prevent other companies from also
making an offer for EMI, Vogel said. Walt Disney Co., for one, has a small
presence in music and has tried to expand it in the past.

Other Possible Suitors

"Disney has to be the prime candidate to be interested in it. (Disney's
music business) is still small, and who but Disney with its Broadway
shows, theme parks and animation could use music and exploit it better,"
Vogel said. He also named News Corp. and Sony Corp. as other companies
that potentially could be interested in EMI.

Re: [CTRL] Gun Controls Kills

2000-01-23 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
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2000-01-23 Thread Kris Millegan

STRATFOR.COM's Global Intelligence Update - 24 January 2000

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STRATFOR.COM Global Intelligence Update
24 January 2000

National Missile Defenses: Fighting the Last War


Last week, the Pentagon's Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
launched a missile from California into the Pacific in an attempt
to shoot it down and prove that a limited national missile defense
is possible. But the ongoing debate over such a defense is at least
a decade behind emerging strategic and battlefield realities. The
new strategic threat will not come from rogue regimes fielding one
or two weapons but instead from coalitions built around true
nuclear powers such as Russia and China - whose forces could easily
overwhelm such a defense. And the debate is distracting the U.S.
military from forging a space strategy that protects satellites,
the keys to U.S. conventional military power.


Last week, the United States launched a missile from Vandenberg Air
Force Base in California toward Kwajalein Atoll, several thousand
miles away in the Pacific. A few minutes later, an interceptor
missile was launched from the island. Its mission was to destroy
the incoming intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in a test of
a new anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system. The interceptor missed.
The test failed.

The responses were predictable. Opponents of an ABM system claimed
that the failure proved the inherent unreliability of a missile
defense system. Whatever the virtues of an ABM system, the claim
that this test proved its non-viability is absurd. Early tests of
any system are expected to fail. That's why they are called tests.
You only have to think about the failures of missiles early in the
space program to realize that. This failure tells us nothing. Which
is not to say that an ABM system of this sort is a good idea. It
just means that this failure should not influence anyone's opinion,
one way or another.

Let's consider how we got to this position. In 1972, the United
States and Soviet Union signed an agreement banning the creation of
an ABM system. The treaty was meaningless; no one really knew how
to build such a system. The Soviets deployed some hardware around
Moscow, but calling it an anti-missile system would have been
charitable. The 1972 treaty, therefore, was a classic in diplomatic
irrelevance, banning what was effectively impossible.

By the 1980s, missile defense capabilities appeared to have evolved
to the point that a serious defense was possible. Ronald Reagan's
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), or Star Wars, was a project
intended to reconsider the question of whether an effective defense
against missiles was possible under new technology. Opponents of
SDI argued (a) that it would not work and (b) that it would de-
stabilize the balance achieved by Mutual Assured Destruction, the
doctrine that deterrence rested on assurance that an attack by one
side would result in an annihilating attack by the other side. Now,
If (a) were true, then (b) would not be. Nonetheless, the same
people who criticized SDI for being ineffective were frequently the
ones arguing that it was destabilizing.

The defenders of SDI managed to get as tangled in logic as the
opponents. The primary criticism of a missile-based ABM system was
that it was like hitting a bullet with a bullet. A secondary
criticism was that the interception would likely take place inside
the atmosphere, with results as nasty as if they weren't
intercepted. Finally, since each ground-based interceptor would
have a very limited range, the number of interceptors needed to
protect the United States from incoming missiles was mind-boggling.
All of these were good arguments.

SDI therefore focused on a new class of weapons. These weapons were
to be based in space rather than on earth, so that they could
intercept launches as they left the atmosphere or in mid-flight,
rather than on the last seconds of their trajectory. More
important, these weapons would consist of laser beams, particle
beams, X-rays and other speed-of-light weapons. These speed-of-
light weapons would take care of the problem of hitting a bullet
with a bullet. A missile moving at seven miles per second was
virtually standing still. Space-based, speed-of- light weapons
would be able to handle any missile.

That was probably true,