[CTRL] FW: Chemical warfare in Seattle N30 - D3

2000-03-05 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000 11:28 PM
Subject: Chemical warfare in Seattle N30 - D3

   Here finally seems to be some solid information on the toxic elements of
the tear gas used in Seattle.  It is OUTRAGEOUS, but not surprising, given
the early symptoms that were coming in from the medical staff at the time.
While the police had admitted to OC and CS gas before, this was not the
case with the CN gas, containing methylene chloride.

Appended is the technical information on methylene chloride.  Note
under the last point in the second message, under point #5: "PERMISSIBLE
EXPOSURE LIMIT (PEL): MG/M3 (500 PPM)" means that the permissible limit
is 0.

This should keep a bunch of them doing a whole mess of damage control
for a while.

But it also means a whole whack of us got hit with massive amounts of
deadly toxins in the chemical warfare that the state unleashed on us in
Seattle.  And we will have to live with that posioning for the rest of our
lives.  It was chemical warfare against internal dissent using chemicals of
mass destruction.  Is this not a crime against humanity?  Was that not why
the governments said they bombed (and continue to silently bomb) Iraq?  Cuz
Iraq allegedly had weapons of mass destruction (ie nerve gas).  Well, not
only does the USA government have such weapons but it uses them AGAINST
THEIR PEOPLE.  And it does so when its people are engaged in non-violent
civil disobedience.

Any lawyers out there who want to take this one as far as it'll go?
It'll go quite a ways!
How about human rights organizations?  Surely we get to at least
complain about them killing us!  Never mind dreaming about making them
actually ACCOUNTABLE for these crimes.

   -   Bob

From: Paul Cienfuegos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Tear Gas additives identified by WA Toxics Coalition

This was just forwarded to me by the WA Toxics Coalition office in Seattle.
Please share it widely with your lists. Thanks!
Paul Cienfuegos

The Washington Toxics Coalition recently requested and received Material
Safety Data Sheets from the Seattle Police Department for all chemicals
used in crowd control during WTO protests the week of November 29.  The
Department reported the use of an OC gas (active ingredient is oleoresin of
capsicum), Pyrotechnic CS agent (o-chlorobenzalmalononitrile) and Liquid
Agent CN (chlorolactetophenone).

One disturbing find was the solvent used in the CN agent.  The MSDS
indicated that the agent is 50% active ingredient and 50% methylene
chloride as a solvent.  Methylene chloride is a possible/anticipated
carcinogen as reported by the National Toxicology Program and the
International Agency for Research on Cancer.  The National Library of
Medicine's Toxnet website reports it to be an experimental carcinogen,
tumorigen, teratogen (causes birth defects when it reaches egg or sperm
cells of the parents, or the developing fetus) with experimental
reproductive effects.  The site also indicates that human mutagen (causes
mutations in cells) data exists.

In addition to these serious effects, central nervous system depression is
reported.  Many of the nervous system effects given on the Toxnet site are
similar to those experienced by protesters.  Some of the symptoms listed by
Toxnet are lethargy, mental confusion, headache, tingling of the limbs,
acoustical and optical delusions, liver and kidney damage, increased risk
of spontaneous abortion, coma, and death.

Another dangerous effect of methylene chloride is described in Gosselin's
Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products.  The compound is metabolized to
carbon monoxide in humans, which could be dangerous to persons with asthma
or cardiovascular problems.

In short, methylene chloride is a dangerous solvent suspected of causing
cancer, tumor growth, birth defects, reproductive system effects, cell
mutations and central nervous system depression.


forwarded by
The Edmonds Institute
From: Will Offley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Methylene Chloride MSDS





FORMULA WT:  84.93
CAS NO.: 75-09-2
PRODUCT CODES:9324,9341,Q480,9330,5378,5531,9315,9329,9264
  EFFECTIVE: 10/24/86

Re: [CTRL] MKULTRA, Louis Jolyon West "Joly West"

2000-03-05 Thread JP Viken

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Joly worked at haight ashbury free clinic in the mid 60's with Dr. timothy
Leary, the Harvard educated Ph.D. psychologist.  Alleged persons he treated:
charlie manson, sirhan-sirhan and later david koresh.  He was jack ruby's
doctor while ruby was jailed in dallas and ruby accused him of injecting him
with cancer (actually ruby was left in front of an xray machine at the
hospital for a set of chest xrays with long, very great over-exposures.
Joly was the official psychiatric grief consultant at the Murrah building
"atf sting gone bad" catastrophe.
Soon after this major lawsuit was filed against joly, he developed a
terminal case of the cia flu.  Therefore, he is now dead!  (this is what
always happens to these covert operators and servants of the intelligence
agencies when exposure is imminent) .  Joly was a baby-faced guy who seemed
humorous and harmless.  In actuality he was one of the most vicious
torturers that ever lived.

-Original Message-
From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, March 05, 2000 11:46 PM
Subject: [CTRL] MKULTRA, Louis Jolyon West "Joly West"

>-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
> -Cui Bono?-
>Dave Hartley
>(A scientology site)
>The maestro of “mind-control”
>continues to haunt America
> Articles in this edition describe some of the life-destroying effects
>of psychiatry’s primary therapies — drugs and electric shock. The following
>presents one of their chief advocates — Louis Jolyon West, director of the
>UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute until his resignation following exposure of
>possible violations of federal law regarding use of government funds.
>In a lawsuit currently before the Los Angeles Superior Court, it has come
>light that the University of California at Los Angeles and UCLA Medical
>Center have, since the early 1980s, attempted to remove psychiatrist Louis
>Jolyon West from the roster of the university’s faculty.
> One psychiatric colleague who asked to go unnamed described West as
>“supremely arrogant” and charged that he “misused his positions for his own
>ends,” at the expense of the university.
> Many will not find such statements surprising, considering West
>himself, whose history includes controversial LSD experiments for the
>Central Intelligence Agency and even more controversial plans to construct
>secret installations for the “study” and modification — by electric shock,
>chemical castration and other means — of the behavior of citizens,
>particularly minorities.
> Indeed, any discussion of CIA “mind-control” endeavors, such as the
>infamous MK-Ultra, would be incomplete without West, who has, according to
>information provided to Freedom, enjoyed a long and lucrative career in
>field. Although he has sometimes posed as a civil libertarian, he has not
>sought to expose dangers of intelligence agency “mind-control” techniques,
>but rather to secretly perfect its use on others.
> In a document released under the Freedom of Information Act, for
>example, it was revealed that more than four decades ago, the CIA sought to
>set West up in a clandestine laboratory to perform “mind-control”
>experiments with hypnosis and LSD. A portion of the experiments with LSD
>other drugs in which West was enmeshed at the CIA’s behest were exposed in
>the mid-1970s by the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, chaired
>by Senator Frank Church.
> West contributed to the early work which resulted in, among other
>things, the death of tennis pro Harold Blauer in an experiment with a
>mescaline derivative in New York City in 1953. The Senate Select Committee’
>investigation revealed drugging of unsuspecting targets, electric shocking
>to obliterate memory and “programming” individuals to kill — acting under
>psychiatric control.
> West’s career highlights included injecting a 7,000-pound bull
>elephant, Tusko, with an overwhelming dose of LSD — roughly 1,435 times the
>quantity, in West’s own words, one would have given to a human “to produce
>for several hours a marked mental disturbance.” Not surprisingly, the
>elephant collapsed in agony minutes later and died.
> West had ingested the mind-altering substance himself shortly before
>killing Tusko, the prize of the Oklahoma City Zoo, and was evidently still
>under its influence at the time he sloshed through the beast’s entrails,
>performing an “autopsy” which he recorded on film. He later issued a report
>to advance his “discovery” that elephants could be killed with LSD and to
>promote use of the drug to cull elephant herds in Africa.
>Prisons as Laboratories
>  “Jolly” West moved on, changing his base of operations from Oklahoma
>to Los Angeles. In keeping with intelligence proposals to utilize prisons
>experimental laboratories, he drafted

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #2

2000-03-05 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000305b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Portal to notices, excuses, overflow, links: http://skepticon.pitas.com
* No major planets were attacked during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Flattened: http://www.nerve.com/scripts/photoday.plx?48
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# "When Planets Attack..." Something flew over Southwestern Illinois in the
  wee hours of 1/5/2000. Was it Venus, as the debunkers claim? Was it alien,
  military? http://ufos.about.com/culture/ufos/library/weekly/mcurrent.htm

# "Reader's Sightings" A new batch of sightings every week, from YOU! See
  it now: http://ufos.about.com/culture/ufos/library/bldata/blguidea.htm
@ *SEND ME YOUR SIGHTING!* For inclusion on the "Reader's Sightings" page.
  Be sure to include the date and location of the sighting. Your name won't
  be used, only initials. Send it to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

: Have you sighted/reported/hallucinated/faked any UFOs lately? Have you
contributed to any UFO forums? Did you gain fame/fortune/infamy/scrutiny?
Will you keep your mouth shut next time? Will there be a 'text time'? Why?

# "In The News" - Did General Roger Ramey admit that he lied about Roswell?
# "The Disappearance of Frederich Valentich" He Vanished after reporting a
  UFO... http://ufos.about.com/culture/ufos/library/weekly/aa033098.htm
@ "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About UFOs..." ..But didn't know who
  to ask. http://ufos.about.com/culture/ufos/library/bldata/blguidea.htm
@ "U.S. UFO Sightings" A continuously updated database of UFO sighting
  reports: http://ufos.about.com/culture/ufos/library/bldata/blsight2.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# AURORA WARNING. (NASA) Residents of Canada and the northern United States
  should be on the alert for aurora borealis during the night of March 5 and
  morning of March 6.  The best time to view aurorae is usually around local
  midnight.  Tonight's new moon will make even faint activity easy to see.
  Early on March 5, 2000, the interplanetary magnetic field in the vicinity
  of Earth developed a significant southward-directed component.  This con-
  dition often means that solar wind plasma can penetrate Earth's magneto-
  sphere and trigger auroral activity.  Data from NOAA's polar orbiting
  meteorological satellites late on March 5 show an expanded auroral oval.
  If this high level of activity continues, auroral displays could be
  visible as far south as the Great Lakes states and in New England.
  Continuing coverage of aurora: http://www.SpaceWeather.com

: Have you been irradiated lately? Do aurarae trigger your subconscious? Do
you have a strong compulsion to worship the sky gods? Do you have animal/
human/alien sacrifices ready? Will the sky gods be please with your gifts??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# The Amazing Splitting Of Van Tassel's 'Giant Rock' - A Prophecy Fulfilled?
  Or too many rock-climbers?  To
  UFO researchers, Giant Rock is significant for other reasons. It was the
  home & workplace of the enigmatic George Van Tassel. Van Tassel allegedly
  made contact with extraterrestrials and was tutored by them on a variety
  of subjects, including human, cellular rejuvenation. And that led to the
  building of a structure called the Integratron. http://tcoto.da.ru

# Contactee Van Tassel's 'Giant Rock' In Mojave Desert Breaks Apart - gift
  shop operators bereft: http://www.emissaryoflight.com/giant_rock.htm

: Have you seen many/any spirits/UFOs/drunks from atop Giant Rock? Was Van
Tassel's daughter really impregnated by a Martian there? Did concussion from
the nearby USMC artillery range crack The Rock? Are powers of Mentalphysics,
focussed through The Rock, now dissipated, free-floating haphazardly from
the Morongo Basin towards Los Angeles, to ignite a further catastrophe? Were
UFOlogy gatherings at The Rock fine examples of performance art? Thrilling?

@ The Rite of Spring provoked riots in Paris in 1913. In America, it gets
  nothing more than a lusty ovation. Where were those Parisian hooligans
  raised?... http://www.harvard-magazine.com/jf00/firstnights.ssi
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# "Flatulent Irish cows are anything but great gas" - "The extent of flatu-
  lence among Irish cows, not to mention their belching, will soon force
  farmers to change the way they do business, it has been predicted. This
  factor is a major contributor to Ireland's growing greenhouse gas emis-
  sions problem" http://ireland.com/newspaper/ireland/2000/0301/hom33.htm

# "Clean Air Trust Names 'Republicans for Clean Air' Villain of the Month" -
  e. http://www.usnewswire.com/topnews/Current_Releases/0303-113.html
# "World obese catch up with starving" - "For the

[CTRL] TIMES: Vegetarian Antichrist is 'walking among us'

2000-03-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

London Times 3/6/00
Vegetarian Antichrist is 'walking among us'

THE leading conservative contender to succeed the Pope yesterday said that
the "Antichrist" was already on Earth in the guise of a prominent
philanthropist whose concern for human rights and the environment and
advocacy of ecumenicism masks his real aim: the destruction of Christianity
and "the death of God".
Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, 71, the Archbishop of Bologna, said the Antichrist
was not the beast with seven heads described in the Book of Revelation but a
"fascinating personality" whose outward charm and plausibility had deceived
his enemies. Cardinal Biffi said the Antichrist espoused vegetarianism,
pacifism, environmentalism and animal rights.

He also identified the Antichrist as an expert on the Bible who nonetheless
promotes "vague and fashionable spiritual values" rather than the Scriptures.
He advocates ecumenical dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and other
Christian denominations, including Anglicanism and the Orthodox Church. This
appeared to be a worthy aim, but was in fact being used by the Antichrist in
an attempt to water down and undermine Catholicism to the point where it

The cardinal did not say whether he had any particular world figure in mind,
and his real target seemed to be the substitution of "feel-good" causes, such
as ecology and humanitarian aid, for "true religion". His remarks appeared to
mark out part of the conservative agenda ahead of the next conclave to elect
a Pope. The physical decline of Pope John Paul II, 79, has sparked off
jostling for position among the cardinals who stand to replace him.

Cardinal Biffi was speaking at a conference in Bologna on the work of
Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900), the Russian philosopher and mystic, whom he
praised as a "forgotten prophet" who had "lucidly foreseen" the horrors of
the 20th century. In his last writings, the cardinal said, Solovyov had
predicted the rise of the Antichrist after a century of bloodshed, wars,
revolutions and the breakdown of the nation state.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Death & the State

2000-03-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>>we are just to callous, so callous that we put trust in systems that do not
necessarily deserve such trust to keep us protected from ourselves. >>

Hi All-I came to adulthood in a USA where the Supreme Court had outlawed the
death penalty - the USA of the early 60s before Vietnam.  Kinda hip,
compassionate place.

Studies have shown that there is no policy reason for the death penalty - it
does not deter murder.

Studies have also shown there was no great public outcry for the death
penalty - Rather right-wing politicians used a cry for the death penalty
as an election-ploy.  Voters bought it, and a new industry was born - the
penal-death row industry.  Great money maker. Gov Death has 400+ people
on Death row, and has overseen the executions of 120+ (more than most of the
world put together).  The death row is the top of the pyramid of a penal
system which Gov Death has quadrupled the inmate population in his term.
The USA penal system is about corporate profit. In NYState alone, collect
from inmates amounted to $25million last year.. get the drift.

Now,the most despicable aspect of the death penalty, which has reduced
the US to the bottom of the ethics barrel, is that it is driven by secret
intelligence networks, through covert agents such as Victor Rodriguez, head
of the Texas Board of Pardons & Executions (sp).  He aids and abets Gov Death
in these tasks.  Bush uses death rhetoric as masonry to gain power as an
alpha killer in the public mass mind.  Just watch him when he answers press
questions about the death penalty.  He morphs into a CIA killer.  This aspect
of maintaining the death penalty is mass mind control, facilitating
right-wing, dictatorial militaristic politicians, and mind-control
structures.  This is
a world-wide culture of death, and the "death-penalty" is part of the masonry
that supports it.

If you at all support or blythely excuse the death penalty, you are not
supporting a legitimate state policy, but rather a covert scam that places
the US in the company of Iraq, Iran and China.  If you elect Bush, you are
going to have to deal with the responsibility and impact of a brazen public
in high office.  One who dissimulates with Victor Rodriguez and the CIA
when refusing even directives for clemency.  It's a hard rain falling.

The State does not have the right to the Death of an individual.

Why would you want to do that, and debase the USA further than it is?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] MKULTRA, Louis Jolyon West "Joly West"

2000-03-05 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

(A scientology site)

The maestro of “mind-control”
continues to haunt America

 Articles in this edition describe some of the life-destroying effects
of psychiatry’s primary therapies — drugs and electric shock. The following
presents one of their chief advocates — Louis Jolyon West, director of the
UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute until his resignation following exposure of
possible violations of federal law regarding use of government funds.

In a lawsuit currently before the Los Angeles Superior Court, it has come to
light that the University of California at Los Angeles and UCLA Medical
Center have, since the early 1980s, attempted to remove psychiatrist Louis
Jolyon West from the roster of the university’s faculty.

 One psychiatric colleague who asked to go unnamed described West as
“supremely arrogant” and charged that he “misused his positions for his own
ends,” at the expense of the university.

 Many will not find such statements surprising, considering West
himself, whose history includes controversial LSD experiments for the
Central Intelligence Agency and even more controversial plans to construct
secret installations for the “study” and modification — by electric shock,
chemical castration and other means — of the behavior of citizens,
particularly minorities.

 Indeed, any discussion of CIA “mind-control” endeavors, such as the
infamous MK-Ultra, would be incomplete without West, who has, according to
information provided to Freedom, enjoyed a long and lucrative career in this
field. Although he has sometimes posed as a civil libertarian, he has not
sought to expose dangers of intelligence agency “mind-control” techniques,
but rather to secretly perfect its use on others.

 In a document released under the Freedom of Information Act, for
example, it was revealed that more than four decades ago, the CIA sought to
set West up in a clandestine laboratory to perform “mind-control”
experiments with hypnosis and LSD. A portion of the experiments with LSD and
other drugs in which West was enmeshed at the CIA’s behest were exposed in
the mid-1970s by the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, chaired
by Senator Frank Church.

 West contributed to the early work which resulted in, among other
things, the death of tennis pro Harold Blauer in an experiment with a
mescaline derivative in New York City in 1953. The Senate Select Committee’s
investigation revealed drugging of unsuspecting targets, electric shocking
to obliterate memory and “programming” individuals to kill — acting under
psychiatric control.

 West’s career highlights included injecting a 7,000-pound bull
elephant, Tusko, with an overwhelming dose of LSD — roughly 1,435 times the
quantity, in West’s own words, one would have given to a human “to produce
for several hours a marked mental disturbance.” Not surprisingly, the
elephant collapsed in agony minutes later and died.

 West had ingested the mind-altering substance himself shortly before
killing Tusko, the prize of the Oklahoma City Zoo, and was evidently still
under its influence at the time he sloshed through the beast’s entrails,
performing an “autopsy” which he recorded on film. He later issued a report
to advance his “discovery” that elephants could be killed with LSD and to
promote use of the drug to cull elephant herds in Africa.

Prisons as Laboratories

  “Jolly” West moved on, changing his base of operations from Oklahoma
to Los Angeles. In keeping with intelligence proposals to utilize prisons as
experimental laboratories, he drafted a plan to use electric shock and drugs
on state inmates in what was called “aversion therapy.”

 In the 1960s, West could also be found in the Haight-Ashbury section of
San Francisco, conducting more LSD experiments, this time within the hippie

 A pet project of West’s in the late 1960s and early 1970s was the
Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. He proposed to establish a
“securely fenced” center at a remote, abandoned Nike missile base in the
Santa Monica Mountains, in keeping with earlier plans by the CIA to set up
“mind-control” stations off the beaten path, where experimentation could be
carried out free from such concerns as human rights. Ironically, West
embarked on a PR campaign to promote himself as a champion of “human
rights” — an effort that would be comical if not for the bottom line in
terms of human suffering.

 West’s plans for such centers were the subject of hearings by the U.S.
Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1974, chaired by Senator Sam Ervin,
whose members were alarmed at reports that West planned to test radical
forms of behavior modification — mind-bending drugs, electric shock,
implantation of electrodes in the brain and forcible castration with the
drug cyproterone acetat

[CTRL] The TRUTH About Y2K?

2000-03-05 Thread The Extremist

Newswatch Magazine

The TRUTH About Y2K!

Revelation 13:1 states: “And I stood upon the sand of the sea
[meaning humanity], and saw a beast [government] rise up out of the
sea [of humanity]…” Now notice how far this Beast [or government]
will extend its power! Revelation 13:7 says: “…and power was given
him over ALL kindreds, and tongues, and NATIONS.” That is
Global Government no matter how you slice it!

But notice what else will be accomplished by this Global 
Revelation 13:16-17 reads: “And he [a second Beast of v.11] causeth
ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive
MARK [for identification] in their right hand, or in their
And that NO man might be able to BUY and SELL, save he that had
the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” 
of course, v. 18 tells us the number is 666.

In the aftermath of Y2K, many Christians have been both
and wondering exactly what all the hype and buildup of Y2K was all
about in the first place. Was Y2K imagined? Was it built up to
provide a cover for the real agenda? The following may give some
answers as to WHY Y2K was built up, then allowed to pass with
only minor incidents.


Joan Veon has covered 35 U.N. conferences on several continents.
Her first conference made her realize that we are in a time of 
government on the International level already. While the beginnings
world government began long ago, the current phase of world
government infrastructure began between 1941 and 1943, then the
passage of the U.N. Charter by the U.S. Senate in 1945 as its
birthday. All that is needed to bring this world government into 
forefront of everyone’s understanding is a planned, managed,
catastrophic event to make the transition from the world we know in
America to that of recognizable world government based on the
United Nations Charter.

It was thought that Y2K would PRESENT an excellent opportunity
to move the U.S. and the world into “official” world government;
put into effect all of President Clinton’s Executive Orders; and
starvation in third and fourth world countries.

In view of the FACT that the lights never went out on December 31,

For two years the world was prepared to fight a common enemy. We
were told if BILLIONS of lines of computer code were not fixed, the
world could find itself in chaos. In 1997 Newsweek Magazine printed
an article “The Day the World Shuts Down” in which it listed all of
sectors of society - industry, the military, banking, medicine,
communications, and utilities, etc. - that are de-pendent on
computers. The article pointed out that buildings could shut down,
traffic control systems could go dead, the entire infrastructure
go haywire, military preparedness could be adversely affected,
systems could get lost, and cardiac monitors in hospitals could get
shut down.

On the heels of a growing awareness, two Y2K books came out
which became bestsellers. Explaining the problem in a logical
Michael S. Hyatt, offered three scenarios based on a survey of 38
computer experts and year 2000 researchers. The results pointed to 
blackout or a complete meltdown of the entire system. Plus
into Communist cells had revealed the probable use of the 
power grids to “blackout” the nation for deploying U.N. or Russians
troops into America. Numerous Executive Orders were issued which
could shift the power of government to the Federal Emergency
Management Agency in the case of a catastrophe.

In response to this seemingly REAL threat, in February 1998 the
president issued Executive Order 13073, which established the
President’s Council on Year 2000 Conversion. The council was
comprised of representatives from more than 30 executive and
regulatory agencies and charged with outreach into the public and
private sectors, both domestically and internationally. John
was appointed to head up the council. Since this posed a global
threat, the U.N. held Y2K conferences in December 1998 and June
1999. They also set up the International Y2K Cooperation Center
and a steering committee. They instructed each nation-state to
a Y2K national coordinator who would be their country’s liaison, 
key contact for other countries, governments, agencies,
and corporations.


In late 1998 to early 1999, many concluded that Y2K was going to
be serious since it appeared to have all the necessary requirements
a “planned, managed, and catastrophic event” to catapult us from
unofficial world government into “official” world government. Y2K
was a transfer of the world FROM individual nation-states to a new
electronically interconnected world which uses wires, computer
processors, and electricity to cement the individual countries

Joan Veon, who had attended the 35 U.N. meetings said that from
June 1998 unti

[CTRL] Cops shoot 11 year old boy

2000-03-05 Thread The Extremist

Boy calls 911 with disastrous results

By Marsha Ginsburg and Ryan Kim OF THE EXAMINER STAFF

When Rebecca Alberti-Castro heard the gunshot blast, she bolted
from her bedroom toward the living room and her son because she
thought "some maniac was out in the street" shooting people.
never dreamed that her 11-year-old son would be the victim, and the
shooter would be a police officer.

In a bizarre sequence of events that began Thursday evening with an
innocent 911 call for help, a police officer in training who arrived
the home to check on young Max Castro shot at the boy's attacking
sheep dog and grazed his partner before the bullet ricocheted and
lodged in Max's knee.

"He's been told whenever you have a problem, call police,"
Victor Castro, the boy's father. "I don't think he'll believe that
He called the police, and look at the result.

"Thank God it wasn't more tragic."

Max underwent surgery Thursday night at San Francisco General
Hospital and was listed in fair condition. The injured officer, a
year veteran identified as Jennifer Dorantes, was treated and

According to Alberti-Castro, the incident began at the dinner hour,
when Max decided to stay home and watch television rather than go
out for Chinese food with his father, brother and sister.

Max's grandmother, Yolanda Alberti, stepped out for half an hour to
go shopping, and it was then that Max apparently got a frightening
phone call, saying, "Max, I'm going to shoot you," the mother

The terrified little boy called his father's cell phone, which recorded
message. As he was always taught to do in case he was in danger,
Max called 911.

Alberti-Castro then arrived home from her job as a nurse
with Clinica de la Raza in Oakland. She told her son she was
surprised to see him and thought he was out to dinner, she said.

"I didn't feel like dinner," Max told his mother as he watched

Max, a quiet, shy boy, never mentioned the disturbing phone call or
the call to police, Alberti-Castro said. His mother went upstairs to
bedroom, where she looked through her mail.

When officers arrived and knocked on the door of the Naples Street
home in the Crocker Amazon district, the family's protective sheep
dog, Sidney, and German shepherd, Niko, apparently came to the
door, she said.

When Max opened the door, Sidney apparently attacked Dorantes in
the buttocks. The officer in training, Julian Ng, fired one shot at
sheep dog. Instead, the bullet grazed the leg of Dorantes before
the ground and ricocheting into Max's leg.

Bleeding from the wound, Max led his dogs by the collar to the
kitchen and closed the door, his mother said, because he feared, he
told her, that the police were going to kill them.

He then went back toward the living room and fell on his side. When
Alberti-Castro, who had rushed downstairs, asked her son if he was
all right, he said, "I think I got shot in the knee."

Frantic and confused, Alberti-Castro said she tried to open the
door but police held it shut from the outside and told her not to
it, she said.

Father learns of son's shooting

When they finally came inside, she said, she was upset that police
wouldn't tell her what happened, and complained that there was no
sense of apology from the officers.

"An officer said to me, 'Are you going to apologize for your dog
one of our officers?'" she said.

While this was going on, the boy's father was a block away at his
mother's home, because he said that was where police told him they
were taking the boy when he called the house to answer his son's
page. But Max wasn't there.

As Castro went up the street, he panicked when he saw officers and
a woman on the ground he feared was his wife. When he heard a
minor had been shot, he was saddened, he said.

But, he said, when several police "jumped me," handcuffed him,
made him lie down on the ground, he was angry.

And so was his wife.

"Our son gets shot and his dad's upset. It's like we don't have the
to be upset," Alberti-Castro said. "It's not like, 'Oh my God,
shot your kid.' None of them have apologized. Where's the humanity?
" she asked.

Police Chief Fred Lau said he brought the police chaplain to the
hospital to speak with Alberti-Castro, but that she didn't wish to
speak to him. Lau offered to approach her, he said, but the
thought it best to leave her alone.

"We would have liked to have had the opportunity to apologize,"
Lau. "We'd like to let the little boy know we're really sorry about
We never intended to hurt him."

Lau said several investigations would be conducted, although he
pointed out that "there's at least two sides to every

Both Dorantes and Ng will be suspended with pay while the
department investigates.

Dorantes is a consummate professional with an outstanding
reputation, said Capt. Marsha Ashe of the Ingleside station, where
Dorantes works. "She's very well respected among her

Re: [CTRL] Who Paid for It?

2000-03-05 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 03/05/2000 8:15:22 PM Central Standard Time,

Your points are well made and I appreciate your contributions
and all reasoned points of view to this discussion.
However, it seems you are supporting two opposing positions.
The statement: "Energy Secretary Bill Richardson publicly gave
the OK for OPEC to raise oil prices." supports the idea that
OPEC takes orders from Washington.

The statement: "There is NO invisible hand. There is only private
control of vital commodities." directly contradicts the first statement.

The next statement is right on target:
"It looks like encouragement for inflation. Increasing Fed rates also
encourages inflation. The big boys have played out the little piggy
investors on Wall St. Now it's the banks' turn to fleece the flock of

The two most important variables directly impacting the
Cost of Living Index are interest rates and energy prices.
Is it sheer coincidence that both of these were at, or near,
record low levels at precisely the same time
as the impeachment of Bill Clinton?
Gasoline prices especially marched in perfect cadence with
the impeachment proceedings. They fell to an historic low
(inflation adjusted dollars) within 10 days of the Senate vote
to acquit.  Within 3 weeks after the vote, prices were rebounding.
Now 13 months later, we have record high prices at the pump.
Alan Greenspan and the FED have moved much more slowly,
but interest rates are significantly higher than during the
impeachment proceedings.
Doesn't this argue powerfully that their is a "hidden hand"
pushing the buttons which control our world?

I think you're right on about the approach of "fleecing time"
on Wall Street.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Anti-Gunners Blood Lust

2000-03-05 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Weldon Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Anti-Gunners Blood Lust
Date: Saturday, March 04, 2000 1:08 AM

Anti-Gunners Blood Lust
Below lines
The Juvenile Justice Bill (Senate Bill S254) has been revived
by the Michigan and Pennsylvania murders and contains
provisions to follow private sales at gun shown.  It is a
registration of sale of a firearm.  Registration is the one thing
that makes confiscation possible.  The only reason the anti
gun politicians can steal the guns is that they have a record
of firearms ownership.  GET BETWEEN THESE RECORDS

now be accomplished at the speed of light, thanks to
WorldNetDaily's new Legislative Action Center.
You can call your two Senators at (202) 224-3121 and your
Representative at (202) 225-3121 at the Capitol Switchboard.
Here is the URL for Congressional Telephone Directory:
Here's an e-mail link to Congress. http://in-search-of.org/
To spread the word call Rush Limbaugh at 800-282-2882 and
callers may call in from 12 noon to 3PM EST,   M-F
For legislative updates contact www.nealknox.com and go to
"Scripts from the Firearms Coalition Legislative Update Line"
What To Do If The Police Come To Confiscate Your Militia
Weapons see  www.2ndamendment.net
Anti-Gunners Dancing In Fresh Blood

Neal Knox Update - Predictably, anti-gun politicians from Bill
Clinton on down, have seized on the Michigan school
shooting and yesterday's racist killings at two Pennsylvania
fast- food restaurants to demand passage of their current gun
control proposals.

Also predictably, Sens. Schumer, Durbin and Lautenberg
hastily called a press conference to promote their "Child
Access Prevention" law, which includes Federal standards for
the kind of gun vault we're to have.

Not one of the proposals -- even the Washington Post's
demand to prohibit all handgun sales -- could have prevented
either of those tragedies.

No guns or technologies exist to have guaranteed that 6-
year-old couldn't have pulled the trigger, and it's ludicrous to
contend that the crackhead who left that stolen .32 where it
could be found would have kept a trigger lock on it.

Nor would that kind of brain-fried druggie been concerned
about civil or criminal liability for letting the boy get his stolen
gun.  Michigan already has such a law.

Nor would a "gun-free schools" law -- the adult version of
running around a school yard shouting "King's X" -- have
made any difference.  Michigan has one of those laws, too.

But logic, reason, and the existence of laws up to and
including prohibiting murder don't matter.  The only time the
anti-gun crowd can make any progress is when they're
dancing in the blood of fresh victims.

And they're dancing.
Editor: Source FBI Uniform Crime statistics. The true figure
for deaths of kids under 15 is under 900 and has been
dropping for years.  The last year we have statistics for is 98
and the deaths were 897.  And that was the lowest in 30

Michigan has handgun licensing and registration and this did
nothing to prevent the murder.

The school shooting this week was done with a stolen gun
taken from a crack house, which was full of stolen guns.
According to the Associated Press, the 6 year old murderer
lived in a "flophouse" and used a stolen handgun he found in
a bedroom there, a prosecutor said today. Genesee County
Prosecutor Arthur Busch said the home was frequented by
strangers. "This boy comes from a very troubled home,"
Busch said on NBC's "Today" show. "He is really a victim of a
drug culture and a house that's really in chaos."

He got in fights, according to some, where his reactions were
considered "extreme" by fellow students, parents, and
teachers alike. And yet he was permitted to hang his coat
alongside those of children who pick up their toys and play
nice with others. He was allowed to enter into a place of
learning with thoughts of murder (and don't for a moment
think that kid didn't have a good sense of criminal intent: he
hid the gun and then lied about giving it to another student,
whom he claimed did the shooting).

In October 1999, a 14-year-old Houston boy was charged
with killing a 13-year-old classmate by stabbing him in the
head with a screwdriver at Deady Middle School in Houston.
But did that hit your evening National news, like the news
about this 6 year old boy, who fatally shot a fellow first-
grader? Of course not!

Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology

2000-03-05 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

--- blue honey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In other words, the Golden Rule.


Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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2000-03-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

> from: http://www.kreative.net/carolmoore/sunspot-article.html
> by Carol Moore
> In the mid-1980s, writing in two small radical publications,
> I predicted the dissolution of the Soviet Union and freedom
> for eastern Europe for the exact month that it did in fact
> happen. I did not predict it specifically for November of
> 1989. I predicted it for the height of the next sunspot cycle.
> The height occured in November of 1989. And, as this article
> argues, this was no coincidence.
> Considering that we are now are in the height of another
> sunspot cycle, a time of maximum human excitability, of mass
> demonstrations, riots, revolutions and wars, it is wise to
> look at the evidence that these cycles have influenced all of
> human history -- and to learn the implications of these
> cycles for activist organzing. Below is my analysis, with
> references. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   * * *
> In an October 11, 1989 Washington Post editorial, “The Wave
> of Protests”, the author wrote wonderingly: “Yugoslavia,
> Algeria, Latvia and Armenia, Chile, Poland, Burma, South
> Korea: at an astounding number and range of places on either
> side of the weakened Iron Curtain, a stunning global pattern
> is taking shape. Great numbers of citizens previously atomized,
> intimidated or apathetic are coming into the streets to assert
> a collective consciousness and, mostly peacefully, to press
> their grievances and demand redress.”  On January 1, 1990, in
> “The Year of Revolution” a Post editorial writer again wondered:
> “Why did it happen so fast? The great event of 1989 has been the
> revolution in Eastern Europe.”  The dissolution of the Soviet
> Union itself would follow soon after.
> And in a December 16, 1989 letter to the Washington Post retired
> professor of history Elizabeth L. Eisenstein noted the
> “disturbing parallels” between the European revolutions of 1848
> and the 1989 Eastern European revolutions. “It is about all the
> sense of collective euphoria that the Western world is
> experiencing right now. Euphoria has almost always marked the
> early stages of modern revolutions.” At least one journalist
> had a half-witty intuition of what might be happening.  In 1991
> columnist Gwynne Dyer commented on some recent wacky political
> news by saying, "Either the sunspots are getting bad or they are
> putting something in the water."
> As we enter the year 2000, we are seeing wars, demonstrations,
> riots and rebellions escalating in a seemingly irrational
> fashion. It begins to remind one of 1989.
> Students of history and long-time political activists can
> remember such heady periods like 1989–particularly 1979 and
> 1968. During those times the least indignity might lead to
> riots, rebellions, revolutions, civil wars. And they can
> remember other periods of years when lethargic peoples seem
> willing to endure repression.
> Activists have seen movements rapidly rise to prominence, press
> for demands, win or lose their fights, and then a few years
> later quickly diminish in support and influence. They have seen
> leaders forgotten or even jailed as followers stayed out of
> the streets. And, they have seen the same or similar movements
> revived again to press for the old demands or to make new ones.
> Sometimes the reasons seem clear, other times arbitrary or even
> nonsensical.
> M.K. Gandhi saw triumphs in India in the late teens, late twenties
> and late thirties–with years of prison time in between. Lech
> Walesca formed Poland’s Solidarity union in the late 1970s, spent
> some of the 1980s in prison, but led a successful democratic
> revolution in Poland at the end of the decade. In the United
> States peace and anti-nuclear, civil rights and liberties,
> anti-tax/pro-freedom, drug legalization, and other movements have
> had their ups and downs in the last thirty years.
> One explanation -- and I believe the most credible -- for these
> increase and decreases in human activism is the 11 year sunspot
> cycle. Periods of high sunspot activity seem to be correlated
> with greater mass human activity and excitability, including
> protests, riots, revolutions and wars; periods of low sunspot
> cycle with relative quiescence. Is there a link between sunspot
> activity and human tendencies to mass action and social and
> political change? And if there is, how can activists use this
> knowledge to more effectively organize change?
> General Effects of Sunspots
> Sunspots are solar explosions which appear as dark blotches on
> the surface of the sun. During these solar eruptions ultra-violet
> radiation, electro-magnetic waves, and electrically charged
> particles are spewed out into the solar system, reaching the
> earth within a day. This bombardment of the earth causes magnetic
> storms, aura borealis, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and
> electricity and

[CTRL] Fwd: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] The Smell Just Won't Go Away

2000-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Rich, this is stupendous. BTW, Hillary's immediate boss was peter Rodino.
And one of the issues she explored very well was that a sitting President
could, in effect, use all of the misdeeds of previous Presidents to justify
his misdeeds. This was going to be Nixon's way of blackmailing out of
Watergate. He intended to bring up all the things Kennedy, Eisenhower,
Truman, Roosevelt had done. I have the papers tucked away. They were given
my by a Harvard law graduate Rich Scheck.

The bottom line to Hillary's opinion in her work for Rodino and Nussbaum was
that each succeeding President could get one increment dirtier than the
President before and get away with it. If nobody had challenged what the
preceding President had done.

Now, factor that into the Impeachment, Volume II and what you have just

Mike Ruppert

-Original Message-
Sent:   Sunday, March 05, 2000 6:15 PM
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] The Smell Just Won't Go Away


In the 1960s, Bernard Nussbaum was an assistant U.S. Attorney in the
Southern Dist. of New York (Manhattan). A few years later his good friends
Robert Fiske and Louis Freeh were also prosecutors in that office. Freeh
became a federal judge, and Fiske became a partner in a large law firm in
NYC, as did Nussbaum. They were members of the same clubs, and were seen
together frequently at social occasions.

In 1973, Nussbaum was the chief assistant prosecutor during the Nixon
impeachment proceedings. He hired a young Yale law grad to research the
of "Executive Privilege." She did a yeo(woman?)'s job, and wrote a killer
brief. In fact, it was her research that the Senate Watergate Committee hung
its hat on in frying Tricky Dick.

Now, consider the following. It's 1993. Vince Foster is Deputy White
House Counsel. Bernie Nussbaum is White House Counsel (technically, Foster's
boss). Freeh is a federal district judge in NYC. The CIA believes Foster is
selling U.S. Military secrets to foreign powers, including the Mossad.
is known to have several foreign bank accounts, and untraceable wire
transfers from other foreign banks appear in his accounts on a regular

On July 11, Foster goes to the estate of the son of Benjamin Cardozo
late Supreme Court Justice), on the Maryland Eastern Shore, and meets with
Webb Hubbell and Hillary Rodham Clinton. He is read the riot act, and
his planned trip to Geneva the next week.

On July 19, Wm. Sessions is fired as FBI Dir. On July 20, Vince Foster's
body is found in Ft. Marcy Park. On July 21, Louis Freeh is named the new

The night of July 20, guess who was in Foster's office, rummaging
his files? Give up? It was Nussbaum, Patsy Thomasson (Dan Lasater's "Girl
Friday", who had been promoted to "Director of Administration" at the
White House), and Maggie Williams (the First Lady's personal secretary).

While the three rifled through Foster's files, FBI agents, the Secret
Service ("SS"), D.C. City Police detectives, and the Park Police attempted
enter the office. Each time, Nussbaum refused to unlock the door. "This is a
matter of Executive Privilege" he said. "I will not unlock this door until
I'm ready."

Two hours later, a frustrated SS officer Henry O'Neal finally heard the
lock being opened from inside. Standing in the doorway was Maggie Williams,
holding a cardboard box full of files and documents. "Please escort me the
elevator," Williams said to O'Neal. He did; and he watched the lights
indicate that she'd gone to the 3rd floor -- the First Family's residence.

When the FBI, et al., finally entered Foster's office, the place
to have been ransacked. Lots of files were missing. There was nothing is his
large leather briefcase. Two days later, another check of Foster's office by
Park Police detectives resulted in the discovery of a torn-up suicide note.
(By the way, handwriting experts have opined that the handwriting was not
that of Vince Foster.)

A few weeks later, per Dir. Freeh: "The FBI does not have jurisdiction
investigate the death of Vincent W. Foster, Jr." Oh, really? Foster was the
highest-ranking executive officer to take his own life since Sec. of Defense
Forrestal did in the late '40s. The FBI was on that case like white on rice.

6 mos. later, Janet Reno announced who would be the independent counsel
to investigate Foster's death. Do you remember his name? Robert Fiske, Jr.
Yep. It's the same Fiske who worked with Nussbaum and Freeh in NYC. BUT

Remember the young Yale law grad who did such a bang-up job at
researching Executive Privilege? Her name was Hillary Rodham.

Tempus fugit,

GET A NEXTCARD VISA, in 30 seconds!  Get rates as low as 2.9%

Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology

2000-03-05 Thread blue honey

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

By "knowing" that all is connected and that by harming others is truly
harming your Self. And on that note, I would like to take back something
that I said earlier...I do have faith, I have faith in Karma.


You tell me.

Regards, Tenorlove

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology/ plus Const for Fed of Earth.

2000-03-05 Thread Nicola Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Well one last word before I give up. There is a big grey area between
many Christians who know nothing about the occult/ufos/mind control etc
and those Christians who do know whats really going on. Lets just put
these in the category of 'aware' Christian resistance. OK

Then there are the people who are not Christians who know nothing about
Christianity and are still living in the past, thinking 'Christians' are
ruled by some primal urge to divide life into that of the devil and that
of God and don't actually use any rationality. Wrong. The last 5 years
has produced many people who can combine faith with intellect/research
of the NWO and they do have something worth listening to to add to the
power of the resistance.

Sorry Eagle you are so far off the mark! So we can't fit you in the
'aware' Christian category sorry.


Eagle 1 wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> Sounds like the cult of the Raelians to me...
> but I could be wrong...  but then,  that's just my opinion.
> You can check out the cult of the raelians by going:
> http://www.rael.org/
> http://www.rael.org/int/english/summary/summary.html
> http://www.rael.org/int/english/philosophy/philosophy.html
> eagle 1

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Who Paid for It?

2000-03-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Energy Secretary Bill Richardson publicly gave the OK
for OPEC to raise oil prices.

This whole game the bastards are playing has something to do
with presidential politics.

Well duuhh, you say. But it's hard to tell at this point who
is benefiting politically.

The end of this month will be the next Opec meeting where they
will BEGIN to raise production. Not LOWER THE PRICE mind you,
but raise production. Which is simply the way to extend high
prices while making it look like you are actually doing something

This talk of releasing the oil reserves is utter bullshit, and
more of the same. It allows high prices to continue while the
government gives the appearance of concern for us poor suffering
Americans who are just now discovering that maybe those gas guzzling
monstrosities the middle class has been buying could get really
expensive. And speaking of expensive, using petroleum powered trucks
to move EVERYTHING including basics foods, will raise the price of
all goods.

We are being gouged by the international oil industry which INCLUDES
the American companies as well because they ALSO benefit from the
high price of oil.

This is capitalism. There is NO invisible hand. There is only private
control of vital commodities. Any capitalist who has achieved
or oligopoly DETERMINES market needs.

It looks like encouragement for inflation. Increasing Fed rates also
encourages inflation. The big boys have played out the little piggy
investors on Wall St. Now it's the banks' turn to fleece the flock of


"[to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> RE: "Clinton was acquitted 52 cents ago"
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> In my last email, I provided figures on gasoline prices
> from the Dept. of Energy website.  But I noticed the
> columns on dates and prices got out of whack in
> the transmission of the email. Perhaps the following
> will show more clearly the correlation between gasoline prices
> and Clinton's impeachment.
> (All figures are for the U.S. National average price
> per gallon for Unleaded Regular including taxes).
> The first date is June 8, 1998 which is 4 months before
> the House of Representatives began formal debate on
> whether Clinton should be impeached.
> (1) 6/8/98.$1.075
> The House of Representatives began the impeachment
> debate on October 8, 1998 and the gas price was down 5 cents.
> (2) 10/8/98.$1.02
> The House of Representatives voted to impeach on Dec. 19th.
> (3) 12/14/98.$0.945 (94.5 cents 5 days before the vote)
> The U.S. Senate acquitted Clinton on Feb. 14, 1999
> by which time the gas price had fallen to 90.7 cents.
> (4) 02/22/99.$0.907   (price bottomed 8 days after Senate vote)
> After the Senate voted to acquit, the gas price started
> back up almost immediately.
> (5)It climbed to 91.3 cents by March 1,
> (6)On up to 97.7 cents by March 15!
> (7)On up to $1.14 by  April 12, 1999!
> (8)On up to $1.195 by August 2, 1999
> (9)On up to $1.268 by September 20, 1999
> (10)   Now up to $1.421 on February 28, 2000 !
> (Latest available Dept. of Energy figures)
> These government figures show a 52 cent per gallon
> increase in gas prices since Clinton's impeachment
> trial in the Senate.
> (Source: Form EIA-878 "Motor Gasoline Price Survey"
>  Energy Information Administration's
> National Energy Information Center.)
> http://www.eia.doe.gov/oil_gas/petroleum/data_publications/weekly_retail_gasol
> ine_prices/wrgp_historical.html
> So who paid for Clinton's acquittal?
> We all did!
> And we are not done paying for it yet!
> Now we are told we are having
> an "Oil Crisis"!
> Clinton to meet with 60 U.S. lawmakers on oil crisis
> President Bill Clinton is to meet with more than 60 U.S. lawmakers and Energy
> Secretary Bill Richardson on Thursday from 1630 EST (2130 GMT) to discuss how
> sharply higher crude oil prices are impacting consumers.
>   Some 60 lawmakers are invited to attend the meeting, including a contingent
> from the U.S. Northeast, the nation's heaviest home heating oil area, notably
> Democrats Sen. Charles Schumer from New York and Sen. Edward Kennedy from
> Massachusetts .
>   Schumer has been a vocal critic of Clinton administration energy policies,
> consistently calling for the White House to tap the Strategic Petroleum
> Reserve as a way to deflate higher world crude prices.
> Northeast consumers have been hit hard by rising energy costs, paying as much
> as two times the normal price for home heating oil this winter.
>   Nationally, higher crude prices have triggered sharp rises in motor
> gasoline price levels, making energy a hot political topic and leading top
> policymakers to raise concerns that sustained price rises would threaten
> economic grow

[CTRL] Journos intro to SKULL AND BONES

2000-03-05 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


By Eric Samuelson, J.D.


This brief introduction to Skull and Bones is dedicated to those journalists
in America who have both the courage and the ability to inform the public
regarding what others may consider to be a taboo subject -- a foreign-born
secret society that has exported itself to this nation and may succeed in
securing the highest office in the land for still another of its sworn
initiates. The two main characters in this story so far are Antony C. Sutton
and David Armstrong. The first is a scholar of the first order to began the
definitive work on this subject and then vanished. The second came to Texas
from California, became the editor of the most liberal Texas magazine, wrote
a series of very insightful articles on the Bush family and then, like
Sutton, was apparently muzzled.


In May of 1994 a Texas Monthly story (p. 146) by Skip Hollandsworth, on
George W. Bush, briefly stated: "Although he did not graduate Phi Beta Kappa
as his father had, he did follow his father into the university's Skull and
Bones Club, a secret society for the males of prominent families."

The majority of Bonesmen are from old-line Puritan families. They include
the following families: Whitney, Lord, Phelps. Wadsworth, Allen, Bundy,
Adams, Stimson, Taft, Gilman and Perkins. A second group of families in the
Skull & Bones are: Harriman, Rockefeller, Payne, Davison, Pillsbury and
Weyerhauser. The Order of Skull and Bones was once called the "Brotherhood
of Death."(1)

At any given time, only about 600 or so members of the Order are alive. Of
that number only 150 (about one-quarter) take an active role in the society.
It is estimated that a core of perhaps 20-30 families run the Order. Recent
Bones inductees include a few blacks, gays, and even some foreign students.
In 1991 Skull and Bones began to admit women members. Each initiate gets
$15,000 and a grandfather clock. A neophyte's name is changed to Knight so
and so. The old Knights are known as Patriarchs. Outsiders are known as
Gentiles and vandals. It meets annually-patriarchs only-on Deer Island in
the St. Lawrence River.(2)


"Initiates are sworn to secrecy. They are required to leave the room if The
Order comes into discussion. They cannot-under oath-answer questions on The
Order and its organization."

-- Antony C. Sutton(3)

The Senior secret societies at Yale, wrote Lymann Bogg, "never mention their
names."(4) Not even the inquisitive Pamela Churchill Harriman could get her
third husband to talk about Bones: "(Averell) Harriman regularly went back
to the tomb (the Bone's Temple) on High Street, once even lamenting that his
duties as chief negotiator at the Paris Peace Talks prevented him from
attending a reunion. So complete was his trust in Bone's code of secrecy
that in conversations at annual dinners he spoke openly about national
security affairs. He refused, however, to tell his family anything about
Bones. Soon after she became Harriman's third wife in 1971, Pamela Churchill
Harriman received an odd letter addressing her by a name spelled in
hieroglyphics. 'Oh, that's Bones,' Harriman said. 'I must tell you about
that sometime. Uh, I mean I can't tell you about that.'"(5)


Between 1983-1986, the British-born conspiracy scholar Antony C. Sutton
wrote a series of pamphlets about the Order of Skull & Bones. Sutton said
that his series was "based on several sources, including contemporary
'moles.'"(6) The short pamphlets were compiled into one volume and published
as a book in 1986. Sutton noted that secret societies had been organized at
three universities: "The Illuminati was founded at (the) University of
Ingolstadt. The (Cecil Rhodes) Group was founded at All Souls College,
Oxford University in England, and the Order was founded at Yale University
in the United States."(7) He noted: "The paradox is that institutions
supposedly devoted to the search for truth and freedom have given birth to
institutions devoted to world enslavement."


Sutton's "magnum opus" laid out his views regarding secret societies:
"Secret political organizations can be-and have been-extremely dangerous to
the social health and constitutional validity of a society. In a truly free
society the exercise of political power must always be open and known."(8)
He then stated: "Moreover, organizations devoted to violent overthrow of
political structures have always, by necessity, been secret organizations.
Communist revolutionary cells are an obvious example. In fact, such
revolutionary organizations can only function if their existence was
secret."(9) Further, said Sutton: "In brief, secrecy in matters political is
historically associated with coercion. Furthermore, the 

Re: [CTRL] two articles on the web

2000-03-05 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Hi !

Below please find information about two articles on the web, one about
Parental Alienation Syndrome, the other about perpetrator states.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

The second article may be triggering for survivors of abuse..


H. Poliacoff, Ph.D., P.A., Cynthia L. Greene, Esq., and Laura Smith, Esq.*

"In this article we will challenge both the scientific and legal legitimacy
of this syndrome"

This article provides legal information as well as information about the
originator of this "syndrome" and linked pages of interest on this topic.

from http://members.aol.com/smartnews/ks99.htm

Katherine Sullivan’s Presentation at The Second Annual Ritual Abuse,
Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference – ’99

"What I want to share with you today is about perpetrator alter states and
about guilt. I'm not going to be addressing guilt directly but I hope that as
some of you that have those alter states hear what I'm going to say it will
help alleviate some of the guilt and some of the pain of the guilt that you
all have been feeling inside for probably a long time."

"A lot of people from my background, who were involved in the
experimentations, find that unless they are in therapy, those other parts of
their personalities do not even emerge and, therefore, they do not think they
have them. One of the things that I've learned about the other extreme of my
personalities was that I was amoral. I did not have morals. I did not go by
the law. I was not able to sympathize with people or with animals. This was
very difficult  I know the pain that can result from discovering that we
can have this type of self within; and I know how important it is to deal
with this issue. Like I said, mine did not emerge at home. Mine were
triggered out in controlled situations for specific purposes. My parts were
used and manipulated to do crimes for my owners and handlers. This is not
happening anymore."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Jim Keith-Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness

2000-03-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Technologies of Control for World Domination
by Uri Dowbenko

  Book Review:
Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness
by Jim Keith (Illuminet Press, 253 pp., $16.95 )

Control Freaks Rule Planet Earth.

  But how? You know the terminology. Population Control. Gun Control.
Information Control. Mass Mind Control.

  Also the Control of Energy, Food, Drugs, Public Opinion and the
Monetary Supply is crucial to running a top down centralized global system.

  Today's Control Freaks masquerade as government policy makers run by
their puppetmasters from behind the scenes -- the Overlords of the Elite.

  The Overlords' psychopathology dictates that they use the technologies
of control for the enslavement of humanity. In their hubris, they consider
mankind merely "useless eaters," who negligently use up their resources,
and/or "cannon fodder," expendables in their world wars, civil wars and other
mass murders.

  This is the subject of Jim Keith's book -- "Mass Control: Engineering
Human Consciousness" -- an overview of the weapons the New World Orderlies
are using against you to deliver techno-fascism to your door.

  It's a devastating account of mind control atrocities and the
fascinating, sometimes frightening account of a secret world that lies hidden
behind today's headline stories.

  Based on the calculated perversion of psychology, education, genetics,
eugenics, cybernetics and other sciences, these technologies for world
domination are being fine tuned to make planetary subjugation a methodology
in itself.

  The author describes the amalgamation of Nazis, Masons, Satanists, CIA
and military spooks, members of secret societies, and other Gofers of the
Ruling Class who continue to perpetuate these crimes against humanity.

  Also "Mass Control" is an important and sobering account of academic,
institutional and government criminality. For example, the author describes
the subversion of society through the infamous UK based Tavistock Institute,
whose approach to mind control and information management through mass media
and polling techniques has been highly successful in America.

  Tavistock goals include "a one world order where the nation state has
been abolished and a single totalitarian control center established [and] the
simultaneous psychological control of the world or using their term
'societry.' Even the official literature of Tavistock is candid in admitting
its broad mind control orientation."

  In a chapter called "Subverting Sex," Keith takes on "another loyal
foot soldier in the program for the subjugation of the masses,
Rockefeller-funded Alfred C. Kinsey, the coauthor of the influential 'Sexual
Behavior in the Human Male.'"

  "One technique of eugenics and control that is little acknowledged is
the destruction of traditional morality and the normalizing of deviancy," he
writes, recounting the history of this so-called social scientist. Kinsey,
it's revealed, was also known as a disciple of the Great Beast, the black
magician Aleister Crowley.

  Keith also describes in some detail the CIA mind control operations
MKULTRA and Project Monarch. The Agency's subversion of American society has
accelerated through their funding and operation of these illegal activities.
Their criminal surrogates are the archetypal mad scientist types like
"Doctors" Louis 'Jolly' Jolyon West, Donald Ewen Cameron, George Estabrooks,
Sidney Gottlieb, Jose Delgado, Robert Heath, Martin Orne and others. These
perpetrators of heinous crimes against humanity are responsible for the
Silent Holocaust of the Twentieth Century -- the menticide and genocide of
unnumbered mind control victims.

  Named by several survivors as an unindicted perp, Delgado, the
unrepentant fascist-sorceror himself, is quoted as saying, "This new
knowledge [mind control] is so important that I think it should radically
change the philosophy of our educational system, which believes in the
sanctity of individuals, thinking that an individual exists at birth. This
belief is not true. And this science is going to prove the fallacy of
democracy in the sense that we talk about the rights of the individual; this
democratic belief is not true. Because we are forming this individual,
because we are constructing his brain, we are willy nilly making the
differences we either desire or dislike."

  Predicting the future of mind control using harassment and torture by
electromagnetic energy, Delgado says, "Looking into the future, it may be
predicted that telerecording and telestimulation of the brain will be used."

  And so it has. Using drugs, hypnosis, torture, and other high-tech
black magic-sciences, the Controllers have been able to produce mind
controlled assassins, couriers, and prostitutes, human automaton-slaves, a
virtual free market labor force, unconscious of its own 

[CTRL] death penalty news---TEXAS, CALIF., GA., USA, S.C.

2000-03-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

March 5, 2000


Roughly 200 death penalty opponents picketed the Governor's Mansion
Saturday, calling on Gov. George W. Bush to halt executions in Texas.

Protesters with signs that read "Stop Bush's killing machine" and bearing
photos of Betty Lou Beets, a convicted killer executed this month,
circled the mansion for more than an hour.

The protesters want a moratorium on capital punishment, supporting a
proposal by Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill., that would issue a 7-year
federal moratorium on executions throughout the country.

"Texas' leadership on the death penalty in the United States is
barbarous," said the Rev. Chuck Merrill, a minister at University United
Methodist Church in Austin. "As a citizen concerned about healthy public
policy, I think the state holding someone down and killing them is a
mistake. Only God has the authority to take life."

Bush has presided over 122 executions since he took office. Though he
cannot pardon a death row inmate, under state law he may grant a
one-time, 30-day stay of execution.

Protests around the mansion have become commonplace in Austin, where
groups often hold vigils on the nights of execution.

Though Bush rarely addresses the issue of capital punishment, Carl
Villarreal, an organizer of Campaign to End the Death Penalty, said he
believes the cause is making headway.

"I think Bush feels some pressure," Villarreal said. "I think there's
more political outcry, at least in other states," he said, adding that he
expects California voters to make capital punishment a larger issue in
the coming months.

Villarreal criticized Bush for vetoing a bill last year he said would
have helped indigent defendants get better representation.

But the bill in question would have had no effect on death penalty cases,
said Bush spokeswoman Linda Edwards. The proposal shifted authority for
appointing public defenders to county commissioners instead of judges,
she said.

"Governor Bush did not want to take the appointment authority away from
judges who are sworn to uphold the law and know best who are the most
qualified attorneys," Edwards said.

The bill in question pertained to the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure,
not the Penal Code, which provides for capital punishment cases.

Others criticized Texas' stance on the death penalty in light of Illinois
Gov. George Ryan's decision to halt executions there. In Illinois, more
death sentences have been overturned than carried out. Texas officials
have said their criminal justice system is fair.

"I'm sick and tired of the way Texas is dealing out death in our state in
a manner that is unfair, unjust and certainly without compassion and
mercy," Jay Jacobson, director of the Texas chapter of the American Civil
Liberties Union, said to the crowd Saturday.

(source:  Houston Chronicle)


Texas Gov. George W. Bush, seemingly headed for victory in "Super
Tuesday's" Republican primary sweepstakes, drew death penalty opponents
and other protesters at a California rally on Sunday.

About 20 chanting, placard-waving activists briefly disrupted Bush's
speech, demanding a moratorium on executions in his home state. Outside,
about a dozen people picketed on behalf of rival John McCain, holding
signs accusing Bush of lying about the Arizona senator's record.

Bush stopped speaking momentarily, but did not engage them. Security
officials quickly hustled the group out of the room amid pushing and
shoving, while Bush resumed his stump speech without acknowledging their

"It didn't bother me that they were there," Bush told reporters later.
"I believe in freedom of speech."

Last week, Texas executed its 10th person this year and the 209th since
the state resumed capital punishment in 1982, 6 years after the U.S.
Supreme Court scrapped a national death penalty ban. Texas leads the
nation in executions since the restoration of the death penalty.

Since Bush -- like McCain and President Clinton a death penalty supporter
-- took office in January 1995, 122 people have been executed in his
state. He has commuted a death sentence to life in prison in only one

Bush, who was battling flu, was on the defensive on Sunday after McCain
accused him of sacrificing his honor to win the Republican presidential

Asked if Bush had run an honorable campaign, McCain said on NBC's "Meet
the Press,"  'I can't say that with things that have happened ... It's
not a campaign that I would run and nor would I ever want to look back
and say I ran that kind of a campaign."

(source:  Reuters)


A cop killer has been sentenced to die for fatally shooting a city police
officer and severely wounding another.

A stone-faced Gregory Lawler, 47, stood alongside his attorneys Friday
but did not react as the jury foreman read the verdict calling for the
death penalty. It's the 1st capital punishment sentence by a Fulton
County jury in 4 years.



2000-03-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


March 3, 2000
N 166
Interregional Human Rights Network Group
Ryazan Memorial Human Rights Society
subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Our work is not politically partisan. Our digest neither duplicates
the Russian federal government's position nor advocates the positions
of Chechen militants. Rather, our purpose is to present as many news
sources as possible so that readers may form their own judgement. We
seek to attract the world's attention to the mass violations of human
rights in the conflict.
Grozny Will Be Closed for Another Month  and a Half

On Friday, the Special Presidential Envoy  for Human Rights in
Chechnya, Vladimir  Kalamanov, said that Grozny would be closed  for
another month and a half. He said that  there were about six thousand
civilians in  the city. Kalamanov explains the closure of  Grozny as
"measures for insuring security  for the civilians."
Refugees from Chechnya Are Being Refused  in Registration

Aide to Ingush Vice-Prime Minister Isa  Vyshegurov, following the
order of the  Migration Service of Russia, on March 3,  Ingush
authorities stopped registering  refugees from the Chechen Republic.
The  agency Rosbiznesconsulting reported that  Vyshegurov said that
the Federal Migration  Service motivated its decision that there  was
no mass leaving of civilians from  Chechnya. The Ingush authorities do
not  agree with this statement. "If we do not  register the people,
they will not be able  to get a financial help from the center,"
Vyshegurov said. Today, there are more than  279 thousand Chechen
refugees officially  registered in Ingushetia.
UN Humanitarian Aid

Gazeta.ru said on March 3 that with the  growing number of people
returning to Chechnya,  increases the flow of humanitarian aid for
the civilians there. Operative assistant to  the Russian Emergency
Ministry mobile  territorial department stationed in Mozdok  said that
Emergency Minister's transport had  delivered 42 tones of UN
humanitarian aid to  Grozny. The aid contains mainly food products
and bed sets. About 24 tones of baby food meant  for the regions were
also delivered there on  March 1. On March 3, an Emergency Ministry
plane was expected to bring 23 thousand dry  rations and 500 kilos of
medicaments from  Moscow to Mozdok.

Will a Mass Burial Place in Chechnya Be Examined?

The Special Presidential Envoy for Human Rights  in Chechnya, Vladimir
Kalamanov, said that  Military Prosecutor-General Yury Demin assured
his office that all bodies of killed Chechens  that are lying in the
mass burial paces in  Chechnya will be examined.Servicemen Are
Accused in LootingThe independent news center  Glasnost - North
Caucasus reported on March 2  that the office of the military
prosecutor of  the Vladikavkaz unit had initiated the first  criminal
case against  Russian soldiers accused  in looting in Chechnya. The
proceedings were  launched against the servicemen of the 22  special
Interior Ministry unit based in the  city of Kalach-na-Dony of the
Volgograd region. According to the press-office of the Interior
Ministry of the North Ossetia, while controlling  a unit's column of
trucks by the North Ossetian  Interior servicemen, in one of the
trucks, they  had found carpets, video facilities, gold and  silver
articles worth about 100 thousand dollars. An investigation has
revealed that the load  belonged to one of the commanders of the unit,
although he said "he was slandered".
Daniyev Denies His Involvement in Kidnapping  Andrei Babitsky

Lenta.ru reported on March 3 that Adam Deniyev,  leader of the
pro-Moscow Chechen unit Admalla,  denounced claims by Andrei Babitsky
that after  he had been exchanged for Russian soldiers, he  got into
the hands of Deniyev's people.  Andrei Babitsky believes that
Deniyev is closely  connected with Russian special services.
The Case of Andrei Babitsky: Unprofessionalism  Through All Layers of

Petr Vail, assent to director of Radio Liberty's  news programs, gave
an exact evaluation to the  case of Andrei Babitsky:"There is an
ultimate  disorder in the actions of those, who should  act
efficiently. The belief of Russian people  in the efficiency of
special services is based  on almost 50 years of experience of fair:
ChK,  GPU, NKVD, MGB, KGB. Millions of victims by  their quantity
remove doubts in their professional quality. Nowadays, luckily, times
are different,  as Akhmatava would say "vegetarian". If you  listen to
absurd words of top state leaders, to   unclear explanations by
special services heads,  one will be astonished not only by the fact
that  they say deliberate lies

[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] TSD On Homeopathy

2000-03-05 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Ah, Dave, I was just mentioning that first tenet of "First, do no harm."
Didn't say a word about "doing diddle" for my immune system but Shannon is
on a mission here.  MY thoughts were precipitated sittting here looking at
this inch think folder of legal form I have to complete for the class action
suit against American Home Products concerning the damage to two of my heart
valves from taking their doctor-prescribed, FDA-approved drug!  It was very
expensive and I dare say did less than "dibble" for my immune system, not to
mention the two heart valves in question.  It is tempting to take the easy
out for the offered $6,000 but I dare not until I have further information
on just how much damage I have incurred.  Now in the long run, I wonder how
many years off my life that is and just how much that is worth in monetary
amounts.  I have a feeling American Home Products does not have that much
and even if they did, they certainly are not going to give it to me nor the
other poor fools who took their products.  I do not think homeopathy would
have caused this!

Shannon did not really read my post about doing no harm. He just saw the
topic and went for the opportunity to post his usual.  At least he is
consistent amd never misses the opportunity to denigrate the opinions or
beliefs of another.  I think we all understand where he stands on this
issue.  On some things, folks just have to "agree to disagree" and give it a
rest!  I do not have any desire to change the beliefs of another person but
neither shall mine be altered so lightly as by the posts of Shannon.

- Original Message -
From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] TSD On Homeopathy

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> Oh look, it's the fool shannon again, and he's found the U.S.'s foremost
> drug-company owned and operated "quackbuster" (a quack meaning anyone who
> fails to properly contribute to drug-company profits).
> Someone point out to the poor numbskull that homeopathic remedies cost
> fractions of a cent, and that worldwide, homeopathy is quite well
> as a medical discipline.
> Shannon naturally wouldn't have a clue, 'cuz his toob tells him no and he
> hasn't a choice but to believe as he's told.
> Poor guy..
> Dave Hartley
> http://www.asheville-computer.com/dave
> -Original Message-
> From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of William Shannon
> Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 8:26 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] TSD On Homeopathy
> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> In a message dated 2/29/00 9:10:37 PM Central Standard Time,
> <<  Enhancement of the natural immune system is by far our
>  best bet. >>
> Yup, you might be right...but taking expensive water or sugar pills ain't
> going to do diddly to your immune system.
> Bill.
> =
> Homeopathy: The Ultimate Fake
> Stephen Barrett, M.D.
> Homeopathic "remedies" enjoy a unique status in the health marketplace:
> are the only category of quack products legally marketable as drugs. This
> situation is the result of two circumstances. First, the 1938 Federal
> Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which was shepherded through Congress by a
> homeopathic physician who was a senator, recognizes as drugs all
> included in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. Second, the
> FDA has not held homeopathic products to the same standards as other

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology

2000-03-05 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

<< So for those who feel faith is not healthy...what drives them (us)
to do good?>>

You tell me.

Regards, Tenorlove
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Don't buy gas!

2000-03-05 Thread blue honey

So maybe I am a millionaire, but I'm not retired (possibly this time next 
year)...still $1.57 for a gallon of gas is awful. Yes, I live on my own 
private island called Dallas, TX and when I sent that e-mail it was $1.39 per 
gallon here, now its up another 10 cents and it keeps getting 
worse. I see that driving 100 miles each day to work can make one a 
bit disgruntled, but understand that for me and many others its not a problem to 
fill up and not buy gas for 3 days. I'm sorry you have to drive that far, that 
cant be fun...do you carpool?
Maybe some radio station will start a gas war near you, 
that can drive the price way down (for a day).  I've seen 2 stations across 
the street from each other competing for the lowest price, sell gas for 19 cents 
per gallon, they had cars lined up for what seemed to be miles. One station 
ended up giving away free gas and sodas for two hours (yes they're still in 
From: Eagle 1 

  Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 8:25 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Don't buy gas!
  LOL,  Andy...
  Don't buy gas?  Where do you live that it 
  is only $1.39? I watched an attendant put the sign up yesterday for $1.57. 
  For me,  if I don't buy gas,  
  that means I don't go to work.  
  Maybe you are a millionaire,  retired and 
  live on your own private island and you can afford NOT to buy gas.  
  But for me,  I travel about a hundred miles a day to and from 
  work,  plus I travel between businesses and I prefer to get there my 
  own way,  and when I have to be there.  
  Don't buy gas?  LOL
  THIS ludicrous expense,  TOO, SHALL 
  eagle 1

Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology

2000-03-05 Thread blue honey

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Good works do not come from faith...at least not in my case. There is a
difference between a man who is moral because he fears evil, and a man who
is moral because he knows he is perfectly free to be immoral. So for those
who feel faith is not healthy...what drives them (us) to do good?



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] Quaecumque Vera (fwd)

2000-03-05 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 14:41:25 -0800 (PST)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Quaecumque Vera

From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Dear Senator McCain:
 I note your comment to the effect that Bob Jones
University has entered the 18th. century and now it is about time they
entered the 21st. Well, here is the Internet, the new medium of the
21st. century with an opportunity for DEVOTEES OF TRUTH second to none.
The motto of U of A where I received my doctorate is "Quaecumque Vera",
which means "whatsoever things be true". Jesus Christ said, "I came to
tell the truth" and also claimed to be truth personified, ie "I am the
way, the truth and the life".
   Now, do you wonder why the religionists NEVER engage in a sustained
Internet discussion, the purpose of which is to arrive at a better
understanding of TRUTH? Could it be that they don't want their untruths
exposed? Can Dr. Bob Jones, III defend his position on the Internet that
he has a better understanding of the Gospels (as claimed on Larry King
Live) than Pope John Paul II? How easy it is to make such a claim on TV
which allows one to put forward a valid or invalid point and then run away
from it, knowing that even Larry King won't pursue it further. The
Internet allows no such evasiveness. So let's hear from III and II on the
   The teachings of Christ spawned scores of nations
(cultures/civilizations/complete societies). According to Eusebius, in
Historia Ecclesiastica, ca. 300 AD, some 30 popes in Rome were executed
and countless lives were lost in the Ten Great Persecutions before the
Arenas shut down. Obviously these teaching were meant to translate into
real, in-this-world activities from individual to collective; and
'collective' extends from family to community to nation. Perhaps they were
even meant to extend to the planetary level. What would the
"official" religion of Mars be? Would the Martian Constitution be like the
Sri Lankan Constitution which is explicitly Buddhist or like the Irish
Constitution which is explicitly Trinitarian Christian or the Iranian
which is explicitly Muslim? Or would it have some other foundational
   Beyond that, how do those values translate into "Culture X"? Does it
not impress you as hypocritical that Christian missionaries can describe
many pagan cultures very well but cannot describe their own culture? What
is their Culture of Truth? Can they describe it and defend it as a
"Blueprint for Mars" (or other space civilizations) on the Internet?
Bob Jones University has more population in its students, staff and alumni
than some of the ancient Greek City States so numbers are no excuse. The
Greeks were able to articulate, build and operate their "cultures of
choice" and some were very successful. The Greeks didn't have the benefit
of the "world's biggest library" which is the information now carried over
the Internet.
   The Canadian Constitution, Charter Section, begins with the words,
"Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of
God" Given that this God is a God of Truth, perhaps BJU, Liberty U
(Falwell), Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Trinity Western U
etc. can tell Canada about their approximation to a civilization which
does "all for the glory of God" (I Cor. 10:31). When Svend Robinson, MP
was about to table a petition to remove the word "God" from the Canadian
Constitution, Elsie Wayne, MP said "Over my dead body". I asked Don
Boudria, MP what the legal definition of God is (everything else under the
sun gets defined in Canadian laws) and he said to ask the religion
experts. I did. You can imagine how they are n

[CTRL] Fwd: [spynews] Panel To Subpoena Ex-CIA Official

2000-03-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 03/02/2000 7:56:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Mario's Cyberspace Station
 -__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __
 /'_|'0 \'V'/'\|'|'__|'|'|'/'_|
 Wednesday, March 01, 2000

 Panel To Subpoena Ex-CIA Official
 Associated Press Online - March 01, 2000 18:47

 Associated Press Writer

 WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate Intelligence
 Committee voted Wednesday to subpoena former
 CIA general counsel Michael J. O'Neil after
 he refused to voluntarily appear before the
 panel in its inquiry into former CIA Director
 John Deutch's home computer security breaches.

 The unanimous vote requires O'Neil to appear
 before the committee next Wednesday.

 The panel has planned a closed-door meeting
 to question O'Neil on whether he withheld
 information about his former boss from agency
 investigators and the Justice Department,
 members said.

 Committee Chairman Richard Shelby, R-Ala.,
 said in an interview, "I'm sure he'll assert
 the Fifth Amendment, but we want him to do it
 in front of the committee."

 O'Neil's attorney, Roger Spaeder, had notified
 the panel that he advised O'Neil not to appear
 since the Justice Department was taking a new
 look at the Deutch computer case.

 A key issue in the case is why it took so long
 for the CIA to react to December 1966 information
 that Deutch had stored highly classified material
 on home computers also used to access the Internet.

 "On behalf of Mr. O'Neil, I can represent to
 the committee that if compelled to appear, Mr.
 O'Neil would decline to testify about all matters
 under investigation by invoking his constitutional
 privilege," Spaeder said in a letter to the panel.

 O'Neil, who left the agency in October 1997,
 at first declined to turn over computer storage
 cards from Deutch's computers and delayed notifying
 the Justice Department of the matter, according to
 an unclassified version of an internal CIA inspector
 general's report released by the committee last week.

 That report found that Deutch, CIA director from
 May 1995 to December 1996, processed thousands of
 highly classified documents on unprotected home
 computers that he and family members used to
 connect the Internet.

 Now a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of
 Technology, Deutch was stripped of most of his
 security clearances by CIA Director George Tenet
 last August. As a former deputy defense secretary,
 Deutch also had Pentagon clearances, but he
 voluntarily gave them up earlier this month.

 Deutch has apologized for his behavior, both in
 private testimony to the Intelligence Committee
 and in a brief appearance before reporters last

 But both the Senate panel and the Justice Department
 want to know why it took the CIA so long to notify
 them after discovering in December 1996 that Deutch
 had mishandled classified material.

 The CIA agency did not submit a report to the Justice
 Department until March 1998 and did not notify
 congressional oversight panels until June 1998.

 The current director, George Tenet, has apologized
 for the delay but said it wasn't intentional.

 According to the CIA inspector general's report,
 Mr. O'Neil and Nora Slatkin, the CIA's former
 executive director and now an official with Citigroup,
 acted in a manner that "had the effect of delaying a
 prompt investigation of this matter."

 Slatkin has agreed to appear before the committee.

 The report also suggested that O'Neil had failed to
 send a "crimes report" to the Justice Department,
 despite evidence that laws may have been violated,
 and withheld information from the House and Senate
 intelligence committees.

 Spaeder, O'Neil's lawyer, did not return a phone

 But in his letter to the panel, a copy of which was
 obtained by The Associated Press, Spaeder suggested
 that O'Neil would be prepared to cooperate if the
 committee agreed to vote to give him immunity from

 Otherwise, "Mr. O'Neil's recollection of the relevant
 events is already available to the committee in the
 inspector general's report," the letter said.

 Shelby said he did not anticipate that the panel would
 agree to give O'Neil immunity.


 *** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C.
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 For more information go to:

 Mario Profaca,
 SPY NEWS uGroup list owner,
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Mario's Cyberspace Station
-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __
/'_|'0 \'V'/'\|'|'__|'|'|'/'_|

Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology

2000-03-05 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

On Sat, 4 Mar 2000, nessie wrote:

> > Everyone believes in something.
> I believe in doubt. I've counted the times I believed and it turned out it
> was the right thing to do and I counted the times I doubted and that
> turned out to be the right thing to do. Doubt wins hands down.

Why not believe in truth? "Quaecumque vera"...whatsoever things be true.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MINNESOTA: Bill introduces 5 yr moratorium on GECrops!!

2000-03-05 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

PLANETNEWS broadcast

Minnesota has made history! The first state in the U.S. to introduce a
bill calling for a 5 year moratorium on planting GE crops.

The Organic Consumers Association is a national consumer advocacy group
based in Minnesota. We have over 25,000 subscribers to our newsletters,
1700 stores, co-ops, and CSAs working with us throughout the country and
receive over 250,000 monthly hits on our web site.

We are calling on all Minnesota Legislators to support holding a hearing
on the important issue of genetic engineering and the bills that have been
introduced in the MN Legislature that relate to: calling for a 5 year
moratorium on all GE crops from being planted; requiring manditory
labeling of all GE foods sold in Minnesota;  and insuring that liability
for genetic drift/pollution be born by the companies that manufactured the
technology, not the farmers.

There are over 250 certified organic farmers in Minnesota whose livelyhood
depends on preserving the integrity of their crops. There are documented
cases of genetic drift - where pollen from GE corn has traveled up to 5
miles away and polluted an organic corn crop. This is not acceptable!!
Just like the FDA was remiss in allowing DDT to be used for so many years
because they didn't do adequate testing to insure it wasn't harmful to the
environment, GE/GMO's have also not had adequate testing done.

Organic consumers, please contact your MN legislators immediately and ask
them to support these bills and hold hearings on these important issues.
For more information on these please check our website at

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology

2000-03-05 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

My problem with the "if you do that, you'll go to hell" scenario is
that it makes one's salvation dependent upon "good works." And people
use that as rationalization for just about anything. "I can do
whatever, because I can make it up doing 'good works'." Many people
also use the salvation by faith scenario to justify doing all kinds of
bad things: "I can sin all I want to; God will forgive me." Both are
sheer hypocrisy. If one truly has faith, then from that faith flows the
desire to do good. You're not doing it in anticipation of the reward
either now or later, but because the faith inspires you to serve, and
to give.

hoping that makes sense
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Americans_Oppose_Foreign_War

2000-03-05 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Lloyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Americans_Oppose_Foreign_War
Date: Saturday, March 04, 2000 2:28 PM

- Original Message -
From: NewsMax.com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Breaking News - NewsMax.com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2000 11:26 AM
Subject: NewsMax.com/Zogby Poll

NewsMax.com Breaking News

A NewsMax.com/Zogby poll released today indicates that Americans - by large
majorities - oppose the United States defending militarily several key
allies, including Taiwan, Israel and South Korea.  The NewsMax.com/Zogby
poll questioned 1,155 Americans last weekend and asked: "If attacked by
another country, should the U.S. help defend militarily, even though it
could cost American soldiers their lives, . . ." such hot spots as Kosovo,
Israel, Taiwan, South Korea and Kuwait.  In each and every case, a
significant majority of respondents said they would oppose using the U.S.
military to aid these countries, some long-time U.S. allies. The
NewsMax.com/Zogby poll had a statistical margin of error +/- 3%.

NewsMax.com/Zogby Poll Question: "If attacked by another country, should
the U.S. help defend militarily, even though it could cost American
soldiers their lives?"

Yes - 31%
No - 69%

Yes - 41%
No - 59%

Yes - 29%
No - 71%

South Korea
Yes - 28%
No - 72%

Yes - 26%
No - 74%

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Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology

2000-03-05 Thread blue honey

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

I know that you aren't trying to convert me; knowing that, I appreciate the
time you have taken to sit and type what you did. When you said that telling
a child that he/she will burn in hell for doing wrong is a lie, I agree,
that isn't what Christians are suppose to teach.  But it happens. I was
Christian for 20 years, no one threatened me with hell, no one had to - I
put two and two together.  Maybe I just wish there was some type of
"religion school" instead of Sunday school. Then kids could learn about all
beliefs and not just one, after all...most religions teach the same morals,
many have a similar storyline.

You must agree that most children follow a certian religion because their
parents are doing the same thing. And, to me, it's sad that most parents
tell their children that 'Santa isn't real but the stories in the bible
are'. Here is and interesting article that touches on that issue:

Does Santa Harm Children?
by Gary C Grassl

Just who is Santa Claus?

Children are taught that he is the person who performs miracles and wonders
every Christmas Eve. He is able to create and deliver virtually any present
any child can imagine. He can fly through the sky and deliver these gifts to
billions of children all over the world - all during one night. And not just
any old presents but exactly the ones desired by each individual child.

To accomplish this mission, he must have the ability to be present almost
everywhere at once. Theologians call this the power of omni-presence - an
attribute of their deity.

But Santa Claus is not just omnipresent, he is also all-seeing and
all-knowing. He has the divine power of omniscience, and this not only on
Christmas Eve but all through the year.

He sees you when you're sleepin'
He knows when you're awake,
He knows if you're been bad or good,
So be good for goodness sake ...
People imagine similar powers for their god:

You see me, whether I am
working or resting;
you know all my actions (Psalm 139)

In addition, children are taught that Santa Claus is all-good and all-just;
He rewards the good children and leaves the bad ones empty handed. Perfect
goodness and justice are also attributes of deity. In other words, Santa is
really a god who performs miracles by his own powers. To be sure, he is a
kind of childish god. He is concerned only about children, and he brings
childish presents. But that's the only sort of god who could have any
meaning for the young child.

Adults think of their deity as the creator of all things visible and
invisible, but such an entity is beyond a child's comprehension. What
children can relate to is a creator of toys and goodies. While grownups
characterize their god as all-holy, all merciful, all-just, all-powerful,
omnipresent and infinitely perfect, this conception is too vast, nebulous
and remote to have any meaning for a little child. Children from 2 to 8 -
the Santa Claus years - cannot grasp such a transcendent abstraction; they
can only relate to a material being. Santa is such a god-in-the-flesh - a
deity tailor-made for children.

All children are born atheists (since they have to be taught to believe),
but Santa Claus can make god believers out of them for life. Teaching
children to believe in Santa at a time when they believe everything their
parents tell them prepares their minds to accept the adult god when they are
a little older. Thus, faith in Santa Claus serves as a spring board for
religious belief. Once children have fallen for Santa - the junior god -
their mind is in the god-mode, and they can be more easily persuaded to
believe in the big GOD.

When they are older, they can then be told, "No, dear, Santa is just a fairy
tale, but GOD is real."

Is belief in Santa Claus harmful to children?
Yes, if you think that predisposing children to the irrational belief system
of adults is harmful.


Santa is one of my favorite topics but I don't think it's approprate for
this list...so I'll quit here.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] The new Calvinism: "everyone is guilty"

2000-03-05 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

>I'm an orphaned Jewish dwarf lesbian parapalegic of color and a trial
lawyer specializing in defamation and personal injury cases.

Right. And I'm the Tooth Fairy.

>Bring your bank account

I don't have one. My grandma taught me that banks are the Devil's
embassies on Earth. I think she spoke too kindly.

>and all your earthly possessions.

I have three that I care about. Two are guns. Come and get 'em. They're
ready and waiting.

In the meantime let's both spare the readership of this list our personal
differences. Nor do I have the time or desire to engage in dialog, public
or private, with anybody who would defend Nazis in public or preach
against opposing them by any means necessary.  More despicable acts make a
very short list.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Who Paid for It?

2000-03-05 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: "Clinton was acquitted 52 cents ago"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In my last email, I provided figures on gasoline prices
from the Dept. of Energy website.  But I noticed the
columns on dates and prices got out of whack in
the transmission of the email. Perhaps the following
will show more clearly the correlation between gasoline prices
and Clinton's impeachment.
(All figures are for the U.S. National average price
per gallon for Unleaded Regular including taxes).

The first date is June 8, 1998 which is 4 months before
the House of Representatives began formal debate on
whether Clinton should be impeached.

(1) 6/8/98.$1.075

The House of Representatives began the impeachment
debate on October 8, 1998 and the gas price was down 5 cents.

(2) 10/8/98.$1.02

The House of Representatives voted to impeach on Dec. 19th.

(3) 12/14/98.$0.945 (94.5 cents 5 days before the vote)

The U.S. Senate acquitted Clinton on Feb. 14, 1999
by which time the gas price had fallen to 90.7 cents.
(4) 02/22/99.$0.907   (price bottomed 8 days after Senate vote)

After the Senate voted to acquit, the gas price started
back up almost immediately.

(5)It climbed to 91.3 cents by March 1,

(6)On up to 97.7 cents by March 15!

(7)On up to $1.14 by  April 12, 1999!

(8)On up to $1.195 by August 2, 1999

(9)On up to $1.268 by September 20, 1999

(10)   Now up to $1.421 on February 28, 2000 !
(Latest available Dept. of Energy figures)

These government figures show a 52 cent per gallon
increase in gas prices since Clinton's impeachment
trial in the Senate.

(Source: Form EIA-878 "Motor Gasoline Price Survey"
 Energy Information Administration's
National Energy Information Center.)

So who paid for Clinton's acquittal?
We all did!
And we are not done paying for it yet!

Now we are told we are having
an "Oil Crisis"!

Clinton to meet with 60 U.S. lawmakers on oil crisis
President Bill Clinton is to meet with more than 60 U.S. lawmakers and Energy
Secretary Bill Richardson on Thursday from 1630 EST (2130 GMT) to discuss how
sharply higher crude oil prices are impacting consumers.
  Some 60 lawmakers are invited to attend the meeting, including a contingent
from the U.S. Northeast, the nation's heaviest home heating oil area, notably
Democrats Sen. Charles Schumer from New York and Sen. Edward Kennedy from
Massachusetts .

  Schumer has been a vocal critic of Clinton administration energy policies,
consistently calling for the White House to tap the Strategic Petroleum
Reserve as a way to deflate higher world crude prices.

Northeast consumers have been hit hard by rising energy costs, paying as much
as two times the normal price for home heating oil this winter.

  Nationally, higher crude prices have triggered sharp rises in motor
gasoline price levels, making energy a hot political topic and leading top
policymakers to raise concerns that sustained price rises would threaten
economic growth.


"Always remember, nothing is what it seems to be"
 - The Sorcerer Nakano -

Re: [CTRL] OT: Atmospheric oxygen concentration dropping ?

2000-03-05 Thread Bill Kingsbury

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Jim wrote:
> You seem to be coming on with a lot of energy against
> this oxygen concept, when all it really is, is another
> alternative topic we are discussing.


Only questioning the rumored "disappearing oxygen concept".
It's a serious problem, if it's true.  But where's the data?
There are ample rumors, -- no offence intended, -- so I'm
questioning why there's a paucity of published "instrument
data" from those who conducted the measuring -- data which
would help resolve this essential question.  Sorry if I
sounded too intense.  Must have been those darn sunspots!

I guess I should write Ed McCabe.  Hope he's doing OK...
Anyone happen to have a current e-mail address for Ed ?

>>   I've read an account similar to this, and it all sounds
>>   plausible.  But conditions existing 80 million years ago
>>   are hardly relevant  to today's atmospheric conditions.
>But, as Saul pointed out, it might not be 80 mil. Maybe only 80K.
>Then, it is very relevant. Even if there is no mistake in the
>dating. The last 80K years are relevant anyway. And, it IS
>relevant, period. People can argue about how we got here, but
>regardless of that, once here we adapted to the environment. So,
>if our bodies adapted to an environment with 150 % of today's
>atmospheric pressure, and 35% more oxygen, then we would be
>virtually invulnerable to bacteria, virus, mold, yeast,etc.
>We would be supermen for real!
>And, if this were true, then today's atmosphere would mean we
>have to take drastic steps not to fall prey to our body's natural
>vulnerabilities to these changes.

That's interesting -- and immediately brings to mind the
legendary 900+ year lifespan of certain biblical patriarchs.
Their era was *supposedly* only approx. 6000 to 4500 years ago.

Note:  According to some interpretations of the oldest and
most "holy" of books, that era ended with the "great flood",
which was the spiteful act of our creator(s) -- the top god,
and a race of super-human Anunnaki, Elohim, Watchers, etc. --
who resolved to exterminate all humans -- and only one human
family survived that holocaust.

Maybe some of these ETs have been taking the Earth's oxygen
for their own life-extension purposes -- not caring, or
perhaps desiring, that we should starve for oxygen ?

Just asking. ;-)

>>   I'd sure like to find some verifiable indication that the
>>   Earth is running out of oxygen -- IF it is true.
>Well, first, I imagine we are discussing free oxygen, not oxygen
>itself. And I would think the shrinking ozone layer would
>indicate less free oxygen. When the Sun hits Earth, some oxygen
>is converted to ozone. I would think a higher concentration of
>oxygen would create a higher concentration of ozone. I know it's
>not that simple, and even understanding some of the unlikely
>parameters, I still believe it would be true.

Yes, we are referring to "free oxygen."  The "shrinking ozone
layer" is a relevant topic to investigate.  Some scientists have
said the "CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) destruction of the ozone layer"
is a red herring.  (Some media propaganda was said to be financed
by directly by DOW Chemical, because they had a newly patented,
higher-cost Freon replacement, and their Freon patent had expired.)
There's likely to be some scientific data in those dissenting
scientist's published research, along the lines you suggest.

>>   This could happen over millions of years, but I doubt oxygen
>>   has been rapidly "bound up" over the past two centuries by
>>   industrial-age technologies.
>It has little to do with technology of the past few centuries.
>It is a cyclical thing that has happened several times before,

That's for sure, but not what you'd gather from media reports
regarding parallel issues such as global warming and CO2, and
the international Kyoto Protocols.  There's also the new age,
channeled "environmental doomsday theology" type of propaganda.
(Earth mother Gaia is mad as hell over modern technology, etc.)
These world government, mass media, and mass pop culture
operations contend that the technology of the past few centuries
is THE issue -- and seem to avoid taking your long term view of
historical cycles.

Thanks for your ideas.


>...as seen in core samples from Antartica, which also show the
>ozone layer depletion is a natural, cyclical thing also. There is
>so much bogus science running around, it is downright funny what
>people will believe! And I say that as one who has been suckered,
>and suckered again.;-))
>It's all just speculation until some credible authority makes a
>pronouncement. Have fun with it.
>jim :)
>http://www.doorway.to/madscience   http://www.doorway.to/poetry
>Fear is the opposite of love. -- anony

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allow

Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology/ plus Const for Fed of Earth.

2000-03-05 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>Christians also do remote viewing

Lemme tell you about my dog. I adopted him because his previous owners,
who had found him as a stray, couldn't handle him. He was rambunctious and
disobedient. I taught him to be mannerly and subordinate. First thing I
did was use a keyhole to convince him that I could either read his mind,
see through walls, or both. After that, training him was a piece of cake.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] TSD On Homeopathy

2000-03-05 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 3/4/00 4:56:32 PM Central Standard Time,

<< Shannon naturally wouldn't have a clue, 'cuz his toob tells him no and he
 hasn't a choice but to believe as he's told. >>

LOL!! This is funny sh*t Dave...WHo's the clueless one? Since your theory
of homeopathy is simply without scientific merit and frankly makes NO sense I
must wonder who's being hoodwinked here.
Could you explain exactly HOW the "tapping" of the water assists in making
something of nothing?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Who Paid for It?

2000-03-05 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

RE: "Clinton was acquitted 52 cents ago"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In my last email, I provided figures on gasoline prices
from the Dept. of Energy website.  But I noticed the
columns on dates and prices got out of whack in
the transmission of the email. Perhaps the following
will show more clearly the correlation between gasoline prices
and Clinton's impeachment.
(All figures are for the U.S. National average price
per gallon for Unleaded Regular including taxes).

The first date is June 8, 1998 which is 4 months before
the House of Representatives began formal debate on
whether Clinton should be impeached.

(1) 6/8/98.$1.075

The House of Representatives began the impeachment
debate on October 8, 1998 and the gas price was down 5 cents.

(2) 10/8/98.$1.02

The House of Representatives voted to impeach on Dec. 19th.

(3) 12/14/98.$0.945 (94.5 cents 5 days before the vote)

The U.S. Senate acquitted Clinton on Feb. 14, 1999
by which time the gas price had fallen to 90.7 cents.
(4) 02/22/99.$0.907   (price bottomed 8 days after Senate vote)

After the Senate voted to acquit, the gas price started
back up almost immediately.

(5)It climbed to 91.3 cents by March 1,

(6)On up to 97.7 cents by March 15!

(7)On up to $1.14 by  April 12, 1999!

(8)On up to $1.195 by August 2, 1999

(9)On up to $1.268 by September 20, 1999

(10)   Now up to $1.421 on February 28, 2000 !
(Latest available Dept. of Energy figures)

These government figures show a 52 cent per gallon
increase in gas prices since Clinton's impeachment
trial in the Senate.

(Source: Form EIA-878 "Motor Gasoline Price Survey"
 Energy Information Administration's
National Energy Information Center.)

So who paid for Clinton's acquittal?
We all did!
And we are not done paying for it yet!

Now we are told we are having
an "Oil Crisis"!

Clinton to meet with 60 U.S. lawmakers on oil crisis
President Bill Clinton is to meet with more than 60 U.S. lawmakers and Energy
Secretary Bill Richardson on Thursday from 1630 EST (2130 GMT) to discuss how
sharply higher crude oil prices are impacting consumers.
  Some 60 lawmakers are invited to attend the meeting, including a contingent
from the U.S. Northeast, the nation's heaviest home heating oil area, notably
Democrats Sen. Charles Schumer from New York and Sen. Edward Kennedy from
Massachusetts .

  Schumer has been a vocal critic of Clinton administration energy policies,
consistently calling for the White House to tap the Strategic Petroleum
Reserve as a way to deflate higher world crude prices.

Northeast consumers have been hit hard by rising energy costs, paying as much
as two times the normal price for home heating oil this winter.

  Nationally, higher crude prices have triggered sharp rises in motor
gasoline price levels, making energy a hot political topic and leading top
policymakers to raise concerns that sustained price rises would threaten
economic growth.


"Always remember, nothing is what it seems to be"
 - The Sorcerer Nakano -

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #1

2000-03-05 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000305a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Portal to notices, excuses, overflow, links: http://skepticon.pitas.com
* No humanitarians were needlessly martyred to produce this bulletin. Yet.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Computer Virus Hoaxes: http://www.datafellows.com/virus-info/hoax/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Jersey Triangles & 'Red Eyed Devil' Sighted - Cylinders In AZ and Italy -
  http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/tri.htm and http://www.filersfiles.com

# Cosmonauts: UFOs Are Real - NASA UFO Video Footage - US Satellites Catch
  UFOs - and: SENATOR JOHN McCAIN INTERESTED IN UFOs - has he been taken?
  http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/filers3400.htm & http://www.filersfiles.com

: Do your fellow-conspirators have great fun projecting images of UFOs into
the skies around the world? Is humanity almost sufficiently conditioned for
you to take off your masks, revealing your true Reptilioid forms? How soon?

@ New Decipher Of General Ramey's Roswell Message: EXTRACT THE VICTIMS OF
  THE WRECK AND CONVAY ON: http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/decipher.htm
@ A.Lehmberg DataPage http://www.sightings.com/politics6/lehmdatapg.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Pro-Confederate group calls for South to secede again- China funds efforts
  to split U.S., fragment West: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9474380
# Russia would join NATO under the right conditions, official says - just
  get rid of all your guns: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9474804
# WTO Withdrawel Bill Introduced By Super Cogressman Ron Paul - ban export
  of spellcheckers: http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a38bf76ea6e3f.htm

# Humanitarian Edmond Kaiser Dies - If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what
  does a humanitarian eat? http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9474839
# Amount of tear gas fired at Waco siege questioned - more pyrotechnic
  rounds suspected: http://dallasnews.com/texas_southwest/43735_WACO05.html

: What (inter)national alliances would you like to join/fracture/control? Do
your alien/Illuminati/Chinese/MicroSoft masters fund you adequately? Do you
have the weaponry you need to effect your program? Are you developing more?

# New US Rifle Can Shoot Around Corners. Some call it the Smart Shooter, a
  new rifle for American infantry troops that is two weapons in one, is
  accurate up to 1,000 yards & in effect fires around corners. Its message
  to enemies is that they can run but they can't hide. KaPowPow, suckers:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Pope Beatifies 44 Martyrs: http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9474781
# Pope agrees to modify schedule & avoid Sabbath desecration:
# Chief Rabbi warns anti-pope demonstrations endanger Jews worldwide

# Running with religion - All pres. candidates claim strong faith, differ
  widely on social issues: http://www.ohio.com/bj/news/docs/022326.htm
# Lift of dating ban stuns campus - Students abuzz over Bob Jones Univer-
  sity's policy change - Why? http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9474307

: Does your belief system effectively implement social/political/mental/sex
controls on the populace? Have you refined your techniques over millennia?
Do upstarts threaten your hegemony? Do you take drastic measures to quell
dissent? How many layers of disinformation have you promulgated lately??

  HERE: http://community-1.webtv.net/crownstar/CONSCIENCETHEINDEX/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Stock Market Crash Prophesy: http://www.novia.net/~todd/rap16.html
@ All second comings are farcical. They take a lot more exertion, and are
  a lot less spontaneous. http://www.georgejr.com/98/iviews/codrescu.html
# Church in standoff with IRS over tax bill of $6 million- Baptists owe big:

  PIE - ANGELS - Exciting Time Lapse Photography: http://www.oasistv.com/

: Have you prophesied anything lately? D'ya predict the same event over &
over, hoping that eventually you'll be right, even if only briefly? Do you
engage in weapons-training to enforce y'r prophesies? Does right make right?

# Iraq Hajj Pilgrims Defy Sanctions - transport 

[CTRL] DEFENDING AMERICA Newsletter, 2000-03-01-A

2000-03-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

** 01 March 2000

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
  General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

  Soldiers For The Truth, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3840


Notes from the Prez

Hack's Column:
Moral Courage is the First Commandment  1

Of "Chem" Suits and other Scams - in the Defense Industry We can't Trust!   2

Big Picture:
5,500 U.N. Troops to Be Deployed to Congo   3
Grange Gets Only One Star In Retirement 4

Army - Some still doing it right?  Maybe NOT!   5
USMC  -- Osprey or Albatross?   6
More on the Decline of the Warrior Ethic…   7
Nightmare "Kosovo", Part II 8

Veterans' Issues:
Hepatitis C and Vietnam Vets9

Medal of Honor: 10
  Vietnam 1967

G.I Humor:
A Crappy Situation… 11

1.  Still working on making us fully operational in the State of Colorado. We
expect final authorization by the end of this week.

2.  Despite some bureaucratic obstacles, the merger moves continue behind the
scenes.  You will notice that our combined newsletter is now called the
DEFENDING AMERICA newsletter.  *Voice of the Grunt* is now our editorial
section, still echoing the voices from the field.

3.  Got a lot of mail on the LTG Kennedy piece.

Some of you thought we are becoming a sort of "Defense Enquirer" with some of
the rumors printed in that reader piece.  You know, the big brass always
preaches that perceptions become the truth.  Maybe the little guys'
perceptions are important too! If you know the truth, write us!!!

Some complained that I used the description MI troopers. I've been in the
military a couple of days too and know that there are CAV troopers and
paratroopers.  Maybe I just wanted to be polite and not call you MI
"Weenies."  Give me a break, will ya!

4.  Please keep writing us, so we can build that "Internet camaraderie" that
makes us grow stronger and helps us to keep our fingers on the pulse.

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT
Moral Courage is the First Commandment

Napoleon was right on target when he said, "In war the moral is to the
material as three to one."

Since Desert Storm, I've watched our Armed Forces go steadily downhill. Yet
for 10 years, not one general or admiral has had the moral courage to sound
off to the citizens of the republic about what's been going on.

Nor has one (and that includes Air Force Gen. Ronald Fogleman, who quit not
over principles but for very personal, private reasons) stood before Congress
and told the truth: It's not lack of funds that's busting the forces, but
wrongheaded, ever-expanding missions like Bosnia and Kosovo; misguided,
politically correct social engineering; and the constant lowering of
training, discipline and leadership standards -- mistakes that our warriors
will pay for in blood on a future battlefield.

Has the moral courage from stand-up guys like Nathan Hale, John Paul Jones
and Billy Mitchell been blown completely out of our military and America?
Have these giants of moral resolve been replaced by people who don't care how
they trample on values and principles, just as long as they get to the head
of the line?

Even though the two-fisted straight-shooters seldom make it to the top
anymore, I prefer to think moral courage in America is down but not out. It's
true the slickies who put self and bottom-line first seem to be running
America from the White House to Congress to virtually every big business in
the land. Less those few, brave, family-owned concerns that haven't yet
exchanged their values for fast-lane stock options.

I naively thought this sickness just prevailed in our military, but gradually
changed my mind because of the responses to a book I wrote. Over the years,
I've received thousands of letters from folks in every walk of life in this
country saying: What you described in "About Face" as the sickness that
destroyed our military and caused us to lose in Vietnam is rampant across the
board in the United States.

These letters bear witness that the same cancer that struck our Vietna

[CTRL] DEFENDING AMERICA Newsletter, 2000-03-01-B

2000-03-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

DEFENDING AMERICA Newsletter, 2000-03-01-B

Big Picture -- 5,500 U.N. Troops to Be Deployed to Congo

Troops, brace yourselves!  Remember my recent article " More Peacekeeping to
come, next Stop Congo?"  Well, here we go! Richard Holbrooke and Madeleine
Albright are scheming to save the African continent from itself during this
important election year. Of course, the US "would only provide logistics and
communications troops, not ground troops." Wonder if the "logies" and "comms"
folks can stay airborne 24 hrs a day?   Maybe Albright ought to accept the
position of President for the Czech Republic, as recently rumored.

UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ The Security Council approved a U.S.-drafted plan to
send a 5,500-strong observer force into the Congo to monitor a fragile
cease-fire and lay the groundwork for a possible full-fledged U.N.
peacekeeping operation.

Deployment, however, would be phased in and conditioned on security
guarantees for the troops _ a difficult task considering that fighting has
continued in violation of the cease-fire.

The United States has said it won't deploy any ground troops in the Congo,
but would help with logistics and communications.

"The Security Council has taken a critical step to help the Congo come to a
peace that its people so desperately need," U.S. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke
told the council today.

Several ambassadors cautioned that the United Nations wasn't going into Congo
to enforce a peace and stressed they would only deploy an actual peacekeeping
mission if the Africans show a commitment to ending the war.

"The situation is so complicated that it would not only be naive but
dangerous to rely on its settlement by external forces, even if these are
United Nations forces," Russian Ambassador  Sergey Lavrov warned.

The resolution authorizes a force of up to 5,537 personnel to be deployed to
the Congo, where a rebellion launched in August 1998 has drawn in a
half-dozen African nations in what U.S. Secretary of  State  Madeleine
Albright has called Africa's first world war.

The core of the force would be 500 military observers who would monitor a
cease-fire agreement signed last summer by the warring sides in Lusaka,
Zambia. Congo is backed by Angola, Zimbabwe and Namibia, while the rebels who
took up arms to oust President Laurent Kabila from power are supported by
Rwanda and Uganda.

The remaining 5,037 U.N. troops would provide the cease-fire monitors with
security and logistical support as they work with  military officers from the
warring sides to separate and redeploy  the various forces in Congo _ a
country one quarter the size of the  United States.

Today's unanimous vote culminated growing council attention and willingness
to take on difficult peacekeeping operations in Africa, highlighted by
Holbrooke's month-long focus on the continent in January.

Namibian Ambassador Martin Andjaba referred to the momentum from last month's
Africa meetings in urging the council stay committed to peace on the
continent even after the observers are deployed.

"Over the years, the U.N. has brought peace to so many countries including my
own," Andjaba said. "Expectations of the suffering masses in the (Congo) for
peace in their country are therefore high and rightly so. We should not let
them down."

Deputy British Ambassador Stewart Eldon, however, stressed that full
deployment of the U.N. force wasn't automatic and that the situation in the
Kivu region of eastern Congo, where fighting has  recently occurred "does not
look promising."

"The fighting must stop now," he said. "International humanitarian law must
be respected."

While some details held up final agreement on the resolution, the key
elements of the draft were finalized days ago, including permission for the
U.N. troops to use force to protect themselves and civilians "under imminent
threat of physical violence" if an infantry battalion is deployed nearby.

The council also agreed that Secretary-General Kofi Annan could increase the
number of observers if necessary, but only if the overall force stayed under
the 5,537 ceiling.

The resolution says deployment of a full-fledged peacekeeping force would
depend on progress by the various factions in implementing the cease-fire
agreement, which both sides have been  accused of violating.

At a one-day summit meeting in Lusaka on Wednesday, the presidents of Congo,
Namibia, Rwanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe _ and Angola's defense minister _
acknowledged the violations and  recommitted themselves to the cease-fire

They nevertheless urged deployment of a full-fledged peacekeeping force with
a robust mandat

[CTRL] DEFENDING AMERICA Newsletter, 2000-03-01-C

2000-03-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

DEFENDING AMERICA Newsletter, 2000-03-01-C
USMC -- Osprey or Albatross?
The V-22 Osprey, the Corps' latest answer for aerial expeditionary tasks.
Expensive and highly complex, will it be able to perform as advertised, or
become the Albatross around the Corps' neck. If the Corps gets the numbers
they want, will there be enough $ for bullets or toilet paper? A mechanic's

By a former Air Force Mechanic (name withheld)

I was wondering if you have any recent information concerning the development
and procurement of the V-22 tilt rotor aircraft. I spent 10 good years in the
air force as a helicopter mechanic working on MH-53J's at Hurlburt Field,
H-3's in Okinawa in a rescue squadron, and I taught helicopter maintenance at
Shepard AFB in Texas.  I was a good mechanic and knew how labor intensive
these big helicopters can be.

While in Texas I had the opportunity to visit the Bell helicopter facility in
Fort Worth.  While there I got to see inside and out the V-22 and discuss
these aircraft with the technicians and the air force liaison.  Bottom line:
I was not impressed.  Fact is I could not understand why we would be spending
so much money on a hanger queen. The only way the V-22 will fly much is if we
spend big money on spare parts and Bell and Boeing V-22 civilian technicians.

The V-22 is a mechanics nightmare.  It has so many limit switches,
micro-switches, servo valves and other finicky parts on critical flight and
engine components that the only thing I could think of is number one: I hope
I don't have to fly on it and two: the average mechanic could never work on
this aircraft out in the field.  You need a toolbox the size of a truck and
enough highly expensive spare parts to fill a hanger for even a short
duration mission away from home station.  We have been developing this
aircraft for over 20 years.

Sure they have probably worked some bugs out of it since I saw the aircraft
in 1995, but at what cost.  We will still buy this very expensive aircraft to
replace our aging H-53 fleet and that is just the beginning of the cost.  The
aircraft is a serious money pit and has/had a tendency to crash if something
as small as a gyroscopic stabilizer quits working.  The V-22 is totally
dependent on a flight assist computer to fly in certain aspects of its tilt
rotor flight from hover.

More wonder gear from our friends in the defense industry.  The V-22 is an
engineering marvel and impressive, but giving our troops the best equipment
doesn't have to mean the most complicated and highly technical.
Army - More on the Decline of the Warrior Ethic…
If the 82d Airborne Division is marked with leadership problems, what does
the rest of the Army look like?

BY a concerned Paratroop Officer

I left the 82nd Airborne Division several months ago. I served in key
leadership positions and saw every day how the warrior ethic is declining.

Now stationed in Alaska, I see it even more, not only with soldiers, but with
senior leadership.  We have generals, colonels, and command sergeant majors
who are more concerned with public opinion then are concerned about training

More concerned about rumor control then fixing problems.  More concerned
about politics and ceremonies then using common sense.  There are "one-sies"
and "two-sies" who still have the warrior ethics you wrote about, but those
are far and few in between.

Our annual major exercise is coming up soon and in preparation for the "VIP
Day," we have a dedicated infantry company that will "perform" a
demonstration of what the Arctic Warrior can do.  I realize it is important
to let our politicians know what we do, but where do we draw the line?

This infantry company will not be conducting soldier training, but will be
preparing for four days prior to the VIPs arrival for this demonstration.  I
can imagine that the only training they will get is how to conduct this
performance in accordance with the script, not necessarily in accordance with
doctrine.  Almost feels like we are training actors instead of soldiers.

I applaud your efforts to tell it like it is and am glad that there are some
people out there who report and write about it -- the TRUTH!

Army - Nightmare "Kosovo" Part II
Last week -- of filth, Alley McBeal, and contractors.  Today - about lawyers,
three stooges, and how rank de


2000-03-05 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

On the Anniversary of the
U.S./NATO bombing of Yugoslavia

U.S./NATO out of KOSOVO !!!

Hands off the Balkans and Eastern Europe!

Friday, March 24

Assembly and Rally
at 5 P.M.
Times Square, 43rd Street & Broadway,
in front of the Armed Forces Recruiting Station
followed by the March
on The New York Times

Called by the International Action Center, (212) 633-6646 (www.iacenter.org)

Memorial Service for the victims of
war and NATO occupation will be held after the march at the
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral,
25th Street & Broadway - New York

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Shiptar Arrested for Russian Soldier's Murder

2000-03-05 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU
Kosovo Peacekeepers Arrest Suspected Killer Of Russian Soldier
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Yugoslavia, Mar 4, 2000 -- (Reuters) International
peacekeepers on Friday arrested an ethnic Albanian suspected of killing
a Russian soldier of the Kosovo Force (KFOR), French General Pierre de
Saqui de Sannes said.
A French officer who asked not to be named said the suspect was around
15 years old.
French gendarmes, with the support of UN police and the local
population, also found the weapon used in the shooting Tuesday in the
central town of Srbica, the general said.
The Russian, a driver who was waiting for a superior officer when he was
shot, died of his wounds in a French military hospital Thursday.
He was the first KFOR soldier to die of wounds inflicted during an

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: SN129:afp- French KFOR use tear gas to disperse Serbs in Kosovo

2000-03-05 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

-Original Message-
From: Aleksandar Stojsic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, March 04, 2000 7:30 AM
Subject: SN129:afp- French KFOR use tear gas to disperse Serbs in Kosovo

>  KOSOVSKA MITROVICA, Yugoslavia, March 3 (AFP) - French KFOR
>soldiers used tear gas bombs Friday to disperse a group of between
>300 and 500 Serbs in the northern part of this ethnically divided
>   The Serbs, who had gathered for a folk concert, surrounded a
>cordon of French KFOR soldiers deployed around a block where ethnic
>Albanian inhabitants were supposed to return on Friday.
>   After the KFOR soldiers threw at least 10 tear gas bombs into
>the crowd, the Serbs pelted them with stones as they rushed to the
>main bridge dividing the northern part of the town from the southern
>section, mostly populated by ethnic Albanians.
>   At least six Serbs suffered minor injuries, an AFP reporter at
>the scene said, while the windshields of at least two UN police
>vehicles were smashed by stones.
>   A group of around 200 Serbs, mostly young men, gathered again in
>front of the barbed wire set by KFOR units along the banks of the
>Ibar River.
>   They threw stones and shouted "Serbia, Serbia" toward
>journalists on the southern bank.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] DEFENDING AMERICA Newsletter, 2000-03-01-D

2000-03-05 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Vietnam 1967. A courageous soldier covers the withdrawal of his comrades.
One more name on the wall we should never forget!  Researched by James H.


Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Army, Company C, 1st
Battalion, 12th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division. Place and date: Kontum
Province, Republic of Vietnam, 15 February 1967. Entered service at:
Brooklyn, N.Y. Born: 19 June 1945, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life
above and beyond the call of duty. Pfc. Willett distinguished himself while
serving as a rifleman in Company C, during combat operations. His squad was
conducting a security sweep when it made contact with a large enemy force.
The squad was immediately engaged with a heavy volume of automatic weapons
fire and pinned to the ground.

Despite the deadly fusillade, Pfc. Willett rose to his feet firing rapid
bursts from his weapon and moved to a position from which he placed highly
effective fire on the enemy. His action allowed the remainder of his squad to
begin to withdraw from the superior enemy force toward the company perimeter.
Pfc. Willett covered the squad's withdrawal, but his position drew heavy
enemy machinegun fire, and he received multiple wounds enabling the enemy
again to pin down the remainder of the squad. Pfc. Willett struggled to an
upright position, and, disregarding his painful wounds, he again engaged the
enemy with his rifle to allow his squad to continue its movement and to
evacuate several of his comrades who were by now wounded. Moving from
position to position, he engaged the enemy at close range until he was
mortally wounded.

By his unselfish acts of bravery, Pfc. Willett insured the withdrawal of his
comrades to the company position, saving their lives at the cost of his life.
Pfc. Willett's valorous actions were in keeping with the highest traditions
of the U.S. Army and reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces
of his country.
GI HUMOR - A Crappy Situation…
The airman made his point. His situation couldn't get much crappier.

Thule Air Force Base in Greenland is considered one of the places where
assignment is a virtual punishment -- one of the "less desirable" assignments
(for those of you who have not been in the military and are not familiar with
the wicked winters at Thule AFB).

A C-141 cargo aircraft was preparing for departure from Thule, and they were
waiting for the truck to arrive to pump out the plane's sewage holding tank.
The aircraft commander was in a hurry, but the truck was late in arriving and
the airman was extremely slow in getting the tank pumped out.

The aircraft commander apparently berated the airman for his lack of speed
and promised to impose proper punishment. The airman responded:  "Sir, I have
no stripes, it is 20 below zero, I'm stationed in Thule, and I am pumping
crap out of airplanes.  Just how in the hell do you plan to punish me?"


For Article Submissions:  as a rule of thumb, please try to keep article for
possible publication to 750 words or less. We do make exceptions and will not
turn away an 800 to 900 word piece (or even longer if you're related to
Hack!). Please make every editing effort not to exceed these guidelines.

If you believe you have a story that is longer than 750 words we will
consider running it in parts or as a SPECIAL. Keep the piece focused on the
story you want to tell, not impress upon the reader.

Thanks to everyone for keeping the communication lines open and the ideas

Watch your flanks - the bad guys are still out there!!!
Many readers have asked for guidance/help/ideas for getting Hack's column in
their local newspapers. See  --- NEWSPAPERS for a
few suggestions.

Much appreciate your effort. What we're into is getting the word to as many
citizens as possible about what is causing our military machine to fly like a
B17 with 3 engines on fire (and that plane still flew!).

R.W. Zimmermann
You can now find copies of Hack's previous columns at:
These are found i

[CTRL] 60 Minutes ECHELON transcript

2000-03-05 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Paul Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 60 Minutes ECHELON transcript
Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000 7:24 PM

From: Sanho Tree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


February 27, 2000


STEVE KROFT, co-host:

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, there's a good
chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country's
largest intelligence agency. The top-secret Global Surveillance Network is
called Echelon, and it's run by the National Security Agency and four
English-speaking allies: Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand.
The mission is to eavesdrop on enemies of the state: foreign countries,
terrorist groups and drug cartels. But in the process, Echelon's computers
capture virtually every electronic conversation around the world.

How does it work, and what happens to all the information that's gathered? A
lot of people have begun to ask that question, and some suspect that the
information is being used for more than just catching bad guys.

(Footage of satellite; person talking on cell phone; fax machine; ATM being
used; telephone pole and wires; radio towers)

KROFT: (Voiceover) We can't see them, but the air around us is filled with
invisible electronic signals, everything from cell phone conversations to
fax transmissions to ATM transfers. What most people don't realize is that
virtually every signal radiated across the electromagnetic spectrum is being
collected and analyzed.

How much of the world is covered by them?

Mr. MIKE FROST (Former Spy): The entire world, the whole planet--covers
everything. Echelon covers everything that's radiated worldwide at any given

KROFT: Every square inch is covered.

Mr. FROST: Every square inch is covered.

(Footage of Frost; listening post)

KROFT: (Voiceover) Mike Frost spent 20 years as a spy for the CSE, the
Canadian equivalent of the National Security Agency, and he is the only
high-ranking former intelligence agent to speak publicly about the Echelon
program. Frost even showed us one of the installations where he says
operators can listen in to just about anything.

Mr. FROST: Everything from--from data transfers to cell phones to portable
phones to baby monitors to ATMs...

KROFT: Baby monitors?

Mr. FROST: Oh, yeah. Baby monitors give you a lot of intelligence.

(Footage of listening posts)

KROFT: (Voiceover) This listening post outside Ottawa is just part of a
network of spy stations, which are hidden in the hills of West Virginia, in
remote parts of Washington state, even in plain view among the sheep
pastures of Europe.

This is Menwith Hill Station in the Yorkshire countryside of Northern
England. Even though we're on British soil, Menwith Hill is an American base
operated by the National Security Agency. It's believed to be the largest
spy station in the world.

(Footage of Menwith Hill Station; aerial footage of NSA headquarters;

KROFT: (Voiceover) Inside each globe are huge dishes which intercept and
download satellite communications from around the world. The information is
then sent on to NSA headquarters at Fort Meade, Maryland, where acres of
supercomputers scan millions of transmissions word by word, looking for key
phrases and, some say, specific voices that may be of major significance.

Mr. FROST: Everything is looked at. The entire take is looked at. And the
computer sorts out what it is told to sort out, be it, say, by key words
such as 'bomb' or 'terrorist' or 'blow up,' to telephone numbers or--or a
person's name. And people are getting caught, and--and that's great.

(Footage of National Security Agency; Carlos the Jackal; two Libyans in

KROFT: (Voiceover) The National Security Agency won't talk about those
successes or even confirm that a program called Echelon exists. But it's
believed the international terrorist Carlos the Jackal was captured with the
assistance of Echelon, and that it helped identify two Libyans the US
believes blew up Pan-Am Flight 103.

Is it possible for people like you and I, innocent civilians, to be targeted
by Echelon?

Mr. FROST: Not only possible, not only probable, but factual. While I was at
CSE, a classic example: A lady had been to a school play the night before,
and her son was in the school play and she thought he did a--a lousy job.
Next morning, she was talking on the telephone to her friend, and she said
to her friend something like this, 'Oh, Danny really bombed last night,'
just like that. The computer spit that conversation out. The analyst that
was looking at it was not too sure about what the conversatio

[CTRL] The Case Against George W. Bush

2000-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: The Case Against
George W. Bush
Subject: The Case Against George W. Bush
Date: Sat, Mar 4, 2000 4:26 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The difficulty in examining the candidacy of republican party front runner
George W. Bush (a.k.a. Shrub) is there is nothing to examine.  Unlike John
McCain, who has an intriguing war record and Senate career to evaluate (and,
recently, a mysterious hatred of Pat Robertson & Jerry Falwell), Shrub's
is remarkably thin.  Compared to Shrub, even fluffy former republican White
House-wannabes Elizabeth Dole & Lamar Alexander seemed presidential.

Shrub has led the sort of profligate life common to sons of privilege:  He
accepted a free pass into an Ivy League university where he *earned* mediocre
grades. He avoided Vietnam combat by seeking refuge in the National Guard.  He
spent much of his adult life (by own his own admission) drinking and partying
while drifting from one empty job title to the next.  Then, via the type of
sweetheart deal only available to scions, Shrub was practically given
of the Texas Rangers baseball team.  He then capitalized on the public
resulting from his new status as "prominent sportsman" to launch his Texas
gubernatorial career.  At some point during Bush's adult years, he made some
type of commitment to Christ or possibly had a born-again experience.  Not
to recommend one for the most important secular job in the world.  But, in all
fairness, one must admit if the world could survive eight years with Ronald
Reagan in the job, then just about anyone is qualified---even Shrub. . .

To read the conclusion, please visit:



Now Available!! The J Man Times #15

TJMT #15 features: *The $6.66 Wound*--a harrowing tale of a forbidden love
spawned at The J Man's local Taco Bell. Also, The J Man's 4th of July
meditation: *A Penny For Your Thoughts.* Plus, *From the Mud,* offbeat notes
on modern Amerikan race relations. Book Reviews (Destroying the World to Save
It, Robert Jay Lifton. . .Life in the Fat Lane, Cherie Bennett. . .Second
Star to the Right, Deborah Hautzig. . .Religion and the Racist Right, Michael
Barkun). E-mail The J Man your address and we will send you (provided you
have a U.S. or Canada mailing address) a FREE copy.

The Case Against Shrub

The difficulty in examining the candidacy of republican party front runner
George W. Bush (a.k.a. Shrub) is there is nothing to examine. Unlike John
McCain, who has an intriguing war record and Senate career to evaluate (and,
recently, a mysterious hatred for Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell), Shrub's
resume is remarkably thin. Compared to Shrub, even fluffy former republican
White House-wannabes Elizabeth Dole & Lamar Alexander seemed presidential.
Shrub has led the sort of profligate life common to sons of privilege: He
accepted a free pass into an Ivy League university where he *earned* mediocre
grades. He avoided Vietnam combat by seeking refuge in the National Guard. He
spent much of his adult life (by own his own admission) drinking and partying
while drifting from one empty job title to the next. Then, via the type of swe
etheart deal only available to scions, Shrub was practically given ownership
of the Texas Rangers baseball team. He then capitalized on the public
exposure resulting from his new status as "prominent sportsman" to launch his
Texas gubernatorial career. At some point during Bush's adult years, he made
some type of commitment to Christ or possibly had a born-again experience. Not
 much to recommend one for the most important secular job in the world. But,
in all fairness, one must admit if the world could survive eight years with Ro
nald Reagan in the job, then just about anyone is qualified---even Shrub.
As we have proven before, there is not much difference in the political
philosophies of the republican and democratic presidential candidates. The *Am
erican Way of Life* will continue unchanged whether the donkey or the
elephant inhabits the White House. The same vicious, anti-Christ *foreign
policy* will be practiced (destroy via air, and under cover of night--like a V
ampire--any peoples who refuse to fall in line with Washington's New World
Order), the same economic policy of globalization will continue (the greening
of the former industrial nations by transplanting factories--which, in the
process, are stripped of whatever meager environmental safeguards they were
equipped with--to the *underdeveloped nations,* whose poverty-stricken masses
are shifted from a subsistence level agrarian economy into a subsistence
level industrial economy. . .instead of working from d

[CTRL] Widening Gap

2000-03-05 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


The gap grows wider
By Edward Said

On his visit to Birzeit University, Lionel Jospin had the gall to speak of the
Hizbullah fighters as terrorists, also expressing his "understanding" of
Israel's actions against Lebanon. As is now widely known, he was greeted after
his speech by many hundreds of students, who stoned his car and that of his
escort, Minister Nabil Shaath. Jospin's visit to the Palestinian territories
(still under occupation by Israel, which is aided in its occupation by the
Palestinian Authority) was under the supposed auspices of the Authority, which
was exposed for its unpopularity and incompetence.

Embarrassed and angry, the Palestinian boss, Yasser Arafat, condemned the
attack, paying no heed to the justice of what the students were saying, which
was that there was one common front of resistance against Israeli occupation
from Beirut to Birzeit, and using his security forces to beat the students and
perhaps later imprison and torture some of them. Threatened by the wave of
discontent, the panicky Birzeit administration closed the university for three
days, more or less acting under the Authority's injunctions.

Like dictators everywhere, Arafat has no real support anymore and has lost
sight of what it is he is supposed to be doing, namely liberating his people.
Far from that, he is colluding with Israel to confine them still more, all the
while fattening himself and his cronies on the ill-gotten gains provided by his
monopolies, casinos, skimmed-off-the-top businesses, extortion and protection
money. Without any law or real civil institutions Arafat is the perfect partner
for Israel and the US, who now have a native sub-contractor in the oppression
of Palestinians and in the furtherance of their interests: therefore, they
could not be happier. Even though "peace" isn't a step closer to realisation
than under Netanyahu -- in fact, I had predicted that Barak would be a good
deal worse, and he has confirmed that by allowing or encouraging more
settlement building than his predecessor -- the various rulers and "peace"
professionals seem not to have taken notice of a widening gap between the
people ruled and the justly-maligned process. Typically though, it isn't the
seasoned politicians or the intellectuals who have taken the lead in opposing
the enslavement of the so-called peace, but rather the students.

In Beirut, at the American University, students have been demonstrating against
US policy, which is nothing less than full support for Israel's bombing of
civilian targets, a crime punishable according to the Fourth Geneva Convention.

But whereas the US government and organisations like Human Rights Watch have
been agitating to bring Saddam Hussein to trial for crimes against humanity
(few deserve it more, by the way), nothing is said about Sharon, Barak, Peres,
and all the other leaders whose routine assaults on civilian and human rights
constitute the longest-standing and longest-unpunished set of war crimes in
history. These go back to 1948, when Palestine was ethnically cleansed. The
invidiousness of such a policy enraged the Beirut students, and they made life
a little difficult for the US ambassador, who was attending some public
function at the AUB. One would wish there was a similar policy of peaceful
resistance taken against those rulers in the Arab countries who either take no
favorable notice of the demonstrations or who pander openly to the Israelis and
the Americans.

As for Lionel Jospin, he follows in the long tradition of bad faith and
duplicity of the European Left, which has always actively supported Zionism
with scarce regard for the tenets of socialism, much less of liberal humanism.
It is a strange thing indeed, but the Western Left has basically been blind to
what Zionism did to the Palestinians, so carefully did the publicists of that
movement cultivate the totally fraudulent notion that Zionism was essentially a
socialist and progressive movement. In fact, as several Israeli historians have
shown, Zionism was profoundly anti-socialist, and was very much in favour of
capitalism so long as it could be put to what was then characterised as
"Jewish" purposes and aims in Palestine. This was as true of Ben Gurion as it
was of Weizmann, as it was of all their followers in the Israeli Labour Party.
It is a breathtaking prevarication, this pretence of socialism, but has been
sustained successfully for almost a century: Israel's Labour Party is a member
of the Socialist International; the kibbutz, which was a sort of window-
dressing operation constituting less than one per cent of the population,
became the symbol of socialist Zionism; and a whole generation of European
politicians from Crossman to Jospin have followed along unquestioningly. In
Jospin's case, he is a member of the Protestant minority and likely to feel
pangs of identification with Israeli Je

[CTRL] Widening Gap

2000-03-05 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


The gap grows wider
By Edward Said

On his visit to Birzeit University, Lionel Jospin had the gall to speak of the
Hizbullah fighters as terrorists, also expressing his "understanding" of
Israel's actions against Lebanon. As is now widely known, he was greeted after
his speech by many hundreds of students, who stoned his car and that of his
escort, Minister Nabil Shaath. Jospin's visit to the Palestinian territories
(still under occupation by Israel, which is aided in its occupation by the
Palestinian Authority) was under the supposed auspices of the Authority, which
was exposed for its unpopularity and incompetence.

Embarrassed and angry, the Palestinian boss, Yasser Arafat, condemned the
attack, paying no heed to the justice of what the students were saying, which
was that there was one common front of resistance against Israeli occupation
from Beirut to Birzeit, and using his security forces to beat the students and
perhaps later imprison and torture some of them. Threatened by the wave of
discontent, the panicky Birzeit administration closed the university for three
days, more or less acting under the Authority's injunctions.

Like dictators everywhere, Arafat has no real support anymore and has lost
sight of what it is he is supposed to be doing, namely liberating his people.
Far from that, he is colluding with Israel to confine them still more, all the
while fattening himself and his cronies on the ill-gotten gains provided by his
monopolies, casinos, skimmed-off-the-top businesses, extortion and protection
money. Without any law or real civil institutions Arafat is the perfect partner
for Israel and the US, who now have a native sub-contractor in the oppression
of Palestinians and in the furtherance of their interests: therefore, they
could not be happier. Even though "peace" isn't a step closer to realisation
than under Netanyahu -- in fact, I had predicted that Barak would be a good
deal worse, and he has confirmed that by allowing or encouraging more
settlement building than his predecessor -- the various rulers and "peace"
professionals seem not to have taken notice of a widening gap between the
people ruled and the justly-maligned process. Typically though, it isn't the
seasoned politicians or the intellectuals who have taken the lead in opposing
the enslavement of the so-called peace, but rather the students.

In Beirut, at the American University, students have been demonstrating against
US policy, which is nothing less than full support for Israel's bombing of
civilian targets, a crime punishable according to the Fourth Geneva Convention.

But whereas the US government and organisations like Human Rights Watch have
been agitating to bring Saddam Hussein to trial for crimes against humanity
(few deserve it more, by the way), nothing is said about Sharon, Barak, Peres,
and all the other leaders whose routine assaults on civilian and human rights
constitute the longest-standing and longest-unpunished set of war crimes in
history. These go back to 1948, when Palestine was ethnically cleansed. The
invidiousness of such a policy enraged the Beirut students, and they made life
a little difficult for the US ambassador, who was attending some public
function at the AUB. One would wish there was a similar policy of peaceful
resistance taken against those rulers in the Arab countries who either take no
favorable notice of the demonstrations or who pander openly to the Israelis and
the Americans.

As for Lionel Jospin, he follows in the long tradition of bad faith and
duplicity of the European Left, which has always actively supported Zionism
with scarce regard for the tenets of socialism, much less of liberal humanism.
It is a strange thing indeed, but the Western Left has basically been blind to
what Zionism did to the Palestinians, so carefully did the publicists of that
movement cultivate the totally fraudulent notion that Zionism was essentially a
socialist and progressive movement. In fact, as several Israeli historians have
shown, Zionism was profoundly anti-socialist, and was very much in favour of
capitalism so long as it could be put to what was then characterised as
"Jewish" purposes and aims in Palestine. This was as true of Ben Gurion as it
was of Weizmann, as it was of all their followers in the Israeli Labour Party.
It is a breathtaking prevarication, this pretence of socialism, but has been
sustained successfully for almost a century: Israel's Labour Party is a member
of the Socialist International; the kibbutz, which was a sort of window-
dressing operation constituting less than one per cent of the population,
became the symbol of socialist Zionism; and a whole generation of European
politicians from Crossman to Jospin have followed along unquestioningly. In
Jospin's case, he is a member of the Protestant minority and likely to feel
pangs of identification with Israeli Je

[CTRL] British Royal Family/Hitler stuff - story.

2000-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: British Royal
Family/Hitler stuff - story.
Subject: British Royal Family/Hitler stuff - story.
From: "David E. Powell" mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">David_
Date: Sat, Mar 4, 2000 7:15 PM


'Queen Mum wanted peace with Hitler'

By Sophie Goodchild, Home Affairs Correspondent

5 March 2000

When Oxford University's Bodleian Library released a tranche of papers
relating to the royal family last week, one box of documents was missing:
the rapidly notorious Box 24.

Experts assumed that the papers had been suppressed because they contained
vitriolic remarks by the Queen Mother about the Duchess of Windsor. This,
senior government sources have told the Independent on Sunday, is not the
case. The reason that papers were withheld is potentially far more
embarrassing: they spell out the true extent of the Queen Mother's
pro-appeasement views on the brink of the Second World War.

The papers, part of a collection of letters belonging to the first Viscount
Monckton of Brenchley, a close friend of Edward VIII, dwell on the
relationship between the Queen Mother and the pro-appeasement foreign
secretary, Lord Halifax. The letters are said to show her hostility towards
Churchill and her desire that the deeply unpopular Halifax be Prime Minister

The letters, which include private correspondence between the Queen Mother
and Halifax himself, suggest the battle to preserve the monarchy was a
concern which weighed above all others. As leader, Halifax was likely to
have sued for peace with Hitler on the understanding that he allowed the
monarchy to continue under a Nazi occupation.

Lord Halifax was foreign secretary between 1939 and 1940 but was sent to
Washington by Winston Churchill to be British Ambassador from 1941 to 1946.
He died in 1959.

Philip Ziegler, who wrote the official biography of Edward VIII, said he had
seen only the letters relating to the abdication but confirmed that the
Queen Mother had a close relationship with Halifax. "She was known to be
very fond of Halifax indeed," he said.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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2000-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: PORT ARTHUR -
From: "Freefall" mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, Mar 5, 2000 12:30 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Any one who went to the link I posted last month and still doesn't believe
Port Arthur was a planned psyop to undermine the National Security of the
Australian people obviously refuses to see the forrest for the trees.  The
reports on the site at http://www.overflow.net.au/~nedwood/bryant.html">http://www.overflow.net
.au/~nedwood/bryant.html come
from a book written and posted by investigative reporter Joe Vialls.  He is
the same independent investigator that proved the murder of English Police
Woman Yvonne Fletcher outside the Lybian Embassy in London in 1984 was a
planned psyop conducted for the sole purpose of creating so much national
hatred towards the Libyians that the left the country in droves.  The
Government and media tryed to cover it up saying the Libyians shot her from
within the Embassy.  Vialls scientifically proved that the shot had actually
come from a building across the road which at the time was used by people
associated with the C.I.A.  It's a pity it's taken 16 years for a new Royal
Commission to be started on it,  if he and others like him had been taken
seriously straight after it happened it may of stopped the death of 200+
people in a plane crash over Lockabie shortly afterwards (another psyop to
cause the sanctions on Libyia which undermined it's capability to defend
itself from invasion, bearing in mind Libyia is one of the most resorce rich
countries in the northern hemisphere, with Australia being the richest in
the southern hemisphere). To get it from the horses mouth, go to
Thats Vialls website and you can download his whole book there, even down to
a copy of the police interview, bearing in mind when the final interview
transcript was presented at court, over 50 pages where deleted and the only
video copy of the interview of the "worst civilian mass shooting in history"
was faulty because of a faulty video recorder.  COME ON!!!  How stupid do
they take the public for.
Download the book, or better still, pay for a copy to help Vialls continue
his push for a Royal Commission into Port Arthur, read it with an open mind,
and see if you non-believers still have any doubt.
I look forward to your responses and if anyone thinks a newsgroup on Port
Arthur should be started, let me know.


"The mind is like a parachute, it only works if it opens"
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Cylink Decrypted?

2000-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.cryptome.org/cylinked.htm">Cylink Decrypted?
3 March 2000
Source: Hardcopy from anonymous.
Confirmations, supplements or rebuttals welcomed: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[3 pages, no date, no author]

Cylink Corporation has made encryption security products for networking, for
over 16 years. Those products are built by foreign nationals and used by
businesses, banks and governments around the world, including in the United
States. Cylink has managed to export product without United States
restriction, including to embargoed nations.

1. NASDAQ Ticker: CYLK

2. Pittway Corporation funded Cylink. The Harris family holds majority
control in Pittway Corporation.

3. Cylink began as a partnership founded in 1984.

4. Cylink incorporated in 1989.

5. Cylink makes high grade encryption products and sold the products to
organized crime.

6. Cylink was managed by Dr. Jimmy K. Omura, Louis Morris, Robert Fougner and
Dr. Leo Guthart. Dr. Leo Guthart is the Vice-Chairman of the Board of
Directors of Pittway Corporation.

7. Dr. Jimmy K. Omura has received several awards from the Director of the
National Security Agency over the years.

8. Cylink enters into a number of contracts with the United States government
to develop high grade encryption products.

9. Robert Fougner was Louis Morris's personal attorney, and manages Cylink's
export licensing.

10. In the early 1990's, Dr. Jimmy K. Omura (Chief Technology Officer), Louis
Morris (Chief Executive Officer) and Robert Fougner (Cylink attorney) created
a joint venture with an engineering company based in Armenia named Hylink.

11. The senior Hylink executive is a ranking KGB officer named (General?)
Gurgen Khchatrian.

12. The KGB trained field officer reporting to Khchatrian is named (Colonel?)
Gaigic Evoyan. Evoyan travels to Cylink frequently. Evoyan travels with his
own bodyguards. The FBI monitored Evoyan' s movements when he was traveling
to Cylink.

13. The Russians travel into the United States under Armenian passports as
Hylink engineers and wives.

14. The Hylink engineers enter the United States on business visas. Robert
Fougner arranges to pay the engineers salary and all expenses in cash while
the Hylink engineers are working at Cylink.

15. The Hylink engineers and their wives have unrestricted access to all
Cylink facilities and encryption software source code and design information.

16. The Hylink engineers and Cylink develop and Cylink sells encryption
products to various US Government departments including the United States
Department of Defense and the Department of Justice.

17. Cylink sold their encryption products into United States banks and the
United States Federal Reserve funds transfer system ("FedNet").

18. The Cylink engineering team and the Hylink engineers reported to the
Cylink engineering Vice-president Leslie Nightingale. The engineers developed
cryptography based networking product for the equivalent of the Federal
Reserve funds transfer system in Europe, which is called S.W.I.F.T.

19. Cylink has exported high grade computers and encryption source code to
Lebanon without being required to use United States export licenses arranged
by Cylink.

20. Cylink has exported high grade encryption products to Iran, Iraq, Turkey a
nd into several African nations.

21. Cylink has transferred high grade cryptography source code including its
RSA source code to Hylink in Armenia. RSA encryption is the most secure
cryptographic code available in the world at the time.

22. Some Hylink engineers brought into the United States to work in Cylink
engineering are: Ashot Andreasyan, Nubarova Melik, Andre Melkoumian, Galina
Melkoumian, Leonid Milenkiy, Mihran Mkrtchian, Elizabeth Mkrtchian, Karen

23. Cylink became a publicly traded company (CYLK) m 1996.

24. Pittway Corporation maintained sixty percent controlling stock in Cylink.

25 Founding CEO Louis Morris suffered a health problem and retired from

26. Fernand Sarrat was recruited from IBM to replace Morris as CEO.

27. Fernand Sarrat and other select employees such as Dr. Jimmy K. Omura,
John Kalb, and John Marchioni traveled to France, Belgium and Israel for a
series of meetings.

28. Cylink purchased Algorithmic Research Limited, a small company in Israel
selling encryption product outside of the United States.

29. The Director of the National Secuirty Agency, federal prosecutors and
several United States law enforcement agencies met in California to discuss
Cylink. A two day meeting in 1997 took place in mid August.

30. Retired Secretary of Defense Perry joined the Cylink Board of Directors.

31. National Security Agency deputy director William Crowell joined Cylink in
a marketing role.

32. High grade encryption products continued to be shipped outside of the
United States by Cylink w

[CTRL] OEN 3/5/00

2000-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin
Digital Society

Chaumian eCash Lives?

At least according to the press release.

eCash Technologies Announces Full Commercial Availability of eCash to Online
Merchants and Consumers

London/Hanover Germany, March 1st, 2000 - Deutsche Bank 24 is the first bank
to offer eCash(tm) to consumers and merchants throughout Germany. Deutsche
Bank 24 has provided eCash to customers for several years and is pleased to
partner with eCash Technologies to achieve widespread adoption of eCash
online currency.

eCash is the virtual equivalent of cash, which can be used for many kinds of
electronic payments, including micro-payments, person-to-person payments,
business-to-business payments and purchases at online merchants that accept

A successful global eCash pilot program involving more than 300 online
merchants and eight banks worldwide recorded millions of dollars in
transactions across 30,000 accounts. The pilot program received a 100 percent
success rate and reported no security breaches. With strong support from
banks and merchants and strong interest among consumers, the pilot program
proved there is a high demand for a simple, safe and secure way to pay for
online goods and services that mirrors the reliability and global acceptance
of hard currency.

"Consumers, merchants, and financial institutions have long awaited an online
payment method that is simple, secure, cost-effective and can be used in as
many ways as hard currency," said Drew Hyatt, president and CEO of eCash
Technologies. "eCash addresses the needs of the global online market and will
undoubtedly help spread the adoption of e-commerce."

eCash Technologies is in active discussions with leading financial
institutions and merchants throughout Europe, the United States, Asia, Canada
and Australia to establish eCash as the global online payment standard and
bring its convenience and usability to the rest of the world. In addition,
eCash Technologies is working with several leading global wireless companies
to bring the convenience of online cash payments to wireless devices. eCash
Technologies will address international currency and multi-bank exchange
challenges through a multi-currency eCash software product scheduled for
international release later this year.

eCash Technologies expects to make announcements about strategic partnerships
over the next few months.

About eCash Technologies, Inc.-- Through a global community of partner banks
and merchants, eCash Technologies will be the first company to offer a global
electronic currency that allows financial institutions, online merchants, and
consumers to make and receive cash payments for goods and services on the
Internet. eCash is the first online payment system that offers new revenue
streams to banks, reduced costs to merchants, and unmatched fraud protection
and privacy to consumers. With eCash, merchants and financial institutions
are able to preserve one-on-one customer relationships. Consumers are able to
rely completely on their trusted financial institutions for eCash account
management, while enjoying eCash's online convenience and ease of use. For
more information on eCash Technologies, visit www.ecash.net. eCash is a
registered trademark, and the eCash logo is a trademark, of eCash
Technologies, Inc. For more information about eCash in Germany, access the
eCash portal site at www.ecash.de.

About Deutsche Bank24 -- Multichannel Bank with Quality Deutsche Bank 24
Inc., a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank and domiciled in Frankfurt am Main, is a
new type of bank. As the first integrated branch and direct bank in Germany,
Deutsche Bank 24 started business operations on September 1, 1999. Its core
message is "For People Who are Going Places". Roughly 7 million retail and
small commercial customers have used the services of Germany's biggest
dedicated retail bank, which can be reached through 6 channels. For customer
convenience, Deutsche Bank 24 has 1,300 branches, 250 finance centres and 400
mobile financial consultants. Clients can transact their business with
Deutsche Bank 24 around the clock, by telephone and through the Internet. In
addition there are 1,800 customer terminals at the bank's branches and 6,000
automated teller machines of the Cash Group.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. T

[CTRL] Fwd: "National debt = $5.7 trillion"

2000-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan

US Treasury Statement and Cash Balance for Thursday 3/2

Washington, March 3 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Treasury statement and cash
balance for Thursday, March 2:

 5.158 BLN Federal Reserve account

10.459 BLN tax and loan note accounts


OTHER CATEGORIES (In billions of dollars)


Initiated by C category banks1.070


Individual income tax, not withheld  0.302

Federal tax deposits

Withheld income, employment   4.137

Corporate 0.030

Income tax refunds

Individual   0.004

Business  0.148

Total debt redemption   95.401

In addition, debt outstanding totaled $5.732 trillion, and debt subject to
limit totaled $5.643 trillion. Current debt limit: $5.950 trillion.

NOTE: Numbers may be rounded.

Mar/03/2000   16:00
(C) Copyright 2000 Bloomberg L.P.

[CTRL] Fwd: Out of Work? That's GOOD NEWS for the 'Service Economy'

2000-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 "As the unemployment rate falls below estimates and the risk of
'overheating' increases, the Fed's policy-makers become less tolerant of
continued growth ..."

  Wall Street Investors See [Employment] Slowdown as Good News.

 "The economy's uncanny ability to generate new jobs suddenly faltered in
February, the Labor Department reported yesterday, driving the nation's
unemployment rate up ...
 "The US unemployment rate rose to 4.1 percent  Only 43,000 jobs were
added ... notably lower than the 225,000 that economic forecasters had
expected ..
 "The stock market rallied ... The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 2
percent ... while the NASDAQ jumped 3.4 percent ... "
 --Los Angeles Times, March 4, 2000

 More jobs / better wages = higher inflation = less profit for the
financial Elite

Text of Fed's Meyer's Speech to San Francisco Fed Conference

Washington, March 3 (Bloomberg) -- Following is the text of Federal Reserve
Governor Laurence Meyer's speech to a conference sponsored by the Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy
Research. The text was provided by the Federal Reserve and is available on
the Internet:

Structural Change and Monetary Policy

Structural change is a central theme in virtually any explanation of the
exceptional performance of the U.S. economy over the past several years.
Structural changes of uncertain magnitude and timing have increased the
difficulty in forecasting, undermined confidence in our understanding of the
structure of the economy, and increased the risk of measurement error with
respect to key variables.

In my remarks, I will offer a bridge from today's discussion of structural
changes to the implications for monetary policy, the subject of tomorrow's
agenda. In my view, the most important challenges to monetary policy related
to structural change in this episode arise from possible changes in aggregate
supply -- specifically in the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment
(NAIRU) and in trend growth. The key challenge for monetary policy-makers
during this period, in my view, has been to allow the economy to realize the
full benefits of the new possibilities while avoiding an overheated economy.
More fundamentally, the challenge has been to adapt the strategy of monetary
policy in light of the uncertainties associated with structural change. My
focus is therefore not on structural change per se but rather on the
uncertainty about key parameters likely to be heightened during a period of
structural change.

However, the key structural change during this episode -- an increase in the
underlying productivity growth trend -- has also set in motion a complex of
effects on inflation, interest rates, equity prices, and aggregate demand.
Even if we knew the precise value of the higher productivity trend, we would
likely remain uncertain about the size and persistence of many of its
effects. As a result, adapting monetary policy to a higher trend rate of
productivity growth would be a challenge, especially in an interest-rate
setting regime, even if there were no uncertainty about the new underlying
growth trend.

Perspectives on Monetary Policy Strategy There are, in my view, two
fundamental requirements of a prudent monetary policy. First, monetary policy
should impose a nominal anchor, pinning down the long-run inflation rate.
Second, monetary policy should lean against the cyclical winds. The second
requirement contributes to the first and also to smoothing fluctuations in
output around full employment. This view of the mission of monetary policy is
consistent with both the dual mandate for the Federal Reserve in the Federal
Reserve Act and with flexible inflation targeting regimes in many countries.

The key to the practice of monetary policy is to develop a strategy for the
discretionary conduct of policy that meets these requirements. A constructive
way to describe such a strategy is to formalize it in terms of an explicit
rule. John Taylor has offered an attractive and simple form of such a rule.
But perhaps equally important, John's approach has encouraged a wider
acceptance of the study of rules by emphasizing that the objective is to
inform discretionary monetary policy decisions rather than to replace
discretion by a rule.

I find the Taylor rule attractive because it is closely aligned both with the
objectives of monetary policy and with the model that governs inflation
dynamics. That is, the rule responds directly to deviations from the Federal
Reserve's objectives -- price stability and an equilibrium utilization rate.
And it incorporates a preemptive response to inflation that is consistent
with models that assign an important role to unemployment or output gaps in
inflation dynamics. However, implementing this strategy requires knowledge of
the output gap and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Bill Gates Worth LESS THAN 1% of What the DoD "LOST" in 1999 !

2000-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 "Last year, Defense Department bookkeepers had to 'correct' accounting
'errors' --for missing money they couldn't explain-- which in 1999 alone
amounted to several TRILLION dollars -- more than the entire federal budget.
 "The first year federal agencies were required to advise the
government's General Accounting Office whether their books were capable of
being audited was fiscal 1996. This is the fourth consecutive year the
Pentagon has answered No ..."

Pentagon's Finances in Disarray


WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. military's bean counters are under fire from
investigators who say their books are so messed up they can't be audited.

Pentagon accountants last year made nearly $7 trillion in adjustments to
their financial ledgers to make them add up. They could not show receipts for
$2.3 trillion of those changes, and half a trillion dollars of it was just
corrections of mistakes made in earlier adjustments, the Defense Department's
inspector general office reported Friday.

Each adjustment represents an accountant's attempt to correct a discrepancy.
The military has hundreds of computer systems to run accounts as diverse as
health care, payroll and inventory. But they are not integrated, don't
produce numbers up to accounting standards and fail to keep running totals of
what's coming in and what's going out, Pentagon and congressional officials

``These ($6.9 trillion in) entries were processed to force financial data to
agree with various data sources, to correct errors and to add new data,'' the
report said. ``The magnitude of accounting entries required to compile the
DoD financial statements highlights the significant problems DoD has
producing accurate and reliable financial statements with existing systems
and processes.''

The department's ``internal controls were not adequate to ensure that
resources were properly managed and accounted for, that DoD complied with
applicable laws and regulations and that the financial statements were free
of material misstatements,'' it added.

``One expects that the financial statements of an entity, whether of an
agency or a company, should reflect accurately what the department or company
has and fairly present the results of their operations,'' said Jay Lane,
chief of the inspector general's finance and accounting directorate. ``We're
saying we can't audit that to tell you that.''

The military says it owns $119.3 billion in ships, trucks, jet engines and
more. But its inspector general said he could not verify that because records
lacked supporting documentation.

Financial records are not in good enough shape to face an audit, let alone
pass one, the inspector general said.

As jumbled as its books are, the Pentagon is not alone: Only 11 of 24 big
federal agencies could produce reliable financial statements for the fiscal
year that ended Sept. 30, said Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., chairman of the
Senate Governmental Affairs Committee.

Still, the Pentagon had much more not to account for than the other 10
agencies. The military says it spent $275.5 billion in fiscal 1999, said Lisa
Jacobson, director of defense financial audits at the General Accounting
Office, the investigative arm of Congress.

The inability to account for where the money went doesn't just make the
military less efficient, she and others said, but also makes the armed forces
less responsive to the will of Congress.

Without sound costing data, the Pentagon can't make good decisions, they
contend. For example, they say, the military can't measure the results of
closing a base; can't effectively decide whether to contract out a service or
keep it in government hands; and may inaccurately peg the cost of programs
under debate, from missile defense to retirees' health care.

``Last year, the Defense Department corrected errors in its bookkeeping that
totaled $2.3 trillion - more than the entire federal budget,'' Thompson said
in a statement, calling them ``changes made to plug holes for things they
couldn't explain.''

``Congress is not assured that DoD is spending money in accordance with its
wishes,'' the GAO's Jacobson said.

Despite their criticisms, Jacobson and others say the Pentagon is improving.
Its comptroller, William Lynn, said in a statement that the military's
computer systems are good enough to make it accountable to Congress. But he
added: ``Unfortunately, they do not do a good job of producing financial

The first year agencies were required to say whether their books could be
audited was fiscal 1996. This is the fourth consecutive year the Pentagon has
answered no.

``When you spend money, you account for it - that is required in the federal
government,'' Jacobson said. ``But DoD doesn't have that. They just say, ...
`We had money, we spent it.'

``Then they try to go back later and say how they spent it and try to pull
the balance sheet together.''

Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology/ plus Const for Fed of Earth.

2000-03-05 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Sounds like the cult of the Raelians to me...
but I could be wrong...  but then,  that's just my opinion.

You can check out the cult of the raelians by going:

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "Nicola Molloy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 4:53 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology/ plus Const for Fed of Earth.

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> Hi Andy etc,
>  20 years ago - You're going to hell - that's now passe. It's obligatory
> for any cutting edge interpreter of prophecy to now know the latest
> technology, inc mind control, Blue Beam holograms, weather control,
> HAARP, satellite tracking devices, implants, Maitreya's Day of Destiny
> as World Teacher, the latest Freemason activities, what UN is doing with
> all these environment programs and details of occult rituals the secret
> societies are doing..Hal Lindsay stuff nobody wants now. Boring. Its a
> race to produce the most hair raising newsletter and we want
> verification, not opinion..
> This site apparently gets insider occult info:
> http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/headline.html
> Its not Bible thumping to save souls now - its preaching physical
> survival from big bro. The other thing is people claiming to be
> Christians but are really just following NWO agenda for 'unity'. Just
> check how many Christian organizations on the Committee of 300 by John
> Coleman. Here's the url for parts 3 and 4.
> Secret Societies. Committee of 300
>  http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/6583/secret031.html
> http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/6583/secret032.html
> http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/6583/secret.html
> There seems to be a common concern and sharing of info from the
> resistance now, with UFO researchers, New Agers, technocrat/political
> evangelists alike helping each other. Magazines put everyone together
> now.
> Christians also do remote viewing and enter other dimensions as in "The
> Committee of 12 to Save the World " [Dr John Coleman, Commander X and
> Constance Cumbey are on this]
> Personally I think there's no time to be trying to get enlightened,
> better to study politics and catch the UN laws take away your freedom
> and fight back by distributing info. Its in the Bible about the mass
> genocide, war in heaven, people coming out of the underworld. Better
> have somewhere to hide.
>  For anyone else reading this I managed to secure a copy of the
> Constitution for the Federation of Earth amended in 1991 in
> Portugal.(One World Govt)  The Parliamentarians in waiting have already
> been given their roles and there were 15 pages of signatures from people
> around the world waiting for the day to be called. These are Nobel
> Laureates, World Court Judges, UN Ambassadors, Noted Scientists, and
> Professors. They have 80% of the world's countries in on this and 90% of
> world's population. At 51 detailed pages of laws it is too much to scan,
> but I'll write the basics.The preamble is  WE ARE ALL ONE. Make that WE
> Article XIX Section B no 3
> After 6 months, in those countries where national govts have not
> responded favorably to the ratification call, the Ratification
> Commission and World Elections Commission may proceed jointly to
> accomplish both the ratification of the World commission by popular
> referendum and concurrently the election of members of the World
> Parliament.
> Nicky
> blue honey wrote:
> >
> >
> > Well Nicky,
> >
> > You started off on the same subject, but you started to stray just a bit
> > into time machines, ETs, and UN foreign troops, however I will comment
on a
> > couple of remarks you made.
> >
> > < > separation' experience is it only lasts for the duration of the high.>>
> I have friends who are aging hippies, still looking for the answers by
> going to fortune tellers.
> >
> > This is news to me, are you speaking from experience?  I ask that
because in
> > my case - the reflection if the psychedelic experience can be just as
> > important as the experience itself. In other words, the experience stays
> > with you for a long time, not flashbacks, not that at all but rather the
> > 'one/divine/there is no separation feeling has lasted years and grows
> > stronger with time. And yes, I am getting a glimpse into the unknown
> > territory, and yes my entry has been earned, otherwise I would have bad
> > trips and choose not to return. I agree that taking too many drugs can
> > distort ones perception of reality, but so can having too much sex or
> > much of anything.
> >
> > < > to tell the difference between the multiple realities existing in the
> > universe.>>
> >
> > Don't take any and you may think there is only one.
> >
> > < > save you>>

[CTRL] Fw: Love your country, hate your government?

2000-03-05 Thread ladycat

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Note: Since this was written, NET - National
  has been silenced by the government.
  Welcome To The New World Order - Expect No Mercy !

  by Paul M. Weyrich, President and CEO
  NET - Political NewsTalk Network

  In a speech last week to a graduating class
  in East Lansing,
  Michigan, President Clinton said "there is nothing
  patriotic about
  your country, or pretending that you can love your
  country but hate your

  government..How dare you suggest that we in the
  freest nation on
  live in tyranny."

  Well, Mr. President, I will take second
  place to no one in love
  this country. But when the government of this nation
  actively promotes
  killing of the unborn, I hate the government. When
  the government causes

  innocent people to be killed, I hate the government.
  When the government

  takes property without due compensation, I hate the
  government. When the

  government actively promotes the disintegration of
  the family, I hate
  government. When the government funds projects which
  offend my religious

  beliefs, I hate the government. When the government
  confiscates hard
  dollars of working people and squanders them on
  people who want a free
  ride, I hate the government. When the government
  subsidizes people in
  foreign lands who hate this country and want to
  destroy it, I hate the
  government. When the government wants to turn over
  our birthright to the

  United Nations so that my sons can serve under a
  foreign commander, I
  the government.

  When my tax dollars are taken from me to pay
  for things which
  against God's commandments, that is tyranny. When
  innocent people are
  killed or harmed by federal agents who abuse their
  authority, that is
  tyranny. When people buy property and are told by
  government bureaucrats

  they can't use their own property for perfectly
  legitimate activities,
  is tyranny. When government intrudes into the lives
  of people who are
  abiding citizens who simply want to be left alone,
  that is tyranny. When

  little school children are told by their government
  that it is a crime
  say a blessing before they eat lunch, that is
  tyranny. When gangs are
  permitted to kill and maim and rape because liberal
  judges protect
  rights but innocent people have to fear walking in
  their own
  that is tyranny. When IRS agents tell people they
  are guilty until
  innocent, that is tyranny. When the government wants
  to intrude on the
  constitutional rights of citizens who are concerned
  about the direction
  their government, that is tyranny.

  Yes, Mr. President. We live in a free
  country. A country where
  abortionists are free to kill the unborn. A country
  where atheists are
  to flaunt their demands to restrict believers. A
  country where criminals

  are free to terrorize the innocent to t! he point
  where many of our cities

  have become war zones. A country where the lazy are
  free to rob the
  productive. A country where the government seeks to
  have unlimited
  but ordinary citizens feel increasingly helpless.

  A nation is not defined by its government,
  but its government is

  the servant of the greatest resource, its people. In
  as much as this
  is defined by a Constitution which guarantees
  freedom for its people
  the laws of God, this nation will deserve our love.
  A government in
  opposition to such will deserve the hatred of God
  and its people.

  It is no wonder that a Gallop poll finds
  four out of ten
  fearful of their own government. It is not talk show
  hosts who have
  this fear. It is their own experience with
  government which has created
  this fear.

  You wish to blame others for everything
  which happens here.
  Mr. President, it is time you accepted
  responsibility for what is
  in this country. It is your policies and the
  policies of liberals like
  in both parties which have created this situation.
  Most Americans never
  feared their own government until the policies of
  that government began
  go against what God fearing, law abiding tax paying
  citizens believe is

  It is you and those who agree with y

Re: [CTRL] Don't buy gas!

2000-03-05 Thread Eagle 1

LOL,  Andy...
Don't buy gas?  Where do you live that it 
is only $1.39? I watched an attendant put the sign up yesterday for $1.57. 
For me,  if I don't buy gas,  
that means I don't go to work.  
Maybe you are a millionaire,  retired and 
live on your own private island and you can afford NOT to buy gas.  
But for me,  I travel about a hundred miles a day to and from 
work,  plus I travel between businesses and I prefer to get there my 
own way,  and when I have to be there.  
Don't buy gas?  LOL
THIS ludicrous expense,  TOO, SHALL 
eagle 1

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 4:42 
  Subject: [CTRL] Don't buy gas!
  $1.39 for a gallon? Come on!!! 
  Last year on April 30,1999, a gas out was staged across Canada and the U.S. 
  to bring the price of gas down, and IT WORKED!!  It's time to do 
  something about it again. This time, lets make it for three days instead 
  of just one. The oil cartel decided to slow production to drive up 
  gasoline prices. Lets see how many Canadian\American people we can get to 
  ban together for a three day period in April, NOT TO BUY ANY GASOLINE, during 
  those three days. LETS HAVE A GAS OUT. Do not buy any gasoline from 
  APRIL 7, 2000, THROUGH APRIL 9, 2000. Buy what you need before the dates 
  listed above, or after, but try not to buy any during the GAS OUT. If you 
  want to help, just send this to everyone you know and ask them to do the 
  We brought the prices down once before, and we can do it again! Come on 
  North America lets stand together. WE CAN MAKE A 
  Even if you receive this 100 times keep passing it around, this 
  way you know everyone is being informed and no one will 

Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology

2000-03-05 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

lol,  Andy...
You are the one who DID mention green cheese in your previous post to the
one answered.

The only thing that I am going to say is that I do not believe the Bible
100% as it is written in English because Hebrew, Chaldean and Greek reveal
almost a whole different picture than what you get from many of the
modernday folklore Bible teachers.  I am not going to waste my time either,
because I have nothing to convince you of.  You seem to already know it all.
However,  if you are ever interested in learning the Bible,  to make a
proper and true assessment,  it doesn't matter what I have to say, you have
to learn it and experience it on your own.

I would never tell a child that if you don't do this thus and so,  they are
going to burn in hell forever...  because that is a lie.  Whoever has told
you that one has lied and I would agree to a certain point with you on your
assessment.  But you are like all other athiest and agnostics...  you want
to lump all religion into one category,  and one belief system.  Sorry,
that's just not the way it is.  Although technically,  when it boils down to
the bottom line,  and eventually all will know,  there is but one absolute,
and one truth.

You've said you're not going to waste your time?  Don't worry,  I won't
waste yours,  because this forum is not the place to waste my time on this
subject.  IF you care to learn more about some subjects you're welcome to
visit my websites.  And I still will not try to convince you that you should
believe this way or that way.  The information is there strictly for your
consideration.  If you believe the Bible references given,  fine.  If you
don't,  fine, too.  However,  regardless,  it's your choice as to what you
believe.  I'm not here to convince you that there is or isn't a God,  or
that the Bible is or isn't true.  I've only expressed my own opinion...  and
YES,  I believe in God,  and that the Bible in it's original languages is
true,  and it is from experience.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "blue honey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology

> -Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
>  -Cui Bono?-
> I think that I narrowed that wide-open category down just a bit when I
> included my definition of believers in the very sentence that I used the
> word Believers:  Someone who believes that the bible was written by
> and that it's 100 % true from cover to cover.  lolI never mentioned
> gravity, or a moon made of cheese.
> No brain washing?!? Telling a child that not believing in God will result
> burning in hell forever,...I'm not even going to waste my time typing all
> the instances of brainwashing that goes on in Sunday school with songs,
> chants and other techniques, it should be completely obvious that many
> children have no choice but to become a Christian because that's what
> parents are.
> Faith, to me is not healthy.  Faith is accepting ignorance, you have used
> the word "experienced" 3 or 4 times in you post, have you had a true
> religious experience?  I have and I can tell you that it had nothing to do
> with faith, it was the opposite of faith.  Does your religion rely on
> rather than experience?  Dogma and creeds are not my cup of tea. I have no
> need for faith, it is the psychedelic experience itself that takes one
> faith to the natural unity and integrity of the universe, showing us our
> Selves as integral parts of the whole; that reveals to us the infinite
> splendor of our universe, and the overlooked miracle that is common
> consciousness. Any religion that requires faith and gives none, that
> against religious experiences, that gives credence to some bizarre
> superstition that humankind is in some way separate, divorced from the
> of creation, one that does not bridge the gap between the Mind, Body and
> Soul, is no religion at all!
> You stated that I have just found something to disagree with and that I
> want to thump the thumpers, but you are the one that went off ranting
> green cheese and gravity...I'm not giving this post any more of my time.
> andy
> www.bluehoney.org
> bluehoney wrote:
> >>These are "believers" that blindly believe that the bible was written by
> God and it is 100% true from cover to cover. Talking logic to these people
> is impossible.<<
> Please define "believers"...  that is a wide-open category.  Everyone
> believes in something.  You must believe in gravity,  and believe in it
> blindly...  because it can only be understood in theory.  It cannot be
> physically examined,  but it certainly can be experienced,  and I'm sure
> "believe" in it's reality and its effects.  :)
> Don't knock it,  'til you try it, honey...
> For example,  If you want to believe that the moon is made of

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?

2000-03-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

From: "William Shannon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> << Now you are the Watchman! And more prosletyzing! Will it ever stop? >>
> We can only hope

Yes, one wonders what it is about the following (appended to every post
made to this list) that he doesn't understand:

> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!

He has the dubious 'honor' of being the first poster to this list that I've
into a killfile


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:



2000-03-05 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message -
From: "Patrick Douglas Crispen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 12:15 AM

> --
>TOURBUS Volume 5, Number 72 -- 2 March 2000
> --
> [ Tip: Use a monospace font like Courier when reading this message ]
>  _   __ _ ___ _
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>   \___/  \___/  T h e   I n t e r n e t   T o u r B u s\___/
>Free Greeting Cards, Polls and more fun at http://www.TOURBUS.com !
> The Great Gas Out
> http://slate.msn.com/toc/toc.asp
> http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/outrage/gasout.htm
> http://urbanlegends.about.com/
> http://www.peepsshow.com/intro.html
> Howdy, y'all, and greetings once again from the practically vacant
> city of Tuscaloosa, Alabama.  (Everyone went down to Mobile or New
> Orleans for Mardi Gras weekend.)
> I have some disturbing news to share with you.  After spending a good
> portion of the last millennium endeavoring to get my bachelors degree
> in economics, I now know how I want to spend the rest of this
> next millennium: GRAD SCHOOL!  Yes, folks, your fearless bus driver
> has applied for admission to the graduate school at Pepperdine.  :)
> I probably won't get in.  Remember all those times I told you I was a
> "poor college student?"  Well, I wasn't just referring to my financial
> status.  I really was a POOR college student.  So, if you know anyone
> at Pepperdine's Graduate School of Education and Psychology, and
> especially if you know anyone associated with their Online Master of
> Arts in Educational Technology program, feel free to put in a good
> word for me.  I need all the help I can get.  :P
> TOURBUS is made possible by the kind support of our sponsors.  I thank
> the folks at "WEB-SEND.com," "Callwave," and "Add-ins.com" for making
> today's post possible.  As always, please visit our wonderful sponsors
> and thank them for keeping the bus rolling!
> Tired of missing calls while online? Now you can surf the
> Internet on your single phone line without worrying about
> missing important calls!  CallWave's FREE Internet Answering
> Machine lets you hear whos calling through your PC speakers.
>   http://clk4.com/cgi-bin/conv.pl?502"> Download Now! 
> +---+
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>   - Eliminate the wild screen scrolling when you select a range
>   - Easily change formulas, insert Sticky Notes & much more!
> + FREE SOFTWARE JUST FOR TRYING --->  http://www.add-ins.com ---+
> On with the show ...
> The Great Gas Out, Part Deux
> If you live in the United States -- or anywhere else, for that matter
> -- you've probably noticed that gasoline (petrol) prices have shot
> through the roof recently.  Personally, I blame Canada.  :P
> Actually, according to James Surowiecki at Slate.com, a lot of the
> blame belongs to the OPEC oil cartel in general and to Venezuela in
> specific:
>   Although OPEC remains in the American imagination essentially an
>   Arab organization, with its meetings ending in those great
>   visuals of the sheiks sweeping through palatial hallways in their
>   flowing robes, the key player in the output cutbacks that have
>   propelled oil prices up near $30 has actually been Venezuela,
>   thanks to the work of its new oil minister, Ali Rodriguez.
>   Venezuela is OPEC's second-largest producer.  In the past, it's
>   also been OPEC's most notorious cheater on the quotas that each
>   m

[CTRL] Irish Linens

2000-03-05 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


Saturday, March 4, 2000
SF is criticised on its strategy
By Suzanne Breen, in Belfast

A former IRA commander in Belfast and leader of republican prisoners in the
Maze has criticised the Sinn Féin leadership and its political strategy. Mr
Brendan Hughes said republican goals had not been achieved and without the
IRA's armed campaign politics had no substance.

Mr Hughes, a former associate of Mr Gerry Adams, attended a press conference in
west Belfast yesterday to launch a new magazine, Fourthwrite, edited by former
IRA prisoners who advocate debate among republicans.

In an article in the magazine, Mr Hughes said: "In 1969, we had a naive
enthusiasm about what we wanted. Now we have no enthusiasm. It is not because
people are war weary - they are politics weary.

"The same old lies regurgitated week in week out. With the war, politics had
some substance. Now it has none. The political process has created a class of
professional liars and unfortunately it contains many republicans." Mr Hughes
said loyalty had previously made him reluctant to speak out and he accused the
leadership of "exploiting" its activists' loyalty.

He denounced the Belfast Agreement: "Overall, the facade has been cleaned up
but the bone structure remains the same. The state we set out to smash still
exists. All the questions raised in the course of this struggle have not been
answered and the republican struggle has not been concluded."

Mr Hughes said a central plank of British "counter-insurgency strategy" had
been "to mould [republican] leaderships that they could deal with". People were
"demoralised and disillusioned" but it was possible "to pull enough together to
first question what has happened and then try to change things". Fourthwrite is
edited by former IRA prisoners including Mr Anthony McIntrye from west Belfast
who served 18 years in the HBlocks, and Mr Tommy McKearney from Co Tyrone who
served 16 years.

Mr McIntrye said he left Sinn Féin in protest at the Belfast Agreement and the
"culture of censorship". He said attempts had been made to stop him criticising
the leadership.

ein leadership and its strategy. "Serious questions must now be asked," he
said. Mr McIntyre said there was considerable disillusionment among grassroots
activists in Belfast and debate was needed on the way forward.

Mr Brendan Hughes, former IRA Belfast brigade commander, at the magazine launch
in Belfast yesterday, in which he is critical of the current republican
leadership. Photograph: Pacemaker


>From http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/ireland/2000/0304/north8.htm

Saturday, March 4, 2000
Adams insists British must
restore the institutions

By Miriam Donohoe, Political Reporter

The Sinn Féin leader, Mr Gerry Adams, has warned against placing too much
significance on the latest round of consultations aimed at getting the Northern
institutions working again.

Talks aimed at resolving the current impasse will continue next week in
Belfast, the following week in Washington and the last week of March in Lisbon
on the fringes of the EU summit.

However, Mr Adams warned yesterday that while consultations were important, too
much significance should not be placed on what could be "recycled discussions
we have all been through so many times in the past". He said the onus was now
on the British government to restore the institutions and to replace the
political centre of gravity.

"I am not interested at all in doing meetings just for the optics," he said
after a one-and-ahalf hour meeting with the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, in Government

Mr Adams said he had been single-mindedly devoted since the Belfast Agreement
to all aspects of the peace process, including trying to resolve the
decommissioning issue on terms which would be satisfactory to unionists.

"I have failed to do that because no terms have been acceptable to the
unionists for a surrender by the IRA."

ein leader said the strategy to deal with the decommissioning issue in terms of
symbolism and gestures had failed.

"If we are to find a way of resolving this issue we have to go back to the
peace process. The Good Friday agreement is the only way. The reality is if the
Good Friday agreement is not implemented, it is only a piece of paper when
pieces of paper are useless in what is a very defining period in the history of
the two islands."

Mr Adams said the Belfast Agreement had to work but had to be worked at. "You
cannot have a situation where a British government tears up that agreement."

He warned if there was a long vacuum in the current impasse, the Irish
Government might have to consider its own legal position in relation to the
Southern leg of some of the institutions.

A Government spokesman last night described yesterday's meeting between Mr
Adams and the Taoiseach as "useful".

Meanwhile, the Fine Gael leader, Mr John Bruton, yesterday

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?

2000-03-05 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 3/5/00 4:19:25 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Now you are the Watchman! And more prosletyzing! Will it ever stop? >>

We can only hope

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] SUVs ... more

2000-03-05 Thread Alamaine
-Caveat Lector- -Cui Bono?-
>>Along the lines of Cheer and Tide, it would appear that those in the 'drivers' seats' have more to gain by controlling other peoples' appetites, which, if I read some of the CTRL posts correctly, falls into the realm of 'mind control' (but of course, THAT is the Ad business).  SUVs are one character on the page but one that stands out now that we've people committing crimes in the name of a 'routine fill-up', people making static displays out of their 'keeping up with Joneses' investment, and just plain old conspicuous consumption.  It doesn't matter if it's Cheer or Tide or Expedition or Tahoe ... it's a matter of some segment of society getting more of others' $$$ because of 'personal preference' or increased appetite for consumption.  And, for this, who's working more hours a week?  Where's the conspiracy here? Who's on first?  What's on second?  A<>E<>R <<

"" Although SUVs don't have to pay the tax, the savings are not usually passed
long to the buyers of SUVs. The automakers just pocket the savings as increased
profit. Friends of the Earth estimates this loophole costs approximately $1.1
billion in revenues that must be made up by the typical taxpayer. As a result,
we all pay more taxes while automakers produce more polluting vehicles.""

From http://www.suv.org/safety.html
Light trucks crashing into cars accounts for the majority of fatalities in
vehicle-to-vehicle collisions 2,000 people would still be alive if their
vehicles had been hit by a heavy car instead of an SUV 80 percent of car and SUV
owners strongly that automakers should make safety changes to SUVs that would
make the roads safer for car occupants

Overall safety on America's roads has increased over the last decade. However,
sport utility vehicles (SUVs) threaten to reverse the trend.  There is
increasing evidence that SUVs are not as safe as they appear.  Recent studies
show that SUVs pose a significant threat to drivers and passengers of other cars
on the road.  In addition, there are indications that safety problems threaten
passengers and drivers of SUVs themselves.

Most drivers want to feel safe on the road, but choosing an SUV for safety may
be making the situation worse. Partly, it's an issue of escalation.  Like an
arms race, as more drivers choose heavier cars, those who choose lighter cars
are in more danger. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the
government agency studying the safety of SUVs, describes two characteristics of
SUVs and other light trucks that have the potential to increase fatalities:
rollover propensity and crash compatibility.(1)

The propensity of sport utility vehicles to roll over is major safety concern.
Sport utility vehicles are more than three times more likely to roll over in
crash than normal passenger cars.  The higher roll-over propensity may also lead
to higher fatalities.

SUVs are heavier and ride higher than regular cars. The high ride contributes to
a propensity of SUVs to roll over in accidents. According to NHTSA, SUVs
rollover in 37 percent of fatal crashes, compared to a 15 percent rollover rate
for passenger cars.  Rollover crashes accounted for 53 percent of all SUV
occupant deaths in single vehicle crashes in 1996. Only 19 percent of occupant
fatalities in passenger cars occurred in similar crashes. (2) Smaller SUVs -
with a wheelbase of less than 100 inches - had a disproportionately high
incidence of fatal rollover crashes.  Small SUVs were involved in rollover
crashes more than four times as often as the average passenger car.(3)

The rollover phenomenon is not new. Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer
Reports magazine, along with the Center for Auto Safety and the Safety First
Coalition, first reported serious rollover concerns with a small SUV model, the
Suzuki Samurai, in 1988.  In 1997, Consumers Union reported that the Isuzu
Trooper, Acura SLX, Suzuki Samurai and Ford Bronco II had "shown a significant
tendency to tip."  Since 1988, Consumers Union has tried to get the government
safety agency, NHTSA, to investigate certain SUV models and issue rollover
standards for cars and SUVs.  NHTSA began to do so, but abandoned efforts to
make a universal rollover standard in 1994 concluding that such a standard would
require a redesign of nearly all SUVs, vans and pick-up trucks.  NHTSA reasoned
that the cost for this redesign would be too high. (4) Technical Services, a
forensic engineering firm based in Portland Oregon and Chicago Illinois, has
published a short case study of the Ford Bronco II's rollover problems on its
website. Technical Services writes: "The Bronco II has a 'handling' problem like
many other of the small sport utility vehicles.  It does friction rollovers on
the highway.  A friction rollover occurs when the cornering forces - tire
friction forces - generated by the driver's steering input becomes high enough
to cause the vehicle to rotate around its longitudi

[CTRL] Ali, my sweet friend

2000-03-05 Thread Tara

you so much! You have been so kind and so generous with your love in the short 
time that I have known you. Just being acquainted with you has changed my life. 
Know always that you will ever be in my heart :)
and kisses
(oops, I let it slip there!) ummm I mean 

Re: [CTRL] Religion and Mythology/ plus Const for Fed of Earth.

2000-03-05 Thread Nicola Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Hi Andy etc,

 20 years ago - You're going to hell - that's now passe. It's obligatory
for any cutting edge interpreter of prophecy to now know the latest
technology, inc mind control, Blue Beam holograms, weather control,
HAARP, satellite tracking devices, implants, Maitreya's Day of Destiny
as World Teacher, the latest Freemason activities, what UN is doing with
all these environment programs and details of occult rituals the secret
societies are doing..Hal Lindsay stuff nobody wants now. Boring. Its a
race to produce the most hair raising newsletter and we want
verification, not opinion..

This site apparently gets insider occult info:


Its not Bible thumping to save souls now - its preaching physical
survival from big bro. The other thing is people claiming to be
Christians but are really just following NWO agenda for 'unity'. Just
check how many Christian organizations on the Committee of 300 by John
Coleman. Here's the url for parts 3 and 4.

Secret Societies. Committee of 300

There seems to be a common concern and sharing of info from the
resistance now, with UFO researchers, New Agers, technocrat/political
evangelists alike helping each other. Magazines put everyone together

Christians also do remote viewing and enter other dimensions as in "The
Committee of 12 to Save the World " [Dr John Coleman, Commander X and
Constance Cumbey are on this]
Personally I think there's no time to be trying to get enlightened,
better to study politics and catch the UN laws take away your freedom
and fight back by distributing info. Its in the Bible about the mass
genocide, war in heaven, people coming out of the underworld. Better
have somewhere to hide.

 For anyone else reading this I managed to secure a copy of the
Constitution for the Federation of Earth amended in 1991 in
Portugal.(One World Govt)  The Parliamentarians in waiting have already
been given their roles and there were 15 pages of signatures from people
around the world waiting for the day to be called. These are Nobel
Laureates, World Court Judges, UN Ambassadors, Noted Scientists, and
Professors. They have 80% of the world's countries in on this and 90% of
world's population. At 51 detailed pages of laws it is too much to scan,
but I'll write the basics.The preamble is  WE ARE ALL ONE. Make that WE

Article XIX Section B no 3

After 6 months, in those countries where national govts have not
responded favorably to the ratification call, the Ratification
Commission and World Elections Commission may proceed jointly to
accomplish both the ratification of the World commission by popular
referendum and concurrently the election of members of the World


blue honey wrote:
> Well Nicky,
> You started off on the same subject, but you started to stray just a bit
> into time machines, ETs, and UN foreign troops, however I will comment on a
> couple of remarks you made.
> < separation' experience is it only lasts for the duration of the high.>>

I have friends who are aging hippies, still looking for the answers by
going to fortune tellers.
> This is news to me, are you speaking from experience?  I ask that because in
> my case - the reflection if the psychedelic experience can be just as
> important as the experience itself. In other words, the experience stays
> with you for a long time, not flashbacks, not that at all but rather the
> 'one/divine/there is no separation feeling has lasted years and grows
> stronger with time. And yes, I am getting a glimpse into the unknown
> territory, and yes my entry has been earned, otherwise I would have bad
> trips and choose not to return. I agree that taking too many drugs can
> distort ones perception of reality, but so can having too much sex or too
> much of anything.
> < to tell the difference between the multiple realities existing in the
> universe.>>
> Don't take any and you may think there is only one.
> < save you>>
> Save me?  I don't use entheogens to be saved, I use them for enlightenment.
> (-
> andy
> www.bluehoney.org
> PS - I agree with the zodiac theory.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holoc

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?

2000-03-05 Thread ali andrew

It is like I said to you before on other list that you respond to my posts 
on "You "Spooks" make me sick.!" But being sickening is your 
job You are good at it. I too am good at my job. What is my job? Well, for 
now it is being ha Watchman, but in the near future it will be Isa 13. 
Sunday, March 05, 2000 4:16 AMSubject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Who would Build a 
church on the Sabbath?>-Caveat Lector-   > -Cui 
Bono?->>Now you are the Watchman! And more prosletyzing! Will it 
ever stop?>>Tara>>>-Original 
Message->From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On>Behalf 
Of ali andrew>Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 4:08 AM>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: 
[CTRL] Fw: Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?>>>Peace 
and Blessings Alan,>>NO! I am NOT happy. I am broken hearted at 
this crime against God and the>Martyrs. I will lift up a loud CRY. For I 
am the Watchman>Isa.58>[1] Cry aloud, spare not, lift up 
thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my>people their transgression, and the 
house of Jacob their sins.>>>The Sabbath is spoken of 197 
times in the Holy Bible. The people that were>killed at New Jerusalem 
(Mt.Carmel). by the forces of Babylon kept that>Sabbath, they  
.>>www.ctrl.org>DECLARATION & 
DISCLAIMER>==>CTRL is a discussion & informational 
exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic>screeds are not allowed. 
Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters>and 
'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and 
outright>frauds—is used politically by different groups with major 
and minor effects>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. 
That being said, CTRL>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and 
always suggests to readers;>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no 
credence to Holocaust denial and>nazi's need not 
apply.>>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 
Available at:>http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html>>http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/>>To 
subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:>SUBSCRIBE 
UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:>SIGNOFF 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?

2000-03-05 Thread Tara

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Now you are the Watchman! And more prosletyzing! Will it ever stop?


-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of ali andrew
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 4:08 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fw: Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?

Peace and Blessings Alan,

NO! I am NOT happy. I am broken hearted at this crime against God and the
Martyrs. I will lift up a loud CRY. For I am the Watchman
[1] Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my
people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.

The Sabbath is spoken of 197 times in the Holy Bible. The people that were
killed at New Jerusalem (Mt.Carmel). by the forces of Babylon kept that
Sabbath, they  .

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Finishing Off the "FAKE" Branch Davidians

2000-03-05 Thread Tara

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Christ returns? That would be Koresh wouldn't it? All of your wonderful information 
lead me to study the whole davidiot cult, and Koresh said he'd be back in 1996. And 
don't say it's propoganda. Your stuff is propoganda.

And here we go again with the 'everybody who doesn't agree with me is a cop for 
Clinton' or now a ZOG agent for him! I thought Nazi's need not apply to join this 
list. I consider ZOG to be a sick term, but then you're even full of hatred for even 
others in your own camp.


p.s. learn to cut and past please.

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of ali 
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 4:57 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Finishing Off the "FAKE" Branch Davidians

Dear Folks,

There has been a great deal of misinformation about Waco and "New Jerusalem" where 82 
human beings were hacked to death "before the fire" by the Bill Clinton murderers of 
the Children of Waco. The media which is Zionist controlled, is more guilty than the 
pigs that did the slaughtering, because they continue to murder the minds of the 
people. The article bellow is an example of this psychopathic component of our 
society. This is our National shame!  If we do nothing about these "children of 
darkness" they will be our damnation.

I am the Watchman for the Martyrs.  I am sounding an ALARM. "The new church is an 
Abomination because the foundation was laid on the Sabbath".  For sounding this alarm 
I have been attacked and slandered, even thrown in jail. I will not be silent! I will 
declare this truth even in my death and when I stand before my Lord I will declare the 
truth continually.

The "FAKE" Davidians that are occupying New Jerusalem (Mt.Carmel) will not tell you 
the truth of what David taught.

1.Christ returns to Waco

2.There will be an Earth quake here soon, followed by a great flood.

3. The Seventy Week Prophesy is to be fulfilled at this time.

4. Koresh  comes from Iran to destroy this government and set up the Kingdom of God.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?

2000-03-05 Thread Tara

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Give me a break Ali. All you do is prosletyse and insult. I know you're
going to write me back and tell me how I'm a murderous cop who works for
Clinton and that I'll be weeping and wailing and gnashing my teeth when
judgement comes. Hey, wasn't Koresh supposed to be ressurected like 4 years
ago? And learn how to cut and paste your posts will you? One of the easiest
things to do :)

And guess what? You spend most of your time doing anything but giving us
important information, that is unless we have a great desire to convert to
your 'religion'.


-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
Behalf Of ali andrew
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?

I am not proselytizing. I am informing you of a very important development
in a current situation.

-Original Message-
From: Ynr Chyldz Wyld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, March 04, 2000 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Who would Build a church on the Sabbath?

Whatever happened to the rule against proselytizing on this list?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] TWA800: Suppressed Data Looks New in Paris

2000-03-05 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TWA800: Suppressed Data Looks New in Paris
Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 3:08 AM

 An important report from Insight
 Magazine reporter Kelly O'Meara:


Suppressed TWA Data Looks New in Paris

By Kelly Patricia O'Meara from Paris

Almost four years ago, a TWA jumbo jet exploded in
midair. Now, the families of the 42 French victims
are wondering why pertinent radar information has
been withheld.

Relatives of the victims of the as yet unexplained
1996 explosion of TWA Flight 800 off Long Island,
N.Y., want to believe they are being told the truth
by investigating U.S. agencies. Their faith in the
investigators is so strong, in fact, that when
confronted with evidence that has been withheld
from them for nearly three-and-a-half years, their
first instinct is to question the legitimacy of the
evidence rather than demand an explanation of the
omission. The classic catch-22 in this instance is
that while many family members believe the National
Transportation Safety Board, or NTSB, has lied to
them, they nonetheless are willing to accept as
authentic only the evidentiary pronouncements by
the board.

  This point recently was underscored when more
than a dozen French family members of the victims of
TWA Flight 800 met in Paris to discuss the status of
the ongoing $40 million official U.S. probe of the
downing of the jumbo jet. The families tell Insight
they feel isolated from the investigation, separated
not only by an ocean and language barriers but also
by a French legal system that prohibits their direct
participation. They expressed astonishment during
their first look at radar data that, to date, have
been published only by Insight (see "New Radar Blips
and TWA 800," Sept. 20, 1999).

   [ See: http://Flight800.org/flotilla.htm ]

  These data, which cover a much wider geographical
area than previously acknowledged, reveal that at
about the time of the accident, nearly two dozen
surface vessels and aircraft entered military warning
area known as W-105, which was in close proximity to
the site of the crash. Critics say such facts add fuel
to the fire of those who believe that the Department
of the Navy may have played a role in the crash.
Although this information was available to federal
investigators within hours of the disaster, inexplicably
it was withheld from NTSB Exhibit 13A of the CD-ROM
record of evidence provided at the December 1997
public hearings on the disaster in Baltimore. It
seemed incredible to the families, they report, that
the NTSB would withhold the data and that no other
news organization -- French or U.S. -- carried this
major news break concerning the investigation.

  "Why should we believe," says Catherine Breistroff,
who lost her 25-year-old brother, Michel, "that they
[NTSB] would give up the data? Why would they just
give you the information? Has the NTSB confirmed that
this interpretation of the data is correct? If we
write to the NTSB, who is to say they won't lie to
us? What difference will it make? Already we have not
been given all the information. Everybody lies to us
and we don't know what to believe."

  Christophe Delange also lost his brother, Sylvain,
on Flight 800 and voices the feelings of many others:
"I don't have any hope in the political process anymore.
I have stopped looking on a personal level, but it
really disturbs me that something is right here and
it appears as though it has been hidden from me. I
have no personal convictions, but this radar data is
very disturbing news. We have this new information,
but what do we do now?"

  Although the French families feel excluded from the
investigation, they nonetheless have taken one step
that their American counterparts have not. An attorney
representing some of them has hired a professional
aviation investigator, Serge Roche, to conduct an
independent enquiry into the cause of the crash. A
retired commercial airline pilot, Roche is an expert
in air-accident investigations and airline security.
He makes no bones about what he believes caused the
center wing tank, or CWT, of the Paris-bound 747 to
explode. As he presents evidence that supports a
likely missile involvement, he expects to be attacked
for disputing the official theory of a mechanical

  A source close to the investigation tells Insight
that "a lawsuit against Roche has been threatened if
he persists in pursuing the missile theory." Roche is
not concerned about such warnings and remains committed
to a thorough investigation. "I am doing my job, asking


2000-03-05 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

(Where's that 'Eye of Horus' bad luck charm? I thought i flushed it but it's
stuck... Give it to Bush. (

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 04 Mar 2000 23:14:17 -0500 (EST)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Let's Leave the EU now),
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


to all the naiive sceptics out there who darkly mutter 'oh he's just a
conspiracy theorist':

I've just heard on Channel 4 News.

"The Mozambique rescue operation could be the most thought out and
co-ordinated operation that THE NEW WORLD ORDER has mounted."

And if anyone wants a better example of why we should never ever ever aim
towards a One World Government just look what a 'cock-up' THE NEW WORLD ORDER
claims to be a great success:

The flooding in Mozambique was expected 3 weeks before it became dire.

No equipment was deployed to meet the disater.

Virtually no food or shelter was in position.

For most of the first week there were only two operational helicopters.

People were left stranded in tree tops for days on end.

NO anti malarial drugs were given out to the population.

Almost ALL of Mozambiques cattle stock were allowed to drown.

Pregnant mothers were left to give birth alone in trees.

No safe drinking water was readily available.

New Labour had interdepartmental squabbles delaying getting 4 or was it 6
Puma helicopters for a WEEK.

Heaven help us if this is what THE NEW WORLD ORDER considers to be success -
it is quite obvious that they couldn't organise a stag night in a brewery!

Big bloody deal the British Government has been one of the worlds biggest
donors to Mozambique [by the way Britain, the 5th. largest economy on the
planet, which is repeatedly propagandised into believeing that it COULDN'T
'stand on its own two feet'] Yes we are the worlds largest single national
donor having allocated £3,000,000 [just over what we pay for membership of
the EU in TWO HOURS! ].

This donation is the sum total of cash allocated during this last 3 weeks. 3
days ago a public apeal was launched with TV adverts etc. by private
charities and the British public has donated OVER £8,000,000. Yes that is
right the Government has allocated £3 Million in 3 weeks and the public have
donated over £8 Million in 3 days!!

The British Government has blued £780 Million on that fatuous folly called
the Dome and £1,200,000 each and every hour subsidising the corrupt and evil
EUropean Union to destroy Britain. Tiny Blurs Government is spending OVER £30
Million on preparing for the EUro a currency we will NEVER join unless
Britain is conned or tricked into it. Brown was prepared to lose Millions and
Millions by depressing the price of gold and then selling a great trench of
our National asset just to buy EUros to try and prop up a foreign currency!

Tiny Blur has spent £130,000 and employs two people to run his Web Site, Jack
Straw spent an estimated £70 Million making a fool of himself over Pinochet.
Mandelson fiddled a morgage and clandestinely borrowed £370,000 for personal

Inspite of all that, all they can find for 100s of thousands of the poorest
people in the world, who have lost everything and 10s of thousands who died
is £3,000,000 - it beggars belief.

This Government has slaughtered and burnt 100 of thousands of cattle because
they MIGHT become mad. What are we supposed to do with a Government which
quite obviously IS mad.

So much for THE NEW WORLD ORDER!!!

 Good luck & if I can help you in your efforts in defence of the British
peoples and our Nation or the rights and freedoms of any peoples against the
EU, NAFTA, WTO, IMF, OWG, NWO  etc. please just ask. Do visit our shop, if
you are ever in the area, we are open from 10.30ish. till 5.30pm., 6 days a


Greg Lance - Watkins,
The Welsh Assembly,
c/o Glance Back Books,
17  Upper Church Street,
NP16 5EX

tel:01291 - 626562
fax:01291 - 628787
Do Visit Our Web Site:

ALSO DO Visit the Web Sites:
METRICATION a full legal 'Opinion'
CHALLENGE to Politicians of Stature
CULLEN Dunblane Cover-Up
Meeting Reports
Details of Cambridge added.
under construction
Save the Pound Petition
View the latest Political Dinosaur at

[CTRL] Clinton was acquitted 52 cents ago (corrected chart)

2000-03-05 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Note: Some figures got out of column in the first sending
 of this message.  Resending to correct.

If anyone doubts the power of the ruling World Cabal,
they should consider that it was openly displayed
for all the world to see during the Impeachment
and Trial of William Jefferson Clinton.
Vast world markets were boldly manipulated in order to
effect a robust and prosperous U.S. national economy.
The strategy worked.
With the economy surging to record levels, most Americans
were reluctant to have Clinton put out of the White House.
Most folks just didn't want to take a chance on the
good times coming to an end.

So, what am I getting at?
Back in February of 1999, I called in to a radio Talk Show on
KTSA in San Antonio.  They were talking about low gasoline
prices.  The program host said something like:
"Right now we have really the lowest gas prices ever when you
figure in dollar value.  Gas was 23 cents a gallon in 1952, but
a dollar is now worth only about 18 cents compared to then.
So gas is actually cheaper now than it was then."

Yeshe was right.
Anyway, I called in and talked with him on the air.
I pointed out that we not only had the lowest gas prices,
but that we also had the lowest interest rates in about the
last 40 years.and that both of these things just happened
to come at the same time that the U.S. Senate was conducting
Clinton's impeachment trial.
I predicted that once the impeachment thing was over,
we could expect higher gas prices and higher interest rates.

So...I've been doing some checking on the Dept. of Energy's
website. (eia.doe.gov)
The House of Representatives started debating whether to
impeach Slick Willie on Oct. 8, 1998.  At that time the national
average price for a gallon of regular unleaded was $1.02
The Senate voted on the impeachment articles on Feb. 12, 1999.
At that time, the national average price for a gallon of regular unleaded
was down to 90.7 cents!   A price drop of about 12 cents a gallon.
(Actually the lowest price of 90.7 cents was reported on Feb. 22).

According to the national news earlier this week, we just set a new
record high for the average price of a gallon of gas in the U.S.
In my own experience, in Feb. of 99 I was buying gas for 78.9 cents!
Today I paid $1.35
That's an increase of 56 cents a gallon in 1 year!
So the oil companies are getting back all the money they gave up
last year to keep Clinton in office.
They really didn't  lose that 12 cents on all those billions of gallons,
they just postponed their profits for a while.
Here are the actual figures on gas prices:
Notice the 13 cent price decline leading up to the impeachment between
6/8/98 and 12/14/98.
Then the price continued on down another 4 cents to Feb. 22nd 1999.
The Senate acquitted Clinton on Feb 12th...the downward momentum carried it
a little lower for 2 weeks and then the price started back up as shown on
3/1/99 and thereafter.
The latest figures available are 2/28/2000 and the national average is now
$1.42 per gallon!

Of course this must be purely coincidental,
everyone knows there are no such things as conspiracies.

RETAIL GASOLINE (Self Service Prices per Gallon, Including Taxes)
National Price - Regular Grade Average - 1998 -99

Date  6/8/98  12/14/98   12/28/98   1/25/99   2/1/99   2/22/99   3/1/99
 1.075 0.945   0.9370.936 0.9290.907

Date  3/15/99   3/22/99   3/29/99   4/12/99   8/16/99   11/29/99
 0.977  1.017  1.082  1.140 1.236  1.274

National Price - Regular Grade Average - 2000
Date1/24   2/7   2/14   2/21  2/28
   1.315 1.325   1.356 1.4061.421

Source: Form EIA-878 "Motor Gasoline Price Survey"
For additional information please contact the Energy Information
National Energy Information Center at (202) 586-8800.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] Clinton was acquitted 52 cents ago.

2000-03-05 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

If anyone doubts the power of the ruling World Cabal,
they should consider that it was openly displayed
for all the world to see during the Impeachment
and Trial of William Jefferson Clinton.
Vast world markets were boldly manipulated in order to
effect a robust and prosperous U.S. national economy.
The strategy worked.
With the economy surging to record levels, most Americans
were reluctant to have Clinton put out of the White House.
Most folks just didn't want to take a chance on the
good times coming to an end.

So, what am I getting at?
Back in February of 1999, I called in to a radio Talk Show on
KTSA in San Antonio.  They were talking about low gasoline
prices.  The program host said something like:
"Right now we have really the lowest gas prices ever when you
figure in dollar value.  Gas was 23 cents a gallon in 1952, but
a dollar is now worth only about 18 cents compared to then.
So gas is actually cheaper now than it was then."

Yeshe was right.
Anyway, I called in and talked with him on the air.
I pointed out that we not only had the lowest gas prices,
but that we also had the lowest interest rates in about the
last 40 years.and that both of these things just happened
to come at the same time that the U.S. Senate was conducting
Clinton's impeachment trial.
I predicted that once the impeachment thing was over,
we could expect higher gas prices and higher interest rates.

So...I've been doing some checking on the Dept. of Energy's
website. (eia.doe.gov)
The House of Representatives started debating whether to
impeach Slick Willie on Oct. 8, 1998.  At that time the national
average price for a gallon of regular unleaded was $1.02
The Senate voted on the impeachment articles on Feb. 12, 1999.
At that time, the national average price for a gallon of regular unleaded
was down to 90.7 cents!   A price drop of about 12 cents a gallon.
(Actually the lowest price of 90.7 cents was reported on Feb. 22).

According to the national news earlier this week, we just set a new
record high for the average price of a gallon of gas in the U.S.
In my own experience, in Feb. of 99 I was buying gas for 78.9 cents!
Today I paid $1.35
That's an increase of 56 cents a gallon in 1 year!
So the oil companies are getting back all the money they gave up
last year to keep Clinton in office.
They really didn't  lose that 12 cents on all those billions of gallons,
they just postponed their profits for a while.
Here are the actual figures on gas prices:
Notice the 13 cent price decline leading up to the impeachment between
6/8/98 and 12/14/98.
Then the price continued on down another 4 cents to Feb. 22nd 1999.
The Senate acquitted Clinton on Feb 12th...the downward momentum carried it
a little lower for 2 weeks and then the price started back up as shown on
3/1/99 and thereafter.
The latest figures available are 2/28/2000 and the national average is now
$1.42 per gallon!

Of course this must be purely coincidental,
everyone knows there are no such things as conspiracies.

RETAIL GASOLINE (Self Service Prices per Gallon, Including Taxes)
National Price - Regular Grade Average - 1998 -99
Date 6/8/98   12/14/9812/28/98   1/25/99   2/1/99   2/22/99   3/1/99
3/8/99   .   1.075
 0.9450.937   0.936  0.9290.907  0.9130.921
National Price - Regular Grade Average - 1999
Date  3/15/993/22/99   3/29/994/12/998/16 11/29
 0.977   1.017  1.082   1.141.2361.274

National Price - Regular Grade Average - 2000
Date1/24   2/7   2/14   2/21  2/28
   1.315 1.325   1.356 1.4061.421

Source: Form EIA-878 "Motor Gasoline Price Survey"
For additional information please contact the Energy Information
National Energy Information Center at (202) 586-8800.

 Always remember,
"Nothing is what it seems to be"
   -The Sorcerer Nakano-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
