[CTRL] ECTV/Article - Is There a Connection Between Magnetics and Human Behavior?

2000-07-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Is There a Connection Between Magnetics and Human Behavior?...07/03/00
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 Articles such as the one below are starting to come forward. The first
 phase of most research is to identify the problem. That's exactly what the
 CNN article indicates. The next phase is to identify the cause.

 I wrote an article earlier this year which reflects upon the possible
 cause of the escalation in mood and personality disorders. I have used my
 understanding of acupuncture and magnetics to help explain. Perhaps we are
 witness to a type of magnetic flux that is indeed affecting our own
 personal magnetic field. Some would even suggest we will soon experience
 an acupuncture treatment on a world wide scale, perhaps in the way of an
 energy wave. Some have called it a Photon wave. This goes in my "grey box"
 but I am surely open to this idea.

 (MB) As a N.A.D.A. Certified Acupuncturist, I have some understanding of
 magnetics and the human (animal) grid. It has
 been known for thousands of years there is an energy that runs through all
 living things. The Chinese call this energy "Chi" or "Qi". The Japanese
 call it "Ki". The eastern Indians (India) call it "Prana". The Mayans call
 it "Gaia". And of course, Luke
 Skywalker calls it "The Force".

 It is when this energy is out of balance, that it manifest as illness
 (both physical and mental). The very basics of acupuncture
 is the study of the human gird or energy field, and its connection to our
 anatomy.  The largest part of an acupuncturist study,
 is defining and identifying the energy points which network through the
 human (animal) body. These energy points are known
 as "meridians". Meridians are a network of bio-magnetic grids (energy
 points) that run through all living things. When the life
 force energy i.e., "Chi, Ki, Prana, Gaia, The Force" is out of balance, it
 manifest as illness. What an acupuncturist will do is
 manipulate certain meridians, depending on the ailment, to bring balance
 back to the body/mind.

 I believe it is more than possible the current "magnetic shift", due to
 the suns solar cycle, has a direct affect on human
 (animal) behavior. Could this be the cause of hundreds of dolphins
 beaching themselves? Also the phenomenon of migrant
 birds flying in areas never before seen. Could it be true there is an
 epidemic of "mood and personality" disorders such as
 Depression, Anxiety, Phobias, Addictions? Is this a result of the earth's
 magnetic field shifting? Could this "magnetic shift" in
 addition to affecting our weather, also be affecting humans as well?

 Just as the Earth has its magnetic field, so do humans. It makes sense
 that what would certainly disrupt one, would disrupt the
 other. Are we indeed connected to the Earth (Universe) in ways current
 science cannot explain. Perhaps we will find the
 answers in our ancestors ancient text.

 Equation: Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean and
 Jet Stream Currents = Severe Weather (and perhaps emotional disturbance?).


 More Americans Say They've Been On Verge Of Nervous Breakdown...07/03/00

 (CNN) WASHINGTON -- The proportion of Americans who say they've felt the
 threat of a nervous breakdown provoked
 by stress, depression and anxiety is on the rise, according to a study
 released Sunday.

 The study, by Indiana University researchers, found that in 1996, more
 than 26 percent of adults surveyed said they had felt an impending nervous
 breakdown, up from 19 percent in 1957. In addition, another 7 percent said
 they had experienced a mental health problem, a question not asked in the
 1957 survey.

 "Still," the study says, "it is unclear whether the number of nervous
 breakdowns has increased over the past 40 years, or whether the meaning of
 the term has changed so that the public's attitude toward psychological
 problems has become more accepting."

 The increase, most of which occurred in the last 20 years, could be caused
 by a combination of more people experiencing psychological problems and a
 lessening of the stigma associated with admitting to a nervous breakdown,
 said Ralph Swindle Jr., the study's lead author.

 "There's been a real change in both Americans' attitudes toward
 acknowledging mental health problems and in their willingness to talk to
 people about it," said Swindle.

 The survey questioned 1,444 American adults from March to May 1996 and has
 an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points. The findings are
 reported in the July issue of American Psychologist.

 Less serious than mental illness

 The study notes that its findings deal with a concept of the nervous
 breakdown that renders it a less serious condition than mental illness.

 "The way the general population uses the term 'nervous breakdown' is a
 mental collapse," said co-author Bernice Pescosolido. "They were talking
 about getting to a point in their lives where they couldn't carry on."

 Participants in the 1996 

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-03 Thread David Sutherland

Lost loch nessie scrawled:

 Ah, but it DOES work that way. It works a number of ways. Which one of
 them you prefer is strictly a matter of personal taste. There is no
 accounting for taste. Some people like catsup, some people like
 mayonnaise. I like mustard. What's the big deal, that YOUR religion
 forbids it? So what? I don't practice your religion. Ergo, it's tenets are
 irrelevant to my life, particularly to my sex life. Now it so happens that
 I much prefer women, for a variety of reasons, not least of which is they
 make better conversation. But if I ever change my mind, the very last
 thing that would stop me from sleeping with guys is somebody else's
 religion. Would YOU let somebody else's religion dictate what YOU do in
 bed? I didn't think so. Me either.

 Now I have a question for you. Why do you care enough about what other
 people do in bed that you spend time and bandwidth trying to browbeat them
 into doing it your way? Does the idea of having that much control over
 another person's body get you off? Do you find it arousing? Are you
 aroused right now? Do you still have both hands on the keyboard?

Rabbi Daves erudite repartee:

Well frankly, lost loch nessie, you sound like one of them QUEERS that would
derive "satisfaction" from sinking their teeth into a steaming horses-pie,
or find "pleasure" in someone else's toilet bowl.

Bit of a voyeur eh nessie? Your own sense of 'turn-on' about moi being
apparently, in your dreamy visions "aroused", or having a wank, may be
"arousal" for you - you deranged pervert ... but frankly, it don't do much
for me I'm afraid.

I honestly doubt whether you could arouse an ants tossle let alone a
sun-bronzed, firm, sculptured, stallionesque, handsomely spunky Aussie like

Ho-hum-ingly scanning your silly post did remind me ... that I, by no-choice
of my own, found myself at some Homo  Dyke "protest" fest the other week -
all these gaud-ugly scrag Dykes and Fags prancing around like they'd just
their poohed their diapers, DEMANDING that we normal folk 'love' 'em ...
Yick ...

BTW ... aren't Dykes so damn gawky and repellent - and you'd think they
could've at least washed for their fag fest, or at least learnt the use of a

Them Dykes were such damn repulsive hags, and such fascist trollops, and
looked like they prolly had more hair on their arses than on their heads,
and more brains therein too i imagine.

Pretty weird they were, almost like they were saying spit, and piss on me Mr
good-looking normal person  ... well, i s'pose that's one of their
'turn-ons' ... guess eventually it just oozes from their very essence, and
you can 'sense' and 'smell' it ... Pheeew!!! ... just reliving that
Nazi-like shrilling, chanting, squealing, brat-like demanding mob event
almost makes me wanna puke!

Psychologists say that homos have an inherent "death-wish" - and that's
pretty obvious to one and all as they are so hateful and self-destructive
and jealous - but us normal hunky guys just wish the hell they'd leave alone
our God-given FREEDOMS, and not spread their homo plagues, diseases,
unhealthy lifestyle, and their "death-wish" to us normal folk in the
community. Let them shove their Pink-Nazi hate in their own faces along with
their own faeces that they're so "lovingly" fond of.

Hmmm ... are you saying above that you are a Dyke too lost loch nessie BTW?
Hmmm ... so i suppose you're just another warped and confused sicko
man-hater i guess.

Anyway - anyone, such as yourself, that doesn't observe, or understand
simple and basic building plumbing codes, the very prime blocks of SANITARY
existence, in that, you DON'T connect your SEWERAGE pipes to your FRESH
water can't be taken seriously in anything else of weighty import that they
prattle about, with their politically-correct religious-like piety and
confused state of mind. But then, no one really does take any notice of your
posts here anyway ... we just give you the courtesy of a response - cause
most of us are normal decent people raised with some semblance of Biblical
ethics, not on a life constructed commentary derived from pagan WITCHCRAFT.

Here's som of JESUS CHRIST's ideas about the human blueprint - for male and
female relationships and "being":

"But from the beginning of the creation GOD MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE." Mark

"And he answered and said unto them, HAVE YE NOT READ, that he which made
them at the beginning made them male and female,

And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall
cleave to his wife: and THEY TWAIN shall be ONE flesh?

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. WHAT THEREFORE GOD HATH

Hmmm. "have ye not read", he asks? Seems Jesus Christ implied these PHARISEE
'S were pretty much dumb-ass do-gooders trying to obfuscate with their own
prattle the divine plan of God.

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto

[CTRL] [tmg_starweb] Earth Changes, Psychic Predictions, and Electromagnetic Weapons

2000-07-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

From tmg-starweb-l:

 Earth Changes

 Using the disciplines of catastrophic geology, seismology,
 vulcanology, parapsychology, and public interest policy analysis,
 Journey II develops a new field theory explaining how millennial
 prophecies of cataclysm might be fulfilled €  ’¶ not by earth system
 mechanics, but by the deployment of a new generation of EMP weapons.

 Earth Sciences  Psychic Prediction

 Catastrophic geology, seismology, vulcanology, and astronomy do not
 forecast cataclysmic scale earth events (massive tectonic shifts,
 subsidence or rising of new land masses from the ocean, turning of the
 earth on its axis). Yet high psychics such as Edgar Cayce, with
 confirmed records of accuracy, predict these very cataclysmic events.
 Assuming these psychics were accessing accurate precognitive
 information, what might be an alternative mechanism that could cause
 cataclysmic earth events?

 Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons

 Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons are a possible trigger of
 cataclysmic earth events. EMP fields can superheat the ionosphere,
 devastating magnetic bands around the earth, and in turn causing
 massive disruption of the earth€  ’²s Tectonic plates. A January 17, 1995
 earthquake in Kobe, Japan may have been triggered by clandestine
 deployment of EMP weapons. EMP strategic warfare includes weather,
 climate and earth event warfare.  Researchers have reported the use of
 EMP weapons in anti-population mind-control operations over major

 get the rest of the story at this site.


 The Judiciary of the United States is the subtle corps of sappers and
 miners constantly working under ground to undermine the foundations of
 our confederated fabric.  --Thomas Jefferson (1820)
earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
earthradioTV.com MIRROR SITES:
USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/index2.html
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html

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Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-03 Thread David Sutherland

- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2000 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

 So whatcah gonna do? Put 'em a in jail, re-education camps or are ya gonna
 just kill 'em.

Well geez? why didn't my evil and devious mind think o' THAT in the first
place!!??? - your thinking is WAY ahead o' mine Herr Kris.

 Your sancticmonius reasoning is also "cabal" based. Let us see , what to
 do that some moral high horse, could "kill" you over?

Hmmm ... well thanks for church again - but do wake me when your sermonising
finishes - Om, Amen, Yaawn!!!

Most of the sanctimony I've seen on this list, has come from those
politically correct do-gooder fashion-queens here, who feel their idea of
"morality" is somehow superior.

On the one hand they profess to "expose" some phooey "Elite", on the other,
they extol and prattle the same dogma of this bogie man "establishment
Elite" of theirs when it suits their ego-maniacal ends. Isn't that the

Quite the hypocrites - aren't they Herr Kris?

They haven't really a clue to a GENUINE alternative, only envy the power,
possessions, and privileges of these "Elites" ... fact is, they simply sound
like a stupid incensed, and crazed anarchist MOB - don't they! All wanting
their "rights" to "HEAVEN" whilst screaming "Crucify Him" - demanding the
way, the "Mandate of Heaven", whilst burning the road map simultaneously.

 Treason is a far greater crime against man and God. MHO

But that's just your "opinion" - just as Hitler or Stalin had their
"opinion" - your opinion is no different is it? What makes it different,
better, or even 'honest'?

What about THE treason and conspiracy against the "IMAGE" of both wo/man AND
of God??? Would, can, such a thing BE  if there is this "God"?



 In a message dated 6/30/00 10:29:49 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 But then, I guess you probably don't believe in building codes either,
 Now WHO, or WHAT deranged CABAL would want society to march to an
 unsanitary, filthy plumbing code???

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2000-07-03 Thread David Sutherland


July 3, 2000

The London Telegraph reported: “A shadowy body staffed by military and
police chiefs that advises President Putin on security is to be given powers
to run Russia under new state of emergency legislation. A Bill given
preliminary approval by parliament says that in a state of emergency, the
day-to-day running of the country will pass to the Security Council, an
unelected cabinet dominated by Mr. Putin's old KGB allies. The council
groups together army, police, foreign and domestic intelligence chiefs as
well as seven recently appointed governor generals endowed with vast powers
to run Russia's regions. Five of the governors have military or intelligence

The legislation adds to the impression that power is being concentrated in
the hands of a tight-knit group of intelligence veterans, colleagues of Mr.
Putin from the security service in Leningrad, and raises the prospect of
Russia being run by a junta. It also comes amid a flurry of legislation to
rein in Russia's regions and centralize power in the Kremlin. Mr. Putin has
said he needs a strong state to push through economic reforms. The ex-spies
are said to be gaining the upper hand in an intense battle for influence
over the president which pits them against the group of Yeltsin’s advisors
known as The Family. It is The Family, nominally headed by the tycoon and
Kremlin insider Boris Berezovsky, which is credited with plucking Mr. Putin
from obscurity to become Mr. Yeltsin's successor, and with engineering his
rise to power...”

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2000-07-03 Thread David Sutherland


Reuters reported: “France's highest administrative court Friday banned the
'morning-after pill' [an abortion pill if you believe life begins as
conception] from French schools, saying it was illegal for school nurses to
distribute the contraceptive to young girls without a prescription.

The ruling was a setback to Socialist junior education minister Segolene
Royal, who decided last November to stock the pill in all state-run schools
to help curb teenage pregnancies. Her decree angered the Roman Catholic
Church, which saw it as an incitement to have sex at an early age, and
prompted pressure groups for family interests to challenge the decision in

The Council of State ruled that the decree violated a 1967 law stipulating
that oral contraceptives could only be distributed by prescription in
pharmacies. It said the controversial pill, which must be taken within three
days of sexual intercourse, ‘can be included in the category of drugs that
might present a danger if they are used without medical supervision.’ The
morning-after pill, which impedes fertilization, was cleared for general use
last year and can be bought over the counter in pharmacies in France...”

Aussie Comments:

Hmmm ... the power a State 'authorised' 'church' is indeed great in France
and now a blight on that land ... minority religions, and groups, peoples,
from what I hear, are being hounded, and persecuted at the instigation and
behest of that parasitic religio-political monstrosity called the Vatican
and its corrupt 'priest's.

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[CTRL] Satanism Alive Well in Britain

2000-07-03 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: "Satanism Alive  Well in Britain"
Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 7:52 PM

Posted Thursday, April 4, 2000
Satanism Alive and Well in Britain
The Conservative Party may now be rightly accused of covering up the rampant
ritual Satanic abuse of children in the United Kingdom. Or so says a new
Labour government report.
The report, released this week, concludes that Satanic worship and ritual
abuse is alive and well in Britain - and the victims of such abuse are not
suffering, as the Tory government insisted in 1994, "false memory syndrome."
The literally damning report - compiled by Dr John Hale, director of the
Portman Clinic in London, and psycotherapist Valerie Sinason - promises to
reopen the debate on ritualistic child abuse that began 10 years ago with
testimonies from children in Notingham, Rochdale and Orkney.
Last month it emerged that investigations were underway in the alleged
sexual and physical abuse of up to 4,000 children in care homes and
council-run homes in Devon.
Sinason, who has treated over 100 ritual abuse survivors, says in the report
that many children were tortured by being held under water and/or made to
believe they had witnessed the murder of infants as part of a Satanic
Apparently hundreds of children are born each year into Satanic families in
Britain who produce the kids precisely to use them in worship of the Wicked
How many of these families are household names is unclear.
The eternal conflict of light versus darkness continues . . .
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Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

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Re: [CTRL] PC Tutor Column That Inspired Code

2000-07-03 Thread Tenorlove

Kris, I have 2 questions about this article:

1. Is it available in plain English?

2. How does it tie in to conspiracy theory?

Thanks in advance.


--- Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Click Here: A
 Tutor Column That Inspired Code/A

Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2000-07-03 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

 : Hadas Bregman, a 29-year-old secular Jewish woman, said:
 : "We are approaching exploding point. I am all for 'live
 : and let live', but it seems they are not." Among recent
 : decrees by ultra-Orthodox leaders in Jerusalem is one
 : forbidding women from using mobile phones in public -
 : "for fear that it might lead to prostitution".

And I'm sure they'd also like to put all women into shadors when the
women are in public (perhaps in private, too)...

So what does this tell us?

Only that the 'ultra-orthodox' of ANY persuasion -- religious AND
secular -- demand orthodoxy and 100 percent compliance with their
beliefs.  That is true whether the orthodoxy is Jewish, Christian,
Moslem, Hindu, or the new religion of science and 'rationalism'...


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[CTRL] [Fwd: Cockburn: Pork for Congress and Murder for Colombia]

2000-07-03 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Original Message 
Subject: Cockburn: Pork for Congress and Murder for Colombia
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2000 23:49:00 -0500 (CDT)
From: Colombian Labor Monitor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

McCaffrey's triumph could be to wipe out
all agriculture other than coca-growing.

Thursday, 29 June 2000

More Reasons To Vote For Nader?
 Nine Democrats Point The Way

by Alexander Cockburn

Here's a number that offers telling reasons for voting for Ralph Nader in
the fall. Nine Democrats. Not even double digits. Last week, the U.S.
Senate finally voted $934 million to wage war in Colombia. The House voted
earlier this year to provide $1.7 billion in anti-narcotics aid for
Colombia over a two-year period. The Senate bill only covers the first year.

So where does the "nine Democrats" number figure in this picture? The sum
total of puissant legislators who voted for Minnesota Sen. Paul Wellstone's
amendment, which would have taken $225 million from the $934 million and
spent it instead on domestic drug treatment programs, consisted of nine
Democrats and two Republicans. Here they are: Boxer, D-Calif. (co-sponsor);
Grams, R-Minn.; (Patty) Murray, D-Wash.; Byrd, D-W.Va.; Harkin, D-Iowa;
Specter, R-Pa.; Dorgan, D-N.D.; Leahy, D-Vt.; Wellstone, D-Minn.; Feingold,
D-Wis.; Mikulski, D-Md.

Notice how closely the numbers mimic the few co-sponsors of Feingold's bill
to slap a moratorium on the federal death penalty. And where were those
supposed liberals like Kennedy, Kerry, Bayh, Feinstein, Schumer,
Torricelli, Levin or Sarbanes? If this is how they behave in opposition,
why do we need the Democrats to recapture Congress?

Here's another number: 19. That's the number of senators who voted in favor
of Washington Republican Slade Gorton's amendment slashing the Colombia
package from nearly $1 billion down to $200 million in order to pay down
the national debt: Gorton, Murray, Allard, R-Colo.; Kohl, D-Wis.; Boxer,
D-Calif.; Gramm, R-Texas; Leahy, D-Vt.; Collins, R-Maine; Grams, R-Minn.;
Mikulski, D-Md.; Craig, R-Idaho; Gregg, R-N.H.; Crapo, R-Idaho; Harkin,
D-Iowa; Specter, R-Pa.; Enzi, R-Wyo.; Hutchinson, R-Ark.; Thomas, R-Wyo.;
Fitzgerald, R-Ill.

So, here we have the alliance against folly in Colombia, cemented between
Republican fiscal conservatives and the radical Democratic faction. If you
toss in Feingold and Wellstone, who didn't vote for Gorton's amendment, we
reach a grand total of 21 senators unpersuaded by the administration's
arguments that the way to win the war on drugs here is to throw money into
the bank accounts of Colombian military officers and Pentagon contractors.

The administration is fighting a counterinsurgency war under the pretext of
drug interdiction, as George W. Bush accurately notes. What of the dreaded
"narco-guerrillas''? As the Council on Hemispheric Affairs in Washington
sensibly pointed out last week, "The FARC, founded by Marxist guerrillas
decades before the emergence of cocaine production in Colombia, imposes
taxes on drug lords and coca farmers to fund their multimillion-dollar
military operations; its militants are rarely involved in the actual
cultivation and trafficking of drugs.

"In fact, the right-wing paramilitary, which both the Colombian and U.S.
governments acknowledge is responsible for 78 percent of the nation's human
rights violations, is known to be far more deeply involved in
narco-trafficking than their leftist counterparts. While the U.S. aid
package will undoubtedly reduce drug production, the paramilitary groups'
deep ties to the Colombian armed forces and large-scale dependence on the
drug trade will invariably lead to selective eradication efforts."

But all this commotion over the Senate vote obscures the fact that the
United States is already waging a major bio-war in Colombia, evoking the
bio-war waged with Agent Orange against Vietnam 35 years ago. The Colombian
national police force is already busy spraying from the air, with the
financial backing of the United States, Colombia is getting $330 million
during this year and the next, irrespective of the new Senate legislation.

As in Vietnam, aerial spraying has indiscriminately doused people, fields
and livestock with poison. International observers say that the toxic
effects of this spraying have destroyed vegetable crops and fruit orchards
and contaminated streams and lakes, killing fish and farm animals. Several
children have reportedly died after being doused by the spraying. Thus far,
the hardy coca plant has been resistant to these poisons, flourishing in
contaminated soil.

McCaffrey's triumph could be to wipe out all agriculture other than
coca-growing. His next stroke (disclosed in the 

[CTRL] [Fwd: cj#1099, rn Nader third parties]

2000-07-03 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Original Message 
Subject: cj#1099, rn Nader  third parties
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2000 23:35:50 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Richard K. Moore" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 18:19:04 -0400
From: ltbrin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: brinsonassociates
Frank Van den Bosch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: cj#1098, rn Whole Earth article | "Vision Thing" | Ralph Nader

Richard, etc . . .

Yes, it is highly unlikely that Nader would be elected
President in November. Nevertheless, he is the only moral
choice that people of our persuasion currently have. To my
mind, it is irrelevant which of the other two candidates is
in office -- they both incompetently represent the worse of
our culture and society.

What a vote for Nader and the Green Party does do is that it
provides a viable platform upon which a "grassroots movement
of government for the people, by the people, of the people"
may begin to be built. If he captures 5% of the electorate
vote, it is my understanding that he will warrant a portion
of government moneys for election campaigning as well as
representation on national debates and other necessities to
break the two-party system monopoly, which panders to the
stewards of multi-national corporatalism that capitalism has
evolved in to . . .

thomas brinson


Dear Thomas,

What you say sounds reasonable, but in Europe you can see
where the line of thinking leads.  They have Green parties
there which participate in debates and which succeed in
getting some national and EU officials -- even cabinet
ministers - elected.

The result is that the Green Party is now part of the
system, and it contents itself with victories on marginal
issues.  Globalization continues; NATO imperialism
continues; loss of democratic sovereignty continues.  Green
voters feel they are making a difference and are seduced
into passivity. Is this a scenario you wish to emulate?  The
third-party scenario plays itself out in different ways,
which we can observe around the world and in history, and
none of them have led to government of the people.

If people vote for Nader, and if he gains access to
television debates, that's not a bad thing.  That can be one
tactic among many on the path to building a lasting
movement.  In fact, a movement is already beginning to build
momentum in the US, and in Europe, and these are joining the
tide of Third-World movements which have been underway for
some time.  Our attitude toward Nader, and to electoral
politics in general, I suggest, should be defined within the
context of this larger global movement.

Until the movement is strong enough to win an election, it
is counter-productive to be overly concerned with elections.
Elections are an 'event', like a WTO conference, which may
provide opportunities for expanding the movement -- but they
are little more than that.  Even when the movement is strong
enough to win elections, elections are not the goal, they
are a means -- a means of bringing official government into
line with the movement.  It is the movement which will be,
can be, the embodiment of democracy, and democracy is only
as strong as the movement.  If 'good people' get elected,
and the movement grows weak, then we are being once again
_governed instead of being _self-governing.


Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 16:36:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Lowry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: cj#1098, rn Whole Earth article | "Vision Thing" | Ralph

I would just like to point out that Nader has been at this
business longer than you or I, and has, over those years,
developed more connections to democratic process than any on
this list.  As to "magic bullets," I believe you made some
reference to Vaclav Havel, who demonstrates the opposite.
(Yes, I know the history.)


Dear John,

I agree that Nader could be described as a 'champion of the
people', and that none of us, presumably, can lay claim to
such a title.  So what?  That doesn't lead to the conclusion
that our best movement strategy is to devote ourselves to a
Nader electoral campaign.

I'm glad you brought up Havel.  There you had a situation
where the overwhelming majority of Czechoslovakians wanted
to oust the Communist regime, and Havel arose as very
competent and devoted leader.  The movement came first, and
its goal was the removal of Communism, not the election of a
particular candidate.  _After the movement grew to majority
proportions, _then Havel offered himself as the candidate.
Thus he was not an example of a 'magic bullet'.  A magic
bullet is when you try to get a quick win without building
the movement first.

all the best,

Re: [CTRL] Leonardo da Vinci

2000-07-03 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This world needs men like da Vinci - but you can tell from his work,
 that guy had also a sense of humor, and I do not believe a mean bone
 his body.

You display as much ignorance regarding historical fact as you do
regarding art.

 Today this "modern art" - it is garbage;

And your artistic qualifications are?

 for a modern artist to make the
 true test, let him sit down a paint a Mona Lisa - da Vinci makes them
 all look like what they are today - frauds.

Oh, so I guess Van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse, Manet, Monet, Dali, Pollack,
the Bauhaus Movement...they are all 'frauds'?

Using your gauge, even Michelangelo would be a 'fraud', since he
wouldn't have been able to paint the Mona Lisa, even though he created
great paintings and even greater sculptures...


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Re: [CTRL] Castro 'disappearance' leaves Cubans baffled

2000-07-03 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

 SPECULATION was rife last night over why Fidel Castro has not
 been seen in public since six-year-old Elian Gonzalez returned to
 Cuba from America.

Perhaps to discount all the fanatical anti-Castoites' claim that Fidel
was controlling everything, and would 'control' Elian when the boy
returned to Cuba.

There have also been rumors that Castro is in ill health...


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Re: [CTRL] Four-year-old girl beheaded for sacrifice

2000-07-03 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

According to sources, Sapna, daughter of Janeshwar, a member of Dalit
community, had accompanied her parents to the fields to collect
But after some time, Sapna's parents found her missing. After frantic
search, her parents found her head chopped and mutilated in the field.

While returning form the fields, the villagers saw Som, a
roaming around suspiciously.

On seeing the girl's parents, he tried to flee, but villagers
him. Som is said to have confessed that he sacrificed the girl to
propitiate a deity. Villagers later handed him over to the police.

It's interesting that only female children in these countries -- where
girls are considered a liability and boys an asset to a family --
become 'sacrifices'...

Reminds me of a show I saw on Animal Planet this past Sunday...same
neck of the woods, villagers were claiming that they were being
attacked by marauding wolves every night, and as 'proof' it was claimed
the wolves and kidnapped and eaten a 2-year old girl...

Only her head remained...

So wolves are being blamed, but I suspect infanticide, to get rid of an
unwanted, 'burdensome' female child...

I suspect that perhaps a similar situation lies at the root of this
supposed 'sacrifice to a pagan god'...


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2000-07-03 Thread Ronald L. Wilson

Because dairy is used by millions of people, the 
truth, and nothing but the truth, is imperative so consumers can take educated 
responsibility for their health. The public has been lied to by the Dairy 
Council, the FDA and Monsanto Chemical Company as respects the bovine growth 
hormone, including those who are willing to be "funded" to spread the lie. 
People like the famed late Dr. Spock tried to tell the world about milk. Now 
here comes Robert Cohen after years of research and concern for public health, 
with the courage to tell us the truth and nothing but the truth. And with 
brilliance mixed with compassion for human life he says it all. This book is the 
bible of diary and everyone should read it if he or she has thoughts of 
consuming it or has loved ones to protect. 
It took courage to write this book and give the true facts on such a commonly 
used product. We now know how much the public has been lied by those who are 
there to protect our health. We are all in the debt of Robert Cohen. 

Re: [CTRL] PC Tutor Column That Inspired Code

2000-07-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, Tenorlove wrote:

 Kris, I have 2 questions about this article:

I have, too.

 1. Is it available in plain English?

I think that WAS the "plain English?"

 2. How does it tie in to conspiracy theory?

My first question/reaction was WHAT A GREAT ARTICLE, and then I
had to think a second as to my end-of-post reactioni.e., I
was like, "...where am I again?/what list is this article
from, again??"

My opinion??

I say, GREAT ARTICLE, Kris, and THANKS:)


P.S.  And, no, I'm not just saying that as a newly appointed "Big
Giant Head" assistant, either;-)

 Thanks in advance.


 --- Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Click Here: A
  Tutor Column That Inspired Code/A

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

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  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-03 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "David Sutherland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Wonder if she removes the dentures before she "refuses to swallow" .

I have no grandchildren.  I don't wear dentures (don't need to).  And
I've never refused to swallow (and far from getting any complaints,
have garnered high praise)  ;-)

 I bet Granny June is a hot favourite with the geriatrics

I suppose I would be if I hung out with geriatrics...I have a few more
decades to go before the majority of my companions (and myself) are so

No, I am now at the age that all experts agree is a woman's sexual

But it's interesting that 'David' displays such hatred towards senior
citizenswonder what's up with THAT?

Personally, I find most senior citizens quite spry...at least the bunch
that live in the seniors complex down at the beach where I flythey
take their 'daily constitutionals' every day, a hike of a good mile or
so down the boardwalk to the end of the park where we 'youngsters' fly,
and they always stop and chat us up...

Those 'oldies but goodies' are in a lot better shape than most people I
know who are decades younger.

I find them inspirational, and look forward to growing old, if I can be
as healthy and active as they are.

I would never dream of disparaging senior citizens the way that 'David'
does...who, apparently, only gives women value if they are of prime
child-bearing years...

 - they get that
 extra suction when Granny Junes chopper's come out!   LMAO

Anyone besides myself find a similarity between the flavor and grammar
"David" utilizes and the grammar and flavor of more than one other
poster to this list?   ;-)

 Her most blatant inconstancy,

You perhaps mean 'inconstinancy'?

 in her poor attempt at a response, was
 eliciting, what she perceives as the activities of heterosexuals, as
 kind of "SINS", yet she blindly justifies such practices in Queers.

I am neither labeling ANYTHING as a 'sin' nor am I justifying any
practice...I am just pointing out YOUR inconstinancy (not to mention
incontinance, no spelling error there) in condemning sexual activities
practiced by homosexuals, and not condemning the exact same activities
practiced by heterosexuals.

You made a pathetic attempt to condemn homosexuality based on what you
claimed were 'filthy' sexual practices...if such activities are
'filthy', how are those activities suddenly 'cleansed' if practiced by

Or do you believe heterosexuals don't do anything except practice
coitus in the missionary position?  Sad to disillusion you 'David', but
heterosexuals also engage in oral sex, and many women swallow their
partners' semen.  Heterosexuals also engage in anal sex.  They also
engage in 'fisting'.  Why aren't you also condemning these 'filthy'
practices when engaged in by heterosexuals?

 Her response was pretty concocted - and phooey at best.

Only because you don't have an answer.

 Deliberately mixing filthy SEWERAGE with clean DRINKING water will
one day
 land you in jail!

You again avoid answering how heterosexuality magically turns 'sewerage
[sic]' into 'clean drinking water'...

So I'm demanding you explain how oral sex is 'filthy' amongst gays, but
okay if done by straights.  Ditto anal sex...how does anal sex suddenly
become 'clean' if it is a man inserting his penis into a woman's
rectum, but 'filthy' if his partner is male?  Why is a man's fist
inserted into a woman's anus 'cleaner' than when inserted into a man?

And explain to me why, if semen is the cesspool of germs you claimed it
to be, that lesbians should not be considered the most 'clean' of any
sexually active segment of the population?


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[CTRL] [Alfred] PRG Press Release - July 4, 2000 (fwd)

2000-07-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[Alfred, what's the scoop with this PRG? Is it your
group/affiliate??   And, thanks.  --MS]

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2000 05:53:57 -0400 (EDT)
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: PRG Press Release - July 4, 2000

  Paradigm Research Group

Press Release
July 4, 2000

Washington, DC -  A controversial and impacting Coast to Coast AM with
Mike Siegel will air at 10 PM PST, Thursday, July 6.   This program could
be a milestone in addressing the government cover-up of facts concerning
an extraterrestrial presence in our world, now.

Two jurist doctors and an activist/lobbyist will join host Mike Siegel,
jurist doctor, to discuss, among other things, significant events which
during the administration of President Jimmy Carter.  With Mike will be world
famous legal activists, Daniel Sheehan; author Alfred Webre; and lobbyist,
Stephen Bassett.

Daniel Sheehan has spent his life working on progressive social initiatives.
He was legal counsel on such nationally recognized cases as Karen Silkwood,
Iran/Contra, Pentagon Papers, Watergate, and Three Mile Island. He brings
to the issue of extraterrestrial related phenomenon a unique background in
investigating the world of covert operations, "black budget" programs,
government disinformation, and covert warfare.  He founded the Christic
Institute, for nearly two decades one of the country's preeminent
public-interest law firms.

Alfred Webre is the author of Exopolitics, a remarkable assessment of the
pre- and post-disclosure political implications of an extraterrestrial
In the same fashion as the recent Stephen King offering, Exopolitics is being
sold as an eBook at www.universebooks.com.

Webre is a Fulbright Scholar and graduate of Yale University, Yale Law
School and the University of Texas Counseling Program.  He has been an
environmental lawyer, futurist with Stanford Research Institute, community
health and social activist, and has taught at Yale University and the
of Texas.  Webre has also been a Non-Governmental Delegate to the United
Nations, as well as a delegate to the Texas Democratic Convention.

Stephen Bassett is a lobbyist, activist, and columnist.  He is the founder of
Paradigm Research Group, founder and executive director of the
Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), creator of the Paradigm Clock,
author of two websites, and frequent guest on radio programs nationwide
discussing the "politics of disclosure."

Coast to Coast AM, with 476 radio stations in syndication nationwide, is the
largest late night radio talk program in the America.  It also broadcasts
worldwide on the Internet at: www.coasttocoastam.com, where past programs
are archived for 30 days.  This broadcast will air in the Washington, DC
area on WWRC AM 570.

  Paradigm Research Group
   URL: www.paradigmclock.com
 Phone: 301-564-1820
   Fax: 301-564-4066
 4938 Hampden Lane, #161
 Bethesda, Maryland 20814

  Spread the word about the politics of disclosure:
 A HREF="www.x-ppac.org"X-PPAC/
  Contribute online or mail to: 4938 Hampden Lane, #161 Bethesda, MD 20814

   "There is almost no limit to what you can accomplish,
   if you are willing to give away the credit."


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Leonardo da Vinci

2000-07-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

June, you are so dull witted no doubt you passed a four year course in
ignorance, in two years.

So turn out your dull light and go back to sleep and if you read my
letter you will note I was referring to modern artists - ones that paint
pictures of the Madonna in Dung.

Suppose though anyone who would refer to Jesus Christ as the "bastard
son" of a woman who was "knocked up" would not understand what I wrote

Sistine Chapel - do you really understand what you see when you see
these paintings?   What did you see a movie on van Gogh - never liked
his work - I consider his work a fraud for the insurance scammers.

Do not twist my words June, but then what else would one expect from THE
ANTICHRIST..not a very good one at that.

Sincerely yours,

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-03 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "David Sutherland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I honestly doubt whether you could arouse an ants tossle let alone a
 sun-bronzed, firm, sculptured, stallionesque, handsomely spunky
Aussie like

Right.  Anyone believe that self-description of "David", I got a bridge
in Brooklyn and some swampland in Florida to sell you...

If "David" is the Fabio 'he' claims, why does "David" spend such an
inordinate amount of time posting harangues on the Internet?  One would
imagine he'd be squiring one nubile young lady after another instead...

No, this post (and his previous one insulting senior citizens) betrays
that "David" is either a female masquerading as a man, or a closet gay
(who is far from being 'buffed' himself).  No straight guy would be so
fixated on the cliched, "Mr. America" physique that "David"

Makes him sound like "Rocky" in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Methinks 'David' is as much an artificial entity as Dr. Frankenfurter's
creation...probably from the same sort of fevered transvestite mind,
too...  ;-)

 Ho-hum-ingly scanning your silly post did remind me ...

Not so 'ho-hum' and 'silly' that it didn't elicite a long-winded post
from you...   ;-)

 that I, by no-choice
 of my own, found myself at some Homo  Dyke "protest" fest the other
week -

Yep.  Uh-huh.  I guess someone forced you at gunpoint to attend...

I presume that is also the excuse you give for all those gay bars you
troll at every week...

 BTW ... aren't Dykes so damn gawky and repellent

You've obviously never met 'lipstick lesbians'...actually, you have,
you just didn't know it.  They look just like every other woman.  Same
for gay men...there are many you know that you don't know you know,
because they don't advertise their sexual preferences via dress and/or

 Them Dykes were such damn repulsive hags, and such fascist trollops,
 looked like they prolly had more hair on their arses than on their
 and more brains therein too i imagine.

"David" again displays a prejudice against women, showing that 'he'
only values a female if she is young, and fits societal precepts of
'pretty'.  Obviously women's brains and abilities beyond the bedroom
are of no value to 'David'...a plain woman, an old woman, a woman not
interested in men, is considered valueless to "David"...

One usually finds such extreme fixation only in TVs and TSs who are in
reality jealous of women...

 Pretty weird they were, almost like they were saying spit, and piss
on me Mr
 good-looking normal person  ... well, i s'pose that's one of their
 'turn-ons' ... guess eventually it just oozes from their very
essence, and
 you can 'sense' and 'smell' it ...

Does the psychological concept of 'projection' ring any bells?

 Psychologists say that homos have an inherent "death-wish" - and
 pretty obvious to one and all as they are so hateful and
 and jealous - but us normal hunky guys

A 'normal' heterosexual male would rarely use the term 'hunky' to
describe either himself or another male...

But women...and gay males...DO...   ;-)

In fact, rather than sounding like a straight male, this harangue has
all the sounds of a drag queen's hissy fit...

 Hmmm ... are you saying above that you are a Dyke too lost loch
nessie BTW?

Nessie's male...

 Anyway - anyone, such as yourself, that doesn't observe, or
 simple and basic building plumbing codes, the very prime blocks of
 existence, in that, you DON'T connect your SEWERAGE pipes to your

We're still waiting for you justification of how the same activities
practiced by homosexuals magically become 'clean' when practiced by

 But then, no one really does take any notice of your
 posts here anyway ...

I do.  And so do most of the others on this list...

 we just give you the courtesy of a response -

"We"?  "WE"?  Since when have you become the spokesperson for the whole

Nessie's been around here longer than you, and I've been here longer
than you both.  Don't presume to start using 'we' to describe the whole
list, when it in fact only represents you and your alternate
personalities who hide behind multiple ISPs in an attempt to project an
IMAGE of a group...

 most of us are normal decent people raised with some semblance of
 ethics, not on a life constructed commentary derived from pagan

It matters not a whit what you or I or anyone else on this list were
raised with regarding religion and/or ethics...you have absolutely no
right to cram your superstition down the throats of fellow citizens.
You have the right to believe what you wish to believe...but you have
no right to expect the government to institutionalize your

 Here's som of JESUS CHRIST's ideas about the human blueprint - for
male and
 female relationships and "being":

 "But from the beginning of the creation GOD MADE THEM MALE AND

 "And he answered and said unto them, 

[CTRL] They Came!

2000-07-03 Thread Alamaine



Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo
July 3, 2000

"Oh, that deceit should steal such subtle shapes
And with a virtuous vizard hide foul guile."
~ William Shakespeare

Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939-44
by Thomas E. Mahl
Washington: Brassey's; 256 pp., $26.95

In the midst of his battle to save our old Republic and keep the United States
out of World War II, John T. Flynn wondered about the true identity of his
enemies. As a leader of the anti-interventionist America First Committee and
its outstanding strategist and spokesman in New York City, he had plenty of
them. In New York, America First was besieged by a campaign of organized
disruption, including infiltration, provocations, pickets, and violence. Flynn
sensed a pattern in these attacks, a unifying intelligence, and after the war
came to believe that these assaults were not "sporadic or casual" but instead
"originated in some central or unified group." Flynn tried in vain to get
Congress to investigate, but the postwar rout of the congressional
isolationists forced him to launch his own inquiry. The result, as he put it in
1944, was the discovery of "an organization whose name was never mentioned but
which . . . sat more or less at the center of this web of propaganda, intrigue
and calumniation."

Now the evidence is in, and it turns out that Flynn was right. At the center of
the web was the British Security Coordination (BSC), the American arm of
British intelligence, and it was charged with coordinating a British fifth
column in this country.

The story of British intelligence operations in America during the crucial
prewar years is a saga of psychological warfare, black propaganda, and
Byzantine intrigue at the highest levels of the U.S. government – a gripping
tale more fantastic than any fictional thriller. While William Stevenson's 1976
book, A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War, gave us a glimpse of the truth,
not until Desperate Deception has anyone revealed the extent to which the US
was dragooned into World War II by agents of a foreign power. In piecing
together the story of how British spooks, working in tandem with FDR and other
American Anglophiles, sought to "involve the United States in World War II and
destroy isolationism," Thomas Mahl encountered two major problems: first, the
refusal of the US and British governments to release the relevant documents,
which are still "classified" in the name of "national security"; and second,
"the fact that until recently, the study of the intelligence history of World
War II has lacked respectability." As Mahl puts it, "The conventional charge is
that it smacks too much of conspiracy." The author throws his hands up in
despair: "How does the historian avoid the charge that he is indulging in
conspiracy history when he explores the activities of a thousand people,
occupying two floors of Rockefeller Center, in their efforts to involve the
United States in a major war?"

Covert intelligence operations are by their nature conspiratorial, and, in any
event, there is no need to answer this spurious charge. Mahl's carefully
documented chronicle of British interference in American elections,
orchestrated smear campaigns against anti-interventionists, and the planting of
"agents of influence" in the beds of American politicians is not just an
"intelligence history" of how the United States got into World War II: It is
the true history of that calamity.

The story of the BSC is wrapped up in the person of its chief, William
Stephenson, known today by his New York cable address, "Intrepid." In 1940,
Stephenson, a millionaire businessman with a wide variety of business and
political connections, was sent to the United States to head up the BSC, where
he took over the 38th floor of the International Building in Rockefeller
Center, which the Rockefellers had generously donated. The British Press
Service and the pro-war "Fight for Freedom" group were in the same building,
also rent-free.

One BSC recruit, Bickham Sweet Escott, describes his interview: "For security
reasons," he was told, "I can't tell you what sort of job it would be. All I
can say is that if you join us, you mustn't be afraid of forgery, and you
mustn't be afraid of murder." Ernest Cuneo, the lawyer and Roosevelt
administration insider who served as liaison between BSC, the White House, and
various US government agencies, relates in a recently declassified memo how the
BSC operated:

It ran espionage agents, tampered with the mails, tapped telephones, smuggled
propaganda into the country, disrupted public gatherings, covertly subsidized
newspapers, radios, and organizations, perpetrated forgeries, . . . violated
the aliens registration act, shanghaied sailors numerous times, and possibly
murdered one or more persons in this country.

Cuneo's papers reveal several of the most active 

[CTRL] Castles of Sand

2000-07-03 Thread Alamaine

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : World Economy
Asian "recovery" on shaky foundations
By Joe Lopez
3 July 2000

Back to screen version

Most economic policy bodies and think tanks have concluded that the Asian
economies have recovered from the crisis of 1997-98 and can look forward to
stronger growth in the coming period. The Pacific Economic Cooperation Council,
for example, has predicted that growth in the region will expand from the 3.9
percent recorded in 1999 to 4.9 percent this year.

However optimism over the region's economic future has been called into
question by a number of recent comments by economic analysts who maintain that
the recovery rests on shaky foundations, dependent to a great extent on
continuing US economic growth and exports to the US market.

In a recent report, cited in a Wall Street Journal article, entitled “If
America Sneezes ..”, Bill Belchere, the Asian economic analyst for Merill Lynch
warned that “Asia's healing process appears to be losing momentum.” The Asian
recovery was dangerously dependent on growth in the US economy and the volatile
technology sector in particular.

According to the WSJ: “A drop [in US demand] could expose deep structural
problems, including the heavy debt lingering in the region more than two years
after the financial crisis.”

Or in Belchere's words: “If the tide rolls out, we may find that much of the
wreckage is still there.”

UBS Warburg economist Arup Raha, quoted in the same report, said that the words
“recovery “ and “robust” could be replaced by “double dip”. “The recovery in
South East Asia has been singular in nature in that it relies on exports. Right
now, this is the danger,” Raha said.

Pointing to the dependence on the US market, the WSJ commented: “The big fear
is weaker exports. South East Asia's recovery has been powered largely by US
consumers, who are buying everything from Indonesian-made sneakers and Thai
silk to Philippine-assembled Intel chips. The US is the largest buyer of South
East Asian goods, more than 20 percent of exports from Thailand and Malaysia
and nearly 30 percent from the Philippines. The ripple effect is even greater.
Much of the trade within South East Asia is in parts and materials used to make
goods that are later sold to the US.

“Adding these ‘goods in process' to the consumer spending that flows from US
trade, analysts estimate the impact on regional economies could be multiplied
by several times.”

The stability of Asian stock markets is also of concern. An article published
in the Australian last month, entitled “Asia Still on the Brink”, pointed to
significant falls in Asian bourses over the past two months.
“For those who heeded the chorus of ‘go international' advice from the
investment advisers—and went into funds with Asian exposures—their hair will
already be standing up on end.

“Just look at the Nikkei: from 20,883 in mid April to 16,008 six weeks later.
Or the Hang Seng: 18,301 in late March, 13,722 in late May, before its latest
bounce. South Korea's main index down from 915 to 655 ... was another. The
picture in Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines is no better.”
The article cited comments by Ord Minnet chief economist Frank Shostak who
maintains that recent claims of an “Asian recovery” are superficial. According
to Shostak, the “bounce” in the Asian region is nothing more than a response to
rapid increases in money supply which, when reversed, will leave all the
underlying problems in the region just as they were two years earlier.

Governments have injected large amounts of money into their economies over the
past two years but this process cannot go on indefinitely. According to
Shostak: “They're scared of pumping too much money because they'll create price
inflation. The Asian recovery is a phony one, there is no substance behind it.”

The underlying instability of the East Asian economies and their dependence on
the continued rise of Wall Street was also the subject of a report published in
the Far Eastern Economic Review in late April. Written in the aftermath of the
plunge of the NASDAQ index on April 14, the article warned that “financial
contagion in once again infecting Asia's markets.”

“On April 17 an estimated $US200 billion was wiped off the value of Asian
stocks as index after index around the region followed the NASDAQ benchmark
into free fall. While the April 17 sell off may have been a simple knee jerk
reaction, the fear that prompted Asian investors to unload their stock holdings
in response to the slide in US equities has a rational base. The relationship
works like this: Plunging stock prices erode the wealth recently accumulated by
US households. Facing a decline in the value of their assets, consumers tend to
spend less, reducing the demand for the manufactured goods that have long been
a mainstay of Asian exports to the United States. US corporate demand for Asian
goods is also likely to suffer. Rising capital costs implied by falling stock

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-03 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "David Sutherland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 So whatcah gonna do? Put 'em a in jail, re-education camps or are ya
 just kill 'em.

 Well geez? why didn't my evil and devious mind think o' THAT in the
 place!!??? - your thinking is WAY ahead o' mine Herr Kris.

So which is it, "David"?  Concentration camps, or "The Final Solution"?
Perhaps both?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Scouting for Boys: The alternative lifestyle of Lord Baden-Powell, the first Boy Scout

2000-07-03 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Here is a piece which ran last year in Slate, and which sheds some useful
light on one of the rather obsessive threads on CTRL, as well as on one of
the, er, "family-oriented" institutions America is s proud of...


Scouting for Boys
The alternative lifestyle of Lord Baden-Powell, the first Boy Scout.

By Geoffrey Wheatcroft

Geoffrey Wheatcroft is the author of The Randlords, and is a contributor to
British publications too numerous to mention.

Posted Thursday, Aug. 26, 1999, at 4:30 p.m. PT

In Evelyn Waugh's novel Brideshead Revisited, Lord Sebastian Flyte turns the
pages of the News of the World and sighs, "Another naughty Scoutmaster."
This was 1923, only a few years after the Boy Scouts had been created, but
they had already become a source of indelicate mirth.

Now another scoutmaster (I do not say naughty) has led to an important
ruling by the New Jersey Supreme Court. James Dale is 29 years old and has
been in the Scouts since he was 8. He was happy in his work as a
scoutmaster, but Scout officials saw a newspaper photograph of him leading a
gay rights group at Rutgers University, and they threw him out. He sued and
won, the court ruling that the Scouts may not discriminate on grounds of
race, creed, sexual preference, or whatnot.

 "Most good schoolmasters," Waugh wrote, "are homosexual by inclination--how
else could they endure their work?" He had English public schools in mind
but might well have been thinking of any number of other organizations where
men instruct boys. The Boy Scouts have long elicited private sniggers about
the sort of men they attract--going back, in fact, to their founder, that
curious Englishman Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell.

He created the Boy Scouts in 1907, shortly after returning to England from a
tour of duty as a cavalry officer in South Africa. During the Boer War he
successfully commanded a vastly outnumbered force of 1,250 men during the
siege of Mafeking, and he went home a national hero. Within just a few
years, the Scouts had spread throughout the British Empire, Europe, and the
United States, and almost from the beginning there were scoutmasters who
loved their little charges not wisely but too well. One naughty leader after
another trailed sadly through the courtrooms, to the delight of the dirty
London tabloids.

Although Baden-Powell himself never landed in court, he was certainly a
strange man. He was obsessed with boys and "boyology." The index of Tim
Jeal's excellent biography Baden-Powell speaks of his "aesthetic and sexual
interest in men," "pre-marital celibacy," "dreams of young men," and
"anxieties over sexuality." He got married, at 55, to (as Jeal put it) "a
sporting girl whose interest in outdoor comradeship seemed at least as great
as her desire for sexual fulfillment," and he even managed to beget three
children. But thereafter he always slept out on his balcony (and this in the
English climate) rather than in the marriage bed.

 "B-P," as he was known throughout the Scout movement, studiously recorded
his dreams, which were often about young men. In one, he recalled, a soldier
snatched a whip away from him and asked whether he had ever been
"disciplined." And in his 1908 manual Scouting for Boys, which has a fair
claim as one of the most influential books of the 20th century, he focuses
keenly on lust (though he does not mention homosexuality outright).
Baden-Powell considered sexual desire a transitory phase in adolescence, and
he was obsessed with self-abuse. He recommends that a young man beset by
impure thoughts should drive them way by plunging his "racial organ" into
icy water.

It seems unlikely that James Dale thus counseled his own Scout troop, though
certainly any naughty scoutmaster who nowadays passed on that advice from
the founder of scouting would more likely find himself in hot water, rather
than cold.

Robert F. Tatman
Jenkintown, PA, USA
"Y Gwir Yn Erbyn y Byd"--Y Bardd Cymraeg
"The Truth Against the World"--motto of the Welsh bards

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-07-03 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 07/02/2000 1:19:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 : "It must seem bizarre to Gentiles that, after surviving
 : 2,000 years of persecution at the hands of others, and
 : with peace with the Palestinians just around the corner,
 : the Jews are now turning on each other." 

When you preach and teach hatred, it can always turn inward.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Lord Baden-Powell

2000-07-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

Not many people were aware Baden-Powell was intelligence agent; but in
his art and art that I have in a collection from even earlier time
frame, I have pictures fullof masonic symbolism hidden from the "vulger"
as it was called, but there none the less.

So why destroy the boy scouts?   Our cities are already turning into
cess pools and we have a President that leads the trend to sodomy -
pushing drugs and sodom on little children.

But how homosexuals and lesbians are organized now, to move in unaware -
have taken over a city in Massachusetts - such lovely people, always
head for the kids.

John Glenn was an Eagle Scout and I presume Neil Armstrong was too - for
they had their eyes on the stars.

Most people I know do not inquire into the personal life of others, but
they do not want these people - these sodomists - around their children.

Anyone that does?   That is your choice.   And you might check out
further on this homosexual that latched onto the Princess of
Walesmurdered by Cunanan - one of his own, and taking in Miglin and
a man who owned a cemetary..these people move in on the sly and
often hold satanic parties in cemetariesanyway, with AIDS and HIV
and such which it is said our President has and runs amuck due to poison
toxic waste he called blood which he sold - one an see that this queer
stuff is just another form of genocide - self destruct.

So the Supreme Court ruled Boy Scouts can call their own game.No
Queers Need Apply.
Wonder what restroom they use?


Here is article of Lord Baden-Powell, a gentleman and a real man - and a
spy and if you want the rituals of the boyscout and their creed, read a
bit in the bible and you can break their code, and their codes.

Lord Baden-Powell - The Military Years

Portrait of Sir Robert Baden-Powell
Painted by Benjamin Eggleston

Lord Baden-Powell joined the 13th Hussars at the age of 20. Lord
Baden-Powell achieved the highest rank of Lieutenant General at the age
of 42. He had many scouting missions. Each time he improved on his map
drawing and secretiveness.
Lord Baden-Powell was a very good artist and entertained his regiment,
at night, by putting on skits and singing songs.
The two main places where Lord Baden-Powell was stationed were India and
Africa. In disguise, he traveled the Mediterranean Coast, locating enemy
encampments. He was assigned to draw maps and war material. He disguised
himself as a butterfly catcher and drew butterflys on his sketch pad.
The design of the butterfly was a map of where the enemies ammunition
was located. If Lord Baden-Powell got caught and was asked to show his
notebook, he would kindly give it to the enemy. The enemy didn't suspect
anything, because his notebook just had sketches of butterflies.
Lord Baden-Powell liked to travel alone on his scouting missions, so
that he wouldn't be distracted by the other person or persons. He
usually went ahead of the regiment and cleared areas so the regiment
could camp. He also helped build bridges, so that his regiment could
pull the ammunition across the waters. Lord Baden-Powell taught lessons
about scouting.
In 1876, Lord Baden-Powell graduated from Charterhouse and choose to
join the regiment. He took two exams. He placed fifth for the Infantry
and second for the Calvary. His mother insisted he choose the Calvary.

Baden-Powell on a horse ranked Inspector-General in the cavalry

He did choose the Calvary and the London high officers assigned him to
the 13th Hussars. He, immediately set sail for India, where the 13th
Hussars were currently stationed. In India, he began his training in
horsemanship, marksmanship, and swordsmanship. In 1878, he finished his
courses and was awarded the rank of full lieutenant.
After passing the courses, he traveled to Kandahar, where the rest of
the 13th Hussars were located.
In the mountains of Kandahar, Lord Baden-Powell bought a horse and named
him Hercules. With Hercules, he played polo and went pig-sticking.
Pig-sticking is a sport were you ride a horse to kill a wild boar with a
spear. It is dangerous. You have to corner the boar, which has huge
tusks, and spear it. One time, Lord Baden-Powell, was awarded a prize,
after entering a pig-sticking contest.
Another assignment of Lord Baden-Powell's, was to make peace with the
Ashanmti chiefs and their surrounding villages. This assignment was in
Africa. The Ashanti chiefs sacrificed members of the villages to their
gods. Lord Baden-Powell had to travel to Kumasi, the Ashanti chiefs
Lord Baden-Powell, first, collected some African people from the
surrounding villages. He then traveled ahead of the regiment and
general, with the people he had gathered. They made paths wider and made
bridges over water and streams. Every seven to eight miles, he stopped
and started to clear a seven to eight acre area for camp. After each
area was cleared, Lord Baden-Powell and his men would rest a short
while. This was continued all the way to Kumasi.

Governor Maxwell and his 


2000-07-03 Thread William Shannon

"Oh, that deceit should steal such subtle shapes
And with a virtuous vizard hide foul guile."
~ William Shakespeare

Desperate Deception:
British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939-44
by Thomas E. Mahl
Washington: Brassey's; 256 pp., $26.95
In the midst of his battle to save our old Republic and keep the United
States out of World War II, John T. Flynn wondered about the true identity of
his enemies. As a leader of the anti-interventionist America First Committee
and its outstanding strategist and spokesman in New York City, he had plenty
of them. In New York, America First was besieged by a campaign of organized
disruption, including infiltration, provocations, pickets, and violence.
Flynn sensed a pattern in these attacks, a unifying intelligence, and after
the war came to believe that these assaults were not "sporadic or casual" but
instead "originated in some central or unified group." Flynn tried in vain to
get Congress to investigate, but the postwar rout of the congressional
isolationists forced him to launch his own inquiry. The result, as he put it
in 1944, was the discovery of "an organization whose name was never mentioned
but which . . . sat more or less at the center of this web of propaganda,
intrigue and calumniation."

Now the evidence is in, and it turns out that Flynn was right. At the center
of the web was the British Security Coordination (BSC), the American arm of
British intelligence, and it was charged with coordinating a British fifth
column in this country.

The story of British intelligence operations in America during the crucial
prewar years is a saga of psychological warfare, black propaganda, and
Byzantine intrigue at the highest levels of the U.S. government – a gripping
tale more fantastic than any fictional thriller. While William Stevenson's
1976 book, A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret War, gave us a glimpse of the
truth, not until Desperate Deception has anyone revealed the extent to which
the US was dragooned into World War II by agents of a foreign power. In
piecing together the story of how British spooks, working in tandem with FDR
and other American Anglophiles, sought to "involve the United States in World
War II and destroy isolationism," Thomas Mahl encountered two major problems:
first, the refusal of the US and British governments to release the relevant
documents, which are still "classified" in the name of "national security";
and second, "the fact that until recently, the study of the intelligence
history of World War II has lacked respectability." As Mahl puts it, "The
conventional charge is that it smacks too much of conspiracy." The author
throws his hands up in despair: "How does the historian avoid the charge that
he is indulging in conspiracy history when he explores the activities of a
thousand people, occupying two floors of Rockefeller Center, in their efforts
to involve the United States in a major war?"

Covert intelligence operations are by their nature conspiratorial, and, in
any event, there is no need to answer this spurious charge. Mahl's carefully
documented chronicle of British interference in American elections,
orchestrated smear campaigns against anti-interventionists, and the planting
of "agents of influence" in the beds of American politicians is not just an
"intelligence history" of how the United States got into World War II: It is
the true history of that calamity.

The story of the BSC is wrapped up in the person of its chief, William
Stephenson, known today by his New York cable address, "Intrepid." In 1940,
Stephenson, a millionaire businessman with a wide variety of business and
political connections, was sent to the United States to head up the BSC,
where he took over the 38th floor of the International Building in
Rockefeller Center, which the Rockefellers had generously donated. The
British Press Service and the pro-war "Fight for Freedom" group were in the
same building, also rent-free.

One BSC recruit, Bickham Sweet Escott, describes his interview: "For security
reasons," he was told, "I can't tell you what sort of job it would be. All I
can say is that if you join us, you mustn't be afraid of forgery, and you
mustn't be afraid of murder." Ernest Cuneo, the lawyer and Roosevelt
administration insider who served as liaison between BSC, the White House,
and various US government agencies, relates in a recently declassified memo
how the BSC operated:

It ran espionage agents, tampered with the mails, tapped telephones, smuggled
propaganda into the country, disrupted public gatherings, covertly subsidized
newspapers, radios, and organizations, perpetrated forgeries, . . . violated
the aliens registration act, shanghaied sailors numerous times, and possibly
murdered one or more persons in this country.

Cuneo's papers reveal several of the most active interventionist
organizations as "formed and acquired" by Stephenson's underground apparatus,
including the Fight for Freedom Committee, 

Re: [CTRL] Clinton Disbarment One of Many Presidential Firsts

2000-07-03 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 07/02/2000 1:26:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The presidency of William Jefferson Clinton will be remembered
 for many things, not the least of which is a string of White
 House firsts unequaled by any of his predecessors., 

You're absolutely right about this, but first above all else the Clinton
presidency will be remembered as the time the Republican Party proved to the
entire world that they cared nothing for the country, the people or
democracy.  Their only interest was the game of "gotcha" that they
orchestrated, illustrated  and administrated.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ?-dependent

2000-07-03 Thread Alamaine


How Independent Are We?
Paul Weyrich
July 3, 2000 Tomorrow is what we call Independence Day. We celebrate our
victory over the British and the birth of a New Nation. But as we begin this
new century, it might be well to ask ourselves just how independent we still

First, thanks to a host of presidents and compliant Congresses over the past
half-century, we are tangled up with the United Nations and a host of other
international organizations. It is not entirely clear how much independence we
even have to defend ourselves if necessary. Do we need the UN's permission? The
merits of the Gulf War are open to debate but one thing is for sure - then-
President George Bush set a terrible precedent by seeking the okay of the UN
before we put the coalition together against Saddam.

And when it comes to energy, it is clear we are not independent at all. The
OPEC boys are laughing all the way to the bank as we approach them on bended-
knee to ask them to increase production. There was a moment, during the oil
crisis of 1973 and '74 that we might have taken the road toward independence.
President Gerald Ford isn't noted for much, but that was an initiative he tried
to take. We had the resources at the time to handle our energy needs internally
if we were willing to develop some of the sources now tied up in wilderness
areas, and if we had been willing to pursue oil shale. But instead we took the
easy road and became more and more dependent on foreign sources. Those sources
could shut this country down cold if they ever wanted to.

Meanwhile, the federal government keeps locking up not only additional oil and
gas sources, but it continues to make it increasingly difficult to mine coal as
well. There seems to be a deliberate strategy on the part of policy makers to
continue to keep us dependent.

And what of our defense? We have poured nearly $60 billion into the strategic
defense initiative. So far we have almost nothing to show it.

America right now cannot be defended. That doesn't suggest to me that we are
very independent. Strategic defense is absolutely the right way to go, but we
have not had people in charge of the project who really believed in it for a
long, long time. There may come a time very soon when the question will be

And, of course, there is the globalization of the economy. Many argue that it
is a good thing that we are all becoming so interdependent on one another. You
can scarcely name a product or appliance that is totally produced and assembled
in this country anymore. Perhaps there is, as many suggest, nothing we could
have done to stop this trend. All I know is that I felt a lot more secure
knowing that this country could produce whatever it needed to for whatever
reason whenever it wanted to. Now everything from strategic minerals to various
parts of everything from weapons to washing machines are in the hands of
someone else. And if that someone else decides for whatever reason they don't
want us to have what they possess or make, we can well be up a creek.

The more visible third party candidates, Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader, have no
chance to be elected, and many of their views don't make sense in the current
world. But they can do their nation one enormous service. They can raise this
question of independence. They can make Vice-President Al Gore and Texas
Governor George W. Bush answer some questions and face up to the issue of what
they would do about our situation if elected.

By the grace of God we have survived the presidents and policies we have had
inflicted upon us over these past decades. But we can't hide our heads in the
sand forever. It is high time we look at just how independent we really are and
if there is still time, take steps to get back down the road toward genuine

Happy Fourth of July!

Paul Weyrich is president of the FreeCongress.org


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Lord Baden-Powell

2000-07-03 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 7/3/00 9:44:15 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 So why destroy the boy scouts?   Our cities are already turning into
 cess pools and we have a President that leads the trend to sodomy -
 pushing drugs and sodom on little children. 

What? Nobody wants to destroy the Boy Scouts Colleen, though I'm certainly
suspicious of anyone who, post-puberty would prefer to spend weekends in the
woods with other boys rather than mingling with the fair sex.
The President "leads the trend to sodomy"??? What??? Leads the trend???
H, I've been getting hummers since Reagan was president...so I suppose
I'm aHEAD of the trend?

But how homosexuals and lesbians are organized now, to move in unaware -
have taken over a city in Massachusetts - such lovely people, always
head for the kids.

As are the Xian right, taking over school boards and inserting their warped
worldview into the curriculum...corrupting the kids.

John Glenn was an Eagle Scout and I presume Neil Armstrong was too - for
they had their eyes on the stars.

Awwwthat's so sugary..


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Facts About The 4th Of July

2000-07-03 Thread William Shannon

THE PHONY HOLIDAY: Myths About the Fourth of July
Fact-Checking the Fourth

Richard Shenkman is the author of Presidential Ambition: Gaining Power at Any
Cost HarperPerennial, 2000). He is the Managing Editor of TomPaine.com

Editor's Note: The following excerpt is from Mr. Shenkman's Legends, Lies and
Cherished Myths of American History.

In the willingness of Americans to foster myth and misconception, nothing is
sacred, not even holidays.

That American independence was declared on the Fourth of July in 1776 is so
well established that it might seem unpatriotic to question the fact. But
it's not fact. Historical records plainly show that independence was declared
by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia on July 2. The night of the
second the Pennsylvania Evening Post published the statement: "This day the
Continental Congress declared the United Colonies Free and Independent

Americans have endeavored not to let the facts get in the way of tradition,
however. When a scholar in the nineteenth century discovered a John Adams
letter that contradicted the tradition of the Fourth of July, he simply
altered the document to conform with current belief. Adams had predicted in a
letter to his wife dated July 3, 1776, that from then on "the Second day of
July, 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I
am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as
the great anniversary Festival." To "correct" the record, the scholar altered
the date of the document to read "July 5" and had Adams predicting that the
holiday would be celebrated, not on the second but on the fourth.

The widespread belief in the Fourth as the great anniversary day is based on
the fact that Jefferson's Declaration of Independence was adopted that day;
when the declaration was published, it bore the date July 4. Thus what seems
to have happened, as one scholar observed, is that the document announcing
independence overshadowed the act of declaring it. Congress itself didn't
celebrate independence until July 8, when the members participated in a gala
public demonstration that included the firing of guns and a parade of
soldiers. People in the rest of the country celebrated independence even
later, depending on when the news of Congress's action reached them.
Washington's soldiers, camped in New York, didn't hear of the Declaration
until July 9. Savannah, Georgia, had to wait until August 10. Word didn't
reach London for another two weeks. France finally heard on August 30.

Yet another myth persists concerning the Declaration of Independence: that it
was signed the day it was adopted. Even contemporaries got this wrong. Just a
few years after the Revolution both Jefferson and Franklin reported in
letters to friends their memory that the Declaration had been signed by all
of the delegates (with one exception) on July 4. When someone challenged his
memory in the early 1800s, Jefferson stuck by his mistake. It wasn't until
1884 that the record was corrected when historian Mellon Chamberlain,
researching the manuscript minutes of the journal of Congress, discovered
that the declaration was signed by most delegates on August 2. A few didn't
affix their signatures until even later. One person didn't sign until 1781.
Only John Hancock, president of Congress, and Charles Thomson, secretary,
signed it on the fourth. When the document was originally published, the
Congress cautiously refused to say who, beyond Hancock and Thomson, had
approved it. Not until January 1777 were the names of the other signers

Equally wrong is the belief that independence was unanimously supported in
Congress. Actually, more than half a dozen delegates opposed the rebellion.
In the penultimate roll call Pennsylvania and South Carolina voted no,
Delaware's delegates were divided, and New York's members, lacking
instructions, didn't vote. In the end South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and
Delaware voted to approve independence, South Carolina only because it didn't
want to be left out. New York, still uninstructed, abstained.

At least independence is not so shrouded in error as it once was. For a long
time North Carolinians believed that they deserved the credit for making the
first statement of independence. So convinced were they of the authenticity
of the so-called Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, which was
supposedly approved in 1775 in Mecklenburg County, that the state legislature
required students to learn about it. In a sober moment the legislature
repealed the order. Nothing much has been said about the North Carolina
declaration since.

Historian Allan Nevins, apparently with good reason, says it was a fraud. It
was not put into written form until 1800, it wasn't even printed until 1820,
and its written version was provided by a county clerk on the basis of his
memory of the event.

Mecklenburg does figure in the developing schism with Great Britain. In May
1775 some resolutions were passed 

[CTRL] Upcoming Missile Test A Sham

2000-07-03 Thread William Shannon

Missile test not under actual conditions, report says

Monday, July 3, 2000

UNITED STATES | A pending third test of the National Missile Defense [NMD]
shield being developed by the Pentagon will not take place under conditions
remotely resembling an actual missile firing, Time Magazine reported in
editions on newsstands on Monday.

According to the magazine, a crucial test for the planned national missile
defense system is being conducted Friday under conditions far more favorable
than an actual attack would allow.

For example, the report said, crews firing interceptor missiles from a
Pacific atoll will know exactly the time and trajectory of the target
missile. And, said Time, such thorough knowledge of a launch would not be
available during an actual emergency.

The magazine said the Pentagon's chief weapons tester saying all attempted
intercepts until 2004 will have intercept crews fully briefed on the "timing,
direction and countermeasures" employed by incoming "enemy" missiles.

The report implies that the Pentagon may be fixing the tests to ensure a
favorable outcome, so planners can proceed with the development of the NMD
shield -- which is opposed by most U.S. allies, Russia, and China.

Time quoted Philip Coyle, the chief weapons tester, as saying such advantages
"place significant limitations" on the test's actual value.

The current development schedule for the system, which will cost at least $30
billion, would have tests advanced far enough by 2005 to put its first 20
interceptors in the field. This week's test will be pivotal to President
Clinton's decision, expected this fall, whether to give a go-ahead for
further development.

Clinton, reports said last week, is expected to approve the development of
the shield. However, the next president, experts said, will have to decide
whether full deployment can be achieved and whether to proceed.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Distributed file systems allow people to share any files, anonomously:

2000-07-03 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Lloyd Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Distributed file systems allow people to share any files, anonomously:
Date: Thursday, June 22, 2000 4:58 AM

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 10:58 PM

From: Howard Rothenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SNET: Beyond Napster: FreeNet

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Distributed file systems allow people to share any files, anonomously:


  Beyond Napster: FreeNet

  The future of online music distribution will be shaped by programs like FreeNet

   Dateline: 06/19/00

   Napster has generated a lot of fuss recently. The enormously popular file
   sharing program, which enables users to swap music files for free, is at the
   center of a legal controversy and is featured in dozens of headlines. Lured
   by free music -- which might otherwise cost $14 at the local music store --
   Napster's user base has grown exponentially. Venture capitalists recently
   kicked in $15 million. A San Francisco start up launched a parody Web site
   called Pay Lars, dedicated to compensating Metallica for royalties the band
   presumably lost because of Napster's free for all music distribution method.
   To top it off, Congress held hearings to debate Napster -- our nation's
   lawmakers invited rapper Chuck D to inform them about the phenomenon.

   But while Napster is the controversy du jour, there's another Web-based file
   sharing program that promises a more radical change. Called FreeNet, it's
   the creation of a 23 year-old Irish programmer named Ian Clarke. Unlike
   Napster, FreeNet has no centralized database. The program is distributed on
   thousands of servers throughout the Web, and users can upload and download
   files without needing to visit an individual URL. And FreeNet allows users
   to operate in complete anonymity -- the major record label which owns a
   given hit song will never know who posted an MP3 of the song. Or who
   downloaded it.

   This means that, in contrast to Napster, there's no one to sue. Copyright
   holders have no recourse, and digital distribution of music files (and
   video, software, images or text) can be completely free. Clarke was quoted
   as saying, "I think people will look back in 20 to 40 years and look at the
   idea that you can own information in the same way as gold or real estate in
   the same way we look as witch burning today."

   Visit the FreeNet site and you'll see the claim that "FreeNet is near
   perfect anarchy." Since FreeNet is not yet searchable, this term is indeed
   accurate (search capability is being discussed). And, not only will FreeNet
   have no centralized control, it will not even be under the control of its
   creators. In addition to the anonymity that Clarke has built into the
   program, FreeNet's features are:

 * It will be virtually impossible to forcibly remove a file from the
   FreeNet system
 * Anyone can publish information, without a domain name or a permanent
   Internet connection
 * Information will be stored throughout the network in a way that makes it
   difficult to determine where it is located
 * Availability of information will increase in proportion to demand for
   that information (by placing it on mirror sites)

   What Does It Mean?

   Although the site talks in glowing terms about FreeNet as the end of any
   possibility of censorship, this method of file sharing adds still more
   confusion to the controversy about online music distribution (not to mention
   video and software). The issues are numerous, and seem to grow more so with
   time. No one can say for how these changes will affect these three groups:

   Musicians How will musicians make money when most or all of their music is
   distributed for free? Some industry analysts see live performance and
   merchandise sales playing a larger role in musicians' survival. There's one
   school of thought that says the greater exposure provided by free music
   actually increases CD sales; believers in this philosophy point out that
   overall CD sales have increased in a recent period. But statistics also
   reveal that in the college age group (translated: serious downloaders) and
   in retail outlets close to colleges, sales have actually dipped.

   Record Labels It looks as if the the major labels will need to partially
   restructure their business. As evidenced by the constant legal wrangling of
   the label mouthpiece RIAA, the labels are clearly concerned by the MP3
   revolution. And some well knows musicians, like Prince and Todd Rundgren are
   attempting to distribute their music online without the labels. The reason
   most musicians can't do this is the major labels' greatest strengths:

[CTRL] The Patriot Reviewed...

2000-07-03 Thread William Shannon

The Nazis, er, the Redcoats are coming!

The savage soldiers in "The Patriot" act more like the Waffen SS than actual
British troops. Does this movie have an ulterior motive?

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Jonathan Foreman

July 03, 2000 | The week before "The Patriot" opened in the United States,
the British press lit up with furious headlines. "Truth is first casualty in
Hollywood's War," read one in the Daily Telegraph. Another story, about the
historical model for Mel Gibson's character was titled, "The Secret Shame of
Mel's New Hero." The accompanying articles complained that the new
Revolutionary War epic portrays British redcoats as "bloodthirsty and
unprincipled stormtroopers" and "bloodthirsty child-killers."

The prizewinning historian and biographer Andrew Roberts called the film
"racist" in the Daily Express, and pointed out that it was only the latest in
a series of films like "Titanic," "Michael Collins" and "The Jungle Book"
remake that have depicted the British as "treacherous, cowardly, evil [and]
sadistic." Roberts had a theory: "With their own record of killing 12 million
American Indians and supporting slavery for four decades after the British
abolished it, Americans wish to project their historical guilt onto someone

I can only imagine how much angrier Fleet Street's pundits will be after they
have actually seen the movie. "The Patriot" will not open in England until
August, but when it does, Brits will see a supposedly authentic historical
epic that radically rewrites the known history of the Revolutionary War. It
does so by casting George III's redcoats as cartoonish paragons of evil who
commit one monstrous -- but wholly invented -- atrocity after another. In one
scene, the most harrowing of the film, redcoats round up a village of
screaming women and children and old men, lock them in a church and set the
whole chapel on fire. If you didn't know anything about the Revolution, you
might actually believe the British army in North America was made up of
astonishingly cruel, even demonic, sadists who really did do this kind of
thing -- as if they were the 18th century equivalent of the Nazi SS. Yet no
action of the sort ever happened during the war for independence, but an
eerily identical war crime -- one of the most notorious atrocities of World
War II -- was carried out by the Nazis in France in 1944.

As a film critic for the New York Post, I found "The Patriot" well made and
often exciting. But I also found it disturbing in a way that many weaker,
dumber films are not. It's not just that it willfully distorts history in a
manner that goes way beyond the traditional poetic license employed by
Hollywood, it's the strange, primitive politics that seem to underlie that

"The Patriot" is a movie that doesn't "get" patriotism -- in either a modern
or the 18th century sense of the word. The only memorable, explicit political
sentiment voiced comes when Gibson's character makes the rather Tory comment
that he sees no advantage in replacing the tyranny of one man 3,000 miles
away for the tyranny of 3,000 men, one mile away. The deliberate lacuna
demonstrates a total lack of understanding of, or even a kind of hostility
to, the patriotic politics that motivated the founding fathers.

You could actually argue without too much exaggeration that "The Patriot" is
as fascist a film (and I use the term in its literal sense, not as a synonym
for "bad") as anything made in decades. It's even more fascist than "Fight
Club," that ode to violence, barely repressed homoeroticism and the rejection
of consumer capitalism.

"The Patriot" presents a deeply sentimental cult of the family, casts
unusually Aryan-looking heroes and avoids any democratic or political context
in its portrayal of the Revolutionary War. Instead of such context, it offers
a story in which the desire for blood vengeance -- for a son shot by a
British officer -- turns Gibson's character into a "patriot." Meanwhile, the
imagery piles up:

In one scene towheaded preteens are armed by their father and turned into the
equivalent of the Werwolf boy-soldiers that the Third Reich was thought to
have recruited from the Hitler Youth to carry out guerrilla attacks against
the invading Allies.

In the film's most exciting sequence, Gibson is provoked by the foreigner
into becoming one of those bloodied, ax-wielding forest supermen so beloved
in Nazi folk-iconography: an 18-century equivalent of the Goth leader
Arminius (aka Hermann the German) who annihilated two Roman Legions in the
Teutoburger Forest.

The black population of South Carolina -- where the film is set -- is
basically depicted as happy loyal slaves, or equally happy (and unlikely)
But the most disturbing thing about "The Patriot" is not just that German
director Roland Emmerich (director of the jingoistic "Independence Day") and
his screenwriter Robert Rodat (who was criticized for excluding British and
other Allied soldiers from his script for 

[CTRL] In Olde Jollie Britlandia

2000-07-03 Thread Alamaine


ISSUE 1863
Saturday 1 July 2000

Violence in our blood

The loutish, drunken behaviour of English football hooligans is nothing new. As
Liza Picard shows in these extracts from her new book on 18th-century London,
life was far more brutal 200 years ago Drunkenness

THE poor lived on bad bread and gin. In 1730 alone, 6,658,788 gallons of
"official" gin were drunk, and goodness knows how much from illegal stills. At
the start of the craze for this new drink, gin was thought by the nobility and
gentry to be a good thing, since it provided an outlet for surplus grain and
kept the price of their crops up. But gin gradually deteriorated in quality and
increased in quantity. In 1736 there were between 6,000 and 7,000 dramshops in
London, for a population of 650,000. Hogarth's print, Gin Lane, recorded the
sign: "drunk for a penny, dead drunk for twopence".

A long tradition: England fans clash with Belgians at the Euro 2000

By 1750 every fourth house in the parish of St Giles sold gin, as did every
eighth house in Westminster and every 15th house in the City. The poor were
putting away 11,326,070 gallons of the stuff in a year. It was made and sold -
illegally - in prisons, workhouses and hospitals.

Weavers sold it in Spitalfields, and parish nurses gave it to the pauper
children in their care to keep them quiet, which it did, permanently. In 1751,
more than 9,000 children died from drinking it. Life expectancy generally was
37 years; in London it was probably in the mid-20s.

The populace was extraordinarily quick to create a general riot. Daily
newspapers of the time carry accounts in almost every issue of street brawls
and public disorder. The Gentleman's Magazine of July 1749 carried a typical
account: "Three sailors were robbed of 30 guineas . . . in a brothel in the
Strand. They, obtaining no satisfaction, went out and returned with a great
number of armed sailors who entirely demolished the goods, cut the feather beds
to pieces, strewed the feathers in the streets, tore the wearing apparel, and
turned the women naked into the street; then broke all the windows and
considerably damaged a neighbouring house. A guard of soldiers was sent for,
but came too late ...

"[The next night] the sailors renewed their outrages and committed the same
acts of violence on two other houses of ill-fame in the Strand, in the presence
of multitudes of people, who huzza'd them."


Undoubtedly the best amusements available were public hangings. Eight times a
year, the carts left the gates of Newgate and bumped their way slowly along
Holborn and Oxford Street to Tyburn, just outside the turnpike gate, between
yelling, cheering, booing, catcalling crowds.

Children were sure to get a good view. "At all ceremonies which attract a
crowd, children are seen to meet with tender treatment. All are eager to make
room for them and even lift them up . . . that they may have an opportunity of
seeing." But such enjoyment could become tiring. So a permanent gallery was
built to enable spectators to sit comfortably.


Private madhouses were the ideal way, short of murder, of disposing of unwanted
people, especially wives. The approved treatment sounds quite enough to send
anyone mad - "constant but partial discharge of the fluids from the neck and
head by perpetual blisters, all sorts of tolerable irritation" and, if none of
these worked, "the concussive force of the cold bath".

The cases that hit the headlines amounted to imprisonment and became so
scandalous that by 1763 legislation to control them was demanded. At a House of
Commons inquiry at which two eminent specialists in mental disease gave
evidence, one said that a husband had "frankly considered the [mad]house as a
kind of bridewell or house of correction" to which he could consign his wife
whenever she was troublesome.

Nothing seems to have improved after the inquiry. In 1769 "a gentleman near
Whitehall, by the assistance of four ruffians, forced his lady into a Hackney
coach and ordered the coachman to drive her to a private madhouse and there to
be confined". In 1772 a woman was "decoyed to a madhouse in Bethnal Green", and
shut into "a little apartment the stench of which was intolerable. She was
chained and handcuffed."

Law enforcement

The lowest ranks of the law-keeping establishment were the Watch, often old and
decrepit, armed only with a staff, paid a pittance to patrol far more than they
could manage, and fond of meeting their fellow-watchmen in a convenient pub to
spend the night tippling.

Above them were the parish constables, the lowest rank of voluntary parish
officials, who were responsible for apprehending malefactors. If they caught
one, they took him to one of the round-houses scattered throughout the
district, until he could be charged before a magistrate. These buildings were
about the size of a 


2000-07-03 Thread Yardbird

: Vatican priest was Nazi spy, says CIA

: By Bruce Johnston, in Rome
: The Telegraph, UK
: Monday, July 3, 2000

: An Irish priest credited with saving thousands of Jews
: from the gas chambers may have been a spy in the Vatican
: who told the Nazis that the Allies were about to land in
: Italy.

: The claim is made in CIA documents which the newspaper La
: Repubblica says it has seen. It said that Mgr Hugh
: O'Flaherty, who represented the Red Cross in Italy during
: the Second World War, "was not the hero who saved Jews,
: partisans and Allied prisoner, but a German spy".

: The paper said that he told Field Marshal Kesselring, who
: was in charge of Germany's presence in Italy, "the date
: and the place of the Allied landing at Anzio" - although
: his information proved to be inaccurate.

: La Repubblica also said that Cardinal Ildefonso Schuster,
: who was Archbishop of Milan, arranged for the transfer of
: large sums of money from Rome to Milan on the Nazis'
: behalf. The paper said that he could have been an
: unwitting accomplice, but added: "The revelations come as
: no surprise. The soft spot that he had for fascism has
: long been documented."

: La Repubblica said that the information from CIA archives
: "will have repercussions within the Vatican", especially
: following "the solemn and controversial beatification of
: Schuster in the spring of 1966". The claim "is certain to
: rekindle an old row concerning the relationship between
: the Church and Nazi-fascism".

: The Red Cross has been blamed in the past for helping to
: issue bogus passports to Nazi criminals fleeing to South
: America. Joaquin Navarro-Valls, the papal spokesman,
: would not comment. Fr Pierre Blet, co-author of a
: monumental Vatican collection of wartime documents, said
: he knew nothing about it.

: Click on The Telegraph link at News Plus
: http://www.mantra.com/newsplus
: Om Shanti

: Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
: purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post
: may not have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the
: opinion of the poster. The contents are protected by copyright law
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[CTRL] Israel's covert nuclear program

2000-07-03 Thread Yardbird

: July 2, 2000
: Israel's covert nuclear program

: Contributing Foreign Editor
: LONDON -- In 1986, Mordechai Vanunu, a former technician at Israel's
: Dimona reactor centre, revealed to the Times of London that Israel had
: secretly developed 100 -200 nuclear warheads, using French and
: American-supplied technology.

: Vanunu was lured to Rome in a classic "honey trap" and kidnapped by
: Israeli agents. He was convicted of treason and has been held in
: solitary confinement for the past 14 years.

: Earlier this month, the Sunday Times broke a second major story about
: Israel's covert nuclear program. According to the Times, Israel used a
: newly acquired Dolphin-class submarine to test a hitherto secret
: cruise missile designed to carry a nuclear warhead.

: The cruise missile is said to have hit a target 900 miles from its
: launch point off the coast of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean, and may
: have a maximum range of 1,200 miles. Israel has become increasingly
: involved in Sri Lanka's civil war, supplying the embattled Colombo
: government with weapons, munitions and military advisers to combat
: Tamil Tigers rebels.

: The state-of-the-art, 1,750-ton Dolphin diesel subs were supplied to
: Israel by Germany, apparently as near-freebie "guilt payments" because
: Iraq used some German-made components in its military programs during
: the Gulf War. Revelations that Israel is using the $440-million (each)
: subs as nuclear launch platforms has deeply embarrassed Germany's
: ardently anti-nuclear socialist government.

: This also raises the fascinating question of how and where the
: Dolphins were modified to accept missiles. The cruise missile used by
: the Israelis is believed to be too large to be fired from the
: Dolphin's 21-inch torpedo tubes. The original 1990 design called for
: lengthening the hull to accommodate a "wet and dry" compartment for
: frogmen - unusual in an attack sub - and for "extra torpedo storage."
: This was clearly the cover for what became a missile compartment of
: four vertical launch tubes. If true, this suggests full German
: collaboration in Israel's covert nuclear program - in spite of
: Berlin's anguished denials. The United States was originally to have
: supplied the subs to Israel, but claimed to lack the capability to
: build modern, conventional powered boats.

: A cynic might suspect the U.S. pressured Germany into supplying
: Israel's latest nuclear weapons platforms to escape an inevitable
: firestorm of protest by its Arab oil clients.

: Israel now has a complete nuclear triad: air-delivered bombs;
: intermediate-range Jericho missiles; and now the sea-launched cruise
: missile. This important development means Israel has a counter-force
: nuclear capability that can ride out any enemy nuclear attack and
: riposte with a devastating strike from the sea.

: The Dolphin "roving launch platforms" also give Israel the ability to
: strike almost anywhere on the globe, and particularly against Iran and
: Pakistan, which Israel singles out as "long-range" enemies. Israel's
: Mossad long claimed Iran would deploy nuclear weapons by 2000. Mossad
: now claims the date is 2002. U.S. intelligence estimates Tehran will
: not even have a prototype weapon before 2010, and no deliverable
: warhead until 2012-13 - if ever.

: Iran denies developing nuclear weapons.

: Revelations of Israel's new cruise missile have provoked a storm of
: outrage in the rest of the Mideast at a delicate time when regional
: peace negotiations hang in the balance.

: Some defence analysts maintain Israel's sea-launched missiles are
: actually a stabilizing factor that eliminated the threat of a
: decapitating nuclear attack. Israel's Jericho missile base at Kfar
: Zachariah near Tel Aviv lacks hardened silos and is thus vulnerable to
: a surprise nuclear attack. The same applies to airbases where nuclear
: bombs are stored for Israel's U.S.-supplied F-15E's. Inadequately
: protected nuclear forces lead to a "use or lose" mentality in time of
: crisis.

: But the latest revelations about Israel's nuclear arsenal - now the
: world's fourth or fifth most powerful - will likely spur the Arab
: states and Iran to intensify efforts to acquire a nuclear
: counter-force, and to develop "poor man's" weapons of mass destruction
: to match Israel's extensive arsenal.

: This bombshell also comes as Israel faces growing pressure in the UN
: over its nuclear weapons. Israel is the only Mideast nation that
: refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Egypt
: insists Israel must sign the NPT as part of a comprehensive Mideast
: peace. Cairo is pressing for a Mideast nuclear-free zone and demands
: Israel allow inspection of its nuclear complex at Dimona. Egypt claims
: Israel's 40-year-old, French-supplied reactor there is unsafe and a
: hazard.

: The United States, in an unusual volte- face, is quietly backing
: Egypt's position. Washington is doubtlessly expressing 

[CTRL] No Credibility Israel (fwd)

2000-07-03 Thread Yardbird

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 21:55:21 -0400
Subject: No Credibility Israel

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\NO CREDIBILITY ISRAEL

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  - - - - - - - - - -
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   "I call on the entire free world, its people
   and governments, to join this effort.  Israel,
   the state of the Jewish people, will spare no
   effort to secure the freedom of our innocent
   Jewish brothers."
Israeli Prime Minster Ehud Barak

MID-EAST REALITIES EDITORIAL - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 7/3/00:

Let's get real.  The Israelis kidnapped Mordechai Vanunu from Italy,
tried him in secret, kept him in isolation for a decade, and continue
to imprison him to this day.  Vanunu simply told the London Sunday
Times about Israel's nuclear weapons program.  The Israelis still
deny it all.

The Israelis hold Sheik Obeid in their prisons as well, not even
having accused or tried him of anything, claiming they are willing
to exchange him for a missing Israeli airman.  They kidnapped him
from Southern Lebanon a decade ago, Sheik Obeid essentially a
hostage all this time, the Israelis doing what other nations are
condemned for.

These are well-known examples.  The thousands of cases of Israeli
imprisonment and torture of Palestinians over the years, with many
even now held in Israeli dungeons -- not to mention their ongoing
policies of home demolitions and apartheid-style restrictions --
are known to all, but few have spoken up and "the world community"
had done little.

Now, when it comes to Israel using Jewish persons in other countries
as spies and constantly denying they have done so, history is full
of examples going way back to the days of the "magic carpet" from
Iraq, to the Lavon Affair in Egypt, to Jonathan Pollard in the USA.
The American government in fact has for years now quietly questionned
American Jews holding sensitive positions, double checking the
possibility the Israelis may be using them, in some cases without
their even knowing it.

Now comes the trial of what is said to be a spy ring made up primarily
of Iranian Jews, 10 of whom have now been convicted of spying for Israel
and given sentences of 4 to 13 years, with 3 released.

What the world should really do is demand that two of the most high-
profile persons imprisoned in Israel be immediately released --
Vanunu and Obeid.  Then the Israelis should make a public confession
that in the past they have in fact used foreign persons of Jewish
background as spies in their own countries, and that this practice
is now ended (which in fact at the moment is not the case).

Once the Israelis have taken these steps, then it might be reasonable
for "the world community" to listen again to the Israelis and give
their protestations a presumption of possible credulity.

But as things stand today, on matters of this kind the Israelis have
no credibility and "the world community" has no obligation of any kind
to even listen.

  Phone:  202 362-5266  Fax:  815 366-0800

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Pearl Jam concert turns deadly

2000-07-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

Human Sacrifice - you said it David for that is what I believe it to be
and they attack the kids.

I remember his one recording that made me so angry, but forget who it
was - We're Not Going to Take It Anymore - and this ugly rock star
singing, then knocking his father out of a window - now you get kids on
drugs, and play this music over and over - what is the purpose?

Pearl Jam - their letter was laughable when they said they felt
painlike Clinton, feels our pain.

It is easy to get in the back of a crowd and stampede kids to a stage?
Remember Littleton, for this is the biggest coverup in ths history of
this country, and why?   What kind of experiment was this?

That 6 year old that killed another 6 year old and stabbed another -
smart enough to ditch the gun after the fact - lived in a crack house -
the great American experiment - Flint, Michigan once a great city - but
the big boys took the jobs over seas for cheap labor and to AVOID TAXES
and remember US Steel wearing badges SOB Club for that was what JFK
called them when they raised prices..

Oh it is an evil world.but our children are being murdered -
Slaughter of the Innocents - and I would like to see some action here.

Kick those bastards out of the USA - and remember too Beverly Hills in
Cincinnati where they had the big fire and 150 or so were killedthis
place was a meeting ground for spies.

Up at Lakeside, Ohio the "Howdy" bunch used to meet - church
league..today read about anaother disaster, people dancing on a
terrace and the terrace was a newer addition - one kid was killed - 29
or so, guess not a kid from what,  bad vibes?

A time to live and a time to die, and a time to build and maybe this is
the time of the destroyers and the slaugter of the innocents?

Well I am going to protect my own anyway I canand I had just warned
my daughter about keeping away from large crowds and the lake where we
used to love to go.this lates was owned by Paramount - used to know
a sleeze in the democrat party who had all kinds of dealings with that
bunch, and I man sleeze - he ended up dying of a rare at the ime wasting
disease and he was linked to hoodlums.   Just a young guy.

So Ohio was to buy this land and this place which was still on drawing
boardwonder if someone did not encourage the sale by say like a
Sampson, pushing at the strength of the buildingwas it a trap?
Rather timely trap at that.

So do not go near the water David - like Blue Danube it is polluted, and
dancing on piers is like boarding the Titanic, for the ship was just not
up to building standards?

So much for fact and fiction...watch now for next will come the
falling towers of Babel only somehow I doubt many tears would be shed
over that the way things areexcept for the innocents involved.

This country is at war, and most do not know it.  A war of sabotage and
domestic espionage, stealing or selling nuclear secrets, massive buring
(shades of Malachi) - gay pride flags wave away while A Confederate Flag
is removed because it offends the NAACP.

The movie stars are turning into a bunch of pigs yet we have assholes
knocking the movie The Patriot...why do you think an agent for MI6
would be down at Coca Beach Florida for many years..and how many of
our space craft were saabotaged?   Is there a difference between M6, the
Mossad, the KGB and CIA today.well one floor is music, one floor is
biological and chemical warfare, one floor is murder inc., and oe floor
is push the homos on the kids, and another floor is destroy from within,
for we have that bastard Kissinger still with us, MI6 in the door and
Mossad and KGB all singing out of same song book..and death is the
name of the game.

So this stuff - all accidents or plans and traps laid carefully by
people using WWII tactics - sabotaging railway tracks, airplanes, using
missiles to down planes - plagues and polluted water like Blue Danube?

Days of Wine and Roses to Days of kids being fed garbage?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Pearl Jam concert turns deadly

2000-07-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

Oh death of RFK David, that is when I discovered a
conspiracy..always thought JFK was killed by a nut - but someone
Walter Lippman in 1968 drew my attention, and bungled onto so secrets
which led me to so believe a conspiracy..it was then I remembered
the Order of the Lily and the Rose
and realized that the Kennedys were being set up for murder - had
evidence but no proof, but then as it is, most everything is a theory.

Get into programming killers and you have lots of answers..train
them like K9 dogs and sometimes not only a look but a word can kill...

But this element succeeded in murdering anybody who was a threat to
their goalby the end of this year, we will know if they win for now
they work on Israel - divide and conquer as they do the USA, which is
divided and almost conquered...systematic murder of leads philosophy to
demoralize oppositiongoodbye Democrat Party, now saturated with
guess what?  CFR controlled now

Even Jimmy Hoffa - for you would never find that man, sitting with

So wait until December 31, 2001.we see who wins.

If we go into solar age this year, well forget it.
No Holy War in Holy Land and jews and arabs will live in peace.

We did win the Revolutionary War did we not?   No more Kennedy's to kill
to amount to much, for the good ones are gone.   I did not want RFK for
president, for "I just knew he would be killed" for we all had been told
accordingly long enough...

So today knowing what I know one can tell who is ging to be killed, and
I have their timetable.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] The Independent On Echelon

2000-07-03 Thread William Shannon

The new Cold War: How America spies on us for its oldest friend – the Dollar

Exclusive: Documents shed light on US policy of covert surveillance of
British and European industry

By Duncan Campbell and Paul Lashmar

2 July 2000

It is the new Cold War. The United States intelligence agencies, facing
downsizing after the fall of the Berlin wall, have found themselves a new
role spying on foreign firms to help American business in global markets.

Documents obtained by the Independent on Sunday reveal how the CIA and
National Security Agency (NSA) – propelled by the newly-elected Clinton
administration's policy of "aggressive advocacy" to support American firms
compete for overseas contracts – have immersed themselves in the new hot
trade war. Targets have included UK and European firms. At stake are
contracts worth billions of dollars.

For America's spies an important tool has been the global eavesdropping
system known by the code name Echelon, which has come to invoke the tag of
the Big Brother of the cyberspace age.

Echelon is part of a British and American-run world-wide spy system that can
"suck up" phone calls, faxes and e-mails sent by satellite. America's
intelligence agencies have been able to intercept these vital private
communications, often between foreign governments and European businesses, to
help the US win major contracts.

The implications of eavesdropping business communications are dramatic,
according to Dr Brian Gladman, a British former top Nato computer expert.

"The analogy I use is where we were 250 years ago with pirates on the high
seas. Governments never admitted they sponsored piracy, yet they all did
behind the scenes. If we now look at cyberspace we have state-sponsored
information piracy. We can't have a global e-commerce until governments like
the US stop state-sponsored theft of commercial information," he says.

Britain's role in Echelon, via its ultra-secret eavesdropping agency GCHQ,
has put Tony Blair's government in the dock facing its European partners.

European politicians meet on Wednesday in Strasbourg and Berlin to call for
inquiries into electronic espionage by the US to beat competitors. These
debates follow two years of controversy about Echelon as its astonishing
power has gradually been revealed.

But the real origin of the current row lies in the early Nineties, when US
politicians and intelligence chiefs decided that the formidable but
under-employed Cold War US intelligence apparatus should be redirected
against its allies' economies.

At stake was not just routine international trade, but new opportunities
created by the demise of communism and fast-growing markets in countries that
US trade officials dubbed "BEMs" – Big Emerging Markets, such as China,
Brazil and Indonesia.

Perhaps the most startling result of the new Clinton policy came in January
1994, when the then French Prime Minister Edouard Balladur flew to Riyadh to
conclude a $6bn (£4bn) deal for arms, airliners and maintenance, including
sales of the European Airbus. He flew home empty-handed.

The Baltimore Sun later reported that "from a commercial communications
satellite, NSA lifted all the faxes and phone-calls between the European
consortium Airbus, the Saudi national airline and the Saudi government. The
agency found that Airbus agents were offering bribes to a Saudi official. It
passed the information to US officials pressing the bid of Boeing Co."

Clinton's government intervened with the Saudis and the contract went to

A second contract where US intelligence played a decisive role concerned
Brazil. In 1994, NSA intercepted phone-calls between France's Thomson-CSF and
Brazil concerning SIVAM, a $1.4bn surveillance system for the Amazon rain
forest. The company was alleged to have bribed members of the Brazilian
government selection panel. The contract was awarded to the US Raytheon
Corporation – which announced afterwards that "the Department of Commerce
worked very hard in support of US industry on this project".

This is just one of hundreds of "success" stories openly boasted by the US
Government's "Advocacy Center" up to the present day. They do not say where
the CIA or NSA was decisive in winning the contract, but often brag of
beating UK, European or Japanese competitors.

Cases where the US "beat British" competitors include power generation,
engineering and telecommunications contracts in the Philippines, Malawi,
Peru, Tunisia and the Lebanon. In India, the CIA tracked British competitive
strategies in a competition to built a 700MW power station near Bombay. In
January 1995, the $400m contract was awarded to the US companies Enron, GE
and Bechtel.

Also in 1995, General Electric Power Systems won a $120m tender to build a
plant in Tunisia. "They beat intense competition from French, German, Italian
and British firms for the project," the Center boasts.

Documents and information obtained by the IoS show that the critical question
of whether US 

Re: [CTRL] No Credibility Israel (fwd)

2000-07-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

What does the Old Testament say about the "law of
kidnapping".remember Pattie Hearst?

Pattie was a Rosicrucian like her Father and presumable mother and
grandfathershe held a machine gun and robbed a bank,  yet she was
one of the few to survine, which could have been predicted while the
rest went down in flames.

So what does the law of kidnapping mean in the bible - does this mean
yeh man, okay - we use the bible as our authority to murder, blackmail,
prophecy death and destruction, kidnapping, but if you make it to a safe
house - you will be okay; here are escape routes like the old Nazi
Odessa still used only today drug routesdoes the bible say anything
about drugs?

Who are primary drug dealers now?   Larry Flynt's Organization, for that
guy is so spaced out on drugs he could not run to the bank to bank his
laundered money through his pornography business?

So - law of kidnapping.

Spies and what-nots.Judas was an informer-spy, the finger man - but
like in all good police stories, he was found hanged, and died in many
ways..case closed.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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2000-07-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Judicial Watch
July 3, 2000
Contact: Richard Tomkins
(202) 646-5172


White House Chief of Staff Engaged In Likely Criminality In
Clinton-Gore White House

Today's Washington Post Profile Does Not Tell Full Story

(Washington, D.C.)Today The Washington Post ran a "fluff piece"
on John Podesta's tenure in the Clinton-Gore White House. The
profile, written by John Babington, ranks Mr. Podesta as perhaps
the finest chief of staff during the Clinton-Gore tenure --
however, this depends on how you define "finest."

First, for instance, according to Ms. Nolanda Hill (long-time
confidante of former Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown), Mr.
Podesta, along with Mr. Leon Panetta (former White House Chief of
Staff)  instructed Brown to obstruct and violate court orders to
produce documents issued by Judge Royce C. Lamberth in the
lawsuit which uncovered John Huang and sparked the Chinagate

Second, documents produced during the burgeoning e-mail scandal
show that Mr. Podesta was advised of the "e-mail problem" over
two years ago, but consistent with his behavior in Judicial
Watch's Chinagate case, he likely obstructed justice yet again
and kept the e-mail hidden from investigators.

Third, according to testimony in Judicial Watch's $90-million
class action Filegate lawsuit, and other sources, Mr. Podesta ran
and participated in the scandal operations in the Clinton-Gore
White House -- namely the use of taxpayer monies to coverup
Clinton-Gore scandals.

Judicial Watch is pursuing justice for Mr. Podesta in a number of
its lawsuits, and indeed, the story of his tenure will be
different by the time the public interest law firm is finished.
It is a regrettable that he would be acclaimed during the July
4th weekend, since, as much as anyone in the White House, he has
obstructed justice contrary to the interests of the American


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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Re: [CTRL] [Alfred] PRG Press Release - July 4, 2000 (fwd)

2000-07-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-03 09:41:16 EDT, you write:

 [Alfred, what's the scoop with this PRG? Is it your
 group/affiliate??   And, thanks.  --MS]


Hi! Steve Basset, Director of Paradigm and X-PPAC, the only Political
Action Committee (PAC) for the extraterresrial issue will be the guests on
Coast to Coast on Thursday, July 6.  We are both interested in advancing the
extraterrestrial issues, and are co-appearing at http://www.artbell.com

Background on X-PPAC and Paradigm:

Guests include Steve Bassett, director of Extraterrestrial
  Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), a Washington,
  DC-based Political Action Committee seeking to bring about public
  official opening of the extraterrestrial issue, through education and
  political action. You can access X-PPAC at:

Paradigm: http://www.paradigmclock.com

Our goal is Exopolitics (See below)

EXOPOLITICS proposes making the extraterrestrial issue
  transparent and participatory, through a Decade of Contact: public
  education, open and funded research; community politics,
  interactive events around the issue of extraterrestrial

  EXOPOLITICS series can be accessed at:

Thanks! Alfred

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Buchanan Blasts Conspiracy of Two Party Political System

2000-07-03 Thread Bard

B. A. T. F.Bad Attitude Towards Freedom

Buchanan Blasts "Conspiracy" of Two Party 
Political System Monday, July 03, 2000

Pat Buchanan, conservative firebrand and likely 
US presidential nominee of the Reform Party, argued Sunday for a spot in 
televised presidential debates, currently restricted to the two major parties. 

The two-party formula for debate offers US 
voters little choice, Buchanan said. 

"The presidential debate commission is basically 
a little collusive conspiracy between the two major parties in power, 
Republicans and Democrats," he said on CNN's Late Edition. 

The debates, which begin in October "are going 
to decide the election," according to Buchanan. 

In his remarks on the dominance of the two major 
parties, Buchanan, who left the Republican Party last fall, sounded similar to 
Green Party candidate Ralph Nader. "We've got a one-party establishment in 
Washington, Republicans are one half of it, Democrats the other half," Buchanan 

"We're into giving the American people an 
authentic choice of a candidate who genuinely believes in small government, in 
getting our troops out of these wars in the Balkans that both major parties 
support," he added. 

Buchanan, 61, said he could win if he was given 
a spot on the debates and media coverage. 

"The majority of Americans support me on 
immigration, the majority of Americans didn't want NAFTA, a majority of 
Americans didn't want this rotten trade deal with communist China that gives 
away the store and gets us nothing in return but missiles pointed at our 
country," he said. 

Buchanan seems certain to be given the Reform 
Party nod at its convention in Long Beach, California on August 10-13, after 
Texas magnate Ross Perot announced June 30 that he would not seek the nomination 
this year. 

Perot founded the Reform Party in 1992 after 
winning 19 percent of the vote as an independent candidate for president -- the 
best showing by a candidate outside the Democratic or Republican parties since 

In 1996, Perot won eight percent of the vote. 

Buchanan's candidacy for the November 2000 race 
is opposed by Perot loyalists in the Reform Party. They accuse Buchanan, who is 
more conservative than Perot on social issues, of splitting the party and 
orchestrating a takeover of state parties by his own followers. 

Observers have said Nader's candidacy is likely 
to weaken Gore's chances by taking votes from the left, while Buchanan is likely 
to draw far-right votes from Bush. 

A Newsweek poll of registered voters out Monday 
found that in a four-way presidential contest the competition between the 
presumptive Democratic and Republican nominees would be very tight. For the 
Republicans, Texas Governor George W. Bush would win 41 percent, while likely 
Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Al Gore would win 40 percent. 

Nader had the support of six percent of those 
polled and Buchanan just two percent.http://chblue.com/Article.asp?ID=417

B. A. T. F.Bad Attitude Towards 

The Lesser of Two Evils is Still 

BardPro Libertate - For 

[CTRL] Amelia Earhart

2000-07-03 Thread William Shannon

Search for Earhart Called Badly Botched
Coast Guard accused of defaming flier in coverup

Carolyn Jones, Chronicle Staff WriterSaturday, July 1, 2000


Sixty-three years after Amelia Earhart disappeared over the Pacific on her
round-the-world tour, new research suggests that the famed aviatrix and her
navigator could have been rescued.

An article in the June issue of the research journal Naval History reveals
that the U.S. Coast Guard bungled its job so badly -- and then tried to cover
it up -- that it was at least partly to blame for Earhart's disappearance.

``It's a classic cover-your-butt scenario,'' said Ric Gillespie, executive
director of the International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery, the
leading Earhart research group.

``I think this article raises a point that needed raising, which is that the
Coast Guard's role in all this is not as pristine as it's always been
presented,'' he said. ``There were definite problems with their conduct.''

Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, left Oakland on May 20, 1937, for a
round-the-world trip. Then, 63 years ago today, the plane disappeared on the
third-to-last leg of the journey, a 2,500-mile stretch from Lae, New Guinea,
to Howland Island, a flat, treeless strip of sand in the South Pacific.

Earhart's Electra plane was about 200 miles from Howland Island when she
started communicating with officers aboard the Coast Guard cutter Itasca,
stationed at Howland to assist with her arrival.

This, according to the article in Naval History, is when things started to go
terribly wrong.

Among the numerous gaffes detailed in the article:

-- Earhart was using one radio frequency, and the Coast Guard was using
another. The Coast Guard was listening when Earhart expected them to be
transmitting, and vice versa.

-- The Coast Guard had access to a high-frequency radio that could have
reached Earhart but didn't use it.

-- Howland Island was actually 5.8 nautical miles from where Earhart's chart
said it was, and the Coast Guard neglected to tell her this.

-- In the search-and-rescue operation, the Coast Guard only combed about a
third of the area it should have, and at night, when it wasn't possible to
see much.

While trying to locate Howland Island, Earhart and Noonan's radio
transmissions ended abruptly, and no one heard from them again. Their plane
was never found, but the main theories are that they ran out of gas and
crashed in the ocean or they landed on nearby Gardner's Island, possibly
living as castaways for a while before dying.

Most of the search and communication failings fall on the shoulders of
Commander Warren K. Thompson. According to the article, Thompson must have
suspected that he had botched the job, because in logs and reports to
supervisors, he lied about many of the facts and, for good measure, threw in
a few fabrications.

In other correspondence, he blamed Earhart's piloting skills and implied that
she was at least partly to responsible for her plane going down.

The Coast Guard was apparently so embarrassed by the Itasca's performance
that it sealed many of the relevant documents. The records were finally
unopened in 1988 through the Freedom of Information Act.

Thompson died of a heart attack in 1939, but since the Naval History article
was published, the Coast Guard has begun looking into the allegations at its
Washington, D.C., headquarters.

``Our historian's office is aware of the article, and we're reviewing our own
documents to see if they support it,'' said Commander Jim McPherson of the
public affairs office. ``It's too early to tell if there are any

The author of the article, John P. Riley of Lake Mary, Fla., is retired from
a career in radio propagation and antennas. He said he started looking into
the radio details of Earhart's disappearance out of curiosity. The more he
unearthed, he said, ``I began to realize that something was really wrong.''

``Thompson had been commended highly. But I was absolutely shocked at some of
the things he did, and bewildered as to why he did them,'' Riley said.

The article took 3 1/2 years to research. In addition to poring over old
radio logs and other material, Riley interviewed many of the radiomen who
were on Howland Island and the Itasca at the time of the Earhart operation.

Naval History magazine is published by the U.S. Naval Institute, an
independent nonprofit on the campus of the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md.,
that serves as an open forum for military researchers. Riley's article was
extensively fact- checked, said editor in chief Fred Schultz.

Gillespie, the TIGHAR Earhart expert, disputed a few of Riley's technical
details but concurred with the gist of the story. He said that Riley didn't
go far enough and that Thompson messed up the job even more than his Naval
History article indicates.

Neither Riley nor Gillespie believe that Thompson's errors were malicious.

[CTRL] Sovereignty no match for WTO

2000-07-03 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Lloyd Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Sovereignty no match for WTO
Date: Sunday, June 25, 2000 6:01 AM

From: Howard Rothenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SNET: Sovereignty no match for WTO
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 19:04:20 -0700

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Sovereignty no match for WTO
JUNE 23 2000

By Henry Lamb
=A9 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

The debate surrounding the proposal by Congressman
Ron Paul, R-Texas, to withdraw from the World Trade
Organization, revealed a wide chasm between the
fundamental beliefs of the people who represent us in
Congress. Paul says that our participation in the WTO
results in an erosion of national sovereignty.
Congressman Doug Bereuter, D-Neb., says that it does
not. Moreover, Bereuter says that "no significant
scholars" suggest that American participation in the WTO
results in a loss of national sovereignty.

Both can't be right.

Bereuter obviously has not met Lewellyn H. Rockwell,
Jr., world renowned economic scholar and president of
the Von Mises Institute, who says, "We should toss the
WTO into the dustbin of history ..." because "What
appears to be a step in the right direction -- towards
greater liberty in trade across borders - turns out to be a
leap into world statism."

The WTO agreement requires participating nations to
conform their laws to comply with WTO rulings. This
language clearly defines the ruling of the WTO to be
superior to laws passed by Congress. How can this
situation not be a loss of national sovereignty?

Congressman Phil Crane, R-Ill., has the answer. He says
that the United States is not compelled to change its laws,
even though we have agreed to do so by accepting the
WTO agreement. Should the U.S. fail to conform its laws
to WTO rulings, the agreement authorizes the WTO to
impose fines of its choosing as long as the U.S. remains in

When any foreign government has the authority to order
the United States to change its laws, and enforce that
order by imposing fines, it doesn't take too much of a
scholar to recognize that WTO sovereignty is more
sovereign than U.S. sovereignty. Crane says this is not a
loss of sovereignty, it's just the price we have to pay for
not playing by the rules. Fines imposed by the WTO are
not the slap-on-the-wrist variety. The U.S. said no to
British Petroleum's wish to ship gasoline with the additive
MTBE into the United States. The WTO said that is a
violation of their rules and slapped the U.S. with a $360
million fine, according to Congressman Bart Stupak,
D-Mich. "When the WTO kicks in, sovereignty is kicked
out," Stupak says.

Congressman Jack Metcalf, R-Wash., pointed out that
the U.S. Constitution clearly places the responsibility for
regulating foreign trade upon the Congress. The WTO
usurps that responsibility.

Phil Crane sees it differently. He says Congress has no
problem delegating responsibility for regulating trade to
the Commerce Committee, and various subcommittees.
To Crane, delegating the responsibility for regulating
trade to the WTO follows the same reasoning. The major
difference, of course, is that no American has the chance
to vote for or against, any member of the WTO which
has the final say on trade regulations.

Nearly every speaker who stood to oppose the Paul
proposal, began their presentation with a litany of WTO
problems that need to be corrected. Most of the
opposition speakers took the position that the WTO
should be reformed, but that the U.S. should remain a
member while working for reform. The WTO is
accountable to no other political power and can be
reformed only by an extraordinary majority of the 135
WTO member nations. The U.S. has one vote, and no
veto power. Congressmen have no power at all to
influence the WTO. Rep. Helen Chenoweth-Hage said
that congressmen were not even allowed access to the
recent WTO meeting in Seattle.

The issues of national sovereignty and constitutional
authority were systematically ignored by the speakers
who opposed the Paul resolution. Tom Reynolds,
R-N.Y., touted the WTO and pointed to an increase in
exports of $235 billion since the WTO came into
existence. Peter Visclosky, D-Ind., quickly countered
that during the same period, our overall trade deficit had
grown by $300 billion, a fact conveniently ignored by
WTO supporters.

WTO supporters tried to cast opponents as
"isolationists," and conjured up images of the Depression
and world wars that would follow withdrawal from the
WTO. During the period between 1947 and 1995,
foreign trade was conducted under the GATT (General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), a period that saw the
greatest global economic expansion in the history of the
world. GATT had no authority to impose fines or require
conformity to its rules.

Supporters of the WTO -- opponents of the Paul
proposal -- displayed an alarming willingness to look the
other way when confronted 

[CTRL] NM: White House Tried to Use Gun Tax to Ban Hunting

2000-07-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[No doubt the dominant media will ignore this! Darn, that Clinton
just keeps on going, and going, and going...like the Energizer
Bunny.  --MS]


Monday July 3, 2000; 11:20 AM EDT

White House Tried to Use Gun Tax to Ban Hunting

The Clinton administration misappropriated at least $45 million
dollars in taxes paid by gun owners, which were supposed to
underwrite a "sportsmen's trust fund," but were earmarked instead
for a variety of pet causes -- including a group dedicated to the
elimination of hunting.

The White House's shellgame with U.S.  Fish and Wildlife Service
money was first uncovered when the General Accounting Office
submitted the results of their investigation into conservation
tax expenditures to the House Resources Committee earlier this

"In at least one instance, pressure was applied to an employee of
the USFWS," reported American Rifleman Magazine in March, "to
fund a grant proposal submitted by a zealous animal rights group,
The Fund for Animals, which is dedicated to the elimination of
the very hunting heritage that those monies are collected to

USFWS monies were also misspent to bankroll another type of
"wildlife," says the magazine, with tax dollars from gun owners
going to pay for bureaucrats to travel to Brazil, Holland and
Japan and reimbursement for lavish meals, liquor and limousine

Another Clinton-Gore proposal earmarked $30 million in Duck Stamp
fees and hunting excise taxes turn Palmyra Atoll -- located 1,000
miles south of Hawaii -- into a national wildlfe refuge.  Total
number of ducks to be saved: ten -- the entire duck population on
Palmyra -- at $3 million per duck.

This latest Clinton scandal came to light largely through the
efforts of one man, James M.  Beers, a career civil servant with
the USFWS, who told Congress he smelled a rat when higher-ups
began to pressure him to approve the Fund for Animals grant.

Beers refused, noting that the radical anti-gun group wanted to
use hunters' tax money to distribute anti-hunting literature in
public schools and other public venues.

"I was badgered and intimidated to change my finding," Beers
testified. "A few months later I was curtly told I would be moved
to a non-existent, lower-grade job in Massachusetts."

Then things got really ugly, Beers said.

"I was locked out of my office, the police came to the building
to keep me from entering and I was threatened, in an unmarked
envelope left at my front door on a Sunday morning, with the loss
of my retirement for five years and the loss of my health
coverage forever if I did not retire immediately."

Beers did retire -- but then went straight to the authorities.

Mr.  Beers, meet Linda Tripp, Betty Lambuth, Dennis Sculimbrene,
Johnny Chung and a whole host of other Clinton administration
whistleblowers who were similarly victimized for trying to get
the truth out.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MSNBC: New Cox report may target Gore

2000-07-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

New Cox report may target Gore

Democrats suspect partisan motive behind foreign-policy critique

By Robert O'Neill
June 30

In late March, shortly before Vladimir Putin’s election as
Russian president, House Speaker J.  Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.,
announced he had formed a panel of Republican lawmakers charged
with the indelicate task of evaluating what went wrong in Russia
and with U.S.  policy toward the former superpower.  The man
Hastert selected to lead the panel, Rep. Christopher Cox,
R-Calif., said the transition from Boris Yeltsin to Putin would
be a perfect time to reassess a relationship that had, by any
standard, soured.

Capitol Hill’s frustration had obvious roots: Russia’s support of
Yugoslavia during the war in Kosovo; the brutal prosecution of
the war in Chechnya; the scandalous disappearance of capital from
Russia, including reports alleging that some international aid
landed in accounts in the United States; and, finally, the
meteoric rise of Putin, a former KGB officer, from near obscurity
to power.


“The state of affairs in Russia is not what we would wish,” said
Cox, the chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee, who
also led a special House GOP panel that issued a highly
publicized report in May 1999 charging China with stealing U.S.
nuclear secrets.

Now Cox’s panel on Russia has finished its research and is
beginning to draft a report, expected to be issued in late July,
that will detail a litany of problems in that country, from
financial scandals to organized crime to weapons proliferation.
But the report will focus largely on “the apparent mismanagement”
of Russian policy by the Clinton Administration, according to a
Republican congressional aide.

The task force has heard from visiting Russian officials and
senior Russian lawmakers, experts on the region, and even former
foreign service officers who were critical of the Clinton
Administration’s handling of U.S.-Russian relations.


Democrats have been excluded from the panel, named the Russia
Advisory Group.  In fact, they have taken to calling it by the
acronym RAG, which reflects their view that the policy review and
forthcoming report are politically suspect. The report’s release
will come shortly before the Republican National Convention
convenes at the end of the month in Philadelphia and the
Democrats meet in Los Angeles in mid-August.  Democrats expect
the report to be a thinly veiled attack on one of the most
visible architects of the Clinton Administration’s policy on
Russia: Vice President Al Gore, the presumptive Democratic
presidential nominee.

Republicans concede that their panel moved quickly to develop its
policy critique, but they say the panel did a thorough job.  Cox
began by traveling to Russia to monitor the March 26 presidential
elections, and upon his return, he directed several House
committees to scour their files for Russia-related materials.

Staff members from those committees met twice a week, while the
12 senior Republican lawmakers who sit on the panel-including the
chairmen of the Appropriations, Armed Services, Banking and
Financial Services, International Relations, and Select
Intelligence committees-met every Wednesday to review staff work
and discuss policy issues.

In May, Cox and Rep.  Curt Weldon, R-Pa., the chairman of the
Armed Services Military Research and Development Subcommittee and
a member of the Russia panel who is highly knowledgeable about
the country, traveled to Russia with Defense Secretary William


Republicans say the panel’s objective is to re-evaluate the
underpinnings of U.S.  policy during a time of crucial change.
“Our goal in this task force is to set the stage for a new,
positive U.S.-Russia relationship based on strong ties not just
between a small clique of wealthy ex-communists and our
government, but between the Russian people and the American
people,” Hastert said in announcing the formation of the panel.

Congressional Republicans have long been critical of the Clinton
Administration for overpersonalizing the relationship between the
two nations and investing U.S.  trust in the often-erratic
Yeltsin.  But the GOP report is also expected to hone in on
Gore’s personal role in developing bilateral policy, especially
his co-chairmanship of the U.S.-Russia Binational Commission
since its inception in 1993.

The commission was created to bring the two countries together on
a number of technical issues, such as space exploration and
energy.  It was led by Gore and his Russian counterpart,
then-Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, who fits the prototype
of Hastert’s “wealthy ex-communists” as much as the infamous
oligarchs who have taken control of so much of the Russian

The commission met about twice a year until the rapid succession
of premiers made its work difficult, and its biannual meetings
stopped in 1997.  It claims successes in a number 

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-03 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, David Sutherland wrote:

 Give 'em hell, Rabbi David!


 Well Rabbi LEZ (ggg) I was just thinking what great reBUTTers of HEADy
 proportions Granny June and lost loch nessie are!!!

Rabbi David:
 It is clear that we must put this in the context of the CTRL
Conspiracy which has to do with enforcing the neodialectic paradigm of
consensus that includes language as a whole, aka "Totem and Taboo in Bongo
Bongo Land" (formerly America). From the superior vantage points of more
advanced cultures in Australia and Canada we can see what is taking place
with respect to the dialectic of the dialectic. That of course translates
into talking about what we don't talk about, otherwise how can we comply
with the CTRL Conspiracy to substitute the superstition of taboo in the
dialectic for the reasoned and free discourse of civilized people living
in liberty? In particular, one must ask about the CTRL taboo in the footer
of every posting, a taboo which applies only to one group in the predicate
but many though not all groups in the subject. For example one of the CTRL
conspirators (oops I mean moderators) posted what appeared to be a
dialectical taboo last week but a certain un-named group is apparently
allowed to both construct and participate in the deconstruction of taboos
in Bongo Bongo Land. One might say that applies only to one taboo. But I
say it is a clear and powerful precedent established by arbitrary and
irrational criteria which leads to many other taboos such as those against
speaking against perverts and child murderers. In other words the CTRL
Conspiracy is nothing less than a conspiracy set on the path of the
paganization of America, thereby converting it into Bongo Bongo Land by
successive approximations via the neodialectic paradigm of enforced
consensus using the ages old mechanism of ostracization (list removal) as
the penalty for soundness of mind and expressed reasoning in the service
of liberty.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CTRL's Conspiracy Against Liberty and Justice

2000-07-03 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

The author of the information below will remain nameless as reprisal from
the Priesthood which enforces the Holy Taboos of Bongo Bongo South might
be forthcoming. However, the dialectic of the dialectic mandates that we
consider a posting by a CTRL moderator last week proferring a degree of
holocaust denial. The question is whether those who create a taboo in the
course of the paganization of America are also those who can destroy the
taboo? OTOH, perhaps there is only one priestly caste in Bongo Bongo Land
which has monopoly on the construction and deconstruction of ALL
taboos. Now these are sensible questions and they are vitally important in
understanding the insidious progression of paganization in America. The
moderator retorted by calling me "psychotic" BTW which is also a
traditional method for dealing with those who violate the tabos of
primitive and banal cultures, ie character assassination.


Yad Vashem is the official holocaust memorial organization in UN-Israel.
It's the same outfit that had an official State burial for a bar of
alleged "jewish soap," some years back. After about 40 years of making a
fortune on the belief, they finally confessed that there was no soap made
from jews, blaming the highly venerated jewish legend on "German

Krissy at CTRL will delete the
information before it hits the List.

  There was a statement by the Yad Vashem in an article a while back,
 where they noted that 80% or more of the 'eyewitness testimonies' are
 "highly unreliable."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [BCPolitics] Objectivism, capitalist theory and postcapitalist modern theory (fwd)

2000-07-03 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 11:20:05 -0500
From: Barry Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [BCPolitics] Objectivism,
 capitalist theory and postcapitalist modern theory

I have foudn the following very short paper that may shed light on
some of the issues re False Creek and Robot Consciousness.

Objectivism, capitalist theory and postcapitalist modern theory

Jane K. Parry
Department of Literature, Harvard University

1. Rushdie and neocultural conceptualism

In the works of Rushdie, a predominant concept is the concept of
dialectic art.  Sontag promotes the use of the modernist paradigm of
reality to attack the status quo. If textual theory holds, we have to
choose between capitalist theory and neocultural conceptualism.

Therefore, Marx suggests the use of textual theory to challenge
sexism.  Hanfkopf [1] suggests that the works of Rushdie are

Foucault's model of Baudrillardist simulacra holds that society,
somewhat paradoxically, has intrinsic meaning. It could be said that
the economy, and subsequent meaninglessness, of textual theory
prevalent in Midnight's Children emerges again in Midnight's Children.

However, the subject is interpolated into a capitalist theory that
includes consciousness as a whole.

2. Rushdie and capitalist deappropriation

If one examines neocultural conceptualism, one is faced with a choice:
either accept textual theory or conclude that sexual identity,
somewhat surprisingly, has intrinsic meaning. However, Sontag promotes
the use of capitalist theory to attack class divisions. Lyotard uses
the term 'textual theory' to denote the bridge between sexuality and

However, the main theme of the works of Rushdie is the role of the
poet as observer.

Any number of narratives concerning prepatriarchial textual theory may
be found. The subject is contextualised into a neodialectic paradigm
of concensus that includes language as a whole. Neocultural
conceptualism states that culture is intrinsically a legal
fiction. Therefore, if textual theory holds, we have to choose between
capitalist theory and neocultural conceptualism.

1. Hanfkopf, T. S. ed. (1987) The Collapse of Narrative: Capitalist
theory and textual theory. Cambridge University Press


Saving on Long Distance is BIG NEWS. Click here and find out how
you can save with beMANY!

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] CTRL's Conspiracy Against Liberty and Justice

2000-07-03 Thread Yardbird

 Yad Vashem is the official holocaust memorial organization in UN-Israel.
 It's the same outfit that had an official State burial for a bar of
 alleged "jewish soap," some years back. After about 40 years of making a
 fortune on the belief, they finally confessed that there was no soap made
 from jews, blaming the highly venerated jewish legend on "German

German propaganda? Why would the Germans create a lie that portrayed
themselves as human soap makers? This is just an attempt to lay
SOME/ANY guilt on the Germans for what Prof.Michael Shermer called a
"historical mistake" and what now looks to be a piece of very ugly
anti-German propaganda.

   There was a statement by the Yad Vashem in an article a while back,
  where they noted that 80% or more of the 'eyewitness testimonies' are
  "highly unreliable."

I'd say much higher these days with the aging of the alleged eyewitnesses.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Haredi Zionist Apostasy about Zionist Army

2000-07-03 Thread Yardbird

: The "Haredi" Zionist policies are getting more and more repulsive all
: the time. They are detaching themselves from the Torah they pretend to
: defend!  Read the article below on the issue of serving in the Zionist
: army. The "Haredi" hypocrites want everyone to believe that the
: preservation of the Jewish heritage means that kids who are not
: currently Torah-observant can have their lives sacrificed on the altar
: of the idolatrous state while ones who are in yeshiva should benefit
: from the Zionist slime and yet be made to believe that somehow their
: blood is redder than that of the boys going into the Zionist army.
: This is abject heresy! There is no such thing in Judaism that one
: person's blood is more precious than another. Why don't they tell the
: truth, than NO JEW should serve in the army of the Zionist idolatrous
: regime. No one should be forced to put his life on the line to
: maintain the empty dreams of the Zionist heretics, whether such person
: is currently Torah-observant or not! Shame on these "Haredi" parties!
: It's time to declare that they are more dangerous to the integrity of
: Judaism than the non-religious Zionists!! They are causing other Jews
: to sin and to be alienated from Judaism!

: Jul 3, 2000 - 12:05 PM

: Barak's Compromise Bill on
: Ultra-Orthodox Draft Pleases Few
: By Dina Kraft
: Associated Press Writer

: JERUSALEM (AP) - For the soldiers who want Jewish
: seminary students to join their ranks, it is a question of
: Israel's survival. For the ultra-Orthodox who aim to
: preserve the status quo, nothing less than the Jewish
: soul is at stake.

: The bitter debate over Israel's draft laws moved to
: parliament Monday when Prime Minister Ehud Barak
: began his attempt to shepherd a bill through parliament.

: The bill calls for seminary students to be exempt from
: military service until age 23 when it would be their
: decision to continue their studies or join the military for a
: shortened tour of service. Those for the bill argue it
: would increase the number of ultra-Orthodox soldiers.

: Monday's debate brought out frustration among many
: non-religious members who expressed their disgust
: with what they considered another sellout to the
: ultra-Orthodox politicians.

: "You're doing what you do every day, extortion and
: evasion of responsibility," thundered Yosef "Tommy"
: Lapid of the anti-religious Shinui party, shaking his fist
: at the podium in the direction of members of the
: ultra-Orthodox Shas, the main backers of the exemption
: bill.

: Previously, Jewish seminary students would apply for
: exemption from military service on an individual basis at
: age 18 and the exemptions were usually granted.

: Neither side is happy with the bill - not so surprising for
: a debate cast in existential terms so strident that even
: this boisterous political culture is reeling from the verbal
: blows. The fight is fast becoming the latest in a series of
: rifts afflicting Barak's fragile government.

: The ultra-Orthodox say that full-time study at seminaries
: is the only way to preserve the Jewish heritage nearly
: wiped out during the Holocaust, when the Nazis and
: their allies murdered six million Jews in
: German-occupied Europe between 1939-45.

: In 1949, Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion,
: exempted 400 seminary students from the draft. Today
: the number has climbed to about 30,000 full-time
: students.

: "There is no reason for one sector of the population to
: contribute everything while another does not," said Yuval
: Lester, a soldier who lost both arms in a grenade
: accident, and who has joined a protest tent across from
: Barak's office.

: The ultra-Orthodox comprise about 7 percent of a
: population of 6 million in Israel. Modern Orthodox Jews,
: who make up about 13 percent of the population, readily
: serve. Most Israeli Arabs, making up 18 percent of the
: population, are exempted from service.

: A group of soldier activists says the bill amounts to
: discrimination. While the soldiers don't expect the army
: to absorb all the seminary students, the soldiers say if
: the students do not serve in the military, they should
: have to perform some type of national service.

: "Wherever you turn, the 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Pearl Jam concert turns deadly

2000-07-03 Thread blue honey

Did I miss the "Pearl Jam concert turns deadly" part of your posts or is
this a thread that has changed topics?

Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Pearl Jam concert turns deadly

Oh death of RFK David, that is when I discovered a
conspiracy..always thought JFK was killed by a nut - but someone
Walter Lippman in 1968 drew my attention, and bungled onto so secrets
which led me to so believe a conspiracy..it was then I remembered
the Order of the Lily and the Rose
and realized that the Kennedys were being set up for murder - had
evidence but no proof, but then as it is, most everything is a theory.

Get into programming killers and you have lots of answers..train
them like K9 dogs and sometimes not only a look but a word can kill...

But this element succeeded in murdering anybody who was a threat to
their goalby the end of this year, we will know if they win for now
they work on Israel - divide and conquer as they do the USA, which is
divided and almost conquered...systematic murder of leads philosophy to
demoralize oppositiongoodbye Democrat Party, now saturated with
guess what?  CFR controlled now

Even Jimmy Hoffa - for you would never find that man, sitting with

So wait until December 31, 2001.we see who wins.

If we go into solar age this year, well forget it.
No Holy War in Holy Land and jews and arabs will live in peace.

We did win the Revolutionary War did we not?   No more Kennedy's to kill
to amount to much, for the good ones are gone.   I did not want RFK for
president, for "I just knew he would be killed" for we all had been told
accordingly long enough...

So today knowing what I know one can tell who is ging to be killed, and
I have their timetable.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] CTRL's Conspiracy Against Liberty and Justice -Adios FWP . . .

2000-07-03 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 7/3/00 12:41:50 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Krissy at CTRL will delete the
information before it hits the List.

 There has never been any preview of posts, your drivel should be proof
enough of that.

Mr. Poley,  personally, I have had enough of your blather, clogging up the
list. Adios.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] American Anthem

2000-07-03 Thread Bard


FREE, Go get it at:


 AmericanCountry General
Lo Fi: Play (28.8k modems or faster)
Hi Fi: Play (high-speed connections) Download (4.6 MB)
Song Story  Email Song  Add to My.MP3.com
Description: Patriotic song about America and it's greatness.
CD: High IntegrityCredits: Writer: Robin Bolden

B. A. T. F.
Bad Attitude Towards Freedom

Drug Dependency = Dependency on government programs!

The Lesser of Two Evils is Still EVIL!

Pro Libertate - For Freedom

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The bill to terminate the Internal Revenue Code on December 31, 2004

2000-07-03 Thread Bard

It has to be effective JANUARY 1ST, 2001.
Re-submit the Bill with the Date change.

Liberty is Personal Responsibility!
Personal Responsibility is Liberty!

B. A. T. F.
Bad Attitude Towards Freedom

Drug Dependency = Dependency on government programs!

The Lesser of Two Evils is Still EVIL!

Pro Libertate - For Freedom

I will not be stampeded into voting
for the lesser of the two evils
representing the two wings of the
same bird of prey, named
The Peoples National Socialist Democratic Republican Party.

- Original Message -
From: "Jack Aiken Lancaster" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "CNN" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "ChristianPatriot"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Chris Jackson at WBAP Radio-Network/s"
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2000 2:05 PM
Subject: Fw: The bill to terminate the Internal Revenue Code on December 31,

 - Original Message -
 From: Mike Vallone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 03, 2000 8:51 AM
 Subject: The bill to terminate the Internal Revenue Code on December 31,

  As I told you when I was out there.  A Bill - H.R. 4199 - has been in
  congress since earlier this year.  It terminates the Code as of
  It passed the House on April 14, 2000 and is now in committee in the
  You can track the bill using the THOMAS website, which is www.thomas.gov
  I have included below, both the bill and its legislative history.
  Mike Vallone
  Sponsor: Rep Largent, Steve (introduced 4/6/2000)
  Related Bills: H.RES.473
  Latest Major Action: 4/13/2000 Passed House
  Title: To terminate the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
  Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.
  4/12/2000 4:41pm:
  Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 473 Reported to House. Rule provides
  consideration of H.R. 4199 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous
  shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion
  recommit with or without instructions. Provides that the text of H.R.
  be considered as adopted. Measure will be considered read. Bill is
  4/13/2000 2:36pm:
  Rule H. Res. 473 passed House.
  4/13/2000 2:37pm:
  Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 473. (consideration: CR
  4/13/2000 3:50pm:
  The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
  4/13/2000 3:51pm:
  Mr. Rangel moved to recommit with instructions to Ways and Means.
  4/13/2000 4:09pm:
  The previous question on the motion to recommit with instructions was
  ordered without objection.
  4/13/2000 4:30pm:
  On motion to recommit with instructions Failed by the Yeas and Nays:
191 -
  228 (Roll no. 126). (text: CR H2283-2289)
  4/13/2000 4:38pm:
  On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 229 - 187 (Roll no. 127). (text:
  106th CONGRESS
  2d Session
  H. R. 4199
  To terminate the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
  HR 4199 EH
  106th CONGRESS
  2d Session
  H. R. 4199
  To terminate the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
  Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
  States of America in Congress assembled,
  This Act may be cited as the `Date Certain Tax Code Replacement Act'.
  The purpose of this Act is to set a date certain for replacing the
  Revenue Code of 1986 with a simple and fair alternative.
  (a) IN GENERAL- No tax shall be imposed by the Internal Revenue Code of
  (1) for any taxable year beginning after December 31, 2004; and
  (2) in the case of any tax not imposed on the basis of a taxable year,
  any taxable event or for any period after December 31, 2004.
  (b) EXCEPTION- Subsection (a) shall not apply to taxes imposed by--
  (1) chapter 2 of such Code (relating to tax on self-employment income);
  (2) chapter 21 of such Code (relating to Federal Insurance Contributions
  Act); and
  (3) chapter 22 of such Code (relating to Railroad Retirement Tax Act).
  (a) FINDINGS- The Congress finds the following:
  (1) The Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is overly complex, imposes
  burdens on individuals and businesses and the economy, is extremely
  difficult for the Internal Revenue Service to administer, and is in need
  fundamental reform and simplification.
  (2) Many of the problems encountered by taxpayers in dealing with the
  Internal Revenue Service could be eliminated or alleviated by

[CTRL] How Independent Are We?

2000-07-03 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

How Independent Are We?
Paul Weyrich
July 3, 2000

Tomorrow is what we call Independence Day. We celebrate our victory over the
British and the birth of a New Nation. But as we begin this new century, it
might be well to ask ourselves just how independent we still are.
First, thanks to a host of presidents and compliant Congresses over the past
half-century, we are tangled up with the United Nations and a host of other
international organizations. It is not entirely clear how much independence
we even have to defend ourselves if necessary. Do we need the UN's
permission? The merits of the Gulf War are open to debate but one thing is
for sure - then-President George Bush set a terrible precedent by seeking the
okay of the UN before we put the coalition together against Saddam.

And when it comes to energy, it is clear we are not independent at all. The
OPEC boys are laughing all the way to the bank as we approach them on
bended-knee to ask them to increase production. There was a moment, during
the oil crisis of 1973 and '74 that we might have taken the road toward
independence. President Gerald Ford isn't noted for much, but that was an
initiative he tried to take. We had the resources at the time to handle our
energy needs internally if we were willing to develop some of the sources now
tied up in wilderness areas, and if we had been willing to pursue oil shale.
But instead we took the easy road and became more and more dependent on
foreign sources. Those sources could shut this country down cold if they ever
wanted to.

Meanwhile, the federal government keeps locking up not only additional oil
and gas sources, but it continues to make it increasingly difficult to mine
coal as well. There seems to be a deliberate strategy on the part of policy
makers to continue to keep us dependent.

And what of our defense? We have poured nearly $60 billion into the strategic
defense initiative. So far we have almost nothing to show it.

America right now cannot be defended. That doesn't suggest to me that we are
very independent. Strategic defense is absolutely the right way to go, but we
have not had people in charge of the project who really believed in it for a
long, long time. There may come a time very soon when the question will be

And, of course, there is the globalization of the economy. Many argue that it
is a good thing that we are all becoming so interdependent on one another.
You can scarcely name a product or appliance that is totally produced and
assembled in this country anymore. Perhaps there is, as many suggest, nothing
we could have done to stop this trend. All I know is that I felt a lot more
secure knowing that this country could produce whatever it needed to for
whatever reason whenever it wanted to. Now everything from strategic minerals
to various parts of everything from weapons to washing machines are in the
hands of someone else. And if that someone else decides for whatever reason
they don't want us to have what they possess or make, we can well be up a

The more visible third party candidates, Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader, have
no chance to be elected, and many of their views don't make sense in the
current world. But they can do their nation one enormous service. They can
raise this question of independence. They can make Vice-President Al Gore and
Texas Governor George W. Bush answer some questions and face up to the issue
of what they would do about our situation if elected.

By the grace of God we have survived the presidents and policies we have had
inflicted upon us over these past decades. But we can't hide our heads in the
sand forever. It is high time we look at just how independent we really are
and if there is still time, take steps to get back down the road toward
genuine independence.

Happy Fourth of July!

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!

A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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CTRL is a discussion  

[CTRL] Sorry, Our Founding Fathers Aren't P.C.

2000-07-03 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sorry, Our Founding Fathers Aren't P.C.
Oliver North
June 30, 2000

WASHINGTON - On the Fourth of July, only a handful of Americans will pause to
commemorate the anniversary of our nation's independence. I used to think it
was a shame, how little attention was paid to our national birthday. But on
reflection, I've decided it's good that we not dwell on the people and events
that gave rise to this little holiday.
First, it's not politically correct. The "founders" as they are sometimes
called, were all men - white men - and crediting white men with anything
today just doesn't wash. Second, a careful examination of that handful of
patriots who gathered 224 years ago this week to sign that Declaration of
Independence invites too many discomfiting comparisons with today's political

Few Americans know that the Declaration was actually drafted by a committee
of five: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Philip Livingston, Roger Sherman, and
of course, Thomas Jefferson. Fewer still know that most of the work on the
document was done between June 10 and July 2 (when the Continental Congress
actually resolved to declare independence from Great Britain) in a boarding
house at the intersection of Market and 7th Streets in Philadelphia.

The draft document was so good that when debate ended late on July 4, the
larger body made but 86 changes, eliminating 480 words, and leaving 1,337 of
the most dramatic words in any political manifesto.

The Declaration is far more than an assertion of freedom or a bill of
particulars levied at a tyrant. No other founding document for any nation
reflects on "the laws of nature and of nature's God." No other proclamation
declares that all people are "endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness." No other national manuscript appeals to "the Supreme Judge of the
World for the Rectitude of our Intentions." And no other mechanism of
national design or intent places the fate of its founders in the hand of God
with words like this: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm
Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each
other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor."

Good thing they weren't writing this stuff in a public school!

In an era when Fidel Castro and Che Guevara are revered revolutionaries, the
56 who signed the Declaration just don't cut the mustard. They were all men
of means, well educated and wealthy by the standards of the day. Twenty-four
were lawyers and jurists; 11 were successful merchants and traders; 9, like
Jefferson, were prosperous farmers. Nine of them would die before the war was
over; 5 were captured and tortured by the British and 12 had their homes
looted and destroyed.

Neither John Morton of Pennsylvania nor Button Gwinnett, the signer from
Georgia, would live to see the first anniversary of their signatures. Philip
Livingston, the merchant from Albany, New York who served on Jefferson's
drafting committee, was dead before the second anniversary. Thomas Lynch, a
farmer from South Carolina died of wounds received in a 1179 naval engagement.

Carter Braxton, a wealthy trader from Virginia saw his armada of trading
vessels swept from the seas in battle. To pay his debts, he sold all that he
owned and died in rags in 1797.

Thomas McKean, a lawyer from Delaware, served without pay as a member of the
Continental Congress. The British forced him to flee with his impoverished
family five times during the war. When he died in 1817, his sons had to take
up a collection from their neighbors to pay for his funeral.

Thomas Nelson of Yorktown, Virginia borrowed 2 million dollars to provision
the French Fleet that would eventually come to our aid. After the war he
liquidated his entire estate to pay back the money he borrowed because the
Congress refused to reimburse him. He died penniless in 1789.

John Hart, a New Jersey farmer was driven from his wife's sickbed by a
British patrol and lived on the run for more than a year. Upon learning that
his beloved wife was failing, he took the terrible chance of returning home
to find her dead and his children gone. When he died a few weeks later, on
May 11, 1779, his friends said it was of a broken heart.

John Hancock, the merchant from Quincy, Massachusetts, claimed that his bold
signature would allow King George to read it without spectacles. When the
British burned the port that made him rich, Hancock was reported to have
said: "Burn, Boston, though it makes John Hancock a beggar, burn!"

All 56 signers were hunted, hounded and declared criminals. All were
indicted, tried in absentia for treason, and all were convicted and
condemned. Yet, despite all they endured, not one man broke his pledge. They
were the definition of the word, "courage" and a far cry from today's
political leaders who ask us to define "is," and 

[CTRL] U.S. Spies Now Work for Big Business

2000-07-03 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. Spies Now Work for Big Business
Monday, July 3, 2000
In a shocking expose of the high-tech industrial espionage campaign launched
by the Clinton administration on behalf of America’s industrial complex,
Britain’s Independent newspaper explains "How America spies on us for its
oldest friend – the Dollar."
Calling it "The new cold war," the Independent charged that U.S. intelligence
agencies such as the CIA and the supersecret National Security Agency (NSA)
have filled in the gap left by the end of their cold war responsibilities by
spying on foreign companies and helping to reap billions of dollars in
overseas contracts for U.S. firms by supplying them with surreptitiously
obtained inside information.

Using the incredible capabilities of the hush-hush Echelon system the United
States, Britain and Australia employ to eavesdrop on telephone calls, e-mail
and faxes sent via satellite, U.S. spy agencies have intercepted
communications between foreign governments and European businesses and turned
their secrets over to American companies to help them win major overseas

The paper charged that the use of intelligence agencies to help fatten the
coffers of American companies got underway with the advent of the Clinton
administration when it saw that the huge and then largely unemployed Cold War
U.S. intelligence apparatus could be easily redirected against its Cold War
allies’ economies.

"At stake was not just routine international trade, but new opportunities
created by the demise of communism and fast-growing markets in countries that
US trade officials dubbed "BEMs" – Big Emerging Markets, such as China,
Brazil and Indonesia," the newspaper revealed.

One shocking case of the misuse of America’s highly sophisticated spy
apparatus cited by the Independent "as the result of the new Clinton policy"
was the January 1994 incident when French Prime Minister Edouard Balladur
flew to Saudi Arabia to sign a $6 billion deal for armaments, airliners and
maintenance, including sales of the European Airbus.

"He flew home empty-handed," the paper reports.

The reason: "[Using] a commercial communications satellite, NSA lifted all
the faxes and phone-calls between the European consortium Airbus, the Saudi
national airline and the Saudi government. The agency found that Airbus
agents were offering bribes to a Saudi official. It passed the information to
U.S. officials pressing the bid of Boeing Co.," the Baltimore Sun later

According to the Independent, "Clinton's government intervened with the
Saudis and the contract went to Boeing."

Another instance of the use of U.S. intelligence agencies playing a key role
in a commercial deal concerned Brazil.

"In 1994, NSA intercepted phone-calls between France's Thomson-CSF and Brazil
concerning SIVAM, a $1.4 billion surveillance system for the Amazon rain
forest. The company was alleged to have bribed members of the Brazilian
government selection panel. The contract was awarded to the US Raytheon
Corporation – which announced afterwards that ‘the Department of Commerce
worked very hard in support of US industry on this project’ ".

In still another, the CIA tracked British competitive strategies in a
competition to build a 700MW power station near Bombay. In January 1995, the
$400 million contract was awarded to the U.S. companies Enron, GE and

Documents and information obtained by the Independent on Sunday revealed that
the vital question of whether U.S. intelligence should be routinely employed
to help U.S. business was resolved after Clinton’s election in 1993. He named
top Democratic National Party fund-raisers, including the late Secretary of
State for Commerce, Ron Brown, to senior posts and launched a policy "to
aggressively support U.S. bidders in global competitions where advocacy is in
the national interest".

U.S. firms that have benefited from Clinton-sponsored industrial espionage
have responded generously with campaign contributions to the Clinton/Gore
campaigns and the Democratic National Committee, critics note.

The core of what the paper called "the new, coordinated Clinton trade
campaign is the 'Advocacy Center' inside the Department of Commerce" ... run
by the US Department of Commerce’s ‘Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee.’

"Declassified minutes of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee from 1994
show that the CIA's role in drumming up business for the US was not limited
to looking for bribery, or even lobbying by foreign governments. For a series
of meetings dealing with Indonesia, 16 officials were circulated with
information. Five of the officials were from the CIA. Three of the five
worked inside the Commerce Department itself, in a department called the
‘Office of Executive Support.’ The fifth, Robert Beamer, was from CIA

That office is nothing less than a high-security 

[CTRL] Fox triumps in Mexico

2000-07-03 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Fox triumps in Mexico
71 years of PRI toppled


By Alfredo Corchado and Laurence Iliff / The Dallas Morning News

MEXICO CITY – Maverick politician Vicente Fox ended the ruling party's
71-year grip on Mexico Sunday, winning the presidency by awakening hopes in
Mexicans weary of economic crises, corruption and a growing crime wave.

More election news
 This story: En español
 New leader promises
reform | En español
 Audio: Exclusive interview
with Fox (Requires free RealPlayer 7)
 Obstacles anger border
voters | En español
 Voting in Chiapas relatively
calm | En español
 Dallas residents say they're
 Video from khou.com
(Requires free RealPlayer 7)
 Election photos
 Exit poll results

Mr. Fox, of the center-right National Action Party, or PAN, faced not just
the ruling party's world-famous political machine but a divided opposition in
his 12-year political quest to make history in Mexico.

Shortly after 11 p.m. local time, President Ernesto Zedillo congratulated Mr.
Fox on his victory and promised to work closely with his successor to ensure
Mexico's first ever peaceful transition of power.

"The next president of the Republic will be Vicente Fox," said Mr. Zedillo,
whose Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, has ruled since 1929.

With 87 percent of the official count tallied early Monday, Fox had 43.4
percent and Francisco Labastida of the ruling party had 35.2 percent.
Preliminary turnout was a record 65 percent.

Mr. Fox, the former Coca-Cola executive and Guanajuato governor, was
comfortably ahead of PRI candidate Francisco Labastida, who conceded shortly
after the Mexican president acknowledged the ruling party's loss.

"The citizens have taken a decision that we should all respect," said Mr.
Labastida, in humbly conceding defeat. "I'll set the example."

In the first interview given to a news organization, Mr. Fox told The Dallas
Morning News that after Sunday's celebration – which came on his 58th
birthday – he would begin preparing for the transition that will take place
Dec. 1.

"This is historic and this is great for Mexico," he said. "This is the change
we have all been waiting for. And the challenge starts today."

He said he would meet Mr. Zedillo on Monday.

"We will work very closely with President Zedillo and certainly take all the
advice and the experience that exists in his government," he said. "We're
sure that we will work with harmony on all matters and we will keep and
continue advancing governmental programs and start to put together next
year's budget."

Asked about his relationship with the United States, Mr. Fox said:

"Fortunately, I do have a deep knowledge of the philosophy, the thinking of
the U.S. people. I'm looking forward with enthusiasm and excitement to the
future we can build. We are neighbors, we are friends, we must be partners.
We must have a common future, according to development, to jobs, to better
income, to good quality of life.

"And I'm absolutely convinced that through working together, through NAFTA
and through other institutions that we can build up for the future and make
sure that the two countries can win, win, win."

The polling firm Mitofsky International gave Mr. Fox a lead of 44 percent to
Mr. Labastida's 38 percent. And in a distant third was leftist leader
Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, running for a third time, with 16 percent.

A separate exit poll sponsored by the U.S. bipartisan group Democracy Watch
also gave Mr. Fox a 6-percentage-point margin over his nearest rival. A third
sponsored by Mexico's National Chamber of Radio and Television gave Mr. Fox
43 percent to Mr. Labastida's 34 percent.

And a "quick count" of results at a representative sample of polling places
sponsored by the nation's highest electoral authority, the independent
Federal Electoral Institute, put Mr. Fox at 46 percent to Mr. Labastida's 37

"Should these tendencies be confirmed, it would be an end of an era," said
Televisa anchorman Joaquín Lopez Doriga. "It would be an expression of a new

On hearing the exit poll numbers, thousands of well-wishers surrounding the
PAN headquarters in Mexico City began chanting "We won, we won, this one is
for Mexico."

Thousands of Mexico City residents poured into the streets around campaign
headquarters and began gathering around the Angel of Independence, a national
monument in the capital, where they danced, cheered and celebrated the end of
71 years of PRI rule. Cars honked their horns in rhythmic unison, while
pedestrians waved Mexican flags or the white and blue colors of the PAN.

"This is something beautiful!" exclaimed Arturo Gómez, 46, who owns a
plastics factory in Mexico City. "After 71 years, it's about time."

PAN officials set up loudspeakers and a dais, where a party was expected to
last most of the night. In an election night irony, most of the intersection
around the Angel was decorated with 

[CTRL] Buchanan Blasts Conspiracy of Two Party Political System

2000-07-03 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Buchanan Blasts "Conspiracy" of Two Party Political System
Monday, July 03, 2000

Pat Buchanan, conservative firebrand and likely US presidential nominee of
the Reform Party, argued Sunday for a spot in televised presidential debates,
currently restricted to the two major parties.

The two-party formula for debate offers US voters little choice, Buchanan

"The presidential debate commission is basically a little collusive
conspiracy between the two major parties in power, Republicans and
Democrats," he said on CNN's Late Edition.

The debates, which begin in October "are going to decide the election,"
according to Buchanan.

In his remarks on the dominance of the two major parties, Buchanan, who left
the Republican Party last fall, sounded similar to Green Party candidate
Ralph Nader. "We've got a one-party establishment in Washington, Republicans
are one half of it, Democrats the other half," Buchanan said.

"We're into giving the American people an authentic choice of a candidate who
genuinely believes in small government, in getting our troops out of these
wars in the Balkans that both major parties support," he added.

Buchanan, 61, said he could win if he was given a spot on the debates and
media coverage.

"The majority of Americans support me on immigration, the majority of
Americans didn't want NAFTA, a majority of Americans didn't want this rotten
trade deal with communist China that gives away the store and gets us nothing
in return but missiles pointed at our country," he said.

Buchanan seems certain to be given the Reform Party nod at its convention in
Long Beach, California on August 10-13, after Texas magnate Ross Perot
announced June 30 that he would not seek the nomination this year.

Perot founded the Reform Party in 1992 after winning 19 percent of the vote
as an independent candidate for president -- the best showing by a candidate
outside the Democratic or Republican parties since 1912.

In 1996, Perot won eight percent of the vote.

Buchanan's candidacy for the November 2000 race is opposed by Perot loyalists
in the Reform Party. They accuse Buchanan, who is more conservative than
Perot on social issues, of splitting the party and orchestrating a takeover
of state parties by his own followers.

Observers have said Nader's candidacy is likely to weaken Gore's chances by
taking votes from the left, while Buchanan is likely to draw far-right votes
from Bush.

A Newsweek poll of registered voters out Monday found that in a four-way
presidential contest the competition between the presumptive Democratic and
Republican nominees would be very tight. For the Republicans, Texas Governor
George W. Bush would win 41 percent, while likely Democratic presidential
candidate Vice President Al Gore would win 40 percent.

Nadar had the support of six percent of those polled and Buchanan just two

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Germany: Once again Michael Pardue

2000-07-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dr. Andreas van Almsick)
Subject:Once again Michael Pardue
Date sent:  Mon, 3 Jul 2000 20:05:39 +0200

Dear Mr. Webre,

Thank you for your fast answer. i will attach a translation of an article
Michael Pardue published on 20.12.99 from the national available "Frankfurter
Rundschau". This shoulf give you an impression how Michael's case is seen
here in Germany.

Best regards

A. van Almsick

26 years innocent behind bars?

Michael Pardue was sentenced to life in the US state of Alabama for homicides
never committed.

By Jörg-Michael Dettmer (Fort Worth)

For the past 26 years the 43-year old Michael Pardue has been in prison in
US federal state of Alabama. His case is like a nightmare: Pardue was
to life  in 1973 when he was 17-years old because of a triple homicide.
the Supreme Court of Alabama set aside this controversial verdict in 1997 due
a lack of proof, Pardue is still behind bars for life without the possibility
pardon. This is because he has escaped three times from prison.

In Alabama there is a strict law, "Three strikes and you are out", in German:
three crimes means life. A controversial law enacted to fight against the
spreading crime in the country. Therefore Michael Pardue must remain in
for his three escape attempts even though he was trying to escape detention
a crime of which he was in all likelihood innocent.

This is the history of his case: In the early morning of May 22nd , 1973 the
owners of two gas stations, located 25 kilometers from each other in the
of Alabama, were brutally murdered. On the same night Michael Pardue had
and behaved foolishly with a friend and a girlfriend at a Motel in Saraland.
17-year old boy stole a pickup-truck to drive to Mobile with the girl and,
this later got stuck in mud, a Volkswagen. The motel was only three
away from one of the scenes of the crime.

According to Pardue the police became aware of him because of the stolen
He was summoned the next day and had prepared himself to be arrested for car
theft. But it all turned out differently. The local police force of the city
Saraland apparently stood under immense media and public pressure to clear up
the brutal homicides. In Michael Pardue they believed they had found the

After 78 hours interrogation by a total of ten police officials and
Michael Pardue confessed to three homicides. This was because in the meantime
further victim of homicide had been found. During the marathon interrogation
17-year old was threatened and beaten, received hardly anything to eat and
prevented from sleeping. Pardue was not allowed to talk to an attorney not to
call his family. The officials threatened him with the death penalty even
it wasn't being implemented at that time in USA.

Michael Pardue's complete murder trial lasted only one and a half hours. His
attorney made absolutely no efforts to help him in anyway. The 17-year old
sentenced to life imprisonment.

"I was not exactly a good boy at that time but I am not a murderer ", Michael
Pardue writes in a letter from prison. "My confession was extorted in a most
brutal way. I was only 17 years old at that time, I was quite alone, I was
without any influence and couldn't defend  myself".  Not a single piece of
evidence was presented by the Office of the District Attorney during the
that convicted Pardue as a murderer. The only proof linking him to the three
homicides was his verbal confession which one of the officials that had been
involved in the interrogation - once more verbally - summarized in front of
court. There never was a written confession. In a second trial in the year
Michael Pardue was again convicted of homicide and sentenced to 100 years
custody. For inexplicable reasons an audio tape suddenly appeared containing
confession of 1973. At this stage the Supreme Court of Alabama interfered. It
didn't allow the tape to be used as evidence because the confession had been
illegally coerced. The conviction was overturned and all charges of homicide
against Pardue were dropped.

Pardue and his attorneys have listed a whole kaleidoscope of faults,
inconsistencies, fraud and others shocking facts associated with his case.
example, as the interrogation proceeded, Pardue identified weapon used in the
crime as a shotgun, which belonged to relatives. When the police found the
weapon in the cupboard of Pardues aunt, there were according to the attending
officers spider's webs and rust in the barrel. The same shotgun appeared
polished in the trial. And:  It had been recently fired.

Criminologists said, that the bullet wounds of the gas station attendants
pointed to a pistol or a rifle rather than a shotgun. Neither blood nor gun
powder residues were found on Michael Pardues 

[CTRL] AF News 4 Jul 00

2000-07-03 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

001011.  Staff sergeant promotion list due out July 19

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- The Air Force plans to release the
list of its newest staff sergeant promotees July 19 (July 20 for those units
across the international dateline).  This year's release comes almost a
month earlier than last year's staff sergeant promotion list.

Air Force Personnel Center officials cite several reasons for this year's
earlier release.  Many will recall that last year the Air Force was in the
midst of Operation ALLIED FORCE, and had numerous airmen deployed.  "The
late August release date last year accommodated those who were deployed and
gave many of them an opportunity to return and test," center officials said.

"We have also pledged to our customers worldwide that we will continue to
strive for sooner promotion releases rather than later."  This year, partly
because of reduced testing windows, AFPC was able to get most of the tests
for staff sergeant eligibles processed and scored sooner.  There are
approximately 40,000 eligibles this year.

The promotion quota has not been determined yet, so the exact promotion
percentage is not known at this time.  "We are confident that percentages
for all ranks, including staff sergeant will remain at or above TOPCAP
objectives for the foreseeable future," center officials added.  (Courtesy
of AFPC News Service)

001009.  Pentagon honors Recruiters of the Year
by Rudi Williams
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- Twelve military recruiters, six family members, top
Pentagon officials and guests listened during a special ceremony June 29 as
Deputy Defense Secretary Rudy de Leon praised the Recruiters of the Year for
excelling in "one of our greatest military challenges."

"The men and women we honor today face the toughest of tasks every day --
providing our nation with soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast
Guardsmen to protect America's interests and ideals around the world," said
de Leon.  He noted that the mission of America's armed forces, from Kosovo
to Korea, and the peace, security and prosperity of the nation, would be
impossible without the hard work of America's outstanding corps of

De Leon said the military needs quality recruits because of the military's
increasing reliance on sophisticated technologies, and because service
members are asked to be warriors, diplomats and engineers.

De Leon said recruiting is "one of the most challenging missions in the
armed forces today."  He said the mission becomes harder with every drop in
unemployment and every rise in wages in America's "red hot economy."

"But despite the enormity of the challenge of recruiting nearly 30,000 young
people every month, America's recruiters have demonstrated that they're up
to this job," de Leon said.  "That's why we are supporting our recruiters
with increased enlistment bonuses and educational benefits and by a major
rise in recruiting advertising over the last year."

De Leon said the 12 recruiters the Pentagon honored this year "are the best
of the best" in their daily labor of keeping America's armed forces robust
and ready.  "They stand for the more than 20,000 active duty, National Guard
and reserve recruiters who deliver the message of military service
opportunities to the American people every day," he noted.

"Representing each service ... these men and women were chosen because they
have excelled beyond their peers in a very tough and challenging business,"
de Leon said.

This year's Recruiters of the Year were:

Air Force Master Sgt. David C. Anderson, Aiea, Hawaii
Air Force Master Sgt. Rowena Reitan, San Antonio
Air National Guard Master Sgt. Karen Y. Hunter, Oklahoma City
Army Staff Sgt. Feliece Y. Cortez, Anderson, Ind.
Army Sgt. 1st Class Elizabeth Green, Los Angeles
Army National Guard Sgt. 1st Class David M. Fulkerson, Evansville, Ind.
Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Alain Reyes, Dupage, Ill.
Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Darrell Holmes, Seal Beach, Calif.
Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Martin Colon, Elizabeth, N.J.
Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Larry M. Lipson, Milwaukee
Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st Class Isabel S. Caporale, Newark, N.J.
Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Gregory J. Satchwell, Tampa, Fla.

Before the recognition ceremony, the 12 recruiters and a spouse
representative participated in an hour-long round-table discussion on issues
affecting recruiting.  Led by de Leon, the roundtable discussion included
Charles L. Cragin, assistant secretary of defense for reserve affairs;
Alphonso Maldon Jr., assistant secretary of defense for force management
policy; Navy Vice Adm. Patricia A. Tracey, deputy assistant secretary of
defense for military personnel policy; and service secretaries or their

001012.  DOD, VA streamline disability claims process

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- A jointly sponsored Department of Defense and
Department of Veterans Affairs 


2000-07-03 Thread Bill Richer


BOSTON (AP) April 20th -- Police and National Guard units
seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault
weapons were ambushed Sunday by elements of a para-
military right wing extremist faction. Military  law enforcement
sources estimate that 72 were killed and more  than 200
injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw.

Speaking after the clash, Massachusetts Governor Thomas
Gage declared that the extremist militia faction, has citizens
who have links to the  radical right wing tax protest movement.
Gage blamed the militia for  recent incidents of vandalism
directed against internal revenue offices.

The Governor, who described the groups organizers as
"terrorists," issued an executive order authorizing the summary
arrest of any individual who has interfered with the governments
efforts to secure law  order.

The law enforcement team augmented by elements of the
National Guard were sent to raid a militia arsenal after wide
spread refusal of right wing extremists to turn over recently
outlawed assault weapons. This decision followed a meeting in
early July between government  law enforcement which
authorized the confiscation of the illegal arms, known as the
weapons of choice among criminals and militia's.

One government official,  speaking on condition of anonymity,
pointed out "that none of these people would have been killed
had right wing extremists obeyed the law and turned over the
weapons voluntarily."

Police  Government forces initially succeeded in confiscating
a large supply of outlawed weapons  ammunition. However,
troops attempting to seize arms and ammunition in Lexington
met with resistance from heavily armed militia extremists who
had been tipped off regarding the governments plans.

During a tense standoff in Lexington's town park, National
Guard Colonel Francis Smith, commander of the government
operation, ordered the armed group to surrender and return to
their homes. The impasse was broken by a single shot, which
was reportedly fired by one of the right wing extremists. Eight
civilians were killed in the ensuing exchange.

Ironically, the local citizens blamed the government forces
rather than the extremists for the civilian deaths. Before order
could be restored, heavily armed militia groups from
surrounding areas had descended upon the police and guard
units. Colonel Smith finding his forces overmatched by militia
mobs, ordered a retreat.

Governor Gage has called upon citizens to support the
state/national joint task force in its effort to restore law and
order. The governor has also demanded the surrender of those
responsible for planning and leading the attack against the
government. Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and John Hancock,
who have been identified as "ringleaders" of the extremist
militia faction, remain at large.

---  end  --

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Pinko Teachers' Union Solution = 5 yr High Schools

2000-07-03 Thread Bard

[ Just another pinko plan to suck the Taxpayers dry,
   and to make certain your Child in properly brain-washed. ]

Teachers pan five-year high school proposal

United Press International - July 03, 2000 17:44

CHICAGO, July 3 (UPI) - Teachers attending the National Education
Association's annual meeting generally opposed a fifth year of high school
for low-skills students proposed by the head of the American Federation of

AFT President Sandra Feldman Monday unveiled her plan in a speech to 4,000
members of the nation's second-largest teachers union in Philadelphia.

Feldman said she thinks students who are identified as deficient in basic
skills -- like reading, writing and math -- and who are at-risk of dropping
out of high school should have to undergo a year of special programs to
bring them back up to standards.

Basic education teachers would not just repeat a year of the current school

"For those kids who may need even more help to meet the necessary standards
to graduate, I propose a transitional year program - either before they
enter high school or during high school, as soon as they are identified,"
she said in her keynote address. "And I propose that such programs be
staffed by teachers especially trained to accelerate the basic skills of
young adults."

The controversial fifth-year of high school to help struggling students meet
tough new national education standards is one of several ideas being
discussed this week at meetings of the nation's two largest teachers
organizations, the AFT in Philadelphia and the National Education
Association in Chicago.

"I'm totally opposed to a fifth year," said David Bishop, an English/speech
teacher at Canton High School in Canton, Ill. "The kids will absolutely hate
it. It will mean having to hire more teachers and spend lots more money. If
we're going to do anything at all we should look at going to an extended
school year, perhaps a year-round schedule, that would give us a chance to
work more closely with at-risk students and perhaps bring out qualities that
we otherwise would be missing."

Feldman also recommended federal support of programs using adult literacy
techniques in high schools, including programs once used by the U.S.
military to bring high school dropouts up to speed.

"Most secondary teachers don't know how to overcome these skills deficits in
young adults," she said. "They were never trained to do so."

Dee Gillham, a special education director/gifted coordinator in the Bartlett
Consolidated School District, Bartlett, Neb., said she feared the additional
year would severely overcrowd schools.

"I'm opposed to this kind of thing with the current state in Nebraska it may
take some students five years to achieve competency," she said.

"Where would you come up with the teachers and the classroom space?" asked
Bill Lindoff, a kindergarten teacher at Cottonwood Elementary School in
Palmdale, Calif. "We're already dealing with reduced classroom sizes and
remediation issues and this just adds even more pressure to do something
that hasn't been thought out very well."

National Education Association President Bob Chase called on teachers to
renew their support for quality public schools and to back "common sense"
efforts to keep the national education standards movement on track.

"We have long advocated high expectations for all children," Chase said in a
speech to 10,000 delegates representing 2.5 million elementary and secondary
teachers, school administrators, retirees and students preparing to become
teachers. "But policies that are hastily conceived and ineptly executed will
never accomplish this goal."

Chase said overemphasis on standardized testing undermines a balanced
approach to teaching and learning.

"The NEA and its state affiliates can and must intervene - not to bury the
standards movement - but to save it and to save our schools," he said.

Upgrading academic standards, merit pay, peer review and charter schools are
major issues facing both teachers' groups as an older generation of
educators prepares to retire. More than 2.2 million new teachers will have
to be recruited to fill classroom jobs by 2010.

B. A. T. F.
Bad Attitude Towards Freedom

Drug Dependency = Dependency on government programs!

The Lesser of Two Evils is Still EVIL!

Pro Libertate - For Freedom

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives 


2000-07-03 Thread Mr.Rodriguez

Urgent recent developments in the Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring - PART
Thursday, 29-Jun-2000 15:31:51

 Original Message 
Subject: Urgent News
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 23:32:26 -0700
From: Ellen Lacter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

June 28, 2000

Urgent News

Dear Interested Party,

The enclosed report describes in detail:

1. Urgent recent developments in the Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring
case, involving a key witness, Russell Nelson, whose life may now be in

2. Franklin connections to new evidence of corruption linking the FBI,
CIA, some top political figures, missing children, including kidnap
victim Johnny Gosch, CIA MK-Ultra Mind Control, and Iran-Contra.

3. Two June, 2000, arrests of possible CIA American terrorists in

4. Notice of the suspicious "suicide" of John Millis, Staff Director of
the House Intelligence Committee, which has received inexplicably little
media attention.


other web-sites

I have not copyrighted this.

I want this information to be widely disseminated.

Respectfully submitted,

Ted L. Gunderson
Special Agent in Charge, FBI, Los Angeles (Ret.)

P.S. I apologize that the e-mail eliminated the page numbers. Please
write to me at my address immediately below for the original report
(Please send $15.00 to cover our copying and postal costs)



(Evidence of corruption linking the FBI, CIA, some top political
figures, the Franklin case, missing children, including kidnap-victim
Johnny Gosch, satanic abuse, CIA MK-Ultra Mind Control, Iran-Contra, and
new arrests of possible American terrorists in Mexico)

Published on the World Wide Web June 28, 2000
in Efforts to Save this Young Man’s Life and To Free Kelly From State

by Ted L. Gunderson, FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge (Ret.),
California P.I. License # 12878
2118 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 422, Santa Monica, CA 90403-5784
Mail: P.O. Box 18000-259, Las Vegas, NV 89114
(301) 364-2280 or (702) 791-5195; Fax: (702) 791-2906


Russell (Rusty) Nelson: Russell Nelson, central figure in the Franklin
Credit Union scandal (1989 to present), has evidence, including
photographs, that implicates prominent law enforcement and political
figures, including two past U.S. presidents, in crimes of child abuse,
pornography, kidnapping (e.g., missing-child Johnny Gosch), drug
smuggling, money laundering, illegal campaign financing, and illegal
activities by the FBI and CIA. There appear to be ties to Iran-Contra.
Since 1989, much of the evidence has been confiscated from Rusty Nelson.
Some of the evidence remains hidden. In May, 2000, Nelson was taken
into custody for a parole violation in Nebraska and is to be extradicted
to Oregon, away from the watchful eyes of his attorney, family, and
friends. Ted Gunderson (this writer and investigator of the Franklin
cover-up) and Nelson’s attorney, John De Camp (Author of “The Franklin
Cover-Up”) believe Nelson’s life is in danger. This report is in an
effort to prevent his being “suicided”, or otherwise suspiciously

Kelly Ford: Kelly Ford is the daughter of Brice Taylor, who has written
two books documenting her victimization by satanic abuse, CIA MK-Ultra
Mind Control, and prominent political figures (Brice Taylor is a pen
name for her legal name, Susan Ford). In court, on June 23, 2000, Brice
Taylor lost her daughter to state conservatorship following her
testimony regarding satanic abuse and MK-Ultra mind control of her
daughter and herself, and political corruption to the highest levels of
our government. Brice Taylor is concerned that while Kelly is under
state conservatorship, her influential abusers will have access to her
and may threaten or harm her to ensure that she does not attest to the
abuses against both herself, her mother, and family.















2000-07-03 Thread Mr.Rodriguez


Re: Urgent recent developments in the Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring -
Thursday, 29-Jun-2000 15:36:57

On January 3, 1992, based on the obstruction of justice in the
investigation of the Franklin case, Ted Gunderson (this writer) wrote a
letter to the Honorable Don Stenberg, Nebraska State Attorney General
asking him to look into the matter. Gunderson cited the following

1. “Pornographic material has been seized ... with no follow-up

2. “During the summer of 1990, the FBI reviewed the Senate Franklin
Credit Committee Investigation files without the permission or knowledge
of Senator Loran Schmit. It was later learned that a number of items are

3. “Alisha Owen’s first attorney, Pam Vuchetich, provided privileged
attorney-client information to the FBI. She also failed to file a timely
appeal in Ms. Owen’s conviction on bad check charges. Ms. Vuchetich has
reportedly been romantically involved with a FBI agent.”

4. “The Nebraska Leadership Conference has developed information that
the FBI has not only leaked information to Omaha T.V. stations, but
asked for and received money for this.”

5. “Larry King and others were never subpoenaed to the Douglas County
Grand Jury”.

6. “Numerous individuals identified as perpetrators have never been
interviewed by law enforcement officers.”

7. “Instead of conducting follow-up interviews, law enforcement
officers, particularly the FBI, have attempted to discredit and harass
the victims.”

8. “Paul Bonacci has new information about the Johnny Gosch kidnapping
case in Des Moines, Iowa, yet law enforcement officers refuse to
interview him or to consider further investigation of the matter”.

9. “In February 1990 Robert Fenner, General Counsel for the National
Credit Union Association, was advised by the FBI not to cooperate with
the Franklin Credit Committee’s investigator, Gary Caradori”.

10. “On March 9, 1990 the FBI attempted to entrap Owen by taping an
arranged phone call from Boner to her.”

11. “A deposition by former Omaha Chief of Police Robert Wadman
disappeared during the Owen trial.”

12. “Wadman lied under oath claiming he was not carrying a gun during
the period Owen says she was involved with him”.


Don Stenberg responded to Gunderson on January 28, 1992, by stating
that he had reviewed Gunderson’s, “impressions” and that, “Many of the
issues and allegations you raise have either been addressed, are rumor,
or are so vague and nebulous as to defy resolution by diligent
investigation”. Stenberg asked for information on the new allegations on
the Johnny Gosch kidnapping case and the alleged FBI sale of information
to Omaha T.V. Stations.

Stenberg concluded;

“We are assuming Mr. Gunderson that in the preparation of your letter
of January 3,1992, you have done more than simply parrot unsubstantiated
allegations made to you orally or which you may have picked up in
written material reviewed and therefore have specific information to
back up your concerns, hence the above request. We will keep certain
other matters under advisement. In the meantime though, you are
encouraged to send us any specific, substantiating material available to
you regarding any one or more of the other items mentioned in your
correspondence. Sincerely Yours, Don Stenberg, Attorney General”.


In a report dated March 10, 1992, Gunderson provided Stenberg with a
letter and an eight-page report which elaborates, substantiates, and
documents the 12 above-listed matters in his January 3, 1992 letter to
Stenberg. (This full eight-page report is included in Gunderson’s
report “Child Kidnapping in America: The CIA Connection”).

Gunderson’s letter, attached to his comprehensive report, states:

“Your reference to my ‘impressions’ indicates to me that you do not
place much importance on the issues outlined by me. Regardless, I hope
you will review the enclosed report with fair-minded, professional, and
responsible judgement.

“There’s a high level of frustration and animosity building among
concerned citizens in Nebraska who are either victims or have seen
enough through time to prove that there may be a conspiracy of sorts to
cover up a series of indisputably disgraceful, scandalous crimes.

“You may not want to address their concerns, but you must agree that
they deserve the attention such allegations require without being
flippantly disregarded.

“It is because of their frustrations that I was hired as a consultant
by the Nebraska Leadership Conference. As you can see by my resume (see
Appendix), I am more than qualified to investigate this matter. I expect
your level of professionalism predisposes to do the same.”

Gunderson supplied this same eight-page report to:

1. William Barr, U.S. 


2000-07-03 Thread Mr.Rodriguez

AMERICAN PATRIOTS: http://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb1075995)

Re: Urgent recent developments in the Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring -
Thursday, 29-Jun-2000 15:40:28
Noreen Gosch reports that she now knows that Mr. Gosch is connected to
the Franklin case. She is on the process of formally releasing this
information to the press. She has already provided this information in
detail to many concerned parties.


Following Bonacci’s 1989 confession to participating in the kidnapping
of Johnny Gosch, investigators for the television show, “America’s Most
Wanted”, began working with the investigators for Noreen Gosch and
prepared to televise the story.

Noreen Gosch testified in U.S. District Court, Omaha Nebraska, on
February 5, 1999, (the Bonacci suit against Larry King) that within one
or two weeks of the “America’s Most Wanted” story airing, “the FBI in
Quantico, Virginia contacted America’s Most Wanted and told them to kill
the story. They did not want the Johnny Gosch story broadcast”. John
Walsh aired the story anyway. When John De Camp asked Noreen Gosch if
she knew why the FBI wanted to kill the story, Noreen Gosch responded:
“Well, of course. It would have opened up the biggest scandal in the
United States, bigger than the Iran Contra story. Bigger than President
Clinton’s infidelities.”


ABC's “20/20" contacted Noreen Gosch in 1997, asking to do a one hour
special program
called "The Johnny Gosch Story". The documentary was intended to depict
the 17 year journey of Noreen Gosch in her search for her son, Johnny.
In the process of her investigation, Karen Burnes of “20/20" uncovered
45 other victims of child sexual abuse, satanic abuse, and kidnapping,
several of whom knew Johnny and were with him on many occasions.

One of the victims interviewed in this show is the almost 30-year-old
son of Antoine Szandor La Vey, founder of the Church of Satan, author of
the “Satanic Bible”. During this interview, Antoine La Vey’s son said he
was with Johnny Gosch several times and Johnny saw him several times. La
Vey’s son told “20/20" that his father, Antoine, had castrated him. The
only reason he was willing to talk to “20/20" was because his father was
dead and he no longer feared him.

Karen Burnes also interviewed many CIA MK-Ultra Mind Control survivors,
including a number of interviews with Brice Taylor (a pen name; her real
name is Susan Ford), who has published two books detailing her
experiences (“Starshine: One Woman’s Valiant Escape from Mind Control”,
1995, and “Thanks for the Memories...The Truth has Set Me Free: The
Memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s Mind Controlled Slave”,
1999, available through amazon.com). On June 23, 2000, Brice Taylor lost
her daughter to state conservatorship based, in part, on her accounts
of satanic abuse, CIA mind control programming, and high-level
government corruption (see section below).

Karen Burnes and the film crew all had to sign a "hold harmless clause"
absolving ABC of any liability if any of them were to be killed during
the process of telling this story. To our knowledge, never before had
any producer and crew been forced to sign such an agreement.

The Johnny Gosch Story was scheduled for airing April of 1998, but was
postponed four times. Now Karen Burnes is apparently very ill and
hospitalized with a disease of unknown origin. She remains extremely
ill. Before departing for medical leave, Karen Burnes informed Noreen
Gosch that Frank Snepp, who Gosch claims is a former CIA agent, would
be taking over the investigative reporting for the show.

Frank Snepp claimed the documentary had no validity unless Johnny was
turned over to Congressional protection. However, many congressmen and
other politically elite have been accused by Franklin abuse victims and
other victims (including Brice Taylor) of being their owners and
handlers under circumstances that have re-established slavery in this
country on the part of the ruling elite.

For about 6 months, Ira Rosen, Senior producer with “20/20" was unaware
that Frank Snepp had taken over the investigatory reporting for the
show. He was outraged when he heard the news.

Noreen Gosch was then informed the show would be "on the shelf"
indefinitely. Approximately,$300,000 has been spent on this one hour
special and it sits on a shelf at ABC's “20/20". Frank Snepp had a
great deal to do with the halting of the TV special on Johnny Gosch. He
claims to be a former CIA agent. Once CIA, always CIA!


Antoine La Vey founded the Church of Satan in 1966. He wrote “The
Satanic Bible” in 1969 (New York: Avon Books). Michael Aquino was one of
its leaders. Michael Aquino split from Antoine La Vey in 1975 and in the
same year, founded his own satanic organization known as the Temple of
Set , according to a document of the California 


2000-07-03 Thread Mr.Rodriguez

Re: Urgent recent developments in the Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring -
Thursday, 29-Jun-2000 15:43:38
“I would recommend that the federal U.S. Attorney consider giving
witness protection to Rusty and actually utilizing his information and
talents to provide the information that would verify some of the
‘outrageous’ claims made by the children and others in the Franklin

“I will tell you all that I admit openly and frankly and I confess that
I missed the real essence of Franklin. The essence of Franklin was
laundered campaign money in the 1988 presidential election and I totally
missed it.

“I was busy following the issues of baby screwing and young adults and
drugs and abuse and misuse of official position. The real issue was
campaign money laundering and Rusty Nelson can provide a lot more
information on this.

“It may not be convenient at this particular time with baby Bush
running for president for that issue to surface, but as stated, I am
satisfied that is the real issue of Franklin that completely shot by me
and others who thought they were looking into a matter of child
pornography or child abuse or whatever.

“Having said these things, I again repeat and I hope you will look into
this and not send this individual back for a summary execution, which is
what will occur.

“You might call Dr. Brylski who deliberately kept Rusty Nelson for
almost a year or more at the hospital in Oregon, not because he had any
mental problems but strictly because she knew that he would be dead if
she did not. It was only when she was satisfied that he was going to be
able to be released immediately from jail upon his release from the
mental institution and allowed to come here that she in fact certified
that he was ready to go.

“As stated, this is a brief and very short summary of my concerns and
some of the reasons for those concerns and my beliefs.

“I full well realize that you might think I am paranoid, delusional,
and chasing fantasies as I recite some of these things.

“I once believed in the tooth fairy. I once believed in Santa Claus.
I once believed that all entities and agencies of government are
essentially pure and the public officials would not ever use their
positions to really do horrible things or cover up horrible things.

“I no longer believe in the tooth fairy. I have doubts of Santa
Claus. And I have seen and learned enough in my participation in the
Franklin matters to know that my original beliefs about the purity of
government were not totally on target.


John W. DeCamp,

DeCamp Legal Services, P.C.”


John De Camp received the following response from Governor Mike Johanns
by letter dated June 8, 2000.

“Dear John, Thank you for your recent letter and the materials
relating to Rusty Nelson and Larry King. I note that you provided copies
to the top Federal and State law enforcement officials where the
appropriate authority rests. Sincerely, Mike Johanns, Governor”

It is noted that the Governor has the authority to block extradition
from the State of Nebraska.


John De Camp received the following response from the U.S. Attorney
Thomas J. Monaghan by letter dated June 19, 2000;

“Dear Mr. De Camp, This is to acknowledge receipt of correspondence
you sent on June 5, 2000. Thank you very much for providing us this
information. Sincerely, Thomas J. Monaghan, United States Attorney”


As of June 27, 2000, there was no response from Attorney General


Realizing Rusty Nelson’s life was in danger upon returning to Oregon,
Ted Gunderson (this writer), arranged for the following statement to be
furnished by Nelson:

In Rusty Nelson's "Legal Document" of 6-22-2000, he describes his
numerous attempts on his life, including three times in which he was
shot at. He writes:

"We have contacted the Governor, even the Attorney General, for help
and witness protection, of which we were denied. I do not trust the FBI,
or the marshals as they had their own people who were found guilty in
their involvement with the Franklin ordeal. Not to mention my house was
searched, ransacked, and utterly demolished after mentioning on the
phone from jail in Portland where I hid some of the evidence in my home
in Nebraska. When my family arrived, my home was in shambles. This was
much of the same photos and copies of various records pertaining to
Larry King's sex ring and the huge amounts of money he stole from the
depositors of Franklin Credit Union that I gave to Gary Caradori the day
he and his son were murdered when their plane "mysteriously" broke apart
on the flight back to Nebraska from Illinois just after I gave him
copies of the evidence. Also quite mysteriously was was [sic] the fact
that Gary's plane crashed near the city where the former Chief of Police
Wadman, who was 


2000-07-03 Thread Mr.Rodriguez

Re: Urgent recent developments in the Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring -
Thursday, 29-Jun-2000 15:48:26
My landlady advised me that on the first Thursday in July of 1982, at
1:30 a.m., when she was parking her car, she noticed two men sitting in
an automobile across the street from my front door. One of the men got
out of the car, walked over to her and asked if she knew where Ted
Gunderson lived. I had previously told her if anyone asks about me to
tell them she didn’t know me. She told the man she didn’t know Ted
Gunderson. She went into her apartment and watched from her window
until 1:45 a.m. when she saw them leave. By divine intervention, I did
not go home that night but was visiting a friend.

I successfully eliminated the Israeli ‘hit’ almost immediately through
one of my confidential contacts.

It took me a year and a half to eliminate the satanic cult ‘hit.’
Because I had to go undercover, I was not able to work openly during
this year and a half and lost my private investigation business.

A third attempt on my life occurred on May 19, 1987. By divine
intervention, I stayed at my daughter’s home and did not go return that
evening to my business partner’s home, where I was living. My business
partner was out of the country and his wife and 12-year-old son were
home. The next morning, when I met my partner’s wife at work, she told
me that at 11:00 p.m. that past evening, she heard an intruder come in
the front door, on the first floor. She was on the third floor and
locked herself in the bedroom. She went to the telephone extension
located in the bedroom, but the phone was dead. She laid awake in bed
terrified from 11:00 p.m. til 2:00 a.m. when the intruder left.

The next day, I contacted an informant who advised me that Bill
Mentzer, known in the satanic cult/sex/drug network as Charles Manson,
II, was the individual who was waiting for me to come home the previous

Once again I went underground. Subsequently through my efforts and the
efforts of my contacts, Mentzer was tried and convicted of the murder of
Roy Radin, a well-known Hollywood producer. Mentzer, along with three
others, was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

In May 1993, while driving from Omaha, Nebraska to Lincoln, Nebraska,
at 75 miles an hour, my right front wheel came off. I was in Nebraska
working on the Franklin case. I called the Nebraska Highway Patrol. The
Patrolman, Officer Lamb, told me the lug nuts on the right front wheel
had been loosened which caused the accident. Fortunately, I was able to
control the car. The repairman later told me that some of the lug-nuts
on the left front wheel were also loosened, but apparently the intruder
was interrupted while loosening the lug nuts as the others were intact.


For the last 20 years there have been numerous stationery and moving
surveillance’s of me. When I see a stationery surveillance, I strap on
my gun and confront the individual or individuals. On two occasions, I
chased the subjects out of the neighborhood. One ran a red light to get
away from me. The individuals involved are probably contracted
employees for the CIA, members, I suspect, of the “shadow government”.
They discontinued the stationery surveillances in 1993. Since then they
have periodically entered my automobile, usually at night, and turned on
the directional signal to let me know they have been in my car and are
watching me.

On several occasions, they entered my condominium in Las Vegas at night
while I was sleeping and took files from my cabinet. From May 3 to May
10, 2000 while I was in Philadelphia, my condominium was burglarized.
There was no forced entry. The suspected CIA burglars took four of my
storage boxes of documents which contained sensitive material and
research. I have since been able to replace these. They also stole my
FBI memorabilia, cherished items commemorating the days when I worked
with my fellow agents on clean operations.

I have been photographed and videotaped on numerous occasions from
automobiles and on one occasion on the golf course and on an other
occasion, at a picnic in a public park. I suspect the individuals
taking these pictures are CIA contract employees. I have also received
numerous threatening and hang up phone calls. Their favorite phone
calls involve the sound of a phonograph needle at the end of a record.
I have also received numerous phone calls of individuals chanting on the
line. I have recorded these calls. My mail has also been opened and I
filed a formal complaint with the postal inspectors.


Between March and August, 1983, the FBI and DEA attempted to frame Ted
Gunderson (this writer) through a girl named Pam Fawsett, an FBI

In August, 1983, Fawsett called me and said she wanted to meet with me.
She told me of her assignment by the FBI, a plot which involved a
series of recorded telephone conversations between her and 


2000-07-03 Thread Mr.Rodriguez


Saturday, 01-Jul-2000 18:27:38


545 documents found

8234 documents found
Ritual abuse is an extreme sadistic form of abuse of children and
non-consenting adults. It is
methodical, systematic sexual, physical, emotional and spiritual abuse, which
often includes mind
control, torture, and highly illegal and immoral activities such as murder,
child pornography and
prostitution. The abuse is justified by a religious or political ideology

Emotionally Abused - A True Story

Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime and Healing: LINKS:

Related Websites: Articles, papers, newsletters
If you are a survivor,
please take care of yourself as you explore these pages. All are intense.
It is usually a good idea to read slowly and take many breaks to absorb the
feelings that may come

"And the LORD your God will inflict all these curses on your enemies and
on those who hate you, who persecuted you. And you shall again obey the
Lord, and observe all His commandments which I command you today."

-Deuteronomy 30:7-8

Electronic Mind Control


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2000-07-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

Mr. Rodriguez - hope I spelled that right.  This LaVey, was Jewish Mafia
is what I was told by an MI6 who wanted data I had collected re murder
of RFK.   This is stuff though that I have never read.

The programming and little Sirhan for he had contact with these people
and through the drugswell look to Littleton too, and they go all the
way with musichuman sacrifice for what would you call Littlton and
how much abuse did those two kids take before they slaughtered their
little friends and that church bunch out there was One Religion Fits All
set up and had information schools also dispensed drugs.

Weird people.motorcycle gangs here have been involved in murder,
drugs, satanism but do not see any as of late, even the Black
Panthers/Nationalists who used to ride in pairs are gone from this area.

So do you have more data on this LaVey; know he died and Sharon Tate
involved with themtheir pornography, well look at the movies and
Flynt and the whole picture fits together...that Bohemian Club is just
Old Hells Fire Club, who virtually ran house of prostitution, booze,
drugsbut, they were also English Intelligence.

Anyway thanks for the great information here.

I have to read from I to III for I started at the III.

CIA used voodoo in islands like old military intelligence in KKK pulled
the spook stuff.

For we deal with spooks some of whom happen to be so called Satanists??

What you think?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] Put On Your Down With USA T-Shirts

2000-07-03 Thread Mark McHugh

Yardbird wrote:

 : It's that time of the year. Put them
 : on during July 3-4 and let the Global
 : Pests know we will not let them forget
 : their crimes.

 : http://www.tehrantimes.com/Detailview.asp?Keyword=AirbusDa=7/1/00Cat=2Num=9

 : http://www.tehrantimes.com/Detailview.asp?Keyword=AirbusDa=7/2/00Cat=2Num=5

I wonder if this site is forbidden to American ISPs?  I tried yesterday and just
now to view the above links and received this message:

Due to technical problems you can not see TehranTimes at the moment.
Please try again later.

Mark McHugh

Condimentum suave est!
Spice is nice!

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] The bill to terminate the Internal Revenue Code on December 31, 2004

2000-07-03 Thread Tenorlove

--- Bard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It has to be effective JANUARY 1ST, 2001.
 Re-submit the Bill with the Date change.

Even better, effective July 4, 2000!! What a really happy Independence
Day THAT would be!!

Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fox triumps in Mexico

2000-07-03 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Notice the media spin on Fox's victory: PAN, which is maybe two degrees to
the left of the Salvadoran death squads, if that, is described as a
"center-right party."  Fox himself -- former head of Coca Cola Mexico -- is
said to be "not as hard-line" as the rest of PAN.  Well, if you look at
Mexican history, you discover that since its founding in the 1930s PAN has
fought land reform, nationalization, government regulation of industry, and
anything approaching a fair system of taxation.  In short, PAN is the party
of the monied interests in Mexico -- *big* money, international capital
money.  The only thing Vicente Fox's victory means is that, once again, the
New World Order has worked its will on the people, and proven that he who
hath the money, getteth the money.

- Original Message -
From: "Bill Richer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2000 5:58 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fox triumps in Mexico

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Fox triumps in Mexico
 71 years of PRI toppled

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] NM: White House Tried to Use Gun Tax to Ban Hunting

2000-07-03 Thread Monte E. Rudd

Komrade klinton has his batteries in backwards; he just keeps cumming,
and cumming, and cumming!

[No doubt the dominant media will ignore this! Darn,
that Clinton
just keeps on going, and going, and going...like the Energizer
Bunny. --MS]

Re: [CTRL] The Patriot Reviewed...

2000-07-03 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Nazis, er, the Redcoats are coming!

The savage soldiers in "The Patriot" act more like the Waffen SS than
actual British troops. Does this movie have an ulterior motive?

Can't speak for any potential 'ulterior motive', but the British in the
southern campaign, especially "Butcher" Tarleton, were especially
savage, so much so they began to alienate their loyalist supporters...

July 03, 2000 | The week before "The Patriot" opened in the United
States, the British press lit up with furious headlines. "Truth is first
casualty in Hollywood's War," read one in the Daily Telegraph. Another
story, about the historical model for Mel Gibson's character was titled,
"The Secret Shame of Mel's New Hero." The accompanying articles complained
that the new Revolutionary War epic portrays British redcoats as
"bloodthirsty and unprincipled stormtroopers" and "bloodthirsty

Well, the PC element in Great Britain may not like the depiction, but
it doesn't change the FACT that that is exactly how the British troop
acted in the Carolinas...

The prizewinning historian and biographer Andrew Roberts called the
film "racist" in the Daily Express, and pointed out that it was only the
latest in a series of films like "Titanic," "Michael Collins" and "The
Jungle Book" remake that have depicted the British as "treacherous,
cowardly, evil [and] sadistic." Roberts had a theory: "With their own
record of killing 12 million American Indians and supporting slavery for
four decades after the British abolished it, Americans wish to project
their historical guilt onto someone

Perhaps...but the historical FACT is that the British troops in the
Revolutionary War utilized native Americans, most notably the Iroquois
nation, in its campaign against the American forces...and the troops
containing the native Americans perpetrated some God-awful

Of course, so did the Americans...that was the way it was, each side
committed atrocities, and that was true whether it was between Great
Britain and its troublesome colonists to the west, or a war between
neighboring Indian tribes or one between neighboring European

It wasn't until after WWI that nations considered anything along the
lines of a "Geneva Convention" delineating 'rules of war'...before
that, anything went, and usually did...

I can only imagine how much angrier Fleet Street's pundits will be
after they have actually seen the movie. "The Patriot" will not open in
England until August, but when it does, Brits will see a supposedly
authentic historical epic that radically rewrites the known history of the
Revolutionary War. It does so by casting George III's redcoats as
cartoonish paragons of evil who commit one monstrous -- but wholly invented
-- atrocity after another. In one scene, the most harrowing of the film,
redcoats round up a village of screaming women and children and old men,
lock them in a church and set the
whole chapel on fire. If you didn't know anything about the
Revolution, you might actually believe the British army in North America
was made up of astonishingly cruel, even demonic, sadists who really did do
this kind of thing -- as if they were the 18th century equivalent of the
Nazi SS.  Yet no action of the sort ever happened during the war for
independence, but an eerily identical war crime -- one of the most
notorious atrocities of World
War II -- was carried out by the Nazis in France in 1944.

Perhaps not...but "Butcher" Tarleton got his nickname when, after
roaming the Carolina countryside with his troops, setting fire to
various rebel establishments, they came upon a band of rebels who
sought to surrender.  Instead of accepting their surrender like a
gentleman, he and his troops set upon their victims with their
bayonets, and continued the slaughter for over a quarter of an hour,
circling back and repeatedly stabbing those they'd already downed,
making sure no one was left alive...

The British in the northern campaign were relatively more civilized...

"The Patriot" is a movie that doesn't "get" patriotism -- in either a
modern or the 18th century sense of the word. The only memorable, explicit
political sentiment voiced comes when Gibson's character makes the rather
Tory comment that he sees no advantage in replacing the tyranny of one man
3,000 miles away for the tyranny of 3,000 men, one mile away. The
deliberate lacuna demonstrates a total lack of understanding of, or even a
kind of hostility to, the patriotic politics that motivated the founding

But it DOES portray the sentiment of the majority of colonists...

"The Patriot" presents a deeply sentimental cult of the family, casts
unusually Aryan-looking heroes

Considering the majority of whites living in the colonies at the time
were of English, Scots, Irish, and French extraction, this 'Aryan' look
is not surprising...

Is the 'pc' view now that we should show the typical American colonist
of the 

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-03 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm a guy. I'm a fairly butch guy at that. I ride a K-75,

As opposed to 'David', who obviously rides a K-Y...   ;-)

I shoot a 1911,
I'm a father and a mechanic. And I'm absolutely certain that should
the need arise, I could kick your sorry butt without mussing my hair.

Watch it, Nessie...you'll have "David" having wet dreams about you and
your 'butchness'...   ;-)

To my way of looking at things, that makes you stupid and rude. If
you did it to my face I'd knock your butt down on the spot.  But you're on
the other side of the planet and I can't give you the thrashing you

"David" CLAIMS to live in Australia, but I doubt it...just like I doubt
that "David" even exists as a separate entity...


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Put On Your Down With USA T-Shirts

2000-07-03 Thread K

On 3 Jul 2000, at 19:16, Mark McHugh wrote:

 I wonder if this site is forbidden to American ISPs?  I tried
 yesterday and just now to view the above links and received this

 Due to technical problems you can not see TehranTimes at the moment.
 Please try again later.

 Mark McHugh

I just tried to access through an anonymous proxy and got the
same message.  It isn't just American ISP's that are affected.

No person is so grand or wise or perfect as
to be the master of another person. - Karl Hess

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] 'We Must Take America Back...' [Steve Vaus]

2000-07-03 Thread Bard

[commentary at end of scroll]

FREE .mp3's

We Must Take America BackCountry General
 Download (3.8 MB)

Description: A rousing call to arms by America's premiere patriotic
recording artist. This is the song that started it all for Steve Vaus - it's
also the song that caused him to be black-balled by the mainstream
entertainment industry - even as it was zooming up the Billboard charts in
Credits: Written and produced by Steve Vaus - Engineered by Michael Harris

Tea PartyCountry General
 Download (3.2 MB)

Description: Samuel Adams had the right idea back in 1773 - now it's time
for a modern Tea Party.
Credits: Producer Steve Vaus - Engineer Michael Harris

Battle Cry of FreedomCeltic
 Download (2.7 MB)

Description: A wonderful Celtic Skip-Jig rendition of this civil war
Credits: Produced by Steve Vaus; Arranged by Steve Vaus and Marti Amado

Star Spangled BannerFolk
 Download (3.0 MB)

Description: After you listen to this rendition you'll forget all the big
bombastic version you've ever heard. This treatment will allow you to close
your eyes and imagine what it was like when Francis Scott Key wrote this
classic - cannon fire in the distance - the sounds of dawn breaking. It is
simply breathtaking.
Credits: Produced by Steve Vaus - Arranged by Steve Vaus and Marti Amado

Good Listening for the 4th, Folks!

Time IS SHORT!  Only three months left for the Voters to unshackle our
Just Say "No" to the Duopoly!! which sucks our dollars for what THEY want to
and the Underclass is left with scraps to survive on.
It's OUR fiat-money!
We MUST restore ethics and morality in our Government.
Don't look to Bore/Gush to protect your Security, look to Yourself.
Liberty = Personal Responsibility.

The Reform Party,
The Libertarian Party,
The Greens, and
The Natural Law Party MUST, I repeat, MUST be in the Presidential Debates.
Woe if they're not!
If they're not, what more evidence do you need to recognize the Truth
that we live in a Totalitarian State.
Four Months left to deal with your Denial of Reality!

Pro Libertate - For Freedom

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Opinion: Travelgate Case Closed, But It's Not Over

2000-07-03 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Lloyd Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Opinion: Travelgate Case Closed, But It's Not Over
Date: Sunday, June 25, 2000 5:58 AM

From: Howard Rothenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SNET: Clintons' Shabbiest Scandal - TravelGate

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

   Opinion: Travelgate Case Closed, But It's Not Over
   Saturday, June 24, 2000
   By Dale McFeatters
   The independent counsel has cleared Hillary Clinton in the White House
   travel office affair only in the sense that he said he didn't have enoug=
   evidence to indict her.
   In a statement ending that particular investigation, counsel Robert Ray =
   "there was substantial evidence that she had a 'role' in the decision to
   fire the travel office employees" which the first lady had denied but th=
   it was insufficient to convince a jury that she had lied about it.
   Of the many shabby episodes in the history of the Clinton White House, t=
   firing of seven long-serving travel office employees was one of the
   shabbiest. The Clintons wanted to give those jobs to their friends and
   relatives and throw the business, arranging White House press and staff
   travel, to their cronies.
   The firing was bungled largely because of the first lady's ham-handednes=
   according to an aide's memo and there was a firestorm of criticism. The
   Clinton White House responded in characteristic fashion: It lashed back
   viciously and mendaciously.
   The seven fired employees were accused of financial improprieties, and t=
   FBI, in violation of clear legal guidelines, was dragged in to give
   plausibility to the charges. Audits found no evidence of improprieties a=
   to the contrary, showed that the travel office had been a lean, honest
   Janet Reno's Justice Department, to its discredit, then charged the
   respected former head of the office, Billy Dale, with misuse of funds. T=
   jury found him innocent in the time it took to go to the jury room, turn
   around and come back out again. It was a small consolation. Like so many=
   crossed the Clintons' path, his career and reputation were in ruins.
   In conducting the investigation, Ray remarked on another characteristic =
   the Clinton White House: It stonewalled. Ray said his investigation
   encountered "substantial resistance" in the form of delays, obfuscation =
   sluggish and half-hearted document searches.
   For Washington the travel office affair was an early harbinger of the
   Clinton White House at its worst: self-absorbed, callous, vindictive.
   As bad as being "cleared" makes the first lady look, this is not quite t=
   end of the political damage from the travel office firings. Ray's full
   report, now under judicial seal, will come out this fall, giving New Yor=
   voters a new perspective on their Senate candidate.
=A9 2000 Scripps Howard News Service

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Secret files protect dangerous doctors

2000-07-03 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 07/01/2000 2:44:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Secret files protect dangerous doctors

 HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) _ A little-known government database
 tracking malpractice suits and disciplinary action against
 physicians remains unavailable to the general public, and at
 least one congressman says dangerous doctors have hidden
 behind that shield of secrecy long enough 

I thought hackers broke into things like this.   Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] 'We Must Take America Back...' [Steve Vaus]

2000-07-03 Thread Aleisha Saba

Bard, this movie the Patriot also is almost causing a revival in
Americanismthe English are degrading it, but at the same time on CNN
today they had a program how our kids are not taught about America and
the Constitution today in our schoolspoll showed most kids didn't
even know what Bills of Rights was is this done deliberately?

Well Bard, thanks to you and others like you, you have caused a lot of
people to wake up to the fact that American is being stolen away, and
our children being taught homosexual ity in schools to the exclusion now
of history in many areas.

So the English are condemning this movie the Patriot.will make it al
the more popular.

So thanks Bard...you are one of the most patriotic people I have ever
met.   We have the enemy within tearing this country apart.   We have
everything we hold dear, being destroyed.

But you have been a voice in the wilderness and I for one, if they ever
bring that homosexual crap into our schools, there will be one picket
outside at least with a signthis is a school house not a training
ground for perverts,

Happy 4th of July Bard.looks like a blooming good year for the
USAalmost like a revival meeting.

Every agency in this government in Washington has been invaded by those
who would tear us apart from within - treason in the CIA and a President
who lives in a cess pool.

Mel Gibson is the Man of the Year.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [slick-d] Let Freedom Ring!

2000-07-03 Thread Bard

How naive you are!  We allowed our Freedom to be taken from us.
The Duopoly took care of that beginning in 1913,
and solidified they're hold on us in March, 1933;
increasing the tightness of the shackles ever since.
Ignorance is Bliss!!
Wouldn't be surprised if YOU were one of those
ignorant persons who vote for the socialist
DemoRepub thugs;  you're in denial.
We don't need any "gentle breezes", we need a
Tornado to clean out the stench in SinCity.
Wake UP for Christ's Sake!

Pro Libertate - For Freedom

- Original Message -
From: "Charlotte DeMoss" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2000 5:04 PM
Subject: [slick-d] Let Freedom Ring!

  for the 4th of July, 1999 

 There is a gentle breeze cooling the hot July air.  You can almost hear
 the clatter of horses' hooves beneath the cobblestone street.  The bells
 are now ringing.  The people are cheering; many of them celebrating all
 through the night.  The reason for this celebration?  The signing of the
 Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia.

 What made this date so special?  Children and adults today love the 4th of
 July.  It means strolling through the park, and being with friends,
 and sweethearts.  At the end of the day, many may see a fireworks display,
 then everyone goes home.  I'm wondering: Are Americans today truly aware
 what the 4th of July stands for?

 To appreciate what our Founding Fathers sacrificed in order to establish
 our beloved Republic, we need to understand the reasons for separating
 Great Britain.

 King George III virtually disowned the American colonies. American ships
 were declared to be "free booty" which meant it was legal to capture any
 American vessel on the high seas, and take it over including cargo.  There
 was a history of repeated injuries and abuses, which resulted in abolute

 A formal declatation was introduced by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia on
 June 7, 1776, asking for a separation from Great Britain.  As a result of
 this action, a committee of five, Thomas Jefferson, Dr. Benjamin Franklin,
 John Adams, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston, was elected by ballot.
 Thomas Jefferson received the largest number of votes and became the
 chairman of the committee due to his skills as a writer.

 These gentlemen in 1776 did take their responsibilities seriously, but
 they also could find humor in a life full of change and heartache.  When
 john Hancock affixed his magnificent signature he remarkd. "There, John
 Bull can read my name without his spectacles."

 Hancock urged members of the Congress to hang together.  Franklin retorted
 his  famous saying "Yes, we must hang together or we shall all hang

 The responsibility of presenting and sustaining the report of the
 committee was assumed by John Adams, whom Jefferson called "the Colossus"
 of that great debate.

 JULY 4TH, 1776

 At noon, Monday, the Declaration of Independence was publicly read for the
 first time in Independence Square, Philadelphia.  Captain John Hopkins, a
 young commander of the first armed brig of the navy was the reader.

 The militia companies, the Committee of Safety, and other revolutionary
 bodies marched in procession to some public place, where after listening
 the reading of the declaration, cheers were given and salutes fired; and
 the evening there were fireworks and bonfires.

 Now that we had declared our independence, nine years of war with England
 would follow to actually secure it.  After nine long years of bloodshed,
 death, suffering and misery we won the war with England and had won our

 Our independence gave birth to the U. S. Constitution. Our Constitution
 was designed by men who were ardent students of history with
 well-referenced fear of tyranny and intrusive government.  Those men, our
 Founding Fathers, meticulously designed our Constitutional Republic to be
 system of "freedom under law."  James Madison, devoted friend of Mr.
 Jefferson for 50 years, was given the title of "Father of the

 James Madison wrote to Thomas Jefferson in France on December 9, 1787,
 saying it was "impossible to consider the degree of concord which
 ultimately prevailed as less than a miracle."

 As one could say from a figurative sense, those who signed the Declaration
 of Independence, did so in blood.  Those men of honor knew that if the
 Americans were to lose the Revolutionary War and the signers of the
 declaration were to be captured, they would have been tried by the British
 for treason and executed.

 The final sentence of the declaration reads "And for the support of this
 declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,
 we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred


[CTRL] Fwd: The Covert War Against Rock‹MRR Review

2000-07-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 "The writing in this book will make you think and like all good writing
that is the ultimate goal and that makes this book a success."
Below is the review of Alex Constantine's "The Covert War Against Rock" as
it will appear in an upcoming issue of MaximumRockNRoll.  With your
permission I would also like to throw it on the amazon.com website.  Hope
you enjoy.
Trent Reinsmith
The Covert War Against Rock  Alex Constantine
Feral House  2554 Lincoln Blvd. #1059  Venice, CA 90291
200 pages - $14.95 

Loaded in the CD player as I write this is the Okeh Rhythm  Blues Story Box
Set. The music on this set spans the years from 1949-1957. It can be safely
assumed that the musicians that played on these records had problems,
however the situations they faced most likely pale in comparison to the
predicaments that the subjects of Constantines book faced. While lost love,
back stabbers and having your money "managed" by crooked labels, agents and
other handlers was the rule back in the 40s and 50s, these folks didnt have
to (for the most part) worry about being killed for their views. I am sure
they were being watched by the powers that be, but as long as it remained
out of the white bread mainstream, everything was fine. The problems started
when some folks opened their mouths a little too far and spoke up a little
too loud and the message made the top 10.

Its hard to put a finger on when it all went astray and became evident that
something very wrong was going on. Maybe it was the plane crash that claimed
the lives of the Big Bopper, Buddy Holly and Richie Valens. Maybe it was the
1966 death of Bobby Fuller, apparently from ingesting gasoline. Its hard to
say if these deaths were the beginning of something very evil or just
accidents or suicide. And while Constantine does not investigate the distant
past, he does show that this phenomenon of suspicious death in the music
industry has not stopped or slowed since the 1960s; in fact it has

Rock musicians are famous for singing about the type of things that make the
powers that be nervous. From the blatant lyrics about sex of the 40s and 50s
R  B bands to Elvis gyrating hips, to the Stones drug use (and abuse) in
the 60s. The 70s gave us the Doors, more Stones, and John Lennon before punk
took it over the top. The 80s saw the birth of gangsta rap and grunge and
the movements continue to this day. And while some may say that all the
lyrics, political statements and political movements are all about image and
posturing, someone obviously thinks otherwise.

This book takes a look at the someone else involved in the deaths of many of
yesterdays and todays musicians. Instead of just jumping in with conspiracy
theory, Constantine gives a good amount of well-footnoted background
information and history before the death toll begins to mount. History is
given on the Mafia and government involvement in the music industry. The
author then takes great pains to show how the government was involved in the
supply and use of LSD as a mind weakening and personality molding drug and
not the alleged mind expander it was being hyped as. Constantine also points
out how many of the underground heroes and their cronies had government

And then the killings start and the truth gets stretched in the mainstream
press. Mama Cass chokes on a ham sandwich. Brian Jones drowns in his pool.
Hendrix chokes on his vomit. Jim Morrison remains alive. An obsessed fan
killed John Lennon. Bob Marley dies of cancer. Peter Tosh dies by gunshot.
Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls were gang hits and most recently Michael
Hutchence was a victim of autoerotic hanging. That is what "they" want you
to believe, but Constantine has made it his job to show you the places where
these stories and reality dont agree. Constantine writes of the nervousness
inspired by Cass political aspirations. How the murderer of Brian Jones
confessed on his deathbed. How the development of the Jim Morrison lives
theory was put into place to throw people of the scent of a possible murder.
How Bob Marley suspiciously developed cancer and his more suspicious
"treatment. Why Peter Toshs killers went uninvestigated. He points out the
incongruities in the Tupac and Biggie murder investigations. And wonders how
a severely beaten Michael Hutchence could hang himself with a broken hand?
The clear message being that when you open your mouth too far, someone with
the power and influence may be right around the corner to shut it for you,
in fact you may even know and trust that person.

In the end does Constantine realize his goal of showing that "the Agency and
Organized Crime have, for over thirty years, engaged in a program to silence
popular musicians whose influence subverts the cynical thought control
tactics of American Government and media?" That is up to the reader to
decide. Do they buy into the story presented in the mainstream press of do
they believe the 

[CTRL] [earthprophecy-l] Earth Changes/EMF Weapons

2000-07-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

 from earthprophecy-l:


  "like a moving plasma ball in a local space-time warp around a central
  black hole" - "Never ever seen anything like it before - therefore
  difficult to describe accurately".


  Post-No.: ascension-l/2000-07-03/12020 (digest-marker)
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:
  Re: SNET: POLE SHIFT and Earth Changes

  TIMING OF EARTH CHANGES - Below is one of the reasons why the trigger
  for any earth changes (if they do occur) may be in human environmental
  warfare, rather than geologic processes alone. Remember, you are talking
  of military minds that had a plan to drop nuclear bombs on the Moon as a
  warning to the Red team (USSR). They may have destroyed our ecology once
  before in aeons past, and may do so in the future. The more things
  change, the more they remain the same. Human environmental weapons may
  be the key contained in a radical reinterpretation of the Earth Changes
  prophecies of Cayce, Nostradamus, and the Mayan galactic prophecies.

  EARTH CHANGES - http://www.universebooks.com


  In a message dated 00-07-02 17:17:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  snip - SNETNEWS Mailing List Correct me if I am wrong here..but
  weren't we supposed to have a major wave of Earth changes, excess solar
  activity, etc around the beginning of the year, and nothing
  Earth-shaking (please pardon the pun) happened? Then some people claimed
  there would be catastrophic Earth changes during the month of May, 2000,
  and again nothing even close to catastrophic happened. Concern about
  Earth changes appears to be truly excessive if the quality of past
  predictions are any indication. (Will anybody concede this fact?)
  Moreover, if any major Earth changes are to happen, fewer people will
  believe it ahead of time because of "crying wolf" in the recent past. JF
  === In a message
  dated 07/02/2000 12:58:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  SNETNEWS Mailing List In a message dated 00-07-01 18:35:39 EDT, you

  http://www.millenngroup.com/repository/planetary/poleshift.html by
  William Hutton  Thanks for a tour-de-force on Cayce (not Casey ;-))
  and earth changes. You may want to check out a complementary book: EARTH
  CHANGES. EARTH CHANGES is a radical reinterpretation of the prophecies
  of Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce, the Mayan calendar and galactic
  processes, to see human environmental warfare, and not geologic
  processes alone, as the possible trigger of Earth Changes.

 earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
 consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 earthradioTV.com MIRROR SITES:
 USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/index2.html
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [corp-focus] Time to Cap Big Oil's Profit Gusher

2000-07-03 Thread Kris Millegan

Time to Cap Big Oil's Profit Gusher
Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

The startling concentration of economic power that has resulted from the
U.S. merger wave of the last several years is going to require new levels
of government intervention in the marketplace.

Either the federal and state governments will act to break up monopolistic
and oligopolistic corporations, or government agencies will assume
regulatory authority of a kind largely abandoned in the United States, or
consumers will be gouged and innovation stifled.

Case in point: the oil industry and skyrocketing gasoline prices -- now
over $2.00 gallon in parts of the Midwest.

Vigorous antitrust enforcement may be preferable to government regulation.
But government regulation of industry is certainly preferable to industry
regulation of consumers and the marketplace.

A year and a half ago, when Exxon and Mobil merged in an effective effort
to begin restoration of John Rockefeller's Standard Oil, the conventional
wisdom was that the merger would not affect gas prices.

"The change in the structure of the industry is such that the trend toward
lower gasoline prices and more efficient distribution of gasoline is well
underway and this is not going to stop it," one analyst said to National
Public Radio in a typical remark of the day.

The Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel went so far as to say that predictions
that the Exxon-Mobil merger would increase prices were "delusional."

Now, conventional wisdom is rapidly changing.

With oil prices skyrocketing nationwide, prices spiking in the Midwest and
industry profits reaching stratospheric heights, even the Clinton
administration has called on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate
whether the oil industry is illegally colluding to raise prices.

The oil industry, as always, has a series of rationalizations for the
sudden jump in gas prices.

OPEC has cut production and world prices have risen, say industry
representatives, even as global demand is increasing. That's true, but it
does not account either for the unique price spike in the Midwest, nor for
the surge in industry profits.

New requirements to sell cleaner-burning gasoline have boosted prices, the
industry complains, and led to special difficulties in the Midwest, where
refiners use ethanol instead of alternative blending components. That's
true, but the Environmental Protection Agency -- noting that the oil
industry has had six years to prepare itself for the implementation of
cleaner fuel standards that the industry helped negotiate -- says the
cleaner-burning gas should only cost 4 to 7 cents more per gallon.

The industry also complains that a Unocal patent on a means to formulate
cleaner-burning gas has impeded the use of the most efficient gasoline
formulation techniques. That may be, but it doesn't begin to account for
the huge price increases, the price spike in the Midwest, or the
industry's outsized profits.

It is hard to escape the conclusion that some significant part of the
story involves industry profiteering -- with the oil giants using the
input cost increases from OPEC and the reformulated gasoline standards as
cover to pile on additional charges.

Whether these extra charges were the product of collusive agreements or
"conscious parallelism" can only be determined through an investigation
that involves close questioning of key industry executives and careful
review of industry documents.

Either way, the profiteering is a product of industry concentration. Fewer
industry leaders (and there certainly are fewer, following the recent
mergers of Exxon and Mobil, BP and Amoco and BP Amoco and ARCO) make
price-fixing much easier, whether done through overt and illegal agreement
or follow-the-leader pricing without illegal collusion.

There may be legitimate public policy rationales for raising gas prices --
notably, to spur conservation -- but if so, such price increases should be
government mandated, with revenues used for appropriate public purposes.
They should not be the result of industry rip-offs and profiteering.

Absent government initiative to bust up the oil trust, these kinds of
price increases are bound to continue haunting the United States -- unless
the government chooses to regulate Big Oil.

The first and most pressing need is for a windfall profits tax, to put an
end to the industry's gain from consumer's pain due to OPEC and other
input cost increases.

A second and relatively modest step would involve the issuance of a
compulsory license to require Unocal to let competitors use its
clean-burning gas patent. A patent monopoly cannot be permitted to
block implementation of effective technologies to clean the environment.
Representatives Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, John Baldacci, D-Maine, Frank
Pallone, D-New Jersey, and Tom Barrett, D-Wisconsin, have introduced
legislation to make this possible.

Finally, it is time to think seriously about price controls. Richard Nixon
did. The oil giants clearly do 

[CTRL] [BRC-NEWS] What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?

2000-07-03 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-07-04 00:17:09 EDT, you write:


 What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?


 Frederick Douglass


 July 5th, 1852


 Meeting sponsored by the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery
 Society, Rochester Hall, Rochester, N.Y.


 To illustrate the full shame of slavery, Douglass delivered
 a speech that took aim at the pieties of the nation -- the
 cherished memories of its revolution, its principles of
 liberty, and its moral and religious foundation. The Fourth
 of July, a day celebrating freedom, was used by Douglass to
 remind his audience of liberty's unfinished business.


 Web: http://douglass.speech.nwu.edu/doug_a10.htm

 Print: The speech was originally published as a pamphlet. It
 can be located in James M. Gregory's, "Frederick Douglass,
 the Orator" (New York, 1893), 103-06.


 Fellow-citizens; above your national, tumultous joy, I
 hear the mournful wail of millions! whose chains, heavy and
 grievous yesterday, are, to-day, rendered more intolerable
 by the jubilee shouts that reach them. If I do forget, if I
 do not faithfully remember those bleeding children of sorrow
 this day, "may my right hand forget her cunning, and may my
 tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth!" To forget them, to
 pass lightly over their wrongs, and to chime in with the
 popular theme, would be treason most scandalous and
 shocking, and would make me a reproach before God
 and the world. My subject, then fellow-citizens, is
 AMERICAN SLAVERY. I shall see, this day, and its popular
 characteristics, from the slave's point of view. Standing,
 there, identified with the American bondman, making his
 wrongs mine, I do not hesitate to declare, with all my soul,
 that the character and conduct of this nation never looked
 blacker to me than on this 4th of July! Whether we turn to
 the declarations of the past, or to the professions of the
 present, the conduct of the nation seems equally hideous
 and revolting. America is false to the past, false to the
 present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the
 future. Standing with God and the crushed and bleeding slave
 on this occasion, I will, in the name of humanity which
 is outraged, in the name of liberty which is fettered,
 in the name of the constitution and the Bible, which are
 disregarded and trampled upon, dare to call in question and
 to denounce, with all the emphasis I can command, everything
 that serves to perpetuate slavery-the great sin and shame of
 America! "I will not equivocate; I will not excuse;" I will
 use the severest language I can command; and yet not one
 word shall escape me that any man, whose judgement is not
 blinded by prejudice, or who is not at heart a slaveholder,
 shall not confess to be fight and just.

 But I fancy I hear some one of my audience say, it is just
 in this circumstance that you and your brother abolitionists
 fail to make a favorable impression on the public mind.
 Would you argue more, and denounce less, would you persuade
 more, and rebuke less, your cause would be much more likely
 to succeed. But, I submit, where all is plain there is
 nothing to be argued. What point in the anti-slavery creed
 would you have me argue? On what branch of the subject do
 the people of this country need light? Must I undertake
 to prove that the slave is a man? That point is conceded
 already. Nobody doubts it. The slaveholders themselves
 acknowledge it in the enactment of laws for their
 government. They acknowledge it when they punish
 disobedience on the part of the slave. There are seventy-two
 crimes in the State of Virginia, which, if committed by a
 black man, (no matter how ignorant he be), subject him to
 the punishment of death; while only two of the same crimes
 will subject a white man to the like punishment. What is
 this but the acknowledgement that the slave is a moral,
 intellectual and responsible being? The manhood of the
 slave is conceded. It is admitted in the fact that Southern
 statute books are covered with enactments forbidding, under
 severe fines and penalties, the teaching of the slave to
 read or to write. When you can point to any such laws, in
 reference to the beasts of the field, then I may consent
 to argue the manhood of the slave. When the dogs in your
 streets, when the fowls of the air, when the cattle on your
 hills, when the fish of the sea, and the reptiles that
 crawl, shall be unable to distinguish the slave from a
 brute, their will I argue with you that the slave is a man!

 For the present, it is enough to affirm the equal manhood
 of the negro race. Is it not astonishing that, while we
 are ploughing, planting and reaping, using all kinds of
 mechanical tools, erecting houses, constructing bridges,
 building ships, working in metals of brass, iron, copper,
 silver and gold; that, while we are reading, writing and
 cyphering, acting as clerks, merchants and secretaries,
 having among us lawyers, doctors, 

[CTRL] Views From Down Under

2000-07-03 Thread Alamaine

From www.newaus.com.au/index.html

The New Australian
Why does Australia's media love Clinton and hate Reagan?
By Gerard Jackson

No. 142,   15-21 Nov. 1999

Rather than write on the state of the US economy I thought further reflections
on the curious phenomenon of the Australian media's obsessive defence of
Clinton's behaviour and its refusal to report on his scandals. Now Americans
who believe that the media has a moral duty to report facts as honestly as it
can have a justifiable complaint against the standard of reporting. But pity
poor Australians. At least Americans have access to a range of conservative
oriented magazines and papers while Australians have no genuine alternative
because left-wing groupthink literally prevades the whole of our media.

Though the fall of the Berlin Wall is a watershed in history that symbolises
the collapse of the Soviet empire, I could not find a single editorial or
column in any Australian paper or magazine that credited Reagan with
contributing to that momentous event. Not one. The situation is so bad
regarding Reagan that it is incredibly rare to find any favourable comments
about him in the media. Even the letters columns have been rigged with letters
defending Reagan being spiked while those abusing him were published. The
Australian Financial Review was particularly bad in this respect as was Rupert
Murdoch's Australian.

Even now our journalists cannot resist writing snide comments deriding Reagan's
presidency and denigrating his intelligence and convictions. The so-called
Iran/Contra scandal had our media in a frenzy with no dissenting voices. The
condemnation of Reagan was comprehensive and relentless. Yet the same media has
now put an embargo on Clinton's scandals, deliberately conveying the impression
to the Australian public that there was only Monica Lewinsky, that Whitewater
is old hat and doesn't amount to anything anyway and that there is little else
to report.

Rupert Murdoch's Australian is still spiking the news Photo

The Broaddrick rape was was buried, with Cameron Forbes, The Australian's
Washington correspondent, not only belittling her experience but also calling
Thomas Jefferson a liar and rapist. After all, according to Forbes' left-wing
reasoning, "the sins of William Jefferson Clinton [insinuating that Clinton is
innocent of any crimes] can be put in the context of the sins of Thomas
Jefferson." The same Forbes also impugned Kathleen Willey's motives by implying
that she acted out of greed. Peter Wilson was Forbes' predecessor and every bit
as bad. During his Washington stint he had no qualms in suggesting that the
Reagan administration was the most corrupt in modern history while at the same
time arguing that Clinton's scandals were mere peccadilloes. On his return
Wilson was made The Australian's deputy news editor.

It was suggested by some, perhaps unfairly, that Wilson's promotion and Forbes'
posting would ensure that there would be no in depth reporting on the Clinton
scandals. Coincidence or not, that is exactly what happened. On the other hand,
every other Australian newspaper and magazine did likewise.

Editorial after editorial came out in support of Clinton, arguing that he
should not be removed if impeached, with the left-wing Melbourne Age even
saying that "America would shame itself if it impeached Clinton." In each case
the reasoning was the same: it was all about sex between consenting adults. No
paper, to my knowledge, raised questions about perjury, intimidation or abuse
of power
Now that the sheer magnitude of Clinton's corruption can no longer be
rationalised away the Australian media has decided to censor it. This is why it
has said nothing, for example, about Johnny Chung or Charlie Trie. Even the
Waco scandal scarcely rated a mention. Anything whatsoever that seriously
embarrasses the Clinton administration is simply spiked. Only those Australians
fortunate enough to be on the Net have been able to learn what has really been
going on.

Why? Why are our journalists doing this? Of course, it has nothing to do with
loving Clinton and everything to do with ideology. These moral imposters are
Thomas Sowell's self-anointed. What matters to them is whether you share, or
appear to share, their left-wing view of the world. If so, then this exonerates
you of any wrongdoing because at least your heart is in the right place, unlike
evil conservatives. And it is this ideology that, in their moralising eyes,
justifies bending, twisting and suppressing the truth. This is why they still
mock and hate Reagan, even lying about him. He successfully defied them.

Bear in mind all that I have said and pity us poor Australians who have to put
up with the likes of Murdoch's antipodean media.


One only needs to review the extent to which the So Koreans have gone to be
developers of Chinese infrastructure.  Mollification of Kim Jong Il is probably
more likely an awareness of impending implosion of its impedimence to

Re: [CTRL] Facts and Statistics About Fags

2000-07-03 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

"David" CLAIMS to live in Australia, but I doubt it...just like I doubt
that "David" even exists as a separate entity...

For all I know for certain, you're ALL 'bots and this list is some sort of
interactive fiction run by an AI.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Senator Byrd Michael Aquino

2000-07-03 Thread Kris Millegan


 Senator Byrd has also been named as a driving force behind the creation of

admitted satanist Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino's Temple of Set. Aquino has

been a member of the Psychological Warfare Division of the Defense

Intelligence Agency. An advocate of mind-control, Aquino wrote an article

published in the Military Review, in which he stated: " ...we shall create

MindWar. The term is harsh and fear-inspiring, and so it should be: It is a

term of attack and victory... ".

Aquino was also the focus of alleged child molestation at San Francisco's

Presidio Child Development Center; he was not charged following military

intervention in the case, despite the fact that children accurately

described his bedroom.

On the night of August 9th., 1991, investigative journalist Danny Casolaro

purportedly committed suicide by performing the miraculous feat of slashing

his wrists after severing the tendons in both arms. Casolaro had been in the

process of writing a book about government corruption and had informed

colleagues that one chapter involved Senator Byrd. Allegedly, he had

arranged a clandestine meeting with one of Byrd's staff members that


Irresponsible journalism is reprehensible, but in view of the botched Ramsey

case, the above-described allegations of possible misconduct by Byrd, and

the fact that Patsy Ramsey is a former Miss West Virginia, has anyone

investigated whether a mind-control connection exists between Mrs. Ramsey

and the senator, and whether any public figures were at the Ramsey residence

at the time of the murder?


MICHAEL AQUINO, a military/cult mind-control programmer

An OVERVIEW. Michael Aquino has been a trauma-based total mind-control

(Monarch) programmer for the DIA Psychological Warfare Division. He is also

a prominent public satanist. A photo of Aquino in his military uniform is in

the center picture section of Carl A. Raschke’s Painted Black (San

Francisco: Harper  Row, 1990.) Other books contain various pictures of him

in satanic garb with ritual items. Most of the programmers have chosen to

remain in the background, Aquino with his enormous ego, has chosen

otherwise. Senator Byrd (KKK leader  Freemason) and Aquino have done a

great deal together over the years, and have been like a team. With the

legal expertise of U.S. Sen. Robert C. Byrd, Aquino established the Temple

of Set, a satanic cult as a legal religion recognized by the U.S. government

and the U.S. military. This exclusive cult was designed to give these

unchallenged criminals of the Network A. a legal organization whose

membership consists of a mixed group of slaves and handlers, B. a market

outlet for their illegal drugs and porn, C. a good public, legal, openly

satanic front with which to attack

Page 288 ...

all media coverage of ritual abuse. The controlled media could now excuse

itself from covering ritual abuse, by saying that they had been threatened

to be sued by the Church of Set. Although the Church of Set has had the

entire power of the establishment protecting it from investigation and

criminal prosecution, the climate of control over the United States is still

not complete enough for satanists to openly get away with their

mind-control. By identifying itself so intimately with the Church of Set,

U.S. military intelligence has given the world an open trail of clues to

help whistle-blowers expose the mind-control that has been going on

throughout most of this century. Michael Aquino openly associated with men

like President Ronald Reagan at the White House, again giving us the

leverage to expose the secret satanic philosophies of America’s leadership.

Most of these men lead double lives, and due to the mind-control it has been

hard to establish (except for eye-witnesses) that they are secret satanists.


The army has known about Michael Aquino’s satanism from the beginning, clear

back in 1968. Aquino (and some of his satanic lieutenants) received a High

security clearance (reportedly level 6), and he served with the World

Affairs Council. A dozen leaders within the Temple of Set were Military

Intelligence officers (for instance, Capt. Willie Browning and Intelligence

Officer Dennis Mann). Aquino wrote "From PSYOP to Mind War: The Psychology

of Victory" published in the establishment’s prestigious Military Review

magazine. Aquino writes in this "From PSYOP to MindWar..." article, "...we

shall create MindWar. The term is harsh and fear-inspiring, and so it should

be: It is a term of attack and victory..." Aquino is a sadistic programmer,

who loves to inflict pain on others. Aquino has a doctorate in political

science. He has two masters degrees (one is in political science, Univ. of

CA, Santa Barbara, where he also got his doctorate). Aquino is Airborne

qualified. He studied at the U.S. National Defense 

[CTRL] Fat is key to happiness and good sex, says Dr. Watson, the DNA man

2000-07-03 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Fat is key to good sex, says DNA man

A Nobel scientist claims thin people are miserable, writes Tracy McVeigh

Sunday July 2, 2000

One of the world's most revered scientists has developed a theory
that fat people are happier than thin ones. James Watson, the
Nobel prize-winning geneticist who was jointly responsible for
discovering the structure of DNA, believes that plumper women are
also likely to enjoy a better sex life than their thin

Dr Watson, who directed the successful human genome project, has
moved into the controversial science of body image.

He told an audience at University College London that his
research suggested extra pounds had the biological effect of
making a woman well-rounded in character and better in bed.

'Thinness is never associated with sexuality,' said Watson, 72,
an American. Posh Spice and Calista Flockhart might smile for the
photographers, he claimed, but beneath their sleek exteriors
lurked miserable thin souls.

His study of chemicals in the body has led him to conclude that
extra fat has the effect of boosting endorphins - the natural
mood-enhancing chemical - and a hormone linked to sexual desire.

In thin people, he said, the opposite effect was observed: less
fat led to the brain receiving fewer endorphins.

Watson's theory, which applies equally to men, is that in the
past man would have spent his life constantly looking for food.
The reward for the hard work would be eating and gaining weight.
Hence if you are thin you may be constantly looking for the next

Watson concludes that in evolutionary terms 'thin equals
discontent. Content people have weight on them. That is why we
hire thin people because they are discontent and will work
harder. Heavier people are more mellow and less successful.' Thin
people, on the other hand, are so driven by the need to find that
elusive happiness that they become overachievers. So worldly
success may well come more easily to the slender. 'Kate Moss is
probably the most famous thin person in the world and she's
looking particularly sad. Who has ever heard of a happy
supermodel?' asked Watson.

'Why is the association with these people and drugs so strong? It
may not be a moral weakness but in fact a thin person trying to
find happiness in artificial opiates?'

Watson's comments will be welcomed by those who want to push body
image higher up the political agenda. Last month Minister for
Women Tessa Jowell came in for a barrage of criticism when she
declared a Downing Street war on the 'superwaifs'.

But Watson's interest is purely scientific. He stumbled on what
he calls his latest 'obsession' chatting to a taxi driver in New
York who told him of an Arizona scientist who, trying to create a
self-tanning drug, had injected himself with a hormone which gave
him an eight-and-a-half-hour erection.

The hormone was MSH, linked to sexual desire and also to
sunlight. 'It was one hormone which had always bored me before,'
said Watson. His interest excited, he began to look at MSH and
discovered it was closely linked to two other chemicals in the
body: endorphins, the feel-good chemical, and leptin. Leptin is
made in fat tissue, the more fat, the more leptin. MSH is
affected by leptin and is connected to sexual desire.

'The heavier you are the more leptin and possibly the more MSH,'
said Watson, who intends to continue his research from his base
at Cold Spring Harbour Laboratories on Long Island.

'My guess is that your mood is controlled by endorphins and you
make more of these when you are fat, hence nobody has ever drawn
Santa Claus thin - thin people are discontented.'

Since MSH can also be affected by sun, happiness could depend on
either being in the sun or being fat.

'The people who are the hottest sexually are fat white people who
are burning in the sun,' he said. 'I now really look at fat
couples in a totally different way,' he said. 'When you see two
thin people together you know they've got problems.' Hence Watson
recommends that curvy women match with larger-proportioned
partners for the best sex life.

He also credits the drop in crime rates in his native America to
the rise in obesity there. Watson hopes to publish a paper on the
subject by the end of the year.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 


2000-07-03 Thread Alamaine


A 21st century plague?
By Joel Bleifuss, In These Times

Variations of Britain's infamous Mad Cow disease could kill up to 13 million
people. But regulatory agencies are slow to act on this data, since precautions
could threaten the bottom line of the meat industry.

The scale of the public health threat posed by Mad Cow disease and other
transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) may not be known for years to
come. In Britain, the death toll resulting from Mad Cow -- or, more precisely,
its human manifestation, new-variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (nvCJD) -- could
be catastrophic. Here in the United States, chronic wasting disease, a TSE
found in deer and elk, may pose a threat to those who eat infected animals.

No one is sure to what extent the public is at risk from TSEs, which are caused
by little-understood proteins called prions. The prevalence of the disease in
livestock populations is still unknown. How humans are infected with a TSE from
other species is undetermined. And the disease in humans is difficult to track,
since it may take decades from the time of initial infection to show any

Mad Cow -- or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)-appears to have originated
from the common practice of feeding livestock high-protein feed supplements
derived from rendered slaughterhouse waste, some of which was from TSE-infected
animals. By recycling TSEs -- which occur naturally in mammals but are
extremely rare-into the food supply, an epidemic was touched off. In Britain,
nearly 50 people have been diagnosed with nvCJD, a disease whose associated
prion is nearly identical to the prion that causes Mad Cow. But those numbers
may be deceptively low due to the disease's long incubation period and because
the victims appear to have been exposed before 1986, when Mad Cow was
discovered in British cattle.

To measure the extent of the problem, for the past two years British government
scientists have been performing biopsies on tonsils, one of the body parts that
contains the nvCJD prion. The results have not been made public. But statements
from those familiar with the studies are not reassuring. In August, John
Pattison, chairman of the government's Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory
Committee, predicted that the number of people infected with nvCJD could reach
millions. In December, Lord Justice Phillips, who has been heading an inquiry
into the government's mishandling of the crisis, said the current cases may be
the just "tip of the iceberg." And the BBC has reported that a study by the
Royal Society, Britain's premier scientific body, has estimated the death toll
might reach 13 million.

Making matters worse, theories have emerged that some people who contract nvCJD
may get it not from eating infected meat but from secondary infections. Last
July, John Collinge, a member of the Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory
Committee, wrote in The Lancet that he expected the human epidemic to "evolve
over decades." He went on to raise concerns that the infectious prions might be
transmitted "via blood transfusion, tissue donation, and, since prions resist
routine sterilization, contamination of surgical instruments." He also raised
the disturbing specter that other species of livestock may be infected. "The
theoretical possibility that BSE prions might have transferred to other species
and continue to present a risk to human health cannot be excluded," he wrote.
Mad Cow prions or their TSE cousins have not been found in the U.S. cattle
population. (However, testing by the U.S. Department of Agriculture is so
inadequate that such a statement is meaningless.) But a TSE specific to deer
and elk, chronic wasting disease, is endemic in parts of Colorado and Wyoming
and has been found on game ranches in Montana and Oklahoma. Chronic wasting
disease was first observed in 1967 in captive mule deer, which were
subsequently released into the wild. One theory has it that the captive deer
were exposed to sheep that carry an ovine form of TSE known as scrapie, which
is relatively commonplace. Another is that the deer contracted the disease by
eating feed that contained rendered protein from an infected animal. In parts
of Colorado and Wyoming it affects as many as 8 percent of the deer and 1
percent of the elk.

At least two young hunters, who ate and dressed deer, have come down with CJD.
And a third, a young woman who had eaten venison from a deer shot in Maine,
also contracted the disease. Because CJD is normally a disease of the old, the
youth of the current victims raises the strong possibility that they contracted
the disease through infected deer.
Paul Brown, an expert on TSEs at the National Institutes of Health, has told
John Stauber, author of Mad Cow U.S.A., that deer hunters must be out of their
minds to be consuming deer in areas where chronic wasting disease is prevalent.
That message, however, has not gotten out to the general public.