[CTRL] No oil? No agribusiness! No seed

2000-07-21 Thread Steve Wingate

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Date sent:  Thu, 20 Jul 2000 23:01:39 -0700
Subject:SNET: [energyresources] No oil? No agribusiness! No seeds... No
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From: "Jay Hanson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "energyresources@egroups." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [energyresources] No oil? No agribusiness! No seeds... No
food... No people!
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 08:25:58 -1000

Food Supply Update: July 2000

Going...Going...Gone...Two Thousand Vegetable Seeds Eliminated!

Part I
Copyright (c) 2000, Geri Guidetti
The Ark Institute http://www.arkinstitute.com

***This Update may be forwarded or posted, unedited, without permission.
Edited versions must receive permission before re-publication.

The heated global dialogue surrounding genetically modified seeds and
food security is about to get hotter--much hotter. Within two weeks of each
other, two reports--one by the scientists and scholars representing seven
top international science academies, and the other by RAFI, the Rural
Advancement Foundation International--cover different, but related, aspects
of the growing international debate over food security. Both point to
components of a sweeping revolution that is dramatically changing the way
the human race is wittingly or unwittingly positioning itself to feed its current
six billion souls, a number projected to explode to nine billion in a mere 30
years. I will cover issues from both of these reports in Parts I and II of this
Food Supply Update.

First, the RAFI report. Over the past several years, I have written to you of
the gradual disappearance of non-hybrid or open-pollinated seeds from the
marketplace. These were the seeds that humans have grown, improved,
multiplied and saved from one year to the next to feed themselves and their
communities since the dawn of human agriculture. While earlier food crop
improvements were (and in some places still are) carried out by individual
farmers using traditional breeding methods in the field, or by public
agencies such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture working to improve
the yields and quality of crops for the farmers it served, the potential
profitability of an endless parade of new hybrids and now, genetically
controlled plants whose seed cannot be saved for future crops, increasingly
drew the attention of private seed companies that historically offered a
wide array of locally and regionally adapted non-hybrids. Hybrids are
revenue insurance. If seed cannot be saved by individuals and farmers for
next year's crops, growers would have to return to the company for new
seed each and every year. No matter if you cannot afford the seed because
of weather related crop failures the year before. No money, no seed, no
crop, no money--a viscious cycle that guarantees eventual bankruptcy.

Over the years, mergers and acquisitions of seed companies led to the
current, relative handful of transnational corporate seed giants, many of
whom also just happen to be in the pesticide and herbicide business. Food
is good business. Agricultural chemicals to grow food are good business.
People need to eat. As we move from the present six to the projected nine
billion people in the next 30 years, we must find ways to feed and distribute
food to that many more people and do so in a mere "speck" of time. It is
this knowledge, this pressure of time, and the obvious recognition of the
almost limitless size of the international food market that has
biotechnology, seed and chemical companies as well as whole countries
competing for their piece of the future food and food marketing pie.

Below is a detailed excerpt of RAFI's report on a recent announcement by
vegetable seed giant, Seminis. The full report can be found at RAFI's web
site. The address is printed, below. I'll meet you again at the end of the

RAFI Geno-Types 17 July 2000 www.rafi.org

Earmarked for Extinction? Seminis Eliminates 2,000 Varieties

Summary: Seminis, the world's largest vegetable seed corporation,
announced on 28 June that it would eliminate 2,000 varieties – or 25% of
its total product line – as a cost-cutting measure. Seed industry
consolidation is dramatically narrowing the availability of non-hybrid
vegetable varieties and a wealth of seed diversity is being lost forever.

Back in 1980, seed activists and conservationists protested when the
European Community amalgamated its member states' National Lists
(plant varieties approved by governments for commercial sale) into a
"Common Catalogue." When Brussels' bureaucrats proposed a common
seed roster, the seed companies obliged by providing a "hit list" of over
1,500 variety "names" they claimed were only national synonyms of other
named varieties. The 1,500 "synonyms" became 


2000-07-21 Thread Raul Grajeda

Title: Untitled Document


Rainbow Bridge, Last Instructions: 
Preparing for the Earth Shift 
All Points Alert Bulletin for Planetary Kin Everywhere 


  n  e s p a  o l
The Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge event, Day Out of Time
  2000, completes the Seven Years of Prophecy. What is it? How are we
  to understand this event? 
The Rainbow Bridge is Earth’s aura made visible. This aura - Earth’s
  electromagnetic field - is regulated by a day alternator and night alternator.
  The alternators regulate the photon emission of the sun by day, and
  the photonic regeneration by night. The alternators create the two sides
  of the Rainbow Bridge, 180 degrees apart. The rainbow is already there,
  we just have to “see” it. The sun is currently at the mid-point peak
  of its 23-year sun spot activity cycle. Because of this, the Earth’s
  magnetic field, including the auroras and phasic alternators, are saturated
  with plasma which has already been producing unusual rainbows around
  the sun and related spectral or plasmic rainbow phenomena.
This activity is all part of a quickening process which is an inevitable
  aspect of Earth’s evolution. With the discovery of the Law of Time,
  we have been able to synchronize human consciousness with the solar
  activity (Coronal Mass Ejections or CMEs) in relation to Earth’s poles,
  auroras and magnetic field.
Beginning July 21, 2000, Cosmic Moon 25, and for five days through
  the Day Out of Time, we have called for advanced practitioners, or chrononauts,
  to begin a coordinated telepathic exercise. The purpose of this exercise
  is to place at least a minimum concentrated element of human consciousness
  in phase with the Planet Holon - the etheric structure coordinating
  Earth’s chronosphere, or timing regulator. The day and night phasic
  alternators are the “motor” of the chronosphere. Because of the human
  telepathic synchronization with the chronosphere we can anticipate the
  possibility of an “Earth Shift” - a change in the frequency or
  orbital ratio of the Earth which would be experienced, at least subliminally,
  by all that lives.

  S e v e n M i r r o r
  - Day Out of Time 2000 -
  Reflect the Truth 
  Dissolve the False 
  Attune to the Earth 
  Revolve in Natural Time 
  Establish All 
  Within the Order 
  of Universal Forgiveness

The Rainbow Bridge is the solution to the problem: how is consciousness
  released from the atom? The answer is given by applying the law of Time,
  T(E) = ART, where T = the 13:20 timing frequency coordinated to the
  minimum five day sequence or overtone time chromatic by (E), the human
  consciousness telepathically attuned to the bipolar electromagnetic
  field of the Earth with the purpose of making visible the day-night
  phasic alternators = ART, or the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge.
While only small cadres of humans will be actually doing the five-day
  exercise, all humans are being called upon to participate or in some
  way to acknowledge and be aware of the Day Out of Time, Tuesday, July
  25, White Resonant Mirror, and to imagine or envision a rainbow around
  the Earth. This activity in itself completes the Time Shift begun exactly
  eight years ago. What is the Time Shift?
According to the analysis of the Law of Time, all of life on Earth
  is governed by a common universal timing frequency, mathematically represented
  by the ratio 13:20. Only the humans have deviated from this frequency,
  operating instead by the mechanistic and artificial 12:60 timing frequency.
  As of July 26, 1992, through a concerted effort, a small element of
  humanity began to become aware of the possibility of returning to the
  natural timing frequency through the adoption of the regular and harmonic
  Thirteen Moon Calendar. The Time Shift refers to the shift in perception
  and consciousness away from the 12:60 and back to the 13:20 timing frequencies.
  As of the Day Out of Time 2000, this small element of human consciousness
  operating by the 13:20 timing frequency has come to constitute a minute
  but critical mass of the entire human species dispersed around the globe.
Because the Time Shift had actually come to encompass many different
  groups of people in all parts of the planet, it has actually sparked
  the beginning of a Mind Shift. The Mind Shift is defined by a global

[CTRL] OS: Not all fascists sport military uniforms

2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



 Not all fascists sport military uniforms and funny

 By Charley Reese

 Have you ever thought about whether you
 are a socialist, a capitalist or a fascist?

 It's an interesting mental exercise.

 Don't decide on the basis of your current
 situation. You can be a capitalist and still
 suck on the government teat. Most big
 corporations do. You can be socialist and
 yet make a lot of money. "Hanoi Jane"
 Fonda is a good example of that.

 Just to keep it simple, a capitalist believes
 that the means of production should be
 privately owned; a socialist believes that
 the means of production should be owned
 by the government; and a fascist believes
 that the means of production should be
 controlled by the government.

 It seems to me that folks who favor heavy
 government regulation are fascists, and
 most of them don't even know it.
 Americans have been brainwashed by
 Hollywood into thinking fascists wear
 military uniforms and have funny
 mustaches. In fact, fascists can look
 exactly like Bill Clinton or Alan

 I count myself a capitalist -- even though
 for most of my life I didn't even need to
 take my shoes off to count my money.
 Capitalism, however, is the only economic
 system compatible with individual

 You can't separate freedom from
 economics on account of the fact that we
 are flesh and need sustenance. In a
 capitalist society it is up to us to earn our
 own sustenance as best we can. If someone
 else controls our ability to earn our
 sustenance, then we aren't really free even
 if the controller chooses to leave us alone
 most of the time.

 In the Soviet Union and other communist
 countries, the first level of punishment for
 dissidents was to take away their housing
 (there was no privately owned housing)
 and their job (there were no private
 businesses either). Thus, a dissident soon
 found himself homeless and hungry and
 soon thereafter discovered that being
 homeless and hungry was a crime.

 In a society in which there is no private
 property, the individual is at the mercy of
 the government. On the other hand a person
 in a capitalist society can voluntarily
 become a slave, simply by going deeply
 into debt. When all the money you earn is
 owed to somebody else, you don't have a
 lot of freedom left.

 You may ask how is a safety net provided
 in a free society?

 Well, by family and church. The large,
 tight-knit families that characterized
 America of the 18th and 19th centuries
 were based on a strong element of
 economics. The family worked together to
 raise the standard of living of the whole
 family; when old age or sickness came, the
 family took care of them. Before Medicaid
 and Medicare came along, there were
 charity hospitals operated by churches and
 sometimes the local community.

 Although native-born Americans have
 largely abandoned that for extreme
 individualism, you still see it working
 among Asians and other immigrants. That's
 why so many of them prosper despite the
 difficulties of adjusting to a new country
 and new language.

 The most common characteristic of human
 beings is their adaptability. They can adapt
 to taking care of themselves and their kin if
 the environment forces them to do so. They
 can also adapt to dependency if the
 government forces that system on them.

 People often complain that Americans are
 irresponsible. That attitude has been
 fostered on the people by the government:
 Don't worry. The government will feed
 you; the government will provide you with
 health care; the government will take care
 of the old folks; the government will
 protect you from the bad guys. You just
 enjoy your self-indulgence and be nothing
 but a mindless consumer.


2000-07-21 Thread Raul Grajeda


Title: Untitled Document


Rainbow Bridge, Last Instructions: 
Preparing for the Earth Shift 
All Points Alert Bulletin for Planetary Kin Everywhere 


  n  e s p a  o l
The Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge event, Day Out of Time
  2000, completes the Seven Years of Prophecy. What is it? How are we
  to understand this event? 
The Rainbow Bridge is Earth’s aura made visible. This aura - Earth’s
  electromagnetic field - is regulated by a day alternator and night alternator.
  The alternators regulate the photon emission of the sun by day, and
  the photonic regeneration by night. The alternators create the two sides
  of the Rainbow Bridge, 180 degrees apart. The rainbow is already there,
  we just have to “see” it. The sun is currently at the mid-point peak
  of its 23-year sun spot activity cycle. Because of this, the Earth’s
  magnetic field, including the auroras and phasic alternators, are saturated
  with plasma which has already been producing unusual rainbows around
  the sun and related spectral or plasmic rainbow phenomena.
This activity is all part of a quickening process which is an inevitable
  aspect of Earth’s evolution. With the discovery of the Law of Time,
  we have been able to synchronize human consciousness with the solar
  activity (Coronal Mass Ejections or CMEs) in relation to Earth’s poles,
  auroras and magnetic field.
Beginning July 21, 2000, Cosmic Moon 25, and for five days through
  the Day Out of Time, we have called for advanced practitioners, or chrononauts,
  to begin a coordinated telepathic exercise. The purpose of this exercise
  is to place at least a minimum concentrated element of human consciousness
  in phase with the Planet Holon - the etheric structure coordinating
  Earth’s chronosphere, or timing regulator. The day and night phasic
  alternators are the “motor” of the chronosphere. Because of the human
  telepathic synchronization with the chronosphere we can anticipate the
  possibility of an “Earth Shift” - a change in the frequency or
  orbital ratio of the Earth which would be experienced, at least subliminally,
  by all that lives.

  S e v e n M i r r o r
  - Day Out of Time 2000 -
  Reflect the Truth 
  Dissolve the False 
  Attune to the Earth 
  Revolve in Natural Time 
  Establish All 
  Within the Order 
  of Universal Forgiveness

The Rainbow Bridge is the solution to the problem: how is consciousness
  released from the atom? The answer is given by applying the law of Time,
  T(E) = ART, where T = the 13:20 timing frequency coordinated to the
  minimum five day sequence or overtone time chromatic by (E), the human
  consciousness telepathically attuned to the bipolar electromagnetic
  field of the Earth with the purpose of making visible the day-night
  phasic alternators = ART, or the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge.
While only small cadres of humans will be actually doing the five-day
  exercise, all humans are being called upon to participate or in some
  way to acknowledge and be aware of the Day Out of Time, Tuesday, July
  25, White Resonant Mirror, and to imagine or envision a rainbow around
  the Earth. This activity in itself completes the Time Shift begun exactly
  eight years ago. What is the Time Shift?
According to the analysis of the Law of Time, all of life on Earth
  is governed by a common universal timing frequency, mathematically represented
  by the ratio 13:20. Only the humans have deviated from this frequency,
  operating instead by the mechanistic and artificial 12:60 timing frequency.
  As of July 26, 1992, through a concerted effort, a small element of
  humanity began to become aware of the possibility of returning to the
  natural timing frequency through the adoption of the regular and harmonic
  Thirteen Moon Calendar. The Time Shift refers to the shift in perception
  and consciousness away from the 12:60 and back to the 13:20 timing frequencies.
  As of the Day Out of Time 2000, this small element of human consciousness
  operating by the 13:20 timing frequency has come to constitute a minute
  but critical mass of the entire human species dispersed around the globe.
Because the Time Shift had actually come to encompass many different
  groups of people in all parts of the planet, it has actually sparked
  the beginning of a Mind Shift. The 

[CTRL] Mark Lindsay knew Project X's 'scope'

2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER




Mark Lindsay knew Project X's 'scope'

Initials on report about e-mail problem belie top aide's testimony to

By Paul Sperry © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- Top White House aide Mark Lindsay signed off on a
1998 report detailing the "scope" of a gap in West Wing e-mail
archives, WorldNetDaily has learned.  Yet he told Congress, under
oath, that he first learned of the size of the problem this year.

Lindsay, assistant to the president for management and
administration, has maintained he was in the dark about the
"scope and breadth" of the so-called "Project X" e-mail glitch.

He has sworn he didn't know how many White House e-mail accounts
were affected by the glitch and had no idea how many e-mails were
unrecorded until he was first called to testify March 23.

But a June 18, 1998, draft report prepared by Northrop Grumman
computer contractors quantifies the "scope of the problem,"
listing the number of e-mail accounts affected and the type and
volume of e-mails rejected.

Lindsay's initials -- "MFL" -- appear on the document (his middle
name is Frederick).

WorldNetDaily has obtained a copy of the two-page report, titled
"Lotus Notes to ARMS (Automated Records Management System)
Interface Anomaly." (See document, followed by enlargement of
Lindsay's hand-written note and initials on page two.)

Three Northrop Grumman contractors, in sworn testimony, say
Lindsay threatened them in a June 15, 1998, White House meeting
to keep Project X a secret -- even from their boss and spouses --
or face arrest and jail.

Lindsay is now monitoring a court-ordered project to reconstruct
the back-up tapes of the missing e-mails, which number at least
246,083 and may total as many as a million.

Lindsay meets daily with new contractors hired by the White
House.  The project has been fraught with technical setbacks and
delays over the past three-and-a-half months.

The unarchived e-mails, sent to the White House over the
Internet, from government agencies or even from Air Force One,
have been under subpoena by federal investigators, a federal
court and Congress for years.

Yet the White House never told them about the gap, which spans
more than two years, from August 1996 to November 1998.  They
didn't find out about it until this February, when a former White
House computer manager blew the whistle in a federal court

The trove of e-mail contains messages related to Lewinsky,
Filegate, Commerce Department trade junkets, Chinagate and
various other White House scandals, current and former White
House employees have testified.

Independent Counsel Robert Ray and Justice Department Campaign
Financing Task Force Chief Robert Conrad are both investigating
the White House for possible obstruction of justice in the case.
A federal grand jury has been sworn in and is already hearing
testimony from White House witnesses.

House Government Reform Committee Chairman Dan Burton and U.S.
District Judge Royce Lamberth also are looking into the matter.

House investigators think Lindsay, at the time Office of
Administration's chief of staff and general counsel, actually
penned the June 18, 1998, report himself, after asking Northrop
Grumman technicians to plumb the depths of the problem and report
back to him.

He then handed it off to a staff lawyer to aid him in drafting a
briefing memo for Lindsay's boss, Virginia "Ginny" Apuzzo,
then-assistant to the president for management and

Apuzzo, in turn, gave that June 19, 1998, memo, titled "Technical
Anomaly in Automated E-mail Records Management System," to
then-deputy White House Chief of Staff John Podesta and White
House Counsel Charles Ruff.

The two-page briefing explains the "anomaly," or glitch, but
curiously leaves out any mention of the number of e-mail user
accounts affected or any estimates of the number of unrecorded
e-mails that are cited in the June 18, 1998, report.

It's possible, however, that Lindsay later filled in Podesta, now
President Clinton's chief of staff, with such details.

"Ginny, Please ask Mark to brief me on this. Thanks, John,"
Podesta wrote over his copy of the memo.

On June 18, 1998, Northrop Grumman technician Robert Haas began
an audit of White House e-mail accounts affected by the archiving

Part of his findings were incorporated in the June 18 draft
report that Lindsay initialed, if not wrote.

Under the heading, "Scope of the problem," the draft report
states "number of users on Mail2 [White House server] affected:

Then it breaks it down by office:

"White House Office: 464.

"OPD [Office of Policy Development]: 58.

"OA [Office of Administration]: 4."

Then the report lists the "type of user e-mail traffic that would
fail the ARMS scan:

"Internet e-mail (incoming).

"Delivery reports (confirmation notification messages).

"Non-delivery reports (failure delivery 


2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


By Martin Hickman, Political Correspondent, PA News

Deaths from the human form of mad cow disease are expected to
increase by up to 30% over coming years, the head of a Government
panel of experts on the disease warned today.

Between two and four more people will probably die from new
variant CJD in addition to the 10 to 15 deaths currently
experienced each year, said Professor Peter Smith.

Prof Smith, acting head of the Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory
Committee, said this was borne out by a "statistically
significant" increase in cases.

The disease could claim thousands of lives but he believed it was
now less likely that it would kill tens of thousands.

New variant CJD destroys the brains of its victims and is
believed to have been spread by beef from cattle infected with
mad cow disease, or BSE.

Prof Smith, an epidemiologist at the London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, said that until now the incidence of the
disease had remained "fairly constant".

He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "But there has been a
trend upwards and we have just seen analyses showing that that
trend upwards now is formally statistically significant and is
unlikely to be due to chance.

"The total number of cases so far that have been reported is 76.
We are currently observing between 10 and 15 deaths a year and we
think that the increase is of the order of 20-30% a year.

"So it means that around the next years or so we expect there to
be an extra two to four deaths a year compared to the number that
we have been observing."

Prof Smith said that it was important to get the epidemic into
"perspective" and that numbers affected were relatively small.

"We don't know how the epidemic is going to evolve over time," he

However, the view that the epidemic might cause hundreds of
thousands of deaths was in his view "unlikely now".

He added: "I think we are likely to be dealing with much smaller
numbers than that.

"It's possible it won't be a very large epidemic, may involve
perhaps a hundred, several hundred cases, could run into the
thousands but I think - and this is a personal view - the
likelihood that it will run into tens or hundreds of thousands is
much more remote now than it was several years ago."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Bid to get Clinton disbarred fails

2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Bid to get Clinton disbarred fails


Arkansas' lawyer-discipline committee has dismissed a complaint
alleging that President Clinton should be disbarred because of
his relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

The complaint was filed Jan. 13 by Jim Parsons of Bella
Vista, state director of the Arkansas Christian Educators
Association and a longtime Clinton critic. The executive director
of the state Supreme Court's Committee on Professional Conduct in
May notified Parsons that the conduct alleged in his grievance
didn't fall under the panel's jurisdiction.

Parsons appealed the decision to the Alternate Committee on
Professional Conduct. In a July 11 letter, Parsons was informed
that a three-member panel of the alternate committee had affirmed
the decision to dismiss the complaint.

In a letter dated Monday to committee acting Director Nancie
Givens of Little Rock, Parsons contended that the dismissal has
damaged the reputation of the state's legal profession. j "It is
your profession that has the thousands of lawyer jokes and it is
every attorney in Arkansas that has been degraded by this
decision to do nothing," Parsons said. j A soldier or a teacher
who admitted to "inappropriate intimate contact" with a
subordinate, as Clinton did, would be fired immediately, so
lawyers should be held accountable, Parsons said Wednesday.

The comment section to Rule 8.4 of the rules governing
Arkansas lawyers states that "offenses concerning some matters of
personal morality, such as adultery and comparable offenses ...
have no specific connection to fitness for the practice of law."

The committee is seeking Clinton's disbarment on the basis of
a referral from Chief U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright of
Little Rock. In April 1999, she found the president in civil
contempt of court for giving "intentionally false" testimony
about his relationship with Lewinsky in a January 1998 deposition
he gave in the Paula Corbin Jones sexual-harassment lawsuit
against him.

Clinton has been licensed to practice law in his home state
since 1973. He has not practiced since 1981-82.

This article was published on Thursday, July 20, 2000

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] ND: Farah: I agree with Clinton!

2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



I agree with Clinton!

For more than seven and a half years now, people have been saying
to me: "OK, Farah, we know what you dislike about Clinton, but
isn't he ever right about anything?"

Finally, friends, I can tell you I have found something on which
Clinton, or at least his official spokesman, is dead-on correct.
On Monday, in answer to a question about Hillary Clinton's
alleged anti-Semitic slur, White House press secretary Joe
Lockhart said, "Obviously, the president probably has more
experience than any living human being about how deep in the
gutter some people can go."

Joe, I couldn't have said it any better myself. Bill Clinton
does, indeed, have more experience working with the dregs of
society -- real human debris -- than any other living soul.

Now we have it from the horse's mouth. Bill Clinton's mouthpiece
has admitted just what many of us have suspected all along --
that the president's greatest expertise, his greatest claim to
fame, the characteristic that sets him apart from all the rest is
his knowledge of the depths of the gutter.

Until now, I have not weighed in on the Hillary "Jew bastard"
comment. But I guess it's time.

Do I believe she actually said that? I have scarcely a doubt that
she has made such offensive statements and far worse. In fact,
over the years, I have developed more than a few primary sources
who have overheard Bill and Hillary Clinton make remarks that are
every bit as shocking and revolting as the one she made to Paul
Fray, who ran Clinton's unsuccessful 1974 congressional campaign
as reported in the new book, "State of a Union: Inside the
Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton."

What exactly does Lockhart mean about the gutter? Is he
suggesting that those making allegations about Hillary are
reaching up from the gutter? These allegations are hardly being
hurled by Clinton's adversaries or the vast right-wing

Hillary is accused of hurling the epithet at Fray. Fray was the
man Bill Clinton chose to run his campaign.

"I think they've got a little bit of what you call 'selective
memory,'" says Fray. Fray said he doesn't want to see the Prima
Donna destroyed over this incident, suggesting he is still far
from an enemy. But he also says he is willing to take a
lie-detector test or the truth serum to prove his claim.

He shouldn't have to do so. He's got corroborating witnesses.
Fray's wife says she heard the whole confrontation. Hillary not
only called her husband a "f---ing Jew bastard" 26 years ago, she
said, Mrs. Clinton shouted it so loudly "it rattled the walls."

Still, Bill and Hillary deny everything -- or almost everything.

"She might have called him a bastard," the president said in an
interview in the New York Daily News. "I wouldn't rule that out.
She's never claimed that she was pure on profanity. But I've
never heard her tell a joke with an ethnic connotation."

There he goes again. Saying things that sound like they mean
something, but don't really.

First of all, Bill, "bastard" is not a profanity -- not by any
stretch of the definition. And Hillary's alleged use of the
ethnic slur was hardly in the context of telling a joke.

Maybe there are still some people who believe Bill and Hillary,
despite their long track records of deceit. I don't. And, from
what I've heard from my own Arkansas sources, Bill Clinton, as
well as Hillary, were prone to making ethnic slurs, racial slurs,
using obscenity, profanity and vulgarity.

The foul language hardly stopped when they left Little Rock. Even
minutes before Clinton's inauguration Hillary and Bill were
screaming at one another about the "f---ing Bible" to be used for
the ceremony. Does that give you a clue as to the character of
these high priests of the gutter?

So when either one of these folks places their hand on the Bible
and swears an oath to tell the truth, to uphold the Constitution
or make any other vow, just remember the contempt, the venom, the
anger that underlies all the phony exterior.

Yes, indeed, Bill Clinton is an expert on the gutter. I'm sure he
knows more denizens of the gutter than anyone else on the planet,
as his own spokesman says. I concur, for once, wholeheartedly
with him on this one.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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[CTRL] Gore swings away as team debates hardball

2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Gore swings away as team debates hardball

July 20, 2000

Al Gore had better watch out the next time he makes a rare
appearance in the Senate to fulfill constitutional duties as its
president. "He wouldn't have the Secret Service surrounding him,"
Sen. Arlen Specter told me. Specter (R-Pa.) is still sizzling
about a Gore aide accusing him of McCarthyism and the vice
president acquiescing. Gore can expect an earful on the Senate

He guaranteed that on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday by shrugging
off the senator's protests. Would he apologize for his press
secretary, Chris Lehane, asserting that Specter was
"McCarthy-like" in revealing a new Justice Department
recommendation for a special prosecutor of Gore's 1996 campaign
finance conduct? "No," said Gore, after cryptically commenting
that Lehane "speaks for himself."

More is at stake than the Democratic presidential candidate's
tiff with a Republican senator from Pennsylvania. Just how mean
Gore should be is being debated in his campaign. Doubts also are
rising about Gore's ability to perform on his feet. He struggled
under examination Sunday by Tim Russert while Republican George
W. Bush placidly was responding to easier interrogation on ABC's
"This Week."

Russert's long interview was nearly finished when he brought up
Specter's complaint. Exercising oversight as a Senate Judiciary
subcommittee chairman, Specter on June 22 revealed that the
Justice Department's campaign finance task force chief, Robert
Conrad, wanted a special prosecutor. Lehane quickly accused
Specter of orchestrating "a crude McCarthy-like effort" to cover
up Bush's campaign contributions from the oil industry.

Specter could not believe his ears. While a consummate
politician, he is no partisan (breaking party ranks to vote
against removing President Clinton from office and just last week
opposing repeal of the estate tax) and enjoyed warm collegial
relations with Sen. Al Gore. "To compare me to McCarthy!" Specter
said. "McCarthy told lies. I told the truth."

Lehane, an apprentice spin doctor at the White House during the
Whitewater investigation, as Gore's spokesman has been flailing
away for months. Could a 32-year-old rookie concoct this vitriol?
A Democratic friend who thinks the McCarthy-like accusation "is
way over the top" asked him. Lehane replied he would not be
assaulting a U.S. senator without higher approval.

That's what Specter wanted to know in increasingly bitter letters
to Gore June 27, 28 and 29. "I await your apology!" he concluded
the third letter. All three went unanswered by Gore, copying the
model set by Clinton in handling communications from Capitol

When Russert brought this up Sunday, Gore further infuriated
Specter. "Has he no shame?" asked a smiling vice president,
echoing Joseph Welch's famous riposte against Joe McCarthy 46
years ago. "That wasn't an accusation that I made, but an
accusation my press secretary made," Gore added. By then refusing
to apologize, he seemed ambivalent in his campaign's internal
debate over whether he should or should not be mean.

That was not the only part of "Meet the Press" providing
discomfort for Democrats. He dodged abortion questions about when
life begins and requirements for parental consent. He would not
comment on a Supreme Court decision permitting Boy Scout
rejection of homosexual scout leaders, pleading he had not read
the opinion. "I don't think I ever wrote" a profane message
rejecting a 1995 CIA report on corruption in Russia, Gore said,
but claimed "it was a very sloppy piece of work."

Then there was Gore's response when Russert read from the book
(Truth to Tell) by Clinton-Gore defender Lanny Davis admitting
that "those [White House] coffees were held to raise money during
a political campaign." "Well," insisted Gore last Sunday, "they
were not fund-raisers."

Was Davis wrong? "Yeah, as far as I'm concerned, he is," Gore
replied. Davis in his book added no money actually was solicited
or collected at the White House coffees. Gore himself in his
April 18 sworn deposition taken by Justice's Conrad said that
people invited to the coffees "would be likely to be asked to
contribute later on."

Why didn't Gore make this distinction Sunday? Why did he feel
impelled to continue the attack on a once friendly U.S. senator?
Is this candidate ready for the presidential debates that he
seeks so eagerly? Robert Novak appears on CNN's "Capital Gang" at
6 p.m. Saturday and "Evans, Novak, Hunt and Shields" at 4:30 p.m.
Saturday and 10 a.m. Sunday.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.


2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 Original Message 
   Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 13:25:42 -0400
   From: Murray Kahl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: unlisted-recipients:; (no To-header on input)



61 East 8th Street, #176, New York, New York 10003




Date: Tuesday, July 25th, 2000

Time: From 4:30 pm on -- come over after work!!!

Place: 450 Seventh Avenue (Seventh Ave and 34th Street), in front
of Mrs. Clinton's Headquarters


The First Lady is raising tens of thousands of dollars in “secret
sit-downs with Arafat cronies,” no wonder Jews ­ and non-Jews
concerned with national security implications of such ties ­ are
sickened. On May 12, at a reception at the mansion of Arafat pal
Hani Masri, Mrs. Clinton reportedly raised more than $50,000 A
week later, at a private event at the home of real-estate
developer Rafat Mahmood, who supports “some of Israel's most
vocal critics in Congress,” she raised more than $70,000.

The Clintons entertained supporters of the Hamas terrorist
organization right in the White House (Steve Emerson, Wall Street
Journal, “Friends of Hamas in the White House.”) The American
public “might be a bit surprised to learn that both the President
and First Lady have closely embraced an Islamic fundamentalist
group in the U.S. that champions and supports Hamas. This group
also openly supports, lobbies for and defends other Islamic
terrorist groups.”

We are shocked that news reports are predicting that it will cost
U.S. taxpayers up to ONE HUNDRED BILLION hard-earned dollars for
this phony deal to enhance Bill Clinton's "legacy." This is money
that should be going to our children's education, health
research, social security, help to our poorest Americans, and so
many other vital areas. Hillary Clinton, who is always running
all over talking about how she cares about families and children
is collecting campaign funding from supporters of terror
organizations that BLOW


Mrs. Clinton has failed to accept meetings with many responsible
Jewish leaders who have tough questions for her, favoring instead
orchestrated private gatherings with hand-picked allies. It is
time for the public to hear Mrs. Clinton challenged in an open
forum, not coddled, on her views on the Middle East, her embrace
of Suha Arafat after Suha’s vicious anti-Semitic remarks, her
support of a Palestinian Arab state on Jewish land, her cozying
up to such dangerous local race-baiting charlatans as Al
Sharpton, and other issues of Jewish concern ­ including the
charges of anti-Semitism on the part of Mrs. Clinton herself.

The latest is a story broken by Adam Dickter of the Jewish Week,
stating that Mrs. Clinton's campaign sent out a memo calling on
members of her "Jewish Advisory Council" to call the media and
support her during this time when she is under attack for her
alleged anti-Semitic slur ("You f-- Jewish bastard.") The
secret memo also calls on its recipients NOT TO LET THE MEDIA
MANHATTAN. Let Mrs. Clinton stop her officious nodding at us from
afar, and start ANSWERING real questions now.

Beth Gilinsky Jewish Action Alliance, New York

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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Re: [CTRL] Congressman Focuses on Gore Tape

2000-07-21 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 07/21/2000 4:53:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 According to Rep.  Dan Burton, Gore can be heard suggesting that
 Clinton friend and Indonesian businessman James Riady be shown
 Democratic TV ads.

 ``It would indeed be extraordinary for the vice president to
 suggest showing political issue advertisements to an Indonesian
 billionaire who lives in Jakarta, Indonesia,'' Burton wrote
 Attorney General Janet Reno on Tuesday. 

Why?   I would expect a man to be interested in various projects and be so
interested he would want to show them to anyone available.  I've been dragged
outside by people who love to show me their flower gardens.  I wouldn't ever
think of growing flowers myself.  I've been pulled into nurseries to admire
babies, and while my own interested me, no one else's do unless they are
needful.  I've been forced to admire newly purchased cars (who cares) and
recently  restored homes (again I could care less).  These folks weren't
really trying to get me to garden, get pregnant, buy a car or restore an old
house.  They were just so interested in their latest projects they wanted to
look at them and talk about them.   Suspecting everyone who bores me with his
or her latest interest of having ulterior motives never passed my mind.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] ND: Farah: I agree with Clinton!

2000-07-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

Hey Prudy - we got a lot of experts on gutters in the house and senate.

This guy was to in gutter of sublime thinking; while good for a laugh,
and this country could use a good laff - wonder if that guy is on
unemployment yet?

For I would give him the double-boot?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] SNET: FEMA - The Secret Government (fwd)

2000-07-21 Thread William Bacon

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 04:22:00 -0700
From: Nicky Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SNET: FEMA - The Secret Government

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

-Original Message-
From: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, 21 July 2000 18:07
Subject: FEMA - The Secret Government

FEMA - The Secret Government
By Harry V. Martin with research assistance from David Caul
Copyright FreeAmerica and Harry V. Martin, 1995

Some people have referred to it as the "secret government" of the
United States. It is not an elected body, it does not involve itself
in public disclosures, and it even has a quasi-secret budget in the
billions of dollars. This government organization has more power than
the President of the United States or the Congress, it has the power
to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens
without a warrant and hold them without trial, it can seize property,
food supplies, transportation systems, and can suspend the

Not only is it the most powerful entity in the United States, but it
was not even created under Constitutional law by the Congress. It was
a product of a Presidential Executive Order. No, it is not the U.S.
military nor the Central Intelligence Agency, they are subject to
Congress. The organization is called FEMA, which stands for the
Federal Emergency Management Agency. Originally conceived in the
Richard Nixon Administration, it was refined by President Jimmy
Carter and given teeth in the Ronald Reagan and George Bush

FEMA had one original concept when it was created, to assure the
survivability of the United States government in the event of a
nuclear attack on this nation. It was also provided with the task of
being a federal coordinating body during times of domestic disasters,
such as earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. Its awesome powers grow
under the tutelage of people like Lt. Col. Oliver North and General
Richard Secord, the architects on the Iran-Contra scandal and the
looting of America's savings and loan institutions. FEMA has even
been given control of the State Defense Forces, a rag-tag, often
considered neo-Nazi, civilian army that will substitute for the
National Guard, if the Guard is called to duty overseas.


Though it may be the most powerful organization in the United States,
few people know it even exists. But it has crept into our private
lives. Even mortgage papers contain FEMA's name in small print if the
property in question is near a flood plain. FEMA was deeply involved
in the Los Angeles riots and the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the
San Francisco Bay Area. Some of the black helicopter traffic reported
throughout the United States, but mainly in the West, California,
Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Colorado, are flown by
FEMA personnel. FEMA has been given responsibility for many new
disasters including urban forest fires, home heating emergencies,
refugee situations, urban riots, and emergency planning for nuclear
and toxic incidents. In the West, it works in conjunction with the
Sixth Army.

FEMA was created in a series of Executive Orders. A Presidential
Executive Order, whether Constitutional or not, becomes law simply by
its publication in the Federal Registry. Congress is by-passed.
Executive Order Number 12148 created the Federal Emergency Management
Agency that is to interface with the Department of Defense for civil
defense planning and funding. An "emergency czar" was appointed. FEMA
has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies,
the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of
secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in
case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic. Executive Order
Number 12656 appointed the National Security Council as the principal
body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the
government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S.
citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United
States and grant the government the right to isolate large groups of
civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all
borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry.

Here are just a few Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would
suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive
Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted
by the stroke of a Presidential pen:

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of
transportation and control of highways and seaports.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the

[CTRL] Fwd: NewsMax.com: Inside Cover Story

2000-07-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

So as Oscar Wilde said "He talks like a liberal, but eats with the

Something is wrong here with these contributions which could constitute
a gift.

When Arabs and Jews negotiate with the President, is it kosher for First
Lady to take what could constitute a gift or a bribe - from both sides,
saying I really love you the best?

This woman should get out of the race so long as she is First Lady - can
they get her for violation of hatch act, for she is at public trough and
has income from feds.

So much for As The Stomach Turns...and Peace, to Holy Land.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


Re: [CTRL] OS: Not all fascists sport military uniforms

2000-07-21 Thread nessie

Just to keep it simple, a capitalist believes  that the means of
production should be
  privately owned; a socialist believes that the means of production
should be owned  by the government; and a fascist believes that the means
of production should be controlled by the government.

Anarchists believe the means of production (and transportation and
communication and housing, etc.) should be owned and controlled by the
workers themselves. It's better. The other three suck. They are all based
on hierarchy, i.e., a few people having power over the many. . Human
nature being what it is, anyone with power uses it for their own best
interests, not the best interests of the rest of us.

In the Soviet Union and other communist  countries . . .dissidents . . .
soon thereafter discovered that being  homeless and hungry was a crime.

In America, paper sleeps in a palace while people sleep in the streets.
Loitering is a crime. How, pray tell, is this different?

You may ask how is a safety net provided in a free society?

 Well, by family and church.

That's great, if you have a family and belong to a church and they take
care of you. Everybody else is out in the cold.

Anarchists ask, why have a system in which a safety net is even needed?
Why not have a system in which everybody prospers. This is a wealthy
planet. The only reason poverty even exists is because power is in the
hands of the few and they use it to hoard.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] SNET: FEMA - The Secret Government (fwd)

2000-07-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

It has always been my understanding that the President and any other
elected official, such as a Govenor or a Mayor,  creates the policies
under which his or her administration will operate.

An Executive Order, is not a law - it is a policy, and it cannot
conflict with Constitution or federal laws passed by legislators.

An Executive Order can be abolished by the next President, or
re-written, and it is a policy.
Government is supposed to provide services and it is the duty of
Congress to pass laws, when budget presented to them by administration,
to take care of these needs.

That law of land stuff with regard to Executive Order, is not true; for
Executive Order is not law, merely policy with about as much authority
as a proclamation.

So FEMA - it looks like all Presidents have just improved upon, etc.,
but FEMA note first on scene, when flooding, etc. with money for those
who lose homes, loans, etc.

This thing was formed when country heavy into weather modification
programremember during Nixon's term in early 70 period - even a song
was written "Who Will Stop the Rain" and for many many days, and season
we hardly saw the sun.

So next President by stroke of pen, can change the policy.

So remember JFK's executive order and the coining of money?
Signed..ignored.but not forgotten.

FEMA warns about flood insurance;  Greenland melts further - but in 1987
it was reported oceans were two inches higher then.so maybe this is
what the astrologers meant, many years ago, when they said California
and Florida about to fall into drink?

But that guy recently speaking for Clinton, who said Clinton had a lot
of experience in the gutter...Clinton has surrounded himself with
the dumbest bunch of pseudo intellectuals I have ever seen.and he is
just as dumb.

We need to open the floodgates in this country and clean house -
government is to serve the people, and is outlined in preamble of the US
Constitution and this government We the People established, only We the
People have a right, to abolish.

Build an ARK - damn the torpedos - and full speed ahead for someone just
called HAVOC.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] No oil? No agribusiness! No seed

2000-07-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

This is beginning of the Henry Kissinger plan to corner market on food.

Anyway, with a small piece of land, my mother used to feed the poor as
did other people in our neigborhood; bushel baskets full of food would
be left where needed, and it did not cost a dime.   For one apple tree
alone - more rots upon the ground, than is used for food.

Kissinger goes to bed each night well fed - but his idea of cornering
the market on food, while at same time telling US Farmers to find
another life is being implemented.

God's Garden is being plowed under and with it, the American
peoplelook to South Africa and wonder when you rake up rotted apples
from the ground - why do people starve and why is Ethiopia still
starving after all these years?

Where are all the treasures of Africa going - diamonds, rubies,
gold.when people starve and UN wants billions of dollars for what?

You could live in God's Garden without spending a dime - better bread,
than roses.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fw: France floats idea of single Europe nuclear force

2000-07-21 Thread Robert F. Tatman

- Original Message -
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 2:22 AM
Subject: (GDR) France floats idea of single Europe nuclear force

France floats idea of single Europe nuclear force

ROME, July 12 (Reuters) - French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine said in an
interview published on Wednesday that Europe someday may need a single
nuclear power to speak as a deterrent force for whole continent.

But in the interview with Rome's La Repubblica newspaper, he said it was
still too early to say what role France and Britain, the European Union's
only nuclear powers, would have in it.

Vedrine, whose country just took over the rotating EU presidency, was asked
if France would be willing to renounce its nuclear military power in the
of a united Europe.

``Nuclear weapons are an extreme guarantee of survival,'' he was quoted as

``To assure the credibility of dissuasion, there is a need for a single
dissuader who can affirm in a convincing way: 'If you threaten the vital
interests of my country, you will in turn expose yourself to a vital
he said.

``Peace is guaranteed by this mechanism. To transfer this position to a
European level there is a need that the dissuader be credible and therefore
speak in the name of a single European people,''he said.

``Maybe one day this question will formulate itself in these terms. Today it
is not this way. Neither France or Great Britain have a place in this

Vedrine also spoke of President Jacques Chirac's recent call for a ``pioneer
group'' of states forging ahead with closer integration before other EU

Asked if Franco-German agreement on the proposal could alienate other
countries, Vedrine said:

``(Chirac) has made proposals. Nonetheless it would not be up to France or
Germany to decide by themselves. In the ongoing debate, there are proposals
that regard the entire Union and others that aim at the idea of an engine
group, a core group or a group of pioneers...''

Asked if he felt it was impossible for Britain to take part in this group,
Vedrine said:

``I think in effect it would be impossible to exclude any country 'a priori'
... The debate must continue and we will need time before everything become

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2000-07-21 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Look at the face of the REAL New World Order...

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 12:04 AM

 From: Robert Naiman

 Sunday Journal, Metro DC,
 July 23, 2000

 Robert Naiman, Center for Economic and Policy Research


 Representative Sonny Callahan, the Chair of the
 Foreign Operations subcommittee of the House
 Appropriations Committee, and Representative Nancy
 Pelosi, his Democratic counterpart, disagree on a
 lot of issues.

 But they do agree that Congress should act to stop
 the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank
 from keeping poor kids out of school in Africa.

 The United States House of Representatives, in the
 Foreign Operations appropriation, passed legislation
 that would bar the International Monetary Fund and
 the World Bank from imposing "user fees" on primary
 health care and education on poor countries.

 "User fees" are payments by families that the World
 Bank and the IMF pressure the government in a poor
 country to impose for families to send their kids to
 school, or to go to the hospital. These services had
 typically been publicly financed. "User fees" are
 supposed to promote efficiency. Their practical
 effect has been to deny access.

 This is particularly scandalous given the AIDS
 crisis in Africa. Some attention has been focused on
 the need for more funding. But not nearly enough
 attention has been paid to whether poor people have
 access to health care. For example, the introduction
 of fees in a Nairobi clinic for sexually transmitted
 diseases caused a 65% decrease in attendance for
 women.  Yet it is well-known that failure to treat
 STDs greatly increases the transmission of AIDS.

 UN studies have shown that the imposition of user
 fees for school have led to falling attendance
 rates. Attendance rates for girls have fallen even

 In Ghana education used to be free. After 10 years
 of IMF and World Bank imposed user fees, two-thirds
 of rural families could not afford to send their
 children to school consistently.

 There is a perverse disconnect here. In the U.S.,
 there is a broad consensus across the political
 spectrum in support of universal access to public
 education through high school. Yet the IMF and the
 World Bank, institutions which get a fifth of their
 funding from the U.S. taxpayer, impose "user fees"
 on poor children in Africa. As the actress Valerie
 Harper pointed out, her daughter goes to a public
 school for free - why would we keep kids out of
 school in Africa because their parents can't pay?

 The issue illustrates the ideological fanaticism of
 IMF and World Bank officials. They continue to
 insist on their policy because their theoretical
 models indicate that it would be more efficient to
 charge fees - exempting some of the poorest - than
 to have education be free and fully financed by the

 But UNICEF has studied the track record of exemption
 schemes, and found that they haven't worked.

 You might hope that in light of this information,
 IMF and World Bank officials would change their
 policies. But they haven't, because practical
 effectiveness is less important to them than
 conformity to their theories.

 The Clinton Administration, which has decisive
 influence over the IMF and the World Bank when it
 wants to, could use its influence to pressure IMF
 and World Bank officials for change.

 So far, however, the US Treasury department has
 failed to act. That's why the amendment introduced
 by Democratic Representative Jesse Jackson of
 Illinois to the Foreign Operations appropriation,
 which passed with bipartisan support, is so

 The Clinton Administration now has two choices.
 It will have to pressure the IMF and the World Bank
 to stop imposing user fees for primary health care
 and education, or it will have to explain to Members
 of Congress why it unable or unwilling to do so.

 The House of Representatives has also set an
 important precedent. In the past, Congress has
 forced changes in IMF processes, requiring the
 publication of more documents, for example. But with
 respect to specific IMF polices, it has limited
 itself to exhortations which have proved
 ineffective. For the first time, the House has
 demanded change of a specific IMF-World Bank
 "structural adjustment" policy on the ground. If
 this effort succeeds, it could hasten other reforms
 in the future.

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Re: [CTRL] OS: Not all fascists sport military uniforms

2000-07-21 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Hold it.  In 1900, the directory of voluntary (charitable) organizations in
Philadelphia was the size of the White Pages.  The vast majority of those
organizations still existed, with virtually all of their earlier resources,
during the Great Depression...and they were utterly unable to cope with the
human dislocation and misery caused by corporate greed and stupidity.  What
makes you think that the far fewer non-profit institutions today, which are
almost entirely focused on membership and fundraising, would be able to meet
the needs being supplied by the state and Federal governments?  Church funds
go for executives' salaries, building and grounds upkeep, missions, as well
as for charitable endeavors...and there are few churches today rolling in
dough to the extent that they can divert sufficient funds to pick the slack
in services.  Families?  Brother, that large extended nineteenth-century
family was an anomaly.  It sure as heck doesn't exist today.  My family is
spread out over the entire continent, from Philadelphia to Minneapolis to
Seattle.  Wake up and join the 21st century (okay, the last year of the 20th
to be precise).

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 4:49 AM
Subject: [CTRL] OS: Not all fascists sport military uniforms

  You may ask how is a safety net provided
  in a free society?

  Well, by family and church.  ...

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2000-07-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

Isn't it about time someone asked, why is Africa dying?

Who are to blame - the people, the government, not the USA - what we
have here is NAACP still whining how when they were slaves they were
brought over here but if they want to live in South Africa or Africa in
any other country, would they prefer this?

To be honest - why is Africa such a backward couantry.   Is it a social
or economic or intellectual level that keeps most of Africa in dark

Some still dress like tree swinging apes without adequate clothing...and
the pictures of African children used with flies crawling over their
faces, and shrunken little bodies dying from Aids and other disease.

It would seem to me this NAACP and other Black groups would go to Africa
and put their money where their big mouths are.

Lepor Communitis, now AIDS and do we really know anything about Africa
at all other than we send money and help but it is seemingly an eternal
problem valued in dollars and no sense.

First you send teachers, then you give helping hand up not kick in mud

Only interest UN has in Africa is its gold - they kill white farmers,
who fed them.cannot eat diamonds and rubies - but one diamond would
feed 100 starving chidren for a year?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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2000-07-21 Thread Oscar

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000 16:33:29 -0700 Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
--- Oscar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 and i just sincerely wanted info on surviving templars but i guess i
 am not to get such info...that is for the important people only, who
 are nicer and therefore more deserving...


I gave you the best information I had, and your response was so
negative ("I wanted REAL information") that you won't get any more help
from me. "nicer and therefore more deserving..." just about sums it up.
That cliche about biting the hand that feeds you makes a lot of sense...

ahem...i wasn't even talking to you and don't ever recall actually EVER speaking to or 
addressing you...

my comments were for someone else and since you have usurped reception of that signal 
i must assume that you jump to too many quick conclusions to have any useful info for 
me anyway...

la dee da...

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2000-07-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

Oscar:  I do have list of names of all Templars and period in which they
served from Hugh de Payen to DeMolay - it ended officiall with DeMolay.

My ancestry does date to Knights Templar have old books 1873 which
are Mackeys, tooled leather with beautiful bidings - but a lot of good
information there.

Since some of this stuff is oh so secret, I presumed in order to get
into Knights Templar you had to trace your family tree to the originals.

Many old good masonic books in Masonic Libraries most of which are open
to public.   Once this one man invited me to lunch, and I said no thank
you.no way I leave that temple a high noon.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] Press Tried to Cover Up Hill's 'Jew Bastard' Slur

2000-07-21 Thread flw

 Now that's a hoot.  Can anyone anywhere really believe the "press" would try
 to cover up anything that might be damaging to either Bill or Hillary?  What
 a joke.  Prudy

I know an even bigger hoot. That the "press" was anti clinton.
The "press" bought and sold the idiotic line that "its about sex"
when it was about gross corruption, obstruction of justice and
blatant perjury.

The "press" demonized silly clueless Ken Starr (he was lucky to find
his garbage pail everyone morning as he did his weird little AM
media walk.) The "press" bought the lying spin by the clinton gang's
mob lawyers that the evil, mean prosecutors were making people
cry in front of the grand jury (like that ever was a concern - crying
federal witness' - ever -  in the history of the "press.")

Of course the "press" loved and admired the half assed Vince Foster
cover up ...er "investigation"... not one major media outlet ever reported
the court ordered addendum

The "press" saved Billy Bob Clinton's fat ass.

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[CTRL] New Conspiracy/News Site

2000-07-21 Thread Mack White

New Conspiracy/News Site


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Re: [CTRL] Press Tried to Cover Up Hill's 'Jew Bastard' Slur

2000-07-21 Thread flw

"OTOH, I doubt Hilliary is "anti semiic" - no more then a Banshee can be
anti semitic.I am sure her Politico - Pathic mentality is an Equal
Opportunity Hater." (flw)

What brings you to this conclusion? It seems to me that it's motivated by
your partisan interest/pathological hatred. Am I wrong

Yes. I am not partisan.When it comes to DemiCans and RepubliCrats
I am an equal opportunity loather. Hilliary just happens to be particularly

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2000-07-21 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Note from Director of KeepAndBearArms.com: This document was sent to me on a
disk, by snail mail. We receive dozens of messages of this nature in any
given month, though none have been so well written. It is not our policy to
recommend actions such as those described hypothetically below; because
government has become arbitrary in its upholding of the Bill of Rights, to
suggest such action could invite imprisonment and would take us out of the
movement to restore America. But we most certainly understand the sentiments,
and we fear - with good reason - that "A Texan" may be foretelling a
frightening future, so we published this Vision of Possibility.


by A Texan

I have a vision of two possible futures for America. In this vision the
future that arrives depends on which road real Americans take. By “real
Americans” I mean those who love their country, their Constitution, and their

The First Road and the Future of Government/Corporate Control

One future is terrible. It differs little from the former Soviet Union except
that on the surface it seems better. Everyone has food and a television set
and most have cars and jobs. But just below the surface is a dark, depressing

Americans are ruled by an intrusive government that has its hands on their
money and its eyes and ears in their homes and workplaces. Their income is
taxed away to support hundreds of thousands of useless government workers and
millions of social parasites. Their sons are sent to faraway places to fight
for corrupt foreign factions and regimes. Crime is rampant because criminals
know their victims have no guns, and they know that a twisted court system is
more interested in jailing pot-smokers than rapists. Meanwhile, Americans'
freedoms are restricted until they cannot assemble, write, speak, practice
religion, conduct business, communicate, defend themselves against criminals,
travel, or do anything meaningful without government approval. They are
afraid of breaking any one of a million laws and of having the government
harass them, fine them, imprison them, or kill them.

Of course most of this future has already arrived. And it will be fully
realized far sooner than anyone expected. Why? Because even real Americans
have become too sheep-like, too ignorant of history, too afraid to risk time,
money, or lives – or anything, really – to restore their crumbling nation.
The men have become soft, effeminate, and cowardly, unlike their ancestors of
just a few decades ago. Corrupt socialist politicians, supported by
corporations with no sense of national responsibility and no love of country,
and aided by their lackeys in a thousand government agencies, can bully these
Americans into slave-like submission with utter ease. So real Americans take
the first road: they give up without a fight.

The Bright Future

The other future I envision is that of a sunny and happy country, free of
fear, full of hope for all. The government is not seen as “them” waiting to
steal their money and crush dissenters, but as “us” and “we” with a common
goal. Americans control their own money and personal destinies. All are left
alone to live life and raise and educate their children as they see fit. No
one cares what color your skin is because there is no government separating
citizens by race. Occasionally there is trouble, even big trouble that they
must work out, but it is worth it because they are free again.

Since criminals are punished with speed and certainty, and above all because
citizens carry guns wherever they wish, crime is rare. Doors are left
unlocked. Children play unwatched in their neighborhoods as they did only
thirty years ago. Women safely walk the streets of their cities any time of
day or night. Parents and teachers actually tell children what is right and
what is wrong, so there are very few juvenile delinquents to grow into
violent criminals. Crime-ridden inner cities, kept in place by a “welfare”
system that perpetuated a culture of low expectations, entitlement,
victimhood, social parasitism, and fatherless families are swiftly turned
into safe, vital, attractive middle-class communities. In sum, Americans rule
themselves with common sense, firmly guided by that gift from their
forebears, the Constitution.

The Realizations leading to Revolution

In my vision this bright future arrives because, unlike the Jews of 1930’s
Germany, real Americans finally understand the meaning of what they are
seeing, hearing, and experiencing every day. They love their country, their
Constitution, and their freedom, and they realize that they are rapidly
losing all three.

They realize that their primary enemy is the “liberal elite”. They realize
that the bulk of this elite consists of virtually every elected Democrat, as
well as the leaders and financial supporters of the Democrat Party. They can
see their 

[CTRL] Date: 21 July 2000 Federalist #00-29.dgst

2000-07-21 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date: 21 July 2000
Federalist #00-29.dgst

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"Fear is the foundation of most governments." --John Adams


The Editorial Board and staff of The Federalist wish to express our
gratitude to our contributing members for your support.  While some of
our members contribute throughout the year, our major operations
budget outlays -- publishing, marketing and technical services -- are
determined by your response to our Independence Day and Thanksgiving

Depending on the goodwill and voluntary support of our members causes
our bankers and accountants some consternation, but we believe this
process represents the purest form of free enterprise and is, thus, in
keeping with the spirit of our publication.  Your goodwill has
provided for The Federalist's publication and distribution since its
inception, and has made the timeless ideas expressed in its pages
available to an ever-increasing audience, including, notably,
political, media and academic groups, which would not otherwise pay
for conservative views.

We thank each of you for your commitment to the principles that have
sustained our Founders' vision of liberty, despite the considerable
assault those principles have suffered in this decade.


In the news this week, Georgia Senator Paul Coverdell, the fourth
highest ranking Republican in the Senate, died. He was a friend of The
Federalist and a tireless voice for American conservatism. His style
was persistent yet collegial. "America lost a true leader, the
Republican Party lost a common-sense conservative, and I lost a great
friend," said RNC chairman Jim Nicholson. Georgia's Democratic Gov.
Roy Barnes will appoint a successor for Senator Coverdell until a
special election in November to determine who will serve out the four
years remaining in his term.

In other news, the free market is still reeling from news of this
month's "Legal Lotto" winner, Stanley Rosenblatt, who won $145 billion
in punitive damages for his Florida class-action plaintiffs from five
leading tobacco companies (about twice the combined $80 billion market
value of the defendants). "This industry has left a half-century trail
of deceit, which has decimated millions of Americans," Rosenblatt

"Mr. Rosenblatt does not seek truth, does not seek justice; he only
seeks money," said Dan Webb, attorney for Philip Morris. James N.
Markels noted, "...America is heading down a very dangerous road, one
in which trial lawyers can regulate the economy more than elected
officials can."  Of course, neither should be "regulating the
economy." Libertarian Steve Dasbach adds, "Good sense seems to have
literally gone up in smoke. [The verdict] seems to indicate that
honest commerce is a crime if it involves unpopular
products...suggesting the idea of personal responsibility being turned

Open Query...

"I watched my father die from smoking, and an aunt. Various other
relatives...also died from it. ... I quit smoking a few years ago,
after roughly 30 years. Think I didn't know that it was killing me?
People have known that tobacco is injurious at least since its
adoption by the Europeans 400 years ago. Any smoker today who tells
you he didn't know it was killing him is a liar or an idiot. [This
award] of damages will do little to end smoking What it will do is
pour millions more dollars into the pockets of the lawyers on both
sides. Tort reform, anyone?" --Opinionist John Strausbaugh

Exposing the BIG lie...

"One of the most contemptible transgressions committed by the Clintons
in public life is their willful falsification of the historical record
with lies, evasions, and stupefying exaggerations. Most of Clinton's
lies about his draft dodging have now probably been exposed. Yet he
and his apologists have followed up these exposures with an even more
contemptible lie, namely the lie that they resort to so often when
caught red-handed, the lie that 'everyone does it.' To listen to them,
every young man of draft age in the late 1960s worked as energetically
as the President to avoid military service. Oh yes, and every American
president was an adulterer. And it is the rarest of American
presidents who did not fill his campaign coffers with money from
foreign nationals and perhaps even extra-terrestrials." --Bob Tyrrell

From "The most ethical administration"...

Bill Clinton was subpoenaed to give sworn testimony regarding "the
sliming" of former White House aide Linda 


2000-07-21 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 7/21/00 12:04:54 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Some still dress like tree swinging apes without adequate clothing...and
 the pictures of African children used with flies crawling over their
 faces, and shrunken little bodies dying from Aids and other disease. 

What's "adequate"?? You mean western-style garb? Sorta' impractical in the
heat and humidity of Africa...but anyway, this post highlights your racist
and elitist attitude...and is highly illuminating in that regard.

Only interest UN has in Africa is its gold - they kill white farmers,
who fed them.cannot eat diamonds and rubies - but one diamond would
feed 100 starving chidren for a year?

Those wonderful and noble white farmers...what WOULD the African people do
without them!!?? An extra "cudos" to them for teaching the "savages" how to
"properly worship gawd"


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Press Tried to Cover Up Hill's 'Jew Bastard' Slur

2000-07-21 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 7/21/00 1:41:11 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am an equal opportunity loather.  

LOL!! Me too...however I frankly find the right-wing crapola press more
loathsome than the Clintons...though if forced to choose between Bill and
Hill it's apparent that Hillary is a bit of a "dragon-lady" whereas Bill
would almost certainly be fun to hang with...

Now Farah, Ruddy, Drudge, Goldberg...they could all use a good hearty
thrashing IMHO, they're nothing more than highly biased disinfo agents...and
no doubt they'd be a real fun group to hang out with...though I'd like to see
how Drudge explains his preference for the same gender to the rest of this


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #146

2000-07-21 Thread William Shannon

The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #146 - July 21, 2000
 A Publication of the Drug Reform Coordination Network


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1.  Hemispheric Rights Group Intervenes in "Drug Kingpin" Death
Penalty Case, Cites US Violation of International Agreements

2.  Interview with Mike Farrell:  Movie Payola, Death Penalty

3.  California Medical Marijuana Moves Ahead on Two Fronts

4.  Study Says Pot Doesn't Interfere with AIDS Drugs, Scientific
First Comes After Years-Long Battle With Government Health

5.  Illinois Congressman Bobby Rush Puts Decriminalization "On
The Table"

6.  Columbian Fusarium Conundrum:  Colombia Accepts/Rejects
(choose one) US Biowar Plan

7.  All the News That Fits:  The New York Times and Colombia

8.  Peru Blows Suspected Smugglers Out of the Sky, Again

9.  Boston Study Finds Racial Disparities in Drug Cases

10. Buprenorphine Bill Passes House

11. ALERTS -- Federal and State:  Colombia, Meth Bill/Free
Speech, Mandatory Minimums, California, New York, Washington

12. ALERT -- International:  Russian Federation Calling for
Expulsion of Radical Party from United Nations

13. Job Opportunity in Minneapolis:  Women With A Point

14. Event Calendar

15. Do You Read the Week Online?

1. Hemispheric Rights Group Intervenes in "Drug Kingpin" Death
   Penalty Case, Cites US Violation of International Agreements
Juan Raul Garza could become the first person executed by the 
federal government since 1963.  The Brownsville, Texas, man was 
sentenced to death under provisions of the federal "drug kingpin" 
statute after he was convicted of operating a continuing criminal 
enterprise, marijuana trafficking, and involvement in three drug-
related murders.  But his execution is now on hold as President 
Clinton and the Justice Department review federal death penalty 
procedures and address complaints from the Organization of 
American States (OAS). 
A federal judge set an August 5th execution date for Garza, 
apparently to the surprise of the Justice Department, which has 
been studying racial and geographic disparities in federal death 
penalty cases.  On July 6th, President Clinton personally 
announced the hold pending the results of the Justice Department 
Garza's attorney, Gregory Wiercioch of the Texas Defender 
Service, told DRCNet that the White House counsel's office 
confirmed in a July 7th phone call that the execution was on 
hold.  But, said Wiercioch, he still has not been officially 
notified and remains uncertain how long the hold will last. 
"We would ask the president to wait until the Justice Department 
commission rules before making his decision," said Wiercioch. 
Garza has found an ally in the OAS, of which the US is a member.  
The OAS's Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (ICHR) has 
intervened in the Garza case.  "The issue we raised with the ICHR 
is the government use of unadjudicated offenses in sentencing," 
said Wiercioch.  This is inherently unfair and in violation of 
international law," he maintained. 
According to ICHR complaint, federal prosecutors violated an 
international agreement when, in the 

[CTRL] Peace talks force delay of THEL laser tests

2000-07-21 Thread William Shannon

Peace talks force delay of THEL laser tests

Friday, July 21, 2000

MIDDLE EAST/U.S. | Because of ongoing peace talks between Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, follow-on testing
of the Army's new Tactical High Energy Laser [THEL], which is being built for
Israel, have been delayed, Defensenews.com reported Friday.

A spokeswoman for the Space and Missile Defense Command, Huntsville, Ala.,
the agency overseeing the joint U.S.-Israeli THEL program, told the news
service that "political considerations in the Middle East peace process
delayed the THEL tests until further notice."

As long as negotiations continue between both leaders, meeting at Camp David,
Md., the presidential retreat outside Washington, DC, the Space and Missile
Defense Command has determined diplomacy required a delay in testing.

The THEL, a ground-based high energy laser system, is designed to help defend
Israel's northern border from guerilla attacks with Katyusha rockets. The
system costs $250 million.

The Army scheduled THEL tests for July 14 and 17, planning to pit the laser
weapon against multiple Katyusha rocket launches, Defensenews.com said. The
system successfully was tested at White Sands June 6, shooting down a single
Katyusha rocket. Reports said THEL is the first operational laser defense

Currently TRW, Inc. is teamed with Boeing and other defense contractors to
develop an airborne laser designed to shoot down ICBM's in flight. That
system will fit a guidable laser weapon under the nose of a 747-400
cargo-type jet, and will be capable of being aimed at incoming missiles.

Also, TRW Space  Electronics Group, Redondo Beach, Calif., is the prime U.S.
contractor in the THEL program, which began in 1996.

White House officials said the tests could be resumed upon completion of the
Israeli-Palestinian talks, but other sources say those tests may also be
dependent upon what type of peace deal -- if any -- is reached.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Boortz: The Federal Government Makes War

2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

The Federal Government Makes War
by Neal Boortz
Friday, July 14, 2000

Today the United States is at war on many fronts ...

War on the Constitution

Is this how you view your constitutional rights?

Try this statement on, see how it fits. See if this is the way
you view your rights to life, liberty and property. It's a quote
made by someone you might know:

= "If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution
= inhibit the government's ability to govern the people, we
= should look to limit those guarantees."
= Who said it? Bill Clinton, of course.

Translation? Rights flow from government ... and government can
withdraw those rights if they interfere with government.
Government is all-powerful. We are here to serve government.
Government will let us do what we want so long as we don't
interfere with government's efforts to rule and control.

War on Cops

Last night all of the television networks led with that video
from Philadelphia - police pounding some man who had already shot
one police officer and had led them on a high-speed chase in a
stolen police cruiser.

Then two of these networks followed with video of the two
Lawrenceville cops taking that redneck into custody Wednesday
night here in Atlanta. It almost seems as if the media is
enjoying this opportunity to put so-called police brutality back
on the front burner.

In Lawrenceville they're saying that the investigation should be
completed today. If the study does anything but exonerate the
cops it will be a travesty.

Odd, isn't it? When Clinton sends out federal SWAT teams on an
illegal raid - with no purpose other than to pursue a political
goal - the media treat it as being long overdue and appropriate.
Let two cops subdue a man who is resisting arrest and suddenly we
have investigations into "excessive use of force."

Why no investigation into "illegal use of force" in the Clinton
SWAT raid in Miami?

Hey, those of you who feel cops have a tough job out there, it's
time to rally to their defense. Bashing cops seems to be in
vogue, especially in our leftist media. The cops need your
support. It wouldn't hurt to let them know you appreciate them.

War on the Rich

The battle is heating up in Washington over plans to end the
Death Tax.

Democrats are going to fight this, of course, because they want
that money. They NEED that money to continue buying votes. That's
how they keep their nice little Washington jobs.

Democrat class warlord Tom Daschle is really cooking on this one.
He's really into this wealth-bashing thing. Yesterday he said,
"Is this what it's come down to? Do we really have to protect the

Protect billionaires from what? Protect them from having their
property seized and given to someone else? Well, yes! Then we
should be protecting the billionaires, just as we should be
protecting each and every property owner - rich and poor.

Democrats know, of course, that this inheritance tax doesn't just
affect the wealthy. They know, too, that there is a huge amount
of envy in this country - envy of people who work harder and
smarter and who have more. Democrats just love to exploit this
enemy for votes. Daschle is one of the best at it.

And you know what? It works!

War on Poverty

Last night ABC's "20/20" episode was another story about a
welfare brood mare - this one had 17 children and no way to
support them.

Believe it or not, the father had the names of his children
tattooed on his arm - in the order of birth - so he could
remember them.

I bring this up because of a phrase the deadbeat father of 17
used. He didn't have a job, he said, because he was "down on his

Down on his luck? What's this "luck" nonsense? Having a job is
not a matter of luck. It's a matter of getting off your lazy ass
and getting out there and working. This "down on your luck"
idiocy goes right along with the leftist favorite "those less
fortunate." They're always trying to portray people who actually
work and acquire wealth as being "lucky" or "fortunate." The last
thing they want to credit is hard work and good decision-making.

Oh, at the end of the "20/20" episode they announced that this
brood mare had downloaded another child. She didn't know she was
pregnant until labor started. That makes 18 - time for another
visit to the tattoo parlor.

Neal Boortz is the hugely popular nationally syndicated radio

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. 

[CTRL] Foster's state of mind still up in the air

2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

July 20, 2000; Thursday
Transcript # 00072006V09


SECTION: News; Domestic

LENGTH: 286 words

HEADLINE: CNN 20: Vince Foster's Death, July 20, 1993

BYLINE: Jill Dougherty


"CNN 20" looks back at Vince Foster's death, July 20, 1993.





immense personal loss to me, and to Hillary, and to many of his
close friends here.


really. Vince Foster, who was the deputy White House counsel, one
of the lawyers to the president, went out of the office, went
over to Fort Marcy Park in Virginia and, it was said, committed

It was very controversial from the beginning. Many people had
grave doubts as to whether it was suicide. Many people said that
perhaps he had been murdered. There was complete shock in the
White House when it happened.


DOUGHERTY (voice-over): As the deputy White House counsel, foster
had been involved in much of the early White House troubles
embarrassing to Mr. Clinton. The Travel Office affair, Zoe Baird,
and other bungled nominations.

But the president rejected any suggestion that Foster felt guilt or blame.

CLINTON: I don't think so. I certainly don't think that can
explain it, and I certainly don't think it's accurate.


DOUGHERTY: It was also personally an emotional day to see the
president, who was absolutely thrown and very -- looking very
emotional, himself, as he came out to talk about it, the first
lady was involved. It was a very personal story for the Clinton's
and that made it particularly sensitive, as time went on.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Investigator absolves U.S. government in Waco siege

2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[Now, why am I not surprised by this report. Yes the Davidians
were to blame...after all it was they who used tanks to crash
into the compound, it was they who used pyrotechnic devices, it
was they who lied to everyone for 6 years...oops, I got them
confused with the government. On the other hand, did anyone
really believe that Clinton/Reno would pick someone who would be
objective? And, what about the expert on forward looking infrared
radar dying.  Frankly, this whole thingstrange deaths,
blaming the victims for their own deaths, etc., just sounds very
Klintonesque to me.]

Investigator absolves U.S.  government in Waco siege

Updated 1:46 PM ET July 21, 2000 ST.  LOUIS (Reuters) -

An outside investigator assigned to probe the 1993 siege and fire
at the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas, Friday
completely absolved the government of wrongdoing in the disaster.

Former Sen.  John Danforth said in a report that David Koresh,
leader of the group, and several others were entirely

"The tragedy at Waco rests with certain Branch Davidians and
their leader David Koresh who shot and killed four (government)
agents, wounded 20 others, shot at FBI agents trying to insert
tear gas into the complex, burned down the complex, and shot at
least 20 of their own people, including five children,"
Danforth's report said.

About 80 sect members, including leader Koresh, died in the fire
which followed the raid at the end of a 51-day siege.  The
standoff began on Feb.  28, 1993, when agents from the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms tried to serve Koresh a warrant.
A gunfight erupted, killing four of the agents and six of the
cult members.

Danforth issued the report one week after a Texas jury found in a
damage suit that federal agents were not to blame for the deaths
in the siege and fire.

Attorney General Janet Reno named Danforth, a respected former
Republican senator, as an outside investigator in September 1999.
She took the action under pressure from members of Congress who
claimed there had been a government cover-up.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Danforth: FBI acted properly at Waco

2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Danforth: FBI acted properly at Waco

ST.  LOUIS, July 21 (UPI) -- Former Sen.  John Danforth Friday
cleared the federal government of wrongdoing in the 51-day siege
at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, and blamed the
followers of cult leader David Koresh for starting the fire that
killed about 80 people.

Following a 10-month investigation, Danforth released his
preliminary conclusions at a St. Louis news conference.

Attorney General Janet Reno appointed the Missouri Republican to
investigate the April 19, 1993, government assault on the Branch
Davidian compound following years of charges that the FBI fired
on the Davidians, igniting tear gas.  The incident has become a
rallying point for various militia groups and the alleged impetus
for the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building by Timothy
McVeigh.  "Government agents did not start the fire at Waco,"
Danforth said in releasing his preliminary findings.  He also
concluded there was no misuse of the military and no coverup.
"There was no evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of Attorney
General Reno, the present and former director of the FBI, other
high officials of the United States," Danforth said.  "The
Davidians set their place on fire.  They spread fuel.  They set
it on fire," he said.  "The other thing that happened was that
they began shooting their own, including children.  Five children
were shot to death in the head, execution.  One child under the
age of four was stabbed to death."

In answer to a question, Danforth said his investigation placed
the blame for the Waco tragedy "squarely" on the shoulders of
Koresh and his followers, who refused to surrender.

He said the Davidians resisted a legitimate arrest warrant with
gunfire and refused for 51 days to surrender to the FBI, setting
the stage for the tear- gas assault by federal agents.

Deputy Assistant Attorney General Eric Holder issued a statement
praising the report on behalf of the Justice Department.  Holder
directly supervises the FBI as part of his duties.  "We are
pleased that Senator Danforth has determined that the
responsibility for the tragedy at Waco rests with the Branch
Davidians, not the government.  It is a finding entirely
consistent with the decision rendered by a jury in Waco just last
week," Holder said.  "Today's independent review sheds further
light on the truth, and discredits many of the unsubstantiated
allegations that have skewed the public's perception of the
events of April 19, 1993.  The events at Waco led to the deaths
of at least 80 Davidians and four ATF agents.  We join Senator
Danforth in wishing that this report begins the process of
restoring the faith of the people in their government ."

However, Danforth criticized the FBI for being less than open
about the tragedy after it occurred and said that reluctance to
disclose information fed public suspicion.  "There is no doubt in
my mind about the conclusions of this report," Danforth said in
the preface to the document.  "Government agents did not start or
spread the tragic fire of April 19, 1993, did not direct gunfire
at the Branch Davidians and did not unlawfully employ the armed
forces of the United States."

Danforth's report came after a federal jury in Waco issued an
opinion that government agents were not responsible in a wrongful
death civil suit brought by Davidian survivors and relatives.

The special counsel was blunt in his assessment.  " What is
remarkable is the overwhelming evidence exonerating the
government from the charges against it, and the lack of any real
evidence to support the charges of bad acts," Danforth said.
"This lack of evidence is particularly remarkable in light of the
widespread and persistent public belief that the government
engaged in bad acts at Waco.  ...The readiness of so many of us
to accept as true the dark theories about government actions at
Waco deserves serious attention by all of us."

All Americans carry the images of Waco, he said.  "In the face of
such calamity, we have a need to affix blame.  Things like this
just can't happen; they must be the government's fault," Danforth
said in his report.  "We are somehow able to ignore the contrary
evidence -- never mind the fact that the FBI waited for 51 days
without firing a shot, never mind the evidence that Davidians
started the fire, never mind that FBI agents risked their own
lives in their efforts to rescue the Davidians -- and we buy into
the notion that the government would deliberately kill 80 people
in a burning building."

Danforth said the only "antidote to public distrust is government
openness and candor. Instead, and tragically, just the opposite
occurred after Waco."

He said the government did "nothing evil" at the end of the
siege, but "its failure to fully and openly disclose to the
American public all that it did has fueled speculation that it
actually committed bad acts on that day.  Even in their dealings
with this investigation, some government (FBI) officials have

[CTRL] Fox News Deliberately Distorted News Reports

2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

For immediate release
July 14, 2000

Ralph Nader, Walter Cronkite On Witness List

Fired Journalists Stand Up To Media Empire; Whistleblower Case Is
First Of Its Kind

 While an increasing number of Americans suspect mainstream
news organizations sometimes twist the news, two veteran
investigative journalists say they are ready to prove in court
how Fox television managers and lawyers at WTVT Fox 13 in Tampa
ordered them to deliberately distort news reports and then fired
them for resisting those directives.

 The landmark whistleblower lawsuit is believed to be the
first time any journalist has ever filed a claim against his own
news organization and offered evidence of behind-the-scenes
manipulation of the news.

 When the trial begins next Monday, reporters Jane Akre
(pronounced A'-cree) and Steve Wilson say they will show exactly
how Fox hired them and advertised their reputations for
hard-hitting investigations but then folded and pressured them to
slant a story in favor of an advertiser who threatened "dire
consequences"  if their reports were broadcast.

 CBS journalist Walter Cronkite and public interest advocate
Ralph Nader are both on the plaintiffs' witness list, despite
efforts by Fox attorneys who desperately sought to block their

 The trial will pit the two fired journalists with Wilson
representing himself for more than two years in an effort to save
money on legal fees, and Akre represented by a small Tampa
firm,against the powerful Washington law firm of Williams 
Connolly, the same lawyers who represent President Bill Clinton
personally.  To get their day in court, the plaintiffs have sold
their home, spent their life savings battling the media giant,
and say they have been branded as media traitors never likely to
get another good job in the business again.

 To the amazement of most legal observers, the reporters
paved their way to court by defeating three Fox motions to
summarily dismiss the case without a trial.  Those victories were
engineered by Akre's legal team led by John Chamblee and Tom

 At the heart of the dispute is a series of reports produced
by Akre and Wilson revealing the widespread and virtually secret
use of a synthetic hormone being injected into dairy cows
throughout Florida and much of the U.S.  The hormone causes cows
to produce more milk.

 The investigative reports that Fox abruptly pulled from its
schedule in early 1997 would have revealed that without the
consent or approval of milk drinkers and those who serve it daily
to their children, use of the synthetic hormone has altered what
used to be called nature's most nearly perfect food.

 The stories would have also disclosed for the first time
that leading grocers now admit they quietly broke their 1994
promises not to buy milk from hormone-injected cows until the
practice achieved widespread acceptance.  Surveys have shown that
the vast majority of consumers do not want artificial hormones in
their milk and would avoid such milk if it were labeled.  No
dairy anywhere is known to label its milk as coming from cows
injected with artificial hormones.

 Although legal in America, the artificial bovine growth
hormone (rBGH) has been banned in Canada, throughout Europe, and
elsewhere due in large part to concern about health risks for
milk drinkers.  One of the chief concerns is that while the
growth hormones do cause the cows to produce more milk, the milk
is changed in a way that could promote breast, colon and prostate

  "In wake of the two written threats1,2 from Monsanto to Fox
News chief Roger Ailes, we were asked to put Fox's interest in
its own bottom line ahead of the public interest," said plaintiff
Steve Wilson.  Monsanto is the multi-national chemical company
that makes the genetically engineered hormone.

  "When the president of Fox Television Stations saw those
threats, that executive who controls more television stations
than anyone in America simply ordered his lawyers to 'take no
risks' with the story." Wilson said.  The executive's directive
has been confirmed in sworn testimony from two Fox attorneys3,4
in the written notes of one them.5

 "And we have also discovered, in another handwritten note of
one of the broadcaster's attorneys, that if they tried to kill
the story and word leaked out, it would be a major p-r problem
for Fox'" said co-plaintiff Akre.  "So they decided to eliminate
their risk by pressuring us to placate Monsanto and essentially
lie to the public.  No decent journalist can ever do that."

 The reporters will testify that Fox managers first
threatened to fire them for insubordination, then offered them a
six-figure deal to entice them to go along.  When the pair
refused, they say they were strung along for months re-writing
the story 83 times in an effort to get it on the air before being
suspended, locked out, and ultimately fired by Fox for what the
broadcasting company claimed was "no 

[CTRL] USA: Rights denied: Europeans on death row in the USA

2000-07-21 Thread DIG alfred webre

 * News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
 International *
 19 July 2000
 AI Index AMR 51/112/2000
 News Service Nr. 140

 Rights denied: Europeans on death row in the USA

 The institutions and member states of the European Union should
 intervene in support of European nationals under sentence of death in
 the United States of America, Amnesty International said today.

 In a new report entitled Worlds Apart, the organization details the
 cases of 10 European citizens on death row in the USA. European
 countries whose nationals are currently on death row include Estonia,
 France, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Germany, Poland, Spain and
 the United Kingdom.

 "In clear breach of international law, none of these people were
 informed upon arrest of their right to consular assistance," Amnesty
 International said. "In many of these cases, timely consular
 intervention could have meant the difference between life and death."

 "The widespread - and ongoing - failure of US authorities to respect the
 rights of detained foreign nationals threatens to undermine the
 international rule of law," the organization added.

 The cases documented in the report raise a host of issues illustrating
 the inherent flaws in the application of the death penalty in the USA.

 "Post-conviction evidence of unfair trials, official misconduct and
 unresolved claims of factual innocence are all symptoms of judicial
 procedures that fall unacceptably short of minimum international human
 rights standards," Amnesty International said.

 "Other governments -- including those whose nationals are on death row
 in the USA -- must put pressure on the US authorities to conform to
 basic principles of justice agreed to by the international community,"
 the organization added.

 The report is the latest in a series of Amnesty International documents
 establishing the failure of the United States to honour its treaty
 obligations in death penalty cases. More than 80 foreign citizens
 representing nearly 30 nationalities currently await execution in the
 USA. In virtually every case, arresting authorities breached the
 provisions of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations by failing to
 promptly inform detainees of their consular rights.

 In response to the executions of two German nationals in Arizona in
 1999, Germany has brought a case against the USA before the
 International Court of Justice, which has compulsory jurisdiction over
 violations of the Vienna Convention.

 Worlds Apart also describes the cases of three individuals on death row
 who may have dual nationality because of their birth in a European
 country and includes comprehensive recommendations to defend the rights
 of all foreign nationals sentenced to death, including urging
 interventions by Council of Europe members in support of Germany's case
 at the International Court of Justice.

 "The cases of death-sentenced Europeans are a microcosm of a hopelessly
 flawed death penalty process, which must be halted immediately," Amnesty
 International said. "By continuing to condone this brutal and arbitrary
 punishment, the USA is truly worlds apart from the human rights values
 endorsed by the international community of nations."

 The report summarizes the international reaction to recent executions of
 foreign nationals in the United States. Last October, the Inter-American
 Court on Human Rights decreed that the right to consular notification
 and assistance is a fundamental element in the protection of due
 process, the violation of which requires remedies and renders any such
 executions illegal. The opinion, requested by the Mexican government,
 followed the execution of two Mexican nationals who were not informed
 after arrest of their right to seek consular assistance.

 In 1998, for the first time in European history, none of the then 40
 members states of the Council of Europe carried out an execution.

 Amnesty International is opposed to the death penalty in all
 circumstances, and continues to work towards a global ban on the
 imposition and execution of death sentences. Until such time, all
 governments must do everything in their power to ensure that
 international minimum standards are met in states where this, the
 ultimate form of cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment, is still
 permitted by law.

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EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness  Universe


2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

July 20, 2000
Contact: Richard Tomkins
(202) 646-5172


Demonstration Of How Easy It Is To Copy "Lost" E-Mail To
   Take Place Tomorrow – Friday, July 21, 2000

(Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch, the public-interest law firm
which prosecutes government corruption, was in court today before
the Honorable Royce C. Lamberth on the e-mail scandal in its
Filegate case. Three major developments occurred.

First, the Court ordered a long-awaited evidentiary hearing – in
effect a "mini-trial" – on the issue of the alleged coverup and
obstruction of justice at The Clinton-Gore White House, where
contractors and others were threatened with prison if they
revealed the unproduced e-mail to Judicial Watch, the Court, and
government investigators. This evidentiary hearing will take
place beginning on Monday, July 31, 2000.

Second, at the evidentiary hearing, plaintiffs in Judicial
Watch's Filegate lawsuit will call witnesses from The
Clinton-Gore White House and other sources. The Court stated that
it will hold a hearing within the next 11 days to discuss

Third, the Court ordered a demonstration of the alleged ease of
copying the "lost" e-mail by On Track Data International, the
leading firm in data copying and retrieval. As demonstrated
during the evidentiary hearings held in the past two weeks, The
Clinton-Gore White House passed over On Track – who can restore
the missing e-mail at ten times the speed of the so-called
experts hired by The Clinton-Gore White House – in favor of
unknown firms who lacked competence and who have conflicts of
interest. Accordingly, plaintiffs will be able to show the Court
that the e-mail copying and retrieval can be done quickly and
that, indeed, the hiring of so-called experts by the Clinton-Gore
White House was yet another clever means to its continuing
obstruction of justice.

"The Court has put in place a procedure whereby justice can now
be done," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel
Larry Klayman.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


Contact: Richard Tomkins (202) 646-5172


Independent Contractor Demonstrates It Can Copy And Recreate
E-Mail In Fraction Of Time Of Clinton-Gore Government Contractors

Court To Hold Hearing On Thursday, July 27, 2000, To Put Evidence
Of Test Results On Record

(Washington, D.C.) Today, the independent contractor, On Track
International, performed a test at the headquarters of the
government contractor hired by the Clinton-Gore White House to
copy, restore, and retrieve the now infamous missing White House
e-mail.  As predicted, On Track International was able to copy
the missing e-mail at about 25 times the "speed" of the
Clinton-Gore White House's contractors.  On Track International
also demonstrated rapid means of data recreation.  In short, the
test was a total success, and the Clinton-Gore White House has
yet again been proven to be obstructionist in producing key
evidence to the Court, Congress, and the Independent Counsels.

The test results came in Judicial Watch's $90-million Filegate
class-action lawsuit, where Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, the Clinton-Gore White House, Craig
Livingstone, Anthony Marceca, and Bernard Nussbaum are

Next Thursday, July 27, 2000, the Court will reconvene the
earlier hearing to allow Judicial Watch to place evidence on the
record which will show that On Track International can restore
the e-mail quickly.  Judicial Watch has asked the Court to either
itself, or through a special master, take control of the e-mail
copying, recreation, and retrieval processes, and to appoint On
Track International to do the job.  It is now clear that the
Clinton-Gore White House is intentionally dragging its heels to
get passed the election and, indeed, this administration as a

At the hearing, the parties will also discuss the now ordered
evidentiary hearing on charges that the Clinton-Gore White House
has obstructed justice.  This evidentiary hearing, which will be
conducted like a trial, with testimony and right of
cross-examination of witnesses, will commence on July 31, 2000.

"Once again, the Clinton-Gore White house has been exposed for
what it is; an obstructionist propaganda machine which will go to
any length to prevent the Court and the justice system from doing
its job.  Judicial Watch is confident that previous attempts to
"deep six" the e-mail scandal will now fail," stated Judicial
Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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[CTRL] SFC: Bunny Hop at Dem Money Shop

2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



Bunny Hop At Dem Money Shop


WHO KILLED feminism? The list of suspects is long and the stab
wounds are many.

There's President Clinton who campaigned for the White House
bragging about his partnership with his professional wife, when
in truth that partnership meant that he dated freely and she
cleaned the lipstick off his shirts afterward.

There's Hillary Clinton, who belittled women who stay home and
bake cookies, as if she herself were so independent and free, as
if she was not a used woman.

There are the movement feminists who gave phony alibis for the
cad president.

Now there is evidence that the death blow was delivered by Rep.
Loretta Sanchez, D-Garden Grove, whose Hispanic Unity Caucus is
hosting a $5,000 per head Democratic fund-raiser at the Playboy
Mansion scheduled during the Democrat ic National Convention in
Los Angeles.

Many Democrats are outraged and Veep Al Gore -- applause,
applause --is boycotting the event.

Yes, you've come a long way, baby. During the Anita Hill
brouhaha, feminists were outraged that a man would talk about a
porn movie with a female subordinate. Now Sanchez wants to throw
a shindig at the porn king's lair. She and her caucus will be
feting a man who would like nothing more than to do a spread
called ``The Girls of Congress,'' featuring pouting Senatorettes,
scantily clad and sucking their thumbs.

To think, Loretta Sanchez was elected in 1996 because the
incumbent Bob Dornan was, well, an insensitive loon. But even B-1
Bob wouldn't do something this tone- deaf.

In a sense, the Playboy party makes sense. Playboy founder Hugh
Hefner is, after all, what Bill Clinton will look like in 20
years. What better way to usher Clinton into his retirement years
than a sendoff with the perfect guide -- Hef, a lecher who thinks
he's not a dirty old coot because he wears a smoking jacket?

A Sanchez aide has told reporters that there won't be any bunnies
at the event. They're caging the bunnies to keep them from
tainting the respectable caucus-going women -- and this is
supposed to be a good thing?

Et tu, femina?

Playboy Enterprises executive vice president Richard S.
Rosenzweig told the Washington Post he is surprised ``progressive
people would have a problem with this event.'' Of course, if
Playboy were truly progressive, the men would be half-naked and
serving martinis on tiny trays, and the women would wear their
power suits. But somehow it just doesn't work that way.

Progressive? Ha! The 74-year-old Hefner represents the most
ossified, desiccated portrait in the history of human sexual
relations -- a rich old guy trying to look younger but looking
positively decrepit as he surrounds himself with young babes.
Lately he's been dating a threesome with rhyming names -- a handy
mnemonic aid -- who make him look like Methuselah.

It's revolting enough to see these young women drape their fleshy
pulchritude around this fossil because he has money and can help
their careers. People do what they think they have to do and it
often isn't pretty.

But when a female Democratic member of Congress plays the game,
too, when she invites her caucus to cavort on the proverbial
Hefner water bed, it shows that even feminists will let men act
like pigs as long as they have money or power.

It started when feminists acted as apologists for Bill Clinton,
when they failed to take him to task for treating his wife and
certain aides as if they lived to service him.

And they did.

And they continued to call themselves feminists.

So why not the bunny king? In fact, it seems awfully stingy to
confine him to the fund-raising ghetto. Why, Hef could really add
something to the Supreme Court.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

July 21, 2000
Contact: Richard Tomkins
(202) 646-5172


As Predicted, John Danforth Covers Up Waco Crimes For "The

Judicial Watch To Continue Its Investigatory Litigation

(Washington, D.C.) As Judicial Watch predicted, when former
Senator John Danforth, a Republican, was first appointed special
counsel by Attorney General Janet Reno to investigate the Waco
scandal, this venerable establishment figure has failed and thus
thwarted justice for the American people. How can anyone
conceivably justify the excessive force used by federal
government agents in triggering the death of over 80 women and

John Danforth, unfortunately, was plucked from a huge mega-law
firm with huge corporate interests intertwined with the
Clinton-Gore Administration through government contracts and
other perks.  As an establishment figure, Danforth was
ill-equipped to investigate a scandal which rocks the very
foundation of the U.S. Department of Justice and our government
as a whole.

"The unfortunate thing is that the lack of justice for the 80 or
so dead women and children will now increase the divide between
large segments of American people and its government. Indeed, the
American people now to some extent can understand how certain
minorities in this country, such as poor African-Americans, have
come to believe that our system of justice does not represent the
‘little people,'"  stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General
Counsel Larry Klayman.

Judicial Watch will continue its lawsuit aimed to uncover the
true facts and obtain justice for the victims of the Waco


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] What if it's his wife and not him?

2000-07-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

MSNBC FULL: A clue to Bush’s running mate? Cheney registers to
vote in Wyoming

July 21 — Republican George W.  Bush said Friday he intends to
decide this weekend on a running mate, but a crucial clue to his
thinking may have already leaked out.  NBC News’ Lisa Myers has
learned that former Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, the man
leading Bush’s vice presidential search — and now on Bush’s short
list — walked into the Teton County clerk’s office in Jackson,
Wyo., just hours ago and registered to vote there.

THE MOVE is important because Cheney had been registered in Texas
— Bush’s home state — and under the 12th Amendment to the
Constitution, a president and vice president cannot come from the
same state.  By switching his registration to Wyoming, Cheney
clears the way to become Bush’s running mate.

It may be that Cheney, the person most privy to Bush’s thinking,
expects a call and is putting himself in a position to say yes.
Cheney, 59, is a former U.S.  representative from Wyoming and has
a home in Jackson.  Bush tapped him in April to head his running
mate search, saying: “I can’t think of a better person to do
this.  He’s a man of enormous experience.” Cheney said soon after
that had no interest in being part of a Bush administration if
the Texas governor wins the White House.

“I made a long-term commitment to the company, and I have
absolutely no desire to go back to government,” said Cheney,
president and CEO of Halliburton Co., a Dallas-based engineering
and construction firm.

The latest developments regarding Cheney overshadowed the latest
round of vice presidential speculation that peaked late Thursday
and early Friday — word that Sen.  John McCain of Arizona would
indeed run on a presidential ticket with Bush if asked.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Report on Federal Anti-Activist Intelligence Network

2000-07-21 Thread Oscar

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000 15:19:16 -0700 Macdonald Stainsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I doubt it comes as much surprise to anyone if I mention that one of the
main inspirations for setting up the Rad-Green list is the "new activism"
that has come out of Seattle, Washington DC etc.  and the attempts to cross
the class/green activism divide.

Evidently, I was far from the only one inspired by being on that particular
barricade. So was the enemy.
Report on Federal Anti-Activist Intelligence Network

 By Frank Morales

On May 4, 2000, the Intelligence Newsletter, based in Paris, France,
published a report which stated that "sources close to the Washington
DC Metropolitan Police have given Intelligence Newsletter details
about intelligence units that gather information on
anti-globalization militants in the US and elsewhere". (1) In
addition, the same sources said that during the April 17 Break the
World Bank DC protests, "reserve units from the US Army Intelligence
and Security Command helped Washington police keep an eye on
demonstrations staged at the World Bank/IMF meetings." In addition,
the French intelligence service report notes that "the Pentagon sent
around 700 men from the Intelligence and Security Command at Fort
Belvoir to assist the Washington police on April 17, including
specialists in human and signals intelligence. One unit was even
strategically located on the fourth floor balcony in a building at
1919 Pennsylvania Avenue with a birds-eye view of most demonstrators."

According to the report, information on the protest movements is
collected and stored by six Regional Information Sharing System
(RISS) centers funded by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice
Assistance. Ostensibly these intelligence centers are set up to
counter organized crime, drugs and terrorism but it takes no great
stretch to comprehend how civil disobedience, once defined as a
terrorist threat and/or criminal conspiracy would, or has become a
target. According to the Intelligence Newsletter report, "the RISS
also act against any political activist group deemed to be a threat
and over the last year has found itself focusing on
anti-globalization groups." In addition, the report notes that in
order "to justify their interest in anti-globalization groups from a
legal standpoint, the authorities lump them into a category of
terrorist organizations. Among those considered as such at present
are Global Justice (the group that organized the April 17
demonstration), Earth First, Greenpeace, American Indian Movement,
Zapatista National Liberation Front and Act-Up." Although this story
has yet to be verified, given the existence of RISS and the paranoid
proclivities of the US national security state and its civil
disturbance planning apparatus, we should assume the report is

According to RISS program documents (2), the agency is set up to
"share intelligence and coordinate efforts against criminal networks
that operate in many locations across jurisdictional lines." The
program "serves more than 5,300 member law enforcement agencies"
across the country including the FBI, DEA, IRS, Secret Service,
Customs and the BATF. It is overseen by the Bureau of Justice
Assistance, State and Local Assistance Division, 810 Seventh Street,
NW, Washington, DC (202-305-2923). Its immediateoverseer is the
Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR), PO Box 12729,
Tallahassee, Florida, (850-385-0600). The IIR also sponsors the State
and Local Anti-Terrorism Training program (SLATT) which provides, via
its "extremist research experts", "training and information to state
and local law enforcement personnel in the areas of domestic
anti-terrorism and extremist criminal activity." (3) The FBI's
National Security Division Training Unit is a partner with IIR in
providing SLATT training nationally.

According to a 1999 Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) report on
RISS, the six federally funded Regional Information Sharing System
centers are financed "to support law enforcement efforts to combat
multi-jurisdictional criminal conspiracies and activities." (4) The
six centers, the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law
Enforcement Network, Newtown, PA, the Mid-States Organized Crime
Information Center, Springfield, MO, the New England State Police
Information Network, Franklin, MA, the Rocky Mountain Information
Network, Phoenix, AR, the Regional Organized Crime Information
Center, Nashville, TN, and the Western States Information Network,
Sacramento, CA, are set up in such a way that "each center's staff
possess sufficient flexibility to tailor the individual center's
priorities and operations to the particular- perhaps unique - needs
of the region." According to the BJA report, the centers "maintain
pools of specialized investigative equipment for loan to
participating member agencies", including "photographic,
communications (and) surveillance" equipment. In addition, "all six
RISS Intelligence Centers have confidential 


2000-07-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

My father's side and mothr's side had direct lineal descent from Knight
Templar; DeMolay was last Templar who was burnt at stake as you are

Masonic Knight Templars do not recognice Knights of Malta who lay claim
to Knights Templar as I recall.

I got this old stuff out which was convenient, and the claim was from
provoen direct descent from the Knights Templar - Hugh de Payens.

It is family tree stuff; our line on mothers side traced to Charlemagne
(who held the Spear of Destiny - the spear that pierced the side of
Christ( and as such in proving our family tree, according to Charlemagne
we are all forever Counts or Countesses also - but would have to leave
American and denouce citizenship to get it.   Might be fun.

For instance, Rose Kennedy (Fitzgerald, descended from great Gerald of
Og) was Princess in Catholic Church.

So will have to do a little more digging here.
The names I have are from the first Grand Master Hugh DePayens to last,
this one book then tells of the attachment to the Assassins.

These Knights after originally formed as I understand it were not to
marry, and took their bows and obligations seriously - they were like
police protection for those (Christians) enrroute to Holy Land,
guaranteeing safe passagae.

The Knights are very much alive today for as I said someday our soldiers
in WWI and WWII will be known as crusaders and incude Viet Nam and
Korea...NATO, this bunch is something else - but it was my
understanding that my mothers side had Knight Templar descending from
Hugh de Payen and one uncle was Knight Templar in Secret Service and
other Navy man, but do not think he was Templar, only in intelligence
and instructor once at Great Lakes.  All are dead and I am last of

Presume you have these books..but the story about laying direct
claim - documents in my possession are sealed with royal crownswas
said we come from long line of Cavaliers not Quakers.and thee brass
rubbings off their tombs, of Bruce and of de Creke - has date, with fee
upon the temple dog from tombs - it is forbidden now I understand to
make these rubbings. as they were wearing down.

My ancestors in America were Plantagenet, Fitzgrald, and Duke of
Norfolk, a Calvert; prior to Revolution the Duke of Norfolk wanted a
place where all religions resided in peace and they did...jews,
catholics, and protestantsdo not know of any zen buddists.   Also no
slaves at that time I do not believe.

During Civil War the Evergreen State Maryland, because in this one town
they would not take oath to Union they put them all in the slammer, the
Mayor the whole works.and even the grandson of Francis Scott Keye
who had married into Fitzgerald family and it is said I bear strong
resemblance to him.

Only proof I have of documentation of claioms is seals of King and Queen
of England - signet rings, etc., and history of family which is
validataed, etc.enough we can join the Barons of Runymead and
Heather Society and numerous other groups including the Daughters of the
Confederacy...and also the DAR for we had them on both
sidesMaryland,was the Mother State.

So I am going to reproduce these names for you of first and last
original Knight Templarsitem to note, old Hells Fire Club - Dashwood
has always signed his name with a XXII after it..there were 22 Grand
Mastersin Acts, will give you this - for you find origin of name of
certain secret societies in Acts and many other items of interest.

Well here goes the first and the last of original order; on both sides
of my family our trees descend from the old Knights Templar.were
done in by jealousy of others

1.   Hugh de Payens   elected  1118
2.   Robert of Burgandy   elected  1136
3.  Everard de Barri elected   1146
4.  Bernard de Tremellay  elected  1151
5.  Bertrand
de Blanquefort   elected  1154
6.  Philip of Naplous  elected   1167
7.  Ode de St. Amandelected  1170
8.  Arnold de Troveelected  1180
9.  Grard de Ridefort  elected  1185
10  Brother Walter  elected  1189
11. Robert de Sableelected  1191
12. Gilbert Horal  elected  1195
13. Philip de Plessiaelected  1201
14. William de Chartres   elected  1217
15. Peter de Montaigu elected  1218
16. Hermann de Perigordelected   1236
17. William de Sonnac elected  1245
18. Reginald de Vichierelected  1252
19. Tmas Berard   elected  1256
20.  William de Beaujeuelected   1273
21. Theobald de Gaudini   elected  1291
22. James de Molaelected  1297

And it is then recorded that the Knights Templar, Masonic could more
plausibly be traced than that of the Knights of Malta (in bible, Malta
is Melita and St. Paul met there and a viper wrapped itself around his
wrist.later he met at lodge of Two Tavernsthat guy had to be
something else).

Reference also made to the 

[CTRL] ECTV - New Sunspot Count of 402 Sets Record High

2000-07-21 Thread DIG alfred webre

 New Sunspot Count of 402 Sets Record High...07/21/00
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 Why does this not surprise me. Well I think you know what is coming next.
 Some of the largest solar flares and CME's to date. Within 48 hours of
 this event, watch for extreme weather all around the world. Also watch for
 an increase of forest fires.

 Remember, there is a compounding effect to earth changes. In other words,
 because of the already increased weather phenomena, the new and even
 stronger solar events enhance what is already expected to be "record
 breaking" events.

 FEMA has already began its mobilization procedures to address what they
 believe to be national crisis proportions over the next several months.

 Has the Hopi's description of "The Great Purification" begun? Keep in mind
 one very important statement the Hopi's use "Life will end...As We Know
 It". This is very different than "life will end". Is there a spiritual
 orientation to what we are witness to today? You Bet! So many disciplines
 have said this very thing hundreds and thousands of years ago.

 I believe this is all part of a bigger whole. One might call this "The
 Unfolding". Not with any form of negative connotation, but with the idea
 of renewal, transformation, evolution, or one of my favorites the
 Ascension process. A movement of rising into a higher realm of being.

 Watch for my upcoming article titled "If there is something called "new
 thought", what was the old one".

 Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream
 Currents = Extreme Weather

 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV

 Notice: Earth Changes TV email address has changed.
EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
USA   http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
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Canada  http://www.ecologynews.com/index2.html

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2000-07-21 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Exactly.  Centuries of policies designed to KEEP Africa poor and
undeveloped.  Africa and Africans were (are) seen purely as resources.  I'm
not sure why Aleisha/Colleen had to ask so stupid a question, since the
article I posted goes a long way to specifically demonstrate WHY Africa is
so poor and oppressed.  Go back in the archives and find some of the threads
on Cecil Rhodes, Anglo-American Corporation, the Rhodes Scholarships, and
related matters.
If ANYTHING in the world illustrates a clear and obvious conspiracy, it is
Africa.  (Case in point: during the 1960s, Mobutu essentially sold Shaba
province to the German aerospace firm OTRAG, complete with full company
control over the civilian population of the province.)

- Original Message -
From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 6:24 PM

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 why is Africa such a backward couantry.

 Centuries of European colonialism.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-07-21 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To be honest - why is Africa such a backward couantry.

Most of it is not.

 Is it a social
 or economic or intellectual level that keeps most of Africa in dark

No, it is constant civil war that does it.

 Some still dress like tree swinging apes without adequate clothing..

What a racist pig you are, Colleen.

Since when have you become the arbiter of what is 'adequate' when it
comes to clothing?  What do you deem 'adequate' for a hot and humid

You sound like the missionaries who, when deciding to 'civilize' the
natives of the Sandwich Islands, told the women their bare breasts and
grass skirts were 'indecent', and forced them to cover up in muumuus...

 Lepor Communitis, now AIDS and do we really know anything about
 at all

INTELLIGENT people do, Colleen...which explains why you are so ignorant
regarding the continent and its peoples

 Only interest UN has in Africa is its gold - they kill white farmers,
 who fed them...

Strange that Africa was full of black people who somehow managed to
feed themselves for millenia before the whites arrived to feed them...


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-07-21 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Some still dress like tree swinging apes without adequate
  the pictures of African children used with flies crawling over their
  faces, and shrunken little bodies dying from Aids and other disease.

 What's "adequate"?? You mean western-style garb? Sorta' impractical
in the
 heat and humidity of Africa...but anyway, this post highlights your
 and elitist attitude...and is highly illuminating in that regard.

Hear, hear

In fact studies have repeatedly demonstrated the ill effects of tight
clothing, especially in heat.  Minimal clothing is in fact healthier.

 Only interest UN has in Africa is its gold - they kill white
 who fed them.cannot eat diamonds and rubies - but one diamond
 feed 100 starving chidren for a year?

 Those wonderful and noble white farmers...what WOULD the African
people do
 without them!!?? An extra "cudos" to them for teaching the "savages"
how to
 "properly worship gawd"

Yes, it is strange that native Africans managed to not only survive,
but thrive for millenia before the white European came and stole the
native Africans' land...

I'm sure Colleen cum Aleisha must have some equally interesting
insights into the plight of Native Americans on reservations -- the
ones who haven't turned to casino gambling...


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-07-21 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 why is Africa such a backward couantry.

 Centuries of European colonialism.

Score one for Nessie!  :-)


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-07-21 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Robert F. Tatman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Exactly.  Centuries of policies designed to KEEP Africa poor and
 undeveloped.  Africa and Africans were (are) seen purely as
resources.  I'm
 not sure why Aleisha/Colleen had to ask so stupid a question,

Why is the Pope Catholic?

Why do fish swim?

Why do most birds fly?

Why does I gots to love one man 'til I die?  ;-)

In other words, things follow their natural order...just as there will
never be a Pope who is not Catholic, Aleisha cum Colleen will never ask
an intelligent question, nor compose an intelligent post to this, or
any other, listit is not in her nature, indeed it is beyond her
capability.  ;-)

 since the
 article I posted goes a long way to specifically demonstrate WHY
Africa is
 so poor and oppressed.  Go back in the archives and find some of the
 on Cecil Rhodes, Anglo-American Corporation, the Rhodes Scholarships,
 related matters.

Oh, you actually expected Aleisha cum Colleen to READ and UNDERSTAND
what you wrote?  ;-)


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-07-21 Thread Tenorlove

--- Eagle Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 14:57:34 -0500
 From: Eagle Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]



 As Congress races towards its August recess, the pressure grows
 heavier on the Senate to approve more of Bill Clinton's judicial
 nominees. But there are overwhelming reasons why Senators should
 resist this pressure and just say "no." Consider the following facts:

   The Bonnie Campbell nomination illustrates the urgent
   need to halt the Clinton take- over of the judiciary NOW:

 *  As reported in our Alert of 7/10/00, the egregious
nature of numerous Clinton nominees is typified by the
record of Eighth Circuit Court nominee, Bonnie
Campbell lack of judicial experience, rabid pro-abortion
stance, strong feminist ties, unconstitutional view of the
Constitution's Commerce Clause, and savage
opposition to Christianity.

 *  The Senate Judiciary Committee failed to take its
scheduled vote on Campbell last week. It also took no
action on this nomination in yesterday's meeting. Every
opportunity that passes without a Committee vote is a

 *  Our Washington sources report that there "is an
awareness growing here that she [Campbell] is not
acceptable to many concerned citizens, but the
pressure [against her nomination] must be maintained."
These same sources urge voters to remember that "the
only thing" that will persuade Senators to reject such
nominees is "a continued awareness by constituents
who call and write about it." This is especially true
because of the Senate Republican leadership's view
that judgeships are simply bargaining chips to be used
to accomplish objectives considered by the GOP
leaders to be more important. These same leaders
have also consistently failed to act courageously
against Democrat threats of holding appropriations bills
hostage unless judicial confirmations occur.

 *  A major threat now is that the Campbell
nomination will be included in a "deal" made by
GOP leaders to pass appropriation legislation
within the next few days before their recess; we
MUST contact our Senators immediately and
vigorously oppose such judicial giveaways.

   The "vacancy crisis" is a myth: Despite the dire warnings of
   a "vacancy crisis" in the judiciary, the truth is quite

 *  Clinton's own Justice Department in 1996 set a
vacancy rate of approximately 7.5% of federal
judgeships as virtual "full employment;" this translates
into 64 seats.

 *  As of July 14th, there were only 60 judicial vacancies,
which is "full employment" by the Clinton
Administration's own standards.

 *  Of these 60 vacancies, Clinton had made nominations
for only 32; thus, 46% of these vacancies have no
nominees for the Senate to consider.

 *  Some vacancies need no occupant; the Fourth Circuit
Court is a case in point: Clinton has nominated Roger
Gregory to a Fourth Circuit seat which has never been
filled since its creation in 1990 because an occupant is
not needed. The Chief Judge of the Fourth Circuit has
so declared; and a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee
studying the Courts reported in 1999 that the Fourth
Circuit had the fastest case disposition rate of any of
the federal circuit courts. Adding judges to the present
complement might render the Circuit less efficient, as
additional judges increase the bureaucracy and
decrease collegiality.

 *  The Democrats' indignation over vacancy levels is
remarkably selective. Chief Justice William Rehnquist
in his Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary for
1997 lamented Bill Clinton's failure to make any
nominations to fill six seats on the seven-member U. S.
Sentencing Commission. In his Report for 1998, the
Chief Justice described the Commission's problems as
having "reached stunning proportions." At that time, the
agency had no Commissioners, and no nominations
were pending. Though not a highly visibly organ, the
Commission is considered by the Chief Justice to
"serve a vitally important function."

   Bill Clinton has already had his "fair share" of federal
   judgeships enough to fundamentally impact American
   law for decades 

[CTRL] Public Security Investigation Agency Members

2000-07-21 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://cryptome.org/psia-lists.htm"Public Security
Investigation Agency Members/A
Many more at site.
17 July 2000: Add lists 3, 4 and 5.
16 July 2000. Thanks to SK.
See acknowledgements for the authors, the PSIA Surveillance Committee.

4. 1996 KANTOU BUREAU ( the largest local bureau of PSIA )




PSIA, one of the Japanese intelligence agencies, was originally established
as a domestic security organization, which had mainly investigated
subversive groups in Japan.

After the end of the cold war, with internal ultra leftists' activities
gradually fading, PSIA has also lost its main role to watch and disband
these groups. Consequently, even by the cabinet office and influencial "LDP"
politicians, PSIA was nominated as a no.1 candidate to be abolished

That was the time when AUM Supreme Truth caused Tokyo Gas Attack.
PSIA, having no file and data about AUM in adbance, rushed to investigate
the cult and so, in 1995 winter, managed to be ready for applying "the
Subversive Acitivies Prevention Law".

However, because of insufficient "evidence" and more importantly of inherent
low intelligence capability, "the Publice Security Examination Commission"
eventually rejected PSIA's appeal to disband AUM.

Under the administrative reform since 1996, the Japanese government finally
decided that PSIA should be reduced in size and, in turn, a part of human
resouce should be allocated to other organizations -- that is, the Cabinet
Intelligence Research Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Those PSIA
staff are to be sent to foreign countries in order to strengthen overseas
intelligence activities of Japan.

Current 1,700 members of PSIA, in the end, will decrease to at most 1,100.
That means about 600 spies will exclussively engage in overseas espionage
from now on.

At present, PSIA, in spite of past poor achievement, has ironically
established a position as authority about AUM related problems.
At the same time, "the Second Department of Investigation" has been in
charge of foreign intelligence. The division 2-2 especially has liaison
contacts with over 30 intelligence agencies in the world, including most
conspicuous spying machines, such as CIA, FBI, MI6, MOSSAD and so on.

As for U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, CIA even invites PSIA officials and
train them in Washington D.C., on "the Intelligence Analysis Course".
Besides CIA, in Israel, MOSSAD secures a covert post for PSIA. PSIA sends a
liaison officer under the disguise of a resercher of the Jaffee Center for
Strategic Studies, an affiliated institute of Tel-Aviv University.

What a marvellous Japanese agency!

where on earth does the intelligence agency exist whose OVER 600 MEMBER LIST
is scattered all over the world???

Before coming Okinawa Summit, we must repeat it again that PSIA is
completely WRECKED and a symbol of UNRELIABLE Japan.




Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My 

[CTRL] FBI Requests PSIA Lists Removal

2000-07-21 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://cryptome.org/fbi-psia.htm"FBI Requests PSIA
Lists Removal/A
21 July 2000. Add message and names.
20 July 2000

From: John Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 20 July 2000
Subject: PSIA Request

July 20, 2000

Federal Bureau of Investigation
NCCS, New York

Dear FBI,

This confirms my telephone remarks today that I decline
your request to remove the list of members of Japan's
Public Security Investigation Agency posted on Cryptome:


The file shall not be removed except in response to a US
court order.

You have informed me that your telephone request to remove
the list was made at the request of the Japanese Ministry of
Justice and that no US criminal investigation is underway in this

You said that you will convey to the Ministry of Justice that I
have declined to remove the list and that I should expect
to be contacted directly by the Ministry of Justice as a result
of declining to remove the list.

You said that you will speak to the US Attorney and call me

I have agreed with your request not to identify the two FBI Special
Agents to whom I spoke today.

I told you that I would be publishing an account of this on Cryptome.


John Young

Note: Yes, it is contradictory that Cryptome will publish the PSIA names but
not those of the FBI Special Agents. The senior Special Agent said at the end
of the conversation that if his and the other agent's names were published
"you are going to be in real trouble." Until that time both agents had been
very polite. He then said he was going to take the matter up with the US
Attorney and call again.
So we're brooding on that threat, pondering the FBI names on this notepad,
comparing this situation with that of the MI6 names and the MI5 names and the
Iranian names and the PSIA names and the CIA names Cryptome has published. In
none of the other instances was Cryptome threatened. And are wondering why
the FBI carnivores deserve privacy we don't get from them and the world's
surveillance agencies.
More later.
Meanwhile, if curious send an inquiry to the FBI address on our e-mail. Or
telephone: 212-384-3155.

Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 00:34:27 -0400
From: John Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: PSIA Request

July 21, 2000

Federal Bureau of Investigation
NCCS, New York

Dear FBI,

This supplements my message yesterday on declining to
remove a list of names of members of Japan's Public Security
Investigation Agency from the Internet site Cryptome.org.

In that message I wrote that I agreed with your request to not
identify the two Special Agents who spoke to me on this matter.

After reflecttion on this I have decided that publishing the names
of the Special Agents would be consistent with publishing the
names of the PSIA members, and in both cases the purpose
of publishing is to contribute to public awareness of how
government functions and to identify who performs those
functions. I believe this is why the two Special Agents readily
identified themselves to me and that it would be appropriate
for me to share that information with readers of Cryptome.

Therefore I shall publish the names of the two Special Agents
who spoke with me at:



John Young

The FBI Special Agent who initially telephoned was James Castano. Mr. Castano
explained the Ministry of Justice request to remove the PSIA material and
answered all my questions about it. I explained my intention to publish an
account of the FBI's request on Cryptome because there had been interest in
how such requests are processed between governments. I asked if I could
provide his name in the account. He asked with emphasis that I not do so. I

In the course of discussing my sending an e-mail to Mr. Castano, his
supervisor, Special Agent Dave Marzilliano, came on the phone and repeated
the information Mr. Castano provided about the Ministry of Justice request.

Both agents were very courteous during most of the conversations. Except
toward the end of the conversation with Mr. Marzilliano, when I mentioned my
intention to publish an account without revealing his and Mr. Castano's
names, he warned me there would be "serious trouble" if their names were
published, and that he would be speaking with the US Attorney about the
matter and call me again.

Mr. Marzilliano did not explain why their two names should be concealed, why
there would be "serious trouble" if revealed, what "serious trouble" meant,
the legal basis for such trouble, nor what it was in my comments that alarmed

[CTRL] Welcome to ADS Digital Angel . . . ?

2000-07-21 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.digitalangel.net/"Welcome to ADS Digital
  Applied Digital Solutions has recently acquired the patent right to a new
technology that we believe will revolutionize E-Business security, emergency
location and medical monitoring and commodities supply chain management (food
safety). That technology has been named Digital Angel™.
ADS is actively seeking joint venture partners to develop and market this
technology. We expect to produce a prototype of the device by the end of
2000. We believe the potential global market for this device - in all of its
applications -- could exceed $100 billion.

Basic Features of Digital Angel™
The Digital Angel™ transceiver can be implanted just under the skin or hidden
inconspicuously on or within valuable personal belongings and ; priceless
works of art. When implanted within the human body, the transceiver is
powered electromechanically through the movement of muscles. It can be
activated either by the "wearer" or by a remote monitoring facility. The
device also can monitor certain biological functions of the human body - such
as heart rate - and send a distress signal to a monitoring facility when it
detects a medical emergency.

Limitations of Competing Technologies
While a number of other tracking and monitoring technologies have been
patented and marketed in the past, they are all unsuitable for the widespread
tracking, recovery and identification of people due to a variety of
limitations, including unwieldy size, maintenance requirements, insufficient
or inconvenient power-supply and activation difficulties. For the first time
in the history of location and monitoring technology, Digital Angel™
overcomes these limitations.

Potential Uses of Digital Angel™
Although still in the early developmental stage, we believe Digital Angel™
could have an array of beneficial potential applications: provide a
tamper-proof means of locating and identifying individuals for e-business and
e-commerce security; locate individuals, including children, who are lost or
who have been abducted; monitor the medical conditions of at-risk patients;
track and locate military, diplomatic and other essential government
personnel; determine the location or the authenticity of valuable property;
track the whereabouts of wilderness sports enthusiasts (mountain climbers,
hikers, skiers, etc.).
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Wired News : Democrats Halt Meth Bill

2000-07-21 Thread Kris Millegan

A note from Bob:

   no-warrant searches, illegal speech on websites!

 From Wired News, available online at:

Democrats Halt Meth Bill
by Nicholas Morehead

12:30 p.m. Jul. 19, 2000 PDT
WASHINGTON -- House Democrats blocked a controversial drug-censorship
bill from being approved by the Judiciary committee on Wednesday.

H.R. 2987, also known as the Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act of
1999, was scheduled for a full-committee markup Wednesday but was
postponed due to Democratic concerns over proposed amendments which
came as a surprise to Democrats on the committee.

Rep. Robert Scott (D-Va.) chided Republicans on the committee, arguing
that amendments proposed in a substitute bill Tuesday night by Rep.
Bill McCollum (R-Fl.) significantly changed the bill and that more
time was necessary to review them.

The amendments in question proposed mandatory minimums for those found
in violation of the act and included Ecstasy and similar narcotics in
a "Club Drug Proliferation" section.

"This is a deplorable process. In effect, we've been sandbagged on
this bill," Scott said. "We certainly have the right to know what
we're marking up. I feel it unfortunate that the majority has chosen
to act this way."

The bill, supported by law enforcement but opposed by civil liberty
and anti-drug-war groups, was already under scrutiny for its potential
infringements on certain constitutional rights. The bill as it is
written would make it a crime to link to illegal drug-related websites
and also give police the power to enter homes to do secret searches.

One portion of the bill would make it a crime "to teach or demonstrate
the manufacture of a controlled substance." Another section would
allow police to surreptitiously enter someone's house with a warrant
without telling them about it -- a notification that currently is
required by law.

"You have all sorts of First Amendment problems with that," Marv
Johnson, legislative counsel at the American Civil Liberties Union,
told Wired News in May, when the House bill was first being debated.

"Nobody knows what part is going to get you in trouble. If you teach
someone how to use a Bunsen burner, is this sufficient to get you
indicted? Nobody really knows," Johnson said.

Proponents of the methamphetamine bill -- the Senate has already
unanimously approved a similar measure -- said it's necessary to shut
meth labs and combat the illegal drug market.

Since the House version, sponsored by Representative Chris Cannon and
19 other members of Congress, is different from the Senate bill, a
conference committee would be necessary to reconcile the two pieces of

To avoid that possibility, some House Judiciary Committee members are
considering replacing Cannon's bill with the Senate legislation.

The Committee plans to readdress the bill on Tuesday.

Related Wired Links:

Bill Criminalizes Drug Links
May. 9, 2000

Copyright  1994-2000 Wired Digital Inc. All rights reserved.

FONT COLOR="#99"Get great brand name shoes with just the click of a mouse. Check 
the huge selection at Zappos.com, the Web's Most Popular Store!
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[CTRL] Fwd: Liberia: African-American Mosaic Exhibition (Library of Congress)

2000-07-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interesting item wher Afro Americans were murderd by native Africans who
wanted to continue the slave trafficking to the United States.

1 percent of people in South had slaves; and other 99 percent wanted
them returned to their native land and most certainly did not fight over
slavery, but States Rights, for even Jefferson Davis wanted to preserve
the Constitution of the United States.

Has the South won the war, there would be no UN/NWO attempt to take over
this country and enslave American people - but then who owned most of
the slave ships?  Cui bono.


African-American Mosaic

First President and First Lady of Liberia
Joseph Jenkins Roberts (1809-1876), a wealthy Monrovia merchant who had
emigrated in 1829 from Petersburg, Virginia, became the first black ACS
governor of Liberia in 1841. In 1848, he was elected the first president
of an independent Liberia. He achieved international recognition for the
new country before leaving the presidency in 1856. After many years as
president of Liberia College, Roberts again served as Liberian president
from 1872-1876.

Jane Waring Roberts, (b. 1818), the daughter of a Baptist minister who
came to Liberia in 1824, became Roberts's second wife in 1836.
Joseph Jenkins Roberts, ca. 1855 Rufus Anson Daguerreotype Prints and
Photographs Division (10a)

Jane Roberts, ca. 1855 Rufus Anson Daguerreotype Prints and Photographs
President Roberts Seeks American Support
In this 1849 letter, President Joseph Jenkins Roberts of Liberia appeals
to the government and people of the United States for aid in purchasing
the territory of Gallinas, enabling Liberia to control the West-African
coast from Sierra Leone to Cape Palmas. As incentive, Roberts boasts of
the eradication of the slave trade in territories recently acquired by
Liberia and points out that adding Gallinas would enable the republic to
keep the whole coast "free from the demoralizing and wilting influence
of the Slave trade."

[Letter from President Joseph Jenkins Roberts of Liberia], May 19, 1849
Holograph American Colonization Society Papers Manuscript Division (11)

American Architectural Influence in Liberia
In many respects, emigrants to Liberia re-created an American society
there. The colonists spoke English and retained American manners, dress,
and housing styles. Affluent citizens constructed two-story houses
composed of a stone basement and a wood-framed body with a portico on
both the front and rear, a style copied from buildings in the southern
American states from which most of the emigrants came. Liberia's
president lived in a handsome stone mansion that resembled a southern
plantation house.

"President Roberts's House, Monrovia" Philadelphia: Wagner  McGuigan's,
ca. 1850 Lithograph Prints and Photographs Division (12)

Liberian Currency

Like the United States, Liberia used dollars and cents as its units of
currency. Reflecting the many inhabitants engaged in agriculture, early
Liberian currency pictured farmers and farm animals. Later currency
included a ship and palm trees like those on the national seal.

During the 1830s, the Maryland Colonization Society, which had broken
away from the ACS, ran its own colony call "Maryland in Liberia" and
issued its own currency. The colony joined the Republic of Liberia in

[Liberian currency from the 1830s to the 1880s] Currency American
Colonization Society Papers Manuscript Division (13)
Mission at Cape Palmas

Cape Palmas, founded in 1834, was the original settlement of the
Maryland Colonization Society, which purchased the peninsula with
muskets, powder, cloth, pots, beads, and other items of trade. The
peninsula became the site of three missions, established to Christianize
and civilize the native Africans. Known as "Mount Vaughan," the
Episcopal mission educated many members of Liberia's indigenous tribes.

"Protestant Episcopal Mission, Cape Palmas, West Africa," ca. 1850s
Woodcut Prints and Photographs Division (14)
Grand Bass[u]a Settlements
Fishtown was a settlement in the Grand Bass[u]a area of Liberia, south
of Monrovia, near the St. John's River. In June 1835, one of the
bloodiest episodes in early Liberian history occurred at the nearby
Grand Bass[u]a settlement, where unarmed African-American settlers were
massacred by native Africans upset by disruption of the local slave
trade. A month later, militiamen from Monrovia attacked the area's
African villages. A treaty in November 1835 bound African King Joe
Harris to submit future disputes to the colonial authorities at Monrovia
and to pay for property destroyed in the massacre.
"Fish Town at Bassua, Liberia" Watercolor Prints and Photographs
Division (15)
Settlement of Recaptured Slaves in Liberia
Congress made the importation of slaves into the United States illegal
in 1808. In 1819, Congress passed an "Act in addition to the acts
prohibiting the Slave Trade." This act authorized the president to send
a naval squadron to African waters to apprehend illegal 

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: FBI mounting PR campaign to defend Carnivore system

2000-07-21 Thread Kris Millegan

[I should have sent this out a week ago when I wrote it, but since
Carnivore is still interesting, here it is. I'm finally catching up on
sending politech messages out -- been in NYC, then DC, and now briefly in
SF for a speaking engagement in Palo Alto on Saturday. --Declan]


It's Time for Carnivore Spin
by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

5:20 p.m. Jul. 14, 2000 PDT
WASHINGTON -- FBI agents are quietly visiting Capitol Hill to
deflect criticism of the agency's Carnivore surveillance system.

On Friday morning, FBI representatives briefed aides from the
House of Representatives on the technical details of Carnivore,
a Windows 2000 computer that uses custom software to
eavesdrop on people who are the target of an investigation.

Although Attorney General Janet Reno ordered an investigation
on Thursday, privacy groups are irate, and a congressional
oversight hearing is scheduled, it turns out that Carnivore is
fairly straightforward.

"It plugs into a hub in passive listening mode. All the traffic in
the hub goes through this thing," says an aide who attended
the closed-door briefing. "As (communications) comes in, the
(software) looks through the traffic and if it looks like the filter
criteria, it goes to a Jaz drive."

The FBI agent conducting the investigation logs into the
Carnivore box not through the Internet, but via a modem
hooked up to a standard phone line, said the source, who
asked not to be identified.

"This is something that's not being used very widely -- in only
about a half-dozen cases," an FBI spokesman said, adding that
he was "not at liberty" to disclose where Carnivore had been


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[CTRL] Fwd: Pirate Lafitte, Bowie dealt in slave trade via SE Texas

2000-07-21 Thread Aleisha Saba

Years ago when I communicated with a lady from Texas, a well known
researcher (Mary Ferrell, who's son was murdered and body found in
river) I had written her about my thoughts re Mafia and connection to

She wrote to tell me that Lafitte's great grandson was Lt. in Mafia in
New Orleans, LA.
a part of the Mafia's Southeren Kingdom, and these are the ones who
engineered the murder of JFK.

There are those who believe this same secret society murdered or caused
murder of Lincoln because they lost money in trafficking slaves;  today
they traffick drugs...for these are the Black Knights .

So Lafitte was a slave dealer which was something at the time, I was not

Things change.but the pirate Lafitte - once Gordon Novel once
considered Oswald stand n, and umbrella man, and was in on black bag C
Schlumberger robbery, told me the Mafia was more honest in than the
government in New Orleans and Louisiana in generaland Marcello and
Lafitte and Lansky - history of prostitution, murder, and no doubt white
slavery, etc., it must all run in family.

Most caring Americans incuding severa of my ancestors were attempting to
return the American Slaves to their native lands - and the ones who
wanted to stay, stayed - and the ones who returned, many returned to
live in style.

Too bad South Africa does not give same consideration to white farmers,
whom they have murdered killing their black employees (one slaughtered
at last count) as well.


Pirate Lafitte, Bowie dealt in slave trade via SE Texas

By W. T. Block
Reprinted from the Beaumont Enterprise, May 22, 1999.

NEDERLAND—One of the ugliest sagas of Southeast Texas history was the
traffic in African slaves. And that history also mars the image of two
Republic of Texas heroes, James Bowie and James Fannin.

The African slave trade in Texas began in 1816 while Texas still
belonged to Spain and the privateer Luis de Aury occupied Galveston
Island. It reached its peak there in 1817 after the pirate Jean Lafitte
arrived. Within a year, at least 1,000 Africans had arrived on Spanish
slave ships captured by the pirates.1

Three of Lafitte's best customers were James, Rezin and John Bowie, who
ferried slaves either overland to the Louisiana sugar planters through
present-day Beaumont or via the Sabine and Calcasieu rivers.2

In Dec. 1817 Lafitte built slave barracks near Deweyville on Sabine
River so that the sugar planters could come to that point to buy
slaves.3 In 1836, while W. F. Gray was fleeing east in the Runaway
Scrape, he wrote the following in his diary:

"...Here stands an old shed, a part of the shelter constructed for
African slaves that Lafitte used to bring here..."4

Southeast Texas received a brief respite from the African slave traffic
until April, 1836, the month of the Runaway Scrape and Battle of San
Jacinto. During that month, W. F. Gray encountered "the McNeils
(brothers of Brazoria) with their 40 African Negroes...," in the
vicinity of Nome, Texas.5

In the summer of 1836, a Spanish slave ship, with 200 Africans aboard,
sailed up Sabine River to Niblett's Bluff. It was not verified whether
or not any slaves were unloaded. Capt. Moro, the Spanish master,
murdered a mate named Coigley, and fearing arrest, he fled aboard his
ship to the Gulf of Mexico.6

In April, 1836, Capt. John Taylor docked the slave ship Elizabeth at
Sabine Pass, where it remained for six weeks. The "slaves" were actually
British subjects, who had been freed by an admiralty court in Barbados.
Taylor unloaded some slaves in present-day Port Neches, which he
delivered to San Augustine. Taylor was later arrested and tried by a
British court, reputedly being sentenced to 14 years imprisonment.7

The last known slave ship, under pursuit by a British frigate offshore,
wrecked at Blue Buck Point in Sabine Lake in 1837.8 Henry Griffith, a
pioneer rancher of Johnson's Bayou, La., sold cattle to the slaver
captain to feed to the slaves.
Fifteen years earlier he had sold cattle twice to James Bowie to feed
the latter's slaves.9
The U. S. customs officer in New Orleans was well aware of the Sabine
Lake slave trade, which was why a U. S. customs house was built on
Garrison Ridge in 1837. In 1820 the customs office kept the revenue
cutter Lynx on patrol off Sabine and Calcasieu rivers, and after 1838
the cutter Woodbury patrolled in Sabine Lake.

The trade in African slaves was evidently quite profitable for men to
risk their necks to the noose. The U. S. Slave Trade Acts of 1820
defined African slave-trading as piracy, and conviction carried an
automatic penalty - death by hanging. So far as known, Capt. Nat Gordon,
hanged in New York in 1862, was the only person ever to suffer that

1 "Documents Related to Introduction of Slaves..." House Documents, 15th
Congress, 1st Session, 10-24; 2nd Session, 11-12, Jan. 19, 1819.
2 Dr. Kilpatrick, "Early Life in The Southwest-The Bowies," DeBow's
Review (Oct. 1852), 381.
3 F. Robbins, "Origin and Development of The 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Damuzi, Cannabis Culture, energydrugwar in Columbia, Blood for Oil

2000-07-21 Thread Kris Millegan

To: "endsecrecy list" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [endsecrecy] Colombian Death Spray
Date: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 5:37 PM

(I'd like to thank Cannabis Culture magazine in Canada and Reverend Damuzi
for permission to post his article online. It is not available on the
Cannabis Culture website, at least not yet. Remy C.)

This story originally appeared in Cannabis Culture Magazine
July/Aug 2000

Author Reverend Damuzi ministers to the Church of the Universe

Colombian Death Spray
By Reverend Damuzi

Is $1.6 billion in US drug-war aid intended to solve Colombia's problems, or
make them worse? Human rights advocates believe that it will finance the
world's largest aerial fumigation campaign, the mass slaughter of villagers,
poisoning of Colombia's lands, and the creation of a South American Vietnam.

Blood for oil

450 members of the U'wa tribe of Colombia, some of them women and children,
scattered across the morning soil in front of an advancing line of
bulldozers, hired by Occidental Petroleum. Police and military fired tear
gas grenades into the families as some of them escaped into the forest, and
some into the Cubujon river. Three of the children, unable to fight the
river's current, drowned.
They had been surrounded, on their own land, for over three weeks by 1,000
to 1,500 heavily armed units, after holding a peaceful vigil against
Occidental's occupation of their territory. Military helicopters had swooped
in a couple of weeks after they were surrounded, and kidnapped three of
their leaders before the attack.

It was February 11 of this year, and as of this writing, 15 other U'wa are
still missing because of the debacle, which took place on U'wa sovereign
land, with the help of the Colombian government, because a wealthy
multinational company wants the oil that lies on their property.
The public was shocked. A general strike was called in the surrounding
towns. Afterward, 2,500 people gathered to demonstrate at the drill site.
The U'Wa threatened to commit mass suicide if Occidental went forward with
their plans. Fearing a public-relations nightmare of exactly this nature,
the corporation-loving drug-war promoting Organization of American States
(see Death to South Americans Inc, CC#19) has demanded that Occidental cease
all activity on U'Wa territory since September of 1997. But to no avail.

Occidental Petroleum, like many multinational corporations, has a long and
sordid history. In the 70's, Occidental was responsible for the infamous
"Love Canal" toxic waste disaster. Since then, Occidental's oil has poisoned
innumerable rivers and lakes. Their Caño Limon pipeline alone has geysered
about 1.7 million barrels of oil into watersheds to the nearby north of the
U'Wa territory.
Occidental Petroleum has accused the U'wa of narco-terrorist affiliations.
The Organization for Geopolitical Drugwatch (OGD), an international
investigative organization, has found that, in Colombia, violent bloodbaths
targeting so-called "narco-terrorist sympathizers" have a tendency to occur
wherever there are poor farmers or indigenous peoples living on oil or
mineral-rich lands (See Colombia's Corporate Killers, CC#23).

In Colombia, everyone from the military to the highest levels of government
to rebel and paramilitary factions are involved in the drug trade, so the
label of "narco-terrorist sympathizer" is really meaningless. But it serves
a purpose. It means that US drug war aid, police and military intervention
can be used, literally, to kill babies in campaigns of terror designed to
steal land from the poor and give it to the rich.

Money for blood

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away in Washington DC, someone stands to get
very rich from leading the public to believe that more drug war funding will
stop the slaughter of indigenous people and the poor. Political wheels turn,
seemingly unrelated to the engines of terror set loose among the U'Wa.

"The US must help Colombia's democratic government promote the rule of law,
economic stability and human rights," announced Barry McCaffrey, US Drug
Czar in an April 6 letter to the Financial Times of London. "35,000
Colombians have been killed." McCaffrey's solution to the problem is to make
it worse - send another $1.6 billion in drug-war funding to Colombia.
According to McCaffrey, another $4 billion will come from the Colombian
government, and another $3.5 billion will come from the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), a free-trade promoting, world-lending institution with
big stakes in extracting resources from South America.

80% of the US's $1.6 billion will go to military hardware, including 30
Hueys, the kind of helicopter used to kidnap U'wa leaders. Plus 30 UH-60
Black Hawk helicopters, various other weaponry, and further assistance
through the already cooperative CIA, their spy network and spy satellites.
The remaining 20% of the package will supposedly go to alternative crop

Re: [CTRL] The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A dangerous aura of reliability

2000-07-21 Thread Smart News

Hi !

Below please find an article about PAS - Parental Alienation "Syndrome."

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

from http://fact.on.ca/Info/pas/wood94.htm



Cheri L. Wood [a]

"PAS testimony should not be admitted in court because of the causation [361]
and evidentiary [362] problems with the theory. Because of the dangerous aura
of reliability and trustworthiness extant in Dr. Gardner's self- published
theory, admission of PAS is inevitable and particularly disconcerting."

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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