[CTRL] RadTimes # 103

2000-11-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 103 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Revote or Revolt?
--Florida AIM calls on UN, OAS to monitor recounts, revote
--Many of state's voting machines old, unreliable
--This election is an epiphany for many voters
--Electoral fraud in Florida? Socialist campaign responds
Linked stories:
 *IRS raids cypherpunk's house
 *Political stalemate delights Wall Street
 *America's election mess undercuts international nagging
 *The heartland shrugged
 *Cybercrime Treaty Draft: Take 23
Begin stories:
Revote or Revolt?

FREE RADICAL: chronicle of the new unrest - Issue #12
by L.A. KAUFFMAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.free-radical.org

Wait a minute: Weren't *we* the people who were supposed
to push the American system into a crisis of legitimacy?

By "we" I mean those small but feisty pockets of U.S.
society dedicated to rabble-rousing, trouble-making, and
fundamental change. For a shut-it-down radical like me,
the election mess in the United States has been altogether
too surreal,  coming at the end of a raucous year of
politics in the street.

I'm one of those who believe that our political process is
thoroughly corrupted by moneyed interests and that the two
major parties often differ only in which corporate masters
they serve. The heated battle underway between Democrats
and Republicans strikes me as wildly out of proportion to
their actual political disagreements - a classic example
of what Freud famously called the narcissism of small

Yet still I find myself drawn into the vote-counting
drama, as if an accurate tally would constitute a
democratic outcome, in an election between two plutocrats
hand-picked by ruling elites. I cheer the African-American
students from Florida AM University who took over the
state capitol building for nearly 24 hours to protest the
voting irregularities. I'm moved by the stories of
Holocaust survivors weeping at the realization that they
voted for Holocaust-denier Pat Buchanan. I'm stirred by
accounts of protest rallies in Florida whose fervor echoes
the black voting rights struggle of the 1950s and early
1960s. And I realize that - despite having voted for Ralph
Nader, with zero regrets - I really do dislike Bush more
than I dislike Gore.

Over the weekend, I walked over to a hastily organized
protest in Times Square, one of many taking place around
the country. Promoted almost entirely on the Internet, it
had a very homespun and spontaneous flavor. Nobody had yet
created buttons or t-shirts. The signs were nearly all
hand-lettered. The crowd had clearly not been mobilized
either by the Democratic Party machine or any of the usual
protest organizers (labor unions, advocacy groups, college
organizations, whatever).

The protesters, who numbered perhaps 700 at their peak,
came up with chants full of faith in the basic political

 "No fuzzy ballots"
 "Will of the people"
 "Every vote counts"
 "This is about democracy"

The signs were in a similar vein:

 "Let Grandma's Vote Count"
 "No Jim Crow Voting"
 "Isn't this a Democracy?"

But that ultimate question - is the United States in fact
a democracy? - was something that no one was really
asking. And that virtually no one is discussing during the
topsy-turvy process of battling over the vote.

That evening, I went to a screening of "This Is What
Democracy Looks Like," a remarkable new documentary on
last year's Seattle WTO protests, which takes its name
from the most famous of the chants coined there on the

It was on the third day of the protests that I first heard
that chant. Having successfully disrupted the WTO's
meetings through a nonviolent blockade, we had variously
been tear gassed, pepper sprayed, shot at with rubber
bullets, deafened with concussion grenades, beaten,
arrested, and chased. Martial law had been declared, and
all of downtown Seattle had been decreed a "no protest
zone," where it was illegal even to carry a sign opposing
the WTO.

Thousands of people - including many Seattle residents who
had not originally joined the protests, but who were
outraged by the complete decimation of civil liberties -
decided to defy the ban on public assembly and began to
march through the city. Our numbers swelled as we crossed
downtown and then headed uphill toward the jail where
those arrested for protesting on the previous day were
being held. As the enormous and defiant crowd neared a
spot where I had seen the police viciously gas seated,
nonviolent protesters two 

Re: [CTRL] [GAYANASHAGOWA @ GAIALINK] Living in the Days of Truth...

2000-11-13 Thread bluecrystalhand

-Caveat Lector-

Rudi Flieger wrote:

 Dear Friends and Comrades,

 We are living in the Days of Truth. For many decades, already, we have lived
 in a Post-Capitalist world where  Technology, Social and Medical Progress
 and World Peace has been severely UNDERMINED and NULLIFIED by a crippled and
 decadent system of production which should have been ended a very long time

 As you know, I write to you from Berlin, the Heart of Europe. Do you also
 know that Berlin has, since the days of Marx's Internationale, remained
 steadfastly Communist, Anarchist and Socialist? Even during the darkest time
 of Germany's Nazi occupation by that deranged Austrian drugfiend, Adolf
 Shickelgrueber, and our Famous Playwright, Bertholt Brecht, Berlin remained
 steadfastly socialist.

 Anti-German attitudes, as well as all human xenophobia on Planet Earth is
 directly attributable to the corrupt and EVIL system that is much-lauded by
 the bloodsuckers of  the International Stock Exchanges and Wall Street, the
 latter which (it is well known) is the net supplier of armaments to every
 corner of the World.

 You know, 99.9% of the Planet's current problems, such as war, terrorism
 and counter-terrorism, xenophobia, gangsterism, hard drug trafficking,
 pollution, the destruction of Our Planet's Biosystem and related
 technological disasters can be traced back to the roots of capitalism, a
 system of production that puts usury and financial extortion before Life...

 Practically all of the problems you folk discuss on CTRL are directly
 attributable to the capitalist mode of production and the distorted,
 murderous anti-values which spring from it. What we all should be doing now
 is not simply to observe and reflect on the effects of capitalism but to do

 Well, BIG EARTH CHANGES are coming. Much of Amerrika will soon be swallowed
 up by Massive Earthquakes and Tidal Waves. Finally, the
 Babylonian/Capitalist system will be terminated by Mother Nature. It is
 against such impossible odds that the George Bushes and similar filth are
 fighting a last-ditch struggle of ultimate desperation.

 America, now it is so easy to take out these criminals ... arch-criminals
 and BIGTIME SINNERS who have no other interest than to try and keep humanity
 under the control of its DEATH-RAY! Now, there is no excuse left for any to
 procrastinate and put off the inevitable: this KILLER mode of production
 must, by the WILL OF HUMANITY, be put down and the Planet be finally rid of
 it. In its place, we can introduce the LETS System, a friendly,
 non-exploitative mode of production which can, in effect, replace


 Make no mistake, My Friends, Iam talking here of NOTHIN LESS THAN THE FINAL

 The coming months will see the most tremendous Climatic, Geographical,
 Social and Economic Upheaval this Anti-Civilization has ever known. WE

 Can We, the People of Planet Earth, now ALL CONCENTRATE SINGLE-MINDEDLY ON

 Liebe Freunde und Kameraden, Wir leben an den Tagen der Wahrheit. Vor für
 viele Dekaden bereits haben wir in einer Post-Capitalistgelebt welt, in der
 Technologie-, Sozial- und medizinischerfortschritt- und Weltfrieden streng
 durch ein verkrüppeltes und decadent System UNTERGRABEN WORDEN und
 ANNULLIERT WORDEN ist der Produktion, das einer sehr langen Zeit beendet
 worden sein sollte..., Wie Sie wissen, schreibe ich Ihnen von Berlin, das
 Innere von Europa. Wissen Sie auch, daß Berlin, seit den Tagen von Marx
 Internationale, gebliebener steadfastly Kommunist, Anarchist und Sozialist
 hat? Sogar während der dunkelsten Zeit der Besetzung Nazi Deutschlands durch
 das deranged österreichisches drugfiend, Adolf Shickelgrueber, und unser
 berühmtes Playwright, Bertholt Brecht, Berlin blieb steadfastly Sozialist.
 Anti-Germanhaltung, sowie aller menschliche Xenophobia auf Planet Masse ist
 direkt dem verdorbenen zuzuschreibend und SCHLECHTES System, das durch die
 bloodsuckers der internationalen Börsen und der Wall Street
 viel-much-lauded, die letzte, die (es ist) der Nettolieferant der
 Bewaffnungen zu jeder Ecke der Welt weithin bekannt ist. Sie wissen,
 99,9% der aktuellen Probleme des Planeten, wie Krieg, Terrorismus und
 Kostenzähler-Terrorismus, Xenophobia, gangsterism, das harte Drogehandeln,
 die Verunreinigung, die Zerstörung des Biosystems unseres Planeten und die
 in Verbindung gestandenen technologischen Unfälle können zurück zu den
 Wurzeln von Kapitalismus, ein System verfolgt werden der Produktion, die

[CTRL] WP: ABC Fires Radio Host Matt Drudge

2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


ABC Fires Radio Host Matt Drudge

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, November 13, 2000; Page C01

When ABC hired cyber-gossip Matt Drudge to host a syndicated
radio show last year, some top executives – led by ABC News
President David Westin – tried their best to block the move.

Now the suits have gotten the last laugh. Although Drudge's
program has been picked up in 135 markets, including nine of the
top 10, ABC has just fired him.

What makes the timing especially odd is that ABC radio executives
had been courting Drudge to move from Sunday nights to five days
a week – until corporate higher-ups overruled them.

"I see it as punishment for daring to report on ABC's
activities," Drudge says. "The whole notion that this is a
political payback for my Web reporting is an explosive
accusation, but I'm willing to make it."

ABC spokeswoman Julie Hoover says the decision was made by
Broadcast Group President Bob Callahan, with no involvement by
parent company Disney. "Sunday night talk shows are just not a
good business," she says. "We're just not going to be in that
business anymore. . . . It takes up a lot of your time but makes
very little money."

Drudge says he never received a complaint about the content of
his Sunday show, which is No. 1 in New York in its time slot (and
heard here on WMAL-AM). Asked if Drudge's reputation was a factor
in the decision, Hoover did not respond directly, saying that
while ABC News was opposed to Drudge, "radio marches to its own
drummer. They make the decisions."

But it may be more complicated than that, given the desire of
radio executives to keep Drudge. In fact, ABC's
owned-and-operated stations want the controversial columnist to
continue the show without the network's sponsorship. Still, the
program was not a big moneymaker, generating only about $400,000
a year in revenue for ABC.

It's not hard to understand why Drudge would be unpopular in ABC
and Disney executive suites. He called Don Ohlmeyer, executive
producer of ABC's "Monday Night Football," a liar for allegedly
misleading reporters about whether he had met with Rush Limbaugh
as a possible color man for the broadcast. Responded Ohlmeyer:
"This is a gossip columnist who doesn't really care what the
facts are and he writes it and then everybody asks questions
about what he writes and then they have a story."

Drudge also obtained the manuscript of a book for Disney's Talk
Miramax imprint, saying it contained sexual information about
some investigators involved in President Clinton's impeachment.
Talk Miramax soon canceled "The Insane Clown Posse" but said
Drudge's reports were not the reason.

In his book "Drudge Manifesto," the author includes Disney
Chairman Michael Eisner among "the latest incarnation of
vampires" who "have sucked the blood from the fourth estate,
leaving behind infotainment formaldehyde."

Drudge's 18-month contract, signed in July 1999, was delayed
after ABC's Westin argued that he was reckless. But Geoff Rich,
executive vice president of ABC Radio, which operates
independently of the news division, countered that Drudge's show
"wouldn't be on the air if it didn't have a great breadth of
support within ABC."

After giving up his television show in a dispute with Fox News
Channel, Drudge is back to a one-man operation with no links to
major media companies. "The air we breathe is free, the airwaves
are not," he says.

George's Second Act

Perhaps the biggest network star to emerge during the 2000
election is George Stephanopoulos – who, as you may recall, was a
Clinton spinmeister during the last election. ABC has clearly
ticketed him for big things, morphing Stephanopoulos from a mere
Sunday commentator to a ubiquitous analyst and campaign-trail
reporter. Diane Sawyer, in fact, wants him to serve as a guest

Not everyone thinks this is a great thing. "Stephanopoulos has
been dismissed by some as nothing more than a partisan apologist
disguised as a pristine and objective – if telegenic and
appealing – observer," writes Brill's Content, which has made the
former top Clinton aide its December cover boy.

Paul Begala, the Gore adviser and MSNBC pundit, yelled at his
former White House colleague after the first debate: "Goddammit,
George, how dare you call Al Gore arrogant?" Stephanopoulos
explained that he hadn't quite said that, and Begala now says:
"If I could leap to those conclusions and get so angry, then how
will people feel who don't know him or, worse, have a
predisposition against him?"

Some Bush campaign officials have grumbled about Stephanopoulos,
but most political operatives say he's been fair. Stephanopoulos
recognizes the dilemma.

"The fact that it is such a straitjacket is liberating," he told
the magazine. "I just accept that a certain group is going to
feel that I am biased no matter what the situation. . . . Is
there something about working in government that 

[CTRL] AP: Germany Challenges U.S. Executions

2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

November 13, 2000

Germany Challenges U.S. Executions

Filed at 1:29 a.m. ET

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) -- After failing to stop the
execution of two of its citizens last year in Arizona, Germany
has asked the World Court to punish the United States for the

Germany's lawsuit alleging violations of international law comes
amid increasing protests worldwide against U.S. executions of
foreign nationals.

The supreme U.N. judicial body was to open hearings Monday into
Germany's accusation that the United States broke the law in
detaining Karl LaGrand and his brother Walter. The LaGrands, born
in Germany and taken as children to America after their German
mother married a U.S. serviceman, were executed for fatally
stabbing a bank manager during a botched robbery near Tucson in

Germany, which abolished capital punishment after World War II,
claims the United States breached the Vienna Convention on
Consular Relations by failing to notify the brothers of their
right to contact consular officials upon detention. Germany says
its consular officials were not notified until 1992, 10 years
after the arrests.

A delegation led by German Foreign Ministry legal counselor
Gerhard Westdickenberg says America is obliged to pay reparations
and promise Germany it will never make a similar mistake again,
according to court documents.

The chief U.S. representative to the court, James H. Thessin,
starts presenting the American case on Tuesday.

The World Court, formally known as the International Court of
Justice, rules only on disputes between nations. Its judgments
are binding under international law, but it has no independent
means to enforce compliance.

Germany's suit was filed the day before Walter LaGrand, 37, was
scheduled to die in Arizona's gas chamber on March 3, 1999. Karl
LaGrand, 35, had received a lethal injection on Feb. 24.

In going ahead with the second execution, Arizona authorities
ignored an emergency ruling by the Hague court, which ordered a
stay until justices could consider the case.

Arizona has acknowledged it violated international law, and has
formally apologized to the German government. Germany, however,
is seeking a formal World Court sanction against the United

Several European states have expressed concern about foreign
inmates on death row in the United States.

Last Friday, protests from Sweden, France, Mexico and the
European Union failed to prevent the execution in Texas of Miguel
Flores, a Mexican-born man who fatally stabbed a college student
11 years ago.

Despite the extraordinary step of taking the LaGrand case to the
World Court, German Embassy spokesman Peter Dettmar denied his
government was attempting to criticize the use of the death
penalty in the United States.

International law allows nations to set their own criminal
penalties, including capital punishment.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

   Yale Law School 127 Wall Street New Haven, CT 06511
 (203) 432-4888  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 By Nathan Newman  the Yale Law School
  Campaign for a Legal Election

   Few people are probably under any illusion that the Republicans in
Florida would be singing the same tune on their aversion to court challenges
if the situation of Gore and Bush were reversed.  But if you have any doubt,
it turns out that the Florida Republican Party filed suit in 1997 to force a
new election because they did not like the results of an election recount.

   This case involved a 1996 Polk County Commissioner race where the GOP
candidate led in the initial machine count of ballots, but after the
Democratic incumbent protested and forced a hand count, the recount revealed
that the Democrat had won.  The Florida Republican Party refused to accept
the results and filed suit to force a new election.  Filing the suit, Paul
Senft, chairman of Polk's Republican Party, argued that "literally
thousands" of people were not sure their votes were counted properly and a
new election was necessary.  While trial courts have ordered new elections
in the past in Florida, this suit failed on the technical grounds that the
GOP missed a filing deadline.

   And the GOP's willingness to go to court to overrule local election
officials is not limited to local Florida elective offices. Back in 1992,
Congressional Republican candidate Bill Tolley of Florida went to court to
force Brevard County officials to conduct a hand count in his race with Rep.
Jim Bacchus (D).So it is ironic that George W. Bush is now going into
federal court to try to block hand recounts that GOP Congressional
candidates have in the past gone to court to promote.

   The hypocrisy of the Republicans in the present Presidential
controversy is clear.  In past close elections, the GOP has been quite
willing to go to court to force recounts and even ask for new elections, yet
today they suddenly make a principle of accepting the first machine count a
new gospel.

   More deeply, it is worth remembering that the Florida laws promoting
the hand counting of ballots in cases of dispute flow from a long history of
skepticism about the reliability of machine counts.  Current regulations
were passed in the wake of accusations that the machine count stole the
election from the Democratic candidate for the US Senate back in 1988.

Exit polls that year showed Democrat Buddy McKay beating Republican Connie
Mack, yet the machine count handed the election to Mack.  Suspiciously
almost 200,000 more people voted for President than for the U.S. Senate.
The result was attributed to computer programming errors and to the
now-famous underpunched "chad" clinging to ballots.  The problem back then
was that hand counts were allowed only in cases of fraud, but legislation
passed after the McKay-Mack race created the new procedures for hand counts
and other remedies to assure a fair count.

   Let's be clear: the GOP's pursuit of legal remedies in the past was the
correct position, since part of our constitutional process is the right to
legal redress through the courts. Given the importance of the Voting Rights
Act and state law equivalents, the current emotional assaults on the right
to seek court protection of the sanctity of the voting process is misguided
and dangerous.

   But given the Republican's past use of those legal protections, the
Bush campaign's current rhetoric is deeply opportunistic and hypocritical.
They should tone down their rhetoric and accept the process, including
voting rights court challenges, however slow it may be at times.  Any
dictatorship can have a quick election count; it takes a strong democracy to
make the legal voting rights of the individual a higher priority than speed.

   Attached are a few sections of newspaper articles dealing with the
controversies detailed in this post.

THE LEDGER (LAKELAND, FL) April 16, 1997.
BARTOW -- Just when you thought the contest between County
Commissioner Marlene Young and Bruce Parker was over, the Republican Party
is suing.
   The suit asks that Parker, a Republican, be returned to the commission
seat he held for four months before a lengthy hand recount of ballots ended
with Young, a Democrat, being declared the winner by a Sarasota circuit
court judge.
   If Parker isn't returned to office, the seat should be vacant, the suit
   The suit was filed in Circuit Court in Polk County on Monday by Paul
Senft, chairman of the Polk County Republican Party; Donna Coggeshall of
Auburndale, a voter who lives in Young's district; and the Republican Party
of Florida. It names Young and the Polk County Elections 

[CTRL] Article on Crowly, OTO, Magic, Freemansons etc.

2000-11-13 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-

Below are two URL's for all the information you might want on
Allistar Crowely, OTO, Magik, Sex Magik, Freemasons, Order of the
Illuminatii, Scientology, Magik to draw up "aliens" as
interdimensional beings, and the interconnectedness of them all.

These and other things I print maybe a duplicate.  Please forgive me if they are and 
just delete.  I cannot go through alll the
archives as I have DID disorder and I get too bad reading them all.  My brain can only 
retain so much information and I must shut



Private Mail Welcome

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] Sai Baba accused of sex abuse

2000-11-13 Thread bluecrystalhand

-Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-

See this kreepo, Tal Brook. He's a spoilt little shithead from a rich US Diplomat's 
family who got personally pissed off about SSS Baba when the latter stopped treating 
him like a little superstar. Tal Brook's book, Lord of the Air, was published by a 
X'tian Fundamentalist Group and was part of a CIA-organized DISINFORMATION
campaign against SSS Baba who is, essentially, anti-capitalist in his Vision of the 
Future New World.


Rory McGrory frae Tobermory.

Johannes Schmidt III wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 This article concerns non-graphic allegations of sexual abuse and oral sex (but 
after the whole Starr thing I doubt even the delicate flowers on this list could be 

 The last paragraph, however, speaks volumes.


 Scandal engulfs guru's empire

 Sunday 12 November 2000
 R E L A T E D
 Divine downfall

 For Hans de Kraker, a trip to India to see Sathya Sai Baba, a self-proclaimed god 
with a following of up to 25 million devotees, was a spiritual quest. But he said the 
pilgrimage ended when the 73-year-old guru tried to force him to perform oral sex.

 Mr de Kraker, who now lives in Sydney, has gone public to alert devotees to a sex 
scandal that is threatening to undo Sai Baba, by far the most popular of India's 
new-age gurus.

 "It is devastating to realise the man you see as a spiritual master is simply 
conning people for his own sexual gratification," Mr de Kraker, 32, said. "After a 
while you notice that the people chosen for private interviews tend to be 
good-looking young males."

 Mr de Kraker, who first visited Sai Baba's ashram in 1992, said the guru would 
regularly rub oil on his genitals, claiming it was a religious cleansing, and 
eventually tried to force him to perform oral sex. He was kicked out of the ashram 
after alerting senior officials in 1996.

 Mr de Kraker's story is not an isolated one, and a growing list of alleged victims 
is threatening to engulf the Sai Baba organisation, which has an estimated worth of 
$6billion. Droves have left after allegations of paedophilia and the rape of male 

 Sai Baba's main ashram in Puttaparthi, India, is the largest in the world and can 
sleep up to 10,000 people. That number of people regularly turn out to "darshan", a 
twice-daily ritual in which Sai Baba walks among devotees choosing people for private 

 It is in these private interviews that many of the alleged assaults against males 
between the ages of seven and 30 take place. Former devotees said the interviews 
usually involved family groups, but when young males were involved they were ushered 
into a second room, behind what has come to be known as the "curtain of shame".

 The organisation has been shut down in Sweden after revelations that Conny Larson, 
now a film star in that country, was molested by Sai Baba. The FBI is looking into 
similar allegations made by American children and there are investigations into the 
sect in France and Germany.

 Both UNESCO and Flinders University in South Australia and Flinders University in 
South Australia pulled out of a conference organised by Sai Baba in September because 
of concerns about the guru's sexual conduct.

 In Australia, the sect is estimated to have up to 5000 followers. It runs schools in 
northern NSW and Western Australia, and has meditation centres across the country.

 Now Australian victims are preparing documents to present to federal authorities 
about the guru's activities.

 Terry Gallagher, a property developer from Kiama, in New South Wales, regularly 
visited Sai Baba in the early 1990s and spent three years as the coordinator of the 
group in Australia.

 He left the group in the mid '90s after boys in Indian schools run by Sai Baba 
complained to him of sexual abuse.

 "Spiritually it is devastating. I'm concerned because of both the sexual abuse of 
young boys, and the spiritual fraud Sai Baba perpetrates," Mr Gallagher said.

 Sri Ramanathan, a former Sri Lankan judge and head of the Sai Baba Organisation in 
Australia and Papua New Guinea, refuses to warn families taking children to 
Puttaparthi about the allegations.

 "All god men have these kind of allegations levelled at them, why should I warn 
people of these allegations, they are just allegations?" he said. "He is a holy man. 
I know that (these allegations) cannot be proved."

 Raphael Aron, the director of Cult Counselling, said: "These organisations are run 
by one individual and there are never any complaint mechanisms. When these sorts of 
allegations come up, the usual response is that it is some kind of test of faith and 
the whole thing is denied."

 Several former devotees who spoke to The Sunday Age said they had been thrown out of 
Sai Baba's ashrams when they questioned leaders about the charges.

 The sexual 

[CTRL] RadTimes # 100

2000-11-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 100 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Police find locked ballot box at Miami hotel
--International elections expert 'amazed' by tight U.S election
--'Coup Watch' Series Begins On IMC
--Non-citizens to Choose Next President Says U.S. Border Control
--US officials bristle at "banana republic" charges
--US officials bristle at "Banana Republic" ridicule abroad over election
Linked stories:
 *Webpage on the vote fraud 2000
Begin stories:
Police find locked ballot box at Miami hotel

Saturday November 11

MIAMI (Reuters) - Miami police on Friday found a locked ballot
box from the disputed Florida election at a downtown hotel, a
police officer said on Saturday.

Police Lt.  Diego Ochoa was speaking at a town hall meeting
called by the National Association for the Advancement of
Coloured People (NAACP) to hear testimony of alleged
irregularities in the election.

Florida's 25 electoral votes hold the key to Tuesday's election
as neither candidate can reach the 270 votes required to win the
keys to the White House without them.  A recount was ordered when
the state race became too close to call.

Ochoa, a 26-year veteran of the police department, said he came
forward with the consent of his commanding officer and
arrangements were now under way for election officials to pick up
the box.

The ballot box was labelled "Number 541." It was locked and was
sealed by police with evidence paper.

"At the moment we don't know exactly what's in the box," the
officer said.  He said: "We called the election departments
yesterday (Friday/Veteran's Day) to tell them.  As it was a
holiday no one answered.  That's what I understand."

It was not clear how the box arrived at the hotel and Ochoa did
not say if there would be a criminal investigation. There were no
further details.

International elections expert 'amazed' by tight U.S election


[Excerpt from an interview with the director of Jimmy Carter's Democracy
program, which monitors elections in foreign countries.]

Q: Could the Carter Center ever be called in to monitor this election
and would you be willing to do so?

COSTELLO: Some other people have now raised that question about
Carter Center involvement somehow. As I say, the Carter Center
typically monitors elections overseas. We
didn't do any monitoring of this election. I suppose
we would be available as election experts
for technical comments on questions people might
pose to us. But monitoring or mediating this
election? I doubt it.

Our leader, President Carter, is of course known as
an elder statesman and elections expert from
his work in this field overseas. Obviously, he was a
Democratic president of the United States,
so people would find it hard to accept him in any
role here.

He did make a statement Thursday at the National
Press Club in Washington about the election.
It was basically the same kind of message we give in
similar circumstances overseas. And that
is: Everybody should stay calm, let the people who
are directly involved in it go at it in a
thorough and professional way, and try to keep
political passions from being inflamed by the
kind of public discourse that's used. Also make sure
that this thing is channeled into American
institutions, such as election commissions, the
courts, and a free press, for a full treatment in a
way that keeps this thing done according to the rule
of law, according to proper procedures and
in a civilized and peaceful way.

The fact that the country was so evenly split about
who should control not only the
presidency but also Congress is quite remarkable. In
most countries that we work, that would
create immediate dangers of civil unrest and a
struggle over power.

I think the great good fortune of us here in the
United States is that we have full confidence that
this will be worked out according to election laws.
Therefore, everybody should stay calm and
let this get settled the proper way.

'Coup Watch' Series Begins On IMC

by Paul H. Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thu Nov 9 '00

This post announces the beginning of a series of COUP WATCH articles. It's
not a coup by a particular small group of plotters, it's the fitting climax
of a systemically anti-democratic process -- a plutocratic coup taking place
in plain sight. Get informed. 

[CTRL] RadTimes # 101

2000-11-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 101 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Communiqué and Analysis from the Narco News Elections Service
--Gore camp demands FBI inquiry
--My mother, Palm Beach County precinct clerk
--While Gore supporters are holding protests ...
--Stock markets dive on Democrats' vow
--United States of Albania?
Linked stories:
*Reports from the Pro-Democracy Protests [11/11]
Begin stories:
Communiqué and Analysis from the Narco News Elections Service

PROJECTION at 10 p.m. ET, Sunday, November 12, 2000:


(Note to working journalists: Your news agencies
will not allow you to run with this projection
yet, but please file it for second review if and when
the scenario presented here occurs.)


Although The Narco News Bulletin does not
endorse candidates, and certainly would never
support either of the hypocritical drug warriors
Al Gore or George W. Bush, we have extensively
covered election fraud matters in Mexico and the
Dominican Republic this year.

As we look upon the recount controversies underway
in the Narco-State of Florida, our analysts
are now prepared to make a projection:

George W. Bush will concede this election to
Al Gore very shortly, perhaps within a week.

The factors weighed in the NarcoNewsroom are
the following:

1. Today's revelation by Authentic Journalists
Robert W. Neill, Jr. and Preston Peet that found
Florida Governor Jeb Bush's signature on a blatant
act of absentee ballot fraud.

2. Tomorrow's Times of London report that the
FBI is already in Florida investigating a massive
case of voter fraud targeted at "black and Jewish"
voters in the Bush controlled state.

Both articles are attached for your review.

Narco News, due to technical problems, has not
posted our projection yet on our web site. However,
this communiqué and analysis may be distributed
or reprinted by others.

What does this story have to do with the narco?

Florida is a state swimming in drug money. Indeed,
99% of all dollar bills in Florida are found to have
traces of cocaine. More importantly, the sheer amount
of money that moves through Florida far surpasses the
amount of money generated legally within its economy.

Florida is the bridge to the Latin American oligarchies
from the Colombian paramilitaries to the former Cuban
upper caste to the super-rich from Venezuela who are now trying
to overthrow elected president Hugo Chávez. These networks
and the US intelligence and other agencies that permeate them
are steeped in narco-money, as a review of US federal
court documents in the Miami district quickly reveals.

Narco News sources say that these networks pumped
major money into the political campaign in Florida and
investigators are already following the narco-money

The US election system, standing naked before all América,
has suffered severe image problems in recent days. But
at the point that the narco-connection to the election
process becomes known, the crisis will explode far beyond
anything that has yet happened.

Both political parties, Democrat and Republican, have
actively recruited narco-money for this campaign. See
Michael C. Ruppert's May 2000 report:


Both parties thus have a vital interest in making
certain that the current crisis does not escalate
to reveal what Mexican columnist Carlos Ramírez wrote
this morning: "That the myth of Democracy in the
United States... is a myth."

Although both major US parties, Democrat and Republican,
are complicit in the drug war and the narco-money
trail, the weight of these facts, for simple geography,
falls more heavily on the incumbent Florida Governor
Jeb Bush, brother of the GOP candidate.

Look for George W. Bush to concede, perhaps by the end of the
week, with the most graceful "the system still works"
speech you ever heard. Both parties have an interest
in making sure the narco-money scandal does not
explode, and the Bush family's advantage in the
election -- having a member as governor of Florida --
now converts to its major disadvantage.

Already documented to have signed an act of absentee
ballot fraud, Jeb Bush faces investigation, subpoena
and possible federal indictment by the Democrat-controlled
Justice Department.

Narco News, with its experience watching how these kinds
of crises are fixed behind the scenes in the nations
of Latin America, makes an educated projection that a
similar fix is already underway in the United States.

You heard it here first;

Narco News Projects Al Gore as the Illegitimate
43rd President of the 

[CTRL] RadTimes # 102

2000-11-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 102 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--Experts: Machine Counts Inaccurate
--U.S. Voting Equipment Outdated
--Electoral College may not need Florida electors to choose president!
--U.S. Constitution: Twelfth Amendment
--Who Cares Who Wins if Greenspan's at Fed Helm?
--Political Gridlock Tends to Create A Profitable Environment for Stocks
Linked stories:
*URL's on the 2000 US Presidential Elections
Begin stories:
Experts: Machine Counts Inaccurate

November 11, 2000

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Think every vote counts? Think again.

Problems with automated vote-counting equipment, especially the computer
card punch type used in south Florida, have been well documented, said
Rebecca Mercuri, a visiting professor of computer science at Bryn Mawr College.

``You will never get the same numbers,'' she said. ``If you run thousands
of these cards through again and again, you will continue to get different
numbers that are coming up.

``An error rate of 2 percent to 5 percent, believe it or not, is considered
acceptable by most election officials ... if the error is evenly=
distributed across all of the candidates.''

In Florida's punch card system, tabulating equipment can fail to pick up
cards that aren't punched cleanly through. And the bits of paper punched
out of the cards -- called ``chad'' -- can then move around and become
lodged in the open holes of other ballots, causing machines to misread
otherwise perfectly punched ballots.

Problems also can arise when cards are misaligned, and there can be
problems with the computer software that keeps track of the tally.

Mercuri, who has testified in various municipalities about problems with
voting technology, said the National Institute of Standards and Technology
criticized punch card ballots in 1988.

Election officials often are willing to live with error margins because
they typically value ballot privacy over accuracy when they purchase
vote-counting machinery, she said.

Florida's 67 counties use 11 different systems, ranging from electronic
tabulating machines that scan the results of the ballot to punch card
machines. North Florida's Union County counts all of its ballots by hand.

In Broward and Palm Beach counties, where Democrats are seeking hand
recounts of the ballots, the voting tabulation systems were made by
Election Resources Corp. of Little Rock, Ark. Company President Paul Nolte
acknowledged Saturday that ``hanging chad'' is a known problem with punch
card systems.

Still, he said, ``The chances of finding hanging chad after four machine
recounts are pretty remote.'' He said equipment used in those counties met
Florida's error tolerances and performed with zero errors on tests for
state certification.

``It's more accurate than the critics are saying,'' Nolte said.

Republicans have filed suit to block manual recounts, contending they are
less accurate than machines. But Peter Neumann, principal scientist at SRI
International, a nonprofit computer research group, who has testified
before Congress on computer issues, says officials in England and Germany
consider manual counts to be more accurate than automated ones.

``You should do a manual recount of every card in the state,'' Neumann
said. ``This is an endemic problem. It's high time that people woke up and
realized how flawed the process is.''

Robert Rackleff, a Leon County commissioner and a member of that county's
canvassing board, maintains that punch card systems are eight times more
likely to miss a vote than optical scanners used elsewhere.

When Florida's next legislative session begins in March, several lawmakers
plan to propose changes to the system, said state Sen. Kendrick Meek, a

``We can definitely bring some uniformity to the ballots in the state of
Florida,'' Meek said. ``This is a major embarrassment for the state of

State Rep. Tom Feeney, the House Speaker-designate, said he would consider
measures to expedite the vote count, but he's reluctant to make hasty changes.

``Can we modernize? Can we do things quicker? Yes,'' said Feeney, a
Republican. ``But I don't like passing law based on anecdotal evidence.''

U.S. Voting Equipment Outdated

November 11, 2000
By DAVE CARPENTER, AP Business Writer

CHICAGO (AP) - Cash machines are everywhere, two in five Americans own cell
phones, handheld computers are hot and the digital revolution is on

Yet as many voters 

Re: [CTRL] RadTimes # 101

2000-11-13 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-

So basically what you're saying when you said,
Narco News Projects Al Gore as the Illegitimate
43rd President of the United States
is that the already known bastard, Al Gore,  will become the
"official bastard progeny of the U.S." ???

The U.S., then, has to be the most synical and confused body
and sea of people on the face of the planet

What wonderful things we have to look forward to according
to your prophecies!  How does it feel to be approaching an
administration that will bastardize the entire country???
(We move out of the pan into the fire!) . . .
just a lovely picture,  ain't it?


eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "radman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 2:18 AM
Subject: [CTRL] RadTimes # 101

 -Caveat Lector-

 RadTimes # 101 November, 2000

 An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

 "We're living in rad times!"
 --Communiqué and Analysis from the Narco News Elections Service
 --Gore camp demands FBI inquiry
 --My mother, Palm Beach County precinct clerk
 --While Gore supporters are holding protests ...
 --Stock markets dive on Democrats' vow
 --United States of Albania?
 Linked stories:
 *Reports from the Pro-Democracy Protests [11/11]
 Begin stories:
 Communiqué and Analysis from the Narco News Elections Service

 PROJECTION at 10 p.m. ET, Sunday, November 12, 2000:


 (Note to working journalists: Your news agencies
 will not allow you to run with this projection
 yet, but please file it for second review if and when
 the scenario presented here occurs.)


 Although The Narco News Bulletin does not
 endorse candidates, and certainly would never
 support either of the hypocritical drug warriors
 Al Gore or George W. Bush, we have extensively
 covered election fraud matters in Mexico and the
 Dominican Republic this year.

 As we look upon the recount controversies underway
 in the Narco-State of Florida, our analysts
 are now prepared to make a projection:

 George W. Bush will concede this election to
 Al Gore very shortly, perhaps within a week.

 The factors weighed in the NarcoNewsroom are
 the following:

 1. Today's revelation by Authentic Journalists
 Robert W. Neill, Jr. and Preston Peet that found
 Florida Governor Jeb Bush's signature on a blatant
 act of absentee ballot fraud.

 2. Tomorrow's Times of London report that the
 FBI is already in Florida investigating a massive
 case of voter fraud targeted at "black and Jewish"
 voters in the Bush controlled state.

 Both articles are attached for your review.

 Narco News, due to technical problems, has not
 posted our projection yet on our web site. However,
 this communiqué and analysis may be distributed
 or reprinted by others.

 What does this story have to do with the narco?

 Florida is a state swimming in drug money. Indeed,
 99% of all dollar bills in Florida are found to have
 traces of cocaine. More importantly, the sheer amount
 of money that moves through Florida far surpasses the
 amount of money generated legally within its economy.

 Florida is the bridge to the Latin American oligarchies
 from the Colombian paramilitaries to the former Cuban
 upper caste to the super-rich from Venezuela who are now trying
 to overthrow elected president Hugo Chávez. These networks
 and the US intelligence and other agencies that permeate them
 are steeped in narco-money, as a review of US federal
 court documents in the Miami district quickly reveals.

 Narco News sources say that these networks pumped
 major money into the political campaign in Florida and
 investigators are already following the narco-money

 The US election system, standing naked before all América,
 has suffered severe image problems in recent days. But
 at the point that the narco-connection to the election
 process becomes known, the crisis will explode far beyond
 anything that has yet happened.

 Both political parties, Democrat and Republican, have
 actively recruited narco-money for this campaign. See
 Michael C. Ruppert's May 2000 report:


 Both parties thus have a vital interest in making
 certain that the current crisis does not escalate
 to reveal what Mexican columnist Carlos Ramírez wrote
 this morning: "That the myth of Democracy in the
 United States... is a myth."

 Although both major US parties, Democrat and Republican,
 are complicit in the drug war and the narco-money
 trail, the weight of these facts, for simple geography,
 falls more heavily on the incumbent Florida Governor
 Jeb Bush, 

[CTRL] More Sex Allegations!

2000-11-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

I pretty much suspected this was the case. Everyone has an agenda, you don't get to 
say 2 words on  the mass media unless you have an agenda and someone backing you. Of 
course Sai Baba looks to my unbiased eyes as a fairly generic religious swindler 
taking money from gullible fools...

Now this one caught my eye this PM in our local rag:


Cult leader 'duty bound' to have sex

Monday 13 November 2000

The high priest of a religious cult that practices witchcraft appeared in the 
Southport Magistrates Court in Queensland today, charged with two counts of rape and 
two counts of indecent assault on a female member of another cult.

The 32-year-old Melbourne man, who works for an Internet company, did not speak during 
his brief appearance. However, in extradition proceedings last week, the Melbourne 
Magistrates Court was told that the man was the leader of the Brisbane-based religious 
group and that he was duty bound to have sex with his high priestess.

The court was told that the man, who cannot be named under Queensland law, and a 
member of another cult allegedly raped the woman twice in 1997. Investigators said the 
woman, who was aged 22 or 23 at the time, also would allege that she believed she was 
to be used as a human sacrifice.

The accused man has denied the charges. His Melbourne lawyer, Mr Ern Burrows, said the 
case relied on the suppressed memory of the alleged victim. He said he welcomed the 
opportunity to clear his client's name.

The accused's Queensland lawyer, Bill Potts, requested an adjournment, stating that 
there was “a large brief of evidence” relating to the case.

The man was bailed on his own undertaking and was not required to appear in court when 
the case was next scheduled for mention on December 29.

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 08:41:43 + bluecrystalhand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-

See this kreepo, Tal Brook. He's a spoilt little shithead from a rich US Diplomat's 
family who got personally pissed off about SSS Baba when the latter stopped treating 
him like a little superstar. Tal Brook's book, Lord of the Air, was published by a 
X'tian Fundamentalist Group and was part of a CIA-organized DISINFORMATION
campaign against SSS Baba who is, essentially, anti-capitalist in his Vision of the 
Future New World.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Dead Should Be Allowed to Vote!

2000-11-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Hey, in Ireland the dead even give testimony in court!


Learn these and more fascinating facts daily at


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] CHECK THIS: FR: Credibility of ballot suit claimants questioned

2000-11-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

  So it makes these 3's claims to have been flummoxed by the
  ballot design all the more suspicious...one suspects this
  ballot design challenge has been in the works for some

 Do you believe that these fraud accusations in several KEY states
 might have been planned...maybe to "Internet-ize" all future
 national elections??

I believe one outcome will be a stronger drive to change from the Electoral College to 
electing officials via
the majority of the popular vote, however that vote is done.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Our Revolution and our Constitution]

2000-11-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Our Revolution and our Constitution
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 23:57:32 -0600 (CST)
Organization: Florida Digital Turnpike (fdt.net)
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Hash: SHA1

[PNEWS] Our Revolution and Constitution

The Constitution was intended to ensure that only an elite few would be in
charge of this government and those same few would also be in charge of
the economy. This is as Michael Parenti says, a "democracy for the few."
And, it is the founding fathers and their Constitituion that ensures that
this is so. We do not live in a democracy.

This is a system where terror and repression predominates here and abroad.
It is due in large part to the concentration of corporate power.  The
Constitution and glorification thereof, does nothing if not inhibit our
objections to this concentration of power.

One of the Founders, John Adams, believed that "Men in general...who are
wholly destitute of property, are also too little acquainted with public
affairs to form a right judgment, and too dependent on other men to have a
will of their own." [Eric Foner, Tom Paine and Revolutionary America (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1976)]

Whenever the "Framers" of the Constitution used the language, "the people"
they meant only property owning people. These were the "people" who were
to have limited participation in the government through the House of
Representatives. These people were not even the richest and thus were
considered the "middle classes." And, everyone below this property owning
middle class were women, or people of color, indentured servants, and
other people with NO property. They were "people in the first instance" as
Charles Pinckney called them, or the majority, was simply "nonsense" and

"Political expression by these groups was not permitted and as
we shall note, the Constitution was purposefully made to be
anti-majoritarian in several ways. Representatives were to be of and
among "the better people" who would have a material stake in society,
who would be less given to some common impulse of passion, and who"
[Toward an American Revolution - Exposing the Constitution and other
Illusions - Jerry Fresia, South End Press]

"..the Constitution protects the power of the
more powerful. It does this because the Framers believed that it was
the right of a few "better" people to own and control much of the
earth's resources. And it does this because the Framers believed that
the lives of women, people of color, and the poor ought to be defined
in terms of the desires and interests of the rich. Resistance to this
tyranny, from the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 to the revolutionary
leaders of today who are genuinely committed to directing meager
resources to the majority poor in the Third World, are and have been
brutally repressed because the national army created by the
Constitution is directed by that document to preserve these
relationships of disparity." [IBID]

Likewise, the Electoral College which came out of the establishment of a
U.S. Constitution was not democratizing; it was to the contrary, designed
to reenforce the establishment and maintenance of power by an elite ruling
class. It was nothing more and nothing less.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Psychic Jeane Dixon Was FBI Stooge

2000-11-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Received this today and thought would pass on - now the lady who
demanded the investigation into Dixon over 30 years ago and who filed
the soothsaying without a license charge against that old bat, was yours

When the astronauts went to the moon, for fun they took Jean Dixon's
astrological predictions which she called "divne revelations" with them,
along with a Gideon BIble .wonder what year that one was published,
bet 1954.

For there were two forces using what I call my bible code, a bible
calendar keyed to murder and saboage - one force for good and the other
evilcal it acts of God and acts of SatanI know who the killers
were behind the plots many now of whom are buried.

Oliver Stone's movie used stuff our old Assassination Committee had over
30 years ago..biggest snow job since Warren Reportfor Carlos
Marcellos and Meyer Lansky were all in the family but it goes a little
deeper than just Cuba.

For JFK wanted a man on the moon...look how KGB formed a KKK for the
Walker spies and consider the Apollo on January 27, 1967 where three
brave men burned to death in a Chariot of Fire...the Challengner
blew up January 28and then wonder why the Astronauts recited the
46th Psalm at their funeral and the land roared and sonic booms were
heard across the nation s our plans broke the sound barrier they
left the message loud and clear for those who know how to decipher same.
Acts 19...sabotage of Apollo and of the little Princess of Wales
Diana murdernote this word despised used for some said the Queen
"despised" Diana, which was not true..

Thought would pass this on today before I leave and the letter that was
mine demanded investigation to Dixon and the letter to Hale Boggs was
mine...he was going to help and believe me when his plane
disappeared in Alaska consider what may have happened for they never
found his body, or the plane.

Then they tried to murder George WAllace, and Ronald Reagan and little
John John - all obstacles in way o the New World Order, same as the Old
World Order.

Note Jean Dixon stated she was German - want to bet this dear catholic
lady who professed to read 23 psalm every day - the Lord is my Shepard I
shall not want - wanna bet she was a Madelione Albright type
Catholicfor Dixon had to be reading the King James Bible.the
23rd Psalm is the 22nd psalm in the Catholic Douhey biblewhat was
Dixon, such a devout catholic doing, reading from King James?

This lady was a Rosicrucian...she was a political propagandist - and
said Russia Will Beat Us To the Moonwell I can see where the
astronauts had a big laugh over that one as they flew about the moon and
landed upon same.now the enemy tries to tell us that we never really
laned on the moon.

Well I had relative who worked with von Braun who knows and knew
better..nice to remember thou Teddy Kennedy escaped death that night
we landed on the moon - but later, they got little John John but JFK had
his dream - a man on the moon by the end of the 60 period.he paid a
high price did he not

Teddy Kennedy was told he woud be safe and his family would be safe so
long as they ran for no office other than congress or senater...

So this is the year maybe we got three presidents going for us already?
One in and three claim elected already?

Read Daniel abuot the 3 Presidents...this is yet to comeone of the
three is dead man walking unless the real conspiracy is exposed.

Psychic Jeane Dixon Was FBI Stooge
Maligned Civil Rights Movement With Hoover's Approval
Dec. 27, 1999
By Joe Beaird
Jeane Dixon

NEW YORK (APBnews.com) -- Soothsayer Jeane Dixon helped the FBI fight
leftist campus agitators during the 1960s by secretly serving as the
bureau's mouthpiece, according to her FBI file, which was obtained by

Dixon -- who vaulted to fame when credited with foretelling President John
F. Kennedy's death in office -- was one of the nation's highest profile
psychics when she died of a heart attack in 1997.

Her FBI file, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, also documents
a brazen extortion attempt against her, a cozy relationship with J. Edgar
Hoover, and angry requests for the bureau to investigate her for her
sometimes-inflammatory prophecies.

But Dixon, the Wisconsin-born daughter of German immigrants who went on to
advise first lady Nancy Reagan, had friends and support at the highest
levels of the bureau. Personally approving her offer to help the FBI in
1966, Hoover hand wrote on her file: "OK. She is a very reputable person."

Dixon speaks against civil rights movement

Related Story:

Read the FBI File

After casually meeting an FBI special agent at a social function, Dixon
asked him for materials to include in her speeches that would undermine
support for left-wing groups, according to a bureau memo. She pledged to use
the information in her speeches 

[CTRL] At Least Forrest Gump had Integrity......

2000-11-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Mail message
12, 2000, 9:55pm (EST-2) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: GOP News 
Views - November 13, 2000
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Dem's Blew Their Chance
"(I)f Democrats had wanted Gore to be president, they should have voted
for impeachment."
- Comedian Argus Hamilton, Wall Street Journal, 11/10/00

The World's Laughingstock
"In London, the Mirror's page-one headline reads 'U.S. Humiliated in
Presidential Shambles.' Another says, 'Forest Chumps - The election's
like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.' Beneath
is a photo of both Bush and Gore as Forrest Gump on a park bench. A
headline in the Times of India reads, 'American Banana Split.'"
- Wall Street Journal, 11/10/00
About That Proverbial Lightbulb
Q: How many Democrats does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None. They all wait for the government to do it for them.
Q. How many Palm Beach voters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A. None. They can't find the hole.

Palm Beach Hand Job
"(T)he hand 'count' is not actually a count, but a highly subjective
guess of what each voter intended. If hand 'counts' are to be conducted
at all, they should be done in all parts of the state according to the
same standard. The unfairness here is obvious: hand 'counts' almost
always tend to add to the totals of the candidate who won that area and
all areas in which hand counts have been requested went heavily for Vice
President Gore. ... (J)ust like the hand count of the 1% of the
precincts in Palm Beach County produced a net gain for Gore
proportionate to his original margin of victory in those precincts, a
hand count in Republican precincts and counties would likely produce
similar gains for Bush. Thus, there is no basis for believing that a
statewide hand count would change the results."
- Marc Levin, American Freedom Center (www.americanfreedom.org),
Gorons: Let Us Vote Til We Get It Right
"The Gore position is that the election must be decided by letting a few
hundred morons vote and re-vote and re-re-vote until they manage to
punch the right hole. Republicans may be 'the stupid party,' but at
least the average conservative gun-nut can put a nice clean shot through
the correct hole on his ballot from 200 yards. "
- Columnist Mark Steyn, London Daily Telegraph, 10/12/00
Who Wants to Buy a Judge?
"'Let the legal system run its course,' (Gore campaign manager Bill)
Daley said. 'We will be working with voters from Florida in support of
legal actions to demand some redress.' He added, 'We believe with so
much at stake, steps should be taken to make sure that the people's
choice becomes our President.' Shortly after this, guess what happened?
The Democratic Palm Beach plaintiffs seeking 'redress' suddenly withdrew
their suit from federal court. Why?
"Because they wanted to shop around for a favorable judge. They had
happened to draw federal district Judge Kenneth Ryskamp, whose
nomination to the appeals court years back had been defeated in the
Senate by Joe Biden. The Palm Beach plaintiffs then announced they would
file in state court. Obviously they are judge-shopping, reducing this
noble enterprise on behalf of the people's choice to the level of
backwater justice."
- Wall Street Journal editorial, 11/10/00
"Democrats like to steal elections. In fact, they're very good at it.
Whether it was the presidential election of 1960, the Indiana 'Bloody
Eighth' House race of 1984, or the Maryland gubernatorial race in 1994,
they have proven time and again to be very adept at thwarting the will
of the voters. Fortuitously for Vice President Gore, heading his
campaign and the assault on Florida is Bill Daley, the son of the
greatest vote-stealer in American history, Mayor Richard J. Daley.
"...Democrat lackeys have also begun their several front war. The NAACP
and Jesse Jackson have brought out the race card. Democrat seniors have
come forward to claim discrimination. Time's Margaret Carlson, the noted
'military expert,' smeared military men and women three days before
Veterans Day as 'tax dodgers' for being registered to vote in Florida
absentee where there is no state income tax.
"...Sadly, some conservatives think the facts will save them. George F.
Will wrote Wednesday that all sides should avoid being partisan. That's
a nice naive sentiment but guess what? The liberals have already started
the war and Republicans must fight back. First, they must realize the
Democrats are about anything but fairness in this election; they are
about power, pure and simple. Democrats must destroy 

[CTRL] OEN 11/13/00

2000-11-13 Thread Kris Millegan

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Russia Pursues New Ties with Mongolia

Protecting the Trans-Siberian Railroad.

Russia is reestablishing its relationship with Mongolia, an isolated nation
strategically located on the Russo-Chinese frontier. Both nations have reason
to close ranks. Russia wants the strategic depth, and Mongolia needs help
with its ailing economy.
Russian President Vladimir Putin will travel to one of the most remote
corners of the world when he visits Mongolia Nov. 13. Putin will be the first
post-Soviet Russian president to visit the former satellite state. Putin and
his counterpart, President Natsagiyn Bagabandi, will discuss a boatload of
issues including economic ties, law enforcement and nuclear energy.
The economy is an extremely pressing issue for Mongolia. The country has
become a fair representation of a market-based parliament democracy only a
decade after the withdrawal of the Soviet presence. But Soviets made up the
bulk of Mongolia’s managerial and technical workers – and they left in the
early 1990s. They have not been replaced. Western institutions like the World
Bank and International Monetary Fund have donated millions to assist Mongolia
with its economy – 20 percent of the $1 billion gross domestic product this
year – but have made little progress improving the shortage in the nation’s
human capital.
The economy has struggled as a result, leading frustrated Mongolians to vote
the Mongolian People Revolutionary Party into power. The MPRP mainly
comprises former Communist party officials. Most of the MPRP is pro-market,
but candidates promised to focus on providing basic necessities rather than
quibble in lofty debates over democratic theory. And most MPRP officials hold
favorable views toward Moscow.
Putin’s visit will revolve around reviving the strategic relationship between
Mongolia and Russia. Both nations share a common strategic concerning China,
Mongolia’s neighbor to the south.
Mongolia’s relations with Russia extend back to 1924, when Soviet-backed
Mongolian communists proclaimed a communist state. Mongolia became a Soviet
satellite for the next seven decades. In that time, the Soviets built much of
Mongolia’s infrastructure and industrial base and stationed military troops
on the Chinese border.
Mongolia’s military is tiny, and its economy is struggling, but its geography
is invaluable. It acts as a buffer zone between Russia and China. A Russian
military presence in Mongolia would add up to 600 miles of strategic depth,
moving the de facto frontier south. This space is vital to defend the
Trans-Siberian Railroad, the only significant land link between European
Russia and Siberia. The railroad lies only about 250 miles north of the
Mongolian border.
Yet, Mongolia’s relations with China have improved significantly since the
breakup of the Soviet Union. China has replaced Russia as Mongolia’s
principal trade partner. Chinese President Jiang Zemin visited Mongolia in
1998, and Mongolian Prime Minister Rinchinnyamiin Amarjargal returned the
favor in 1999. And China has offered the occasional aid package, most
recently a $12 million dollar soft-loan.
Mongolians continue to regard China with some suspicion, however. The
reluctance to develop close relations stems from a history of conflict over
China’s territorial ambitions – Mongolia was a Chinese province from 1691 to
1911. Beijing is only about 700 miles from Ulaanbaatar, while Moscow is 3,600
miles away. Some Mongolians even worry about Chinese domination of the
Russia needs Mongolia’s defensive depth, and Mongolia needs Russian economic
aid – especially technical advisors and training. Putin will use aid offers,
plus the $360 million the Mongolian government owes Russia, as levers in his
negotiations. Mongolia has no real reason to resist reestablishing links with
Russia, but it can leverage its relationship with Western nations to extract
a few concessions. At the end of the visit, however, Mongolia and Russia will
have taken the steps toward resuming their relationship.
http://www.stratfor.com/home/giu/DAILY.asp, November 13, 2000
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[CTRL] Drug Lord Brother Accuses Fujimori

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Sunday November 12 2:09 PM ET
Drug Lord Brother Accuses Fujimori
By JARED KOTLER, Associated Press Writer
BOGOTA, Colombia - A jailed brother of slain Colombian cocaine lord Pablo
Escobar claimed in an interview Sunday that Peruvian President Alberto
Fujimori (news - web sites) took a million-dollar contribution from Escobar
during his first campaign.

According to uncorroborated charges leveled in Cambio news magazine by drug
convict Roberto Escobar, the alleged go-between was Vladimiro Montesinos,
Fujimori's former spy chief and top aide who has been in hiding since last
month and is facing various criminal charges.

Escobar, a former Medellin cartel lieutenant who is nearly blind due to a
1993 letter bomb, provided no hard evidence for the alleged 1989
contribution. ``In the mafia there are never any documents lying around, much
less so about this,'' he told Cambio.

In Peru on Sunday, a prosecutor called for an investigation, while two people
involved in Fujimori's first election bid denied the allegations. He took
office in 1990.

Fujimori's ex-wife, congresswoman Susana Higuchi, called allegations of drug
campaign cash ``totally false, given that during 1989 we didn't even know
that Vladimiro Montesinos existed.'' Higuchi said Fujimori's shoestring
campaign never had more than $250,000.

Francisco Loayza, a former intelligence agent assigned by then-President Alan
Garcia to assist Fujimori during his campaign, said he introduced Fujimori
and Montesinos in April 1990.

Jose Ugaz, the Peruvian special prosecutor investigating Montesinos, called
for a preliminary investigation - but noted that the charges came from a
convicted criminal.

While criticizing Fujimori's strong-arm tactics in Peru, U.S. officials have
considered him a faithful ally in the war on drugs.

Even unsubstantiated allegations were bound to fuel the political uncertainty
swirling around Peru after Fujimori's re-election bid this year was marred by
fraud charges and then a bribery scandal involving Montesinos.

Fujimori has agreed step down in July after holding new elections. Meanwhile,
his security forces are continuing a weeks-old manhunt for Montesinos, who
went into hiding following a failed asylum bid in Panama.

Montesinos faces criminal complaints ranging from money laundering and
directing state-sponsored death squads to skimming millions of dollars in pr
ofits from the narcotics trade during his 10 years as Fujimori's spy chief.

The new allegations only add to the fallen spymaster's intrigue.

According to Roberto Escobar, Montesinos visited Pablo Escobar on one of the
drug lord's ranches in 1987, then solicited a million-dollar cash donation in
late 1989 for Fujimori's campaign. Escobar contends that Pablo Escobar
offered the money in an international phone call with Montesinos and Fujimori.

``Montesinos spoke from Fujimori's campaign, said that he was going to be the
president's right-hand man and then put Fujimori on the line, and he told
Pablo that if he was elected president he would be glad to help out in any
way he could,'' Escobar claimed. The date of the alleged phone call was not

Fujimori was voted into office in a June 1990 second-round election and
assumed the presidency a month later. His candidacy was considered a long
shot until just before his strong showing in the April first round.

According to Roberto Escobar, 52, the Medellin cartel was buying protection
for its drug operations in Peru. The cartel purchased semi-processed cocaine
from its southern Andean neighbor, and Montesinos - once in the government -
helped ensure that Peruvian authorities allowed planes and fishing boats
packed with ``coca paste'' to reach Colombian unimpeded, Escobar claimed.

The Medellin cartel dissolved after Colombian police killed Pablo Escobar,
Roberto's younger brother, in a 1993 shootout.

During the 1980s Montesinos worked as a lawyer specializing in drug
trafficking cases.

Copyright © 2000 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
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[CTRL] County Orders Hand Count of Votes After Test Cuts Bush Lead

2000-11-13 Thread Kris Millegan

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Click Here: A HREF="http://www.iht.com/IHT/TODAY/MON/FPAGE/palm.2.html"
County Orders Hand Count of Votes After Test Cu…/A

County Orders Hand Count of Votes After Test Cuts Bush Lead

High-Risk Strategies With No Clear Way Out as Florida Drama Deepens

Compiled by Our Staff From Dispatches

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida  - The vote-counting authorities of Palm Beach
County decided Sunday to order a hand recount of all 450,000 presidential
ballots cast in the county, a decision that could give significant numbers of
additional votes to Vice President Al Gore if a judge does not stop it.

At a raucous early-morning meeting surrounded by political operatives and
journalists, the county's canvassing board voted, 2-to-1, for the new hand
count after spending many hours painstakingly tallying manually a sample of
more than 4,500 ballots.

The sample amounted to 1 percent of the votes cast in the county and yielded
a net gain of 19 votes for Mr. Gore.

In arguing for the countywide count, Carol Roberts, a member of the
canvassing board, said that if the 19 additional votes found for Mr. Gore
were extrapolated throughout the county, there would be as many as 1,900 more
votes for Mr. Gore, the Democratic candidate.

That could give him Florida's 25 electoral votes and, if other states'
electoral votes are unchanged, the White House.

The county is a Democratic stronghold, and the decision to order a recount
was made over strenuous Republican objections and with prospects for an

''This clearly would affect the national vote,'' said Ms. Roberts, a Democrat
who in addition to serving on the canvassing board is a county commissioner.
Another Democrat on the board also voted for the manual recount of all

The chairman of the board, Charles Burton, a county judge appointed by
Governor Jeb Bush, brother of the presidential candidate, voted ''no.'' He
has not made his party affiliation public.

A lawyer for the Republican Party, Mark Wallace, objected to a further hand
recount. ''It has been pandemonium today,'' he said. ''We vigorously lodge
our protest and plead with you not to put the county through that.''

Mr. Burton later told reporters he would seek to block the board's action.

The Palm Beach County board plans to meet Monday to discuss the next move. On
Sunday morning, Volusia County began a full hand recount of its 184,018
ballots, with employees working 14 hours a day for three days.

Election boards in heavily Democratic Miami-Dade and Broward countries also
are considering recounts.

A Republican lawsuit seeking to block hand counts will be heard before a
federal judge at 9:30 a.m. The suit was filed Saturday on behalf of the
Republican candidate, Governor George W. Bush of Texas, his running-mate,
Dick Cheney, and seven Floridians who voted for them.

Palm Beach County has been at the center of the struggle over the
presidential election. Some voters complained that its so-called butterfly
ballot was so confusing it caused them to mistakenly cast votes for Pat
Buchanan instead of Mr. Gore.

But the hand recount was unlikely to affect any votes mistakenly cast for Mr.
Buchanan because voters' intentions cannot be determined in such a count. A
state judge issued an injunction Thursday in response to lawsuits filed by
voters claiming confusion over the ballot design.

In the manual count, 80 ballots were rejected because voters had punched
holes for both Mr. Gore and Mr. Buchanan.

About 30,000 ballots have been rejected in machine counting in Palm Beach
County, either because they had two or more holes punched for president or
because the counting machines detect no holes at all. Ballots punched for
more than one candidate also are rejected in manual counts.

The county figures released Sunday further cut the lead of Mr. Bush over Mr.
Gore in Florida. An unofficial Associated Press canvass of the presidential
vote in Florida shows that Mr. Bush now has a 288-vote lead.

On Friday, the Florida secretary of state, Katherine Harris, said Mr. Bush
had 2,910,074 votes to Mr. Gore's 2,909,114, a difference of 960, with Palm
Beach County's votes still unaccounted for.

The totals from the AP canvass were Mr. Bush, 2,910,195, and Mr. Gore,
2,909,907. Those numbers reflected the latest figures from Palm Beach County.

The state has been unable to include updated Palm Beach County figures in its
tally because a state judge issued an injunction Thursday in response to
lawsuits filed by voters claiming confusion over the ballot design.

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[CTRL] Strippers spice up Sicilian prime time TV

2000-11-13 Thread Kris Millegan

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Strippers spice up Sicilian prime time TV  …/A

Strippers spice up Sicilian prime time TV

The Roman Catholic Church and the Sicilian Mafia have joined forces in an
unlikely alliance to campaign against naked newcasts on Italian television.

Video Golfo, a private channel in southern Sicily, has employed voluptuous
women to strip off in front of the cameras while the news is being read in a
salacious effort to attract male viewers. The three women are an insurance
clerk called Melinda, 22, and two hairdressers, Sheila, 32, and her daughter
Mila, 18.

Apart from stripping, they also dance and kiss the newsreader, whose other
job is to interpret the news in terms of lucky numbers. Viewers are then
advised to use the numbers when playing the lottery. A spokesman for the
channel claimed that it was tired of the trend to sensationalise news stories
to win audiences - and instead had come up with the new formula "to give
viewers what they really want".

The gimmick has proved a success, as it has in Russia where naked newsreaders
are also used. The network based in the crime-ridden port of Gela, however,
has provoked fury in two influential, if opposed institutions: the local
Church and the Mafia.

Sergio Petta, who created the programme which is broadcast during prime time
on Fridays, admitted that the move may have upset "certain people in Gela"
but said that he had been driven by a desire to make the news "more pleasing".

He added: "Sex is an integral part of Sicily, like the Mafia, and it runs
deep under the skin."
For all their love of blood and guts and glamorous women, Mafia bosses can be
surprisingly prudish. Men from Gela's two leading rival Mafia clans - the
Emmanuellos and the Rinzivillos - whose feud claimed four dead in just one
month, apparently shake with rage whenever they see the topless news.

"To the Mafia, the woman is sacred," said Tomas Buscetta, a former Mafia boss
who escaped and became an informer, after his fellow bosses complained of his
many affairs.

"Her place is not in the Mob, but the home, ironing her husband's clothes -
and certainly not in the television studio removing her own."

The Church is also calling for the news striptease show to be dropped. One of
the leading campaigners against the programme is Don Franco Cavallo, a parish
priest in Gela, who insists that it must be stopped.

"To show a programme like this at a time when it can be seen by innocent
children is an evil act of delinquency," he said. "This a terrible, awful
torment, a degradation, and in any case it is probably illegal."

The programme's creator, however, insisted that it was appealing to aesthetic
rather than immoral instincts.

"We don't do anything vulgar," said Mr Petta. "The girls never go the whole
hog. They come out and maybe expose a breast or two, a buttock, or a bit of
thigh. Or maybe they'll strip down to their underwear."

He added: "The girls aren't beautiful. But they're guaranteed to drive the
male viewers wild. We know our public. And that's what it wants."

The strippers defended their participation. "It's like being a daisy," said
Sheila, whose real name is Tina Di Dio, referring to the way her clothes were
peeled off like petals.

"We accepted this adventure because we can't resist the magic of the cameras.
This is not an erotic show."
The Sunday Telegraph

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[CTRL] Gore camp demands FBI inquiry

2000-11-13 Thread Kris Millegan

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Click Here: A HREF="http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,34812,00.html"The

Gore camp demands FBI inquiry
THE FBI is being asked to investigate how thousands of mainly black
supporters of Al Gore were given ballot papers that had allegedly already
been marked for rival candidates.
Yesterday Democrat officials were examining claims that up to 17,000 ballot
papers in the Miami area had been tampered with in what they described as
“organised corruption”. Lawyers from across the United States descended on
Miami and were busy taking statements from those complaining that they had
been cheated or intimidated out of voting for Mr Gore.

A senior Democrat official in Miami, who has hired a team of 20 investigators
to carry out an inquiry, told The Times: “Until now in Florida, we have been
arguing foul-ups, human error and stupidity. But this is deliberate
corruption to spoil votes for Gore and that must be a matter for the FBI.

“We don’t want to be seen as playing the race card here, but the areas where
this happened are in poorer precincts, which are predominantly black areas
that would be expected to vote almost unanimously for Vice-President Gore. We
are not accusing the Republican Party or any other ethnic groups for being
behind this. All we are saying is the vote was corrupted. There are just too
many double-punched papers.”

Jewish leaders in staunch Democrat areas of the city claimed that they, too,
had evidence of voting slips being marked before they reached polling
stations in areas populated by retired Jewish couples. At a rally in a Miami
synagogue, Lisa Versaci, Florida director of People for the American Way,
said: “There can be no innocent explanation for a pre-punched ballot sheet.”

Republican leaders in Miami dismissed the allegations as “dirty-trick
claims”. A spokesman said: “A spoiled ballot is not uncommon. There is no
dark plot here.”
Copyright 2000 Times Newspapers Ltd
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[CTRL] Crash of October 1987 Challenged Fed Chief

2000-11-13 Thread Kris Millegan

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of October 1987 Challenged Fed Chief (was…/A
Crash of October 1987 Challenged Fed Chief
_The Maestro_
•  Part 1 : The Alliance
•  Part 2 : The Crucible

_Live Online_
•  The American Boom: The Post's Bob Woodward will be discuss his book and
the men behind the economy at 1 p.m. Monday.

_  The Federal Reserve _•  Fed Quiz: Test your knowledge
• Graphic: Effects of a rate increase
• Graphic: Greenspan's performance
• Special Report: Federal Reserve

By Bob Woodward

Washington Post Staff Writer

Monday, November 13, 2000; Page A01

This is the second of four excerpts from "Maestro: Greenspan's Fed and the
American Boom." Copyright © 2000 by Bob Woodward, Simon  Schuster.

"Alan, you're it," E. Gerald Corrigan, president of the New York Federal
Reserve Bank, said in a telephone call to Federal Reserve Chairman Alan
Greenspan. "Goddammit, it's up to you. This whole thing is on your shoulders."

It was the evening of Oct. 19, 1987, and the stock market had just crashed
that day, the Dow Jones industrial average falling a stunning 508 points –
22.6 percent. The Black Tuesday market crash of Oct. 29, 1929, had been only
an 11.7 percent drop.

Corrigan, an ally of Greenspan's, believed there was no time for
procrastination and little for analysis. In one form or another, Wall Street
securities and brokerage firms, and their clients, would need credit to cover
their losses and keep the system flowing.

"Thank you, Dr. Corrigan," Greenspan said. The chairman was in Dallas, where
he was scheduled to speak at an American Bankers Association convention the
next morning.

Greenspan knew how the financial system's plumbing worked – an elaborate
series of networks involving regular banks such as Citibank, investment banks
such as Goldman Sachs and stock brokerage firms such as Merrill Lynch.
Payments and credit flowed routinely among them. The New York Fed alone
transferred more than $1 trillion a day. If one or several of these
components failed to make their payments or to extend credit – or even just
delayed payment in a crisis – they could trigger a chain reaction and the
whole system could freeze up, even blow up.

Before Greenspan hung up with Corrigan, he told himself: I'm going to find
out what I'm made of. He was 61 and had been Fed chairman for just two
months. The first challenge: Could he sleep? He did, for roughly five hours.
He was amazed.

A Call for Help

"Help!" said a new voice on the phone first thing the next morning, Tuesday,
Oct. 20. It was Howard Baker, the former Tennessee senator who was President
Reagan's White House chief of staff.

"Something bothering you, Howard?" Greenspan attempted to deadpan.

Baker was feeling pretty lonely. "You've got to get back here," he said. The
Treasury secretary, James A. Baker III, was in Europe on a hunting boondoggle
with the king of Sweden. "I looked around and there's nobody in town but me,
and I don't know what the hell I'm doing."

Greenspan said he couldn't get a flight until after his speech.

"Alan," Baker said, "we've still got airplanes, and I'm going to get you back
up here." He promised to send a military jet with continuous secure
communications to bring Greenspan back to Washington. A Gulfstream was
dispatched at once. Greenspan still wanted to give his speech before leaving
Dallas to convey a sense of business as usual, but Corrigan and Federal
Reserve Board Vice Chairman Manuel H. Johnson Jr., a 38-year-old former Green
Beret intelligence specialist and former assistant Treasury secretary, said
Greenspan had to go to Washington immediately. A routine speech to bankers in
the midst of an obvious crisis would send a signal that the chairman was out
of touch with reality. Greenspan canceled his speech.

Corrigan, 46, a beefy, profane, smart Jesuit-educated Irishman, had been in
his office at the New York Fed since 5 a.m. that Tuesday. He was Greenspan's
eyes and ears on Wall Street. The 15 phones in his suite of offices were
jumping off the hook with calls from the bankers and players in the financial
markets. The immediate and pressing question was who would finance or give
credit to the banks, the brokerage houses and others in the financial system
that needed money. For practical purposes, the Fed was already giving credit
in the hundreds of millions of dollars at the current interest rates in
routine overnight loans. What were the limits? Would it pull the plug? Would
the Fed's lending system be overwhelmed? There were both technical and policy

In a conference call that morning, Greenspan and his colleagues debated what
the Fed should say publicly. The Fed lawyers had come up with a lengthy

Goddammit, Corrigan said emphatically, we don't need a scholarly, legalistic
thing. We've just got to say in one sentence 

[CTRL] Raw bigotry among pro-GM academics

2000-11-13 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded by

Forwarded Message:
Raw bigotry among pro-GM academics

Originated from:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (ngin)

Norfolk Genetic Information Network (ngin)


Good to read the truth for once on Prakash's pro-GM Agbio list and of
course it was subsequently shown that Genetic ID's tests were absolutely
spot on and  those like AVENTIS who had sort to smear and dismiss had to
shut up - though not all did!

Prof Cummins' references to race are also interesting as it is hard to
understand the hate attacks so frequently aimed at GE critical academics
like Drs Mae-wan Ho and Vandana Shiva without taking into account some
elements of racism and mysogeny.

It's an alarming thought that Joe Cummins could be right when he
concludes that, "Sadly, the academic society seems to made up, for the
most part, of greedy, self serving bigots", but certainly anyone who's
tracked the output of the agbio brigade  could be forgiven for thinking
him entirely justified in that opinion!
Subject: AGBIOVIEW: "Raw bigotry among pro-GM academics"
Subj:   Re: AGBIOVIEW: Taco Bell and Genetic ID
Date:   Thu, 21 Sep 2000 10:39:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   "jcummins" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

September 21, 2000
Prof. Joe Cummins
 "Raw bigotry among pro-GM academics"

Yesterday the Ag Bio View discussion group included a support of the
 9 GM corn in Taco Bell products even though the product was approved
animal but not human use. The support mainly consisted an attack on the
character, spiritual beliefs and moral values of the founder of the
Genetic ID company that detected the Cryl 9 product in products sold for

human consumption.

Not surprisingly, the article failed to mention (actually concealed) the

fact that Prof. John Fagan was an outstanding chemistry student at the
University of Washington (I taught biology and genetics at that
at that time and was awe struck by his ability). He later was an
outstanding graduate student at Cornell  and a leading cancer researcher

at The National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. His
and personal philosophy should not be an issue, indeed, the Ag Bio View
report was simply hate literature.

Recently, I rebuffed a Professor from a major US university for using
demeaning racial slurs that effected my family. Such slurs may become
best answer that GM advocates have to evidence that their experiments

Finally, Prof. Trewavas ,of Edinburgh, recently proposed that the US
Congress should investigate those who oppose GM foods. Unfortunately, an

investigation of that type is likely to engage in smears and focus on
religion and race. Sadly, the academic society seems to made up, for the
most part, of greedy, self serving bigots.



"All policymakers must be vigilant to the possibility of research data
manipulated by corporate bodies and of scientific colleagues being
by the material charms of industry. Trust is no defence against an
aggressively deceptive corporate sector,"
THE LANCET, April 2000


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Hegel

2000-11-13 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

Hitler and Marx followed Hegel

Hegel - one world view

Shipton asks:
So, is there one bacteria or fungi
One energy source,
energy matrix
intellegence matrix?

an universal intellegence?

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Our Revolution and our Constitution]

2000-11-13 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Mass Democracy / Majority Rule is a scam.

It is manipulation of the clueless and venal by the Corporate/Political Elite and their
media minions.

Our elections are decided by scheming political operatives who trot out
illiterates; illegal aliens, the mentally retarded; the drooling senile stumblers, and
various self identified "victims" seeking some kind of Free Lunch or taxpayer
funded government bribe. Add to this mix the right/left wing"haters" who loathe many
of  their fellow citizens

Of course those who consider themselves none of the above usually are
offered  a choice between two criminal enterprises, AKA known as the
Democratic and Republican Party. They base their vote on misinformation
fed them by the Corporate Media.

Only fools and knaves agitate for "majority rule".

It is no accident that "democracy" and "demagogue" stem from the same
Greek root.

A lynch mob is democracy in action. Robespierre, Hitler, and Stalin all claimed to
have the majority behind them (and they were right!).


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Florida and the Marching Morons (The Tyranny of Democracy)

2000-11-13 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

From: Florida and the Marching Morons

Bi-Partisan Robbery

Nearly 99 percent of the voters in this election came down in favor of an enlarged 
state and in
support of mammoth increases in state-sanctioned robbery.

More billions for education! (Ignore the fact that our schools deteriorate and our 
children become
dumber the more dollars we throw at them.)

More billions for prescription drug coverage and social security payments for senior 
(Ignore the fact that our elders control the bulk of the wealth in this country and 
already enjoy
massive welfare subsidies for their health care and retirement.)

More billions for defense! (Ignore the fact that the primary reason our military is 
both the best in the world and in its worst shape in quite some time is due to the 
maneuverings of the Clintonistas as they send our personnel to die in foreign lands 
functioning as
"policemen" rather than the soldiers they were trained - and meant - to be.)

The irony is that nearly sixty-percent of voters indicated they favored a less 
powerful government.
I guess that since Bush would take us to Hades at forty-miles-an-hour and Gore would 
do so at
eighty, the electorate believes that siding with Bush really translates into "less" 

Or maybe a majority of voters in this country really is moronic enough to believe the 
outrages of Gore when he proclaims that he has shrunk the State and that he agrees 
that the "era of
big government" is over.

So much for the iron hand of the majority.

The protesters clogging the thoroughfares of Palm Beach County represent in microcosm 
the flipside
of this travesty. Pay no attention, they demand, to the fact that the vast majority of 
voters in
their jurisdiction - whether young or old - somehow managed to decipher the 
"intricacies" of their
ballots and cast their votes as they desired. No, no. Because members of this minority 
themselves "confused" and intimidated and too frigging stupid to ask for assistance or 
to request
another ballot when they screwed up a straightforward and simple procedure, everyone 
else - not only
in their own county but in the entire country - must be held hostage to their insipid 

No personal responsibility. No accountability. No accepting the consequences of their 
actions. No,
no. It's the duty of everyone else to assuage their "feelings" and "make it right." If 
we don't
cower before their self-righteous indignation and crumple before their rantings, 
they'll pout and
hold their collective breath until we succumb to their incessant nonsense.

And if that doesn't work, they'll sue us, by-god; the All-American answer to every 
travail faced by
the gutless gnomes who gnaw ravenously at the ankles of the rest of us.

This is the same mentality, the same instinctive, primitive, and irrational attitudes 
and actions
that gave us such gems as the American with Disabilities Act (in which the infirm of 
the world rule
the able); the wondrous joys of Political Correctness (in which free speech is 
free...as long as you
agree with the left-leaning bigots of the world); the compassion of Hate Crimes (in 
which the State
purports to read your mind and punish you not merely for your deeds but for your 
thoughts, as well);
and the glories of Fairness, Equality, and Affirmative Action (in which justice is 
irrelevant and
the principle that some are "more equal" than others is enshrined in law and crammed 
down the
throats of the majority).

The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution says:

Section 1: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime 
whereof the
party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any 
place subject to
their jurisdiction.

Section 2: Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate 

While we no longer have overt slavery in this country, our involuntary servitude 
increases with each
passing year and each farce of an election we endure. This nation is a hair's-breadth 
from slipping
into the pit that is the tyranny of pure democracy. Bad enough that the 99 percent 
willingly march
into that bottomless quagmire. Worse still that they are intent on dragging the rest 
of us into the
muck along with them. Last time I checked, I've violated no crime nor been convicted 
of any. (Not
that such fine moral distinctions are much protection in this era of asset forfeiture 
and State
powers of unlimited taxation and regulation.)

Congress does nothing to protect us from these encroachments since it is the prime 
wolf in this
sheep's pen we call the United States of America. Democracy runs amuck while the 
remnant of the
citizens who truly understand, appreciate, and defend freedom and individual rights 
are buried
beneath the collectivist juggernaut.

With each new election, with each new law, with each new 

[CTRL] Katherine Harris-Partisan!

2000-11-13 Thread William Shannon
The woman under fire
Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris is suddenly Democrats' enemy No. 1 -- and they have lots of ammo to use against her.
- - - -http://www.salon.com/politics/feature/2000/11/13/harris/index.html - - - - - - - -
By Jake Tapper
Nov. 13, 2000 | WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- Monday morning in Tallahassee, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris told Vice President Al Gore's men in Florida -- former campaign chairman Bill Daley and former Secretary of State Warren Christopher -- that Tuesday at 5 p.m. would be the absolute deadline for recount numbers from any county.
This was a blow to Gore's team, as well as to several of the Democratic counties that had requested an extension, since a hand recount in Palm Beach County was revealing a narrowing in the margin between the totals of Gore and Gov. George W. Bush, and the Gore forces wanted more time to count all the ballots. Hand recounts picked up votes for both candidates that had not been registered in the machine count, but since the Democratic-leaning county voted for Gore more so than for Bush, the hand recount was revealing a net gain for Gore.

With an unofficial gap of only 288 votes, every single "hanging chad" has worldwide implications.
For that reason, Republicans had begun sniping at the decision by the two Democrats on the Palm Beach County board, Theresa LePore and Carol Roberts, to push for a countywide manual recount, for which the county would need an extension.
Likewise, Democrats were raising their eyebrows at Harris' ruling Monday morning, in which she effectively told LePore and Roberts to remove all thoughts of a countywide hand recount from their minds. The deadline will stand, Harris said in a statement, "in order to effectuate the public's right to clarity and finality."
"We think the action by the Florida secretary of state is arbitrary and unreasonable," Christopher said to reporters immediately after the meeting.
Other prominent Democrats immediately began piling on. On "Good Morning America," Sen. Joe Lieberman made note that Harris was a supporter of Bush.
Rep. Peter Deutsch, D-Florida, argued that Harris's decision to not extend the deadline to at least Friday, is "bizarre," while also pointing out that she's Bush's state campaign co-chair."I honestly think what's going on is a strategic decision by the Bush campaign to hurt the litigation efforts," Deutsch said.
Even before Harris' decision had been declared, Gore supporters were already preparing to tar her as a biased, longtime supporter of Bush.
They didn't have to look too hard. Harris, first elected in 1988, was Bush's Florida co-chairwoman as far back as October 1999.
"I am thrilled and honored to announce my support of George W. Bush for the presidency," she said, as quoted in a "Bush for President" press release. Harris said that working with Bush's younger brother, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, "has provided a constant reminder of the power of values-based leadership -- the same leadership George has shown in Texas. I also share George's commitment to education, and I look forward to sharing his vision with Floridians."
She would later serve as a Bush delegate during the Republican National Convention.
Harris' activities on behalf of Bush went far beyond the normal activities of a state chairwoman, however. She was a presence on the Bush campaign in January, traveling with Jeb and 138 other Floridians as they flew from Miami and Tallahassee to New Hampshire on a leased Boeing 727 to campaign for the Texas governor in his primary campaign against Arizona Sen. John McCain.
Harris' presence on the tour -- called "Freezin' for a Reason" -- brought lovely photo ops of her and her fellow Floridians handing out bags of Florida oranges and Plant City strawberries.
It has also brought serious questions about her partisanship in light of her authority over the Florida controversy.
Indeed, by not allowing Palm Beach and other counties to extend their deadlines to, say, Friday, when the absentee ballots are due, Harris has made a ruling that undoubtedly has her friends in Austin, Texas, pleased, even though she can argue that she is just abiding by the state statute. The one provision in the statute that would allow her to waive the Tuesday 5 p.m. deadline would be in the case of a national emergency, like a hurricane. Such arguments hold little water with Democrats, however.
"She is clearly a partisan Republican -- and there's nothing illegal about that," said Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Fla. "And I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, expecting them to perform their public functions appropriately. But her actions will speak volumes about whether she is qualified. If she does this fairly, fine. But if she acts as an emissary for Bush to steal this election in Florida, she will delegitimize Florida's vote count."
This isn't the first time critics have questioned Harris' impartiality. Last month, the Tampa Tribune reported Harris had spent $100,000 in state funds 

[CTRL] Ethanol Producers and Consumers news letter - link Bioenergy Initiative signed by Clinton

2000-11-13 Thread ThePiedPiper

This could be why
Petro problems
open dome to compete price wise?
and why meat slaughter is being consolidated
why they are trying to down play meat
to keep the plant farmers from having
a market until they attempt to corner it
with Factory Farms.
Organics are hard to monopolize
UNLESS you have control of all seed.
Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton  13 Nov 2000

Forwarded Web Page follows
ETHANOL PRODUCERS AND CONSUMERS  September/October 99 Newsletter

Title: September/October 99 Newsletter
This is Google's cache of http://www.ethanolmt.org/sepoct99.html.
Google's cache is the snapshot that we took of the page as we crawled the web.
The page may have changed since that time.  Click here for the current page without highlighting.Google is not affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

These search terms have been highlighted:biomansouramal


Executive Order on Bioenergy Initiative signed by Clinton
Food and Fuel to be Demonstrated in Washington 
President Clinton and Vice President Gore: Growing clean
  energy for the 21st Century 
Grassley tells Clinton that Ethanol is key aid to farmers
MTBE use should be substantially reduced, says Blue Ribbon
Biodiesel Hits Midwest Markets 
National Security/DOE Funding Letter 
New Ethanol Based Alternative Aviation Fuel Developed

Our Youth ‹ Building for a Better Future 
Combined Meetings 
Open Houses of Ethanol Plants
Denco LLC
More Postal Service Vehicles to be Fueled with Ethanol
For Faster Starts On Cold Winter Mornings 
Ethanol industry in California gold rush 

Executive Order on Bioenergy Initiative signed by Clinton


President Bill Clinton stands at the
  podium while he speaks to the crowd assembled in the patio area of the U.S.
  Department of Agriculture building. Signs proclaiming "Clean Energy and
  a Healthy Environment for the 21st Century" were placed around the patio.

President Bill Clinton signed an Executive Order on a Bioenergy Initiative
  in Washington, DC last week. Three hundred people, including Shirley Ball, Executive
  Director of EPAC, were invited to attend the ceremony and hear about the order
  that will accelerate biobased technologies to convert Biomass into fuels and
  materials. Clinton stated that meeting this goal could create $15 billion to
  $20 billion in new income for farmers and rural America. The President said
  he will call on Congress to approve his proposed research funding and tax credits
  to promote energy efficiency, Bioenergy, and other clean energy sources. (Information
  provided at the ceremony is below.)
  The signing ceremony was held in the patio area of the US Department of Agriculture.
  USDA Secretary Dan Glickman welcomed the President and other officials, including
  DOE Secretary Richardson, EPA Administrator Carol Browner, and Senator Richard
  Lugar who has introduced legislation National Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals
  Act. They all spoke on the process of turning Biomass to fuels and other
  materials, and all talked about ethanol as a way to help the farm economy. Other
  speakers included Dr. Bruce Dale, Chair of Department of Chemical Engineering
  at Michigan State University and Chair of the National Research Council study
  on biobased products, and Ms. Amal Mansour, CEO of Manufacturing Technology
  and Conversion, Inc. A roundtable discussion was held with representatives from
  farm organizations and companies involved in Bioenergy production or conversion.
  There were a number of Biomass displays: the tables the officials sat at were
  made from wheat straw, also ethanol and biodiesel powered vehicles were located
  outside the building. There were display booths from various laboratories and
  Shirley was able to shake hands with the President when the ceremony was complete
  and tell him about the need for programs to help farmers. In the Executive order,
  the President instructed the Secretaries of Energy and Agriculture to prepare
  a report within the next 120 days on options for modifying existing DOE and
  USDA programs with a goal of tripling U.S. use of biobased products and Bioenergy
  by 2010.
Thanks to Roger Conway at the energy office of the USDA and to Senator Max
  Baucus and Chris Miller for their assistance to have Shirley invited to this
  ceremony!! Back To Top.

Food and Fuel to be Demonstrated in Washington 
EPAC will be making
Food and Fuel presentations in Washington on October 4, 5  6.
EPAC members will prepare snacks made with distiller grains and serve them to
USDA and DOE officials on October 5, from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm in room 107-A at
the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Farm organizations, 

[CTRL] Text: President Clinton on Bio-Based Technologies [web page]

2000-11-13 Thread ThePiedPiper


Title: Text: President Clinton on Bio-Based Technologies
This is Google's cache of http://www.usinfo.state.gov/topical/global/environ/latest/99081201.htm.
Google's cache is the snapshot that we took of the page as we crawled the web.
The page may have changed since that time.  Click here for the current page without highlighting.Google is not affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

These search terms have been highlighted:clintonbio

12 August 1999

 Text: President Clinton on Bio-Based Technologies

(Speaks at Department of Agriculture) (2630)

President Clinton has announced steps to spur the use of bio-based
technologies that he says can change to future of the world the way
that the automobile did at the beginning of the century.

Clinton spoke August 12 at a U.S. Department of Agriculture ceremony
after issuing an executive order calling for increased federal efforts
to convert crops, trees and other "biomass" into a vast array of fuels
and materials. The order also sets a goal of tripling U.S. use of
bioenergy and bioproducts by 2010.

Following is the text of Clinton's remarks:

(begin text)


   Office of the Press Secretary

August 12, 1999


Department of Agriculture

Washington. D.C.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Well, if Amal Mansour gets tired of
alternative energy, she might consider politics for a career. She gave
quite a speech, and I thank her.

Let me just say, before I begin I would like to say just a few words
about the latest developments in the shootings in Los Angeles. It now
appears that they were motivated by racial and ethnic hatred. If so,
that's the second such incident we've had in the last couple of weeks,
along with the killings that occurred in the Midwest, which you all
remember very well -- and another compelling argument, in my judgment,
for this country to renew its commitment to our common community, our
common humanity; and another compelling argument for the passage of
the hate crimes legislation and the common-sense gun legislation we
have recommended.

I know the Attorney General spoke about this earlier today, but I
wanted to strongly support and associate myself with her comments on

Now, let me tell you, I may be the happiest person here today because
I have been a supporter of bio-energy for more than 20 years now. When
I was governor I tried to promote the use of wood waste; we opened a
little ethanol factory in my home state. We worked on whether rice
hulls could be used as energy. I've sort of been tapping my foot,
waiting for 20 years for the moment to come when both the technology
and the economics and the social awareness, all this stuff would kind
of fit together.

I want to thank Secretary Glickman, Secretary Richardson,
Administrator Browner for their support of this. I want to say a
special word of appreciation to Senator Dick Lugar, the Chairman of
the Senate Agriculture Committee. He wrote a brilliant article with
Jim Woolsey in the January-February edition of Foreign Affairs, called
"The New Petroleum." And I see some of you nodding your heads, and if
you had read it, you had all read it, you would all be nodding your
heads. It's not only brilliant, but a guy who is scientifically
challenged like me can understand it, which is very important.

I want to thank Senator Tom Harkin, who is not here today, couldn't be
here today, but who has worked passionately on this issue. We have
been talking about it for more than a decade now. And I want to thank
Dr. Dale for your work and Amal Mansour for your work and your
success, and all of the panelists who are here.

This is one of those speeches that Presidents have to give, you know,
where you're preaching to the choir, because you all agree with this.
And you see this fine family over here, they were introduced earlier
in a way that is bittersweet. The present, terrible crisis we have on
our farms heightens all of our awareness that we can do this. And as
many have said, as Senator Lugar and Mr. Woolsey argued in their
piece, even in good agricultural times, when farm prices are high and
the land is in use, there is more than enough land available at sound
conservation practices for us to develop this if we can develop the
biocatalyst and the advance processing technologies necessary to make
bio-energy work.

So I am very, very pleased about this. I think we have to see this in
a context of where we've come from and where we're going. One of the
most important technological advances of this century came 90 years
ago in a old farmhouse overlooking Lake Michigan, where William
Merriam Burton, who was a chemist for Standard Oil, figured 

[CTRL] Fw: [ NSP ] German anti-Fascist page

2000-11-13 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
 From: Servisch Informatie- en Cultuurcentrum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 9:01 PM
 Subject: [ NSP ] German anti-Fascist page

  German anti-Fascist page:
  General Helmut Harff,  ["in the Balkans ... you should shoot
  first!"]  addressed »Staats- und Wirtschaftspolitische
  Gesellschaft e.V.«, a German extreme Right militarist group.
  General Harff is ex-commander of German troops in Kosovo; as
  such, co-responsible for the infamous Orahovac ghetto for local
  Serbs and Roma.
  Met vriendelijke groet/Best wishes,
  - Herman de Tollenaere
  - My Internet site on Asian history and "new" religions:
  See also SIMPOS, information on occult tendencies' impact on
  T O P I C A  http://www.topica.com/t/17
  Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Your Favorite Topics

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Wackenhut opens for-profit mental health facility

2000-11-13 Thread Eric Stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: David Oaks - Support Coalition [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Florida: Wackenhut opens for-profit "mental health" facility
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 22:33:22 -0600 (CST)


The iron prison is merging with the chemical prison.

Get ready for "Psych. Crime, Incorporated."

See industry news releases below [feel free to redistribute].


Florida: Wackenhut opens for-profit mental health facility.

PR Newswire

October 31, 2000

Atlantic Shores Healthcare Opens New South Florida
State Hospital  Campus/Facility


This week's opening of the new South Florida State
Hospital campus marks the  most visible milestone
yet for the nation's first comprehensive state
psychiatric hospital to be fully privatized.

The dramatic changes at the hospital began in
November 1998, when Atlantic  Shores Healthcare,
Inc. began operating the facility in an
unprecedented  public-private partnership agreement
with the Florida Department of Children and

Staff members have already begun working from their
offices at the new  campus, while the remainder of
the facilities -- including treatment and
residential facilities -- will be phased into
service over the next few weeks,  according to Sal
Barbera, hospital administrator.  Phase I of the
new  residential and treatment centers will be
operational by November 1, with the  balance of the
project being completed by year-end, according to
Barbera.  He  noted that the new design provides
varied housing alternatives along with on-  site
medical facilities.

"In addition to its unique privatized status, South
Florida State Hospital  is one of the first new
comprehensive public mental health facilities to
be  built in decades," said Dr. George C. Zoley,
chairman of the board for Atlantic  Shores
Healthcare, Inc.  "We, therefore, have the
opportunity to create a  national model,
implementing innovative programs that reflect
today's best  practices in psychiatric treatment,
while also improving operational  efficiency."

Among the more than 100 attendees attending opening
ceremonies on October 27  were Dr. Zoley; Carol M.
Brown, president of Atlantic Shores Healthcare,
Inc.;  Dale W. Frick, vice president for mental
health services; Celeste Putnam,  director of mental
health programs for the Department of Children and
Families;  Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth;
State Senator Howard Forman; State  Representatives
Debby Sanderson and Debbie Wasserman Schultz; and
numerous other  state officials, mental healthcare
professionals, advocates and guests.

The new campus has as its focal point a village-like
Town Center complete  with clock tower, gazebo,
covered walkways and ornamental landscaping. By
creating an environment that permits maximum
person-to-person interaction, this  design will play
a central role in helping the residents prepare for
their  return to the community, Barbera explained.

"The distinctly non-institutional atmosphere not
only improves the mental  health care experience for
those we serve, it also plays an integral role in
their treatment and recovery," said Barbera, the
hospital's chief executive.

Key milestones achieved since privatization include
full accreditation from  the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, for the
first  time in the hospital's 40-plus year
history.  JCAHO accreditation was achieved  in
September 1999, ten months earlier than required by
Atlantic Shores' contract  with the Department of
Children and Families.

A variety of other indicators reflect significant
improvement.  Both admissions and discharges during
the 1999-2000 state fiscal year were at their
highest levels in a decade, while only 3.4 percent
of those discharged were  readmitted within 30 days
-- a rate nearly 50 percent below JCAHO-accredited
state hospitals' national average.

"People are admitted to South Florida State Hospital
with a specific psychiatric diagnosis, and are
progressing through a documented treatment plan,"
Barbera explained.  As a result, the average length
of stay for those newly  admitted to the hospital
has also dropped dramatically.  As of Nov. 1, 1998,
the  average length of stay was 8.27 years.  For
those admitted since then, the  average length of
stay is just 185 days.

"In addition, the treatment experience has been
greatly enhanced," Barbera  added.  As an example,
he cited the hospital's success in significantly
reducing  the use of restraints prior to moving to
the new campus.  In the year prior to  Atlantic
Shores' management, the hospital recorded an average
of 21.6 restraint  events each month.  By contrast,
after intensive staff training in Crisis  Prevention
Intervention, the hospital has now achieved three
consecutive months  with no restraint incidents at
all.  Likewise, the use of seclusion has also  been

[CTRL] PA Prison sued over medical experiments

2000-11-13 Thread Eric Stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: "Marpessa Kupendua" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: !*PA Prison sued over medical experiments
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 23:13:30 -0600 (CST)


From: Graeme Bacque [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 4:10 AM

  Thursday, October 19, 2000

  Prison sued over medical studies

  By MARYCLAIRE DALE-- The Associated Press

  PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Allen Hornblum's first job out of graduate school in
  1971 was teaching literacy at Philadelphia's Holmesburg Prison.

  Inside the imposing walls, he says he was shocked to see dozens of inmates
  with adhesive tape on their faces, their arms and their backs.

  At first he thought there had been a knife fight, but he soon learned that
  the bandages betrayed widespread medical experiments that had gone on for
  23 years inside the city-run prison.

  Hornblum's 1998 book, "Acres of Skin," explored the physical and
  psychological effects of the testing and inspired a lawsuit filed this
  in Philadelphia on behalf of 298 former inmates.

  The lawsuit claims the testing exposed the inmates to infectious diseases,
  radiation, dioxin and psychotropic drugs -- all without their informed

  It names as defendants the city of Philadelphia; Dr. Albert Kligman, a
  University of Pennsylvania dermatologist who conducted much of the
  and is credited with developing the acne and anti-wrinkle treatment Retin
  A; the university; and drug makers Johnson  Johnson and the Dow Chemical
  Co., whose products were allegedly used on inmates.

  Kligman, who is now in his 80s but keeps an office at the university, did
  not return a call seeking comment Wednesday. However, in 1998 he said: "To
  the best of my knowledge, the result of these experiments advanced our
  knowledge of the pathogenesis of skin disease, and no long-term harm was
  done to any person who voluntarily participated in the research program."

  The university declined to comment on the lawsuit, and officials for the
  city and Dow Chemical did not immediately return telephone calls.

  Johnson  Johnson confirmed that it had tested cosmetic and skin-care
  products on inmates at Holmsburg during the late 1960s and early 1970s.
  it said none of the ingredients cited in the part of the lawsuit it had
  seen were used in the company's products.

  Using inmates for testing was common practice during the 1950s and 1960s,
  but it is now frowned on by the university, University of Pennsylvania
  spokeswoman Rebecca Harmon said.

  While medical testing took place in other prisons, Holmesburg was
  well-known among scientists because of Kligman's research and because of
  the prison's willingness to have its inmates tested in exchange for annual
  fees in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, Hornblum said.

  Most of the inmates involved were black men and relatively uneducated.

  "There are men who do have cancer, severe lung problems, all sorts of
  maladies," Hornblum said. "I am not a doctor, so I can't confirm that
  is a direct linkage. You need to have some serious epidemiological
  but no one has ever been interested."

  The inmates' attorney, Thomas Nocella, said the inmates received only a
  dollar or two a day to be used as subjects for lucrative commercial
  testing. Since they did not know what drugs they were being given, they
  could not have given informed consent, even if they signed waivers, he

  "As human beings, they want an apology for being treated the way they were
  treated back then. Secondly, they want some kind of assurance that medical
  treatment will be available to them," Nocella said.

  The lawsuit, filed Philadelphia Common Pleas Court, seeks $50,000 in
  damages from each defendant.

  The medical testing at Holmesburg began in 1951 and didn't end until 1974,
  when it was banned, said Hornblum, now an adjunct professor at Temple
  University. The ban was prompted by congressional hearings into allegedly
  coerced medical experimentation, including Tuskegee University tests that
  infected black men with syphilis

  A few Holmesburg inmates sued the university and the city in 1984, and
  settled for sums in the $20,000 to $40,000 range.

  Holmesburg was closed in 1995.

Any election in which only two individuals are allowed exposure is, by
definition, a fraud.  We are an occupied nation.


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[CTRL] Chicago: Psychiatric Human Rights Free Event - Nov. 27

2000-11-13 Thread Eric Stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: David Oaks - Support Coalition [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Chicago: Psychiatric Human Rights Free Event - Nov. 27
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 22:18:27 -0600 (CST)


Free event:

The International Psychiatric Survivors Movement:
Human Rights and Alternatives in the "Mental Health System"

Chicago, Illinois *** Monday, November 27, 2000


David Oaks, Director
Support Coalition International
from Eugene, Oregon

Katherine Anne Hodges, Founder
Mad Lib of Chicago Illinois

Celebrate 30 Years of the Psychiatric Survivors
Liberation Movement!

DAVID OAKS is a long time psychiatric survivor
activist, Green activist, director of Support Coalition
International, and editor of Dendron Newsjournal. Support
Coalition is a federation of nearly 100 groups that
oppose forced psychiatric treatment and promote
alternatives to the mental health system. David will
give a rapid overview of international psychiatric
rights activism, history and current campaigns.

KATHERINE ANNE HODGES founded the psychiatric
rights group Mad Pride, and will give an update about
psychiatric rights activism in the Chicago area.

We'll discuss how psychiatric oppression affects
everyone, what we can do about it, and the July 2001
protests of the globalization of corporate, coercive


Monday, November 27, 2000.

Doors open at 5:30 pm -- free refreshments and

6:00 pm -- speakers, with time for questions and


Access Living
310 So. Peoria, 2nd floor
Chicago, Illinois
(About a block from the Blue Line UIC-Halsted stop
or Halsted bus)

Contacts for more info:

Katherine of Mad Lib
ph: (773) 227-9374 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mad Lib PO Box 64 Chicago IL 60601

Support Coalition International
454 Willamette St. Suite 216 PO Box 11284
Eugene OR 97440-3484
web: http://www.MindFreedom.org

All are welcome to this free, wheelchair-accessible event.

Co-sponsored by Support Coalition International,
Mad Lib and Access Living.

[Please re-distribute this announcement
to all appropriate places
on and off the Internet, thanks. See you!]

- end -

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] AF News 14 Nov 00

2000-11-13 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

001695.  Two Misawa Air Base F-16s crash

MISAWA AIR BASE, Japan (AFPN) -- Two Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft
crashed Nov. 13 over the Sea of Japan.  The aircraft, assigned to 35th
Fighter Wing, here, were on a routine training mission.

One person was aboard each aircraft. One pilot, Col. Michael Lepper, 35th
Operations Group commander, has returned to Misawa and is currently in
stable condition at the 35th FW hospital.

A rescue team is continuing to search for the remaining pilot.

A board of officers will investigate the accident. Additional details will
be provided as soon as they become available.

001696.  DOD uses new incentives to recruit the best civilians

by Gerry J. Gilmore
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- An expanded college loan repayment program and a
modified retirement savings system are two new recruiting tools at the
Defense Department's disposal because of legislation recently signed by
President Clinton, said DOD's senior civilian personnel official.

Diane Disney, deputy assistant secretary of defense for civilian personnel
policy, said the two popular recruitment tools are widely used in the
private sector.  She said they will help DOD attract "the best and the
brightest" civilian employees.

"This is an extremely tight labor market," Disney said.  "We now have 77
percent fewer people in their 20s (in DOD) than we did a decade ago, and
many people are coming up on retirement eligibility.  We need to take
definite steps to improve our recruitment of college graduates."

DOD's civilian work force requirements are rapidly changing due to
information technology advances, Disney said.  Older "baby-boomer" employees
-- most at the mid- to senior-grade level, she noted -- are expected to
start retiring this year.

People with experience in information technology and other technical fields
are needed to replace them, Disney said, even while the healthy economy
makes it hard to compete with private-sector employers for young, or older,
college-educated employees.

The enhanced college loan repayment program would pay up to $6,000 per
calendar year, up to a total of $40,000, Disney said.  It will take effect
in mid-2001 and its cost will be borne by the agencies involved.

"Previous authority to pay off student loans was limited to professional,
administrative and technical positions only.  The new legislation removes
those limitations so that any occupation might be eligible," she said.  The
program, however, is not retroactive.

Disney said the federal civilian college loan repayment program shouldn't
dissuade people from joining the military, which offers up to $65,000 for
college tuition.

"Right now, if somebody wants to come work for the Department of Defense,
but doesn't necessarily want to be in uniform, there really isn't an obvious
enticement.  This provides an enticement to the civil service within DOD,
the kind of approach the military has found so effective," she said.

Recently approved legislation affecting the government's 401(k)-like Thrift
Savings Plan gives newly hired federal employees the opportunity to start
saving immediately, Disney said.  Previously people couldn't invest in the
plan until the second TSP open season after they began working for the
federal government.

The enhanced TSP program is "a really great incentive, particularly for
bringing in mid-level and senior people," she said.  The older people become
the more concerned they are about their retirement system.

Currently, about 75 percent of eligible DOD civilians participate in at
least one of the three TSP investment funds: government securities,
corporate bonds and stocks, she said.  Money put into TSP comes from pre-tax
dollars and reduces taxable income; the investments and earnings aren't
taxed until they are withdrawn.

"If we have a retirement system that denies people the opportunity to
participate in retirement savings for maybe as long as a year, we're not
going to look like a very attractive employer," Disney said.  "This issue
arises when we try to recruit faculty members for our institutions, or when
we try to bring in scientists and engineers for three-four years.  The old
system was a real disincentive because retirement earnings are so

Disney said new employees would also be allowed to contribute "rollover"
distributions from previous retirement plans.

"That helps to simplify a person's life," she said.  A person who joins the
government and who already has a 401k account with a past employer might not
want to handle two, and now doesn't have to.  "You can now roll those two
into one," Disney said.

The newly available recruiting tools should make federal employment much
more appealing than it was before, she said.

"We're hitting both ends of the experience spectrum.  The student loan
repayment program is useful at all ages, but it is 

[CTRL] Call Al Gore on his dime!

2000-11-13 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

if you think your vote wasnt counted call algore at
1-800-579-8871,remember this call will cost al gore 50 cents ,i am
calling to tell him my vote in la. was counted right . for bush

" if you cant fight , leave food and ammo on the back porch "

"live in such a way that death is not feared ."
stalking wolf

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[CTRL] Drug War Follies - San Diego Event

2000-11-13 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Howdy One  All,

Some notes from Todd who is taking the time and energy to do an event. If you
are near-by, you should support him in his endeavours. I am hoping he has has
a good turn-out. His poster is up at cia-drugs.org if you can help he can be
reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To all concerned:
a date has been finalized for the Cele Castillo/Mike Ruppert speaking date
on the SDSU campus.  The Subject is of course CIA-Drugs.
The date and time have been set as:
Tues, Nov. 28, 2000
5pm-8pm at the Backdoor which is located on the lower level of Aztec Center.

mike and cele are tenatively scheduled for KFMB radio 760 AM.
This is a major acheivement for us because it is the largest AM station in
san diego (the padres baseball games are on this station) The audience is

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Navy officer accuses officials of treason

2000-11-13 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Navy officer accuses
officials of treason
Claims top personnel covered up
Russian attack, espionage activity



By Geoff Metcalf
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Lt. Cmdr. Jack Daly, a victim of a 1997 laser assault from a Russian merchant
ship -- the Kapitan Man -- has charged several government officials with
responsibility for a cover-up of the attack and related espionage activity.

U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Jack Daly

Thursday, on the Geoff Metcalf radio show on TalkNetDaily, Daly for the first
time went so far as to accuse the following officials of treason: Strobe
Talbott, deputy secretary of State; James Collins, U.S. ambassador to Russia;
Robert Bell, special adviser to the president for national security affairs;
James Steinberg, executive director, National Security Council; and Jan
Lodal, deputy undersecretary of Defense.

On April 4, 1997, Daly, a naval intelligence officer, was wounded by enemy
fire while checking out a Russian ship as it was spying on U.S. nuclear
submarines in the Strait of Juan de Fuca in U.S. west-coast waters off Puget

To disable Daly's mission, the Russian ship blasted his aircraft with a laser
shot, partially blinding Daly and his Canadian pilot. The Clinton
administration subsequently tried to cover up the incident, as the State
Department under Secretary of State Madeleine Albright delayed a U.S.
military inspection of the Russian ship while tipping off the Russian
Embassy. When the ship was finally searched, there was, predictably, no sign
of any laser weapon and the spy ship was allowed to leave U.S. waters.

"According to the U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 3, this cover-up
was treason," Daly said. "These men committed treason. The nation does not
have to be at war for treason to be committed."

WorldNetDaily asked Daly why he had been reluctant to accuse them previously.

"Because I did not have the proof, the so-called smoking gun to indicate that
these [Russian] ships are, without a doubt, up to no good, that they are in
fact committing espionage activities in our territorial waters." Daly said.
"This is going on in our own ports for Pete's sake."

According to Daly, this Russian espionage activity isn't going on 12 miles
out to sea or 100 miles off the U.S. coast.

"This is right in our own ports, in the Puget Sound specifically," said Daly.

"This was a treasonous act," Daly charged. "They stuck with the Russians on
this. They provided them aid and comfort. They gave them an alibi. They let
them get away with a search. They gave them warning of the search, and they
are allowing them to continue their spying activities, as indicated in Bill
Gertz's Washington Times article Monday, with absolute, utter impunity."

Gertz wrote, "Russian merchant ships are spying on U.S. nuclear submarines in
the Pacific Northwest and reporting the information to Moscow's military
intelligence service, according to classified U.S. intelligence reports.

"The classified July 2000 CIA report obtained by The Washington Times states
that recent intelligence 'provides the first solid evidence of long-suspected
Russian merchant ship intelligence collection efforts against U.S. nuclear
submarine bases.'

"The confirmation challenges the official Pentagon response to the April 1997
incident involving the firing of a laser at a U.S. intelligence officer and
Canadian helicopter pilot as they photographed the Russian merchant ship
Kapitan Man as it spied on a nuclear missile submarine in the Strait of Juan
de Fuca, north of Seattle."

Canadian Air Force pilot Capt. Patrick Barnes

Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon, however, has previously said there was no
evidence the Kapitan Man was engaged in intelligence gathering.

Daly and his then-pilot, Canadian Air Force pilot Capt. Patrick Barnes,
suffer constant agonizing pain in their eyes, and their vision continues to
worsen from the incident, with little expected relief, as there is no known
effective medical treatment.

Bacon reported in June 1997, however, that the men's injuries were healed, an
assertion Daly flatly denies.

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[CTRL] How Democrats steal elections'

2000-11-13 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

'How Democrats
steal elections'
Veterans of hand recounts describe
techniques used to change outcome



By Jon Dougherty and David Kupelian
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

The manual vote recounts being insisted on by Democratic operatives in Palm
Beach County, Fla., have been used for over 20 years to steal elections from
Republicans, claim several GOP veterans of hand-recount election-upsets.

According to Bob Haueter, chief of staff to the California Assembly
Republican Caucus, and an expert on manual recounts, a Democrat lawyer
intimately involved in "stealing" elections from Republicans through hand
recounts admitted to the process and even shared the techniques involved.

After Tuesday's vote and an automatic recount still left GOP nominee George
W. Bush ahead by a slim 288-vote margin, Palm Beach elections officials
decided that a manual recount of all 425,000 votes should be undertaken.

"What's happening in Florida is exactly the game plan laid out to me by an
attorney who represented the Democrats in a recount in California where they
stole a seat from us," former California Assemblyman Pat Nolan told

A staunch conservative legislator, Nolan served in the California Assembly
from 1978 until 1994, when he was convicted, along with several other
lawmakers, in a federal corruption probe. After spending a little over two
years in federal prison, he emerged to become president of Justice
Fellowship, the public policy arm of Watergate figure Chuck Colson's Prison
Fellowship Ministries. For the past four years, Nolan has worked with Colson
-- another fallen-but-reformed public figure -- to reform the criminal
justice system.

Regarding the 1980 California Assembly race between Republican Adrian Fondse
and Democrat Pat Johnston, Nolan recalled that the Republican won "by about
54 votes or so."

But after the election, Democrats "brought in their junkyard dog lawyers from
around the country," said Nolan, "and basically harassed the local registrar
-- got in their faces and demanded to handle ballots" -- which were of the
same type now in dispute in Palm Beach.

The same issue of "hanging chads -- the little squares in the punch cards --
was also an issue in Stockton," says Nolan. The Democrats' strategy, he says,
was to handle them as often as possible -- perhaps bending, crinkling or
otherwise altering them -- so that additional chads become displaced, thereby
disqualifying the ballot.

The result? In the Stockton election, Nolan said Democrats were successful in
getting the vote count reversed from a plus-54 win by Republicans to a
minus-17 loss.

"I vowed that I'd never let that happen again," Nolan said. "So I asked my
staff to track down the lawyer that headed up the team for the Democrats."

Haueter was, at that time, chief of staff for Nolan, and it was he who first
contacted attorney Tim Downs, who readily admitted the Democratic strategy
and even described the tactics to Nolan.

"When I first called him and explained to him who I was and why I was
calling, he chuckled and said, 'I wondered when you guys would get around to
calling me,'" Haueter said, adding that Downs told him -- "'I've taken
several seats from you across the United States.'"

"Downs told me, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, 'You get me within 100 votes and I
can steal any election,'" Haueter told WorldNetDaily.

Nolan subsequently hired Downs and "brought him out to train my staff in the
techniques they [Democrats] were using" so they could protect themselves
against future election-fraud victimization, Nolan said.

Nolan and Haueter said Downs described three basic tactics:

"The first rule is, you keep counting until you're ahead. And if that doesn't
put you ahead, you recount, re-recount -- you keep counting until you're
ahead. If you're behind, then you've got nothing to lose."

Second, Nolan said, "the more times those ballots are handled, the more
chance there is that chads will break loose" and hence disqualify the ballot.

Third, he said, "the minute you're ahead, you stop and declare yourself the

"After that, you don't want the ballots handled any more," Nolan said,
"because some of the chads for your candidate might break loose. While you're
behind it doesn't matter, but if you're ahead and more break off or become
disqualified for your candidate, that's a bad thing."
A favorite tactic, said Nolan, is to ask election officials for ballots,
"allegedly so they can look at it more closely." When operatives do, often
they will bend or crinkle ballots covertly in an effort to break another chad
loose and thus have the ballot thrown out.

"This whole process sounds like exactly what is going on in Florida," Nolan
said. "And the more times those ballots are handled, the more chances are
you'll break some of them [chads] 

[CTRL] Legal battle could put Speaker in Oval Office

2000-11-13 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Legal battle could put Speaker in Oval Office
Curt Anderson

WASHINGTON: Should a legal battle drag on for weeks between Al Gore and
George W Bush over the presidential election results, Americans could wake up
in late January with a man named J Dennis Hastert in the Oval Office.

Hastert, a 14-year member of Congress from Illinois, is the Republican
speaker of the House of Representatives. Under the Constitution, in certain
circumstances when the president and vice president cannot take office by the
January 20 inauguration date, the House speaker takes the reins of power for
the time being.

Taking it a step further, if there is no speaker, or that person doesn't meet
requirements to be president, the temporary White House occupant would be the
president pro tempore of the Senate. That person is 97-year-old Sen Strom
Thurmond of South Carolina. Thurmond won 39 electoral votes in a 1948 run for
the presidency as a "States Rights Democrat."

But the duty, unprecedented in the nation's history, most likely would fall
to Hastert, a former high school teacher and wrestling coach who took over as
speaker in 1998 for conservative firebrand Newt Gingrich and has tried to
steer a less confrontational course for the Republican Party congressional

"The House speaker would assume the position of acting president," said
Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law professor at George Washington
University. "He would assume the position until any controversy is resolved."

Hastert also would have to resign from the House, forcing the majority
Republicans to choose a new speaker for the incoming Congress. "This is a
remarkably bitter prospect for any House speaker in exchange for being a
historical footnote," Turley said. "He would have to decapitate his political

Still, Republicans could dodge that possibility by choosing someone else as
speaker and letting that person resign to become temporary president. And
nothing would prevent Hastert from running again for his Illinois seat once
the Gore-Bush race is finished.

Republican aides say the entire scenario is highly unlikely, and the speaker
is making no contingency plans for the White House. "We don't think it will
come to that," said Hastert spokesman John Feehery.

The Constitution makes the speaker of the House third in the line of
succession if both the president and vice president are unable to serve.
Under the 20th Amendment -- the one that limits presidents to a pair of
four-year terms -- the terms of President Bill Clinton and Vice President
Gore will end at noon on January 20, when presumably the new team would be
sworn in.

The amendment says that if the new president and vice president aren't yet
"qualified" for their offices -- a long legal challenge could delay the
Electoral College from the final act of the 2000 election, naming the
president -- the law should dictate who should temporarily take over. Federal
law identifies that person as the speaker, after he has quit the House.

A separate provision would have the presidential election decided by the
House of Representatives, with the Senate choosing the vice president. But
that would happen only if neither Bush nor Gore got the required 270
electoral votes. Florida would put either man over the top.(AP)


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [news] Who Should Concede?

2000-11-13 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

   November 13,  2000
   Who Should Concede?

   The Secret History of Modern U.S. Politics

  By Robert Parry

  Op-ed columns in major American newspapers are calling for Vice
President Al
  Gore to accept defeat and concede, even though he seems to have
won the
  nationwide popular vote by about 200,000 and was the apparent
choice of a
  plurality of Florida voters though some miscast their votes.

  “Do the Right Thing, Mr. Gore,” read the headline of an article
by former Sen. Bob Dole on
  The Washington Post’s opinion page on Nov. 11.

  “It was a close election, but it’s over,” wrote Dole about the
Nov. 7 presidential vote. “I urge
  Al Gore to put his country’s agenda ahead of his agenda; to put
the people’s interests
  before his personal interests.”

  Dole, the Republican presidential nominee in 1996, cited the
examples of Richard Nixon
  conceding defeat in 1960 and Gerald Ford conceding in 1976.
Dole described Ford as
  rebuffing calls from aides who felt “a few changed votes in a
couple of key states” would
  have elected Ford.

  But the Ford example was not parallel to the present situation.
What Dole left out of the
  article was that Jimmy Carter defeated Ford by 1.7 million
votes nationwide. Even if Ford
  could have reversed enough votes in a few states to get the
Electoral College, he would
  have won by defying the popular will.

  The same was true of Nixon, though the national news media
seems clueless about the real

  On Nov. 10, The New York Times highlighted on its op-ed page
the supposed example of
  Nixon’s gracious acceptance of defeat in 1960, despite
questions of voting irregularities by
  John F. Kennedy's campaign in Illinois and Texas.

  “Whatever else he was, Nixon was a patriot,” wrote author
Richard Reeves. “He understood
  what recounts and lawsuits and depositions carried out over
months – even years – would
  do to the nation.”

  Though the stories of Nixon’s graceful exit have taken on the
color of history from constant
  retelling, they do not comport with the facts either.

  Indeed, contrary to the image of Republicans meekly accepting
the 1960 results, the GOP
  sought recounts in 11 states and mounted aggressive legal
challenges in some. The
  Eisenhower administration even launched criminal
investigations, though without much

  [For details, see two articles about the myth of Nixon’s
graceful exit at Slate and Salon.com]

  Yet, beyond Nixon’s Electoral College loss, he too was the
loser in the popular vote which
  Kennedy won by about 118,000 ballots.

  While these cherished tales of political statesmanship by Nixon
and Ford may seem
  innocuous enough, they are feeding today’s resentment by
Republicans who are
  demanding that Al Gore step aside and let Texas Gov. George W.
Bush win.

  The thinking goes that it’s the Democrats’ turn to do “what’s
right for the country.”

  Beyond the faulty history of graceful exits and the GOP grudges
that the myths have
  nurtured, the major news media is missing an even larger and
more important reality.

  For the past four decades, the Republicans have built a record
of dirty tricks and October
  Surprises in presidential contests. And typically, it is the
Democrats who stay silent after
  learning of the schemes – to avert constitutional crises and
avoid public disillusionment with
  the political process.

  Nixon's Role

  Nixon appears to have been the modern-day father of the October
Surprise strategy, the
  manipulation of some major event in the campaign’s waning days
to stampede voters in one
  direction or another.

  In 1960, then-Vice President Nixon saw communist Cuba as both a
threat to his election
  and a possible boon. He hoped that the CIA could overthrow – or
assassinate – Cuban
  leader Fidel Castro in the weeks before the election.

  “The agency called the scheme Operation Pluto, after the Roman
god of the dead,” wrote
  Anthony Summers in his new biography of Nixon, The Arrogance of
Power. “To Nixon,
  Pluto was a potential stepping-stone to the goal that motivated
him more than the overthrow
  of any Caribbean dictator, the presidency.

  "Thomas McCoy, a CIA man offered an assignment on the project,
was told there was

[CTRL] The Bush Dynasty: Seventy years is enough

2000-11-13 Thread Eric Stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: "Raleigh Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: The Bush Dynasty: Seventy years is enough
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 23:07:24 -0600 (CST)

Seventy years is enough

This project is bigger than all of us. We don't have Ross Perot to
keep the Bush dynasty - shadow government from expanding. I have
created a thread or steam of consciousness, or what ever, gleaned
from my shrub file. We have to get this stuff out everywhere all
at once as a blitz. Take any part or all of this and do it in more
detail write it for your audience. One of the things I am doing is
handing out floppies with this outline so people can get on with
it. Print some of the articles out and put them on windshields at
the malls. Letters to the editor especially to the small papers
that will print them. Get it all over the Internet on your lists.
If you don't have time get the raw outline out so others can get

Wake the town and tell the people.



Do we want more Bush led shadow government after seventy years of
outright traitorous covert activity.

PRESCOT BUSH Dubjah's grandfather

Harriman Bros., Bush's firm, Began funding right wing paramilitary
groups in Germany in the thirties under the guise of fighting
Communism.  How the Harrimans Hired Hitler p24 Bushbook ch 2

Goaded Hitler to attack Poland to get back their financial holdings.

Hitler was under the impression that there wold be no rebuke from

Needed to get the Bushkin Polish Business interests protected with
the administration's blessing P14 Bushbook ch 2

Note: download the URL's and then open them in MS Word to get page


Son George1 did the same thing with Sadam Hussein.

Sadam Hussein was under the impression that there wold be no rebuke
from US

Needed to get the Bushkin Baraign oil fields protected after Sadam
attacked Kuwait with the administration's blessing.

With Harriman, Adenaour and Dulles he was able to get many nazi
Fascists into the CIA.URL http://www.kmf.org/williams/bushbook/bush3.html

Gen.Butler on PBS

"I spent 33 years...being a high-class muscle man for Big Business,
for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for
capitalism "I helped purify Nicaragua for the international
banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I helped make Mexico
and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1916. I
brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests
in 1916. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National
City [Bank] boys to collect revenue in. I helped in the rape of
half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall



Nixon was A shill for the Bush shadow government.

Hired just like Hitler


Answered an ad placed by Prescot Bush et al in forty-five to run
against Jerry Vorhes. Called Vorhes a communist and won the seat.

Did the same thing to Ms. Gahagan -Douglas to get her senate seat.

Prescot Bush was IKE-Nixon's Campaign manager.

The Checkers speech was denying his association with The Shrub

Bush Nixon VP orchestrated the MaCatrthy HUACC to neutralize (ala
Hitler) the artists, the anti fascist movement, and anybody who
did not believe in designer sin _ Communism.

"For it is an affair of the State . to prevent a Folk from
being driven into the arms of spiritual lunacy . for on the
day that this kind of art were actually to correspond to the general
conception, one of the most severe changes of mankind would have
begun; the backward development of the human brain". -- Adolf
Hitler, Mein Kampf.

`Fascism, which was not afraid to call itself reactionary... does
not hesitate to call itself illiberal and anti-liberal." -- Benito



Bush Nixon orchestrated the oil cartel by selling arms to Palavi-Iran.

Told Palavi he could raise the price of oil to cover the debt. The
rest is history. The largest inflation in world history occurred
forever changing the lifestyles of the western world.

The value of Texas Bush crude soared and the proceeds were invested
in world debt the real start of the Trilateral IMF Rollerball
reversal of 'Too much democracy'.

Nixon was the most egregious president ever.

The Archie Bunker of political Fascism. Making the Hitler's lie
theory a reality.

Thousand died in Vietnam so he could get reelected.

It is almost pitiful the way they attempt to demonize Clinton to
divert the heat from this monster.

The Watergate break-in was the beginning of the overt attempt to
collapse the Democratic Party.

The investigations of the Clinton administration, demanding White

[CTRL] Bush, Gore split decisions in Florida

2000-11-13 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bush, Gore split decisions in Florida
Federal judge won’t block hand recount, but deadline stands


  TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Nov. 13 —  Al Gore and George W. Bush each scored
victories Monday in their bitter post-election battle in Florida. Gore’s
lawyers turned back a GOP lawsuit in federal court that sought to halt hand
recounts of ballots while Bush triumphed when Florida’s secretary of state
refused to extend a 5 p.m. Tuesday deadline for completing all recounts.
Gore, whose campaign joined two Florida counties in a court challenge to the
deadline, made a brief public appearance to caution against a hasty
resolution, saying, “While time is important, it is even more important that
every vote is counted and counted accurately.”

  “I WOULD NOT want to win the presidency by a few votes cast in
error or not counted or misinterpreted, and I don’t think Governor Bush wants
that either,” Gore said in a brief appearance outside the White House.
   He also said there was more riding on the outcome than mere political
   “While time is important, it is even more important that every vote is
counted and counted accurately,” Gore said.
   His comments came as courts stepped into the dispute over the accuracy
of the vote-counting in four Florida counties.

   Earlier in the day in Miami, U.S. District Judge Donald Middlebrooks
declined to grant an injunction against the continued recounts sought by the
Republicans, saying the question belongs in state court.

 “While I share a desire for finality, I do not believe it is
served” by involving a federal court, he said after hearing arguments from
lawyers representing Bush and Gore.
   Middlebrooks indicated he expected his decision to be appealed by the
Republicans, but the lead attorney for Bush, Theodore Olson, said no decision
had been made on an appeal.
   At the hearing in U.S. District Court in Miami, the attorneys couched
their arguments to Middlebrooks, who was nominated to the bench by President
Bill Clinton, in much the same terms the two sides have used in public
statements since the Florida dispute flared in the hours after the polls
closed last week.
   “The process, to sum it up, is selective, standardless, subjective,
unreliable and inherently biased,” said Olson, who served as assistant
attorney general in the Reagan administration.

   Olson said the hand count introduced elements of chance and partisan
bias to what ought to be a simple and uniform process of checking Florida’s
extraordinarily close election result.
   Bruce Rogow, who presented arguments for the Democratic side, said the
hand count increased democracy and accuracy.
   “Is it messy? Does it go on and on in some fashion? Yes, yes it does,
but that is democracy.”
   Rogow and other Democratic lawyers disputed GOP claims that the hand
counts could go on for weeks, saying that if allowed to proceed, they will
almost certainly be complete by Friday.

   The rejection of the GOP lawsuit came hours after Florida Secretary of
State Katherine Harris, a Republican, refused to extend the recount deadline
beyond the Tuesday 5 p.m. ET deadline set by state elections law.
   The Gore campaign joined Volusia county, one of four counties affected
by Harris’ ruling, in a lawsuit filed in state court seeking an extension of
the deadline. Recounts were under way in Broward and Palm Beach counties, and
Dade Counties was to take up the issue on Tuesday.
   “We want only enough time to complete the hand counting of the votes,
which should take only a few days,” Warren Christopher, Gore’s
representative in Florida, said at a media briefing. But he clarified that
the lawsuit seeks an injunction that would last until the hand counts are
concluded, even if that pushes certification of the vote back.
   Bush’s campaign joined Harris in defense of her interpretation of the
state law.

   At a meeting with Christopher and Gore campaign Chairman William Daley
early Monday, Harris and other officials of the state elections canvassing
board said the law was clear in stating that counties that fail to submit
their elections results — not counting absentee ballots — by the deadline
“shall be ignored.” In the case of counties engaged in hand recounts of
ballots, the totals from a machine recount completed last week would be used.
   In a statement, Harris said “the electoral process is a balance
between the desire of each individual voter to have his or her intended vote
recorded and the right of the public to a clear, final result within a
reasonable time.”
   She said state workers would be called in to help counties with the
manual recount but 

[CTRL] APA brags of congressional victories for psychiatric violence, profit

2000-11-13 Thread Eric Stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: Martin Hirschfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: APA brags of congressional victories for psychiatric violence,
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 22:33:48 -0600 (CST)

The following letter was released on 11 October 2000 by the
APA to mark it's succesful gutting of H.R.4365 the "Abuse and Restraint
Bill". Apologies if this has already been posted.
The full version can be found at:




October 11, 2000




Culminating a two-year battle, the House and Senate have cleared
legislation that establishes new federal standards for the use of
seclusion and restraint in hospital and non-hospital settings. The
seclusion and restraint standards were sent to the President as
part of H.R. 4365, an omnibus bill that reauthorizes the programs
of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA), implements new child and maternal health programs, and
enacts some features of the APA-supported Domenici-Kennedy Mental
Health Early Intervention, Treatment, and Prevention Act (S. 2639).
The seclusion and restraint provisions were modeled closely on
legislation sponsored by Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) that had previously
passed the Senate twice, first as part of the SAMHSA reauthorization
(S. 976) and later as an amendment to the Labor-HHS appropriations


While APA would clearly prefer that Congress not legislate additional
standards, advocacy groups and their allies were aggressively and
relentlessly promoting clinically inappropriate and unacceptable
restrictions on the medically-necessary use of seclusion and
restraint via H.R. 4867, a stand-alone SAMHSA bill introduced by
House Democrats. The House bill included much more stringent limits
on use (e.g., a "must fail" requirement for use of lesser measures
before restraint or seclusion is allowed; mandatory reporting of
deaths and injuries to protection and advocacy systems; mandatory
reporting of deaths occurring up to a week after discharge). APA
coordinated an aggressive and ultimately successful lobbying strategy
to kill the House bill with key support from AMA, AHA, NAPHS, and
the Federation of American Hospitals.

For institutions (e.g., public and private hospitals), the new
requirements are effectively "Dodd lite" and APA and our coalition
were able to win additional exceptions as noted for time outs and
physical escorts. As a consequence, these standards will not create
additional burdens or conflicts with current HCFA and pending JCAHO
standards, and may actually offer an opportunity for some beneficial
changes to the underlying HCFA rules.


In related news, Representative Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Chairman
of the House Budget Committee Task Force on Health, has called on
HCFA to suspend the so-called "1-hour rule" requiring Medicare/Medicaid
hospitals to conduct a face-to-face assessment of patients by a
physician or licensed independent practitioner within 1 hour of
the initiation of restraints or seclusion.

Representative Chambliss' request came in the wake of a finding by
the Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy that HCFA did
not consider the impact of the 1-hour rule on small hospitals. The
SBA also found that HCFA had failed to consider less burdensome
alternatives, putting HCFA in violation of the Regulatory Flexibility
Act. In a letter to Representative Chambliss, the SBA commented
that "In (HCFA's) zeal to published a good-intentioned regulation
to protect patients' rights, some rather serious economic effects
were overlooked. Some of the effects of the rule could have been
alleviated -- while maintaining patients' rights -- through a more
careful regulatory flexibility analysis." The SBA also noted that
"the affected industry did not have a meaningful opportunity to
comment prior to the effective date of the regulation. It is never
advisable for agencies to make policy or regulatory decisions in
a vacuum." The SBA concluded that "to the extent that HCFA did n!
  ot consider the impact of its regulation on small rural hospitals
  or less burdensome alternatives, the agency did not comply with
  the RFA (Regulatory Flexibility Act)."

Representative Chambliss called on HCFA to suspend the 1-hour rule
until the agency has completed the economic impact analysis required
by Federal law. In late September, a U.S. District Court judge
ordered HCFA to conduct the analysis, which it failed to do before
implementing the 1999 seclusion and restraint rule. The Court,
however, allowed the rule to stay in force pending the economic
analysis. APA will continue to work with Congress and our allies
to mitigate the 

[CTRL] Iraqis Still Suffer From Gulf War

2000-11-13 Thread Eric Stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Original Message Follows
From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: "Activist Mailing List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Activist_List] Iraqis Still Suffer From Gulf War
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 04:32:46 -0800 (PST)

Activist Mailing List - http://activist.cjb.net

Omaha Herald

Published Saturday
November 11, 2000

Erik Gustafson: Iraqis Still Suffer From Gulf War


The writer is a veteran of the Gulf War and director
of the Education for Peace in Iraq Center

Madison, Wis. - On the eve of my deployment to Saudi
Arabia in January 1991 for the Gulf War, I was pulled
aside by a Seattle news crew. A reporter asked me,
"What do you expect once you're there?" I answered:
"My feelings are irrelevant. We are just the tools
used when the decision is war."

At the close of the war, President George Bush
declared, "The specter of Vietnam has been buried
forever in the desert sands of the Arabian Peninsula."

But the lessons of Vietnam should never be forgotten.
No matter how popular a war might be, there is always
a price to pay - on both sides.

Popularizing the Gulf War to bury the memory of
Vietnam harms those affected by both wars. We cannot
forget the sacrifice of more than 58,000 Americans and
millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians killed
in the Vietnam War. Nor should we hide the ongoing
human costs of the Gulf War.

The war we waged against Iraq was one of the most
ecologically destructive wars of the past century.
Hundreds of thousands of American soldiers were
exposed to health and environmental hazards by being
camped downwind from burning oil fields and blown-up
chemical and biological weapons depots. Many were also
exposed to uranium oxide particulates unleashed by the
impact of thousands of highly toxic depleted uranium
shells, which the allies used for the first time. And
for civilian populations living in these contaminated
areas, the incidence of cancer and other diseases is
up, according to Robert Fisk of the London Independent

The consequences are well known within the veteran
community. Since 1991, more than 130,000 Gulf War
veterans have been classified as disabled by the
Department of Veterans Affairs. This is more than 25
percent of those who served in the Gulf War and is
nearly double the percentage of Vietnam veterans and
nearly triple the percentage of World War II veterans
who were classified as disabled.

In Iraq, tens of thousands died during the Gulf War,
mostly noncombatants. In the years since, more than 1
million Iraqi civilians are believed to have died,
including hundreds of thousands of children, as a
result of war damage and a decade of U.S.-enforced
economic sanctions. This is a war that is supposed to
have ended, yet it continues to this day.

Last month, I joined a Veterans for Peace delegation
of American veterans traveling to Iraq to begin
restoring four water facilities near Basra that were
damaged by the war. We became witnesses to the silent

In 1991, Pentagon officials acknowledged that water
and sewage facilities, electrical plants,
transportation networks and other essential civilian
infrastructure had been deliberately targeted during
the Gulf War. A Pentagon strategist explained in an
interview with The Washington Post: "Saddam Hussein
cannot restore his own electricity. He needs help. The
U.N. coalition can say, 'Saddam, when you agree to do
these things, we will allow people to come in and fix
your electricity.' It gives us long-term leverage."

As a result, water-borne diseases have been epidemic
since the war. Long-term leverage has done nothing to
dislodge Saddam from power or make him comply with
U.N. Security Council demands.

But the notion of long-term leverage has held sway
throughout the Clinton administration. According to
Rep. Tony Hall, D-Ohio: "Holds on contracts for the
water and sanitation sector are a prime reason for
increases in sickness and death. Of the 18 contracts
on hold, all but one hold were placed by the U.S.
government." Ironically, our veterans' delegation was
fixing facilities rendered inoperable by U.S. policy.

In Basra I met Hayder (a pseudonym), an Iraqi veteran.
Hayder spoke eloquently of the plight of his people,
caught for decades between warring governments. He
spent five years on the front lines in the IranIraq
War and engaged in bloody trench warfare. His unit
took casualties in the hundreds, sometimes thousands.

"I lost so many friends," Hayder told us, "that I had
to stop making friends." A journalist in our
delegation asked, "Did you ever have doubts about why
you were in the war?" Hayder's answer echoed my own
words nearly 10 years ago: "As a soldier, we are
tools. No questions. Only orders."

This Veterans Day, I hope our nation's policy-makers
remember the price - both physical and psychological -
paid by servicemen and -women and the civilians caught
in the middle.

[CTRL] Florida Fight Continues in Court

2000-11-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

It's All Political
Florida Fight Continues in Court
Washington Post

The rhetoric grew more inflamed yesterday, and prospects for a clear
resolution to the presidential election appeared more distant, as
several leading Republicans charged that the White House could be
"stolen" if ballots are hand-counted in heavily Democratic South


Palm Beach voter class action (Horowitz v. LePore) [PDF]

The first election suit (Fladel v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board)

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Week Ending: 13 Cheshvan 5761/11 November 2000 Part 1

2000-11-13 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service - http://www.tzemach.org/fyi

Tzemach News Service

A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of
Week Ending: 13 Cheshvan 5761/11 November 2000

Please feel free to forward to a friend or colleague
If you like this newsletter, click below to Recommend-It(r) to a friend

"It is better to take refuge in the L-RD than to trust in man. It is better
to take refuge in the L-RD than to trust in princes." (Psalm 118.8-9)


 :: Violence Claims More Lives
 :: IDF Takes Action Against Fatah
 :: Violence Extends to the Jordan Valley
 :: Government Not So Concerned With Secutiry in Yesha
 :: Declaration of a State?
 :: Prospect of War Increases
 :: Iran's Contribution to the Intifada [war]
 :: NPR Bias Masks Arab Violence
 :: CNN  BBC - Inciters To Violence
 :: Islamic Terrorists from Chechnya
 :: Hacker War Rages in Middle East
 :: Crash Course In Middle East History - Part 2
 :: Prophecy Conference: The Redemption Process At The Climax Of
The Ages

Editor's Note: I regret that, in the process of editing last week's issue,
the date of the "day of prayer" was inadvertently omitted. The correct day
was last Monday, 6 November 2000.

:: VIOLENCE CLAIMS MORE LIVES: Palestinian terrorists Wednesday morning
killed 24-year-old Noa Dahan in an attack on her car as she was driving
along the Egyptian border near the Gaza Strip town of Rafah. The victim was
an employee of the Rafah crossing terminal. ARMY RADIO reported that three
armed men riddled the vehicle at close range with automatic weapons. The
gunmen escaped to the Gaza Strip, and Omar al-Mukhtar Forces, a military
arm of the Fatah Uprising group, claimed responsibility.

Sergeant Shahar Vekret, 20, of Lod was fatally shot in the neck on Friday
by a Palestinian sniper near Rachel's Tomb.

Sergeant First Class Avner Shalom, 28, of Eilat, was killed in a shooting
attack at the Gush Katif junction. A jeep driver serving in the reserves,
Shalom was killed after the passengers of a Palestinian car opened fire at
the jeep Shalom was driving, which was part of a roadblock at the junction.
The patrol commander was lightly injured by shrapnel. The Palestinians in
the car continued to shoot at the soldiers, who got out of the jeep,
attacked the car and killed all its occupants.

:: IDF TAKES ACTION AGAINST FATAH: During an IDF-initiated action in the
area of the village of Beit-Sahur, missiles were launched by IDF
helicopters at the vehicle of a senior Fatah/Tanzeem terrorist. The pilots
reported an accurate hit. The terrorist was killed and his aide was
wounded. The action was undertaken after an IDF (Israel Defense Force)
force identified an armed unit occupying positions which had been a source
of multiple firings on Rachel's tomb and the Giloh neighborhood in
Jerusalem. The Fatah/Tanzeem terrorist is Hsein Abayaat, a resident of
Bethlehem, suspected in the planning and undertaking of many shooting
attacks against Israeli armed forces and against the civilian sites of
Rachel's tomb and the Giloh neighborhood. HAKOL MEHASHETACH NEWS AGENCY
reports that the Arabs were on their way to committing a terrorist attack
in the area.

:: VIOLENCE EXTENDS TO THE JORDAN VALLEY: Palestinians on last Saturday
night vandalized and destroyed 110 greenhouses growing herbs and flowers
near Moshav Ro'i in the Jordan Valley. The damage is estimated in millions
of shekels. Four Palestinians "wreaked vandalism far worse than in the
darkest days of the Intifada," said Giora Sela of the moshav. "Plants were
pulled and trampled, plastics on over 100 dunams of greenhouses were
ruined, water pipes were slashed, and irrigation computers were destroyed."
Sela complained that the IDF does not allocate additional manpower to guard
the towns in the area. The townsmen have to patrol the streets themselves
and so cannot also protect their outlying fields and greenhouses.

head of the Binyamin Regional Council, told Arutz-7, "The YESHA [Judea,
Samaria and Gaza] Council is doing all it can to fight the government's
'low-strength policy' - a policy based on the idea that it's not so
terrible if the current low-flame violence, involving injuries only to
settlers and soldiers, continues ... This policy includes the totally
ridiculous idea that the communities can be defended from within, a
situation that allows them to be attacked ... Our feeling is that we must
fight [not only to defend, but] to win this war." Officials of the YESHA
Council are demanding that the army step up operations against Palestinian
and Tanzim terrorists, and beef up its presence in Judea, Samaria and Gaza,
reversing a reported 

[CTRL] [4] Killing Pablo

2000-11-13 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Killing Pablo/A
A top-secret electronic tracking unit rejoins the hunt

By Mark Bowden

The ruthless reputation of Pablo Escobar (holding paper) ensured the loyalty
of his associates for much of his criminal career.
Chapter Two of a continuing serial

By walking out of prison in July of 1992, Pablo Escobar had done his enemies
a favor.

He had gone from prisoner to prey. Morris D. Busby, the U.S. ambassador to
Colombia, knew this opportunity would not last long. If Escobar was not
apprehended quickly, before he had a chance to securely set himself up as a
fugitive, the search might drag on for months or years.

Escobar had spent a lifetime building criminal associations. His wealth and
his reputation for violence ensured loyalty where his popularity did not.
Ensconced in his home city of Medellin, he was king of the mountain. He would
be free to resume and refine the web of drug trafficking, assassinations,
terror bombings, bribery and intimidation that had made him the world's most
notorious outlaw.

Busby wanted Escobar now, while he was still on the run - and at a moment
when the Colombian government, after years of hesitation, had finally issued
the Americans an unequivocal invitation to do whatever it could to track
Escobar down. The ambassador had served as State Department coordinator for
counterterrorism, so he knew all the secret tools in the U.S. arsenal. And he
knew exactly what he wanted: He put out a call for Maj. Steve Jacoby.

For the previous three years, Jacoby had secretly worked from a locked-down
section on the windowless fifth floor of the bunkerlike U.S. Embassy in
Bogota, where few people beyond the ambassador and the CIA station chief knew
exactly who he was or what he did. In fact, Steve Jacoby wasn't even his real
name. It was one of four identities he could assume at any moment, each
supported by passports and credit cards. Changing into each one was like
slipping on a new pair of shoes.

Jacoby ran a covert operation for one of the most classified units in the
U.S. Army, a highly specialized cadre of communications experts that had gone
by a variety of cover names over the years. It had been called Torn Victory,
Cemetery Wind, Capacity Gear and Robin Court. Lately, it was "Centra Spike."

Until Escobar settled into his luxury prison suite outside Medellin in 1991,
Jacoby and his handpicked operatives had spent much of their time secretly
tracking the drug lord, his cronies and his rivals.

Escobar's sweetheart deal with the Colombian government had been a
disappointing end to that chase and, with the elusive drug boss in prison,
their mission had been throttled back. Jacoby had used the slack time to pull
some of his men and equipment out of Colombia. Marriages and machines were in
need of repair.

Jacoby was a career soldier and a new kind of spy. With the end of the Cold
War, a profusion of small-scale, specialized American military operations
were being launched in exotic places by small units of unconventional
soldiers dispatched on short notice. America's newest enemies were not only
regional powers and dictators and their armies, but also terrorists, crime
bosses and drug traffickers.

Military commanders who once focused on enemy troop maneuvers and missile
throw weights now also needed more timely, localized and specific inform
ation: How many doors and windows does the target building have? What kind of
weapons do the bodyguards carry? Where does the target eat dinner? Where did
he sleep last night, and the night before?

Centra Spike had evolved to provide the kind of precise, real-time
intelligence that big spy outfits like the CIA were not designed to collect.
Over time, the unit's primary specialty had become finding people.

Techniques for eavesdropping on radio and telephone conversations from the
air had been perfected during missions over El Salvador. There were other
military and spy units that could do it; what distinguished Centra Spike was
its accuracy. It was capable of pinpointing the origin of a call within

The unit had advanced far beyond the primitive days of World War II, when
ground-based antennas could do little more than determine the general
vicinity of a radio signal. By the Vietnam War, army direction-finders had
perfected techniques for quickly locating a radio signal to within a
half-mile of its origin. By the '80s, when Jacoby joined a precursor of
Centra Spike, that capability had been reduced to a few hundred meters.

Instead of triangulating from three receivers on the ground, the unit did it
from one small airplane. Airborne equipment took readings from different
points along a plane's flight path. When a signal was intercepted, the pilot
would fly an arc around it. With on-board computers providing 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: African-American Precincts Victims of Widespread Fraud

2000-11-13 Thread Kris Millegan

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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

African-American Precincts Victims of Widespread Fraud
Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

In the over four and a half years time period I've ran The
Konformist via email and the web, I have never come across a
story this huge.  What we have before us is an election scandal
that makes Watergate and The October Surprise look like patty

In Palm Beach County, as reported, 28,036 votes in the
Presidential race have been tossed, a number nearly twice as much
as the previous election.  Until recently, the focus has been on
the effects due to the butterfly ballot, which appears to have
caused confusion and led to votes for Pat Buchanan.

What has only been uncovered now is that nearly half of those
votes tossed out are in African-American precincts.

The percentage of disqualified votes countywide was seven
percent, an admittedly high number.  However, in two precints
of Riviera Beach with African-American populates at 94 and
96 percent, the figure of disqualifications was 20%.

As confusing as the ballot may have been, these numbers of
mistakes are virtually impossible.

There is an explanation: there are now reports that African
Americans have complained they were given ballots that
were already marked for rival candidates.

While some may have caught the problem, it is likely that
many people would not notice the problem while voting.

The implications are tremendous: a major attempt to swindle
votes from African-Americans was a deciding factor in the
2000 election.  We are no longer talking about "honest"
fuck-ups.  We're talking about a sinister conspiracy.

The Konformist will not state for sure who the culprit is,
but some questions must be asked: who would benefit from
suppressing African-American votes in the Presidential
race?  How could these votes have been tampered with and
who could have done it?  And, perhaps most important, why
is Katherine Harris, Florida's GOP Secretary of State, so
eager to end the investigation of the vote totals in Palm
Beach?  (She has claimed, falsely, that Tuesday at 5PM is
the drop-dead date for submitting voter totals.)

The Konformist will have this full story on its website
tonight.  It should also be on Conspire.com's and
Disinfo.com's websites too.  Parascope is working on this
as well.  Please feel free to post this, and the articles
below which supply the evidence to back up everything
that is stated above.

Thank you,

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Nearly half of tossed ballots from black precincts

By Stephen Kiehl and Elliot Jaspin, Palm Beach Post Staff Writers
Sunday, November 12, 2000

Nearly half of the 28,036 ballots that Palm Beach County tossed out in the
presidential election came from areas of the county that are mostly black or
elderly, a Palm Beach Post computer analysis shows.

Those ballots were thrown out because the voter either didn't vote for
president or voted for two presidential candidates.

Almost 10 percent of the ballots cast in precincts where most of the voters
are over age 65 were thrown out, the Post found. And 16 percent of the
ballots cast in majority-black precincts were thrown out -- more than double
the percentage of ballots thrown out from overwhelmingly white precincts.

Overall, about 7 percent of the 387,094 ballots cast in the county were
tossed. (Another 75,000 absentee ballots were cast, though their precinct
wasn't reported.)

The disproportionate number of invalidated ballots in black and elderly
precincts -- traditional Democratic strongholds in West Palm Beach, Riviera
Beach and southern Palm Beach County -- gives a clue as to why Republicans
oppose a manual recount of all ballots in the county.

On Saturday, elections officials began counting by hand 4,695 ballots from
three precincts chosen by the Gore campaign and another precinct the county
canvassing board chose. If a lot of problems turn up, officials will consider
recounting the whole county.

The punch-card ballot used in Palm Beach County presented a number of
problems for seniors that could have led them to punch two holes or none at
all, according to ballot experts and geriatricians.

They said the now-infamous "butterfly" listing of presidential candidates,
along with the tiny stylus used to punch holes and the closeness of the
holes, all contributed to a senior-unfriendly ballot -- especially for
seniors with poor vision and arthritis.

"From a vision standpoint, you could even go so far as to say it
discriminated against the elderly," said Dr. Barry Schultz, a 

[CTRL] Cheney's Iraqi Dealings

2000-11-13 Thread William Shannon
Reality Bites
The campaign issue that wasn't
Cheney's oil company in shady business deals with Iraq
By Martin A. Lee
Here's a whopper of a story you may have missed amid the cacophony of campaign ads and stump speeches in the run-up to the elections. During former defense secretary Richard Cheney's five-year tenure as chief executive of Halliburton, Inc., his oil services firm raked in big bucks from dubious commercial dealings with Iraq. Cheney left Halliburton with a $34 million retirement package last July when he became the GOP's vice-presidential candidate.
Of course, U.S. firms aren't generally supposed to do business with Saddam Hussein. But thanks to legal loopholes large enough to steer an oil tanker through, Halliburton profited big-time from deals with the Iraqi dictatorship. Conducted discreetly through several Halliburton subsidiaries in Europe, these greasy transactions helped Saddam Hussein retain his grip on power while lining the pockets of Cheney and company.
According to the Financial Times of London, between September 1988 and last winter, Cheney, as CEO of Halliburton, oversaw $23.8 million of business contracts for the sale of oil-industry equipment and services to Iraq through two of its subsidiaries, Dresser Rand and Ingersoll-Dresser Pump, which helped rebuild Iraq's war-damaged petroleum-production infrastructure. The combined value of these contracts exceeded those of any other U.S. company doing business with Baghdad.
Halliburton was among more than a dozen American firms that supplied Iraq's petroleum industry with spare parts and retooled its oil rigs when U.N. sanctions were eased in 1998. Cheney's company utilized subsidiaries in France, Italy, Germany, and Austria so as not to draw undue attention to controversial business arrangements that might embarrass Washington and jeopardize lucrative ties to Iraq, which will pump $24 billion of petrol under the U.N.-administered oil-for-food program this year. Assisted by Halliburton, Hussein's government will earn another $1 billion by illegally exporting oil through black-market channels.
With Cheney at the helm since 1995, Halliburton quickly grew into America's number-one oil-services company, the fifth-largest military contractor, and the biggest nonunion employer in the nation. Although Cheney claimed that the U.S. government "had absolutely nothing to do" with his firm's meteoric financial success, State Department documents obtained by the Los Angeles Times indicate that U.S. officials helped Halliburton secure major contracts in Asia and Africa. Halliburton now does business in 130 countries and employs more than 100,000 workers worldwide. Its 1999 income was a cool $15 billion.
In addition to Iraq, Halliburton counts among its business partners several brutal dictatorships that have committed egregious human rights abuses, including the hated military regime in Burma (Myanmar). EarthRights, a Washington, D.C.-based human rights watchdog, condemned Halliburton for two energy-pipeline projects in Burma that led to the forced relocation of villages, rape, murder, indentured labor, and other crimes against humanity. A full report (this is a 45 page pdf file - there is also a brief summary) on the Burma connection, "Halliburton's Destructive Engagement," can be accessed on EarthRights' Web site, www.earthrights.org.
Human rights activists have also criticized Cheney's company for its questionable role in Algeria, Angola, Bosnia, Croatia, Haiti, Rwanda, Somalia, Indonesia, and other volatile trouble spots. In Russia, Halliburton's partner, Tyumen Oil, has been accused of committing massive fraud to gain control of a Siberian oil field. And in oil-rich Nigeria, Halliburton worked with Shell and Chevron, which were implicated in gross human rights violations and environmental calamities in that country. Indeed, Cheney's firm increased its involvement in the Niger Delta after the military government executed several ecology activists and crushed popular protests against the oil industry.
Halliburton also had business dealings in Iran and Libya, which remain on the State Department's list of terrorist states. Brown and Root, a Halliburton subsidiary, was fined $3.8 million for reexporting U.S. goods to Libya in violation of U.S. sanctions.
But in terms of sheer hypocrisy, Halliburton's relationship with Saddam Hussein is hard to top. What's more, Cheney lied about his company's activities in Iraq when journalists fleetingly raised the issue during the campaign.
Questioned by Sam Donaldson on ABC's This Week program in August, Cheney bluntly asserted that Halliburton had no dealings with the Iraqi regime while he was on board.
Donaldson: I'm told, and correct me if I'm wrong, that Halliburton, through subsidiaries, was actually trying to do business in Iraq?
Cheney: No. No. I had a firm policy that I wouldn't do anything in Iraq – even arrangements that were supposedly legal.
And that was it! ABC 

[CTRL] Brotherhood Of The Bell

2000-11-13 Thread William Shannon
Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Note:  We archive 100's of similar "Intelligence Agency Issues" posts at:

Date: Friday, November 03, 2000 7:56 PM

by William Dean Ross © 2000

The majority of people worldwide do not know what the terms Black Operations
and Black Sciences mean or how they are used.

Black Operations were developed after World War I; but, really flourished after
World War II during the Cold War. Congress allocated money to the Pentagon,
the CIA and other Defense Department sectors to make the United States military as
strong as possible, but certain projects became more secret than others did. The
more secret projects were funded by the civilian sector at first -such as "pet peeve" defense contractors already in the loop.

As time went on, the "privy" developed into a real clique of not only specially screened corporations but also choice individuals found by federal talent hunts. A new sub-culture was born with a new personality and belief system -separate from mainstream Americans.

Cutting-edge technology such as stealth aircraft, invisible hovercraft, extremely low frequency mind control and weather control and cloning or reproduction of identical species became secret sciences. The new knowledge was and still is not available to the regular Army, to Congress, or to any University. The most secret of the secret was in the hands of a power hungry few that tied itself to the World Bank for the future funding of its projects. They developed "think-tanks" - like Stanford and Travistock -to keep the masses fooled about everything.

The deception grew like a cancer into every area of industrialized society. They
moved into everything from the Mafia to Harvard University to International Banking. They learned how to control the media and, thus, they controlled the television, Hollywood, every newspaper, every educational institution and every person's mind -at least to a certain point.

Accusations of abuse and inhuman acts of the C.I.A. and F.B.I. were investigated
by Congress in 1977. They used the excuse of "national security" for every crime
they committed. Under the guise of "national security", there has not been an investigation of their highly illegal activities since 1977. Your Congress, your President and your Supreme Court are actually scared of them. A mountain of evidence points to the fact that they have killed thousands, including corporate executives and politicians -like JFK. They are thus considered the "Invisible Government"!

The" Invisible Government" needs a name at this point, so let us call it "The Brotherhood of the Bell." This was a 1960's movie. By the way, Bell Corporation
made the first flying saucer called "The Bell"- for the "Invisible Government" because it was shaped like a bell. Therefore, I shall call the "Brotherhood of the Bell " simply B.O.B.!

B.O.B. became an internationally funded and operated organization that developed
its totalitarian tactics for worldwide economic, political and military control. B.O.B. led us to believe that half of the earth was religious-capitalism defended by the CIA and the other half of the world was atheist-communist defended by the KGB. But, in actuality the International Bankers and ancient esoteric secret societies with an octopus of intelligence agencies controlled the entire earth-even through World Wars I and II. Whenever a few cliques decided to go into business for themselves and break away from the monopoly system, we would have a world war. The same is true today; so, do not mess with the super -bankers.

The Cold War ended because of a worldwide cry for "peace." The old industrialist- banker game of churning up another war for the military -industrial complex was becoming more and more difficult. Their "think-tanks" had to come up with a new strategy to subdue this" New Left "ideology. Time, also, changed technology thus the bankers and industrialists no longer needed large populations to do the farming, work in the factories or even fight in their war-machine game. Advanced computers, robots and artificial intelligence bio-electronics and cloning eliminated the need of all of these
useless eaters. Top secret meetings were held and a strategy as early as 1960 -one for example like "The Report From Iron Mountain"- was the answer.

The "New Left" with all of it's altruistic and humanitarian concepts would be the "Trojan Horse" that would bring in the largest "shadow of death" to fall on mankind in the written history of the earth. In "Globalist" books, in their reports at the United Nations, on their statues and art at the new Masonic airports, on their shrines like the "Georgia Guide Stones", they all call for a massive de-population of the earth! They also command eliminating democracy and culture under the guise of a new "think-tank" invented international religion 

[CTRL] Fwd: Inside Information on the Florida Recount

2000-11-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 08:07:33 EST

by Tamara Baker

Friday, November 10, 2000 -- SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA (AmpolNS) --

Gentle  Readers:

The words you are about to read are taken from an e-mail message sent by a
person directly involved with monitoring the Florida recount. For the time
being, this person's identity is being withheld until I have this person's
permission to announce it. I normally would wait for permission before
sharing the e-mail with you, but the future of our country is at risk:

.Also present were lawyers and a staffer representing GWB, several
lawyers representing Gore, representatives of the Reform Party, the Fla.
Democratic and Republican Parties, the DNCC, US Rep. Clay Shaw and his Dem.
challenger Elaine Bloom (this race is still contested), a Dem. State Senator
and a Dem. State Representative from the County.

   The recount was supposed to begin at 1:30, was delayed until 4:00 and
at 11:30. Our role basically consisted of sitting in a cramped room watching
five staffers run stacks of punch card ballots through counting machines.
Pretty dull all in all until it was discovered that one precinct had not been
counted in full. This resulted in a net gain for Al of about 360 votes. The
Bush boys lost their smug attitudes and began huddling and whispering every
few minutes. 

Amazing! One precinct was never counted in full, and it turns out to have
been a strongly Democratic one. Notice that the Republican strongholds didn't
have their precincts under-counted!

The writer continues:

The absentees came through for Al too. When one votes at the polls in
Florida, they provide a punch instrument which, if used correctly, completely
perforates the ballot. However, absentee voters often use a pen or other
implement which does not fully perforate the card. This was apparent to us
from the fact that over 10,000 voters in the County, about 2.2% of the
overall turnout did not make any choice in the Presidential race, but did
vote in the US Senate or Congressional races. We theorized that many voters
had partially perforated the card, but the machines weren't reading them. The
more times the ballots are run through the counting machine, the more likely
the loosened chits fall off.

   When the absentees were counted, 221 ballots that had previously
no vote now did show a vote in the Presidential race. These went
overwhelmingly for Gore, leading to some whooping and high fiving from our
side. The Bushies really lost it at this point and got a little hostile with
the staffers, which in turn elicited some harsh responses from the assembled

Now remember, folks, Karl Rove bullied the networks into calling Florida for
Bush based on such things as the 'over a million uncounted absentee ballots'
which, he assured the media, would go 90/10 Bush/Gore.

Well, the 'million uncounted absentee ballots' turned out to be a myth, and
the idea that the absentee ballots would be strongly pro-Bush is looking
pretty shaky, too. But we'll let the letter-writer tell the story:

Gore's net gain in the County was 643. Word from other counties is that
Gore closed the 1,700 deficit by over 1,200. Only half of the counties
conducted their recounts on Wednesday. The rest are on Thursday. The bigger
problem is that the ballot in Palm Beach County, which differs in its layout
from the ballots elsewhere in the State, is illegal for several reasons.
Florida statutes specifically mandate the precise layout of the ballot and
the order of candidates. The law was not followed. Bush's name was first,
with Buchanan below him and Gore third. This is completely improper, as well
as the fact that the law requires the names to be placed to the left with the
punch holes to the right of the candidates'names. On this ballot, some names
were on the right and some on the left, with all of the punch holes in the
middle. It was difficult to line up the name with the correct hole.

   Moreover, 19,000 ballots were disqualified because they voted for two or
more candidates. This is a direct result of the confusing layout of the names
on the ballot. This represents over 4% of the total ballots. It was as high
as 15% in some predominantly African-American precincts and about 10% in some
precincts with large numbers of Jewish retirees.  The Gore vote in many of
these precincts was over 90%.

   This explains the networks' exit polling which reflected voters' belief
that they had voted for Gore, but in fact their ballots had been
disqualified. This led to the initial awarding of Florida to Gore.

   Folks, the bottom line is that if the names on the ballot were properly
situated Gore would have had an additional 11-13,000 vote margin in this
County, and the election would be over. We have done a precinct by precinct
analysis of where the disqualified votes came from. By attributing the same
percentage of the vote Gore obtained in those precincts to the disqualified

[CTRL] List Problems on Topica.com

2000-11-13 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Announcement from Topica.com:

"We are currently experiencing a partial system outage. Though not all lists
are affected by this outage, you may notice that some of the lists on your
My Topica page are not visible today. Be assured that your lists still exist,
and that we are still queuing mail sent to them. We are implementing a
solution that will make all lists available and resume mailing of posts by
Tuesday morning PST. We apologize for the inconvenience."

(This applies to IUFO, SNETNEWS, Anomalous-Images, and Mars-
Updates mailing lists, as well as many others.)


--- End of forwarded message ---

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] 13 Myths About the Results of the 2000 Election

2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 01:49:16 -0500
From: Rich Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

13 MYTHS ABOUT THE RESULTS OF THE 2000 ELECTION  (please forward!!)

Millions of dollars are now being raised for a public relations
war between the Democrats and the Republicans to determine the next
president of the United States.  Will the outcome of the election
be determined by ratings in the polls?  Will the present standoff
be resolved by escalation and threats?  Or will the intention of the
voters on election day and the right of the states to choose their
own electors actually matter?

Our involvement this week is essential in order to uphold the
principles of democracy.  Propaganda is flying left and right.
To combat this barrage, we present a point by point analysis of
some key myths in the media today, substantiated with footnotes.
Please read, copy, and forward to friends, relatives and colleagues!

[This draft #4 was prepared by Rich Cowan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with
help from Paul Rosenberg, Dan Kohn, Jonathan Prince, Marc Sobel,
subscribers to the Red Rock Eater News Service and the electronic
mail discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED], and the Yale
Law School Student Campaign for a Legal Election, 127 Wall Street
New Haven, CT 06511 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]]

   1) Myth: Al Gore has a responsibility to concede the election.

  Fact: A 330 vote margin out of 6 million votes cast in Florida is
  incredibly close!  It is roughly equivalent to a 1-vote margin in
  a city with 40,000 people and 18,000 voters.

  It is extremely rare for an election this close NOT to be
  contested for several weeks until a manual recount can take place,
  with observers from both sides taking part and inspecting ballots.
  This kind of detailed recount has not yet taken place.

  According to the US Constitution and the Laws of Florida, it is
  the responsibility of officials in Florida to certify the election
  results.  November 17 is the deadline for absentee ballots sent
  from overseas to arrive.  Since the election is close enough
  in Florida, Oregon, and New Mexico to be affected by absentee
  ballots, the results in those states cannot be certified before
  that date.

   2) Myth: the number of "spoiled ballots" in Palm Beach County was
  typical.  In a press briefing televised live on all networks
  on 11/9/00, Karl Rove of the Bush campaign compared the 14,872
  invalidated ballots in the 1996 Presidential race to 19,120
  ballots for President that were spoiled in this election.

  Fact: the Bush campaign was comparing apples and oranges.  There
  were actually 29,702 invalidated ballots this year in Palm Beach
  County.  This is almost twice the number in 1996.  "19,120" refers
  to only those 2000 ballots which were thrown out for voting for
  two Presidential candidates.  The remaining 10,582 ballots had no
  choice recorded for President

  According to the Palm Beach County elections office
  (www.pbcelections.org), voters this year were not confused at
  all by the rest of the ballot.  For example, less than 1% of
  U.S. Senate votes were invalidated because of multiple punches,
  compared with over 4% in the Presidential contest.

   3) Myth: The Palm Beach ballot is definitely illegal due to the
  presence of punch holes to the left of some of the candidates.

  Fact: According to the Secretary of State's office, there is a
  loophole in Florida law that may allow ballots used for voting
  machines to deviate from the rules governing paper ballots.  This
  view has been contested by hundreds of Florida voters.  The final
  decision on the legality of the ballot is likely to be made in
  court, as long as this issue could have an effect on the election.

  It is possible that the ballot could be ruled illegal on other
  grounds, such as the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and
  Handicapped Act or the Americans With Disabilities Act.

   4) Myth: "The more often ballots are recounted, especially by hand,
  the more likely it is that human errors, like lost ballots and
  other risks, will be introduced. This frustrates the very reason
  why we have moved from hand counting to machine counting." --
  Former Sec. of State James Baker, speaking on behalf of the
  Bush campaign at a press briefing televised by all networks on

  Fact: In 1997, George W. Bush signed into law a bill stating that
  hand recounts were the preferred method in a close election in
  Texas.  The bill, "HB 330", mandated that representatives of all
  parties be present to prevent fraud.

  Laws establishing rights and procedures for hand recounts also
  exist in Florida (see Title IX, Chapter 102).  In fact, the
  Orlando Sentinel, (orlandosentinel.com) reported that a partial

Re: [CTRL] 13 Myths About the Results of the 2000 Election

2000-11-13 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

 1) Myth: Al Gore has a responsibility to concede the election.
Who claimed this?
*IF* the votes are certified by the proper State of Florida gurus
and Bush remains the winner ... then ...

   2) Myth: the number of "spoiled ballots" in Palm Beach County
   was typical.  In a press briefing televised live on all networks
   on 11/9/00, Karl Rove of the Bush campaign compared the 14,872
   invalidated ballots in the 1996 Presidential race to 19,120
   ballots for President that were spoiled in this election.

   Fact: the Bush campaign was comparing apples and oranges.
   There were actually 29,702 invalidated ballots this year in Palm
   Beach County.  This is almost twice the number in 1996.
   "19,120" refers to only those 2000 ballots which were thrown
out for voting for two Presidential candidates.  The remaining
   10,582 ballots had no choice recorded for President
You are adding a red herring in order to 'taint' the comparison.
No one has stated how many people chose NOT to vote for
President in 1996.

  3) Myth: The Palm Beach ballot is definitely illegal due to the
 presence of punch holes to the left of some of the candidates.

 Fact: According to the Secretary of State's office, there is a
 loophole in Florida law that may allow ballots used for voting
 machines to deviate from the rules governing paper ballots.

   4) Myth: "The more often ballots are recounted, especially by hand,
   the more likely it is that human errors, like lost ballots and
   other risks, will be introduced. This frustrates the very reason
   why we have moved from hand counting to machine counting." --
   Former Sec. of State James Baker, speaking on behalf of the
   Bush campaign at a press briefing televised by all networks on

  Fact: In 1997, George W. Bush signed into law a bill stating that
  hand recounts were the preferred method in a close election in
  Texas.  The bill, "HB 330", mandated that representatives of all
  parties be present to prevent fraud.

This 'fact' may be a 'fact' but is irrelevant to this situation.  One
of the main complaints was the method of GUESSING who the
voter must have wanted to vote for ... changing criterions one-third
of the way in ... and resuming the first method somewhat later in
the process.

 5) Myth: The process is unfair because hand recounts were held only
  in liberal areas of Florida, where Gore stands to pick up the most
  Fact: It is true that a statewide recount would be more fair, and
  the Bush campaign has every right to request one.
This too does not address the so-called myth.

 6) Myth: "Palm Beach County is a Pat Buchanan stronghold and that's
 why Pat Buchanan received 3407 votes there.  According to the
 Florida Department of State, 16,695 voters in Palm Beach County
 are registered to the Independent Party, the Reform Party, or
 the American Reform Party, an increase of 110% since the 1996
 presidential election" -- Ari Fleischer of the Bush Campaign,
 11/9/00.  The 2,000 votes received by the Reform party candidate
 for Congress indicate that party's strength in Palm Beach County
 (James Baker on Meet the Press, 11/12/00).

 Fact: Of those 16,695 voters, only 337 (2 percent) are in the
 Reform Party according to Florida state records.  The Reform
 party candidate for Congress, John McGuire, is connected to a
 more centrist wing of the Reform Party, predating Buchanan's
 involvement.  An analysis of his support indicates that it came
 largely from reform-minded Ralph Nader voters.
Buchanan received over 4,000 votes in 1996 from this area.
Another Reform candidate in Palm Beach received over 2600 votes
from the 2000 election.
That some voters are registered this or that is irrelevant and presumes
people ONLY choose their party's offerings.

   7) Myth: If Gore (or Bush) ends up winning the popular vote, he
   really should win the election even if he loses Florida and other
Fact: This is not the way the U.S. Constitution is written.

   9) Myth: The election process in Florida outside of Palm Beach County
   was fair.
  Fact: Actually, thousands of irregularities in over a half-dozen
  categories have already been reported:
Interesting how you failed to mention the calling of Florida by the
major networks BEFORE the polls were closed in the Western
portion of the State ...

  11) Myth: It is highly unusual for judges to intervene after an
 election.  Since the designer of a disputed ballot in Florida is
a member of the 


2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[These guys slay me...lol..  Somebody remind me to send them a
check for $5K...  lol..]


Sunday, November 11, 2000

Dear Friend,

This is an urgent message to supporters of Governor George W.
Bush and Secretary Dick Cheney regarding the situation in

It is now clear we must raise money to fund the recount effort in
Florida.  Governor Bush won the vote on Election Day, a victory
confirmed by a recount.  Now, the other side is seeking yet a
third count by hand.  There is a reason why ballots are counted
by computer and not by hand.

The expense of the recount effort must be funded immediately.
Please send a check in any amount that you can up to $5,000
today.  These contributions, in keeping with Governor Bush's
"full disclosure" policy on financial contributions, will be
posted on the Bush-Cheney website. Any funds not spent will be
returned on a pro rata basis.

To contribute, please click here:
http://www.georgewbush.com/media/pdfs/recountfund.pdf to download
the Bush-Cheney recount fund reply form.  Please fill out the
form and mail in with your donation.

We are setting up a site for secure online credit card
contributions. As soon as the Web site is available, we'll send
out an e-mail with the link for online contributions.

Remember: 1.  Checks must be personal, not corporate.  2.
Checks should be payable to Bush-Cheney Recount Fund.  3.
Download and fill out this form:
http://www.georgewbush.com/media/pdfs/recountfund.pdf 4.  Mail or
overnight check to: Donald L.  Evans 301 Congress Avenue 2nd
Floor/Bush-Cheney Recount Fund Austin, Texas 78701 5.  These
funds do not count against your annual personal federal giving
limit of $25,000.

Thank you for your friendship and support.  If you have friends
that can help, please forward this message to them immediately.
We thank you for all that you did to help elect Governor Bush and
Secretary Cheney.  We also thank you in advance for your
willingness to help us during this important time in the life of
our country.


Don Evans


Paid for by Bush-Cheney Recount Fund.  Contributions to Bush-Cheney
Recount Fund are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Reply-To: "Judicial Watch"
From: "Judicial Watch"
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 17:41:31 -0500

November 13, 2000
Contact: Press Office
(202) 646-5172


Judge Wanted to Personally Inspect Security Conditions of White
House E-Mail Tapes

Surprise Inspection Took Place November 6, 2000

(Washington, DC) A federal court judge, The Honorable Royce
Lamberth, conducted a surprise inspection of e-mail tapes at the
Clinton-Gore White House that had been previously been hidden
from him and another investigators. The inspection, announced
today during a court hearing, took Judge Lamberth gave the White
House two hours notice of his inspection.

Judge Lamberth said that he examined the area where the tapes
housing the e-mail were stored, and examined logs showing who had
access to the tapes. He also examined the security of procedures
used to copy the tapes for production of e-mail to the Court.
Judge Lamberth also reminded White House official Charles Easley,
the successor to Craig Livingstone (of FBI files infamy), that he
would him personally accountable if anything happened to the
tapes. Easley now has custody of the e-mail tapes. Judge Lamberth
announced that he was confident that the tapes were secure for

The tapes at issue contain Clinton-Gore White House e-mail that
had been hidden from Judge Lamberth and other investigators for
nearly two years. Judicial Watch uncovered the e-mail through
White House whistleblower Sheryl Hall, who said that White House
officials threatened Northrop Grumman computer contractors to
keep the e-mail secret. The scandal is being pursued by Judicial
Watch in its ongoing Filegate civil lawsuit on behalf of those
Reagan and Bush staffers and others whose FBI files were taken
and misused by this White House.

We applaud Judge Lamberth for conducting the surprise inspection
to ensure that the Clinton-Gore White House is not tampering with
e-mail evidence. Judicial Watch still believes, however, that the
best way to secure the e-mail tapes is for the Court to take
custody directly, as the temptation to destroy the evidence will
only increase with the impending end of the Clinton-Gore
Administration, stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-13 Thread T Nohava

-Caveat Lector-

{GRIN}...A lot can be done with 2 hours notice, might as well have been 2

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 10:43 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

 Reply-To: "Judicial Watch"
 From: "Judicial Watch"
 Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 17:41:31 -0500

 November 13, 2000
 Contact: Press Office
 (202) 646-5172


 Judge Wanted to Personally Inspect Security Conditions of White
 House E-Mail Tapes

 Surprise Inspection Took Place November 6, 2000

 (Washington, DC) A federal court judge, The Honorable Royce
 Lamberth, conducted a surprise inspection of e-mail tapes at the
 Clinton-Gore White House that had been previously been hidden
 from him and another investigators. The inspection, announced
 today during a court hearing, took Judge Lamberth gave the White
 House two hours notice of his inspection.

 Judge Lamberth said that he examined the area where the tapes
 housing the e-mail were stored, and examined logs showing who had
 access to the tapes. He also examined the security of procedures
 used to copy the tapes for production of e-mail to the Court.
 Judge Lamberth also reminded White House official Charles Easley,
 the successor to Craig Livingstone (of FBI files infamy), that he
 would him personally accountable if anything happened to the
 tapes. Easley now has custody of the e-mail tapes. Judge Lamberth
 announced that he was confident that the tapes were secure for

 The tapes at issue contain Clinton-Gore White House e-mail that
 had been hidden from Judge Lamberth and other investigators for
 nearly two years. Judicial Watch uncovered the e-mail through
 White House whistleblower Sheryl Hall, who said that White House
 officials threatened Northrop Grumman computer contractors to
 keep the e-mail secret. The scandal is being pursued by Judicial
 Watch in its ongoing Filegate civil lawsuit on behalf of those
 Reagan and Bush staffers and others whose FBI files were taken
 and misused by this White House.

 We applaud Judge Lamberth for conducting the surprise inspection
 to ensure that the Clinton-Gore White House is not tampering with
 e-mail evidence. Judicial Watch still believes, however, that the
 best way to secure the e-mail tapes is for the Court to take
 custody directly, as the temptation to destroy the evidence will
 only increase with the impending end of the Clinton-Gore
 Administration, stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different
 groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time
 and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no 


2000-11-13 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-


And especially anyone with connection to the Bush Campaign.

Are you aware that Al Gore hired a telemarketing company
to call 5,000 registered Democrat voters in Florida and urge
them to call in complaints about the Florida ballots?

The Gore Campaign hired Telequest of San Antonio, Texas
to make 5,000 calls on Election Day while the polls were open.

The point is this:  THIS WAS A PRE-PLANNED DEAL!
The protests and complaints about the ballots were planned in advance!
Wake up!

 Regards to All

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] API: Dems Called Fla. Voters About Ballots [BEFORE POLLS CLOSED]

2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Looks like at least some of these workers really did plan to
call fraud in certain key areas.  --MS]

Dems Call Fla.  Voters About Ballots

By John Solomon Associated Press Writer
Friday, Nov.  10, 2000; 9:39 p.m.  EST

WASHINGTON –– Faced with a cliffhanger election, the Democratic
Party directed a telemarketing firm on Election Night to begin
calling thousands of voters in Palm Beach, Fla., to raise
questions about a disputed ballot and urge them to contact local
election officials.

The Democratic National Committee paid Texas-based TeleQuest to
make the calls Tuesday night – while polls were still open –
alerting voters in the heavily Democratic enclave in Florida of
possible confusion with the ballots they cast.

"Some voters have encountered a problem today with punch card
ballots in Palm Beach County," the script for the call said.
"These voters have said that they believe that they accidentally
punched the wrong hole for the incorrect candidate."

"If you have already voted and think you may have punched the
wrong hole for the incorrect candidate, you should return to the
polls and request that the election officials write down your
name so that this problem can be fixed," the script said.

The firm took the names and numbers of voters who said they may
have cast an errant ballot, providing the Democratic Party a list
of about 2,400 voters in the county who thought they may have

If voters were about to go to the polls, the script called for
the caller to instruct them to "be sure to punch Number 5 for
Gore-Lieberman" and "do NOT punch any other number as you might
end up voting for someone else by mistake."

Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Jenny Backus said the
party had been making traditional get-out-the-vote calls all over
the country Tuesday, but shifted gears in Palm Beach after
hearing local news reports about possible voter confusion.

"Once we were informed by local news accounts of the magnitude of
the problem with confusion about the ballot, we shifted our
scripts to make sure that people who were voting were aware of
the questions and confusion around the ballot," she said.

The maneuver indicates that long before Americans awoke to the
reality of the Florida ballot dispute, Democrats were already
mobilizing voters there.  The concern has focused on Palm Beach,
where 19,000 ballots were disqualified and hundreds of voters
have said they mistakenly voted for Patrick Buchanan while trying
to vote for Gore.

Within hours of the phone campaign, hundreds of Democratic voters
had called election officials in Palm Beach to complain they may
have been confused by the ballot and voted for the wrong

Some Palm Beach County voters have filed lawsuits seeking a new

The outcome of the dispute is key because George W.  Bush is
leading Gore by a mere 327 votes after a statewide recount.  The
winner of Florida will lay claim to the electoral votes needed to
become the nation's 43rd president.

The calls indicate that Democrats were concerned about Palm Beach
problems even before they knew Florida's vote would end in a
razor-thin margin, said American University political science
professor Candice Nelson.

"To the extent there have been accusations that Democrats didn't
cry foul until they realized Wednesday that Bush may have won,
this cuts the other way," she said.

Nelson and other political and legal experts said the calls were
perfectly legal but could have contributed to what appeared to
most Americans to be a spontaneous explosion of concern in
Florida the morning after the election.

"I think those kinds of calls make perfect sense," Nelson said.
"In terms of people getting riled up, it would be a tactic that
might energize voters who might otherwise not have realized they
may have mistakenly voted for the wrong candidate."

One Florida Democrat said Republicans would take similar action
had the tables been turned.

"They'd be fighting this thing tooth and nail for months and
months," said Wayne Brewer, 45, of Juneau, Fla.

"They knew they ...  lost, and now they want to win on an
assumption," he said, speaking outside the government center in
West Palm Beach.

Wade Scott, an account manager with TeleQuest, said Democratic
Party officials contacted his company shortly before 6 p.m.  EST
Tuesday to make the calls.

With only an hour to go before Florida polls closed, his company
mobilized all of its telemarketers to make some 5,000 calls in
less than 45 minutes, Scott said.

"It was a very short burst of calling for our industry," Scott
said.  He said only about 100 of the voters in Palm Beach it
contacted hadn't voted, and about 2,400 felt they may have made a
mistake on the ballot.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To 

[CTRL] ET: Republicans begin to air doubts over Bush tactics

2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Electronic Telegraph-Tuesday 14 November 2000

Republicans begin to air doubts over Bush tactics

By Toby Harnden, in Austin

GEORGE W BUSH was facing increasing criticism from his own party
yesterday for his handling of the post-election struggle for

 Some Republicans even criticised him for turning to James Baker
III, one of his father's most steadfast allies, to represent him
in Florida. Mr Baker's bid to prevent hand recounts failed
yesterday, giving Democrats a potentially crucial advantage as
final vote totals were being calculated.

 William Safire, the New York Times columnist and former
speechwriter for President Nixon, wrote that Mr Baker was "always
more of a lawyer than a politician" and had made tactical errors
in Florida. Despite his vast political and governmental
experience, Mr Baker, 70, a Texas lawyer who became Secretary of
State during President Bush's administration, seemed to have
miscalculated public opinion in Florida and to have been
outmanoeuvred by his Democratic adversaries.

 Having initially portrayed Mr Gore as the candidate who trusted
lawyers rather than the electoral process, the Bush campaign made
a volte face on Saturday. Alarmed that hand recounts in four
Democratic counties would hand Florida to Mr Gore, Mr Baker
announced a lawsuit aimed at stopping them.

 The Bush campaign's initial error was failing to request
recounts in Republican counties within the stipulated 72 hours.
In the early stages of the election aftermath, Republicans were
so sure they had won they did not consider this necessary.
Saturday's decision appeared to compound this mistake.

 Instead of calling for the 72-hour deadline to be waived so that
hand recounts could be held in all 67 Florida counties, Mr Baker
sought - and failed - to prevent the four already applied for
under the usual procedures. Members of the Bush campaign admitted
yesterday that this was not only a risky legal gambit but also
one that had forced Mr Bush to cede the moral high ground he had
occupied earlier in the week.

 Mr Baker, a constant behind-the-scenes figure during the
campaign, has now indicated that the Bush campaign may be forced
to look for extra electoral college votes by demanding recounts
in Iowa, Wisconsin, New Mexico and Oregon. The chances of Mr Bush
winning all these states through recounts are remote. Moreover,
having argued that it was Mr Gore who was prolonging the nation's
agony, any such move could be politically disastrous for any
Geroge W Bush presidency.

 Mr Bush may have offended the natural instincts of his party in
being seen as the first candidate to rush to the courts.
Republicans tend to trust the political rather than the legal
process, although Bush aides responded by arguing that they were
merely responding in kind to the eight lawsuits filed by Gore

 Mr Baker was also facing the difficult prospect of having to
apply belatedly for hand recounts in all 67 of Florida's
counties, even though his argument in court yesterday was that
hand recounts were intrinsically unfair and time-consuming. There
were mutterings within the Bush camp that the Texas governor's
leaking of White House appointments and attempts to persuade the
public that he was concentrating on planning for his presidency
were beginning to look foolish.

 They could also alienate the moderate opinion he would need
behind him if he were to govern the country. Last Thursday, he
decided not to dispatch a team of some 70 lawyers and campaign
workers from Austin because his brother Jeb told him the state
party had enough strength on the ground.

 Jeb Bush had assured him in advance that he would carry Florida
and, on election night, that the vote was his. Some Republicans
winced when they heard that Mr Bush had quoted his brother in his
second conversation with Mr Gore - prompting the Vice President
to remark that Florida was not in Jeb Bush's gift.

 Mr Bush's apparent complacency since the election mirrors his
approach in its closing days. Nine days before the vote, he took
a full Sunday off to spend time at his ranch and spent valuable
time in states such as California, Oregon, Washington and New
Jersey that he was unlikely to win. On the night before the
election, Mr Bush returned to Austin at 11pm while his opponent
travelled to Florida for midnight and dawn appearances.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy 

[CTRL] FPM: What's Going On With The Absentee Ballots?

2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Could this really be true??]


What's Going On With The Absentee Ballots?

By Ron Brenhouse
FrontPageMagazine.com | November 12, 2000

I OWN AN APARTMENT in Boca Raton, spend several months a year
there, and am eligible to vote there as an absentee. This year, I
applied for an absentee ballot, but did not receive one, and was
therefore unable to vote.

On November 9th and 10th, I got calls from two different lawyers
identifying themselves as being part of the "Gore effort." They
told me that I could still vote from abroad. I told them that it
was my impression that one could not vote from anywhere after Nov
7, 2000. They said that the law only deals with the foreign
postmark which can be adjusted backward in full compliance with
U.S. law, as the U.S. has no foreign jurisdiction over postmarks.

The second of the two lawyers asked me whether I would be willing
to fly to Havana, bring my ballot and cast it from there, if he
paid for expenses. He asked if I had ever flown on a private
corporate jet, which suggested to me that he was willing to go to
great expense to get my vote (no one offered a money bribe).

One of the lawyers asked if any of my friends or family may also
have unused absentee ballots.

I got the impression that the two lawyers might have known each
other, because their phraseology was quite similar in at least
one place in their dialogs.

At one point, the second lawyer, Mr. Cohen, got very pushy and
accusative, because I would not give him an answer. He kept
saying that this was a very close election and that I had a
responsibility to vote.

In neither phone call was anything suggested to me that I know
for sure to be illegal. But, in any case, I feel that their
method of securing additional votes goes beyond political
mischief. If, in fact, it is illegal and widespread, it is a very
serious demonstration of just how corrupt the political system
can be.

If anyone else from Florida received similar proposals, please
let me know some or all of the details by sending me an e-mail at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Please specify if you wish me to
keep your information confidential from anyone else.

Also if any lawyer or anyone else knows anything in particular
about the Florida or U.S. law on the dating of absentee ballots
please send me that information at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ron Brenhouse is a successful stock analyst, fund manager and

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] RAW on Disinfo.com

2000-11-13 Thread Anon Ymous

-Caveat Lector-

I feel quite happy about the election since my candidate, Nobody, scored
another stunning victory.

The majority of citizens simply ignored the Gush/Bore Bullshit Machine, and
"voted for Nobody," i.e. didn't vote at all.

According to the latest [wobbly] figures, since Gush and Bore each got the
vote of [roughly] 1/4 of the eligible voters, and Nobody got the vote of
[roughly] 1/2, then Nobody won. Adding the "protest votes" for Nader, Browne
etc., Nobody won even bigger, since in this carefully rigged system, third
party votes are, in effect, votes for Nobody.

I congratulate the majority for their growing common sense. Ihe 1/2 of 1% who
own damn near everything -- especially the politicians and the media -- spent
THREE BILLION DOLLARS on this circus and still cdn't convince most of us that
it matters a damn.

Cheer up! As Wavy Gravy always said, Nobody will really cut your taxes;
Nobody can represent you better than you can represent yourself; -- and
Nobody makes better apple pie than Mom!

Robert Anton Wilson

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-13 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-

Hi Nakano,
you said,

which gives rise to another malady, PP-EDS


Autonomically,  you will then
get the feeling that America has been gored
as well as screwed?

GORE,  defined:
gore noun. blood that has been shed, esp. when thick or clotted.
[ Old English gor filth.]

gore v.t. (of an animal) to pierce with a horn or tusk:  The bull gored the
matador. [Possibly from Old English gar spear ( suggesting piercing with a
sharp weapon).]

gore n. triangular or tapered piece of fabric, used esp. in making umbrellas
or certain skirts or sails to provide fullness. - v.t., gored, goring. to
make or furnish with a gore or gores: The seamstress gored the skirt.
[Old English gara triangular piece of land.]

the strongs concordance definition says
Hebrew  #5055 -nagach - a prim. root; to butt with the horns; fig. to war
against:  gore, push (down, -ing).

eagle 1

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 9:47 PM

 -Caveat Lector-


 And especially anyone with connection to the Bush Campaign.

 Are you aware that Al Gore hired a telemarketing company
 to call 5,000 registered Democrat voters in Florida and urge
 them to call in complaints about the Florida ballots?

 The Gore Campaign hired Telequest of San Antonio, Texas
 to make 5,000 calls on Election Day while the polls were open.

 The point is this:  THIS WAS A PRE-PLANNED DEAL!
 The protests and complaints about the ballots were planned in advance!
 Wake up!

  Regards to All


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] WP: Judge Hints At Extension For Recount

2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Judge Hints At Extension For Recount

Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, November 14, 2000; Page A01

TALLAHASSEE, Nov. 13 ­ A state judge today expressed doubts about
the Florida secretary of state's contention that local election
officials must deliver their final results by 5 p.m. Tuesday,
indicating that he may grant them more time to conduct their
ballot-by-ballot recounts. Volusia County, where election workers
are racing to examine 184,000 ballots, filed the lawsuit in an
effort to overturn the Tuesday deadline. It was joined by Palm
Beach County, the Gore campaign and the Florida Democratic Party.

The Bush campaign entered the case on the side of the Florida
government and went one step further, asking the judge to stop
manual recount results from being included in the final statewide
totals, even if they are completed before the deadline. But Leon
County Circuit Court Judge Terry P. Lewis repeatedly questioned
the conclusion of Secretary of State Katherine Harris that state
law gave her no flexibility in applying the one-week deadline.

Lewis noted that Harris intends to certify the results available
by Tuesday's deadline but cannot declare a final winner until the
remaining absentee ballots are counted on Friday or Saturday.

"So you do a certification and you don't say who the winner is?"
asked Lewis. "What's the good of doing a certification ahead of

State lawyer Deborah Kearney, seemingly caught off guard, said
state election law requires that results be certified seven days
after a vote and was not intended "to allow recounts to go on and
on and on." She asked, "Where's the ending of it?"

Lawyers for Volusia County, which has nearly completed its hand
count, asked Lewis to extend the deadline until Saturday. Dexter
Douglas, representing Gore, asked for an extension until Nov. 21.
A third lawyer said the counting should end "when the court
thinks it should end."

At issue are several sections of Florida's election law that seem
in conflict. In one section setting out the deadline for
officially certifying election returns, the law says county
returns must be filed by 5 p.m. of the seventh day, and ­ if they
are not ­ the missing results "shall be ignored." But another
section of the law, enacted later, uses more permissive language,
saying that if county board fail to file their results, those
returns "may be ignored."

A separate part of the law sets out the laborious procedure for
requesting and conducting a hand recount, including first
conducting a test of at least three precincts and then, if
needed, redoing the full county. But that section does not
specify how conducting the recount fits into the deadline for
certifying the vote.

Harris said her study of state election law tells her she has no
discretion over today's certification deadline except in cases of
natural disaster. An elected Republican active in the Bush
presidential campaign, Harris said in a statement that the
electoral process is a balance between a voter's right to be
heard and the public's right to a "clear, final result within a
reasonable time."

But Lewis, asking Harris about the "may be ignored" language,
said, "It doesn't mean it has to be ignored?"

"That's right," Kearney replied.

The judge wondered aloud about the schedule, set out in the
election law, that gives a disappointed candidate 72 hours after
polls close to request an automatic recount. That recount, as in
this case, can trigger reviews, preliminary recounts and a series
of options that can easily take more than a week to play out.

"How could you ever envision a large county having a manual
recount if anyone asks for it?" Lewis asked at one point.

Lawyers for the state and the Bush campaign argued that Lewis
would be wrong to intervene in a local question. At the same
time, they said, the four counties lack the authority to grant a
manual recount because the alleged irregularities in the vote
were not serious enough to warrant such a review. They also
contended that counting four counties out of 67 in Florida would
be unfair.

The lawyers also said the election laws clearly reflect the
legislature's desire to bring elections to a timely conclusion.
"The public interest is in resolution. The public interest is in
restraint," said John Sjostrom, a private lawyer retained by
Harris's office.

Democrats contended that the election laws provide room for a
manual recount and said that certifying the election results
without waiting for the manual vote counts would "cut everybody
off at the knees," as Gore lawyer Douglas put it. Lawyers cited a
series of legal opinions where Florida courts concluded that the
importance of the public's right to be heard trumped the details
of state law.

"It is not only unjust, but it flies in the face of these cases.
It flies in the face of common sense," said Douglas. He urged
Lewis not to yield to a "super-technical 

[CTRL] WP: Analysis: The Court of Public Opinion Is Key

2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Analysis: The Court of Public Opinion Is Key

By Dan Balz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, November 14, 2000; Page A01

Day by day, hour by hour, Vice President Gore and Texas Gov.
George W. Bush and their top advisers are being tested in ways
they never imagined. None of their training ­ political, legal,
public relations ­ fully prepared them for the battle underway to
determine who will be the next president of the United States.

Instinct tells them fight to win, fight to the end. Wisdom
cautions them there are limits to the struggle that must be
respected. The problem is that neither side is certain just where
those boundaries exist, although both sense that in a matter of
days they may face momentous decisions about how long to keep the
game alive.

Neither side has gained a clear advantage in the court of public
opinion, which is where the endgame likely will be defined. For
days the two sides have circled one another, their partisanship
somewhat suppressed in the muffled language of legalities and
high-minded rhetoric about what is good for the country.
Yesterday brought an outright clash ­ the sharpest since Election
Day ­ in one sign of how raw everyone's nerves have become since
the election ended without a clear result.

When Katherine Harris, Florida's Republican secretary of state,.
announced that she intended to enforce a Tuesday 5 p.m. deadline
for certifying the county results, Gore spokesman Chris Lehane
assailed her as "Commissar Harris" and called her a "lackey" and
a "hack," accusing her of doing the political bidding of the Bush
campaign to short-circuit the hand-counting underway in four

After an effort was defeated in federal court to block the manual
recounting as unconstitutional, Bush campaign communications
director Karen Hughes went before the cameras to try to discredit
the hand-counting, whatever the result. She accused Gore of
attempting to "ignore the law so that he can overturn the results
of this election."

Yesterday's exchange reflected the jockeying on both sides to
gain a political or public relations advantage as deadlines loom
in Florida. So far the public seems to accept part of the
argument from both sides. As Whit Ayres, a Republican pollster,
put it, "One day I think the Republicans have the stronger
political argument and the next day I think the Democrats have."

The public seems to agree with that, indicating sympathy with the
argument from the Gore campaign that an accurate count is more
important than a premature conclusion and with the Bush
campaign's view that at some point the counting has to stop. Both
sides sense that those two arguments will come together sometime
this weekend, with Florida's deadline for counting the overseas
absentee ballots.

At that point, depending on what the vote count shows, Gore or
Bush will have to decide whether to escalate further. If Gore is
still behind after the hand recounting and the absentee ballots
are counted, he could decide to go to court to seek a revote or
some other remedy to the disputed ballot in Palm Beach County. If
Bush finds himself behind in Florida, he could seek a statewide
hand recount there or expand the conflict to states where he
trails Gore by several thousand votes.

So far the public appears satisfied with the pace in Florida.
"From what I can see the voters are being more level-headed than
the partisans are," said Democratic pollster Geoff Garin. "I
don't think there's any feeling of crisis or impending crisis
here. That may not be true farther down the road."

Republican pollster Robert Teeter agreed. "I think they think
it's working its way out and that there's time," he said. But he
also said that public opinion is subject to quick changes in this
environment. "I think that as things get framed and the choices
get narrowed down, people will get a sense of what's fair and not

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll found that a majority of
Americans have confidence that Florida officials will produce an
accurate count. But even larger majorities say once that count is
complete, the two candidates should accept the result and not
seek further legal action or recounts in other states.

The power of public opinion may be the ultimate judge in this
dispute, not the rulings of state or federal judges. And both
camps have been sensitive not to risk offending the public. Each
has readjusted its rhetoric and imagery accordingly over the past
few days.

The Gore camp cooled its rhetoric after some Democrats complained
late last week ­ but notably did not renounce the option of going
to court to fight the disputed ballot in Palm Beach County. The
Bush camp had to make its own adjustment after appearing too
anxious to start the transition process. "Maybe we were unduly
hopeful that once the official recount was done with machines
that we would be able to move on," a Bush ally said.


[CTRL] No END even *if* the 5p Tuesday Law is followed

2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Unverified.  --MS]

The 2000 Florida Statutes
Title IX


Conducting Elections And Ascertaining The Results View Entire
Chapter 102.168 Contest of election.--

(1) Except as provided in s. 102.171, the certification of
election or nomination of any person to office, or of the result
on any question submitted by referendum, may be contested in the
circuit court by any unsuccessful candidate for such office or
nomination thereto or by any elector qualified to vote in the
election related to such candidacy, or by any taxpayer,

(2) Such contestant shall file a complaint, together with the
fees prescribed in chapter 28, with the clerk of the circuit
court within 10 days after midnight of the date the last county
canvassing board empowered to canvass the returns certifies the
results of the election being contested or within 5 days after
midnight of the date the last county canvassing board empowered
to canvass the returns certifies the results of that particular
election following a protest pursuant to s. 102.166(1), whichever
occurs later.

(3) The complaint shall set forth the grounds on which the
contestant intends to establish his or her right to such office
or set aside the result of the election on a submitted
referendum. The grounds for contesting an election under this
section are:

(a) Misconduct, fraud, or corruption on the part of any election
official or any member of the canvassing board sufficient to
change or place in doubt the result of the election.

(b) Ineligibility of the successful candidate for the nomination
or office in dispute.

(c) Receipt of a number of illegal votes or rejection of a number
of legal votes sufficient to change or place in doubt the result
of the election.

(d) Proof that any elector, election official, or canvassing
board member was given or offered a bribe or reward in money,
property, or any other thing of value for the purpose of
procuring the successful candidate's nomination or election or
determining the result on any question submitted by referendum.

(e) Any other cause or allegation which, if sustained, would show
that a person other than the successful candidate was the person
duly nominated or elected to the office in question or that the
outcome of the election on a question submitted by referendum was
contrary to the result declared by the canvassing board or
election board.

(4) The canvassing board or election board shall be the proper
party defendant, and the successful candidate shall be an
indispensable party to any action brought to contest the election
or nomination of a candidate.

(5) A statement of the grounds of contest may not be rejected,
nor the proceedings dismissed, by the court for any want of form
if the grounds of contest provided in the statement are
sufficient to clearly inform the defendant of the particular
proceeding or cause for which the nomination or election is

(6) A copy of the complaint shall be served upon the defendant
and any other person named therein in the same manner as in other
civil cases under the laws of this state. Within 10 days after
the complaint has been served, the defendant must file an answer
admitting or denying the allegations on which the contestant
relies or stating that the defendant has no knowledge or
information concerning the allegations, which shall be deemed a
denial of the allegations, and must state any other defenses, in
law or fact, on which the defendant relies. If an answer is not
filed within the time prescribed, the defendant may not be
granted a hearing in court to assert any claim or objection that
is required by this subsection to be stated in an answer.

(7) Any candidate, qualified elector, or taxpayer presenting such
a contest to a circuit judge is entitled to an immediate hearing.
However, the court in its discretion may limit the time to be
consumed in taking testimony, with a view therein to the
circumstances of the matter and to the proximity of any
succeeding primary or other election.

(8) The circuit judge to whom the contest is presented may
fashion such orders as he or she deems necessary to ensure that
each allegation in the complaint is investigated, examined, or
checked, to prevent or correct any alleged wrong, and to provide
any relief appropriate under such circumstances.

History.--ss. 7, 8, Art. 10, ch. 38, 1845; RS 199; GS 283; RGS
379; CGL 444; s. 3, ch. 26870, 1951; s. 16, ch. 65-378; s. 28,
ch. 77-175; s. 49, ch. 79-400; s. 602, ch. 95-147; s. 3, ch.

Note.--Former s. 104.06; s. 99.192; s. 102.161.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends


[CTRL] NYT: PANETTA: Time for a Bush-Gore Summit

2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


November 14, 2000

Time for a Bush-Gore Summit

MONTEREY, Calif. ó As I walked through the local airport last
week, a baggage handler recognized me and shouted: "If these two
guys can't get together and solve this mess, neither deserves to
be president."

While his view might not be a realistic solution for the nation,
the handler was right about the need for the candidates to take
control and agree on some sort of process that will bring closure
to this election.

In a very real way, the first test of whether Al Gore or George
W. Bush can be an effective president of the United States is
now, not the day after the inauguration. So far, both have
allowed their campaign organizations to engage in continuing
campaigns to convince the public of the fairness of their
positions. Deploying lawyers, spokesmen and campaign managers
this way may satisfy the appetite to fight, but not the
responsibility to reconcile a serious national dilemma.

No one disputes that this is a unique and challenging moment in
our history. To have a national election of over 100 million
votes come down to a few hundred controversial ballots in Florida
is without precedent. It is understandable that both campaigns,
having fought long and hard for their candidates, want to do
whatever it takes to get the very last votes they need to win.
But while a scorched- earth litigation process to the bitter end
may make sense to the lawyers and the campaign officials, does it
make sense for the nation?

It is obvious that the United States is deeply divided over who
should win. Aggravating those differences in a bitter
post-election battle will only make it that much more difficult
for the winner to govern.

After the federal court decision not to interfere with Florida
law, both candidates now face a crucial choice. They could
continue to litigate each election decision that is not
acceptable, challenging close votes not only throughout Florida
but in Wisconsin, Iowa, New Mexico and other states where there
are disputed results, and continue the battle for votes right up
to the Electoral College decision in December and perhaps beyond,
with the Supreme Court and sheer public exhaustion finally ending
the matter.

Or they could come together ó either in person or through trusted
emissaries ó and agree to a process that would bring this
election to closure as fairly and responsibly as possible. The
choice is theirs.

Since the Florida outcome is the deciding factor, they could
agree, for example, to allow both sides to hand count those votes
that can be challenged under Florida law and could establish a
deadline (perhaps Dec. 1) for conclusion of that process and
complete counting of the absentee ballots. The secretary of state
for Florida could then certify the final results before the
Electoral College votes. Both candidates would agree to abide by
that final count.

This kind of agreement between Mr. Gore and Mr. Bush might not
satisfy the campaigns or the lawyers or even some of the voters,
but it would be the right thing for the nation. Now the
candidates are fighting a legal and propaganda war that both are
losing. More important, the nation is losing.

The presidency is about putting the nation's interest first.
Having served the president, I know the hardest decisions that
confront this nation's leaders are the ones that pit the
long-term interests of the country against short- term political
gain. Deploying troops, raising taxes, vetoing key legislation or
revealing a mistake of judgment may not be very popular, but it
may be right for the country. The legacy of every president rests
with how he responds to that choice.

Both of these candidates have campaigned on the basis that they
would make the tough choices if and when the time came. That time
is now.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] RadTimes # 104

2000-11-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 104 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better
than the animating contest of freedom, go
home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and
lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and
may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
--Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776
--Thought for the Week
--Dems Call Florida Voters About Ballots Before Polls Closed
--Republicans begin to air doubts over Bush tactics
--Russia Prepares for a Bush Presidency
--ABC Posted Results One Day Before Election [2/24/00]
--The Pollsters: Outcome Online Before Voting Is Done [2/23/00]
Linked stories:
 *Palm Beach voter class action
 *The first election suit
 *California Internet Voting Task Force
Begin stories:
Thought for the Week


by Robert Anton Wilson
8 As 128 Era Pataphysique

for Col. Hugh Romney, USAF [ret.] [aka Wavy Gravy]

I have never enjoyed an election more, or had my animal spirits raised
higher by the results. I feel, in short, just like I did in Berlin the week
before the Wall came down: a quantum jump seems about to happen.
My perennial candidate, Nobody, scored another stunning victory. The
majority of citizens simply ignored the Gush/Bore/TSOG* Control Machine,
and "voted for Nobody," i.e. didn't vote at all. Unlike alienated artists
of the past, I belong to the majority party, the millions who looked over
the candidates and decided they trusted Nobody.
According to the latest [wobbly] figures, since Gush and Bore each got the
vote of [roughly] 25% of the eligible voters, and Nobody got the vote of
[roughly] 50%, then Nobody won. Adding the "protest votes" for Nader,
Browne etc., Nobody won even bigger, around 55%. since in this carefully
rigged system, third party votes are, in effect, votes for Nobody. The
people who voted for those "minority" candidates certainly didn't expect
them to win; they just expressed their contempt for the 2 Lying Bastards
more actively than those of us who just stayed home, got stoned and looked
at Three Stooges videos.
I celebrate the majority with Whitmanesque rhapsody. The so-called Elite,
specifically, the ½ of 1% who own damn near everything, especially the
politicians and the media spent THREE BILLION DOLLARS on this malign fiesta
and still couldn't convince most of us that a choice between two
over-rouged old whores like Gush and Bore matters a damn.
A few hours ago, I heard a pundit on CNN announce that whoever enters the
White House on 20 January 2001 will know that "half the country" regards
him as a fraud and usurper. As usual, the media got the facts wrong; they
ignored the landslide 55% who chose Nobody. Whichever Lying Bastard enters
the White House that day will seem a fraud and usurper to 80% of the
country, the 25% who prefer the other Lying Bastard + the 55% who prefer
This seems wonderful to me. Liberty can survive only as long as most people
distrust their government, and falls into decline and the "sickness unto
death " whenever the people trust a government too damn much.
Besides, I think it's time to abolish politicians entirely and let
everybody participate in self-government via Internet. We needed
representatives in the 18th Century, because we couldn't all go to
Washington. Meanwhile, times changed and our "representatives" have sold us
out to the corporations, as we in the majority party all agree, whatever
our differences in other matters. And we don't need "representatives"
anymore; we have the Net technology to represent ourselves.
In that evolutionary sense, every vote for Nobody really represents a vote
for Everybody.

*TSOG [Tsarist Occupation Government]
According to a widely discussed article by Seymour Hersh [The New Yorker,
May 22, 2000, pp. 49-82] our current Tsar [Gen. Barry McCaffrey] seems
guilty of war crimes under the Nuremberg rules. This surprises me about as
much as the news that the Pope lists his religious affiliation as Catholic,
or that furry mammals of the ursine family perform their excretory
functions in sylvan environments. Bill Clinton may be 77 kinds of
sonofabitch, as most of us think, but he's no fool. When he picks a Tsar,
he finds the right sort of man for the job. But with the march of
technology, and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Is TV To Blame? Well, Let's Go to the Videotape

2000-11-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


  Sunday, November 12, 2000; Page B05

   Is TV To Blame? Well, Let's Go to the Videotape
   By Steven Luxenberg

  The fault wasn't in the data. The fault was in ourselves and the artifice
  that we in the media--primarily the TV networks--have constructed to
  "call" races on Election Night.

  For about 90 minutes in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, from 2:20
  a.m. until 3:50 a.m., the TV networks called George W. Bush the
  president-elect of the United States. He heard it. So did thousands of
  supporters huddling in the rain outside the state capitol in Austin and
  millions of viewers overseas. So did world leaders who sent
  congratulatory messages. And so did his opponent, Vice President Gore.

  It's easy for members of my profession to dismiss what happened as the
  inevitable result of competitive pressure and human error under an
  intense deadline. If we're looking for someone and something to blame, we
  might say, as Carolyn Smith of ABC News' Election Decision Desk did, "The
  data failed us in Florida." And if we're trying to make amends, we might
  apologize, as nearly all the network anchors did. "We don't just have egg
  on our face," said NBC's Tom Brokaw, "we have an omelet." On CBS, Dan
  Rather said, "We do the best we can on these calls. But we have to stand
  up and take responsibility and be accountable."

  This was not just another media blunder, however. The premature
  projection of a Bush victory--by Fox, CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC--had real
  consequences beyond the surreal spectacle of Gore making a concessionary
  call to Bush and then retracting it. It made the Bush campaign furious at
  Gore's turnabout, and it left Bush and the Republicans feeling that Gore
  was a sore loser who was refusing to concede a legitimate victory. More
  importantly, it helped create the erroneous and dangerous impression that
  the nation had already entered--as historian Michael Beschloss said on
  ABC during the confusion--an "electoral crisis."

  There was no crisis at that moment (although we may see one before the
  business in Florida is over). All that had happened was this: We in the
  media had interrupted, for our own reasons and our own needs, a
  functioning system that hadn't yet finished its work.

  Much of the country was asleep when these strange and unnecessary events
  unfolded, so it's worth recounting exactly what happened. The "decision
  desks" at the networks were receiving and evaluating a constant stream of
  data from Voter News Service, the consortium they and the Associated
  Press created in 1990 to handle exit polling and vote counting. At 2:16
  a.m., Fox News called Florida for Bush. The rest of the dominoes fell,
  one by one, over the next three minutes. With definitive language like
  "It's official" and "Bush wins," the networks turned Florida red for Bush
  on their colorful electoral maps. The pre-loaded video graphics flashed
  the words that the governor had been waiting 18 months to read: "George
  Walker Bush, 43rd President of the United States."

  The crowd in Austin, watching on a huge TV screen, erupted into delirious
  cheering. The crowd in Nashville became funereal. The networks then leapt
  to cover the reaction that they had just created. The analysts began
  discussing how "President-elect Bush"--no longer "the Texas
  governor"--would conduct his transition.

  It was a stop-in-your-tracks moment. For hours, the networks had been
  saying--rightly--that Florida was too close to call, that all the votes
  would need to be counted, that the presidency might turn on absentee
  ballots that were arriving from overseas. They had already been burned
  once--having given Florida to Gore early in the evening and then backing
  off just before 10 p.m.--and they had made clear that they weren't going
  to make that mistake again.

  They had forgotten the lesson they had just learned. Votes were still
  uncounted in Florida, and yet the networks put their faith in the same
  computer models, exit polls and mathematical formulations that had led
  them astray a few hours before. Only ABC's Peter Jennings showed any true
  hesitation, but it didn't stop his network from going along. It never
  seemed to occur to anyone to say to viewers, "We now have new data that,
  if accurate, shows Bush winning Florida. Now, this is just a projection,
  based on the available information. But if it turns out to be true, then
  the governor would have enough electoral votes to send him over the top.
  We all know how projections can go wrong, so at this late hour, with 96
  percent of the Florida vote counted and after that awful mistake we made
  earlier, we want to wait for the election officials there to finish. It
  isn't our job to declare the winner."

  Imagine for a moment that 

[CTRL] Fwd: Election Theft in Florida

2000-11-13 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 13:20:05 -0600 (CST)
From: "pere annoyed" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: USA: Election Theft in Florida

(Nov. 8, 2000) I write this on the night after the  2000 presidential
election. There is a feeling of uncertainty, possibility, unstability
of the historical framework, and I want to share my thoughts before
the status quo regains its ballast. To put it simply, as a nation
we've just watched The Fix. The presidential election was stolen
on TV, live and before a record-breaking national audience, like
Rodney King's beating and you get to vote first. Emperor W.'s new
clothes on parade and much talk about the cut of the collar, but
no one mentions that The Fix is on in Florida.

What happened in the election returns last night would be easily
understood by citizens of another country, say Italy, Spain, Russia,
Serbia, Greece, perhaps France or England. A Mexican observing
results from his presidential election would understand exactly
what was announced when, at about 9:45 pm, the networks cut to live
feed from "the Bush livingroom", for a strange statement from the
candidate himself. His statement was incoherent, abruptly halted
because he lost his thought midsentence, as he tried to say that
he didn't accept the predicted Gore victories in Florida and other
states, and that the results counted in the polls were going to be
different from those reported on thus far. As the candidate Bush
lost the train of his thought ("too much coke" my friend joked),
the TV cut back to Peter Jennings, saying how Michigan and Pennsylvania
in addition to Florida had been predicted to go for Gore. At that
time a Gore victory, so unexpected, seemed unavoidable, just a wait
for the solid support states to fall in, till California made it

Then the November Surprise struck. At about 9:55 CBS, ABC, NBC,
Fox, and other networks not in my snowy broadcast range announced
that Florida had changed from a Gore win to a "too close to call"
state. This change was due to "bad data". Changing prediction from
a win for one candidate to a toss-up is not something that happens
often. It's quite unusual. Regular election watchers may remember
rare occasions, but it very seldom happens. To me, it's the signature
of a fix. It's the one way for the normal observer to know that
something abnormal is happening. In the electronic world of
vote-counting systematic errors can be made to happen, counts can
be manipulated in mild, invisible shifts. The exit polls, and
projections based on early returns and those exit polls, give an
"independent" (in the statistical sense) measure of the actual
vote. Elections can be manipulated within the range of error of
these predictions and no one will know the difference. If a vote
count is manipulated (changed, fixed) beyond the expectations
established by the early return-exit poll predictions it raises a
red flag, calls attention to a surprising shift in the ongoing vote
tally. That's when I suspect a fix is on.

The observer accustomed to elections in Mexico or any Latin American
country, or any African country, or any (ex)communist country, or
many European or Asian countries -- practically any country but
the USA, anywhere lacking the childish faith in the sanctity of
the ballot box, the myth of electoral democracy -- would have
connected the Bush announcement interrupting the election results
with the sudden reversal of the voting patterns and predicted
outcome in Florida. They might begin to wonder if the governor of
Florida was a Bush supporter.

Timing is the key to detecting The Fix. It happened just in the
nick of time to avert apparent defeat for "W.". The loss of
Pennsylvania and Michigan to Gore made Florida the key to a Gore
victory. Immediately after those northern states went Gore the
Bushes brought in the TV networks to broadcast their personal
rejection of the projected Gore wins. Next the early results in
Florida were found to be "bad data" by VNS, Voter News Service,
and all the networks suddenly changed Florida from a blue "Gore"
to a tan "too soon to call" state on their maps. VNS is now the
one organization that handles election predictions for all the
major networks and many newspapers. It designs and refines the
models for sampling from representative precincts and counties,
conducts exit polls, and tests the predictions from these polls
against the actual vote returns. If county-based samples and
precinct-based predictions are both confirmed by the reported votes
then these trends are projected across the state, and the final
vote distributions are estimated. A VNS spokesman claimed (NPR,
All Things Considered, Nov. 8) that they've made just 5 errors in
3000 predictions of electoral contest winners (and each time they've
gone back to find what went wrong, and then improved their models).

Back to last night's presidential race. By midnight Bush and Gore
were very close, and Florida, then still "too soon to call" held
the electoral votes 

[CTRL] Bloody Sunday riots

2000-11-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

Just posted this article to my daily 'blog,


Anyone can start their own at weblogs.com, maybe a few people on this list should 
consider doing so?


Paras 'were cleared by corrupt tribunal'
By David Graves in Londonderry

  THE Widgery tribunal that absolved British paratroopers of blame after the deaths of 
14 people during Bloody Sunday was "procedurally unfair and substantively corrupt," 
the new inquiry into the killings was told yesterday.

Chaired by Lord Widgery, the former Lord Chief Justice, the tribunal was "never 
designed to uncover the truth" and was merely intended as an official report to 
exonerate the British Army, said Arthur Harvey, QC, representing the families of seven 
of the victims. Mr Harvey said it was unique in British history that a second tribunal 
of inquiry had been set up because of the failure of the first.

Lord Widgery had reported within 11 weeks of the shootings in Londonderry on Jan 30, 
1972 that civil rights demonstrators taking part in an illegal march had opened fire 
first on members of the Parachute Regiment, who had returned fire in self defence.

The new inquiry, which has so far cost more than £25 million, resumed after a 
five-month break following the sudden resignation of Sir Edward Somers, the former New 
Zealand Appeal Court judge. He quit because of the length of time the inquiry was 
taking. Set up in 1998, the hearing is expected to last at least another two years.

Sir Edward has been replaced by John Toohey, 70, a former Australian High Court judge, 
and the Government took the unusual step last week of appointing a reserve judge, Mr 
Justice William Esson, of the Court of Appeal for British Columbia.

Watched by members of the victims' families, some of whom wept openly, Mr Harvey said 
that the Widgery tribunal had denied justice to the families. A swath of official 
documents uncovered since 1972 had confirmed their beliefs, he claimed. One of the 
documents was an official minute of a meeting between Lord Widgery and Sir Edward 
Heath, then Prime Minister, which spoke of a "propaganda war".

Earlier, Christopher Clarke, QC, counsel to the tribunal, told the inquiry that a 
diary allegedly kept by a paratrooper, known as 027, said two soldiers who had said 
they had fired shots on Bloody Sunday had also been involved in a separate incident in 
which a civilian was electrocuted and castrated before his body was dumped in a 
loyalist area of Belfast.

Mr Clarke also played parts of tape recordings of telephone calls involving Army 
officers and journalists after the shootings, which had allegedly been secretly 
recorded by the IRA.

Two officers were heard saying "things have gone badly" and referred to "the wrong 
people" - women and children - being shot. One of the officers referred to Major-Gen 
Robert Ford "lapping up" the shootings and saying the general thought they were the 
"best thing he had seen in a long time".

The inquiry continues.

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Re: [CTRL] Strippers spice up Sicilian prime time TV

2000-11-13 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

The Roman Catholic Church and the Sicilian Mafia have joined forces in an
unlikely alliance to campaign against naked newcasts on Italian television.

Like they're not already joined at the hip?

He added: "Sex is an integral part of Sicily, like the Mafia, and it runs
deep under the skin."

Err, sex is pretty integral in every part of the world, last time I looked.

"To the Mafia, the woman is sacred," said Tomas Buscetta, a former Mafia boss
who escaped and became an informer, after his fellow bosses complained of his
many affairs.

"Her place is not in the Mob, but the home, ironing her husband's clothes -
and certainly not in the television studio removing her own."

Uh huh. So all those prostitutes the Mafia controls aren't really demeaning women, or 
whatever they're upset about?

"To show a programme like this at a time when it can be seen by innocent
children is an evil act of delinquency," he said. "This a terrible, awful
torment, a degradation, and in any case it is probably illegal."

But if they're innocent, how can seeing a naked body corrupt them? The thing that gets 
moralists really outraged is when others fail to share their outrage.

"Sex is one of the most beautiful, natural things that money can buy", as the 
announcer on the Wrestling said the other night.

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[CTRL] Roiling Chicanery

2000-11-13 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


""Begin excerpt

Chicanery Roils Election 2000
By Kelly Patricia O’Meara
A recount, extended polling hours, cigarettes traded for votes and a Clinton
invitation urging noncitizens to vote have led to charges of fraud in the
presidential election.
Even Ann Bancroft’s performance in The Miracle Worker didn’t come close to the level
of drama Americans witnessed Election Day when, within hours, presidential
candidates Al Gore and George W. Bush both won and lost the state of Florida. Since
then the nation has taken a kind of collective inhale as the 2000 presidential bout
moved into the 15th round.

End excerpt**
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] A Light in the Tunnel

2000-11-13 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org
WSWS : News  Analysis : North America : US Elections
The US election: the conspiracy begins to unravel
By Barry Grey
14 November 2000
Back to screen version

New information has emerged in the press that sheds further light on the
extraordinary events of election night, November 7-8, pointing to a brazen attempt
by the Republican campaign of George W. Bush to stampede the television networks and
seize the presidency by stealth.

Both the Washington Post and the New York Times reported in passing on Monday that
the Fox News Channel official who issued the late-night announcement last week that
Bush had taken Florida and won the election was a first cousin of George W. Bush and
the Republican candidate's brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

The man in question is John Ellis, who heads the election decision desk at Fox.
According to an article entitled “Bad Call in Florida” by the Post's director of
polling, Richard Morin, Ellis unilaterally declared his cousin the winner without
having received any such call from the Voter News Service (VNS), the network exit
poll consortium which was supposed to make the state-by-state projections for the TV
news outlets.

Fox's declaration was immediately followed by similar statements from CNN, ABC, NBC
and CBS, leading Democratic candidate Al Gore shortly thereafter to make a
concession telephone call to his Republican opponent. The apparent plot hatched
between Bush and his cousin at Fox came within a whisker of succeeding. Gore was on
his way to make a public statement conceding defeat when he received a call from
Democratic officials in Florida informing him that Bush's margin in Florida was far
less than had been reported, and was sinking rapidly. Gore turned around and
telephoned Bush to rescind his concession call.

Morin writes: “VNS never called Florida for Bush. Fox News was the first to declare
Florida for the Republicans as vote counts supplied by VNS continued to show Bush
with a substantial lead. Fox announced the call at 2:16 AM. (Ironically, the
decision to declare Bush the winner was made by John Ellis, who headed the call desk
at Fox and happens to be Bush's cousin).”

By 3 a.m. last Wednesday all of the networks had retracted their projections of a
Bush victory in Florida and declared the presidential race too close to call.
Morin's ironical aside makes it clear that Ellis's blood ties to the Republican
candidate and the Florida governor are common knowledge within the media
establishment. But until now they were never made known to the public.

A front-page article in Monday's New York Times makes it clear that Ellis is a Bush
partisan with access to the inner circles of the Republican campaign. The article by
Times political correspondent Richard L. Berke quotes Ellis at length about the pre-
election strategy and post-election discussions within the Bush camp, and notes that
Ellis was “in frequent contact with Mr. Bush.”

Neither the Post nor the Times raises any alarms over the politically incestuous
relationship between the Bush campaign and the network official who played the key
role in attempting to swing the election to the Republicans. Their own response to
this sinister fact underscores the corrupt relationship between the press and the
Republican right wing.

The revelation of Ellis's role throws into sharp relief the astonishing chain of
events that unfolded last week between Tuesday evening and early morning Wednesday.
It highlights an aspect of US elections normally concealed from the public—the
collusion between the media establishment and political forces on the right
generally favored by the corporate conglomerates that control the news outlets. As
the political operatives in both parties are well aware, the networks play far more
than a passive role in the American electoral process, and their projections on
election night can have a critical impact on the momentum and ultimately the outcome
of a tight contest.

When the networks, taking their lead from the Voter News Service, declared Gore the
winner in Florida at 7:50 p.m. Tuesday evening, the Bush campaign knew its prospects
for victory had all but vanished. Bush and his top aides retired from their hotel
suite to the governor's mansion and launched a feverish back-channel effort to get
the networks to withdraw their call on the Florida race.

As is now clear from the tens of thousands of Gore supporters in Florida whose votes
were either discarded or mistakenly cast for right-winger Patrick Buchanan, the
initial projection of a Democratic win in Florida was based on exit polls that
accurately reflected to sentiments of the electorate.

Bush took the unprecedented step of calling the media into the governor's mansion,
where he denounced the network projections on Pennsylvania and Florida and predicted
that Florida would ultimately go his way. This impromptu media event was a sharp
break with election night tradition, when the candidates are 

[CTRL] WSJ: Broward Says No

2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Broward Says No

The Gore campaign suffers a setback--and threatens a lawsuit.

Tuesday, November 14, 2000 12:01 a.m.  EST

"This is outrageous and illegal," fumed Democratic Rep.  Peter
Deutsch yesterday after Broward County's three election
commissioners voted not to conduct a manual recount of last
Tuesday's ballots.  Democrats immediately vowed to sue to force a
hand count of all ballots.  The same Democrats who cheered when
Palm Beach County voted for a full recount on Saturday blasted
Judge Robert Lee, a Democrat, when he joined Republican Jane
Carroll in rejecting a manual recount.  Unlike Palm Beach County,
Broward conducted a smooth hand count of 3,892 sample ballots and
found only four extra votes for Al Gore.

The Broward decision severely damages Mr.  Gore's efforts to
secure enough votes in recounts to overturn George W.  Bush's
388-vote lead, which is likely to be bolstered when overseas
absentee ballots are all counted on Friday.  The only other
county that has hand-counted all its ballots is Volusia (Daytona
Beach), and Mr.  Bush is holding his own there.  Officials in
Dade County (Miami) will meet Tuesday to discuss a possible
sample hand recount, the odds of which have probably declined
given that Broward--the county just north--has decided against
any more counting.  Yesterday, Osceola County, a Democratic
stronghold, also reversed its original decision to have a hand
recount and has finished its count.

That leaves Palm Beach County as an outlier county in its
determination to buck Secretary of State Katherine Harris, who
says she must observe today's 5 p.m.  deadline for certification
of all counties' vote totals.  Judge Terry Lewis promises to rule
at 10:30 a.m. today on a request by Palm Beach and Volusia
counties, joined by the Gore campaign, to set aside the deadline.

The 2 a.m.  Sunday decision by the Palm Beach election canvassing
board to proceed with a full hand count is already hugely
controversial. One of the two votes for a hand count came from
Theresa LePore, the elections supervisor who designed the
infamous butterfly ballot.

Gov.  Jeb Bush, brother of the Republican presidential nominee,
recused himself from participating in the state's Election
Commission. Yesterday Palm Beach County circuit judge Stephen
Rapp recused himself from lawsuits over the butterfly ballot
after a lawyer accused him of making disparaging remarks about
Democrats in a courthouse elevator. Judge Rapp called the
accusations "absolutely false" but still withdrew to avoid an
appearance of a conflict.

Contrast that with Ms.  LePore's behavior.  An elected Democrat,
she no doubt wishes to run for re-election, but she is now the
subject of numerous lawsuits filed by voters angry over the
ballot.  A local Democratic state legislator is mounting a recall
campaign against her. "She has an electoral gun held to her
head," says one local journalist. "If she didn't go along with an
aggressive hand count of ballots she wouldn't be able to live in
the county anymore."

If Judge Lewis orders an extension of the deadline and allows
Palm Beach County to launch a hand count of all its votes, this
may prove insufficient to wipe out Mr.  Bush's lead.  Mr.  Gore
gained a net of 19 votes after Saturday night's sample recount of
1% of the county's precincts.  Democrats extrapolate that a full
hand count would yield 1,900 extra votes for Mr.  Gore.

Statisticians tell me that is highly unlikely.  Palm Beach County
has fewer than 10,000 "undervote" ballots--those for which the
machine count showed no vote for president.  The Gore campaign
picked the most Democratic precincts that had the greatest number
of "undervote" ballots.  So instead of recounting only 1% of the
total county vote, Palm Beach actually counted 5% of the
undervote ballots.  Of those, about a tenth were counted by Ms.
LePore and her fellow mind-readers as representing ballots that
should be counted. Experts guess than only about 1,000 votes
could legitimately be found in the county wide boxes of
"undervote" ballots.  All in all, this might leave Mr.  Gore with
only a 200 net gain in votes--a not enough for him to catch Mr.

If the number of extra Gore votes exceeds 200 in Palm Beach
County, it may be time for voters to start wondering exactly how
the vote count was conducted and how carefully the ballots had
been handled.

I fear that regardless of the outcome of Tuesday's court hearing
that will determine if all county vote totals must be turned over
to Florida's Secretary of State, the ballot-box chasers rampaging
through south Florida aren't packing their bags to leave anytime
soon.  The country is in the midst of a legal circus comparable
to impeachment or the O.J. trial.  But the bravery of Broward
County officials, including a Democratic judge, in standing up to
public pressure for a hand recount shows there are still people
in this sad mess who are willing to act with integrity and pay

[CTRL] WT: Justice probes whether Congress was misle

2000-11-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

November 14, 2000

Justice probes whether Congress was misled

By Jerry Seper

 The Justice Department has begun an investigation into
accusations that career department lawyer Lee J. Radek misled
Congress on whether he was "under a lot of pressure" to derail
the department's campaign finance investigation.

The inquiry, which also is expected to review Attorney General
Janet Reno's role in the campaign finance probe, was confirmed
yesterday in a letter from the Office of Professional
Responsibility to the Landmark Legal Foundation, a
public-interest law firm that sought the investigation in May.

 Judith B. Wish, OPR's acting counsel, wrote that the inquiry
would center on Mr. Radek's statements to top FBI officials that
his office was "under pressure in its investigation into corrupt
campaign fund-raising practices during the 1996 election cycle
because the attorney general's job hung in the balance."

 He later denied under oath ever making that statement.

 In May, Mr. Radek testified before the Senate Judiciary
subcommittee on crime and the House Judiciary Committee that he
had "no recollection of ever saying" to FBI executives he was
under pressure in the campaign finance probe because Miss Reno's
job "hung in the balance."

 He described the FBI statements as having "no basis in
fact," adding that while the campaign finance probe was in a
"pressure cooker," the pressure he was referring to was to "do a
good job, to do it vigorously and do it well" because the
department was being scrutinized by Congress, the media and the
attorney general.

 But former FBI Deputy Director William J. Esposito and FBI
Assistant Director Neil J. Gallagher testified that during a 1996
meeting they had heard Mr. Radek say Miss Reno could lose her job
if the investigation went forward.

 Both said they were certain Mr. Radek was tying pressure he
felt concerning the probe to concerns that Miss Reno could lose
her job.

 FBI Director Louis J. Freeh met with Miss Reno based on Mr.
Radek's comments, which had been relayed to him by Mr. Esposito.

 According to a Dec. 9, 1996, memo, Mr. Freeh said he
"advised the attorney general of Lee Radek's comment to you that
there was a lot of pressure" on him and suggested "on that basis"
she and Mr. Radek step aside from the investigation.

 Mr. Freeh also said the department's public integrity
section, headed by Mr. Radek, could not conduct a thorough probe
and suggested the matter be handled by the FBI.

 Mark R. Levin, Landmark's president, said he asked for the
probe because "serious and substantial questions" were raised by
the Freeh memo and by FBI statements concerning Miss Reno and Mr.

 He said he questioned whether the Justice Department was
seeking to "circumvent the FBI's traditional role in
investigating allegations of federal campaign violations."

 "I presume the department is looking at Miss Reno and Mr.
Radek, both of whom strongly objected to the appointment of an
independent counsel to investigate campaign finance abuses," said
Mr. Levin, former chief of staff to Attorney General Edwin Meese.
"We'll see what happens."

 Justice Department spokesman Myron Marlin did not return
calls yesterday to his office for comment. But Miss Reno has said
she did not recall meeting with Mr. Freeh over concerns that
pressure was being put on the Justice Department with respect to
the campaign finance probe. Mr. Radek has said he did not
remember meeting with Mr. Esposito and Mr. Gallagher.

 The Office of Professional Responsibility oversees inquiries
into accusations of criminal or ethical misconduct involving
Justice Department employees.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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