[CTRL] The Vultures Are Perched

2001-12-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


IMF refuses to rescue Argentina

Currency close to collapse as finance minister emerges empty handed
from weekend crisis negotiations

Charlotte Denny
Monday December 10, 2001
The Guardian

Argentina's currency is on the verge of collapse, analysts warned
yesterday after the finance minister, Domingo Cavallo, emerged empty
handed from weekend crisis talks with the International Monetary Fund
over the country's $130bn (£90bn) foreign debt.

Although Mr Cavallo attempted to put a positive spin on his failure
to coax a promised $1.3bn bailout from the Washington-based lender,
Argentines are expected to flood banks once again this morning in a
desperate attempt to withdraw their savings.

The fund has reportedly demanded that Buenos Aires make a further $4bn in spending 
cuts before it r
eleases the frozen loan, but the government is already facing stiff opposition to its 
attempts to r
am through austerity me

We have to work with the president, the cabinet and the governors to be sure that we 
are capable o
f doing what is necessary to inspire credibility, Mr Cavallo said of the task.

His remarks came as analysts predicted that the peso's one-to-one peg with the dollar 
was close to
rupturing. Black market money changers on the streets of Buenos Aires are already 
selling the peso
for as much as 20% belo
w its official value.

The pressures on Argentina's 10-year-old currency board are reaching levels close to 
breaking poin
t, said Neil Douglas of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein.

Devaluing the currency would bankrupt thousands of firms and households as most loans 
have to be re
paid in dollars, but this is looking inevitable as the government no longer has 
sufficient foreign
reserves to back its pr
omise to exchange every peso in circulation with a dollar.

The government has been forced into increasingly drastic measures to
prevent a complete financial meltdown. Earlier this month, Mr Cavallo
introduced strict controls on bank withdrawals and last Thursday he
took the drastic step of converting private pension funds into
government bonds and using the proceeds to pay off Argentina's
foreign creditors.

The ensuing cash crunch has devastated consumer spending in the run-
up to Christmas, with retail sales down as much as 80% last week,
according to a report from one retailers' group this weekend.

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2001-12-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Ron Paul for President 2004

View Current Signatures  -  Sign the Petition

To: the Honorable Ron Paul

Sir, we come to you as very concerned American Patriots.

First of all, we want you to know that we have the greatest respect
for you and your insistence on doing the right thing in support of
freedom. You have been one to show America that there is still a
glimmer of hope for generations to come.

It is our faith in America's future, and the facing of the harsh
realities of the past, that brings us to you, Sir. America needs Ron
Paul at the helm.

We realize that you currently intend to focus on your reelection as
representative to Congress from the 14th District of Texas. Still, we
share the hope of many Patriots that you will eventually, and
hopefully soon, choose to be America's candidate of choice for
President in the 2004 election.

Rather than telling us No, we ask that you allow us to rally a base
of support for a campaign for your Presidency.

Many of us are trying to bring the 3rd parties for freedom together
to choose and support a common candidate. That is the purpose of the
United America Party and Patriot Alliance, for example.

The idea of you running for President would set the Patriot Movement
on fire, and could help unite a divided movement. We believe the
support needed to elect Ron Paul President is here.

The signatures below from this petition, as well as from others that
may be drafted among the various parties and organizations, can help
provide evidence that the grassroots support needed to get you
elected as President does indeed exist.

We also offer to you the independent website Paul2004.com in support
of your candidacy for the White House. When you decide to accept our
offer, we will gladly turn the website over to you and your official
campaign staff.

There are many of us standing at the ready to do what needs done to
get the 3rd Parties heavily involved to get Ron Paul elected
President in 2004. We also anticipate that many from the Republican
Party, as well as many who do not affiliate with any party, will
gladly support your candidacy.

In locations where we are not able to get you on the official ballot,
we will promote a write-in campaign.

We await your affirmative reply, but meanwhile we will gladly work to
show you the level of support you have.

As we said before...America needs you -- as President.

Let's surprise them.

Unless you say no, or unless a more qualified candidate steps forward
(It is hard for us to imaging that this could be the case), we will
be voting for you in both the primary election and general election
in 2004, whether you are on the ballot, or whether we submit your
name as a write-in.


The Undersigned

View Current Signatures

The Ron Paul for President 2004 Petition to the Honorable Ron Paul
was created by Independent Citizens and Parties for Ron Paul for
President 2004 and written by Dennis P. Slatton and Sterling D.
Allan. This petition is hosted here at www.PetitionOnline.com as a
public service. There is no express or implied endorsement of this
petition by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. The petition scripts are
created by Mike Wheeler at Artifice, Inc. For Technical Support
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  The United America Party

Party Platform


By the Grace of Almighty God and with the help of His Divine hand, we
of the United America Party will endeavor to restore the Constitution
of the United States of America...along with the Bill of Rights to as
close as feasibly possible, to what was written by our forefathers,
to the Citizens of the United States of America and the Citizens of
the many Sovereign States United.

We are a Party designed by the Right of God, and dedicated to the
Principles this Nation was Founded on. We will not be confused with

On the Issue of,

1: Abortion:

It is not the duty (nor within the Authority) of Congress or the
United States Government...to fund or approve the murder of an unborn
Child. God's Commandment...Thou Shalt Not Murder.

2: Begin immediately the restoraton of our Constitution and Bill of
Rights. This of course will take some time, but never-the-less, this
is one of 2 top priorities of our agenda. The other, make null and
void any and 

[CTRL] Skull Bones Article from Esquire Magazine Sept. 1977

2001-12-10 Thread iggy


Title: Skull  Bones Article from Esquire Magazine Sept. 1977

Ron Rosenbaum
- Esquire Magazine - September, 1977
Take a look at the hulking sepulcher over there. Small wonder
call it a tomb. It's the citadel of Skull and Bones, the most
powerful of all secret societies in the strange Yale secret-society
system. For nearly a century and a half, Skull and Bones has
the most influential secret society in the nation, and now it is one
of the last.
 In an age in which it seems that all that could possibly
concealed about anything and anybody has been revealed, those blank
tombstone walls could be holding the last secrets left in America.
 You could ask Averell Harriman whether there's really
sarcophagus in the basement and whether he and young Henry Stimson
and young Henry Luce (Time magazine) lay down naked in the coffin
and spilled the secrets of their adolescent sex life to 14 fellow
Bonesmen. You could ask Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart
there came a time in the year 1937 when he dressed up in a skeleton
suit and howled wildly at an initiate in a red-velvet room inside
the tomb. You could ask McGeorge Bundy if he wrestled naked in
mud pie as part of his initation and how it compared with a later
quagmire into which he so eagerly plunged. You could ask Bill
Bundy or William F. Buckley, both of who went into the CIA after
leaving Bones - or George Bush, who ran the CIA / President -
whether their Skull and Bones experience was useful training for
the clandestine trade. ("Spook," the Yale slang for spy.) You
could ask J. Richardson Dilworth, the Bonesman who now manages the
Rockefeller fortune, just how wealthy the Bones society is and
whether it's true that each new initiate gets a no-strings gift
of fifteen thousand dollars cash and guaranteed financial security
for life.
 You could ask...but I think you get the idea. The
lending lights
of the Eastern establishment - in old-line investment banks (Brown
Brothers Harriman pays Bone's tax bill), in a blue-blood law firms
(Simpson Thacher  Bartlett, for one), and particularly in the
highest councils of the foreign-policy establishment - the people
who have shaped America's national character since it ceased being
an undergraduate power, had their undergraduate character shaped in
that crypt over there. Bonesman Henry Stimson, Secretary of War
under F.D.R., a man at the heart of the heart of the American
ruling class, called his experience in the tomb the most profound
one in his entire education.
 But none of them will tell you a thing about it.
They've sworn
an oath never to reveal what goes on inside and they're legendary
for the lengths to which they'll go to avoid prying interrogation.
The mere mention of the words "skull and bones" in the presence
of a true-blue Bonesman, such as Blackford Oakes, the fictional
hero of Bill Buckley's spy thriller, 'Saving the Queen', will cause
him to "dutifully leave the room, as tradition prescribed."
 I can trace my personal fascination with the mysteriouis
on in the sepulcher across the street to a spooky scene I witnessed
on its shadowy steps late one April night eleven years ago. I
then a sophmore at Yale, living in Jonathan Edwards, the residential
college (anglophile Yale name for dorm) built next to the Bones
tomb. It was part of Jonathan Edwards folklore that on a April
evening following "tap night" at Bones, if one could climb to the
tower of Weir Hall, the odd castle that overlooks the Bones
courtyard, one could hear strange cries and moans coming from the
bowels of the tomb as the fifteen newly "tapped" members were put
through what sounded like a harrowing ordeal. Returning alone
my room late at night, I would always cross the street rather than
walk the sidewalk that passed right in front of Bones. Even at
safe distance, something about it made my skin crawl.
 But that night in April I wasn't alone; a classmate and
I were
coming back from an all-night diner at about two in the morning.
At the time, I knew little about the mysteries of Bones or any of
the other huge windowless secret-society tombs that dominated with
dark authority certain key-corners of the campus. They were
nothing like conventional fraternities. No one lived in the tombs.
Instead, every Thursday and Sunday night the best and the brightest
on campus, the fifteen seniors in Skull and Bones and in the Scroll
and Key, Book and Snake, Wolf's Head, Berzelius, in all the seven
secret societies, disappeared into their respective tombs and spent
hours doing something - something they were sworn to secrecy about.
And Bones, it was said was the most ritualistic and secretive of all.
Even the very door to the Bones tomb, that huge triple-padlocked
iron door, was never prermitted to open in the presence of an
 All this was floating through my impressionable sophmore
mind that
night as my friend Mike and I approached the stone pylons 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Lone Nut Woodward shouted about political assassinations and global warming

2001-12-10 Thread Kris Millegan


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Rutland Herald
December 9, 2001

A full inquiry

December 9, 2001
(from the Editorials section)

As more information emerges about the death of Robert Woodward, the need for
an independent and thorough investigation of the incident becomes all the
more urgent. 

Woodward died after he was shot seven times by two Brattleboro police
officers who were responding to a call from the West Village Meeting House,
where a church service was under way last Sunday morning.

Woodward came into the West Brattleboro church, saying the CIA and the FBI
were after him. Witnesses said he was agitated and erratic. At one point he
pulled out a knife, and he warned people not to come close to him.

By the time the police arrived, there were still 15 to 20 people in the
meeting house, which means authorities have numerous witnesses to the
shooting. And from those witnesses, a disturbing picture is emerging about
police actions. 

It is far from clear that Woodward represented a threat to anyone except
himself at the time of the shooting. Witnesses have said police officers
warned Woodward to drop the knife, but nothing except Woodward¹s refusal to
drop the knife has emerged as a reason that he was shot. And that is not
sufficient grounds for shooting to kill.

It is important to remember that investigators are still trying to piece
together from many sources a definitive account of what happened at the
meeting house. At the initial stages, however, it is clear that many
witnesses are dismayed at police actions, and no one has stepped forward to
offer an account saying the police did what was necessary.

These public concerns require a thorough look into events at West
Brattleboro. The attorney general¹s office has begun an investigation, which
is customary in cases of police shootings. Often such investigations confirm
that officers in situations of great danger were forced by circumstance to
shoot. New facts may emerge in the Woodward case to provide a valid
explanation for the death of Robert Woodward. We have not heard those facts
so far. 

Windham County State¹s Attorney Dan Davis may convene a grand jury to look
into the incident, but the attorney general¹s investigation will be
particularly important because the attorney general is further removed from
Windham County. In addition to looking at the facts of the shooting, both
Davis and the attorney general¹s office need to determine whether Woodward
was allowed to receive the proper medical care after he was shot.

The uneasy atmosphere that has gripped the nation in the past three months
has, more than likely, put many law enforcement officers on edge. In a
period when everyone is supposed to be on high alert at all times, the
police must be ready for threats of all kinds. It cannot be easy to live
every day with an expectation of terrorism or other new and dangerous forms
of violence. 

But a state of high alert requires a state of extreme caution. Police must
deal with distraught and disturbed people all the time; preventing harm to
the disturbed person is part of the police¹s job.

The police know this. The officers involved in the Woodward case ­ whatever
happened ­ are probably experiencing an agony of regret. But the public must
be assured that the police recognize the need for restraint in dangerous
situations. A thorough search for the facts in the Woodward case will help
provide that assurance.


Boston, Massachusetts
Boston Sunday Globe

Shooting shocks a Vt. church

By David Arnold, Globe Staff, 12/9/2001

RATTLEBORO - The bell calling members to the 10 a.m. service had just
sounded at the All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church last Sunday. As
sometimes happens in the spirit of Unitarian individualism, two members were
debating who should make the morning announcements when Robert A. Woodward
made an agitated entrance at the back of the meeting room.

Nobody knew him. Was this an opening skit, many of the 70 people present
wondered? But as Woodward, 37, started pleading for sanctuary, saying the
police, the CIA, and the FBI wanted to kill him, they realized this was no

When he pulled out a knife and threatened suicide, someone called the
police. Ultimately, two Brattleboro officers put seven bullets in the
desperate man standing next to the church Christmas tree.

This morning, congregants will return to All Souls Church to try to process
their anger and guilt that their church space had become the scene of a

The officers involved have been placed on administrative leave while State


2001-12-10 Thread Kris Millegan


- Original Message -
From: Joan Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 3:37 AM

   I got this email a few weeks ago and have been checking it out. It's
 all true! We've had a strange feeling about so many coincidences, but
 couldn't prove anything till now.


 Joan Norman


  It's been three years since Congress discussed removing the government
 of Afghanistan to make way for an oil pipeline: (See the Hearing before
 the Sub-Commitee on Asia and the Pacific of the Commitee on
 International Relations of the House of Representatives, February 12,

 It's been six months since the US Government told India there would be
 an invasion of Afghanistan in October: (See the Special Report in the
 Public Affairs Magazine: indiareacts.com called India in anti-Taliban
 military plan, June 26, 2001)

 It's been five months since BBC heard about the planned invasion of
 Afghanistan: (See the BBC News' article by George Arney quoting Niaz
 Naik, former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, who was told by senior
 American officials in mid-July that military action would go ahead by
 the middle October, September 18, 2001.)

 It's been nine months since Jane's Defense News got word of the planned
 invasion of Afghanistan: (See artcle by Rahul Bedi called India joins
 anti-Taliban coalition March 15, 2001.)

 and of course, only three months since the attacks on the World Trade
 Towers that got the American people angered into support of the war that
 everybody on the planet BUT Americans had been told was on the way
 before September 11.

  During these last three months, the same American media that waved
 non-stop Gary Condit in front of our faces to keep us from finding out
 that plans for a war were being announced to other governments, is now
 trying to keep the level of fear in the American public so high that
 they cannot think.

  The media has been pounding us all non-stop with Osama (you know, the
 CIA's main asset in Afghanistan) in a fashion eerily similar to the
 mythical dictatorship's use of Emmanual Goldstein and the Two Minute
 Hate in George Orwell's 1984. The media's scare-orrism has
 continued with the endless dire warnings regarding the Anthrax being
 sent in letters, which in retrospect has to be the weakest form of
 Anthrax, having killed far fewer people in the entire nation in the last
 three months than are gunned down in Washington DC in any given week.
 But the problem with using fear to keep people from thinking is that
 sooner or later fear tires itself out. People habituate to it. They get
 used to it. And they start thinking again. And, as people stop fearing
 and start to think, they start to notice those things which the
 government would prefer they don't. Things like the convenient timing of
 the attacks on the World Trade Towers and the perfect fit into the
 timetable of the war announced to other nations earlier in the year.
 People are remembering that Osama bin Laden is a creation of the CIA,
 the same CIA once headed by the President's father (who also got us into
 a pointless war in the oil-rich regions of the middle east), the same
 CIA that imports drugs and sells them to our children, the same CIA now
 advocating the use of torture.

 People are remembering that the initial Anthrax attack on the US
 Congress occurred just as the draconian USA PATRIOT bill was about to be
 voted on. People have noticed that the US Congress, out of their own
 fear, voted to pass that bill without reading it at all!

  (The second congressional Anthrax attack was sent to Senate Judiciary
 Committee Chairman Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) coincidentally right after
 he announced hearings on the military tribunals directive.)

  People are remembering that the first suspects to be arrested after the
 WTC attacks were not Arabs, but Israelis, and that Israelis (in one case
 a known Mossad agent) were also arrested inside the Mexican Congress
 carrying guns. Yet more suspected Mossad agents were arrested with plans
 for US Nuclear power plants inside the US, but were strangely let go!
 People are remembering that the Mossad has a past history of staging
 fake terror attacks to blame on a third party, such as the successful
 planting of fake radio traffic which tricked the US into bombing Libya,
 and a failed attempt to blow up a US facility and blame it on Arabs in

  Reports continue to circle in the foreign press blaming the Mossad for
 the WTC attacks. People are noticing that the US Government does not
 really have a case against Osama bin Laden having ANYTHING to do with

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Ashcrof Denounces Critics

2001-12-10 Thread Kris Millegan


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It's interesting to reflect that perhaps he's absolutely right in the end,
though he misinterprets his perceived conclusions as bad things.

Ho ho!

aadm mount
seraphseven: design. comics. zen.

anomy daily. the zen junkies unite; run.
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Ashcroft: Critics of new terror measures undermine effort
December 7, 2001 Posted: 9:58 AM EST (1458 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Attorney General John Ashcroft lashed out Thursday at
critics of the administration's response to terrorism, saying questions
about whether its actions undermine the Constitution only serve to help

To those who pit Americans against immigrants, citizens against
non-citizens, to those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost
liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists for they erode
our national unity and diminish our resolve, Ashcroft told the Senate
Judiciary Committee. They give ammunition to America's enemies and pause to
America's friends. They encourage people of good will to remain silent in
the face of evil.

Our efforts have been crafted carefully to avoid infringing on
constitutional rights, while saving American lives.

Ashcroft flatly rejected criticism of the administration's policies,
including President Bush's decision to allow the use of military tribunals
to try non-U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism, the detention of hundreds
of immigrants in connection with the terrorism probe, the voluntary
questioning of thousands of men from mostly Middle Eastern countries, and
eavesdropping between attorneys and their clients in terrorism cases.

Each of those initiatives, he said, balance constitutional rights against
the threat of terrorism.

Charges of kangaroo courts and shredding the Constitution give new meaning
to the term 'fog of war,' Ashcroft said.

But Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, the chairman of the committee, opened the
hearing with some implied criticism of the administration, insisting
tremendous government power had to be balanced against civil liberties.

The need for congressional oversight is not -- as some mistakenly describe
it -- to protect terrorists, Leahy said. It is to protect Americans and
protect our American freedoms that you and everyone in this room cherish so
much. And every single American has a stake in protecting our freedoms.

Senators, mostly Democrats but some Republicans, pressed Ashcroft to outline
what kind of guidelines would apply to the military tribunals. Sen. Edward
Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, conceded the tribunals could be effective, but
said they had enormous potential for abuse unless they were conducted with
a clear set of rules and limits.

The specific guidelines for the tribunals, Ashcroft said, would be drafted
by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, but he said Bush's order had been for
full and fair proceedings. Those tribunals, however, could be held in
secret when the president determined it was in the interest of national
security to do so, Ashcroft said.

The attorney general said his day begins with a rundown of terrorist threats
from the around the world, describing it as a chilling daily chronicle of
the hatred of Americans by fanatics.

To buttress that point, Ashcroft said the Justice Department will post on
its Web site several lessons from a terrorist manual so that Americans
can know about the enemy.

Ashcroft said the manual came from the al Qaeda network and was first made
public during the trial earlier this year of men who were later convicted of
bombing two U.S. embassies in Africa.

The attorney general said the manual shows that terrorists are taught to
manipulate the U.S. judicial system and news media to their advantage.

The administration had its defenders at the hearing. Sen. Orrin Hatch,
R-Utah, the top Republican on the panel, suggested the criticism of the
White House's policies was nothing more than a reflection of Senate egos.

I would implore my colleagues, let's keep our focus where it matters: on
protecting our citizens, Hatch said.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fisk on his attack

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


My beating by refugees is a symbol of the hatred and
fury of this filthy war

Report by Robert Fisk
in Kila Abdullah after Afghan border ordeal

They started by shaking hands. We said Salaam
aleikum – peace be upon you – then the first pebbles
flew past my face. A small boy tried to grab my bag.
Then another. Then someone punched me in the back.
Then young men broke my glasses, began smashing stones
into my face and head. I couldn't see for the blood
pouring down my forehead and swamping my eyes. And
even then, I understood. I couldn't blame them for
what they were doing. In fact, if I were the Afghan
refugees of Kila Abdullah, close to the
Afghan-Pakistan border, I would have done just the
same to Robert Fisk. Or any other Westerner I could

So why record my few minutes of terror and
self-disgust under assault near the Afghan border,
bleeding and crying like an animal, when hundreds –
let us be frank and say thousands – of innocent
civilians are dying under American air strikes in
Afghanistan, when the War of Civilisation is burning
and maiming the Pashtuns of Kandahar and destroying
their homes because good must triumph over evil?

Some of the Afghans in the little village had been
there for years, others had arrived – desperate and
angry and mourning their slaughtered loved ones – over
the past two weeks. It was a bad place for a car to
break down. A bad time, just before the Iftar, the end
of the daily fast of Ramadan. But what happened to us
was symbolic of the hatred and fury and hypocrisy of
this filthy war, a growing band of destitute Afghan
men, young and old, who saw foreigners – enemies – in
their midst and tried to destroy at least one of them.

Many of these Afghans, so we were to learn, were
outraged by what they had seen on television of the
Mazar-i-Sharif massacres, of the prisoners killed with
their hands tied behind their backs. A villager later
told one of our drivers that they had seen the
videotape of CIA officers Mike and Dave
threatening death to a kneeling prisoner at Mazar.

They were uneducated – I doubt if many could read –
but you don't have to have a schooling to respond to
the death of loved ones under a B-52's bombs. At one
point a screaming teenager had turned to my driver and
asked, in all sincerity: Is that Mr Bush?

It must have been about 4.30pm that we reached Kila
Abdullah, halfway between the Pakistani city of Quetta
and the border town of Chaman; Amanullah, our driver,
Fayyaz Ahmed, our translator, Justin Huggler of The
Independent – fresh from covering the Mazar massacre –
and myself.

The first we knew that something was wrong was when
the car stopped in the middle of the narrow, crowded
street. A film of white steam was rising from the
bonnet of our jeep, a constant shriek of car horns and
buses and trucks and rickshaws protesting at the
road-block we had created. All four of us got out of
the car and pushed it to the side of the road. I
muttered something to Justin about this being a bad
place to break down. Kila Abdulla was home to
thousands of Afghan refugees, the poor and huddled
masses that the war has produced in Pakistan.

Amanullah went off to find another car – there is only
one thing worse than a crowd of angry men and that's a
crowd of angry men after dark – and Justin and I
smiled at the initially friendly crowd that had
already gathered round our steaming vehicle. I shook a
lot of hands – perhaps I should have thought of Mr
Bush – and uttered a lot of Salaam aleikums. I knew
what could happen if the smiling stopped.

The crowd grew larger and I suggested to Justin that
we move away from the jeep, walk into the open road. A
child had flicked his finger hard against my wrist and
I persuaded myself that it was an accident, a childish
moment of contempt. Then a pebble whisked past my head
and bounced off Justin's shoulder. Justin turned
round. His eyes spoke of concern and I remember how I
breathed in. Please, I thought, it was just a prank.
Then another kid tried to grab my bag. It contained my
passport, credit cards, money, diary, contacts book,
mobile phone. I yanked it back and put the strap round
my shoulder. Justin and I crossed the road and someone
punched me in the back.

How do you walk out of a dream when the characters
suddenly turn hostile? I saw one of the men who had
been all smiles when we shook hands. He wasn't smiling
now. Some of the smaller boys were still laughing but
their grins were transforming into something else. The
respected foreigner – the man who had been all salaam
aleikum a few minutes ago – was upset, frightened, on
the run. The West was being brought low. Justin was
being pushed around and, in the middle of the road, we
noticed a bus driver waving us to his vehicle. Fayyaz,
still by the car, unable to understand why we had
walked away, could no longer see us. Justin reached
the bus and climbed aboard. As I put my foot on the
step three men grabbed the strap 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] AngloGold comments on Newmont's latest offer for Normandy

2001-12-10 Thread Kris Millegan


11:19a ET Monday, December 10, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

AngloGold has issued a statement in response to
Newmont's latest offer for Normandy Mining, and
you can find it here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Newmont, Franco executives say it's all about hedging

2001-12-10 Thread Kris Millegan



By James Regan

SYDNEY, Dec 10 (Reuters) -- Newmont Mining Corp, which on Monday
lifted its bid for Australia's Normandy Mining Ltd by A$900 million,
is betting that gold prices are poised to rise after years in the

We think there is a substantial movement in the gold price coming,
Newmont chief executive officer Wayne Murdy said.

Gold has averaged around US$350 an ounce over the last 10 years,
but these days rarely trades above US$280 an ounce.

Newmont has vowed to dismantle Normandy's hedge book of
nearly 8 million ounces of gold sold forward to 2010 at an average
price of A$585 an ounce, bringing the Australian miner in line with
Newmont's no-hedging policy. Gold currently fetches US$273 an
ounce or about A$525 an ounce.

With Normandy in the Newmont fold, a US$25 an ounce rise in
bullion would increase Newmont's pre-tax cash flow to almost
US$200 million from US$162 million on its own.

This company will have the strongest EBITDA (earnings before
interest, depreciation and amortisation) than anyone in the industry,
and we will do it based on the spot gold price, Newmont's Murdy
told a media briefing on the raised bid.

Newmont stormed back into the battle for Normandy in New York
on Sunday, winning the support of Normandy's board for its
revised offer. The new offer, which values Normandy at A$4.24 billion
or about A$1.90 per share, is 15 percent higher than a rival bid made
by South African miner AngloGold Ltd .

Newmont's policy differs from AngloGold, which has hedged
about 84 percent of next year's production at an average price of
US$281 an ounce, compared with spot bullion at US$273 an ounce.

Newmont is also offering another US$2.58 billion in shares to buy
Canadian gold investor Franco-Nevada Mining Corp Ltd, which owns
19.9 percent of Normandy.

Franco-Nevada also has thrown its hat in with Newmont and is liable
for US$100 million in break fees if it pulls out.

We bring together a strong balance sheet and the royalty income
flows that Franco-Nevada contributes, that becomes our natural
hedge. Therefore, we can remain exposed to the gold price,
Newmont's Murdy said.

Hedging allows a company to guard against falling gold prices
by selling future production at a fixed price, but it can backfire
when bullion prices rise.

A boom in hedging, designed to guarantee fixed selling prices
for future production of gold, has placed mining companies and
other investors in gold at risk if bullion prices rise too much.

The plight of Ashanti Goldfields Ltd. and Cambior Inc., which
were forced to restructure in 1999 after a price surge tipped
their hedge books out of kilter, highlighted the downside risk
to industry hedging.

Hedging has been the bane of this industry, said Franco-Nevada
president Pierre Lassonde.

He predicted some 1,000 tonnes of gold will be removed from
the world gold pool annually over the next few years as low
interest rates dull the appeal of borrowing gold to install
hedges and mine output declines, Lassonde said.

The price could easily go up $50 an ounce, Lassonde said.


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[CTRL] Fwd: Giuliani leaves 4 billion budget gap behind

2001-12-10 Thread Kris Millegan


[Let's see...a hundred million each in tax 
write-offs to the major media outlets, a new building for those needy folks at 
theNY Stock Exchange, minor league baseball stadiums for the Mets and 
Yankees and proposed major league stadiums for each at taxpayer expense, huge 
financial gifts to recipients like David Rockefeller, Disneyand a circle 
of billionaire real estate developers who supported him, losing hundreds of 
lawsuits for constitutional violations, police abuses etc, etcit's not hard 
to see how a "genius" like America's Mayor could leave even America's 
wealthiestcity in bancruptcy. It's the "Giuliani Legacy". This has very 
little to do with the economic impact of 9/11 and would have happened 

December 10, 2001METRO MATTERS 
Unpaid Pipers in a City Of Resilience



THERE were pessimists who were despairing and optimists who were encouraging, 
which makes perfect sense. Both were talking about New York City, which delights 
in eluding typecasting. 
The event was a weekend conference of the Citizens Budget Commission, the 
civic watchdog and research group that is wont to shake its fiscally prudent 
finger at mayors who inevitably stray.
That in fact emerged as the unofficial theme of the event at the IBM Palisades Conference Center in Rockland County: the 
stubborn inclination of mayors to spend in good times, making it tougher in the 
bad times.
Even under Rudolph W. Giuliani, a Republican who promised fiscal 
prudence, the municipal work force expanded to 250,000  6,600 more than when he 
took office; city debt grew to 17 percent of the budget from 5 percent, and 
budget surpluses generated by a booming economy were rolled from one year into 
the next rather than being set aside for the inevitable rainy day. 
Now, Mr. Giuliani leaves Mayor-elect Michael R. Bloomberg an 
anticipated budget gap projected to be $3.5 billion to more than $4 billion, 
more than any of the last four mayors have had to close in a single year. 
Economists blame the recession, exacerbated by Sept. 11, and the 
administration's policies. It spent when it had the money.
"It's just the way it is, unless something or someone changes it," said 
Eugene J. Keilin, chairman of the commission. "But if we keep doing what we've 
been doing, we'll ultimately have to pay the piper."
The pattern is the same going way back, the big crunch coming in the 
mid-1970's, with the fiscal crisis that banished the kind of egregious fiscal 
irresponsibility that brought the city to near-bankruptcy. But with the return 
of fiscal stability also came generous spending whenever the economy 
No mayor has yet gotten elusive productivity savings from the municipal 
unions, or restructured property taxes or undertaken any other fundamental 
budget reforms favored by fiscal experts.
Mayors have their own priorities: Edward I. Koch jump-started the rebirth of 
the Bronx by building housing for the poor. David N. Dinkins, facing a crime 
wave, began expanding the police force. Mr. Giuliani spent on safety, education 
and tax cuts. 
"It's called democracy: elections," said Alan G. Hevesi, the city 
comptroller. "It's an imperative of governing and decision- making, knowing you 
have to fix schools, subways, keep the city safe. It's not a question of bad 
faith but of a mindset. The mindset is short term." Especially now, with term 
limits. Why deal with long-term debt if it's not going to be your problem?
For optimism, the conference turned to history.
And Kenneth T. Jackson, president of the New-York Historical Society, noted 
that New York City has always reinvented itself, even as many other cities 
deteriorated, unable to adjust to the rise of suburbia, the decline in 
manufacturing, the competition of cheap labor and other strains.
NEW YORK has distinct strengths, said Mr. Jackson, a history professor at 
Columbia University and editor in chief of the "Encyclopedia of New York City." 
Contrary to its general reputation, the city is comparatively honest and safe, 
he said, citing its relative freedom from large-scale corruption, and the 
ability of mayors to find a "balance between freedom and order." The city also 
delivers basic services efficiently, he said, and has enough good private, 
parochial and elite public schools to keep the middle class and the affluent 
from fleeing to the suburbs.
And, he said, it elects mayors every now and then who convey "a sense of 
leadership and enthusiasm," creating an atmosphere that draws and retains people 
and businesses. Mr. Jackson noted that a half-century ago, the city seemed 
unstoppable. Everything looked great. But the general impression was wrong. Big 
trouble loomed, from the decline of manufacturing and the port to racial strife 
and competition from the Sunbelt.
Today, things look dire. Or maybe not. Mr. Jackson cited a 1934 quotation 
from Charles E. Merriam, then a professor at the University 


2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-



In their 1988 book 'Manufacturing Consent - The
Political Economy of the Mass Media', Edward Herman
and Noam Chomsky introduced their 'propaganda model'
of the media. The propaganda model argues that there
are 5 classes of 'filters' in society which determine
what is 'news'; in other words, what gets printed in
newspapers or broadcast by radio and television.
Herman and Chomsky's model also explains how dissent
from the mainstream is given little, or zero,
coverage, while governments and big business gain easy
access to the public in order to convey their
state-corporate messages - for example, 'free trade is
beneficial, 'globalisation is unstoppable' and 'our
policies are tackling poverty'.

We have already touched upon the fact that corporate
ownership of the media can - and does - shape
editorial content. The sheer size, concentrated
ownership, immense owner wealth, and profit-seeking
imperative of the dominant media corporations could
hardly yield any other result. It was not always thus.
In the early nineteenth century, a radical British
press had emerged which addressed the concerns of
workers. But excessive stamp duties, designed to
restrict newspaper ownership to the 'respectable'
wealthy, began to change the face of the press.
Nevertheless there remained a degree of diversity. In
postwar Britain, radical or worker-friendly newspapers
such as the Daily Herald, News Chronicle, Sunday
Citizen (all since failed or absorbed into other
publications) and the Daily Mirror (at least until the
late 1970s) regularly published articles questioning
the capitalist system.

The well-known journalist John Pilger joined the
Mirror in 1963, and worked there for over 20 years.
Pilger later claimed that 'The Mirror was the first
popular paper to encourage working-class people to
express themselves, for whatever reason, to their
newspaper'. Luckily for him, 'Irreverence and a
certain anarchy were encouraged'. Later, when Robert
Maxwell took over ownership of the newspaper, Pilger
was personally assured that his job was secure:
'Eighteen months later, after relentless interference
from Maxwell, I was sacked.'

The media typically comprise large conglomerates -
News International, CBS (now merged with
Westinghouse), Turner Broadcasting (now merged with
Time-Warner) - which may belong to even larger parent
corporations such as General Electric (owners of NBC).
All are tied into the stock market. Wealthy people sit
on the boards of these major corporations, many with
extensive personal and business contacts in other
corporations. Herman and Chomsky point out, for
instance, that: 'GE [General Electric] and
Westinghouse are both huge, diversified multinational
companies heavily involved in the controversial areas
of weapons production and nuclear power.' It is
difficult to conceive that press neutrality would not
be compromised in these areas. But more widely, press
freedom is limited by the simple fact that the owners
of the media corporations are driven by free market
ideology. How likely is it, then, that such owners
would happily allow their own newspaper, radio or TV
station to criticise systematically the 'free market'
capitalism which is the source of his material wealth?

The second filter of the propaganda model is
advertising. Newspapers have to attract and maintain a
high proportion of advertising in order to cover the
costs of production; without it, the price of any
newspaper would be many times what it is now, which
would soon spell its demise in the marketplace. There
is fierce competition throughout the media to attract
advertisers; a newspaper which gets less advertising
than its competitors is put at a serious disadvantage.
Lack of success in raising advertising revenue was
another factor in the demise of 'people's newspapers'
in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It is
clear, therefore, that for any publication or
commercial radio or TV station to survive, it has to
hone itself into an advertiser-friendly medium. In
other words, the media has to be sympathetic to
business interests, such as the travel, automobile and
petrochemical industries. Even the threat of
withdrawal of advertising can affect editorial
content. A letter sent to the editorial offices of a
hundred magazines by a major car producer stated: 'In
an effort to avoid potential conflicts, it is required
that Chrysler corporation be alerted in advance of any
and all editorial content that encompasses sexual,
political, social issues or any editorial content that
could be construed as provocative or offensive.' In
1999, British Telecom threatened to withdraw
advertising from The Daily Telegraph following a
number of critical articles. The journalist
responsible was suspended.

A 1992 US study of 150 news editors found that 90 per
cent said that advertisers tried to interfere with
newspaper content, and 70 per cent tried to stop news

[CTRL] The Southeast Asian Treasure Connection

2001-12-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


The Southeast Asian Treasure Connection

(The above is a REAL 6.2 kg BURMA three-star gold bar)

This page is totally dedicated to World War II Treasure buried and sunken in
the Republic of the Philippines. IRG is here to assist you in your treasure
quest and we hope some of this information is helpful and informative.

For those of you who are successful, or have some good input to add to these
pages, we would like to hear from you. Your stories will be treated with the
upmost confidentially.

For those of you who would like to email to IRG requesting financial
assistance with your site - please do not do so at this time as we are simply
overwhelmed with potential site information at this time.

Thanks  Good luck to you all

Why so much buried World War II loot in the Philippines?
Written by Tony Wells

Read News Paper Articles Regarding WWII treasure in the Philippines;

*   Treasure Diggings Uncovered At University of the Philippines (Dec. 27,
*   Sunken Ships Abound In Bolenao Waters (July 28, 2000)
*   Treasure Hunt Halted By New TRO (March 3, 2000)
*   Chief Spy Admits To 12 Treasure Hunt Jobs (March 2, 2000)
*   Bulacan Treasure Hunt Not Covert --- Calimlim (March 1, 2000)
*   Philippine Daily Inquirer Articles (Oct. - Nov. 1999)
*   Experts Say RP Seas Trove Of Treasures (Sept. 13, 1999)
*   War Tunnels Lie Beneath Cherry Hills (Aug. 11, 1999)
*   Marcos Loot Hunt Now On The Web
*   Enzo To Testify On Marcos Gold (He claims to know about 200 witnesses who

could testify on the existence of the Marcos gold, including those who
had dug it up).
*   Marcos Wealth Brings Bitter Memories To Buddha Finder Heir (Result of
Imelda Marcos' claim to having horded 4,000 tons of gold)
*   SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE : `We were there; we dug up gold' (Ex-Philippine Army
soldiers tell story of recovering WWII treasures buried throughout the
country for Ex-President Marcos)
*   Presidential Commission of Good Government (PCGG) Plans To Dig For
Yamashita's Treasure On Marcos Property (4-part story)
*   Jury Orders Marcos To Pay $22 Billion For Golden Treasure
*   Marcos' Son Willing To Trade Assets For Immunity
*   Ramos Seeks Compromise On Hidden Marcos Loot
*   Check Japan Banks For War Loot : Dutch POW Group
*   Yamashita's Treasure Claims Two More Lives
*   Quest Continues For Legendary Yamashita's Gold
*   Jet Crashes At Davao Airport; 12 Injured (Jet was carrying 8 crates of
recovered treasure Gold during take-off)
*   Golden Buddha Finder Wins $460-M Claim To FM Deposits
*   25 Billion Imelda's Treasure Found (Hidden in vault in Zurich)
*   General Yamashita's Treasure Found (Japanese TV crew make major find
while filming in PI mountains)

NEW! - If you have recovered gold from a treasure dig and wish to sell it -
please click here!

 View Photos of actual recovered Treasures! All of these items were recovered
by other groups (not IRG) and we are not trying to claim that the following
displayed items were recovered by IRG. These pictures are being used to prove
that the existance of buried and sunken WWII Treasure in the Philippines DOES

Visit the site, THE GOLD OF THE SUN, and order the best and most
comprehensive book that has ever been written regarding Buried World War II
treasure in the Philippines! If this doesn't make a believer out of
you...nothing will.

Read chapter Four and Sixteen from THE MARCOS DYNASTY written by Sterling

(Total of 28-pages of detailed information concerning Yamashita's Gold)

Read two book reviews from Sterling Seagrave's latest book, THE YAMATO
DYMASTY! More interesting information on the looting of Asia during WWII.

See MAPS below for; Major battle sites on Philippine islands, Japanese
Imperial Army strong holds, retreat routes, POW camps, etc.:

*   Top 10 Major battle sites between USA/Filipino forces against the
Japanese Imperial Forces on Northern Luzon between January 9th and August
15th, 1945.
*   Japanese Imperial Army troop locations on Northern Luzon in Feburary 1945.
*   Final Imperial Army mountainous strong hold on Northern Luzon before
surrendering (July - August 15th, 1945).
*   Location of 16 major POW internment camp sites 

[CTRL] Hegemony or Survival

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


Hegemony or Survival
By Noam Chomsky - 3 July 2001

At the end of June, the UN Conference on Disarmament
concludes the second of its year 2001 sessions.
Prospects for any constructive outcome of disarmament
efforts are slim. Discussions have been blocked by US
insistence on pursuing ballistic missile defense (BMD)
programs, against near-unanimous opposition.

On the purpose of BMD, there is a fair measure of
agreement across a broad spectrum. Potential
adversaries regard it as an offensive weapon. Reagan's
SDI (Star wars) was understood in the same light.
China's top arms control official simply reflected
common understanding when he observed that Once the
United States believes it has both a strong spear and
a strong shield, it could lead them to conclude that
nobody can harm the United States and they can harm
anyone they like anywhere in the world. There could be
many more bombings like what happened in Kosovo --
the reaction of most of the world to what was
perceived as a reversion to the gunboat wars of a
century ago, with the colonial powers of the West,
with overwhelming technological advantages, subduing
natives and helpless countries that had no ability to
defend themselves, doing as they choose while
cloaked in moralistic righteousness (Israeli
military analyst Amos Gilboa). The reaction to the
US-UK Gulf War was much the same among the traditional
natives and helpless countries. Fortunately for its
self-image, Western ideology is well-insulated from
such departures from right thinking.

China is also well aware that it is not immune. It
knows that the US and NATO maintain the right of first
use of nuclear weapons, and knows as well as US
military analysts that Flights by U.S. EP-3 planes
near China...are not just for passive surveillance;
the aircraft also collect information used to develop
nuclear war plans (William Arkin, Bull. of Atomic
Scientists, May/June 2001).

Canadian military planners advised their government
that the goal of BMD is arguably more in order to
preserve U.S./NATO freedom of action than because U.S.
really fears North Korean or Iranian threat.
Prominent strategic analysts agree. BMD will
facilitate the more effective application of U.S.
military power abroad, Andrew Bacevich writes
(National Interest, Summer 2001): By insulating the
homeland from reprisal -- albeit in a limited way --
missile defense will underwrite the capacity and
willingness of the United States to `shape' the
environment elsewhere. He cites approvingly the
conclusion of Lawrence Kaplan: Missile defense isn't
really meant to protect America. It's a tool for
global dominance, for hegemony.

That this goal should be embraced by all
right-thinking people follows at once from the
principles of the respectable opinion that defines
the parameters within which the policy debate occurs.
The spectrum is very broad: it excludes only tattered
remnants of hard-core isolationists and those few
beleaguered radicals still pining for the glory days
of the 1960s, and is so authoritative as to be
virtually immune to challenge (Bacevich). The first
principle is straightforward: America as historical
vanguard. According to this authoritative principle,
history has a discernible direction and destination.
Uniquely among all the nations of the world, the
United States comprehends and manifests history's
purpose, namely, freedom, achieved through the
spread of democratic capitalism, and embodied in the
American Way of Life. Accordingly, US hegemony is the
realization of history's purpose; the merest truism,
virtually immune to challenge.

The principle is by no means novel, nor is the US
unique in history in basking in such praise from
domestic thinkers.

In contrast, the goal offered the public - protection
from rogue states - is not taken very seriously.
Unless dedicated to instant collective suicide, no
state would launch missiles at the US. And there are
far easier and safer means to inflict enormous damage
on its territory. Anyone who doubts that terrorists
could smuggle a nuclear warhead into New York City
should note that they could always wrap it in a bale
of marijuana, one prominent analyst comments
sardonically. Another points out that a nuclear bomb
that could easily wipe out Manhattan and kill 100,000
people is a ball of plutonium weighing about 15
pounds. It is a little bigger than a softball. One
such bomb could be carried into the United States in a
suitcase. And if one could, many could.

Nuclear weapons are, of course, not the only weapons
of mass destruction (WMD): chemical and biological
weapons are arguably a greater threat to the rich and
powerful. The 1997 treaty banning chemical weapons is
languishing in large measure because the US has not
funded inspections and other action, while Washington
has made a mockery of the treaty by effectively
exempting itself, a senior analyst of the Henry
Stimson Center observes. Biological weapons bans have

[CTRL] Policy Entrepreneurs - 1997

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


Policy Entrepreneurs: The Third Dimension in American
Foreign-policy Culture
M. A. Muqtedar Khan

M. A. Muqtedar Khan is a PhD candidate in political
science at Georgetown University

The Great oil boom was an event so profoundly and
broadly influential that it provides the key to
understanding the surge of Islam.. — Daniel Pipes,

Yet it is naive to attribute the Islamic revival
mainly to oil. — John Esposito, 1985.2

Yes, I did publish a book in 1983, In the Path of
God, suggesting that the resurgence of Islam in the
1970s resulted from the boom in oil wealth. At this
point I don’t know what causes fundamentalism[It]
may be too complicated for us to figure out. — Daniel
Pipes, 1994.3

In the long run, many academics were proved right. —
David D. Newsom, 1995-96.4

Policy is the codification of politics. They are
inextricably linked, making consensus among the policy
community essential to articulating and implementing a
cohesive and consistent policy. This is particularly
true in American foreign policy, given its
significance and complexity. In the specific case, for
example, of how America should deal with the
phenomenon of Islamic resurgence, consensus has been
lacking, and for over two decades a vitriolic debate
has raged among politicians, policy makers,
practitioners, academics, journalists and policy

This paper is an attempt to make sense of the circus
that American foreign-policy making has become, due to
the competition between national interests and special
interests. Two perspectives have emerged,6 one
advanced by academics and the other by policy
entrepreneurs. While attempting to shed light on the
politics of policy making, my primary objective is to
contextualize the role of various communities of
specialists in the shaping of American foreign policy
towards Islam.


Alexander George has devoted his career to reducing
the gap between the practitioners of American foreign
policy and academics who study it.7 He argues that
even though a substantial mingling of the two cultures
has taken place,8 bridging the gap between the two
worlds has been increasingly slow and difficult,
especially in the area of conflict management and use
of force.9 George chooses to attribute the differences
between policy makers and academics to culture, that
is, different practices, operational styles and
professional missions.10

David Newsom, a former U.S. ambassador and
under-secretary of state and a distinguished professor
of international relations who has first-hand
experience of both cultures, presents the dichotomy as
one between actors and observers.11 He contends that
while, in the long run, academics have been proven
right, practitioners are more concerned with the
articulation and justification of current policy. This
preference leads them to often ignore advice from
academics, whose concern is intellectual.
Practitioners generally seek to balance domestic and
international politics, resources and realities in an
effort to hammer out a workable policy.12

Both George and Newsom observe that academics tend to
prefer theory to pragmatism. International-relations
(IR) scholars are primarily concerned with eliciting
generalizable conclusions and may gloss over specific
particularities that may have grave policy relevance.
A mutual distrust exists between the two groups that
could be attributed to an absence of communication.13
However, IR scholars are not the only academics who
write about U.S. foreign policy. Regional scholars,
area specialists and historians also offer criticism
and advice to the foreign-policy establishment, and
these disciplines are outstanding for their lack of

Gary Sick, an expert on Iran, who, like Newsom, has
experienced both the cultures of academia and policy
making,14 makes a similar observation:

There is a deep and widening gap between the
perception of Iran by the Washington policy community,
on the one hand and by many if not most academic
specialists on the other. Given the divergence of
interests between these two groups, perhaps this
should not surprise us; but to me, as one who has
worked both sides of that fence, the present emergence
of two contradictory truths about Iran goes far
beyond the usual differences between policy wonks and

Norvell B. De Atkine, a practitioner, also expresses
disappointment at the lack of influence that Middle
East scholars have on U.S. foreign policy:15

American specialists on the Middle East are not just
talented but have replaced their British colleagues as
the greatest sources of knowledge on the region. Why
then are they out of the loop?

His response to the question is a polemical
condemnation of academics in the field. He casts
aspersions on their loyalty, dismisses their
commitment to objectivity and methodology, and finally
declares them unreliable because of their obsession

Re: [CTRL] Videotape shows bin Laden discussing attacks. OH, YEAH? Looking at more bad disinfo rmation from the WTC-frame-up cover-up crowd. U.S.A. (the killer clowns who have made us hated around the world)

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

Do You Yahoo!?
Send your FREE holiday greetings online!

So the world is being told that a tape has been found in which
bin Ladin admits all.

Hogs breath.

Yes, the Yakima-Herald-Republic carried the same story
with exactly the same suspicious elements and unfounded

The entire argument that this video amounts to an admission of
complicity is based on a segment in which bin Ladin, in an
unquoted and not-literally-translated segment in which he makes
reference to the WTC not coming down in a way one expects.
(We do not know the tenses of the Arabic used  --  did he mean
the towers did not come down as one would expect or as I
would have expected --  because Arabic tenses may not offer
that choice  -- it may merely say as expected  --  which the
American disinformation teams choose to interprest as It did
not come down the way I expected it would  --  a translation
that would not stand up before any Arabic speaker.

Once this little distortion gets its nose under the tent, the
can build to suit:

If he expected the building to go down a certain way before,
than that means he was thinking about it coming down, and the
only reason he would have for thinking that it was coming down
would be if he was engaged in planning for it to come down.

But this is absurd.  If bin Ladin had planned to crashbomb the
world trade center towers he would not be thinking about how
it would come down  --  just hitting it would have met any terrorists
objective.   Bin Ladin would not have had the engineers and the plans
and conducted the sophisticated analysis  --  only men who were
attempting to sabotage the building to destroy evidene of oil swaps
and illegal gold price fixing that the Securities and Exchange Commission
and the FBI were investigating in the North Tower would have motive
to think about getting the whole thing down etc.

And who has given the reporters this story?  Unnamed government officials
who themselves merely have been reported to have  read transcript
or been briefed on the content.

The Moslem world knows that the crashbombing was a frame-up.
And our government knows that large segments of  the internet community
are convinced and adding more and more to a case for frame-up/treason
that is all ready overwhelming.

Yet this video is not being released.  What possible reason can the Powell,
Rice, Rumsfeld and Bush have for not presenting the evidence that will
exhorate them before an increasingly disbelieving and enraged world?

If the tape is not a Mossad or CIA creation and really was a film of
the real bin Laden that someone let on his bed as he deserted his home
in Jalalabad --  marked what?  bin Laden confession??? --  amazing,
to me that the Northern Alliance would just happen to find this tape.

Who would make such a tape?  Why would it only include bin Ladin's
remark about expectation of the manner of collapse and not -- since
he is letting his hair down with the audience -- any comment about motive
or intention or the decision making process or anything of the many other
things he would certainly want clarified for his followers if he was
a video for his followers who are in the know.  Instead just one oblique
reference to his expectations  -- hanging out in space  --  with nothing
worthy of offering as proof or evidence in the entire 40 minutes of the
I do not suspect that the tape is a fake.  I suspect that the tape is not
an admission.

It turns out that Tony Blair's famous inconclusive proof was in fact
proof of just the opposite -- bin Ladin made it very clear that he
was not involved -- merely that Allah let it happen etc.

A new bit of phoney evidence was needed.  But they don't have it.
If they did they would show it?  The al-Qa'eda, if it is there's certainly
know what is in it.  Certainly, if it was not intended to be seen by
the west, it can't contain code for terrorists --  and why would al-Qa'eda
want to convince the West of bin Laden's guilt ?

One wonders what part Israeli intelligence has played in the
history of this tape?  (Sharon is the world's true suspect
for the bombing --  outside the ring of ignorance maintained
by the CFR-coordinated  media monopoly.)

Notice, also, that this crucial  tape was sent by our government to
outside experts to confirm its authenticity.  How come?  Doesn't
the government want the liability for a false claim of authenticity?
Who did this test?  Why can't we be told?

Does that mean that the FBI did not get to analyse it?  It sure
sounds that way, doesn't it?

I say by all means keep this tape for evidence  -- evidence for the
conviction of treason of most of this Administration and the
State Department.  The deliberate misrepresentation of the contents
of this tape and possible the making of a bogus frame-up interview
as part of the great cover-up  

Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- Jim Rarey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have read all three transcripts and nowhere does
 it cite Bush as saying he
 saw the first plane hit a tower.

from the transcript you say you read:

And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go
in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was
obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said,
'There's one terrible pilot.' And I said, 'It must
have been a horrible accident.'

But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have much time
to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom,
and Andy Card, my chief who was sitting over here
walked in and said, 'A second plane has hit the tower.
America's under attack.'


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Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- inri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

  bush said in WHITE HOUSE TRANSCRIPTS that he
  it live...

 ..yet bush is a liar. you admit so yourself by
 claiming that he knew
 about the attacks.

he may be a liar and he may be dumb enough to slip...

but he is not dumb enough to deliberately lie in such
a way as to incriminate himself...NOT DELIBERATELY!


if everyone's brains suddenly turned off?

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[CTRL] Bits Pieces 8 Dec 01 Part 2

2001-12-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The White House said those circumstances could include current
national  security issues a former president might be unaware of. In
effect the executive order makes the release of records dependent on the
good graces of the former president, said Public Citizen attorney
Scott  Nelson.

The whole point of the Presidential Records Act was to take control
of  access out of the hands of the former presidents, he said. By
the  presidents back the power to cover up inconvenient demands, the
executive  order has inevitably made people wonder what they may be
to hide.

Nelson said the government had 60 days to respond and he expected briefs
to  be presented in U.S. District court early in 2002.

Remains Identified - From the Department of Defense, December 6th - The
remains of an American serviceman missing in action from the Vietnam War
have been identified and returned to his family in the United
States.  Identified is Navy Cmdr. John A. Feldhaus, of Lawrenceberg,

On Oct. 8, 1966, Feldhaus took off from the carrier USS Oriskany in an
A-1H Skyraider on an armed reconnaissance mission over Thanh Hoa
North Vietnam.  As he and his wingman entered heavy clouds, Feldhaus
radioed that he had been hit by enemy ground fire and his right wing was
fire.  His wingman never saw Feldhaus' aircraft again, but he did report
seeing a fireball on the ground which he believed to be an aircraft

The wingman and another aircrew searched the area of the crash without
success.  They saw no parachute and heard no emergency radio signals.
visual search was hampered by enemy ground fire and deteriorating
weather.  Electronic surveillance continued on the succeeding days, but
revealed nothing.

In October 1993, a joint U.S./Vietnamese team led by Joint Task
Accounting conducted an investigation in Thanh Hoa Province where they
believed the crash occurred, but they found no aircraft debris or
remains.  Between 1996 and 2000, another four investigations or
were conducted in Vietnam, yielding aircraft debris, pilot-related
artifacts, personal effects and remains.

Among the forensic tools used by the U.S. Army Central Identification
Laboratory Hawaii (CILHI) to confirm the identification was that of
mitochondrial DNA, in which DNA from a skeletal fragment was matched to
that of a Feldhaus family member

Report From Ground Zero -  Early last  week the Medical Examiners Office
New York City announced that they had misidentified the remains of one
the firefighters recovered from Ground Zero   Remains
originally  identified as firefighter Jose Guadalup were disinterred,
it was confirmed that the remains were actually firefighter Christopher

The Medical Examiners Office acted swiftly to correct their error and
with the families in an honest manner.

CIL-HI Take A Lesson..

Why Does Johnnie Webb Still Have A Job??

Plan Ahead -  The National Alliance of Families 13th Annual Forum will
held  June 20 - 22, 2002.  Details to follow.

Increased Need to Trust Government Drives Seismic Shift in Public
- From Fox News - WASHINGTON   - The Sept. 11 attacks and the Bush
administration's response  have driven up the public's trust in the
government to levels not seen  in more than three decades.

That trust comes at a time when Americans are more willing to accept
government censorship for national security, strict security measures
curb the rights of terrorism suspects and a terrorism war that could
include high American casualties

Pollsters, historians and social scientists are watching closely to
see if the increased trust in institutions that came after the terrorist
attacks will be long_term, like some public opinion shifts during
wars, or will quickly temper. They tend to agree the length of  positive
sentiment towards the government is related to the duration of  security
threats and the government's performance...

...The number of Americans who think government can be trusted to do
is right most of the time has risen to six in 10, according to a
recent  Gallup poll. That's a level not seen since the 1960s, before a
steady drop in public trust with Vietnam, civil unrest and the Watergate

By 1980, only 25 percent of the public felt government could be
trusted  most of the time, and by 1994, only 17 percent felt that way.
the  late 1990s, the number who trusted government had rebounded to

Those who closely monitor public opinion caution such attitudes can
rapidly, depending on the progress of the war on terrorism and the
But they also said the terror threat may have changed something
about how the government is perceived.  Earlier wars caused long_term

[CTRL] Bits Pieces 8 Dec 01 Part 1

2001-12-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

National Alliance of Families
For The Return of America's Missing Servicemen
World War II - Korea - Cold War - Vietnam - Gulf War

Dolores Alfond - 425-881-1499
Lynn O'Shea --- 718-846-4350
Web Site http://www.nationalalliance.org

December 8, 2001Bits N Pieces

It is God's job to forgive Osama bin Laden.
It is the Armys job to arrange a face to face meeting.


It is God's job to forgive Osama bin Laden.
It is the Marines job to arrange a face to face meeting

Variations of a popular e-mail circulating on the Internet

American Casualties  - To the family of Johnny Micheal Spann, Master
Jefferson Donald Davis, Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Henry Petithory, and Staff
Sgt. Brian Cody Prosser, we offer our deepest sympathy.

 From Secrecy News  Nov. 30th - The death of CIA officer Johnny Micheal
Spann in Afghanistan was acknowledged with dignity and eloquence on
November 28 by Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet.  In an
extraordinary departure from past practice, however, the CIA issued a
release about Spann's death:


Why did the Agency take this unusual step?  CIA spokesman Bill Harlow
Reuters that Some circumstances will permit you to identify people who
have given their lives for their country and for the Agency and when we
do so, we do.  But this is not a satisfactory explanation or an
description of CIA disclosure policy.

There is a stubborn, irrational resistance to disclosure of such
information, author Ted Gup found in his recent study The Book of
Covert Lives and Classified Deaths at the CIA. The Book of Honor refers
the record of those CIA officers who were killed in the line of duty (of
which there are now 79), nearly half of whom are still not identified by
name but only by an engraved star.

Douglas S. Mackiernan was killed on the Tibetan border in 1950, wrote
last year.  His star remains nameless.  So, too, does that of Hugh
Redmond, who died in 1970 after nineteen years in a Chinese prison.  In
both instances the Chinese knew they were CIA spies.  Only the American
public did not.

This practice is not only an injustice to the memory of those who died,
is also bad policy because it erodes the already shaky credibility of
classification actions.

It is possible to do better.   Thus, in the course of his investigation
Gup learned the identity of a young woman [CIA officer] who died a
and selfless death in 1996 but did not reveal her name because The
made a compelling case that to identify her would put others at

...According to a CIA spokesman, Johnny Micheal Spann's middle name is
properly spelled Micheal and not, as New York Times editors and others
have emended it, Michael.

National Alliance of Families extends our deepest sympathy to the family
and friends of Liam Atkins, who passed suddenly this week.

Former Soldier Flees to South Korea - Associated Press November 24th -
SEOUL, South Korea  A former South Korean soldier who was captured
the 1950-53 Korean War has returned home after fleeing the North, the
government said Saturday.

The 67-year-old man recently arrived in South Korea with 18 North
who had fled hunger and other hardships, the government's National
Intelligence Service said in a news release. It did not identify him.

The man was taken prisoner during a battle in central Korea. He spent
of his life in the North toiling in coal mines, the intelligence agency
said. It did not reveal other details, such as the former soldier's

Over the years, 23 South Korean prisoners of war have returned home
fleeing the North. South Korea believes North Korea still holds 300
Southern soldiers, but Pyongyang denies it.

The former soldier and the 18 North Korean defectors lived in a third
country before coming to Seoul, the agency said.  Most North Korean
defectors arrive through China, but South Korean authorities usually
identify China out of respect for that country's relations with North

Again, we ask the same question - why not Americans?  If South Korean
can survive in North Korea, Why Not Americans?

Support Our Servicemen and Women - From the Department of Defense,
Department of Defense announced today an alternative to the Any
Servicemember and Operation Dear Abby programs, which were suspended
indefinitely in the wake of anthrax mail attacks.

The Navy has developed a Web-based alternative to benefit members of all
Services.  The program can be reached at the Navy LIFELines Services
Network at


[CTRL] A Prayer for America

2001-12-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

A Prayer for America

Heavenly Father, we bow before you with reverence and
humility, acknowledging that you are the Almighty Creator
of the Universe.  We thank you for this great land, the
United States of America that you have given us for an

We thank you that we live in this land, purchased by our
forbearers' at great personal risk, blood, sweat, sacrifice
and tears; and we thank you for them. We thank you that
they had vision of a better place, a place where all are
acknowledged to be created equal in your sight. Help us
Fa-ther, to act according to their great insight. We thank
you that this is a land of freedom, promise, and
opportunity; a land where we can assemble freely, where we
have the privilege, indeed, right to speak and to
acknowledge that you are our God, our Rock and our

We thank you for protecting America, even in those times
when she has not deserved your pro-tection.  We thank you
for the abundance of this land, for freedom that is
unequaled in the annals of history, whose freedom is
according to your will, and bought with the sacrifices of
hundreds of thousands of patriots.  Thank you for all the
blessings you have showered upon America. But Lord, we
thank you most for the greatest gift of all, the gift of
your Son, the Lord and Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, as we near the date that shall live in
infamy of another era, we are again deeply concerned about
our nation at this time of undeclared war.  We pray for
those men who seek to find and destroy Bin Laden and his
network of evil, wherever it may be.  Despite our
in-stinctive hatred for them and what the evil they have
committed, we pray that our enemies will find you, the only
true God, Creator, Deliverer, Compassionate Father and, at
the last day, Judge of all humankind.

We pray for those who were killed during the attack on this
country, especially we pray for the heroes among them and
for the police and firefighters who died while seeking to
save lives.  Give them the assurance that this nation will
take care of its own. We pray for the volunteers whose
selfless devotion has relieved distress and provided
comfort; bless them now and in the world to come.  We pray
for the members of our fighting forces who stand at this
moment in harm's way, who bear the separation, hardship,
danger, injury and death to protect this great land.
Protect them and endow them with the character to do what
is right, the courage and strength to not shrink from it,
and the stamina to endure until victory is won. We pray
that you will comfort and bless all of their families; keep
them safe from evil and from the predators who would use
them for selfish purposes. Especially we pray, be with,
comfort the innocent little children and bless them; raise
them up to be mighty children of the Heavenly King.

Although we are not worthy, Almighty Father, forgive us of
our sins, especially of our thought-less arrogance.
Forgive us for believing that we can expect your blessings
while we embrace conduct that is morally destructive and
socially divisive. Forgive us for replacing you with
worldly pleasures and lusts, and for believing that we are
gods.  Awaken us from our drunken stupor of excesses,
convict us of our sin, forgive us and lead us to
everlasting life. We pray that in your great and abundant
mercy you would heal this people, restore this nation to
the path that you would have it follow; and, impute your
children with fervor, love, wisdom, humility and jus-tice.

Raise up spiritual leaders who will follow your divine
will, who will preach, teach and lead your people on the
righteous path. We thank you for those leaders who follow
your holy will.  Raise up dedicated political leaders who
will advance what is right for our nation, states and
communi-ties. We pray that you will endow them with
insight, wisdom, conviction and courage. Keep them mindful
that in the end, they will be held accountable and that
one-day they will surely stand before you at the Judgment
to give an accounting for all their deeds.

We pray for GW Bush, President of these great United
States, that your Holy Spirit will guide him, nurture and
bless him when he is right; and convict him when he is
wrong, convince and redirect him to do your will. We thank
you for all leaders who are endowed with and exercise
in-tegrity, and we most humbly beseech you that you will
multiply their numbers. Keep them clean Father, above
reproach, and protect them from the Evil One. We pray that
you will hold them, and us, in the hollow of your hand.

In Jesus' Holy, Blessed and Everlasting name we pray.


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[CTRL] 7 December 2001 Federalist Edition #01-49

2001-12-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

7 December 2001
Federalist Edition #01-49
Friday Digest

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The Foundation
Federalist Perspective


Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks
and Romans, and must be that of every free state. --Thomas Jefferson


Sixty years ago today, Imperial Japan attacked the United States at
Pearl Harbor. As with the attack on our nation September 11th, we were
wholly unprepared -- a sleeping giant. But the difference in the
execution and outcome of these attacks is as notable as our national
response to each.

The attack on Pearl Harbor required the entire military resources of
Japan. On that fateful Day of Infamy, 353 Japanese planes attacked a
military target killing 2,390 combatants. It took four years and the
full military-industrial capability of the United States to defeat

The attack on 9-11 required only a hand full of Islamic zealots with
some basic flight training, 19 airline tickets and some sharp
instruments. On that fateful day, four commercial airliners were
hijacked, three of which were used as fueled missiles against symbols
of American free enterprise and strength, killing, in less than one
hour, thousands of our countrymen -- most of them non-combatants. The
resulting war on Jihadistan may continue indefinitely, and will
require highly specialized intelligence and military operations to
protect against hit-and-run terrorism.

As it was in 1941, the most dangerous period for our nation's ability
to sustain continuity of government and commerce is the next 6-12
months, while we surge our intelligence and military capabilities to
restore our ability to defend our shores. But there is another looming
threat to the success of our campaign against Jihadistan. We are
fighting an enemy with no borders, and we have become a nation with a
very short memory and even shorter attention span. It will be
difficult for President George Bush to overcome this internal threat
of a looming lack of resolve. We may have to be reminded -- tragically
-- that the threat posed by Islamic terrorists will defy short-term

However difficult the coming months and years may be, in the words of
fellow Patriot Todd Beamer, one of the first combat fatalities in the
war with Jihadistan, we say to all American Patriots: Let's Roll!


Top of the fold...

Measured progress continued in prosecution of our war with Jihadistan.
In Afghanistan, only two major war fronts remained, and the siege of
one, Kandahar in the south, was nearing an end. Marines from Forward
Operating Base Rhino assisted Army Special Forces in tightening the
noose around Kandahar, the Taliban's spiritual center. Of the
remaining Taliban fighters there, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
made clear their options: [I]f they don't surrender, they're going to
be killed If people will not surrender, then they've made their

With those words, Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, holed up in
what is left of Kandahar, started negotiations to ensure his own
survival. But nobody is listening  Apparently Mullah Mo, who
earlier in the week was repeating his mantra that Taliban regulars
must fight to the death to receive their just rewards, had a change of
heart regarding his own. (We suspect the arrival of SF and Marine
units in Mo's neighborhood played some role in that change.) Hell is
not looking so good

Meanwhile, in mountainous northeastern Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden
and his al Qaeda diehards were hiding among the caves and tunnels near
Tora Bora -- awaiting their certain demise.

Though Osama is proving hard to locate, he may soon be found on the
cover of Time magazine as Person of the Year, as the magazine
confirmed he is among a dozen under consideration for recognition as
the one person on Earth who has had the biggest effect on the year's
history. But The Federalist disagrees with the choice of bin Laden and
thinks there's no contest -- Man of the Year this year is a composite,
The American Hero. Despite the recent years of hand-wringing and
whining over the loss of heroes and lack of role models, they have
always been among us: the patriot-passengers of United Flight 93 who
sacrificed their own lives for untold others; the firefighters, police
officers, emergency rescuers and other civilians 

[CTRL] CONGRESS ACTION: December 9, 2001

2001-12-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CONGRESS ACTION: December 9, 2001


DEMS WIN ANWR: When President Bush came into office, he proposed a
comprehensive national energy plan that would have, among many other things,
allowed oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
Naturally, the environmentalists went ballistic. In August the House voted to
allow ANWR drilling to proceed, with the area affected by the drilling
limited to a mere 2000 acres out of the 19 million acre refuge (0.01%). Now
it was up to the Senate, but the Senate is under the control of partisan
obstructionist Tom Daschle. Stymied by Daschle in their attempts to get the
issue before the Senate for an up or down vote, republicans hit upon what
they apparently thought was a clever maneuver. They proposed ANWR drilling as
an amendment to the railroad retirement bill under consideration in the
Senate, and further, they combined the ANWR drilling plan with a moratorium
on human cloning, and proposed both for a single unified vote. Not a single
administration official went public to explain the national security
imperative of increasing our own oil supply. Under such a ridiculous
arrangement, with no high profile presidential support, the combined
amendment went down to resounding defeat -- well deserved, if only because it
was such a dumb idea.

But perhaps the Senate republicans were more clever than anyone suspects, and
perhaps conservatives should be cheering. In the opinion of the libertarian
Cato Institute: .why are free-market types cheering the introduction of a
'comprehensive national energy strategy'? After all, conservatives didn't
cheer a 'comprehensive national Internet strategy' when one was proposed by
Al Gore, a 'comprehensive national industrial strategy' when one was proposed
by Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich, or a 'comprehensive national
health-care strategy' when one was proposed by Hillary Clinton. Conservatives
as a general matter believe that the government ought to leave markets alone
and that 'comprehensive national economic strategies' are things that old
Soviet commissars and young French socialists are in the business of
promoting, not free-market American presidents. So if the radical
environmentalists and the government just get out of the way, the free market
will work its wonders. Not overnight, of course, because it will take time to
remedy the problems created over the last eight years by the anti-growth,
anti-energy Clinton administration. As the Competitive Enterprise Institute
put it, It is true, as the anti-energy zealots proclaim, that it may take a
decade for the oil to start flowing from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
and therefore opening ANWR won't help solve our current problems. But we are
still a decade away because that was also their argument five years ago when
the bill to open a tiny part of the nineteen million acre refuge to
exploration was vetoed.

Even if congressional obstructionists and radical environmentalists get out
of the way, energy independence is still years away. Enter the Segway, a
two-wheeled scooter with a wheel on each side, while the rider stands in
between holding the handlebars. Introduced this week, it is called a
revolutionary new mode of transportation that, according to its inventor,
will be to the car what the car was to the horse and buggy.'' The battery
powered scooter has a top speed of 17 miles per hour, and since there are no
windows and no roof, it won't be much good in the rain. There is no back
seat, so (soccer moms take note) if you want to drive a kid to school on this
contraption, perhaps you'll just have to stuff your youngster into a
backpack. Advertised for local use only, you better not have anything you
need to carry, locally. Like groceries, or a briefcase to work. Because both
of your hands are on the handlebars, although one story claims it can haul 75
pounds of cargo. Maybe they'll sell a tiny trailer that you can drag behind
you as you purr along. Urban planners claim it will appeal to those already
using environmentally responsible transport: bikes, skates, buses and trains
-- anything other than bikes, skates, buses, or trains being, of course,
irresponsible, according to a typically arrogant media report. After all,
doesn't everyone live in metropolitan D.C., L.A. or New York? Why would
anyone have the need for any mode of transportation other than bikes, skates,
buses, or trains? When the consumer model of Segway comes out, it is expected
to cost about $3000. Which is an awful lot for a pair of roller skates or a

TERROR TRIALS II: The Judiciary Committee hearings staged by Senator Leahy
(labeled Osama's Enabler in Congress by the journal Human Events) to
criticize military tribunals resumed this week. The hearing opened with a
statement from Senator Orrin Hatch, justifiably critical of the blatant
partisanship and misplaced 

[CTRL] US Marines Timeline in Afghanistan

2001-12-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Marine Corps Involvement Timeline in Afghanistan
Nov. 7: Marines from the 15th and 26th Marine Expeditionary Units
combined to form Task Force 58 under the command of Brigadier General
James N. Mattis, the commander of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade
at Camp Pendleton, California.   Members of the Australian, British
and German militaries are also included in the task force.

Nov. 21: TF 58 Marines start moving supplies and equipment from six
Navy ships to undisclosed locations.  Operation planning begins in
preparation for a Nov. 23 assault on a desert airstrip southwest of

Nov. 25: Departing from the amphibious assault ship, the U.S.S Peleliu,
Marines fly into Afghanistan aboard six CH-53E helicopters and secure
the designated airstrip.  Within an hour of the initial landing, equipment
and supplies are delivered via C-130 aircraft.

Nov. 26: Two AH-1W Cobra attack helicopters hit a column of about 12
Taliban armored vehicles following up an air strike by Navy F-14 Tomcat
aircraft.  500-600 Marines occupy the airstrip; arrival of troops and
equipment continues throughout the day.

Nov. 27: Marines begin building command centers, accommodation and
medical facilities, while others patrol the airstrip site in Humvees
equipped with TOW missile systems and heavy machine guns.

Nov. 28: Troops continue to arrive for communications and hygiene
improvements, totaling over 800 Marines.   Marines test firepower,
firing 81mm mortars into the desert to calibrate the weapons.

Nov. 29: The number of troops on the ground exceeds 1,000, as
service support Marines and Navy construction Seabeas arrive
aboard Air Force C-17 transport planes with steamrollers, road
graders and other equipment.  The U.S. flag was raised over
the Marines Corps camp in southern Afghanistan.

Dec. 1: 13th MEU (San Diego) sets sail ahead of schedule, aboard
the USS Bonhomme Richard along with two support ships.

Dec. 2: Marines have finished building their defensive
perimeter and continue to reinforce it.

Dec. 3: Three warship-based Harrier jets bomb a target in
southern Afghanistan.  Personnel and supplies continue to
arrive, as Marines prepare for follow up missions.  The
numbers of combat helicopters at the desert airstrip have
nearly been doubled in force, increasing firepower.  A detachment
of light armored vehicles and anti-armor Humvees from the
26th MEU begin operating from the airstrip.

Dec. 4: More equipment and supplies are delivered overnight.

Dec. 5: Marines move into a position surrounding Kandahar,
preparing to cut off escape routes and intercept enemy troops.
Additionally, force reconnaissance Marines of the 15th MEU,
patrol the desert looking for threats.

Dec. 6: Marines were put on alert and fired mortars from
Camp Rhino to keep away Taliban forces probing their defenses.
Additionally, a UH-1N Huey helicopter crashed near the airstrip
at Camp Rhino.  Two servicemen received minor injuries, one of
them on the ground.

Dec. 7: Three Taliban vehicles approach a team of Marines on
heavily armed Humvees at 4 a.m., and the Marines attacked from
the ground and from the air killing seven Taliban fighters.
No Marines were injured.

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[CTRL] Is a war of civilizations ahead?

2001-12-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

December 7, 2001 - WorldNetDaily.Com

Is a war of civilizations ahead?
by Patrick J. Buchanan

With the ouster of the Taliban and eradication of the al-Qaida in
Islamic extremism has sustained a crushing defeat. But what continues to
unsettle Americans is that film of Arab and Islamic people, wildly cheering
barbaric atrocities of Sept. 11.

Is a war of civilizations coming?

Clearly, not a few in the Islamic world and the West so believe, and ardently
desire. And, with the War Party cawing for an attack on Iraq, with Sharon
unleashed after the atrocities in Jerusalem and Haifa, with the U.S. press
calling for a reappraisal of our ties to Saudi Arabia and Egypt, a clash of
civilizations has moved from the possible to the probable.

President Bush, however, seems instinctively aware such a war would be a
disaster. For no matter how many deaths or defeats we inflict, we cannot kill
Islam as we did Nazism, fascism, Japanese militarism and Soviet Bolshevism.
Islam has survived for nearly 1,600 years; it is the predominant faith in 57
countries; it is indestructible.

Astonishingly, 63 years ago, when Islam lay dormant under the heel of Western
empires, a famous Catholic writer predicted Islam would rise again. Wrote
Hillaire Belloc: It has always seemed to me ... probable, that there would
a resurrection of Islam and that our sons or our grandsons would see the
renewal of that tremendous struggle between the Christian culture and what
been for more than a thousand years its greatest opponent.

Islam was a Christian heresy, Belloc believed, whose strength lay in its
insistence on personal immortality, the Unity and Infinite Majesty of God,
his Justice and Mercy [and] ... its insistence on the equality of human souls
in the sight of their Creator.

While The Prophet gave to our Lord the highest reverence, and the Mother of
God was ever for him the first of womankind, he rejected the Incarnation.
Mohammed taught that our Lord was the greatest of all Prophets, but still
a prophet, a man like other men. Belloc believed Islam to be a Reformation
movement with parallels to the Protestant Reformers – on Images, the Mass

When Christians were illiterate, Islam spread for 700 years, until it had
mastered the Balkans and the Hungarian plain, and all but occupied Western
Europe itself, almost destroying Christendom through its early material and
intellectual superiority.

Three heroes saved the West. In 732, at Poitiers, Charles Martel, the Hammer
the Franks, stopped Islam's invasion in France. In 1571, the Christian fleets
of Don Juan of Austria, an illegitimate son of Charles V, destroyed the
Mohammedan armada in an epic battle immortalized in Chesterton's The Ballad
Lepanto. And Polish Catholic King John Sobieski stopped the Turks at Vienna
on a date that ought to be famous in history, September 11, 1683.

One of history's great questions is why the Islamic world collapsed. A
before Yorktown, Constantinople was superior in arms. But in the 18th and
centuries, the Islamic world was not only superseded by the West, it fell
backward – in technology, industry, communications, arms and governance. The
Ottoman Empire became the sick man of Europe.

Colonization by the West followed. In the 20th century, only at Gallipoli –
1915 battle that cost its architect, First Lord of the Admiralty Winston
Churchill, his post – can one recall an Islamic victory over a Western army.

But if a clash of civilizations is coming, how stands the balance of power?
wealth and might, the West is supreme – though wealth did not prevent the
collapse of the Western empires and did not prevent the collapse of the
empire. Rome was mighty, and early Christianity pathetically weak. Yet,
Christianity triumphed.

If belief is decisive, Islam is militant, Christianity milquetoast. In
population, Islam is exploding, the West dying. Islamic warriors are willing
suffer defeat and death, the West recoils at casualties. They are full of
grievance; we, full of guilt. Where Islam prevails, it asserts a right to
impose its dogma, while the West preaches equality. Islam is assertive, the
West apologetic – about its crusaders, conquerors and empires.

Don't count Islam out. It is the fastest growing faith in Europe and has
surpassed Catholicism worldwide. And as Christianity expires in the West and
the churches empty out, the mosques are going up.

To defeat a faith, you need a faith. What is ours? Individualism, democracy,
pluralism, la dolce vita? Can they overcome a fighting faith, 16 centuries
and rising again?


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[CTRL] AF News 8 Dec 01

2001-12-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

1753.  First-term airmen can extend for 'personal convenience'

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- Airmen serving their first term of
enlistment now have the choice to extend one year for their personal
convenience, said officials at the Air Force Personnel Center here.

Prior to this change, first-term airmen could only apply to extend for
mission-related reasons.

The initiative originated with the major command senior enlisted
leadership, said Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Jim Finch, and it
makes sense to implement the change, given our current focus on retention.

The change falls under Rule 28, Best Interest of the Air Force, in Air Force
Instruction 36-2606, Reenlistment In the United States Air Force.  Airmen
wishing to extend under this expanded rule must be re-enlistment eligible,
must not fall under any of the other 27 rules, and must extend for the
entire 12-month period, said Master Sgt. Anthony McKenzie, assistant chief
of the skills management branch here.

First-term airmen can only extend under this rule once, and the total of
this and any other extensions cannot exceed 23 months.

For more information on enlistment extensions, individuals can contact their
local military personnel flights.  (Courtesy of AFPC News Service)

1755.  Researchers study weight management program

by Tech. Sgt. Steve Elliott
Wilford Hall Medical Center Public Affairs

LACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- America is fast becoming a nation
of overweight people, and the U.S. Air Force is not immune to this trend.

About 54 percent of military people are overweight, and 6.2 percent are
obese, according to a study done by Dr. Richard Atkinson, a professor of
internal medicine at the University of Wisconsin; and reported by Reuters
News Service.

In the civilian world, the majority of overweight people are women, while in
the military, the reverse holds true. Atkinson said a study that shows 58.6
percent of the men and 26.1 percent of the women in the military are

About 600 people are separated from the Air Force every year for weight
reasons. That's 600 potentially productive people lost, said Capt. (Dr.)
Christine Hunter, director of clinical programs and research in the Wilford
Hall Medical Center clinical health psychology service here, and the Air
Force's principal investigator for the $1 million study.

Hunter's study is a joint project with Dr. John Foreyt at the Baylor College
of Medicine. The study was recommended for funding by the Department of
Defense Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program.

We need to find nonpunitive and practical ways to help our personnel lose
weight, Hunter said.

The weight management program can be very stressful for those people in
it, she said. We want to find ways to help people manage their weight
successfully before being placed on the weight management program.

Although we want to help people before they get on the weight management
program, Hunter said, we also want to create a flexible, but
comprehensive, program that can supplement the efforts of personnel who are
already in the program.

The heightened stress of administrative placement on the weight management
program may also make it more difficult for some people to lose weight, she
said.  People on the program might be more likely to go to some extreme,
such as going on fad diets, using diuretics, exhibiting bulimic behavior,
fasting, saunas, or laxative use.

One study found that Air Force personnel on the program are two to five
times more likely to engage in bulimic behavior than comparison groups of
civilians or active duty not on the weight management program, Hunter said.

Currently, when Air Force members are identified as being overweight or over
their body fat, they are assessed by medical staff and then entered into the
Weight and Body Fat Management Program for an initial 90-day exercise and
dietary period. After that, they are entered into a specific phase depending
on their progress.

In the Air Force, about 22 percent of people weighed during the annual cycle
ergometry test are tipping the scales as overweight with nearly 10 percent
just five or fewer pounds below their the maximum allowable weight. These
percentages are getting higher every year, Hunter said.

In the proposed study, prospective participants will be identified through
weigh-ins during cycle ergometry testing, since these weights are not
officially entered into a person's record. If they are within five pounds of
their maximum weight, or above, they will be contacted to see if they want
to participate. Those who are interested will come to an orientation session
to get some measurements taken, such as height and weight, and will be asked
about their perceived energy, dieting history, exercise schedule, etc.

Half the participants will be randomly assigned to usual care; which is
whatever they might 

[CTRL] POW/MIA Freedom Radio

2001-12-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

On Sunday, December 9, 2001 POW/MIA Freedom Radio, 5:00 (eastern time
presents: (adjust the time for your time zone).

We Thank our Sponsors for their support. Help us keep going

1st show will be Bob Dumas, brother of Roger, POW in Korea with possibly
Joe Douglas, we are still scheduling.

This will be a great show, probably one of our best.  Documented
evidence of Americans left behind.  Bob Dumas won in the Federal court

I ask, why isn't Roger Duman Home?

Bob has fought for 50 years, he's a friend and a good man.  How many
more years does he have to fight this battle alone? Roger Dumas served
his country
Host  Producer: Rod Utech

Sponsors are always welcome! Help us continue broadcasting the truth.
Help us remain on the air $80.00 will cover 1 hour for 2 months

POW/MIA Freedom Radio can be heard on the internet at:

download Real Audio free at:


Dave Murray's Fight for POW/MIA's

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[CTRL] NATO, Russia to forge new relationship

2001-12-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

NATO, Russia to forge new relationship

By Jeffrey Ulbrich
Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium — NATO and Russia agreed Friday to forge what Russian
Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov called “a profound change” in their relations,
creating a new council to work out joint action on issues ranging from civil
emergencies to missile defense.
NATO officials insisted that the alliance will not be hampered by the new
cooperation, and that if a decision cannot be reached with Russia, NATO’s
ruling council will make the decision without it.

“There is no issue more important to the security and stability of the
Euro-Atlantic area than the further development of a confident and
cooperative relationship between us,” NATO Secretary-General Lord Robertson
told Ivanov.

The 19-nation alliance wants to take advantage of Moscow’s cooperation in the
fight against terrorism to pursue “opportunities for joint action at 20,”
U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said.

Besides the struggle against terrorism, Russia and NATO suggested they could
work together in such areas as crisis management, nonproliferation, arms
control, theater missile defense, search and rescue at sea,
military-to-military cooperation and civil emergencies.

Ivanov said Russia is not interested in joining the alliance.

“Russia has no interest in queuing up for membership,” he said. But he said
Moscow did want to work closely with NATO. “The Russian side has the
political will to do it.”

On Thursday, the ministers told their ambassadors at NATO headquarters to
start working out details of a new arrangement for regular discussions with
the Russians, and ways to include them in decision-making while retaining
NATO’s ability to act on its own.

“The precise nature and scope of this mechanism will require substantial work
over the coming months,” Robertson said, but the plan is to have it in place
by the next meeting of allied foreign ministers in May in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, on a visit to Greece, said the new council
should not be rushed into existence but built “in the atmosphere of trust and
goodwill which has been created with our partners and the members of the

“Russia isn’t desperately knocking on the door of NATO. It isn’t setting at
all cost the demand to become a full member of NATO,” Putin said. “At the
same time, it is plainly obvious today that a series of issues may be
resolved much more positively, in respect to security primarily, with the
direct participation of Russia.”

Since 1997, meetings have been held under something called the NATO-Russia
Permanent Joint Council, a forum originally created to ease Moscow’s fears
about NATO enlargement. But both sides say the council has never been
satisfactory and more often than not the alliance uses it to inform Russia of
positions it already has taken.

Robertson said that Russia will not be able to veto NATO decisions on the new

“We are not abandoning our principles or prerogatives,” Robertson said on
the second day of NATO’s foreign ministers’ meeting. “This is about working
together more effectively when it is in all our interests to do so.”

Asked how Russia would benefit from this new arrangement, given that NATO
could still take decisions on its own whether Moscow liked it or not,
Robertson said “the answer is more in chemistry than in arithmetic.”

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[CTRL] New World Order on Fast Track

2001-12-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

New World Order on Fast Track
By Chuck Baldwin
December 7, 2001

What Japanese bombers could not do in 1941, politicians and businessmen are
doing in 2001: destroying U.S. sovereignty and independence. Their weapons
are not sinking ships, but they are sinking American autonomy. Furthermore,
a Republican administration has done nothing to circumvent or slow down this
Draconian drift toward international government.

Recently, a U.N. official said, Within 10 years time you're going to see
the beginning of an embryonic world order. The official's name is Edward
Widmer, and he is president of the Illinois Division of the United Nations
Association of the United States. He made his remarks at a gathering of the
Bolingbrook Rotary Club just a few days ago. If you think Widmer is simply a
wild canary out on a limb by himself, you are very mistaken.

Former newsman, Walter Cronkite, wrote in his book, A Reporter's Life, A
system of world government is mandatory. The proud nations someday will see
the light and . yield up their precious sovereignty.

Cronkite also told BBC newsman, Tim Sebastian, I think we are realizing
that we are going to have to have an international rule of law. He added,
We need not only an executive to make international law, but we need the
military forces to enforce that law.

Cronkite went on to say, American people are going to begin to realize that
perhaps they are going to have to yield some sovereignty to an international
body to enforce world law.

England's Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is just as direct. In a speech given
back in 1999 he said, Globalization has transformed our economies and our
working practices. But globalism is not just economic. It is also a
political and security phenomenon.

Blair went on to say, We are all internationalists now, whether we like it
or not. He also said, On the eve of a new Millennium we are now in a new
world. We need new rules for international co-operation and new ways of
organizing our international institutions. He further said, Today the
impulse towards interdependence is immeasurably greater. We are witnessing
the beginnings of a new doctrine of international community.

Remember it was former president, George Bush, Sr., that spoke of Americans
swearing loyalty to a New World Order. His son, George, Jr., feels much
the same way. Phyllis Schlafly recently reminded us that, back on April 22
of this year, G.W. signed the Declaration of Quebec City in which he gave a
commitment to hemispheric integration and national and collective
responsibility for improving the economic well-being and security of our

Obviously, our people means the people of the Western Hemisphere, not the
people of the United States. Schlafly continued to say, Bush pledged that
the United States will 'build a hemispheric family on the basis of a more
just and democratic international order.' If Congress grants President Bush
such unconstitutional Fast Track trade authority (which it has), he will no
doubt do exactly what he said he would do: build an international order.

Call it what you want - New World Order, International Order,
International Community, World Law. It all means the end of U.S.
sovereignty and independence. Americans need to be aware that power hungry
politicians from both parties along with money hungry executives from
multinational corporations pose a much greater threat to our liberties than
any foreign terrorist does. If our freedoms are destroyed, it likely will
not be by heat-seeking missiles from above but by freezing cold hearts from

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

   bush said in WHITE HOUSE TRANSCRIPTS that he
   it live...
  ..yet bush is a liar. you admit so yourself by
  claiming that he knew
  about the attacks.

 he may be a liar and he may be dumb enough to slip...

 but he is not dumb enough to deliberately lie in such
 a way as to incriminate himself...NOT DELIBERATELY!

i think that was my point; that what he said is in no way
incriminating..just incredibly difficult to take at face value because
it makes absolutely *no* sense!

but i'm done arguing about this..

i would, however, just like to point out that the only reason i *was*
arguing this is because these are the types of things that make conspiracy
theorists seem like story tellers unaware of any factual evidence...and
ignoring any sense of logic to boot.therefore, ultimately, taking away
from *all* of our credibilities.

and i'm still not sure how you think bush watched this [surely you don't
think he brought his own special television with him to pick up signals
broadcast by whomever you think recorded it?]



sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as americanism - huey

if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- inri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

bush said in WHITE HOUSE TRANSCRIPTS that he
it live...
   ..yet bush is a liar. you admit so yourself
   claiming that he knew
   about the attacks.
  he may be a liar and he may be dumb enough to
  but he is not dumb enough to deliberately lie in
  a way as to incriminate himself...NOT

 i think that was my point; that what he said is in
 no way
 incriminating..just incredibly difficult to take
 at face value because
 it makes absolutely *no* sense!

it makes no sense if your perception template has not
taken into account the enormous amount of signs
pointing to bush comlplicity in 9-11...

in other words...if you resist such a notion then this
report will make no sense...if you do not resist such
a notion...it falls neatly into place..

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Genetic evidence links Jews to their ancient tribe

2001-12-10 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/4/01 7:22:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Genetic evidence links Jews to their ancient tribe
 By Judy Siegel
 JERUSALEM (November 20) - Genetic evidence continues to provide additional
 proof to the claims that the Jewish people are descended from a common
 ancient Israelite father: Despite being separated for over 1,000 years,
 Sephardi Jews of North African origin are genetically indistinguishable from
 their brethren from Iraq, according to The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 

For some reason or other, I think this is a crock.  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Netanyahu and other Israel gems

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Binyamin Netanyahu, a leader of the Likud Party and an ex-prime minister of
Israel has been all over the news lately. Why did no one ask him about these
incredible statements he made in Hebrew but available in English and widely

- He was giving a speech to dozen's of Likud Party members in Eilat. The
Israeli newspaper Haaretz (7/15/01) reported that: ... giving his audience a
bit of advice on how to deal with foreign interviewers [Netanyahu said]:
'Always, irrespective of whether you're right or not, you must always present
your side as right.' 

- After the peace process with the Palestinians stipulating no unilateral
changes, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Quoted in Ha'aretz 11/24/1998) said
There is no such thing as a freeze [on construction] Our policy is to grow
and expand...This issue must be coordinated behind closed doors with the army
and not in front of the media.

- Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China,
when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions
among the Arabs of the territories. Benyamin Netanyahu, then Israeli Deputy
Foreign Minister, former Prime Minister of Israel, tells students at Bar Ilan
University, From the Israeli journal Hotam, November 24, 1989.

Instead of being asked about his policy of home demolitions while prime minister
or about these statements, he was presented by many supine US media outlets as a
terrorism expert and asked ad nauseum about how Israel can deal with Arafat
in countless interviews in which the toughest question asked of him was if he
will re-run for Prime Minister!

Please do share these quotes with your source of news and views.

Now for a couple of other ignored information (items below):

1) From Haaretz: Israel rejects partial truce offer by Islamic Jihad, Hamas

2) Amnesty International latest Press Releases Afghanistan: Inquiry into
Qala-i-Jhangi fort killings must not be swept under the carpet

3) An older article from Haaretz by Meron Benvenisti that is still very relevant
today. The narrative blaming Yasser Arafat now joins a whole string of myths:
the Tel Hai myth, the myth of the runaway refugees in 1948, the myth of the War
of Independence as a defensive war that broke out because of an invasion by Arab
armies, the myth of the few against the many, and the myth of the liberation of
the homeland from the British boot - just to mention a few of the many myths
that have been created here to deal with the reality that gave birth to many
crises and second thoughts about the situation.


Mazin Qumsiyeh

Haaretz 12/9/01

Source: Israel rejects partial truce offer by Islamic Jihad, Hamas
By Amos Harel, Aluf Benn, and Dalia Shehori, Ha'aretz Corresondents and agencies

Islamic militant groups said in a statement Sunday they will halt attacks within
Israel for a week if the IDF ends strikes in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

 A senior Israeli security official dismissed the offer and said Israel had no
choice but to continue to act in self-defense as long as the Palestinian
Authority failed to fight terrorism and make arrests.

 We are giving the enemy a period to stop its assassinations, destruction,
killings and bombardments, said a statement by the military wings of Hamas and
Islamic Jihad and two groups affiliated with Fatah. In return, we will stop our
martyrdom attacks and armed attacks within the borders of the occupied land of
1948 during this period, which will begin as of midnight December 10 until the
end of the month of Ramadan.

Afghanistan: Inquiry into Qala-i-Jhangi fort killings must not be swept under
the carpet
Publish date: 05/12/2001

Amnesty International today reiterated its call for an urgent inquiry into the
large-scale killing of
captured Taleban fighters and others at a fort on the outskirts of Mazar-i
Sharif. It urged the US
and UK to consider requesting a preliminary investigation by either the United
Nations or the International Fact-Finding Commission.

The events at the Qala-i-Jhanghi fort must not simply be brushed under the
carpet, like so many other killings before them, Amnesty International said.

In letters to the US, UK and the United Front (Northern Alliance), the
organization pointed to UN Security Council resolution 1378 which specifically
calls on all Afghan forces to adhere strictly to their obligations under human
rights and international humanitarian law. As it appears that this provision may
have been breached, Amnesty International is calling on the US and UK, as
members of the Security Council, to request a UN investigation, which should
involve relevant human rights mechanisms including the Office of the High

Re: [CTRL] Netanyahu and other Israel gems

2001-12-10 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

And Netanyahus was to set Washington on firewho the hell does
these tin horn creeps think they are.Sharon was going to light the
fuse - this bastard..

Obvious to me this Twin Towers job was maybe even a three fold
deal...cui bono?   Let me count the ways and they all seem to go into
Silverstein's pocket and Giuliani, or Rudolph the Brown Nosed Reindeer,
in Israel - who paid for that trip.

So Sharon said the Arabs had the oil but he had the match - the butcher
charged with war crimes..

Let us say the usual suspects and no phoney tape re Osama bin Laden is
going to shift the blame now.

For there are those who rememer the Lavon Affair, the Rosenbergs, and
most of all The USS Liberty where our men were murdered and napalmed
while they lie dead and wounded for over 45 minutes.

There is a general awakening - there is no accounting of this money
raised for widows, orphans, and survivors of this 911 Twin Towers job.


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[CTRL] Israeli assassination attempt kills two Palestinian children {01}

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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From: Lawsociety [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For Immediate Release

Israeli assassination attempt kills two Palestinian children
10 December 2001

This afternoon, Israeli Apache helicopters killed two Palestinian 
children and injured nine Palestinians in an assassination attempt on a 
Palestinian activist in Hebron.

At 2.20 pm, Israeli Apache helicopters fired two missiles at five 
civilian cars standing in front of traffic lights at the junction Salam 
Street and Wadi Tufah in Hebron. One of the missiles landed between the 
cars. A second missile hit the car belonging to Mohammad Ibrahim al-
Himouni (45), killing his three-years old child Burhan Mohammad al-
Himouni. Shadi Ahmad Arafeh (13), a passenger of another car, a service 
taxi, was also killed.

Nine Palestinians were injured in the attack, including Mohammad Ibrahim 
al-Himouni (45) who lost his left leg. The other injured are:

* Mohammad Ayoub Sider (26)
* Hamdi Abdel-Rahman al-Joulani (39)
* Yusuf Nihad Abu Khalaf (11)
* Fares Abdel-Shaqur al-Sharabati (45)
* Nabil Mahmoud as-Shorfeh (30)
* Yusuf Ziad Amr (10)
* Samir Jamil Al-Jobeh (38)
* Abdel-Salam Abu Khalaf (30)

Extra-judicial killings cannot be reconciled with the Fourth Geneva 
Convention, which seek to protect the lives of protected persons, and 
violate human rights norms that affirm the right to life and the 
prohibition on execution of civilians.

Extra-judicial killings constitute wilful killing, which is a grave 
breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Under Article 8 of the Rome 
Statute of the International Criminal Court, these grave breaches 
constitute war crimes.

There is no basis for killing protected persons on the basis of suspicion 
that they have engaged or will engage in violent activities. The killings 
were carried out under circumstances, which suggest complete disregard 
for the risk involved to the lives of bystanders.

Israel's ongoing human rights violations further illustrates the need for 
the immediate deployment of an international protection presence to 
prevent violations of the Fourth Geneve Convention and to protect 
Palestinian protected persons within the Occupied Palestinian 

Today, while the international community observes Human Rights Day, 
LAW - The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the 
Environment calls upon the international community to take up its legal 
and moral obligation to put an immediate end to the assault on 
Palestinian civilians.

LAW Society also calls and demands that parties to the Fourth Geneva 
Convention, in particular the United States and the United Kingdom, not 
contribute to, aid or abet violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention. 
LAW Society calls for an immediate suspension of military aid, including 
weapons and parts, used to perpetrate violations against protected 

LAW - The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the 
Environment is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to preserving 
human rights through legal advocacy. LAW is affiliate to the 
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), the Federation Internationale 
des Ligues de Droits de l'Homme (FIDH) and the World Organisation 
Organisation Against Torture (OMCT).

LAW - The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the 
Environment, PO Box 20873, Jerusalem, tel. +972-2-5833530, fax. +972-2-
5833317, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], web: http://www.lawsociety.org

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---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] Genetic evidence links Jews to their ancient tribe

2001-12-10 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

why Prudy it was discovered as if big neews that Palestinians who are
butchered by Isralies carry the same DNA trait and blood.

Far as I am concerned, they are all snake in the grass descended.


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Re: [CTRL] FW: More Tom Tomorrow

2001-12-10 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Neuropsychotic:

This looked like good material; however, can anybody on list read this?

And anybody who quotes Samuel Adams cannot be all bad, even if he is not

Further - what would you think if the law would be changed and anyone at
the public trough would put their hand on the Constitution of the United
States when they take the oathfor after we swear to support the
Contitution in which the right to religion remains or should remain
untouched by any laws.

Now anyway you can decipher the cartoons you send?


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Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

  i think that was my point; that what he said is in
  no way
  incriminating..just incredibly difficult to take
  at face value because
  it makes absolutely *no* sense!

 it makes no sense if your perception template has not
 taken into account the enormous amount of signs
 pointing to bush comlplicity in 9-11...

which i most certainly have. in fact, i'm certain that he is involved up
to his neck. that doesn't change the fact that he was nowhere near a
television set that morning..

 in other words...if you resist such a notion then this
 report will make no sense...if you do not resist such
 a notion...it falls neatly into place..

it doesn't make any sense regardless of which angle you look at it from.



sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as americanism - huey

if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- inri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

   i think that was my point; that what he said is
   no way
   incriminating..just incredibly difficult to
   at face value because
   it makes absolutely *no* sense!
  it makes no sense if your perception template has
  taken into account the enormous amount of signs
  pointing to bush comlplicity in 9-11...

 which i most certainly have. in fact, i'm
 certain that he is involved up
 to his neck. that doesn't change the fact that he
 was nowhere near a
 television set that morning..

this is based on what evidence, circumstantial or not?


  in other words...if you resist such a notion then
  report will make no sense...if you do not resist
  a notion...it falls neatly into place..

 it doesn't make any sense regardless of which angle
 you look at it from.

your whole stance is based on the notion that a
president of the united states does NOT have, at his
constant disposal, access to the latest in
communications technology - i find this absurd but if
you wish to make a case for this - i am all ears...

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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

  which i most certainly have. in fact, i'm
  certain that he is involved up
  to his neck. that doesn't change the fact that he
  was nowhere near a
  television set that morning..

 this is based on what evidence, circumstantial or not?

the fact that the mere concept is ludicrous. it's your job to prove that he
did have a mobile television on him; not mine to disprove your ridiculous
claim which has absolutely no basis - factual nor logical.

   in other words...if you resist such a notion then
   report will make no sense...if you do not resist
   a notion...it falls neatly into place..
  it doesn't make any sense regardless of which angle
  you look at it from.

 your whole stance is based on the notion that a
 president of the united states does NOT have, at his
 constant disposal, access to the latest in
 communications technology

my argument is based on the notion that no president has now, nor ever will,
carry around a mobile television with him. he has no need for it. his job is
to look good for the cameras, to pump people up by reading what is written
for him and to sign the odd sheet of paper that comes his way.

what use would he have for a mobile television? besides watching the plane
fly into the first tower, of course. wouldn't anybody else notice that he
was sitting there watching a tv while everyone within 20 miles is trying to
talk to him? he was in the hall; there are tons of people out there, he's
going to be asked questions...and if you believe he brought his own it's not
like he was talking to somebody, happened to look up, saw the plane hit went
holy shit. he would've had to be sitting there ignoring people, waiting
for the crash, chomping down popcorn and staring at the screen. do you not
think this would be suspicious?

and why would he do it in the first place? you'd think that if he's behind
this the *last* thing he'd want is to be seen in public watching the thing
happen. you'd think the best place for him is in a classroom on the other
side of the country, reading a book to elementary school kids, completely
oblivious to it all..

i can't believe i'm wasting my time with this..

one last question: when are people going to start blaming bin laden for the
ebola outbreak?



sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as americanism - huey

if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- inri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

   which i most certainly have. in fact, i'm
   certain that he is involved up
   to his neck. that doesn't change the fact that
   was nowhere near a
   television set that morning..
  this is based on what evidence, circumstantial or

 the fact that the mere concept is ludicrous. it's
 your job to prove that he
 did have a mobile television on him; not mine to
 disprove your ridiculous
 claim which has absolutely no basis - factual nor

under the circumstances [the circumstances being that
it is largely presumed that the president of the
world's only hyperpower has, at his disposal, the
latest in communications technology], since YOU are
the one challenging a common notion, it is definitely
your job to make the case...

besides, this is not a court of law...

asking you why he WOULDN'T have a television seems to
have offended you...probably because the absurdity of
your stance has been highlighted by this very simple
and logical question...

now, humor me and convince the people on this list
that are reading this that you are right...

above all else, however, please stop wasting

confucious say: he who refuse to be wrong - not
necessarily right..

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[CTRL] Summary of David Rose's The Osama Files from Latest Vanity Fair

2001-12-10 Thread Dr Chris R. Tame

-Caveat Lector-

  Shame on Clinton — again

     Good news, sort of, for Bill Clinton and Madeleine Albright.
Having persisted in telling tales at cross-purposes to explain why
the Clinton administration did nothing about Osama bin Laden and the
al Qaeda network for all those Clinton years, these two erstwhile
office-holders may now read from the same page — literally — and
discover in the January issue of Vanity Fair what went wrong on
their watch.
     In The Osama Files by David Rose, the former
president and former secretary of state get a second chance to
see the letters and secret memoranda that they, along with their
top aides, once ignored or failed to act upon. The rest of us,
meanwhile, get a look at an eye-popping paper trail that
documents futile efforts by Sudan to alert the United States to
the workings, the identities and the movements of the al Qaeda
network, including, of course, bin Laden.
  Â Â Â Â Â Mr. Clinton and
Mrs. Albright may not only reconsider the entreaties of Sudan's
President Omar al-Bashir to then-President Clinton (the Sudanese
leader asked to open his country to the CIA and the FBI so the
United States could investigate for itself whether Sudan trained
or sheltered terrorists), but also the many invitations Sudan
made to share terrorism information with U.S. intelligence
agencies. In political retirement, they may reflect on whether
it was such a brilliant idea, for example, for the State
Department to have nixed FBI interest in meeting with Sudanese
intelligence. As former Bush White House official and lobbyist Janet
McElligott said when urging the government to examine Sudan's
dossiers, You do realize bin Laden lived there [Sudan] and they
have files on his main people?     Vanity Fair reports that
Sudan's efforts to open its books on bin Laden began in February
1996, well in advance of the terrorist attacks that would make
the Saudi-born terrorist infamous. That means that for more than
four years the Clinton administration refused to consider
intelligence that might have prevented the bombing of the Khobar
Towers (June 1996), the destruction of the American embassies in
Kenya and Tanzania (August 1998), the attack on the USS Cole
(October 2000) and, of course, September 11. Why was such
potentially vital information not only ignored but never even
evaluated?     The simple answer is that the Clinton
administration had accused Sudan of sponsoring terrorism, and
refused to believe that anything it did to prove its bona fides
could be genuine, the magazine reports. No doubt. But there is
probably more to this scandalous failure than the
politicization of intelligence.     Just ask a simple
question. What mattered more to Clintonites in June 1996: the
news on June 25 that a truck bomb had exploded at Khobar Towers
in Dharan, Saudi Arabia, or the Supreme Court decision on June
24 to hear Jones vs. Clinton after the 1996 re-election
campaign? Or compare another strange confluence of events. What more
likely preoccupied Mr. Clinton and his advisers in August 1998: the
embassy bombings in Africa on Aug. 7, or Mr. Clinton's upcoming
appearance before a grand jury in connection with the Lewinsky
matter on Aug. 17?     Given the permanent reconfiguration of
the Clinton White House into a scandal-busting spin machine, the
answers to such questions are obvious and distasteful. They may
make it easier to explain, for example, why Sudan's offer to
extradite two suspected bombers and al Qaeda members, made in
the days between the embassy bombings and Mr. Clinton's grand
jury appearance, was met with silence — except, of course, for
the sound of American bombs falling on a Khartoum medicine
factory. They don't, however, make it any more conscionable.
     The fact is, the scandal-riddled Clinton administration simply
and disastrously failed to function — and that, surely, is the
biggest scandal of them all.Source:


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Dr. Chris R. Tame, Director
Libertarian Alliance| The 

[CTRL] hmmmm.....

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

All the Internet and computer connections of the U.S.
Department of the Interior were ordered shut down by a
federal judge Thursday who was ruling in a case
challenging the security of government Web sites.

One immediate effect was a nearly total blackout of
earthquake-monitoring sites, federal officials say.


Earthquake Bulletin


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Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 under the circumstances [the circumstances being that
 it is largely presumed that the president of the
 world's only hyperpower has, at his disposal, the
 latest in communications technology], since YOU are
 the one challenging a common notion, it is definitely
 your job to make the case...

no, it is not. you (ridiculously) claim that he had one AT THE TIME and was
WATCHING it - i'm taking the accepted stance that the president does not sit
around watching tv while he's supposed to be doing a pr stunt proving that
he cares about kids.

prove that he had a tv at the time and, more importantly, was *watching* it
[instead of doing the pr stuff that he went there to do]; or admit your
argument [and therefore bush's comments - something muttered in passing in
order to cover his tracks] is completely unsubstantiable.

you should also try to answer some of my earlier posed questions; your
inability to do so may prove to yourself how ridiculous what you're
proposing actually is.



sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as americanism - huey

if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- inri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

  under the circumstances [the circumstances being
  it is largely presumed that the president of the
  world's only hyperpower has, at his disposal, the
  latest in communications technology], since YOU
  the one challenging a common notion, it is
  your job to make the case...

 no, it is not. you (ridiculously) claim that he had
 one AT THE TIME and was

WRONG! bush did - REMEMBER?

email the president...

guess what!

i am going to let you have the last (lame) word...go
ahead and respond...it will end up in my trash bin

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Sharon Refuses Hamas, Islamic Jihad Peace Offer : Says He Won't Stop Ass...

2001-12-10 Thread William Shannon


Sharon Refuses Hamas, Islamic Jihad Peace Offer
Says He Won't Stop Assasinating Their Leadership

12/10/2001 9:36:16 AM
Islamic Association of Palestine Press Release

Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine -- Assalamu'alaikum,

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah offer truce, Sharon says No

by Khalid Amayreh

Occupied Jerusalem: 10 December, 2001 (IAP News)


The main Palestinian resistance groups have offered to suspend attacks
inside 1948 Palestine (Israel) if the Israeli occupation army and
Jewish terrorists agree in return  to stop assassinating Palestinian
and end tank and aerial bombardment of Palestinian population centers.

The two main Islamic organizations Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, as well as
Fatah, headed by Yasser Arafat, said in a joint leaflet widely circulated
in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that their offer was meant to deprive the
Israeli government of dividing the Palestinian ranks and undermining
national unity.

We are giving the Zionist enemy a period to stop its assassinations,
destruction, murder and bombardment of Palestinian population centers. In
return we will stop our martyrdom and armed attacks within the borders of
the occupied land of 1948 during this period which will begin as of
midnight December 10 until the end of the month of Ramadan.

The offer was rejected outright by the Israeli government of Ariel Sharon.

A senior Israeli official was quoted as saying that Israel will continue
to fight terrorism no matter what.

The apartheid Israeli regime considers all forms of Palestinian resistance
of Israel's colonial occupation of Palestinian land as terrorism while
calling its own state-sponsored terror against Palestinians legitimate

Observers in Palestine suggest that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, a
certified war criminal himself with a long history of heaping death and
destruction on the Palestinian people, is not really interested in
reducing the
level of violence in Palestine as this would shift attention to the
problems pertaining to the Israeli occupation.

On Sunday, US envoy Anthony Zinni threatened to leave Palestine and return
home if progress in security talks  between the two sides was not made.

Zinni reportedly made his threat after another meeting between Israeli and
PA officials ended without any results.

According to Palestinian sources the Israeli government was refusing to
the military siege of Palestinian towns and villages which observers have
pointed out reduced the population centers to virtual concentration

Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908

(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)

(Formerly http://www.libertariansocialist.com)

---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: Afghanistan: US Casualties Spiral : Reporters Seeing Dozens of US Troop...

2001-12-10 Thread William Shannon


Afghanistan: US Casualties Spiral
Reporters Seeing Dozens of US Troops Injured, Killed

12/10/2001 11:12:17 AM
Institute For War And Peace Reporting

Kandahar, Afghanistan -- Afghanistan: US Casualties Spiral


Scores of US soldiers wounded in Afghanistan have been arriving at the
air base in southern Uzbekistan - far more than official reports suggest

By Andrei Sukhozhilov in Khanabad (RCA No. 91, 7-Dec-01)

Its approach announced by the repeated thud of its blade slicing the air,
twin-rotor US helicopter landed at the American military support base at
Khanabad airport, in southern Uzbekistan.

A staging post for special forces' and humanitarian missions into
the base has become busy with another task - receiving increasing numbers
Americans wounded in the fighting.

Uzbek sources at Khanabad suggest that the real figures of US casualties
far higher than the Pentagon's official totals. This IWPR reporter, who
smuggled himself onto the facility on December 2, witnessed soldiers
to meet an incoming US helicopter. They lifted out five wounded men on
stretchers and loaded them into waiting vehicles.

Uzbek army personnel working at the air base said scores of US casualties
been arriving there. From November 25 to Decemeber 2, an Uzbek orderly
with American medical staff said he had witnessed the arrival of four to
US helicopters - carrying between them 10-15 American casualties - each

The orderly said the US staff he was helping confirmed the casualties
off the aircraft were Americans.

Over the same period of time, the Pentagon has reported just five injured
American servicemen, wounded in a friendly-fire incident during an
operation to
quell a prison riot near Mazar-e-Sharif. All were evacuated to Khanabad
then on to Germany.

The Pentagon's official total US casualty toll for the Afghan conflict is
dead and 41 injured.

Asked about IWPR's findings, Pentagon spokesperson Lt Col. Catherine
said, I cannot comment on what your reporter may have seen or something
orderly may have told him. As we verify reports, we make the information
known. . . . . The numbers that I gave you are the latest that I have.

The IWPR findings come amid US news media criticism of the Pentagon for
allegedly restricting press coverage of American casualties. Both the
Washington Post and the AP news agency protested Thursday at the
apparent decision to prevent reporters based inside Afghanistan witnessing
transfer of troops injured when a B-52 bomb went astray in an air-strike
Kandahar. Three US special forces soldiers were killed and 19 wounded in
friendly-fire incident.

This reporter managed to get into the heavily guarded Khanabad facility
with a
group of parents visiting children serving in an Uzbek military unit based
the airport.

Uzbek military staff at the base told IWPR that it is increasingly being
as a springboard for humanitarian missions and special forces' raids into
Afghanistan. They say the former take place during the day and the latter

At the same time, the airport has been receiving growing numbers of
The Uzbek sources say the hospital there - comprising one floor of a
and four large canvas tents - was full of wounded US soldiers. They said
tents were going to be erected to cope with the influx of casualties.

The Uzbek orderly working with American troops transferring wounded
from helicopters said the casualties suffered shrapnel and bullet wounds
to the
arms, leg and head.

The airport sources could not confirm how many incoming casualties had
One Uzbek soldier said that since October 15 he had helped US servicemen
20 body bags onto American transport planes. But he could not confirm
they were dead US soldiers.

But there is other evidence of American fatalities. One Uzbek officer said
soldiers had told him that four of their comrades had died of their wounds
December 1 while being airlifted to Khanabad.

An Uzbek pilot spoke of the death last week of an American soldier who he
become friendly with while he was on the base. The US serviceman, he said,
died in the attempt to end the prison riot on the outskirts of
two weeks ago. A lot of American troops died there - it was a real
the pilot said.

Uzbek army personnel say the atmosphere on the base has changed distinctly
the last week or so.

They say that in October when the Americans began deploying at the
they were gung-ho, telling their Uzbek counterparts that it would take no
than a month and a half to defeat the Taleban and al-Qaeda.

While the Taleban appear to be on their last legs, al-Qaeda fighters
to resist in mountain redoubts, with some US servicemen at Khanabad now
resigned to a long haul.

Uzbek military staff 

Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- Joshua Tinnin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
 From: eric stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --- Jim Rarey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have read all three transcripts and nowhere
   it cite Bush as saying he
   saw the first plane hit a tower.
  from the transcript you say you read:
  And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting
 to go
  in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV
  obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said,
  'There's one terrible pilot.' And I said, 'It must
  have been a horrible accident.'
  But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have much
  to think about it, and I was sitting in the
  and Andy Card, my chief who was sitting over here
  walked in and said, 'A second plane has hit the
  America's under attack.'

 OK, sounds like he was in his limo watching the
 story about the first plane
 hitting the tower. He then went into the classroom
 and was later told the
 second one had hit, and that, at that point, it was
 obvious we were under
 attack, and it wasn't just pilot error.

like i said:

therefore bush had a live feed of which there is
supposedly none...

quite on top of this surprise - wasn't he?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Fwd: on Israeli Terrorism [update]]

2001-12-10 Thread William Shannon


Somebody has done a lot of research for you!
Please study the info provided and share with you email friends!

Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far
better that you fear the media, for they will steal your HONOR. That
awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a
horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and
shoemaking and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse. -
   -Mark Twain.

Incredible media power

 Original Message 
Subject: on Israeli Terrorism [update]
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 13:00:21 -0800 (PST)
From: eric stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]

U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies received
warning signals at least three months ago that Middle
Eastern terrorists were planning to hijack commercial
aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols
of American and Israeli culture, according to a story
in Germany's daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).

A Muslim sheikh living in England commenting during a
BBC news broadcast added that 40 Jewish Pentagon staff
members did not show up for work on 11 September. The
sheikh said it would not surprise him if it was
discovered that the Mossad (the Israeli secret
service) was behind the attacks.

Israeli Lobby Intimidating Journalists Into Misinforming Public

Sharon to Peres: don't worry about American pressure
We Control America

Did Israel Assassinate 34 Egyptian Generals In 1999?

Israeli Lobby Planted Phony Story About Palestinians
Were Celebrating The Attack

Jewish anti-Zionist organizations

Five Israelis who had worked for a moving company
based in New Jersey are being held in U.S. prisons for
what the Federal Bureau of Investigation has described
as puzzling behavior following the terror attack on
the World Trade Center in New York last Tuesday.

With the announcement of the attacks at the World
Trade Center in New York, the international media,
particularly the Israeli one, hurried to take
advantage of the incident and started mourning 4000
Israelis who work at the two towers. Then suddenly, no
one ever mentioned anything about those Israelis and
later it became clear that they remarkably did not
show up in their jobs the day the incident took place.
No one talked about any Israeli being killed or
wounded in the attacks.

After the suicide bombing attacks at the weekend,
carried out by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which left 34
people dead and around 200 injured, Israel unleashed
its military might against Palestinian security posts
in Gaza and Cisjordan.

The result was three people dead, one of them a child,
and 150 injured, 60 of whom were schoolchildren. The
Israeli authorities claimed that these attacks were
part of the foreseen operations against Palestinian


Jury, judge and executioner

America has a very big problem

Israeli Democracy: A Promise As Yet Fulfilled

Osama not behind US attacks, says Saranjam

4000 Israeli employees in WTC escape  ?

How Mossad got America to bomb Libya and fight Iraq

German TV exposes CIA, Mossad links to 1986 Berlin disco bombing

Lebanese Druze leader believes CIA, Mossad responsible for US attacks

Gen. Hameed Gul: '911 was work of Mossad  CIA, not Bin Laden'

CIA And Mossad Drug Involvement

Ha'aretz: Odigo says workers warned of WTC attack

Russian Air Force Chief Says Official 9-11 Story Impossible

Amnesty International Urges Investigation of Ariel Sharon

Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: eric stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --- Jim Rarey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have read all three transcripts and nowhere does
  it cite Bush as saying he
  saw the first plane hit a tower.

 from the transcript you say you read:

 And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go
 in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was
 obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said,
 'There's one terrible pilot.' And I said, 'It must
 have been a horrible accident.'

 But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have much time
 to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom,
 and Andy Card, my chief who was sitting over here
 walked in and said, 'A second plane has hit the tower.
 America's under attack.'


OK, sounds like he was in his limo watching the story about the first plane
hitting the tower. He then went into the classroom and was later told the
second one had hit, and that, at that point, it was obvious we were under
attack, and it wasn't just pilot error.

He most likely misspoke when he claimed to have seen the first plane hit. I
was watching the news when the second plane hit, the very moment it
happened. I wouldn't have seen it except the first plane crash was on every
channel by the time the second plane hit - a lot of cameras were trained up
there by then. So, chances are Bush was watching the same reports and
happened to be in the classroom when the second plane hit.

As others have pointed out, Bush likely is complicit, but this incident and
the way Bush described it doesn't seem to point to conspiracy, just another
bit of verbal stumbling on Bush's part.

- jt

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

written in april


April 21, 2001—Lyndon LaRouche released the following
memorandum today to his Democratic Presidential
campaign committee, LaRouche in 2004.
The Bentham Syndrome
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

April 21, 2001

The charge of insanity to be made against both
President George W. Bush and Israel's Mega minister
Ariel Sharon, is that, considered either separately,
or in their present combination, they are,
functionally, clinically insane. The sudden spate of
hysterical attacks on President Bush's Secretary of
State Colin Powell, from the London Telegraph and
KKKatharine Graham's Washington Post's concert of
orchestration of press inside the U.S.A., only echoes
the murderous, bi-polar quality of hysteria, which
both madmen have bestirred among Bush's and Sharon's
versions of a Goebbels press following.

That is to emphasize, that each, and both combined as
one, is a clinical model, like Adolf Hitler's Nazi
regime, of the Nietzschean existentialist principle of
the triumph of the (arbitrary) will. Having adopted
a course of action, they, together with that
collection of wild-eyed gnostic cults which form the
hard core of the Bush Presidency's social base, will
pursue that as what they, like a secret meeting of
mafia bosses, or the Washington Post crowd, may call a
done deal. It will be a deal done in a way which
is in willful disregard for the consequences of their
actions, either for the welfare of the U.S. economy
and our citizens, or the peace of the world.

The loonier their decision is, the more likely it will
be made, and the more hysterically they will push it
through against any and all reason, unless you act to
prevent this. Under President Bush, things will never
become better, until they first become much worse.

The financial and economic policies of both that
self-discredited desperado, Federal Reserve Chairman
Alan Ayn Rand Greenspan, and of the inner circles of
President Bush, typify a common, again Nietzschean,
quality of disregard for what should be the obvious
short-term economic, social, and political
consequences of their desperately enforced, lunatic
decisions. The lunatic degree of idiocy shown by
panic-stricken Greenspan's latest drop in the
interest-rate, is an example of what the financial
speculators' sheer terror will cause them, like the
legendary lemmings, to do.

However, neither of that particular pair of
Nietzschean conservative revolutionaries, the
infinitely greedy President George W. Bush, nor
Sharon, are, in any sense of the term, self-made men,
financially or otherwise. They are merely the carriers
of a disease, like mad-cow disease, which they did not
invent, the spread of that mass-murderous quality of
insanity which their current behavior expresses.

If we wish to halt the deadly pandemic they are
spreading, we must locate the exact source of the
mass-murderous insanity presented by the relevant
symptoms, for their case, as for the cases of Thatcher
Britain's launching of policies leading into the
spread of BSE. To give that sickness an historically,
precisely accurate name, recognize it as The Jeremy
Bentham Syndrome, as the Open Conspiracy madmen,
the Benthamite pair of H.G. Wells and Bertrand
Russell, typify the very worst of the numerous evils
which the past century has bequeathed to the present

That connection, The Bentham Syndrome, is not only
an accurate description, is not only the most precise
historical vantage-point for understanding the
Bush-Sharon phenomenon; it is indispensable for a
clear conception of the roots of the problem
threatening humanity as a whole at this moment.

Bentham, Wells, and Russell
The general, pathological phenomenon of which the
current Bush Presidency is, historically, but one
recent expression, is the determination of what had
been, since the days of the medieval alliance of the
imperial maritime power of Venice with the landed
Plantagenet pestilence, a Venice-centered opposition
to the struggle to bring forth modern sovereign
nation-state, as the alternative to both the model of
the Roman empire and ultramontane forms of feudal
order in western Europe.

The relevance, and the practical efficiency of this
historical connection, is usually beyond the
comprehension of those relatively historically
illiterate persons who are typified by the majority
among recent generations' graduates from our
universities. Nonetheless, diseases unseen to the
illiterate's eye may nonetheless kill the unwitting,
diseases whose existence they may hysterically deny.
So, today, what people stubbornly refuse to know, is,
most often, that which will hurt them the most.

No political figure, or thoughtful citizen of the U.S.
today, would be so foolishly reckless as to proceed
politically without improving his or her education on
precisely the following leading points respecting the
realities of modern European history in 

[CTRL] British terrorism in Africa

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


British terrorism in Africa
An EIR Commentary by Lyndon LaRouche
March 7, 1997
The usually unreliable New York Times continues that
tradition, with its Feb. 27 publication of an item by
the Brookings Institution's Francis M. Deng, Sudan's
?Domestic' Terrorism. There were no disclaimers from
the editors or publishers, despite facts available to
that newspaper, exposing Deng's tale as a hoax.

Deng, a former Sudan Ambassador to Washington,
presents himself in a book which he himself has
written, as a devotee of Samuel P. Huntington's
rabidly racialist Clash of Civilizations mantra, and
is himself a representative of the notoriously
pathetic ethnic hoaxes fathered by British
intelligence agent, and racialist anthropologist, E.E.
Evans-Pritchard (also the father of the pathetic
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard). The Times also knows that
Deng is lying when he states, among other frauds, that
the SPLM/SPLA has joined with John Garang (and Deng
himself) in supporting British war-Lord Caroline Cox's
so-called National Democratic Alliance. EIR
Contributing Editor LaRouche recently met, in Sudan,
in two extended discussions, with the leadership of
the SPLM/SPLA; more recently, several African-American
officials have also met there with SPLM/SPLA leaders.
The mere fact of those meetings were sufficient to
expose Deng as a liar.

Deng prances in the pretense that he is a defender, a
virtual Don Quixote of the Black-Africa cause, against
the hated race of Arabs. All the while, he is actually
working on behalf of the British Privy Council's Lady
Lynda Chalker and British war-Lord Caroline Cox, who
are deploying Deng's current military ally, local
Uganda dictator and butcher Yoweri Museveni, in
genocide against the people of Rwanda, Burundi,
eastern Zaire, and now in the Museveni-coordinated
invasion of Sudan by the allied military forces of the
currently sitting dictators (and butchers) of Eritrea
and Ethiopia.

Our point here is not Deng as such. Our point is, the
inexcusable foolishness of those simple dupes, or
immoral opportunists, in the U.S. Congress and
Executive, like the major news media, who tolerate the
current British line on Islamic terrorism, just as,
in this instance, the Times pushed Deng's wild-eyed
lying. These assorted dupes and opportunists are
stripping the U.S. itself of its defenses against the
waves of terrorism presently targetting the territory
and institutions of the U.S.A., as they are also
threatening our vital interests abroad.

Take the case of Taliban, for example. Once Taliban
had consolidated political control over Kabul, and had
gained official diplomatic recognition, would Taliban
be a terrorist force in Central Asia? Probably not:
any Afghan rebel's war for the seizure of Kabul is a
fight to become the new government, which the newly
incumbent forces would defend with as much, or perhaps
more patriotic fervor than the government just
recently eradicated in terrible war-fighting. Does
one, then, include Taliban under the Huntington label
of Islamic terrorism?

Terrorism is not a secretion of Islam, but spreading
the Koran is. Thus, the British imperialists' long
experience running operations against the Islamic
world, has taught them, that the way to run covert
operations within those regions, is to cover their
secret-intelligence operations with the appearance of
a spreading of the Koran in a more or less militant
way. War is war, and guerrilla warfare is also war;
that does not create any Islamic threat from what
the ever-loving British spook types amuse themselves
to label international Islamic terrorism.

In the recent several years, a number of governments,
and other authoritative sources, have pointed out,
repeatedly, that there are very few international
terrorist operations deployed anywhere in the world,
which are not directed by terrorist organizations
openly harbored by the British Foreign and Home
offices, in London itself.

Who has taken the credit for the terrorist mass-murder
of U.S. military personnel in Saudi Arabia, and who
has issued the recent, new terrorist threats, on
account of which the U.S. State Department has issued
its warning? Once again, the headquarters are in

Others, many not professedly Islamic, are presently
targetting the U.S. territory, and populations, too.
See, then, the bloody price our security must expect
to pay, if we continue to tolerate the
British-concocted lie of terrorism from Sudan,
rather than bringing the actual masters of most
international terrorism, London, to account.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy 

[CTRL] Foreign Mujahideen Ambush US Marines Post Near Kandahar

2001-12-10 Thread William Shannon

11 December 2001 :

Foreign Mujahideen Ambush US Marines Post Near Kandahar

Daily news, articles and interviews on the Jihad in Afghanistan

KANDAHAR (Special Report): On Friday 07 December 2001, late afternoon after Asr prayer, a group of 15 Arab Mujahideen on a reconnaissance mission spotted an encampment of US Marines. US marines have been actively participating in terrorist activities with the forces of American Agent Hamid Kirzai. According to the reports, the Marines were camped out in the desert at some distance from Kandahar. The exact number of US Marines at the position is unconfirmed but they were supported by at least two APCs (Bradley Fighting Vehicle). The Mujahideen unit were only on a reconnaissance mission equipped with light weapons but after spotting the US soldiers, they launched a lightening attack on the US camp just before sunset. The American soldiers panicked and fled in all directions assisted by their fear of the Mujahideen. Three US marines were confirmed killed and 17 more were severely injured. After inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy, the Arab Mujahideen guerillas safely left the site of the carnage without any losses. This surprise attack left the US air support in shock as they were unable to render any air support to the American Marines on the ground. Further reports have been received that the Taliban and the Arab Mujahideen have initiated an intense guerilla war against US targets and the areas on the outskirts of Kandahar have become a living nightmare for US forces and their agents.


105 Mujahideen from the Hamza Abu Zubair Brigade attacked positions of the Northern Alliance near Kabul, killing 67 enemy soldiers and capturing huge quantities of weapons and ammunition.


LONDON (Special Report): The English Journalist Yvonnee Ridley who was held by the Taliban in Afghanistan last September, disclosed that Western intelligence agencies tried to murder her in order to gain public support on the agenda of air strikes against Afghanistan. The 43 year old British Journalist wrote in her book, "IN THE HANDS OF THE TALIBAN", that the Taliban arrested her on 28th September 2001 and freed her on 8 October 2001. During this period the Western intelligence agencies prepared a plan to murder her in order to create a cause for strikes against Afghanistan but they were not successful in their plot. Ridley disclosed that she had plenty of proof related to this plot which she had gatherd with the aid of an Al-Jazeera television reporter. She said that these documents will soon be brought out in public.


PESHAWAR ( Islam News): The American television network CNN's correspondent, Mr Charles Stephen, has been found dead in a hotel of Jalalabad. This correspondent was living in one of Jalalabad's well-known hotels.


JALALABAD ( Radio Report): In the Eastern Tora Bora region of Afghanistan, US warplanes continued intense bombardment on Sunday but the Americans and its agents (the so-called Eastern Shura Commanders) have still not been able to achieve any significant success so far. The Western media claimed that the American Agents have gained control of some regions of Tora Bora and that they gained this control after intense fighting. The Media also reported that the Eastern Commanders' fighters are facing great resistance from the Arab Mujahideen and it seems that Usama Bin Ladin has personnally taken command of this battle. According to the BBC, the Eastern Shura representative, Muhammad Amin, claimed that Usama Bin Ladin has disappeared along with his 1000 Arab Mujahideen in the forests of Spin Ghar,a region adjacent to Tora Bora. Later on, an injured driver en-route from Tora Bora said that Arab Mujahideen were present in Tora Bora, that they had provisions for six months including food, weapons and ammunition, etc.. The Arab Mujahideen have also made arrangements for electrical generators and electricity. The caves of Tora Bora are very long and there are 20 paths to enter a single cave. This driver was injured in Tora Bora three days ago. He further added that he had not seen Bin Ladin in Tora Bora. Here the Americans have also accepted the fact they do not know anything about Usama Bin Ladin's location.


KANDAHAR (Islam News): In Kandahar, severe clashes are going on between Gul Agha's agents and Mulla Naqeeb's companions. Two of Gul Agha's supporters have been reported dead in these clashes and one injured. One of the two who died belonged to Gulistan, Quetta. His dead body was taken to Chaman yesterday from where it was sent to Gulistan.


SPIN BOLDAK (Islam News): 

Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: eric stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- Joshua Tinnin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  - Original Message -
  From: eric stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   --- Jim Rarey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have read all three transcripts and nowhere
it cite Bush as saying he
saw the first plane hit a tower.
   from the transcript you say you read:
   And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting
  to go
   in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV
   obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said,
   'There's one terrible pilot.' And I said, 'It must
   have been a horrible accident.'
   But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have much
   to think about it, and I was sitting in the
   and Andy Card, my chief who was sitting over here
   walked in and said, 'A second plane has hit the
   America's under attack.'
  OK, sounds like he was in his limo watching the
  story about the first plane
  hitting the tower. He then went into the classroom
  and was later told the
  second one had hit, and that, at that point, it was
  obvious we were under
  attack, and it wasn't just pilot error.

 like i said:

 therefore bush had a live feed of which there is
 supposedly none...

No, that's not at all what I said. I believe he was watching the same news
that I was watching that morning. I don't think he actually saw the first
plane hit - I think that was a verbal gaffe - he was likely just watching
coverage of the building burning after the plane had hit it.

 quite on top of this surprise - wasn't he?

From this story alone as proof, I doubt it.

- jt

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] mixed muck 12-10

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

LONDON is still a haven for Islamic extremists
preaching global terrorism, despite tough laws passed
last year to curb their activities.

Investigators trying to destroy Osama bin Laden's
financial network are now looking right in there own
backyard -- at U.S. banks that had direct
relationships with a bank founded by bin Laden,
reports CBS News' Sharyl Attkisson.

Osama bin Laden's extensive financial interests in
Britain were outlined yesterday in a French
parliamentary report that says the City of London
financial center is a money-laundering haven for
billions of dollars of tainted and terrorist money.

Laden associate enjoys asylum in UK

Terrorist flaunts 'covenant' with British

Governments Worldwide Protest London Safehousing of

American State Terrorism

Why is the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
mounting an attack on pastas, cereals and salad
dressings, among other products?

The Israeli army launched a night-time raid on an Arab
village, shooting dead four policemen, setting fire to
one house and dynamiting another, and arresting
several dozen residents.

On 12/9/01 the Montreal Gazette reprinted a story by
Christina Lamb for the London Daily Telegraph about
even more deaths from starvation and cold at another
camp near Herat: A dirty gray blanket on the hard
desert ground is all that is home for Bibi Gul and her
family in the new Afghanistan It is more than a
week since she and her five children had their last
meal - a begged bowl of rice - and on Friday she woke
to find her 2-year-old son, Tahir, stiff and cold,
frozen to death in the rain. While the West celebrates
the surrender of Kandahar and the collapse of the
Taliban, here in Maslakh camp in western Afghanistan
there is no celebratory slaughtering of goats or
distribution of sweets, but only weeping and
funerals Every night as the temperature dips well
below zero, as many as 40 people die from cold and
starvation. In the six cemeteries scattered through
the camp, many of the piles of stones marking graves
are so tiny that it is clear most victims are children
and babies.

According to the Pentagon's Defense Science Board, a
strong correlation exists between U.S. involvement in
international situations and an increase in terrorist
attacks against the United States. President Clinton
has also acknowledged that link. The board, however,
has provided no empirical data to support its
conclusion. This paper fills that gap by citing many
examples of terrorist attacks on the United States in
retaliation for U.S. intervention overseas. The
numerous incidents cataloged suggest that the United
States could reduce the chances of such
devastating--and potentially catastrophic--terrorist
attacks by adopting a policy of military restraint

The academics maintain that the term Islamic
fundamentalism, especially when used as
indiscriminately as it is, merely generates
stereotypes and misinforms policy. Esposito points out
that Iran, Saudi Arabia and Libya are labeled
fundament-alist. He wonders what exactly is common to
a revolutionary Islamic Iran that is hostile to the
United States, a traditional monarchy in Saudi Arabia
that is its best ally in the region and a socialist
Libya that is as vulnerable to Islamic resurgence — as
are other states such as Tunisia and Morocco.34
Islamic fundamentalism, in Esposito’s opinion, is a
pejorative used to demonize Islamic resurgence.35
Others, such as Zachary Karabell, Graham Fuller and
Ian Lesser, have also argued that the use of the term
serves to delegitimize and demonize attempts by
Muslims to apply their religion to their own lives.

When I met a few days earlier with Osama al-Farra, the
mayor of Khan Younis, he explained to me why the
Israelis chose to build a settlement right between
Mawasi and Khan Younis: It is over the aquifers. In
1980 the Israelis began to drill. They have thirty-two
wells. They built a pipeline in 1994 to carry the
water into Israel. There are probably about 1,000
people in the settlement next to the camp, but they
consume one third of our water supply, though about
160,000 people live in Khan Younis.

For a brief period in September-October 1999 it
appeared that Washington was making some progress 

Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- Joshua Tinnin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  quite on top of this surprise - wasn't he?

 From this story alone as proof, I doubt it.

 - jt

if you ever want to get to the bottom of anything, i
suggest putting several clues TOGETHER...

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Afghanistan: US Casualties Spiral (Are we being lied to?)

2001-12-10 Thread William Shannon

Afghanistan: US Casualties Spiral

Scores of US soldiers wounded in Afghanistan have been arriving at the Khanabad air base in southern Uzbekistan - far more than official reports suggest
By Andrei Sukhozhilov in Khanabad (RCA No. 91, 7-Dec-01)

Its approach announced by the repeated thud of its blade slicing the air, the twin-rotor US helicopter landed at the American military support base at Khanabad airport, in southern Uzbekistan.

A staging post for special forces' and humanitarian missions into Afghanistan, the base has become busy with another task - receiving increasing numbers of Americans wounded in the fighting.

Uzbek sources at Khanabad suggest that the real figures of US casualties are far higher than the Pentagon's official totals. This IWPR reporter, who smuggled himself onto the facility on December 2, witnessed soldiers scrambling to meet an incoming US helicopter. They lifted out five wounded men on stretchers and loaded them into waiting vehicles.

Uzbek army personnel working at the air base said scores of US casualties have been arriving there. From November 25 to Decemeber 2, an Uzbek orderly working with American medical staff said he had witnessed the arrival of four to five US helicopters - carrying between them 10-15 American casualties - each day.

The orderly said the US staff he was helping confirmed the casualties coming off the aircraft were Americans.

Over the same period of time, the Pentagon has reported just five injured American servicemen, wounded in a friendly-fire incident during an operation to quell a prison riot near Mazar-e-Sharif. All were evacuated to Khanabad and then on to Germany.

The Pentagon's official total US casualty toll for the Afghan conflict is eight dead and 41 injured.

Asked about IWPR's findings, Pentagon spokesperson Lt Col. Catherine Abbott said, "I cannot comment on what your reporter may have seen or something an orderly may have told him. As we verify reports, we make the information known. . . . . The numbers that I gave you are the latest that I have."

The IWPR findings come amid US news media criticism of the Pentagon for allegedly restricting press coverage of American casualties. Both the Washington Post and the AP news agency protested Thursday at the military's apparent decision to prevent reporters based inside Afghanistan witnessing the transfer of troops injured when a B-52 bomb went astray in an air-strike on Kandahar. Three US special forces soldiers were killed and 19 wounded in the friendly-fire incident.

This reporter managed to get into the heavily guarded Khanabad facility with a group of parents visiting children serving in an

Uzbek military unit based at the airport.Uzbek military staff at the base told IWPR that it is increasingly being used as a springboard for humanitarian missions and special forces' raids into Afghanistan. They say the former take place during the day and the latter at night.

At the same time, the airport has been receiving growing numbers of casualties. The Uzbek sources say the hospital there - comprising one floor of a building and four large canvas tents - was full of wounded US soldiers. They said more tents were going to be erected to cope with the influx of casualties.

The Uzbek orderly working with American troops transferring wounded comrades from helicopters said the casualties suffered shrapnel and bullet wounds to the arms, leg and head.

The airport sources could not confirm how many incoming casualties had died. One Uzbek soldier said that since October 15 he had helped US servicemen load 20 body bags onto American transport planes. But he could not confirm whether they were dead US soldiers.

But there is other evidence of American fatalities. One Uzbek officer said US soldiers had told him that four of their comrades had died of their wounds on December 1 while being airlifted to Khanabad.

An Uzbek pilot spoke of the death last week of an American soldier who he had become friendly with while he was on the base. The US serviceman, he said, had died in the attempt to end the prison riot on the outskirts of Mazar-e-Sharif two weeks ago. "A lot of American troops died there - it was a real battle, " the pilot said.

Uzbek army personnel say the atmosphere on the base has changed distinctly in the last week or so.

They say that in October when the Americans began deploying at the airport, they were gung-ho, telling their Uzbek counterparts that it would take no more than a month and a half to defeat the Taleban and al-Qaeda.

While the Taleban appear to be on their last legs, al-Qaeda fighters continue to resist in mountain redoubts, with some US servicemen at Khanabad now resigned to a long haul.

Uzbek military staff say frustration at this is noticeable. They say they have witnessed growing tensions among American troops, often overhearing arguments and shouting matches.

Andrei Sukhozhilov is the pseudonym 

Re: [CTRL] The 'Black Banshee', Commie Mary Frances Berry

2001-12-10 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/9/01 5:06:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It was the democratic controlled counties that were mainly responsible for
 cheating blacks out of their votes. Not republicans. It was the Gore camplain
 that tried to keep the military vote from being counted, not the republicans.
 It was the democratic state supreme court that caused the mess to wind up in
 the Supreme Court of the U.S. with their off the wall rulings. The U.S.
 Supreme Court made the best of mess that they didn't want to have anything to
 do with. 

Yeah, sure.  Let's talk about the military vote.  Every overseas unit has a
voting officer.  It is this guy's job to get out the absentee ballots and
instruct all the voters in their use.  It is his business to get them in on
time and sent out on time.  If the military vote didn't get counted
properly, it was because these voting officers are incompetent people picked
by incompetent superiors.  The U.S. Supreme Court made hay while the sun
shone.  And if anything fishy should be canned, it's our so called Supreme
Court.  Prudy

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Captured Journalist-Intelligence services wanted me killed

2001-12-10 Thread William Shannon

Intelligence services wanted me killed, says journalist

Yvonne Ridley makes astonishing claim in book about her days of captivity with the Taliban

By Jo Dillon, Political Correspondent

09 December 2001

Yvonne Ridley, the British journalist captured by the Taliban, this week makes the extraordinary claim that Western intelligence agencies tried to get her killed to bolster public support for the air strikes on Afghanistan.

In her new book, In The Hands of the Taliban, published tomorrow, Express journalist Ms Ridley, 43, says despite her release from captivity she still has "unfinished business" surrounding her time in Afghanistan.

She claims that on her return to Pakistan she found her hotel room had been searched. In London, the locks on her Soho flat had apparently been tampered with. A journalist on the Arab TV station Al Jazeera then showed her a collection of as yet unverified documents. They purported to be copies of a dossier of personal and financial papers and pictures.

When told they had been handed to the Taliban, Ms Ridley asked: "Who the hell was trying to get me shot?"

With the help of prominent QC Michael Mansfield, the Al Jazeera journalist, Nacer Bedri, and contacts in the security and intelligence services, Ms Ridley is now trying to piece together what happened.

She says the documents were photocopies of genuine-looking Inland Revenue tax returns and the title deeds to a previous London home owned by her. There was also a copy of an Israeli passport belonging to her third husband, Hermosh, along with a Mossad code number and ID card also said to belong to him. The figures in the financial documents were exaggerated, Ms Ridley said. Also in the bundle was a photograph of Ms Ridley, Hermosh and her daughter Daisy, now aged nine, "taken on a river in Iran when you entered the country illegally".

Ms Ridley's book says: "I looked at the picture again and initially laughed, when I realised it had been taken in October 1998 in Stratford-upon-Avon. Then an awful feeling came to my stomach and I wanted to vomit. I remembered where I had last seen that picture – in my top drawer at my new flat in Soho. I had kicked out Husband No 3 a couple of weeks after those pictures were taken; they weren't developed until later – after he had gone. So who had been in my flat?"

Ms Ridley is convinced the intelligence services must have somehow been involved – and has vowed to prove it. "Without giving too much away, I can say the matter isn't going to rest," she said yesterday.

The publication of her book and the claims it makes are certain to throw Ms Ridley back into the spotlight – a place that has not been particularly comfortable for her since she was captured by the Taliban on 28 September and after her release on 8 October.

Ms Ridley was lambasted for making a "foolhardy" decision to go into Afghanistan with a number of commentators accusing her of being "selfish" for taking such a risk as a single mother.

Others raised questions about Ms Ridley's time in Afghanistan, one report claiming that rather than being captured in the country where she was carrying out a newspaper investigation; she was picked up over the border in Pakistan and had never entered Afghanistan.

On her return, Ms Ridley was criticised for failing to pay enough attention in her account of her ordeal to the two guides – then still in prison – captured helping her or the aid workers held alongside her. Early reviews of her book were far from flattering. But Ms Ridley is determined to get to the bottom of her own story. 

[CTRL] Secretive US unloads heavy equipment on remote Tinian

2001-12-10 Thread William Shannon

Pacific islands fear prisoner influx

Secretive US unloads heavy equipment on remote Tinian

Patrick Barkham in Sydney
Saturday December 8, 2001
The Guardian

Speculation that the US will go ahead with plans to hold suspected terrorists and prisoners of war on remote Pacific islands intensified yesterday when US forces began delivering heavy equipment to the Northern Marianas.

Naval officers on nearby Guam said the delivery to the island of Tinian would last 10 days.

"That's very unusual," Mark Pangelinan of the Northern Marianas' emergency management office, told the Saipan Tribune. "We need to inform the public what's going on."

A US military spokeswoman on Guam said that the C-130 aircraft spotted unloading equipment on Tinian was practising for the air force's "annual Christmas drop" of gifts to islands in the region.

But the local press reported that officials had said earlier that they did not need to unload heavy equipment in preparation for the goodwill exercise.

Moreover, the US army has asked for additional security measures at Tinian's international airport.

Senior officials on the Northern Marianas, a commonwealth of 14 islands administered by the US and dependent on aid from Washington, believe the US forces may hold suspected terrorists and former Taliban fighters on land they lease there.

There has been widespread unease in the Pacific since the US authorities confirmed that its territories in the region would be considered as sites for holding prisoners of war and conducting military trials.

Several politicians on the Northern Marianas and Guam oppose the use of their islands as military prisons because they believe it will damage the economy and the predominantly Japanese tourist trade.

Hotels on the Northern Mariana islands were at their emptiest after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

But Mr Pangelinan said he would support a US plan to use Tinian to hold or try captured al-Qaida members.

"Our country is in need of our assistance and we all should cooperate and put in our share as a United States commonwealth," he said.

Senators on Guam have introduced a resolution asking George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, to remove Guam from their list of potential sites for war tribunals.

President Bush's press secretary, Ari Fleischer, told a White House briefing last week that no preparations were being made on Guam to hold military trials there.

US forces have conducted several big exercises on the Northern Marianas in recent years, and plan to send 5,000 marines to Tinian next March.

Northern Mariana port officials said the US had always informed them of the nature of its military activities on the islands.

[CTRL] Rep. Ron Paul On Military Courts

2001-12-10 Thread William Shannon

Guest Comment: Rep. Ron Paul On Military Courts
By Congressman Ron Paul

Suddenly the fix for terrorism seems to be secret military tribunals on American soil. Have so many Americans really lost confidence in our institutions?
Well, I am happy to report that there is nothing broken about our system of justice. Executive orders authorizing secret trials on American soil, however, send a very different message to America and the world. That is a shame. It is one thing to hold a military-style trial for an enemy captured in conflict abroad, and I don't think many would argue otherwise. It is entirely different, though, when government asserts a right to take people off the streets of our own country and try them in secret - where in some cases death is to be the punishment.

There have been many arguments for why setting up military tribunals on U.S. soil is a good idea. None of them are compelling. Many have cited three-ring circus celebrity trials in the past as justification for secret trials of suspected terrorists. Secret trials might be more orderly, that is true, but ask anyone who has suffered under a totalitarian regime whether is it worth sacrificing justice for "efficiency."

Others have warned that civil trials of terrorism suspects will result in leaks of intelligence information. This too is unconvincing. There are already mechanisms in place to protect sensitive information from being compromised in trial, and many such trials have been held.

Some - even conservatives - have offered the example of President Franklin Roosevelt's use of a military court to try a group of Nazi saboteurs during World War II. It is curious to see FDR as a model for conservatives, but nevertheless we were in a declared war and those captured were agents of a country with which we were in an active state of war. We are not currently in a state of war, despite what pundits might claim.

Also worth consideration is the fact that this executive order does not prescribe standard military trials held under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for suspects. Whereas the UCMJ requires unanimity in capital cases, this new military court requires only two-thirds agreement, even to deliver a sentence of death. Also, Fifth Amendment guarantees are compromised in this new court, as is the right to appeal and other due process guarantees.

Finally, it is argued that only terrorists are to be subjected to these secret courts. But how do we decide someone is a terrorist before a trial? That sounds an awful lot like government deciding guilt before a show trial. More troubling, under recently passed "anti-terrorism" legislation, the definition of "terrorism" for federal criminal purposes has been greatly expanded. A person can now be considered a terrorist for belonging to a pro-constitution group, a citizen militia, or a pro-life organization. How long before these "terrorists" are subject to secret trials?

Who cares, supporters will say. After all, only foreigners are to be tried under these courts and we all know only American citizens are afforded the benefits of our judicial system. Fortunately our founding fathers saw things differently, as they drew up a system that recognized the fundamental rights of all humanity and created a model for constitutional governance. Do Americans really expect Germany or Holland, for example, to disregard their own laws when trying Americans suspected of crimes in their countries? Of course not.

Again, supporters of military tribunals promise that only foreigners are to be tried in these secret trials. But what is to come next? What if a U.S. citizen is suspected of working closely with terrorists in one of their cells? Would it be a huge leap in this case to include him in the military trials of his partners in crime?

Americans now more than ever must trust the great constitutional institutions that have served us well for more than 200 years. The separation of powers and rule of law are cornerstones. Remove them and our way of life will quickly crumble.

Ron Paul For President 2004? Sign The Petition!!!

[CTRL] AMERICA: NATION? or nation-state in a NWO?

2001-12-10 Thread William Shannon

or nation-state in a NWO?
By Dorothy Anne Seese


The great government land-grabs are not for the good of the environment or the preservation of our great natural monuments and other resources. They are for the good of the global system that is racing upon us, because private property ownership is the basis for autonomous nations and sovereign governmental structures. The objective is to take away the sovereignty of America as a nation and reduce it to a nation-state in the global governance order for the world. 

While our citizens are focused on a perpetual state of war that is a necessary distraction to the events that are chipping away at all things foundational to the America of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, globalism is rapidly advancing, largely unnoticed as the busy citizenry deals with streams of new fears, real or inferred. 

The fact that we will be in some kind of perpetual war is more evident now that Tora Bora apparently is not housing Osama bin Laden. We surmised some weeks ago that he might be residing in Saudi Arabia as the guest of a friendly prince ... an idea that is all the more plausible if he is not in Afghanistan. Further, Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar seems to have disappeared as the Taliban fighters "flee in disarray." Disarray? It's fairly certain that the appearance of disarray has been created largely to allow them to regroup elsewhere and continue their "jihad" as they see fit. Further, the United States seems to have declared a hands-off policy against Yasser Arafat, a convenient Palestinian leader for the elitists because he is known, and probably more communicative than those who won't play political games because of their hatred for Israel, who might cross the boundaries of the war-game. 

Yes, check your nose if you aren't getting wafts from Fisherman's Wharf. 

More and more conservo writers are seeing and expressing their lack of confidence in this undeclared war against an ideology rather than one or more nation states. The usefulness of religion or nationalism is that the elitists are able to rally the great masses around their flags or their religious traditions while the real war continues against both nationalism and distinct religious beliefs. Divisiveness will not be tolerated once the global government is visibly in place and in control. 

The rationale for globalism, which was being discussed back in the 50's when this writer was a very young student, is still the rationale for the globalist agenda. While elitists have their own megalomanias, the academics have tended toward the rationale of preservation, and probably still believe their own delusions. 

The rationale in the 50's was expressed in these terms. We have one planet, with an increasing population, decreasing land supply, insufficient resources for continued population growth, increasing weapons of mass destruction, and a continuum of petty wars between nations. Ergo ... there must be one centralized governmental entity to control what is racing out of control, or the human race will annihilate itself through famine, war, pestilence, suffocation or a combination of these factors. 

The front organization for globalism was the United Nations, successor to the failed League of Nations, where ostensibly national leaders could sit down at a table and reason out their differences. That was not the real intent, it was the package proposal that peoples of that era would accept. The idea of globalism was far beyond the average American thought process in the 1940's and 1950's, much less that of the great illiterate masses of the eastern cultures or Africa. 

If talking out differences appeared to be a worthwhile endeavor, the cold war era should have been sufficient to prove it as pure idealism, unworkable in reality. That would have resulted in the participating nations chucking the UN and returning to nationalism and open combat. The fact that the UN was not dissolved, but eventually the Soviet Union was, attests to an overriding goal that wasn't openly expressed. That goal was, is, and continues to be the establishment of the utopian one world governance. 

We may have more nations now, but we have less nationalism. There are still warring tribes, but the major powers are finding ways to intervene in their affairs, bringing them under UN supervision and control. Afghanistan was on almost no American's mind until September 11th, 2001, when it gained world attention as the hideout of the world's most wanted terrorist. The same was true of Bosnia and Kosovo, absolutely local matters until NATO's intervention. No nation is safe from UN intervention, no nation is free to do as it pleases unless such activities are sanctioned by (but not publicly) the US, the UN, and NATO. 

That explains why Israel didn't take out Arafat and the PA years ago; why there was no intervention in Africa's bloody genocides which are 

[CTRL] Smallpox Vaccines: A Way to Implant America

2001-12-10 Thread William Shannon

Smallpox Vaccines: A Way to Implant America 


HHS and its head honcho, Tommy Thompson, are feverishly attempting to
negotiate a pharmaceutical deal to produce 300,000,000 doses of smallpox vaccine.

When asked about those individuals vaccinated in the '50, '60, and '70s - the last time the vaccine was used - he stated they (HHS) were not sure that those individuals would still have immunity. By implication he means that everyone in the U.S. should be vaccinated.

Yes, it has been a while since I took medical microbiology and
immunology, but if my memory serves me correctly, the vaccine confers lifelong immunity.

"Every American will have his or her name on their dose." Interesting
phraseology, Tommy.

As reported about 6 months ago in Industry Standard magazine, Hitachi
has developed a microchip, known as the MU chip, that is only .04mm square with 128K of memory and can emit a RF (radio frequency) signal up to two feet. "It can be woven into currency or used in biological 
tissue - it is completely transparent.

" Also, don't forget L.U.C.I.D. and our friends at Digital Demon - ahm, I mean Angel.

Several months ago I met a former Marine recon specialist ('86-'92) who swore to me and another on this forum that selected individuals in the corps, including himself, had been implanted with an ID chip. Guess where? On the site of their smallpox vaccination scar. These were the rather outdated versions of microchips, not like the MU. The scanner had to be held right over the smallpox 
scar and your SSN was displayed.

Most of these chips are powered by what is called thermal gradient.

The areas of the body with the highest gradients are the head, hands,
and arms.

Does everyone see where I am going with this?

Let's use a hypothetical example.

The government or one its rogue elements lets smallpox loose in
Smalltown, USA - sure they can sacrifice a few thousand more Americans to make the empire more secure.

The whole country panics and lines up for their vaccine. They go to
predesignated public health service offices and fill out forms with all kinds of ID questions.

In addition there is the new OHS database that has information on your
political bent using the friend, foe, or neutral scheme. (see "The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War" - Army War College, 1996)

The information in put into a computer and the computer programs the
little MU which is dropped into the vaccine bottle with your name on it. You step up for the pneumatic injection and viola, you are a walking database and transmitter.

Let's imagine the U.S. slides into the worst depression since the '30s. There are riots and political dissension. The 'system' is activated.

You go to the grocery store and for some reason you cannot check-out.
Could it have anything to do with that 'foe' signal you are emitting?

This is only one scenario. You can just imagine the possibilities.  

[CTRL] Dubitably ?

2001-12-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Today at the Presidential press conference, someone asked Ari about
something having to do with proof of UBL's involvement with the 9-
11extreme vandalism in NYC.  He replied that he doubts that anyone
doesn't believe that UBL was complicit.  Believe.  I'd likethem to
get to KNOW.  And, of course, BEFORE our forces go off to some
foreign land and create havoc (chaos being the natural order of
things and anarchy the ideal) in their lives.  And then we have
Halliburton Dick, still considering doubt,

 US Vice President Dick Cheney said: He does, in fact, display
 significant knowledge of what happened and there's no doubt about his

The problem is, of course, beliefs and doubts have put Duh-B-Yu in
the flagpole sitting seat of judge-jury-executioner (dictator, i.e.)
in the realm of foreign policy.  AER



Dec 10 2001

From Jeremy Armstrong In Kabul

OSAMA bin Laden plans a TV suicide that will trigger attacks on
landmarks in London, Paris and the US.

His estranged wife Sabiha said last night he would order his elder
sons to shoot him rather than be captured.

Bin Laden: Appearance on Al-Jazera TV

Sabiha, 45, added: That will be the signal for a new wave of terror.
The targets this time would be the Capitol building in Washington,
Big Ben in London and the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Her claims were broadcast on Russian television as al-Qaeda boss bin
Laden reportedly led 1,000 loyalists into forests in Afghanistan
after being flushed out of his Tora Bora caves.

New evidence has also emerged of his role in the September 11
atrocities in America.

In a 40-minute video tape obtained by the Pentagon, he described the
damage around the twin towers as greater than expected and praised
Allah for the success of the attacks.

Bin Laden, 44, whose Saudi family run a multi-billion dollar
construction business, is said to have 15 children by three or four

Estranged wife Sabiha, who abandoned him after he took another wife
aged 17, revealed the suicide plan on Russian TV channel, TV6.

Sabiha said he wanted his death and ultimate martyrdom filmed by the
al-Jazeera TV network, based in Gulf state Qatar.

It has broadcast several of bin Laden's rants against the West since
September 11.

Yesterday bin Laden's mother Alia spoke for the first time about him,
saying she was not angry with him - just disappointed by his ideas
and actions.

Like all mothers, I am satisfied and pleased with my son and pray to
God to guide him and save him, she told a Saudi newspaper. The
family disowned him in 1994.

The fresh tape evidence of bin Laden's involvement in the twin towers
horror is said to have been found in a private home in Jalalabad.

US Vice President Dick Cheney said: He does, in fact, display
significant knowledge of what happened and there's no doubt about his

On the tape, bin Laden said he was at a dinner when he was told the
first plane had crashed into the Trade Center.

He shared the information with other guests and some expressed
surprise. He told them to stick around and then the second plane hit
and they cheered.

The tape also shows that bin Laden was amused some of the hijackers
were unaware it was a suicide mission.

A US official said: He is amused by the fact that some of these
people who were martyred, they thought they were just taking part in
a hijacking.''

A second, hour-long tape, obtained by the Mirror in Kabul, shows bin
Laden's hatred of America. It opens with newsreel footage of Bill
Clinton and George Bush on Muslim soil.

Jabbing his finger, bin Laden urges his al-Qaeda fighters: Our
priority... is to rise up against America.

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For the latest on the war on terror

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: eric stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --- Joshua Tinnin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   quite on top of this surprise - wasn't he?
  From this story alone as proof, I doubt it.

 if you ever want to get to the bottom of anything, i
 suggest putting several clues TOGETHER...

Don't be so patronizing ...

Yes, Eric, I realize that, but I don't think this particular transcript is

You also must learn to separate the wheat from the chaff ...

- jt

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Iraq = Viet Nam ?

2001-12-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

I'm a little confused about the dates on the arms inspections; I
thought Ritter was there AFTER DS/DS.  But, I think the Viet Nam
analogy is the important piece of information.

The Washington Times

U.S. experts on Iraq warn of new Vietnam

Claude Salhani

 WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 (UPI) -- Two prominent American experts on
Iraq cautioned the Bush administration on Friday not to go after Iraq
in what is being termed as the possible second phase of America's
new war on terro
 The warnings came about as 10 key members of Congress sent a letter to President 
George W. Bush earlier in the week encouraging him to set his sights on Saddam 
Hussein's regime as the next target in the war.
 As we work to clean up Afghanistan and destroy al Qaida, it is imperative that 
we plan to eliminate the threat from Iraq, they noted.
 Signers of the letter included Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., Joseph Lieberman, 
D-Conn., Jesse Helms, R-N.C., Trent Lott, R-Miss., Richard Shelby, R-Ala., and Henry 
Hyde, R-Ill., who is chairman of the House Internation
al Relations Committee.
 The warnings not to attack Iraq came from Scott Ritter, a former arms inspector 
who led 30 missions in Iraq, 14 of them as chief of the United Nations inspection 
team, and Edward Peck, a former U.S. ambassador to Bag
hdad in the Carter administration. Peck was also deputy director of the Reagan 
administration's task force on terrorism.
 Both warned the United States not to attack Iraq once the Afghanistan phase of 
the anti-terrorism war is completed.
 During a talk at the Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine in Washington on 
Friday, both veteran Middle East hands asked the Bush administration not to heed the 
hawks in government who are demanding that military a
ction be taken against Iraqi strongman Saddam.
 I hope that Attorney General John Ashcroft does not take exception to what I am 
about to say and label me a terrorist, said Ritter. Now we talk about the next 
phase, and this is where I get a little nervous.
 Ritter, who was one of the last arms inspectors in Iraq before the 1990-91 Gulf 
War, criticized the Bush administration, which, he said, lacks definition in its 
policy on Iraq.
 Ritter said the president accused those who fund and train terrorists of being 
terrorists. The Saudis funded the madrassas (schools) where terrorists were trained. 
Does this make them terrorists, too? asked the for
mer U.S. Marine and arms inspector. Are we going to war against Pakistan? I think 
 Ritter rejected recent intelligence reports linking Mohammad Atta, one of the 
Sept. 11 hijackers and ringleaders, to Iraqi intelligence.
 The meeting in Prague between Mohammad Atta and Iraqi intelligence was to 
discuss blowing up Radio Free Europe, which broadcasts messages aimed against Saddam 
Hussein. It is a legitimate target.
 Ritter whose task in Iraq included identifying, finding and destroying Iraqi 
biochemical and nuclear facilities, believes there was no link between Iraq and the 
recent spate of anthrax-spiked letters in the United St
 The anthrax letters were almost certainly from a (U.S.) Department of Defense 
source, he said. Scratch the Iraq link.
 Iraq, said Ritter, did not kick out the United Nations inspectors, it was the 
United States that asked them to leave before the bombing of Baghdad started in 1990, 
shortly after Iraq invaded Kuwait.
 Both Ritter and former ambassador Peck do not believe Iraq presents a threat 
today, and that even Israel does not see Saddam as an immediate threat any longer. 
Iraq was a threat in 1990, not today.
 Should the United States pursue its unilateral decision to take down Saddam 
Hussein, it will be nothing more than a modern version of Vietnam, declared Ritter.
 Peck, who served in Baghdad, said the American media were incapable of telling 
the American people information they don't want to hear. He rejected the United 
States' support of the London-based Iraqi opposition know
n as the Iraqi National Congress, calling them silk-shirted, three piece-suited 
losers in London. The INC, said Peck, was not a feasible alternative.
 If we can push the Catholics and Protestants to talk in Northern Ireland, and 
push (Israeli Prime Minister) Ariel Sharon and (Palestinian Authority leader) Yasser 
Arafat to talk, why can't we talk to Iraq? asked Pe
 He blamed the continuing sanctions against Iraq to be partially at fault for the 
hatred directed against America.
 American people are loved, he said, but their policy is not. They cannot 
attack our policy, so they attack us.
 Peck said half a million children have died in Iraq as a result of the continuing 
sanctions. Compare that to 60,000 people who died in Hiroshima.

[CTRL] Biophysical Warfare - The Mind Has No Firewalls

2001-12-10 Thread William Shannon

Biophysical Warfare - The Mind 
Has No Firewalls

By Tim Rifat

The US Army War College published an article called The Mind has no Firewalls, sent to me by Harlan Gerrard - America's leading mind control expert - who asked me to comment on the American military's drive to dominate the mind. It is well known that microwave mind control using the TETRA system, based on CIA mind control research, is in the process of turning the UK into matrix-land. The 30,000 plus transmitters will zombify the population and police, and dissidents can be terminated by implanting them with Digital Angel and using computer controlled microwave weapons targeted on their home, street, shopping mall, car, trains-to covertly kill all subversives.   

Unfortunately for the US military and NATO controlling the mind does not end with microwaves and ELF. This is just the beginning of a new series of weapons which target the mind. Since the mind resides in the biophysical field and the brain is just wet-ware which runs holographic AI (Artificial Intelligence) programmes, the new cutting edge of 21st Century strategic warfare will in involve targeting and elimination of the enemy's biophysical field (mind) so that the wetware - brain - has no firewalls for the mind (biophysical field) and can be taken over and/or destroyed by the biophysical field of a remote influencing adept.   

The development of remote viewing using Soviet protocols can enable remote influencing adepts to scan the minds of the NSA and find out, in detail, the secrets of their research into anti-gravity, inertialess drives, beam weapons-Since the NSA use mind controlled psychics who have been implanted and subject to severe trauma to cause a multiple personality, targeting the chip in the NSA remote viewing zombies renders these creatures inoperable; one can also project into these creatures' minds false remote viewing images so they see what you want them to see - they enter a 'Matrix' where you are the AI. The NSA are therefore totally vulnerable to having their biophysical fields destroyed and their wet-ware filled with the biophysical worms similar to those found on Microsoft's software. The result of this is that no secret US arsenal is a secret and that by using the fact that the mind has no firewall, one can control the NSA and make them act and think in total synchrony with the matrix that has been imprinted upon them.   

The Russians have released information that the West is dominated by a clique of ultra-rich financiers whose network is around $300 trillion. Conspiracy experts point the finger at the Rothschilds amongst others, be that as it may - the author keeps his own council on who they may be - this group that owns through the Western multinationals, Federal Reserve, Bank of England, World Bank and International Monetary Fund, gives opposing forces superb leverage if they can use biophysical warfare on the handful of families who own the West. By remote viewing these families, one can destroy their biophysical fields and impregnate their wet-ware (brain) with a host of biophysical viruses and worms so that they destroy the West, which they own, by presumptive action and foolish aggression whose outcome the remote influencing adepts can finally control via the matrix within which they can entrap this elite. Countries such as Russia, which worship the dollar, can extort the $300 trillion by systematically remotely killing these elite to frighten them into transferring their money.   

Research by scientists has found that the heart is controlled by a part of the brain which, when damaged, causes heart attacks. Implanting biophysical worms destroys this brain centre and can cause heart attacks in the victim; similarly, the use of telekinesis can be used to burst capillaries in the elites' brains to cause massive cerebral haemorrhages. If this was not bad enough, the biophysical field has as a component the morphogenic field which controls all aspects of DNA synthesis transcription and morphogenesis; targeting the DNA using morphogenic aspects, one can induce oncogenes into the elite to be switched on, giving them cancer, or one can dismantle their immune system to give them AIDS-like diseases. The morphogenic field can also reconform the isomers of prions, so one can give the elite new forms of Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease and/or Alzheimer's. Their families can be targeted by changing their DNA so they become subject to any hereditary disease you wish and they can be made sterile, so the elite dies out.   

Biophysical warfare, is therefore, the most effective way of strategically dominating the West.   

Russia, China and India are not ruled by a handful of people and can therefore survive, if the US and NATO had the knowledge of a counter-offensive targeted at their top people, new people would just take the reigns of power. In the West there has been a millennia-long drive of a small 

[CTRL] Fwd: The View from Inside the CIA

2001-12-10 Thread Kris Millegan


 Our intelligence people have become too concerned with individual
rights ... (!)


Las Vegas Review-Journal
Monday, December 10, 2001

Experts: Intelligence work forever changed

Sept. 11 called 'total failure' of nation's law enforcement

A little more than a week ago, one of the nation's top officials from the
Central Intelligence Agency sat in the Marie Callender's restaurant at
Decatur Boulevard and Flamingo Road.

The man, in suit and tie, is the CIA's Los Angeles station chief.
Accompanying him were two other suit-clad agents.

And in front of the CIA officers was a room packed with their
intelligence-gathering colleagues.

What were they all doing here? Was it to discuss the war in Afghanistan? To
protect us from domestic terrorism? To sample the razzleberry pie?

Not quite. The three were here to make a speech to a local group of
intelligence officers.

The Review-Journal, although invited to the event, in the end was not
allowed to sit in on the speech. This was, after all, the CIA.

But recently, four of the men who were in the closed meeting spoke with the
Review-Journal about what they foresee will be the forever changed role of
intelligence gathering given the events of Sept. 11.

They are all members of the Las Vegas chapter of the National Intelligence
and Counterintelligence Association, an organization of intelligence
officers from the military, law enforcement and security communities who now
are trying to educate the public on the vital role intelligence gathering

The four Southern Nevada residents -- Paddy Ryan, Jim Murphy, Gregg
Schiffbauer and H.G. Gibson -- are long-retired intelligence officers who
once gathered information about national security for the federal
government. To this day, they will not discuss much of the specifics of what
they did.

Gibson said he is an ex-Marine and pilot who flew spy missions for the
government. The retired airlines pilot gathered intelligence for the State

Murphy was a naval aviator and reservist who helped gather intelligence on
Soviet ships and submarines in the Atlantic Ocean during the Cold War.
Schiffbauer, another reservist, said he gathered government intelligence in
the late 1960s, while Ryan gathered international intelligence for the State
Department. Ryan is also the former director of international relations for
the Port of New Orleans.

I feel what happened on September 11 was a total failure all the way around
the law enforcement and intelligence communities, Ryan said, adding that he
feels political correctness has gotten in the way of securing crucial

Our intelligence people have become too concerned with individual rights,
he said.

The four said the U.S. intelligence community has relied too heavily on
technology and that there is a need to go back to the old-fashioned way of
spying and gathering intelligence, which means using human sources and
engaging in undercover operations.

It's not necessarily a science, Schiffbauer said. It's a process of
listening to people.

Murphy said there already are indications that organizations such as the CIA
and the National Security Agency are working hard to communicate better with
the Justice Department, FBI and other domestic law enforcement agencies.

In the past, every (agency) has wanted to be the hero, Murphy said. There
has been no communication.

Each of the men has spent a great deal of time abroad and agreed that there
is a stunning amount of ignorance on the part of Americans when it comes to
understanding cultures other than their own. U.S. citizens need to do a much
better job of educating themselves as to how they are viewed globally, they

The reality is, most people in the world do not like us, Gibson said.

The actions of Americans when they are overseas is one reason for that,
Murphy said. Most people, when they travel outside of the country, are
simply not sensitive enough to the complexities of foreign cultures.

Ryan said U.S. foreign policy is also partly to blame for the anger, as it
has been aimed largely at satisfying the country's short-term needs, often
through the financing of foreign governments. The four provided numerous
examples of this approach in the past, including the financing of
governments in Saudi Arabia and aid given to Saddam Hussein in Iraq during
that nation's war with Iran.

Instead, America needs to take an approach of doing what is best for the
people of a particular nation instead of doing what is best for those in
power, Ryan said.

If you are going to do something for another nation, be consistent and
don't just do it for their government, Gibson said. Do it for the
interests of the people.

Ryan said such hatred of Americans helps fuel extremist actions against the
United States. This is where the intelligence community is highly valuable.
Simply put, it is the 


2001-12-10 Thread William Shannon

Mon Dec 10 20:53:42 2001

The purpose of this site is to show that major world events, headline news and the entire NASA Space Program -
although they may appear to happen as random events - are in fact orchestrated from 'behind the scenes' by a secret
group known as the Illuminati - the 'enlightened ones', whose goal is the complete control of the planet and the
subjugation of the masses.

As these events take place, key stars and other astronomical bodies which represent their Gods, are at specific
altitudes above/below or on the horizon when viewed from 'sacred temple' sites here on Earth, the Moon and Mars.
These are hereafter known as ILLUMINATI RITUAL ALIGNMENTS.

They own everything. Banks, Oil, Media, Stock Markets, Military, Intelligence Community, Presidents, Governments, the
lot. If they want something to happen, it will. Not only will it happen, but it will happen on schedule, at a predetermined
point in time. My results should prove that.

Their plan: complete domination - of you. The New World Order. It is a plan to control the world under a One World
Government, with them at the top. This also includes a one world army, police, judiciary, currency and religion.
Think Big Brother, 1984. It would be a Global Totalitarian State, Communism in full effect. You will earn your right to live.
NWO Citizens will have to contribute to society. Don't have a job? You'll be given a job...in one of their nice 'work camps'.
The ones with watchtowers and machine guns. Still can't make a contribution? Maybe you're a career criminal, you're
psychologically unbalanced, or just refuse to play along. Then say goodbye. They'll chop off your head and use your
organs to keep people who do contribute alive. Think that couldn't happen? Read more. Someone's got plans for us.
There are US Patents for mind control devices and 'Chemtrails' over the western world. Tracking devices, linked to the
GPS network, will let them know exactly where you are at any given time.

Their control of the media and TV networks allows them to pump propaganda directly into your living room 24 hours a
day. The mass media is one of the most effective mind control operations in history. They control the information you
receive and are therefore able to control you; by keeping you ignorant of all the facts, telling you only what they want you
to know to suit their own needs. Remember Kosovo? - practically everyday you'd see video footage of a missile hitting its
target with pinpoint accuracy, striking a blow for freedom and democracy etc etc. What they didn't tell you at the time
was that this was a fairly rare occurrence. Over a third of missiles fired missed their targets, many causing civilian
casulties. By showing you this footage, they were trying to justify the whole thing, show that the enemy were no match
for their superior technology (like the F117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter the Serbians shot down (the aircraft they tell us that
doesn't show up on radar)) and that they would win the day. Read the news now and see what's going on in the area.
Some victory.

Unfortunately, too many people blindly accept the information they get, believing that the media wouldn't lie - they can be
trusted. One of the reasons governments are trying to regulate or control the Internet these days is because information
is everywhere and they can't stop you getting to it (yet). People are able to communicate on a global scale and can find
information previously inaccessible. Devices such as the FBI 'Carnivore' (now known as DCS1000 - sounds less
threatening) or laws such as the Regulation of Investigatory Powers in the UK are their attempts to enforce their control.
The Illuminati don't like people thinking for themselves.

The New World Order is almost here. It is currently known as the United Nations. I don't really have time to detail
everything here, but it is extremely important that you research some of the U.N. laws, charters and programs for
yourself. U.N. law is now the supreme law, over-riding those of nation states. There are plans to disarm the global
population and reduce national defence capabilities (downsizing of armed forces, reduction of weapon stockpiles etc).
The only group with the weapons would be the U.N. They have international courts now, as well as a religion. The rest is
close at hand.

The scariest thing I've read is the terms 'valid' and 'in-valid' when referring to people. A 'valid human' has rights (the rights
given to them by the U.N.) because they make a contribution to society basically. An 'in-valid' has nothing. A 'valid' can
become 'in-valid' if, when exercising his rights, he does something detrimental to the U.N. or any of its institutions. 'Valid'
and 'In-Valid' - 'Gattaca' anyone?

We will be used as they see fit. If they decide to 

Re: [CTRL] Smallpox Vaccines: A Way to Implant America

2001-12-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 10 Dec 01, at 19:18, William Shannon wrote:

 Yes, it has been a while since I took medical microbiology and
 immunology, but if my memory serves me correctly, the vaccine confers
 lifelong immunity.

According to Horowitz's book, *Death In The Air*, some man-made
immunizations are liable to fade out and will need renewal.  This is
contrast to actually catching the disease and them becoming immune.
Of course, they don't know for sure either way.  They worry so much
about smallpox and then there's the 'flu (20K annually) and TB on the
rebound.  For those things they don't know much for sure about, they
sure do make a big deal and then for the things they DO know about,
they can't even get enough vaccine for them.  It must be easier to
raise people's anxiety through the unknown (and possibly BS).  They
ahve yet to come right out and tell how many expected deaths there
will be due to a smallpox epidemic.  Not everyone dies; may get pox
marx, but not dead.  I believe the orginal way of vaccination was to
get someone with the disease and then give others a little bit of
exposure.  This don't hep dem drog companies not much but I'd a-be
thinkin' doin' it da natcheral way would be da best, youse know
whatch'I meanin'.  I went through the real chicken pox, measles and
mumps in a short period of time and I'm still mobile after 40+ years.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Age of Consent

2001-12-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Another interesting way the State legislates morality and mandates
its supremacy over the family.

Legal Age of Consent

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] New Bin Laden (tape) evidence ?

2001-12-10 Thread Tony Dickinson

-Caveat Lector-

Interesting claims, but not convinced by this report alone - anyone seen
this evidence yet ?

 His estranged wife Sabiha said last night he would order his elder
 sons to shoot him rather than be captured.

Only to shoot ? - this is not the same as to kill.

 New evidence .

 he described the damage around the twin towers as greater than
 expected and praised Allah for the success of the attacks.

The damage was greater than most people would have expected - does
that imply that anyone making such an exclamation is therfore also
involved ?

 The fresh tape evidence of bin Laden's involvement in the twin towers
 horror is said to have been found in a private home in Jalalabad.
 US Vice President Dick Cheney said: He does, in fact, display
 significant knowledge of what happened and there's no doubt about his

I hope that there is more than the above allowing him to come to such a

 He shared the information with other guests and some expressed

Again, so did most of us.

 He told them to stick around and then the second plane hit
 and they cheered.

Most of us were 'glued' to TV and radio sets were we not ? - tho' not

 The tape also shows that bin Laden was amused some of the hijackers
 were unaware it was a suicide mission.

I would be interested to know how this interpretation was derived.

Anyone seen this tape yet ?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Yasser Arafat's speech at OIC meeting

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Israel this weekend barred Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat
from leaving the West Bank to attend an Organization of the Islamic
Conference meeting in Doha, Qatar.

His speech was delivered by Dr. Saeb Eriqat, Minister of local


 Full text of speech of Yasser Arafat

 President of the Palestine National Authority

 at the Emergency Meeting

 of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the

 Organization of Islamic Conference

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Glory to (God) Who did
take His Servant

For a Journey by night From the Sacred Mosque To the Farthest Mosque, Whose
precincts We did

Bless, - in order that We Might show him some Of Our Signs: for He Is the
One Who hearth

And Seeth (all things).

Sadaqa Allahu Al-Athim

H R H Brother Sheikh Hamad Ben Khalifa Al-Thani,


 In the name of our Palestinian people, who are gripping the smoldering
embers and who are steadfast and stand put in the holy land of
steadfastness, the blessed Land of Palestine, I would like to convey my
deepest thanks to my brother H R H Sheikh Hamad Ben Khalifa Al-Thani, the
Emir of the fraternal State of Qatar, for hosting this ministerial
emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). I would
like as well to convey to you all our thanks for your immediate and quick
response to our request to hold this important meeting in Doha, the Capital
of the fraternal State of Qatar, hosted by and under the patronage of its
Emir H R H our brother Seikh Hamad Ben Khalifa

Al-Thani. [The aim is] to study and examine the dangerous escalation of the
Israeli aggression against our Palestinian people, to adopt the appropriate
decisions and resolutions in order to face this blatant

aggression which has exceeded all bounds, all things that are sacred or
taboo and the ratified agreements.

As you know, our Palestinian people and their National Authority are being
exposed, for more than fourteen months, to a brutal and vicious Israeli
aggression in which all means of killing, terror and

Destruction are being employed. This treacherous aggression has entered a
very dangerous stage which started with the bombardment by the US- F-15 and
F-16 fighter planes and Apache helicopter gun ships, tanks, missiles and
machine-guns, even the internationally prohibited weapons such as

depleted uranium and various types of gas bombs. This has inflicted upon
our people, women, children and men, a large number of martyrs and wounded
which reached till now more than 1900 martyrs and 39000 injured, and
inflicted upon many of them permanent handicaps. In addition many

basic facilities and infrastructures have been destroyed recently, as well
as the presidential helicopters, their pads and facilities attached to
them, all institutions and facilities of the Palestine National Authority,
including schools, buildings, homes, factories, Palestinian National
Security and Police stations and headquarters, even a number of prisons in
the cities of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Furthermore, the runway of
the Gaza International Airport was occupied, destroyed and bulldozed. Its
equipment and belongings ware destroyed. In addition new lands of the
Palestine National Authority were occupied. The strangulating siege was
tightened in all its forms, against our towns, villages and refugee-camps.
This has led to the intensification of the plight, pains and sufferings of
our people in movement because of the Israeli military checkpoints which
have hindered the movement among the

Palestinian towns and villages and their surroundings. As a result of that
siege there is also a severe shortage in food supplies, necessary medical
supplies and fuel. This total siege caused the death of a large number of
our sick people at the Israeli military checkpoints because they were
forbidden to reach hospitals. It also caused the paralysis of the
commercial and economic life as well as that of some schools because our
teachers and pupils were forbidden from reaching them. We have incurred
losses that exceed US dollars seven billion according to international
statistics in the various sector and fields. This forewarns of the
unfolding of a catastrophe to our people which no one can forecast its
consequences. In addition they have blocked the revenues of our taxes and
financial claims which total more than US 800 million (eight hundred

Your Highness,

Your Excellencies,

As you know, we in the Palestine National Authority are committed to our
obligation vis-à-vis the peace process. We have not hesitated even for a
moment to provide all facilities and to create the appropriate atmosphere
for this peace process to continue, and to reach the 

[CTRL] In Midst of War Drive,Israel's Economy Falls

2001-12-10 Thread William Shannon

This article appears in the December 7, 2001 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. 

In Midst of War Drive,
Israel's Economy Falls

by Dean Andromidas 

When he came to power, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon launched a bloody campaign to force the collapse of the Palestinian Authority. After a year of closures and sieges against the Palestinian towns and cities, the fragile and impoverished Palestinian economy has been brought to its knees. But Israel's own economy is undergoing its worst crisis in nearly 20 years, with no recovery in sight. Well on the way to collapse, the economy could prove the Achilles' heel of Sharon and his generals.

With all economic indicators for the third quarter far worse than expected—including record unemployment, negative growth rates, collapse of entire sectors of the economy, and widespread labor unrest—Israel is now officially in "recession."

Hopefully this economic crisis will drive home to Israelis the existential imperative of peace through development in the Middle East. Lyndon LaRouche's Oasis Plan for the region, could shape initiatives not only to forestall war, but even to allow the Middle East to become a powerful focal point for regional economic development: expanding and developing the region's water resources, and building a system of regional infrastructure that could turn the Middle East into the "Land-Bridge" between Eurasia and Africa.

Reality Shock

The release of the disastrous economic figures for the third quarter, along with widespread labor unrest in the past weeks, have created a reality shock for most Israelis. The causes are the state of low-intensity war, and the collapse of the global economy. Sharon is fully culpable for the first, and incapable of dealing with the second.

Labor strikes swept the country in late November, bringing various sectors of the economy to a standstill. A four-week strike at the National Insurance Institute left the vast majority of Israel's pensioners without their monthly stipends. An airport customs workers strike created more chaos at Ben-Gurion International than a bomb scare. The four-week strike of lecturers closed Israel's leading university; employees of the Labor and Social Affairs Ministry and firefighters are striking.

Things could get worse if the government cannot broker a tripartite agreement with labor and the private sector, to establish an economic "recovery" program, including a wage freeze and job-creation programs. If an agreement is not reached by Dec. 21, the entire public sector could strike, says the Histadrut labor federation.

The labor unrest is driven by high unemployment. The Israeli Bureau of Statistics (CBS) reports that official unemployment has reached 234,500 for the third quarter—a rate of 9.3%. The Finance Ministry and the Bank of Israel central bank expect over 10% unemployment by the first quarter of 2002. If those who have given up looking for work are included, the jobless figure would be at least 350,000 now. Unemployment is particularly high among new immigrants (11.5%) and among Israeli Arabs (24%). But there is also a serious problem of underemployment, as witnessed by a 13% increase in the number of part-time workers. In a country where one in every five families, and one in every four children, lives below the poverty line, this unemployment, combined with high levels of anxiety about the security situation, can have a socially explosive effect.

Industry Falls Across The Board

But even these government figures are rose-colored. Israel's Manufacturers Association has warned that by the end of the year, 14,000 layoffs can be expected in the industrial sector, which at the current level of 398,500, is Israel's second largest employer. Since the collapse of the Nasdaq bubble in the United States, more than 150,000 jobs have been lost in Israel's "high-tech" sector.

Industrial production is expected to shrink by 4% this year compared with last, according to the CBS. The number of employees in the industrial sector will drop by 3.5%, while work hours per employee will drop by 4.5%. The sharpest fall is in electronics, aircraft, and pharmaceuticals, which combined have experienced a 26% drop in production. Still harder hit is tourism, which normally brings in $2 billion annually, which shrank by 51% from 2000 to 2001. Charter flights are gone; even regularly scheduled flights have been cut back, as passengers are now only Israelis.

Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI), Israel's most important aerospace corporation, saw its profits collapse as a direct result of the Intifada and the downturn in the global aviation industry. European and American companies cancelled the transfer of planned projects to Israel, and international companies cancelled transfers of aircraft for maintenance, concerned that their aircraft could be targetted for attack, if war breaks out in the region.

Israel's GDP shrank 2.8% in the 

Re: [CTRL] New Bin Laden (tape) evidence ?

2001-12-10 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Tony they are now discussing whether to release this tape.   The
tape is meaningless - voices can be dubbed, splicing anything.

My old friend Gordon Novel was a genius at splicing, etc. tapesthe
one tape they had of bin Laden, made no such claim but, different
interpretors gave different meanings to the message.

Gordon also was CIA black bag man - and robbed the Schlumberger
munitions along with others for CIA...and got caught.   He used to play
tapes to me of Bill Colby and Secord - and knows all about
EVERGREEN...this keep him alive.

He said the Mafia is more honest than the BATFthey set up people for
crimes and put it all together these people have to be gotten in line
and put in their place.

What is the big worry?   Hey, the internet is challenging some of this
stuff and today this one spokesman made reference to it.
People are now beginning to think and as the say connect the dots

These tapes are worthless as evidence.tell me from whence they came?

They need to get off the hook because these people know who did what and
society that murdered JFK, RFK and sabotaged the Apollo did - masonic
stuff and whose renegade lodge?


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-12-10 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


Eric S. Margolis, 2001

December 10, 2001

What has the US achieved after waging war for the past two months in

Afghanistan's de facto government, Taliban, with about 30,000 armed
supporters, has been overthrown and scattered. After holding out for five
weeks under massive US bombardments, its leader, Mullah Omar, ordered his men
to retreat to the mountains. Omar, who may be shortly captured or killed,
claimed he ordered the retreat to spare civilians in Taliban-ruled areas from
US bombing. Kandahar, the last Taliban stronghold, was shattered by intensive
US bombing.

To date, the US has dropped over 10,000 bombs on Afghanistan, killing
sizeable numbers of civilians - perhaps in the range of 2,000, according to
Afghan sources. US bombing of cities, towns and villages has driven over
160,000 people into refugee camps.

On December 3rd, 2000 - one year ago - this writer warned that overthrowing
Taliban would `pave the way for a second Russian occupation of Afghanistan.'
This has now happened. The Northern Alliance, armed and funded by Russia,
directed by the Afghan Communist Party, and under the overall command of the
Chief of the Russian General Staff, Marshall Viktor Kvashnin, deputy KGB
director Viktor Komogorov, and a cadre of Russian advisors, seized Kabul and
all of northern Afghanistan, likely with the aid of troops from Uzbekistan
and/or Iran.

Bush committed a major, inexcusable blunder. If this writer could foresee
Russian intervention, why didn't the White House?

Last week's much ballyhooed Afghan `unity' conference in Germany produced a
sham `coalition' government run by the Northern Alliance. One of CIA's
Pushtun `assets,' Hamid Karzai, who represents no one but himself, was named
prime minister. There was no other real Pushtun representation, though they
comprise half the population. Of thirty cabinet seats, two thirds went to
Northern Alliance Tajiks, notably the power ministries: defense, interior,
and foreign affairs. Two women were added for window dressing to please the
west. The 87-year old deposed Afghan king, Zahir Shah, widely blamed for
allowing the communists to infiltrate Afghanistan in the 1970's, was invited
back as a figurehead monarch. In short, a communist-dominated regime, ruled
by a king, whose strings are pulled by Moscow. Quite a bizarre creation.

The very next day, feuding broke among Alliance members. Old communist
stalwart Rashid Dostam, who had just finished massacring hundreds of Taliban
prisoners with American and British help, threatened war if his Uzbeks did
not get more spoils. My old friend, the Alliance's figurehead president,
Prof. Rabbani, a respected Islamic scholar, was shoved aside by young

The Bush Administration was apparently too preoccupied chasing Osama bin
Laden to notice its new best friend, Russia, had broken its agreement to wait
for formation of a pro-US, pro-Pakistani regime, and seized half of
Afghanistan. Marshall Kvashnin rushed his men into Kabul, just as he outfoxed
the Americans in 1999 in a similar coup de main in Kosovo.

The hunt for bin Laden and his al-Qaida continues. Two senior Qaida figures
have been killed: Mohammed Atef and, mosy likely, Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri,
leader of Egypt's Islamic Jihad. The net is closing around bin Laden's
possible hiding places. Unless he has escaped Afghanistan, his capture or
death appear imminent.

This will be welcome news for the Bush Administration. If bin Laden somehow
escapes, or his body never found, Bush will be accused of blowing apart
Afghanistan, killing large numbers of civilians, and allowing the Russians to
grab back the country, all for nothing.

The late Pushtun leader Abdul Haq, whom I knew from my Peshawar days, warned
the US before his death that bombing of Afghanistan was unnecessary and a
grave mistake. Taliban control could be broken, where needed, by financing
tribal uprisings - the standard form of Afghan warfare -without foreign
intervention. Otherwise, he warned, the Northern Alliance would take over and
bring in the Russians. He pleaded with Washington for restraint, but to no
avail. Haq was captured by Taliban during a bungled CIA operation and hanged.

But Haq was right. US forces could have hunted bin Laden in southern
Afghanistan with relative impunity, as they are now doing, without having to
launch a total war against Taliban. US air power totally dominates barren
Afghanistan. Taliban forces could not move or communicate. There were only a
small number of Taliban fighters in southern Afghanistan where bin Laden was

Bombing Afghan civilian centers was absolutely unnecessary. The only real
military targets offered by Taiban were its entrenched troops facing the
Alliance. It was remarkable that Taliban managed to withstand five weeks of
carpet bombing by US B-52's - particularly, as one columnist in 

[CTRL] 4 - The Religious Roundtable, The Moral Majority, and The Council for National Policy

2001-12-10 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

The Moral Majority

According to the modern prophets of privatization,
Bible doctrine is expendable, but no one may question
the doctrine of unbridled capitalism. Any who go there
are labeled socialists in the worst sense of the
term. Forgetting that Christ drove the moneychangers
from His temple, one prophet, Willard Garvey,
shamelessly named the Lord Jesus among the founders of
Republican government and proponents of privatization!

Privatization is documented in the enclosed paper
from the Heritage Foundation and dates back at least
to Adam Smith, Plato, Aristotle and Jesus. .
.Privatization might well be the theme for the 200th
anniversary of the Constitution. Privatization is
essential for national salvation.

To attain national salvation, the prophets of
privatization determined to build a voting bloc to
support their agenda. In 1976, direct-mail
fundraising genius of the New Right, Richard Viguerie,
was accompanied to the 1976 convention of the American
Independent Party by three leaders of the New Right
with equally doubtful connections:

William Rusher, editor of CFR member William F.
Buckley's National Review.

Paul Weyrich, founder of the Heritage and Free
Congress Foundation, who employed Fabianist/British
race scientist Roger Pearson of the World
Anti-Communist League, the multinational network of
Nazi war criminals, Latin American death squad leaders
and North American neo-fascists. Weyrich presently
employs top U.S. Fabianist Sir Peter Vickers Hall and
ex-Nazi collaborator Laszlo Pasztor.

Howard Phillips, who founded The Conservative Caucus
(TCC) at the direction of 33º Mason, Jesse Helms on
whose staff he worked. TCC has an interlocking
directorate (Phillips served on advisory board) with
the United States Council for World Freedom (USCWF) of
the WACL. Phillips also proposed the name for
Buckley's Young Americans for Freedom and served on
its board of directors.

At the AIP convention, Viguerie presented himself as a
candidate for the Presidential nomination of the party
of George Wallace, a coalition that included elements
of the Ku Klux Klan, John Birchers and operatives of
Willis Carto's Liberty Lobby. When Viguerie's bid for
the nomination failed, the New Right leaders turned
their energies to creating a hard right voting bloc
within the Republican Party.

By 1978, Weyrich's PAC helped sweep into Congress a
new, radical breed of populist conservatives. The most
notable, it turned out, was a brash, young man from
Georgia named Newt Gingrich [33º Mason, CFR] whom
Weyrich had trained years earlier at a campaign
seminar in Milwaukee. Finally, on the verge of
realizing his right-wing utopia Weyrich harvested what
his friend Morton Blackwell termed 'the greatest track
of virgin timber on the political landscape':
evangelicals. 26.

In 1979, Robert Billings of the National Christian
Action Coalition and Free Congress Foundation invited
the Rev. Jerry Falwell to a meeting with Phillips,
Viguerie, Weyrich and Ed McAteer, a retired
advertising executive. Their agenda now was to
influence the GOP party platform for the 1980
election. Weyrich proposed that if the Republican
Party would take a strong stand against abortion, the
large Catholic voting bloc within the Democratic
Party would be split. At this meeting, the term Moral
Majority was coined to represent the ecumenical bloc
of voters that would be led by the Rev. Falwell, who
pledged to turn this (country) into a Christian

The Coors family, which funds abortion and gay rights
causes (having made their fortune from the manufacture
and sale of beer), generously funded the Moral
Majority and built the headquarters building for Paul
Weyrich's organizations, the Heritage Foundation and
Free Congress Foundation. During the Reagan
Administration, the Heritage Foundation served as
almost a shadow government with Joe Coors' Kitchen
Cabinet setting up offices within the Executive Office
Building. During its first year, the Reagan
administration adopted fully two-thirds of the
recommendations of Heritage's Mandate for Leadership:

Policy Management in a Conservative Administration.

Working with the main architects and commanding
generals of the New Right was also John T. (Terry)
Dolan co-founder and national chairman of the
300,000-member National Conservative Political Action
Committee (NCPAC), the largest conservative political
action committee in terms of spending and influence
including Jesse Helms' Congressional Club which was a
client of NCPAC.

Weyrich, Viguerie and Dolan are Catholic; Phillips is
Jewish but claims to have converted to Christianity.
Terry Dolan was a homosexual who died of AIDS in 1986.
In his expose of the New Right, God's Bullies, Perry
Deane Young comments on the religious makeup of the
New Right leadership:

A fundamentalist is generally defined as one who
believes in adult baptism,...in a literal
interpretation of the bible, and in being 'reborn'
or 'born again' through a personal experience 

Re: [CTRL] US casualties, Many Documents Not Declassified

2001-12-10 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

excerpt from http://www.gvnews.net/html/WorldReacts/alert488.html

Global Crisis: News

U.S. Casualties Greater Than Pentagon Reports

By Andrei Sukhozhilov - Institute for War and Peace Reporting

KHANABAD, Dec. 7, 2001 -- Scores of U.S. soldiers wounded in Afghanistan have
been arriving at the Khanabad air base in southern Uzbekistan - far more than
Pentagon reports suggest.

A staging post for special forces' and humanitarian missions into
Afghanistan, the base has become busy with another task - receiving
increasing numbers of Americans wounded in the fighting.

Uzbek sources at Khanabad suggest that the real figures of US casualties are
far higher than the Pentagon's official totals. This IWPR reporter, who
smuggled himself onto the facility on December 2, witnessed soldiers
scrambling to meet an incoming US helicopter. They lifted out five wounded
men on stretchers and loaded them into waiting vehicles.

Uzbek army personnel working at the air base said scores of US casualties
have been arriving there. From November 25 to Decemeber 2, an Uzbek orderly
working with American medical staff said he had witnessed the arrival of four
to five US helicopters - carrying between them 10-15 American casualties -
each day.

excerpt from

Thursday December 6 9:12 PM ET
Report: Many Documents Not Declassified

WASHINGTON (AP) - About 526 million pages of secret government documents
subject to automatic declassification laws have not been released, according
to a government report released Thursday.

The Information Security Oversight Office also found that the government
dramatically slowed the declassification of secret documents during fiscal
year 2000.

During that period, the government released 75 million pages of secret
documents, down from 127 million pages during the previous 12 months. The
fiscal year begins on Oct. 1.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Music and death USA : Cointelpro

2001-12-10 Thread Kris Millegan


 Y'know one would think that the man who is given the credit for inventing
hip hop would, as he is black, stand up to the cartel and admin. But this
dude has a track record of, in suit standing in line with other US musicians
waiting for the Pres of the disgraced Soka Gakkai, to set foot on earth from
out of his plane. This dude's name is Herbie Hancock. And he is a Buddhist
(of sorts) ..

Listening to music from the 1960's-70's I am
left wondering where the outrageous revolutionary
perverted dangerous subversive element was or
was that just advertising. Heterosexual love songs,
naturalistic poetry, antipathy for war which is hell,
fewer sexual overtones than Nixon's hip gyrating
Elvis. Jimi Hendrix would do for nursery rhymes
now, compared to all the twisted pop now, such
as CIA-op NVN(nigger-versus-nigger crime)
misogynist rap. Cartel is cartel at the top.

Veteran Black Panther and 19-year political prisoner
Dhoruba Bin Wahad (formerly Richard Moore) won his
freedom in 1990 after a New York State judge found
that the FBI had suppressed evidence...his newly
organized Black Coalition on Drugs, he advocates
decriminalization and harm reduction strategies. After
19 years in prison--seven of them in solitary confinement
...hard drugs, heroin--were introduced into the African-
American community for political reasons, to control, to
misdirect and ultimately to defuse the development of
revolutionary consciousness...it was revealed that the FBI
had carried out this massive COINTELPRO in the African-
American community...it was white males who controlled
the music industry that made gangsta rap--the misogynist rap,
the homophobic rap--the type of rap that was popular. They
didn't gravitate towards the positive rap, because most of the
positive rap was black nationalist. This genre of rap was
completely ignored. And it was activists who had a problem
with misogynist rap. It was activists--myself and others--who
had a problem with homophobic and reactionary rap, and
criticized the rappers for this. And it was only after the rappers
began to respond to us in a positive way, to search out images
of Malcolm and the Black Panther Party, that the black bourgeoisie
started talking about how they weren't gonna take it no more and
black clergy led demonstrations against rap, and some of the major
black stations started banning rap.

Robert King Wilkerson, One of the Angola Three,
a Black Panther who spent 30 years in solitary confinement
at Angola State Prison. The longest solitary confinement
of any group of political prisoners in the United States


I also believe they killed Tupac for this very reason that he could
uniteblacks and lead them with a very powerful message, remember his mother
is Afeni shakur who was a member of the Black Panther Party and who
represented herself in the NY21 case; his father figure, Mutulu Shakur a
member of the Republic of New Afrika, is in Atlanta Federal Pen for
crimes; Tupac sang songs that glorified Huey Newton, Geronimo Pratt, and
Mutulu.  That is, in between the stuff they told him to write in order to
keep his recording contract.  Also, blacks don't own the Hip Hop music
product.  They are used like chattel by the Hip Hop music executives and not
one of them is black.  There is a reason that black music has stretched so
far from its roots--the blues and jazz and rock and roll to the crap they
want our kids to believe is his future role in America.  I want children
to see that there's more for them that what they are prescribing.

Also, in the original COINTELPRO documents, the last point is about denying
young blacks an opportunity to come together and form a coalition that would
last until their adulthood.  In other words, destroy any opportunity for
activism within the black youth.  They were vitally afraid of black/white
coalitions.  Tupac, again, represented the ability to bring blacks together
with a powerful freedom message, and to rally whites to that message.
Therefore, he was the next MLK, and they had written in their documents that
they would not allow another MLK to rise.  They = US Government.



---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] The 'Black Banshee', Commie Mary Frances Berry

2001-12-10 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/10/01 3:52:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Yeah, sure.  Let's talk about the military vote.  Every overseas unit
has a
voting officer.  It is this guy's job to get out the absentee ballots and
instruct all the voters in their use.  It is his business to get them in on
time and sent out on time.  If the military vote didn't get counted
properly, it was because these voting officers are incompetent people picked
by incompetent superiors.  The U.S. Supreme Court made hay while the sun
shone.  And if anything fishy should be canned, it's our so called Supreme
Court.  Prudy 

Not completely correct, Prudy. The federal government failed to distribute
ballots to voting officers in many locations overseas. This was done under
the Klinton administration, a democratic regime. This was reported in the
mass media at the time and in E-Mail posts.
You are still picking on the wrong supreme court. The Florida supreme court
tried valintly to make hay by rewriting the existing Florida Law and got
slapped down for it by the Supreme Court of the United States.

Logic—A means of terrifing liberals

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The 'Black Banshee', Commie Mary Frances Berry

2001-12-10 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/10/01 9:17:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Not completely correct, Prudy. The federal government failed to distribute
 ballots to voting officers in many locations overseas. This was done under
 the Klinton administration, a democratic regime. This was reported in the
 mass media at the time and in E-Mail posts. 

Not true.  The ballots were there and even in many cases delivered to the
APOs.  They just weren't sent out.  It doesn't matter what administration is
in charge.  The voting officers are always responsible to handle the matter,
and if the ballots were not available, it is the responsibility of the voting
officer and the commanders to get them there.  Amazingly, getting blank forms
does not require action from any president.  .  Had there been a shortage, it
would have been headlines from coast to coast.  It was a crooked election all
right, but it was the Republicans who were letting Republicans do anything
they wanted to, and telling the black citizens that they couldn't go in
because their names were on some list.  It was the Harris/Bush method of
voting.  It was interesting too how many of those Holocaust survivors were
counted as voting for Pat Buchanan.  It doesn't matter; it's done; the Bush
family and their crooked Supreme Court worked the American voters over very
cleverly.   That's an interesting team there.  They care nothing for the
Constitution, and nothing for the Bill of Rights.  They don't care about the
American people either.  I wonder who will pick the president next time.  It
sure won't be the voters.  Prudy

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Sharon Refuses Hamas,Islamic Jihad Peace Offer : Says He Won't Stop Ass...

2001-12-10 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:


 Subject: Sharon Refuses Hamas, Islamic Jihad Peace Offer : Says He Won't Stop 
Assasinating Their Leadership ; Islamic Association of Palestine Press Release
 Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 09:36:16 -0600

 Sharon Refuses Hamas, Islamic Jihad Peace Offer
 Says He Won't Stop Assasinating Their Leadership

 12/10/2001 9:36:16 AM
 Islamic Association of Palestine Press Release

 Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine -- Assalamu'alaikum,

 Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah offer truce, Sharon says No

 by Khalid Amayreh

 Occupied Jerusalem: 10 December, 2001 (IAP News)


 The main Palestinian resistance groups have offered to suspend attacks
 inside 1948 Palestine (Israel) if the Israeli occupation army and
 Jewish terrorists agree in return  to stop assassinating Palestinian
 and end tank and aerial bombardment of Palestinian population centers.

 The two main Islamic organizations Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, as well as
 Fatah, headed by Yasser Arafat, said in a joint leaflet widely circulated
 in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that their offer was meant to deprive the
 Israeli government of dividing the Palestinian ranks and undermining
 national unity.

 We are giving the Zionist enemy a period to stop its assassinations,
 destruction, murder and bombardment of Palestinian population centers. In
 return we will stop our martyrdom and armed attacks within the borders of
 the occupied land of 1948 during this period which will begin as of
 midnight December 10 until the end of the month of Ramadan.

 The offer was rejected outright by the Israeli government of Ariel Sharon.

Oooh. Those terrorists are in deep doodooo now. Wait, let me take my shoes
and socks off so I can count better.

Let's see... Suicide bombers + targeted assassinations = Hmmm... only a few
thousand in Hamas. I don't know how many in Islamic Jihad but I'm sure
they won't be much of a problem for long either as soon as they start killing
each other off.

Don't ya just love these guys? Best friends Ariel Sharon ever had.


 A senior Israeli official was quoted as saying that Israel will continue
 to fight terrorism no matter what.

 The apartheid Israeli regime considers all forms of Palestinian resistance
 of Israel's colonial occupation of Palestinian land as terrorism while
 calling its own state-sponsored terror against Palestinians legitimate

 Observers in Palestine suggest that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, a
 certified war criminal himself with a long history of heaping death and
 destruction on the Palestinian people, is not really interested in
 reducing the
 level of violence in Palestine as this would shift attention to the
 problems pertaining to the Israeli occupation.

 On Sunday, US envoy Anthony Zinni threatened to leave Palestine and return
 home if progress in security talks  between the two sides was not made.

 Zinni reportedly made his threat after another meeting between Israeli and
 PA officials ended without any results.

 According to Palestinian sources the Israeli government was refusing to
 the military siege of Palestinian towns and villages which observers have
 pointed out reduced the population centers to virtual concentration

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Smallpox Vaccines: A Way to Implant America

2001-12-10 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/10/01 6:50:00 PM Central Standard Time,

  ahve yet to come right out and tell how many expected deaths there
  will be due to a smallpox epidemic.  Not everyone dies; may get pox
  marx, but not dead.

  I've read in a couple of places that the mortality rate for smallpox is
about 30%.



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [Fwd: on Israeli Terrorism --j2

2001-12-10 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:


 Subject: [Fwd: on Israeli Terrorism [update]]
 Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 15:42:56 -0700
 From: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: http://www.apfn.org/old/apfncont.htm

 Somebody has done a lot of research for you!
 Please study the info provided and share with you email friends!

 Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far
 better that you fear the media, for they will steal your HONOR. That
 awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a
 horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and
 shoemaking and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse. -
-Mark Twain.

 Incredible media power

  Original Message 
 Subject: on Israeli Terrorism [update]
 Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 13:00:21 -0800 (PST)
 From: eric stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eric Stewart and Bilbo Shannon. Two liars for the price of one.

When are you clowns getting engaged?

You can post this drivel to Patriot Friends Network because
they are used to swallowing bullshit. But Eric 50% of your
stuff has already been discredited on this list. Are you just
stupid? Or don't you pay attention?

 U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies received
 warning signals at least three months ago that Middle
 Eastern terrorists were planning to hijack commercial
 aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols
 of American and Israeli culture, according to a story
 in Germany's daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).


 A Muslim sheikh living in England commenting during a
 BBC news broadcast added that 40 Jewish Pentagon staff
 members did not show up for work on 11 September. The
 sheikh said it would not surprise him if it was
 discovered that the Mossad (the Israeli secret
 service) was behind the attacks.


 Israeli Lobby Intimidating Journalists Into Misinforming Public

Probably true.

 Sharon to Peres: don't worry about American pressure
 We Control America

Need proof he actually said it in public.

 Did Israel Assassinate 34 Egyptian Generals In 1999?

Good question.

 Israeli Lobby Planted Phony Story About Palestinians
 Were Celebrating The Attack

This is an outright lie. Shannon KNOWS this is an outright lie. This
makes him a liar who purveys disinfo on this list. Do you people
like being lied to on a consistent basis?

I have the footage of Palestinians celebrating FROM 3 DIFFERENT SOURCES
of US and foreign news orgs.

 Jewish anti-Zionist organizations

 Five Israelis who had worked for a moving company
 based in New Jersey are being held in U.S. prisons for
 what the Federal Bureau of Investigation has described
 as puzzling behavior following the terror attack on
 the World Trade Center in New York last Tuesday.

OOHH. Puzzling behavior. Scary.

 With the announcement of the attacks at the World
 Trade Center in New York, the international media,
 particularly the Israeli one, hurried to take
 advantage of the incident and started mourning 4000
 Israelis who work at the two towers. Then suddenly, no
 one ever mentioned anything about those Israelis and
 later it became clear that they remarkably did not
 show up in their jobs the day the incident took place.
 No one talked about any Israeli being killed or
 wounded in the attacks.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

 After the suicide bombing attacks at the weekend,
 carried out by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which left 34
 people dead and around 200 injured, Israel unleashed
 its military might against Palestinian security posts
 in Gaza and Cisjordan.

 The result was three people dead, one of them a child,
 and 150 injured, 60 of whom were schoolchildren. The
 Israeli authorities claimed that these attacks were
 part of the foreseen operations against Palestinian

All these numbers come from the Palestinian press. They lie
ALL the time.

OK. This is getting tedious now.

You know Eric, pilling up a load of bullshit links doesn't make
you much of a researcher.

Your starting to look like Shannon and Saba. That's not a good thing.



Re: [CTRL] The 'Black Banshee', Commie Mary Frances Berry

2001-12-10 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

of course the problems were in mainly democratic areas
the republicans didn't need to fix the areas they were going to win anyway

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
   St George

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Prudence L. Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 18:52:14 EST
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] The 'Black Banshee', Commie Mary Frances Berry

  It was the democratic controlled counties that were mainly responsible for
 cheating blacks out of their votes.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Northwoods: Top U.S. Military Plan for Terror to Justify War

2001-12-10 Thread Kris Millegan


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Northwoods: A Plan for Terror to Justify War
Comments by Jared Israel
Key Excerpts from the Previously Classified Northwoods Document and Links to the Full 
[Posted 10 December 2001]

The Northwoods plan for staging phony attacks on the U.S. to justify invading Cuba was 
developed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962. It was never implemented, perhaps due 
to fear of Soviet retaliation.

The Northwoods document was obtained by the National Security Archive:

an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George 
Washington University in Washington, D.C.  The Archive collects and publishes 
declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  A 
tax-exempt public charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget 
is supported by publication royalties and donations from foundations and individuals.

The Emperor's Clothes summary of evidence, Guilty for 9-11, charges that the Bush 
Administration staged the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The 
purpose: to justify a U.S. military crusade, an eternal War Against Terror, starting 
with the invasion of Afghanistan. (1)

But the attack on Afghanistan is not intended to fight terrorism. Rather than crushing 
terrorism, the U.S. Establishment hopes to create a new, more subservient terrorist 
apparatus in Afghanistan, including elements of both the Northern Alliance and 
'moderate' Taliban.

The goal of the current protracted war against a weak foe - indeed, against a foe 
largely created by the U.S. and its client states, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia - is to 
position the U.S. military-intelligence apparatus firmly in Central Asia.

From that strategic position, Washington hopes to complete the dismemberment of the 
states of the former Soviet Union.

U.S. military and intelligence operatives will cultivate quislings like Mr. Putin, 
penetrate military defense structures and political groups in the former Soviet 
States, instigate terrorist attacks to destabilize the area, and build or take control 
of powerful military bases. These will be used to stage direct military assaults when, 
as is sure to happen, some of the former Soviet Republics resist. Thus this strategy 
risks nuclear war.

Some people who oppose the Afghan war disagree with this explanation. They claim that 
Mr. Bush's motive is to establish control of oil deposits in the Caspian basin and/or 
to construct oil pipelines.

This theory has been put forward by everyone from the U.S. Communist Party to some 
conservative Websites.

The other day I received an email with an article by the reporter John Pilger, who 

Bush's concealed agenda is to exploit the oil and gas reserves in the Caspian basin, 
the greatest source of untapped fossil fuel on earth and enough, according to one 
estimate, to meet America's voracious energy needs for a generation.

Mr. Pilger is dead wrong. The U.S. does not need to destabilize highly volatile 
Central and Southern Asia, which includes several nuclear powers, just to get oil.

Consider Fidel Castro's statement on this subject. Castro has survived four decades of 
attempts by the world's biggest superpower to destroy the revolution in his tiny 
country. (Indeed, Cuba was the proposed target of Operation Northwoods!) So perhaps 
Mr. Castro understands a thing or three about U.S. strategy.

In a speech on 2 November, Castro said:

I do not share the view that the United States' main pursuit in Afghanistan was oil. 
I rather see it as part of a geo-strategic concept. No one would make such a mistake 
simply to go after oil, least of all a country with access to any oil in the world, 
including all the Russian oil and gas it wishes. It would be sufficient for the U.S. 
to invest, to buy and to pay.
(full text at: http://www.embacuba.ca/Doc-e.htm )

The Emperor's Clothes editors (and, by the way, virtually everyone in the former 
Soviet Union) agree.

Indeed the immediate effect of 9-11 and the current military campaign has been to 
destabilize the oil business. For example Enron, one of the main U.S. energy companies 
and Mr. Bush's biggest contributor, (3) has been driven into bankruptcy.


Why is this economic disruption justified in the minds of the fraction of a percent 
who control 

[CTRL] Israel in 600 Words or Less

2001-12-10 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=12045

Israel in 600 Words or Less
Etgar Keret, LA Weekly
December 7, 2001

My mother says I'll never be able to understand what it's like for a nation
to be without a country. Now, my mom, she really knows what she's talking
about. After all, she went through the Holocaust, saw her home destroyed in
Poland, lost her mom and dad and little brother and finally ended up here,
in the land of Israel, her country, the land she swore she would never

My Palestinian friend Ghassan says I'll never be able to understand what
it's like for a nation to live under occupation. No, he didn't go through
the Holocaust, and his whole family is alive, thank God, at least for the
time being. But he's had it up to here with the Israeli soldiers at the
border checkpoint. Sometimes you make it through the roadblock in a second
or two, but sometimes, when they're bored, they can make you feel like life
isn't worth living. They force you to wait for hours in the sun for no
reason, to humiliate you. Just last week, they confiscated two packs of Kent
Longs from me, simply because they felt like it. An 18-year-old kid with a
rifle in his hand and a face full of zits just came and took them.

Adina, the neighbor from downstairs, says that I'll never be able to
understand what it's like to lose a loved one in a suicide bombing. No
death can be more meaningless than that, she says. My brother died for two
reasons -- because he was Israeli and because he felt like having an
espresso in the middle of the night. If you can think of any dumber reasons
for dying, let me know. And there isn't even anyone to get mad at. After
all, the guy that killed him is already dead himself, blown to pieces.

My mother says that we have no other place to go, that no matter where we
go, we'll always be strangers, hated, Jews. Ghassan says that my country,
the state of Israel, is an alien and strange entity and that there is
nothing like it anywhere else in the world. There it is, in the middle of
the Middle East, pretending to be in the heart of Europe, participating in
the Eurovision song contest every year, making sure to send a soccer team to
the European cup games, and it just doesn't get that it's located in the
heart of the desert, surrounded by a Middle Eastern mentality that it
refuses to acknowledge. Adina says we're living on borrowed time, that every
time she sees the Palestinian children going wild with joy and handing out
candy after every terror attack, she thinks about how these children are
going to grow up. So I should stop all that nonsense about peace.

And if there is one thing that my mother, Ghassan and Adina have in common,
it's that they are all certain, absolutely certain, that I simply can't
understand what's going on in their heads.

But I'm actually pretty good at figuring out what's going on in other
people's heads, sometimes, especially when times are bad. I even manage to
make a living at it. All kinds of foreign publications call me and ask me to
explain, if possible in 600 words or less, what people in Israel are

It's just a shame that I can't invent new thoughts for them, too -- ones
that are a little less afraid, a little less hateful. Thoughts more
positive, optimistic, compact, no more than 600 words.

Etgar Keret, one of Israel's most popular young writers, is author of The
Bus Driver Who Wanted To Be God and Other Stories. Translated from Hebrew
by Ruchie Avital.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Modern-Day Island of Dr. Moreau

2001-12-10 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

As if all the poor, inbred animals inspired by pet shows and royalty (some
who seemed to like putting pedigrees to the test with their pets) weren't
bad enough ... but it's not difficult to have seen this coming.

- jt


from - http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=11703

The Modern-Day Island of Dr. Moreau
Heather Moore, IMPACT Press
October 12, 2001

In 1996, the movie version of H.G. Wells' science-fiction classic The Island
of Dr. Moreau, an eerie tale about a deranged scientist who performs
gene-splicing research on animals in order to create a superior race of
humans, was updated to incorporate more recent developments in genetic
engineering. Wells' prophetic nightmare is edging closer to reality each day
as scientists find new and bizarre ways to manipulate animals.

Virtually every species of domesticated animal has been tampered with as
scientists attempt to create new and improved companion animals, research
tools, and food sources. Non-allergenic cats, glow-in-the-dark bunnies,
mutant monkeys, silk-producing goats, giant mice, Frankenfish, Enviropigs,
and other transgenic (genetically altered) animals have made international
news and raised the ire of many people who feel that it is unethical for
scientists to play God with animals' lives.

Transgenic Pets

Nevertheless, in two years, Transgenic Pets, LLC, of Syracuse, N.Y., plans
to sell cats who have been genetically engineered so that they won't trigger
allergies in people. David and Jackie Avner, who formed the company two
years ago, claim that conventional breeding has failed to rid cats of an
allergen called Feld 1, which is secreted onto the cat's fur.

The Avners have contracted with Dr. Xiangzhong (Jerry) Yang, a
biotechnologist at the University of Connecticut, to research and develop
the allergy-free cat through a combination of gene targeting and cloning.
The cat's skin cells would be altered to contain a faulty copy of the Feld
1 gene. The altered cells would then be fused with egg cells, as in
cloning. If the resulting modified cats somehow turn out healthy--which is
unlikely--they will be interbred and their offspring will be sold for $750
to $1,000 each.

Of course, the Feld 1 protein may play a role in protecting cats from
bacteria. Dr. Yang does not know what will happen if the protein is removed
from cats. He says that they will just have to remove it and see what
happens. No previous attempts have been made to remove the allergen from
cats, yet Mr. Avner claims that it will not affect the cat's health and that
the cats will be completely normal. This alteration amounts to simply
removing a non-essential biological aspect of the cats, according to Avner.

Avner chose not to mention that mortality rates for animals in transgenic
research are very high--80 to 90 percent--and that animals who do survive
are frequently born with severe physical abnormalities, including missing
limbs, facial clefts, and massive brain defects. Genes are present in living
organisms for reasons not completely understood, and tinkering with them
often causes animals physiological and immune system problems that
researchers can neither anticipate nor control.

Regardless of the dangers posed by gene manipulation, animal shelters
already euthanize 7 to 8 million homeless cats each year. There is no
justification for creating new cats when so many others are being
destroyed. There are simple, ethical, and effective ways to cope with
allergies to cats and other animals. (See PETA's Web page on transgenic cats
for tips on dealing with allergies to animals.) If the Avners want a cat so
badly and they cannot learn to cope with their allergies, perhaps they
should work to identify and disarm those of their own genes that react to
the allergen!

Designer Animals

The Avners certainly aren't the first to attempt to alter the genetic makeup
of companion animals. Several companies are currently working to clone and
improve companion animals. Philip Damiani, director of the Companion
Animal and Endangered Species Project at Advanced Cell Technology, suggests
that if your first cat died of cancer, you might make the next one
resistant to that kind of tumor. Charles Long of Texas-based Genetic
Savings and Clone says that his company could help destroy the genes that
cause hip malformations in some large breeds of dogs.

Noble thoughts, perhaps, but aside from the aforementioned hazards of
breeding and manipulating animals, these experiments open the door to even
more exotic and questionable modifications to animals' personalities and
appearances. Although he does not feel that there would be a huge demand for
one, Long says he is pretty sure we could make a blue dog.

Transgenic artist Eduardo Kac wanted to exhibit a glow-in-the-dark dog,
but since that technology was not yet possible, he commissioned scientist
Louis-Marie Hodebine and others at the National Institute of Agronomic
Research in France to create a fluorescent green bunny, 

Re: [CTRL] rhodes scholarships...

2001-12-10 Thread mike hagan

-Caveat Lector-

we need each one of these kids' email or snail mail addresses to send
them all some background information on their scholarship's namesake...

cecil john rhodes...agent of the rothschilds...dreamer of british world
domination...and determined to bring the u.s. back into the fold...



Date:Sun, 9 Dec 2001 12:01:15 -0600
From:Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Academic Subversives

-Caveat Lector-


Rhodes List Includes 32 Americans

Sunday December 9, 2001 7:50 AM

WASHINGTON (AP) - Thirty-two American college students have been
selected as Rhodes Scholars, the scholarship trust announced Sunday.

The winners were selected by eight regional committees from among 925
applicants who were endorsed by 319 colleges and universities
throughout the nation.

Rhodes Scholarships, created in 1902 by the will of British
philanthropist Cecil Rhodes, provide two or three years of study at
Oxford University in England. Winners are selected on the basis of
high academic achievement, personal integrity, leadership potential
and physical vigor, among other attributes.

Among the winners was Kendra M. Young of Bigfork, Mont. Young is a
senior at Grinnell College where she majors in biology. She has won
research awards and grants for her work in biology and has worked as
a paramedic in Bolivia and in a hospital in Costa Rica. She plays the
violin and trombone and enjoys high-altitude hiking.

Harvard University placed five students, the most of any institution,
on this year's list of winners. Harvard has 300 winners over the
years, the most of any U.S. institution.

The 32 American students chosen as Rhodes Scholars for 2002, listed
by district:

District I:

Sanjay Basu, Lisle, Ill., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Robert R. Porter, Belmont, Mass., Harvard University

Megan S. Steven, Chatham, N.Y., Dartmouth College

Rachel Walshe, Warwick, R.I., University of Rhode Island

District II:

David A. Kovara, Flemington, N.J., University of Delaware

Grace Yu, Kanagawa, Japan, Syracuse University

Zachariah R. Miller, Stoneboro, Pa., U.S. Military Academy

Shayna L. Strom, Penn Valley, Pa., Yale University

District III:

Oeindrila Dube, Washington, D.C., Stanford University

Emelia M. Spencer, Rockville, Md., U.S. Naval Academy

Alexis R. Blane, Charlotte, N.C., Duke University

Samuel W. Malone, Zebulon, N.C., Duke University

District IV:

Rhett Martin, Atkins, Ark., University of Central Arkansas

P. Kamar Cheruvu, Tampa, Fla., Duke University

William B. Roper Jr., Rutledge, Ga., University of Georgia

Robert J. Smith, Stone Mountain, Ga., U.S. Military Academy

District V:

Andrew Park, Wheeling, Ill., Harvard University

Erica J. Watson, Henry, Ill., U.S. Military Academy

Anne Kafoure, Westerville, Ohio, Miami University

Zachary S. Morris, Rockford, Ill., Ripon College

District VI:

Neil R. Brown, Saint Charles, Iowa, Harvard University

Katharine T. Buzicky, St. Paul, Minn., Princeton University

Christopher Elders, Kansas City, Mo., Morehouse College

Stephen E. Sachs, Clayton, Mo., Harvard University

District VII

Albert H. Cho, Tempe, Ariz., Harvard University

Mindy C. Hebert, New Iberia, La., Carnegie Mellon University

Kendra M. Young, Bigfork, Mont., Grinnell College

John C. Probasco, Rio Rancho, N.M. University of New Mexico

District VIII

Lillian B. Pierce, Fallbrook, Calif., Princeton University

Sunita Puri, Los Angeles, Yale University

Nico I. Slate, Newberry Springs, Calif., Stanford University

Elizabeth Angell, Bainbridge Island, Wash., University of Washington

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Below the Surface: Coal Czar Nominee's Troubling Record

2001-12-10 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=12036

Below the Surface: Coal Czar Nominee's Troubling Record
Phillip Babich, Pacific News Service
December 6, 2001

Some Americans who live near coal mines are worried about their future
health and safety if President Bush's nominee to oversee that industry
receives congressional approval.

Residents, community groups and others charge that Jeffrey Jarrett, a former
manager for both the Cravat Coal and Drummond Coal companies, tried in the
past to undermine the authority of the Office of Surface Mining (OSM) -- the
very agency he has now been chosen to lead. That leadership is critical,
residents say, because if Congress approves proposals supported by the
Bush-Cheney administration, domestic coal production could spike.

Jarrett currently heads mineral resources management in Pennsylvania's
Department of Environmental Protection. Last July, Bush nominated him to
lead the OSM. Jarrett worked for the OSM from 1988 to 1994 as deputy
assistant director.

According to OSM internal documents that are now the center of a Senate
investigation, Jarrett improperly involved himself in an on-going
investigation into coal mine blasting while he worked at the OSM, in an
apparent attempt to discredit the agency. It was a time when appointees of
the Reagan administration were considered to be intent on dismantling the
l977 Surface Mining Act, which created the OSM.

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee abruptly aborted a hearing
on Jarrett's nomination on Oct. 3, after an FBI report stated the nominee
may have violated the law when he made public an OSM personnel file without
authorization in 1993.

According to the documents, Jarrett made improper and misleading statements
about the agency to a resident in Evansville, Ind., who had claimed that
nearby coal mine blasting was causing property damage. On four separate
occasions in July and August of 1993, Jarrett contacted Freda Harris, a
community activist in Evansville. He cited material he claimed was from an
OSM report on the blasting. According to Harris, Jarrett told her that an
OSM supervisor and investigator were manipulating the results of the report
to do bad things to the citizens in the area.

Jarrett allegedly attempted to spread similar rumors to an out-of-state
organizer, Carolyn Johnson of the Citizens Coal Council, which represents 54
membership organizations in coal field communities. The council was working
with Evansville residents in 1993. Jarrett attempted to convince Johnson of
similar things, she said, in an apparent attempt to undermine the agency's

He presented himself as a great friend of citizens, and told me that he'd
been our ally on the inside for a long time and we just didn't happen to
know it, Johnson said. I'd never seen any evidence of his having been
helpful at all.

An OSM internal report said Jarrett had fabricated his proof of agency
personnel manipulating results from an unrelated personnel report, and
falsely presented it to Harris.

When Harris started receiving what she described as harassing phone calls
from Jarrett, she contacted Jarrett's supervisor, Carl Close, who sent an
investigator from his Pittsburgh office to Evansville.

For Close, the report that came back was unequivocal.

That was a very upsetting set of facts, which clearly indicated to me that
Jarrett had made an effort to undermine the agency's credibility, Close
said. He attempted to indicate that the Office of Surface Mining had not
really made a fair appraisal of the situation, that we were sort of leaning
the wrong way, and not (being as) objective as we should be.

In its final report, the OSM decided the coal mine explosions were not
responsible for property damage. Later, Freda Harris and others won a
lawsuit against the company responsible for the blasting.

Meanwhile, however, the federal agency took official action against Jarrett
for his conduct, reassigning him to another division. Almost eight years
later, President Bush nominated him to head the agency.

Jarrett did not respond to multiple requests for an interview. In his
written statement to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee dated
Oct. 3, Jarrett made no mention of his involvement in the 1993 coal mine
blasting investigation in Evansville.

Bill Wicker, press secretary for the Democrats on the committee, said as a
matter of policy the committee cannot comment on a nomination while it is
under consideration.

Interior Secretary Gale Norton has praised Jarrett as a perfect choice
committed to environmental protections.

America's appetite for the black rock is enormous. More than 50 percent of
electric energy in the United States comes from coal-fired power plants. The
Bush-Cheney Energy Task Force calls for a $2 billion corporate subsidy to
research and develop so-called clean coal.

Coal mining -- especially abandoned coal mines -- can pose a number of
environmental and safety hazards 

[CTRL] Fwd: How Enron Won Contracts

2001-12-10 Thread Kris Millegan


Date: 1995/08/05

Covert action and political clout help Enron win contracts
By Pratap Chatterjee

WASHINGTON, Jul 31 (IPS) - What links Enron, the largest natural gas
company in the United States, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the
Pentagon and the fast-growing energy markets of developing countries around
the world?
If you said covert intelligence operations to support Washington's
aggressive pursuit of emerging markets and a network  of ''good
old boys'' who have long helped each other in and out of government,
you probably got it right.
Consider the facts. Houston-based Enron was the one of the first
companies to bag lucrative new deals to build private energy projects in
both the Philippines and India. One of the Filipino deals was to take over a
power plant from the Pentagon, the popular name for the U.S. Defence
Department. Enron also bagged two other projects to build power plants in
the country. The Indian deal was clinched with the help of the CIA which
provided Enron and U.S. government officials with key data on the
risks of the project and strategies of possible competitors, according to
published accounts.
''A number of U.S. government agencies worked on helping Enron in
the Department of Commerce's new advocacy centre. Several of them told me
that the CIA had helped them get information, but the Commerce people
themselves would not talk about it,'' David Sanger of the New York Times
told  IPS.
Curiously enough, the most senior U.S. diplomat in both countries when the
deals were negotiated was the same, Frank G.  Wisner. He served as
ambassador to the Philippines from 1991 well into 1992. He  has presided
over the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi since last August. Enron agrees that the
ambassador helped it in the final stages of  the Indian deal but says it had
no contact with him in Manila.
''Enron officials paid a courtesy call on the embassy in
Manila, but ...did not meet Wisner until his arrival in India. The
government's assistance for the trip to India was to prepare for
Secretary) Ron Brown's trip. You must remember that we had been
in India two years before Wisner or Brown arrived,'' says Diane
Enron's chief spokesperson.
Enron struck a deal to manage a 28-megawatt power plant in Subic
formerly the largest U.S. military base in the region, shortly after
left Manila in July 1992. Enron took over the plant in January, 1993,
months after the last U.S. troops left the base.
''The U.S. embassy staff produced an excellent report on how U.S.
business could win contracts in the former base. They had an edge
they knew it so well,'' recalls a senior staffer at the Filipino
embassy in
Wisner spent a lot of time after arriving in New Delhi last
year helping Enron win a 2.8-billion-dollar deal to build a 2,015-
power plant near the southwestern coastal town of Dhabol, close to
The deal is now under heavy fire for being over-priced. Allegations of
bribery are rife.
''If anybody asked the CIA to help promote U.S. business in
India, it was probably Frank. That's his style - take action
rather than wait for somebody else to make a decision,'' a former
staffer told IPS.
In recent weeks, newspaper reports have claimed that CIA
support for U.S. business abroad is now an official priority. On
for example, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Clinton
has issued a set of rules for the CIA to engage in ''economic
espionage'' in
keeping with the new, geo-economic mindset of U.S. foreign policy.
''The idea is that an ambasador can call on a chief of station
(the top
CIA official in a foreign country) to find out who will take the key
decisions on the bid, information on competitors, any possible
corruption on
the part of foreign companies,'' a former US ambassador told IPS.
Wisner is himself long acquainted with the CIA and its
capabilities. His father was one of its architects and served as a top
official there from just after its creation in 1947 until just before
suicide in 1965.
As such, he helped oversee the toppling of the Guatemalan
government of Jacobo Arbenz for United Fruit company, a family-owned
business, in 1954. He also was involved in the 1953 overthrow of
Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq who had threatened to nationalise
U.S. and
British oil interests, and in secret operations against Indonesian
Sukarno in the mid-1950s.
Wisner, Jr. has not been associated with anything quite so
dramatic, but he has gone out of his way to promote both U.S.
business and
military policy. Before his posting to New Delhi, Wisner held the
three position at the Pentagon. During his stint there, Washington
courted the Indian military.
Help from such powerful sources in the elite and secret worlds of
city are commonplace for Kenneth Lay, the chief executive officer and
founder of Enron, who started the company soon after 

[CTRL] SOLOMON: Noam Chomsky, Wartime Media Hero

2001-12-10 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=12051

SOLOMON: Noam Chomsky, Wartime Media Hero
Norman Solomon, AlterNet
December 10, 2001

If liberty means anything at all, George Orwell wrote, it means the right
to tell people what they do not want to hear.

From all indications, the gatekeepers for big media in the United States
don't want to hear what Noam Chomsky has to say -- and they'd prefer that we
not hear him either.

Mainstream journalists in other nations often interview Chomsky. Based at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he's a world-renowned analyst of
propaganda and global politics. But the chances are slim that you'll ever
find him on a large network here at home.

Chomsky is ill-suited to providing soundbites -- and that's not just a
matter of style. A few snappy words are sufficient when they harmonize with
the conventional wisdom in a matter of seconds. It takes longer to
intelligibly present a very different assessment of political realities.

No one disputes that Chomsky revolutionized the study of language more than
40 years ago. The rich and powerful have no quarrel with his work as the
world's most significant linguist. But as a political analyst, he's pretty
much persona non grata at big U.S. networks and influential dailies.

Meanwhile, overflow audiences of thousands are routine when Chomsky speaks
on college campuses and elsewhere in the United States. For many years now,
community radio stations across North America have featured his speeches and
interviews on political subjects. Progressive magazines publish his

But at major media outlets, most editors seem far more interested in facile
putdowns of Chomsky than in allowing space for his own words. Media attacks
on him are especially vitriolic in times of international crisis and war.

Since Sept. 11, the distortions have been predictable: Although he's an
unequivocal opponent of terrorism in all its forms, Chomsky is portrayed as
an apologist for terrorism. Although he's a consistent advocate of human
rights for all, Chomsky is accused of singling out the U.S. government for

To some extent, Chomsky seems to bring the media salvos on himself. Even
when the brickbats are flying, the guy just won't keep his head down. He
speaks bluntly when the Pentagon terrorizes faraway civilians in the name of
fighting terrorism. And he points out that citizens of the most powerful
country on Earth have special opportunities and responsibilities to work
against deadly policies implemented in their names with their tax dollars.

Chomsky's latest book, titled 9-11, is now arriving in bookstores. It's a
collection of interviews, serving as a badly needed corrective to news
coverage of the present-day war on terrorism.

The book will be very useful in the months to come. Yet 9-11 just
scratches the surface. For those who want more depth, many superb Chomsky
books are available -- including the classic study Manufacturing Consent
(co-authored with Edward S. Herman), Profit Over People and The New
Military Humanism, as well as volumes of interviews conducted by David

In 9-11, Chomsky speaks without evasion: We should recognize that in much
of the world the U.S. is regarded as a leading terrorist state, and with
good reason. Chomsky cites many examples of U.S. actions that resulted in
the killing of several million civilians during the past few decades. A
partial list of nations where those deaths have occurred includes Vietnam,
Laos, Cambodia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, East Timor, Sudan, Iraq,
Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.

All in the past? Chomsky rips into the scam of wiping the U.S. government's
slate clean. If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion,
he said. Or we can look at recent history, at the institutional structures
that remain essentially unchanged, at the plans that are being announced --
and answer the questions accordingly. I know of no reason to suppose that
there has been a sudden change in long-standing motivations or policy goals,
apart from tactical adjustments to changing circumstances.

Chomsky added wryly: We should also remember that one exalted task of
intellectuals is to proclaim every few years that we have 'changed course,'
the past is behind us and can be forgotten as we march on towards a glorious
future. That is a highly convenient stance, though hardly an admirable or
sensible one.

For those whose window on the world is mostly confined to mainstream U.S.
media, some of Chomsky's statements may seem odd or absolutely wrong. But
you can't make an informed judgment based on a few quotes. Read a couple of
Chomsky's books and decide for yourself.

Noam Chomsky is not a lone ranger or ivory tower intellectual. For decades,
he has worked closely with grassroots activists. Understanding doesn't come
free, he commented a few years ago. It's true that the task is somewhere
between awfully difficult and utterly hopeless for an isolated 

Re: [CTRL] Re: in headers (was: Text of Pakistan Perks)

2001-12-10 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

Samantha ( SmartNews),

I sincerely appreciate your posts to CTRL in both its forms. That being
said, I have a BIG favor to ask of you, and to SmartNews as well ...

If you could PLEASE post new posts and articles without the Re: in the
header, it would be fantastic. Like a lot of people, I archive CTRL, and I
comb through threads to see if there is anything relevant or meaningful in a
conversation to keep for myself. So, I usually to go through new CTRL
messages based on the header, and organized by thread, and I tend to save
every article post, while deleting most of the conversations and duplicates
(though I do read all of it). With the Re: tacked onto the header, it
appears as if you are replying to a post, not posting something new.

I know this is *really* nitpicky, but it would save me (and possibly others)
a bit of a headache in trying to sift through the huge volume of mail on
this list, while still retaining the worthwhile information.

Thanks, and best regards,
Joshua Tinnin

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Re: in headers (was: Text of Pakistan Perks)

2001-12-10 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  Sure, Joshua.  I had no idea is was working out that way, and now I realize
how it happens.  (I thought the re's were automatic, but now I see they're
not.)  Usually, so that I don't have to type in the CTRL address each time, I
open a CTRL list email and hit reply.  Then I delete all the old info and cut
and paste my stuff in.  I can change that.

  All these years and I didn't know the posts without the re's were
originals and the ones with the re's were responses!  I knew I wasn't very
observant but this actually falls in the pitifully unobservant category.



In a message dated 12/11/01 12:41:50 AM Central Standard Time,

 If you could PLEASE post new posts and articles without the Re: in the
  header, it would be fantastic. Like a lot of people, I archive CTRL, and I
  comb through threads to see if there is anything relevant or meaningful in
  conversation to keep for myself. So, I usually to go through new CTRL
  messages based on the header, and organized by thread, and I tend to save
  every article post, while deleting most of the conversations and duplicates
  (though I do read all of it). With the Re: tacked onto the header, it
  appears as if you are replying to a post, not posting something new.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] The 'Black Banshee', Commie Mary Frances Berry

2001-12-10 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/10/01 8:17:47 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You are still picking on the wrong supreme court. The Florida supreme court
  tried valintly to make hay by rewriting the existing Florida Law and got
  slapped down for it by the Supreme Court of the United States.

  Geez, Bill, they were applying a remedy, not rewriting law.  Their remedy
was for this one time only.  If they had been rewriting law it would have
stood in all future elections which was never their intention, neither stated
nor implied.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Whoosh-Back

2001-12-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.cdi.org/terrorism/arms-exports-pr.cfm

Now, this seems to be a no-brainer.  After the fall of the USSR,
it might have seemed all too easy to just cut the arms supplies off
(except for the military-industrial complex loss of profits).  But,
when one is addicted ... Bill Jeff's crewe should have understood
that the situation with splinter groups emerging from military-style
training could even happen in the U.S., given McVeigh (and whoever
else was in on the mission), Rudolph, and perhaps even his own
ATF/FBI rogues.  AER 

A Risky Business:
U.S. Arms Exports to Countries Where Terror Thrives

Nov. 30, 2001
View Standard Version

As the war on terrorism moves into its next phase, the United States
continues to build its campaign upon an international coalition
against terrorism. The administration of President George W. Bush has
partnered with countries that are participating in varying degrees of
military, political, economic, and diplomatic cooperation to stamp
out terrorism worldwide. As part of this cooperative effort, the Bush
administration has expressed a willingness to provide weapons to
countries that, in the past, have been criticized for human rights
violations, lack of democracy, and even support of terrorism.

While there may be understandable short-term reasons for considering
such a shift in U.S. arms export policy, there also are long-term

There are 28 terrorist groups currently operating in 18 countries,
according to the State Department's bi-annual list of active foreign
terrorist organizations (see below). The United States does not arm
these groups directly, but weapons sales and other forms of U.S.
military assistance (training, etc.) freely flow to many of the
countries within which these groups are active. In some cases, the
U.S. supplies arms to these countries to assist in the fight against
internal terrorist organizations, such as in Spain. In other
countries, however, governments, in countries such as Saudi Arabia,
are doing little to stem the activities of terrorist cells within a
country's borders that are organizing to commit foreign terrorist

In the period of 1990-1999, the United States supplied 16 of the 18
countries on the State Department list with arms through the
government-to-government sales under the Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
program, or through industry contracted Direct Commercial Sales (DCS)
programs, or with military assistance. Recipients included Algeria,
Iraq, Lebanon, and Sri Lanka (see below), where, arguably, the risk
of diversion is high. In addition, the U.S. military (and the CIA)
has trained the forces of many of these 18 countries in U.S. war
fighting tactics, in some cases including individuals now involved in

Of additional concern is that some countries receiving U.S. weapons
and/or training continue to recruit children for their official armed
forces, and many of the terrorist groups residing in those states
rely on children as combatants (see below). Thus, United States is
supplying arms and military aid to countries where children are used
as soldiers. Indeed, the Stinger anti-aircraft missiles being used in
Afghanistan were supplied by the U.S. government, in order to help
the mujahidin during their war with to oust the Soviet Union from the
country. And both the Taliban and Northern Alliance have used
children in their ranks for years.

As the Bush administration seeks to allow arms sales and/or training
to countries whose assistance is needed in the new U.S. war, policy-
makers must be aware of the risks. Partners today may not be on the
same side tomorrow.

In addition, as the circle of potential recipients widens, the U.S.
government immediately should move to strengthen controls, such as
end-use monitoring, to ensure that U.S. weapons and know-how remain
in the hands of the intended parties. Such end-use monitoring
traditionally has not been a strong suit. In FY 2000, for example the
State Department conducted end-use checks on only 0.005 percent of
all defense articles licensed by the Office of Defense Trade Controls

The U.S. government further should be wary of ignoring its own export
control laws and policies in conducting the campaign against
terrorism. The regulations in the Foreign Assistance Act and Arms
Export Control Act were developed to ensure that U.S. weapons went
into the hands of only desirable actors. U.S. policy was crafted to
ensure that weapon exports should not undermine long-term security
and stability, weaken democratic movements, support military coups,
escalate arms races, exacerbate ongoing conflicts, cause arms build-
ups in unstable regions, or be used to commit human rights abuses.

Clearly, some U.S. arms exports over the past decade have undermined
at least the spirit of these criteria. At this point, it is
imperative that Washington re-examine its export record, especially
with respect to the 18 countries where terror groups 

[CTRL] The Screws to Ashcroft

2001-12-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Op/Ed Headlines

Sources:  New York Post

Saturday December 08 07:05 PM EST


By Richard Reeves

WASHINGTON -- So, the attorney general of the United States tells me:
To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost
liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists.

Well, screw you, buddy! What are you trying to say? Are you saying
that anyone who talks about civil rights, civil liberties and the
freedom that makes us Americans is a traitor in this undeclared but
loudly proclaimed war?

I have messages for you, Mr. Attorney General John Ashcroft, former governor, former 
senator and all-round political perpetual: (1) I am no traitor, and neither is anyone 
else who questions sweeping expansion of governmen
t power to search people's homes and minds; (2) if someone or something has to be 
blamed and castigated for the breakdown in American security analysis that occurred so 
horrifically on Sept. 11, we should start with the f
oul-ups of the government itself in allowing terrorist networks to develop almost 
openly over the past 10 years.

Start by searching you own record, sir. Take a hard look at what the FBI and the CIA 
have been doing instead of setting them on ordinary citizens with new powers to tap, 
bug, search, seize, detain and arrest. The people s
upposed to be watching over us have responded to their own failures in watching our 
enemies by saying that now they need more power to watch us.

That said, Ashcroft impresses me as a small man, who does indeed seem to see the very 
real terrorism crisis as an opportunity to push a law enforcement agenda not unlike 
the one heralded as the salvation of the country in
 the bad old days of The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! His obvious 
determination to regulate almost everything in the country, with the notable exception 
of any checks on unlimited gun ownership by eithe
r citizens or aliens, seems somehow detached from the real threat of foreign-sponsored 
terrorism. His blaming the naivete of the citizenry about terrorism is outrageous. 
Americans know what is happening, and they certainl
y seem willing and eager to do something about it, including the use of our military 
wherever in the world bad guys assemble and plan.

The libertarian monthly Reason is one of the few publications that have the guts right 
now to criticize the repression impulse that has coursed through the country since 
Sept. 11. The publication has gathered men and wome
n of both the right and left who understand, or are willing to say, that the terrorism 
was not caused in some bizarre fashion by constitutional guarantees of individual 
liberty and free speech.

Federal agents still need to make the case that the expanded powers for which they 
are asking are necessary, the journal quoted Jerry Berman of the Center for Democracy 
and Technology as saying in its current issue. It
 wasn't a restriction breakdown. It was an analysis breakdown.

The magazine also quoted two officials from research institutions:

Once people have been subjected to such thoroughgoing government surveillance, all 
relations between the government and the public are transformed. Whether the rulers be 
revolutionary despots or democratically elected of
ficials, every citizen knows that 'they' know all about him and his affairs, and hence 
no one dares to step out of line. In such a situation, the sociopolitical system will 
gravitate ineluctably toward totalitarianism, s
aid Robert Higgs, editor of The Independent Review.

Friends of traditional American values -- namely, freedom, privacy and justice -- 
should keep their eyes on two transcendent issues during wartime, said David Kopel, 
the Independence Institute's research director. Firs
t, the effort to change our system of checks and balances and our system of federalism 
with unreviewable central executive power. Second, the tendency of people to suppress 
their own willingness to think freely, and to la
sh out at those who do not similarly self-suppress.

Watching members of Congress defer to Attorney General Ashcroft, there is obviously a 
lot of self-supression going on in Washington these days. But not at the Justice 
Department or the White House; the executive branch se
ems more intent on expanding its own police power at home than in mobilizing the free 
will of the American people against terrorism from abroad.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush Saw The FIRST Plane Hit The WTC On TV?

2001-12-10 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/10/01 3:20:10 PM Central Standard Time,

 asking you why he WOULDN'T have a television seems to
  have offended you...probably because the absurdity of
  your stance has been highlighted by this very simple
  and logical question...

  now, humor me and convince the people on this list
  that are reading this that you are right...

  Yikes.  If he had the latest technology in television he wouldn't know how
to use it except to switch to Barney  Friends.  He said he watched the first
plane crash on television and you assume it's because he had a live feed.
That's such a stretch.  It's more likely that he makes up anecdotes to fit
whatever situation he's in - just like Reagan always did.  The guy's brain is
so zapped from being daddy's little automaton that he probably doesn't even
remember the morning of the 11th.  He just makes stuff up.  He's an empty
shell.  He sits and waits to be filled with words that daddy's friends put in
his mouth.  He's not even capable of evil, except as a conduit.  There's just
nobody in there.  No lights, nothing - nobody home.  You're giving him way
too much credit.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Re: in headers (was: Text of Pakistan Perks)

2001-12-10 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sure, Joshua.  I had no idea is was working out that way, and now I
 how it happens.  (I thought the re's were automatic, but now I see
 not.)  Usually, so that I don't have to type in the CTRL address each
time, I
 open a CTRL list email and hit reply.  Then I delete all the old info and
 and paste my stuff in.  I can change that.

Yes, that's what I figured, but didn't want to assume. You can still do this
and cut or delete the Re: part out of the header, though that would still
screw up the threading in some email clients. Either way, though, it works
for me, but it would be best if you just posted in a new email message, for
everyone's sake. Also, the address book on your email client can help so
that you don't have to type it each time - I can help off-list with that if
you need it.

   All these years and I didn't know the posts without the re's were
 originals and the ones with the re's were responses!  I knew I wasn't
 observant but this actually falls in the pitifully unobservant category.

Nah, it's just a bit of fluff, but it can help, especially as I enjoy the
articles you post, and I don't want to miss them (same goes generally for

Re: is a standard term which used to be used mainly in correspondence on
paper - office memos come to mind. It is short for regarding, and it's
obviously most commonly used now in email. But, in that regard, it makes
sorting by header (and discarding the irrelevant responses to a post) much

Anyway, thanks so much. A little netiquette goes a long way for others, and
it's always refreshing to know that someone isn't offended by a suggestion
to that.

With appreciation,
Joshua Tinnin

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2001-12-10 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Way back when, I wrote to Lindsey about his sense of honour and
duty when considering the impeachment vote against Bill Jeff, while
LG was one of the House managers.  I suggested to him that he was
spinning his wheels, like in his car on Myrtle Beach (the sandy
side), just a-gunnin' and a-gunnin', the tires a-turnin' and a-
turnin'.  Lots of noise and commotion for gettin' no wayuh.

From Sierra Times (URL @ bottom)

Wrong reason to raid Saddam
By Henry Lamb 12.10.01

A resolution has been introduced in Congress to declare that Iraq has
committed an act of aggression against the United States... by
refusing to comply with U.N. Resolution 687. This proposed resolution
is a twisted, and extremely dangerous, excuse to bomb Baghdad back to
the stone age.

Saddam is a bad guy. If there exists credible evidence that he played
any role in the September 11 attack on America, the President already
has Congressional authority to get him. This resolution (HJRES 75),
introduced by Lindsey Graham (R-SC), is absolutely the wrong way to
go about unseating Saddam.

Iraq's refusal to comply with U.N. Resolution 687 is not an act of
aggression against the United States; flying commercial jetliners
into the World Trade Center is. If Saddam can be shown to have
participated - even a little - bomb his butt into oblivion.

We cannot, however, hide behind a U.N. Resolution to do now, what
another U.N. Resolution prevented us from doing when our forces were
in Iraq the last time.

The United States military has but one purpose: to defend the United
States of America. Its purpose is not to enforce U.N. Resolutions,
nor to use U.N. Resolutions as an excuse to engage in warfare for any
purpose other than the defense of our nation.

We certainly should have learned that lesson by now.

The United States needs no U.N. Resolution to activate our military;
it needs an order from our Commander in Chief, supported by a
Congressional Declaration - nothing more. When the United States, or
its allies are attack
ed, we must respond. But we should never again respond with our military in order to 
comply with a
U.N. Resolution.

Lindsey's Resolution would continue to submerge the U.S. military into the U.N.'s 
military aspirati
ons. If there is ever to be a U.N. standing army, it should not include a single 

President Bush has responded to the terrorists' attack brilliantly, so far. He has 
announced Americ
a's resolve, found friends to help fight the foe, and left the U.N. to do what it does 
so well - ta

Lindsey would have us now seek refuge behind a U.N. Resolution. No! It would say to 
the world that
we need a U.N. Resolution to authorize our action.

Saddam's refusal to allow U.N. inspectors, which is a violation of U.N. Resolution 
687, is an extre
mely thin excuse for invading a sovereign nation by any military force, and no excuse 
at all for U.
S. military action.

An invasion of Iraq by the United States would be an act of aggression, and condemned 
by the world,
 unless the United States had incontrovertible evidence that Iraq planned, 
authorized, committed,
or aided the terrorist
attacks of September 11..., as stipulated in the Joint Resolution which authorizes 
the President t
o wage the war on terrorism.

Until such evidence is in hand, or until Saddam commits some other act of aggression 
against the Un
ited States, we need to concentrate on the task at hand: destroying the likes of al 
Qeada, and shor
ing up our domestic def

Lindsey's Resolution was introduced on December 4. It was fast- tracked, and is 
scheduled to be con
sidered by the House International Relations Committee, Tuesday, December 11. Since 
the Committee C
hair, Henry Hyde (R-IL)
 is a co-sponsor of the proposal, the measure is expected to sail through committee 
with little opp

Ron Paul (R-TX) is a member of the Committee. He will object, and speak in opposition 
to the Resolu
tion. Ron Paul is one of the few members in Congress who recognizes the dangers of 
getting into bed
 with the United Nation

The anti-Saddam sentiment, coupled with the anti-terrorist sentiment, could easily 
cloud considered
 reasoning by Congressmen who are eager to wind up the session and head home for the 

This little two-page Resolution, if enacted in haste, could trigger a chain of events 
and pave the
way to entanglements with the United Nations that reach far beyond Baghdad. As 
appealing as the ide
a of ridding the world
of Saddam might be, it is not worth surrendering an ounce of our sovereignty, which we 
would do if
we hid behind a U.N. Resolution to justify our military actions.

Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental Conservation 
Organization (ECO), an
d chairman of Sovereignty International.

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nd our URL. www.SierraTimes.com All Sierra Times news reports, and