[CTRL] AF News 18 Jan 02

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

0079.  New e-mail capability aids homeland defense effort

HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. (AFPN) -- People from the airborne warning and
control system program office here have provided high-frequency e-mail
capability to a portion of the AWACS fleet involved in homeland defense.

While the office was planning on providing the entire fleet with this
capability in 2002, the delivery of six units after only three months, in
December, came nearly a year ahead of the planned schedule.

Sept. 11 triggered a compelling need to make a small number of these
systems available as soon as possible, said 2nd Lt. Bill Hargrove, the
program manager.

Officials from the 552nd Air Control Wing at Tinker Air Force Base, Okla.,
which operates the U.S. AWACS fleet, requested the systems for use in
real-world contingency operations worldwide in response to the incidents
of Sept. 11.

The high frequency e-mail system will be used in contingency operations,
like Operation Noble Eagle, to send and receive critical mission data to and
from the E-3 (Sentry), said Brig. Gen. Ben T. Robinson, the 552nd Air
Control Wing commander.  It will allow the operator to send and receive
near real-time adjustments to mission documentation like the air tasking

The systems, which are produced by contractor Rockwell Collins, permit
secure data transfer between the command center located at Tinker and the
E-3s via e-mail transmission rather than voice, Hargrove said.

Having the message in writing really reduces the likelihood of error,
Hargrove said. The message isn't likely to be misinterpreted or incorrectly
recorded.  It's faster, too, because it doesn't have to be recorded and

This is the first application of high frequency e-mail messaging, said Tony
DeJoy, technical lead on the project.

The six units delivered have of two portable ground station kits, which are
made up of a laptop computer, a high-frequency radio and four airborne kits.
The airborne kits have a customized laptop computer and printer, and are the
size of large briefcases, DeJoy said.

The small amount of space taken up by the briefcase on the plane is a
tremendous advantage, according to Hargrove, because space aboard an E-3 is
always at a premium.

Another advantage offered by this system is that it uses the Microsoft
Office and Outlook programs most people are already familiar with, so it's
user-friendly, he said.  It provides data transfer capability at high
speeds, provides air-to-air and air-to-ground connectivity capability, can
be used to transfer classified and unclassified data, and is portable.

The airborne units can be moved from plane to plane with relatively little
effort, Hargrove said. There's practically no installation involved.

The 552nd ACS aircrews are now using the newly procured kits in their U.S.
homeland defense mission.  The wing had been using two test kits immediately
after Sept. 11, which they brought to the Afghanistan theater once
operations began there.

They were so pleased with the added capability that they requested the
additional units right away, Hargrove said.

One of the added capabilities the operators appreciated was the ability to
transmit data without having to be in sight of the ground station.

The kits we delivered are improved versions of the ones they'd been using,
too, so these should meet their needs even better, Hargrove said.

Unlike the older versions, the new briefcases provide a small device known
as a KIV-7, which enables secure transmission capability, that fits inside a
slot in the briefcase rather than being located externally.  It also
provides a printer port that is conveniently located on the briefcase.

The six kits cost about $325,000.

In the long term, the program office plans to purchase 32 airborne kits, one
for each E-3 in the Air Force fleet, plus spares.  Eventually no ground kits
will be needed, because the system will be connected to the secure Internet
network known as SIPRNET, at 14 fixed ground stations worldwide.  Any
aircraft with an HF radio and an automatic link establishment capability
could potentially use this global system, Hargrove said.

0085.  Air Force announces new reenlistment bonus list

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- Bluesuiters in seven additional career fields will now
receive reenlistment bonuses, courtesy of the recent Selective Reenlistment
Bonus Review Board, officials at the Pentagon said.

Following the board, the Air Force released its latest selective
reenlistment bonus list, resulting in several additions, said Lt. Col.
Francine Blackmon, chief of Air Force skills management at the Pentagon.

The board considered enlisted skills with no SRB currently authorized for an
initial award, along with SRB multiple increases/reductions/deletions for
existing SRB skills.  Emphasis was placed on those career fields determined
as stressed -- those with existing 

[CTRL] Favor-Seeking Contributors Rule Washington

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Favor-Seeking Contributors Rule Washington
By Chuck Baldwin
January 15, 2002

The current Enron scandal is just the latest example of how politicians in
Washington, D.C., are beholden to big money corporate donors. It also helps
explain why nothing changes in Washington, D.C., no matter which party is in

A search of Enron's political contribution list reveals that, like all
mega-corporations, ideology means nothing. While Enron supported more
Republicans than Democrats, the Democratic Party fared very nicely from
Enron's contributions. In fact, nearly half of all Congressmen and Senators
received contributions from the now scandal-ridden corporation. The number
of current Senators receiving Enron contributions total 71, while 187
current Congressmen directly benefited from its generosity.

In the Senate, Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison received $99,500 while
Democrat Charles Schumer earned $21,933. In the House, Democrat Ken Bentsen
pulled in $42,750 and Republican Joe Barton got $28,909. When it comes to
buying influence, big corporate contributors have few preferences. They are
all equal opportunity favor-seekers; and favors they get!

Enron executives reportedly gave over $600,000 to Bush's two gubernatorial
campaigns and were very influential in his decision to deregulate the Texas
energy markets in 1999. Enron executives are also believed to have been
major players in Vice President Cheney's energy task force last year. Enron
ties are also seen in the Clinton White House.

Influence peddling is certainly nothing new. What does seem to be new is the
public's attitude about it: they do not mind it! It appears that the
American people have come to accept political corruption as normal and even
understandable. Therefore, do not expect much political fallout from the
Enron scandal.

For one thing, the investigators and the investigated are on the take from
the same people. Accordingly, while there may be one or two sacrificial
lambs offered on the altar of public conscience, the (big) people that got
the money will keep the money, and the (little) people that lost the money -
well - they lost the money; and, once again, on the whole, the American
people seem fine with that.

Remember, too, that President Bush (as Clinton did before him) has sealed
all of the presidential records (including his, daddy Bush's, and Clinton's)
so that the dirty truth of this (and every other scandal) can stay safely
tucked away. This is known as The Potomac Shuffle, and it works every

Of course, the American people could wake up one day and demand honesty and
integrity in government, but that would stymie the New World Order, force
corporate America to put America first, and make politicians accountable to
the Constitution once again. No, it seems that people are content to let
favor-seeking donors rule Washington, D.C.

I do wish that people would stop the rhetoric about there being this big
difference between the two major parties, however. There is not. They are
both beholden to the same people. The Enron scandal proves it.

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Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-20 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

My appologies for forwarding this disgusting crap. I did not read it
and assumed it was against eating meat, especially dogs. Sorry!


Lord knows that I'd never eat dog meat, but I recognize that it is a purely
subjective judgement to deem eating dogs, cats, or horses as 'bad', but
that it's perfectly okay to eat pigs, cattle, deer, buffalo, etc.  It's all
rotting mammal flesh...

Why is it okay to eat chicken, turkey, duck, pigeons or pheasant, but not
to eat parrots or canaries?

If one objects to eating all kinds of meat, fine; but it's hypocritical to
say it's bad to eat 'companion' animals, e.g. those we've decided to make
pets out of, but okay to eat other types of animals.  They all have


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2002-01-20 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

I think you are splitting Hairs here dont you? After all this is an egroup
and mike is putting in his ideas here not doing a degree in Rocket Science.

I fail to see why standards of evidence should be ignored just because this
is an egroup; if anything, they should be more strictly adhered to...

If one admits that one's memory is hazy regarding an event that occured 37
years ago, and that one didn't bother to do any research to overcome that
hazy memory, then why should we believe that person's recollection of any
other event that occured that same night 37 years ago?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] New Volcano Forming in Congo Town

2002-01-20 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Used to be, back in the old days, the local tribes would sacrifice
young men to Nyiragongo  its sister, Nyamlagira, to keep the volcanoes
from erupting. I remember reading about it as a child in some book
about volcanoes, but the title escapes me. Ten of the finest young men
were selected each year, and, after a suitable period of training and
ritual, the young men jumped to their deaths in the craters,
alternating each year between the 2 volcanoes. I'd have to do some
major digging to get more details than that, but if there's interest, I


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bohemian Bohemian Grove Fact Sheet

2002-01-20 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

(You can rent a raft and float down the Russian River which goes right by the
property. I guess you could take pictures of the security guys and camp out
nearby. Might even get 'taken into custody' for trespassing. I wonder what
they do to/with those unfortunate people? Don't ask, don't tell ;-(

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 20 Jan 2002 01:54:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject:SNET: Bohemian Bohemian Grove Fact Sheet
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bohemian Grove Fact Sheet

What is the Bohemian Grove?

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre redwood forest, located in Monte Rio, CA. It
contains accommodation for 2000 people to camp in luxury. It is owned by the
Bohemian Club.

What is the Bohemian Club?

The Bohemian Club is a private. all male club, which is headquartered in the
Bohemian building in San Francisco. It was formed in 1872 by men who
sought shelter from the frontier culture (or lack of culture).

Who are the present members?

The Club has evolved into an association of rich and powerful men, mostly of
this country (there are similar organizations in other countries). Some artists
are allowed to join (often at reduced rates), because of their social status and
entertainment value. The membership list has included every Republican
U.S. president (as well as some Democrats) since 1923, many cabinet
officials, and director;  CEO's of large corporations, including major
financial institutions.

What industries are represented among the members?

Major military contractors, oil companies, banks (including the Federal
Reserve), utilities (including nuclear power), and national media (broadcast
and print) have high-ranking officials as club members or guests. Many
members are, or have been, on the board of directors of several of these
corporations. You should note that most of the above industries depend
heavily on a relationship with government for their profitability.

The members stay in different camps at the Grove, which have varying status
levels. Members  frequent guests of the most prestigious camp (Mandalay)
include: Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, S. D. Bechtel, Jr., Thomas Watson
Jr. (IBM), Phillip Hawley (B of A), William Casey (CIA). and Ralph Bailey
(Dupont). George Bush resides in a less prestigious camp (Hillbillies) with A.
W. Clausen (World Bank), Walter Cronkite, and William F. Buckley.

What activities take place at the grove?

The grove is the site of a two week retreat every July (as well as other smaller
get-togethers throughout the year). At these retreats, the members commune
with nature in a truly original way. They drink heavily from morning through the
night, bask in their freedom to urinate on the redwoods, and perform pagan
rituals (including the Cremation of Care, in which the members wearing red-
 hooded robes, cremate a coffin effigy of Dull Care at the base of a 40 foot
owl altar). Some (20%) engage in homosexual activity (but few of them
support gay rights or AIDS research). They watch (and participate in) plays
and comedy shows in which women are portrayed by male actors. Although
women are not allowed in the Grove, members often leave at night to enjoy
the company of the many prostitutes who come from around the world for this
event. Is any of this hard to believe? Employees of the Grove have said that
no verbal description can accurately portray the bizarre behavior of the
Grove's inhabitants.

Besides this type of merriment. the annual gathering serves as an
informational clearing house for the elite. The most powerful men in the
country do their networking here, despite the Grove's motto weaving
spiders come not here (don't do business in the Grove). At these gatherings
men representing the government, military-industrial, and financial sectors
meet and make major policy decisions. The Manhattan project, which
produced the first atomic bombs, was conceived at the Grove in 1942. Other
decisions made at the Grove include who our presidential candidates will be.
There are speeches, known as Lakeside Talks, wherein high-ranking
officials disseminate information which is not available to the public-at-large.

What are the topics of discussion at the Lakeside Talks?

The 1991 talks included: Joseph Califano HEW Secretary, Carter
Administration Americas Health Care: Revolution: Who Lives, Who Dies,
Who Pays

Helmut Schmidt Former German Prime Minister The Enormous Problems of
the 21st Century

Elliot Richardson Nixon  Reagan Administrations Defining a New World

John Lehman Secretary of the Navy, Reagan Administration Smart

Richard Cheney Present Secretary of Defense Major Defense Problems of
the 21st Century

What's not right about this?

When powerful people work together, they become even more powerful. The
Grove membership is wealthy, and becoming more so, while the middle
class is steadily 

[CTRL] Dershowitz: Make Torture An Option

2002-01-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Dershowitz: Make Torture An Option

Civil Libertarian Believes Torture Will Be Used In War On Terrorism
And He Wants Specific Procedures In Place
Watch Sunday at 7 PM ET/PT

NEW YORK, Jan. 17, 2002


Alan Dershowitz

(CBS) Is there a place in the U.S. justice system for torture?

Alan Dershowitz, the civil libertarian defender of O.J Simpson,
believes the law should sanction torture so it may be applied in
certain cases, such as terrorist acts.

In a report to be broadcast Sunday on 60 Minutes, Dershowitz tells
Correspondent Mike Wallace that torture is inevitable. “We can’t just
close our eyes and pretend we live in a pure world,” he says.

After the events of Sept. 11, with many al Qaida members in custody,
Dershowitz says he wants to bring the debate to the forefront. He
gave the “ticking bomb” scenario - a person refusing to tell when and
where a bomb will go off – as an example of the type of case
warranting torture.

The FBI has anonymously leaked to the press the belief inside the
bureau that torture may be an option in these trying times. But Lewis
Schiliro, former New York bureau director, warns of problems with

“If anybody had the ability to prevent the events of Sept. 11… they
would have gone to whatever length…The problem becomes, where do we
draw that line?” he tells Wallace.

Torture is prohibited by the U.S. Constitution, says Human Rights
Watch Executive Director Kenneth Roth, who also says it’s not
reliable. He points out that an Islamic terrorist, convicted in
America for terrorist plots he admitted to after torture by
authorities in the Philippines, had also admitted to being the
Oklahoma City bomber.

“People will say anything under torture,” says Roth, adding that
resorting to torture degrades humanity and the idea of democracy.
“We, in many important respects, become like the terrorists,” he
tells Wallace. “They will have won. Our democracy will have lost.”

This is a naïve viewpoint, says Dershowitz. “If anybody has any doubt
that our CIA, over time, has taught people to torture, has encouraged
torture, has probably itself tortured in extreme cases, I have a
bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.”

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believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
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[CTRL] Enron: Black Hole (the Sound of Vacuum)

2002-01-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

1 - http://www.observer.co.uk/business/story/0,6903,636104,00.html
2 - http://nydailynews.com/today/News_and_Views/Beyond_the_City/a-

Now: the leaderships demand that there be all kinds of controls on
the average citizen (guns, drugs, et cetera) while their cronies go
about the business of business, causing how much havoc and damage
to the average citizen employees and stockholders and walk away,
unscathed?  AER 

Enron's new $5bn black hole

Investigators extend probe to key firm at heart of energy giant's
3,000 subsidiaries

The Bush files - Observer special

Jamie Doward, deputy business editor
Sunday January 20, 2002
The Observer

Investigators probing the accounts of collapsed energy giant Enron
are examining what happened to more than $5 billion in loans and
investments the company made to subsidiaries kept off its balance
sheet. The scale of the black hole opening up looks as if it could
dwarf previous estimates.

Investigators are already examining a series of unde clared
transactions between the US company and two Cayman Islands firms -
LJM1 and LJM2 - set up by the firm's former chief financial officer,
Andrew Fastow.

Now it has emerged that by 31 December 2000 Enron had also invested,
or loaned, $5.3bn to a number of companies in which it had stakes,
according to papers filed with the US Securities and Exchange
Commission. These included two ailing firms that had been harming
their par ent's financial performance, water specialist Azurix and
the Dabhol Power Company of India. The subsidiaries - part of a
network of more than 3,000 firms linked to Enron - were claimed by
the company to be 'unconsolidated affiliates', which do not have to
be shown on balance sheets.

Fastow's activities have already forced Enron to restate its accounts
so that they show a $1.2bn reduction in shareholders' equity. And a
special committee Enron established has concluded that further black
holes may be found.

Now investigators are believed to be turning their attention to one
key 'unconsolidated' subsidiary, WhiteWing Associates, which itself
has 75 subsidiaries.

WhiteWing crops up throughout Enron's SEC filings. In 2000 and 1999,
respectively, Enron sold '$632 million and $192m of investments and
other assets to WhiteWing', the papers say. Enron refuses to discuss
WhiteWing, which in turn was involved in several transactions with
LJM1 and LJM2.

WhiteWing lists an investment vehicle, Osprey Trust, as a limited
partner. The trust is owned by a number of anonymous financial
institutions - which suggests the investigators will have to cast
their net far wider to understand the true complexities behind
Enron's downfall.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002

Taxpayers May Get Bill
Tab from Enron meltdown
could exceed $1B

Daily News Washington Bureau

merican taxpayers are potentially on the hook for more than $1 billion tied up in a 
dozen Enron Corp. energy projects around the world, according to government documents.

The projects span the globe from Argentina to the Philippines and include an electric 
plant in India that has drawn Vice President Cheney into the budding scandal.

An unidentified investigator for the House Energy and Commerce Committee enters Enron 
headquarters in Houston yesterday.
Combined maximum exposure to projects sponsored by Enron is $1.059 billion, 
officials of the Overseas Private Investment Corp. reported in an internal Dec. 10 
memo analyzing the potential consequences of Enron's Dec. 2

OPIC backs U.S. companies with projects in foreign countries where financing and 
government instability would otherwise make them too risky.

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer cited $640 million in taxpayer exposure as a key 
reason why Cheney interceded in the foundering Enron project in Dabhol, India.

June Meeting Defended

Fleischer was questioned after the Daily News reported yesterday that Cheney raised 
Enron's problem in Dabhol with Indian opposition leader Sonia Gandhi in a June 27 

An effort quarterbacked by President Bush's National Security Council included 
pressure on India by the State and Treasury departments.

Fleischer said the efforts were to protect potential taxpayer liability — not to do a 
favor for a company whose executives have been Bush's biggest political contributors.

Dabhol is an important project to create jobs in America, and there's also a taxpayer 
exposure, Fleischer said.

Nevertheless, Fleischer shrugged off a Nov. 8 National Security Council memo that 
warned Bush can not talk about Dabhol during his meeting with India's Prime Minister 
Atal Bihari Vajpayee on Nov. 9.

Bush Kept His Distance

Fleischer indicated there was no ethical reason Bush was barred, and said, The vice 
president had raised it earlier, and the determination was made that this would be one 
of the issues that did not rise at the President'
s level.


Re: [CTRL] Saudis tell US forces to get out

2002-01-20 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/19/02 5:53:22 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 But the increasingly brittle and vulnerable ruling House of Saud is nervous
  about an internal revolt by Bin Laden's al-Qaida terror network and other
  extremist militants, and has been publicly loosening its links with

  What could possibly be the US' excuse not to target Saudi Arabia as
harboring terrorists if that happens?   Seems like Saudi Arabia, not Israel,
controls the US.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) The Power Elite: Enron and Frank Wisner

2002-01-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Subject:The Power Elite: Enron and Frank Wisner

The Power Elite: Enron and Frank Wisner

On 28 October 1997, Enron Corporation announced the entry of Frank G.
Wisner Jr. onto its board of directors. Most of the business press
not find this untoward and it certainly did not emerge as part of the
US discussions  on corruption at the highest level. Frank Wisner, as
we know in India, was the US Ambassador from 1994 until this year and
his entry into Enron must be seen in light of the scandal of Dabhol.
Enron, like most US corporations, uses its close association with the
state (both its elected and bureaucratic arms) for its own ends.

 US campaigns are financed by corporations whose money not only
politicians to win elections, but it also buys businesses the state's
power both for domestic subsidies and for the use of US power in the
international arena.

Frank Wisner, Jr. was a big catch for Enron Corporation. His lineage
is impeccable, since his father, Frank Wisner Sr., was a senior CIA
official (from 1947 until his suicide in 1965) who was involved in the
overthrow of Arbenz of Guatemala (1954) and Mossadeq of Iran (1953).
Wisner Junior was well-known in the CIA and he worked as Under
Secretary of Defense for Policy and Under Secretary of State for
International Security Affairs; his current boss, Kenneth Lay, Chief
Executive Officer of Enron Corporation, also worked for the Pentagon
during the US war in Vietnam. With economic espionage as a task for
the CIA (see PD, 12 October 1997), there is little doubt that Wisner
used this instrument during his long-tenure as Ambassador in Asian
nations. A Wisner staffer told InterPress Services this year that
ifanybody asked the CIA to help promote US business in India, it was
probably Frank.

When Wisner was US Ambassador to the Philippines (1991-92), Enron was
in the midst of negotiations to manage the two Subic Bay power plants.
When Wisner left Manila in July 1992, Enron won the deal and began to
manage the plant in January 1993. During Wisner tenure in India, he
fought long and hard to secure various deals for Enron. He  went so
far as to boycott the India Power '96 -- Beyond Dabhol summit,
despite being scheduled to give an address (this was part of a US
advisory to companies to avoid India for six-months, a pressure tactic
on India during the winter of 1995-96). Wisner left India earlier this
year only after it seemed like Enron's place was secure.

Enron, like most monopoly corporations in the US, uses money as a
means to buy influence and power. To gain access to a lucrative
contract to rebuild the Shuaiba power plant in Kuwait, Enron hired
former US Secretary of State James Baker as a consultant who travelled
to the oil kingdom to negotiate with his Gulf War allies for his new
employer. The sons of George Bush also helped Enron win this contract
despite a lower bid from Deutsche Babcock, a German firm. The Bush
brothers also helped Enron in their deal to win a contract to build a
pipeline from Chile to Argentina in 1988. Finally, Wendy Gramm (wife
of Senator Phil Gramm) joined Enron's Board of Directors in 1993 after
she resigned from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. This
Commission, just days after Gramm's resignation, deregulated energy
futures, thereby allowing Enron to earn 10% of its profits by
adventures on the financial markets. Beside all this evidence, it
appears hypocritical for Rebecca Mark, Chairperson of Enron
Development Corporation, to declare that Enron's reputation is being
attacked, and we do not do business under the table.

The story does not end there. In 1991-92, Enron donated $28,525 to the
Democratic Party and in 1993-94, it gave $42,000. These monies enabled
Enron to send its executives on international tours with the late
Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown in January 1995 (when Kenneth Lay came
to India) and in March-April 1994 (when Chief Executive Officer of
Enron International, Rodney Gray came to Russia). In the former, Enron
was in negotiation for the Dabhol plant among other things (such as
the $1.1 billion offshore holdings) and in the latter, Enron was
interested in the marketing of Russian gas in Europe. President
Clinton noted that Brown's trips resulted in expanded opportunities
for American business in [the USA] and abroad. The pay to play
project of US democracy is once again in evidence. The example of
Enron and Wisner proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the US state is
not a neutral actor in world affairs and that US transnational
corporations are part and parcel of the corruption within the US
Empire. The hearings in Washington on campaign finance reform do not
bother with this level of corruption, for most of those who are
running the investigation are beholden to business interests. Enron,
for instance, will not be a part of the investigation, 

[CTRL] whistleblower says DynCorp employees traded sex slaves

2002-01-20 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 20 Jan 2002 03:26:29 -0500
From:   Allen L. Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[MC]  whistleblower says DynCorp employees traded sex slaves
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization:   X

 Insight on the News - National
 Issue: 02/04/02

 DynCorp Disgrace
 By Kelly Patricia O?Meara

 Middle-aged men having sex with 12- to 15-year-olds was too much for Ben
 Johnston, a hulking 6-foot-5-inch Texan, and more than a year ago he blew
 the whistle on his employer, DynCorp, a U.S. contracting company doing
 business in Bosnia.

 According to the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) lawsuit
 filed in Texas on behalf of the former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, in the latter
 part of 1999 Johnston learned that employees and supervisors from DynCorp
 were engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] were
 purchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and [participating in]
 other immoral acts. Johnston witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally
 buying and selling women for their own personal enjoyment, and employees
 would brag about the various ages and talents of the individual slaves they
 had purchased.

 Rather than acknowledge and reward Johnston's effort to get this behavior
 stopped, DynCorp fired him, forcing him into protective custody by the U.S.
 Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) until the investigators could get him
 safely out of Kosovo and returned to the United States. That departure from the
 war-torn country was a far cry from what Johnston imagined a year earlier
 when he arrived in Bosnia to begin a three-year U.S. Air Force contract with
 DynCorp as an aircraft-maintenance technician for Apache and Blackhawk

 For more than 50 years DynCorp, based in Reston, Va., has been a worldwide
 force providing maintenance support to the U.S. military through contract field
 teams (CFTs). As one of the federal government's top 25 contractors, DynCorp
 has received nearly $1 billion since 1995 for these services and has deployed
 181 personnel to Bosnia during the last six years. Although DynCorp long has
 been respected for such work, according to Johnston and internal DynCorp
 communications it appears that extracurricular sexcapades on the part of its
 employees were tolerated by some as part of its business in Bosnia.

 But DynCorp was nervous. For instance, an internal e-mail from DynCorp
 employee Darrin Mills, who apparently was sent to Bosnia to look into reported
 problems, said, I met with Col. Braun [a base supervisor] yesterday. He is very
 concerned about the CID investigation; however, he views it mostly as a
 DynCorp problem. What he wanted to talk about most was how I am going to fix
 the maintenance problems here and how the investigation is going to impact
 our ability to fix his airplanes. The Mills e-mail continued: The first thing he
 told me is that 'they are tired of having smoke blown up their ass.' They don't
 want anymore empty promises.


 But Johnston worries about what this company's culture does to the reputation
 of the United States. The Bosnians think we're all trash. It's a shame. When I
 was there as a soldier they loved us, but DynCorp employees have changed
 how they think about us. I tried to tell them that this is not how all Americans
 act, but it's hard to convince them when you see what they're seeing. The fact
 is, DynCorp is the worst diplomat you could possibly have over there.

 Johnston's attorney looks to the outcome. How this all ends, says Glasheen,
 will say a lot about what we stand for and what we won't stand for.

 Kelly Patricia O'Meara is an investigative reporter for Insight.

Mind Control: TTP -- http://www.datafilter.com/mc
Allen Barker

--- End of forwarded message ---

In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, 

[CTRL] Historically Correct =/= Other Correctness ?

2002-01-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

1 - http://www.fpp.co.uk/online/02/01/Forward180102.html
2 -

New York, Friday, January 18, 2002

of Noteworthy Items in the Press

British Magazine Raising Specter of Zionist Lobby

Forward correspondent

LONDON -- In what some see as a pattern since September 11, a leading
British weekly has raised the specter of Jewish control over the
media and government.

The cover story of the January 14 edition of the New Statesman, a
respected liberal weekly, is headlined A Kosher Conspiracy? and
features a gold Star of David appearing to pierce a Union Jack.

The story purports to investigate whether there is a Zionist plan
to sway the British press to the side of Israel and to minimize
Palestinian grievances. It also assesses the extent to which Jews
influence British politics.

That there is a Zionist lobby and that it is rich, potent, and
effective goes largely unquestioned on the left, writes Dennis
Sewell. Big Jewry, like big tobacco, is seen as one of life's
givens. Journalists who dare to speak out against the Zionist
lobby, Mr. Sewell adds, are harassed, threatened and eventually

As an example, the article points to Robert Fisk, the pro-Arab
correspondent of the Independent, a left-leaning British daily.
According to the article, Mr. Fisk complains that he has been the
victim of an anonymous smear campaign seeking to link him with the
notoriously anti- Semitic historian David Irving.

At the center of this Zionist lobby, the article alleges, is a
network of individuals and organizations coordinated from the Israeli
embassy in London and greased by the profits made by a sinister
arms trader named Shlomo Zabludowicz, an Auschwitz survivor with a
Finnish passport who died in 1994. Key figures in the conspiracy,
according to the authors, include Conrad Black, the owner of the
conservative British publications Daily Telegraph and Spectator as
well as the Jerusalem Post, and his wife, the enthusiastic Zionist
columnist Barbara Amiel.

As for the Zionist effect on British politics, the New Statesman article reports that 
a recent meeting between British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Yasser Arafat was no 
more than a public relations exercise designed to
placate the Arab world. It served to disguise Blair's support for the Zionist project 
and his role as Ariel Sharon's closest ally in Europe. Little of this has been 
reported in the mainstream media.

 THE New Statesman article is only the latest example of what some say has become a 
wide expression of anti-Semitism in Britain since September 11.

In December, Ms. Amiel told her Daily Telegraph readership about the ambassador of a 
major EU country - - later reported to have been France's ambassador to London, 
Daniel Bernard -- who politely told a gathering at my
 home that the current troubles in the world were all because of 'that shitty little 
country Israel.'

Ms. Amiel's disclosure, however, created trouble only for herself. Writing in the 
left-leaning The Observer, Richard Ingrams said that Ms. Amiel betrayed the 
confidences of the dinner table by revealing the diplomat's r
emarks. In the same paper, Euan Ferguson suggested that Ms. Amiel is apparently as 
welcome now in the chic salons of north London as a fatwa in a sauna.

In her January 14 column in The Daily Telegraph, Ms. Amiel repeated her first column's 
assertion that there seemed to be a resurgence of permissible anti-Semitism in Europe. 
The ambassador would not have described the Je
wish state as a 'shitty little country' in different times, just as he would not use 
the words 'nigger' or 'wog' in polite society today, she writes.

In November, meanwhile, The Observer seemed to lend an anti-Semitic spin to a debate 
between geneticists. In an article published in the British journal Human Immunology, 
a Spanish geneticist set out to prove the close ge
netic links between Palestinians and neighboring population groups, including Israeli 
Jews. But when the article was retracted for factual errors in the historical 
narrative, The Observer cried foul. It claimed that the r
etraction was a result of pressure from Jews who were angered because the authors' 
scientific research challenges claims that Jews are a special, chosen people and that 
Judaism can only be inherited.

To be fair, Mr. Sewell acknowledges that some younger correspondents get carried 
away, holding Israel to account for every action and reaction, while excusing 
Palestinian excesses on the grounds of poverty and a genera
l victim status.

But is it the writers or their editors? A recent test case came up in the article and 
broadcast of journalist Sandra Jordan, whose eyewitness account of Hamas in Gaza was 
published in the New Statesman and aired on Britis
h television January 11.

The magazine article focuses primarily on the suicide 

[CTRL] (Fwd) [PNEWS] OPED: Report from a trip to Israel

2002-01-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 20 Jan 2002 01:56:04 -0500

Subject:[PNEWS] OPED: Report from a trip to Israel

From: Robert and David Tsal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Report from a trip to Israel
by David Tsal

 If Israelis do not want to help themselves, no one in the
   can help them.

 This is my basic impression from the trip to Israel I have
in October, 2001. This was my second trip to Israel. The first one
took place 6 years ago and was filled with fascinating events and
encounters with amazing characters a trip of great joy and discovery.
Now things were different.

I have heard for a very long time that the Sabras (those born in
Israel) are truly new Jews. The word sabra stands for a cactus
fruit, which is rough and spiky on the surface, but soft and sweet in
the middle. This is how Israeli Jews were described to me: hard and
spiky on the surface, but sweet inside. I was told that they differ
from the old Jews in their open and direct manner, in freedom they
breathe all their lives, in their being unafraid to stand up for their
dignity and other basic rights every human is entitled to.

 I have also read an article on how to fight Jew-hatred,
by an Israeli student at Columbia University. The occasion was a
speech by Leonard Jeffries (antisemitic professor) at Columbia. The
student was so upset with lack of dignity in American Jews that he
longed to return to Israel. What a tremendous article. Here was a true
Sabra, just like I have heard. It has made a great impression on me.

 My first visit in 1997 was essentially exploratory: I did not
have any preconceived notion about any sides in the Arab-Israeli
conflict. This allowed me to find out some things, so that I would
know where to stand. I came out on the right (in the Israeli meaning
of this term). With time, and especially since the beginning of the
new intifada, I have moved further and further to the right.
However, I do not regard the Israeli Left as enemies, but rather as
wrongheaded and unpleasant relatives. So much of what they do strikes
me as offensive, and deliberately meant to be that way. Though they
speak of peace, their attitude is often war-like. In general, I do not
believe those who profess to love other peoples while hating or
despising their own.

 Recently I have become aware of the danger of Arab
overpopulation.  In 20 years the Arab population of Israel will exceed
the Jewish population. Since there are zero chances for peace, there
is a real danger of second Holocaust: extermination of 5-6 million
Israeli Jews. If peace is not achievable, and if Arab hatred is
unquenchable (and it looks that way), nothing but the most brutal
measures can change the flow of things.
 And if Israel cannot take care of the current pathetic
intifada, how in the world is it going to handle that problem?

 This was my mindset when I came to Israel.

 Perhaps the first impression I had in Israel was that of
relief. Here terrorists were called terrorists. Here I heard the
Jewish tradition discussed openly and unapologetically on the radio.
Palestinian opinions did not overwhelm the airwaves, and Jewish
history, including recent history, did not have to be balanced by
presenting a Palestinian view. The difference with American sources
like NPR and CNN was startling.  Only now could I appreciate just how
overwhelmingly pro-Arab and anti-Israel American media has become. The
sense of liberation made my head spin. I felt like I had just escaped
from a weird country, with basically good people and the media managed
by Nazis. But this euphoria did not last.

 Tolerance for Arabs and everything they do permeates Israeli
society from top to bottom and from left to right.
 Shortly before I left, Palestinians used the death of Feisal
Husseini to make a Day of the Arab in Jerusalem, where Jews had to
yield to the Arabs on the street (just like in the Arab countries,
where Jews are Dhimmies). About 150 Arabs waving PLO flags took to the
streets in Jerusalem, blocking motorists and jumping on cars. Then the
Border Guard police cleared the traffic. No one was hurt. Israelis are
generally louder, more rude and hot-tempered than Americans. Fights in
Knesset are much more common than in the US Congress. Certainly if
Jews were to block motorists and jump on cars in Jerusalem, some of
them would get their faces bloodied.  But nothing like that happens to
 I read an interview with a leader of one of the Israeli
feminist organizations. Her approach was that Palestinians who kill
Israelis (within the green line) are terrorists, but Palestinians
killing settlers are freedom fighters. When she was asked whether the
sniper who deliberately killed a settler baby was also a freedom
fighter, she responded, I have to think about it.

[CTRL] Britlanders' Warning on Detainees

2002-01-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

This seems to go against what the Khazar Alan D has to say.
Perhaps he's advocating a body of law that is outside of the American
mainstream, something that evolved from Europe, rather than the
Middle East.  One has to wonder what Alan uses as code words that
mask his real intentions as well as his thoughts and feelings not
forgetting his loyaties.  AER 


Blair's warning on prisoners

Prime Minister tells Bush to tread carefully as opposition grows to
treatment of captured Taliban fighters

Kamal Ahmed and Peter Beaumont
Sunday January 20, 2002
The Observer

Tony Blair has warned President George Bush that the treatment of
Taliban prisoners being held at the Guantanamo military base
threatens to become a 'political issue' which will lead to widespread
and damaging criticism of US policies in Afghanistan.

Downing Street sources said that although the Prime Minister was
'relaxed' about the treatment of the prisoners - including three
people who claim to be British citizens - he was aware of the dangers
of political opposition to their treatment growing in Britain and on
the continent.

In a phone call to Bush last week, Blair said the US had to be aware of European 
sensitivities. Government sources indicated that the legal rights of the prisoners 
were as important as their treatment in Camp X-Ray.

In a series of follow-up calls between British officials and the White House, 
Government disquiet at the hawkish tone of US pronouncements on the prisoners was made 
clear. One senior Whitehall source described Donald Rums
feld, the US Defence Secretary, as a 'magnet for trouble'.

Tomorrow the Government will make a major announcement on a five-year reconstruction 
package for Afghanistan in a concerted effort to shore up the coalition behind the 
American led-bombing of the country which has now las
ted for more than 100 days.

At a meeting of development ministers in Tokyo, Clare Short, the Secretary of State 
for International Development, will say that the British Government will commit up to 
£200 million to the fund.

At the same meeting Chris Patten, the European Union's Commissioner for External 
Affairs, will signal that the EU will donate €1 billion (£600 million) over the next 
three years, thought to be between 20 and 25 per cent o
f the total amount Afghanistan needs. The United Nations and America will both be 
expected to make large donations.

According to Whitehall sources the Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, has been leading 
efforts to persuade the US that any prisoners must be properly treated under US and 
international law.

'Jack has been constantly exercised about this issue since it arose,' said the 
Whitehall source. 'Despite his hard image from his time as Home Secretary he is not 
happy about this. He has been talking about British concer
ns with Colin Powell [the US Secretary of State] but frustratingly it is Donald 
Rumsfeld who appears to be taking the lead.

'While Jack Straw has been talking to Powell, Rumsfeld has been coming out with these 
extraordinarily gratuitous remarks. The man is just a magnet for trouble.'

Foreign Office officials have told The Observer that, as long as there is enough 
evidence against them and the charges would stand up in a British court, it would like 
to see the British suspects extradited to face trial

The growing outcry over the treatment of al-Qaeda and Taliban prisoners was joined 
yesterday by Justice Richard Goldstone, head of a new taskforce set up by the 
International Bar Association to examine how international l
aw should deal with terrorist groups in the wake of the 11 September attacks.

'At the very least if they are going to be tried they should be tried
with a US Federal Court,' Goldstone said. 'What I cannot understand
is why the Bush administration is frightened of its own American

'These prisoners are being asked to make confessions without any
knowledge of what crimes they may be charged with, which seems to be
against every principle of the rule of law.'

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Re: [CTRL] whistleblower says DynCorp employees traded sex slaves

2002-01-20 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe DynCorp consists of some type of evil entity taking the shape of
humans in order to feed off of the negative emotions of other helpless
humans. It would not be the first time this has happened, and something you
are not supposed to understand, at all costs.

Or maybe I'm just dreamin'...


On 20 Jan 02, at 3:26, Allen L. Barker wrote:

 [What kind of Americans could carry out ongoing mind control
 atrocities?  Americans are such nice, kind, and freedom-loving
 people, they all seem to think.  This article isn't about mind
 control of the technological sort usually discussed here but I
 think it is relevant.  Also a reminder of privatized government
 contractors committing abuses.]

  Insight on the News - National
  Issue: 02/04/02

  DynCorp Disgrace
  By Kelly Patricia O?Meara

  Middle-aged men having sex with 12- to 15-year-olds was too much for Ben
  Johnston, a hulking 6-foot-5-inch Texan, and more than a year ago he blew
  the whistle on his employer, DynCorp, a U.S. contracting company doing
  business in Bosnia.

  According to the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) lawsuit
  filed in Texas on behalf of the former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, in the latter
  part of 1999 Johnston learned that employees and supervisors from DynCorp
  were engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] were
  purchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and [participating in]
  other immoral acts. Johnston witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally
  buying and selling women for their own personal enjoyment, and employees
  would brag about the various ages and talents of the individual slaves they
  had purchased.

  Rather than acknowledge and reward Johnston's effort to get this behavior
  stopped, DynCorp fired him, forcing him into protective custody by the U.S.
  Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) until the investigators could get him
  safely out of Kosovo and returned to the United States. That departure from the
  war-torn country was a far cry from what Johnston imagined a year earlier
  when he arrived in Bosnia to begin a three-year U.S. Air Force contract with
  DynCorp as an aircraft-maintenance technician for Apache and Blackhawk

  For more than 50 years DynCorp, based in Reston, Va., has been a worldwide
  force providing maintenance support to the U.S. military through contract field
  teams (CFTs). As one of the federal government's top 25 contractors, DynCorp
  has received nearly $1 billion since 1995 for these services and has deployed
  181 personnel to Bosnia during the last six years. Although DynCorp long has
  been respected for such work, according to Johnston and internal DynCorp
  communications it appears that extracurricular sexcapades on the part of its
  employees were tolerated by some as part of its business in Bosnia.

  But DynCorp was nervous. For instance, an internal e-mail from DynCorp
  employee Darrin Mills, who apparently was sent to Bosnia to look into reported
  problems, said, I met with Col. Braun [a base supervisor] yesterday. He is very
  concerned about the CID investigation; however, he views it mostly as a
  DynCorp problem. What he wanted to talk about most was how I am going to fix
  the maintenance problems here and how the investigation is going to impact
  our ability to fix his airplanes. The Mills e-mail continued: The first thing he
  told me is that 'they are tired of having smoke blown up their ass.' They don't
  want anymore empty promises.


  But Johnston worries about what this company's culture does to the reputation
  of the United States. The Bosnians think we're all trash. It's a shame. When I
  was there as a soldier they loved us, but DynCorp employees have changed
  how they think about us. I tried to tell them that this is not how all Americans
  act, but it's hard to convince them when you see what they're seeing. The fact
  is, DynCorp is the worst diplomat you could possibly have over there.

  Johnston's attorney looks to the outcome. How this all ends, says Glasheen,
  will say a lot about what we stand for and what we won't stand for.

  Kelly Patricia O'Meara is an investigative reporter for Insight.

 Mind Control: TTP -- http://www.datafilter.com/mc
 Allen Barker

In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and 

[CTRL] Rate of Cancer Highest in North America

2002-01-20 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

It's the hormones in the beef and milk. The Europeans know better. (But they
did get BSE.  :-(


--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 20 Jan 2002 23:13:50 +1300
Subject:SNET: Rate of Cancer Highest in North America
Armageddon or New Age? [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Rate of Cancer Highest in North America

North America leads the world in the rate of cancers diagnosed in adults,
followed closely by Western Europe and Australia and New Zealand, according
to a recent estimate of worldwide cancer rates.

The study found that 1.5% of the North American population aged 15 years and
older -- more than 3 million people -- had been diagnosed with at least one
of 25 different cancers within the past 5 years. The results only include
individuals diagnosed in the past 5 years because people who live longer are
considered to be cured.

About 1.2% of the population of Western Europe, or nearly 4 million people,
had been diagnosed with cancer between 1986 and 1990, while just over 1% of
the population of Australia and New Zealand -- about 200,000 people -- had
been diagnosed over the same period.

Japan was next in line with 1% of the population diagnosed with cancer
within the past 5 years, followed by Eastern Europe with 0.7% of adults
living with cancer, and Latin America and the Caribbean countries with 0.4%
of the population diagnosed with cancer, according to the report.

The researchers suggest that higher cancer rates in nations with higher
income reflect longer life expectancies in older adults, who are more
susceptible to cancer.

Most of the difference is explained by different demographic patterns with
high-income countries having long life expectancy in age groups when the
risk of the disease is highest.

In other findings, cancer rates were similar for men and women living in
developed countries. In developing nations, however, more women lived with
cancer for at least 5 years, suggesting that men are more frequently
stricken with cancers that do not respond well to treatment, such as liver,
esophagus and stomach cancers.

Breast cancer was the most common type of cancer diagnosed in women
regardless of country. In men and women living in developed nations,
colorectal cancer was the second leading cause of cancer, followed by cancer
of the lung, bladder and stomach in men.

The study did not include the most common types of skin cancer, which are
extremely prevalent and rarely life threatening, but did include melanoma, a
relatively rare and dangerous type of skin cancer.

International Journal of Cancer January 2002;97:72-81


A report from the World Health Organization's International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC), published in the current issue of the
International Journal of Cancer, confirms that the crude prevalence of
overall and organ-specific cancers in men and women is higher in developed
than in developing nations. Among developed nations, the highest prevalence
is in the U.S., followed by Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

It should be stressed that incidence is the major determinant of crude
cancer prevalence, so that regional and national variations reflect
variations in risk, and thus avoidable causes of cancer. That the U.S.
invidiously leads the world in this respect is troubling, and is in inverse
relationship to the massive public and private funding of the U.S. cancer
establishment, the National Cancer Institute, and American Cancer Society,
compared to relatively low funding in other developed nations and regions.

Illustratively, funding for the U.S. National Cancer Institute has increased
exponentially from $170 million in 1971 to current levels of $4.2 billion.
Thus, the IARC report is an indictment of the indifference of the U.S.
cancer establishment to cancer prevention, in sharp contrast to fixation on
damage control -- screening, diagnosis and treatment -- besides molecular
biology, and their disproportionately high funding.

Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.
emeritus Professor Environmental and Occupational Medicine
University of Illinois School of Public Health
and Chairman, Cancer Prevention Coalition

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[CTRL] (Fwd) [PNEWS] LIBERTIES: NY Times re: workplace biometrics / P

2002-01-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 19 Jan 2002 22:14:32 -0500

Subject:[PNEWS] LIBERTIES: NY Times re: workplace biometrics / Peer

From: richartm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Beware a Leader Who Bangs of War

Beware of the leader who bangs of war

in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor,

for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword.

It both emboldens the blood,

just as it narrows the mind.

And when the drums of war have reached a fevor pitch

and the blood boils with hate and the mind is closed,

the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry.

Rather, the citizenry infused with fear and blinded by patriotism,

will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and do it gladly

How do I know? I know for this is what I have done.

And I am Caesar.

Julius Caesar


What Osama did is not a war. It can't be a war because Osama is not
nation. He is a gang. It is like being hit by the Mafia. You don't
declare war on Sicily because the Mafia happen to live in Sicily. You
don't bomb Palermo. You get the international police and you track
[them] down. ---Gore Vidal

--- End of forwarded message ---

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Who's Funding Partnership for a Drug Free America - Tobacco, Liquor and Drugs

2002-01-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

(But nothing from ENRON. How strange...)

This clip on PDFA financing was taken from the HEMP FAQ Many anti-drug operations 
receive a lot of support from today's producers of legal
drugs. For example, I am sure most of you have seen television advertisements warning 
you not to do drugs, produced by the Partnership for a
Drug Free America. These are some of the companies who pay for those commercials by 
donating money to the PDFA:

 From 1988 to 1991, pharmaceutical companies and their beneficiaries
 contributed as follows:
 J. Seward Johnson, Sr., Charitable Trusts ($1,100,000)
 Du Pont ($150,000)
 Proctor  Gamble Fund ($120,000)
 Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation ($110,000)
 Johnson  Johnson ($110,000)
 SmithKline Beecham ($100,000)
 Merck Foundation ($75,000)
 Hoffman-La Roche ($50,000)

 (doesn't include donations under $90,000)

 Tobacco and Alcohol companies:

 donations from the tobacco and alcohol kings: The Partnership has
 Phillip Morris ($150,000)
 Anheuser-Busch ($150,000)
 RJR Reynolds ($150,000)
 American Brands (Jim Beam, Lucky Strike). ($100,000)

Also, doesn't it seem odd that the advertisements produced by the PDFA rarely, if 
ever, warn youngsters about the very dangerous *legal* drugs,
like sniffing glue or paint thinner, smoking tobacco, and drinking alcohol? Perhaps 
there is a little more to this `War on Drugs' than meets the

In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] whistleblower says DynCorp employees traded sex slaves

2002-01-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

I sent DynCorp a 'comment'. Maybe you would like to take the time to send a
comment also, just to let the 'evil ones' know how you feel. Or not. It up to you.

(I gave them a fake telephone number. It would be nice to give them some
feedback, from real humans.)



 On 20 Jan 02, at 3:26, Allen L. Barker wrote:

  [What kind of Americans could carry out ongoing mind control
  atrocities?  Americans are such nice, kind, and freedom-loving
  people, they all seem to think.  This article isn't about mind
  control of the technological sort usually discussed here but I
  think it is relevant.  Also a reminder of privatized government
  contractors committing abuses.]
   Insight on the News - National
   Issue: 02/04/02
   DynCorp Disgrace
   By Kelly Patricia O?Meara
   Middle-aged men having sex with 12- to 15-year-olds was too much for Ben
   Johnston, a hulking 6-foot-5-inch Texan, and more than a year ago he blew
   the whistle on his employer, DynCorp, a U.S. contracting company doing
   business in Bosnia.
   According to the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) lawsuit
   filed in Texas on behalf of the former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, in the latter
   part of 1999 Johnston learned that employees and supervisors from DynCorp
   were engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] were
   purchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and [participating in]
   other immoral acts. Johnston witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally
   buying and selling women for their own personal enjoyment, and employees
   would brag about the various ages and talents of the individual slaves they
   had purchased.
   Rather than acknowledge and reward Johnston's effort to get this behavior
   stopped, DynCorp fired him, forcing him into protective custody by the U.S.
   Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) until the investigators could get him
   safely out of Kosovo and returned to the United States. That departure from the
   war-torn country was a far cry from what Johnston imagined a year earlier
   when he arrived in Bosnia to begin a three-year U.S. Air Force contract with
   DynCorp as an aircraft-maintenance technician for Apache and Blackhawk
   For more than 50 years DynCorp, based in Reston, Va., has been a worldwide
   force providing maintenance support to the U.S. military through contract field
   teams (CFTs). As one of the federal government's top 25 contractors, DynCorp
   has received nearly $1 billion since 1995 for these services and has deployed
   181 personnel to Bosnia during the last six years. Although DynCorp long has
   been respected for such work, according to Johnston and internal DynCorp
   communications it appears that extracurricular sexcapades on the part of its
   employees were tolerated by some as part of its business in Bosnia.
   But DynCorp was nervous. For instance, an internal e-mail from DynCorp
   employee Darrin Mills, who apparently was sent to Bosnia to look into reported
   problems, said, I met with Col. Braun [a base supervisor] yesterday. He is very
   concerned about the CID investigation; however, he views it mostly as a
   DynCorp problem. What he wanted to talk about most was how I am going to fix
   the maintenance problems here and how the investigation is going to impact
   our ability to fix his airplanes. The Mills e-mail continued: The first thing he
   told me is that 'they are tired of having smoke blown up their ass.' They don't
   want anymore empty promises.
   But Johnston worries about what this company's culture does to the reputation
   of the United States. The Bosnians think we're all trash. It's a shame. When I
   was there as a soldier they loved us, but DynCorp employees have changed
   how they think about us. I tried to tell them that this is not how all Americans
   act, but it's hard to convince them when you see what they're seeing. The fact
   is, DynCorp is the worst diplomat you could possibly have over there.
   Johnston's attorney looks to the outcome. How this all ends, says Glasheen,
   will say a lot about what we stand for and what we won't stand for.
   Kelly Patricia O'Meara is an investigative reporter for Insight.
  Mind Control: TTP -- http://www.datafilter.com/mc
  Allen Barker

In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are

Re: [CTRL] ULF etc

2002-01-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

My personal research has shown brainwave entrainment effects from ULF
magnetic fields applied to the front of the two hemispheres of the brain.
The magnetic fields can be used alone, or along with light pulse entrainment,
which results in almost immediate and very complete brainwave entrainment
at the frequency of stimulation. But I am not supposed to talk about this, or
they will call me the one from Atlantis with an Attitude.

BTW, this is a big secret of some of the Secret Societies, as well as some of
the paranormal abilities of the mind, most linked to the generation of scalar
waves, a BIG SECRET.

I have said too much, and no doubt the skeptics will be out in force. Or not
since I have refered to them and they will often then be very quite and try to
change subject...


In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The United States of Enron

2002-01-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

January 19, 2002
The United States of Enron

Wasn't that the best? said a laughing Ann Richards this week, when I asked
her reaction to President Bush's effort to hide behind her skirt when
questioned about Enron. It was so silly. Why didn't he just say Ken Lay was a
strong supporter and gave him a half-million dollars and is a good friend, and
he's really sorry Ken's in these terrible circumstances?

Good question. As the world knows now, George W. Bush told two lies when
first asked about his ties to the top guy in what may prove the largest
corporate flimflam in history. The president said (1) that he only got to know
Mr. Lay in 1994, when in fact their relationship goes back at least to 1992;
and (2) that Mr. Lay was a supporter of Governor Richards, when in fact Mr.
Lay told TV's Frontline last year that he did support Mr. Bush over Ms.
Richards in their Texas race.

This is the president who promised to usher America into a new era of
personal responsibility?

What makes the dissembling so strange is that there is no evidence of any
administration illegality in the Enron affair. And yet each day brings a new
half-truth or seeming cover-up. Appearing on CNN last Saturday, Lawrence
Lindsey, the top Bush economic adviser and a former Enron consultant,
seconded the president's effort to pin Ken Lay on Ann Richards, but
somehow forgot to say what would become public four days later ‹ that he
had overseen an administration study of the impact of Enron's travails in
October. Earlier, Mary Matalin had visited the Imus show to defend her boss,
Dick Cheney, but instead of vowing to open the books on the secret
meetings between Enron and the vice president's clandestine energy task
force, she asserted that Enron got not one thing from the administration's
energy plan (actually it got plenty) and tried desperately to dismiss the entire
ruckus as lacking an intern's blue dress.

Hard as it is to believe, it was only 10 days ago that Ari Fleischer declared,
I'm not aware of anybody in the White House who discussed Enron's
financial situation. Now we're painfully aware that the only White House
inhabitants who may not have discussed it are the president, Barney and
Spot ‹ or so we must believe until future investigators turn up a smoking

Washington, meanwhile, is busy debating whether Enron the Scandal is as
hot as Whitewater. This should be a no-brainer. While The Wall Street
Journal published an encyclopedic series of tomes to parse a low- rent
Arkansas land scam to a public that never did quite understand it, everyone
instantly gets an epic fraud in which arrogant high-fliers stacked the deck to
fleece thousands of peons to the tune of zillions.

For a quick cultural index of this story's allure, check out the hundreds of hotly
contested Enron lots on Ebay, where the bankrupt company's stock
certificates have gone for north of $200 ‹ a multiple of 300 times the last
known value of a share of the stock itself. And, Ms. Matalin notwithstanding,
this scandal is not sex-free. Not only did Enron approach Penthouse and
Playboy to try to enter the porn business, as The Times has reported, but we
learn in Fortune that rumors of sexual high jinks in Enron's executive suites
ran rampant. A nation that doted on the soap operatics of Dallas may
have at long last found a worthy sequel in Houston. Once the sexual high
jinks kick in, it could play 24/7 on cable, with or without Paula Zahn.

The Washington wisdom that Enron has no legs ‹ that it's not a political
scandal, merely a financial one ‹ is based on the premise that the Bush
administration didn't ride to Ken Lay's rescue once disaster struck. But what
about the favors performed for Enron before the meltdown? That's as political
as you can get, particularly since, unlike Whitewater, this scandal implicates
both parties and the corrupt campaign finance system that makes them look
like interchangeable vending machines for their often overlapping patrons.

Though the Bush administration has been in office only a year, Enron's oily
fingerprints are all over its actions as well as its résumés and stock
portfolios. Mr. Lay helped hand-pick the head of the government agency in
charge of regulating his own business and stood to gain a $254 million
corporate tax rebate in the administration-blessed stimulus bill (despite the
fact that Enron used almost 900 offshore subsidiaries to avoid paying any
income taxes at all in four of the last five years). The Enron old-boy network
may even have played a backdoor role in the life-and-death matter of stem
cell policy. When President Bush announced his stem cell compromise in
August, many top researchers criticized it as an obstacle to medical
progress. But miraculously the administration was able to produce an instant
endorsement from John Mendelsohn of the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in
Houston ‹ who we now know is an Enron board member whose institution
received $600,000 in Enron lucre.


[CTRL] Live Bacteria Found Buried At Fort Detrick

2002-01-20 Thread William Shannon

Live Bacteria Found Buried At Fort Detrick

Material Is Not Anthrax Or Other Biological Weapon

POSTED: 1:22 p.m. EST January 18, 2002
UPDATED: 6:15 p.m. EST January 18, 2002

FREDERICK, Md. -- Workers excavating a water-polluting dump at Fort Detrick found two sealed glass vials containing live bacteria that might have come from an infectious disease research laboratory, the Army said Friday

The granular, whitish-brown material is not anthrax and is not among the agents recognized as biological weapons, Lt. Col. Donald Archibald, the post's environmental officer, said.

It could have come from Detrick labs that develop vaccines and other defenses against infectious diseases troops might encounter in the field, or from other government agencies, including the National Cancer Institute, that are tenants on the post, officials said.

Scientists at Detrick's U.S. Army Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases should be able to identify the organism by late next week, Detrick spokeswoman Eileen Mitchell said.

Regardless of the vials' source, the Jan. 7 discovery and the Army's delay in disclosing its preliminary findings angered Gerald P. Toomey, the civilian co-chairman of a community advisory board created to help guide the cleanup of Detrick landfills blamed for leaking cancer-causing industrial solvents into the area's ground water.

"On many occasions, we had brought up the subject, and they assured us there was no historical data that anything of that type had been disposed of in these pits," Toomey said.

Army officials had previously said that all biological refuse was either incinerated or sterilized before disposal. On Friday, they said there was a low probability of finding biological agents.

Toomey said the Army reported last week, in e-mailed daily excavation updates, that it had found some vials Jan. 7 but it didn't tell him about the bacteria until Thursday night.

"We were always concerned, and this certainly doesn't strengthen our faith in them," Toomey said.

Archibald said it took time to rule out anthrax, which Fort Detrick produced in large quantities under an offensive biological weapons program from 1951 to 1969, when President Richard Nixon banned such work. The landfill was in use in the 1960s and '70s, Mitchell said.

The containers were the first intact vials found in the landfill since the $17 million excavation began in November, Archibald said. Safety-suited workers also found five mouse embryos in glass bottles, some syringes, and some broken glass in the same area, he said.

He said the work by contractor IT Corp. has been halted until the bacteria are identified and additional safety measures are implemented. The excavation site is covered with a stadium-sized tent and shielded underground with an earth-freezing system that is supposed to prevent leaks.

John Verrico, a spokesman for the Maryland Department of the Environment, which is monitoring the cleanup, said his agency is satisfied with the safeguards.

"We believe that the measures are very protective and we don't see any additional concern because of what they found, either for the environment or the workers," he said.

[CTRL] Does Bush Have A Thyroid Condition?

2002-01-20 Thread William Shannon

I can reveal the truth about Bush

It wasn't the pretzel, or the drink, that put him on the floor
Mark Lawson
GuardianSaturday January 19, 2002

It's a fact of modern culture, encouraged by the internet, that any story on the news is soon challenged by a rival version on the streets. Libel laws usually prevent on-the-record discussion of such alternative scenarios, but there is one popular conspiracy theory we can consider, both because it is so manifestly unlikely and because it's hard for an American president to sue.

In one of the strangest political tales ever known, the White House claims that, six days ago, George Bush became the first American president to be almost assassinated by a snack, his breathing briefly halted by a mis-swallowed pretzel which caused a fall, in which the commander-in-chief grazed his cheek and split his lip. Making a claim audacious even by the standards of political spin, the president's doctor insisted that the ease with which the leader of the free world lost consciousness was not a sign of frailty but of fitness: he fainted because his heart rate is unusually low through exercise.

While the newspapers have dutifully run articles on the potentially lethal qualities of salted nibbles, I haven't yet heard a conversation in private in which anyone swallows the pretzel. The editor of the Today programme, Rod Liddle, made clear in his Guardian column that he chokes on this spin. To spit it out, what people are secretly saying and thinking is that Dubya - the first recovering alcoholic to reach the White House - is once again employing Jim Beam and Jack Daniel's as his personal aides and that the blood on his face was the maker's mark from a drunk's stumble.

Is this likely? Support for conspiracy theorists is that President Bush is what reformed drinkers call a "white-knuckle drunk". They mean by this that he cured himself by going cold turkey after a hangover and remains sober by sheer willpower rather than by using the 12-step-programme which gives a system for sustaining abstinence.

All ex-drinkers are most at risk of lapsing under stress and white-knuckle drunks more than most because there are no counsellors to stop them bottling it up. There are few things more stressful than being president during a war and after unprecedented attacks on your nation. Therefore - the theorists insist - the state of Kentucky's greatest export caused his downfall.

The problem is that, if the rogue pretzel story is to be taken with this dusting of salt, a lot of people need to be lying. If the prez was sufficiently inebriated to fall over, the White House doctor would need to have ignored the drinker's stink on his supposedly teetotal patient's breath and then still publicly backed the snack story. Laura Bush would also need to be conniving, at some level, in a very serious lie to the electorate. White House valets would soon spy the amber-stained empties in the litter of a man who claims to run on mineral water.

It's true that Clinton kept his White House sex-life quiet for five years until Monica, but it seems to me that fewer people would be prepared to treat as private a drunken finger on the nuclear button.

Irritating as it may be to cynics, the pretzel story has more plausibility. For a start, history shows that God or Darwin has a sense of the ridiculous. To believers in the cock-up theory of world events, it's all too awfully plausible that, as a president sits behind the tightest security screen ever created for a leader, his life would be threatened by a scrap of hard-baked dough.

There's even an odd political precedent. One of the current leader's heroes, Ronald Reagan, reportedly almost choked to death on a peanut while governor of California. His life was saved by an aide performing the emergency chest-punch Heimlich manoeuvre. Most significantly, weeks before Snackgate, President Bush was described as almost choking on a similar savoury during an interview with a newspaper on Air Force One. The White House doctor reports that Bush had experienced difficulty swallowing in the time before his faint.

Although in no way medically trained, I am a qualified hypochondriac and, as a TV critic, have watched several hundred editions of Casualty, Holby City and Horizon. From this training, it seems strange to me that so little has been made of George Bush's family history.

Various medical embarrassments during the administration of the first President Bush - physical restlessness, a fainting fit in Tokyo - were eventually traced to Graves' disease, a condition of the thyroid. The malfunctioning gland was destroyed with a dose of radioactive iodine and the presidency continued without medical mishap, although it soon met an electoral one.

Among the symptoms of thyroid problems, which can be handed on in families, are difficulties in swallowing and a slow heart rate. President George W Bush has now been shown to 

[CTRL] Rev. Jesse Jackson Repudiation Day

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff For the story behind the story...

Friday, Jan. 18, 2002
Peterson Honors MLK With 'Jackson Repudiation Day'
Civil rights leader the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson is sponsoring the Third
Annual National Day of Repudiation of Jesse Jackson. The event is held
annually on the Rev. Martin Luther King holiday and will be held every year
until Jesse Jackson 'repents of his wrongs.'
Jesse Jackson is desperate and out of control, said Peterson, who has sued
the corporate shakedown artist for civil rights violations and assault and
Jackson has recently attempted to undermine the Bush administration and the
'War on Terrorism' by trying to negotiate with the Taliban. Jackson is
currently attempting to 'shake down' corporations like Toyota Motors to
enrich himself and his cronies.
He doesn't care about poor blacks, or any other Americans. He has pitted
black against white, poor against rich, and his brand of exploitation has set
race relations back 50 years - we're saying no more! We are calling on all
Americans of goodwill to stand against racist demagogues of every color,
said Peterson, founder of BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of A New
The event will take place from 12 noon to 2 p.m. PST Monday in front of
Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH offices, 5750 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Breaking news: Suicide attack on Bush!

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-


LewRockwell.com has learned, from sources high up in the FBI, that last
week's accident involving President Bush and a pretzel was very likely no
accident at all.

Our source informed us that President Bush's seemingly innocent incident
with an errant snack food, where he apparently choked on a pretzel, may
actually have been the latest strike from Osama bin Laden and his Al Queda
terrorist network.

After the incident, the pretzel in question was transported to FBI
headquarters, where crime lab technicians were able to determine that the
pretzel had been baked as a falafel, and had become twisted due to
Islamo-Fascist influences. In addition, the so-called pretzel may have
been staying illegally in the United States, on a fake import permit.

After the choking incident, Vice President Cheney was apparently rushed to
yet another undisclosed location -- one free of all snack foods.

Meanwhile, Senator Tom Daschle called for a bailout of the ailing snack food
industry, saying, It's not the fault of honest American manufacturers that
certain foreign elements have wreaked havoc with American's love of salt and
crunchy carbohydrates.

Nevertheless, the assets of the leading pretzel manufacturers have been
frozen, and air strikes on America's pretzel capital, Bluffton, Indiana, are
in the works.

by Gene Callahan and Stu Morgenstern

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Who's Funding Partnership for a Drug Free America - Tobacco, Liquor and Drugs

2002-01-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Partnership for a Drug Free America

Sources of Funding from 1988-91

Extracted from Federal Tax Returns

(figures are approximate)

PROVIDED BY Washington Hemp Education Network


Pharmaceutical Firms
J. Seward Johnson, Sr. Charitable Trusts   --- $1.1 million
Du Pont---125,000
Proctor and Gamble Fund---120,000
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation---115,000
Johnson  Johnson  ---100,000
Merck Foundation   --- 85,000
Hoffman-LaRoche--- 75,000
Tobacco and Liquor Firms
Phillip Morris ---125,000
Anheuser-Busch ---100,000
RJ Reynolds---100,000
American Brands---100,000


Aetna Life and Casualty

Air Products  Chemicals, Inc.

Allen  Company, Inc.


American Advertising Federation

American Brands Inc. (Tobacco)

American Express Company

American General Corporation

American International Group

American Marketing Association

American Telephone  Telegraph

Amoco Corporation

Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.

Archer Daniels Midland Corporation

Atlantic Mutual Companies

Automatic Data Processing

Avon Products, Inc.

BFGoodrich Company

BP America

Ball Corporation

Barclays Bank-USA Banking Division

Bear Stearns  Co. Inc.

Bechtel Group, Inc. (The world's largest prison builder.)

Becton Dickinson

BellSouth Corp.

Bergen Brunswig Corp.

Best Foods/CPC Int'l

Bodman  Achelis Foundations

Boeing Company

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (Drugs)

C.R. Bard, Inc.

CBI Industries

CIBA-GEIGY/Pharmaceuticals Division (Drugs)

CSX Corporation

Cadbury Beverages, Inc.

Campbell Soup Company

Campeau Family Foundation

Capital Cities/ABC

Carter-Wallace, Inc.

Centel Corp.

Champion International Corp.

Charles A. Dana Foundation, Inc.

Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.

Chevron Corporation

Chrysler Corporation

Chubb Corporation

Citibank, N.A.


Coca-Cola Company

Colgate-Palmolive (Drugs)

Consolidated Freightways, Inc.

Continental Corporation

Corning Incorporated

Cortec Group

Dayton Hudson Corporation-

Dayton Power  Light Co.

Deere  Company

Dow Chemical Company/Dow U.S.A. (Drugs)

Dow Jones  Company, Inc.

Duke Power Company

E.I. du Pont de Nemours  Co.

EGG, Inc.

Eastman Kodak Co., Inc.

Eaton Corporation

El Paso Electric

Emerson Electric Company

Equitable Assurance Society

Federal Express

Fireman's Fund Insurance Co.

First Boston

First Fidelity Bank

First Jersey National Bank

First Wachovia Corporation

Ford Foundation

Ford Motor Company


General Dynamics Corporation

General Electric

General Foods Fund, Inc.

General Hills, Inc.

General Motors

Glaxo Inc.

Golden Rule Insurance Co.

Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

Guardian Life Insurance Co.

H.B. Fuller Company

H.J. Heinz Company

Halliburton Company

Hallmark Cards Inc.

Hearst Corporation

Henley Group, Inc.

Hershey Foods Corp.

Hoechst-Celanese Pharmaceuticals (Drugs)

Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. (Drugs)

Honeywell Inc.

IBM Corporation

Ingersoll-Rand Company

Inland Steel Industries,lnc.

International Video Entertainment

J. Seward Johnson Sr. Char. Trusts

J.C. Penney Company, Inc.

J.H. Foundation

J.P. Morgan  Co., Inc.

J.W. Messner Inc

Jesse Philips Foundation

Johnson  Johnson

Joseph Drown Foundation

Kellogg Company

Kellwood Company


Kraft General Foods

Lee Hecht Harrison, Inc.

Lowe's Charitable  Educ. Founda.

Lucky Stores

Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company

Marsh  McLennan Companies, Inc.

McDonald's Corporation

McDonnell Douglas Corp.

Head Corporation

Mercantile Stores

Merck  Company, Inc. (Drugs)

Merrill Lynch  Co.

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

Mobil Corporation

Monsanto Company

Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of NY

Morgan Stanley  Company, Inc.

Motorola Inc.

Mutual Benefit Life

Mutual of America Life Ins. Co.

Mutual of New York Finacial Services

National Westminster Bancorp NJ

New York Life Insurance Company

Nissan Motor Corporation in USA

Nomura Securities, Int. Inc.

Ohio National Life Ins. Co

Olin Corporation

Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.

PPG Industries, Inc.


Paramount Communications Inc.

Pepsico, Inc.

Pfizer Inc. (Drugs)


Philip Morris Companies, Inc. (Tobacco)

Philips Industries


Proctor  Gamble Co. (Drugs)

Prudential Insurance Co. of America

RJR Nabisco, Inc.

Raytheon Company

Reader's Digest Association

Rite Aid

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Rockwell International Corporation

Ronetco Supermarkets, Inc.

Rubbermaid Incorporated

Rutgers University

S.C. Johnson  Son, Inc.

Sara Lee Corporation

Schering-Plough Corporation

Sears, Roebuck and Co.

Selective Insurance Group, Inc.

Shell Oil Company

[CTRL] priest convicted, ritual murder, u.s. contractor, UN police and sex slaves

2002-01-20 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

This articles may be heavy for survivors of abuse

Geoghan found guilty of sex abuse - Boy was assaulted at Waltham pool By
Kathleen Burge, Globe Staff, 1/19/02 - John J. Geoghan, the former priest
whose decades of alleged sexual abuse cost him his collar and brought a
public apology from the cardinal, was found guilty yesterday of indecently
touching a 10-year-old boy at a public pool a decade agoThe Archdiocese
of Boston, which has settled 50 civil lawsuits filed by victims of Geoghan at
a cost of at least $10 million, released a three-paragraph statement saying
it was grateful that a verdict had been reached ''On behalf of the
Archdiocese of Boston, we again apologize to all victims of sexual abuse by
clergy, and their families, and in particular, those abused by John
Geoghan.''Geoghan has been accused of molesting at least 130 children since
the 1960s, but he has been criminally charged with assaulting just three.
Geoghan is also named in 84 civil lawsuits alleging sexual abuseLast
week, Cardinal Bernard F. Law took the unusual step of publicly apologizing
to Geoghan's victims, saying he regretted sending the priest to his final
assignment at St. Julia's parish in Weston in 1984, after he knew Geoghan had
been accused of pedophilia.



This may be very heavy for survivors of abuse.
Satanists blame Devil for ...ritual killing - 1/18/02 - from Roger Boyes in
Berlin - Dressed in black and shunning the sunlight, one of Germany's most
notorious Satanists told a murder trial yesterday that she had learnt to be a
vampire in a Gothic club in North LondonFrau Ruda and her husband,
Daniel, are accused of the murder of a 33-year-old friend — his corpse was
found in a coffin in her bedroom...The supposedly Satanic lifestyle is being
pursued, according to police, by several thousand young Germans. Frau Ruda —
who became known in the milieu for her posed photographs near open graves —
took it to extremes.

All accusations are alleged.
DynCorp Disgrace - 1/14/02 - By Kelly Patricia O'Meara - Americans were seen
in Bosnia as defenders of the children, as shown here, until U.S. contractors
began buying children as personal sex slaves DynCorp, a U.S. contracting
company doing business in Bosnia. According to the Racketeer Influenced
Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) lawsuit filed in Texas on behalf of the
former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, in the latter part of 1999 Johnston
learned that employees and supervisors from DynCorp were engaging in
perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] were purchasing illegal
weapons, women, forged passports and [participating in] other immoral acts.
Johnston witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally buying and selling
women for their own personal enjoyment, and employees would brag about the
various ages and talents of the individual slaves they had purchased. Rather
than acknowledge and reward Johnston's effort to get this behavior stopped,
DynCorp fired him, forcing him into protective custody by the U.S. Army
Criminal Investigation Division (CID) until the investigators could get him
safely out of Kosovo and returned to the United StatesFor more than 50
years DynCorp, based in Reston, Va., has been a worldwide force providing
maintenance support to the U.S. military through contract field teams (CFTs).
As one of the federal government's top 25 contractors, DynCorp has received
nearly $1 billion since 1995 for these services and has deployed 181
personnel to Bosnia during the last six years.

U.N. halted a probe into alleged sexual enslavement in Bosnia - World
organization's own police were suspected by investigators - 12/27/02  - by
Colum Lynch Washington Post Service - United Nations -- The United Nations
quashed an investigation earlier this year into whether U.N. police were
directly involved in the enslavement of Eastern European women in Bosnian
brothels, according to U.N. officials and internal documents. The
investigation was halted while the U.N. Mission in Bosnia was reeling from
the disclosure that several of its police officers had been dismissed for
sexual misconduct. David Lamb, a former Philadelphia policeman who served as
a U.N. human rights investigator in Bosnia until April, said that in February
he began to look into allegations against six Romanian, Fijian and Pakistani
officers stationed in the town of Bijeljina.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is 

[CTRL] Fwd: 9/11 Chronicles Part Two

2002-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd




Why has a world war against "International 
Terrorism" been declared by U.S. President George W. Bush?

What is "International Terrosrism"?

ART (American Revolutionary Television) presents 
Part Two of "The 9/11 Chronicles", which will be broadcast in the Portland, 
Oregon area on the following dates, times and channels:

 Sunday, January 20, 5 pm, 
Channel 22

 Wednesday, January 23, 9 pm, 
Channel 23

 Saturday, January 26, 11 pm, 
Channel 11

If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the 
"9/11 Chronicles" or in arranging for broadcast in your locale, e-mail an 
inquiry to American Revolutionary Television at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
---End Message---

[CTRL] The Nation:Enron and the Bushes

2002-01-20 Thread William Shannon

COMMENT | February 4, 2002 

Enron and the Bushes
by David Corn

When George W. Bush was first running for governor of Texas, Washington editor David Corn took a look at Bush family activities on behalf of Enron in Argentina--itself now suffering the results of untamed financial markets. We reprint this November 21, 1994, article to show how Enron's connections with the Bushes stretch not just to Washington but around the world.
 --The Editors 

Several years ago, says Rodolfo Terragno, a former Argentine Cabinet Minister, he received a telephone call from George W. Bush, son of the then-Vice President. When he hung up, Terragno was annoyed, he recalls, for the younger Bush had tried to exploit his family name to pressure Terragno to award a contract worth hundreds of millions of dollars to Enron, an American firm close to the Bush clan. 

During this past year, as George W. campaigned across Texas to replace Governor Ann Richards, he portrayed himself as a successful businessman who relied on "individual initiative," not his lineage. Contacted in Buenos Aires, Terragno, now a member of the Chamber of Deputies, offered an account that challenges Bush's campaign image. 

In 1988, Terragno was the Minister of Public Works and Services in the government of President Raúl Alfonsín. He oversaw large industrial projects, and his government was considering construction of a pipeline to stretch across Argentina and transport natural gas to Chile. Several US firms were interested, including the Houston-based Enron, the largest natural gas pipeline company in the United States. But Terragno was upset with the corporation's representatives in Argentina. They were pressing Terragno for a deal in which the state-owned gas company would sell Enron natural gas at an extremely low price, and, he recalls, they pitched their project with a half-page proposal--one so insubstantial that Terragno couldn't take it seriously. Terragno let the Enron agents know he was not happy with them. 

It was then, Terragno says, that he received the unexpected call from George W. Bush, who introduced himself as the son of the Vice President. (The elder Bush was then campaigning for the presidency.) George W., Terragno maintains, told the minister that he was keen to have Argentina proceed with the pipeline, especially if it signed Enron for the deal. "He tried to exert some influence to get that project for Enron," Terragno asserts. "He assumed that the fact he was the son of the [future] President would exert influence I felt pressured. It was not proper for him to make that kind of call." 

George W. did not detail his relationship with the pipeline project or with Enron, according to Terragno. The Argentine did not know that Enron and the Bush set are cozy. President Bush is an old friend of Kenneth Lay, Enron head for the past ten years and a major fundraiser for President Bush. After the 1992 election left Secretary of State (and Bush pal) James Baker jobless, he signed as a consultant for Enron. An article by Seymour Hersh in The New Yorker last year disclosed that Neil Bush, another presidential son (the one cited by federal regulators for conflict-of-interest violations regarding a failed savings and loan), had attempted to do business with Enron in Kuwait. The Enron company and the family of its top officers have donated at least $100,000 to George W. Bush's gubernatorial campaign. 

Shortly after Terragno's conversation with George W., more Bush-related pressure descended on him, the former minister claims. Terragno says he was paid a visit by the US Ambassador to Argentina, Theodore Gildred. A wealthy California developer appointed ambassador by President Reagan, Gildred was always pushing Terragno to do business with US companies. This occasion, Terragno notes, was slightly different, for Gildred cited George W. Bush's support for the Enron project as one reason Terragno should back it. "It was a subtle, vague message," Terragno says, "that [doing what George W. Bush wanted] could help us with our relationship to the United States." 

Terragno did not OK the project, and the Alfonsín administration came to an end in 1989. Enron was luckier with the next one. The pipeline was approved by the administration of President Carlos Saúl Menem, leader of the Peronist Party and a friend of President Bush. (The day after Menem was inaugurated, Neil Bush played a highly publicized game of tennis in Buenos Aires with Menem.) Argentine legislators complained that Menem cleared the pipeline project for development before economic feasibility studies were prepared. 

Replying to a list of questions from The Nation asking whether George W. Bush spoke to Terragno about the pipeline project and whether he had any business relationship with Enron, Bush's gubernatorial campaign issued a terse statement: "The answer to your questions are no and none. Your questions are 

[CTRL] Schultz (IRS) supporter in Congress backs out, cancels tax forum

2002-01-20 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-


  Congressman cancels tax forum
  Bartlett 'dismayed' by 'Operation Wait to
  File until the Trial'

  © 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

  What was long anticipated as an epic
  confrontation between the federal
  and the tax honesty movement has gone
up in
  smoke, with the cancellation of the
planned Feb.
  27 and 28 tax policy forum in Washington
by the
  congressman that had been the aggrieved
  petitioners' greatest official supporter.

  I am quite dismayed by Operation Wait to File
  until the Trial, said Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett,
  R-Md., in a press release. Bartlett communicated
  his decision in a letter to Robert L. Schulz,
  chairman of the board of We The People
  Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc.,
  who had requested the forum.

  In his letter to Schulz, Bartlett wrote: The
  information that you are currently
  disseminating concerning the February 27  28
  forum is misleading. I will not be a party to
  advocating the non-payment of federal income

  We The People, an organization that disputes,
  on various grounds, the legality of the federal
  income tax, has been urging Americans to hold
  off filing their 2001 income tax returns until after
  the planned hearings in Washington, D.C., next

  The very legality of the U.S. income tax system
  goes on trial Feb. 27 at a congressionally
  sponsored public hearing on Capitol Hill, said
  a statement on We The People's website.

  Bartlett, who was the congressional sponsor of
  the hearing, explained that Schulz's rhetoric has
  made it impossible for the forum to take place
  because the Internal Revenue Service and
  Department of Justice will not participate.

  The Maryland Republican remains committed
  to ensuring the right of Bob Schulz and other
  citizens to exercise their constitutional rights
  under the First Amendment to get answers to
  their questions about federal tax policy from the
  government, according to his press statement.
  As an alternative to the much-ballyhooed
  February confrontation, he offered to forward
  Schulz's questions to both the Justice
  Department and Internal Revenue Service, and
  to post their answers on his congressional

  Here is the text of Bartlett's letter:

   Dear Bob:

   I am quite dismayed by the tone of your
   rhetoric on your web page – Wait to File
   Until the Trial.

   When I first met you in July of 2001, you
   seemed to want answers to questions
   regarding the legitimacy of the 16th
   Amendment to the Constitution. As a
   congressman who believes and follows the
   Constitution, you found a willing ear. In
   the numerous meetings that followed, I
   never advocated the non-payment of
   income taxes. You were quick to agree and
   assured me that you never took this
   position as well.

   The information that you are currently
   disseminating concerning the February 27
28 forum is misleading. While I remain
   committed to making every effort so that
   you can exercise your constitutional right
   to get answers to your questions, your
   rhetoric has made it impossible for the
   forum to take place because the Internal
   Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department
   of Justice (DOJ) will not participate.

   This is the alternative. I do not believe that
   IRS and DOJ will refuse to answer my
   questions. Please send the questions that
   you and your team developed to my
   Washington, D.C., office. I will refer 

[CTRL] Finding Our Way Out of Oklahoma by Adam Parfrey

2002-01-20 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.altpr.org/apr7/oklahoma.html;Alternative
Press Review #7 - Finding Our Way O…/A
Adam Parfrey

Ken Stern of the American Jewish Committee faxes a special warning to
members of the press, AJCers, legislators, prosecutors, attorneys general,
federal officials, regarding a possible terrorist attack that will strike
the U.S. on April 19...the anniversary of Waco...The Key event for the
militias, and for the hard core April 20 is Hitler's birthday. The page-long
communique is received by federal Judge Redden of Portland, Oregon on April
10, '95, a prophetic week prior to the bombing of the Murrah building.
Judge Wayne Alley, whose office is located directly across the street from
the devastated Alfred P. Murrah building, tells a reporter that security
officials warned him to take special precautions several days prior to the
April 19 bomb blast. Reported April 20 in the Portland Oregonian, Judge
Alley's warning is never again mentioned even when it's reported that he has
been assigned the case.
Edye Smith, whose two children died in the Oklahoma City bombing, is
interviewed by CNN correspondent Gary Tuchman on May 23, '95, the day FEMA
officials bring down the ruins of the Murrah building. The childless mother
tells Tuchman she was told to keep your mouth shut, don't talk about it,
when she asked officials why BATF agents were given the day off on April
19. Although we're told that the BATF was the primary target of the bombing,
which kills and maims hundreds, no BATF officer suffers injury in the attack.
I am an American military man, and I can tell you categorically that if one
of you militia drones or one of your crackpot units started any kind of
half-witted shooting war, that I would unhesitatingly blow all of your asses
into the netherworld. Not even one split second of hesitation, because you're
goofy, dangerous examples of twisted delayed adolescence
[Post taken from the internet newsgroup misc.activism.militia]
Setting Minds against Terrorism
Setting Minds Against Terrorism was the headline of an article relegated to
the back pages of the April 24, 1995 terrorism issue of Advertising Age.
Though its placement would seem to indicate that news, advertising, and
public relations executives might consider its content filler-like or
possibly redundant, the article's implications are, to my mind, startling.
In the bloodless manner of the faceless hack, author Joe Mandese reveals how
propaganda, here called public policy, and mind control, here called
behavioral science.1 is cooked up by high-level policy makers in the
National Security Council, and then passed down to the CIA and FBI for
dissemination through Madison Avenue and onwards through print and electronic
Mandese's bureaucratese is designed to lull the outsider to sleep, but
translate his article into plain language and one is left with a schematic
diagram of how the media juggernaut collaborates with the highest levels of
government intelligence to decide how and where the sheep are to be herded.
Notice that the executives Mandese interviews are not interested in relaying
or even cushioning the truth, but how to best tell a lie in order that U.S.
subjects will regard the government as a loving benevolent entity. It's not
1995, it's 1984. This isn't the New World Order, it's Brave New World.
There used to be a day when Americans looked around and reported suspicious
things to the FBI, or the local police, says Bob Dilenschneider, president
of the Dilenschneider Group in the final paragraph of Mandese's article. He
continues, devoid of irony. Of late, [turning in suspicious characters to
the FBI] has been regarded as Big Brother is watching, and carries the
overtones of a fascist state. We have to get back to the thinking that the
police are there to help us and the FBI is there to protect us.
Despite all the hoary lies told about our free press and objective
journalism, the Advertising Age article reveals how the media implements
strategies instead of reporting the facts. Mandese's article asks how shall
the government be served? rather than how shall citizens be served by their
public servants? Mandese suggests that brain massage can best be
accomplished by ad hoc committees comprised of marketing experts and
intelligence agencies. The Persian Gulf War seemed like a dress rehearsal in
media's lockstep goosestep with the NSA [National Security Agency]. Oklahoma
City is further proof of capitalism's cooperative Total War against the
consumerist mind. For another precedent of media-approved or media-created
foreign escapades, see history books on the Spanish-American conflict, known
as Hearst's War.
When the Los Angeles Times building burned in 1910, killing dozens of
printers and other low-level workers, the nascent labor movement was buried
by agents provocateur from the Burns Detective Agency working
behind-the-scenes for Times' owner, 


2002-01-20 Thread Archibald Bard

[ The Communist 'Educators?'have taken us for 
a bundle.
Not only in big bucks, but have taken the minds of 
our children.

CONCERNED PARENTS! I urge you to check out 
this Website: ]


McGuffey's Readers Hardback Cover 

7 books 

The original 1836 version of the fabled reading 
instruction books which for three-quarters of a century were used by four-fifths 
of all American school children. Some 120 million sets were sold. No other books 
ever had so much influence over so many children over such a long period. 

McGuffey's educational course begins, in the 
Primer, by presenting the letters of the alphabet to be memorized, in sequence. 
Children are then taught, step by step, to use the building blocks of their 
language to form and pronounce words. Each lesson begins with a study of words 
used in the reading exercise - the words presented with markings to show correct 
pronunciation and syllabification. 

Stories in the First and Second Readers picture 
children in their relationship with family, teacher, friends, and animals. The 
Third Reader expands this world. In a story entitled "The Widow and the 
Merchant," a merchant befriends a widow in need. Later, when the widow proves 
herself to be honest, the merchant gives her a handsome gift. 

The child is not, however, encouraged to believe 
that charity is expected only of the wealthy; it is a virtue to be cultivated by 
the young, practiced by all. Here are some of the titles of reading material in 
the Second, Third and Fourth Readers: "The Greedy Girl"; "The Kind Little Girl"; 
"The Honest Boy and the Thief"; "The Lord's Prayer"; "The Effects of Rashness"; 
"On Speaking the Truth"; "Consequences of Bad Spelling"; "Happy Consequences of 
American Independence"; and "Decisive Integrity." 

Assuming that a child's brain reacts to what is fed 
into it, and that his entire life is thereby influenced, educators of the 
McGuffey era provided the most wholesome fare available. Material in the readers 
is taken from writings which extol, explain, and illustrate such virtues as 
honesty, charity, thrift, hard work, courage, patriotism, reverence for God, and 
respect for parents. 

McGuffey's teaching technique and the quality of 
reading material used are superlative, appropriate for any era - desperately 
needed in our own. (The New American - September 29, 1986, with appreciation.) 

Samuel Blumenfeld is still using the McGuffey 
Readers in his tutoring work. Excellent to use as extra reading to compliment 
Alpha Phonics and How to Tutor by Sam. 

McGuffey's Readers Soft Cover (paper back) 

8 books 

Now for the first time available in paperback for much less than the cost 
of hardbound set. Large size page (8 1/2 X 11) with large size type - Easy to 
read. From the original 1836 version of the fabled reading instruction which for 
3/4 century were used by 80% of all American school children. Some 120 million 
set sold. No other book ever had so much influence over so many children over 
such a long period. William H. McGuffy is considered the author of The Primer 
and first four Readers. His younger brother, Alexander, is considered the author 
of the Fifth and Sixth Readers. This set is marked "Revised" and bears the 
copyright 1879. 

The Primer (64 pgs.) McGuffey's educational course begins by presenting 
the letters of the alphabet to be memorized, in sequence. children are then 
taught, step by step1 to use the building blocks of their language to form and 
pronounce words. Each lesson begins with a study of words used in the reading 
exercise - the words presented with markings to show correct pronunciation and 
syllabification. Cursive handwriting is introduced with simple sentences. 

The First (96 pgs.) and Second (160 pgs.) Readers picture children in their 
relationship with family, teacher, friends, and animals. 

Articulation and Punctuation are introduced. The Third Reader (208 pgs.) 
expands this world. Art of Emphasis introduced. Dictionary definitions 
introduced in `bird Reader (also in Fourth Reader). 

The Fourth Reader (256 pgs.) begins with 1. Punctuation Marks, 2. 
Articulation, 3. Accent and Inflection. Next come 90 selections written by a 
wide variety of authors from Daniel De Foe to Louisa M. Alcott. 

The Fifth Reader (352 pgs.) begins with 1. Articulation, 2. Inflection, 3. 
Accent, 4. Emphasis, 5. Modulation, 6. Poetic Pauses. Next come 117 writings 
also by a wide range of sources: The Bible, Dickens, Lowell, Cooper, to name a 
few. Continues dictionary definitions of words. Also special notes on geography, 
history. Up to now it has been how to read; The Fifth Reader turns the student 
to what to read. 

The Sixth Reader (463 pgs.) begins with 1. 

Re: [CTRL] Son of Sam

2002-01-20 Thread Molli Wolf

-Caveat Lector-

Thank you for this very interesting post.
Anyone at all interested in this should read THE ULTIMATE
EVIL by Maury Terry. One of the best  most memorable books
I have read, it corroborates the basic thrust of this

Other books of great fascination if you are interested in
the unseen hand(s) that the Disney version press never
tells us about -




-Caveat Lector-

Aquino quotes the process church and manson flirted with
the process church (of the final judgement) and son of sam
claims he was a full member of the process church...hmmm...


Son of Sam!
Exposes his connection to Satanic Church of Sacrifice!

Written by
J. P. Essene


David Berkowitz, aka Son of Sam, aka Son of Hope, was
recently interviewed for several shows in the New York

He claims on these shows, to now be a BORN AGAIN Christian!
Hence the new moniker of Son of Hope...

He also claims he was a member of the Process Church of
Final Judgment, during his SATANIC SACRIFICE killing spree.

Some say, that Charles Manson belonged to this group also.

Some like Berkowitz or Son of Sam, claim it is a Satanic

BIZARRELY in these new documentaries, Berkowitz claims he
didn't do many of the shootings attributed to him.

In all, 13 are said to be victims of the .44 Caliber
shooter, who became known as The Son of Sam.

Many over the years have speculated, that police sketches
from 20 years ago made from witnesses at Son of Sam (SOS)
shootings, show that there were many shooters, as Berkowitz
now claims!

Berkowitz also claims that a SNUFF FILM exists of the last
shooting, in which he claims to have been only a lookout!

One of these new documentaries shown in the NYC area, also
featured an inmate from another prison, who backups the
claims of Berkowitz.

He names a prominent art dealer as a MOVER in the Satanic
Cult, that openly discussed the SNUFF Film of the last SOS
victim with him personally! Her name was Stacy Moskowitz.

Although some in the NYC police department believe
Berkowitz had accomplices, the documentary tried to
discredit most of his claims of a Satanic Cult connection.

It seems to unnerve many Christians in the NYC area, that
Berkowitz was only the TIP of the iceberg of a Satanic Cult
that did the SOS shootings. They would rather believe
Berkowitz was a lone nut case who targeted Long Hair
Brunettes on Lovers Lanes in the 70's, than a member of a
Satanic group still on the loose that enjoys to SACRIFICE
to their GODS, as Berkowitz put it!

The Church of Sacrifice that Berkowitz claimed ORDERED him
to SACRIFICE or kill, has a website.


The Church traces it's roots to the 60's and London. It's
founder was a Robert Moore, who changed his name to Robert
de Grimston.

Mr. Moore had a heavy connection to L. Ron Hubbard and
Scientology! His teachings, which are the foundation of the
Process Church, explained that Christ, Jehovah, Lucifer and
Satan were ONE Entity!

It had chapters in California when MANSON was in his

The Satanic Church of Sacrifice that Berkowitz claimed to
be a member of, is known as mentioned, as the Process
Church of Final Judgment, or simply The Process or The
Process Chruch.

Process members have visited Charlie while he was in Jail.

Charlie, as you may know, claims to be Jesus.

Some of the writings of the Process Church claim Jesus is
LUCIFER! Pershaps, Charlie is Jesus incarnate

I've written many articles about someone else in the news,
that some feel is a DANGEROUS CULT leader.

He says the New Testament is completely false.

Or else, he says, Jesus did claim to be Lucifer by
identifying himself in Revelations as THE MORNING STAR! See
Rev 22:16.

If you look up the definition of LUCIFER in any collegiate
level lexicon, you see MORNING STAR is his aka!

The DANGEROUS Cult leader to uninformed Christians, is
named Sollog. I personally know Sollog, and he is not a
DANGEROUS Cult leader. Some of the religious symbolism I
note in this article, came from my talks with Sollog, about
Manson and Son of Sam.

Over the centuries, many heretics and Cults have said the
same thing, in regards to Jesus being Lucifer! Some of the
Oldest Christian writings known to exist, state that Jesus
was the serpent in the Garden of Eden!

You won't find these early Christian works in the standard
New Testament, but they are found in many books about other
Christian writings that the Church of Rome EXCLUDED from
standard Christian Doctrine in the fourth century!

You can find plenty examples of these works in Gnostic
Books, The OTHER BIBLE and The Nag Hammadi Libaray!

The Templars, who gave us the concept of our modern banking
system, (checques were first used by them), were 

[CTRL] 1,000 Death in the Air Books Donated to Congress and Libraries

2002-01-20 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Type Keyword or Web Address here and click Go

Tetrahedron Publishing Group
Health Science Communications for People Around the World
206 North 4th Avenue, Suite 147 ? Sandpoint, ID 83864 ? 208-265-2575 ? FAX:


Release: No. DITA-174
Date Mailed: Jan. 14, 2002
For Immediate Release
Contact: Ingri Cassel-208/265-2575; 888/508-4787

1,000 Death in the Air Books Donated to Congress and Libraries to Support
Legislation Banning Risky Star Wars Programs

Sandpoint, ID - A small publisher has tithed $30,000 worth of new books
entitled Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare to members
of Congress and American libraries in support of the Space Preservation Act
of 2001-legislation that would ban Star Wars programs if passed. The book,
written by Harvard-trained health science investigator, Dr. Leonard G.
Horowitz, discusses the risks posed by space weapons cited in House Bill H.R.
2977, issued by Ohio Democrat Dennis Kucinich. The bill, currently in review
committees, and certain to be opposed by the Bush administration, urges a
permanent ban on basing weapons in space.

Included in the proposed ban are devices capable of directing lasers,
chemical or biological sprays, and electromagnetic radiation to inflict
death or injury on . . . biological life, bodily health, mental health, or
physical and economic well-being of a person.

Tetrahedron Publishing Group of Sandpoint, Idaho invited the nation's
librarians and congressional representatives to order free copies of the
525-page hardcover, in an effort to inform the public and law makers about
the health risks posed by military space programs targeted by the bill.
Included here are the latest technologies for population control that H.R.
2977 calls exotic weapons systems. (Click Here to View H.R. 2977 in Adobe
Acrobat Reader)

The Congressional Record cites these exotic weapons as-(i) electronic,
psychotronic, or information weapons; (ii) chemtrails; (iii) high altitude
ultra low frequency weapons systems; (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or
ultrasonic weapons; (v) laser weapons systems; (vi) strategic, theater,
tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and (vii) chemical, biological,
environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons. All of these were critically
examined in Death in the Air, which recently received a scientific
endorsement in CHOICE -the nation's leading academic library journal
published by the American Library Association. (See;

According to the House bill, available for review at
http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery, the term exotic weapons systems
include those designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the
ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, . . . with the purpose
of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth
or in space. This proposed legislation would clamp down on the government's
highly controversial High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)
that heats portions of the ionosphere from Alaska. Critics contend that
atmospheric heating is related to global warming, jet stream modifications,
and weather changes causing more super storms and droughts.

Dr. Horowitz completed his prophetically titled text in 2001, with first
copies arriving at bookstores two months before the September 11 terrorist
attacks. Death in the Air includes contributions by other authorities in
Star Wars technologies including medical doctor Nick Begich, director of
Earthpulse-a public health activist organization. Dr. Begich, most famous for
Angels Don't Play This HAARP (1995) and Earth Rising - The Revolution: Toward
a Thousand Years of Peace (2000), both by Earthpulse Press, is the eldest son
of the late United States Congressman from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr. In
addition, a sixty page chapter entitled, Chemtrails: Compromising Public
Health was researched by Canada's leading chemtrail investigator, William

Dr. Horowitz is best known for his widely acclaimed American bestseller,
Emerging Viruses: AIDS  Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional? (Tetrahedron
Publishing Group, 1998). This book covers the thesis that HIV/AIDS may have
been man-made, a concern currently being considered by the U.S. General
Accounting Office in response to requests made by Ohio attorney Boyd Ed
Graves and Democratic Congressman, James A. Traficant, Jr. His investigation
involves the theory that HIV emerged from laboratory experiments conducted
during the 1960s and early 1970s when biological weapons contractors
intermingled immune-suppressive viruses during a Special Virus Cancer
Program administered by the National Cancer Institute.

House Bill H.R. 2977 is one of the most important pieces of legislation ever
written to protect the health, safety, and civil rights of humanity from the
world's most deadly and insidious control devices, Dr. Horowitz said. I'm
delighted by the news of this bill, and honored by 

[CTRL] Jewish Success, 3/3

2002-01-20 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 11:12:00 -0800 (PST)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Re: The Vatican = Jesus Not The Messiah

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The expectancy of the Messiah was in the Old Testament, he went on, and if
the Old Testament keeps its value, then it keeps that as a value, too. It
says you cannot just say all the Jews are wrong and we are right.

There is no compromise on this. The Vatican is an Antichrist Institution
which sells the souls of the flocks of Christ for 30 pieces of
silver. These people who call themselves THE Jews are, by their own
public assertions the enemies of Jesus Christ and His followers. Ilan
Halevi writes in his History of the Jews about Christians, reviled by
the Talmud, to whose existence reference could only be made accompanied by
a host of curses (p.55). Show me where Jesus Christ tells us to love His
enemies, those who KNOWINGLY are His enemies.

If the Gospels are correct, the Old Testament is right and Jesus Christ
said, I came only to find the lost sheep of Israel. What part of
only is unclear. So how could His followers not be TRUE ISRAELITES then
and now? That is what the Vatican DESECRATES with its LIES and COWARDICE.

And THE Jews are NOT reading the OT correctly.

If THE Jews are right on this, the followers of Christ are wrong. And
that is a NEGATION of Christ's teaching by the Vatican WHORES OF BABYLON
who will never erect a Memorial or Holocaust Museum to the tens of
millions slaughtered by the Jews even while they lick boots to honour
Jewish losses, real or bogus. What filthy humans these churchocrats are!


What kind of city with surroundings would one expect of a faith-based public works 
project with the objective of designing and constructing a culture of life? Would a 
George Bush culture of life be the same as a Vatican culture of life?

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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Jewish Success, 2/3

2002-01-20 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 10:44:43 -0800 (PST)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Lord and Lady Conrad Black

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002, David H. Sandlin wrote:

 By Justin Raimundo

 As  Israel prepares to expel its Arab helots from Palestine, its
 amen corner worldwide is also on the march, excoriating
 anyone who looks cross-eyed at Ariel Sharon as an anti-
 Semite. The latest front in this campaign is England, where
 Barbara Amiel, wife of media magnate Conrad Black, went on
 a rampage in the Telegraph, claiming that, at a recent dinner
 party, the French ambassador referred to Israel as that
 sh*tty little country, and wondered why the world had to be
 dragged to the edge of World War III on account of it. On the
 basis of evidence gleaned at ritzy cocktail parties, says Ms.
 Amiel, the world is experiencing a revival of anti-Semitism,
 which is now respectable again.

Show some respect, eh Yank? That's Lord and Lady Black. Conrad Black
gave up his citizenship in Canuckistan, as he had to do by law, to claim a
British Lordship. Meanwhile, our favourite Jewish Canadian Princess,
Barbara Amiel, had watched one too many of those shows in The
Nanny series. What's a nice Yiddish girl to do when a classy and rich guy
like Conrad-the-Magnificent comes along?

She wrote in Maclean's Magazine (Canada's counterpart to Time) that
Jews did feature in wildly disproportionate numbers among early
communists and early revolutionaries (Sept. 27/99, p. 19). Hey, I can
play love your enemy too! she said and then went hog wild over the whole
shtick which is really not kosher. We were at the leading edge of
communist totalitarianism, one of the most murderous movements of the
20th. century she added. Indeed...according to Stuart Kahan, lauding his
Uncle Kaganovitch in The Wolf of the Kremlin (Morrow), 52% of that
original 1917 Government were Jews including Trotsky from New York and
Kaganovitch who specifically engineered the slaughter of 10 million or so
Ukrainians in 1932-33. Then The X Experience as she declares that she
does understand why the Jews have been hated with such persistence in so
many cultures over so many centuries.

But I say, hold on Lady Black. What is wrong with SUCCESS? Churchocrats in
the West, from Salvation Army to Roman Catholics are pathetic liars and
cowards...this is the WHORE OF BABYLON REVEALED. Nobody gets to be a
Whitehouse Preacher without proving the credentials of mealy-mouthed
whorishness, like the Grahams. And I have to hand it to the Yids when it
comes to their SUCCESS in proving to everyone what disgusting pieces of
characterological s*** we have at the leadership of these bogus
churches. Boot lickers don't get to heaven as Revelation tells us very
clearly. Male impersonators like the Falwells, Hagees, Robertsons et al
are leading the flocks straight into hell. So Lady Black has done us a
great ecclesiastical service by getting us to question the whole shpeil of
official churchianity. Next she will be auditioning for The Flying
Nun series.

(Learned Elder of Zion)

What kind of city with surroundings would one expect of a faith-based public works 
project with the objective of designing and constructing a culture of life? Would a 
George Bush culture of life be the same as a Vatican culture of life?

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Jewish Success, 1/3

2002-01-20 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

* POC Plans: For BC Election 2005, Political Avatars under
development; For BC Election 2009, Political Avatars run on trial basis;
For Election 2013, Political Avatars with super-human AI online *

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 08:44:16 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Dr. Valentin V. Kashinov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Success of Jews

Success is no crime. Dilip Hero is an eminent journalist with dozens of
books to his credit. In his 1982 book, Inside the Middle East he credits
Jews with contributing about 40% of Republican donations and 60% of
Democrat donations (p.227). So they own the Political System of the
Trotskyite Republic and have probably done so since at least as far back
as Trotsky-Shiff in 1917 when they went out from New York to enslave and
genocide you Russians by the tens of millions.

So they real questions are, How did they get to be so successful? And
What's wrong with success?

The whole world knows that though Bush is a very nice man, he is only a
Trotskyite Puppet. But that's the name of the game...pressure group
politics. Whoever has the most powerful pressure group controls the
parties. Old saying: He who pays the piper calls the tune.

Same for the Western Churches. They will lick the boots of the most
powerful and successful group in society. can't blame the Jews for being
that group, ie for SUCCESS!


On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: amigocabal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 6:37 PM

 } Since the 1960s, Jews have come to wield considerable influence in
 American economic, cultural, intellectual, and political life. Jews played a
 central role in American finance during the 1980s, and they were among the
 chief beneficiaries of that decade's corporate mergers and reorganizations.
 Today, though barely 2% of the nation's population is Jewish, close to half
 its billionaires are Jews. The chief executive officers of the three major
 television networks, and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the
 owners of the nation's largest newspaper chain and most influential single
 newspaper, the New York Times. In the late 1960s, Jews already constituted
 20% of the faculty of elite universities and 40% of the professors of elite
 law schools; today, these percentages doubtless are higher.

 The role and influence of Jews in American politics is equally marked. Jews
 are elected to public office in disproportionate numbers. In 1993, ten
 members of the United States Senate and thirty-two members of the House of
 Representatives were Jewish, three to four times their percentage of the
 general population. Jews are even more prominent in political organizations
 and in finance. One recent study found that in twenty-seven of thirty-six
 campaigns for the United States Senate, one or both candidates relied upon a
 Jewish campaign chairrnan or finance director. In the realm of lobbying and
 litigation, Jews organized what was for many years one of Washington's most
 successful political action committees, the American Israel Public Affairs
 Committee (AIPAC), and they play leadership roles in such important public
 interest groups as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Common
 Cause. Several Jews also played very important roles in the 1992 Democratic
 presidential campaign. After the Democrats' victory, President Clinton
 appointed a number of Jews to prominent positions in his administration.

 Their role in American economic, social, and political institutions has
 enabled Jews to wield considerable influence in the nation's public life.
 The most obvious indicator of this influence is the $3 billion in direct
 military and economic aid provided to Israel by the United States each year
 and, for that matter, the like amount given to Egypt since it agreed to
 maintain peaceful relations with Israel.

 {p. 2} That fully three-fourths of America's foreign aid budget is devoted
 to Israel's security interests is a tribute in considerable measure to the
 lobbying prowess of AIPAC and the importance of the Jewish community in
 American politics {but what does it say about Jewish Internationalism -
 that trademark Jewish concern for the poor?}.

 At least until recently, another mark of Jewish influence was the virtual
 disappearance of anti-Semitic rhetoric from mainstream public discourse in
 the United States. As a general rule, what can and cannot be said in public
 reflects the distribution of political power in society; as Jews gained
 political power, politicians who indulged in anti-Semitic tactics were
 labeled extremists and exiled to the margins of American politics.
 Similarly, religious symbols and forms of expression that Jews find
 threatening have been almost completely eliminated from schools and other

[CTRL] Rumsfeld Slams Clinton Military Cutbacks [a must read]

2002-01-20 Thread Archibald Bard

Sunday Jan. 20, 2002; 1:10 p.m. EST 

Rumsfeld Slams Clinton Military Cutbacks 

While noting that U.S. armed forces remain the most 
powerful in the world, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld blasted the Clinton 
administration Sunday for defense cutbacks he said left the military in such a 
"run down" condition that rebuilding could take up to a decade. 

"The infrastructure had decayed and it is still 
decayed and it will take now probably six, eight, ten years to get it back to 
the place that it ought to be," Rumsfeld told NBC "Meet the Press" host Tim 

The Bush Defense Secretary then added, "It takes 
time to run down a great military and it takes time to build one back up." 

He suggested that the full dimension of the Clinton 
cutbacks were only now being felt. "During a president's term of office, what he 
does with the military has very little effect during that period of time. Each 
president inherits what was done in preceding periods." 

Rumsfeld was responding to Democratic Party and 
media arguments that the U.S.'s success in the Afghanistan war shows that 
criticism of Clinton's military cutbacks is unjustified. 

Separately, the New York Post reported Sunday that 
a full 89 percent of Clinton budget cuts under the president's "Reinventing 
Government" initiative came at the expense of the armed forces. 

In his recent book "In the Arena," former Reagan 
administration Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger contends that President 
Clinton had reduced U.S. military forces by approximately 50 percent during his 
eight years in office. 


Finally, a Candidate worth going to the Poll and 
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2002-01-20 Thread Archibald Bard



[CTRL] Allegations of Deliberate Civilian Bombing in Sudan

2002-01-20 Thread Dr Chris R. Tame

-Caveat Lector-

The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council
1 Northumberland Avenue

Tel:020 7872 5434
Fax:020 7753 2848

Date of Publication: 6 December 2001


The issue of Sudanese air force bombing of targets within the ongoing
war in southern Sudan, fought between the government and the rebel Sudan
People's Liberation Army (SPLA), has, in recent years, been focused upon
by several governments, non-governmental organisations and the media.
While there are legitimate concerns about any bombing which may affect
civilians, the issue itself has become the subject of a considerable
propaganda campaign which has distorted perceptions of the conflict. The
subject has also become marred by hypocrisy and double standards. Aerial
bombardment has been a feature of many wars. It is certainly an option
that has been used with considerable vigour by the United States and the
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) within the 1990s. Indeed, it
has become their weapon of choice. That aerial bombing has been used by
the Sudanese armed forces in the course of the civil war in their
country is a matter of record. The Sudanese government appears to have
chosen to engage in bombing just as the Americans and NATO forces chose
to do so in the conflicts in Yugoslavia, Kosovo and, most recently,
Afghanistan. And just as in those conflicts it would appear that
civilians have died or been injured in the course of aerial

Lest there be any doubt about the position taken in this publication,
any civilian deaths or injury or the destruction or partial destruction
of any civilian infrastructure in the course of any war is unacceptable.
Any deliberate targeting of civilians constitutes a grave abuse of human
rights and a war crime. What this note seeks to do is examine the claims
made about Sudanese bombing against the background of the use of bombing
in the other conflicts mentioned, and attempt, as much as possible, to
cut away the propaganda that has obscured this issue.

At the onset of the war in Afghanistan, American Secretary of Defence
Donald H. Rumsfeld publicly stated: No nation in human history has done
more to avoid civilian casualties than the United States has in this
conflict. (1) He has also stated: I don't think there has ever been a
bombing campaign in the history of the world done with more care and
precision. (2)  In the course of the several weeks of American bombing
within Afghanistan, however, there is every indication that the United
States air force bombed several hospitals, old age peoples' homes,
mosques, residential areas within several towns, villages, United
Nations offices, Red Cross installations and several civilian buses,
killing several hundred civilians. (3) Pro-American Northern Alliance
officials have themselves stated that American warplanes bombed several
villages within anti-Taliban areas over the weekend of 1-2 December,
killing perhaps as many as 300 civilians - as well as several senior
anti-Taliban commanders. (4)  In early December, a 2,000 pound smart
bomb killed 3 American special forces soldiers, injured nineteen others
and dozens of anti-Taliban soldiers. The same bomb also narrowly missed
killing Hamid Karzai, the American-approved Afghan leader selected as
chairman for the interim administration in Afghanistan. (5) It was
alleged by the Taliban regime that as of 1 November some 1,500 civilians
had died as a result of American bombing. (6)  In any instance American
bombing has caused considerable concern to human rights organisations.
(7) In the course of NATO's bombing campaign in Kosovo, NATO was accused
of killing hundreds of civilians in bombing attacks on residential
areas, villages, passenger trains, bridges, hospitals, civilian buses
and refugee convoys. (8) It should perhaps also be borne in mind that
during the Kosovo air war only 2 percent of the unguided, dumb bombs
used by the British air force could be confirmed as having hit their
targets. There was only a 72 percent hit rate with its smart bombs.

The Sudanese air force has similarly been accused of bombing hospitals
and civilians in southern Sudan. The United States, NATO and the
Sudanese authorities have all stated that any civilian casualties in the
course of their respective conflicts have been accidental.

The simple fact is that mistakes are made in war. This point was made by
Defence Secretary Rumsfeld: War is ugly. It causes misery and suffering
and death, and we see that every day...needless to say...innocent
bystanders can be caught in crossfire. On the other hand, there are
instances where in fact there are unintended effects of this conflict,
and ordinance ends up where it should not. And we all know that, and
that's true of every conflict. (10)  The Sudanese war has been no
exception. If we are to accept NATO and the 

[CTRL] The sad suicide of Admiral Nimitz

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

January 18, 2002 - WorldNetDaily.Com

The sad suicide of Admiral Nimitz
By Patrick J. Buchanan

The name of Chester W. Nimitz is legendary in the annals of naval
warfare. In June 1942, Admiral Nimitz commanded the U.S. forces
assigned to block a Japanese invasion of Midway.

In the Battle of Midway, Nimitz's fighter-bombers caught the Japanese
fleet off guard, as its carrier aircraft were being refueled on deck.
His pilots swooped in and sent to the bottom four of the Japanese
carriers – Hiryu, Soryu, Akagi and Kaga – that had led the attack on
Pearl Harbor. Midway broke the back of Japanese naval power and was
among the most decisive battles in all of history.

Nimitz's son and namesake, Chester W. Nimitz Jr., would rise to the
same rank of admiral and become a hero of the Pacific war – a
submarine commander who would sink a Japanese destroyer bearing down
on his boat by firing torpedoes directly into its bow.

But Chester W. Nimitz Jr., achieved another kind of fame on Jan. 2.
In a suicide pact with his 89-year-old wife, the 86-year-old hero
ended his life with an overdose of sleeping pills.

Having lost 30 pounds from a stomach disorder, suffering from
congestive heart failure and in constant back pain, the admiral had
been determined to dictate the hour of his death. His wife, who
suffered from osteoporosis so severe her bones were breaking, had
gone blind. She had no desire to live without her husband.

So, as the devoted couple had spent their lives together, they
decided to end their lives together. The admiral's final order read:
Our decision was made over a considerable period of time and was not
carried out in acute desperation. Nor is it the expression of a
mental illness. We have consciously, rationally, deliberately and of
our own free will taken measures to end our lives today because of
the physical limitations on our quality of life placed upon us by
age, failing vision, osteoporosis, back and painful orthopedic

According to The New York Times obituary, The Nimitzes did not
believe in any afterlife or God, and embraced no religion. But one of
Mr. Nimitz's three surviving sisters, Mary Aquinas, 70, is a Catholic
nun. ... Sister Mary said that she could not condone her brother's
decision to end his life, but that she felt sympathetic. 'If you
cannot see any value to suffering for yourself or others,' she said,
'Then maybe it does make sense to end your life.'

No matter the admirable life he led, the admiral's suicide is a
victory for the Hemlock Society over a sanctity-of-life ethic. From
the Times' obit, Nimitz appears to have laid aside any Christian
beliefs and embraced a post-Christian moral code like the Roman
Stoics who opened their veins or Japanese warriors who committed hara-
kiri in atonement for the ignominy of their defeat.

Under the Christian moral code, God is the Author of life and no man
has a right to take his life. The Everlasting, said Hamlet, hath set
his canon 'gainst self slaughter.'' In the Catholic Church, suicide
remains a grave sin, and the admiral would have been denied a
Catholic burial. But this clearly mattered far less to Nimitz than
that he and his wife die in what he believed was dignity.

The admiral's suicide is a moral tragedy. As a war hero who carried a
great name, Chester W. Nimitz Jr. was a man whom it is natural to
admire and emulate. Yet, many of those who read of how he ended his
life will conclude that this is the course of dignity and honor for
brave men. Many will take the final step the admiral took – not out
of calculation, but depression, loneliness, despair and fear.

Unfortunately, we are headed for a world where the admiral's way will
be considered not only reasonable, but commendable.

By 2050, half of all the people of European descent will be over 50,
with 10 percent of Europe over 80. With Christianity fading away in
the West, with 60 million aged Europeans over 80 to be cared for, the
course set by the old submariner will be followed by tens of
thousands. Indeed, one must ask: If the admiral's decision to commit
suicide was rational, intelligent and humane, does it not logically
follow that those who cannot make this decision for themselves should
have it made for them by doctors who are equally rational,
intelligent and humane?

A prediction: In coming decades, involuntary euthanasia will be
commonplace in Europe, and Gen-Xers' battles to stay alive into old
age will be treated with the same cold contempt as they treated the
silent screams of the unborn. Millions will be put to sleep like aged
and incontinent household pets.

Since the 1960s, the radical young have pleaded for a world free of
the strictures of the old Christian morality. They are close to
getting what they have demanded … and my sense is that they will not
like what they get. We are heading into Bladerunner Country.


[CTRL] Sudan, The US Allegations of Biological Weapons

2002-01-20 Thread Dr Chris R. Tame

-Caveat Lector-

The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council
1 Northumberland Avenue

Tel:020 7872 5434
Fax:020 7753 2848

Date of Publication:  10 December 2001


On 19 November 2001, the United States government stated that we are
concerned about the growing interest of Sudan...in developing a
biological weapons programme. (1)  This unsubstantiated claim was made
by John Bolton, American Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control, at a
conference in Geneva. It must be said that such a claim is deeply
irresponsible to say the very least, and is very much in keeping with
the previous Clinton Administration's failed attempts to isolate Sudan
from the international community by making similarly unsubstantiated
claims. It is also clear that the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament
Agency has previously played its own part in putting political policy
and expediency before science with regard to Sudan. Following
Washington's disastrously inept attack on the al-Shifa medicines factory
in Khartoum in 1998, the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency made
inaccurate and misleading claims which it subsequently had to retract.
It should also be noted that John Bolton is an appointee more responsive
to United States domestic politics with regard to Sudan than scientific
facts. (2)  Bolton's claims also jar with Bush Administration statements
that Sudan has been cooperative on security issues.

The cornerstone of the previous Administration's rationale for its
policies towards Sudan were similarly vague, repeated claims that Sudan
was a supporter of international terrorism. This was constantly cited
both in statements by Administration officials and in media coverage.
That much of this imagery was very flawed has become increasingly
obvious. The Clinton Administration's 1993 listing of Sudan as a state
sponsor of terrorism was questioned from the start by former President
Jimmy Carter. The 1998 attack on the al-Shifa medicines factory in
Khartoum because of alleged involvement with chemical weapons was
subsequently revealed to have been a disastrous fiasco, with Washington
repeatedly turning down invitations for weapons inspectors to visit
Sudan. And it is also documented that over one hundred CIA reports on
Sudan and terrorism from 1993-96 had to be withdrawn as unreliable or
having been fabricated. This level of incompetence led the London
'Times' newspaper to state that such a circumstance is no great
surprise to those who have watched similar CIA operations in Africa
where 'American intelligence' is often seen as an oxymoron. (3)  There
is nothing to suggest that the basis for Mr Bolton's unsubstantiated
claims differs in any way from this pattern of unreliability. American
intelligence on Sudan is not just unreliable, but disinformation - and
what amounts to little more than propaganda - has often been dressed up
as intelligence, and then used in attempts to justify questionable
policy towards Sudan. This has not gone unnoticed by the European Union
and other members of the international community. For its own
credibility on this serious issue the Bush Administration cannot allow
its reputation with regard to arms control and non-proliferation to be
sullied for the sake of cheap propaganda attacks on Sudan.

Additionally, a September 2001 article in 'The Observer' newspaper in
Britain reported that Sudan's attempts to actually cooperate with the
United States on anti-terrorism issues had been rebuffed for several
years before being acted upon by Washington in 2000. (4)  It has also
been revealed that Sudan offered to hand Osama bin-Laden over to the
American government in 1996. Amazingly, the offer was declined. (5)
After several years of declining repeated Sudanese invitations for
American intelligence and counter-terrorist personnel to come to Sudan
and investigate whatever they wanted to, joint CIA, FBI and State
Department teams have been in Sudan since early 2000. (6)  In August
2001 Bush Administration officials confirmed that the Sudanese-American
cooperation on counter-terrorism had been positive. (7)  In fact, based
on this dialogue, the United States had agreed to the lifting of the
limited United Nations sanctions on Sudan. (8)  They were originally due
to have been lifted in the same week as the attacks on America. 'The
Observer' observed that Washington had given Sudan a clean bill of
health in May 2001, a long-overdue development.

This American-Sudanese intelligence cooperation was said to have
covered everything. (9)  Given that Mr Bolton is, by statute, defined
as advising the Secretary of State on matters related to international
security policy, arms control and proliferation one would have expected
him to have been aware of these key developments pertaining to
international security. There are simple questions that 

[CTRL] Confiscation of Registered Guns Begins in Illinois

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Don't ever let anyone tell you gun registration in America won't lead to
confiscation, because it already has. Here is the latest example.


Confiscation of Registered Guns Begins in Illinois

Chicago Anti Gun Enforcement (CAGE) unit. This elite squad, operated jointly
by the Illinois State Police, the Chicago Police Department, and the Cook
County State's Attorney's Office, supposedly exists to identify illegal
gunrunners. However, information gained by the ISRA makes it clear that the
CAGE unit is targeting law-abiding citizens, not criminal gunrunners.
The Chicago Police Department and the Illinois State Police have teamed up to
make good on Mayor Daley's pledge that, if it were up to him, nobody would
have a gun. Daley and his elite CAGE unit are apparently taking advantage
of gun privacy loopholes to pinpoint certain individuals for inclusion in the
confiscation program.

The ISRA is following up on leads in one case that has disturbing
implications. An elderly first-generation Chicago resident was recently paid
a visit by an Illinois State Police trooper. After asking to come inside the
man's home, the trooper asked if the man owned a gun - to which he replied
yes. The trooper then directed the individual to surrender the firearm. The
man complied with the officer's demand and the trooper left with the gun. And
the story gets better...

The gun in question was purchased legally by the man in the 1970s shortly
after he became a U.S. citizen. When Chicago's infamous gun registration
scheme went into effect in the early 1980s, the man registered the firearm as
per the requirement. However, over the years, the fellow apparently forgot to
re-register the firearm, and forgot to renew his Illinois FOID Card.

So...what does this all mean?

In the last edition of The Illinois Shooter, we reported on the activities of
a shady taskforce known as the Chicago Anti Gun Enforcement (CAGE) unit. This
elite squad, operated jointly by the Illinois State Police, the Chicago
Police Department, and the Cook County State's Attorney's Office, supposedly
exists to identify illegal gunrunners. However, information gained by the
ISRA makes it clear that the CAGE unit is targeting law-abiding citizens, not
criminal gunrunners.

Thanks to a ruling by a liberal federal judge, the CAGE unit now has the name
of every single person in the United States who, since 1992, lawfully
purchased more than one handgun in the period of a week. The CAGE unit also
has all the makes, models and serial numbers of those guns. In essence, the
Chicago Police Department is now registering guns and gun owners nationwide.

The ISRA has also learned that the CAGE unit has compiled a list of families
where more than one person in that family holds a FOID card. Acting on that
information, the CAGE unit is now contacting gun shops where those families
have shopped, and is illegally registering all guns purchased by those

Now, it appears that the CAGE unit is scrubbing Chicago's gun registration
list against the list of FOID card holders. Indications are that folks who
have let their registrations and FOIDs lapse will have their guns
confiscated. We have to wonder how long it will be until state troopers show
up at the doors to confiscate the guns of non-Chicago residents who have let
their FOIDs expire.

More later as this story develops.

Source: Illinois State Rifle Association

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Re: [CTRL] Saudis tell US forces to get out

2002-01-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 19 Jan 02, at 23:51, Samantha L. wrote:

   What could possibly be the US' excuse not to target Saudi Arabia as
 harboring terrorists if that happens?

The possibility of Iranianisation of the country.  If the Saudi
royal family is afeard of the strict followers of the faith fomenting
discord among the citizens (UbL - ists, e.g.), the idea of a lack of
US military presence / access is scary for them AND for those who
depend on the oil output.  Ergo, the development of the Caspian
region to offset or provide balance to the Arabian peninsula is
crucial.  Ergo, ridding the South Asian region of the Taleban (Ubl -
ists, Wahhabis, e.g.) is equally crucial so that their supposed
success does not bleed into Islamic former republics of the Soviet
Union, ending up with the same resistance.

Stability in the region is the controlling factor.  Unfortunately, a
lot of people forget that what they call terrorists is an integral
part of the societies in that part of the world.  Read about the


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[CTRL] This is not a test

2002-01-20 Thread William Shannon

This is not a test
By Stephen I. Schwartz

In the immediate aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the U.S. government implemented emergency plans that until then had been envisioned for use only in the event of an all-out nuclear war.

The most dramatic of these was the decision by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and the Federal Aviation Administration to ground all non-military aircraft in U.S. airspace (or in transit to the United States). At 9:25 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, all aircraft nationwide not already in the air were grounded, and those in the air were ordered to return to where the flight originated or to land at a nearby airport. By 2:07 p.m., all domestic aircraft were on the ground and by 5:30 p.m., all international flights were either on U.S. or Canadian soil. All commercial flights remained grounded until September 13, and significant restrictions on small, general aviation aircraft remained in place at the time this issue went to press.

The plan under which this order was implemented is known as Security Control of Air Traffic and Navigation Aids, or Scatana. Developed in the 1960s, Scatana was originally intended to clear the skies following confirmed warnings of an attack by the Soviet Union. This would have provided unrestricted airspace for U.S. bomber aircraft and missiles, as well as air defense interceptor aircraft, emergency airborne command posts, and associated support aircraft like refueling tankers. Until September 11, 2001, Scatana had never been fully implemented, although it was partially activated by accident during a 1979 false alarm at NORAD.

According to Defense Week, NORAD issued a "notice to airmen" implementing a modified version of Scatana approximately five hours after American Airlines Flight 11 slammed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. Although all civilian aircraft were grounded, ground navigation aids were not turned off (as they would have been during a nuclear attack), allowing airliners to safely navigate to their new and unexpected destinations.

Also activated in full for the first time on September 11 were plans for ensuring "Continuity of Government," or CoG. Shortly after watching the attacks in New York City on a television in his White House office, Vice President Dick Cheney was evacuated by the Secret Service to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC), a hardened bunker buried beneath the East Wing of the White House. Once there (along with National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta, and a few other staff members), Cheney used a secure telephone to contact President George W. Bush, who was in Sarasota, Florida, visiting a school. As Cheney told Tim Russert on NBC’s Meet the Press on September 16, in his conversation with the president he "strongly urge[d] him to delay his return" because of fears that Washington, D.C. was going to be attacked (those fears were compounded by a telephone call to the Secret Service indicating that Air Force One was an intended target).

Bush subsequently boarded Air Force One and took to the air as officials scrambled to ascertain what was happening. At one point, the Secret Service considered sending him to NORAD’s headquarters inside Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs, Colorado. After touching down briefly at Barksdale Air Force Base near Bossier City, Louisiana (site of the U.S. Strategic Command’s alternate underground command post), to deliver a hastily prepared statement, the president headed to Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska, communicating with Cheney, military leaders, and the National Security Council via secure teleconference and videoconference links from Stratcom’s primary underground command post, before eventually returning to Washington, D.C. in the evening.

It is probable that Stratcom’s fleet of airborne command posts, including those based near Omaha nicknamed "Looking Glass," were placed under increased security and that preparations were made to make them airborne. It is also likely that the president’s specially shielded and outfitted airborne command post, known as the National Airborne Operations Center or NAOC (code-named "Night Watch"), was also readied (it is normally kept on 15-minute ground alert). Indeed, the president’s diversion to Omaha suggests that officials were at least contemplating moving him from Air Force One to NAOC where he could, if necessary, remain aloft for as long as 72 hours while directing a military response.

From the White House bunker, Cheney ordered the evacuation of everyone designated as a successor to the president, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Cong. Dennis Hastert, Republican of Illinois; the president pro tempore of the Senate, Robert C. Byrd, Democrat of West Virginia; and the entire Cabinet (except Defense Secretary Donald 

[CTRL] Nine new principles that can destroy world peace.

2002-01-20 Thread William Shannon

New Principles, New Rules
Nine new "principles" that can destroy world peace.
By Mufti Taqi Usmani

Posted: 18 Sha'ban 1422, 4 November 2001
(Translation by M. Anis Motiwala)

As the US murder of unarmed and distressed Afghans continues and intensifies each day, the simultaneous murder of values and universally accepted fundamental human principles is taking place on such a wide scale that if the world leaders still choose not to remove the blindfold of American influence from their eyes the whole world will turn into a perpetual inferno of violence and chaos.

The fact is US has created such monstrous precedents in her war hysteria that if the present state of affairs were to prolong, there could only be rule of arms and violence on the surface of the earth and the notion of peace and stability will vanish from this world.

As a sequel to the tragic incident of September 11th the brand new set of principles in human, moral and international values that the rulers of the United States have given to the world need to be looked into. Let us take a look at some of them.

1. Guilt has to be proven before a punishment can be meted out to an accused i.e. innocent until proven guilty is such an established principle since antiquity that not one civilization in the world has ever differed with it. But in the case of Osama Bin Laden and Afghanistan the decision to take direct action against them was taken the very first day of the incident. The new principle now states that one with might and power can accuse any one it deems fit and can dispense punishment at will. The mighty neither needs to prove the guilt nor has to wait for the decision from any court of law for the one it has accused.

2. Until this day it was an accepted principle that the benefit of doubt always went to the accused. If the evidence that exists against the accused contains an element of ambiguity the accused could never be punished under such circumstances. Now the freshly introduced principle states that the benefit of doubt goes to the one who unilaterally decides to accuse another, implying that the accused can be declared a convict simply on the basis of doubt.

3. To this day the international law and norms dictated that if an accused happens to be in another country, he or she can be tried in a court in that country only, unless there is an explicit treaty for extradition between these countries in which case the accused may be handed over to the complaining country to be tried in a court of law. There exists no Extradition treaty or agreement between US and Afghanistan. The only civilized set of solutions presented under the circumstances was that either the accused be tried in a court in Afghanistan or the US enters into an extradition agreement and by virtue of that demand for the accused. Dismissing both of these options and demanding that "Our accused be handed over to us" resembles the practice of the mediaeval times of ignorance when warring tribes resorted to such demands.

Although Afghanistan was under no obligation to hand over Osama under the un-immutable law of human society, it still demonstrated a conciliatory offer to consider if Afghanistan was shown the proofs and evidence. But the US insisted that whatever evidence it has it will show it to its "friends" but will not produce before Afghanistan. In other words, the very country that is a party (in the demanded extradition) will not be shown the evidence. Later on the Taliban government even offered for dialogue to consider trial in a neutral third country but the US continued to insist that there could be no dialogue and Osama must be handed over to them.

The demand "Hand him over to us" is providing an analogy and an excuse to every bully on the earth. As a direct consequence Israel demanded from the Palestinian authorities that the suspects of their murdered person be handed over to them. Back home here even India is inching toward raising a similar demand to handover their "terrorists" over to them. If the trend progresses, then every country that has offered political asylum or political sanctuary to people will be subjected to the same principle by the more mighty that either "give us our accused or get ready for aerial bombardment".

4. Another established principle of civilized society has been that the punishment can only be given to the one who has committed the crime not to another person instead. The innovative new principle now allows that along with the criminal punish the whole country and its innocent civilians. In fact in the present American move the very person who is accused to have committed the crime and is sought to be punished is tucked in safety and instead thousands of those people are being maimed, made homeless and destitute who had probably never even heard the name of World Trade Center.

5. International norms dictate and US itself has on numerous occasions advised 

[CTRL] Anthrax Missing From Army Lab

2002-01-20 Thread William Shannon

Anthrax Missing From Army Lab
January 20, 2002
By JACK DOLAN And DAVE ALTIMARI, Courant Staff Writers

Lab specimens of anthrax spores, Ebola virus and other pathogens disappeared from the Army's biological warfare research facility in the early 1990s, during a turbulent period of labor complaints and recriminations among rival scientists there, documents from an internal Army inquiry show.

The 1992 inquiry also found evidence that someone was secretly entering a lab late at night to conduct unauthorized research, apparently involving anthrax. A numerical counter on a piece of lab equipment had been rolled back to hide work done by the mystery researcher, who left the misspelled label "antrax" in the machine's electronic memory, according to the documents obtained by The Courant.

Experts disagree on whether the lost specimens pose a danger. An Army spokesperson said they do not because they would have been effectively killed by chemicals in preparation for microscopic study. A prominent molecular biologist said, however, that resilient anthrax spores could possibly be retrieved from a treated specimen.

In addition, a scientist who once worked at the Army facility said that because of poor inventory controls, it is possible some of the specimens disappeared while still viable, before being treated.

Not in dispute is what the incidents say about disorganization and lack of security in some quarters of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases - known as USAMRIID - at Fort Detrick, Md., in the 1990s. Fort Detrick is believed to be the original source of the Ames strain of anthrax used in the mail attacks last fall, and investigators have questioned people there and at a handful of other government labs and contractors.

It is unclear whether Ames was among the strains of anthrax in the 27 sets of specimens reported missing at Fort Detrick after an inventory in 1992. The Army spokesperson, Caree Vander-Linden, said that at least some of the lost anthrax was not Ames. But a former lab technician who worked with some of the anthrax that was later reported missing said all he ever handled was the Ames strain.

Meanwhile, one of the 27 sets of specimens has been found and is still in the lab; an Army spokesperson said it may have been in use when the inventory was taken. The fate of the rest, some containing samples no larger than a pencil point, remains unclear. In addition to anthrax and Ebola, the specimens included hanta virus, simian AIDS virus and two that were labeled "unknown" - an Army euphemism for classified research whose subject was secret.

A former commander of the lab said in an interview he did not believe any of the missing specimens were ever found. Vander-Linden said last week that in addition to the one complete specimen set, some samples from several others were later located, but she could not provide a fuller accounting because of incomplete records regarding the disposal of specimens.

"In January of 2002, it's hard to say how many of those were missing in February of 1991," said Vander-Linden, adding that it's likely some were simply thrown out with the trash.

Discoveries of lost specimens and unauthorized research coincided with an Army inquiry into allegations of "improper conduct" at Fort Detrick's experimental pathology branch in 1992. The inquiry did not substantiate the specific charges of mismanagement by a handful of officers.

But a review of hundreds of pages of interview transcripts, signed statements and internal memos related to the inquiry portrays a climate charged with bitter personal rivalries over credit for research, as well as allegations of sexual and ethnic harassment. The recriminations and unhappiness ultimately became a factor in the departures of at least five frustrated Fort Detrick scientists.

In interviews with The Courant last month, two of the former scientists said that as recently as 1997, when they left, controls at Fort Detrick were so lax it wouldn't have been hard for someone with security clearance for its handful of labs to smuggle out biological specimens.

Lost Samples

The 27 specimens were reported missing in February 1992, after a new officer, Lt. Col. Michael Langford, took command of what was viewed by Fort Detrick brass as a dysfunctional pathology lab. Langford, who no longer works at Fort Detrick, said he ordered an inventory after he recognized there was "little or no organization" and "little or no accountability" in the lab.

"I knew we had to basically tighten up what I thought was a very lax and unorganized system," he said in an interview last week.

A factor in Langford's decision to order an inventory was his suspicion - never proven - that someone in the lab had been tampering with records of specimens to conceal unauthorized research. As he explained later to Army investigators, he asked a lab technician, 

[CTRL] The Power Elite: Enron and Frank Wisner

2002-01-20 Thread William Shannon

The Power Elite: Enron and Frank Wisner
Sun Jan 20 03:52:30 2002

The Power Elite: Enron and Frank Wisner

On 28 October 1997, Enron Corporation announced the entry of Frank G. Wisner
Jr. onto its board of directors. Most of the business press did not find this
untoward and it certainly did not emerge as part of the US discussions on
corruption at the highest level. Frank Wisner, as we know in India, was the
US Ambassador from 1994 until this year and his entry into Enron must be seen
in light of the scandal of Dabhol. Enron, like most US corporations, uses its
close association with the state (both its elected and bureaucratic arms)
for its own ends.

US campaigns are financed by corporations whose money not only enables
politicians to win elections, but it also buys businesses the state's power
both for domestic subsidies and for the use of US power in the international

Frank Wisner, Jr. was a big catch for Enron Corporation. His lineage is
impeccable, since his father, Frank Wisner Sr., was a senior CIA official
(from 1947 until his suicide in 1965) who was involved in the overthrow
of Arbenz of Guatemala (1954) and Mossadeq of Iran (1953). Wisner Junior
was well-known in the CIA and he worked as Under Secretary of Defense for
Policy and Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs;
his current boss, Kenneth Lay, Chief Executive Officer of Enron Corporation,
also worked for the Pentagon during the US war in Vietnam. With "economic
espionage" as a task for the CIA (see PD, 12 October 1997), there is little
doubt that Wisner used this instrument during his long-tenure as Ambassador
in Asian nations. A Wisner staffer told InterPress Services this year that
"ifanybody asked the CIA to help promote US business in India, it was
probably Frank".

When Wisner was US Ambassador to the Philippines (1991-92), Enron was in the
midst of negotiations to manage the two Subic Bay power plants. When Wisner
left Manila in July 1992, Enron won the deal and began to manage the plant
in January 1993. During Wisner tenure in India, he fought long and hard to
secure various deals for Enron. He went so far as to boycott the "India
Power '96 -- Beyond Dabhol" summit, despite being scheduled to give an
address (this was part of a US advisory to companies to avoid India for
six-months, a pressure tactic on India during the winter of 1995-96). Wisner
left India earlier this year only after it seemed like Enron's place was

Enron, like most monopoly corporations in the US, uses money as a means to
buy influence and power. To gain access to a lucrative contract to rebuild
the Shuaiba power plant in Kuwait, Enron hired former US Secretary of State
James Baker as a consultant who travelled to the oil kingdom to negotiate
with his Gulf War allies for his new employer. The sons of George Bush also
helped Enron win this contract despite a lower bid from Deutsche Babcock,
a German firm. The Bush brothers also helped Enron in their deal to win a
contract to build a pipeline from Chile to Argentina in 1988. Finally,
Wendy Gramm (wife of Senator Phil Gramm) joined Enron's Board of Directors
in 1993 after she resigned from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
This Commission, just days after Gramm's resignation, deregulated energy
futures, thereby allowing Enron to earn 10% of its profits by adventures
on the financial markets. Beside all this evidence, it appears hypocritical
for Rebecca Mark, Chairperson of Enron Development Corporation, to declare
that "Enron's reputation is being attacked, and we do not do business
under the table".

The story does not end there. In 1991-92, Enron donated $28,525 to the
Democratic Party and in 1993-94, it gave $42,000. These monies enabled
Enron to send its executives on international tours with the late
Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown in January 1995 (when Kenneth Lay came
to India) and in March-April 1994 (when Chief Executive Officer of Enron
International, Rodney Gray came to Russia). In the former, Enron was in
negotiation for the Dabhol plant among other things (such as the $1.1
billion offshore holdings) and in the latter, Enron was interested in
the marketing of Russian gas in Europe. President Clinton noted that
Brown's trips resulted in "expanded opportunities for American business
in [the USA] and abroad". The "pay to play" project of US "democracy"
is once again in evidence. The example of Enron and Wisner proves beyond
a reasonable doubt that the US state is not a neutral actor in world
affairs and that US transnational corporations are part and parcel of
the corruption within the US Empire. The hearings in Washington on
"campaign finance reform" do not bother with this level of corruption,
for most of those who are running the investigation are beholden to
business interests. Enron, for instance, will not be a part of the

[CTRL] MEHPA Turns Governers Into Dictators

2002-01-20 Thread William Shannon



HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson is urging State legislatures to adopt the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, prepared by the Center for Law and the Public's Health at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This Act grants unprecedented and unchecked powers to the Governors of the 50 States. It can be downloaded from www.publichealthlaw.net.

It is likely that HHS will tie passage of the Act to billions of dollars in federal funding: the usual method of bribery/coercion to get States to pass legislation that would otherwise never be considered.

Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation said: "Tommy Thompson, whom I have considered a friend for thirty years, should be ashamed of himself for advocating this kind of Big Brother legislation. This is not the Tommy Thompson we knew as a four-term governor of Wisconsin."

HHS is using the 9/11 emergency as a pretext to rush passage of an Act that has been in the works for more than a year. Its main author, Lawrence O. Gostin, was a member of Clinton's Task Force on Health Care Reform, whose secret documents were exposed to public view as a result of the AAPS lawsuit (AAPS et al v. Hillary Rodham Clinton et al.) He was a member of Working Group 17, Bioethics, of Cluster V, The Ethical Foundations of the New System, and also a member of the informal group promoting Single Payer. It is odd that Tommy Thompson should be urging adoption of a plan originating with the most extremist left wing of Clinton's Health Care Task Force.

This legislation is a serious threat to our civil liberties. Indeed, "this law treats American citizens as if they were the enemy," stated George Annas, chairman of the Health Law Department at the Boston University School of Public Health (San Francisco Chronicle, 11/25/01). It must be exposed to the light of day in the next month and a half.

"If protests are sufficient and if conservative legislators in state legislatures are properly alerted, perhaps there is a chance to beat back this monster," Weyrich said.

Major Provisons

Declaring an Emergency: Under this Act, any Governor could appoint himself dictator by declaring a "public health emergency." He doesn't even have to consult anyone. The Act requires that he "shall consult with the public health authority," but "nothing in the duty to consult ... shall be construed to limit the Governor's authority to act without such consultation when the situation calls for prompt and timely action." The legislature is prohibited from intervening for 60 days, after which it may terminate the state of emergency only by a two-thirds vote of both chambers. (Apparently, it does not have the authority to find that the state of emergency never really existed.) Article III, Section 305(c). There is also the possibility that the Governor could declare a new emergency as soon as his powers were about to expire.

What is a public health emergency? It is whatever the Governor decides it should be. By the definition in the Act, it could be an "occurrence"-or just an "imminent threat"-of basically any cause that involves a biological agent or biological toxin that poses a "substantial risk" of a "significant number" of human fatalities or disability. Article I, Section 104(g). Terrorism need not be involved; any threat of an epidemic would suffice.

The Act does not define "substantial risk." Could it mean a 1-in-1,000,000 chance? Risks of that magnitude are already being invoked as a cause for alarm, say of a measles outbreak with transmission through an unvaccinated child, and a pretext for removing exemptions to mandatory vaccines. The EPA also uses such low (and purely hypothetical) risk as the rationale for very costly regulations, so the precedent is well-established.

Is a "significant number" five (the number of deaths from anthrax as of the date of this writing); 24 (the number of deaths from chickenpox in 1998 and 1999 combined, 12 of them in persons under the age of 20, used as a reason for mandatory childhood vaccination); 100 cases of AIDS; or is it thousands of deaths from smallpox, as most readers may assume-or a single case? It could be any of these because the definition is at the sole discretion of the Governor. The most plausible of the dire threats generally cited is a smallpox outbreak. However, given the nature of the disease and advanced medicine and sanitation, such an outbreak could be contained without any of the extreme measures in this Act, just as in the 1970s. (See, for example, "Super Smallpox Saturdays?" by Michael Arnold Glueck, M.D., and Robert J. Cihak, M.D., http://WorldNetDaily.com, Nov. 15, 2001.) Because of the adverse side effects of the vaccine (including death), more harm than good could be done by an ill-advised, unnecessary mass vaccination 


2002-01-20 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

June I could go back over the past few years and point out numerous
instances of bad unwanted advice and bad information where you obviously
did a quick search and made such claims.

Saying, when I said John F. Kennedy was not CIA - you wrote back like
hell indicating he was CIA?

I produced a letter out of the Kennedy Library showing John F. Kenned
was NEVER in this CFR.

Even something so unimportant as Vaughn Monroe - saying he did not write
Racing with the Moon, which he did.   Again you challenged my words
without adequate research or any first hand information.

In other words, as I once told our City Attorney at a Public Meeting
whereby he challenged every legal argument I was making with regard to a
civic matter - Listen Mr.when I want your opinion I will ask
for it.for you see this idiot did not know he was not to speak
unless spoken to and he rendered opinions only upon request.   Besides
he was a lousy lawyer.

So Mike has given out some good stuff.   He is not paid to do so; he is
permitted to render an opinion and make an occasional error for
everything is conspiracy, or hearsay, and whatever

As for me, June - I have sat in rooms with a President, and met
personally two presidents, many Senators, dined with a real prince (as
did my sisters my one sister through her job with Commerce dined with
Prince Bernhard at a table with only 25 people or so present).in
other words, I had a brother in law with CIA/Joint Chief of Staff, Thor
Chief and he took us all around the block.

One cousin whom I have not seen for years, with CIA who went to
Georgetownand another 2nd cousin who was a neurosurgeon for the head
honcho Mayo of Mayo Clinic.

Many things of which I write, I have seen and witnessedothers things
of which I write is done by memory.

To tell the truth, June, nobody likes a Nit Picker - is that what they
call them June, you are the expert on nit picking.

You trying to run another innocent victim off the list?

Your habit of calling someone an idiot denotes jewish descent  this is
in the Talmud isn't it?

So go back to your nit picking June - and is that the correct term?


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Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-20 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

And June would know - her father and mother were dog catchers for the
local pound.

Daily executions - wonder what they did with the meat.

Have you ever been to the pound and seen some of these animals that are
to be executed?   But in June's case this one individual was so upset
for the pound over which her father was the Dog Catcher, which means
boss of and only over the dogs, the complaint was they made the fees so
high people could ot afford to take the dogs home.

In our Columbus area one time my very expensive greyhound dog got with
my cats.The dog catcher picked them up and when I got to the pound
they had executed the cats, for they were mogrels.and said they did
not have the dog.

I knew it was a god damned like and they had a fenced off area and I
said what is back there, and was told boarded out animals and I
thought at a county operation?

I jumped the fence and went through the area and there was my dog.

Later, I got that creep fired and there ws a very lovely investigation
into the dog pound.

So dogs - see how it is.Like people, nobody wants an animal without
a pedigree for it is of no value.

Now nobody would eat a dog of great alue so it looks like it will be the
mutts who will go first.

Nobody wants a draft horse anymore unless a few kind Amish still use
them for plowing a field..but they sure put a lot of money on the
nose of a thorough bred.

Okay to eat dogs?   Pigs will eat anything. Dogs won't.   And June,
maybe you like to eat rotting flesh, I never did - my you must be a very
interesting person.

Myself, have always eaten little meat but when I do, I go for the T

Oh by the way a delightful treat in China other than dog meat (and they
just pick them up off the street) they love monkey brainsnow June
could have her monkies and nit pick at the same time.

White Rose Society

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2002-01-20 Thread Mermaid

-Caveat Lector-

Merm says:
Osaba you are correct~ nit picking is a very good word to describeUh Nit
picking lol lol.
What is this about the talmud,Idiots and jewish descent?
The Merm x

Osaba said 
 So go back to your nit picking June - and is that the correct term?


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[CTRL] The prime-time smearing of Sami Al-Arian

2002-01-20 Thread William Shannon

The prime-time smearing of Sami Al-Arian

By pandering to anti-Arab hysteria, NBC, Fox News, Media General and Clear Channel radio disgraced themselves -- and ruined an innocent professor's life.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Eric Boehlert

Jan. 19, 2002 | It may not provide him much comfort, but tenured University of South Florida professor Sami Al-Arian, recently fired after his appearance on a conservative talk show revived discredited, years-old allegations of ties to anti-Israel terrorists, may be the first computer science professor ever mugged by four of the nation's most influential news organizations. 

USF administrators fired the Kuwaiti-born professor after he appeared on national television for five minutes of punditry last fall. His crime? Not telling viewers that his views did not necessarily reflect those of the school. It was a tortured rationale that all but guaranteed future litigation. 

As Salon recently reported, the Al-Arian episode raises disturbing questions about free speech, academic freedom and the future of tenured status. But what's also important to understand is the crucial role the press played in the unfolding saga. 

The University of South Florida is ultimately responsible for firing Al-Arian. But equally culpable are Fox News Channel, NBC, Media General (specifically its Tampa newspaper) and the giant radio conglomerate Clear Channel Communications. 

In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, all four media giants, eagerly tapping into the country's mood of vengeance and fear, latched onto the Al-Arian story, fudging the facts and ignoring the most rudimentary tenets of journalism in their haste to better tell a sinister story about lurking Middle Eastern dangers here at home. 

The story went national when Al-Arian was invited on the Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor" show back on Sept. 26. Host Bill O'Reilly revived inflammatory charges against Al-Arian dating back, in some cases, 15 years. Those charges were that a now-defunct Islamic think tank Al-Arian founded and ran in conjunction with USF operated as a sort of home away from home for radical Palestinians and terrorists. The charges had been thoroughly investigated and rejected by USF, and an immigration judge; the FBI has been looking for years and has never filed any charges. 

Not even his harshest critics suggest Al-Arian has done anything in the last five years that could be even remotely construed as aiding terrorist organizations. The entire controversy sprang from the fact that viewers became enraged after old allegations were re-aired, albeit often in mangled form, by O'Reilly. 

O'Reilly's accusatory and hectoring interrogation of Al-Arian, filled with false statements and McCarthy-like smears, climaxed in a chilling parting shot in which the host repeatedly told his stammering guest that if he were with the CIA, "I'd follow you wherever you went" -- clearly implying that he believed Al-Arian was a terrorist. Not surprisingly in the fearful and hysterical climate after Sept. 11, the show resulted in a torrent of angry calls, including death threats against al-Arian, to USF. 

Before firing him, USF placed Al-Arian on paid leave, saying his presence made the campus unsafe and pointing to an avalanche of hate mail and death threats. 

But the Gulf Coast hysteria was entirely created by the media. Without the Tampa Tribune, which undertook a dubious seven-year crusade against al-Arian, there would have been no story to begin with. Without "The O'Reilly Factor" -- a showcase for noisy right-wing ranting whose producers apparently didn't even know that Al-Arian had been cleared of charges before they handed him over to their equally ignorant hanging-judge host -- the controversy would never have been revived. Without incendiary, know-nothing Clear Channel radio jocks, led by a gentleman named Bubba the Love Sponge, there would almost certainly have been far fewer USF death threats. And without NBC's sloppy work on "Dateline" there would probably have been no firing. 

The Al-Arian story reveals what happens when journalists, abandoning their role as unbiased observers, lead an ignorant, alarmist crusade against suspicious foreigners who in a time of war don't have the power of the press or public sympathy to fight back. It's called a pile-on, and this game first began in Tampa, seven years ago.

On April 21, 1995, Tampa Tribune reporter Michael Fechter wrote a news story about the bombing at the Oklahoma City federal building, which had been destroyed two days earlier by domestic right-wing terrorists. Law enforcement officials had yet to make an arrest, but Fechter had his own ideas. "More and more," he wrote, "terrorism experts in the United States and elsewhere say Wednesday's bombing in Oklahoma City bears the characteristics of other deadly attacks linked to Islamic militants." 

Fechter seemed to be an odd choice to write the 


2002-01-20 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Bard this is something more than they ever had.   You saw the
Walker kid, black, lice infesed, filthy - ragged clothing, and the
weather getting colder and colder.

These people were taken to a warm climate and after living in caves with
goats and bats and moles and sheep and camels - you can imagine how they
must have smelled.

They now have decent food, water, and housing which is more than most
have ever had with exception of Lawrence of Arabia Walker - or Orde
Wingate of the Taliban...

Now I say this though this one guy looks like Errol Flynn and this is
the first time I have seen such a man with such a facial structure
classified as an arab

That guy was HANDSOMEand clean.  Osama bin Laden was so CLEAN do you
think he really lived in a cave?

Anyway look to New York City the day the Twin Towers blew, there were
people lying in the streets in garbage bags (those big leaf bags for
housing) and there were all those homeless they said in the tunnels
underneath.Wonder if they ever found any of them  for if they had
family they too, were entitled to something.

Hard to bribe people who have nothing; hard to frighten people who have
nothing for which to live; hard to please people who have every reason
for which to die - to become a martyer.

Other than that, those people belong in Aghanistan - these detainees
for I do believe we are without jurisdiction to just load up a lot of
citizens operating from around the world and cross oh so many borders
without proper papers?

Then remember all those lovely criminal Cubans Fidel sent to us - he is
probably still laughing at that one, for some are sitll in prison here.

Last time I saw them was maybe 10 years ago and this one guy had a big
hand drawn sign showing the Masonic G   - you know two V's make an A in
Masonry if you want to deliver a message.


So Don Quioxte released the prisoners - I have the series engraved for
the original book engraved by Hogarth, but they chose the other
artist.so loose the prisoners, and only George Patton was permitted
to tilt the windmills.

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Re: [CTRL] Jewish Success, 1/3

2002-01-20 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So Citizen Wayne of POC - this is the Jewish Mafia taking over, the
criminal element.   They have not paid taxes for fifty years on their
drugs, murders, this gun for hire stuff, demolitions, pornography and
then they funnel their money through tax free foundations.

Larry Silverstein with his Bronfman connections - that guy if he has his
way will get 7 billion dollars TAX FREE insurance.

Lex Wexner came to our town and for 15 years paid no tax - had
abatement.   Now the abatement period is over he starts to fire people
and many are upset because they had been PROMISED nothing like this
would happn so maybe lawsuits.

Consider JFK - when Fidel Castro kicked Lansky and the mob out of Cuba
they lost bllions of dollars, all tax free.

Larry Silversein wanted Free Trade Zone in Israel and left in angner for
they said it sounded like a money laundering deal.he also wanted tax

Now the crooked dirty money is laundered into such places as ADL, and
these foundations and often though these bums are very generous unto the
political partiesas this one guy once told me, the only difference
between a Democrat and a Republican, the Republic costs more.

This is the bunch that murdered JFK, RFK, shot Wallace and
Reagantoss in a lot of other items but now just imagine why honest
businessmen have been virtually FORCED to move overseas.

So the Mafia has a lot of moneynow I noe Jacobsens going
bankrupt.hey they rented their space in this shopping center how do
you go that bankrupt?

Now an honest man goes bankrupt he loses his house and car, right?   A
Jacobson goes bankrup - hey they rent everything.

John Gotti is in prison - I wish they would let him out and let the
Italians back into the picture.

Dave Thomas the Wendy Hamberger King lived in Columbus, but hey he died
in Florida because like many rich Columbusites, they go to Florida and
escape all these estate taxes.

Bush is right to want to cut taxes for the rich..the old rich got
their revenge and took good jobs out of the country because they were
getting what my mother hused to call tax poor - she had a few rental
properties and would never raise the rent on people she knewended up
sellling because she could not raise the rent.
Smart people gouge I guess.

So if Organized Crime paid their taxes and they nailed them, say like
this corrupt Marc Rich - we could pay off our naitonal debt and have
money to spare.

Look to Twin Towers and see evil Janus - two facesSilverstein,
Giuliani - a Company of Undertakers and do you know how much those guys
want these days?

I don't even want to be cremated yet someone put out big bucks no doubt
for these little urns and filled it with dust and garbage from the Twin
Towers - anything for the buck, but the recipients got a reael
multicultural urn full of ashes from nearly every country in the world.

Meyer Lansky order the hit of JFK and RFK and what did the Senate do?
Why they let his son go to West Point.

So much for tax free foundations which make excellent organization for
laundering dirty money.

Meanwhile people in New York city many still living in garbage bags
within  the view of the spiritual apparition of the Twin Towers for some
say they can see them yet.

Anyway the rush to get people to sign those waivers not to sue before
they receive this money from the feds - is suspect.

Who they going to sue - Ghostbusters?   For I understand not only in New
York City Hall but in Twin Towers there were a lot of ghost employees
they will never find.


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[CTRL] Morphing Osama bin Laden

2002-01-20 Thread Archibald Bard

Morphing Osama bin Laden
Haven't you been wanting to mess with this man for a while? 
Well, here's your chance. Click and drag a portion of Osama's 
face to stretch it out (it might take 15-20 seconds for the morphing to kick in, 
so be patient - it's worth it). An example is at 


Morphing Osama.url
Description: Binary data

[CTRL] Homeland Security-The Police State

2002-01-20 Thread THe eXTReMiST

-Caveat Lector-

Homeland Security Agency
- The Police State

September 28, 2001

Posted by Michael Bunker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth 
set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his 
anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from 
us. - Psalm 2:1-3

September 28, 2001 -- In 1998, I began laying out how state-sponsored terrorist 
activity was being used to bring about a Police State in this country. In 1999, I said 
that a major terrorist attack, blamed on Osama Bin Ladin, would be used to bring in 
this Police State. Let me make one more prediction that might shock a few people. The 
announcement by the White House that the executive branch will NOT call for a National 
ID Card, GUARANTEES one thing, and you can take this to the bank:


Another devastating terrorist attack on U.S. soil will galvanize support for the 
National Identification Card that does not exist today. Support for a National ID 
Card, with a unique biometric identifier grew after the attack on the Murrah 
Building in Oklahoma City. The idea suffered a major defeat in Congress in October of 
2000, but rebounded immediately after the attack on the U.S.S. Cole that same month. 
Support skyrocketed again after the September 11th attacks, but the Bush people can 
easily see that a consensus doesn't yet exist. So they announced yesterday that they 
would not seek a National ID Card for all Americans.


Wait a little while. Too much money has been invested in the National ID. The General 
Services Administration (GSA) has been operating their cashless society Common ID 
pilot program for some time. We showed you the GSA ID card in our third technology 
video. Do a cursory check of their website: http://www.smartcard.gov, and you will see 
what I mean. Watch my third video and you will also see how the GSA, the National 
Institute of Standards (NIST), Visionics (home of FACIAL RECOGNITION), and our own 
Bush appointed Transportation Secretary (Norman Mineta) have been pushing for this 
surveillance and tracking technology since long before Bush came into office.

What we are seeing is NOT the massive onslaught of Martial Law that many people have 
been predicting over the years. We are watching the slow phase-in of emergency 
powers, and Homeland Security is the reason for the season.

Welcome to the tyranny of Homeland Security

The only debate taking place in Washington D.C., is exactly HOW MUCH authority, this 
new omnipresent police agency will have. The president is creating this new 
cabinet-level agency by executive fiat, while the Congress is rushing to provide 
Legislative cover for the plan, by offering to extend even more authority to the 
president to enact Homeland Defense. Congress is afraid that Bush appointee Tom Ridge 
will not have enough authority, so they are moving to write legislation that will 
create a security super-agency to coordinate the activities of more than 40 federal 
agencies and departments, including the CIA and the FBI, and the ATF. George W. Bush 
is not waiting for any congressional authority. Spokesman, Scott McClellan said, The 
president is moving forward to create the Office of Homeland Security by presidential 

One citizen watchdog group, Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States (CCOPS) had 
this to say about this new super-agency:

The new Homeland Defense Agency is the lynchpin of a plan that extensively 
reorganizes both the executive and legislative functions of the U.S. government. Among 
other things, the plan makes the National Guard a national police force. It 
extensively federalizes both the study and the work of science, mathematics, and 
engineering. It creates numerous new sub-bureaucracies. The Homeland Security agency 
itself is to be built upon the Federal Emergency Management Agency, with the three 
organizations currently on the front line of border security-the Coast Guard, the 
Customs Service, and the Border Patrol- transferred to it. The plan calls for the new 
agency to oversee activities of the Department of Defense, as well as to assume a 
variety of duties now held by agencies from the Department of Commerce to the FBI. 
When the plan was announced in January of this year, the media barely covered it, and 
shortly thereafter, the plan itself, and the government Web site created expressly for
 it, dropped out of sight. We found the full text of the report at only one location: 

Today we can see the effects of what I can only call - Undeclared Martial Law. State 
governors around the country are racing (at Bush's command) to call up National 
Guardsmen to patrol the nations 420 largest airports. It has been reported that 
National Guardsmen will also patrol near Nuclear Reactors, Power Plants and 

[CTRL] Kings and Priests, or Cowards and Pimps?

2002-01-20 Thread THe eXTReMiST

-Caveat Lector-

Kings and Priests, or Cowards and Pimps?

June 7, 2001
By Michael Bunker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In this one verse, found in the 1st chapter of the book of The Revelation, we find the 
seeds of two major world events: The Reformation, and The American Revolution. In this 
one verse is the truth behind what God made of His people, and what He expected of 
them until His return. Jesus Christ – Prince of the kings of the earth, King of Kings, 
hath made us a nation of Kings and Priests, and the institutional harlot church system 
has sold both of these birthrights for less than some pottage. In fact – as the burden 
of tyranny is lofted onto the backs of the ones for which Christ died – it is the 
institutional church in America that is the major proponent and advocate of Christian 
pacifism in the face of such tyranny. What are we to say of these evil servants, who 
smite the Lord’s children and consume his increase in his absence? What will the 
goodman of the house say to these evil servants when he returns for his own?

For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave 
authority to his servants

You see that the authority was given unto the servants of God, not to some institution 
or corrupt government. Here is how it was to work:

KINGS – We are a nation of Kings, not subservient or in bondage to a human king, but 
willfully the servant of our Lord, the King of Kings (get it?). As a community, or a 
council of Kings, we may get together and appoint a SERVANT under us, to perform the 
duties of government – so that our lives can be fruitful, and we can live at peace 
with all men. That servant derives his just powers by the consent of the governed, 
which never relinquish the powers of the King – they merely assign duties to 
government so that life will move along more smoothly.

This is the idea behind the American Revolution. We, as a nation of Kings, give power 
unto our servants to do justice and judgement in our stead. We may remove that 
servant, by force of arms, whenever that servant becomes destructive of these ends. 
Yet somehow we have allowed white-collared tyrants in the pulpits of America today to 
convince us that we are the servants of government. That we are to be passive and let 
the government take what it will take – regardless of our call as godly freemen.

PRIESTS – We are a nation of Priests. In each of us resides all the authority of the 
Priest. We are each (as Christian freemen) endowed by our Creator with the spiritual 
authority to perform the sacraments of our faith. We can marry. We can baptize. We can 
purify, and we can preach and teach. As a community or council of Priests, we can 
gather together and choose a righteous servant UNDER US, who we may anoint to carry 
out these sacraments. This person is a servant to the Priests of God. We may call him 
Pastor or Bishop, Elder or Deacon – but he is a servant. He is never to Lord it over 
the brethren, because, after all, we ARE all brethren. Yet, look at what we have made 
of this heritage. We have submitted ourselves to pulpit tyrants and purple-robed 
pretenders – paid hirelings and pacifism pimps. We allow the state-sponsored 501c-3 
corporate institutional church to hold the reigns of power and abuse and smite the 
brethren. The church demands to see our credentials when we ser
ve our God without their covering or authority. Why is this so?

Why have we so easily cast aside our godly heritage? Why have we bowed our knee to the 
Last Days Beast control system? Do the words COME OUT OF HER mean anything to you?

Far from being a nation of Kings and Priests, we have become a nation of Pimps and 
Cowards. We are so afraid of breaking tradition that we are not willing to stand for 
righteousness in the public square, OR from the pulpits of America.

As false revival and manipulative manifestations fixate the harlot church on lying 
signs and wonders, we can only pray that one or two spiritual freemen come out from 
among her to freedom. As the slow-bellies and lazy gluttons stand in line for their 
five-fold anointing or their gold dust – those of us with eyes to see and ears to 
hear are running from that whore as fast as our legs will carry us. The harlot church 
has a private, personal prophecy for you, and it usually entails you being strapped 
to their plow for an eternity.

Come out from among them you freemen and be ye separate. God has given you authority 
to do judgement and justice. If you don’t know what that means – then bow your knee to 
the throne of our Lord Jesus Christ and inquire of Him what that means. Stop bowing 
the knee to Caesar or the paid hirelings down at the corner church. You'll find no 
wisdom there. If the harlot church or the tyrant government had any answers - this 
country wouldn't be sliding into the pit.

How is that workin' out for ya?

This nation has become a nation of Cowards and Pimps. But authority was given unto the 
servants of the 

[CTRL] article on ritual violence, mcmartin tunnels, bushgate - enron and india

2002-01-20 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

By 1997 Enron had been listed by the New York-based Human Rights Watch
organization as guilty of being 'complicit in human rights violations' in the
state of Maharashtra

On Friday, the White House defended US encouragement for the Enron project in
India, and vice-president Dick Cheney's support for Enron's attempts to
collect a $64m debt from the country. It insisted that this had nothing to do
with Enron contributions to the Bush campaign.

These may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

Quote from : A Criminologist's Quest for Peace - Hal Pepinsky - Chapter 5
Transcending Literatyranny - ...But what affected me and in turn other
seminar members most profoundly was to begin to meet people who told us about
personal experience with ritual violence.
My first personal introduction was secondhand--by Rick Doninger, who with his
wife Pam had helped a number of children and adults who as children had been
victimized in group rituals, in this case satanic rituals, often in families
of high standing, or in the first instance out of a number of schools.  He
brings some thirty water color, ink and pencil drawings to class, taped to
several large poster boards.  He and Pam, like other seminar guests, had gone
to Huntsville, Alabama, for training in non-leading interviewing techniques
at the National Child Advocacy Center.  Typically, he tells me, the pictures
were drawn while he chatted with children at his kitchen table.  He would
simply invite children to use the materials and draw anything they wanted
about what had happened to them while he talked with them.  He tells me that
it was almost as though the children were doodling as they talked about other
stuff.  Then they described what they had drawn to him.  Copies of the
pictures and summaries of the children's descriptions of them appear in
Carrico et al. (1994: 64-108).  In similarity of detail many corroborate one
another from across the country.  A pair of siblings independently draw
consistent pictures of a ritual, remarkably parallel in detail albeit
different in artistic technique.
I have heard descriptions like Rick and Pam's of what children say, and seen
video excerpts of children describing rituals they had been raped and
tortured in, but my the firsthand experience seminar members and I share is
of adult survivors.  The second semester I taught the seminar Rick brought a
survivor who by first name only was appearing in public for the first time.
Shortly thereafter, Debbie and Mary put me in touch with Jeanette
Westbrook..., a social worker in Louisville, who has visited the seminar
every semester since, and who like Rick also now visits a large class I teach
on alternative social control systems.  Jeanette had enough police and
legal support that the Kentucky Attorney General charged her father with
raping her several times.  As they sought to have him extradited from his new
home in Ohio, he returned from a trip where he met Eastern European heads of
state and members of parliament on nuclear safety planning, and in his early
sixties died suddenly in bed at home and was buried without an autopsy.
A friend observed awhile back that I so brazenly believe that Jeanette's
memories of ritual violence are true, and representative of widespread
violence including serial murder and cannibalism, because I have met
survivors like Jeanette (many by now) and heard them speak for themselves.
Their voices are just beginning to be aired in media in ways that may become

E. Gary Stickel, Ph.D. - Archaeological Investigations of the McMartin
Preschool site, Manhattan Beach, California - Executive Summary The
project unearthed not one but two tunnel complexes as well as previously
unrecognized structural features which defied logical explanation. Both
tunnel complexes conformed to locations and functional descriptions
established by children's reports. One had been described as providing
undetected access to an adjacent building on the east. The other provided
outside access under the west wall of the building and contained within it an
enlarged, cavernous artifact corresponding to children's descriptions of a
secret roomThe McMartin preschool in Manhattan Beach, California was
the first of what has since been described as a national epidemic of
multi-victim, multi-perpetrator accusations of sexual and sadistic abuse
which erupted in the mid 1980's.The results of the survey by Ground
penetrating Radar proved consistent with discoveries of the subsequent
excavations, all of which confirmed not only the basic descriptions of
children but also specific details of location, interior features and
putative function. http://www.tesserae.org/tess/prose/tunnels2.html More
information on McMartin is available at
http://members.aol.com/smartnews/Sample-Issue-37.htm or SMART Issue #37


Published on Sunday, January 20, 2002 in 

Re: [CTRL] Yes, the Press Is Biased, But It¹s Also Really Bad

2002-01-20 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

I love the myth of liberal media.

media now serves the corporate interests. which has been the province of the
right since 1980 at the very least.

quick media bias quiz:

given iran-contra, and Monica lewinsky - which president did the media
skewer and which did it treat with kid gloves?

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant
facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies and competitive values. For
a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and
falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its
  President John F. Kennedy

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 18:58:43 EST
 Subject: [CTRL] Yes, the Press Is Biased, But It¹s Also Really Bad

 -Caveat Lector-


 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Yes, the Press Is Biased, But It¹s Also Really Bad
 by Nicholas von Hoffman

 I gather that CBS management still hasn¹t decided how Bernard Goldberg went
 bad, or if he  was a mole planted among its correspondents, or what the hell
 happened to Bernie, who for years and years was one of its dray-horse TV
 correspondents, grinding out the pap with the rest and the best. From the CBS
 point of view, all of a sudden Bernie went screwy, hitched up with the
 homophobes and other rightie-tighties.

 What happened was that out of the blue, dependable, team-playing Bernie
 published an op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal, the thrust of which was
 that the TV networks and the likes of The New York Times are tilted leftward
 and suffused with a liberal bias. To Dan Rather at CBS and, apparently, to
 the liberal panjandrums at the other networks, Bernie had pulled a 9/11 on
 them, a sneak attack, a stab in the back.

 Bernie says he¹d been begging his colleagues and bosses for years to face up
 to the fact that, politically speaking, they were operating an electronic,
 left-leaning Tower of Pisa. It was, Bernie avers, only after years of having
 people look at him and say, What, me lefty? that Bernie went public.

 To the readers of The Wall Street Journal, it could not have come as new news
 that the three old-line networks were stocked with fuzzy-headed liberals.
 Nonetheless, from the time (February 1996) of the Journal article forward,
 Bernie began switching careers from TV reporter to controversialist,
 culminating in his book, Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort
 the News. Incidentally, there is another well-recommended book out on this
 topic: Coloring the News, by William McGowan. The McGowan book, a more
 in-depth and sober look at bias, contains some doozies of examples of stories
 so disturbing to the liberal gestalt that The Times solved the problem by
 simply not covering them, and, indeed, when it comes to bias, the most
 underhanded form is silence.

 The fact of liberal media bias drives a few people, of whom Bernie is
 evidently one, absolutely up the wall and down the other side, but I think
 for many others it is just something you live with. If you¹re smart, you know
 it¹s there and you view or read accordingly. Bernie, Bernie, Bernie, you are
 not exposing liberal bias to the light of day for the first time. Indeed,
 television itself acknowledges it and uses it to provide viewers with some
 marvelous entertainment. If you haven¹t seen any of the episodes in the cable
 series Beggars and Choosers, you¹ll do yourself a favor by dialing on this
 funny, funny comedy built around life in the West Coast headquarters of a
 major television network. You will see the caving in to screech-owl feminism,
 the ass-kissing of ethnic-minority-rights racketeers (which leads them to
 create a new show called, I think, The Woos of Weehawken), the kowtowing to
 preposterous claims of political homosexuality, the whole nine yards of
 craven, cotton-headed, automatic reflex liberalism. The show was conceived by
 the late Brandon Tartikoff, a television executive who stood out from his
 peers not only by virtue of his talents but by virtue of his virtue.

 If Bernie were to prevail and the liberal bias were to be expunged from
 network news, we would not be measurably better off, because biased news is
 probably better than no news and no news is most of what those programs serve
 up. Even the right-wing Fox News Channel operation is irritatingly short on
 information, biased or otherwise. Like millions of others, I stopped watching
 the major broadcast networks¹ news years ago. Having a dish, I am lucky
 enough to get the BBC in America and Canadian news channels, where they keep
 the lifestyle blather, the inane human-interest stories and the celebrity
 interviews second to imparting information.

 The billionaires who own and run the TV networks aren¹t 

Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-20 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

RevCOAL wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 My appologies for forwarding this disgusting crap. I did not read it
 and assumed it was against eating meat, especially dogs. Sorry!


 Lord knows that I'd never eat dog meat, but I recognize that it is a purely
 subjective judgement to deem eating dogs, cats, or horses as 'bad', but
 that it's perfectly okay to eat pigs, cattle, deer, buffalo, etc.  It's all
 rotting mammal flesh...

 Why is it okay to eat chicken, turkey, duck, pigeons or pheasant, but not
 to eat parrots or canaries?

 If one objects to eating all kinds of meat, fine; but it's hypocritical to
 say it's bad to eat 'companion' animals, e.g. those we've decided to make
 pets out of, but okay to eat other types of animals.  They all have

I agree with you, June, about the hypocrisy of eating only certain
types of animals.  Makes as much sense as eating only certain types of
plants.  Imagine missing the invention of Bolognese sauce due to the
old prejudice against tomatoes!  Aren't societal prejudices amusing?

Mark McHugh

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Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-20 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Does Bush Have A Thyroid Condition?

2002-01-20 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

Among the symptoms of thyroid problems, which can be handed on in 
families, are difficulties in swallowing and a slow heart rate. President 
George W Bush has now been shown to have both of these and it's my 
non-medic's hunch that he will eventually prove to have a hyperactive thyroid. 
It's too bad the writer didn't do his homework first; difficulty swallowing and a slow heart rate are signs of a HYPOactive thyroid gland, not HYPERactivity...

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2002-01-20 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

The error I made here was that I said John F. Kennedy was NEVER in the
CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) - whereas June wrote back like hell
that he was in this order.

Accept my apologies - I said CIA not CFR.

However it is obvious that as Commander in Chief JFK was over the CIA as
far as policy is concerned.

Further Bunny Mellon was Mrs. Kennedy's CIA agent who trailed her about
for all the Mellons as are all the Rockefellers and Morgans, they all
are CIA.

Mrs. Kennedy was no doubt used back in Viet Nam War as a spy to go to
Cambodia and wherever she went the press would go - resulting in the
Prince of Cambodia calling her a courtesan for he knew he had been

Have the letter from Pierre Salinger where in the 60 period before JFK
was murdered, he most emphatically announced JFK was not and never had
been a member of the CFR - this story was being spread by the Jewish
John Birch Society who operaed in disguise at the time, much like the
KGB and this is why they hated Kennedy so, because they had their own

Attorney General Office in 1970 advised me John Birch Society was Mafia
Confraternity   Only know they hated Kennedy with a passion and note, it
was the Jewish Mafia thrown out of Cuba where Lansky lost
billions...so figure out where this organized crime money goes?

they have already bought up the Democrat Party but suddenly now the
Hispanic vote will command more weight than the NAACPblacks are


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Yasser Arafat reportedly weighing resignation or flight

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Yasser Arafat reportedly weighing resignation or flight
By Yoni Tamler   January 20, 2002

01/20 Report: Arafat considering resignation
Jerusalem Post

 Palestinian National Authority
  Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat is considering announcing his
resignation, a senior Palestinian source told ynet. The website reports that
Arafat may have already prepared and recorded a speech telling the
Palestinians that he is resigning in light of the diplomatic impasse between
the PA and Israel.

The source also said that Arafat's own estimation of his health is the worst
it has ever been. In the past few days, Arafat has been saying more than
ever that he is close to heaven, and that he'll end his life as a martyr,
the source said.

According to the source, the resignation is being given

Arafat has been saying . . . that he'll end his life as a martyr
- Palestinian source

serious consideration because of the Palestinians' sense that the world is
ignoring Israel's alleged escalation, in particular the tightened closure on
Palestinian territories and on Arafat himself. Following Thursday's terror
attack in Hadera, senior PA officials attempted to contact the heads of the
U.S., the European Union, Egypt, and Jordan, but all refused to speak to
them, the source said.

Chances of Arafat announcing his decision will increase if the international
community remains indifferent, the source said. A serious escalation in the
territories is expected to create an unprecedented situation in the region,
he added.

Israel keeping the pressure on
Israel's intense pressure aimed directly at Arafat appears to be taking its
toll on the Palestinian leader as well. For nearly a month, Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon has prohibited Arafat from leaving Ramallah until he arrests
those responsible for the assassination of Israeli Tourism Minister Rechavam

It's better that [Arafat] stays there, imprisoned, and not caused damage
outside, Sharon told his cabinet last week. He opens a window in Ramallah,
sees the tanks, knows there's nowhere to go. He's dying to go, dying to fly,
he'll become sick of sitting there in his cell. Sharon rejected proposals to
expel Arafat from the territories, which were supported by members of the
Likud Party, including Finance Minister Silvan Shalom.

Arafat is under pressure, but it's not affecting him nor changing his
strategy, Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer told Maariv on Friday,
following the terror attack in Hadera.

What's needed is to keep the pressure on him, especially external pressure.
We're all sick of him already. It's important that there be more and more
American pressure. I know that the Americans, with every regard to Arafat,
are also already sick of this story.

Israeli Channel Two television's Arab affairs commentator Ehud Ya'ari
reported Friday night that the United States was on the verge of cutting its
connections with Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority. U .S. Assistant
Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs William Burns was due to meet
with Arafat on Thursday and warn him that his relations with the United
States were at risk if he didn't arrest terrorists and sever his ties with
Iran and the Hizbullah, Israel Radio reported. Burns's visit was canceled but
no official reason was given for the change in plans.

Senior Israeli intelligence officials recently received indications that
Arafat is trying to find a way to escape from Ramallah and go abroad to
become a national hero and not be held accountable for terror attacks in
Israel, Maariv reported.

Arafat reportedly believes that international pressure will help him return
to the territories as a hero. Even in the meantime, he may think abroad he
can exploit his widespread, influential contacts and continue to lead the
Palestinians from a safe distance.

Palestinians say Arafat resignation will be worse for Israel
If Arafat decides to give the [resignation] speech, he will instruct the
Palestinians to intensify the struggle, to escalate the Intifada and its
fight against Israel, a Palestinian source told ynet. He'll call on the
Palestinians to continue the struggle and not surrender our diplomatic
principles: establishment of a Palestinian state according to the 1967
borders with east Jerusalem as its capital, and a solution to the problem of
right of return for Palestinian refugees.

The source added that Israel should be aware that Arafat's replacement would
not be to its benefit, as only Arafat can sign an agreement with Israel that
will satisfy its needs. The Palestinians also pointed out that if Israel is
the catalyst for Arafat's replacement - either through an attack on him or
his arrest - [Israel] should know that the Palestinian forces have already
been given the instruction to enter into a full-scale conflict with 

[CTRL] Congressman cancels tax forum

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Congressman cancels tax forum
Bartlett 'dismayed' by 'Operation Wait to File until the Trial'



© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

What was long anticipated as an epic confrontation between the federal
government and the tax honesty movement has gone up in smoke, with the
cancellation of the planned Feb. 27 and 28 tax policy forum in Washington by
the congressman that had been the aggrieved petitioners' greatest official

I am quite dismayed by Operation Wait to File until the Trial, said Rep.
Roscoe G. Bartlett, R-Md., in a press release. Bartlett communicated his
decision in a letter to Robert L. Schulz, chairman of the board of We The
People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc., who had requested the

In his letter to Schulz, Bartlett wrote: The information that you are
currently disseminating concerning the February 27  28 forum is misleading.
I will not be a party to advocating the non-payment of federal income taxes.

We The People, an organization that disputes, on various grounds, the
legality of the federal income tax, has been urging Americans to hold off
filing their 2001 income tax returns until after the planned hearings in
Washington, D.C., next month.

The very legality of the U.S. income tax system goes on trial Feb. 27 at a
congressionally sponsored public hearing on Capitol Hill, said a statement
on We The People's website.

Bartlett, who was the congressional sponsor of the hearing, explained that
Schulz's rhetoric has made it impossible for the forum to take place because
the Internal Revenue Service and Department of Justice will not participate.

The Maryland Republican remains committed to ensuring the right of Bob
Schulz and other citizens to exercise their constitutional rights under the
First Amendment to get answers to their questions about federal tax policy
from the government, according to his press statement. As an alternative to
the much-ballyhooed February confrontation, he offered to forward Schulz's
questions to both the Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service, and to
post their answers on his congressional website.

Here is the text of Bartlett's letter:

Dear Bob:
I am quite dismayed by the tone of your rhetoric on your web page – Wait to
File Until the Trial.

When I first met you in July of 2001, you seemed to want answers to questions
regarding the legitimacy of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. As a
congressman who believes and follows the Constitution, you found a willing
ear. In the numerous meetings that followed, I never advocated the
non-payment of income taxes. You were quick to agree and assured me that you
never took this position as well.

The information that you are currently disseminating concerning the February
27  28 forum is misleading. While I remain committed to making every effort
so that you can exercise your constitutional right to get answers to your
questions, your rhetoric has made it impossible for the forum to take place
because the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Justice
(DOJ) will not participate.

This is the alternative. I do not believe that IRS and DOJ will refuse to
answer my questions. Please send the questions that you and your team
developed to my Washington, D.C., office. I will refer them to the
appropriate individuals at the IRS and the DOJ to respond. Since I know that
there are thousands of people across this nation who want answers to similar
questions, I will post both the questions and answers on my congressional web

In any future statements regarding my support, please be sure that it is
clear that I am supporting your constitutional rights and not that I am
advocating not filing and not paying taxes.


Member of Congress

The tax group had expected, at the forum, to prove conclusively that the IRS
does not have the legal authority to force employers to withhold taxes from
the paychecks of their employees, or to force most Americans to file a return
or pay the income tax.

If the research is confirmed publicly, most Americans may be entitled to a
refund of 100 percent of the income tax paid or withheld in 2001, the
statement continued.

The IRS and Department of Justice will officially and publicly answer
detailed legal allegations directly challenging the jurisdiction of the IRS
and the unlawful enforcement and administration of U.S. income tax laws,
Schulz had said.

The two-day hearing had originally been scheduled for Sept. 24-25, but was
postponed until next month in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

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[CTRL] Two Marines Killed, Five Injured in Afghanistan Helicopter Crash

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Two Marines Killed, Five Injured in Afghanistan Helicopter Crash

A CH-53E Super Stallion similar to the one that crashed in Afghanistan.
Sunday, January 20, 2002

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan  — An American military helicopter went down
Sunday in Afghanistan's rocky mountains after experiencing a mechanical
malfunction, leaving two Marines dead and five others moderately injured.

The CH-53E Super Stallion had just departed from a former Soviet base near
Kabul on a resupply mission when it crash-landed about 40 miles south of
Bagram air base, according to military officials. A second chopper
accompanied the doomed aircraft on the mission.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said he believed a mechanical failure
downed the aircraft.

It appears to be, at the moment, a mechanical problem with the helicopter,
Rumsfeld said on NBC's Meet the Press. Your heart just breaks every time
something like this happens.

Marine spokesman 1st Lt. James Jarvis also said there was no initial
indication of hostile fire.

In Washington, the Pentagon identified the dead as Staff Sgt. Walter F. Cohee
III, 26, from Wicomico, Md., a communications navigations systems technician,
and Sgt. Dwight J. Morgan, 24, from Mendocino, Calif., a helicopter mechanic.

It was the third fatal accident involving a military helicopter since the war
in Afghanistan began Oct. 7.

The survivors were flown from the crash site to Bagram and on to another,
undisclosed site in Afghanistan for treatment, said Capt. Tom Bryant, a U.S.
Army spokesman at Bagram. The Pentagon said their injuries were not

The injured were: Cpl. David. J. Lynne, 23, from Mecklenburg, N.C.; Cpl. Ivan
A. Montanez, 22, from Hayes, Texas; Cpl. Stephen A. Sullivan, 24, from
Pickens, S.C.; Capt. William J. Cody, 30, from Middlesex, N.J., and Capt.
Douglas V. Glasgow, 33, from Wayne, Ohio.

The men were assigned to Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 361, which is part
of the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing based in Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar,

The site was quickly secured, Bryant said. We quickly got medical
personnel and others on the ground, got them evacuated back here. We have a
robust medical treatment capability here.

Bryant would not say which U.S. forces were being resupplied. Small units of
special forces have been scouring the country for leaders of Usama bin
Laden's Al Qaeda terror network — blamed for the Sept. 11 attacks in New York
and Washington — and the deposed Taliban regime that supported them.

The crash occurred at about 8 a.m. local time at an altitude of between 7,000
and 9,000 feet. Rescuers were able to land next to the site, speeding up the
evacuation of the injured, Jarvis said.

Our hearts and prayers go out to the families, he said.

The worst single casualty toll for U.S. forces in the Afghanistan campaign
came Jan. 9, when all seven Marines aboard a refueling tanker were killed in
a fiery crash near Shamsi air base in remote southwestern Pakistan.

The cause of that crash remains under investigation, though Marines said
there was no sign of hostile ground fire.

The only other fatal crash of a U.S. military aircraft during the war
occurred Oct. 19, when an Army Black Hawk helicopter crashed in Pakistan,
killing two Army Rangers.

An American soldier was killed in an ambush in eastern Afghanistan earlier
this month, and a Central Intelligence Agency operative died during an
uprising by Al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners in the northern city of
Mazar-e-Sharif in November.

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[CTRL] Dershowitz: Make Torture An Option

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dershowitz: Make Torture An Option

Civil Libertarian Believes Torture Will Be Used In War On Terrorism
And He Wants Specific Procedures In Place
Watch Sunday at 7 PM ET/PT

NEW YORK, Jan. 17, 2002

Alan Dershowitz

(CBS) Is there a place in the U.S. justice system for torture?

Alan Dershowitz, the civil libertarian defender of O.J Simpson, believes the
law should sanction torture so it may be applied in certain cases, such as
terrorist acts.

In a report to be broadcast Sunday on 60 Minutes, Dershowitz tells
Correspondent Mike Wallace that torture is inevitable. “We can’t just close
our eyes and pretend we live in a pure world,” he says.

After the events of Sept. 11, with many al Qaida members in custody,
Dershowitz says he wants to bring the debate to the forefront. He gave the
“ticking bomb” scenario - a person refusing to tell when and where a bomb
will go off – as an example of the type of case warranting torture.

The FBI has anonymously leaked to the press the belief inside the bureau that
torture may be an option in these trying times. But Lewis Schiliro, former
New York bureau director, warns of problems with torture.

“If anybody had the ability to prevent the events of Sept. 11… they would
have gone to whatever length…The problem becomes, where do we draw that
line?” he tells Wallace.

Torture is prohibited by the U.S. Constitution, says Human Rights Watch
Executive Director Kenneth Roth, who also says it’s not reliable. He points
out that an Islamic terrorist, convicted in America for terrorist plots he
admitted to after torture by authorities in the Philippines, had also
admitted to being the Oklahoma City bomber.

“People will say anything under torture,” says Roth, adding that resorting
to torture degrades humanity and the idea of democracy. “We, in many
important respects, become like the terrorists,” he tells Wallace. “They
will have won. Our democracy will have lost.”

This is a naïve viewpoint, says Dershowitz. “If anybody has any doubt that
our CIA, over time, has taught people to torture, has encouraged torture, has
probably itself tortured in extreme cases, I have a bridge to sell you in

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2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sun Jan 20 2002 12:15:41 ET

American intelligence officials and high-ranking military officers say that
Pakistani Army military and intelligence advisers who had been working with
the Taliban in Afghanistan were flown to safety in Pakistan during the siege
of Kunduz last November, in a series of nighttime airlifts by the Pakistani
Air Force!

Controversial Seymour Hersh returns to the pages of the NEW YORKER, according
to publishing sources, in the January 28, 2002 edition, hitting racks Monday.

The airlifts were approved by the Bush Administration, Hersh reports.

The evacuation, which had been conceived of as a limited operation,
apparently slipped out of control, and, as an unintended consequence, an
unknown number of Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters managed to join in the


One American defense adviser tells Hersh, Everyone brought their friends
with them. You're not going to leave them behind to get their throats cut.

As one senior intelligence official puts it, Dirt got through the screen.

Indian intelligence officials tell Hersh that they number the escaped
officials and fighters at four or five thousand; American intelligence
officials put the total far lower. But the Bush Administration may have done
more than simply acquiesce in the rescue effort, Hersh reports.

At the height of the standoff, according to both a C.I.A. official and a
military analyst who has worked with the Delta Force...the Administration
ordered the United States Central Command to set up a special air corridor
help insure the safety of Pakistani rescue flights from Kunduz to the
northwest corner of Pakistan.

The Department of Defense did not respond to a request for comment.

Pakistani leader Pervez Musharraf won American support for the evacuation,
Hersh reports, by warning that losing a large number of Pakistanis would
jeopardize his political survival.

In India, a recently retired Indian diplomat tells Hersh, the feeling is that
Musharraf has two-timed you. What have you gained? Have you captured Osama
bin Laden?

A senior Indian intelligence official says, Musharraf can't afford to keep
the Taliban in Pakistan. They're dangerous to his own regime. Our reading is
that the fighters can go only to Kashmir.

Kashmir remains the flashpoint. The situation is bloody explosive, a senior
Pakistani diplomat says, suggesting that Musharraf has not been given enough
credit by the Indian government for the sweeping changes he's brought to

A retired C.I.A. officer who served as a station chief in South Asia tells
Hersh he found it especially disturbing that each country had imperfect
intelligence about the other. Couple that with the fact that these guys
have a propensity to believe the worst of each other, and have nuclear
weapons, and you end up saying, 'My God, get me the hell out of here.'

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[CTRL] INS arrests 20 illegal Sea-Tac workers

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

INS arrests 20 illegal Sea-Tac workers
Saturday, January 19, 2002


A sweep by federal agents at Sea-Tac Airport has resulted in the arrest of 20
people who are in the United States illegally. Half had security clearance to
the airport's sensitive areas.

In all, a recent audit by the Immigration and Naturalization Service turned
up more than 100 people employed illegally by about 40 companies doing
business at Sea-Tac.

In a three-day roundup this week, immigration agents found 20 of those people
at work. The others weren't on the job and could have been tipped off about
the raid, INS spokeswoman Virginia Kice said. The fact that an audit was
under way was widely known, and similar sweeps at other airports received
substantial publicity.

Their jobs ran the gamut -- everything from food service to cleaning
airplanes, said Bob Okin, deputy district director of the INS in Seattle.

Most of the 20 are from Mexico, Okin said. They will likely face deportation.
The U.S. Attorney's Office in Seattle is also expected to review the
investigation to see whether criminal charges are warranted. In addition to
the illegal immigrants, companies that knowingly hire them could face
criminal charges.

There is no indication that any of the Sea-Tac workers had ties to terrorist
groups, Kice said.

The local INS investigation is part of a national program known as Operation
Tarmac to weed undocumented aliens out of airport jobs. Many of them have
access to sensitive areas, Kice said. Their immigration status can make
them vulnerable to intimidation or blackmail.

In December, a grand jury indicted 69 workers, most of whom were immigrants,
for lying to get security passes at the Salt Lake City International Airport.

That same month, Operation Tarmac resulted in the apprehension of 30 people
who worked at the Portland International Airport but could not legally hold a
job in the United States because of their immigration status. In Portland, a
grand jury indicted two of the 30 on charges of document fraud, improper use
of Social Security information and making false statements when applying for

Operation Tarmac is continuing at other airports in the West, including those
in San Diego and Los Angeles, Kice said.

At Sea-Tac, the investigation is only half complete, Okin said. It began with
the 40 companies whose workers have the most security-sensitive jobs.

The review will cover 40 more companies whose employees work at Sea-Tac, he
said. Along with other federal agencies, the INS is committed to ensuring
the safety of the traveling public, particularly at our nation's airports,
said Robert Coleman, district director of the INS in Seattle.

To accomplish this, we will use every tool and resource at our disposal --
from our inspectional authority to the immigration provisions covering the
work site, he said.

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[CTRL] 100,000 trapped by Congo volcano disaster

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

100,000 trapped by Congo volcano disaster
By Declan Walsh
20 January 2002

Volcano victims take to boats to escape lava
Fears were growing last night for more than 100,000 people unaccounted for
after the eruption of the Mount Nyiragongo volcano in eastern Congo, which
has devastated the town of Goma and sent another 300,000 victims fleeing into
neighbouring Rwanda.

While some people escaped into the surrounding jungle and others crowded on
to boats crossing Lake Kivu, tens of thousands more are feared trapped
between at least three rivers of molten rock streaming from central Africa's
most dangerous volcano. Late yesterday observers flying over the area
reported that lava was pouring from a new fissure, forming a cone six miles
east of Nyiragongo.

One stream of lava has cut Goma in two, covering the runway of the airport
and destroying the Roman Catholic cathedral along with the central business
district and an estimated 10,000 homes. Another is flowing from a fissure in
the base of the volcano, cutting off escape to the west. So far the official
death toll stands at only 40, but Adolphe Onusumba, leader of the
Rwandan-backed Congolese rebel group that controls Goma, said nearly
two-fifths of the city's population were marooned by the lava without
drinkable water or electricity.

Aid agencies from Britain and several other countries rushed relief workers
and supplies to the Rwandan town of Gisenyi, just across the border from
Goma, where a humanitarian crisis was rapidly developing. There is no food,
no water, no accommodation. Things are out of control and people do not know
what to do, said Bishop John Rucyahana. The British government pledged £2m
to the relief effort, and Oxfam flew water equipment from Britain in an
attempt to avoid the threat of epidemics.

The problems for arriving aid workers were further compounded by a series of
earth tremors that violently shook buildings in Gisenyi, causing at least one
to collapse.

Also from the Africa section.
Thousands walk on lava, desperate to get home
Twenty hurt as Mugabe gangs and police attack opposition rally
Libya 'to pay damages for Lockerbie'
Volcano victims take to boats to escape lava
Party cards run out as Mugabe enforces loyalty

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[CTRL] Anthrax Missing From Army Lab

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Anthrax Missing From Army Lab
January 20, 2002
By JACK DOLAN And DAVE ALTIMARI, Courant Staff Writers

Lab specimens of anthrax spores, Ebola virus and other pathogens disappeared
from the Army's biological warfare research facility in the early 1990s,
during a turbulent period of labor complaints and recriminations among rival
scientists there, documents from an internal Army inquiry show.

The 1992 inquiry also found evidence that someone was secretly entering a lab
late at night to conduct unauthorized research, apparently involving anthrax.
A numerical counter on a piece of lab equipment had been rolled back to hide
work done by the mystery researcher, who left the misspelled label antrax
in the machine's electronic memory, according to the documents obtained by
The Courant.

Experts disagree on whether the lost specimens pose a danger. An Army
spokesperson said they do not because they would have been effectively killed
by chemicals in preparation for microscopic study. A prominent molecular
biologist said, however, that resilient anthrax spores could possibly be
retrieved from a treated specimen.

In addition, a scientist who once worked at the Army facility said that
because of poor inventory controls, it is possible some of the specimens
disappeared while still viable, before being treated.

Not in dispute is what the incidents say about disorganization and lack of
security in some quarters of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases - known as USAMRIID - at Fort Detrick, Md., in the 1990s.
Fort Detrick is believed to be the original source of the Ames strain of
anthrax used in the mail attacks last fall, and investigators have questioned
people there and at a handful of other government labs and contractors.

It is unclear whether Ames was among the strains of anthrax in the 27 sets of
specimens reported missing at Fort Detrick after an inventory in 1992. The
Army spokesperson, Caree Vander-Linden, said that at least some of the lost
anthrax was not Ames. But a former lab technician who worked with some of the
anthrax that was later reported missing said all he ever handled was the Ames

Meanwhile, one of the 27 sets of specimens has been found and is still in the
lab; an Army spokesperson said it may have been in use when the inventory was
taken. The fate of the rest, some containing samples no larger than a pencil
point, remains unclear. In addition to anthrax and Ebola, the specimens
included hanta virus, simian AIDS virus and two that were labeled unknown -
an Army euphemism for classified research whose subject was secret.

A former commander of the lab said in an interview he did not believe any of
the missing specimens were ever found. Vander-Linden said last week that in
addition to the one complete specimen set, some samples from several others
were later located, but she could not provide a fuller accounting because of
incomplete records regarding the disposal of specimens.

In January of 2002, it's hard to say how many of those were missing in
February of 1991, said Vander-Linden, adding that it's likely some were
simply thrown out with the trash.

Discoveries of lost specimens and unauthorized research coincided with an
Army inquiry into allegations of improper conduct at Fort Detrick's
experimental pathology branch in 1992. The inquiry did not substantiate the
specific charges of mismanagement by a handful of officers.

But a review of hundreds of pages of interview transcripts, signed statements
and internal memos related to the inquiry portrays a climate charged with
bitter personal rivalries over credit for research, as well as allegations of
sexual and ethnic harassment. The recriminations and unhappiness ultimately
became a factor in the departures of at least five frustrated Fort Detrick

In interviews with The Courant last month, two of the former scientists said
that as recently as 1997, when they left, controls at Fort Detrick were so
lax it wouldn't have been hard for someone with security clearance for its
handful of labs to smuggle out biological specimens.

Lost Samples

The 27 specimens were reported missing in February 1992, after a new officer,
Lt. Col. Michael Langford, took command of what was viewed by Fort Detrick
brass as a dysfunctional pathology lab. Langford, who no longer works at Fort
Detrick, said he ordered an inventory after he recognized there was little
or no organization and little or no accountability in the lab.

I knew we had to basically tighten up what I thought was a very lax and
unorganized system, he said in an interview last week.

A factor in Langford's decision to order an inventory was his suspicion -
never proven - that someone in the lab had been tampering with records of
specimens to conceal unauthorized 


2002-01-20 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

Saying, when I said John F. Kennedy was not CIA - you wrote back like
hell indicating he was CIA?

I never said one thing or the other regarding JFK being in the CIA, because:

a)  I don't believe he ever was in the CIA

b)  the discussion was regarding him being in the CFR, not the CIA, unless
you are claiming that the CFR and the CIA are one and the same

You can't even keep your own posts straight, you psychotic twit

I produced a letter out of the Kennedy Library showing John F. Kenned
was NEVER in this CFR.

Oh, like anything out of the Kennedy Library wouldn't be biased towards the

Many things of which I write, I have seen and witnessedothers things
of which I write is done by memory.

Well your own posts prove how faulty your memory is, because you can't even
remember what you yourself wrote...

You trying to run another innocent victim off the list?

Who said anything about anyone being run off the list.  I never said Mike
should not post to the list, I only pointed out that according to his own
admission his memory of an event that occured 37 years ago is faulty;
therefore why should we trust his memory on another event that occured 37
years ago?

Your habit of calling someone an idiot denotes jewish descent  this is
in the Talmud isn't it?

I wouldn't know, as I've never read the Talmud, and not that my religion
matters, but my mother's family was Roman Catholic and my father's family
was Congregationalist Protestant.

But you love to dismiss people if you think they're Jewish, don't you.

Poor little Colleen, what a narrow, bleak existence you must endure (not to
mention impose on those who have no other choice but have to be in your
company) -- how many intelligent, witty, charming, entertaining, lovely
people have you not had the pleasure of enjoying just because they were
Jewish, or black, or gay...?

You are just a shriveled up old husk pretending to be a human being...

So go back to your nit picking June - and is that the correct term?

You tell me, you nit

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Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-20 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

And June would know - her father and mother were dog catchers for the
local pound.

Daily executions

Not daily...

wonder what they did with the meat.

At first the carcasses were buried across the street, along a RR grade;
then when the number of irresponsible dog owners grew so that there was an
exploding population of unclaimed strays, the carcasses of the strays that
were put to sleep were brought to the town dump; when the town got around
to building a trash incinerator, the carcasses were disposed of there.

Colleen would like to make out that dog wardens are somehow cruel, but my
parents made it a point to never allow a stray to be taken by the very many
experimental labs who use dogs for testing, even though it would have been
financially lucrative to do so.

Have you ever been to the pound and seen some of these animals that are
to be executed?

If you have been, then why didn't you adopt one of the dogs?  It's a shame
that there are so many unwanted strays, but if owners were responsible and
didn't let their pets roam, and also got them spayed or neutered, there
wouldn't be a problem of so many unwanted strays that end up having to be

But in June's case this one individual was so upset
for the pound over which her father was the Dog Catcher, which means
boss of and only over the dogs,

Point of fact, the town dog warden oversaw a staff consisting of an
assistant dog warden and a couple of part-time kennel workers; also was
responsible for drawing up the annual budget and for making hiring and
firing decisions...

the complaint was they made the fees so
high people could ot afford to take the dogs home.

First off, I'd like you to show some sort of PROOF for this allegation.

Secondly, the adoption fees are set by the state, not by the town and
definitely not by the individual dog warden.

Point of fact, when my parents worked for the town, the adoption fee was $5
-- hardly an astromical price.

Later, I got that creep fired and there ws a very lovely investigation
into the dog pound.

If what you say is true -- and you consistently prove how faulty your
memory is -- then the 'creep' as you described him deserved to be fired,
and an investigation into the workings of the pound was more than

So dogs - see how it is.Like people, nobody wants an animal without
a pedigree for it is of no value.

Mutts have value as wonderful companions

Now nobody would eat a dog of great alue so it looks like it will be the
mutts who will go first.

Some of us wouldn't eat a dog irregardless whether it was a purebred or a
mongrel...but I'm sure all the meat served at YOUR table, Colleen, has a
pedigree attached to it...

Okay to eat dogs?   Pigs will eat anything. Dogs won't.

Oh man, that shows what little YOU know!  Canines are carrion, and like
pigs will eat anything.  I've seen dogs eat excrement...

And June,
maybe you like to eat rotting flesh, I never did - my you must be a very
interesting person.

You're an idiot...as soon as something dies, it starts rotting; the
question is whether you eat it before it's too rotted or not.

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[CTRL] Battle Over Ten Commandments Display On Capitol Hill

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Battle Over Ten Commandments Display On Capitol Hill
Dave Eberhart, NewsMax
Monday, Jan 21, 2002
For eight months Rev. Rob Schenck of the Ministry Center on Capitol Hill has
been working to get District of Columbia government approval to display a
tablet of the Ten Commandments on the front lawn of the center, but last week
a D.C. area neighborhood commission unanimously voted the project down,
setting the stage for yet another court battle on the controversial religious
and historic icon.
Schenck said the plague would be erected on public ground that his ministry
maintains. The D.C. government controls our front lawn,” he conceded while
vowing to establish a legal defense fund to push the issue into the courts.

Last May a divided U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an Indiana case
testing whether public display of the Ten Commandments violates the principle
of separation of church and state.

”We have just been informed that the highest legal official in the District
of Columbia has ruled that there is no legal authority to grant a permit to
display the Ten Commandments at our Ministry Center on Capitol Hill,” Schenck
said Jan. 18.

The devastating terrorist attacks have awakened Americans to the urgent need
to protect our nation and preserve our values. Many are turning to faith in
God for comfort and healing. But sadly, many government officials and groups
like the ACLU are working to strip the Ten Commandments from our
communities,” Schenck added.

Schenck describes the proposed site as across from the U.S. Supreme Court and
in direct view of the ACLU’s national headquarters.

Schenck’s The Ten Commandments Project” is an outreach of Faith and Action,
his ministry to the Nation’s capital, which was founded in 1994.

Losing Battle

In addition to the proposed display at the center, the Ten Commandments
Project has been fighting a losing battle to have the U.S. Post Office create
a stamp bearing the image of Moses holding the Commandments.

Jews, Muslims, and Christians revere the Commandments,” said Schenck. There
should be no trouble with the commission approving this new stamp.”

But a special postal commission has denied a petition for a Ten Commandments
stamp because it has a religious theme. Schenck, however, points to a stamp
already in the U.S. Postal Service’s inventory that honors the Muslim holy
feasts of Ramadan and the pilgrimage to Mecca.

The process of appeal for a new postage stamp design requires hundreds of
thousands of petitions from U.S. citizens. Schenck is working to get the
required signatures.

From the petition: An image of Moses holding the tablets of the Ten
Commandments is permanently displayed in the relief sculpture in the
courtroom of the U.S. Supreme Court, and the face of Moses is the only
portrait fully visible to the members of Congress as they stand in the well
of the House chamber. Virtually all major religious groups respect the
Commandments and both the United States House of Representatives and the
United States Senate have passed resolutions pointing to the Ten Commandments
as the foundation for a just and moral society.”

The Court Record

In 2000, a federal judge blocked the state of Kentucky from erecting a stone
tablet bearing the Ten Commandments on the grounds of the state capitol. Also
in that year the Indiana Civil Liberties Union sued to keep a Ten
Commandments display from being set up on the Indiana Statehouse lawn.

More recently, the Supreme Court allowed a lower court ruling to stand that
held that a display of the Ten Commandments is unconstitutional within the
jurisdiction of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

Twenty years ago, the Supreme Court decreed that posting the Ten Commandments
in public schools was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court’s 1980 ruling found
the postings violated the First Amendment ban on government establishment of

In 1994 the court let stand lower court rulings holding that the commandments
should be removed from courthouses, but local legislators in some states have
fought that edict.

Legislators who want the commandments displayed get around the rulings by
passing laws that expressly promote display in an historical -- rather than
religious -- context. Example: posting the commandments next to secular
historic documents such as the Constitution and the Declaration of

Over the last couple of years, legislatures in 12 states took up measures to
allow the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public buildings. In Indiana
and South Dakota, the bills have become law.

Last summer, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a bill to allow
states to display the commandments. In October, 41 House members signed a
pledge to display them on their office walls.

Post 9-11, Rob Schenck and his brother Paul presided 

[CTRL] Sweeping Military Powers Stun Canadians

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sweeping Military Powers Stun Canadians

One of the things that has caused me growing concern since 9-11 is the vast
amount of totalitarian legislation being passed in the free nations of the
world. Bill C-36 is Canada's version of our so-called Patriot Act and it is
in some ways even more draconian than ours. Canadian citizens don't like
their version any more than we like ours. OH-H-H-H, Canada!

Among other things, I am a professional Internet researcher and have
dedicated countless hours to the Freedom Movement since May of 1965. I
believe in letting people's words speak either for or against them. Time and
time again over the years, I have come across the names of two men and have
come to consider them EVIL incarnate. But for good measure, I am including
the words of others as well. Read this post and check out the links. Give it
some hard thoughts.


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[CTRL] Dan Rather Tops Dishonor Awards

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dan Rather Tops Dishonor Awards
Wes Vernon, NewsMax.com
Saturday, Jan. 19, 2002
WASHINGTON – To approving hoots, hollers and thunderous applause, hundreds of
activists Thursday night rated CBS anchorman Dan Rather the Most Outrageously
Biased Liberal Reporter for 2001.
Of the six Dishonors Awards bestowed at Media Research Center's annual
banquet, Rather won hands down in two categories: The Flakiest Comment of the
Year and the Sore Losers Award (for Refusing to Concede Bush’s Victory in

The Sore Losers Award, presented by syndicated columnist David Limbaugh,
spotlighted Rather’s coverage of Florida Secretary of State Katherine
Harris’ formal declaration that George W. Bush had indeed carried Florida.

Dan Can't Handle the Truth

The news clips showed the anchorman repeatedly telling his viewers that
Republican Harris was making a finding as she sees it” or as the
secretary of state sees it,” the clear implication being that this was a
partisan decision that bore no reality to facts. Unofficial recounts over the
following year, by liberal media outlets and others, have certified that yes,
Bush was the legitimate winner of Florida’s electoral votes.

Harris herself appeared at the banquet Thursday and congratulated” Rather
for winning the award. The Florida secretary of state, who is running for a
seat in Congress this year, said she merely followed the law and based her
declaration on the fact that the law said what it said not what others
wanted it to say.”

And as to the future, added Harris, well, as Dan would say, Courage!” That
was a takeoff on Rather’s condescending, widely mocked signoff of his
newscast at a time of well-publicized turmoil at CBS.

In announcing the award, Limbaugh said the judges’ nomination of Rather was
based on merit as we see it.”

Toobin in a Tizzy

Among the sore losers” who lost out to Rather was lawyer Jeffrey Toobin who,
after writing a book claiming the wrong man was inaugurated” last year,
still refused to concede that Bush was a legitimate president because
thousands meant to” vote for Gore and that democracy (though the U.S. is,
of course, a constitutional republic, not a democracy) is all about voters’

Earlier in the program, attendees at the banquet clapped and hollered Dan!
Dan! Dan!” as presenter Kate O’Beirne, National Review Washington editor,
was opening the envelope after showing news clips of the competitors for
Flakiest Comment of the Year Award.

And to wild applause, the CBS multimillionaire walked off with that Dishonor,
as well. The term walked off” is used advisedly. Of course, none of the
award recipients was able to make it” to the banquet.

The clip that impressed the judges featured Rather answering Fox News
Channel’s Bill O’Reilly’s question, Do you think Bill Clinton is an honest

An Honest Liar

Rather’s answer was, I do.” But the flaky comment that really caught the
judges’ attention was his follow-up sentence that it is possible for a man to
be honest and lie about any number of things.”

The other winners included the following:

We’re All going to Die And It’s Bush’s Fault Award (for Doomsday
Environmental Reporting): CNN’s Margaret Carlson for saying that Bush was
allowing harmful ingredients in nearly everything we eat and drink.”

Bring Back Bubba Award (for Best Journalistic Lewinsky): Former UPI reporter
Helen Thomas for saying she missed President Clinton because he gave us
hope.” Honorable mention, or dishonorable mention” where Thomas was
concerned, was her out-of-the-blue question as to whether President Bush was
planning to invade Spain. This particular quote was mentioned by award
presenter John Fund of the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board.

Peter Arnett Award (for Hopelessly Foolish Wartime Reporting): ABC News
President David Westin who said that, as a journalist, he had no opinion one
way or another whether the Pentagon was a legitimate target for terrorists.

Damn Every Conservative We Can Think of to Hell Award: CBS’s Bryant Gumbel
for asking an obviously loaded question of an opponent of Attorney General
John Ashcroft’s nomination. The question was so biased as to leave one
wondering if there was anything left for the interviewee to say. It would
have been interesting to see him stumble for an answer beyond Yes, you’re
right, Bryant. Now, back to you.”
Watch Out, Dan: Rush Is Back

Limbaugh drew cheers when he announced that earlier in the day he had talked
by phone to his famous radio talk show host brother, Rush, and he could hear
me.” Rush Limbaugh, in recent months, has been coping with going deaf.
Doctors reportedly are pleased that an implantation appears to be a success.

Ending the evening’s proceedings, Media Research Center Founder and 

[CTRL] Unborn Babies Have Few Friends in Washington

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Unborn Babies Have Few Friends in Washington
By Chuck Baldwin
January 18, 2002

For 29 years now, America has authorized and condoned the killing of
innocent, unborn children. The number of babies that have been aborted since
January 22, 1973, is now pushing 50 million. That is more deaths than those
caused by Hitler and will soon surpass the numbers killed by Stalin and Mao.
Furthermore, it does not matter which party is in power: the killing

In fact, America's two major parties can barely be distinguished on this
subject. The Democratic Party actively supports abortion-on-demand, while
the Republican Party gives only lip service opposition. Neither party
intends to reverse Roe v Wade; neither do they intend to outlaw abortion.
Neither is the current occupant of the White House seriously pro-life,
rhetoric to the contrary notwithstanding.

President Bush never promised, or even hinted, that he would do anything to
end legal abortion - and he has not. First Lady, Laura Bush, was even quoted
as saying that she does not feel the Roe decision should be reversed.
Several conservatives have tried to defend Mrs. Bush by suggesting she never
said that. However, to this day, neither the White House nor any
spokesperson of the First Lady has ever repudiated that quote.

Since taking the oath of office, President Bush has been virtually mute on
the abortion issue. He has not even used his bully pulpit to condemn partial
birth abortion. It is as if the abortion issue does not exist, and for Bush
and the majority of the Republican leadership, it doesn't.

To add insult to injury, the Bush administration is urging the Republican
National Committee to appoint a radical pro-abortion activist to become the
party's chief fundraiser. According to the Washington Times, Bush wants the
committee, meeting this weekend, in Austin, Texas, to install Lewis
Eisenberg as RNC finance chairman.

Eisenberg is so radical in his support of abortion rights that he even
supported liberals such as Walter Mondale, Richard Gephardt, Christopher
Dodd, Bruce Babbitt, and Joseph Biden, among others. Eisenberg is a close
friend and admirer of Christine Todd Whitman. Whitman is the former governor
of New Jersey and is currently Bush's chairman of the Environmental
Protection Agency. She and Eisenberg are two of the most outspoken
proponents of abortion rights in the nation. How could a genuine pro-life
president appoint such people to high leadership positions? You are right,
he couldn't. Remember, however, Bush also authorized embryonic stem cell
research which turns aborted fetuses into human guinea pigs.

One can expect the president to give the pro-life community some crumbs of
conservative verbiage come next Tuesday. However, the record reveals it is
just so much hot air! While Bush is busy fighting terrorism, the most
heinous act of terrorism is taking place some 4,000 times every day right
under his nose and under his authority. That's right, more people die every
day in abortion clinics around the country than died on September 11, and
hardly anyone in Washington, D.C., Republican or Democrat, cares!

Until this country comes to grip with the evil and barbaric practice of
legal abortion, it will never get on a corrected course; and until we get a
president who is willing to risk his reputation and even his chances of
future elections in order to stop the grisly practice of abortion, the
country will never deal with it. It will take a president who is that
committed and that principled. Such a president we do not have, and it
appears the American people (including professing Christians) are not
willing to elect such a one.

Overall, it appears that the Kangaroo Rat has more friends in Washington,
D.C., than do unborn babies. Perhaps the Governor of the Universe will hold
back His hand of judgment until America can produce a William Wilberforce -

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

[CTRL] Week Ending: 19 January 2002/6 Shevat 5762

2002-01-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 19 January 2002/6 Shevat 5762

'And what comes into your mind will not come about, when you say: We will
be like the nations, like the tribes of the lands, serving wood and stone.
As I live', declares the L-rd G-d, 'surely with a mighty hand and with an
outstretched arm and with wrath poured out, I shall be king over you.'
Ezekiel 20.32-33

This Week's Headlines:


:: AND THE KILLING CONTINUES...: On Thursday, armed with an M-16 automatic
rifle, at least one grenade, and possibly a pack of explosives, a Fatah
terrorist burst into a Bat Mitzvah celebration (a Jewish milestone marking
a girl's accepting legal responsibility for her actions), shooting in all
directions. He murdered six people; 30 were wounded by the gunshots and/or
went into shock. When the killer ran out of bullets, he attempted to insert
another magazine into his rifle, but the guests, many of them recent
immigrants from the former Soviet Union, then began throwing chairs and
bottles at the terrorist and forced him out towards the lobby. Police who
arrived within four minutes of the beginning of the attack shot him to
death. Murdered in the attack were Avi Yazadi, 25, of Hadera; Dina Binayav,
48, of Ashkelon; Edward Bakshayav, 48, of Or Akiva; Antoli Bakshayav, 63,
of Or Akiva; Aharon Ben Yisrael-Alis, 32, of Ra'anana; and Boris Melihov,
56, of Sderot. Minutes after news of the fatal attack became known, the
PLO-occupied city of Tul Karem - some 9 miles southeast of Hadera - erupted
in joyous celebration, including gunshots in the air. Arabs in PLO-occupied
Jenin reacted likewise. The Fatah terrorist organization [led by PLO leader
Yasir Arafat] claimed responsibility for the attack.

Arab terrorists shot and killed an Israeli motorist Wednesday morning near
the northern Shomron community of Sa-Nur, between Jenin and Shechem.
Unbeknownst to them, the victim was an Arab with Israeli citizenship -
Dasis Shahada, 30; they had been misled by the yellow Israeli license
plates of his rented car.

Tuesday night, Yoela Chen, 45, and her aunt, 70-year-old Rachel Heini, were
shot while stopped at a gas station in Givat Ze'ev, north of Jerusalem. Two
Arabs approached the vehicle to talk with them - to ensure that they were
Jewish, officials later said - and moments later, the murderers sprayed two
rounds of bullets through the windshield.

Earlier Tuesday afternoon, Avi Boaz, 72, of Ma'aleh Adumim, was cruelly
beaten and then shot to death by Palestinian Authority terrorists near Beit
Lechem. The atrocity began when four Tanzim terrorists abducted Boaz and an
Arab friend at a PA/PLO checkpoint outside the village of Beit Sahour. The
PA/PLO naval police manning the location did nothing to stop the
crime-in-progress. Boaz was driven to Beit Sahour where he was beaten and
abused, shot with dozens of bullets, and left for dead. It was learned that
Israeli officials received at least one report from eyewitnesses who saw
Avi Boaz in life-threatening danger. The IDF [Israel Defense Force]
immediately notified the PA/PLO, but nothing was done to extricate him from
the hands of the terrorists.

On Monday night, Sgt. Elad Abu-Gani, 19, of Tiberias, was killed while
manning an IDF checkpoint near Kedumim in the Shomron. The killers opened
fire at the soldiers at a security checkpoint they had established only a
short while before.

Ram'Allah headquarters of the Palestine Broadcasting Corporation Saturday.
Within hours Palestinian broadcasting returned to the air. The Voice of
Palestine operated out of several local radio stations in Ram'Allah while
Palestine Television used alternative facilities in Ram'Allah and in the
Gaza Strip. Israel said its latest strike against the Palestinians was in
response to a deadly attack by terrorists two days earlier. The IDF
destroyed the archives, which were in the building, as well as the studios.

man, Deputy Chief of Staff Maj.-Gen. Moshe Ya'alon, feels that the army may
well have to return to the areas from which it retreated in the framework
of the Oslo Agreements. Speaking with the journal INTELLIGENCE HERITAGE,
Ya'alon said, The Palestinians see the conflict as a war whose purpose is

Re: [CTRL] Dan Rather Tops Dishonor Awards

2002-01-20 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Dan Rather Tops Dishonor Awards
 Wes Vernon, NewsMax.com
 Saturday, Jan. 19, 2002
 WASHINGTON – To approving hoots, hollers and thunderous applause, hundreds of
 activists Thursday night rated CBS anchorman Dan Rather the Most Outrageously
 Biased Liberal Reporter for 2001.
 Of the six Dishonors Awards bestowed at Media Research Center's annual
 banquet, Rather won hands down in two categories: The Flakiest Comment of the
 Year and the Sore Losers Award (for Refusing to Concede Bush’s Victory in

 The Sore Losers Award, presented by syndicated columnist David Limbaugh,
 spotlighted Rather’s coverage of Florida Secretary of State Katherine
 Harris’ formal declaration that George W. Bush had indeed carried Florida.

 Dan Can't Handle the Truth

 The news clips showed the anchorman repeatedly telling his viewers that
 Republican Harris was making a finding as she sees it” or as the
 secretary of state sees it,” the clear implication being that this was a
 partisan decision that bore no reality to facts. Unofficial recounts over the
 following year, by liberal media outlets and others, have certified that yes,
 Bush was the legitimate winner of Florida’s electoral votes.

 Harris herself appeared at the banquet Thursday and congratulated” Rather
 for winning the award. The Florida secretary of state, who is running for a
 seat in Congress this year, said she merely followed the law and based her
 declaration on the fact that the law said what it said not what others
 wanted it to say.”

 And as to the future, added Harris, well, as Dan would say, Courage!” That
 was a takeoff on Rather’s condescending, widely mocked signoff of his
 newscast at a time of well-publicized turmoil at CBS.

Interesting what Rather later said on Letterman (reference:
http://www.mediaresearch.org/news/cyberalert/2001/cyb20010918.asp#1 ):

MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth took down a few quotes from Rather’s appearance.
Letterman started by asking what had happened during the day. Rather replied:
 Well, some very interesting things happened this afternoon. President Bush
made what I think is his strongest statement yet when he went to the Pentagon
this afternoon. He was ‘Giuliani-esque.’ I don’t think he’d mind my saying 
no. No, he looked the camera straight in the eye, unblinking, and said, ‘Osama:
Dead or alive.’ And he also underscored, David, which I think is very important
to understand, two things, and the President made this extremely clear. One,
this is for the long haul. Wars are won by -- in no particular order --
firepower, willpower, and staying power. And what President Bush was talking
about today, I don’t think he could have made it any clearer, that we have the
firepower, we’ve mustered the willpower, and unlike the Gulf War, we will have
the staying power. That’s the message you got out of that.
 A couple of minutes later Rather promised: But I couldn’t feel stronger,
David, that this is a time for us, and I’m not preaching about it, George Bush
is the President. He makes the decisions, and, you know, it’s just one American,
wherever he wants me to line up, just tell me where. And he’ll make the call.


Wow, whatta limp-wristed, liberal thing to say! You would think Rush would be
giving him a medal for the supposed turnaround, but it's much easier to dismiss
him as a liberal.

Give me a break. Dan Rather is no more a liberal than most journalists - most
are centrist-capitalists, like most elected officials in the elephant and donkey
parties. Fox News likes to complain about the liberal media, but that's not only
untrue, but it's definitely disingenuous for them to turn around and claim
unbiased reporting. O'Reilly is a heavy shade away from the No-Spin Zone he
claims (reference: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,43077,00.html ):

Fox, on the other hand, consistently seeks out all points of view, including
the conservative take on things.  Since you rarely hear the right on the other
established networks, of course Fox is going to seem tilted that way.  But if
you log it, just as much liberal opinion is presented here as conservative, and
that's a fact, not an opinion.

But what O'Reilly fails to acknowledge is that their power hitters - himself,
Sean Hannity, John Gibson, Brit Hume - are all decidely conservative. And they
have Shepard Smith, who does anchoring, not necessarily op-ed, but he's pretty
transparently right wing. So is Peter Jennings. So is George Will. So is William
F. Buckley. Many more ... NYT, National Review ...

But what's disturbing about the whole liberal/conservative dichotomy argument in
regards to reporting, besides the fact that both sides have taken up a
business-oriented pro-war viewpoint 

Re: [CTRL] Dan Rather Tops Dishonor Awards

2002-01-20 Thread Cliff Hume

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 9:26 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Dan Rather Tops Dishonor Awards

 -Caveat Lector-


 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Dan Rather Tops Dishonor Awards
 Wes Vernon, NewsMax.com
 Saturday, Jan. 19, 2002
 WASHINGTON – To approving hoots, hollers and thunderous applause, hundreds
 activists Thursday night rated CBS anchorman Dan Rather the Most
 Biased Liberal Reporter for 2001.
 Of the six Dishonors Awards bestowed at Media Research Center's annual
 banquet, Rather won hands down in two categories: The Flakiest Comment of
 Year and the Sore Losers Award (for Refusing to Concede Bush’s Victory in

 The Sore Losers Award, presented by syndicated columnist David Limbaugh,
 spotlighted Rather’s coverage of Florida Secretary of State Katherine
 Harris’ formal declaration that George W. Bush had indeed carried Florida.

 Dan Can't Handle the Truth

 The news clips showed the anchorman repeatedly telling his viewers that
 Republican Harris was making a finding as she sees it” or as the
 secretary of state sees it,” the clear implication being that this was a
 partisan decision that bore no reality to facts. Unofficial recounts over
 following year, by liberal media outlets and others, have certified that
 Bush was the legitimate winner of Florida’s electoral votes.

 Harris herself appeared at the banquet Thursday and congratulated” Rather
 for winning the award. The Florida secretary of state, who is running for
 seat in Congress this year, said she merely followed the law and based her
 declaration on the fact that the law said what it said not what others
 wanted it to say.”

 And as to the future, added Harris, well, as Dan would say, Courage!”
 was a takeoff on Rather’s condescending, widely mocked signoff of his
 newscast at a time of well-publicized turmoil at CBS.

 In announcing the award, Limbaugh said the judges’ nomination of Rather
 based on merit as we see it.”

 Toobin in a Tizzy

 Among the sore losers” who lost out to Rather was lawyer Jeffrey Toobin
 after writing a book claiming the wrong man was inaugurated” last year,
 still refused to concede that Bush was a legitimate president because
 thousands meant to” vote for Gore and that democracy (though the U.S.
 of course, a constitutional republic, not a democracy) is all about voters

 Earlier in the program, attendees at the banquet clapped and hollered
 Dan! Dan!” as presenter Kate O’Beirne, National Review Washington editor,
 was opening the envelope after showing news clips of the competitors for
 Flakiest Comment of the Year Award.

 And to wild applause, the CBS multimillionaire walked off with that
 as well. The term walked off” is used advisedly. Of course, none of the
 award recipients was able to make it” to the banquet.

 The clip that impressed the judges featured Rather answering Fox News
 Channel’s Bill O’Reilly’s question, Do you think Bill Clinton is an

 An Honest Liar

 Rather’s answer was, I do.” But the flaky comment that really caught the
 judges’ attention was his follow-up sentence that it is possible for a man
 be honest and lie about any number of things.”

 The other winners included the following:

 We’re All going to Die And It’s Bush’s Fault Award (for Doomsday
 Environmental Reporting): CNN’s Margaret Carlson for saying that Bush was
 allowing harmful ingredients in nearly everything we eat and drink.”

 Bring Back Bubba Award (for Best Journalistic Lewinsky): Former UPI
 Helen Thomas for saying she missed President Clinton because he gave us
 hope.” Honorable mention, or dishonorable mention” where Thomas was
 concerned, was her out-of-the-blue question as to whether President Bush
 planning to invade Spain. This particular quote was mentioned by award
 presenter John Fund of the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board.

 Peter Arnett Award (for Hopelessly Foolish Wartime Reporting): ABC News
 President David Westin who said that, as a journalist, he had no opinion
 way or another whether the Pentagon was a legitimate target for

 Damn Every Conservative We Can Think of to Hell Award: CBS’s Bryant Gumbel
 for asking an obviously loaded question of an opponent of Attorney General
 John Ashcroft’s nomination. The question was so biased as to leave one
 wondering if there was anything left for the interviewee to say. It would
 have been interesting to see him stumble for an answer beyond Yes, you’re
 right, Bryant. Now, back to you.”
 Watch Out, Dan: Rush Is Back

 Limbaugh drew cheers when he announced that earlier in the day he had
 by phone to his famous radio talk 

Re: [CTRL] 1[CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

2002-01-20 Thread magnetic field

-Caveat Lector-

Sorry to interject my opinion here but protein is protein under
extreme circumstances. My grandmother used to tell me these wild stories
about the depression. During the depression you did not ask what's for
dinner. If it was there you sat down said grace and ate it and were
greatful. We laugh at road kill jokes but especially in rural areas meat is
meat. Animals such as raccoon, possum, rabbit, squirrel, pidgeon (that is
squab to you rich folk) are, I am told, tasty if cooked properly. I sure
when times got extremely rough that many a companion animal or pet made
it into the stew pot. If not your own pet then someone else's from down the
Hardly any of us have known real starvation. We say that we are
starved if we haven't eaten in 3 hours or so. How many of us have gone 3
days without food???
In many places on this planet people eat snake, dog, cat, birds of
all type, monkey, goat, sheep, horse, etc. Unless we are vegetarians we eat
meat. Are meat comes to us all neatly packaged and labelled in the
supermarket. We try not to dwell on how it gets to us, just that it's there
when we want it.
 Many of us who got a Y2K stash together bought canned goods and
bullets. The bullets were not just for keeping away predators (2 legged and
4 legged) but for possibly hunting game. I am sure that most of truly know
that all animals feel pain and we wish their death to be as pain free as
possible. I believe that if you kill an animal you should eat it or find
some use for it. Otherwise it is a waste. All life is precious.
  magnetic field

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] What's wrong with eating man's best friend?

 -Caveat Lector-

 And June would know - her father and mother were dog catchers for the
 local pound.
 Daily executions

 Not daily...

 wonder what they did with the meat.

 At first the carcasses were buried across the street, along a RR grade;
 then when the number of irresponsible dog owners grew so that there was an
 exploding population of unclaimed strays, the carcasses of the strays that
 were put to sleep were brought to the town dump; when the town got around
 to building a trash incinerator, the carcasses were disposed of there.

 Colleen would like to make out that dog wardens are somehow cruel, but my
 parents made it a point to never allow a stray to be taken by the very
 experimental labs who use dogs for testing, even though it would have been
 financially lucrative to do so.

 Have you ever been to the pound and seen some of these animals that are
 to be executed?

 If you have been, then why didn't you adopt one of the dogs?  It's a shame
 that there are so many unwanted strays, but if owners were responsible and
 didn't let their pets roam, and also got them spayed or neutered, there
 wouldn't be a problem of so many unwanted strays that end up having to be

 But in June's case this one individual was so upset
 for the pound over which her father was the Dog Catcher, which means
 boss of and only over the dogs,

 Point of fact, the town dog warden oversaw a staff consisting of an
 assistant dog warden and a couple of part-time kennel workers; also was
 responsible for drawing up the annual budget and for making hiring and
 firing decisions...

 the complaint was they made the fees so
 high people could ot afford to take the dogs home.

 First off, I'd like you to show some sort of PROOF for this allegation.

 Secondly, the adoption fees are set by the state, not by the town and
 definitely not by the individual dog warden.

 Point of fact, when my parents worked for the town, the adoption fee was
 -- hardly an astromical price.

 Later, I got that creep fired and there ws a very lovely investigation
 into the dog pound.

 If what you say is true -- and you consistently prove how faulty your
 memory is -- then the 'creep' as you described him deserved to be fired,
 and an investigation into the workings of the pound was more than

 So dogs - see how it is.Like people, nobody wants an animal without
 a pedigree for it is of no value.

 Mutts have value as wonderful companions

 Now nobody would eat a dog of great alue so it looks like it will be the
 mutts who will go first.

 Some of us wouldn't eat a dog irregardless whether it was a purebred or a
 mongrel...but I'm sure all the meat served at YOUR table, Colleen, has a
 pedigree attached to it...

 Okay to eat dogs?   Pigs will eat anything. Dogs won't.

 Oh man, that shows what little YOU know!  Canines are carrion, and like
 pigs will eat anything.  I've seen dogs eat excrement...

 And June,
 maybe you like to eat rotting flesh, I never did - my you must be a very
 interesting person.


[CTRL] Revolutions Evolve

2002-01-20 Thread Xxx Yyy

-Caveat Lector-

Over the next week or so, I will be sending a series of articles written by
Lee Penn on the New Age movement and United Religions.  He has documented
this material extremely well.

During the last thirty years we have seen many changes in the moral character
of our American society.  These changes have come about because the moral
lines of the past are no longer being held or promoted by many mainstream
Christian or Jewish groups.  Those attempting to hold such moral lines are
ridiculed by mainstream media and academia as well as self-appointed cultural
guardians, who are promoting a new moral agenda.  I do not feel it is
necessary to spell out the changes that have been made.

A while back I came across a small piece that appeared in the Center
magazine, Vol 5, #5, Sept-Oct 1972.  It was a presentation by Friedrich Heer,
Austrian historian, at a Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions,
Fund for the Republic.  The material presented by Penn shows how such changes
are taking place now.


The revolution of mankind is such a difficult undertaking that it cannot use
shortcuts.  Revolution can only become embedded in history by an evolution
extending over several generations.  The revolutionary situation is not
established by a unique crisis, a political catastrophe or the collapse of a
particular power structure, ruling class, caste, or elite.  It requires much
more: a wide field in which a crisis can ripen and be taken seriously by a
large public.

Genuine revolution assumes a great measure of inner freedom.  Dictatorships,
totalitarian regimes, authoritarian governments are obstacles to revolution.

Without significant changes in the social climate, there can be no
revolution.  Thunderstorms and hurricanes are not revolutions, they are
merely passing catastrophes.  A change in the social climate means that every
man, woman and child has to learn to see himself or herself with new eyes.
It means that old values no longer obtain.  It means that the professional
trustees of power, the ministers of the church, the professors, teachers, men
of business, industry, and science will have become so insecure inside that
they no longer believe the old system is functioning.  It means a change in

Revolution takes life from its many fathers.  The pseudorevolutionary flees
from his father.  He flees from history and condemns himself thereby to
weakness and powerlessness.  Genuine revolutionary personalities live on the
most intimate terms with their forefathers: thus it was with Karl Marx and
his ancient fathers, thus it was with Sigmund Freud.

In the long run, the revolution is not fashioned by people who declare they
are revolutionaries.  The revolution of mankind will be realized most
strongly where it reaches the deepest levels, in the unconscious.  And there
are many people who are working together for revolution, but who do not even
recognize the word, know nothing about it and don't want to know about it.

Revolution, in a word, is far too important a matter to be left in the hands
of revolutionaries.

End of presentation

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[CTRL] vCJD in Sheeps

2002-01-20 Thread Euphorian

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From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Medicine  Health : BSE/CJD

Britain: Report highlights BSE danger from infected sheep

By Barry Mason
21 January 2002

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The risk to humans developing variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
(vCJD) could be far greater if the brain-wasting disease Bovine
Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) has entered the sheep population.
This was the conclusion of a study published in the British science
magazine Nature on January 10.

The study was carried out by researchers working in the infectious
diseases department of Imperial College London led by Professor Neil

BSE in cattle, also known as “mad cow disease”, is believed to have
been spread by the practice of feeding cows the rendered remains of
slaughtered cattle and other livestock. Until legislation banned the
practice, sheep
were also fed the same material.

Since it began in the late 1980s, the BSE epidemic has infected nearly 180,000 cattle. 
At its height in 1992 over 36,000 cattle had the disease. Numbers have now declined 
with around 700 cases last year.

Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease—the human form of BSE—is transmitted by eating 
infected meat or other animal products. Since 1995, 104 mainly young people have died 
of the disease, with nine more people currently diagno
sed as suffering from this terminal and incurable condition. The eventual number of 
people who could be affected is still an unknown, because of the extremely long 
incubation period for the disease. There also remains the
 possibility of a second wave of infection via human-to-human transmission as a result 
of surgical procedures. Since the infective agent, the BSE prion, is extremely 
difficult to destroy, the usual sterilisation methods u
sed on surgical instruments do not eradicate it.

The researchers at Imperial College considered three possible scenarios if BSE has 
passed into the national sheep flock. The worst possible case considered the effect of 
BSE spreading both within and between sheep flocks.
 The study’s median scenario projected the spread only within a flock, while the 
best-case scenario investigated what would happen if it spread neither between nor 
within flocks. Sophisticated mathematical models were dev
ised to predict the possible effects on the human population.

In the worst case, the study predicts that 150,000 people could die as a result of 
eating infected sheep meat. This figure is three times higher than the worse case 
scenario of human deaths from vCJD contracted from eatin
g contaminated beef.

It has not yet been shown whether sheep have in fact contracted the disease. The 
report is based on the assumption that BSE has passed from cattle to sheep and has 
been spreading from sheep to sheep. Many scientists think
 that such a cross over from cattle, and its subsequent spread within sheep, is a 
possibility. Professor Neil Ferguson said, “In some ways I’d be surprised if BSE 
wasn’t found in sheep.”

One difficulty detecting BSE in sheep is that sheep are also subject to a 
brain-wasting disease known as scrapie. This has been in the sheep population for 200 
years and is considered harmless to humans. Currently there i
s no test to distinguish between BSE and scrapie in sheep.

Studies have shown that BSE in sheep behaves differently to the disease in cattle. It 
infects a wider range of sheep tissues at an earlier age. There are fears that BSE in 
sheep could mimic scrapie, which passes easily by
 horizontal infection from sheep to sheep.

Under current legislation, the ban on sheep offal is not as extensive as that on 
cattle offal, some of the most infective material. With sheep under 12 months old, 
only the spleen has to be removed before the carcass can
enter the human food chain. For sheep older than one year, the skull, brain, eyes, 
tonsils and spinal chord are banned, but not the lymph nodes or intestines (as in 

Professor Ferguson said, “The current risk from sheep could be greater than that from 
cattle, due to the more intensive controls in place to protect human health from 
exposure to infected cattle, as compared with sheep.”

In a newspaper article in August last year, former government advisor Dr Richard 
Kimberlin warned of the potential danger from BSE-infected sheep: “We now know that 
several tissues from BSE-infected sheep, including lymph
 nodes, pose a greater risk than the same tissues from infected cattle”.

The Imperial College team says that banning all internal sheep organs from the human 
food chain would reduce the health risk by 90 percent.

Frances Hall, secretary of the Human BSE Foundation, said, “If it is in sheep, people 
could have been eating contaminated meat for years.” Frances, whose son Peter died 
from vCJD in 1996, added, “It’s very sad to think mo
re families might be having to go through the same nightmare we’ve gone through 

The Department for 

[CTRL] The Police Scouts Earn Their Merit Badges

2002-01-20 Thread Euphorian

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www.TheDay.com: Eastern Connecticut's News Source
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Using minors in liquor stings called effective measure

By Eileen McNamara - More Articles
Published on 01/20/2002

Melanie Wilson

Kristen M. Ejchorszt

Theresa Earl

Dana Jensen / The Day

Tom Fritz, night manager for Universal Discount Package Store in Norwich, uses a 
$2,000 drivers license scanner to check IDs.

Norwich -- On the door of his West Main Street liquor store, Paul Agranovitch has 
issued a stern warning on a neon orange sign to would-be underage drinkers.

“If you're under 21 you are not permitted in this store unless accompanied by a 
parent,” the sign on the front door of the Universal Discount Package Store reads. 
“Everyone in a group will be asked to show an ID.”

Twice the target of stings by local police, who used undercover, underage buyers, 
Agranovitch is taking no chances. After he was caught in a sting for a second time in 
September 2000, forced to pay a $750 fine and close h
is store for three days, Agranovitch spent $2,000 on a computerized scanner that 
detects phony licenses. When he finds fakes, he alerts police and presses charges 
against the violator.

“I take this extremely seriously,” Agranovitch said. “We don't want to sell to minors. 
It's not like we look at 17-, 18- or 19-year-olds as a great market.”

That kind of compliance with state liquor laws is exactly what the Minors in Stings 
program was meant to foster, said Norwalk police Lt. Thomas Cummings, the program's 

Since the state passed a law in 1998 making it easier for local police to use minors 
as undercover agents in liquor stings, dozens of police departments, including 
Norwich, have developed sting programs using volunteers u
nder 21. Cummings began running undercover stings with minors in his town in 1990 and 
conducts several every year. He credits Norwalk's program and others like it across 
the state with keeping youngsters from drinking and

“The Minors in Stings program works; it saves lives,” Cummings said.

In Norwich, however, the initiative has ground to a halt amid lurid allegations that 
Lt. James F. Daigle Jr. took nude and seminude digital pictures of three female 
undercover volunteers after telling the teen- agers that
 police protocol required the pictures. Police have placed Daigle, a 17-year veteran 
of the force, on paid leave while it conducts an internal investigation. Police have 
imposed a gag order on all officers, barring them f
rom discussing the allegations and Daigle, chairman of Norwich's Republican Town 
Committee, has not yet publicly answered his accusers.

The state this past week froze a $45,000 federal grant it awarded Norwich last year to 
conduct programs, such as the liquor store stings, that combat underage drinking. 
Officials in the Office of Policy and Management sai
d that in light of the misconduct allegations, they want to make sure Norwich did not 
misuse part of the funds.

While they view Norwich's situation as an aberration of the program, Connecticut 
liquor control officials, other police departments and organizations that promote 
anti-drinking initiatives among teen-agers worry that the
accusations against Daigle could cast a negative light on the use of minors in 
undercover stings, a practice they believe is essential in keeping alcohol out of the 
hands of underage drinkers.

“It's a very, very effective program,” said Joanne Morrison, spokeswoman for the 
Governor's Prevention Partnership, which helps police departments develop programs to 
fight underage drinking. Using minors as undercover ag
ents, she said, makes it easier for police to identify businesses that either 
willingly sell to minors or don't bother to routinely check identification of 
obviously young customers.

Once a store or restaurant owner is caught in a sting, Morrison said, it cuts in half 
the chance that they will violate the law again.

“If this program were derailed because of these allegations, it would cost lives,” 
said one law enforcement official.

Norwich is among 18 towns in Connecticut that last year received federal grant money 
for underage drinking initiatives, including stings. Since 1999 Norwich has conducted 
five stings; two in 1999, one in 2000 and two last
 year. The department asked state liquor officials to participate only in the 2000 

Norwich, according to state liquor control officials, is the only town in this region 
that conducts the stings.

While the liquor control division assists local police departments in 80 percent of 
all undercover stings that are conducted, it imposes no regulations on how the stings 
are carried out. It also does not recruit minors or
 tell departments how to use or recruit minors, though its agents will work on stings 
that employ recruited volunteers.

Cummings said his town has adopted written