Re: [CTRL] gun control

2000-12-29 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Good one Nessie!  I completely agree.  When well-meaning, law-abiding citizens
relinquish gun rights they are not ridding society of the 'evils' of guns, but
aiding and abetting the evil guns are capable of, as well as their own increased
vulnerability.Statistics available from the Australian government
demonstrate the rise in rates of violent crime, burglary and robbery since the
populace has been disarmed.  Below is a timely article about this very subject.
 ~ M

What we can do after Wakefield

By John R. Lott Jr., 12/28/2000

WITH A GUNMAN'S attack that killed seven people at a Wakefield Internet company
on Tuesday, the question is simple:  What can be done to stop similar shootings
in the future?

For many the answer is more government regulation. The creation of gun-free
zones, waiting periods, background checks, and safe storage regulations are just a
few of the laws typically proposed. Yet, Massachusetts already has these
restrictions and many more.

Surely the intentions of these laws are noble. The goal of preventing concealed
handguns or creating gun-free zones is to protect people. But what might appear
to be the most obvious policy may actually cost lives.

When gun control laws are passed, it is law-abiding citizens, not would-be
criminals, who obey them. Unfortunately, the police cannot be everywhere, so
these laws risk creating situations in which the good guys cannot defend
themselves from the bad ones.

This point was driven home to me when I received an e-mail from a friend
recently, telling me that he had just dropped off his kids at a public school and
outside the school was a sign that said ''This is a gun-free zone.'' I couldn't help
think, if I put up a sign on my home that said, ''This home is a gun-free zone,''
would it make it more attractive or less attractive to criminals entering my home
and attacking myself or my family?

While horrible crimes like the one in Wakefield get the attention they deserve,
rarely mentioned are the many attacks that are stopped by citizens who are able
to defend themselves. About two million times a year people use guns
defensively. Few realize that some of the public school shootings were stopped
by citizens with guns.

For example, in the first public shooting spree at a high school, in Pearl, Miss.,
in October 1997 that left two dead, an assistant principal retrieved a gun from
his car and physically immobilized the shooter for more than five minutes before
police arrived.

A school-related shooting in Edinboro, Pa., in spring 1998 that left one dead,
was stopped after a bystander pointed a shotgun at the shooter when he started to
reload his gun. The police did not arrive for another 11 minutes.

But anecdotal stories cannot resolve this debate. A study at the University of
Chicago by a colleague and myself compiled data on all of the multiple-victim
public shootings that occurred in the United States from 1977 to 1999. Included
were incidents in which at least two people were killed or injured in a public
place; to focus on the type of shooting seen in Wakefield, we excluded gang
wars or shootings that were the byproduct of another crime, such as robbery.
The United States averaged more than 20 such shootings annually, with an
average of 1.5 people killed and 2.5 wounded in each one.

So what can stop these attacks? We have examined a range of different gun laws,
such as waiting periods, as well the frequency and level of punishment.
However, while arrest and conviction rates, prison sentences, and the death
penalty reduce murders generally, they do not consistently deter public

The reason is simple: Those who commit these crimes usually die. They are
either killed in the attack or commit suicide. The normal penalties rarely apply.

To be effective, policies must deal with what motivates these criminals, which is
to kill and injure as many people as possible. Some appear to do it for the
publicity, which is itself related to the amount of harm they inflict.

The best way to stop these attacks is to enact policies that can limit the carnage.
We found only one policy that effectively accomplishes this: the passage of
right-to-carry laws.

With Michigan's adoption this month, 32 states now give adults the right to carry
concealed handguns as long as they do not have a criminal record or a history of
significant mental illness. When states passed such laws during the 23 years we
studied, the number of multiple-victim public shootings declined by a dramatic
67 percent. Deaths and injuries from these shootings fell on average by 78

To the extent that attacks still occur in states after these laws are enacted, they
disproportionately occur in areas in which concealed handguns are forbidden.
The people who get these permits are extremely law-abiding and rarely lose their
permits for any reason. Without

Re: [CTRL] Environmental warfare, Chossudovsky

2000-12-29 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Much of my research the last 3 years has been devoted to the 'chemtrails'
mystery.  You may already know about Ed Teller's 'band-aid' proposal to stop or
slow global warming; a relatively (monetarily) inexpensive method to deny and
further delay the need to switch to or invest in repressed alternative energy
sources while allowing 'bizness as usual' for the petroleum industry and its
dependent industries.  However, I believe that this is only one of the
explanations for the ubiquitious artificial clouds we in the US and other NATO
countries have witnessed for the last few years.  I also believe other programs
involving aeriel spraying are and have been in operation concurrently, each
providing 'cover' for the others.  And since these are black or grey projects,
biowarfare experimentation on the environment and populations can easily be
confused with efforts to create a 1% 'sunscreen' to reduce global warming, even
by those who are involved in one of the projects.  So I do believe that Teller's
'sunscreen' project has been ongoing along with other programs that are
undermining the health and wellbeing of the ecosystem and animal and human

There's been constant dissemination of chemtrails over the Pacific ocean,
largely unseen by populations on land.  After spraying over and off the
California coast temperatures drop 10 or 15 degrees.  If this offshore spraying
is an attempt at blocking 1% of the sun's warmth, it certainly would cool the
temperatures of the ocean.  If the ocean temperature is cooled the moisture will
not have the energy of heat, characteristic of Summer ocean temperatures, to
lift and propel moisture inland, at least very far inland.  So in the Summer,
moisture masses seem to now stop at the Rockies rather than continuing to the
East Coast, which is why I believe that there have been droughts in states east
of the Rockies.

Could this be an unfortunate consequence with Teller's 'band-aid' approach to
global warming or is it a more sinister attempt to engineer weather to create
crop failure thereby giving more control and power to the multinational
corporations who want to alter, patent and own all food crop seeds?  Clinton
recently recommended that our nation get out of the agriculture business and use
the 3rd world nations for our source of foods, which certainly ties in.

HAARP also may be used in conjunction with the artificial cloud cover, bouncing
a frequency signal off them for reasons I do not have the expertise to even
speculate about.  But it would be very naive to think that weather experiments
are not taking place.  If nothing else, if moisture levels are lower than
normal, then the interaction/interrelationship between ground and atmospheric
energies (frequencies) are changed and 'normal' weather will be destabilized.
Everything in manifestation here is a function of frequency and its relationship
with other frequencies.

When necessary resources, such as water and food, of this normally bountiful
continent become scarce, the potential for total social control will be
realized.  The food and seed corporations such as Monsanto are well-positioned
for the part they are to play in the planned corporate totalitarian coup of

On a more positive level, I have reason to believe that people can play a large
part in moderating the frequencies that they are a part of by association of
their location as well as globally.  People are not as helpless as they believe
—we have largely undiscovered individual and collective abilities, but that's
another story and one which must be assessed not by the intellect alone, but by
a combination of logic, heart and soul which constitutes an integrated form of
intelligence.  We have seen some proofs of what collective intention can
accomplish as witnessed by the experiments of intentional prayer and meditation
done over the air on the Art Bell Show.

What has been discouraged, ridiculed and hidden from us is information that
validates our potential power, our abilities to interact intentionally on a
quantum level, replaced by paradigms that fortify and encourage our dependence
and helplessness — psychically, spiritually, psychologically and materially.  An
escalation of individual and collective consciousness and acceptance of this
responsibility is the key to victory over the planned, reptilian-brained,
engineered 'hive' society of the future.  IMHO

  Namaste  ~ /\/\">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary 

[CTRL] Mea Culpa? No effin' way!!! Re: [CTRL] "DEFENDING AMERICA NEWSLETTER" 27 December 2000 Part 2

2000-12-28 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 19:31:13 EST

Refuting R.W. Zimmerman, author of

> A New Strategy For A New Generation

> In upcoming years, Generation X must become active to develop into
> responsible citizens. They are now discovering the positive and the negative
> lessons from their parents.

Uh huh...  sure.  Unless the ETs 'save' us first.

> I think we, the "40, 50, and 60-Somethings" are really the "what's in it for
> me generation" and we should look to the kids of tomorrow to reconnect us
> with deeper values.

Speak for yourself.  I have spent a large portion of my life trying to enlighten
others, increasing both collective and individual awareness so our nation will
not be overtaken by the encroaching tyranny of the corporate plutocracy, which,
unfortunately, it seems to be doing anyway.

Many of the "idealistic and dedicated" citizens of this nation ARE the
'boomers'.  Why do people like yourself buy into pre-packaged generalizations
about generations?  The best and the worst are to be found in every age group,
or every ethnic group or nationality, for that matter.  Why do you buy into the
media-promoted BS of disempowering shame that they work so hard to sell you?
How many times and in how many ways is it repeatedly pointed out to the public
how superficial, empty, materialistic the 'boomers' are?  Do you know that it
has also been reported that 'boomers' will need ever closer monitoring for
barely discernable mental illness, which reportedly, according to 'authorities'
with the help of the propaganda press, they are a greater risk to manifest?
Why is this paridigm being pushed?

These are LIES — plain and simple!  And the agenda is to further divide the
citizens of this nation against each other and to undermine the authenthicity,
viability and effectivity of individuals who happen to find themselves
characterized in a gross generalization of a generation.

If we are so impoverished as to need to look to 'generation X' for guidance and
solutions, we are indeed in a sorry state!  For we need to look with faith
within ourselves, and to the best in each other of all generations as we seek
guidance and solutions, not to the established authorities of government,
government regulatory agencies, the corporate-controlled media or religions.
Doesn't experience clearly demonstrate how these 'authorities' have done nothing
but undermine the creative spark of the individual, giving us naught but a
nightmare in exchange for the all-too-willing sacrifice of our dreams of a free,
compassionate and enlightened nation?

Please, think about what paradigms are being pushed and why.  Think about the
fact that you are being manipulated to believe what will compliment agendas of
which you may not yet be aware.  Or maybe it is easier for you to turn a blind
eye to reality, instead continuing to pay homage to the alleged authorities who
will corner and subdue you with their manufactured ghosts of shame,
ineffectivity and powerlessness.

Guilt is a useless and draining burden to carry, sapping energy, confidence,
courage, strength and potential.  The only payoff is that if we blame ourselves
we are in the sanctimonious position of relinquishing our responsibility and
deflecting further blame.   And that is what you are doing with your
self-effacing cooperation with artificially generated shame — copping out.



"Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul"  ~
Mark Twain

"If in the last few years you haven't discarded a major opinion or acquired a
new one, check your pulse, you may be dead."
 ~ Frank Gelett Burgess, American writer, illustrator

Your limits are defined by the agreement you have made about what is possible.
Change that agreement and you can dissolve all limits.  ~ Wayne Dyer, Ph.D.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Nevada MJ laws conflict with Feds

2000-12-28 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

What ever happened to "States Rights"?

Marijuana IS a medicine and can be found listed in old texts on herbal medicine,
but competes with the pharmacuetical corporations, (the petroleum industry and
the cotton and synthetic fiber industry too) who would rather we take their
expensive poisons.  ~  M

Las Vegas SUN

December 27, 2000

Las Vegas SUN

Medical panel urges marijuana research

By Cy Ryan

CARSON CITY -- A team of doctors and pharmacists has recommended that the state
conduct research to determine if marijuana is effective in treating ailments
such as cancer, AIDS or glaucoma.

The group said the research program would allow the state to avoid a
confrontation with the federal government, whose anti-marijuana laws conflict
with the recently passed initiative that allows marijuana prescriptions.

The panelists said it would help resolve the debate on whether the drug actually works.

The recommendations are contained in the final report released Tuesday by the
Nevada Medical Marijuana Initiative Work Group, formed last year after Nevada
voters in 1998 passed a ballot initiative to allow medical use of marijuana. The
initiative passed a second time in November and now becomes part of the Nevada 

The work group issued its recommendations as guidelines to Gov. Kenny Guinn and
the state Legislature, which will also be considering bills to reduce the
penalty for possession of a small amount of marijuana from a felony to either a
gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor.

The group recommended formation of a committee of health care professionals.
Doctors or medical groups could apply to the committee for permission to study
the efficacy of marijuana.

If the committee sanctions the plan, the research proposal would have to get
federal approval from the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Food and Drug
Administration and the National Institute of Drug Abuse.

Louis Ling, general counsel to the state Pharmacy Board and a co-author of the
report, cited precedents for such state-federal cooperation.

A plan similar to the Nevada patient research plan is already in use at the
University of California, San Francisco, which secured federal approval, he
said.  And San Mateo County in California is close to final approval from the
federal government.

The state ad hoc committee would seek and distribute grants and possibly state
money to help applicants through the process with the federal government and
into the research stage.

"Marijuana would be purchased by the research study through federally approved
providers," the report says. "Marijuana would not be grown, processed or
manufactured in Nevada. The federally approved provider would provide uniform,
predictable and uncontaminated marijuana, thus protecting patients from the
vagaries of illegal or homegrown marijuana."

The physician conducting the research would write the prescription and it would
be filled by participating pharmacies that would purchase marijuana from the
federal government. This plan, said the work group, "would allow physicians, not
state bureaucrats, to decide which patients would have access to marijuana for
medical purposes."

This system, the group said, treats marijuana as "a potential medicine.

"Modern medicine has been and continues to be enriched by medications that
originated from pre-existing biological materials," the report says.

But these materials, it said, must be "subjected to rigorous and exacting
medical and scientific research. Only through such rigor could folk remedies and
traditional cures be proven or disproven and outright charlatanry be weeded out."

If the claims are proven, then the research enhances "the lives of patients
every day," the report said.

The team said it was aware that the system "may restrict the access of some
people to marijuana, since marijuana will only be available through approved
medical research programs."

Proponents of the constitutional amendment objected, the report notes, and there
was "considerable frank debate" on that issue. But the group "determined that
access to all experimental drugs is, by necessity, limited."

"Such limited access is useful to produce credible results and to protect
patients from the potential harm that an untried substance might produce.

"Several members of the work group hoped that marijuana might provide medical
tools presently unavailable, but they believed that only credible scientific
research could validate marijuana's utility and safety," the report says.

The law proposed by the group would not authorize the use or possession of the
plant for purposes other than medical research. And it would not require
insurance companies to cover the medical research. Nor would it require
"accommodation of medical use in a place of employment."

The group said, however, that marijuana available as part of an approved

[CTRL] IRS, tax-exempt status and free speech

2000-12-28 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

IRS Internet review worries tax-exempt groups

By The Associated Press


A quiet Internal Revenue Service examination of how to apply the tax law
restrictions for
tax-exempt organizations to the groups’ Internet Web sites has raised an alarm.
Some groups fear
the move could lead to excessive government intrusion and stifle free speech.

IRS officials, who published a notice in October seeking comment on the issue,
say they’re merely
considering whether to modernize laws that affect some 1.3 million entities
exempt from taxes
under section 501(c) of the tax code.

But others aren’t so sure.

“This request raises many concerns,” said House Majority Leader Dick Armey,
R-Texas. “The idea
of turning the tax man into a Net cop would have a chilling effect on free
speech on the Internet.”

Section 501(c) covers a wide range of tax-exempt organizations, including
religious institutions,
charities, foundations, public service entities and nonprofit groups. Those that
qualify for Section
501(c)(3) can accept tax-deductible contributions but can’t engage in political
activity. They can
take part only in “insubstantial” lobbying. In addition, there are rules
regarding income from
activities such as advertising, fund-raising and issue advocacy.

In its low-profile notice, released Oct. 16, the IRS asked for comment on a host
of questions about
how these rules translate to the increasing use of the Internet. Some tax-exempt
organizations have
raised concern that the IRS could hold them accountable� — and possibly
revoke their
tax-exempt status for their Web page links to political groups or for statements
made in Web
newsgroups or chat rooms.

“I am very concerned with the IRS proposal because of the difficulty I would
have with policing
links from the site,” said Jim Harper, who runs a 501(c)(3) privacy-policy site
“I would easily have more than 1,000 links, each of which the IRS could find to
be ‘advocacy’
because of the content on the other end.”

Another 501(c)(3) group, the Citizens’ Council on Health Care, which is based in
St. Paul, Minn.,
said in an e-mail that the IRS could produce rules that would “seriously limit
public discourse and
freedom of speech. Even if the Web site is eventually found to be innocent of
the IRS charge,
damage to the organization will be extensive.”

But officials with the Treasury Department say the idea for updated IRS
guidelines originated with tax-exempt groups themselves, including Independent
Sector, a coalition of leading nonprofit and philanthropic groups, and the
American Bar Association’s tax section.

Washington attorney Pamela Olson, chairwoman of the ABA tax section, said the
rules are “an
area where we definitely need guidance. I think Treasury is listening closely to
the comments.”

Judy Kindell, IRS tax law specialist in the exempt organizations division, said
the intent is to apply
existing law for tax-exempt groups to new practices made possible by the
Internet. The IRS, she
said, is not attempting to enact new restrictions or rewrite the law.

“We’re not trying to broaden our authority at all. We’re just trying to do our
job and move it to
the Internet age,” Kindell said.

Some of the negative comments, she added, “go back to the underlying
prohibition, not what
happens when you take existing activities and move them to the Internet.”

The IRS will accept comment on the issue through Feb. 13, and it is possible
officials will decide to
take no further action. If new guidelines are developed, Kindell said, it could
take months or even
years before they are finalized.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-12-28 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


Dec. 27, 2000 | 11:14 p.m.

By JASON KANDEL c.2000 Los Angeles Daily News

LOS ANGELES -- With just three days left to register assault weapons under a new
state law, only
10,000 gun owners have done so, and some said they plan to move their firearms
out of state.

Racing against the deadline, several gun groups including the National Rifle
Association said they plan to go to court this week to seek a delay, saying the
law is vague and has not been publicized well enough.

But Attorney General Bill Lockyer said he is confident the law would survive a
court challenge. The law -- the toughest of its kind in the nation -- requires
owners of assault weapons with specific features to alter, destroy, register or
turn them in by Sunday.

Lockyer said he believes more assault weapons should be registered by now.

"We didn't have any expectations because no one knows exactly how many of these
types of guns are in private hands. We estimate there are a larger number, though."

Enforcing the law depends wholly on gun owners' cooperation.  Failure to
register could bring a fine of $500 or more and from 16 months to three years in
state prison.

"No one's planning to go knock on doors and search for something.  We recognize
the owners have
pre-existing property rights," Lockyer said.

The law, authored by state Sen. Don Perata, D-Oakland, is intended to strengthen
the 1989 Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Act, which limited models of assault
firearms, and further defines an assault weapon based on characteristics.

The law now defines assault weapons as semiautomatic rifles, pistols and
shotguns with detachable magazines and that have features including:

!bbox! A forward pistol grip or one sticking out from beneath the weapon.

!bbox! A thumbhole stock.

!bbox! A folding or telescopic stock.

!bbox! A grenade launcher or flare launcher.

!bbox! A flash suppressor.

Also, semiautomatic pistols are covered by the law if they have certain
features, including a second
handgrip or a shroud that protects the shooter from getting burned.

In absence of registering an assault weapon, an owner must disable it
permanently, surrender it to law
enforcement, sell it to a licensed assault weapon dealer or move it out of state.

"We're trying to dry up the pool of assault weapons," Lockyer said.

In protest of the law, some gun owners are moving their guns out of state, an
act permitted under the
new law.

"They just don't want to deal with the government bureaucracy," said Jim Brown,
an employee at the
Pony Express Sports Shop in North Hills. "Many will take their guns out of
state. Many will just not
register them."

Others are trying to figure out exactly what the law means to them.

"We've been getting about a dozen calls a day. This law is vague. It's political
symbolism at its worst,"
said Steve Helsley, spokesman for the National Rifle Association. "It's referred
to as a ban. This is a tax
bill. You have to pay the state a fee, and fill out a form to continue to
lawfully possess your property."

An attorney for the NRA said the law is confusing, and that gun owners should
have another year to

"Firearms laws are becoming as complicated as tax and environmental laws," said
Chuck Michel, a Los
Angeles lawyer representing various gun advocacy associations, business owners
and gun owners.

"The difference is that the average gun owner doesn't have a lawyer in the
closet standing by to give
advice like a corporation that is subject to environmental and tax laws does.
The result is accidental

Lockyer said the allegation is baseless.

"The confusion is part of the legal strategy of the NRA," Lockyer said. "They
try to convince judges
that it's unconstitutional because of vagueness and confusion. So far the courts
have not bought that

The state Department of Justice has advertised the law in newspapers and on
radio, as well as having
alerted gun dealers and conducted public hearings.

Previous efforts to register assault weapons have survived legal challenges.

As a result of the 1989 law, more than 62,000 weapons were registered in a
27-month period in
1991-92, officials said.

In August, the state Supreme Court upheld the registration of types of AK and
AR-15 assault weapons
identified in the 1989 law. Those weapons must be registered by Jan. 23.

Law enforcement and gun control advocates support the law, and agree the best
solution to firearms
violence is enacting laws at the federal level.

"There is no other law like this in the country that's this strong," said Lewis
Tolley of the Los Angeles
branch of Handgun Control Inc., which works to enact gun control legislation in
the United States.

"But in order for this law to work most effectively, it would need to be a
national law. As long as
someone can buy assault weapons in every state around Cali

Re: [CTRL] Crime and Punishment

2000-12-28 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Also, with the DoD panel relegating GWI to the ravages of 'stress', all GWI
victims are restricted from gun ownership.  The VA do whatever they can to
elicit responses that indicate "stress" so that diagnosis will go on the charts
of GWI sufferers.  And who wouldn't be stressed if they feel sick,  getting no
help, but instead prescriptions for damaging brain clogging anti-depressents,
while being tracked by the DoD and VA, those agencies complicit in the mass
poisoning of our own military forces?  Apparently the DoD has requested all the
records of the stressed veterans and they are being viewed and used by the DoJ.
There's more information on this at Joyce Riley's

For more on GWI see:

The current infrastructure of the many laws is such that it is rare (if ever)
that any person is not 'guilty' of some crime for which they could be
prosecuted/persecuted if they were deemed worthy of 'legal' harassment, i.e.,
threatening —  so we have plenty of available 'legal' charges which can be used
as a tool for disrupting and or destroying the lives of 'enemies' of the
corporate plutocracy's imposed status quo.

'We the People' are the commodities sold by our government 'authorities' to the
highest bidders, with many plans in the works for us to be implemented by
bioengineering.  As far as they're concerned, your life belongs to them.  Your
future,  your health, your lifespan, even your dreams, will be engineered to
suit their interests and agendas.

This can be changed, but only if awareness increases and people quit bickering
over moot points and false media promulgated political partisanship battles.
But it seems that petty bickering is such an entertaining and false-ego
fortifying pastime that most can't get beyond it to unite in a common effort to
stop their common enemies.  Looks to me like one for the Darwin awards.

~ /\/\

Those who can ask, still ask the question, "Do I think people in this country
are capable of genocide?" One can only say, take the time to ponder who
perpetrates and prospers from the 20 million deaths per year from cancers and
diseases, from chemicals in the food and water, from starvation, from
sterilizations, from microwave pollution, etc., etc., much of which can be
traced to purposeful malice. This is the reason there are no publications for
investigative reporting left in America. This year, four or five such
publications were bought out by Rockefeller or went out of business, and it was
not from a lack of things to report of the need to be informed.
>From transcript of Mae Brussell’s broadcast from KLRB, Carmel, California on
August 4, 1978.

"Jayson R. Jones" wrote:
RE: Gun law traps unmeant targets
> >Federal law prohibits anyone from buying or possessing a weapon who
> >was convicted of a crime that carried a penalty of more than one year in
> >prison.
> With so many "crimes" now carrying more than a year in jail (as well as
> forfieture of property), a legal system that lets prosecutors indict a
> rock, draconian manditory sentence laws that insure a plea bargain on a
> lesser charge, and a missguided "Lock em all up forever" mentality, who
> will be left to own a gun?  Or vote?  Or get a good job? Or get a student
> loan?  We have a "crime problem" more due to everything being made
> illegal and punishable, than from the effects of real crime.  A 0.8 DUI
> law
> that, in many states also carries forfieture of your vehicle, costs you
> all your rights.  Possession of 1 marijuana cigarette costs you
> all your rights.  Hiring a prostitute costs you all your rights.  Playing
> poker in your livingroom costs you all your rights.  Any sex other than
> vaginal costs you all your rights.  Here in Eugene Oregon dumping a pie
> on the head of the Mayor (assault) costs you all your rights.  Think
> about it folks.  This is our legal system in action.  It is not only your
> right to Keep and Arm Bears that you lose.  It is the right to vote.  It
> is the loss of any chance at a good job.  It is getting grants and
> scholarships for education.
> >Several lawmakers say they are exploring legislative remedies.
> Yup, putting more gobblety-gook in the books.  The remedy is repeal the
> laws, rules and regulations that nullify the freedoms and rights given us
> in the Constitution.
> Grumpy Ol' Jayson
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said,

[CTRL] Mutated Polio Virus from Vaccine Causes Outbreak

2000-12-26 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Mutated Polio Virus from Vaccine Causes Outbreak

A mutated strain of polio virus traced to the oral polio vaccine has infected
people in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, causing the first cases of the
disease in the Western Hemisphere since 1991. None of the patients with polio
has died.

"This is not a desperate situation from the view of outbreak control ... but it
is still a surprise," said Pan American Health Organization spokesman Daniel
Epstein on Sunday.

The vaccine, known as Sabin 1 oral poliovirus vaccine, uses a weakened version
of the virus.

Although none of the patients had received the vaccine, doctors believe they
caught the mutated strain from someone else who had been vaccinated. That person
likely received the standard vaccination that mutated within them.

Scientists traced the cases back to the vaccine by an analysis of the mutated
polio strain, which shares 97 percent of its makeup with the one used in the vaccine.

The last case of polio in the Americas was diagnosed in Peru in 1991.

The only other previously known case of an oral vaccine mutating into a virulent
strain was in Egypt between 1983 and 1993, where more than 30 people were infected.

Associated Press Online, December 3, 2000

DR. MERCOLA'S COMMENT: A warning that some of the vaccine paradigm may be
starting to crumble. If you are not yet convinced of the dangers of
immunizations please reserve several hours of time and click on the links below.

Also be sure to review 2 other related articles this week. One briefly describes
some of the substances used in the manufacture of vaccines.

Another article is an excerpt from a classic book entitled "Diet Prevents
Polio", written in 1951 during the height of the polio epidemic by Benjamin P.
Sandler, MD, which describes how imbalances in blood sugar can suppress the
immune system, making people more susceptible to serious diseases like polio.

Related Articles:

 How To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of All Kinds

 Shoot First and Ask Questions Later

 Shots in the Dark

 Setting the Record Straight on Anti-Vaccination Stance

 Vaccines and Immune Suppression

 Internet Becomes a Vaccine Battleground

 Vaccine Links

If you find this newsletter interesting and valuable, help support it by
recommending it to some friends by using this button.

Return to Table of Contents #185

©Copyright 1997-2000 by Joseph M. Mercola, DO. All Rights Reserved. This content
may be copied in full, with copyright; contact; creation; and information
intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format.
If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Dr. Mercola is required.

Disclaimer - Newsletters are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola. They are
not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care
professional and they are not intended as medical advice. They are intended as a
sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr.
Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health
care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified
health care professional.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Gun law traps unmeant targets/ PA

2000-12-26 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Philadelphia Daily News and Inquirer

Tuesday December 26 07:45 AM EST
Gun law traps unmeant targets


HARRISBURG - Firearms have been part of George Bellum's life for most of his 51
years. He got a hunting license as a teenager, he collects antique weapons, and
he enjoys target shooting with his children on his central Pennsylvania farm.

Today, Bellum, a law-abiding tree farmer from Bloomsburg, cannot touch his guns.
In fact, he cannot even legally own one - because he was convicted of drunken
driving more than 20 years ago.

Bellum, like hundreds of others, is trapped in a netherworld that may be unique
to Pennsylvania: People who once got caught drag racing or stealing a loaf of
bread are being swept into a net cast for dangerous felons.

Federal law prohibits anyone from buying or possessing a weapon who was
convicted of a crime that carried a penalty of more than one year in prison.

Several lawmakers say they are exploring legislative remedies.

Copyright © 2000 Yahoo! , Philadelphia Daily News and Inquirer and

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107,
this material is distributed without profit or payment to
those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving
this information for non-profit research and educational
purposes only.  For more information go to:">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Oregon: Chemtrails/ Spider webs choke Wallowa County air space

2000-12-22 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

This was just posted on Sightings, but was originally posted in 12 October of
this year.

Spider webs choke Wallowa County air space

 By Elane Dickenson of the Chieftain

Shortly after 1:30 last Thursday afternoon, the Wallowa County Chieftain was
alerted to a phenomena taking place over the city of Enterprise at that very
minute. The message was that spider web-like material was falling from the sky,
and said to be the product of "contrails" from three military jets that had been
flying back and forth in a east-west flight pattern at high altitude at the
south end of the Wallowa Valley above the mountains.

They flew "at least an hour" and one flight pattern was directly overhead,
according to the informant, Steve Doster of Enterprise. He said stuff like that
which was falling from the sky here has been making people sick all over the country.

Doster, the person who called, suggested that someone with a good camera come
out to shoot some photographs above the street in front of Ace Hardware, where
he and a group of other people were watching the "webs" fall down.

Though there was no aircraft visible when the requested camera arrived, and the
bright sky made a decent photograph doubtful, spider-web like material – from
thin filaments to thicker masses – was indeed falling from the sky, hanging up
on utility lines and car antennae. The stuff seemed to be everywhere.

Doster said, according to information he'd read on the Internet, some of this
material had been tested in a health lab and was found to be a "biological soup"
designed to make people ill.  He said theories ranged from the government trying
to raise the immunity of residents to the government trying to reduce world
population to somehow facilitate the establishment of a world order.

"I haven't formed any opinions myself, I just wanted people to be aware that
this has been  happening," said Doster.

Doster later supplied Internet material, most of it reports published by
Environmental News Service (ENS), as well as Internet links, talking about the
"contrails" coming from military jets flying in a grid pattern.

Contrails are condensation trails generated at altitude high enough for water
droplets to freeze in a matter of seconds and not quickly evaporate. Unlike
normal contrails , which dissipate soon after a jet's passage, videos show "eery
silver jets streaming fat contrails from their wing tips," according to a ESN
release dated Jan. 8, 1999.  One from Jan. 12, 1999, described "globular
filaments resembling spider webs usually falling in clumps or wads ranging from
pencil eraser size to the size of a balled up fist. ... Winds often whip the
cobweb-like material into filaments as long as 50 feet. ... (The) sticky
substance 'melts in your hands' and "adheres to whatever it touches.'"

According to ENS reports, flu-like illness with symptoms ranging from bronchial
problems and headaches to fever and diarrhea connected with the contrail/web
phenomena, according to the Internet reports, with some hospitals reporting
epidemic conditions.

The contrail patterns have been reportedly been observed in over 40 U.S. cities
and in 10 or more countries, according to the reports. The address to the web
page from which most of the material was taken is Most of the reports were written by William
Thomas, who can be described as a right-wing environmental journalist.

Before reading this material – which cautioned against handling the stuff
because of illness associated with it – the Chieftain retrieved a sample of the
stuff lying on the ground. As of press time the reporter handling the web-like
material had not gotten sick.

However, Doster said Tuesday this week that he was suffering from an "upper
respiratory infection and fever, typical flu symptoms," while two of the people
who'd been watching the webs with him had light headaches that night and one
woman was suffering from severe diarrhea. "Of course it could be coincidental,"
he noted.

A call to Wallowa Memorial Hospital Tuesday afternoon uncovered the fact that
there were then five patients in the hospital, "a little lower than normal,"
said a spokesman. When told about the web-like material that had fallen that is
said to possibly make people sick, he commented, " As far as I know, nobody has
even heard of that around here."

A trip Friday morning (when there was no longer webs falling from the sky) to
the Wallowa County  Extension Office to investigate the web stuff was
inconclusive. The filaments, by this time mostly a sticky white glob, were
compared under a 20-power bioscope with a normal spider web. The two samples
were very similar, though it did appear that the material that had fallen out of
the sky was somewhat coarser than what was known for sure to be a spider web.

A call was placed by Wallowa County Extension Agent John Willi

[CTRL] NATO DU weapons use coverup/ resulting birth defects, illness and deaths

2000-12-22 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Huge Coverup NATO Use Of DU In Yugoslavia -
First  Deaths Reported

ByTimothy Bancroft-Hinchey in Lisbon, for Pravda.Ru


As new evidence comes to light over NATO's use of depleted
uranium (DU) weapons, NATO continues to deny that there is any
danger to soldiers or civilians living within the areas where DU was
used. This continued denial raises suspicions of a massive, prolonged
and determined cover-up as more and more firm proof is discovered
and NATO's answer is always the same.

Depleted Uranium is cheap to obtain, since it is a residue from the
nuclear power industry. The USA procured 130,000 tonnes of it in
1991 for "national defence reserves" and has unfortunately been busy
spreading it around the globe since then. Fired at 1,200
metres/second, DU weapons can destroy heavily armoured vehicles
or reinforced concrete bunkers up to 3 metres underground.

The problem is that radioactive particles are released into the ground,
the water supply and the air and these particles do not simple
disappear. Radioactive material takes many years to lose
concentration. While NATO affirms and reaffirms that these DU
weapons are safe, the naked truth is that they are not and here is the

A secret report written by the British Atomic Energy Authority in
1991, quoted by the newspaper "The Independent on Sunday",
states that more than 40 tonnes of DU was left in Iraq and Kuweit
during the Gulf War and that was enough "to potentially cause
500,000 deaths".

Substantial numbers of US and British soldiers who fought in the Gulf
War have since complained of "Gulf War Syndrome" which NATO
sources dismiss as being a form of post-operational stress syndrome.
However, on closer examination, the symptoms are identical to those
of radiation sickness. Furthermore, the incidence of cancer and
congenital malformation in babies has risen meteorically in the Gulf
region since the war, as have also cases of leukaemia in children and
still-born babies in Iraq.

DU was also used in Bosnia-Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995
and in Kosovo last year.

The Italian Defence Ministry has admitted two deaths among Italian
soldiers stationed in the Balkans in DU areas, one through leukaemia
and one through a tumour. However, the Italian media claim that
there were four deaths, while there are 12 more cases of leukaemia
or tumours among Italian soldiers stationed in areas where DU was

Dutch soldiers, who were in Kosovo until July of this year, took
special care during all operations in which they were involved,
wearing protective clothing. The Dutch Army Press Office issued the
following statement:

"The soldiers always used special equipment and for now there are
no cases of illness among them". This is tantamount to an admission
that DU was used and that it is dangerous.

The European Council Parliamentary Committee issued a statement
on Monday, admitting that the NATO bombings in Kosovo caused
"dramatic" damage, which will have a long-term effect on the health
and life-quality of future generations.

In the report "Facts and Consequences of the use of DU in NATO's
aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999",
drawn up by the Yugoslav authorities, it is admitted that the
contamination level reached 245,000 Becquerel/Kg. in areas where
DU was used. This figure is 1,100 times higher than the maximum
contamination level considered safe for the health.

Zeljko Lazic, attach? at the Yugoslav Embassy in Lisbon, states that
he has information proving that cases of illness, with symptoms
identical to those of Gulf War Syndrome (Radiation Sickness) are
appearing among soldiers and civilians alike who were in Kosovo in
the contaminated areas.

The Italian Observatory responsible for civilians and soldiers
involved in Italian Armed Forces operations, issued a document
which guarantees that Italian soldiers are dying from leukaemia, due
to DU weapons.

This question is particularly pertinent in Portugal, whose contingent in
Kosovo is stationed in the Klina area, one of the main areas where
DU was used. The Portuguese force is due to leave Kosovo soon.
Questioned when this will take place, the Portuguese Defence
Ministry Press Officer, Captain Caldas, said that Portugal was not
the only international force planning to pull out: "A general withdrawal
of all the countries is being studied by Kfor".

How much more evidence does NATO need to admit that it has
caused a calamity with weapons that are illegal. DU violates four
fundamental international rules on the use of weaponry:

Its effects go beyond the battlefield;

Weapons should only be used during a conflict and their effects must
not have any effect after the conflict has finished;

Unacceptable, prolonged suffering is caused by the munitions;

The environment has been damaged by the weapons.

It is not enough to deny and to run away. It is necessa

[CTRL] AIDS VACCINE SECRETS FOUND (no, not the stolen vaccine)

2000-12-22 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

I do know from a previous research project of over a year ago that one of the
big biomed corporations (in San Mateo, CA) received a large grant from DARPA and
was working on a 'universal anti-viral' compound derived from Pokeweed, a humble
and ubiquitious weed.  The mature plant is poisonous unless thoroughly dried but
the young shoots aren't and have been traditionally used for 'salad fixins' in
the south.  I have the documentation buried somewhere around here if anyone
wants more on this and I'll be digging up this info to send to Boyd, Donald
Scott, et al.
  ~ /\/\

 Original Message 
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 07:02:03 -0500
From: "Zygote Media" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

by Boyd Ed Graves, J.D.

Anyone who has taken the AIDS Library Challenge has found
there are eight references to the federal program that created
the AIDS virus. The public library system houses references
to progress reports #8 - 15 of the Special Virus program.
Because we now have the flowchart of the program, we are
able to identify with clarity, specific experiments and contracts
inside the program.

A large amount of attention has been showered on Phase IV-A
of the program. Phase IV-A is the "Immunogical Control" section.
In other words, program scientists conducted experiments that
inhibited or controlled AIDS prior to proliferation (Phase V).
The following contracts all apply to Phase IV-A of the flowchart.
It is review of these experiments that appear to provide
the best hope for medical breakthroughs for people
living with HIV/AIDS:

 step 1: Determine Suitable Immunological Control







Many of us have forgotten that HIV was originally called
"leukemia/lymphoma" virus. Review of these particular
experiments will instantly provide faster routes to better
therapy and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS.
We sincerely believe we have proven our right to an
apology for the deaths and death sentences of countless
numbers of innocent people. Make the flowchart count.
We can prove another holocaust has been perpetrated
by the state to the detriment of the common man.
I publicly oppose stealth germs of depopulation.

We have solved the last remaining secret of the 20th Century.
We again call upon Dr. Robert Gallo, Dr. Garth Nicolson and
Dr. Carlton Gajdusek to join efforts with Dr. Len Horowitz,
Dr. Alan Cantwell, Dr. Robert Lee and Dr. Dean Loren,
among others.

On behalf of the American people, particularly those of us
who continue to face a "living social death", those of us with
HIV/AIDS and other illnesses, I will continue to speak and report.
It is an honor to serve the American people, we are stronger
than our weaknesses. We are greater than a federal virus and
we will prove that by reviewing the "special" program that put it
together. I see a bright 21st Century, band-aids everywhere,
but a century quickly on the mend. The logical scientific
conclusion for the origin of AIDS is the 'secret' virus program
of the United States, the "Special" virus.

"State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS"
by Boyd Ed Graves, J.D.

Copyright 2000 Zygote Media

~Please forward to interested persons and lists.

State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS. By Boyd Ed G

Re: [CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Re: [CTRL] F?...

2000-12-22 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

> In a message dated 12/21/2000 8:37:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> << >Personally, I don't like either of them. They're both liars,
>  >they're both thieves and they're both bullies.  Nothing would make me
>  >happier than if the left got out of my wallet and the right got out of
>  >my bedroom. But don't hold your breath.
>  Same here.  I'll bet most of the list also agrees.  How about it lurkers?
>  Jayson >>
> I doubt you could classify me as a lurker, but I surely do agree.  Prudy

I've said it before, and on CTRL too, so not a lurker, but I can't resist the
urge to reiterate;  I feel the same way!

Just different puppets of the same puppetmasters' guild with the added benefit
of diverting the energy and focus of the populace with manufactured and
irrelevant BS.~ /\/\">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-12-21 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Date: 21 Dec 2000 01:40:52 -
From: "Hogue Prophecy Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: List Member

Hogue Prophecy Mailing List - www.hogueprophecy


Dear friends,
Over the last few days I have received hundreds of emails from around the
world asking me about the authenticity of this amazing quatrain
purportedly attributed to Nostradamus:


In 1555, Nostradamus wrote:

"Come the millennium, month 12,
In the home of greatest power,
The village idiot will come forth
To be acclaimed the leader."


What a wonderful prophecy!

Too bad it is a bald-faced hoax.

Can any of you see why? Or better, can any of you see which important
element is missing in this quotation?

Notice that this four-line prophecy attributed to Nostradamus does not
contain his Century and Quatrain indexing numbers?

I believe Nostradamus knew people would try to write prophecies under his
name. That is why he indexed all of his quatrains in his original editions
of "Les Propheties" --his ambitious 941 quatrain history of the future. If
you have an authentically quoted prophecy's indexing number you can find
it in its original 16th century French. . You can then  compare the
translation in question against the original French text for its accuracy
and authenticity.

Rest assured. This is not a prophecy from Nostradamus. Only a hoaxer
writing for some yellow rag like the National Perspirer, would avoid such
scrutiny by leaving out the index number.

By the way, I have cross referenced every application of the over 36,000
words Nostradamus used in his prophetic works and none of them combine to
make this prophecy. This quatrain should be thrown in the same garbage
heap of non-indexed hoaxes like the famous "bloody glove of O. J."
quatrain. (Chuckle...)

John Hogue
Rogue Scholar, Author: "Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies"

PS--My assessment on the presidency is coming soon. Since it appears to me
that the U.S. Supreme Court's president-elect is not really going to run
the country, I have waited a little longer to see who will be his puppet

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-12-21 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Date: 21 Dec 2000 11:31:08 -
From: "Hogue Prophecy Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: List Member

Hogue Prophecy Mailing List - www.hogueprophecy


Here is a real Nostradamus quatrain one could apply to President-Elect
Bush.(21 December 2000)

Dear friends,
We have recently seen a four-line quatrain prophecy about a village idiot
becoming the next U.S. president. The prophecy is a fraud attributed to
Nostradamus. There is, however, an authentic quatrain that bears closer
scrutiny in the coming years. It could be applied to the future presidency
of George W. Bush. It is Quatrain 13 of Century 6 of his prophetic
masterpiece, Les Propheties.

(First in 16th-Century French)

Vn dubieux ne viendra loing du regne,
La plus grand part le voudra soustenir:
Vn Capitole ne voundra point qu'il regne,
Sa grande change ne pourra maintenir.

(In English)

A doubtful one will not come far from the realm,
The greater part will want to support him:
A Capitol, will not want him to rule at all,
His great burden he will not be able to maintain.

This "doubtful one" could stand for the intellectually lightweight
president-elect George W. Bush. The "doubt" could imply some ongoing
suspicion throughout his presidency that Bush cheated Al Gore (who won the
majority of the popular national vote) out of the popular vote in Florida
by shady tactics. A fraud in the Florida vote count effectively gave Bush
the necessary electoral votes to "legally" win the election. Nostradamus'
use of "doubtful one" could also indicate that with time an ever larger
shadow of illegitimacy will cast itself across a Bush presidency.

The second line might describe a period of attempted healing during the
aftermath of the election. A time when a majority of the people of America
will try to rally around their "doubtful" new president.

Line three may hint to us who President Bush's real political enemies are.
By the way, it may not be the Democrats in the deadlocked Congress. My
sense is it will be the right wing elements of his own Republican Party.
But the obstacles do not end there. Those who "will not want him to rule"
could be those men behind the scenes that may have put this malleable man
into office to be their rehearsed puppet spokesman for their agenda.

How could those who put him there turn against him?

Looking at Bush's natal astrological chart I see the potential for great
self-delusion and a predilection for substance abuse. The abuse in this
case comes from the drug called "power." (I will speak in detail about his
astrology in a forthcoming bulletin, and on Coast to Coast AM with Barbara
Simpson, on 2 January.)

At some time in his presidency Bush will rebel against his handlers. As
his presidency becomes more besieged with problems and credibility, he
might strive to be his own man and cease to listen to his advisers,
causing even greater problems and greater strains upon himself. The last
line, therefore, may describe what I fear is some nervous breakdown or
health problem coming from the overwhelming pressures put upon a basically
good, yet emotionally and intellectually immature man.

Now, with this interpretation said, I wish to caution you all that there
is an even stronger application for this quatrain for an earlier
Republican president; one respected by the French people. It must be
remembered that Nostradamus saw the future through the perception of a
Frenchman. If foreigners come into his vision it is because they are in
some way appreciative of, or are influencing the future of, France. We do
not know how the French will ultimately regard Bush. Indeed the early
signs point to present day and future ridicule. Be that as it may, on page
448 of my book "Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies," I applied this
prophecy to Richard Nixon back in 1997. Here is what I said:


"This is [about] Nixon. Nostradamus would not overlook a man who did so
much to change the course of 20th-century history. But our prophet, ever
the pessimist, had Nixon to "kick around" long before the controversial
American president was born.

"In line 1 Nixon is the "doubltful one" who is regarded warmly in France.
Even the querulous Charles de Gaulle was an admirer. After Nixon's fall
following the Watergate scandal, he could still find respect and honors
during his visits to the "realm" of France. Perhaps Nostradamus is saying
that Nixon is "not far" from being a Frenchman. In line 2 the "greater
part" supporting Nixon during the 1968 presidential elections was what he
called the Silent Majority. He declared himself the champion of normal,
middle-class Americans who were not represented in the turbulent political
arena of the late 1960s. Line 3's "Capitol" represents Washington DC, and
the Democrat-controlled Congress of the United States. Their fierce
political rivalry with the Republican president finally led to

[CTRL] archived Wiesenthal Center "government hate site"

2000-12-20 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

For the sake of history and truth, here's the  archived Weisenthal "government
hate" website list.
  Interesting websites too.

 ~ /\/\

> ==
> Does patriotism equal 'hate site'?
> Wiesenthal Center names 3,000 offenders including some of your favorite
> Americans
> By Julie Foster
> © 2000
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] WT: Clinton's global warming time bomb

2000-12-20 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

For good advice see Matthew 7: 1 - 5

   ~ M

Vera Harper wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Colleen, you are such an ugly person, it's too bad the docs can't heal
> you with a little plastic surgery. While I have no doubt that you are also hideous 
>on the outside, your heart and mind are as grotesque as they come. Judging a child by 
>his/her parents is so very sad. I sincerely hope that you have no children. I can't 
>even imagine how hateful and petty they would be. Chelsea is confident? Why shouldn't 
>she be, at least she has a grasp on the English language, you incompetent idiot!
> Aleisha/Colleen spews forth her hate:
> Little Chelsie by now will have plastic surgery to take away the Eleanor
> Roosevelt face - and have you noted at Stanford she has gotten all this
> confidence - McCain was right she is ugly, inside to the
> outside..when she calls her Secret Service Pigs - it is a reflection
> of her image and the image of her mother.">
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Re: [CTRL] Bush-"World Champion Executioner"

2000-12-20 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

I lived in Germany for 4 years and many Germans are still scandalized by the
acts of their ancestors, many apologetic, humbled, horrified and on a vigilant
watch for anything that resembles a Nazi platform, seeking to help redeem the
past by acting with care, respect and honor in the present.  Many political
parties have been outlawed due to the content of their political philosophies
which are too close to Nazi thinking for the comfort of the Germans.

One German friend explained to me that one of the major problems with this is
that the outlawed parties simply disband and reform with a new name, and often
are once again banned by the government.  Another side to this extreme vigilance
can also be seen as repressive to freedom of speech and belief WHEN political
parties that are nationalistic, advocate protectionism and limited immigration,
as many in this country also do, are perceived as Nazis and persecuted as such,
even if they are not anti-semitic or racist.

 ~ /\/\

Nessie wrote:

> First of all, "they" were almost all born after the war was over. Should
> we condemn them for the acts of their parents, grandparents and in
> millions of cases, great-grandparents?
> Third, the German government and the German people do far, far more to
> suppress neo-fascists that we Americans do. Just preaching Nazism is
> illegal. More importantly, when the fascists march in Germany, or
> anywhere in Europe, they are outnumbered five or ten to one by
> anti-fascist counter-demonstrators. You really should read up before
> spouting off.

> =CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing 
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Does patriotism equal 'hate site'? Wiesenthal Center names 3,000 offenders including some of your favorite Americans

2000-12-20 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

In my estimation, these Wiesenthal weenies are the ones to watch out for.  I
guess to their unfathomable (they certainly don't know as they freely admitted
according to Foster's article) and fascist way of thinking it is 'hate' that
anyone should care enough to notice and criticize what the government is doing.
 Among other websites listed on their "government hate" website list were
excellent and informative websites such as William Thomas' Chemtrails and Jeff
Rense's Sightings.

Oh drat! I should have saved that page;  the offending page is now in 404 land.

The closest link to this page is
 — the "Wiesenthal
"Digital Hate 2001interactive report on the internet", which says "This page is
being updated. Please check back"

Maybe they got some 'hate' mail in the form of reasonable questions.  Or
couldn't even begin to explain their choices.  Or both.

Can hardly wait to see their new list, coming soon...

  ~ /\/\
Does patriotism equal 'hate site'?

Wiesenthal Center names 3,000 offenders including some of your favorite
By Julie Foster
© 2000

What do patriotic singer Steve Vaus, political think tank Free Congress
Foundation and various
Second Amendment-rights organizations have in common with white supremacists, 
promoters of violence and religiously motivated killers of homosexuals and

They have all been listed on the Simon Wiesenthal Center's "Digital Hate 2001,"
a compilation of
some 3,000 "hate sites across the Internet." A flurry of complaints prompted
removal of the list
from the group's website until a revised version is posted after the first of
the year.

Founded in 1977 by Simon Wiesenthal, a survivor of the World War II Nazi death
camps and
famed Nazi hunter, the Wiesenthal Center has spent decades fighting
anti-Semitism and other racial
bigotry. Yet the respected group may have irreparably damaged its reputation
with "Digital Hate
2001," the center's third compilation of supposed hate websites. The list may
also have damaged
others' reputations as well, prompting talk of legal actions.

Among the blacklisted is singer and songwriter Steve Vaus, who makes a living
selling his patriotic
albums, which he offers through his website. Vaus is known for his spirited and
passionate lyrics,
including those of his 1996 song, "We must take America back:"

"The American dream has become a nightmare. Signs of the times are on cardboard
on corners in
town. There's a cancer called crime in our cities, and an unspoken fear ...
we're on our way down.

"We must take America back. Put an end to the gangs and the drugs in the
streets. And the fact that
the bad guys most always go free, that is wrong. We need leaders who lead us,
not stick us and
bleed us, then take all our money and send it abroad. We must take America back.
We need prayer
in the schools and more things 'Made In U.S.A.' It's the least we can do for the
red, white and blue.
We must take America back.

"There's a hell here on earth in some city schoolyards. When bullets and birth
control outnumber
books something's wrong. There's a hunger for good news and heroes, but good
news is no news so
all of the heroes are gone."

In his song "I'd rather die on my feet," Vaus expresses his love for liberty and
calls all Americans
to remember the price paid for freedom. At no time does he advocate violence or
an overthrow of
the government.

"Our colonial fathers showed us the way, led the battle for freedom that guides
us today. Their
spirit lives on in true Americans who answer the call, protect and defend.

"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees. There's no point to life
without liberty.

"So I'll stand for what's right as long as I breathe. I'd rather die on my feet,
than live on my knees.

"Every time I hear children say the pledge of allegiance it makes me think of
the price we pay for
(our) freedom. To keep America first, last and forever, we must stand our ground 

Vaus said he has no idea why he was listed among the Wiesenthal Center's hate
websites. Upon
learning of his inclusion in Digital Hate 2001, Vaus called the center asking
for an explanation, but
did not get one. On Oct. 31, the artist consulted his lawyer, David Branfman,
and sent a letter to
the organization.

"To suggest that my site or my music qualifies as 'hate' under any circumstance
is not only totally
false, but I believe it may rise to the level of slander or defamation," he

After demanding a formal apology and retraction to be posted on Weisenthal's
website, Vaus did
not hear back from the center.

"I had a very difficult time getting straight answers," Vaus added.

So did WorldNetDaily. Asked what criteria were used to determine what
constitutes a

[CTRL] Ireland: CJD tainted vaccine

2000-12-20 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Polio Vaccine Tainted in Ireland

Politicians called for an independent report on the safety of vaccines following 
announcement by the Department of Health that a blood donation from a British
donor recently
diagnosed as having a variant of CJD was used to make a polio vaccination
distributed in Ireland
two years ago.

The Department of Health announced this afternoon that there was no medical risk
to those who
received the polio vaccination produced.

Following the announcement, a political party spokesman for Health and Children,
Mr. Gay
Mitchell TD, called on the Government to appoint an independent inspector to
carry out a
review of vaccine safety and to issue a public report on the inspector’s

The Department of Health was informed last week by British authorities that
blood plasma from
British donor who has since been diagnosed as having a variant of CJD was used
to make a batch
of the product Human Serum Albumin. This product was subsequently used by the company
Evan/Medeva for its Oral Polio Vaccine which it supplied to the Irish market.

Approximately 83,500 doses of this polio vaccine was distributed in Ireland
between January 1998 and January 1999. More detailed checking is taking place
with the Health Boards over the usage of the vaccine.

The polio vaccine is administered to children aged 2, 4, and 6 months as part of
the Primary
Childhood Immunisation Programme. A booster immunisation is given at primary
school entry

Some adults may also have received the vaccine as part of the recommended
immunisations for
travel to certain countries such as Asia and Eastern Europe.

The health Minister said there is no longer any British-sourced plasma material
contained in any
vaccine in use in Ireland. Evan/Medeva factory which supplied the polio vaccine
had been
investigated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who found that a lot
of its
equipment was not properly cleaned and sanitised against contamination at the
appropriate times.">
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Re: [CTRL] President Bill Clinton Advocates End of Farming in U.S.

2000-12-19 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

This would allow US restricted/banned pesticides to be used on foods without
restraint.  Individual educated farmers with knowledge of the mineral balances
of soils and the ability to produce a healthful crop would not even be in the
picture, but instead relatively cheap third world labor, hired only to follow
orders, would be exploited by profit-driven corporations. Economically the
corporations would do well, producing cheaper food and bigger profits,  but the
consumer would probably see a rise in food costs while transport corporations
would flourish with the increased business.  Eventually they will dictate to us
what is available and what we can eat.

Of course, due to the extra time for transport, the ripening schedule and
fragility of the produce would be altered by genetic engineering and have a
greater chance, with additional storing and handling, of becoming contaminated
with pathogens giving more 'reason' to irradiate the hell out of these foods,
which would change the chemicals in the cells of the food into something else
entirely — which apparently no one in the FDA or USDA knows or cares to find
out.  Then there is the increased danger of a shipment of food being spiked with
biowarfare, considering all the enemies this government makes.

Our food would not be grown and handled by any but underpaid and overworked
people with no pride or personal investment in their product.  Although this
takes place today to some extent, it is not always the standard.  But it is one
of the reasons why I buy locally grown organic foods.

Not only would pesticide poisoned, artificial and souless foods contribute to
greater health liability of the individual, giving the medical/pharmaceutical
industry more patients, it would further undermine local economies and
communities while increasing our dependence on big brother, the corporate
government who would completely control the costs and quality of food just as
they do the price of oil.   And then with a little time natural crops and seeds
may all be cross-pollinated with GE pollen, leaving no natural seeds at all, or
ability to grow them without contamination.

One more thought here  — fruits and vegetables are now being bioengineered to
deliver 'medicines' and vaccines.  If food is grown 'over there' as the
corporate interests would like, we might be getting bioengineered ourselves.

If we lose control of our food supply to the corporations, we lose everything!

As I see it, the best thing to do is support local businesses, keep money out of
the corporate order and create autonomous intersupportive communities.  Food and
farming, trade and barter, are the best place to begin.  We don't need
corporations, they need us.  They plan to have us, too, for we are the
commodities.  And we need each other to escape their clutches.

  ~ /\/\

Amelia wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> The agricultural system in this country is the best in the world.  With a
> tiny persentage of the population acting as farmers, we have not only fed
> ourselves but much of the world.  Food can only be grown "cheaper" elsewhere
> using slave labor and with no EPA nor other health standards.  This is one
> of the most frightening of the plans of the liberal Democrats.  If you think
> an oil shortage is bad, wait until it is your food!
> Amelia
> President Bill Clinton Advocates End of Farming in U.S.
> By Al Columbo - Posted: 12.19.00
> President Clinton, as a far-left liberal, apparently believes that the
> United States should be entirely dependent on other countries for essential
> commodities, such as food. He has worked furiously over the past 8 years to
> make Americans more dependent on other countries in an assortment of ways.
> In this Washington Post article, if accurate, he clearly believes that
> American farmers do not matter, that we should buy our food from farmers who
> live in other countries (see quote).
> Quote: Yesterday, [President Bill Clinton] said a U.S. role was just as
> necessary in the area of "development," the diplomats' term for aid to poor
> nations. He called for an "accelerated campaign against global poverty" and
> said the rich nations must spend more toward that goal. Among much else, he
> said "the wealthiest countries should end our agricultural subsidies" and
> buy food instead from Third World farmers who can produce it "more cheaply
> than we." (Clinton Offers Bit of Advice, T.R. Reid, Washington Post,
> 12/15/00)
> Clinton also said, according to the Washington Post article, that Third
> World farmers can make it cheaper than we can, which I sincerely question.
> Not only do I question this statement, but I have serious doubts that Third
> World farmers could produce enough food to feed both their people and ours!
> Something smells and I doubt that it's vegetation.

[CTRL] Balkan Exit Not Likely, Cohen Says

2000-12-19 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Not likely at all, since THEY want strategic location for the oil pipeline.  And
don't forget the lucrative Trepca mine complex. They are pirates who want this
location for corporate resources.   Why isn't there a world court that would
declare this to be the exploitation and rape that it is?

!Sovereignty for the Balkans!

  ~ /\/\

Balkan Exit Not Likely, Cohen Says

By Fisnik Abrashi
Associated Press
Tuesday, December 19, 2000 ; Page A32

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, Dec. 18 -- Defense Secretary William S. Cohen said today
that he believes the United States will not abandon its mission in the Balkans
under the incoming Bush administration.

During the election campaign, President-elect Bush and his advisers suggested
they wanted European countries to assume more responsibility for peacekeeping in
Kosovo and Bosnia, leading to concern that some of the 9,000 U.S. troops might
be pulled out.

On a pre-Christmas visit to U.S. troops in Kosovo, Cohen told the U.S.
contingent at Camp Bondsteel, south of Pristina, "We intend to remain active . .
.  consistent with security needs in Kosovo and in the Balkans" as part of NATO.

Although Cohen said he could not predict what would happen under the Bush
administration, he said Vice President-elect Cheney and Colin Powell, the
secretary of state designate, "are internationalists." Cohen serves in the
Clinton administration but is a Republican.

"I believe that they will want to see that we remain engaged in world affairs,"
Cohen said. "They will make an assessment . . . of how we can best fulfill that role."

Cohen's visit came after a weekend that left two Serbs dead and included an
attack on a joint U.S.-Russian patrol that was trying to seal Kosovo's border
with the rest of Serbia. A company of 150 British troops, with 16 armored
vehicles, was sent to the border region today.

U.S. peacekeepers in Kosovo have been under pressure to prevent ethnic Albanian
militants from crossing into the buffer zone along the Kosovo border and
attacking Serbs.

U.S. diplomat William Montgomery met today in Bujanovac with Serbian officials
and local ethnic Albanian politicians to discuss the crisis, Yugoslavia's
official Tanjug news agency reported.

© 2000 The Washington Post

White House blasts Kosovo inquiry

THE HAGUE: An internal Yugoslav war crimes tribunal report on NATO's bombing
campaign in Kosovo is testing the limits of international justice - and
Washington's patience.

The report looks into allegations that the US-dominated military alliance
violated international treaties on the laws of war in its 78-day bombing
campaign last spring, aimed at halting a Yugoslav offensive against ethnic
Albanians in Kosovo.

Although the report's findings have not been made public, it was prompted by
allegations presented to chief UN prosecutor Carla Del Ponte by Western legal
experts and Russian lawmakers. The allegations list cases in which scores of
civilians were killed by NATO bombs.

They include the strike against a bridge as a passenger train was crossing it,
the bombing of a refugee convoy near Djakovica, and the targeting of the Serbian
television building in Belgrade.

Serbian officials have said NATO bombings killed more than 300 people, but that
number has not been independently confirmed.

We went to Del Ponte "in November and gave her three thick volumes of evidence
of flagrant violations of international law against 68 leaders in the respective
NATO countries," Michael Mandel, a law professor at Toronto's York University,
said Monday.

"We think they are as guilty as" Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, added
Mandel, one of the legal experts who brought the allegations to the tribunal.
Milosevic has been indicted by the UN court for war crimes in Kosovo.

The Yugoslav government today presented its case against NATO to the World
Court, a separate UN judicial body in The Hague dealing with disputes between states.

In a written submission, Yugoslavia asked the court, formally known as the
International Court of Justice, to declare NATO's member states in violation of
international prohibitions on aggression and of interference in Yugoslavia's
internal affairs.

It also called on the court to condemn NATO countries for "failing to prevent
the genocide" of Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo since Yugoslav forces
were driven out of the Serb province earlier this year.

Authorities say many ethnic Albanians were killed by Serb forces during
Milosevic's 18-month crackdown against separatists in Kosovo. NATO's bombing
campaign forced the Serb troops to withdraw this spring.

The Yugoslav tribunal, set up in 1993 by the Security Council, has jurisdiction
over any atrocity committed since the outbreak of hostilities in the Balkans in
the early 1990s.  Although the court cannot prosecute nations or internati

[CTRL] Canada: Flu Vaccine Makes 1,113 People Sick

2000-12-19 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Who knows what they have, if it will turn into a retrovirus, how long they'll
have it, what it is and how it will combine with other pathogens or chemical
agents;  will it mutate and spread like the case of the pathogen from the polio
vaccine in China?

 ~ /\/\

Flu Vaccine Makes 1,113 People Sick

Health Canada says 1,113 people in five provinces have reacted to an influenza
vaccine since this year's vaccination campaign began. The problem vaccine is
Fluviral, made by Laval-based BioChem Pharma Inc., one of two vaccines used this
year in Canada. Those affected suffer a combination of red eyes, swollen throat
and breathing problems.">
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Global panel backs labeling some biotech food

2000-12-19 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Some?  Only some?  How 'bout lableing ALL GE foods !

"The United States does not require the labeling of products with gene-altered
ingredients, on the premise that they are essentially the same as conventionally
bred crops"

Wonder what mental contortions led to that conclusion.   ~  /\/\

Global panel backs labeling some biotech food


Associated Press

WASHINGTON – A biotechnology committee formed by the United States
and the European Union recommended new rules Monday for genetically
engineered foods and mandatory labeling for some biotech products.

"Consumers should have the right of informed choice regarding the selection
of what they want to consume," said the 20-member panel, which included
scientists, farmers, consumer advocates and industry officials.

The panel's 19-page report said the United States and Europe should set
"content-based mandatory labeling requirements" for foods that contain
"novel genetic material," a term Europeans use for genetically engineered

The United States does not require the labeling of products with gene-altered
ingredients, on the premise that they are essentially the same as
conventionally bred crops. Some panel members believe the report's language
is vague enough to support the U.S. position.

Agricultural biotechnology "holds the potential to provide new tools for
farmers in developing countries to increase yields, produce crops resistant to
drought, salinity, pests and diseases, and produce new crop products of
greater nutritional value," said the panel's report.

But it also said new biotech products should not be allowed on the market
until they have undergone a mandatory government approval process.

The report "basically says that what we are doing right now is not enough,"
said panel member Carol Tucker Foreman, director of the Consumer
Federation of America's Food Policy Institute. Under the report's
recommendation, any foods with detectable traces of genetically engineered
crops should be labeled, she said.

But another panel member, Missouri farmer Ryland Utlaut, said the report
could be read to support existing U.S. policy on labeling.

"If we're not changing the content of the food or putting anything new in it,
it is saying that we do not have to label," he said.

The Clinton administration has resisted pressure from environmentalists and
consumer advocacy groups to require mandatory labeling of biotech food.

During the spring, the Food and Drug Administration proposed requiring
biotech companies to consult with the agency before bringing new products
onto the market, something the industry now does voluntarily. But the FDA
said mandatory labeling was not warranted. The agency instead said it would
develop guidelines for food makers to use for voluntarily labeling foods as
biotech or biotech-free.

Critics of the industry hope the latest report will pressure the incoming Bush
administration to reconsider FDA's position.

The European Union has a moratorium on approval of new biotech crops.

   (c) 2000 The Dallas Morning News
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Appeal fights forced use of medication to allow execution

2000-12-19 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday December 19, 2000

Appeal fights forced use of medication to allow execution

By Suzi Parker / Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – For years, the Arkansas prison system sporadically
force-fed anti-psychotic drugs to death-row inmate Charles Singleton.

Without the medication, Mr. Singleton would eventually lapse into psychosis.
When that happens, he becomes incompetent and cannot be executed.

His lawyer, Jeff Rosenzweig, and the American Civil Liberties Union argue
in an appeal of his death sentence that the state cannot medicate a person so
he will be sane for execution. The appeal is before the 8th U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals.

Earlier this month, a federal judge concluded that Mr. Singleton was
incompetent before the state began force-feeding him the drugs. But, U.S.
District Judge G. Thomas Eisele said he was unable to determine when Mr.
Singleton, who now is not taking the drugs, would relapse into psychosis or
whether he would again become incompetent for execution.

"It's crazy to make someone sane just so you can kill them," said Rita Skylar,
executive director of the ACLU in Arkansas. "It makes no sense, and that's
what I have been arguing about for years."

The prison system has stopped forcing Mr. Singleton to take anti-psychotic

Mr. Rosenzweig has argued that only state-ordered medicine makes Mr.
Singleton eligible to die for the 1979 slaying of Hamburg, Ark., grocer Mary
Lou York, who identified him as her attacker before she died.

He argues that Mr. Singleton would be insane – and safe from execution – if
the state no longer forced him to take drugs for schizophrenia.

Taking the drugs allows him to understand why he is to be put to death. The
U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that inmates must understand their sentences in
order to be executed.

Mr. Rosenzweig argues that artificially making Mr. Singleton sane and then
killing him violates Mr. Singleton's right to avoid cruel and unusual

Suzi Parker is a free-lance writer based in Little Rock.

   (c) 2000 The Dallas Morning News
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2000-12-16 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:

> In a message dated 12/15/2000 9:49:46 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> <<" Judicial Watch will not rest until Mrs. Clinton is brought to
>  > justice, pays large damages to Judicial Watch clients, and is
>  > thrown in jail where she belongs," added Judicial Watch President
>  > Tom Fitton. >>

I did not write the above.  I commented on the article this quote comes from.

The POINT I made was that the elite will close ranks and protect each other,
avoiding further investigation and therefore keeping Bill and Hillary's many
legal wrongdoings from public scrutiny, all in the name of 'saving' the
unfortunate public from the pain of further scandals.  As far as Klintoon's
well-publicized sexual mishaps, I could care less what that man does or has done
with his weenie — that's his personal problem, not a threat to the 'free' world
or a misuse of American might at the expense of the taxpayers.  But his
unmitigated support of the corporate/industrial/military complex, the abuse of
power, land-grabbing, and the erosions of our constitutionally guaranteed rights
and liberty, the crooked financial dealings, etc.  Yes! that needs further
exposure and no lame excuses to gloss it over, whosoever wants to take it on.
Are these partisan issues?  NO.

> Right off I can't think of any institution that has harmed this country more
> than Judicial Watch.  Nasty bunch.

Why?  I really don't know much about them.  I do know that right wing
organizations and left wing organizations both have much to contribute towards
keeping government in check.  For instance, Focus on the Family is very
right-wing, and though I do not agree with ALL their viewpoints, they were
instrumental in stopping the school clinics from becoming a nightmarish reality
in California and for that alone I commend and appreciate them and their noble
efforts in that matter.

Nobody's ever going to be in complete agreement with anyone else, and it's
futile to even try.  For those who like to think in broad generalizations and
catagorize everyone else in such a manner, perhaps they prefer the 'safety' of a
like-minded group and don't mind being lumped in with the attitudes and actions
of their chosen organization, or don't mind sacrificing their dissenting views
for the ease of having a canned and stereotyped image, gladly ceding their
individual viewpoints.  Unfortunately there are few if any formal agenda-free
organizations/associations for free-thinking individuals who refuse to become
embroiled in partisan politics.  It seems the emotional component — the passion
of polarization against of the 'other side' — is what contributes to and
strengthens their very existence.

However it would be better to respect differences in viewpoints and work on the
issues that are of mutual importance.

False media-fueled partisan battles are obscuring what affects all Americans by
keeping people fighting among themselves and consequently divided, diluting
energy and focus that would be better spent on real issues, such as the
deliberate and continual poisoning of the American people by the corporate
government plutocracy.  What possible good comes from ideological bickering when
increasing numbers of people in this country are needlessly sick and dying?  Or
when this nation's resources are used to foster war that only benefits the
military industrial complex, kills the innocent and unnecessarily makes enemies
for the citizens of this nation?

When are people going to get it???

  ~  /\/\

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."  traditional Arab adage">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] update on medical identifier /The Liberty Committee [Fwd: Update: Success!](for now)

2000-12-16 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks to Ron Paul (R- TX), The Liberty Committee and many aware and concerned
online activists, the implementation of the medical identifer has TEMPORARILY
been blocked.  ~ /\/\

 Original Message 
Subject: Update:  Success!
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 14:26:43 -0500
From: "The Liberty Committee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "The Liberty Committee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Liberty Activist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

December 16, 2000

Dear friend of liberty,

Thank you!  Because thousands of T.L.C. activists supported
Representative Ron Paul's legislation, we stopped Big Brother for
another year.  Here's how you did it.

Back on June 13, Ron Paul's amendment (H. Amdt. 787) to the
Labor/H.H.S./Education appropriations bill (H.R. 4577) passed
the House.  Hurrah!  That amendment blocks the creation of a
"unique medical identifier" - the dreaded national medical
identification number - that would be assigned to every man,
woman, and child in the U.S.

Not so fast...on October 13, the Paul amendment came in danger of being
removed in a conference committee.  Without that amendment, the federal
government could implement the key provision of the infamous 1993
Clinton health-care proposal:  the assignment of a specific number to
every American so that your health-care history could be tracked and
your personal medical records collected in a massive national medical

Because of the response to our Liberty Alert sent in October, thousands
of messages arrived on Capitol Hill supporting the Paul amendment.
Those messages told our elected representatives two things:  we are
watching and we expect you to keep the Paul amendment in the
appropriations bill!  That's the key - stopping "business as usual" that
goes on behind closed doors - that is what The Liberty Committee is here
to do.

The entire appropriations bill is expected to be signed into law by the
president, but our amendment is only a one-year "fix."  Next, we must
gear up for an outright repeal of the entire provision of the 1996
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (H.I.P.A.A.) that
mandates the assignment of a unique medical identification number to
every American.

We are stronger now and we are a winning team  We will build on this
success and, with your help, work for repeal in the 107th Congress.

Thank you to the thousands who helped in this critical effort!  You are
making a difference.

Kent Snyder
The Liberty Committee

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Anarchists

2000-12-16 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

And which version of god and religious precepts should guide our civilizations?
Anyone who is so interested in Christianity as a moral compass for society
really ought to study its history of control, suppression and repression by
examining some of its scorned and deliberately obscured branches such as the
Essene and Gnostic.  They were persecuted and killed for their beliefs,
considered anarchists by the organized social control structure of
'christianity'.  ~ /\/\

Vera Harper wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> So, with the blessing of christianity, anarchists would be right, but
> without it they are not?  It is thinking such as that that is at the core
> of much of the problem many have with christians.  If I live my life in
> accordance within the 'social' precepts described in the bible, but
> reject the 'religious' precepts, I am wrong, but if I accept the
> 'religious' precepts I am right?   Interesting.  That thinking was pretty
> evident in the "christian" treatment of indigenous people world wide.
> "Accept Christ or die".
> Jayson
> The problem is that Anarchists believe in self-rule, which man has proven, over and 
>over again, unattainable. The half-truth of anarchy is that man could rule himself, 
>if he were following the precepts of God. Without that understanding, there is no 
>understanding. Man will continue to be selfish and sinful unless there is a higher 
>power in control. There are no social precepts preached by Jesus that aren't also 
>Godly precepts. It is all tied in together. The "religious" people that killed others 
>for not believing in Jesus were just as wrong as you are in making the Gospel a 
>two-parter. Social and Religious. You take the social and they took the religious. 
>The two go together, are actually the same. Any picking and choosing, either way, is 
>going to get you into trouble.
> >From CBNnow web-based E-mail, part of the growing CBNnow web presence. CBNnow, your 
>source for news, information, and inspiration in the new millenium.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
>">Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl
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> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Micro-radio KILL Update] / Project Censored

2000-12-16 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Ah. yes...  control all communications among and for 'the people'.

 Original Message 
Subject: Micro-radio Update
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 12:01:53 -0800
From: Peter Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 by Peter Franck
 The National Lawyers Guild Center on Democratic Communications ("CDC") has
just learned that Congress intends to pass an Omnibus Budget Act containing
a rider which will gut the FCC's new Low Power FM (LPFM) service. It now
appears that President Clinton will sign this bill.
 This is the culmination of a year long intensive lobbying campaign by the
NAB, which unfortunately has been given liberal cover by NPR's campaign
against LPFM.
 For more than ten years CDC has been involved with the defense of micro
broadcasters who went on the air at a time when the FCC refused to license
low power stations.  We argued that those rules were unconstitutional, and
the risk of losing in court was one factor in the FCC changing its position
and authorizing LPFM.
 More than a year ago, in meetings with the NAB we pointed out that they
would hurt established broadcasters if they killed LPFM (also known as
microradio).  The NAB claimed they were worried about interference from
unlicensed broadcasters.  We pointed out that they would be much better off
accepting some competition for audience from these small stations but
knowing where the stations were, and knowing that the FCC had assigned them
to available frequencies.
 We pointed out that if LPFM was killed they would be faced with many
stations going on the air in an unpredictable way at unknown frequencies
and locations.  Because the technology is cheap and readily available LPFM
will not disappear, no matter how much Congress, NPR and the NAB try to
kill it. For many, LPFM remains the only means for local communities to
have a voice.
 Disappointed as we are by this congressional refusal to allow a small
experiment in media democracy,  CDC will look at possible legal challenges
to Congress' unprecedented attack on community radio.  Peter Franck, a
member of CDC speculated  that this new law may well be unconstitutional.
Franck added ìLaws passed by congress are easier to challenge in the courts
than regulations promulgated by agencies such as the FCC.  This is not
 Since 1990, the CDC has worked with pioneering microbroadcasters such as
Mbanna Kantako and Stephen Dunifer, who took to the airwaves to challenge
the FCC's ban on low power community radio. In response to growing public
support, the FCC under Chairman Bill Kennard adopted a Low Power FM service
to promote public access to the airwaves. This modest service would have
create up to one-thousand new 100 watt and 10 watt community stations.
(The bill being passed by congress is a phony ìcompromiseî because it may
allow 60 or 70 LPFM stations in the most rural and unpopulated parts of the
 National Public Radio and the National Association of Broadcasters failed
to stop the FCC from implementing its modest Low Power FM service. But
after months of intensive lobbying, NPR and the NAB convinced Congress to
quietly kill the service, and prevent schools, libraries, community groups
and local government from operating low watt stations. The extent of
Congressional meddling into the technical affairs of the FCC is
unprecedented, and proves that the public has indeed lost all control over
the "public" airwaves.  CDC is committed to doing everything it can to help
recover them for the public

  Peter Franck ,NLG Center
for Democratic Communications (CDC) 3450 Geary Blvd., Suite 208, San
Francisco, CA 94118; CDC: 415.522.9814; P. Franck:
415.381.9960; fax 415.381.9963 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Peter Phillips Ph.D.
Sociology Department/Project Censored
Sonoma State University
1801 East Cotati Ave.
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] 'New Age' takes on Big Brother / Return to the Golden Age

2000-12-16 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


Return to the Golden Age

An Interview with Michael Tsarion  by Kirstin Miller

According to Astro-theologian Michael Tsarion, there is a great story of the
human race that lies mostly buried in the unconscious slumber of men and women,
although the story line continues to unfold as every hour passes upon the Earth.
It is the story of humans and the natural world in which we live. It is not
history, or herstory, it's our story, and it includes all life on the planet.

Tsarion says that thousands of years ago, in the great society of Egypt that
birthed the legendary Stellar and Lunar cults, men and women lived together as
equals. They spent their lives striving for balance within themselves and with
each other. To them, the human body and consciousness were sacred and the inner
questions of who and what they were were reflected outward in their everyday
lives. Living on the earth was a spiritual act, and what we today consider
mundane and ordinary — everyday reality — was understood by them to be infused
with psychic energy and rich with personal meaning.

In their understanding, that which was created within the human psyche was
partially reflected outward in the material world. The cycles of the human body
and the cycles of nature were revered and studied in great depth as a means of
divination and insight into their individual quests for clarity and
understanding. The way they lived together and interacted was symbolic of their
inward journey through the great challenges of life on the path to wisdom.

Today, most of us realize that we are out of balance within ourselves, with each
other and with the planet. Other forces and other agendas have cut off the
feminine and have driven reverence for the cycles of life and nature into a
place of suspicion and domination. Without the wisdom of the other, the male
principle continues to divide and conquer the planet, paving it over for the
mechanical progeny of his wounded ego.

The way we now reflect outward, the way we create our habitat here on this
Earth, is an indicator of our internal crisis of spirit. Some believe that in
prayer or by studying indigenous traditions we might gain clues as to what's not
working within ourselves. Although we are on the right track in thinking that
something must change, we are still mostly looking up to an inflated male ego
creation (God) as the one who can force a solution. According to Tsarion, the
missing piece was left behind 10,000 years ago in the Garden of Eden. In the
subsequent rewriting of this myth, the new authors condemned nature and the
feminine principle. The liberating knowledge of the male and female was twisted
into punishing retribution of the knowledge of good and evil. Women and nature
were vilified and everyone was thrown out of balance, out of the Garden. It
seems like the game was and still is about cutting off the male from the female
and the human being from nature. All of our related psychic stress and searching
is then covered up by artificial doses of material substitutions, religious
dogma and rules.

But fortunately, the human spirit is strong. Most of us want to reconnect. We
just don't know where to start. Tsarion says the place to start is right here at
home. Where we live. Inside and out. We have made an intellectual journey back
to where we started 10,000 years ago — now it's time to get our house back in

Kirstin: You say there once were four great ancient cults that eventually
evolved into this main religion of Christianity. Can we start, though, back at
the first cult, the Stellar Cult?

Micheal: The first cult, the Stellar, is actually the most important cult and
it's still the most important area of study for us in Western civilization.
Everything else that's taught to us is mostly meaningless, if the study of the
first cult is not brought in — as it's not been brought in. Some people, instead
of speaking about the cults speak of “Egyptology.”

K: Which is confusing.

M: It is confusing. What are you talking about? The Golden Age, the Middle Age,
the Middle Kingdom or the Modern Ages? In Stellar Cult, women shared supremacy;
women were often Keepers of the Wisdom and there was tremendous harmony between
the human and the flora and fauna. There was a deep understanding of the
geometrical and numerical principles of life. There was a tremendous
understanding of the body and somatic harmony as regards health. When you
actually study the Stellar Cult, you realize that almost every epoch after that
was basically civilization in retrograde.

K:What happened?

M: Well, the elite got together. People don't realize that religion is a means
to control people. Obviously, if the ultimate end of religion is to take you to
God or to take you to a height of spiritual enlightenment, then something with
that much power can also do the opposite. Something with that much power has the

[CTRL] Isolationism is hardly the problem

2000-12-15 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Isolationism is hardly the problem

Charley Reese

December 14, 2000

I was disappointed to hear the president-elect say that the main problem facing
America was isolationism and then issue a silly, macho warning against terrorism.

Isolationism is hardly our problem. We are entangled in so many treaties and
alliances, and we have American armed forces posted in 100 foreign countries,
almost without exception on missions that have nothing to do with either
national interests or national security.

As for warning terrorists, let's get real. Most terrorist acts are suicidal. So
whom is this tough talk supposed to scare?

Certainly not men who are prepared to die as long as they can take a few of us
with them.

I already fear that I will have to adopt a sort of secular prayer in which, from
time to time, I will repeat, "Well, at least he's not Al Gore."

Terrorism is neither a police nor a military problem. It is a political problem.
The new president ought to shut down that cottage industry on the beltway of
so-called terrorism experts and concentrate on developing a foreign policy that
will not give people just cause to hate us.

I hope that no one is so naïve as to think that we are going to escape some kind
of payback for having killed 500,000 Iraqi children with the cruelest embargo in
human history. It isn't the government of Saddam Hussein we have to fear. We
haven't harmed it. It's the Iraqi people whom we have mercilessly tortured.

I don't know why it seems so difficult for politicians in Washington to
understand. We have no reason on God's green Earth to harm the people of any
country on this planet. If we have a quarrel with a government, then let us
confine our actions to that government, not to innocent people. Nor should we
ever support, in any way, another government that is harming innocent people.
When we do, we become accessories, and then their enemies become our enemies.

We also ought to stop committing war crimes by bombing or shooting missiles at
countries when we are not in a state of war. Reprisals are war crimes. When we
respond to an act of terrorism by bombing a country, we are doing exactly what
the German army did in World War II when it
would killed 50 or 60 civilians in reprisal for an attack on its soldiers.

Some Americans have this kooky idea that if you kill innocent people with a bomb
or a missile, instead of a rifle, it's not a war crime. It is. The choice of
weapons makes no difference. It's just more cowardly to kill at a distance than
it is up close.

I would like to see some of these politicians who profess to be Christians start
acting like Christians instead of decadent and pagan Romans. We should be
helping people live better lives rather than destroying them.

We should, as George Washington suggested, be extending the hand of friendship
and commerce to all the nations of the world while not getting ourselves
involved in their internal affairs or regional quarrels.

As Americans, we have many, many domestic problems that require our full
attention -- aging infrastructure, rampant immorality, a failed government
education system, a shrinking agricultural base, a too-expensive medical-care
system, polluted air and water, usurpation of power by various government
entities, uncontrolled immigration.

You probably can add others to my list.

Mr. President-elect, isolationism is not the problem; it's part of the solution.

Let's dump the aging Cold Warriors and bring some new thinking to our problems.

Copyright © 2000, Orlando Sentinel">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-12-15 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Yeah, we, the great unwashed masses, are just s tired of the scandals that
we will be 'protected' from further investigation and discussion of them.  It's
for our own good  — really!

Not surprised, it's biz-ness as usual, with the elites closing ranks and
protecting their own.

~ /\/\


> Judicial Watch Warns President-Elect To Stay Away
> (Washington, DC) Yesterday, President-elect George W. Bush, in a
> telephone conversation with Bill Clinton, embraced Hillary Rodham
> Clinton by telling her husband, Bill Clinton, that he “looked
> forward to working with the Senator from New York.” This has been
> reported widely in The Washington Post and in other written and
> television press.
> During the campaign, Governor Bush showed little interest in
> ethics issues and, in fact, stated:
> “While it’s clear that Al Gore engaged in a number of
> questionable fund raising activities and gave the FBI statements
> that continue to raise the issue of credibility, the American
> people are sick and tired of all these scandals and
> investigations. The best way to put all these scandals and
> investigations behind us is to elect someone new. I’m running to
> uphold the honor and dignity of the White House.”
> William Safire, in an article entitled “Exegesis of Acceptance”
> of August 7, 2000, wrote:
> Running against Washington. The Yale graduate and child of
> privilege assumed, Jimmy Carter style, a hardscrabble pose to
> assert that his ‘background may lack the polish of Washington.’
> And then, following a focus-group distaste for controversy;, he
> dissociated himself from all investigations into Clinton-Gore
> scandals, including illegal fund-raising: ‘I have no stake in the
> bitter arguments of the last few years.’ Republicans on the
> unpopular ramparts of the rule of law were coolly informed he
> preferred ‘civility and respect.’
> While Mrs. Clinton has thus far escaped criminal proceedings by
> federal prosecutors, she is a defendant in seven Judicial Watch
> lawsuits and, in particular, the prime defendant in the ongoing
> $90-million Filegate class-action case. Testimony from a number
> of sources shows that she was the mastermind of Filegate and,
> indeed, has smeared a number of political and other perceived
> adversaries with information from their U.S. government files.
> In this regard, she and her husband, Bill Clinton, along with
> others, engaged in criminal conduct, as found by the Court, when
> she released information from Kathleen Willey’s official White
> House file to smear and destroy her. In addition, the
> award-winning author, Christopher Anderson, in his book Bill and
> Hillary: A Marriage, has reported that Mrs. Clinton hired private
> investigators to dig up dirt on and smear two of Judicial Watch’s
> clients, Gennifer Flowers and Dolly Kyle Browning.
> “For these and other reasons, and even to further his professed
> goal of bi-partisanship, President-elect Bush should not ‘get
> into bed’ with an individual such as Mrs. Clinton, who lately has
> been attempting to extort millions of dollars from book
> publishers, with interests before the U.S. Senate, to publish her
> memoirs and line her pockets further,” stated Judicial Watch
> Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.  Click Here
> “Judicial Watch will not rest until Mrs. Clinton is brought to
> justice, pays large damages to Judicial Watch clients, and is
> thrown in jail where she belongs,” added Judicial Watch President
> Tom Fitton.
> ###
> =
>  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT
>  *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   ~~~
>   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
> =
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
>">Archives of

Re: [CTRL] We support Malaria! and other FoE conspiracies

2000-12-14 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:
> Who pays for that website?

Frederick Curran  (whois info below)

In addition to fiends of the earth website he's got 2 other websites registered
and online;  CONFUSEDSCIENCE.ORG and PUREFOODS.ORG. is anti-organic/pro-GE foods. ridicules the Union of Concerned Scientists about their
stand they take on the missle defense system and biotechnology.  His third
subject on this website is SUVs which he avidly supports.

His listed address is a US Post Office address, found on the
website after looking up D.C. Post Offices and Mail Services.

His phone number is untraceable using a reverse directory and when called there
is no business or personal identification.  An immediate voice mail message
request that you leave your name, phone number, and message.

 ~ /\/\!EARTHFIENDS-DOM&id=0

Frederick Curran (EARTHFIENDS-DOM)
PO BOX 33433
1800 M ST NW
Washington, DC 20033


Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Billing Contact:
1800 M ST NW BOX 33433
202 728 7510

Record last updated on 15-Dec-1999.
Record expires on 15-Dec-2001.
Record created on 15-Dec-1999.
Database last updated on 14-Dec-2000 16:28:55 EST.

Domain servers in listed order:




To single out one record, look it up
with "!xxx", where xxx is the
handle, shown in parenthesis following
the name, which comes first.

   1800 M ST NW BOX 33433


   Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Billing Contact:
  1800 M ST NW BOX 33433

   Record last updated on 22-Feb-2000.
   Record expires on 29-Oct-2001.
   Record created on 29-Oct-1999.
   Database last updated on 14-Dec-2000 16:28:55 EST.

   Domain servers in listed order:



 1800 M ST NW BOX 33433


 Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Billing Contact:
1800 M ST NW BOX 33433

 Record last updated on 22-Feb-2000.
 Record expires on 29-Oct-2001.
 Record created on 29-Oct-1999.
 Database last updated on 14-Dec-2000 16:28:55 EST.

 Domain servers in listed order:



US Post Office
1800 M St NW
Washington, DC">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: "DAY 14: WORLD WAR AIDS" Boyd Ed Graves, J.D.]

2000-12-14 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: "DAY 14: WORLD WAR AIDS"  Boyd Ed Graves, J.D.
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 19:37:58 -0500
From: "Zygote Media" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

December 14, 2000

by: Boyd Ed Graves, J.D. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
the Common Cause Medical Research Foundation


We again come to you with information on our discovery of a secret U.S.
flowchart that conclusively proves the origin of AIDS. The 1971 flowchart is the
“research logic” of a secret U.S. program that made a virus that depletes the
immune system. After eight years of research I conclude the U.S. Special Virus
is the AIDS virus. I will let the experts play footsies from one side to the
other in their evaluations, however, for those of us living with HIV/AIDS, we
simply have no time to waste, while we waste. The U.S. experiments conducted
under Phase IV-A of the flowchart serve as a likely starting point for review.
These particular thirty year old experiments offer our best hope for immediate
breakthroughs for better therapy and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS
and other illnesses.

The discovery of the “missing link” flowchart provides the missing direct
evidence of a U.S. plot to exterminate the Black Population and others. The
flowchart represents the United States’ “living testimony” to develop a
“contagious cancer” that “selectively” kills. We firmly believe we ( the people)
have proven our right to an immediate apology. The United States has a long
history of apology and reparation. We, as a country, continue to review state
evil, and right those wrongs of the past. It is time for us, the nation states
and people of this world, to collectively review the U.S. Special Virus program,
and not rest until we have deactivated, one of the most vulgar killing weapons
in the history of the world. If Africa’s continent is overpopulated, nature will
find a “natural” blueprint check and balance. The myth of overpopulation has
done nothing more than provide bureaucratic cover for the true genocidal and
diabolical desire of “racial-cleansing.” History will ultimately show the 20th
Century was dominated by Aryan eugenics and the secret development of ethnic
weapons to the detriment of the Black Population and others.

The U.S. flowchart proves the United States mass-produced and proliferated an
immune suppressing virus. The U.S. flowchart proves the United States began work
on an “AIDS VACCINE” as early as 1964. See, pp. 93 and 111, Progress Report #8,
(1971), Special Virus program of the United States of America.

Call your local library, ask for an inter library loan, seek the “Special Virus
Program,” and the “Virus Program.” You will find there are eight references to
the secret U.S. program. The flowchart is page 61 and is preceded by a
sixty-page narrative. Many of the answers to solving the mystery of AIDS lie in
those pages. There has always been an AIDS curtain and men in its shadow. Join
our journey beyond the curtain as we aggressively seek to deactivate their
designer virus.

Yesterday, the United States accepted our call for a meeting. The White House is
now in possession of the flowchart and some of the substantial and compelling
evidence. It is absolute proof. It is absolute evidence, the United States,
contrary to her Constitution and social order, has perpetrated one of the
greatest human holocausts in the history of the world. We will work with the
United Nations in preparing the flowchart in every language for all the good
people of the world. Our united effort and our resolve for truth and fact will
buttress us through the darkest hours of our democracy. We are greater than any
federal virus. We are the human race. We will let nature determine the finish
line, not man.

As we approach the dawn of the 21st Century, I see a bright century, band-aids
everywhere, but a century and her people on the mend. The logical scientific
conclusion for the origin of AIDS is the laboratory, best exemplified by the
United States’ research logic diagram. We have found the origin of AIDS, it is
us, our nation state.

Additional Information:
Publisher contact:
Books, Videos, Flowchart
Copyright 2000 Zygote Media

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[CTRL] Japan bans human cloning

2000-12-14 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

CANOE - Canada's Internet Network


Q: Should countries start creating laws banning human cloning?

Total Votes for this Question: 2512

So far, 76%  have voted for Yes
So far, 19%  have voted for No
So far, 5%  have voted for Don't Know


Thursday, November 30, 2000

Japan bans human cloning

TOKYO (AP) -- Japan's parliament passed a measure Thursday making the
cloning of humans a crime, punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of

The law, which prohibits creating human embryos by inserting somatic cells
into an unfertilized egg, is the first in Japan that penalizes a specific kind of
research, a parliament spokesman said.

The legislation, which also calls on the government to draft regulations
governing cloning technology, passed the upper house by a vote of 229-11. It
passed the more powerful lower house earlier in November.

The spokesman said the law also bans mixing human and animal cells to create
hybrid embryos and forbids implanting hybrid embryos into human or animal

The law must be promulgated to take effect, but it was unclear when that
might occur.

Legislation or guidelines to ban human cloning are now pending in dozens of
nations. Several countries, including Britain, Israel and Germany, already
have banned it. In many others no laws specifically ban the practice, but
ethical guidelines would appear to prohibit it.

Copyright © 2000, Canoe Limited Partnership. All rights reserved.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Alberta Justice won't prosecute federal Firearms Act violations

2000-12-14 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


Thursday, December 14, 2000

Shots traded over gun rules

Alberta Justice won't prosecute federal Firearms Act violations, says spokesman


The feds and the province could end up trading fire over who's responsible for
enforcing the new gun registration law.

In late 1998, Alberta Justice sent a memo around to chief provincial Crown
prosecutors and police forces, telling them that prosecution under the Firearms
Act is Ottawa's responsibility - not Alberta's.

"Justice Canada will be expected to prosecute all of the new regulatory offences
under the Firearms Act, wherever possible," said Alberta Justice spokesman Bart
Johnson, quoting the memo.

"In any case where a similar charge could be laid under the Criminal Code or the
Firearms Act, it is expected that the charge under the Firearms Act will be

And since provincial responsibility for prosecutions stops with the Criminal
Code and Young Offenders Act, said Johnson, the province has served notice
Ottawa will have to handle the bulk of cases involving violations of the
Firearms Act - at federal expense.

"There may be situations where we'd be forced (to prosecute). They'd have to be
exceptional," he said. "Our prosecutors don't have the time. Our resources are

But Alberta might not be off the hook completely.

A spokesman for the Canadian Firearms Centre said most of the major violations
covered by the Firearms Act will actually have to be prosecuted under the
Criminal Code.

"Not having a firearms licence for a gun (by 2001), for instance.  That's a
Criminal Code offence," said David Austin.

"Not having a gun registered (by 2003), falls under the Firearms Act for the
first offence. Subsequent offences fall under the Criminal Code."

Austin said federal Crown prosecutors could step in if provincial prosecutors
decline to pursue convictions under the Firearms Act.

He wouldn't speculate on how - or if - the feds and the province might divide
responsibility for gun law prosecutions that fall under the Criminal Code.

"The registration deadline is still two years away," he said. "That's plenty of
time to discuss it (with Alberta)."

Johnson said the province isn't looking at requesting federal compensation for
any costs to the province of enforcing the gun law.

"I don't anticipate this law is going to cost the department any more money (in
enforcement)," he said.

"It's Ottawa's law. It's already an expensive administrative nightmare.  They
should have anticipated (the cost) before they started this."

Copyright © 2000, Canoe Limited Partnership. All rights reserved.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Jim Marrs / Bioengineered foods

2000-12-14 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

AlienZoo presents: The View from Marrs

Is a new Chernobyl waiting within your body?

By Jim Marrs
Date: 12/14/2000


Anyone remember Thalidomide?  DDT?  "Our Friend the Atom" nuclear power?

All these are examples of technology prematurely made public with horrifying 

Thalidomide was a mild sedative available to women beginning in the late 1950s.
When it was discovered that the drug affected embryos in early pregnancy
resulting in numerous birth defects, it was belatedly withdrawn.

DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) for years was sold to farmers as a safe
way to rid crops of pests until it was found that accumulated doses of the
chemical had found its way into the food chain causing health problems in
humans. The U.S. Government finally restricted the use of DDT in 1972.

Nuclear power, pressed on the American public following passage of the
Price-Anderson Act which absolved the nuclear industry of any real liability in
the event of a catastrophe, finally fell into disrepute following a series of
nuclear disasters including Love Canal and the Chernobyl plant near Kiev in Russia.

With the advent of the virtually unsupervised development of new genetically
engineered food products, we may be creating a potential biological Chernobyl
within our bodies.

Genetic engineers used a germ known as a "viral promoter" to trick a cell into
accepting an alien gene into its own DNA.  But these invasive agents can lead to
the creation of viral infections immune to antibiotics as well as new, unknown
infectious diseases.

Once again, the American public obviously suffers short-term memory loss thanks
to the distracting corporate news media that is oblivious to the encroachment of
genetically altered substances harmful to our health and even our future descendants.

One person who is not oblivious is Dr. John Hagelin, the nuclear physicist who
was the Natural Law Party presidential candidate in the recent election. Hagelin
was prepared to also take the Reform Party candidacy and thus produce a truly
significant third-party coalition, but was ousted by Pat Buchanan after a series
of court maneuvers.

On November 28, instead of resting from his campaigning, Hagelin addressed the
Scientific Advisory Panel for the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) of the Environmental Protection Agency.  The panel met
to consider the effects of StarLink corn, a brand of genetically engineered corn
not yet approved by the EPA.

"I want to address an issue much deeper than whether the CRY9C protein in
StarLink corn is likely to be allergenic," Hagelin told the panel. "I want to
address the assumptions that underlie the entire agricultural bioengineering
enterprise. I am deeply concerned that life scientists are implementing
bioengineering technologies without adequately understanding the lessons we have
learned . . .

"Numerous eminent molecular biologists recognize that DNA is a complex nonlinear
system and that splicing foreign genes into the DNA of a food-yielding organism
can cause unpredictable side effects that could harm the health of the human consumer.

"Yet, the genetic engineering of our food – and the widespread presence of
genetically altered foods in American supermarkets – is based on the premise
that the effects of gene-splicing are so predictable that all bioengineered food
can be presumed safe unless proven otherwise. This refusal to recognize the
risks of unintended and essentially unpredictable negative side effects is just
plain bad science…

"Moreover, the premise of predictability is not just scientifically unsound; it
is morally irresponsible. The safety of our food is being put at risk in a
cavalier, if not callous fashion, not only in disregard of scientific knowledge,
but in disregard of recent technological history."

Hagelin noted that with the advent of nuclear energy came the sale of radium
tipped wands designed to painlessly remove facial hair only to be quickly
withdrawn once users began suffering skin cancers.

"In the case of genetic engineering, even greater caution is called for," warned
Hagelin. "A nuclear disaster only lasts 10,000 years, whereas gene pollution is
forever -
self-perpetuating and irreversible."

Hagelin clearly pointed the finger at the corporations, who in their pursuit of
profits denigrated any thought of public safety. "The irresponsible behavior
that permitted the marketing of bioengineered foods has not been limited to the
scientific community, but includes the executive branch of the federal
government," he said. "The FDA’s internal records reveal that its own experts
clearly recognized the potential for gene-splicing to induce production of
unpredicted toxins and carcinogens in the resultant food. These same records
reveal that these warnings were covered up by FDA political appointees operating
under a White House directive to promote the biotech industry."

It wa

[CTRL] Dear George / Stephen Bassett / disclosure

2000-12-14 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Dear George: An open letter to the President Elect (revised)

Facing an issue of transcendent importance

by Stephen Bassett - 12/13/2000

Author's note:  Beginning almost two years ago, heaven and earth have been moved
to achieve the election of a most unlikely candidate to the presidency.  Major
power brokers lined up early and raised hundreds of millions of dollars.  Other
candidates, some with extraordinary life histories and accomplishments, were
brushed aside.

Every chit was called in, every string was pulled.  The religious right, still
bitter, ambitious, and
contemptuous of a centrist platform, held its tongue.  The most famous military
leaders of recent times stood shoulder to shoulder on stage.

And when the final outcome was forced to pass through an unprecedented
denouement, every
stratagem was applied, regardless of the deferred cost.  It is not nice to fool
with Mother Nature, and it is political suicide, if you are a Republican, to
galvanize the Democratic base.  That has been effected in spectacular fashion.
The mid-term election in 2002 will be a Republican bloodbath with the Democratic
Party taking clear control of the House and Senate.

To all of this, the ultimate question remains unanswered:  Why? This author
suggests that the
American people, and by extension the world's people, will soon find out.

Washington, DC - Mr. President, you have just been elected by one of the
narrowest popular vote
margins in the history of the nation.  After hundreds of millions of dollars in
campaign expenditures, the Senate is now in the remarkable status of a 50/50
party split and the Republican majority in the House has been reduced.  So by
mere virtue of the vice presidential tiebreaker, the country has chosen unified
government for only the fourth time since 1969.

Of equal importance, you campaigned from the getgo as a "uniter" not a
"divider."  You said you
would end the bickering and gridlock.  This is a laudatory goal for which the
American public has
expressed a clear desire.  Your timing is excellent as there is an unprecedented
need for bipartisanship in Washington.

That need?  The executive and legislative branches of the United States
government must delay no longer the direct engagement of the 50-year suppression
of the truth surrounding the presence of extraterrestrials in our world, now.

The long term implications to the nation of social security structure, Medicare
benefits and guns may be of importance – the resolution of the UFO/ET cover-up
and the reform of the military industrial complex is of a monumental importance
only a fully bipartisan effort can address.

It is notable that during your campaign a gentleman by the name of Charles
Huffer asked if you would as president get out the truth concerning UFOs. You
answered that you would do so. It is worth mentioning there are tens of millions
of American citizens prepared to hold you to that promise.

Each day the UFO/ET cover-up continues and each new revelation of abuse of power
by this or that government agency further erodes the fundamental trust the
American people hold in their
government – and trust in government is at all time lows.

As you consider your course of action toward this issue, permit the expression
of some particular concerns.  There is ample evidence the last two Democratic
presidents, Carter and Clinton, were personally interested in the UFO/ET
question, looked into the matter and were rebuffed with extreme prejudice by
their agency heads.

There is also a developing sense the military leadership in the nation has a
"favorite" party – the
Republican Party. A recent study by two Duke University professors found 64
percent of officers describing themselves as Republicans and just 8 percent as
Democrat. Numerous images during the campaign showed retired Generals Colin
Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf standing with you on the dais.  From the very
beginning of the Clinton administration the contempt of the military for the
sitting president was severe enough to require disciplinary action.

Within the UFO/ET research community there is some consensus that some
presidents are permitted full briefings on the UFO/ET question and some are not,
and this determination has for some time been split along party lines.

These are dangerous trends for which you will likely be under some pressure to
continue.  Don’t.

While there is obviously a firmament of questions and issues connected to the 
presence, there are three primary political decisions to make:  1) whether to
hold a disclosure event or continue the cover-up, 2) how comprehensive and
truthful the initial information disclosed will be, and 3) whether to create a
military, hostile posture toward the extraterrestrials acknowledged in this
disclosure event.

For the past ten years a growing political movement has targeted the politics of
UFOs/disclosure. All levels of the media have

[CTRL] Are crop circles free energy tutorials? Tom Sutter's theory

2000-12-14 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Webpage is graphic intensive but worth the time.  ~ M

Cosmic Conspiracies were recently contacted by Crop Circle specialist Tom Sutter
who has kindly offered to write articles for us concerning this fascinating
phenomena. His theory involves how crop circles could be created by a device
called a magnitron. If you have any questions regarding crop circles, please
Email us and we will pass your comments onto Mr Sutter.

Depictions & Explanations Of Crop Formations In relation To Microwaves

Microwaves are created within a device we call a magnetron. Don't let that
complicated sounding name intimidate you. A magnitron is a simple,
straightforward device. It forces electrons to go from a negative terminal to a
positive terminal whilst passing through a magnetic field. When electrons
encounter magnetic line of force, they rotate (spin) around that line of force
before proceeding toward the positive terminal that they are traveling to. That
electron/magnetic interaction results in the creation of microwave energies.

NOW... WHY would advanced societies bother to show us how a magnetron works?  I
mean, of all the many wondrous things to disclose to us, why do you think they
would pick a 'thing' that we already know about?  I'll tell you why. It is
because of an overlooked-by-us usage of microwave energies.  At a specific
frequency at about 27 GHZ -  Microwaves 'shake-up' a water molecule to the point
where that molecule splits into its constituent parts. Namely, hydrogen and

Whereupon, at that high rate of agitation, they promptly rejoin once again to
form the water molecule that was just split.  And guess what? - the process
repeats!  Because the 3.3 volts of electrical energy emitted when the hydrogen
and oxygen atoms combine is raised via the incorporation of a circuitry
consisting of huge capacitors and diodes and then fed back into the magnetron's
central mesh of high temperature, non magnetic, insulated wires, where the
hydrogen/oxygen are combining/splitting.

Bluntly, they are telling us that our primary means of creating needed energies
namely oil, ain't quite the way :-)

Below are pictures of crop circle formations showing Tom Sutter's theory.

This is a scan of a polaroid taken at 3500 feet.
Unfortunately it was cloudy that day. But I think the formations details can
nonetheless be ascertained with ease. Take note of the following:
 First, starting at the bottom extension. Curved lines such as those drawn
indicate rotation. Rotation indicates centrifugal forces. (You cannot have one
without the other.)
 Second: Upper right - A circle drawn at the end of the shaft. This is
indicative that this portrays a 'thing' that rotates and is affixed onto a shaft
(motive power conduit).
 Third: A curved line drawn from the centre of a circle and incrementally
extending to the outside diameter of that circle. Note that the 'increments' are
aligned and not random.

Now... let's assume that YOU were a member of an advanced society and wanted to
convey to a lesser advanced society - the concept of the device depicted here.
How would YOU go about doing that via bending crops?  The device depicted in
this crop circle can be accurately described as a device that:

1. Rotates and harnesses centrifugal forces.
2. Must be affixed onto a rotating shaft.
3. Electromagnetically implodes in increments toward the axis of rotation.

All three of these descriptive criteria are located in the centre - Now note the
three lines connecting the three formation criteria connecting to the centre of
the formation. Be as critically skeptical as can be, BUT I think you'll
find, I am right?">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Conn. Attorney General to Challenge Anthrax Vaccine License

2000-12-14 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

State Attorney General to Challenge Anthrax Vaccine License

Connecticut State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal plans to challenge the
U.S. Food and
Drug Administration's licensing of the anthrax vaccine for use in the military.

Blumenthal said he will use evidence supplied by two former Connecticut Air
National Guard pilots
that suggests the vaccine has not been proven safe or effective. The two former
pilots, Russ
Dingle and Thomas Rempfer, resigned from the Guard in January 1999 because the
Guard would
not accept their findings about the vaccine.

Dingle and Rempfer, now majors in the Air Force Reserve, are leaders in a
national protest against the vaccine.

The two pilots have given Blumenthal federal documents indicating the vaccine is 
for mass inoculations.

''These documents raise profoundly serious and significant questions as to the
legality of the FDA
licenses, and hence the use of the vaccine,'' Blumenthal said. ''There seems to
be important flaws
in licenses relating to both the product and the equipment, and these issues
have never been
directly addressed by the Department of Defense or the FDA.''

Blumenthal said Connecticut could be held liable by people who get sick from the

The anthrax vaccine was originally licensed federally in 1970 for use by
veterinarians and wool
workers who touched diseased animals.

The U.S. Department of Defense plans to inoculate 2.4 million armed services
personnel with the
vaccine to protect them from potential airborne anthrax spores used by enemy
states or

The inoculations began in 1998. But in July, vaccine supplies dwindled so
drastically that only
those assigned to Southeast Asia are still being vaccinated.

The Defense Department maintains that it has proven the vaccine to be safe and
effective and
that it is abiding by FDA regulations, agency spokesman James C. Turner said.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Canada showdown on firearms

2000-12-13 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

   And I say, Good For Them!~ M

  "... a police right to search gun owners' homes without a

  Wednesday, December 13, 2000


  Pro-gun group dares the government to jail them

  Thousands of Alberta gun owners will publicly dare the government
to toss
  them in jail as part of a protest against federal firearms

  More than 11,000 provincial members of the Law-abiding Unregistered
  Firearms Association (LUFA), a national pro-gun group, will willfully
  ignore a Jan. 1 deadline for obtaining a firearms licence under
the law
  commonly known as Bill C-68.

  "We recognize that with the right to bear firearms comes a serious
  responsibility, and safety is the foremost concern of any gun
owner," said
  Ed Hudson, president of the 20,000-member LUFA, based in Alberta.

  "As long as owners are using guns responsibly, they'll accept reasonable
  control, but Bill C-68 goes far beyond reasonable control."

  Owners must obtain a possession licence by Jan. 1, 2001, or when their
  current firearms acquisition certificate expires, and it will be
needed to
  buy ammunition.

  Individual guns must be registered by Jan. 1, 2003.

  Projections of national non-compliance range from 25%-50% of owners,
  estimated at 2.2 to 8 million people.

  The penalty for ignoring the law ranges from gun confiscation to
five years
  in prison.

  Hudson said while Jan. 1, 2001, will likely arrive without
fanfare, New
  Year's Day 2003 will see every LUFA member take to the streets to 
  protest a police right to search gun owners' homes without a

  "On that date, we'll be in the streets saying, 'We own unregistered
  firearms -- arrest us or scrap Bill C-68,' " Hudson said, adding the
  demonstration will be peaceful.

  Although police are required to enforce the law, they will not
wage a
  full-scale invasion of gun owners' homes to check for compliance,
said one
  of Alberta's top-ranking Mounties.

  Police still must have reasonable and probable grounds to conduct
a search
  in order for testimony to stand up in court, said RCMP Supt.
Dennis Massey.


  Millions of Canadian firearms owners 'refusing to
  participate' in new law

  The Canadian Press

  As many as half of Canada's gun owners could be in violation of
federal law on Jan. 1, the deadline for
  obtaining firearms licences.
  So far, 1.7 million people have enrolled with the federal
government's gun registry, the Toronto Globe and
  Mail reported from Edmonton.
  The exact number of Canadians possessing firearms is unknown, but
estimates range from fewer than 3.3
  million to as many as nine million.
  In any case, it appears that far more people own guns than are
participating in the registry under the
  controversial legislation, still often referred to by its
legislative name, Bill C-68.
  ''They've got a heck of a mess on their hands,'' Jim Hunter,
president of the National Firearms Association,
  told the newspaper. ''I think it proves that there's literally
millions of Canadians who are just refusing to
  participate in what they see as a bogus law.''
  As of Jan. 1, gun owners without licences cannot buy ammunition.
Penalties for someone found possessing a
  firearm without the proper paperwork range from temporary seizure
of the weapon to five years in prison.
  The application of the law promises to be uneven. Police forces
across the country are responsible for
  enforcing it, but are deeply divided in their support.
  Provincial Crown attorneys are charged with prosecuting alleged
offenders, but Alberta and some other
  provinces want federal Crowns to handle prosecution.
  A group of provincial and territorial governments, led by Alberta
and supported by gun organizations,
  challenged the law all the way to the Supreme Court, but failed in
June when that court ruled the legislation
  The licensing and registration program has cost $327 mi

[CTRL] Vaccine Probable Cause of Polio Outbreak

2000-12-13 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 A vaccine with virus that combines with a person's harbored pathogens, mutates
and spreads?


Expert Says Vaccine Probable Cause of Polio Outbreak

A type 1 wild-vaccine recombinant poliovirus spread hundreds of kilometers in
just 1 year in
China, epidemiologists have documented. Dr. Hong-Mei Liu, of the Centers for
Disease Control
and Prevention in Atlanta, and associates there and in Beijing describe their 
investigation in the December issue of the Journal of Virology.

RNA probe hybridization showed isolates with nucleotide sequences consistent
with wild type
virus, as well as sequences derived from the Sabin type 1 oral poliovirus
strain, the researchers say.
They compared the calculated range of divergence times with the epidemiological
record and
concluded that the recombination event was likely to have occurred between
mid-January and late
March 1991.

Isolates from March and April 1991 close in sequence to the earliest recombinant
isolate were
from two northern provinces. By June 1991, the recombinant lineages had spread
to two more
provinces. By the end of that year, recombinant viruses were circulating by
multiple chains of

Dr. Liu and associates performed sequencing on 33 additional vaccine-wild
recombinants isolated
from 10 provinces between 1991 and 1993. The results and the other data suggest
that "the
ancestral recombinant most likely arose during the mixed infection of one
person," they say.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Army's controversial 'School of the Americas' to close Friday

2000-12-13 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Army's controversial 'School of the Americas' to close Friday

December 12, 2000
Web posted at: 12:19 p.m. EST (1719 GMT)

In this story:

Army chief says decision was 'a difficult one'

Protests have gone on for years

Defense Department to run new school

>From CNN Military Affairs Correspondent Jamie McIntyre

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Army plans closing ceremonies Friday for its
controversial "School of the Americas," nicknamed the "School of the
Assassins" by critics who allege the school provides military training for
leaders who are responsible for human rights abuses in their own countries.

An Army announcement Tuesday said simply: "The U.S. Army School of the
Americas, located at Fort Benning, Georgia, is closing its doors after 54 years
of distinguished service."

The statement made no mention of the government's previously announced
plans to reopen the school in January under a new name, "The Western
Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation."

Army officials hope that changing the Georgia school's name and making sure
its curriculum stresses civilian control of the military and respect for human
rights will blunt some of the criticism that has dogged the school for more than
a decade.

Opponents of the school have said the changes will only be cosmetic. They
vow to continue protests.

Critics have charged for years that some of Latin America's most notorious
human rights abusers are among the school's 65,000 alumni.

Army chief says decision was 'a difficult one'

The Army says that it will conduct a closing ceremony at the school on Friday
at 10 a.m. and that Secretary of the Army Louis Caldera will speak at the

Caldera, who as recently as last month was vigorously defending the school,
said Tuesday that "the decision to close USARSA (U.S. Army School of the
Americas) was a difficult one.

"Since its creation, the school has been a major contributing factor to the
success of U.S. foreign policy in the Latin American region," Caldera said.
"The school and its graduates have done so much to foster a spirit of
cooperation throughout the hemisphere, but as our region turns to face the
new challenges of the 21st century, it is time to move forward by closing one
successful chapter in the story of our cooperation and mutual interchange, and
open a new and different one."

Protests drew 1,700 arrests last month

Last month, police arrested 1,700 protesters after they marched through the
school's gates and demanded that the facility be shut down.

Those arrested included actor Martin Sheen, star of the television drama, "The
West Wing." An estimated 3,000 other demonstrators protested outside the
school's gates.

Most of those arrested were charged with trespassing, given a warning and
released, Army officials said.

The protests have been held every year since 1989. They commemorate the
November 16, 1989, killings in El Salvador of six Jesuit priests, to which some
of the school's graduates have been linked.

Military officials have dismissed critics' charges as absurd.

"I'd characterize it as false and as propaganda," Maj. Gen. John LeMoyne, the
post commander, has said.

Defense Department to run new school

The new school will be run by the Defense Department, under guiding
principles of the Organization of American States.

But Ray Bourgeois, a leading critic of the school, has said opponents won't let

"We see this as cosmetic," Bourgeois, a co-founder of School of the Americas
Watch, said last month. "It's like taking a bottle of poison and writing 'penicillin'
on it."

  The Associated Press contributed to this report.


  Thousands protest Army's School of the Americas
  November 20, 2000
  U.S. House deals setback to Army School of the Americas - July 30,
  July 30, 1999
  Thousands protest 'School of Assassins'
  November 22, 1998
  Protesters guilty of vandalizing Army school sign
  March 4, 1998


  School of the Americas
  School of the Americas Watch

© 2000 Cable News Network. All Rights Reserved.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] [Fwd: Many U.S. Corporations Avoid Paying Taxes; Waste Basket 12/12/00]

2000-12-12 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Waste Basket 12/12/00: Many U.S. Corporations Avoid Paying Taxes
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 18:47:17 -0500 (EST)
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

The Waste Basket Vol. V  No. 34 December 12th, 2000
A Weekly Bulletin on Wasteful Government Spending from Taxpayers for Common


Many of the biggest corporations in the U.S. pay few or no taxes on their
profits, according to a recent study.

The study by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) on the 250
biggest corporations in the U.S. found that these corporations paid an
average 20.1 percent in taxes on their profits from 1996-98 -- nearly half
of the rate of 35 percent required by federal law.

Had all of the companies paid the rate required by law, they would have
collectively owed $257 billion.  Instead, assorted tax breaks lowered that
figure to $159 billion. In fact, some of these corporations even got refund
checks from the U.S. Treasury.

Forty-one companies paid less than nothing in federal income taxes in at
least one year from 1996 to 1998, according to the report.  In those years,
the companies reported a total of $25.8 billion in pre-tax U.S. profits.
But rather than pay the appropriate $9 billion in federal income taxes,
these companies instead enjoyed tax refunds of $3.2 billion.

Almost half of the tax-breaks went to just 25 companies, each getting more
than a billion-dollar tax benefit.

The big winner was General Electric, with $6.9 billion in tax breaks over
the three years the study looked at.  Cisco Systems, the second most
valuable company in the U.S., paid no federal income taxes in the latest
fiscal year, despite their $2.7 billion in net earnings.

In another example, Texaco reported $3.4 billion in profits and received
$304 million in tax rebates. In fact, oil companies, as a group, were the
lowest-taxed industry with an effective federal tax rate of 12.3 percent.
Only one industry, publishing, paid an effective tax level of 30 percent.

How do these companies get away with it?  They use a variety of means to
lower their federal income taxes, including depreciation write-offs, tax
credits for things like research and oil drilling, and tax breaks for doing
business in Puerto Rico.  For example, GE continues to slash its tax bills
every year through its leasing activities that essentially buy tax breaks
from companies that have more than they can use.

The fastest growing tax break for U.S. companies is the use of stock
options. By taking the difference between what an employee pays for a stock
and what it’s worth, 233 of 250 companies lowered their taxes from stock
options by a total of $25.8 billion over the last three years, the study

It is unfair for multi-billion dollar companies to escape all income taxes.
Individual Americans must pay their taxes, and these corporations should

For more information, please contact Keith Ashdown at (202) 546-8500 x110 or

If you would like to add yourself to the Waste Basket listserve send an
email message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words "subscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (your email address)" in the body of the message.
To remove yourself from the list, send a message to the same address with
the words "unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] (your address)" in the body
of the message">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:">Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Election2000: Hegelian Style

2000-12-12 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Doesn't anyone see the constant state and federal legal volleying which is
prolonging this painful 'election', as being a little stagey, odd, contrived,
suspicious?  Possibly this is a manufactured event designed to...  to what?
Force a crisis?  And why?  To create more false divisions in the American
public?  Foment civil unrest which will be cause to implement and impose the ML
/ FEMA organizational structure?  Jim Marrs, author of "Ruled by Secrecy" said
on the Dec 3rd Dreamland broadcast, he believed the situation has been
engineered to call for and hold a constitutional convention, at which time the
constitution could be revised, rewritten and in doing so, pretty well trashed
out.  Hadn't thought of that one, and am not familiar with 'Constitutional
convention', which I plan to research.

I wasn't and am not a supporter of either of the bozos either.  Like I said
before they are simpy the cardboard cutouts of the corporate plutocracy.  Both
parties, along with the legal system, have sold out the ideals of the US
Constitution, Bill of Rights and the American public to the corporate/globalist
interests.  We are the commodities.  They create monsters and sell fear,
manipulating the mainstream consciousness to react rather than to act with
discerning intelligence and question their decisions, which are seldom, if ever,
good for this nation or its people.

I believe defending either party or candidate is a waste of time and energy, a
diversion from the real issues, such as a health, privacy, government
accountability/secrecy and liberty, largely unnoticed and unchallenged in the
din of confusion and babble of empty rhetoric.   Better to use this misdirected
energy learning what to look for and how to fight for something of substance and
real value rather than fighting over or for something that does not even exist,
except in propaganda or a memory.

IMO, that is.

 ~ M


"Jayson R. Jones" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Hello,
> I have commented on varius posts that fall within my interest
> grouping, but have pretty much refrained from comment on the current
> election.  However, a couple of things contained in the flood of postings
> concerning this have caught my attention.  Spin, dissinformation and
> blatant ideology aside, there are some issues here that strike to the
> heart of us as a people, and what we believe ourselves to be.
> The percentage of "problem ballots" in states other than Florida
> are substantially lower than the percentage of "problem ballotst" in
> Florida.  In the other states, the number of "problem ballots" would not
> cause a change in the winner EVEN IF ALL WERE FOR ONE CANDIDATE.  In
> Florida, with the margine so close, every vote counts.
> There seems to be a thread going around that no one with an IQ
> over 70 thinks that Bore won the popular vote in Florida.  Well, I can
> safely say that I have an IQ over 70 and I think that, if all the
> disputed votes were to be fairly counted, Bore would be the winner.
> Let me point out that I am NOT a supporter of either of these
> BOZOs.  To me they are Twedle de dee and Tweedle de dum.  Both have some
> points I agree with and both have so many flaws in ideology and logic
> that I could not in good conscience vote for either of them.  I am not a
> listener to the "Talking Heads", I prefer NPR, PBS, CSPAN, Nightline,
> Rush (for comic relief), a state and a local talk show, and Coast to
> Coast.  If this "Labels, Categorizes, Pidgeon Holes, or otherwise gives
> an insight into the inner workings of my mind" so be it.
> Bore has offered the proposition that ALL the votes in Florida
> should be counted.  That seems logical and fair minded.  George II
> refuses to let any votes be counted and relies on legaleese to claim
> victory.  I admit a bias against legaleese, but even setting that bias
> aside, Bore's seems to be the logical position.  No law can ever be
> written that covers all eventualities, so what is wrong with counting all
> the votes.
> It seems to me that the Florida Supreme Court has made a hash of
> all this by (correctly I think) ordering the recount, but failing to give
> enough time to do it.  TWICE!!!  Florida is the only contested state, so
> far, and Florida is where the power should lie to correct the problem.
> Florida judges, elected and appointed officials, and election officials
> all are ultimately accountable to the Florida voters, so it is up to them
> to fix the problems in their state.
> To me, Judge Saul's ruling was seriously flawed.  To rule that
> the the Bore team had failed to prove that the recount would
> 'substantially change' the outcome while at the same time refusing to
> look at the evidence (ballots) that would conclusively prove whether this
> was true or not, is absurd.  But then, this sort of thing happens in the
> lower levels of our justice system every day.
> Like peo

[CTRL] [Fwd: How Washington Bought Yugoslav Presidency (TiM GW Bulletin2000/12-4, Dec. 12, 2000)]

2000-12-12 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: How Washington Bought Yugoslav Presidency (TiM GW Bulletin2000/12-4,
Dec. 12, 2000)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 22:44:12 -0800
From: TiM Publisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: TiM Publisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: TiM GW Bulletins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Thought you’d be interested in our latest Truth in Media Global Watch
Bulletin which is now available at our Web site, just click on the animated
(green) THE NEWS button to go to our latest report.

Of course, you can also click on the TiM Bulletins Index button in the left
frame - to go to selections of our Bulletins archived by geographic regions
and subjects, and in chronological order.  Or click on any other button in
the left frame for other topics of interest.

And now, here are the headlines of the latest TiM Bulletin.  Just keep in
mind that our stories are CONSTANTLY updated, and that the e-mail text
enclosed below is often merely the first edition of a story.  So we
recommend that you keep checking the TiM Web site daily, so that you would
not miss out on some important news or commentary updates.

Truth in Media's GLOBAL WATCH Bulletin 2000/12-4 12-Dec-2000


Washington 1. How Washington Bought Yugoslav Presidency

You can also check out Djurdjevic’s weekly columns on the New World Order
at “” in English -
, or in Serbian - .
NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just reply REMOVE or
UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by your e-mail address.

1. How Washington Bought Yugoslav Presidency

Kostunica, Once a Serb “Nationalist,” Now a $41 Million-Washington Puppet

WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 - Good speechwriters follow the classical speaking rule
- tell them what you’re going to tell them; tell them; and then tell them
what you’ve told them.

Well, we told you in July the September 24 Yugoslav elections would be a
Serb “demo farce,” with Vojislav Kostunica starring as a naïve Don Quixote,
while, in fact, being a Trojan Horse bought and paid for by Washington.  We
told you as the Serb “Ostrich Revolution” was unfolding, complete with
destruction of electoral ballots, that it was a foreign-orchestrated coup
d’etat.  And we repeated that when Kostunica started to reverse himself
following his electoral “victory.”

And now, with less than two weeks to go before the Dec. 23 Serbian
elections, just as we were about to sum up what we’ve been telling you all
along about DOS and Kostunica, lo and behold the Washington Post did it for
us.  Yes, that “liberal” establishment mouthpiece; the nation’s penultimate
authority on the imbroglio at the DC bordello, told the truth about how
Washington bought the Yugoslav presidency for $41 million.

The innocuous sounding headline of the Post’s Dec. 11 article, “U.S. Advice
Guided Milosevic Opposition,” was a guise for its devastating
content.  Devastating for Kostunica, an erstwhile Serb “nationalist,” now a
mere Washington puppet.  Devastating for DOS - the Washington-funded and
organized Democratic Opposition of Serbia, now the new Yugoslav
regime.  Devastating for “Otpor” (Resistance), an ostensible “student”
movement, also financed and run by the U.S. government.

In short, the Post confirmed all our suspicions, and put a very explicit
price on the Yugoslav presidency and Kostunica’s betrayal of his erstwhile

“The U.S. democracy-building effort in Serbia was a curious mixture of
secrecy and openness. In principle, it was an overt operation, funded by
congressional appropriations of around $10 million for fiscal 1999 and $31
million for 2000.”

The Post also paints a picture of Kostunica, DOS and Otpor as nothing more
than U.S. marionettes.  Even the very lines they mouthed off during the
election campaign were scripted by their Washington puppeteers:

"According to Stevanovic, the (DOS) coalition marketing expert, EVERY WORD
of the opposition's one-minute and five-minute core political messages used
by opposition spokesmen across the country was discussed with U.S.
CONSULTANTS and tested by opinion poll. Coalition candidates running for
the Yugoslav parliament and tens of thousands of local government positions
received extensive training on how to stay "on message," answer
journalists' questions and rebut the arguments of Milosevic supporters.”
(emphasis added).

Here are some other excerpts from the Post report:

“Held in a luxury hotel in Budapest, the Hungarian capital, in October
1999, the closed-door briefing by (Doug) Schoen, a Democrat (pollster),

[CTRL] Toxic psychoactive 'meds' / pharmacological death merchants

2000-12-10 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

The convoluted title of the first article in this post, "No Link Found Between
'Ever' Use of Antidepressants And Breast Cancer Risk", along with its poorly
written and confusing text almost obscures the information it contains.

Here are some statements from this article:

" ...compared with no antidepressant use, the SSRI paroxetine (Paxil)
"was associated with a sevenfold elevation in [breast cancer] risk."

"...tricyclic antidepressant use for 2 years or more was associated with a
twofold elevation in breast cancer risk."
[Tri-cyclics are now standard 'treatment' for fibromyalgia.- M]

"Since women are increasingly taking antidepressants, 'there is cause for concern
regarding the use of antidepressant medications [and breast cancer risk],' the authors
suggest."  [see 2nd article. - M]

"Antidepressants may also interfere with enzymes involved in the metabolism of
estrogen and this, too, may influence the development of breast cancer."   [see
2nd article. - M]

The second article is just one example of how liberally these toxic
pharmaceuticals are prescribed to women, in this instance for hotflashes caused
by breast cancer treatment.

Additionally, the DSM has included PMS in its diagnostic code a 'new' SSRI,
Serafem [see 3rd article], is being pushed by allopaths for full time use
allegedly to help women with PMS.  Serafem is the same drug as Prozac, but
marketed deceptively with a pretty new name.

Is this is a subtle, relatively slow of form of eugenics that avoids any
accountability of causality due to the time frame involved?

   ~ /\/\


No Link Found Between 'Ever' Use of Antidepressants And Breast Cancer Risk

WESTPORT, May 29 (Reuters Health) -  With the exception of paroxetine and
long-term use of tricyclic antidepressants, antidepressant medications do not
seem to be associated with an increased breast cancer risk.

In the May 15th issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology, Dr. Michelle
Cotterchio and colleagues from the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, describe
their evaluation of the use of various antidepressants and subsequent risk of breast
cancer in a population-based, case-control study.

Cases were age-stratified as younger or older than 50 at the time of diagnosis of
primary breast cancer.  Population controls were randomly sampled from home
owners and tenants living in Ontario.

The investigators observed no increase in breast cancer risk with "ever" use of
antidepressants.  However, compared with no antidepressant use, the SSRI paroxetine
"was associated with a sevenfold elevation in [breast cancer] risk."  Also, tricyclic
antidepressant use for 2 years or more was associated with a twofold elevation in
breast cancer risk.

As the authors point out, paroxetine may stimulate the secretion of prolactin, "which
has been implicated in the etiology of breast cancer."  Antidepressants may also
interfere with enzymes involved in the metabolism of estrogen and this, too, may
influence the development of breast cancer.

Since women are increasingly taking antidepressants, "there is cause for concern
regarding the use of antidepressant medications [and breast cancer risk]," the authors

Am J Epidemiol 2000;151:951-957.

Copyright © 2000 Reuters Ltd.


Anti-depressants can ease hot flashes in cancer patients

>From Rhonda Rowland
CNN Correspondent

May 23, 2000
Web posted at: 12:07 p.m. EDT (1607 GMT)

(CNN) -- Breast cancer patients who suffer from hot flashes may get relief from
several types of anti-depressants, researchers at the American Society of
Clinical Oncology conference in New Orleans said.

The drugs, known as SSRIs, include such well-known brands as Zoloft, Paxil and Prozac.

Hot flashes are a frequent side effect of breast cancer treatment.  Chemotherapy
can trigger premature menopause in women with the disease, and the anti-estrogen
drug tamoxifen, commonly used to combat breast cancer, can also cause hot flashes.

That side effect can be disruptive and frustrating, said breast cancer patient
Michelle Tennyson, who took part in a pilot study of Paxil. "You lose your
concentration. Things that you try to accomplish, it's very difficult until the
hot flash has subsided."

Although estrogen replacement therapy is a proven remedy for hot flashes, it can
increase the risk of breast cancer.

"Patients don't want to take it and physicians don't want to give it, primarily
because of concern of what estrogen will do to breast cancer," said Dr. Charles
Loprinzi of the Mayo Clinic.

But the anti-depressants seemed to help.

"I started feeling the effects almost immediately," said Tennyson. "I would say
(within) three, four days tops my hot flashes started lessening."

The drug showed other benefits, as well. "The women also reported improvement in

[CTRL] Alarm over mental patients' crime rate / UK / Sunday Times

2000-12-10 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


  December 10 2000

  Alarm over mental patients' crime rate

  James Clark, Home Affairs Correspondent

 UP TO one in three patients released from high-security hospitals will commit
 a serious crime within five years, according to new Home Office research.

 The figures reveal that about a third of those released in certain categories go
 on to commit a violent, sexual or other serious crime. The research is another
 headache for the government, which has already delayed an important
 announcement on the future of mental health.

 The findings will intensify pressure for the closure of secure special hospitals
 such as Rampton and Broadmoor - already under fire after a series of security

 Many of the released offenders had been freed by the Mental Health Review
 tribunal, which is under assessment as part of a wider study by the health
 department, but announcements on the findings have been delayed.

 While in many areas reoffending rates hover at about 10%, especially for the
 most grave crimes, in certain areas the rate can exceed 30%. A private study
 by the Institute of Psychiatry in London showed far higher rates than officially
 announced by the Home Office.

 Jack Straw, the home secretary, has promised strict new rules to lock up the
 most unpredictable offenders before they offend. His stance follows a number
 of murders, including those of mother and daughter Lin and Megan Russell,
 killed by released patient Michael Stone as they walked home at Nonington,
 near Canterbury, in July 1996.

 In October Andrew Ackroyd, a schizophrenic, was confined to a hospital
 indefinitely after killing his father.

 He had done so shortly after being released from an institution where he was
 confined after attacking a student with a carving knife.

 The latest figures will put pressure on Straw from hardliners to push through
 the new legislation quickly, whereas reformers will see them as evidence that
 large hospital regimes are not the answer.

 A spokesman for Nacro, the offender rehabilitation agency, said: "Only a
 handful of mentally disordered offenders go on to commit a violent or sexual
 offence on release from hospital. We must reduce the risk this group can pose,
 but the perception of hordes of dangerous mentally disordered people on the
 loose is wide of the mark."

Copyright 2000 Times Newspapers Ltd.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Fwd: Dark vs. Light]

2000-12-10 Thread mirage
-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 


Fwd: Dark vs. Light


Sun, 10 Dec 2000 11:28:22 -0800


Tony Craddock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



From: "Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dark vs. Light
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 10:55:35 -0800
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.5
    It is becoming quite clear that with
the refinement of
psychotronics and interdimensional portals, that certain
rogue military-intelligence officials are pursuing black
magic as the "next frontier" in their quest for absolute
power. Thus, certain officers in Army Intelligence -Psi
Warfare Branch, along with dark-intentioned colleagues
NATO militaries' PSY-warfare branches, have become addicted
to playing with "the Dark Forces". Thus, manuals on
conjuring the black witchcraft of Aleister Crowley become
playbooks for these latter-day Colonels of Satanism.
    Those who work to bring in the Fifth
World of peace,
cooperation, solidarity. justice, and cooperative service
can deal with that development by surrounding themselves
daily with the white light of Spirit's blessing and
protection, only available to those whose intentions
"of the Light".
    A wisdom saying holds: "It is better
to light one small
candle than to curse the darkness."
    Let our deeds and daily life work
shine forth the
Light, and more surely usher in the renewed Fifth World.
Richard Boylan,
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 Archives of


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[CTRL] ZNet Commentary / IMF, WTO / Robin Hahnel / Play It Again Sam / Dec 9

2000-12-09 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: ZNet Commentary / Robin Hahnel / Play It Again Sam / Dec 9
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 16:31:38 -0800
From: "Michael Albert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Note: Today's Commentary is on the IMF and World Bank machinations in Chad
and Turkey. It is longer than usual, but the topic is fantastically timely
and important, and requires a bit more words to address...

--> If you are not a ZNet Sustainer and you do not want to receive these
commentaries please remove yourself from our list either for the month only
or permanently at -- This is the only way to get
off...and it works fine.

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commentaries, the commentary writers, and the purpose of the donations,
please consult:

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Sustainer Program to support ZNet, you can access the form directly with
this link:

By Robin Hahnel

Just in case anyone thought the IMF and the World Bank had gotten the
message in Seattle, Washington DC, and Prague, all he or she has to do is
read the December 5 edition of the Washington Post to find out otherwise.
Looming disasters in Chad and Turkey are proof positive that nothing besides
a tactical adjustment of rhetoric has changed at the Bank and the Fund.
Anyone who thought the World Bank had finally learned that helping
multinational companies and banks accelerate the extraction of third world
natural resources does not benefit the third world poor, much less the
environment, needs to check out what is happening in Chad. And anyone who
thought managers at the Fund had learned from the East Asian crisis that
capital liberalization puts third world economies dangerously at risk, and
conditionality agreements only compound the crises that result, needs to
watch the Fund repeat every mistake they made in East Asia, Russia, and
Brazil all over again in Turkey.

Douglas Farah and David Ottaway inform us: “In June, when the World Bank
agreed to back a controversial, 650-mile oil pipeline from this impoverished
desert nation [where more than two-thirds of the population lives on an
average of less than $250 a year] to Africa’s Atlantic coast, it declared
that it had found a way to prevent corrupt officials from stealing the
country’s new wealth. Criticized for years over projects in developing
nations that failed to return benefits to their populations, bank officials
knew that the $3.7 billion pipeline -- the most expensive infrastructure
project now underway in Africa -- would be closely scrutinized. So they
imposed strict accounting standards and insisted on guarantees from the
Chadian government to ensure that its oil profits would be spent to improve
public health, education and vital infrastructure here, rather than
disappearing into secret bank accounts or funding weapons purchases by those
in power. World Bank officials said that their ‘Chadian model’ would prove
they could overcome the African nation’s endemic corruption and that it
might be applied to other corruption-prone oil-producing lands. In a press
release after it approved the project, the bank called the agreement with
the Chad government an ‘unprecedented framework to transform oil wealth into
direct benefits for the poor, the vulnerable and the environment.’ So when
Chadian President Idriss Deby, a general who seized power in a 1990 coup,
declared last week that he had used $4.5 million of the government's first
oil receipts to buy weapons instead of bolstering social programs, saying
‘it is patently obvious that without security there can be no development
programs,’ he sent a jolt through the bank.”

The demonstrators in Seattle, Washington DC, and Prague were not the only
ones who warned the World Bank that this is exactly what would happen. Human
rights activists in Chad fought the project for years, claiming it would
“only escalate armed power struggles and be diverted by authoritarian rulers
to buy guns or to fatten their bank accounts.” Delphine K. Djiraibe,
president of the Chadian Association for the Promotion and Defense of Human
Rights was quick to point out after the story broke: “The arms purchases
should be a warning to show that when the oil money flows, the World Bank
won't have any way to know what Deby will do with it.”

But the diversion of profits to purchase arms is only one problem. The main
objections critics have voiced to this and similar World Bank projects
elsewhere are that too much of the profits go to foreign companies and
banks, leaving too little to make a significant dent in unpayable
international debts that should be forgiven. Chad is only projected to

[CTRL] Colombian police spray herbicide on coca, - US Sen. Wellstone

2000-12-07 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Excerpted from Jean Hudon's Cybernaute newsletter - Miscellaneous Subjects #49;
Thu, 7 Dec 2000

From: "Dave Hartley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Colombian police spray herbicide on coca, US Sen. Wellstone
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000

From:  Sanho Tree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Last Friday I had the opportunity to debate the Colombian Ambassador and
Amb. James Mack (the State Department's interagency coordinator for Plan
Colombia) at Yale Law School.  Ambassador Mack berated opponents of Plan
Colombia for distorting the facts about aerial fumigation.  He claimed it
was totally safe and sprayed with "GPS guided precision."  Ironically, the
following story broke that very morning.  Senator Wellstone was observing a
demonstration flight when his delegation accidentally got doused with the
broad-spectrum herbicide called glyphosate.  So much for precision.  For
more information on the devastating health and environmental impact of
aerial fumigation in the drug war check out

Published Friday, December 1, 2000

Colombian police spray herbicide on coca, Wellstone

Rob Hotakainen / Star Tribune

TARASA, COLOMBIA -- Standing next to 10-foot coca bushes in a remote
mountain region near the Tarasa River on Thursday, Sen. Paul Wellstone was
ready to watch the Colombian National Police demonstrate its new approach
to fumigating coca, the raw product used to produce cocaine.

But then something odd happened: Wellstone got sprayed, along with
surprised members of his delegation, including his press secretary and
foreign policy adviser.

Police officials said it was a mistake, blaming the wind for blowing the
chemical -- known as glysophate -- from its intended path.

Moments earlier, Lt. Col. Marcos Pedreros, the police official in charge of
the spraying mission, had assured Wellstone that the spray posed no risk to
humans, animals or the environment. Officials said it's similar to Roundup,
a commonly used herbicide.

"I am Colombian," said Pedreros, who communicated through an interpreter
with Wellstone, D-Minn. "I love my motherland, and with my men I couldn't
destroy my own homeland. I know that what I'm doing is under the law, and
that's why I do it with love and devotion."

Ironically, the U.S. Embassy in Colombia had just circulated materials to
reporters, noting the "precise geographical coordinates" used to spray coca
fields. According to embassy officials, a computer program sets precise
flight lines with a 170-foot width, leaving little room for error.

But Wellstone was hit with a fine mist of the herbicide from a helicopter
flying less than 200 feet above him. He winced and rubbed his eyes later,
but he managed a joke, saying he could become a case study on possible
dangers linked to the chemical.

Asked whether he was stunned to get hit, Wellstone said: "Oh, yeah, and I'm
imagining that I'm itching a lot, too."

One of the members of Wellstone's delegation was particularly irked after
she was sprayed.

"I really resented it," said Pamela Costain, executive director of the
Minneapolis-based Resource Center of the Americas, who thinks the
fumigation of coca fields could result in long-term environmental damage.
"I'm fearful about what they're using, and I really didn't want to get it
on me."

Colombian officials sought to downplay the incident.

"We did not spray on the people or on the senator," said Gen. Gustavo
Socha, anti-narcotics director for the Colombian National Police, speaking
through an interpreter. But when told that a reporter witnessed the
incident, Socha said: "What hit him was because of the wind, not because
they had the intention."

Wellstone, one of the few senators to oppose a $1.3 billion U.S. aid plan
to help Colombia fight its drug war, drew much attention from the Colombian
press. The plan is a pet project for Colombian President Andres Pastrana,
but Wellstone said that peasant farmers will continue growing coca as long
as few jobs exist in a country where unemployment hovers at 20 percent.

Using an interpreter to speak to Colombian reporters, Wellstone said: "I
believe they are very honestly committed to this fight, but I have to
wonder whether or not we will be able to win this fight against this
narcotics trade as long as the people in Colombia and the countryside do
not have other alternatives to enable them to be able to make a living and
as long as in my country -- the United States of America -- there is such
demand. ... I will remain a critic, but with respect."

Colombian police used Wellstone's visit to announce plans to spray 17,290
acres of coca as part of its new Operation "Paramillo." Police said 300 men
will be involved in the effort, using Black Hawk helicopters sent by the
United States. Police are targeting a region where violence is high as
paramilitary groups clash with guerrilla groups over who will control the
nation's drug trade.

After receiving the U.S. aid, 

Re: [CTRL] CLuMs? [CTRL] Tinseltown News

2000-12-06 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

CLuMs?  Please refresh my memory as to what these are.  Also 'P. & U.K.E' is an
obscure term with which I have no familarity.  Enlighten me on the meaning of
these acronymz, please. In the meantime, I will  be on full alert for their
probable dastardly and devastating manifestations!

In London a gypsy woman grabbed my arm an told me I looked like a Romanov.
Afterward, upon careful checking, I found nothing missing from my person, which
led me to believe that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

So can I be in this flick?   My minimum is scale.  ~ M

PM Kansan1225 wrote:
> Usually well-informed sources close to the major new production "Fight
> all CLuMs and especially. P. & U.K.E." say that Mel Gibson is really excited
> about getting the leading role in the movie.  Mr. Gibson is a conspiracy
> aficionado himself and enjoyed great success in the 1997 movie "Conspiracy
> Theory".
>  Movie buffs know that Mel's character in "Conspiracy Theory", the taxi
> driver Jerry Newport, was based on the celebrated conspiracy theorist Sam
> Moser
> of Dayton, Ohio.  Gibson has been looking forward to playing Kansan1225 in the
> movies ever since "Fight all CLuMs and especially P. & U.K.E."was published
> earlier this year.
>  These same sources say that Gibson is about to ink an eight-figure
> contract with the producers and that he will also play a second role in the
> movie, that of Nikolai Alexandrovich, the pretender to the vacant Imperial
> throne of the Romanovs.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] YOUR PAPERS, PLEASE ... Census 2000 lives on - Many citizens now receiving 23-page 'American Community Survey'

2000-12-06 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

I was one of the 'lucky' recepients of the Census 2000 long form.  I didn't
respond and consequently received a visit from a local census worker.  Since I
wasn't home, she left a message at my front door with her phone number and hours
to call her.  I called and politely said I didn't agree with the intrusive
nature of the questions and volunteered to tell her the number of people living
here and their ages, which is the only information the census got from me.  I
know a number of other people who did the same thing or returned even the short
form with some of the questions unanswered.   End of story.

The funny part was that this particular census worker agreed with my objections
and asked me if I listened to Rush Limbaugh.  She said she was a big fan of his.
 Since I never listened to him I have no idea what his stand was inre the

Also, what would legally support the statement "YOUR RESPONSE IS REQUIRED BY
LAW" ?   I remember that the demand to answer all the questions in the Census
2000 was challenged in a Texas federal court and defeated.

  ~ M

Wednesday, December 6, 2000

Census 2000 lives on
Many citizens now receiving 23-page 'American Community Survey'

by Julie Foster

Despite his objection to intrusive questions not related to a head count,
William Otis filled out and returned his Census 2000 short form months ago,
thinking he had fulfilled his legal obligation to participate in the
constitutionally mandated event. But he was wrong.

Last week, Otis received the "American Community Survey" from the U.S. Census
Bureau, which reads almost exactly like the Census 2000 "long form." Printed on
the envelope containing the 23-page document were the words: "YOUR RESPONSE IS

The U.S. Constitution directs Congress to perform a census every 10 years "in
such manner as they shall by law direct." Over the years, Congress has passed
laws allowing various questions to appear on the census form that are not
relevant to obtaining an accurate count of citizens.  Additionally, Congress
authorized the taking of a mid-decennial census, though a bureau supervisor said
the American Community Survey is a separately authorized operation.

Most households received the so-called "short form" for Census 2000 earlier this
year. In it, recipients were asked to provide their names, address, race and
age. One in six families received the "long form" containing 52 questions,
including all those in the short form and several pertaining to individuals'
occupation, financial status, medical condition and daily activities. The
American Community Survey mirrors the long form.

Some of the ACS questions are:

Last month, what was the cost of electricity for this house, apartment or mobile

In the last 12 months, what was the cost of water and sewer for this house,
apartment or mobile home?

At any time during the past 12 months, were you or any member of this household
enrolled in or receiving benefits from free or reduced price meals at school
through the National School Lunch program or the Federal Home Heating and
Cooling Assistance program?

At what location did this person work last week? (Participant must provide
street address.)

How did this person usually get to work last week? How many people, including
this person, usually rode in the car, truck or van last week? What time did this
person usually leave home to go to work last week?

Does this person have any of the following long-lasting conditions? (Blindness,
deafness, disability, etc.)

Because of a physical, mental or emotional condition lasting six months or more,
does this person have any difficulty in doing any of the following activities:
learning, remembering or concentrating, dressing, bathing or getting around
inside the home?

A question aimed specifically at females from 15 to 50 years old is: Has this
person given birth to any children in the past 12 months?

Otis, 57, and his wife say they will not complete the new form.

"We were ticked off, to put it mildly," said Otis, a self-employed ceramic tile
contractor in Trumbull County, Ohio. "We got the short form, and we sent it in
like good little citizens." About the American Community Survey, he said, "I
think it's very intrusive, and I'm not going to fill it out."

Otis called an 800 number provided on the survey and informed the operator he
would not be participating.

"I thought the census was over," he told the operator, adding that he planned to
contact his congressman, Rep. Jim Traficant, D-Ohio.  According to Otis, the
operator responded by outlining the reasons for completing the form.

A letter signed by Census Bureau Director Kenneth Pruitt was included with the
ACS, attempting to assure recipients their responses will be ke

[CTRL] Secret plan for EU ‘superstate’

2000-12-06 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-,,47203,00.html


Secret plan for EU ‘superstate’

By Martin Fletcher and Philip Webster

Berlin and Rome expose Blair to new line of attack
GERMANY and Italy delivered a serious blow to Tony Blair on the
eve of the Nice summit yesterday by calling for yet another round of
negotiations to achieve an even closer European Union.

In a confidential joint paper sent to France, which holds the EU’s
rotating Presidency, Berlin and Rome said the summit should agree to
hold an inter-governmental conference (IGC) in 2004 “with a view to
the further development of European integration”.

The Times has obtained the paper, which shows that even before the
Nice treaty is signed leading EU members are looking for ways to
increase integration in the next one.

It immediately refuelled Eurosceptic claims that the EU is on the road
to becoming a “superstate”. Francis Maude, the Shadow Foreign
Secretary, called the document a “bombshell that shows the true
agenda at the heart of Europe”. He claimed that the Government was
“privately happy with this agenda, but publicly denies it is

The Government, however, insisted that the paper was merely a
document for discussion — “any member State can produce a
document for consideration in an IGC and that’s what the Germans
and Italians have done”.

The paper plays into the hands of Eurosceptics by fuelling the
impression that integration is a relentless one-way process. However,
many of Germany’s preliminary ideas, including stopping the flow of
powers from national governments to Brussels, are strongly welcomed
by London, which in recent days has softened its position over a
future IGC.

The new paper surfaced on the day that Peter Mandelson, the
Cabinet’s leading pro-European, said that the EU’s founding fathers’
dream of an ever closer union was now dead. He insisted that the Nice
treaty would confirm that Europe was now a “pragmatic venture”.

Mr Blair has previously insisted that such a conference should not
happen until after enlargement of the EU has begun. Yesterday his
official spokesman said that, provided it was not a hurdle to
enlargement, the proposal could be looked at.

The paper gives the Conservatives further ammunition by saying the
IGC should consider whether to make the EU’s controversial new
Charter of Fundamental Rights legally binding — an idea the
Government opposes.

It says the IGC should consider “a simplification of the treaties with a
view to achieving improved legibility and clarity”. British
Eurosceptics have long regarded “treaty simplification” — which
would create a separate document for the EU’s core principles — as a
back-door route to a European constitution.

The paper also says that the proposed IGC should define the relative
powers of Brussels and the national Governments, an idea Mr Blair
advocated in October and something Germany’s 16 regional
governments are insisting on as a way of limiting Brussels’ powers.

Britain accepts that the demand for another IGC in 2004 has become
crucial for Germany as the Nice summit approaches, but its proposed
timing will be another source of controversy. Mr Blair said in October
that it should not begin before the first new members from central
Europe have joined the EU. The German-Italian paper says that the
candidate countries should be involved in extensive pre-IGC
discussions and that “the conclusion of the 2004 conference is not a
pre-condition for the accession of new members”.

Those discussions should also include national Parliaments, MEPs,
academics, business and civil society. Belgium, which inherits the EU
Presidency next July, wants to set the process in train with a
declaration next December to be followed by a convention comprising
national, European and candidate country politicians. The IGC would
then formalise the results.

The Government is loath to trigger “three years of endless
speculation” by agreeing at all to a new IGC at this point, but
recognises that the German Chancellor needs to set a date for domestic
political reasons.

Europe’s heads of government will now have to haggle over the
wording of the summit’s final communiqué on the post-Nice agenda,
on top of all the other intensely difficult issues they must resolve.

Mr Blair will be determined to change the key paragraph of the
German-Italian proposal, which says the 2004 IGC should explore
“the further development of the process of European integration”.
Government officials acknowledged that it was not a felicitous phrase,
but said that the problem was primarily semantic as those words had
different connotations in Germany.

On the Charter of Rights, which is to be “proclaimed” in Nice but not
incorporated into EU law, one British source said: “We will have to
make it clear there’s no question of it ever in the history of mankind
becoming a legal binding text.” Officals said the Government could
accept the simplification of the trea

[CTRL] Criminal Defense Lawyers Demand End To Drug War

2000-12-05 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Excerpt from: The Liberator OnLine, Vol. 5, No. 22; Tue, 5 Dec 2000

Criminal Defense Lawyers Demand End To Drug War

   Washington, DC: The National Association of Criminal Defense
   Lawyers' (NACDL) board of directors unanimously approved a
   resolution on November 4th calling for the end of the War on

   In its resolution, NACDL, the nation's largest specialty bar
   association representing the interests of criminal defense
   lawyers, stated that drug use should be considered a health
   problem, and that the government should "repeal all laws
   criminalizing the possession, use and delivery of controlled

   The resolution also calls for a regulated and taxable system
   for selling controlled substances with a portion of the
   revenues going towards drug treatment clinics, drug education
   and research.[Editor's note: Libertarians oppose such taxes
   and regulation.]

   "As a nation, we've stood by and watched this 'war on drugs'
   lock up a whole generation of young African-Americans," said
   Fred Leatherman, the NACDL board member who drafted the
   resolution. "All the evidence says it's a sham and a failure.
   And everybody else who makes money from it thinks we should
   escalate the war. We do not agree."

   "Both of our presidential candidates committed 'youthful
   indiscretions' in their day," said NACDL president Edward
   Mallet. "Would they, or we, be better off if they had been
   sent to prison like so many blacks and Latinos are these

   (Reprinted from NORML press release / Thanks to K. Collins)

   * * *

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   organization. Our purpose is to: (1) present the freedom
   philosophy honestly and persuasively to opinion-makers and
   the public so that they can encounter, evaluate, and when
   ready, embrace the ideals of self-government; (2) help
   libertarians become effective and powerful communicators of
   the ideas of liberty; and (3) change the political map from
   the inaccurate and exclusionary 'left-right/liberal
   conservative' line to a more accurate and inclusive model
   (like that on our World's Smallest Political Quiz) that
   includes libertarians and others.

   PLEASE NOTE: Contributions to the Advocates are tax
   deductible under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. If you
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   "May it be to the world... to assume the blessings and
   security of self-government." -- Thomas Jefferson">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Americans Say Big Government is Biggest Threat

2000-12-05 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Excerpt from: The Liberator OnLine, Vol. 5, No. 22; Tue, 5 Dec 2000

Americans Say Big Government is Biggest Threat

   On November 1, Gallup released the results of a poll which
   asked a cross-section of Americans this question:

   "In your opinion which of the following will be the biggest
   threat to the country in the future -- big business, big
   labor, or big government?"

   By a strong majority, Americans say it is big government
   (65%). Only 7% say it is big labor, while 22% say big

   Since Gallup first began asking this question in February
   1965, the threat of big government has consistently been
   considered more ominous than that of big labor or big
   business. And public concern about big government has nearly
   *doubled* in that time period -- from 35% to 65% -- and
   concern about big labor has diminished substantially from 29%
   to only 7%. However, Americans remain relatively unconcerned
   about big business, with just about one in five -- 22% --
   currently perceiving it as a threat, compared to 17% in 1965.

   (Source: Gallup new release)

   * * *

Too Big...

   "A government that is big enough to give you all you want is
   big enough to take it all away."

   -- Senator Barry Goldwater


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   organization. Our purpose is to: (1) present the freedom
   philosophy honestly and persuasively to opinion-makers and
   the public so that they can encounter, evaluate, and when
   ready, embrace the ideals of self-government; (2) help
   libertarians become effective and powerful communicators of
   the ideas of liberty; and (3) change the political map from
   the inaccurate and exclusionary 'left-right/liberal
   conservative' line to a more accurate and inclusive model
   (like that on our World's Smallest Political Quiz) that
   includes libertarians and others.

   PLEASE NOTE: Contributions to the Advocates are tax
   deductible under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. If you
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   Advocates' work, see --
   or give us a call at 1-800-932-1776.

   "May it be to the world... to assume the blessings and
   security of self-government." -- Thomas Jefferson">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: "The Smoking Gun of AIDS" by Boyd Ed Graves J.D.]

2000-12-05 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: "The Smoking Gun of AIDS" by Boyd Ed Graves J.D.
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 01:07:49 -0500
From: "Joel Bales" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

December 6, 2000

The Smoking Gun of AIDS: a 1971 Flowchart
by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.

In 1977, a secret federal virus program produced 15,000 gallons of AIDS. The
record reveals the United States was represented by Dr. Robert Gallo and the
USSR was represented by Dr. Novakhatskiy of the diabolical Ivanosky Institute.
On August  21, 1999, the world first saw the flowchart of the plot to thin the
Black Population.

The 1971 AIDS flowchart  coordinates over 20,000 scientific papers and fifteen
years of progress reports of a secret federal virus development program. The
epidemiology of AIDS is an identical match to the "research logic" identified in
the five section foldout. The flowchart is page 61 of Progress Report #8 (1971)
of the Special Virus program of the United States of America.  We today,
challenge world scientists to discussion of this document find. We believe there
is a daily, growing number of world experts who are all coming to the same
conclusion regarding the significance of the flowchart.  Dr Garth Nicolson has
examined the flowchart as well as other top notch experts from around the world.
It is time for Dr. Michael Morrissey of Germany to examine the flowchart and
report to the world. In addition, we have now examined the 1978 report. It is
heresy to continue to further argue the program ended in 1977. The 1978 report
of the development of AIDS leaves no doubt as to the ("narrow result") candidate
virus sought by the United States. The flowchart conclusively proves a secret
federal plot to develop a "contagious cancer" that "selectively kills."

Following the presentation of the flowchart in Canada, the same information was
presented to the United States in the rotunda of the Western Reserve Historical
Society in Cleveland. Shortly thereafter a major African newspaper called and
for four days in a row, this issue was the feature story in an uncensored press.
The people of Africa already know about the U.S. virus development program. It
is time for the rest of us to know.

In January, the U.S. had no response to my two page abstract submitted to the
African American AIDS 2000 conference. In February, the U.S. Congress had no
response to the 3000 Americans who signed signature petitions calling for
immediate review of the flowchart and progress reports of the secret virus
development program. We firmly believe once the dust settles from the current
election marathon, reviewing the special virus program will be the single most
important pursuit of the 21st Century.

More scientists and doctors must join with Dr. Nicolson, Dr. Strecker, Dr.
Cantwell, Dr. Horowitz, Dr. Lee, Dr. Wainwright, Dr. Halstead and Professor
Boyle. In any public debate on this issue, we will continue to present the
flowchart of the secret virus development program, as the "irrefutable missing
link" in the true laboratory origin of AIDS. We have successfully navigated a
federal maze and matrix and found a curtain surrounding the issue of AIDS. The
1999 discovery and presentation of the AIDS flowchart is a "smoke detector" wake
up call. Society has an obligation to do more than don masks.

Non-inclusive random endnotes:

U.S. Special Virus program, Progress Report #8 (1971), pg. 61  (the flowchart)

National Security Defense Memorandum (NSDM) #314, Brent Scowcroft (1975).

"Special Message to the U.S. Congress on Problems of Population Growth", Richard
M. Nixon, July 18, 1969

Public Law 91-213,  "To Stabilize World Populations", John D. Rockefeller, III,
Chairman,  March 16, 1970

National Security Council Memorandum (NSCM) #46, "Black Africa and the U.S.
Black Movement", Zbigniew Brezinski, March 17, 1978

For additional information:

Essay Copyright 2000 Zygote Media
~Please forward to interested persons, lists. Thanks.

State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS. By Boyd Ed Graves,

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always

Re: [CTRL] Parents must meet FDA guidelines for child's lunchfixed athome (or school will supply one for $5)

2000-12-05 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

This is exactly what was about to take place in California.  A 'school clinic'
bill was quietly pushed through the legislative process and passed;  the state
insurance code was even amended to compliment it.  It was on Grey Davis' desk
when I heard about it from a woman I met at a restaurant.  After I got home I
ended up working till about 4AM working on it to send out the information to
everyone I could think of, including all the addresses I could find in the
California PTA sites.  Of course I also wrote letters of protest to the state
school board and the governor's office as well.  A friend I'd told about this
listened to a talk radio show called 'Focus on the Family' and thought they
would appreciate this information.  I called them and got the information about
the bill to them via email.  They went on the air, devoting an entire program to
the subject.  Thank god for those folks, because if it weren't for them this
bill would have been signed.  As it turned out the State of California
switchboard was flooded  with angry protest calls to such a degree that someone
from the governor's office called the Focus on the Family Organization and
requested the radio show, which was based in Colorado, to ask their listeners to
stop calling in protests.  This was dutifully relayed and no doubt just
encouraged people to continue.  It didn't stop there.  Protests were organized
and people went to Sacramento to protest in person — in busloads.  Grey Davis
vetoed the bill.  I don't think he wanted this out in the press so backed off.

This bill would have placed school clinics at every public school.  Children
would have been referred at the request of any teacher or adminstrator and
strongly encouraged to make use of the 'service'.  If a child were referred,
they would leave the classroom to go directly to the clinic on their campus,
which was authorized to give complete physical exams and to prescribe any
medicine they wanted, including psychotropic drugs or birth control without the
knowledge or consent of the parents.  This would have been billed to the parents
insurance directly, and I'm not clear about whether the insurance company would
need to share this information with the parents.  I do know that if the
insurance didn't reimburse the entire amount, the parents would have been liable
for the balance and billed accordingly.  Children without private insurance are
automatically covered by state insurance.  This included behavioral counciling
and had the power to mandate family counciling.  Or not.  I know this program
emphasized reproductive and behavioral practice.

But what a great *true* success story that is.  And the people won a big victory
denying state control of their children.

Of course, it will surely come up again.  But people are becoming more aware of
the tricks and intentions of the state, and serendipidy sometimes plays a role
too.   ; = }


ThePiedPiper wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> It is not the food that I keyed in on
> it was the part about catered lunches.
> If Drugs for mental health (ritalin trial)
> are made a law then they can diagnose, prescribe and
> hand out the drug at the school level - protest and
> your child goes to private prison.
> COURT?  Something like Florida's example?
> No.
> There will be NO need of CPS, psychologists, psychiatrists,
> lawyers or courts.
> Down Size the state governments real fast, right?
> With many states allowing home schooling as a religious right
> religions are "hate crimes" "special groups"
> remember the boy scouts
> first goes the tax exempt status
> then
> whoops I forgot something
> along with everyone else that will not be needed
> once ritalin is law
> Out goes
> but the Home School Legal Defense Fund will
> protect home schoolers
> 5 December 2000
> Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton
> Tenorlove wrote:
> >
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > Dang, I'm glad I'm homeschool.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CJD (NEW VAR.), SUSPECTED CASE - RUSSIA *** A ProMED-mail post ProMED-mail, a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases Date: 4 Dec 2000 11:4

2000-12-05 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

A ProMED-mail post

ProMED-mail, a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: 4 Dec 2000 11:46:11 -0500
From: E. Ann Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Source: Straits Times, Tue 5 Dec 2000 [edited]

Suspected Human Case of Mad Cow Disease in Russia
- -
MURMANSK: The suspected death here of a 29-year-old man from
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) could be the first Russian case linked to
mad cow disease, medical authorities said on Monday 4 Dec 2000. The victim,
a merchant seaman from Murmansk in northern Russia, [may have] died from
the human form of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as
[(new) variant CJD] or "mad cow disease", a senior medical official said.
The Murmansk Region's Chief Medical Officer, Andrei Cherniyev, stated that
"It is not the first case of CJD in Russia. This brain-wasting disease [is
not invariably associated with the consumption of beef carrying the BSE
agent]. But the [significance] of this particular case is the relative
youth of the victim, because the average age of people who have died from
[the sporadic or inherited forms of CJD] is much older." A spokesperson for
the Murmansk region's Epidemiological Centre, Svetlana Chemakina, also
cautioned that the victim's death did not necessarily signify that BSE had
infected Russian cattle herds. "Even if one accepts the hypothesis that
death was caused by eating contaminated food products, one would have to
take into account the fact the victim was a sailor and therefore could have
acquired the (new) variant form of CJD by consuming contaminated meat while
abroad." Both officials emphasized that it was impossible to confirm that
the death was linked to mad cow disease.

Russia's Ministry of Agriculture announced last week that it was monitoring
recent cases of BSE reported in Poland and Germany but had yet to make any
decision on banning beef imports from those countries. Russia has already
banned beef imports from Britain and Portugal, as well as from certain
parts of France and Ireland.

- --
E Ann Davis

[This appears to be the first reference to the occurrence of BSE in cattle
in Poland. An earlier ProMED-mail post on 7 Nov 2000, BSE - Belgium: first
case (02), reported that the cow identified as Belgium's first case of "mad
cow" disease was used in a 1200-ton batch of animal feed, some of which has
been exported to Poland. However, since the average incubation period of
BSE in cattle is about 5 years, any current cases would be the result of
earlier exposure. - Mod.CP]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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[CTRL] Pentagon to notify Gulf veterans of possible nerve gas exposure

2000-12-05 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Pentagon to notify Gulf veterans of possible nerve gas exposure

December 4, 2000
Web posted at: 9:18 p.m. EST (0218 GMT)

In this story:

New study to be released

'No well-controlled studies'

>From Jamie McIntyre
CNN Military Affairs Correspondent

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Pentagon officials will soon notify 35,000 veterans
they might have been exposed to trace amounts of nerve gas in 1991 after U.S.
soldiers blew up a an Iraqi ammunition dump at the end of the Gulf War.

Meanwhile, officials now believe that 33,000 soldiers who received a similar
notification in 1997 were not exposed to the nerve gas, sources told CNN on

The Pentagon now believes, based on updated computer modeling, the chemical
cloud from the destruction of the ammunition dump at Kamisiyah, in
southeastern Iraq, had moved in a different direction than previously thought.

Based on that new analysis, the Pentagon estimates 101,000 U.S. troops might
have been exposed to low levels of nerve gas. Previously, the Pentagon had said
about 99,000 soldiers had been exposed.

New study to be released

The sources also told CNN that the Pentagon will release a new RAND review of
medical studies on the effects -- including health impacts -- of low level
exposure to nerve agents.

The review found no evidence of adverse health effects resulting from brief
nerve gas exposure at doses low enough that no symptoms were reported at the
time of exposure, the sources said.

The study, the sources said, is consistent with other reports.

U.S. troops destroyed Iraqi weapons stockpiles -- including 500 rockets filled
with the deadly sarin nerve gas -- at the end of the Gulf War in March 1991.

'No well-controlled studies'

After learning that troops had destroyed chemical weapons in the mid-1990s, the
Pentagon investigated the possibility that exposure to nerve gas might have
caused health problems suffered by some Gulf War veterans.

The Institute of Medicine said in a review released in September that there was
"inadequate" and "insufficient" evidence to support that theory.

The institute concluded that while it was "reasonable to hypothesize that
long-term adverse health effects can occur after exposure to low levels of sarin,
there are no well-controlled studies on long-term health effects."


 Study: Not enough evidence to link 4 chemical agents to Gulf War
 September 7, 2000
 Gulf War soldiers may have 'inhaled uranium'
 September 3, 2000
 Cause of Gulf War Syndrome still a mystery
 February 25, 2000
 Gulf War veterans suffered brain damage after chemical exposure,
 study says
 November 30, 1999
 Panel: no link between Gulf illnesses and nerve gas
 January 7, 1997

© 2000 Cable News Network. All Rights Reserved.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Secret plan to spy on all British phone calls

2000-12-04 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-,3858,4099838,00.html

Secret plan to spy on all British phone calls

Kamal Ahmed, political editor
Sunday December 3, 2000
The Observer

Britain's intelligence services are seeking powers to seize all records of
telephone calls, emails and internet connections made by every person living in
this country.

A document circulated to Home Office officials and obtained by The Observer
reveals that MI5, MI6 and the police are demanding new legislation to log every
phone call made in this country and store the information for seven years at a
vast government-run 'data warehouse', a super computer that will hold the

The secret moves, which will cost millions of pounds, were last night condemned
by politicians and campaigners as a sinister expansion of 'Big Brother' state
powers and a fundamental attack on the public's right to privacy.

Last night, the Home Office admitted that it was giving the plans serious

Lord Cope, the Conservative peer and a leading expert on privacy issues, said:
'We are sympathetic to the need for greater powers to fight modern types of
crime. But vast banks of information on every member of the public can quickly
slip into the world of Big Brother. I will be asking serious questions about
this.' Maurice Frankel, a leading campaigner on per sonal data issues, called
the powers 'sweeping' and a cause for worry.

The document, which is classified 'restricted', says new laws are needed to
allow the intelligence services, Customs and Excise and the police access to
telephone and computer records of every member of the public.

It suggests that the Home Office is sympathetic to the new powers, which would
be used to tackle the growing problems of cybercrime, the use of computers by
paedophiles to run child pornography rings, as well as terrorism and
international drug trafficking.

Every telephone call made and received by a member of the public, all emails
sent and received and every web page looked at would be recorded.

Calls made on mobile phones can already be pinpointed geographically, as can
those made from land lines. The police would be able to use 'trawling' computer
techniques to look through millions of telephone and email records. Campaigners
say innocent people could have such highly personal information

The document admits the moves are controversial and could clash with the Human
Rights Act, which gives people a right to privacy, European Union law and the
Data Protection Act, which protects the public against official intrusion into
private lives.

The office of the Data Protection Commissioner, Elizabeth France, has already
expressed 'grave concerns' .

'A clear legislative framework needs to be agreed as a matter of urgency,' says
the document, which is dated 10 August and is thought to have been sent to Home
Office Minister Charles Clarke.

'Why should data be retained? In the interests of justice, to preserve and
protect data for use as evidence to establish proof of innocence or guilt. For
intelligence and evidence gathering purposes, to maintain the effectiveness of
UK law enforcement, intelligence and security agencies to protect society.'

The document is written by Roger Gaspar, the deputy director-general of the
National Criminal Intelligence Service, the Government agency that oversees
criminal intelligence in the United Kingdom. Gaspar, as head of intelligence for
NCIS, is one of the most powerful and influential men in the field.

The report says it is written 'on behalf of Acpo [the Association of Chief
Police Officers], HM Customs and Excise, security service, secret intelligence
service and GCHQ [the Government's secret listening centre based at

Gaspar argues telephone companies should be ordered to retain all records of
phone calls and internet access.

At the moment many telephone and internet service providers keep data for as
little as 24 hours.

'In the interests of verifying the accuracy of data specifically provided for
either intelligence or evidential purposes, CSPs [communication service
providers such as telephone or internet companies] should be under an obligation
to retain the original data supplied for a period of seven years or for as long
as the prosecuting authority directs,' the document says.

'Informal discussions have taken place with the office of the data protection
commissioner. Whilst they acknowledge that such communications data may be of
value to the work of the agencies and the interests of justice they have grave
reservations about longer term data retention.' The document says the new data
warehouse would be run along similar lines to the National DNA Database for
profiles of known criminals.

It would cost about £3 million to set up and £9m a year to run.

The report demands that the Government 'should be prepared to defend our

A spokesman for NCIS refused to be drawn on the report. 'I am not going to
comment on

Re: [CTRL] ABC News Analyst Advocates Brutality | FAIR

2000-12-03 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 12/02/2000 4:30:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> << ABC News Middle East analyst and military expert Anthony Cordesman
> published a
>  report last month advocating the use of
>  "excessive force" against Palestinian civilians, including "interrogation
>  methods that border on psychological and/or physical
>  torture." The report was released by the Center for Strategic and
> International
>  Studies (CSIS), an influential Washington think
>  tank where Cordesman holds a chair in international security.

> Isn't that a really conservative outfit?  What can you expect?  Prudy


CSIS is Kissenger's DC organization, presented as a non-partisan 'thinktank',
with a low public profile.  The acting director was the former assistant to
William Cohen and former deputy director of the DOD.  They push NWO agendas,
representing the Bilderberger objectives, WTO, NATO, BIS, etal.  CSIS was begun
with a financial gift from Rockefeller to Kissenger.  These people are actually
informal lobbyists for corporate globalists who present themselves as experts
while they fly all over the world meeting with cabinet members and heads of
government presenting information that is designed to coerse governments to
surrender and exchange their national sovereignity for internationalist agendas.
They are an organization of nameless, faceless, and therefore unaccountable,
bureaucrats whose goals are setting and changing policy in favor of nationally
disempowering globalist goals.  They create monsters, selling their fear-based
'solutions' and are stuck in 'reptilian brain' paradigms.  We can ascertain what
their objectives are and how they are willing to achieve them.  But they are way
beyond the realm and label of  'conservative'. ~ M">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: U.S. Economy: Looming Bust after Loony Boom? - an UPDATE to...Awakening Mainstream America (TiM GW Bulletin 2000/12-1, Dec. 1, 2000)]

2000-12-02 Thread mirage
-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 


U.S. Economy: Looming Bust after Loony Boom? - an UPDATE to...Awakening
Mainstream America (TiM GW Bulletin 2000/12-1, Dec. 1, 2000)


Fri, 01 Dec 2000 22:38:05 -0800







Here is an UPDATES to the “Awakening Mainstream America”
TiM Bulletin - 4. U.S. Economy: Looming Bust after
Loony Boom?, and a Quick Update to
the "Transfer Agreement" story.
To read the latest update and all of the above stories,
just click (or double-click, depending on your computer) on the following
Web address, and you'll be able to see it in full color, along with accompanying
NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just
reply REMOVE or UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by your e-mail address.
4. U.S. Economy: Looming Bust
after Loony Boom?
PHOENIX, Dec. 1 - Amid the media feeding frenzy
that focuses on Ryder trucks and not-so-supreme beings in black robes,
it is easy to lose sight of some stories that will have a much more profound
impact on the lives of average Americans.  Our economy is grinding
to a halt, and a scant few people either realize it or seem to care. 
Except, of course, for those who are already up to their necks in alligators
in bankruptcy courts.
More than one million Americans who have filed for bankruptcy
this year probably could not care less if either Al Gore or George Bush
became president, or if Fidel Castro were appointed governor of that banana
republic that lies just north of Cuba.  For, their spending binge,
which the vice president hailed as a sign of the “strong economy,” is now
followed by a sobering financial hangover.
Since the start of the year, personal bankruptcy filings
have increased by 10%, measured by a moving 12-week average, the
Street Journal reported today (Dec. 1).  All in all, some
1.26 million Americans will have declared themselves insolvent this year. 
The consumer debt research firm, SMR Research of New Jersey, projects that
bankruptcies will rise as much as 15% next year, surpassing the all-time
high of 1.4 million cases set in 1998.
So much for Gore’s “strong economy!”
But a rising tide of financial defaults did not stop other
fools from reaching for fools’ gold.  National TV networks feasted
on scenes of anxious shoppers lining up on Friday, Nov. 24 (“the biggest
shopping day of the year,” we are told) in the wee hours of the morning
for the privilege of SPENDING money at department stores!  Another
one of those “only in America” images that make people in other countries
shake their heads in disbelief.
But the day of reckoning comes eventually.  For most
such compulsive shoppers, it begins with the arrival of their credit card
bill.  “Bankruptcy takes a heavy human toll, and many of those who
seek protection from their debts see it as a humiliating admission of failure,”
the Journal writes.
“But the economic costs can also be substantial,” the
Journal adds. “Creditor losses from debts erased by bankruptcy run into
the tens of billions of dollars each year. The filings, meanwhile, may
be the harbinger of a significant slowdown in consumer spending that could
make a ‘soft landing’ for the U.S. economy nearly impossible.”
"We've just finished one of the plateau periods for bankruptcies,
which hit a peak in 1998 and then fell a bit," says SMR President Stuart
Feldstein. "But now that we've caught our breath, they're about to go way
up again. We're on the verge of another flood."
The Journal explains:

“The consumer-spending binge of the
early 1990s was built on a fragile foundation of massive household borrowing,
so for spending to keep pace going forward, borrowing would have to continue
to increase as well. But the current increase in the number of bankruptcies
means that many households are having a hard time repaying existing debts,
suggesting they'll be far less eager to amass new ones. And with Americans
already spending every dollar they earn, a reluctance to borrow more money
means the pace of consumer spending can only slow, serving as a significant
drag on the broader economy.”

Low-income Americans - most of whom voted for Gore, according
to a Nov. 12 New York Times report - have been among the first to feel
the strain.   And pain.  Unlike the sitting president, who
seems to feel everyone else’s pain but his own, the low-income Americans
experienced it firsthand.
About 10% of households making less than $50,000 were
more than 60 days late on at least one loan payment, a recent survey showed,
compared with less than 4% of the families earning more than that amount.
Furthermore, it's becoming harder for low-income Americans to work the
extra hours or get second jobs - to earn the money to repay their debts.
And so, the growth in consume

[CTRL] ABC News Analyst Advocates Brutality | FAIR

2000-12-02 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

FAIR  Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting 130 W. 25th Street   New York, NY

ABC News Analyst Advocates Brutality
Report condemned by Amnesty International

November 21, 2000

ABC News Middle East analyst and military expert Anthony Cordesman published a
report last month advocating the use of
"excessive force" against Palestinian civilians, including "interrogation
methods that border on psychological and/or physical
torture." The report was released by the Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS), an influential Washington think
tank where Cordesman holds a chair in international security.

Amnesty International has condemned Cordesman's report as a "dangerously
irresponsible contribution to the escalating
violence in Israel and the Palestinian Authority" that risks "legitimizing
torture." Cordesman's CSIS report urged the Israeli
government and the Palestinian National Authority to use security methods that
violate human rights in order to implement any
future U.S.-brokered peace agreement.

CSIS's Middle East task force, which Cordesman co-directs, includes prominent
American policymakers such as Sen. Joseph
Lieberman and Sen. John McCain. According to the London Independent (11/6/00),
copies of the report have been circulating
among senior U.S., Israeli and Palestinian Authority officials.

Cordesman has been a prominent military analyst for ABC News for over ten years,
frequently appearing on-air to provide
analysis of military and Middle East issues. During last year's NATO bombing of
Yugoslavia, he was often invited to comment
on NATO's military strategy.

In a section of his report entitled "Peace and Security as the Natural Enemies
of Human Rights," Cordesman lays out his
recommendations: "There will be no future peace or stable peace process," he
wrote, "if the Palestinian security forces do not
act ruthlessly and effectively."

Specifically, he notes that "effective counter-terrorism relies on interrogation
methods that border on psychological and/or
physical torture, arrests and detentions that are 'arbitrary' by the standards
of civil law, break-ins and intelligence operations
that violate the normal rights of privacy, levels of violence in making arrests
that are unacceptable in civil cases, and measures
that involve the innocent (or at least not provably directly guilty) in arrests
and penalties."

As a model for the Palestinian Authority, Cordesman holds up the British forces
in Northern Ireland, who often "used excessive
force, abused human rights, and used extreme interrogation methods and torture"
but who nevertheless "did an excellent job of
balancing the conflicting problems of effective security and a concern for human

Marty Rosenbluth, Israel/Occupied Territories coordinator for Amnesty
International USA, told FAIR: "I've been doing human
rights work for almost 20 years and this is one of the most bizarre documents
I've ever seen. It's basically a blueprint for human
rights violations that [the authors] want the Palestinian Authority to follow."

ACTION: Please write to ABC and ask them whether they believe it is appropriate
to use someone who explicitly advocates
the violation of human rights as an ABC military analyst.

ABC News
47 W. 66th Street
New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212-456-
Fax: 212-456-4297

As always, please remember that your comments are taken more seriously if you
maintain a polite tone. Please cc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with your correspondence.

Read Amnesty International's statement on Cordesman's report at:

Read Cordesman's report:">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-12-02 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: WORLD WAR AIDS DAY Dec. 1 2000
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 20:08:22 -0500
From: "Joel Bales" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
! !

Boyd E. Graves, 11/19/00

To The Dead, Dying, and Determined
To the 20+ million dead,

 . . the People remember you.

To the millions now dying,

 . .the People are fighting.

To the 5.3 million predicted to die next year,

 . .the People will NEVER GIVE UP!

Joel Bales


- Last week, Boyd Ed Graves J.D., declared December 1, 2000 the first  annual
WORLD WAR AIDS DAY. Following  the Sixth Circuits' election day order of
November 7, 2000 which ordered the true origins of AIDS as "frivolous," Graves'
mission to expose the government's
"Special Virus" program has taken  on a new urgency.

The courts, congress, whitehouse, and  the NIH, all have refused to participate
in the immediate independent review of  the government's secret virus program
for over two years: despite the People's  constitutional rights, signature
petitions,  and repeated requests for review.

Their order demonstrates both disrespect  of the People's constitutional rights
and lack of concern for the lives and quality  of life of the world at large.

Another two years of inaction and  disregard by our government, will  result in
over 10.6 million new  infections and deaths. Their answer: expensive, toxic,
and useless drugs.

The People have been left to unlock the  secrets of the (taxpayer-funded)
"Special Virus" alone.

Now is a time of action.

We have established a nonprofit entity to help coordinate the People's review
and expand the network of scientists and facilities.The National Organization
for the Advancement of Humanity will work toward the People's goal. Dr. Graves
is donating
revenues from his books, lectures, and videos to N.O.A.H. for the purpose of
facilitating the review.

Dr. Graves will soon move to Washington D.C. where he will continue working with
Congress, and the new president, demanding
immediate action on the "Special Virus". He has challenged ANY scientist to open
public debate of the "Special Virus". The government scientists remain mostly silent.

Other soldiers in this war for knowledge and action, can volunteer time,
resources, forward mails, donate stamps, paper, and make year end tax deductible
financial contributions toward the People's effort for review.

Interested soldiers may contact:

2176 Fawn RD
Abilene, KS 67410

Thanks for your continued interest in the future welfare of Humanity.

Human Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltranferase
By Dr. Dean Loren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Saran gas has phospholipids
The recent upgrade in Gulf  soldiers diagnosed (30,000+) was attributed to Saran
gas.  We are dealing with over  100,000 known Gulf victims. I'm sure the number
is much higher.

They'd never sell all the  stuff together to create a super weapon.  Components
had to be sold individually. Then reassembled.

Or else we (US) would be selling prepackaged  genocide (if caught).


Marinate the following
Mycoplasm w/ ether lipids bonds
(turn the oven up without care)
Choose your RNA Viral insert -
I prefer dengue fever or encephalitis.
please stuff E.coli promptly with
Super Mycoplasm w/ Viral Insert
Add Herpes 8 - use Epstein Barr
if dealing with female population
Season w/ Human Hypoxanthine


Wrap E. coli in lipoprotein and store in vaccines.

Will keep.  Staphlococcus, Pneumococcus,  or Psuedomonas may be substituted if E.
coli not a hit with the family.

Coming next our Holiday Baccilus w/ Cholera 10 stuffing.

Guaranteed to please and  clear villages in Africa & Asia.


~Please forward to all interestedpersons, lists, and organizations.  Thanks.

State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS. By Boyd Ed Graves,

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Important Pacifica news from FAIR]

2000-12-02 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Important Pacifica news from FAIR
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 12:23:25 -0800
From: Peter Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
   Media analysis, critiques and news reports

Free speech may be issue in firing of long-time New York station manager

December 1, 2000

In a move reminiscent of last year's attack on Pacifica station KPFA in
Berkeley, the Pacifica Foundation told WBAI-New York's long-time general
manager Valerie Van Isler that it is removing her from her position. On
Tuesday, November 28, during what was supposed to be a routine evaluation,
Pacifica's executive director Bessie Wash informed Van Isler that she was
being reassigned to a newly created position in Washington, DC.  Van Isler,
who has been at the helm of WBAI for 10 years, said she wanted to remain at
the station, and was told that she would therefore be fired.

Pacifica, a network of community-supported radio stations, has long been
torn by charges that its national board is bent on taking the network in a
more timid, ratings-driven, commercialized direction. Listeners, as well as
staff at some stations, have organized protests against the board's
continuing centralization of power.

Van Isler had been told to report to her new position, "executive producer
of national programming," in Washington, DC, in January. Though she had
recently brought WBAI into the black, Van Isler had locked horns with
Pacifica management over the airing of a speech that Cuba's Fidel Castro
delivered in New York on September 8.

According to a station insider, Van Isler was also upbraided by Pacifica
management for WBAI's coverage of the Palestinian Right-of-Return March in
Washington DC on September 23.  According to the source, Pacifica management
admonished Van Isler after receiving a complaint from the Corporation for
Public Broadcasting (CPB), a presidentially appointed agency that provides
funding to the Pacifica Foundation. Van Isler had also clashed with Pacifica
officials recently over the network's treatment of Democracy Now! host Amy

Pacifica plans to replace Van Isler as early as Monday. WBAI management and
staff were shocked by the sudden decision, which Pacifica has yet to
formally inform them about. Pacifica has not yet named an interim General
Manager. [See attached letter from WBAI Management Team to Pacifica
Executive Director Besse Wash.]

Pacifica's latest move is reminiscent of the 1999 removal of KPFA's general
manager Nicole Sawaya, general manager at Pacifica's KPFA-Berkeley, which
led to protests by thousands of listeners and volunteers, the arrest of
staff and the closing of the station for several weeks.

The firing of Van Isler follows other attacks on Pacifica staff and
programming, including the transfer of Pacifica news director Dan Coughlin,
who like Van Isler was forced out of his position after airing a 30-second
headline about a protest against Pacifica. Pacifica has also recently
threatened to fire Amy Goodman, co-host of the network's flagship national
newsmagazine, Democracy Now!, who recently filed grievances against Pacifica
for censorship, harassment and gender harassment.

For more information, go to:


To: Bessie Wash, Executive Director, Pacifica Foundation
From: WBAI Management Team
Date: November 30, 2000
Re: Actions proposed against station manager

It has come to the attention of the WBAI management team that Pacifica's
executive management is in the process of an attempted removal of the
station manager at WBAI. We find it incredible that you would even
contemplate such a move because such behavior is a clear contradiction to
the document that you authored and circulated throughout the network,
Pacifica in the New Millennium: Community Radio with Vision.

In this document you spoke forthrightly about the need to change the culture
of Pacifica as it related to personnel. You wrote:

"We intend to improve policies and procedures that assist employees to air
concerns and receive thoughtful, responsive and fair replies. We also intend
to put into place mechanisms that promote respect and teamwork. This
includes responsiveness, dialogue and better communications."

We saw these proclamations as a necessary and welcome departure from the
philosophy and actions of previous administrations and are anxiously
awaiting their implementation.

However, the actions you are now proposing are a direct contradiction to
what you told us you intended to do. We took you at your word and it appears
that you have violated our trust. We believed that we were headed in a new
direction and here we are back in 1998 - a time even the most inexperienced
observer would agree was a management and fiscal disaster that threatened
the ver

[CTRL] The Supremes on election turmoil - INSIGHT MAGAZINE / CNN

2000-12-01 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

INSIGHT Magazine:

The Supremes on audiofile  -


DECEMBER 1, 2000
This transcript has been taken from the audio and is provided by
eMediaMillWorks. It is not the official version prepared by the Supreme Court.
It is still being completed. Please refresh for updates.">
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[CTRL] [Fwd: Sunshine: New Updates on Agent Green]

2000-12-01 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Sunshine: New Updates on Agent Green
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 12:23:07 -0600
From: Edward Hammond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Edward Hammond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of announce - Sent by <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Sunshine Project announces a new report released today (1 December):

   Biological Weapons in the Drug War
   A Review of Opposition in South America
   With Examples from Other Regions, Intergovernmental Agencies, and NGOs

Available on our website (, this 8 page
report details political action against Agent Green, the biological
weapons to eradicate crops that have been proposed for use in the
Drug War in Colombia and elsewhere.  The report is a resource for
policymakers, NGOs, and others opposed to the use of biological
weapons in forced crop eradication.

The report focuses on political action by governments and
legislatures in South America, detailing the intense opposition to
the use of these weapons from Argentina to Venezuela.  It also
includes updates on the positions of intergovernmental agencies
including UNDCP, UNEP, the OAS, and the Andean Community.  Examples
of action by countries outside of South America are also included as
well as details from the BBC's recent interviews with US proponents
of using biological weapons.

To directly access the report, please visit:  The report is also
available in Acrobat (PDF) format.
Distributed via The Sunshine Project
Announcement listserver.  For more
information or to sign on, please see">
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[CTRL] Columbia: Rebels Planned to Assassinate U.S. Senator and Ambassador

2000-12-01 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Rebels Planned to Assassinate U.S. Senator and Ambassador
December 1, 2000, 08:30 AM

BOGOTA, Colombia -- Police thwarted an apparent
assassination attempt against a U.S. senator and U.S.
ambassador who were visiting the most dangerous town in
Colombia, a Colombian police commander said Friday.

Hours before Paul Wellstone, D-Minn., and U.S.
Ambassador Anne Patterson flew into the town of
Barrancabermeja on Thursday, police discovered two
shrapnel-wrapped land mines alongside the road leading
from the airport to the town and arrested a suspected rebel,
said police Col. Jose Miguel Villar.

The land mines each carried a 6.6-pound explosive charge,
were attached to cables and a detonator and were ready to
be set off, Villar said in a phone interview from
Barrancabermeja, 155 miles north of Bogota, the capital.

Bernardo Alvarez Duarte, a suspected member of the rebel
National Liberation Army, or ELN, was arrested at the site,
Villar said.

"If the bomb had gone off, it could have caused immense
damage," Villar said. "It would have spread shrapnel over a
wide area and could have taken out 10 or 15 people."

Patterson said she had received sketchy reports about the
bomb as the delegation departed Barrancabermeja.

Many residents of Barrancabermeja had known the U.S.
delegation was going to arrive. But security forces had kept
confidential plans to transfer the party from the airport to
the town by helicopter. Even if the bombs had exploded,
the delegation would not have gone anywhere near them.

Villar said the Americans were probably the target of the
bomb, but could not absolutely confirm it. Alvarez, the
arrested man, was being questioned for further information.

Washington supports the Colombian military in its fight
against the ELN and a bigger rebel group, the
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC.

Barrancabermeja is the most violent town in Colombia, with
almost 500 politically related murders this year alone,
according to human rights activists. Right-wing paramilitary
squads and rebels have been preying on the townspeople and
fighting for control of the region.

Wellstone, a second-term senator and a member of the
foreign relations committee, arrived in Colombia on
Tuesday night and was departing on Friday. He visited
Barrancabermeja to lend support to human rights activists


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**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,  any
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[CTRL] Comic relief? WP: Chicken McNoggin, Hold the Fries / Frank Ahrens Washington Post Staff Writer Friday , December 1, 2000

2000-12-01 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

EXPOSED:  The conspiracy to feed swill to the masses?
  If nothing else, a little comic relief...

Warning: This may not be so amusing to those who actually eat at McDonalds

(Forgive me, I couldn't resist.)  ~ M

Chicken McNoggin, Hold the Fries

By Frank Ahrens
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday , December 1, 2000 ; Page C01

It starts when an office worker says, "Hey, did you hear about the Chicken Head?"

No, you say. C'mon, you gotta see this, he says. At least he doesn't want to
talk about the recount--again.

He clicks his mouse. A female news anchor appears on the screen:

"A family from Newport News got more than they bargained for when they bought
chicken wings from McDonald's last night."

Behind her, an icon appears. It is a picture of a chicken head. Underneath the
picture is the caption: CHICKEN HEAD. It looks like a parody
of the evening news. Easily, George W. Bush's or Al Gore's picture could have
been behind that newscaster.

"Take a look at this," the anchor says.

Then, you see a close-up of a hand poking around in a box of fried chicken. The
hand grabs something and slowly pulls it out: It's a fried
Chicken Head! Aii! It's disgusting: Everyone around your buddy's computer
gapes in amazement. Then they start guffawing.

Because it's an entire chicken head: comically parted beak, eyeballs, even a
little red comb peeking through the batter.

This nation is currently trying to extricate itself from a political tar pit; it
wallows around like a bellowing mastodon. What we need more
than anything right now is one good sustained belly laugh.

Thank you, Chicken Head. Please scurry to every cubicle across this chad-weary nation.

The story: On Tuesday afternoon, a Newport News woman named Katherine Ortega
took her 5-year-old son to a McDonald's, where they
bought a box of fried chicken wings (a special promotion). As she passed them
around her dinner table, she realized that one of the wings
wasn't a wing!

She called WVEC-TV, Channel 13 in Newport News. They thought it was a hoax until
they dispatched a cameraman to Ortega's home.

"Our cameraman called in and said, 'The batter on the chicken head is the exact
match of all the rest of the pieces of chicken,' " reports
WVEC news director Jim Tellus.

Now, the facts of this story could have been blandly reported: That Ortega and
the McDonald's franchise owner met yesterday to discuss the
situation (translation: "How much do you want?"); that the owner issued a sober
statement promising a "thorough investigation" and that
Ortega didn't return a call seeking comment; that the U.S. Department of
Agriculture is investigating.

But that would have been wrong. Because the beauty of the Chicken Head story is
it's a burst of pure and happy absurdity in a time of tedious, orchestrated

Thank you, Chicken Head. For an exhausted nation, your timing could not have
been batter, er, better.

Click on You must have RealPlayer.

© 2000 The Washington Post

Also see:  Chicken Head Frenzy Circles Globe;  December 1, 2000, 10:45 AM

Watch Moving Video of the Chicken Head">
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[CTRL] Humor: Libertarians and Anarchists

2000-12-01 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Comparison of Libertarians and Anarchists

What's the difference between Anarchists and Libertarians??

Libertarians are anarchists with money.

Anarchists believe property is theft. Libertarians believe everything
is property.

Libertarians are bosses; anarchists work for them when they run out of
other options.

Libertarians buy more guns, but anarchists use more ammo.

Libertarians ride in stretch limos; anarchists throw bricks through
their windshields.

Libertarians go shopping; anarchists go shoplifting.

Libertarians go to the police after they've been mugged; anarchists
get mugged by the police.

A libertarian wants to marry another libertarian, but only after
sleeping with enough anarchists.

Anarchists ignore the IRS; Libertarians hire accountants and attorneys
to fight them.

Libertarians think the government is trying steal the property they
rightfully own; anarchists think the government is trying to defend
property that nobody rightfully owns.

Libertarians are organized in a political party; anarchists aren't
organized in anything.

Anarchists ignore elections; Libertarians run for office, vote and

Libertarians think anarchists are naive and unrealistic; anarchists
don't care what libertarians think.

   Return To Political Satire

   Return To LaughNet

This page has been formatted and archived by LaughNet.">
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Scientists say anti-Ebola vaccine works on monkeys

2000-11-30 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

'Tis true that many of these diseases have a long history, yet many have been
found to be 'variants', never before seen until recently.  There is the
possibility that they have mutated or that the techniques to identify them are
better.  Having done a great deal of study in this area, I find it difficult to
believe all these variants could be natural.  The recent WNV is a variant of the
original and there is ample evidence that Plum Island was working on this and
the Japanese variety as early as the 70s.  Of course a pharmacuetical firm is
working on a vaccine for this now.

Whether released accidentally or purposefully, I feel that the new  vWNV was
from Plum Island.  And Donald Scott's research into CFS posits, with much
careful documentation, that the brucellosis bacteria was combined with the
coxsacckie virus to produce a debilitating 'retro-virus';  released for testing
in a school in Tahoe, North Yorkshire and Skull Valley, Canada in '84.  This
caused an illness that had no definitive set of symptoms so MDs initially just
told the sufferers it was 'in their heads', prescribing SSRIs and tri-cyclic
anti-depressants (an article I have informs that the result of a study shows
that use of Paxil, a SSRI very similar to Prozac, will raise a womans risk of
breast cancer by 2 times and that Elavil will raise the risk 7 times...  Elavil
is often prescribed to women with FM) while some had neurological impairment to
such an extent they could no longer walk — some even died of this devastating
and painful condition.  It took Britain 3 years to admit that there was
something to claims of the terrible and disabling illness that broke out in
Bradford, N.Yorkshire in 1984.  It is also difficult to believe that BSE which
is a variant of Mad Cow Disease is a natural occurance.

Hanta virus has been listed in ProMED as a variant, at least some of the new

When looking into the nature and history of biowarfare development, the goals
and generous funding, it's easy to assume that many of today's new diseases are
caused by government/pharmaceutical chimeras.  And then the 'cures' from the
same people will often create other health compromising conditions.  Either way
this industry is profiting.

Somewhere in my files I have information on a mysterious outbreak of HepC in New
Hampshire.  The state was in a large panic, mandatory vaccination measures were
proposed in the state legislature, but fortunately defeated.  How did that
pathogen suddenly manifest as an epidemic.  Of course new vaccines were ready
and given to a majority of the population.  I'm so cynical that I believe it may
have been a social experiment.  HepC, from what I've learned is like HepB in
that it is only communicated by blood;  sex, needles.  The genetically
engineered viruses used for some vaccines are questioned, even by vaccine
advocates, since no one is really sure how they interact with native DNA.

Now the word on BSE is that some people have it at a subclinical level and could
be carriers.  This has the potential of being used as an excuse for government
control and abuse of medical rights and privacy.  We live in a time and society
where the rights and freedoms of the individual may clash with mandated public
health measures, which may or may not be necessary, or based on anything more
than a manufactured event or publicly disseminated disinformation.

Count me overly suspicious.  But who knows?  I could not say with certainty
either way.

I agree that anecdotal information should be considered, not discounted because
it isn't empirical.  But science generally is too arrogant to consider it as a
means to further their findings.  How many people have suffered and even died of
some condition that didn't officially exist, while their MDs told them it was
'all in their heads'?  They do not value anecdotal information, even when they
can see their patients are ill.

   ~ M
> Ebola isn't new.  When I was about l4 years old, I read a book by Attilio
> Gatti.  In it he spoke of the "tabu lands" a huge area in about the center of
> what was then the Belgian Congo.  The natives refused to enter the area.
> They said that if one went into the tabu lands, he and his entire family
> died, sometimes his entire village.  The book even showed a map of the area.
> When ebola became noticed and the brains that try to discover what's going
> on, I managed to get the book (months of interlibrary loan searching) and
> send copies of the pertinent pages to Atlanta.  At the time they were
> searching for the carrier.  I imagine they threw my stuff into the first
> trash can, but I could relax, knowing I had offered it.   I don't believe
> they've discovered yet which creature passes it along without having any
> problems of its own.  Gatti wasn't interested in diseases; he's the guy that
> finally brought out the okapi (which had been considered a figment of some
> native's imagination).  He wanted to go i

[CTRL] 'Midnight' Regs: Clinton Readies an Avalanche of Regulations

2000-11-30 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, November 26, 2000

Clinton Readies an Avalanche of Regulations

Policy: Transitions spur a flurry of last-minute actions. The push this year
is on the environment, labor, health care.


 WASHINGTON--The Clinton administration is striving mightily to pour
forth regulations on the environment, labor, health care and other
controversial topics before Jan. 20 brings a new occupant to the White
 The end of every presidential term brings a flurry of last-minute
activities, and a transition from one party to the other generally triggers a
blizzard of what has become known as "midnight regulations."  After this
year's close and bitterly contested election, whose winner still has not been
determined, the mere prospect of a Republican administration headed by
George W. Bush is making the Democrats who are now in control all the
more determined to leave a lasting imprint on public policy.
 Here are some of the more controversial regulations that the
administration is likely to put into effect before Jan. 20:

 * A 95% reduction in the amount of sulfur in diesel fuel, which powers
the trucks that transport most of the goods Americans consume. Advocates
hail it as the biggest pollution cleanup since lead was removed from
gasoline. Business opponents blast it as the equivalent of a hefty new tax that
would cripple diesel fuel production and send prices soaring.
 * Tighter privacy standards for electronic medical records. Individuals
want to keep their records confidential and to be able to sue if their privacy
is violated. Employers and health plans say they need the information to
improve health care delivery.
 * Designation of the Alaskan Wildlife Range as a national monument,
which would make oil drilling in the area virtually off limits.
Environmentalists want it, but Alaska's congressional delegation is staunchly
 * The blacklisting from federal contracts of companies accused of
violating federal labor, environmental and health laws. Labor unions call this
a long-overdue reform. Business complains that the threat of losing
eligibility to bid for contracts can encourage business rivals or union
organizers to lodge false and frivolous complaints.
 The Jimmy Carter administration became renowned for stuffing the
Federal Register with 23,000 pages of regulations during the three months
before Ronald Reagan took office in 1981. The Mercatus Institute, a research
organization at George Mason University, estimates that the Clinton
administration is on course to fill 29,000 pages.

 'Rules, Rules, Rules,' Complain Republicans
 And congressional Republicans, despite controlling both the House and
the Senate, are powerless to stop the rules, which have the force of law. The
constitutional separation of powers between the branches of government
leaves Congress responsible for passing laws but gives the executive branch
exclusive authority to adopt the regulations it deems necessary to administer
 That has left some Republican lawmakers fuming.
 "The Clinton administration's approach to government can be summed up
in three words: rules, rules, rules," said Rep. J.C. Watts Jr. of Oklahoma,
chairman of the House Republican Conference.
 "This administration's primary goal is to increase bureaucracy and the
size of government until it invades every cubicle and every workplace in
America. These last-ditch efforts are the last gasps of an administration bent
on increasing the size and scope of government at every level."
 And if Bush becomes president, he will not be able to simply cancel the
rules left behind by Clinton. Federal rules may take effect only after a
formal process: hearings, comments by interested parties, a proposed rule,
more comments and a final rule. The law protects that process.
 The new administration could order new rule-making processes that
could lead to modification or perhaps repeal of the old rules. But that might
take months or even years.
 The power of the presidency and the limits of Congress were vividly
illustrated earlier this month when the administration said it would restrict
commercial logging and road building in national forests. There was little
congressional Republicans could do except fulminate.
 Sen. Frank H. Murkowski (R-Alaska) called the administration's plan,
which would severely restrict timber harvests in the Tongass National Forest
in Alaska, an "outrageous exercise of arbitrary decision-making."
 Murkowski and three other Republican lawmakers--Sen. Larry E. Craig
of Idaho and Reps. Don Young of Alaska and Helen Chenoweth-Hage of
Idaho--sent a letter last week to the General Accounting Office, an
investigatory arm of Congress, calling for a review of the new forest rules
"under the provisions of the newly enacted Truth in Regulating Act."

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Scientists say anti-Ebola vaccine works on monkeys

2000-11-29 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Carl Amedio wrote:
> In a message dated 11/29/00 2:08:27 PM Central Standard Time, AOL News writes:
> > Subj: Scientists say anti-Ebola vaccine works on monkeys
> > Date: 11/29/00 2:08:27 PM Central Standard Time

Oh that's just great...

What a racket!  Develop a new mysterious never before seen variant of disease
and get rich selling the vaccine.  And while they're at it they get neurotoxic
substances such as aluminum hydroxide, fluoride, aspartame, and mercury in our
bodies, as well as genetically engineered viruses.

No Thanks!

  ~ M

> > Scientists say anti-Ebola vaccine works on monkeys
> >
> > LONDON, Nov 29 (Reuters) - A new vaccine that protects monkeys against the
> > deadly Ebola virus could lead to the development of a similar one for
> > humans, scientists said on Wednesday
> >
> > For the full text of this story, click here.
> >
> > To edit your profile, go to keyword NewsProfiles.
> > For all of today's news, go to keyword News.
> ---
> Subject: Scientists say anti-Ebola vaccine works on monkeys
> Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 15:08:27 EST
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Scientists say anti-Ebola vaccine works on monkeys
> LONDON, Nov 29 (Reuters) - A new vaccine that protects monkeys against the
> deadly Ebola virus could lead to the development of a similar one for humans,
> scientists said on Wednesday
> For the full text of this story,  HREF="aol://4344:30.L100SkPo.5267278.659995696">click here.
> To edit your profile, go to keyword  HREF="aol://1722:NewsProfiles">NewsProfiles.
> For all of today's news, go to keyword News.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Sun Sets Over 'Amerika'

2000-11-29 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

DIG alfred webre wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
>  Cosmic Comentary -
>  In light of the announcement made Sunday the 26th of
>  November by Katherine Harris:

>  Look for the elderly to die of illness while waiting for
>  prescription drug allowances from an underfunded and
>  ill-managed medicare system.

The elderly are a whole hellova lot better off without these phamaceutical
toxins.  Many will live longer lives with greater health and quality if they
manage to avoid the ministrations of standard allopathic medicine and take an
active interest and responsibility for their own health.

>From what I know and have witnessed the last few years, the elderly have been
and are being slowly and profitably euthanized by these 'medicines'.  Younger
adults as well!  Why else would the 3rd or 4th leading cause of death in this
country be due to allopathic 'medical care'?

 ~ M">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Voter error invalidated 2 million ballots nationwide

2000-11-28 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

November 28, 2000

Voter error invalidated 2 million ballots nationwide

By Audrey Hudson

The uncounted ballots in Florida — which have played a key
role in Democratic challenges — are just a drop in the bucket of
ballots dismissed nationwide because of voter error, say political

An estimated 180,000 votes were dismissed in Florida — out of 6.1 million votes
cast — because of improper voting procedures.

However, more than 2 million ballots were tossed out in all 50 states and also
will not be counted,
said Curtis Gans, director of the Committee for the Study of the American Electorate.

Mr. Gans estimates that between 1 percent and 1.8 percent of votes cast — or 2.1
million to 2.8 million ballots — were eliminated nationally.

"These are people who by one form or another did not accurately do their ballot,
and it was thereby thrown out for one reason or another," Mr. Gans said.

Vice President Al Gore is contesting the election in Florida based on
"incomplete and inaccurate" vote tallies. The official count announced Sunday
night gave Republican George W. Bush a 537-vote victory in Florida and the
state's 25 electoral votes.

"If we ignore the votes that have been cast, then where does that lead?" Mr.
Gore asked rhetorically in a telephone call yesterday to congressional
Democrats. "The integrity of our
democracy depends upon the consent of the governed, freely expressed in an
election where every vote is counted."

"What is at issue here is nothing less than every American's simple, sacred
right to vote," said Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, Mr. Gore's running mate.

"How can we teach our children that every vote counts if we are not willing to
make a good-faith effort to count every vote?" the Connecticut Democrat asked
Sunday after Florida's secretary
of state certified election returns.

The every-vote-must-count mantra makes sense on paper, but
election experts say it is not feasible to count every vote cast, and
in this case is "sheer hypocrisy," said Rep. John Shadegg,
Arizona Republican and an election lawyer.

"Clearly, they do not believe that every vote should count.
These thoughts are impeached by their attempts to get military
overseas ballots thrown out, and also impeached by the fact they
did not ask for a manual recount in any of the remaining Florida
counties which also used punch-card ballots," Mr. Shadegg said.

"Realistically, the answer is no, you cannot count every
vote," said Doug Lewis, director of the Election Center, an
international service association of election and voter registration

Sometimes, voters fail —through their own error — to turn a
ballot into a vote.

"Obviously, if the voter votes in a manner where it is
impossible to determine their intent or that they voted for too
many people, then you have no choice but to remove that vote
from the count," Mr. Lewis said.

Sen. Larry E. Craig, Idaho Republican, said it is a known
factor that a certain percentage of votes is discarded during
machine counts. Mr. Craig said every effort is made to create
uniformity and fairness in counting votes, but it does not mean
every vote can be counted.

"While that is frustrating to some, it has never been that
way," Mr. Craig said.

Mr. Craig said the quick reaction by Mr. Gore's campaign to
ask for recounts indicates they were prepared in advance of
Election Day to ask for hand counts in heavily Democratic
counties to swing a close vote.

"This was a well thought-out and planned strategy in
advance. When Al Gore said he would do anything and
everything to win this election, we must take him at his word,"
Mr. Craig said.

Contacted by The Washington Times, several secretary of
state offices said they do not keep numbers on how many ballots
are thrown out after an election, but "rejected ballots are a
normal occurrence," said a spokeswoman in the Alabama
secretary of state's office.

Secretaries of state across the country have formed a
committee to study election-reform issues raised in this election,
said Leslie Reynolds, spokeswoman for the National Association
of Secretaries of State.

"We've been looking at these issues for a long time. Now,
everyone is interested," Miss Reynolds said.

Every vote would count "if we get rid of the rickety
machines," said Al Felzenberg, visiting fellow at the Heritage

"Voting should not be a mysterious or burdensome process,"
Mr. Felzenberg said.

All site contents copyright © 2000 News World Communications, Inc.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the s

[CTRL] One more theory on the unending election

2000-11-28 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Houston Chronicle

Nov. 27, 2000, 6:30PM

One more theory on the unending election


Everyone else is floating theories on the meaning of the election that will not
end.  Here is mine.

What we are seeing in our politics is the predictable result of what occurs when
institutions, philosophies and faiths that once united us have either died or have
been so co-opted by other considerations that when they're most needed they
lack the power to come to our rescue.

Take truth, for example. Americans have always disagreed on what the truth of
some things might be, but mostly we agreed on substantive things and we
believed that truth exists. Our privilege in a free society was to try to find it.
Today, to even suggest one knows what truth is, or where it may be found,
risks ostracism and condemnation by certain elites who are determined to
advance their own concepts of truth, while simultaneously refusing to
acknowledge there is such a thing.

Education once taught universal truths, including the pre-eminence of the
American way of life, honesty, hard work, values that did not conflict with
what was mostly lived out at home, personal responsibility, knowledge and
wisdom. Today's government schools serve as laboratories and training grounds
for a self-centered view of Man and indoctrination centers for people who
would promote ideologies and behaviors that were once believed to be the
antitheses of truth.

Religion once was seen as a positive contributor to individual virtue and
national honor. It has now been co-opted by politicians and clergy of the left
and right. Some on the left would use religion to advance a social agenda
underwritten by the taxes of all. They want its authority, but not its content.
Some on the right use religion to advance a moral agenda through government
edict, which they have decided is quicker (and more financially appealing and
ego-fulfilling) than the selfless ways of the leader they claim to follow. To
many of them, the way of the ballot box and the bank is to be preferred to the
way of the cross.

The law has been disrespected, not only by the Clinton-Gore Administration,
but also by many citizens, who now see it as just one more prize, which can be
claimed if the machinations and manipulations of one side outfox and
overpower the machinations and manipulations of one's opponents.

Responsibility to the whole has been replaced by demands for the individual.
Race, class, gender, sexuality, income, politics and personal interests divide us.
Instead of being united because of a shared belief in the American way of life,
we undermine ourselves through our determination to have our own way even
if by having it we destroy the nation our Founders designed to protect us from
the evils of individualism.

Our Founders were men of strong conviction. They disagreed about many
things, but in forming this "more perfect union," they subordinated some of
their individual beliefs for the greater good. Today we are seeing the opposite.
People want their own way, regardless of the damage caused to the greater good
and to the strength of the nation itself. That's why the Gore campaign vows to
fight on regardless of the certified results in Florida that affirm George W.
Bush the winner of that state's 25 electoral votes and the election.

Writing in The Times of London on November 20, opinion writer William
Rees-Mogg contends that whether George W. Bush or Al Gore is victorious,
"America is the loser." Rees-Mogg believes neither candidate looks big enough
or powerful enough to overcome what he sees as three challenges: "a bitterly
disputed election, a hostile Congress and the downturn of the economic cycle."
Rees-Mogg contends the age of the "imperial presidency" has passed and that
Bush may be the better choice because "he is more modest in his ambitions."
Indeed, the presidency has been overrated by too many of us who have tried to
imbue it with powers it should not and does not have and rob it of powers that
belong to that office.

Still, leadership reflects followership, and in what's left of our Constitutional
Republic, the fault, to paraphrase Shakespeare's peroration in "Julius Caesar,"
does not lie in our leaders, but in ourselves.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lect

[CTRL] Alien Microbe Reported Found in Earth's Atmosphere

2000-11-27 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Alien Microbe Reported Found in Earth's Atmosphere

By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 09:40 am ET
27 November 2000

A group of scientists says it has collected an alien bacterium 10 miles above
Earth, plus signatures of other extraterrestrial microbes even higher in the
atmosphere. The claims were met with immediate skepticism by other

The bacterium was collected 10 miles (16 kilometers) high by balloon
operated by the Indian Space Research Organization. Chandra
Wickramasinghe, who leads a study into the results, called the microbe a
previously unknown strain of bacteria and said it likely came from a comet.

Wickramasinghe and a colleague, Fred Hoyle, say the findings support an
idea they pioneered, called panspermia, which holds that the seeds of life are
everywhere in space and are the source for life on Earth.

Matthew Genge, an expert on meteorites and cometary debris at London's
Natural History Museum, said he was flabbergasted by the claim.

"I don't believe the authors have provided the kind of evidence that would be
needed to support their claim," Genge said. "Their announcement appears

Genge, who does not rule out panspermia as a possibility, said nonetheless
that the supposed alien bacteria could have been previously unknown strains
of terrestrial bacteria.

"Hitherto unknown strains of bacteria are found virtually every day," Genge
told "If no one had ever seen or heard of an elephant and
suddenly one was discovered this wouldn't be evidence that it comes from

Wickramasinghe countered that procedures precluded the instruments aboard
the balloon from being contaminated on the ground or on the way up, but he
acknowledged the possibility of contamination at the point where the
collection was made.

"Earthly bacteria could get up to 15 kilometers from several sources,"
Wickramasinghe told "Also there is a chance that unknown
strains of bacteria were lofted from the heights of the Himalayas."

Wickramasinghe said his group wouldn't reveal details until the microbe is
studied further.

High-flying bacteria

Genge echoed the cautions of other scientists in saying that dust carrying
terrestrial bacteria had been found in found the collection filters of NASA
U2 aircraft doing similar research for 15 years.

"There is in fact enormous amounts of dust from the Earth's surface at high
altitude, both artificial and natural in origin, and some of it undoubtedly
carries bacteria," Genge said.

"Another possible form of contamination could also be human waste,"
Genge said. "Passenger aircraft fly at 10 miles altitude and eject human waste
into the atmosphere. A fine spray of such liquid released into the
atmosphere at high altitude will form tiny ice grains containing bacteria
these will become widely dispersed."

NASA also commented on the claim, pointing out that living spores have
been found previously as high as 10 miles.

"While NASA's astrobiology effort has certainly not come down on the side
of panspermia, it has identified panspermia as worthy of serious
investigation, along with more conventional ideas about the origin of life on
Earth," said a press release out of NASA's Ames Research Center.

Other scientists also urged caution in interpreting the results. Meanwhile,
recent studies by other groups have boosted panspermia into the spotlight,
and many leading researchers are warming to the idea that microbes may be
hardy enough to endure the rigors of space travel.

More evidence of alien microbes

Wickramasinghe and his colleagues, based at the recently formed Cardiff
Centre for Astrobiology in Wales, also studied data from a 1999 Leonid
fireball, collected at 52 miles (83 kilometers) altitude. The original study on
this data, produced by a team led by Ray Russell of the Aerospace Corporation,
found organic compounds indicating that the building blocks of life could have
survived a trip from space to Earth.

Working with the Leonid fireball data in a separate study, the Cardiff team
concluded that the fireball actually did contained a signature of microbes that
rained down from space. The study analyzed the infrared light emitted by the
fireball, which the researchers say showed signs of burning bacteria. Further,
they say this signature resembled the infrared spectra of comet dust.

"There is little chance if any of Earthly bacteria resident at such great
heights," Wickramasinghe said.

But Genge flatly refuted the group's analysis of the Leonid fireball data.

"The infrared spectra of the Leonid meteors are not evidence for bacteria, nor
are the infrared spectra of comets," Genge said. He added that the data show a
feature that is common in all organic material.

"If you took me, put me in an oven, dried me at 300 degrees and then took
my infrared spectra, I'd have (this feature) too. This would certainly not be
evidence that you'll find Matt 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Solution to political divide: secession]

2000-11-27 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Solution to political divide: secession
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 09:39:38 -0600
From: "Freedom News Daily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 ==>  F R E E D O M   N E W S  <==
 To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to:

 Freedom News in today's update:
  o There's an antidote to this family feud: secession
  o Ruling on Nazi memorabilia sparks legal debate
  o Libertarians tip balance in Washington state
  o Florida certifies Bush as winner
  o Canada's spiteful race ends with dire warning
  o War of words over green accord
  o Carnivore review called 'whitewash'
  o Medicinal marijuana study OK'd
  o Microsoft to file Monday in support of appeal
  o Brothel on the stock exchange?
  o Press advocates jittery about upcoming high court case
  o Louisiana high court to weigh laws barring city's gun lawsuit
  o NM Health Department may back medical marijuana law
  o Town moves to ban smoking - even outside
  o Documents show high number of minority drivers searched for drugs
  o Slobo and Gore: peas in a pod

There's an antidote to this family feud: secession
   The author points to the national ideological and cultural split
   revealed by the presidential election, and half-seriously
   suggests dividing the country in two. (11/27/00)

Ruling on Nazi memorabilia sparks legal debate
   A demand by a French court that U.S.-based Yahoo! bar French Web
   users from auctions of Nazi memorabilia has sparked a passionate
   debate over the limits of jurisdictions on the Internet and the
   future of freedom online. (Registration required) (11/27/00)

Libertarians tip balance in Washington state
   Libertarian candidates upset the balance between Republicans and
   Democrats in Washington state, achieving major party status in
   the process. Across the U.S., Libertarian congressional
   candidates won 1.6 million votes, the best showing ever by a
   third party. (11/27/00)

Florida certifies Bush as winner
   After a count and two recounts of votes in Florida, election
   officials certified George W. Bush as the winner of the state's
   electoral votes, pushing him over the top in his fight for the
   presidency. Al Gore vows to continue contesting the election.

Canada's spiteful race ends with dire warning
   Canadians go to the polls today after a bitterly fought campaign
   that is likely to leave the country more divided than ever, with
   none of the political parties able to reach beyond regional
   bases. (11/27/00)

War of words over green accord
   The two-week conference in The Hague on controversial measures to
   fight perceived global warming collapsed after the U.S. and
   European Union failed to settle a bitter wrangle over ways to
   cut greenhouse gas emissions. (11/27/00)

Carnivore review called 'whitewash'
   House Republican leader Dick Armey joined those accusing an outside
   review panel of putting a pro-government spin on a controversial
   FBI e-mail snooping tool. (11/27/00),1283,40342,00.html

Medicinal marijuana study OK'd
   The federal Drug Enforcement Administration has approved a program
   that will allow San Mateo County, in Northern California, to
   give government-grown marijuana to 60 AIDS patients to assess
   the drug's potential health benefits. (11/27/00)

Microsoft to file Monday in support of appeal
   In a filing to be submitted to the U.S. Court of Appeals, Microsoft
   will argue against controversial findings that it violated
   antitrust law and an order that the company be split in two.

Brothel may be listed on stock exchange
   Melbourne, Australia's, largest legal brothel, the Daily Planet,
   may be the first in its industry to be listed on the Australian
   Stock Exchange. (11/27/00)

Press advocates jittery about upcoming high court case
   If a case now before the Supreme Court goes against the media, it
   could open the door to lawsuits aga

[CTRL] American Lawyer Media: Century-Old Law Is Key to Supreme Court's Decision to Rule on Recount

2000-11-27 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Century-Old Law Is Key to Supreme Court's Decision to Rule on Recount
Tony Mauro
American Lawyer Media

November 27, 2000

Inside a rented mansion in Miami, away from the constant flow of e-mail, Harvard
Law School professor Laurence Tribe is fashioning the strategy he will use on
behalf of Vice President Al Gore on Friday in the U.S. Supreme Court argument
that could determine the 2000 presidential election.

On the other side of Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board, No. 00-836, the
epicenter appears to be the D.C. offices of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, where
partner Theodore Olson is coordinating a team of lawyers crafting arguments on
behalf of Gov. George W. Bush.

But while the key lawyers prepare, uncertainty about Friday's oral argument
abounds. There is scant legal scholarship and precedent backing up the issues
the Supreme Court has agreed to consider. And with only four days to go, many
important logistical issues normally worked out weeks if not months before a
hearing are just beginning to be addressed.

Chief among the unanswered questions: In a case with multiple litigants, not to
mention a flock of top lawyers on all sides, who will get to argue before the
justices? Current speculation has Olson standing in for Bush, and Tribe for Gore
and the Florida Democratic Party -- dividing most of the 90 minutes allotted.
But, depending on how the justices rule on not-yet-filed motions, it is likely
that each of the veteran Supreme Court advocates will yield at least 10 minutes
to other parties.

Florida's Republican-led legislature, not yet a direct party in the litigation,
has hired a Harvard law professor of its own: Charles Fried.  Solicitor general
from 1985-89 and more recently a judge on the highest state court in
Massachusetts, Fried will represent the legislature's view that the Florida
Supreme Court acted improperly. Fried, or a lawyer for Secretary of State
Katherine Harris, will certainly file a brief and could seek argument time.

On the Gore side, various Florida election officials as well as Attorney General
Robert Butterworth, a Democrat who was a key strategist in Gore's campaign, are
named as parties in the litigation and might also want a piece of the action.
Motions for divided argument are likely to
be filed on Monday, and the Court should respond quickly.

The main briefs of both parties, meanwhile, must be filed by 4 p.m. Tuesday,
according to the Court's expedited schedule. Reply briefs, in turn, are due by 4
p.m. Thursday -- a scant 18 hours before oral argument. A decision could come
soon after that: The Court has rearranged
its schedule so that Wednesday, Dec. 6, previously booked for two oral
arguments, is free all day.

But more vexing for the lawyers than the compressed schedule is how to argue the
case -- so narrowly drawn legally but set against the backdrop of the
highly-politicized presidential contest.

The validity of the hand recount in constitutional terms is not at issue.
Instead, the Court will decide the validity of the Florida Supreme Court's Nov.
21 decision allowing the recounts to continue and be certified beyond the
statutory limit. The Court also wants the parties to
opine on the possible consequences if it were to reverse the state high court --
a tricky question, given the fast-breaking developments that could make it
impractical for the Court to turn back the clock on the recounts.

Ordinarily, most Supreme Court scholars agree, these are questions the U.S.
Supreme Court would have little interest in answering and great incentive to
avoid. But the Bush appeal, in a masterstroke of legal excavation, unearthed two
rarely invoked federal provisions -- one
statutory, one constitutional -- that gave the justices enough to chew on.

The first is 3 U.S.C. 5, a law dating back to 1887 that the Supreme Court has
never interpreted. It requires that any dispute over the appointment of
presidential electors be resolved according to "laws enacted prior to" Election
Day. So the Bush legal team's primary task will be persuading the Supreme Court
that a statutory interpretation of Florida law by the Florida Supreme Court
amounts to a post-election enactment of a law. In addition to the Supreme
Court's now-commonplace divisions over state and federal relations, that
question could provoke debate among justices over the very nature of judging in
cases that involve the interpretation of conflicting laws -- whether it is, at
base, an interpretive or a legislative act.

The Gore legal team will argue that the 1887 law, as antique as it is,
anticipated what happened last week by including a catch phrase that allows for
"judicial or other methods or procedures" to resolve electoral disputes as well.
The Bush team omitted that phrase in both its petition for Supreme Court review
and its reply brief. Gore also argues that what the Florida Supreme Court did
was an "unexceptional" interpretation of two c

[CTRL] Creating monsters and selling fear

2000-11-27 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Creating monsters and selling fear

The EU's plan to form its own military force consisting of recruits from EU
member nations seems to reflect a rejection of US-dominated NATO.  Russia has
made a bid to join this endeavor.  As the EU forms its own army, NATO and its
armed forces will dwindle, ending US bully-boy diplomacy and agendas in the name
of EU 'shared' interests.  The EU nations just may have a greater degree of
cohesiveness because of the US-led NATO debacle in Yugoslavia.  If for no other
reason, population limitations and individual restraints will diminish NATO for
lack of personnel, especially with UN and the EU competition for troops.

Cohen, Albright, et al showed their true colors in Yugoslavia, leaving behind
economic and political chaos and an ecologically desolated landscape which
negatively impacts all Europe.  Concerns of European nations necessarily include
the conditions of their neighbors, which geographically are in a position
to have a great effect upon them all.  Most Europeans were horrified, not only
at the extreme methods that were employed, but also at the prospect of future
'interventions' at the hands of these high-tech slash and burn artists.

The 'might is right' paradigm of this current administration's foreign policy is
a failure and has managed to alienate potential European cohorts as well as
China and Russia.  South American countries are also increasingly aware of
autonomy sapping, heavy-handed American intervention and will find allies in the
disillusioned nations of Europe.

If Russia succeeds in becoming a part of the new EU army, the balance of power
will have shifted considerably, and hopefully for the better where we will see
the old global NWO plans reduced to a memory.

Meanwhile, the resources of the US and its citizens are being diverted and
drained to create a tyrannical corporate global government that has no respect
for the wishes of it US citizens, dismissing their legimate concerns with false
assurances, denial, ridicule and intimidation;  yet these are concerns that all
Americans share, regardless of partisan politics.  And we are beginning to see
increased overt manifestation of this in the US much more so than the W.
European nations whose citizens are more accurately and fairly represented by
coalition government representation of diverse views, therefore more politically
empowered to oppose the inhumane and profit-driven agendas of attempts of
corporate dominance.  Our two-party system is a joke, mere theater, offering no
representation for other than two barely differing canned NWO/corporate backed
platforms — based upon a false dividing lines between the two with mindless
'battles' promulgated and fomented by corporate media, diverting the attention
of gullible citizens from serious issues of common concern.  Yet the
unaccountable corporate bureaucrats will continue to employ their strategies to
further their agendas for absolute power and control over this country, its
resources, its population.

Our federal leadership has failed to represent the will of the people, instead
favoring  the objectives of the
military/industrial/chemical/pharmaceutical/media complex, creating chaos, if
necessary, to further the goals of faceless, unaccountable NWO bureaucrats who
lurk in the shadows behind their investments — those who do their bidding.  And
while our national leaders create international chaos in their misrepresentation
of the nature and will of the populace of the United States of America, 'we the
people' have no formal allies, only enemies made by our leadership and their
manipulations for global control.  'We the people 'are the commodities for the
corporate nation.  We are also the conscience of this nation.  We are a nation
under siege from our own 'leadership'.

   ~ /\/\">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-26 Thread mirage
-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 




Sun, 26 Nov 2000 13:25:29 -0800


Tony Craddock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



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[CTRL] [Fwd: Driving to Doom]

2000-11-26 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Driving to Doom
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 13:39:51 -0500
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lorna Salzman)

Flying to and from South Africa, where my husband and I just spent a month,
I had occasion to read various British newspapers. While the big headlines
were about the US election morass, the above titled article, by Peter
Preston of The Guardian on Nov. 20th, hit a hard note with me. It should be
read by all Greens and especially by those who have shunted ecological
concerns to the back burner both before and during the elections. I would
like to quote some of Preston's statements because they echo, though more
eloquently, the same things I have been saying about the US Green movement
for many years.

First, Preston talks about the debacle in The Hague regarding the utter
failure to deal with global warming. No surprise of course; even the 5% the
US conceded is nowhere near the 70% reduction in CO2 emissions that
credible scientists say must be achieved. Says Preston: "Unless the new
rulers in Pennsylvania Ave, whoever they turn out to be, can be persuaded
to wake up and shape up, then we might as well not bother. A world
environment policy without the polluter-in-chief is a hole in the head and
a hole in the ozone layer. George W. Bush says he does not believe in
global warming. Al Gore believes all right, yet he hasn't managed, over
eight years in power, to do much about it".

 Nothing new there, you Greens say. But hold on. Preston then goes on to
say this: "Hang on though! Isn't there, at last, a strong, growing American
Green party now? And didn't it, in many ways, shape the whole presidential
debate, raising causes that others feared to touch?...Nader, with his calm
fury and idealism, brought in hundreds of thousands of young people turned
off by standard campaigning. He was an energising force (and a prophet his
supporters keep comaring with Gandhi)".

And then he goes on:  "Fair enough. But I went to Nader's last great
Washington rally, almost as the polls opened a fortnight ago, and sat
through four hours of oratory and ambition. I did not once hear the words
'global warming' uttered. Nor "ozone layer". These were Green warriors who
seemed more anxious to talk at length about statehood for the district of
Columbia. These were environmentalists reserving their biggest cheers for
legalising pot smoking."

Preston continues: "Now, of course, Nader does have the requisite policies
somewhere in the greenhouse. Leaf through his position papers and you'll
find him endorsing the standard Ozone Action programme and shredding Gore
as an "environment poseur" playing a cynical con game. But he made precious
little of it, one brick amongst many, at the close. The "uncompromising
political force" he aimed to create was more interested in enfranchising
Washington voters. Which is why I worry so deeply about what democracy can
address, and what it can achieve, in a true environmental crisis."

Preston goes on: "There are 90 or so Green parties around the world..some,
like our own Greens, rise and fall again. There is no pattern to the way
they bring their message, THE MOST URGENT MESSAGE OF ALL (Salzman caps).
The end-of-the-world message. They dont know whether to be part of the
process, or the heart of the process or standing outside it, proclaiming
doom. ...When the case for higher fuel taxes had to be made (he) didnt hear
much cheeping from the British Greens."

Preston continues: "There must, I think, be a parallel staring at boots in
America today...There is no tomorrow if you dont talk greenhouse gases
today. But the voters dont want to listen and even prophet-politicians like
Nader who seek their vote dont tell them in terms. Less petrol at a greater
price? Forget it. When gun holders vote Bush, as they did, to hang on to
their guns, what chance that car owners will vote to make their own lives
more difficult?...democracy shies away because the hard questions cant be

I have asked myself during the Nader campaign just why Nader - like the
ASGP itself which couldnt bring itself to feature an environmentalist as a
key speaker at its convention, and in particular the late David Brower who
managed to live six months past that convention date - has soft pedalled
environment. Surely not because he feared alienating some constituency; his
constituency of college students and young activists is more gung-ho on
environment that most of the ASGP people. And surely he had nothing to lose
seeing as he stuck his neck far out on anti-corporate themes and the like.

But whatever the reason for this, it matters less than what the US Greens
and Green parties do and say in the coming years, and it matters less than
the fact that unless the Greens push themselves as carriers and warriors
for the environmental message, that message will be drowned out or
suppressed.  NO ONE ELSE WILL CARRY IT. If Nader didnt, the next Green
candidate is even less likely to d

[CTRL] WHO Blasts Internet ".Health" Rejection

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

ICANN has not given in to the WHO's considerable influence.  WHO wanted ICANN to
designate an internet domain name of '.health' which they planned to 'regulate'
with their global pharmacuetical/allopathic bias.  The WHO is planning on
relentlessly pursuing this, no doubt.~  M


Friday November 17 10:20 AM ET
WHO Blasts Internet ".Health" Rejection

GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organisation said on Friday it was extremely
disappointed by the decision of Internet governing body ICANN not to approve a
special Internet address for health care sites and might appeal.

The WHO had proposed the Internet domain name ".health" for health care sites
whose quality and ethical standards it would approve with the help of public
health organisations, consumer groups and academic institutions.

But the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) ignored the
proposal when it made a big change to the landscape of the World Wide Web on
Thursday, approving seven new Web site domain names to complement the existing
list topped by .com .net, .org and .gov.

Out of 44 new applications, the ICANN board chose .biz, .info, .name, .pro,
.museum, .aero. and .coop and rejected a slew of other options hotly debated by
industry players.

"WHO has learned via (news) wire reports that our application for a top-level
domain of Dot.Health has been rejected," the Geneva-based United Nations (news -
web sites) health agency said in a statement.

"We are extremely disappointed with this outcome, if this is confirmed, and are
eagerly awaiting the rationale of this decision, especially in light of
decisions made to grant other TLDs (top level domains). "We will begin
immediately to explore ways of recourse."

Gregory Hartl, WHO spokesman, told a briefing a .health domain name "would have
been a great benefit to consumers for guaranteeing the quality of health and
medical information on the Web."

The choice of the new domain names, which are expected to become available to
businesses and consumers by the middle of next year, culminates a drawn-out
process for setting the next stage of growth on the Internet.

Copyright © 2000 Yahoo! Inc., and Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,  any
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information for nonprofit research and educational purposes only.
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Globalization, CNN and 'rogue' states - The Korea Herald

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

The Korea Herald -

Friday, November 24, 100

Globalization, CNN and 'rogue' states

U.S. journalist and author Thomas L. Friedman has defined globalization as "an
international system that has now replaced the Cold War system" in his famous
book "The Lexus and the Olive Tree." The new system not only involves changes in
the economic sphere. It also has its own dominant culture. Culturally speaking,
globalization tends to involve the spread of Americanization.

Americanization is, indeed, a global phenomenon now. People of almost every
country eat the same Big Macs and Coca-Cola and wear the same Levi's jeans.
Hollywood blockbusters dominate the theaters, not only in the United States but
also in countries in Africa and Asia. Young people in Tokyo, Beijing and Seoul
hum the same rap songs created by black Americans. The Internet has made English
a global language to the extent that most Koreans believe that without it, they
cannot succeed in their work.

No other media outlet better symbolizes the globalized world than CNN. Starting
as a cable news network for U.S. viewers only, CNN has now grown to a huge
entity called CNN News Group with six cable networks, three private out-of-home
place-based networks, two radio networks, 10 Web sites and a syndicated news
service. CNN International now reaches over 200 million households in more than
212 countries and territories, according to figures from CNN.

But a top CNN official whom I met in Atlanta early last month told me that it
was not Ted Turner who envisioned CNN International for the first time. He said
it was Fidel Castro of Cuba who first came up with an idea of making the cable
network international. Eason Jordan, president of news gathering and
international networks for the CNN News Group, said Turner hadn't had any plan
to go international with CNN when he founded the network in 1980.

Turner received an unexpected invitation from Castro to visit Cuba in the early
1980s. Having watched CNN programs through his own satellite dish for years,
Castro had already become an enthusiastic viewer at the time. Coming from a
conservative background, Turner hesitated at first, but decided to accept the
invitation and flew to Cuba. There he found a man of the same mind and they soon
became quite good friends. (Jordan said Turner and Castro are similar in a way -
they both have charisma, for example.) Castro told Turner that CNN's programs
were so good that they should be available to viewers in other countries. Turner
accepted his idea and launched CNN International in 1985.

It was the 1991 Gulf War between Iraq and the Allied Forces that allowed CNN
International to come of age. The network's live telecast of the war was a
groundbreaking event in the history of the media. For the first time, people
around the world watched scenes of a war telecast live thanks to CNN. Since then
CNN International has established itself as the world's leading global
television news network.

CNN's special relationship with North Korea is also well-known. In fact, Jordan
is the point man in CNN in North Korean affairs. He has been the man behind the
exclusive relationship between CNN and the North Korean government. He said he
has visited North Korea 10 times since 1991 and met Kim Il-sung twice.

 The first meeting with Kim Il-sung came in 1991. Jordan received a phone call
from an official of the Unification Church (the "Moonies") in Atlanta while he
was visiting Beijing along with Turner and his wife, Jane Fonda. The man on the
phone asked him if he would join the Rev. Moon Sun-myung and his entourage
during their planned trip to Pyongyang. He accepted the offer and went to
Pyongyang for the first time in his life, attending the meeting between Kim
Il-sung and Rev. Moon during the stay.

His second meeting with the deceased North Korean leader came in 1994. Former
U.S. President Jimmy Carter called him at his office at the CNN Center, asking
him for some helpful tips for his visit to Pyongyang. Carter told him he had met
both CIA and FBI officials but they were of no help. Jordan again made a trip to
Pyongyang - this time with Jimmy Carter. The Kim-Carter meeting led to a
breakthrough in settling the Korean crisis that stemmed from the North's nuclear
development program.

CNN obviously was given exclusive coverage of the Carter's North Korea visit. It
also broke the news that Carter would visit Pyongyang to mediate peace on the
Korean Peninsula.

Since then, CNN has maintained its exclusive position in North Korea reporting.
It was the only Western media that was allowed to televise Kim Il-sung's
funeral, which came only a few months after the Kim-Carter talks. Jordan
reportedly visited North Korea again later in the year to thank the North
Koreans for their favors during Kim's funeral and CNN invited Pak Gil-yon, the
then North Korean ambassador to the U

[CTRL] ProMED: BSE - Now in Germany (north) & Portugal (Azores)

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Another big mystery.  Will they ever cease?  ~ M

From:  ProMED Digest V2000 #276
Date:  Fri, 24 Nov 2000

"Today, 24 Nov 2000, Germany reported its first case of BSE, from the
northern state of Schleswig-Holstein.

Today, also, the European Commission confirmed the first case of BSE from
the Azores [islands in the Atlantic belonging to Portugal], which had up to
now been free of BSE because they had never fed their cattle on bone meal.
The cow had been slaughtered on 2 Oct 2000, & was imported from Germany 2
years ago.  Since Germany was reportedly free of BSE at that time, there is some
suspicion that the animal originated in Portugal, which has the highest
rate of BSE in its cattle after the UK."

Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 11:03:40 -0500 (EST)
Subject: PRO/AH> BSE surveillance - Europe

A ProMED-mail post

ProMED-mail is a program of
the International Society for Infectious Diseases

[see also:
BSE updates: 21 Nov 2000   20001121.2022]

Date:  22 Nov 2000
From: Martin Haditsch, MD, PhD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BSE updates: 21 Nov 2000

Comments on BSE updates: 21 Nov 2000
Following are some comments on Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis (BSE) in
Europe / Austria (based on information via radio and TV).  The EC (European
Community) is actually discussing the introduction of obligatory checks of
all animals slaughtered.

This should not be restricted to countries where the occurrence of BSE has
been proven, but should be mandatory in all countries of the EC.

Austria, which has never had a case of BSE (nor a case of scrapie), stopped
using bonemeal and other animal parts for feeding cattle in 1991 and has
given the order to check every animal with symptoms similar to those of
"mad cow disease" for BSE.

On the other hand, it was said the EC actually DOES NOT PLAN to generally
ban feeding with bonemeal (which is said to be one of the highest risk
factors as far as I know).

I would very much appreciate an explanation on a rational basis.

- --
M. Haditsch

Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 20:06:05 -0500 (EST)
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> BSE - Germany (north) & Portugal (Azores)

A ProMED-mail post

ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

[see also:
BSE - Portugal 19990210.0183
BSE - Portugal (04)19991022.1900

BSE - Portugal 19980926.1929
BSE - Portugal (04)19981030.2125

BSE - Germany  19970121.0119
BSE - Germany (04) 19970409.0750

BSE - Germany  19960612.1084
BSE - Portugal 19960508.0891]

Date: Fri 24 Nov 2000
[translated & summarized from the Portuguese by Mod.JW]

Today, 24 Nov 2000, Germany reported its first case of BSE, from the
northern state of Schleswig-Holstein.

Today, also, the European Commission confirmed the first case of BSE from
the Azores [islands in the Atlantic belonging to Portugal], which had up to
now been free of BSE because they had never fed their cattle on bone meal.
The cow had been slaughtered on 2 Oct 2000, & was imported from Germany 2
years ago.  Since Germany was reportedly free of BSE at that time, there is some
suspicion that the animal originated in Portugal, which has the highest
rate of BSE in its cattle after the UK.

- --
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] EU Accuses U.S. of Food Aid Abuse

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday November 23 10:54 AM ET
EU Accuses U.S. of Food Aid Abuse

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The United States has abused food aid by dumping
surplus crops on poor nations in a bid to keep prices high at home, the European
Commission (news - web sites) said on Thursday.

"The United States pretends to be the best benefactor to the world by giving
food to developing countries," said Gregor Kreuzhuber, spokesman for EU Farm
Commissioner Franz Fischler.

"Instead they harm local markets and distort world markets in what is
essentially an export subsidy."

Kreuzhuber said that between 1997 and 1999, U.S. food aid increased by 120
percent at a time of depressed world prices, which meant the worldwide need for
assistance was low.

"This is a clear indication food aid was abused," he said.

U.S. Agriculture Undersecretary Gus Schumacher on Wednesday rejected any EU
criticism of its food aid policy, asking if a better solution would be to dump
it into the sea.

Food aid to needy countries is an issue the EU wants high on the agenda in the
World Trade Organization (news - web sites) talks on a global pact governing
farm trade.

The EU wants an emphasis on stopping donor countries using aid as a form of
export subsidy and so distorting world markets.

But the United States has said that its food aid does not distort international
trade and that talks should focus on the export subsidies used by the EU as well
as state-owned farm bodies in Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

Copyright © 2000 Yahoo! Inc., and Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,  any
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[Ref. ]">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Criminal complaint filed against "Super-spy" phone system

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

This didn't get through.  Trying again...~ M

 Original Message 
Subject: Criminal complaint filed against "Super-spy" phone system
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 17:17:05 -0800
From: mirage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Criminal complaint filed against "Super-spy" phone system
 By Steve Gold, Newsbytes
 Wednesday, October 18 2000

BERLIN--A Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Berlin has filed criminal
complaints in Germany against the international Echelon computer surveillance

Unlike the recently vilified Carnivore Internet monitoring system installed on
most US Internet Service Provider (ISP) servers, the Echelon system is shrouded
in secrecy.

Thought to have been created in the 1940s by the US and UK governments, the
system is now known to monitor most voice and data traffic circulating in most
Western countries.

Reports suggests that it can legally do this by side-stepping national
anti-surveillance legislation by requiring, for example, the US government's
National Security Agency (NSA) to monitor UK comms traffic, and, similarly,
using the UK's security agencies to monitor US comms traffic.

In her complaint, Ilka Schrvder, a Green Party Member of the European Parliament
(MEP) cited "unknown suspects especially from the US and Great Britain, as well
as possibly the German Federal Government, for operating and tolerating the
Echelon network."

According to German media reports, Schrvder filed the complaints Monday with the
German Federal chief public prosecutor, as well as public prosecutors' offices
in Berlin and, perhaps significantly, in Traunstein.  The Traunstein office
covers the Bavarian town of Bad Aibling, where a monitoring station is generally
reported as being operated by the NSA.

Schrvder, who serves as a substitute member of the European Parliament committee
which is investigating Echelon, referred to a report commissioned by the
committee, which confirmed that Echelon is monitoring private and business
telephone calls, faxes, and email messages in Europe, including in Germany.

This is not the first time that Echelon has come into the legal firing line.
Back in February, reports suggested that the French government was considering
lawsuits on privacy grounds, alleging that the international Echelon super-spy
network monitored French companies, diplomats and ministers.

The Echelon network has been talked about in security circles for several years,
but its existence was most recently confirmed in November, 1999, when the BBC
reported that an Australian government official had confirmed the network
actually existed.

At the time, the BBC reported that Bill Blick, Australia's inspector general of
intelligence, confirmed that his country's Defence Signals Directorate forms
part of the Echelon network.

"As you would expect there are a large amount of radio communications floating
around in the atmosphere, and agencies such as the DSD collect those
communications in the interests of their national security," Blick told the BBC.

Asked if information is then passed on to the US or the UK, Blick replied that
"in certain circumstances" it was.

The BBC report followed hard on the heels of an attempt on Oct 22, 1999, to
swamp the Echelon network with subversive emails.

In that incident, Internet users from around the world launched an email
campaign against the NSA in an attempt to flood the agency's alleged computer
surveillance system.

Reports of the time suggested that the protesters were upset at NSA's apparent
scanning of emails in an attempt to identify potential terrorists. In the United
States, a recent CBS-TV report on the show "60 Minutes" reported that the system
may have been used to spy on the phone conversations of the late Princess Diana,
at a time when she was spearheading an effort to ban landmines worldwide.

Echelon's existence has been discussed in security circles for almost a decade,
but its existence was only brought to public attention in early 1997 by Covert
Action Quarterly (CAQ), a quarterly intelligence newsletter, which revealed
details of the global telecommunications surveillance system.

According to the newsletter, Echelon is a top secret alliance involving the
NSA's telecoms surveillance system and other government networks that allows the
bulk of the civilized world's telephone calls to be digitized and analyzed using
intelligent text searching technology.

CAQ said that Echelon monitors virtually all phone calls in the US and Europe,
including the UK, effectively making a mockery of the UK's Interception of
Communications Act.

The newsletter added that Echelon is used to keyword search email, fax, telex
and all types of voice communications, including analog and digital cellular
phone call

[CTRL] Criminal complaint filed against "Super-spy" phone system

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Criminal complaint filed against "Super-spy" phone system
 By Steve Gold, Newsbytes
 Wednesday, October 18 2000

BERLIN--A Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Berlin has filed criminal
complaints in Germany against the international Echelon computer surveillance

Unlike the recently vilified Carnivore Internet monitoring system installed on
most US Internet Service Provider (ISP) servers, the Echelon system is shrouded
in secrecy.

Thought to have been created in the 1940s by the US and UK governments, the
system is now known to monitor most voice and data traffic circulating in most
Western countries.

Reports suggests that it can legally do this by side-stepping national
anti-surveillance legislation by requiring, for example, the US government's
National Security Agency (NSA) to monitor UK comms traffic, and, similarly,
using the UK's security agencies to monitor US comms traffic.

In her complaint, Ilka Schrvder, a Green Party Member of the European Parliament
(MEP) cited "unknown suspects especially from the US and Great Britain, as well
as possibly the German Federal Government, for operating and tolerating the
Echelon network."

According to German media reports, Schrvder filed the complaints Monday with the
German Federal chief public prosecutor, as well as public prosecutors' offices
in Berlin and, perhaps significantly, in Traunstein.  The Traunstein office
covers the Bavarian town of Bad Aibling, where a monitoring station is generally
reported as being operated by the NSA.

Schrvder, who serves as a substitute member of the European Parliament committee
which is investigating Echelon, referred to a report commissioned by the
committee, which confirmed that Echelon is monitoring private and business
telephone calls, faxes, and email messages in Europe, including in Germany.

This is not the first time that Echelon has come into the legal firing line.
Back in February, reports suggested that the French government was considering
lawsuits on privacy grounds, alleging that the international Echelon super-spy
network monitored French companies, diplomats and ministers.

The Echelon network has been talked about in security circles for several years,
but its existence was most recently confirmed in November, 1999, when the BBC
reported that an Australian government official had confirmed the network
actually existed.

At the time, the BBC reported that Bill Blick, Australia's inspector general of
intelligence, confirmed that his country's Defence Signals Directorate forms
part of the Echelon network.

"As you would expect there are a large amount of radio communications floating
around in the atmosphere, and agencies such as the DSD collect those
communications in the interests of their national security," Blick told the BBC.

Asked if information is then passed on to the US or the UK, Blick replied that
"in certain circumstances" it was.

The BBC report followed hard on the heels of an attempt on Oct 22, 1999, to
swamp the Echelon network with subversive emails.

In that incident, Internet users from around the world launched an email
campaign against the NSA in an attempt to flood the agency's alleged computer
surveillance system.

Reports of the time suggested that the protesters were upset at NSA's apparent
scanning of emails in an attempt to identify potential terrorists. In the United
States, a recent CBS-TV report on the show "60 Minutes" reported that the system
may have been used to spy on the phone conversations of the late Princess Diana,
at a time when she was spearheading an effort to ban landmines worldwide.

Echelon's existence has been discussed in security circles for almost a decade,
but its existence was only brought to public attention in early 1997 by Covert
Action Quarterly (CAQ), a quarterly intelligence newsletter, which revealed
details of the global telecommunications surveillance system.

According to the newsletter, Echelon is a top secret alliance involving the
NSA's telecoms surveillance system and other government networks that allows the
bulk of the civilized world's telephone calls to be digitized and analyzed using
intelligent text searching technology.

CAQ said that Echelon monitors virtually all phone calls in the US and Europe,
including the UK, effectively making a mockery of the UK's Interception of
Communications Act.

The newsletter added that Echelon is used to keyword search email, fax, telex
and all types of voice communications, including analog and digital cellular
phone calls.

"Unlike many of the electronic spy systems developed during the Cold War,
Echelon is designed primarily for non-military targets: governments,
organizations, businesses, and individuals in virtually every country. It
potentially affects every person communicating between (and sometimes within)
countries anywhere in the world," the newsletter said.

The newsletter added that the existence

[CTRL] Colombia: Monsanto, US War on Drugs / Poison Environment

2000-11-24 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Colombia: Monsanto, US War on Drugs
Poison Environment

Brian Hansen
Environment News Service
November 20, 2000

WASHINGTON, DC -- The aerial fumigation program that has grown out of the U.S.
government's so-called "war on drugs" is endangering the fragile ecosystems and
indigenous cultures of Colombia's Amazon Basin, a coalition of groups warned
today at a news conference on Capitol Hill.

The fumigation program, which the U.S. finances as part of a $1.3 billion
Colombian aid package approved this summer, is designed to eradicate coca and
other plants used to manufacture illicit drugs.

But critics say the program indiscriminately wipes out legitimate subsistence
crops as well as natural plants, and kills birds, mammals and aquatic life.

The chemicals are applied by aircraft and frequently fall on Columbia's
indigenous peoples, subjecting them to a variety of health afflictions, critics

"This spraying campaign is equivalent to the Agent Orange devastation of Vietnam
- a disturbance the wildlife and natural ecosystems have never recovered from,"
said Dr. David Olson, director of the World Wildlife Fund's conservation science
program. "And it is occurring on the watch of the current Congress and
[executive] administration, supported by taxpayer dollars."

Though carried out by Colombian police and military authorities, the aerial
fumigation program utilizes U.S. government aircraft, fuel, escort helicopters
and private military contractors.

The herbicide approved for the program, glyphosate, is manufactured by the U.S.
based Monsanto Corporation and is commonly referred to by the trade name

Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide, meaning that any plant exposed to a
sufficient amount of the chemical will be killed. The chemical has been sprayed
over tens of thousands of acres in Colombia since the early 1990s, but the
eradication program has done little to curtail the supply of cocaine that comes
into the U.S. every year.

Still, Colombian officials - at the request of U.S. policymakers - are once
again gearing up to dump thousands of liters of glyphosate on Colombia, this
time targeting the country's southern state of Putumayo.

Emperatriz Cahuache, president of the Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the
Colombian Amazon, came to Washington today to voice her opposition to the plan.

"Fumigation violates our rights and our territorial autonomy," the indigenous
leader said. "It has intensified the violence of the armed conflict and forced
people to leave their homes after their food crops have been destroyed."

As many as 10,000 Colombians could be displaced when the spraying begins next
month, noted Hiram Ruiz, a senior policy analyst with the U.S. Committee for
Refugees, a non-governmental group based in Washington. Ruiz, who toured the
Putumayo region in June, said that the fumigation program will make local
residents vulnerable to the guerrillas and paramilitary groups that were spawned
from Colombia's long running civil war.

While the social repercussions of the fumigation program were perhaps the most
poignant aspect of Monday's news conference, other issues - such as the
program's environmental consequences - also generated a great deal of concern.

The World Wildlife Fund's Olson noted that the defoliating chemicals will be
applied by aircraft flying high above the forests, thus increasing the
likelihood that unintended areas will be poisoned.

"For every hectare of forest sprayed, another is lost to [pesticide] drift and
another to additional clearing of displaced crops," Olson said. The destruction
is extensive."

Olson said that wildlife will be directly affected by the application of the
chemicals. Frogs and insects will be impacted immediately, and larger animals
will suffer weakening and sickness, he said.

"If and when our [human] species matures, we will rightfully view such practices
as abominations, crimes against our planet and ourselves, Olson said.

Olson's point was echoed by Dr. Luis Naranjo, director of the American Bird
Conservancy's international program. Naranjo noted that Colombia has more
species of wild birds than any other country, but he said that scores of them
are vulnerable to extinction because of U.S. led efforts to eradicate illegal

"Bird conservation is at the crossroads of the armed conflict in Colombia,"
Naranjo said. "Unless the current policies to face the drug problem in the
country are revised, we will be facing the extinction of many of the organisms
that make the country's biota so distinctive."

Naranjo noted that as a non-selective herbicide, glyphosate will reduce plant
cover and food supply for many forest dependent birds. And because of the drift
effect that occurs with aerial applications, the destruction of plant cover will
extend far beyond targeted areas, he added.

"It has been estimated that for every hec

Re: [CTRL] Marrs-New chemtrails theory just might make you sick

2000-11-23 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:
> New chemtrails theory just might make you sick
> By Jim Marrs
> Date: 11/23/2000
> URL:
> A report from a Canadian research foundation concluded that the much
> discussed, but little publicized Chemtrails, may be an attempt to hide a
> sickening military secret.

After reading through these pages from Jim Marrs' book, I would have a difficult
time believing that the chemtrails, if designed for a biological effect, are
benign — either preventative or curative.  And I also have a hard time believing
Marrs would believe it.  Unless the potential for massive disruption is so big
and threatening that even the eugenics crowd is worried.

So, would Dubya be representative of the goal of eugenics and the result of the
'royal' genepool?

 ~ /\/\

Excerpts from Jim Marrs' RULE BY SECRECY:

pgs. 47, 48

By the time of his death in 1937, Rockefeller and  his only son, John D.
Rockefeller Jr., had not only built up an amazing oil empire but had established
such institutions as the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (established
1901), the General Education Board (1903) ...

The Rockefellers also were greatly interested in the eugenics movement, a
program of scientifically applied genetic selection to maintain and improve
"ideal" human characteristics, including birth and population control.  This
idea grew from the writings of the Victorian scientist Sir Francis Galton, who
after study reached the conclusion that prominent memers of British society were
such because they had "eminent" parents, thus combining Darwin's concepts of
"survival of the fittest" with the class-conscious question, "who's your daddy?"

If this sounds like a Nazi experiment run wild, consider that in the late
nineteenth century, the United States joined fourteen other nations in passing
some type of eugenics legislation.  Thirty states had laws providing for the
sterilization of mental patients and imbeciles.  At least sixty thousand
"defectives" were legally sterilized.

Of course, to determine who was dirtying the gene pool requires extensive
population statistics.  So in 1910 the Eugenics Records Office was established
as a branch of the Galton National Laboratory in London, endowed by Mrs. E. H.
Harriman. wife of the railroad magnate Edward Harriman and mother of diplomat
Averell Harriman.  Mrs. Harriman in 1912 sold her substantial shares of New
York's Guaranty Trust bank to J.P. Morgan, thus assuring his control over that

After 1990, the Harrimans — the family that gave the Prescott Bush family its
start — along with the Rockefellers funded more than $11 million to create a
eugenics research laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor, New York, as well as
eugenics studies at Harvard, Columbia and Cornell.  The first International
Congress of Eugenics was convened in London in 1912, with Winston Churchill as a
director.  Obviously, the concept of "bloodlines" was highly significant to
these people.

In 1932 when the Congress met in New York, it was the Hamburg-Amerika shipping
line, controlled by Harriman associates, George Walker and Prescott Bush, that
brought prominent Germans to the meeting.  One was Dr. Ernst Rudin of the Kaiser
Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy and Demography in Berlin.  Rudin was unanimously
elected president of the International Federation of Eugenics Societies for his
work in founding the German Society for Race Hygiene, a forerunner of Hitler's
racial institutes.

Eugenics work, under more politically correct names, continues right up to
today.  General William H. Draper Jr. was a "Supporting Member" of the
International Eugenics Congress in 1932 and, despite or because of his ties to
the Harriman and Bush families, was named head of the Economic Division of the
U.S. Control Commission in Germany at the end of hostilities.  According to
authors Tarpley and Chaikin, "General Draper (in later years) founded
'Population Crisis Committee' and the 'Draper Fund,' joining with the
Rockefeller and Du Pont families to promote eugenics as 'population control.'
The administration of President Lyndon Johnson, advised by General Draper on the
subject, began financing birth control in the tropical countries through the
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

"General Draper was George Bush's guru on the population question...  Draper's
son and heir, William H. Draper III, was co-chairman for finance — chief of
fundraising — of the Bush-for-President national campaign organization in 1980."
 The younger Draper went on to work with population control activities of the
United Nations.
>From RULE BY SECRECY by Jim Marrs">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid mat

[CTRL] [Fwd: Election Disaster: 3rd Term Scheme?]

2000-11-23 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Let's hope not!   ~ M

 Original Message 
Subject: Election Disaster: 3rd Term Scheme?
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 06:49:07 -0800
From: "NewsHawk Inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: NewsHawk Inc.

Election Disaster: 3rd Term Scheme?

Good LORD...

NewsHawk® Inc.

Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 17:58:55 -0700
From: American Patriot Friends Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: American Patriot Friends Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Fwd: THIRD TERM?]


 Original Message 
Subject: THIRD TERM?
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 15:42:30 -0500
From: "Rev. C. D. Thomson" - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm sure by now many of us who have found out about the 'Clinton body
count' over the past eight years, and the availability to the
intelligence underground of substances which can chemically induce heart
attacks, are looking at the recent death of top administration attorney
Charles Ruff with a sense of deja vu. And now we're starting to wonder
about Dick Cheney's sudden hospital visit. It may suit the purposes of
those who are seeking to hijack the country to disable Cheney now,
rather than kill him outright.

Some of us have spent years learning the facts and stuffing our filing
cabinets, or our zip drives, with hundreds of articles. But what good
has all our knowledge been -- to us, or anyone else?

There is someone, however, who has been slugging it out on the front
lines all this time. Sometimes it becomes literal slugging, when he or
someone who is helping him gets hit with a 2 x 4. It's been a miracle he
has stayed alive to continue the fight, even battling infection with
military grade anthrax.

I'm talking about Larry Nichols, whom most of us saw in the video, THE
CLINTON CHRONICLES. Larry is still in Arkansas. Larry is still giving
his time to radio talk show appearances, and raising support from a
small group of loyal listeners to his shortwave program (WWCR, 12.160,
10-12 Noon, EST), so that there will be one place in all of America
where documented truth is told, not rumour, with full integrity and with
the love of country first and foremost.

Larry knew Clinton's plans long, long before the rest of us. Earlier
this year he started running an ad in the WASHINGTON TIMES WEEKLY to
tell people "Clinton Ain't Leavin'". Even his supporters doubted him
then. Other newspapers, totalling 14 markets in all, are now carrying a
series of ads, authored by Larry, donating their advertising space
free-of-charge, which is unheard of. The ads now say "We Warned You".

But what Larry realizes as we walk this tightrope in our political and
national life is that Clinton is not just going to waltz back into the
Presidency because of the Gore-Bush election charade, lawsuits, etc.,
courtesy of compliant members of Congress, who would prove to be just as
courageous now as they were during the impeachment trial.

No. Clinton wants assured power, and for a length of time he can
leverage. He needs an emergency. He needs an excuse to launch F.E.M.A.,
and federal forces, under the titular command of Attorney-General Janet
Reno. He has been manipulating the stock market for years, and when he
is ready, and his strategy is in place, he will crash it. Crash it,
because it suits his purposes. Not a slowdown, not a market adjustment.
A crash.

But the Crash of 2000 will just be a coincidence, won't it? Lucky Bill!
The people will have no choice but to let the government be sabotaged,
when they have no gasoline for their cars, no heating oil for the
winter, and no bread on the grocery store shelves. They will see armed
men in uniform on the streets, and they will feel safe because stores
aren't being looted. They won't understand there are real looters out
there who will steal everything we have, with impunity. With immunity.

The only person in America who understands this, and what it really
means, is Larry Nichols. Nichols must get this message out. If we all
get behind him and help, we can stop Clinton in his tracks. And no, that
won't make America what it should be again. But it's time to tell the
country the truth. It's time to circumvent the media the Clinton's boys
have orchestrated so masterfully that they now play the same tune, at
the same time, just on different channels. Already they've begun to
float the idea that maybe Clinton should stay in the White House, and
maybe that just wouldn't be too bad! Who has said that? David Letterman,
Geraldine Ferraro, Jesse Ventura, to name just three. Their aim is to
get people used to thinking about it.

But what seemed like a hare-brained marketing scheme, on a shoestring,
via radio and newspapers, has given Larry Nichols a motivated audience
and credibility. Many more millions of people saw THE CLINTON
CHRONICLES, which featured Larry telling his story about Clinton
drug-money laundering, and the Ar

[CTRL] [Fwd: Air Force Buys Supercomputer to Identify UFOs]

2000-11-23 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Air Force Buys Supercomputer to Identify UFOs
   Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 20:20:35 -0800
   From: Tony Craddock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Air Force Buys Supercomputer to Identify UFOs


NEW YORK (Reuters) - International Business Machines Corp. said on Wednesday it
sold the U.S. Air Force a supercomputer to help it to identify unidentified
flying objects. The Air Force's Space Surveillance Team, based in Maui, Hawaii,
will use the supercomputer to hunt outer space for old satellites, foreign
spacecraft, and other UFOs that may be hurtling toward Earth, IBM said. The IBM
system will be used to detect and identify some 9000 objects currently flying
around in Earth's orbit. The computer can process 480 billion calculations per
second -- making it about 40 times faster than the IBM "Deep Blue" supercomputer
that defeated chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. That processing capability
will be used to improve blurry telescopic images of space objects, allowing
Defense Department military officials to identify the object. The new
supercomputer was part of a $10 million system upgrade, IBM said.


Tony Craddock
Web Administrator
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CSETI: 1983 Russian near nuke launch - [Fw: Something to be thankful for]

2000-11-23 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

A direct RealAudio link - audio/video (13 min.) of a network TV report.

Subject: Something to be thankful for
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 11:52:51 -0800
From: Tony Craddock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There is a new video on the Website.  It features the recent Dateline story
about the incident in 1983 when the Russian nuclear missiles were literally
within seconds of being launched at the US.

Happy Thanksgiving (though am not sure if it is for the genetically
enhanced turkeys).">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Oops!

2000-11-22 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Sorry CTRL list, I posted that last one twice, meaning to send it elsewhere.  ~ M">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 40 Years of Government Sponsored Ecological Terrorism

2000-11-22 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

  40 Years of Government Sponsored Ecological Terrorism

 Joyce Riley vonKleist, RN BSN
Captain, USAF, inactive reserve

When beginning an investigation of any kind, one must accept the inevitability
that when going through the process of "leaving no stone  unturned", the
resulting scatter of insects lead to other stones. Such is the case when it
comes to the investigation of nuclear, chemical and biological exposures and the
research and development of these insidious weapons of mass destruction.

While researching the history behind the Gulf War experiments, I have been
stunned almost on a daily basis by the revelations of other experiments
conducted by the Department of Defense and the CIA on the American civilian and
military population. Our most recent discovery is the that the Department of the
Army was conducting biological, chemical and nuclear experiments at Ft. Greeley,
Alaska and the town of Delta Junction, Alaska.

The documentation for the information that follows was taken from a 60-page
report that included maps, photos and charts I received in a brown manila
envelope entitled:

December 1976
Department of the Army Office of the Project Manager for
Chemical Demilitarization and Installation Restoration
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010


Do not think that the date of 1976 automatically relegates this information to a
place in the past. This document merely reports the military activities and
involvement up to that time. Information received recently from the Ft. Greely
area leads us to believe that the experiments conducted in the past have
continued to the present and that they are now affecting the health and welfare
of not only the military and indigenous peoples who reside in that geographical
area, but also the animals who migrate through the test site. We have received
reports from both the U.S. and Canadian authorities claiming there are
dramatically increased incidences of cancer, thyroid conditions and other
illnesses and are investigating the relationship to the U.S. initiated testing.
The questions we're asking are: "Why are troops rotated in and out of Ft. Greely
on a six to nine month basis? Why are we getting reports of Hashimoto's
Thyroiditis and thyroid, spinal and brain cancers? Why are the Canadian people
becoming sick after eating caribou and buffalo that migrate through the Ft.
Greely area?"


During August 1976, a Records Research study was conducted at Fort Greely to
estimate possible contamination at the Gerstle River Test Site by chemical,
biological, and radiological material, and to assess the possibility of
contaminants migrating beyond the boundaries of the installation. As a result of
the records search survey, it was discovered that the same organization, which
conducted the chemical agent tests at the Gerstle River area, also conducted
biological agent tests at the Delta Creek area of Fort Greely, Alaska.

Those in charge of this project were Captain James Verney and Captain David Moss
of the U.S.A. Cold Regions Test Center. They served as points of contact for the
assessment. Also, Mr. Bert Johns of Dugway Proving Ground was in charge of test
operations for Dessert Test Center from 1962 to 1967. He possessed intimate
knowledge of test and surveillance operations conducted at the Gerstle River
Test Site during this period. There were only five copies of this official
report that were to be disseminated to the Commander of the U.S. Army Cold
Regions Test Center, Ft. Greely and Office of the Project Manager for Chemical
Demilitarization and Installation Restoration, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
Maryland. The American Gulf War Veterans Association is grateful to an unknown
concerned citizen who provided these documents anonymously.

Summary Description of Ft. Greely, Alaska and U.S. Army Cold Regions Test Center (CRTC)

Ft. Greely contains 661,814 acres and lies in the southeastern portion of
interior Alaska known as the Tanana Lowlands. Its location if 64 degrees North
latitude and 145 degrees, 43 minutes West longitude. The city in closest
proximity is Delta Junction, which is five miles north. The nearest city of
major population is Fairbanks, which is 100 miles to the northwest. The Alaska
Highway and the Richardson Highway pass Fort Greely and join at Delta Junction.
At the time of the Gerstle River Project (1962-1974), the U.S. Army Cold Region
Test Center was a tenant activity at Fort Greely and had operational control.
Quoting from the report: "The Delta Creek area, adjacent to the USAF bombing
range, was used for biological agent testing from 1963 through 1967."


Fort Greely, Alaska Wing, Air Transport Command, Big Delta, Alaska, was first
occupied by Army Troops in 1942. It served as a staging area for aircraft being
ferried to Ru

[CTRL] 40 Years of Government Sponsored Ecological Terrorism

2000-11-22 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

  40 Years of Government Sponsored Ecological Terrorism

 Joyce Riley vonKleist, RN BSN
Captain, USAF, inactive reserve

When beginning an investigation of any kind, one must accept the inevitability
that when going through the process of "leaving no stone  unturned", the
resulting scatter of insects lead to other stones. Such is the case when it
comes to the investigation of nuclear, chemical and biological exposures and the
research and development of these insidious weapons of mass destruction.

While researching the history behind the Gulf War experiments, I have been
stunned almost on a daily basis by the revelations of other experiments
conducted by the Department of Defense and the CIA on the American civilian and
military population. Our most recent discovery is the that the Department of the
Army was conducting biological, chemical and nuclear experiments at Ft. Greeley,
Alaska and the town of Delta Junction, Alaska.

The documentation for the information that follows was taken from a 60-page
report that included maps, photos and charts I received in a brown manila
envelope entitled:

December 1976
Department of the Army Office of the Project Manager for
Chemical Demilitarization and Installation Restoration
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010


Do not think that the date of 1976 automatically relegates this information to a
place in the past. This document merely reports the military activities and
involvement up to that time. Information received recently from the Ft. Greely
area leads us to believe that the experiments conducted in the past have
continued to the present and that they are now affecting the health and welfare
of not only the military and indigenous peoples who reside in that geographical
area, but also the animals who migrate through the test site. We have received
reports from both the U.S. and Canadian authorities claiming there are
dramatically increased incidences of cancer, thyroid conditions and other
illnesses and are investigating the relationship to the U.S. initiated testing.
The questions we're asking are: "Why are troops rotated in and out of Ft. Greely
on a six to nine month basis? Why are we getting reports of Hashimoto's
Thyroiditis and thyroid, spinal and brain cancers? Why are the Canadian people
becoming sick after eating caribou and buffalo that migrate through the Ft.
Greely area?"


During August 1976, a Records Research study was conducted at Fort Greely to
estimate possible contamination at the Gerstle River Test Site by chemical,
biological, and radiological material, and to assess the possibility of
contaminants migrating beyond the boundaries of the installation. As a result of
the records search survey, it was discovered that the same organization, which
conducted the chemical agent tests at the Gerstle River area, also conducted
biological agent tests at the Delta Creek area of Fort Greely, Alaska.

Those in charge of this project were Captain James Verney and Captain David Moss
of the U.S.A. Cold Regions Test Center. They served as points of contact for the
assessment. Also, Mr. Bert Johns of Dugway Proving Ground was in charge of test
operations for Dessert Test Center from 1962 to 1967. He possessed intimate
knowledge of test and surveillance operations conducted at the Gerstle River
Test Site during this period. There were only five copies of this official
report that were to be disseminated to the Commander of the U.S. Army Cold
Regions Test Center, Ft. Greely and Office of the Project Manager for Chemical
Demilitarization and Installation Restoration, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
Maryland. The American Gulf War Veterans Association is grateful to an unknown
concerned citizen who provided these documents anonymously.

Summary Description of Ft. Greely, Alaska and U.S. Army Cold Regions Test Center (CRTC)

Ft. Greely contains 661,814 acres and lies in the southeastern portion of
interior Alaska known as the Tanana Lowlands. Its location if 64 degrees North
latitude and 145 degrees, 43 minutes West longitude. The city in closest
proximity is Delta Junction, which is five miles north. The nearest city of
major population is Fairbanks, which is 100 miles to the northwest. The Alaska
Highway and the Richardson Highway pass Fort Greely and join at Delta Junction.
At the time of the Gerstle River Project (1962-1974), the U.S. Army Cold Region
Test Center was a tenant activity at Fort Greely and had operational control.
Quoting from the report: "The Delta Creek area, adjacent to the USAF bombing
range, was used for biological agent testing from 1963 through 1967."


Fort Greely, Alaska Wing, Air Transport Command, Big Delta, Alaska, was first
occupied by Army Troops in 1942. It served as a staging area for aircraft being
ferried to Ru

[CTRL] WT: Tilting the field on world trade

2000-11-22 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Tilting the field on world trade
Aaron Schavey
November 22, 2000

Thanks to Sen. Robert Byrd, the United States is inviting a trade war with
Canada, Japan and other major U.S. trading
partners  and putting U.S. jobs at risk.

The West Virginia Democrat would no doubt bristle at the suggestion. After all,
he merely added an amendment to an
agriculture-spending bill recently signed by President Clinton.  But the devil's
in the details, and Mr. Byrd's
amendment is already upsetting our foreign trading partners and casting a pall
over the future of free trade.

The amendment changes U.S. anti-dumping laws, which use tariffs to protect U.S.
industries from foreign competition that dump massive amounts of their products
into the U.S. market, depress prices and push American industries out of
business. Specifically, it would transfer the money raised through these tariffs
from the U.S. Treasury to the businesses that requested the protection.

Mr. Byrd says he sponsored the amendment because "U.S. trade law is not intended
to raise revenue for the general
treasury." That may be true. But how can he miss the pro-tariff incentive he's
dangling in front of American
industries? In practice, this legislation will simply encourage U.S. businesses
to seek relief from foreign competition
through higher tariffs. They already have an incentive to seek protection via
U.S. anti-dumping laws because a
favorable ruling makes imported goods and services less competitive. This
windfall in revenues  amounting to
approximately $200 million each year will increase the protectionist tendencies
of many U.S. businesses.

Mr. Byrd's action won't go unnoticed. When the United States indulges in
protectionism, foreign countries respond in
kind. The Rushford Report, a monthly business newsletter, notes that more than
130 U.S. companies have been
investigated by foreign countries in recent years for alleged anti-dumping
practices, and no doubt some of these
investigations were lodged in retaliation for U.S. anti-dumping investigations.

And who ends up paying the price? Consumers and workers. Applying tariffs on raw
materials like steel or wood
drives up the price of im-ported materials and makes exporters less competitive
on the world market. The less
competitive exporters are, the more they need to fire workers to stay afloat.

Mr. Byrd's amendment also shows favoritism for the steel industry, a key
business in his home state. Since the 1998
Asian financial crisis, which saw steel imports to the United States increase,
the steel industry (which employs about
200,000 Americans) has aggressively petitioned for relief under anti-dumping laws.

But what about the 8 million Americans who work in steel-using industries, from
transportation to construction?
According to trade expert Brink Lindsey, they outnumber steel-makers 40 to 1.
Does this mean that for every one
American who benefits from the law, 40 others must suffer? And let's not forget
how U.S. consumers  who benefit
from the lower prices that free trade brings to such products as automobiles,
houses and major household appliances
would be affected.

Federal lawmakers may be ignorant of the bill's ramifications, but our trading
partners are not. (Indeed, it was largely
the failure of U.S. policy-makers to address anti-dumping laws that caused the
Seattle trade talks to collapse last year.)
The 11 countries that make up the European Union, along with Japan and Canada,
asked President Clinton to veto this
bill, and they have been threatening to take action against the United States
because of it.

The United States and the EU are already locked in a number of trade disputes
over such issues as genetically modified
livestock and export subsidies to U.S. firms. The Byrd amendment can only
further harm trade relations with many of
the largest U.S. trading partners.

Worse, it shows the United States is willing to sacrifice the interests of
consumers and exporters  and risk a trade war
to keep a few protected industries insulated from the rigors of competition. The
price is too steep.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] NYT: Tracking Email/Privacy Concerns

2000-11-22 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Software to Track E-Mail Raises Privacy Concerns

November 22, 2000

It was during a recent job search that Donald Bell gave in to the temptation to
bug his own e-mail. Mr. Bell, 55, had
e-mailed dozens of résumés to prospective employers and received scant response.
Naturally he wondered: was he
being rejected, or had his messages gone unread?

Anyone who has been left hanging knows it is the sort of nagging question that
is rarely answered. But thanks to a
furtive application of a feature common to the latest e-mail programs, Mr. Bell
was able to learn, undetected, that the
intended recipients were indeed opening his messages. With a service he found on
the Internet, he could even tell
precisely when a recipient read his e-mail messages and if the message was sent
on to anyone else.

"It feels a little naughty, because you can't do this with postal mail," said
Mr. Bell, who has since started his own
company in San Francisco and sometimes uses the e-mail service to check whether
colleagues forward messages that
he considers confidential. "But e-mail is a different animal. You have to just
reach into your heart and decide what
you're going to do."

Mr. Bell is not alone in taking advantage of new e-mail software that makes
certain kinds of monitoring easy and
nearly imperceptible. At a time when many Internet users have come to grips with
advertisers' tracking their
anonymous trail of clicks across the World Wide Web, the frontier of the
electronic privacy wars is shifting to the
more personal realm of the e-mail "in" box.

Marketing companies now regularly keep tabs on which prospective customers open
their e-mail solicitations, and at
what time of day, arguing that consumers benefit because the information is used
to devise more personalized
promotions. Individuals who have used e-mail tracking services say they feel
entitled to monitor their own
correspondence in a medium where it is so easily passed along or ignored.

But privacy advocates contend that such practices open a new window of
surveillance on a traditionally private sphere
of communications. They compare it to having someone who leaves a message on
your answering machine  a
telemarketer, say, or your mother  alerted the moment you listen to it. More
troubling, they say, is that the same
technology can be used to match a recipient's e-mail address with previously
anonymous records of the Web sites
visited from that person's computer.

Connecting the data collected through files known as cookies with an e-mail
address, the privacy advocates argue, will
be irresistible to marketers seeking to identify the buying habits and personal
tastes of individual consumers. The
linked databases, they say, could also be consulted by law enforcement agencies,
insurance companies, employers and
others who would need only an e-mail address to look up a record of an
individual's activities on the Web.

"You can buy 50,000 addresses of people who subscribe to The New Yorker," said
Richard M. Smith, chief
technology officer of the Privacy Foundation. "But you don't know what articles
they're reading in it, or what books
they've bought or what medical problems they've been researching lately. That's
very much a possibility within this

The technology in question is seemingly innocuous: the ability of the latest
e-mail programs to send and display
images. E-mail senders use the feature, based on the Web's computer language, to
create colorful messages known as
HTML mail.

But many also use it to embed tiny images that are invisible to the recipients.
Marketers call them pixel tags and say
they are used to gauge the success of e-mail campaigns. Privacy advocates prefer
a more ominous name  Web bugs.

The instant someone opens an e-mail message that contains instructions to
display a graphic file, his or her computer
automatically fetches the image from a specified location on the Internet. By
adding a unique identifying code to those
instructions, a sender can record when a particular recipient retrieves the
image, and, thus, when the e-mail message is

Subsequent retrieval of the image can tell the sender how often the message is
reopened, and sometimes whether it has
been forwarded (though not the precise forwarding address).

Direct marketers, the most frequent users of the technique, say it is akin to
the standard practice among Internet
advertisers of tracking which banners Web surfers click on.

"I don't see any privacy issues there because the data is secure and never
sold," said William Park, chief executive of
Digital Impact, an e- mail marketing company that has designed campaigns for
dozens of clients. "From the marketing
perspective, if you're not opening that e- mail it might be we're sending it on
the wrong day of the week, or the
subject line is really boring, or the subject line is really cryptic."

The em

[CTRL] The hollow crisis

2000-11-22 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

The hollow crisis; How another generation did it
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Wednesday, November 22, 2000

HAVE YOU noticed it, too--the almost complete absence of political issues in the
news for the past two weeks? That
is, any issue except the desire for office, in this case the highest office in
the land.

What ever happened to all those questions that were supposed to be paramount,
crucial, decisive, and all-important
only 15 days ago?

You remember: the fate of Social Security and Medicare, how to provide
prescription drugs for the elderly, the equity
(or inequity) of the death/estate tax, the readiness of the armed forces, the
state of American education and its
discontents  and all those other issues that were so earnestly if not
precisely debated during the campaign just

Important as we were told all those great issues were, they seemed to have
vanished from the news, and from public
interest. Were the presidential debates just a dream, a show, a front? The only
kind of politics that remains visible is
the bare skeleton of politics: the struggle for power and patronage and the
presidency itself. The great question of the
day becomes: Is the fix in?

What a pity. Because if there were issues of over-riding importance facing the
country, perhaps they could be
compromised, and the country could get on with the business of governing itself.

That's the way it was done in 1877, when one party got the White House and the
other got its platform enacted. Well,
it wasn't quite that simple, as C. Vann Woodward pointed out in his classic
analysis of that great compromise, Reunion
and Reaction. His book, first published in 1951, is still highly readable--as
much detective story as a classic of
American history.

The Arkansas-born historian had to put all the pieces of the puzzle together to
explain how Rutherford B. Hayes was
finally named president as the result of a complex deal, and Samuel J. Tilden
wasn't. It wasn't just a matter of ending
Reconstruction in exchange for letting the Republicans have the next president.
(The federal occupation of the South
was already evaporating even under General and President Grant.)

That year, the Democrats also insisted on having one of their own in the new
president's Cabinet as a consolation
prize, and in a position that commanded bountiful patronage itself: postmaster general.

But the principal concession obtained was federal support for a Southern rail
route across the continent, the Texas and
Pacific. Beyond all the specifics of the deal, it tied the fortunes of the
emerging and recovering South to the industrial
interests of the North for years to come--at the expense of the political rights
of the Southern Negro. The Union held,
but at a great price.

The unheralded and largely secret Compromise of 1877 proved far more durable
than celebrated solutions like the
Compromise of 1850, which lasted only a few years. Indeed, it could be argued
that the Compromise of 1877 lasted
until 1957, when federal troops were dispatched to Little Rock, and a Second and
more lasting Reconstruction began.

But before all the details were hammered out in '77, the impasse of that year
bore some uncanny resemblances to this
year's stalled election. To quote C. Vann Woodward on who actually won the
election of 1876: "Speculation on the
possible results of a perfectly fair election and a fair canvass of returns are
inconclusive and highly hypothetical."
Sound familiar? There is nothing new under the American sun.

Already some are preparing to address the next president of the United States by
the title conferred upon Rutherford
B. Hayes in 1877: His Fraudulency. With one candidate's votes frozen by order of
a state Supreme Court
uncontaminated by Republicans, the card counters on Florida's Gold Coast now
know just how many votes they need
to find. And those all too punchable cards may already be sitting in neat little
piles ready to go. It doesn't take a Ouija
board to tell whose names will be on those ballots by the time they're
resurrected. Hizzoner Richard J. Daley's body
lies a-moulderin' in the grave, but his spirit goes marching on. A
presidentialized election is being served up Chicago

THE COUNTRY has not yet duplicated the impasse that faced Americans at the end
of 1876, when the House and
Senate couldn't agree on how to count the disputed electoral votes. But already
fanciful scenarios are in the air, and
public confidence in the process erodes day by day. Vote totals become suspect,
and the partisan affiliations of judges
are noted as pointedly as they have been on Arkansas ballots.

There is even talk of competing slates of electors being chosen from Florida,
just as they were in 1876. To quote
Professor Woodward on the dreary scene in the nation's capital back in 1876, the
hundredth year of American

The year drew toward its close with no prospect of a break in the d

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