[CTRL] Clinton Adviser Probed Over Terror Memos

2004-07-20 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

An example of the arrogance of government officials (past and present) who 
believe themselves above the law. Then, when caught it's only "sloppiness," 
"inadvertence," or "accidentally" discarding documents he shouldn't have had in 
the first place,

Sounds like Sandy may be in line for a seat on the CitiGroup Board of 
Directors. - JR


Clinton Adviser Probed Over Terror Memos 
WASHINGTON - Sandy Berger, former President Clinton 
- web 
sites)'s national security adviser, is under criminal investigation by the 
Justice Department (news 
- web 
sites) after highly classified terrorism documents disappeared while he was 
reviewing what should be turned over to the Sept. 11 commission. 



AP Photo 



Slideshow: September 

Berger's home and office were searched earlier this year by FBI (news 
- web 
sites) agents armed with warrants after the former Clinton adviser 
voluntarily returned some sensitive documents to the National Archives and 
admitted he also removed handwritten notes he had made while reviewing the 
sensitive documents. 

However, some drafts of a sensitive after-action report on the Clinton 
administration's handling of al-Qaida terror threats during the December 1999 
millennium celebration are still missing, officials and lawyers told The 
Associated Press. 

Berger and his lawyer said Monday night he knowingly removed the handwritten 
notes by placing them in his jacket and pants, and also inadvertently took 
copies of actual classified documents in a leather portfolio. 

"I deeply regret the sloppiness involved, 
but I had no intention of withholding documents from the commission, and to the 
contrary, to my knowledge, every document requested by the commission from the 
Clinton administration was produced," Berger said in a statement to the AP. 

Lanny Breuer, one of Berger's attorneys, said his client has offered to 
cooperate fully with the investigation but had not yet been interviewed by the 
FBI or prosecutors. Berger has been told he is the subject of the criminal 
investigation, Breuer said. 

Berger served as Clinton's national security adviser for all of the 
president's second term and most recently has been informally advising 
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news 
- web 
sites). Clinton asked Berger last year to review and select the 
administration documents that would be turned over to the commission 
investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. 

The FBI searches of Berger's home and office occurred after National Archives employees told agents they believed they 
witnessed Berger place documents in his clothing while reviewing sensitive 
Clinton administration papers and that some documents were then noticed missing, 
officials said. 

When asked, Berger said he returned some classified documents that he found 
in his office and all of the handwritten notes he had taken from the secure 
room, but could not locate two or three copies of the highly classified 
millennium terror report. 

"In the course of reviewing over several days thousands of pages of documents 
on behalf of the Clinton administration in connection with requests by the Sept. 
11 commission, I inadvertently 
took a few documents from the Archives," Berger said. 

"When I was informed by the Archives that there were documents missing, I 
immediately returned everything I had except for 
a few documents that I apparently had accidentally discarded," he said. 

Breuer said Berger believed he was looking at copies of the classified 
documents, not originals. 

There are laws strictly governing the handling of classified information, 
including prohibiting unauthorized removal or release of such information. 

Government and congressional officials familiar with the investigation, who 
spoke only on condition of anonymity because the probe involves classified 
materials, said the investigation remains active and no decision has been made 
on whether Berger should face criminal charges. 

The officials said the missing documents were highly classified, and included 
critical assessments about the Clinton administration's handling of the 
millennium terror threats as well as identification of America's terror 
vulnerabilities at airports to sea ports. 

Berger testified publicly at one of the commission's hearings about the 
Clinton administration's approach to fighting terrorism, while the former 
president met in private with the commission to answer questions. 

Berger himself had ordered his anti-terror czar Richard Clarke in early 2000 
to write the after-action report and has publicly spoken about how the review 
brought to 

[CTRL] Clinton event tab exceeds proceeds

2003-11-04 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

At many charity events, the speaker only gets reimbursed for travel 
expense. Not Clinton! -JR

Tuesday, November 04, 2003, 
12:07 A.M. Pacific 
Permission to reprint or copy this article/photo 
must be obtained from The Seattle Times. Call 206-464-3113 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your 
Clinton event tab exceeds proceeds 
By J. Patrick Coolican Seattle Times staff reporter 

A charity fund-raiser for Seattle Hebrew Academy and two local arts groups, 
which brought former President Clinton to town, was a financial bust — though 
not for the 42nd president. 
The September event at Marion McCaw Hall cost organizers $290,000 but brought 
in just $288,000, according to organizers — a shortfall of $2,000 sponsors 
blamed on sluggish ticket sales. 
It's not known how much Clinton was paid, but he did charge for his Seattle 
appearance, according to his office. Neither his spokeswoman nor Foolproof 
Performing Arts, which produced the event, are talking about his fee. But in 
2002, he charged no less than $100,000 for all but one of his speaking 
appearances, earning $9.5 million for the year, according to Sen. Hillary 
Clinton's personal financial disclosure form filed in May. When organizers 
realized they would have about 800 unsold tickets to the Sept. 16 event, they 
gave them away to community groups. 
The Schultz Family Foundation, an event co-sponsor, salvaged the night for 
the Seattle Hebrew Academy — one of the three beneficiaries — by pledging 
$20,000 to the school beginning in 2004, according to the foundation. 
The academy has raised $7 million of its $8.6 million goal to repair damage 
sustained during the 2001 Nisqually earthquake. 
But Clinton's visit made no money for either the Seattle Center Academy or 
Foolproof Performing Arts. 
"There was a sense of history that night. But translating history into cold, 
hard cash is not always easy," said Marilyn Raichle, director of Foolproof, the 
event's main organizer. 
Although it didn't raise money, the event gave many students a chance to see 
Clinton for free and raised awareness of Foolproof and its "American Voices" 
speaker series, Raichle said. 
A Seattle Center Academy spokeswoman said the school was happy to get 120 
free tickets for young people to hear Clinton, despite the fund-raising failure. 

"Some events raise money, and some don't. That's just the way it works," the 
academy's Sherrie Boyer said. 
Slow ticket sales were the biggest obstacle to breaking even, Raichle said. 
Foolproof sold 2,054 tickets, ranging from $35 to $2,500 for a private dinner 
with Clinton, who later spoke at the opera house for more than an hour about 
creating an integrated global community. That left hundreds of unsold tickets, 
which Foolproof gave away, mostly to students. 
Raichle blamed competing events and said many people chose to give to the 
charities privately rather than attend the speech. The event also had 
significant expenses, however. 
In addition to Clinton's undisclosed fee, production costs as well as 
advertising and catering each cost between $20,000 and $30,000; other money paid 
for transportation, stagehands and security, graphic design and printing, 
Raichle said. 
J. Patrick Coolican: 206-464-3315 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Copyright © 2003 The Seattle Times Company 

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton event tab exceeds proceeds

2003-11-04 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/4/2003 7:49:25 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
But Clinton's visit made no money for either the Seattle Center Academy or Foolproof Performing Arts.
My advice is that these people no longer request Clinton to speak. Prudy
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton-style amnesia returns

2003-07-31 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


This is a 
  WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. 
  Thursday, July 31, 2003
Clinton-style amnesia returns
  Posted: July 31, 20031:00 a.m. Eastern
  By Paul 
  WASHINGTON – The source of the mysterious amnesia that struck so many 
  Clinton officials when scandals broke last decade may finally be known. 
  It's apparently something in the White House water, for convenient bouts 
  of forgetfulness have now spread to Bush officials. 
  It seems everyone's drawing a blank in the State of the Uranium 
  We now know from an old memo surfaced by the CIA that National Security 
  Adviser Condi Rice was explicitly warned to drop from any presidential 
  speeches the dubious charge that Iraq was shopping for uranium in Africa. 
  Rice's deputy, Steve Hadley, and Bush's chief speech-writer, Mike 
  Gerson, got the same Oct. 6 memo from Langley. 
  The day before, Hadley got another CIA memo advising the White House 
  against taking stock in the British version of the uranium tale, because 
  it, too, was unfounded. 
  Yet three months later, President Bush spread the canard in his 
  nationally televised State of the Union speech. 
  Hadley, who was supposed to vet the key speech for bad intelligence, 
  claims he just plum forgot the CIA's earlier written warnings, which were 
  followed up by several calls from the CIA director. It was a highly 
  unusual move for the head of the nation's spy agency, but apparently not 
  the least bit memorable for the heretofore no-name aide on the other end 
  of the phone. 
  "I should have recalled at the time of the State of the Union speech 
  that there was controversy associated with the uranium issue," Hadley only 
  now confesses, after the memos surfaced and long after the nation was 
  fooled into believing Iraq posed an exigent threat to America. 
  Well, what about his boss Rice? She got at least one of the memos he 
  did. Why didn't she recall the warnings? Surely they discussed the CIA's 
  "Not that I can recall," said Hadley, taking another big gulp from 
  OK, then how about the president? He 
  edited drafts of the speech, and ultimately broadcast the discredited 
  uranium reference to the world. Surely he knew there were reservations. 
  "He has no memory of that," his spokesman Dan Bartlett claimed, adding 
  that he didn't even remember that the same line was deleted from the final 
  draft of his Cincinnati speech on Iraq. 
  Just before the State of the Union, Rice aide Bob Joseph, a neocon nuke 
  expert keen on keeping the uranium charge in the speech, got an earful of 
  objections from top CIA analyst Alan Foley. Surely he remembers 
  concerns were raised. 
  "He has no memory of it," Bartlett said. 
  Yoinks! That 
  just leaves speech-writer Gerson, the guy who actually penned the 
  radioactive line in the speech. He looks like a walking encyclopedia. 
  But the nerd doesn't remember a damn thing. 
  "He had no recollection of the memo," Bartlett maintained. "He did not 
  recall the memo during the State of the Union process." 
  Can't recall? No recollection? That brings back memories, doesn't it? 
  How many times did we hear Clinton officials feign amnesia during 
  Congress needs to hold televised hearings to jog these Bush officials' 
  rusty memories. Let's see if Hadley, Rice, Gerson, Joseph and others stick 
  to their story of communicable amnesia under oath and under the glare of 
  the klieg lights. 
  And while they're at it, lawmakers should subpoena the CIA for the 
  memos (the White House would merely claim executive privilege). They are 
  several pages long, and no doubt reveal a lot more than the White House is 
  Or perhaps Congress wants to roll over for this White House again, like 
  it did before the war when it granted an over-reaching commander in chief 
  blank-check authority to drag the nation into a bloody foreign quagmire 
  under false pretenses – heaping more shame on the Constitution's framers. 
  Is it also now willing to abdicate its oversight role over that same rogue 
  branch of government? 
  The ball is in the Republican leadership's court. It controls the game 
  on the Hill. Will it continue to punt away the truth? 
  Paul Sperry is Washington 
  bureau chief for WorldNetDaily. 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing 

Re: [CTRL] Clinton And The Quigley Factor

2003-02-26 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/25/2003 6:52:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Rewind: Early in Bill Clintons first administration I cautioned my San Francisco radio audience that Clinton (still a young man) could and would pursue further opportunities to abuse power under the color of authority. I specifically suggested the prospect of a U.N. Secretary General Bill Clinton. I was vilified as a right wing "Clinton basher. 

Man, am I glad that Clinton is out of power. We're so lucky to have been shafted with the wonderful man now in office. Playing armies is such fun. If he's having a good time and his friends are happy, we are all so fortunate to be able to fulfill his prediction that we would have to lose some men in fulfillment of his plan to make the world free for "whatever." Quigley factor or not, I kind of think I'd rather have a man from "hope" than our present man from "no hope." Prudy
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Clinton And The Quigley Factor

2003-02-25 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By: Geoff Metcalf

While the leftist liberal establishment has its panties in a bunch and is whining over what they view as the oppositions stranglehold on talk radio, far worse prospects than Al Frankkan linger in the shadows.

Rewind: Early in Bill Clintons first administration I cautioned my San Francisco radio audience that Clinton (still a young man) could and would pursue further opportunities to abuse power under the color of authority. I specifically suggested the prospect of a U.N. Secretary General Bill Clinton. I was vilified as a right wing "Clinton basher. 

Fast Forward: Now we have a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review columnist claiming a "major international move" is afoot to help install Billy-Jeff as the CEO of the (allegedly) most powerful world body - the United Nations. 

According to the "Dateline D.C." column, the erstwhile Clinton had already lined up support for his candidacy from Germany, France, England, Ireland, New Zealand, a handful of African states, Morocco and Egypt. Russia reportedly has made it known it would not object and added that China is also a big fan of the former president. You damnbetcha the Chicoms LOVE Clinton.

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan intends/wants to complete his entire term (which is supposed to last through 2006) but apparently is "under pressure to resign before the end of his second term in 2006." He doesnt want to dissolve into obscurity but the handwriting is on the glass walls. 

If or when the coup is complete, the General Assembly would select his replacement, on the recommendation of the U.N. Security Council. 

Since there has never been a North American Secretary General, the odds favor an American secretary general for the on deck circle. Connect the dots.

Eschewing tradition and courtesy, Clinton has been talking A LOTand his recent visit to Larry King Live demonstrates positioning which is more that of U.N. diplomat than former U.S. President.

In February 1998 I wrote a column, The Quigley Factor, foreshadowing this.

Carroll Quigley became the instructor of numerous future diplomats and government officials. Quigleys 1,300-page epic "Tragedy and Hope" was released by Macmillan Company in 1966. 

For over a decade I have interviewed a wide variety of subjects claiming a grand conspiracy of control. The Controllers, depending on whom you listen to, are

The Committee of 300

The Council on Foreign Relations

The Trilateral Commission

The Bilderbergs

The Club of Rome

The Skull and Bones guys

Some guy named Harry living in a basement in London.

Quigleys book documents the existence of a powerful international "network" whose goal was "nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands" (see page 324) "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole." 

According to Quigley the intellectual originators of the plot were John Ruskin of England's Oxford University and his pet pupil, Cecil Rhodes. 

The concept (you can find it on page 131) was, "to federate the English-speaking peoples and to bring all the habitable portions of the world under their control." 

Rhodes had some major league help from the Rothschild banking empire and subsequently amassed a humongous fortune from the diamond and gold mines in southern Africa. He "left part of his fortune to found the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford" to train young and ambitious students for the "secret society" (again check out page 131) they formed in 1891. 

Professor Quigley said, "In 1909-1913 they organized semi-secret groups, known as Round Table groups. In 1919 they founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs -- similar Institutes of International Affairs were in the chief British dominions and the United States (where it is known as the Council on Foreign Relations) during the period of 1919-1927 (se page 132). The anti-communist (Quigley called them "Radical Right") factions within the U.S. were elated to find Quigley stating: "There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes Communists act." (To find this you have to last/endure up to page 950). 

Most important however, is Quigley's description of the network's behind-the-scenes plotting to bring the Federal Reserve into creation, it's worry and concern when a Congressional committee started to investigate the huge tax-exempt foundations, and the serious threat posed to the plotters by Sen. Joseph McCarthy and presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. 

Bill Clinton, a Quigley student, Rhodes Scholar, Bilderberger, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission member, is following the Ruskin-Rhodes-CFR-Quigley blueprint. I ain't making it up. 

This information is not from the vast right-wing conspiracy newsletter. It 

[CTRL] Clinton Pentagon Appointees Arrested on Charges of Extortion, Bribery, Money-laundering

2002-10-19 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

October 19, 2002

Ex-officials accused of corruption
By Jerry Seper

 Two former high-ranking Pentagon officials in the Clinton
administration were arrested yesterday on charges of extortion,
bribery, money-laundering and witness tampering in a suspected
scheme involving the awarding of contracts to minority firms.

 U.S. Attorney Paul J. McNulty said Robert L. Neal Jr., 50, of
Bowie, and Francis D. Jones Jr., 40, of Fort Washington, are
accused of having used for their own private enrichment their
management positions at the Pentagon's Office of Small and
Disadvantaged Business Utilization (SADBU), a $28 million annual

 The suspected scheme, according to Mr. McNulty, netted the two
men more than $1.1 million in illicit profits.

 Those who hold public offices at high levels of the Pentagon
owe the highest duties of loyalty to the public and to our men and
women who have the distinction of serving in uniform, Mr. McNulty
said, adding that Mr. Neal and Mr. Jones abused their public

 They took advantage of the very disadvantaged business people
whose interests they were supposed to promote, he said. Those
who have been granted the privilege of serving at the highest levels
of public office need to understand that if they betray the public trust
they will be prosecuted.

 According to an affidavit unsealed by prosecutors yesterday, Mr.
Neal — a Clinton political appointee — served as SADBU director
from June 1996 until June 2001. Mr. Jones worked as his assistant.
Neither is now employed by the U.S. government.

 Neither was available yesterday for comment.

 SADBU is the office within the Defense Department chiefly
responsible for the development and promulgation of policies and
management initiatives designed to ensure that small businesses,
small disadvantaged businesses, women-owned small businesses,
historically black colleges and universities and minority institutions
were given an equal opportunity to compete for Defense
Department contracts.

 The affidavit said Mr. Neal controlled a $28 million annual budget
and that he and Mr. Jones could substantially influence whether a
prospective minority bidder was accepted or denied. They also had
direct influence over contractors who sought to provide services and
materials to SADBU, the affidavit said.

 According to the affidavit, Mr. Neal and Mr. Jones, both of whom
are black, engaged in a wide range of criminal activities during their
tenure at the Pentagon, using their positions as leverage to receive
illegal extortion payments, bribes and gratuities from minority or
disadvantaged Defense Department contractors seeking to
participate in the preference programs.

 The affidavit said the two men coordinated their illegal activities
and worked together as partners, conspiring with others in a
sophisticated scheme to launder the proceeds of their illegal
activities through phony companies, offshore bank accounts and
multilayered sham transactions.

 It also said they conspired to embezzle more than $100,000 in
funds from federal programs.

 A search yesterday by Defense Criminal Investigative Service
(DCIS) and FBI agents of houses belonging to Mr. Neal and Mr.
Jones uncovered $7,000 in cash from the Jones residence and gold
Rolex watches from both houses.

 The affidavit said the watches were purchased for Mr. Neal and
Mr. Jones by an individual whose company held contracts with
DOD over which Neal and Jones were in a position to exert

 Mr. Neal was named to head SADBU on June 24, 1996. At the
time, he was the associate administrator for the Office of Enterprise
Development of the General Services Administration (GSA). At
GSA, his responsibilities also included the administration of
preference programs and conducting outreach to small, minority and
women-owned businesses to increase their participation in
government contracting.

 He also served as an associate deputy administrator for
government contracting and minority enterprise development at the
Small Business Administration and held a number of positions at the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB). As a deputy associate
administrator with the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, he was
co-chairman for the OMB's regulatory efforts to implement the Drug-
free Workplace Act.

 Mr. Neal has been awarded the Secretary of Defense's
Outstanding Public Service Medal and Outstanding Achievement
Award, the OMB's Special Performance Awards, OMB's EEO Award
and OMB's Divisional Awards for Special Performance.

 Prosecution of the case is being handled by Assistant U.S.
Attorney Matthew Friedrich.


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A man who is furnished with arguments from the mint, will
convince his antagonist much sooner than one who draws them
from reason and philosophy.  Gold is a wonderful clearer of the
understanding; it 

[CTRL] Clinton attacks American hawks (http://themercury.com.au report)

2002-10-04 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has suggested you might be interested in the 
following http://themercury.com.au article:

Clinton attacks American hawks
04 October 2002
FORMER US president Bill Clinton yesterday publicly, and electrifyingly, broke away 
from his successor, George W. Bush, over Iraq, urging Mr Bush to stick with the UN as 
the safest way to solve the crisis.
The full story is available at: 

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton a War Criminal?

2002-09-22 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


WASHINGTON TIMES--Sept. 22, 2001

September 22, 2002

Is Clinton a war criminal?

Jeffrey T. Kuhner

 ZAGREB, Croatia.

 Former President Bill Clinton faces possible war crimes
charges by the prosecutor's office at the U.N. tribunal in The
Hague for the former Yugoslavia.
 As the media remains riveted by the trial of former Serb
dictator Slobodan Milosevic, an overlooked but far more
consequential case is that of Croatian Gen. Ante Gotovina. The
Gotovina case threatens to destabilize Croatia; it also raises
the possibility Mr. Clinton and several of his other top
administration officials will be indicted by the Balkans war
crimes tribunal.
 The decision last year by the ruling coalition government
in Zagreb to hand Gen. Gotovina over to The Hague tribunal has
sparked a political crisis in this small country. While the
general remains in hiding, the popularity of Socialist Prime
Minister Ivica Racan has plummeted.
 Gen. Gotovina was indicted in June 2001 by the
prosecutor's office at The Hague on charges that he
exercised command responsibility over a 1995 military
operation that resulted in the expulsion of 150,000 ethnic
Serbs from Croatia. Supported by the Clinton administration,
Croatian forces launched a massive, three-day military
offensive — known as Operation Storm — on Aug. 4, 1995, in
which Croatia recovered territories occupied by rebel Serbs
following the country's drive for independence from Yugoslavia
in 1991. Gen. Gotovina is not accused of committing or
ordering war crimes, but simply of being in charge when
alleged atrocities were committed.
 However, by this standard, the Clinton administration is
also guilty. Washington provided valuable military and
technical assistance to Operation Storm. The Clinton foreign
policy team rightly concluded that the only way to tilt the
strategic balance of power in the Balkans against the Serbs
was to arm and unleash the Croatian army.
 Zagreb's lightening military offensive not only restored
Croatia's territorial integrity, but more importantly helped
to achieve the central goal of American foreign policy in the
region: putting an end to Mr. Milosevic's dream of an
ethnically pure Greater Serbia. The operation significantly
advanced U.S. interests in the Balkans, helping to pave the
way for the Dayton Accords that brought peace to neighboring
 Yet U.S. support and approval for the military offensive
means the indictment against Gen. Gotovina could lead to the
prosecution by tribunal at The Hague of Mr. Clinton and other
administration officials on charges of having command
responsibility for alleged war crimes that were committed
during the operation. The prosecutor's office now is examining
whether to investigate Mr. Clinton and former Ambassador
Richard Holbrooke for their role in Operation Storm. It is
only a matter of time before they are made to appear before
the tribunal.
 The Bush administration has become increasingly concerned
with the implications of the Gotovina case for the United
States. The State Department is now urging the tribunal's
chief prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte, to send cases involving
Croatian military officials back to the domestic courts in
Zagreb. But Mrs. Del Ponte has refused to cooperate, insisting
that Gen. Gotovina be arrested and sent to The Hague.
 That would be a mistake. The indictment is deeply flawed
and should be dropped immediately. There is no evidence Gen.
Gotovina acted improperly or oversaw war crimes. Most of the
atrocities committed — the murder of 500 civilians, the
looting of property and the burning of 40,000 homes and barns —
took place after the operation was completed, when the
recovered territories fell under the control of local police.
 Moreover, the Gotovina case establishes an ominous
precedent for U.S. foreign policy. The importance of Operation
Storm was that it served as a model for Operation Enduring
Freedom in Afghanistan. The Croatian military acted as the de
facto ground troops for the United States in its effort to
defeat Mr. Milosevic. A similar approach was taken in the war
in Afghanistan. The Northern Alliance provided the bulk of the
ground forces during the Bush administration's campaign to
topple the Taliban regime from power.
 But if the theory of command responsibility is upheld
in the Gotovina case, then the United States can be made
accountable for the actions of its allies around the world.
There will be nothing preventing the International Criminal
Court from making U.S. officials responsible for isolated
criminal acts that have been committed by Northern Alliance
 Ultimately, the Gotovina indictment threatens to limit
Washington's ability to project its power around the world. In
fact, the case is emblematic of the dangers inherent in
international tribunals that have little transparency and are
not rooted in 

[CTRL] CLINTON TREASON CIA Director Aided Cover-up of Clinton-China Scandal

2002-04-18 Thread Archibald Bard


Trulock: CIA Director Aided Cover-up of 
Clinton-China Scandal Wes Vernon, NewsMax.com Friday, April 19, 

WASHINGTON – CIA Director George Tenet 
"pulled the trigger” that silenced a senior CIA official who tried to warn of 
the Chinese weapons buildup during the Clinton administration, Notra Trulock, 
the former intelligence director in the Energy Department, revealed this week. 
Speaking at a meeting in Washington of Accuracy in Media, Trulock also 
criticized current White House aides who have rebuffed efforts to alert 
President Bush of the role played by Clinton holdover Tenet in assisting the 
Clinton administration in the cover-up. 

Trulock, himself a victim of punishment for 
whistle-blowing on the Chinese spy scandal, told the gathering that Gordon 
Oehler, then director of the CIA’s Nuclear Proliferation Center, tried to warn 
Congress that the Chinese buildup was far more alarming than the diplomats had 

"What happened,” Trulock told NewsMax after the 
meeting, "is that diplomats were going to China. The Chinese were telling them, 
‘Oh, we’re not doing this, and we’re not doing that.’ And the diplomats were 
coming home and saying, ‘Well, the Chinese were telling us that they’re getting 
out of this [nuclear weapons proliferation] business.’ And Oehler was saying: 
‘No, they’re not. Our information to the contrary is [based on intelligence 


"What the [Clinton] administration finally did was 
just order Oehler, ‘Shut up!’ Particularly, stop telling the [Capitol] Hill.” 

Oehler’s information concerned proliferation of 
weapons technologies in general, and missile and nuclear technologies in 

Oehler thought it was his responsibility to tell 
the congressional oversight committees what was going on, "which it was,” added 

Trulock himself tried to "tell this stuff in ’97 
and ’98, and we just got shut down.” 

In Trulock’s case, the FBI raided his home in an 
obvious attempt to intimidate him. 

Oehler was shafted in a different manner. 

"Oehler wouldn’t stop [talking to Congress]. And 
[State Department official] Winston Wiley told the NSC [the White House's 
National Security Council] that Oehler will not appear on the Hill again.” 

Trulock added in the interview with NewsMax that 
"Oehler came back from vacation. His desk was cleaned out.” CIA Director Tenet 
had shut him down. 

Trulock, who replaces the legendary founder of AIM, 
Reed Irvine, on the latter’s 80th birthday in September (an announcement made at 
the meeting by Irvine) says his spill-the-beans book "Codename: Kindred Spirit - 
The Inside Story of the Chinese Nuclear Espionage Scandal” would be released 
next month. 

Trulock says this volume will blow the lid off the 
attempts to hide from the American people how they have been betrayed for years. 
Some would argue that the word for what has been happening is "treason.” 

Like a Hollywood Thriller 

Trulock’s account of Wen Ho Lee’s activities as a 
scientist and the FBI's investigation of him reads like a James Bond movie 
script. No one is certain which side others are on because so many have been so 
badly compromised. 

Even some characters themselves may have forgotten 
where their ultimate loyalties lie, if indeed such loyalties ever existed in the 
dog-eat-dog world of undercover espionage. 

Security officials wanted to deny security 
clearances to Los Alamos nuclear laboratory scientist Wen Ho Lee and his wife, 
Sylvia, (also an employee at Los Alamos) and fire them. They had discovered Lee 
had kept on an unprotected computer a personal library "exactly the [nuclear 
weapons] material the Chinese were seeking,” as Trulock said at the AIM 

But the FBI talked Los Alamos officials out of 
acting against Lee. 

Trulock’s expose will likely discredit Wen Ho Lee’s 
self-serving book "My Country vs. Me.” 

Lee was paid to report on their contacts with 
nuclear scientists from the People’s Republic of China. The CIA, says Trulock, 
"played a role in managing and ‘tasking’ the Lees from 1984 on." 

Blacked Out 

Much of the story was blacked out or "redacted” in 
government reports on the case. 

President Bush and the Ashcroft Justice Department 
show no desire to tackle the scandal, apparently wishing to "move on” and not 
tangle with the Clinton smear apparatus, even though that spin machine no longer 
commands the White House bully pulpit. 

Trulock faults the current regime for not pursuing 
the matter. 

Oehler’s story of his unceremonious firing for 
blowing the whistle on the Chinese weapons buildup was discussed behind close 
doors to the intelligence oversight committees of Congress. 

"And they didn’t release any of it?” NewsMax.com 
wanted to know. 

"They released some of it,” answered Trulock, who 
soon added, "And I was even there at the last visit he made. And no [member of 
either party on the committee] made 

[CTRL] Clinton Halted Probe of Islamic 'Charities'

2002-04-03 Thread Archibald Bard


The Washington Timeswww.washtimes.com

Clinton White House axed terror-fund probeJerry SeperTHE WASHINGTON 
Published 4/2/2002 

The Clinton administration shut down a 1995 
investigation of Islamic charities, concerned that a public probe would expose 
Saudi Arabia's suspected ties to a global money-laundering operation that raised 
millions for anti-Israel terrorists, federal officials told The Washington 
Times.Law enforcement authorities and others 
close to the aborted investigation said the State Department pressed federal 
officials to pull agents off the previously undisclosed probe after the 
charities were targeted in the diversion of cash to groups that fund 
terrorism.Former federal prosecutor John J. 
Loftus said four interrelated Islamic foundations, institutes and charities in 
Virginia with more than a billion dollars in assets donated by or through the 
Saudi Arabian government were allowed to continue under "a veil of 
secrecy.""If federal agents had been allowed 
to conduct the investigation they wanted in 1995, they would have made the 
connection between the Saudi government and those charities," said Mr. Loftus, 
now a St. Petersburg, Fla., lawyer who filed a lawsuit last week accusing a 
Florida charity of fraud."Had the charities 
been shut down, they would have been unable to raise the millions that since 
have been used by terrorists in hundreds of suicide attacks," he 
said.Federal agents last week began a new 
investigation, known as "Operation Green Quest," into the funding by charities 
of suspected terrorists, raiding 14 Islamic businesses in Virginia. Agents from 
the U.S. Customs Service, Internal Revenue Service, Immigration and 
Naturalization Service and FBI, coordinated by a Treasury Department 
counterterrorism task force, seized two dozen computers, along with hundreds of 
bank statements and other documents.Records in 
the case have been sealed and no arrests have been announced, although the probe 
is continuing.The Loftus suit, filed March 20 
under the Florida Consumer Protection Act, accuses the Saudi government in a 
massive scheme involving charities in Virginia and Florida that routed cash to 
terrorists.The suit's main target is Sami 
Al-Arian, a former University of South Florida professor who created or was 
associated with several Florida charities or think tanks, including the 
International Committee for Palestine, Islamic Concern Project and the 
now-defunct World and Islam Studies 
Enterprise.Warrants served by agents in the 
Virginia raids last week targeted, among others, the International Institute of 
Islamic Thought in Herndon, a major source of funding for Mr. Al-Arian's World 
and Islam Studies Institute.The warrants 
sought information on Islamic Jihad, Hamas, the Islamic Concern Project, the 
World and Islam Studies Enterprise, and Mr. Al-Arian. They also sought 
information on the SAAR Foundation, an educational and health charity founded by 
the Al-Rajihi family of Saudi Arabia.The 
Islamic Concern Project and the World and Islam Studies Enterprise have been 
named by the State Department as front organizations that raised funds for 
militant Islamic-Palestinian groups such as Islamic Jihad and Hamas. They have 
been tied to the diversion of millions of dollars to terrorists for weapons, 
safe haven, training and equipment.Nail 
Al-Jubeir, spokesman for the Saudi information office in Washington, called the 
accusations "simply nonsense," adding that Saudi Arabia has cracked down on 
terrorists and those who fund them."There is 
not one iota of evidence to support these accusations," Mr. Al-Jubeir said. "It 
is nothing more than an effort to smear our name. If there is any proof, I would 
suggest it be taken directly to the U.S. 
government."Mr. Al-Arian and Mazen Al-Najjar, 
director of the Islamic Concern Project, have been the focus of federal 
investigations since the mid-1990s. No criminal charges have been filed against 
the two, although the government shut down the World and Islam Studies 
Enterprise.Mr. Al-Najjar, who is Mr. 
Al-Arian's brother-in-law, was detained and ordered deported by the INS on visa 
violations after the September 11 attacks on America. He is being held at a 
federal detention center in Florida pending 
appeal.In the aborted 1995 investigation, the 
FBI said in a sealed affidavit that the Islamic Concern Project and World and 
Islam Studies Enterprise — working with charities in Virginia — committed fraud 
and "served as a vehicle by which [Islamic Jihad] raised funds to support 
terrorist activities in the occupied 
territories."In that probe, investigators 
found that checks drawn on a bank account of the International Committee for 
Palestine had been cashed by people in the Middle East. They said the checks had 
been signed by Mr. Al-Arian.Mr. Loftus is 
seeking an injunction blocking Florida charities, including those headed by Mr. 

[CTRL] Clinton Policy Abets Colombian Guerrillas

2002-02-26 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. law bars giving Colombians data
By Rowan Scarborough

 The U.S. military has compiled reams of satellite photographs and
communication intercepts that could aid Colombia in its revived war against
left-wing rebel terrorists, Bush administration official say.

 But a leftover Clinton administration policy (Presidential Decision
Directive 73), and an accompanying federal law, is keeping the Pentagon from
sharing the vital intelligence with Colombian President Andres Pastrana and
his armed forces.
 Pentagon officials, and commanders at U.S. Southern Command, which
overseas American military aid in South America, are described as
frustrated and fuming over the statute that restricts aid to anti-drug
 A senior official said the Bush administration is strictly abiding by
the law that restricts intelligence sharing. No one wants to go to jail,
the source said.
 The State Department announced last week it was increasing intelligence
sharing, but privately officials say the increase has to do with limited
force protection of American interests and will do little to help Mr.
Pastrana win the war.
 It doesn't address his full needs, said a senior policy-maker. We
have to go 10 miles. This gets them one mile down the road.
 Mr. Pastrana last week broke off three years of failed peace talks with
the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. He ordered a wave of air
and ground strikes into what had been a FARC safe haven in southern Colombia
after the group hijacked an airliner and kidnapped a senator.
 FARC is a U.S.-designated terrorist group that controls much of the
country's hugely lucrative cocaine production.
 Yesterday, Mr. Pastrana condemned FARC's weekend abduction of a
presidential candidate, as his military prepared for a major offensive
against the leftist guerrillas.
 Kidnapping members of Congress, now kidnapping a presidential
candidate, and kidnapping Colombians is kidnapping democracy, Mr. Pastrana
 Colombian warplanes are to launch another wave of aerial bombardments
at any moment in the vast Switzerland-sized region FARC formerly
controlled, a military source told Agence France Presse last night.
 The French wire service also reported last night that the site where the
rebels are holding Ingrid Betancourt, who was seized Saturday with her
campaign manager after trying to enter a former rebel enclave, has been
 However, the army canceled a rescue operation so as not to endanger her
life, a general said.
 The rescue operation was suspended at the request of Dr. Betancourt's
family, who asked that her life not be endangered, said Gen. Roberto
Pizarro, the military commander of the southern Colombian region.
 Mr. Pastrana's decision to go after FARC is spurring the Pentagon, State
Department and White House to debate whether to significantly expand military
aid to Bogota.
  Some Pentagon and military officials want FARC included in President
Bush's war on terrorism. They want to scrap PDD 73 so Washington can directly
aid the Colombian military. The State Department is more cautious, but open
to the expansion, senior officials said in interviews.
 The president's national security advisers are scheduled to meet this
week to discuss a change in Colombia policy.
 There are no plans to insert U.S. personnel directly into combat. There
are today about 250 American service members in Colombia advising the army on
counternarcotics operations.
 Mr. Pastrana, who leaves office next fall, also has asked Washington for
more spare parts for his helicopter fleet, which include U.S.-made Black
Hawks. Colombia is in dire need of more lift capability to get troops and
weapons inside the safe haven to attack FARC units.
 The Colombian president also has asked Bush officials for what sources
termed as moral and public support as the country's 38-year civil war heats
up again.
 But at the top of the list is secret-intelligence sharing. The U.S.
military possesses, and can generate daily, photos of FARC troop encampments
and movements. Passed along to Colombian pilots and ground commanders, the
images would become invaluable in conducting precision strikes. The United
States could also provide photos of bomb damage to assess whether a strike
was a success.
 Right now, we can't tell him how effective he has been, said the
senior official.
 In addition, intelligence reports based on communications monitoring
could tell Colombian commanders FARC's strategy and where to strike next.
 Before Bogota decided to strike the safe haven, the Bush administration
already had to ask Congress to expand the military's role. It wants lawmakers
to approve $98 million to set up a new Colombian brigade that would protect a
critical oil 

[CTRL] Clinton and the Mossad

2002-02-24 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 19:47:16 -0800
From: The Grateful Head [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ParanoidTimes] Clinton and the Mossad

Forget about believing me and the horrors I have been
subjected to for daring to speak on behalf of the
Palestinians, let's look at the bigger picture.

Who really brought about the recreation of Israel?  I say it
was the global economic cartel that dates back to the
Rothchild banking empire (and some say the money-changers
that crucified Jesus).  This banking empire has been traced
back as the culpable party for a litany of wars in the past
300 years, profiting and consolidating with each atrocity.
This Rothchild Family Empire is Jewish.  They have life and
death control over almost every nation.  Yet some Israeli's
feel they must intimidate and destroy the Palestinians and
the rest are too timid to speak out or have already been
silenced.  WHY with so much power must this go on?  Israel
is a little powerless country?

Monica Lewinsky was a sleeper for the Mossad used to set
Clinton up.  He was in a meeting with Netanyahu and refusing
to look the other way as Netanyahu proposed violating the
peace accords with U.S. support.  That day, for Clinton's
refusal to go along with what he saw as unacceptable and
corrupt behavior, MSNBC (NBC has been the Jewish anchor in
U.S. television more so than any other network) broke the
Monica Lewinsky story.  Clinton's seat was not even cooled
down from the meeting yet.

We all know the rest.  The Mossad machination was labeled by
the Zionist media as a right wing plot and while right
wingers had no complaints about this, it had little to do
with reality.

The day of impeachment came.  The Mossad had blackmailed
enough legislators to force them to vote either way.  If
Clinton gave in to Netanyahu's demands, he would not be
impeached.  If he did not, he would have been impeached.

The day of impeachment Clinton started bombing Baghdad again
and he was not impeached.

While I cannot monitor all that goes on in Israel, I only
need to see the criminal actions that go on in the U.S. to
easily extrapolate what is happening to those stone throwing
children and what poor Yasser Arafat must be dealing with.

Think about it.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Clinton and the Mossad

2002-02-24 Thread Man on the Run

-Caveat Lector-

BFWell, as much as I consider Clinton to have been a traitor to the United
States and a friend to its enemies, he had to have done something right.  If he
did defend Israel, then that is something done right.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] clinton and enron, anthrax and scientist

2002-02-22 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-


Clinton Repaid Enron With $1 Billion in Subsidized Loans
Phil Brennan, NewsMax.com
Friday, Feb. 22, 2002
Democrats have hoped the Enron scandal would tar the Bush administration, but
as investigators dig deeper it's the Clinton administration and the Dems who
are emerging as the villains of the piece.  The Washington Times reported
Thursday that the Clinton administration coughed up more than $1 billion in
taxpayer-subsidized loans to Enron Corp. just when the energy giant was
kicking in almost $2 million for Democrat causes. And as we have previously
reported, to help persuade then-President Bill Clinton to push the disastrous
Kyoto Protocol, Enron gave $420,000 to Democrats. Times reporter Patrice Hill
writes that, according to the Export-Import Bank and the Overseas Private
Investment Corp., the agencies that provided the subsidies, the Clinton
administration turned down only one out of 20 Enron projects to build power
plants, natural-gas pipelines and other big-ticket energy facilities
between 1993 and 2000. Moreover, the Clinton administration, which lauded
Chairman Kenneth L. Lay as an exemplary 'corporate citizen,' granted about
$200 million worth of insurance against political risks for nine Enron
projects in such politically volatile areas as Argentina, Venezuela and the
Gaza Strip, according to documents the agencies provided to the Senate
Finance Committee.


Anthrax expert stands by her claim 02/21/02 By JOSEPH DEE Staff Writer
A biological weapons control expert yesterday refused to back down from her
claim that the FBI has a prime suspect in last autumn's deadly anthrax
letters episode, despite strenuous denials by the bureau. She speculated that
FBI agents might still be building their case against the suspect and
possible accomplicesDuring a Monday lecture at Princeton University,
Rosenberg said the FBI has a prime suspect and might be dragging its feet
in making an arrest because he has ties to secret U.S. military biological
weapons programsRosenberg said the perpetrator is likely a former Fort
Detrick research scientist who was familiar with classified information on a
process to make the powder useful as a weapon.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] clinton and enron, anthrax and scientist

2002-02-22 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

Dude - ken lay had a desk in  the bush white house
He guided dubbya's appointments and many many many members of bush's staff
come from enron's corporate fold. Bush campaigned in the enron jet. Give me
a fucking break
-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -

Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when
the Government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally
alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest
dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal,
well-meaning but without understanding.
Justice Louis D. Brandeis

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Smart News [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 20:40:00 EST
 Subject: [CTRL] clinton and enron, anthrax and scientist

 -Caveat Lector-


 Clinton Repaid Enron With $1 Billion in Subsidized Loans
 Phil Brennan, NewsMax.com
 Friday, Feb. 22, 2002
 Democrats have hoped the Enron scandal would tar the Bush administration, but
 as investigators dig deeper it's the Clinton administration and the Dems who
 are emerging as the villains of the piece.  The Washington Times reported
 Thursday that the Clinton administration coughed up more than $1 billion in
 taxpayer-subsidized loans to Enron Corp. just when the energy giant was
 kicking in almost $2 million for Democrat causes. And as we have previously
 reported, to help persuade then-President Bill Clinton to push the disastrous
 Kyoto Protocol, Enron gave $420,000 to Democrats. Times reporter Patrice Hill
 writes that, according to the Export-Import Bank and the Overseas Private
 Investment Corp., the agencies that provided the subsidies, the Clinton
 administration turned down only one out of 20 Enron projects to build power
 plants, natural-gas pipelines and other big-ticket energy facilities
 between 1993 and 2000. Moreover, the Clinton administration, which lauded
 Chairman Kenneth L. Lay as an exemplary 'corporate citizen,' granted about
 $200 million worth of insurance against political risks for nine Enron
 projects in such politically volatile areas as Argentina, Venezuela and the
 Gaza Strip, according to documents the agencies provided to the Senate
 Finance Committee.


 Anthrax expert stands by her claim 02/21/02 By JOSEPH DEE Staff Writer
 A biological weapons control expert yesterday refused to back down from her
 claim that the FBI has a prime suspect in last autumn's deadly anthrax
 letters episode, despite strenuous denials by the bureau. She speculated that
 FBI agents might still be building their case against the suspect and
 possible accomplicesDuring a Monday lecture at Princeton University,
 Rosenberg said the FBI has a prime suspect and might be dragging its feet
 in making an arrest because he has ties to secret U.S. military biological
 weapons programsRosenberg said the perpetrator is likely a former Fort
 Detrick research scientist who was familiar with classified information on a
 process to make the powder useful as a weapon.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-

[CTRL] Clinton helped Enron finance projects abroad

2002-02-21 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-


Clinton helped Enron finance projects abroad

By Patrice Hill

 The Clinton administration provided more than $1
billion in subsidized loans to Enron Corp. projects
overseas at a time when Enron was contributing nearly
$2 million to Democratic causes.

Clinton officials refused to finance only one out of
20 projects proposed by the energy company between
1993 and 2000 to build power plants, natural-gas
pipelines and other big-ticket energy facilities
around the world, according to the Export-Import Bank
and the Overseas Private Investment Corp., the
agencies that provided the subsidies.

 In addition, the administration, which lauded
Chairman Kenneth L. Lay as an exemplary corporate
citizen, granted about $200 million worth of
insurance against political risks for nine Enron
projects in such politically volatile areas as
Argentina, Venezuela and the Gaza Strip, according to
documents the agencies provided to the Senate Finance

 These projects obviously were a tremendous
benefit to Enron's operations, said Sen. Charles E.
Grassley, Iowa Republican and ranking minority member
of the committee. He noted that the Reagan and Bush
administrations approved no loans for Enron between
1985 and 1992 and provided insurance for only one
Enron power project in Guatemala in 1992.

 The Clinton administration provided three loans
between 1994 and 1998 to the now-defunct Dabhol power
project in India. Mr. Clinton's commerce secretary,
Ron Brown, trumpeted the approval of the Dabhol loans
on a trade mission to India in 1995, with Mr. Lay by
his side.

 The trip was one of 11 Clinton trade missions
provided at taxpayer expense for corporate executives
from Enron and other companies. The U.S. Trade and
Development Agency, which sponsored the trips, also
provided $1 million in funding to study Enron energy
projects in Russia, Eastern Europe and former Soviet

 As congressional committees dig for evidence to
tie Enron and Mr. Lay to the Bush administration,
evidence of Mr. Lay's links to the Clinton
administration are ample and well-documented.

 Mr. Lay at times was Mr. Clinton's golf partner
and slept in the Lincoln Bedroom. Other top Enron
officials attended the White House's infamous coffee
klatches with Mr. Clinton, according to published

 Mr. Lay offered a seat on Enron's board of
directors to Robert E. Rubin, Mr. Clinton's Treasury
secretary, in 1999 just before he left government, the
Associated Press reported yesterday. Mr. Rubin tried
to get Treasury to intervene on behalf of Enron last
fall when the company credit rating was threatened.

 In May 1996, Mr. Clinton lauded Mr. Lay as a good
corporate citizen at a White House event because of
Enron's enlightened personnel policies, including
profit-sharing of Enron stock and generous health and
pension benefits. Enron employees now are suing
because those benefits are as worthless as the
bankrupt company's stock.

 During the Clinton years, Enron contributed more
than $1 million to the Democratic Party, including
$600,000 to the Democatic National Committee,
according to Federal Election Commission records. Mr.
Clinton and Vice President Al Gore received
contributions of $11,000 and $13,750, respectively,
for their presidential campaigns.

 One $100,000 contribution to the DNC was provided
before India gave final approval to Enron's Dabhol
project in June 1996. The largest and most expensive
capital project ever undertaken in India, Dabhol was
of dubious economic value and never went on line.

 The World Bank, on reviewing the project, said it
was not economically viable and inordinately benefited
Enron, which was a 65 percent owner. Enron still owes
$203 million on an Export-Import Bank loan for the
project, which the bank says is covered by guarantees
provided by five Indian banks.

 Congressional aides said it is not clear what the
taxpayers' liability will be for that and other loans
now that Enron is bankrupt. The Export-Import Bank
said its loans were extended to overseas subsidiaries
of Enron and not the bankrupt corporation. The
overseas investment agency said its exposure is
limited to paying any missed premiums on Enron's
political risk insurance.

 Top Clinton officials lobbied personally to
obtain Indian state guarantees for the Dabhol project
after it encountered early problems in 1995. Thomas F.
Mack McLarty, the White House chief of staff, made
it a top administration priority to keep the project
from failing. The Bush administration has continued
efforts to salvage the project.

 Clinton Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary led a
succession of missions to India, and Mr. Clinton's
ambassador to India, Frank Wisner, was charged with
keeping the project afloat. After Mr. Wisner left
government in 1997, he took a seat on the board of
directors of a company then controlled by 

Re: [CTRL] Clinton helped Enron finance projects abroad

2002-02-21 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

Nice bit of misdirection - but it's a spit in the bucket compared to GOP
involvement with Enron.
-- -- --  -- --
Planet spins - so do I
   neo-sufi wisdom

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: John Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 07:50:46 -0800
 Subject: [CTRL] Clinton helped Enron finance projects abroad

 -Caveat Lector-


 Clinton helped Enron finance projects abroad

 By Patrice Hill

The Clinton administration provided more than $1
 billion in subsidized loans to Enron Corp. projects
 overseas at a time when Enron was contributing nearly
 $2 million to Democratic causes.

 Clinton officials refused to finance only one out of
 20 projects proposed by the energy company between
 1993 and 2000 to build power plants, natural-gas
 pipelines and other big-ticket energy facilities
 around the world, according to the Export-Import Bank
 and the Overseas Private Investment Corp., the
 agencies that provided the subsidies.

In addition, the administration, which lauded
 Chairman Kenneth L. Lay as an exemplary corporate
 citizen, granted about $200 million worth of
 insurance against political risks for nine Enron
 projects in such politically volatile areas as
 Argentina, Venezuela and the Gaza Strip, according to
 documents the agencies provided to the Senate Finance

These projects obviously were a tremendous
 benefit to Enron's operations, said Sen. Charles E.
 Grassley, Iowa Republican and ranking minority member
 of the committee. He noted that the Reagan and Bush
 administrations approved no loans for Enron between
 1985 and 1992 and provided insurance for only one
 Enron power project in Guatemala in 1992.

The Clinton administration provided three loans
 between 1994 and 1998 to the now-defunct Dabhol power
 project in India. Mr. Clinton's commerce secretary,
 Ron Brown, trumpeted the approval of the Dabhol loans
 on a trade mission to India in 1995, with Mr. Lay by
 his side.

The trip was one of 11 Clinton trade missions
 provided at taxpayer expense for corporate executives
 from Enron and other companies. The U.S. Trade and
 Development Agency, which sponsored the trips, also
 provided $1 million in funding to study Enron energy
 projects in Russia, Eastern Europe and former Soviet

As congressional committees dig for evidence to
 tie Enron and Mr. Lay to the Bush administration,
 evidence of Mr. Lay's links to the Clinton
 administration are ample and well-documented.

Mr. Lay at times was Mr. Clinton's golf partner
 and slept in the Lincoln Bedroom. Other top Enron
 officials attended the White House's infamous coffee
 klatches with Mr. Clinton, according to published

Mr. Lay offered a seat on Enron's board of
 directors to Robert E. Rubin, Mr. Clinton's Treasury
 secretary, in 1999 just before he left government, the
 Associated Press reported yesterday. Mr. Rubin tried
 to get Treasury to intervene on behalf of Enron last
 fall when the company credit rating was threatened.

In May 1996, Mr. Clinton lauded Mr. Lay as a good
 corporate citizen at a White House event because of
 Enron's enlightened personnel policies, including
 profit-sharing of Enron stock and generous health and
 pension benefits. Enron employees now are suing
 because those benefits are as worthless as the
 bankrupt company's stock.

During the Clinton years, Enron contributed more
 than $1 million to the Democratic Party, including
 $600,000 to the Democatic National Committee,
 according to Federal Election Commission records. Mr.
 Clinton and Vice President Al Gore received
 contributions of $11,000 and $13,750, respectively,
 for their presidential campaigns.

One $100,000 contribution to the DNC was provided
 before India gave final approval to Enron's Dabhol
 project in June 1996. The largest and most expensive
 capital project ever undertaken in India, Dabhol was
 of dubious economic value and never went on line.

The World Bank, on reviewing the project, said it
 was not economically viable and inordinately benefited
 Enron, which was a 65 percent owner. Enron still owes
 $203 million on an Export-Import Bank loan for the
 project, which the bank says is covered by guarantees
 provided by five Indian banks.

Congressional aides said it is not clear what the
 taxpayers' liability will be for that and other loans
 now that Enron is bankrupt. The Export-Import Bank
 said its loans were extended to overseas subsidiaries
 of Enron and not the bankrupt corporation. The
 overseas investment agency said its exposure is
 limited to paying any missed premiums on Enron's
 political risk insurance.

Top Clinton officials lobbied

[CTRL] Clinton Diverted Billions From Pentagon to U.N. Peacekeeping

2002-02-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton Diverted Billions From Pentagon to U.N. Peacekeeping
Lawrence Morahan, CNSNews.com
Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2002
CNSNews.com -- A draft report by the General Accounting Office reveals that
former President Clinton contributed over $24 billion for U.N. peacekeeping
missions around the world between 1995 and 2001, money that wasn't officially
credited to the U.S. account by the United Nations.
The report shows that America's debt to the United Nations was more than
compensated for by extra peacekeeping assistance that the world organization
never gave the United States credit for, U.N. critics said.

This new GAO report makes it absolutely clear that the U.S. debt to the U.N.
was a complete fraud, said Cliff Kincaid, a journalist and president of
America's Survival, who released a copy of the draft report.

And remember that this report only covers the fiscal years 1996 - 2001,
Kincaid added. If the complete years of the Clinton administration were
taken into account, the figure could rise by several more billions.

The Clinton era saw an explosion in the number of U.N.-sponsored peacekeeping
missions carried out by U.S. forces that were not necessarily supported by

Those peacekeeping operations were the cause of heated disagreements over
dues, including debates on whether the United States had accumulated
sufficient back dues to be voted out of the U.N. General Assembly.

Between fiscal years 1996 and 2001, the United States directly contributed an
estimated $3.45 billion to support U.N. peacekeeping, the report states.

During the same period, however, U.S. indirect contributions to U.N.
peacekeeping amounted to $24.2 billion.

Of the $24.2 billion figure, the GAO found that the largest indirect
contribution - about $21.8 billion - was for U.S. military operations and
services. This meant military personnel and equipment had to be diverted from
Pentagon operations to the United Nations.

The GAO defined indirect contributions as U.S. programs and activities that
are located in the same area as an ongoing U.N. peacekeeping operation, have
objectives that help the peacekeeping operation achieve its mandated
objectives, and are not an official part of the U.N. operation.

For example, estimated U.S. indirect contributions to U.N. operations in
Kosovo and East Timor, which involved nation building and the training of
local government agencies, amounted to over $5.1 billion and included
military operations to help provide a secure environment and programs to
provide food and shelter for refugees and train police and court officials.

Congress Limits U.S. Contribution

The United Nations assesses member states a percentage share of the total
cost of peacekeeping operations. The U.S. assessed share has historically
been over 30 percent of total peacekeeping costs.

In November 1994, Congress limited the amount the United States could pay to
25 percent of peacekeeping costs, beginning in fiscal year 1996, the report
noted. However, the United Nations continued to bill the United States at its
historically 30 percent of total costs, leading to U.S. arrears.

In 2000, U.N. member states agreed to change the assessment formula and to
drop the U.S. share of the peacekeeping budget over a three-year period to 27
percent, the report said.

Between fiscal years 1996, which began October 1995, and June 30, 2001, the
United Nations conducted 33 peacekeeping operations in 28 countries,
according to the report. As of January 2002, 15 of these operations were
still ongoing in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, involving over
47,000 military personnel, civilian police, and observers.

When you're spending American taxpayer dollars you need accountability for
American taxpayer dollars, and the procedure that the U.N. has of requesting
donations and the practice of the Clinton administration to categorize
expenditures as donations removes that accountability, said a senior
official familiar with the GAO report.

Speaking at Heritage Foundation in Washington, U.S. Ambassador to the United
Nations John Negroponte said of U.S. involvement in peacekeeping operations:
If there is a threat to international peace and security out there, and it
needs to be dealt with, it is better that we do it where possible with other
partners who are picking up part of the cost.

He added: So I would say that while we always want to be careful about the
costs and we always want to be careful about where it is that we decide to
undertake U.N. peacekeeping operations, there are demonstrable benefits for
the United States.

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by 'Chorus of Boos' at Super Bowl

2002-02-07 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/6/02 7:26:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The New York radio talker said one Super Bowl fan who booed Clinton
 complained, Hey, he could have stopped Osama bin Laden but didn't. 

This is really funny.  The one time Clinton got really close to Osama was
when the Republican congress and the entire conservative movement started
yelling Wag the Dog.  It kind of got in the way of his following up.  But
no matter.   Being Republican means never having to say, Whoops.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Clinton Hit by 'Chorus of Boos' at Super Bowl

2002-02-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...

   Monday, Feb. 4, 2002 8:47 a.m. EST
Clinton Hit by 'Chorus of Boos' at Super Bowl

Super Bowl fans watching at home couldn't see the Superdome crowd's response
as Fox broadcast a taped segment featuring patriotic tributes to America by
former presidents Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton
and first lady Nancy Reagan.

But the presidential video, simultaneously carried on the stadium Jumbotron,
drew a decidedly mixed reaction, according to WABC radio's Curtis Sliwa, who
was on the scene.

Sliwa, who said he was seated with a group of Patriots fans from Hartford,
reports that Carter, Ford, Bush Sr. and Mrs. Reagan all drew enthusiastic
applause. And the segment featuring New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani actually had
the crowd leaping to its feet for a standing ovation.

Then there was a chorus of boos when the picture of Bill Clinton was up on
the Jumbotron as he spoke - from both Ram fans and New England Patriots
fans, said Sliwa. It was about the only thing they could agree on all

The New York radio talker said one Super Bowl fan who booed Clinton
complained, Hey, he could have stopped Osama bin Laden but didn't.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Clinton Army's 'Anti-American Diatribe' Hinders War on Terror

2002-01-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton Army's 'Anti-American Diatribe' Hinders War on Terror
Chuck Noe, NewsMax.com
Saturday, Jan. 19, 2002
The political correctness of the Clinton administration may be coming back
to haunt the Pentagon, the Washington Times reported Friday. A 1998 video
produced by the Clinton-castrated Army lectured troops that terrorism was
ambiguous and relative. Now this outrageous example of political
correctness is hurting the Bush administration's war on terrorism.
It is one of the most politically correct, apologetic, anti-American
diatribes I've ever seen, an official told the Times' respected reporters
Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough.

You'd think it was produced by al-Qaeda. It begins by stating that the
'Christian Crusaders' were terrorists in their time.

Clinton himself reflected these sentiments in a widely condemned speech Nov.
7 at liberal Georgetown University, where he blamed modern-day Muslim
terrorism on Christian Crusades of centuries past.

The video reflects the Clinton administration's moral relativism by equating
terrorists with freedom fighters. Anti-Nazi rebels in World War II were
terrorists because they blew up bridges, the tape claims. The analogy is
upsetting because the U.S. Army provided assistance to the French fighters,
and bridges are legitimate military targets in military operations, the
Times noted.

The video describes terrorists in the most complimentary terms, calling them
'highly motivated, very disciplined individuals who regard us as legitimate
combatants,' the official told the Times. This suggests good-faith beliefs
by Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda legitimizes their actions.

Again, Clinton himself displayed this mind-set in a paid speech in October,
when he said that bin Laden and his fellow mass-murdering terrorists are
good, they are uncompromising.

Gertz and Scarborough conclude: The Army video is not just politically
damaging. It is expected to cause legal problems for the Pentagon and Justice
Department in their efforts to prosecute terrorists involved in the Pentagon
and World Trade Center attacks.

And the Clinton legacy continues ...

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Clinton/ENRON quid pro quo

2002-01-11 Thread Archibald Bard

On Nov. 22, 
1995 President Clinton scrawled an FYI note to chief of staff Mack McLarty, 
enclosing a newspaper article on Enron Corp. and the vicissitudes of its $3 
billion power-plant project in India.McLarty then reached out to Enron's 
chairman, Ken Lay, and over the next nine months closely monitored the project 
with the U.S. ambassador to New Delhi, keeping Lay informed of the 
Administration's efforts, according to White House documents reviewed by TIME 
magazine. In June 1996, four days before India granted final approval to 
Enron's controversial $3 billion power-plant project, Enron's gave $100,000 to 
President Clinton's party. Enron denies that its gift was repayment for 
Clinton's attention, and White House special counsel Lanny Davis says McLarty 
acted out of concern for a major U.S. investment overseas, TIME's Michael 
Weisskopf reported.

While we were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed 
weeds among the wheat. Matthew 13:25

Archibald BardICQ 83834746TO KEEP THE 

Description: Binary data

[CTRL] Clinton opened nuclear labs to terrorist-state visitors

2001-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton opened nuclear labs to terrorist-state visitors
'We raised hell about it all the time,'
says ex-Energy Dept. security director



By Paul Sperry
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- The number of foreign visitors and workers at the nation's
defense labs from sensitive countries, including ones sponsoring terrorism,
exploded under the Clinton administration, says a former Energy Department
security official who warned against the visits, citing the risk of nuclear
theft and sabotage.

Although Energy's nuclear-weapons labs have cut back sharply on visitors from
such countries, many of the foreign workers are still assigned there.

It's well known that former Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary rolled out the
welcome mat for Chinese nationals.

But in keeping with her openness policy -- which was an outgrowth of
President Clinton's denuclearization policy, which called for a global ban
on nuclear tests, wholesale declassification of early nuclear-program secrets
and lab-to-lab foreign collaborations -- O'Leary also extended the invitation
to terrorist-sponsoring Middle Eastern countries.

Every terrorist country was represented at the labs, either as post-doctoral
workers and students assigned there, or as visitors, said ret. Col. Edward
McCallum, former head of Energy's Office of Safeguards and Security. Iran,
Iraq, Syria ... you name it, we had them from all of those places.

In an exclusive interview with WorldNetDaily, McCallum revealed that, over
the last decade, hundreds of students from sensitive Middle Eastern
countries worked at Energy's labs, including Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore
and Sandia labs, where America's nuclear weapons are designed and maintained.

And we got hundreds of visits from their intelligence agencies -- that we
knew about, he added.

At Los Alamos, which designed most of the warheads in the U.S. arsenal and
stores nuclear materials at its New Mexico facilities, the number of foreign
nationals from sensitive countries working at the lab soared to 182 in 1999
from 31 in 1992, internal lab records show.

Countries the lab classifies as sensitive are: Iran, Iraq, India, China,
North Korea, Russia, Israel, Taiwan, Pakistan and Syria.

In 1998 alone, the three major labs, plus Oak Ridge in Tennessee, hosted more
than 10,700 foreign visitors and academic assignees, some of whom stayed on
site for as long as two years, according to the House Science Committee,
which oversees the labs. Those from sensitive countries totaled more than

They kicked the doors wide open, McCallum said, despite his protests. They
were encouraging visitation.

'Flying carpet trips'

He says that in her trade trips to Pakistan, India and Africa, O'Leary
invited scientists to tour the labs.

When Hazel O'Leary was on her flying carpet trips in the mid-'90s, one of
the pitches she made was, 'Send your scientists. We have technology to
share,' McCallum said.

And she made sure they got into the labs.

Under the Reagan and Bush administrations, Energy required background checks
on foreign visitors.

But in 1994, O'Leary granted Los Alamos and Sandia exemptions from the rule.
As a result, few background checks were conducted at those labs, and the
number of foreign visits exploded.

Los Alamos, for example, had 2,714 visitors in two years from sensitive
countries, but only 139 were checked, according to a 1997 congressional

The new policy did not sit well with McCallum, a former green beret.

We raised hell about it all the time, he said.

He and other security officials worried that the uncontrolled access to the
labs invited not only espionage, but terrorism.

But O'Leary and her aides dismissed their warnings. In one meeting, McCallum
recalls, the former Energy secretary pooh-poohed the idea of threats from
other countries.

Hazel said to me, and this is a quote, 'Boy, don't you understand that the
Cold War is over, and all these people are our friends now?' McCallum said.
And we were talking about security against terrorists and espionage in the
same conversation.

Phone calls seeking comment from O'Leary were not returned.

After McCallum told Congress about Energy's security problems, he was
punished by former Energy Secretary Bill Richardson. He left the department
in 1999.

'Detonate it right there'

With Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida terrorists actively seeking nuclear
materials for weapons, the threat of theft or sabotage at the labs is now
very real, officials note. And that makes the presence there of individuals
from sensitive Middle-Eastern countries more worrisome.

I've always felt that if there were an insider at one of the labs who had
access to nuclear materials, it would be tough to stop them, said Troy Wade,
former assistant 

Re: [CTRL] Clinton gate, blood gate, ritalin gate, aids gate

2001-10-28 Thread default

-Caveat Lector-

Forgot to put in the connection these companies or either Swiss or French or
located on the Swiss-French border.  Also if we put education on
a economic indicator basis it will end up being 'dog eat dog' - plagiarism
type of education.  Forget Politically correct, it will be corporation correct.
Forget new ideas and correlations, from birth through school if you think
something that is not corporation policy you will be dumped on.
Well, look on the good side - we should do well in math and science
since those are subjects that they can teach without teaching the philosophy
behind the subject.  Out with Mach and Lamark, in with bare numbers.

Safe kids, safe parents, safe education, safe sex
Cloned, Crèches,  , by VR   , by VR
normal stuff is too messy and you may acquire some life skills.

These are the connections that I neglected ---
1) Novartis / Ciba - makers of Ritalin backers of CHADD
2) CERN,
3) Sodexho Alliance,
4) Blood Gate trials of French ministers
and actual imprisonment of their Japanese
5) UBS, Credit Suisse and BCG and
   (Cantonal Bank of Geneva)
question: when our major product seems to be going to
education with a 'freedom of think' that is and local
respect (self respect) seems to be based on over seas
mind sets as well.

default wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 With Clinton's history - for Clinton to not see the possible

 Swiss-French border near Geneva
 1) Educated to overseas?
 CERN super collider - when the Ellis, Texas project was closed down
 many physicists went over seas.  Yes, Ellis cattle (can we say
 cattle futures)
 2) Ritalin and 'testing' making idiot savants
 Novatis / Ritalin http://www.bio-medical.com/adhd_0002.htm
 CibaGeneva Pharmaceuticals (also known as Ciba-Geigy Corporation)
 3) Bio Chips
 Agilent Technologies, Inc. (Palo Alto, California), a subsidiary of
 Hewlett-Packard Company
 and it turns out that Ciba-Geigy has been in computer chips
 for years. Since Novartis has a product like Round-Up
 and is into BioTechnology could Ciba-Geigy be interested
 in bio-chips and private prison applications?
 Ref: Blood Gate - AIDS Gate - Thomas Jefferson Gate
 Clinton and Arkansas prison
 4) Private Prisons / Food Catering for Prisons, Schools, ect.
 Even if they do not own the stock are they getting the contracts?
 with the mental problems prisons are a hot commodity
 and rank in the top area of the stock exchange.
 Sodexho-Mariott, and its parent corporation Sodexho Alliance.
 Sodexho Alliance is a conglomerate head quartered in France
 PARIS, May 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Sodexho Alliance, the world leader in
  and management services, announced today that it has
 reached an agreement
  to sell all of its stock in the Corrections Corporation
 of America (NYSE: CXW).
  In June 1994, we acquired an 8% stake in Corrections
 Corporations of
 International Criminal Justice - Links and Resources (prisons)
 5) Blood Gate
 trials of French ministers and actual imprisonment of their Japanese
 ] links
 [ http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3a25d4805897.htm ] forum
 6) Mondex the universal credit card - located where?
 UBS, Credit Suisse and BCG and
(Cantonal Bank of Geneva)
 and off shore bank?
 7) Speculation - ONLY on the conspiracy lists, not on my web site
 you people know to check things out yourselves - you are
 not suppose to blindly follow someone else's ideas, so
 here goes...
 Ritalin - goals 2000 - school to work
 idiot savants that are trained for one career field and
 the world pays for one test that highlights math and science.
 *Kindergarden with a copyright attached - that states or countries
 have to pay.
 *local - banking, education, business, food processing,
 all is imported - high cost for a state to run.
 USA used to be about 70% agricultural now
 is 70% technical with even many agricultural jobs requiring
 training - the clod kickers are not having to navigate a ###
 of education and it looks like the paddle is being taken away.
 The 'welfare' state that invests in it's technical educated
 workers is
 having it's interest taken away after it has invested 

[CTRL] Clinton Disbarred From Supreme Court

2001-10-01 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

  Clinton Disbarred From Supreme Court

  By Anne Gearan
  Associated Press Writer
  Monday, Oct. 1, 2001; 10:48 a.m. EDT

  WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court ordered former President
  Clinton disbarred from practicing law before the high court
on Monday
  and gave him 40 days to contest the order.

  The court did not explain its reasons, but Supreme Court
disbarment  often follows disbarment in lower courts.

  In April, Clinton's Arkansas law license was suspended for
five years and
  he paid a $25,000 fine. The original disbarment lawsuit was
brought by a
  committee of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

  There are no fines associated with the Supreme Court
action. Most
  lawyers who are admitted to the Supreme Court bar never
actually argue
  a case there, but the right to do so is considered an

  Clinton agreed to the Arkansas fine and suspension Jan. 19,
the day
  before he left office, as part of an understanding with
  Counsel Robert Ray to end the Monica Lewinsky

  The agreement also satisfied the legal effort by the
Arkansas Supreme
  Court Committee on Professional Conduct to disbar Clinton
for giving
  misleading testimony in the Paula Jones sexual harassment

  The Supreme Court followed its standard rules in the
Clinton case,   which include suspending Clinton from practice in the
court and givinghim 40 day to show why he should not be
permanently disbarred.

  The court order did not mention any vote by the justices.

  Whenever a member of the bar of this court has been
disbarred or
  suspended from practice of any court of record, or has
engaged in
  conduct unbecoming a member of the bar of this court, the
court will  enter an order suspending that member from practice
before this court,
  Supreme Court rules say.

  Julia Payne, a spokeswoman for Clinton, referred calls to
his lawyer,
  David Kendall, in Washington. Kendall did not immediately
return a call
  seeking comment.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Clinton, the Ever-Clever Bastard

2001-09-19 Thread Archibald Bard

-Caveat Lector-

Reprinted from NewsMax.com
CIA Officials Reveal What Went Wrong – Clinton to Blame
Christopher Ruddy
Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2001

The worst, single most tragic day in the history of America has just passed.

Tuesday more Americans likely died than all the casualties of the Battle of Antietam 
on Wednesday, Sept. 17, 1862.

Already the media spin on yesterday's events is relentless.

The talking heads are pushing several themes, including:

* Now is not the time to point fingers at responsible parties in America, i.e., 
political figures like Clinton or our own security agencies.

* The events of Tuesday are the worst-case scenario – the worst is over.

* Osama bin Laden is the culprit.

On these points of spin, the first one is baloney. Of course we need to find why our 
security failed. This is basic.

And unless the big media are consulting a psychic better than the one I use, no one 
knows what the future days, weeks and months may yield.

This is not the worst-case scenario. A worst-case scenario is a 25-megaton nuclear 
bomb detonated in New York or a full-scale attack against the U.S.! These should not 
be ruled out.

These dangers can be avoided, we pray, but only if we stop listening to the media 
idiots that feed us a diet of blow-dried nonsense. Is Katie Couric going to say how 
bad she feels for the terrorists who were driven to these cowardly acts?

It is the big media and the hack politicians that led us to this nightmarish day.

Smart to Examine Who Failed Us

We are Americans, so let's get our feet back on the ground and use common sense.

The media say we shouldn't point fingers. (Funny, isn't it, how the media have spent 
30 years pointing fingers at Richard Nixon for his alleged crimes, but when one of 
their liberal favorites is due for some blame, they feed us the mantras like Let's 
move on! and No time to point fingers!)

Common sense, in fact, dictates that we need to critically examine the people who are 
to blame for this incident, both the perpetrators (and if you believe Osama bin Laden 
was the major mastermind behind this, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you) 
and the people we pay to protect us – that is, our national security agencies.

Without question, these agencies failed miserably in preventing this sophisticated, 
wide-scale and coordinated attack against America.

Intelligence Agencies Failed Miserably

Tuesday I received an e-mail from a recently retired high-ranking CIA official. I will 
identify him as Harry:

Here's what Harry said:

... Reacting effectively and justly to this [attack] makes us hugely dependent on 
intell [intelligence] capabilities that failed us miserably. This is an enormous 
liability, which we shall not be able to fix before we have to react. Payback time for 
the last eight years!

He continued: There were clearly enormous failures here. This operation was ingenious 
in its simplicity, which would have limited the size (number of people, actions) of 
the operation and hence detectability. But it could not have been that small for at 
least a dozen men to hijack four carefully chosen aircraft (routes, fuel load) with 
carefully coordinated timing. And to get through security with knives big enough to 
subdue four relatively large crews. If the intell and security systems claim that this 
challenge is simply too hard for them, they have to be replaced, root and branch. 
Because this challenge is the challenge. It is now pretty self-evident that claims of 
reform and adjustment [at the intelligence agencies] to new realities that we've heard 
over the past eight years or so are hollow.

Of course, it's obvious why the media doesn't want any finger pointing.

Guess who ran the U.S. government and was responsible for our national security for 
the past eight years?

Yes, you got it, Bill Clinton, Hillary's husband.

Clinton Responsible for Unpreparedness

The Clintons were supported vociferously by the media through the worst imaginable 

During that time I was one of the lead reporters opposing the Clintons. I was mocked 
and vilified by my colleagues for doing so.

I said throughout that period that Bill Clinton's personal corruption was wholesale 
and mirrored how he was corrupting America's national security.

I wrote articles and said repeatedly that America, sadly, may end up paying a heavy 
price for Bill Clinton and the major media's complicity.

I don't believe the worst has passed with the incidents of today.

We remain vulnerable and weak.

Brutally, we witnessed our weakness today.

During eight years, Clinton decimated America's military. Our forces were cut almost 
in half under his stewardship.

Research and development on all new weapons systems were brought almost to a halt as 
other nations continued to build. Clinton destroyed nearly our entire arsenal of 
tactical nuclear weapons. Monsters like Saddam flourished as Clinton bombed aspirin 
factories, tent cities in 

[CTRL] Clinton Destroyed America's National Security, the Coed Warrior's Says

2001-09-18 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton Destroyed America's National Security, the Coed Warrior's Says
Not the First Time an Act of War was Committed Against us
September 14, 2001

Editor's Note, Kate Aspy, a U.S. Army veteran has spent the past several
years trying to warn the American public about what she labels the mess of
our military made by radical feminists. She notes: I speak from my
experience in the U.S. Army under Clinton, of course. I have been part of a
small group screaming at the top of our lungs about how national security and
military preparedness have been destroyed during the Clinton years. A few
days ago I pretty much abandoned my book, Coed Warriors, because of public
apathy and lethargy. No matter what outrageous disasters occurred, people
couldn't have cared less prior to Tuesday.

Her comments on the destruction of the World Trade Center in her letter
yesterday need to be widely read.

Mary Mostert



By: Kate Aspy

This is by no means the first act of war against the U.S. in recent years. I
do think that if the public had cared remotely about our service members who
died in the Khobar Towers bombing and the U.S.S. Cole attack, among others,
that Ousama Ben Laden could have been rooted out and his organization
dismantled before this disaster occurred. When there's no will, there's no
way. Other acts of war the American public slept through include Castro
shooting down two American airplanes and the bombing of the U.S. Embassies in
Tanzania and Kenya. When such attacks are met with passivity and weakness,
the result is to encourage more aggression. The public has basked in a cocoon
of false safety and not wanted to hear the truth, any part of it. Those of us
pleading for needed security and military reforms might as well have been
discussing the man in the moon.

The Clinton era, a time of euphoria for most, was a time of great grief for
me as I watched the country I love face destruction on many fronts and fall
apart at the seams, and the whole while everyone else couldn't have been
happier, celebrating illusionary gains in a fantasy world. I watched (and
experienced first hand) our military destroyed from within and without,
nuclear secrets go to a Communist enemy in exchange for campaign cash,
security violations of all kinds from the highest level of the government,
and everything I hold precious and dear mocked. So long as the stock market
blew P/E ratios to unheard of heights and the public could live largely on
borrowed money, no one cared. I hope this tragedy serves as a wake-up call
and that the needed reforms essential to preserve our country into the future
can occur.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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2001-09-13 Thread Archibald Bard

-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday, September 12, 2001 DAY OF INFAMY 2001 U.S. equipped terror sponsors Clinton 
exported NSA-ducking phone, high-tech encryption devices to Syria

By Paul Sperry © 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- The dozen or so Islamic terrorists who pulled off the plot to strike at 
America's nerve centers in New York and Washington spent months, if not years, 
researching, planning and coordinating the surprise attacks, U.S. security officials 
say. And they did it completely in secret, using the world's most sophisticated 
telecommunications equipment, some secured by advanced encryption technology that most 
armies don't have.

Where did they get such state-of-the-art, military-related gear?

First, you have to appreciate the high degree of communications activity their mission 
required at each stage.

In researching their targets, the terrorists picked ones relatively easy to hit at 
high air speeds, yet ones that would produce big casualties and provide symbolic blows 
to American morale. They had to pick airports close by, with weak security. They had 
to find jets with enough heft and wingspan and fuel to cause major damage, yet not so 
large that they required extra crew.

The Boeing 757s and 767s they hijacked were big, but all had just two pilots and no 
flight engineers, making it easier for terrorists to take the cockpits. And the 
heisted jets were from the same family of aircraft, obviating additional cockpit 

They also apparently studied passenger traffic patterns of airlines in order to pick 
flights with relatively few people aboard. All four flights had light passenger loads. 
The Boeing jets have roughly 160-seat capacities, yet American Flight 11 carried 81 
passengers; American Flight 77, only 58; United Flight 175, 56; and United Flight 93, 
a skeletal 38.

Fewer passengers, fewer heroes to worry about.

More key, the terrorists needed to select transcontinental flights with big fuel loads 
to turn the planes into giant petro-bombs. All four flights were bound for California. 
They also had to know flight patterns, and how to blind air-traffic controllers to the 
hijackings by turning off the planes' transponders, which send such warning signals, 
among other aviation information.

In planning the attack, they had to fashion weapons that they could sneak past airport 
security. Transportation Department officials think that they may have hedged their 
bets and even planted security people on the inside at Logan and Dulles airports, so 
that guards would look the other way when they came through metal detectors at the 

The kamikaze pilots also had to log many hours on computer flight simulators with 
high-level graphics capability, to practice hitting their targets at full throttle. A 
Continental Airlines captain, who's flown both 757s and 767s, told WorldNetDaily he 
thinks they may have even added the World Trade Center and Pentagon to the simulator's 
visual database.

At the airspeed of those strikes, which hit their targets dead on, the hand-eye 
coordination demands would be too high for casual flying skill -- with, or without, an 
autopilot engaged, he said.

They had to practice, moreover, navigating the jets to abruptly change their course, 
by as much as 180 degrees in some cases, after take-off. Flying them at low altitudes 
was also something they had to work on.

Synchronized terrorists

Finally, in executing their murderous missions, the 12 or so terrorists had to 
coordinate their activities, flawlessly, within a roughly two-hour stretch. And, for 
the most part, they did. They all got to the airport on time, they all got through 
security, they all boarded their flights, they all hijacked their flights and, with 
the exception of one group, they all hit their targets.

Pulling off such a complex plot would have generated an inordinate volume of 
communications -- whether by radio, cell phone, land line, fax or modem -- among the 
terrorists, among their Middle-Eastern sponsors and among commercial contacts here and 

But somehow eavesdroppers at the super-secret National Security Agency -- with their 
billion-dollar satellite birds and other surveillance technology -- were deaf, dumb 
and blind to the wicked plot.

The real issue in this tragedy is how the hell were these people able to plan and 
coordinate such a strike over a period of months without the NSA intercepting their 
signals? demanded Peter M. Leitner, a senior strategic trade adviser at the Defense 

Leitner, who reviews commercial license applications for exports of some of the most 
sophisticated military-related technology, thinks he knows the answer.

The technology that would allow these terrorists to mask their communications was 
given away, hand over fist, by the Clinton administration, he said in an interview 
with WorldNetDaily.

Leitner says the previous administration rubber-stamped the shipment of top-end 


2001-09-13 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Spin from a spin factory.

World Net Daily was started with Richard Scaife Mellon money. I have been to
their compund and talked with Mr. Farar himself. They are using meme work and
other techniques. They are not organic nor will they tell the truth. WND is
very agendic orientated.

Look at the Waco and Bay of Pigs handles on Kennedy and Clinton. Both of
these men took the buck stop. George Weenie Bush  and  minions whines.


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[CTRL] Clinton Nixed Hit on Bin Laden in December

2001-09-13 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{This has also been reported on CNN and other cable news.  AKE}}

As recently as last December, former President Bill Clinton was
presented with reliable intelligence pinpointing the whereabouts of
suspected Word Trade Center terrorist Osama bin Laden -- along with
the U.S. military's plan to take him out.

But Clinton declined to green light the operation.

The information on bin Laden's location came from eyes-on
intelligence, the Associated Press reported Thursday, indicating
he was spotted by a tipster on the ground or via satellite

The intelligence coup is said to have spurred a high-level debate
among senior White House officials over whether this was Clinton's
last chance to eliminate bin Laden before he left office.

Former Clinton administration national security advisor Sandy
Berger admitted to the AP, There were a couple of points,
including in December, where there was intelligence indicative of
bin Laden's whereabouts.

But in the wake of reports that bin Laden masterminded Tuesday's
attacks on New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon in
Washington, Berger sounded somewhat defensive, complaining, I can
categorically tell you that at no point was it ripe enough to act.

He also attempted to shift blame to the military for the decision
not to act, saying, There was never a recommendation from the

Among the factors weighed in the decision to spare the deadly
terrorist in December were concerns about collateral damage; i.e.,
the deaths of innocent civilians in Afghanistan.

In 1998, Clinton ordered a cruise missile strike on a suspected bin
Laden training camp in Khost, Afghanistan, resulting in the deaths
of 20 suspected terrorists.

Tuesday's World Trade Center attack is believed to have killed as
many as 30,000 Americans.

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:

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[CTRL] Clinton to Arafat: It's All Your Fault

2001-06-28 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton to Arafat: It's All Your Fault


The former president says the Palestinian leader squandered a chance for
Mideast peace
Clinton and Arafat at Camp David last July


June 27, 2001 -   Nearly a year after he failed to achieve a deal at Camp
David, former president Bill Clinton gave vent to his frustrations this
over the collapse of peace in the Mideast. And Clinton directed his ire at
one man: Yasir Arafat. On Tuesday night, Clinton told guests at a party at
the Manhattan apartment of former U.N. ambassador Richard Holbrooke and his
wife, writer Kati Marton, that Arafat called to bid him farewell three days
before he left office. You are a great man, Arafat said. The hell I am,
Clinton said he responded. I'm a colossal failure, and you made me one.

  CLINTON SAID HE TOLD Arafat that by turning down the best peace
deal he was ever going to get-the one proffered by Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Barak and brokered by Clinton last July-the Palestinian leader was
guaranteeing the election of the hawkish Ariel Sharon, the current Israeli
leader. But Arafat didn't listen. Sharon was elected in a landslide Feb. 6
and has gradually escalated his crackdown on the Palestinians despite a
shaky ceasefire negotiated two weeks ago by CIA chief George Tenet.

Clinton has refused most interview requests since he left office
Jan. 20. But at the party-which was held jointly by Holbrooke and the
International Crisis Group to celebrate a new book, Waging Modern War, by
former NATO commander Gen. Wesley Clark-Clinton captivated guests for
an hour with an insider's tale of the Camp David talks. Among the
who gathered around the former president as he cheerfully downed Diet Cokes
and hors d'oeuvres, were Holbrooke, Clark and John Negroponte, who has been
nominated by President Bush to replace Holbrooke as U.N. ambassador.

 Clinton said, somewhat surprisingly, that he never expected to
close the deal at Camp David. But he made it clear that the breakdown of
peace process and the nine months of deadly intifada since then were very
much on his mind. He described Arafat as an aging leader who relishes his
own sense of victimhood and seems incapable of making a final peace deal.
He could only get to step five, and he needed to get to step 10, the
former president said. But Clinton expressed hope in the younger generation
of Palestinian officials, suggesting that a post-Arafat Palestinian leader
might be able to make peace, perhaps in as little as several years. I'm
just sorry I blew this Middle East thing, Clinton said shortly before
leaving. But I don't know what else I could have done.

Clinton also revealed that, contrary to most conventional wisdom
after Camp David ended on July 25, 2000, the key issue that torpedoed the
talks in their final stages was not the division of East Jerusalem between
Palestinians and Israelis, but the Palestinian demand for a right of
 return of refugees to Israel. On Jerusalem, he said, the two sides were
down to dickering over final language on who would get sovereignty over
which part of the Western Wall. But Arafat continued to demand that large
numbers of Palestinian refugees, mainly from the 1967 and 1948 wars, be
allowed to return-numbers that Clinton said both of them knew were
unacceptable to the Israelis.

Clinton said he bluntly contradicted Arafat when, in one of their
final conversations, the Palestinian leader expressed doubts that the
ancient Jewish temple actually lay beneath the Islamic-run compound in
Jerusalem containing the holy Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. This
was a critical point of dispute, since the Western Wall, a remnant of the
temple's retaining wall, is the holiest site in Judaism and one the
were intent on maintaining sovereignty over. I know it's there, Clinton
said he told Arafat. The so-called Al Aqsa intifada began after Ariel
made a controversial visit to the disputed compound on Sept. 28, 2000.

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[CTRL] Clinton to Arafat: Its All Your Fault

2001-06-28 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton to Arafat: It’s All Your Fault

The former president says the Palestinian leader squandered a chance for
Mideast peace
Clinton and Arafat at Camp David last July

By Michael Hirsh

June 27 —  Nearly a year after he failed to achieve a deal at Camp David,
former president Bill Clinton gave vent to his frustrations this week over
the collapse of peace in the Mideast. And Clinton directed his ire at one
man: Yasir Arafat. On Tuesday night, Clinton told guests at a party at the
Manhattan apartment of former U.N. ambassador Richard Holbrooke and his wife,
writer Kati Marton, that Arafat called to bid him farewell three days before
he left office. “You are a great man,” Arafat said. “The hell I am,”
Clinton said he responded. “I’m a colossal failure, and you made me one.”

 Clinton described Arafat as an aging leader who relishes his own sense of
victimhood and seems incapable of making a final peace deal.

  CLINTON SAID HE TOLD Arafat that by turning down the best peace
deal he was ever going to get—the one proffered by Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Barak and brokered by Clinton last July—the Palestinian leader was only
guaranteeing the election of the hawkish Ariel Sharon, the current Israeli
leader. But Arafat didn’t listen. Sharon was elected in a landslide Feb. 6
and has gradually escalated his crackdown on the Palestinians despite a shaky
ceasefire negotiated two weeks ago by CIA chief George Tenet.
Clinton has refused most interview requests since he left office Jan.
20. But at the party—which was held jointly by Holbrooke and the
International Crisis Group to celebrate a new book, “Waging Modern War,” by
former NATO commander Gen. Wesley Clark—Clinton captivated guests for nearly
an hour with an insider’s tale of the Camp David talks. Among the listeners,
who gathered around the former president as he cheerfully downed Diet Cokes
and hors d’oeuvres, were Holbrooke, Clark and John Negroponte, who has been
nominated by President Bush to replace Holbrooke as U.N. ambassador.

 Clinton said, somewhat surprisingly, that he never expected to close
the deal at Camp David. But he made it clear that the breakdown of the peace
process and the nine months of deadly intifada since then were very much on
his mind. He described Arafat as an aging leader who relishes his own sense
of victimhood and seems incapable of making a final peace deal. “He could
only get to step five, and he needed to get to step 10,” the former president
said. But Clinton expressed hope in the younger generation of Palestinian
officials, suggesting that a post-Arafat Palestinian leader might be able to
make peace, perhaps in as little as several years. “I’m just sorry I blew
this Middle East” thing, Clinton said shortly before leaving. “But I don’t
know what else I could have done.”
Clinton also revealed that, contrary to most conventional wisdom
after Camp David ended on July 25, 2000, the key issue that torpedoed the
talks in their final stages was not the division of East Jerusalem between
Palestinians and Israelis, but the Palestinian demand for a “right of
return” of refugees to Israel. On Jerusalem, he said, the two sides were down
to dickering over final language on who would get sovereignty over which part
of the Western Wall. But Arafat continued to demand that large numbers of
Palestinian refugees, mainly from the 1967 and 1948 wars, be allowed to
return—numbers that Clinton said both of them knew were unacceptable to the

Clinton said he bluntly contradicted Arafat when, in one of their
final conversations, the Palestinian leader expressed doubts that the ancient
Jewish temple actually lay beneath the Islamic-run compound in Jerusalem
containing the holy Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. This was a
critical point of dispute, since the Western Wall, a remnant of the temple’s
retaining wall, is the holiest site in Judaism and one the Israelis were
intent on maintaining sovereignty over. “I know it’s there,” Clinton said he
told Arafat. The so-called Al Aqsa intifada began after Ariel Sharon made a
controversial visit to the disputed compound on Sept. 28, 2000.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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[CTRL] Clinton Got Frisky With Teenage Girl on Oslo Tour

2001-05-29 Thread tnohava

Clinton Got Frisky With Teenage Girl on Oslo Tour

While on a speaking tour of Scandanavia two weeks ago, disgraced
ex-president Bill Clinton engaged in suggestive behavior with an attractive
Norwegian teenage girl, embracing her while witnesses looked on and hinting
he'd like to have sex.

In a gesture of hospitality, the 19-year-old coed had presented Clinton with
a tulip, at which point he reportedly responded by putting his arms around
her. But then the sex-addicted former leader told the girl he'd like to do

You're too beautiful to only get a hug, Clinton blurted out, in an episode
reported in today's London Sunday Times.

Clinton made the unpresidential comment to the teenager at an Oslo TGI
Fridays while out on the town with a group of college students.

The incident has prompted concerns that the former president, who was
impeached after his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky came to light,
has resumed his old habit of seeking sex from young women.

Anybody who thinks he has changed is fooling himself, observed British
columnist Andrew Sullivan, who first reported the ex-president's encounter
with the Oslo teen.

Clinton is once again a sex scandal waiting to happen, Sullivan added.
And the scariest thing is that he barely knows it.

If Sullivan's prediction pans out, it could severely impact the political
career of his wife, New York Senator Hillary Clinton, who has apparently
done nothing to curb her husband's wayward behavior.

At 22, Lewinsky herself was just barely out of her teens when Clinton
ushered her into the Oval Office for sessions of oral sex.

But stories of Clinton's sexcapades with young and even underage woman are
legion in Arkansas.

During the Paula Jones case, in which he was accused of exposing himself to
a then-24-year-old state employee, several women who were just high school
students when they met then-Governor Clinton told investigators of being
groped and fondled during random encounters, with at least one reportedly
claiming that Clinton had seduced her.

None were willing to go public with their accounts.

But according to Jane Parks, who was landlord to Clinton's brother Roger in
the mid-1980s, high school girls -- some under the age of consent -- were
regular guests at sex and drug parties that the governor himself regularly

 NewsMax.com Inside Cover Story.url

Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-25 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

But Saba, there's no evidence that Clinton ever saw that particular portion of 
Monica's anatomy.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I stand corrected June - when lying prostrate with grief Clinton did not
say Monica, he said  Rosebud.


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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-21 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 19 May 2001, kl wrote:
I bet you you don't think SouthPark is funny.

The few times I've seen it, I thought it hilarious.

As I do most of Saba's posts.  Indeed her posts are SO hilarious, it's
hard to know when she is deliberately joking, since all of her posts are
a joke...


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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-19 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Except that Blair is better-looking, what's the difference?

--- Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But he was aiming at Blair.


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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-19 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

I find this title in the subject bar highly suspicious. Just exactly
WHERE was Clinton when he was  supposedly  hit by an egg in Poland?

Tenorlove wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Except that Blair is better-looking, what's the difference?

 --- Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  But he was aiming at Blair.

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-19 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

he was on a sidewalk, smiling, laughing, and attempting to show
charisma.when pow, in front of a brick wall or a fence, he was
slammed with an egg.

The secret service pushed him against the wall and covered his head,
with their hands..they saved him from being battered with eggs.

Terrible, terrible - he appeared frightened..yet crowds were
cheering - More, ore Eggs, More EggsEggs not Bullets - we do not
want to make a martyer of this bastard.

The eggs it is said, were at least a year old and Clinton did indeed
smell of brimstone.

When he left he was carried prostrate with grief from the
scene.covered with egg and what appeared to be pigeon droppings?


Clinton was resting later in state of shock - fortunately his lovely
wife was not with him as she was being egged in New York.

He called for Monica, his last words before he went into a peaceful
sleep, with smile on face, and egg on head.


Does that answer your question J2.and I think it happened in Warsaw

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/19/2001 10:04:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 I find this title in the subject bar highly suspicious. Just exactly
 WHERE was Clinton when he was  supposedly  hit by an egg in Poland?
 Tenorlove wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  Except that Blair is better-looking, what's the difference?
  --- Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   But he was aiming at Blair.
Who cares who he was aiming at, he got the right one!


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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-19 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 19 May 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
The eggs it is said, were at least a year old and Clinton did indeed
smell of brimstone.

When he left he was carried prostrate with grief from the
scene.covered with egg and what appeared to be pigeon droppings?


Man, Aleisha...why don't you share those drugs you're taking with the
rest of us?!

Heavy psychotropic medication can be the only explanation for what you
claim to have seen.

All the news images I saw, showed that the crowd was shocked and some
frightened by the incident...

And far from being carried prostrate from the scene in a state of shock,
they just slipped off his soiled jacket and he went on to shake hands
with the crowd in shirtsleeves...


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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-19 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Richer wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 5/19/2001 10:04:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  I find this title in the subject bar highly suspicious. Just exactly
  WHERE was Clinton when he was  supposedly  hit by an egg in Poland?
  Tenorlove wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
   Except that Blair is better-looking, what's the difference?
   --- Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
But he was aiming at Blair.
 Who cares who he was aiming at, he got the right one!


Whooosh Missed that one Bill.
Actually, the egg only brushed his sleeve.


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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-19 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

I bet you you don't think SouthPark is funny.

On 19 May 2001, at 21:25, YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Sat, 19 May 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
 The eggs it is said, were at least a year old and Clinton did indeed
 smell of brimstone.
 When he left he was carried prostrate with grief from the
 scene.covered with egg and what appeared to be pigeon droppings?

 Man, Aleisha...why don't you share those drugs you're taking with the
 rest of us?!

 Heavy psychotropic medication can be the only explanation for what you
 claim to have seen.

 All the news images I saw, showed that the crowd was shocked and some
 frightened by the incident...

 And far from being carried prostrate from the scene in a state of shock,
 they just slipped off his soiled jacket and he went on to shake hands with
 the crowd in shirtsleeves...


Best Wishes

Having fun is like buying life insurance:  The older you get, the more
it costs. - Anon.  -20,000 Quips  Quotes, Evan Esar (1968)

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-18 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Got that right, Bill -- one of them was smart enough to marry me!


--- Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 No more Polish jokes after this!  The Poles are smarter than
 Americans! - Bill

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-18 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Tenorlove wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Got that right, Bill -- one of them was smart enough to marry me!


 --- Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  No more Polish jokes after this!  The Poles are smarter than
  Americans! - Bill

But he was aiming at Blair.


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2001-05-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well first it showed guess an Englishman being egged who was former
boxer; instinctively he hit back - how would you like to be married to
that one?

And then - Clinton walking along, smiling, charming - beaming - in a
state of bliss - and POW - he was egged - he looked shock, the SS
grabbed him and slammed against the wall with hands protecting his
head.end of scene for they sure cut that out but I say, that guy
looked scared?

Now I know this is not funny - but CNN the two commentators could hardly
contain themselves...hope they repeat this.

So self ordained King of the Bums finally gets his dues.

And I know, this is not funny.

CNN showed such poor taste in permitting their news commentators to hold
back extreme laughter..

The End

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;
Humpty Dumpty had a big fall;

Seems he was slammed against an ex President -

And all the kings horses, and all the kings men;

Tried to put Humpty together again for future egging 

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[CTRL] Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

2001-05-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

No more Polish jokes after this!  The Poles are smarter than Americans! - Bill

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Thursday May 17 1:13 PM ET
Clinton Hit by Egg in Poland

WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Former President Clinton (news - web sites) was jeered
by anti-globalization protesters and hit by an egg Thursday while visiting
Poland's capital as part of a European speaking tour.

The egg struck Clinton's sleeve as he walked through Warsaw's Old Town
district. Police detained a 19-year-old man.

``The president laughed at the matter, saying, 'It's good for young people to
be angry about something,''' spokeswoman Jennifer Palmeri said. He was not

The incident came one day after Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott was
targeted by an egg-throwing heckler in Wales. The British politician's
response, however, was less mild. He punched the man in the face.

About 150 young Poles protested outside the hotel where Clinton was giving an
address on globalization to business people. Some of the demonstrators held
banners reading ``Globalization kills our planet'' and ``Yes to people, no to

The former president generally is a popular figure among Poles and got warm
receptions in 1994, when he addressed Poland's parliament, and in 1997, when
he spoke to 10,000 people in Warsaw's Royal Square.

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[CTRL] Clinton Still Working for Chinese

2001-05-09 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Yahoo! Hong Kong - News
Wednesday, May  9 12:33 PM SGT
Clinton, Jiang hold private talks as Falungong keep up protests
HONG KONG, May 9 (AFP) -
Former US president Bill Clinton is believed to have met with Chinese
President Jiang Zemin for about an hour Wednesday as the Falungong
spiritual group held a second day of peaceful protests at a global forum
Journalists at the scene said Clinton's black BMW was among a six-
strong motorcade which arrived at Jiang's Harbour Plaza hotel at 10:30
amamid a heavy police presence.
Clinton departed at 11:45 am (0345 GMT), waving to the waiting press.
But the meeting, which had been predicted by the Hong Kong press,
could not immediately be officially confirmed.
Washington has said Clinton is travelling as a private citizen, and would
not be bearing any message from his Republican successor in the
White House, George W. Bush.
Earlier Jiang met with Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who left
just before Clinton arrived. Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa
was also seen driving off from the hotel.
The Chinese-language Singtao daily said Tuesday that Jiang would urge
Clinton -- whom he has met several times -- to work to improve bilateral
ties which have plummeted since Bush's inauguration in January.
Singtao said Jiang was expected to tell Clinton that China felt no
animosity towards the US, despite deteriorating relations soured by a
row over a collision between a Chinese fighter and a US spy plane, and
Washington's decision to sell a huge arms package to Beijing's rival,
Jiang was due to leave later Wednesday after a whirlwind 24-hour visit.
Clinton will close the conference on Thursday.
Police maintained a heavy presence across Hong Kong Wednesday to
deter any dissent, particularly from the Falungong spiritual group whose
members were again out in their hundreds performing peaceful
meditation exercises.
Protests against China's ban of the Buddhist-inspired group, composed
mainly of middle-aged women, continued at five spots across Hong
However, there were no early morning demonstrations at police-
designated protest areas near the Convention and Exhibition Centre in
waterfront Wanchai on the second day of the Fortune Global Forum.
Police spokesman Charles Wong defended the tight police security,
saying of 23 protests Tuesday, all but one were peaceful.
From the figures from yesterday (Tuesday) I think it is very obvious that
we are very successful in our negotiations with the groups to try to
balance their needs, he told Hong Kong radio.
He praised officers for showing restraint, adding some had been injured
in the line of duty.
Several officers were injured, he said. Our officers are being hit and
punched, yes. In one incident an officer's teeth were knocked out by a
punch to the face.
But they have been very unobstrusive and restrained.
More than 100 Falungong practioners have been barred entry to the
territory ahead of the forum -- a three-day invitation only event where
world business leaders are focusing on the theme Next Generation
But Hong Kong's chief secretary for administration Donald Tsang
insisted the territory had the right to bar undesirable elements.
Some balance has to be struck so that the interests of the people in
Hong Kong is not undermined by undesirable elements, he said.
We talk to the US and UK consulate-generals regularly and I am sure
we will explain our position satisfactorily.
Meanwhile, Wanchai police station Tuesday was beseiged after a pro-
democracy activist apparently tried to commit suicide. Police later
confirmed one man stabbed himself with a ballpoint pen while in
At the forum, overshadowed by events outside the arena, corporate
heavyweights such as Yahoo head Jerry Yang and AOL Time Warner
chief executive officer Gerry Levin locked horns on ways to shape the
strategies that will move world business in the future.

Best wishes

   Woolybooger for the day:
We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary
Americans ... -Bill Clinton (USA TODAY, 11 March 1993, page 2A)

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[CTRL] Clinton Navy Chief Was Murdered

2001-04-25 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Navy Chief Was Murdered


Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Clinton kept lid on PLA jet threats

2001-04-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton kept lid on PLA jet threats 
Buzzing of U.S. forces started year ago, but White House failed to tell 



By Paul Sperry
 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

WASHINGTON -- The Navy and Air Force told the Clinton administration in 
December that Chinese fighter jets had begun a systematic campaign of 
"buzzing" dangerously close to U.S. planes and ships in waters near China as 
early as a year ago, but the administration failed to brief Congress, 
WorldNetDaily has learned. 

The provocations started in April 2000 and got closer and closer, 
congressional sources say, but the Pentagon didn't formally complain to the 
White House until December -- out of respect for its ongoing "strategic 
partnership" with China. 

"The Clinton administration wanted to keep all this quiet, which they did," a 
senior Senate aide told WorldNetDaily on the condition of anonymity. "They 
never told the Congress." 

Calls to the Pentagon were not returned by deadline. 

China is holding the crew of a U.S. surveillance plane after it made an 
emergency landing Sunday at a Chinese military base after colliding with one 
of two Chinese fighter jets that were reportedly shadowing it in menacing 

Congress expects China will release the 24-member crew by the end of the 
week, Hill sources say. 

"They'll be out by Friday at the latest for the simple reason that the 
congressional delegations leave for China on Saturday morning," a Senate aide 
said, "so they (Beijing's communist leaders) are not going to risk that." 

But hopes of recovering intact the EP-3E spy plane, which contains hi-tech 
surveillance equipment, are dim. 

"I don't think we're going to get the plane back for a long time," he said. 
"And when we do, they'll give it back in bits." 

China's People's Liberation Army likely will try to reverse-engineer the 
electronics system to gain insights into the U.S. military's top-secret 
signals-gathering technology. 

In such emergencies, the EP-3E crew is trained to destroy secret documents 
and manuals and disable hardware on board, so they won't fall into potential 
enemy hands. 

But even if crew members managed to carry out such security procedures, it 
won't stop the communists, skilled at reverse-engineering, from taking the 
equipment apart and trying to replicate it. 

The U.S. crew, described as very young, was flying a mission in the South 
China Sea to track weapons systems the PLA recently bought from Russia, which 
forged military ties with China during the Clinton administration. 

"They were following the Sovremenny destroyer," the senior Senate aide said. 

China's 7,300-ton Sovremenny destroyer, armed with eight nuclear-tipped 
SS-N-22 Sunburn anti-ship missiles, is of particular concern to the U.S. 
Pacific fleet because it is chiefly designed to kill American aircraft 
carriers -- which stand as a major deterrent to the mainland Chinese 
communists taking U.S. ally Taiwan by force. 

Despite Beijing's claims, Hill sources say flight-path coordinates show the 
EP-3E plane was flying outside the internationally recognized 12-mile limit 
on territorial waters, and did not intrude into China's airspace. 



Paul Sperry is Washington bureau chief for WorldNetDaily. 

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[CTRL] Clinton and OKC (fwd)

2001-03-21 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 11:54:01 -0500
Subject: Clinton and OKC

I made a comment about a week ago linking clinton's political
fortunes and OKC.

I was rightly digged at for not clarify that I did not absolutely
believe he knew, planned or approved of the event - only that I
thought he turned it into a political tool - much like Hitler did
with the Reichstag (spelling?) fire.

This article today supports my thoughts. There is nothing
radically new here other than increased awareness that may get
the attention of the new Justice Dept. To me, this story and
about another dozen that were not properly investigated was the
number one reason why it was needed to topple the clintoon/algore

By the way, a lorry is British-speak for truck.

Barry - Proud charter member of the VRWC

The Bomb that gave Clinton victory

News/Current Events News
Posted on 03/21/2001 07:47:42 PST by robnoel

Much has been said of late about OKCwith the interview last
nite on O'Riley "Factor"it is my take that Clinton did not
want this to be about "international terrorist"so he told the FBI
to back offas Ambrose Evans-Pritchard said in his Nov 1996
piece below!

Americans would come together if it were "international" however
if it were against the "right-wing" that old commie standed for
victory...divide and conquer could come into play ...and it


Bomb that gave Clinton victory could still return to haunt him

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Washington

RELAXING on Air Force One after the election, Bill Clinton told
reporters it was the Oklahoma bombing that proved the
turning-point in his political fortunes.

It was the moment when the militias, the Christian Right and the
Gingrich onslaught against government, all melded together in the
public mind as one rampant movement of extremism. "It broke a
spell in the country as the people began searching for our common
ground again," said Clinton.

I was struck by the observation, because I have long believed
that the Oklahoma bombing was the spring-board for the remarkable
come-back of Clinton.

The lorry bomb that blew up the Murrah Federal building on April
19 1995, killing 168 people, was a traumatic event. Had it been
carried out by foreign radicals, the impact on the national
psyche would have been far less. But this was a home-grown
conspiracy. Americans were committing mass murder against other
Americans. A class full of infants in a day-care centre massacred
in cold blood - by Americans.

Clinton seized the moment. He blamed Right-wing radio talk shows
for sowing distrust of government institutions and for creating a
climate of "hate" that fostered recourse to violence. He did not
name the Republicans as co-conspirators; he did not have to. The
US media made the connection for him.

Tim McVeigh was the military expression of the Gingrich agenda,
opined the commentators. Republicans had failed to understand
that rhetoric has consequences, and now look what had happened.

A few Republicans dared to reply that it was the deployment of
tanks and CS gas by a militarised FBI against women and children
in Waco that had set off the deadly spiral. But most of them were
too intimidated, or horrified, to articulate a defence. It worked
like magic for Clinton. With control over the Justice Department
and the FBI - which he has politicised to an extraordinary degree
- he has been able to shape perception of the bombing.

But what if the government has suppressed the full truth? What if
the most important investigation in modern history has been
compromised to ensure the re-election of the President?

These are not idle questions. A family that lost two children in
the day-care centre has accused the Justice Department of

a cover-up. After conducting their own private investigation for
the past 18 months Glenn and Cathy Wilburn have amassed evidence
suggesting that the government had prior knowledge of the bombing
- and negligently failed to stop it.

They have demolished the prosecution claim that McVeigh acted
alone at the crime scene. The Wilburns have over 300 hours of
taped testimony from witnesses who spotted McVeigh with other men
in Oklahoma City between 8am and 9am on April 19. The last
witness to see the Ryder lorry as it pulled up in front of the
Murrah Building, said that the stocky man who got out of the
driver's side looked nothing like the tall, gangly McVeigh.
who: no such list 'got'

The Wilburns, and their daughter Eyde Smith, have now taken their
case to the Oklahoma courts. In a civil lawsuit they have named
two men - Michael Brescia and a former German army officer,
Andreas Strassmeir - as alleged accomplices of McVeigh. They have
accused the Justice Department of failing to pursue all the
conspirators because one or more of them were federal informants
who had penetrated the bombing ring.

Fortunately for Clinton this story did not break in the

[CTRL] Clinton legal debts could still be paid by taxpayers

2001-03-15 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

March 14, 2001, 8:23PM

Clinton legal debts could still be paid by taxpayers
Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- Former President Clinton and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton,
D-N.Y., owe lawyers nearly $4 million, and an official of the former first
family's legal defense fund said Wednesday he is uncertain who will pay the
bill: the Clintons, financial donors or the taxpayers.

The fund announced that it and a previous legal defense fund had paid $7.4
million of the Clintons' $11.3 million in legal expenses -- leaving a balance
of $3.9 million.

"We will meet with the former president and his staff" soon on the matter,
said Anthony Essaye, the defense fund's executive director.

On the last full day of his presidency, Clinton agreed not to seek taxpayer
reimbursement of legal fees for the scandal involving former White House
intern Monica Lewinsky. The promise did not extend to the Whitewater criminal
investigation, which lasted until September.

Essaye said the fund does not have a breakdown of which unpaid fees relate to
the Lewinsky matter and to Whitewater.

One million dollars of the unpaid legal fees are in connection with the Paula
Jones sexual harassment lawsuit filed against the former president, leaving
nearly $3 million for Whitewater and the Lewinsky investigations. Donations
have slowed substantially, to $750,000 for the last six months of last year.

At the height of the Lewinsky investigation in the second half of 1998, the
fund raised $2.3 million. There were few big donors recently, just eight
people who gave $10,000 each, the maximum donation allowed by the fund.

If the Clintons decide to seek taxpayer reimbursement for Whitewater
expenses, they would do so by filing an application with the federal appeals
court that appointed the independent counsels who investigated the Clintons.

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[CTRL] Clinton Memorial

2001-03-12 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Friends and Relatives:

We have the distinguished honor of being on the committee to raise
five million dollars for a monument of Bill Clinton.   We originally
wanted to put him on Mt. Rushmore until we discovered there was not
enough room for two more faces.

We then decided to erect a statue of Bill Clinton in Washington, D.C.
Hall of Fame.   We were in a quandary as to where the statue should be

placed.   It was not proper to place it beside the statue of George
Washington, who never told a lie, or beside Jesse Jackson, who never
told the truth, since Bill Clinton could never tell the difference.

We finally decided to place it beside Christopher Columbus, the
greatest Democrat of them all.   He left not knowing where he was
going, did not know where he was, returned not knowing where he had
been, and did it all on someone else's money.

If you are one of the fortunate people who have anything left after
taxes, we expect a generous contribution to this worth while project.

Thank you,

Bill Clinton Monument Committee

PS: The committee has raised over $1.35 so far!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-03-09 Thread tnohava

X DRUDGE REPORT X WED MARCH 07, 2001 20:09:41 ET X



Former President Clinton is quietly preparing to launch an online version of
his presidential library -- an online library which will not allow critical
analysis or comments about the nation's 42nd president!

According to sources close to the website's development team, planned chat
rooms and bulletin boards will be strictly monitored for anti-Clinton

But developers have yet to determine how to keep out any and all critical

Keywords like "Paula", "Kathleen", "Juanita" and "Monica" will not be
tolerated, one well-placed insider told the DRUDGE REPORT .

"You will not see chats with Clinton-bashing," said the source.

http://www.clintonpresidentialcenter.com/index.html is being launched to
showcase the legacy of the Clinton Administration as well as Bill Clinton's
ongoing work with his Presidential Library and Foundation.

Sources also reveal how the online Clinton Presidential Center will not use
the term "impeachment" in any capacity.

A planned "forum" section, designed to be interactive with readers, is set
to go online in the spring.

The site currently invites readers to "please check back soon to discuss
your thoughts on the Clinton administration with others."

Will the Clinton Presidential Center be on the lookout for disrupters,
possibly using keywords: "sink", "cigar", "pardon"?

How about "is"?

"There will never be a chat without a moderator keeping out the kooks," one
insider revealed. "But getting a handle on the message boards could be a
different challenge."

Actorpoliticalactivist Alec Baldwin recently had to close down his message
board after the site was overrun with posts ripping the star for critical
comments he made about George W. Bush.

"Due to the constant and steady stream of offensive material that has been
posted here, regretfully we are closing the Guestbook indefinitely," Baldwin
announced. "Nearly all of the information that has been posted... is
misinformation or disinformation, fueled by political extremists whose only
goal is to harass and disrupt."

Clinton's web designers are determined to avoid the same fate.


[CTRL] Clinton - Mob Guy From Tbe Very Beginning

2001-03-09 Thread flw

Toronto News  Mail
Clinton's 11th-hour pardons cap a seedy career that 
Americansshould be ashamed of, says biographer ROGER MORRISROGER 

Wednesday, March 7, 2001

There is an emblematic moment at the start of Bill Clinton's 
political life. It is January, 1974, and the 27-year-old future president, only 
months out of Yale Law School, is back in Arkansas eager to run for Congress. A 
relative unknown, he faces an imposing field of rivals in the Democratic 
primary, and beyond, in the general election, a powerful Republican incumbent. 
Yet as soon as he enters the race, Mr. Clinton enjoys a decisive seven-to-one 
advantage in campaign funds over the nearest Democratic competitor, and will 
spend twice as much as his well-supported GOP opponent.

It begins with a quiet meeting at his mother's house in Hot 
Springs. Around the kitchen table, as Virginia Clinton will describe the scene, 
avid young Billy meets with two of his most crucial early backers -- uncle 
Raymond G. Clinton, a prosperous local Buick dealer, and family friend and 
wealthy businessman Gabe Crawford. As they talk, Mr. Crawford offers the 
candidate unlimited use of his private plane, and uncle Raymond not only 
provides several houses around the district to serve as campaign headquarters, 
but will secure a $10,000 loan to Bill from the First National Bank of Hot 
Springs -- an amount then equal to the yearly income of many Arkansas families. 
Together, the money and aircraft and other gifts, including thousands more in 
secret donations, will launch Mr. Clinton in the most richly financed race in 
the annals of Arkansas -- and ultimately onto the most richly financed political 
career in American history.

Though he loses narrowly in 1974, his showing is so 
impressive, especially in his capacity to attract such money and favours, that 
he rises rapidly to become state attorney-general, then governor, and 
eventually, with much the same backing and advantage, president of the United 

Those obscure origins have been a ghostly echo amid the pall 
of scandal that now hangs over Mr. Clinton's last days in the White House. The 
gush of lavish gifts from retainers, the fat contributions to the Clinton 
presidential library, his legal defence fund, Mrs. Clinton's own senatorial war 
chest, the favours to and from relatives and old friends, and, of course, the 
notorious 11th-hour pardons of criminal financier Marc Rich, drug kingpin Carlos 
Vignali and others whose allies variously funnelled money to the Clintons: There 
is a sense in which we have seen it all before, though a sense, too, in which 
most Americans still don't grasp what they are looking at.

Around his mother's kitchen table that winter a quarter of a 
century ago -- like so much that happened over the course and climax of the 
Clinton presidency -- nothing was quite what it seemed. No mere businessman with 
a spare plane, Gabe Crawford presided over a backroom bookie operation that was 
one of Hot Springs' most lucrative criminal enterprises. And just as Marc Rich, 
with his sordid international trafficking from Manhattan to Tripoli, was no 
ordinary investor, the inimitable uncle Raymond -- who had also played a pivotal 
behind-the-scenes role in keeping young Bill out of the Vietnam draft -- was far 
more than an auto dealer. In the nationally prominent fount of vice and 
corruption that was Hot Springs from the 1920s to the 1980s (its barely 
concealed casinos generated more income than Las Vegas well into the 1960s), the 
uncle's Buick agency and other businesses and real estate were widely thought to 
be facades for illegal gambling, drug money laundering and other ventures, in 
which Raymond was a partner. He was a minion of the organized crime overlord who 
controlled the American Middle South for decades, New Orleans boss Carlos 
Marcello or Mafia Kingfish as his biographer John Davis called 

It was in this milieu, this shadow, that Bill Clinton began 
his climb to power, and from which, in a long, twisting line from Mr. Crawford 
to Mr. Rich, uncle Raymond and Mr. Marcello to Mr. Vignali, he has never really 

Through it all, Mr. Clinton and his apologists, and even 
political foes bound by their own ample corruption, would claim that there was 
no evidence of any specific quid for the quo of all the provenance and support 
-- when, in fact, the record would be filled with fix and favour, and when in 
truth it was Mr. Clinton himself as political virtuoso (and as 
blackmail-vulnerable sexual satyr) who was always the quid his backers 

The shrouded pardons this January belong to a seedy history. 
As Arkansas attorney-general, Mr. Clinton looked the other way from the state's 
pervasive organized crime and corporate depredations. As governor for a dozen 
years, he made the state a haven for speculators and profiteers while its 
legendary poverty and inequity of income deepened. He made the Arkansas Highway 
Department and 

[CTRL] Clinton connected to Marcellos to Lansky - and he visited Moscow?

2001-03-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This item is interesting but was not aware of Clinton connection to
Marcellos if this be true through his "family"yet Clinton's name, is
not Clinton and there are stories that this Blythe was in Germany or
overseas in timeframe where he was declared father of William Jefferson

This Clinton evidenty has always been part of murder inc. and that is
why he has a longer body bag count than Jack the RipperManchurian
Candidate?   By their fruits you shall know them.

Have no way to verify this information and not familiiar with Roger
Morris credentials..are the people of America now so corrupted by
money they do not now care?   Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Marc Reich aka
Rich and his wife who took 350 million dollar settlement in divorce?

Keeping in mind we have KGB in our FBI and in Kissinger, we have KGB
with us always (Kissinger, Code Name Bor Soviet Agent)..

What is Bill Clinton's real name?  Bill Juke?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:Thu, Mar 8, 2001, 10:01pm Subject:
ROGER MORRIS: Don't pardon corruption

  Clinton's 11th-hour pardons cap a seedy career that Americans
should be ashamed of, says biographer ROGER MORRIS
Wednesday, March 7, 2001
  There is an emblematic moment at the start of Bill Clinton's
political life. It is January, 1974, and the 27-year-old future
president, only months out of Yale Law School, is back in Arkansas eager
to run for Congress. A relative unknown, he faces an imposing field of
rivals in the Democratic primary, and beyond, in the general election, a
powerful Republican incumbent. Yet as soon as he enters the race, Mr.
Clinton enjoys a decisive seven-to-one advantage in campaign funds over
the nearest Democratic competitor, and will spend twice as much as his
well-supported GOP opponent.
  It begins with a quiet meeting at his mother's house in Hot
Springs. Around the kitchen table, as Virginia Clinton will describe the
scene, avid young Billy meets with two of his most crucial early backers
-- uncle Raymond G. Clinton, a prosperous local Buick dealer, and family
friend and wealthy businessman Gabe Crawford. As they talk, Mr. Crawford
offers the candidate unlimited use of his private plane, and uncle
Raymond not only provides several houses around the district to serve as
campaign headquarters, but will secure a $10,000 loan to Bill from the
First National Bank of Hot Springs -- an amount then equal to the yearly
income of many Arkansas families. Together, the money and aircraft and
other gifts, including thousands more in secret donations, will launch
Mr. Clinton in the most richly financed race in the annals of Arkansas
-- and ultimately onto the most richly financed political career in
American history.
  Though he loses narrowly in 1974, his showing is so impressive,
especially in his capacity to attract such money and favours, that he
rises rapidly to become state attorney-general, then governor, and
eventually, with much the same backing and advantage, president of the
United States.
  Those obscure origins have been a ghostly echo amid the pall of
scandal that now hangs over Mr. Clinton's last days in the White House.
The gush of lavish gifts from retainers, the fat contributions to the
Clinton presidential library, his legal defence fund, Mrs. Clinton's own
senatorial war chest, the favours to and from relatives and old friends,
and, of course, the notorious 11th-hour pardons of criminal financier
Marc Rich, drug kingpin Carlos Vignali and others whose allies variously
funnelled money to the Clintons: There is a sense in which we have seen
it all before, though a sense, too, in which most Americans still don't
grasp what they are looking at.
  Around his mother's kitchen table that winter a quarter of a
century ago -- like so much that happened over the course and climax of
the Clinton presidency -- nothing was quite what it seemed. No mere
businessman with a spare plane, Gabe Crawford presided over a backroom
bookie operation that was one of Hot Springs' most lucrative criminal
enterprises. And just as Marc Rich, with his sordid international
trafficking from Manhattan to Tripoli, was no ordinary investor, the
inimitable uncle Raymond -- who had also played a pivotal
behind-the-scenes role in keeping young Bill out of the Vietnam draft --
was far more than an auto dealer. In the nationally prominent fount of
vice and corruption that was Hot Springs from the 1920s to the 1980s
(its barely concealed casinos generated more income than Las Vegas well
into the 1960s), the uncle's Buick agency and other businesses and real
estate were widely thought to be facades for illegal gambling, drug
money laundering and other ventures, in which Raymond was a partner. He
was a minion of the organized crime overlord who controlled the American
Middle South for decades, New Orleans boss Carlos Marcello or "Mafia
Kingfish" as his biographer John Davis called him.
  It was in this milieu, this shadow, that Bill 

[CTRL] Clinton Slowly Sinks in Sunset

2001-03-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Saturday, Mar. 3, 2001 11:25 a.m. EST
Koch: I Hope They Prosecute Clinton

Former New York City mayor and lifelong Democrat Ed Koch said Saturday
he hopes ex-President Clinton will be prosecuted if investigators turn
up evidence showing he committed crimes in Pardongate.

"How low the mighty have fallen. And he brought it on all on his own,"
Koch told Bloomberg News Radio's Wes Smith.

"What he did with the commutations and the pardons is so shocking. And
if they find a money trail, and it wouldn't shock me if they did, I hope
they can get him criminally."

Mr. Clinton along with his wife, Sen. Hillary Clinton, are currently the
subjects of a Pardongate criminal probe by U.S. Attorney for New York's
Southern District Mary Jo White.
Koch defended Clinton throughout impeachment and was one of the earliest
advocates of congressional censure as an alternative punishment.

But he has also been among the most critical of the Clintons since the
pardons-for-cash scandal erupted. Two weeks ago the former mayor said
that he hoped investigators would "leave no stone unturned" as they
probe the ex-president's pardon of fugitive billionaire Marc Rich.

The feisty Democrat, who's making a rapid recovery from a recent heart
attack, also had some surprisingly kind words for President George Bush
after his State of the Union address on Tuesday.

"It was a home run; he was magnificent," Koch told Bloomberg News. "And
what was interesting was that the Republicans and Democrats stood and
applauded him. He had an enormous number of applause lines."

While he thinks Reagan and Clinton were better speakers, Koch said,
"There is a genuineness to [Bush] that is very, very affecting in a very
positive way."

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
Clinton Scandals
Sen. Hillary Clinton
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Inside Cover Stories
 Rumsfeld Last to Know About Powell Europe Policy
 Byrd Apologizes for 'N' Word; Trashes Clinton
 Kathleen Willey: They Called Other Monicas 'Formers'
 Pardongate Perjury?
 Republicans Offer 'Regrets' to Al Sharpton
 The Jenna Bush Frat Party Photo Conspiracy
 Clinton Rediscovering Joys of Sax in Chappaqua
 Koch: I Hope They Prosecute Clinton
 McCall vs Cuomo a Conundrum for Hillary
 Denise E-mail Suggests Pardongate Quid Pro Quo
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Clinton used Rich lawyer as final authority

2001-03-03 Thread tnohava

Prez: 'Take Jack's word'
Despite arms-trading report, Clinton used Rich lawyer as final authority

By Paul Sperry
 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

On inauguration eve, as it became clear that former President Bill Clinton
was leaning toward pardoning fugitive financier Marc Rich -- an issue his
staff had thought to be "dead" -- former White House Counsel Beth Nolan
rushed a search of Rich through a Justice Department crime database.

The department's National Crime Information Center reported back some
disturbing news, which only confirmed Nolan's fears that granting Rich
clemency was a bad idea.

It turned out that Rich, who fled the U.S. in 1983 rather than face
racketeering, tax-fraud and other criminal charges, was also under suspicion
of illegal arms-trading.

NCIC also clearly listed him as a "fugitive."

Nolan, testifying before Congress Thursday night, said she gave the
information to Clinton as further evidence he should deny Rich a pardon.

But Clinton ignored the NCIC report and insisted Rich lawyer Jack Quinn --
who also served as Clinton's former White House counsel -- knew better.

"Take Jack's word," Nolan said Clinton told her and other lawyers in a White
House meeting.

Quinn had argued in his pardon petition to the White House -- a copy of
which Justice's pardon attorney Roger Adams didn't see until the last
minute -- that his client was not technically a fugitive and not a security

Despite Justice's concerns about Rich's allegedly illegal arms-dealing,
Clinton did not seek advice or additional information on Rich from U.S.
intelligence agencies.

Every lawyer at the heated meeting the night of Jan. 19 -- including
Clinton's closest adviser Bruce Lindsey -- had reservations about the Rich
pardon, except for perhaps one -- ex-White House lawyer Cheryl Mills. For
reasons still not clear, she was invited to join in the pardon debate, even
though she no longer worked for the government.

In their testimony, Nolan and Lindsey said they weren't sure if Mills took a
position on the Rich pardon, although e-mails reveal she was included in
discussions on the matter as early as Jan. 5.

Mills at the time was a director of the William J. Clinton Presidential
Foundation, the financial arm of his Little Rock, Ark., library -- to which
Rich's ex-wife Denise Rich had donated $450,000.

Here are other unreported highlights from the House Government Reform
Committee hearing, which continued late into the evening Thursday:

Nolan says she also opposed Clinton's pardons of his former CIA Director
John Deutch, accused of mishandling U.S. secrets; his former HUD Secretary
Henry Cisneros, convicted of lying to the FBI; and his former Whitewater
business partner Susan McDougal, convicted of fraud and contempt of court.

Lindsey testified that he had "no recollection" of talking to Clinton about
his brother-in-law Hugh Rodham's lobbying efforts on behalf of convicted
coke kingpin Carlos Vignali. Lindsey, a White House lawyer and Clinton's
closest aide, talked to Rodham at least twice about commuting Vignali's
Clinton has denied knowing about Rodham's role, specifically the $434,280 in
fees he collected -- although the tabloid that broke the original story is
reporting in its latest edition that Rodham, who lived in the White House
residence in the last days of Clinton's term, gave a reprieve application
directly to Clinton.

The ex-president did know, however, that his other brother-in-law -- Tony
Rodham -- was lobbying for the pardons of two bank-fraud felons, Lindsey
said. Lindsey said he was unaware at the time that Rodham had a business
relationship with the couple. Clinton pardoned them last March over
Justice's veto.

In a Dec. 26, 2000, e-mail from another Rich lawyer, New Yorker Bob Fink, to
Quinn, Fink discussed their options for pressing Rich's pardon if White
House lawyers tried to shoot it down. Those options included enlisting
then-Senator-elect Hillary Rodham Clinton.
"The only one that seems to have real potential for making a difference is
the HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] option and even that has peril if not
handled correctly," Fink wrote.

He spoke of making the "necessary representation to HRC" and wondered "about
the support this will get in NY."

Hillary Clinton has emphatically denied any involvement or even any
knowledge of the Rich pardon request at the time.

Lindsey, who headed up Clinton's scandal damage control efforts in the White
House, is now a paid consultant to the Clinton library. Among his duties:
Handling the ongoing e-mail reconstruction project involving hundreds of
thousands of unarchived White House messages. He'll also OK requests for
documents from the Clinton archives.

Nolan and former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta are now college
professors teaching future lawyers the law and ethics.

Former Eagles singer 

[CTRL] Clinton Corruption Plays Us for Fools

2001-02-28 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Corruption Plays Us for Fools—We Won’t

Some day soon, public interest in the Clinton administration’s final disgrace
will fade,
and the former President—if not his wife, our junior Senator—will retreat from
   headlines. Then, after an appropriate interval, we will start
   phony photo ops and pious public pronouncements. Here and
   the Clintons will begin their latest rehabilitation: Here is
the junior
   Senator, hugging inner-city children; there is the former
   lecturing his successor on the finer points of statecraft.

Just as surely as Richard Nixon began planning his comeback on the airplane that
him to San Clemente on Aug. 9, 1974, the Clintons even now are preparing their
public-relations assault on the nation’s better nature. They assume—regrettably,
without reason—that the American public in general, and New York voters in
will forget about the pardons and the denials and the bald-faced lies that have
even their most stalwart apologists.

They assume that disgust will run its course, that salvation will be found in
short attention
spans, that the hyperactivity of the media age will continue to blur collective
And if that doesn’t work, well, they figure they can rely on this heavily
Democratic state
to swallow whole their claims to political victimhood. If public memory cannot
manipulated, there’s always the crass pandering that has served them so well in
the past:
The former President will walk the length of 125th Street to remind his putative

neighbors that he was, after all, the first black President; the junior Senator
will hold
news conferences to denounce right-wing conspirators. This combination of
cold-blooded racial politics and partisan hatemongering, the Clintons no doubt
will keep New York pliant. And New York is the key to it all: Without New York,
there is
no Senate seat, there is no imperial post-Presidency, there is no access to the
who can, with words, actions and money, douse the dealings of grifters with the
of public service.

So the Clintons are playing New Yorkers for fools. Although they surely know by
that their actions and their words have offended even their own supporters in
the state
they laughingly call home, they see no reason to panic. Mrs. Clinton is in the
first weeks
of a six-year term of office; in 2006, they believe, who in New York will
remember Marc
Rich or Hugh Rodham? Who will remember the White House furniture that found its
to their living room in Chappaqua?

And so it will be up to New York, finally, to foil the calculations of this
coarse and
manipulative couple. New Yorkers now have an obligation, not only to themselves
but to
the nation: They must remember. They must remember exactly how they feel about
Clintons at this moment, exactly how they felt when their junior Senator claimed
didn’t know that her own brother was bidding for pardons from her husband. They
remember how their stomachs turned when their junior Senator professed to be
“heartbroken” about her brother’s rancid involvement in the great pardon
auction. They
must remember their astonishment when Mrs. Clinton claimed to know nothing about
Rich pardon, even though his ex-wife Denise donated more than $100,000 to the
First Lady’s Senate campaign—not to mention the $1.1 million that Ms. Rich has
the national Democratic Party, and the $450,000 she gave to the Clinton

Mrs. Clinton is heartbroken? She’s always either heartbroken or disappointed.
about her constituents? Doesn’t she feel our shame? After all, her husband felt
our pain.
Does she not understand our embarrassment? With the nation and indeed the world
watching, we entrusted her with the U.S. Senate seat once held by Robert F.
Kennedy and
Daniel Patrick Moynihan. It is clear now that we have made a terrible mistake,
for Hillary
Rodham Clinton is unfit for elective office. Had she any shame, she would
resign. If
federal officeholders were subject to popular recall, she’d be thrown out of
office by
springtime, the season of renewal.

Only two months ago, serious people believed that Mrs. Clinton would be a
candidate for
President in 2004. Even true believers—gathered in Manhattan’s few remaining
telephone booths—must admit that the plan to get Mrs. Clinton back into the
House must now be relegated to history’s dustbin, where it will share space with
proceedings of the ClintonCare commission, canceled checks to the Whitewater
Development Corporation and the billing records of the Rose Law Firm. Mrs.
political viability has come to an end after fewer than eight weeks in office.

Unlike the tawdry dealings that led to Bill Clinton’s impeachment, the pardon
implicates Mrs. Clinton as much as, and perhaps even more than, her 

[CTRL] Clinton Library to Submit Names of Major Donors

2001-02-27 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton Library to Submit Names of Major Donors
Tuesday, February 27, 2001

 While confusion persists over the roles played by Beth Dozoretz and Denise
Rich in the pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich, Chairman Dan Burton of
the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee scored a small victory
Tuesday in his investigation of the controversial Clinton pardons.

Former President Clinton's Presidential Library Fund has sent a letter to
Burton's Committee saying the Fund will allow Congressmen Burton, R-Ind., and
Henry Waxman, D-Calif., to review a list of donors who have contributed
$5,000 or more.

Last week, the committee was rebuffed in its request to review the
foundation's donor list. The committee wants to see if any money came in that
could have been promised in exchange for pardons.

Joe Marquette/AP

1997: Democratic fund-raiser Beth Dozoretz testifying before the Senate
Governmental Affairs Committee in 1997.

Meanwhile, it was revealed late Monday night that Secret Service records show
Denise Rich and former Democratic Party Finance Chairwoman Dozoretz visited
the White House on President Clinton's last night in office, when he was
deciding on the pardon of Marc Rich and others, a Congressional source tells
FOX News.

The records show Dozoretz logging in at the White House at 5:29 p.m. and Rich
logging in at 5:30 p.m. on January 19.

But Dozoretz's husband, Ronald Dozoretz, told Fox News that although his wife
was cleared to enter the White House, she was on a plane in California with
him at 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 19, one minute after Secret Service logs show she
entered the White House complex. Dozoritz said he, his wife and his boss were
all on a flight together at that time to Los Angeles for a business meeting
and later a party.

And a source close to Denise Rich also claims Rich was not at the White House
that night. The source told the Washington Post that Denise Rich said she was
invited to the White House but did not go.

Congressional sources told Fox News they cannot explain why White House logs
indicate Rich and Dozeretz were at the White House Jan. 19 when family,
friends and other witnesses maintain the two women were elsewhere. The
sources said the discrepancy may be due to record-keeping errors made by the
Secret Service.

The Secret Service logs obtained by the House Government Reform Committee
show that between 1994 and Inauguration Day — Jan. 20 — Denise Rich was
scheduled to arrive at the White House 19 times, but only actually logged in
13 times. Between 1999 and Inauguration Day, Dozoretz visited the White House
43 times.

Taking the Fifth

Earlier Monday, Dozoretz invoked her Fifth Amendment protection against
self-incrimination and refused to testify before the House committee probe
into Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich.

Committee Chairman Dan Burton, R-Ind., has scheduled a hearing for Thursday
to investigate the Clinton pardons, and Dozoretz is on the witness list.
Bebeto Matthews/AP

1999:Songwriter Denise Rich poses for pictures before speaking at a luncheon
for the GP Charitable Foundation for Cancer Research in New York.

Dozoretz, who stepped down in 1999 as finance director of the Democratic
National Committee and is a friend of Denise Rich, told the House Government
Reform Committee through her attorney she would not comply with the panel's
request to appear before it Thursday.

"Because of the pendency of other investigations, Ms. Dozoretz, upon advice
of counsel, has elected to invoke her constitutional privilege not to
testify," said her lawyer, Thomas Green.

Denise Rich also declined to testify before the committee earlier this month,
but that was before U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White confirmed her office was
conducting a criminal investigation into Clinton's pardons of Rich and his
partner, Pincus Green.

The committee sent a subpoena for Dozoretz on Monday and was immediately
contacted by her lawyer with her refusal.

"It is beginning to seem that the reason people aren't answering questions is
because they are hiding something," contended Burton. "This is unacceptable."

Luis M. Alvarez/AP

Legal sources say Hugh Rodham, brother-in-law of former Pres. Clinton, has
not yet repaid all of the nearly $400,000 he collected for lobbying for two

In a statement Monday, Chairman Burton expressed his disappointment with
Dozoretz' decision. "It is my hope that when she comes before the Committee
on Thursday, she will change her mind and answer the Committee's questions,"
he said. "It is very troubling that Beth Dozoretz and Denise Rich [ex-wife of
fugitive financier Marc Rich], both close friends of former President Clinton
who discussed the Rich pardon with him, would refuse to testify."

Burton also issued a rebuke to the former president, claiming that "ever
since former President Clinton issued a number of questionable pardons on
January 20, 2001, he 

[CTRL] Clinton - The Black Man's Jailer

2001-02-21 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Clinton - enemy of the Black Man is "loved" in Harlem.
The modern American Negro is suffering from terminal
Cognitive Dissonance.

Clinton Stole Crime Issue from Republicans
Wednesday, February 21, 2001

Scripps Howard News Service

 WASHINGTON -- President Clinton stole the "tough on crime" issue from
Republicans by locking up more criminals during his eight years in the White
House than any other president in recent history, a study by a criminal
justice think tank says. The Justice Policy Institute says in a study to be
released Monday that more inmates were put in federal prisons under Clinton
than under Presidents George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan combined.

 About 58 percent of federal prisoners are serving time for drug

 Justice Department statistics show the total state, federal and jail
population has grown by 673,000 since 1993. By comparison, the number of
people in prison increased 448,000 during Reagan's eight-year term.

 There are now 2 million people behind bars in the United States and 4.5
million under the control of the criminal justice system through probation
or parole.

 "President Clinton stole the show from 'tough-on-crime' Republicans,"
says Vincent Schiraldi, president of the Washington, D.C.-based think tank,
which supports increased spending for preventative and treatment programs as
an alternative to prison.

 The most dramatic increase in the last eight years came in the number
of federal prisoners, largely as a result of convictions on federal drug

 Under Reagan, the number of federal prisoners grew from 24,363 to
49,928. Under Bush, the number increased to 80,259 by 1992. That more than
doubled to 147,126 when Clinton left office last month.

 Jason Ziedenberg, who worked on the study, says one cause for the
change was the 1994 crime bill, which set mandatory prison sentences, and
increased spending for new prisons and federal investigators. "It's no
surprise when you have more police officers ... They arrested more people,''
he said.

 One impact of the crime bill was that in 1995 states were spending $2.5
billion on prison construction, compared to $2.5 billion spent on university

 In 1995 the U.S. Sentencing Commission recommended Congress give judges
more discretion in sentencing and also urged a change in drug laws that had
resulted in a large number of inner-city residents being jailed on crack
cocaine charges.

 Under current federal laws, someone convicted of distributing five
grams of crack cocaine faces a mandatory five-year prison sentence, while it
takes conviction of trafficking in 500 grams of powder cocaine to trigger
the five-year mandatory sentence. The Congressional Black Caucus backs
equalizing the sentences for either form of cocaine, contending the crack
cocaine laws discriminate against blacks.

 Although Clinton last year called the mandatory sentencing laws
"unconscionable" and said he supported equalizing penalties for possession
of powdered and crack cocaine, he did not send a bill to Congress proposing
any changes.

 During the 2000 presidential campaign, George W. Bush said he wanted to
examine the disparity of sentences between those sentenced for those
convicted of possession of cocaine, and those convicted of crack possession.
During the campaign, Bush also supported spending $1 billion on
crime-prevention programs.

 2001 Scripps Howard News Service

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[CTRL] Clinton Tells Relative to Return Pardon Money

2001-02-21 Thread tnohava

Wednesday February 21 8:12 PM ET
Clinton Tells Relative to Return Pardon Money

Reuters Photo

By Thomas Ferraro

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former President Clinton (news - web sites) disclosed
on Wednesday his brother-in-law received large payments in connection with
pardons that Clinton gave to two convicted felons but he denied any prior
knowledge of the transactions and insisted the money be returned.

Clinton also said he directed Hugh Rodham, brother of former first lady and
now U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (news - web sites), to return the money
to the felons, one of whom was pardoned, the other of whom had his sentenced
shortened and was freed.

``Neither Hillary nor I had any knowledge of such payments,'' Clinton said
in a statement. ``We are deeply disturbed by these reports and insisted that
Hugh return any monies involved.''

One of two congressional committees already investigating the Clinton
pardons, particularly the one the former president gave to fugitive
billionaire Marc Rich, promptly announced plans to examine the transactions.

``This news is deeply troubling,'' said Rep. Dan Burton (news - bio - voting
record), an Indiana Republican and head of the House of Representatives
Government Reform Committee.

``We intend to look into this,'' Burton said in a statement. ''We intend to
ask Mr. Rodham to give us all the details of whom he represented and how
much he was paid.''

Rodham, a private attorney in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, could not
immediately be reached for comment.

But CNN quoted a letter from Rodham's lawyer, saying, ``My client, Hugh
Rodham, today acceded to his family request that he return legal fees earned
in connection with pardon requests.''

Clintons Unaware, Letter

``My client did not advise President or Senator Clinton of his involvement
in these requests,'' CNN quoted the letter as saying. ''He believes that
they were unaware until this week of his work on his clients' behalf.''

CNN reported that the statement went on to say, ``Hugh Rodham has done
absolutely nothing wrong.''

One of the two felons who paid money to Rodham, Glen Braswell, was among the
140 people who Clinton pardoned on his last day in the White House, Jan. 20,

The other, Carlos Vignali, was among 36 people who had their sentences
shortened by the former president.

Clinton, in a statement issued by his transition office in Washington, said,
``Yesterday I became aware of press inquiries that Hugh Rodham received a
contingency fee in connection with a pardon application by Glenn Braswell
and a fee for work on Carlos Vignali's commutation application.''

The payment by Braswell was first disclosed by The National Enquirer under
the headline, ``Clinton Pardon Payoff Exposed.'' The tabloid said Braswell
paid $200,000 to Rodham.

There was no immediate word on how much money Vignali paid to Rodham.

Braswell, described as a Miami businessman, was pardoned for a 1983 mail
fraud conviction. He served three years behind bars.

Vignali had his sentence commuted after serving six years of a 15-year
sentence for his involvement in a Los Angeles-Minneapolis cocaine
trafficking ring.

Burton said in his statement his committee would examine the money paid by
Braswell, and a top aide said the panel would also examine the money paid by

Burton, in his statement, said, ``We already know that Mr. Braswell's pardon
was not reviewed by the Department of Justice (news - web sites).''

``Yet again, this makes it look like there is one system of justice for
those with money and influence, and one system of justice for everyone
else,'' Burton said.

 Clinton Tells Relative to Return Pardon Money.url

[CTRL] Clinton stirs fresh debate with defense of Rich pardon

2001-02-19 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton stirs fresh debate with defense of Rich pardon
Defense of fugitive financier has Republicans in an uproar
Copyright 2001 Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON -- Former President Clinton's first detailed defense of the pardon
of financier Marc Rich raised new questions Sunday from Republicans involved
in the fugitive's case.

Far from putting the controversy to rest, the explanation "raises more
questions than it answers," said New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who originally
prosecuted Rich.

In a lengthy opinion piece published in the New York Times, Clinton denied he
issued the pardons because of payments by Rich's ex-wife to his library
project, his wife's Senate campaign and the Democratic Party. Clinton said he
acted "in the best interest of justice."

"The suggestion that I granted the pardons because Mr. Rich's former wife,
Denise, made political contributions and contributed to the Clinton library
foundation is utterly false," he wrote. "There was absolutely no quid pro

But one of the reasons Clinton listed for granting the pardon touched off a
fresh controversy.

Clinton said the case for the pardon was "reviewed and advocated ... by three
distinguished Republican attorneys: Leonard Garment, a former Nixon White
House official, William Bradford Reynolds, a former high-ranking official in
the Reagan Justice Department, and Lewis Libby, now Vice President (Dick)
Cheney's chief of staff."

But the three men emphatically denied they "reviewed and advocated" the Rich

"It is absolutely false that I knew about and endorsed the idea of a pardon,"
Garment said in a separate Times article.

Reynolds said, "I was astounded. I have had no communications with the
Clinton administration or the president ... having to do with the effort to
obtain the pardon at any time."

A Cheney spokeswoman said, "The assertion that Mr. Libby had anything to do
with President Clinton's pardon is nonsense."

Following those denials, former White House spokesman Joe Lockhart told
ABC-TV's This Week that Clinton made a mistake to include them. "It is
incorrect to say that they were part of the pardon application," Lockhart

But Lockhart said it was earlier work by the three, who served as Rich
attorneys at different times, "that persuaded the president that he ought to
grant the pardon."

An editor's note in today's Times said, "During the press run, Clinton's
office asked that the reference to `applications' be changed to `the case for
the pardons' to try to clarify Clinton's point." The revision, the Times
said, was meant to refer to the principle that Lockhart spoke of.

New York U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White, a Clinton appointee, announced last
week she had opened a criminal investigation into the pardon to determine
whether Rich had bought it.

Rich, along with business partner Pincus Green, fled the United States in
1983, shortly before being indicted in the largest tax-fraud case in American
history. Rich was charged with 50 counts of racketeering, wire fraud,
income-tax evasion and illegal oil trading with Iran.

The Rich pardon touched off criticism after it was revealed his former wife
donated more than $1 million to Democratic campaigns, more than $100,000 to
Hillary Rodham Clinton's Senate race, and $450,000 as a first payment on a
donation to the Clinton library.

The controversy deepened as it was revealed Clinton granted the pardon
without input from the federal prosecutors in New York, or from the U.S.
Justice Department.

In his Sunday article, Clinton said he had several reasons for pardoning
Rich, including that other oil companies doing similar deals were not charged
criminally but "were instead sued civilly by the government."

Clinton also said he had important foreign-policy reasons for giving Rich

"Many present and former high-ranking Israeli officials of both major
political parties and leaders of the Jewish communities in America and Europe
urged the pardon of Mr. Rich because of his contributions and services to
Israeli charitable causes," Clinton wrote.

Previously, Clinton said that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and the man
who recently defeated him, Ariel Sharon, both sought the pardon.

Giuliani, who led the investigation of Rich when he was U.S. attorney in New
York's southern district, said on Fox News Sunday that Clinton's letter left
out the fact that Rich was trading with Iran during the 1979 hostage crisis.

Giuliani said Clinton's claim that Rich should have been charged in civil
court rather than criminally was wrong.

"Marc Rich ran away for 17 years. These charges included trading with Iran
during the hostage crisis, energy violations, a number of other frauds,"
Giuliani said.

Clinton's explanation of the pardon also left some Democrats, who have been
critical of the former president's actions since leaving office, 

[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Clinton Caught Cracking Anti-Gay Jokes

2001-02-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie, nessie, nessie!
Why in the world are you upset about Iraq for it is just an
expansion of your own often-stated philosophy that you have
a right to hurt people who do not agree with you or because
of some imagined insult to you or your equally charming, I'm
sure, friends?  You have threatened me and others, usually
women but I believe that was a male recently.  When not
thretening, you have repeatedly stated taht people who
believe thus and so do not deserve to be breathing the air
and taking up space on your earth.  It is this very thinking
that makes Iraq possible.  You have no regard for  women!
If you were not so sick, you'd be funny!

So just pretend the Iraqis are Pentecostals or, say,
Fundamentalist Baptists who are for school vouchers or maybe
Church of God members who oppose government run schools.
Then you won't mind and it will save you and your 'friends"
from the trouble of hurting them! It is the same princple.
When you claim the right to hurt others for something they
believe or say, or even taht you accuse them of saying
whether or not they did, you are doing the exact same thing
as Iraq.  You ARE the problem and your often-referred-to
equally charming, I am sure, friends whom you claim will
asist you in hurting others.

And, BTW, you are putting word into my mouth, something you
pretend to detest in others.  I am obviously not upset
with"Ah, the hipocricy."  That connotes affirmed
predicitability and no reasonable interpretation carries it
to "upset."

Now I have seen you accuse the poster of the name-calling
which you did not do this time but you are still 'way out of
line.  This is an EMAIL LIST.  No one post is supposed to be
the definitive biography of any person, certainly not this
one about Clinton.  There is not room on this list to list
his alleged wrong-doings in descending order.  You pretend
to be so well educated but obviously have not written very
many term papers nor dissertations or you would understand
the concept of limiting the subject.  Only a fool would
attempt to list even the serious charges against Clinton
because there simply is not enough room.  You post yourself
and do not mention these things yet ridicule others for it.
Go crawl back under your rock and take your meds like the
good little creep that you aspire to be.  You are the last
person on this list to preach morals to others for you are
totally devoid of them.  Now are you and your equally
cahrming firends (doubt they exist) going to hurt me?  And
what do you call an anarchist for MORE laws and TAXES to
preserve a flawed, govt sponsored manditory social
engineering?  A LIBERAL who thinks anarchists sounds so much
more kewl!

 -Caveat Lector-

 Nessie wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
   Ah, the hypocrisy
  Indeed, but only if these stories are true. But even if
they are, so
  what? It's insignificant. He killed a half million Iraqi
  Almost of them were women and children. And you're upset
  somebody said he used non PC language!?! That's

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Clinton to Move To Harlem -

2001-02-13 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Former president now wants
to open office in Harlem

Of course Ex Pres.Billy Bob will be taking his act to Harlem after his $800,000
taxpayer scam was rudely exposed. After all, plenty of nice, plump, buxom
Black Grrls for ole Billy to "educate" in the joys of internshipthey will be
banging on his new office door for the chance to work for "the first Black

Black Girls on their knees for another White Southern Male.

The more things change - the more they stay the same.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton to Move To Harlem -

2001-02-13 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 02/13/2001 8:30:16 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Former president now wants
 to open office in Harlem

 Of course Ex Pres.Billy Bob will be taking his act to Harlem after his
 taxpayer scam was rudely exposed. After all, plenty of nice, plump, buxom
 Black Grrls for ole Billy to "educate" in the joys of internshipthey
will be
 banging on his new office door for the chance to work for "the first Black

 Black Girls on their knees for another White Southern Male.

 The more things change - the more they stay the same.

Well as I said before, Republicans have no respect for Blacks or for women.
I didn't expect anyone to prove my words quite so quickly.  Thank you.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Clinton to Move To Harlem -

2001-02-13 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

  Black Girls on their knees for another White Southern Male.
  The more things change - the more they stay the same.

 Well as I said before, Republicans have no respect for Blacks or for women.
 I didn't expect anyone to prove my words quite so quickly.
 Thank you.  Prudy

Yeah, guess you are right.

Always considered "B.J." Clinton more of a Republican then Democrat...

Then again, what the hell is the difference between the RepubliCrats and the

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton to Move To Harlem -

2001-02-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

 Of course Ex Pres.Billy Bob will be taking his act to Harlem after his $800,000
 taxpayer scam was rudely exposed. After all, plenty of nice, plump, buxom
 Black Grrls for ole Billy to "educate" in the joys of internshipthey will be
 banging on his new office door for the chance to work for "the first Black

 Black Girls on their knees for another White Southern Male.

Perhaps not.  I think the ex-prez will find Harlem natives a tad too 'street wise' for 
his taste...


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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2001-02-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Friday Fax

February 9, 2001
Volume 4, Number 8


In recent weeks at least two radical feminists have represented the new Bush
Administration at UN meetings. Among many holdovers from the Clinton era, the
Friday Fax has learned some are attempting to receive jobs as permanent
members of the US federal bureaucracy.

It surprised many pro-family conservatives last week to see Ambassador Betty
King serving on the delegation to the preparatory committee meeting for the
upcoming Child Summit. King, a Clinton political appointee to the UN Economic
and Social Council, was one of the leading advocates in advancing the radical
feminist cause through a number of UN conferences. King has been a fixture at
UN meetings for years and had been at the center of Clinton Administration
attempts to use UN documents to advance "abortion rights" into the developing
world. It is reported that King expects a reappointment to the Bush

Representing the Bush Administration at the executive board meeting of the
United Nations Population Fund last week was Margaret Pollack, a career
foreign service officer who heads the Office of Population in the US State
Department. Pollack served as the chief negotiator for the Clinton
Administration at a number of UN conferences including the five-year review
of the Beijing Women's Conference (Beijing+5) and the Cairo Conference on
Population and Development (Cairo+5).

Pollack sat in the lead chair at meetings where the Clinton Administration
attempted to strike down all conscience clauses that protected medical
personnel from having to participate in abortions. At Beijing+5 Clinton
negotiators also attempted to make it mandatory that all medical personnel
learn the abortion procedure.

Peggy Kerry continues to serve as the non-governmental (NGO) liaison officer
for the US Mission. Kerry came from the world of radical feminist activism
and as one career officer at the US Mission put it, "she never learned that
she did not represent her ideology but the US government." Kerry came under
fire last spring when she allowed the pro-abortion group "Catholics" for a
Free Choice to hold a press conference at UN headquarters under US government
auspices at which they bashed the Catholic Church and called for the ouster
of the Catholic Church from its seat as Observer to the UN General Assembly.
At the time presidential candidate George W. Bush criticized the press

During a budget hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee a few
weeks ago, US Ambassador Richard Holbrooke went out of his way to praise the
work of the relatively low-level Kerry. After the hearing Holbrooke could be
seen huddling with Kerry's brother who sits on the committee. Kerry was
recently given a six-month extension on her contract and has told friends she
wants a permanent appointment.

Sharon Kotok, a political appointee in the State Department, is said to want
a job advising the Bush Administration on women's issues. Like King and
Pollack, Kotok was at the center of the Clinton team at most UN conferences
dealing with abortion in the past several years.

Copyright - C-FAM (Catholic Family  Human Rights Institute). Permission
granted for unlimited use. Credit required.

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[CTRL] Clinton to Move To Harlem -

2001-02-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well there goes the neighborhood


Former President Bill Clinton

Clinton opts out
of pricey digs

Former president now wants
to open office in Harlem


Feb. 12 — Former President Clinton canceled lease negotiations
Monday for high-rent offices in midtown Manhattan. Instead, sources
close to the negotiations told NBC News, Clinton will take "state of the
art" office space in Harlem.

February 12 — "A letter has gone out — the Carnegie Towers deal is
off," reports MSNBC's Brian Williams.
negotiations for Clinton's post-presidential offices, issued a statement
late Monday confirming the initial report by NBC's Brian Williams that
"a letter has gone out — the Carnegie Towers deal is off." Clinton's
staff also sent NBC News a copy of its letter to the GSA canceling the
   Rent at Carnegie Hall Tower on West 57th Street, where
Clinton had hoped to occupy the entire 56th floor, reportedly would have
cost as much as $800,000 a year, a price that led to weeks of sharp
   NBC News reported that Clinton would announce Tuesday
that his new offices would be in a much less expensive 14-story building
at 55 W. 125th St., the street known worldwide as home to Harlem's famed
Apollo Theater. The New York Times reported in Tuesday's editions that
the asking rent is $30 a square foot, compared with $89 at Carnegie Hall
Tower, for a total annual lease of $210,000.
   Representatives from Clinton's staff and from the GSA
toured upper-level floors of the building earlier Monday, sources said.
   Clinton is believed to be seeking about 7,000 square feet
of space in the building, which has undergone extensive renovation in
the last two years and has what is described as a panoramic view of
midtown Manhattan and the Triborough and George Washington bridges.
The State of a Union, The Complex Marraige of Bill and Hillary
ClintonThe Case Against Hillary ClintonEyewitness to Power: Essence of
Leadership, Nixon to Clinton
   Among his neighbors in the building would be a U.S.
military recruitment station, the uptown Manhattan office of the
Internal Revenue Service and the New York State Human Rights Division's
Office of Lesbian/Gay Concerns.
   One of the harshest critics of Clinton's office search,
Rep. Ernest Istook, R-Okla., said in a statement Monday: "I hope this
will be a much more reasonable price for the American taxpayer. And I
know Harlem will be proud to have another Globetrotter.
   "Mr. Clinton has listened to what the public was saying,"
added Istook, chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee with
jurisdiction over federal support for former presidents, "and I know
we'll all be just as interested in the new details."
   The former president believes "this move shows that Bill
Clinton has his political footing back," sources close to Clinton told
   "This makes sense on all levels," one of the sources
said. "It's where Bill Clinton belongs. He'll be happy. It's a beautiful
facility. This will add greatly to Harlem's renaissance."
   Clinton "wanted to go to a place where he could be a good
neighbor and be welcomed by the neighborhood as well," Julia Payne, a
spokeswoman for Clinton's Washington transition office, told The
Associated Press.
   The new building is in a section of New York that is part
of the Harlem Urban Development Corporation, itself part of a Clinton
administration program to revitalize urban business districts.
 •New office for Clinton•Latest news on Rich
pardon•The double life of Marc Rich•Newsweek: Criminal probe
of Marc Rich pardon?•Flap over Clinton library•Presidential
pensionsThe districts, known as Empowerment Zones, receive direct
federal funding and tax breaks to coordinate the efforts of public,
private and nonprofit organizations. The bill that created the
Empowerment Zone program was introduced in Congress in 1993 by Rep.
Charles Rangel, D-N.Y.
   Empowerment Zones by law were to get $100 million in
federal funds, but the New York Empowerment Zone, of which Rangel is a
board member, was an exception, receiving more than $300 million in
direct funding and credits when it was created in 1995.
   Clinton's new office is in Rangel's congressional
district, and Rangel welcomed Clinton to Harlem on Monday night.
   "Bill Clinton is no stranger to Harlem," Rangel said in
an MSNBC interview in which he called on Republicans to let the former
president get on with his life. "I hope the critics of the president can
find a way to get over Bill Clinton."
   The Rev. Al Sharpton, a civil rights activist, also
welcomed Clinton's arrival on West 125th Street, the heart of a
neighborhood famed as a center of black culture. But in an interview
Monday with MSNBC's Lester Holt, Sharpton said it was important that the
neighborhood take care to preserve its historic character amid its rapid
economic revival.

Re: [CTRL] Clinton Caught Cracking Anti-Gay Jokes

2001-02-11 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  Ah, the hypocrisy

 Indeed, but only if these stories are true. But even if they are, so
 what? It's insignificant. He killed a half million Iraqi civilians.
 Almost of them were women and children. And you're upset because
 somebody said he used non PC language!?! That's grotesque.

This is an interesting phenomenon. I remember seeing the Godfather when
it first came out. At the very end, Michael's wife asks him if he had
his turncoat brother in law killed. He did. But he lied to his wife.

The person I saw it with was shocked, simply shocked, that he would lie
to his wife. This after killing hundreds of people.



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[CTRL] Clinton Could be Impeached Again for Pardongate Crimes

2001-02-11 Thread tnohava


Sunday, Feb. 11, 2001; 10:22 a.m. EST

Specter: Clinton Could be Impeached Again for Pardongate Crimes

Senator Arlen Specter suggested Sunday morning that if Congress learns that
ex-President Clinton is guilty of criminal conduct in Pardongate, he could
be impeached all over again.

The leading Senate Judiciary Committee Republican said that if Clinton is
convicted in a Pardongate Senate trial, he could lose his presidential
pension, his Secret Service protection and even his presidential library
trust fund.

He also hinted that the House of Representatives would soon consider such a

Specter offered his stunning comments about prospects for a second Clinton
impeachment on Fox News Sunday during an exhange with Tony Snow and Brit

SNOW: Let's suppose there's a breach of trust. Let's suppose that people
find out that the Rich pardon was conducted under auspices they don't like.
What on earth can Congress do about it?

SPECTER: Well, in our investigation we found a very interesting point that I
hadn't known about in talking to the counsel that represented President Ford
in the pardon of President Nixon.

That is -- and this may surprise a lot of people, and I'm not suggesting
that it should be done -- but President Clinton technically could still be

And you say, how could that happen? He's out of office. Because a president
may be impeached for the emoluments of office, such as the substantial sums
being spent on the (Clinton) library, such as the bodyguards, such as his

President Clinton avoided a conviction on impeachment last time around
because he had not lost the confidence of the American people and we didn't
want to shake up the government. But he's not in office anymore.

HUME: Are you planning to propose that he be impeached?

SPECTER: No, I'm not suggesting it, but, Brit, wait and see. Somebody in the
House of Representatives may do that tomorrow. That's their job to talk

HUME: Do you have someone in mind or are you just speculating?

SPECTER: Well, no. I don't have anybody in mind. But I was surprised to find
that you could impeach a president after he was out of office. And some
people have suggested that you don't need a Constitutional amendment because
you could always impeach a president.

And when it's done in the last days a lot of responses were, well -- you
can't impeach the president, he's out of office. So that when counsel to
President Ford told me that impeachment is still possible, I don't think
that trial would take too long.

 NewsMax.com Inside Cover Story.url

Re: [CTRL] Clinton Caught Cracking Anti-Gay Jokes

2001-02-10 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 Ah, the hypocrisy

Indeed, but only if these stories are true. But even if they are, so
what? It's insignificant. He killed a half million Iraqi civilians.
Almost of them were women and children. And you're upset because
somebody said he used non PC language!?! That's grotesque.

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[CTRL] Clinton Pardons

2001-02-09 Thread Steve Lacy

-Caveat Lector-

Anyone have a link to a website listing all the Clinton Pardons?

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[CTRL] Clinton Vaguely Disappointed By Lack Of Assassination Attempts

2001-02-08 Thread tnohava

CHAPPAQUA, NY-- Reflecting on his presidency Monday, Bill Clinton expressed
a "strange sense of disappointment" over the lack of dramatic attempts on
his life.

Above: Bill Clinton ponders his legacy in the den of his suburban New York
  "All the great ones had someone take a crack at them," Clinton said.
"Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Kennedy--even Reagan. An assassination
attempt would have really elevated my status in the pantheon of presidents."

  "Is this how I'm going to be remembered? As the president who wasn't
worth a couple pot shots?" Clinton asked. "For God's sake, even Ford had
Squeaky Fromme."

  Clinton said an assassination attempt would have given the nation an
opportunity to rally around its wounded leader.

  "I would have inspired every American with my strength and bravery,"
Clinton said. "Giving the American people a heroic thumbs-up despite my side
wound as they loaded me into the ambulance, attempting to walk before my
doctors really wanted me to, passing legislation and signing executive
orders from my hospital bed in Annapolis... I would have been terrific."

  "The Reagan shooting, that made his presidency," Clinton said. "I
still remember watching the coverage of it on TV back in Little Rock,
thinking to myself, 'Man, that guy is playing this perfectly. Someday, I'm
going to assure a shaken American people that it will take more than a
bullet to stop me from leading this great nation.'"

  Those close to Clinton are beginning to worry about his preoccupation.

Above: The scene following the jealousy-provoking March 1981 attempt on
Ronald Reagan's life.
  "He'd never tell you this himself, but when it didn't happen in his
last few months in office, he was inconsolable," former White House Chief of
Staff John Podesta said. "He just kept staring out the windows, first at
that little hill behind the Oval Office, then at the hedge in the Rose
Garden, as if willing a lone gunman to appear. Saddest thing you ever saw."

  Podesta said Clinton had high hopes for a Nov. 14, 2000, visit to San
Diego, a Republican-dominated city with a high number of ex-Marines. In
addition to making three public speeches and waving to several large crowds
in open areas, Clinton entered and exited numerous limousines and buildings
during the trip. Not once, however, was the president ever in any danger.

  "At one point, we walked out of a hotel and were greeted by a throng
of people," Podesta said. "With TV cameras rolling, Bill rolls up his
shirtsleeves and starts working his way through the crowd, shaking
everybody's hands. After a few minutes, he leans over to me and says, 'Right
now would be perfect.'"

  Clinton Secretary of State Warren Christopher said he often tried to
assure the president that he didn't need to be shot to be loved.

  "I tried to tell him it's no big deal, that plenty of the great
presidents never got shot at," Christopher said. "Like Washington. Besides,
no one remembers Charles Guiteau shooting James Garfield. Or McKinley
getting plugged by that Hungarian guy in Buffalo. But he just looks at me
with these sad eyes."

  Continued Christopher: "Then I reminded the president of Francisco
Duran, the Army vet who took shots at the White House in 1994. All he could
say was, 'Whoopee, someone shot at the White House while I was nowhere in
the vicinity. That's really gonna secure my place in history.'"

 Clinton Vaguely Disappointed By Lack Of Assassination Attempts.url

[CTRL] Clinton Caught Cracking Anti-Gay Jokes

2001-02-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 {{Ah, the hypocrisy.  Imagine the outrage if it were a
Republican. AKE}}

Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2001 10:05 a.m. EST

Clinton Caught Cracking Anti-Gay Jokes

Continuing his post-presidential crack-up, Bill Clinton was
overheard last week telling a series of bigoted anti-gay
jokes while dining at a tony New York eatery with Sen. Bob
Kerrey, former White House lawyer Cheryl Mills and other

Wednesday's Washington Post reports that the ex-president
"regaled the table with, uh, raunchy lesbian jokes. A whole
series of them," during a dinner at Greenwich Village's
Babbo restaurant.

Clinton's Archie Bunker routine grew so loud at one point
that Mills, who had defended Clinton during his impeachment
trial as someone devoid of bigotry, had to warn him to "pipe
down, lest he be overheard by nearby diners."

The Post did not identify its sources for the revealing
story and Babbo's management is now denying that the ugly
incident happened.

But the paper's account raises questions about similar
charges against Clinton that have been long overlooked by
the mainstream press.

The Post and most of the rest of the media, for instance,
ignored a thoroughly corroborated account that Clinton
frequently used the "N" word while he was Arkansas governor.

In September 1999, former first family bodyguard Larry
Patterson told NewsMax.com exclusively that Clinton
regularly employed the ugly racial slur to refer to a
particular Little Rock black leader.

Within days, NewsMax.com's report was backed by longtime
Clinton paramour Dolly Kyle Browning, who told Fox News, "he
not only used the 'N' word, he called him 'a G-D-N,' if you
catch my drift."

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
Clinton Scandals

Related Products:

 Burton to Explore Suspected Pardongate Tie to Clinton
Library Fund

 Rights Reserved © NewsMax.com

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[CTRL] Clinton Lies

2001-02-07 Thread tnohava

 The Bill Clinton video that Al Gore does not want you to see! Snake Oil!.url

[CTRL] Clinton-Gore Rift Fueled Blunt Exchange of Views (washingtonpost.com)

2001-02-06 Thread tnohava

Clinton-Gore Rift Fueled Blunt Exchange of Views

 • The Post's Harris on the Clinton-Gore Rift

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By John F. Harris
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, February 7, 2001; Page A1

They were two political partners who had barely spoken for a year, but a few
days after Al Gore conceded the 2000 presidential election, he and Bill
Clinton were finally talking face to face.

For more than an hour, in what sources close to both men described as
uncommonly blunt language, Gore forcefully told Clinton that his sex scandal
and low personal approval ratings were a major impediment to his
presidential campaign. Clinton, according to people close to him, was
initially taken aback but responded with equal force that it was Gore's
failure to run on the administration's record that hobbled his ambitions.

The White House meeting, which Gore sought, was a doleful postscript to a
relationship that once was exceptionally close but had deteriorated badly
over the course of Gore's 2000 race. Its significance, however, was more
than personal. The question the two men were debating – why did Gore not
capture the White House? – is the same one confronting Democrats broadly as
they assess the lessons of 2000.

If Gore hopes to seek the presidency again, moreover, several Democratic
strategists say he will almost certainly need to establish a better footing
for his relationship with Clinton – who remains a powerful figure within the
party despite the blunders that marked his exit from the White House.

Only Clinton and Gore were present for the showdown session, which never
appeared even on internal schedules distributed to White House staff. But
people close to both have described its tone in similar language. "Tense"
was the description of one adviser to Clinton, while a Gore aide called it
"cathartic." One Democrat who has worked closely with both men called the
session "very, very blunt."

Where descriptions differ is on the conclusion of the meeting. Some
Democrats who heard descriptions from one or the other of the two
participants said the meeting essentially ratified what for many months had
been an unspoken truth between the two men: Their relationship suffered
irreparable harm in the wake of the Monica S. Lewinsky scandal and Clinton's
lies to Gore and the nation about it. Gore, said one Democrat, "seemed eager
to get things off his chest."

Others put a more upbeat cast on the session, calling it a useful
air-clearing that should allow the two men to move forward. "They had to
cover a lot of territory," said one Democrat close to Clinton and Gore. "My
impression was it was a very constructive meeting."

"He felt it was a very good conversation," said one adviser to the former
vice president.

Jake Siewert, a spokesman for Clinton, and Kiki McLean, a spokeswoman for
Gore, said their bosses would not comment on a private conversation.

Gore and Clinton saw each other several times after the talk but before the
end of the administration and also spoke by phone; aides said these
conversations were polite, but not consequential.

And they have not come close to finding common ground on why Gore is not
president today. In fact, on this large issue and several minor ones, there
are open wounds between the camps of Democratic aides allied with one man or
the other – resentments that have been rubbed anew since Jan. 20.

Many Clinton advisers were infuriated by a post-election analysis Gore
consultant Carter Eskew published Jan. 30 in The Washington Post in which he
said the "deep dissatisfaction and anger" felt by swing voters over
Clinton's scandals was "the elephant in the living room" preventing Gore
from making his case.

A senior White House official close to Clinton scoffed: "I don't think the
fact that they lost four out of four debates had anything to do with Bill
Clinton." By this reckoning, neither Gore nor his running mate, Sen. Joseph
I. Lieberman (D-Conn.), made a compelling case in showdowns against
President Bush and Vice President Cheney.

As a general rule, aides close to Clinton say, he was less upset than often
reported by Gore's efforts to distance himself publicly from the president.
And, with the exception of the last 10 days or so of the general election –
when he desperately wanted to hit the road in key states but was told no by
the Gore campaign – he did not expect a significant role as a Gore proxy.
But he was mystified, and at times angered, by Gore's refusal to run on the
strong economy and other issues in which Clinton felt both he and his vice
president deserved credit. Just as voters made a distinction 

Re: [CTRL] Clinton Phrase Now a GOP Favorite

2001-01-25 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 Wednesday January 24 2:46 AM ET
 Clinton Phrase Now a GOP Favorite
  By RON KAMPEAS, Associated Press Writer

   I don't know if this is true.

  Have not yet heard Orin Hatch exclaim:
  " Oh yeah baby! Thats it - thats it!
   "Don't stop now - I'm coming!!!"

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[CTRL] Clinton Phrase Now a GOP Favorite

2001-01-24 Thread William Shannon
Wednesday January 24 2:46 AM ET
Clinton Phrase Now a GOP Favorite
 By RON KAMPEAS, Associated Press Writer

 WASHINGTON (AP) - It's a Clintonian legacy that Republicans - even those who
most revile the man from Chappaqua - have embraced with great enthusiasm: the
Politics of Personal Destruction.Not the practice, the phrase. In recent
months, Republicans have outnumbered Democrats by about seven to one in using
a phrase that lends moral chagrin to what once was known simply as ``smear
campaigning.''The funny thing is - well, let the users speak for
themselves.``I KNOW Bill Clinton coined the phrase,'' says Linda Chavez,
President Bush (news - web sites)'s would-be labor secretary.``I KNOW it's
Bill Clinton's phrase,'' says Larry Klayman, best known in Washington for his
dogged pursuit of the Clintons through the courts.So, probably, does freshly
anointed George W. Bush (news - web sites) aide Mary Matalin, who used it
twice in five minutes this weekend on NBC's ``Meet the Press'' - once to
chastise those who call John Ashcroft (news - web sites) an extremist, and
then to describe the post-recount recounts in Florida.``It's become a
cliche,'' lamented Kathleen Hall Jamieson, dean of the Annenberg School for
Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. She said what was once a
useful phrase is ``crossing into the realm of meaninglessness.''An archival
search of the 2000 campaign and its aftermath found that Republicans led the
Democrats seven to one in using the phrase: from a fracas over an old
firearms arrest in an otherwise unwatched Oklahoma congressional race to Bush
himself, swatting away criticism of his efforts to duck South Carolina's
Confederate flag free-for-all. After the election, it became a favorite of
Katherine Harris defenders in Florida.One of the few recent instances of
Democratic use was in July, when Hillary Rodham Clinton (news - web sites)
complained about reports that she used an anti-Semitic slur decades ago.Her
husband coined the phrase in 1994, when allegations of fraudulent land
dealing in Arkansas started to dominate headlines.``I do not believe that the
politics of personal destruction is what the American people are interested
in,'' he said at a news conference on March 8 of that year. Evidently, he
liked it: Within days, he was using the phrase at Democratic
fund-raisers.Jamieson, who analyzes American political rhetoric, said the
phrase was one of the more notable presidential legacies to the American
language - although it fell far short of Ronald Reagan's ``evil empire''
quote. Clinton had tapped into frustration with tabloid politics.``People
were saying, we should not be engaging in politics to destroy other persons
or ideas,'' she said. ``We should be forcefully designating areas of
disagreement.''She traces Republican appropriation of the phrase to late
1998, around the time a slew of extramarital revelations surfaced about
members of Congress prosecuting Clinton during the impeachment hearings.It
was a rare occurrence. ``We'd just coined a political phrase both sides are
comfortable with,''' she said.Not for long. Now, she says, the phrase is used
by the party in power to inhibit legitimate discourse - for instance,
Matalin's dismissal of the continued Florida vote count. Matalin was
unavailable for comment.Republicans say their increased use is natural and
stems from looser Democratic standards.``The Clinton administration gathered
information through illegal means,'' said Klayman, whose organization,
Judicial Watch, filed a suit on behalf of hundreds of Republicans whose FBI (
news - web sites) background files were collected by the Clinton White
House.Klayman used it in an interview this week with The Washington Post to
describe attacks on conservatives Paul Weyrich and John Ashcroft.Chavez, who
repeatedly used the phrase when her candidacy for the labor post was
torpedoed by revelations that she housed an illegal immigrant, says it goes
both ways.``I defended Clinton in my column during the whole Paula Jones
thing,'' she said. ``That was ridiculous.'' And the man himself? Does he
deserve creator's credit?``It was a good phrase,'' conceded Chavez.Klayman
was less charitable. ``Takes one to know one.''

[CTRL] Clinton Pardon of Tax Fugitive Stinks of Payoff

2001-01-23 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, Jan. 22, 2001 3:03 p.m. EST

Clinton Pardon of Tax Fugitive Stinks of Payoff

Among the list of Bill Clinton's last-minute pardons is a
notorious tax fugitive.

Marc Rich has been a fugitive from justice for almost two
decades after getting caught cheating the IRS of more than
$48 million in taxes.

Historically, presidential pardons have been granted to
those who show just cause, or have earned, through public
service, to have their guilt wiped clean.

Some are wondering why the golden gloves treatment for
fugitive Rich.

The Rich pardon has ignited a strong response from New York
mayor Rudy Giuliani, who, as U.S. Attorney, prosecuted Rich.

Giuliani noted that Rich has done nothing to earn the relief
of a pardon.

"He's been living in luxury in Switzerland," Giuliani told
the New York Post.

One obvious reason for the Clinton pardon may have been the
fact that Rich's ex-wife, Denise Rich, is a mega-Democratic
fund-raiser in New York, and helped Hillary's Senate

Gossip columnist Neal Travis is also reporting in the Post
that he hears that Rich "may have promised a huge and
untraceable donation to Clinton's grandiose and financially
lagging presidential library in Little Rock."

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[CTRL] Clinton related deaths mentioned on CNN (fwd)

2001-01-22 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 13:29:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Chris Kevlahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Clinton related deaths mentioned on CNN


From Capitol Gang 1/20/01


NOVAK: Just say one thing, that I think the president, President
Clinton has lived on the edge all his life. All the scandals that
they had, including the Whitewater scandals, people have died;
witnesses that they had thought were going to be star witnesses
were put in a position where they couldn't testify. You had the
travel office question. The Monica Lewinsky question was maybe
the least important. The idea that this president has avoided all
of these scandals, but he didn't avoid the program of history
which he got.

SHIELDS: Just clear up one thing. You're not suggesting that
there was foul play in the death of people?.

NOVAK: No, I'm not. I'm just saying...


Anybody watch Capitol Gang?  I usually just read the transcripts and
refuse to watch capitol gang.  My reason is because of all the Pot Shots
that are taken at Bob Novak from Al Hunt and Margaret Carlson and
sometimes Mark Shields.  If you watch the show and or read the transcripts
you will see that each of them get at least a one line ad hominem attack
against Bob Novak each.  Yet Bob Novak is always the gentleman and I've
yet to ever see recipricate.

Chris K.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] Clinton and his polluted blood sales

2001-01-22 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Note:  South Africa, and other parts of Africa infested with AIDS sells
blood to other countries..Clinton sold blood to Canada with HIV,
AIDS, Venerial Diseases, etc., which resulted in death of many people
including children and innocents with hemophilia.

Cui Bono?  This item I found interesting and I do not believe Clinton
will get away with this one..how many people have died beause of his
greed and/or stupidity?

Remember the two kids on the railroad track - tried to say they


Revised 1/8/01

Freeper Summary: ". Briefly stated, Bill Clinton, while governor,
knowingly authorized, protected, and was in some manner paid off by, an
appalling scheme by "Friends of Bill" to harvest and sell contaminated
blood and plasma from Cummins prison farm near Grady, Arkansas. The
scheme continued throughout his governorship in defiance of sound
medical practice, numerous warnings and flagrant violations of FDA
regulations. Tainted blood from Cummins infected literally millions of
people with HIV (the AIDS virus) and potentially lethal Hepatitis C
(20%-25% fatality rate) all over the world -- Canada, Japan, England,
Ireland, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal,
Africa and not least, the United States. Clinton and his partners netted
millions from it annually. Vincent W. Foster is thought to have been the
Clintons' "bagman," and there is evidence that the tainted blood
disaster played a direct role in his still mysterious death. Free
Republic broke this story world-wide, in August, and maintains a
complete archive of the now-mountainous, and damning, evidence at:
Budge's Tainted Blood Scandal links ."
New York Post 9/25/98 Maggie Gallagher "Can I tell you a little story? I
warn you, I don't know how it ends yet. Maybe I never will. Once upon a
time - in fact a day or two after Vince Foster died - a man called the
White House Counsel's Office. "This was not a line that kooks typically
rang us up on," my source told me. Lunatics call the main office number.
This guy called one of Vince's assistants directly. The man said he had
some information that might be important. Something had upset Vince
Foster greatly just days before he died. Some thing about "tainted
blood" that both Vince Foster and President Clinton knew about, this man
said. "I'm only telling you this now because Vince Foster was very
distressed about this only days before his death," the mysterious caller
(whose name I am withholding) said. "I'm not saying this caused his
suicide. I'm only saying it might have contributed to his distress and I
thought someone should know." The White House Counsel's office didn't
pay much attention. "Probably a kook', they agreed around the office.
Probably. Except that when his computer name was typed into the computer
log of phone calls for Vince, something strange happened. The computer
flashed "password required" or some such phrase indicating a special
code was needed to open that file. "Aw, probably just a computer glitch,
"Bernie Nussbam, then chief White House Counsel, said at the time. And
so the matter, as far as I know, was dropped. A strange little memory
fragment, meaningless in itself, no? Until last week, when a story
published in The Ottawa Citizen suddenly jogged it front and center.
"HIV BLOOD CAME FROM ARKANSAS JAIL," the head line screamed. Then, The
Ottawa Citizen reports, "A U.S. firm with links to President Clinton
collected HIV-tainted blood from Arkansas prison inmates in the 1980's
and shipped it to Canada, newly uncovered documents reveal... It is like
several hundred, perhaps thousands, were infected by the tainted
The Ottawa Citizen 10/4/98 Mark Kennedy ".The controversy over how a
U.S. firm collected tainted blood from Arkansas prison inmates and
shipped it to Canada has spread to Vince Foster -- U.S. President Bill
Clinton's personal confidant who committed suicide in 1993..Now, five
years after his mysterious death, two developments have prompted
questions about Mr. Foster's knowledge of the U.S. company's
prison-blood collection scheme: - There are signs that Mr. Foster tried
to protect the company called Health Management Associates (HMA) more
than a decade ago in a lawsuit. - And a major U.S. daily newspaper
recently reported that Mr. Foster may have been worried about the
tainted-blood scandal, which was just emerging as a contentious issue in
Canada, when he killed himself in July 1993..Indeed, on Sept. 16 --
eight weeks after Foster's death -- the federal government announced the
public inquiry, to be headed by Justice Horace Krever. During the course
of his work, Justice Krever unearthed the Arkansas prison- blood
collection scheme and wrote about it in his final report last year.
However, no mention was made of Mr. Clinton until last month's story in

[CTRL] Clinton Helped Shape 'Every Clause, Every Word and Every Comma'

2001-01-21 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Deal Clinton Made With the Independent Counsel Was More Than
A Year In the Making;
Clinton Helped Shape 'Every Clause, Every Word and Every

 "The underbrush had to be cleared away," Ray told TIME

New York -- Friday's deal President Clinton made with Independent
Counsel Robert Ray to avoid prosecution was more than a year in
the making, TIME reports. It involved clandestine negotiations
between the warring parties in which Clinton helped shape "every
clause, every word and every comma," as one source describes it.
The agreement required compromises from both the President, who
until now had insisted that he never lied under oath, and the
prosecutor who had vowed to uphold the rule of law. The initial
crucial meeting took place in the Map Room at the White House.
Within days of Ray's swearing-in as Ken Starr's successor in
October 1999, he received a call from the President's private
lawyer, David Kendall, who'd spent six years battling Starr. Ray
and Kendall began a series of regular talks, and Ray tried to build
faith in his fairness, TIME reports in the current issue (on
newsstands Monday, Jan. 22nd). Over the next 11 months, he
closed investigations that Starr had let drag on for years: the
Whitewater land deal, the firing of the White House travel office and
alleged misuse of FBI personnel files. Ray issued press releases
clearing the President and First Lady of criminal wrongdoing--and
made sure he finished several weeks before Election Day in Hillary
Clinton's run for the Senate. "The underbrush had to be cleared
away," Ray told TIME. However, his actions only made Clinton
cockier, TIME's Michael Weisskopf reports. The President had
suffered the ignominy of impeachment and a contempt of court
finding, but now he was spinning hard, bragging in interviews that
he had defended the Constitution by standing up to overzealous
prosecutors. Ray knew he had to get Clinton's attention. In July, he
empaneled a new grand jury, and after the November election,
called in Lewinsky for questioning, increasing pressure on Clinton
to cut a deal. If there was going to be a settlement, he wanted it
before Clinton left office. About three weeks ago, he asked Kendall
for a meeting with the President, according to sources outside
Ray's office. He agreed to participate in the first negotiation of
criminal matters between a President and prosecutor. Kendall set
up the meeting and joined the discussion. Clinton agreed to
acknowledge some form of wrongdoing; the issue was what. Ray
wanted him to admit that he had lied under oath when he denied
having had sexual relations with Lewinsky; at the meeting, Clinton
wouldn't budge. The lawyers worked on language over the next two
weeks, arriving at a formula in which Clinton admitted for the first
time to giving false testimony under oath. By avoiding the word
"knowingly," the President skirted the legal definition of perjury.
With that breakthrough, the deal came together.

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton Will Not Be Indicted

2001-01-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/19/2001 2:19:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 President Clinton has reached a deal with the independent
 counsel's office guaranteeing him immunity from prosecution after
 he leaves office. 

Well, Clinton has finally committed an act that really torques my jaws. I
never cared about his sex life, and he was a more than adequate president,
but just as I was depending on him to keep the Democrats focused on politics,
he does the Republicans the favor of leaving center stage.  The country has
discovered a rather old, old secret about Jesse Jackson (no Republican action
here I'm sure), and that leaves no one to remind the country what Democratic
ideals really are.  Republicans don't have ideals, but they do have control
of congress and the judiciary not to mention the executive office.  They also
have relatives in high places.  The slogan, any means to an end, will be the
watchword for at least the next four years.  Perhaps all those elderly Jewish
women in Florida who gave their unstinting support for Pat Buchanan will be
able to lead a movement to remind Democrats what their actions might mean to
this country, but other than that I don't see much light at the end of the
tunnel.   Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton deal with Robert Ray; Linda Tripp Fired

2001-01-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/19/2001 3:31:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  WASHINGTON -- Linda Tripp, the woman whose secret tape recordings led
  President Clinton's impeachment, was fired Friday by the Clinton
  administration after she refused to resign like other political
  her lawyer said.
  "The termination of Linda Tripp is vindictive, mean-spirited and

All presidential appointees are expected to resign, and what's the big deal?
The Bush family lover her.  She was a holdover appointee from Daddy Bush's
administration.  All they have to do is get Dubya to appoint her again.  God
knows he should.  She's done more for the Republican party that even Monica
did.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Clinton eyes $650,000 taxpayer-paid office space

2001-01-19 Thread T Nohava

Thursday January 18 6:27 PM ET
Clinton Will Stay on Govt. Payroll

By SHANNON McCAFFREY, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton (news - web sites) leaves government
housing Saturday for life as a private citizen, but he'll still be receiving
federal help.

Like other ex-presidents, Clinton will continue to get taxpayer-funded
travel, mail, staff, office space and Secret Service protection.

Clinton is office hunting in Manhattan, one of the world's priciest markets.
The 56th floor suite the president has his eye on reportedly rents for about
$650,000 a year, more than twice the $285,000 Ronald Reagan's California
office costs taxpayers. President Bush's Texas office costs $147,000;
President Carter's in Georgia, $93,000, and President Ford's in Michigan,

The rent and other office-related costs - everything from pens and pencils
to travel - are covered by the government for the life of the ex-president.
Clinton is only 54, so taxpayers could be footing the bill for decades.

``That President Clinton is looking in such an expensive area is a great
concern to us,'' said Pete Sepp, spokesman for the conservative American
Taxpayers Union.

Gary Ruskin of the Congressional Accountability Project, a watchdog group
affiliated with consumer advocate Ralph Nader (news - web sites), suggested
Clinton look for a cheaper office or set up shop in a federal office

``We hope he'd help save some of the budget surplus he helped create,''
Ruskin said.

The Carnegie Hall Tower office suite Clinton is eyeing is on West 57th
Street and has a commanding view of Central Park. In the neighborhood are
the famed Russian Tea Room restaurant, the Carnegie Deli and Carnegie Hall.

Rockrose Realty, which is handling the property, would not comment Thursday.
White House officials would say only that no deal had been finalized.

Office rents in Midtown Manhattan average $62 per square foot but can be as
high as $100 a square foot in some choice buildings, said Michael Slattery
of the New York City Real Estate Board.

Manhattan is about an hour's drive from the Clintons' home in Chappaqua,
N.Y., bought when Hillary Rodham Clinton (news - web sites) decided to run
for the seat being vacated by Democratic Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

Clinton has not spelled out what he will do after leaving office. He'll
collect a $157,000-a-year pension and may hit the lecture circuit, where he
could make a lot of money.

Don Epstein, chief executive officer of the New York-based Greater Talent
Network, predicted Clinton would earn than $100,000 a speech.

``I think that he probably will command more than just about anybody else
out there,'' Epstein said.

He also could land a huge book deal. Last month, his wife agreed to an $8
million advance for her memoirs.


[CTRL] Clinton Will Not Be Indicted

2001-01-19 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


In Deal With Special Prosecutor, Clinton Will Not Be Indicted
Friday, January 19, 2001

President Clinton has reached a deal with the independent
counsel's office guaranteeing him immunity from prosecution after
he leaves office.

Robert Nix/ZUMA

Clinton will admit to making misleading statements during the
Lewinsky and Jones scandals in exchange for the special
prosecutor's shutting down the probe.

Under the deal with Independent Counsel Robert Ray, Clinton must
admit that he made misleading statements during the probe of his
relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky and
in the Paula Jones sexual harassment suit.

In return, Ray's office will shut down its probe and Clinton will not
be indicted. As well, Clinton's Arkansas law license will be
suspended for five years and an Arkansas Supreme Court
committee will end its proceedings against him, sources said.

Ray planned to announce the deal sometime after 2 p.m. ET

Clinton's admission of wrongdoing will be in the form of a written
statement, sources said.

White House officials would not comment on the agreement, and
Clinton's private attorney, David Kendall, was not immediately
available for comment.

In sworn depositions Clinton gave during the Jones suit, the
president said he did not have a sexual relationship with Lewinsky,
a claim he repeated in public several times — until August 1998,
when he admitted his relationship with the intern was "not

Clinton was impeached two years ago on charges of perjury and
obstruction of justice related to the Lewinsky and Jones cases —
but he was acquitted. He was later found in contempt of court by a
federal judge, and he paid $90,000 in fines.

Many Felt Clinton Should Not Be Indicted

The deal culminates growing sentiment that Clinton should not be
indicted in the Lewinsky scandal.

This month, the Senate Judiciary Committee's top Republican,
Orrin Hatch of Utah, suggested that President-elect Bush pardon
Clinton to "end a problem in America that needs to be ended."

In response, Bush said, "I think it's time to get all of this business
behind us" and let Clinton "move on and enjoy life and become an
active participant in the American system." Regarding the
possibility of a pardon, Bush has said, "The suggestion that I would
pardon somebody who has never been indicted, that doesn't make
any sense to me."

How Do You Prosecute a President?

The legal roadmap to any decision on a Clinton indictment was a
36-page document entitled "Principles of Federal Prosecution"
which is part of the U.S. attorney's manual, the massive set of
Justice Department procedures that federal prosecutors rely on in
doing their jobs.

Ray's office is not part of the Justice Department, but "we are
generally obligated to follow the principles of federal prosecution as
outlined in the U.S. attorney's manual," said deputy independent
counsel Keith Ausbrook.

The U.S. attorney's manual says a decision to bring criminal
charges should take into account whether "there exists an
adequate non-criminal alternative to prosecution." Another section
of the manual states: "Merely because the attorney for the
government believes that a person's conduct constitutes a federal
offense and that the admissible evidence will be sufficient to obtain
and sustain a conviction, does not mean that he/she necessarily
should initiate or recommend prosecution."

Among the other legal questions that a prosecutor contemplating
criminal charges would be whether Clinton has accepted
responsibility for his actions and whether letting the ex-president
go would undermine federal law enforcement.

— Fox News' David Shuster and the Associated Press contributed
to this report

Alliance: In international politics, the union of two
thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted into
each others' pockets that they cannot separately
plunder a third. - Ambrose Bierce: The Devil's

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[CTRL] Clinton deal with Robert Ray; Linda Tripp Fired

2001-01-19 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Linda Tripp Fired From Pentagon Job
 By Pete Yost
 Associated Press Writer
 Friday, Jan. 19, 2001; 1:25 p.m. EST
 WASHINGTON -- Linda Tripp, the woman whose secret tape recordings led
 President Clinton's impeachment, was fired Friday by the Clinton
 administration after she refused to resign like other political
 her lawyer said.
 "The termination of Linda Tripp is vindictive, mean-spirited and
 attorneys Stephen Kohn, David Colapinto and Michael Kohn said in a
 statement. "President Clinton should not have ended his presidency on
 a vengeful note."
 Word of Tripp's firing came as Clinton reached a deal to settle the
 remaining legal issues from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
 © Copyright 2001 The Associated Press

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[CTRL] Clinton wants Felons to vote.

2001-01-15 Thread T Nohava

Clinton Backs Electoral Reform Study

NEW YORK (AP) - In a New York Times editorial published on his final Sunday
in office, President Clinton (news - web sites) urged the incoming
administration to establish a commission to study such election reforms as
making Election Day a national holiday and restoring the rights of felons to

Clinton invoked the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who is honored
with a national holiday Monday, in outlining several recommendations to
improve civil rights and race relations in the United States.

'' ... Because of the lessons and sacrifices of people like Martin Luther
King, Jr., whose birthday we celebrate tomorrow, we can write a new preamble
to the 21st century, in which color differences are not the problem, but the
promise, of America,'' Clinton said.

Some of the initiatives will be sent to Congress over his final week in
office and others should be addressed by President-elect Bush after he takes
office Saturday, Clinton said.

Among Clinton's recommendations were: passing a federal ban on racial
profiling; addressing the disparity of federal sentencing guidelines on
crack and powder-cocaine sentences, and passing legislation to provide
greater access to DNA testing in death penalty cases.

Clinton advocated forming a nonpartisan election reform commission to be led
by former Presidents Ford and Carter to study disparities in voting
participation among ethnic groups, classes and races in every state. The
panel should recommend to Congress its conclusions on how to achieve uniform
standards on voting and on vote counting, he said.

Directing his initiatives toward building ``One America,'' Clinton
concluded: ``Whether you are able to help a single child or lead a national
movement for justice, it all begins with a personal commitment. ... I pledge
to continue the important work of building One America as I return to the
most important job of all: citizen.''


Re: [CTRL] Clinton aides 'destroying' evidence before Jan. 20

2001-01-15 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Johannes Schmidt III [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 All they need to do is either

 A) Switch the drives with new ones, and copy any individual markers
 etc on them or

Or do like I did with printer #1: drop it on the floor while
re-arranging the office. Guaranteed to make it inoperable.

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Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Clinton aides 'destroying' evidence before Jan. 20

2001-01-15 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Tenorlove" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  All they need to do is either
  A) Switch the drives with new ones, and copy any individual markers
  etc on them or

 Or do like I did with printer #1: drop it on the floor while
 re-arranging the office. Guaranteed to make it inoperable.

While dropping the box that a hard drive is in may indeed render the box (CPU) 
inoperable, the data is still
available on the hard drive...one just needs to retrieve the drive and place it in an 
operable box to retrieve
the info...


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Clinton Bombs With Black Leaders on MLK Day

2001-01-15 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, Jan. 15, 2001 11:10 a.m EST

Clinton Bombs With Black Leaders on MLK Day

President Clinton's Martin Luther King weekend proposal for
a new national initiative on race drew more jeers than
cheers Monday from a number of the nation's most prominent
civil rights leaders.

Clinton, who has been dubbed by some as "America's first
black president," outlined a series of reforms on Sunday in
a New York Times op-ed piece.

Among the president's ideas:

*Restore the right to vote to convicted felons who have paid
their debt to society.

*Outlaw racial profiling by law enforcement agencies.

*Remedy the disparity between sentences handed down for
crack versus powdered cocaine possession.

But African-American leaders and civil rights advocates were
left wondering why Clinton kept these issues on the back
burner for eight long years, only to raise them as he's
heading out the door.

"These gaps existed in 1992," the Rev. Jesse Jackson told
the New York Times. "He had eight years to work on them, but
they required some heavy lifting."

"Why didn't he do more on these things during his own
administration?" added Laura Murphy, the Washington director
of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Behind the scenes, the criticism of Clinton was even more

"I'm glad you called [about Clinton's proposal]. I needed
some comic relief," one civil rights leader, who spoke
confidentially, told the New York Times.

Related Products:
Get NewsMax.com`s new book "Bitter Legacy" FREE.

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[CTRL] Clinton aides 'destroying' evidence before Jan. 20

2001-01-14 Thread T Nohava

White House 'wiping clean'
computer hard drives
Judicial Watch gets tip Clinton aides 'destroying' evidence before Jan. 20

By Paul Sperry
 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

The White House is rushing to "wipe clean" the hard drives of computers used
by President Clinton's aides before the Jan. 20 changeover, a
public-interest law firm claims.

Normally, when employees leave the White House, computer workers take a
snapshot of the contents of their hard drives and store them as part of
official records, as required by law. Then they reformat the hard drives for
the next users.

But according to Judicial Watch, Inc., political aides have ordered computer
workers to first run the hard drives through a software program by the firm
Jetico, called B.C., or Best Crypt, which "wipes clean the drives so the
next administration can't retrieve any files."

"They're starting with [the hard drives of] the most important people
first -- the [White House] lawyers -- and working their way down," said
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "And they're working through the

He added: "It's the equivalent of burning records, according to our
sources," who are White House employees.

The records are key to Judicial Watch's Filegate lawsuit against the White
House. General counsel Larry Klayman said he passed the tip on to U.S.
District Judge Royce Lamberth late Friday.

Calls to the White House were not returned by deadline.

Fitton said Clinton aides Mark Lindsay and Michael Lyle are heading up the
project -- which is being carried out by Charles Nash, a supervisor in the
White House's records management unit.

 WorldNetDaily White House 'wiping clean'BR computer hard drives.url

Re: [CTRL] Clinton aides 'destroying' evidence before Jan. 20

2001-01-14 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

All they need to do is either

A) Switch the drives with new ones, and copy any individual markers etc on them or

B) Use an emp or strong magnet and stuff the drives.

With the technology nowadays, anything on a hard drive can be retrieved even after 
multiple reformats. No doubt the advanced stuff the NSA has is far more effective, and 
we can expect every year or so the technology to leapfrog forward so anyone with 
access to the drives can retrieve anything which was ever on them, including 
keystrokes and encryption.

On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 10:20:15 -0500 T Nohava [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

White House 'wiping clean'
computer hard drives
Judicial Watch gets tip Clinton aides 'destroying' evidence before Jan. 20

By Paul Sperry
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

The White House is rushing to "wipe clean" the hard drives of computers used
by President Clinton's aides before the Jan. 20 changeover, a
public-interest law firm claims.

Normally, when employees leave the White House, computer workers take a
snapshot of the contents of their hard drives and store them as part of
official records, as required by law. Then they reformat the hard drives for
the next users.

But according to Judicial Watch, Inc., political aides have ordered computer
workers to first run the hard drives through a software program by the firm
Jetico, called B.C., or Best Crypt, which "wipes clean the drives so the
next administration can't retrieve any files."

"They're starting with [the hard drives of] the most important people
first -- the [White House] lawyers -- and working their way down," said
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "And they're working through the

He added: "It's the equivalent of burning records, according to our
sources," who are White House employees.

The records are key to Judicial Watch's Filegate lawsuit against the White
House. General counsel Larry Klayman said he passed the tip on to U.S.
District Judge Royce Lamberth late Friday.

Calls to the White House were not returned by deadline.

Fitton said Clinton aides Mark Lindsay and Michael Lyle are heading up the
project -- which is being carried out by Charles Nash, a supervisor in the
White House's records management unit.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Clinton and Democrats Are Shameless

2001-01-12 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton and Democrats Are Shameless
Neal Boortz
Thursday, Jan. 11, 2001
Several of the newspapers I went through today tell of the absolute joy
within Democratic ranks over their Borking of Bush labor secretary appointee
Linda Chavez. Party leaders were heard boasting that "Ashcroft is next!"
As long as the media remain on their side and the Republicans show no fight,
these Democrats are going to roll over every Bush appointment and policy
objective that shows the slightest blemish or crack - all while calling on
Republicans to be bipartisan.

In an even more despicable display of Democratic politics, President Clinton
attacked the legitimacy of his successor, George W. Bush.

At an appearance in Chicago yesterday, Clinton - speaking of the 2000
presidential election - said: "By the time it was over, our candidate had
won the popular vote, and the only way they [the Republicans] could win the
election was to stop the voting [sic] in Florida."

So, there you go. Clinton acting like the partisan ass he has always been.
Throughout the long history of this country there has been a lasting
tradition of presidents leaving office treating incoming presidents with
nothing less than grace and dignity. President George Bush, the
President-elect's father, showed this courtesy to Clinton.

Apparently the tradition ends with the sociopath who currently occupies the
White House. Here he is, 10 days before he leaves office, challenging the
very legitimacy of the man who will succeed him. It was a crass political
act. Of course, that means it was totally in character for Clinton.

And his little jab was, of course, factually wrong. George W. Bush won the
election in Florida by getting the most votes under the rules that were in
place on the day those votes were cast.

The Democrats, on the other hand, tried to steal the election by changing
the rules by which people cast their votes and the way those votes are
legally counted. The Supreme Court of the United States found this approach
to be illegal and put it to a halt.

Skirting the lawful, accepted way of governing is Clinton's style, as noted
by his secretary of the interior, Bruce Babbit, yesterday.

Babbit blabbed about the incredible job that he and Clinton have done in
protecting natural treasures. He said he and Clinton accomplished, through
executive orders and regulations, 80 percent of what they had not
accomplished through legislation. He then warned Bush to tread very
carefully in undoing what Clinton has done, because the actions have such
broad public support.

You're the public. Do you think that rule by executive fiat is all that hot
an idea?

The Clinton plan was very simple. If you can't use the legislative process -
the legal process - to accomplish a goal, then just accomplish that goal by
executive order or issuing a new regulation. This is most certainly NOT the
way our founding fathers thought the federal government should operate, as
if Clinton gives a damn what our founding fathers thought.

Now they're warning the Republicans of dire consequences if they try to
return to the concept of rule by law!

Still, the Clinton charisma continues to charm poll participants. A new
CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll shows that the majority of Americans - 51
percent - are glad Bill Clinton is leaving office, although 45 percent said
they will miss him. And 55 percent think Bill Clinton still has something
"worthwhile" to contribute and should remain active in public life.

Forty-seven percent said Clinton would go down in history as an outstanding
or above-average president. But 68 percent said he would be remembered more
for his scandals than for his accomplishments. And 58 percent answered "no"
when asked whether Bill Clinton was honest and trustworthy.

How does this man muck around with our personal freedoms, increase the size
and intrusiveness of our federal government, weaken our national defenses,
and still get a 55 percent job approval rating at the end of his term? How
can people look at the train wreck of this scandal-plagued White House and
want Bill Clinton back in public life after he's left office?

Are that many Americans truly that blind?

Neal Boortz is the hugely popular nationally syndicated radio host.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Clinton and Democrats Are Shameless

2001-01-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

This article is so much tripe and positioning by the powers-that-be.

Then poor repub,  and the gracious GWB as he was leaving office defied judges
orders and gave a cush job to a gentleman and stole government property as
his last act.

Real interesting tripe has been floated. The psy sets are trying very hard to
divide and get us all fighting each other.

Both Bush and Clinton were put in office by the same folks. Do not be led to
fight your fellow citizens.

The perfect slave thinks he is free.
In a message dated 1/12/01 7:57:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

At an appearance in Chicago yesterday, Clinton - speaking of the 2000

presidential election - said: "By the time it was over, our candidate had

won the popular vote, and the only way they [the Republicans] could win

election was to stop the voting [sic] in Florida."

So, there you go. Clinton acting like the partisan ass he has always been.

Throughout the long history of this country there has been a lasting

tradition of presidents leaving office treating incoming presidents with

nothing less than grace and dignity. President George Bush, the

President-elect's father, showed this courtesy to Clinton.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Clinton Likely to OK Colombian Aid

2001-01-12 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Likely to OK Colombian Aid
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Despite objections from human rights advocates, President
Clinton is expected to clear the way next week for the release of the
remaining money in a $1.3 billion Colombian anti-drug aid package.

''The president has supported Plan Colombia and you can expect that he will
continue to support Plan Colombia,'' said National Security Council
spokesman P.J. Crowley.

In a report issued Friday, human rights groups urged Clinton to block the
aid, saying Colombia has failed to meet any of the rights requirements set
out by Congress.

The groups fear that Clinton will invoke a national security waiver to
bypass the conditions -- as he did in August when he allowed most of the
package's money to go through.

''We're pretty certain these conditions will be waived. That's the message
we've been hearing,'' said Andrew Miller of Amnesty International, which
issued the report together with Human Rights Watch and the Washington Office
on Latin America.

What's at stake is a relatively small part of the $1.3 billion package.
Rights groups estimate about $100 million is left. Neither Crowley nor State
Department officials could provide a precise figure.

Most of the package was for the last fiscal year, providing Colombia with
helicopters and other military equipment to fight leftist guerrillas who
partly finance their insurgency by protecting coca fields and cocaine

Because of concerns about Colombian army links to paramilitaries blamed for
most of the country's massacres, Congress set six conditions -- five related
to human rights -- that Colombia had to meet before the money could be

But Congress allowed the president to waive these conditions on national
security grounds. In August, Clinton waived five conditions and certified
only one: that Colombia's president has directed that soldiers accused of
rights violations be tried in civilian courts.

Miller and George Vickers, executive director of the Washington Office on
Latin America, said they expect one more condition will be certified: the
deployment of a judge advocate general corps to investigate military
misconduct. They expect the other conditions will be waived.

''It sends a p.r. message that will be played very widely in Colombia: That
the president of the United States says that they are making progress in
human rights concerns, when in fact nothing substantively has changed and in
fact some things have gotten worse,'' Vickers said.

Crowley said Clinton will act on the Colombian aid before his term ends next
Saturday, but he said no decision has been made about how he will address
the rights conditions.

On Thursday, two Democratic senators called on Clinton not to use the waiver

''The Colombian military has still not taken the firm clear steps necessary
to remove human rights abusers from its ranks or to ensure that its
personnel are not linked to paramilitary organizations,'' Paul Wellstone of
Minnesota and Tom Harkin of Iowa said in a letter to Clinton.


On the Net:

State Department on Colombia aid:

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[CTRL] Clinton Calls for Marijuana Decriminalization (and Lies While Doing So)

2001-01-10 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Calls for Marijuana
Decriminalization (and Lies While Doing So)
Leave it to lame duck president Bill Clinton to taint a
potentially breakthrough moment -- calling for marijuana
decriminalization and major Drug War reform -- with hypocrisy
and lies.
President Clinton, of course, is an ex-pot smoker whose
infamous claim that he smoked but "didn't inhale" made him a
laughing stock worldwide. In an interview with the magazine
Rolling Stone, published in early December, he was asked if
he thought that "people should go to jail for using or even
selling small amounts of marijuana".
Clinton's answer:
"I think that most small amounts of marijuana have been
decriminalized in some places, and should be. ... We really
need a re-examination of our entire policy on imprisonment.
... "
This from the man whose own administration has for eight
solid years savagely prosecuted the Drug War -- particularly
casual marijuana use. In fact, during Clinton's regime
America suffered the largest number of marijuana arrests in
its history -- over 4,175,357 persons were arrested on
marijuana charges between 1992-99. Tens of thousands of
non-violent drug offenders now waste behind bars.
National Review, America's leading conservative magazine,
which has long called for ending the Drug War, asked the
right question in an editorial after the interview came out:
"Then why didn't [Clinton] do anything about it during the
eight years that he was president -- such as propose a law,
give a speech, or even plant a friendly question in a press
Allen St. Pierre, Executive Director of NORML, called
Clinton's statement "incredibly belated..."
The Las Vegas Review-Journal put it most bluntly: "To call
Mr. Clinton a hypocrite is to insult hypocrites everywhere."
Katha Pollitt, a columnist for the leftwing Nation magazine,
charges that Clinton lied in the interview when he claimed he
had tried to reform the drug laws by eliminating the
grotesque disparity between crack and powdered cocaine
penalties, a disparity that has filled prisons with
small-time drug users. Clinton claimed Republicans in
Congress thwarted his efforts to end the disparity. Actually,
says Pollitt, in 1997 Clinton proposed *reducing* the
disparity -- from 100-to-1 to 10-to-1 -- but himself resisted
calls to eliminate the disparity entirely.
Clinton could begin to make amends for his hypocritical
support of a brutal policy by pardoning all non-violent drug
offenders -- as Libertarian Party presidential candidate
Harry Browne proposed during his campaign.
Don't inhale -- um, hold your breath -- waiting.
(Sources: DrugSense Weekly, plus publications/organizations
sources mentioned in article)


The homicidal state shares one trait with the
solitary killer--like all murderers, it trips
on its own egoism and drops a trail of clues
which, when properly collected, preserved,
and analyzed are as damning as a signed
confession left in the grave.
- Forensic Anthropologist Clyde Snow

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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