[CTRL] Fwd: General Mills today

2000-09-28 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Shareholders Back General Mills

AP Business Writer 9/27/00
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) via NewsEdge Corporation  -
General Mills shareholders on Monday showed
strong support for the company's decision to use
genetically-modified ingredients in Big G cereals and other
products because U.S. regulators say they are safe.

A proposal asking the cereal and snacks maker not to use
gene-altered ingredients until long-term testing shows they are not
harmful to humans, animals and the environment was defeated by
shareholders at the company's annual meeting by a margin of more
than 21-to-1.

The proposal also had asked that General Mills, in the interim,
label and identify products that may contain genetically engineered

Sister Zoa Braunworth, a Franciscan nun from Rochester, Minn.,
who introduced the resolution, said the use of genetically
engineered ingredients could open General Mills to consumer
boycotts and lawsuits and hurt its stock price.

Sister Dorothy Olinger, a nun with the Adrian Dominican Sisters,
told shareholders there is no reason for General Mills to use
genetically engineered products until long-term testing has been

``There is no reason for General Mills customers to be the
guinea pigs,'' Olinger said.

In response, chairman and CEO Steve Sanger said biotechnology is
a safe way to develop improved seeds for farmers and can be used to
produce foods to keep people healthier.

Few shareholder concerns were expressed at the meeting about the
company's planned acquisition of Pillsbury for a combined $10.1
billion in stock and debt even though General Mills stock has
dropped $2.50, to around $34 per share, since the merger was
announced. The stock peaked 11 months ago at a little less than

General Mills announced in July that it will buy Pillsbury,
owner of the Green Giant vegetable and Haagen-Dazs ice cream
brands, from London-based food and drinks conglomerate Diageo PLC
for $5 billion in stock. It will also assume $5.1 billion in
Pillsbury debt.

The deal, expected to be completed by year's end, will create
the world's fifth-largest food company.

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[CTRL] Temple Mount Update

2000-09-28 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

The Associated Press
9/28/00 2:21 AM

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israeli riot police fired rubber bullets Thursday at about
200 Palestinian stone throwers in a key Jerusalem shrine that is revered by
Muslims and Jews and whose fate is hotly disputed in Israeli-Palestinian
peace talks.

The clash broke out just moments after the leader of Israel's hardline
opposition, Ariel Sharon, left the compound, followed by Palestinian chants
of "Murderer, get out."

About 200 young Palestinians threw stones at hundreds of police, many in
full riot gear, who were deployed around the shrine to protect Sharon,
leader of the Likud party. Police fired rubber bullets at the protesters and
marched toward them with clubs to try to push them into nearby buildings.

At least three Palestinians were injured by the rubber bullets, including
one who was struck in the mouth. Two demonstrators were treated for head
injuries, apparently from police clubs. Police said about two dozen officers
were injured by stones. One was rushed to a nearby ambulance on a stretcher.

The compound is the fault line of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Deadly
clashes erupted in 1990 and 1996, as rival claims to the site heated up.

The shrine is known to Jews as the Temple Mount, site of the former Jewish
Temple, the most sacred shrine of Judaism. Muslims call it Haram as-Sharif,
or Noble Sanctuary, home to two major mosques -- Al Aqsa and Dome of the
Rock -- that mark the spot where tradition says the Prophet Muhammad
ascended to heaven. The compound is the third holiest site of Islam, after
Mecca and Medina.

Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are hung up because of a dispute over who
will control the holy shrine. For now, Muslim clerics have autonomy in
administering the site, although Israeli police remains in charge of

Palestinian leaders said Sharon's visit, intended to demonstrate Israeli
sovereignty claims, was a provocation.

Sharon denied the allegation. "What provocation is there when Jews come to
visit the place with a message of peace?" he said.

When Sharon began his visit Thursday morning, accompanied by members of his
Likud party, about 1,000 Israeli police were deployed around the site.

Young Palestinians defiantly shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is great). Some
tried to break through the police cordon but were pushed back. Faisal
Husseini, a senior Palestinian official responsible for Jerusalem, was
struck in the leg by a policeman's club.

After his Temple Mount visit, Sharon stopped at the Western Wall, a remnant
of the Temple and today the holiest site of Judaism. Some Jewish worshippers
cheered and clapped when they spotted Sharon.,

The mosque compound has been the site of bloody clashes in the past.

In 1990, rumors that Jewish extremists planned to start rebuilding the
Temple started a riot in which 17 Palestinians were killed and scores
wounded by police gunfire. In 1996, the Israeli government opened an
archaeological tunnel just outside the compound, sparking riots in which 80
people, most of them Palestinians, were killed.

Copyright 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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[CTRL] The New Latin: English Dominates in Academe

2000-09-28 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "J Taylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Miller, Lloyd" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The New Latin: English Dominates in Academe
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 2:44 PM

  Chronice of Higher Education
  From the issue dated September 8, 2000

  The New Latin: English Dominates in Academe


   In chemistry laboratories in Jordan, university libraries in
  Cambodia, and college classrooms in Sweden, an odd language is
  in use.

  The language is English, which is increasingly becoming the
  language of higher education and science around the world. The
  development is being stoked by the growing integration of the
  world economy, with the United States, the one remaining
  superpower and the world's economic locomotive, at its head.

  The trend is also being fueled by the spread of information
  technology, because a large amount of computer software is
  written in English, and by the explosive growth of the
  Internet, with more than 300 million users connecting to a
  resource largely composed in English. And as colleges in more
  and more countries compete for the tuition money that foreign
  students can bring, the colleges are teaching their courses in
  English, so the students won't have to learn Thai or Greek to
  go to class.

  The development is unprecedented. Not even Latin, the European
  scholarly language for almost two millennia, or Greek in the
  ancient world before it, had the same reach. For the first
  time, one language, English -- a bastard mixture of old French
  dialects and the tongues of several Germanic tribes living in
  what is now England -- is becoming the lingua franca of
  business, popular culture, and higher education across the

  The expansion of English is even more striking in the
  sciences. Ninety-five percent of the 925,000 scientific
  articles published in thousands of major periodicals in 1997
  were written in English, according to Eugene Garfield, founder
  of the Science Citation Index, which tracks science
  publications. But only half of the English articles originated
  in English-speaking countries. The trend toward publishing in
  English began after World War II and has accelerated over the
  past 20 years.

  Some find the dominance of English troubling. "Nobody
  questions the value of having a lingua franca in academia,"
  says Tove Bull, rector of the University of Tromso, located
  above the Arctic Circle in Norway. "But the university has the
  responsibility to develop terminology in academic disciplines
  in Norwegian."

  The Norwegian Language Council, a government body, was
  particularly upset three or four years ago, when a Ph.D.
  candidate wrote a doctoral thesis on Norwegian linguistics --
  in English. Ms. Bull, a former chairwoman of the council, says
  she doesn't foresee restrictions on English. But, she says,
  academics should be encouraged to write in Norwegian for the
  public and to keep developing terminology in Norwegian.

  "I think we overestimate our ability to think deeply in a
  foreign language," she says.

  The spread of English represents a serious cultural and
  psychological imposition, say many in countries where it isn't
  a native language. To get the same sense, Americans need only
  imagine having to learn their calculus in German, or their
  psychology in Chinese. "Every country loves its own culture
  and language," says Ruben Umaly, secretary general of the
  Association of Universities of Asia Pacific, which is based in
  Thailand and uses English as its official language. But
  English is increasingly the language of international business
  and communications, he says, and "we cannot avoid

  Some countries have tried. Flush with the national pride that
  accompanied the wave of decolonization after World War II,
  many new nations initially resisted the intrusion of English,
  seeing it as a threat to their own languages, long neglected
  under colonial rule. But in the last few years, with students
  and their parents clamoring for more English, which they
  regard as a passport to better careers, countries have
  increasingly opted for what some already call "the world

  Malaysia is a case in point. When Peter Chai Sen Tyng began
  working toward a master's degree in psychology last May, he
  knew that he would not be studying in the language he speaks
  at home, Mandarin Chinese. Nor would he use Malay, the
  language of his public-school education. His studies, like all
  graduate programs in Malaysia, are in English. Mr. Chai, 23,
  thinks it is worth the effort. "English has greater market
  value," he says.

  At independence from Britain, in 1957, Malaysia's university

[CTRL] Ralph Underwager Defends Child Rape/Verbatim Comments

2000-09-28 Thread Justine Blake

-Caveat Lector-

Hmmm...how WERE the "boylove" forums?? Stimulating???
WOW! Risking being affiliated with that lot in order to
"research"...hmmm...Now THAT's either dedication OR obsession...
Go figure...

Well, Bill, I'll help you figure it out. Since you come to only two
conclusions why one might participate in "boylove" forums, let me try to
enlighten you on a third reason why:

One of the snobbish appeals of being "to the left" is their ever so
high-and-mighty politikal korrektness, that is, being "wise in their own
eyes", they always offer up nice-sounding words like "tolerance", and
whatever it takes to get there, i.e. even the "rightness" of skools being
turned into propaganda mills by the militant gays.

However, there are those who are neither "to the left" nor "to the right".

One way to find out the Truth of a thing is to suspend all judgment and...go
and talk with the "other". Talk with them for a GOOD LONG WHILE, see where
their head's at.

Well, I did, and believe me, my worse fears were konfirmed. I got a real
good glimpse of the Whole Picture.

So baiting with words like was it "stimulating" really is quite crass with a
tendency to mislead, and can, often as not, show a person where *that
person's head is at*. And why say "risking being affiliated with"? Was I
really "being affiliated with"? Don't try to mislead or twist.

I look for Truth everywhere, in the highways and byways and in the grimey
dark back alleys too. Don't EVEN try to label me. I'll let you all *label*
yourselves...as "to the left", or whatever else you'd care to label
yourselves with and DO be my guest.

The Spirit goeth where it listeth.

BTW, Kris? I'll answer your post a bit later, where you mention about
"screeds", and "massa" and so on. They were good questions.

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

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Re: [CTRL] Ralph Underwager Defends Child Rape/Verbatim Comments

2000-09-28 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hmmm...how WERE the "boylove" forums?? Stimulating???
 WOW! Risking being affiliated with that lot in order to
 "research"...hmmm...Now THAT's either dedication OR obsession...

Yes, Justin DOES seem to spend an inordinate amount of time at those sites.

He better watch out, a lot of those sites are set up as deliberate sting operations...


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Ralph Underwager Defends Child Rape/Verbatim Comments

2000-09-28 Thread Justine Blake

-Caveat Lector-

He better watch out, a lot of those sites are set up as deliberate sting

Gee, now there's something I didn't know! LOL How terribly, terribly
insightful of you, Ms. June!

How good it was to know at the time that the sites were, in fact,
monitored...and by the press, too. We even shook 'em up enough on a couple
of occasions to make 'em close down for awhile, while they "thought things
out". S'matter of fact...one of their site domains seems to be up for sale
these days.


Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Strip Club Owner Was Hillary White House Sleepover Guest

2000-09-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

For your information Prudy this story was in Manchester's book and every
word was edited by Jackie Kennedy.

She knew the truth from the fiction - further, I noted that in the index
was reference to Ku Klux Klan page 69, but when you went to page 69 the
reference had been deleted.

So considering KGB was operating out of KKK during Walker spies big
moments - having formed their own KKK, perhaps Mrs. Kennedy left a few
more clues other than just the painting of the lilies in the valley.

How sweet - you certainly lack knowlege in the conspiracy of this
century - Kennedy died because of Russian KGB Mafia and Meyer Lansky, a
Russian of course.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] Fwd: Scientist 'killed Amazon indians to test race theory'

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

From: cynthia ford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 11:12:58 -0700

Scientist 'killed Amazon indians to test race theory'
Geneticist accused of letting thousands die in rainforest

Paul Brown, Environment correspondent
The Guardian, London
Saturday September 23, 2000

Thousands of South American indians were infected with measles, killing
hundreds, in order to for US scientists to study the effects on primitive
societies of natural selection, according to a book out next month.

The astonishing story of genetic research on humans, which took 10 years to
uncover, is likely to shake the world of anthropology to its core, according
to Professor Terry Turner of Cornell University, who has read the proofs.

"In its scale, ramifications, and sheer criminality and corruption it is
unparalleled in the history of anthropology," Prof Turner says in a warning
letter to Louise Lamphere, the president of the American Anthropology
Association (AAA).

The book accuses James Neel, the geneticist who headed a long-term project
study the Yanomami people of Venezuela in the mid-60s, of using a virulent
measles vaccine to spark off an epidemic which killed hundreds and probably

Once the epidemic was under way, according to the book, the research team
"refused to provide any medical assistance to the sick and dying Yanomami,
explicit order from Neel. He insisted to his colleagues that they were only
there to observe and record the epidemic, and that they must stick strictly
to their roles as scientists, not provide medical help".

The book, Darkness in El Dorado by the investigative journalist Patrick
Tierney, is due to be published on October 1. Prof Turner, whose letter was
co-signed by fellow anthropologist Leslie Sponsel of the University of
Hawaii, was trying to warn the AAA of the impending scandal so the
could defend itself.

Although Neel died last February, many of his associates, some of them
authors of classic anthropology texts, are still alive.

The accusations will be the main focus of the AAA's AGM in November, when
surviving scientists have been invited to defend their work. None have
commented publicly, but they are asking colleagues to come to their defence.

One of the most controversial aspects of the research which allegedly
culminated in the epidemic is that it was funded by the US atomic energy
commission, which was anxious to discover what might happen to communities
when large numbers were wiped out by nuclear war.

While there is no "smoking gun" in the form of texts or recorded speeches by
Neel explaining his conduct, Prof Turner believes the only explanation is
that he was trying to test controversial eugenic theories like the Nazi
scientist Josef Mengele.

He quotes another anthropologist who read the manuscript as saying: "Mr.
Tierney's analysis is a case study of the dangers in science of the
uncontrolled ego, of lack of respect for life, and of greed and
self-indulgence. It is a further extraordinary revelation of malicious and
perverted work conducted under the aegis of the atomic energy commission."

Prof Turner says Neel and his group used a virulent vaccine called Edmonson
on the Yanomani, which was known to produce symptoms virtually
indistinguishable from cases of measles.

"Medical experts, when informed that Neel and his group used the vaccine in
question on the Yanomami, typically refuse to believe it at first, then say
that it is incredible that they could have done it, and are at a loss to
explain why they would have chosen such an inappropriate and dangerous
vaccine," he writes.

"There is no record that Neel sought any medical advice before applying the
vaccine. He never informed the appropriate organs of the Venezuelan
government that his group was planning to carry out a vaccination campaign,
as he was legally required to do.


"Neither he nor any other member of the expedition has ever explained why
that vaccine was used, despite the evidence that it actually caused or, at a
minimum, greatly exacerbated the fatal epidemic."

Prof Turner says that Neel held the view that "natural" human society, as
seen before the advent of large-scale agriculture, consists of small,
genetically isolated groups in which dominant genes - specifically a gene he
believed existed for "leadership" or "innate ability" - have a selective

In such an environment, male carriers of this gene would gain access to a
disproportionate number of females, reproducing their genes more frequently
than less "innately able" males. The result would supposedly be a continual
upgrading of the human genetic stock.

He says Neel believed that in modern societies "superior leadership genes
would be swamped by mass genetic mediocrity".

"The political implication of this fascistic eugenics is clearly that
should be reorganised into small breeding isolates in which genetically
superior males could emerge into dominance, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Wanted - Indian DNA

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

³This is something that¹s going on very quietly,² he says. ³They¹re not
going to tell you exactly what¹s going on...²
Missoula Independent
Vol.   11     No.   38 Issue Date 9/21/00

Out for Blood

Judy Gobert, chairwoman of the Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism,
says that some biotech companies have become so desperate for Native
American genetic material that they¹ve had representatives approach Indian
schoolchildren in California and offer them $100 for a single blood sample.
Why biotech companies are clamoring for Native American DNA
According to Native American beliefs, all life is sacred and should not be
tampered with.
That¹s why native activists from around the nation are taking aim at
bioengineering projects that clone animals, create new plant species, and
splinter human genes into their tiniest fragments. What¹s especially galling
to high-tech opponents is the fact that most of the research is being done
for profit, often at the expense of indigenous peoples and their traditional
³Anything that¹s living can now be owned,² maintains Judy Gobert, chairwoman
of the Nevada-based Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism. Gobert,
who also serves as dean of Salish Kootenai College¹s math and sciences
program in Pablo, and as chairwoman of the American Indian Science and
Engineering Society, says biotech companies know no boundaries when it comes
to studying native peoples.
³It¹s becoming a little more twisted as it goes along,² Gobert told a recent
national gathering of Indian health leaders in Billings. ³They want your
genes. They want the things that make us up as human beings.²
Researchers have long been intrigued about the migration of native peoples
across the former land bridge between the Aleutian Islands and Russia.
Studies of northern-tier natives have been going on for decades, but Gobert
says the new twist is that DNA samples are now being used to determine who
may have come from whom and where. DNA is short for deoxyribose nucleic
acid, which acts as a codebook for genetic origin. While some of the
research has undeniable value, Gobert says tissue, blood, hair and other
samples are often obtained without the informed consent of donors, who may
have unknowingly contributed the samples through routine medical exams or
through other sources who didn¹t reveal the material might be sold to third
³It¹s very insidious,² she says. ³They¹re treating us like we¹re stupid
Indians again. There¹s secondary uses going on all over the place.²
One of the most recent battles over DNA research revolves around the
so-called ³Kennewick Man,² a 9,300-year-old skeleton found in 1996 along the
Columbia River in Washington state. Scientists, including two from the
Smithsonian Institution, want to determine the skeleton¹s genetic origin.
Umatilla Indians contend the bones should be reburied immediately, without
further study. Researchers sued, arguing that there¹s no proof the skeletal
remains are related to the tribe. The issue remains bound up in court.
Researchers also have special interest in native peoples because some groups
have unusual immunities or propensities for various diseases, and scientists
want to figure out why. But Gobert says the biotech field has become so
commodity-driven that Indian genetic samples are now available over the
Internet for as little as $209. Patents on plant, animal, and genetic
material can be obtained by nearly anyone, and few ethical guidelines are in
place to ensure that basic human rights are not violated, she says.
³It¹s sexy science,² says Gobert. ³They can get a lot of money for it.
There¹s big money behind this, and that¹s what it¹s all about.²
³This is colonialism, just like land patents² that opened up reservation
lands to non-Indian settlers, adds Brett Lee Shelton, an attorney who
directs the policy and research program for the Indigenous Peoples Council
on Biocolonialism. ³Now they want to breach the boundaries of your own
Also stirring up ³biopiracy² opponents is the creation of new plants and the
alteration of plants and animals through genetic engineering. Transgenics,
which breaks down natural borders by crossing species that would not
normally interbreed, has resulted in scientists injecting ³fish genes into
tomatoes, petunia flower genes into soybeans, bacteria genes into corn, cow
growth hormones into chickens, and human genes into tobacco, kiwi fruit,
mice and sheep,² according to one of the group¹s publications.
While genetic engineering has produced new strains of food crops that are at
least temporarily resistant to various pests and diseases, activists also
worry about potential unintended consequences, such as unleashing new
biological materials that could wipe out native plant and animal species.
Another aspect of the biotech battle, Gobert and Shelton say, is the effort
by some 

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] URGENT: Bolivia on the Verge

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

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September 28, 2000
Today's Press Briefing

Bolivia's Banzer Convenes Military to Stop Protests

-- All Eyes Are On Perú but It's Bolivia that Is On the Verge

-- Peasant Protesters Vow to Meet Repression "Bullet for Bullet"

-- The Drug War Wrecks Democracy Again

A Narco News Global Alert:


For the first time in 18 years, Bolivian President Hugo Banzer has 
convened his high military council to plot the repression of a wave 
of citizen protest that engulfs that South American country.

Bolivia's "democracy," always as fragile and in quotations as that of 
Perú, is on the verge of regressing back to the bad old days of 
military rule and repression.

As a Narco News advisor pointed out to us: "Why am I suddenly reading 
the name of Perú spy chief Montesinos everywhere when during all
press coverage of the Spring elections he was barely mentioned?" Good 
question. Narco News offers the following answer: Washington is stage-
managing a huge media circus around Montesinos and his jet-hopping 
from Peru to Panamá to distract from behind-the-scenes maneuvers 
throughout América.

The total failure in the first weeks of the $1.3 billion dollar "Plan 
Colombia" military intervention is one of the stories that Washington 
wants to supress. As Congressional Democrats who were key in 
constructing the plan send messages that they might back away from it 
after the November elections, the US Ambassador to Colombia yesterday 
signed contracts with that government that commits the US funding 
into next year, stripping the next Congress from any power to stop 
the dollar hemorrhage. Not a mention of this in the English-language 
press; everyone is chasing Montesinos and President Alberto Fujimori, 
who is flying to Washington, DC for instructions as we write.

The Perú-Panamá-Montesinos circus has pushed more than the
Plan Colombia off the media docket. It has eclipsed the coming crisis 
in Bolivia, where the US has staked its South American gamble with a 
$4.5 billion dollar "Plan Bolivia" in exchange for Banzer's military 
cooperation with Plan Colombia and the fracasing war on drugs.

The Pentagon needs Bolivia to escalate the Colombian war. 
Specifically, it needs airfields. $4.5 billion dollars worth of 

The US airbases in Manta, Ecuador, and San Salvador, El Salvador, are 
under increasing scrutiny and regulation by the congresses and 
opposition parties of those countries. Previous plans to use 
airfields in Chile to launch Colombia-bound warplanes went up in 
smoke with the election of former Allende minister Ricardo Lagos as 
President early this year. Madeleine Albright's recent negotiation 
with Argentina to use airfields there (under the euphemism 
of "logisticial support" for Plan Colombia) fell apart after one 
week: Brazil, Chile (and Europe?) made certain of that. From 
Venezuela the gallop of Bolívar's horse grows louder; a horsepower 
fueled by oil and the resurrection of OPEC and Venezuelan democracy 

The US military in South America increasingly resembles a homeless 
juvenile delinquent in the streets, armed with knives but not common 
sense, that belongs in reform school before he kills again. Not the 
Pentagon's School of the Americas (where Montesinos and at least one 
of the generals accompanying him to Panamá learned their terrorist 
skills), but, rather, the school of democracy, sovereignty and human 
rights in which the US State Department, the CIA, the DEA, and other 
agencies have failed every course.

Just as Washington made its move on Banzer's Bolivia, the Bolivian 
people have risen up. A majority of the states in that nation are 
paralyzed from peasant blockades. What provoked them: The War on 

The teachers of the nation are on strike: the students are busy 
anyway, fighting for their country and against their government. The 
Bolivian State has thrown the leader of the Teachers Union in jail, 
but the strike marches on. Washington has underestimated the rising 
conscience of Bolívar's América. Did they expect the Bolivian
to go along quietly with the New Colonial Plan?

These times call for better analysis by authentic journalists and 
Civil Society. Don't be distracted by the hype. Washington is 
managing both Fujimori and his "opposition" in Perú, and still is 
losing its grip. That's because the events in Perú are shaped 
increasingly by the context provided by its neighbors. Colombia, 
Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador... these are the places where 
Bolivar's dream of a united América is awakening. Fujimori, 
Montesinos and "opposition leader" Alejandro Toledo are 

[CTRL] OEN 9/28/00

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Free Government Stuff

Sell Your Vote Here!

But not for a penny less than the market will bear.

According to detective novels and TV shows, criminals are those who perform
illegal actions clandestinely. But some real-world scofflaws get more mileage
out of the adage, "If you've got it, flaunt it."

Recently, the Austrian owner of Voteauction.com flaunted it.

Boasting of the more than 6,000 Americans who have signed up to auction off
their presidential votes to the highest bidder -- illegal activity under the
laws of every state in the union -- Voteauction is now detailing its plans to
begin an outreach campaign.

Using its "Voter Empowerment Kits" and "Action Teams," the company claims in
a press release that it can reach more potential customers and facilitate
voter fraud without the intervention of an online middleman.

Such activity leaves Deborah Phillips of the Voting Integrity Project

Phillips has been observing the ups and downs of the blatantly felonious site
since August, when Wired News first reported on this curious conglomeration
of satire, lawlessness and voracious capitalism.

"Why isn't the Justice Department getting involved?" she said. "Why hasn't
there been any comment from the White House? Why hasn't Congress held any

Federal Election Commission member Brad Smith noted that federal and state
officials may be hesitating for three reasons.

First, the site probably hasn't garnered enough media attention yet to
mobilize all the forces who should be opposing Voteauction.

Second, since the site traffics in a novel form of overseas-instigated vote
fraud, it's also undoubtedly unclear just who those forces are -- whether
they be the Department of Justice, Department of State, municipal or
statewide boards of election, state attorneys general or other offices tasked
specifically to monitor the Internet. (Voteauction, he guessed, would
probably not be handled by the FEC.)

Finally, he said, it's still unclear just how widespread a threat a site like
Voteauction represents.
"I suspect that if this began to appear to be a problem on a large enough
scale, though, you'd see action, and it'd come quickly," Smith said.

According to Hans Bernhard, the Austrian businessman who bought Voteauction
from James Baumgartner, a New York graduate student who developed the site,
American reaction against his investment has already begun.

In addition to the hate emails he receives for running an offshore enterprise
that facilitates American felonies, Berhard reports that the site has also
been the recipient of numerous hacks and electronic attacks.

"We do understand that there is a certain interest on the part of certain
services of the U.S. government who most probably are interested in this
data," Bernhard said of Voteauction's list of vote sellers and buyers. "Our
job is to protect this data. We don't want this data to be public."

According to James Baumgartner, the MFA student who first conceived of the
site as a commentary on wholesale corruption in American politics, a few
facts can be divulged about the $75,000 in bids so far and the 6,000 par

Vote-sellers on the whole tend to be in their twenties, male and with at
least some college education -- including a lot of college students, he said.
Vote buyers, on the other hand, tend to be in their forties, affluent and

Almost all of the bids for votes -- broken down by state -- have come from
individuals seeking to increase the number of votes for their favorite
candidates. Only three companies, in the "$200 million sales range,"
Baumgartner said, have yet placed any bids for Voteauction votes.

The profile of both sides of the Internet auction does jibe with the history
of vote-buying in America, said Larry J. Sabato, a University of Virginia
political scientist and author of the 1996 book Dirty Little Secrets: The
Persistence of Corruption in American Politics.

Especially telling is the fact that the payoff-per-vote, as tallied on the
site, is settling into the $10-$20 range -- the amount of cash an individual
vote tends to command in other, non-Internet-based schemes.

"It always seems to be about $20," Sabato said. "That must be the going rate.
And when you think about it, it makes sense. Because 10 bucks is not what it
used to be. With 20 bucks you can get a pretty good meal, if you know where
to go. And I think that's how some people conceive of it. Their vote may be
worth a meal. It's sad, but that may be true."

Sabato and co-author Glenn R. Simpson of The Wall Street Journal write in
Secrets: "Contrary to the belief of some that voter fraud is a thing of the
past existing today only in isolated packets, if at all, the evidence ...
strongly suggests a persistent pattern of criminal fraud that is well
organized and a continuing part of the political 

[CTRL] Russia's Road to corruption

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://policy.house.gov/russia/contents.html"Russia
Contents Page/A

Acrobat Reader is free and is necessary to view the report as published. To
view the full text of the report in html (1MB), click here.
For the full report in html including graphics (5MB), click here.

Executive Summary
1991: The Fall of the Soviet Union and the Rise of Russia
Conditions in Russia at the Outset of the Yeltsin and Clinton Administrations
The Task Ahead: Creation of a Free-Enterprise System after a Century of State
The Fundamental Flaws of the Clinton Administration's Russia Policy
The Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission
'Bull': Gore and Other Administration Policy Makers Systematically Ignore
Evidence of Corruption of Their 'Partners'
The Rise of Organized Crime
1998: Years of Bad Advice Culminate in Russia's Total Economic Collapse
Weapons Proliferation Feeds a Corrupt and Cash-Starved System
From Friendship to Cold Peace: The Decline of U.S.-Russia Relations During
the 1990s
'The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend': Russia Emerges as a Strategic Partner
of the People's Republic of China
Despite Years of Policy Failure, A Bright Russian Future Is Still Possible
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Strip Club Owner Was Hillary White House Sleepover Guest

2000-09-28 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/28/2000 8:29:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 How sweet - you certainly lack knowlege in the conspiracy of this
 century - Kennedy died because of Russian KGB Mafia and Meyer Lansky, a
 Russian of course. 

Then it really is amazing how much influence the Russians had with our FBI,
CIA and President Johnson as well.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] Ex-NSA expert warns of concealed backdoors

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.zdnet.co.uk/news/2000/38/ns-18077.html"
Ex-NSA expert warns of concealed backdoors/A
Ex-NSA expert warns of concealed backdoors

Mon, 25 Sep 2000 10:51:57 GMT

Will Knight
Ex-spook believes that software backdoors are out there, fuelling conspiracy
Former NSA (National Security Agency) analyst and representative of Internet
rights watchdog EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Centre) Wayne Madsen
warned privacy groups Friday that a growing number of proprietary commercial
software applications may have backdoors allowing the security services to
carry out surveillance activities.
Speaking to privacy groups as well as cryptography and security experts at
the International Forum on Surveillance by Design at the London School of
Economics, Madsen warned that this is an area of growing interest for
security services such as the NSA. "A lot of manufacturers play ball with the
NSA," said Madsen. "This is an area that the NSA is moving into a lot and we
have to be really careful about it."
Until recently the US government strictly controlled the strength of
cryptography in software exported to different countries, in order to protect
the government's ability to access and monitor communications data. The
regulations were relaxed after pressure from industry but Madsen believes
that this may have driven the NSA to find ways to carry out surveillance.
"They're not going to give in over exporting strong cryptography without
getting something in return," he says.
The NSA carries out the US government's intelligence gathering operations. It
is known to gather information from Internet traffic. It is possible for
programmers to put secret capabilities into the code used to build programs
that are difficult to detect. Software companies including Microsoft have in
the past been accused of colluding with the NSA to provide backdoors into
their applications.
Open source software, which publishes the underlying source code with a
finished application, is by contrast entirely transparent. This has caused
some foreign governments including the French administration to take an
interest in open source solutions.
According to Madsen, evidence of the FBI's controversial Carnivore email
surveillance tool shows that NSA technology is finding its way into other law
enforcement departments. He predicts that similar surveillance tools may be
applied to other technologies including biometrics and smart cards and used
track the movements of individuals. "These are new intelligence targets," he
says. Madsen warns that government agencies often have a significant role in
the development of standards for new technologies.
The London forum saw presentations from a host of experts on government
surveillance technology including Duncan Campbell, famous for his work on
Echelon, and Tony Bunyan of Statewatch.
Take me to Surveillance.
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button and go to the ZDNet News forum.
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 ·  Carnivore clone goes open source
 ·  Anti-snooping gurus converge on London
 ·  Top-secret agency reports computer problem
 ·  Privacy group sues NSA over spy net
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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the 

[CTRL] Stardrive

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.stardrive.org/title.shtml"Stardrive -- Title
Verio Web Hosting
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Albert Einstein

UFOs and The New Physics

The Starship Builders

The Sarfatti Letters

StarDrive Discussion Group

International Space Sciences Organization

International Fighter
Pilots Association

Email Dr. Jack Sarfatti

The Many Universes of
Dr. Fred Alan Wolf

John Walker's Fourmilab

The StarDrive Library

The Physics Chanteuse

Coming soon: A new interview With Dr. Eric Davis!

NEW! -- Saul Paul Sirag on
Torsion in Superstring Theory

NEW! -- Star Gate Anholonomic Torsion Geometrodynamics
Part I. The Classical Limit

Jack Sarfatti Reports from the
Vigier 2000 Conference

Jack Sarfatti's Summary
of the ISSO San Francisco
Torsion Field Conference

Get Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 here 

Abstract of paper for Torsion Field Conference Aug. 15-18 2000
in San Francisco

Anholonomic Geometrodynamics
Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D.

Corum's anholonomic object generates an extended fiber bundle (AKA
"anholonomic bundle") that is locally nontrivial. The local mixing of
internal gauge fiber force symmetry with spacetime symmetry of the base space
induced by the anholonomic object permits, in principle, the kind of
propellantless propulsion by the self field of the ship on its center of mass
in the absence of an external field, as claimed by Shipov. Lower level
translational symmetry in the base space and lower level electromagnetic
gauge symmetry are both broken by Corum's anholonomic object in order to
satisfy a higher level symmetry that is not simply the direct product of the
internal symmetry subgroup with the spacetime symmetry subgroup as is
conventionally assumed apriori. There is a simple analogy with the clutch of
a car. Standard physics, with ordinary fiber bundles, is like driving in
"neutral" with the clutch pedal depressed all the time, so that the engine
(electromagnetic internal symmetry) revs without a direct connection to the
drive train (spacetime symmetry). This corresponds to a zero anholonomic
object. Generating the anholonomic field is like engaging the engine to the
drive train. The anholonomic modification of the electromagnetic field
tensor, given to us by James Corum, has an anholonomic term linear in the
electromagnetic 4-potential. The anholonomic term transforms inhomogeneously
under the subgroup of spacetime symmetry. However, this same term transforms
homogeneously in a covariant way under the higher symmetry group in which the
electromagnetic gauge transformation is phase locked to the spacetime
transformation. This is the physical meaning of local nontriviality of the
extended fiber bundle description of the universe. In holonomic physics this
phase lock is broken, there is no local mixing of internal electromagnetic
symmetry (self field) with the space translation symmetry at the center of
mass of the ship in that limiting case. This explains why Newton's Third Law
of action with equal and opposite reaction works in the base space alone in
the holonomic limit and how to extend it to the larger anholonomic bundle

Notes on Advanced Astronomy

Notes on Advanced Cosmology

Beyond Bohm/Vigier Quantum Mechanics

The following link takes you to a breakthrough
experiment you can participate in immediately.

D o you want to understand the meaning of the animated logo in the upper left
corner of this page?
The rolling ball is the pattern of electron q-bits inside the microtubules of
your brain. The landscape it rolls on is the physical mind-field. The two
co-evolve in spontaneous self-organization generating your conscious
experiences making you what you are! This is Jack Sarfatti's "Post-Quantum
A nd speaking of animations, be sure to go to artist Stephen Goodfellow's
excellent animation page and view his Flash animation -- "Cosm" -- truly
wonderful work!

John Lilly and Physics

Stuart Hameroff was apparently the first man to suggest that microtubules are
the Seat of The Soul.

Dialogues on Natural Religion

With apologies to David 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fascism with a smile

2000-09-28 Thread Kathleen

-Caveat Lector-

Date sent:  Wed, 27 Sep 2000 13:01:50 -0700
To: undisclosed recipients [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Fascism with a smile

This article highlights a long- held belief of mine-- that we are
rapidly becoming a fascist society. Some refer to the MMM's as the
"Commie Mommies," Al Gore is routinely labelled a Socialist, etc.
but if one looks closely it becomes apparent that they and the
others who would gut the Bill of Rights are clearly *National*
Socialists... aka Nazis.


 Third Way or Third Reich?

WHAT IS THE THIRD WAY, and why is Bill Clinton pushing it?

During the collapse of the Soviet Empire, Mikhail Gorbachev
promoted the so-called "Third Way" as an alternative to free
markets. This new way of governing would be neither capitalist nor
communist, but something in between. The Third Way flopped in
Russia. But Bill Clinton thinks it will work here.

On November 14, 1998, while most of us were distracted by sex
scandals, The New York Times quietly reported that, in response
to the growing worldwide recession, "Mr. Clinton has proposed a
`third way' between capitalism and socialism."

Actually, Clinton has been touting the Third Way since 1992. But
his evasive language prevented most people from figuring out what
he meant by it.

"We have moved past the sterile debate between those who say
government is the enemy and those who say government is the
answer," Clinton said in his 1998 State of the Union address. "My
fellow Americans, we have found a third way."

Of course, most Americans didn't even know we were looking for
one. But now that we've found it, how does it work?

Among other things, the Third Way calls for business and
government to join hands as "partners."

"We are working with business to use technology, research and
market incentives to meet national goals," Clinton told the
Economic Club of Detroit in February. "Some have called this
political philosophy the third way."

What Clinton means by this gobbledygook is that Big Business will
own the economy (as under capitalism), while Big Government
runs it (as under socialism).

Corporations will be bribed into obedience through subsidies, tax
breaks, customized legislation and other special privileges.

It all sounds very cozy. But what would life be like under such a
regime? History offers some alarming clues.

"National Socialist Germany has created a new economic doctrine,"
boasted Adolf Hitler in 1939, "which views ... the economy as the
servant of the people." Hitler exemplified the Third Way. He left
industry in private hands, but appointed government bureaucrats to
run it.

Production goals were set and price controls imposed from Berlin.
Jobs were created through public works, tax incentives and
government credits.

"Hitler ... anticipated modern economic policy," enthused liberal
economist John Kenneth Galbraith in 1973. "That a nation
oppressed by economic fear would respond to Hitler as Americans
did to FDR is not surprising."

Nor should it surprise us that some might look back with nostalgia
on Hitler's strong-arm tactics, now that global depression lurks
around the corner. Is the Third Way a coded expression for
fascism? Perhaps.

This new ideology does not come with jackboots, goose-stepping
thugs or delirious crowds shouting, "Sieg Heil!" But maybe it
doesn't have to. Back in 1980, a leftwing political scientist and
urban studies professor named Bertram Gross, in his book Friendly
Fascism, foretold a kinder, gentler brand of tyranny.

"Anyone looking for black shirts, mass parties or men on horseback
will miss the telltale clues of this creeping fascism..." he wrote.
"In America, it would be supermodern and multiethnic -- as
American as Madison Avenue, executive luncheons, credit cards
and apple pie. It would be fascism with a smile."

Most people would accept the new order without distress, Gross
predicted. They would have fewer rights, of course, but more
gadgets, perks and entertainments. Troublemakers would be
blacklisted and discredited, but rarely jailed or killed. When
violence became necessary, it would be done discreetly.

"One can look forward to improved capabilities ... for the use of ...
induced heart failure ... induced suicide ... and `accidental'
automobile fatalities," wrote Gross.

The author of Friendly Fascism was no wild-eyed Cassandra. He
was a leading architect of liberal social policy under presidents
Roosevelt, Truman and Carter. As such, Gross unwittingly helped
build the partnership of Big Government and Big Business that he
later decried. He recognized his guilt only late in life.

While writing his book, Gross dreamed that he was searching
through a huge, empty house for "friendly fascists." He found one
at last.

"I flung open one of the doors," Gross writes. "And there sitting at a
typewriter and smiling back at me, I saw myself."

Over the years, Gross had helped draft such Big 

[CTRL] Carnivore Review Team Exposed!

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:643876"  Carnivore Review
Team Exposed!/A
Subject:   Carnivore Review Team Exposed!
From: "www.wired.com web2news.pl" A
Date: Thu, Sep 28, 2000 4:47 AM

Carnivore Review Team Exposed!

 12:30 p.m.  Sep. 27, 2000 PDT

Call it the Curse of Carnivore.

It was bad enough when word leaked out this summer that the FBI's electronic
eavesdropping system
went by the unfortunate, if eerily accurate, name of Carnivore.

The Feds took another blow when researchers at MIT and other prestigious
institutions refused to
[ A HREF="http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0"

Full text at: A

Posted with: A HREF="http://www.deja.com/getdoc.xp?AN=596972256fmt=text"

http:  www wired com news politics 0,1283,39102,00 html web2news.pl
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Mae Brussell's Radio Series on Michael Aquino

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:643844"Mae Brussell's
Radio Series on Michael Aquino/A
Subject: Mae Brussell's Radio Series on Michael Aquino
From: Alex Constantine A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Date: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 10:12 PM

From the NEWSMAKINGNEWS Web stite:

Tape 831 11/9/87, Sides 1 and 2: Tape 831 is Part I of Mae Brussell's
two part series about the San Francisco Presidio child day care child
abuse case (See Tape 832, 11/16/87 re: Part II.)
Berkeley, CA 94704. Conference Recording Service, 1308 Gilman Street,
Berkeley, CA 94703 415 527 3600: 3 sessions, $7 for each of $20 for set,
add $2 each tape for postage + 6 1 2
Calif. tax. If only order one, send for #3, Army officers at Presidio,
Calif. Children and Satan.
HITLER: THE OCCULT MESSIAH, Gerald Suster, St. Martins, NY 1981.
NY 1977.
Coward, McCann Geoghegan, 1973.
SECRETS OF THE SS Glenn Nefeld, Stein and Day, 1982.
SATANIC CULT" Son of Sam and Manson Family (Military Origins) Dolphin,
Ex.10-30-87. B. Seto.
Edward W. Laeminen and Bill Wallace.
John Whittinger and Bill Wallace.
Edward Lempinen.
sac 11-5-87, Dave Farrell
12'report on S.F.
SJM 11-8-87 Linda Goldston.
In the margin of the World Waters International newsletter, Mae Brussell

Zodiac and Swastika, pages 126-127. OSS Allen Dulles, at Berne
Switzerland office, working with DR. GOVERTS and GERO VON GAVERNITZ on
the plan to kill ADOLPH HITLER July 20, 1944. That would give Himmler
total power, part of the plan.
Himmler, Allen Dulles.
"Operation Sunrise, The Secret Surrender." Bradley Smith, Elena Agaross,
"The Secret Surrender" Allen Dulles, Harper and Roe, 1966.
Army Reserve Lt. Col. Currently assigned as staff officer, U.S. ARMY
Known as "MICKEY and SHAMBY".
Identified by 3 1 2 year old, attending Presidio Nursery School
Injected, taken to Leavenworth Street apartment of Aquino and wife, by
GARY HAMBRIGHT, worker at Presidio care center.
Michael Aquino, former stockbroker for MERRILL LYNCH.
Holder of two advanced degrees in POLITICAL SCIENCE, Univ. Calif. Santa
Barbara and George Washington U., Wash. D.C.
Holds TOP SECRET SECURITY CLEARANCE, highly decorated Lt. Col., served
Served as Liaison officer in NATO COUNTRIES.
A consulting faculty member of U.S. Army COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF
Believes in the "COMING APOCALYPSE with an ANNIHILATION except for a few
Leader of TEMPLE OF SET, SATANIC CHURCH, headquarters in San Francisco.
Worked with Anton LeVey, until 1975, when became HIGH PRIEST of his own
Church. LeVey associated with Roman Polanski, Manson Family, Son of Sam.
Has conducted occult rituals patterned on ceremonies conducted by NAZI
LEADER HEINRICH HIMMLER in Himmler's Germany castle, once used by NAZI
the rituals "to recreate an order of knighthood for followers of Satan."

[CTRL] Debunking False Memory Myths

2000-09-28 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Debunking "False Memory" Myths
Date: Monday, September 11, 2000 9:00 PM

From: Trial
Journal of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America
November 1997

Debunking "false memory" myths in sexual abuse cases
by Wendy J. Murphy

An aggressive litigation strategy can head off defense claims that memories
of trauma are all in the victim's head.
For many years, adult survivors of child sexual abuse have been filing civil
claims for damages. In some cases, plaintiffs file their claims decades
after the abuse ends because the nature of the trauma renders them incapable
of filing earlier.
These cases can be broken down into two categories. In "recovered memory"
cases, victims had no memories of the abuse until years later. In
"appreciation" cases, victims remembered being abused but did not appreciate
the causal relationship between the childhood abuse and the psychological
and emotional injuries they suffer as adults. This article addresses an
issue that is likely to come up only in the former category of cases.
Recovered memory cases are facing new and substantial pre-trial hurdles,
sometimes leading to dismissal orders and summary judgment decisions that
deny victims their day in court. At the heart of the problem is the largely
contrived controversy around "false memory syndrome" and the alleged
unreliability of "repressed" memories.
While public debate about so-called false memories has been raging for
years, increasing numbers of trial and appellate court decisions involving
this issue are just now being issued. These decisions reflect significant
lack of uniformity among the courts, not only in the results but also in the
reasoning and even in the context within which the memory issues are
The typical defense strategy in these cases is to file pre-trial motions
challenging the reliability, and hence admissibility, of expert testimony
regarding recovered memories. In some cases, these motions are filed as
early as the preliminary injunction stage. Reliability issues are also
raised in motions to dismiss and for summary judgment.
Usually, the defense also seeks to offer its own "expert" testimony to
counter the plaintiff's scientific evidence that the mind can avoid or
repress traumatic information and then recall it years later.
The plaintiff's best approach is to anticipate this defense strategy and
take the first step by filing a motion to exclude the defendant's evidence.
Plaintiffs should file this motion early to persuade the court that the
defendant's assets should be attached because the claim has merit.
While there is not yet a reported court ruling on this type of motion, this
strategy will likely work as a preemptive strike against inevitable attacks
on the plaintiff's experts. It will also provide judges with accurate
information about the scientific reliability of traumatic memory evidence.
Defense use of Daubert
To support their efforts to exclude recovered memory evidence, defendants
generally rely on the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Daubert V. Merrell Dow
Pharmaceutical, inc.[1] Under Daubert, the proponent of an expert opinion
based on scientific knowledge must establish the opinion's reliability and
relevance before it may be admitted. Whether the proponent has satisfied
these requirements "entails a preliminary assessment of whether the
reasoning or methodology underlying the testimony is scientifically valid
and of whether that reasoning or methodology properly can be applied to the
facts in issue."[2]
The relevance prong is fairly straight-forward. As the Court noted, "Expert
testimony which does not relate to any issue in the case is not relevant
and, ergo, nonhelpful."[3] Defining "helpfulness" in Daubert, the Court said
there must be a "valid scientific connection to the pertinent inquiry as a
precondition to admissibility."[4]
The reliability prong is more problematic. Most courts properly read Daubert
to determine reliability by examining the integrity of the methodology
behind the opinion. However, Daubert's application has been awkward in
recovered memory cases because the decision discussed scientific reliability
in a toxic tort case involving objectively testable "hard" science.
Daubert's indicators of reliability have limited value when the testimony at
issue is rooted in behavioral or "soft" sciences.
It would be reasonable for a court to rule that classic scientific
principles cannot resolve the reliability question in recovered memory
cases. But, if an attempt is made to determine reliability, traumatic memory
research should be judged by standards different than those applied in
Daubert. For example, a 

[CTRL] Bush Launches Another 'October Surprise'

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:643751"Bush Launches
Another 'October Surprise'/A
Subject: Bush Launches Another 'October Surprise'
Date: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 1:55 PM

The facts:

1)  Bush Sr. is a former CIA chief who knows the ins and outs of a
succesful covert operation.
2) Both Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. have extensive ties to the oil industry.
Bush Jr.has raised 15 times more money from oil and gas interests than
Vice President Al Gore; he has personal ties to the oil industry and
middle-east oil producers, his biggest lifetime patrons are employees
of the Enron Oil Company, and at least 25 of his top fund-raisers, the
Pioneers, are connected to the oil business.
3) Bush Jr. unexpectedly picks Dick Cheney as his VP candidate, yet
another top'level oil tycoon with worldwide ties to oil producers.
3) Bush Sr. has already been traced to another election year 'October
Surprise' in 1980, when he negotiated with the Iranians in Paris to
keep the hostages until after Reagan was elected.
4) Bush SR. knows it will be next to impossible to get his son elected
in such a strong economy.
5) Bush Sr also knows it was a recession that booted him out of the
White House in '92.
6) Bush knows that about the only thing that could spark a recession
at this point are high oil and gas prices, which would help spark the
stock market downturn and recession they sorely need, not to mention
consumer outrage at high prices.
7) OPEC ultimately controls oil prices
8) The Kuwaitis love George Bush Sr. for saving their butts from
9) The Kuwaitis would do anything for Bush Sr.
10) Bush Sr and Dick Cehney meet with the Kuwait leaders on a supposed
'good-will' mission.
11) The Kuwaitis become the primary instigators in OPEC to cut back on
oil production and raise prices which led to current prices.
12) The price of oil goes up from about $11 a barrel to over $34.  The
economy begins slowing, and new polls show consumer confidence is
12) Using high oil prices as a cover, the oil companies also initiate
a program of gas price gouging centered primarily in the midwest, the
most critical election-year battleground.
13)  Bush and the Republicans would do absolutely ANYTHING to regain
the presidency.

You do the math.  I can think of a dozen ways that Bush and the
Republicans could have set this thing up.  They have the motive, the
means, and the opportunity.  All that's missing at this point is the
smoking gun.  After all, we're not talking about the boy scouts here -
we're talking about the same sort of thugs who set-up the president in
the Paula Jones case.  We're talking about the same guy who slandered
John McCain's wife and daughter in order to win the Republican
primary.  When is America going to wake up and realize that we don't
have a two party system anymore?  We have one party, and a group of
political gangsters calling themselves the Republicans.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Rohypnol world interview and the unwonderful Bhopal incident

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:643742"The Rohypnol world
interview and the unwonderful Bhopal incident/A
Subject: The Rohypnol world interview and the unwonderful Bhopal incident
From: "John Schiffer" A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Date: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 1:13 PM

The thesis of this article is to suggest, through extreemly indirect means
that could never be tested in a courtroom, that people in Boston around
October/November 1984 knew that a major environmental accident was going to
happen in India in the near future.

I was living with a girl in 1984, or at least sleeping with her most every
night.  It was a lousy relationship and it ended around February 1985 to
everyone's relief.

During late 1984 she took me to see a movie at Coolidge Corner Boston.  It
was the Hitchkock movie, "Rope".  She was very quiet and very stern during
the whole movie, a bit of a change for her.

Throughout the late 80s and 90s I had recurrent flashback memories of times
when I would be in no earthly place being interviewed about how I would like
the world to be if I had supreme power over it.  During these interviews I
was asked about many world problems.

For instance I ordered (with all supreme power of course) that South Africa
was to be handed over to the majority people there in a staged handover
where the black leadership ran duplicate government departments and were
handed over all official documents so they could be prepared for the
peaceful handover of power.  Nelson Mandella (in 1984) was to be released
and somebody who looked like him was to be put in his place (paid of
course).  The real Nelson would go to a college in the US, do government and
politics courses and get a nice black American girlfriend for a couple of
years.  Then when the handover of power was to take place in 5 to 10 years
or so, then he would be placed back in jail and he wouldn't feel so angry
towards people for all the time he'd spent behind bars.

Northern Ireland was to be handled in what became the "Reynolds solution".
A referendum was to be held in which all people voted and if both South and
North agreed to join then union could happen.  (I would have readers note
that nothing of the sort happened and that I didn't actually enjoy supreme
power over the world in these "interviews in no earthly place").

Noting that no ship is safe to sail if it has one compartment in the hull, I
ordered that the world be unofficially divided into five regions where one
language (different for each block) would come to dominate over each block,
and that improvements made in one block would be filtered slowly into the
others by a small committee at the top.  This certainly hasn't happened yet
either, so it remained an intellectual's drugged up dream.  I actually
thought this would be the best thing for Africa as it tended to be taken
advantage of by the other blocks and needed more automony.

Germany was to be united because the people there wanted it.  The coalition
of Japan, Europe and the US was to be maintained at all costs since the
combined economies of these three could always outperform the Soviet Union,
thus handing the West a tremendous advantage in the long run.

In an example of how dangerous drug induced revery can be I concluded that
an Indian city should be nuclear bombed as a warning to everyone in the
world about how bad nuclear weapons were.  I'm certainly happy this hasn't
happened, and I apologise to any Indians reading this, but I point this out
to show that in such states people absolutely say things they would never
say or mean to say in normal sober states.

In the interview I was asked about chemical plants in the third world, to
which I replied that they should be cleaned up but that no company would
spent the large amounts of money required unless an environmental disaster
forced them to so that they could avoid huge damage suits in the courts.  So
accordingly I ordered a fake environmental disaster where a harmless cloud
of gas would appear over a city, that all the poor people there would
pretend it was deadly to them.  Lots of children would suddenly visit their
cousins for 6 months or so, and the parents would pretend they were dead.
The company would pay around 1 years wages to each of the poor families in
the area and pay heaps of money to fix up the plant and other plants like
it.  Lots of greenies would protest and talk about bad big companies, and
basically everybody would be happy with a type of "rehearsal" of an
accident.  The company would use the fake disaster as a means to get the
bonds and loans necessary to actually clean up its unsafe operations around
the world.

In December 1984 I read about the Bhopal accident and I was extreemly
shocked.  I had  vague memories of an interview I have previously described
and I connected the two immediately.  Since the interview 

[CTRL] Hopping Landmines

2000-09-28 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

From The Electronic Telegraph (UK)

Landmine armed with hopping foot can rearrange itself
By Robert Uhlig, Technology Correspondent

  A HOPPING landmine that can leap up to 30ft in the air and fill gaps left by 
minefield clearance operations is being developed by the American military.
Equipped with a powerful piston-driven foot, ultrasonic sensors and radios, the 
self-righting mines will be able to detect the distance to neighbouring mines and 
sense when some are missing. When this happens the remaining mines will be able to hop 
around until they once more form a regular pattern, covering the original area of the 

Military chiefs have asked that this be accomplished within 10 seconds, New Scientist 
magazine reports today. America has spent £8 million developing the system because it 
circumvents the Ottawa Convention - which it has pledged to sign in 2006 - which bans 
anti-personnel landmines. Anti-tank minefields are usually protected by small 
anti-personnel mines designed to kill and maim soldiers who are trying to clear a path 
for vehicles.

The American Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency decided to develop 
"intelligent" mines to make anti-tank minefields "self-healing" without using 
anti-personnel mines. Rush Robinett, who is developing the hopping landmine at the 
Sandia National Laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico, said: "I was catching 
grasshoppers to go trout fishing when I noticed that they jump around in a random 
fashion, hit the ground in an arbitrary orientation, then right themselves and jump 

"I said to myself, 'I can build a robot that can do that'. Robots with wheels and 
tracks can't crawl over things more than a fraction of the dimension of their body. A 
hopping robot can clear things that are 10 to one hundred times its body dimension."

Anti-landmine campaigners did not immediately condemn the hopping mine. Mark Hiznay of 
Human Rights Watch, a pressure group in Washington DC, said the hopping mines would be 
a good alterative to ordinary devices provided they could not be detonated 
inadvertently or accidentally.

Mr Hiznay said: "The main concern we have is how sensitive the device's fuses are to 
the unintentional acts of a person. We're asking governments to clarify what physical 
forces are necessary to set off all types of mines."

Tony Howgate, of the Ministry of Defence's Battlefield Engineering Wing, warned that 
there were problems with the proposed system.He said: "The advantage of mines is that 
they are cheap, simple and effective. This isn't going to be cheap or simple, and the 
more complicated it gets, the more unreliable it'll be."

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-09-28 Thread Kathleen

-Caveat Lector-

Date sent:  Wed, 27 Sep 2000 13:24:13 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;


Source: Los Angeles Times
Published: September 22, 2000 Author: Sharon Dolovich

Alberto Sepulveda is no Elian Gonzalez. When 11-year-old
Sepulveda was shot and killed last week by a SWAT team member
during an early morning drug raid on his parents' Modesto home,
the story barely made the papers. Yet, as did the Immigration and
Naturalization Service raid on the Gonzalez home in Miami in May,
the killing of Alberto Sepulveda highlights a troubling trend in law
enforcement: stealth raids on the homes of sleeping citizens by
heavily armed government agents.

Such raids are the hallmark of police states, not free societies, but
as a growing number of Americans can attest, the experiences of
these two boys are by no means isolated incidents.

Just ask the widow of Mario Paz. She was asleep with her
husband in their Compton home at 11 p.m. in August 1999 when
20 members of the local SWAT team shot the locks off the front
and back doors and stormed inside. Moments later, Mario Paz was
dead, shot twice in the back, and his wife was outside, half-naked
in handcuffs. The SWAT team had a warrant to search a neighbor's
house for drugs, but Mario Paz was not listed on it. No drugs were
found, and no member of the family was charged with any crime.

And then there is Denver resident Ismael Mena, a 45-year-old
father of nine, killed last September in his bedroom by SWAT team
members who stormed the wrong house.

Or Ramon Gallardo of Dinuba, Calif., shot 15 times in 1997 by a
SWAT team with a warrant for his son.

Or the Rev. Accelyne Williams of Boston, 75, who died of a heart
attack in 1994 after a Boston SWAT team executing a drug warrant
burst into the wrong apartment.

SWAT teams, now numbering an estimated 30,000 nationwide,
were originally intended for use in emergency situations, hostage-
takings, bomb threats and the like. Trained for combat, their
arsenals (often provided cut rate or free of charge by the Pentagon)
resemble those of small armies: automatic weapons, armored
personnel carriers and even grenade launchers.

Today, however, SWAT units are most commonly used to execute
drug warrants, frequently of the "no-knock" variety, which are
issued by judges and magistrates when there is reason to suspect
that the 4th Amendment's "knock and announce" requirement,
already perfunctorily applied, would be dangerous or futile, or would
give residents time to destroy incriminating evidence.

California is one of few states that does not allow no-knock
warrants.  But the fate of Alberto Sepulveda--who was shot dead an
estimated 60 seconds after the SWAT team "knocked and
announced"--suggests the problem is not the type of warrant
issued but the use of military tactics.

The state's interest in protecting evidence of drug crimes from
destruction, or even in preventing the escape of suspected drug
felons, does not justify the threat to individual safety, security and
peace of mind that the use of these tactics represents. On this, the
now-famous image of a terrified Elian facing an armed INS agent
speaks volumes. Even when no shot is fired, these raids leave in
their wake families traumatized by memories of an armed invasion
by government agents.

Police officers, too, are shot in these raids, barging unannounced
into homes where weapons are kept. These shootings may appear
to confirm the dangerousness of the criminals being pursued, until
one realizes that they are committed when people are caught by
surprise by intruders in their own homes and not unreasonably, if
unfortunately, grab a weapon to defend themselves. (Suspects also
die in these shootouts. Troy Davis, 25, was shot point blank in the
chest by Texas police who broke down his door during a no-knock
raid in December 1999 and found him with a gun in his hand.
Police had been pursuing a tip that Davis and his mother were
growing marijuana. His gun was legal.)

Using paramilitary units to enforce drug warrants is the inevitable
result of the government's tendency to see itself as fighting a "war
on drugs." This rhetoric makes it easy to forget that the targets in
these raids are not the enemy but fellow citizens, and that the laws
being enforced are supposed to ensure a safe, peaceful, well-
ordered society. If lawmakers in Washington and Sacramento are
genuinely committed to defending the right of the American people
to be safe and secure in their own homes, they would demand an
accounting for the thousands of drug raids executed by SWAT
teams every year all over the country, raids that get little media
attention but nonetheless leave their targets traumatized and
violated. Assuming, that is, that they leave them alive.


To be a patriot, one had to say, and keep 

[CTRL] Australian Spy to stand trial in US

2000-09-28 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

From the Melbourne Age


Alleged spy fit to stand trial in US

Friday 29 September 2000

The lawyer for alleged Australian spy Jean-Philippe Wispelaere believes the case has 
provoked a rift between Australia and the United States, with the Americans determined 
to exclude their ally from proceedings.

Mr Wispelaere, 29, was found mentally competent by a federal court on Wednesday to 
stand trial on espionage and attempted espionage charges, almost a year after he was 
sent to a US government facility for psychiatric evaluation.

It is alleged that Mr Wispelaere left his job as a junior analyst at the Defence 
Intelligence Organisation in Canberra last year with top-secret American documents and 
tried to sell them to a foreign country.

The FBI found out about the alleged offer and, in a "sting" operation, lured him to 
Dulles Airport in Washington in May, where he was arrested.

That documents shared with Australia under defence agreements could be so easily 
stolen embarrassed the Australian Government, which launched investigations into 

"This was a very embarrassing circumstance for the Australian Government," Mr 
Wispelaere's lawyer, Nina Ginsberg said outside the court in Alexandria.

"The United States was extremely angry and probably also embarrassed that this 
happened. My sense is that the US Government has said to Australia - and this is a 
totally personal belief - `you screwed up, you sit down and be quiet and we're going 
to take care of it from now on'."

The Australian Government yesterday denied that the Wispelaere case has caused a rift 
with the US.

"That is not an accurate assessment," a spokesman for the Defence Minister John Moore 
said. However the spokesman refused to comment further on details of the case and the 
claims made by Ms Ginsberg.

Ms Ginsberg said she had had difficulty gaining access to crucial documents for the 
defence and she planned to travel to Australia within the next few weeks to seek them.

In earlier court proceedings, the defence had suggested that the material Mr 
Wispelaere removed might not be as top-secret as the American Government alleges.

Mr Wispelaere has pleaded not guilty to the charges which, if proven, could attract a 
life sentence.

Federal Court Judge Leonie Brinkema rejected evidence from a state-appointed 
psychiatrist and psychologist that Mr Wispelaere's apparent mental collapse late last 
year was malingering to avoid facing trial.

But she accepted evidence from Angela Walden Weaver, a staff forensic psychologist at 
a federal corrections facility in Butner, North Carolina, that Mr Wispelaere, while 
exaggerating his symptoms, did suffer a mental illness which was now controlled by 

The court heard of Mr Wispelaere's bizarre behavior since entering Butner in October, 
which included swallowing a razor and slashing his wrist.

He also reported hallucinations and paranoia, believing the Australian Government had 
inserted a coil into his head to monitor his movements via satellite, that his lawyers 
were part of a plot against him, and that he had been anointed a demigod.

Ms Ginsberg said the state's offer of a plea bargain that would see Mr Wispelaere 
serve 20 years in jail was unacceptable, and it was the defence's intention to go to 

Also at the court was Melbourne barrister Ivan Himmelhoch, who is now acting for Mr 

No trial date has yet been set.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Strip Club Owner Was Hillary White House Sleepover Guest

2000-09-28 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

No, whether the money came from prostitutes' earnings  or from waitresses

whether from the pockets of

Democrats or the bank accounts of Republicans...when such money is used
to buy the Lincoln bedroom as if it

were some Motel 8, that money stinks.

You're absolutely right. A bribe is a bribe is a bribe.

But in a larger sense, all money stinks. The entire money system fairly
reeks of human misery. It enslaves all of humanity but for a tiny handful.
It makes a commodity of time, the very stuff of life itself. When time is
a commodity, life is a commodity. When life is a commodity, we are slaves.
We should cast the whole money system behind us and instead share and
cooperate. We don't have to love each other to do this. We don't even have
to like each other. All we have to do is to love life enough to show it
the respect it deserves. Life is not a commodity. We must stop allowing
the plutocrats to force us to treat it as if it were.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-09-28 Thread Robert F. Tatman

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 6:17 AM
Subject: (50 Years) PRAGUE DECLARATION - 28 Sep 2000

 28 September 2000

 We, the members of non-governmental and community-based organizations from
 different parts of the world, gathered in Prague and signing this statement,
 note the unprecedented early suspension of the 2000 annual general meeting
 of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Given the
 number of scheduled sessions, including meetings with non-governmental
 organizations, that will evidently be canceled, the claim that they have
 simply finished their business rings hollow.

 We believe that the cancellation of the final day of meetings reflects the
 institutions' recognition of their own lack of credibility.  Confronted with
 vigorous protests from organizations like ours and a refusal to accept the
 empty rhetoric of "poverty reduction" and "debt relief" offered in response
 to assertions of their responsibility for decades of economic malfeasance,
 they have, at last, wisely chosen silence over more lies.

 Our challenge to the right of these institutions and those who control them
 to dictate economic policy, largely through the leverage gained through
 illegitimate debts, has gone unanswered.  Our call for a wholly new global
 economic structure, one which mandates not a single model but many choices
 for the many peoples of the world, is one that these institutions cannot
 accept, or even comprehend.

 We gathered in Prague for an exceptionally broad, inclusive, international
 protest against the discriminatory and unjust policies of the IMF and the
 World Bank.  We oppose the undemocratic and elitist character of both the
 institutions and the meetings they hold.

 Our numbers include a great many young activists as well as people from
 Central and Eastern Europe who have now inaugurated the movement against
 corporate globalization in this region.  Our numbers also include protesters
 in over 30 other countries, including Bangladesh, South Africa, Argentina,
 the United States, France, and India, who staged solidarity actions this

 We came to Prague to act in solidarity with the millions who could not be in
 Prague: the impoverished women farmers of Africa, the workers laid off in
 Asia, the Pacific and Caribbean islanders denied credit for their
 livelihoods, the young women working in Latin American sweatshops.

 We have spent our time in Prague not only protesting, but also discussing
 positive, people-centered alternatives to the debt crisis, structural
 adjustment programs, corrupt and environmentally devastating infrastructure
 projects, and the economic philosophy of development through exploitation of
 both the ecology and large majorities of the people in the South and in the

 At the same time we denounce the psychological terror and physical
 repression executed by the Czech police forces before and during the
 conference of the IMF and World Bank.  Their actions, notwithstanding
 instances of provocative behavior by a few protesters, have injured dozens
 of innocent people and resulted in hundreds of unjustified arrests during
 and after the essentially peaceful demonstrations.  We express our
 solidarity with the hundreds who remain imprisoned, and call for humane
 treatment and speedy release of all those detained.  We particularly express
 our grave concern over reports of brutalization of those held in Czech

 We note that the World Bank itself has acknowledged this month that its
 policies are failing.  Its World Development Report, although subjected to
 censorship within the institution, offers a revealing critique of the
 growth-centered development philosophy that has long been the Bank's adamant
 answer to every question.  And its report on the transition economies of the
 former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe has revealed a tenfold increase in
 poverty, from 2% to 21%, a clear indication that the neo-liberal recipe
 peddled by the IMF and World Bank has failed yet another entire region of
 the globe.

 Given the evidence supplied by the World Bank itself, we would suggest that
 it and the IMF, and the commentators who continue to support them, consider
 that their calls for more of the same medicine, more of the same
 conditionalities, are inadequate.  A revolution in economics is called for,
 one that returns control of economies to the people who live in them.  The
 time has come to put economics at the service of the people, rather than
 entire societies at the service of economic models that have failed for over
 20 years.

 Our protests in Prague, following those in Melbourne, Okinawa, Geneva,
 Chiang Mai, Washington, Seattle, and countless other cities, have again
 exposed to the world the contradictions and inadequacies of corporate
 globalization, and of the IMF and World Bank.  Our protests 

[CTRL] The Dozens (yet again)

2000-09-28 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

I can see you in my Mind's Eye: A red-faced, bilious, bug-eyed old hag,
bony fingers pounding out telling me where to get off LOLLL

Yo momma laps buzzard puke.


Now can we please get back to the topic at hand?

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Corporate Media Ignore Demonstrations Against Corporate Media

2000-09-28 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Over 1,000 March Against NAB

Corporate Media Ignore Demonstrations Against Corporate Media

Fairness  Accuracy in Reporting www.fair.org
September 26, 2000

 From September 21 - 23, media activists from across the country
converged in
San Francisco for a historic protest at the annual radio convention of the
National Association of Broadcasters' (NAB), culminating in a march and
rally on September 23 attended by well over 1,000 people.

FAIR endorsed and played an active role in the demonstrations, as did a
broad slate of media, labor and human rights groups; the San
Media Alliance was one of the key organizers.

Activists gathered to spotlight the undemocratic activities of the NAB,
which is the principal lobbying and membership organization of the
industry and one of the most powerful interests in Washington. According to
the Center for Public Integrity, the NAB has spent $16.9 million since 1996
on pressuring lawmakers to assure corporate control of the airwaves.

It's thanks in large part to the NAB that telecommunications deregulation
has proceeded with such dizzying speed in recent years. The NAB has also
worked diligently to block pro-democracy measures like low power radio and
campaign finance reform.

Nine activists were arrested during the protests, including Steve Rendall,
FAIR's senior analyst and co-host of CounterSpin. In addition, three
National Lawyers Guild (NLG) representatives were arrested while
with police for access to their clients, the imprisoned activists.

On Friday, September 22, about a hundred people rallied peacefully at the
main entrance to the Moscone Center, where the NAB convention was being
held. Activists used creative theatre and chants-- such as "NAB, FCC,
K-I-S-S-I-N-G"-- to dramatize their concerns, and offered fliers to
convention delegates. Four activists locked themselves together in front of
the building and were arrested.

Meanwhile, two activists gained access to the convention and disrupted the
NAB's Congressional Breakfast by grabbing the microphone from NAB President
Edward O. Fritts. They were not arrested, but security dragged them from
room and placed their hands over the activists' mouths to prevent them from
voicing their concerns about the NAB's disruption of free speech.

After the rally, the group began a march to the headquarters of KYLD (94.9
FM), a station owned by Clear Channel, the largest radio company in the
country. En route to the radio station, police ordered the marchers to
the street and stand only on the sidewalk. As marchers attempted to comply,
police became confrontational, attacking one man (later arrested) and
arresting two others, including Rendall, who was arrested while following
police instructions to return to the curb.

Ironically, KYLD's response to the arrival of people protesting Clear
Channel's abuse of the public airwaves was to send two members of the
station's morning show crew out to abuse the public directly. The two men
attempted to initiate a physical fight, verbally abusing and shoving
protesters. Police did not attempt to discourage the KYLD crew's
though they did arrest two more activists when the marchers began to
voluntarily disperse.

Arrestees spent between nine and 16 hours in jail before being released.
charges have been dropped against the nine activists, but at this writing
the three NLG lawyers arrested while attempting to gain access to their
clients still face misdemeanor battery charges for allegedly hitting or
touching a police officer. One police spokesperson told the San Francisco
Chronicle (9/23/00) that the three had been denied access to the jail
because they had been "marching with the demonstration and voicing their
opinion," and were therefore protesters, not lawyers. (NLG representatives
routinely accompany demonstrations as legal observers.)

Saturday's events-- at which there were no arrests-- drew well over a
thousand participants and included an energetic rally at San Francisco's
U.N. Plaza, a march to Union Square and an impromptu demonstration in front
of a hotel where many NAB delegates were staying. Featured speakers
Jello Biafra, Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman, Kevin Danaher of Global
and FAIR's Steve Rendall. The satirical "Billionaires for More Media
Mergers" staged a mock counter-protest, urging citizens to "Stay on your
couches and off the streets!" and stating that six controlling media
corporations are four too many, advocating instead for a "more efficient"
duopoly on the Coke/Pepsi model.

Also on Saturday, a coalition of media activists and public radio listeners
attended a National Public Radio (NPR) board meeting to rebuke NPR for its
relentless lobbying against low power radio. Low power radio advocates held
a press conference to initiate an "un-pledge drive," in which they called
public radio listeners to withhold their pledges until NPR reverses its
opposition to low 

[CTRL] Saudis promise to eliminate discrimination against women .

2000-09-28 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

:   Seems like the Saudis want to go back to their glorious pagan heritage
: and hand Islam over to the Paindoos ..

: AI raps Saudis over women’s rights
: LONDON (Online) - The human rights group, Amnesty International, has
: criticised Saudi Arabia’s treatment of women, particularly foreign
: domestic workers who, it says, face double discrimination, reports
: BBC.
: In the latest of three recent reports into alleged abuses in the
: kingdom the group says the situation of women is “untenable” by any
: legal or moral standard.

: Amnesty International is currently on a major campaign against alleged
: human rights violations in Saudi Arabia.

: Previous reports have criticised the country’s strict punishments,
: including the death penalty and flogging, as well as its criminal
: justice system.

: The latest report focuses specifically on women and what it calls
: systematic discrimination against them, including limitations on their
: movements.

: Amnesty says it is particularly concerned about foreign domestic
: workers, most of them Asian, who it says are often locked inside the
: homes of their employers, making them vulnerable to assault.

: But Amnesty also points to some positive developments.

: It says the situation of women is now the subject of public debate in
: Saudi Arabia, and quotes a recent magazine article about domestic
: violence.

: The group also welcomed Saudi Arabia’s recent signature of a UN
: convention on eliminating discrimination against women.

: The Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister, Prince Turki bin Mohammed, told the
: BBC that that demonstrated the government’s commitment to womens’
: rights.


: US rally for action against Taliban
: Monitoring Report WASHINGTON - A number of Afghan and American
: protestors staged a demonstration here to raise their voice against
: the US indifference and apathy toward Afghan crisis on the fourth
: anniversary of the Taliban takeover of Kabul.
: They shouted slogans and read statements asking for a more active
: American policy, and denounced the Taliban and Pakistan alleged
: support to the student militia, reports Azadi Afghan Radio.

: The protestors came from afar and from nearby.

: Afghans and Americans, from diverse backgrounds - some expatriates,
: others concerned citizens and political activists - braved
: Washington’s early fall insistent rainfall, and gathered across the US
: State Department to press the Afghanistan cause.

: The State Department on the other hand said it is doing whatever it
: can to address most of the concerns.

: “I came all the way from Miami, Florida, just for this...

: to tell the US government to do something about what is going on in
: Afghanistan,” said Francia Hurtado.

: “This is almost worse than the Holocaust,” said Hurtado, and added,
: “don’t wait any longer, do something now.” Chekeba Hashimi, a
: representative of Collectif-Liberation-Afghanistan (CLA), a network of
: several organizations based in France, told the crowd, “I come here to
: tell Mr. Clinton and the future American administration to stop
: talking and start doing something constructive and meaningful about
: Afghanistan.” A banner carried by an Afghan man read: Clinton, What is
: your Afghan Legacy? A State Department spokesman responded to the
: protestors’ demands and told AAR, “the US government wants the
: restoration of peace, a broad-based government and human rights for
: all Afghans as soon as possible.” He added, “we are doing whatever we
: can to accomplish that.” Three other issues dominated the rally.

: “Gender apartheid” or the institutionalized violation of Afghan women
: and girls’ rights by the Taliban regime, the alleged interventionist
: role of Pakistan in Afghan affairs in support of the Taliban, and a
: call for urgent humanitarian aid to the victims of war and natural
: disasters.

: Afghan political groups also stressed the need for a concerted
: international effort to stop foreign intervention in Afghan affairs,
: and guarantee the country’s sovereignty and neutrality at an
: international forum that could pave the way for a national political
: settlement, reflecting the will of people of Afghanistan.

: Talking on behalf of the Feminist Majority Foundation, Jennifer
: Jackman called for an end to Taliban’s policy of “gender apartheid,”
: which denies education and employment for Afghan women, and imposes
: other restrictions that seriously curtail women’s basic rights.

: Chanting, “women’s rights are human rights,” Afghan expatriates joined
: members of various organizations, including members of the National
: Organization of Women, in denouncing the Taliban gender policies.

: “We want the restoration of the human rights of all Afghans, but
: specially, the rights of Afghan women,” said S.

: Naim Alawi.

: A woman wearing a rain-drenched all-enveloping head-to-toe cover -
: known as burka, said: “We are not against the burka as a choice, but
: rather against the 

[CTRL] World's first pagan sculpture

2000-09-28 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: 'Lump of rock' turns out to be world's first sculpture

: By David Keys, Archaeology Correspondent

: 24 September 2000

: A stone dismissed by experts as no more than a lump of rock has been
: identified as the world's first sculpture and the oldest piece of
: figurative art ever seen.

: New scientific data suggests that early humans were producing
: representations of life 220,000 years ago, 170,000 years earlier than
: previously thought. It is a discovery which could revolutionise our
: understanding of human development.

: Italian and American archaeologists used powerful microscopes to prove
: that a figurine-like piece of volcanic stone from the Golan Heights on
: Israel's border with Syria is in fact a primitive sculpture,
: deliberately chiselled and shaped by human hands.

: The data from their examination suggests that the prehistoric object
: was intended to portray a human being, probably a woman. Yet, since
: its discovery 15 years ago, the rock has been disregarded by most
: academics.

: The researchers; Francesco d'Errico of the French National Centre for
: Scientific Research, and April Nowall of the University of Victoria in
: Canada, found that the early human sculptor had used some sort of
: flint chisel to chip away at a point around 25 per cent down from the
: top of the lump of rock to produce a neck.

: The archaeologists' examination also demonstrated that a stone tool
: had been used to produce roughly symmetrical grooves on either side of
: the object to produce arms, and that other areas had been deliberately
: abraded to make what may have been intended as breasts. The base had
: also been flattened so that the sculpture could stand upright.

: It is the first time that the object, which probably took between 15
: and 30 minutes to make, has been subjected to detailed scientific
: examination. But although the findings confound the majority of
: academics who had dismissed the object as purely natural, the research
: vindicates the Israeli archaeologist Professor Nama Goren of Hebrew
: University of Jerusalem, who discovered the stone and who first
: suggested that it was a primitive sculpture of a woman.

: The sculpture, which has been widely ignored since its discovery in
: 1986, is now likely to be acknowledged by most scholars as the world's
: oldest work of figurative art.

: Significantly, this recognition comes at a time when indirect evidence
: of other equally ancient artistic activity is coming to light in
: Zambia, Kenya and Europe.

: At two sites in Africa, archaeologists have unearthed evidence of
: pigment production – deliberately grated pieces of red ochre and
: manganese. And recently analysed scraps of bone and elephant ivory
: from eastern Germany bear apparently abstract fan-shaped man-made
: engraved patterns dating back 350,000 years. In the light of the new
: scientific research on the sculpture, it is likely that these, too,
: will have to be studied further, as the implications of the German
: objects for the evolution of the human mind have also been widely
: ignored by the academic world.

: Such discoveries may have a profound impact on our understanding of
: the evolution of human thought. Archaeologists have always considered
: symbolic thought, as represented by art, to be the exclusive preserve
: of homo sapiens, our species. Although symbolic thought only really
: blossomed 100,000 years after the final emergence of homo sapiens some
: 150,000 years ago, the new research suggests it may have existed in a
: simple form much, much earlier – between 200,000 and 350,000 years
: ago.

: Depending on what further discoveries are unearthed, archaeologists
: may have to start rewriting the origins of human thought, with homo
: sapiens in the role of developer rather than originator. "We hope that
: our research will help change currently accepted views on the
: evolution of the human mind," said Dr d'Errico.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Muslim candidates banned from election .

2000-09-28 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: Police stop religious candidate from campaigning in Egypt

: By Esmat Salaheddin

: CAIRO: Egyptian riot police prevented candidates of the banned Muslim
: Brotherhood in Alexandria from campaigning for parliamentary
: elections, one of the candidates said on Monday.

: "An anti-riot force surrounded 20 to 30 people during a tour by
: Brotherhood candidate Hamdi Hassan in west Alexandria on Saturday,"
: said Ali Abdel-Fattah.

: "All of them were taken to a police station on the pretext that the
: election campaign had not started yet," Abdel-Fattah said. "There were
: only slight injuries."

: Officials were not immediately available to comment.

: The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's most influential religious movement,
: was banned in 1954 but has enjoyed periods of official tolerance. It
: informally nominates and supports candidates running as independents
: in parliamentary elections.

: The elections for 444 members of parliament will take place in three
: stages on October 18 and 29 and November 8.

: Official campaigning has not begun, but many candidates of the ruling
: National Democratic Party and others have started wooing the public.
: The state-owned daily al-Akhbar printed photographs on Sunday of
: Economy and Foreign Trade Minister Youssef Boutros-Ghali canvassing
: voters in a barber's shop.

: The authorities have detained more than 200 suspected Brotherhood
: members in recent months, security sources say.

: The group issued a statement condemning the crackdown as a government
: bid to exclude them from the election.

: "Muslim Brothers are subject to a wide-scale detention campaign by
: security authorities for just trying to participate in the approaching
: poll as independents," it said.

: "When Muslim Brothers apply for registration as independents and
: demand the application of Sharia they are exercising a right
: guaranteed by the constitution," it added.

: In another development, the deputy to a jailed religious newspaper
: editor said the imprisoned journalist planned to run in the
: forthcoming elections.

: "From inside the jail...Magdy Ahmed Hussein has decided to register
: for the legislative election for the Cairo neighbourhood of Manyal,"
: Talaat Rumeih, deputy chief editor of the suspended bi-weekly al
: Shaab, said in a statement.

: The newspaper is the mouthpiece of the religious Labour Party. The
: party and its publications were suspended in June for allegedly
: fomenting student riots in May and forging links with the Muslim
: Brotherhood.-Reuters

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Turkish scarf ban penalises students

2000-09-28 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: source: BBC News

: Turkish scarf ban penalises students

: Saturday, 23 September, 2000

: As the new academic year begins in Turkey, thousands of female
: students are being prevented from entering their universities and
: colleges because they want to wear the Islamic style headscarf.

: The students say their human rights are being infringed but
: influential figures in the state education system insist that wearing
: the scarf is a statement of political intent and current laws allow
: them to ban it.

: On the first day of term at the beginning of the week men wearing
: beards were also banned because facial hair is seen by some defenders
: of Turkish secularism as an expression of Islamic identity.

: Now the beards have been let in but the women wearing headscarves are
: still locked out.

: Mixed picture
: There are protests at state universities around the country, but it is
: a mixed picture.

: Some faculties at Ankara university for example are not enforcing a
: ban. It all depends on individual decisions made by professors and
: administrators.

: The secular elite which has ruled modern Turkey for more than 75 years
: says the head scarf has become a disruptive political symbol.

: The students involved insist they wear the scarf because of their
: religious beliefs, not because of political ideology.

: It is an issue which goes to the heart of Turkey's complex effort to
: define the role of the state and the role of religion in society.

: And as the dispute goes on it is claiming many victims. One human
: rights group estimates that last year alone more than 16,000 women
: were prevented from entering universities or taking exams because they
: refused to remove their scarves.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: CONTENDERS FOR THE CROWN: the UN EU Vie for the Political Plateau, Part 1

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

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by Brett Daniel Wills

e-venthorizon.net is a free online magazine covering trends and obstacles 
the establishment of a global government; international political analysis
and socio-cultural issues; a comprehensive political research resource
directory; book and film reviews; and literary work from contemporary
writers throughout the world.

CONTENDERS FOR THE CROWN: How the United Nations, European Union and Other 
Powers Are Vying For the Political Plateau
by Brett Daniel Wills
8:00 a.m. October 1, 2000 PDT

"The march of God in the world, that is what the State is."
- Hegel
Though the United Nations has long been seen by conspiracy theorists and 
students of eschatology as the initial draft of a ground-floor design upon 
which a single, comprehensive framework for global unification could rest, 
the Post-Cold War world began to generate alternative institutions. At 
present there are three specific entities acting overtly as mere 
fortifications to UN agendas and policies, while subtly imposing their 
influences on the UN like wind-fronts lashing at its sails to redirect its 
path toward their own shores. These are:
Transnational corporate networks, working to knit a global oligarchy of 
banking families, pressuring the UN via monetary manipulation of market 
economies and fiscal coercion of legislative bodies.

The Islamic Alliance, working to establish a global theocratic dictatorship, 
influencing the UN via diplomatic pressures and voting power in the General 

The EU/NATO, working to forge a global monarchy with social-democratic 
undertones, influencing the UN via military integration and cooperation with 
peacekeeping missions.
A Frontrunner Emerges
Though it can be argued that the Vatican and the United States are two more 
contenders for the prize, these two, while increasing in power and persuasion 
since the collapse of Communism in 1991, have subsequently sustained a 
decade-long decline in influence over the UN, estranged by its demands for 
increased financing, expanded authority, and contrary ethical standards such 
as the right to abortion. As such, for now, they have been relegated — be it 
by choice or circumstance — to the backburners of consideration for the 
coveted crown. 

Meanwhile, the three contenders aforementioned increase their aggression, 
tearing at the UN like a pack of wolves dissecting their half-dead prey. 
Though the arrival of more aspirants may alter the geopolitical landscape in 
factoring end-game tactics, the current favorite among the triumvirate is the 
EU/NATO. As the oldest of the pack and the only one to claim previous title 
ownership as the Roman Empire, it is credited with the most skill and 
experience. Strategically vying for position, NATO has been gradually 
emancipating itself from U.S. participation and oversight; when the 
organization finalizes the severance, it will then be redefined as the EU's 
military branch, and the union itself renamed the United States of Europe 
(USE), placing it in a solid position to overtake the UN as the premier world 

The U.S. — a Sixth World Power?
On a technical level, it should be acknowledged that the current reign of the 
U.S. as the globe's single Superpower — now entering its 9th year — is, 
indeed, an accomplishment unrivaled for two millennia. By definition, this 
distinction does not elevate America to a status of world dominion 
commiserate with historical examples. However, consider its stunning record 
of world influence over the last half of the 20th century in light of the 
relative brevity of its age — at a paltry 2-1/4 centuries of development, it 
is no more than a preschooler compared to an average national life span of 
over twenty centuries, with some extending beyond forty. To grasp the extent 
of such a phenomenal feat, imagine a five year old accomplishing more in his 
last year than an elder's entire lifetime of achievements.

From this vantage point, the U.S. may well indeed fill the role of the sixth 
nation to command world control — albeit by a new definition. Furthermore, if 
the U.S. continues to hold its place for the foreseeable future, establishing 
itself well into the 22nd and 23rd centuries, it will be (if not already) 
acknowledged as the greatest nation of all time.

Even so, with America's past indisputably dominant on most fronts, its latest 
scorecard, a far less impressive record, may hint of the twilight of its 
success and the gradual yielding of prominence to either the European Union 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: [2] CONTENDERS FOR THE CROWN: the UN EU Vie for the Political Plateau, Part 2

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

by Brett Daniel Wills

e-venthorizon.net is a free online magazine covering trends and obstacles 
the establishment of a global government; international political analysis
and socio-cultural issues; a comprehensive political research resource
directory; book and film reviews; and literary work from contemporary
writers throughout the world.

Sinking the Titanic U.N. Flagship
Unless the U.N. can utilize the winds of competition to navigate its course, 
it may end up unable to accurately calculate the costs necessary to reach its 
destination. As such, while the organization fondly pours over its aged maps 
of wishful thinking, impervious to the cruel pragmatism of current trends, it 
may be defenseless against the subtlety of bloodless coup attempts. Spoiled 
by a half-century of unchallenged longevity as the sole torchbearer of the 
cause for global integration, the UN is presently ill-equipped to counter 
these agile contenders.

As the UN old guard dreamily scans the horizon for that fabled utopian 
coastline awaiting its palm-shaded mooring, it may wake too late to realize 
it has been without a working compass for some time. Long convinced that its 
stale vision of governing a seamless, tropical world of boundless prosperity 
and peace was a pending reality, it may come to find that such a goal is 
merely a mirage. By then, it will have strayed too far from practicality to 
restore credibility to its mission. Abandoned by the tide of public opinion, 
it would then drift like flotsam until the media undercurrent relegated it to 
an island surrounded by a tribe of tabloid savages. And, with the UN 
disqualified and disgraced, the race would be on to fill the leadership 

To a lesser extent, a patchwork of forums, think tanks, NGO's and others 
provides a compelling undertow when the UN passes through political still 
waters where crises abate and the media's glare affords brief respite from 
scrutiny. And while these lesser persuasions are unlikely candidates for 
global governance, they are, nonetheless, gaining greater ability to steer 
the ship to their cumulative advantage; as such, they may eventually act as 
the enforcers of regulatory no-wake zones — an increasing necessity for 
circumvention from evermore turbulent waters. With seasonal storms of protest 
strengthening in breadth of participation and speed of assembly afforded by 
the Internet, the waves of dissent which threaten to overturn summits and 
meetings may soon reach heights capable of overturning even the titanic UN 
flagship itself.

Superstorms of Protest
Therefore, in consideration of these reactionary forces, the sudden burst of 
trial-phase competition among Establishment entities can best be understood 
as a countermeasure. As new entities prepare to enter the race, it is 
critical to take note of the skills and tactics of these current challengers 
as they ply the waters, to determine which is most capable of capturing the 
governing crown. Furthermore, to gauge which of these pretenders to the 
throne embodies the greatest resolve not only to win the crown, but retain 
it, it is essential to determine for which does the crown hold the most vital 
interest, greatest value and most extensive use. Thus "resolve" is the most 
pivotal characteristic, because to achieve an unshakable world order, its 
providers must ensure not merely survival of the pending hurricanes of revolt 
against the Order, but a miraculous ability to silence those very waters.

For what is steadily building not too far out at sea is the advance of a 
worldwide swell of defiance which has all the makings of a superstorm. Forged 
by the cold fronts of civilian protest colliding with the heat of religious 
zealotry, terrorist attacks and militia uprisings, a governmental dam will 
have to be raised to withstand and contain the inundation. Yet only the 
severity of a de facto police state will be able to provide such a buffer; 
only a constitutional dictatorship will be able to channel the floodtide away 
from cities prone to intransigence.

It is probable that by this stage of development, the political tier of 
integration will render rogue nations extinct. As dictators are tamed or 
overthrown by armed forces and/or economic sanctions, the vassal states will 
then be brought into conformity with international law and alignment along 
routes of interdependence.

It is, of course, possible that a synthesis of competing systems of universal 
government will determine the final phase, upon which it is theoretically 
assumed that this completion will, in ending the refinement processes which 
spur the transitions to new governing entities, endure indefinitely.

UN Theatrics Take Center Stage
However, the potential for continued changes in the shape of a global 
government — occurring either 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist:[3] CONTENDERS FOR THE CROWN: the UN EU Vie for the Political Plateau, Part 3

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

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by Brett Daniel Wills

e-venthorizon.net is a free online magazine covering trends and obstacles 
the establishment of a global government; international political analysis
and socio-cultural issues; a comprehensive political research resource
directory; book and film reviews; and literary work from contemporary
writers throughout the world.
Marketing its Wares, the UN Fashions a Facelift 
Unimpressed by the package's exorbitant cost, cowed by its complexity of 
additional features, and vexed by its newfound confinements, the First World 
bloc of nations is now chanting for a revamping of the system's requirements, 
to allow for partial, or custom, installation. By implementing only the bare 
minimum of functions required for utilization of skeletal programs, the bloc 
is arguing in its defense that this will ensure a thorough and speedy 
adaptation of all applications the package offers. Then later, when the 
system has been skillfully and universally applied, if it is decided further 
upgrade is requisite, the social price-tag is affordable, and the 
condensation of sovereignty and other political resources allows ample room 
for a system overhaul, so be it.

As if anticipating the watered-down requests, the bloated UN bureaucracy, 
much-maligned for the fiscal waste and extravagant payrolls of its 
white-collar work force, coupled with the moral ineptitude within its 
military ranks during deployments, agreed to an overhaul of its 
organizational structure and pruning of its overlapping and sluggish 
departments. A rationing and redirection of its expenditures would take 
place, combined with a modernized, image-conscious public relations facelift 
to generate extra-governmental sources of revenue by a greater appeal to 
domestic sources of financial strength, such as the media, film industry, and 
numerous cultural institutions and educational foundations.

Reaching the Political Summit: Eternality of Government Rule
Consequently, if not intentionally, the success of such an endeavor would 
resurrect a profitable aspect of the Plutonic ideal of endless governmental 
dominion. If achieved, such a phenomenal feat would remove the last and 
greatest hindrance to achieving the purpose of such an entity, i.e. its 
embodiment as the divine substitution of the historically dominant religious 
system — monotheism. More simply put, the time continuum would empower the 
government with the means necessary to break the shackles of national rise 
and collapse, finally enabling it to rescind the claims to authority, 
provision, judgement and other divine rights which a great majority of the 
masses attribute exclusively to a Creator.

As the most influential of mile-markers arrives with the passage of 2000 - 
2001, the final anchor that kept the kingdom of Christendom fastened at bay 
is about to be lifted. Harbored in absolutism, and thus able to resist the 
storms of relativity being waged in societal depths, Christianity has relied 
for two millennia on a final world war to crush all attempts at international 
unification. Hoping to snuff out the national integration process altogether, 
the Church has labored toward global evangelization in order to usher in the 
reign of a messianic monarchy, with Christ as the hierarchical King, to 
accomplish what no world governing system has — a thousand year reign. Rome, 
being the closest to successfully aspiring to the crown, stretched its reign 
between 350 and 500 years total, depending on how historians define the 
parameters of world dominion, and Hitler's Third Reich was the most recent to 
make the attempt.

A Triumvirate Political Philosophy is Forged
When endeavoring to liken the characteristics that are shaping the current 
drive toward a world government to a political philosophy, a strange 
confluence of similarities becomes apparent. In the present mold, a hybrid 
system of Fascist and Social-Democratic elements is emerging. "Fascism," said 
Carl Cohen in the classic 1962 text, Communism, Fascism and Democracy: the 
Theoretical Foundations, is a "commingling of the traditions of absolutism, 
organicism and irrationalism."

Absolutism is "the view that the power of government, to be successful in its 
chief goal of maintaining and expanding itself, must lie in the hands of one 
powerful and intelligent leader — the prince or sovereign, il Duce or Der 
Fuhrer." Authoritarian and "molded along military lines," it espouses that 
the "virtues of the lower echelons will be chiefly those of responsibility 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Commission Says Gore-Bush Only; Responses Available]

2000-09-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Commission Says Gore-Bush Only; Responses Available
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 23:28:10 -0500 (CDT)
From: Institute for Public Accuracy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wednesday, September 27, 2000

Debate Commission Says Gore-Bush Only; Responses Available

The Commission on Presidential Debates has formally announced that it
intends to exclude all third party candidates from the presidential debates.

Phil Donahue (who is a member of the Committee to Elect Ralph Nader
President) wrote in the Sunday Los Angeles Times: "If Ralph Nader is
excluded from the presidential debates, many issues important to millions of
Americans will get little or no attention during the corporate sponsored
face-offs between the two major party candidates" -- e.g. drug war, death
penalty, trade, national health insurance.

The following are among those available for interviews:

Law professor at American University, Raskin represented Ross Perot in 1996,
chairs the Appleseed Citizens' Task Force on Fair Debates and has advised
the Nader campaign on the debate issue. He said today: "The 15 percent rule
is utterly lawless. It triples the 5 percent rule in federal law for
qualifying for
public financing in a presidential campaign." Raskin added: "Nothing stops
Vice President Al Gore and Gov. George W. Bush from setting up an
exclusionary debate, but these debates are paid for by large corporations
like Anheuser-Busch, which is contributing $550,000. The corporate funding
makes these exclusionary debates an illegal corporate contribution."

JEFF COHEN, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.fair.org/debates.html
Cohen is head of Open Debates 2000, a project of the media watch group
FAIR. Cohen said today: "The CPD is not 'nonpartisan' as it claims, it's a
creation of the Democratic and Republican parties. A recent Zogby poll of
1,000 likely voters found that 60 percent want Nader and Buchanan
included -- and people who are not 'likely voters' may be even more
sympathetic to third party candidates."

JEFF MILCHEN, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ReclaimDemocracy.org
Director of ReclaimDemocracy.org, Milchen said today: "The CPD is not a
legitimate institution. In 1992, Perot would have been banned from the
debates under the CPD's current 15 percent standard, as would Jesse Ventura
in 1998."

ADAM EIDINGER, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.sinker.org
Eidinger is with the Open Debate Society. He said: "I was among the
activists who occupied the offices of Wagner Communications and Brewer
Consulting Group, the only known address of the CPD, for 40 minutes on Sept.
20. Our aim was to put a face to the name of the CPD, a stealthy private
corporation controlled by the Republican and Democratic parties." On Sept.
28, activists will attempt to shut down those offices. Eidinger added that
"after this action we are going to join thousands to protest for open
debates in Boston," the site of the first scheduled presidential debate.

[The CPD (http://www.debates.org) can be reached at (202) 872-1020.]

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; David Zupan, (541) 484-9167

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

A little more of the truth seeps out, drop by torturous drop.  Perhaps 
someday our local people will wake up ... or not.   (Our national leaders 
already know, and are complicitous with, the crooks.)   DOL

Media Awareness Project
US CA: Column: A Government By The People, For The Military-Industrial Complex

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v00/n1438/a06.html
Newshawk: Terry Liittschwager
Pubdate: Wed, 27 Sep 2000
Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)
Copyright: 2000 Los Angeles Times
Address: Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053
Fax: (213) 237-7679
Website: http://www.latimes.com/
Forum: http://www.latimes.com/discuss/
Author: Jim Mann


WASHINGTON--What's behind Washington's huge, expensive military intervention 
to combat drugs in Colombia? 

Last week, the actions of the House Republican leadership suggested one 
possible answer: procurement.  The Republican Congress, it appears, wants to 
help American defense firms sell helicopters for use in Colombia--and to 
obtain the prices they want for these copters.  

This is not all that unusual.  In fact, it's a classic example of how 
Congress sometimes works harder for private defense contractors than for 

Last summer, the Clinton administration and Congress approved the $1.3- 
billion Plan Colombia, a package of aid (most of it military) designed to 
bolster the Bogota government's efforts to eradicate drugs and to combat 

On Sept.  21, the House International Relations subcommittee on the Western 
Hemisphere summoned representatives of the State and Defense departments to a 
hearing on the progress of Plan Colombia.  The executive branch officials 
came armed with facts and figures on the details of the program.  

But they had barely started before Rep.  Doug Bereuter (R-Neb.) made plain 
what the Republican leadership cared most about: concluding a deal for the 
use of Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.'s Black Hawk helicopters in Colombia.  

Ordinarily, Bereuter wouldn't even have attended this hearing, because he 
isn't a member of the subcommittee.  But he announced that he had come at the 
"personal request" of House Speaker J.  Dennis Hastert (R- Ill.).  Hastert, 
he said, was dismayed that it was taking too long for Sikorsky to obtain a 
contract for its Black Hawks.  The Republican leadership wanted to know why 
there had been so many delays.  Congress had approved the purchase of 18 
Black Hawk helicopters, but U.S.  officials had subsequently said they might 
buy a lower number.  Sikorsky was willing to sell 16 Black Hawks for $234 
million, Bereuter said.  

What was going on here? At first, it seemed as though the Republicans might 
be concerned only about speeding up Plan Colombia.  The record shows that 
Hastert, to his credit, has taken a personal interest in the issue of 
stopping drugs for years, even before he became the House speaker.  

Still, Bereuter persisted, growing more and more specific.  "The Sikorsky 
offer still stands, $234 million for 16 Black Hawks," he told the executive 
branch officials.  "Is that an understanding?" 

Finally, Rand Beers, assistant secretary of State for narcotics programs, 
pointed to the underlying issue: In the original Plan Colombia, $234 million 
was supposed to purchase 18 Black Hawks, and now Sikorsky seemed to be 
proposing to supply 16 helicopters for that same $234 million.  

"Sikorsky is giving you a number for a lower number of helicopters, and 
that's not our objective," Beers said.  In short, the dispute wasn't just 
about timing but also about price.  And the House Republican leadership 
seemed to be weighing in on Sikorsky's side in its contract negotiations with 
the Pentagon.  

This week, Sikorsky suggested that, in Bereuter's effort to help, perhaps he 
had gotten his numbers wrong.  

"We have said consistently that we would be prepared to deliver 18 
helicopters, appropriately configured, for $234 million, presuming timely 
contract negotiations with the government," said Scott Seligman, a spokesman 
for Sikorsky's parent company, United Technologies.  

The point here is not that Republican lawmakers behave differently than the 
Democrats.  In Congress, being solicitous of defense contractors is a 
bipartisan cause.  

Sikorsky is located in Connecticut.  Earlier this year, Connecticut's two 
Democratic senators, Joseph I.  Lieberman and Christopher J.  Dodd, pushed 
hard for Sikorsky to win congressional approval for the use of Black Hawks in 

Rather, the point is that the pressures for contracts and sales in America's 
defense industry are so strong that neither of the major parties can resist 

In the wake of the end of the Cold War, American companies have been eager to 
find new sorts of missions for which they can supply planes and helicopters.  
The drug war in Colombia is one such effort.  

"The market for military 

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Commission Says Gore-Bush Only; Responses Available]

2000-09-28 Thread Robert F. Tatman

-Caveat Lector-

Perhaps Nader, Buchanan, and Browne should organize their own alternative
debates--with empty chairs for Gore and Bush?  A debate among those three--a
REAL debate, not an extended photo op/sound bite session--could really be

- Original Message -
From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 1:26 PM
Subject: [CTRL] [Fwd: Commission Says Gore-Bush Only; Responses Available]

 -Caveat Lector-

  Original Message 
 Subject: Commission Says Gore-Bush Only; Responses Available
 Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 23:28:10 -0500 (CDT)
 From: Institute for Public Accuracy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: ?
 To: undisclosed-recipients:;

 Institute for Public Accuracy
 915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
 (202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Wednesday, September 27, 2000

 Debate Commission Says Gore-Bush Only; Responses Available

 The Commission on Presidential Debates has formally announced that it
 intends to exclude all third party candidates from the presidential debates.

 Phil Donahue (who is a member of the Committee to Elect Ralph Nader
 President) wrote in the Sunday Los Angeles Times: "If Ralph Nader is
 excluded from the presidential debates, many issues important to millions of
 Americans will get little or no attention during the corporate sponsored
 face-offs between the two major party candidates" -- e.g. drug war, death
 penalty, trade, national health insurance.

 The following are among those available for interviews:

 Law professor at American University, Raskin represented Ross Perot in 1996,
 chairs the Appleseed Citizens' Task Force on Fair Debates and has advised
 the Nader campaign on the debate issue. He said today: "The 15 percent rule
 is utterly lawless. It triples the 5 percent rule in federal law for
 qualifying for
 public financing in a presidential campaign." Raskin added: "Nothing stops
 Vice President Al Gore and Gov. George W. Bush from setting up an
 exclusionary debate, but these debates are paid for by large corporations
 like Anheuser-Busch, which is contributing $550,000. The corporate funding
 makes these exclusionary debates an illegal corporate contribution."

 JEFF COHEN, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.fair.org/debates.html
 Cohen is head of Open Debates 2000, a project of the media watch group
 FAIR. Cohen said today: "The CPD is not 'nonpartisan' as it claims, it's a
 creation of the Democratic and Republican parties. A recent Zogby poll of
 1,000 likely voters found that 60 percent want Nader and Buchanan
 included -- and people who are not 'likely voters' may be even more
 sympathetic to third party candidates."

 JEFF MILCHEN, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ReclaimDemocracy.org
 Director of ReclaimDemocracy.org, Milchen said today: "The CPD is not a
 legitimate institution. In 1992, Perot would have been banned from the
 debates under the CPD's current 15 percent standard, as would Jesse Ventura
 in 1998."

 ADAM EIDINGER, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.sinker.org
 Eidinger is with the Open Debate Society. He said: "I was among the
 activists who occupied the offices of Wagner Communications and Brewer
 Consulting Group, the only known address of the CPD, for 40 minutes on Sept.
 20. Our aim was to put a face to the name of the CPD, a stealthy private
 corporation controlled by the Republican and Democratic parties." On Sept.
 28, activists will attempt to shut down those offices. Eidinger added that
 "after this action we are going to join thousands to protest for open
 debates in Boston," the site of the first scheduled presidential debate.

 [The CPD (http://www.debates.org) can be reached at (202) 872-1020.]

 For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
 Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; David Zupan, (541) 484-9167

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


[CTRL] OFF TOPIC - But you may find this pix interesting - Bush Gains on Gore

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.msnbc.com/news/466002.asp"Bush Gains on Gore
If you haven't seen the pix at this mainstream site.  You may find it 

Rather blantant, eh what?

The Texas governor on the set of Regis Philbin's show
Bush Gains on Gore
The race between the GOP candidate and the vice president tightens to three 
NEWSWEEK WEB EXCLUSIVE      September 23 —  The race between Al Gore and 
George W. Bush is tightening, according to the latest NEWSWEEK poll.  
       Letter to Dick Cheney
 What Does $1 million for the Clinton Library Buy You?
 The White House E-Mail Trail
 Rupert Murdoch, Gore’s Unlikely Supporter
 Gore’s Truth Troubles   
    THE VICE PRESIDENT now leads 46 percent to 43 percent among registered 
voters in a four-way race with Green Party candidate Ralph Nader (3%) and 
Reform candidate Pat Buchanan (1%). Among likely voters, Gore’s lead is even 
smaller, (47% to 45%), with 3 percent for Nader and none for Buchanan.
        Bush’s bounce comes after a highly successful week of 
campaigning-including well-received appearances on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show 
and on “Live with Regis.” In the NEWSWEEK poll one week ago, Gore led Bush by 
12 points among registered voters and 14 points among likely voters. This 
week’s NEWSWEEK poll was conducted over three nights (rather than the 
customary two) and had a larger sample size (1,000 registered voters rather 
than the usual 800). NEWSWEEK’s poll is conducted by Princeton Survey 
Research Associates and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage 

       The new NEWSWEEK poll also shows Bush with a 10-point gain from one 
week ago among minority voters (25%) and a 13-point gain among voters aged 
18-29 (47%). Bush has also cut Gore’s lead among female voters from 20 points 
(55% vs. 35%) to nine points (48% vs. 39%), the poll shows.
        Among registered voters, Gore is still seen as the candidate best 
able to handle the economy and jobs (48% vs. 38%); social security issues 
(46% vs. 36%); education and vouchers (47% vs. 36%); health care generally 
(49% vs. 35%); and helping seniors pay for prescription drugs (48% vs. 33%). 
Bush is seen as the candidate best able to handle national defense (49% vs. 
35%) and taxes (43% vs. 40%).
        More registered voters see Bush than Gore as having “strong 
leadership qualities” (63% vs. 60%), the poll shows. Gore had a marginal lead 
in this characteristic one week ago (62% vs. 59%) for the first time in a 
       © 2000 Newsweek, Inc.
 The Talk-Show Primary
 Jonathan Alter: The Lessons of Oprahland
 Al Gore’s Woman Problem
 Death on Final Approach
 Tough Questions for an ‘Ex-Gay’
            MSNBC VIEWERS' TOP 10    
    Would you recommend this story to other viewers?
not at all   1  -   2  -   3  -   4  -   5  -  6  -  7  highly

    MSNBC  © 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End


2000-09-28 Thread Robert F. Tatman

-Caveat Lector-

It seems that a cop is a cop is a cop, no matter what nationality...  At times
this seems as if they just cut text from reports of the Philly jail conditions
and pasted it into this post on Prague.

- Original Message -
From: "Jennifer Webster" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 11:46 AM
Subject: (50 Years) URGENT ACTION NEEDED

 Reports are pouring in on the horrific conditions in the Prague jails.  It
 is important to let the authorities in Prague know that we are aware of
 their actions and we are watching.

 This press release from INPEG (below) in Prague, on beatings and human
 rights violations of people arrested in the protests is based on eyewitness
 accounts and is very disturbing.  So is the report from the indymedia site

 People should call and fax the following numbers and demand that these
 violations cease, and that all prisoners be given access to water, food,
 medical attention, phone calls, and legal assistance.

 If you can't get through to any of the numbers below (which may happen today
 because it is a national holiday), please call the Czech embassy in
 Washington, DC, as soon as possible:

 202-274-9100;  press 0 for operator

 Call and fax:

 Office of President Vaclav Havel:

 011 4202 24310855  phone

 011 4202 24373196  fax  (it would be better to fax today [Thursday] because
 it is a national holiday and offices are closed)

 Ministry of the Interior:

 011 4202 61421115
 011-4202/6143 3552-3 (fax)

 US Embassy in Czech Republic:

 011 4202 57530663
 011 4202 57532059 (fax)


 Attention News and Assignment
 September 28, 2000

 Chelsea Mozen 420 604 384452 or 02 6272349
 To arrange interviews with witnesses recently released,, contact
 Cyan IMMEDIATELY: 0605 879 504

Shocking Human Rights Abuses Faced by Protestors in Jail
 Police Brutality Widespread, most severe for Czechs  Israelis

 PRAGUE - In addition to the mass denial of the legal rights,
 individuals have faced extreme brutality in Czech Jails.  Paul Rosenthal
 from Seattle Washington who was released this morning from the Olsanska jail
 in Prague after forty hours states, "What is happening inside the Czech
 jails is more than frightening.  People have no rights,they are being beaten
 severely, they are disappearing.  Women are being forced to strip in front
 of male guards and perform exercises.  People with serious medical problems
 have been denied help."  The following are accounts confirmed by people that
 have been released from jail:

· Women have been strip searched by male officers and have
 been forced to perform physical exercises for their enjoyment
· Many individuals are being denied water, food, and sleep;
 some are able to get food only if they pay guards, women and fascists are
 more likely to get water
· Many people released have reported that before reaching
 police stations, officers took individuals to isolated areas and beat them
· Two Norwegians that went to a police station on Trisparni
 Street near Vlatavska to report a stolen mobile phone witnessed behind
 briefly opened doors that a number of people were handcuffed to the wall and
 being beaten severely.  This has also been confirmed by many reports from
 released persons that in the processing rooms groups of 40 to 60 people were
 asked to spread eagle while they were beaten, heads were knocked back, legs
 were kicked in, and numbers of men had their groins twisted or
 punched.  Additionally people handcuffed were tossed down stairs.
· There is one report that 22 people were crammed into a 4
 square meter cell.
· 30 People were detained at the Olsanska jail in an outdoor
 courtyard overnight with no blankets or food.  They were later moved to
 Balkova near Pilsen.
· Two Germans that were detained in Lupacova, Praha 3 on
 Wednesday for approximately eight hours were held with an Israeli, an
 American,a German, and an Italian.  The Israeli had been beaten severely,
 had difficulty walking, a black eye, and likely had a broken rib. He has
 been denied medical attention
· People with diabetes were not fed, people that needed
 medication were not given it, the British Embassy had to intervene to get
 medication into the jail.
· A Norwegian woman held in jail with 30 other women
 witnessed a German woman with a badly injured leg where medics were
· Right to legal representation and advice, right to
 interpreters, right to food and water, right to basic medical attention, and
 the right to a phone call have all been ignored on a widespread scale.
· Czechs and Israelis are being beaten more drastically and
 are being detained longer
· Many 


2000-09-28 Thread Justine Blake

-Caveat Lector-

I didn't quite understand why you kept referring to those articles I posted
as "screeds", so I looked the word up in the dictionary just to make sure we
are on the same wavelength. It says "a lengthy discourse; an informal piece
of writing", and basically that's it.

You mention below that it's a "direct fact" that heteros molest more than
homosexuals do. Let's face it, Kris, this is by no means proven fact. There
are hundreds of scholarly and unbiased researches available which show just
the opposite to be true. There are many child advocates out there who can
give these links in a pinch, and even go on to show how
pro-homosexual/pedophile studies were biased, and so on. So, it seems to me
that such blanket statements as all heteros molest more than homos really is
a moot point, or at the very least, a matter of which side a person chooses
to subscribe to.

Getting back to the articles as "screeds", I really must object to such a
label as that to those quite astute and thought-provoking articles. It is
very typical of the NWO liberal faction (what else can I call them) who
immediately cut off and censor such articles, denying, in toto, the validity
of the writer's point of view and hence denying the validity of
sensibilities of readers who happen to agree with the points of view of such
articles. It's terribly New World Order to not even allow anyone to say
anything which is not pro-liberal like this. And, I might add, this is the
Main reason why all "we" do is fight, as you mention below. I think the
reason is pretty obvious why, when the liberal faction will not listen, nor
consider, anything the other is saying. And, I think, all that those "to the
right" are saying very simply is: To get the homosexual propaganda out of
the school system so that the schools can get back to real Learning, to put
a stop to these oxymoronic "hate laws", since all perpertrations upon others
is a crime to begin with, and to allow freedom of speech and freedom of
association. So the onus is really on those "to the right" to stop the
fighting and LISTEN, especially considering how "liberal" they are suppose
to be. When the Left begins to listen, my bet is on that the Right will
begin to listen too. But let's first start by getting the NWO think-speak
homosexual propaganda out of the pre-school and elementary schools first.

You've referred to "they" who divide and conquor, a psywar to harden sides.
I suggest there is NO "they" who divide and conquor, but the People
themselves, to wit, those liberal elements (whom I am convinced are
surreptitiously backed by marxist/leninist/communist/socialist elements),
vs. those elements of the right. If there is any psywar going on, I suggest
it's the liberal faction who disallow any person from the right to voice
their opinion under any circumstances and seek ways to silence them. This is
the only psywar I see going on, especially since most people from the right
will at least listen to what the "other" has to say, but not so vice versa.

As far as "massa" goes, "massa" will always be with us, I'm afraid. After
all, I submit there is not one person on this list who, had they been born a
Rockefeller or a member of Royalty, would not intend to hold on to their
Power and Wealth. What "separates" us from them is a mere matter of the
accident of birth. Otherwise, human nature being what it is, "we" would be
just like "them", holding on to Power and Wealth and whatever it takes.
People who have their existence in the rarified realm of the international
really have no need to concern themselves over what the People are now
squabbling about. So, again, it's the People themselves who perpetrate the
psywars, the liberals now in the prominence.

BTW, there is NO alliance with the "oppressed and abused" homosexuals which
would turn the tide against "massa", IMHO.

If one believes there is no God, nor no Ultimate Right or Wrong, then fine,
let the entire Global Community have its homosexual pedophilic Greek
Revival, such as the homosexual "boylovers" envision. Let us all live in it.
Let then the entire Global Community live and breath homosexuality, which is
precisely what the homosexual agenda is striving for, and nothing less.

As to your question whether I really think the homosexuals would be able to
take over our education system -- they already have.

Well, I don't quite understand in what manner about how "homosexuality
appears within mind control projects", i.e., what you mean by that,  and I
*thought* I was submitting astute enough articles to show that
homosexuality, although not precisely a "conspiracy" since it is right "out
there" for all to see, certainly falls within conspiracy related topics.
However, I see the deeper problem is that I have stepped on liberal toes,
and this seems to be what it all amounts to.

But you ask what prejudices would keep me from acccepting help, which I
think you mean, what prejudices would keep me from offering help to the

[CTRL] Macho Anthropology

2000-09-28 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Macho anthropology

Did scientists start a deadly epidemic to prove that humanity is innately
violent -- or are they victims of politics?

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Juno Gregory

Sep. 28, 2000 | In an extraordinary "open letter" to the American
Anthropological Association last week, Terence Turner of Cornell University
and Leslie Sponsel of the University of Hawaii alerted the association -- and
hundreds of participants on several e-mail lists who received the forwarded
message -- to the upcoming publication of "Darkness in El Dorado: How
Scientists and Journalists Devastated the Amazon," a book by investigative
journalist Patrick Tierney. Turner and Sponsel grimly informed the AAA that
the book was an "impending scandal" that would "arouse intense indignation"
in the public mind. There was certainly indignation to spare in the letter
itself: "In its scale, ramifications, and sheer criminality and corruption
[the scandal] is unparalleled in the history of Anthropology."

Tierney's book, which is to be extensively excerpted in the New Yorker in
early October, contains an extensive catalog of astonishing -- and, many say,
incredible -- allegations against several highly regarded anthropologists who
conducted detailed ethnographic studies in the jungle highlands of Venezuela
and Brazil over the past 35 years. Most explosively, Tierney alleges that:

American geneticist James Neel performed a monstrous biological experiment on
the Yanomamo Indian tribe by deliberately introducing a dangerous measles
virus, thereby causing hundreds of deaths.

Napoleon Chagnon, perhaps America's most famous anthropologist, participated
in Neel's epidemiological experiment, staged tribal ceremonies and violence
for documentary cameras, fudged scientific data and tried to carve out a
personal kingdom within the Yanomamo reserve.

If true, these allegations would not only call these men's personal integrity
into question but undermine the validity of their research, which has been
influential in framing some popular assumptions about human evolution and
behavior. Chagnon's work, in particular, has been widely cited as supporting
the view that men are the engines of evolutionary improvement because they
are inherently violent competitors for sexual access. In this view, the most
aggressive "winners" in prehistory had the most sex with the most women, and
passed on their superior fighting genes to the largest number of children. As
a corollary, this theory says that our evolution was driven by hierarchical
processes, so that the most "natural" human social system is one of dominance
rather than cooperation.

The political implications of such views are obvious, and Neel and Chagnon
have long come under fire because of the uses that could be -- and, in
Chagnon's case, have been -- made of their work. Politics, Chagnon and his
defenders say, is what is really behind Tierney's book and Turner and
Sponsel's letter to the AAA. "The Turner letter is transparently an attempt
to destroy a man's career and plow salt into the ruins," says journalist
Andrew Brown, author of "The Darwin Wars." Chagnon himself called Turner and
Sponsel's letter "extremely offensive" and said that Tierney, Turner and
Sponsel have already accused him of many of these crimes, in print and
verbally at academic meetings, repeatedly over the past decade. "This is just
a more elaborate extension of their long vendetta against me," he said.

Chagnon, for his part, has not been shy about returning the salvos lobbed at
him over the years. He portrays his professional enemies as "leftists" and
"Marxists," politically correct bleeding hearts who are out to suppress the
truth simply because they find it unpalatable. While Chagnon's critics can
boast overwhelmingly higher numbers (including most Indian organizations,
human rights groups, missionaries, environmentalists, researchers and
government officials in Venezuela), Chagnon has a coterie of impressive,
high-profile defenders and allies in the scientific community. Most of them
declined to talk on the record, but their contempt for Chagnon's accusers was
visceral. Turner, one Chagnon partisan told me, is a "swirling sophist."

Chagnon also has many sympathizers in the major media, perhaps because of the
growing popularity of the cultural views that his research supports. In
short, Chagnon seems to have considerably more famous firepower on his side,
and that adds up to a significant public relations advantage in the United
States and Britain. I soon discovered, when I began asking questions, that
many of Chagnon's friends are certain, even before they have read Tierney's
book, that the charges against Chagnon, Neel and other anthropologists will
prove to be merely "ugly politics." They confidently frame the conflict as
Chagnon's manly "hard evidence" against his softheaded critics' "emotional

So, are Tierney's red-hot allegations about Neel and Chagnon legitimate?

Tierney's most 

[CTRL] The Strange Saga Of J.Edgar Hoover

2000-09-28 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

This article appeared in the August 4, 2000 issue of Executive Intelligence
`Black Like Me'?
The Strange Saga of J. Edgar Hoover
by Edward Spannaus
J. Edgar Hoover, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from
1924 to 1972, was notorious for his targetting of black leaders, whether in
civil rights, elected officials, or other areas such as black newspaper
publishers, or the singer Paul Robeson. Newly discovered evidence now sheds
more light on Hoover's legendary fear and hatred of African-Americans,
suggesting that this may have been a form of self-hatred on Hoover's part.

As we will show, rumors that J. Edgar was partially black were commonplace in
Washington, D.C. during Hoover's reign, and were well known to associates of
Hoover--and even to Hoover himself. But a new book shows that stories that
Hoover was "passing for white" were also being passed down from generation to
generation a thousand miles away, through a former slave family, once owned
by another Hoover family, in the area of McComb, Mississippi.

We present here some preliminary findings, of an ongoing historical

Operation Fruehmenschen
In 1988, Rep. Mervyn Dymally (D-Calif.) placed before the House of
Representatives a sworn affidavit from a Special Agent of the FBI, Hirsch
Friedman, exposing an FBI program called "Operation Fruehmenschen" (German
for "primitive man"). Friedman's affidavit declared:

"The purpose of this policy was the routine investigation without probable
cause of prominent elected and appointed black officials in major U.S.
metropolitan areas. It was explained to me that the basis for this
Fruehmenschen policy was the assumption by the FBI that black officials were
intellectually and socially incapable of governing major governmental
organizations and institutions."

In Ad Hoc Democratic Platform Hearings, held in Washington, D.C. on June 22,
former Tennessee judge and legislator Ira Murphy testified about Operation
Fruehmenschen, which he has studied extensively. Judge Murphy said that the
operation began under Richard Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover, and it has continued
since that time. Judge Murphy said that more than 300 black and minority
officials have been investigated by the FBI and the Justice Department.

Hoover's obsession about blacks was well known. In 1956, in the wake of the
Supreme Court's school desegregation decisions, Hoover fought with Attorney
General Herbert Brownell, Jr. over Brownell's proposals for new civil rights
laws and enforcement provisions. Hoover declared that "the specter of racial
intermarriage" was behind the tensions over "mixed schooling," and he
attacked the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and
other civil rights organizations, while praising the White Citizens Councils
in the South. It was also in 1956 that Hoover launched the FBI's Cointelpro
(Counter-Intelligence Program) which targetted civil rights groups and
leaders among others. (See Curt Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the
Secrets [New York: Norton, 1991].)

And as early as 1957, Hoover ordered his agents to monitor Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. and King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference, when the SCLC
began a campaign to register eligible black voters in the South. By the
beginning of the 1960s, the FBI was routinely carrying out illegal break-ins
of SCLC offices, and wiretapping King.

Hoover's obsession with destroying King--or, in Bureau-speak, "neutralizing"
him--became notorious. Thus it was no surprise that jubilant cries of "They
got the SOB!" reverberated through the Atlanta FBI office when the news first
came over the radio that Dr. King had been shot in Memphis on April 4, 1968
(Gentry, p. 606). One former FBI agent recalled another agent shouting "We
finally got the son of a bitch!" (See Anthony Summers, Official and
Confidential: the Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover [New York: Putnam, 1993], p.

It is of note that on March 4, 1968, FBI Headquarters issued a memorandum
expanding its Cointelpro activities against "Black Nationist--Hate Groups"
and warning that Dr. King, among others, could emerge as a " `messiah' who
could unify and electrify the black nationalist movement." The memorandum
called for the use of "imaginative" techniques, and required a report on
accomplishments within 30 days. On April 4, Dr. King was assassinated.
Hoover's cooperation with military intelligence units conducting surveillance
and more deadly operations against King has been established. (See William
Pepper, Orders to Kill: The Truth Behind the Murder of Martin Luther King,
Jr. [New York: Warner, 1998].)

What Did Washington and Mississippi Know?
Rumors of J. Edgar Hoover's black ancestry were widespread during his reign,
both inside and outside of the Bureau. Hoover in fact deployed his agents to
track down rumors of his racial origins, just as he did regarding rumors of
his homosexuality.

Author Anthony Summers, in his 1993 book Official 

[CTRL] Ooops! A correction...

2000-09-28 Thread Justine Blake

-Caveat Lector-

"So the onus is really on those "to the right" to stop the
fighting and LISTEN, especially considering how "liberal" they are suppose
to be. "

Ooops! It should read: "So the onus is really on those "to the left"...

Do I hear "giggling" in the background? :)
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Ooops! A correction...

2000-09-28 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Justine Blake wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 "So the onus is really on those "to the right" to stop the
 fighting and LISTEN, especially considering how "liberal" they are suppose
 to be. "

 Ooops! It should read: "So the onus is really on those "to the left"...

 Do I hear "giggling" in the background? :)



A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] PRess Release from the Hill-Anthrax Vaccine

2000-09-28 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 5:34 PM
Subject: PRess Release from the Hill

 For Immediate release Contact Norma Smith/Chris Strow

 Congressman Jack Metcalf announced to a House Committee investigating Gulf
 War illnesses today that he has issued a report stating that squalene, a
 substance in unapproved vaccine adjuvant formulations, was found in the
 anthrax vaccine in amounts that could boost immune response---raising the
 possibility that squalene was used in innoculations given to gulf War era
 vets.  GAO science investigators have documented concerns regarding the
 of novel adjuvant formulations in vaccines, including squalene.

 Metcalf compiled the report over a three year period, putting together a
 led by his special Assistant,Norma Smith.  It contains a series of
 conclusions, and an extensive compilation of supporting documents.

 Congressman Metcalf's statement to the House Subcommittee on National
 Security,Veterans Affairs, and International Relations)
 +++CHeck his website in AM for more on his report

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Jim Marrs-Notes From The Old Country

2000-09-28 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Notes from the Old Country: we reap what we sow in Europe
By Jim Marrs
Date: 09/28/2000
URL: http://www.alienzoo.com/features/m/29280001.cfm

Several recent news stories from the Old Country clearly demonstrate the
result of questionable activities on the part of United States authorities
over the past half-century.

Recently, in response to Freedom of Information Act requests, the CIA at long
last has formally admitted what had been reported for years - that the Agency
agreed to "an intelligence relationship" with one of Nazi Germany’s top spy
chiefs, General Reinhard Gehlen.

In his 1971 book, The Service, Gehlen described his position as chief of Nazi
intelligence for the East Front and his organization’s transfer to CIA
control in 1949.

At the end of World War II, Gehlen told his spy network in Russia, made up of
anti-communists, to go to ground and await orders. He then stashed crates of
intelligence files in a cave and, after being careful to surrender the
Americans, made a deal to place the Gehlen organization at the disposal of
American intelligence, which was ill prepared for confrontation with the
Soviet Union. Gehlen himself went on to become head of the West German
Federal Intelligence Service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst.

While the communists had been slipping agents into the United States since
the Russian Revolution of 1917, America was nearly at a loss to know the
intentions and capabilities of the Soviets. Our need for intelligence was

Gehlen agreed to fill in the gaps but with some conditions - he would remain
in sole contact with his organization, which was composed of virulent
anti-communists and he would never be asked to do anything against the
interest of his Fatherland, Germany.

So this unreconstructed Nazi who had fought so hard against Russia filtered
intelligence from an anti-communist underground to American intelligence
chiefs largely ignorant of Russia or her intentions. In the waning days of
World War II, Hitler dreamed of constructing an alliance with America and
Britain against the Soviet Union.

Is it any wonder that this country quickly sank into the mire of fear and
suspicion known as the Cold War?

This all occurred at the same time that American globalists were working hard
to send financing and support to the Soviet Union, warmly receiving Nazis in
the United States and working to create a united European Union as the first
step to their worldwide New World Order.

John J. McCloy, a leading luminary of the secretive Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR), leading banker with Chase Manhattan Bank, future member of
the Warren Commission, and then American High Commissioner of West Germany,
in January, 1951, granted a general amnesty to top Nazi war criminals, most
of whom were soon released from prison. One of the most highly decorated
Nazis, Wernher von Braun who was in charge of Hitler’s V-2 terror rocket
program, was brought to American and soon headed this nation’s space program.
Many other Nazi scientists, experts in both weaponry and behavior
modification, were brought into service of the United States under Operation

Allen Dulles, a founder of the CFR and one of those present at the home of
German banker Kurt von Schroeder in January, 1933, when the decision was made
to make Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany, was largely responsible for
bringing Gehlen and his organization into the fold of American intelligence.

Polish socialist Dr. Joseph Hieronim Retinger was the Polish socialist who
founded the European Movement after the war. Retinger formed the American
Committee on a United Europe along with Dulles, then CFR Director George
Franklin and William Donovan, chief of the Office of Strategic Services
(OSS), forerunner of the CIA.

Recently released US Government documents show that it was American interests
which helped found and fund Retinger’s movement which has culminated in the
formation of the European Union.

These documents, found a by a Georgetown University researcher, confirm that
Donovan personally gave instructions to fund a campaign for a united Europe.
According to the documents, Retinger was once reprimanded when he sought to
raise money in Europe on his own.

Apparently, Retinger and other leaders of the European Movement were treated
as mere hirelings by their American sponsors.

Significantly, one document advised the vice president of the European
Economic Community to suppress debate concerning European union until the
point at which "adoption of such proposals would become virtually

Retinger was backed by the most powerful of American secret society members.
He was brought to America by Averell Harriman, another ranking CFR member who
was U.S. ambassador to England. Here he visited prominent citizens such as
David and Nelson Rockefeller, John Foster Dulles, and then CIA Director
Walter Bedell Smith, all ranking CFR members.

From these associations came the idea of 

Re: [CTRL] OFF TOPIC - But you may find this pix interesting - Bush Gains on Gore

2000-09-28 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

If asked, he might well reply that that is the Texas Longhorn's football
team "gesture" or whatever one calls a sports hand-signal.  The fingers are
supposed to be the horns of the cattle.  Interesting that it is also the
mojo sign.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Bush-Nadar Conspiracy??

2000-09-28 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

You may be right about that.  Saw Phil Donahue on Katherine Crier's show
today.   Phil said in 1995 one company could only own 12 radio stations and
yet today one company owns 800!  Who are their advertisers?  J2's
corporations (the ones he denounces routinely, as well he should).  Who has
Nadar always done battle against--same corporations.  Of course he will not
get any mainstream coverage.  IF women get out to vote, he should do well
there, however.  His plan to bring home troops from abroad and save $80
billion is long overdue.  A ground war in Europe, for example, is unlikely.
Free college tuition is great.  Granted our public schools have not done so
well with lower education but with institutions already in place, this could
be marvelous.  How does this relate to conspiracy theory?  Why, the
globalist plot to keep the unwashed masses uneducated!  This is a direct
threat to the technical workers the NWO wants turned out of government
schools and factory workers in some regions.  Educated people might
think/read too much. Plus it is how a candidate can be kept out of the
mainstream media and the debates, etc. So, I am NOT off topic.  At least not
too far. :)
- Original Message -
From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Bush-Nadar Conspiracy??

 -Caveat Lector-

 I'm sure Bush is happy to see Nader, and I'm sure Bush would conspire with
 anyone who would conspire back, but you don't have to worry about Nader.
 He's probably the only man on the planet you can trust.  Prudy

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 49

2000-09-28 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 49 - September, 2000

aka "Shit That Matters"

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
LUVeR Alternative News is offering a daily audio show using selected
stories from RadTimes  other non-mainstream sources. Check it out!
Breaking news from Prague:
--Take Action Oct 3rd at the Presidential Debates
--Protesters Parade Through Prague
--Watching the riots
--Chicago group to review FBI e-mail surveillance plan
--Cuban spy case puts spotlight on U.S. eavesdropping
--High Court Accepts Heat-Detector Case
--Message From DownUnder
Linked stories:
*Just say yes to Ritalin!
*Protests Turn Violent At Prague World Bank-IMF Meeting
*Protesters Battle Police in Prague
*Chess and Drug Testing
Begin stories:
Take Action Oct 3rd at the Presidential Debates

Please Forward and Circulate Widely



On October 3rd of this year the two major party candidates will gather
together to stage a spectacle of false democracy. The presidential debates
are intended to serve as a shining example of how politicians are
accountable to the people and how we have a choice in the decisions that are
made about our lives. In reality the debates are a corporate sponsored
puppet show where the candidates of the elite debate issues of little
importance to most Americans. The debate is a prime example of how the
electoral system leaves us with the false choice between numerous bought
politicians and ultimately offers no hope for ordinary people to have a
voice, let alone participate in the political process.

We want real, direct democracy that gives everyone power over the decisions
and resources that matter in our neighborhoods, towns, schools, and
workplaces. This is the only way we can the make lasting, positive social
and ecological changes that will rebuild our communities and our
environment. We can and will create direct democracy in our community
organizations, town meetings, neighborhood groups, rank and file unions and
grassroots movements.

Poverty and cuts in welfare, healthcare, education, public transportation
and social services while the rich get richer; police brutality, racism and
corruption; repression of grassroots activism; locking up of more and more
youth; gentrification of our neighborhoods; skyrocketing rents and
harassment of homeless people; political prisoners-like Mumia Abu Jamal-and
the death penalty; poisoning of our air and water and killing of our
forests; low wages, lousy, meaningless jobs, sweatshops and union busting;
the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank
forcing poverty, misery and environmental destruction around the globe for
corporate profits.

These problems are all rooted in the same undemocratic political and
economic system, controlled by big corporations, that hides behind staged
political elections. It's time we came together to stand up to this system
and create directly democratic positive alternatives! A new world is
possible and we are part of a global movement that is rising up to make it
happen. Join us.

Take Action at the October 3rd Presidential Debates

In response to this farce of democratic discussion we plan to hold our own
truly democratic debates in the only civic forum left to us; the streets. We
are planning an action, which would encompass communities from all parts of
society to come together in the streets to discuss the issues, which truly
affect our lives. We realize the current political powers have not and will
not rule in the interests of the people, and because of this we feel it is
our duty to help create a space where communities can begin to discuss how
to reclaim our political power in order to begin making the decisions about
issues which directly impact our lives. Come to Boston and take Direct

Here is some of what is planned and what you need to know to come to Boston:

Friday, September 29 - Monday, October 3rd

Convergence time and places are still to be announced but there will be a
nightly spokes council meeting from Thursday Sept. 28th - Monday Oct 2nd.
Please call (617) 782-2313 for the location and schedule of the 

[CTRL] The Conspiracy Bugabo

2000-09-28 Thread Donald Park
Title:  The Conspiracy Bugabo

 Like other conspiracy believers, Pat Robertson senses there is something
 wrong with our Federal Reserve System, but his irrationality leads him to
 bogus solutions. He objects to the Fed because (he claims) it is owned by
 private interests that might be foreign. In The New World Order, he endorses
 a greenback solution, so that the Fed will no longer create money out of
 nothing and lend it out at interest. His alternative is to have Congress
 monetize deficits directly via the printing press. Not only would we still
 be on a fiat money standard, but we would be inflating the money supply even
 faster than we are now.
 Oh Really! You mean the Fed who uses US printing presses to make dollars and charges us interest to barrow that paper, is better than the government (whom ever that might be) that would print the same fiat currancy and charge nothing. Why the Govt could even link the paper to something tangible like gold, silver, 22 shells, cat's eye marbles. The Fed serves no purpose that couldn't be undertaken by other agencies and be vastly more transparent. 
 The Jewish people are not the same as 'shysters' which I believe are ' evil money changers' that have earned the eminety of most civilizied nations. A crock is a crock no matter their heritage. Unfortunatly many 'shysters' have been of the jewish persasuan. It is their business practices that have brought hatred down upon their heads. Now days, of course, Shysters come from all backgrounds and the disease of 'greed' is indeed a conspiracy or certainly behaves as one. DP

[CTRL] Tactics of the False Memory Advocates/Court Decision

2000-09-28 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Tactics of the "False Memory" Advocates/Court Decision
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 4:09 PM

Tactics of "False Memory" Advocates/Court Decision

   Court of Appeals Division I
   State of Washington

Opinion Information Sheet

Docket Number:   41241-8-I
Title of Case:   David L. Calof, Respondent
 Charles "chuck" Noah, Et. al., Appellants
File Date:   09/11/2000


Appeal from Superior Court of King County
Docket No:  95-2-15224-4
Judgment or order under review
Date filed: 07/31/1997
Judge signing:  Hon. Ricardo Martinez

Authored by Marlin J Appelwick
Concurring: Susan R. Agid
C. Kenneth Grosse

Counsel for Appellant(s)
William J. Crittenden
Attorney At Law
1000 2nd Ave Ste 2450
Seattle, WA  98104

Aaron H. Caplan
Aclu of Washington
705 2nd Ave Ste 300
Seattle, WA  98104

Elena L. Garella
Law Offices of Arnold J. Barer
1000 2nd Ave Ste 2450
Seattle, WA  98104-1046

Charles ". Noah  (Appearing Pro Se)
2336 N. 135th
Seattle, WA  98133

Counsel for Defendant(s)
Steve P. Moen
Shafer Moen  Bryan PS
410 Hoge Bldg.
705 Second Avenue
Seattle, WA  98104-1711

Gary A. Western
Wilson Smith Cochran Dickerson
1700 Financial Center
1215 4th Ave.
Seattle, WA  98161-1007

June Noah  (Appearing Pro Se)
2336 N. 135th
Seattle, WA  98133

James Joyce  (Appearing Pro Se)
2424 E. Denny Way
Seattle, WA  98122

Counsel for Respondent(s)
Kristin M. Houser
Schroeter Goldmark  Bender PS
500 Central Bldg.
810 Third Ave.
Seattle, WA  98104

Rebecca J. Roe
Attorney At Law
Ste 500
810 3rd Ave
Seattle, WA  98104

Douglass A. North
Maltman Reed North Ahrens  Malnati
1415 Norton Bldg.
801 2nd Ave
Seattle, WA  98104

A. S. Anderson
Attorney At Law
2025 1st Ave  Ste 250
Seattle, WA  98121-2147

Sandra E. Widlan
810 3rd Ave  8th Fl
Seattle, WA  98104-1657

Amicus Curiae on behalf of American Civil Libetties Union
James E. Lobsenz
Carney Badley Smith  Spellman
701 5th Ave, Ste 2200
Seattle, WA  98104


No. 41241-8-I
Respondent,  )
 ) Consolidated with
 v.  ) )
Appellant.   )
DAVID L. CALOF, d/b/a FAMILY ) No. 43048-3-I
   Respondent,   )
 v.  )
NOAH and JUNE NOAH, individually )
and as a marital community; PHIL )
individually and as a marital community; )
individually and as a marital community; )

[CTRL] Corporate giants now enforce thought control

2000-09-28 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-


 Corporate giants now enforce thought control

 September 22, 2000

 One of the distinguishing characteristics of a totalitarian system is
 that not only does the state impose an official ideology throughout
 but so do other institutions as well.  The "totality" at which the regime
 aims means that every sector of the society -- the economy and social and
 cultural institutions as well as government -- tries to make certain that
 one and no thing deviates from the pattern of thought and behavior being

 In the New Order now being constructed in this country and most of
 world, Thought Control is enforced not just by the state ("hate crime"
 public education and selective condemnation of dissident ideas) but also
 the mammoth corporations of the "global economy."  Here are several
 of how it's being done.

 When the Supreme Court ruled recently that the Boy Scouts of America
 not required to admit homosexuals as members or hire homosexual
 scoutmasters, both local governments and "private" corporations
 started retaliating by cutting off grants and access to important
 facilities.  Several cities denied the Scouts use of parks and other
 services, while Chase Manhattan Bank and Textron Corporation "have
 hundreds of thousands of dollars in support to local and national
 groups nationwide," as the New York Times reported last month.

 The rationale for this kind of ideological disciplining is, of
 "diversity," in the Orwellian language of Thought Control.  "Their [the
 Scouts'] position," a Chase spokesman says, "is, on the face of it, in
 conflict with our commitment and our values on diversity."  Chase's
 commitment to diversity apparently does not extend to respecting the
 different views of homosexuality.  That's why it's Orwellian.

 Go into a Barnes and Noble book store these days and you'll discover
 even more diversity.  The giant book chain, which contributes to
 by driving out of business smaller book stores across the country, now
 greets customers with a display entitled "Close the Book on Hate."

 The display is part of a joint project of Barnes and Noble and the
 Anti-Defamation League, which "have come together to help children better
 understand the richness and beauty of our multicultural society."  That's
 sweet -- except that the project assumes that anyone who disagrees with
 multiculturalism and its agenda of subverting distinctively Western
 and institutions is imbued with "hate" and "intolerance."

 "Intolerance," the display piously instructs us, "isn't something
 children are born with.  It's learned.  Therefore, it can be unlearned."
 The way to "unlearn" it, of course, is to buy the books on the display
 table, which would just happen to be profitable for Barnes and Noble.
 of the books seem innocuous enough, mainly a lot of drippy moralism about
 the "Holocaust" and several kiddies' books containing cute little lessons
 cartoon versions of multiculturalism.

 Nevertheless, the purpose is clear -- to popularize the idea that
 insistence on maintaining the cultural integrity of American society is
 "hate" and "intolerance" and that those who still believe in such
 have something wrong with them that can and should be "unlearned."

 Yet another lesson in how "tolerant" the corporate giants really are
 comes from the behemoth Wal-Mart.  Recently in South Carolina a gentleman
 named Maurice Bessinger, who owns a small barbecue restaurant chain and
 makes his own barbecue sauce, raised a South Carolina state flag outside
 of his restaurants, along with the Confederate flag.

 It's not the government Mr. Bessinger needs to worry about but
 which used to carry Mr. Bessinger's barbecue sauce nationwide.  Wal-Mart
 suddenly dropped the sauce from its shelves.  When I called the customer
 complaint number to ask why, I was told that Mr. Bessinger "was involved
 activities with which Wal-Mart did not wish to be associated."

 The munchkin with whom I spoke refused to say what those "activities"
 were, why they were objectionable or whether the chain also scrutinized
 activities of other suppliers to evaluate their "activities" as well.  He
 claimed the Confederate flag had nothing to do with it.  My own bet is
 you can find plenty of products at Wal-Mart made by slave labor, but
 -- at least the kind that really exists today as opposed to the kind that
 has been extinct in this country for more than a century -- apparently is
 not "an activity with which Wal-Mart does not wish to be associated."

 Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse-tung could have learned something from
 corporate leviathans.  The tyranny over the mind their governments
 required secret police, death camps, genocide and state terror for
 generations, and still it 

[CTRL] Fwd: Skientology.ORG: Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 7 Num. 52

2000-09-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

Older item by Brian Redmond's Conspiracy Nation, one of my favorite
peoplenote Russert and his 6% vote could cost Clinton election.
Russert as usual, shows his colors here.

Nader might be the first arabic to run for President; if I cam correct,
Lebanese primarialy arabic in descent - what no "drum rolls" or 21 gun


Even Nader has a tree now - the Cedars of Lebanon?   So the Presidential
tree is the Evergreen

Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 7 Num. 52

Brian Redman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Mon, 25 Mar 1996 19:42:51 -0600 (CST)
Messages sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][ subject ][ author ]

("Quid coniuratio est?")
RALPH NADER -- 03/24/96
Nader appeared on Meet The Press (a.k.a. "Meet The Depressed")
 on March 24, 1996, and was interviewed by Tim  Ruser
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


We're back on Meet The Press. With us now, consumer advocate
turned presidential candidate Ralph Nader. Mr. Nader, welcome.


Thank you.

*Why* are you running for president?


Because we're part of a larger and longer-term political movement
to build democracy in concrete ways; to strengthen the roles of
the voter-citizen, tax-payer, consumer, worker, and shareholder;
and to confront, and to give competition to, the two parties:

t, which are
increasingly, essentially, a party of, by and for big business.

The dominance, the supremacy of, these global corporations over
our government, over our marketplace, over labor, over consumers,
over small businesses through these franchise agreements, is
getting completely out of hand, and on a collision course with


Now on Tuesday, voters in California will find your name and the
"Green Party". If you become the nominee of the Green Party on
Tuesday, will you run as presidential candidate all the way
through November?


In all probability.

What, what hesitation?


The only... It's up to the Green Party.


But as far as Ralph Nader's concerned, you're in the race all the


Correct. Unless a lot of "Greens" volunteering all over
California aren't in favor of that. But they make the final decision/


Now people in the White House will say, "Listen. When it comes to
issues, when it comes to the crunch, Bill Clinton has been there.

When there was a bill which would limit the stockholders' ability
to sue, Bill Clinton vetoed it. Just last week, when there was a
bill which would limit product liability, ability of people to
sue for defective products, Bill Clinton threatened to veto. Bob
Dole would have signed both those bills. And Ralph Nader, if
*you* run, in California, you're gonna drain votes from Bill
Clinton and *you* may elect Bob Dole."
How do you respond?


First of all, those two vetoes were unusually good news from the
White House and President Clinton deserves to be commended for
[it]. He took on big business contributors to his own campaign
and did the right thing by wanting to keep the doorways to the
courtroom open for people who've been defrauded or wrongfully

However. In the first 3 years of his tenure, he's been
consistently on the side of big business when it's conflicted
with labor and consumers. Jerry Jarzinowski(?) of the National
Association of Manufacturers said over a year ago to me that he
really liked Clinton; that Clinton was strong on businesses'
issues like NAFTA and GATT and he was pretty indifferent on
issues close to Labor's heart, like raising the minimum wage,
labor law reform, etc. What we have seen here is, not only Bill
Clinton, but the Democratic Party, with Al Fromme(?) and the
Democratic Leadership Council, pushing more into the corporatist
"right" and away from the "progressive" wing of the Democratic

And it really is of singular indifference what the impact of this
"Green movement" is on Clinton and on Dole: they're perfectly
free to adopt the "new democracy" tools, which we call the
"Concord principles", that I ran on in a "none of the above"
write-in candidacy in New Hampshire in 1992. There's no patent on

By the way, of the 6300 write-in votes in New Hampshire in 1992
that I received, 52 percent were Republican, 48 percent were
Democrat. I think a lot of the people that are going to vote
Green, many of them would've stayed home, and some of them
would've been Republican and some of them would've been Democrat.


But people are gonna say to you, Ralph Nader: "In the end, this
is a real world. Would you prefer to have Bill Clinton, or Bob
Dole, sitting in the Oval Office? Because one of those two men
are gonna be president."


I would prefer *neither*, in the "real world."


Who would you prefer sitting in the Oval 

[CTRL] X-PPAC PR: Poliltics of UFOs/Disclosure Town Hall Meeting in Santa Clara (fwd)

2000-09-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 04:00:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: X-PPAC PR: Poliltics of UFOs/Disclosure Town Hall
Meeting in Santa Clara

   Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee

Press ReleaseSeptember 27, 2000

Washington, DC - As announced Tuesday evening on Coast to Coast
AM with Mike Siegel, The Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political
Action Committee (X-PPAC), with the support of numerous
cosponsors, will hold a town hall meeting confronting the
politics of UFOs/disclosure at the Santa Clara Convention Center
at Great America on October 13, 2000.  Additional sub-themes such
as secrecy reform and intelligence agencies abuse, will also be

This will be the first town hall meeting of its kind ever held
during a presidential campaign, or perhaps at any time, in the
United States.  Between 600 and 1200 citizens will be able to
address unscripted questions to a broad panel of experienced
members of the UFO/ET research/activist movement, political
professionals, and campaign 2000 presidential/senate candidates
(should they agree to appear).

The Politics of UFOs/Disclosure Town Hall Meeting at Santa Clara
will have some similarities to the many town hall meetings
conducted by ABC Nightline on a range of issues over the past two
decades.  Additional information is available at the Town Hall
Webpage [www.x-ppac.org/TownHall.html].

Formal invitations to appear were sent to seven presidential and
three California Senate campaigns on September 13.  Seven
possible dates were provided for consideration, and negotiations
were begun immediately.  As of this press release, three
presidential campaigns (Democrat, Republican and Constitution)
and two California Senate campaigns (Republican and Green) have
declined the invitation.  Negotiation with five other campaigns

In addition to candidates there will other presenters and
surprise guests.  These include: Frances Barwood (via videotape),
Stephen Bassett, Barry Bitzer, Elaine Douglas, Peter Gersten,
Heather Harder, Richard Hoagland, Daniel Sheehan (via videotape),
Ron Regehr, and Alfred Webre. Others are expected and will be
announced at a later time.

The role of X-PPAC is to assist in driving political action,
educate the political leadership, raise public awareness, and
create a partnership between the American people and their
government as regards the most important event in human history.

Contact:  Stephen Bassett - 301-564-1820

  Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee
  URL: www.x-ppac.org
  Phone: 301-564-1820
Fax: 301-564-4066
4938 Hampden Lane, #161
Bethesda, Maryland 20814

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Temple Found Under Lake Titicaca

2000-09-28 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 3:51 PM
Subject: ABCNEWS.com : Temple Found Under Lake Titicaca


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Anthrax Vaccine May be Factor in Death of Lab Worker

2000-09-28 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 Anthrax Shot May Be Factor in Death

Army National Guard Sgt. Audrey Towne fills a needle with anthrax vaccine in
Bismarck, N.D., Jan. 3. The death of a BioPort worker may be connected to
the company’s manufacture of the anthrax vaccine. (Will Kincaid/AP Photo)

The Associated Press
L A N S I N G, Mich., Sept. 28 — A medical examiner says BioPort Corp.’s
anthrax vaccine may have contributed to the July death of one of the workers
with the troubled company.
 But the company’s chief executive officer, Bob Kramer, said in a
statement released this morning that he doesn’t believe the death and
vaccine are connected.
 BioPort is the sole producer of the U.S. military’s vaccine to combat
the biological weapon of Anthrax. In July, the Pentagon slowed down its
controversial program of inoculating all military personnel because of a
shortage of the vaccine. Some military personnel have refused the shots,
saying the vaccine is unsafe.
 “Those of us who work here are confident that there is no connection
between his death and the anthrax vaccine,” Kramer said. He pointed out the
death certificate states that the immediate cause of death was ventricular
arrhythmia and said there is no reference to any underlying cause.
‘Inflammatory Response’
The deceased, Richard Dunn, had worked for BioPort and its Michigan
state-owned predecessor since 1992. He cared for and monitored test animals
and was required to take the same vaccine given to hundreds of thousands of
U.S. military personnel. Dunn received 11 doses, the last one in April.
 An August autopsy showed Dunn, 61, had an “inflammatory response” to
the vaccine throughout his body, Ionia County Chief Medical Examiner Robert
Joyce said. Joyce did not perform the autopsy, but as the county’s medical
examiner he is responsible for recording results.
 BioPort bought the former state-owned Michigan Biologic Products
Institute in 1998. Because it has yet to win federal approval of its
renovated labs, the company has been unable to make new vaccine. Instead,
BioPort has relied on vaccines made when the state owned the lab.
 Earlier this month, it recalled three of its products — including some
doses of the military’s anthrax vaccine — because of labeling and
contamination concerns.

Going Broke
BioPort already is struggling to survive financially. Despite an $18 million
advance in 1999 from the U.S. military — its largest customer — the company
told the Pentagon early this year that it faced a possible cash shortfall of
up to $18 million for 2000.
 Since then, BioPort has received additional Pentagon money to stay
 Joyce would not release the autopsy results Wednesday. BioPort
officials say they also were denied a copy of the autopsy Wednesday.
 BioPort officials said Dunn’s death certificate indicated he died of a
heart condition, and they hadn’t been told the autopsy indicated otherwise.
 “This is information we absolutely need to look into and don’t take
lightly,” BioPort spokeswoman Kelly Rossman McKinney said. “We’re puzzled
and stunned. We’re going to do everything we can to find out what’s going on

Unprecedented Reaction?
BioPort said it contacted the Pentagon, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and vaccine experts after
receiving the information from Joyce.
 Company officials expect tissue samples taken from Dunn to be turned
over to national medical authorities for further review.
 Workers at the north Lansing labs have taken the vaccine for 30 years.
More than half of BioPort’s 210 workers have received the six-dose vaccine,
which also requires an annual booster.
 The most serious reaction among employees has been a severe headache,
said Condalee Decker, the company’s nurse. There have been no reports of
reactions similar to Dunn’s, even to a lesser degree.
 A month after Dunn received his 11th dose, he complained of fatigue and
swelling, said Mike Tanner, BioPort’s personnel director. The company’s
doctors determined his symptoms had no connection to the vaccine, Tanner
 The military reports that 487,098 people had received 1.9 million doses
of the vaccine through last week. About 400 military personnel, worried
about the impact on their health, have resigned or faced disciplinary action
rather than take the vaccine.
 Fewer than one half of 1 percent of the people who have taken the
vaccine, 1,152 people, reported adverse reactions.
 A U.S. Health and Human Services review confirmed that 592 of the cases
were certainly or probably caused by the anthrax vaccine. They classified
123 of the cases as serious, all due to allergic reactions. There were no
fatalities among those cases.
 The military and the FDA say the anthrax vaccine is safe, with no more
side effects than many common vaccines.
 The Pentagon says more than 1,500 vaccinated lab workers at a research
and development center at Maryland’s Fort 

[CTRL] Turks and Armenians corner Jews in debate over genocide

2000-09-28 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: Haaretz
: Sept 28, 2000

: Turks and Armenians corner Jews in debate over genocide

: By Nitzan Horowitz

: Washington - Turkish newspapers seemed to be filled in recent days
: with articles smearing the United States. "A knife in the back," "An
: ugly plot," "Betrayal" scream the headlines in Ankara. Turkish fury
: is
: aimed at a legislative initiative of the Armenian lobby in
: Washington.

: The law, if passed, is only symbolic, but is a symbol of great
: significance, especially in the bitter dispute between the Armenians
: and the Turks.

: The bill was endorsed a week ago by a subcommittee of the House
: of Representatives, and is expected to be debated in the committee
: plenum. The law calls upon the president to "define as genocide the
: systematic and intentional murder of a million-and-a-half Armenians,"
: and asks the State Department to pass on this material to American
: diplomats. The Armenians are of course seeking to obtain American
: recognition for the genocide committed by Ottoman Turkey in 1915.

: The Armenian initiative did not make waves in the American media,
: and has little chance of passing the coming stages of legislation.
: The
: State Department even published a condemnation of the decision in
: the House of Representatives. "Historians, not lawmakers, are the
: ones who should be concerned with this matter," explained the State
: Department spokesman. "We are prepared to assist the efforts of the
: Turkish and Armenian experts, together with academics from other
: countries, to study their joint history."

: The State Department, by the way, has clear instructions not to use
: the expression "Armenian genocide." In the recent announcements
: concerning the congressional initiative, the spokesman was careful to
: use the word with quotation marks, gesturing with his fingers to
: signify this, but also saw fit to add that the "slaughter of the
: Armenians in 1915," is already mentioned in two courses for American
: diplomats.

: The administration has warned the lawmakers that if the Armenian
: proposal passes, it could undermine the entire Caucasus and harm
: American relations with Turkey, "our strategic partner in the
: region,"
: according to the official designation.

: There is nothing vague about Turkey's position on the matter. It has
: threatened to close down its Incirlik air force base from where
: American planes take off for bombing missions in Iraq. Washington
: got the hint. The pressure on Congress mounted.

: But the Armenians did not let up either. After years of failed
: attempts to pass decisions of this kind, it was a more radical
: Armenian group that succeeded this time. The upcoming elections and
: the tight race between the Republicans and Democrats over control of
: the House of Representatives played into their hands. The powerful
: Greek lobby also lent a hand.

: The National Armenian Congress of American has just announced a
: general mobilization from coast to coast. The Armenian community in
: the United States is eager to strike out against the "great Turkish
: Satan." It has also threatened to obstruct the $4.5-billion sale of
: 145 American assault helicopters to Turkey. The Turks, for their
: part,
: have recruited their real lobby in Washington: the Pentagon. They
: even mobilized the Armenian Orthodox Patriarch of Turkey, Masrob
: II, who warned that the Armenian initiative would harm the relations
: between the two communities.

: Both sides have made it clear that in this confrontation, "Anyone who
: is not with us is against us," as a Turkish source put it. Both have
: also promised not to forget those who helped whom "at the moment of
: truth," as an Armenian activist put it.

: This fierce struggle is difficult for the Jews. More than any other
: group of Americans, they feel caught between a rock and hard place.
: A major element in the close ties between Israel and Turkey is the
: Turkish aspiration to enjoy the assistance of Jewish organizations in
: the United States. The Jewish lobby, well aware of the importance of
: these relations, indeed generously extends Turkey its assistance. But
: it is finding it difficult to accede to the Turkish demands to block
: the Armenian initiative, which are based on the Turkish denial of the
: Armenian Holocaust.

: The Jewish organizations and Israeli representatives chose not to
: take
: a public stand on this matter, "because it does not concern Israel."
: As a result, the Turks and the Armenians are angry and the Jews may
: end up losing on both ends. Behind the scenes, Jewish sources in
: Washington have expressed extreme dissatisfaction with the
: Armenian initiative. They feel that it is harmful to everyone.

: To the Armenian activists they say that there is no chance for this
: legislation to pass in the House of Representatives and afterward in
: the Senate, but the Turks, in revenge, are liable to harm Armenia, to
: stop flights there and to block its outlet to 


2000-09-28 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

: with interpolations by a distinguished American antiZionist Jew.


: Isl Leibler,  diehard promoter of Zionism in Australia, is now battling
: "post-Zionism" in Israel.  The Jerusalem Post's Eli Wohlgelernter talks
: to
: the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the World Jewish Congress:

: Picture:  Depicts young man on left wearing a typical workers cap
: holding a
: scythe and well muscled and looking skyward. Center Old man with white
: beard
: and robed pointing in the direction the man is looking (Moses?) Right,
: Young
: healthy looking woman wearing scarf on head, buttoned shirt open at neck
: and
: shirt sleeves rolled up above biceps holding large tray of produce at
: thigh
: level.

: Caption under picture:  "The idealized image of Zionism that Isl Liebler

: defends.  The cover of a 1937 yearbook of the United Palestine Appeal
: note: - Later the United Israel Appeal  -z], the forerunner of America's

: United Jewish Appeal [ not quite right - the UJA is a subdivision of the

: UIA -z  The history is more complicated on the organizational level than
: the
: quick caption allows for - z].  This image courtesy of Beth Hatefutsoth
: is
: featured on the front of Liebler's publication.


: PAGE 19

: If Isl Leibler were American, you'd easily recognize him on the 4th of
: July.
: He'd be the patriotic soul marching down the centre of the street in the

: parade, waving the stars and stripes.   But Leibler's not American, he's
: a
: transplanted Australian.  His allegiance is pledged to the Jewish people
: and
: the State of Israel, and he holds the blue-and-white flag aloft now
: because
: he's heading into battle to defend Zionist ideals under seige.
:Leibler, 65, is former president of the Executive Council of
: Australian
: Jewry, and is considered the founder of the international protest
: movement
: for Soviet Jewry.   He is currently chairman of the governmeing board of
: the
: WJC, which is now taking up arms against the "post-Zionists" - whom
: Liebler
: accuses of having taekn over Israel's mass media and culture.
:The post-Zionists, say Liebler, aim to eliminate nationalism,
: patriotism,
: love of the land and its connection to Jewish history - in short to
: de-Judaize and "de-Zionise" Israel.  "There has been a dramatic change
: in
: the whole perception of the country towards itself", he says, "And if
: there
: is not an awareness of this, we're headed for an enormous disaster in
: which
: all the other crises that we've had pale into insignificance.
: "Because ultimately the soul of Israel - a generation of youngsters
: who
: feel proud to be Israelis with a Jewish background, whether it's
: religious
: or secular - is going to be destablized by a system that highlights all
: the
: negative aspects of the creation of this country and diminishes the
: heroic
: aspect of Zionism.  If you are in that sort of a context, then you can
: understand the people who are looking for a total integration of the
: Jews
: into the Middle East, which means ultimately the dissolution of the
: Jewish
: entity."
:  The battleline Leibler has drawn in the sand runs across the high
: school classroom.  His call to arms published this month, is a manifesto

:   The World Jewish Congress published the essay, and will be using
: it in
: an awareness campaign to help enlist more recruits to the cause.

: ( Now since I am on EVERYONE's idiot list, that means I should receive
: this
: mailing.  Otherwise I will check the WJC website and post the entire
: essay.
: Then we can all pick it apart bit by bit. - Z)

:   People who focus on day to day crises, he says, don't have time to

: worry about anything but the tangible as they struggle to make a living.

: I could state the obvious here with regard to Palestinians who must
: build
: illegal settlement housing on the West Bank for "olem" from such places
: as
: the former Soviet Union, Brooklyn, Australia and elsewhere, in order to
: put
: bread on their tables.  Of course you might ask yourself, why don't
: Israelis
: do their own construction work?  Let me know when you've reached the
: answer.}

:  "People are concerned about the day-to-day events in the peace
: process
: and all the other material things.  There's no emphasis on what's
: happening
: in their own inner home - and the inner home is the school, the culture
: around us.  Their children are being denied the values that they take
: for
: granted."
:   At issue, he says, is not a Left-Right ideological Zionist
: conflict,
: but THE PUSHING OF A UNIVERSALIST AGENDA in the schools that threatens
: to
: transform the very RAISON D'ETRE of the State of Israel.
:  "A post-Zionist is someone who actually looks positively towards
: the
: end of the 

[CTRL] Macho anthropology

2000-09-28 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-


Did scientists start a deadly epidemic to prove that humanity is
innately violent -- or are they victims of politics?

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Juno Gregory

Sep. 28, 2000 | In an extraordinary "open letter" to the American
Anthropological Association last week, Terence Turner of Cornell
University and Leslie Sponsel of the University of Hawaii alerted the
association -- and hundreds of participants on several e-mail lists
who received the forwarded message -- to the upcoming publication of
"Darkness in El Dorado: How Scientists and Journalists Devastated the
Amazon," a book by investigative journalist Patrick Tierney. Turner
and Sponsel grimly informed the AAA that the book was an "impending
scandal" that would "arouse intense indignation" in the public mind.
There was certainly indignation to spare in the letter itself: "In
its scale, ramifications, and sheer criminality and corruption [the
scandal] is unparalleled in the history of Anthropology."

Tierney's book, which is to be extensively excerpted in the New
Yorker in early October, contains an extensive catalog of astonishing
-- and, many say, incredible -- allegations against several highly
regarded anthropologists who conducted detailed ethnographic studies
in the jungle highlands of Venezuela and Brazil over the past 35
years. Most explosively, Tierney alleges that:

*   American geneticist James Neel performed a monstrous
biological experiment on the Yanomamo Indian tribe by deliberately
introducing a dangerous measles virus, thereby causing hundreds of

*   Napoleon Chagnon, perhaps America's most famous
anthropologist, participated in Neel's epidemiological experiment,
staged tribal ceremonies and violence for documentary cameras, fudged
scientific data and tried to carve out a personal kingdom within the
Yanomamo reserve.

If true, these allegations would not only call these men's personal
integrity into question but undermine the validity of their research,
which has been influential in framing some popular assumptions about
human evolution and behavior. Chagnon's work, in particular, has been
widely cited as supporting the view that men are the engines of
evolutionary improvement because they are inherently violent
competitors for sexual access. In this view, the most aggressive
"winners" in prehistory had the most sex with the most women, and
passed on their superior fighting genes to the largest number of
children. As a corollary, this theory says that our evolution was
driven by hierarchical processes, so that the most "natural" human
social system is one of dominance rather than cooperation.

The political implications of such views are obvious, and Neel and
Chagnon have long come under fire because of the uses that could be
-- and, in Chagnon's case, have been -- made of their work. Politics,
Chagnon and his defenders say, is what is really behind Tierney's
book and Turner and Sponsel's letter to the AAA. "The Turner letter
is transparently an attempt to destroy a man's career and plow salt
into the ruins," says journalist Andrew Brown, author of "The Darwin
Wars." Chagnon himself called Turner and Sponsel's letter "extremely
offensive" and said that Tierney, Turner and Sponsel have already
accused him of many of these crimes, in print and verbally at
academic meetings, repeatedly over the past decade. "This is just a
more elaborate extension of their long vendetta against me," he said.

Chagnon, for his part, has not been shy about returning the salvos
lobbed at him over the years. He portrays his professional enemies as
"leftists" and "Marxists," politically correct bleeding hearts who
are out to suppress the truth simply because they find it
unpalatable. While Chagnon's critics can boast overwhelmingly higher
numbers (including most Indian organizations, human rights groups,
missionaries, environmentalists, researchers and government officials
in Venezuela), Chagnon has a coterie of impressive, high-profile
defenders and allies in the scientific community. Most of them
declined to talk on the record, but their contempt for Chagnon's
accusers was visceral. Turner, one Chagnon partisan told me, is a
"swirling sophist."

Chagnon also has many sympathizers in the major media, perhaps
because of the growing popularity of the cultural views that his
research supports. In short, Chagnon seems to have considerably more
famous firepower on his side, and that adds up to a significant
public relations advantage in the United States and Britain. I soon
discovered, when I began asking questions, that many of Chagnon's
friends are certain, even before they have read Tierney's book, that
the charges against Chagnon, Neel and other anthropologists will
prove to be merely "ugly politics." They confidently frame the
conflict as Chagnon's manly "hard evidence" against his softheaded
critics' "emotional assertions."

So, are Tierney's red-hot 

[CTRL] Bush's service record

2000-09-28 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-


George W.'s Missing Year

Marty Heldt is a farmer. He told us, "I spent 17 years as a brakeman
[for the railroad] before moving back to the farm. That job had some
long layovers that gave me a lot of time to read and to educate
myself." He lives in Clinton, Iowa.

Nearly two hundred manila-wrapped pages of George Walker Bush's
service records came to me like some sort of giant banana stuffed
into my mailbox.

I had been seeking more information about his military record to find
out what he did during what I think of as his "missing year," when he
failed to show up for duty as a member of the Air National Guard, as
the Boston Globe first reported.

The initial page I examined is a chronological listing of Bush's
service record. This document charts active duty days served from the
time of his enlistment. His first year, a period of extensive
training, young Bush is credited with serving 226 days. In his second
year in the Guard, Bush is shown to have logged a total of 313 days.
After Bush got his wings in June 1970 until May 1971, he is credited
with a total of 46 days of active duty. From May 1971 to May 1972, he
logged 22 days of active duty.

Then something happened. From May 1, 1972 until April 30, 1973 -- a
period of twelve months -- there are no days shown, though Bush
should have logged at least thirty-six days service (a weekend per
month in addition to two weeks at camp).

I found out that for the first four months of this time period, when
Bush was working on the U.S. Senate campaign of Winton Blount in
Alabama, that he did not have orders to be at any unit anywhere.

On May 24, 1972, Bush had applied for a transfer from the Texas Air
National Guard to Montgomery, Alabama. On his transfer request Bush
noted that he was seeking a "no pay" position with the 9921st Air
Reserve Squadron. The commanding officer of the Montgomery unit,
Lieutenant Colonel Reese R. Bricken, promptly accepted Bush's request
to do temporary duty under his command.

But Bush never received orders for the 9921st in Alabama. Such
decisions were under the jurisdiction of the Air Reserve Personnel
Center in Denver, Colorado, and the Center disallowed the transfer.
The Director of Personnel Resources at the Denver headquarters noted
in his rejection that Bush had a "Military Service Obligation until
26 May 1974." As an "obligated reservist," Bush was ineligible to
serve his time in what amounted to a paper unit with few
responsibilities. As the unit's leader, Lieutenant Colonel Bricken
recently explained to the Boston Globe, ''We met just one weeknight a
month. We were only a postal unit. We had no airplanes. We had no
pilots. We had no nothing.''

The headquarters document rejecting Bush's requested Alabama transfer
was dated May 31, 1972. This transfer refusal left Bush still
obligated to attend drills with his regular unit, the 111th Fighter
Interceptor Squadron stationed at Ellington Air Force Base near
Houston. However, Bush had already left Texas two weeks earlier and
was now working on Winton Blount's campaign staff in Alabama.

In his annual evaluation report, Bush's two supervising officers,
Lieutenant Colonel William D. Harris Jr. and Lieutenant Colonel Jerry
B. Killian, made it clear that Bush had "not been observed at" his
Texas unit "during the period of report" -- the twelve month period
from May 1972 through the end of April 1973.

In the comments section of this evaluation report Lieutenant Colonel
Harris notes that Bush had "cleared this base on 15 May 1972, and has
been performing equivalent training in a non flying role with the
187th Tac Recon Gp at Dannelly ANG Base, Alabama" (the Air National
Guard Tactical Reconnaissance Group at Dannelly Air Force Base near
Montgomery, Alabama).

This was incorrect. Bush didn't apply for duty at Dannelly Air Force
Base until September 1972. From May until September he was in limbo,
his temporary orders having been rejected. And when his orders to
appear at Dannelly came through he still didn't appear. Although his
instructions clearly directed Bush to report to Lieutenant Colonel
William Turnipseed on the dates of "7-8 October 0730-1600, and 4-5
November 0730-1600," he never did. In interviews conducted with the
Boston Globe earlier this year, both General Turnipseed and his
former administration officer, Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth Lott, said
that Bush never put in an appearance.

The lack of regular attendance goes against the basic concept of a
National Guard kept strong by citizen soldiers who maintain their
skills through regular training.

Bush campaign aides claim, according to a report in the New York
Times, that Bush in fact served a single day -- November 29,1972 --
with the Alabama unit. If this is so it means that for a period of
six weeks Lieutenant George W. Bush ignored direct instructions from
headquarters to report for duty. 

[CTRL] Media Firms Buy Their Way To Political Access

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.public-i.org/story_01_092600.htm"Media Firms
Buy Their Way To Political Access/A

Media Firms Buy Their Way
To Political Access
By Bill Allison
(Washington, Sept. 27) The largest media firms have gained the kind of access
to the political process that only money can buy, according to a new report
from the Center for Public Integrity. “Off the Record: What Media
Corporations Don’t Tell You About Their Legislative Agendas” documents the
influence that the large broadcasting, cable and publishing conglomerates
wield in Washington.

In all, media corporations have pumped $75 million into the coffers of
federal candidates and parties since 1993. Since 1996, they’ve spent $111.3
million lobbying lawmakers and federal regulators. They’ve lobbied on issues
ranging from protecting intellectual property to eliminating the estate tax.
They’ve fought against restrictions on tobacco advertising in print and
alcohol advertising on the air, for eliminating the Federal Communications
Commission’s rules designed to prevent the concentration of the public
airwaves and the press in too few hands. They’ve fought against campaign
finance reform measures. They’ve even blocked non-binding resolutions
expressing the sense of Congress that television programming featuring
graphic violence shouldn’t be aired when young children are likely to be

Deepest pockets: Time Warner
Time Warner Inc. has the deepest pockets, the Center found. The company spent
nearly $4.1 million for lobbying last year, and since 1993, Time Warner and
its employees have contributed $4.6 million to congressional and presidential
candidates and the two political parties. On Nov. 17, 1999, to great fanfare,
the company announced it would no longer make “soft money” contributions to
the political parties.

(In the broadest sense, “soft money” is raised through party committees,
interest groups, corporations, labor unions or the wealthy. It is supplied in
limitless chunks, and is beyond Federal Election Commission regulation.)

Apparently, Time Warner’s top executives felt no need to follow their
company’s new line. Last Feb. 28, Timothy Boggs, the company’s senior vice
president for global public policy, gave $20,000 to the Democratic National
Committee, Federal Election Commission records show. On April 28, Robert A.
Daly, an executive with the company’s Warner Brothers subsidiary, gave the
DNC $50,000. On June 30, Richard Parsons, the company’s president, gave
$50,000 to the Republican National Committee.

The second heaviest media spender in Washington is the Walt Disney Co., which
paid $3.3 million for lobbying and just under $4.1 million in political
donations during the same times. Disney’s top executives have been cozy with
Vice President Al Gore, who was a guest of Michael Eisner, the company’s
chairman and chief executive officer, at a 1994 screening of The Lion King.
In  1995, staffers for Gore and his wife, Tipper, requested and received two
“Beauty and the Beast” costumes worth $8,600, custom-made in Los Angeles to
the Gores’ precise measurements, for their annual Halloween party. The day
before the event, the costumes arrived in Washington, along with a makeup
artist to apply the mask that the vice president would wear. At the time,
Disney was awaiting Justice Department and FCC approval of its $19 billion
acquisition of Capital Cities/ABC Inc., which owned the American Broadcasting
Co. (The deal was approved months later.) Disney is among Gore’s most
generous media supporters, having contributed $68,000 over the course of the
politician’s career.

Media gave $1 million each to Bush, Gore
Regardless of who wins in November, the next president will have gotten to
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. with more than $1 million in political donations from
media interests, the Center found. Gore has taken in $1.16 million; Texas
Gov. George W. Bush has received $1.07 million. Gore’s media money comes
mostly from the larger media conglomerates, such as Disney, Time Warner and
Viacom Inc.; Bush draws more heavily from smaller, regional broadcast and
cable companies.

Topping the list of Bush’s media patrons is AMFM Inc., owned by Hicks, Muse,
Tate  Furst, Inc., of Dallas, a firm that specializes in leveraged buyouts.
AMFM, the nation’s largest chain of radio stations, and its various
subsidiaries  have contributed $80,250 to Bush’s presidential campaign.
Thomas Hicks, the firm’s chairman, bought the Texas Rangers baseball team for
$250 million in 1998 from the ownership group that included Bush. (The high
sale price for the relatively small-market team was due in no small part to
the taxpayer-financed stadium, the Ballpark at Arlington, which was built for
the team while Bush, whose portion of the profit on the sale was $14.3
million, was an owner.) The Rangers aren’t Hicks’ only sports property — he
also owns a hockey team, the Dallas Stars. In 1997, Gov. 

Re: [CTRL] Shoah business

2000-09-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 They real issue is not how many Jews were killed. One was too many. The
 real issue is that certain people claim that the Holocaust was ONLY about
 Jews. Nothing could be further from the truth.

 For details see: http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/26.html

Holocaust = A burnt sacrifice to god. This is a Jewish concept, from the
Jewish bible. It was applied to the Jews who were gassesd and sent up in

This is NOT a generic term for genocide. Can you gentiles understand this
or do you need me to break it down into monosyllables?

When you use the term holocaust, you are ONLY talking about the Jewish
part of what happened in Christian Europe to the Jews.

If you want to generalize about genocide, then you have to use a different
word. If you say that the Germans practiced genocide in WWII, that would
include the Gypsies, the Jews, the Orthodox Serbs and some I don't know about.

When Jews talk about the holocaust they talk about their own part of it.

If you would like to talk about a different part of WWII make up you own


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [Fwd: (en) Our globalisation - Fighting Global Capitalism]

2000-09-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: (en) Our globalisation - Fighting Global Capitalism
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 23:07:00 -0500 (CDT)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Cover story from Workers Solidarity No 60

The world's 225 richest people have a combined
wealth equal to the combined annual income of
the world's 2.5 billion poorest people. A 4
percent levy on their wealth would provide
adequate food, safe water and sanitation, basic
education, basic health care and reproductive
health care for all those in the developing
countries. It is facts like these that
galvanised the massive protests against the WTO
in Seattle last September.

Everywhere the rich are getting richer while
most workers see little or no improvement in
their living standards. In the USA the wealth of
the top 1% is greater than that of the bottom
95%. In Mexico 40 people own 30% of the wealth
in that country of 95 million people. The
housing crisis in Ireland demonstrates how even
during an economic boom the gains don't go to
the working class.

The last 40 years have seen massive economic
development and an increase in human knowledge.
In the last 50 years man has gone to the moon
and sequenced the human genome. But the
capitalist system which delivered these miracles
is unable to help the tens of millions who die
every year because they lack access to basic
medicine and clean water. According to the UN
2.6 billion people have no access to sanitation,
2 billion have no electricity and 100 million
are homeless.

This inequality is fundamental to the way that
capitalism works. This is why anarchists have
and will continue to be at the heart of the
anti-capitalist protests in London (J18.
Mayday), Seattle (N30), Washington (A16) and
Prague (S26). But protest is not enough, we want
to change the world.

This article is from the print version of the Irish
Anarchist paper 'Workers Solidarity'. We also provide
a PDF file of the latest edition for you to print out
and distribute locally

See this and more articles on the web at


From Irelands's Workers Solidarity Movement

Read the International Anarchist Platform
and subscribe to the AP list

   The A-Infos News Service
  News about and of interest to anarchists
   WWW: http://www.ainfos.ca
   INFO: http://www.ainfos.ca/org

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Shoah business

2000-09-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I don't dispute anything you posted Kris regarding Finkelstein's claims.
 What I find interesting is that Finkelstein comes from a far left
 ideological position where questioning the motives of such figures as Elie
 Weisel is frowned upon usually.

The problem here is that you don't know what you are talking about. It
is precisely on the extreme left that you find the most extreme criticism
of people like Weisel and the general Jewish establishment. It is strongly
anti- Zionist, and with many of them, anti Jewish.

 But then again I have no idea what may be
 motivating Finkelstein; nevertheless, it is an intriguing dialogue that
 deserves to be followed by anyone familiar with the topic. The point I
 feel that is most relevant in his argument is his notion that abuses of
 the repayment shemes have led to little of this money being placed in the
 hands of the actual victims

This is absolutely true. My mother is a graduate of Auschwitz and has yet to
see any of the piddling dribble reach her. This is a shakedown. It's being
carried out by the usual suspects. Greedy elites and their shyster henchman.
In this case all the characters are Jews.

 and that Eastern Europe is due for some form
 of "shakedown" or "extortion" from the same organizations that are abusing
 the aforementioned system.

I wouldn't feel too sorry for the Germans and the Swiss and the Poles and the
others. They got away with murder, and their elites got away with most of the
stolen wealth. THESE greedy elites with their shyster henchman are Catholics
and protestants.


The lesson here is NEVER TRUST YOUR ELITES.



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Corporate giants now enforce thought control

2000-09-28 Thread Justine Blake

-Caveat Lector-

I see no one has commented on this article one way or the other, so I'm
curious. This being a conspiracy list, opposed to the NWO and all, is it
just me, or do I see an analogy to today's "liberal" mind-set of political
correctness, and it's INSISTENCE on "tolerance", Thought Control at its
best, regardless of who's other rights this idea of "tolerance" tramples on,
and sees no problem with it?

I only ask because there is something fundamentally wrong somewhere. I
suspect most people who define themselves as "liberal" are well-meaning
enough. But seeing where this Thought Control is leading, with its very
obvious clamping down on anyone who deviates from the pattern of thought and
behavior surely smacks of a certain
marxism/leninism/socialism/communism/nazism/fascism, does it not?

Don't get me wrong now. I'm only trying to feel my way, since politics was
never really of interest to me. But what with the New World Order right in
my face, well I find I must take notice.



 Corporate giants now enforce thought control

 September 22, 2000

 One of the distinguishing characteristics of a totalitarian system is
 that not only does the state impose an official ideology throughout
 but so do other institutions as well.  The "totality" at which the regime
 aims means that every sector of the society -- the economy and social and
 cultural institutions as well as government -- tries to make certain that
 one and no thing deviates from the pattern of thought and behavior being

 In the New Order now being constructed in this country and most of
 world, Thought Control is enforced not just by the state ("hate crime"
 public education and selective condemnation of dissident ideas) but also
 the mammoth corporations of the "global economy."  Here are several
 of how it's being done.

 When the Supreme Court ruled recently that the Boy Scouts of America
 not required to admit homosexuals as members or hire homosexual
 scoutmasters, both local governments and "private" corporations
 started retaliating by cutting off grants and access to important
 facilities.  Several cities denied the Scouts use of parks and other
 services, while Chase Manhattan Bank and Textron Corporation "have
 hundreds of thousands of dollars in support to local and national
 groups nationwide," as the New York Times reported last month.

 The rationale for this kind of ideological disciplining is, of
 "diversity," in the Orwellian language of Thought Control.  "Their [the
 Scouts'] position," a Chase spokesman says, "is, on the face of it, in
 conflict with our commitment and our values on diversity."  Chase's
 commitment to diversity apparently does not extend to respecting the
 different views of homosexuality.  That's why it's Orwellian.

 Go into a Barnes and Noble book store these days and you'll discover
 even more diversity.  The giant book chain, which contributes to
 by driving out of business smaller book stores across the country, now
 greets customers with a display entitled "Close the Book on Hate."

 The display is part of a joint project of Barnes and Noble and the
 Anti-Defamation League, which "have come together to help children better
 understand the richness and beauty of our multicultural society."  That's
 sweet -- except that the project assumes that anyone who disagrees with
 multiculturalism and its agenda of subverting distinctively Western
 and institutions is imbued with "hate" and "intolerance."

 "Intolerance," the display piously instructs us, "isn't something
 children are born with.  It's learned.  Therefore, it can be unlearned."
 The way to "unlearn" it, of course, is to buy the books on the display
 table, which would just happen to be profitable for Barnes and Noble.
 of the books seem innocuous enough, mainly a lot of drippy moralism about
 the "Holocaust" and several kiddies' books containing cute little lessons
 cartoon versions of multiculturalism.

 Nevertheless, the purpose is clear -- to popularize the idea that
 insistence on maintaining the cultural integrity of American society is
 "hate" and "intolerance" and that those who still believe in such
 have something wrong with them that can and should be "unlearned."

 Yet another lesson in how "tolerant" the corporate giants really are
 comes from the behemoth Wal-Mart.  Recently in South Carolina a gentleman
 named Maurice Bessinger, who owns a small barbecue restaurant chain and
 makes his own barbecue sauce, raised a South Carolina state flag outside
 of his restaurants, along with the Confederate flag.

 It's not the government Mr. Bessinger needs to worry about but
 which used to carry Mr. Bessinger's barbecue sauce nationwide.  Wal-Mart
 suddenly dropped the sauce from its shelves.  When I called the 

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: (en) Our globalisation - Fighting Global STATISM]]

2000-09-28 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

Please define:

a. Government
b. Private

What is the difference between these two concepts?


An acute first-class brain is the finest asset anyone can have- and,
if we want to be happy, it is an asset we must exploit to the
uttermost. -- Cicero

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: (en) Our globalisation - Fighting Global STATISM]]

2000-09-28 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
Please define:

a. Government
b. Private

What is the difference between these two concepts?

Under one it is dog eat dog. Under the other it is precisely the opposite.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Ooops! A correction...

2000-09-28 Thread Justine Blake

-Caveat Lector-

 Ooops! It should read: "So the onus is really on those "to the left"...
 Do I hear "giggling" in the background? :)


Gag well and regurgitate and gag some more :P

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Selfish, venal and materialistic

2000-09-28 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:


all, I submit there is not one person on this list who, had they been
born a
Rockefeller or a member of Royalty, would not intend to hold on to their

Power and Wealth.

There you go, projecting again.  Or maybe it's just sour grapes on your

Not everyone is as selfish, venal and materialistic as you appear to be.
Many of us live simply so that others my simply live. I certainly do. You
should, too.

Also, I take it you've never heard of the famous biologist, philosopher
and anarchist revolutionary Peter Kropotkin, who was born a Prince of the
House of Romanov. He worked for meager pay as a research scientist, living
in a cabin in Siberia, studing ornithology when he could have been
partying in the palace or cruising on the family yacht. He dedicated his
entire life to science and social justice. He never once cashed in on his
family conections.

Much of his philosophical thought is contained in the famous Mutual Aid
(1902), which explains the way his theories work. In being in opposition
to Darwinism, which stressed competition and conflict for survival and
regeneration, Kropotkin proposed the idea that cooperation was the chief
factor in the evolution and success of the species. This idea was based on
his scientific studies of Siberia conducted in the 1860's, where he
observed that sociability was dominant feature at every level of the
animal world. Especially among humans, cooperation was the rule rather
than the exception. In human societies, the way cooperation was undertaken
among humans had evolved, generally organized into five stages: primitive
tribe, peasant village, medieval commune, and finally, modern social/trade
association (Red Cross, trade unions, etc.). Even after the rise of
bureaucratic government, people still maintained some sort of localized
cooperation among themselves. The trend of modern history, therefore, was
going back towards decentralized, nonpolitical, and cooperative society.
In such an environment, men could develop their "creative faculties"
without inteference from rulers, religious leaders, or soldiers.

Here's some links:





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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Corporate giants now enforce thought control

2000-09-28 Thread Justine Blake

-Caveat Lector-

I see no one has commented on this article one way or the other, so I'm
curious. This being a conspiracy list, opposed to the NWO and all, is it
just me, or do I see an analogy to today's "liberal" mind-set of political
correctness, and it's INSISTENCE on "tolerance", Thought Control at its
best, regardless of who's other rights this idea of "tolerance" tramples on,
and sees no problem with it?

I only ask because there is something fundamentally wrong somewhere. I
suspect most people who define themselves as "liberal" are well-meaning
enough. But seeing where this Thought Control is leading, with its very
obvious clamping down on anyone who deviates from the pattern of thought and
behavior surely smacks of a certain
marxism/leninism/socialism/communism/nazism/fascism, does it not?

Don't get me wrong now. I'm only trying to feel my way, since politics was
never really of interest to me. But what with the New World Order right in
my face, well I find I must take notice.



 Corporate giants now enforce thought control

 September 22, 2000

 One of the distinguishing characteristics of a totalitarian system is
 that not only does the state impose an official ideology throughout
 but so do other institutions as well.  The "totality" at which the regime
 aims means that every sector of the society -- the economy and social and
 cultural institutions as well as government -- tries to make certain that
 one and no thing deviates from the pattern of thought and behavior being

 In the New Order now being constructed in this country and most of
 world, Thought Control is enforced not just by the state ("hate crime"
 public education and selective condemnation of dissident ideas) but also
 the mammoth corporations of the "global economy."  Here are several
 of how it's being done.

 When the Supreme Court ruled recently that the Boy Scouts of America
 not required to admit homosexuals as members or hire homosexual
 scoutmasters, both local governments and "private" corporations
 started retaliating by cutting off grants and access to important
 facilities.  Several cities denied the Scouts use of parks and other
 services, while Chase Manhattan Bank and Textron Corporation "have
 hundreds of thousands of dollars in support to local and national
 groups nationwide," as the New York Times reported last month.

 The rationale for this kind of ideological disciplining is, of
 "diversity," in the Orwellian language of Thought Control.  "Their [the
 Scouts'] position," a Chase spokesman says, "is, on the face of it, in
 conflict with our commitment and our values on diversity."  Chase's
 commitment to diversity apparently does not extend to respecting the
 different views of homosexuality.  That's why it's Orwellian.

 Go into a Barnes and Noble book store these days and you'll discover
 even more diversity.  The giant book chain, which contributes to
 by driving out of business smaller book stores across the country, now
 greets customers with a display entitled "Close the Book on Hate."

 The display is part of a joint project of Barnes and Noble and the
 Anti-Defamation League, which "have come together to help children better
 understand the richness and beauty of our multicultural society."  That's
 sweet -- except that the project assumes that anyone who disagrees with
 multiculturalism and its agenda of subverting distinctively Western
 and institutions is imbued with "hate" and "intolerance."

 "Intolerance," the display piously instructs us, "isn't something
 children are born with.  It's learned.  Therefore, it can be unlearned."
 The way to "unlearn" it, of course, is to buy the books on the display
 table, which would just happen to be profitable for Barnes and Noble.
 of the books seem innocuous enough, mainly a lot of drippy moralism about
 the "Holocaust" and several kiddies' books containing cute little lessons
 cartoon versions of multiculturalism.

 Nevertheless, the purpose is clear -- to popularize the idea that
 insistence on maintaining the cultural integrity of American society is
 "hate" and "intolerance" and that those who still believe in such
 have something wrong with them that can and should be "unlearned."

 Yet another lesson in how "tolerant" the corporate giants really are
 comes from the behemoth Wal-Mart.  Recently in South Carolina a gentleman
 named Maurice Bessinger, who owns a small barbecue restaurant chain and
 makes his own barbecue sauce, raised a South Carolina state flag outside
 of his restaurants, along with the Confederate flag.

 It's not the government Mr. Bessinger needs to worry about but
 which used to carry Mr. Bessinger's barbecue sauce nationwide.  Wal-Mart
 suddenly dropped the sauce from its shelves.  When I called the 

[CTRL] Recommendations!

2000-09-28 Thread Donald Park
Title: Recommendations!

 I see no one has commented on this article one way or the other, so I'm
 curious. This being a conspiracy list, opposed to the NWO and all, is it
 just me, or do I see an analogy to today's liberal mind-set of political
 correctness, and it's INSISTENCE on tolerance, Thought Control at its
 best, regardless of who's other rights this idea of tolerance tramples on,
 and sees no problem with it?
 Don't get me wrong now. I'm only trying to feel my way, since politics was
 never really of interest to me. But what with the New World Order right in
 my face, well I find I must take notice.

 Kris and all list members: May I humbly suggest that when we address one another we use the title Comrade Such as Yes, Comrade Justine, you are absolutly correct. And when we sign off use the Sig Heil since energetic gestures cannot be correctly demonstrated on e-mail list. This will assure uniformity and please our masters whoever they may be. And condition us for life in the New World Order. DP (which means among other things 'definitily perforated').

[CTRL] Denmark rejects euro

2000-09-28 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

Yahoo! Asia - News
Friday, September 29 4:46 AM SGT

Denmark rejects euro
Denmark rejected the euro Thursday, voting not to join 11 other
western European states in the common currency and raising new
questions about the pace and scope of Europe's political
In a national referendum, Danes balked at scrapping their historic
currency, the krone, for the troubled euro, and in the process
broadcast a message of concern about ceding local identity and
sovereignty to a European superstate.
One of the main leaders of the anti-euro campaign, far-right Danish
People's Party leader Pia Kjaersgaard, qualified the result as "a
victory for Danes' wish to defend democracy, self-determination and
the country's sovereignty."
About 53 percent of the four million voters who took part in the
landmark plebiscite decided against joining the euro zone with
around 47 percent in favor of entry, with almost 90 percent of votes
The referendum was regarded as a barometer of public confidence
in the currency itself and in efforts led by Europe's powerhouses,
particularly France and Germany, to consolidate the continent's
decision-making processes.
The euro, fresh from an unprecedented intervention by the world's
top central banks to prop it up, slipped back below the 88-cent
mark soon after the outcome of the Danish vote became clear.
The European currency has already lost nearly one-third of its value
since being launched on January 1, 1999 and analysts agreed that
a Danish 'no' vote would apply further downward pressure to the
struggling money.
The European Central Bank and Group of Seven countries have
however pointedly declined to rule out further intervention on money
markets to support the euro if it were judged necessary.
The message from Denmark was also certain to reverberate well
beyond its own borders, with Britain and Sweden -- the only other
EU states that have still not joined the euro zone, apart from
Greece, which joins in January 2001 -- listening with particular
In comments at the outset of Thursday's vote in Denmark, British
Prime Minister Tony Blair downplayed the impact it would have on
a raging debate within Britain on whether or not to make a stronger
commitment to Europe.
"Denmark has its own decision. We have our own decision," Blair
told BBC radio at the annual conference of the ruling Labour Party
in Brighton.
The Swedish leader, Prime Minister Goeran Persson, readily
admitted that the outcome of the vote in Denmark would have a
direct impact on sentiment in Sweden for closer integration with
"It's obvious that the result of the Danish referendum on the euro
will have an influence on the domestic debate in Sweden,"
Persson, one of Sweden's most public cheerleaders for the euro,
told state television.
Both Britain and Sweden have pledged to consult their citizens on
whether or not to join the euro zone, but neither country has yet
set a date for doing so.
France has vowed that European economic and political integration
will go ahead regardless of the outcome of the Danish vote, but
cautioned that a rejection could contribute to the development of a
"two-speed" Europe.
French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin however downplayed the
impact of the Danish vote, saying Denmark had little economic
weight within the European Union and its rejection of Europe's
money was "not a problem."
Analysts attributed the Danish rejection of the money to factors
ranging from right-wing fear about the dilution of Denmark's national
identity to worries that acceptance would cut the country's
generous welfare benefits.
Rejection of the euro was a stinging defeat for Prime Minister Poul
Nyrup Rasmussen, who turned the campaign in favor of the
currency into a personal crusade.
Rasmussen said last week however he would not step down if the
euro were rejected.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A matter of taste!

2000-09-28 Thread Donald Park

-Caveat Lector-

Comrades:  God!  I hope they (NWO) bring back those cool Nazi SS uniforms.
The Mao thing just looks to foppy for my taste.  SIG HEIL!

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Flight800: FIRO Update

2000-09-28 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Ian Goddard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Flight800: FIRO Update
Date: Monday, September 18, 2000 1:48 AM

 From the Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization (FIRO):

Date: 18 Sep 2000 02:57:58 -
Mailing-List: ListBot mailing list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Thought you'd like to know

FIRO - http://flight800.org

Dear Citizen:

TWA Flight 800 crashed off the coast of Long Island, NY in the summer of
1996.  Over 600 eyewitnesses were interviewed by the FBI.  NOT ONE witness
was ever allowed to testify at ANY public or closed-door hearing on the
crash.  See the second article, linked below

Lead FBI TWA investigator James Kallstrom said the U.S. Navy conducted
"classified maneuvers" on the night of the crash.  To THIS day, the Navy
is hiding information from the night of the crash about "the movement of
significant Naval units" under a cloak of "National Security."  See the
first article, linked below, for the full story.

1) "National Security Invoked Regarding TWA Flight 800" at:

Discusses the Navy's decision to invoke "national security" to hide
information concerning "the movement of significant naval units" on the
night Flight 800 crashed.  Details various ship movements near the crash
site and highlights the closest ship (3 miles), which the FBI has been
unable to identify.

2) "The Eyewitnesses: A brief review of official declarations" at:

Discusses the gathering and analysis of eyewitness evidence in the federal
investigation of TWA Flight 800.  Astonishing, contradictory stances taken
by the National Transportation Safety Board Witness Group are revealed.

acquaintances if you find the articles interesting.  Provided as a free
service from Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization (FIRO)-

Tom Stalcup
Chair, FIRO

PS: To receive similar, free updates directly, sign up at the bottom of
the Flight800.org main page.

To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

Asking the "wrong questions," challenging the Official Story

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: JFK Assassination Research Meeting in Dallas

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

From John Judge:

ps - For those interested, COPA is holding a regional meeting in Dallas
Nov 20-22, disucssing the MLK and JFK assassinations. Dick Gregory,
Judge Joe Brown, Jerry Ray, Phil Melanson, myself, Bill Kelly, and
probably William Pepper will be attending. A moment of silence will be
held on the Grassy Knoll at 12:30 on the 22nd. Discount rates available
at the Paramount Hotel, 302 S. Houston St., off Dealey Plaza ($59
single/$69 double), just mention COPA when you call to reserve at
214-761-9090. Events will be held at the Paramount, no fee.

[CTRL] Iraq decided to no longer accept dollars for oil..

2000-09-28 Thread Donald Park

-Caveat Lector-

Comrades:  DOES THIS MEAN WE SHOULD BUY GOLD?  "Will they take food stamps?


Printer Friendly Version

Can Iraq's Policy Affect the US$ and Euro?

Iraq decided to no longer accept dollars for oil... what do you think will
be the effect on the greenback and on the Euro?"

The burning question in cyber-space today is "Will this policy be limited to
just Iraq?"

In my opinion, we will see the dollar having to bid for Euro's instead of
oil directly. That will reverse the current Euro-Dollar relationship. It
will create a high demand for Euro's causing a higher Euro valuation; the
dollar will significantly devalue against the Euro by 30% or more. Also,
since the Euro is market-aligned with gold, which represents 15% of its
current value, the price of gold will also rise in dollars and Euro's, but
much more so in dollars -- probably above $600+ per ounce or more. As gold
changes in value, so too will the Euro. Gold will become a proportionately
higher (or lower, since gold is marked to market value against the Euro
quarterly) percentage of backing for the Euro as gold rises (or lowers).

The current Goldgate derivatives fiasco in paper gold contracts (see
www.gata.org) has the potential to blow the roof off of the gold price. Were
that to happen, the Euro, because of its market tie-in with gold prices and
low external debt, would find itself strongly backed by gold and when marked
to the market price of gold would strongly devalue the dollar to a
potentially devastating 50% or less of its current value. Combining these
two factors, you have a replacement world reserve currency in the making.

It is possible that other oil countries could follow Iraq's lead by allowing
payment in Dollars or Euro's for oil. This dual payment system would, of
course, be too attractive for European countries to pass up and would
therefore open the door to significant dollar holdings being converted to
Euro's. Eventually, this would lead to the Euro as becoming the preferred
choice in oil payment currency because the currency value is earmarked to
gold's market value and would represent a less inflationary and stronger
long-term value to the oil interests.

All the pieces would seem to be in place for this seemingly minor payment
acceptance decision, yet the impact on the Euro, gold, oil, and dollar
prices would rock the world. It would cause a rush to the exits away from
the dollar to the Euro. No wonder, then, the Bank of England, the ESF, and
bullion banks want to keep a lid on the price of gold (see GATA link above).
For a significant rise in the price of gold or oil in dollar terms would
only tend to exacerbate this significant shift in currencies -- it would
become just too good (for oil interests) to pass up.

This would also reverse the trade deficit for the US, as a devalued currency
would make US-made products much more attractive in world Euro-based
markets. Its effects in the US would be to cause a rush to Euro-based
investments and obviously cause the US stock market bubble to create a
whooshing sound as dollars are moved into Euro-based stock markets and
precious metals too. Just look currently at how the recent Intel and Kodak
profit announcements have effected the higher Price/Earning ratios of these
two companies -- a one-hour 30% downward adjustment. The US equity markets
are just too high in their average P/E's and we would see a quick erosion of
the average PE to a more traditional and conservative level but not before
an overswing occurred in the opposite direction. It is easy to see why the
US has held a strong-dollar policy and would appear to be pulling the stops
out in order to protect that policy.

It is gold's hidden agenda as a currency that has caused the gold investors
plight of late. [It is true -- all currencies are based on the price of
gold, especially the dollar (and now the Euro). This is not a G7 official
position but one would have to lack intelligence to not see the relationship
gold holds with all world currencies. It is the only commodity held in
quantity by world central banks -- 32,000 tons to be more precise. This
reservoir of gold is much like a holding tank or overflow tank in a closed
liquid system with big leaks. The banks can use their stash to stabilize the
system until the loss of gold is too rapid and the system needs more gold
because the reservoir can't (or won't) keep up -- such is the case today].
The dollar-based countries (either by backing or by trade) have had to
protect the dollar by holding back the price of gold, especially since the
Euro is market bound to gold. Any strong rise in the price of gold would
make the Euro a very strong and desirable currency. It seems that this chess
match is much too far along and the dollar is now trapped in playing it
until the end, but has lost far too many pieces and is now in a defensive
game with apparently no way out.

When looked at in this perspective, one 

[CTRL] Fwd: DiCaprio Lookalike Aliens

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

London Star

UFO Leo mystery
 LEO: He's a real star from up above - literally

UFO researchers are probing a baffling out-of-this-world phenomenon ... of
women, who claim they've been whisked into flying saucers and ravaged by
Leonardo Di Caprio lookalikes !!!
The females - including married and single girls - say the blonde haired
blue-eyed hunks introduced themselves as "Angels."
But then the 'Nordic' looking space casanovas got up to some decidedly
devilish behaviour !
One wife called Diana told Stateside investigator Donald Worley how she was
abducted by one ET hunk, who made her "cheat on her husband."
But she claimed that she enjoyed every moment of the Inter-Galactic
encounter of the very closest kind, and achieved many mind-blowing orgasms.
Another woman - an academic called Penny who has a formal degree in
Philosophy - also told how she fell victim to a milky-way seducer who looked
like the star of 'Titanic' and 'The Beach.' .
But the rumpo-crazed alien didn't linger for an after-play style cuddle
after having his evil way with her. Instead he played her scenes from the
world's future and warned her of earth's coming destruction.
UFO expert Worley, who has taken formal statements from a number of victims,
said: "This doesn't help their image as supposed angels.
"In three cases, we have the human/nordic sex act in an out-of-body state.
This shall I say is most un-angel like.
"In two more cases, we have the male suffering sperm loss, and temporary
In the strange investigation, UFO expert Worley met a number of women, who
alleged sexual frolics with aliens.
And some men suspected that they had been tampered with by glamorous
red-headed female ETs, who damaged their victims' private parts because they
were SO rampant.
*Married woman Diane from rural Missouri first encountered a handsome alien
when she was a child. But he only developed a strong sexual interest in her
when she entered womanhood.
In a statement, Diane recalled details of her out-of-this-world sex
She said: " It was love for him and a sexual desire that went beyond
anything on earth. I am purposefully blocking out a lot of it for I now feel
such sadness and guilt. I cheated on my husband.
"It is difficult to explain the sex we had together, for it seemed to be
other dimensional. I was at his place, and I remember the outside wall was
glass. It went far, far beyond anything we can do on this earth plane. The
orgasms were constant, fast, furious.
"I remember looking up at his beautiful face. God ! I could have consumed
*Philosophy graduate Penny also made a statement about sex with a spaceman
during the investigation. But she did NOT go into intimate detail.
She claimed that the incident happened in "an altered state time", and FULL
sexual intercourse occurred.
Earlier aliens had asked for lessons in kissing and cuddling from the
strait-laced academic who lives in Toronto, Canada.
*Cheryl from New Hampshire also reported nightime frolics with a number of
Leo lookalikes. They told her that they were attracted to her because she
was really one of them in human form.
Indianopolis based UFO expert Worley, who has been investigating cases for
the past 35 years, confirmed: " These beings wear skin-tight garments or
beautiful white robes.
Their telepathic communications are soothing, and they project an intense
feeling of love for the abductee. Some persons have remained in a euphoric
state for weeks afterward."
*Women aren't the ONLY ones to complain about unwanted sexual advances. A
number of men also came forward to complain.
Aeroplane parts dealer Robert, from Virginia, says randy spacewomen have had
their way with him against his will.
He told Worley he had even suffered damage to his todger during one frenzied
encounter with a " beautiful red-head.".
And a Church Minister from Western Canada came forward to say that he was a
victim too. 
The Reverend, who has a number of university degrees, believes he was once
involved in an alien bedroom threesome, though he cannot remember the exact

[CTRL] ABCNEWS.com : Italy Networks Slammed for Child Porn Report

2000-09-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 17:14:20 -0500
From: "Amelia Kay Edgeman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 3:42 PM
Subject: ABCNEWS.com : Italy Networks Slammed for Child Porn Report


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] John Winston Interview

2000-09-28 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

The second Anomalous Radio interview with John Winston was postponed
due to network problems. The new mplayerbout an hour before airtime due
to internal server problems, so we have decided to reschedule the broadc-
europe.com went down aast in the next day or two. This is a relatively new
site so occasional problems are to be expected.

The mplayer-europe.com chat room is a very exciting venue for radio
shows. There are usually 200-300 people at this site and each room has a
cam which can be passed to various participants. Text chat is easy and
you can listen to the live interview on one easy interface.

If you do not already have a free account at mplayer-europe.com, you are
really missing out on some fun. And it is free.

Set up an account today and check out the new webcan chat lobby.



}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

}}} RADIO ANOMALY {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Jazz (Cable, DSL)

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] ABC: FBI Eyes Bush Media Aide in Debate Tape Mystery

2000-09-28 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Tape Case Suspect

FBI Eyes Bush Media Aide in Debate Tape Mystery

Karen Hughes, spokeswoman for GOP presidential candidate George
W. Bush, has questioned whether “someone in Washington is playing
politics” with the FBI investigation of a debate preparation tape
that ended up in Al Gore’s camp. (Wilfredo Lee/AP Photo)


A U S T I N, Texas, Sept. 28 — FBI agents have zeroed in on a
suspect in their probe into how GOP presidential candidate George
W. Bush’s secret debate prep material ended up in the hands of an
adviser to his Democratic rival, Al Gore.

Yvette Lozano under fire. RealVideo

The suspect, Yvette Lozano, is employed by a media consulting
firm that works for the Bush campaign in Austin, Texas.

 Lozano told ABCNEWS today that agents have fingerprinted her
— for a second time — and have confiscated her office computer.

 Late last week, two agents questioned her and, in an
exclusive interview with ABCNEWS, she says they warned her that
her arrest was a possibility.

 “Their words were, ‘We guarantee you will not be arrested if
you tell us right now who put you up to this,’” Lozano said.
Video Raises Questions The agency’s suspicions were aroused by
surveillance video from a post office security camera in Austin
that showed Lozano mailing a package on Sept. 11.

 Two days later, former Rep. Tom Downey, who had been helping
Gore prepare for upcoming debates, received a package —
postmarked Austin — containing briefing documents and a tape of
George W. Bush engaging in mock debates.

 Lozano insists the package she sent did not contain the
video, but a pair of pants from The Gap that she was sending back
for her boss, Bush media adviser Mark McKinnon.

 “I offered to take the lie detector test,” she told ABCNEWS.
“I’ve offered my fingerprints on numerous occasions. I’ve given
them multiple samples of my fingerprints. And the truth is on my

 McKinnon said the fact he received another pair of Gap pants
in exchange for the other ones, is proof Lozano is telling the

 And the Bush campaign faults the FBI for focusing its
attention on Lozano instead of casting a wider net.

Bush Team, FBI Clash The Bush campaign is crying foul, accusing
the Clinton administration of interfering with the inquiry.

 “Someone in power in Washington … has leaked erroneous
information implicating a young woman who is innocent,” Bush
spokeswoman Karen Hughes told reporters Tuesday. “This causes us
to seriously question whether the FBI is being allowed to do its
job and actually investigate or whether someone in Washington is
playing politics with this investigation.”

 For his part, McKinnon expressed certainty that Lozano was
not involved in mailing the tape.

 “We know that when they discover who it is that it will have
no connection to the Bush campaign,” McKinnon said. “It will have
some connection to the Gore campaign.”

 The Gore campaign has complained it is being set up to take
the blame and defended the FBI.

 “They’re a professional law enforcement agency,” Gore
spokesman Chris Lehane said. “We’re very, very comfortable having
the FBI take up this investigation. For some reason, the Bush
campaign does not seem to be very comfortable with the FBI.”

 Lozano may have fallen under suspicion because she and
McKinnon have a history of helping Democrats. Lozano worked for
former Texas Gov. Ann Richards, whom Bush unseated, and state
Rep. Vilma Luna. McKinnon, who runs Maverick Media consulting in
Austin, also worked for Richards as well as other Democrats
before signing on with the Bush team.

 McKinnon said he gave the FBI his credit card information so
agents can track the package and corroborate their story. And
both McKinnon and Lozano have offered to take a lie detector

Mole at Large?

The Bush campaign also has sought to link the episode to the
recent suspension of a Gore campaign staff member who bragged he
knew of a “mole” on the Texas governor’s team but then retracted
his initial statement after being questioned by ABCNEWS.

 “The Gore campaign has obviously had a problem because they
have had to suspend one of their employees for boasting about the
presence of a mole,” Hughes said.

 “I think the man ought to tell us who it is,” said Bush on
Larry King Live. “I would like to know who it is.”

 There is no indication that the two matters are related.

ABCNEWS’ Jackie Judd, Chris Vlasto, Mark Halperin, John Berman,
Ariane DeVogue, Beverley Lumpkin and Brian Hartman contributed to
this report.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL