Tk 8.0 y la eñe

1998-11-18 Thread Francisco Callejo

He comprobado que el comportamiento de Tcl 8.0 y Tk 8.0 (de debian
hamm) es diferente en el tratamiento de la ñ y las letras acentuadas.
Por ejemplo, Tcl cambia perfectamente entre mayúsculas y minúsculas,
pero Tk no lo hace; tampoco admite títulos de ventanas con esos
caracteres.  He intentado recompilar Tk, pero sigue igual.

¿Es un problema propio de Tk, o tiene que ver con la configuración de
X-Window? ¿Sabe alguien cómo se puede solucionar?


Francisco Callejo Giménez
Bornos, Cádiz, España

Re: Impresora remota y PS

1998-11-18 Thread Jose Illescas

On 17-Nov-98 Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 17, 1998 at 03:01:04PM +0100, Jose Illescas wrote:
 Por que en la impresora aparece lenguaje solicitado no disponible.
 Ah... es una HP LJ 5? Debería funcionar. La tarjeta es una JetDirect? Creo
 que hay un FAQ sobre eso... del Printing-HOWTO:
   HP Laserjet printers with Jet Direct interfaces generally support two
   built in lpd queues - raw which accepts PCL (and possibly Postscript)
   and text which accepts straight ascii (and copes automatically with the
   staircase effect). If you've got a JetDirect Plus3 three-port box, the
   queues are named raw1, text2, and so forth.
   Some printers (and printer networking black boxes) support only a cheesy
   little non-protocol involving plain TCP connections. Notable in this
   category are early-model JetDirect (including some JetDirectEx) cards.
   Basically, to print to the printer, you must open a TCP connection to the
   printer on a specified port (typically 9100, or 9100, 9101 and 9102 for
   three-port boxes) and stuff your print job into it. This can be
   implemented, among other ways, in Perl:
 en el primer caso, tienes el nombre de la cola de impresion mal, no es
 trusa sino raw a menos, claro, que la impresora este configurada de otra
 forma (que es posible). En el segundo, tienes que abrir una conexion al
 puerto correcto, con rm=maquina%puerto *creo*, mira printcap(5)

Quizas no me he explicado bien.

La impresora imprime perfectamente. Cuando no imprime es cuando le mando
ficheros postscript, evidentemente por que mi HP LJ 5N no tiene postscript. Por
eso estoy sospechando que lo que no actua es el filtro


/\   _`\
\ \ \L\ \ __   _   __  __
 \ \ ,__/'__`\/\ '__`\/\ \/\ \  /',__\
  \ \ \/\  __/\ \ \L\ \ \ \_\ \/\__, `\
   \ \_\ \\\ \ ,__/\ \/\/\/
\/_/\// \ \ \/  \/___/  \/___/
---Talavera de la Reina, Spain-


1998-11-18 Thread Raül Pérez Justícia
 Instale el debian 2.0.?
  El problema viene con dselect   aunque es poderoso le falta mucho pero mucho 
 por depurar !!
  No ofrece unos buenos menu, la falla mas grave es cuando ocurre algun tipo 
 de error
 termina   y no ofrece de ningun tipo de opcion para reintentar
 Alguna sugerencia
 Lord of Linux

Sólo es una sugerencia tal y como pides...
Yo no uso dselect sino que lo instalo todo a mano, o sea que si necesito
las X primero instalaré el xbase (y todas sus librerias relacionadas
cuando me las pide) y demás...
Con esto consigo tener instalado solo lo que quiero i asi limpiar mi
disco de paquetes que no voy a utilizar nunca o casi nunca.

Facilmente lo puedes saber mirando un ficherito ( si no me equivoco ) que
lo tienes en /etc/version.

|o | ___ |o|Raul Perez Justicia
|  | ___ | |
|  | ___ | |   
|  | ___ | |
|  |   ||
| HD  |   | O  |.   _   Vocal i Webmaster de AEIGI
|_ ___|___||`--(_=

Re: Los tropiezos en la instalacion

1998-11-18 Thread Raül Pérez Justícia

 Cuando pregunte como instalar los paquetes manualmente
 me referia a instarlo y configuralo al mismo tiempo ( mostrandome
 informacion detallada de que esta haciendo )
 se que dpkg -i nombre.deb se instala pero como realizo el resto ???

Veamos cuando haces un dpkg -i paquete.deb instalas ese paquete y si
ese paquete necesita algún tipo de configuración pues te pide para
configurarlo. Con esto conseguirás que todo paquete que instales lo
configures al acto.

Si en algún momento no necesitas configurar un paquete ya que tienes que
tocar algo antes lo puedes volver a configurar con 
dpkg --configure nombre_paquete

Pues venga... que vaya bien.

|o | ___ |o|Raul Perez Justicia
|  | ___ | |   
|  | ___ | |   
|  | ___ | |
|  ___ |
| |   ||
| HD  |   | O  |.   _   Vocal i Webmaster de AEIGI
|_ ___|___||`--(_=


1998-11-18 Thread Herranz Martin Rogelio

Bingo! Asi es.

On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Lord of Linux wrote:

 Alguien sabe como instalar los paquetes de debian manualmente
 se que es algo como :
 dpkg -i  nombre.deb
 Lord of Linux
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Impresora remota y PS

1998-11-18 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 07:45:07AM +0100, Jose Illescas wrote:

 La impresora imprime perfectamente. Cuando no imprime es cuando le mando
 ficheros postscript, evidentemente por que mi HP LJ 5N no tiene postscript. 
 eso estoy sospechando que lo que no actua es el filtro

De magicfilter:

Depends: libc6 (= 2.0.7u)
Recommends: lpr | lprng
Suggests: dvips, gs (= 3.33) | gs-aladdin, pbmplus | netpbm, libjpeg-progs | 
libjpeg-gif, libtiff-tools

tienes instalado gs o gs-aladdin?


Re: Impresora remota y PS

1998-11-18 Thread Jose Illescas

On 18-Nov-98 Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 07:45:07AM +0100, Jose Illescas wrote:
 La impresora imprime perfectamente. Cuando no imprime es cuando le mando
 ficheros postscript, evidentemente por que mi HP LJ 5N no tiene postscript.
 eso estoy sospechando que lo que no actua es el filtro
 De magicfilter:
 Depends: libc6 (= 2.0.7u)
 Recommends: lpr | lprng
 Suggests: dvips, gs (= 3.33) | gs-aladdin, pbmplus | netpbm, libjpeg-progs |
 libjpeg-gif, libtiff-tools
 tienes instalado gs o gs-aladdin?

Si, tengo el gs instalado.
Acabo de probar un sencillo script para probar y me funciona. El script es:

cat $* | /etc/magicfilter/ljet4-filter | lpr

con esto puedo imprimir los postscript, pero con el /etc/printcap no hay manera.


/\   _`\
\ \ \L\ \ __   _   __  __
 \ \ ,__/'__`\/\ '__`\/\ \/\ \  /',__\
  \ \ \/\  __/\ \ \L\ \ \ \_\ \/\__, `\
   \ \_\ \\\ \ ,__/\ \/\/\/
\/_/\// \ \ \/  \/___/  \/___/
---Talavera de la Reina, Spain-

Problemas con el host

Hace poco instale la version 2.0 de la distribucion Debian. Despues de 
configurarla, empece a probar, y me he encontrado con un problema. Resulta
que al escribir en un terminal de xwindow xterm -display debian:0.0  
no muestra ningun terminal nuevo el la pantalla. En cambio, si escribo 
xterm -display :0.0 si que funciona. Tambien me ocurre que no puedo 
arrancar un segundo servidor grafico con : startx -- :1.0.
Al trabajar con la libreria MPICH, solo puedo correr un proceso con 
mpirun. Si trabajo con mas procesos, se queda colgado. Creo que es porque 
al hacer rsh localhost este no responde. 
Creo que todos estos problemas se deben a que falla la conexion con mi 
localhost. He mirado el fichero /etc/hosts y tiene la siguiente entrada: debian

Por lo que creo que esta correctamente configurado. He instalado las 
librerias de sockets y no consigo encontrar el problema. 
Agradeceria mucho que alguien pudiera ayudarme.

Re: Impresora remota y PS

1998-11-18 Thread Fernando
Hola de nuevo:

He modificado /etc/printcap como me indicabas en tu respuesta y ha
quedado de
la forma siguiente:

lp|lj|hplj3|HP Laserjet III:\ 
:lp=lp:\   # He probado con esto y sin ello 

rlp|Remote printer entry:\

puedo imprimir archivos ascii con lpr -P rlp sin problemas
pero cuando intento imprimir con lpr archivo, no imprime nada.
al hacer un lpq las colas parece que se han actualizado.

Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'HP Laserjet III' (bounce to rlp)
 Queue: no printable jobs in queue
 Status: server finished at 12:21:32

Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (dest [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 'Remote printer entry'
 Queue: no printable jobs in queue
 Status: server finished at 12:21:32

no se genera ningun log.

¿Sigo haciendo algo mal?


Linuxero entre infieles.

1998-11-18 Thread Jose Eugenio Marchesi Corcostegui


  Soy un linuxero que estudia en la Escuela Universitaria de 
Informatica de la Politecnica de Madrid (un nombre muy largo para tan 
poca cosa :-)). Como se lee en el subject, estoy entre infieles. Si, a la 
gente le atrae LiNUX, como una alternativa interesante, e incluso hay una 
asignatura en la que el primer ejercicio es instalar un sistema LiNUX. 
Sin embargo, no he encontrado la cobertura tal vez deseada (soy de primer 
curso) para poder desarrollar alguna actividad (colaborando con LuCAS, 
por ejemplo, o con INSFLUG). Por eso, envio esto en busca de alguien que 
este en la Escuela, o simplemente, por cercania a la misma, este 
interesado en montar algo. 

   Por cierto, A alguien aparte de a mi mismo le da problemas 
la instalacion del soporte W3 para XEmacs en la version Hamm de 
Debian? (La distribuida por Linux Actual este mes de octubre).

  Melkor Hacker.

Adobe Capture o similar ?

1998-11-18 Thread Juan_Carlos_Valero
Hola a todos:

Pregunta de trivial... hay algun paquete en Debian/Linux que equivalga a
Adobe capture en funcionalidad ? El proposito es el poder scanear una
cantidad elevada de documentos y guardarlos como pdf ( o ps ), a fin de
tener unos ficheros pdf ( o ps ) con las imagenes de los documentos y su OCR
correspondiente con indices de busqueda.

Es posible ?
Hay algo que no me involucre estar con tres programas distintos ( uno de
scanner, uno grafico y un OCR ) ?

Un saludo,

Juan Carlos Valero

Problemas instalando Wmaker 0.20 de Slink

1998-11-18 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
He probado de instalar el WMaker 0.20 que hay en Slink (¿esta en HAMM?)
instalando primero todas las dependencias correctamente.

Pero al instalar el paquete  wmaker_0.20.2-1.deb me informa de una
viloacion de segmento ( Quien sera ese Segmento ? :-) ).

Lo he probado con el paquete que he encontrado en el ftp Rediris y en
el de la Universidad de Sevilla.

¿Esta este paquete corrupto?¿Me falta alguna cosa?

He vuelto a instalar el WMaker de Hamm pero he perdido los iconos, si
alguien sabe donde han ido que me lo diga sino ya los buscare.

PD : el paquete xbase de slink tambien tiene 'relaciones' con ese tal
Segmento. No se si es normal porque bajando otros paquetes me ha dado el

Nombre de paquete + version.deb is not a plain file 

¿Que significa, aparte de que esta corrupto?.

Muchisimas gracias.

PD2: para cuando estara el Deity? o donde esta?

Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:  

Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de

Ayuda sobre el Chooser

1998-11-18 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Con el xdm viene una utilidad chooser que si no me equivoco sirve
para poder seleccionar a que servidor xdm desear realizar una conexion.

Dode puedo encontrar info para configurarlo (no tengo ni la pagina man)

Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:  

Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de

Debian en Venezuela

1998-11-18 Thread Lord of Linux
Donde puedo adquirir los CD de debian en Venezuela .
No quiero molestar amigos pidiendome que me compren los CD

Gracias por su ayuda
Lord of Linux

Re: Linuxero entre infieles.

1998-11-18 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 02:42:04PM +, Jose Eugenio Marchesi Corcostegui 

 poca cosa :-)). Como se lee en el subject, estoy entre infieles. Si, a la 
 gente le atrae LiNUX, como una alternativa interesante, e incluso hay una 
 asignatura en la que el primer ejercicio es instalar un sistema LiNUX. 

Se está cayendo la pregunta... ¿qué sistema es el del ejercicio?

Por cierto, A alguien aparte de a mi mismo le da problemas 
 la instalacion del soporte W3 para XEmacs en la version Hamm de 
 Debian? (La distribuida por Linux Actual este mes de octubre).

A unos cuantos cientos ;-) Creo que hay unos paquetes nuevos...


Re: Criticas a Debian

1998-11-18 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Tue, Nov 17, 1998 at 09:50:35PM +0100, Antonio Castro wrote:
 On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Enrique Zanardi wrote:
   When you install this package, it sets up a cron job that will anonymously
   e-mail the Debian developers periodically with statistics about your
   most used Debian packages.
 Los mas usados ?
 No solo los instalados ?
 Esto es una chulada. Existe algo com?n a todos los paquetes que permita
 controlar su uso ? Se hace un find a lo bestia con unas condiciones
 determinadas de fechas de acceso sobre ficheros, se hace de otra forma ?

Ni idea. Use the source, Luke...
   This information helps us make decisions such as which packages should go
   on the first Debian CD.  Also, we can improve future versions of Debian
   so that the most popular packages are the ones which are installed
   automatically for new users.
  (sin comentarios)
 Pues a mi se me ocurre uno. This information helps us
 Esta esa informaci?n disponible para el usuario normalito ?
 Si es as? porque no mencionas donde podemos consultar esa informaci?n ?
 Decir que todo eso ya se est? haciendo me parece muy bien pero esto
 que me comentas me entero ahora pese a haberlo preguntado hace bastante.

Hay cientos de actividades en marcha dentro de Debian, y lamentablemente
mis días tienen 24 horas. (Supongo que los de Santiago también). A veces
no encuentro tiempo para responder a algunos mensajes, lo que no
significa que me resbalen.
  En Debian hay gente dedicada a mantener paquetes, gente dedicada a
  mejorar las herramientas (picando c?digo), gente dedicada a escribir
  documentaci?n, gente dedicada a mejorar las p?ginas web, gente dedicada a
  escribir y distribuir comunicados de prensa, gente dedicada a hablar con
  empresas para adaptar sus productos a nuestra distribuci?n, gente
  dedicada a probar los paquetes (amigabilidad, instalaci?n,
  actualizaci?n, uso, ...) ?me podr?as decir qu? otras areas nos estamos
  dejando de lado?. 
 Y donativos en met?lico que tambien los hay, pero yo no lo he puesto en
 duda la existencia de toda clase de colaboraciones. 
 Algunas de las areas que mencionas son t?cnicas. (Documentaci?n traduccion,
 mantenimiento de webs). Esas otras tareas que mencionas de tipo 
 auto promoci?n o marketin no sab?a que existieran. Supon?a que alguien
 hac?a algo de eso porque es inevitable pero no sab?a que existieran
 grupos de trabajo o listas dedicadas a estas cosas. Me puedes decir
 alguna lista donde se discuta de estos temas ?

debian-testing, debian-www, debian-publicity, debian-doc, ...

Todas las listas de Debian están enumeradas en la página web, junto con
información de para qué sirve cada lista.
  Si se desea mejorar Debian, no hace falta crear cauces para canalizar el
  esfuerzo de los colaboradores no t?cnicos. De eso ya tenemos. Hacen
  falta m?s colaboradores, t?cnicos y no t?cnicos.
 Dices que hace falta ayuda y que no hacen falta cauces.
 Yo creo que multiplicando por diez la ayuda actual de Debian que es
 much?sima seguir?a habiendo problemas. Yo considero que la ayuda est?
 mal repartida. No digo que sea facil repartirla pero decir que no hacen
 falta ning?n cauce m?s, es poner a Debian en la cumbre de la perfecci?n.

repartir la ayuda es un concepto difícil de aplicar en el caso de un
esfuerzo voluntario. La gente colabora en lo que le apetece, y le dedica
el tiempo que le apetece. Eso no se puede cambiar, por mucha campaña de
concienciación que se haga. No podemos obligar a nadie a trabajar en el
sistema de instalación si lo que a él le gusta son las aplicaciones para
radioaficionados (por ejemplo).

Repito que los cauces existen (listas de correo, páginas web, grupos de
trabajo, servidores FTP, CVS y demás herramientas de trabajo en grupo,
reglamentos, ...). ¿Qué otra cosa necesitamos?. Más gente.

A tí te preocupa la facilidad de instalación. A mi también. Curiosamente
hay decenas de personas, particulares y empresas, aquí mismo, en España,
que han desarrollado o están desarrollando métodos alternativos para
facilitar la instalación de Debian (o que se montan su propia
distribución para solucionar la dificultad de instalación de Debian).
Algunos de ellos han resuelto problemas que nosotros tenemos anotados en
nuestra lista Por-hacer. ¿Por qué no colaboran directamente con Debian,
aportando sus soluciones?. ¿También nos faltan cauces para canalizar la
aportación de colaboradores técnicos?

 No duso que cada vez Debian ser? m?s y m?s amistoso . La duda es si iremos
 siempre por detras en esto con respecto a otras distribuciones. Si se
 considera que este objetivo no es importante yo lo considero un error.

Se considera que es importante. Por eso hay gente trabajando en el apt y
en los boot-floppies. Pero estoy seguro de que Red Hat o SuSe dedican
muchas más personas * horas-de-trabajo que Debian a la instalación del
sistema. (Y muchas menos al resto).

La mayoría de los 400 desarrolladores de Debian se 

¡PROBLEMO!, ¡La cagada del dia!

1998-11-18 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Agárrate los machos por que la cosa es larga.

Esta tarde en un alarde de virtuosismo me he cepillado la configuración de
las X que también me iban hasta ahora. Me baje todo lo necesario para que
funcionara el Window Maker 0.20.2-1 que hay en unstable con todos los
paquetes wm* y al darme un problema de dependenciascon librerías con wmss no
se me ocurre otra cosa que bajarme xlib6g_3.3.2.3a-7.deb (unstable) y
machacar el ya existente en mi sistema (el que viene con hamm, yo tengo hamm

Pues bien, los programas que corren sobre X, no todos, pero si la mayoría,
me dan mensajes de error y algunos ni arrancan o se cuelgan. Aquí envío una
lista de lo que ocurre cuando lanzo Netscape Communicator 4.04, xterm y The

$ netscape 
netdcape: locale 'es_ES' not supported by Xlib; trying 'C'.
netscape: locale 'C' not supported either.
If the $XNLSPATH directory does not contain the proper config files
Netscape will crash the first time you try to paste into a text
field. (This is a bug in the X11R5 libraries against which this
program) was linked.
Since neither X11R4 nor X11R6 come with these config files, we have
included them with the Netscape distribution. The normal polace for
these files is /usr/X386/lib/X11/nls/.
If you can't create that directory, you should set the $XNLSPATH
enviroment variable to point at the place where you installed the

Netscape no llega a arrancar

$ xterm 
Warning: locate not supported by Xlib, locate set to C
Warning: X locate modifiers not supported, using default
Failed to open input method

xterm si arranca

$ gimp 
locate not supported by Xlib, locate set to C
can not set locate modifiers

Gimp si arranca

$ xadmin 
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/xadmin/bin/xedit-users line 6355
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/xadmin/bin/xedit-users line 6355
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/xadmin/bin/xedit-users line 6355
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/lib/xadmin/bin/xedit-users line 6355
xadmin arranca pero al intentar eliminar un usuario se cuelga mostrando en
el error repetidas veces

Aparte de mi cagada, ¿que pasa?, ¿puedo arreglarlo de alguna manera?. He
intentado eliminar la xlib6g nueva y poner la antigua con dselect pero nada,
además eso trae un montón de follones de dependencias. ¿Puedo solucionarlo
de forma suave o me he de jorobar y empezar desde cero reinstalando el SO
a lo Windows justo cuando lo tenia a punto?.

Perdón por la longitud del mensaje pero es que estoy un poco desesperado y
se que si no sois vosotros, no me va a ayudar nadie mejor.


Re: ¡PROBLEMO!, ¡La cagada del dia!

1998-11-18 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 08:25:15PM +0100, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:

 Pues bien, los programas que corren sobre X, no todos, pero si la mayoría,
 me dan mensajes de error y algunos ni arrancan o se cuelgan.

 Reinstala xlib6g


Marcelo o Billy el Rápido: ¡GRAAACIAS!

1998-11-18 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
20:25:15, Javi tiene problemas y envía un correo a la lista de sus amores a
ver que pasa, sorprendentemente, parece que le rebota el mensaje, ¿ha habido
un error?, ¿me lo devolverá el mailer daemon del servidor por algo?,...
¡Spla!, ¡pero si es la respuesta a mis problemas! y me ha llegado a las
20:29:08, eso va al Guiness Marcelo.

Bueno fuera de coñas, mil gracias.

Ahí va otra, esta breve: al ejecutar wmss me dice,
wmss: error with shared libraries: RError... no se que

¿qué me falta por instalar?, tengo rulando ya el Window Maker último
modelo, eso es lo que me falta. Por cierto, ¿donde hay temas sonoros para

Cambiando de tema, respecto a la crítica de Debian, me parece que no se
deben hacer críticas tan alegres del trabajo desinteresado y voluntario de
un buen puñado de personas que lo único que buscan es mejorar el ya
acojonante sistema Debian. Que le faltan retoques en amigabilidad de
instalación y marketing...pss, ¡pues si!, pero según mi opinión: quien
quiera más que lo diga y SE MOJE. Por mi parte no me mojo pues no se si
sirvo de algo al equipo de desarrollo y mantenimiento de Debian, si la
respuesta es si, ¡encantao de enmarronarme!.

Gracias a todos,

Error al enviar correo desde Netscape a la lista

1998-11-18 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Cuando envío correo desde el Netscape Communicator 4.03 y Debian 2.0 los
mensajes me rebotan y me dicen:

You should not send mail from your root account.  Our listserver
ignores mail that comes from a daemon.  Please use adduser and
create a regular user account for you and send mail from that account.


Debian listmaster

   Debian GNU/Linux - The Universal Operating System

¿Qué pasa?, antes no me ocurria.

Instalación de KDE y error

1998-11-18 Thread Gabriel B.

He puesto esto en las news, pero no me contestan mucho y estoy un poco

Distribución Debian 2.0 (completa) no la de LA.

Serían dos cuestiones:
Al iniciar KDE, antes de cargar los iconos del escritorio me sale lo
Imposible encontrar el tipo mime application/x-tbz en
Antes no me pasaba, algo he hecho. Y así no puedo crear enlaces en el
escritorio, con iconos, a programas.

Instalé KDE con: dpkg -i nombre_del_paquete.deb y no se ha
instalado en /opt/kde

Entonces en el .bash_profile me dice que ponga:
export KDEDIR=/opt/kde
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/kde/bin

pero estos directorios no los tengo, qué debo poner. O he instalado mal.

Algunas cosas no me funcionan como el kppp, kuser, y otras. (aunque les
ponga el path) Las aplicaciones no KDE sí me funcionan.

Si alguien tiene la paciencia de responderme se lo agradecería.


Un Saludo.
Gabriel B.


Re: Linuxero entre infieles.

1998-11-18 Thread Antonio Castro
On Wed, 18 Nov 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 02:42:04PM +, Jose Eugenio Marchesi Corcostegui 
  poca cosa :-)). Como se lee en el subject, estoy entre infieles. Si, a la 
  gente le atrae LiNUX, como una alternativa interesante, e incluso hay una 
  asignatura en la que el primer ejercicio es instalar un sistema LiNUX. 
 Se está cayendo la pregunta... ¿qué sistema es el del ejercicio?
 Por cierto, A alguien aparte de a mi mismo le da problemas 
  la instalacion del soporte W3 para XEmacs en la version Hamm de 
  Debian? (La distribuida por Linux Actual este mes de octubre).
 A unos cuantos cientos ;-) Creo que hay unos paquetes nuevos...

Dices en una lista de Debian que Linux es dificil de instalar tengo 
que decirle que mi experiencia personal era la de recomendar Debian 
a los que desean instalar Linux por primera vez.

Muchas veces he regalado CD's de Debian a compañeros porque tengo 
grabadora de CD's pero a pesar de que solo los doy a los que me lo
han solicitado expresamente muchas veces me los han devuelto.

Pero Linux no es dificil de instalar algunos de los que me han devuelto
el CD se gastaron las pelas al poco tiempo en una distribucion SuSe y 
están maravillados. Esto me produce una sensación extraña a la que 
intento dar respuesta en la lista de Debian exponiendo mis críticas,
pero no consigo respuestas que me aclaren el enigma de porque. SuSe está 
creciendo mucho pero parece ser que en Debian no hay nada criticable o
mejorable. No lo entiendo. 

Sinceramente no conozco SuSe pero según me dicen es bastante más facil 
de instalar.

Yo me quedo con Debian por muchas razones pero estoy empezando a recomendar
SuSe a algunos compañeros porque estoy arto de quedar mal. Esto no necesito
justificarlo porque me guste o no es la realidad que yo he comprobado. 

La revista Solo Linux acaba de salir trae la distribución Suse 5.3 
con 4 CD's y cuesta 2.995 ptas. En esta revista se califica a Debian 
como una buena distribución, pero dificil de instalar respecto a RedHat
y mucho más respecto a SuSe.

Debian me gusta más, trae más paquetes y es gratis, pero para empezar
parece que Suse es mejor. Sinceramente me siento rarísimo diciendo
esto porque me considero un Debianero irrenunciable y más decir todo esto
en una lista de Debian pero más o menos informado procuro ser totalmente 
imparcial y sincero. La verdad duele y no se si estoy en posesión de la 
verdad pero es posible que así sea porque me está doliendo.

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En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Debian: Configuración del nucleo

1998-11-18 Thread fgijon

Quiero cambiar la configuración del nucleo para que soporte
particiones del disco duro vfat32 y por mas que intento arrancar
mediante el comando make xconfig o make oldconfig no hay manera.

Tengo la distribución Debian 2.0 Hamm y he introducido los comandos
desde el directorio /usr/scr/Kernell 2.0.32, /usr/scr/Linux y similares.

Gracias anticipadas. Salud.

Re: Criticas a Debian

1998-11-18 Thread Andres Herrera

On Tue, Nov 17, 1998 at 09:50:35PM +0100, Antonio Castro wrote:
 Los que si se ponen en el pellejo del prinicipiante son RedHat y Suse. 
 Para ellos el número de usuarios es su razón de ser. Para Debian parece
 que no porque continuo pensando que la cantidad de fuerza bruta de Debian
 poseé es mucho mayor pero se gasta en otras cosas. El mantenimiento de la
 enorme cantidad de paquetes de Debian es algo que no podrían hacer RedHat
 ni SuSe aunque quisiearan a no ser que partan del trabajo ya realizado por
 Debian y lo incorporen a la distribución comercial. La importancia que yo
 doy al número de usuarios es porque en Linux usuarios y desarrolladores
 van de la mano y si Debian continua perdiendo cota de popularidad frente a
 otras distribuciones podría llegar a desaparecer (torres más altas han
 caido) debido a un efecto de liderazgo de otras distribuciones. Bueno
 facil de que ocurra no es pero seamos más humildes.
 No duso que cada vez Debian será más y más amistoso . La duda es si iremos
 siempre por detras en esto con respecto a otras distribuciones. Si se
 considera que este objetivo no es importante yo lo considero un error.

Yo no soy colaborador de Debian, solo un usuario que intenta popularizar
Linux (Debian ,concretamente) en la empresa en que trabaja.

He probado RedHat y Slack, ademas de Debian, y aunque esta discusion me
parece muy enriquecedora, creo que discrepo en varios puntos.

Yo empece con Slack96, y sin Inet ni nadie conocido avance poco. Pase a
Debian 1.3.1 y me parecio el paraiso.

Cuando probe varias RedHat me lleve una desilusion enorme: a pesar de mi
escaso nivel, tuve la guindosera sensacion de que todo era demasiado
facil, y eso, desgraciadamente, produce sensacion de falta de control y de
que el ordenador te esta instalando y haciendo cosas sin que tu lo sepas.

Debian, comparado con RedHat (y Suse), me parece mas profesional, y me
parece genial que no todas las distribuciones vayan a buscar al novato.
Cuando se busca facilidad hasta ciertos extremos se acaban sacrificando
la claridad y la flexibilidad, amen de la fiabilidad (caso RedHat).

Deben existir distribuciones para principiantes, pero tambien distribuciones
mas profesionales para los no principiantes. Debian es la distribucion ideal
para los no principiantes (y esta muy bien que sea asi): con esa cantidad de
paquetes, con su enorme nivel tecnico y con la seriedad y fiabilidad de sus
distribuciones, tiene todas las papeletas para ocupar ese lugar.

Se debe intentar mejorar la facilidad, sobre todo durante la instalacion,
pero creo que es buena idea no concentrar en este punto demasiados esfuerzos
que despues se echen en falta en otros aspectos.

No me cambieis la Debian, porfa!!! ;-)

POWERED BY Linux. Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.0.35 - User reg. 66054
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Antequera (Malaga) - Spain

Re: Linuxero entre infieles.

1998-11-18 Thread Lord of Linux
Estoy usando por primera vez debian.

He usado otras distribuciones de linux la Slackware ( probe las distribuiciones 
lite de SuSe y
Openlinux , Red Hat no lo he probado ni tengo mucho interes en instarlo )
tengo la version 2.0 hamm ( se que es inestable , tratare de conseguir la 2.1 , 
lo mas pronto
posible )
La instalacion es dificil ( sobre todo  en la parte de dselect )
Creo que el dselect fue creado para alejar a los novatos ?
No me trabaja Xwindowdecidi instarlo manualmente paquete por paquete
y revisa que es lo que pasa !!
Empeze de cero , volvi a darle formato  a las particiones y listo
ahora me doy cuenta que tengo problemas con algunas librerias
Estoy tratando de determinar la causa del problema
La faq de dselect es mala , no ayuda en nada
El deselect es malo por: No ofrece ayuda, no se que se ha  instalado , no se 
cuales son los
errores , etc !!!

En la lucha
Lord of Linux

Re: Stable GUI Web Browser

1998-11-18 Thread David Warnock
** Reply to message from Martin Bialasinski
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 17 Nov 1998 23:57:15 +0100

 Let's not talk about the food :-)

I quite agree, we have far too many Macdonalds and Burger King.


David Warnock
Sundayta Ltd

Re: How big is my H/D ?

1998-11-18 Thread wb2oyc
If you need to use DOS you'll have to upgrade the BIOS, twiddle the BIOS
to work (try something like CHS=1023/64/63), or use a hack like Ontrack
Disk Manager.

Not so.  Just make sure that your DOS partition and any Linux root is
completely within the limits of the 504MB.  The problem comes from the
BIOS being old and not permitting access to cylinders beyond the 1024

Linux doesn't have any problem with that, UNLESS you use Lilo.  Linux
itself DOES NOT use the BIOS, but Lilo does, and that is why any root
must be within the limits of the BIOS itself.

Just use the rest of it for the other partitions, such as /usr and /home.
Its kinda cool in a way because you can have everything other than the
root itself beyond the limit, and DOS will never see it and therefore
can't screw with it either.  Not only DOS by the way, but NT won't like
it either...the difference tho' with NT is that if it sees a partition
out there, it will refuse to use it, but it will see it.


Program like Partition Magic

1998-11-18 Thread Eliezer Figueroa
I know there is a free program that can change the size of a partition 
without lose of data. Someone know how to get it?

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: leased line problem again

1998-11-18 Thread john
Carey Evans writes:
 Presumably -ip disables TCP/IP over the PPP link.

Yes,  It is an undocumented synonym for 'noip'.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: partition table on dos zip disks

1998-11-18 Thread Peter Berlau
On Tue, Nov 17, 1998 at 03:57:44PM -0600, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
Hi Rick
if it is a original zi-medium try
if scsii and You have 2 scsi-disks
mount /dev/sdc4 -rw -tvfat /mnt
often mount /dev/sdc4 /mnt works also
on normal hds
mount /dev/hdc4 /mnt
4 is the partition of original zip uses, however


Re: Program like Partition Magic

1998-11-18 Thread Bob Nielsen

On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Eliezer Figueroa wrote:

 I know there is a free program that can change the size of a partition 
 without lose of data. Someone know how to get it?
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Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Console mode with 80x24 possible?

1998-11-18 Thread Rainer Clasen

 Can I rebuild the kernal to use my entire display?
 My hamm-equipped laptop has an 800x600 screen.  When in console mode
 it uses only the middle of the screen for an 80x24 display -- even
 though there's room on the screen for at least 120x32.

try adding vga=extended or vga=ask to your boot-prompt


KeyID=58341901 fingerprint=A5 57 04 B3 69 88 A1 FB  78 1D B5 64 E0 BF 72 EB

Description: PGP signature

Xircom RealPort anyone?

1998-11-18 Thread Ian Keith Setford

I was wondering if anyone knows what chip is used in the 10/100 Xircom
RealPort PCMCIA adapter for notebooks.  I read Donald Becker's page and it
says that the card bus is unsupported but it has no mention of the adapter

Anyone using this with Debian?




PGP = F2 92 50 E3 CD D7 A2 D9  C4 CE 08 A6 98 E0 0F 58

Re: Pre beginner

1998-11-18 Thread Kevin
You may also want to try using one of the Tecra boot images instead.

Santiago Vila Doncel wrote:
 On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Rombalski, Emmanuel wrote:
  I am trying to install Debian Linux on a PC clone with a genuine Intel
  166MMX processor, 64MB SDRAM, a Western Digital 2.5GB IDE hard drive, a
  Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 Pro PCI video card, and a generic NE2000 compatible
  NIC.  I created a 400 MB DOS 6.22 bootable partition and left the rest of
  the drive raw.  I downloaded all the files (via HTTP) from Debian that were
  specified in the download portion of the getting started guide.  When I run
  the install.bat from the DOS prompt Linux begins booting
  (uncompressing), flashes some unreadable messages and then my computer
  reboots.  What am I doing wrong?
 Try not to load any DOS device driver before running install.bat.
 If needed, modify your config.sys file.
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** UN*X ** Live free or die!

Re: where'd my cd go?

1998-11-18 Thread Joseph Hartmann
 Resent-Date: 17 Nov 1998 19:53:25 -
 Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-Mailer: exmh version 2.0.2 2/24/98 (debian) 
 Mime-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 16:24:32 -0600
 From: Richard E. Hawkins Esq. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Resent-Message-ID: JwGRCC.A.NJ.0QdU2@murphy
 X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/25688
 Precedence: list
 Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Unless my memory has faded even more, a possibility I won't rule out, 
 used to be able to mount cd's with 

mount /dev/hdc /cdrom -t iso9660

Here's what works for me:

mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom

where -r is read-only
-t iso9660 is the type
/dev/hdc is the drive -- check with dmesg to find out what device your
  -- drive really is (it might be /dev/hdb)
/mnt/cdrom is the directory you have to create before you try to mount



 I now get, 

 mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only
 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,
or too many mounted file systems
 eyry:/home/hawk# mount /dev/hdc /cdrom -t iso9660
 mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only
 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,
or too many mounted file systems

 Have I forgotten something?  

 I've tried this with my imsl documentation disk, and a couple of 
 windows disks.

 I just bought a gaggle of windows programs for the kids as the local 
 dollar store had them for .99 and 1.99, and I need to get them off the 
 cd's and onto the laptop.  Preferably to run under dosemu and windows 
 . .

 (hey, my 7 year old can use linux.  And preferred linux games like 
 xjewel to the fancy windows stuff.  I'm trying to keep her sheltered 
 long as possible, and not have to explain the ugly facts of the real 
 world--like microsoft :)


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Re: linux operating system

1998-11-18 Thread Joseph Hartmann
 Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 15:45:53 -0500 (EST)
 From: Ossama Othman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Ossama Othman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc: Debian User List, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


  go to to see the whole history of the thing.  In a
  nutshell: Richard M. Stallman had the idea to create a free unix
  clone. Others liked the idea and helped him.  Linux wrote the
  first working kernel. The ESSENCE of the idea is computer code
  that is totally open to examination and/or change.

 You've got your facts confused.

I confess to my Linux typo when I meant Linus (Torvalds).  By
facts confused are you referring to this typo?  If not, I would
like to know to what.  



   Linux Torvald's created the Linux kernel.
 Richard Stallman founded the Free Software Foundation that is 
 for creating most of the GNU utilities that most, if not all, Linux
 distributions use.  The Linux kernel basically runs an operating system
 that is comprised predominantly of GNU utilities, in most cases.  Linus
 Torvald's did not create GNU nor did GNU, i.e. the Free Software 
 Foundation, create Linux.  Linux by itself is not an operating system.

 It is for this reason that Debian refers to its Linux distribution as:

 Debian GNU/Linux
^^^ ^

 Here are some Linux related sites that might be of interest:

 By the way, the FSF is working on their own kernel called the Hurd.  
 Hurd will probably also run an operating system comprised mainly of GNU
 utilities, just like most Linux distributions.  In fact, Debian is
 developing its own Hurd distribution.

 Ossama Othman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 58 60 1A E8 7A 66 F4 44  74 9F 3C D4 EF BF 35 88  1024/8A04D15D 

Problem with X...Windowmaker...locale?

1998-11-18 Thread Ehren Wilson
Hello I just recently started running slink and I have run into a a
problem with X or Windowmaker.  XDM starts up fine, but when I log in,
the screen goes black and then returns me to the login screen.  I have
included my .xsession-error file to see if anyone has the same problem
or knows how to fix it.  

--- .xsession-error ---

/etc/X11/Xsession: xmodmap: command not found
Imlib Init
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: X server does not support locale
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: cannot set locale modifiers
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not load font set 
-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*. Trying fixed.
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not load fixed font!
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not load font set 
-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*. Trying fixed.
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not load fixed font!
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not create font set 
-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*. Trying fixed
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not load any usable font
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not create font set 
-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*. Trying fixed
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not load any usable font
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not create font set 
-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*. Trying fixed
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not load any usable font
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not create font set 
-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-*-*. Trying fixed
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not load any usable font
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not create font set 
-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*. Trying fixed
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not load any usable font
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not create font set 
-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*. Trying fixed
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: could not load any usable font
/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker fatal error: got signal 11 (Segmentation fault)

/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker warning: trying to start alternative window 
WindowMaker aborted.

--- end ---

Thanks in advance for your help.

Ehren Wilson
Engineering Coop Student  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept of Chemical  Materials Engineering   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Alberta  PGP key ID 7841CB11

For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat
and wrong. -- H. L. Mencken

Re: Program like Partition Magic

1998-11-18 Thread Joseph Hartmann
 Resent-Date: 18 Nov 1998 01:28:33 -
 Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-Originating-IP: []
 From: Eliezer Figueroa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain
 Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 17:27:56 PST
 Resent-Message-ID: 6C_3yC.A.xoD.ALiU2@murphy
 X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/25709
 Precedence: list
 Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I know there is a free program that can change the size of a partition 
 without lose of data. Someone know how to get it?

I know it is called fips, but I don't know where you can get it.


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1998-11-18 Thread Phil Dyer
Hi all,
Trying to upgrade to svgalibg1.0.3 or dummy but dpkg won't let me
replace the current svgalib.  Just trying to install gs, ghostview.  How
do I get around this?

Re: Is name server discovery possible?

1998-11-18 Thread Michael Beattie
On 17 Nov 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Marc Haber writes:
  The canonical way would be to pass them to /etc/ppp/ip-up.
 Yes, of course.  The questions is what to do with it after that.

Have ip-up call a setuid program to specifically edit resolv.conf or
named.conf, if they exist. it could also have options for --no-named
--no-resolv. Is ip-up called as root? then the editing program could have
  r-x-- root, root

Just an Idea. I'd have a go at it.. Anyone object? I'll have a go at the 
new pppd too. 

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Retract stupid question about linux-java - a permission issue

1998-11-18 Thread Michael Beattie
On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Chip Grandits wrote:

 A.P. Bell wrote:
  Don't know much about Java.  You should temporarily change the permissions 
  /dev/audio and /dev/dsp to 666 and run your applet -- to ensure that your 
  trick has worked.  Also, a method such as play() is likely overriden and so 
  alternative method like play(audio_device_name,...) will likely exist.
  Again, I don't know anything, just trying to give you some feedback because 
  one else has thus far.
  Andrew Bell
  I feel pretty stupid, your idea in fact worked!  I guess I've never been 
 bitten by
 a permission
 snafu enough to go right to the beginning.  It's funny how people have to 
 tell you
 the obvious
 routes to try.
 To be honest  I must not really understand permission
 the application appletviewer, which comes with a jdk is really a symlink to a 
 # ls -l .java_wrapper
 -r-sr-xr-x1rootroot3462Jun 19 01:36.java_wrapper
 I assumed the 's' in the owner's 'x' spot meant that this executable would 
 the owner's (i.e. root's) permission.  But this wouldn't work until I changed
 /dev/audio to
 chmod 666. (previously it was 660).  I guess I don't fully understand.
 Maybe it's something like .java_wrapper invokes a library, and the library 
 has to
 have the
 permission??  Or that 's' doesn't really mean what I think it means??
 Much Thanks,
 I guess until I figure it I'll live 'dangerously' with /dev/audio at chmod 

My /dev/audio is 660:
crw-rw   1 root audio 14,   4 May 28  1997 /dev/audio

Then all users that use sound are added to group audio.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   Bother, said Pooh, as he fell into the liquid iron ore crucible
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Console mode with 80x24 possible?

1998-11-18 Thread Michael Beattie
On Tue, 17 Nov 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can do this in a default mode if you use the 'append vga=x'
 in your /etc/lilo.conf where x is the mode you want

Or put vga=x in the global section of lilo.conf

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   Drive nail here ( ) to need a new monitor.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: downloading kernel image

1998-11-18 Thread Alan Tam
I had the same problem before. After that I used Getright (in Win95) to 
download it or
as Bob said use an FTP client if you are familiar with the FTP software.


Mark wrote:

 I downloaded all the files necessary (from debian homepage) to install
 Linux on my computer, but when I tried to download the Linux kernel
 image it first opens the file, which looks like machine code, then I did
 a save as and my only choices are html or txt. How do I save the kernel
 I'm using Netscape 4.0
 Any help would be appreciated!
 MK Smith

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Re: Dj660c-filter and stepping

1998-11-18 Thread Alan Tam
Hi Joseph,

Thank you for your suggestion. I've solved my printing problem from  
the hints given by Bob and

There is a dj550c-filter in the magicfilter package from Debian and 
replace the last command with '
default text ' as instructed by the installer and that is it. It works fine 

Thank you.

Joseph Hartmann wrote:

  Resent-Date: 16 Nov 1998 11:07:17 -
  Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
  X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 00:08:27 +1200
  From: Alan Tam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
  X-Accept-Language: en
  MIME-Version: 1.0
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
  Resent-Message-ID: jkGBjD.A.wlG.kdAU2@murphy
  X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/25492
  Precedence: list
  Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hi all,

  Is there a filter for HP Deskjet 
 660C in the Debian Packages ?
  So far I can get from magicfilter_1.2-24.deb is dj550c-filter.

  I am trying to print the manual 
 pages through my HP Deskjet
  660c. A
  question on how to eliminate the stepping effect when I issue the
  man printcap  /dev/lp1

  From the Printing-HowTo, there is an 
  #The above line should really have the whole path to perl
  #This script must be executable: chmod 755 filter
  while (STDIN){chop $_; print $_\r\n;);
  #You might also want to end with a form feed: print \f;

  Should I leave the STDIN as is or replace it with lp1 or something 

  Thank you.
  Alan Tam

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 One way to do this is to purchase the Technical Reference from
 Hp.  I bought one for my Hp Inkjet 540 for $16.  In the manual it
 explained to me how to stop the staircasing effect.


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Re: Dj660c-filter and stepping

1998-11-18 Thread Alan Tam
Hi Hernan,

Thank you for your info, but the command ' man printcap |
/etc/filter.pcl  /dev/lp1 ' didn't work.  I got a permission denied
error. With you and Bob's  hint I tried ' man printcap|lpr ' it works.
Printing perfectly without any stepping at all.

Thank you.


Alan :

There is a filter for avoid the star-stepping effect :


 Is there a filter for HP Deskjet 660C in the Debian Packages ?

 So far I can get from magicfilter_1.2-24.deb is dj550c-filter.

 I am trying to print the manual pages through my HP Deskjet
 660c. A
 question on how to eliminate the stepping effect when I issue the
 man printcap  /dev/lp1

just do

man printcap | /etc/filter.pcl  /dev/lp1

 From the Printing-HowTo, there is an example
 #The above line should really have the whole path to perl
 #This script must be executable: chmod 755 filter
 while (STDIN){chop $_; print $_\r\n;);
 #You might also want to end with a form feed: print \f;

 Should I leave the STDIN as is or replace it with lp1 or something

 Thank you.
 Alan Tam


   Hernán J Cervantes Rodríguez
   Instituto de Física da USP
   e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   homepage :

Re: Dj660c-filter and stepping

1998-11-18 Thread Alan Tam
Hi Bob,

Thank you for your info, but the command ' man -t printcap|lpr '
didn't work.
With your hint I tried ' man printcap|lpr ' it works. Printing perfectly
without any stepping at all.

Thanks anyway. Since I am new to Linux, I don't know the command
style in Unix/GNU/Linux. Now I know the symbol '|' means piping. In Dos
I usually use
'type printcap  lpt1' and that will print to the printer.

Thank you.


On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Alan Tam wrote:

 Hi all,

 Is there a filter for HP Deskjet 660C in the Debian Packages ?

 So far I can get from magicfilter_1.2-24.deb is dj550c-filter.

 I am trying to print the manual pages through my HP Deskjet
 660c. A
 question on how to eliminate the stepping effect when I issue the
 man printcap  /dev/lp1

The reason you are getting the stepping is that this is going as raw
to the printer, not through any filter. You need to pipe it through lpr,

not send it directly to /dev/lp1.

The ghostscript printer compatibility page
( indicates that the cdj550
driver (which is called by dj550c-filter) is the correct one to use with

the 660C, so you should use the dj550c-filter in magicfilter.

To print a man page, use 'man -t printcap|lpr'.

 From the Printing-HowTo, there is an example
 #The above line should really have the whole path to perl
 #This script must be executable: chmod 755 filter
 while (STDIN){chop $_; print $_\r\n;);
 #You might also want to end with a form feed: print \f;

 Should I leave the STDIN as is or replace it with lp1 or something

The easy way is to let magicfilter do the work for you.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [Fwd: H E L P !!!!]

1998-11-18 Thread Leandro Dutra
 Your Absolutely right !!
  If I had the CD I would of used it !
It was just a suggestion... it's so much easier, and many people do
not know they can boot from it, so they install the operating system from
floppies in order to be able to use the CD later.

Anyway, there is so much more packages to install after you get the
OS (operating system) installed, that if you are in the US, Europe or
otherwise could possibly get a CD in a reasonable time frame, it will be
worthwile.  Diskettes aren't reliable, you know.  But all installation can
be done from diskettes, I myself did not have a CD when I did my first

 My information was you were had knowledgeable on the process of
  this software via raw data floppies as described in installation
I myself do not know much... other people in the list have more and
better knowledge than me.  Anyway, no knowledge is enough without a full
description of error.  So many little things can go wrong, from a physical
error in the diskette surface to a not-so-clear dialogue, that without the
details we are in the dark.

  The only Indication of any error was on installation of 2,3  4, base
  floppies it
  stated 2 out of 6  which tells me you used the some of the same raw
  1.2 floppies as 1.44 ---
  But there was not any indication of errors ---
Anyway, what is the exact, verbatim message you get when the process
goes wrong?  If you send this details to the list, I am sure someone will be
able to help.

When I asked you for more details, I intended to give other people
in the list who would read your answer better conditions of fixing your
problems, because I myself will not be of much help.  So, you need to send
your answer to the list, not to me personally.  That way other people with
the same problem as you will benefit as well.

Other details that would be important are the machine you have, its
configuration, and which version of Debian GNU/Linux you got.

Still hoping we can help!

Re: Sendmail configuration

1998-11-18 Thread M.C. Vernon

  I have to do some tricky sendmail configuration. Can anyone give me a
  guide as to what to do with all those .m4 files?
 yep, choose the ones you want and stick them in your /etc/mail/
 file and then run /usr/sbin/sendmailconfig


FEATURE(genericstable)dnl ?

  The basic problem, is that I need to run one set of rewrites for local
  mail and one for external mail(i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED] when sending
  locally becomes say [EMAIL PROTECTED] when sending local mail and
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] when sending external mail)
 this is an odd requirement... why do you want to do this?  i am aware of
 no easy way to do this and am having difficulty imagining a circumstance
 where you would be forced to (or would want to).  can you give us a little
 more info to work with?

Right: my machine is University Computing Service (UCS)
rules say that [EMAIL PROTECTED] are not allowed to be valid email
addresses. I therefore tell sendmailconfig that my mail hostname is {This is because when using exim, my mail smarthost would just
bounce things with a cannot route to sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] even
if I had set the From: line correctly}.

Internal mail, therefore needs the hostname bit changed to, so that people replying to local mail reply to the
sender locally rather than trying to send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (which is
a valid external mail address in many cases).

External mail, however, needs to substitute peoples email
addresses. For example, user emma needs to have [EMAIL PROTECTED],
mcv21 needs to become [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and so on.

 you might check out genericstable and the userdatabase i believe that they
 might do what you want but you would have to maintain a user database of
 all addresses at either domain which wouldn't be a lot of fun.

I don't have very many users, and so re-running some sort of database
generator would be OK, but I can't figure out sendmail at all :(



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: imap server and ssl

1998-11-18 Thread Carey Evans
Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How do you set up an imap server so that the connections are encrypted with

There's a program called stunnel at

that might do what you want.

 Carey Evans

Is there anyone who actually believes that USAicans are so modest or
intellectually honest as to be unable to find someone to sue? - Cameron Laird

Re: Is the aladdin ghostscript 5.50 available as debian package?

1998-11-18 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Tue, Nov 17, 1998 at 09:08:12PM +0100, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
 I've just tested the aladdin ghostscript 5.50, and stated that it has
 fixed some annoying bugs in pdfwrite driver.
 I'm just wondering if it is available somewhere as the debian package?

In slink: gs-aladdin  5.50-3


Re: How do you use su under X?

1998-11-18 Thread Helge Hafting

 Cookies are just random keys that are assigned to an X session (by
 xdm) when you log in. In order to display anything in that session you
 have to have that key.
 RedHat and SuSE probably don't enable their use. Under Debian you can
 disable them via the xdm configuration file in
 /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config. If you wanted to turn them off you'd set
 DisplayManager._0.authorize to false.
 The reason the cookies exist is because X is pretty insecure without
 them. It's easy, for example, if you have xhost + localhost set for
 someone on localhost to capture you're keystrokes in any of your
 windows, or take snap shots of your screen.

I want the cookie security so other users can't do anything wrong.
I also want root to be able to use the X display no matter
who is running x.  What is the simplest way to 
achieve this?

Helge Hafting

Re: kernel 2.1.128 sound

1998-11-18 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Sat, Nov 14, 1998 at 11:10:40PM -0500, Paul McDermott wrote:
 Hello everyone, I just got kernel 2.1.128 up and running.  I am loading
 sound as a module.  When I try to cat something to the device I get this
 error message:
 [paul:~/multimedia/next-gen]$ cat  /dev/audio
 bash: /dev/audio: Operation not supported by device
 tail of /var/log/kern.log shows:
 Nov 14 23:09:48 data kernel: Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by
 Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
 Nov 14 23:09:48 data kernel: sb: dsp reset failed.
 lsmod shows:
 Module  Size  Used by
 uart401 5696   0
 sound  58064   0  (autoclean) [uart401]
 soundcore   2120   3  (autoclean) [sound]
 I know that sb.o is not loaded.  If I try to load it it say the the device
 or resource is busy.
 I took a look at the modules.def file and saw this:
 /lib/modules/2.1.128/misc/sb.o: /lib/modules/2.1.128/misc/soundcore.o
 /lib/modules/2.1.128/misc/uart401.o /lib/modules/2.1.128/misc/sound.o

In my kerneld configuration I use:

alias char-major-14 sb
alias synth0 opl3
options sb io=0x220 irq=7 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
options opl3 io=0x388

(but I tested it on .125  .127 - not .128 )


Re: Program like Partition Magic

1998-11-18 Thread Lars Steinke
On Tue, Nov 17, 1998 at 11:36:32PM -0500, Joseph Hartmann wrote:
 I know it is called fips, but I don't know where you can get it.
Fips is available on your convenient local Debian mirror in the tools sub-

   /(__  __|\  Lars Steinke, Research Student @
  (\/  __), Germany
   )   (_  /   for PGP PKey and WWW-Page finger

Description: PGP signature

RE: How do you use su under X?

1998-11-18 Thread Martin Waller

This has lots of good X links, including beginner programming ones.


Actually, is there any good (beginner's) documentation on X (either
online or in book form)? The only books I've ever seen are the O'Reilly
ones, which seem to be out of print these days... Actually, good books
on X programming would be very helpful with all the widget sets, it
seems impossible to get any decent beginner level books (beginner in
the widest sense - I know Windows programming, so GUI stuff is not new
to me, but the differences are!).


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RE: How do you use su under X?

1998-11-18 Thread Moore, Paul
Cookies are just random keys that are assigned to an X session (by
xdm) when you log in. In order to display anything in that session you
have to have that key.

That's a bit odd - I don't use xdm, just startx from the console...

Nevertheless, thanks for the explanation.


Re: Program like Partition Magic

1998-11-18 Thread Martin Waller

Fips is available on your convenient local Debian mirror in the tools 

Does it work with fat32 partitions yet, or is it still only fat16?


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Program like Partition Magic

1998-11-18 Thread Michael Beattie
On Wed, 18 Nov 1998, Martin Waller wrote:

 Fips is available on your convenient local Debian mirror in the tools 
 Does it work with fat32 partitions yet, or is it still only fat16?

Theres a new version that does fat32:  fips15c supports it.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
 yip yip yip yip yip yip yap yap yip *BANG* NO TERRIER
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Program like Partition Magic

1998-11-18 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 22:26:07 +1300, Michael Beattie wrote:
 Theres a new version that does fat32:  fips15c supports it.

That was an unofficial version; there's now an official version (2.0) which
support it; it is available in the tools directory of Debian mirrors.

J.H.M. Dassen | RUMOUR  Believe all you hear. Your world may  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | not be a better one than the one the blocks   
  | live in but it'll be a sight more vivid.  
  | - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Re: leased line problem again

1998-11-18 Thread fantomas
Hi all

- Carey Evans writes:
-  Presumably -ip disables TCP/IP over the PPP link.
- Yes,  It is an undocumented synonym for 'noip'.

You are right, thankyou. But what is this ?

# Disable IP address negotiation (with this option, the remote IP
# address must be specified with an option on the command line or in an
# options file).

it's wrong then...
 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of

Re: Program like Partition Magic

1998-11-18 Thread Michael Beattie
On Wed, 18 Nov 1998, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 22:26:07 +1300, Michael Beattie wrote:
  Theres a new version that does fat32:  fips15c supports it.
 That was an unofficial version; there's now an official version (2.0) which
 support it; it is available in the tools directory of Debian mirrors.

I stand corrected.. I had only checked my hamm CD, which had fips15c.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
COFFEE AND DONUTS: Unitarian communion.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

/etc/ppp/options comment incorrect was: Re: leased line problem again

1998-11-18 Thread Carey Evans
Carey Evans:

 -  Presumably -ip disables TCP/IP over the PPP link.

John Hasler:

 - Yes,  It is an undocumented synonym for 'noip'.

Matus fantomas Uhlar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You are right, thankyou. But what is this ?
 # Disable IP address negotiation (with this option, the remote IP
 # address must be specified with an option on the command line or in an
 # options file).
 it's wrong then...

I think you're right.  According to the man page, the remote address
will be obtained from the peer if not specified in any option (like
local:remote) and noip (aka -ip) disables IPCP negotiation.

I'd CC'ing this to the bug system so that the example can be changed.

 Carey Evans

resizing ext2 partitions

1998-11-18 Thread Leon Breedt

apart from Partition Magic 4, are there any programs to resize
ext2fs partitions?  i recently did away with windows on my drive,
and i dont want to backup everything/reinstall to make the whole
drive ext2...



 Leon Breedt  |  Codewarrior  |  Debian 2.0  |  Linux 2.1.128
 PGP key and homepage at

 Linux:  Because I want to get there *today*

Re: Is name server discovery possible?

1998-11-18 Thread john
Michael Beattie writes:
 Have ip-up call a setuid program to specifically edit resolv.conf or
 named.conf, if they exist.

This is the obvious way to do it, but there is a policy question about
messing with these files.

 Just an Idea. I'd have a go at it.. Anyone object? I'll have a go at the 
 new pppd too.

Go for it.  It's obvious I'm never going to get around to it.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Permissions for vfat mounted drive

1998-11-18 Thread John Stevenson
Hello Debian Land,

I have a question about access permissions.  I can
access my vfat mounted windows98 partition as any user,
however I can only get write access when I am root.
My linux and win98 partitions are on the same

I used to be able to get the desired access by adding
users to the dos group when I was using debian 1.3.1,
but this dos group was not a default creation when I
installed debian 2.0.

I created a dos group and tried to assign the win98
partition as belonging to the dos group, but this did
not work, only assigning the mount point to dos and not
the file hierachy underneath that mount point.  I even
tried to chmod it, but no luck.

Any ideas how I can get no root access to my win98
partion, or is it a Fat32 problem.

P.s. I realise that some people would consider none
root access to the dos/win partion a security hole, but
I am aware of this, thanks.

John Stevenson, Objective Alliance:

Objects are not a technology, they are a state of

Re: [ale] /dev/audio: Device or resource busy

1998-11-18 Thread David S. Jackson
Thus spake Wandered Inn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

   Make sure you don't have an irq conflict.  Shows below it's taking 7,
   isn't that what the parallel port normally takes??
  Thanks for the idea.  Hadn't thought of that.  Um, I don't think I've
  got a conflict, but here's some /proc related system info.  Do you see
  anything that catches your eye?  BTW, I don't have a printer or
  anything attached to a parallel port here.  I have to print to a
  remote printer on another Linux box here at home.
 But I think the parallel port may be taking the irq7 just the same.  I
 think mines configured in the bios.  That's the only difference I really
 see here.

Well, it turns out I had installed something called nas, Network
Audio Support.  Never heard of it.  Guess it was a new package.  That
was part of the conflict.

I also went to the BIOS, gave the parallel port IRQ 5 (Yep, you were
right.  It wanted 7!!!), and recompiled the kernel with sound on IRQ
7, and voila!  It worked.  NAS looks pretty cool, I must say, but I'll
wait until I get everything else working before I dig into it...  :-)

David S. Jackson
How many Microsoft employees does it to change a light bulb? Zero.
They declared Darkness[tm] the standard.

IPFW works a little to well...

1998-11-18 Thread Anthony Landreneau
Looking for a little help with ipfwadm. Got a good machine running 2.0,
two nics and the system is passing traffic wonderfully.  Now I would like
to put in packet filtering. IPFW sounds as though it will fit the bill.
The HOWTO regarding IPFW suggests a script, which I have written and is
below. The problem, when I execute the script nothing comes in, nothing
goes out, the perfect firewall. The bad news is I need some traffic to
pass. The network behind the firewall is a subnet of a class B network with
255 addresses. If you have any insight on why I might be running into
trouble, or if you have suggestions, I would love to hear from you.

#  Setup IP packet Accounting and Forwarding
#  By Default DENY ALL services first
ipfwadm -F -p deny
#  Flush all Commands
ipfwadm -F -f
ipfwadm -I -f
ipfwadm -O -f
#  Allow email to NCTAMS01 
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D
#  Allow email to NS1 Relay host
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D
#  Allow email to outside mail severs from NCTAMS01
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 25 -D 1024:65535
#  Allow email to ouside mail servers from NS1
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 25 -D 1024:65535
#  Allow DNS traffic to NS1
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P udp -S 53 -D
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 53 -D
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 82 -D
#  Allow Web connections to outside Web Servers
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 80 -D 1024:65535 
#  Allow FTP connection to outside Servers
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 20 -D 1024:65535 
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 21 -D 1024:65535 
#  Allow Telnet connections to outside Servers
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 23 -D 1024:65535
#  Allow NTP time to NS1
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 123 -D 1024:65535

Anthony Landreneau
Network Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

Re: Permissions for vfat mounted drive

1998-11-18 Thread Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN
John Stevenson wrote:
 I created a dos group and tried to assign the win98
 partition as belonging to the dos group, but this did
 not work, only assigning the mount point to dos and not
 the file hierachy underneath that mount point.  I even
 tried to chmod it, but no luck.

I solved this at home, so I don't have my fstab available right now :)
but anyway
I used the -o option of 'mount' to force the vfat fs to belong to the
'dos' goup, (sth like gid=95 i think) and also to force the permission
mask of all files. Warning : this is the INVERSE mask, so 007 grants rwx
to user and group, and nothing to others.

 Any ideas how I can get no root access to my win98
 partion, or is it a Fat32 problem.

hope this'll help


Re: Permissions for vfat mounted drive

1998-11-18 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 13:06:22 +0100, John Stevenson wrote:
[how to have user write access to a DOS/windows partition]

You can specify the uid=value, gid=value and umask=value options when
mounting, or in /etc/fstab; see mount(8) and fstab(5).

Obsig: developing a new sig

Re: How to manually install minimal system

1998-11-18 Thread Jens Ritter
Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, 17 Nov 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Subject: Re: How to manually install minimal system
  Date: Mon, Nov 16, 1998 at 10:31:22PM +
 Actually, I had decided to use Slackware for this project even before
 posting my original message. Problem is, I still haven't been able to find
 the info I need to do the installation manually. Everything I've found
 walks me through the manual fdisk and mke2fs steps, but then tells me to
 run setup, which of course, I don't want to do.
 I was hesitant to post this to a debian list (I still plan to use debian
 everywhere else), but I didn't know where else to turn since my web
 searches weren't doing me much good.
 So, do you perhaps know of a good source of info for walking me through a
 manual install of slackware? A previous answer to this post gave me some
 good info, but I was hoping more for a specific, step-by-step tutorial,
 perhaps akin to Our Man Pann's walk-through for normal installs.

Well, there are various ways to start a linux system. 
Take a look at the boot disk howto (this is a task which normally
involves building a linux system from scratch) and on the loopback
root mini howto (sorry, at the moment I can't access my bookmarks ---
please contact me via private mail, if you can't find information on
this topic, due to me not remembering the right name).

KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
Do what comes naturally.  Seethe and fume and throw a tantrum.

Re: lpd problem

1998-11-18 Thread Jens Ritter
Remi Dumont [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've got a little problem, trying to use lpr with my HP laserjet
 6L. Although I configured printcap and filters with apsfilter (the
 printing of the test page worked fine !), each time I try (as root or as
 normal user) to use lpr file, it answers:
 connection to 'localhost' failed - Connection refused
 job '' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

Check the name and the permissions of the printqueque directory (both
real and in /etc/printcap).

I had the same problem and it was a configuration problem.

 I used to think my /etc/hosts and /etc/init.d/network were OK,
 containing localhost ( and its alias (Orion) but it must not
 be so (everything was allright with redhat).
 route gives (when my ppp is off):
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 localhost   * UH0  02
 And when, as root, I type lpd, I've got no answer (as it would
 work) and what's more, a glance at my processes)  shows that lpd has not
 been run.

Try ps auxwww |grep lpd


KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
The Unix way of drinking tea:
cat /dev/boiler/water | tea | sieve  /cup
mount -t hdev /dev/human/mouth01 /mouth ; cat /cup /mouth/gulp

Default font specified incorrectly, where ?

1998-11-18 Thread Lars Steinke
Whichever X program you start, the system complains about a missing font:
Warning: Cannot convert string -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*--* 
to type FontStruct

No fonts match `-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*--*

It will occur to the enlightened reader that in both cases the font name was
specified incorrectly - an asterisk is missing in the -- towards the end.
As the problem seems independant of the application called, that font must
be some X11 default setting, I'd say... 

So, anybody an idea where this default font has been scpecified incorrectly ?
Neither rgrep on /etc/X11 nor /usr/share came up with anything...

   /(__  __|\  Lars Steinke, Research Student @
  (\/  __), Germany
   )   (_  /   for PGP PKey and WWW-Page finger

Description: PGP signature

Error in loading shared libraries ( from xbase_3.3.2.3-2

1998-11-18 Thread Marc Fleureck

I try to install X11R6 (xbase_3.3.2.3-2.deb) on Debian2.0 with 
following error:

  dpkg -i xfntbase_3.3.2-3.2.deb 
  mkfontdir: error in loading shared linraries cannot open

Of course doesn't exist in /usr/X11R6/lib because it's not 
part of xbase. Also, just running mkfontdir also gives the same 
error. Is it broken ? 

I already installed successfully xbase_3.3.2.3-2 + xlib6g_3.3.2.3-2


Marc Fleureck
  Ministry of Agriculture

partition table on dos zip disks

1998-11-18 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Tue, 17 Nov 1998 15:57:44 -0600
Richard E. Hawkins Esq. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
partition table on dos zip disks

this may seem like an odd question, but could someone send me the 
partition table  for a dos zip, as shipped by iomega?

my backup of windows  dos for my laptop was on one when my zip drive 
died, killing the partition table.  

Now it seems that the ibm audio stuff doesn't like drdos, so i need to 
restore msdos (ugh) to the disk . . . 

Try to re-partition that zip disk again, but ONLY make a partition
number 4.  All zip disks are partitioned with one partition 4 and no
partitions numbered 3,2, or 1.  Why?  This is a Mac thing.  (Same for
Bernoulli's too BTW).

Get your free address at

Re: Stable GUI Web Browser

1998-11-18 Thread Kenneth Scharf

** Reply to message from Martin Bialasinski
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 17 Nov 1998 23:57:15 +0100

 Let's not talk about the food :-)

I quite agree, we have far too many Macdonalds and Burger King.
There was this scene in the movie 'time after time' where the H G
Wells character in the 20th century said he had eaten at a Scottish
resturant (he was refering to McDonalds).

BTW we used to have some Arthur Treacher's fish and chips places here,
but I couldn't figure out if they were 'real' or an American knock off
of the real thing.  Closest thing to 'real' British food that I think
I ever tried was at Walt Disney World's Epcot.  (I still want to visit
London some day, if for no other reason than to walk down Baker St.)
Get your free address at

Re: Error in loading shared libraries ( from xbase_3.3.2.3-2

1998-11-18 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 14:11:44 +0100, Marc Fleureck wrote:
 I try to install X11R6 (xbase_3.3.2.3-2.deb) on Debian2.0 with following
   dpkg -i xfntbase_3.3.2-3.2.deb 
   mkfontdir: error in loading shared linraries cannot open
 Of course doesn't exist in /usr/X11R6/lib because it's not part
 of xbase. Also, just running mkfontdir also gives the same error. Is it
 broken ? 

The xbase you have installed (which contains mkfontdir) is indeed broken,
as it doesn't declare a dependency on zlib1g (which contains
According to the changelog of the current version of xbase in frozen, this
was fixed in (Sun, 23 Aug 1998).

Obsig: developing a new sig

Re: Permissions for vfat mounted drive

1998-11-18 Thread Leon Breedt
On Wed, Nov 18 1998, J.H.M. Dassen Ray spake thus:

 You can specify the uid=value, gid=value and umask=value options when
 mounting, or in /etc/fstab; see mount(8) and fstab(5).
how can i specify that i don't want any files on the dos partitions to
have executable permissions?  or is that the way the msdosfs filesystem
handles it?



 Leon Breedt  |  Codewarrior  |  Debian 2.0  |  Linux 2.1.128
 PGP key and homepage at

 Linux:  Because I want to get there *today*

Re: Permissions for vfat mounted drive

1998-11-18 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 15:35:55 +0200, Leon Breedt wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 18 1998, J.H.M. Dassen Ray spake thus:
  You can specify the uid=value, gid=value and umask=value options when
  mounting, or in /etc/fstab; see mount(8) and fstab(5).

 how can i specify that i don't want any files on the dos partitions to
 have executable permissions?

Use an appropriate value for umask (sorry, I don't have a suitable value

UNFAIR  Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried 
to cheat them out of and didn't manage. See also DISHONESTY, SNEAKY, 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Re: kernel 2.1.128 sound

1998-11-18 Thread Helge Hafting

 On Sat, Nov 14, 1998 at 11:10:40PM -0500, Paul McDermott wrote:
  Hello everyone, I just got kernel 2.1.128 up and running.  I am loading
  sound as a module.  When I try to cat something to the device I get this
  error message:
  [paul:~/multimedia/next-gen]$ cat  /dev/audio
  bash: /dev/audio: Operation not supported by device
  tail of /var/log/kern.log shows:
  Nov 14 23:09:48 data kernel: Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by
  Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
  Nov 14 23:09:48 data kernel: sb: dsp reset failed.
  lsmod shows:
  Module  Size  Used by
  uart401 5696   0
  sound  58064   0  (autoclean) [uart401]
  soundcore   2120   3  (autoclean) [sound]
  I know that sb.o is not loaded.  If I try to load it it say the the device
  or resource is busy.
  I took a look at the modules.def file and saw this:
  /lib/modules/2.1.128/misc/sb.o: /lib/modules/2.1.128/misc/soundcore.o
  /lib/modules/2.1.128/misc/uart401.o /lib/modules/2.1.128/misc/sound.o
 In my kerneld configuration I use:
 alias char-major-14 sb
 alias synth0 opl3
 options sb io=0x220 irq=7 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
 options opl3 io=0x388
 (but I tested it on .125  .127 - not .128 )

Interesting.  Where can I find more information on the alias/options
settings necessary to make sound work?
I have a more complicated setup, a PAS-16 with both the 16-bit PAS
sound *and* soundblaster-8 emulation working.  
(PAS-16 at /dev/dsp+/dev/audio, soundblaster emulation at /dev/dsp1+
/dev/audio1) This is fine
when compiled into 2.1.128.   I can't get it working at all when
using modules.  I managed loading the sb emulation once, but it didn't
work.  loading the pas module always fails with a device busy.

Helge Hafting

Re: Permissions for vfat mounted drive

1998-11-18 Thread Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN
Leon Breedt wrote:
  You can specify the uid=value, gid=value and umask=value options when
  mounting, or in /etc/fstab; see mount(8) and fstab(5).
 how can i specify that i don't want any files on the dos partitions to
 have executable permissions?  or is that the way the msdosfs filesystem
 handles it?

once again, using umask=value :
as for chmod (but with inversed value), 0 means rwx (inv of 7) and 1
means rw- (inv of 6)
umode=137 (rw-r-) might be a good example.


Re: Permissions for vfat mounted drive


On Wed, 18 Nov 1998, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 15:35:55 +0200, Leon Breedt wrote:
  On Wed, Nov 18 1998, J.H.M. Dassen Ray spake thus:
   You can specify the uid=value, gid=value and umask=value options when
   mounting, or in /etc/fstab; see mount(8) and fstab(5).
  how can i specify that i don't want any files on the dos partitions to
  have executable permissions?
 Use an appropriate value for umask (sorry, I don't have a suitable value
 UNFAIR  Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried 
 to cheat them out of and didn't manage. See also DISHONESTY, SNEAKY, 
 - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

What about to write noexec in the options field?

Always my problem with X

1998-11-18 Thread Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN
I still got that problem running X :

waiting for X server to shut down FreeFontPath: FPE
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.

immediately after the graphical screens comes up... and down !

according to some friends it's a matter of file references count -
but I still have it renaming /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc or copying
its content in another directory Misc - then I have the message with the
Misc directory instead !

btw, the refcount of a directory should actually BE 2 - at least, not 1
Do I have a broken config file  - must be fonts.dir or fonts.alias, if
I'm right, since the rename/copy tricks inherited the bug !...

but I tried running mkfontdir... and that's just the same :(

I would be so grateful to someone helping...


Re: Dj660c-filter and stepping

1998-11-18 Thread Bob Nielsen
Do you have gs (or preferably gs-aladdin) installed?  That is necessary
for the man -t output to print, since -t converts it to PostScript.

Keep at it and you will soon learn the Unix/Linux commands.  Most of us
started from a DOS background.


On Wed, 18 Nov 1998, Alan Tam wrote:

 Hi Bob,
 Thank you for your info, but the command ' man -t printcap|lpr '
 didn't work.
 With your hint I tried ' man printcap|lpr ' it works. Printing perfectly
 without any stepping at all.
 Thanks anyway. Since I am new to Linux, I don't know the command
 style in Unix/GNU/Linux. Now I know the symbol '|' means piping. In Dos
 I usually use
 'type printcap  lpt1' and that will print to the printer.
 Thank you.
 On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Alan Tam wrote:
  Hi all,
  Is there a filter for HP Deskjet 660C in the Debian Packages ?
  So far I can get from magicfilter_1.2-24.deb is dj550c-filter.
  I am trying to print the manual pages through my HP Deskjet
  660c. A
  question on how to eliminate the stepping effect when I issue the
  man printcap  /dev/lp1
 The reason you are getting the stepping is that this is going as raw
 to the printer, not through any filter. You need to pipe it through lpr,
 not send it directly to /dev/lp1.
 The ghostscript printer compatibility page
 ( indicates that the cdj550
 driver (which is called by dj550c-filter) is the correct one to use with
 the 660C, so you should use the dj550c-filter in magicfilter.
 To print a man page, use 'man -t printcap|lpr'.
  From the Printing-HowTo, there is an example
  #The above line should really have the whole path to perl
  #This script must be executable: chmod 755 filter
  while (STDIN){chop $_; print $_\r\n;);
  #You might also want to end with a form feed: print \f;
  Should I leave the STDIN as is or replace it with lp1 or something
 The easy way is to let magicfilter do the work for you.
 Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Program like Partition Magic

1998-11-18 Thread Bob Nielsen
The newer fips 1.5c and 2.0 supposedly handle fat32, but I haven't had any
opportunity to try this.


On Wed, 18 Nov 1998, Martin Waller wrote:

 Fips is available on your convenient local Debian mirror in the tools 
 Does it work with fat32 partitions yet, or is it still only fat16?
 Get Your Private, Free Email at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Desktop Publishing.

1998-11-18 Thread Person, Roderick

Hey All,

Just need to know if anyone is doing DTP with Debian and
what they recommend using.

My wife has a home based business and I would like to create
some flyers, tri-fold pamplets and such for here. So ideally it has to be
easy for her to use, but if not I'll do all the work!


Re: lpd problem

1998-11-18 Thread W. Paul Mills
Jens Ritter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Remi Dumont [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I've got a little problem, trying to use lpr with my HP laserjet
  6L. Although I configured printcap and filters with apsfilter (the
  printing of the test page worked fine !), each time I try (as root or as
  normal user) to use lpr file, it answers:
  connection to 'localhost' failed - Connection refused
  job '' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

If you have masquerading or firewall enabled in the kernel you may
have a configuration problem with it. Can you telnet to localhost?

/*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Installing Debian 2.0 on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 440 CDT

1998-11-18 Thread Lahitte Paul
Hi everybody!

I'm trying to install the Debian 2.0 on my laptop Toshiba satellite Pro
440 CDT and when I boot either directly on the CDROM or on the floppy
with 1440tecra.bin I got the following messages:

loading root.bin ..
loading linux ..

and then the system reboot itself without any further messages.

Can anyone tell me what's going wrong with my laptop ??

Ingénieur Système  Réseaux
Tel: 05 61 39 78 86
Cell Phone: 33 5 06 08 015184

startkde cannot connect to X server

1998-11-18 Thread Stephan Böni


i have 
installed kde on debian linux 2.0.
commands like startx or startkde return the error cannot connect to 
x server.


Re: How do you use su under X?

1998-11-18 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Moore, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| Cookies are just random keys that are assigned to an X session (by
| xdm) when you log in. In order to display anything in that session you
| have to have that key.
| That's a bit odd - I don't use xdm, just startx from the console...
| Nevertheless, thanks for the explanation.

Same idea, except your cookie is created in the startx script by an
xauth command. Just take a look at the startx script, e.g.,

more `which startx`


Re: How do you use su under X?

1998-11-18 Thread David S. Zelinsky
Helge Hafting [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I want the cookie security so other users can't do anything wrong.
 I also want root to be able to use the X display no matter
 who is running x.  What is the simplest way to 
 achieve this?

At the command line in the user's session, type:

su -c xauth add $(xauth list $DISPLAY); xterm 

This will prompt you for the root password, and then open an xterm running as
root in the background.  You will also be able to start other X clients from
that xterm window.  (Be sure to use double quotes.  Single quotes will expand
the $(xauth list $DISPLAY) as root, not as the current user.)

If you want to be fancy, you could make this a shell script, and put it in,
say, /usr/local/bin/xsu:

su $1 -c xauth add $(xauth list $DISPLAY); xterm 

Then you would just type `xsu' to start an xterm as root, or `xsu joeuser' to
start an xterm as joeuser.

David Zelinsky

Install NTFS drivers (Debian 2): gcc not OK ?

1998-11-18 Thread Marc Fleureck
Hi there,

I am trying to install NTFS driver on Debian 2.0 .The INSTALL sais 
to do ./configure which checks the gcc compiler (

C-compiler cannot create executables

What's wrong with gcc ??


Marc Fleureck
  Ministry of Agriculture

Re: Re: How big is my H/D ?

1998-11-18 Thread David Wright
Quoting wb2oyc ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 If you need to use DOS you'll have to upgrade the BIOS, twiddle the BIOS
 to work (try something like CHS=1023/64/63), or use a hack like Ontrack
 Disk Manager.
 Not so.  Just make sure that your DOS partition and any Linux root is
 completely within the limits of the 504MB.  The problem comes from the
 BIOS being old and not permitting access to cylinders beyond the 1024
 Linux doesn't have any problem with that, UNLESS you use Lilo.  Linux
 itself DOES NOT use the BIOS, but Lilo does, and that is why any root
 must be within the limits of the BIOS itself.
 Just use the rest of it for the other partitions, such as /usr and /home.
 Its kinda cool in a way because you can have everything other than the
 root itself beyond the limit, and DOS will never see it and therefore
 can't screw with it either.

Taking that philosophy to its extreme, and using loadlin to boot linux,
you can have a DOS partition of 504MB and all the linux partitions outside
the pale. (Loadlin uses a copy of the kernel within its filesystem.)


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Install NTFS drivers (Debian 2): gcc not OK ?

1998-11-18 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 16:37:48 +0100, Marc Fleureck wrote:
 I am trying to install NTFS driver on Debian 2.0 .The INSTALL sais 
 to do ./configure which checks the gcc compiler (
 C-compiler cannot create executables
 What's wrong with gcc ??

That's difficult to tell. You'll need to provide us with the relevant part
(precise test and warning/error messages) of the config.log that configure

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

bash completion

1998-11-18 Thread A.J. Rossini

(using slink + some potato):

I went through the X11 fiasco with the locales (fixed it for X,
thanks!), and around the same time, had my file-completion under bash
break (it completes with garbage).  Has anyone had this problem?
tcsh still completes well, so I was wondering if it was a bash
problem, or a locales problem, or something else?


A.J. Rossini
UW Biostatistics  Center for AIDS Research Epimetrics Corporation
206-543-1044 / 206-720-4282 206-652-0604

Re: partition table on dos zip disks

1998-11-18 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.
Kenneth wrote,

 Try to re-partition that zip disk again, but ONLY make a partition
 number 4.  All zip disks are partitioned with one partition 4 and no
 partitions numbered 3,2, or 1.  Why?  This is a Mac thing.  (Same for
 Bernoulli's too BTW).

I'm probably not being clear enough here.  What you and peter wrote is 
exactly correct, but that's the part I knew :)

I need to know *exactly*  where the partition lies.  Is it the whole 
disk?  It seems to me that there's a tiny bit left for some reason, 
that isn't used in the partition.  And since I only get one shot at 
this, if I lay the partition wrong . . . 

Hmm, can I use dd to make a copy of the disk even though it has no 
partition table?  As in

dd if=/dev/sda of=zipback


Oh, and I don't think it's a mac thing.  I reformatted to mac when i 
was using one, and usually put it on partition 1.


Re: Installing Debian 2.0 on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 440 CDT

1998-11-18 Thread John Stevenson

Dont Panic !!!

There is nothing wrong with your laptop, except that it has the same feature as 
the other toshiba laptops (and a few other brands).

The Toshiba laptops require special rescue and drivers and these are located in 
tecra folder in the boot disk directory.

If you are installing using floppy, you will need to create alternative rescue 
drivers disks using the files in the tecra directory.

If you are installing from CD you might have to create a rescue disk in order 
to boot
properly, I cant remember if this is neccessary.  But when installing the 
kernel image
and drivers you need to select alternative paths, not the default directories.  
are offered the choice when running the install.

Hope this helps to get you going.

I am not sure what you have to do in order to compile the kernel youself, as 
you will
still need to add something somewhere to ensure the toshiba patch is added to 
your own
rolled kernel.


Lahitte Paul wrote:

 Hi everybody!

 I'm trying to install the Debian 2.0 on my laptop Toshiba satellite Pro
 440 CDT and when I boot either directly on the CDROM or on the floppy
 with 1440tecra.bin I got the following messages:

John Stevenson, Objective Alliance:

Objects are not a technology, they are a state of mind

Re: Install NTFS drivers (Debian 2): gcc not OK ?

1998-11-18 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Wed, Nov 18, 1998 at 17:02:27 +0100, Marc Fleureck wrote:
 configure:554: checking whether make sets ${MAKE}
 configure:583: checking for gcc
 configure:660: checking whether the C compiler 
 (gcc  ) works
 configure:674: gcc -o conftestconftest.c  
 ld: cannot open crt1.o: No such file or directory

You need to install libc6-dev. (There is only a Recommends:, not a Depends:
dependency relationship to it, as gcc can be useful without it (namely, to
compile kernels))

Obsig: developing a new sig

Re: linux operating system

1998-11-18 Thread Ossama Othman
Hi Joseph,

 I confess to my Linux typo when I meant Linus (Torvalds).  By
 facts confused are you referring to this typo?  If not, I would
 like to know to what.  

From what I understood from your message, you were implying that Richard
Stallman started Linux.  Looking back at your message it seems that I may
have misunderstood what you were saying.  My apologies.

58 60 1A E8 7A 66 F4 44  74 9F 3C D4 EF BF 35 88  1024/8A04D15D 1998/08/26

Re: Re: partition table on dos zip disks

1998-11-18 Thread David Wright
Quoting Richard E. Hawkins Esq. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Kenneth wrote,
  Try to re-partition that zip disk again, but ONLY make a partition
  number 4.  All zip disks are partitioned with one partition 4 and no
  partitions numbered 3,2, or 1.  Why?  This is a Mac thing.  (Same for
  Bernoulli's too BTW).
 I'm probably not being clear enough here.  What you and peter wrote is 
 exactly correct, but that's the part I knew :)
 I need to know *exactly*  where the partition lies.  Is it the whole 
 disk?  It seems to me that there's a tiny bit left for some reason, 
 that isn't used in the partition.  And since I only get one shot at 
 this, if I lay the partition wrong . . . 

I'm not sure what your problem is, because I've just used zip disks
as if they were fixed, with the same tools. I'm hoping you haven't
screwed the low-level formatting, though.

 Hmm, can I use dd to make a copy of the disk even though it has no 
 partition table?  As in
 dd if=/dev/sda of=zipback

Yes, though I'd add bs=512 to that command. But I'm not sure why you 
want to make a copy of *that* disk (i.e. the faulty one). Why not 
use dd to copy a good disk to a file, then copy the file to the faulty 
one and you'll end up with a clone, partition 4 and all.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

1st time configuring samba

1998-11-18 Thread Eugene Sevinian
Hi all,
I am trying to   configure samba following smb.conf comments
but can  not understand where should I look  for 
BROWSING.txt according to  which I have to set some  parameters.
I looked at w95 side by in vain, the same with linux.

Eugene Sevinian

CRD, YerPhI, 375036, Armenia
Phone: 374-2-344873

use a cd-r

1998-11-18 Thread cornette philippe
Hi,I`ve a PHILIPPS CD-R 2600 1.07,and i would like to use it under
linux.But unfortunatly i don`t know,what to do.I mean i don`t know how
to recognize my CD-R.I was about to forget,my CD-R is connect to my
chipset is with a advansys scsi card on a pci port.So my questions are
the following.
How can i configure my my CD-R in order to use it with linux.

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