Re: Window Maker

1998-11-27 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

 Prueba instalando libhtml-parser-perl

Mmm, ¿que paquete es ese? No lo encuentro :( Si te sirve de algo, mira la
salida de 'dpkg --list | grep perl':ii  data-dumper 2.07-1.1   Store
and retrieve perl data structures
ii  dpkg-perl   0.1-2hamm1 Perl interface modules for dpkg
ii  libnet-perl 1.0502-1.1 Implementation of Internet protocols for Per

ii  libwww-perl 5.36-1 WWW client/server library for Perl
ii  perl5.004.04-6 Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and Report

ii  perl-base   5.004.04-6 The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister
ii  perl-suid   5.004.04-6 Runs setuid Perl scripts.


A ti y al resto de la lista ;-)

Juan Carlos

 PS: Que por que le digo que envie un reporte si yo ya me entere de cual
 puede ser el problema? Porque mi memoria vale nada y aun menos en estos
 dias. Si envia un bug, reviso la pagina de bugs de wmakerconf y
 encuentro que todavia no he corregido eso.

  Eso dalo por hecho, en cuanto pruebe lo del libhtml este ;-)

GCAL y fechas resaltadas.

1998-11-27 Thread Iñaki Martínez

 Me estoy peleando con GCAL y me he leido todo el info gcal pero no consigo
hacer lo siguiente:

 Quiero hacer un fichero con fechas y un pequeño texto (el texto es lo
de menos) y que cuando presente el mes y/o año resalte los días que
coincidan, esto es parecido a el resource-file pero con este fichero solo
consigo que me salgan debajo de los meses una lista con las fechas que
coinciden, pero no que resalte el día en el calendario.

 Que fichero u opción he de usar para conseguir lo que quiero?

 Ejemplo: fichero prueba

 0412 12 de Abril de cualquier año
 1220 20 de Diciembre de cualquier año
 19990726 26 de Julio de 1999

 $ gcal -f prueba 1999

  salen los meses y luego esta lista:

Lista de fechas constantes:

lu,  12 abr 1999: 12 de Abril de cualquier año
lu,  26 jul 1999: 26 de Julio de 1999
lu,  20 dic 1999: 20 de Diciembre de cualquier año

 $ gcal -q ES -f prueba 1999

 Salen los meses y luego la misma lista pero ahora resalta ciertos días que
se suponen fiestas españolas... como hago para resaltar los días que YO

 Que nadie me diga que modifique el source (que ya se me ha ocurrido) por
que no me sirve, me interesa pasar como parametro un fichero diferente segun
me interese unas fechas u otras




  The Basque Madness  / /  (_)__  __   __  
   I.M.D. Computing  / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   //_/_//_// /_/\_\  La novena maravilla del mundo

X Windows

1998-11-27 Thread Marcelino Valles
Hola a todos,

Tengo un problema con las X y es que generalmente cuando intento mover
una ventana, al minimizar alguna aplicación, en fin, al cabo de un rato más
o menos pequeño, se me queda colgado no dando más opción que apretar el
botón de reset.

Tengo una tarjeta grafica S3 Trio64+ y un monitor Samsung Multisync 3 y
he utilizado XF86Setup para la configuración poniendo como servidor el S3 y
como tarjeta la que me corresponde e incluso he probado con otras, por si
acaso. El resultado siempre es el mismo. Tambien he probado poner como
servidor SVGA, pero nada de nada.

¿A qué se puede deber esto?, ¿alguien puede darme una idea?


Creando Anonymous FTP

1998-11-27 Thread Ramiro Alba Queipo
Hola a todos:

Estoy intentando poner en marcha un FTP anonymous con el unico

proposito de poner en RED un CD de datos.

Consigo conectarme sin problemas, pero cuando hago 'ls' NO VEO NADA

y sin embargo la informacion está ahi porque puede cambiarme con cd

a los direcctorios del CD-ROM.

La linea de /etc/passwd es:


y la de /etc/group


es decir, no he cambiado nada de la instalacion inicial.

Tambien he hecho los pasos recomendados para hacer una FTP anonymous en el


TCP/IP Network Administration (O'Really)

y los resultados han sido los mismos

¿Hay algo que me olvido? ¿Que pasa entonces con el comando ls?

Un saludo

Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Re: Creación de FTP anónimo

1998-11-27 Thread Santiago Vila
On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Ramiro Alba Queipo wrote:

 Estoy intentando poner en marcha un FTP anonymous con el unico
 proposito de poner en RED un CD de datos.

¿Hay alguna razón en especial por la que el paquete wu-ftpd-academ
no te sirva? (Él se encarga de todo).

 1fd828db6757de9d12f4d433d3a92067 (a truly random sig)

Re: Bloquear el monitor.

1998-11-27 Thread Victor Sanz
At 01:24 p.m. 26/11/98 +0100, Conrado Badenas wrote:
Gabriel B. wrote:
 Me gustaría saber cómo bloquear el monitor o poner un salvapantallas con
 password, en modo texto, para que nadie entre a mi cuenta.

El primer paquete es vlock_1.0-9.deb [Feb  4  1998] (12k) y sirve para
bloquear una única consola virtual (en la que lo ejecutas), lo cual no
es muy útil si trabajas en muchas y tienes que irlas bloqueando una a

Utilizando el parámetro -a puedes bloquear todas las consolas a la vez.

Víctor Manuel Sanz Galcerán
Área de Sistemas
Servicio de Informática
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 

Re: Problemas con Infovia Plus: ya se la causa

1998-11-27 Thread Raul Perez Justicia
 Hola, hace 3 o 4 dias mande un mensaje diciendo que no
 podia acceder a Infovia Plus por el 901-XX-XX-XX. Puesto
 al habla con mi proveedor (RedesTB), me han dicho que los
 usuarios de RedesTB nos pasamos todos a Retenet y no podremos
 entrar mas por Infovia ni Infovia Plus. Para los que no 
 tenemos nodo local Retevision a habilitado una Red
 Inteligente que nos permite acceder a traves del 901612111
 tambien a precio de llamada local.
 Por eso Infovia Plus me decia que no me podia autentificar:
 porque RedesTB no estara conectado a Infovia Plus sino a
 Retenet. Durante esta semana nos enviaran un mensaje 
 diciendonos cuando podremos entrar por dicho 901, antes del
 fin de Infovia.
 Espero que esto sirva de ayuda a la gente que este en RedesTB
 y tan despistada como yo.

Lo que pasa es que Grupo Retevisión compró hace tiempo dos proveedores
exactamente compro a Servicom y a RedesTB es por eso que estos dos ISP's
dejan Infovia y se pasan a Retenet.

Podeis encontrar más información en la página principal de Retenet en la

|o | ___ |o|Raul Perez Justicia
|  | ___ | |   
|  | ___ | |   
|  | ___ | |
|  ___ |
| |   ||
| HD  |   | O  |.   _   Vocal i Webmaster de AEIGI
|_ ___|___||`--(_=

Re: Referencias profesionales

1998-11-27 Thread jarregui
Hola a todos:

Muchas gracias por la cantidad de respuestas que he recibido. Os aseguro que
he tomado buena nota de todas ellas. Mientras iba recogiendo pensaba: ya
tengo munición para cuando venga la guerra...

Bien, pues la guerra llegó a las 8 de la tarde, yo con mi jefe. Y me dejó
alucinado. El es un hombre Unix, y los sistemas Windows le parecen bastante

YO Linux es muchísimo más fiable y estable que NT.
EL Hombre, es que para ser mejor que NT tampoco hace falta mucho...

La opción Linux ya se la había pensado más de una vez, y conocía
perfectamente las inversiones de empresas potentes en Red Hat, el apoyo de
Oracle, Informix, etc, etc portando sus productos a Linux, ... en fin, sabía
muchas cosas. 

Problema: nosotros vendemos los sistemas que diseñamos, y son los clientes
quienes han de aceptar Linux. Y ahí me dijo que ya SABE de clientes que no
lo aceptarían. No obstante, puede que cuando tengamos menos vorágine de
trabajo pongamos un Red Hat con Oracle para hacer pruebas. Algo es algo...

Aquí planteo una reflexión que creo ya se ha discutido mucho. Usar Debian ni
se lo planteaba, porque Oracle había dicho que su base de datos funcionaba
con Red Hat (y por lo tanto, ha de estar instalado en Red Hat para dar
soporte técnico), y Red Hat también da soporte técnico. Yo no sé si la
filosofía de Debian puede o no llegar a servirle a mi jefe. No sé si existen
o no empresas que soporten Debian como distribución o ni siquiera si tiene
sentido que existan, pero el hecho es que ahora mismo si se diera el
milagro, Debian NO sería la distribución elegida. Y a mi me joroba, porque
Debian me parece mucho mejor que la otra. Y en cuanto al soporte, yo he
tenido un soporte magnífico cuando he tenido problemas .. ;-)  

En fin. Pongo estos comentarios porque me parece interesante conocer de
primera mano un caso real de jefe ante Linux. Si no es el lugar para estos
temas, hacédmelo saber. Y repito: gracias por toda la información. En muchos
casos, era muy buena.


mandato/comando para fetchmail

1998-11-27 Thread homega
Hace tiempo que me dijeron que para bajarme el correo con fetchmail usara el
siguiente mandato:
fetchmail -v -u mi_identificador

del que la última parte ( es el nombre de la máquina de
la cual bajo el correo (o un alias de ésta:, creo).
Y así lo he hecho hasta hoy, que por error omití esta última parte, pero el
correo me lo bajó de todos modos.  Así pues, ¿es realmente necesaria esa
parte o...?



Acentos en Latex

1998-11-27 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos, ya se que no es una lista de Latex esto, pero como un
montón de vosotros lo usaréis seguro y bastante mejor que yo (¡eso
fijo!), ahi va la pregunta tonta:

¿Cómo me puedo evitar el poner  el dichoso \' cada vez que quiera
poner un acento y poner la tilde directamente en la vocal acentuada?.
Tengo que pasar un mogollón de textos de Word 97 a Latex y esto es un


Re: Acentos en Latex

1998-11-27 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Fri, Nov 27, 1998 at 03:22:11PM +, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:

 ¿Cómo me puedo evitar el poner el dichoso \' cada vez que quiera poner
 un acento y poner la tilde directamente en la vocal acentuada?. Tengo que
 pasar un mogollón de textos de Word 97 a Latex y esto es un infierno.


La primera linea dice que use la codificacion europea para las fuentes
(fuentes EC) -- son fuentes que contienen las vocales acentuadas (opuesto a
las fuentes donde las vocales acentuadas se logran por composicion de

La segunda linea dice que el texto esta escrito utilizando el juego de
caracteres 'normal' (para Europa y America Latina) de DOS. No tengo ni idea
como hace el Word para guardar las cosas. Puede ser unicode, puede ser latin
1, puede ser cp437 o puede ser cp850. Si no sirve, usa entonces latin1 en
lugar de cp850. Si es Unicode necesitas (creo) Omega, incluido con versiones
recientes de tetex (la de slink, por ejemplo)

En general, el preambulo que quieres es:


% otras cosas

% ...

% fin del preambulo




Re: Window Maker

1998-11-27 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Sat, Nov 28, 1998 at 01:05:54AM +, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:
 Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
  Prueba instalando libhtml-parser-perl
 Mmm, ¿que paquete es ese? No lo encuentro :( Si te sirve de algo, mira la
 salida de 'dpkg --list | grep perl':ii  data-dumper 2.07-1.1   Store
 and retrieve perl data structures
 ii  dpkg-perl   0.1-2hamm1 Perl interface modules for dpkg
 ii  libnet-perl 1.0502-1.1 Implementation of Internet protocols for 
 ii  libwww-perl 5.36-1 WWW client/server library for Perl
  Este paquete tiene el modulo que necesitas segun Contents-i386 de
  hamm. El problema es que esa version es de Slink, asi que necesitas
  libhtml-parser-perl de slink (en main/interpreters) Tengo que cambiar
  las dependencias para Slink.


Re: Acentos en Latex

1998-11-27 Thread David Leal
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:

 Hola a todos, ya se que no es una lista de Latex esto, pero como un
 montón de vosotros lo usaréis seguro y bastante mejor que yo (¡eso
 fijo!), ahi va la pregunta tonta:

 ¿Cómo me puedo evitar el poner  el dichoso \' cada vez que quiera
 poner un acento y poner la tilde directamente en la vocal acentuada?.
 Tengo que pasar un mogollón de textos de Word 97 a Latex y esto es un


Simplemente haz:


De esta forma escribes los acentos de la siguiente forma:



si te fijas tamb'ien vale para la e'ne.

Un saludo,


David R. Leal Valmana| Office: 10.1.02
Tel: (34)-916.24.93.14   | Fax: (34)-916.24.98.49
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Dpto. de Estadistica y Econometria

Re: Acentos en Latex

1998-11-27 Thread Santiago Vila
On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:

[...] poner la tilde directamente en la vocal acentuada?. [...]


 a2aa0de414ee3b1cb8d5cadf2a1b2900 (a truly random sig)

Re: StarOffice

1998-11-27 Thread Cesar Carralero Sánchez
On Thu, 26 Nov 1998, Vázquez, Gustavo wrote:

 Me gustaría que alguin me enviara alguna URL de algun sistio que tenga fotos
 del StarOffice. Si alguien ha probado los 2, con que me quedo, con Koffice o
 con StarOffice.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Acaba de salir el Star office V5. Y promete un guebo. Ademas ta te lo
puedes vajar via ftp desde rediris.


RE: Acentos en Latex

1998-11-27 Thread jarregui

Por si te sirve de ayuda, yo estoy empezando a leer algo de LaTeX, y he
empezado con el siguiente documento:

Y me está resultando de lo más interesante. Allí te viene muy al principio
la solución que te ha dicho Santiago, por ejemplo. Si lo quieres, te lo
puedo pasar.

Un saludo


 Hola a todos, ya se que no es una lista de Latex esto, pero como un
 montón de vosotros lo usaréis seguro y bastante mejor que yo (¡eso
 fijo!), ahi va la pregunta tonta:
 ¿Cómo me puedo evitar el poner  el dichoso \' cada vez que quiera
 poner un acento y poner la tilde directamente en la vocal acentuada?.
 Tengo que pasar un mogollón de textos de Word 97 a Latex y esto es un
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Acentos en Latex

1998-11-27 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Otra forma sencilla es escribir con los acentos de forma normal y
luego hacer un 'recode latin1:latex -d ficherito' de forma que convierte el
recode automáticamente al formato LaTeX.
Yo lo tengo dentro de un Makefile de forma que lo hago
automaticamente cuando trabajo para pasar a Postscript o HTML (o similares)



On Fri, Nov 27, 1998 at 03:22:11PM +, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 Hola a todos, ya se que no es una lista de Latex esto, pero como un
 montón de vosotros lo usaréis seguro y bastante mejor que yo (¡eso
 fijo!), ahi va la pregunta tonta:
 ¿Cómo me puedo evitar el poner  el dichoso \' cada vez que quiera
 poner un acento y poner la tilde directamente en la vocal acentuada?.
 Tengo que pasar un mogollón de textos de Word 97 a Latex y esto es un
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Infovia Plus

1998-11-27 Thread Jose Manuel Roca
On Wed, 25 Nov 1998, JuanjoC (PianoTuner) wrote:


  Me he conectado con el infovia plus para los aldeanos o sea con
el 901505055 , y aunque la veo más lenta que infovia, os cuento como lo he

el fichero /etc/ppp/pap-secrets lo he dejado unicamente con esta línea:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  *   mi_password

En realidad he cambiado el nombre del host (antes era infovia y ahora he
puesto * al desconocer el nombre de host de infovia plus, ¿alguien lo
conoce?, con el * se le indica que se le pasa ese nombre y password a
cualquier host al que te conectes, y por tanto no sirve si te conectas a
varios hosts).

el segundo cambio ha sido sustituir el 055 por el 901505055
en el script de conexión, en mi caso /etc/ppp/

el último cambio ha sido eliminar la siguiente línea del fichero en que
se configura el acceso a internet (/etc/ppp/mundivia.ppp):

remotename infovia

En /var/log/messages se escriben un par de mensajes de Protocolo
desconocido (¿Alguien sabe a que se debe?), pero se conecta y tengo
acceso a internet.

Espero que te sirva a ti y a quien necesite cambiar a infovia plus, aunque
se queden abiertas 2 preguntas para quien conozca más el tema.


 Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:
  Alfonso Pastor escribió:
   La configuracion es la misma que tengo para llamar a Infovia, solo
   he cambiado el numero. Como solo me quedan 9 dias para abandonar el
   055, me esta entrando un ligero acojono, 
   Pues ya somos dos por lo menos, por que yo estoy igual.
  Yo soy una persona muy curiosa, o tengo una suerte increíble, o me pasan 
  las cosas
  más raras de esta vida:
  Tengo la Debian 2, y la configuración es la de por defecto. Sólo he 
  cambiado el
  número de teléfono y voilá.
   Debes estrar entrando por un nodo local ¿ no ? porque lo que es el nodo
 ese general para los de pueblo como yo (el 901-505055) no va ni a tiros.
 Mi configuración es la estandar que te mete el pppconfig, aunque también
 he probado con la que tengo en Debian 1.3.1 y nada, he tocado la conf a
 pelo, y tampoco. Incluso he contratado una cuenta con un nuevo proveedor
 (CTV) y tampoco; y un aniguete mío con arrakis tampoco. Los de CTV me
 aseguran que el problema es de Infovía-minus y que espere hasta el 1
 de Diciembre, los de databasedm dicen que lo consultarán y yo sigo sin
 poder conectar. ¡ Y faltan 6 días ! Esperaremos a ver.

Jose Manuel Roca. e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ley de Parkinson: Todo trabajo se expande hasta
exceder el tiempo disponible.

Re: Socorro!! Necesito ayuda para configurar las X


On Thu, 26 Nov 1998, Martinez Amenabar Mikel wrote:

 Hola a todos:
 Agradecería si alguien me puede echar una mano con la configuración de las
 X. Tengo una tarjeta Intel i740 AGP, y no se cual elegir de la lista que
 aparece con xf86config. SuperProbe me dice que tengo una VGA genérica, pero
 si elijo esa no puedo hacer nada, ya que solo funciona el modo a 320x200 y
 lo veo todo enorme.
 Muchas gracias... ;)
 Un saludo de
   Mikel Martinez (aka Maki / Obtuse)
 Mi página web -
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Debes hacer un link de /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_NONE a XF86_SVGA, y ejecutar 
XF86Setup, y configuras adecuadamente el entorno. Si no aparece tu 
tarjeta en la lista, cogera una Super VGA generica el mismo.
Ahora ejecuta startx.
Si tu distribucion no fuera debian, debes hacer un link de /etc/X a 
/usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA y ejecutar XF86Setup. Si aun asi te sigue 
fallando, comentanos los errores que te devuelve.

Re: mandato/comando para fetchmail

1998-11-27 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Fri, Nov 27, 1998 at 04:41:54PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] dijo:
 Hace tiempo que me dijeron que para bajarme el correo con fetchmail usara el
 siguiente mandato:
 fetchmail -v -u mi_identificador
 del que la última parte ( es el nombre de la máquina de
 la cual bajo el correo (o un alias de ésta:, creo).
 Y así lo he hecho hasta hoy, que por error omití esta última parte, pero el
 correo me lo bajó de todos modos.  Así pues, ¿es realmente necesaria esa
 parte o...?

Será que tienes el archivo .fetchmailrc en tu directorio HOME?

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: StarOffice5.0

1998-11-27 Thread Octavio Rodriguez Perez
Lo acabo de bajar de Alemania, de:

Viene como un tiro (a 40Kbytes/s). 67,125,282 bytes en 30 minutos!!

Si conocen una version mas actualizada, ya saben.



RE: Acentos en Latex

1998-11-27 Thread Tomas Bautista
On Fri, 27 Nov 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Por si te sirve de ayuda, yo estoy empezando a leer algo de LaTeX, y he
 empezado con el siguiente documento:

Y si lo deseas en español, entonces


  _ Tomas Bautista.  Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243 
 /  ___)_   E-mail address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  (___  \  Home page URL:
 \_)  |Centre for Applied Microelectronics, CAD Division.
   (_/  University of Las Palmas de G.C.
Campus de Tafira, pab. A. E-35017 Las Palmas, Canary Is.

Re: Referencias profesionales

1998-11-27 Thread TooManySecrets
[EMAIL PROTECTED] el día Fri, Nov 27, 1998 at 02:47:46PM +0100 expuso lo 
 Aquí planteo una reflexión que creo ya se ha discutido mucho. Usar Debian ni
 se lo planteaba, porque Oracle había dicho que su base de datos funcionaba
 con Red Hat (y por lo tanto, ha de estar instalado en Red Hat para dar
 soporte técnico), y Red Hat también da soporte técnico. Yo no sé si la
 filosofía de Debian puede o no llegar a servirle a mi jefe. No sé si existen
 o no empresas que soporten Debian como distribución o ni siquiera si tiene
 sentido que existan, pero el hecho es que ahora mismo si se diera el
 milagro, Debian NO sería la distribución elegida. Y a mi me joroba, porque
 Debian me parece mucho mejor que la otra. Y en cuanto al soporte, yo he
 tenido un soporte magnífico cuando he tenido problemas .. ;-)  

Yo tengo Debian 2.0 con Oracle8 rulando la mar de bien, y todavía no he
tenido ningún problema.
¿No estarás confundido con Sybase?

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

Can't remote X

1998-11-27 Thread Kent West
Hi All!

I'm a newbie, and have just discovered running X apps on a remote machine
on a local X server. Weigh kule!

On my campus, I can run an X server (XMix I believe) on a Win95/NT box and
then telnet to a linux box and set my DISPLAY variable to the Win95 IP
address and then run apps on that linux box and they show up on the 95
box. This is cool.

Now, for the Thanksgiving weekend, I've traveled 150 miles east (from
Abilene to Ft Worth) to my folks' house, and am using my Debian laptop on
my Mom's ISP and trying to telnet back to my Abilene Debian box. However,
I'm getting an error to the effect that the client is not authorized to
connect to the Xserver. Is this some sort of default setting in Debian
that I need to turn off somewhere, or is it some sort of barrier in Mom's
ISP service, or what?

Any clues as to how I can connect?

PS. I've heard people refer to rlogin and ssh and have kindda gotten the
impression that these are alternative means of telnetting in; maybe this
relates to my problem?


Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!

how get a pci plug and pray soundcard installation

1998-11-27 Thread Peter Berlau
under Window$ 95 ( don't hit me )
I run a TerraTec XLerate Soundcard
-PCI and Plug  Play
I do some musical stuff with this card inc combination
to a Roland SoundCanvas 88, e.g. Band-in-aBox, Powertracks,
Hearmaster, etc.,...
The hint for using this card is( I don't know much about Soundcards)
the card can transmit midi-data to the sound-canvas without inter-
preting this data.
Under linux now I've seen, there are lot of music-programs, like mixers,
So I think if I can get a Soundcard work under Linux, perhaps it is
possible to kill the window$ partition, only used for musically stuff.
But, unfortuanellety, I can't get the soundcard `swingin'.
Can someone please help me.
If there is no way get Linux sounds good with this card, please be so
friendly and name me a card which will run under linux without problems
and also can send/receive midi-data only.
I have a slot for a ISA-Card also, the card must not be the ultimate one
if I can have wavetables (direct output) and 
sending/midi the SoundCanvas will makes sound really  sounds good.


More dselect wishes

1998-11-27 Thread Gossamer

- A switch or config file to turn off the annoying help screens that
pop up unasked when I enter select mode.

- Ability to sort by marked-for status.  So I can get all the
selected-for-install packges at the top and look at them.

- A way to enter the [I]nstall section that's automated.  So I can
make lotsa selections then press enter and go away.  It takes a few
minutes to get itself sorted out and THEN waits for me to press enter
twice more (download files?  make selections?).  I want those last to
to just default.


: --Hacker-Neophile-Eclectic-Geek-Grrl-Gay-Disabled-Boychick--
: Although the Perl Slogan is There's More Than One Way to Do It,
: I hesitate to make 10 ways to do something.  :-)  -- Larry Wall

Austanners Wet Blue new email address

1998-11-27 Thread Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd

Please note our new e-mail address 

Best Regards,
Stephen Lavelle
I.T/H.I Officer

Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd.~ Australian 
Tanned Wet Blue Leather ~110 Heales Road,Lara, Geelong, 

Re: Netscape 4.05 Startup Problem under Debian 2.0

1998-11-27 Thread Ed Cogburn
Rudolf G. Schöbel wrote:
 I have upgraded form Debian 1.3 to Debian 2.0. Now I have problems with
 Netscape 4.05 startup.
 The following error message appears in the xterm window from where I call
   ./netscape: can't load library ''
 '' is a symlink in '/usr/X11R6/lib' and points to
 '' in the same directory.
 Even a complet reinstallation of Debian 2.0 and Netscape 4.05 didn't help
 Who can tell me where the problem is and how I can solve it ?
 Now I have to use Windows 95 to access the web. That's impossible !!!
 Thanks a lot for any help.

Did you upgrade NS from the libc5 based to the glibc2 (aka libc6) based
version?  When you went from 1.3 to 2.0, you also went from libc5 to a
libc6 system.

Ed C.

Re: More dselect wishes

1998-11-27 Thread Robert V. MacQuarrie
On 27 Nov 1998, Gossamer wrote:

 - A way to enter the [I]nstall section that's automated.  So I can
 make lotsa selections then press enter and go away.  It takes a few
 minutes to get itself sorted out and THEN waits for me to press enter
 twice more (download files?  make selections?).  I want those last to
 to just default.

I would hope not. There are many times when I have something selected but
do NOT want to download right away. Also I've selected programs by mistake
in the past and noticed this during these last 2 prompts. Maybe a config
file for system/admin's personal preferances would be helpful to set this
but definately not set as default.


Re: More dselect wishes

1998-11-27 Thread Bek Oberin
Robert V. MacQuarrie wrote:
 On 27 Nov 1998, Gossamer wrote:
  - A way to enter the [I]nstall section that's automated.  So I can
  make lotsa selections then press enter and go away.  It takes a few
  minutes to get itself sorted out and THEN waits for me to press enter
  twice more (download files?  make selections?).  I want those last to
  to just default.
 I would hope not. There are many times when I have something selected but
 do NOT want to download right away.

I never said as default, I just want -some- way to do it.


: --Hacker-Neophile-Eclectic-Geek-Grrl-Gay-Disabled-Boychick--
: The story of love is not important.  What is important is that
: one is capable of love. It is perhaps the only glimpse we are
: permitted of eternity.  -- ??

Low memory performance question

1998-11-27 Thread D Deasy
Hello all -

I'm trying to install Debian 2.0.2 on a Toshiba 386 laptop, with 4M of
memory and a 120M hard drive.  I RT the fine Manual and have my stack of
floppies ready.

Used lowmem.bin, did the partition thing (92M for me, 20M for swap, 6M for
booted with the resc1440.bin disk and entered boot params of rescue

So far, so good. Get the usual scrolling screen, telling me that all is
well... except, for the past 20 minutes, I've been staring at a message
that tells me the system is Adding swap: 20588k swap space (priority -1).

The question is - Is Debian going to run worth a d**n on this thing?  The
primary use will be for learning C and mucking about with shell
programming. I won't be loading much more then the base system, gcc, g++,
and vi.


Dan Deasy

Debian 2.0 (Cheapbyets CD) EZSTART does not recognize CD-ROM IRQ

1998-11-27 Thread Joseph Hartmann
I have a pretty standard 486 (circa 1995), and I am running
DOS622, with my CD-ROM working fine under DOS, having installed
the driver that came with the CD-ROM.  But my CD Rom is not
recognized by Debian EZSTART.  EZSTART hangs after I tell it the
color and it says something about examining my system.  I then
switch to Left-Alt F2 and here is what my dmesg says:

hdd: IRQ probe failed (0)
hdd: IRQ probe failed (0)
hdd: IRQ probe failed (0)
ide0 at 0x160-0x1fg, 0x36 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15

If I then try to mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom my
system hangs in the Left-Alt F2 virtual terminal, and I have to

I would like to be able to find out what IRQ and i/o address my
Toshiba CD-ROM is working under.  MSD will not provide this
information (at least I don't recognize it).  Can I do it from
the Left-Alt F2 virtual console in EZSTART?

If I can find out what the irq and i/o address should be (using
some GNU utility that is available on the Left-Alt F2 virtual
console), how would I then get the system to accept these values
for the CD-ROM?

Any ideas will be welcomed.



Re: Is it possible to scroll back and see bootup messages on console?

1998-11-27 Thread Adam Lazur
Thus spake Stan Brown ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   In FreeBSD, you can hit the {Scroll Lock} button and scroll back on the
   console using {Page Up and {Page Donw} keys.
   Is there anything similar in Debian?

as mentioned before... I think the shift page up/down combo
works... but if it's just bootup messages you're looking for you can
type 'dmesg' at the prompt and it will spit out all the kernel bootup
stuff. HTH


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

 Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
-- Benjamin Franklin

Dselect hard crash; now dselect won't run

1998-11-27 Thread Ed Cogburn

(Debian 1.1 - slink)
After the crash, there were errors in the ext2 root system.  When that
was cleaned up, I tried to run dselect again.  Now it fails like this:

11:06pm ~$ dselect
dselect: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol:

I attempted reinstalling both libc6 and libstdc++2.9, but it didn't
help.  The file mentioned above does exist.  Any clues?  Or is my root
system hosed beyond repair?

Ed C.

Newbie question-Compile error

1998-11-27 Thread Michael Montz*4549*LC*7a000449as
I seem to be missing something on my system, but I am unable to figure out what
it is.  The following is the config.log when trying to compile:

configure:559: checking for a BSD compatible install
configure:612: checking whether build environment is sane
configure:669: checking whether make sets ${MAKE}
configure:708: checking for working aclocal
configure:721: checking for working autoconf
configure:734: checking for working automake
configure:747: checking for working autoheader
configure:760: checking for working makeinfo
configure:779: checking for gcc
configure:856: checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works
configure:870: gcc -o conftestconftest.c  15
configure:890: checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a 
configure:895: checking whether we are using GNU C
configure:904: gcc -E conftest.c
configure:919: checking whether gcc accepts -g
configure:951: checking for c++
configure:982: checking whether the C++ compiler (c++  ) works
configure:996: c++ -o conftestconftest.C  15
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lstdc++: No such file or directory
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
configure: failed program was:
#line 992 configure
#include confdefs.h

Running ldconfig -v|grep libstdc++ resulted in the following: = = = =

What am I missing?


Getting Rid of Debian/Linux

1998-11-27 Thread Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd

I have a requirement to remove Debian from one 
of our workstations and re-install DOS/Windows (Horror!) 
How do I do 
Thanks in advance
Stephen Lavelle

Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd.~ Australian 
Tanned Wet Blue Leather ~110 Heales Road,Lara, Geelong, 
Australia3212Tel:++(03)52742232Fax:++(03)52742350mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

1998-11-27 Thread Eric Jensen
I recently installed Slink on a laptop.  I have the latest versions of all
the signifigant packages.  When I try to run dselect, groff, or many many
other things, I get this:

error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

How do I fix this???

Re: Can't remote X

1998-11-27 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Thu, Nov 26, 1998 at 06:52:11PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
 Now, for the Thanksgiving weekend, I've traveled 150 miles east (from
 Abilene to Ft Worth) to my folks' house, and am using my Debian laptop on
 my Mom's ISP and trying to telnet back to my Abilene Debian box. However,
 I'm getting an error to the effect that the client is not authorized to
 connect to the Xserver. Is this some sort of default setting in Debian
 that I need to turn off somewhere, or is it some sort of barrier in Mom's
 ISP service, or what?
 Any clues as to how I can connect?
 PS. I've heard people refer to rlogin and ssh and have kindda gotten the
 impression that these are alternative means of telnetting in; maybe this
 relates to my problem?

You need to tell your local X server that the remote X client is
authorised to connect. The simplest way is xhost +servername, but
that's pretty insecure. The better way is to use xauth to export
your X magic cookie to a file, and then import it on to the host at
the other end.

ssh can do some trickery and make your X connection go through the
secure connection. This means (a) your session is encrypted, and (b)
no mucking around with xauth because it does it for you.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Package Help Please

1998-11-27 Thread Jiri Baum
Hello Stephen,

 I am trying to install packages from a floppy/s using dselect but keep
 getting the messages:
 /var/lib/dpkg/methods/mount/packages/ does not exist
 can any give me some advice on this?

In the dselect main menu, choose 0. Access and select the floppy method.
Then you'll need to 1. Update to get the Packages file off the floppy.

In general, you need to choose the options in the main menu of dselect in
numerical order from the top... this isn't obvious from the interface.

 or just general advice on installation (x window etc)

When you get to selecting packages, the Enter key confirms the whole list and
exits (yes, press the Enter key to Exit). To select the package you have the
cursor on, you need to press the + key.

The other useful key to know: when you press + on something and it pops up
with suggestions you don't like, press R (upper-case) to get it back to the
way it was before you pressed the +. Then you can either make different
selections, or just press Enter to confirm and return to the main list.



Re: Rescue disk creation

1998-11-27 Thread Jiri Baum
 p.s.  On boot from the hard drive I get
 someone else posted something similar

Yes - if memory serves, the answer was that it's a prompt with the options
[F]loppy and list-[A]ll. Numbers (1,2 etc) denote HD partitions.

Hope that's right...


Re: No more procmail, now exim..........

1998-11-27 Thread Jiri Baum
Hello Phillip Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED],

 Well i still cannot make procmail to filter my emails. But i will give exim
 a chance it has failed in chance #1: now is exim that is deleting my

Have a look in /var/spool/exim/input/ - are the messages there?
(/var/spool/exim/msglog/ will tell you *why* they are there).

 I run fetchmail and it says getting 3 messages or similar. Then i check for
 mails and i dont have any

Have you checked in your ~/Mail/inbox ? The default inbox that
elm/mutt/whatever opens is elsewhere (/var/spool/mail/filsin).

The filter file *might* be slightly case-sensitive (ie, try $header_Cc:), but
I don't think it is. (BTW, you should probably use $header_X-Mailing-List:
instead of $header_Cc: anyway.)

Try leaving off the last line (save /home/filsin/Mail/inbox). If your .forward
doesn't handle a message at all, it'll go into your normal mailbox by default,
so that should make things a bit better... Then at least you'll find your mail
in /var/spool/mail/filsin (which is the default box for elm and mutt).

Can't think of anything else...

HTH, or else ask again


Re: Mail Question

1998-11-27 Thread Jiri Baum

  I want to put a couple of lines in ip-up, so that everytime my
ppp is on, it will automatically contact my mail server, send out
 'fetchmail' will do the trick.  Others have used it with good success.

I'm using it, if you need a hand with setup.


Re: Automatizing installation on several machines

1998-11-27 Thread Jiri Baum

Martin wrote:
 Beware, that you will also block user homepages for a httpd. If you
 want homepages, the make the chmod weaker. chmod o=x /home/*

Or get the users to put the homepages in a different directory (but that'd
require more work, as you'd have to set that directory up).

Actually, chmod o=x is probably sensible anyway because then when users do a
chmod +r some-file, it *will* be readable, which is probably what people
expect when they do a chmod +r.


Re: subdirectories and files to backup.

1998-11-27 Thread Jiri Baum

 I would like to selectively backup my config files on a Debian 2.0.
 Anybody can suggest what subdirectory or files to backup?

fetchmail's config goes in ~root/.fetchmailrc

 /etc and /var/www pops up. Any suggestions?

Theoretically, you could just check the Conffiles lines in
/var/lib/dpkg/status but in practice it misses a lot of things, including



Re: List language?

1998-11-27 Thread Jiri Baum
Hello Daniel Elenius [EMAIL PROTECTED],

As a practical matter, your comments are valid, and from a pragmatic POV I
agree with them.


Conceptually, they are blatantly anglo-centric. After all, they'd make equal
sense for any other language, wouldn't they? Like this:

 I am equally confused. I would rather NOT have non-english on the list, if
 it is avoidable.

Mi estas egale konfuzita. Mi preferus NE havi ne-esperanton chi tie, se ghi

 Not that I have anything against other languages, but debian-user should be
 an open forum for discussion for all of its readers, and using non-english
 does not propagate that very well.

Mi havas nenion kontrau aliaj lingvoj, sed debian-user estu malferma diskutejo
por chiuj ghiaj legantoj, kaj uzo de ne-esperanto disvastighas malbone.

 Private discussions between a few list readers should be done with private
 email. Of course, if the people posting these non-english mails do not
 comprehend english, the case is different.

Privataj diskutoj inter kelkaj legantoj estu per privata poshto. Kompreneble,
se la skribintoj de jenaj afishoj ne komprenas Esperanton, jen alia okazo!

 But like I said, IMHO we should try to avoid it.

Sed kiel mi jam diris, lau mi, ni evitu ghin.




Re: Question

1998-11-27 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Martin == Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When I try to install my packages it says dpkg-perl file not found
  or renamed

  then it tells me where to put it when I search for it though its
  not there how do I fix this?

This is very strange. Could you give us an verbatim transcript
 of the error? Could you also tell us what is the output of 
 dpkg -s dpkg-perl? 

The files in this package are supposed to be

Do any of these exist?

 The Lord and I are in a sheep-shepherd relationship, and I am in a
 position of negative need. He prostrates me in a green-belt grazing
 area. He conducts me directionally parallel to non-torrential aqueous
 liquid. He returns to original satisfaction levels my psychological
 makeup. He switches me on to a positive behavioral format for maximal
 prestige of His identity. It should indeed be said that
 notwithstanding the fact that I make ambulatory progress through the
 umbragious inter-hill mortality slot, terror sensations will no be
 initiated in me, due to para-etical phenomena. Your pastoral walking
 aid and quadrupic pickup unit introduce me into a pleasurific mood
 state. You design and produce a nutriment-bearing furniture-type
 structure in the context of non-cooperative elements. You act out a
 head-related folk ritual employing vegetable extract. My beverage
 utensil experiences a volume crisis. It is an ongoing deductible fact
 that your inter-relational empathetical and non-ventious capabilities
 will retain me as their target-focus for the duration of my non-death
 period, and I will possess tenant rights in the housing unit of the
 Lord on a permanent, open-ended time basis.
Manoj Srivastava  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Re: Getting Rid of Debian/Linux

1998-11-27 Thread Kent West
On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd wrote:

 I have a requirement to remove Debian from one of our workstations and 
 re-install DOS/Windows (Horror!) 
 How do I do this?
 Thanks in advance
 Stephen Lavelle
 Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd.
 ~ Australian Tanned Wet Blue Leather ~

Assuming you don't want to preserve any of your Debian setup, just insert
Disk 1 of a set of DOS 5 or higher disks and hit the ol' Microsoft button
(Reset). The setup routine will repartion/format/install DOS.

If you want to do it more manually, boot off of a DOS/Win95/98 boot floppy
that has the, format.exe, and files on it.

 1) Run fdisk and delete all the existing Linux partitions and create DOS
partitions. You may need to run fdisk /mbr also to reclaim the master
boot record for DOS's use. Reboot if necessary, off the floppy.

 2) Run format c: /s /v to format drive C:, verifying as you go, and
copying the boot system to the hard drive. If you should forget the /s,
you'll have to sys c: after the format is complete.

 3) Pop out the floppy and reboot. You now have a minimal DOS system.
Since you didn't specify what version of DOS/Windows, that's as far as
I'll take you.

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!

Re: Getting Rid of Debian/Linux

1998-11-27 Thread David McDonald
On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd wrote:

 I have a requirement to remove Debian from one of our workstations and
 re-install DOS/Windows (Horror!)

Poor fools :^(

At least try to install the Caldera DR-DOS package as opposed to the MS
one ...

 How do I do this?

It's ugly ...   ;^)

Just boot from your DOS installation disks, run the FDISK program (I can't
recall if it will do this automatically or not - you may have to exit to
the DOS prompt with the F3 key (again, that's the way I remember it, not
necessarily the way it is).

You will have to create a DOS partition (possibly by first removing other
partitions) and mark the DOS partition as active or bootable (I think the
DOS terminology is active).

Run the DOS FORMAT C: command and reboot from the DOS boot/install disk.
The rest is obvious.

I'm sure that you'll know how to install windoze from there.


David McDonald  telephone: +61-2-9554-0346 (direct)
Communications Analyst +61-2-9554- (switch)
Security Mailing Services  04-1237-2284(mobile)
6 The Crescent  facsimile: +61-2-9554-0554
P.O. Box 86 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Type Bits/KeyIDDate   User ID
pub  1024/2AB67619 1997/10/22 David J. McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: 2.6.3ia


dselect problem on install

1998-11-27 Thread Patrick Colbeck

Has anyone seen this problem with Debian 2.0 (from Cheapbytes) before ?
It does the initial install fine and the reboots and asks you what type of
install you want eg Scientific workstation etc and then runs deselect. When it
gets to installing the packages all goes fine until it starts to ask about
creating the XF86Confing file.
At this point if I answer YES or No it no longer responds to any keyboard
input. I can switch to another vty and kill -s 9 the current post install
process and then when I switch back to the original vty it has moved on to the
next package and proceded OK until it needs some user input but the keyboard is
still locked out. 
Any ideas ?


exim and DNS

1998-11-27 Thread Giuseppe Sacco
Hi peolples,
I have a problem running exim.

I am working on a side of a firewall that have a dns inside. We have a
pop3/smtp mailhost outside of this firewall that is not listed in our
DNS, so we use th set up our mail reader (Netscape for instance) with
the ip address af the externam mailhost machine.
We also have a domain for our e-mails.

I am now trying to set up a linux box inside of the firewall just for
personal usage. I set up exim to handle locally e-mail from me to me,
and I specified to send every message without domain to our mailhost
using the smartuser driver:

driver = smartuser
new_address = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

then I modified my /etc/hosts to include the mailhost host.

Now the problem: if I use ping or telnet or ftp then I can connect to
mailhost, but exim can't connect to mailhost because he just try to get
the address from the DNS. It seems to me that exim doesn't look at the
/etc/hosts file.

Is it true? Should I became DNS myself?

Giuseppe Sacco

Re: Is it possible to scroll back and see bootup messages on console?

1998-11-27 Thread Cesare Tagliaferri
On Thu, 26 Nov 1998, Stan Brown wrote:
In FreeBSD, you can hit the {Scroll Lock} button and scroll back on the
   console using {Page Up and {Page Donw} keys.

   Is there anything similar in Debian?

It is possible with SHIFT+PGUP, but you can also look at boot kernel messages
by the command dmesg.

Hope this helps

Cesare Tagliaferri

Re: Can't remote X

1998-11-27 Thread Cesare Tagliaferri
On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Kent West wrote:

Now, for the Thanksgiving weekend, I've traveled 150 miles east (from
Abilene to Ft Worth) to my folks' house, and am using my Debian laptop on
my Mom's ISP and trying to telnet back to my Abilene Debian box. However,
I'm getting an error to the effect that the client is not authorized to
connect to the Xserver. Is this some sort of default setting in Debian
that I need to turn off somewhere, or is it some sort of barrier in Mom's
ISP service, or what?

Any clues as to how I can connect?

You have to do, on the machine running the server:

xhost client ip

this will authorize the client.

PS. I've heard people refer to rlogin and ssh and have kindda gotten the
impression that these are alternative means of telnetting in; maybe this
relates to my problem?

If you use ssh the X connection doesn't go directly to your Xserver, but it
passes through a virtual proxy on the client side (so it can be crypted); the
ssh protocol manages all that.

Hope this helps

Cesare Tagliaferri

Re: Is it possible to scroll back and see bootup messages on console?

1998-11-27 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 On Thu, 26 Nov 1998, Stan Brown wrote:
  In FreeBSD, you can hit the {Scroll Lock} button and scroll back on the
  console using {Page Up and {Page Donw} keys.
  Is there anything similar in Debian?
 Sure. Shift-PageUp and Shift-PageDown. At least, they work in xterms. I
 *think* I've used the feature in console, but I can't be sure.

Yes it does work in virtual consoles.  However, once X has started, the
vc tends to `forget' all the lines that scrolled off the screen.  I
don't know what to do about this.  As some people have mentioned, you
can get kernel boot messages with the dmesg command.  However, it
doesn't show everything.  In particular some error messages are not
there.  If you want to see all of the boot messages, your best bet is
not to start xdm at boot time, use exented vga (50+ lines on your
screen), and see how far you can scroll back.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Can't resolve host names _inside_ firewall!?

1998-11-27 Thread Martin Waller

After figuring out that my dhcpcd problems were due to a corrupted file 
in /var/run/some dhcpceth0conf type file, I now find I can't resolve 
hostnames/addresses _inside_ our firewall (it's fine for sites outside 
on the internet).

I know littela botu networking so am not sure where the problem is, but 
under win95 (yuk), winipcfg gives:

my hostname
the address of 2 DNS servers
a node type of 'hybrid'
The 'NetBIOS Resolution Uses DNS box is ticked
My IP address
subnt mask
default gateway
DHCP server
Primary WINS server (same as DHCP server)
Secondary WINS server

Any clues as to why I can't resolve host names inside the firewall?  It 
means I can't get apache to work (get a 'can't resolve address for 
hostname' error in /var/apache/error.log), and to get Xwin32 to work  
so colleagues can log in via X (inside firewall), I have to put their 
hostname and address in /etc/hosts/ to allow them to log in, or I get 
similar 'can't resolve hostname' errors in /var/log/xdm-errors.

Please help a new-ishbie!


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Can't dselect or apt !!

1998-11-27 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Debian users,
today I run dselect with apt method to upgrade my box to slink and after
quit dselect, I can't run neither dselect neither apt again.
There is a error:

jaca:~# dselect
dselect: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

jaca:~# apt-get clean
apt-get: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: 

I did a dpkg -S and discovered that the package with this library is:
jaca:~# dpkg -S | more

How I can repair this now?
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

Make Eterm transparent

1998-11-27 Thread Shao Zhang
Hi all,
I just got Eterm installed.

Could anyone please tell me how to make it looks transparent??



Re: Is it possible to scroll back and see bootup messages on console?

1998-11-27 Thread John Stevenson
Hello Debian Land...

The best way to see all the messages is to not run any programs on tty1 (the 
virtual terminal - also the default terminal).  You can then scroll all the way 
to the bios boot information using the shift+pageup key combination.

So long as you run no programs (or at least ones that dont take over the 
screen) then
you can scroll up and down as many times as you want using the shift+pageup and
shift+page up.

If you always want access to this informaiton then login to Linux using any one 
of the
other virtual consoles.  As far as I know it using the other virtual terminals 
allow you to always got back to the information on the first one.

One further point regarding linux logo.  If you have this installed and 
configured to
display then you can still see all the boot information.

P.s. You may or may not have to login to the machine to scroll ( I haven't 
tested it
by not logging in.)

Hope this clears a few things up.

E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

  On Thu, 26 Nov 1998, Stan Brown wrote:
   In FreeBSD, you can hit the {Scroll Lock} button and scroll back on 
   console using {Page Up and {Page Donw} keys.
   Is there anything similar in Debian?
  Sure. Shift-PageUp and Shift-PageDown. At least, they work in xterms. I
  *think* I've used the feature in console, but I can't be sure.

 Yes it does work in virtual consoles.  However, once X has started, the
 vc tends to `forget' all the lines that scrolled off the screen.  I
 don't know what to do about this.  As some people have mentioned, you
 can get kernel boot messages with the dmesg command.  However, it
 doesn't show everything.  In particular some error messages are not
 there.  If you want to see all of the boot messages, your best bet is
 not to start xdm at boot time, use exented vga (50+ lines on your
 screen), and see how far you can scroll back.


  E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
  Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
  Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

John Stevenson, Objective Alliance:

Objects are not a technology, they are a state of mind

Re: Please help with CD writer questions

1998-11-27 Thread Gilbert Laycock
You probably want to have a look at Andy McFadden's CD-Recordable FAQ, 
which is not Linux oriented, but does have a lot of information about
the hardware.
It is at

timothy 1. I read (on NetExpress) that the shelf life of CD-R media
timothyis only like 5 years. Is this true? Doesn't this suck? And
timothythat CD-RW media has a shelf life of 30 years. Does this
timothymean I have to get a CD-RW?

I think its the other way around CD-R lasts ~25 years, CD-RW ~5
years. But I really don't remember where I read that. 

Aha. At the end of the FAQ there is the claim that CD-R have an
unrecorded shelf life of 5-10 years, and that once recorded the
estimated life is 75-100 years depending on whether you are using
green or gold blanks. 

My impression is that most CD writers you can buy now will write both
type of CD. 

timothy 2. What is the deal with the buffer underflow thing? I read
timothy(on that you should have a fast SCSI
timothyinterface, because if you cant feed the writer data fast
timothyenough, the write will die. - Does this mean that all IDE
timothyCD-Writers are useless? And what if you do get a SCSI
timothyWriter, but are using an IDE hard disk? Wont you still be

According to the FAQ above IDE writers are not much of a problem so
long as the writer has a reasonable size of buffer. And I suppose
it depends how you are going to use it. If you always make an image on
a spare partition before writing to the CD, problems are even less
likely. And you probably don't want to start writing while your
machine is heavily loaded with other processes.

I have an IDE CD writer (an HP CD-Writer+, 7200 series, 768K buffer)
that has worked without problems for me. But I don't use it heavily.


  Gilbert Laycock email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Maths and Computer Science,
  Leicester Universityphone: (+44) 116 252 3902

Re: Installing Debian 2.0 on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 440 CDT

1998-11-27 Thread John Stevenson

I guess that this brand of laptop does not share the same 'feature' as the other
toshiba's.  I seems that it mainly affects the newer toshiba's, but it is not 
just limited
to toshiba's.  I dont know the what,why,how of this feature, but perhaps it 
would be useful
if someone organised a list of what laptops need the tecra boot and driver 
images and what
laptops are fine.

Any takers??  Perhaps this information is already on the Laptop linux site 
(sorry know
reference !!).


Peter Bartosch wrote:


 }- Dont Panic !!!
 }- There is nothing wrong with your laptop, except that it has the same 
 feature as all
 }- the other toshiba laptops (and a few other brands).
 }- The Toshiba laptops require special rescue and drivers and these are 
 located in the
 }- tecra folder in the boot disk directory.

 what are the differences? i´ve installed ma toshiba 210cs without any
 special (tecra-) disks

 my way was installing a temporary dos-platform and then installing from
 directly from the cd-rom (first time it was bo, but about 2 month back i
 installed hamm completely new ;-)

 until next mail ;)


   :~~~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~:
   :   student of technical computer science:
   :  university of applied sciences krefeld (germany)  :

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John Stevenson, Objective Alliance:

Objects are not a technology, they are a state of mind

An alternative to glint (reading rpm's)

1998-11-27 Thread John Stevenson
Hello Debian Land,

I made an interesting purchase just recently of Red Hat
5.1, thinking I would try it out and see if it was any
better.  It had some advantages and disadvantages, but
in the end I decided to come back to debian.

The situation I am in now however, is that I have an
applications CD (the third Cd in the set) from redhat
5.1, but I have no idea what these applications are.  I
would like to try these out but want to know what is
what.  Is there a way to see what these applications
are, without re-installing redhat???

I believe that redhat uses a program called glide to
read this application CD, is there an equivalent for
debian ??  or should I try installing glide (which I
doubt would work as I would need to include other parts
of redhat)  ??

Any one have comments on this...
John Stevenson, Objective Alliance:

Objects are not a technology, they are a state of

Re: Newbie question-Compile error

1998-11-27 Thread Peter Berlau
On Thu, Nov 26, 1998 at 10:18:47PM -0600, Michael Montz*4549*LC*7a000449as 
 hi Michael
 Running ldconfig -v|grep libstdc++ resulted in the following: = = = =
the above are only see shared libes
and You have, however, no link to the libstdc++
look bottom, I added my list
libstdc++.a - # this line you must add with
   # ln -s - - -


Re: Soundblaster 64 PCI with Linux

1998-11-27 Thread Daniel Elenius
Kurt Garloff writes:
On Thu, Nov 26, 1998 at 01:12:54PM -0500, Brendan Bye-Bye Coleridge Cully 
 Does anyone know anything about the PCI128? I can get
 sound out of this board with modprobe 1370 (not 1371?
 is the 128 inferior to the 64?), but the drivers
 that come with the kernel seem to get a lot of DMA
 timeouts, and programs often seem to hang trying to
 open /dev/dsp (don't receive TERM, either, only KILL),
 after which nothing can use sound... so I guess the
 chip isn't identical.

I use a SB PCI128 with 2.1.129, and it works fine. The PCI128 is, in
fact a ES1370, so use that driver. Sound volume was a bit low for me
by default, but that's easily fixed with a mixer program like cat,
which you can run at boot time.

Blocking an arbitrary port with ipfwadm

1998-11-27 Thread Damon Muller
Hi Folks,

Not sure if this has been covered before, and it isn't 100%
debian-specific, but I thought some ipfwadm guru out there might be able
to help a poor clueless idiot such as myself.

What I want to do is use ipfwadm to block a single port - namely 31337 
(UDP). For anyone who has had their head in the sand for the last few
months, that's the port that Back Orrifice listens on by default.

This isn't meant to be a full-on firewall at the moment, but I'd
specifically like to block that port so someone doesn't hijack the
Windoze machines of some of our more clueless ppp users.

Any pointers would be very helpful (please don't just say RTFM - I did,
but it didn't make too much sense to me).



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead

Please Help! Broke lots with apt-get...

1998-11-27 Thread Fred McDavid

Scenario: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade

Somewhere in the middle, package installations are failing with:

 error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

I think I had managed to fix it once by downgrading libc to libc6_2.0.7u-5.deb

I then managed to unintentionally delete this file and I can't seem to locate 
it again.  Is there any good way to fix this without downgrading (some other 
packages want to see the unstable libc stuff)?


Fred error

1998-11-27 Thread Paul Miller

I upgraded a libc package, and now I'm getting the following error when I
run many programs.

/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
 already running.

What is wrong?


smail relay control

1998-11-27 Thread Alvaro Reguly
Hi .. how do I stop smail from relaying email ? make it deliver email 
only for/from local users .. (to prevent my host to act as a mail 
bomber for outside users for example)



RE: Make Eterm transparent

1998-11-27 Thread Shaleh
Eterm -t trans.  You need to either be running Enlightenment .15 or use the
Esetroot application to set the root backround image, then run Eterm w/ the
above command.

On 27-Nov-98 Shao Zhang wrote:
 Hi all,
   I just got Eterm installed.
   Could anyone please tell me how to make it looks transparent??

Problem mounting ATAPI cdrom

1998-11-27 Thread Gerd Messidat

I tried to install Debian 2.0 on my Laptop,
a Siemens Nixdorf Mobile 300, a Pentium 133 system.

Problem after installation of the base system ( from
debian/dists/frozen/hamm/base2_0.tgz) on hard disk
and first boot from hard disk:

The cdrom couldn't be mounted anymore.

The cdrom is a Toshiba XM-1502BX, a ATAPI cdrom drive.
Excerpt from `dmesg`:

hdc: packet command error: status=0xd0
hdc: unexpected_intr: status=0x51
hdc: unexpected_intr: error=0x60
Then extensions are tried:
Microsoft Joliet Level 3 and
but with similar problems.

Some conflict perhaps.  How should I proceed to solve

Best regards

Gerd Messidat

Re: Can't dselect or apt !!

1998-11-27 Thread Mitch Blevins
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
   Hi Debian users,
   today I run dselect with apt method to upgrade my box to slink and after
 quit dselect, I can't run neither dselect neither apt again.
   There is a error:
   jaca:~# dselect
   dselect: error in loading shared libraries
   /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
   jaca:~# apt-get clean
   apt-get: error in loading shared libraries
   /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: 
   I did a dpkg -S and discovered that the package with this library is:
   jaca:~# dpkg -S | more
   How I can repair this now?
   Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

I just had this problem.  Downgrade dpkg and apt to the versions in frozen.
See recent discussion on debian-devel for more...


Re: Please Help! Broke lots with apt-get...

1998-11-27 Thread Joop Stakenborg
 Scenario: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
 Somewhere in the middle, package installations are failing with:
  error in loading shared libraries
  /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
 I think I had managed to fix it once by downgrading libc to libc6_2.0.7u-5.deb
 I then managed to unintentionally delete this file and I can't seem to locate 
 it again.  Is there any good way to fix this without downgrading (some other 
 packages want to see the unstable libc stuff)?

Yes, wait for libstdc++2.9-2.91.59-1 to appear in the archives.
You must download it with ftp and then install with dpkg -i.
apt and dselect won't work.




RE: Can't dselect or apt !!

1998-11-27 Thread Christian Lavoie
 I just had this problem.  Downgrade dpkg and apt to the versions
 in frozen.
 See recent discussion on debian-devel for more...


I recently 'upgraded' my system from hamm to potato. Unfortunately, I was
targeting slink and much of the system is down right now. Where can I find
some info on mass-downgrading?

FIX: __register_frame_info/dpkg/apt problem

1998-11-27 Thread Mitch Blevins
For all of you who have been bitten by this problem, here
is your quickie solution.

Go to
Download the .debs there, and upgrade/downgrade to these versions
using dpkg (which should still work).

I would put these packages on hold for a few days til the problem
gets fixed on your mirrors.  After you are feeling adventurous,
take them off hold.  If this breaks things again, go back to foobar and:

Individual packages (not dselect/apt/dpkg) may or may not still work,
but at least you've still got dselect. :(

Read the discussion on debian-devel for more info on the problem and
for status updates.


Re: Please Help! Broke lots with apt-get...

1998-11-27 Thread Mitch Blevins
Joop Stakenborg wrote:
  Scenario: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
  Somewhere in the middle, package installations are failing with:
   error in loading shared libraries
   /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
  I think I had managed to fix it once by downgrading libc to 
  I then managed to unintentionally delete this file and I can't seem to 
  locate it again.  Is there any good way to fix this without downgrading 
  (some other packages want to see the unstable libc stuff)?
 Yes, wait for libstdc++2.9-2.91.59-1 to appear in the archives.
 You must download it with ftp and then install with dpkg -i.
 apt and dselect won't work.

Note that just getting libstdc++2.9-2.91.59-1 did not fix dselect for me.
I had to downgrade dpkg to the version in frozen.

You can get all the packages at


Re: debian-user-digest Digest V98 #1360

1998-11-27 Thread David Natkins
After getting the latest libc6 out of slink, I now get the mentioned message.
Ideas, anyone.  (dselect, apt are now crippled).

Re: Can't remote X

1998-11-27 Thread Rainer Clasen

 Now, for the Thanksgiving weekend, I've traveled 150 miles east (from
 Abilene to Ft Worth) to my folks' house, and am using my Debian laptop on
 my Mom's ISP and trying to telnet back to my Abilene Debian box. However,
 I'm getting an error to the effect that the client is not authorized to
 connect to the Xserver. Is this some sort of default setting in Debian
 that I need to turn off somewhere, or is it some sort of barrier in Mom's
 ISP service, or what?

either do an ssh to your box at home - it will set up everything correctly
(and encrypted!!) or do something like rsh add `xauth
list $DISPLAY` . 


KeyID=58341901 fingerprint=A5 57 04 B3 69 88 A1 FB  78 1D B5 64 E0 BF 72 EB

Description: PGP signature

Re: dselect problem on install

1998-11-27 Thread Kent West
On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Patrick Colbeck wrote:

 Has anyone seen this problem with Debian 2.0 (from Cheapbytes) before ?
 It does the initial install fine and the reboots and asks you what type of
 install you want eg Scientific workstation etc and then runs deselect. When it
 gets to installing the packages all goes fine until it starts to ask about
 creating the XF86Confing file.
 At this point if I answer YES or No it no longer responds to any keyboard
 input. I can switch to another vty and kill -s 9 the current post install
 process and then when I switch back to the original vty it has moved on to the
 next package and proceded OK until it needs some user input but the keyboard 
 still locked out. 
 Any ideas ?

I vaguely remember having this problem. I think my solution was to give up
on the CD and install from FTP. Sorry this isn't any help, but I did want
you to know that you're not the only one to have experienced this.

Actually, as I remember, it seems that the display output started getting
flakey also, not putting line breaks where they belonged, etc. I think I
had to switch to a different vterm and kill that entire login process in
order to regain control of that vterm.

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!

Re: smail relay control

1998-11-27 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 AR == Alvaro Reguly [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

AR Hi .. how do I stop smail from relaying email ? make it deliver
AR email only for/from local users .. (to prevent my host to act as a
AR mail bomber for outside users for example)

I have this in my /etc/smail/config


You could even specify localhost here I believe.


Install: Getting beyond 2GB on old IDE

1998-11-27 Thread Greg Vence

I've got an old slug for fs work.  Its got a Maxtor 8GB drive.  When I
boot the system it hangs unless I use there jumper.

 cyl,  Heads, Sectors
Looks like  4092, 16, 63
Should be  16351, 16, 63

I thougth using cfdisk to tell it the truth would work but it doesn't
just giving error that it couldn't read the disk.

How / when in install do I get the full 8GB to work with.  I'd really
like to get do it before the dselect.

TIA -- Greg.
What do you want to spend today?
Debian GNU/Linux  (Free for an UNLIMITED time)
Greg VenceKH2EA/4

RE: Install: Getting beyond 2GB on old IDE

1998-11-27 Thread Shaleh
Greg, what year is the BIOS?  Some BIOS' only support 540mb, or 1.6gb, or

On 27-Nov-98 Greg Vence wrote:
 I've got an old slug for fs work.  Its got a Maxtor 8GB drive.  When I
 boot the system it hangs unless I use there jumper.
  cyl,  Heads, Sectors
 Looks like  4092, 16, 63
 Should be  16351, 16, 63
 I thougth using cfdisk to tell it the truth would work but it doesn't
 just giving error that it couldn't read the disk.
 How / when in install do I get the full 8GB to work with.  I'd really
 like to get do it before the dselect.

Re: dselect problem on install

1998-11-27 Thread Allens
When I installed from Cheep Bites I couldn't create the XF86Config file,
although the setup carried on.  The only slight problem I have had since
is I can't run XF86Setup.  (What a shame, as I would run xf86config
(It mucks up my screen putting everything in 

I think there is something wrong with the cheep bytes cd, as this is the
third instance of this I have seen on this news group.
The only difference with the install that I could think of that could
cause your problem apart from an obscure hardware thing I can think of
is that I chose the 'Custom Setup' and al so used dselect to remove all
the packages I didn't need.  If this doesn't help, I have no idea what
is wrong.

Peter Allen

Patrick Colbeck wrote:
 Has anyone seen this problem with Debian 2.0 (from Cheapbytes) before ?
 It does the initial install fine and the reboots and asks you what type of
 install you want eg Scientific workstation etc and then runs deselect. When it
 gets to installing the packages all goes fine until it starts to ask about
 creating the XF86Confing file.
 At this point if I answer YES or No it no longer responds to any keyboard
 input. I can switch to another vty and kill -s 9 the current post install
 process and then when I switch back to the original vty it has moved on to the
 next package and proceded OK until it needs some user input but the keyboard 
 still locked out.
 Any ideas ?
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Xwindows problems

1998-11-27 Thread Robert Kerr
Hi all,
I'm running an Xserver that supports my Matrox AGP card, and it runs fine
if I run it as root, but when I run it a normal user, I get this message:

Fatal server error:
xf86OpenConsole: Server must be running with root permissions
You should be using Xwrapper to start the server or xdm.
We strongly advise against making the server SUID root!

I seem to recall this problem being mentioned before, but I don't
remember how to solve it.  any ideas?


UNIX _IS_ user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *368 Clyde Building, BYU   *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Provo, Utah  84602*
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (801) 378-2029   *
**  Fax: (801) 378-4449 *

RE: Xwindows problems

1998-11-27 Thread Shaleh
Put the name of the X server in /etc/X11/Xserver.  Then use xdm or xinit or

On 27-Nov-98 Robert Kerr wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm running an Xserver that supports my Matrox AGP card, and it runs fine
 if I run it as root, but when I run it a normal user, I get this message:
 Fatal server error:
 xf86OpenConsole: Server must be running with root permissions
 You should be using Xwrapper to start the server or xdm.
 We strongly advise against making the server SUID root!
 I seem to recall this problem being mentioned before, but I don't
 remember how to solve it.  any ideas?
 UNIX _IS_ user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are.
 * Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *368 Clyde Building, BYU   *
 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Provo, Utah  84602*
 * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (801) 378-2029   *
 **  Fax: (801) 378-4449 *
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

as86: Command not found. (Trying to re-compile Kernal)

1998-11-27 Thread Jason Dawe
I'm kind of a newbie at this but here goes...

I found out to use sound I would have to recompile the Linux kernel.
After getting make, I did a make config and then a make zImage as
described in the README file which came with the source.

At the end of the output screen of make zImage, I get a lot of messages
but I think this is my problem:

make[1]: as86: Command not found

I have searched dselect (With /) for as86 but it wasn't there. Where do
I get it?


Re: Install: Getting beyond 2GB on old IDE

1998-11-27 Thread Greg Vence
Dude, actually this is an EIDE box.  540mb was origial IDE.  It seems
that EIDE had a 2.0? wall.  UDMA EIDE I'm not sure of the limit... 
However, the bus it the same so you can use larger drives on the old
systems.  But in dos-land you've got to get a special driver (included
from maxtor).

If figured that if they could get around it in software, so could we... 
BIOS says 8/2/95


Thanx -- Greg.

Shaleh wrote:
 Greg, what year is the BIOS?  Some BIOS' only support 540mb, or 1.6gb, or
 On 27-Nov-98 Greg Vence wrote:
  I've got an old slug for fs work.  Its got a Maxtor 8GB drive.  When I
  boot the system it hangs unless I use there jumper.
   cyl,  Heads, Sectors
  Looks like  4092, 16, 63
  Should be  16351, 16, 63
  I thougth using cfdisk to tell it the truth would work but it doesn't
  just giving error that it couldn't read the disk.
  How / when in install do I get the full 8GB to work with.  I'd really
  like to get do it before the dselect.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

What do you want to spend today?
Debian GNU/Linux  (Free for an UNLIMITED time)
Greg VenceKH2EA/4

Re: as86: Command not found. (Trying to re-compile Kernal)

1998-11-27 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

dpkg -S as86:

bin86: /usr/doc/bin86/examples/as86_encap
bin86: /usr/man/man1/as86.1.gz
bin86: /usr/bin/as86

So, install the bin86 package.  And learn how to spell kernel.


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Version: 2.6.2


Re: dselect problem on install

1998-11-27 Thread Mitch Blevins
Allens wrote:
 When I installed from Cheep Bites I couldn't create the XF86Config file,
 although the setup carried on.  The only slight problem I have had since
 is I can't run XF86Setup.  (What a shame, as I would run xf86config
 (It mucks up my screen putting everything in 
 I think there is something wrong with the cheep bytes cd, as this is the
 third instance of this I have seen on this news group.
   The only difference with the install that I could think of that could
 cause your problem apart from an obscure hardware thing I can think of
 is that I chose the 'Custom Setup' and al so used dselect to remove all
 the packages I didn't need.  If this doesn't help, I have no idea what
 is wrong.

My installation did the same thing with the CheapBytes CD.
I did several installs with it.  One solution was to just install
the base system during the install phase and then use dselect to add
the packages I needed. (was time consuming)
Another solution was to change to a VT and kill the hanging process each
time it hung just to get thru the install (also time consuming).

So, what is the lesson we have learned?


Help with automatic logins with telnet

1998-11-27 Thread Brian Maneikis
I need help with automatically logging in to a computer with telnet.  I want to 
use a file with my user name and password stored in it, and have telnet read 
theinput from the file using telnet  login where login is the file with my 
name and password.  I've tried this, but it doesn't work.  It just gives me a 
Connection closed by foreign host before it even tries to read from the login
file.  I'm not sure what's wrong.  Could someone please help me with this.  
Thanks in advance.  BTW please send replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of 
replying to the list since I'm no longer subscribed to the list.  I hope some 
of this is clear.

Re: netscape woes

1998-11-27 Thread Richard Lyon

   Not so!  Mozilla may not be the wonderful GPL'd program I would like it
 to be, but it's still free.
   Unless you consider that Mozilla isn't quite from Netscape...

So what happens when AOL decides not to support Mozilla any further?

RE: Help with automatic logins with telnet

1998-11-27 Thread Shaleh
This is generally a bad idea.  What are you attempting to do?  Something like
rsh or ssh may be a better option.

If you just want to telnet w/o typing your name, there is not a GOOD option.

On 27-Nov-98 Brian Maneikis wrote:
 I need help with automatically logging in to a computer with telnet.  I want
 to use a file with my user name and password stored in it, and have telnet
 read theinput from the file using telnet  login where login is the file
 with my name and password.  I've tried this, but it doesn't work.  It just
 gives me a 
 Connection closed by foreign host before it even tries to read from the login
 file.  I'm not sure what's wrong.  Could someone please help me with this.  
 Thanks in advance.  BTW please send replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead
 replying to the list since I'm no longer subscribed to the list.  I hope some
 of this is clear.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Netscape 4.05 Startup Problem under Debian 2.0

1998-11-27 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
On: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 06:25:49 +0100 Rudolf G Schöbel writes:
 I have upgraded form Debian 1.3 to Debian 2.0. Now I have problems with
 Netscape 4.05 startup.
 The following error message appears in the xterm window from where I call
   ./netscape: can't load library ''
 '' is a symlink in '/usr/X11R6/lib' and points to
 '' in the same directory.
 Even a complet reinstallation of Debian 2.0 and Netscape 4.05 didn't help
 Who can tell me where the problem is and how I can solve it ?

Install the xlib6 and xpm4.7 packages from the oldlibs-section.


Re: setfont; bo, hamm, slink

1998-11-27 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
On: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 13:24:54 +0400 (AMT) Eugene Sevinian writes:
 Hi all, 
 Recently I am doing some job with console fonts and it turned that
 after running 
 $setfont  some-font 
 the mc and some other programs are losing the pseudographic characters
 which are used to draw frames, borders etc.  Instead pseudographic symbols
 the 'q', 'x' and other leters are appearing on the screen. At the same
 time everything is correct on the BO.  I would like to know is it fixed in

Don't forget the -u lat1u.uni argument to setfont, at least I use it
when loading fonts for svgatextmode.


[no subject]

1998-11-27 Thread Jonathan

RE: Help with automatic logins with telnet

1998-11-27 Thread Brandon Mitchell
With the below advice noted, it is possible to do this with expect.
I've done this so my school wouldn't delete my account when I don't log
into one of their systems for a few days.  I then crontabbed the program.  

But, as Shaleh says, you need to understand the security problems
associated with this, and look into other solutions first.

On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Shaleh wrote:

 This is generally a bad idea.  What are you attempting to do?  Something like
 rsh or ssh may be a better option.
 If you just want to telnet w/o typing your name, there is not a GOOD option.
 On 27-Nov-98 Brian Maneikis wrote:
  I need help with automatically logging in to a computer with telnet.  I want
  to use a file with my user name and password stored in it, and have telnet
  read theinput from the file using telnet  login where login is the file
  with my name and password.  I've tried this, but it doesn't work.  It just
  gives me a 
  Connection closed by foreign host before it even tries to read from the 
  file.  I'm not sure what's wrong.  Could someone please help me with this.  
  Thanks in advance.  BTW please send replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead
  replying to the list since I'm no longer subscribed to the list.  I hope 
  of this is clear.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
|  Sometimes you have to release software with bugs. - MS Recruiter  |

broken g++ package

1998-11-27 Thread Robert Rati
I just did an update of my packages, and have run into a major problem.
While apt was upgrading my system, it had errors giving this messsage:

Error processing packages:
E: Sub-process returned an error code

Well, now when I try to run dselect or apt, I get this message:

error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

Has anyone else had this problem or have any ideas as to how to fix it?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Me too! Help please: error

1998-11-27 Thread Ed Cogburn
Paul Miller wrote:
 I upgraded a libc package, and now I'm getting the following error when I
 run many programs.
 /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
  already running.
 What is wrong?

You aren't alone.  This happened to me during a dselect upgrade that
included libc6.  Dselect itself now can't run because of this.  Hope
somebody can help.

Ed C.

Re: broken g++ package

1998-11-27 Thread Mitch Blevins
Robert Rati wrote:
 I just did an update of my packages, and have run into a major problem.
 While apt was upgrading my system, it had errors giving this messsage:
 Error processing packages:
 E: Sub-process returned an error code
 Well, now when I try to run dselect or apt, I get this message:
 error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
 Has anyone else had this problem or have any ideas as to how to fix it?

This is becoming a FAQ.
You need the newest version of libstdc++, 2.91.59-1.
If you are using the dpkg from unstable, you need to downgrade it to

For convenience, I've tarred up all the needed files:

and posted them at

Download them and install them with dpkg.  Then put a hold on your dpkg to
keep it from getting upgraded (until a fixed one is on the mirrors).

Hope this helps,

RE: Sony CDU33A

1998-11-27 Thread Chris Stalker-Herron
If you go to you can find technical information
on all their products.


Re: Me too! Help please: error

1998-11-27 Thread Mitch Blevins
Ed Cogburn wrote:
 Paul Miller wrote:
  I upgraded a libc package, and now I'm getting the following error when I
  run many programs.
  /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
   already running.
  What is wrong?
   You aren't alone.  This happened to me during a dselect upgrade that
 included libc6.  Dselect itself now can't run because of this.  Hope
 somebody can help.

This is becoming a FAQ.
You need the newest version of libstdc++, 2.91.59-1.
If you are using the dpkg from unstable, you need to downgrade it to

For convenience, I've tarred up all the needed files:

and posted them at

Download them and install them with dpkg.  Then put a hold on your dpkg to
keep it from getting upgraded (until a fixed one is on the mirrors).

Hope this helps,

Re: Me too! Help please: error

1998-11-27 Thread Ed Cogburn
Mitch Blevins wrote:
 Ed Cogburn wrote:
  Paul Miller wrote:
   I upgraded a libc package, and now I'm getting the following error when I
   run many programs.
   /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
already running.
   What is wrong?
You aren't alone.  This happened to me during a dselect upgrade that
  included libc6.  Dselect itself now can't run because of this.  Hope
  somebody can help.
 This is becoming a FAQ.
 You need the newest version of libstdc++, 2.91.59-1.
 If you are using the dpkg from unstable, you need to downgrade it to
 For convenience, I've tarred up all the needed files:
 and posted them at
 Download them and install them with dpkg.  Then put a hold on your dpkg to
 keep it from getting upgraded (until a fixed one is on the mirrors).
 Hope this helps,

Thanks Mitch.  I just finished the download and install; your fix
works.  I sent the above message before finding your how-to-FIX later on
in the email list.

Ed C.

Re: Desktop normalizationy (fwd)

1998-11-27 Thread Mats Loman

On Tue, 24 Nov 1998, Greg S. Hayes wrote:

 If the lsb committies decide to add standards like desktop enviroments
 to linux we should probably create several levels of lsb compliance. One
 for the basics (the minimal linux) and others extending from there. If
 we don't do this we could rule out some linux machines from being
 considered linux (like the cli only web/file servers running on 486s
 around my house:) We should also be VERY VERY carefull that we don't end
 up favoring one desktop over another... all kinds of hell would break
 loose :) 
 Greg Hayes
I agree that even trying to standardize the look and feel for a linux
dekstop is a bad idea. I would like to see a standard that defines some
basic ways for software to communicate. Examples:
- Drag  Drop ... What kind of protocol should be used ( KDE and gnome has
  different ofcourse!)

- How to access mimetypes 
- How to install and read application definitions ( kdelnk files etc.) 
- How to install an application in a menu. 
- Protocoll for communication between panel and applets. 
- Perhaps some kind of OLE/COM alike standard.

I think its good to try to standardize the interfaces not the
implementations / look and feel.

//Mats Loman

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