Re: Debian 2.1

1999-03-05 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 03:17:01PM +, Hue-Bond wrote:
 On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Antonio Calvo Rodriguez wrote:
 Enrique Zanardi wrote:
  para unos problemillas que tiene el
  dpkg cuando el superusuario tiene definido el locale como algo distinto
  de C o POSIX
 ¿Y esto ? ¿no es recomendable tener al root con el locale español?
  Yo lo tengo así:
 # locale
  Y el dpkg no falla.

¿Qué versión del dpkg? ¿Y el dpkg-dev? Los errores por problemas de i18n
no siempre son fáciles de detectar. En el caso del dpkg, el error a veces
se produce cuando tiene que mostrar un simple mensaje tipo Fichero no
encontrado, en lugar de eso da una violación de segmento...

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: pasos

1999-03-05 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 03:18:13PM -0300, Pablo Cernadas wrote:
 Queridos amigos:
 Alguien se podria tomar la molestia de decirme los pasos para instalar
 debian (la primera fase) desde diskette?les agradeceria y me hayudaria
 mucho,he desinstalado el suse y quiero reemplazarlo por este sistema.

En tienes el manual de
instalación en español, para la Debian 2.0. Está todo bastante explicado,
y no es un documento demasiado grande. Si no tienes acceso al WWW avisa,
y te lo mando por correo-e.

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problemas con el correo de Netscape

1999-03-05 Thread Angel Barrio
Saludos a todos:

 Mi problema es muy sencillo. primero explicaré la situación: Tengo
instalado en dos distribuciones de linux el Netscape communicator 4.5
que regaló PC Actual en su número de diciembre, incluso he instalado el
móculo para español, os sea que trabajo con netscape totalmente en
castellano. Todo funciona como la seda, navego sin ningún problema en
las dos distribuciones.

Entonces he querido configurar la parte de correo. Lo he hecho igual
que con cualquier otro programa de correo (confieso que no lo he hecho
en Linux). Incluso estoy escribiendo estas líneas desde el Netscape 4.5
de Windows, que he configurado exactamente igual. En cambio cuando
intento abrir la ventana de correo de Netscape en Linux me da el
siguiente mensaje de error:

La bandeja de entrada predeterminada no existe. ¡No puede recibir

¿Sabe alguien qué es lo que sucede? ¿Cómo puedo arreglarlo?.

Muchas gracias, aunque solo sea por leer el mensaje.

Problemas con upgrade.

1999-03-05 Thread Miguel Angel Hernandez Sanchez

Hoy le di upgrade a un servidor de Bo(1.3) a Hamm(2.0) y han
surgido algunos problemas:

1.- Los clientes del NIS no pueden leer la tabla de password cada que se
reinicia el server pero lo soluciono parando y reiniciando el nis.

2.- En las maquina clientes cuando ejecutan pine por ejemplo no funciona y
dice lo siguiente:

Egolas:~$ pine
Who are you? (Unable to look up login name)

3.- Desde el servidor puedo conectarme a cualquier lado, pero desde otra
maquina al servidor no puedo y dice lo siguiente:

Egolas:~$ tn hydra
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Y no se como solucionarlos, principalmente el tercer problema, espero que
alguien pueda ayudarme, me urge arreglarlo, de antemano les agradezco
cualquier ayuda que puedan darme.

re: modems

1999-03-05 Thread Angel Barrio
Yo tengo un Zoltrix FM-336VSP (33600) externo que va muy bien.
Discrimina Voz, datos y fax. Sirve de contestador automático e incluso
soporta audio, es decir puedes hablar por teléfono con él sin necesidad
de tarjeta de sonido. En Linux no me dio ningún problema. Solo seguí las
instrucciones de instalación que encontré en redestb (en la sección de
soporte), que son muy generales. y en Windows 95, 98 o NT solo hay que
instalar el driver que viene en los discos (es el mismo para los 3 SO).
Incluso trae un software de fax y de otras historias que está bastante

Yo estoy muy contento con él. Me costó 1 pts. Así que encima es
barato. Ahora ya hay por ahí el de 56000 ¡Al mismo precio!  (por ejemplo
en KM, Alcampo,...). Supongo que habrá marcas que sean mejores que esta,
y que incluso tendrán un rendimiento algo superior. Pero creo que no se
puede pedir más por menos, y tal como está lo de Infovirria, qué más da.

Vamos, que te lo recomiendo.

De todos modos fíjate que no sea winmodem ni nada por el estilo, que
yo ví algún modelo de zoltrix que lo era (aunque creo que es algo raro

Espero que te sirva de ayuda.

Re: modems

1999-03-05 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Angel Barrio [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  De todos modos fíjate que no sea winmodem ni nada por el estilo, que
  yo ví algún modelo de zoltrix que lo era (aunque creo que es algo raro

 Me voy a tirar a llorar _TODOS_ los Zoltrix que vi hoy son

 ¿Cómo reconocer un no-modem en tres pasos fáciles?

 1.  Tome la caja del modem en cuestión.

 2.  Rótela hasta que la sección que dice System Requirements o
 Requisitos del Sistema esté frente a sus ojos.

 3.  Lea dicha sección.  Si dice Requiere xxx o superior, donde xxx
 puede ser cualquiera de i386, Pentium 100 MHz, Pentium 166
 MHz y similares, entonces _es_ un no-modem.

 ¿Qué es un no-modem?

 Como su nombre lo indica, es un aparato que ostenta ser un modem,
 pero es exactamente lo contrario.  Se presenta en varios formatos:
 WinModem, HSP, Software Modem, Memory Mapped Modem o Rockwell.
 Cualquiera es tan malo como el anterior.  El peor de todos es el HSP
 (Host Signal Processing), pues en un Pentium MMX 233 MHz puede llegar
 a utilizar más del 55% del CPU cuando opera a 53 kbps.  Un HSP _no_
 es un modem, es una tarjeta con un conector RJ-45 y un chip que no
 hace otra cosa que pasar la información de dicho conector al CPU del

 ¿Dónde puedo encontrar no-modems?

 En cualquier tienda que venda equipo de computo en la región central
 de Costa Rica.



De nuevo por acá...

1999-03-05 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
Después de estar más de mes y medio sin teléfono y ahora con $700.000 (como
450 dólares) menos en mi bolsillo, vuelvo a estar 'on-line'

Que ha habido de nuevo en estos últimos dos meses? ¿Alguien me puede echar
una manito?

¿Que pasó con el Slink? ¿En que vá?


PD: solo por saludar
 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Firma electronica en debian

1999-03-05 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Que paquete debian sirve para crear firmas electronicas y
como se hace?


Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Re: Firma electronica en debian

1999-03-05 Thread homega
Jose Luis Trivino dixit:
   Que paquete debian sirve para crear firmas electronicas y
 como se hace?

pgp, del que hay dos versiones, 2.6.3i y 5.0i.  También está gnupg, pero en
versión de desarrollo.



LiNUX en la calle ???

1999-03-05 Thread J.E. Marchesi


Tal vez este no sea el sitio adecuado para discutir este tema, pero 
me parece tan fundamental que se trate desde las distribuciones (y la de 
Debian la formamos todos nosotros) que no me da verguenza ninguna 
introducir el tema. :-) Todos sabemos los problemas a los que se enfrenta 
LiNUX a la hora de promocionarse, y hay que admitir que no son pocos. Es 
mas, son bastantes. Y esto es algo que, por mas apego que se tenga a la 
preciada criatura, hay que admitir y comprender. Este es el primer paso, 
que no dudo conocera todo linuxero que posea un minimo de razon. LiNUX es 
un sistema limpio, eficiente, capaz, y agradecido. Bien. Tambien es un 
sistema complejo, que como no podia ser de otra manera, hoy por hoy cobra 
toda su potencia en tiempo de aprendizaje y resolucion de multiples 
cuestiones tecnicas (y no tan tecnicas) por parte del usuario.  Esto es 
una de las cosas que se le echa en cara al sistema, y con toda la razon 
del mundo. Bien, un problema al que se aduce constantemente es la 
'amigabilidad' del sistema. Pero esto nos lleva a una cuestion 
importante : Que es un sistema amigable ?. Para mi, LiNUX es un sistema 
totalmente amigable, en tanto en cuanto es el S.O que conozco que mejor 
se cuida a si mismo, y por ende al usuario. En la otra vertiente, esta la 
gente que opina que un sistema 'amigable' es aquel que proporciona una 
mayor facilidad de uso. Y esta gente, con pocas excepciones, esta formada 
por el usuario pequenio y medio, que podrian englobarse en el 'usuario 
final'. Al igual que LiNUX hace pagar su potencia y fiabilidad, otros S.O 
conocidos por su facil manejo (como Windows u OS/2) tambien hacen pagar 
esta ultima caracteristica. Con que?. Pues con poca potencia y fiabilidad 
(en la mayor parte de los casos, que sin duda engloba a Windows 95/98/NT, 
y en menor medida a OS/2). Cual seria el S.O ideal ? . Pues aquel que 
englobara las dos caracteristicas en cuestion : potencia y facilidad de 
manejo. Muchos dicen, y con bastante buen criterio, que estas dos 
caracteristicas son incompatibles al 100%. Argumentan que no se puede 
obtener un sistema potente al 100% y facil de usar al 100%. Bueno, merece 
la pena el intentarlo.

Dicho esto, hay que aclarar una gran diferenciacion: el problema de 
LiNUX (esa falta de facilidad de uso), es un problema cuya resolucion 
pasa por la elaboracion (mejor o peor) de interfaces o front-ends 
adecuadas. Sin embargo, el problema de otros S.O, como Windows xx , ya no 
pasa por la elaboracion de una interfaz, sino que, para dar mas potencia 
al sistema, habria que empezar por los cimientos, en lugar de poner un 
buen tejado, como en el caso de LiNUX. 

Y esto es lo que debe entender el usuario de a pie. Este usuario, en 
la mayoria de los casos, empezo su vida informatica con Windows, hace 
pocos anios, y hay que comprender que a ese usuario le cueste moverse. De 
hecho, y me duele decir esto, el cambio a LiNUX no es recomendable en 
muchos casos, hasta que se haga un buen tejado, confortable y bondadoso 
para este usuario final. Muy a mi pesar, y con toda mi buena fe, a 
algunas personas que me han pedido consejo respecto a que S.O utilizar, y 
despues de exponerme el uso que le van a dar a la maquina, le he 
recomendado instalarse un Windows, que, para escribir cartas, le va a dar 
el mismo servicio que LiNUX, y de manera mas grata. Que nadie me 
malinterprete, estoy hablando de hoy en dia. Poco le queda ya a LiNUX 
para tener el tejado terminado, y esto gracias a las distribuciones (a 
todas).  Y que puede hacer el linuxero ademas que colaborar con las 
distribuciones ? . Para empezar, ayudar a la gente (y muy a menudo a si 
mismo) en las listas de correo. Y, ahi va dirigido este tedioso mensaje, 
a sacar a LiNUX a la calle. No estoy diciendo organizar manifestaciones, 
o ir a tirar huevos a las puertas de Microsoft Iberica, sino otra cosa 
muy distinta, y mas acorde con la filosofia de LiNUX, como por ejemplo:

  - Se discute en la comunidad de vecinos la compra de un ordenador para 
la gestion de la comunidad ?. Apoya la mocion y cuidate de que este 
ordenador vaya equipado con LiNUX (si es necesario, hazte cargo tu del 

  - El jefe se queja de que la red ya se ha caido ocho veces en lo que va 
de mes ?. Pues recomiendale LiNUX, y si es necesario da un pequenio 
seminario a tus companieros para su manejo.

  - Que en el barrio nadie ha oido hablar de LiNUX ni de nada semejante 
?. Buscate unos cuantos linuxeros del mismo (que los habra) y organiza 
unas charlas.

   Y asi en muchos casos mas. Como se puede observar, todas ellas llevan 
implicitas un trabajo 'gratuito', que no lo es en ningun caso. En mi 
opinion, los linuxeros somos una de las congregaciones mas egoistas, pues 
si nos pasamos tres horas al dia manteniendo un paquete, haciendo un 
parche para el kernel, impartiendo un seminario, organizando unas 
jornadas, u otra actividad parecida, nos estamos ayudando a nosotros 
mismos, llevando para 

RE: modems

1999-03-05 Thread Angel Vicente Perez

  3.  Lea dicha sección.  Si dice Requiere xxx o superior, donde xxx
  puede ser cualquiera de i386, Pentium 100 MHz, Pentium 166
  MHz y similares, entonces _es_ un no-modem.

Te aseguro, que en la caja que tenemos, pone eso, y que es un hardware
modem, y que funciona correctamente con linux.

  El peor de todos es el HSP
  (Host Signal Processing), pues en un Pentium MMX 233 MHz puede llegar
  a utilizar más del 55% del CPU cuando opera a 53 kbps.  Un HSP _no_
  es un modem, es una tarjeta con un conector RJ-45 y un chip que no
  hace otra cosa que pasar la información de dicho conector al CPU del

En la pagina de Zoltrix, en el enlace de drivers, vienen descritos y
diferenciados, los diferentes modelos, segun sean Winmodem o no.

No tengo nada que ver con Zoltrix, pero cuando entregaron el modem, me costo
emplear un par de horas consultando en la web, para comprobar el
funcionamiento con Linux.


Re: LiNUX en la calle ???

1999-03-05 Thread Fernando
J.E. Marchesi wrote:
 Tal vez este no sea el sitio adecuado para discutir este tema, pero
 me parece tan fundamental que se trate desde las distribuciones (y la de
 Debian la formamos todos nosotros) que no me da verguenza ninguna
 introducir el tema. :-) Todos sabemos los problemas a los que se enfrenta
 LiNUX a la hora de promocionarse, 

Cada vez menos, Ultimamente se oye hablar de linux por todas partes.


 importante : Que es un sistema amigable ?. Para mi, LiNUX es un sistema
 totalmente amigable, en tanto en cuanto es el S.O que conozco que mejor
 se cuida a si mismo, y por ende al usuario. 

Como todo sistema complejo, no siempre es posible hacer las cosas muy 
amigables, porque no se trata solo de hacer un programita con unos menus 
o unas casillas de seleccion, se trata de saber lo que se hace.
Realmente lo que hace a un sistema amigable es una buena documentacion,
y linux tiene una de las mejores.
( Por supuesto que cualquier herramienta que facilite las cosas es
  bien recibida)


   - El jefe se queja de que la red ya se ha caido ocho veces en lo que va
 de mes ?. Pues recomiendale LiNUX, y si es necesario da un pequenio
 seminario a tus companieros para su manejo.
   - Que en el barrio nadie ha oido hablar de LiNUX ni de nada semejante
 ?. Buscate unos cuantos linuxeros del mismo (que los habra) y organiza
 unas charlas.

Creo que la mayor parte de nosotros no hacemos mas que hablar bien de
linux, en casa, con los amigos, en el trabajo, etc. Algunos tenemos la 
suerte de poder incluso trabajar con este SISTEMA.
( Y ya empiezan a darse cuenta de que es algo serio, estable, atractivo
utilizo fvwm2 con un desktop virtual personalizado que es la envidia de
y que ya hay muchas aplicaciones comerciales (netscape, wp8, BD., etc..)
aparte de las libres que no tienen nada que envidiar a estas. )

   Y nada mas. Perdon por la extension del mensaje, que no lo volvere a
 hacer ;-).

Eso, que no se repita. ;-)



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Accesos al tcplogd

1999-03-05 Thread cesar . talon

Acabo de observar que el tcplogd y el icmplogd me acaban de dejar esto en el

Mar  5 13:20:24 lbt3 tcplogd: port 1173 connection attempt from
Mar  5 13:20:24 lbt3 icmplogd: destination unreachable from []
Mar  5 13:20:33 lbt3 icmplogd: destination unreachable from []
Mar  5 13:20:33 lbt3 tcplogd: port 1238 connection attempt from
Mar  5 13:20:33 lbt3 icmplogd: destination unreachable from []

Y lo mismo para los puertos: 1258, 1263, 1265, 1267, 1269, 1271, 1276, 1278,
1286 y el 1371.

He mirado en el /etc/services y no tengo nada con esos puertos. Alguien sabe
para que son? Puede ser un ataque a la maquina? O quizas debo pasar?

Al principio pense que era cosa del samba porque instale la version 2.0.X de
potato, pero luego me he dado cuenta de que es cosa del icmplog que
registra estas cosas.


Cesar Talon email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas / Dpto.Física de la Materia condensada
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid / Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 397 4756 /  Fax:   +34 91 397 3961

If it wasn't for Newton, we wouldn't have to eat bruised apples.



1999-03-05 Thread jmlm
Deseo se me borre de la lista

Unidentified subject!

1999-03-05 Thread Santiago Carrasco Diaz-Masa

anulacion de subscripcion

1999-03-05 Thread Santiago Carrasco Diaz-Masa

RE: modems

1999-03-05 Thread Vázquez, Gustavo
Es mas barato un no-modem? Lo voy a usar en casa? Transmite datos? Puedo
entrar a Internet? Puedo bajar correo? Entonces dame 2.


 De:   Marcelo E. Magallon[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   viernes 5 de marzo de 1999 1:00
 Para: lista de debian
 Asunto:   Re: modems
  Angel Barrio [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   De todos modos fíjate que no sea winmodem ni nada por el estilo,
   yo ví algún modelo de zoltrix que lo era (aunque creo que es algo raro
  Me voy a tirar a llorar _TODOS_ los Zoltrix que vi hoy son
  ¿Cómo reconocer un no-modem en tres pasos fáciles?
  1.  Tome la caja del modem en cuestión.
  2.  Rótela hasta que la sección que dice System Requirements o
  Requisitos del Sistema esté frente a sus ojos.
  3.  Lea dicha sección.  Si dice Requiere xxx o superior, donde xxx
  puede ser cualquiera de i386, Pentium 100 MHz, Pentium 166
  MHz y similares, entonces _es_ un no-modem.
  ¿Qué es un no-modem?
  Como su nombre lo indica, es un aparato que ostenta ser un modem,
  pero es exactamente lo contrario.  Se presenta en varios formatos:
  WinModem, HSP, Software Modem, Memory Mapped Modem o Rockwell.
  Cualquiera es tan malo como el anterior.  El peor de todos es el HSP
  (Host Signal Processing), pues en un Pentium MMX 233 MHz puede llegar
  a utilizar más del 55% del CPU cuando opera a 53 kbps.  Un HSP _no_
  es un modem, es una tarjeta con un conector RJ-45 y un chip que no
  hace otra cosa que pasar la información de dicho conector al CPU del
  ¿Dónde puedo encontrar no-modems?
  En cualquier tienda que venda equipo de computo en la región central
  de Costa Rica.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: modems

1999-03-05 Thread Ignacio J. Alonso
Yo creo que en principio y por principios cualquier modem externo es un
modem de verdad (no un no-modem) ¿Tan dificil te es encontrar un modem

Marcelo E. Magallon escribió:
  Angel Barrio [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   De todos modos fíjate que no sea winmodem ni nada por el estilo, que
   yo ví algún modelo de zoltrix que lo era (aunque creo que es algo raro
  Me voy a tirar a llorar _TODOS_ los Zoltrix que vi hoy son
  ¿Cómo reconocer un no-modem en tres pasos fáciles?
  1.  Tome la caja del modem en cuestión.
  2.  Rótela hasta que la sección que dice System Requirements o
  Requisitos del Sistema esté frente a sus ojos.
  3.  Lea dicha sección.  Si dice Requiere xxx o superior, donde xxx
  puede ser cualquiera de i386, Pentium 100 MHz, Pentium 166
  MHz y similares, entonces _es_ un no-modem.
  ¿Qué es un no-modem?
  Como su nombre lo indica, es un aparato que ostenta ser un modem,
  pero es exactamente lo contrario.  Se presenta en varios formatos:
  WinModem, HSP, Software Modem, Memory Mapped Modem o Rockwell.
  Cualquiera es tan malo como el anterior.  El peor de todos es el HSP
  (Host Signal Processing), pues en un Pentium MMX 233 MHz puede llegar
  a utilizar más del 55% del CPU cuando opera a 53 kbps.  Un HSP _no_
  es un modem, es una tarjeta con un conector RJ-45 y un chip que no
  hace otra cosa que pasar la información de dicho conector al CPU del
  ¿Dónde puedo encontrar no-modems?
  En cualquier tienda que venda equipo de computo en la región central
  de Costa Rica.

_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ ( @ @ ) 
   _/ _/ _/  _/ _/   +-ºoO(_)Ooº-+  
  _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/|  40º25'N 3º39'O   |  
 _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/ |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  
_/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/  +---+  

Re: modems

1999-03-05 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 07:32:29PM +0100, Ignacio J. Alonso wrote:

 Yo creo que en principio y por principios cualquier modem externo es un
 modem de verdad (no un no-modem) ¿Tan dificil te es encontrar un modem

Es correcto, en principio cualquier modem externo es un modem de verdad. 
Habría que ser realmente chapucero para diseñar un winmodem externo.  El
problema que tengo es que parece que acá los modems externos son muy
populares, pues en todas las tiendas donde a la fecha he preguntado (16)
están agotados/se acabaron/van a llegar :(

Necesito un poco de paciencia.



Re: Concatenar al final de un fichero

1999-03-05 Thread Hue-Bond
On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:
On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Hue-Bond wrote:

  Bash (por  lo menos) cuando ve  el carácter '', se  encarga de
  abrir el archivo y  borrar todo lo que hay, así  que no se llenaría
  el disco, simplemente se perdería el contenido de file3.

Un fichero abierto para lectura puede ser borrado sin que afecte en
lo más mínimo al proceso que lo tiene abierto.

 Conviene matizar  el significado de  borrar. Yo me  refería a
 borrar el contenido del archivo, no el archivo en sí mismo.

Parece extraño pero es
así (pruebalo).

 Pues no  sé no sé.  Copié ~/Mail/bugtraq a  ~/Mail/bugtrack, lo
 abrí con el pine, leí un par de mensajes, borré el archivo con rm y
 pude leer otro par de mensajes.  Me fui a /proc/pine_pid/fd/ y vi
 que no había ningún descriptor abierto para bugtrack (tampoco sé si
 lo hay en  condiciones normales). Volví a la consola  del pine y ya
 no pude leer más artículos.

 Probé también con  borrar parte de bugtrack con el  joe, y pine
 lo detectó (File shrank from xx to yy bytes, closing!).

En el momento que el proceso cierre el fichero el kernel 
liberará el espacio de disco.

 Pues yo creo que el archivo desapareció tan pronto lo borré yo,
 sin esperar a cerrar el mailbox en pine.

 ¿Quizá estamos hablando de cosas distintas?

La terminacion de la lectura depende del momemto en el que se encuentre
el fin de fichero y si el fichero que coincide con la salida es el último
de una lista de ellos cuando empiece a leerlo no estaría vacio.

 Creo que lo pillo tras leer 5 veces   :-)

cat file200Mbytes file5bytes  file5bytes

 Esto resultaría en un file5bytes de  400 Mb, no? Y además, como
 digo en  mi anterior post,  el contenido de file5bytes  original se

 M, 400 Mb o infinito...

Linux, como su propio nombre indica, es *el* sistema operativo. (Barbwired)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
PGP Public key at


1999-03-05 Thread Clovis Sena / Itautec Servicos Recife
Bom dia,

O interesse neste novo sistema operacional  ( Linux ) eh grande e crescendo
a cada dia; o que falta eh atencao da midia ( revistas, jornais, etc) que ao
contrario da imprensa americana e mundial tem esperado demais para brindar o
leitor com materias sobre o assunto.

Numa coisa voce pode apostar: o mercado consumidor esta carente disto, tanto
pelo aspecto tecnico da coisa, como pela diversificacao de ofertas,
surgimento de novos produtos, etc; e tb pela agitacao e curiosidade que o
linux tem gerado pelo mundo afora.

Este mes tivemos o LinuxWorld Expo ( ) em San
Jose, California; em maio teremos mais uma exposicao
( Http:// ) e em tudo isto ao que parece a midia brasileira nao
ta dando a minima. Nos Estados Unidos a coisa passou da brincadeira para a
guerra comercial. E com os problemas causados pelo resultados esperados do
julgamento da Microsoft, a coisa esta so comecando.

Estamos vivenciando um momentum historico.E eh preciso prestar atencao nele.
E digo mais : a revista que criar um caderno especial com noticias regulares
sobre o linux, ganha de imediato milhares de leitores, que no brasil nao tem
por enquanto nada parecido.

Na esperanca  de que tenhamos dias melhores, atenciosamente,

Clovis Sena.

ps: seria interessante forward esta mensagem para outras revistas e canais
da midia?

ps: se vc recebeu esta por engano ou acha que nao tem nada com isto, por
favor ignore.

-Mensagem original-
De: Roberto Araujo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Clovis Sena / Itautec Servicos Recife [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data: Quinta-feira, 4 de Março de 1999 21:07
Assunto: Re: PARABENS

Caro Clóvis,

Fiquei muito satisfeito em receber seu e-mail. É ótimo saber que o Linux
está despertando todo este interesse. Estamos estudando uma maneira de
colocar o Star Office no disco.
Obrigado pelos elogios e espero continuar contando com o seu pretígio.

Roberto Araújo
Diretor de redação

-Mensagem original-
De: Clovis Sena / Itautec Servicos Recife [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data: Quarta-feira, 3 de Março de 1999 10:42

 Bom dia,

 Quero parabenizar esta oportuna materia sobre o Linux e sobretudo pelo cd
rom que vem acompanhando a revista.

Gostaria de sugerir para proxima edicao da PCMASTER materias sobre o
julgamento contra a Microsoft, tao mal noticiado no Brasil e um cdrom com o
StarOffice for Linux.

Clovis Sena

Sexo e traducao do Website!

1999-03-05 Thread EDUARDO MARCEL MACAN - CCUEC - 2394452 #200000#

Quanto a traducao do Website, eu ja traduzi todos os templates WML
que tinham que ser traduzidos para o portugues e traduzi a pagina
principal do Debian, ja fiz o upload e em algum momento quando o site for
atualizado e provavel que as traducoes aparecam em seus lugares.

Quem quiser traduzir uma pagina do site, leia as instrucoes em (alias, elas precisam ser
traduzidas). Quem nao quiser, ou nao souber como usar o CVS pode
simplesmente escolher uma pagina do site que eu mando o codigo fonte a ser
avisado do que estiverem fazendo para a gente tentar organizar... Eu
pretendo traduzir alguma coisa toda a semana, se todos nos programarmos de
modo a fazer pouco, mas regularmente, faremos bastante progresso!

Quanto ao Sexo, fica por conta de voces, voces podem fazer
inclusive durante as traducoes, caso consigam. Eu so quis chamar a
atencao de voces para as traducoes do web site ;)

Eduardo Marcel MacanCore Technologies Informatica LTDA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Suporte e Desenvolvimento Unix/Linux. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Debian GNU/Linux Developer
Visite-nos em

Sobre a lista (was: Como usar o ISAPNP)

1999-03-05 Thread Lalo Martins
On Mar 05, Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez decided to present us with:
 Oi,  :
  Este é o endereço correto preu enviar menssagens pra esta lista?
 Eu acho que sim :-)

Está. No momento temos poucas pessoas interessadas em Debian no
mundo de língua portuguesa, portanto temos só uma lista (esta)
que serve tanto para mensagens do tipo user (pedidos de ajuda
como o do Rodrigo e ajudas como a do Hernan) quanto do tipo
devel (traduções, projetos etc). A idéia é que futuramente se
houver demanda seja criada uma segunda lista debian-portuguese
para que as mensagens do tipo devel sejam movidas para lá,
deixando essa lista apenas para mensagens do tipo user.

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --

accepting talk from only some users

1999-03-05 Thread Pere Camps

I'd like to accept only talk from a list of users I specify...
something like: if you're not on the list the your party is refusing
messages pop-up shows up, and if you're on the list the as usual.

Does anybody know how to make this?


-- p.

please help with backspace

1999-03-05 Thread Shao Zhang
somehow my backspace key does not work in rxvt and Netscape, but
it works in xterm. How do I fix this??


Shao Zhang \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE   OxO
PENSHURST 2035 //\
Sydney, NSW   ///\\
/ ^   _ \
   ( (o) (o) )
  *   *   *===oOOO=(_)=OOOo=*
   *  *  *|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  * * |   |
*   ***   ||
  * * *===Oooo.=*
   *  *  *.oooO   (   |
 * *  * * *(   )   ) /
   *  **\ (   (_/

fetchmail again.

1999-03-05 Thread Shao Zhang
Netscape mail has got the following two options for the pop3
Leave the messages on server
Remove the messages from server when deleted locally

How do I do this with fetchmail??

Thanks in advance.


Shao Zhang \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE   OxO
PENSHURST 2035 //\
Sydney, NSW   ///\\
/ ^   _ \
   ( (o) (o) )
  *   *   *===oOOO=(_)=OOOo=*
   *  *  *|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  * * |   |
*   ***   ||
  * * *===Oooo.=*
   *  *  *.oooO   (   |
 * *  * * *(   )   ) /
   *  **\ (   (_/

Re: Please HELP ME!!!

1999-03-05 Thread mike shupp
On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Nuno Donato wrote:

 I really need some help here.
 How can I have Linux to mount automatically my hard drives 
 at boot. Because every time I run Linux, I have to mount all 
 my partitions into separate directories.
  Can I create some type of autoexec file?

You have such a thing (or can create one) in your .login file.
Note the prefixed period which generally keeps the file from
showing up when you look at your home directory (use ls -al
to see all your files and related parameters).  UNIX had this
first, and Microsoft copied the idea with Autoexec.Bat.

   Mike Shupp
   California State University, Northridge
   Graduate Student, Dept. of Anthropology

it's far, far more than a mere editor.

1999-03-05 Thread mike shupp

I hadn't been intending to ask about this, but since folks are
exposing their prej--er-- discussing fine points of editors,
has there ever been a UNIX or Linux port of XyWrite in any of
its incarnations or of NotaBena?  (or Atex, a dedicated word
processing system from which XyWrite was derived?)

   Mike Shupp
   California State University, Northridge
   Graduate Student, Dept. of Anthropology

question regarding this news group and accessing it.

1999-03-05 Thread Ramiel Givergis
I really hate having to download all of these messages every day
when I read only a handfull.  I do all my email on my side
NT computer with Eudora and filter all the debian user emails to
another folder.

I was wondering if there is a place that all the Debian-Users
news group is archived so I can just read it from there?

Ramiel Givergis, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
This mail is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and 
grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to 
be considered flaws or defects.

Netscape 4.08 questions

1999-03-05 Thread Tommy
I while ago I installed netscape communicator 4.08 in /usr/local. I
works fine except that it is extremely slow.  Specificly, If I am at the
browser page and try to open the mail window it takes about 2 minutes. 
That is not the time to get the mail, but simply to open the window. 
Does anyone know what the problem could be?  Thanks

Re: question regarding this news group and accessing it.

1999-03-05 Thread whbell
Quoting Ramiel Givergis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I really hate having to download all of these messages every day
 when I read only a handfull.  I do all my email on my side
 NT computer with Eudora and filter all the debian user emails to
 another folder.
 I was wondering if there is a place that all the Debian-Users
 news group is archived so I can just read it from there?
 Ramiel Givergis, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 This mail is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and 
 grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to 
 be considered flaws or defects.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


I watch the digest version of this list at:


when I am not looking for help.  This way I only
receive a few 30k messages a day.  The headers let me scan
quickly for interesting items.

I use this command to turn on the digest.

mail -s subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


This mail sent through IMP:

forcing dselect to downgrade

1999-03-05 Thread Tommy
I have been experiencing some problems due to my carelessly mixing
releases. In order to fix the problem I would like to bring my system
back to a state where only  Stable components from my Debian 2.0 cd
are on it, so that everything works correctly. And I can move forward
from there if I choose.

Dselect, will not normally replace a newer version with an old one.  How
do I override this?

Re: question regarding this news group and accessing it.

1999-03-05 Thread Ramiel Givergis
thanks, I just did it
do I need to now unsubscribe to this email so I don't get the messages?

At 07:45 PM 3/4/99 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Quoting Ramiel Givergis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I really hate having to download all of these messages every day
 when I read only a handfull.  I do all my email on my side
 NT computer with Eudora and filter all the debian user emails to
 another folder.
 I was wondering if there is a place that all the Debian-Users
 news group is archived so I can just read it from there?
 Ramiel Givergis, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 This mail is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and 
 grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to 
 be considered flaws or defects.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


I watch the digest version of this list at:


when I am not looking for help.  This way I only
receive a few 30k messages a day.  The headers let me scan
quickly for interesting items.

I use this command to turn on the digest.

mail -s subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


This mail sent through IMP:

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Ramiel Givergis, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
This mail is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and 
grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to 
be considered flaws or defects.

Re: Can Windows95 cause error on my Linux Drive.

1999-03-05 Thread John C. Ellingboe
Back when I did use one of the Gates viruses I had problems with win9X
writeing to areas of the disk that it shouldn't.  Some of those disks
are still unusable today because of that.  I would make sure that
there were NO M$ partations on my Linux disk at all because of that. 
I would keep all of the M$ stuff on its own disk so it could never
access my Linux disks in any way.  You have been warned...

John C. Ellingboe

Person, Roderick wrote:
 Hey All,
 Recently, I added a new drive to my system as the slave 2nd drive.
 Therefore, I made my old drive a Win95 drive so the family could play games
 and such. Now it seems that everytime I log into my Linux drive (/dev/hdb) I
 get file system not unmount correctly errors. I fsck and get it in operating
 conditions and a day or two later i get the same errors. Could this be due
 to how other users are logging out of win95 or not logging out and just
 shuting off the machine? Drive 1 is totally win95(1.2GB) drive 2 is 5GB for
 Linux in 4 partitions and 1GB for win in one partition. Anyone having this
 Roderick P. Person
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/nullbegin:  vcard
fn: John C.  Ellingboe   -   KE4BPW
n:  Ellingboe   -   KE4BPW;John C. 
org:The Guntersville Computer Center
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:  Owner/Admin
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE

Re: ipmasqadm question

1999-03-05 Thread whbell
Quoting Ralf G. R. Bergs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Thu, 04 Mar 1999 15:51:51 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please help me find this beast :-)
 I *think* it's
 Unfortunately I'm still under NT (:-) and I can't easily boot into the 
 Debian system I have the binary installed under since this would involve 
 removing my IDE hard drive and replacing it against the other drive, and I 
 need to get work done at the moment.
 Could you check the above URL, and if it turns out that this is NOT 
 ipmasqadm get back to me?
 Ralf G. R. Bergs * Welkenrather Str. 100/102 * 52074 Aachen * Germany
 +49-241-876892, +49-241-86 (fax) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * PGP ok!
 Sign the EU petition against SPAM:

Thanks but...

I checked with dselect and found I have ipmasq 3.3.1 installed already.
There is NO sign of ipmasqadm on my system anywhere.

I have run 'find / -name ipmasqadm' with no hits.

I do appreciate your help.  Please don't stop now, but I am in no big
hurry.  Perhaps there are others out there that have the needed info.

Danke,  (sp?)

This mail sent through IMP:

Cheap pnp ne2000 Lan cards

1999-03-05 Thread Tommy
I bought some cheap PNP ide ne2000 compatible crds to setup a small net
work. My bios does not seeem to recognise the cards, but it does see my
pnp sound card.  Is there anything I can do via debian to use these
The cards are made by LanStar.  They were only $12 each so it won't
break me if they are junk.  But any help is appreciated.
 By the way I only have or use Gnu/Debian, so a solution involving other
os's is not viable.  Thanks

Re: question regarding this news group and accessing it.

1999-03-05 Thread whbell
Quoting Ramiel Givergis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 thanks, I just did it
 do I need to now unsubscribe to this email so I don't get the messages?
 At 07:45 PM 3/4/99 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting Ramiel Givergis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I really hate having to download all of these messages every day
  when I read only a handfull.  I do all my email on my side
  NT computer with Eudora and filter all the debian user emails to
  another folder.
  I was wondering if there is a place that all the Debian-Users
  news group is archived so I can just read it from there?
  Ramiel Givergis, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
  This mail is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and 
  grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to
  be considered flaws or defects.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I watch the digest version of this list at:
 when I am not looking for help.  This way I only
 receive a few 30k messages a day.  The headers let me scan
 quickly for interesting items.
 I use this command to turn on the digest.
 mail -s subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 This mail sent through IMP:
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Ramiel Givergis, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 This mail is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and 
 grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to 
 be considered flaws or defects.


That is the easy one,

subject: unsubscribe


This mail sent through IMP:

Re: forcing dselect to downgrade

1999-03-05 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 09:17:52PM -0500, Tommy wrote:
 I have been experiencing some problems due to my carelessly mixing
 releases. In order to fix the problem I would like to bring my system
 back to a state where only  Stable components from my Debian 2.0 cd
 are on it, so that everything works correctly. And I can move forward
 from there if I choose.
 Dselect, will not normally replace a newer version with an old one.  How
 do I override this?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
You don't. Downgrading packages has undefined results. A better option would be 
tell the list about your problems and we'll help you fix them
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Netscape 4.08 questions

1999-03-05 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 09:08:15PM -0500, Tommy wrote:
 I while ago I installed netscape communicator 4.08 in /usr/local. I
 works fine except that it is extremely slow.  Specificly, If I am at the
 browser page and try to open the mail window it takes about 2 minutes. 
 That is not the time to get the mail, but simply to open the window. 
 Does anyone know what the problem could be?  Thanks
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
What type of system are you running it on? How much RAM and Swap? Netscape uses 
lots of RAM.
Right now, on my system, navigator 4.08 is using 35 MB of ram.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Maximal Mount Check

1999-03-05 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 11:05:46AM -0500,  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:
 On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:
   In a message dated 3/4/99 7:40:39 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
   So, defragging your disk isn't a normal Debian maintenance task?  Is this 
   for all you guys that have been running Debian forever?
  Yes, defragging your disk is _not_ a normal Debian maintenance task.  I
  have been running linux for some 3 three years now (started with
  Slackware) and never defragged a linux disk.  The point is that the
  ext2 file system is, unlike fat or vfat, mostly `self-defragmenting'.
  Yup. The ext2 filesystem is a *lot* more intelligent about such things
 than the FAT filesystem ever could be. For example, typically 5-10% of the
 space on a partition is reserved for root-only access. Since the
 filesystem can generally count on that space being available, it can
 usually prevent fragmentation from arising in the first place.
  When you add in Linux's intelligent disk-cacheing (any unused RAM is used
 as a disk cache) if there *is* fragmentation, you only notice it once,
 when the file is first loaded. After that, it's in RAM.
  You can often *hear* the difference between filesystems on a noisy drive.
 Whit FAT, when you access a file you get a lot of jumping around the disk.
 With ext2, you generally hear something like tick-tick-buzz as it hits
 the inode table a couple of times and then gets the file more-or-less
  (Of course, I've got 128MB of RAM now. I can log in, start up X, and
 launch several shells before I need to load anything that isn't already in
 the cache. It's disconcerting the first few times to do all that in
 near-total silence. :- )
  About the only time you get fragmentation is if the filesystem gets
 *really* full. If it happens, the defrag tools are available, but the best
 thing to do is just back up the partition, reformat, and restore from
 backup. This defragmentats at least as effectively, and you should really
 back stuff up *anyway* before you defrag, right?
  Ray Ingles  (248) 377-7735  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Engineering is like having an 8 a.m. class and a late afternoon lab
 every day for the rest of your life. - Anonymous
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
I've got a similar system. Top reports that I have a 50 MB disk cache. I was
showing a friend Linux and he thought my hard drive had broken or that X had
crashed when we had to wait for a program to start. :-)
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Permissions of the sysadmin

1999-03-05 Thread Torsten Landschoff
On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 09:32:53AM -0600, Jonathan Guthrie wrote:
 Oh, I wasn't advocating rethinking root I was just pointing out that you
 cannot effectively prevent root from accessing anything you want to.  (In
 fact, it can be damn tough to prevent access to certain users if you allow
 them to sudo stuff.)

Sure. I am not against additional users with part of the rights of root
controlled by the kernel. What I am against is having no root user at all. I
try to work as root as less as possible. But it is great to have this
possibilities when there is no other way.


Description: PGP signature

Re: ipmasqadm question

1999-03-05 Thread Bob Nielsen
Are you sure you don't mean ipfwadm (which is part of netbase)?


On Thu, 4 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I checked with dselect and found I have ipmasq 3.3.1 installed already.
 There is NO sign of ipmasqadm on my system anywhere.
 I have run 'find / -name ipmasqadm' with no hits.
 I do appreciate your help.  Please don't stop now, but I am in no big
 hurry.  Perhaps there are others out there that have the needed info.

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Shared PPP connection?

1999-03-05 Thread D'jinnie
On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Ramiel Givergis wrote:
:If you plan to use applications like ICQ or any servers on client computer
:on your network you'll need to use a Proxy aswell.

I don't have any proxying enabled and ICQ as well as silly AOL messenger
work fine. I loaded all the ip_masq modules but that's pretty much it?

The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.
-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum

D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key

Re: cpu used too much

1999-03-05 Thread D'jinnie
speaking of things going into infinite loops and eating up CPU, is there
any way to get rid of zombie processes? Good ol' kill -9 doesn't cut
it...I don't want to reboot just to get rid of them :(

The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.
-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum

D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key

Re: Netscape 4.08 questions

1999-03-05 Thread Tommy
Stephen Pitts wrote:

 What type of system are you running it on? How much RAM and Swap? Netscape 
 uses lots of RAM.
 Right now, on my system, navigator 4.08 is using 35 MB of ram.

My system is an AMD 586 133 with 64 mg Ram and a 128mg swap. Kernel
 I did not have this problem with previous versions of netscape.  Thanks

Re: ipmasqadm question

1999-03-05 Thread whbell
Quoting Bob Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Are you sure you don't mean ipfwadm (which is part of netbase)?
 On Thu, 4 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I checked with dselect and found I have ipmasq 3.3.1 installed already.
  There is NO sign of ipmasqadm on my system anywhere.
  I have run 'find / -name ipmasqadm' with no hits.
  I do appreciate your help.  Please don't stop now, but I am in no big
  hurry.  Perhaps there are others out there that have the needed info.
 Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Bob,

I believe ipfwadm only works with kernels  2.1.90 or so.  The reading
I get from the kernel source with 2.2.1 is that ipmasqadm is required.

This thread has been heavily cut.  The full details of my system are:

Slink (mostly)
2.2.1 kernel
Looking for port forwarding tool(s).

Thanks for you help,

This mail sent through IMP:

Re: question regarding this news group and accessing it.

1999-03-05 Thread ragOO
Ramiel Givergis wrote:
 I was wondering if there is a place that all the Debian-Users
 news group is archived so I can just read it from there?

There is an archive of the mails but is there a repository where one can
get/download the compressed mail archive, say ordered by month ?   I have
subscribed to the mailing-list-digest but I want a tar.gz archive of the
mailing list `debian-user' which can be downloaded from one place.

ragOO, VU2RGU.

Keeping the Air-Waves  FREE.Amateur Radio
Keeping the W W W  FREE..Debian GNU/Linux


1999-03-05 Thread Shao Zhang
Anyone had problem with this version of libc6?

After I install it, all my dns stop working, I had to down grade
to the version in the stable hamm.

A couple of weeks ago, I upgrade my system to slink, I had the
same problem when I install libc6-19981211-4. The next day, a new libc6
came out(libc6-19981211-5), I installed this one, and everything works
again. Now, with this newest version, the problem is back!! Where can I
download libc-19981211-5 again?? As I need apt, and apt need a fairly
recent version of libc.



Shao Zhang \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE   OxO
PENSHURST 2035 //\
Sydney, NSW   ///\\
/ ^   _ \
   ( (o) (o) )
  *   *   *===oOOO=(_)=OOOo=*
   *  *  *|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  * * |   |
*   ***   ||
  * * *===Oooo.=*
   *  *  *.oooO   (   |
 * *  * * *(   )   ) /
   *  **\ (   (_/

Re: Cheap pnp ne2000 Lan cards

1999-03-05 Thread Will Lowe
 The cards are made by LanStar.  They were only $12 each so it won't
 break me if they are junk.  But any help is appreciated.
  By the way I only have or use Gnu/Debian, so a solution involving other
 os's is not viable.  Thanks

Did you try isapnptools?

|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

Re: fetchmail

1999-03-05 Thread wtopa

Subject: Re: fetchmail
Date: Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 10:28:33PM +1100

In reply to:Shao Zhang

Quoting Shao Zhang([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Sorry, I did not describe what I want very clear. What I need is to leave
 them as Unread on the pop3 server. I retrieve them from pop3 at work, I
 want those mails still set to unread  when I retrieve them for the second
 time, I still know what are the new messages I checked earlier at work. I
 guess I am trying to get it working more similar to an IMAP server.

man fetchmail says -k

Real programmers don't write in FORTRAN.  FORTRAN is for pipe stress
freaks and crystallography weenies.  FORTRAN is for wimp engineers who
wear white socks.

Re: accepting talk from only some users

1999-03-05 Thread Matt Folwell
On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 12:01:52AM +, Pere Camps wrote:
   I'd like to accept only talk from a list of users I specify...
 something like: if you're not on the list the your party is refusing
 messages pop-up shows up, and if you're on the list the as usual.
   Does anybody know how to make this?

You might want to take a look at the xitalk package.  You should be able
to configure it to do something like that.  Although it only runs under X.

Matt Folwell, P2 Whewell's Court, Trinity College, Cambridge.  CB2 1TQ

PPP-Dialup: ioctl(PPPIOCGUNIT): Operation not permitted

1999-03-05 Thread matthschulz
I'm trying to use my working (as root) ISP-Dialupconnection as an normal

I got following in ppp.log:

Mar  4 19:55:29 Toshiba pppd[336]: pppd 2.2.0 started by matthschulz,
uid 1000
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: timeout set to 20 seconds
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: abort on (BUSY)
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: abort on (ERROR)
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: send (+++ATZ^M)
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: expect (OK)
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: ATZ^M^M
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: OK -- got it
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: send (ATF^M)
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: expect (OK)
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: ^M
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: ATF^M^M
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: OK -- got it
Mar  4 19:55:30 Toshiba chat[337]: send (ATDT9,656^M)
Mar  4 19:55:31 Toshiba chat[337]: timeout set to 60 seconds
Mar  4 19:55:31 Toshiba chat[337]: expect (CONNECT)
Mar  4 19:55:31 Toshiba chat[337]: ^M
Mar  4 19:55:51 Toshiba chat[337]: ATDT9,656^M^M
Mar  4 19:55:51 Toshiba chat[337]: CONNECT -- got it
Mar  4 19:55:51 Toshiba pppd[336]: Serial connection established.
Mar  4 19:55:52 Toshiba pppd[336]: ioctl(PPPIOCGUNIT): Operation not
Mar  4 19:55:52 Toshiba pppd[336]: ioctl(PPPIOCGDEBUG): Operation not
Mar  4 19:55:52 Toshiba pppd[336]: Exit.

I'm in the group dip and all files in /etc/ppp, /etc/ppp.chatscript, pon
and poff are owned by dip.

(P.S. The entry for dip is only in gshadow, not in passwd or passwd-)

What's wrong?


Re: forcing dselect to downgrade

1999-03-05 Thread Tommy
Stephen Pitts wrote:

 You don't. Downgrading packages has undefined results. A better option would 
 be to
 tell the list about your problems and we'll help you fix them

 Currently dselect marks 90% of the package on my system as broken. And
there are a lot of them.  I tried switching to exim from smail, just to
try it. I have constant error messages.  Several aps/ games like quake
no longer run when not in X and I can not seem to find the requested
libraries or get them installed.  Fetchmail does not work  Most things
on the box seem to work fine, but the whole thing seems a little whacked

In the hope that my errors will not be repeated by other I will endure
the embarrassment of explaining how this happened. My system was running
fine off  the packages is on my Debian 2.0 cdrom.  I decided to upgrade
some of the packages via ftp.  When I upgraded the package lists  of 
stable, unstable, contrib, and non-free dselect presumed that I wanted
to upgrade everything on my system.  That everything I had previously
installed that had a newer package available was selected for install
and included in the download list.  

This created a serious problem for me because I need the packaging
system to warn me about dependencies.  If I cancel the download and try
to install individual packages via dpkg the required packages will
already be marked as selected and no dependency warnings will be given.  

I tried getting part of the list of aps I wanted to upgrade, but got a
ton of error messages for the reasons just cited.  Not knowing what else
to do I decided to get everything that had been selected.  I must say
I'm kind of ashamed of this since I really do know better than to hog an
ftp site like that, but I really did not know what else to do.

Needless to say lots of errors occur when you try to ftp hundreds of mgs
of  files. Now dselect say 90% of my packages are broken. Far to many to
fix one at a time using dpkg.  I feel as if I have lost control of my
system.  I would like to get control back.  Any help is greatly
appreciated.  Thank You

Dependences Problem - dselect

1999-03-05 Thread Marshall Savage
I'm trying to install Debian slink over the web.  I don't 
have the CDs.  The base install from the floppy images goes 
ok  when is up I can update the packages.  Now 
after 2 weeks of repeatedly trying  now using the 2/23/99 
disk images  selecting the very smallest package, 25MB, 
this evening I got it to install over the web, I 
think.  I've read all I can find on dselect, dpkg, 
installation instructions , v1  2 Debian manual  none of 
them cover my problem.  The 'Q' command character in 
dselect doesn't do as the online documentation says  only 
lets it start the install until it checks the dependences  
then it, I presume dselect, refuses to go ahead.  I have a 
suspicion, with only scant evidence, that the following 
modules are set to both require the dependent 
modules/libraries  be incompatable with them.

libc6-dev 2.0.7t-1 requires libc6 2.0.7t-1  and
perl 5.004.04-6 requires perl-base 5.004.04-6
Yes, the dependent modules are selected to be installed but 
that doesn't help.

I selected Debian because of the completeness of the 
packages included  because of the volunteer nature of the 
project.  However, this reminds me of the GNU software that 
I have tried to install  use a little in years past.  As 
near as I could tell the programs worked well, with scant 
evidence, but I could never be sure what was going on since 
the documentation was mostly not there.

Re: Can Windows95 cause error on my Linux Drive.

1999-03-05 Thread Tom Pfeifer
John C. Ellingboe wrote:
 Back when I did use one of the Gates viruses I had problems with win9X
 writeing to areas of the disk that it shouldn't.  Some of those disks
 are still unusable today because of that.  I would make sure that
 there were NO M$ partations on my Linux disk at all because of that.
 I would keep all of the M$ stuff on its own disk so it could never
 access my Linux disks in any way.  You have been warned...

Well, let's not *too* get carried away with the anti-MS stuff. Nothing
any OS writes to any disk, anywhere, will make it permanently unusable.
If nothing else, clearing the MBR sector and starting from scratch will


Try Debian GNU/Linux - it's free, it's open source, and it rocks

dselect handling stable AND unstable [was Re: forcing dselect to downgrade]

1999-03-05 Thread Rick Macdonald
Tommy wrote:
 When I upgraded the package lists  of
 stable, unstable, contrib, and non-free dselect ...

This is something that I've always wondered about. Can you actually tell
dselect about both stable and unstable at the same time? I've always
been afraid to do that.


Re: forcing dselect to downgrade

1999-03-05 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 10:42:23PM -0500, Tommy wrote:
 Stephen Pitts wrote:
  You don't. Downgrading packages has undefined results. A better option 
  would be to
  tell the list about your problems and we'll help you fix them
  Currently dselect marks 90% of the package on my system as broken. And
 there are a lot of them.  I tried switching to exim from smail, just to
 try it. I have constant error messages.  Several aps/ games like quake
 no longer run when not in X and I can not seem to find the requested
 libraries or get them installed.  Fetchmail does not work  Most things
 on the box seem to work fine, but the whole thing seems a little whacked
 In the hope that my errors will not be repeated by other I will endure
 the embarrassment of explaining how this happened. My system was running
 fine off  the packages is on my Debian 2.0 cdrom.  I decided to upgrade
 some of the packages via ftp.  When I upgraded the package lists  of 
 stable, unstable, contrib, and non-free dselect presumed that I wanted
 to upgrade everything on my system.  That everything I had previously
 installed that had a newer package available was selected for install
 and included in the download list.  
 This created a serious problem for me because I need the packaging
 system to warn me about dependencies.  If I cancel the download and try
 to install individual packages via dpkg the required packages will
 already be marked as selected and no dependency warnings will be given.  
 I tried getting part of the list of aps I wanted to upgrade, but got a
 ton of error messages for the reasons just cited.  Not knowing what else
 to do I decided to get everything that had been selected.  I must say
 I'm kind of ashamed of this since I really do know better than to hog an
 ftp site like that, but I really did not know what else to do.
 Needless to say lots of errors occur when you try to ftp hundreds of mgs
 of  files. Now dselect say 90% of my packages are broken. Far to many to
 fix one at a time using dpkg.  I feel as if I have lost control of my
 system.  I would like to get control back.  Any help is greatly
 appreciated.  Thank You
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
First off, don't be embarrassed. While trying to nuke a RedHat parition two 
months ago, 
I also nuked 700 MB of DATA on a Win98 partition that was mounted. We all screw 

Here's my advice:
Download and install APT, manually if needed, from . On my 
it only requires libc6 and libstdc++2.9. I'm pretty sure you've got those. Once 
that is done,
setup your /etc/apt/sources.list. Mine (using, the GA TECH 
mirror) is:

deb unstable main contrib non-free

Once you've done that, run apt-get -m -f install. That tells APT to grab 
whatever is needed
to fix your system. Don't worry about consuming network bandwidth. You'll only 
to do this once. At most, it should take 4 hours on a 28.8 modem. 
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: dselect handling stable AND unstable [was Re: forcing dselect to downgrade]

1999-03-05 Thread Jim Foltz
On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 08:01:43PM -0800, George Bonser wrote:
 On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Rick Macdonald wrote:
  This is something that I've always wondered about. Can you actually tell
  dselect about both stable and unstable at the same time? I've always
  been afraid to do that.
 Yes, you can do that. Just make sure you go in the order of most stable to
 least stable. In other words, define stable first then unstable.

What do you mean by define them? In /etc/apt/sources.list? (assuming I use apt)

   Jim Foltz   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ACORN techie
  AOL/IM   Jim Foltz


1999-03-05 Thread ktb
You are beautiful.

RE: G3

1999-03-05 Thread Shaleh

On 04-Mar-99 tracheotomy bob wrote:
 Hallo all,
   Has anyone put Debian GNU/Linux onto Apples new G3? Are there any
 particular issues one should be aware of when putting Debian onto Apples?
 I've never touched an Apple before so I'm just wondering...

We are working on it (we not including me because I can not afford one).  The
main issue is that EVERYTHING is usb based -- keyboard, mouse, etc.  So we need
usb support first.  It is kind of hard to test something when the keyboard does
nto even work (-:

We will get there though.  BTW new iMac based laptops due in the next 3 - 6

Re: Janet

1999-03-05 Thread ktb
oops, sorry.

ktb wrote:

 You are beautiful.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: forcing dselect to downgrade

1999-03-05 Thread Marshall Savage
I have been following your thread  you have my 
sympathy.  I'm too ignorant to have any ideas or 
suggestions.  Your problems sound like mine except on a 
bigger scale.  The Debian people keep claiming that dpkg  
dselect are so great but in my experience they are at best 
medium in practice.  They admit that the interface is not 
the best but that the basic workingness is very good.  And 
they do seem to be a good place to start from to write 
something that does work well.  And the 
documentation!  Enough said.

At 3/4/99 08:42 PM , you wrote:

Stephen Pitts wrote:

You don't. Downgrading packages has undefined results. A 
better option would be to
tell the list about your problems and we'll help you fix 


Currently dselect marks 90% of the package on my system 
as broken. And
there are a lot of them.  I tried switching to exim from 
smail, just to
try it. I have constant error messages.  Several aps/ 
games like quake
no longer run when not in X and I can not seem to find the 
libraries or get them installed.  Fetchmail does not 
work  Most things
on the box seem to work fine, but the whole thing seems a 
little whacked

In the hope that my errors will not be repeated by other I 
will endure
the embarrassment of explaining how this happened. My 
system was running
fine off  the packages is on my Debian 2.0 cdrom.  I 
decided to upgrade
some of the packages via ftp.  When I upgraded the package 
lists  of
stable, unstable, contrib, and non-free dselect presumed 
that I wanted
to upgrade everything on my system.  That everything I had 
installed that had a newer package available was selected 
for install

and included in the download list.

This created a serious problem for me because I need the 
system to warn me about dependencies.  If I cancel the 
download and try
to install individual packages via dpkg the required 
packages will
already be marked as selected and no dependency warnings 
will be given.

I tried getting part of the list of aps I wanted to 
upgrade, but got a
ton of error messages for the reasons just cited.  Not 
knowing what else
to do I decided to get everything that had been 
selected.  I must say
I'm kind of ashamed of this since I really do know better 
than to hog an
ftp site like that, but I really did not know what else to 

Needless to say lots of errors occur when you try to ftp 
hundreds of mgs
of  files. Now dselect say 90% of my packages are broken. 
Far to many to
fix one at a time using dpkg.  I feel as if I have lost 
control of my
system.  I would like to get control back.  Any help is 

appreciated.  Thank You

Re: PPP-Dialup: ioctl(PPPIOCGUNIT): Operation not permitted

1999-03-05 Thread John Hasler
 I'm in the group dip and all files in /etc/ppp, /etc/ppp.chatscript, pon
 and poff are owned by dip.

A normal Debian installation has no /etc/ppp.chatscript.

/etc/chatscripts and /etc/ppp/ should be owned by root but in the dip

drwx--x---   2 root dip  1024 Dec 22 17:47 /etc/chatscripts/
drwx--x---   5 root dip  1024 Feb 20 15:40 /etc/ppp/

The files in /etc/chatscripts/ should be likewise:

-rw-r-   1 root dip   176 Oct 29 19:46 provider

With the exception of peers, the files in /etc/ppp should be owned by root
and in group root:

-rw---   1 root root   69 Mar  1  1998 chap-secrets
-rwxr--r--   1 root root 1454 Feb 25  1998 ip-down
drwxr-xr--   2 root root 1024 Feb 28 16:59 ip-down.d
-rwxr--r--   1 root root 1452 Feb 25  1998 ip-up
drwxr-xr--   2 root root 1024 Feb 28 16:59 ip-up.d
-rw-r--r--   1 root root   85 Mar  1  1997 no_ppp_on_boot
-rw---   1 root root 9678 Dec  5 22:56 options
-rw-rw-r--   1 root root  900 Sep 24 11:02 options.ttyS2
-rw---   1 root root  385 Sep 28 10:53 pap-secrets
drw---x---   2 root dip  1024 Dec 22 17:47 peers

Note that /etc/ppp/peers is owned by root but in group dip.

The files in /etc/ppp/peers should be owned by root but in group dip:

-rw-r-   1 root dip   217 Dec  5 22:58 provider

'pon' and 'poff' should be owned by root, in group root, and executable by

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 2712 Dec 27 15:31 /usr/bin/poff
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   45 Jun 18  1998 /usr/bin/pon

pppd should be owned by root, in group dip, and setuid:

-rwsr-xr--   1 root dip105532 Jun 18  1998 /usr/sbin/pppd

 The entry for dip is only in gshadow, not in passwd or passwd-

dip is a group, not a user.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Here is some more on deb bus ideas ( (fwd)

1999-03-05 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
Please explain what kaberos does.  I've quite understood it...

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

On 4 Mar 1999, John Hasler wrote:

 Paul Nathan Puri writes:
  I'm interested in starting commercial service that offers the set up and
  maintenance of secure networks under linux (preferably debian).
 This sounds interesting and I might be interested in getting involved.
 However, that man you really want to get on board is Bear Giles
 [EMAIL PROTECTED].  He has packaged kerboros 5.  Debian can't
 distribute it because of the export laws, but your service could certainly
 use it.
 John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
 Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
 Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Print command

1999-03-05 Thread Jerry Human

Could anyone tell a newbie the command to print a text file or a man page
item, like a file named "vi.1.gz" on a dot matrix printer? I have installed
the 'base' system from D/Led floppies (used the 'rescue' disk and installed
the drivers disk and the five 'base' disks). During the install, I did
install the 'lp' module for the parallel ports. At this point, the 'man'
program is either not available or not on the disk. I have been reading
some of the man pages using zmore but I don't know how to print or do very
much else. I don't have any docs except for what was installed. I'm having
a very rough time trying learn how to do things in Debian, I'm good in
DOS and Win95 but just beginning to learn Linux.
Apparently I have a lot to read and learn before I can get my install
to the point I can log onto the web and upgrade to a full system. The few
commands I can use I have learned by reading this ng.
So far Debian seems to be a great OS with a lot more power than anything
I've used in the past, including OS/2 Warp. But the docs are difficult
to find and read for a newbie that doesn't have any Unix experience. You
could say that Debian is my Unix experience. Is there a list
of basic commands for navigation and operations available on the web? The
"Howto" pages are great for an in depth explanation of lilo and fips but
get a little bit tedious when all I want to do is look at the current fstab
or ppp.conf or list a dir.
Also, using the 'ls' command, man6 dir doesn't exist and man7 is empty.
Is this normal?
A Debian geek wannabe is anxious to learn.
Thank you.

Re: Print command

1999-03-05 Thread ktb
Others can give you better answers to your questions but I'll point out
a couple of sites, if you haven't found them yet, that might help.  At
least something to get you by for a few hours:)
Good luck,

Jerry Human wrote:

 Could anyone tell a newbie the command to print a text file or a man
 page item, like a file named vi.1.gz on a dot matrix printer? I have
 installed the 'base' system from D/Led floppies (used the 'rescue'
 disk and installed the drivers disk and the five 'base' disks). During
 the install, I did install the 'lp' module for the parallel ports. At
 this point, the 'man' program  is either not available or not on the
 disk. I have been reading some of the man pages using zmore but I
 don't know how to print or do very much else. I don't have any docs
 except for what was installed. I'm having a very rough time trying
 learn how to do things in Debian, I'm good in DOS and Win95 but just
 beginning to learn Linux.

 Apparently I have a lot to read and learn before I can get my install
 to the point I can log onto the web and upgrade to a full system. The
 few commands I can use I have learned by reading this ng.

 So far Debian seems to be a great OS with a lot more power than
 anything I've used in the past, including OS/2 Warp. But the docs are
 difficult to find and read for a newbie that doesn't have any Unix
 experience. You could say that Debian is my Unix experience.  Is there
 a list of basic commands for navigation and operations available on
 the web? The Howto pages are great for an in depth explanation of
 lilo and fips but get a little bit tedious when all I want to do is
 look at the current fstab or ppp.conf or list a dir.

 Also, using the 'ls' command, man6 dir doesn't exist and man7 is
 empty. Is this normal?

 A Debian geek wannabe is anxious to learn.

 Thank you.

Re: dselect handling stable AND unstable [was Re: forcing dselect to downgrade]

1999-03-05 Thread Rick Macdonald
George Bonser wrote:
 On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Rick Macdonald wrote:
  This is something that I've always wondered about. Can you actually tell
  dselect about both stable and unstable at the same time? I've always
  been afraid to do that.
 Yes, you can do that. Just make sure you go in the order of most stable to
 least stable. In other words, define stable first then unstable.

So what does it look like in dselect?

Right now, with stable, contrib, non-free and non-US, I see, for

--- available packages in section net ---
--- available packages in section non-free/net ---
--- available packages in section non-US/net ---
--- available packages in section contrib/net ---

Does it merge stable and unstable and just show the newest version of
each package, or keep them separate so I can choose?


Problem Connecting to ISP

1999-03-05 Thread Shawn Nguyen
I am having an extremely difficult time trying to connect to the Prodiy 
ISP.  If anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it.  I have used everything 
available trying to connect to thei network but haven't had any luck. 
 Apparently, as soon as I get connected my Debian PPP send the LCP packet 
but nothing happens after that and the connection times out.  Here is what 
it looks like in my /var/log/messages file.

Mar  4 19:57:33 shawn chat[477]: timeout set to 30 seconds
Mar  4 19:57:33 shawn chat[477]: abort on (ERROR)
Mar  4 19:57:33 shawn chat[477]: abort on (BUSY)
Mar  4 19:57:33 shawn chat[477]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Mar  4 19:57:33 shawn chat[477]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Mar  4 19:57:33 shawn chat[477]: report (CONNECT)
Mar  4 19:57:33 shawn chat[477]: send (AT\F^M)
Mar  4 19:57:33 shawn chat[477]: expect (OK)
Mar  4 19:57:52 shawn chat[477]: ATF^M^M
Mar  4 19:57:52 shawn chat[477]: OK

Mar  4 19:57:52 shawn chat[477]:  -- got it
Mar  4 19:57:52 shawn chat[477]: send (ATD7913790^M)
Mar  4 19:57:52 shawn chat[477]: timeout set to 75 seconds
Mar  4 19:57:52 shawn chat[477]: expect (CONNECT)
Mar  4 19:57:52 shawn chat[477]: ^M
Mar  4 19:58:22 shawn kernel: PPP: ppp line discipline successfully 
Mar  4 19:58:32 shawn chat[477]: ATD7913790^M
Mar  4 19:58:32 shawn chat[477]: CONNECT
Mar  4 19:58:32 shawn chat[477]:  -- got it
Mar  4 19:58:32 shawn pppd[476]: Serial connection established.
Mar  4 19:58:33 shawn kernel: PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel 
Mar  4 19:58:33 shawn kernel: PPP Dynamic channel allocation code copyright 
1995 Caldera, Inc.
Mar  4 19:58:33 shawn kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
Mar  4 19:58:33 shawn kernel: registered device ppp0
Mar  4 19:58:33 shawn pppd[476]: Using interface ppp0
Mar  4 19:58:33 shawn pppd[476]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS3
Mar  4 19:59:03 shawn pppd[476]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Mar  4 19:59:32 shawn pppd[476]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Mar  4 19:59:32 shawn pppd[476]: Modem hangup
Mar  4 19:59:32 shawn pppd[476]: Connection terminated.
Mar  4 19:59:33 shawn pppd[476]: Exit.

I am using pppsetup to set up my connection.  I have all the needed files 
including, /etc/ppp/ppp.chatscript, /etc/ppp/options, /etc/resolv.conf and 
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets file.  I don't know what the problem could be.  If 
someone is getting on with prodigy or just have some advice please reply. 
 I have the Debian 2.0 dist.

Shawn Nguyen

Re: dselect handling stable AND unstable [was Re: forcing dselect to downgrade]

1999-03-05 Thread Rick Macdonald
George Bonser wrote:
 On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Rick Macdonald wrote:
  Does it merge stable and unstable and just show the newest version of
  each package,
 or keep them separate so I can choose?

Hmmm, that doesn't seem much different than if you just define unstable,
except for packages that are only in one or the other. The intersection
of stable and unstable would just be the same as unstable anyway. Right?


Re: please help with backspace

1999-03-05 Thread Joop Stakenborg
On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 11:11:12AM +1100, Shao Zhang wrote:
   somehow my backspace key does not work in rxvt and Netscape, but
 it works in xterm. How do I fix this??

xmodmap is your friend. Read the manual page

 Joop Stakenborg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Linux Hamradio Applications and Utilities Homepage

potato -heyho! message?

1999-03-05 Thread Anthony Mulcahy
I upgraded from hamm to potato yesterday without any trouble, however after
the upgrade was completed, I noticed a strange problem.

I had several Eterms open when the message heyho! (followed by a newline
character) started to be repeatedly printed on one of them. The keyboard did
not seem to have any effect (even CTRL-C) and the only way to stop the
message from being repeated was to close the Eterm window.

That was the second time that this problem occurred. The first time I didn't
take much notice of it, so I'm not sure whether it appeared on an xterm or
an Eterm.

The second time, the problem occurred, I tried ps -a on another terminal
while the message was being printed, but I didn't notice anything out of the

Has anybody else experienced this? Does anyone know what it is?


PPP log message

1999-03-05 Thread Ivan S Chandra
Dear all,

I've been trying to connect to my provider
using PPP on my debian machine.
Frequent disconnect happened and
I have these messages in my /var/log/ppp.log 
Mar  5 13:27:11 mariah pppd[314]: Serial connection established.
Mar  5 13:27:12 mariah pppd[314]: Using interface ppp0
Mar  5 13:27:12 mariah pppd[314]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Mar  5 13:27:12 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 
magic 0xffdb pcomp accomp]
Mar  5 13:27:12 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1524 asyncmap 
0xa pcomp accomp  11 04 05 f4  13 09 03 00 c0 7b 7c 36 7e]
Mar  5 13:27:12 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1  11 04 05 f4  13 
09 03 00 c0 7b 7c 36 7e]
Mar  5 13:27:12 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 
magic 0xffdb pcomp accomp]
Mar  5 13:27:12 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 mru 1524 asyncmap 
0xa pcomp accomp]
Mar  5 13:27:12 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 mru 1524 asyncmap 
0xa pcomp accomp]
Mar  5 13:27:12 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:27:12 mariah pppd[314]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 addr 
compress VJ 0f 01]
Mar  5 13:27:13 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 compress VJ 0f 01 
Mar  5 13:27:13 mariah pppd[314]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 compress VJ 0f 01 
Mar  5 13:27:13 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [IPXCP ConfReq id=0x1 network 30148 
node 00c07b7c367e  03 06 00 02 0f 00 router proto 0 complete]
Mar  5 13:27:13 mariah pppd[314]: Unsupported protocol (0x802b) received
Mar  5 13:27:13 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP ProtRej id=0x2 80 2b 01 01 00 1e 01 
06 00 03 01 48 02 08 00 c0 7b 7c 36 7e 03 06 00 02 0f 00 04 04 00 00 06 02]
Mar  5 13:27:13 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:27:13 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 addr]
Mar  5 13:27:13 mariah pppd[314]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 addr compress VJ 0f 01]
Mar  5 13:27:13 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 addr compress VJ 0f 01]
Mar  5 13:27:13 mariah pppd[314]: Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy 
Mar  5 13:27:13 mariah pppd[314]: local  IP address
Mar  5 13:27:13 mariah pppd[314]: remote IP address
Mar  5 13:27:42 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x1 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:27:44 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x1 magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:28:12 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x2 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:28:13 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x2 magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:28:42 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x3 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:28:43 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x3 magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:29:12 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x4 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:29:13 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x4 magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:29:42 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x5 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:29:43 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x5 magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:30:12 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x6 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:30:13 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x6 magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:30:43 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x7 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:30:43 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x7 magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:31:13 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x8 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:31:13 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x8 magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:31:43 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x9 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:31:43 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x9 magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:32:13 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xa magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:32:13 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0xa magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:32:43 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xb magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:32:43 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0xb magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:33:13 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xc magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:33:15 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0xc magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:33:43 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xd magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:34:13 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xe magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:34:33 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0xd magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:34:34 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0xe magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:34:43 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xf magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:34:44 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0xf magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:35:13 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x10 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:35:13 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x10 magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:35:43 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x11 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:35:43 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x11 magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:36:13 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x12 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:36:13 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x12 magic=0x0]
Mar  5 13:36:43 mariah pppd[314]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x13 magic=0xffdb]
Mar  5 13:36:43 mariah pppd[314]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep 

Howto install Debian 2.0/2.1 on my Laptop

1999-03-05 Thread Mats Mattila
I have problems installing Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 or 2.1on my IBM Thinkpad
its a PII300mhz , 64mbram, Neomagic 128XD 5.1GB IDE.
I booted up with hamm resc1440.bin and it starts booting.
After the Loading Linux... the machine hangs.. it justs stands
there.. with the loading linux. on the screen. I tried to press
enter but nothing happens, Ctrl + Alt + Delete works either.. have to
shut the power down.
Have tried with tecra,safe disks.. all are same.
Autobooted from hamm cd also but no success.
Redhat 5.2 works fine. but i want Debian ;)

Please help.. i really want to wipe out windows from this laptop and go
into the lovely world of Linux.

Mats Mattila

Re: ipmasqadm question

1999-03-05 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Thu, 04 Mar 1999 20:24:38 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I believe ipfwadm only works with kernels  2.1.90 or so.  The reading
I get from the kernel source with 2.2.1 is that ipmasqadm is required.

You're right. ipfwadm is obsolete for 2.2.x kernels.


Ralf G. R. Bergs * Welkenrather Str. 100/102 * 52074 Aachen * Germany
+49-241-876892, +49-241-86 (fax) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * PGP ok!
Sign the EU petition against SPAM:


1999-03-05 Thread Nuno Donato
Please Help me again!
Thanks for helping me with mounting, but now I would like to 
ask you another thing.

How can I setup my sound card(Sound Blaster 16)?
I have heard something about make menuconfig make config 
but this doesn't work in my computer. A error message 
appears saying no target to make rule config.
How can I solve this problem. 
I have heard something about compiling the kernel, how?

Thanks again!

Get your free web-based email at
SPECIAL OFFER:  250 Web Site Templates, Only $29.95! -

Re: Please HELP ME AGAIN!!!

1999-03-05 Thread STEFAN_CYRIS
Item Subject: Please HELP ME AGAIN!!!
try changing your directory :-)


__ Reply Separator _
Subject: Please HELP ME AGAIN!!!
Author:  Non-HP-nunodonato ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) at HP-Germany,shargw6
Date:3/5/99 10:13 AM

Please Help me again!
Thanks for helping me with mounting, but now I would like to 
ask you another thing.
How can I setup my sound card(Sound Blaster 16)?
I have heard something about make menuconfig make config 
but this doesn't work in my computer. A error message 
appears saying no target to make rule config.
How can I solve this problem. 
I have heard something about compiling the kernel, how?
Thanks again!
Get your free web-based email at 
SPECIAL OFFER:  250 Web Site Templates, Only $29.95! -
Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/nu

Re: forcing dselect to downgrade

1999-03-05 Thread Tommy
Marshall Savage wrote:
 I have been following your thread  you have my
 sympathy.  I'm too ignorant to have any ideas or
 suggestions.  Your problems sound like mine except on a
 bigger scale.  The Debian people keep claiming that dpkg 
 dselect are so great but in my experience they are at best
 medium in practice.  They admit that the interface is not
 the best but that the basic workingness is very good.  And
 they do seem to be a good place to start from to write
 something that does work well.  And the
 documentation!  Enough said.

Actually I think dselect is pretty good.  It was just  designed for when
Gnu/Debian was much smaller and had much fewer applications.  In my case
it probably should not have assumed that I wanted to upgrade everything,
but not doing that could create different kinds of problems
It is very difficult to write an installation / administration interface
that helps the beginner / novice  run a stable system, but at the same
time not take away the power and control that more advanced users want
and need.  And when you consider that ideally people are going to
progress step by step from beginner to expert the difficulty of writing
such a usable interface seems quite great.  There are just some really
fundamental problems when beginners are system administrators.


Re: ipmasqadm question

1999-03-05 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Thu, 04 Mar 1999 19:52:34 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I checked with dselect and found I have ipmasq 3.3.1 installed already.
There is NO sign of ipmasqadm on my system anywhere.

I have run 'find / -name ipmasqadm' with no hits.

I do appreciate your help.  Please don't stop now, but I am in no big
hurry.  Perhaps there are others out there that have the needed info.

Ok, another day, another try. :-)

Here's the info you want, but you may not like it:

  #dpkg -S ipmasqadm
  netbase: /usr/sbin/ipmasqadm

  #dpkg -l netbase
  | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config
  |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,
  ||/ NameVersionDescription
  ii  netbase 3.12-2 Basic TCP/IP networking binaries

As you see it's the unstable version of netbase. Don't worry you can 
install it without having to fear that it breaks your system (at least it 
didn't on my system ;-)

Danke,  (sp?)

You're welcome. (The spelling of Danke is right. :-)


Ralf G. R. Bergs * Welkenrather Str. 100/102 * 52074 Aachen * Germany
+49-241-876892, +49-241-86 (fax) * [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * PGP ok!
Sign the EU petition against SPAM:

Problem with dselect

1999-03-05 Thread Jean-Georges Carbonnier

when I install the latest version of linux (debian) from a CDROM
eveything works good until it begins with dselect. It ask me for the
source and I tell it CDROM, after
it ask me for the block device type and it is imposible to go ahead. I
try some things like this:
but it say that the kernel do not support the iso9660 norm. I do not
understand because it make the all instalation from the CDROM. If I
execute a shell I can't mount the CDROM and it tell me the same thing
about the iso norm even if I mount it with the next command:
mount /dev/hdb -t iso9660 /cdrom
Last year with the same computer I could install an older version of
debian. Now I can't install the same version. The only thing that difers
from before is that I have install a CDROM writer.
I have a pentium 166MMX.

- I can install the latest version of RED HAT and after I can mount
perfectly the CDROM but I prefer to install the Debian distribution. 
- Somebody told me that probably the iso9660 file system is configured
as a module but I couldn't do anything wiyh the insmod command. May be I
don't do it well.

Thanks a lot.

Re: Problem Connecting to ISP

1999-03-05 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 08:29:26PM -, Shawn Nguyen wrote:
   I am having an extremely difficult time trying to connect to the Prodiy 

 Mar  4 19:58:32 shawn chat[477]: ATD7913790^M
 Mar  4 19:58:32 shawn chat[477]: CONNECT
 Mar  4 19:58:32 shawn chat[477]:  -- got it
ok so far

 Mar  4 19:58:33 shawn pppd[476]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS3
 Mar  4 19:59:03 shawn pppd[476]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
This means, the other site hasn't yet switched to a PPP connection.

Login to their site with minicom and see what appears on the screen.
Maybe they present a menu where PPP must be selected, maybe they wait for a
simple Return,...

Might be helpful to see their instruction how to setup an internet
connection under windows, they'll surely provide those.


Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of the time.
To be specific the Plug almost always works.--unknown source

Description: PGP signature

Re: Please HELP ME AGAIN!!!

1999-03-05 Thread Per-Olof Widstrom
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Nuno Donato wrote:

 How can I setup my sound card(Sound Blaster 16)?
 I have heard something about make menuconfig make config 
 but this doesn't work in my computer. A error message 
 appears saying no target to make rule config.
 How can I solve this problem. 
 I have heard something about compiling the kernel, how?
change dir `cd /usr/src/kernel-source2.x.x` (the x is your kernel

type `make menuconfig`
that should get you started, but before you do that, please read some
howto:s or something about how to do it, you get a lot of alternatives
how to configure the kernel, I can not tell you what you need and dont
need. If you make modules remember to fix the module dependencys 
`depmod -a` and how to edit the lilo.conf in /etc. Try man

After you have done all that, type `lilo` to install the new kernel, but
keep your old one, thats a good thing.

(I hope you understand my english)

Lieberman's Law:
Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter since nobody listens. 

APT: packages held back

1999-03-05 Thread Maarten Boekhold

Yesterday I wondered how much MBs I'd have to download to upgrade my
system (plus *some* slink stuff in there) to slink, so I set my
and did 'apt-get update' + 'apt-get upgrade' (and answered 'no' ;).

This showed numerous packages as being 'kept back':

The following packages have been kept back
  zgv libtiff3g-dev mc most aalib1 lynx eeyes xv ncftp gnome-panel xbase
  elvis g++ util-linux imlib-progs xemacs20-nomule tk8.0 minicom
  apache transfig whiptail libreadlineg2-dev dialog gnome-utils
  libobgnome0 octave screen tcl8.0-dev libgtkxmhtml0 xemacs20-bin tcl8.0
  xdelta bsdmainutils libjpeg-progs egcc ddd xserver-common ncurses-bin
  netstd bash libtiff3g kbd xpaint gnome-core libgpmg1 procps joe dpkg
  libobgtk1 gpm libgnome0 gimp tcsh-i18n statserial bc ae less lftp rpm
  libreadlineg2 tcsh tya

Now to my understanding this means that these packages *are* already
installed, but will not be upgraded to the versions in slink because of
potential dependency/conflict problems.

What kind of effect will this have on my system? How to find out what
kind of
conflicts there are, and how to go about to fix them?

I also have a remark concerning the current apt package in slink:
Although the
man-pages refer to documentation in /usr/doc/apt (ie. guide.text.gz),
documents are no longer available. My previous version of apt (0.16-1 I
pretty old), did have these docs in the package. Could this be
considered as a



Maarten Boekhold, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TIBCO Finance Technology Inc.
The Atrium
Strawinskylaan 3051
1077 ZX Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel: +31 20 3012158, fax: +31 20 3012358

Help w Xemacs and hscroll-mode

1999-03-05 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
I have hscroll-mode in emacs but don't appear to have it in Xemacs
20.4.  What happened to this mode and how do I get it back into Xemacs

also, when I start emacs the first time I type a character I get an

'while opening UMTP file: no such file or directory'

but if I scroll down a page the error goes away and I am able to type. 
How can I stop this error from appearing?  It doesn't really prevent me
from doing anything it is just annoying because I always have
to scroll down a page to see what I am doing because it inserts this
error right at my insertion point.


Using Procmail - mail won't deliver to Default

1999-03-05 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
in .procmailrc

SHELL = /bin/sh
LOGFILE =$HOME/_logfile

but mail does not go to Inbox.  I have also tried 


I am getting the _logfile so what have I got wrong in the syntax to
prevent me from getting mail in /$HOME/Mail/Inbox.  There is an Inbox in



1999-03-05 Thread Doug Dine

When I installed Debian I put it on my second hard drive and didn't
make it bootable but instead just made a boot floppy as I wasn't
familiar with Lilo or Loadlin but now I want to make the hard drive
bootable. How do I do this at this point? Do I need to re-install or


Doug Dine


NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: backspace behaviour

1999-03-05 Thread Thomas Gebhardt

 I have never had this problem at home, but now it happens to me at
 work. My backspace does not work in Netscape, only the delete key. My
 backspace does not work in rxvt and nor the delete key.


did you install kde 1.1?

! i386 and alpha
keycode 22 = BackSpace
keycode 107 = Delete  

in /etc/X11/Xmodmap and restart your X server.
(or install your personal .xmodmap)

Regards, Thomas

Exim configuration

1999-03-05 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
What do I need to add to exim.conf to be able to send mail.  I have a
PPP connection to a provider and use fetchmail to get mail but I cannot
send mail except through netscape.

In /var/log/exim/mainlog.01

SMTP error from remote mailer after Mail From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SIZE=2522:
host Unresolvable domain name

What is this error telling me?

Re: fetchmail

1999-03-05 Thread Richard Harran
I don't think -k on its own is what you're looking for.  This keeps
messages on the remote server, but marks them as read.  However, it may
be of some use in conjunction with the -a (fetchall) option.  This makes
fetchmail fetch all messages, including those marked as read.


 Subject: Re: fetchmail
 Date: Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 10:28:33PM +1100
 In reply to:Shao Zhang
 Quoting Shao Zhang([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Sorry, I did not describe what I want very clear. What I need is to leave
  them as Unread on the pop3 server. I retrieve them from pop3 at work, I
  want those mails still set to unread  when I retrieve them for the second
  time, I still know what are the new messages I checked earlier at work. I
  guess I am trying to get it working more similar to an IMAP server.
 man fetchmail says -k
 Real programmers don't write in FORTRAN.  FORTRAN is for pipe stress
 freaks and crystallography weenies.  FORTRAN is for wimp engineers who
 wear white socks.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

FrameBuffer - keyboard problems

1999-03-05 Thread Bernhard Dobbels

I have an S3 Trio3D video card so i had to use the framebuffer device if i
wanted a 1024x768 display.
Now i have some anoying keyboard problems. I can't use the AltGr key
anymore (it has become left-key). So any key like |@#{}[]`\ i cannot use
anymore in X. 
The PgUp/PgDn and some other keys aren't working either, but i could solve
this with xmodmap. Though some people said me this is not a good

I got the keyboard section from sombody with the same videocard and
was also using Framebuffer device and had the same problems. For him
this was a sollution, for me not. This is my keyboard section for the

Section Keyboard
ProtocolStandard #Standard|Xqueue
#   XkbDisable
AutoRepeat  500 5
LeftAlt Meta
ScrollLock  Compose
XkbModelpc101 #pc101|pc102|xfree86|microsoft
XkbLayout   be

Any help?

Bernhard DobbelsStudent Electronic Engineer 
option Automation and Computersystems.
ICQ: 25783372

Long filenames on cdr

1999-03-05 Thread Bernhard Dobbels

I've tried the joliet extention, but aparently, when i mount the cdimage,
the filenames are cutoff at 32 characters. 
Any ideas?

Bernhard DobbelsStudent Electronic Engineer 
option Automation and Computersystems.
ICQ: 25783372

Re: ipmasqadm question

1999-03-05 Thread wtopa

Subject: ipmasqadm question
Date: Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 01:25:07PM -0600


 Hello all,
 I seem to be lost on this issue, but here goes.  I am running a mostly slink 
 system with a 2.2.1 kernel.  How do I enable port forwarding with this setup?
 I have the kernel built correctly, (I believe), so I am not concerned in that 
 area.  My question has to do with the tool(s) used to manage the port 
 forwarding.  It looks like the ipportfw tool only works with a kernel  
 I have read that the tool I am looking for is called ipmasqadm, found at:
 I have found the RH RPM at this site, along with the source code for this 
  My first try at compiling and installing was unsuccessful.  (I have not put 
 much effort into this approach yet).

  GREAT Firewall/masquerading INFO Site

|  LINUX - Because a PC is a terrible thing to waste..on WinDoze  |

Re: Print command

1999-03-05 Thread wtopa

Subject: Print command
Date: Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 12:54:20AM -0500


Could anyone tell a newbie the command to print a text file or a man
page item, like a file named vi.1.gz on a dot matrix printer? I have
installed the 'base' system from D/Led floppies (used the 'rescue'
disk and installed the drivers disk and the five 'base' disks). During
the install, I did install the 'lp' module for the parallel ports. At
this point, the 'man' program  is either not available or not on the
disk. I have been reading some of the man pages using zmore but I
don't know how to print or do very much else. I don't have any docs
except for what was installed. I'm having a very rough time trying
learn how to do things in Debian, I'm good in DOS and Win95 but just
beginning to learn Linux.

Apparently I have a lot to read and learn before I can get my install
to the point I can log onto the web and upgrade to a full system. The
few commands I can use I have learned by reading this ng.

So far Debian seems to be a great OS with a lot more power than
anything I've used in the past, including OS/2 Warp. But the docs are
difficult to find and read for a newbie that doesn't have any Unix
experience. You could say that Debian is my Unix experience.  Is there
a list of basic commands for navigation and operations available on
the web? The Howto pages are great for an in depth explanation of
lilo and fips but get a little bit tedious when all I want to do is
look at the current fstab or ppp.conf or list a dir.

Also, using the 'ls' command, man6 dir doesn't exist and man7 is
empty. Is this normal?

A Debian geek wannabe is anxious to learn.

Thank you.

1.  Look for a directory called howto. (find / -type d -iname howto)
2.  Look at Printing-HOWTO, Printing-Usage-howto.
3.  If you haven't yet downloaded the magicfilter package, do.
4.  If you have not yet downloaded the a2ps package, do.
5.  Grin as you print out whatever you want.


Real Users find the one combination of bizarre input values that shuts
down the system for days.

Re: Debian and Redhat - are most linux users missing the point?

1999-03-05 Thread Kenneth Scharf

But TECO was the greatest, most programmable, powerful editor ever.  If
it had run on a *NIX OS  :-(

I remember when working at DEC being told that teco was more than an
editor, it was a language.  Infact someone had written a StarTrek game
in teco. (They also wrote a startrek game in Cobol ... YUCK!)

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

Get your free address at

Re: FrameBuffer - keyboard problems

1999-03-05 Thread Matt Folwell
On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 01:52:22PM +0100, Bernhard Dobbels wrote:

 I have an S3 Trio3D video card so i had to use the framebuffer device if i
 wanted a 1024x768 display.
 Now i have some anoying keyboard problems. I can't use the AltGr key
 anymore (it has become left-key). So any key like |@#{}[]`\ i cannot use
 anymore in X. 
 The PgUp/PgDn and some other keys aren't working either, but i could solve
 this with xmodmap. Though some people said me this is not a good
 I got the keyboard section from sombody with the same videocard and
 was also using Framebuffer device and had the same problems. For him
 this was a sollution, for me not. This is my keyboard section for the
 Section Keyboard
 ProtocolStandard #Standard|Xqueue
 #   XkbDisable
 AutoRepeat  500 5
 LeftAlt Meta

If you want AltGr to do the same as Alt, change that to Meta

 ScrollLock  Compose
 XkbModelpc101 #pc101|pc102|xfree86|microsoft

If it's a standard pc keyboard (or shudder a windows 95 one) that should
be pc102

 XkbLayout   be
 Any help?

The rest is the same as mine, but I also have the following lines:

   XkbKeycodes xfree86
   XkbCompat   default
   XkbSymbols  us(pc101)
   XkbGeometry pc

They were all put there by XF86Setup; I don't know what difference they make.

Hope that helps,

Matt Folwell, P2 Whewell's Court, Trinity College, Cambridge.  CB2 1TQ

Re: Can Windows95 cause error on my Linux Drive.

1999-03-05 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Windows and Linux can co-exist on the same disk drive without
problems.  I have windows 95 and debian on different partitions of the
same disk.  Windows / dos will ignore partition types 81, 82 ,83 etc. 
What you need to do is to first partition the virgin disk under
windows (leaving room for linux!) then add your linux partitions using
linux fdisk.  The reason is to insure that MS fdisk doesn't do the job
wrong and grab part of the linux partitions. (I have heard that MS
fdisk can try to make partitions not using whole number of cylinders
while linux fdisk always rounds up to a whole cylinder.)  Also
installing windows first allows you to set up lilo to use the MBA and
boot windows as the second (or first) choice.  (Seems weird having
lilo boot windows by default, but I have done this!).

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

Get your free address at

re: Cheap pnp ne2000 Lan cards

1999-03-05 Thread Kenneth Scharf

I bought some cheap PNP ide ne2000 compatible crds to setup a small net
work. My bios does not seeem to recognise the cards, but it does see my
pnp sound card.  Is there anything I can do via debian to use these
The cards are made by LanStar.  They were only $12 each so it won't
break me if they are junk.  But any help is appreciated.
 By the way I only have or use Gnu/Debian, so a solution involving other
os's is not viable.  Thanks

I assume they are Isa cards.  PCI cards shouldn't do this!  We had a
similar problem here.  By first putting the cards in a different
computer (with a bios that would find the cardsyour problem IS THE
BIOS!) we ran the dos configure utility that came with the cards. 
Then the card was yanked out and put in the first computer...where it
now worked!  I guess there is flash rom on the card that must be
programed first before it will work.

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

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Re: Using Procmail - mail won't deliver to Default

1999-03-05 Thread wtopa

Subject: Using Procmail - mail won't deliver to Default
Date: Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 06:14:13AM -0600

In reply to:Lance Hoffmeyer

Quoting Lance Hoffmeyer([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 in .procmailrc
 SHELL = /bin/sh
 LOGFILE =$HOME/_logfile
 VERBOSE = yes
 but mail does not go to Inbox.  I have also tried 
 DEFAULT /$HOME/Mail/Inbox
 I am getting the _logfile so what have I got wrong in the syntax to
 prevent me from getting mail in /$HOME/Mail/Inbox.  There is an Inbox in

The answer to the above can be found in man procmailrc.  Reading the
man pages answers 50%i, or more,  of questions people post to mailing 
lists and newsgroups.  In says past asking questions like the above 
would have received the response   RTFM.  

Times are changing, some.  

The Softwære said Windows 95 or better, so I dumped Win95  loaded LINUX.
I have not looked back since.

Re: Please HELP ME AGAIN!!!

1999-03-05 Thread wtopa

Subject: Please HELP ME AGAIN!!!
Date: Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 01:13:31AM -0800


 Please Help me again!
 Thanks for helping me with mounting, but now I would like to 
 ask you another thing.
 How can I setup my sound card(Sound Blaster 16)?
 I have heard something about make menuconfig make config 
 but this doesn't work in my computer. A error message 
 appears saying no target to make rule config.
 How can I solve this problem. 
 I have heard something about compiling the kernel, how?
 Thanks again!

#1 requirement for a Linux newbie.  Read the DOC's!  In this case
The Linux Kernel HOWTO.

Some research on your part might save you some embarrassment and
lead to more people responding to message subjects that indicate you
have not tried to help yourself, first.

Using TSO is like kicking a dead whale down the beach.
-- S. C. Johnson

Re: potato -heyho! message?

1999-03-05 Thread wtopa

Subject: potato -heyho! message?
Date: Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 04:43:28PM +0900


 I upgraded from hamm to potato yesterday without any trouble, however after
 the upgrade was completed, I noticed a strange problem.
 I had several Eterms open when the message heyho! (followed by a newline
 character) started to be repeatedly printed on one of them. The keyboard did
 not seem to have any effect (even CTRL-C) and the only way to stop the
 message from being repeated was to close the Eterm window.
 That was the second time that this problem occurred. The first time I didn't
 take much notice of it, so I'm not sure whether it appeared on an xterm or
 an Eterm.
 The second time, the problem occurred, I tried ps -a on another terminal
 while the message was being printed, but I didn't notice anything out of the
 Has anybody else experienced this? Does anyone know what it is?

I can offer a thought.  Did you load any packages to use X10 devices?
Maybe xtend?  If so there is a package called 'heyu' which is used to
talk to an X10 controller.  That 'might' be what you are seeing.


A LISP programmer knows the value of everything, but the cost of

Re: PPP log message

1999-03-05 Thread John Hasler
ivan writes:
 Is this normal?

Your ppp.log looks quite normal.  

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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