
2000-01-20 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Cuando se publico en potato el kernel 2.2.13, tambien se publico una
utilidad kernel-image, que generaba el binario y el kernel-header.

Ahora se ha publicado el kernel 2.2.14, pero la utilidad kernel-image, solo
genera el binario, pero no el kernel-header, y sin embargo no he encontrado
ninguna otra utilidad que los genere.

¨Donde se puede encontrar?


Potato y Woody

2000-01-20 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos

He visto que potato ha pasado a estado frozen y se ha creado una nueva
distribucion inestable, woody, que en un principio comenzara como una
extension de potato.

Llevo varios meses instalando paquetes de potato, al igual que hice con
slink, hamm y bo. Es decir, desde mi punto de vista, yo no he efectuado
ningun corte con las distribuciones, lo que no quiere decir que no haya
habido dificultades, los cambios de distribucion suponen siempre un punto de
inflexion mas o menos acusado.

Ahora llega el momento de otro cambio, y me pregunto si con este ultimo se
persigue algun objetivo concreto de importante calibre, como supuso el
cambio de bo a hamm, en el que recuerdo haber tenido que reinstalar
completamente el bo por segunda vez, pero leyendo las instrucciones que no
habia leido anteriormente, o si es un cambio de tipo estrategico (hay que
publicar una distribucion), y woody podria haber supuesto potato un a¤o mas.

No estoy en contra de que se publiquen distribuciones, pero si me gustaria
saber, si existen lineas generales que provoquen la preparacion de una nueva
distribucion, y la importancia de estas.


Con Debian, si no por siempre, por el mayor tiempo posible.

[TRUCO] Subir tus paginas web automaticamente a tu proveedor (y un problemin...)

2000-01-20 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos,

Pues eso que quiero subir todas mis chuletas a una cuenta de estas
 gratis de wanadoo, (haber si os son utiles ;-) y me estoy currando un
 script para que cuando mi PC se conecta solo a internet de madrugada
 me actualice la peich solito.

Os adjunto mis chuletas ncftp2 y trucos-ftp

El problemin que escuentro es que aunque el get del ncftp2 baja los
 archivo solo si no han cambiado, el put los sube siempre aunque no
 hayan cambiado, gastando tiempo de conexión inutilmente :-(

¿Y cuando tenga 4MB que hago?

¿Alguna idea?

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)  kernel 2.2.13
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)
 Sus habeis fijao???ncftp2: (0.02)
Potente cliente de ftp de modo texto: uso con cortafuegos y manejo

Para utilizar siempre FTP en modo pasivo:
1) ejecutar ncftp2
2) hacer prefs
3) cambiar el item D: Default FTP mode: a Passive FTP only (PASV)

Sugiero cambiar el G: Pager a /bin/less
 Prueba cat un_archivo | less y cat un_archivo | more y verás la diferencia,
 por cierto man utiliza less...

help muestra comandos disponibles
get muestra opciones del comando

open despliega ventana de selección/creación de servidores FTP
ls, dir ver directorio
get archivo baja el archivo
get -C archivo continua descarga interrumpida desde donde se dejó
quit para salir

Por defecto ncftp2 trabaja en modo puerto:
 El servidor FTP intentará establecer una  conexión con nosotros desde
 su puerto 20 (ftp-data) a un puerto alto nuestro (1024) al solicitarle
 cualquier transferencia.
Esos intentos de conexión no pasarán un cortafuegos.

En modo pasivo los datos son enviados en la misma conexión en curso, no hay
 problemas con el cortafuegos.
# trucos-ftp: (0.01)
#   Subir desde un script automático todas tus páginas web a tu proveedor
# 1) Renombrar este script a autoftp
# 2) Añadir el servidor ftp de tu proveedor a la lista de ncftp2 (con open)
# 3) Desde el directorio WEB hacer: cat autoftp | ncftp2

# Abrir servidor FTP
mkdir htdocs
cd htdocs

# Crear directorios primero (sino mput * crea archivos vacios)
mkdir chuletas

# Copiar archivos de raiz
put *

# Copiar archivos de /chuletas
cd chuletas
put chuletas/*
cd ..

# Cerrar y salir
cd ..

Una de librerias

2000-01-20 Thread Juan Carlos

Ante todo gracias por la ayuda que me 
podis ofrecer.
Mi problema es que quiero instalarme el entorno 
xfce, pues segn he ledo ocupa muy pocos recursos y yo aun estoy 
con un 486 a 100Mhz con 24 megas de ram, pero me faltan las 
libreras. Me he gastado una pasta en navegar por Internet 
buscndolas y no hay manera. Las libreras en cuestin 
xlib6g 3.3.5-1
libc6 2.1
libglib 1.2
libxpm 4
En la actualidad aun estoy con la Debian 

Warning: /usr/src/linux/ does not match kernel data.

2000-01-20 Thread Jose Rodriguez

Pues eso, que cada vez que hago un 'ps' o un 'top', me sale el mensaje

Warning: /usr/src/linux/ does not match kernel data.

He recompilado e instalado el nuevo kernel, y he hecho lilo.  ¿Que
sucede con el ¿Como puedo volver a generarlo?


Jose Rodriguez  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia  SPAIN

Re: [TRUCO] Subir tus paginas web automaticamente a tu proveedor (y un problemin...)

2000-01-20 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Manel Marin wrote:

 El problemin que escuentro es que aunque el get del ncftp2 baja los
  archivo solo si no han cambiado, el put los sube siempre aunque no
  hayan cambiado, gastando tiempo de conexión inutilmente :-(
 ¿Y cuando tenga 4MB que hago?
Procesa los archivos uno a uno usando make. El script de
make detecta que archivos han cambiado y los envía
individualmente. El tiempo de establecer una conexion nueva
para cada archivo es despreciable frente al tiempo de
enviarlos todos.


Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Re: Una de librerias

2000-01-20 Thread David Charro Ripa
Con un navegador puedes acceder a Y por allí, entrando
en paquetes, he llegado a la siguiente página web

En ella te viene de que depende y enlaces de cada paquete del que
depende para poder bajártelos.
Pero si tienes hamm, me temo que cada paquete que quieras ponerte
dependerá a su vez de otros que te faltarán. Y puede ser un bastante
pesado bajártelos y llevar cuenta de cuales has traido, cuales te
faltan. Si estas en hamm y quieres probar nuevos paquetes, curiosear,
podrías cambiar de versión a potato, de alguna manera automatizada (más
o menos). Usease usando apt-get que viene en el paquete apt. Si te
parece caro actualizártelo por internet será mejor que te consigas un



  Ante todo gracias por la ayuda que me podáis ofrecer.Mi problema es
 que quiero instalarme el entorno xfce, pues según he leído ocupa muy
 pocos recursos y yo aun estoy con un  486 a 100Mhz con 24 megas de
 ram, pero me faltan las librerías. Me he gastado una pasta en navegar
 por Internet buscándolas y no hay manera. Las librerías en cuestión
 son:xlib6g 3.3.5-1libc6 2.1libglib 1.2libxpm 4En la actualidad aun
 estoy con la Debian Hamm.Gracias.

Re: Kernel-image-compact

2000-01-20 Thread Daniel Payno
EL otro día, Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 10:50:41PM +0100, Angel Vicente Perez dijo:
 Ahora se ha publicado el kernel 2.2.14, pero la utilidad kernel-image, solo
 genera el binario, pero no el kernel-header, y sin embargo no he encontrado
 ninguna otra utilidad que los genere.
 ¨Donde se puede encontrar?
Con la utilidad make-kpkg puedes hacerte tu toda una variedad de paquetes:

Daniel Payno

Re: XFree86 3.3.5

2000-01-20 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Carlos Entrena!

El día Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 10:17:54PM +0100 decías:

   Mi problema es el siguiente: Tengo un ordenador con Debian 2.1
 (slink). Dicho ordenador tiene una tarjeta gráfica, S3 Trio 3D/2X, que
 sólo es soportada a partir de la versión 3.3.5 de XFree86. La versión de
 XFree que viene con slink es la ¿Cómo puedo actualizarme a la
 3.3.5 sin:
   a) Tener que migrar a potato.
   b) Fastidiar una posible actualización de slink.

puedes conseguir las ultimas versiones de Xfree para Slink en:

Nos leemos...

   Linux Powered (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Slink)
   Linux Registered User #158497 (


2000-01-20 Thread jvicente
Cual es la diferencia entre usar GMT o RTC para el clock de linux?

Se que el GMT es la hora mundial, medida desde el meridiano de Greenwhich,
pero cuales son las ventajas/desventajas de usar GMT o RTC como
configuración del reloj?

Paginas del manual en castellano

2000-01-20 Thread jvicente
He hecho todos los cambios de LC_* necesarios y veo los mensajes del
sistema en castellano, pero lsa páginas del manual me siguen apareciendo en
ingles. Alguna idea?

Re: Linux Expo en Madrid

2000-01-20 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 06:11:59PM +0100, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona wrote:
 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez writes:
   On jue, ene 13, 2000 at 02:48:57 +0100, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona wrote:
(España) en abril. Por un lado, puede que os interese enviar
algo. Pero por otro lado, es posible que den metros cuadrados gratis
para poner un stand de Debian. La pregunta es, ¿interesa esto? (en
   ¿Cómo?, pues claro ¿no?, muy interesante.
   Rehago la pregunta: ¿interesa tanto como para que x personas,
 que a ser posible incluyan algún miembro de Debian, se comprometa a
 organizarlo? Yo puedo echar una mano, pero esos días voy a estar con
 otras cosas, y no puedo ni siquiera garantizar que podré estar mucho
 rato allí, y menos montar nada para que haya algo que enseñar en el
 stand. Sí puedo ayudar con la organziación, y en alguans otras cosas.
   Dicho esto, ¿interesa tanto o no? ¿Quién quiere meterese en
 esto? ¿Alguien lo coordina?

Hombre, yo tengo intención de estar allí, y puedo colaborar con la
organización, y estar a ratos en el stand. Lamentablemente no me puedo
ofrecer para coordinar el cotarro, porque también estaré liado con otras
cuestiones, y además coordinarlo todo desde tan lejos (Tenerife) me
parece  un pelín difícil. ¿Qué tal alguno de los desarrolladores de
Madrid o alrededores (Javier, Juan, Roberto, ¿estáis ahí?)?
Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Servidor de Fax para Linux

2000-01-20 Thread dfm


Hace algún tiempo leí en la lista alguien que mencionaba que usaba un
servidor de Fax para Linux/Debian. Quiero instalarlo en una empresa que
tienen varias máquinas winblows, pero vendría bien mostrarles lo bien que
Linux puede funcionar poniendoles un servidor de fax, que no solo les
saldría gratis sino que les funcionaría de maravilla puesto que el que
tienen ahora es una m..rda. En fín, si alguno sabeis de algún servidor de
fax bajo linux y las posibilidades que ofrece o dónde leer esta información
os lo agradecería.

Un saludo


Re: ¿Efecto 2000 en

2000-01-20 Thread Sergio Gomez Bachiller

Pues el paquete tetex-bin no se instala correctamente si la fecha del
sistema es 2000, al menos en debian 2.1r2

Un saludo,

|Sergio Gómez Bachiller, administrador de rabcee02 |
| mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Re: [TRUCO] Subir tus paginas web automaticamente a tu proveedor (y un problemin...)

2000-01-20 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 19 de enero de 2000 a la(s) 19:06:30 +0100, Manel Marin contaba:

El problemin que escuentro es que aunque el get del ncftp2 baja los
 archivo solo si no han cambiado, el put los sube siempre aunque no
 hayan cambiado, gastando tiempo de conexión inutilmente :-(

¿Y cuando tenga 4MB que hago?

Package: sitecopy
Section: web
Priority: extra
Depends: libc6 (= 2.1)
Description: A program for managing a WWW site via FTP
 sitecopy is for copying locally stored websites to remote ftp servers.
 The program will upload files to the server which have changed locally,
 and delete files from the server which have been removed locally, to keep
 the remote site synchronized with the local site, with a single command.


 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.14Linux Registered User #87069

Re: Multiples dominios con sendmail

2000-01-20 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 20 de enero de 2000 a la(s) 00:29:09 +0100, Eduardo Díaz contaba:

me gustaria que el sendmail respondiera a
multiples dominios.

por ejemplo 

# cp /etc/mail/ /etc/mail/ # paranoia ;)
# cat  /etc/mail/  _EOF_
# /etc/init.d/sendmail reload # no toi seguro si hace falta, creo que no

si podeis poner algun tutorial ( basado en ejemplos ) de sendmail seria genial 

 No tiene ejemplos y la verdad es  que es un tanto arduo, pero a
 mí me suele llegar con /usr/doc/sendmail/cf.README.gz.

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.14Linux Registered User #87069

Re: mgetty y caller-ID

2000-01-20 Thread Roberto Ripio
El Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 03:29:20PM +, Angel Vicente Perez escribió:
 ¿Sabe alguien como funciona el Caller-ID de mgetty?
 ¿Hace falta contratar algun servicio especial con telefonica, o se 
 podria hacer con un modem que soporte esta caracteristica?

Hola, Angel:

Necesitas las dos cosas. Contratar con Telef. la identificación de llamada
(200 pelas/mes) y tener un módem que lo soporte... y ahí viene el problema,
creo. En diferentes países el modo de transmitir esos datos es distinto y no
sé si todos los módems que dicen tener CID funcionarían en España. 

Yo tengo un OvisLink externo, que es un módem con chipset Rockwell como
tantísimos otros, y no he conseguido que funcione, ni con mgetty ni con el
programa que venía con el módem, bajo windox. Aún tengo pendiente probar un
truquillo, que es poner en la configuración de mgetty que al inicializar el
módem active el CID (AT#CID=1), algunos módems no recuerdan ese ajuste
tras una inicialización.

En todo caso, aunque no tengo mucho tiempo para investigar estoy intentando
enterarme más del asunto, coando sepa algo ya lo contaré.

Un saludote,

Roberto Ripio

Re: [TRUCO] Subir tus paginas web automaticamente a tu proveedor (y un problemin...)

2000-01-20 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
Manel Marin wrote:
 Hola a todos,
 Pues eso que quiero subir todas mis chuletas a una cuenta de estas
  gratis de wanadoo, (haber si os son utiles ;-) y me estoy currando un
  script para que cuando mi PC se conecta solo a internet de madrugada
  me actualice la peich solito.
 Os adjunto mis chuletas ncftp2 y trucos-ftp
 El problemin que escuentro es que aunque el get del ncftp2 baja los
  archivo solo si no han cambiado, el put los sube siempre aunque no
  hayan cambiado, gastando tiempo de conexión inutilmente :-(
 ¿Y cuando tenga 4MB que hago?
 ¿Alguna idea?
Yo usaria lftp con el comando mirror 

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
n:Calvo Rodriguez;ant
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:ant Calvo Rodriguez

Re: Problemas con Smail

2000-01-20 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
Amaya wrote:
 Lluis Vilanova decía:

  -rw-r--r--   1 root mail  168 ene 16 20:43 paniclog.3.gz
  -rw-r--r--   1 root mail  303 ene 15 21:43 paniclog.4.gz
  -rw-r--r--   1 root mail  181 ene 12 18:10 paniclog.5.gz
  La verdad es que no tengo ni idea de que c**o son esos gz, creo que al 
  el paquete no estaban
 Eso, me juego el cuello, es logrotate (que es de potato, pero que te lo habrás
 puesto junto a la última versión de leafnode, que depende de logrotate).

No juegues con las cosas de sostener la cabeza };-}
mirate el crontab de smail
usa savelog de debian-utils
existe desde por lo menos hamm

El problema es cuando smail hace un setgroups(). No le aparece a
Barbwired porque no tiene instalados los
paquetes manpages-es o manpages-dev ( es una llamada del sistema ).
¿ Que por que falla ? Ni idea, mis conocimientos de C son nulos, pero yo
miraria si existe el grupo mail
en /etc/group .

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
n:Calvo Rodriguez;ant
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:ant Calvo Rodriguez

Re: GMT vs. RTC

2000-01-20 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
 Cual es la diferencia entre usar GMT o RTC para el clock de linux?
 Se que el GMT es la hora mundial, medida desde el meridiano de Greenwhich,
 pero cuales son las ventajas/desventajas de usar GMT o RTC como
 configuración del reloj?
RTC es el reloj de la placa base y puede estar en GMT o en la hora
Al arrancar el sistema se utiliza para inicializar el reloj del sistema
( software )
Lo que entiendo que preguntas son las ventajas y desventajas de usar GMT
en el sistema.
- Activas tu timezone y te olvidas de todo el tema de horario de
verano, invierno, etc...
- Windows usa la hora local, si tienes el PC compartido con el, tendras
que usar la hora local 
a la fuerza.

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
n:Calvo Rodriguez;ant
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:ant Calvo Rodriguez

Xlib com patch do Quinot

2000-01-20 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes


Alguém aí tem a Xlib (3.3.{5,6}) com o patch do T.Quinot para o
Debian (potato)?
Eu tentei recompilar mas deu uns paus! Postei na debian-user mas
ninguém respondeu :-((
Outra: eu estava utilizando Netscape 4.61(potato). Acontece que
não conseguia colocar ~ nas urls (acentuar, nem pensar!). O meu xmodmap
está com dead keys. Voltando para a versão 4.08 (potato), o danado
aceita o ~ sem problemas nas urls (tb não acentua). 
Alguém saberia dizer o que acontece? E qual a solução, se é que

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: Xlib com patch do Quinot

2000-01-20 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
   Alguém aí tem a Xlib (3.3.{5,6}) com o patch do T.Quinot para o
 Debian (potato)?
Deixei disponível em

   Eu tentei recompilar mas deu uns paus! Postei na debian-user mas
 ninguém respondeu :-((
Compilei com 3.3.5 e não tive problemas.  Não consegui compilar
com debian/rules, isto é verdade.  Usei o make World mesmo.  Para
aplicar o pacth, entre com algo como (supondo xfree-3.3.5 o diretório dos
fontes e /tmp onde está o patch):
pascal:~ cd /usr/src/xfree-3.3.5/
pascal:~ gunzip /tmp/XFree86-3.3.1-dead-keys.diff.gz
pascal:~ patch -p1  /tmp/XFree86-3.3.1-dead-keys.diff

   Outra: eu estava utilizando Netscape 4.61(potato). Acontece que
 não conseguia colocar ~ nas urls (acentuar, nem pensar!). O meu xmodmap
 está com dead keys. Voltando para a versão 4.08 (potato), o danado
 aceita o ~ sem problemas nas urls (tb não acentua). 
   Alguém saberia dizer o que acontece? E qual a solução, se é que
Humm... Dai eu já não sei.  Uso o Slink com vários packages de
non-official apt sources 
(, o Netscape
4.7 e não tenho problema algum.

|  Helio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro  |[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Powered |
|  | |   by|
| | | FreeBSD |
Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vaccuum tubes and
weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vaccuum tubes
and perhaps weigh 1 1/2 tons.
-- Popular Mechanics, March 1949  


2000-01-20 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Que mal pergunte, alguém já não tinha a Xlib já
compilada?  Procurei no histórico da lista, mas não funcionou ;0{

|  Helio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro  |[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Powered |
|  | |   by|
| | | FreeBSD |
Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vaccuum tubes and
weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vaccuum tubes
and perhaps weigh 1 1/2 tons.
-- Popular Mechanics, March 1949  

Re: Xlib com patch do Quinot

2000-01-20 Thread Carlos H. S. Laviola
Isso eh estranho, eu tenho conseguido acentuar perfeitamente bem no
Netscape (4.7, se nao me engano). Voce ja consultou o Portuguese-HOWTO?
Tem boas informacoes sobre configuracao, acho que foi assim que coloquei o
meu funcionando. Foi ha muito tempo, na verdade, eu ate desabilitei meu
Xmodmap provisoriamente porque nao estava muito satisfeito com o estado
atual, entende? Ele acentua apenas pelas teclas padroes, e eu queria
faze-lo acentuar pelas teclas mortas do Windows 95, que tenho em meu
O endereco atual do Portuguese HOWTO eh:

A Pagina Pessoal do autor fica em, mas
consegui achar nada sobre o HOWTO la. (antes, haviam muitas informacoes)

Boa sorte :-)

Carlos Laviola
for my PGPi/GPG keys, finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:

   Alguém aí tem a Xlib (3.3.{5,6}) com o patch do T.Quinot para o
 Debian (potato)?
   Eu tentei recompilar mas deu uns paus! Postei na debian-user mas
 ninguém respondeu :-((
   Outra: eu estava utilizando Netscape 4.61(potato). Acontece que
 não conseguia colocar ~ nas urls (acentuar, nem pensar!). O meu xmodmap
 está com dead keys. Voltando para a versão 4.08 (potato), o danado
 aceita o ~ sem problemas nas urls (tb não acentua). 
   Alguém saberia dizer o que acontece? E qual a solução, se é que
 Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
 IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alan Cox's Portaloo

2000-01-20 Thread Chris Hoover
Sorry to be some what off topic, but does anyone know where the cvs archive for
Alan Cox's Portaloo is?



Re: potato - where's lp

2000-01-20 Thread Julian Gilbey
On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 06:44:25AM -0800, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
 One last question is potato now linked to frozen? 
 Should I change my sources.list to point to frozen or
 potato instead of unstable now?

Yes, potato = frozen, woody = unstable.  Please subscribe to if you are going to track
unstable or frozen; this was announced there.

Should you change?  Now that's up to you!



  Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, QMW, Univ. of London. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer,  see
  Donate free food to the world's hungry: see

X: cut-buffer and selection

2000-01-20 Thread zhaoway
[Please reply with Cc: to me, as I'm not on this list.]

AFAIK, current Debian default setting for mouse button
actions under X Window, is to cut and paste through `cut-buffer'
(e.g. xprop -id `root-window-id`. Will use the contents of CUT_BUFFER0)

How can i change this default behaviour to use `selection' instead?
(e.g. CLIPBOARD, `xclipboard` will show the contents it holds.)

Thank you in advance! Or, please point me a proper place to ask. Thanks!

I have man'd xclipboard. But got lost... :(

zhaoway -=- zw * -=- -=- blue ribbon
GnuPG 1024D/7C0441F2  BF4F B39D A53E A9BB 1057  2364 652C 1BA6 7C04 41F2

Re: New HP Printers...?

2000-01-20 Thread Joe Bouchard
On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 04:48:05PM +0100, E.L. Meijer Eric wrote:
   I am looking at buying a new printer, and had my eyes on a HP DeskJet
   710C, which I would definitely have bought if I only ran Windows.
 I wrote:
  The 710C is a Windows printer.  Someone hacked together a driver that
  works very well for black and white for the 710, 720, 820 and 1000


I have an HP820Cse on one computer, and it's a Windows only printer as
described above.  I use a pbm2ppa driver, but if you print 2 pages from
netscape it takes 90% of the cpu for about 2 minutes.  In other words
it's a real performace pig (it's a pig in windows too).  In all fairness
it does a really nice job, but I wouldn't buy one today.

My theory is that some of the HP printers have the words:
HP Deskjet xxx
 For Windows
written right on the front of the printer, and these are the ones to avoid.


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux (Slink)

Re: Window sizing

2000-01-20 Thread Alec Smith
In all the window managers I've used you can click on the title bar and
move the window... Basically the same way you move a window around under

On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, Don Cavaiani wrote:

 I now have Netscape working under both WIN98 and Linux(thanks to the
 help of users of this list).  However, the browser window under linux
 is cut off on the left side(it is fine under Windows).  The Debian words
 have the De on the starting home page cut off.  I have not found a way
 to move or alter the screen so that I can see the left side of the
 browser window.  Has anyone figured out how to do this?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Modem dials without reason

2000-01-20 Thread fairfax
 I configured demand dialing with diald on my machine. Now my modem dials 
 everyfive minutes without reason. I increased logging but could not find a 
 hint why

I apologize if there is a duplicate message here, I hit the wrong key just a 
few minutes ago, and seem to have deleted the message I was working on.

I am having the same problem as Klaus, but the hints in this thread have not 
helped me.  The only port activity I see in the server logs which I cannot 
explain is on port 1024 and on ports higher than 61000.  In the period during 
which the modem dials out every few minutes, there are several of these 
requests on these ports.

One more note about my case, I have diald installed, but demand dialing doesn't 
work unless I type the command ipmasq at the server prompt.  If I do not, 
there is no dialout, the workstation browser times out, and the only thing that 
shows in the logs is

named[221]: ns_forw: sendto([].53): Operation not permitted

Does anyone have any ideas on this one?

Steve Martin

console data

2000-01-20 Thread Aaron Solochek
 I just upgraded a potato machine last night, and after it got all 66mb
of its stuff, it went through the standard stuff, and then when it got
to the console data setup thing when it askes for a country and keyboard
layout, the standard US stuff wasn't there.  That really makes things a
pain, how can I get that setup back?

-Aaron Solochek

Re: Support for D-Link 220 Ethernet cards?

2000-01-20 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I just installed Debian (slink) on a friend's system. His Ethernet card
 is a D-Link 220. I read the Ethernet-HOWTO to check the card's compatibility,
 and there has apparently been some success getting D-Link 200 cards to work,
 using the ne driver.  I've made a kernel (2.0.36) with the ne support
 built-in, and another try with it as a module. However, neither seems to work;
 I get a device or resource busy error if I try to modprobe ne.o.

From what I've heard the DLink 220 is a NE2K clone (ie uses the ne
driver).  However, the ne driver isn't PnP, and you need to know the IO
port and IRQ that the ethernet card is configured for.

 Has anyone gotten this card to work in Linux? Is there a chance it'd work in
 a 2.2.x kernel? (I'd really like to not have to do that, though, as getting
 a new kernel-source package installed on his computer, without having the
 Ethernet card available to *download* the package, could be quite a pain.
 However, if I must make him a 2.2.x kernel, I'd appreciate some tips on how
 I can build a kernel locally without hosing my computer, and then transferring
 it over to his. I'd hate to have to use RedHat.)

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: console data

2000-01-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 10:37:30PM -0500, Aaron Solochek wrote:
  I just upgraded a potato machine last night, and after it got all 66mb
 of its stuff, it went through the standard stuff, and then when it got
 to the console data setup thing when it askes for a country and keyboard
 layout, the standard US stuff wasn't there.  That really makes things a
 pain, how can I get that setup back?

Actually, it ask for the layout then the country. Chose qwerty (not
qwertz), then you'll find US.

$ dpkg-reconfigure console-data

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: Is potatoe's exim 3.12-1 OK?

2000-01-20 Thread Mark M
Hmmm. My exim's smtp transport doesn't seem to work.

I can send email by telneting to port 25 of and, netscape can send mail,
but exim cannot. I haven't changed any configs.
I don't get any useful error messages. Just the

Any ideas?



On Tue, 18 Jan 2000 05:33:59   Gregory T. Norris wrote:
Working fine here...

On Mon, Jan 17, 2000 at 07:29:52PM -0800, Mark M wrote:
 The problem may be with my ISP, but I keep
 SMTP timeout while connected to [xx] after
 end of data (3531 bytes written)

--== Sent via ==--
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Fw: Problem with Exim, HELP ME !

2000-01-20 Thread Mark Symonds

- Original Message - 
From: Mark Symonds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with Exim, HELP ME !

 Is lorenzo a bot?!
 I already responded to it off-list and specifically asked it
 to respond off-list like five mails ago.  Not only did it
 reply to my reply by posting my reply and nothing else, 
 but it also kept posting the original question again and again.
 Whatever is doing this is obviously not human.  :)
 I know everything we've done is absolutely right and proper
 --Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on MSNBC, 01/13/00
 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 2:40 AM
ct: Problem with Exim, HELP ME !
  Hi to all!
  I am not able to send remote e-mails by 'Exim', but only locally.
  I have got a dial-up Linux Box (Debian 2.1), without a local network,
  and I wish to deliver e-mails by my ISP's smart host.


Re: New HP Printers...?

2000-01-20 Thread David J. Kanter
Yeah. I use the dj550c magicfilter filter.

On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 06:39:54PM -0800, Lowell Voelker wrote:
 Has any one been able to use the HP DeskJet 694C.
---end quoted text---

David J. Kanter

Re: Remote xterm trouble

2000-01-20 Thread Roger Pittman
On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 02:16:36PM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:
 Is anyone else having remote xterm trouble? ...

  I am.  Remote boxes are Ultra 1's, AXi's, and AXMP's, running
Solaris 2.6 or 7.  Worked fine until a recent apt-get run.  If I
telnet in via an xterm, well, it's hosed.  Eg in vi, the ':q' to
quit displays on the top line, trying to move the cursor may
appear to do nothing, may jump around by several rows and/or
columns at a time, may disappear completely, who knows.  $TERM,
$LINES, and $COLUMNS are all correct.  Remote access via a terminal
window (dtterm) still works ok, so getting by for now.

-- roger

What's so tragic about 44 lawyers going over a cliff in a bus?
It wasn't full.

automate multi form submission

2000-01-20 Thread Shao Zhang
I am setting up a system where I can automatically submit all
the info to a FORM for registering a new domain name using perl

I use the following in my perl script and it works with most of the 

echo | lynx -dump -post_data

But this will fail when there needs multi part FORM submission
which is happened when applying for domains, the form is
available at:

Can anyone please help me with automating the submission of this




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Help gettin' X to work...

2000-01-20 Thread exile
Rob Hensley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

}Hi, i recently ran 'apt-get install xf86setup xserver-svga' and installed
}the svga x server as my default. After configuring it and everything, I
}tried to run 'startx', but it didn't exist. So then I went into
}/usr/X11R6/bin/ and ran './startx'. That's where I got the error:
}X: X: cannot execute binary file
}Then it just sits there. Is there anyway somone could give me
}step-by-step directions on installing a working x windows system with
}gnome and enlightenment? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks a lot. Bye.

 Does the file exist? Do you have the xfreecommon package installed?
  {exile} - {v6.1} - ICQ# 47439354

   It is god's will that I inflame.

how many users per apache proc?

2000-01-20 Thread aphro
i was wondeirng if anyone knew approx how many connection 1 apache process
could handle? just 1? or is it more..


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
10:10pm up 153 days, 10:14, 1 user, load average: 1.75, 1.64, 1.56

Re: how many users per apache proc?

2000-01-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 10:11:31PM -0800, aphro wrote:
 i was wondeirng if anyone knew approx how many connection 1 apache process
 could handle? just 1? or is it more..

I think it's one at a time. That's why you configure the number you want
running at a time and the number of backup servers, etc. I'd look at
things like Timeout, KeepAlive, MaxKeepAliveRequests, KeepAliveTimeout,
MinSpareServers, MaxSpareServers, StartServers, and MaxClients in
httpd.conf.  I have no idea which are the best to fiddle with for
different types of loads. Apparently this subject has led to some kernel
effort, since there apparently is a mini race condition between all of
the available processes whenever a new connection comes in. This is the
wake one idea or something???
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: how many users per apache proc?

2000-01-20 Thread hypnos
On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, aphro wrote:

 i was wondeirng if anyone knew approx how many connection 1 apache process
 could handle? just 1? or is it more..

IIRC, apache forks a new process for each incoming
connection, but I seem to remember seeing something
in the config files about this.  Well, a quick grep
through my config files finds nothing, but if I'm
wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me. :)

hypnos  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

ATTN: aphro [OT]: probs w/ your mail server

2000-01-20 Thread hypnos
Sorry to post this to the list, but I just got an
error after sending a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

   - Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to
 550 Your mail is rejected.
554 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Service unavailable

You may want to check to see if everything is ok
with your mx host.

hypnos  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fidogate resend

2000-01-20 Thread Brian May
 Paul == Paul  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Paul Thanks for the help Brian and Colin, as you can see I`ve
Paul still got a lot of learning to do about Linux in general but
Paul I really want to get on fidonet. I`ve been given a point but
Paul I never realised that the software would be so difficult.

I found it rather difficult myself.

I don't think I will be able to help you much until I upgrade
to fidogate myself.

Paul This was a debian package. I tried to make a directory
Paul called /usr/sbin/innd and link it to /usr/lib/news/bin/innd
Paul with the command:

Paul ln -s /usr/lib/news/bin/innd /user/sbin/innd

Paul In return for which I get:

Paul  ln: cannot create symbolic link `/user/sbin/innd' to
Paul `/usr/lib/news/bi n/innd': No such file or directory

Replace user with usr and it should work.

Consider filing a bug report against fidogate (if there isn't already
one), as it looks like the innd binary has moved, which confuses it.


compiling dpkg-dev for xemacs20

2000-01-20 Thread Brian May

for some reason debian-changelog-mode.el hasn't compiled
on my potato system for xemacs20 (probably other emacs, too).

at least, xemacs cannot find the compiled version nor can I
see it, so I assume it is not there.

What is the Debian way to force recompilation of *.el files? Ideally I
would like to force recompiling all *.el files, in case other packages
have been missed, too.

Re: how many users per apache proc?

2000-01-20 Thread Onno Ebbinge
At 10:11 PM 1/19/00 -0800, aphro wrote:
i was wondeirng if anyone knew approx how many connection 1 apache process
could handle? just 1? or is it more..

As far as I know just 1, they [apache team] are working on threaded
processes for increased performance while using less memory.
However they still plan to use a few processes so that if one
process dies with all it's threads not the whole webserver dies...

Sounds realy good, you can read it on thier web site.



Re: Transparent network bridge+filter?

2000-01-20 Thread Onno Ebbinge
At 08:49 AM 1/19/00 -0600, Jeff Noxon wrote:
You have an interesting idea, but it won't work in my case.  I have to
put this between a pair of Cisco routers running EIGRP.  They won't see
each other if the router discovery packets (etc.) aren't forwarded by
a bridge.  I also can't guarantee that the address of the router on one
side won't change -- it is not under my control.

As far as I know Linux doesn't understand EIGRP. 
I can't even find it in /etc/protocols...



Re: ATTN: aphro [OT]: probs w/ your mail server

2000-01-20 Thread aphro
everything is perfect on my end, its possible that mail got blocked by my
access-table (590+ networks/hosts/ips banned) but i went through it and
didnt see any entries related to or anything in 209.142
network..and nothing in recent logs shows a 550 rejection for any mails
from remove any blocks that may exist but i cant find em ! :/ if
you could mail the full mail and the host you tried to mail from and the
SMTP server you mailed from to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and i can
look into it more ..

the 550 error is something i specifically configured, but that particular
errror is not configured.. 550 errors from my servers would include:

550 Your SMTP server is banned for spamming.
550 Your host is banned for spamming.
550 Your network is banned for spamming.
550 Your SMTP server is banned for spamming.
550 Your network is banned for spamming. 1-19-00
550 You had WAY more chances then you deserved. BANND FOR SPAM.
550 Your host is banned for spamming..
550 We don't accept mail from domains that spam - 02.23.99
550 Mail rejected -- SPAMMER.
550 We don't accept mail from users that spam - 02.23.99


On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, hypnos wrote:

hypnos Sorry to post this to the list, but I just got an
hypnos error after sending a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hypnos Specifically:
hypnos- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
hypnos- Transcript of session follows -
hypnos ... while talking to
hypnos  550 Your mail is rejected.
hypnos 554 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Service unavailable
hypnos You may want to check to see if everything is ok
hypnos with your mx host.
hypnos --
hypnos hypnos  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
hypnos -- 
hypnos Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
11:50pm up 153 days, 11:54, 3 users, load average: 1.17, 1.41, 1.55

Re: how many users per apache proc?

2000-01-20 Thread aphro
thanks for all the replies ..i have a better idea ..sorta :) earlier i
caught my server with 18 active connections running on only 2 processes(18
idle servers) running Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) mod_perl/1.21 AuthMySQL/2.20
FrontPage/ ..i set it to start 20 servers, max 250 connections, and
ulimit is set to 125 processes.

im just curious cuz I approved one of my customer's requests to post
somethign to and i wanted to at least TRY to make sure my
machine doesnt crash if what he posts is approved by slashdot and mass
geeks swarm my server :) 


On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Onno Ebbinge wrote:

Onno At 10:11 PM 1/19/00 -0800, aphro wrote:
Onno i was wondeirng if anyone knew approx how many connection 1 apache 
Onno could handle? just 1? or is it more..
Onno As far as I know just 1, they [apache team] are working on threaded
Onno processes for increased performance while using less memory.
Onno However they still plan to use a few processes so that if one
Onno process dies with all it's threads not the whole webserver dies...
Onno Sounds realy good, you can read it on thier web site.
Onno Regards,
Onno Onno
Onno -- 
Onno Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
11:50pm up 153 days, 11:54, 3 users, load average: 1.17, 1.41, 1.55

Re: New HP Printers...?

2000-01-20 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 04:48:05PM +0100, E.L. Meijer Eric wrote:


I am looking at buying a new printer, and had my eyes on a HP DeskJet
710C, which I would definitely have bought if I only ran Windows.
  I wrote:
   The 710C is a Windows printer.  Someone hacked together a driver that
   works very well for black and white for the 710, 720, 820 and 1000
 I have an HP820Cse on one computer, and it's a Windows only printer as
 described above.  I use a pbm2ppa driver, but if you print 2 pages from
 netscape it takes 90% of the cpu for about 2 minutes.  In other words
 it's a real performace pig (it's a pig in windows too).  In all fairness
 it does a really nice job, but I wouldn't buy one today.

This surprises me somewhat.  I found that black and white printing from
linux with pbm2ppa on a 710 is really fast.  I have a PII 266MHz/64MB
system, and mostly print TeX output from linux.  Do you have a much
slower processor, or is it netscape performance that slows it down?

The color version I recently tried seemed to be working, although I have
to look into gamma settings and getting it to eject pages properly.
This is really slow, as it is in Windows.


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Using an LDAP backend for XDM logins

2000-01-20 Thread Joseph A. Martin
[ My apologies to everyone if this message appears twice. The first
time I sent it I had not recieved confirmation of subscription to
debiian-user. I retried subscribing 7 hours later and did recieve
confirmation. I am resending the message in case it did not make it
through the first time. ]

Greetings all,
I have used Debian for a quite a while now, but this is my
first post to any of the mailing lists. I have been interested in
using LDAP as a backend for authentication and other info for a while
now. Just recently I check apt and found that all of the necessary
pieces were in the archives, so I decided to snag it all and have a go
at it.
I now have pam_ldap installed and working ( on two machines )
and all authentication info is being processed through LDAP. ( I also
have NIS installed and working for the two machines. ) First a brief
overview of my systems:

odeen: The NIS/LDAP server. All authentication is processed through
famille: A 486 running X windows used mainly as a workstation.
 Configured with nss_ldap and pam_ldap.

When I configured famille to use LDAP I also configured
/etc/nsswitch.conf to use LDAP also. It appears to in most cases.
However, when I have the settings passwd: ldap nis and group: ldap
nis logging in through XDM doesn't work. If I have plain passwd:
nis, group: nis or passwd: compat, group: compat XDM logins work

To summarize:
I can change LDAP passwords from either machine and I can change
NIS passwords from either machine. I can login at the console on
either machine and have the logins processed through pam/ldap. XDM
apparently is not PAMified and does not use pam_ldap module at all.
XDM only successfully authenticates if /etc/nsswitch.conf uses
compat or nis for the passwd and group settings.

Does anyone have any ideas what I might be doing wrong or who best to
talk to?

Thanks for the time,
the LaterDude
ICQ: 52640402

All opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of
my employer unless otherwise noted.

- End forwarded message -

the LaterDude
ICQ: 52640402

All opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of
my employer unless otherwise noted.

re: 3c575_cb driver

2000-01-20 Thread John Gould
Hi there,
 Can you tell me which kernel you are using? Also did you take
.deb packages for the upgrade of the pcmcia stuff? You can get the source
package for the pcmcia stuff from '', use this with a 2.2
kernel and all should be ok. The stable slink release uses 2.0.36.

Hope this helps...

Regards JohnG

_/  John Gould  _/
_/  Senior Systems Support Engineer _/
_/  Power Innovations Limited   _/
_/  Manton Lane, Bedford. MK41 7BJ, England _/
_/  PGP - Public key available  _/ 
_/  Tel:   +44 1234 223002  Fax: +44 1234 223000_/

On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, Kjohn Sasitorn wrote:

 I have a sony n505ve and purchased the above ethernet card. I've spent more
 than enough hours trying to get debian to work. It works flawlessly in
 redhat. I've tried to get slink to recognize eth0. I did upgrade pcmcia-cs
 to the newest version, and it will recognize eth0, but no network functions
 work. It's quite frustrating. Anyone have any ideas where to begin with
 this? I can get a fresh copy of slink on the notebook if needed (ie.
 startover again).
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Hint: Finding packages with needed files

2000-01-20 Thread Dänzer

--- Bruce Sass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Shooting in the dark here, I'd be looking at the ppp log

Nothing helpful there.

 and maybe the compression scheme the modem is using (different init

I hoped some kind of modem wizard here might be able to help me there... I'm
pretty stuck with what I can get out of the manuals.

 or maybe you just have a really slow ISP...

On the contrary.

Any suggestions highly appreciated (although I'll probably move to ISDN
sooner or later anyway :)


Software is like sex; it's better when it's free
 -- Linus Torvalds

If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable.
 -- Windows 95 BSOD
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

ipchains firewall rules

2000-01-20 Thread Ethan Benson


I have a powerpc machine of which i just installed debian, (this 
machine is the only one with a modem) I have installed the ipmasq 
package which seems to do what is required.

however, I have a need to mount a NFS share from another machine in 
the private network on the powerpc, this of course requires running 
the portmapper, which happily opens up half a dozen different ports, 
and ipmasq only protects the internal network, it assumes the 
firewall itself is secured by shutting down services etc.

I have been reading various firewall howtos and the ipchains how to 
(along with a OpenBSD document) and I found a trick in the OpenBSD 
ipfw howto where you can deny all tcp packets with the SYN flag set, 
this only denies incoming connections to a ports (someone trying to 
telnet in) however i found you cannot block all ports in this way 
without breaking ftp, irc and several other things.  and only 
blocking privileged ports from device ppp0 seems to be causing some 
sort of problem when connecting as the kernel starts logging all 
kinds of DENY messages, but the rule causing them is the very last 
output failsafe that ipmasq creates, not the SYN rejects.

is there any way I can set this up so i can mount nfs shares without 
opening all the portmapper crud to the whole world?

what i tried was adding 3 new rules to the very beginning of the input chain

ipchains -I input 1 -p tcp -i ppp0 -d 53 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -I input 2 -p tcp -i ppp0 -d 113 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -I input 3 -l -p tcp -y -i ppp0 :1023 -j REJECT

but as i mentioned i get DENY logs for various ports below 1024 from 
IPs which i presume are from my ISP.

any pointers to good books and such on firewalling would be nice too.


Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:


2000-01-20 Thread Alberto Maurizi

I accidentally pushed the reset button!
This resulted in a lot of errors in the disk and
several files lost.

Could anybody tell me how to check the system consistency?

RE: LINUX installation - Debian Distribution

2000-01-20 Thread Ailton Santos


Linux - Debian Distribution was installed in my machine successfully, after 
the command above:

boot: linux aha1542=0x134

[ ] Ailton S. A.

From: Ailton Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: LINUX installation - Debian Distribution
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 09:41:20 GMT


I downloaded the image-files rescue and drivers disks and a new rescue
and driver disk was created using rawrite2. But, when I´ve the prompt
'boot:', I don´t know the correct command to mount root fs.

When I try Install Operating System Kernel and Modules, the system 
display a warning that the root fs isn´t mounted.

Obs - Before this point, I receive the message below:

'Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI card!'

Thanks for the Help,
[ ] Ailton S. A.

To: Ailton Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: RE: LINUX installation - Debian Distribution
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 14:10:42 -0500

  Interface - Adaptec SCSI, model AHA1540CF/AHA1542CF:
  IRQ 11, DMA 5, ID 7 PORT 134h
  BIOS Revisao 2.02 Ender. Base DC000h
  FIRMWARE Revisao E.0 Soma Verific 4B81h
  HD ID 0 and PORT 80h

Here is something from a previous post that might help:

Assuming that you're trying to install slink (2.1, stable branch)
rather than potato (unstable), I've got a set of unofficial
install-disks setup specifically for this situation.  You can snarf
them from

Paul McHale
Work:   937-253-7610  Double E Solutions
Mobile: 937-371-2828  4912 Effingham
Fax:413-215-3232  Dayton, Ohio 45431

  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Get Your Private, Free Email at

a few problems...

2000-01-20 Thread David Pilz

I am installing debian for the first time, and have already installed the
base system as well as selected some packages (yet to be installed). I
accidentally pushed the reboot button on my computer, and got error messages,
although it would still let me in. As I didn't know how to fix it at first,
I kept just using it unfixed a few times, having to remount the drive read/write
each time, then running dselect to select a few packages. I would then
quit dselect, and type: shutdown now and the computer would
reboot. I finally learned how to fix it (fsck /dev/hda2 while in
/), and rebooted my computer, but now all commands are useless. When I
type mount -n -o remount,rw / (in /) it says that the command can
only be used in the root directory. I also tried it in /root, /home, but
kept getting the same message. I also tried typing shutdown now
(in /)and it did not recognize the command. Please help! Also, I was wondering
how I can configure it so that I don't have to remount the drive every

re mirroring a branch

2000-01-20 Thread John Leget
What can i use to mirror just the basic debian/main contrib non-free

mirror wont fetch files pointed to by symlinks.

have little luck with mirrordir with --follow-symlinks. ???



2000-01-20 Thread Jens Guenther
On Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 10:22:58AM +0100, Alberto Maurizi wrote:
   I accidentally pushed the reset button!
   This resulted in a lot of errors in the disk and
   several files lost.
   Could anybody tell me how to check the system consistency?

You could have taken notes of the files mentioned on console during
fsck'ing which could have given you an idea of what happened. You were
asked what to do for each problem encountered, were you not?

Some files might turn up in /lostfound. You might recognize some text
files by their content.

The best way I can think of is to run a tripwire integrity check (after
reinstalling it (or run from floppy) and/or the database from its backup
as necessary). But it is essential that you ran tripwire before your
'little accident'.

Then reinstall the packages to which the lost files belong. You can find
the packages by 'dpkg -S name_of_lost_file' assuming your dpkg data are
not corrupted.


ftp errors

2000-01-20 Thread John Leget

ive been trying to use gftp and im getting the following error
Warning: Cannot parse listing /bin/ls: can't open cache
and of course remote listings fail ??.
but what has /etc/ got to do with this

what does this mean ??.

Will try something else


Re: ftp errors

2000-01-20 Thread Ethan Benson

On 20/1/2000 John Leget wrote:

ive been trying to use gftp and im getting the following error
Warning: Cannot parse listing /bin/ls: can't open cache
and of course remote listings fail ??.
but what has /etc/ got to do with this

what does this mean ??.

this looks like a problem on the server, anonymous ftp is usually 
dropped into a chroot jail with a copy of /bin/ls which of course 
needs a lib or two which are also copied, sometimes a is 
created there as well, in this case it seems to be wrong or corrupted.

im not sure why the would be needed really, i don't have 
one on my ftp server and ls works fine.


don't want x as default startup

2000-01-20 Thread mpx
dear debian-users,

yestarday i installed debian for the first time, and finally i am
through this dselect-jungle;-)
now i try since a few hours to eliminate this
i would like to logon my machine in the console.
so i did like i did on my redhat-box, changing in /etc/inittab, but in
debian this seems not to work.
in xf86config there's no option to change this.

anyone else who had to handle this as well?


Re: how many users per apache proc?

2000-01-20 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, aphro wrote:

 i was wondeirng if anyone knew approx how many connection 1 apache process
 could handle? just 1? or is it more..
my $0.02:

According to Kabir, Mohammed J., Apache Server Administrator's
Handbook, IDG Books, pp.68-69, Apache uses one child server for each
request...  The MaxClients directive limits the number of simultaneous
requests that Apache can service. 
The MaxRequestsPerChild: Apache launches a child server process
to service a request, however, a child server can process multiple
requests. The number of requests a child server can process is limited
by the MaxRequestsPerChild directive. After servicing the maximum number
of requests, the child process terminates.
If the MaxRequestsPerChild is 0 (zero) then the process will
never expire. If you suspect there are libraries on your operating
system that have memory-leaking code, you may want to set this directive
to a non-zero value. This enables you to define a life cycle for a child
process, and therefore reduces the chances of a process consuming leaked
memory and slowly eating up all available memory. It also provides you
with a small load average number for your system, since the
Apache-related load is reduced as your Web server becomes less busy.

The are other directives related with performance and resources,
but I think the above are more closely related with your question. 

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Question: how to use an LDAP backend for logins

2000-01-20 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes

Hi Joseph,

Well, I'm not answering your question but asking you: How to use
an LDAP backend for logins?
What I have: one server with shadow.
What I want: to put 2 workstations with central authentication
and exported home directory?
I have tried (not hardly) nis but I couldn't get it to work.
Mainly because the howto says you need a static hosts files for name
resolution and I already have a dns running with dynamic dhcp updates.
Is it possible to use LDAP in this situation?

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21


2000-01-20 Thread Mats Johansson

I have newly installed Potato on my new IBM hardrive and have got any very 
strange problem with lilo.

And the problem is that the LILO prompt comes up on the on screen and the boot 
prompt also comes up becouse i use the prompt option but i can't typ anything 
it is very strange and when scroll look is down it come up alot  of 
*interrupted* messages as it should but i cant'stil type anything , and when 
the timout has readched my linux boots as usual.I have installed Linux with 
lilo a lto of times before and never got this problem.
Anyone  got a solution?

my lilo.conf look like this:








2000-01-20 Thread Nicola Tessari
Hello there,
I'm here because my official debian cd (bought at linuxcentral) doesn't
After few seconds the booting process in my machine stops at the line:
md driver 0.36.3 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAXREL=8
Anyone could tell me which is the problem?
I've choosen the hardware checking out if it was supported (k7 500MHz
with asus k7m, cd creative 48x).
Slackware 7.0 boots well (from linux central too)
Thanks a lot in advance,

Re: don't want x as default startup

2000-01-20 Thread Ethan Benson

On 20/1/2000 mpx wrote:

yestarday i installed debian for the first time, and finally i am
through this dselect-jungle;-)
now i try since a few hours to eliminate this
i would like to logon my machine in the console.
so i did like i did on my redhat-box, changing in /etc/inittab, but in
debian this seems not to work.
in xf86config there's no option to change this.

anyone else who had to handle this as well?

rm /etc/rc2.d/S99xdm

or update-rc.d -f xdm remove

but then the next time xdm is upgraded the links will be put back so 
in that case i would then do

update-rc.d xdm start 5 . stop 0 1 2 3 4 6 .

then you have redhat like behaviour, boot to runlevel 5 - get X 
otherwise console.

you could always remove xdm too, unless a bunch of other things 
depend on it for some reason..

Ethan Benson

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Epplet question

2000-01-20 Thread Joakim Svensson

i list,

I have an E epplet question. Perhaps its more suitable to
post to the E lists but since I use ljlanes epplet deb I
thought I tried here first.

I happened to start an epplet (some network monitoring epplet)
but since I don't have a network It just returned an error box.
My problem now is that everytime I start X I will get this
error box.

So How do I make this epplet that gives me the error to not
be started ?

Also does anyone know if E-FancyLauncher is to be found as a
deb package ?

I could probably get all the epplets from CVS and compile
myself but since I am not very experienced In doing that
stuff I would prefer a .deb
But if anyone feels like helping me point out where to start
(pointers FAQ etc) using CVS and compiling myself that would
be very nice too.

Best regards

Re: Epplet question

2000-01-20 Thread John Miskinis

So How do I make this epplet that gives me the error to not
be started ?


I have had problems with epplets coming back, sometimes many
copies of them at once.  Deleting the files under .enlightenment
doesn't get rid of them, so when I want to start clean, I
simply rename the directory where I keep my epplets.  You can
try ALT-BUTTON3, chose Remember and toggle off the restart
on login parameter, but in my experiences this doesn't always

I keep my epplets in /usr/enlightenment/bin_x3 at the moment, and
changing the name of the directory might be a hack but it has
never caused me any problems, and I can be guaranteed that no
epplets will start automatically once I rename the directory.

So far, this epplet stuff is my only complaint issue with E.

I also found that exiting E properly (CTRL-ALT-DELETE) then
return to select Yes, Really log out helps things.  I got
this advice on the #E IRC channel.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: ipchains firewall rules

2000-01-20 Thread dyer
Ethan Benson wrote:



 what i tried was adding 3 new rules to the very beginning of the input chain

 ipchains -I input 1 -p tcp -i ppp0 -d 53 -j ACCEPT
 ipchains -I input 2 -p tcp -i ppp0 -d 113 -j ACCEPT
 ipchains -I input 3 -l -p tcp -y -i ppp0 :1023 -j REJECT

 but as i mentioned i get DENY logs for various ports below 1024 from
 IPs which i presume are from my ISP.

 any pointers to good books and such on firewalling would be nice too.


Are the deny's perhaps UDP packets?


Re: don't want x as default startup

2000-01-20 Thread John Gould
Just remove the sym link in the default run level directory in /etc
i.e. if the default runlevel is 2, then remove the sym link to S89xdm in
the /etc/rc2.d directory. If there's a better way I'm sure others will
tell you. You'll find the default run level from /etc/inittab.

Hope this helps...

Regards JohnG

_/  John Gould  _/
_/  Senior Systems Support Engineer _/
_/  Power Innovations Limited   _/
_/  Manton Lane, Bedford. MK41 7BJ, England _/
_/  PGP - Public key available  _/ 
_/  Tel:   +44 1234 223002  Fax: +44 1234 223000_/

On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, mpx wrote:

 dear debian-users,
 yestarday i installed debian for the first time, and finally i am
 through this dselect-jungle;-)
 now i try since a few hours to eliminate this
 i would like to logon my machine in the console.
 so i did like i did on my redhat-box, changing in /etc/inittab, but in
 debian this seems not to work.
 in xf86config there's no option to change this.
 anyone else who had to handle this as well?
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Re: ipchains firewall rules

2000-01-20 Thread Ethan Benson

On 20/1/2000 dyer wrote:

Are the deny's perhaps UDP packets?

no, they are tcp, I have not yet tried to do anything about udp packets.

looking closer at the way portmapper seems to do things, it appears 
to me that any rpc service that is registered is given a random port, 
not necessarly privileged. that would make firewalling off statd 
lockd et al very difficult.

is there any way to mount an nfs share without opening up all these 
holes?  how much of a risk do they pose? (given they run as root, im 
less then thrilled with them being open)


Re: S3 Trio3D

2000-01-20 Thread Robert Varga

On 19 Jan 2000, David Z. Maze wrote:

 erasmo perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 EP more or less one week ago, i see in this lists the report of a S3
 EP Trio3D video card that refuses to work in SVGA, just accepting VGA
 EP and now i face the same problem, is there some way to overcome this
 EP failure ?
 I've had some luck using the XF86_SVGA server from XFree86 3.3.4, and
 specifically using the binary from the tarball from  I
 have had no luck using any of the Debian-packaged X servers, nor with
 any more recent X server.

I am using an Appolo-named (noname) Trio3D with 4M of RAM and the 365
chipset. It works flawlessly with the 3.3.5-2 drivers in glibc2.1.

Previously I tried it with the 3.3.5-0slink1 packages, then it was only
working with only one resolution. 

The main problem with this card is that it is very picky on the monitor
type you set for it. Don't try to set it better than 1024x768-NI.
1024x768-HR is something it can't cope with, according to my experience.

And don't try to set 32bit color depth. That is the other thing it is
incapable of doing in X.

And of course it needs trying. On some machines you must not enter the
Card menu of the XF86Setup program. (that was with the slink package).

Good luck with it.

Robert Varga

 The only thing is, this server seems to have about a 50% chance of
 failure on restart, where failure means takes down entire system
 with it.  So now I'm using the XF86_FBDev server, which is actually
 giving more or less equivalent performance at the cost of a much worse
 refresh rate (43 Hz interlaced vs. 60Hz noninterlaced).  You might try
 reading the kernel documentation for 2.2.* kernels or look at the

You can avoid system breakdowns if you recognize it early enough that it
won't work, and press alt-ctrl-backspace. It occurs upon resolution
changes, when it can't properly set the video mode. After a couple of
tries you can guess from the state of the leds on your monitor, what will

It only occurs with videomodes that cannot be displayed properly, but
leave the card in some state, that it hangs the system. 

My monitor tends to behave differently for the modes that hang the
machine, and those that don't, so probably the output of the card's sync
lines is different in the two states. 

I haven't tried the 3.3.6 version yet. I expect it will work correctly as

However I have seen another machine with a Trio3d as well, which I was not
able to make work at all in modes above 640x480. However it had a very old
monitor. Maybe that was the cause.

Robert Varga

 Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
   -- Abra Mitchell
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Re: IBM PS/1 Consultant problem

2000-01-20 Thread David Wright
Quoting Bradley Pursley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Actually, it wasn't so much that my system was too
 small that was causing the problem, but just that it
 can't boot Linux from the floppy drive.  I could have
 theoretically gotten it to work on the drive I had,
 but my wife was getting tired of my playing with the
 Win95 settings on the DOS partition.  grin

If you've got a DOS partition, why not boot from it using
loadlin. All that goes on the DOS partition is a copy of
the kernel, one 32KB file and you may want a .bat file to
save remembering the command. Then shutdown to a DOS prompt 
and up comes linux.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Is potatoe's exim 3.12-1 OK?

2000-01-20 Thread Mark

Wouter Hanegraaff wrote:
 I had similar problems when I didn't use an smtp while sending mail to
 certain adresses, only I use postfix. My error was:
 (conversation with[] timed out while sending
 end of data -- message may be sent more than once)
 However, this turned out to be a router problem, not a Postfix
 If you have this problem, you can't solve it yourself because it's
 caused by some router fragmenting packets it should not fragment.

Thanks for the info. I think you are correct as my ISP was out of action
for 1 day - they possibly changed something around. I have also noticed
a drop in ftp speed - 3.3k to 2.3k. Also, I bypass thier mta and use the 
main unsw one where my mail account is (access permissions are ok
Obviously I will have to change this until the problem is fixed.

The exim smpt transfer agent does seem to transfer mail to a second
box I have running exim so I guess exim's smtp tranfer is OK.


One step further (WAS: Re: Advanced hard disk mirroring!)

2000-01-20 Thread Onno Ebbinge
The high quality replies I received (especially from 
Jens B. Jorgensen) solved my problem. 

It also gave me an idea: 

Wouldn't it be great if there was ONE Linux boot-floppy 
that would mount (SMB or NFS?) a complete filesystem after 
the initial boot over a network (and complete the boot 

I'm probable not the first who came up with this idea, so 
does anyone know If such a thing is already pulled off?



Strange LILO question

2000-01-20 Thread Onno Ebbinge
Is it possible to set LILO on a DOS floppy disk
with the default boot for the hard disk and an
alternate boot for the DOS floppy itself?



Re: Question: how to use an LDAP backend for logins

2000-01-20 Thread Joseph A. Martin
   Well, I'm not answering your question but asking you: How to use
 an LDAP backend for logins?

I can answer this question, but not super quickly. I am planning on
writing a Debian specific HOWTO with example config files,
explanations, etc. Of course the explanations will require that I go
back and understand what it is I did...

   What I have: one server with shadow.
   What I want: to put 2 workstations with central authentication
 and exported home directory?

That is exactly the setup I have, except that I only have one
workstation. So, my advice should help a lot. Though after I give you
my config files, etc you should talk to others about real security. My
setup was done for my home network where quick usability is more
important that real security. I suspect your setup may be different.

   I have tried (not hardly) nis but I couldn't get it to work.
 Mainly because the howto says you need a static hosts files for name
 resolution and I already have a dns running with dynamic dhcp updates.

I read that to, but I don't have a static hosts file and it still
appears to be working. I don't know why you would need static files,
but my advice would be to try it. I was able to get NIS working in a
little over 2 hours. Again, I can't speak for security.

   Is it possible to use LDAP in this situation?

Very possible. Again, I will have a HOWTO in the works within a week
or two. I will send you info as I work on the sections.


You're welcome,
the LaterDude
ICQ: 52640402

All opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of
my employer unless otherwise noted.

Re: Strange LILO question

2000-01-20 Thread Ethan Benson

On 20/1/2000 Onno Ebbinge wrote:

Is it possible to set LILO on a DOS floppy disk
with the default boot for the hard disk and an
alternate boot for the DOS floppy itself?

if you mean install the lilo boot sector on the DOS floppy then no, 
dosfs does not leave any room for a bootblock, so installing lilo on 
it would destroy the dos filesystem, which would not be problem 
except you say you want to boot from it.

you can however install lilo on a floppy and have it boot the hard disk.

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: IBM PS/1 Consultant problem

2000-01-20 Thread Bradley Pursley
Actually, I tried that and it worked just fine. 
My problem was why it couldn't/wouldn't boot from a

 If you've got a DOS partition, why not boot from it
 loadlin. All that goes on the DOS partition is a
 copy of
 the kernel, one 32KB file and you may want a .bat
 file to
 save remembering the command. Then shutdown to a DOS
 and up comes linux.
 Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739 
 Fax: +44 1908 655 151
 Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton
 Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
 Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching
 me, and do not signify
 official stationery. Views expressed here are either
 my own or plagiarised.
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
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RE: Help gettin' X to work...

2000-01-20 Thread Rob Hensley
Rob Hensley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

}Hi, i recently ran 'apt-get install xf86setup xserver-svga' and installed
}the svga x server as my default. After configuring it and everything, I
}tried to run 'startx', but it didn't exist. So then I went into
}/usr/X11R6/bin/ and ran './startx'. That's where I got the error:
}X: X: cannot execute binary file
}Then it just sits there. Is there anyway somone could give me
}step-by-step directions on installing a working x windows system with
}gnome and enlightenment? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks a
lot. Bye.

 Does the file exist? Do you have the xfreecommon package installed?
  {exile} - {v6.1} - ICQ# 47439354

   It is god's will that I inflame.

If you're speaking of the xserver-common packages, yes it is installed. Is
there any way you could give me step-by-step directions on setting it
up. Including which packages to get, and what commands to run. Thanks a
lot, Be!

Re: Strange LILO question

2000-01-20 Thread Onno Ebbinge
At 01:43 PM 1/20/00 +, Ethan Benson wrote:
On 20/1/2000 Onno Ebbinge wrote:

Is it possible to set LILO on a DOS floppy disk
with the default boot for the hard disk and an
alternate boot for the DOS floppy itself?

if you mean install the lilo boot sector on the DOS floppy then no, 
dosfs does not leave any room for a bootblock, so installing lilo on 
it would destroy the dos filesystem, which would not be problem 
except you say you want to boot from it.

Yes, that is what I ment, maybe I should put LILO on the
hard disk and then set the default boot to the hard disk
with an option to boot from A: ???

you can however install lilo on a floppy and have it boot the hard disk.

Is there then realy no way to boot the floppy also WITH a DOS filesystem?
Probably not :-(



Re: 3c575_cb driver

2000-01-20 Thread M. Tavasti
Kjohn Sasitorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have a sony n505ve and purchased the above ethernet card. I've spent more
 than enough hours trying to get debian to work. It works flawlessly in
 redhat. I've tried to get slink to recognize eth0. I did upgrade pcmcia-cs
 to the newest version, and it will recognize eth0, but no network functions
 work. It's quite frustrating. Anyone have any ideas where to begin with

Might be same problem as I had. Remove ipmasq.

 (Edeltava teksti ei tainnut sisaltaa skandeja, oikeinkirjoitusta tai asiaa)
M. Tavasti  | Puh. | Mahdolliset mielipiteet varastettu,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| 040-5078254  | lainattu, muitten tai jopa omia!
(Poista tupla-x mail-osoitteesta. Remove double-x from mail address)

Re: Strange LILO question

2000-01-20 Thread Ethan Benson

On 20/1/2000 Onno Ebbinge wrote:

Yes, that is what I ment, maybe I should put LILO on the
hard disk and then set the default boot to the hard disk
with an option to boot from A: ???

perhaps, i have never tried it on a floppy (did with a cd and it 
didnt work) you could add:


to lilo.conf and run lilo WITH the floppy in the drive (otherwise it 
won't work)

 you can however install lilo on a floppy and have it boot the hard disk.

Is there then realy no way to boot the floppy also WITH a DOS filesystem?
Probably not :-(

not with lilo, maybe with syslinux or something.

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Vodoo 2

2000-01-20 Thread erasmo perez
hello people

i am in a bit of buying a Vodoo 2 video card, just the last minute question?
there seems to be problems with this card, working under X11 ?
this has 12 MB
thanks a lot


PPP problem - HELP!!!

2000-01-20 Thread A . Zurek

I'm pretty new on this list, but I think I my mails wount be too lame for 
(sorry for my bad english)

Ok, let's start:

I've a problem, and I don't know how to fix this! (nearly every1 has on 
this list ;))

I have a Debian 2.1 aka Slink changed slightely to Potato (all packages 
to kernel and networking and a few other are from Potato).
I use kernel 2.2.14 and I have a PROBLEM with ppp - I want to connect to 
my ISP
(actually this isn't my real ISP - do you know what TP S.A. is? :)) and 
everything is
fine except... when the connection is established, I cannot ping to my 
internet gateway,
and everywhere in the internet.
Ah, I forgot to tell you that I don't have permanent connection to 
internet, and I have a small
LAN (two PCs connected each other with ethernet). My LAN address on eth0 

Now I want to show you my scripts - created automagically by pppconfig:
(I use CHAT to connect)

file /etc/chatscripts/provider
# This chatfile was generated by pppconfig 2.0.1.
# Please do not delete any of the comments.  Pppconfig needs them.
# ispauth chat
# abortstring
# modeminit
'' ATZ
# ispnumber
OK-AT-OK ATDT0202122
# ispconnect
# prelogin
# ispname
sername: ppp
# isppassword
ssword: \qppp
# postlogin
'' \d\c
# end of pppconfig stuff

and options file /etc/ppp/peers/provider:
# This optionfile was generated by pppconfig 2.0.1. 
connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider
user ppp
remotename provider
ipparam provider

Everything seems to be OK - I've set static nameservers - as I know their 
addreses and
my /etc/resolv.conf file looks like this:

And now my logs - how it all works (actually DON'T!):

Jan 19 23:04:55 guru pppd[2741]: pppd 2.3.10 started by root, uid 0
Jan 19 23:04:56 guru chat[2743]: abort on (BUSY)
Jan 19 23:04:56 guru chat[2743]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Jan 19 23:04:56 guru chat[2743]: abort on (VOICE)
Jan 19 23:04:56 guru chat[2743]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Jan 19 23:04:56 guru chat[2743]: abort on (NO DIAL TONE)
Jan 19 23:04:56 guru chat[2743]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Jan 19 23:04:56 guru chat[2743]: send (ATZ^M)
Jan 19 23:04:56 guru chat[2743]: expect (OK)
Jan 19 23:04:56 guru chat[2743]: ATZ^M^M
Jan 19 23:04:56 guru chat[2743]: OK
Jan 19 23:04:56 guru chat[2743]:  -- got it 
Jan 19 23:04:56 guru chat[2743]: send (ATDT0202122^M)
Jan 19 23:04:57 guru chat[2743]: expect (CONNECT)
Jan 19 23:04:57 guru chat[2743]: ^M
Jan 19 23:05:20 guru chat[2743]: ATDT0202122^M^M
Jan 19 23:05:20 guru chat[2743]: CONNECT
Jan 19 23:05:20 guru chat[2743]:  -- got it 
Jan 19 23:05:20 guru chat[2743]: send (^M)
Jan 19 23:05:20 guru chat[2743]: expect (sername:)
Jan 19 23:05:20 guru chat[2743]:  115200^M
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]: ^M
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]:   WITAMY  W  INTERNECIE (Lodz)^M
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]: ^M
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]: ^M
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]:^M
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]:^M
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]: ^M
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]: Name server:,^M
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]: ^M
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]:   Prosze wpisac:^M
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]: ^M
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]:   Username:
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]:  -- got it 
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]: send (ppp^M)
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]: expect (ssword:)
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]: ppp  Password:
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]:  -- got it 
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]: send (??)
Jan 19 23:05:23 guru chat[2743]: send (\d)
Jan 19 23:05:24 guru pppd[2741]: Serial connection established.
Jan 19 23:05:24 guru pppd[2741]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 19 23:05:24 guru pppd[2741]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Jan 19 23:05:25 guru pppd[2741]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 552 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x4c8198cd pcomp accomp]
Jan 19 23:05:26 guru pppd[2741]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0xa magic 0x6b543e19 pcomp accomp]
Jan 19 23:05:26 guru pppd[2741]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 mru 1500 
asyncmap 0xa magic 0x6b543e19 pcomp accomp]
Jan 19 23:05:28 guru pppd[2741]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 552 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x4c8198cd pcomp accomp]
Jan 19 23:05:28 guru pppd[2741]: rcvd [LCP ConfNak id=0x1 mru 1500]
Jan 19 23:05:28 guru pppd[2741]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 asyncmap 0x0 
magic 0x4c8198cd 

Athlon kernel compilation blues

2000-01-20 Thread José Luis Gómez Dans
Dear all,
I have an Athlon 550 MHz system in which I installed Potato.
It's all good with the installation boot disks and all that. The only
problem comes when trying to compile a new kernel other than the one
that came with the distro. So I downloaded the sources for 2.2.14 and
configured it (I can provide you with the Makefile, I won't send it to
the list so as not to clutter it). It's a pretty easy system: normal
EIDE hard drive, CD-ROM, serial mouse, keyboard and an ESS Solo1
soundcard. I don't even need networked filesystems (at least not for the
time being), so all there is is some network support (I use this as a
workstatio from which I read mail and news, and browse the web). Most of
the stuff is located as modules, with kmod support and all that. Oh, and
there's also a RealTek 8139 PCI network card.

After compiling a number of kernels (both using and not using
kernel-package), I always have to restore to a bootdisk I created with
the installation's default kernel. Basically, I get loads of different
errors: from CRC errors when decompressing the kernel (!) to dodgy
pointr assignments and stuff that outputs tons of debugging information.
I get kernel panics and stuff like that.

Obviously, I am missing some kernel option here which is causing
all these problems. I don't really know where the problem lies, and I
don't know where to look in order to sort it out. Does anyone have any
suggestions? I suppose I could go on using the default kernel, but I
find it annoying not knowing what's going on here!

José L Gómez Dans   PhD student
Radar  Communications Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK

Re: wrong CD!!!

2000-01-20 Thread David Wright
Quoting dkphoto ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Found a great looking book at the bookstore that had the added bonus of 
 containing a Debian CD so I wouldn't have to spend the next 10 years 
 downloading. Only one problem... it only has platform specific files on 
 it for Wintel boxes. I have a 68K Mac.
 Now I assume that I can just use a handful of downloaded files along with 
 this CD for an install (I hope), but need to know which files to put 
 where to start, and if the setup will pull the files it wants off the CD.

The installation procedure would pull the right files off the CD except
they won't be there because the architecture is wrong. The few files
that would work are those which contain just documentation as they are
architecture-independant (they will be links in the m68k tree on the ftp


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

bootable CD on non cd booting machine?

2000-01-20 Thread David Teague

List folks 
and Richard --

The subject line almost says it all:

How can I make a bootable CD boot on hardware that does not support
booting from a CD? 

In particular, have the rescue CD from the Atlanta Linux Showcase,
but the machine I really want to use it on does not boot from CD.

I could put syslinux on floppy and point things to the CD or I could
dd the kernel from my system to a floppy and point things into the
cd.  The structure of that disk is a little strange to me.  Do you
have a suggestion on how to set things up for that disk?

If there is a more appropriate forum, a pointer will be appreciated. 
Meanwhile, I'll be hacking at this.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.

CD's and such for a CD handout?

2000-01-20 Thread Robert L. Harris

  I'm trying to organize a CD handout on 2/17 at the local CompUSA.
RedHat is going to send me some stuff to hand out and a local vendor
is going to bring some things like bumper sticker's, some tux dolls,
etc.  Does anyone know any contacts at that can send me 
a cd or so of slink and/or potato that can be handed out and/or dupped
if needed?


Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting.|  definitely doesn't mean it should
\_   be accepted.  Require quality.

  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

RE: Cannot mount cdrom in new potato install

2000-01-20 Thread Irving Frederick
Thanks for all the replies. The problem was as
described and subsequently solve.


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Enlightenment CVS questions

2000-01-20 Thread Joakim Svensson
Hi all,

I would like to try out imlib2 and efm for enlightenment.
As a relative newbie how should I do this, or should I do
it at all ?
Do I need to use CVS and compile myself or is there some
sort of debian CVS (my search so far indicates this) that
should be used (this means I will compile myself but with
some sort of debianized stuff so I wont mess up).
I would like to try these things but wouldn't want to mess
up my debian packages.

Any hints are of interest.

Best regards
Joakim Svensson

Re: slink mirror

2000-01-20 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, Timothy C. Phan wrote:

 : Hi Nathan,
 :   Thanks for the information.  I, however, have problem using rsync because
 :   I'm still using 1.3.1 and rsync required libc6.  Is there another way 
 :   this.  Does 'mirror' is no longer used for mirror site?

mirror has trouble with large sites ... I would guess that many mirrors
still use it though.  I don't use it except for small sites, so I don't
know if I can answer your question or not :( (what was the original

You could download the rsync source package from potato or slink and try
compiling it locally.  Is upgrading to libc6 (this would take you from
hamm to slink?) out of the question?

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Strange LILO question

2000-01-20 Thread Ron Rademaker
 Is there then realy no way to boot the floppy also WITH a DOS filesystem?
 Probably not :-(

I think there is a way, just not using LILO, but loadlin. You just take a
DOS disk boot DOS and make some kind of menu in you're autoexec.bat file
with the choice between dos and linux. (For linux you just do a dos
command loadlin with some arguments.


Ethernet card dies unexpectedly

2000-01-20 Thread José Luis Gómez Dans
I'm having some trouble with my ethernet card (a PCI fast
ethernet RealTek 8139). Basically, this card sits in 0xe800, IRQ 11 and
is perfectly detected by the rt8139 driver. It is configured to work in
half duplex mode.

When the system boots up, it all works fine, it is
connected to our local network (10Mb Ethernet), and normal operation
starts. However, if I try to download a large file off the network, the
collisions LED in the hub starts flashing. When I had another computer
here with an ISA card, none of this happened.

Moreover, I have been experiencing problems with the downloaded 
files: it turns out that sometimes the archives are corrupted. I have
downloaded Debian packages and have had probmes as they cannot be

In the end, and after a while of normal use (only as a client
for internet uses, such as e-mail, web, usenet, ftp and telnet; no fancy
networked filesystems or stuff like that), the network becomes invisible
to my machine. The ifconfig configuration stays there, with proper IP
address and all that. However, route and netstat seem to freeze up when
showing my gateway table. In the end, the default gateway never shows
up. The only way around this has been to reboot.

Does anyone know what could be going wrong here?
Thanks for your help,

José L Gómez Dans   PhD student
Radar  Communications Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK

Re: Boot

2000-01-20 Thread aphro
the problem is the kernel on the debian cd is too old to run on athlon,
its probably running linux 2.2.12, i hear 2.0.36 works but if you use
2.2.x i believe you need 2.2.13 or newer.

only thing I can suggest is install to another machine and move the HD can try to make your own boot/root disk but i've never tried it.


On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Nicola Tessari wrote:

nitess Hello there,
nitess I'm here because my official debian cd (bought at linuxcentral) doesn't
nitess boot...
nitess After few seconds the booting process in my machine stops at the line:
nitess md driver 0.36.3 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAXREL=8
nitess Anyone could tell me which is the problem?
nitess I've choosen the hardware checking out if it was supported (k7 500MHz
nitess with asus k7m, cd creative 48x).
nitess Slackware 7.0 boots well (from linux central too)
nitess Thanks a lot in advance,
nitess Nicola
nitess -- 
nitess Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
7:28am up 153 days, 19:33, 1 user, load average: 1.65, 1.66, 1.59

Re: Athlon kernel compilation blues

2000-01-20 Thread aphro
what compiler are you using? what optimization do you have the kernel set


On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, [iso-8859-1] Jos? Luis G?mez Dans wrote:

j.l.go Dear all,
j.l.go I have an Athlon 550 MHz system in which I installed Potato.
j.l.go It's all good with the installation boot disks and all that. The only
j.l.go problem comes when trying to compile a new kernel other than the one
j.l.go that came with the distro. So I downloaded the sources for 2.2.14 and
j.l.go configured it (I can provide you with the Makefile, I won't send it to
j.l.go the list so as not to clutter it). It's a pretty easy system: normal
j.l.go EIDE hard drive, CD-ROM, serial mouse, keyboard and an ESS Solo1
j.l.go soundcard. I don't even need networked filesystems (at least not for the
j.l.go time being), so all there is is some network support (I use this as a
j.l.go workstatio from which I read mail and news, and browse the web). Most of
j.l.go the stuff is located as modules, with kmod support and all that. Oh, and
j.l.go there's also a RealTek 8139 PCI network card.
j.l.go After compiling a number of kernels (both using and not using
j.l.go kernel-package), I always have to restore to a bootdisk I created with
j.l.go the installation's default kernel. Basically, I get loads of different
j.l.go errors: from CRC errors when decompressing the kernel (!) to dodgy
j.l.go pointr assignments and stuff that outputs tons of debugging information.
j.l.go I get kernel panics and stuff like that.
j.l.go Obviously, I am missing some kernel option here which is causing
j.l.go all these problems. I don't really know where the problem lies, and I
j.l.go don't know where to look in order to sort it out. Does anyone have any
j.l.go suggestions? I suppose I could go on using the default kernel, but I
j.l.go find it annoying not knowing what's going on here!
j.l.go Thanks,
j.l.go Jos?
j.l.go -- 
j.l.go Jos? L G?mez Dans   PhD student
j.l.go Radar  Communications Group
j.l.go Department of Electronic 
j.l.go University of Sheffield UK
j.l.go -- 
j.l.go Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
7:28am up 153 days, 19:33, 1 user, load average: 1.65, 1.66, 1.59

Re: slink mirror

2000-01-20 Thread Timothy C. Phan
Hi Nathan,

  Many thanks for you support.  I guess you are right about
  large sites.

  I finally try to mirror the and got
  the complete slink (i386) minus the source mirrored.

  So I'll try to upgrade my 1.3.1 to slink this weekend.

  Again, thank you!

Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, Timothy C. Phan wrote:
  : Hi Nathan,
  :   Thanks for the information.  I, however, have problem using rsync because
  :   I'm still using 1.3.1 and rsync required libc6.  Is there another way 
  :   this.  Does 'mirror' is no longer used for mirror site?
 mirror has trouble with large sites ... I would guess that many mirrors
 still use it though.  I don't use it except for small sites, so I don't
 know if I can answer your question or not :( (what was the original
 You could download the rsync source package from potato or slink and try
 compiling it locally.  Is upgrading to libc6 (this would take you from
 hamm to slink?) out of the question?
 Nathan Norman
 MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
 finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Ethernet card dies unexpectedly

2000-01-20 Thread aphro
what kind of machine is it on? i had a similar problem on an old P100 IBM
machine it wouldnt work with any PCI NIC for longer then 10-15 minutes,
the network would die as solution was to just use an ISA card.

you could also try upgrading the driver.. check NASA's site-- i forget the
URL go to and search for nasa i got a link to
it. Even if you have the latest kernel chances are the NIC drivers are
still very old.


On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, [iso-8859-1] Jos? Luis G?mez Dans wrote:

j.l.go Hi!
j.l.go I'm having some trouble with my ethernet card (a PCI fast
j.l.go ethernet RealTek 8139). Basically, this card sits in 0xe800, IRQ 11 and
j.l.go is perfectly detected by the rt8139 driver. It is configured to work in
j.l.go half duplex mode.
j.l.go When the system boots up, it all works fine, it is
j.l.go connected to our local network (10Mb Ethernet), and normal operation
j.l.go starts. However, if I try to download a large file off the network, the
j.l.go collisions LED in the hub starts flashing. When I had another computer
j.l.go here with an ISA card, none of this happened.
j.l.go Moreover, I have been experiencing problems with the downloaded 
j.l.go files: it turns out that sometimes the archives are corrupted. I have
j.l.go downloaded Debian packages and have had probmes as they cannot be
j.l.go decompressed.
j.l.go In the end, and after a while of normal use (only as a client
j.l.go for internet uses, such as e-mail, web, usenet, ftp and telnet; no fancy
j.l.go networked filesystems or stuff like that), the network becomes invisible
j.l.go to my machine. The ifconfig configuration stays there, with proper IP
j.l.go address and all that. However, route and netstat seem to freeze up when
j.l.go showing my gateway table. In the end, the default gateway never shows
j.l.go up. The only way around this has been to reboot.
j.l.go Does anyone know what could be going wrong here?
j.l.go Thanks for your help,
j.l.go Jos?
j.l.go -- 
j.l.go Jos? L G?mez Dans   PhD student
j.l.go Radar  Communications Group
j.l.go Department of Electronic 
j.l.go University of Sheffield UK
j.l.go -- 
j.l.go Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
7:28am up 153 days, 19:33, 1 user, load average: 1.65, 1.66, 1.59

Re: slink mirror

2000-01-20 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Timothy C. Phan wrote:

 : Hi Nathan,
 :   Many thanks for you support.  I guess you are right about
 :   large sites.
 :   I finally try to mirror the and got
 :   the complete slink (i386) minus the source mirrored.
 :   So I'll try to upgrade my 1.3.1 to slink this weekend.

I forgot to mention that is usually swamped ... if you
find a mirror that works for you, cool :)  Feel free to try; we should be fairly fast to most places.

Good luck!!

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

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