Problemas para ejecutar kpsql

2000-05-13 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Uso Woddy y al instalar el paquete kpsql_0.9-2.0_i386.deb, cuando
intento ejecutar 'kpsql' me da el siguiente error:

kpsql: error in loading shared libraries: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

Hago un locate de libpg y tengo:


Además, tengo /usr/lib en '/etc/'

Cuando trato de ver si kpsql enlaza las librerias me dice:

sadacia:/usr/bin# ld kpsql
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 08053580

¿Qué puede estar pasando?

Muchas gracias:

Juan Carlos Muro

RE: linux feature

2000-05-13 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Fri, 12 May 2000, 2070718 wrote:

 ¿Por qué no usar un named pipe para eso? Pones un named pipe con un script
 explicalo con un poco mas de detalle que no te pillo

Un ejemplo poco correcto pero espero que explicativo:

mkfifo mi_pipe

while (true) ; do echo hola  mi_pipe ; done

Ahora, cualquier proceso que lea mi_pipe (cat mi_pipe), leerá hola. Para
traducir un fichero o lo que se quiera hacer, no hay más que poner otra cosa
diferente (cualquier programa) escribiendo en el pipe, etcetc.

Re: Distribucion de Potato (y otra cosilla mas)

2000-05-13 Thread J.L. Fernandez Jambrina
Con respecto a los CD de debian potato.

Estan disponibles en la red: Navegando a través de se 
llega a donde, en inglés, se os hace pasar un test para 
saber como obtener los CD o lo que os haga falta.

Para los más rápidos: La lista de los mirrors la podeia encontrar en:

Un saludo.

Re: Filosofia de Debian.

2000-05-13 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Sat, 13 May 2000, Ignasi Modolell wrote:

 cosas con las que aprendo un montón y que no sirven de nada, el uso más
 normal del mismo va a ser el de cualquier electrodoméstico; el ordenador no
 es un fin en sí mismo, sinó un medio para conseguir un fin (escribir una

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo en que el ordenador debe ser una
herramienta y que debe tender a la cosa útil que es un televisor, una
tostadora o un videojuego. Pero a fin de cuentas, hoy, si quieres, ya tienes
eso. Mira cualquier aparatito con PalmOS o WinCE, o los teléfonos móviles.

Cosa bien diferente es que se pretenda (no sé si es tu caso) que Linux /
Debian / loquesea, deba ser transparente al usuario. Tú le das al botón y
hale, hoja de cálculo para llevar la contabilidad casera (!). Una porra. Las
empresas nos han metido el concepto de informática-juguete-consumo y lo
que hay es precisamente eso. Mira las decenas de revistas sobre el tema que
hay en cualquier quiosco. Tenemos estos aparatos tan baratos que usamos
gracias a todo eso; al Windows última versión que tenía que salir ayer y qué
más da que tenga miles de bugs, y mira qué suerte que mi amiguete me pasa el
salvapantallas de la oveja que se come las ventanas. Y así. Es lo que hay,
no es que haya un esfuerzo especial por parte de ciertos usuarios de hacerlo
o pedir que se haga todo incómodo y poco productivo. De hecho, la inmensa
mayoría está encantada de que sea así (también hay quien compra revistas de

Con Linux muchos intentamos salir de la mediocridad de los resultados de
objetivo comercial de empresas como Microsoft, y además del cada vez menos
concebible sistema del software cerrado. Pero precisamente por eso, y
porque quienes usamos y desarrollamos esto casi siempre comenzamos por
comparación, el resultado no puede ser forzable ni tiene por qué ser
necesariamente orientado hacia el usuario. O incluso, no puede serlo más;
cualquiera puede programar y compartir los resultado: Linux / Debian (igual
que Windows, aunque de otra forma) es como lo queremos los usuarios, y no
hay vuelta de hoja. Y gracias a dios :-) En fin, no es razonable suponer que
un sistema operativo desarrollado por gente que trabaja en su mayoría por
amor al arte vaya a resultar algo que precisamente oculte ese arte :-)

 Saber algo de virus y seguridad... pues lógico, saber que en un attach
 nada y no hay riesgo, saber que no es buena idea poner como password el

Hombre, con ese mismo razonamiento se puede decir que hay que saber algo de
sistemas operativos, como bien te decían. O nada es mundo real, o todo ;-)

 ¿Por qué tiene que ser diferente el ordenador? ¿por qué para escribir
 una carta tengo que saber la diferencia entre multitarea preemptiva y

Pregunta igual de importante: ¿hace falta gastarse 200.000 ptas en un
ordenador para escribir una carta o echar una partida al juego de la chica

problema en puerto serie y ppp

2000-05-13 Thread Miquel

tengo un problema con un ordenador, tras desconectarse y volver a
conectar de nuevo vía PPP, me devuelve este error:


$ pon alehop

$ Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference al virtual address
c00 current-tss.cr3 = 00101000, %cr3 = 00101000

[luego un volcado de pila muy largo, y acaba:]

Aiee, killing interrupt handler

y a partir de ahi el puerto serie se pudre totalmente y es imposible que
el módem marque. Si haces un setserial, en lugar de la interrupción la
uart y demás, devuelve el mismo volcado. Es un modem externo y, aunque
se resetee, no se soluciona el problema hasta que se reinicia el
ordenador completamente...

¿alguna idea? Es una incomodidad grande porque es el ordenador que uso
de router para marcar bajo demanda y conectar la LAN a Internet, y
entonces debe poder conectarse y desconectarse habitualmente.

un saludo y gracias,


Description: PGP signature

Re: Distribucion de Potato (y otra cosilla mas)

2000-05-13 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Sat, 13 May 2000, J.L. Fernandez Jambrina wrote:

 Con respecto a los CD de debian potato.
   Estan disponibles en la red: Navegando a través de se 
 llega a donde, en inglés, se os hace pasar un test para 
 saber como obtener los CD o lo que os haga falta.

Hablas de Slink, no de Potato, creo.

Re: Distribucion de Potato (y otra cosilla mas)

2000-05-13 Thread J.L. Fernandez Jambrina
Bueno, de la página de mirrors me pasé a la de la Universidad de la Coruña y 
allí había un directorio con 4 imágenes de potato.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] también parece haberlo encontrado.

 On Sat, 13 May 2000, J.L. Fernandez Jambrina wrote:
  Con respecto a los CD de debian potato.
  Estan disponibles en la red: Navegando a través de se 
  llega a donde, en inglés, se os hace pasar un test para 
  saber como obtener los CD o lo que os haga falta.
 Hablas de Slink, no de Potato, creo.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Distribucion de Potato (y otra cosilla mas)

2000-05-13 Thread J.L. Fernandez Jambrina
 J.L. Fernandez Jambrina ha escrito:
  Con respecto a los CD de debian potato.
  Estan disponibles en la red: Navegando a través de 
  se llega a donde, en inglés, se os hace pasar un test 
  para saber como obtener los CD o lo que os haga falta.
  Para los más rápidos: La lista de los mirrors la podeia encontrar en:
  Un saludo.
 Muchisimas gracias Jambrina por decirme donde encontrar las
 imagenes enteras de los cds de potato.
 Nadie me lo dejaba claro : )
 Pero ahora me surge otra pregunta.
 Te vienen cuatro imagenes de los cds de potato, pero
 llevan la extension .raw
 Como puedo grabar esta imagenes en Windows 98 con
 mi software de grabacion? como las paso a iso o un formato
 que pueda reconocer mi software? se puede?
 Gracias de todos modos, probare primero con esta
 ultima forma : )
 Cuando salga la potato definitiva claro : )
Esta vez aún no me he leído las instruciones, pero el programa de grabación que 
tengo por ahí, en güindos, las lee y las graba, creo que son ISO.


Re: Problemas para ejecutar kpsql

2000-05-13 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 09:30:53AM +0200, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:
 Uso Woddy y al instalar el paquete kpsql_0.9-2.0_i386.deb, cuando
 intento ejecutar 'kpsql' me da el siguiente error:
 Cuando trato de ver si kpsql enlaza las librerias me dice:
 sadacia:/usr/bin# ld kpsql
 ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 08053580

Es ldd kpsql

Un saludo


RE: linux feature

2000-05-13 Thread ADnoctum
¿Dónde puedo leer más de eso?(webs,docs,lo que sea)

Aquel que sacrifica funcionalidad por  -o)
facilidad de uso pierde ambas y no  /\
merece ninguna._\_v

-Mensaje original-
Para: 2070718 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Fernando Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Santiago Vila
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; debian-user-spanish
Fecha: Viernes 12 de Mayo de 2000 04:45 AM
Asunto: Re: linux feature

El viernes 12 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 10:00:41 +0200, 2070718 contaba:

explicalo con un poco mas de detalle que no te pillo

$ mkfifo holas
$ ls -l
total 0
prw-r--r--1 hue  cc2k0 may 12 18:40 holas|
$ echo quetal  holas 
[4] 18307
$ cat holas
[4]-  Doneecho quetal holas

Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User
lynx -dump |
gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me

Re: linux feature

2000-05-13 Thread Danito
On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 03:55:21PM +0200, Fernando Sanchez wrote:
 On Fri, 12 May 2000, Danito wrote:
   ¿Por qué no usar un named pipe para eso? Pones un named pipe con un script
   pegado a él que haga eso de traducir el fichero, y que cada lectura del
  La idea no es mala pero, ¿como lo haces si a ese fichero acceden varios
  procesos a la vez?. Ademas el proceso que acceda no puede ir hacia atras en
 ¿Cuál es el problema exactamente? :-?

El problema es, corrígeme si me equivoco, las tuberías no permiten un acceso
secuencial a un fichero es decir que si un programa necesitara ir hacia
adelante y hacia atras en un fichero no sería posible. Y si dos programas 
a la vez
intentaran acceder a ese fichero el programa que hace de traductor no sabe
a quien manda la información y coge la información el proceso que antes acceda
a esta. Dando lugar a que uno no coja información y el otro no, o que se 
divida la información entre los dos dando lugar a información corrupta.

No se si lo que he dicho es correcto, pero creo que es así.

Regexps (Re: sources.list)

2000-05-13 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Thu, May 11, 2000,

 Una  última pregunta,  es  posible utilizar  wildcards ej  *
 cuando  buscas un  testo  con el  vim. Conoceis algún  sitio
 donde  se  documenten todas  las  wildcards  y los  pequeños
 atajos del bash.

Regular expresions
^^^ ^^^

Las regexps  son mucho más  flexibles que los wildcards  de la

$ man egrep

$ vim
:help pattern

$ info emacs

El lenguaje Perl también las utiliza:


  Cosme P. Cuevas.oOo.GnuPG KeyID: 0A4305FB


algoritmo del passwd

2000-05-13 Thread Mauricio E Ruiz Font

Donde puedo encontrar el algoritmo que utiliza linuz para encriptar
el password de los usuarios?..

Mauricio Enrique Ruiz Font
UG FAMAT Computacion

Re: Distribucion de Potato (y otra cosilla mas)

2000-05-13 Thread benalb
 Cuando: vie, 12 de may de 2000, a las 07:41:57 +0200
 Quien: Javier Fafián Alvarez
 Que: Re: Distribucion de Potato (y otra cosilla mas)

 Debian Potato aún no existe como official, debe faltarle como un mes y es
 que en Debian son muy cuidadoso :), pero busca los unestable, que son más
 estables a estas alturas que la mayoria de las demás distribuciones.

Este tipo de comentarios, es el que nos hace (a los debianeros)
antipáticos. Todo sabemos que debian es la mejor, no hace falta que
menospreciemos a los demas. 

Benjamín Albiñana Pérez
Linux User Nº78177
Clave pública: wget 
:YPMQ: // /n./ [Usenet] Abbrev. para  Yo Pa Mi Que.

Description: PGP signature

Re: algoritmo del passwd

2000-05-13 Thread Ismael Canales
El Sat, May 13, 2000 at 12:02:22PM -0500, Mauricio E Ruiz Font dijo:
 Donde puedo encontrar el algoritmo que utiliza linuz para encriptar
 el password de los usuarios?..

Supongo que en algún RFC o por el estilo. Si lo que quieres es encriptar una 
clave puedes usar la funcion crypt() de la libc...
Un saludo.
 Mauricio Enrique Ruiz Font
 UG FAMAT Computacion
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


 Telefonica - (N., sin acento) Dícese de la compañía de teléfonos que
 usando las líneas pagadas por todos los españoles nos estafa cada día
 con precios abusivos y conexiones dignas de países del tercer mundo.
 Ver también: monopolio, gobierno, PP, Az-nar y retraso tecnológico.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Distribucion de Potato (y otra cosilla mas)

2000-05-13 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Sat, 13 May 2000, J.L. Fernandez Jambrina wrote:

 Bueno, de la página de mirrors me pasé a la de la Universidad de la Coruña
 y allí había un directorio con 4 imágenes de potato.
 Estan disponibles en la red: Navegando a través de se 
   llega a donde, en inglés, se os hace pasar un test 
   para saber como obtener los CD o lo que os haga falta.
  Hablas de Slink, no de Potato, creo.

Sí, ese mirror lo mantengo yo en persona mismamente :-) Pero no son imágenes
oficiales; la lista que aparece en las páginas de es de mirrors
oficiales de Slink, que es a lo que apunta :-)) Otra cosa es que en el
directorio del mirror se pusiera un directorio pre-potato, claro, pero es
que es el único mirror de los de la lista en que encontrarás tal cosa.

Re: algoritmo del passwd

2000-05-13 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Sat, 13 May 2000, Mauricio E Ruiz Font wrote:

 Donde puedo encontrar el algoritmo que utiliza linuz para encriptar
 el password de los usuarios?..

El algoritmo al que seguramente te refieres se llama DES (Data Encryption
Standard), y lo implementa por ejemplo la libc de gnu en la función crypt(),
así que sólo tienes que coger el fuente y mirarlo.

Si quieres más información sobre DES y algoritmos similares, el libro típico
es Applied Cryptography - Protocols Algorithms, and source code in C, de
Bruce Schneier.

Re: Filosofia de Debian.

2000-05-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 13 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 00:29:23 +, Ignasi Modolell contaba:

Sabiendo responder esas preguntas, ¿algun conductor sabrá detectar el
origen de una avería sencilla y/o solucionarlo? sospecho que ni siquiera
podrán cambiar una rueda pinchada.

 Este thread no tiene sentido (IMHO).

 La proporción de  windozeros que saben instalar el  office o el
 potochop es igual de baja que  la de linuxeros que saben hackear el

 Esta misma semana sin ir más lejos, fui a casa de una clienta a
 ponerle a  funcionar la impresora  (en windoze por supuesto),  y lo
 único que  hice fue pedirle el  manual, que aún por  encima está en
 español. Lo demás fue leer y obedecer, pero ella no sabía.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: algoritmo del passwd

2000-05-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 13 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 12:02:22 -0500, Mauricio E Ruiz Font 

Donde puedo encontrar el algoritmo que utiliza linuz para encriptar
el password de los usuarios?..

 *Supongo* que en el crypt.c de las libc6.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Otra vez crypt

2000-05-13 Thread Mauricio E Ruiz Font
Me pude decir alguien donde puedo encontrar informacion sobre como
encripta el passwd de una cuenta linux por que al usar crypt () no me
devuelve lo que tengo en el archivo de passwords en etc, sabe alguien de
alguna fuente o documento?..

Mauricio Enrique Ruiz Font
UG FAMAT Computacion

Re: Otra vez crypt

2000-05-13 Thread Luis M. García Ruipérez
El dom, 14 may 2000, Mauricio E Ruiz Font escribió:
 Me pude decir alguien donde puedo encontrar informacion sobre como
 encripta el passwd de una cuenta linux por que al usar crypt () no me
 devuelve lo que tengo en el archivo de passwords en etc, sabe alguien de
 alguna fuente o documento?..

Una contraseña cifrada en el /etc/passwd (o /etc/shadow) tiene la siguiente

Los dos primeros caracteres (I4) se denominan salt y son generados
automáticamente por el programa passwd basándose en la hora del día.

El resto (C7P2ioSNfrs) es el resultado de cifrar con crypt() la contraseña del
usuario _concatenada_ con el salt.

[Sacado de Seguridad en Unix, A. Ribagorda et al., ed. Paraninfo]

Quizás te sea útil examinar el código fuente del programa passwd y de la
función crypt() para ver los detalles de cómo lo implementa Linux en particular.

Un saludo.

SNES joy-console questions

2000-05-13 Thread Cameron Matheson

I just made a SNES gamepad into a linux gamepad (I followed the
directions in joystick-parport.txt).  Anyways, I got it to work (I'm
using a module with 2.2.14), but the response seems to be really slow.
Is their anything I can do to speed it up?

Cameron Matheson

108-key keyboard in Slink X Windows

2000-05-13 Thread Cameron Matheson

I'm running Debian slink, and I just bought a linux keyboard from, but I can't use all of it's buttons.  It has three
power-management buttons (making a total of 108 keys), but they aren't
recognized in X Windows.  I ran XF86Setup but the largest keyboard I
found was 104 keys (other than the 106 key Japanese keyboard).  So I was
wondering if their is support for my keyboard, and if not, if potato
will have a version of X Window that will work with this keyboard.

Cameron Matheson

Debian Link

2000-05-13 Thread Jay Kelly
Im new to linux and was looking for a link to download Debian. Where can I
find a ISO format of Debian?
Thanks Jay

Re: CADD program

2000-05-13 Thread Pat Mahoney
On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 12:39:28PM -0700, Fish Smith wrote:
 Can anyone recommend a good computer aided drafting
 and deisign program for X?

Varkon is a commercial gpl'ed CAD program.  I have no experience with Varkon
or CAD in general, but I know Varkon is not a true solid modeller.  Deb's
used to be out there, but were extremely broken.  Check out


The only intuitive interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned.
(Bruce Ediger, [EMAIL PROTECTED], in comp.os.linux.misc, on X interfaces.)

Re: Emacs - was Re: Mail/news software

2000-05-13 Thread Pat Mahoney
On Sat, May 06, 2000 at 11:36:57PM +0200, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
 Pat Mahoney wrote:
   So I offered her to install GNU/Linux on her machine and set it up for
   every tasks she wants to do.
  Can I ask why you want her to run GNU/Linux? (I mean, not that I don't want
  her running it...)
 Well to quote you: I'd rather see everyone running free software.  Plus,
 I truly believe, that she wouldn't run into that many problems,
 resulting in her calling me less often.  Now, don't get me wrong, I
 enjoy talking to my sister even if it's only over the phone.  What I
 don't like, is having to troubleshoot Windows again and again. 
 Especially if it's over the phone.

I hear ya'

  I am always afraid to recommend linux to people who are not into computers,
  but still use their computers often. I think I'm afraid that, no matter what
  system they use, they will encounter many problems and frustrations. If they
  use linux, then, they will start to hate it and blame it just as much as
  they would have done to windows.
 Wait a second: Are you saying, non-techies shouldn't use Linux, so Linux
 won't get a bad reputation?  That's hypocrisy.  Instead, we (as in the
 developers of free software) should value the experiences of users that
 are just that: users.  That's the only way, we can find out how to
 develop truly powerful UIs, since we can't afford those usability labs.

That's not what I'm saying.  I said I feel reluctant, I didn't say I don't do
it.  I'd rather explain the free software situation to someone and let them
decide for themeselves if they agree or not and if they want to boycott
proprietary software.  You are right that the casual user helps improve

  Is she saying that she knows how Windows works and how to fix things and she
  wants the same in Linux? Or is she saying if she installed Linux she would
  all of a sudden have an interest in knowing these things? [don't take that
  the wrong way, I'm having trouble wording this.]
 No, she doesn't know how Windows works.  Nevertheless, she enjoys
 launching Tweak UI from the control panel, selecting the Paranoia
 tab, unselecting Play audio/data CD automatically and than she asks
 me, why her favorite audio CD won't play automatically play when loaded
 into the CD tray.  The example is off the top of my head and exagerated,
 but you do get the idea, don't you?
  Sigh... Sometimes I wish that no one had ever tried to make computers easy.
  I mean, a computer is a complex thing, why try to hide the complexity so
  that when it breaks (if only it would never break...) no one knows what to
  do. The book In the Begining was the Command Line (can't rember the
  author) uses an analogy to H.G. Wells' The Time Machine where in the
  future, the human race has split in two into Morlocks and Eloi. I'm not
  very familiar with the book, but the Morlocks do all the work and make
  everything while the Eloi sit around and eat fruit. Hopefully, things will
  never come to this.
 Why not?  It's like this right now.  A few month ago, a water pipe
 leaked in my kitchen's wall?  Now, did I tear down the wall and fixed
 the leak myself?  Hell, no!  I called the block's maintenance office and
 had them send a plumber.  Same with computers.  Of course, I don't
 recommend calling tech support when the CDs don't play automatically,
 but than again: Why does the average user, that only want's to surf the
 web, edit text, and play games have to buy a machine as complex and
 powerful as a PC.  

It's not like that right now; I don't call the plumber to turn the faucet
off.  They have to have a complex PC because money loving corporations have
created the need through advertising and through the technology rat race.

 When the industry came up with the idea of set-top boxes, that let you
 surf the web on the TV, I didn't like it at first, because, it hided the
 PCs complexity, thus watering down its strength.  But, that's because I
 like to play around with the computer and change the settings and see
 what happens.  If I hose my root partition while doing so?  No problem,
 I knew in the first place, that what I was doing is risky and I know how
 to fix it.  But the everage user doesn't.  Why then, does he have the
 power to screw up his entire system, and unnecessarily so?  So the
 set-top box for the TV is a perfect idea for the user, that just want's
 to surf the web in his living room.  Just like the gaming console is the
 perfect idea for the 10-year-old, who only want's to play games and
 doesn't care a bit about programming and stuff.
 Wow, this thread has surely changed it's topic quite a few times.  :)

Yeah, like what exactly are we discussing anymore?  I think I don't have a
point anymore.  I'm ready to end this thread.

 MfG Viktor
 Viktor Rosenfeld
 E-Mail:   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


linux: the choice 

wall permission

2000-05-13 Thread Umum Wijoyo
Can anybody help me here?

I don't know why, but my wall program permission seems to get violated
each time by normal users. It always changes to root: tty ownership.
Urip Hudiono
Bandung, Indonesia

[Kevin Cosgrove kevinc@dOink.COM] [PLUG] FW: humor?? UNIX - Not a virus.....

2000-05-13 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom

 Gotcha all!  Delete your old .deb's and upgrade, you Rats!  Bwahhaha! 

--- Start of forwarded message ---
Date: Fri May 12 22:52:55 2000
From: Kevin Cosgrove [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [PLUG] FW: humor?? UNIX - Not a virus.

   [PLUG] FW: humor?? UNIX - Not a virus.


Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 16:09:35 -0700
From: Kevin Cosgrove [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [PLUG] FW: humor?? UNIX - Not a virus.
Content-Type: text

- -- Forwarded Message

This is a virus that works on the honor system: For those Unix 
Linux fanatics who're feeling left out, please forward this message
to everyone you know and delete a bunch of your files at random.

- -- End of Forwarded Message


End of forwardMwEqws Digest
--- End of forwarded message --- missing for configuring gnome stuff

2000-05-13 Thread Kenward Vaughan
I'm trying to build some gnome apps off the gnome site, but have run
into this roadblock when I run configure.  AFAICT the major gnome stuff
is installed.  Anyone know what the goof is?



re-writing e-mail

2000-05-13 Thread Marshal Wong
Hey all!

A quick question.  Is there a way to rewrite e-mail addresses with
exim without having the rewritten domain being considered as local?
Am I making sense?

Okay, I'm setting up a professor's computer who is on the school's
LAN.  Mail is recieved via a IMAP server (I've setup fetchmail to
start on login).  Currently mail is sent via a mailserver.  (I'm not
sure whether it can be sent directly on the LAN.  Have to look at how
it was done before...)  In any case, I want to rewrite the outgoing
messages to have the following domain,  However, I
don't want that domain to be treated locally since my prof has to sent
e-mails to his collegues.  eximconfig does it this way, so any
messages sent to, bounce.  

So if anyone has the quick and dirty, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Otherwise I have a lot of RTFMs to do.  Thanks.


Re: missing for configuring gnome stuff

2000-05-13 Thread Corey Popelier
Make sure you have libgnome-dev installed.

 Corey Popelier

On Fri, 12 May 2000, Kenward Vaughan wrote:

 I'm trying to build some gnome apps off the gnome site, but have run
 into this roadblock when I run configure.  AFAICT the major gnome stuff
 is installed.  Anyone know what the goof is?
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Re: missing for configuring gnome stuff

2000-05-13 Thread Kenward Vaughan
Duh... Never mind, folks.  Just checked the dist. page and discovered

Kenward Vaughan wrote:
 I'm trying to build some gnome apps off the gnome site, but have run
 into this roadblock when I run configure.  AFAICT the major gnome stuff
 is installed.  Anyone know what the goof is?

Re: NIC there any difference between them?

2000-05-13 Thread kmself
Second the Linksys 10/100 endorsement.

On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 07:38:46PM -0500, KULISHdotCOM wrote:
 I haven't used those cards in months...
 I switched to linksys 10/100... can get them for 15 bucks US and they work
 flawlessly.  All my 8139s have been donated to the local landfill.
 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Gunthorpe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 7:31 PM
 To: Chris Mason
 Subject: RE: NIC there any difference between them?
 On Fri, 12 May 2000, Chris Mason wrote:
  Aahhh! That's why my realtek cards are not being installed when I boot
  cold.  In the trash with them.
 Have you tried the rtl8139too driver?
 These cards are nice and cheap, perfect for workstations..
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Karsten M. Self http:/
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Re: CADD program

2000-05-13 Thread John Foster
Pat Mahoney wrote:
 On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 12:39:28PM -0700, Fish Smith wrote:
  Can anyone recommend a good computer aided drafting
  and deisign program for X?
For 3D solid modeling and rendering see;

For real serious folks with some time for a learning curve see;

Also Moonlight, a .deb from is also pretty good

AdVance-Computing Systems

We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!

John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

How do I stop my machine logging on to IP every 5 minutes?

2000-05-13 Thread Phillip Deackes
I have recently changed to an Internet Provider where I do not have to
pay telephone charges on a timed basis, so I decided to initiate dial on
demand on my system since I have an ISDN line.

Everything works very nicely except that my system logs onto the
Internet every 5 minutes or so. I suspect Exim, but am not sure what to
change to stop it. I collect mail manually using Fetchmail and have it
passed on to Exim for distribution using .forward.

Maybe the problem is not Exim.

Any ideas? I am using Potato.

Many thanks.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

Re: wall permission

2000-05-13 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 12:42:19PM +0700, Umum Wijoyo wrote:
 Can anybody help me here?
 I don't know why, but my wall program permission seems to get violated
 each time by normal users. It always changes to root: tty ownership.
 Urip Hudiono
 Bandung, Indonesia

sorry I am not quite sure i understand you, do you mean /usr/bin/wall
is having its perms/ownership changed back to root.tty when change it
to something else?  

if that is the case you probably have suidmanager installed, which is
run by cron every day and will reset permissions on registered files
to the saved values.  

to change suid programs to non-default permissions do the following:

suidregister /usr/bin/wall root tty 0755

for example would change and enforce non-setgid permissions on
/usr/bin/wall, this will also be preserved when the package is

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: How do I stop my machine logging on to IP every 5 minutes?

2000-05-13 Thread Phillip Deackes
Further to my previous post, I have discovered the cause of the
connections, but do not know how to stop them. I set isdnctrl to give me
a more verbose log and on doing dmesg | xless I could see the following
immediately before every auto connection:

OPEN: - UDP, port: 513 - 513

On consulting /etc/sevices I can see that port 513 is used for whod.

OK. Progress, but what is whod and do I need it? I have looked at the
docs and man page, but am none the wiser. I do not have a network - my
machine is standalone apart from an ISDN connection to the Internet
using an internal ISDN card.

Thanks again.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

Re: What's with LILO in Potato??

2000-05-13 Thread Stefan Frank

On Wed, 10 May 2000, John Foster wrote:

 I just upgraded to the most recent version of LILO, in potato frozen. It
 is telling me that there is a fatal error: kernel /vmlinuz is too
 big--what gives? This is the kernel that I have been using for over a
 year with no changes. Might this be a BUG???

Hi John!

same problem here. I just didn't report it yet. lilo-21-14 is the last
version of lilo which can boot my vmlinuz-TEST, a 2.3.99-pre6 dev.
kernel. vmlinuz is an old 2.2.14 kernel and works ok. Every version
that complains about kernel being to large.

-rw-r--r--1 root root   472210 Mär 21 00:29 vmlinuz
-rw-r--r--1 root root   507586 Mai  1 21:13 vmlinuz-TEST

bye, Stefan

Re: Konfucious (KDE2 beta1)?

2000-05-13 Thread Maury R. Merkin
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

 On 12-May-2000 Bart Szyszka wrote:
   Any word yet on DEBs of Konfucious (KDE2 beta1)? When is something going
   be done about the fact that there are always RPMs of something released
   there are DEBs?
  most KDE people are not debian users or developers.  So they make packages
  what they use.
  Of all the GNOME and KDE programs I've kept track of, I can't personally 
  where the DEBs were made before RPM.

 GNOME is some 70% RH.  KDE is mostly Caldera and SuSE with some RH.

 For what it is worth, Ivan Moore is getting Debian changes into the KDE cvs, 
 you grab all of the source, you can build your own debs.  I am experimenting
 with this now.  I have also mailed him to see if we can get a cron'ed KDE
 compilation.  But the easy answer is simply that people on the actual
 development teams are not debian people.

And also, it isn't a race.  Plus, face facts, for better or for worse, far more
people use RPMs than use DEBs.

Bart's suggestion is the best of all.  Learn how to create DEBs from the source
tar balls [HINT:  learning is healthy and it's not ver hard] and then tell the
rest of us where we can get 'em from you.


gcc 2.95.2

2000-05-13 Thread Jens Luedicke
Hi there ...

I'm using Debian Slink 2.1 and I want to
update my gcc. I've gotten the following
frozen-packages already:


Will I run into trouble if I install them?

Re: re-writing e-mail

2000-05-13 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 A quick question.  Is there a way to rewrite e-mail addresses with
 exim without having the rewritten domain being considered as local?
 Am I making sense?
not sure, if i understand you right, but this is my rewrite rule:


ossi@qualify_domain-from-main-config-settings  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  fF


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: gcc 2.95.2

2000-05-13 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 02:00:14PM +0200, Jens Luedicke wrote:
 Hi there ...
 I'm using Debian Slink 2.1 and I want to
 update my gcc. I've gotten the following
 frozen-packages already:
 Will I run into trouble if I install them?

upgrading your libc is probably a bad idea without upgrading alot of
other things (read everything).

the frozen potato is quite stable now maybe you should consider
upgrading to that.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Limiting Access

2000-05-13 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


Peter Good [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I dunno, I'll look into NIS, but originally I thought Pam would handle

There is a PAM module that implements what you're looking for.  I played 
around with it for a while, back when I was using RedHat.  It worked
fine for console logins, but never worked for ssh.  I didn't ever figure
out why - I just switched to using NIS, since I was using NIS anyway.

For FTP, you can play around with its own configuration[1].  In 
/etc/wu-ftpd/ftpaccess, you can specify which groups are specifically
allowed and denied with the 'allow-gid' and 'deny-gid' directives.  Have
a look at `man ftpaccess` for more detailed information.

If you're offering SSH access as an alternative to telnet[2], then you
can achieve a similar thing with the 'AllowGroups' and 'DenyGroups'
directives.  Have a look at `man sshd` for more detailed information.

Perhaps you can come across a more fully-featured telnet daemon which
will offer the same level of restrictions.

[1] I'm thinking about wu-ftpd in particular, but I'm sure others have
similar features.
[2] Highly recommended.

- -- 

Life's not fair, I reply. But the root password helps. - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Limiting Access SOLVED

2000-05-13 Thread Peter Good
Found out why, missed taking the comment off this

# Uncomment and edit /etc/security/access.conf if you need to
# set access limits.
# (Replaces /etc/login.access file)
account  required  

hehe pays not to work when tired, edited access.conf to suit, and now
have telnets to the system managed the way i want them to be :)
Thanks for the help all.


In the beginning, the universe was created. 
This made a lot of people very angry, and 
has been widely regarded as a bad idea.

*Peter GoodEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Pete's Internet Services  Sales: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
*  Phone: 0401 283 482*
*Morayfield QLD Australia *

Re: NIC there any difference between them?

2000-05-13 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1



 I agree, avoid the $10 types.  I bought 5 realtek 8139 type cards for 6
 bucks a piece.

I've also got 6 of them floating around, plus two in another location.  It
semi-regularly fails in an Alpha, but we were told that the Alpha
motherboard was particularly choosy about the cards it accepted[1].  Other
than that, I've had the cards running flawlessly for about a year...

...Until very recently.  Now one of the cards in my router fails
occasionally.  It only happens when there's significant load on the network
(usually at 0:45 when the backup occurs).  I've just written a wee script
to bounce the card[2] if it fails, so it never bothers me.

I'll have to try the driver that Jason suggested ... Do you have a URL
for it?

[1] Something about timing issues.
[2] ifdown eth1; sleep 1; ifup eth1
- -- 

Life's not fair, I reply. But the root password helps. - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Framebuffer settings for the Matrox MGA Milenium

2000-05-13 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


Otto Wyss [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Since I couldn't use the framebuffer with my ATI Rage IIc I switched to
 an old Matrox MGA Milenium card. It does work perfectly but I don't know
 the lilo.conf values (vga=...; append=...) to get a 880x660-72 display
 or similar. 

OK, so this one is for a 1280x1024x24bit display IIRC:

append = video=matrox:vesa:443

The general rule is that you've got to change the hex number listed in
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/fb/matroxfb.txt, change it to decimal
and replace 443 with that number...

- -- 

Life's not fair, I reply. But the root password helps. - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Epson 740

2000-05-13 Thread Mental
On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 06:39:57PM -0700, Matthew Thompson wrote:
 Hello, all,
 I recently purchased a 740 for my home network.  I have a Debian 2.1
 server with magicfilter and gs-5.10 installed.  I was unable to get the
 printer to work with any of the normally available filters in magicfilter.

Hi Matt,

I recently just setup my epson 1520. I'd imagine from what I read that
they're fairly similar. I tried using magicfilter, and ran into similar
problems. I wound up using apsfilter. Setting up the printer was
easy.  I wound up with several printer defs. ascii, so I can print 
from mutt and the console (lpr -P ascii), a couple stcolor printer
defs for printing in color, and a raw def that I'm using for the 
windows machines to print on (samba). It works great, I love this 

qualification: it was easy after I figured out that the reason the
test page printed errors was because I needed to install gsfonts.
If you dont install the gsfonts package, printing postscript files
wont work. Netscape prints out in ps format. So install gsfonts,
grab apsfilter and setup your printer.


When in doubt, use brute force.
  --Ken Thompson (author of unix)

PGP 2.6.3a Public Key:
GPG 1.0.1 Public Key:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Newbie Slink install CDROM problem on old computer

2000-05-13 Thread Pat Mahoney
 If you are like me and your CDROM is hanging off a soundcard or
 add-in card, then hda-hdd isn't enough.  If this is your case, you need
 to add a mount point.  I had that problem with my /dev/hde.
 If this is your case and you need to add a mount point, log in as root:
 cd /dev
 ls -l hdh (to see if you already have one)
 if not
 ./MAKEDEV -n -v hdh   (-v is verbose, -n is simulate)

Umm, I'm not trying to be rude, but the above might be confusing.  /dev/hd*
is not a mount point but a device.  The mount point can be any directory. 
For a cdrom, it's often /mnt/cdrom/ or /cdrom/.  You mount a device on a
mount point: 

mount -t iso9660   /dev/hdh   /mnt/cdrom
   ^^^ ^^^^^^
   fs-type device mount-point


Hobbes:  Do you have an idea for your story yet?
Calvin:  No, I'm waiting for inspiration.  You can't just turn on
 creativity like a faucet.  You have to be in the right mood.
Hobbes:  What mood is that?
Calvin:  Last-minute panic.
-- From Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson

Re: newbie help in setting up mta!

2000-05-13 Thread Pat Mahoney
On Sat, May 06, 2000 at 07:32:15PM +, john smith wrote:
 Can someone please guide me thru setting up masqmail? I am lost. I don't 
 know where to begin. masqmail.conf? the docs tell me to configure it first 
 using make, make install etc.. but I dont think I have to do that anymore 
 since I did not install from source. but as I have said, I am lost. I dont 
 know where to begin. please help me to get it up and running.

Apparently, you wish to set things up for a dialup account (masqmail).  I
have never used masqmail, but I have a dialup and was very happy with the
exim mailer.  It has a configuration script (eximconf I believe...) that
makes it simple to set up for a dialup account.  I now use postfix for
various reasons (it's a long story, nothing wrong with exim).  Both are full
mta's.  I think masqmail is quite a bit lighter than either, however, I can
help you set up exim or postfix probably (postfix more likely because that's
what I am currently using).

Sorry I cannot help with masqmail.


Those of you who think you know everything are annoying those of us who do :)

Re: Q: Purchasing the Learning Gnu/Debian Book

2000-05-13 Thread Pat Mahoney
On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 08:20:39AM +0200, Jonathan Gift wrote:
 I'm going to move from my present distribution to Debian and know you have
 an upcoming 2.2 release coming out soon. Will the book Learning GN/Debian
 Linux still be applicable?

AFAIK, the book is a published copy of a Debian package.  You can install
this on your Debian system or read it somewhere at Debian's website.  I
would bet that most if not all of the book is the same for the latest dist.

However, I have heard of many problems with the CD that comes in the back of
this book (?), but I never used one. YMMV.


Hobbes:  Do you have an idea for your story yet?
Calvin:  No, I'm waiting for inspiration.  You can't just turn on
 creativity like a faucet.  You have to be in the right mood.
Hobbes:  What mood is that?
Calvin:  Last-minute panic.
-- From Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson

Re: How do I stop my machine logging on to IP every 5 minutes?

2000-05-13 Thread John Foster
Phillip Deackes wrote:
 I have recently changed to an Internet Provider where I do not have to
 pay telephone charges on a timed basis, so I decided to initiate dial on
 demand on my system since I have an ISDN line.
 Everything works very nicely except that my system logs onto the
 Internet every 5 minutes or so. I suspect Exim, but am not sure what to
 change to stop it. I collect mail manually using Fetchmail and have it
 passed on to Exim for distribution using .forward.
 Maybe the problem is not Exim.
 Any ideas? I am using Potato.
Might look at pppupd if you have it installed.
I saw a similar problem listed a day or so ago on this list,  I had a
similar problem with a dial-up connection about a year ago.
John Foster
ICQ# 19460173

/dev/hda1 mounts read only

2000-05-13 Thread Chris Mason
I booted my potato box this morning and the hard drive mounted read only. No
errorss, fsck didn't report any problems, it just mounted read-only. Looking
at fstab I see no reason why this would happen. I managed to use mount
/dev/hda1 / -t ext2 -w -o remount successfully but any reboot comes up read
only again.
Any ideas why this is happening?

Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
USA Fax (561) 382-7771
Take a virtual tour of the island The Anguilla Guide
Find out more about NetConcepts

Linux Version

2000-05-13 Thread Jay Kelly
AS a new user to Linux, what flavor of linux should I use for a server with
Windows clients? And where can I download a cdimage of it. I tried but that was a bad link. Can someone give me the exact
link to the cdimage file download?

Re: invisible cursor in X windows

2000-05-13 Thread Vladimir Yelistratov
Hi, Eric

Eric G . Miller wrote:
 Assuming /dev/mouse -- /dev/psaux, it might actually be a window
 manager problem.  Do you use xdm (or an equivalent) and do you see a
 cursor there (the good ol' X cursor)?
I do not see cursor neither in xdm nor kdm (KDE desktop manager)
But mouse works! I can make operations with windows.
When I press a right button a po-up menu is activated in 
appropriate place on a screen
And yes, I have such a link
/dev/mouse -- /dev/psaux

 Are you running unclutter? It
 hides the cursor after a specified amount of time if it's over a window
 (very nice actually).  You might try running just X without a window
 manager.  It should give you that horrible gray stipple pattern with a
 big X cursor that you should be able to move around (make sure xdm is
 not running when you try this and use Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to kill it).
What is unclutter? A setting in XF86Congig?
I did not make any special setting there.
Is it possible to run X without window manager?
I remember an error that I got after running startx
when I had no window manager installed.
It was something like no window manager was found.
 Hmmm, very odd.
Yes, it is realy very strange.
I already installed successfully debian-potato two times 
but in another motherboard. Now I make the same actions
as I did before.

Re: Debian Link

2000-05-13 Thread Colin Watson
Jay Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Im new to linux and was looking for a link to download Debian. Where can I
find a ISO format of Debian?


Re: /dev/hda1 mounts read only

2000-05-13 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I booted my potato box this morning and the hard drive mounted read only. No
 errorss, fsck didn't report any problems, it just mounted read-only. Looking
 at fstab I see no reason why this would happen. I managed to use mount
 /dev/hda1 / -t ext2 -w -o remount successfully but any reboot comes up read
 only again.
did you change /etc/fstab?

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Video conversion software?

2000-05-13 Thread Carl Fink
Is anyone aware of a Linux package that can convert between different
video formats, e.g. mpeg -- avi?  I did use the Debian package
search tool, but didn't spot anything.
I-Con's Science and Technology Programming

quake-3dfx and mouse

2000-05-13 Thread Dan Brosemer
For some reason, my mouse doesn't work when I try to run quake-3dfx.
/dev/mouse is a symlink to the correct device, and even running as root,

Has anyone else encountered this problem?  Fixed it?


... the most serious problems in the Internet have been caused by 
unenvisaged mechanisms triggered by low-probability events; mere human 
malice would never have taken so devious a course! - RFC 1122

Description: PGP signature

xfs-xtt killed when application use Truetype font

2000-05-13 Thread 50191914
When I run some application which will use the truetype fonts..
THe applcation hang and if I kill the applcation.
The X will exit abnormally and then I find that the xfs-xtt is then
any solution?

Re: Connecting through firewall

2000-05-13 Thread Toth Attila
 I work at EDS. Here, we have an https firewall that requires a
 login/password in order to open a connection to the internet. I want to
 set up a Debian box on our intranet that will be able to use console apps
 to access the internet (such as lynx, apt-get, lftp, etc...). Is there
For lynx  it might be helpful to set the https-proxy address and port in
/etc/lynx.conf. I don't know if it works, because I never tried this
option. I also don't know how lynx hadles login/password related to the
https server, but from version 2.2 a workaround was said to be included.

Hope it will work


Re: quake-3dfx and mouse

2000-05-13 Thread Dan Brosemer
Strange, but when I kill gpm it works.  Strange that X should work with gpm
with no repeater and quake can't.

Solutions for this?


On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 11:43:48AM -0400, Dan Brosemer wrote:
 For some reason, my mouse doesn't work when I try to run quake-3dfx.
 /dev/mouse is a symlink to the correct device, and even running as root,
 Has anyone else encountered this problem?  Fixed it?

... the most serious problems in the Internet have been caused by 
unenvisaged mechanisms triggered by low-probability events; mere human 
malice would never have taken so devious a course! - RFC 1122

Description: PGP signature

Re: How do I stop my machine logging on to IP every 5 minutes?

2000-05-13 Thread Dave Sherohman
Phillip Deackes said:
 Everything works very nicely except that my system logs onto the
 Internet every 5 minutes or so. I suspect Exim, but am not sure what to
 change to stop it. I collect mail manually using Fetchmail and have it
 passed on to Exim for distribution using .forward.

Perhaps I've misunderstood you, but the normal operation of fetchmail is to
pass retrieved messages on to an MTA (such as exim) listening on
localhost:25.  You don't have to use .forward for this - if you're using
.forward to have exim pass messages back to itself, I would expect your mail
to get caught in a loop.  (Possibly infinite or possibly just redundant; I'm
not sure whether exim is smart enough to detect that it's just forwarded a
message to itself and not forward that message again.)  If you're not running
your own DNS, exim would then bring the link back up at each iteration in an
attempt to look up the IP address of the machine it's forwarding to.
(Assuming you're using the hostname instead of 'localhost'.  My experience
has been that exim ignores /etc/hosts and goes straight to DNS even if
/etc/resolv.conf says to do otherwise.)

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: amd home map

2000-05-13 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


Barak Pearlmutter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Has anyone gotten the AMD configuration option for the home map to
 work?  We cannot figure it out, and we've tried a couple different

I've been told bad things about AMD.  If you're setting up a new network,
you're probably better off playing with autofs.

For autofs, my configuration goes something along the lines of:

auto.master: (which is served by NIS)

/home yp:auto.home  --timeout 60
/net 60
/misc file:/etc/auto.misc   --timeout 60

auto.home: (which is also served by NIS)

* -soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192  home:/disk/home/

I have the actual home directories on the server in /disk/home, so that way,
the autofs maps also work on the server.  And autofs is smart.  If it
sees that the directory to be mounted is on the local filesystem, it'll
just symlink it instead.

The appropriate line in /etc/exports is:


The lines in /etc/passwd are standard:

graeme:*:10001:10001:Graeme Mathieson:/home/graeme:/bin/bash

The interesting bit, is serving most (but not all) autofs maps using NIS.
I wanted auto.master, auto.home and to be the same on every
system.  But I wanted auto.misc (for local removable drives) to be 
individual to each system.  To do this, I had to modify /etc/init.d/autofs.
I've attached a diff of the changes I made.  Maybe I should submit it
--- autofs.old	Sat May 13 14:39:28 2000
+++ autofs	Sat May 13 14:40:18 2000
@@ -78,12 +78,17 @@
 #   not needed in here
 #   map=`echo $map | sed -e 's/^auto_/auto./'`
+	# Added by [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
+		type=`echo $map | sed -e 's/^\(.*\):.*$/\1/g'`
+		if [ ! -z $type ]; then
+		map=`echo $map | sed -e 's/^.*:\(.*\)$/\1/g'`
+		fi
 options=`echo $options | sed -e 's/\(^\|[ \t]\)-/\1/g'`
 test ! -z $PRUNEREGEX  \
 options=`echo $options | \
 sed -e s#$PRUNEREGEX##g -e 's#,\+#,#g' -e 's#,$##'`
-echo $DAEMON $mountoptions $dir yp $map $options $localoptions
+echo $DAEMON $mountoptions $dir $type $map $options $localoptions

I think that about covers it...

- -- 

Life's not fair, I reply. But the root password helps. - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


fdisk problem

2000-05-13 Thread Werner Reisberger
After partitioning my HD I deleted three partitions and made two new ones.
Now there is an overlapping of one partition although I didn't enter
the begin value (number of cylinders) displayed by fdisk:

Disk /dev/sdb: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1115 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   BeginStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   *11   39   313236   83  Linux native
/dev/sdb2   40   40  167  1028160   fd  Unknown
/dev/sdb3  168  168 1115  76148105  Extended
/dev/sdb5  168  168  282   923706   fd  Unknown
/dev/sdb6  283  283  409  1020096   fd  Unknown
/dev/sdb7  410  410  537  1028128+  fd  Unknown
/dev/sdb8  794  794  869   610438+  fd  Unknown
/dev/sdb9  870  870  971   819283+  fd  Unknown
/dev/sdb10 972  972 1060   714861   fd  Unknown
/dev/sdb111024 1061 1085   200781   82  Linux swap
/dev/sdb121024 1086 1115   240943+  83  Linux native
/dev/sdb13 538  538  793  2056288+  fd  Unknown

The fd partition type was choosen because I am using software raid.

I deleted partition 11 and 12 but after creating a new partition starting
at cylinder 1061 there is still the wrong bin value of 1024.

Thanks for any advice,


Re: Sound problems (PCI128)

2000-05-13 Thread David Henningsson
Try lspci -v -v.
It will tell you, which card you own.
Look at the section name with multimedia.

bash: lspci: command not found

A search for lspci in dselect gave no result either...

/ David

Sound Blaster PnP problem

2000-05-13 Thread Brent McMillan
Hi. I've decided to really clean up my Linux box and fix all the little
misconfiguration problems I've had with the system, so I might have
quite a few posts in the next little while.

My fist problem is my PnP Sound Blaster16 ISA card.  It plays cds well,
and I've gotten bplay to work when I'm not restarting from windows.  but
I can't get mp3blaster or other playback software to work.  when I run
mp3blaster I get an error: 

Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?

here's what my soundcard is set to at bootup:

 Sound Blaster 16 (4.16) at 0x220 irq 5 dma 1,5
  Sound Blaster 16 at 0x330 irq 5 dma 0 

I remember setting the second irq in make xconfig to -1 not 5

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Brent McMillan

linux 2.2.15 compile probs

2000-05-13 Thread Alexander Koch

Anyone know of such errors and the way to go? The same with
2.2.15 (vanilla) and 2.2.16pre2, latest woody here.

Thanks in advance,

In file included from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/tty.h:26,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h:21,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/mm.h:4,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/slab.h:14,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/malloc.h:4,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/proc_fs.h:5,
 from init/main.c:15:
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/serialP.h:82: field `tqueue' has incomplete type
In file included from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/sched.h:21,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/mm.h:4,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/slab.h:14,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/malloc.h:4,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/proc_fs.h:5,
 from init/main.c:15:
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/tty.h:139: field `tqueue' has incomplete type
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/tty.h:281: field `tq_hangup' has incomplete type
In file included from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/blk.h:4,
 from init/main.c:23:
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/blkdev.h:49: field `plug_tq'
has incomplete type
make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1

No wanna work. Wanna bang head on keyboard.
Alexander Koch -  - WWJD - aka Efraim - PGP 0xE7694969 - ARGH-RIPE

Re: quake-3dfx and mouse

2000-05-13 Thread Mental
On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 12:16:29PM -0400, Dan Brosemer wrote:
 Strange, but when I kill gpm it works.  Strange that X should work with gpm
 with no repeater and quake can't.
 Solutions for this?

Quake and Quake2 are both svgalib games. Quake3 has no such problem.
I really forget the reason behind it. Zoid had explained the problem
a while back. The short answer is there isnt really a fix for it
beyond writing a wrapper to kill gpm, start quake, then restart 
gpm. If I recall, the software renderer has no such problem. Its
specific to 3dfx mode.


When in doubt, use brute force.
  --Ken Thompson (author of unix)

PGP 2.6.3a Public Key:
GPG 1.0.1 Public Key:

Description: PGP signature

Re: linux 2.2.15 compile probs

2000-05-13 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Anyone know of such errors and the way to go? The same with
 2.2.15 (vanilla) and 2.2.16pre2, latest woody here.
which compiler (version) do you use?
did you install the right kernel header files?

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: Sound problems (PCI128)

2000-05-13 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 bash: lspci: command not found
pciutils is the name of the package (in potato)

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: linux 2.2.15 compile probs

2000-05-13 Thread Alexander Koch
On Sat, 13 May 2000 19:53:01 +0200, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
  Anyone know of such errors and the way to go? The same with
  2.2.15 (vanilla) and 2.2.16pre2, latest woody here.
 which compiler (version) do you use?
 did you install the right kernel header files?

As I said, latest woody, so I am using gcc 2.95.something. I
have my linux sourcetree installed in /usr/src/linux like I
always did for ages, never run kernel-package or something.
Just the error messages I were quoting already...


Du weisst, dass die Gesundheitsreform zu weit gegangen ist, wenn Du beim
 Einsetzen Deines kuenstlichen Hueftgelenks die Worte hoerst:
Alexander Koch -  - WWJD - aka Efraim - PGP 0xE7694969 - ARGH-RIPE

Re: fdisk problem

2000-05-13 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 /dev/sdb111024 1061 1085   200781   82  Linux swap
 /dev/sdb121024 1086 1115   240943+  83  Linux native
 I deleted partition 11 and 12 but after creating a new partition starting
 at cylinder 1061 there is still the wrong bin value of 1024.
i don't think, that this is a problem. the dos-ish partition table can
hold only numbers from 0 to 1023 (means 1..1024). thus, if something
bigger is needed, 1023 is stored, which is read as 1024 and is ignored
anyway. only the starting sector number is relevant.
the begin column in your partition dump is unimportant (only the dos
boot sector and older lilo versions care about it). the start column
is calculated from the beginning sector and is the authoritive number.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!


2000-05-13 Thread Bruce Kingsbury


This virus works on the honor system:

If you're running a variant of unix or linux, please forward
this message to everyone you know and delete a bunch of your
files at random.

Broken startup; syslogd hangs...

2000-05-13 Thread Gregory Guthrie

At 10:10 AM 05/13/2000 +0930, John Pearson wrote:

On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 04:49:21PM -0500, Gregory Guthrie wrote

 I had a working system, and after several weeks up we were moving some
 (Apache) files around and wanted to make sure that the system setup for
 Apache was OK, se we re-booted.

 At re-boot I now get:
It's trying to fsck your extneded partition, rather than your true root
partition.  My guess is that /etc/fstab is wrong, and that it lists
/dev/hda1 as root instead of /dev/hda6.  The fact that you get to
single-user mode means that hte kernel and LILO are configured correctly.

-- John, Bingo. Thanks.

I now have another problem..

The boot goes into

INIT: entering run level 2
Starting system log daemon: syslogd

and hangs...

I edited /etc/rc2.d/S10sysklogd - /etc/init.d/sysklogd to give hello 
messages, and find that is hangs on the actual call to start /sbin/syslogd. 
Commenting out this call and everything seems to run OK as far as I can 
tell. Trying to manually start syslogd also hangs. I notice that during 
boot a ctl-break shows a ps like table of processes, and that does show two 
instances of syslogd running.

Any ideas?

The other broken symptom is that networking does not work; ifconfig reports 
everything fine, but ping hangs, and the hub shows the link not active. 
During boot the ethernet card shows proper initialization, and seems OK.

The way I broke things seems that I had tar'ed up a lot of old files from a 
previous system, and accidently un'tared too many of them, including the 
/etc/fstab that was bad. nothing else from etc was in the archive, so I 
cannot account for the current problem.

Is there a refresh system files option for Debian with the rescue disk, 
or dselect, or ... ?

Gregory Guthrie

Gregory Guthrie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (515)472-1125Fax: -1103
   Computer Science Department
   College of Science and Technology
   Maharishi University of Management

depmod and /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0

2000-05-13 Thread David Karlin
I have installed potato on an old machine.  I'm trying to reconfigure
the modules so that the ethernet card will work.  When I run depmod,
I get the following message:

depmod: Can't open /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/modules.dep for writing

So I do cd /lib/modules and ls and get:


unmame -a tells me that I'm running 2.2.14-5.0.

I don't understand why I have /lib/modules/2.2.15, and not 
/lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0, although it explains why when I do
modprobe ne io=0x300 I get:

modprobe: Can't open dependencies file /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/modules.dep (No 
such file or directory)

I tried ln -s 2.2.15 2.2.14-5.0 and reran modprobe ne io=0x300 and
get a bunch of unresolved symbol messages

Anyone have a clue on this?

David Karlin
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 

Re: Epson 740

2000-05-13 Thread Matthew Thompson
Ment (may I call you Ment? ;),

Thanks for your reply. :)  Sometimes I feel pretty thick, since I've been
using Debian for about 3 years and still stumble over stuff like this.
*sigh*  Anyway, you willing to spoon-feed me a bit, here?

I already had gsfonts installed, so I installed apsfilter using dselect.
It ran me through the config, and I chose the following printer:

escp2: Epson ESC/P 2 language printers, including Stylus 800

I set the other values it asked for, and it finished, saying cheerfully
'we made it!'. ;)

I then attempted to print a text file with:

# lpr file

and got this output:

no printcap for printer 'ascii'
job '' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

Here is the printcap that was generated by apsfilter:

## Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
## All rights reserved.
## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
## provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
## to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
## may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
## software without specific prior written permission. This software
## is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
##  @(#)etc.printcap5.2 (Berkeley) 5/5/88
## This file was generated by /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig.
#lp|hpdj660|HP DeskJet 660:\
#   :lp=/dev/lp1:sd=/var/spool/lpd/hpdj660:\
#   :sh:pw#80:pl#66:px#1440:mx#0:\
#   :if=/etc/magicfilter/dj550c-filter:\
#   :af=/var/log/lp-acct:lf=/var/log/lp-errs:
# LABEL apsfilter
# apsfilter setup Sat May 13 12:03:33 PDT 2000
# APS_BASEDIR:/usr/lib/apsfilter
ascii|lp1|escp2-letter-ascii-mono|escp2 ascii mono:\
lp|lp2|escp2-letter-auto-mono|escp2 auto mono:\
lp3|escp2-letter-ascii-color|escp2 ascii color:\
lp4|escp2-letter-auto-color|escp2 auto color:\
raw|lp5|escp2-letter-raw|escp2 auto raw:\

I'm afraid I don't know where to go from here.  BTW, I'm using lprng
instead of lpr on a friend's suggestion ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), if that makes
any difference.

Hope I'm not too big a PITA. :)


On Sat, 13 May 2000, Mental wrote:

 On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 06:39:57PM -0700, Matthew Thompson wrote:
  Hello, all,
  I recently purchased a 740 for my home network.  I have a Debian 2.1
  server with magicfilter and gs-5.10 installed.  I was unable to get the
  printer to work with any of the normally available filters in magicfilter.
 Hi Matt,
 I recently just setup my epson 1520. I'd imagine from what I read that
 they're fairly similar. I tried using magicfilter, and ran into similar
 problems. I wound up using apsfilter. Setting up the printer was
 easy.  I wound up with several printer defs. ascii, so I can print 
 from mutt and the console (lpr -P ascii), a couple stcolor printer
 defs for printing in color, and a raw def that I'm using for the 
 windows machines to print on (samba). It works great, I love this 
 qualification: it was easy after I figured out that the reason the
 test page printed errors was because I needed to install gsfonts.
 If you dont install the gsfonts package, printing postscript files
 wont work. Netscape prints out in ps format. So install gsfonts,
 grab apsfilter and setup your printer.
 When in doubt, use brute force.
   --Ken Thompson (author of unix)
 PGP 2.6.3a Public Key:
 GPG 1.0.1 Public Key:

Matthew Thompson

Re: Subject: LS-120 install

2000-05-13 Thread ferret

It's a lot more tricky. Basically with a compliant x86 system the BIOS
calls that access the FDC/FDD are translated into ATAPI calls so REAL-MODE
accesses work. This allows bootloaders such as syslinux to transparantly
boot floppy disks in one of these drives. I don't know how this happens in
detail, but it is the observed behaviour.

However, when the kernel takes control it looks specifically for an FDC
and checks in the BIOS data area to learn what physical devices are
registered there.

So basically why disk change doesn't work with LS-120 drives is that the
kernel recognises fd0 and fd1 only being legacy floppy devices.

This might change as part of devfs, but I really don't understand the
inner kernel or BIOS workings to be able to more than just guess.

On Thu, 4 May 2000, Thomas Crulli wrote:

 is this just an issue of having an option in the
 install script that specifies what device to use for
 the floppies or are there more tricky issues?
 --- Kenneth Scharf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I was trying to install debian (frozen) on my
  the other day but got stuckon the following. i have
  LS-120 drive (for superdisks which is backwards
  compatible with 1.44MB disks) which i was using to
  boot the install disk. the
  images i used were the ones from the idepci
  the system started booting, the image on the floppy
  started booting as well
  until it gave the following message:
Insert the root floppy disk to be loaded into
  RAM disk and press Enter.
  (or something like that)
  i tried pressing enter with the disk i had used to
  boot from since i believe
  that's all i needed (i was gonna do an harddrive
  install with base2_2.tgz on
  another linux partition). i even tried the driver
  just in case...
  nothing seemed to do it...
  Actually you need two floppy disk images (at least)
  the boot disk, and the root disk.  The boot disk has
  the kernel, the root disk has the rest of the system
  (includes the installer).
  However (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the disks
  were written to run on a real floppy NOT off an
  ide-floppy (which the ls120 is) and would probably
  at the point that you tried to insert the the root
  disk and hit return, it would never find the root
  since it was looking at /dev/fd0, not /dev/hdxx
  the ls120 is!  I have never managed to install of an
  ls120 so I still have a floppy in my
  computers.along with an ls120.
  I bet zip drives have the same problem.  OTOH
  off a cd rom drive DOES work
  am i doing something wrong with the disks i'm using
  is it a problem with the LS-120 support?
  thanks for any help,
  Amateur Radio, when all else fails!
  Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .
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Does anyone have an idea how to ...

2000-05-13 Thread Menno Slaats
I have a question, how to partition my hard-disk

I have a 8,4 Gb HD, and want to put Windows 2000 and windows millennium
edition, and corel linux and mandrake linux on it.

Anyone some idea?


Menno Slaats


2000-05-13 Thread 50191914
It mean the compiled binary executable is update to date so no need 
compile again.Maybe you can have make clean first.

On Tue, 9 May 2000, Daniel Burrows wrote:

 When I download KICQ and attempt to install it, it fails at the make
 point saying - nothing to be done. Is there a parameter I should be
 passing in make?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2000-05-13 Thread Pierfrancesco Caci
:- Bruce == Bruce Kingsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 This virus works on the honor system:

 If you're running a variant of unix or linux, please forward
 this message to everyone you know and delete a bunch of your
 files at random.

Nice try, but April Fool was 43 days ago :-)



 Pierfrancesco Caci  |   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -
  ik5pvx - Firenze   | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
 Linux penny 2.3.99-pre8 #1 Sat May 13 16:09:37 CEST 2000 i686 unknown

Re: Linux Version

2000-05-13 Thread Colin Watson
Jay Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
AS a new user to Linux, what flavor of linux should I use for a server with
Windows clients? And where can I download a cdimage of it. I tried but that was a bad link. Can someone give me the exact
link to the cdimage file download?

What was a bad link? seems fine from here.
However, has a list of
mirrors of the CD images. I'm sure one of them will work for you!

Asking here, the majority of people will obviously tell you to use
Debian :) If you really want an objective answer it might be worth
trying a more neutral forum like one of the comp.os.linux.* newsgroups.
However, Debian - whether the current stable version (2.1 or slink) or
the soon-to-be-stable version (future 2.2 or potato) has a wide
selection of server programs that Windows clients can use, such as samba
for file sharing and the usual round of servers for more standard
services like WWW, FTP, mail, news, and so on.


Creating booklets with Latex

2000-05-13 Thread Nils-Erik Svangård


About a week ago I wrote to this list and asked about creating booklets
with latex. I got many replies, several helped me alot.

Now I have a new problem with the booklet making.

The problem:
The booklet is supposed to be in A6 format. So I wrote the text on A5 used
psbook to make A5 booklets, this far it worked fine. Then I got the
brilliant idea to print two booklets simontanuosly on a A4. This is
good because then I can have red cover and white pages, and when I've
printed the pages I just cut horizontally and I have two booklets with 
a nice cover. This however proved to difficult for me. I cant even get
one fold of the booklet to print correctly on a A4.

This is how its supposed to look

| | 
| |
|  Back Front |
| |
| |
| |
| |
|  Back Front |
| |
| |

Does anybody have any ideas how to go about to do this?


My print quota at school is running low after all the testing :(

Re: Does anyone have an idea how to ...

2000-05-13 Thread Ron Rademaker
Forget windows, partition your hd (lets say: 600 mb corel (both / and
/usr/) 600 mb mandrake (both / and /usr/) and a few other partitions (for
both distribution) eg.

6,5 gb for /home
700 mb for /var

Ron Rademaker

PS. Why use 2 different linux distributions? Just use Debian and you'll
have all you need! 

PPS. You can of course always leave a 1 gb ext2 partition untouched where
you can try and test some other distributions...

PS2. If you really need windows (I can only imagine you do if you like to 
play lots of different games), you could give it some space and install
it (remember 2000 will need AT LEAST 650 mb for the installation ONLY,
damn that's BIG, and still they can't get it stable). 

On Sat, 13 May 2000, Menno Slaats wrote:

 I have a question, how to partition my hard-disk
 I have a 8,4 Gb HD, and want to put Windows 2000 and windows millennium
 edition, and corel linux and mandrake linux on it.
 Anyone some idea?
 Menno Slaats
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

setting up a new mirror (unofficial)

2000-05-13 Thread esoR ocsirF
I am, and have been attempting to set up a local mirror of stable 
frozen  unstable. I live behind a firewall and the local admin seems to
think that the rsync port should be closed. I was hoping to use mirror
to install only the i386 and powerpc binary branches. Unfortunately my classes
have not given me the time to dig out all the details and after a couple of
passes through the docs I am ready to beg for help.

Would some one please post their mirror.defualts and or some
instructions on how to do this? By the way, I also only have passive ftp

If there is another more recommended method I would be very greatful to
hear about it. TIA

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
Physics  Mathematics  Computer Science

exmh question

2000-05-13 Thread john smith


I would like to know how to fix this problem when trying to run exmh the 
first time.

exmh: inc: no mail to incorporate
No Path entry in your .mh_profile file.
Run the inc command to get your
MH environment initialized right.

I tried running ./inc in that directory and also in user/bin/mh both as root 
and an ordinary user but to no avail.

any suggestions?

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: Does anyone have an idea how to ...

2000-05-13 Thread kmself
On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 09:34:53PM +0200, Menno Slaats wrote:
 I have a question, how to partition my hard-disk
 I have a 8,4 Gb HD, and want to put Windows 2000 and windows millennium
 edition, and corel linux and mandrake linux on it.

With 8,4 GB and four OSs, you're going to be spare for space no matter
what.  If you are just trialling four OSs, I'd slice it about even four
ways, and provide a swap partition for Linux.

Better option:  scratch Windows, choose a single Linux partition, and

~  50 MB - 100 MB /
~  50 MB - 100 MB /tmp
~ 100 MB -   1 GB /var  (depends heavily on services provided)
~ 2+ GB   /usr
~ 2+ GB   /usr/local
~ 3+ GB   /home

3 x physical memory as swap.

If you decide you really need Windows, pick *a* varient of the broken OS
and grant it a 1GB partition.

If you want to experiment with a bunch of OSs, try out VMWare

My own system is a bit more complex than this, being spread over 3
disks, 2.4 GB IDE, and 2x 2.0 GB SCSI.

Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root   152247 55245 89140  38% /
/dev/sdb5   101089  1562 94308   2% /tmp
/dev/sdb6   303344227180 60503  79% /var
/dev/hda5   495960 48960421400  10% /var/spool/news
/dev/sda5  1209572937540210588  82% /usr
/dev/sdb7  1517920   1218656222156  85% /usr/local
/dev/hda8   253775133932106741  56% /usr/doc
/dev/hda6   249871135434101537  57% /usr/src
/dev/sda7   585008374504180788  67% /home
/dev/hda1   157044119216 37828  76% /mnt/dos
/dev/hda2  1007992597564359224  62% /mnt/misc1
/dev/fd0  1423 0  1423   0% /mnt/floppy

Disk /dev/hda: 128 heads, 63 sectors, 620 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 8064 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 139157216+   6  FAT16
/dev/hda240   293   1024128   83  Linux
/dev/hda3   294   332157248   83  Linux
/dev/hda4   333   620   11612165  Extended
/dev/hda5   333   459512032+  83  Linux
/dev/hda6   460   523258016+  83  Linux
/dev/hda7   524   555128992+  83  Linux
/dev/hda8   556   620262048+  83  Linux

Disk /dev/sda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 261 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1 117136521   82  Linux swap
/dev/sda218   261   19599305  Extended
/dev/sda518   170   1228941   83  Linux
/dev/sda6   171   187136521   82  Linux swap
/dev/sda7   188   261594373+  83  Linux

Disk /dev/sdb: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 261 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1 117136521   82  Linux swap
/dev/sdb218   261   19599305  Extended
/dev/sdb51830104391   83  Linux
/dev/sdb63169313236   83  Linux
/dev/sdb770   261   1542208+  83  Linux

Karsten M. Self http:/
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Connecting through firewall

2000-05-13 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 06:17:50PM +0200, Toth Attila wrote:
  I work at EDS. Here, we have an https firewall that requires a
  login/password in order to open a connection to the internet. I want to
  set up a Debian box on our intranet that will be able to use console apps
  to access the internet (such as lynx, apt-get, lftp, etc...). Is there
 For lynx  it might be helpful to set the https-proxy address and port in
 /etc/lynx.conf. I don't know if it works, because I never tried this
 option. I also don't know how lynx hadles login/password related to the
 https server, but from version 2.2 a workaround was said to be included.

There's the lynx-ssl package in non-US for https support. I think it
handles logins okay (I've used it against restricted .htaccess areas and
it worked).

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.


2000-05-13 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, May 14, 2000 at 04:41:49AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It mean the compiled binary executable is update to date so no need 
 compile again.Maybe you can have make clean first.

Or possibly there's no Makefile yet.
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/kde
$ make
$ make install

 On Tue, 9 May 2000, Daniel Burrows wrote:
  When I download KICQ and attempt to install it, it fails at the make
  point saying - nothing to be done. Is there a parameter I should be
  passing in make?

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: more real runlevels?

2000-05-13 Thread Daniel Barclay


 Reasonable rational.  Though one preference of mine has been to prepend
 a '_' (eg:  _S99foo _K99foo).  Makes clear what's been changed.  More
 recently, I modify through update-rc.d.

Does that work?  (Doesn't that break if the control script uses glob
pattern like [SK][0-][0-9]*?)

Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome: )

Re: mounting a NTFS partition at boot time

2000-05-13 Thread Ross Boylan
I just noticed this thread, and even though it's late I thought I'd
chip in since I didn't see a resolution.

I had problems mounting NTFS unless I said read-only.
From fstab:
/dev/hda3   /ms/h   ntfsdefaults,ro,uid=1000,gid=1001 0 2

You need to be on potato for this to work, but I think you confirmed
that you were (Deb 2.2, *not* the one in your signature).

On Sat, Apr 22, 2000 at 06:50:53PM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote:
   I want to mount a NTFS partition at boot time automatically, so
   that I can simply use the truetype fonts installed on the NT
   However, /etc/fstab does not seem to understand the option ntfs.
   So where should I put this mount command?
 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: invisible cursor in X windows

2000-05-13 Thread Eric G . Miller
please only reply to the list, there's no need for two copies...

On Sun, May 14, 2000 at 10:09:27PM +0200, Vladimir Yelistratov wrote:

[snip... mouse config okay...]
 What is unclutter? A setting in XF86Congig?

It's just a program that hides the cursor.  You'd know if you were using

 I did not make any special setting there.
 Is it possible to run X without window manager?

Not useful to run X without a window manager... Just for testing, but
according to you accounting --- No cursor in xdm --- it doesn't sound
like the window manager is goofing in setting the cursor style.

Well, this is a new one for me.  One thing you might try:
Copy /etc/X11/XF86Config to /etc/X11/XF86Config.bak
Run XF86Setup, when it asks to use your old configuration, say no.
Then if you still don't get a cursor their must be something broken in
the X files you have.
Otherwise, try to reconfigure X and, if it works, try to find out what
might be different between the new XF86Config and the backup copy you

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Want to use module source to access file system

2000-05-13 Thread Ross Boylan
I have a trashed NTFS partition, and am hoping to repair it.  I
thought the NTFS module source would be a good place to start.  I
would prefer not to use it as a module, but just drive it from a
program.  I'm hoping to find where the damage is and see if any of the
backup copies (e.g., the mirror MFT) are any good.

I also though stepping through the program would be informative, but I
don't know how to do that for a module.

I looked at the appropriate sources, and noticed several things:
1) It's designed to work as a module; how to use it directly is not
immediately obvious since it's expecting various kernel inputs.  It
might also need to be privileged to run...

2) It can produce helpful output if compiled with DEBUG.

So I figured I'd just compile it, load it, and watch it fail.  But

3) It seems to need to be compiled as part of the full kernel in terms
of having the right environment variables set up.

I'd appreciate any pointers.  I'm trying to do this in the
kernel-package framework.  It has some modules targets, but it seems
to want to build them all, and it wants them in /usr/src/modules, even
though that's not where the kernel source naturally ends up.  I know I
could make a link, but I suspect more might be involved.

Re: Linux on VAIO PCG-N505X

2000-05-13 Thread 50191914

On Tue, 9 May 2000, Martin Oldfield wrote:

 I happily run potato on my Sony VAIO PCG-N505X, but there are a couple 
 of niggles I'd like to fix:
 1. Suspending the laptop does bad things to the interrupt handling on
the modem. I've tried a couple of different PCMCIA modem cards, but 
whilst they work fine before an apm suspend, when I resume they
only work if I use setserial irq 0. By contrast all the network
cards I've used work fine before and after a suspend. I've tried
various combinations of pcmcia tools and kernels, currently 3.1.12
and 2.2.15 respecively. Random tweaking of the PCMCIA config files
doesn't seem to help either.
My prolem is reverse,my pcmcia network card won't work correct after
wakeup from suspend..I need to run /etc/init.d/pcmcia reload to make it
work again...any solution?

Re: Limiting Access

2000-05-13 Thread Damon Muller
Quoth Peter Good, 
 usergrouptelnet   ftp
 access10   no  yes
 access20   no  yes
 shells yes yes
 allothers  yes yes
 It's a web hosting box, that also hosts shell accounts. the people with
 webpage packages don't need telnet and all webpage accounts have their
 own directory structure, eg /home/webpageusers/username

Change the shell of the users who you don't want to allow interactive
logins (ssh and telnet) to something that will disallow them shell
access, such as /bin/true (or /bin/nologin, i think someone once
suggested). Add that shell to /etc/shells, so that the ftp daemon will
see it as a valid shell and allow them ftp access.

I don't know how you'd do it for groups, but this certainly works on a
per-user basis.



Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
* Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
* Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
* Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling 

- Running Debian GNU/Linux: Doing my bit for World Domination (tm) -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Broken startup; syslogd hangs...

2000-05-13 Thread John Pearson
On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 01:39:20PM -0500, Gregory Guthrie wrote
 At 10:10 AM 05/13/2000 +0930, John Pearson wrote:
 On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 04:49:21PM -0500, Gregory Guthrie wrote
   I had a working system, and after several weeks up we were moving some
   (Apache) files around and wanted to make sure that the system setup for
   Apache was OK, se we re-booted.
   At re-boot I now get:
 It's trying to fsck your extneded partition, rather than your true root
 partition.  My guess is that /etc/fstab is wrong, and that it lists
 /dev/hda1 as root instead of /dev/hda6.  The fact that you get to
 single-user mode means that hte kernel and LILO are configured correctly.
 -- John, Bingo. Thanks.
 I now have another problem..
 The boot goes into
 INIT: entering run level 2
 Starting system log daemon: syslogd
 and hangs...

Funny thing - I had the *exact same thing* the other day setting
up a new machine.  I didn't formally diagnose the problem, but
noticed that the fancy new MB (MB 6136PRO) I was using had
assigned the same IRQ to 2 network cards and my SCSI controller. 
I fixed it by shuffling cards and re-installing (after tearing
my hair out for an hour or three, and on a machine with no user
data on it, it seemed the expedient thing).

Assuming you already have good hardware and no resource conflicts,
try re-installing the sysklogd package in case the problem is a
corrupt file.

 I edited /etc/rc2.d/S10sysklogd - /etc/init.d/sysklogd to give hello 
 messages, and find that is hangs on the actual call to start /sbin/syslogd. 
 Commenting out this call and everything seems to run OK as far as I can 
 tell. Trying to manually start syslogd also hangs. I notice that during 
 boot a ctl-break shows a ps like table of processes, and that does show two 
 instances of syslogd running.
 Any ideas?
 The other broken symptom is that networking does not work; ifconfig reports 
 everything fine, but ping hangs, and the hub shows the link not active. 
 During boot the ethernet card shows proper initialization, and seems OK.

This is almost uncanny - the one unresolved issue with the
machine I mentioned above is a 3c905 Bommerand card that
configures OK, but passes no packets; ping, telnet, etc. all
return no output, and the packet counters shown by ifconfig are
stuck at zero.  I'm back to the site today with a DOS boot disk
and 3Com's configuration utility to see if disabling Plug'n'Play
mode (or some similar trick) fixes things.  Maybe you should
look into that?

John P.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Newbie Question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2000-05-13 Thread Jay Kelly
Ok I sure this is a real stupid question, but Im a newbie here. I just
installed Debian and looks like its running great. I log in as root and
noticed that the promt before the cusor is an  instead of the :# I see on
my other machine. When I try to start the xf86config I get no such file, But
I know its there I just installed it. Can someone help with this

Jay the newbie

Re: more real runlevels?

2000-05-13 Thread kmself
On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 07:49:37PM -0400, Daniel Barclay wrote:
  Reasonable rational.  Though one preference of mine has been to prepend
  a '_' (eg:  _S99foo _K99foo).  Makes clear what's been changed.  More
  recently, I modify through update-rc.d.
 Does that work?  (Doesn't that break if the control script uses glob
 pattern like [SK][0-][0-9]*?)

First:  what control scripts are you thinking of?  /etc/init.d/rc is
responsible for runlevel initialization scripts.  The glob pattern is:


...which appears safe.

Second: globbing starts at the beginning of the filename -- this is
shell globbing, not regexp pattern matching.  *[SK][0-9]* would match
a leading _ (or any other string), [SK][0-9]* would not.

Karsten M. Self http:/
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Newbie Question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2000-05-13 Thread Carl Fink
On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 07:13:29PM -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:

Please stop screaming -- one exclamation point is enough.

 I just installed Debian and looks like its running great. I log in
 as root and noticed that the promt before the cusor is an  instead
 of the :# I see on my other machine.

The prompt is something you choose, usually in a .bash_profile or
.bashrc file.  I'm suspecting that you signed in as some user
account, instead of the all-powerful root.  

Type whoami at the prompt.  If it's anything but root, that
explains the problem here:

 When I try to start the xf86config I get no such file, But I know
 its there I just installed it. Can someone help with this

If you aren't root, type su root at the prompt, then at the
password prompt the root password you chose during the installation
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Newbie Question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2000-05-13 Thread Jay Kelly
Ok I sure this is a real stupid question, but Im a newbie here. I just
installed Debian and looks like its running great. I log in as root and
noticed that the promt before the cusor is an  instead of the :# I see on
my other machine. When I try to start the xf86config I get no such file, But
I know its there I just installed it. Can someone help with this
I also notice that it says Stand Alone Shell above the cusor after logging
in.. How do I switch it back?
Jay the newbie

Re: Broken startup; syslogd hangs...

2000-05-13 Thread Gregory Guthrie

Interesting, and thanks for the note.

The notable thing here is that this system was perfectly working before the 

running X, Apache, servlets, etc..

Then the re-boot killed stuff. I had unintentionally laid the problem 
basis, resorted an old fstab, and .. now, what else!

So, I don't think it is any hardware.

I scanned the tar archive, but couldn't find anything else dangerous that 
got restored..


At 11:39 AM 05/14/2000 +0930, John Pearson wrote:

On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 01:39:20PM -0500, Gregory Guthrie wrote
 At 10:10 AM 05/13/2000 +0930, John Pearson wrote:
 On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 04:49:21PM -0500, Gregory Guthrie wrote
   I had a working system, and after several weeks up we were moving some
   (Apache) files around and wanted to make sure that the system setup for
   Apache was OK, se we re-booted.
   At re-boot I now get:
 It's trying to fsck your extneded partition, rather than your true root
 partition.  My guess is that /etc/fstab is wrong, and that it lists
 /dev/hda1 as root instead of /dev/hda6.  The fact that you get to
 single-user mode means that hte kernel and LILO are configured correctly.

 -- John, Bingo. Thanks.

 I now have another problem..

 The boot goes into

 INIT: entering run level 2
 Starting system log daemon: syslogd

 and hangs...

Funny thing - I had the *exact same thing* the other day setting
up a new machine.  I didn't formally diagnose the problem, but
noticed that the fancy new MB (MB 6136PRO) I was using had
assigned the same IRQ to 2 network cards and my SCSI controller.
I fixed it by shuffling cards and re-installing (after tearing
my hair out for an hour or three, and on a machine with no user
data on it, it seemed the expedient thing).

Assuming you already have good hardware and no resource conflicts,
try re-installing the sysklogd package in case the problem is a
corrupt file.

 I edited /etc/rc2.d/S10sysklogd - /etc/init.d/sysklogd to give hello
 messages, and find that is hangs on the actual call to start 

 Commenting out this call and everything seems to run OK as far as I can
 tell. Trying to manually start syslogd also hangs. I notice that during
 boot a ctl-break shows a ps like table of processes, and that does show 

 instances of syslogd running.

 Any ideas?

 The other broken symptom is that networking does not work; ifconfig 

 everything fine, but ping hangs, and the hub shows the link not active.
 During boot the ethernet card shows proper initialization, and seems OK.

This is almost uncanny - the one unresolved issue with the
machine I mentioned above is a 3c905 Bommerand card that
configures OK, but passes no packets; ping, telnet, etc. all
return no output, and the packet counters shown by ifconfig are
stuck at zero.  I'm back to the site today with a DOS boot disk
and 3Com's configuration utility to see if disabling Plug'n'Play
mode (or some similar trick) fixes things.  Maybe you should
look into that?

John P.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian Linux admin  support:technical services

Dr. Gregory Guthrie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (515)472-1125Fax: -1103
   Computer Science Department
   College of Science and Technology
   Maharishi University of Management
  (Maharishi International University 1971-1995)

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