Unidentified subject!

2001-09-23 Thread Lluis Vilanova


Unidentified subject!

2001-09-23 Thread Lluis Vilanova


Re: Shutdown depuis icewm

2001-09-23 Thread Frédéric Boiteux
Le dimanche 16 septembre 2001, 23h09m35s, Jean-Philippe Georget a écrit :
 Est-il possible d'éteindre le système à partir d'Icewm ?
 (Debian Woody)
 Merci pour vos suggestions.

  j'ai mis (entre autres) les lignes suivantes dans le fichier de config 
~/.icewm/menu :

prog Éteindre app /usr/local/bin/eteindre
prog Redémarrer app /usr/local/bin/redemarrer

les scripts /usr/local/bin/eteindre et /usr/local/bin/redemarrer 
faisant appel à « shutdown » :

$ cat /usr/local/bin/eteindre

sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now

$ cat /usr/local/bin/redemarrer 

sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now

(et pour sudo, j'ai déclaré que j'ai le droit de faire ces commandes sans être 
« root »
ni donner de mot de passe... )


Re: pppd segfaults (bug 111052)

2001-09-23 Thread Laurent Pelecq

 J'ai un problème bizarre depuis l'installation de mon noyau 2.4.9 qui
 est coordonné avec une grosse mise à jour.
 Lorsque je fais pppd call provider, j'obtiens un segfault (en tant
 qu'utilisateur normal).
 Avec un sudo, ou en tant que root, pas de problèmes.
 ET (bizarre), la première fois après un boot, ça fonctionne aussi
 normalement (oui, je sais, ça fait bizarre, mais je ne peux pas
 Est-ce que des gens dans la même situation auraient aussi le
 problème ? Il y a un autre témoignage dans le bug #111052, mais
 visiblement le mainteneur ne croit pas que ce soit vrai:

Je viens d'avoir le même problème en mettant à jour ma testing. Pppd
plante qu'il soit lancé par root ou pas. Je n'ai le problème qu'avec
ppp 2.4.1-4. Tout marche bien avec ppp 2.4.1-3. La principale
difference entre les deux paquets est un patch pour le verrouillage de
fichier avec devfs (je n'ai pas devfs).

J'enverrais bien un commentaire pour ce bug. Est-ce qu'il suffit
d'écrire à [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?

La trace est la suivante :
819   shmat(7, 0x40014c34, 0x7) = 0x2
819   ioctl(0, TCGETS, 0xb618)  = -1 EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
819   --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) ---
818   --- SIGCHLD (Child exited) ---
818   _exit(0)  = ?

Laurent Pelecq

Re: Configurando Windowmaker.

2001-09-23 Thread cesar

 Supongo que te refieres al menú emergente del botón
derecho del ratón.

 Yo los edito a mano.
 Busca el directorio /home/usuario/GNUstep/Defaults 
 antioco:~/GNUstep/Defaults$ less WMRootMenu

 El fichero menu.hook es una copia reformada con mis aplicaciones 
 del general que está en /etc/X11/WindowMaker/menu.hook

 Un saludo.

El Debianita User wrote:
 Saludos Debianitas!!
 Configurando el Windowmaker a mi gusto personal me encuentro con el siguiente
 problema,quiero quitar de la barra de menus ciertas aplicaciones que he
 sacado con el dselect estuve viendo por las mias y ejecute el Windowmakerconf
 buscando esta opcion(sacar los menus de los programas eliminados) hay un
 cuadrado que dice Menu,pues ahi me dirijo y veo:
 aplication menu configuration requires that your menu file
 /home/juan/GNUstep/Defaults/WM Root Menu
 is in the new format.
 convert current menu  |  start whit empty menu | use predifined menu
 cualquiera de estos menus que elija no me produce ningin resultado
 cual sera el cuadro para configurar esto?,si algun usuario de windowmaker me
 lo puede decir se lo voy a agredecer...
 Los saluda..
 Juan Ortiz
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Configurando el Mutt.

2001-09-23 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Y el sábado 22 de septiembre, El Debianita User escribió:
 Me encuentro en pleno proceso de configuracion del mutt y si bien e conseguido
 un manual en la red no he encontrado lo siguiente:como crear una nueva 
 carpeta,resulta,que por ahora estoy usando el kmail y el correo lo tengo 
 organizado y filtrado por carpetas asi la lista de Debian por ejemplo tiene 
 su carpeta llamada Debian y asi sucesivamente pues bien quiero llegar a hacer 
 esto con el mutt pero no vi en el manual que diga como se hace para crear una 
 nueva carpeta,otra pregunta es si el mutt tiene fitros o tendre que usar 

Tendrás que usar procmail. No es dificil.

 Luego observe que al salir del mutt me da la opcion de mover los mensajes a 
 mbox puedo volver a leer los mensajes que se fueron ahi?,si puedo,como?.

Mutt por defecto te ofrece mover los mensajes leidos a una carpeta de
mensajes ya leidos. Esto se puede desactivar si no te interesa.
También puedes tu mismo mover un mensaje a otra carpeta con la letra
's' (la crea si no existe).
Para cambiar la carpeta actual usa 'c'.

 Los saluda y agradece...
 Juan Ortiz
De nada, a mandar.

   O /  O O O O O / O / O / O /  O  Luis Arocha, Data
\__|/|__|__|__|/ \__|/__|/__|/__|/|/ larocha at wanadoo.es
\\   \   \   \   Islas Canarias
  \\   \   \   \ Spain

Description: PGP signature

Re: wine para debian

2001-09-23 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Y el sábado 22 de septiembre, David Felipe Arias Ochoa escribió:
 alguien a instalado este programa para debian, quiero si es posible que
 alguien me explique como hago para
 poder instalar un rpm en debian con alien, ya que la verda lo he intentado
 varias veces pero pocas pero muy pocas veces lo he intentado

Y por que te vas a complicar la vida instalando un rpm si wine está
empaquetado en formato deb. Solo tienes que hacer
   apt-get install wine
De nada, a mandar.

   O /  O O O O O / O / O / O /  O  Luis Arocha, Data
\__|/|__|__|__|/ \__|/__|/__|/__|/|/ larocha at wanadoo.es
\\   \   \   \   Islas Canarias
  \\   \   \   \ Spain

Description: PGP signature

Re: wine para debian

2001-09-23 Thread Juan Ignacio Codoñer
El Dom 23 Sep 2001 02:52, David Felipe Arias Ochoa escribió:

 alguien a instalado este programa para debian, quiero si es posible que
 alguien me explique como hago para
 poder instalar un rpm en debian con alien, ya que la verda lo he intentado
 varias veces pero pocas pero muy pocas veces lo he intentado


Yo tengo la siguiente línea para tener la última versión de wine:

deb http://www.winehq.com/~ovek/ stable/

Juan Ignacio Codoñer

Re: Sonido?

2001-09-23 Thread Baltasar Perez
El sáb, 22 de sep de 2001, a las 09:25:17 -0500, Akualo comento ...
 Alguien ha configurado la tarjeta de sonido opti 930 o alguien me puede
 ayudar a configurarla??
 Bueno, resulta que ya compile mi kernel con el driver de la tarjeta de
 sonido pero no reproduce bien el sonido, al arrancar me da estos mensajes
 MAD16 WSS (82C930) at 0x534 irc 11 dma 3,0
 Mad16/Mozart at 0x330 irq 9 dma 0
 Sound Initialization complete
 Esto me hace pensar que voy bien, pero despues aparece esto 13 veces.
 Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?
 Eso me hace pensar que los datos del IRQ y/o el DMA estan mal ¿Como los
 configuro? ¿Tengo que compilar el Kernel de nuevo con los datos correctos?
 ¿Cuales son los datos correctos? ¿Porque me pide 2 IRQs y 2 DMAs si solo
 tengo una tarjeta?
 Al arrancar mi PC antes de que arranque linux sale...
 Card No.Device No.IRQDMA
 11   53,6OPTi Audio
 Disculpen que sea tan pregunton pero soy nuevo en Linux y no lo veo nada
 facil pero si muy interesante espero me puedan ayudar contestando aunque sea
 solo algunas de mis dudas y les envio mis gracias anticipadas.

si tienes Windows metido comprueba si esas son las IRQ y DMA que utiliza. Si no
es asi anotalas y ponlas en linux a ver.

Mira tambien en /proc/dma y en /proc/interrupts a ver si estan ocupadas.


Baltasar Perez (aka 'ponto') | ETSIT - ULPGC
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Woody (Nucleo 2.4.9 con ReiserFS)
Linux user: #198228; ICQ: #71875480
http://www.libranet.com/petition.html - Nro. 84615
GnuPG:  pub  1024D/3C9FACE7
fingerprint = 22E9 8141 658F A9C1 7782  A667 B694 28AC 3C9F ACE7

Re: Procmail Round2 =)

2001-09-23 Thread Baltasar Perez
El sáb, 22 de sep de 2001, a las 12:15:47 -0300, DIOS comento ...
 Bueno, como veran no puedoi darle al procmail
 Ahora, me filtra los mails, pero yo uso el pine.
 Cuando creo la carpeta debian-list y me llegan los mails, en vez de crear
 mails separados, me aparece un solo mail, el cual contiene todos los datos
 de todos los mails que recibi..
 Miren este ej:
 Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 11:48:05 -0300
 From: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
 Return-Path: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
 Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 11:53:23 -0300
 From: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
 Return-Path: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
 y asi sigye.
 Que puedo hacer para ver los mails separaditos uno por uno??

lo que creo que te esta pasando es que el procmail esta eliminando la
directiva From . No, no es la From: es otra que la utilizan los programas
de correo (pine, mutt, ) para distinguir los diferentes mensajes.
Creo que por ahi puede estar el problema. No se, a mi nunca me sucedio eso.


Baltasar Perez (aka 'ponto') | ETSIT - ULPGC
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Woody (Nucleo 2.4.9 con ReiserFS)
Linux user: #198228; ICQ: #71875480
http://www.libranet.com/petition.html - Nro. 84615
GnuPG:  pub  1024D/3C9FACE7
fingerprint = 22E9 8141 658F A9C1 7782  A667 B694 28AC 3C9F ACE7

Re: Problema con el cable modem

2001-09-23 Thread Baltasar Perez
El vie, 21 de sep de 2001, a las 06:16:50 -0500, Gunnar Wolf comento ...
  El caso es que para conectarse lo que hacen es dejar todo
  automático: IP automática, y DNS automática. He estado leyendo sobre el
  tema, pero no he encontrado nada para dejar tantas cosas de forma
  automática. Y me pregunto si alguien de la lista sabe donde puedo
  informarme de ese caso en particular. Entrando un poco más en
  especificaciones la conexión comienza desde mi ordenador, mediante una
  tarjeta de red (que ya está configurada) luego ésta, va conectada a
  dicho MODEM especial, y éste, para la calle.
 Casi seguramente te dan estos datos a través del protocolo DHCP. En Debian
 tienes todo lo necesario para usar DHCP - Si no me equivoco, basta con
 poner la siguiente definición en tu /etc/network/interfaces:
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
  Y otra cosa, porque me trajeron una tarjeta muy mona, aunque intenté
  configurarla en linux, pero no he visto manera. Es una Realtek
  RTL8139(A) PCI Fast Ethernet. Si alguien sabe de algún sitio donde
  encontrar un módulo que la soporte, etc... que también me lo haga saber,
  por favor...
 Tengo una similar en casa... Si no me equivoco, el módulo se llama rt8139.
 Es parte del árbol principal del kernel, pero (al menos en 2.2.19) tienes
 que habilitar Support for experimental drivers para que aparezca la
 opción, y claro, debes activarla antes de compilar tu kernel. Funciona
 bastante decentemente.

yo uso el modulo 8139too.o que es el mismo que el rt8139.o pero creo
que corregidas algunos fallos.
En las opciones del kernel esta debajo justo del que dice rt8139


Baltasar Perez (aka 'ponto') | ETSIT - ULPGC
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Woody (Nucleo 2.4.9 con ReiserFS)
Linux user: #198228; ICQ: #71875480
http://www.libranet.com/petition.html - Nro. 84615
GnuPG:  pub  1024D/3C9FACE7
fingerprint = 22E9 8141 658F A9C1 7782  A667 B694 28AC 3C9F ACE7

Re: Acentos y ñ

2001-09-23 Thread aiToR
Diego, lo de descomentar el set convert meta-off en el inputrc lo tengo
hecho desde el principio y nada. Lo hice cuando aún tenía las XFree 3.3.6 y
funcionaba. No sé que deben tocar las 4.0.1, pero al instalarlas también
perdí acentos y ñ en consola, lo que me parece raro.

A nadie le ha pasado esto antes? :(

Re: pregunta de novato: actualizar kernel.

2001-09-23 Thread Baltasar Perez
El dom, 23 de sep de 2001, a las 04:28:25 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] comento ...
He  instalado  sid  y  con  la  instalación  limpia  lo primero que he
intentado ha
sido actualizar a la versión de kernel 2.4. Para ello he usado la
herramienta dselect que automáticamente baja e instala la imagen.
Los  scripts  de  configuración  se  quejan porque no tengo una imagen
que  es  necesaria  para el paquete de kernel que estoy instalando.

Si el paquete imagen no te lo ha instalado es facil hacer una imagen
initrd. Simplemente teclea esto:

mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd-2.2.16-nuevo /lib/modules/2.2.16-nuevo

cambia 2.2.16-nuevo por el nombre del kernel que hayas metido.

No te olvides de meter en el lilo.conf en la seccion correspondiente
al nuevo kernel la sentencia: initrd=/boot/initrd-2.2.16-nuevo

No entiendo
porqué  es necesaria una imagen initrd en este caso, y porqué no me la
crear  el  programa de instalación. 

Si no me equivoco y si lo hago corrijanme, el initrd lo que hace es una imagen
para hacer un ramdisk y se acelere el proceso de carga.

Para mas info - man initrd

 ¿Que tengo que hacer para terminar
instalar  el  nuevo  kernel? ¿Que estoy haciendo mal? Y si no es mucho
¿en qué casos se suele usar la imagen initrd y para qué sirve?

Espero que te sirva lo que te dije.


Baltasar Perez (aka 'ponto') | ETSIT - ULPGC
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Woody (Nucleo 2.4.9 con ReiserFS)
Linux user: #198228; ICQ: #71875480
http://www.libranet.com/petition.html - Nro. 84615
GnuPG:  pub  1024D/3C9FACE7
fingerprint = 22E9 8141 658F A9C1 7782  A667 B694 28AC 3C9F ACE7

Configurando el Mutt

2001-09-23 Thread Nuria Villalba
Yo tb uso el mutt y lo tengo guardado todo en carpetas si editas el fichero
.procmailrc alli podras ir haciendo las carpetas q quieras. yo lo tengo asi:
MAILDIR=aqui pones el dir donde tengas los mails

* ^Return-Path:
y esta expresion para poner las direcciones de correo que quieres q se te
metan en la misma carpeta.
* ^Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
aqui todos los mails q te lleguen de infoavisos se meteran en la carpeta
Si tienes varias direcciones d correo de 1 misma persona las separas
poniendo |

Nose si me habre explicado muy bien, pero estoy empezando :)
1 saludo

Linux Registered User #220414
Icq number #121424731

Unidentified subject!

2001-09-23 Thread Gopala

gráfica de velocidad

2001-09-23 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


Tengo un servidor con un pogramita con PHP para que los de la familia se
conecten/desconecten, además se ve lo que el módem ha enviado/recibido y
la eth0

La pregunta es si hay algo tipo xnetload que lo deje en gif, para poner
una gráfica de la conexión a la web cutre en php, sin tener que currarmelo

supongo que se ve la idea, un apt-cache search no me ha dado ideas... pero
quizás me lo he saltado

Carles Pina i Estany | Nick: Pinux / Pine / Teufeus

   A quien a buen árbol se arrima... va un perro y se le orina.

Re: gr?fica de velocidad

2001-09-23 Thread ^pi^
El Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 05:07:50PM +0200, Carles Pina i Estany dijo:
 Tengo un servidor con un pogramita con PHP para que los de la familia se
 conecten/desconecten, adem?s se ve lo que el m?dem ha enviado/recibido y
 la eth0
 La pregunta es si hay algo tipo xnetload que lo deje en gif, para poner
 una gr?fica de la conexi?n a la web cutre en php, sin tener que currarmelo

mirate el rrd o el mrtg (hay mas pero yo no los he usado) no son muy dificiles 
de configurar 

|^pi^ |  Debian Woody | Linux user  #133082 |
|  http://www.beobide.net | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

RE: wine para debian

2001-09-23 Thread al-lists
Haz un man alien que es facil
# apt-get install rpm
y ya tienes el Redhat Package Manager en tu debian!
hay que ver si tienes conflictos.
y una vez que lo tienes

# rpm -qpl archivo.rpm (con esto ver la informacion del archivo, como a que
directorios van los archivos, descripciones etc)
y para instalar.
# rpm -i archivo.rpm


- Original Message -
From: David Felipe Arias Ochoa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Lista Debian debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 9:52 PM
Subject: wine para debian


 alguien a instalado este programa para debian, quiero si es posible que
 alguien me explique como hago para
 poder instalar un rpm en debian con alien, ya que la verda lo he intentado
 varias veces pero pocas pero muy pocas veces lo he intentado


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Tarjeta de red

2001-09-23 Thread RomLi
Hola, estoy empezando en este mundo de Linux con la debian potato y necesito
configurar mi tarjeta de red para usar la conexion compartida de mi otro PC
con windows, este tiene la ip

Lo mejor es empezar desde 0 y si es posible con una explicacion para torpes,
la instale hace una semana y no tengo ni la menor idea.

Por cierto, el Debian lo tiene mi portatil, en windows la red ya la tengo

Este es mi 1º mensaje a esta lista, a ver si encuentro ayuda de verdad.


RE: Tarjeta de red

2001-09-23 Thread al-lists

- Original Message -
To: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 1:07 PM
Subject: Tarjeta de red

 Hola, estoy empezando en este mundo de Linux con la debian potato y
 configurar mi tarjeta de red para usar la conexion compartida de mi otro
 con windows, este tiene la ip

 Lo mejor es empezar desde 0 y si es posible con una explicacion para
 la instale hace una semana y no tengo ni la menor idea.

 Por cierto, el Debian lo tiene mi portatil, en windows la red ya la tengo

 Este es mi 1º mensaje a esta lista, a ver si encuentro ayuda de verdad.


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

ok, m yo lo he hecho alreves
has instalado algun server proxy en el win
no has considerado utilizar de server linux?

Re: Tarjeta de red

2001-09-23 Thread Xavier Andrade
On Sun, 23 Sep 2001, RomLi wrote:

 Hola, estoy empezando en este mundo de Linux con la debian potato y necesito
 configurar mi tarjeta de red para usar la conexion compartida de mi otro PC
 con windows, este tiene la ip
 Lo mejor es empezar desde 0 y si es posible con una explicacion para torpes,
 la instale hace una semana y no tengo ni la menor idea.
 Por cierto, el Debian lo tiene mi portatil, en windows la red ya la tengo
 Este es mi 1º mensaje a esta lista, a ver si encuentro ayuda de verdad.
La ayuda de verdad la tienes que buscar primero en la documentacion y
luego si tienes problemas pregunta. La cosa no es que cada vez que tengas
que hacer algo alguien te de una lista de instrucciones. 

Mira en http://www.linuxdoc.org para encontrar la documentacion que
necesitas, ademas puedes usar man, info y mira en /usr/doc de tu
sistema. Si buscas documentacion en espanol existen otros sitios a los que
probablemente alguien en esta lista te puede apuntar.


Re: Configurando Windowmaker.

2001-09-23 Thread Bernardo Arlandis Mañó
Una vez has seleccionado una de las opciones debería aparecerte el 
editor de menús. Es bastante sencillo de usar, tiene una interfaz de 
arrastrar y pegar con el que puedes añadir y quitar entradas del menú. 
Tiene las predefinidas y además puedes crear nuevas.

cesar wrote:


Supongo que te refieres al menú emergente del botón
derecho del ratón.

Yo los edito a mano.
Busca el directorio /home/usuario/GNUstep/Defaults 

antioco:~/GNUstep/Defaults$ less WMRootMenu

El fichero menu.hook es una copia reformada con mis aplicaciones 
del general que está en /etc/X11/WindowMaker/menu.hook

Un saludo.

El Debianita User wrote:

Saludos Debianitas!!
Configurando el Windowmaker a mi gusto personal me encuentro con el siguiente
problema,quiero quitar de la barra de menus ciertas aplicaciones que he
sacado con el dselect estuve viendo por las mias y ejecute el Windowmakerconf
buscando esta opcion(sacar los menus de los programas eliminados) hay un
cuadrado que dice Menu,pues ahi me dirijo y veo:

aplication menu configuration requires that your menu file
/home/juan/GNUstep/Defaults/WM Root Menu
is in the new format.
convert current menu  |  start whit empty menu | use predifined menu

cualquiera de estos menus que elija no me produce ningin resultado
cual sera el cuadro para configurar esto?,si algun usuario de windowmaker me
lo puede decir se lo voy a agredecer...
Los saluda..
Juan Ortiz

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: everybuddy

2001-09-23 Thread Diego M. Illera
El Vie 21 Sep 2001 16:45, Javier Gómez Sierras escribió:
  seguramente sera por la version que tienes ... tienes que bajarte la
  ultima version, que es la 0.2.1beta6, con esta me va bien ... con alguna
  anterior a esta version que no recuerdo ahora tambien tuve ese problema.
  Suerte y espero que dejes el win para siempre :-)

No, si yo ya dejé el win, es mi hermana y su vicio al msn y a algunos canales 
del chat de ya la que se resiste :o)

 Exactamente, la versión que funciona (PROBADO) es la 0.2.1-beta6.

Sí, debía ser problema de la versión. 
Muchas gracias a todos por la ayuda y las sugerencias.

 Funcionaba en casa... y acabo de bajarme la versión de la debian sid aquí
 y tb funciona.

 Has comprobado que no tienes deshabilitada tu cuenta en hotmail?

 Un saludo

 PD: Yo uso el Everybuddy para hablar con mi novia ;-) porque me decía...
 joer, que mierda, y no puedes conectarte con el linux

 Pues sí, si que puedo.
 Otra cosa es que quiera ;)

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

RE: Tarjeta de red

2001-09-23 Thread Julio Hernán Tentor
Mira en www.starlinux.net en la sección artículos

Comentario: hacele caso a Xavier, no creas que no se quiere decir como hacer
algo (recetas), ocurre que al investigar se aprende mucho pero mucho más que
siguiendo una


- Original Message -
To: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 1:07 PM
Subject: Tarjeta de red

 Hola, estoy empezando en este mundo de Linux con la debian potato y
 configurar mi tarjeta de red para usar la conexion compartida de mi otro
 con windows, este tiene la ip

 Lo mejor es empezar desde 0 y si es posible con una explicacion para
 la instale hace una semana y no tengo ni la menor idea.

 Por cierto, el Debian lo tiene mi portatil, en windows la red ya la tengo

 Este es mi 1º mensaje a esta lista, a ver si encuentro ayuda de verdad.


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: pregunta de novato: actualizar kernel. _SOLUCIONADO_

2001-09-23 Thread txemitron

Siguiendo las instrucciones de Baltasar acerca de como crear la imagen
initrd he solucionado el tema sin problemas. (Muchas gracias a los que
habeis contestado).

De todas formas, y tratandose de una operación tan mecánica me quedo con la
duda de si existe la posibilidad de que dicha operación la haga
automáticamente el script de instalación del nuevo kernel compilado. Esta es
la propuesta del script de configuración, que te insta a añadir una linea en
un archivo de configuración en /etc. Yo no añadí dicha linea porque dicho
archivo de configuración no existia en mi instalación de sid y tampoco me
atraví a añadir uno vacío. ¿Sería esta la forma correcta de hacerlo?

Un saludo y gracias.
- Original Message -
From: Baltasar Perez
Cc: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: pregunta de novato: actualizar kernel.

El dom, 23 de sep de 2001, a las 04:28:25 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
comento ...

He  instalado  sid  y  con  la  instalación  limpia  lo primero que he
intentado ha
sido actualizar a la versión de kernel 2.4. Para ello he usado la
herramienta dselect que automáticamente baja e instala la imagen.
Los  scripts  de  configuración  se  quejan porque no tengo una imagen
que  es  necesaria  para el paquete de kernel que estoy instalando.

Si el paquete imagen no te lo ha instalado es facil hacer una imagen
initrd. Simplemente teclea esto:

mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd-2.2.16-nuevo /lib/modules/2.2.16-nuevo

cambia 2.2.16-nuevo por el nombre del kernel que hayas metido.

No te olvides de meter en el lilo.conf en la seccion correspondiente
al nuevo kernel la sentencia: initrd=/boot/initrd-2.2.16-nuevo

No entiendo
porqué  es necesaria una imagen initrd en este caso, y porqué no me la
crear  el  programa de instalación.

Si no me equivoco y si lo hago corrijanme, el initrd lo que hace es una
para hacer un ramdisk y se acelere el proceso de carga.

Para mas info - man initrd

 ¿Que tengo que hacer para terminar
instalar  el  nuevo  kernel? ¿Que estoy haciendo mal? Y si no es mucho
¿en qué casos se suele usar la imagen initrd y para qué sirve?

Espero que te sirva lo que te dije.


Baltasar Perez (aka 'ponto') | ETSIT - ULPGC
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Woody (Nucleo 2.4.9 con ReiserFS)
Linux user: #198228; ICQ: #71875480
http://www.libranet.com/petition.html - Nro. 84615
GnuPG: pub  1024D/3C9FACE7
fingerprint = 22E9 8141 658F A9C1 7782  A667 B694 28AC 3C9F ACE7

Reloj del sistema

2001-09-23 Thread Lemus Moreno Jose A

Que tal, pues aqui con un problema con mi reloj de sistema que no lo puedo
poner a punto ya le movi a date al hwclock y al tzconfig y el tzselect y
nada de que lo hago andar ejemplo
aragorn:/home/intruder# hwclock --localtime
Sun Sep 23 17:01:36 2001  -0.797926 seconds
aragorn:/home/intruder# hwclock --utc  
Sun Sep 23 12:01:44 2001  -0.248897 seconds

y el que deveria ir en mi sistema o la hora correcta es el de localtime
tambien movi en /etc/default/rcS en la opcion de UTC=yes le puse

la zona en la que estoy es Guadalajara, Jal Mexico

EL bios esta bien configurado pero ya e tratado de todo y no logro
cambiarlo ya me habia pasado una vez y logre cambiarlo pero no recuerdo
como, si alguien es tan amable ayudarme se lo agradeceria mucho

Nos vemos

C Corp

Tipos de letra y mozilla

2001-09-23 Thread resman
Hola, veras mi porblema es el siguiente:

Resulta que no soy capaz de visualizar las fuentes correctamente en Mozilla
(aparecen cuadraditos en lugar de las letras) si utilizo el paquete
correspondiente a las xfree 4.1.0 (o sea xfonts-75dpi 4.1.0) pero si se
visualizan correctamente si uso el de la version 4.0.3

¿Alguien sabe a que podria deberse eso?

Nota: uso debian sid.


¿se puede hacer una red con 2 modems?

2001-09-23 Thread 31
dos ordenadores, dos modems y una linea de telefono ¿se puede hacer que se 
conecten simultaneamente?

Re: ¿se puede hacer una red con 2 modems?

2001-09-23 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 24 Sep 2001 a las 02:13AM +0200, 31 escribio:
 dos ordenadores, dos modems y una linea de telefono ¿se puede hacer que se 
 conecten simultaneamente?

¿entiendo bien que tienes dos ordenadores juntos cada uno con su modem y
que solo tienes un enchufe de teléfono donde poner los modems? ¿y quieres
conectar los dos a la vez por su modem cada uno?


Pero puedes hacerte una red local entre ambos y conectar solo desde uno de
ellos, y desde el otro acceder a internet a través del primero, que tendrá
que hacer ip-masquerading.

Claro que si quieres usar los modems para cosas distintas que no sea
conectar a internet (servir una BBS, enviar/recibir fax, conectar a un
servicio via modem que no sea internet, etc.) no puedes hacer nada más que
una conexión por la linea a la vez.

Andres Seco Hernandez- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MCP ID 445900 - http://andressh.alamin.org
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway   -   http://www.alamin.org
Debian GNU/Linux -   http://www.debian.org
Grupo de Usuarios de GNU/Linux  de  Guadalajara  y
alrededores  -  http://gulalcarria.sourceforge.net

Re: ¿se puede hacer una red con 2 modems?

2001-09-23 Thread 31
El Lun 24 Sep 2001 02:42, Andres Seco Hernandez escribió:

 El 24 Sep 2001 a las 02:13AM +0200, 31 escribio:
  dos ordenadores, dos modems y una linea de telefono ¿se puede hacer que
  se conecten simultaneamente?

 ¿entiendo bien que tienes dos ordenadores juntos cada uno con su modem y
 que solo tienes un enchufe de teléfono donde poner los modems? ¿y quieres
 conectar los dos a la vez por su modem cada uno?


 Pero puedes hacerte una red local entre ambos y conectar solo desde uno de
 ellos, y desde el otro acceder a internet a través del primero, que tendrá
 que hacer ip-masquerading.

 Claro que si quieres usar los modems para cosas distintas que no sea
 conectar a internet (servir una BBS, enviar/recibir fax, conectar a un
 servicio via modem que no sea internet, etc.) no puedes hacer nada más que
 una conexión por la linea a la vez.

es decir, la entrada de linea del 1 tiene la linea telefonica y la salida de 
telefono de este es para la entrada linea del segundo, no? y como llama el 
segundo al primero, ¿que numero de telefono tendria que maracar para 
conectarse al primero?

Slött nfs.

2001-09-23 Thread David Westlund

Jag har problem med en nfs-mountning. Det går väldigt slött att läsa
från den. Handlar om kanske 200kbyte per sekund på ett 100mbit nät. Det
är mountat med rsize=8192,wsize=8192. Jag har testat med kernel 2.4.10
och 2.4.7. Stödet för nfs har jag som moduler. Det verkar gå
normalsnabbt att skriva. Det spelar ingen roll vilken server jag mountar
från. Andra personer på samma nät med liknande system har normal

David Westlund

Description: PGP signature

Re: problema com o WvDIAL

2001-09-23 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sat, 22 Sep 2001 19:35:37 -0300
Gustavo Bertoli [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 -- pppd error!  Look at files in /var/log for an explanation.
 Alguem poderia me ajudar? 
ele já está te ajudando =) se tiver dúvidas sobre a frase acima
escreva novamente...

por favor, evite emails em html =)


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov http://www.metainfo.org/kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: http://debian-br.sourceforge.net |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: Traduções - alhuém leu isso na debian-doc?

2001-09-23 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sat, 22 Sep 2001 15:24:33 -0300

 Ok aí vai um forward da questão da tradução.
 Eu sei que eu estou sempre tocando no assunto e nunca fazendo nada de
 prético (sim, sim, autocrítica!), mas, como eu digo abaixo, da úlltima
 vez que eu iniciei algo, eu descobri que a página
 http://auric.debian.org/~grisu/debian_translation estava pra lá de
 Quando eu escrevi para a debian-doc sobre isso, o mantenedor da página
 respondeu com algumas críticas...Vamos refletir sobre elas...
seria melhor discutir isso na debian-l10n-portuguese, estou repassando...
continuem lá, por favor... =)

 - Forwarded message from Michael Bramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 X-From_: root  Sun Sep 16 17:53:38 2001
 Resent-Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 17:53:37 -0300 (BRT)
 X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 22:51:55 +0200
 From: Michael Bramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: debian-doc@lists.debian.org
 Subject: Re: translation support
 Mail-Followup-To: Michael Bramer [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.15i
 In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Sun, Sep 16, 2001 
 at 01:32:58PM -0300
 Resent-Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Resent-From: debian-doc@lists.debian.org
 X-Mailing-List: debian-doc@lists.debian.org archive/latest/2298
 X-Loop: debian-doc@lists.debian.org
 Precedence: list
 Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 01:32:58PM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   but some other things:
- translate some debconf templates (see
  Last time I tried to translate something, I ended up working on
  something somebody already had taken as a job, because the URL above
  was totally out of sync with reality, it was _so_ outdated.
 first I am the maintainer of this page.
 second, The page don't watch the bts! (I don't write this, or don't I?)
 I am not the delay. If someone send me a bug report number, I include
 this number in one day (as max time).
 The german part are _not_ outdated. I get from the german translators
 mails and I add this all. 
  I'm way too busy to have time to spend like that...
 I understand this problem. Some translators don't coordinate their
 work. Some maintainer don't include translations bugs. sorry, but am
 not the problem.
 Because of this, I start the ddtp and use a _server_ for the
 coordination of the translation of the descriptions...
  I suggest that a formal mechanism of submitting and checking which
  translations are being done has to be set up.
  Submitting your choices do the L10N lists is kind of messy, and makes
  you loose some time. I feel translations at my L10N are a bit out of
  control in the sense that nobody knows who's translating what.
  I've suggeste using wiki pages, at least to go there and say hey, I
  got this template here, I'll do it, but since there's already a web
  page that's supposed to be monitoring this, it would just be
  forking-out to use anothe resource like a wiki web.
 maybe someone can write some code (have we a perl-lib for this?) and
 watch the bug reports... 
 Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
 PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
 Betriebsysteme kommen und gehen, aber nur Unix ist seit Anfang an
 - End forwarded message -
   Essa questão do método de coordenação se resolveu?
   A página do grisu está atualizada?
   E uma última coisa: alguém recebe a debian-L10N-portuguese na
 caixa de correio? Ou ela não funciona assim?
   [ ]s
   Henry, já devidamente protegido com manta térmica
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov http://www.metainfo.org/kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: http://debian-br.sourceforge.net |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

[OFF-TOPIC] Línguas (era: Re: Linguagem de progra macao)

2001-09-23 Thread Hélio Perroni Filho
   E é assim que nossa pobre Língua Portuguesa vai se empobrecendo.

Na verdade, é assim que as línguas vão se enriquecendo... Sem 
neologismos e assimilações, elas estagnariam. Claro que há um limite pra 

tudo, mas os procedimentos em si não são danosos, e sim o seu uso 

Until we meet again...
E | _  ___ \Hélio Perroni Filho
t |/ |/   | ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e||   //() ()
r   (  ) // ||-||
n|| || RPG's de anime. ML de fandom.   ||
a|| || Anel de fandom. CD's de anime.  ||
l   (  )|| ||
 || || http://www.geocities.com/phelio ||
H|| ||-||
o|| () ()
e||   Se nada for feito, nada irá mudar. (...) O seu mundo...
l||Eu não aceito este mundo. A ele, devo dizer... Não.
n||-- Zorndyke
   I t ' s   a   d r e a m   o f   t h o s e   w h o   r e m e m b e rA

Re: problema com o WvDIAL

2001-09-23 Thread Hélio Perroni Filho
On Sat, 22 Sep 2001 19:35:37 Gustavo Bertoli wrote:
 Oi todos,
 Eu ja tentei de tudo que eu possa imaginar, mas quando eu digito wvdial pra 
conectar da tudo certo só
que no final da:
 -- PPP negotiation detected.
 -- Starting pppd at Fri Sep 21 01:26:31 2001
 -- PPP daemon has died! (exit code = 2)
 -- Disconnecting at Fri Sep 21 01:26:32 2001
 -- Auto Reconnect will be attempted in 5 seconds
 -- pppd error!  Look at files in /var/log for an explanation.
 Alguem poderia me ajudar?

Em primeiro lugar, siga a recomendação do programa e dê uma olhada nos 
arquivos de log (os tais files in /var/log), mais especificamente no 
messages e nos arquivos com nomes relacionados a ppp e ao wvdial. É
provável que lá você encontre uma explicação para seu problema. Se 
isso não adiantar, tenho dois palpites: um é que o ppp esteja sendo 
barrado por um arquivo de trava, e outro é que seja algum problema de 
permissões (possivelmente o pppd não esteja com o bit de suid ativo, e 
por isso não esteja conseguindo realizar alguma tarefa importante para 
sua inicialização).

Until we meet again...
E | _  ___ \Hélio Perroni Filho
t |/ |/   | ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e||   //() ()
r   (  ) // ||-||
n|| || RPG's de anime. ML de fandom.   ||
a|| || Anel de fandom. CD's de anime.  ||
l   (  )|| ||
 || || http://www.geocities.com/phelio ||
H|| ||-||
o|| () ()
e||   Se nada for feito, nada irá mudar. (...) O seu mundo...
l||Eu não aceito este mundo. A ele, devo dizer... Não.
n||-- Zorndyke
   I t ' s   a   d r e a m   o f   t h o s e   w h o   r e m e m b e r

Re: Problemas com VPN

2001-09-23 Thread Hélio Perroni Filho
   Olá pessoal, estou tendo uma dificudade um pouco estranha de entender,
 mas vou tentar descrever aqui para ver se alguem pode me ajudar. (...)
 Agora não consigo resolver nomes (meu resolve.conf está correto), já tentei
 até resolver usando o host e passando o servidor de nomes para ele e nada!

Posso estar fazendo uma pergunta idiota, mas seu resolv.conf está 
instalado no diretório /etc/ppp/resolv/? Quando instalei o Potato aqui 
em casa passei uma semana tentando fazer funcionar meu acesso à rede, 
até descobrir que o resolv.conf (sabe-se lá por quê) havia sido 
instalado no diretório errado.

Until we meet again...
E | _  ___ \Hélio Perroni Filho
t |/ |/   | ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e||   //() ()
r   (  ) // ||-||
n|| || RPG's de anime. ML de fandom.   ||
a|| || Anel de fandom. CD's de anime.  ||
l   (  )|| ||
 || || http://www.geocities.com/phelio ||
H|| ||-||
o|| () ()
e||   Se nada for feito, nada irá mudar. (...) O seu mundo...
l||Eu não aceito este mundo. A ele, devo dizer... Não.
n||-- Zorndyke
   I t ' s   a   d r e a m   o f   t h o s e   w h o   r e m e m b e r

Atualizacao p/ SID

2001-09-23 Thread Chanderlie Freire de Santiago
Oi pessoal, eu tinha um debian potato, que atualizei pro Woody e dele,
pro Sid. Pra fazer isso usei apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade. Afora
alguns problemas entre  apt-get e dselect acabou tudo bem, mas restou um
programa nao atualizado. É o kernel. verifcando os pacotes recentes, tem
uma imagem do kernel 2.4.9 e aí pergunto: apos toda esta atualizacao, eu
posso simplesmente instalar esta imagem e tudo funcionará bem?? Se nao,
onde posso encontrar informacao a respeito??


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: problema com o WvDIAL

2001-09-23 Thread synthespian
On Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 11:04:49AM -0300, Hélio Perroni Filho wrote:
 permissões (possivelmente o pppd não esteja com o bit de suid ativo, e 
 por isso não esteja conseguindo realizar alguma tarefa importante para 
 sua inicialização).
 Until we meet again...

 E | _  ___ \Hélio Perroni Filho

Alguém poderia dar uma breve explicação prética sobre o bit de suid



Re: Atualizacao p/ SID

2001-09-23 Thread Ricardo Sandrin
On Sun, 23 Sep 2001 11:23:10 -0300
Chanderlie Freire de Santiago [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Oi pessoal, eu tinha um debian potato, que atualizei pro Woody e dele,
 pro Sid. Pra fazer isso usei apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade. Afora
 alguns problemas entre  apt-get e dselect acabou tudo bem, mas restou um
 programa nao atualizado. É o kernel. verifcando os pacotes recentes, tem
 uma imagem do kernel 2.4.9 e aí pergunto: apos toda esta atualizacao, eu
 posso simplesmente instalar esta imagem e tudo funcionará bem?? Se nao,
 onde posso encontrar informacao a respeito??


Você pode instalar a imagem (apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.9*) ou então 
pegar o source do kernel e compilar do modo Debian usando o make-kpkg (que é 
o mais recomendado).

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ricardo Sandrin - strange - http://strg.be.tf
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org|
| : :'  : | Debian-BR...: http://debian-br.sourceforge.net |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: [OFF-TOPIC] Línguas (era: Re: Linguagem de progra macao)

2001-09-23 Thread hzi
On Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 11:02:55AM -0300, Hélio Perroni Filho wrote:
  E é assim que nossa pobre Língua Portuguesa vai se empobrecendo.
 Na verdade, é assim que as línguas vão se enriquecendo... Sem 
 neologismos e assimilações, elas estagnariam. Claro que há um limite pra 
 tudo, mas os procedimentos em si não são danosos, e sim o seu uso 

Eu já postei aqui, uma época atrás, a minha opinião de que a
comunidade Debian precisa adotar uma auxilang (língua auxiliar), ou
seja, uma língua artificial. 

O Debian está em processo de tradução para mais de 80 idiomas. Muitos
deles, não são ocidentais (como tamil, chinês, somali, etc.) O quanto
não se perde por não termos uma línua comum?

Seria apenas democrático, e dentro do espírito Debian.

Depois de constatar que Esperanto é uma má opção, porque é difícil,
esbarrei na Glosa.

A Glosa é prontamente inteligível. Sua estrutura gramatical é simples,
e se assemelha a línguas não-ocidentais, tais como o chinês. Isso pode
parecer complicado, mas não é: em chinês, diz-se eu ir ontem [fui],
eu ir amanhã [vou], eliminando a necessidade de flexionar o verbo.

O vocabulário Glosa é baseado em latim e grego. A justificativa é que
todos estamos familiarizados, pelo amplo uso nas ciências. Por
exemplo, creio que todos sabemos que Kronos é tempo (cronologia,

Veja baixo, um pequeno texto sobre o comuptador ENIAC, em glosa e em

U prima elektronika digita The first electronic digital
puta-me, ge-tekto in US,   computer built in the US, ENIAC,
ENIAK, pa gene ge-monstro awas unveiled at the University
Pennsylvania Universita 1946.  of Pennsylvania in 1946.  It
Id pa ponde plu 30 tone, pa pleweighed 300 tonnes, filled the
u space de u bi-vagona garage, space of a two-car garage, and
e pa kontena plu 18 000 vakuo  contained 18 000 vacuum tubes,
tuba; qi pa fali medio ad uwhich failed on average at the
rata mo singu septi minuta.rate of one every seven minutes.
Id pa kosto u semi-miliona It cost half a million dollars
dolar a 1946 preci.at 1946 prices. Nu-di un iso
quantita deToday, the same amount of
puta-me-pote es ge-tenacomputing power is contained in
intra u pisu-metro silikon a pea-sized silicon chip.
mika.  Tanto ali domi puta-me; Almost any home computer costing
Kosto solo $100, pote  only about $100 can out-perform
super pasa ENIAK.  ENIAC.

Uma dica sobre o texto acima: pa é uma partícula que modifica a
palavra anterior, dando-lhe sentido de passado. Pa ponde é pesava
(ponde, de ponderar).

Confira Glosa em http://www.glosa.org

Se alguém quer formar uma Glosa-taskforce para propor a adoção dessa
língua artificial na comunidade, me escreve em PVT.

[ ]s

Re: problema com o WvDIAL

2001-09-23 Thread Gustavo Bertoli

Os avisos que eu achei falando do ppp 

Sep 23 13:18:09 bertoli pppd[510]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0Sep 
23 13:18:09 bertoli chat[326]: alarmSep 23 13:18:10 bertoli chat[511]: abort 
on (BUSY)Sep 23 13:18:10 bertoli chat[511]: abort on (NO CARRIER)Sep 23 
13:18:10 bertoli chat[511]: abort on (VOICE)Sep 23 13:18:10 bertoli 
chat[511]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)Sep 23 13:18:10 bertoli chat[511]: send 
(ATDTput^M)Sep 23 13:18:10 bertoli chat[326]: alarmSep 23 13:18:21 
bertoli last message repeated 11 timesSep 23 13:18:22 bertoli pppd[513]: 
pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0Sep 23 13:18:22 bertoli pppd[513]: Using 
interface ppp0Sep 23 13:18:22 bertoli pppd[513]: Connect: ppp0 -- 
/dev/tty2Sep 23 13:18:22 bertoli chat[326]: alarmSep 23 13:18:51 bertoli 
last message repeated 29 timesSep 23 13:18:52 bertoli pppd[513]: LCP: 
timeout sending Config-Requests Sep 23 13:18:52 bertoli pppd[513]: 
Connection terminated.Sep 23 13:18:52 bertoli pppd[513]: Exit.
E queria saber mais sobre esse bit de suid ativo ou trava??
 Em primeiro lugar, siga a recomendação do programa e dê uma olhada nos 
 arquivos de log (os tais "files in /var/log"), mais especificamente no 
 "messages" e nos arquivos com nomes relacionados a ppp e ao wvdial. 
É provável que lá você encontre uma explicação para seu problema. Se 
 isso não adiantar, tenho dois palpites: um é que o ppp esteja sendo 
 barrado por um arquivo de trava, e outro é que seja algum problema de 
 permissões (possivelmente o pppd não esteja com o bit de suid ativo, e 
 por isso não esteja conseguindo realizar alguma tarefa importante para 
 sua inicialização).  Until we meet again... 
  E | _ ___ 
\ Hélio 
Perroni Filho t |/ |/ | 
e || // 
() r ( ) // 
||-|| n 
|| || RPG's de anime. ML de 
fandom. || a 
|| || Anel de fandom. CD's de 
anime. || l ( 
|| || http://www.geocities.com/phelio 
|| H 
||-|| o 
() m || e || "Se 
nada for feito, nada irá mudar. (...) O seu mundo... l 
|| Eu não aceito este mundo. A ele, devo dizer... 
Não." a || n 
|| -- Zorndyke d '' 
 I t ' s a d r e a m o 
f t h o s e w h o r e m e m b e r 

X11 em pt_BR

2001-09-23 Thread Itamar Grochowski Rocha
Olá pessoal,

Já faz um tempo estou tentando consertar um comportamento estranho que
notei no meu sistema de janelas. Quando o chamo pela linha de comando,
os menus do WindowMaker e alguns de aplicativos baseados em GTK aparecem
em português, entretanto, se o X11 é iniciado com um display manager os
menus aparecem em inglês e (o mais esquisito) o Eterm para de funcionar
com acentos. 

Este comportamento do Eterm é muito estranho, pois quando chamo um outro
Eterm da linha de comando do primeiro, no segundo a acentuação funciona
direitinho. E isto só ocorre com o Eterm, no Xterm tudo funciona

Já tentei inserir variáveis nos scripts que chamam o wdm. E nada.
Manuais do xdm, wdm, X11, etc. E nada! Não sei se dá pra resolver isto, 
mas desconfio que esteja relacionado com o X11.

Bom. Se alguém tiver alguma dica eu agradeço antecipadamente.

[ ]s,
Itamar Grochowski Rocha

Fortune cookie for you:

O único cliente bom é o cliente feliz. Lembre-se: clientes felizes
adoram gastar dinheiro.

--Daryl Bernstein

xfree e woody

2001-09-23 Thread cosmo

Estou novamente com problema com o xfree do woody.

Instalei o woody em uma maquina com monitor Studioworks 55i (15 pol) e placa
de video Trident 9680. Segundo o manual do monitor a frequencia horizontal eh
30-54 e frequencia vertical eh 50-90. Quando digito startx, o Xfree e o
Enlightenment sao ativados normalmente. O problema eh com a imagem que se forma
na tela, fica distorcida. A imagem fica meio gorda, na parte vertical esta
certo, mas na horizontal esta com problema. Alterei o arquivo
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 para os parametros HorizSync   30-54 e VertRefresh 50-90 e
mesmo assim nao deu certo.

Alguem teria alguma ideia do que esta errado ?!?!?!

[ ]'s

GNU/Linux Debian

Drive Zip 100 Paralela

2001-09-23 Thread Dany
Oi Lista,

Eu tenho uma drive Zip 100 ligada a porta paralela naquele sistema
impressora/zip em paralelo.
O que acontece e que eu não sei instalar a zip no linux e já fiz modprobe
ppa e o resultado foi este:

ppa: Version 2.07 (for Linux 2.2.x)
WARNING - no ppa compatible devices found.
  As of 31/Aug/1998 Iomega started shipping parallel
  port ZIP drives with a different interface which is
  supported by the imm (ZIP Plus) driver. If the
  cable is marked with AutoDetect, this is what has
scsi : 1 host.
/lib/modules/2.2.19pre17/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including
invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.2.19pre17/scsi/ppa.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.19pre17/scsi/ppa.o: insmod ppa failed

Depois fiz modprobe imm e o resultado foi este:

imm: Version 2.03 (for Linux 2.0.0)
scsi : 1 host.
/lib/modules/2.2.19pre17/scsi/imm.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including
invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.2.19pre17/scsi/imm.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.19pre17/scsi/imm.o: insmod imm failed

Como e que eu faço para instalar a zip.


Re: Drive Zip 100 Paralela

2001-09-23 Thread Itamar Grochowski Rocha
Dany escreveu em Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 12:02:16AM +0100:
 Depois fiz modprobe imm e o resultado foi este:
 imm: Version 2.03 (for Linux 2.0.0)
 scsi : 1 host.
 /lib/modules/2.2.19pre17/scsi/imm.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
 Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including
 invalid IO or IRQ parameters
 /lib/modules/2.2.19pre17/scsi/imm.o: insmod
 /lib/modules/2.2.19pre17/scsi/imm.o: insmod imm failed
 Como e que eu faço para instalar a zip.

execute depmod -a como root e tente de novo. Se nao funcionar tente
inserir os modulos parport e scsi_mod antes do imm...

Itamar Grochowski Rocha

Fortune cookie for you:
Presume-se que a mulher deve esperar, imovel, ate ser 
cortejada. Mais ou menos como a aranha espera a 
-- George Bernard Shaw

Re: X11 em pt_BR

2001-09-23 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
Em Mon, 24 Sep 2001 04:23:38 -0300
Itamar Grochowski Rocha [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Olá pessoal,
 Já faz um tempo estou tentando consertar um comportamento estranho que
 notei no meu sistema de janelas. Quando o chamo pela linha de comando,
 os menus do WindowMaker e alguns de aplicativos baseados em GTK aparecem
 em português, entretanto, se o X11 é iniciado com um display manager os
 menus aparecem em inglês e (o mais esquisito) o Eterm para de funcionar
 com acentos. 
  Você esta com as variáveis de ambiente setada para português. Dê uma 
 olhada na variáveis de ambiente LANG, LC_ALL devem estar em pt_br
  Se quiser deixar tudo em português adicione as linhas no inicio
export LANG=pt_BR
export LC_ALL=pt_BR
export LC_CTYPE=ISO-8859-1
export LESSCHARSET=latin1
export NLSPATH=/var/catman
export INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc



Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3
Linux lottar 2.2.19
Pentium 200 MMX 40Mb
Fabiano Manoel de Andrade

Re: [OFF-TOPIC] Línguas (era: Linguagem de programacao)

2001-09-23 Thread Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra

Hélio Perroni Filho wrote:

E é assim que nossa pobre Língua Portuguesa vai se empobrecendo.

 Na verdade, é assim que as línguas vão se enriquecendo... Sem
 neologismos e assimilações, elas estagnariam. Claro que há um limite pra
 tudo, mas os procedimentos em si não são danosos, e sim o seu uso

	Não é questão de grau, mas de essência.  Neologismos tudo bem, quando se 
encontra uma palavra melhor ou mais precisa ou mais genérica que as já 
existentes.  Assimilações, quando não se encontra uma palavra que já exista na 
nossa língua, e quando não há colisão com uma já existente.

	Por exemplo, uma assimilação boa seria resiliente.  Mas assumir como 
tradução de assume é uma péssima assimilação, porque (1) essa palavra 
já existe em Português com outro significado, de reconhecer-se, e (2) porque 
já temos outra palavra para expressar a mesma idéia, presumir.

/ \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra   +55 (11) 246 96 07
\ / http://homepage.mac.com./leandrod/ BRASIL+55 (43) 322 89 71
 X  http://tutoriald.sourceforge.net./ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/ \ Campanha fita ASCII, contra correio HTMLmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian distro vs. applications

2001-09-23 Thread Noah Meyerhans
On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 03:59:56PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
  I switched to Debian2.2r2 about eight months ago (at that time 2.2r2 was
  the latest distribution).  Recently, I've been unable to build almost
  all the applications I have tried.  The usual problem seems to be missing
  file dependencies.  In fact, in almost all instances, the application
  called for dependency files that had become available after the
  distribution (lsl) had been written to the CDs.  For example, yesterday I
  tried to build xpfd (reportedly a better alternative to acrobat).  After
  completing ./configure, make halted with an error message to the effect
  of:  libc6.2.2 or later is required and not found in memory.  In fact,
  the latest version I have is libc6.1.
 You need the -dev versions of libraries for build support.

And you need to read posts more carefully before replying to them...  He
was not asking about how to build things, he was asking about why he
constantly has to upgrade his libraries (e.g. the libc6.2 vs. 6.1 issue
toward the end of his message).

Sadly, the answer to his questions is: either run unstable and risk the
occasional b0rked system or run potato and deal with the outdated
packages on an individual basis.

Unfortunately, Debian has never been very good at keeping up with
upstream development.  They said that the testing distribution and
package pools would help speed things up a bit, but it's not likely that
woody will be released fewer than 18 months after potato.

Sure, stable is always well tested, but by the time it becomes available
the software included in it is so old that nobody wants to run it

(not looking to start a flamewar with other developers over our release
cycle, but merely ranting.)

| Web: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/
| PGP Public Key: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/mail.html 

Description: PGP signature

Re: debian distro vs. applications

2001-09-23 Thread Craig Dickson
Noah Meyerhans wrote:

 Unfortunately, Debian has never been very good at keeping up with
 upstream development.  They said that the testing distribution and
 package pools would help speed things up a bit, but it's not likely that
 woody will be released fewer than 18 months after potato.
 Sure, stable is always well tested, but by the time it becomes available
 the software included in it is so old that nobody wants to run it

Well, almost. I run Potato on machines that I don't generally want to log
in on, but just set up and forget -- firewalls, proxies, that sort of
thing. On workstations, I always run Sid. I have no use for Woody until
it becomes the new stable release.


mozilla questions

2001-09-23 Thread Tim locke
couple of mozilla-related question (0.9.4)

1. cannot access hotmail...i.e. when I click on
status bar just says done but nothing

2. can mozilla use postscript fonts?

3. (offtopic) where can I get free postscript fonts?

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email alerts  NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger. 

RE: X Oracle client

2001-09-23 Thread Sterin, Ilya
Ok, guys.  I think this is getting OT as was the previos post.  Maybe it's
not on the debian users list, but it's definitelly here.


 -Original Message-
 From: Sam Varghese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Sam Varghese
 Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 4:03 AM
 To: debian-user
 Cc: dbi-users
 Subject: Re: X Oracle client

 On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 01:30:46PM +, Vittorio wrote:
  To those using an Oracle client in a network:
  In www.globecom.net/tora you'll find a very nice GUI interface to deal
  with you're Oracle server.
  I had a go at it and it's phantastic!

 Are you running it on potato or woody? I tried running it
 on potato after making a .deb out of the available rpm.
 It installs but when I start it up, I get the following error

 Qt: Locales not supported on X server
 qstring_to_xtp result code -2
 qstring_to_xtp result code -2
 qstring_to_xtp result code -2
 Unhandled exception:

 ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set
 qstring_to_xtp result code -2

 It runs fine on Red Hat 6.1, though.

 (Sam Varghese)

Way OT: getting values of list of variables

2001-09-23 Thread Jeremy


I'm sorry about this being so OT, but I've been searching around in
documentation (man pages, books, scripting HOWTOs, etc) for a several hours
now, and I can't find anything that will answer my question.

I have a series of variables that I'm importing to a bash script from another
file, and I need a way to run a loop to echo the contents of each one in
sequence.  As an example, say this file has the following:


Is there some way I can make my script start with var1 and echo each one
through var4 WITHOUT hardcoding each seperate variable into the script?

I hope my question isn't too foggy, but I'm mighty tired at the moment, and I
can't guarantee that my brain is functioning correctly.  I GREATLY appreciate
any help that anyone can offer, whether it be an answer or a suggestion of a
place to look for more help.


gradually upgrading from glibc2.1 to glibc2.2 ?

2001-09-23 Thread Krzys Majewski
Hi folks
I've got a (highly customized) debian/potato box.
(If you're tempted to reply at this point with 
why the hell aren't you running debian/unstable, 
One day the current unstable glibc2.2 debian will become
stable (or maybe it has already?) and I will want to 
I don't want to do a dist-upgrade though, because it
will almost certainly break something on my very 
patchy box.[B
Is there a nice way to upgrade gradually?
For example, if I upgrade the base package from 
potato (glibc2.1) to soon-to-be-stable (glibc2.2), will
my box boot, or do I need to upgrade other things as well?[B

I do know what I'm doing but I'm too lazy to look through 
the package contents and wanted to poke the list first,
so spare me the usual dist-upgrade or bust lecture, please.


Nigeria/419 scam (was Re: URGENT AND CONFIDENTIAL)

2001-09-23 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 02:05:00AM +0100, Stig Brautaset ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  Dear sir,  
  In order to transfer out (USD 126 M) One hundred and twenty six
  million United States Dollars) from African Development Bank. I have
  the courage to ask you to look for a reliable and honest person who
  will be capable for this important business believing that you will
  never let me down either now or in future.
 Just in case anybody wonders, this is a very old scam that have got 
 a new spring with the Internet's global communication possibilites. It
 seem to often originate from Africa, for a reason that escapes my mind
 right now.
 I forwarded it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've added 'nigeriascam' to the rant-o-matic:


Feel free to repost the following:

The above is an example of the Nigerian Scam, also called 419 Letters,
or just plain 419.  Most 419 letters and emails originate from or are
traceable back to Nigeria. However, some originate from other nations,
mostly also West African nations such as Ghana, Togo, Liberia, Sierra
Leone, Ivory Coast ( Cote D'Ivoire ) etc.   

It's the current wrinkle of a decades-old scam that nets tens of
millions of dollars per year, and may be the third largest industry in
Nigeria.  The 419 Coalition believes that it is the elites from which
successive governments of Nigeria have been drawn who are the scammers.
Expect little cooperation from Nigerian authorities.

Information in this notice is compiled from various sources, links
below.  Keep reading for reporting information.

The Scam operates as follows: the target receives an unsolicited fax,
email, or letter concerning Nigeria containing either a money laundering
or other illegal proposal OR you may receive a Legal and Legitimate
business proposal by normal means.  Invariably, the proposition involves
resources which are somehow locked up:  oil or other invoice problems, a
bequest, money cleaning, or misallocated funds.

At some point, the victim is asked to pay up front an Advance Fee of
some sort.  If the victim pays the Fee, there are many Complications
which require still more advance payments until the victim either quits,
runs out of money, or both. 

To report the scam:

If you are a United States Citizen or Resident and have suffered NO
Financial Loss, write No Financial Loss - For Your Database on the
documents you received and Fax them to the US Secret Service Task
Force handling Scam matters at 202-406-6930.

Documents may be emailed to 

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: No Loss -- 419 Scam

IF you are a United States Citizen or Resident and YOU HAVE SUFFERED
A FINANCIAL LOSS write Financial Loss - Contact Me ASAP on the
documents you have received and Fax them to the Task Force at
202-406-6930 and give Your telephone number(s).  A Secret Service
Agent will call you back as soon as possible to discuss the matter
with you (don't worry, you're Not in any trouble).

(Above from http://home.rica.net/alphae/419coal/index.htm)

Other countries have their own reporting methods, see above for more

Additional information:

Google search:

Federal Republic of Nigeria, Embassy:

Sierra Leone:  Nigerian 419 Scam:

Sample letters are archives as no's 01 - 33:
http://www.sierra-leone.org/scam01.html - 

Nigeria Scam Letter Archive

Nigeria - The 419 Coalition Website

U.S. Postal Authorities crack down on Nigerian Spam

Nigeria - The 419 Coalition Website

Urban Legends:  Nigerian Scam

Salon: I crave your distinguished indulgence (and all your cash)

Nigerian 419 Scam Game Over!
Book describes how the scam plays out.

Thank you.


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  Home of the brave
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/Land of the free
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!  http://www.freesklyarov.org
Geek for Hire  http://kmself.home.netcom.com/resume.html

Description: PGP signature

Re: Way OT: getting values of list of variables

2001-09-23 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 01:27:16AM -0500, Jeremy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I'm sorry about this being so OT, but I've been searching around in
 documentation (man pages, books, scripting HOWTOs, etc) for a several hours
 now, and I can't find anything that will answer my question.
 I have a series of variables that I'm importing to a bash script from another
 file, and I need a way to run a loop to echo the contents of each one in
 sequence.  As an example, say this file has the following:
 Is there some way I can make my script start with var1 and echo each one
 through var4 WITHOUT hardcoding each seperate variable into the script?

$ man bash
search ^ *Arrays


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  Home of the brave
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/Land of the free
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!  http://www.freesklyarov.org
Geek for Hire  http://kmself.home.netcom.com/resume.html

Description: PGP signature

Re: nv driver causes strange mouse cursor

2001-09-23 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 22 Sep 2001, Vineet Kumar wrote:
 * Anthony Campbell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010922 01:58]:
  If I use the nvidia driver my Riva 128 card works correctly. If I
  use the nv driver, however, the mouse cursor appears as a little
  coloured square. Has anyone seen this? Any cure?
 You could try to disable the hardware cursor and use the software
 cursor instead. IIRC, though, when I tried that, the hardware cursor
 still appeared visible as a little splotch in the middle of the
 screen. Sorry, I didn't keep good notes when making my riva work. I'm
 using it with the nvidia driver now -- why are you switching back to
 the nv driver?
It seems to be something to do with the actual mouse, because I changed
to a different animal and now it's working OK. 

I went back to the nv driver (a) because I don't see any difference
between the two (perhaps because I don't play games?) and (b) from a
possibly misplaced desire for non-proprietary `purism'.


Anthony Campbell - running Debian GNU/Linux (Windows-free zone).
For electronic books (Homeomythology and The Assassins of Alamut), skeptical 
essays, and over 130 book reviews, go to http://www.acampbell.org.uk/

Those who publish make themselves public in more ways than they
sometimes realize. Authors may sell their books: but they give
themselves away. [F.L. Lucas]

Re: Way OT: getting values of list of variables

2001-09-23 Thread Romain Lerallut
Thus spake Jeremy on Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 01:27:16AM -0500:

Good Morning,

 I have a series of variables that I'm importing to a bash script from another
 file, and I need a way to run a loop to echo the contents of each one in
 sequence.  As an example, say this file has the following:
 Is there some way I can make my script start with var1 and echo each one
 through var4 WITHOUT hardcoding each seperate variable into the script?

I'm not sure if I understand you right, but I think the 'eval' builtin
could possibly help you:


read a
while  [ -n $a ];

eval $a # assigns 'data1' to 'var1', etc...

# getting the names of the variables:
tmp_var=$( echo $a | cut -d\= -f 1 )

# and the datas:
tmp_data=$( echo $a | cut -d\= -f 2 )

eval $tmp_var=foobar   # does var1=foobar

read a

echo $var1# should output foobar


I don't know what you intend to do with this, so I can't help you more,

To YOU I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.
-- Woody Allen


2001-09-23 Thread Nate Custer
Hey all,

Whenever I apt-get gpm I loose control of X. Anyone no how to get gpm +
X to play nice?


Re: proftpd is burning me after upgrade

2001-09-23 Thread Sven Hoexter
On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 11:18:24PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am getting a message just starting proftpd daemon after upgrade the 
 It's No certificate files found!.
Sure that it is from proftpd?
Do you tried proftpd in standalone mit with -n -d5 ?

 I think it's a proftpd new feature problem or any so.
 Do u have any idea for create or disable this burning message?
Hm, I don't think that it is a proftpd problem.
Let us have a look at your proftpd.conf and post your old and new Version
nummers and we'll look at it.


Sven Hoexter Earth - Germany - Leverkusen -=|=-  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
rm -rf /usr/bin/laden
One Unix to rule them all, One Resolver to find them,
One IP to bring them all and in the zone to bind them

Re: Newer Mozilla for Potato(2.2)

2001-09-23 Thread Sven Hoexter
On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 02:25:31PM -0700, Dmitriy wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 01:22:18PM -0700, Eric Richardson wrote:
  I was wondering if there is Mozilla package somewhere that is newer than
  the Debian M18 that is in the standard mirror locations. I want to try
  multizilla which would like 0.92 or 0.94.
 I'm pretty sure you don't want to do this,
 But I herad that Ximian GNOME has a newer mozilla for potato, 
 but I don't know what version is there. Probably At least 0.9.1 .

Just download a pre-compiled *.tar.gz at mozilla.org.

Test it in your $HOME and if it's running fine copy it to /usr/local/mozilla
and link the mozilla Startscript to /usr/local/bin

That seems to be the fastes way.


Sven Hoexter Earth - Germany - Leverkusen -=|=-  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
rm -rf /usr/bin/laden
One Unix to rule them all, One Resolver to find them,
One IP to bring them all and in the zone to bind them

Re: nslookup and host always consult a dns server - never local /etc/hosts

2001-09-23 Thread der.hans
Am 22. Sep, 2001 schwätzte Martin F Krafft so:

 second: host and nslookup are DNS utilities, so they don't give a
 flying food about /etc/hosts. as you said, ping and telnet work fine,
 so your systems are good. nslookup and host both always contact the
 DNS server, never look into /etc/hosts.

True. The question, then, is:

Are there any DNS command line tools that do DNS lookups using the same
methods that most apps do? In other words, they pay attention to
resolv.conf, nsswitch.conf, hosts, etc.


# [EMAIL PROTECTED] home.pages.de/~lufthans/ www.DevelopOnline.com
#  A Polish friend of mine got an offer for a free account from AOL. The
#  login ID was HELLO and the passwd CYMBAL. She says cymbal is
#  Polish for sucker. Hello sucker a greeting from AOHell :).

Re: kernel problems -- boot and network

2001-09-23 Thread Rino Mardo
On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 11:16:16PM -0400 or thereabouts, dman wrote:
 I'm having some problems with kernels in the areas of booting and
 network.  First some background :
 I now have a laptop (Dell 7500) at work that I am allowed to install
 Debian (woohoo!).  The install went great.  I used a potato cd (2.2r2)
 then switched to woody.  The machine has a 3Com PCMCIA network adapter
 that uses the 3c575_cb driver.  THat is with kernel 2.2.18pre21 that
 was on my potato disc.
 I was able to install kernel image 2.4.9-686 and it boots fine with or
 without devfs.  However, it doesn't seem to have the driver for the
 NIC nor does it have VESA framebuffer support.
 I compiled my own custom 2.4.9 (and 2.4.8) kernel with devfs mounted
 at boot time, my NIC driver, VESA framebuffer and initrd support.
 However, neither of these kernels will boot.  The fb stuff works and
 the NIC is found, but the boot process stops with :
 Freeing initrd memory: 864k freed
 FAT: bogus logical sector size 0
 FAT: bogus logical sector size 0
 Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 01:00
 I have no FAT partitions.  All partitions are ext2 : /dev/hda1 as
 /boot , /dev/hda2 as nothing (will be win2k later) , /devhda3 as swap
 and /dev/hda4 as /.  What device is 01:00?  I don't think it is
 /dev/hda4.  I have also verified that I compiled ext2 support into the
 I have kernel 2.4.8 working great on my desktop system with devfs, 
 framebuffer and initrd support.  I am at a loss as to what could be
 the problem.
you lost me too. :-)  can't you do things one at a time and see where
it fails?  start with the nic first, if that works then work on the

GUIs normally make it simple to accomplish simple actions and impossible
to accomplish complex actions.   --Doug Gwyn  (22/Jun/91 in comp.unix.wizards)

Description: PGP signature

Re: crash

2001-09-23 Thread Hans Gubitz
On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 03:55:33PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
 on Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 11:23:58PM +0200, Hans Gubitz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  After a local crash I can't install/remove some (n=?) packages:
   dpkg: error while cleaning up:
subprocess post-removal script killed by signal (Segmentation fault)
Errors were encountered while processing:
 Examine the script manually:
I can't remove|install packages, that have a line like
  . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule 
in package.postrm

(apt-get still works on packages without this line).

For the same reason I can't reinstall debconf.

Hans Gubitz

Re: GPM + X

2001-09-23 Thread Johnny Ernst Nielsen
 Whenever I apt-get gpm I loose control of X. Anyone no how to get gpm +
 X to play nice?

Good sir dman once wrote:

That is caused by two apps (gpm and X) trying to access the hardware
directly.  When using gpm, gpm should access the hardware and X should
access /dev/gpmdata, a named pipe from gpm to any other app that wants
the mouse too.  If you point X to the right device file then gpm and X
can coexist quite peacefully.

Johnny :o)

HDD Kernel messages...

2001-09-23 Thread Sven Gaerner

I got the following kernel messages mainly after boot up.

kernel: hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
kernel: hda: dma_intr: error=0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC }

My kernel is 2.4.9 and is configured to use multi mode

My harddisk is an Maxtor 20GB and the used filesystem is reiserfs.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: [LIH] uid 99 + How can I have more than one Super user on Linux !!!!

2001-09-23 Thread shyamk
OK , but is there any way that I can have/make more than one super-users ? To 
end , can I play off a uid and make a person a super-user (my experiment 
already did
not work - the guy I rewarded with a uid of 40 , was absolutely a normal user in
every sense of the term , with not a modicum of super-user powers !)
I man-ed sudo , but all the wording was incomprehensible , so I still 
do not
know how to get say , user1 to sudo on a command. I suppose there are a hundred 
one other solutions out there.

Please offer your views on this .
- Original Message -
From: Devdas Bhagat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: [LIH] uid  99

On Sun, 23 Sep 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] spewed into the ether:
 Does the statement by Mukund (below) mean that if root changes the uid of 
 to 40 (ie: 99) , then shyam becomes a super -user (he is alredy a super - 
 so root wants to make him a super -user) .
No, uid = 0 is superuser, anything lese is a normal user.
UID  100 is generally reserved for daemons/system users.

Devdas Bhagat
A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing.
-- Alexander Hamilton

linux-india-help mailing list

Installing potato from remote CDs

2001-09-23 Thread Wolfgang Hlawatsch
After days of trying, reading manuals, surfing the internet I ask now my 
questions on this place:

I am going to install Linux on two computers, call them BIG and SMALL computer. 
Only the BIG one has a CD-ROM. Installing Linux on the BIG one - there is no 

For the SMALL one I made the boot floppies and the driver floppies. That works.


I want to telnet the SMALL. It does not allow access. In hosts.allow I placed 
ALL. in hosts the IP of the BIG is also mentioned. I tried everything, but 
SMALL wants to remain as a single.

Then I want to use the CD-ROM from the BIG for installing the system. I can 
mount the cdrom of the BIG. NFS connection is possible. But installing programs 
in SMALL do not recognize the whole cd-set of BIG. Just that CD which is 
presently mounted.

Also, once I accessed the BIG cdrom via nfs from SMALL, BIG does no more allow 
to unmount the cdrom. Even when SMALL is down.  I get the message that the CD 
is busy.

I use:

 Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r0 Potato - Unofficial i386 Binary- CDs from Lehmanns


Re: horrible harddrive performance

2001-09-23 Thread Timeboy

On Sunday Sep 23 04:00 Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 ** Hey people. 
 ** My wife has become a Linux convert (woohoo!), but unfortunately I'm 
 ** a problem getting decent performance out of her computer. She has a P-III 
 ** which is faster than my 450, but the harddrive performance is a bottleneck 
 ** her whole system. It's horribly slow. 
 ** The following is from the boot messages:
 ** ALI15X3: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 78

Which kernel is running on this system? Sorry if my idea has nothing to do
with your trouble. But i had a similar problem with my new Abit mainboard.
And i used a board with ALI15x bevore too. How i know the ALI15x chipset
is supported since kernel 2.4.0. The same with my current via chip of Abit
board. The IDE bus of my Abit board is very very slow if i use a 2.2.x
kernel. And it's possible that your ALI15x also have this problem if you
use an 2.2.x kernel. If you use this old kernel, try kernel 2.4.x.


Nothing is impossible!

You only need to know the way.



Re: shout out to Debian

2001-09-23 Thread Timeboy

On Sunday Sep 23 01:48 Martin F Krafft wrote:

 ** not that i ever ever doubted this, just up'ed my ISDN router to woody,
 ** it routing my home network to the internet, but i didn't lose internet
 ** connectivity for a second! this is my most productive (private)
 ** system, and i was sweating a little - but the update needed to happen.
 ** and since we expect no less of debian than perfection, i can't even
 ** say that i am surprised that there was *no* problem! who!


Nothing is impossible!

You only need to know the way.



Re: mozilla questions

2001-09-23 Thread Stig Brautaset
* Tim locke [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake thus:
 couple of mozilla-related question (0.9.4)
 1. cannot access hotmail...i.e. when I click on sign-in status bar
 just says done but nothing happened

AFAIK hotmail uses https, a protocol mozilla are not yet supporting.


Registered Linux User 107343

Re: mozilla questions

2001-09-23 Thread Martin Würtele
On Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 12:28:19PM +0100, Stig Brautaset wrote:
 * Tim locke [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake thus:
  couple of mozilla-related question (0.9.4)
  1. cannot access hotmail...i.e. when I click on sign-in status bar
  just says done but nothing happened
 AFAIK hotmail uses https, a protocol mozilla are not yet supporting.

mozilla _DOES_ support ssl:
apt-get install mozilla-psm

yours martin
factline Krisper Fabro Harnoncourt OEG (www.factline.com)

Problems with crosscompilation of 2.0.38 on potato with 2.4.9 kernel

2001-09-23 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All,

Recently I had to recompile my old 2.0.38 kernel for an embedded system.
Unfortunately the source, which compiled smoothly on potato with 2.2.18, now
fails during the make dep. (I have a potato upgraded to 2.4.9 according to

I receive the following errors:
make[2]: *** [fastdep] Error 135
make[2]: Leaving directory /tmp/linux/drivers/char'
make[1]: *** [fastdep] Error 2
What is the cause of that error, and how to cure it?
TIA  Regards,
  Wojciech M. Zabolotny
http://www.ise.pw.edu.pl/~wzab  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

http://www.opendvd.org  Don't allow others to decide what can you play on
YOUR hardware, and what OS you need to watch DVD!!!

Re: SSL packages (LDAP PAM NSS) +

2001-09-23 Thread Tarjei Huse

I usually build my own .debs :) For a very fine guide to all things ssl,
ekrberos and ldap, have a look here:
http://www.bayour.com. Mr. Turbo has done a great job making it easyer to rock
with debian. 

I was just looking for a simple way to let my debs be the domain of apt-get :).
If I am to use debian on more than one machine, I cannot use all my time
rebuilding debs.

 I used the slapd, libpam-ldap, and libnss-ldap (plus dependencies) packages
 from Woody to do so. I also used the PADL migration tools (maybe someone
 should package these and put them as recommended for the two libXXX-ldap

Agree. :)

 I don't intend to do either for now. If you find an easier way (a
 prepackaged .deb way, preferably) please let me know. 
This was my original question =)

 doing #1, but the sheer number of options to openldap combined with my
 minimal knowledge of changing Debian package configuration prior to the
 simple build, stopped me until I had more time on my hands.
 On the other hand, I would be very interested to know if you or anyone has
 a PAM/NSS/LDAP installation on Debian using slave LDAP servers as hot
 backups. I haven't seen any documented way of doing this anywhere, such as
 providing a list of servers which can be attempted.

Have a look at the above link for roundrobin dns querys and the like. 
 On the other hand, I do not yet see a way to do this with NSS. I would
 welcome pointers.

I belive you can do it in the ldap.conf file.

Re: mozilla questions

2001-09-23 Thread Stig Brautaset
* Martin W?rtele [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake thus:
 On Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 12:28:19PM +0100, Stig Brautaset wrote:
  * Tim locke [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake thus:
   couple of mozilla-related question (0.9.4)
   1. cannot access hotmail...i.e. when I click on sign-in status bar
   just says done but nothing happened
  AFAIK hotmail uses https, a protocol mozilla are not yet supporting.
 mozilla _DOES_ support ssl:
 apt-get install mozilla-psm

Well, thanks :)


Registered Linux User 107343

More details: Problems with crosscompilation of 2.0.38 on potato with 2.4.9 kernel

2001-09-23 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
I just want to add a few more details to my previous post:

 I receive the following errors:
 make[2]: *** [fastdep] Error 135
 make[2]: Leaving directory /tmp/linux/drivers/char'
 make[1]: *** [fastdep] Error 2
 What is the cause of that error, and how to cure it?

The source of problem is the mkdep program, which fails causing the bus
error. I have taken the mkdep.c file form the 2.4.9 kernel and replaced
the old version in 2.0.38 kernel tree with it.
Now the kernel compiles smoothly, but I'm a little worried if I haven't 
introduced another difficult to find error (i dislike solutions which I
don't understand ;-) ).

TIA  Regards,
  Wojciech M. Zabolotny
http://www.ise.pw.edu.pl/~wzab  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

http://www.gnupg.org  Gnu Privacy Guard - protect your mail  data
  with the FREE cryptographic system

Re: mozilla questions

2001-09-23 Thread Stig Brautaset
* Stig Brautaset [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake thus:
 * Martin W?rtele [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake thus:
  On Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 12:28:19PM +0100, Stig Brautaset wrote:
   * Tim locke [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake thus:
couple of mozilla-related question (0.9.4)

1. cannot access hotmail...i.e. when I click on sign-in
status bar just says done but nothing happened
   AFAIK hotmail uses https, a protocol mozilla are not yet
  mozilla _DOES_ support ssl: apt-get install mozilla-psm
 Well, thanks :)

um, seems I was a bit quick there. That package is neither in 

deb ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian testing main contrib 
deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US testing/non-US main contrib

Is it just in unstable? Or somewhere else?


Registered Linux User 107343

Re: xvidtune XFree

2001-09-23 Thread Harvey Kelly
Hello again,

On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 09:08:14PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
 Harvey Kelly([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
  Hello everyone,
  I'm trying to configure X - but the problem is that I can get everything 
  fine, except the screen is way off to the left.  I use xvidtune to alter it 
  so it's perfect, but how do I save my changes?  Can I?  
  I've trying editing XF86Config-4 with the info from xvidtune, but when I 
  startx I get told that the line is wrong (messages depend on whatever 
  rubbish I've told it to try).
 OK, you run xvidtune, from an xtermas/rxvt, and you get the display
 like you want it.  Then click the 'show' button and the settings will
 be printed to the xterm screen.  Do that for all of the different
 resoltions.  Write them down!  Then transfer them to your xf86config-4

Sorry, what I mean is: I've got the values from xvidtune - where do I
insert them in my XF86Config-4?  The relevant (I think) part is...

Subsection Display
Depth   24
Modes   800x600 640x480 1024x768
ViewPort0 0

I inserted my values after 800x600 - but that didn't work.

 Piece of cake.
 BTW, format your mail to 70-72 characters per line, please.

Sure, sorry I forgot - fresh installation.



 RAM disk is NOT an installation procedure.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newer Mozilla for Potato(2.2)

2001-09-23 Thread Harvey Kelly
On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 02:25:31PM -0700, Dmitriy wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 01:22:18PM -0700, Eric Richardson wrote:
  I was wondering if there is Mozilla package somewhere that is newer than
  the Debian M18 that is in the standard mirror locations. I want to try
  multizilla which would like 0.92 or 0.94.
 I'm pretty sure you don't want to do this,
 But I herad that Ximian GNOME has a newer mozilla for potato, 
 but I don't know what version is there. Probably At least 0.9.1 .

I'm running 0.9.3 with Ximian - seems fine.


 Hope that helps.
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   GPG key-id: 1024D/5BE3DCFD Dmitriy
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   Free Dmitry Sklyarov!  http://www.freesklyarov.org

Major stuffup

2001-09-23 Thread Alistair Faulknor
Hi people, I loaded Debian 2.2 Potato on my HP 6615 and It wont work!! It
fails to open Xfree86 and won't open LILO. I think it's because it can't
find the graphics card. Any help would be appreacited.

Alistair Faulknor

Re: Strange delays - new to this Please Help! Thanks

2001-09-23 Thread todd mansill
I found an option to make cnet run while being more verbose about what's 
going on and the line of code that seems to be causing the problem (hanging 
for 1-2mins) is this:

reading /usr/local/cnetlib/cnet.tcl

Does anyone know why this would be?

Thanks heaps

To: todd mansill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Strange delays - new to this Please Help! Thanks
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 12:10:59 +0200

On Sunday Sep 23 01:34 todd mansill wrote:

 ** cnet is an application program which will (when asked to run) let you
 ** simulate a network. The network is the one that you have defined by 

 ** network, transport, etc layers that you write. It is an educational
 ** simulator. So is not the problem with the hangs. The professor who 
wrote the

 ** program insures me that I have it setup right and that the problem is
 ** elsewhere.

And he is shure that you can run this tool on Debian? Much surces are not
compatible to all destributions. For instance, an Application that runs
perfect on a Redhat system has to be modyfied to get it running without
trouble on a Debian system. This is cause some pathes of config files are
diffrent on each system. And there are also diffrent device files and so

I don't know why you need this cnet. How i mean the debian package netbase
will do the same. Every Linux system acts like a network. Even if you have
it installed on a single box. Linux is a multi user system. Isn't it
possible that cnet makes trouble cause there are running all the Debian
network tools and daemons too? Or du you fixed it and my idea isn't right?


Nothing is impossible!

You only need to know the way.


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DSL connection has stopped working in Debian.

2001-09-23 Thread Jack Andrews
The setup.

-Debian Woody with DSL connection (eth0) acting as router for
NAT'd LAN (eth1)
-Using dhc-client for DHCP on the DSL line

Everything was working fine until a reboot yesterday.  Now the DSL
connection is busted.

During bootup, when eth0 is brought up, this is the first thing that

Eth0: Media is unconnected, link down, or incompatible connection.

Now, I've been getting this message during bootup for a while now, but
after a long period of time, the system would continue to boot up and
the network connection would work normally.  Not now, though.
After a long timeout period, dhc-client prints out a lot of DHCP
information that makes it look like it contacted the DHCP server correctly,
but with a Reason=TIMEOUT line at the end that I haven't seen before.

Once the box finished booting, Eth0 is listed as not being up.  If I bring it
up, I'm told that it's already up.  If I ifdown it, then ifup it again, there's
another Media is unconnected error and a return to a prompt, but the
interface is listed as up after that.  In the system log after I do that, I can
see that dhc-client has gone through the DISCOVER, OFFER, REQUEST,
ACK process, complete with a Bound to 216.63.xyz.xyz message.

At this point, I can ping the IP of the DHCP server, and it works.  I can
ping random IPs on the same subnet (probably other DSL customers),
and it works.  But I can't ping the gateway address ( or
anything outside the subnet.   I can't ping the nameservers, because they're
on a different subnet.  Pinging anything outside the subnet yields
Network Unreachable.  Pinging the ISP's router yields no replies.

The route command shows this: * U 0 0 0 eth0

I'm wondering if maybe the ISP's router ( is just down, but
this problem has persisted after nearly 14 hours, so I'd think they'd have
noticed by now.   Or it's possible that the router just ignores pings, and the
problem is on my end.

I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions here.  This Debian box is a web
server and mail server and is considered mission critical (yeah, I know
it's dumb to trust a DSL line for anything important, but times are
tough), and I'll have some unhappy users to deal with if I can't get this
worked out.  Thanks a lot!

Protect yourself from spam, use http://sneakemail.com

ReiserFS in Debian 2.2 r0

2001-09-23 Thread delphine
Hello, All.

Does Debian 2.2 r0 support the ReiserFS? How can i do it? I can't find
this option in fdisk, but kernel 2.4.9 support it.

With best regards, Delphine.

Re: Major stuffup

2001-09-23 Thread Sven Hoexter
On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 01:46:43AM +1200, Alistair Faulknor wrote:
 Hi people, I loaded Debian 2.2 Potato on my HP 6615 and It wont work!! It
 fails to open Xfree86 and won't open LILO. I think it's because it can't
 find the graphics card. Any help would be appreacited.
Are all the xfree packages installed?
Do you've created a valid /etc/X11/XF86cofig ?
Is lilo installed?

If not:
apt-get install xfree86-common xserver-xfree86 lilo

You've also to install the xfonts packages.

Sven Hoexter Earth - Germany - Leverkusen -=|=-  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
rm -rf /usr/bin/laden
One Unix to rule them all, One Resolver to find them,
One IP to bring them all and in the zone to bind them

Re: kernel problems -- boot and network

2001-09-23 Thread dman
On Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 04:22:39PM +0800, Rino Mardo wrote:
| On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 11:16:16PM -0400 or thereabouts, dman wrote:
|  I'm having some problems with kernels in the areas of booting and
|  network.  First some background :
|  I now have a laptop (Dell 7500) at work that I am allowed to install
|  Debian (woohoo!).  The install went great.  I used a potato cd (2.2r2)
|  then switched to woody.  The machine has a 3Com PCMCIA network adapter
|  that uses the 3c575_cb driver.  THat is with kernel 2.2.18pre21 that
|  was on my potato disc.
|  I was able to install kernel image 2.4.9-686 and it boots fine with or
|  without devfs.  However, it doesn't seem to have the driver for the
|  NIC nor does it have VESA framebuffer support.
|  I compiled my own custom 2.4.9 (and 2.4.8) kernel with devfs mounted
|  at boot time, my NIC driver, VESA framebuffer and initrd support.
|  However, neither of these kernels will boot.  The fb stuff works and
|  the NIC is found, but the boot process stops with :
|  Freeing initrd memory: 864k freed
|  FAT: bogus logical sector size 0
|  FAT: bogus logical sector size 0
|  Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 01:00
|  I have no FAT partitions.  All partitions are ext2 : /dev/hda1 as
|  /boot , /dev/hda2 as nothing (will be win2k later) , /devhda3 as swap
|  and /dev/hda4 as /.  What device is 01:00?  I don't think it is
|  /dev/hda4.  I have also verified that I compiled ext2 support into the
|  kernel.
|  I have kernel 2.4.8 working great on my desktop system with devfs, 
|  framebuffer and initrd support.  I am at a loss as to what could be
|  the problem.
| you lost me too. :-) 


| can't you do things one at a time and see where it fails?  start
| with the nic first, if that works then work on the fb.

In my custom kernels the fb works and the NIC is identified (I can see
the output on screen when it panics).  The only problem with the
custom kernels is mounting the root fs.  The stock kernels work except
for other problems.
| -- GUIs normally make it simple to accomplish simple actions and
| impossible to accomplish complex actions.   --Doug Gwyn  (22/Jun/91
| in comp.unix.wizards)

Apt description, IMO.


Re: lilo trouble

2001-09-23 Thread Robert Waldner

(following up on myself and on an ancient posting, too. Just for the 
 sake of completeness and the search-egines in case someone else 
 experiences such a problem)

On Fri, 22 Jun 2001 00:06:24 +0200, Robert Waldner writes:
I have a machine with a large IDE-disk (hda) and a smaller, but also
 faster SCSI-disk (sda). So the system resides on SCSI, bulk data on
 IDE. So far, so good. But I can´t, for whatever reason, just boot
 completely from the SCSI-disk, so I installed the MBR on the IDE one.


There is a small /boot-partition on sda1, also.
When I try to boot from the disk, all I get after the lilo-prompt is
   Error 0x01
   Unable to load Linux
   Error 0x01

I´ve given the problem a new shot and, lo! behold!, got it.

There was a compact-line in lilo.conf, which works with kernel 2.2.18 
 but *not* 2.2.19 in that setup. Don´t ask me why, but that did it.

From lilo.conf(5) I´d not guessed that that could pose any problem when 
 just upgrading the kernel. 

  Tries to merge read requests for  adjacent  sectors
  into   a  single  read  request.  This  drastically
  reduces load time and keeps the map smaller.  Using
  `compact'  is  especially  recommended when booting
  from a floppy disk.

-- Debating unix flavors in the context of anything Microsoft
-- is like talking about which ice cream flavor tastes least
-- like sawdust with turpentine sauce.  Joe Zeff, asr

Description: PGP signature

Re: xine-ui and css

2001-09-23 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Jean-Michel Kelbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi recently upgrade to xine-ui, but this package remove xine-dvd-css
 which enable me to read protected dvd like matrix. Now I am unable to
 read such dvd. Does anyone have the same problem ? 

You should upgrade to the xine-lib-d4d Debian package (just a name
change). I don't remember where I picked it up, but search via the
web-sites in /usr/doc/xine-ui/README.Debian and use the link to the
precompiled xine-packages, where you can find the library .deb.

Be aware that there is a plugin available for the new version which is
capable of menues and other stuff (apt-get install xine-dvdnav --
unstable only!)


Re: video players

2001-09-23 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz

 pardon my asking, but how, exactly, does xmms work?  (i type, xmms 
 in a console, get the xmms skin, click the  (play) button, 
 and select my *.mpg.  the skin and console just stare (and must be
 laughing at me, secretly).

Maybe you forgot to 'apt-get install smpeg-xmms' (you get to the
package name with 'apt-cache search xmms | grep plugin').

Beware: unstable only, I think.


Re: ReiserFS in Debian 2.2 r0

2001-09-23 Thread A.R. \(Tom\) Peters
On Sun, 23 Sep 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does Debian 2.2 r0 support the ReiserFS? How can i do it? I can't find
 this option in fdisk, but kernel 2.4.9 support it.

  Reiser warns to avoid 2.4.9, put recent .10-pre patches work fine.  I am
using .10-pre9 that seems to work well thusfar.  I did not need to use
additional patches from Reiser: whatever they submitted, Linus
incorporated into the 10-pre* kernels by now. 
  In fdisk, you must give the partition type 0x83: Linux Native
(this includes ext2fs, Reiser, etc).
  Then use the ReiserFS tools to format your partition for ReiserFS.
I don't think there is an up-to-date Debian package: get them from
  I guess this means you need to install the tools on a current system
with a 2.4.10 kernel, hang the new disk in the system, format it, and make
sure you boot with a 2.4.10 kernel when you want to install Debian on the
new disk.
PROTECTED]@^$##*#@(%)@**$!(!^(#((#%!)%*@)($($$%(@#)*!^$)[EMAIL PROTECTED]@)

Tom thriving on chaos Peters
NL-1062 KD nr 149   tel.+31-204080204
Amsterdam   e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

etherconf reconf

2001-09-23 Thread Tarjei Huse

this may sound like a stupid questions, but I'm a bit new to debian.

I've installed debian via the progeny debian distro. Thereafter I changed my
sources.list to debian unstable and did a lot of dist-upgrades etc.

The problems I am wondering about are:
a) Where is the equivalent of redhats rc.local file? I.e. somwhere I can set
things that are done just after everything else has started up?

b) how can I rerun etherconf? My machine thinks it should use dhcp for some
reason. I can change the behavior fine with ifconfig  route, but I'd rather do
it ther right (and probably debian) way :) Also is a rerun of etherconf the
right thing?

c) How do I update my keyboard and language setting from us to norwegian?

Many thanx for all answers!


Re: Installing potato from remote CDs

2001-09-23 Thread Skylar Thompson
On Sun, 23 Sep 2001, Wolfgang Hlawatsch wrote:

 I want to telnet the SMALL. It does not allow access. In hosts.allow I placed 
 ALL. in hosts the IP of the BIG is also mentioned. I tried everything, but 
 SMALL wants to remain as a single.

If you are using xinetd, you will have to disable the disabled telnet
(read: enable telnet) in /etc/xinetd.conf or /etc/xinetd.d/telnet.

--Skylar Thompson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

`All that is gold does not glitter/Not all who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither/Deep roots are not reached by the frost
From the ashes a fire shall be woken/A light from the shadows shall spring
Renewed shall be blade that was broken/The crownless again shall be king.'

apache .htpasswd problems

2001-09-23 Thread Martin F Krafft
hi dudes,
trying to get apache to authorize users through .htaccess. this isn't
my first time, but it's not working and i am clueless.

i can either configure the following settings via .htaccess (having
set AllowOverride AuthConfig for Directory /, or i can put the lines
into the Directory / container:

  AuthType Basic
  AuthName admin.home.madduck.net
  AuthUserFile .htpasswd
  AuthGroupFile /dev/null
  Require valid-user

no matter where i place .htpasswd, or how i name it, whether i give
its location relatively to ServerRoot or absolute anywhere on the
machine, apache complains in its error.log that

[error] user madduck not found: /

and a `stat` call on .htpasswd shows that it isn't even accessed.
.htaccess is accessed (atime update), but i can't get it to consider
the .htpasswd file.

any clues?

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
a life? where can i download that?

Description: PGP signature

Re: .config in kernel source?

2001-09-23 Thread Samuli Suonpaa
Martin F. Krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 okay. so it's really just basic vanilla source (with patches
 applied)?  so the actual kernel data (not image) is in

Kernel-source contains a tarball /usr/src/kernel-source-x.x.x.tar.bz2
which has everything you need to compile a kernel the traditional way
or make packages kernel-image, kernel-docs and kernel-headers.

Kernel-headers contains just the headers, the .h-files.

 what do you do if another piece of software needs both, headers and
 source, corresponding to the current kernel (e.g. vmware)? it isn't
 happy with just kernel-source (unconfigured), and it isn't happy
 with just kernel-headers (no source files). 

But vmware _is_ happy with kernel-headers. I have only kernel-image
and kernel-headers installed in my laptop and vmware modules compile
just fine. (At least vmmon.o and vmnet.o do.)

You do not need both packages. You either install kernel-source which
includes the source _and_ the headers (and docs) _or_ you install
kernel-image plus, if needed, kernel-headers.

I, for instance, do not have enough diskspace on my laptop to hold
kernel sources, I have all the sources in my other machine at which I
make packages kernel-image and kernel-headers to be installed on the

Oh, and what comes to the subject of this message, the .config is
included in kernel-image also, as /boot/config-x.x.x.


Re: apache .htpasswd problems

2001-09-23 Thread Jens Gecius
Martin F Krafft [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 trying to get apache to authorize users through .htaccess. this isn't
 my first time, but it's not working and i am clueless.
 i can either configure the following settings via .htaccess (having
 set AllowOverride AuthConfig for Directory /, or i can put the lines
 into the Directory / container:
   AuthType Basic
   AuthName admin.home.madduck.net
   AuthUserFile .htpasswd
   AuthGroupFile /dev/null
   Require valid-user
 no matter where i place .htpasswd, or how i name it, whether i give
 its location relatively to ServerRoot or absolute anywhere on the
 machine, apache complains in its error.log that
 [error] user madduck not found: /

Do you have a 'loadmodule sys_auth_module ...' in your http.conf?

If yes, comment it out. That was what my box didn't like back when I
had the problem to get the user-auth to work at all.

Tschoe,http://gecius.de/gpg-key.txt - Fingerprint:
 Jens  1AAB 67A2 1068 77CA 6B0A  41A4 18D4 A89B 28D0 F097

Re: fs type iso9660 not supported by kernel?

2001-09-23 Thread Bob Underwood
On Tuesday 11 September 2001 21:19, richard wrote:
 A still new installation of potato from CDROM.

 Upon mount /dev/cdrom or mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom I get the
 subject error message.

 The line
/dev/cdrom   /cdrom   iso9660   defaults,ro,user,no auto
 is already in /etc/fstab, put there by the installer.

 What's wrong? Do I have to reinstall debian or recompile the kernel?

I just reinstalled debian 2.2r2 from potato and have no problems with the 
cdrom using that command.  are you root when you do this?


Re: apache .htpasswd problems

2001-09-23 Thread Martin F Krafft
also sprach Jens Gecius (on Sun, 23 Sep 2001 11:19:04AM -0400):
 Do you have a 'loadmodule sys_auth_module ...' in your http.conf?
 If yes, comment it out. That was what my box didn't like back when I
 had the problem to get the user-auth to work at all.

i do have that in my httpd.conf, but i also got it to work just now by
specifying AuthAuthoritative off.

before i comment out the sys_auth_module line, could someone explain
to me what's going on? what are the different modules


how do they interact, and why does it not work when auth_sys is also


martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as of next week, passwords will be entered in morse code.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Regarding /tmp

2001-09-23 Thread Sunny Dubey
On Saturday 22 September 2001 01:59 pm, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:
 Hey, don't delete my fucking work, just because I happen to have put it in
 /tmp.  /tmp means temporary, it doesn't mean delete upon reboot. 

so it should be like windows where it just grows all the time right??

 you want that, how about /gets-deleted-at-reboot.  DUH.  /tmp on Linux
 is not some stupid communist shit-licking in-memory filesystem like it is
 on Solaris.

do you know english??  do you know what the word temporary means??

tem*po*rar*y (tmp-rr)
Lasting, used, serving, or enjoyed for a limited time.

notice the words limited time ...

  And if I find the fuckbag who wrote the script that delted my
 work, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

no, I hope that developer gives you a piece of his mind.  I hope you stop 
using debian too.  And hopefully, you'll learn about the lovely /home 
directory, and why you should stick files there.

sunny dubey

Re: text in menu bars has turned to hash marked boxes

2001-09-23 Thread Charles Baker
I saw that too. I had similar problems with fonts. It
turned out that since I didn't initial do an
dist-upgrade to woody, and probably since I was
running X and apt-get from a virtual tty, that some
parts of Xfree86 3.x were installed along with the 4.x
fonts. The 3.x Xserver was in some instances confused
by the 4.x fonts. I got rid of 3.x and have all 4.x
and now the fonts are displaying nicely.

--- Dmitriy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 07:19:00PM -0700, Marc
 Wilson wrote:
  Yes, see bugs 109480 and 109611 in the BTS. 
 Annoying, isn't it?
 Uhh  Are u shure about #109480 ?
 It says: #109480: ITP: yardradius -- Yet Another
 RADIUS Daemon 
  Marc Wilson
  - Original Message -
  From: joe golden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
  Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 6:28 PM
  Subject: text in menu bars has turned to hash
 marked boxes
   text in menu bars has turned to hash marked
 boxes in the following
   abiword, netscape, skipstone, gaby, the gimp,
   I recently changed permissions (chmod 777) on my
   file after getting error saving bookmark file
 messages.  This seems to
   have caused this error.
   Is this a gtk related thing?
   Many thanks.
   Joe Golden
   The Stevens School of Peacham

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   GPG key-id: 1024D/5BE3DCFD Dmitriy
   CCAB 5F17 A099 9E43 1DBE  295C 9A21 2F1C 5BE3 DCFD
   Free Dmitry Sklyarov!  http://www.freesklyarov.org

 ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature 

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Re: xfonts packages broken?

2001-09-23 Thread Charles Baker
I had similar problems with fonts. It turned out that
since I didn't initially do an dist-upgrade to woody,
and probably since I was running X and apt-get from a
virtual tty, that some parts of Xfree86 3.x were
installed along with the 4.x fonts. The 3.x Xserver
was in some instances confused by the 4.x fonts. I got
rid of 3.x and have all 4.x and now the fonts are
displaying nicely. BTW, I use Windowmaker and it was
primarily GTK apps that had font problems though
Netscape  Mozilla did as well.

--- Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * Pollywog ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010922 15:14]:
  I have the following xfonts packages installed,
 but when I upgrade Woody
  and these packages get upgraded, I lose fonts in
 my Gnome themes, the
  Gnome panel, and in Evolution.  Instead of
 characters, I see tiny blocks
  consisting of dots.
  hi  xfonts-100dpi  4.0.3-4100 dpi fonts
 for X
  hi  xfonts-75dpi   4.0.3-475 dpi fonts for
  hi  xfonts-base4.0.3-4standard fonts
 for X
  hi  xfonts-scalabl 4.0.3-4scalable fonts
 for X
  Is it just me?
 It's not just you... I posted the message below and
 got ZERO response.
  I've just done an apt-get update  apt-get upgrade
 for the first time
  in a week or two (usig woody), and I've lost the
 fonts ... They're
  all replaced by strange little symbols, which I
 assume means the
  characters is unavailable.
 Can the package maintainer comment on this ?? It's
 far too common, isn't it ??
 What are people doing wrong (I'd argue nothing if
 happening simply as a result of upgrading/updating X
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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Hacking is a Good Thing!
See http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email alerts  NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger. 

[tpeters@xs4all.nl: XF86 on Debian documentation]

2001-09-23 Thread Branden Robinson
Would someone please help this gentleman out?

G. Branden Robinson|Damnit, we're all going to die;
Debian GNU/Linux   |let's die doing something *useful*!
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |-- Hal Clement, on comments that
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |   space exploration is dangerous
I freshly installed Debian (Progeny actually) on a new disk.  First I got
the problem that X isn't working the way I like it, and then I got the
problem that I cannot find documentation on how exactly X is supposed to
work on current Debian systems.  Since you are the package maintainer, I
thought I should write you directly.

I really hate xdm (gmd, kdm).  I want to do a startx whenever I need
X, usually as a mortal.  However, on my latest installation I am told that
this user is not allowed to start X.  Says who, why not, and what can I do
about it?  The /usr/X11R6/bin/X program is setuid and setgid root, as it
is on my previous installation, but when I run it I get that message
anyhow.  I tried tracing what happens in and after the startx script, but
I lost track.

On debian-user someone suggested that this is configured in
/etc/X11/Xserver, but I believe that that file is obsoleted: it is not in
my new install, `dpkg -S` doesn't know about it (apparently on my old
installation it is a relict of a previous Debian version), and I cannot
find it documented anyways.  Note that this file used to contain the name
of the actual X server, but apparently that has been replaced by an
old-fashiond symlink.

So I like to know exactly how the various X components are put together
and configured in current Debian systems.  Is that documented
somewhere?  What I do find are release notes and generic X stuff that
apparently does not relate well to how the Debian system actually is put
* What is the preferred way of starting X?
* What is the proper sequence of events?
* What exactly are the executables, scripts, and config files that are
used, and where are they supposed to live?
* How and where is all that configured:
- X server
- access (mortals must be able to run X, not just root or gdm!)
- programs to start (desktop manager, window manager, application
launcher, initial programs)
- X defaults.

Any guidance will be welcome.
PROTECTED]@^$##*#@(%)@**$!(!^(#((#%!)%*@)($($$%(@#)*!^$)[EMAIL PROTECTED]@)

Tom thriving on chaos Peters
NL-1062 KD nr 149   tel.+31-204080204
Amsterdam   e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---End Message---

Description: PGP signature

Re: apache .htpasswd problems

2001-09-23 Thread Robert Waldner

On Sun, 23 Sep 2001 17:11:44 +0200, Martin F Krafft writes:
trying to get apache to authorize users through .htaccess. this isn't
my first time, but it's not working and i am clueless.

i can either configure the following settings via .htaccess (having
set AllowOverride AuthConfig for Directory /, or i can put the lines
into the Directory / container:

  AuthType Basic
  AuthName admin.home.madduck.net
  AuthUserFile .htpasswd
  AuthGroupFile /dev/null
  Require valid-user

no matter where i place .htpasswd, or how i name it, whether i give
its location relatively to ServerRoot or absolute anywhere on the
machine, apache complains in its error.log that

Here´s what working for me:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ grep -i auth /etc/apache/httpd.conf | egrep -v ^\#
LoadModule auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_auth.so
 AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
  AuthType Basic
  AuthUserFile /etc/apache/hawara.pwf
  AuthName nua hawara

-- Q: What is the DMCA, exactly?
-- A: The Copyright Lawyers Lifetime Employment Act.

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