Re: déclaration impôts en ligne sous Len ny et Iceweasel 3.0.6

2010-05-31 Thread deb

On 05/30/2010 06:03 PM, Jérôme wrote:

Le dimanche 30 mai 2010 à 16:46 +0200, Bernard a écrit :

Je dispose donc de Iceweasel 3.06 sous Debian Lenny. Y-a-t-il des
personnes qui ont réussi à faire leur déclaration avec ces outils ?

Utiliser openjdk-6-jre + icedtea6-plugin
ou bien sun-java6-jre + sun-java6-plugin
mais pas gcj
De mon côté, j'ai dû mettre à jour sun-java6-plugin. Mais comme je suis 
sous unstable, ça ne t'avancera pas bcp :-(

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[ABUL/tech] Re: modem 3G USB et port x disabled by hub (EMI?)

2010-05-31 Thread Nicolas Sebrecht
Le 26/05/10, Yann Cohen a écrit :

 Dans syslog je trouve les lignes suivantes :
 hub 1-0:1.0: port 4 disabled by hub (EMI?), re-enabling...
 puis une redécouverte du modem avec une réaffectation des ports USB à
 des nnuméros différents !
 (voir le ficheir de log joint).

S'il n'y a pas de problème de connectique, je pencherais pour un bug de
la pile USB. As-tu essayé un autre noyau ?

 - comment forcer udev et hal à remettre le modem exclusiveemnt sur une
 ttyUSB fixe ?

Tu peux écrire ta propre règle udev (hal n'y est pour rien) dans fichier
dédié dans /etc/udev/rules.d à partir d'un identifiant précis du

Ceci dit, udev devrait avoir déjà pris soin de créer un devpath unique
pour ce périphérique (dont le path contient l'expression by-id,
by-uuid ou assimilé).

Tu peux trouver plus d'infos sur le périphérique avec les commandes et
'udevadm monitor' et 'udevinfo'.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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Re: difficulte avec blender

2010-05-31 Thread Yannick Fouquet


Le 30/05/10 20:52, suchod a écrit :

-comment rétablir GLX la ou il le faut ??? (peut on le faire ???)

Pour ma part, 2 options :

1. réinstaller le pilote (dans mon cas nvidia).

2. # ln -s /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/ 
Où est le nom du fichier installé par nvidia (ici 
version 190.53), et a été effacé au préalable (pour ma part 
déplacé en .old).

C'est l'inconvénient de ne pas utiliser le .deb...

Hope this helps.


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Re: [ABUL/tech] Re: modem 3G USB et port x disabled by hub (EMI?)

2010-05-31 Thread Jérôme
Le lundi 31 mai 2010 à 09:04 +0200, Nicolas Sebrecht a écrit :
  Dans syslog je trouve les lignes suivantes :
  hub 1-0:1.0: port 4 disabled by hub (EMI?), re-enabling...
  puis une redécouverte du modem avec une réaffectation des ports USB
  des nnuméros différents !
  (voir le ficheir de log joint). 

Il me semble avoir entendu parler d'un bios avec ce problème de ports
usb voyageurs. Il y a toujours la solution des uuid et de
l'identification du matériel dans udev.

Jérôme -

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Re: déclaration impôt s en ligne sous Lenny et Iceweasel 3.0.6

2010-05-31 Thread François Cerbelle
Le Monday 31 May 2010 à 00:12:01 (+0200), Bernard a écrit :
 Certes, ce que j'ai voulu dire, c'est qu'au cas où je n'arriverais
 pas à déboguer la situation avec ma tentative de déclaration via
 Internet, demain était le dernier jour pour faire une déclaration
 papier classique.


D'un autre côté, attendre le dernier jour pour effectuer sa déclaration
d'impôts Surtout qu'il n'y a rien à y gagner à attendre le dernier
moment. À ta place, je regarderai comment m'y prendre pour l'an prochain
et je commencerais à faire les tests au début de la période de déclaration.


L'amour, c'est d'abord aimer follement l'odeur de l'autre.  
   [Pascal Quignard]

Description: Digital signature

iptables autorisation DNS, SSH et ping

2010-05-31 Thread Tahar BEN ACHOUR
Bonjour à tous,

Je voudrais mettre des règles iptables afin d'autoriser uniquement le trafic 
dns et ping sur une carte et sur l'autre l'accès ssh, je ne suis pas très sûr 
de mes règles donc je voudrais avoir votre avis avant de les appliquer


Alors voilà, mes deux cartes réseaux eth1 et eth2, eth2 étant l'interface 
publique qui va recevoir les requêtes DNS et ping et eth0 l'accès ssh 

#Politique par défaut deny all

iptables -A INPUT -P DROP
iptabels -A OUTPUT -P DROP
iptables -A FORWARD -P DROP

#Authorisation de SSH

iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT #pour éviter 
les coupures
iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

#authorisation du ping

iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p icmp -j ACCEPT 
iptables -A OUTPUT -i eth1 -p icmp -j ACCEPT

#authorisation des requêtes DNS

iptables -A INPUT -i eth1-p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -i eth1 -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

Voilà à peu près, je ne sais pas vraiment si c'est bon ou non n'étant pas 
expert en la matière 

J'ai aussi trouvé en lisant sur le net l'utilisation des options -t filter, est 
ce que c'est mieux de faire ça ?

Quelle est la différence entre les règles ci-dessus et leur équivalent avec -t 
filter ?

#politique par défaut deny all

iptables -t filter -A INPUT -P DROP
iptabels -t filter -A OUTPUT -P DROP
iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -P DROP

#Authorisation de SSH

iptables -t filter -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT  
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT 
#pour éviter les coupures
iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

#authorisation du ping

iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p icmp -j ACCEPT 
iptables -A OUTPUT -i eth1 -p icmp -j ACCEPT

#authorisation des requêtes DNS

iptables -t filter -A INPUT -i eth1-p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -i eth1 -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.


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Re: iptables autorisation DNS, SSH et ping

2010-05-31 Thread sleepewig

Je repond a ta question sur -t filter, par defaut iptables est mise
par defaut dessus donc cela change rien si tu le renseigne ou non, il
faut le renseigner que si tu change de tables
iptables --help
  --table-t tabletable to manipulate (default: `filter')

Si tu DROP par defaut en OUTPUT il faut ajouter des regles de sortie :

iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT

# et ajouter pour les requete dns
iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p udp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth1 -p udp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT

Si tu veux autorise que le ping :

iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth1 -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth1 -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT

Et si tu selection par interface : -i pour la chaine INPUT -o pour

Voila esperant t'avoir aide.

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Re: Bond sur Lenny

2010-05-31 Thread GouNiNi
- Mail original -
 De: daniel huhardeaux
 Envoyé: Mardi 18 Mai 2010 15:23:37
 Objet: Re: Bond sur Lenny

 Le 18/05/2010 15:11, GouNiNi a écrit :
   Auto-negotiation: on
 Met cela à off. Stabilité accrue -vécu en DC- certifiée
 /usr/sbin/ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full autoneg off
 -- Daniel
 -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
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 En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

J'ai du nouveau sur mon problème.
Les ports ont été forcés à 1000M full duplex au niveau du switch, la 
modification au niveau de l'OS ne fonctionne pas. J'imagine que ça fonctionne 
sur une interface standalone mais pas pour un bond.

Bref, mes pertes de réseau arrivent toujours de manière aléatoire et j'ai 
systématiquement ça avant :

May 28 20:01:27 monhost udevd[12786]: init_udevd_socket: bind failed: Address 
already in use
May 28 20:01:27 monhost udevd[12786]: main: another udev daemon already running

Ca donne l'impression qu'udevd est restarté... 
Dans quels cas udevd pourrait être relancé ?

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Re: difficulte avec blender

2010-05-31 Thread suchod

Le 05/31/2010 09:19 AM, Yannick Fouquet a écrit :


Le 30/05/10 20:52, suchod a écrit :

-comment rétablir GLX la ou il le faut ??? (peut on le faire ???)

Pour ma part, 2 options :

1. réinstaller le pilote (dans mon cas nvidia).

2. # ln -s /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/ 
Où est le nom du fichier installé par nvidia (ici 
version 190.53), et a été effacé au préalable (pour ma part 
déplacé en .old).

C'est l'inconvénient de ne pas utiliser le .deb...

Hope this helps.


Bonjour Yannick

merci pour les infos, je vais essayer ton 2. .
 Pourrais tu m'expliquer ce que tu veux dire par

 C'est l'inconvénient de ne pas utiliser le .deb...  ??

a te lire


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Re: difficulte avec blender

2010-05-31 Thread Yannick Fouquet


Le 31/05/10 13:01, suchod a écrit :

Le 05/31/2010 09:19 AM, Yannick Fouquet a écrit :

Le 30/05/10 20:52, suchod a écrit :

-comment rétablir GLX la ou il le faut ??? (peut on le faire ???)

Pour ma part, 2 options :
1. réinstaller le pilote (dans mon cas nvidia).
2. # ln -s /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
Où est le nom du fichier installé par nvidia (ici
version 190.53), et a été effacé au préalable (pour ma part
déplacé en .old).

C'est l'inconvénient de ne pas utiliser le .deb...

merci pour les infos, je vais essayer ton 2. .
Pourrais tu m'expliquer ce que tu veux dire par

C'est l'inconvénient de ne pas utiliser le .deb... ??

Utiliser le .run de nvidia, c'est devoir réinstaller le pilote à chaque 
mise à jour de xorg, de mesa ou du noyau (en contrepartie, on a la 
version que l'on veut), bref, de temps en temps çe ne marche plus et il 
faut le réinstaller. Pour le cas du 2 par exemple, de temps en temps 
(mise à jour), le n'est plus un lien mais un fichier et compiz 
ne marche plus du coup, d'où la manip préconisée pour obtenir à nouveau 
un lien vers le de nvidia.

Utiliser le .deb (donc pas toujours la dernière version du pilote), 
c'est rentrer dans le système de dépendance et donc, normalement tout se 
fait tout seul à la mise à jour.

J'espère avoir été clair.


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2010-05-31 Thread deny

j'essaie d'implémenter un .htaccess sur un virtualhost depuis un serveur 
sous lighttpd

la syntaxe fonctionne pour un host avec nom de domaine
mais échoue pour un sous-domaine

fonctionne avec
$HTTP[host] =~

ne fonctionne pas avec
$HTTP[host] =~

voici ma syntaxe qui ne fonctionne pas :

$HTTP[host] =~ {
server.document-root = /home/deny/aide/blog
server.error-handler-404 = /e404.php

expire.url = ( /wp-content/ = access plus 1 hours,

auth.backend = htpasswd
 auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = /home/deny/.htpasswd
auth.require = ( /wp-admin/ =
  method  = basic,
  realm   = Access to admin interface,
  require = valid-user

merci pour votre aide

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Re: htaccess

2010-05-31 Thread David Prévot
Hash: SHA1

Le 31/05/2010 08:03, deny a écrit :


 j'essaie d'implémenter un .htaccess sur un virtualhost depuis un serveur
 sous lighttpd
 la syntaxe fonctionne pour un host avec nom de domaine
 mais échoue pour un sous-domaine
 fonctionne avec
 $HTTP[host] =~
 ne fonctionne pas avec
 $HTTP[host] =~

Normal, ce n'est *pas* un sous domaine : est
un sous-domaine de en revanche.



Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: htaccess

2010-05-31 Thread deny

Normal, ce n'est *pas* un sous domaine : est
un sous-domaine de en revanche.



et concrétement, je peux faire quelque chose pour disposer d'un 
.htaccess pour la partie admin de ce blog ?


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Re: htaccess

2010-05-31 Thread steve
Le 31-05-2010, à 14:44:15 +0200, deny ( a écrit :

 Normal, ce n'est *pas* un sous domaine : est
 un sous-domaine de en revanche.



 et concrétement, je peux faire quelque chose pour disposer d'un  
 .htaccess pour la partie admin de ce blog ?

Il suffit de déposer le fichier dans ton répertoire blog.

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Re: htaccess

2010-05-31 Thread deny

Le 31/05/2010 14:47,  en cette année 2010  *steve* a écrit fort justement :

Le 31-05-2010, à 14:44:15 +0200, deny ( a écrit :

Normal, ce n'est *pas* un sous domaine : est
un sous-domaine de en revanche.



et concrétement, je peux faire quelque chose pour disposer d'un
.htaccess pour la partie admin de ce blog ?

Il suffit de déposer le fichier dans ton répertoire blog.

ca ne fonctionne pas, sinon je n'eurais pas demander de l'aide
cela fonctionne avec apache mais avec lighttpd c'est différent
il faut bidouiller dans le fichier lighttpd.conf d'ou ma question
sur la syntaxe a suivre (voir mail précédent)

$HTTP[host] =~ {
server.document-root = /home/deny/aide/blog
server.error-handler-404 = /e404.php

expire.url = ( /wp-content/ = access plus 1 hours,

auth.backend = htpasswd
 auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = /home/deny/.htpasswd
auth.require = ( /wp-admin/ =
  method  = basic,
  realm   = Access to admin interface,
  require = valid-user

j'ai placé un fichier .htaccess dans blog et dans wp-admin
et j'ai relancé lighttpd
on peut voir un exemple ici

ou la fenetre d'authenfication du .htaccess n'apparait pas , seule 
apparait celle du blog


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Re: htaccess

2010-05-31 Thread fabrice régnier


j'essaie d'implémenter un .htaccess sur un virtualhost depuis un serveur
sous lighttpd

tiens, je croyais que lighttpd ne connaissait pas htacess.

ah ok, tu veux faire un htacess-like avec lighttpd.conf ;)

Il me semble que si tu créés des virtualhost (un pour ta racine et un 
pour ton répertoire admin), tu pourras ensuite utiliser la syntaxe 
classique lighttpd.conf



la syntaxe fonctionne pour un host avec nom de domaine
mais échoue pour un sous-domaine

fonctionne avec
$HTTP[host] =~

ne fonctionne pas avec
$HTTP[host] =~

voici ma syntaxe qui ne fonctionne pas :

$HTTP[host] =~ {
server.document-root = /home/deny/aide/blog
server.error-handler-404 = /e404.php

expire.url = ( /wp-content/ = access plus 1 hours,

auth.backend = htpasswd
auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = /home/deny/.htpasswd
auth.require = ( /wp-admin/ =
method = basic,
realm = Access to admin interface,
require = valid-user

merci pour votre aide

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: htaccess

2010-05-31 Thread deny
Le 31/05/2010 15:45,  en cette année 2010  *fabrice régnier* a écrit 
fort justement :


j'essaie d'implémenter un .htaccess sur un virtualhost depuis un serveur
sous lighttpd

tiens, je croyais que lighttpd ne connaissait pas htacess.

ah ok, tu veux faire un htacess-like avec lighttpd.conf ;)

Il me semble que si tu créés des virtualhost (un pour ta racine et un
pour ton répertoire admin), tu pourras ensuite utiliser la syntaxe
classique lighttpd.conf

ceci ne fonctionne pas :

$HTTP[host] =~ {
server.document-root = /home/deny/aide/blog/wp-admin
server.error-handler-404 = /e404.php

expire.url = ( /wp-content/ = access plus 1 hours,

auth.backend = htpasswd
 auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = /home/deny/.htpasswd
auth.require = ( / =
  method  = basic,
  realm   = Access to admin interface,
  require = valid-user

ceci en revanche fonctionne :

$HTTP[host] =~ {
server.document-root = /home/deny/aide/blog2
server.error-handler-404 = /e404.php

expire.url = ( /wp-content/ = access plus 1 hours,
   /audio/ = access plus 1 hours,
   /photo/ = access plus 1 hours,

 auth.backend = htpasswd
 auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = /home/deny/.htpasswd
auth.require = ( /wp-admin/ =
  method  = basic,
  realm   = Access to admin interface,
  require = valid-user

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: htaccess

2010-05-31 Thread Jeremie COURREGES-ANGLAS
Le lundi 31 mai 2010 à 04:16:54, deny a écrit :

 ceci ne fonctionne pas :

 $HTTP[host] =~ {
 server.document-root = /home/deny/aide/blog/wp-admin
 server.error-handler-404 = /e404.php

 expire.url = ( /wp-content/ = access plus 1 hours,

 auth.backend = htpasswd
  auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = /home/deny/.htpasswd
 auth.require = ( / =
   method  = basic,
   realm   = Access to admin interface,
   require = valid-user

 ceci en revanche fonctionne :

 $HTTP[host] =~ {
 server.document-root = /home/deny/aide/blog2
 server.error-handler-404 = /e404.php

 expire.url = ( /wp-content/ = access plus 1 hours,
/audio/ = access plus 1 hours,
/photo/ = access plus 1 hours,

  auth.backend = htpasswd
  auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = /home/deny/.htpasswd
 auth.require = ( /wp-admin/ =
   method  = basic,
   realm   = Access to admin interface,
   require = valid-user

Le truc c'est de bien distinguer $HTTP[host] et $HTTP[url].
Fort heureusement, il est possible depuis lighttpd 1.4.0 d'utiliser
des conditionnelles imbriquées. Du genre :

$HTTP[host] == {
  $HTTP[url] =~ ^/monurl {
   # Instructions...

De toute façon la doc est là :

Bon courage.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

[HS] écran noir avec google earth

2010-05-31 Thread C. Mourad Jaber


J'essaye de faire fonctionner google earth (5.1.3535.3218+0.5.7-1) sous 
debian testing avec les drivers proprio nvidia (version dkms 
(195.36.24-2) sur un kernel 2.6.34).

Sur une machine 32 bits, pas de problème particulier, par contre sur mon 
portable en 64bits, la partie de carte interactive est tout le temps 
noire et rien ne s'affiche !

J'ai les ia32-libs-xxx installés comme décrit sur un forum, mais ça ne 
change rien :(

Y'a-t-il quelque chose à faire pour permettre d'avoir cette application 
fonctionnelle sur une configuration 64bits ?



Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Re: [HS] écran noir avec google earth

2010-05-31 Thread François Boisson
Le Mon, 31 May 2010 16:57:57 +0200
C. Mourad Jaber a écrit:

 J'essaye de faire fonctionner google earth (5.1.3535.3218+0.5.7-1) sous 
 debian testing avec les drivers proprio nvidia (version dkms 
 (195.36.24-2) sur un kernel 2.6.34).
 Sur une machine 32 bits, pas de problème particulier, par contre sur mon 
 portable en 64bits, la partie de carte interactive est tout le temps 
 noire et rien ne s'affiche !
 J'ai les ia32-libs-xxx installés comme décrit sur un forum, mais ça ne 
 change rien :(
 Y'a-t-il quelque chose à faire pour permettre d'avoir cette application 
 fonctionnelle sur une configuration 64bits ?

Tu trouvezras ici
un paquet fonctionnant sur une amd64 avec nvidia (mon portable en
l'occurrence). Attention, éventuellement il te faudra renommer

François Boisson

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Re: [HS] écran noir avec google earth

2010-05-31 Thread Klaus Becker
Le lundi 31 mai 2010 17:19:47, François Boisson a écrit :
 Le Mon, 31 May 2010 16:57:57 +0200
 C. Mourad Jaber a écrit:
  J'essaye de faire fonctionner google earth (5.1.3535.3218+0.5.7-1) sous
  debian testing avec les drivers proprio nvidia (version dkms
  (195.36.24-2) sur un kernel 2.6.34).
  Sur une machine 32 bits, pas de problème particulier, par contre sur mon
  portable en 64bits, la partie de carte interactive est tout le temps
  noire et rien ne s'affiche !
  J'ai les ia32-libs-xxx installés comme décrit sur un forum, mais ça ne
  change rien :(
  Y'a-t-il quelque chose à faire pour permettre d'avoir cette application
  fonctionnelle sur une configuration 64bits ?
 Tu trouvezras ici
 eb un paquet fonctionnant sur une amd64 avec nvidia (mon portable en
 l'occurrence). Attention, éventuellement il te faudra renommer
 François Boisson

Salut François,

et pour une carte Ati ?


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Re: htaccess

2010-05-31 Thread deny


Le truc c'est de bien distinguer $HTTP[host] et $HTTP[url].
Fort heureusement, il est possible depuis lighttpd 1.4.0 d'utiliser
des conditionnelles imbriquées. Du genre :

$HTTP[host] == {
   $HTTP[url] =~ ^/monurl {
# Instructions...

De toute façon la doc est là :

Bon courage.

ca a l'air d'être la  bonne piste
je vais regarder ca de plus pres


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: htaccess

2010-05-31 Thread deny

Le truc c'est de bien distinguer $HTTP[host] et $HTTP[url].
Fort heureusement, il est possible depuis lighttpd 1.4.0 d'utiliser
des conditionnelles imbriquées. Du genre :

$HTTP[host] == {
   $HTTP[url] =~ ^/monurl {
# Instructions...

De toute façon la doc est là :

Bon courage.

pas mieux avec ca .

HTTP[host] == {
  $HTTP[url] =~ ^/blog {

auth.backend = htpasswd
 auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = /home/deny/.htpasswd
auth.require = ( wp-admin =
  method  = basic,
  realm   = Access to admin interface,
  require = valid-user

je seche ...

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: htaccess

2010-05-31 Thread deny

Le truc c'est de bien distinguer $HTTP[host] et $HTTP[url].
Fort heureusement, il est possible depuis lighttpd 1.4.0 d'utiliser
des conditionnelles imbriquées. Du genre :

$HTTP[host] == {
   $HTTP[url] =~ ^/monurl {
# Instructions...

De toute façon la doc est là :

Bon courage.

voila trouvé

$HTTP[host] == {
  $HTTP[url] =~ ^/blog/wp-admin {

auth.backend = htpasswd
 auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = /home/deny/.htpasswd
auth.require = ( / =
  method  = basic,
  realm   = Access to admin interface,
  require = valid-user

merci pour l'aide

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: iptables autorisation DNS, SSH et ping

2010-05-31 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 08:14:52AM +,
 Tahar BEN ACHOUR wrote 
 a message of 39 lines which said:

 #authorisation des requêtes DNS
 iptables -A INPUT -i eth1-p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A OUTPUT -i eth1 -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

Il manque aussi les mêmes, mais avec TCP.
PS : utiliser un logiciel comme Shorewall simplifierait
quand même les choses.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: difficulte avec blender

2010-05-31 Thread suchod

Utiliser le .run de nvidia, c'est devoir réinstaller le pilote à 
chaque mise à jour de xorg, de mesa ou du noyau (en contrepartie, on a 
la version que l'on veut), bref, de temps en temps çe ne marche plus 
et il faut le réinstaller. Pour le cas du 2 par exemple, de temps en 
temps (mise à jour), le n'est plus un lien mais un fichier 
et compiz ne marche plus du coup, d'où la manip préconisée pour 
obtenir à nouveau un lien vers le de nvidia.

Utiliser le .deb (donc pas toujours la dernière version du pilote), 
c'est rentrer dans le système de dépendance et donc, normalement tout 
se fait tout seul à la mise à jour.

J'espère avoir été clair.

parfaitement clair et merci encore.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: [HS] écran noir avec google earth

2010-05-31 Thread François Boisson
Le Mon, 31 May 2010 17:48:57 +0200
Klaus Becker a écrit:

 Salut François,
 et pour une carte Ati ?

À la connaissance, le paquet fonctionnait également.

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme objet unsubscribe
En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Pytanie o zgode na przeslanie informacji dotyczacej tlumaczen

2010-05-31 Thread etlumaczenia

Szanowni Panstwo,

Zwracam sie z pytaniem, czy jestescie Panstwo zainteresowani jednorazowym 
otrzymaniem oferty tlumaczen pisemnych.


*Niniejsze zapytanie nie jest informacja handlowa, a jedynie pytaniem** o zgode 
na przesylanie informacji handlowych droga elektroniczna zgodnie z art. 10 
ustawy z dnia 18 lipca 2002r.o swiadczeniu usług droga elektroniczna (Dz.U. z 
2002r. Nr 144, poz 1204 z pozn. zm.)

**Zgodnie z Ustawa z dnia 18 lipca 2002 r. o swiadczeniu uslug droga elektroniczna (Dz.U. 
z 2002r, nr 144 poz. 1204 ustawy z dnia 18 lipca 2002 r.) oraz dyrektywa UOKiK:  
Dopuszczalne jest przeslanie na adres e-mail pytania czy adresat zgadza sie na 
otrzymywanie droga elektroniczna informacji handlowej 

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2010-05-31 Thread Krzysztof Zubik

Krzysztof Zubik pisze:
 Krzysztof Zubik pisze:
 2009/11/8 rzymianin
   W marcu 2010 roku będzie 6 edycja Studenckiego Festiwalu
 Za niecaly miesiac bedzie w Krakowie Studencki Festiwal 

 Jego termin. od 11 do 13 marca t.j. od czwartku do soboty.
 Miejsce jak poprzednio Hala Sportowa Akademii Ekonomicznej w
 Krakowie ul. Rakowicka 27.
 Witryna pod
Oczywiscie, ze juz po a byla, to bardzo przyjemna impreza. :)
Zapraszam do ogldadania moich zdjec.
One pod  Jezeli gdzies cos mam 
poprawic, uzpelnic

pod zdjeciami jak zwykle prosze o wiadomosc. Mam jeszcze kilka pytan do
organizatorow (pewnie w CLUG-u przeczytacie) czy gdzies
mozna bedzie sciagnac materialy z prezentacji? Chetnie dodam linki. 
Czekam tez

na linki do filmow, ktore nagrali Mariusz i Wojciech. Takze je chce dodac.
Oczywiscie pozniej beda tez moje filmy.
Przyznam, ze na tym festiwalu mialem tez duzo przyjemnych spotkan.

Open Source jest dziś największym i najważniejszym nurtem w sektorze IT 
- albo dasz się ponieść na fali, albo utoniesz próbując płynąć pod prąd..

Konczac Pozdrawiam. Krzysztof.

Registered Linux User: 253243
Powered by Aurox 11.0, Ubuntu Studio 8.04 i Fedora 9.0
Krzysztof Zubik. ||
GaduGadu. 1208376 | Jabber. | Skype. kzubik

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iptables - zmiana portu docelowego

2010-05-31 Thread Michał Łętowski

Czy da się za pomocą iptables zmienić numer portu
docelowego pakietów wychodzących z serwera?
Coś jak DNAT, ale bez podawania adresu serwera.

Szerzej, problem polega na tym, iż Dialog zablokował
możliwość korzystania z portu 25 do wysyłania poczty.
Do obsługi poczty wykorzystujemy serwer z Novell
GroupWise działający w LAN-ie. Niestety, potrafi
on wysyłać pocztę na zewnątrz tylko na port 25.
Szukam więc sposobu magicznej zmiany portu
docelowego wychodzących pakietów.

Debian Lenny, bez żadnych własnych modyfikacji kernela.

Michał Łętowski

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Re: Error ghostscript

2010-05-31 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 30 May 2010 19:55:10 -0500, danilo gonzalez escribió:


 Estuve mirando como usar  gs, pero
 la verdad no encontre como usarlo para convertir el archivo a imagen.

Uh? :-?

Pero si te puse el comando exacto en el mensaje anterior... bueno, lo 
pongo de nuevo por si a alguien le sirve, esta vez con soporte para pdf 

gs -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -r150 -dTextAlphaBits=4 
-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dMaxStripSize=8192 -sOutputFile=Desktop/salida_%d.jpg 



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Re: Problema de montaje en Testing-Era:¿ext4 no lee ext3?

2010-05-31 Thread Marc Olive
El Sunday 30 May 2010 00:14:05 Sergio Bess va escriure:

  El 29 de mayo de 2010 09:48, Sergio Bess escribió:
  Tengo el siguiente problema. Instalé Testing en una partición y
  cometí la imprudencia de formatearla en ext4. Cuando inicio Debian
  desde esa partición no reconoce las otras particiones que están en

Añade la configuracion de las particiones en /etc/fstab. Usa el manual de 
fstab para saber que poner (man fstab).

Al reinstalar Debian _solo_ le indicaste una de las particiones (la ext4 que 
has formateado), y no le indicaste nada de las otras, verdad? O las montas tu 
mismo o las pones en fstab para que se monten siempre (usa la segunda 

 Saludos y gracias.


 Sergio Bess
 Buenos Aires. Argentina
 skype: sergio.bess
 Linux counter: 486274


Marc Olivé
Grup Blau  

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Servidor Secundario Mail

2010-05-31 Thread Machado
Saludos Listeros

Resulta que me urge configurar un servidor de correo secundario, es decir cuando
el primario haya caído por algún motivo, bueno pues el servidor secundario se
encargue de almacenar la mensajería  hasta tanto el primario sea restablecido.

Alguien puede guiarme por donde debo empezar a googlear o si alguien tiene o
sabe de alguna buena documentación.

Gracias de Antemano


 * Yuniesky Machado Rojas   *
 * Administrador de Redes   *
 * Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Viandas Tropicales
*GNU/Linux User #481684 (

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Re: Servidor Secundario Mail

2010-05-31 Thread Julio
El lun, 31-05-2010 a las 09:29 -0400, Machado escribió:
 Alguien puede guiarme por donde debo empezar a googlear o si alguien
 tiene o
 sabe de alguna buena documentación.

Un servidor secundario es básicamente igual que uno primario. Solo hay
que decirle que acepte correo del dominio del que se quiera hacer
backup. Al primario no es necesario tocarlo y la única configuración a
tener en cuenta es en el DNS, donde hay que crearle un registro MX.

Asumo que usas postfix, así que no puedo dar mucha mas ayuda... si
montas un exim te puedo decir donde configurar.

Un saludo


Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Duda puertos FireHol

2010-05-31 Thread Lic. Gilberto Luis Diaz Valdes


Tengo montado en mi red un firhol en un servidor que esta cumpliendo la
función de gateway. Dicho servidor tiene 3 interfaces de red, una para el
CISCO, una para mi DMZ y otra para mi LAN.

El tema esta en que no me aparecen en el entorno de red de las PC Windows
los servers de la DMZ, donde en alguno de ellos existe un recurso compartido
al cual deseo que se acceda.

Tampoco se llega mediante \\nombreserver.

Pensé que seria problemas de los puertos de netbios 137, pero nada. Necesito
saber a que le tengo que dar acceso en mi firehol para que funcione. 

Estoy pensando que tanto Windows como Linux deben usar el mismo protocolo
para compartir recursos y verse en el entorno de red, tal vez el SMB pero no
se por que puerto correo para abrirlo.

En espera de ayuda.



Lic. Gilberto Luís Díaz Valdés
Director de Informática y Comunicaciones
Empresa de Servicentros Cupet.
70 y 29B, Playa, Ciudad de la Habana
Tel: (07) 2040185


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 5141 (20100524) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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Re: Servidor Secundario Mail

2010-05-31 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 31 May 2010 09:29:48 -0400, Machado escribió:

 Resulta que me urge configurar un servidor de correo secundario, es
 decir cuando el primario haya caído por algún motivo, bueno pues el
 servidor secundario se encargue de almacenar la mensajería  hasta tanto
 el primario sea restablecido.
 Alguien puede guiarme por donde debo empezar a googlear o si alguien
 tiene o sabe de alguna buena documentación.

No dices qué servidor de correo tienes pensado utilizar. Si es Postfix, 
tienes documentación en su web:



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Re: Duda puertos FireHol

2010-05-31 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)
Hash: SHA1

Lic. Gilberto Luis Diaz Valdes wrote:
 Tengo montado en mi red un firhol en un servidor que esta cumpliendo la
 función de gateway. Dicho servidor tiene 3 interfaces de red, una para el
 CISCO, una para mi DMZ y otra para mi LAN.
 El tema esta en que no me aparecen en el entorno de red de las PC Windows
 los servers de la DMZ, donde en alguno de ellos existe un recurso compartido
 al cual deseo que se acceda.
 Tampoco se llega mediante \\nombreserver.
 Pensé que seria problemas de los puertos de netbios 137, pero nada. Necesito
 saber a que le tengo que dar acceso en mi firehol para que funcione. 
 Estoy pensando que tanto Windows como Linux deben usar el mismo protocolo
 para compartir recursos y verse en el entorno de red, tal vez el SMB pero no
 se por que puerto correo para abrirlo.
 En espera de ayuda.
No se entiende tu pregunta

Desde dónde a dónde necesitas llegar con netbios (creo que tiene otro
nombre ahora).

En todo caso publica aqui tu /etc/firehol/firehol.conf que te puedo
ayudar, lo conozco muy bien a firehol.


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Re: Duda puertos FireHol

2010-05-31 Thread Julio
El lun, 31-05-2010 a las 09:39 -0400, Lic. Gilberto Luis Diaz Valdes
 Estoy pensando que tanto Windows como Linux deben usar el mismo
 para compartir recursos y verse en el entorno de red, tal vez el SMB
 pero no
 se por que puerto correo para abrirlo.

El servicio que tiene que estar corroendo es Samba, y sus puertos creo
recordar que eran el 137 udp, 139 tcp y 445 tcp. Mas info (mucha mas)

Un saludo


Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

RE: [infored] Duda puertos FireHol

2010-05-31 Thread Lic. Gilberto Luis Diaz Valdes

Creo haber resuelto, puse un [route samba accept] y se soluciono, el samba
viene definido por defecto en el firehol como un servicio. Gracias al colega
Sandy que me aclaró esto via Phone.

-Mensaje original-
De: Lic. Gilberto Luis Diaz Valdes [] 
Enviado el: Monday, May 31, 2010 9:39 AM
Para: infored List Member
Asunto: [infored] Duda puertos FireHol


Tengo montado en mi red un firhol en un servidor que esta cumpliendo la
función de gateway. Dicho servidor tiene 3 interfaces de red, una para el
CISCO, una para mi DMZ y otra para mi LAN.

El tema esta en que no me aparecen en el entorno de red de las PC Windows
los servers de la DMZ, donde en alguno de ellos existe un recurso compartido
al cual deseo que se acceda.

Tampoco se llega mediante \\nombreserver.

Pensé que seria problemas de los puertos de netbios 137, pero nada. Necesito
saber a que le tengo que dar acceso en mi firehol para que funcione. 

Estoy pensando que tanto Windows como Linux deben usar el mismo protocolo
para compartir recursos y verse en el entorno de red, tal vez el SMB pero no
se por que puerto correo para abrirlo.

En espera de ayuda.



Lic. Gilberto Luís Díaz Valdés
Director de Informática y Comunicaciones
Empresa de Servicentros Cupet.
70 y 29B, Playa, Ciudad de la Habana
Tel: (07) 2040185


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 5141 (20100524) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 5141 (20100524) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 5141 (20100524) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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Re: Servidor Secundario Mail

2010-05-31 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)
Hash: SHA1

Machado wrote:
 Saludos Listeros
 Resulta que me urge configurar un servidor de correo secundario, es decir 
 el primario haya caído por algún motivo, bueno pues el servidor secundario se
 encargue de almacenar la mensajería  hasta tanto el primario sea restablecido.
 Alguien puede guiarme por donde debo empezar a googlear o si alguien tiene o
 sabe de alguna buena documentación.

Básicamente se reduce a otro smtp configurado para que acepte los mails.

Suponiendo que tienes ese otro smtp en otra IP distinta del primero,
debes poder redirijir el tráfico cambiando el MX destino en tu DNS
server, esto suponiendo que sólo tengas 1 sólo SMTP, ya que por lo
general puedes tener 1 o mas SMTPs con distinto Rank de manera tal que
te despreocupas en que alguno se caiga, los demás en el orden que les
corresponde aceptarán los mensajes.

Algo importantqe que muchos no tienen en cuenta es asignar el valor más
bajo al TTL (Time To Live) en la configuración SOA de tu dominio, si por
ejemple le asignas 300 (siempre es en segundos) cada 5 minutos fuerzas a
que todos los DNS que consultan al tuyo tambien refresquen su cache con
los datos actualizados, de manera tal que si haces un cambio de IP en tu
dominio la propagación de esos datos actualizados tomará mucho menos
tiempo (aunque yo siempre prefiero hacer esa clase de trabajos en fines
de semana).


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La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [infored] Duda puertos FireHol

2010-05-31 Thread Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin)
Hash: SHA1

Lic. Gilberto Luis Diaz Valdes wrote:
 Creo haber resuelto, puse un [route samba accept] y se soluciono, el samba
 viene definido por defecto en el firehol como un servicio. Gracias al colega
 Sandy que me aclaró esto via Phone.

Ah... pero eso es básico tratándose de Firehol, te hubieras explicado
mejor, aún asi la documentación en /usr/share/doc/firehol es MUY
completa (con varios ejemplos simples y complejos.

La próxima a esforzarse un poco mas, no te te parece.?

PD: NO hagas top-posting, NO rompas el hilo (aunque MUY probablemente
sea inútil pedirte ambas cosas)

- --
La Voluntad es el único motor de nuestros logros

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Eliminar proxy declarado para aptitude en linea de comandos

2010-05-31 Thread Nora Lineros
Hola chicos, el problema que tengo es el siguiente, cuando instale debian, le 
declare en la instalacion que use un proxy x, resulta que ahora ya no esta 
mas ese proxy y tengo una conexion adsl, el problema es cuando quiero 
actualizar la distribucion, desde la linea de comandos, sigue tratando de 
buscar las actualizaciones a traves del proxy declarado, entonces la pregunta 
es, como puedo hacer para que tome una conexion directa (sin proxy) ya que 
ahora conecto directamente a un adsl? asi puedo actualizar mi distribucion? 


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Re: Eliminar proxy declarado para aptitude en linea de comandos

2010-05-31 Thread gonzalo rivero
El lun, 31-05-2010 a las 10:29 -0700, Nora Lineros escribió: 
 Hola chicos, el problema que tengo es el siguiente, cuando instale debian, le 
 declare en la instalacion que use un proxy x, resulta que ahora ya no esta 
 mas ese proxy y tengo una conexion adsl, el problema es cuando quiero 
 actualizar la distribucion, desde la linea de comandos, sigue tratando de 
 buscar las actualizaciones a traves del proxy declarado, entonces la pregunta 
 es, como puedo hacer para que tome una conexion directa (sin proxy) ya que 
 ahora conecto directamente a un adsl? asi puedo actualizar mi distribucion? 
fijate en la configuración dentro de /etc/apt/

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Programar en la SHELL

2010-05-31 Thread EMNI Yoan García Cáceres

Hola lista, saludos...

Tengo el sid de un dominio almacenado en un archivo txt y quisiera pasárselo
a un comando.

Este es el comando: net setdomainsid sid del dominio

El sid del dominio esta dentro de un txt. Como le paso a ese comando el txt
para que coja el sid del txt .

El txt contiene la siguiente cadena: S-1-5-21-220523388-299502267-839522115


Espero por su acostumbrada ayuda  

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Re: Programar en la SHELL

2010-05-31 Thread gonzalo rivero
El lun, 31-05-2010 a las 13:46 -0500, EMNI Yoan García Cáceres
 Hola lista, saludos...
 Tengo el sid de un dominio almacenado en un archivo txt y quisiera pasárselo
 a un comando.
 Este es el comando: net setdomainsid sid del dominio
 El sid del dominio esta dentro de un txt. Como le paso a ese comando el txt
 para que coja el sid del txt .
 El txt contiene la siguiente cadena: S-1-5-21-220523388-299502267-839522115

respuesta corta: man bash
respuesta mas corta: net setdomainsid $(cat archivo.txt)
respuesta larga: revisá la parte de redirecciones en el manual de bash
para ver que significa eso que hice. Y, como si fuera perl, «hay mas de
una forma de hacerlo™»

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Re: Eliminar proxy declarado para aptitude en linea de comandos

2010-05-31 Thread Julio
El lun, 31-05-2010 a las 10:29 -0700, Nora Lineros escribió:
 Hola chicos, el problema que tengo es el siguiente, cuando instale debian, le 
 declare en la instalacion que use un proxy x, resulta que ahora ya no esta 
 mas ese proxy y tengo una conexion adsl, el problema es cuando quiero 
 actualizar la distribucion, desde la linea de comandos, sigue tratando de 
 buscar las actualizaciones a traves del proxy declarado, entonces la pregunta 
 es, como puedo hacer para que tome una conexion directa (sin proxy) ya que 
 ahora conecto directamente a un adsl? asi puedo actualizar mi distribucion? 

El proxy puede estar establecido en varios sitios... mira en 
/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ a ver si tienes ahí algún archivo que defina el

También puedes mirar en el .bashrc de root o el del sistema
(/etc/bash.bashrc). Si en la configuración de apt no está, entonces
podrías anularlo con

#export http_proxy=

Un saludo


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Re: Eliminar proxy declarado para aptitude en linea de comandos

2010-05-31 Thread Javier Marta
El Mon, 31 May 2010 10:29:55 -0700 (PDT)
Nora Lineros escribió:

 Hola chicos, el problema que tengo es el siguiente, cuando instale debian, le 
 declare en la instalacion que use un proxy x, resulta que ahora ya no esta 
 mas ese proxy y tengo una conexion adsl, el problema es cuando quiero 
 actualizar la distribucion, desde la linea de comandos, sigue tratando de 
 buscar las actualizaciones a traves del proxy declarado, entonces la pregunta 
 es, como puedo hacer para que tome una conexion directa (sin proxy) ya que 
 ahora conecto directamente a un adsl? asi puedo actualizar mi distribucion? 
Fijate en el valor de la variable de entorno http_proxy (echo $http_proxy)
Seguramente tenga asignado el valor del proxy. Eliminalo haciendo export 


Description: PGP signature

Problemas con mi cuenta Hotmail y el protocolo MSN en Pidgin y Amsn, en Gnu/Linux Windows.

2010-05-31 Thread Nacho
hola, habiendo probado otros mensajeros y tenido problemas estoy
pensando en cambiar la cuenta de email para msn y seguir probando con
las ultimas versiones de software.


-- Mensaje reenviado --
De: Pablo Medrano
Fecha: 19 de mayo de 2010 18:59
Asunto: Re: [LUGAr-gral] Problemas con mi cuenta Hotmail y el
protocolo MSN en Pidgin y Amsn, en Gnu/Linux  Windows.
Para: Lista general sobre Software Libre

David Alonso De La Vega Tapage escribió:

 solucion ..
 Gtalk .. !
 David Alonso De La Vega Tapage


Les cuento que uso aMSN en Ubuntu y en Debian, y NO he tenido ningun
problema (salvo alguna que otra rara vez que tarda en conectarse).
Lo que encuentro de diferente es que en mi caso NO uso una cuenta de
hotmail para conectar al protocolo MSN, sino una cuenta @mi_dominio_
personal, y otra @gmail.

Quizas el problema radica cuando algunos de los mencionados programas
de mensajeria intentan sincronizar o vincular la cuenta con todos los
demas servicio casi inutiles de Live.
Entonces se queda medio turulato...

Estoy especulando, porque de verdad NO me ha pasado esto.

son todas cuentas ?

porque no probas en dar de alta una cuenta de gmail en (que es donde realmente valida tu cuenta de MSN),
y probas en el mismo escenario de situacion si tambien te da el mismo
error ?

Contanos como te fue...

Pablo Medrano (K-maleon)
CaFeLUG Buenos Aires - Argentina
Grupo de Usuarios de Software Libre de Capital Federal -
GPG Fingerprint:  D7A0 8184 D36B 170E 747E 8FAC B7DB C88E 4543 1B93
Para desuscribirte tenés que visitar la página
Usuarios Software Libre Argentina (USLA)

-- Mensaje reenviado --
De: Gonzalo
Fecha: 18 de mayo de 2010 10:10
Asunto: Re: [LUGAr-gral] Problemas con mi cuenta Hotmail y el
protocolo MSN en Pidgin y Amsn, en Gnu/Linux  Windows.
Para: Lista general sobre Software Libre

Hola gente, les cuento que una vez leí que la gente de Microsoft
cambia regularmente algunas cosas en el protocolo de msn, seguramente
para impedir que se use otro programa que no sea el de ellos, es por
eso que frecuentemente pasa este tipo de problemas. La solución?
Esperar un par de días y actualizar los programas de mensajería a su
última versión.

El día 18 de mayo de 2010 08:18, Juan Rodriguez Monti escribió:
 El día 17 de mayo de 2010 17:15, Nacho escribió:
 hola, te cuento que yo no uso proxy

 Yo detecté el mismo problema en la notebook de mi novia con Ubuntu,
 sin estar detrás de proxy. Que será?.

 Para desuscribirte tenés que visitar la página
 Usuarios Software Libre Argentina (USLA)

Para desuscribirte tenés que visitar la página
Usuarios Software Libre Argentina (USLA)

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All messages and actions of this email address will not represent the
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¡Ven y únete a Proyecto Basta Ya !!!!

2010-05-31 Thread Daniel Cubero
Proyecto Basta Ya !!!: El Punto Final Al fracaso - El Punto Inicial a la 

¡Ven y únete en Proyecto Basta Ya 

Daniel Cubero

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Ya son miembros en Proyecto Basta Ya !!!
Javier Gustavo Paez, Esther, Arístides, Oscar Ibañez, Silvia H. Meixenberger

Sobre Proyecto Basta Ya !!!
Este proyecto ha sido creado para poner punto final al fracaso,la
angustia, el desanimo.. etc y traer por fin la luz de la prosperidad.!!

2198 miembros
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Re: Problema de montaje en Testing-SOLUCIONADO

2010-05-31 Thread Sergio Bess

Gonzalo Rivero escribió:

El sáb, 29-05-2010 a las 19:14 -0300, Sergio Bess escribió:

Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco escribió:

El 29 de mayo de 2010 09:48, Sergio  escribió:


 Tengo el siguiente problema. Instalé Testing en una partición y
 cometí la imprudencia de formatearla en ext4. Cuando inicio Debian
 desde esa partición no reconoce las otras particiones que están en

 Pregunta: ¿Hay alguna manera de que las reconozca y se pueda
 operar con ellas o todas las particiones deben ser ext4 o en ext3?

 La formateé en ext4 porque pensé que una tecnología superior
 involucra a una inferior por lo que supuse que leería las
 particiones ext3 pero no fue así. Quisiera eludir la solución
 dramática de reinstalar para evitar las dos horas de instalación
 por red que me llevó.

 Saludos y gracias

 Sergio Bess
 Buenos Aires. Argentina
 skype: sergio.bess
 Linux counter: 486274

Hola, tu problema es de otra índole, revisa el /etc/fstab y miras con
que tipo de sistema de archivos estás montando tus particiones, si
no las conoces ejecuta como root fdisk -l.

Así si estás usando el tipo ext4 para una partición que es ext3 entonces
no te va a funcionar, al contrario si te funcionaría, pero sin las
extendidas de ext4. Quiero decir si tienes una partición ext4 y la
marcas en
el fstab como ext3 te servirá pero sin todas sus capacidades.

Bueno, como soy inexperto y no tengo todos los conocimientos que debería
y, como tenía la tarde libre, volví a instalar Testing pero esta vez con
la partición en ext3. Pasa exactamente lo mismo: No monta las otras
particiones ni el otro disco. Antes de reinstalar probé fdisk -l como me
dijo Odair pero no me da mucha información, sólo me dice que las
particiones no están en fstab, lo cual es comprobable. Le copié el fstab
de otra partición donde tengo Mepis 8.5 (creo que es basada en Testing
pero no estoy seguro) y tampoco pasa nada.
Bueno supongo que hay que hacer algún pase de magia en consola pero no
tengo idea ni sé dónde buscar para ello. Es lo que me falta para tenerla
operativa. Si alguno/a se apiada de mí le estaré eternamente agradecido.

como ya te dijeron, empezá por un fdisk -l. Deberías ver algo como:
# fdisk -l

Disco /dev/sda: 164.7 GB, 16469620 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 20023 cylinders
Units = cilindros of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x35af35ae

Disposit. InicioComienzo  Fin  Bloques  Id  Sistema
/dev/sda1   *   1391631455238+   7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda23917780631246425   83  Linux
/dev/sda378077868  498015   82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda47869   1296740957717+   f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sda57869   12967409576867  HPFS/NTFS

Disco /dev/hdc: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders
Units = cilindros of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x31039348

Disposit. InicioComienzo  Fin  Bloques  Id  Sistema
/dev/hdc1   *   1243219535008+  83  Linux
/dev/hdc22433486519543072+   7  HPFS/NTFS

supongamos que en mi /etc/fstab no tengo /dev/hdc1 pero quiero probar si
funciona, entonces intentá montarla como root:
mount /dev/hdc1 /mnt/
si funciona, podés ver en mtab (man mount) que línea tendrías que
agregar a tu fstab, en mi caso, sale algo así:
/dev/hdc1 /mnt reiserfs rw,notail 0 0
obviamente, cambiás el punto de montaje por el que necesites (en mount y
mtab es lo que está indicado como /mnt)

Gracias a todos/as. Ya está funcionando. Sólo me faltaba crear los 
puntos de montaje en /mnt. Acostumbrado a distribuciones derivadas de 
Debian donde muchas cosas vienen resueltas me había olvidado que los 
montajes se hacen a mano en Debian puro.


Sergio Bess
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
Linux counter: 486274

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Placa Rede Atheros AR8132

2010-05-31 Thread Denilson Prates
Bom Dia Lista ..instalei o Debian Lenny em meu netbook e o kernel não reconhece 
a minha placa de rede (Atheros AR8132).alguém sabe o procedimento para a 
instalação deste drive de rede !?segui este tutorial: não obtive sucesso.Agradeço desde já.Att, 
--Denilson PratesSistemasMicroWay FranchisingAv. São 
Francisco, 107Fone: (18)  Antes de 
imprimir pense em sua responsabilidade e compromisso com o meio ambiente!

Debian lenny postfix mysql maildrop

2010-05-31 Thread Gustavo Goulart
Olá lista,

 Estou instalando um servidor de e-mail com postfix, mysql, courier e maildrop. 
Já fiz de tudo, mudei os donos dos diretorios, permissão, tudo. Mas continuo 
recebendo a seguinte mensagem de erro nos logs.

 temporary failure. Command output: /usr/bin/maildrop: Unable to change to home 

 O home dos usuário esta /postfix/, criado pelo 

 Alguem sabe como resolver isso ?

Agradeço desde já 
# Gustavo V. Goulart #
# Rio de Janeiro - RJ#
# Linux Debian Etch  #

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Re: [OFFTOPIC] Vlan ou subrede?

2010-05-31 Thread Welington R. Braga

Eu nunca lidei com vlan, mas pelo que achei no Google e li tenho que
concordar com a sua afirmação.

Embora minha rede seja pequena em número de estações (cerca de 400), a
minha estrutura é relativamente complexa com cerca de 15 switches
gerenciáveis (3com 2226, 2924, 2928) e algumas outras unidades mais
simples espalhadas pela instituição.

Estes switches estão cascateados de 2 até 5 níveis e ainda não está
claro pra mim, em quais eu devo configurar as vlans e nem os conceitos
de portas com e sem tags. Infelizmente a documentação dos equipamentos
não ajudam muito.

Como não achei nada efetivamente prático e próximo da minha estrutura
ainda estou meio perdido e bastante receoso a melhor maneira de
configurar isso. Você tem algum link, além daquele que já passei, a
sugerir sobre o assunto?

Pelo que entendi eu não só teria que configurar todos os meus switches
para que possam trabalhar com VLAN, mas também alterar o dhcp,
firewall ... em fim, vou ter que mudar a rede toda, e meu receio é que
tenho que fazer tudo de uma vez só senão o que não tiver configurado
com vlan vai parar de funcionar. Estou certo, ou estou sendo
pessimista demais?

Creio que não haja tempo pra eu fazê-lo, mas se existir algum curso
especifico sobre este assunto eu gostaria de já solicitar a minha
inscrição em um destes. Alguém conhece?

Se tiverem qualquer material sobre o assunto eu agradeço também.


Em 30 de maio de 2010 19:42, Rafael Moraes escreveu:
 Vlans, vc estará automaticamente utilizando outras redes ou sub-redes.
 Prefira Vlan, entre outros benefícios a segurança é um deles.


 Em 30 de maio de 2010 16:51, Welington R. Braga

 Salve todos,

 Atualmente estou com uma rede gigantesca classe A (sei que
 isso foi um erro quando a rede foi concebida alguns anos atras e
 preciso reparar). Mas o caso e que estou para colocar no ar um sistema
 que trabalha enviando muitos broadcasts na rede, antes que isso seja
 corrigido, e receio que isso vai deixar a minha rede mais lenta.

 Estive dando uma lida sobre o uso de Vlans, em especial este
 artigo[1], e parece que seria a solução mais acertada, mas para isso
 eu precisaria arrumar a casa, identificar as portas utilizadas em
 todos os switches, adquirir mais alguns switches gerenciáveis,
 configurar todos eles ... em fim, um trabalho que não dá pra ser feito
 de imediato.

 Como este sistema usa apenas um servidor dedicado e especifico
 acessado unicamente por 10 maquinas, estive pensando se solucionaria o
 problema dos broadcasts colocando estas maquinas e server com uma
 mascara de rede menor. Por exemplo se puser tudo dentro de, eu teria um subrange que vai do até o
 desta forma o broadcast ficaria confinado a este grupinho de 14

 Será que isso ajuda com o problema, ou não adianta de nada?

 [1] Marcelo Barros de Almeida.Criando Redes Locais Virtuais (VLANs)
 com Linux. Disponível em

 Welington Rodrigues Braga
 MSN: welrbraga[*]msn·com
 Gtalk: welrbraga[*]gmail·com
 Yahoo / Skype:  welrbraga
 PGP Key: 0x6C7654EB
 Linux User #253605

 Em tudo somos atribulados, porém não angustiados; perplexos, porém
 não desanimados; perseguidos, porém não desamparados; abatidos, porém
 não destruídos; - 2Co 4:8,9

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Rafael Moraes
 Linux Professional Institute Certified - LPI 2
 Novell Certified Linux Administrator - CLA
 Data Center Technical Specialist - DCTS
 ITIL Foundations Certified

Welington Rodrigues Braga
MSN: welrbraga[*]msn·com
Gtalk: welrbraga[*]gmail·com
Yahoo / Skype:  welrbraga
PGP Key: 0x6C7654EB
Linux User #253605

Em tudo somos atribulados, porém não angustiados; perplexos, porém
não desanimados; perseguidos, porém não desamparados; abatidos, porém
não destruídos; - 2Co 4:8,9

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Lançamento do XPS no Brasil.

2010-05-31 Thread ValorMais Projetos em Informática Ltda.


A SUNWELL GLOBAL tem o prazer de convidá-lo para uma palestra técnica
sobre o XPS Polyfoam . Placas a base de poliestireno fabricadas através de
um processo de extrusão de plásticos. Com as suas propriedades de 100% de
células fechadas torna-se um produto ideal para a indústria de
construção em função do seu peso, poder de isolamento acústico e
térmico, totalmente impermeável e com propriedades anti-chamas.

A utilização do XPS Polyfoam já  é amplamente difundida na Europa e
Ásia com aplicação direta em edifícios, residências, aeroportos,
estradas, estádios esportivos, etc; tornando se a mais nova tecnologia no
mercado da construção civil.

As vagas são limitadas e, portanto, faça agora mesmo a sua inscrição e
venha participar deste marco na construção civil brasileira.

Data - 08 de Junho de 2010
Local - União Cultural Brasil Estados Unidos
Rua Teixeira da Silva,560 - Próximo a Av. Paulista

08:30 - Welcome Coffee
09:00 - Abertura - Sr. Presidente da União Cultural Brasil Estados
09:30 - 11:00 - Palestra com o Sr.Nick King - Diretor da Sunwell UK
11:00 - 12:00 - Perguntas e Respostas

ValorMais Projetos em Informática Ltda.
Incoplast - Embalagens
União Cultural Brasil Estados Unidos

Re: Placa Rede Atheros AR8132

2010-05-31 Thread Luciano Marques
Olá, tenta seguir essas dicas: (ali fala de um script para
instalar os módulos/drivers para placas atheros.

Em 31 de maio de 2010 07:32, Denilson Prates

 Bom Dia Lista ..

 instalei o Debian Lenny em meu netbook e o kernel não reconhece a minha placa 
 de rede (Atheros AR8132).

 alguém sabe o procedimento para a instalação deste drive de rede !?

 segui este tutorial:

 mas não obtive sucesso.

 Agradeço desde já.


 Denilson Prates
 MicroWay Franchising
 Av. São Francisco, 107
 Fone: (18) 3643-3260

 Antes de imprimir pense em sua responsabilidade e compromisso com o meio 

Luciano Marques
Goiânia - GO

Cooler Core 2 Quad Q6600

2010-05-31 Thread Guilherme Oliveira Magalhães

Olá a todos,

Instalei a versão Debian AMD64 em um desktop com 
2Gb RAM + CPU Core 2 Quad Q6600 e MB ASRock 
4CoreDual-SATA2 + BIOS AMI versão P2.10. Ao ligar 
o PC o cooler da CPU ativa um high velocity, onde 
utilizando o Windows 7 depois de alguns minutos 
sem processos de gargalo ele diminui essa 
velocidade para o normal aparentemente. 
Utilizando o Debian esse procedimento não 
acontece mesmo deixando o PC sem utilização 
alguma. Seria uma configuração avançada da energia ACPI no Debian?


¤ Guilherme Oliveira Magalhães¤
¤ Analyst in data security¤
¤ Mobile +55 34 9663 8268 or +55 34 9143 0011 ¤
¤   ¤

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Aproveite hoje é o último dia de grandes ofertas com o maior desconto da internet

2010-05-31 Thread Kasalar

Seu cliente de e-mail não pode ler este e-mail.
Para visualizá-lo on-line, por favor, clique aqui:

Para parar de receber nossos

Email Marketing

descobrir senha de e-mail

2010-05-31 Thread Moksha Tux
Boa noite lista!

Alguém aqui poderia me ajudar? Estou precisando dos serviços de Hacker tais
como descobrir senha de e-mail ou de grupos como yahoo group. Alguém saberia
me informar se existe algum programa ou script que pudesse me ajudar?


Re: descobrir senha de e-mail

2010-05-31 Thread Molinero

Mais um script kiddie querendo ser cracker.

Moksha Tux wrote:
 Boa noite lista!

 Alguém aqui poderia me ajudar? Estou precisando dos serviços de Hacker
 tais como descobrir senha de e-mail ou de grupos como yahoo group.
 Alguém saberia me informar se existe algum programa ou script que
 pudesse me ajudar? Obrigado,


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Re: [OFFTOPIC] Vlan ou subrede?

2010-05-31 Thread Molinero
A idéia de VLAN é exatamente restringir o domínio de broadcast.

Welington R. Braga wrote:
 Salve todos,

 Atualmente estou com uma rede gigantesca classe A (sei que
 isso foi um erro quando a rede foi concebida alguns anos atras e
 preciso reparar). Mas o caso e que estou para colocar no ar um sistema
 que trabalha enviando muitos broadcasts na rede, antes que isso seja
 corrigido, e receio que isso vai deixar a minha rede mais lenta.

 Estive dando uma lida sobre o uso de Vlans, em especial este
 artigo[1], e parece que seria a solução mais acertada, mas para isso
 eu precisaria arrumar a casa, identificar as portas utilizadas em
 todos os switches, adquirir mais alguns switches gerenciáveis,
 configurar todos eles ... em fim, um trabalho que não dá pra ser feito
 de imediato.

 Como este sistema usa apenas um servidor dedicado e especifico
 acessado unicamente por 10 maquinas, estive pensando se solucionaria o
 problema dos broadcasts colocando estas maquinas e server com uma
 mascara de rede menor. Por exemplo se puser tudo dentro de, eu teria um subrange que vai do até o
 desta forma o broadcast ficaria confinado a este grupinho de 14

 Será que isso ajuda com o problema, ou não adianta de nada?

 [1] Marcelo Barros de Almeida.Criando Redes Locais Virtuais (VLANs)
 com Linux. Disponível em

 Welington Rodrigues Braga
 MSN: welrbraga[*]msn·com
 Gtalk: welrbraga[*]gmail·com
 Yahoo / Skype:  welrbraga
 PGP Key: 0x6C7654EB
 Linux User #253605

 Em tudo somos atribulados, porém não angustiados; perplexos, porém
 não desanimados; perseguidos, porém não desamparados; abatidos, porém
 não destruídos; - 2Co 4:8,9


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Re: [OFFTOPIC] Vlan ou subrede?

2010-05-31 Thread Flávio Barros
Com subredes eu também tenho broadcast controlado, certo ?
Pelo que pude notar no artigo citado no início dessa conversa, é que para
trabalhar com vlan preciso ter uma certa estrutura fisíca, o que não
acontece com as subredes.
Muitas vezes a empresa não quer investir em tecnologia, ai a gente tem que
se virar nos 30.


Em 31 de maio de 2010 20:22, Molinero escreveu:

 A idéia de VLAN é exatamente restringir o domínio de broadcast.

 Welington R. Braga wrote:
  Salve todos,
  Atualmente estou com uma rede gigantesca classe A (sei que
  isso foi um erro quando a rede foi concebida alguns anos atras e
  preciso reparar). Mas o caso e que estou para colocar no ar um sistema
  que trabalha enviando muitos broadcasts na rede, antes que isso seja
  corrigido, e receio que isso vai deixar a minha rede mais lenta.
  Estive dando uma lida sobre o uso de Vlans, em especial este
  artigo[1], e parece que seria a solução mais acertada, mas para isso
  eu precisaria arrumar a casa, identificar as portas utilizadas em
  todos os switches, adquirir mais alguns switches gerenciáveis,
  configurar todos eles ... em fim, um trabalho que não dá pra ser feito
  de imediato.
  Como este sistema usa apenas um servidor dedicado e especifico
  acessado unicamente por 10 maquinas, estive pensando se solucionaria o
  problema dos broadcasts colocando estas maquinas e server com uma
  mascara de rede menor. Por exemplo se puser tudo dentro de, eu teria um subrange que vai do até o
  desta forma o broadcast ficaria confinado a este grupinho de 14
  Será que isso ajuda com o problema, ou não adianta de nada?
  [1] Marcelo Barros de Almeida.Criando Redes Locais Virtuais (VLANs)
  com Linux. Disponível em
  Welington Rodrigues Braga
  MSN: welrbraga[*]msn·com
  Gtalk: welrbraga[*]gmail·com
  Yahoo / Skype:  welrbraga
  PGP Key: 0x6C7654EB
  Linux User #253605
  Em tudo somos atribulados, porém não angustiados; perplexos, porém
  não desanimados; perseguidos, porém não desamparados; abatidos, porém
  não destruídos; - 2Co 4:8,9

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Desde já agradeço,
Flávio de Oliveira Barros
Manaus - Amazonas - Brasil

Copiar é bom!
Seja Legal
Use Software Livre
Ubuntu User number is # 28558
Linux Registered User# 278223

Re: descobrir senha de e-mail

2010-05-31 Thread André Nunes
THC Hydra. Mas hoje em dia os servidores possuem meios de evitar
ataques de crackers, o mais simples é induzir o erro humano.

Dê uma olhada neste link:

André Nunes Batista
PGP Public Key: 0x7b0590cb6722cf80

2010/5/31 Molinero

 Mais um script kiddie querendo ser cracker.

 Moksha Tux wrote:
 Boa noite lista!

 Alguém aqui poderia me ajudar? Estou precisando dos serviços de Hacker
 tais como descobrir senha de e-mail ou de grupos como yahoo group.
 Alguém saberia me informar se existe algum programa ou script que
 pudesse me ajudar? Obrigado,


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

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Re: descobrir senha de e-mail

2010-05-31 Thread Paulo de Souza Lima
Clique no link Recuperar senha ou Esqueci minha senha :P

Em 31 de maio de 2010 20:19, Molinero escreveu:

 Mais um script kiddie querendo ser cracker.

 Moksha Tux wrote:
 Boa noite lista!

 Alguém aqui poderia me ajudar? Estou precisando dos serviços de Hacker
 tais como descobrir senha de e-mail ou de grupos como yahoo group.
 Alguém saberia me informar se existe algum programa ou script que
 pudesse me ajudar? Obrigado,


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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Audio Azalia Intel HDA de Placa M4A785TD-V

2010-05-31 Thread Sorocaos .
Esta tendo problema com placa de audio: *00:14.2 Audio device: ATI
Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) *da placa mãe:* M4A785TD-V*

Mas consegui resolver e postei as dicas em: **

00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 Host Bridge
00:01.0 PCI bridge: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Device 9602
00:0a.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 PCI to PCI bridge
(PCIE port 5)
00:11.0 SATA controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 SATA Controller
[IDE mode]
00:12.0 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB OHCI0
00:12.1 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700 USB OHCI1 Controller
00:12.2 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB EHCI Controller
00:13.0 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB OHCI0
00:13.1 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700 USB OHCI1 Controller
00:13.2 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB EHCI Controller
00:14.0 SMBus: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 SMBus Controller (rev 3c)
00:14.1 IDE interface: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 IDE Controller
*00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)*
00:14.3 ISA bridge: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 LPC host controller
00:14.4 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 PCI to PCI Bridge
00:14.5 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB OHCI2
00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 10h [Opteron,
Athlon64, Sempron] HyperTransport Configuration
00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 10h [Opteron,
Athlon64, Sempron] Address Map
00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 10h [Opteron,
Athlon64, Sempron] DRAM Controller
00:18.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 10h [Opteron,
Athlon64, Sempron] Miscellaneous Control
00:18.4 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 10h [Opteron,
Athlon64, Sempron] Link Control
01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 9710
*01:05.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Device 970f*
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B
PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)
03:08.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6306 Fire II IEEE
1394 OHCI Link Layer Controller (rev c0)


Re: [ squeeze ] Grub2 RAID1 LVM2 boot failure

2010-05-31 Thread Antonio Perez wrote:

 On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 05:44:22PM -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 7:06 AM, David Sastre Medina wrote:
  Grub2 is failing to boot a softRAID1 + LVM2 squeeze box.

I use an equivalent setup and it was all automatically setup
correctly with the `update-grub2` command (once the system has
booted correctly).

Keep reading.

I have an 'md1' as '/boot' and an lvm2 '/' on 'md2', this is what my system 

menuentry Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-trunk-amd64 --class debian 
--class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod raid
insmod mdraid
insmod ext2
set root='(md1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 1be9c4e5-70cd-4662-81e6-44e76cff20d8
echoLoading Linux 2.6.32-trunk-amd64 ...
linux   /vmlinuz-2.6.32-trunk-amd64 
root=UUID=25defa7a-93cb-40eb-9a76-c326f0b2dffc ro  vga=792
echoLoading initial ramdisk ...
initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.32-trunk-amd64

blkid: `blkid /dev/md[1,2]` Use blkid -g first to clear any old stored key.
/dev/md1: UUID=1be9c4e5-70cd-4662-81e6-44e76cff20d8 TYPE=ext2 
/dev/md2: UUID=25defa7a-93cb-40eb-9a76-c326f0b2dffc TYPE=ext2

grub-probe: grub-probe -t fs_uuid /boot, grub-probe -t fs_uuid /

mdadm: `sudo mdadm -D /dev/md[1,2] | grep UUID`
UUID : ff7e23a3:dc6327b6:73d158fc:63c6b3dd
UUID : 157b664b:7b41974f:73d158fc:63c6b3dd

It's booting fine all the time.

  r...@sysresccd /root % mdadm --detail /dev/md0 /dev/md0:

  UUID : 8052f7d4:54a97fbb:731031f6:bc3d041c

That UUID it's not the same that grub will use for boot.

 I see two possible problems when looking at your grub.cfg.
 1. There isn't an insmod lvm within the menuentry stanza. ext2,
 raid, and mdraid are insmod'd twice in the header and once in the
 menuentry and lvm is inmod'd just once in the header. (This is one of
 the grub2 mysteries; why multiple insmods of the same modules?). I
 doubt that this is the source of the problem (the first insmod must be
 enough!) but you could add insmod lvm within the menuentry.
 Already tried that. No success.

That is not your problem IMO.

 2. In the uuid of the search line, what is
 785366b0-d597-4e9c-9284-b6b9161236ed? One of your /dev/sX1's uuid?
 Since raid and mdraid are loaded, can't you/shouldn't you use the md0
 uuid above?

 I also tried that. It fails. 
 That UUID belongs to /root_vg-root_lv, where the root filesystem
 The UUID can be confirmed at the grub propmt issuing
 grub ls (root_vg-root_ls)

No, the `root` partition from the point of view of grub is the partition
where it is going to boot, i.e. /boot, then, the kernel will need the
`root` FS to use, that will be the UUID for /root_vg-root_lv in the `linux`

 Note that `boot' is a multidisk partition (sda1 and sdb1, which assemble
 md0), thus root='(md0)' makes sense from a grub point of view.


 And md1 is the result of assembling sda2 and sdb2. This md device has only
 one VG on top of it, root_vg, with several LVs in it, one of these LVs
 being my root_lv.

That looks OK.
 This my default menuentry now:
 menuentry Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-3-686-bigmem --class debian 
 --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
 insmod raid
 insmod mdraid
 insmod lvm
 insmod ext2
 set root='(md0)'
 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 
 echoLoading Linux 2.6.32-3-686-bigmem ...
 linux   /vmlinuz-2.6.32-3-686-bigmem root=/dev/mapper/root_vg-root_lv 
 ro rootdelay=15 quiet
 echoLoading initial ramdisk ...
 initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.32-3-686-bigmem
 The `set root' entry says what is *root* for grub, I understand this as:
 where are /boot/grub/grub.cfg, /vmlinuz-`uname -r` and /initrd.img-`uname
 -r` So IMHO it should be called boot='(md0)' for better undestanding and
 disambiguation from the *other* root in the `linux' line.

Yes, that's exactly it.

 The GRUB root device is not the same as the Linux kernel root= parameter.
 BTW this command is undocummented in the wiki, still uses grub-legacy's
 info, which doesn't apply anymore, given the `root' command has been

But grub has nothing to do with this parameter, it is a kernel `boot parameter`
well, more of a initrd boot parameter, but that is a different area:
line 2193.
 The `search' line, as stated in the grub wiki:
 Search devices by file, filesystem label or filesystem UUID. If --set
 is specified, the first device found is set to a variable. If HD
 variable name is specified, root is used.

I believe there is a mistake, and, that the `HD` should be `NO`. Meaning
that if no variable name is supplied, the value is assigned to the `root` 

This effectively 

Re: lilo removal in squeeze (or, please test grub2)

2010-05-31 Thread Tom H
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 11:46 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
 Tom H put forth on 5/28/2010 10:55 PM:
 On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 9:50 PM, Stan Hoeppner 
 Roger Leigh put forth on 5/28/2010 11:39 AM:

 For the most part, grub is a vast
 improvement over LILO, and except for the odd corner cases which
 grub doesn't cover,

 In what way is it a vast improvement over LILO? I've never had a problem 
 LILO. It's always just worked, which is what a bootloader should do. So
 how exactly would grub be a better choice for me?

 The reverse argument can be made too. Both grub1 and grub2 just work.
 Unless you are continually installing dual- and triple-boot this or
 that, you are not going to be changing you config continually no
 matter what bootloader you use and you will therefore not be
 interacting with it that much. So, except for Stephen P's case, what's
 the big deal?

 I frequently roll new kernels from source using the Debian
 installation method, once every couple of months. I'm very comfortable with
 using LILO for this. I've pretty much zero experience with Grub (any
 version). If something goes wrong converting from LILO to Grub2, I'm screwed.
  And I'll probably have an unwanted and unneeded learning curve while
 continuing my current practice of rolling kernels frequently.

 Please don't debate the merits of customs kernels. I have very valid reasons
 for doing so. Let's focus on why or why not Grub2 will work for my needs, and
 not hose my systems either during the migration from LILO to Grub2, or
 installing custom kernels after the fact.

I have absolutely no problem with custom kernels. (What I don't
understand is people who jump up and down on various lists when
someone says that he/she compiles custom kernels!)

I haven't used lilo for nine-ten years but I don't see how adding a
custom kernel to grub rather than lilo should affect your kernel
compilation. I don't use the Debian tools so after make install, I
run update-initramfs ... and update-grub, and I'm done. I don't
see how, if I were using lilo, I would have to follow a different
procedure, except for setting editing lilo.conf and running lilo after
update-initramfs. Am I missing something?

As I said in my previous post, I would install Squeeze's grub2 on a
Lenny box and reboot to check that it is working before the upgrade to

I have gone through various big changes in OSs, WinNT to Win2k, OS9 to
OSX (although I was a Sol-Lin admin too so it wasn't as great a shock
as for Mac-only admins [1. see OT anecdote below]), Sol8 to Sol10 and
they created more dislocation than a bootloader change. At the risk of
sounding like a late-night infomercial (!), a smooth transition from
lilo to grub2 is just a question of being positive (the un-unwanted
and un-unneeded of above) - and putting in some work (the learning
curve of above) of course.

grub2 basics--


Although grub2 sources a file in /usr/lib/grub when creating its
config, the files that matter are /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/*.
You set various variables like the kernel options, the default entry,
whether to create entries with single appended, ... in
/etc/default/grub. When you run update-grub (which is a script that
runs grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg), the grub2 menu's
configuration, /boot/grub/grub.cfg, is built by running the scripts in

I don't really like what the /etc/grub.d/ scripts do, so I chmod 644
them except for the last one, 40_custom, and I write my grub.cfg
there. It is a script of the form:
cat  EOF
my grub2 config
so my /boot/grub/grub.cfg ends up exactly like 40_custom except for
the first two lines and the last one.

The disadvantage of using this method is that I have to add and remove
kernels manually to 40_custom, whereas the standard way is that the
00_header, 10_linux, and 30_os-prober scripts populate the grub2 menu
automagically. The initial run of update-grub, after you install
grub2, will give you a good base to create 40_custom if that is the
way that you want to go.

Unsurprisingly, since all that a bootloader does is point to and loads
an initrd and kernel, /boot/grub/grub.cfg basically looks like
lilo.conf (for a reference lilo config file, I am looking at Stephen
P's kernel compilation page, which, btw, is included in the
documentation of kernel-package) with a different syntax.

There are global options (default entry, grub root partition,
console or gfxterm, timeout, ...) and per-image options where
menuentry corresponds to label, linux to image, and initrd to initrd.

As an added twist, grub2 is modular so both (possibly redundantly but
I have never tested this) the global and per-image sections have
insmod invocations for filesystems, raid, lvm, framebuffer, ...


You only have to net-boot or cd-boot a grub2 install to correct it if
its first stage loader in the MBR is dead. If you net-boot or cd-boot
to re-write to the MBR, you have to 

Re: Squeeze and mobile broadband...

2010-05-31 Thread lrhorer
 thank you very much Irhorer,

That's lrhorer, if you please, not irhorer.

 i appreciate you reply.
 can you please tell me whether is it possible for me to apt-get before
 an internet connection is established? or is it enough i have the cd1

Yes, and probably not.  If all the files you need are on CDs (or DVDs)
you have in hand, then the files can be retrieved from them, butt he
odds any particular file are on CD #1 are pretty low.  Note CDs and
DVDs offer no means of updates, including critical security updates, so
an internet connection is definitely preferred, but they will do in a
pinch, in particular as a means to obtain an internet connection in the
first place.

 if not please, how can i download that in another machine which have
 internet connection already.

You can download the tarball from the source, or you can download
the .deb file from the Debian repositories, or you can download the
entire .iso set from the Debian installation repositories and burn them
to disk.  Honestly, it's probably a lot easier just to go somewhere
where you can get a wired or WiFi internet connection for the target PC
and use apt-get to obtain the necessary files.

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Re: How do I fsck an XFS file system in Squeeze

2010-05-31 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Mon,31.May.10, 03:20:40, Cameron Hutchison wrote:
 lrhorer writes:
  lrhorer put forth on 5/20/2010 6:09 PM:
  How can I obtain the XFS file
  utilities - particularly xfs-repair - under Squeeze?
 The simple answer to my original question was, xfsprogs.  Doing a
 synaptic search for xfs returns far, far too many results through
 which to easily sift, and searching for xfs_repair returns none at
 The meta-answer to your original question is
 from which you can search the contents of packages if you know what
 file you're looking for. At the bottom of that page is a section titled
 Search the contents of packages.
 It's so useful that I have a iceweasel/firefox smart bookmark set up for
 it, so I can just type dpcs xfs_repair into my address bar and I get
 the answer you were looking for (dpcs == debian package content search)

Or just install apt-file ;)

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Re: problem running kernel compiled on different machine

2010-05-31 Thread Cameron Hutchison
H.S. writes:

Here are the grub.cfg stanzas for the current running kernel and for my
compiled kernel respectively:
#the default debian kernel
initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.32-trunk-686

#kernel compiled by me the Debian way
initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.32-100528-firewire

Two things I can think to do next:

1) Change the initrd of your kernel to point to the original initrd. I
dont know much about initrds (because I build all I need to boot into my
kernels), but their purpose it to set up the kernel to get the right
modules loaded to bootstrap the root filesystem. Since it looks like
your problems _may_ be there, I'd try the original initrd (I say _may_
because it looks to me like the rootfs is mounted, but it is failing to
mount your other filesystems listed in /etc/fstab)

2) Boot your new kernel and get to the emergency shell. diff the two
kernel configs (the working one and your new one) and see if they differ
(run diff -u). If they do differ, you can start to look into why.

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Re: [ squeeze ] Grub2 RAID1 LVM2 boot failure

2010-05-31 Thread Tom H
On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 7:13 AM, wrote:
 On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 05:44:22PM -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 7:06 AM, David Sastre Medina wrote:
  Grub2 is failing to boot a softRAID1 + LVM2 squeeze box.
  r...@sysresccd /root % mdadm --detail /dev/md0
            UUID : 8052f7d4:54a97fbb:731031f6:bc3d041c

 I see two possible problems when looking at your grub.cfg.

 1. There isn't an insmod lvm within the menuentry stanza. ext2,
 raid, and mdraid are insmod'd twice in the header and once in the
 menuentry and lvm is inmod'd just once in the header. (This is one of
 the grub2 mysteries; why multiple insmods of the same modules?). I
 doubt that this is the source of the problem (the first insmod must be
 enough!) but you could add insmod lvm within the menuentry.

 Already tried that. No success.

 2. In the uuid of the search line, what is
 785366b0-d597-4e9c-9284-b6b9161236ed? One of your /dev/sX1's uuid?
 Since raid and mdraid are loaded, can't you/shouldn't you use the md0
 uuid above?

 I also tried that. It fails.
 That UUID belongs to /root_vg-root_lv, where the root filesystem
 The UUID can be confirmed at the grub propmt issuing
 grub ls (root_vg-root_ls)

 Note that `boot' is a multidisk partition (sda1 and sdb1, which assemble
 md0), thus root='(md0)' makes sense from a grub point of view. And md1
 is the result of assembling sda2 and sdb2. This md device has only one VG
 on top of it, root_vg, with several LVs in it, one of these LVs being my

 This my default menuentry now:

 menuentry Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-3-686-bigmem --class
 debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
        insmod raid
        insmod mdraid
        insmod lvm
        insmod ext2
        set root='(md0)'
        search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 785366b0-d597-4e9c-9284-b6b9161236ed
        echo    Loading Linux 2.6.32-3-686-bigmem ...
        linux   /vmlinuz-2.6.32-3-686-bigmem root=/dev/mapper/root_vg-root_lv 
 ro rootdelay=15 quiet
        echo    Loading initial ramdisk ...
        initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.32-3-686-bigmem

 The `set root' entry says what is *root* for grub, I understand this as:
 where are /boot/grub/grub.cfg, /vmlinuz-`uname -r` and /initrd.img-`uname -r`
 So IMHO it should be called boot='(md0)' for better undestanding and
 disambiguation from the *other* root in the `linux' line.
 The GRUB root device is not the same as the Linux kernel root= parameter.
 BTW this command is undocummented in the wiki, still uses grub-legacy's
 info, which doesn't apply anymore, given the `root' command has been

 The `search' line, as stated in the grub wiki:

 Search devices by file, filesystem label or filesystem UUID. If --set
 is specified, the first device found is set to a variable. If HD
 variable name is specified, root is used.

 I take this to mean that the first device found _which UUID is_ 785...
 (the UUID of my root_gv-root_lv) will be the `root' filesystem.

 And yet another definition of `root' after the `linux' call.
 That one states that:

 root=/dev/mapper/root_vg-root_lv  which could be written also as:
 root=LABEL=root  or even

 The three of them should be right. None of them work.

 If a suppress the `quiet' option from the `linux' line, what I can see
 is LVM initializing *before* mdadm has get its job done:

 Volume group root_vg-root_lv not found
  Skipping volume group root_vg
  Unable to find LVM volume root_vg-swap_lv
  mdadm:/dev/md0 has been started with two drives
  mdadm:/dev/md1 has been started with two drives
  Gave up waiting fot root device.

 So it looks like a timming issue *but*, I have tried to issue manually
 the commands in the right order at the grub prompt:
 1) insmod-ing raid, mdraid, lvm and ext2; setting root to md0;
 2) searching for devices (also a variant without this step);
 3) calling linux with the right root device
  (all three variants of this step: dev name, UUID and LABEL and with
  different rootdelay timmings, always without `quiet') and, finally;
 4) calling initrd.

 Failure again. No way root_vg to be found.

 One further question: after a reboot, while at the grub screen, before
 doing anything else, if a enter the command line and type `ls' at the
 prompt, I can see all of my LVs, and listing anyone of them returns:
 device name, filesystem type, label, last modification time and UUID.
 Where does this info come from? Supossedly, there aren't mods loaded to
 read that yet, until after `insmod' loads them, are there?

1. The set root= and search .. lines are setting the root for grub
as you said, which is the partition where grub.cfg is (I wish that the
grub developers had called it groot or grubroot). Since you have a
separate /boot partition, using your root-lv's uuid doesn't make

2. If you are going to the grub prompt from the grub menu by pressing

Re: Force reinstall of /etc files without purge/install cycle?

2010-05-31 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun,30.May.10, 20:50:09, Jordan Metzmeier wrote:
 On 05/30/2010 07:57 PM, Todd A. Jacobs wrote:
 The purge/install cycle isn't always an option, since in many cases it
 will want to uninstall all of gnome or kde.
 Sorry about splitting this into two emails, but the reason that it
 wants to remove those packages is because they are automatically
 installed either via recommends or depends. You can mark them as
 manually installed with aptitude unmarkauto package. Sometimes you
 can easily unmark many packages at once with aptitude keep-all (by
 removing the package with dpkg so that the other actions are
 pending as far as aptitude is concerned).

It can also be that the package to be purged/reinstalled has (a lot of) 
reverse dependencies. If you know what you're doing you can 
--force-depends it ;)

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Re: problem running kernel compiled on different machine

2010-05-31 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2010-05-31 08:14 +0200, Cameron Hutchison wrote:

 H.S. writes:

Here are the grub.cfg stanzas for the current running kernel and for my
compiled kernel respectively:
#the default debian kernel
initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.32-trunk-686

#kernel compiled by me the Debian way
initrd  /initrd.img-2.6.32-100528-firewire

 Two things I can think to do next:

 1) Change the initrd of your kernel to point to the original initrd.

This will not work because the new kernel expects its modules under
/lib/modules/2.6.32-100528-firewire, but they are under
/lib/modules/2.6.32-trunk-686 in the old initrd.


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Re: Automatic partial archive mirroring

2010-05-31 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Mon,31.May.10, 01:40:59, Cameron Hutchison wrote:
 I've looked at apt-proxy, apt-cacher, apt-cacher-ng and approx, but they
 all appear to download on demand, not according to a schedule.

Maybe apt-zip or apt-offline (not in lenny) can be used for what you 

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Re: autoexpect?

2010-05-31 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Mon,31.May.10, 05:03:31, hadi motamedi wrote:
 Dear All
 I have received a new debian server that does contain 'expect' but it does
 not contain 'autoexpect' . Is there any way to add 'autoexect' to it?
 Thank you

$ apt-file search bin/autoexpect
expect-dev: /usr/bin/autoexpect

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Re: ls has stopped using the ISO date format

2010-05-31 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 31 May 2010 01:51:14 +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:

 On Sun,30.May.10, 18:05:43, Camaleón wrote:


 This way I have to think *less* to be sure about the date. No guessing.
 You example shows only dates where it is quite obvious what date format
 is used. Let me see...
 -rwx-- 1 amp amp 891837 2010-05-03 22:55 03052010065.jpg 
 -rwx-- 1 amp amp 733361 2010-05-03 22:55 03052010066.jpg
 Can you tell if these files were created 5th march or 3rd may? How (I'd
 really like to know)?

You got it :-)

That can only be read as 3rd May, 2010.

And that is precisely the gain of the ISO date format over the rest of 
the other alternatives: nodoby has to ask -or guess- what your locale 
is in order to correctly interpret the date you are showing because is 
always fixed (year-month-day notation).

Humans have to learn many things from computers. Mainly, logic.



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Re: Booting from an SD card?

2010-05-31 Thread Marc Shapiro
 From: Mark Allums
 On 5/30/2010 5:46 PM, Marc Shapiro wrote:
 My wife has an early eeepc with a 4GB SSD running Xandros.  
 would like to change the OS so that she can install other 
software easily.
 I have a newer eeepc with a 160GB HD that 
came with the OS that must
 not be named and now also has Eeebuntu 3.0.

 Now, I have a 4 GB SD card that I 
want to install Lenny 
 on, just like the installation to my hard drive.  That way, my wife can try 
 it out on her eeepc WITHOUT 
 through the install, but can not boot from it.  I am 99% certain that it is 
 just a 
case of getting grub properly installed on the SD card.  From MY pc, 
 how do I install grub on the SD card to that Lenny can boot directly 
from the SD 
 card (on my box, or my wife's) without affecting 
the booting of my machine, or 
 needing to change anything on my 
wife's machine?

 Can anyone help me with 

  Marc Shapiro
 Off the top of my head, you will 
need a boot loader installed on the main drive 
 that can see the SD card.  My Eee PC can't boot off of the SD card.  It may 
 be that other models, possibly yours, can, but mine can't.

If you hold down the escape key while booting you get the option to boot from  
the hard drive, or the SD card reader.

If I were doing it, I might look for an 8 GB or even 16 GB SD card. 

The plan is, if she likes it, to install onto her SSD in place of the original 
Xandros installation.  Since it is only 4 GB I wanted a card of the same size 
to make sure that we could fit the OS, software and data into that amount of 

 You might also 
consider a bootable USB flash drive.  Much easier to boot
 off of USB than SD.

For testing purposes, that may be true, but I would still need to get grub 
installed so that it can boot without affecting my wife's current installation 
and booting process.  She doesn't want any changes to her current system until 
she has tested the new system for herself.


Marc Shapiro

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Re: driver for Lite-on iHAS324-98 DVD writer

2010-05-31 Thread Jimmy Johnson

Peter Tenenbaum wrote:
Does anyone know where I can find a linux driver for the Lite-on 
iHAS324-98 DVD writer? �I'm trying to install Debian on a brand-new, 
assembled-from-parts workstation, and I'm getting a complaint about 
this. �Interestingly, the DVD reader is recognized well enough to boot 
from the Debian DVD I inserted into the drive!

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

On the boot kernel line try cheat code rootdelay=10 without the 
quotes, that will give the installer more time to load the cd, it also 
works swell for flash drive installs.

Jimmy Johnson

Debian Squeeze at sda9
Registered Linux User #380263

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2010-05-31 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby
Manao ahoana, Hello, Bonjour,

I have some collegues (including my direct boss) insisting me to use

I dont want to.

When I ask them why, they just tell aptitude is better than apt-get.

May be... but I'm used with apt-get and dont want to switch, and I also
Googled a bit and found a post telling apt-get has now the same level
as aptitude. But I lost that link...

What's the status?
- aptitude better?
- apt-get better?

I don't do deep package manipulation, juste update, upgrade,

Misaotra, Thanks, Merci.

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Re: autoexpect?

2010-05-31 Thread hadi motamedi
$ apt-file search bin/autoexpect
 expect-dev: /usr/bin/autoexpect

 Thank you very much. I got the point.

Re: Squeeze and mobile broadband

2010-05-31 Thread papul

On 05/30/2010 11:28 PM, emigrant wrote:

this is my first question here,
i want to know whether, mobile broad band works out of the box in
i use huawei ce0862 dongle to connect.

it didn't work for me in lenny (in fact i didn't find a way to initiate
a mobile broadband connection at the first place).

have things changed from then??

would i be able to connect easily to the internet?

thank you very much.

I guess thats very easy on gnome because it has an app that manages 
mobile broadband. Also i have seen one of my friends doing that on KDE 
thru an app called Kppp.

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Re: apt-get

2010-05-31 Thread papul

On 05/31/2010 12:49 PM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:

Manao ahoana, Hello, Bonjour,

I have some collegues (including my direct boss) insisting me to use

I dont want to.

When I ask them why, they just tell aptitude is better than apt-get.

May be... but I'm used with apt-get and dont want to switch, and I also
Googled a bit and found a post telling apt-get has now the same level
as aptitude. But I lost that link...

What's the status?
- aptitude better?
- apt-get better?

I don't do deep package manipulation, juste update, upgrade,

Misaotra, Thanks, Merci.

 Yeah i always wondered what the difference is between both of them. 
Hoping someone would shed some light on this matter.

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To find out the installed packages repo section.

2010-05-31 Thread Sthu Deus
Good day.

Is there an easy way how I can found out from which repo and which
section (or whatever it is called, I mean here: main, contrib,
non-free) one or more packages come from?

For example, I want to know if I have the packages installed from, say
Testing / contrib - how I can do this?

Thank You for Your time.

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Re: Page remove please

2010-05-31 Thread papul

On 05/29/2010 08:18 AM, wrote:

Hi! The following 2 posts (pages) contain my name. Can you please remove them 
or make them unsearchable? I was involved in this over 12 years ago when I 
didn't know better. I am now a business woman and it's embarrassing.


Ellen Fields-Sischka
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

LOL you did a very bad thing posting about that again. People must have 
forgotten about it. But now you took the matter up again

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Re: Page remove please

2010-05-31 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby :
Hi! The following 2 posts (pages) contain my name. Can you please
remove them or make them unsearchable? I was involved in this over 12
years ago when I didn't know better. I am now a business woman and
it's embarrassing. 

You are a business woman AND you know more, now. You should then know
it's useless to try to erase such message.

By mentionning those, you increased the backlinks to them and gave more
importance to them.

Finally, I dont think you really know more, at this moment...

   Architecte Informatique chez Blueline/Gulfsat:
Administration Systeme, Recherche  Developpement
 +261 3456 000 19

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Re: Booting from an SD card?

2010-05-31 Thread Mark Allums

 My Eee PC can't boot off of the SD card.  It may
be that other models, possibly yours, can, but mine can't.

If you hold down the escape key while booting you get the option to boot from  
the hard drive, or the SD card reader.

Well, whaddayaknow, learn something new every day!

If I were doing it, I might look for an 8 GB or even 16 GB SD card.

The plan is, if she likes it, to install onto her SSD in place of the original 
Xandros installation.  Since it is only 4 GB I wanted a card of the same size 
to make sure that we could fit the OS, software and data into that amount of 

I see, and you already possess the 4 GB card.

You might also

consider a bootable USB flash drive.  Much easier to boot

off of USB than SD.

For testing purposes, that may be true, but I would still need to get grub 
installed so that it can boot without affecting my wife's current installation 
and booting process.  She doesn't want any changes to her current system until 
she has tested the new system for herself.

I think that if you know the device that that USB drive is under, you 
can install GRUB to it.  On my model 1000, the SD card reader is not a 
'native' SD device from hardware stand point (all SDs are USB, sort of, 
but that is a big, tangential, topic) but appear as a USB device.  You 
need to know where it is mounted, and then cope with the drive 'moving 
around'.  The usual method is with labels and/or UUIDs, I think.

I am not sure how to install GRUB to the 'MBR' of the drive, but would 
it not be similar to that of USB flash 'thumb' drives?

I would be very interested to know this, myself, as I plan to 'hack' an 
ARM-based, embedded device soon.

Good luck.

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Re: To find out the installed packages repo section.

2010-05-31 Thread Brian Marshall
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 11:21:57PM +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
 Is there an easy way how I can found out from which repo and which
 section (or whatever it is called, I mean here: main, contrib,
 non-free) one or more packages come from?
 For example, I want to know if I have the packages installed from, say
 Testing / contrib - how I can do this?

apt-cache policy packagename


Description: Digital signature

Re: To find out the installed packages repo section.

2010-05-31 Thread Wolodja Wentland
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 23:21 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
 Is there an easy way how I can found out from which repo and which
 section (or whatever it is called, I mean here: main, contrib,
 non-free) one or more packages come from?

Certainly - Brought to me by #d's dpkg I now have the following among my
bash functions:

 snip ---
function apt-listrepo () {
dpkg -l | awk '/^.i/ {print $2}' \
| xargs apt-cache policy \  
| awk 
'/^[a-z0-9.\-]+:/ {pkg=$1}; /\*\*\*/ {OFS=\t; ver=$2; getline; print 
--- snip ---

It produces output like:

xmonad: 0.9.1-2+b1
xorg:   1:7.5+6
xorg-dev:   1:7.5+6
xorg-docs-core: 1:1.5-1

Have fun :)
  .''`. Wolodja 
 : :'  :
 `. `'` 4096R/CAF14EFC 
   `-   081C B7CD FF04 2BA9 94EA  36B2 8B7F 7D30 CAF1 4EFC

Description: Digital signature

Re: Booting from an SD card?

2010-05-31 Thread Klaus Wolf

last version of Knoppix ( ) have the Option - after
starting from DVD - to install on an SD-card.
Perhaps this may solve your problem

best regards and a nice day


Am Sonntag, den 30.05.2010, 23:43 -0700 schrieb Marc Shapiro:
  From: Mark Allums
  On 5/30/2010 5:46 PM, Marc Shapiro wrote:
  My wife has an early eeepc with a 4GB SSD running Xandros.  
  would like to change the OS so that she can install other 
 software easily.
  I have a newer eeepc with a 160GB HD that 
 came with the OS that must
  not be named and now also has Eeebuntu 3.0.
  Now, I have a 4 GB SD card that I 
 want to install Lenny 
  on, just like the installation to my hard drive.  That way, my wife can try 
  it out on her eeepc WITHOUT 
  through the install, but can not boot from it.  I am 99% certain that it is 
  just a 
 case of getting grub properly installed on the SD card.  From MY pc, 
  how do I install grub on the SD card to that Lenny can boot directly 
 from the SD 
  card (on my box, or my wife's) without affecting 
 the booting of my machine, or 
  needing to change anything on my 
 wife's machine?
  Can anyone help me with 
   Marc Shapiro
  Off the top of my head, you will 
 need a boot loader installed on the main drive 
  that can see the SD card.  My Eee PC can't boot off of the SD card.  It may 
  be that other models, possibly yours, can, but mine can't.
 If you hold down the escape key while booting you get the option to boot from 
  the hard drive, or the SD card reader.
 If I were doing it, I might look for an 8 GB or even 16 GB SD card. 
 The plan is, if she likes it, to install onto her SSD in place of the 
 original Xandros installation.  Since it is only 4 GB I wanted a card of the 
 same size to make sure that we could fit the OS, software and data into that 
 amount of space.
  You might also 
 consider a bootable USB flash drive.  Much easier to boot
  off of USB than SD.
 For testing purposes, that may be true, but I would still need to get grub 
 installed so that it can boot without affecting my wife's current 
 installation and booting process.  She doesn't want any changes to her 
 current system until she has tested the new system for herself.
 Marc Shapiro

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Re: How do I fsck and XFS file system in Squeeze

2010-05-31 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 07:19:13PM -0500, Mark Allums wrote:

 Really?  Well, I expect XFS has a substitute.  If not, it should.

No, it doesn't. XFS will handle journaling issues at boot automagically,
but a real fsck requires a bit of manual intervention. I just went
through this today, and this is what you need to do:

1. Boot into rescue mode. Most people I know keep their boot and
   root partitions as ext3, so this should go smoothly even if you
   need to fsck your xfs partitions.

2. Unmount the XFS partitions you want to check. xfs_repair will do
   evil things to mounted partitions.

3. Run xfs_repair on your unmounted partitions.

4. Remount your partitions, and check lost+found. I strongly
   recommend running debsums --all after running xfs_repair on
   /usr, /var, and so on if any problems are found.

5. Reinstall any package that may have been corrupted.

6. Reboot--not always necessary, but highly recommended.

Keep in mind that XFS only checks journaled metadata during mount--it
doesn't do any filesystem integrity checks, even when one touches
/forcefsck. Running xfs_repair once in a while is something I strongly
recommend on home systems and workstations.

Oh, look: rocks!
-- Doctor Who, Destiny of the Daleks

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Re: To find out the installed packages repo section.

2010-05-31 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 29 mai 10, 23:21:57, Sthu Deus wrote:
 Good day.
 Is there an easy way how I can found out from which repo and which
 section (or whatever it is called, I mean here: main, contrib,
 non-free) one or more packages come from?
 For example, I want to know if I have the packages installed from, say
 Testing / contrib - how I can do this?

Per package you can use 'apt-cache policy package'. If you want to 
find all installed packages from contrib or non-free look at aptitude's 
patterns in /usr/share/doc/aptitude/README

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Description: Digital signature

Re: ls has stopped using the ISO date format

2010-05-31 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Lu, 31 mai 10, 06:39:15, Camaleón wrote:

  -rwx-- 1 amp amp 891837 2010-05-03 22:55 03052010065.jpg 
  -rwx-- 1 amp amp 733361 2010-05-03 22:55 03052010066.jpg
  Can you tell if these files were created 5th march or 3rd may? How (I'd
  really like to know)?
 You got it :-)
 That can only be read as 3rd May, 2010.
 And that is precisely the gain of the ISO date format over the rest of 
 the other alternatives: nodoby has to ask -or guess- what your locale 
 is in order to correctly interpret the date you are showing because is 
 always fixed (year-month-day notation).

Sorry, but I mean, if I'm an ignorant about date formats (which many 
computer users are), but happen to know that computers often use some 
format where month comes before day (american style) it is not at all 

And there is nothing to guess about dd mmm , worst case I just don't 
understand the mmm string because it's in the wrong language.

Andrei, devil's advocate of the day :)
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: apt-get

2010-05-31 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Lu, 31 mai 10, 10:19:46, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
 What's the status?
 - aptitude better?
 - apt-get better?

From the top of my head (assuming you only use aptitude in command-line 

+ the resolver is more complex and *usually* gets the dependencies 
better than apt-get
+ removes automatically installed packages in one go, no need for a 
separate command
+ has an interactive dependency resolver even in command-line mode
+ advanced search patterns

- lacks 'source' command
- might be slower
- simple searches are much slower than apt-cache (but apt-cache lacks 
advanced searches)

* safe-upgrade allows package installs

IMHO: for simple update/upgrade cycles and install/remove/purge on a 
stable machine it probably doesn't matter, but if you do complex 
upgrades (like they often happen in testing and unstable) aptitude's 
interactive mode is unbeatable!

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Description: Digital signature

Re: Acroread: accelerating the search through a PDF

2010-05-31 Thread Merciadri Luca
John Hasler wrote:
 Merciadri Luca writes:
 But I find it special that it does not go faster. Adobe wants everybody
 to use its client. 

 No.  They want everybody who creates content to buy Acrobat.  Giving
 away Acroread is just part of the marketing thereof.
You're right.
 Then, why don't they make something more valuable?


 Habitually, if you want something to look interesting to other's eyes,
 you try to make it as much attractive as possible.

 And so they market it heavily.  Thus the Web sites that say To read
 this you need Acroread, not To read this you need a PDF viewer.
So true. You're more lucid than me.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Acroread: accelerating the search through a PDF

2010-05-31 Thread Merciadri Luca
Celejar wrote:
 On Sat, 29 May 2010 20:47:52 +0200
 Merciadri Luca wrote:


 Don't know how useful it is, but I recently noticed that pdfgrep has
 been added to Sid:

 $ apt-cache show pdfgrep 
 Package: pdfgrep


 Description: search in pdf files for strings matching a regular expression
  Pdfgrep is a tool to search text in PDF files. It works similar to
   - search for regular expressions.
   - support for some important grep options, including:
 + filename output.
 + page number output.
 + optional case insensitivity.
 + count occurrences.
   - and the most important feature: color output!
Nice. I'll try it. :) Thanks

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

The eyes are the window of the soul.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: ls has stopped using the ISO date format

2010-05-31 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 31 May 2010 12:07:54 +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:

 On Lu, 31 mai 10, 06:39:15, Camaleón wrote:
 And that is precisely the gain of the ISO date format over the rest of
 the other alternatives: nodoby has to ask -or guess- what your locale
 is in order to correctly interpret the date you are showing because is
 always fixed (year-month-day notation).
 Sorry, but I mean, if I'm an ignorant about date formats (which many
 computer users are), but happen to know that computers often use some
 format where month comes before day (american style) it is not at all

Yes, I'm (being in a European country) in your same boat. Some of us use 
day-month-year format, but other countries have their own way to put the 
date and is confusing enough.

Worst is that, inside my company, there are people still using just two 
digits for the year, something like 31/05/10 (it reads 31st May, 2010). 
Woow, sir, for sure is confusing (I ask them, hey, what will happen in 
year 3010? :-)) and that is the reason I prefer to use a standardized 
format even does not match the usual form I was used to.

Besides, I also tend to name the files and folders as 
2010-05-31_filename and so on, they keep my mind (and my computer) in a 
very well organized fit :-)
 And there is nothing to guess about dd mmm , worst case I just don't
 understand the mmm string because it's in the wrong language.

That is what I hate those fancy representations of date in the manner of 
31st May, 2010. Numbers are universal (no translation needed) and 
pretty much easier and quicker to read than any other word written in 
English, Spanish or Romanian :-)

But DD-MM- format does not match for any logical point of view (maybe 
it has for a human POV but humans lack logic). Year has to come first 
because is more important value than the day. When you take a wide 
timeframe, you find that day becomes useless.



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Hot CPU!

2010-05-31 Thread freeman
Today my CPU seemingly jumped to 85' C and remained there without one change
during three 15 min. sessions.

Weird in numerous ways.

It never stays at the same temperature.

It has achieved 74' C maybe 6 times in 4 years.

The fan achieved a speed I have never seen and stayed there.

It was that hot on the first boot, on opening Gnome and getting a look at
the temp first thing because the fan, which usually starts well into
session, was so loud.

The exhaust didn't seem particularly warm (but that could be attributed to

I removed, cleaned and replaced the cooling unit/fan. All returned to normal
on the next session: temps in the 30's on idle, 40's on average work, 50's
on a load, spikes into the 60's on extended load.

I guess I'll never know. How could a dust buildup cause a sudden change in
the course of one session?  I didn't see anything that seemed to have been
sucked in all at once.

The Debian part is, could sensor reporting by ACPI, I8K (for Dell) and
libsensors be dead-ended at 85' C? 

I am thinking that physically removing and replacing the cooling unit maybe
got me a lucky realignment of sensors or something.  85' C would just have
been a default on failing.  

But the fan had to be in on the bad information too.  Does it's information
come from the kernel.

BTW, this is a Pentium M, 1.6 GHz., which is suppose to handle heat well.

Kind Regards,

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Re: apt-get

2010-05-31 Thread thib
Both can achieve basically the same thing, but the real difference (IMO) is 
in their respective goals/directions/purposes.

apt-* tools have become relatively complex over the years, and can be 
considered a low-level interface to APT.  To be clear, they're not *that* 
complex, but you get the idea.  One could say that they are mainly useful 
for scripting or uncommon tasks.

aptitude is a higher level CLI and CUI (ncurses) tool that wraps around 
apt-* tools.  You can see that many little things make it more useable for a 
user.  For example, issuing 'aptitude update' will automatically check the 
cache and output the number of upgrades available so that you don't have to 
issue '(safe|full)-upgrade' to find out.  Every output is basically reworked 
to be more readable/useful for a human (another example:  'apt-cache show' 
vs 'aptitude show').  Inputs are supposedly more intuitive as well (compare 
'apt-cache search' and 'aptitude search').  This is all obviously very 
subjective, and one might be perfectly OK without aptitude's help, but 
once again, you get the idea:  aptitude wraps/aggregates everything a *user* 
might need in a single place and provides a more suitable interface for a 
*user*.  As such, it's mostly useless for another program, and thus should 
probably not be used for scripting.

Some people may have other opinions, and a technical comparison is still 
meaningful in some cases (is the dependency-resolver still different for the 
two?);  I'm just not sure it's worth the trouble - one should just use what 
he knows will work best for the task at hand, because the real difference 
will most certainly be about comfort.


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Re: apt-get

2010-05-31 Thread Javier Barroso
On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Andrei Popescu

 On Lu, 31 mai 10, 10:19:46, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
  What's the status?
  - aptitude better?
  - apt-get better?

 From the top of my head (assuming you only use aptitude in command-line

 + the resolver is more complex and *usually* gets the dependencies
 better than apt-get
 + removes automatically installed packages in one go, no need for a
 separate command
 + has an interactive dependency resolver even in command-line mode
 + advanced search patterns

+ has why and why-not command
+ you can play minesweeper  (with curses ui of course) !

 - lacks 'source' command
 - might be slower
 - simple searches are much slower than apt-cache (but apt-cache lacks
 advanced searches)

 * safe-upgrade allows package installs

 IMHO: for simple update/upgrade cycles and install/remove/purge on a
 stable machine it probably doesn't matter, but if you do complex
 upgrades (like they often happen in testing and unstable) aptitude's
 interactive mode is unbeatable!

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PCI-E mini wireless card to use Debian as AP

2010-05-31 Thread Aneurin Price
Hello all,

I have a computer running Debian which I'm using as a router. The
motherboard has a mini PCI-E slot (it's an integrated Atom board) and
I'd like to plug in a wireless card to use the machine as an access
point. The problem is that PCI-E mini wireless cards don't seem to be
all that common outside of spares for specific laptops, and it's hard
to find out what chipset a given card uses, and hence whether it has
Linux drivers that support master mode. I've spent ages searching now
and so far the best I can come up with is that the Intel 5300, which
seems the easiest to find, probably can't be used as an access point.
I don't have much experience with wireless and it's quite overwhelming
that devices don't say what chip they use; there can be small
variations in model number belying completely different hardware;
there can be multiple drivers for the same device, each with its own
drawbacks, etc.

Does anyone have any experience of doing this and/or can suggest any
cards which would be suitable? Draft N support would be nice, but not
essential. I am in the UK which may or may not make it harder - most
places don't seem to sell mini PCI-E cards, but maybe that's the same

Thanks for your time,

(PS: could you please CC me on any replies as I am not subscribed to
the list and Gmail doesn't seem to provide any way to set MFT)

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Re: ls has stopped using the ISO date format

2010-05-31 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2010 31 May 04:39 -0500, Camaleón wrote:
 Worst is that, inside my company, there are people still using just two 
 digits for the year, something like 31/05/10 (it reads 31st May, 2010). 
 Woow, sir, for sure is confusing (I ask them, hey, what will happen in 
 year 3010? :-)) and that is the reason I prefer to use a standardized 
 format even does not match the usual form I was used to.

No need to wait that long.  2110 will come along soon enough to make two
digit year notation ambiguous again.

The good thing about this thread is that it caused me to reaquaint
myself with various ls options I'd forgotten.

- Nate 


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more:

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