
2012-03-11 Thread Voro

Algú sap si existeix versió per a Linux, de l'entorn de programació Dev-C++?
He passat dues hores cercant a Google i no he trobat, sempre acabe en un 
.exe que, clar, no hem serveix. A la Universitat de Valencia treballem 
en Dev-++ i me convindria tindre-lo  a casa.



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Re: dev-C++

2012-03-11 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales
A la pagina et fiu que es un entorn
desenvolupat per Mingw i que els sitemes operatius suportats son la
col·lecció Windows.
Per entorns multi-plataforma tindries que anar a entorns gtk o qt. Jo
personalment treballo amb Kdevelop que tinc entès que està portat a
windows. Eclipse també es multiplataforma, peró per el desenvolupament c++
el trobo una mica pesat. Altre entorn de treball pot ser BlueFish bassat
amb gtk

Pere Nubiola Radigales
Telf: +34 656316974

El 11 de març de 2012 11:13, Voro ha escrit:

 Algú sap si existeix versió per a Linux, de l'entorn de programació
 He passat dues hores cercant a Google i no he trobat, sempre acabe en un
 .exe que, clar, no hem serveix. A la Universitat de Valencia treballem en
 Dev-++ i me convindria tindre-lo  a casa.


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Re: dev-C++

2012-03-11 Thread

2012/3/11 Voro
 Algú sap si existeix versió per a Linux, de l'entorn de programació Dev-C++?

No existeix. Em sembla recordar que fa molts anys hi va haver un
projecte que el va intentar portar al Kylix però no va funcionar.

 He passat dues hores cercant a Google i no he trobat, sempre acabe en un
 .exe que, clar, no hem serveix. A la Universitat de Valencia treballem en
 Dev-++ i me convindria tindre-lo  a casa.

Com que el Dev-C++ només funciona amb el compilador MinGW, entenc que
si aconsegueixes executar-lo en Linux (mitjançant wine) només podràs
generar fitxers «.exe». Clar que llavors amb el wine els hauries de
poder executar també.

Jo recordo que utilitzava una versió de l'Anjuta (1.x) que era clavada
al Dev-C++. De totes formes el més probable és que els programes que
facis amb el Dev-C++ es compilin sense problemes amb el GCC del teu
debian. Simplement els codificaries amb un editor diferent (Geany,
Kate, Gedit...) però això tant és.



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2012-03-11 Thread Gaëtan Navez
J'ai rencontré plusieurs problème lors de l'installation de debian.
Premièrement, je n'ai pas su trouver l'adresse de mon proxy (je ne sais
même pas si j'en ai un.
Deuxièmement, l'installateur n'a reconnu aucune image qu'il m'a proposée.
De plus, il me signal que mon identifiant est incorrect lors du démarrage
en mode console.
Merci de votre aide.

Re: installation

2012-03-11 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 15:39:04 +0100
Gaëtan Navez wrote:

 J'ai rencontré plusieurs problème lors de l'installation de debian.
 Premièrement, je n'ai pas su trouver l'adresse de mon proxy (je ne sais
 même pas si j'en ai un.
 Deuxièmement, l'installateur n'a reconnu aucune image qu'il m'a proposée.
 De plus, il me signal que mon identifiant est incorrect lors du démarrage
 en mode console.

* ici, on ne poste pas en HTML mais en PLAIN TEXT,

* quand on espère une réponse on fournit le maximum de
  renseignements directement relatifs à la question; en l'occurence:
  quel est son niveau? quelle branche veut-on installer? quel type
  d'install: cd, dvd, net, mini, primaire ou double-boot? quel
  type de micro/hd? Et on évite le j'ai des problèmes sec;
  on est pas des devins, parce que si proxy est parlant, image ne
  l'est pas.

irony, n.:
A windy day, when, just as a beautiful girl with
a short skirt approaches, dust blows in your eyes.

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Re: installation

2012-03-11 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 16:20:58 +0100
Gaëtan Navez wrote:

ici, on ne top-post pas non plus (réponse APRES le msg précédent,
voire dedans) et on fait attention lors de la réponse: je l'ai 
reçue seul alors qu'elle aurait due être dans la ML.

 Je suis débutant. J'essaye d'installer debian 6.0 sur virtual box à l'aide
 d'un cd. Je tourne sous win7 64bits.
 L'installateur ne reconnait pas le miroir de l'archive debian proposé par
 default (

Bizarre que ce soit le choix proposé, le miroir pour la Belgique
est normalement:
Il faut avoir sélectionné ET la MàJ par FTP ET la possibilité de
modifier ledit miroir dans les options d'install.

 De plus je ne parvient pas à passer l'étape du proxy (comment trouver son

Tu n'en as pas, à moins d'avoir un provider dinausauresque qui force
le traffic par son proxy ou d'en avoir déjà un là où tu es - si
c'est le cas, seul le provider ou l'admin local peut te fournir le(s)
adresse(s) IP et le(s) port(s) voulus.

 Après l'installation, lors su démarrage de debian en mode console (ce qui
 n'est pas normal je crois),

Si c'est normal, et c'est de toute façon préférable parce qu'en cas
de PB (notamment carte graphique mal supportée ou nécessitant des
switches particuliers), ça permet d'avoir la main et de pouvoir
modifier ce qui déraille.
Et c'est de loin la meilleure façon d'aborder Linux: les
clickodrômes ne servent pas les intérêts de l'utilisateur le jour où
ça coince méchamment.

 il n'a pas reconnu mon identifiant.

Lors de l'install, il te demande plusieurs choses:
* le mot de passe de root; 2x de suite pour être sûr qu'il n'y a pas
  de typo,
* et tout de suite après, le nom du user qui recevra les messages
  pour root, ainsi que la même procédure pour le mot de passe.

Tu devrais donc être en mesure de pouvoir te loger en root ou user
Le login demande: un nom d'utilisateur, une validation, son mot de
passe, une validation.

Evidemment, si le clavier n'a pas été configuré en fr_BE, ça risque
de coincer si le mot de passe contient des caractères n'ayant pas le
même mapping clavier que sur l'US.

 Je suis en train de recommencer l'installation.
 Je n'ai pris que les paramètres par défault de l'installaion.

Si tu n'as jamais installé une Debian, ça n'est pas trivial,
donc fais-toi aider ou commande une pizza et un café et installe
plutôt en mode expert.
Par ailleurs, il existe des tas de sites qui commentent pas à pas
une install Debian.

Social interaction can be fatal.  Come to Irvine and live forever.

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Re: hs mplayer sauvegarder le son entre les pistes

2012-03-11 Thread Jérôme
Le vendredi 09 mars 2012 à 23:18 +0100, Raphaël POITEVIN a écrit :
 Ah oui ! Mais le problème, c'est que Jérémy et moi-même utilisons une
 synthèse vocale, donc nous sommes forcés d'utiliser l'option softvol,
 pour que mplayer baisse le son indépendament du volume pcm. C'est
 pourquoi, les paramètres de volume ne sont pas gardés d'une instance
 mplayer à l'autre. 

Ça me semble un bon motif pour étudier la problématique avec les dev,
non ?


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Re: hs mplayer sauvegarder le son entre les pistes

2012-03-11 Thread prego Jérémy

Le 11/03/2012 19:42, Jérôme a écrit :

Le vendredi 09 mars 2012 à 23:18 +0100, Raphaël POITEVIN a écrit :

Ah oui ! Mais le problème, c'est que Jérémy et moi-même utilisons une
synthèse vocale, donc nous sommes forcés d'utiliser l'option softvol,
pour que mplayer baisse le son indépendament du volume pcm. C'est
pourquoi, les paramètres de volume ne sont pas gardés d'une instance
mplayer à l'autre.

Ça me semble un bon motif pour étudier la problématique avec les dev,
non ?

j'avoue mais pour expliquer ça en anglais, je passe mon chemin ... lol par-ce 
que cela serai top que l'on trouve une solution pour que le volume de mplayer 
sois garder même pour une même playlist


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Re: [Bash] Commentaires en milieu de ligne...

2012-03-11 Thread moi-meme
Le Sat, 10 Mar 2012 17:40:02 +0100, Mourad Jaber a écrit :

 Perso, c'est le genre de solution que je prèfére utiliser au lieu du \
 ça permet d'inserer tout plein de commentaire et surtout de stocker ces
 infos en début de script pour modification ultérieurs

ou alors un fichier avec  :
chaine_1 # commentaire
chaine_2 ...

ensuite un coup de awk :

apt-get install $(awk 'BEGIN{FS=#} {print $2 }' le fichier de dessus)

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Re: hs mplayer sauvegarder le son entre les pistes

2012-03-11 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage

Le dimanche 11 mars 2012 à 20:15:20, prego Jérémy a écrit :
  Ça me semble un bon motif pour étudier la problématique
  avec les dev, non ?

 j'avoue mais pour expliquer ça en anglais, je passe mon
 chemin ... lol par-ce que cela serai top que l'on trouve
 une solution pour que le volume de mplayer sois garder
 même pour une même playlist

  Hmm, par expérience, ces devs ne sont pas très communicatifs…

  En plus, je crois qu’il y a une certaine logique : les options 
du fichier config, comme les options générales (celles placées 
avant tout fichier, en opposition aux options particulières que 
l’on peut placer après chaque fichier), écrasent les paramètres 
à chaque changement de piste puisqu’elles sont _générales_.

  Tu dois pouvoir régler le problème :
— si tu vires le paramètre volume du fichier de config ;
— ou si tu places une option -volume correctement calibrée pour
  les fichiers du répertoire ;
— ou encore si tu actives l’option -user-filedir-option et crées
  un fichier mplayer.conf dans les répertoires où des options
  différentes sont nécessaires ;
— ou si tu crées des fichiers ~/.mplayer/nom-de-fichier.conf
  pour chaque fichier.

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: comportement étrange en console

2012-03-11 Thread Stephane Chazelas
2012-03-10 23:44:28 +0100, luc schimpf:
 23:42 root@au-ptit-bon-air:/home/luc# ps -fjp $$
 root 22694 22672 22694 22694  0 23:42 ?00:00:00 /bin/bash
 23:42 root@au-ptit-bon-air:/home/luc# pstree -Alusp $$

Ce que se passe est que quelquechose demarre une nouvelle

22694 est session-leader, mais pas de la session qui controle le
terminal (ca serait plutot 9617), donc il ne peut pas faire un
tcsetpgrp(3) sur ce terminal pas plus qu'un process dans un
autre yakuake ne le pourrait.

A priori, je ne vois que su qui puisse faire ca avant
d'executer bash, ou quoi que ce soit que su execute qui ensuite
execute bash. Ce n'est pas un comportement que j'aie observé

Mais je suis a la version 4.1.4 du package login, et je
remarque que les changements de la version 4.1.5 introduisent:

  * New upstream release:   

- su: Fix possible tty hijacking by dropping the controlling terminal when  

  executing a command (CVE-2005-4890). Closes: #628843  


Et effectivement, apres upgrade, j'ai le meme comportement et je
vois le setsid(2) de su si je fais su -c bash (mais pas
su tout court, ou su -s /bin/bash).

pour les raisons du changement.

Donc, c'est une feature et pas un bug, mais une annoying feature
pour parer un probleme de securité improbable.

Le work-around: su -s


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Re: Est-ce trop tard !

2012-03-11 Thread Jérôme
Le samedi 10 mars 2012 à 12:41 +0100, Luxpopuli Open source a écrit :
 J'ai bien peur qu'il soit effectivement trop tard mais bon, l'espoir fait
 J'ai une partition d'un DD qui ne répond plus (voir le fichier attaché).
 J'ai donc passé cette partition crible (plus de 15 heures de test avec la
 commande badblocks). Le résultat est le suivant:

En cas général, il faut faire totalement l'inverse : Sauvegarder un
maximum de données en utilisant le moins d'opérations de lecture
possible. Plus on passe la tête sur un emplacement défectueux, plus on a
de chance d'empirer les choses s'il y a un début de crash.

Une fois la sauvegarde faite, on peut tout détruire comme on veut ^_^;


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Re: comportement étrange en console

2012-03-11 Thread luc schimpf

Le 11/03/2012 22:51, Stephane Chazelas a écrit :
Donc, c'est une feature et pas un bug, mais une annoying feature pour 
parer un probleme de securité improbable. Le work-around: su -s 

Merci pour ces infos très intéressantes, mais je viens de réaliser que 
j'avais un alias dans mon bashrc:

su = sux
En supprimant l'alias tout rentre dans l'ordre.
Désolé pour le bruit, mais j'aurais appris plein de choses une fois de 
plus donc merci à tous.



Luc Schimpf

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Re: Necesito convertidor de videos

2012-03-11 Thread Francesc Guitart
El sáb, 10-03-2012 a las 11:27 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 09 Mar 2012 17:21:21 -0500, academia escribió:
  Hola lista. Pudieran sugerirme qué paquete instalar en mi Debian 6 que
  me permita convertir formatos de videos. Ej. de .avi a .mpeg (entre
  otras extensiones)
 ffmpeg es muy bueno. Complicado y enrevesado pero excelente.
 Si lo quieres instalar mejor del repo multimedia para que incluya todos 
 los códecs.

Yo también uso ffmpeg y para que no sea tan complicado instalo un
frontend llamado WinFF. Va de perlas.

Francesc Guitart

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Re: OT: Propaganda para ESET

2012-03-11 Thread mariodebian
El sáb, 10-03-2012 a las 20:37 -0300, JAP escribió:
 Verdades de perogrullos.
 Por eso no entiendo por qué *buntu trae una contraseña de root oculta,
 que debe ser la misma para cada versión, facilitándole el trabajito a
 estos tipos. Quebrás un *buntu, quebraste todos, si no te has tomado
 trabajo de cambiar la contraseña de root. 

Este no es el sitio para defender Ubuntu pero lo que dices es falso.

En Ubuntu, el usuario root tiene desactivada la contraseña (man passwd,
opción -l [*]) por lo que no se puede acceder como root a no ser que se
active la contraseña o se añada una clave a su ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

   -l, --lock
   Lock the password of the named account. This option disables
a password by changing it to a value which matches no possible encrypted
value (it adds a ´!´ at the
   beginning of the password).


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: sin conexion internet extraño dispositivo Pan0

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 10 Mar 2012 19:00:33 -0500, Ricardo Mendoza escribió:

(ese html...)

 Saludos sale lo siguiente
 wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:13:d3:71:9e:e9
   UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1 RX packets:0
   errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0
   dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

Bueno, pues algunas cosas:

- No hay ningún adaptador de red alámbrico, lo cual es raro.

- No hay ninguna interfaz pan0.

- Tu tarjeta wifi no ha recibido ningún dato de configuración (dirección 
IP, máscara de red, pasarela...). ¿Usas un servidor DHCP o utilizas una 
configuración IP fija? ¿Cómo la has configurado (NM, editando ela rchivo 

 Con el comando ip ro no sale nada.

¿Tampoco con /sbin/route -n?



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Re: OT: Propaganda para ESET

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 10 Mar 2012 20:39:00 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco

 Hola, no se halla visto este artículo pero me parece pura propaganda
 para ESET, no
 había oído hablar sobre esa tal linux/hydra y el resto de cosas que

Lo estuve leyendo ayer mismo pero me parece a mí que se trata de 
propaganda un pelín amarillista :-)

De la nota del blog no me queda claro cómo los medios lo relacionan con 
un virus de linux, a ver, entiendo que se trata de un bicho que intenta 
romper contraseñas pero ¿cuál es el payload? ¿cómo se ejecuta desde un 
sistema linux? 

No sé, creo que la nota de prensa está mal enfocada/redactada.



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Re: Necesito convertidor de videos

2012-03-11 Thread Marioca
Descargate el programa Mobile Media Converter tiene todo lo que
necesitas e incluye una aplicación para la descarga de videos de

El 11/03/12, Francesc Guitart escribió:
 El sáb, 10-03-2012 a las 11:27 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 09 Mar 2012 17:21:21 -0500, academia escribió:

  Hola lista. Pudieran sugerirme qué paquete instalar en mi Debian 6 que
  me permita convertir formatos de videos. Ej. de .avi a .mpeg (entre
  otras extensiones)

 ffmpeg es muy bueno. Complicado y enrevesado pero excelente.

 Si lo quieres instalar mejor del repo multimedia para que incluya todos
 los códecs.

 Yo también uso ffmpeg y para que no sea tan complicado instalo un
 frontend llamado WinFF. Va de perlas.

 Francesc Guitart

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Per quanto riguarda

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Acuse de recibo (mostrado) - Re: OT: Propaganda para ESET

2012-03-11 Thread Gerardo Diez García
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Rational Rose 2003

2012-03-11 Thread J.Alejandro Martinez Linares
Hola gente me gustaría que me ayudaran a instalar el Rational Rose 2003 
en mi sistema, pero es que tengo la version de linux y la de windows 
pero la de linus la tengo sin licencia por lo que ya queda descartada 
pero la de windows la tengo con licencia y cuando trato de instalarla 
con wine se queda en una ventana como que dormida, y de ahi no sigue se 
queda en la ventana Computing space requirements y no avanzo y me hace 
falta trabajar con el porque todo mi equipo trabaja con el y tenemos que 
entendernos en cuanto a software pero ellos usan windows y yo ubuntu 
10.4, les agradeceria que me ayudaran porque me urge, creo que eso tiene 
que ver con las configuraciones del wine, gracias de antemano.


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: Rational Rose 2003

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 11 Mar 2012 10:55:04 +0100, J.Alejandro Martinez Linares escribió:

 Hola gente me gustaría que me ayudaran a instalar el Rational Rose 2003
 en mi sistema, 

Una preguntica... ¿se llama 2003 porque es una versión del año 2003? :-O

 pero es que tengo la version de linux y la de windows
 pero la de linus la tengo sin licencia por lo que ya queda descartada
 pero la de windows la tengo con licencia y cuando trato de instalarla
 con wine se queda en una ventana como que dormida, y de ahi no sigue se
 queda en la ventana Computing space requirements y no avanzo y me hace
 falta trabajar con el porque todo mi equipo trabaja con el y tenemos que
 entendernos en cuanto a software pero ellos usan windows y yo ubuntu
 10.4, les agradeceria que me ayudaran porque me urge, creo que eso tiene
 que ver con las configuraciones del wine, gracias de antemano.

Si tu equipo tiene ram suficiente, instala una VM con windows e intenta 
instalar ese software desde ahí.



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Re: OT: Propaganda para ESET

2012-03-11 Thread Pablo Zuñiga
Apoyo a camaleón, en temas de malware existen factores tan importantes como
los metodos de propagación - infección - y - contención ademas que el grado
de sensacionalismo y ambiguedad en la noticia es alta.
Este tipo de noticia deberia traer un detalle que lo haga relevante, asi
como los ensayos cientificos, ya que es muy fácil escribir sin bases
Mas allá que la solución la desarrolle una empresa o la comunidad, es vital
terminar con noticias fantasmas que no aportan hacia el progreso de la
tecnología libre.


Pablo Zuniga - enviado desde dispositivo movil

El mar 11, 2012 8:48 a.m., Camaleón escribió:

El Sat, 10 Mar 2012 20:39:00 -0500, Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco

 Hola, no se halla visto este artículo pero me parece pura propaganda
 para ESET, no
 había oído...
Lo estuve leyendo ayer mismo pero me parece a mí que se trata de
propaganda un pelín amarillista :-)

De la nota del blog no me queda claro cómo los medios lo relacionan con
un virus de linux, a ver, entiendo que se trata de un bicho que intenta
romper contraseñas pero ¿cuál es el payload? ¿cómo se ejecuta desde un
sistema linux?

No sé, creo que la nota de prensa está mal enfocada/redactada.



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Re: Rational Rose 2003

2012-03-11 Thread Juan Lavieri

El 11/03/12 11:50, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 11 Mar 2012 10:55:04 +0100, J.Alejandro Martinez Linares escribió:

Hola gente me gustaría que me ayudaran a instalar el Rational Rose 2003
en mi sistema,

Por supuesto.

Comienza por abrir un hilo aparte en la lista para que puedas hacer tus 
preguntas y recibas tu respuesta de manera ordenada.

Lo que has hecho es una falta de respeto.  Sigue las normas de la lista.

Una preguntica... ¿se llama 2003 porque es una versión del año 2003? :-O

pero es que tengo la version de linux y la de windows
pero la de linus la tengo sin licencia por lo que ya queda descartada
pero la de windows la tengo con licencia y cuando trato de instalarla
con wine se queda en una ventana como que dormida, y de ahi no sigue se
queda en la ventana Computing space requirements y no avanzo y me hace
falta trabajar con el porque todo mi equipo trabaja con el y tenemos que
entendernos en cuanto a software pero ellos usan windows y yo ubuntu
10.4, les agradeceria que me ayudaran porque me urge, creo que eso tiene
que ver con las configuraciones del wine, gracias de antemano.

Si tu equipo tiene ram suficiente, instala una VM con windows e intenta
instalar ese software desde ahí.


Siempre he aplaudido tu deseo de ayudar;  muchos nos hemos beneficiado 
de tus conocimientos e intervenciones, pero en esta caso me parece que 
deberías ayudarnos a EDUCAR a estos listeros mediante no responderles 
sino indicarles que hagan las cosas como deben hacerse.



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Re: Rational Rose 2003

2012-03-11 Thread J.Alejandro Martinez Linares

El 11/03/12 17:20, Camaleón escribió:

El Sun, 11 Mar 2012 10:55:04 +0100, J.Alejandro Martinez Linares escribió:


Hola gente me gustaría que me ayudaran a instalar el Rational Rose 2003
en mi sistema,

Una preguntica... ¿se llama 2003 porque es una versión del año 2003? :-O

Creo que se llama Rational Rose  y el 2003 es el año pero ahora no se 
porque el del 2002 lo tiene al parecer no le ponen version sino el año

pero es que tengo la version de linux y la de windows
pero la de linus la tengo sin licencia por lo que ya queda descartada
pero la de windows la tengo con licencia y cuando trato de instalarla
con wine se queda en una ventana como que dormida, y de ahi no sigue se
queda en la ventana Computing space requirements y no avanzo y me hace
falta trabajar con el porque todo mi equipo trabaja con el y tenemos que
entendernos en cuanto a software pero ellos usan windows y yo ubuntu
10.4, les agradeceria que me ayudaran porque me urge, creo que eso tiene
que ver con las configuraciones del wine, gracias de antemano.

Si tu equipo tiene ram suficiente, instala una VM con windows e intenta
instalar ese software desde ahí.


y que maquina virtual me recomiendas?




Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: Desmontar particion en uso

2012-03-11 Thread Francesc Guitart
El mié, 07-03-2012 a las 08:43 +0100, Juan Antonio escribió:
 El 06/03/12 17:19, linux escribió:
  2012/3/2 Francesc Guitart
  Tengo una particion de datos en un servidor http que no puedo
  desmontar. Parece que hay algun fichero en uso:
  urfe3:~# umount  /dev/sdc1 /data
  umount: /data: device is busy.
 (In some cases useful info about processes that use
  the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1)
  A menos que yo esté equivocado no es necesario especificar el punto de
  montaje, estas tratando de desmontar dos veces lo mismo:
  umount /dev/sdc1 /data
  Con esto bastaria:
  umount /data
  Y listo o de ultima:
  umount /dev/sdc1
  Sinceramente esta forma de desmontar que estas planteando es la
  primera vez que la veo.-
 de hecho seguramente esta sea la causa de su problema, precisamente
 cuando hace fuser le dice que es umount el que bloquea el punto de
 montaje, si especficas dos veces el mismo montaje la orden umount no
 desmontará el primero porque la propia orden sigue bloqueando el
 segundo, no se si me explico pero bueno, tiene pinta.

Te explicas perfectamente Juan Antonio. Leyendo el correo de hmglinux he
sacado la misma conclusión que tu. Efectivamente estaba enviando el
umount como si fuera un mount y yo mismo bloqueaba el dispositivo.

Gracias por vuestras respuestas.

Francesc Guitart

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Re: Rational Rose 2003

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 11 Mar 2012 14:00:09 +0100, J.Alejandro Martinez Linares escribió:

 El 11/03/12 17:20, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 11 Mar 2012 10:55:04 +0100, J.Alejandro Martinez Linares

 Hola gente me gustaría que me ayudaran a instalar el Rational Rose
 2003 en mi sistema,
 Una preguntica... ¿se llama 2003 porque es una versión del año 2003?

 Creo que se llama Rational Rose  y el 2003 es el año pero ahora no se
 porque el del 2002 lo tiene al parecer no le ponen version sino el año

Si es del año 2003 es una versión ya antigua... mira, en la página de 
Wine aparecen dos versiones pero son más modernas:

Category: Main  Programming / Software Engineering  Rational Rose

NameRational Rose
Developer   Rational Software Corporation 

View Screenshot
Super maintainers:
No maintainers.Volunteer today!

UML Modelling Tool

Version Description Rating  Wine versionTest resultsComments
4.x Version 4   Silver  1.3.1   4   0
8.x Version 8   Platinum1.1.14  1   0

No sé, quizá podrías ir mirando alguna alternativa libre que puedas usar para
reemplazar esta aplicación tanto en windows como en linux.

 pero es que tengo la version de linux y la de windows pero la de linus
 la tengo sin licencia por lo que ya queda descartada pero la de
 windows la tengo con licencia y cuando trato de instalarla con wine se
 queda en una ventana como que dormida, y de ahi no sigue se queda en
 la ventana Computing space requirements y no avanzo y me hace falta
 trabajar con el porque todo mi equipo trabaja con el y tenemos que
 entendernos en cuanto a software pero ellos usan windows y yo ubuntu
 10.4, les agradeceria que me ayudaran porque me urge, creo que eso
 tiene que ver con las configuraciones del wine, gracias de antemano.
 Si tu equipo tiene ram suficiente, instala una VM con windows e intenta
 instalar ese software desde ahí.

 y que maquina virtual me recomiendas?

VirtualBox es muy sencillo de instalar y de poner en marcha. Eso sí, las 
máquinas virtuales (y especialmente virtualbox) requieren equipos potentes y 
una buena cantidad de memoria ram.



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Re: Rational Rose 2003

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 11 Mar 2012 14:11:11 -0430, Juan Lavieri escribió:

 El 11/03/12 11:50, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 11 Mar 2012 10:55:04 +0100, J.Alejandro Martinez Linares

 Hola gente me gustaría que me ayudaran a instalar el Rational Rose
 2003 en mi sistema,

 Por supuesto.
 Comienza por abrir un hilo aparte en la lista para que puedas hacer tus
 preguntas y recibas tu respuesta de manera ordenada.
 Lo que has hecho es una falta de respeto.  Sigue las normas de la lista.

¿Podrías explicar esto?

 Siempre he aplaudido tu deseo de ayudar;  muchos nos hemos beneficiado
 de tus conocimientos e intervenciones, pero en esta caso me parece que
 deberías ayudarnos a EDUCAR a estos listeros mediante no responderles
 sino indicarles que hagan las cosas como deben hacerse.

Lamento que no tengas interés en leer los correos de algunos listeros 
pero lo mejor en estos casos es filtrar los mensajes de los que no tengas 
interés. Es lo que yo hago.



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Re: Rational Rose 2003

2012-03-11 Thread Santiago José López Borrazás
Hash: SHA512

El 11/03/12 22:21, Camaleón escribió:
 Lamento que no tengas interés en leer los correos de algunos listeros 
 pero lo mejor en estos casos es filtrar los mensajes de los que no
 tengas interés. Es lo que yo hago.

_Creo_ que no fue a ti.

- -- 
Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.


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Re: sin conexion internet extraño dispositivo Pan0

2012-03-11 Thread Ricardo Mendoza
Saludos. todo lo envie en texto plano, no se que pasa con el gmail,
verificare.(Aplique eliminar formato,)

1.Fisicamente existe el adaptador alambrico esta integrado en la
motherboard es un puerto rj45,no lo uso utilizo la tarjeta inalambrica para
acceder a internet.
2.La interfaz pan0 aparece cuando digito en el shell ifconfig -a
3. Utilizo DHCP
4. La edicion del archivo interface, no la he tocado.Aunque hace un tiempo
intente montar un servidor, pero eso quedo inconcluso, sin embargo entraba
a internet con normalidad despues de intentar montar un servidor, en el
arranque aparecen varios errores pero nunca fueron un obstaculo para
navegar por internet.

Con el comando /sbin/route -n dice:
Kernel IP Routing table
Destination   Gateway   Genmask Flags  Metric Ref  UseIface

No aparece nada de numeros o algun tipo de parametro.

Re: Reporte de «spam» para las listas de Debian en español

2012-03-11 Thread Facundo Aguirre
On Sun, Mar 04, 2012 at 11:08:40PM -0600, Fernando C. Estrada wrote:
  Gracias por la sugerencia, de hecho esa página existe y son los
 desarrolladores quienes acceden a ella con el objetivo de eliminar los
 mensajes reportados como «spam» de los archivos de la(s) lista(s), sin
 embargo alguien debe facilitarles precisamente la tarea de no navegar
 por todos los mensajes sino que vean los que se han reportado y ese
 precisamente es el propósito de la página [0], coordinarnos para que si
 vamos a hacer la tarea de buscar y reportar «spam», no dupliquemos
 esfuerzos. Acá puedes encontrar mas información al respecto:

Muchas gracias por la respuesta y el vínculo.
Más claro imposible, a seguir revisando


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Re: Rational Rose 2003

2012-03-11 Thread Felix Perez
El día 11 de marzo de 2012 14:41, Juan Lavieri escribió:
 El 11/03/12 11:50, Camaleón escribió:

 El Sun, 11 Mar 2012 10:55:04 +0100, J.Alejandro Martinez Linares escribió:

 Hola gente me gustaría que me ayudaran a instalar el Rational Rose 2003
 en mi sistema,

 Por supuesto.

 Comienza por abrir un hilo aparte en la lista para que puedas hacer tus
 preguntas y recibas tu respuesta de manera ordenada.

 Lo que has hecho es una falta de respeto.  Sigue las normas de la lista.


 Una preguntica... ¿se llama 2003 porque es una versión del año 2003? :-O

 pero es que tengo la version de linux y la de windows
 pero la de linus la tengo sin licencia por lo que ya queda descartada
 pero la de windows la tengo con licencia y cuando trato de instalarla
 con wine se queda en una ventana como que dormida, y de ahi no sigue se
 queda en la ventana Computing space requirements y no avanzo y me hace
 falta trabajar con el porque todo mi equipo trabaja con el y tenemos que
 entendernos en cuanto a software pero ellos usan windows y yo ubuntu
 10.4, les agradeceria que me ayudaran porque me urge, creo que eso tiene
 que ver con las configuraciones del wine, gracias de antemano.

 Si tu equipo tiene ram suficiente, instala una VM con windows e intenta
 instalar ese software desde ahí.


 Siempre he aplaudido tu deseo de ayudar;  muchos nos hemos beneficiado de
 tus conocimientos e intervenciones, pero en esta caso me parece que deberías
 ayudarnos a EDUCAR a estos listeros mediante no responderles sino indicarles
 que hagan las cosas como deben hacerse.

No pierdas tu tiempo, ella hace lo que quiere.  Sabe mucho pero el
afan de figuración es superior.


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: Ανανέωση του Πλανήτη GNOME Ελλάδα/Κύπρος

2012-03-11 Thread Stefanos Harhalakis
On Friday 09 March 2012, Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:
 Τέλος πάντων, το τελευταίο σχόλιο είναι το πιο σωστό: αν έχεις κάτι να
 πεις για το Debian, θα το πεις σε όλους τους χρήστες του και όχι μόνο
 στους Έλληνες.

Από τη πρώτη μέρα της δημιουργίας αυτής της λίστας είχαν ειπωθεί κάποιες 
αντιρρήσεις. Μεταξύ αυτών ήταν και οι εξής δύο:

α) Ποιος ο λόγος ύπαρξης της λίστας?
β) Διαχωρίζει τους Έλληνες χρήστες Linux.

Όσον αφορά το (α) προφανώς υπήρχε εξαρχής η απάντηση για συζητήσεις για 
Debian στην Ελλάδα η οποία όμως ποτέ δεν υπήρξε απάντηση. Και ο λόγος για 
αυτό είναι το ότι δεν απαντάει ουσιαστικά στην ερώτηση. Όπως αποδεικνύεται 
αρκετούς μήνες μετά, η ερώτηση παραμένει.

Αυτή τη στιγμή έχουμε ακόμη την LGU η οποία εξακολουθεί να έχει πολύ καλό 
κλίμα και τα τελευταία χρόνια έχει αρκετά μικρό traffic. Αυτό αμέσως σημαίνει 
πως πέρα από το να υπερκαλύπτει μεγάλο μέρος του σκοπού της DUG έχει και 
αρκετό capacity για να το κάνει.

Το οποίο μας φέρνει στη δεύτερη αντίρρηση: Έχοντας δύο λίστες για Linux οι 
οποίες έχουν 100 threads / χρόνο καταλήγεις να έχεις fragmentation και μόνο 
αυτό. Δεν υπάρχει κανένας σοβαρός λόγος κατ'εμέ για το να μην γίνονται 
συζητήσεις για το Debian (έστω και για localization) στην LGU. Απεναντίας 
υπάρχουν πάρα πολύ λόγοι για να γίνουν.

Έχοντας μια DUG λίστα με το υπάρχον traffic το μόνο που επιδεικνύεται είναι ο 
διαχωρισμός του Debian από οτιδήποτε άλλο έχει να κάνει με Linux (αν το 
καλοσκεφτείς αυτή είναι η εικόνα που προβάλλεται έστω και έμμεσα). Επίσης 
χάνεις κάποιο κόσμο ο οποίος βλέποντας κάποια πράγματα για το Debian θα 
μπορούσε να θελήσει να ασχοληθεί περισσότερο με αυτό, έστω και αν τώρα δεν το 

Άρα, μιας και ζήτησες προτάσεις: Σου προτείνω να κλείσει εντελώς η λίστα και 
να αντικατασταθεί με ένα μήνυμα στο μήκος κύματος του: Εγγραφείτε στην LGU 
(Ελλάδα) ή στην debian-users (Global). Αν αργότερα αρχίσει να υπάρχει αρκετό 
traffic και ανάγκη για κάτι τέτοιο, τότε η λίστα μπορεί να επαναφερθεί.

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Re: Ανανέωση του Πλανήτη GNOME Ελλάδα/Κύπρος

2012-03-11 Thread Alexius Dionysius Diakogiannis

11 Μαρ 2012, 19:48, ο/η Pantelis  Koukousoulas έγραψε:

 2012/3/11 Stefanos Harhalakis
 Και όμως υπάρχει και έχει σημασία για κάποιον ο οποίος μόλις έκανε 
 το Debian η για κάποιον ο οποίος (π.χ.) προσπαθεί να καταλάβει γιατί δεν
 μπορεί να βρει τα info pages της glibc. Με άλλα λόγια: αναφέρομαι στους νέους
 χρήστες της λίστας. Σε αυτούς δηλαδή που δεν ξέρουν τι mailing lists για 
 υπάρχουν στην Ελλάδα.
 Εγώ τουλάχιστον δεν έχω δει έστω ένα τέτοιο χρήστη. Στις μέρες μας
 αυτοί πηγαίνουν
 στο ubuntu και κυρίως στο forum του, ούτε καν στη λίστα. Αλλά και αν
 υποθέσουμε ότι
 υπάρχουν τέτοιοι χρήστες μπορούν απλά να διαλέξουν στην τύχη ή να γραφτούν και
 στις 2 λίστες. Όπου και να ρωτήσουν, τις ίδιες απαντήσεις θα πάρουν (και από 
 ίδια πρόσωπα) οπότε τέτοιο μπέρδεμα δεν υφίσταται στην πράξη.
 Το να γραφτείς σε μία extra λίστα με 0 μέσο traffic δεν είναι δα και
 κανένα μεγάλο
 Επίσης δεν είναι μόνο η debian που έχει και δική της ελληνική λίστα, έχει
 και η Ubuntu και μπορεί και άλλες.
 Δεν ξέρω ποιες ακριβώς είναι, τι traffic έχουν και τι είδους συζητήσεις
 φιλοξενούν, αλλά σίγουρα το το κάνουν οι άλλοι δεν σημαίνει ότι είναι
 αντίστοιχο και δεν συνεπάγεται πως έχει καλά αποτελέσματα.
 Στο Ubuntu τουλάχιστον φαίνεται να έχει περισσότερη κίνηση (και από την
 LGU πολλές φορές) αλλά αυτό μπορεί να οφείλεται εν μέρει και στο moderation
 καθώς οι χρήστες του Ubuntu στην πλειοψηφία τους είναι όχι και πολύ σχετικοί
 με υπολογιστές και δεν καταλαβαίνουν από geek humor.
 Ίσως λοιπόν το moderation να βοηθούσε να αυξηθεί κάπως το traffic και εδώ
 (αν και πιο πολύ θα το βοηθούσε αν είχαμε πιο ενδιαφέροντα threads).
 α) Το ότι δεν έχει κίνηση δεν σημαίνει ότι τα λίγα θέματα που συζητιόνται εδώ
 δεν με ενδιαφέρουν.
 Εφόσον σε ενδιαφέρουν τότε γιατί θέλεις να καταργηθεί; Αυτό θεωρώ αντιφατικό,
 ότι από τη μια να θέλει κάποιος μία λίστα να καταργηθεί και από την άλλη να 
 ότι τον ενδιαφέρει. Το traffic δεν παίζει ρόλο σε αυτό.
 Αν το νόημα είναι ότι αν καταργούνταν η λίστα αυτή τότε όλα αυτά τα θέματα που
 σε ενδιαφέρουν θα μετακόμιζαν στην LGU, αυτό δεν το ξέρεις.
 β) Τι σε κάνει να πιστεύεις ότι τα θέματα sponsorship, DD, debian policy κλπ
 δεν είναι θέματα που θα μπορούσαν να συζητηθούν στην LGU? Απεναντίας, ο
 οποιοσδήποτε μπορεί να τα βρει ιδιαίτερα ενδιαφέρονται.
 Όσο υπάρχει distro-specific λίστα θα προτιμούσα να συζητούνται εδώ τα distro
 specific θέματα όχι για λόγους traffic αλλά για λόγους relevance. Δεν ξέρω αν
 έχουν μείνει χρήστες Fedora ή OpenSuSE στην LGU αλλά κατά πάσα πιθανότητα
 τα περί debian δεν τους ενδιαφέρουν.
 Τελοσπάντων, είπαμε η συζήτηση αυτή είναι θεωρητική. Εξακολουθώ να διαφωνώ
 να καταργηθεί η λίστα αν δεν υπάρχει ουσιαστικός (μη υπαρξιακός) λόγος, αλλά
 δεν είναι δική μου απόφαση. Αυτό είναι και μένα το τελευταίο μου mail σε αυτό 

Και εμένα είναι το τελευταίο mail στο thread αυτο έτσι για να μάθετε!


Sent From iSihtir

Re: Ζητείται συντονιστής για τις λίστες debian-*

2012-03-11 Thread George Marselis
tl;dr :

2012/3/12 Simos Xenitellis
 Παρακολουθώ με ενδιαφέρον όσα λέγονται στη λίστα αυτή.

auto eleipe. na mhn yparxei kai cliff hanger.

 Ένα από τα στραβά που βλέπω είναι ότι η ανακοίνωση για το έχει φύγει οφφ-τόπικ.
 Αν είναι μια συζήτηση να αλλάξει θέμα, τότε αλλάζει και το τόπικ της.
 Και δεν έχει συμβεί.

autoanaforiko ligo, topic, 8ema, 8ema, topic

 Χωρίς κάποιου είδους συντονισμού, μια λίστα καταντά αφόρητη,
 διότι θα υπάρξουν άτομα που θα είναι προσβλητικά, με ADD, κτλ, και
 καταστρέφουν το όποιο καλό κλίμα.

ma ekane pagwnia auto to xeimwna! paei to klima!

 Είναι τόσο απλός κανόνας, ωστόσο αρκετοί δεν τον καταλαβαίνουν.
 Σε μια αφόρητη κατάσταση πρέπει να είναι μαζοχιστής κάποιος που
 προσπαθεί να προσφέρει κάτι.

e oxi kai mazoxa! sado, mono

 Καταλαβαίνω ότι για κάποια άτομα δεν υπάρχει το ενδιαφέρον να φτιαχτεί
 μια κοινότητα υποστήριξης Debian στην Ελλάδα.
 Αυτό που χρειάζεται να γίνει, είναι τα άτομα που δεν έχουν το
 ενδιαφέρον, να αφήσουν όσους έχουν το ενδιαφέρον.
 Δεν ξέρω ποιος ηγείται τώρα ηθικά το

O Beni, agaph mou, poios allos? enas einai o arxhgos.

 Αν υπάρχει τέτοιο
 άτομο, τότε ας κάνει ένα κάλεσμα
 για νέο άτομο/άτομα που να ηγηθούν την προσπάθεια ώστε να φτιαχτεί

 Καταλαβαίνω ότι για να γίνει συντονισμός, χρειάζεται να ασχοληθούν
 άτομα με ζητήματα μη-τεχνικά,
 όπως επαφή με άτομα που τρολλάρουν από φυσικό τους. Και είναι
 εκνευριστικό. Χρειάζεται όμως να γίνει τούτη η δουλειά.

E, oxi kai fysiko mas, agaph! tosh douleia pathsame, tosa xronia IRC!
mh ta genikeueis ola!

Re: Ζητείται συντονιστής για τις λίστες debian-*

2012-03-11 Thread Stefanos Harhalakis
On Sunday 11 March 2012, Simos Xenitellis wrote:
 Καταλαβαίνω ότι για κάποια άτομα δεν υπάρχει το ενδιαφέρον να φτιαχτεί
 μια κοινότητα υποστήριξης Debian στην Ελλάδα.
 Αυτό που χρειάζεται να γίνει, είναι τα άτομα που δεν έχουν το
 ενδιαφέρον, να αφήσουν όσους έχουν το ενδιαφέρον.
 Δεν ξέρω ποιος ηγείται τώρα ηθικά το Αν υπάρχει τέτοιο
 άτομο, τότε ας κάνει ένα κάλεσμα
 για νέο άτομο/άτομα που να ηγηθούν την προσπάθεια ώστε να φτιαχτεί

Are you on drugs?

Αλήθεια, τη διαβάζεις τη λίστα;

Δες τι κίνηση είχε αυτή η λίστα το τελευταίο χρόνο που κανένας δεν μιλούσε:

Μαρ 2011: Hardware θέμα σε φορητό (a.k.a. non-debian θέμα)
Απρ 2011: Κάλεσμα για FOSSCOMM 2011 (ένα μόνο μήνυμα)
Μαϊ 2011: Canon drivers (a.k.a. non-debian θέμα)
Ιουν 2012: ATI drivers (a.k.a. non-debian θέμα)
Ιουλ 2012: -
Αυγ 2012: -
Σεπ 2012: KDE 4.7 Release Part (ένα μόνο μήνυμα)
Οκτ 2012: Υποψηφιότητες FOSSCOMM 2012 (ένα μόνο μήνυμα)
Νοε 2012: -
Δεκ 2012: Linux και τιμολόγια (a.k.a. non-debian θέμα)
Ιαν 2012: Installer  RAID (το μόνο κάπως σχετικό thread) + 2 ανακοινώσεις για 
διάφορα θέματα + συζητήσεις για αυτά (a.k.a. αυτά που δεν θέλεις)
Φεβ 2012: Canon drivers (a.k.a. non-debian θέμα)
Μαρ 2012: Αυτό το thread

Από τα παραπάνω η Debian κοινότητα που αναφέρεις έχει να κάνει μόνο με ένα 
thread. Και αν κάτσεις και το διαβάζεις θα δεις ότι τελικά δεν ήταν debian 

Κάτσε να το ξαναπώ: Σε ένα χρόνο όλοι οι Έλληνες χρήστες Debian δεν συζήτησαν 
τίποτα που να είναι debian-specific.



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Re: Ζητείται συντονιστής για τις λίστες debian-*

2012-03-11 Thread Christos Ricudis

On 03/11/2012 11:46 PM, Simos Xenitellis wrote:

Παρακολουθώ με ενδιαφέρον όσα λέγονται στη λίστα αυτή.

Ένα από τα στραβά που βλέπω είναι ότι η ανακοίνωση για το έχει φύγει οφφ-τόπικ.

Ναι, ξερουμε, οποτε ενας Βουδιστης μοναχος σε ενα μοναστηρι στο Θιβετ 
ξεστομιζει τη λεξη πλανητης, υλοποιειται απο την Συμπαντικη Νιρβανα 
ενα πνευμα Ξενιτελλη και του δινει μια μπατσα για να μαθει να φερεται.

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Tutorials για QEMU στα Ελληνικά

2012-03-11 Thread Dimitris Anogiatis
Για χαρα.

Μηπως ξέρει κανένας καμια σελίδα με Tutorials για το QEMU
στα ελληνικά; Ιδιαίταιρα για network interface bridging
θα ηταν πολυ χρησιμο.


ΥΓ: Συγνώμη για τα ορθογραφικά

Re: Tutorials για QEMU στα Ελληνικά

2012-03-11 Thread Pantelis Koukousoulas
2012/3/12 Dimitris Anogiatis
 Για χαρα.

 Μηπως ξέρει κανένας καμια σελίδα με Tutorials για το QEMU
 στα ελληνικά; Ιδιαίταιρα για network interface bridging
 θα ηταν πολυ χρησιμο.

Σελίδα με (ελληνικά) tutorials όχι, αλλά αν περιγράψεις το τι θέλεις
να κάνεις μπορούμε να σε βοηθήσουμε πιστεύω.

Π.χ., θέλεις 1 μόνο VM για testing/development, θέλεις περισσότερα
από ένα με εσωτερικό δίκτυο, θέλεις πάνω από ένα VM με routable
IPs (π.χ., VPS setup) ?

Το σχετικό section στο wiki του debian για bridging είναι το
Δεν είναι στα ελληνικά αλλά μπορεί να βοηθήσει.


Re: wireless

2012-03-11 Thread caio abreu ferreira


Desde já quero agradecer pela ajuda. Deu certo.

Fiz o seguinte:

# dmesg | grep wlan

# aptitude install wireless-tools wpasupplicant

# cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
wpa-ssid X
wpa-psk Y

# vim /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

# wpa_supplicant -B -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dwext

# dhclient wlan0


Caio Abreu Ferreira

On 3/7/12 11:56 PM, André Luiz wrote:

Você também pode utilizar a linha wpa-conf /etc/wpa_suplicant/wpa.conf no 
arquivo de configuração de interfaces de rede para usar o arquivo wpa.conf sugerido pelo 
amigo Hamilton, assumindo que o arquivo esteja localizado em /etc/wpa_suplicant.

On Wed, 7 Mar 2012 15:54:24 -0300
Hamilton  wrote:

Tente assim

wpa_passphrase SSID SENHA  wpa.conf

wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c wpa.conf

dhclient wlan0   # caso vc recebe ip via DHCP


Hamilton Vera

2012/3/7 caio abreu


Estou com um problema no wireless do meu computador. Estou utilizando
o debian stable. Segue abaixo um resumo do que eu fiz até agora.

- a placa de rede wireless foi reconhecida durante o boot,
# dmesg | grep wlan
ath5k :01:01.0: PCI INT A -  GSI 21 (level, low) -  IRQ 21
ath5k :01:01.0: registered as 'phy0'
ath5k phy0: Atheros AR2414 chip found (MAC: 0x79, PHY: 0x45)

- pacotes que foram instalados
# aptitude install wireless-tools wpasupplicant

wireless-tools - Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensions
wpasupplicant  - client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i)

- configuração da placa de rede
# cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
wpa-ssid X
wpa-psk Y

Se por acaso eu executo o comando ifconfig aparece a placa de rede
wlan0 e eu consigo pingar o IP O problema é que eu não
consigo pingar os outros computadores da rede e da internet. Tenho um
notebook e verifiquei as informações da rede, WPA-SSID e WPA-PSK, e estão

Alguém por acaso teria alguma ideia do que eu estou fazendo de

Desde já agradeço pela ajuda.

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Re: Instalar programa não livre

2012-03-11 Thread Vinicius

Tô nessa!
Uso o mc no dia a dia e tambem acho q. não tem melhor!

Quanto ao Emacs, eu nunca consegui me adaptar a ele, talvez por falta de 
interesse/vontade qdo iniciei no linux (o tempo passa, heim, faz tempo, 
me interessei qdo estudava o Minix e o portei pro PC com 8088, não 
completamente, ficou faltando o sistema de arquivos...)


Em 10-03-2012 21:10, Cláudio E. Elicker escreveu:

On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 15:59:51 -0300
Sávio M.  wrote:


Em Fri, 9 Mar 2012 11:19:58 -0300
Cláudio E.  escreveu:


O mc (midnight commander) permite visualizar o conteúdo de um
arquivo .deb muito facilmente.

Mc? Quem se lembra disto? Tenho 49 anos você deve ser das antigas


O mc não é gráfico, não tem ícones bonitinhos, mas dá de 10 a 0 em
qualquer outro gerenciador de arquivos (e já usei quase todos) em
termos de praticidade. Claro, isso é apenas a minha opinião.

Eheh, sou mesmo das antigas, do tempo do cartão perfurado e do
teletipo :-)


EMACS is my operating system; Linux is my device driver.

Que assinatura bonita! Não abro mão do Emacs para trabalhar com Latex
e Gnu R.


Emacs é realmente uma maravilha. Pia da cozinha incluida.


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Re: sh

2012-03-11 Thread Fred Maranhão
Em 11 de março de 2012 11:22, manoel araujo escreveu:
 Olá, tem como montar e instalar alguma dvd sem  usar o camando

para montar você não usa o comando sh. é o comando mount. Mas se você
estiver num ambiente gráfico moderno (gnome, por exemplo) o DVD é
montado automaticamente.

O que você quer dizer com instalar alguma dvd? você quer instalar um
programa que tem dentro do DVD? No manual falou para você fazer um sh
/media/dvd/setup? você só vai conseguir usar este comando depois do
DVD montado.

 sh /media/dvd/setup? pq com esse nao estou conseguindo

qual a mensagem de erro?


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Re: Instalar programa não livre

2012-03-11 Thread Sávio M. Ramos
Em Sat, 10 Mar 2012 19:19:15 -0400
Rodolfo escreveu:

 Repetindo minha pergunta: O que aconteceu que você não queria ?

Não sei se aconteceu algo de ruim é pura paranoia. Essa história de
aceitação de um contrato em que um sujeito diz o que eu devo ou não
fazer me cheira mal...

Sávio M Ramos
Arquiteto, Rio, RJ
Só uso Linux desde 2000

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Proposta de negócios

2012-03-11 Thread gabriel-polishop
(Esta mensagem é automática, enviar resposta para

Olá meu nome é Gabriel Diamond, sou empreendedor POLISHOP.

Através de uma pesquisa na internet, percebi que você tem o perfil ideal para 
um novo empreendimento.

Sabe a POLISHOP? Aquela da TV? Ela abriu um novo canal de negócios, e estamos a 
procura de pessoas sérias e que buscam novos horizontes para suas vidas, por 
isso estamos entrando em contato contigo...

Está sendo feita uma seleção para novos empreendedores se tornarem franquiados 
da empresa e participarem dos lucros  neste novo canal. Além disto temos um 
plano de carreira, e muitas outras vantagens.

Para participar desta seleção envie um email para e 
cadastre-se no link que será enviado para você.


Gabriel Diamond
Empreendedor Elite PLUS || Polishop Com Vc
Celular (CLARO)(79) 8129-4679
Celular (VIVO)   (79) 9805-5115
Celular (TIM)  (79) 9129-0606
Celular (OI)(79) 8825-2543
Skype: gabriel-polishop 

latest chrome won't play videos full screen

2012-03-11 Thread Alan Chandler
Anyone experiencing an issue I have discovered after a chrome update 
yesterday.  Videos will no longer play full screen.

Firefox(Iceweasel) display just fine.

Is there any known way around the limitation

Alan Chandler

Re: How to share the Internet with Linux and an iPad by Wi-Fi?

2012-03-11 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 11 mar 12, 00:38:40, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I tested what happens, if I install the needed packages to Mint Lisa.
 The LED always will flash and iwlist scanning will find something [1].

Why do you think the LED is relevant for using the card in Master mode?

 Before I restore something from backups, I'll copy the config files to
 Mint, since all Debian and Debian derivatives are similar.
 It seems that something get borked during installing, removing,
 installing and editing, editing, editing.

I don't think this is such a good idea. Instead of continuing to scan 
for other networks (don't forget, you are trying to set up your own 
network) you should rather check the output of iwconfig, which will tell 
you the state of the device (which is much more important).
Hope this helps,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: using bittorrent for backup of personal files

2012-03-11 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 10 mar 12, 19:48:21, Mark Neidorff wrote:
 Aren't you trying to do something that BT doesn't do?  BT is good when you 
 have lots of people who want to download a file and lots of people have the 
 file.  Then transmitting the file is broken up among many people.  In your 
 only one person has the file(s) and you want to copy them to a few other 
 people.  Seems to me like you are trying to use the wrong tool.

No, this is what BitTorrent was designed for.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: latest chrome won't play videos full screen

2012-03-11 Thread Mika Suomalainen
Hash: SHA1


Are they flash videos?
Do they play normally without full screen?
Are you using non-free flash or gnash?

You can check the answer to that last question from going to
about:plugins in Google Chrome. Find Flash there and see what does
it say. If it says something about GNU and has long text, you are
using Gnash. If it reads only Shockwave Flash 11.1 r102 or
something, you are using nonfree flash.

- From my experience, Gnash doesn't work very well with all things, so
if you are using it, you might want to try
 aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree
and restart Google Chrome and everything should work.

On 11.03.2012 10:43, Alan Chandler wrote:
 Anyone experiencing an issue I have discovered after a chrome
 update yesterday.  Videos will no longer play full screen.
 Firefox(Iceweasel) display just fine.
 Is there any known way around the limitation

- -- 
Mika Suomalainen
 gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 62FE66853913CB03 
 Key fingerprint = ED5E 7C98 4489 7058 CDA9  9A55 62FE 6685 3913
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Audiobooks

2012-03-11 Thread Jirka
Sian Mountbatten poenikatu at writes:

 I received a DVD from Amazon which came with a slip of paper saying
 I went to the site, signed up for 30 days free membership, selected a 
 book and downloaded two files of type .aa. I noticed that the only 
 software available was for Windoze or MacOS. So is there a package which
 will play an audiobook. A search with apt-cache gives yatm, but, after
 installing it, I tried it one of the files and it merely produced 
 horrible sounds. Certainly nothing intelligible.
 So are audiobooks only for Windoze or MacOS? Has anybody any suggestions?
 Sian Mountbatten
 Algol 68 specialist

Hello Sian,

the aa files from Audible are DRM protected. I think there are two ways how to 
play them without windows or mac.

The first is to install the audible PC software into wine. I haven't tried it 
myself, but it is supposed to work. The link is here:

The second way is to install audible app on an android phone. Audible works on 
iphones, android devices, many mp3 players etc.

I am audible customer for years and I really recommend it. I am totally 
on their books :-)

Wish you luck!


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Re: Cron, 1 month but 2 months

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 01:42:25 -0600, Christofer C. Bell wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 12:35 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 09 Mar 2012 05:09:23 +, T o n g wrote:

 Is there any easy way to schedule a job for a duration that is greater
 than one month but shorter than 2 months? Any duration will do, as
 long as it is easy to schedule.

 Mmm... I wonder if using steps values (*/*) in crontab could be
 possible set a period of 45 days, that is, a task to be run every month
 and every 15 days :-?
 According to this page[1], the following works for that:
 * * */45 * * your_scheduled_task
 I've not tried it myself.

Mmm, interesting!

I was thinking in using a combination of days and months (this is completely 
untested just an idea):

* * */15 */1 * #task to run

Mainly because man 5 crontab says you can only use a range between 1-31 
for days and 1-12 for months but if that works it would be great :-)



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Re: big problem with TP-LINK WiFi card

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 23:33:02 +0100, Bernard wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:
 There are many issues reported for system freezes regarding that kernel
 module (ath9k), there is even a documented bug at the Linuxwireless

 And even on Debian BTS:

 I would try with an updated kernel.

 Thanks for this information. I might end up updating the kernel, but at
 this stage I am still trying to understand what happens and if there is
 another way to go around. 

Installing an updated kernel will not hurt, you can keep the current one 
(Debian Squeeze stock) and compiling (or installing from backports) a new 

 I also have an ASUS laptop on which I installed Debian Squeeze on a
 dual boot together with MSWIN XP. This laptop allows a wireless
 connexion, even though nothing was installed other than what already
 existed on MSWIN-XP. Wireless connexions are fully operational, even
 though they are often active for hours. I searched about the chipset
 used. It appeared to be the same as on the Desktop !
 lspci on the laptop (the one that works fine) says :
 Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-express
 rev 01

This is a PCI-Express based card.
 (while on the Desktop where no wireless connexion can operate for any
 longer than one or two minutes without system freeze, this is a AR9287
 Wireless Network Adapter, TP-LINK TL-WN751ND)

This is a PCI based card.

 As stated, both machines are on Squeeze. On the laptop where everything
 works fine,  kernel is 2.6.32-5-686 (Debian, while it is
 Debian 2.6.32-41 on the problematic Desktop.

The afore mentioned bug was present on PCI cards while not in PCI-Express 
based cards, maybe that's the difference.

Hangs with PCI devices and SMP systems

This issue was due to a hardware limitation on our PCI devices whereby our 
device's FIFO queue got filled up and caused a loop. This issue is only present 
on our 11n PCI devices, its not present on our PCI-express devices nor our 
legacy 802.11abg devices.

 I carried a few more tests on the problematic Desktop. I tested 'Wicd'
 instead of 'NetworkManager'. 


The problem is on the kernel module, I can't see how user space tools such can 
cope with this unless getting an updated kernel/driver. 

 If I were to upgrade kernels, which kernel would you recommend ?

I would try with the backports one, as it's easier to install. If that also 
fails, I 
would compile the latest stable kernel from sources available at kernel's site 
(now 3.2.9).



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Re: recent version of iceape buggy?

2012-03-11 Thread H.S.
On 10/03/12 01:38 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 10:12:51 -0500, H.S. wrote:
 Since the last some days, I am experiencing a slowness and sluggishness
 in the text I type in Iceape's location bar (this version of iceape has
 the new blue logo). For the first some times, it appears fine, but then
 the response of the location bar slows down very fast and becomes
 sluggish. Eventually, it starts missing typed characters and then iceape

 Before anything, I would first try with an empty and fresh browser 
 profile and check if you still experience the slowness when typing at the 
 location bar from there.

I can give that shot, but the change occurred only during the recent
days. It was fine before then. I don't recall having this problem in
quite a while (a few years).


Please reply to this list only. I read this list on its corresponding
newsgroup on Replies sent to my email address are just
filtered to a folder in my mailbox and get periodically deleted without
ever having been read.

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Re: [1/8OT] How to open .cgi

2012-03-11 Thread Mark Neidorff
On Saturday 10 March 2012 10:50:14 pm David Christensen wrote:
 On 03/10/2012 05:03 PM, Mark Neidorff wrote:
  You misunderstand CGI.  It is a way that a script that generates a web
  page can have that page displayed in a browser window.  CGI is internal
  to the web browser.  You use a language like perl or whatever to
  generate the script that the web server picks up and processes.
 Sentence 3 is incorrect.  Sentences 2 and 4 are close.  Please see:

Right you are.  I meant web server in sentence #2.  Also, by internal, I 
meant that it can be added into or enabled in the server. is 
always my friend.


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Re: How to share the Internet with Linux and an iPad by Wi-Fi?

2012-03-11 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-03-11 at 00:38 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I tested what happens, if I install the needed packages to Mint Lisa.
 The LED always will flash and iwlist scanning will find something [snip]

 I'll copy the config files to
 Mint, since all Debian and Debian derivatives are similar. [snip]

Done. It seems to be that simply the settings are still bad, but the
driver and firmware seem not to be borked.

# mount /dev/sdb6 /mnt/oz
# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/lisa
# cp -p /mnt/oz/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf /mnt/lisa/etc/hostapd
# mv /mnt/lisa/etc/dnsmasq.conf /mnt/lisa/etc/dnsmasq.conf.DEFAULT
# cp -p /mnt/oz/etc/dnsmasq.conf /mnt/lisa/etc
# diff /mnt/oz/etc/resolv.conf /mnt/lisa/etc/resolv.conf
# cat /mnt/lisa/etc/resolv.conf
  # Generated by resolvconf
#mv /mnt/lisa/etc/network/interfaces /mnt/lisa/etc/network/interfaces.DEFAULT
# cp -p /mnt/oz/etc/network/interfaces /mnt/lisa/etc/network/interfaces

Then I rebooted to Mint Lisa and now the LED doesn't flash there too and
iwlist scan does end with no result, so I assume the settings are still

$ service NetworkManager status
NetworkManager: unrecognized service
$ iwlist scanning
loInterface doesn't support scanning.

eth0  Interface doesn't support scanning.

wlan0 No scan results

ppp0  Interface doesn't support scanning.

- Ralf

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Re: Debian 6.0.4 i386 /usr/bin/time command line arguments broken?

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 18:00:37 -0600, Selim T. Erdogan wrote:

 David Christensen, 10.03.2012:
 I was attempting to use the time command to do some benchmarking
 today, and it seems that command line arguments are broken (see console
 session, below).
 Any suggestions?
 This came up on the list very recently.  There's a bash reserved word
 time so you need to give the full path for the program time.
 $ /usr/bin/time --help
 Usage: /usr/bin/time [-apvV] [-f format] [-o file] [--append]
[--portability] [--format=format] [--output=file] [--version]
[--quiet] [--help] command [arg...]

Escaping the command seems to do the same trick:

sm01@stt008:~$ \time --help
Usage: time [-apvV] [-f format] [-o file] [--append] [--verbose]
   [--portability] [--format=format] [--output=file] [--version]
   [--quiet] [--help] command [arg...]



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Re: latest chrome won't play videos full screen

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 08:43:20 +, Alan Chandler wrote:

 Anyone experiencing an issue I have discovered after a chrome update
 yesterday.  Videos will no longer play full screen.

What's the behaviour you're getting (browser crashes/freezes, no video 
 Firefox(Iceweasel) display just fine.
 Is there any known way around the limitation

It can be a issue with the flash player plugin (Chrome uses its own 
implementation of the plugin). Maybe you can try by disabling the built-
in flash player, load the plugin from Adobe and retry to exapand the 

Alos, just out of curiosity, I would try by loading html5 videos¹ and see 
how it goes when you open in full screen.




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Re: Audiobooks

2012-03-11 Thread Carl Fink
On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 10:29:29AM +, Jirka wrote:

 the aa files from Audible are DRM protected. I think there are two ways how 
 play them without windows or mac.
 The first is to install the audible PC software into wine. I haven't tried it 
 myself, but it is supposed to work. The link is here:
 The second way is to install audible app on an android phone. Audible works 
 iphones, android devices, many mp3 players etc.
 I am audible customer for years and I really recommend it. I am totally 
 on their books :-)

And I refuse to join until and unless they remove the stupid DRM. 
Carl Fink 

Read my blog at  Reviews!  Observations!
Stupid mistakes you can correct!

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Re: Audiobooks

2012-03-11 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 11 March 2012 10:29:29 Jirka wrote:
 I am audible customer for years and I really recommend it. I am totally
 addicted on their books :-)

Out of interest, what makes them any better than any other audio books?  How 
can one be addicted to a particular brand of audio book??


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wheezy: disable X11 screen blanking

2012-03-11 Thread Aaron Marks

I am using Debian wheezy and X11 on x86-64. I noticed that after five minutes 
with no input or so, my screen is blacked. How can I disable this feature? I DO 
have xset -dpms s off in my .xsession BTW., but this does not help.

Thanks a lot!


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Debian wheezy: unattended upgrades

2012-03-11 Thread Aaron Marks
I am using Debian wheezy and unattended-upgrades. I would like to install all 
updates automatically.

That's my sources.list:
deb wheezy main non-free contrib
deb-src wheezy main non-free contrib

deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy/updates main contrib non-free

and that's my 50unattended-upgrades:
Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins {
Debian wheezy;
Debian wheezy/updates;

Unfortunately new packages are not installed. That's what my 
unattended-upgrades.log looks like:
2012-03-11 07:03:24,239 INFO Initial blacklisted packages: 
2012-03-11 07:04:15,883 INFO Starting unattended upgrades script
2012-03-11 07:04:21,575 INFO Allowed origins are: ['o=Debian,a=wheezy', 
2012-03-11 07:05:39,411 INFO No packages found that can be upgraded unattended

What's wrong?

Thanks a lot


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force-confmiss does not work

2012-03-11 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas


I'm trying to reinstall smb.conf file as it came with samba-common.

However, even when I reinstall samba-common (into which it seems to 
appear) with the force-confmiss option, it won't get reinstlled:

# apt-get -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confmiss --reinstall install samba-common
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
1 not fully installed or removed.
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
Setting up samba-common (2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze6) ...
Not replacing deleted config file /etc/samba/smb.conf
chmod: cannot access `/etc/samba/smb.conf': No such file or directory
dpkg: error processing samba-common (--configure):
  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
configured to not write apport reports
   Errors were encountered while processing:

is this a problem of samba-common package?
How to get the file reinstalled, amongst purging and reinstalling it?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, ;
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Re: [SOLVED] Encrypted LVM and failed message

2012-03-11 Thread Daniele Guerrieri
Thank You!

2012/3/8 Claudius Hubig

 Hello Daniele,

 Daniele Guerrieri wrote:
  Every time I START the system, just before the prompt for passphrase,
  are some complaints about the / filesystem: something like Cannot find
  harpsiRoot volume and also mobprobe: unix module not found. So it

 The ‘modprobe: unix module not found’ message is a different problem
 introduced by a recent upgrade of initramfs-tools and the kernel, I
 think. It is no problem either, modprobe here tries to load the
 ‘unix’ module which is already compiled into the kernel and thus not

  complains about missing root volume, but is wrapped by the encrypted
  so it should be normal not to have / mounted before inserting the
  passphrase.. or not?

 Exactly. That’s why it first complains and then decides to ask you
 for a passphrase :) I see the exact same behaviour and my system is
 working fine.
  However, after inserting the passphrase, everything goes ok and the rest
  works perfectly.


  Otherside, every time i STOP the system, there is a fail: stopping early
  crypto disks failed.

 / is still mounted, trying to stop the encrypted device therefore
 fails. That is not a problem either, in my experience.

  Are this two issues related? Are my data safe in this double wrapped
  container (encrypted-lvm-logical volume-data)?


 Best regards,

 I'd love to go out with you, but it's my parakeet's bowling night.
 Please use GPG: ECB0C2C7 4A4C4046 446ADF86 C08112E5 D72CDBA4

Automatically purging non-official packages

2012-03-11 Thread Nikolaus Rath

Ubuntu has a ppa-purge script that not just removes Launchpad PPAs
from sources.list, but also automatically reverts any packages installed
from that PPA to the versions available in the official archives.

Has anyone ever written something similar for Debian? I'm thinking of a
script that deletes all packages that are not retrievable from any of
the registered sources, and downgrades (or upgrades) all packages to the
most recent version available.



 »Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a Banana.«

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Re: Debian wheezy: unattended upgrades

2012-03-11 Thread Johan Grönqvist

2012-03-11 17:13, Aaron Marks skrev:

Unfortunately new packages are not installed. That's what my 
unattended-upgrades.log looks like:
2012-03-11 07:03:24,239 INFO Initial blacklisted packages:
2012-03-11 07:04:15,883 INFO Starting unattended upgrades script
2012-03-11 07:04:21,575 INFO Allowed origins are: ['o=Debian,a=wheezy', 
2012-03-11 07:05:39,411 INFO No packages found that can be upgraded unattended
What's wrong?

My policy output (apt-cache policy) names an archive

release o=Debian,a=testing,n=wheezy,l=Debian,c=main

whereas your log says that you allow only a=wheezy. My first guess would 
be that it may match if you replace wheezy by testing, but I do not know 
where, as I do not use unattended-upgrades.

/ johan

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Re: using bittorrent for backup of personal files

2012-03-11 Thread Rob Owens
On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 11:00:48AM +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Sb, 10 mar 12, 19:48:21, Mark Neidorff wrote:
  Aren't you trying to do something that BT doesn't do?  BT is good when you 
  have lots of people who want to download a file and lots of people have the 
  file.  Then transmitting the file is broken up among many people.  In your 
  only one person has the file(s) and you want to copy them to a few other 
  people.  Seems to me like you are trying to use the wrong tool.
 No, this is what BitTorrent was designed for.
I agree with Andrei :)

I'm trying to transmit files to 3 or 5 other computers.  Not hundreds,
like BT is famous for, but I still think this is appropriate use.  It
will certainly save me some bandwidth over rsync'ing.


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Re: If you own an ASUS notebook, please test latest v4l-utils

2012-03-11 Thread Valerio De Benedetto
No good for my K52JU laptop, the image is still upside down.
cat /sys/class/dmi/id/board_name reports K52JU, on debian wheezy

please fix this, if you can

Re: force-confmiss does not work

2012-03-11 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2012-03-11 17:31 +0100, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

 I'm trying to reinstall smb.conf file as it came with samba-common.

 However, even when I reinstall samba-common (into which it seems to
 appear) with the force-confmiss option, it won't get reinstlled:

This happens because the file /etc/samba/smb.conf is managed with ucf(1)
and not shipped in the package, hence dpkg does not know about it.

 is this a problem of samba-common package?


 How to get the file reinstalled, amongst purging and reinstalling it?

Set the UCF_FORCE_CONFFMISS environment variable, e.g.

# UCF_FORCE_CONFFMISS=1 apt-get --reinstall install samba-common

should do the trick.


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Re: force-confmiss does not work

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 17:31:41 +0100, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

 I'm trying to reinstall smb.conf file as it came with samba-common.


Only that config file?

stt005:/usr/share/samba# locate smb.conf

Maybe you can copy the file from /usr/share/samba/smb.conf and make the 
required adjustments afterwards.



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2012-03-11 Thread Brian
On Sat 10 Mar 2012 at 21:27:06 -0500, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:

 ethan@rosenberg:/var/www/Webpages2$ ls -l /usr/lib/cups/backend/
 total 508
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  7250 Mar  2 16:54 beh
 -rwx-- 1 root root 21284 Dec 26 22:43 cups-pdf
 -rwxr--r-- 3 root root 18096 Mar  5 02:52 dnssd
 -rwxr--r-- 5 root root 63516 Mar  5 02:52 http
 -rwxr--r-- 5 root root 63516 Mar  5 02:52 https
 -rwxr--r-- 5 root root 63516 Mar  5 02:52 ipp
 -rwxr--r-- 5 root root 63516 Mar  5 02:52 ipps
 -rwxr--r-- 2 root root 38744 Mar  5 02:52 lpd
 -rwxr--r-- 3 root root 18096 Mar  5 02:52 mdns
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17924 Mar  7 09:04 parallel
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 13800 Mar  7 09:04 serial
 -r-xr-xr-x 2 root root 22252 Mar  5 02:52 snmp
 -r-xr-xr-x 2 root root 30488 Mar  5 02:52 socket
 -r-xr--r-- 2 root root 30460 Mar  5 02:52 usb

Ihis is identical to mine but. unlike your situation, the parallel port
is listed in 'lpinfo -v' and /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel gives

   direct parallel:/dev/lp0 unknown LPT #1   ,

which is ok because there is no printer present

You get parport_pc and parport inserted into the kernel but one would
expect a line identifying a switched on and connected printer. Maybe
not all printers report themselves correctly but it is of concern. CUPS
later loads the lp module without a complaint.

The BIOS has settings for the parallel port. I've used ECP and EPP but
really don't see either making any difference. It seems like the kernel
is not getting some information about the port, so there is nothing to
pass on to CUPS. You do have the latest kernel, I hope.

Doing 'ls -l /dev/lp0 /dev/parport0' here has the outcome:

   crw-rw 1 root lp  6, 0 2012-02-14 16:34 /dev/lp0
   crw-rw 1 root lp 99, 0 2012-02-14 16:34 /dev/parport0

You could see where you get with altering the ownership and/or modes of
these files.

   chown lp.lp /dev/lp0 /dev/parport0
   chmod 666 /dev/lp0 /dev/parport0

Not that I'm recommending this as permanent solution if it works, but my
cupboard of decent ideas is now empty!

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Re: If you own an ASUS notebook, please test latest v4l-utils

2012-03-11 Thread Gregor Jasny

On 3/11/12 6:28 PM, Valerio De Benedetto wrote:
 No good for my K52JU laptop, the image is still upside down.
 cat /sys/class/dmi/id/board_name reports K52JU, on debian wheezy

The K52* laptops are definitely part of the upside down table of
v4l-utils 0.8.6:

Maybe your USB camera id is not yet there. Could you please mail me the
output of dmidecode (run as root) and lsusb?

What program shows the webcam upside down?

Are you on a i386 or amd64 installation?


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Re: using bittorrent for backup of personal files

2012-03-11 Thread Rob Owens
On Fri, Mar 09, 2012 at 02:04:46AM +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Jo, 08 mar 12, 18:56:19, Rob Owens wrote:
  I'm a bit of a novice, so my terminology may be off.  But by public I
  mean a torrent that I upload to any public tracker, like
  thepiratebay or something.  Anyone could download my torrent, not that they 
  would know to look for it.
 You don't need a public tracker, you can either set up your own tracker 
 or just use DHT.
For those following along, I've had some success testing on my LAN.

Set up a tracker on machine1:

bttrack --port 6969 --dfile dstate --logfile bttrack.log

Create a torrent and reference the above tracker.  I did it both with
transmission-gtk and the following command line:

btmakemetafile http://machine1:6969/announce somefile
btmakemetafile http://machine1:6969/announce somedirectory

Seed the torrent with one machine, and download the torrent on another
machine.  I also had success downloading the torrent from the same user
account that was seeding it, but using a different bittorrent client
(and saving to a different directory).

Some of the torrents take a long time to start downloading (like an hour
or more).  Some of them start right away.  One torrent ran overnight and
never started downloading.  Then I paused and resumed it, and it started
right up.  Any ideas why this might happen?


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Re: Audiobooks

2012-03-11 Thread Julien Claassen

  Let me hazard a guess, since I've come across a few of their audiobooks, 
before they started this DRM protection; They just convince in numbers! I 
think - this is just supposition - they buy from other companies and just make 
the digital versions of the audiobooks and collect them in one portal.
  What I didn't like about them even before, was their audio quality, which 
leaves a lot to be desired. Perhaps because they still think in terms of car 
drivers, other travellers and house-men and women listen to the books and 
there it doesn't matter. Still even while on the road, I like a clear full 
quality playback, even if it is MP3 in 64kb, this can be a lot better than 

  I don't know their prices, but I suppose they too would be quite OK.
  Warm regards

Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
Free And Jubilating Amazement Revels, Dancing On - FLOWERS!

==  Find my music at  ==
If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day,
so I never have to live without you. (Winnie the Pooh)

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Re: wheezy: disable X11 screen blanking

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 09:09:21 -0700, Aaron Marks wrote:

 I am using Debian wheezy and X11 on x86-64. I noticed that after five
 minutes with no input or so, my screen is blacked. How can I disable
 this feature? I DO have xset -dpms s off in my .xsession BTW., but this
 does not help.

Check if your current settings are okay (xset -q). Besides, what VGA 
driver are you using?

There's a nice article about power management options with a bunch of 
command line samples at the ArchLinux wiki:



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Re: Automatically purging non-official packages

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 12:31:11 -0400, Nikolaus Rath wrote:

 Ubuntu has a ppa-purge script that not just removes Launchpad PPAs
 from sources.list, but also automatically reverts any packages installed
 from that PPA to the versions available in the official archives.

The only idea scares me :-}
 Has anyone ever written something similar for Debian? I'm thinking of a
 script that deletes all packages that are not retrievable from any of
 the registered sources, and downgrades (or upgrades) all packages to the
 most recent version available.

I'm not aware of any, but I would prefer to do that job manually and 
carefully picking the available sources, packages and versions as 
possible candidates for installing/upgrading/downgrading.

Anyway, porting the script to Debian shouldn't be difficult but I'm a bit 
reluctant of that sort of automatisms.



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Re: force-confmiss does not work

2012-03-11 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

 I'm trying to reinstall smb.conf file as it came with samba-common.

 However, even when I reinstall samba-common (into which it seems to appear)
 with the force-confmiss option, it won't get reinstlled:

 # apt-get -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confmiss --reinstall install
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree       Reading state information... Done
 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 0 not
 1 not fully installed or removed.
 After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
 Setting up samba-common (2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze6) ...
 Not replacing deleted config file /etc/samba/smb.conf
 chmod: cannot access `/etc/samba/smb.conf': No such file or directory
 dpkg: error processing samba-common (--configure):
  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
 configured to not write apport reports
                                       Errors were encountered while

 is this a problem of samba-common package?
 How to get the file reinstalled, amongst purging and reinstalling it?

It's because /etc/samba/smb.conf is installed by the postinst script
of samba-common. It's a copy of /usr/share/samba/smb.conf.

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customizing the menu bar

2012-03-11 Thread abdelkader belahcene
i tried  the testing version wheezy, which runs gnome3.
i want to customize the menu bar   by adding a button ( the arrow on left
or right on gnome2) to hide or show the bar.

often i want to use entire screen,  the bar disturb me.

please where can i do it?  the right click on the bar is disabled.??

thanks for help

Re: [vastly OT] Audiobooks

2012-03-11 Thread Glenn English

On Mar 11, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Julien Claassen wrote:

 What I didn't like about them even before, was their audio quality, which 
 leaves a lot to be desired.

I used to edit audio for BJ Harrison, one of Audiobooks' readers. I've heard a 
lot of abysmal sound from several audio book suppliers, but never from BJ. The 
ones I didn't like were very badly recorded -- readers that sounded like the 
mike was across the room, cooling fans in the background, just plain old bad 
readings, etc. But BJ always read and recorded his work well.

Google BJ Harrison. Get his Huck Finn and Sherlock Holmes readings at least. 
Last I looked (a while back) they were decent mp3s, and didn't cost anything if 
you can get them from his podcasts...

Glenn English

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Re: Automatically purging non-official packages

2012-03-11 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Nikolaus Rath wrote:

 Ubuntu has a ppa-purge script that not just removes Launchpad PPAs
 from sources.list, but also automatically reverts any packages installed
 from that PPA to the versions available in the official archives.

 Has anyone ever written something similar for Debian? I'm thinking of a
 script that deletes all packages that are not retrievable from any of
 the registered sources, and downgrades (or upgrades) all packages to the
 most recent version available.

ppa-purge is a bash script so you could adapt it to your needs; or
inspire yourself from it since it might use unusable ppa-specific
searches, etc.

If you remove a repository from /etc/apt/sources.list, you can list
obsolete packages with apt-get update; aptitude search '?obsolete'
(but they might not all be from that particular repository so you
might want to check before uninstalling/downgrading packages).

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Re: Automatically purging non-official packages

2012-03-11 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
I don't know the ppa-purge script.
A good tool to identify from which source installed packages are coming seems to
me apt-get-versions. Piping the output to a grep command similar to the
following for a mixed (from testing, unstable, and experimental) system

$ apt-show-versions | grep -Ev '/(testing|unstable)'

can assist finding candidate packages for further treatment.

Best regards,

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Re: customizing the menu bar

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 20:20:46 +0100, abdelkader belahcene wrote:

 i tried  the testing version wheezy, which runs gnome3. i want to
 customize the menu bar   by adding a button ( the arrow on left or right
 on gnome2) to hide or show the bar.
 often i want to use entire screen,  the bar disturb me.
 please where can i do it?  the right click on the bar is disabled.??

If you are using gnome-shell there is an extension for hiding the top 

If you are using gnome-classic, you can still add applets to the panel by 
pressing the Alt key while you right click on it.



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Re: Automatically purging non-official packages

2012-03-11 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 12:31:11 -0400, Nikolaus Rath wrote:

 Ubuntu has a ppa-purge script that not just removes Launchpad PPAs
 from sources.list, but also automatically reverts any packages installed
 from that PPA to the versions available in the official archives.

 The only idea scares me :-}

 Has anyone ever written something similar for Debian? I'm thinking of a
 script that deletes all packages that are not retrievable from any of
 the registered sources, and downgrades (or upgrades) all packages to the
 most recent version available.

 I'm not aware of any, but I would prefer to do that job manually and
 carefully picking the available sources, packages and versions as
 possible candidates for installing/upgrading/downgrading.

 Anyway, porting the script to Debian shouldn't be difficult but I'm a bit
 reluctant of that sort of automatisms.

In my limited experience of purge-ppa, it's worked very well.

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Re: Automatically purging non-official packages

2012-03-11 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 17:19:26 -0400, Tom H wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 12:31:11 -0400, Nikolaus Rath wrote:

 Ubuntu has a ppa-purge script that not just removes Launchpad PPAs
 from sources.list, but also automatically reverts any packages
 installed from that PPA to the versions available in the official

 The only idea scares me :-}

 Has anyone ever written something similar for Debian? I'm thinking of
 a script that deletes all packages that are not retrievable from any
 of the registered sources, and downgrades (or upgrades) all packages
 to the most recent version available.

 I'm not aware of any, but I would prefer to do that job manually and
 carefully picking the available sources, packages and versions as
 possible candidates for installing/upgrading/downgrading.

 Anyway, porting the script to Debian shouldn't be difficult but I'm a
 bit reluctant of that sort of automatisms.
 In my limited experience of purge-ppa, it's worked very well.

My guess is that is highly dependant on user's configuration: the lesser 
repositories available + basic pinning rules = the higher chances for 
getting successful results.



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Re: Automatically purging non-official packages

2012-03-11 Thread Nikolaus Rath
Camaleón writes:
 On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 12:31:11 -0400, Nikolaus Rath wrote:

 Ubuntu has a ppa-purge script that not just removes Launchpad PPAs
 from sources.list, but also automatically reverts any packages installed
 from that PPA to the versions available in the official archives.

 The only idea scares me :-}




 »Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a Banana.«

  PGP fingerprint: 5B93 61F8 4EA2 E279 ABF6  02CF A9AD B7F8 AE4E 425C

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OT Apache Open Office

2012-03-11 Thread Greg Madden
I have been using dev builds, now rc's, of AOO for a while now. For my work, 
archived documents  templates this is working out better, for my use scenario, 
than LO ver 3.4.x and later.

There are differences between AOO  LO, significant enough to warrant having a 
choice in Debian of which one to use.

Users can try it out:



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Re: Automatically purging non-official packages

2012-03-11 Thread Nikolaus Rath
Camaleón writes:
 On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 17:19:26 -0400, Tom H wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 12:31:11 -0400, Nikolaus Rath wrote:

 Ubuntu has a ppa-purge script that not just removes Launchpad PPAs
 from sources.list, but also automatically reverts any packages
 installed from that PPA to the versions available in the official

 The only idea scares me :-}

 Has anyone ever written something similar for Debian? I'm thinking of
 a script that deletes all packages that are not retrievable from any
 of the registered sources, and downgrades (or upgrades) all packages
 to the most recent version available.

 I'm not aware of any, but I would prefer to do that job manually and
 carefully picking the available sources, packages and versions as
 possible candidates for installing/upgrading/downgrading.

 Anyway, porting the script to Debian shouldn't be difficult but I'm a
 bit reluctant of that sort of automatisms.
 In my limited experience of purge-ppa, it's worked very well.

 My guess is that is highly dependant on user's configuration: the lesser 
 repositories available + basic pinning rules = the higher chances for 
 getting successful results.




 »Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a Banana.«

  PGP fingerprint: 5B93 61F8 4EA2 E279 ABF6  02CF A9AD B7F8 AE4E 425C

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Re: customizing the menu bar

2012-03-11 Thread Charles Krinke
Perhaps alt-right click

On Mar 11, 2012 12:38 PM, abdelkader belahcene

 i tried  the testing version wheezy, which runs gnome3.
 i want to customize the menu bar   by adding a button ( the arrow on left
 or right on gnome2) to hide or show the bar.

 often i want to use entire screen,  the bar disturb me.

 please where can i do it?  the right click on the bar is disabled.??

 thanks for help


2012-03-11 Thread Ethan Rosenberg

At 01:44 PM 3/11/2012, Brian wrote:

On Sat 10 Mar 2012 at 21:27:06 -0500, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:

 ethan@rosenberg:/var/www/Webpages2$ ls -l /usr/lib/cups/backend/
 total 508
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  7250 Mar  2 16:54 beh
 -rwx-- 1 root root 21284 Dec 26 22:43 cups-pdf
 -rwxr--r-- 3 root root 18096 Mar  5 02:52 dnssd
 -rwxr--r-- 5 root root 63516 Mar  5 02:52 http
 -rwxr--r-- 5 root root 63516 Mar  5 02:52 https
 -rwxr--r-- 5 root root 63516 Mar  5 02:52 ipp
 -rwxr--r-- 5 root root 63516 Mar  5 02:52 ipps
 -rwxr--r-- 2 root root 38744 Mar  5 02:52 lpd
 -rwxr--r-- 3 root root 18096 Mar  5 02:52 mdns
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17924 Mar  7 09:04 parallel
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 13800 Mar  7 09:04 serial
 -r-xr-xr-x 2 root root 22252 Mar  5 02:52 snmp
 -r-xr-xr-x 2 root root 30488 Mar  5 02:52 socket
 -r-xr--r-- 2 root root 30460 Mar  5 02:52 usb

Ihis is identical to mine but. unlike your situation, the parallel port
is listed in 'lpinfo -v' and /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel gives

   direct parallel:/dev/lp0 unknown LPT #1   ,

which is ok because there is no printer present

You get parport_pc and parport inserted into the kernel but one would
expect a line identifying a switched on and connected printer. Maybe
not all printers report themselves correctly but it is of concern. CUPS
later loads the lp module without a complaint.

The BIOS has settings for the parallel port. I've used ECP and EPP but
really don't see either making any difference. It seems like the kernel
is not getting some information about the port, so there is nothing to
pass on to CUPS. You do have the latest kernel, I hope.

Doing 'ls -l /dev/lp0 /dev/parport0' here has the outcome:

   crw-rw 1 root lp  6, 0 2012-02-14 16:34 /dev/lp0
   crw-rw 1 root lp 99, 0 2012-02-14 16:34 /dev/parport0

You could see where you get with altering the ownership and/or modes of
these files.

   chown lp.lp /dev/lp0 /dev/parport0
   chmod 666 /dev/lp0 /dev/parport0

Not that I'm recommending this as permanent solution if it works, but my
cupboard of decent ideas is now empty!

Brian -

Thank you.

Made the changes. Rebooted.  Found Driver, Installed. rebooted. The 
system finds the printer. Still won't print.

Any ideas?  All are welcome to reply.


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Re: OT Apache Open Office

2012-03-11 Thread Jon Dowland
On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 01:09:10PM -0800, Greg Madden wrote:
 I have been using dev builds, now rc's, of AOO for a while now. For my work, 
 archived documents  templates this is working out better, for my use 
 than LO ver 3.4.x and later.

That's interesting. Do you mean there are things you can open with AOO that
won't open with LO? That surprises me, because I was under the impression
that LO had moved on *a lot* from OO, and AOO had not.  So either I'm wrong,
or LO has regressed in some cases.

 There are differences between AOO  LO, significant enough to warrant having 
 choice in Debian of which one to use.

Someone will have to step up and put the work in to package AOO, for the
choice to exist in Debian.

Jon Dowland

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Re: recent version of iceape buggy?

2012-03-11 Thread H.S.
On 10/03/12 01:38 PM, Camaleón wrote:

 Before anything, I would first try with an empty and fresh browser 
 profile and check if you still experience the slowness when typing at the 
 location bar from there.

I tried that today. It happens in the new profile as well. Mostly when I
am entering data in forms (login, search, etc.).


Please reply to this list only. I read this list on its corresponding
newsgroup on Replies sent to my email address are just
filtered to a folder in my mailbox and get periodically deleted without
ever having been read.

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Re: Cron, 1 month but 2 months

2012-03-11 Thread Karl Vogel
 On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 01:42:25 -0600, Christofer C. Bell wrote:

C According to this page[1], the following works for that:
C* * */45 * * your_scheduled_task
C I've not tried it myself.

   I'd use a timestamp file in conjunction with find; what happens when
   your 45-day interval crosses Jan 1st?  For example:

 me% date
 Sun Mar 11 21:51:21 EDT 2012

 me% touch -d '45 days ago' timestamp

 me% ls -l --time-style='+%d-%b-%Y %T' timestamp
 -rw-r--r-- 1 me   me   0 26-Jan-2012 20:51:27 timestamp

 me% find timestamp -daystart -mtime +1 -print

 me% find timestamp -daystart -mtime +44 -print

 me% find timestamp -daystart -mtime +45 -print # no output

   Run something like this every day:


 set X $(find $ts -daystart -mtime +$interval -print)
 case $# in
 0) logger 'starting' ;;
 *) logger 'skipping'; exit 0 ;;

 # run your php script or whatever ...
 touch $ts

   Another advantage: you can decide whether to touch $ts based on the
   return code from whatever you're trying to run.  If it fails, do you
   want to alert someone and run it tomorrow or wait another 45 days?
   Reschedule by setting the $ts modtime instead of dorking around with cron.

Karl Vogel  I don't speak for the USAF or my company

Bumper-sticker on Mel Gibson's car: Swerve If You Love Jesus

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Re: Ctrl-/ interpreted as Backspace in text console

2012-03-11 Thread Liu Binsheng
On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 10:39:27PM +0100, Florian Kulzer wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 00:56:12 +0800, Liu Binsheng wrote:
  When I press Ctrl-/ in the text console, it deletes a char like
  backspace. But if I use Gnome and press Ctrl-/ in gnome-terminal,
  Ctrl-/ behaves normally.
  Here's the results of running `showkey -a` in text console:
  Press any keys - Ctrl-D will terminate this program
  ^?  127 0177 0x7fwhen pressing Ctrl-/
  ^?  127 0177 0x7fwhen pressing Backspace
  /47 0057 0x2fwhen pressing /
  ?63 0077 0x3fwhen pressing ?
  ^D4 0004 0x04Ctrl-D
  The results of running `showkey -a` in gnome-terminal:
  Press any keys - Ctrl-D will terminate this program
  ^_   31 0037 0x1fwhen pressing Ctrl-/. result differs
  ^?  127 0177 0x7fwhen pressing Backspace
  /47 0057 0x2fwhen pressing /
  ?63 0077 0x3fwhen pressing ?
  ^D4 0004 0x04Ctrl-D
  This problem is very annoying because I bind Ctrl-/ to undo in
  emacs. Could you please provide any suggestions to make Ctrl-/ not
  behave like backspace?
 You can try
   echo control keycode 53 = Control_underscore | loadkeys
 as root to assign keysymbol 0x1f to the Ctrl-/ combination on the text
 console, assuming that / has keycode 53 on your system, which you can
 verify with showkey -k.
 I have no idea how this modification interacts with emacs, but it should
 ensure the same behavior on text consoles as in gnome terminal, which
 seems to be what you want to achieve if I understand you correctly.

Thanks a lot. I added it to rc.local, and it works. And I found the
reason here [1].

Maybe I should learn more about keymaps.


Liu Binsheng

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Re: OT Apache Open Office

2012-03-11 Thread Greg Madden

On Sunday 11 March 2012 3:27:51 pm Jon Dowland wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 01:09:10PM -0800, Greg Madden wrote:
  I have been using dev builds, now rc's, of AOO for a while now. For my
  work, archived documents  templates this is working out better, for my
  use scenario, than LO ver 3.4.x and later.

 That's interesting. Do you mean there are things you can open with AOO that
 won't open with LO? That surprises me, because I was under the impression
 that LO had moved on *a lot* from OO, and AOO had not.  So either I'm
 wrong, or LO has regressed in some cases.

'Moved on a lot' does not have meaning to me. New features bring new bugs and 
sometimes regressions. That said, I agree that the LO devs and document 
foundation have done a lot of good work, I try not to disparage, it just does 
work in my case.

1. About 'file open' : Someone mentioned  LO has a stricter compliance with ? 
document format standards, anecdotal experience shows some MS docs do not open 
LO that do open in AOO. Not really an area of concern here, I rarely get a MS 
document sent to me.

 I am more concerned with document fidelity with archives   templates from 
previous versions. This concept also includes all future documents.

2. New feature in LO 3.4.x and later, partial fix in Lo 3.5.1 RC-1, the 
Tabletable propertiesborders feature was 'improved'. This broke backwards 
compatibility with all Tables that used the 'double line' style. I use tables 
exclusively and the double line border style is on every page of my docs. I 
enclosed  a couple of bugs for the curious.

This is significant to me, it is how I present project results to my clients, 
so I 
have been testing AOO for a alternate plan if needed.

  There are differences between AOO  LO, significant enough to warrant
  having a choice in Debian of which one to use.

 Someone will have to step up and put the work in to package AOO, for the
 choice to exist in Debian.

The Apache OO folks do provide .deb files with desktop integration. In my tests 
these work well enough on a Debian stable system, though it would be nice to 
the benefits that the Debian LO devs have provided in that packages.



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Re: KVM problem

2012-03-11 Thread Neal Murphy
On Thursday 08 March 2012 18:52:03 Neal Murphy wrote:
 A friend is having the devil's own time trying to get qemu-kvm working for
 himself. I have no such trouble.

I fired up my test dual-core athlon and installed Squebian Deeze. And 
encountered problems similar to those my friend has been facing.

Then with a sharp pain, like a pin stuck in my arm, a neuron fired and I 
*finally* remembered that I had replaced the vgabios.bin and vgabios-
cirrus.bin files in /usr/share/kvm a long time ago. I no longer remember 
where I got them or exactly why they needed to be replaced.

I transferred those two files to the athlon system and kvm started behaving 
much more betterer. I can now easily start several VMs.


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