Making gnuplot plot to file

1999-05-11 Thread Richard Harran
Could anyone tell me how to make gnuplot output its plots to (eg) a
postscript file.  I have tried
gnuplot set output
gnuplot plot 'myplot'
but it plots to screen.  When I exit, there is and, but it is
zero bytes.

Any help appriciated

Re: Making gnuplot plot to file

1999-05-11 Thread Richard Harran
Thanks very much for this. 

Ian Peters wrote:
 On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 11:23:52AM +, Richard Harran wrote:
  Could anyone tell me how to make gnuplot output its plots to (eg) a
  postscript file.  I have tried
gnuplot set output
gnuplot plot 'myplot'
  but it plots to screen.  When I exit, there is and, but it is
  zero bytes.
 Try help term inside of gnuplot.  Short version:
 gnuplot set term post
 Options are 'landscape noenhanced monochrome dashed defaultplex Helvetica 
 gnuplot set out
 gnuplot ...
 Ian Peters  I never let schooling interfere with my education.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Mark Twain

Printing from octave

1999-05-09 Thread Richard Harran
Could someone please tell me how to get octave to print graphs
(preferably to a file).  I've tried RTFM, but it's not really helping me

Thanks in advance


Re: ftp of complicated directory structure

1999-05-06 Thread Richard Harran
Thanks for all the suggestions

filtering of text files

1999-05-06 Thread Richard Harran
I need to filter some text files to convert all the letters to the same
case, and to remove punctuation.  I guess I should use 'sed', but the
man page is disfunct, and I'm struggling with the info.  Could someone
give me a hint (particularly for the case change thing).


Re: filtering of text files

1999-05-06 Thread Richard Harran
Also thanks to all those who suggested this or awk, or ways to use sed:
Ian, Marc and Stephan.  (I posted before reading, always daft).

Thanks again

Richard Harran wrote:
 Ok, I'm replying to my own post.  I found I could do what I wanted with
 'tr', which has a usable man page.
 Richard Harran wrote:
  I need to filter some text files to convert all the letters to the same
  case, and to remove punctuation.  I guess I should use 'sed', but the
  man page is disfunct, and I'm struggling with the info.  Could someone
  give me a hint (particularly for the case change thing).
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Re: fvwm95 stuffed up - StartMenu gone

1999-05-01 Thread Richard Harran
You could try a ~/.fvwm95rc (which ?would? overide the /etc one).  

The relavent sections of mine are:

AddToMenu /Debian
+ Debian Menu Title
# note I only use my own menus, you might want:
# Read /etc/whatever/menudefs.hook, for the autogenerated stuff
Read .fvwm95/menudefs.hook 
Read .fvwm95/main-menu.hook
AddToMenu /Debian
+  Nop
+ Exit Fvwm Popup Quit-Verify 
# quit verify is defined later 

# Then later:
#-- FvwmTaskBar
# some stuff
*FvwmTaskBarStartMenu /Debian
# This is probably where your problem is: you have /StartMenu where
# I have /Debian directly above, and no 'AddToMenu /StartMenu's

If you like, if this doesn't fix it, I can send you more details from my
config files, but I don't just want to dump them on this list.


Raymond A. Ingles wrote:
  Since I upgraded to Debian 2.1, fvwm95 has been acting up. The
 FvwmButtons seem to be working okay, and the TaskBar shows up, but the
 StartMenu doesn't work. The button is there, and putting the mouse over it
 shows the Click here to start message, but clicking on it does nothing.
 When I exit the window manager, I get an error message saying that the
 StartMenu is undefined.
  I've tried to copy the vanilla system.fvwm95rc and example.fvwm95rc out
 of /usr/doc/fvwm95/ to the places they go, but still no dice.
  My wife is the one who uses Fvwm95, I tend to stick with Fvwm2, which is
 working okay. Using the Buttons panel, she's still able to fire up rxvt's
 and Netscape, and I've taught her to use ctrl-alt-backspace to kill X when
 she's done. Still, this is annoying, and I can't seem to fix it. Any FM I
 should R? Any suggestions, comments, sympathies?
  Ray Ingles   (248) 377-7735[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes it harder,
   but when you do you blow your whole leg off.  -  Bjarne Stroustrop
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Re: changing user name

1999-04-30 Thread Richard Harran
There is also a slightly less hardcore command, usermod, which lets you
change login-name, home directory, group, uid, etc, without getting
involved with the password file. Eg
usermod -l new_user_name -d new_home_dir -m old_user_name

Marlon Urias wrote:
 Thanks for the help!marlon
 On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, Debian project development discussion wrote:
  On Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 05:57:46PM -0700, Marlon Urias wrote:
   If I get a user who wants to change only their username how do I go about
   doing a thorough job? Simply changing the passwd entry doesnt seem to be
   the right thing because then all the files with ownership
   wont be availabe for user newLogin. Thanks for the help.
  Actually, changing the name in the password file is exactly what you want
  to do.  Everything else in the system is using the user ID number to keep
  track of who owns what.  (The user ID is the third field in the passwd
  file.)  Use the ``vipw'' utility, as it will do the right thing with
  respect to shadow password files, etc.  Also, if a group was created with
  the same name as the user, you might wish to edit the /etc/group file and
  change it there as well.
  Please send Debian-related email to debian-user @
  For custom software, see:
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Re: Using Xapps on another Linux system

1999-04-30 Thread Richard Harran
This is the old xhost problem.  You need to type:
xhost +ip_address_of_client
in an xterm on the X-Server.  

This is a security issue for the server, so a better, though probably
harder in practice, approach would be to set (and export) the
'XAUTHORITY' variable of the client to that of the server.  If you are
telnet'ting in to your linux box from the workshop, you may be able to
do this with the 'environ' option in telnet (but I haven't been able to
make this work).


Brant Wells wrote:
 I'm looking for some help... I have Netscape installed on my Linux box 
 I need to get it to come up on my other Linux box using the XWindows
 (Workshop)--(Linuxbox w/Netscape).  I need netscape to run
 the Workshop's XServer on display :0.0 (Workshop:0.0)... How can I get
 it to come up??  When I try, I get the MIT-MagicCookie -1 error
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ftp of complicated directory structure (with tmp simlinks)

1999-04-30 Thread Richard Harran
I am trying to completely copy a complicated directory structure using
ftp.  It has four levels of directories, all with lots of branches.  I
have a root directory on the target machine, and want to create the
directory structure, and copy all the files into the right places.  I
have tried filerunner, which throws its toys out at the first hurdle,
refusing to even transfer a single file.  I thought lftp's 'mirror'
command sounded hopeful, but this didn't want to play either, giving:
get: Access failed: 550 directory_name: not a plain file
for every directory and subdirectory, and not mirror'ing anything.

My nearest thing to a solution involves old-fashioned ftp.  I have
recreated the directory structure on the target machine down to the
penultimate level (where the branching factor ~= 100).  I then have a
macro thus:

mkdir %i
cd %i
lcd %i
mput *.txt// I have to do it this way, cos mkdir only works
mput *.wrd// this way.  Also mput '*' for all these lines is
mput *.wav// apparently an '?Invalid Command'
cd ..
lcd ..

I then open an xterm on the source machine and ls the correct directory,
and cut 'n' paste the output in short segments to arguments of the
macro.  This is not entirely satisfactory (BTW, if I run the macro with
more than about 20 args, ftp stops talking to me and segfaults or exits
or just generally sulks).  I can't redirect the output of ftp's ls
command, as it doesn't just list the filenames.  So at the moment, I am
running my macro about five times for each of the directories in the
penultimate level.

Anyone have any suggestions?


Re: Mail folder sharing in Windoze Linux

1999-04-29 Thread Richard Harran
I use netscape mail in Windows and Linux, with a common mail directory
on the windows partition (which is mounted by fstab).  This seems to
work fine, and has the advantage of having the same MUA on both OS's,
although using NS for mail doesn't seem very Linux'y!

(OT, similarly, I have a single bookmarks file on both OS's, which is
very useful)

Probably not the best solution, but it's mine.

Shao Zhang wrote:
 My sister is a Windoze user. But since I always have linux running, 
 rebooting into windoze
 is a pain to do.
 So I am thinking of having a mail folder in FAT, so that my sister 
 can check her mail from both linux
 and windoze.
 Well, at least I cannot see any problems with it. If it is possible, 
 could anyone recommand me what mail
 programs I should use in both windoze and linux?
 The mail program is better to be a GUI based. I am thinking to use 
 Eudora  pine. Is this possible??
 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
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Re: Forcing password change for a user

1999-04-29 Thread Richard Harran
How about using 'chage'.  I think you probably need to play with the -M
and -d switches.  BTW chage is in the passwd package.


Arcady Genkin wrote:
 George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sorry to bug you again, but I am still looking for the password change
 The .bash_profile solution works, but then if the user changes his default
 shell from bash to smth else, I won't be able to force password change
 anymore... Is there any file that gets called every time a user logs
 in? Irrespective of which shell he is using? I could put there a call
 for such a script, which would check for existance of .newuser file
 Arcady Genkin
 I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE
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Re: I do a Big permission mistake

1999-04-29 Thread Richard Harran
Am I being stupid?  What about 
chmod -R u+w .*

? Or probably safer to do chmod u+w .* in individual directories.

Are you sure that command below caused this problem?  I would have
thought that adding others read permissions would have no effect
whatsoever on users write permissions.  It seems that this problem is
more likely to have been caused by eg you editing these files as root
and saving them, making them owned by root.



Khalid EZZARAOUI wrote:
 never, never do :
 chmod -R   o+r   .*
 anywhere. (I do it in /home).
 After doing this as root, I lose a lot of right acces every were for
 user can't use bash, profile dir, libreadline lib .
 is there a way to solve this ?
 using apt-get and force to download all my package and to install
 them again ? (but how?)
 My sys : potato + kernel2.2.5
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Re: rm /dev/psaux

1999-04-29 Thread Richard Harran
This should work:
cd /dev
./MAKEDEV busmice
as root.


D Richards wrote:
 I accidentally removed my /dev/psaux file which controls my mouse.  Where do 
 I find out how to replace it.  I'm running slink and use a PS2 mouse.
 Duane Richards
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Re: Hit by virus !? Help, please...

1999-04-28 Thread Richard Harran
Wasn't there a 'how to make a machine really secure' thread on this list
a little while back (probably around the last time one of these data
viruses exploded)?

If I remember correctly suggestions started with using 'tripwire'
software, progressed through not using any floppies at all, then
disconnecting from any network access, and ended up with a linux box
encased in concrete in a secret underground bunker with automatic
sentries, and switched off.

The point is that it is impossible to completely protect your computer
from some sort of 'foreign' interference without rendering it useless. 
Thus the sensible thing to do is to make regular back-ups, and also to
have some way of detecting when your integrity has been compromised
(excuse the lapse into pseudo-military jargon, I've been watching too
many war movies on the news), so that you don't back up corrupted data
over older but intact data if you use incremental back-up.

Having said all that, I'm absolutely useless at keeping backups, so I'm
probably heading for a complete loss of data.


Helge Hafting wrote:
  I'm curious about virii and Linux...
  Am I wrong to assume that Linux is not immune to virii (I don't even know if
  virii is a word - but it just sounds cool  :) ?  Obviously the security
  features of Linux can prevent some virii from affecting certain files on 
  system... but what about the boot sector?  And what if you happen to be su'd
  or logged in as root when you get (and heaven forbid) execute an infected
 Viruses activate when infected files or bootsectors are executed.  Some
 dos viruses also take over certain system calls.
 Viruses can be written for linux, but it haven't happened yet as far as I 
 Dos/windows viruses are usually incompatible and can't work with linux,
 just as dos programs don't run in linux (unless a suitable emulator is used).
 So a linux-only machine is very safe.  It can be vulnerable to booting
 with a boot-virus infected diskette in the drive, because such a thing
 may obliterate the harddisk before linux is loaded.  These viruses will
 usually only mess with lilo though, possibly making the machine unbootable
 but no damaged files.
 These viruses may install their own int 13 handler (bios disk access)
 but linux doesn't use that after the kernel is loaded, so it is
 effectively isolated.
 dos-Viruses that affect files doesn't understand ext2 or the various
 linux executable formats, so no danger there.  The only way to activate
 such a virus is by running some dos program in an emulator.  The emulator
 will stop the virus from obliterating the disk (i.e. dos fdisk activities
 don't work in linux)  The virus will only be able to mess with
 files that the user is allowed to mess with, and it won't find dos/windows
 executables among those.  It can only spread to other dos files.
 It may crash the dos emulator only, not linux.
 A dual-boot system is worse.  The viruses can do anything when dos/windows
 is running, but they don't understand ext2.  Infection can spread to
 the boot sector of the linux partition, not the files.
 Of course the virus may do damage enough by interpreting the ext2
 partition as a FAT partition and write to it in this manner.  Virus
 writers don't bother testing for such mistakes.  Also, overwriting
 random disk sectors is a common way to to damage when the virus
 pull the trigger.
 If you want a real safe machine, make it linux only.  No dos
 partition, no dos emulator.  And set it up so it won't try booting
 from the floppy drive.  (You can always change that back if you ever
 need to boot a floppy.)  Such a machine will be immune until a
 linux virus is written.  And a linux virus wouldn't be able
 to do much damage other than destroying the user's personal files.
 Helge Hafting
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Re: Ftechmail query !

1999-04-28 Thread Richard Harran
I don't think that you can use fetchmail to do exactly what you want,
but you may solve your overall problem by doing the following:
Run fetchmail as a background deamon with the '-k' for keep
option normally.

Periodically, perhaps using cron, run fetchmail with the '-F'
for flush option.  Obviously, you should time this so that it
doesn't interfere with your mobile fetchmailing.

(this should mean that your debian box gets your mail, but leaves it on
the POP server marked as read for you to fetch with the CE thing, untill
the '-F' fetchmail is run, which deletes all the read messages from the
POP server).

Hope this is of some use

Nidge Jones wrote:
 I have been playing around with Fetchmail just recently. And it is
 working just fine etc.
 However, I am wondering if it is possible to leave mail on the server
 for XX amount of days before deleting it.
 Ie, collect all NEW mail today, but don't delete if off the server for
 another 2 days time. So when in two days time I connect again, the mail
 is NOT fetched (old mail) but is deleted.
 I have a situation where I sometimes access one POP mailbox from a CE
 box and a mobile phone, but if the Linux box got there first (automated
 dial ups) then I miss the mail.
 Thanks in advance
 Nidge Jones
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Re: system shutdown from xdm

1999-04-28 Thread Richard Harran
I find that I often need to shutdown as a normal user ('cos I turn my
computer off every night), but rarely need to reboot.  Thus I have set
the behavior of the ctrlaltdel keys to shutdown, rather than
reboot.  This is done with the following in /etc/inittab:
# What to do when CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed.
ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -h now
(I think that by default you will have the above line, but with '-r'
instead of '-h').

This works for me, but I don't use xdm, so I cannot comment on whether
it traps ctrlaltdel or not.  If it does then that is just another
reason why, IMHO, xdm is pants.


Dave Whiteley wrote:
 In the olden days I worked with a PDP11/44 running Unix.  I did not know
 a lot about Unix, but I was trusted to  shut the system down by logging
 is as a special user shutdown.
 Now I am playing with my own linux systems, and I want to create a
 similar user to give my Wife an easy way to shut down the PC.
 I have created the user, and logging in as shutdown  from a non-X
 console works well. However, now that xdm has been installed I have
 I have made the user shutdown's shell a script which calls the
 shutdown command. However xdm does not seem to run this script.
 Is the whole idea a bad one?   If not, what am I doing wrong.
 Dave Whiteley
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Re: adding to PATH

1999-04-25 Thread Richard Harran
I'm not sure exactly where your path is coming from.  However, a couple
of points:  you need
export PATH
somewhere to make PATH part of the global environment (not just limited
to within the profile script;  you can extent the path thus:
export PATH=$PATH:addition to end of path
export PATH=addition to beginning of path:$PATH

What you set in /etc/profile should (according to the FM) should be read
whenever you open a login shell, so maybe you just forgot to export the
PATH.  The only other place I think this could be set is ~/.profile, so
you might want to check that out.


Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Hi all:
 I'm having a problem adding to a system-wide PATH variable... I've
 added the following in /etc/profile:
 However, echo $PATH produces:
 My ~/.bashrc and ~/bash_profile do not contain anything to do with
probably just a typo (should have '.')

 PATH variable. SO where is the system-wide PATH specified?
 Also, how do I dynamically add to the PATH variable in bash?
 Arcady Genkin
 I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE
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Re: X Window help!

1999-04-25 Thread Richard Harran


ying shang wrote:
 How can I know if I have installed the X-Window Package successfully? When
 I run XF86Setup, it gave me the following message:
 bash: XF86Setup: command not found
 Any idea?
 -Ying Shang
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Re: X Window

1999-04-25 Thread Richard Harran
That is the name of the configuration file:  the setup program uses all
lowercase letters:

Harold Hartley wrote:
 Mine is different, I type XF86Config and I get:
 Bash: XF86Config: Command not found:
 - Original Message -
 From: ying shang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Adam Linford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Pietro Francescatti [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Debian users
 Sent: Sunday, April 25, 1999 3:28 AM
 Subject: Re: X Window
  I have the same problem. When I run XF86Setup, it showed the following:
  bash: XF86Setup: command not found
  any idea?
  -Ying Shang
  On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Adam Linford wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Pietro Francescatti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Debian users
   Date: 23 April 1999 09:26
   Subject: X Window
   I installed Debian Linux on a X86 machine. I cannot run X Windows. The
   answer to the commands startx or xinit is:  Unknown command
   I have installed an X server as well but it doesn't find the display.
   I .am very new to linux so if you could help me with some very basic
   instruction I would be grateful.
   I apologize if this isn't the appropriate mailing list  to ask
   Thank you,
   Have you ran XF86Setup?
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Re: Disk geommetry, was Re: Kernel Upgrade: Why?

1999-04-24 Thread Richard Harran
I think that you are missing a very important point here.  A hard disk,
unlike, for example, an audio CD-ROM, spins at a fixed angular
velocity.  Thus the 'linear' speed over the disk surface is faster
towards the outside of the disk than towards the centre (as in v=wr). 
Thus at the
very least, it would seem likely that the reading of a large amount of
data which was continuous would be quicker from the outside of the disk
than from the innner. (This probably represents a larger performance
increase with the large web-server than with the average single-user

That said, I take your point about the seek time depending on the
distance that the heads have to move, and it is evident that multihead
drives would be expected to improve performance.


Jonathan Guthrie wrote:
 On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Ookhoi wrote:
  Well, there was a discussion here about a benchmark Linux vs NT, and
  some people here said that the preformance of Linux could have been
  affected by the fact that Linux was near the center, and NT on the outer
 Probably not the reason.
  And the data on the outer side passes the heads much faster than the
  data on the inner side. But then, there is much more data on the outer
  side, and a piece of data on the outer side will go round in the same
  amount of time as a piece of data on the inner side..
 I am not aware of any disks that use a higher density recording format for
 the outer tracks than they do for the inner tracks.  As far as I am aware
 (and I really haven't paid much attention to such things since ST-277's
 were state of the art) the bit density of the outer tracks is LOWER than
 the bit density of the inner tracks.  That's because the outer tracks are
 physically larger, but they hold the same number of bits.
 Not that it matters.  The whole disk spins as a single unit so even if
 there were more bits on the outer tracks, you'll still wait the same
 amount of time (on average) for the sector you want to come around.  Read
 on, and I'll explain.
  So, is there an advantage if whe put for example swap at the outer side
  of a disk?
 Look, the access times for disk are dominated by two times, the time to
 seek to the correct track and the time to wait for the data to come around
 again on the disk.  The time it takes the data to come around on the disk
 is, on average, one half of the time it takes for the disk to go around
 once.  That's independant of everything else and is a fairly short time,
 The time it takes to seek to the correct track depends upon where you're
 seeking from and where you're seeking to.  Obviously, if the heads happen
 to be at innermost cylinder, it will take longer to seek to the outermost
 cylinder than if the heads were in the middle or toward the outside.  So,
 for higher performance in a situation where you're too cheap to add enough
 RAM, you'll want the swap file near where the heads are likely to be.
 You can also turn that around.  Seeking to the middle from either extreme
 is likely to be faster than seeking to the other extreme.  (This works for
 both average and worst-case times.)
 Predicting where the heads are likely to be takes some doing, especially
 on systems with effective disk caches, but you can take some educated
 guesses.  The middle of a disk is a better guess than either extreme, but
 isn't necessarily the best guess.  If you spend a lot of time reading and
 writing (especially writing) files from a particular partition, you might
 want to put the swap file near that partition on the principle that the
 heads are likely to be near there anyway, so it should reduce the amount
 of time waiting for any given swap.
 An extreme example of this would be where you dedicate an entire drive to
 a (fairly small) swap partition.  That's how the news servers I use do it.
 For something less extreme, I kind of like the recommendation made by OS/2
 gurus:  Their advice was to put the swap file in the most used partition
 on the least used drive.  You might try something like that where you put
 the swap partition in the middle of a disk that isn't used for very much.
 In short, my recommendation for boosting the performance of a computer
 that uses a significant amount of swap is to add RAM to the computer.
 Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Brokersys  +281-895-8101
 12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA
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Re: Disk geommetry, was Re: Kernel Upgrade: Why?

1999-04-24 Thread Richard Harran
That is because the data is spread out more towards the edge of a
record, entirely because the data rate is fixed (by the need to have the
music playing at a constant speed).  I have managed to find myself a
reference to this in the book 'Computer Organisation and Design'
[Patterson/Hennessy].  It suggests that modern iterfaces (SCSI: the book
is copyright '94), mean that disks have a constant bit rate per inch,
although old disks had a constant number of sectors per head analogous
to the record.  Thus with a modern HDD, you would get better transfer
rate towards the outside of the disk.  There are, however, as other
posters have mentioned, issues of seek time, which may be more
significant for lots of little transfers, and it makes good sense that
you don't have partitions which may be alternatively accessed (eg swap
and /usr), at very distant radii on the disk.  I've decided to just
leave my partitioning as it is until I have a lot more time to workout
exactly what would be best (which will probably never happen), including
seeing which directories get most regular access, and which ones tend to
get accessed alternatively.


Dan Willard wrote:
  (I wasn't going to but...)
 Think of it as a record (ya' know those old odd looking vinyl things).
 It spins at 33.3 rpm but the sound/music doesn't change from outer to inner.
 Same deal with hard drives although the outside is 'spinning' faster, it
 still picks up the same amount of data per rotation as it would near
 the center.
  -Original Message-
  From: Richard Harran [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 8:35 PM
  To:   Jonathan Guthrie
  Subject:  Re: Disk geommetry, was Re: Kernel Upgrade: Why?
  I think that you are missing a very important point here.  A hard disk,
  unlike, for example, an audio CD-ROM, spins at a fixed angular
  velocity.  Thus the 'linear' speed over the disk surface is faster
  towards the outside of the disk than towards the centre (as in v=wr).
  Thus at the
  very least, it would seem likely that the reading of a large amount of
  data which was continuous would be quicker from the outside of the disk
  than from the innner. (This probably represents a larger performance
  increase with the large web-server than with the average single-user
  That said, I take your point about the seek time depending on the
  distance that the heads have to move, and it is evident that multihead
  drives would be expected to improve performance.
  Jonathan Guthrie wrote:
   On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Ookhoi wrote:
Well, there was a discussion here about a benchmark Linux vs NT, and
some people here said that the preformance of Linux could have been
affected by the fact that Linux was near the center, and NT on the
   Probably not the reason.
And the data on the outer side passes the heads much faster than the
data on the inner side. But then, there is much more data on the outer
side, and a piece of data on the outer side will go round in the same
amount of time as a piece of data on the inner side..
   I am not aware of any disks that use a higher density recording format
   the outer tracks than they do for the inner tracks.  As far as I am
   (and I really haven't paid much attention to such things since ST-277's
   were state of the art) the bit density of the outer tracks is LOWER than
   the bit density of the inner tracks.  That's because the outer tracks
   physically larger, but they hold the same number of bits.
   Not that it matters.  The whole disk spins as a single unit so even if
   there were more bits on the outer tracks, you'll still wait the same
   amount of time (on average) for the sector you want to come around.
   on, and I'll explain.
So, is there an advantage if whe put for example swap at the outer
of a disk?
   Look, the access times for disk are dominated by two times, the time to
   seek to the correct track and the time to wait for the data to come
   again on the disk.  The time it takes the data to come around on the
   is, on average, one half of the time it takes for the disk to go around
   once.  That's independant of everything else and is a fairly short time,
   The time it takes to seek to the correct track depends upon where you're
   seeking from and where you're seeking to.  Obviously, if the heads
   to be at innermost cylinder, it will take longer to seek to the
   cylinder than if the heads were in the middle or toward the outside.
   for higher performance in a situation where you're too cheap to add
   RAM, you'll want the swap file near where the heads are likely to be.
   You can also turn that around.  Seeking to the middle from either
   is likely to be faster than seeking to the other extreme.  (This works

Re: Netscape Resources

1999-04-23 Thread Richard Harran
I think the directory you should be looking in is /usr/lib/netscape. 
The 'executable' in the X11 bin directory is just a nice wrapper
script.  However, on my system at least, there is no there. 
There is, however a app-defaults.gz in /usr/doc/netscape.  Have a look
at this, and it tells you how to put stuff in your ~/.Xdefaults for
netscape (at top).  Maybe the section on 'Fonts in the widgets' is what
you want to play with, so I'd do a search for that string in your
editor/pager.  This file has loads of stuff in it, so it looks like you
can do a lot of customisation for Netscape.)


Greg Scharrer wrote:
 Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 21:31:53 -0600
 To: Jens B. Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: Greg Scharrer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Netscape Resources
 References: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Looking at the Netscape app-defaults file I see:
 I still cannot find the Netscape app-defaults. I looked in the directory
 with the executable (/usr/bin/X11) and I looked in
 /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults and /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults. No luck. I
 installed Netscape using dselect. Do I have an app-defaults for Netscape?
 If you're using xdm you can edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers, eg.:
 :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X -dpi 100
 This technique (and others is well documented in the X Font
 Deuglification HOWTO: The changes
 outlined there
 made a *huge* difference for me.
 I read the HOWTO and it was very useful. My display is a lot less ugly
 now. Thank you very much.
 Greg Scharrer
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Re: Potato

1999-04-21 Thread Richard Harran
You can upgrade the kernel without changing from slink to potato.  I
asked about upgrading to kernel 2.2.x and recieved the following
information from Graham Ashton:

I've been running 2.2.6 here without any problems on all my
boxes. 2.2.4 was also free from problems for me (didn't try

issues with slink are explained here;

I'd do it if I was you. I thought the speedup was noticeable,
but I'm running SMP.
  end quote from Graham Ashton


Madel, Kurt wrote:
 For those of you using Potato, I was wondering how unstable it is.  I have a
 Zip Plus drive and know that it is naturally supported by the 2.2.X  kernel,
 so would like to move to a 2.2.X distribution as soon as possible and would
 like to use Debian because I believe in freedom.
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Re: Printer Compatability

1999-04-20 Thread Richard Harran
I have the HP DJ695c, and it works great with linux.  I think that it is
exactly the same printer as the DJ690c mentioned in the Hardware-HOWTO,
just repackaged.  The same may apply to the DJ895: you could try asking
your vendor.


Micha Feigin wrote:
 I couldn't find the answear to this on the Hardware-HOWTO
  I am looking for a printer to connect to my linux machine.
  I was wondering which of these printers (this are whats avainlable)
  will work with linux
  without too much of a fuss ( I don't have too much time in the near
  future to take on too
  complicated a job).
  Also If anyone can comment on the quality of any of these.
  The relevant options are:
  Lexmark 3200  and  52__ (I don't have to last 2 numbers right now)
  Epson stylus 740 and 850
  HP 695C, 710C, 720C, 895Cxi
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Kernel Upgrade: Why?

1999-04-20 Thread Richard Harran
I am currently running kernel 2.0.36 in my slink system.  Would there be
any advantages to upgrading my kernel?  If so what version would be a
good (stable) version to which to upgrade?  Are there any good reasons
not to upgrade?

[Very OT]...
While I'm asking slightly vague questions: I noticed on the issue of
mindcraft finding that NT was a faster web server than Linux, that
someone said that whichever of the two OSs that was installed on the
outside (ie further radially from the spindle) of the disk would have a
2.5ish times performance advantage.  I have win95 and linux partitions
on the same disk, and would like my linux performance to be maximised. 
Would I see a performance increase if I made sure my linux partition was
on the outside of my disk?  Would I be even better putting my swap
partition as far out as possible?  If so, which end of the partition
table corresponds to to the outside of the disk?


Re: dependencies

1999-04-20 Thread Richard Harran
ldd binary-executable
list the dynamic libraries which the binary executable requires.

A really good tip for finding out what the name of a command is (which I
stumbled across in the Debian Users Manual) is:
apropos keyword
which lists appropriate man page titles with a brief overview.  eg:
$ apropos library
GDBM_File (3pm)  - Perl5 access to the gdbm library.
dh_shlibdeps (1) - calculate shared library dependancies
hdf (5)  - Hierarchical Data Format library
hosts_access (3) - access control library
intro (3)- Introduction to library functions
ldd (1)  - print shared library dependencies
paperdone (3paper)   - begin and end using the paper library
paperinit (3paper)   - begin and end using the paper library
resolv+ (8)  - enhanced DNS resolver library
stdio (3)- standard input/output library functions
svgalib (7vga)   - a low level graphics library for linux
undocumented (3) - undocumented library functions
uselib (2)   - select shared library
(7vga)   - a fast framebuffer-level graphics library
 based ion svgalib

and there is ldd.


ktb wrote:
 A few weeks ago someone posted a command that showed the dependencies of
 a program.  I must have inadvertently deleted it and can't find it in
 the archives.  Anyway I would like to know how to reveal what libs a
 program uses or needs and once I find the libs know how to find the
 package the libs reside in. How do I do this?
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Re: dependencies

1999-04-20 Thread Richard Harran
In my excitement over just how useful the apropos command is, I forgot
to include the following in my previous posting:

To find package which owns file:
dpkg -S file
I guess this may not work if you don't have the package installed yet,
which is when it would be most useful.  I guess the only way to find
which package that you don't have installed would provide a lib is to
search the Packages file for that lib.  (The package containing a named
lib is often obvious from the name of the lib, particularly for the
obscure ones which you are less likely to have)


ktb wrote:
 A few weeks ago someone posted a command that showed the dependencies of
 a program.  I must have inadvertently deleted it and can't find it in
 the archives.  Anyway I would like to know how to reveal what libs a
 program uses or needs and once I find the libs know how to find the
 package the libs reside in. How do I do this?
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Re: Netscape error

1999-04-20 Thread Richard Harran
The glibc2 in the netscape path suggest that it is libc6, no -5. 
However, libXpm comes from xpm4g, not from libc6.  Check that you have
this installed.

If I'm wrong about the library version, you'll need xpm4.7 from oldlibs
as the libc5 equivalent.


Brian Morgan wrote:
 OK, I've been through this at least 2x before, but didn't write it down.
 I'm getting a can't load library '' error when trying to run my
 newly installed netscape 4.51.  If I remember right, I need to have libc6
 installed, but I already checked that.  It's installed just fine.  Do I
 perhaps have the libc5 version of netscape installed by mistake?  I
 downloaded it from -
 Is there anything I'm forgetting?
 Sorry to bother everyone again with this question.
 Brian Morgan
 Computer Support Specialist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 IBM Mobile Systems Support  618.664.2800 ext. 4241
 Greenville College IT Dept. 618.338.4963 - pager
 The end of the world is in late Beta ... no, hang on. Bill Gates just bought
 it . . . we're safe again.
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1999-04-20 Thread Richard Harran
I think that the correct answer to this was posted on this list on the
original thread.  You need to select the 'Native language support' in
the filesystems menu during installation of the base system.  I am not
sure if this is enough on its own, or if it will then give you the
option of adding iso9660 support.

If this is not what is causing the problem, I apologise.

HTH (let me know either way)

Marlon Urias wrote:
 I had the exact same problem, I've also met several others with the exact
 same prob but despite seeing this same problem on this mail  list about 4
 times no one has been able to find the root of the problem. The way I got
 around it was to manually add the isofs module. Find it (maybe from
 another linux installation) put it on a floppy or mountable partition,
 copy into /lib/modules/your kernel/fs/
 edit /lib/modules/you kernel/modules.dep, run modprobe isofs
 and try dselect again.  I think maybe there was a buggy image out there
 that we got our CD from.Good luck   marlon
 On Tue, 20 Apr 1999, michele bigi wrote:
  I have a PC with a IDE CD ROM. When I install DEBIAN 2.03 the dselect
  don't read the iso9660 filesystems. The filesystem isn't present on
  Can you help me?
  michele Bigi
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Re: FW: Netscape error

1999-04-20 Thread Richard Harran
Don't think that this is going to work:
Firstly, when I type:
ldd 'which netscape'
it says can't open ...;

Secondly, if I type 
$ which netscape
$ ldd /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape
ldd: /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape is not a.out or ELF

This is because netscape installs with a (script) wrapper to deal with
opening urls in already running netscape, not running as root, etc.

Probably what would give the desired output is the following:
$ ldd /usr/lib/netscape/netscape
As this is where the debian install puts the netscape binary (at least
on my machine)


Dan Brosemer wrote:
 On Tue, 20 Apr 1999, Brian Morgan wrote:
  Bob Nielsen wrote:
   That's a typical symptom of having a libc5 version of netscape on a libc6
   system, however that should be the right directory.  Do you have the
   libc6 package xpm4g (which contains /usr/X11R6/lib/
  YES.  Installed.  I think I may have originally installed the libc5 version.
  when I realized what I had done, I removed all the netscape directories, and
  downloaded the libc6 version and installed it.  Could there still be traces
  of the libc5 version in other places?  I installed the libc6 version in the
  same place as the libc5 version (/usr/local/netscape/netscape).  Anything I
  need to uninstall to get rid of libc5 stuff?
 Try $ ldd `which netscape` and see if it links libc5 or libc6.
 The netscape binary should be the only thing that determines whether it
 calls libc5 or libc6, so nothing but netscape to uninstall, just make sure
 you got rid of it correctly and completely.
 Best of luck.
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Re: OT: sqrt() not recognized in c program??

1999-04-19 Thread Richard Harran
I think that it would be quite nice if these things were included in the
man page, as there is a man page.  
man sqrt
tells you that you need to #include maths.h, but not that you need to
link with the maths library.  This can be very frustrating for
beginners,and would be quite easy to include in man pages. Just MHO.

Mark Brown wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 18, 1999 at 10:00:25PM +0200, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  I just checked (and hope to be corrected) but I couldn't find _ANY_
  reference to requiring the -lm option to enable math functions.
  Try KR
 That's not really part of Debian, though.  It *is* documented in the
 comp.lang.c FAQ, but that isn't packaged.  I guess what's being looked
 for is more like writing something in the appropriate man pages or what
 have we.
 Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
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Re: Whoops THANKS

1999-04-19 Thread Richard Harran
Thanks to everyone who suggested ways to fix my stupid bash problem, and
to everyone who didn't call me an idiot for producing it.  I fixed it
su -s alternative shell path

Re: Xhost probs

1999-04-19 Thread Richard Harran
Perhaps you want:
$xhost +localhost
(any user connected to your machine can use the current xsession)

The better method is to:
#export XAUTHORITY=/home/user_running_X/.Xauthority
after su-ing (or add to /root/.bash_profile or whatever)


M.C. Vernon wrote:
 This is probably a FAQ, but anyway. I'm trying to set things up so
 that I can run a root Xterm should I need to. The methodology is:
 xhost root@
 /usr/X11R6/bin/Eterm --icon-name ROOT -n ROOT
 --scrollbar-right -S red -b red -I
 /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps/bomb.xpm -e bash 
 Unfortunatly, xhost root@ doesn't work:
 X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for 
   Major opcode of failed request:  109 (X_ChangeHosts)
   Value in failed request:  0xfe
   Serial number of failed request:  8
   Current serial number in output stream:  10
 How do I sort this out, please?
 Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo
 Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
 Selwyn College Computer Support
 Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte
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Re: Problem compiling with g++/libc6

1999-04-19 Thread Richard Harran
I have a later version of g++ than you:
also when I ldd on the executable, I get = /usr/lib/
(0x4000f000) = /lib/ (0x40053000) = /lib/ (0x4006e000)
/lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)
ie I get a libstdc++ which you don't have - maybe this is the problem
(the prog 'works' for me).

The only thing I can think of is do you have support for elf binaries
and/or for old a.out style boundaries.  I don't know what these mean,
but I know they are (vaugely relavent) options for the kernel.  You
could also try getting a newer version of g++.

Whoops- just read the bottom of you message saying you have egcs-2.91
and it works.  I don't know why g++ doesn't use it?

Prashanth Mundkur wrote:
 Can someone figure this out? The most trivial C++ program
 crashes. (  main(){} )
 The link between the compiler and libc6 seems fishy.
 I have a slink system, with both libstdc++2.8 and
 wintermute:test g++ --version
 egcs-2.90.27 980315 (egcs-1.0.2 release)
 wintermute:test cat /etc/debian_version
 wintermute:test cat
 wintermute:test g++ -o a
 wintermute:test a
 Segmentation fault
 wintermute:test ldd a = /lib/ (0x4000b000) = /lib/ (0x40024000) = /lib/ (0x400c9000)
 The debugger points at libc6:
 wintermute:test gdb a.out
 GNU gdb 4.17.m68k.objc.threads.hwwp.fpu.gnat
 Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
 welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
 Type show copying to see the conditions.
 There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for details.
 This GDB was configured as i486-pc-linux-gnu...
 (no debugging symbols found)...
 (gdb) break main
 Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048537
 (gdb) run
 Starting program:
 (no debugging symbols found)...
 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0x400d291f in ?? () from /lib/
 But, this works:
 wintermute:test egcc --version
 wintermute:testegcc -o a
 wintermute:test a
 wintermute:test ldd a = /lib/ (0x4001)
 /lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)
 Any (non-null :-) pointers appreciated.
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Re: Printing in Color

1999-04-18 Thread Richard Harran
I think that you may wish to use the -Pprinter option in lpr.  Note
that you may need to edit the stylus_color... filters to make them work
properly.  See /usr/doc/gs-aladdin/Devices.htm (or equivalent for gs) to
find out about the options (good luck: it looks a bit involved).  It
might be worth just trying what you have, and only trying to understand
these options if that doesn't work.

Jan Muszynski wrote:
 How can I get my printer to print in color? I print a page from
 Netscape and select lpr as  the printer. Everything prints fine, but
 it prints in B/W.
 Printer is an Epson Stylus 850. Printcap is set up to refer to 3
 magicfilters (ie. 3 printers all pointing to same dev):
 stylus800-filter   (this is default)
 I assume I need the above to print in different dpi settings?
 Any assistance greatly appreciated - TIA
Jan M.-  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 Thought for the day:
 I have seen the truth and it makes no sense.
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1999-04-18 Thread Richard Harran
I did something really stupid:
#mv /usr/bash somewhere_else
(don't ask).  Then I exited root, and (of course) I can't log in as root
to fix it.  I'm still logged in as a normal user, but anything using a
script with /bin/bash or /bin/sh doesn't work. 
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this.  
PS I don't think I have a rescue floppy 


Slightly Sheepish: Rich

[Fwd: [Re: Whoops] Hurray]

1999-04-18 Thread Richard Harran
Richard Harran wrote:

Got it sorted.  Copied the man for su to my home directory and unzipped
it and read it.  Used -s where-i'd-put-bash option for su.  Moved bash
back to where it belonged.  Vowed to stop mucking about and get on with
some work.
Still feeling a bit silly: Rich

  I did something really stupid:
  #mv /usr/bash somewhere_else
  (don't ask).  Then I exited root, and (of course) I can't log in as root
  to fix it.  I'm still logged in as a normal user, but anything using a
  script with /bin/bash or /bin/sh doesn't work.
  Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this.
  PS I don't think I have a rescue floppy
  Slightly Sheepish: Rich
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Re: OT: sqrt() not recognized in c program??

1999-04-18 Thread Richard Harran
You need to link to the maths library.  Add the -lm option to your
linking line eg:
gcc program -lm

 Does someone know why I would get the following errors in a compilation of a
 C app?  I would think that the sqrt function is in one of the libraries
 defined in the beginning of the code (e.g. #include math.h ).
 kaynjay:/home/autodock/dist_3.0/src/autotors# cc -o autotors autotors.c
 /tmp/ccc01215: In function 'check_aromatic':
 /tmp/ccc01215(.text+0x1b4f): undefined reference to 'sqrt'
 /tmp/ccc01215: In function 'main':
 /tmp/ccc01215(.text+0xa586): undefined reference to 'sqrt'
 /tmp/ccc01215(.text+0xba83): undefined reference to 'sqrt'
 The compile dies with these.
 There are no directions for compiling.  I'm following the same pattern given
 for another program in the distribution.
 Thanks for any help!
 Kenward Vaughan
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Re: printer problem not solved anymore

1999-04-17 Thread Richard Harran
The error indicates that lpd is not running.  Have you tried doing the 
lpr filename
!after! having done as root:
It looks like lpd has not been started properly.  I guess you could try
installing lpr again.  You could also try looking at the output of kmesg
to see if there is a relavent (lpd related) error there.
Also try:
ls /etc/rc?.d | grep S[0-9]*lpd
to see if lpd is being started anywhere (should get at least one
'Snlpd').  If not, reinstalling lpr should sort this out.  You could
also manually add lpd starting (but this is probably not the easiest
thing to do)


Mans Joling wrote:
 I have running into a new problem.
 Yesterday I uncomment the lastline in dj500-filter and I add a line
 default cat  and so on.
 Then the  printer works fine.
 Today when I say (as normal user) lpr filename (normal text)
 lpr: connect:No such file or directory
 jobs queued, but cannot start deamon.
 When I do ps -ax I see two processes /usr/sbin/lpd
 bash: lpd: command not found
 When I do lpq
 lp is ready and printing.
 As root
 lpd  no messages
 Any idea what is worng
 Mans Joling
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Re: file system vfat

1999-04-16 Thread Richard Harran
What does compiling vfat support into your kernel do for you?  I only
ask because I don't have it, but I do mount my Windows95 drives under
linux, and I seem to be able to use them ok (except for permissions,
which I suppose don't exist on them)

Alan Tam wrote:
 The kernel comes with Debian was not configured with vfat support. 
 boot time mount is processed before kerneld, therefore you can't mount vfat 
 systems before kerneld is processed. After login (before login, kerneld is
 processed) then you can mount the vfats.
 To have the vfat support at boot time compile your kernel with 
 answers to make
 config (or make menuconfig | make xconfig) as follows:
 fat fs support  y
 msdos fs supporty
 vfat fs supporty
 nls codepage 437   m
 nls iso8859-1 m
 Jelmar Andree wrote:
  when booting I get the message vfat not supported by the kernel.
  when I'm logged in and do as root mount /dosc there is no problem.
  I've ofcourse in my fstab mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /dosc etc.
  how is that possible and what to change so by booting the
  windows-partities will be mounted?
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Re: file system vfat

1999-04-16 Thread Richard Harran
I get that now, 'without' vfat.  Although I don't have vfat compiled
into the kernel, I am mounting my Win drives with the 'vfat' type option
(apparently quite sucessfully), which is why I asked the question.

Seems a bit strange.

David Nelson wrote:
 For one, vfat let's you see long filenames in Linux.
 Richard Harran wrote:
  What does compiling vfat support into your kernel do for you?  I only
  ask because I don't have it, but I do mount my Windows95 drives under
  linux, and I seem to be able to use them ok (except for permissions,
  which I suppose don't exist on them)
  Alan Tam wrote:
   The kernel comes with Debian was not configured with vfat 
   support. During
   boot time mount is processed before kerneld, therefore you can't mount 
   vfat file
   systems before kerneld is processed. After login (before login, kerneld is
   processed) then you can mount the vfats.
   To have the vfat support at boot time compile your kernel with 
   answers to make
   config (or make menuconfig | make xconfig) as follows:
   fat fs support  y
   msdos fs supporty
   vfat fs supporty
   nls codepage 437   m
   nls iso8859-1 m
   Jelmar Andree wrote:
when booting I get the message vfat not supported by the kernel.
when I'm logged in and do as root mount /dosc there is no problem.
I've ofcourse in my fstab mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /dosc etc.
how is that possible and what to change so by booting the
windows-partities will be mounted?
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Re: file system vfat

1999-04-16 Thread Richard Harran
That's the one:
vfat4   2

I didn't have vfat as a module in the kernel either, but I guess it
doesn't need to be.


Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Richard Harran [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I get that now, 'without' vfat.  Although I don't have vfat compiled
  into the kernel, I am mounting my Win drives with the 'vfat' type option
  (apparently quite sucessfully), which is why I asked the question.
 You probably have vfat as a module. When you mount an MSDOS system,
 what does your lsmod say?
 Arcady Genkin
 I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE
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Re: printing problem

1999-04-16 Thread Richard Harran
The problem is coming from the /etc/magicfilter/dj500-filter script.

I had a look at mine, and the last line is:
default filter  /usr/bin/djscript -q 
which is the command which you don't have.  This is for printing normal
text files.  Above this it suggests using something else if you don't
have djscript.  I don't have djscript myself, so what I have in
/etc/magicfilter/dj550c-filter (which is the script which I use for my
printer is:
default cat \eE\ek2G\e(0N  \eE 
This works for me (and I guess does exactly cat text /dev/lpx which
you previously mentioned was working.
I suggest you try commenting out the old 'default' line in your
dj500-filter, and replacing it with this.



PS. anyone know where to get djscript from, or if it is worth using?

Mans Joling wrote:
 On several questions on my printing problem.
 When I type lpq it says no entries.
 echo test test
 lpr test
 Notihing happens.
 But I have looked in lp-errs and the are many lines  with the following
 /bin/sh: /usr/bin/djscript:No such file or directory
 /etc/magicfilter/dj500-filter: /usr/bin/djscript -q failed.
 I think that I missing the file djscript  file
 Or is there something else going on.
 Any idea
 Mans Joling
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Re: What is x11amp?

1999-04-15 Thread Richard Harran
Playing .mp3 music files (it's very much like winamp but for X)

Armin Wegner wrote:
 What is the program x11amp good for?
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Re: Help! Kernel woes. -- SoundBlaster

1999-04-15 Thread Richard Harran
This link from Marcus Brinkmann helped me a lot when I did my
soundblaster setup: it's nice and easy to follow:

(hope he doesn't mind me posting his ref.)


Jonathan J. Lupa wrote:
 I just went through this fight with my AWE32... there are some docs out there
 that will really help.
 For reference: zless /usr/doc/HOWTO/Sound-HOWTO.gz
 And the big gun: zless /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/Soundblaster-AWE.gz
 All the stuff in there about ISA PnP should apply. ( I'm not sure how kernel
 2.2 resolves the module loading before PnP devices are configured thing, so
 this may not apply if you are on a 2.2.* system)
 The only other pointer that I can give is that in /etc/isapnp.conf should be a
 default line of
 to get mine to work I had to change that line to
 From what I can divine from the documentation, that resets the PnP hardware
 settings... I'm sure there is someone more knowledgeable than I for that kind
 of explanation. Of course, YMMV...
 Senior Programmer -- Creative Solutions Inc.
 On Thursday, April 15, 1999 5:24 PM, Stephen Pitts
  On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 01:43:29AM -0400, William R Pentney wrote:
Did you compile it in kernel or as modules. I also have a SB16, and
found that it was a bit unobvious how to configure it in
menuconfig... Did you get to the step of specifying the DMA, IRQ
etc.etc.? Which driver did you chose? You should have chosen OSS sound
modules AND 100% Sound Blastaer compatibles, and only then would
you have been revealed the possibility to enter I/O, IRQ etc.
   Did all of that, and it was set up with correct IRQ and all, but I still
   couldn't use /dev/audio. It is, as mentioned, a PnP. Should I use the
   mysterious isapnptools package?
   Thanks, Bill
  Yep, that's how I've had to use it. Get the isapnptools package and
  run pnpdump  /etc/isapnp.conf. Then go into isapnp.conf and uncomment
  the lines specifying the configuration settings that you want. It is
  a little confusing, so I've included the uncommented portion of my file
  below. After that run isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf. It should give you some
  sort of affirmative message.
  Stephen Pitts
  webmaster -
File: myisapnp.txt 
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Re: NT vs Linux as web server

1999-04-14 Thread Richard Harran
I clicked on the link a couple of minutes ago.  It still hasn't come up!
(ok, so it's probably the network in between, but I thought that was
kinda ironic in the Alanis Morissette sense of the word)

Sorry for the pointless posting: I'm supposed to be revising!

Peter S Galbraith wrote:
 My IT manager just EMailed me this article (CC'ed to a bunch of
 Directors, of course):
  Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 is 2.5 times faster than Linux as
  a File Server and 3.7 times faster as a Web Server.
 I'm sure I could dig up opposing reviews.  Anyone know of any?
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Problems after rebooting from Win95

1999-04-14 Thread Richard Harran
I've had this problem for a little while (possibly since I upgraded to
slink?), but I've just been ignoring it:

When I reboot from win95 - ie choose restart computer from win, then let
lilo load up linux (default) - I get nasty segfaults during the restart
towards the end eg:
/etc/init.d/rc: line 6: 135 Segmentation fault $debug$@
/etc/init.d.rc: line 6: 136 Segmentation fault $debug$@
etc.  I log in as root, and do a reboot (cleanly, using shutdown)
immediately.  Sometime the system comes up fine; sometimes I get the
'not cleanly unmounted' fsck doing its stuff; sometimes I even have to
do the manual fsck (which is a bit of a joke, 'cos I just answer 'yes'
to everything: how would I know if I want to fix delete inode #123981
which has non-zero dtime or whatever?).

This problem only seems to come up after rebooting from windows, and it
comes up every time I do that.  I have tried shutting down from windows,
turning my computer off, then turning it back on with 50% sucess from a
'comprehensive' two sample set.

Windows and Linux are on the same disk but separate partitions.  The
windows partitions are mounted by fstab at start up.

Anyone have any ideas (or similar experiences)


Latex Envelope

1999-04-13 Thread Richard Harran
Since there seems to be a bit of a document processing theme on the list
at the moment, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and ask: how do I
produce an envelope using Tex/LaTeX (pref. LaTeX) so that it will print
correctly.  (I had to do this with MS Word by printing at the top in the
middle of a page, which was a highly disturbing experience)


Re: Installing GCC

1999-04-13 Thread Richard Harran
You need to run 
dpkg -i gcc_2.91.66-1.deb
to install the .deb file.  You may get some depends problems.  If they
are not already installed on your system, you will need:
libc6 (I reckon you oughta have this)
cpp (eg cpp_2.7.2.3-7.deb from  interpreters)
binutils (eg binutils_2. from devel)

(note these versions are the ones on my slink system: I think your gcc
may be a more recent version).

You can find the packages at and mirrors


Steve Girard wrote:
 I am trying to install a GCC compiler on to a Linux system.  I have
 downloaded the file, decompressed it, and untarred it, but it now seems
 that I need to compile the file.  How do I compile a compiler w/o a
 compiler?  Or am I looking in the wrong direction.  I have
 and gcc-2.8.1.  If you could help that would be great. Thanks.
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Re: Emacs

1999-04-12 Thread Richard Harran
Do you mean that you can run emacs in (MS) Windows.  If so, could you
please tell me where to find the windows version.


 I think my recommendation as far as xemacs vs emacs goes is that, for
 a new emacs user, xemacs offers that one advantage of GUIs -- little
 pull down menus that help you use the editor before you learn all the
 esoteric keystrokes. Once you've taken advantage of that for a bit
 using xemacs -nw (no windows) on a terminal is just fine.
 I've never tried to learn vi. I admit, if you just want to create a
 file of a couple lines in your administration of your box, starting
 x/emacs may seem like overkill. I always use
   $ echo whatever needs\nto go here
 I think the best part about emacs is that you can run it on windows --
 and using it to navigate the file structure, delete, rename, and move
 files is simply a *joy* (well, compared to being stuck in windows in
 the first place).
 My only current complaint about emacs is more a complaint about
 screen. I'm going nuts not being able to use ^a to get to the
 beginning of a line. If anyone uses emacs with screen, i'd love a
 chance to see your .screenrc.
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Re: Emacs

1999-04-12 Thread Richard Harran
Thanks to all.  I got the win emacs from the washington ftp site
(below), and it seems to work nicely (after I read the README!)


 Richard Harran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Do you mean that you can run emacs in (MS) Windows.  If so, could you
  please tell me where to find the windows version.
 Maybe it is a shame to discuss this on a Linux list. However:
 I have emacs running on Win95. The package that contains the
 distribution is called NTemacs. The distribution on my computer
 (containing v.19.34.6, dated september 22, 1997) could be found on the
 ftp server:


Re: How to use Netscape mail w/local mail system?

1999-04-11 Thread Richard Harran
I've been trying to do this since I first started using debian about 2
years ago.  One thing that you can do is to use a ~/.forward file to get
your MTA (smail or exim) to move the mail to a directory which NS can
use for mail (eg ~/.netscape/Mail) and direct netscape's mail directory
to there.  This will allow you to use netscape mail simply as a reader.

Alternatively, what I do is use netscape mail's POP3 client capabilities
and its internal movemail to do everything, and don't use fetchmail at
all.  The main problem with this is that you don't get system mail
notification anymore.

If you do get a good answer to this problem, could you please let me


Jesse Evans wrote:
 I've got Netscape 4.5 installed on my slink system. How do I get
 Netscape Mail to read from my local mail spool? I use a dial-up connection and
 have fetchmail set to periodically grab mail from my ISP POP account. This 
 up putting mail in my system's /var/spool/mail/my_user_name directory, from
 which I can access it using mutt, Kmail, or whatever. Most of the mail client
 programs I've experimented with have an option to be set up for this with no
 problems (for instance, KMail has a Use Local Mail choice which works just
 fine), but Netscape doesn't seem to capable of doing this.
 In PreferencesMail  Newsgroups-Mail Servers I've selected Using
 Movemail-Use Built-in Movemail. When I ask for a new mail check, I get an
 error message complaining that Netscape cannot write to my mail directory. (It
 says it needs to write lock files.) It suggests that I set the permission of
 that directory to 01777 (it's currently -rw-rw), but doing so (it
 becomes -rw-rw-rwT) does not correct the problem. It also says that an 
 setgid/setuid Movemail program could be used in the event that all else fails
 and refers me to the Release Notes for more info.
 Well, the Release Notes don't cover this and I don't know what might
 qualify for an external movemail program. Has anyone out there in Debian-land
 made this feature work? Thanks in advance for all your help.
 'til next we type...
 HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse
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Re: X thinks my screen is larger than it actually is

1999-04-09 Thread Richard Harran
Which window manager are you using?  It must be possible to fix this:
you're just bothered by the initial placement of the windows, not with
bits of your actual desktop being off the screen, right?  

If you open the windows from within a menu (I use fvwm95), add
'geometry' switches to the commands in the menu, or if you are launching
them from an xterm, create aliases with the geometry switches.  Look at
the configuration file for your window manager.  For example, in my
~/.fvwm95rc (there is also a system-wide /etc/system.fvwm95rc), I have
the line:
Style * RandomPlacement 
(althogh I'm not sure exactly what this does!).  Note twm allows user
placement of new windows, so they go wherever you put 'em.

You can also stick default placements in your ~/.Xresources file, eg:
emacs*Geometry: 80x65-0-0
Xterm*Geometry: 20x10+0+0
The only problem with this is that a second xterm would start on top of
the first.

Sorry if this isn't of direct help, but it should give you a few ideas
about what to look at (try man X!)


 In a message dated 4/8/99 7:32:49 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  It depends on what kind of a video card you use. Check out the Linux Laptop
   For your problem, in your XF86Config, if you have something like
   640x480 800x600
   Then by default XFree86 will use the 640x480 mode and your virtual
  will be
   set to 800x600.
   That is why you are getting a larger screen than you expected. Try to use
   to see if you can
   switch to 800x600.
   Of course if you are using the wrong server, it won't work...
 Thanks for this response, but it doesn't apply in my case.  I don't have a
 virtual screen set up, the only resolution mention in my file is 640x480.
 The laptop pages don't help - frankly because it isn't an issue with laptops
 - it's an X server problem.  I get the same results using a desktop.  The
 Xservers (or window managers) simply don't stay within the confines of
 640x480 resolution - and they should.  If I maximize a window, it puts it in
 the full 640x480 window - so why does X/window-managers put these windows off
 the screen when the are first painted?  That's just sloppy..  I know in most
 cases I can reposition them, but I shouldn't have to.  If I only have 480
 pixels high, why does a window pop up that goes beyond this limit?
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Re: adding a module to a kernel

1999-04-09 Thread Richard Harran
I think that if you use make menuconfig or make xconfig, it 'remembers'
what you had the last time you ran it.  Thus you only have to set the
options that you want to change.

Pollywog wrote:
 If I need to add a module, can I do so without having to answer ALL the 'make
 config' stuff again; can I simply edit /usr/src/linux/.config to add the
 desired module and then perform all the other steps (make bzdisk, make
 modules, lilo, etc)?
 [PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]
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Re: Doh! Hosed my printer config

1999-04-08 Thread Richard Harran
Firstly, do you know what netscape uses to print.  Eg, when I press
print in NS, the dialogue box says:
   Print Command: lpr

Also, what are you using to filter?  I use magicfilter, 'cos it does
everything for you.  If you use this, make sure you have run
and this sets up a good working printcap file.

If you are not using magicfilter, you need
in /etc/printcap under your lp printer def'n, and something along the
lines of
   /usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -sDEVICE=laserjet -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=- -
in your_filter_file.

I think that it is normal for NS to dump ps output at your printer
program, and for that to use gs to drive your printer.  I would
recommend using magicfilter to do the filtering.


Chris Mayes wrote:
 Well, since apt-get has been very zealous with its interdependency
 upgrades, I seem to have hosed my printer configuration somewhere along
 the way.  See, when I try to print a page using Netscape, it dumps
 postscript at my printer.  Nasty!  I don't think the problem is in my
 printcap, unless the ljet4m module assumes that the printer understands
 PostScript...  I am using an HP LaserJet 1100, BTW.  So, what other
 configurations/programs/etc should I check for problems?  To be honest, I
 am not sure that I tested printing from netscape before the upgrades (the
 install's less than a week old).  Suggestions would be much obliged :-)
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Making fortunes

1999-04-08 Thread Richard Harran
I have some random rude comments which I want to display at login.  I am
trying to use the fortunes-mod package to achieve this, but am having
difficulty transforming the (plain text) file that contains the comments
into something suitable for the fortune program.  I tried putting a '%'
(percentage - in case that symbol doesn't travel) on each blank line
between each comment, then running
strfile filename
which gave the following (discouraging) output:
filename.dat created
There was 1 string
Longest string: 41927 bytes
Shortest string: 41927 bytes
I also tried:
/usr/games/fortune filename.dat
expecting it to just dump the whole file, but instead got
fortune:filename.dat not a fortune file or directory
Could someone please point me in the right direction to create a fortune
file from my own gibberish.


ps I did rtfm for fortune and for strfile, and am non the wiser.

Re: Making fortunes

1999-04-08 Thread Richard Harran
Thanks: it's working now, but I'm not quite sure how.  I copied the
first few fortunes into another file, and ran strfile on that and it
worked.  I then added the other fortunes in chunks to the new file,
re-running strfile each time (I was hoping to narrow down where the
problem was).  However, I couldn't find the problem, it just worked: I
guess I must have changed something unwittingly, but as long as it works

Thanks again

Mark Brown wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 07:19:09PM +, Richard Harran wrote:
  into something suitable for the fortune program.  I tried putting a '%'
  (percentage - in case that symbol doesn't travel) on each blank line
  between each comment, then running
 It must be a % and only a % - no trailing spaces.  For example (assuming
 this makes it through the mail OK):
 Computers are useless --- they can only give you answers
 -- Pablo Picasso
 Don't give all your baskets to one egghead.
 -- Arthur C. Clarke
 If you have other characters on the line, strfile won't be happy.
strfile filename
  which gave the following (discouraging) output:
filename.dat created
There was 1 string
Longest string: 41927 bytes
Shortest string: 41927 bytes
 That's the correct procudure - check the format of your file.
  I also tried:
/usr/games/fortune filename.dat
  expecting it to just dump the whole file, but instead got
fortune:filename.dat not a fortune file or directory
  Could someone please point me in the right direction to create a fortune
  file from my own gibberish.
 Point fortune at the cookie file, not the index.
 Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
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[Fwd: Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?]

1999-04-08 Thread Richard Harran
Sorry, I didn't CC the group.  Here is my reply to 'Pollywog':

 I think what you need to do is type:
export XAUTHORITY=/home/user_running_X/.Xauthority
 after you have su'ed.  You can also add this to your root/.bashrc, if
 the only time you use X as superuser is from inside an X-session run
 by that user.

 Pollywog wrote:

 I get those annoying MAGIC COOKIE warnings when I su from a regular user and
 this even happens when I use vim after 'su'.  I am still able to edit stuff,
 and the only problem is when I need to run some X program as superuser.
 I saw somewhere how to deal with this Xauth stuff, but I don't remember 
 [PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]
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Re: X busted after 2.0 - 2.1 upgrade

1999-04-07 Thread Richard Harran
I'm not sure about this, but perhaps you should remove, rather than
purge, the xbase package.  This is what I did, and I did not get this
problem.  The difference between purging and removing is that removing
leaves configuration files alone, so perhaps purging xbase removes
config files necessary to run startx??

This is just a guess.

Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 06 Apr 1999q,  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:
   I upgraded (at least, with CD 1) from 2.0 - 2.1 last night, and
  everything seemed to be fine. I quit dselect, fired up X, and while
  running X, looked at some notes I had made preparing for the upgrade.
   I purged xbase, since it's been claimed that it's no longer needed.
  Everything still ran fine. I powered things off for the night and went to
  bed. I got up this morning, powered up, logged on, and then:
  $ startx
  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
  giving up.
  xinit:  No such file or directory (errno 2):  unable to connect to X
  xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.
   What the heck? Did I jump the gun on removing xbase? Any idea what's up,
  or how to find what's up?
 Now that you say this, I realize I had just  the same experience (twice, in
 fact, on different machines). Something wrong with the install advice, I
 Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.1
 Book Reviews:
 The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
 Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)
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Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?

1999-04-07 Thread Richard Harran
Do you mean that you are trying to start a second X session while the
first is still running, or are you having difficulty starting for a
second time having exited the first session?

If it is the first (and you get an error like:
server is already active for display :0, or something)
you can fix it with
startx -- :1
to start the second X server on display 1.  This will probably associate
it with ctrlaltF8.

If it is the second, I think you have a problem (X not exiting
properly?) 'cos I don't think that should happen.


David B.Teague wrote:
 On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, George Bonser wrote in response to
 Steve Lamb, on 6 Apr 1999:
  Subject: Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?
  Steve, you do not want to get rid of xauth ... exactly what problem are
  you having?
 I have a slightly different problem:
 The presence of Xauth prevents me from starting X
 (via startx) the SECOND time. I just rm it after
 each X session.  There Has To Be A Better Solution
 applies here as well as to a ubiquitous PC operating
 system we love to hate.
 How do I fix this?
 Debian GNU/Linux Because software stability should be expected.
   Hash: SHA1
   Subject says all.  Trying to get apps to display on remote machines.  
   can do it fine to my Winbox, but that is because it isn't using Xauth.
   - --
Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm 
ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of 
   Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc
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  George Bonser
  Support The THING --
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Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-02 Thread Richard Harran
See bug #274960375892 filed against 'car'.

Stefan Nobis wrote:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Hamish Moffatt
 Hamish Wrong solution. Users should not have to adapt to technology
 Hamish (within reason); the technology should allow users to send
 Hamish huge email attachments if they need to. Otherwise it should be
 Hamish fixed.
 One last point: If i drive a car, i have to stop at a red traffic
 light. Is a car bad technology?
 No piece of technology is able to get you rid of thinking.
 And your personal freedom ends exactly at the point where the freedom
 of others is cut down.
 The problem of (huge) attachments or huge mails in general is, that
 the recipient often never asked to get it, but the sender sended it
 without being asked to do.
 If i ask you to send me some big file than there is no technical
 problem to do so. But if you find a great picture, about 2MB and you
 think everyone has to see it and so you send it to one mailinglist or
 another, than there are no technical problems -- than your are the
 Until the next mail...,
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Re: Can't connect to display :0?

1999-04-01 Thread Richard Harran
This is X-security mechanism - Magic Cookies.  By default, only the
person who started the X session can connect to the server.  I'm
guessing that you started X as a user then su'ed to root in an xterm, or
that you started X as root, and then the script runs as a different

There are two ways to allow access to an X-server:

1) xhost.  See man xhost.  As an example, 'xhost +localhost'
   will allow anyone connected to your machine to connect to the
   server.  This method is not recommended, as it is a big 
   security issue.  There should be more about this is the FAQs
   'cos there was quite a lot on this list a couple of months
   ago.  (2) is better:

2) If you just want root to be able to connect to the server, su
   to root in an xterm, then type:
export XAUTHORITY=/home/user/.Xauthority
   If you always want to use this with the same user (eg if you 
   have a single-user machine, you can add this to (eg) the
   /root/bashrc or /root/bash_profile files, but you won't then
   be able to actually start X as root.


Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
 I was trying to run a setup program in X.  I logged in as su and ran the 
 script.  This was the error message.  The Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused 
 by server error is the same message I get when I try to run rvplayer. What 
 does the error mean and how do I fix it?
 Spawning X setup utility for Chklogs package
 Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
 Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
 Application initialization failed: couldn't connect to display :0
 Error in startup script: invalid command name wm
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Re: Netscape Installer??

1999-03-31 Thread Richard Harran
As I understand it, Netscape have changed their licencing rules, to the
effect that Debian can now distribute Netscape binaries.  Thus you no
longer have to get the binary from netscape and then use the installer,
you just need the correct packages.  I think the packages you want are:
netscape-base-4 and
netscape-base-4? (depending on version).
If you want to use the tarball + installer, the installer is still in
stable (under contrib/web, not non-free/web) as:
netscape3_version.deb or
depending on which tarball you have.

Ian Keith Setford wrote:
 I'd like to re-install Netscape but I can no longer find the Debian
 installer script/package.  Where did it go?  What are all the other
 packages, now in Slink, that mention Netscape?  I just want something to
 do what the older installer did:
 1) Extract the .tar.gz from /tmp
 2) Install in proper place.
 3) Update the menu.
 Does nothing like this exist anymore or have I not found the right
 Ian Setford   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Printer Troubles

1999-03-30 Thread Richard Harran
You need to start up the printer daemon.  Only a priveleged user can do
this so try:
(enter your root password)
Then try and print the file again.  Normally, you should get the lpd
daemon started automatically at start-up, so you may well get an error
message when you try this.  Hopefully it will be helpful.

Jason Dawe wrote:
 I was actually going to check the message archive this time, but I'm
 sitting here at a Netscape status bar telling me Connect: Contacting
 Host endlessly.
 Anyway, I can't even get my printer to print a simple text file.  It is
 a Panasonic KX-P4430.  I checked the basic stuff like making sure it was
 online and that the cables were properly connected.  I have installed
 GhostScript, magicfilter, and lpr.
 If it matters, here is my /etc/printcap:
 lp|ps4430|Panasonic KX-P4430:\
 Here are the messages I received trying to print a simple text file that
 just says testing inside of it:
 bash-2.01$ lpr test
 lpr: connect: Connection refused
 jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.
 bash-2.01$ lpq
 waiting for lp to become ready (off-line ?)
 Rank   Owner  Job  Files Total Size
 1stroot   0test  4 bytes
 2ndroot   1test  4 bytes
 3rdroot   2test  4 bytes
 4throot   3test  7 bytes
 5thjason  4test  7 bytes
 6thjason  6test  7 bytes
 7thjason  7test  7 bytes
 I think I have included all the info that I should...
 Thanks in advance
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Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-03-28 Thread Richard Harran
In my opinion, the two things that you really do lose with linux are:
Flashy new games (clearly very important)
Hardware manufacturers support (but you do get support from
linux developers)

I guess the best solution to the first problem is to get a Sony
Playstation, which is most suitable for this (but I can't do that
myself, or I'd never get any work done!).

The second problem probably means you can't take full advantage of the
very newest hardware (in terms of flash graphics card, USB stuff, etc),
straight away (unless it is compatible with older HW), but who can
afford to buy all these new toys anyway?

As for music composition (this seems like a bit of a minority interest
to me, unless the auther is refering to basic midi programs which are in
the Debian distribution), there is stuff like this available
(particularly for those willing to pay.
has some stuff listed.  Some accounting and personal finance stuff is
also listed on the same site at:

It seems to me that the author has listed an obscure application which
may not be very well provided in linux, and another one that probably
is, and has used this to give the impression that there is hardly any
useful software available. 

It is true that p'n'p is a bit dubious under linux, but I think it is a
complete fiction under Win95 (or they changed the definition at the last
minute- there is certainly no hot-switching of devices).  Linux kernel
2.0.nn doesn't do p'n'p, but it can easily (-note slighty unusual usage
of word!) be loaded as a module.  I think later kernels were supposed to
be getting pnp built in, but I'm not sure.

For OCR, the only thing I saw was a commercial thing called ocrshop,
but that seems to cost a lot.

In general, there is a lot of stuff available for linux, most of it free
(especially for home users).  It is easy for someone who is thinking of
switching to find out if they need something which is not linux
compatible.  If they have a lot of time on their hands, are good with
computers and have a generous and sunny disposition, they might develop
something themself (after all, that's where a lot of the linux stuff has
come from).  Otherwise they can dual boot, or try one of the emulators.

Just my opinions

(Ted Harding) wrote:
 Apologies for duplicate postings, but I'd like to make sure I sound
 a diverse population.
 Today' London Sunday Times feature Innovation (pp 10-11 of News
 Review, ) has an article by David Hewson
 (of Linux, the Program from Hell fame) entitled Linux wins backing of
 computing giants.
 His attitude to Linux is much more moderate than it was: the article
 is basically balanced and fair, including some sound negative comment.
 However, he states:
   Behind the hype there is precious little sign of Linux becoming
a serious, versatile desktop OS. If all you need is a browser
to get through the day, it's fine. But if I boot the PC I am
using right now into any kind of Unix the list of stuff I lose
-- music composition, accounting and personal finance to name
but a few -- is endless because the applications just aren't
there. On top of that, Linux is difficult to set up, fails to
understand the difference between a desktop PC and a notebook,
and lacks any kind of plug and play facility.
 I'm sure the last sentence is simply wrong in point of fact.
 If, in the previous sentence, he'd given a longer list of stuff I lose
 one might be in a better position to respond constructively.
 However, can I ask people what they would use for music composition,
 accounting and personal finance? I'm aware of good programs for
 creating musical scores which can also generate MIDI output, but I'd
 hardly call them top-flight composition tools; and it does seem that
 the accounting/finance area is thinly served.
 He didn't mention OCR (optical character rcognition) either. Where is
 the OCR program for Linux that works?
 Now that vmware is out ( ) people who want to
 can run Windows applications on top of Linux without, it seems, losing
 much or indeed anything, so this could be the basis of another line of
 reply to Hewson's article: he can start up Linux and the list of stuff I
 lose would be empty because it would all still be there!
 Comments, info, contributions, anyone?
 Best wishes to all,
 E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 28-Mar-99   Time: 12:49:27
 -- XFMail --
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Re: X-window client?

1999-03-28 Thread Richard Harran
whoops, messed up the first posting.
Also missed the Exceed free evaluation url:
like I say, I don't know what strings are attached to  this

Richard Harran wrote:
 There is Exceed.  It's commercial, but you can order a free evaluation
 cd.  I don't know in what way this is limited, but it might be worth
 giving it a go.  I have used exceed before, and it is very good.
 Adam Lazur wrote:
  George Bonser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
   On Sun, 28 Mar 1999, David Bartholow wrote:
I need to get to my debian 5.2 system from my
   There is no such thing as Debian-5.2
  heh, he may mean RedCra^H^H^HHat...
Windows NT workstation. Is there a free x-windows
client for windows that anyone knows of?
   Not that I know of. The closest you can come is VNC.
  There is MI/X I believe, I've never used it, but it's worth a
  try... check out
 Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
icq# 3354423 -
   [ Protect privacy, boycott Intel: ]
  being able to break security doesn't make you a hacker any more than
   being able to hotwire cars makes you an automotive engineer -ESR
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Re: Can't get sound module installed

1999-03-27 Thread Richard Harran
Just posting to thank everyone who helped me to sort this out. My
problem was that I hadn't selected all the necessary options in the
sound section of the config.  I also needed to create the audio device
files with: cd /dev
./MAKEDEV audio
Thanks again

Graham Ashton wrote:
 On Friday 26 March, Richard Harran wrote:
  Could someone please tell me either what I might be doing wrong, or how
  I could do the 'configure the sound driver with CONFIG_AUDIO option'
 have you done either make config, make menuconfig or make xconfig before
 the make dep; make clean ?
 if not, that's your problem. you need to configure the kernel first so that
 make knows which bits you want to build in. otherwise you won't be getting a
 kernel that's customised to your hardware - you'll be getting the default,
 which doesn't include audio support. make menuconfig and make
 xconfig are nicer than make config, but they all do the same job.
 read the documentation in the Documentation subdirectory of the kernel
 source.  I think there's a HOWTO on kernel compilation too - you'll find
 it at
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Can't get sound module installed

1999-03-26 Thread Richard Harran
I have had to reinstall debian on my system, and am having trouble with
the sound module.  I have a sb awe63 pnp card.  I've run the install
script from the awedrv package, configured the kernel (make menuconfig),
amd run
make dep; make clean
however, when I try
make modules
I get the following error:
sb_common.c:21:#error You will need to configure the sound 
driver with CONFIG_AUDIO option
and make exits. The module sound.o is not installed in
/lib/modules/2.0.36/misc, so I can't load it up.

Could someone please tell me either what I might be doing wrong, or how
I could do the 'configure the sound driver with CONFIG_AUDIO option'


Re: Can't get sound module installed

1999-03-26 Thread Richard Harran
OK, I replying to myself.  I didn't select /dev/dsp as one of the sound
options in the kernel.  Now I've sorted this, I still have a problem:  I
can't use /dev/dsp, because it doesn't exist.  What should have created
this, and how do I fix it?


Richard Harran wrote:
 I have had to reinstall debian on my system, and am having trouble with
 the sound module.  I have a sb awe63 pnp card.  I've run the install
 script from the awedrv package, configured the kernel (make menuconfig),
 amd run
 make dep; make clean
 however, when I try
 make modules
 I get the following error:
 sb_common.c:21:#error You will need to configure the sound
 driver with CONFIG_AUDIO option
 and make exits. The module sound.o is not installed in
 /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc, so I can't load it up.
 Could someone please tell me either what I might be doing wrong, or how
 I could do the 'configure the sound driver with CONFIG_AUDIO option'

Re: Can't get sound module installed

1999-03-26 Thread Richard Harran
Great.  Thanks a lot: this pointed me in the right direction.  I
couldn't actually run MAKEDEV dsp, but I had a look at MAKEDEV, and
found MAKEDEV audio worked ok.  I've got the default permissions, and
added myself to audio group using
adduser username audio
as root, and this worked fine.


Graham Ashton wrote:
 On Friday 26 March, Richard Harran wrote:
  OK, I replying to myself.  I didn't select /dev/dsp as one of the sound
  options in the kernel.  Now I've sorted this, I still have a problem:  I
  can't use /dev/dsp, because it doesn't exist.  What should have created
  this, and how do I fix it?
 cool. try this;
   cd /dev
   ./MAKEDEV dsp
 mine looks like this;
   humbug% ll /dev/dsp
   crw-rw-rw-   1 root audio 14,   3 Jul 21  1998 /dev/dsp
 I think the default permissions are crw-rw, but I couldn't access it as a
 user that way (and putting me in the audio group didn't work).
 anybody got any ideas why that is?
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Re: Debian Menu and Fvwm2--help!

1999-03-24 Thread Richard Harran
You can use the ~/.fvwm2/menudefs.hook menus to override the system-wide
ones.  What you also need to do is to provide a ~/.fvwm2rc user config.
file.  Do this by copying the /etc/X11/fvwm2/system.fvwm2rc file to
~/.fvwm2rc.  You then need to edit out the line:
Read /etc/X11/fvwm2/menudefs.hook


Disclaimer:  I'm using fvwm95, and assuming that the configuration is
similar.  You should be able to use this at least as a starting-point.

Curt Daugaard wrote:
 Is there a way to get a menudefs.hook in the user directories to override
 what's in the system menudefs.hook for fvwm2?  I have parameters I need to
 pass to programs on the menu, but they keep getting blown away by some auto
 update of the menus.  And any config I put in the user directory (.fvwm2/
 menudefs.hook) just duplicates the entry on the menu.
 What am I missing?
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Re: Hello

1999-03-24 Thread Richard Harran
For the backspace key: try adding
keycode 0x16=BackSpace
to your /etc/X11/Xmodmap file.

For Netscape: The icon colour just doesn't work properly at 24 bit
colour.  It isn't much of a problem, it just means Netscape looks a bit
funny, and I think that it is fine at 8,16 or 32 bit colour.


Pat Neumann wrote:
 Hello All
 I am still quite new to X and Linux.  I have a couple of questions which
 I require help with.
 I installed a package for netscape and after I installed it my mouse
 pointer under X is now a large block, about 2, 2 in size.  I have been
 unable to figure out how to restore it to normal size and shape.
 Also when x sets its self up the back space key and del keys do not work
 the way I am useto.  How should I correct this.
 Has anyone else had problems with Netscape and the coloron the task
 bar.  On 8 bit color depth it is fine but under 24 it goes black and
 white.  It is kind of strange.  Even upgrading to Slink Dis did not
 solve the above problems.
 Thanks for any help
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Re: C question

1999-03-24 Thread Richard Harran
Try the comp.lang.c newsgroup for C questions.
For creating directories, try 
#include sys/stat.h
int mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode);
For removing directories,
#include unistd.h
int rmdir(const char *path);
Also see man 3 ...
all of which use dirent.h

#include unistd.h
int chdir(const char *path);/* to change to a directory */
char *getcwd(char* buffer, size_t size); 
/* to get current dir */


also look at 
man 3 opendir

richard wrote:
 I know this is the wrong place to ask, so I've got two questions now. What is 
 a good unix/C
 newsgroup? I think I'm gonna need some help. Now my real question.
 I've got a perl script that checks the permissions and creates directories. 
 Now I want to rewrite
 the script in C. I know nothing about checking permissions nor creating 
 directories with C. I
 don't even know if it's possible, so if someone does know how to do this or a 
 place that might
 describe the proceedure I would appreciate the assistance.
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Re: Slink upgrade and xwindows

1999-03-15 Thread Richard Harran
After reading this thread, I've removed xbase and (unwanted) xdm (I'll
own up, I didn't rtfm, and it caused me a problem upgrading
hamm-slink).  However, I dpkg warnings:
while removeing xdm, directory /var/state/xdm not empty so no
and the same for /etc/X11/xdm.  Is it ok for me to manually remove these
directories and their contents, or will I break something?

Thanks in  advance,

 *- On 14 Mar, George Bonser wrote about Re: Slink upgrade and xwindows
  On Sun, 14 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  xdm was installed on your system before.  It was part of the old xbase
  package.  The reason xdm was sucked in during the upgrade was that
  because xbase was split into several different packages it was
  impossible to determine which components of it were being used before
  the upgrade.  So all components that were part of xbase were Required
  The trouble is that if I try to remove xdm in dselect, it tries to remove
  xbase as well. I think xdm should maybe depend on xbase but I really don't
  think it should be the other way around. I understand why this might have
  been done ... the tradeoff being that there would be more complaints if
  XDM went away than if it suddenly appeared but I wish I could get rid of
  it without making dselect scream about xbase all the time.
 Go ahead and remove xbase.  As the package description for xbase says:
 Description: XFree86 upgrade convenience package
  Between Debian 2.0 (hamm) and 2.1 (slink) the XFree86 packages were
  extensively reorganized; this package exists solely to smooth the
  transition for people upgrading from Debian 2.0 or earlier.
  Once this package has been installed it may be removed at any time; it
  contains no programs, libraries, or documentation.
 Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,
  because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
- unknown
 Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Purdue University
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printcap, filtering, etc

1999-03-15 Thread Richard Harran
I decided to get that HP Deskjet 695c, and I think it should work ok,
'cos the windows drivers that came with it were the ones for the 690.  I
am having a bit of trouble setting up printcap properly.  Could someone
who uses the cdj500 gs filters please tell me what to put in
/etc/printcap, and associated filter.  I have been able to get some
things to come out of the printer, but the formatting is funny, and only
one line of text is printed.


Re: printcap, filtering, etc

1999-03-15 Thread Richard Harran
Ok, I'm replying to my own post.  I installed magicfilter, and set it up
for dj500c.  This then worked for everything except plain text.  I
changed the 'default' line at the bottom of
/etc/magicfilter/dj500c-filter from 'filter /usr/bin/djscript -q'
to  'filter /etc/filter.pcl'

and everything was rosy.  The one thing I would still like to know, is
how to change the font size for plain text.  Ideally, I would like to
get two pages onto one (sideways).  Another thing I was wondering about
is that the /etc/magicfilter/dj500c-filter' file has the comment:
# Magic filter setup file for HP DeskJet 500 series color
# printers with only CMY cartridge installed.
and my printer has black  CMY cartridges.  Is the filter using the
colour cartridge to make black, and if so, how do I fix this?


Richard Harran wrote:
 I decided to get that HP Deskjet 695c, and I think it should work ok,
 'cos the windows drivers that came with it were the ones for the 690.  I
 am having a bit of trouble setting up printcap properly.  Could someone
 who uses the cdj500 gs filters please tell me what to put in
 /etc/printcap, and associated filter.  I have been able to get some
 things to come out of the printer, but the formatting is funny, and only
 one line of text is printed.
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Re: printcap, filtering, etc

1999-03-15 Thread Richard Harran

Got it going, and you answered one of the qu's in my next post.
Thanks a lot

Conrado Badenas wrote:
 Richard Harran wrote:
  am having a bit of trouble setting up printcap properly.  Could someone
  who uses the cdj500 gs filters please tell me what to put in
  /etc/printcap, and associated filter.  I have been able to get some
 The easiest way is to install magicfilter package, and then run as root
 /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig. It will create a /etc/printcap for your
 printer provided there is a filter for your printer. In case there
 isn't, then you'll have to create another one. The easiest way is to
 modify for your printer an existing filter for a printer similar to
 For example: I have a HP Deskjet 670c (two ink cartridges: black and
 color, 600 dpi resolution), but magicfilter package doesn't have a
 filter for my printer, and the closest printer with a filter file is HP
 Deskjet 550c (two ink cartridges: black and color, 300 dpi resolution).
 Thus ...
 # cd /etc/magicfilter
 # less dj550c-filter
 # man gs(to understand the options, specially the -r)
 # man dvips (idem, but now look at the -D option)
 # cp dj550c-filter dj670c-filter
 # joe dj670c-filter
 change the -r300 for -r600 in all the gs lines, and the -D 300 for -D
 600 in the dvips line; save the modified file
 # magicfilterconfig --force
 answer that I have a HP Deskjet 670c (hpdj670c) in /dev/lp0, that my
 filter is dj670c (it appears in the list of filters and five minutes ago
 it didn't exist), and the my /etc/printcap looks like this:
 #  This file was generated by /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig. 
 lp|dj|hpdj670c|HP Deskjet 670c:\
 Note: I say my printer is in /dev/lp0 because I have kernel 2.2.1. For
 older versions of kernel the device was /dev/lp1
 Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
 Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
 c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
 SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385
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HP deskjet 695c

1999-03-12 Thread Richard Harran
I have been recommended this printer (HP dj 695c).  However, the vendor
does not know about linux support.  He claims that it is the same
printer as the 690C (which is listed as supported ing the linux hardware
howto), just with a restyled casing.  Does anyone know if this printer
will work with debian?

Packages for icons

1999-03-12 Thread Richard Harran
I have just upgraded from Hamm to slink.  Mostly, everything seems to be
ok, but I have lost some icons.  I use fvwm95, and have got a completely
customised menu, with lots of mini-whatever.xpm icons on.  These were
in /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps, but some of them have gone, and my
menus look rubbish (pout).

Could anyone suggest how I could find out where specific icons came
from, so that I can replace them (and put them somewhere where they
won't get upgraded away). Examples include:

I know it's a bit pointless and self indulgent, but I like my icons in
the menus!


Re: Backgrounds in X/fvwm2

1999-03-11 Thread Richard Harran
I think you can use something like:
xsetroot -bitmap filename
There may also be a specific fvwm command.

Alec Smith wrote:
 I know I can use xsetroot to set a solid background color in X under
 fvwm2. However, I'd like to use a bitmap background I have saved as an
 .xpm file. How would I go about doing this?
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Re: Vote Linus for Person of the Century

1999-03-06 Thread Richard Harran
True, it could be argued that all this did stem from Edison, but there
have been a lot of other 'great' people inbetween.  I don't think that
Edison had any great concept of semiconductors, etc.  However, I do
agree that there are a lot of people who have had a much greater effect
on this century than Linus - we've had two World Wars this century, and
survived.  I suspect that most people who are involved in this vote
aren't going to remember anything much before Elvis!

George Bonser wrote:
 On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Richard Lyon wrote:
  Nope I don't think I will vote for any person on the basis of scientific or
  technical merit. A more global view is required.
 I was thinking more along cultural lines.  If you look at the differences
 between 19th century culture and life and that of the 20th century, I
 think Edison's experiments are the difference. Forget the lightbulb, think
 headlights ... movies, mp3, the entire entertainment industry (except for
 theatre) of today and how that impacts our culture. It is who we are.
 Without thermionic emission (the Edison effect) you would not have that
 CRT you are staring at, a radio, an amplifier. All of these things
 contribute to the daily life of all citizens in the developed and
 developing world to a greater or lesser extent.
 I can think of no single individual that had as great an impact on the
 daily life of the entire world. Whatever we were to become in the 20th
 century, we would get there in the company of Edison.
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Re: fetchmail

1999-03-05 Thread Richard Harran
I don't think -k on its own is what you're looking for.  This keeps
messages on the remote server, but marks them as read.  However, it may
be of some use in conjunction with the -a (fetchall) option.  This makes
fetchmail fetch all messages, including those marked as read.


 Subject: Re: fetchmail
 Date: Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 10:28:33PM +1100
 In reply to:Shao Zhang
 Quoting Shao Zhang([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Sorry, I did not describe what I want very clear. What I need is to leave
  them as Unread on the pop3 server. I retrieve them from pop3 at work, I
  want those mails still set to unread  when I retrieve them for the second
  time, I still know what are the new messages I checked earlier at work. I
  guess I am trying to get it working more similar to an IMAP server.
 man fetchmail says -k
 Real programmers don't write in FORTRAN.  FORTRAN is for pipe stress
 freaks and crystallography weenies.  FORTRAN is for wimp engineers who
 wear white socks.
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Re: Vote Linus for Person of the Century

1999-03-05 Thread Richard Harran
Oh, goodie!  A religious discussion!

Kent West wrote:
 At 04:13 PM 3/5/1999 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kevin Traas schrieb:
  Hey, Linus Torvalds isn't even in the top 20!  Let's change that!  ;-)
  Time Magazine is allowing us to vote for Time Magazines
  Person of the Century, which will be in their December 1999 issue.
   To vote go to:
 just did, but is this list not moderated, Jesus Christ is so far I now,
 from a different century and he is on top?
 No, he only walked on this earth in a different century. But he's not
 from a different century.
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Re: Problem with Netscape browser!

1999-02-26 Thread Richard Harran
Netscape 3 may be old, but it works fine.  I believe it may also be
smaller and possibly even faster than 4 on an older machine.  Apart from
the use of old libs, I can't think of any good reason to upgrade,
although I'm quite willing to listen if anyone thinks otherwise.
Just my opinion (I'm running NS 3.04 btw).


(PS ok, you can't get netscape 3.04 to reject all cookies, but that's a
small thing)

Ed Cogburn wrote:
  Dear friends,
  I recently downloaded and installed Netscape 3.01. Everytime I try to
  launch it. it says it can't load I really don' know what to 
  Any help??? thanx
  ps: I run Debian 2.0R3
 I highly reccomend going back to and getting the
 libc6 version of NS (4.08 or 4.5).  Or upgrade to slink and get NS
 from Debian's distribution.  3.01 is very old.  In the
 /pub/communicator/ branch look for a supported/unsupported sub
 dir.  The unsupported branch will take you to the libc6 versions
 (they have 'glibc2' in their name).
 Otherwise you'll need libc5, xlib6, and xpm4.7 from oldlibs (I
 think that is all).
 Ed C.
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Re: Emacs and vertical split

1999-02-25 Thread Richard Harran
You can use 'ctrl-x ' and 'ctrl-x ' to scroll horizontally, or 
'ctrl-x {' and 'ctrl-x }' to make that window wider / narrower.

Martin Schulze wrote:
 Err, this problem is tricky.  In Emacs I splitted the screen vertically,
 which should work with 132 coloums, I thought.  (C-x 3 or C-x Shift-3).
 Then I tried to display a text in both windows but some lines are wider
 than 65 characters.  I don't seem to be able to view what is hidden on
 the right side.
 Please take a look at this excerpt:
 gesamte Speicher, also RAM plus Swap-Bereich, bei Textmodus-Syst$|
 etwa 25 MB und bei X-Windows-Systemen, die auch von Linux verwen$| 
 Remember to mark your root partition ``Bootable''.
 grafische Oberfläche, etwa 90 MB betragen sollte. Linux nutzt ni$|
 mehr als 128 MB zum Swappen, so daß es keinen Grund gibt eine gr$|
 -:---F1  schrittweise.sgml  (Linuxdoc latin-1 Fill)--L158--18 -:---F1  
 en-install-2.1.7.txt  (Text Fill)--L2038--71%
   Apparently indicating that there is text hidden on the right side.
 How to I view it?
 The only stupid question is the unasked one.
 Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.
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Re: magic cookie error

1999-02-22 Thread Richard Harran
George Bonser wrote:
 xhost is ridden with security problems, use the xauth method.  Anyone on
 any host in your xauth table can view your screen, even change things like
 remap your keyboard, while you are completely unaware that it is
 happening.  If you have typed xauth +myhost at some point, any user on

I think this is a typo for xhost?  It seems to contridict what you have
said about using the xauth method over the xhost method, above.  I tried
this, line, and got an unknown command +myhost error from xauth.


 myhost can see exactly what you are seeing any time they want to.

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CRASH: filesystem went read only

1999-02-22 Thread Richard Harran
I just had a huge panic, when my file system 'spontaneously' turned read
only!  I was using netscape (3.04), and all its windows vanished from
the screen.  I tried to restart it, and got the 'detected lock' message,
so I tried to 'rm' ~/.netscape/lock.  It told me:
rm: lock: filesystem readonly.
(or words to that effect, unfortunately, I couldn't cut'n'paste, or
record them electronically, and forgot to write down all the messages,

I tried removing this as root, and had the same problem, and found that
my entire filesystem was read-only.  Unfortunately, I had a very
important file that I had been editing all morning open in emacs.  I
also found I could not RTFM, or send emails, because these operations
needed to create tempory files.

Luckily, I remebered that I had a mounted dos partition, and I was able
to save my work on that, then re-boot.  On shutdown, I got an error
stopping system log daemon: warning failed to kill 107:
no such process.
And on reboot, got all sorts of filesystem errors, which, hopefully
efschk has fixed.

Does anyone have any idea what could have caused this to happen, and
what I can do to prevent it from happening again. 


Re: magic cookie error

1999-02-21 Thread Richard Harran
I've seen this question a lot on this list, and although this (xhost) is
a working solution, it seems to be considered to be a bit of a security
hole (anyone logged on to the localhost can access the X-Server, and
thus monitor keys and find out peoples passwords).  

If you set the XAUTHORITY variable in your environment as root to be
/home_path_of_the_person_running_the_xserver/.Xauthority, eg by
export XAUTHORITY=/home/user/.Xauthority
to the .bashrc of root (if you are using the bash shell), then root can
open windows on user's xserver.  Beware, however, that you will have a
problem if you try to start an X-server as root, as it will try and use
an old/non-existent(?) copy of .Xauthority from user's home directory. 
To get around this, you would need to unset the XAUTHORITY variable in
root's environment.  However, I belive running X as root is also
considered to be the wrong thing to do.

hope this help

Phil Dyer wrote:
 Pollywog wrote:
  I am getting this MAGIC COOKIE error when I try to run some X stuff as root.
  Is there something I can add to my profile in order to avoid it?
  Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
  Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
  ktail: cannot connect to X server :0.0
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 man xhost
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Re: Sending with mutt/smail. was: Netscape 'movemail'

1999-02-20 Thread Richard Harran
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 Hi Richard,
 first thank you for aswering me with great patiente. :)
 Richard Harran wrote:

I don't use mutt, or smail to send mail, so I'm cc this reply to the
list, as we're reaching the limit of my knowledge!

 First. I installed smail with Debian 2.0. I dont install exim. Yet. I
 tried your .fetchmailrc and then typed
 fetchmail. Worked!! I started mutt and voila the mail was here.

Yes: smail provides similar services to exim.  I'm not exactly sure of
all the differences, but from what I've seen of emails to this list,
people seem to prefer exim.


 But, I didnt could send mail. :( What I have to do?

This is again a job for smail(/exim).  I think when you send a message
in mutt, it should start up smail to do the actual work.  I can't really
tell you what to do here, sorry.

 Another question. I grep ppp/ip-up.d and saw the line:
 phantasy:/etc/ppp/ip-up.d# more fetchmail-up
 test -r /etc/fetchmailrc  \
 fetchmail --syslog --invisible --fetchmailrc /etc/fetchmailrc
 But this is the global configuration (/etc). How do I start fetchmail as
 user every time I connect? Have you understanded the question?

I'm not sure, but I guess you could replace /etc/fetchmailrc with
$HOME/.fetchmailrc, but this would cause problems if ip-up is run before
login.  You should also check there isn't anything important in the /etc
file that isn't in the ~/ file.  Again, sorry but I'm uncertain about
this stuff: my setup is a bit different, 'cos I'm permanently connected.

  You can get it to deliver to different folders, and even sort your mail
  by editing a .forward file in your home directory, eg.
  if $header_resent-from: contains debian-user
  save $home/mail/debian
  save $home/mail/inbox
  Then you need to set up your reader to point to the mail directory in
 I have read of procmail too. Is it good?

I think procmail does pretty much the same function as that of exim
described above.  You need a ~/.procmailrc file, with (differently
formatted rules in it.  As to the advantages and disadvantages over
~.forward and exim, I don't know.  I've put the example .procmailrc from
the procmail manpage below, to give you an idea.  I think it puts most
of your mail in ~/Mail/mbox, saves anything with a name ending in berg
in the From: field to ~/Mail/from_me, and bins anything with a Subject:
line ending in Flame.

 sample small $HOME/.procmailrc:
   MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail  #you'd better make sure it exists
   DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/mbox   #completely optional
   LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/from   #recommended

   * ^From.*berg

   * ^Subject:.*Flame

 Thank again for your atention. I'm a coordinator of LUG here at Brazil
 (Rio de Janeiro). I'm introducing Linux everywhere.
 Especially Debian (that is very good). I have to know basic things to teach
 Paulo Henrique

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful this time.  Hopefully someone on the
list will be able to clarify this.

snip original query

Re: Debian Logo *Idea* Contest! (Delay for painting contest required)

1999-02-18 Thread Richard Harran
I kind of fancied chucking some stuff in on this one: the plan is we all
spout out all sorts of ideas, until someone comes up with the perfect
solution incorporating the best bits from everywhere, right?

I like the orca idea (it's the black and white one that eats seal, isn't
it?).  I also like the lighthouse, open 'soure' - light source, so
maybe on that theme, the orca could be spurting from its blow hole
(water source- might all be a bit tenuous).  I think a problem with the
lighthouse might be that some movie studio (Touchstone?) already has it.

My sort of original contribution is: I thought of putting the 'd' and
'b' of debian (OK someone said no letters, but 90% of logos have letters
in them, and I'm not just thinking of 'debian' writen in an unusual
font, although I think it is a bit silly to rule this out completely)
together to form an arch, with the tail of the d arching over to almost
meet the tail of the b.  The idea is that an arch is always open.  In
the middle of the arch is the top half of the sun poking over the
ground, and spraying rays (someone artistic could have fun making the
lighting look good), for that open source theme again.  There is also a
glimmer coming from the gap between the tail of the d, and that of the
b.  I don't know if this description is very clear.

This is just something I came up with, and I am very happy for anyone to
develop any bits of it they like, or totally ignore it if they like. 
Unfortunately, my drawing ability is too crappy for me to show you how I
envision this idea.


Brandon Mitchell wrote:
 On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, Andreas Tille wrote:
  So let us define first, *what* we want to show on our logo.
  This is always the first step in software related things.  Wy did
  we step over it??
 Last time I asked what a good open source logo would look like (or some
 related question) irc got pretty quiet.  This seems to be the thing no one
 knows.  Wasn't there an open source logo contest?  I think of things like
 an open box or open book.  I also like this poster of a light house I have
 which seems appropriate.  If we get some good ideas, maybe some gimp'ers
 would be willing to draw them up before this contest is over.  Our request
 to the gimp contest team was too vague and directionless.  Without
 direction, all they can do is lots of different fonts and modifications of
 the word debian.
 Thanks for starting this thread,
 | Brandon Mitchell  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ 30631197 |
 | Throughout history, UNIX systems have regulary been broken into, beaten, |
 | brutalized, corrupted, commandeered, compromised, and illegally fscked.  |
 |   -- UNIX System Administration Handbook |
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Netscape 'movemail'

1999-02-18 Thread Richard Harran
Could anyone please tell me how the 'internal movemail' / 'external
movemail' options in netscape mail/news preferences work?

I (still) want to use fetchmail+exim to get my mail, but netscape mail
to read it, and I was hoping finding out how to use these options might
be the first step along the way.


Re: NON-US means?

1999-02-11 Thread Richard Harran
I think that it is still an export thing: the difference is that the
international version has weaker encryption, which is not covered by
the export laws (and is less secure: probably the which ever agency it
is can crack it).
However, I'm English, so what would I know?

 John Hasler dixit:
  Horacio writes:
   There are some restriction laws on importing and
   exporting crypto into/out of the U.S.
  The US has no laws restricting the importation of crypto.
 I believe downloading any of the `international' versions of a crypto based
 program is illegal within the U.S.  Else, why products such as PGP keep
 having an international and non-international (read U.S.) versions?
 Un saludo,
 Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?
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Re: Question re fvwm95 generated menu

1999-02-11 Thread Richard Harran
I don't know the answer to this exactly, but if you open the sub-menus
using the shortcut-key (eg 'a' for Apps), the menus open  stay in the
same place, wherever the mouse is.  However, this mean clicking on the
mouse to bring up the menu, then moving to the k'board.

Adam Archibald wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I wonder if anyone can help me. I have a quick question re the main
 generated menu in Debian's fvwm95. What I want to do is configure it so
 that when I click on one of the submenus (say `Apps' for instance) it
 stays up, regardless of where else on the screen/the main menu I then move
 the mouse pointer. (By `click' I mean just clicking once, not click and
 drag.) I'd like to do it so that the entire menu operates in this way.
 I've had a look through the various documentation but haven't been able to
 work out how to do it. Your help would be much appreciated!
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Re: svgalib

1999-02-07 Thread Richard Harran
ivan wrote:
 I have now decided to use svgalib but already have run into trouble !
I think you may need the svgalibg1-dev package.  The *-dev packages seem
to contain the header files and the static libraries required to
complile your own programs.  Note this packages depends on libc6-dev,
which you probably also don't have.  (also if your using Debian 1.3, Bo,
the package name is probably just svgalib-dev)

Hope that helps

 /* programme svgatest.c */
 #include stdio.h
 #include vga.h
 /* code */
 #: gcc svgatest.c -O2 -lvga
 Programme won't compile because
 a) Can't find vga.h
 b) Can't find vga library
 Yet dselect claims svgalib is installed.  Do I need to install svgalib-bin ?
 I have vga.h in the usr/src tree - is this where it should be ?
 Where is the vga library that needs to be linked ?
 Thanks for your help.
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Xmodmap, delete

1998-11-06 Thread Richard Harran.
I know someone posted about this earlier, but I've 'lost' the email.
Could someone please tell me how to change the behavior of my backspace
key (on AT keyboard) to be backspace (as in move cursor to left deleting) 
for all my X apps.  I seem to remember it was something in Xmodmap, and
unusually for Debian, this file doesn't come with lots of commented out

Thanks in advance

Rich Harran

Netscape 3 cookies

1998-11-06 Thread Richard Harran.
Does anyone know how I can make netscape 3 refuse all cookies without
prompting me: there no good to me, and slightly sinister, but some sights
try to set so many, its a nuisance to refuse them all by hand.



1998-11-05 Thread Richard Harran.
I was hoping to install netscape 3, 'cos it's smaller and apparently less
buggy than netscape 4, but I can't get the tar file off netscape. 

The .deb package suggests, but this site wont
let me log on as anonymous or as guest.

Does anyone knnow where I can get the appropriate netscape file.

BTW are there going to be 'proper' debian packages for hamm anytime soon,
as I guess it would be better to use these.  I've been holding out for
them, but I really need to get a frames web browser up and running soon.

Thanks in advance
Rich Harran.

Netscape3 install

1998-11-05 Thread Richard Harran.
Thanks to Doug, I got the netscape3 tar file, and I've installed it, but
it won't let me run as root for security reasons.  As I am the only user
on my computer, I always login as root (I know this is considered 'bad',
but it is far more convenient for me).

I remember having a similar problem on an old computer, and it got fixed,
probably thanks to you guys :-), so can anyone tell me how to fix this
(without changing to another user - eg I would still want to save
downloaded files to /root).



1998-11-02 Thread Richard Harran.
I've been following the thread on Netscape, and someone said that the
Debian package version might be available from today.

The nearest thing I could find was mozilla in slink, but this required
some libs from slink, which in turn require some others, etc, and my
installed system is from hamm.  

Should I install these now on my system, and if so will this cause any
problems (eg as I need to update libc6)?

Or is there a version of netscape coming for hamm libraries.

BTW, is it worth upgrading to slink, or is this considered unstable.

Apologies if any of these are stupid questions.


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