Re: Acentos en Netscape

1999-12-24 Thread Han Solo
On Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 11:31:22AM +0100, Agustín Martín Domingo wrote:
  Pookie wrote:
  no me van los acentos con netscape en las X a pesar de que otras
  aplicaciones como StarOffice y editores si que me van...

 c) Desactivar las extensiones de teclado de las X y utilizar la librería
 parcheada de Thomas Quinot y el xmodmap para obtener teclas muertas.
 Este era el remedio con la libc5, pero a estas alturas, ya parece un
 poco exagerado utilizar todo esto por una única aplicación. Si por lo
 menos se pudieran desactivar las extensiones de teclado y activar el
 xmodmap para una única aplicación, podría tener sentido, pero como si no
 me equivoco no es posible, creo que no merece la pena.

Yo Creo que sí merece la pena. Yo sigo usando aplicaciones que usan libc5,
como el Netscape 3.04 (antiquísimo, si, pero mucho más estable) o el
Microstation y alguna otra. Además, no es tan complicado de hacer. Se tardan
5 minutos. La ventaja que tiene lel usar un mapa de teclado es que puedes
redefinir alguas teclas. Así, yo por ejemplo tenco cambiado el asterisco del
teclado numérico por una como; para teclear coordenadas es comodísimo.

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Description: PGP signature


1999-12-24 Thread E y R
 Esteban y Ribas Nº 6, AÑO II

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página nos puede devolver este
 mensaje con SUSCRIPCION o BAJA según lo

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 Esta comunicación no es un SPAM ya que
es un servicio gratuito para usted.
 A todos los efectos nos adherimos a las
consideraciones establecidas para
 el United States Federal Requeriments
for Commercial E-mail Bill, Section
 Si desea suscribirse gratuitamente o
darse de baja puede hacerdo en

usted encontrará

 Titulares: en
  -Feliz Navidad para todos

 Noticias: en

 MORENO HUEYO: Nuevo Secretario de
Gobierno del Gobierno de la Ciudad...
 CAVALLO: Más adhesiones...
 CTA: Primer paro...

 Para Pensar: en
   -Maradona, el deportista del

 Y muchas cosas más para usted en

Re: xfte. Castellano, tamaño de fuentes.

1999-12-24 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
Lo del tema de las fuentes lo solucioné en hamm (yo quería una fuente
más grande) modificando el ejecutable a pelo con el mc. Buscaba una
cadena del estilo 8x13, creo y la cambié a 9x15. Esto me funcionó bien
en hamm. Al pasar a slink ví que las fuentes ya eran más grandes y no lo
toqué. Pero supongo que te podría funcionar este método cutre si quieres
unas fuentes más pequeñas.

Lo de los acentos curiosamente no me funcionan bien, pero si me conecto
con un XWindow desde Microsoft (con el Exceed) y arranco el xfte,
entonces sí me salen los acentos bien. No sé como solucionarlo.


Arreglar una vfat

1999-12-24 Thread Xavier Andrade

Alguien conoce una herramienta de linux para arreglar una filesystem


modem telefono

1999-12-24 Thread 31
tengo un modem con voz, esta conectado al mismo telefono que el de casa,
cuando llaman, al sonar el telefono se le enciende una luz (AA), ¿hay
alguna forma de hacer que el ordenador sea como un telefono? es decir,
que pueda contestar al telefono sin tener que levantarlo.

Mas sobre versiones del kernel

1999-12-24 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren

Yo también tengo algunas dudas sobre las versiones del kernel y sus
Hasrta hace unas semanas creía que SLINK era el kernel 2.2.x
mientras HAMM era el kernel 2.0.x, pero al bajarme el último kernel
estable del site DEBIAN y ejecutarlo me sale en los mensajes de
inicialización que es el 2.0.38. Así que me voy al correspondiente
directorio y me leo el README para ver si metí la pata al seleccionar el
directorio ../stable y para mi sorprsa descubro que el KERNEL 2.0.38 es
el SLINK; a partir de ese momento ya no entiendo nada. Y eso que no me
he parado a ver qué kernel es el POTATO.

Feliz navidad a to2

Re: error al actualizar el ppp

1999-12-24 Thread Netman
El Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 03:21:56PM +0100,
Paco Brufal nos dijo:

   Desde que he actualizado a potato, me sale este error:
   modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-108
   ¿Qué modulo es ese?

Uno de la serie experimental. Si tienes un kernel 2.2, no es motivo de 
preocupación. Más información en la documentación del pppd.

Salu2, Netman.

   Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
 Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fidonet, la red de correo con más
 Fidonet 2:346/3.68CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
   preguntame como.
 ...Track With Rhythm. Dj Sim. 1996
 --- Pine 4.20 + Sendmail 8.9.3
  * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.13

Description: PGP signature

Re: Modem ruidoso

1999-12-24 Thread Netman
El Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 01:45:38AM +0100,
Samuel Montosa nos dijo:

 mi modem (un diamond supra 56k) pasa de mi  olimpicamente,  es  decir,  
  digo ATM0S0Z y me dice el muy cabr*n: OK
  marco y me pita al mismo volumen...
 ¿alguna ideilla?

Yo marco con un ATMDT en mi módem supra 33.6k

Salu2, Netman.

How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.13

Description: PGP signature

Re: Arreglar una vfat

1999-12-24 Thread Netman
El Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 11:57:54AM -0300,
Xavier Andrade nos dijo:

 Alguien conoce una herramienta de linux para arreglar una filesystem

Mira el paquete dosfsutils, en la sección otherfs.

Salu2, Netman.

How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.13

Description: PGP signature

S.O.S el Lunes 27 de Diciembre...

1999-12-24 Thread Revista Ecológica; Tierra

Independientemente de razas, colores y credos. Es hora de unir nuestros
corazones para poder ayudar a tanta gente necesitada y damnificada que no
tienen ahora, un techo donde dormir, y temiendo una epidemia por la gran
cantidad de cadáveres que todavía no han podido ser recuperados por estar
bajo el lodo y el fango y que ya están en

Si desea hacer un donativo desde su casa puede ayudar a nuestro pueblo en:


Cuenta de ahorro del Banco de Crédito de Bolivia Nº 011789822019
a nombre de Venezuela/Solidaridad

Cuenta de ahorro del Banco Mercantil Nº 008567724
a nombre de la Embajada de Venezuela

Si usted quisiera hacer alguna donación y se le hace imposible ir al
consulado o la embajada, le agradecemos llame por teléfono a:

Consulado de Venezuela Cochabamba o 268311
Embajada de Venezuela La Paz o 432023

El día lunes 27 de Diciembre en la ciudad de Cochabamba se realizará una
Campaña: Ayudemos a Venezuela en la que se solicitará la colaboración de
la gente de esta tierra, para luego hacer un envío por línea aérea de todo
lo recaudado. Transmitida por los canales más importantes del país y
recibiendo todos los aportes en las instalaciones de Bolivisión desde las

- Diríjase a las instalaciones de Bolivisíon Este lunes 27 de Diciembre.

Hagan su donativo directamente en las embajadas y/o consulados de su
región, o llame por teléfono.

Embajada de Venezuela en Bolivia
Consulado Honorario de Venezuela en Cochabamba o Bolivia
Jean Pierre Fournier (Agregado Cultural - Cochabamba o Bolivia)

A continuación una lista completa de las PRIORIDADES de Venezuela.

- Agua potable en botellas plásticas (*)
- Leche de fórmula en latas para bebés y niños (*)
- Leche completa para adultos preferiblemente en cajas de larga duración,
aunque también en latas y bolsas (*)
- Jugos en latas y cajas
- Gatorade en botellas plásticas
- Latas de sardinas, atún, carne de almuerzo, carne guisada, sopa,
- Latas de vegetales precocidos (*)
- Latas de sopas  precocidas (*)
- Bolsas de granos
- Paquetes de harina de maíz, arroz y de pasta
- Sopas de sobre, preferiblemente de pollo con o sin fideos
- Cubitos de pollo, gallina o carne
- Compotas saladas y dulces (*)
- Sal y Azúcar
- Pan de sándwich, canilla, dulce, de jamón y galletas preferiblemente en
latas (*)
- Caramelos
- Chocolate en barras
- Semillas en latas o bolsas (maní, merey, girasol, almendras y otras)
- Cualquier otro tipo de alimento que no esté en la lista pero que sea de
larga duración y transportable sin dañarse

perecederos y de fácil descomposición.

- Ropa en buenas condiciones para personas de toda edad (también ropa
- Zapatos en buenas condiciones para personas de cualquier edad
- Toallas
- Sabanas (*)
- Frazadas o Cobijas (*)
- Colchonetas (*)
- Sacos de dormir (sleeping bags) (*)
- Carpas (*)
- Impermeables con capuchas

- Sedantes
- Antidepresivos
- Toxoide antitetánico (PRIORITARIO!!!)
- Antidiarreicos
- Para calmar el prurito de la piel
- Buscapina
- Suero fisiológico
- Gasas
- Antipiréticos
- Calmantes para el dolor de cabeza
- Enseres para curas pequeñas
- Instrumentos para transfusiones de sangre
- Donación de sangre para transfusiones
- Equipos para endovenosas
- Alcohol
- Agua oxigenada
- Solución fisiológica
- Rifocina (Cicatrizante)
- Betadine
- Algodón
- Vendas
- Yeso y Guata
- Suero oral
- Sales de rehidratación oral
- Antipiréticos
- Antidiarreicos
- Antivómitos
- Antiácidos
- Antitusígenos y expectorantes
- Nebulizadores
- Antihipertensivos
- Calmantes para dolores por traumatismo
- Relajantes musculares y anti-inflamatorios
- Antibióticos genéricos o de marca en frascos o ampollas
- Toxoides antitetánicos (en cavitas con hielo para mantenerlos entre  2 y
8 grados C)
- Jeringas desechables
- Material quirúrgico de todo tipo (*)

OTROS: (*)
- Teteros plásticos
- Chupones para bebés
- Pañales desechables de todos los tamaños
- Papel higiénico
- Toallas sanitarias
- Toallitas para limpiar colitas de bebés
- Platos, cubiertos y vasos desechables
- Jabón en panela
- Cepillos de dientes
- Juguetes
- Linternas con pilas en buenas condiciones
- Lámparas de acampar con baterías en buenas condiciones
- Cocinitas de campaña
- Fuego en latas
-   Pastillas para purificar agua
-   Bolsas para la basura
-   Sábanas, cobijas y toallas

- Cajas de cartón
- Tirro plástico y de papel
- Marcadores gruesos grandes de colores oscuros
- Bolsas plásticas grandes y de mercado

heridos del Estado Vargas para su traslado a Hospitales de Caracas y del
resto del país):
- Tensiómetros
- Sillas de ruedas

RE: translator

1999-12-24 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Carlos Javier Sosa Gonzalez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: lunes 20 de diciembre de 1999 13:09
Asunto: translator

  Alguien sabe o conoce de la existencia de algun Translator de ingles
espa#ol para linux

Ricardo Villalba

Re: RES: Status dos trabalhos com a Debian

1999-12-24 Thread Pedro Guerreiro
On Wed, Dec 08, 1999 at 10:56:25AM -0200, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:

 Portugal (teclado padrão)  -- Padrão é a palavra correta usada em 

Sim, padrão é a palavra correcta.

 No dbootstrap a seleção de teclados é feita no idioma Inglês (não me 
 perguntem porque tiraram a seleção de teclados no idioma de origem, 
 também fiquei sem entender nada...) a descrição ficou a 
 Brazilian (US layout)-- usando o mapa de teclados br-latin1
 Brazilian (ABNT2 layout) -- usando o mapa de teclados br-abnt2 
 Portugal   -- usando o mapa de teclados pt-latin1
Se o idioma usado é o Inglês, então no caso de Portugal devia ser Portuguese
e não Portugal.

Pedro Guerreiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Diplomacy: the art of letting someone have your own way.

Re: RES: Status dos trabalhos com a Debian

1999-12-24 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Pedro Guerreiro escreveu:
 No dbootstrap a seleção de teclados é feita no idioma Inglês (não me 
 perguntem porque tiraram a seleção de teclados no idioma de origem, 
 também fiquei sem entender nada...) a descrição ficou a 
 Brazilian (US layout)-- usando o mapa de teclados br-latin1
 Brazilian (ABNT2 layout) -- usando o mapa de teclados br-abnt2 
 Portugal  -- usando o mapa de teclados pt-latin1
Se o idioma usado é o Inglês, então no caso de Portugal devia ser 
e não Portugal.

Ok, havia colocado o nome do país no lugar do idioma. Ja fiz a correção!



MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- 
Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Serviços On-Line 
Acesse e Vote!

Re: RES: Status dos trabalhos com a Debian

1999-12-24 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Pedro Guerreiro escreveu:
 No dbootstrap a seleção de teclados é feita no idioma Inglês (não me 
 perguntem porque tiraram a seleção de teclados no idioma de origem, 
 também fiquei sem entender nada...) a descrição ficou a 
 Brazilian (US layout)-- usando o mapa de teclados br-latin1
 Brazilian (ABNT2 layout) -- usando o mapa de teclados br-abnt2 
 Portugal  -- usando o mapa de teclados pt-latin1
Se o idioma usado é o Inglês, então no caso de Portugal devia ser 
e não Portugal.

Ok, havia colocado o nome do país no lugar do idioma. Ja fiz a correção!



MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- 
Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Serviços On-Line 
Acesse e Vote!

Re: RES: Status dos trabalhos com a Debian

1999-12-24 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Pedro Guerreiro escreveu:
 No dbootstrap a seleção de teclados é feita no idioma Inglês (não me 
 perguntem porque tiraram a seleção de teclados no idioma de origem, 
 também fiquei sem entender nada...) a descrição ficou a 
 Brazilian (US layout)-- usando o mapa de teclados br-latin1
 Brazilian (ABNT2 layout) -- usando o mapa de teclados br-abnt2 
 Portugal  -- usando o mapa de teclados pt-latin1
Se o idioma usado é o Inglês, então no caso de Portugal devia ser 
e não Portugal.

Ok, havia colocado o nome do país no lugar do idioma. Ja fiz a correção!



MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- 
Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Serviços On-Line 
Acesse e Vote!

Download Whole Directories from Apache?

1999-12-24 Thread Art Lemasters
 I run an Apache Web server.  How can I allow someone else to
download a whole directory of HTML files from my site with just
one command line?  Is there a module, existing command, configuration
or other Debian Linux program that will facilitate this?  I am
running Potato here, with kernel 2.2.13.


Image formats

1999-12-24 Thread Arcady Genkin
Looking for a comparison chart of different image formats, such as
tiff, jpeg, etc. I wonder what format is it more appropriate to scan
images into.

Arcady Genkin
'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
loves man is nailed?..' (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)


1999-12-24 Thread Jim Wild

Hi out there,

I'm a CA-CLIPPER house with some 10 years of accumulated 
source code...

CA-CLIPPER compiled programs be run on Debian/Linux 

reply directly to my email because I am about to cancel my @lists 
(I'm not yet skilled in your disciplines to understand the 
half of the past 70 emails)

you in anticipation of someone putting me out of my misery.

Seasons Greetings
Jim Wild - T/A 
Wildcard SystemsPurveyors to the Discerning13 Marendellas 
DriveBucklands BeachAuckland, NZph +64 9 5342177Mob. +64 25 

Re: scan large files

1999-12-24 Thread Peter Ross
On 24-Dec-1999, Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Paul J. Keenan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Shao Zhang wrote:
   How can I use 'find' together with other shell tools to scan the
   directory and print the filename if it is over a certain size.
  From find(1)
 -size n[bckw]
File uses n units of space.  The units are 512-byte
blocks by default or if `b' follows n, bytes if `c'
follows  n,  kilobytes  if `k' follows n, or 2-byte
words if `w' follows n.  The size  does  not  count
indirect blocks, but it does count blocks in sparse
files that are not actually allocated.
   This will only find files with the exactly or rounded same size.
   It does not give me the option to specify to print out files
   OVER a certain size.
From the man page

  Numeric arguments can be specified as
+n for greater than n,
-n for less than n,
 n for exactly n.

However I must admit that I do find the man page for find a hard read.


Re: pon problems with Potato

1999-12-24 Thread Paul J. Keenan
Clyde Wilson wrote:
 # This chatfile was generated by pppconfig 1.9.3beta2.0.
 # Please do not delete any of the comments.  Pppconfig needs them.
 # ispauth PAP
 # abortstring
 # modeminit
 '' ATZ
 # ispnumber
 OK-AT-OK ATDT93641566
 # ispconnect
 # prelogin
 # ispname
 # isppassword
 # postlogin

It could be that your ISP does not support PAP
authentication.  Try re-running pppconfig and
set the authentication method to 'chat'.

Less likely, but possible, is that there is
a problem with your pap-secrets file.



Re: Image formats

1999-12-24 Thread I can. Thank you.
jpegs are usually the smallest, but the drawback is that the compression
is lossy - the image you uncompress is not _exactly_ what you
compressed. this isn't really a big deal for photos and such, so it's
generally the best for photorealistic images
gifs only support 256 colors, but the compression is lossless. thus
they're used mostly for line-drawing type images. the major drawback is
you have to listen to the flamewars about the licensing issues of the
compression algorithm. oh yeah, they are the only format that can do
the newest format, png, is designed to do most everything (it will
probably take over at somepoint). unfortunately browser support for them
is currently spotty at best.
i don't really use tiff much, but i've heard they're the format of choice
for graphic designers and such who need large, high quality images


On 23 Dec 1999, Arcady Genkin wrote:

 Looking for a comparison chart of different image formats, such as
 tiff, jpeg, etc. I wonder what format is it more appropriate to scan
 images into.
 Arcady Genkin
 'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
 loves man is nailed?..' (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Strange Modules Error

1999-12-24 Thread Jon Hughes
I'm encountering a strange module error when i boot
up.  It states that it cant' find my Network card
module (tulip.o) and therefore doesn't start my
network stuff.

But right after the computer boots p, I log on as root
in a consoel and type the following:

insmod tulip  
/etc/init.d/network start

And it loads the module and starts the network (I
actually do it in a little script).  My question is,
why will it find the module with a insmod, but not on

The tulip.o module is located in four places

Anyhelp?:)  Thanks 

God, Root. What is the difference?
Pitr, User Friendly
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Workaround re: `ping', and name resolution in general, hangs

1999-12-24 Thread Eric Hanchrow
Back in October I posted a message
to the Debian user list in which I complained about `ping' hanging on
recent kernels.  I've since found a workaround, but I don't think I
told any of you about it, so if you're interested, here it is.

I have a DSL connection to my ISP, and I use a Cisco 675 router
and a recent (2.2.12) kernel.

I have a crackpot theory as to why this is happening, but that's
not important.  What's important is that I stumbled onto a
workaround which might work for you if you're having the same
trouble: insert the following lines into /etc/init.d/network,
before the call to `ifconfig' that brings up your network card:

# Work around a possible bug in the Cisco router
if [ -f /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range ]; then 
  echo 1025 4999 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range

For a more detailed description of the problem, see the bug report
that I (foolishly) filed against the GNU C library:

Re: Download Whole Directories from Apache?

1999-12-24 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 23 Dec, Art Lemasters wrote about Download Whole Directories from 
  I run an Apache Web server.  How can I allow someone else to
 download a whole directory of HTML files from my site with just
 one command line?  Is there a module, existing command, configuration
 or other Debian Linux program that will facilitate this?  I am
 running Potato here, with kernel 2.2.13.

Have you looked at wget?  It has mechanisms for mirroring web sites and
sucking in all the appropriate links, etc.  This would be used by the
user on their end.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

What's the deal with .gnome-desktop?

1999-12-24 Thread Aaron Solochek
I installed potato from scratch on a friends machine, and they had nifty
cdrom and floppy shortcuts that I did not have.  So I, since I had their
harddrive in my machine, tried to copy -r their .gnome-desktop.  After
it started filling up about a gig, I stopped it, and had to become root
and do a rm -r -f .gnome-desktop.  Why does this directory have an
infinitly deep structure?  It seems recursive to me.  Ho can I copy his
.gnome-desktop to my home directory?  OR, better yet, how does it work,
so I can just build one from scratch, with a home directory, a floppy
and two cd-rom icons on my desktop?

-Aaron Solochek

Re: What's the deal with .gnome-desktop?

1999-12-24 Thread Steve Lamb
On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 07:46:27PM -0600, Aaron Solochek wrote:
 harddrive in my machine, tried to copy -r their .gnome-desktop.  After
 it started filling up about a gig, I stopped it, and had to become root

try cp -dR instead of just -R.  That will preserve links as links for
right or wrong.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: What's the deal with .gnome-desktop?

1999-12-24 Thread I can. Thank you.
.gnome-desktop has a link in it (Home Directory) that points to your home
directory (in which is located .gnome-desktop in which there is a link to
your home directory ad infinitum). that's why it recurses forever

use tar instead to copy the directory because it will not follow links.

On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, Aaron Solochek wrote:

 I installed potato from scratch on a friends machine, and they had nifty
 cdrom and floppy shortcuts that I did not have.  So I, since I had their
 harddrive in my machine, tried to copy -r their .gnome-desktop.  After
 it started filling up about a gig, I stopped it, and had to become root
 and do a rm -r -f .gnome-desktop.  Why does this directory have an
 infinitly deep structure?  It seems recursive to me.  Ho can I copy his
 .gnome-desktop to my home directory?  OR, better yet, how does it work,
 so I can just build one from scratch, with a home directory, a floppy
 and two cd-rom icons on my desktop?
 -Aaron Solochek
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Achieve file-locks over NFS??

1999-12-24 Thread Ethan Benson

On 23/12/99 Luis Campos de Carvalho wrote:

I'm a brazilian sysadm with a big trouble:
I need some way to allow user-level programs to achieve file-locks
(exclusive access file locks, more specifically) over my NFS.

its my understanding that only the kernel space nfsd supports file locking.


Menus aren't updating in fvwm2

1999-12-24 Thread David J. Kanter
When I apt-get a package (rxvt for instance) and it installs, no menu entry
is created. What I've got to do is delete ~/.fvwm/menudefs.hook, run
update-menus, then restart fvwm2.

I thought menu generation was supposed to be automatic?
David J. Kanter

Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significance to anomalies
and coincidences.
  -- John Allen Paulos, mathematics professor at Temple University

minor problems

1999-12-24 Thread henryw
Coming from S.u.S.E. 6.2 on an old 486 I encountered 2 minor problems that I
can't find any documentation. elm insists on putting the machine name into
my email address; gpm flat out doesn't work ;-) 

Any help would be appreciated.

Henry White

Re: Menus aren't updating in fvwm2

1999-12-24 Thread Shaul Karl
 When I apt-get a package (rxvt for instance) and it installs, no menu entry
 is created. What I've got to do is delete ~/.fvwm/menudefs.hook, run
 update-menus, then restart fvwm2.
 I thought menu generation was supposed to be automatic?

If I got it correctly then 
1) it is generated automatically only for users who do not have their own menu 
entries and do not run update-menus on their own.
2) In any case a user have to restart fvwm2 in order to have the new menu 

Try /usr/doc/menu/* for more info.

Re: Bad points for debian (was: resetting dpkg)

1999-12-24 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 02:11:31PM +0100, Egbert Bouwman wrote:

 You are one of many, myself included, who asked similar questions
 about resetting dselect or dpkg after they created chaos.

Does the revert command 'R' do what you want?

 We only want to start all over again with the selection process.
 I have never read a helpful reply. Does nobody know ?
 Or did we ask the wrong question ?

You could perhaps be a bit clearer about what you want - revert will
undo all the changes you've made on a given screen, but I'm not sure
that that's what you want.  I don't think there's any kind of
progressive undo.

 The debian group tries to remedy this by developing a new package, 
 apt etc, which is not yet finished. For years on end we have to work 
 now with the old interface. But I have never seen a clear, readable, 
 understandable etc story about the use of these packages.

I always found that dselect is pretty well documented by the help screens 
within it.  The documentation is certainly terse, but it does seem to be
complete.  Perhaps the terseness can cause problems for some people, I
don't know.  Other than that, a lot of people seem to panic when
confronted with a fairly bare text mode interface.

Even if you made deselect more friendly, you probably wouldn't address
the biggest problem we seem to have at the minute: the number of
packages.  None of the dselect replacements have come up with a good way
of dealing with this (the command line apt tools are probably the best
stab at it).

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: What's the deal with .gnome-desktop?

1999-12-24 Thread Aaron Solochek
Thanks to the few replies, I got it copied, however the links are not
quite working the same.  On my system, the floppy and cd-rom links pop
open a gmc windows open to the correct paths, however, it does not mount
the relavent device.  And the little menus you get when you right click on
them are different.  On the source system you have options like unmount
and eject  While I just have the typical open properties etc etc..

So my obvious question, how do I get these icons to be the same?  Where is
the set up for this stuff?

-Aaron Solochek

xquake sound problem

1999-12-24 Thread Michael W. Shaffer
I have installed xquake 1.06 from potato and have a small problem. When I
start xquake, it works fine, and it even automatically starts my CD
playing if one is in the drive, but I don't hear any game sounds. I have
tried leaving the CD drive empty as well as starting with various
combinations of '-sndbits' and '-sndmono', etc., but always no sound. My
hardware is a Creative Vibra16 I think which works fine in all other
respects (such as playing mp3s with freeamp or wavs with 'play'), and I
am using the commercial opensound drivers from 4FrontTech. I have tried
jacking the sound control all the way up in the game options, also with
no success.

My kernel is 2.2.11, and glibc is the most recent 2.1 from potato. I also
have XFree86 3.3.5 installed and am running WindowMaker.  

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: logrotate

1999-12-24 Thread PRZEMYSLAW_BAK

 Where I can find logrotate deb package for slink ?
 I try to dowload logrotate sources from unstable
 # apt-get --compile source logrotate
 but it doesn't compile (some errors in sources *.c)


I searched using,
and it appears that logrotate lives only in unstable.

Potato uses glibc2.1 instead of slink's glibc2.0
If logrotate uses glibc2.1 features, this may explain
your compile errors.  It would also prevent you from
using the potato .deb package, since it will be linked
to the new libc.

Your only chance is to find someone who has back-ported
it to slink, or to upgrade to potato.

It cames from my willing to install syslog-ng package. It compiled very
But it depends on logrotate. Of course I can work around it but ...
Does anybody know any site with (some) potato packages back-ported to slink


re: stable - unstable upgrade

1999-12-24 Thread Michael
I upgraded from stable to unstable, and now whenever I continue the upgrade,
debconf is complaining about perl.

Error is below..

Setting up debconf (0.2.58) ...
Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: .
/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.005
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5
.) at /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/Data/ line 19.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/ line 218.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/debconf/frontend line 10.
dpkg: error processing debconf (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
Setting up less (346-3) ...
Checking available versions of pager, updating links in /etc/alternatives
(You may modify the symlinks there yourself if desired - see `man ln'.)
Updating pager (/usr/bin/pager) to point to /usr/bin/less.

Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code (1)


Anyone let me know how to fix this up, I want to run unstable for testing of
imp/horde and stuff. But so far this is holding me up.

Please email me directly as I am not a list member..

Re: questions about generic Ethernet drivers, DHCP

1999-12-24 Thread Rick Dunnivan
I just installed slink recently.  My IP address is
assigned through dhcp, but while installing was unsure
how to set dhcp up.  I used the IP address I was
currently assigned and that works for now.  Will the
below work to retrospectively setup dhcp so I won't
have to change my IP address every time my lease

--- Jens B. Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Salman Ahmed wrote:
  I finally got a second box to install Linux on
 today. Unfortunately its
  not the Compaq Deskpro EN I had hoped for. Its an
 older Digital 5000 PC
  with the following specs:
PII 233
Adaptec AHA-2940 UW SCSI Adapter
2 Seagate 2Gb SCSI HDs
Matrox Mystique video card (2Mb)
Digital Semiconductor EB143 based 10/100
 evaluation ethernet card
  (1) What Ethernet driver should I select for this
 NIC ? I got the
  details of the HW from Windows NT which the
 machine already has on
  it. Not sure if its a PCI or ISA NIC. Has anyone
 heard of this NIC ?
 Dunno. Sorry.
  (2) How do I setup the system to use DHCP once the
 ethernet card is
  setup properly ? I never setup a machine to use
 DHCP but I am assuming
  that it isn't too tricky.
 Just install the dhcpcd package and in your
 /etc/init.d/network put in a line to start
 up this daemon with eth0 as an argument.
  I would like to get the machine up and running
 with slink, and then plan
  to upgrade it to potato and kernel 2.2.13 once
 networking is configured
  Thanks for any info.
 Jens B. Jorgensen
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Running fetchmail from /etc/init.d/

1999-12-24 Thread Shaul Karl
I intend to run fetchmail from /etc/init.d/.
Just want to verify that I did not miss something important or do something 

The script /etc/init.d/fetchmail is taken from /usr/share/doc/fetchamil/contrib

# To start fetchmail as a system service, copy this file to
# /etc/init.d/fetchmail and run update-rc.d fetchmail
# defaults.  A fetchmailrc file containg hosts and
# passwords for all local users should be placed in /root
# and should contain a line of the form set daemon nnn.
# To remove the service, delete /etc/init.d/fetchmail and run
# update-rc.d fetchmail remove.


set -e
test -f $DAEMON || exit 0

case $1 in
echo -n Starting mail retrieval agent: 
if start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON; then echo 
else echo fetchmail already running.; fi
echo -n Stopping mail retrieval agent: 
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec $DAEMON
echo fetchmail.
echo -n Restarting mail retrieval agent: 
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec $DAEMON
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON
echo fetchmail.
echo Usage: /etc/init.d/fetchmail {start|stop|restart}
exit 1

exit 0

Since the local mail service is started with S20, is it wise to call 
update-rc.d fetchmail 
with priority 20? I mean, won't it cause unnecessary error messages at boot 
because fetchmail might look for the mail service when it is not started yet?
update-rc.d fetchmail defaults 95-start 05-stop

/root/.fetchmailrc will be:

# ~/.fetchmailrc

poll protocol pop3 
username shaulk, with password X, is shaul here;

set daemon 900
set syslog

Is it better to have the config file in /etc/fetchmailrc since /etc is the 
usual dir for config files?

Suppose I'll write the config file in /etc/fetchmailrc. How do I tell 
fetchmail to look it there? Will
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec $DAEMON -- -f /etc/fetchmailrc

Is it a good idea to ask the package maintainer to help running fetchmail in 
this way by installing no-fetchmail-on-boot file and an rc script when 
installing the package (like PPP does)?

Re: /dev/ttyS2 port not accessible

1999-12-24 Thread Bostjan JERKO
do you have a soundcard?  many soundcards (esp soundblaster) use irq5, are
you sure there are no conflicts with anything on that serial port?


Yes I do, but sound support is not enabled and it worked under RH 5.2. The main 
is that it works under older kernel- now I'm trying to use kernel with 
different options
disabled and we'll see what is the exact problem (First I though SCSI card, but 
it's not).


Error with LaTeX

1999-12-24 Thread Brian Lavender
I am trying to use Latex and I am getting an error when I try to process
the sample2e.tex file. Here is the error I get:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/docs latex sample2e.tex 
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2)
I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!

Is there supposed to be a latex.fmt somewhere on my system?

Brian Lavender

Re: UK Freeserve Connection

1999-12-24 Thread Kevin Scott
I've added some comments below from what I remember - I got a
connection to freeserve working fine using pppconfig.

On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 09:27:37PM +, Mike Norris wrote:
 O.K. still no joy obviously I'm doing something wrong still ... please
 comment on the following
 the pppconfig generated ...
 connect /usr/sbin/chat/ -v -f /etc/chatscripts/freeserve
 user ''

I found that quotes around the user name cause pon to fail.

 remotename freeserve
 ippram freeserve
 the debug gives this in /var/log/ppp.log
 pppd started by root, uid0
 Using interface ppp0
 Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
 Remote message: request denied
 PAP authentication failed

I used normal chatscript, ie no PAP/CHAP authentication.  I've seen
comments that PAP is claimed to be supported but doesn't work.  The default
prompts generated by pppconfig for the chatscript (e.g. ogin:, ssword:)
seemed to work OK.

 LCP terminated by peer
 Connection terminated
 tcflush failed: Invalid argument 
 my /etc/chatscripts/freeserve is 
 # ispauth PAP

Don't use PAP (see above).

 # abortstring
 # modeminit
 ' ' ATZ
 # ispnumber
 OK-AT-OK ATDT08450796699
 # ispconnect
 # prelogin
 # isppassword
 my correct password in this line
 # postlogin

Hope the above helps.


Dr Kevin Scott
Philips Corporate Intellectual Property
Cross Oak Lane, Redhill  Tel: +44 1293 815281
Surrey  RH1 5HA  Fax: +44 1293 815060

Re: Error with LaTeX

1999-12-24 Thread Paul Huygen
Brian Lavender [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is the error I get:
 I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!
 Is there supposed to be a latex.fmt somewhere on my system?
Yes, there is. You can generate one using either a program initex or to 
run TeX in a special way. Usually latex.fmt comes with the TeX
distribution or it is generated on the fly during the installation of the
TeX package. I suggest you to look at the documentation of your TeX

Paul Huygen

How to setup USR 56k Faxmodem?

1999-12-24 Thread Thirunathan Sutharsan
How can I get my US Robotics 56k faxmodem to work with Debian 2.1? Please
provide me with the steps I need to follow. Thanks.

Re: How to setup USR 56k Faxmodem?

1999-12-24 Thread David Teague

On Fri, 24 Dec 1999, Thirunathan Sutharsan wrote:

 How can I get my US Robotics 56k faxmodem to work with Debian 2.1? Please
 provide me with the steps I need to follow. Thanks.

Is your modem internal? If so is it a PCI card? Only a very few PCI
modems can be made to run under Linux. My ISA internal modem runs
under Linux, as do my external modems. 

The PCI modems are usually Win Modems. They have the internal logic
gutted, replaced with a driver which is provided only by (for?) MS
LOSE 9x and 2x. They offload the real work to the CPU. The
manufacturers tend to keep the technical details propriatary, so
that no free drivers can be written without reverse engineering.

I understand that there has been some success with Linux and PCI
modems that use certain Lucent chip sets. I don't have any details.

You might search the mailing list archives on There
was a thread about PCI Modems and Lucent chipsets a couple of months
ago on Debian User. 

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (I'm hoping this is all of the above!)


1999-12-24 Thread Michelle Konzack
 Fröhliche Weihnachten wünscht Euch

   Webmistress Michelle
 o   #   o
 I  ###  I
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 o # o
 I  ###  I
 o   #########   o
 I # I +-+--+
 ## ### ##/_/__/|
   # / /  /||
 #  +-+--+ |+
### | |  | /

How to setup the safe mailnews relying system in debian?

1999-12-24 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All,

I need to set up the safe mail  news relying system on my debian box.
The authorised users (or users from the authorised hosts) should be able
to connect via Internet (from dial-up ISP's with dynamic IP, or even
from CTV ISP, which uses the IP-masquarading itself), and send mail  news.
Due to mentioned above problems no IP based authorisation is possible.
The whole system should be built with free  open source tools.
Probably it should be possible to build it with the open-ssl system,
however how to define the smail's SMTP transports/routers to work with SSL?
Thanks for any suggestions  pointers.
TIA  best XMas wishes
Wojciech Zabolotny  Use Linux - save your data and time

Matrox Marvel G400 or Guillemot Cougar Video Edition

1999-12-24 Thread Nico De Ranter


I want to buy a new graphics board. I can choose between
a Matrox Marvel G400 and a Guillemot Cougar Video Edition.
(I want something with a TV-out). What would be the best choice/
best linux support?


 It has been said that there are only two businesses
  refer to customers as users: illegal drug trade and
   the computer industry. 

Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SUPC-E/NSSE)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

Re: questions about DHCP

1999-12-24 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Salman Ahmed wrote:

  JBJ == Jens B Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  (1) What Ethernet driver should I select for this NIC ? I got the
  details of the HW from Windows NT which the machine already has
  on it. Not sure if its a PCI or ISA NIC. Has anyone heard of this
  NIC ?
 JBJ  Dunno. Sorry.

 I selected one of the Digital XXX modules (I think it was de4x5.o)
 during the install and it was detected fine.

  (2) How do I setup the system to use DHCP once the ethernet card
  is setup properly ? I never setup a machine to use DHCP but I am
  assuming that it isn't too tricky.
 JBJ  Just install the dhcpcd package and in your
 JBJ /etc/init.d/network put in a line to start up this daemon with
 JBJ eth0 as an argument.

 I couldn't get DHCP to work using the dhcpd package. On our network,
 most of the DHCP clients are Win9*/NT workstations. I tried a number of
 things in the /etc/dhcpd.conf file but still couldn't get DHCP to
 work. In the end, I tried using the dhclient script:

  dhclient eth0

 and it worked fine. What should I be putting in the /etc/dhcpd.conf file

/etc/dhcpd.conf belongs to the dhcp package which is the dhcp *server*, not
the client. Stick with dhclient, it'll work fine for you. Now, if you're
wondering about the /etc/dhclient.conf then you don't need to worry. I just
leave mine empty since the program's defaults seem to work fine. Just do

touch /etc/dhclient.conf

 Can someone please post (or email to me directly) a
 copy of their DHCP client configuration file ? Our network admins only
 know about Windows so they haven't been any help to me in terms of
 giving info about DHCP configuration. The only thing that they have told
 me is:

  (1) our default domain (I knew that already!)
  (2) the IP address of our DNS server (I knew that too from looking
  Windows Control Panel)

 I am still running slink, but will upgrade to potato soon. But I would
 like to have DHCP activated on boot time and don't like having to type
 dhclient eth0 every time.

Type this as root:

echo '/sbin/dhclient eth0'  /etc/init.d/network

Then it'll be started during the boot sequence at the appropriate time.

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: Strange Modules Error

1999-12-24 Thread W. Paul Mills

Sounds like something is happening in the wrong order on bootup.
Did this start after an upgrade? Sometimes, if you have custom
edited files, this will happen, as the modified file will not
be replaced. In such case, the new file should be there under
an obviously modified name. You will need to use the new file,
but may have to make similar modifications to the new file.

Jon Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: I'm encountering a strange module error when i boot
: up.  It states that it cant' find my Network card
: module (tulip.o) and therefore doesn't start my
: network stuff.

: But right after the computer boots p, I log on as root
: in a consoel and type the following:

: insmod tulip  
: /etc/init.d/network start

: And it loads the module and starts the network (I
: actually do it in a little script).  My question is,
: why will it find the module with a insmod, but not on
: bootup? 

: The tulip.o module is located in four places
: /usr/src/linux/drivers/net/tulip.o
: /usr/src/linux/modules/tulip.o 
: /lib/modules/2.0.36/net/tulip.o
: /lib/modules/2.2.12/net/tulip.o   

: Anyhelp?:)  Thanks 
: Jon

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*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Re: How to setup USR 56k Faxmodem?

1999-12-24 Thread John Hasler
Tell us what you have tried and what problems you are having.  Give
complete details.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: Opera Beta for Linux Released!

1999-12-24 Thread Phillip Deackes
EVCom Support [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know this is slightly off topic, but according to,
 beta 1.9 of the Opera Web Browser has been released for
 Linux.   It can be retrieved from:

Off-topic?!!! Not on your life. I have been waiting for this beauty for

Downloading it as I type . . . .


Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 

TBUDL@THEBAT.DUTAINT.COM is a private mailing list

1999-12-24 Thread MDaemon is not a moderator or member of this list. Only a 
moderator or member may post to this list.

Re: Error with LaTeX

1999-12-24 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 09:59, Paul Huygen wrote:
 Brian Lavender [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here is the error I get:
  I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!
  Is there supposed to be a latex.fmt somewhere on my system?
 Yes, there is. You can generate one using either a program initex or to 
 run TeX in a special way. Usually latex.fmt comes with the TeX
 distribution or it is generated on the fly during the installation of the
 TeX package. I suggest you to look at the documentation of your TeX

Alas, this won't work (I'm assuming the package from slink). Some
critical date has 'expired'. I saw that an upload to correct this
happened a few days ago so you might start looking for it in
incoming if you have access or proposed-updates.

An alternative (what I did when this happened to me a couple weeks ago)
is to go to the teTeX site and get the tarball and do a /usr/local/

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: Charset nls_iso8859_1 not found

1999-12-24 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 24 Dec, Georg Colle wrote about Charset nls_iso8859_1 not found
 mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /floppy throws following message: unable to load NLS
 charset iso8859-1 (nls_iso8859_1). What can I do that mount finds this
 I'm running the Atari version of Debian m68k kernel-image-2.0.36 on a Falcon

You need to recompile the kernel to include support for this character
set.  You can have it as a module as well which works well.  The exact
option name is CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_1.

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: PGP for Windows - GnuPGP?

1999-12-24 Thread Gregory T. Norris
I'm using GnuPG with mutt 1.0.0-2 without any problems.  I can email
you the relevant entries from ~/.muttrc if you like...

On Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 05:48:18PM -0600, David J. Kanter wrote:
 Just a quick follow-up to my post: I use Mutt and have read in one
 place that Mutt does not support GnuPGP (in the PGP notes in
 /usr/doc) and in another place, the on-line FAQ, that GnuPGP is
 recommended? What gives?
 I've got the latest Mutt from the unstable branch.

Re: apt-move

1999-12-24 Thread Gregory T. Norris
Try running with the get or getlocal option first.  This should
download/copy the required master file(s).

On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 10:29:20PM +0800, Lindsay Allen wrote:
 I can't get apt-move to co-operate.
 elm:# apt-move  move
 Creating Lists...
 Error: makelist: No master ls file exists!
 It seems to want ls-lR and I think it looks in the /debian/.apt-move
 directory, but I can't get it right.  My debian mirror is in /debian.

Re: Opera Beta for Linux Released!

1999-12-24 Thread Arcady Genkin
Phillip Deackes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 EVCom Support [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I know this is slightly off topic, but according to,
  beta 1.9 of the Opera Web Browser has been released for
  Linux.   It can be retrieved from:
 Off-topic?!!! Not on your life. I have been waiting for this beauty for

Are sources available? This one is linked against glibc2.1, and I'm
running Slink... 
Arcady Genkin
'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
loves man is nailed?..' (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

SoftOSS Kernel Module?

1999-12-24 Thread John Dalbec
Here is the relevant section of /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/README.OSS:
Does this mean I need to buy OSS/Linux?

4Front Technologies SoftOSS

   SoftOSS is a software based wave table emulation which works with
   any 16 bit stereo sound card. Due to its nature a fast CPU is
   required (P133 is minimum). Although SoftOSS does _not_ use MMX
   instructions it has proven out that recent processors (which appear
   to have MMX) perform significantly better with SoftOSS than earlier
   ones. For example a P166MMX beats a PPro200. SoftOSS should not be used
   on 486 or 386 machines.

   The amount of CPU load caused by SoftOSS can be controlled by
   parameters properly (they will be prompted by make config). It's
   recommended to set CONFIG_SOFTOSS_VOICES to 32. If you have a
   P166MMX or faster (PPro200 is not faster) you can set
   CONFIG_SOFTOSS_RATE to 44100 (kHz). However with slower systems it
   recommended to use sampling rates around 22050 or even 16000 kHz.
   Selecting too high values for these parameters may hang your
   system when playing MIDI files with hight degree of polyphony
   (number of concurrently playing notes). It's also possible to
   decrease CONFIG_SOFTOSS_VOICES. This makes it possible to use
   higher sampling rates. However using fewer voices decreases
   playback quality more than decreasing the sampling rate.

   SoftOSS keeps the samples loaded on the system's RAM so much RAM is
   required. SoftOSS should never be used on machines with less than 16 MB
   of RAM since this is potentially dangerous (you may accidently run out
   of memory which probably crashes the machine). 

   SoftOSS implements the wave table API originally designed for GUS. For
   this reason all applications designed for GUS should work (at least
   after minor modifications). For example gmod/xgmod and playmidi -g are
   known to work.

   To work SoftOSS will require GUS compatible
   patch files to be installed on the system (in /dos/ultrasnd/midi). You
   can use the public domain MIDIA patchset available from several ftp

Which ftp sites?

   IMPORTANT NOTICE! The original patch set distributed with the Gravis 
   Ultrasound card is not in public domain (even though it's available from
   some FTP sites). You should contact Voice Crystal (
   if you like to use these patches with SoftOSS included in OSS/Free.


Re: Opera Beta for Linux Released!

1999-12-24 Thread Marcin Kurc
It doesn't look stable yet to me:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/opera-19991224]$ ./opera 
Segmentation fault
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/opera-19991224]$ ./opera 
Segmentation fault

running potato, upgraded yesterday.

On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 01:09:18PM -0500, Arcady Genkin wrote: 
 Phillip Deackes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  EVCom Support [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I know this is slightly off topic, but according to,
   beta 1.9 of the Opera Web Browser has been released for
   Linux.   It can be retrieved from:

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

PPP connection

1999-12-24 Thread Jacob Smith

 Well I got my modem to connect to my ISP fine now.  I accomplished this
by commenting out the 'auth' line in the ect/ppp/options file as Hans had
suggested a while back.  However I cannot go to any website and I can not
ping other systems and cannot ping my system from another box.  The ISP I
connect to runs Microsoft NT 4.0 w/ service pack 5.  I am positive that all
the standard setting are good becuase I work at the ISP.  If anyone has any
idea what this is caused by that would be great.  I think that I am about 1
of a total of 5 linux user on the ISP and the only one running Debian so any
help would be awesome.

Jake Smith

Source packages

1999-12-24 Thread Tadas

How can I build debian source packages? Which commands do I need? I use
source potato packages.


Re: Opera Beta for Linux Released!

1999-12-24 Thread Steve Lamb
Friday, December 24, 1999, 10:42:02 AM, Marcin wrote:
 It doesn't look stable yet to me:

*ROFL*  Gotta love the irony


 running potato, upgraded yesterday.

A /BETA/ version of a new program on an /UNSTABLE/ system and you're
looking for stability?  Oy.

BTW, it worked fine for me, no segfaults, pulled up Yahoo.  I would have
done more but exporting large displays over my cablemodem's limited upstream
BW gets annoying after a while.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: Opera Beta for Linux Released!

1999-12-24 Thread Marcin Kurc
At the time I didn't have it installed on slink. Potato is stable enaugh to run 
anything else. 
Anyways, same stuff happens on slink. 
Btw, the key word there was _YET_. :)

On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 11:04:34AM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote: 
 Friday, December 24, 1999, 10:42:02 AM, Marcin wrote:
  It doesn't look stable yet to me:
 *ROFL*  Gotta love the irony
  running potato, upgraded yesterday.
 A /BETA/ version of a new program on an /UNSTABLE/ system and you're
 looking for stability?  Oy.

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

Re: Source packages

1999-12-24 Thread Marcin Kurc
you need the entry
deb-src unstable main contrib non-free

in /etc/apt/sources.list
then, apt-get update ; apt-get source --compile --build package.deb

for more info check out man apt-get

 Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 05:59:11PM +0200, Tadas wrote: 
 How can I build debian source packages? Which commands do I need? I use
 source potato packages.

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

Re: PPP connection

1999-12-24 Thread Marcin Kurc
did you put your nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf?

On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 10:50:16AM -0800, Jacob Smith wrote: 
  Well I got my modem to connect to my ISP fine now.  I accomplished this
 by commenting out the 'auth' line in the ect/ppp/options file as Hans had
 suggested a while back.  However I cannot go to any website and I can not
 ping other systems and cannot ping my system from another box.  The ISP I
 connect to runs Microsoft NT 4.0 w/ service pack 5.  I am positive that all
 the standard setting are good becuase I work at the ISP.  If anyone has any
 idea what this is caused by that would be great.  I think that I am about 1
 of a total of 5 linux user on the ISP and the only one running Debian so any
 help would be awesome.
 Jake Smith
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

Re: PPP connection

1999-12-24 Thread John Hasler
Jake Smith writes:
 Well I got my modem to connect to my ISP fine now.  I accomplished this
 by commenting out the 'auth' line in the ect/ppp/options file as Hans had
 suggested a while back.  However I cannot go to any website and I can not
 ping other systems and cannot ping my system from another box.

Sounds like you don't have nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf.  Did you run
pppconfig?  It should have asked you for nameservers and also put 'noauth'
in the provider file to override the 'auth' in /etc/ppp/options.

 ...any help would be awesome.

Run pppconfig and then use pon to start ppp and poff to stop it.  If you
have trouble use plog to get the debugging output and post it here with a
complete explanation of what you tried, what happened, and copies of
/etc/chatscripts/provider, /etc/ppp/peers/provider, and
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets.  Munge your password.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: Error with LaTeX

1999-12-24 Thread Brian Lavender
On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 08:46:56AM -0800, Pann McCuaig wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 09:59, Paul Huygen wrote:
  Brian Lavender [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Here is the error I get:
   I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!
   Is there supposed to be a latex.fmt somewhere on my system?
  Yes, there is. You can generate one using either a program initex or to 
  run TeX in a special way. Usually latex.fmt comes with the TeX
  distribution or it is generated on the fly during the installation of the
  TeX package. I suggest you to look at the documentation of your TeX
 Alas, this won't work (I'm assuming the package from slink). Some
 critical date has 'expired'. I saw that an upload to correct this
 happened a few days ago so you might start looking for it in
 incoming if you have access or proposed-updates.
 An alternative (what I did when this happened to me a couple weeks ago)
 is to go to the teTeX site and get the tarball and do a /usr/local/

I am using slink.
Obtaining the new package from proposed-updates did the trick. 


Brian Lavender

Listening daemons and security

1999-12-24 Thread Howard Mann


I have just installed Slink. I have shut down many services - via
/etc/inetd.conf - that I am familiar with and do not need.

This is a stand-alone home machine. I do not offer services.

At present, I have the following :

 /usr/sbin/lsof | grep LISTEN
portmap   129   root 4u  inet   35TCP *:sunrpc (LISTEN)
lpd   142   root 4u  inet   41TCP *:printer (LISTEN)
inetd 147   root 4u  inet   49TCP *:discard (LISTEN)
inetd 147   root 6u  inet   51TCP *:daytime  (LISTEN)
inetd   147   root8u  inet 53TCP *:time (LISTEN)
inetd   147   root   17u  inet 62TCP *:auth (LISTEN)
omniNames   149   root5u  inet 64TCP *:8088 (LISTEN)
omniNames   157   root5u  inet 64TCP *:8088 (LISTEN)
omniNames   158   root5u  inet 64TCP *:8088 (LISTEN)
omniNames   159   root5u  inet 64TCP *:8088 (LISTEN)
omniNames   160   root5u  inet 64TCP *:8088 (LISTEN)
xfs 161   root4u  inet 68TCP *:7100 (LISTEN)
XF86_SVGA   183   root0u  inet 86TCP *:6000 (LISTEN)

What is the purpose of omniNames ? Do I need it? Is it a security

I guess I do not need portmap. I do not use NFS. What is the best
way to shut it off?

I'd appreciate any general comments as well.


Howard Mann

Re: Opera Beta for Linux Released!

1999-12-24 Thread Art Lemasters
 And what are the great points about Opera?  Is it distributed
under a GPL?


Fathers' Rights Network

Re: PPP connection

1999-12-24 Thread Richard

Sound like you need to set your DNS servers that it'll use to resolve things.


At 10:50 AM 12/24/99 -0800, Jacob Smith wrote:


 Well I got my modem to connect to my ISP fine now.  I accomplished this
by commenting out the 'auth' line in the ect/ppp/options file as Hans had
suggested a while back.  However I cannot go to any website and I can not
ping other systems and cannot ping my system from another box.  The ISP I
connect to runs Microsoft NT 4.0 w/ service pack 5.  I am positive that all
the standard setting are good becuase I work at the ISP.  If anyone has any
idea what this is caused by that would be great.  I think that I am about 1
of a total of 5 linux user on the ISP and the only one running Debian so any
help would be awesome.

Jake Smith

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

fatal error with mouse when trying to start x

1999-12-24 Thread Joseph de los Santos
Hello, after I configured my x window , when I tried to start it it gave me 
an error about my mouse not being operation not supported but I'm pretty 
sure that it is a ps/2 mouse. When I checked the website of , it 
said something about that but it did give any help on how to fix the 
problem. I tried looking at the debian website for information about this 
problem but the search engine is down. any help would be greatly 

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Opera Beta for Linux Released!

1999-12-24 Thread Steve Lamb
Friday, December 24, 1999, 2:23:07 PM, Art wrote:
 And what are the great points about Opera?

For me it is the fact that while the other browsers weigh in at 10Mb for
their distribution Opera is a whopping 2Mb.  For compatibility with the most
pages Opera is just barely 2nd to IE and NS.  Also in the development of the
Linux version they developed a console version which can actually render pages
with frames/tables intelligently.  Something that Lynx, after years of
development, *still* fails at.

 Is it distributed under a GPL?

No.  Considering how well it works on the Windows platform it was well
worth the money.  If the Linux team brings over all the best features and
makes it native in the process, then it will be well worth the money on Linux
as well.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: Opera Beta for Linux Released!

1999-12-24 Thread Marcin Kurc
On Fri, Dec 24, 1999 at 02:29:31PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote: 
 Friday, December 24, 1999, 2:23:07 PM, Art wrote:
  And what are the great points about Opera?

 pages Opera is just barely 2nd to IE and NS.  Also in the development of the
 Linux version they developed a console version which can actually render pages
 with frames/tables intelligently.  Something that Lynx, after years of
 development, *still* fails at.
Try links.
links - lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

lyx: Can not use AMS math.

1999-12-24 Thread Shaul Karl
Package: lyx
Version: 1.1.2-2
Severity: normal

Although I have activated the radio button of AMS math at the Layout-Document 
menu I can not been able to follow what the UserGuide.lyx suggets.
In particular, both \mathfrak{g} and \mathbb{R} give an error message.
\boldsymbol{\alpha}, which does not seem to require the AMS extentions is 
working as expected.
Can you advise what is the problem?

-- System Information
Debian Release: potato
Kernel Version: Linux rakefet 2.2.13 #1 Sat Nov 20 12:44:19 EST 1999 i586 

Versions of the packages lyx depends on:
ii  libc6   2.1.2-10   GNU C Library: Shared libraries and timezone
ii  libforms0.890.89-4 The XForms graphical interface widget librar
ii  libstdc++2.10   2.95.2-4   The GNU stdc++ library
ii  xlib6g  3.3.5-2shared libraries required by X clients
ii  xpm4g   3.4k-5 the X PixMap library
^^^ (Provides virtual package libxpm4)

Re: Bad points for debian (was: resetting dpkg)

1999-12-24 Thread Andy Thomas
I've got another question about dselect.  It seems like when I go in there
and choose some more packages to install, then tell it to install, it
gives some kind of error about /cdrom being mounted.  I have to exit
dselect, umount /cdrom, then re-enter dselect, select install and off she

Is that expected?


Running FrameMaker on Debian 2.1

1999-12-24 Thread Lee Bradshaw
On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 05:15:23PM -0800, FM Linux Admin wrote:
 (1) C library incompatibiliy with some distributions of Linux, including
 Red Hat 5.2 and Debian 2.1.
 Users will typically see the following message in this case:
 ./maker: error in loading shared libraries
 : undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
 The FrameMaker executable is incompatible with certain releases
 of version 2.0.7 of the GNU C Library, which are included with
 some distributions noted above.
 FrameMaker will not run on systems with this incompatibility,
 unless access to a different version of the C Library is provided.

Here's a first cut at some directions. It works for me, hopefully I
included everything necessary here.

# make sure you're using an 8-bit X display
# if you're using xdm, you can start both a 16 and an 8 bit display with
# the following lines in /etc/X11/xdm/xservers (after removing the #'s)

#:0 local /usr/bin/X11/X vt7 -bpp 16 -dpi 100
#:1 local /usr/bin/X11/X :1 vt8 -bpp 8 -dpi 100

# load new X config
/etc/init.d/xdm reload

# Control-Alt-F8 should take you to the 8 bit display

# change to your home directory

# Get the register frame info symbols from suse's ftp site
# the command uses wget, but you can just use ftp

# Unpack with alien, rpm, and tar (need these programs installed)
alien --to-tgz regframe.rpm
tar xvzf regframe-0-1.tgz

# you should now have ~/lib/

# create frame directory
# this should create ~/frame/FM556_linux
mkdir ~/frame
cd ~/frame
tar xvzf ~/fmlinux.tar.gz  # assuming you download frame in your home dir

# prepare license dir
mkdir ~/fminit

# run fmaddlicense
# in sh type shells, the following command sets the environment
#   variable LD_PRELOAD for a single command
# for csh type syntax you'll have to look it up
# you may not want LD_PRELOAD set in general,
#   I recommend setting it only when needed
# you may want to create aliases or shell scripts to set the variable
LD_PRELOAD=~/lib/ ~/frame/FM556_linux/bin/fmaddlicense

# type the add command as described by adobe at the prompt
# then you should see your license with the list command
# fmaddlicense- Add number username
# fmaddlicense- List
# fmaddlicense- Done

# now run framemaker
LD_PRELOAD=~/lib/ ~/frame/FM556_linux/bin/maker

Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]