Re: preferred dialup program

2001-05-26 Thread Erik Steffl
Jeff Maxson wrote:
 is there a best dialup program?  I have been using wvdial, and it seems
 to work ok, so I guess don't fix what ain't broke, but maybe another
 program is somehow better...

  I used xisp, works fairly ok, automatically redials, keeps track of
time (and price, if you pay for time connected), tries different numbers
etc... that was useful when my isp had problems (sometime one number
didn't work but other worked)

  later on I just used pon/poff in combination with gkrellm - just hit
button on gkrellm to connect, it shows when the connection is up and
amount of data transferred (real time, no statistics).

  if there's any problem, tail -f /var/log/syslog (or /var/log/ppp.log)
to see what's going on.


Re: line numbers in code

2001-05-26 Thread Erik Steffl
john gennard wrote:
 I'm having to look for certain lines in code and have been doing so
 by laboriously counting down the program. As many error messages
 make reference to line numbers, I feel sure there must be a simple
 way to locate say 'line 1267' How do people go about this?

  in vi you can also type (esc if you're in insert mode) :set number to
see the line numbers...

  the other way (kinda perverse) to do it is: when you're at the
beginning of the file, type in the number of the line - 1 and press j
(to go down that number of lines)...


mico: where are the examples?

2001-05-29 Thread Erik Steffl
  I have just re-installed the mess of a mico (how is
one supposed to know which packages are needed? and
which are for which version?) and suddenly the
examples that used to be under /usr/share/doc/mico (or
some other mico doc directory) are gone. Are the
examples/docs for mico packaged or are these files



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Re: Adding stuff to menus

2001-05-30 Thread Erik Steffl
Cameron Matheson wrote:
 I have a bunch of programs that I've compiled over time, and I kind of want
 to add them to the debian menus.  How would I do this?  Is this window-manager
 specific, or is their a global way to do this?  It seems if I do use a window
 manager's configuration utility, everytime I install a new package, it 
 the menu.

  it's fairly easy, check the docs for menu package, check also the
/usr/lib/menu directory where the menu files for various debian packages

  you can add yours to /etc/menu

  run update-menus after you add/change menu, then restart you window
manager (it is usually possible without restarting X, so all your
applications etc. are intact...


Re: mouseman wheel on X

2001-05-31 Thread Erik Steffl
tek kno3 wrote:
 Hi all,
 i'like some help to make the mouseman wheel work on netscape (if it does!?).
 running  potato 2.2.19pre17-ide; XF 3.3.6, enlightenment 16.2, netscape 4.77
 i managed ok (Zaxis on XFconfig) to make the wheel work (eg. w/ xterm) but
 nothing w/ netscape. later included definitions in .Xdefaults (as indicated
 in ) and nothing...
 so any help? where can i get more info/help about this definitions in
 .Xdefaults? or maybe you could suggest me another forum to look for it?

  I have cordless mouseman wheel and here's my setup:

  relevant part of XF86Config-4:

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Logitech
Driver  mouse
Option  CorePointer
# erik:  MouseManPlusPS/2 - only three buttons work, no wheel
# OptionProtocol 
# erik: IMPS/2 works, except of a side button
Option  Protocol  IMPS/2
# erik: Explorer/2 works, except of a side button
# OptionProtocol  ExplorerPS/2
# erik:  PS/2 - only three buttons work, no wheel
# works too: Option Protocol  PS/2
Option  Device/dev/psaux
Option  Emulate3Buttons   false
Option  Buttons   6
Option  ZAxisMapping  4 5
# OptionZAxisMapping  5 6

  I have also attached the ~/.Xdefaults (mostly netscape settings) that
I recently got from Andrea Vettorello (on this list I believe, thanks

  the fourth button doesn't work no matter what I do... anybody got it

erik!- vim
! GVim great Colors.
Vim*useSchemes: all
Vim*useEnhancedFSB: true
!Vim.foreground: Black
Vim*background: white
! Do NOT use Vim*geometry , this will break the menus instead
! use Vim.geometry. Asterisk between Vim and geometry is not allowed.
! Vim.geometry: widthxheight
!Vim.geometry:   88x40
Vim*menuBackground: #001500
Vim*menuForeground: #b0ffb0
!- netscape
! There are 7 font sizes, 1 thru 7.  The default font is 3, and the others
! are based on this.  The default increment is 20%, which means that the 4
! is 20% larger than the 3, the 5 is 40% larger, and so on.
! Netscape*documentFonts.sizeIncrement:   6

! stuff copied from Karsten M. Self

# These are Netscape X resource settings I've found useful.  The
# interesting stuff is colorfully commented at the end of the file.
# Public domain.
# Karsten M. Self  2000/12/26 09:44:45
!Netscape*drawingArea.translations:  #merge\
!  Btn1Down:  ArmLink()   \n\
!  Btn2Down:  ArmLink()   \n\
!  ~ShiftBtn1Up:  ActivateLink()  \n\
!  ~ShiftBtn2Up:  ActivateLink(new-window)  \
!   DisarmLink()\n\
!  ShiftBtn1Up:   ActivateLink(save-only)  \
!   DisarmLink()\n\
!  ShiftBtn2Up:   ActivateLink(save-only)  \
!   DisarmLink()\n\
!  Btn1Motion:DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
!  Btn2Motion:DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
!  Btn3Motion:DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
!  Motion:DescribeLink()  \n\
!  Btn3Down:  xfeDoPopup()\n\
!  Btn3Up:ActivatePopup() \n\
!  CtrlBtn4Down:  PageUp()\n\
!  CtrlBtn5Down:  PageDown()\n\
!  ShiftBtn4Down: LineUp()\n\
!  ShiftBtn5Down: LineDown()\n\
!  NoneBtn4Down:  LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()\n\
!  NoneBtn5Down:  
!  AltBtn4Down:   xfeDoCommand(forward)\n\
!  AltBtn5Down:   xfeDoCommand(back)\n
!  ShiftKeyspace: PageUp()\n\
!  Keyspace:  PageDown()\n\
!  KeyBackSpace:  xfeDoCommand(back)\n\
! KeyLeft:   xfeDoCommand(back)\n\
! KeyRight:  xfeDoCommand(forward)\n

!Netscape*globalNonTextTranslations: #merge\
!  ShiftBtn4Down: LineUp()\n\
!  ShiftBtn5Down: LineDown()\n\
!  NoneBtn4Down:  LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()\n\
!  NoneBtn5Down:  
!  AltBtn4Down:   xfeDoCommand(forward)\n\
!  AltBtn5Down:   xfeDoCommand(back)\n
!  Keyspace:  PageDown()\n\
! KeyBackSpace:  xfeDoCommand(back)\n\
! KeyLeft:   xfeDoCommand(back)\n\
! KeyRight:  xfeDoCommand(forward)\n

# Restrict the range of size increments allowed by font size=n directives to 
# the range 80% - 120% rather than 50% - 210%.  Default increment is 20.
# KMSelf Wed Dec 29 15:47:57 PST 1999

Re: Prog. Languages (was: question?)

2001-06-01 Thread Erik Steffl
Romain Lerallut wrote:
 Usually, you choose a language depending on what you want done. YMMV.

  yes, that's most important - depending on what you will do/what
interests you, choose appropriate language...

  in general, go for design/analysis not for particular language -
programming is fairly abstract science/art/magic...

 1) start with interpreted languages, such as Perl. ( not Python which is 
 strongly object-oriented). It's easy to create a proglet that is useful , and 
 very satisfying.
 2a) then learn about object-oriented languages (Java, Python). I would advise 
 *against* starting with an OO language, since it *might* be harder to come 
 back to
 non-OO languages.

  I'd say it's the other way around - learn OO first and use it, even if
the language does not support it. never go back to straight structural

 2b) then learn about compiled languages such as C. C is harder to program 
 than interpreted languages, mostly because of memory management issues, but 
 it is also IMHO very elegantly written.

  learn C++ where you don't have to deal with memory that much and you
have lot of fairly convenient data types/structures/containers that take
care of themselves (strings, arrays etc.)

  you might also try java but I find it quite simplistic and messy (just
learning it so my opinion is not very authoritative)


Re: line numbers in code

2001-06-01 Thread Erik Steffl
Alan Shutko wrote:
 D-Man [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Naw, (g)vim is much better wink
  (I have tried emacs, and that is my conclusion,  now go make your own
  after trying both)
 Sure... does (g)vim include Tetris?  Or a text adventure?  Or a shrink
 to help your mind cope with the constant mode changes?
 How anyone could tolerate something as unuseful as vim is beyond me.

  the thing is that vim is a text editor.


Re: xserver

2001-06-01 Thread Erik Steffl
 Derya PALANCI wrote:
 Hi all,
 How can i stop a working-but-invisible x server?? I had just installed
 Xfree 4.0, debian potato and kernel 2.4.5. after the configuration i
 started x server but it was very big so i wanted to close it. But i
 couldnt manage and press all the combinations of ctrl alt and
 backspace  after some time it closed. So i restarted comp. Now i
 configured it but couldnt run. It says :server already running
 Is there anybody out there knows what can i do

  press alt-F7 (ctrl-alt-F1-6 to get to text console) to see invisible X

  if you are running xdm use:

  /etc/init.d/xdm stop 

  to stop xdm (and X server), if you just run straight X (using e.g.
startx) you can pres ctrl-alt-backspace to quit X server.


Re: [OT] True console in X?

2001-06-02 Thread Erik Steffl
Lance Simmons wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 01:06:23AM -0500, ktb wrote:
  What would be ideal is to be able to emulate the look of console in X
  and run that on one or more workspaces.
 Use uwm as your window manager, edit the uwmrc.hook file to make
 the borders black and one or two pixels wide, and get rid of the
 title bar entirely. Edit the uwmrc-ws.hook file so you have a
 black desktop on the workspaces where you want your consoles.

  you can do this with other WMs as well (defintely with fvwm, I am not
100% sure about others)

 What makes it work is that uwm lets you have a window border as
 narrow as a single pixel, and doesn't require a title bar.

  at least some WMs (again, I am sure about fvwm only) can turn all the
decorations off (border, title etc.)


Re: tabs / was [OT] Coding w/ vim

2001-06-07 Thread Erik Steffl
will trillich wrote:
 one tab, indent one level. done. (why clutter up your source
 code with all those spaces?) and if you really go overboard

  it's very simple. generally you want lot of peole to view and/or edit
the source code. as long as you use spaces only, it looks the same
everywhere - printouts, different editors, when you send piece of code
via email etc... when people edit the source code it is fairly easy to
keep it consistent.

  on the other hand, when you use tabs other than 8 characters wide you
get a mess of very unplesant combination of tabs, some tabs expanded to
8 some to 4,3,2 spaces... also, you will never be able to change tabs to
other then 8 characters everywhere (e.g. think of various devices -
character based, printers, gui tools etc...)

  generally, it's a good idea to use 8-space tabs or spaces... it makes
it easier to collaborate  communicate...


/etc/init.d/alsa stop does not work?

2001-06-07 Thread Erik Steffl
  since about the time alsa in debian was upgraded to .9 there seems to
be no way to unload alsa modules, /etc/init.d/alsa stop does not work
and rmmod individual modules (the ones that no other module depends on
does not work), it does not complain about anything but modules are not
unloaded. any ideas? anybody else has the same problem?

  (can't get to



Re: filtering email via perl?

2001-06-07 Thread Erik Steffl
will trillich wrote:
 how can i use perl to break emails into various mailfolders?

  I remember seeing something fairly capable in perl journal, don't
remember the name, check the


Re: ftp reget via netscape?

2001-06-07 Thread Erik Steffl
Alan Davis wrote:
 The amazing thing is that netscape on my sid machine DID have the desired 
 behavior, just like the standard FTP.  Automatically, it started at the end 
 of the incomplete file on my disk, and FTPd the rest.
 I wish to know what is the difference, since Netscape on the woody box didn't 
 exhibit this nice behavior.

  from my experience: it looks like netscape uses reget in some special
cases only, you cannot force it to use reget, I am not sure how netscape
decides it should use reget, quite often it just overwrites the file. I
think it only uses reget when there was a communication error, in other
cases it does not do reget (e.g. when netscape crashes, you start it
again, it just overwrites files that were not fully downloaded)

  there might be some didfferences between sid and woody version


Re: right way to set system-wide environment variables

2001-06-07 Thread Erik Steffl
Steve Kowalik wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 08:35:13PM -0400, Daniel Barclay uttered:
  What's the right way to set system-wide environmen variables (one place
  to put environment variables to set for all logins for all users).
 /etc/profile, of course. (for bash shells - tcsh, i don't know)

  what about /etc/environment? isn't it were default environment for all
shells is set?


CTRL-ALT-Fn doesn't work (potato, sparc)

2001-06-08 Thread Erik Steffl
  I have a sun sparcstation with debian potato installed. everything
works (so far) but ctrl-alt-fn has strange effect - it switches to given
virtual console (few times) but then the only effect is having strange
characters (two per keystroke usually) displayed on the screen, I cannot
login (enter does not work, even though usually some of the keys works
as enter the login is never successfull).

  is there any help?



Re: Multiple Sessions?

2001-06-08 Thread Erik Steffl
Chris Spencer wrote:
 Has anyone else running Unstable noticed that multiple tty sessions (ie:
 ALT-CTRL-F1, F2, etc.) is gone? As well I have noticed that I can't start a
 second X session. Am I missing something?

  gone in what way? works fine here but I haven't dist-upgrade'd in few

  check /etc/inittab, there should be something like this:

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6

  also check default run level (same file):

# The default runlevel.

  on a related note, the switching to virtual consoles (from X) doesn't
work on my sparcstation running debian stable (potato). it works few
times (I think), then keyboard goes all crazy (when I type there are
strange characters appearing on the screen and I cannot switch to
different virtual consoles anymore). any ideas?


Re: program response sluggish compared to Win98

2001-06-09 Thread Erik Steffl
rich wrote:
 Howdy all,
 I've had a problem for a while in which my potato sytem seems to perform
 relatively sluggishly - most noticably on Wordperfect. Example: While
 WP8 under W98, I can hold the page down key  for 5 seconds, and when I
 let go, the scroll immediately stops. Doing the same under linux,
 however, would result in a minute-long scroll through several dozen
 pages after the key was let go. Is there a keyboard buffer that I can
 adjust or something, or does the problem lie elsewhere, or is linux WP8
 just not as well-designed?

  you might want to check the x server settings - the acceleration
should be turned on.

  other than that it might be just poorly implemented application - is
it sluggish for one app only or for everything? or poorly accelerated


Re: ripping quiet CDs

2001-06-09 Thread Erik Steffl
Ben Harvey wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 01:48:35AM -0500, Jason Pepas wrote:
  in short, it sounds like normalization is exactly what you want.
 OK fair enough. so that means I can filter a .WAV through normalize before
 compression - with a little trial  error.
 any ripper recommendations?  abcde looks good (I like the name too ;) but
 it doesn't seem to allow me to add this sort of filter.
 do I lose much  quality if I mp3wavnormalizemp3 ?

  I like grip.

  not sure about abcde nut in grip you can set the wav filter, I guess
that's what you want. but even if it's not you can simply set-up the
ripper to be a shell script that does rip+normalize instead of just rip.
I guess you can do something similar in abcde...

  definitely don't go wav-mp3-wav-mp3 (there's no reason and you're
loosing quality)


Re: ripping quiet CDs

2001-06-09 Thread Erik Steffl
Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 02:26:15AM -0700, Erik Steffl wrote:
I like grip.
not sure about abcde nut in grip you can set the wav filter, I guess
  that's what you want. but even if it's not you can simply set-up the
  ripper to be a shell script that does rip+normalize instead of just rip.
  I guess you can do something similar in abcde...
 I'm doing this myself in grip right now. The manpage says that the default
 normalize setting is 0.25. Do you use anything else?

  I always used the default and I don't see any way to change it in grip
config dialogs so I guess that's what the wav filter command would be
for (not sure which program is the best for normalize, I guess there's
something in sox)


Re: netscape4.5

2001-06-09 Thread Erik Steffl
 jean jacques moscovitz wrote:
 comment trouver netscape 4.5 qui est mieux pour mol que le 6
 tel 0143250211
 PARIS 6eme

  html post black font on black background (I was only able to read it
when I selected the text:-) and in french. how hard do you want to make
it for anybody willing to respond?


Re: do you know any free proxy server?

2001-06-10 Thread Erik Steffl
Roderick Cummings wrote:
 Subject: Re: do you know any free proxy server?
 Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2001 17:44:07 -0500
 On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 06:21:30AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm assuming www -
 You could easily search yourself at -
 Search for proxy and select Descriptions
   From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
   First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 What about ftp? I would like to point apt to something local to reduce the
 burden on *, but I think setting up a mirror would be overkill
 that would waste even more of debian's bandwidth.

  just switch the apt to do http transfers, this is from my
/etc/apt/apt.conf (you might want to tweak it a bit, not sure how
optimal it is):

http {
  // DIRECT;  // Specific per-host setting
  Timeout 120;
  Pipeline-Depth 5;

  // Cache Control. Note these do not work with Squid 2.0.2
  //No-Cache false;
  //Max-Age 86400; // 1 Day age on index files
  //No-Store false;// Prevent the cache from storing archives


Re: Power button doesn't work

2001-06-12 Thread Erik Steffl
Derek Hans wrote:
 Is it normal that my power button doesn't work?
 After running shutdown -h now, the system shuts down and issues a
 message saying
 Power down.
 However, when I hit the power button, the computer just beeps but
 still stays on. The only thing I can then do is a VERY hard reset:
 take out the batteries (it's a laptop, compaq contura 400c) and unplug
 it. Nothing else responds. This doesn't seem to be the normal way to
 shut off a computer. Just wondering if there is a different way...
 For the moment, I'm just letting it running all the time, however
 there doesn't seem to be a power saving mode activated
 automatically, and so the screen stays on all day. Besides, it gets
 rather hot over time - I'm not quite sure if the fan is adequate for
 this. I'm not decided if it's worse for the computer to shut it off
 the HARD way or keeping it running all day  night.
 Help would be apreciated.

  do you use apm? you might need to recompile kernel...

  also check laptop howto (, there might be something
about your laptop. also check for 'case


Re: [users] Re: Why can't I?

2001-06-13 Thread Erik Steffl
Ethan Benson wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 01:11:49PM -0400, D-Man wrote:
  By make my machine download things do you mean that he logs in and
  uses ftp or a web browser?  If so, then he ought to be downloading the
  stuff into his own home directory.  By default (and quite naturally)
  users _can't_ see someone else's home directory unless that person
  explicitly makes it readable.
 wrong, debian creates home directories mode 755, world readable by
 default like all other *nixes that have come before it.

  one of the packages asks whether you want world readable user home
dirs, forgot which one (probably the one that contains adduser).


apache apache-ssl upgrade mess

2001-06-16 Thread Erik Steffl
  I have apache-ssl installed (and working) but now the apt-get wants to
uninstall it and install apache instead.

  there is a conflict: apache-ssl requires apache-common (= 1.3.19-1),
apache-common ( 1.3.20) but it also tries to install apache-common
1.3.20-1. This part is fairly clear - I'll just wait till they fix it (I
filed a bug).

  apt-get also wants to install apache package - why? this is the
confusing part. is it because I have packages that require apache or
apache-ssl (or other http server) and apt-get picks the one that



packages depending on guile

2001-06-16 Thread Erik Steffl
  it looks like there's more and more packages depending on guile in one
way or another and they are not installable:

gnucash conflicts:
[-] libguppi11 (= 0.35.5)
[-] libgwrapguile1

scwm conflicts:
[-] libguile6 (= 1:1.3.4-2)
[-] libguile6

  these problems are quite old - does anybody have more info on why they
are not fixed? and if they'll ever be? bugs are filed but nothing seems
to be happening...



Re: MouseMan ??

2001-06-19 Thread Erik Steffl
Ed Falis wrote:
I got the mouse up and running (bothe Debian  FreeBSD)
except for the wheel. I would assume that the wheel is
used to scroll up and down in lieu of the scroll bars in
apt such as Netscape. I did add the
OptionZAxisMapping4 5 to my XF86Config
file but the only thing I can use the wheel for is clicking
like a middle mouse button.  Any ideas?
BTW...  What is the thumb button for?
 I've got this mouse working using:
 Section InputDevice
 Identifier  Generic Mouse
 Driver  mouse
 Option  CorePointer
 Option  Device/dev/psaux
 Option  Protocol  ImPS/2
 Option  ZAxisMapping  4 5
 This is with XFREE86 4.0.x
 The wheel generally works.  The thumb button duplicates button 2.

  is there any way to set thumb (side) button to do something else? like
double click?


Re: how do I find out which device this bit of dmesg refers to?

2001-06-19 Thread Erik Steffl
Britton wrote:
 I get a message like this is dmesg:
 PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device 00:0f.0. Please try using
 I think this first showed up around kernel version 2.4.4.  Anyone know
 what might be causing it or how you figure out which device is 00:0f.0?

  try lspci, here's output on my system:

jojda:/etc/X11/fvwm# lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C693A/694x [Apollo
PRO133x] (rev c4)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C598/694x [Apollo
MVP3/Pro133x AGP]
00:07.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 [Apollo Super South]
(rev 40)
00:07.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
00:07.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB (rev 16)
00:07.3 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UHCI USB (rev 16)
00:07.4 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 [Apollo Super ACPI]
(rev 40)
00:07.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. AC97 Audio
Controller (rev 50)
00:09.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139
(rev 10)
00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: D-Link System Inc: Unknown device 1300 (rev
00:0f.0 VGA compatible controller: 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Voodoo 3 (rev

  so I guess on my system it would be voodoo card, I guess those number
at the beginning of the line refer to the same 'something' that your
number refers to...


Re: MouseMan ??

2001-06-20 Thread Erik Steffl
Hall Stevenson wrote:
   This is with XFREE86 4.0.x
   The wheel generally works.  The thumb button duplicates
   button 2.
is there any way to set thumb (side) button to do
  something else? like double click?
 I think XFree86 only makes the buttons available. It doesn't
 necessarily define *what* the buttons do. You may look into
 xmodmap and what you're window manager can do.

  the problem here is that I was never able to make it work as six
button mouse (left, middle, right, wheel up, wheel down, side), it
always pretends to have just 5 buttons. so there's nothing I can do with

  I have following settings in /etc/XF86Config-4:

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Logitech Cordless MouseMan Wheel
Driver  mouse
Option  CorePointer
Option  Protocol  IMPS/2
Option  Device/dev/psaux
Option  Emulate3Buttons   false
Option  Buttons   6
Option  ZAxisMapping  4 5

  I ran:

xmodmap -e pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 6

  yet the xev shows that both clicking the middle button (clicking with
the wheel) and clicking the side button both produce the both result:

ButtonPress event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
root 0x32, subw 0x0, time 868716552, (2,140), root:(1024,285),
state 0x0, button 2, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
root 0x32, subw 0x0, time 868716751, (2,140), root:(1024,285),
state 0x200, button 2, same_screen YES

ButtonPress event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
root 0x32, subw 0x0, time 868717677, (2,140), root:(1024,285),
state 0x0, button 2, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x221,
root 0x32, subw 0x0, time 868717850, (2,140), root:(1024,285),
state 0x200, button 2, same_screen YES


xmodmap -e pointer = 2 1 3 4 5 6

  makes the clicking the physical leftmost button to be understood as
button 2 by xev and both middle button and side button are understood as

  I tried:

xmodmap -e pointer = 6 2 3 4 5 1

  which makes physical button one act as button 6 (xev is my witness)
but side button is still button 2 (as far as xev is concerned).

  it looks like no matter what I do the sidebutton is tied to middle
button. It is definitely not hardware because in windows the side button
has function independent of middle button.

  Is it a bug/feature of X mouse driver? Does it make sense to file a
bug? (it's not filed yet, at least I haven't found anything that would
look like the problem above)


Re: MouseMan ??

2001-06-20 Thread Erik Steffl
Ashley Clark wrote:
 * Christopher W. Aiken in Re: MouseMan ?? dated 2001/06/18 21:17
 * wrote:
  Thanks Hall.
  I got the mouse up and running (bothe Debian  FreeBSD) except for
  the wheel. I would assume that the wheel is used to scroll up and
  down in lieu of the scroll bars in an apt such as Netscape. I did add
  the Option ZAxisMapping 4 5 to my XF86Config file but the only
  thing I can use the wheel for is clicking like a middle mouse
  button.  Any ideas?
 I have the non-optical version of this mouse working with these
 Section InputDevice
   Identifier  Configured Mouse
   OptionButtons   6
   OptionZAxisMapping5 6
   OptionSendCoreEvents  true
 and this in .xmodmap:
 pointer = 1 6 3 2 4 5
 The thing to remember is that the wheel counts as two buttons and for X
 apps to recognize it then they must be buttons 4 and 5, I've set up the
 thumb button to be the middle button since I have a problem with
 moving the wheel when I try to click it to paste.

  works great, here's another question:

  does anybody know if it's possible to set up the side button (or any
button for that matter) to act as double click? I can remap buttons any
way I like (there are six buttons (including wheel) so each of them can
be arbitrary 'logical' button 1 through 6) but how do I remap button to
some other action? is it possible?



Re: e-mail, the next level

2001-06-21 Thread Erik Steffl
nico de haer wrote:
 You have:
  - Debian server (mine is called gardian) able to connect to the internet:
  - Mail user agent on your client, that understands POP3 and SMTP (do you
 know one that doesn't?)
  - There is no permanent link to the Internet (Using a modem, thus in most
 cases Dynamic IP's)
  - All users got their own POP3 account (from your ISP or yahoo, probably
 more options)
 You want:
  - You want all users to be able to do e-mail as if they are on-line all the

  getting email: fetchamil  procmail (or something equivalent) should
do the trick. if you're connected for long periods of time it might be
good enough to set fetchamil to check for email with set period (say
every 10 minutes). If the server is mostly disconnected you might want
to run fetchmail everytime the connection goes up or even set cronjob to
connect-fetchmail-disconnect priodically (with a check whether it's
already connected, of course, you don't want to mess you connection if
it's already up)

  sending email: exim should work fine (not sure about detials, I use
postfix). you can set the relay host to your ISP smtp host - it should
work OK no matter what return email address you use. If that doesn't
work then you might want to use proper (real) from address just add
reply-to field with address of the account you want to receive replies
(if ISP doesn't allow that, switch ISP:-) - this second solution is not
preferable, of course.

  you can also set exim to send email directly. it's not a big deal to
change it so you can try one solution and if it doesn't work the way you
like try another... note that at least one ISP (earthlink) blocks port
25, or at least blocked it and expressed no intention to unblock it, not
sure if they block it today (so that you cannot send email directly). It
is my _former_ ISP.

  user access to email: set up IMAP server - lot of email clients
support IMAP (mutt, netscape, ...). that's easiest for users - they can
access their email from anywhere. IMO this is a lot better then having
pop server - lot more flexible. I use uw-imapd-ssl (debian package). You
can also set up the web email client (they still can use their email
client and view the same email from web or using standalone MUA (I
haven't tried any web based IMAP client yet)

  the above is basically my setup and I am quite happy with it even
though I still have rooms for improvement (LDAP address book).


Re: 3dfx voodoo2

2001-06-21 Thread Erik Steffl
pReJkEr wrote:
   is there a package for 3dfx card in debian?
   i've downloaded device3dfx-source but it doesn't create /dev/3dfx

  you only need it for older X servers (version 3.X). it creates a
kernel module. the actual file /dev/3dfx you might need to create
yourself, there should be proper mknode command somewhere in
device3dfx-source documentation.

  for X 4.x you don't need 3dfx device. You need to compile tdfx (3dfx)
support into kernel though (ad use DRI in X), see:


Re: e-mail, the next level

2001-06-21 Thread Erik Steffl
 Hello Niko,
 I think that this is great thing to do. I am equally curious as to how to 
 this on my server at home.
 If anyone has good comments on how best to do this, I would welcome the
 information tremendously.
 Just 2 additional things:
 1. What if multiple users on my network have set up multiple POP3 accounts in
 the past (before the server was up) and wish to go this way, leaving their 
 OFF their POP3 accounts, but ON the home server? Can this still be doable? 
 they be able to send mail which has their POP3 email in the From: ?

  yes, you can get email from multiple accounts and you can set the
headers to whatever you want (except of some possible tempering by your
ISP, but then just get better ISP)

 2. Would it be possible to implement some kind of IMAP account(s) on the 
 so the users just go through an IMAP capable account on their client stations,
 without having to download the mails from the home server to the client hard
 disk? I envision that a daemon would be pulling POP3 mails from the various
 accounts and putting into the respective IMAP accounts.

  that's exactly what I do, just have IMAP server and users can do all
their email using IMAP cleint (netscape, mutt, ...). some of them even
support disconnected mode (client does not have to be connected to IMAP
server all the time, sort of like newsreaders do)

 Would this setup hold any water? I apologise in advance if my questions reveal
 my ignorance. I AM IGNORANT. ;-)

  I am using exactly this setup (so that I can use the same mailboxes on
my home machine or when I view my email from work/elsewhere (use SSL
when viewing email remotely))


Re: Maestro sound

2001-06-30 Thread Erik Steffl
Darryl L. Pierce wrote:
 I have ESS Maestro 2E sound hardward on my laptop. When I built my kernel 
 (2.2.19) I made
 sure to enable it and have verified in /var/log/dmesg that the module(s) gets 
 However, when I try to run a sample sound application (in this case, a JMF 
 applet using
 Java 1.3) the code throws exceptions about being unable to find any MIDI or 
 line hardware.
 How else can I verify that my sound equipment is properly working?

  you might be better off using alsa

  use the simplest tools available:

  lsmod to see whether sound modules are rerally loaded

  oss: cat /dev/sndstat
  alsa: /proc/asound/

  run native mixer (e.g. alsamixer for alsa)

  run some audio player (again, native to your driver)

  run simple midi app (NOT java). if you hear no sound you might need to
load soundfonts (for (some) wavetable cards, not needed for FM synths)

  see how far you get along this way... post any error messages you get
etc... (but ignore java or more complex apps for now, just go with the
most trivial apps possible)


Re: [OT] Harassment of open source developer !

2001-07-04 Thread Erik Steffl
Eric G. Miller wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 01:00:38PM -0500, Balbir Thomas wrote:
  Yet another case of open source developers being harassed. Adobe
  lawyers ask developer of killustrator to pay fines for using a name
  that abuses their trade mark illustrator. Go read about it at slashdot
  , and then give your feedback to Adobe. I already did. We can't let
  such harassment go without being protested. If I were a conspiracy
  theorist I would see a pattern here . While corporation are leagly
  portected to indulge in some kinds of negative advertising as a
  competitive stratergy open source developer are sued because the
  english language words are now trademarks.
 Protest all you like, but I think Adobe probably has a valid claim of
 trademark infringement.  It doesn't take any stretch of imagination to
 see that KIllustrator is a knock-off of Adobe Illustrator [tm].
 Like it or not, probably any U.S. court would agree.  I'm sure the
 KIllustrator folks will just change the name and move on.  Nothing
 will be gained by stuffing Adobe's inbox with rants.  While Adobe has
 been circumspect about Linux and *BSD, a bunch of rants is more likely
 just to irritate them and make them not want to support Linux/*BSD in
 the future.


  they should rename KIllustrator to: Adobe Illustrator Replacement

  that should be covered by fair use (it only refers to adobe
illustrator which is allowed)




2001-07-04 Thread Erik Steffl
 Cédric Hugon wrote:
 I have problem with installing Debian 2.2. He doesn't see my hard disk
 (ATA100). What may I do ?


  what exactly is the problem? do you get any error message? at which
point of the installation do you have a problem? is it the only drive in
the system? when you run fdisk (or whatever is used for disk
partitioning) and you try /dev/hda what does it say?


Re: problem with ATA100

2001-07-04 Thread Erik Steffl
 Cédric Hugon wrote:
 to erik steffl from cedric hugon
 I have the problem when linux tries to create partitions : he doesn't
 recognize harddisk (it's the only drive). It's just after configuring
 keyboard and network. I tried to launch cfdisk(linux) but it stops
 immediately with an error message that tells me there's no harddisk.
 fdisk of windows recognize this drive and there are already 2
 partitions fat32 on this drive. I don't understand I think it's a
 problem with ATA100 : I have a a promise driver that install the drive
 when booting the computer, after the test of IDE drives (this test
 doesn't see any disk, only CDROM devices ). So I can't launch cfdisk
 and he doesn't see any harddisk
 What is pio in front of hda when booting linux's installation ?

  can you post more exact message? I can only see pio AFTER the hda:

ide1: BM-DMA at 0xc008-0xc00f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio

  can you post the output of dmesg?

  if you see hda somewhere it means it recognized disk (I guess)


lilypond fails (error: latex: command exited with value 256)

2001-07-04 Thread Erik Steffl
  (debian unstable, 2.4.3 kernel)

  I tried the example from info lilypond tutorial:

  \score {
\notes { c'4 e' g' }

  then ran command:

  ly2dvi -P

  and here's what I've got:

jojda:~/tmply2dvi -P
Running LilyPond...
GNU LilyPond 1.4.2
Now processing: `/home/erik/tmp/'
Interpreting music...[1]
Preprocessing elements... 
Calculating column positions... [2]
paper output to `pokus.tex'...

Analyzing pokus.tex...
Running LaTeX...
error: latex: command exited with value 256
Traceback (innermost last):
  File /usr/bin/ly2dvi, line 786, in ?
run_latex (files, outbase, extra)
  File /usr/bin/ly2dvi, line 607, in run_latex
system (cmd)
  File /usr/bin/ly2dvi, line 313, in system
error (msg)
  File /usr/bin/ly2dvi, line 206, in error
raise _ (Exiting ... )
Exiting ... 

  latex is installed (well, tetex-bin is: Note, selecting tetex-bin
instead of latex). is there anything else I need? here are the relevant

ii  lilypond   1.4.2-2A program for printing sheet music.
ii  tetex-bin  1.0.7+20001218 teTeX binary files

  btw I had some limited success by running lilypond directly but the
resulting postscript file didn't have notes but letters instead (some
other symbols where replaced by regular characters as well, e.g. treble
clef was printed as 'c' (in place where treble clef would be)

  I read manual and parts of info lilypond but can't see anything
relevant... (e.g. they assume the ly2dvi command would work).



aptitude: why there are so many packages on hold?

2001-07-07 Thread Erik Steffl
  since certain time (few months) aptitude puts a huge number of
packages on hold - this time it's about 100. I can still hit '+' and
they are installed without any problems - there are no conflicts (most
of them, some packages are on hold for a reason).

  why is it happening?



why are packages deleted?

2001-07-07 Thread Erik Steffl
  I just ran aptitude and it wants to remove package:

id libical 

  is there any way to find the reason why this package is removed? There
are some new packages installed but I don't see any that would replace
libical (implementation of iCAL - calendar protocols)



aptitude and apt-get dist-upgrade do different things?

2001-07-07 Thread Erik Steffl
  I thought that basically all front-ends for pacakge system would work
same way, or at least similarly. However aptitude and apt-get
dist-upgrade seem to differ a lot. Why is that? And why are they trying
to remove various packages from the system? e.g. I don't want the
kde-designer to be removed, even if it does not work (it does work right
now), I guess it's going to be fixed sooner or later and I don't want to
have manually check (there are packages that I want to use but don't
remember unless I already have them installed:-)


Re: [OT] Harassment of open source developer !

2001-07-07 Thread Erik Steffl
John Hasler wrote:
 Erik Steffl wrote:
  they should rename KIllustrator to: Adobe Illustrator Replacement
  that should be covered by fair use (it only refers to adobe
  illustrator which is allowed)
 Fair use is a term in copyright law.  It has no meaningful application
 that I know of to trademarks.

  yes, what I meant is similar concept, you can use use trademark in
certain ways (like for unrelated purpose or when quoting or talking
about it or the product/service whatever the trademark refers to etc.)


Re: No xpr on debian...

2001-11-09 Thread Erik Steffl
Mike Fontenot wrote:
 The xwd man page (for dumping an image of an X window)
 gives a see also for xpr (for printing the resulting
 X window dump).
 But xpr doesn't exist on my 2.2r3 debian distribution.
 What's going on?  This is a fundamental capability...has
 xpr been replaced by something else to do this job?

  e.g. gimp can read xwd files, there's /usr/bin/xwdtopnm, I guess there
are other programs as well...


Re: No xpr on debian...

2001-11-10 Thread Erik Steffl
Mike Fontenot wrote:
 Erik Steffl wrote:
   e.g. gimp can read xwd files, there's /usr/bin/xwdtopnm, I guess there
   are other programs as well...
 I couldn't find xwdtopnm on my system.  Is it part of some
 debian package?

  yes, when faced with a question like this, go to the
webpage, go to Packages (left side menu) and use the last form on that
page to search for a file, it will tell you where it is (if it is in

  btw the answer in this case: netpbm


Re: No xpr on debian...

2001-11-10 Thread Erik Steffl
Mike Fontenot wrote:
 Erik Steffl wrote:
   yes, when faced with a question like this, go to the
  webpage, go to Packages (left side menu) and use the last form on that
  page to search for a file, it will tell you where it is (if it is in
  btw the answer in this case: netpbm
 Thanks for the tip...I realize my debian navigating
 skills are lacking.
 The man page for xwdtopnm says it converts an X dump to an
 anymap.  But what do I do with that?  Is there a way to
 convert anymap to postscript?

  well, you can use gimp or one of:

jojda:/var/spool/mail# pnmtoTab
pnmtoddif  pnmtojpeg  pnmtopspnmtosir   
pnmtofiascopnmtopalm  pnmtorast  pnmtotiff  
pnmtofits  pnmtoplainpnm  pnmtorle   pnmtotiffcmyk  
pnmtojbig  pnmtopng   pnmtosgi   pnmtoxwd   
jojda:/var/spool/mail# pnmto

  but of course, you can use gimp to work directly with xwd.

  There are probably other programs that work with pnm (and xwd).

  PS you'd better not ask me where to find pnmtops! :-))


Re: Converting From Red Hat to Debian

2001-11-12 Thread Erik Steffl
Mark Seven Smith wrote:
 What I WANT to do, is to install the latest Debian version
 onto a second hard drive that I have; then I will put that
 hard drive as drive hda, and use the second drive (the one
 that now has Red Hat) as my /home directory.
 That being said--what I want to know is, first of all, is
 how can I install Debian on my second drive, without having
 to go through the install procedure (which is incompatible
 in *text mode* with my video card)?

  there are two possible solutions:

  1) use serial console, not sure if it's supported and you would need
something that acts as terminal

  2) install debian on different machine (it must be sufficiently
similar but not very similar - you just need basic system)

  also: you might want to look into what's the problem with video card
not working even in text mode (does it work in text mode in redhat?
there should be no difference). Try newer install disk for debian...

  for a workstation I would go with unstable - there's a lot of new
stuff in there and it is VERY stable (that's what I am using), any
problems are usually quickly fixed.


Re: Q3 Horrific Lag on VooDoo 3 [ PLEASE HELP!! ]

2001-11-12 Thread Erik Steffl
 Hi, sorry for the extreme subject. Not sure if my last message got through. I
 installed Quake 3's linux demo, mesag3-glide2, but when I run it, it runs at
 1fps! I have seen 2 other people online with this problem, but no one had a
 solution. The best thing I heard was it can't find so it's using
 MESA software rendering. It's right there in the directory with it, though! I
 installed the 3dfx device too, from the sources .deb available on, no help .. The game works fully, but from the moment I
 run it to the moment I quit it's unbelievably slow. I have a Duron 880mhz
 with 196mb RAM, VooDoo 3, 2.4.5 kernel, and XFree86 (dunno what version,
 whatever comes standard with 2.2.19pre17 Debian ISO image-made discs). Can
 someone please help me?

  try to run glxinfo, you should see a line like:

direct rendering: Yes

  if it's very slow it probably does not use HW rendering. remember, you
have to run X in depth 16 (not 24) for openGL HW acceleration to work
(pretty stupid if you ask me but that's hw limitation of voodoo III).


Re: OpenGL Install (Was, Quake 3 slowdowns)

2001-11-13 Thread Erik Steffl
 Hi, can someone please tell me what packages I need, from a CLEAN debian
 installation, on a 2.4.5 kernel, to use Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament in
 OpenGL/Glide 3Dfx mode? What needs to be compiled in, and what .deb's? Please
 be detailed, I need to make sure I do this right the first time.

  this has been explained many times, try to search, this mailing list archives etc.

  to get you started:

  you need tdfx module in your kernel, you might need to recompile
kernel (use make-kpkg and read the docs that come with it, it's not very
hard but you need to know what HW you have)

  you need the following packages (install *-dev for these packages when
you want to be able to build programs that use openGL):


  and the following in your XF86Config:

Section Device
Identifier  3dfx Voodoo III
Driver tdfx

  you have to use the same device name (use whatever you want, they just
have to be same) in your screen section, in my case:

Section Screen
Identifier  Default Screen
Device  3dfx Voodoo III - Identifier from
Device section
Monitor SONY Multiscan 100sx

  in addition to that due to hw limitations of voodoo III you have to
run X server in 16 bit depth (see the above Screen example) for DRI
(openGL) to be enabled.

  use glxinfo to see whether you were succesfull.


Re: /etc/modules.conf is more recent than ...

2001-11-13 Thread Erik Steffl
Ian Patrick Thomas wrote:
 I have been getting this message on bootup
 Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent than /lib/modules/`uname 
 When I check, both have the same creation time.  After searching on 
 geocrawler I found a post
 where someone put the all the subdirectories of /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ in 
 Here is what mine looks like and the message is still coming up.
 # This file contains a list of paths that modprobe should scan,
 # beside the once that are compiled into the modutils tools
 # themselves.
 Any other suggestions or is this nothing to worry about?

  it will probably go away. I had the same problem several times (and
seen the same discussion with no solution) on this list. It looks like
there's nothing you can do about it, nothing helps (update-modules,
depmod -a etc.), but it goes away after few boots (after some time). I
still have no idea what's wrong, but somehow one of the files involved
is being updated during boot (or at least it gets new date, possibly by
tough or something), I forgot which one (I guess it's


cyrus and sieve: how to setup?

2001-11-14 Thread Erik Steffl
  I have cyrus imap server working and I would like to use sieve to
filter email. I have several questions that I hope somebody will answer:

  1) the only implementation of sieve in debian that I found is
undocumented progam called sieve in mailutils - is that the one to use?
if not, which one should I use?

  2) how do I setup sieve to filter email? I see no hooks in cyrus and
have no idea who would invoke sieve. I have found nothing in cyrus docs
(does not mention sieve at all). I even have IMAP book (Managing IMAP by
Dianna  Kevin Mullet, O'Reilly) and it is VERY vague about who and how
invokes sieve and how it works with imap server).

  3) why is debian package so old? there are new versions of cyrus
available (even new major version - debian package is still at 1.5 even
though the upstream is at 2). there are also old unresolved bugs on
cyrus - anybody knows what's going on? Is there a problem with new
cyrus? is it being packaged? (sieve is included in newer versions so I
guess it would help me to solve the above)



Re: Which mail user agent do you use?

2001-11-15 Thread Erik Steffl
Tim Dijkstra wrote:
 (I'm not sure if this is on topic, but hey, I'am debian-user...)
 I used to use netscape's messenger to read my mail, but I've had it with
 that one. Then I tried pine for a while, but I'm not sure about that one
 So I thought before trying all MUAs there are, I just ask you what you
 think is the best one.
 I think I prefer something graphical, and able of using multiple

  if you don't already, use IMAP and you can use different MUAs at the
same time, no need to worry about different ways they treat mailboxes,
about file locking, different mailbox formats etc. I guess all the MUAs
worth trying support IMAP.

  I use netscape mostly (not that bad, only major flaw is that it does
check only inbox for new mail), evolution is becoming fairly good,
mozilla is almost stable as well.

  I also prefer doing mail filtering separately (not using MUAs
facilities). makes a lot of sense (separate tasks by separate programs,
do one thing and do it right).


Re: Running DirectX Games using Linux OS [Offtopic response tounrealistic zealot response]

2001-11-15 Thread Erik Steffl
Geoff Beaumont wrote:
 At 13:13 15/11/2001 +1000, you wrote:
 By supporting SafeDisk Transgaming is much more likely to get support from
 publishers to port using WineX to Linux. And as soon as I can run Evercrack 
 Linux I can blow Windows off my games machine completely.
 To be honest, I don't see the problem with copy protection - you can't make
 a backup,
 but how many people back their games up anyway? I prefer, and mostly use, Free
 software, but regardless if you choose to buy commercial software, then you
 agree to
 the license that comes with it (or return the software). At what point is
 the copy
 protection a problem unless_ you are attempting to break the license 
 If no one pirated commercial software, companies wouldn't feel the need for
 I'll just go and hide in my bunker now...

  related: I hate the games for which you have to have a CD in computer,
given 100GB disks and max few CD per game I can have quite a few games
on the system and play any of those without DJ-ing. Some (Omikron) being
requireing different CD for startup and different for gameplay!

  also, I have two computers and I would like to try the game on another
one (doesn't have a CD) - copy protection gets in the way.

  So basically I fave to use fakecd (somehow it doesn't work) or get a
crack for the game...

  it's quite amazing that companies can get away with being so
abusive... all for silly copy protection schemes...


Re: cyrus and sieve: how to setup?

2001-11-15 Thread Erik Steffl
Andrea Vettorello wrote:
 On Wed, 2001-11-14 at 13:37, Erik Steffl wrote:
I have cyrus imap server working and I would like to use sieve to
  filter email. I have several questions that I hope somebody will answer:
1) the only implementation of sieve in debian that I found is
  undocumented progam called sieve in mailutils - is that the one to use?
  if not, which one should I use?
 I'm using an unofficial cyrus package (1.6.24-2), and inside there are

  where did you get it?

  btw why is it not official? IMO sieve support is quite a big deal...



Re: OT: Hardware upgrades

2001-11-15 Thread Erik Steffl
Dmitriy Kropivnitskiy wrote:
 I have just upgraded my box ( unstable about 3-4 months berhind on the
 updates ).  The upgrade was from PII 233 BX chipset motherboard to Athlon
 1800+ XP VIA KT266A motherboard. The problem seems to be the following:
 1. I cannot boot off the hard drive. It will see all the partitions and
 system will work fine once booted from floppy/CDROM. It will install and
 reinstall LILO without any problems. But every time I try to boot off of HD I
 get there is not boot device insert bootable disk and press enter or
 something. If anyone has any suggestions I would truly appreciate.

  first the obvious: check bios settings,

  now just slightly less obvious:  make sure lilo is installed on mbr
(at least I think that's where it needs to be, check the docs for lilo)

 2. What driver should I use for the sound card?

  what soundcard do you have? Is it the onboard one? ac97 or something
like that is often found on via motherboards, there's a driver for that
chipset for linux (at least alsa), but the sound quality is quite poor
(at least that's my observation and also confirmed by other people on
this list)


Re: OT: Hardware upgrades

2001-11-15 Thread Erik Steffl
Dmitriy Kropivnitskiy wrote:
 On Thursday 15 November 2001 04:16 pm, Erik Steffl wrote:
  Dmitriy Kropivnitskiy wrote:
   I have just upgraded my box ( unstable about 3-4 months berhind on the
   updates ).  The upgrade was from PII 233 BX chipset motherboard to Athlon
   1800+ XP VIA KT266A motherboard. The problem seems to be the following:
   1. I cannot boot off the hard drive. It will see all the partitions and
   system will work fine once booted from floppy/CDROM. It will install and
   reinstall LILO without any problems. But every time I try to boot off of
   HD I get there is not boot device insert bootable disk and press enter or
   something. If anyone has any suggestions I would truly appreciate.
first the obvious: check bios settings,
 What am I looking for? The major difference is that BX didn't support
 advanced ATA modes so my HD used to be ATA33 and now it is ATA66.

  that should not matter. the point is that the LILO doesn't even start
- the bios thinks that you have no bootable disk which can have
following causes:

  - booting from HD is disabled, no bootable floppy is found, bios

  - there is nothing to boot on disk C - that means that your lilo is
either not installed (I guess you already checked that) or is installed
in some place where bios cannot find it. It has to be on disk C (looks
like you're using IDE disk). try to check your lilo configuration (read
man lilo.conf).

  if it still does not work post your /etc/lilo.conf

now just slightly less obvious:  make sure lilo is installed on mbr
  (at least I think that's where it needs to be, check the docs for lilo)
 It is installed in MBR. I have tried to clean it out with DOS fdisk /mbr and
 reinstall and it still doesn't work. I use 'lba32' flag and stuff.

  most of the flags do not matter - the important thing is that it's not
lilo failing, it's bios failing to find anything bootable - so the only
config options that matter are the ones that determine where is lilo

   2. What driver should I use for the sound card?
what soundcard do you have? Is it the onboard one? ac97 or something
  like that is often found on via motherboards, there's a driver for that
  chipset for linux (at least alsa), but the sound quality is quite poor
  (at least that's my observation and also confirmed by other people on
  this list)
 Yes, I was talking about the internal one.

  you can probably use bios to make it look as what it is, as
soundblaster or disable it. Make sure that you enable it and then use
lspci to figure out what it is. then check kernel sound modules or alsa
to see whether the chip is supported. or post output of lspci to this


Re: OT: Hardware upgrades

2001-11-15 Thread Erik Steffl
Bob Underwood wrote:
 On Thursday 15 November 2001 04:16 pm, Erik Steffl wrote:
  Dmitriy Kropivnitskiy wrote:
   I have just upgraded my box ( unstable about 3-4 months berhind on the
   updates ).  The upgrade was from PII 233 BX chipset motherboard to Athlon
   1800+ XP VIA KT266A motherboard. The problem seems to be the following:
   1. I cannot boot off the hard drive. It will see all the partitions and
   system will work fine once booted from floppy/CDROM. It will install and
   reinstall LILO without any problems. But every time I try to boot off of
   HD I get there is not boot device insert bootable disk and press enter or
   something. If anyone has any suggestions I would truly appreciate.
first the obvious: check bios settings,
now just slightly less obvious:  make sure lilo is installed on mbr
  (at least I think that's where it needs to be, check the docs for lilo)
 my lilo is installed in /dev/hdc1.  win is on hda, as is the mbr, using a
 third-party boot manager.  per the /etc/lilo.conf file   Specifies the boot
 device.  This is where Lilo installs its boot block.  It can be either a
 partition, or the raw device, in which case it installs in the MBR, and will
 overwrite the current MBR.

  generally yes, but in his specific case, since he doesn't have
anything bootable on mbr, he has to put lilo there.


Re: xscreensaver

2001-11-15 Thread Erik Steffl
jeff wrote:
 xscreensaver runs fast and looks great in 'windowed' (even maximized) mode
 but it's _really_ slow and yucky in fullscreen mode.
 hardware is a penitum iii, voodoo 3/200 AGP and 128 mb ram
 kernel is 2.4.14 w/DRI and voodoo compiled in

  openGL xscreensaver hacks or all of them?

  for openGL: what does glxinfo say? is DRI actually on? do you only use
16 bit depth (hw limitation of voodoo 3)

  for the rest: is the card recognized as voodoo 3? is the HW
acceleration on? check the output of X


Re: xscreensaver

2001-11-15 Thread Erik Steffl
jeff wrote:
 On Thursday 15 November 2001 23:05, Erik Steffl wrote:
  jeff wrote:
   xscreensaver runs fast and looks great in 'windowed' (even maximized)
   mode but it's _really_ slow and yucky in fullscreen mode.
   hardware is a penitum iii, voodoo 3/200 AGP and 128 mb ram
   kernel is 2.4.14 w/DRI and voodoo compiled in
openGL xscreensaver hacks or all of them?
 what's the diff? for instance, i run bubble3d in a window and it looks
 groovy. i run it fullscreen and it's slower than cold molasses...

  openGL screensavers use DRI, the other screensaver only use 2d
acceleration that is provided by X server. Depending on which
screensavers do not work you can start to investigate one thing or

  I guess you are talking about openGL stuff since bubble3d uses openGL.
Just to verify: even if you maximize window (so that it is practically
on the full screen) it is smooth, as opposed to fullscreen which is
choppy, right?

 name of display: :0.0
 display: :0  screen: 0
 direct rendering: Yes

  looks ok.

  how do you run it fullscreen? if you just run it with -root option it
is in root window and looks ugly (blinkig and choppy). Are you using
xscreensaver to run it?


Re: xscreensaver

2001-11-15 Thread Erik Steffl
jeff wrote:
 On Friday 16 November 2001 00:08, Erik Steffl wrote:
  jeff wrote:
   On Thursday 15 November 2001 23:05, Erik Steffl wrote:
jeff wrote:
 xscreensaver runs fast and looks great in 'windowed' (even maximized)
 mode but it's _really_ slow and yucky in fullscreen mode.

 hardware is a penitum iii, voodoo 3/200 AGP and 128 mb ram

 kernel is 2.4.14 w/DRI and voodoo compiled in
  openGL xscreensaver hacks or all of them?
   what's the diff? for instance, i run bubble3d in a window and it looks
   groovy. i run it fullscreen and it's slower than cold molasses...
openGL screensavers use DRI, the other screensaver only use 2d
  acceleration that is provided by X server. Depending on which
  screensavers do not work you can start to investigate one thing or
I guess you are talking about openGL stuff since bubble3d uses openGL.
  Just to verify: even if you maximize window (so that it is practically
  on the full screen) it is smooth, as opposed to fullscreen which is
  choppy, right?
 ya ya...maximized looks fine but when, say, the screensaver naturally starts
 up, the opengl stuff (bubble3d) is really slow. really slow.  :)  i don't
 really care about screensavers mind you...i'm just trying to figure out why
 it would do that...i want to develop my own opengl programs and something
 silly like this would give me headaches for days.  :)

  well, try some simple program and see what it tells you (inside, when
you switch to fullscreen, there are some functions that give you
capabilities etc. you might be able to figure out whether it uses
software rendering and why).

  if you don't know how to start see e.g. (I am
going through these right now, fairly good, clean and understandble), or
check out for other tutorials/docs/examples etc.

  I have no idea why would it use dro in window and software rendering
in fullscreen mode...


filesystem suddenly read-only - how come?

2001-11-16 Thread Erik Steffl
  system: debian unstable, kernel 2.4.10

  my /home filesystem was suddenly read-only, here' what I've found:

Nov 15 23:38:01 localhost /USR/SBIN/CRON[18175]: (list) CMD ([ -x
/usr/bin/python -a -f /usr/lib/mailman/cron/q
runner ]  /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/mailman/cron/qrunner)
Nov 15 23:38:04 localhost kernel: EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,71)):
ext2_new_block: Free blocks count corrupted for block group 120
Nov 15 23:38:04 localhost kernel: Remounting filesystem read-only
Nov 15 23:39:14 localhost squid[16292]: Squid Parent: child process
16295 exited due to signal 9
Nov 15 23:39:08 localhost kernel: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation
failed (gfp=0x1d2/0) from c0127d7e
Nov 15 23:39:21 localhost kernel: VM: killing process mozilla-bin
Nov 15 23:39:21 localhost kernel: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation
failed (gfp=0x1d2/0) from c0127d7e
Nov 15 23:39:21 localhost kernel: VM: killing process nmbd
Nov 15 23:39:21 localhost kernel: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation
failed (gfp=0x1d2/0) from c0127d7e
Nov 15 23:39:21 localhost kernel: VM: killing process squid
Nov 15 23:39:20 localhost inetd[687]: /usr/sbin/tcpd: exit signal 0x9
Nov 15 23:39:30 localhost kernel: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation
failed (gfp=0x1d2/0) from c0127d7e
Nov 15 23:39:31 localhost kernel: VM: killing process xmms
Nov 15 23:39:31 localhost kernel: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation
failed (gfp=0x1d2/0) from c0127d7e
Nov 15 23:39:31 localhost kernel: VM: killing process smbd
Nov 15 23:39:34 localhost /USR/SBIN/CRON[18442]: (list) CMD ([ -x
/usr/bin/python -a -f /usr/lib/mailman/cron/q
runner ]  /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/mailman/cron/qrunner)

  the filesystem is set to remount read-only when an error is

/dev/hdb7 on /home type ext2 (rw,errors=remount-ro)

  could that be the reason? I did not found what does the error below
mean? is the HD dying? or is it filesystem problem (this is the first
this problem occured)

  I unmounted the filesystem, filesystem check found:

-- fsck output begin
Pass 5: Checking block summary information
Block bitmap differences: -3937687
Fixy? yes

home: 208192/2443200 files (11.6% non-contiguous), 3643236/4883752
-- fsck output end

  I mounted the filesystem, restarted xdm and everything looks ok... any
ideas on what's going on?



Re: cyrus and sieve: how to setup?

2001-11-16 Thread Erik Steffl
Andrea Vettorello wrote:
 On Thu, 2001-11-15 at 19:42, Erik Steffl wrote:
  Andrea Vettorello wrote:
   On Wed, 2001-11-14 at 13:37, Erik Steffl wrote:
  I have cyrus imap server working and I would like to use sieve to
filter email. I have several questions that I hope somebody will answer:
  1) the only implementation of sieve in debian that I found is
undocumented progam called sieve in mailutils - is that the one to use?
if not, which one should I use?
   I'm using an unofficial cyrus package (1.6.24-2), and inside there are
where did you get it?
 Last summer i was looking for a imap/pop server and from the description
 cyrus seemed what i was looking for (it was interesting the feature of
 the users insulated from the system). The debian version was very old,
 and with a serch with google i've found some cyrus unofficial package at

  thanks, I guess I'll try this one...

btw why is it not official? IMO sieve support is quite a big deal...
 I said unofficial cause it's not from the official debian mirror =)

  yes, I was asking how come there is no official version (or in other
words, why is the official cyrus package so old). I understand that
packaging 2.x is quite a challenge but even 1.6 version would be much
better (because of sieve).

  anyway, thanks for the link,


Re: Which mail user agent do you use?

2001-11-16 Thread Erik Steffl
op wrote:
 Also sprach Timo:
  b) evolution: needs lots of dependencies (many from GNOME) and was
  broken in sid last time, but when it works, it is just the best; a pure
  Outlook clone but better! (mail, contacts, tasks, calendar, portal...)
 I've been looking to migrate from kmail to evolution for a long time. I
 installed it from sid a few weeks ago and it was still broken. Is that fixed
 One more thing. Kmail has an apply filter feature. This lets me define
 filters and apply them even _after_ the messages to be filtered have arrived.
 Is this available in Evolution? I can't imagine life without it :)

  IMO it's generally better to have filtering independent from MUA -
that way you can change your MUAs anytime (even more so when you use
IMAP instead of just files for mailboxes).

  procmail is THE one, when you use cyrus imap server you probably want
to use sieve for filtering (that's what I plan to do, I already use


freeamp and synchronizing the My Music with filesystem?

2001-11-16 Thread Erik Steffl
  freeamp can search computer for the music after I move files around,
get new files etc. there's no way to update this info. I can search
again but this adds ALL the files again (so most of the files have two
instances in My Music).

  did I miss something?



temporary freeze related to gnome double-click?

2001-11-16 Thread Erik Steffl
  this is quite strange, it happens with at least two gnome apps
(gnucash and freeamp):

  when I double-click on some item (item that is opened by
double-clicking) the application freezes for certain time and fvwm
freezes as well (focus doesn't changes, no window decoration or fvwm
modules react to mouse)

  I am not running gnome desktop, only some gnome applications.

  when using some other method to open the item (keyboard shortcuts,
rightclick and pick up 'open' from menu) there is no problem (no delay,
no freezing), the problem is only when I double-click. It happens with
e.g. account in gnucash.

  there is no problem with double-clicking in general

  there is no high load, the rest of the computer works fine (e.g. I can
switch to another virtual console and do something without any delays).

  any ideas about what's going on?


  debian unstable
  fvwm 2.4.0
  gnome: not sure, most of the gnome components are 1.4.0.x or 1.4.1.x



Re: filesystem suddenly read-only - how come?

2001-11-16 Thread Erik Steffl
nate wrote:
 Erik Steffl said:
   system: debian unstable, kernel 2.4.10
   my /home filesystem was suddenly read-only, here' what I've found:
   I mounted the filesystem, restarted xdm and everything looks ok...
  ideas on what's going on?
 while i can't speak for 2.4.10 but 2.2 will remount a filesystem
 readonly to prevent damage automatically if there is severe
 disk errors. ive had it do it several times on disks that
 were failing. although everytime it would say something in
 the kernel log
 something something errors, remounting readonly

  there was something like that (right in the beginning of my email):

Nov 15 23:38:04 localhost kernel: EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,71)):
ext2_new_block: Free blocks count corrupted for block group 120
Nov 15 23:38:04 localhost kernel: Remounting filesystem read-only

  at the same time I had problems with memory (full, some processes were

Nov 15 23:39:14 localhost squid[16292]: Squid Parent: child process
16295 exited due to signal 9
Nov 15 23:39:08 localhost kernel: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation
failed (gfp=0x1d2/0) from c0127d7e
Nov 15 23:39:21 localhost kernel: VM: killing process mozilla-bin
Nov 15 23:39:21 localhost kernel: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation
failed (gfp=0x1d2/0) from c0127d7e
Nov 15 23:39:21 localhost kernel: VM: killing process nmbd
...etc, few more were killed: squid, xmms, smbd

  the problem is I don't know what it means. fsck later on said:

Pass 5: Checking block summary information
Block bitmap differences: -3937687

  (that was the only error)

  again, I have no idea what that error means (I checked google, found
some posts mentioning it but didn't find anything that would help me to
figure out what's going on). I am mainly interested whether this is a
filesystem problem (software) or disk problem (hardware).



Re: filesystem suddenly read-only - how come?

2001-11-16 Thread Erik Steffl
nate wrote:
 Erik Steffl said:
   (that was the only error)
 try forcing a bad block scan. when ive gotten that remounting
 error i had bad blocks. a good sign for a failing drive or
 otherwise misconfigured system(cable too long, controller
 going bad, bad driver etc) would be if the system says
 even if it doesnt say what it modified. even when running
 fsck with verbose on over and over again(without remounting)
 if it says file system modified i'd backup everything that you
 want to keep and try to find a program that can run diagnostics
 on the drive. and eventually RMA the drive
   again, I have no idea what that error means (I checked google,
  some posts mentioning it but didn't find anything that would help
  me to figure out what's going on). I am mainly interested whether
  this is a filesystem problem (software) or disk problem (hardware).
 i can't imagine how it could be software related, ive
 never personally had filesystem curroption on any filesystem
 on a mounted filesystem. only time ive ever gotten curroption
 was after an unclean shutdown. either hard crash, or the
 system hangs enough that i hit reset, or the system reboots
 without being able to unmount the filesystems cleanly.
 i am biased though, ive had 12 disk failures in the past
 6 months(all IBM).

  I ran badblocks and it didn't find any errors, I ran the mild form of
testing only (as recommended on 'live' filesystem):

jojda:/home/erik# badblocks -s -v /dev/hdb7
Checking for bad blocks in read-only mode
From block 0 to 19535008
Checking for bad blocks (read-only test): done
Pass completed, 0 bad blocks found.

  seems like a good sign I guess...

  anybody knows what:

Block bitmap differences: -3937687



Re: UnrealTourney can't find VooDoo 3

2001-11-17 Thread Erik Steffl
 Um, I have been compiling kernels with DRI and VooDoo 3 driver. It won't
 work! I can't find the tdfx driver in there though .. is it vital? will it
 help? Where do I find it in make xconfig (what category?..)

  yes, it's vital. it's under character devices, the last section,
enable Direct Rendering Manager and then you can enable 3dfx (I build
most of the stuff as modules). you need 2.4 kernel for that.

  if you don't know yet: use make-kpkg to build and install kernel and
modules. The docs are pretty clear, however you want to use epoch (see
--revision) so that your kernel is not replaced by debian kernel.


Re: Continuing VooDoo3 Problem

2001-11-17 Thread Erik Steffl
 Hi, I just ran test3Dfx and it can't find the VooDoo3 board! ... Then it
 segfaults! I am working on installing the 3dfx device now, but even when I
 had it installed, Quake 3 still ran at 1 fps, even at 16bpp in XFree86 (I
 think 3.3.6, it's whatever version comes with the Disc 1 2.2.19pre17 Debian
 ISO). I have all the packages I seem to need and have ./configure'd, make'd,
 and make install'ed MESA 4.0 and placed the Mesa-4.0 dir in the /usr
 directory, but I still have the same problems. I compiled in DRI and VooDoo 3
 drivers into the kernel. Can't find tdfx .. where is it in make xconfig?

  I just wrote another email where to find it but:

  not sure which versions you use but it's easier to use X 4.x and 2.4.x

  with older X 3.x you don't need tdfx, you might need device3dfx (or
3dfxdevice (I forgot which), it's module 3dfx.o) to be able to run
openGL as non-root. I would strongly suggest to go with unstable (and
new X and kernel). Stable is good for server that you absolutely need to
have running but unstable (or testing, but I have better experience with
unstable (roughly: it's about as stable as testing but has much better
support - you get info about problems sooner and problems are fixed
faster)) is good enough for workstation and since you playing with
openGL I guess your life does not depend on the computer:-) openGL
support is also better in X 4.x, e.g. you get openGL in window, you
won't get stuck in fullscren openGL (at least it didn't happen to me yet
and it seems like in 3.x that was the norm)...


Re: Still can't find TDFX in Kernel Config

2001-11-17 Thread Erik Steffl
 Hi, I'm trying to compile my 2.4.5 kernel. I've enabled 3Dfx for the
 VooDoo3/Banshee, and DRI support. However, I can't find TDFX. I looked in
 character devices, at the end, near the 3Dfx support and such, but it's not
 there. I suspect this is probably the reason 3Dfx and OpenGL won't work. I
 have Mesa-4.0 installed and all the libs I need.

  3dfx support IS tdfx module, enable 3dfx support (as a module) and you
will get tdfx.o as a result. not sure why it's tdfx instead of 3dfx,
they probably didn't want number at the beginning (not sure why, they
probably use the same name as identifier somewhere where identifier has
to start with a letter, e.g. in driver code itself)


Re: GLX and ssystem- how?

2001-11-17 Thread Erik Steffl
 GLX. How do I get it to work with ssystem?
 I have installed utah-glx and loading in XF86Config, which
 gets to the splash screen, but ssystem quits with the error:
 X Error of failed request:  GLXUnsupportedPrivateRequest
   Major opcode of failed request:  148 (GLX)
   Minor opcode of failed request:  17 (X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply)
   Serial number of failed request:  168
   Current serial number in output stream:  168
 The video card is an S3 Trio/64, I've tried both xserver-svga and xserver-s3
 with the same results.

  on my system (voodoo 3) ssystem works in windowing mode, works in
fullscreen mode, does not work from xscreensaver (blank screen). so it
is kinda suspicious (other openGL xscreensaver hacks work).

  is this for X 3.x? I guess it's better to use X 4.x if possible...


Re: /etc/modules.conf is more recent than ...

2001-11-18 Thread Erik Steffl
Ian Patrick Thomas wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 13, 2001 at 09:38:30PM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
  Ian Patrick Thomas wrote:
   I have been getting this message on bootup
   Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent than /lib/modules/`uname 
   When I check, both have the same creation time.  After searching on 
   geocrawler I found a post
   where someone put the all the subdirectories of /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ 
   in /etc/modutils/paths.
   Here is what mine looks like and the message is still coming up.
   # This file contains a list of paths that modprobe should scan,
   # beside the once that are compiled into the modutils tools
   # themselves.
   Any other suggestions or is this nothing to worry about?
it will probably go away. I had the same problem several times (and
  seen the same discussion with no solution) on this list. It looks like
  there's nothing you can do about it, nothing helps (update-modules,
  depmod -a etc.), but it goes away after few boots (after some time). I
  still have no idea what's wrong, but somehow one of the files involved
  is being updated during boot (or at least it gets new date, possibly by
  tough or something), I forgot which one (I guess it's
 After just upgrading all my packages in main( I'm running Sid) I 
 noticed that modutils was
 upgraded.  Hoping that this might get rid of the message, I rebooted after 
 everything installed.
 Unfortunately the message still popped up.  Here's where it gets wierd.  
 Rebooting this morning
 shows no message.  It's gone.  I'm going to look into modutils and see what 
 is causing this
 strange behavior.  It doesn't affect the way the system runs, but it is to 
 reminiscent of a
 Windows type bug where you have to keep rebooting until it goes away ;)

  yes, it's quite annoying little mystery. I spent some time trying to
figure out what's going on, even put some debug messages in relevant
scripts (printing out ls -l on relevant files) but never figured out
what was the problem. It looked like the date on one of the files
suddenly changed and I couldn't figure out why or who changed it (it was
either /etc/modules.conf or /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.dep). I
searched the boot scripts for depmod, update-modules. didn't find why
the date get screwed up...


Re: libasound.h

2001-11-18 Thread Erik Steffl
Roberto Diaz wrote:
 Could somebody tell me in which package is this file now? (I have all the
 alsa packages from the stable distribution but I havent this file :???)

  go to, click on Packages (left side menu), use the last
form on the page.


Re: missing XFree86 executable in woody (and perhaps potato too) :(

2001-11-18 Thread Erik Steffl
Glen Coates wrote:
 I am a redhat user trying to migrate to debian and have had no luck
 with getting X to work on any version of debian.  I have posted this
 query to linux.debian.user with no helpful replies, and now turn to you
 good people for guidance :)
 I installed woody (nov-09 ISO's) using the first 2 CD's of the set, and
 for the package selection stage of the install I just used tasksel to
 select 'desktop environment', and bypassed the dselect portion of the
 installation.  The system appears to have installed OK apart from a few
 warnings about emacs19 packages not being available (which I don't
 think would have affected X).
 Anyway ... issuing a 'startx' or 'xinit' as either root or user at a
 terminal prompt gives me an error message telling me to make sure that:
 1.  /usr/X11R6/bin is in my path (which it is)
 2.  'X' is a valid executable
  From other replies I got, I understand that this 'X' is supposed to be
 a symlink to /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86.  My freshly installed woody distro
 doesn't have an executable that looks *anything like* 'XFree86'
 anywhere!  (I ran a find / -regex '.*XF.*' -perm +1 to verify this) ...
 now, how is it possible that X hasn't been installed properly?  I
 clearly saw various gnome applets and applications being installed
 during the installation process, and they must surely depend on X being
 installed, so where's my executable?  Also, to clarify, /usr/bin/X11 is
 a symlink to /usr/X11R6/bin.
 Can anyone offer any help with this?  I couldn't get X started on
 potato either, although I can't be sure the error message was exactly
 the same.  Has anyone had any similar experiences on woody or potato?

  you already got response that should help you get going but in
addition to that: anytime you are looking for a file you know is in one
of the packages but don't know which one, go to web site, go
to packages section (left side menu) and use the last form on the page
to search for the file, it will tell you in which package the file is.


Re: added memory, should I increase swap?

2001-11-18 Thread Erik Steffl
Peter Christensen wrote:
 I started with Debian 2.1 on my Pentium 200 MHz with 32 MB of memory,
 then upgraded with apt-get to Potato.  I recently replaced the single 32
 MB SDRAM with two 128 MB SDRAMs.
 When I installed Debian I created a 32MB swap to match the size of the
 memory.  Should I now increase the size of the swap to match the new

  it depends. basically yes (rule of thumb: swap should be 1x or 2x
RAM), but check how you use the system and how full the swap becomes.

 I wouldn't mind wiping my hard drive clean and re-installing
 everything.  Now that I have learned a little about Debian I realize
 that the install option of dial-up workstation (if that's what it was
 called) installed many software packages that I will never use, for
 instance lots of games and window managers.

  just uninstall the stuff you don't want.


Re: [ Cron news@bainbridge01 rnews -U]

2001-11-18 Thread Erik Steffl
Eric Brooks wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone could shed light on what I need to do to get rid of 
 this error message. I am a new Debian user and I think that I don't have my 
 network setup correctly yet (though email is working) and I am not sure what 
 the source of this email is?
 i'm running on a laptop (dell latitude) as a workstation, not as a server.
 - Forwarded message from Cron Daemon [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
 Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] rnews -U
 X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
 X-Cron-Env: PATH=/usr/lib/news/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
 X-Cron-Env: HOME=/var/spool/news
 X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=news
 Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 22:10:01 -0500
 Hostname does not resolve or 'domain' in inn.conf is missing
 - End forwarded message -

  well, check your inn.conf (I guess it's in /etc)


sieve (and cyrus) - doesn't work - how to troubleshoot?

2001-11-18 Thread Erik Steffl
  Hi everybody,

  I have the following problem, I would appreaciate any help:

  briefly: sieve does not work.

  here's my setup (these are unofficial cyrus packages from

jojda:~dpkg -l \*cyrus\*|grep ^ii
ii  cyrus-admin1.5.19-9   CMU Cyrus mail system (administration
ii  cyrus-common   1.6.24-2   CMU Cyrus mail system (common files)
ii  cyrus-imapd1.6.24-2   CMU Cyrus mail system (IMAP support)
ii  cyrus-nntp 1.6.24-2   CMU Cyrus mail system (NNTP support)

  here's what I have in /etc/imapd.conf:

sieveusehomedir: true

  and here's my ~/.sieve file (straight from managin imap book):

if header :contains subject 123 testing sieve {
  reject testing sieve message rejected!;

  but when I send myself an email with subject 123 testing sieve it it
is not rejected.

  where do I go from here?

  I didn't use installsieve and timsieve since I have no idea how
(timsieve appears to be server, it says it is supposed to run from inetd
but there's no info on how)

  any info/pointer appreciated.



cyrus: how to make it authenticate against unix users?

2001-11-18 Thread Erik Steffl
  I would like to set the cyrus authentification to work with unix users
that are defined on the system. How do I set it up? I though it would
work with pam but when I set up pam:

sasl_pwcheck_method: PAM

  I just get an error saying that PAM authentification was not
successful. what do I need to set so that pam uses unix users?

  here's what I have in /etc/pam.d/cyrus (I left out the comments): nullok

  here's the exact error message when I used PAM:

Nov 17 06:33:27 localhost PAM_unix[22917]: authentication failure;
(uid=110) - erik for imap service

  for some reason I got the following message as well:

Nov 17 06:33:26 localhost imapd[22917]: unable to open Berkeley db
/etc/sasldb: No such file or directory

  I thought this wouldn't be used when using PAM???



Re: Increasing Swap

2001-11-18 Thread Erik Steffl
Mark Lanett wrote:
 Unless I'm mistaken, swap in the 2.2 and 2.4 kernels only gets used when you
 run out of RAM. So if you are upping your RAM and not upping the number of
 tasks you run, there would be no need to increase swap. Less reason if
 anything, but disk space is too cheap to make it worth repartitioning
 You really need to know how much of ram and/or swap you generally use. With
 Windows NT/2K, the Task Manager's Performance tab tells you this (Commit
 Charge, Total used currently, Peak used overall, and Limit of ram and swap
 together). How does one determine this with Linux?

  it's in /proc, there are several programs you can use:

  free, top, xosview, gkrellm... etc. there are some system monitors for
gnome and kde...

  basically you want swap as a sort of safety buffer - if there's
something unexpected (that eats up a lot of memory) you don't want
kernel to start to kill programs (which it has to).


Re: Increasing Swap

2001-11-19 Thread Erik Steffl
Aniartia wrote:
 On Monday 19 November 2001 04:51, Erik Steffl wrote:
  Mark Lanett wrote:
   Unless I'm mistaken, swap in the 2.2 and 2.4 kernels only gets used when
   you run out of RAM. So if you are upping your RAM and not upping the
   number of tasks you run, there would be no need to increase swap. Less
   reason if anything, but disk space is too cheap to make it worth
   repartitioning downwards.
   You really need to know how much of ram and/or swap you generally use.
   With Windows NT/2K, the Task Manager's Performance tab tells you this
   (Commit Charge, Total used currently, Peak used overall, and Limit of ram
   and swap together). How does one determine this with Linux?
it's in /proc, there are several programs you can use:
free, top, xosview, gkrellm... etc. there are some system monitors for
  gnome and kde...
basically you want swap as a sort of safety buffer - if there's
  something unexpected (that eats up a lot of memory) you don't want
  kernel to start to kill programs (which it has to).
 Intersting you say that cause on my system 2.4.6 swap is rather premptive,
 right now:
 Memory 637M/55M:29M:187M (total/used:buffered:cached)
 Swap: 1.2G/63M (total/used)
 I do belive that means I've got ~370Mb RAW free, anyone wish to comment?

  not sure what are all the reason for stuff to get swapped out (perhpas
the long sleeping process?) but if it was swapped out for some reason it
doesn't get back into RAM unitil it's needed. So the reason why your
system is using 63MB of swap space might be some past need, even though
right now you have plenty of memory free (cached is basically free, as
far as apps are concerned, it's used for disc cache but it would be
freed if apps need more memory).


Re: [ Cron news@bainbridge01 rnews -U]

2001-11-19 Thread Erik Steffl
Eric Brooks wrote:
 Thanks very much for your respone.
 I did look at inn.conf but did not understand what it was trying to do. I 
 felt that the problem was deeper than I could see just looking at the conf 
 file.  First off I didn't understand why rnews was being called at all. Then 
 I didn't understand why it couldn't find the server (or even what server it 
 was looking for -- the machine I'm running on or a news server).  A lot of 
 questions in my mind.

  if you don't need it you can just uninstall it and the problem is
solved, sort of.

 I found that rnews is being called by Cron because the file /etc/cron.d/inn2 
 references it.
 That was the easy part.  Now I'm working through the rnews man page to figure 
 out which server it is looking for and why it can't find it.  I suspect that 
 my machine's hostname and dnsdomain are wrong-- which was really at the heart 
 of my question, though not stated.
 I'm going to look at how my /etc/host.conf, /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts, 
 /etc/hosts.allow, and /etc/hosts.deny work together and what they impact.

  try: ping `hostname` (it should work)

  it looks like it's looking for your hostname and it cannot get numeric
ip from hostname. the other possibility is that it cannot find nntp
server. there should be some option for setting your hostname and
domain. I don't use that package so that's all I can tell...


 On Sun, Nov 18, 2001 at 08:09:36PM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
  Eric Brooks wrote:
   I was wondering if anyone could shed light on what I need to do to get 
   rid of this error message. I am a new Debian user and I think that I 
   don't have my network setup correctly yet (though email is working) and I 
   am not sure what the source of this email is?
   i'm running on a laptop (dell latitude) as a workstation, not as a server.
   - Forwarded message from Cron Daemon [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
   Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
   Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] rnews -U
   X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
   X-Cron-Env: PATH=/usr/lib/news/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
   X-Cron-Env: HOME=/var/spool/news
   X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=news
   Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 22:10:01 -0500
   Hostname does not resolve or 'domain' in inn.conf is missing
   - End forwarded message -
well, check your inn.conf (I guess it's in /etc)
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

Re: cyrus: how to make it authenticate against unix users?

2001-11-19 Thread Erik Steffl
nate wrote:
 nate said:
  Erik Steffl said:
   I would like to set the cyrus authentification to work with unix
  that are defined on the system. How do I set it up? I though it
  would work with pam but when I set up pam:
  what version of cyrus? on both versions in potato and woody
 from another post seems your using a unofficial version
 of cyrus, in which case your best off asking the maintainer
 of that package for assistance.

  sorry, I forgot to tell which cyrus package I use but I thought that
it's more the issue of pam as used by cyrus. I mean why doesn't pam
authentificate user? it seems like it's working for other programs and I
didn't set anything special for those (cron).

here's my setup (these are unofficial cyrus packages from

jojda:~dpkg -l \*cyrus\*|grep ^ii
ii  cyrus-admin1.5.19-9   CMU Cyrus mail system (administration
ii  cyrus-common   1.6.24-2   CMU Cyrus mail system (common files)
ii  cyrus-imapd1.6.24-2   CMU Cyrus mail system (IMAP support)
ii  cyrus-nntp 1.6.24-2   CMU Cyrus mail system (NNTP support)

  in /etc/imapd.conf

sasl_pwcheck_method: PAM

  in /etc/pam.d/cyrus (I left out the comments): nullok

  the error message in /var/log/auth:

Nov 17 06:33:27 localhost PAM_unix[22917]: authentication failure;
(uid=110) - erik for imap service



Re: Cyrus - missing saslpasswd

2001-11-19 Thread Erik Steffl
Idar Tollefsen wrote:
 I'm running Debian 2.2r3 with kernel 2.4.6.
 I have just installed Cyrus, or more specifically, the four
 packages cyrus-common, cyrus-admin, cyrus-imap
 and cyrus-pop3.
 After a little tinkering, I've been able to get to create two
 mailboxes for two regular users using cyradm.
 Now... according to all HOWTOs and FAQs I can find,
 I'm suppposed to run
 saslpasswd username
 to set passwords for the newly created mailboxes.
 The only problem with that is there is no saslpasswd
 on my system...?

  I had the same problem recently, I already forgot how I solved it. Try
running the saslpasswd as root, I think it creates the file if it does
not exist.

  btw I just installed cyrus as well, to do the email filtering the
right way(tm) you need sieve and for that you need at least cyrus 1.6
which is not in debian, there are unofficial packages at (see previous discussion on this list with
subject cyrus and sieve: how to setup?, first message from last wed),
not sure if the unofficial package can be installed on potato (2.2r3 is
potato, right?).


Re: Upgrading

2001-11-21 Thread Erik Steffl
nate wrote:
 Sridhar M.A. said:
  Hello all,
  Currently I am running potato with some packages from woody
  recompiled to run on potato. I plan to upgrade to woody. As I would
  not have the net connection always, can I ask ap-get to download
  the packages to the local disk (whenever there is a connection) and
  then start the
 apt-get -d dist-upgrade

  bo sure to have your package info up to date:

  apt-get update  apt-get dist-upgrade


Re: Cyrus - missing saslpasswd

2001-11-21 Thread Erik Steffl
Idar Tollefsen wrote:
I had the same problem recently, I already forgot how I solved it. Try
  running the saslpasswd as root, I think it creates the file if it does
  not exist.
 There is no such file as 'saslpasswd', that's my problem. And yes,
 I am running as root.

  sorry for confusion, I was talking about 1.6 version (unoffical
package) that I had problems with. The version in debian defaults to
athenticatig users against unix users, I used it before but did not have
to set up anything. It might be the only method to go with the official
debian version (which is quite old).


problem: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation failed

2001-11-22 Thread Erik Steffl
  I have noticed few times during last days that sometime system runs
out of memory (always when I am not nearby) and kills a program or two
and then everything's fine (it kills different programs each time so I
am pretty sure the killed program is not the one that causes problems)

  here's the message in /var/log/syslog (irrelevant messages before and

Nov 22 04:34:19 localhost kernel: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation
failed (gfp=0x1d2/0) from c0127d7e
Nov 22 04:34:24 localhost kernel: VM: killing process XFree86

  usually it kills more programs, system services (cron) etc... I have
few question related to this problem:

  - is it possible it's kernel problem? I haven't heard anything too
weird about 2.4.10

  - how can I find (post mortem) which program caused the problem?

  - how does kernel decide which programs to kill? is there any way to
influence it? I would rather have netscape (usually a memory hog) killed
than system services (like samba daemons, cron, nfs daemons etc.)

  my system:

debian unstable
kernel 2.4.10

  usually running:

netscape  mozilla
few xterms
fvwm, gkrellm, chbg

  memory usage now (without reboot, after the above mentioned problem),
this is how it looks most of the time

jojda:/home/erik# free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers
Mem:385472 358020  27452  0  12624
-/+ buffers/cache: 101132 284340
Swap:   243104  55984 187120

  related incident: I have quite a few mp3 files and I noticed that when
I sort playlist in xmms by song name it eats all available memory (and
does the same after I restart it, I didn't even find any relevant
setting in config file but when I remove it problem goes away). I have't
tried it before so I don't know whether it's new problem or old one (I
haven't find anything similar on xmms or debian page so I filed a bug

  any ideas on how to troubleshoot this problem?




WTF: bug uses ee

2001-11-22 Thread Erik Steffl
  How come bug program uses ee? that's quite ridiculous, THE editor for
anything system related was always vi, at least everybody knows what to
expect. IIRC vi was used before. the web page says that joe will be used
if neither VISUAL nor EDITOR variables are set. However I ended up with
ee which is quite annoying.

  the problem is that I didn't even know it's ee, only after using ps
aux I find it ... (and since I do not use ee I assume the only ee
process was the one sed by bug).


how to put package on hold using command line tools?

2001-11-22 Thread Erik Steffl
  is there any way to put package on hold using command line tools?

  I didn't find anything relevant in amnd dpkg and man apt-get.



Re: how to put package on hold using command line tools?

2001-11-22 Thread Erik Steffl
Colin Watson wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 05:37:51AM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
is there any way to put package on hold using command line tools?
 echo packagename hold | dpkg --set-selections

  thank you,

  isn't this a bug in man dpkg though? all it says about
--set-selections is:

   dpkg --set-selections
  Set package selections using file read from  stdin.

  that's not enough to actually use it like you suggested above..


Re: WTF: bug uses ee

2001-11-22 Thread Erik Steffl
Colin Watson wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 05:31:49AM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
How come bug program uses ee?
 It doesn't. 'update-alternatives --config editor'.

  right. the question morphs - how come ee has higher priority than vim
(or any other vi clone)? The least surprising (this is linux) editor is
some vi clone... (you get ee, there's no way to tell it's ee, there's no
way to figure out how to save  quit (or quit without saving) - you get
worst of all worlds)

  the web page says that joe will be used if neither VISUAL nor EDITOR
  variables are set.
 The man page (I think that's what you meant?) is wrong. /usr/bin/editor

  yes, man page, I guess it's too late (or too early, hard to tell at
this point)

 is used, and what that points to is configurable by the system
 Chances are you removed a package that provided the editor alternative
 and which used to be the default, and ee was the highest-priority one

  probably, even though I am not sure how that happened... (maybe I
removed nvi)



Re: how to put package on hold using command line tools?

2001-11-23 Thread Erik Steffl
Colin Watson wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 03:08:30PM +0100, Alexander Steinert wrote:
  Nevertheless you can file a bug against dpkg.
  (See 'apt-cache show bug'.)
 Better, see reportbug. bug hasn't really been maintained seriously for a
 while now.

  shouldn't it be taken out of distribution then? Or at least warn user?
I mean I have no way of knowing that I am using wrong program (well, now
I know:-)


when was the package updated last (oon my machine)?

2001-11-23 Thread Erik Steffl
  is there any way to figure out when was a package updated on my
system? or even history of updated?

  I mean I can check the changelog to see when the package itself was
last updated but I am interested in information about when it (=the
current version on my machine) got on my system (the last update).



Re: grep regex

2001-11-23 Thread Erik Steffl
Emil Pedersen wrote:
 Schnorbus, Patrick wrote:
  may you help me? i need a regex for grep, to find lines containing NOT:
 The '-v' flag inverse the meaning of grep, letting lines _not_
 matching regexp through.
 grep -v -e ^192.168 -e 212.23.138
 would skip lines starting with 192.168 and lines containing
 212.23.138 (anywhere in line since there is no '^' starting the
 Try man grep for a better explanation/overview of grep capabilities.

  . matches any single character, if you want real dot you need \. or


Re: sieve (and cyrus) - doesn't work - how to troubleshoot?

2001-11-24 Thread Erik Steffl
Dave Carrigan wrote:
 Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
and here's my ~/.sieve file (straight from managin imap book):
  if header :contains subject 123 testing sieve {
reject testing sieve message rejected!;
but when I send myself an email with subject 123 testing sieve it it
  is not rejected.
where do I go from here?
 First, check that cyrus put an X-sieve header in the message. If the
 message doesn't have an X-sieve header, then sieve was never

  yes! it's there, at least that...

 Second, you probably need a require reject; line at the top of your
 .sieve file. Sieve can't take any actions unless you require the modules
 that implement those actions. (Note, that applies to cyrus 2; I'm not
 even sure if cyrus 1 supports reject.)

  does cyrus create any log? I can't find anything (in /var/log, some
mail related logs are only used by fetchamil and postfix, there's
nothing in syslog)

  I mean if there's an error in sieve file I would expect it to be
written somewhere, as of now I don't even know whether the file was

 Finally, depending on what sieve things you want to do, you have to
 deliver mail to cyrus using LMTP. require fileinto will work fine
 without LMTP, but require vacation needs require envelope, and that
 requires LMTP. It's a good idea to learn how to deliver with LMTP
 anyway, because cyrus 2 requires LMTP for everything.
 What MTA are you using?

  postfix. it has the lmtp transport method, but how do I set the cyrus
side? or is it automatically set? I cannot find any docs on this (I
search the google, and cyrus home page), there are some
pieces of info but very scattered and I cannot figure out how to put it



Re: sieve (and cyrus) - doesn't work - how to troubleshoot?

2001-11-25 Thread Erik Steffl
Dave Carrigan wrote:
 Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
does cyrus create any log?
 Not that I know of, sadly. If there's a problem with the sieve file,
 cyrus silently behaves as if there is no sieve file.

  that's extremely sad.

postfix. it has the lmtp transport method, but how do I set the cyrus
 What version of cyrus? If it's 2.x, then it should be defined in

  unofficial deb 1.6.24

 /etc/cyrus.conf; either lmtp or lmtpunix, or both. In fact, lmtp is the
 only way to deliver mail with 2.x. For 1.x, you run 'deliver -l' out of
 inetd. Test either version by telnetting to port 2525.

  would this work for 1.6 (as I understand it there's quite a difference
between 1.5 and 1.6)? I haven't found it anywhere, I guess I'll go over
to cyrus web site for some more digging... do you know what's the line
for cyrus deliver -l in /etc/inetd.conf?

 Also, make sure that you set postfix's local delivery transport to be

  ok, so currently I use method cyrus with the following line:

cyrus unix  -   n   n   -   -   pipe
  flags=R user=cyrus argv=/usr/sbin/cyrdeliver -e -m ${extension}

  but there's also following line there:

lmtp  unix  -   -   n   -   -   lmtp

  so as far as the postfix goes I should just change the:

/etc/postfix/ = cyrus

  to mailbox_transport = lmtp and that's it (as far as postfix goes)?

 There is also a sieve test program that comes with the cyrus source. You
 feed it a mail message and a sieve script and it'll tell you what it
 would do.

  do you know the name of it? I can't find anything like that in
installed packages or cyrus source tree.

  thanks a lot and thanks some more in advance:-)


Re: X11 header files

2001-11-25 Thread Erik Steffl
Batuke wrote:
 Hi !
 I need some X11 header files such as Xlib.h, Xutil.h keysym.h XShm.h.
 What package/s must i install to get them ?

  go to, click on Packages in the left side menu and use the
last form to find in which package a file is.


sort-of-solved WAS: Re: problem: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation failed

2001-11-25 Thread Erik Steffl
Sebastian Bober wrote:
 Am Don, dem 22.November 2001, um 05:27:32 -0800, schrieb Erik Steffl:
usually it kills more programs, system services (cron) etc... I have
  few question related to this problem:
- is it possible it's kernel problem? I haven't heard anything too
  weird about 2.4.10
 well, 2.4.10 is quite bad at deciding which process to kill. you should
 use 2.4.14 or even better 2.4.15pre9 (which seems to become 2.4.15).
- how can I find (post mortem) which program caused the problem?
 i don't think there is a way (except, of course, heavy logging).
- how does kernel decide which programs to kill? is there any way to
  influence it? I would rather have netscape (usually a memory hog) killed
  than system services (like samba daemons, cron, nfs daemons etc.)
 the kernel uses some heuristics (which have been sane only since
 2.4.14). unfortunately you don't have a way to tweak the behaviour.
 usually the kernel chooses the process which uses the most memory (and
 won't free any in a low memeory situation).
 i suppose it would be best to upgrade the kernel and then try to
 reproduce the problem. chances aren't that bad that it is way better.
related incident: I have quite a few mp3 files and I noticed that when
  I sort playlist in xmms by song name it eats all available memory (and
  does the same after I restart it, I didn't even find any relevant
  setting in config file but when I remove it problem goes away). I have't
  tried it before so I don't know whether it's new problem or old one (I
  haven't find anything similar on xmms or debian page so I filed a bug

  update on the above problem, I think the info might be interesting for
some users:

  the memory eater was xmms (I filed a bug, it's on it's way to

  I tracked it down using top -b, it prints out the formatted
information to stdout in a form that can be redirected into file
(instead of updating screen it prints each screen one after another, as
text). I saved this to file, waited till the problem occured again and
then checked the top info from time when the kernel started to kill
programs because of memory being all used.

  per advice above I also upgraded to kernel 2.4.14, the xmms problem is
still there (no wonder, it's xmms problem) but instead of killing cron,
fetchmail, X or other seemingly random program the kernel killed xmms
each time it got greedy with memory.


Re: sieve (and cyrus) - doesn't work - how to troubleshoot?

2001-11-25 Thread Erik Steffl
Dave Carrigan wrote:
 Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
would this work for 1.6 (as I understand it there's quite a difference
  between 1.5 and 1.6)?
 It should work for 1.6. I've never used 1.5.
  do you know what's the line for cyrus deliver -l in /etc/inetd.conf?
 That was never documented at the cyrus site; I figured it out on my own.
 Put this in your inetd.conf:
   lmtp stream tcp nowait cyrus /path/to/deliver deliver -l
 should be sufficient. Make sure that lmtp is in your /etc/services.
to mailbox_transport = lmtp and that's it (as far as postfix goes)?
 I believe so. I don't actually use any of that part of postfix (all my
 addresses are resolved with ldap and everything resolves to a
 locally-defined transport). But, I'm pretty sure that is the syntax.

  works, thanks (inetd.conf line + mailbox_transport = lmtp was all that
I needed to change)

do you know the name of it? I can't find anything like that in
  installed packages or cyrus source tree.
 It's probably not installed as a package (although it should be,
 IMHO). You have to get the source, build it, then build the test program
 in the sieve subdirectory by hand.

  ok, done, I found make target test in sieve subdir, it's built and
seems to be working. however the filtering does not work:

  email messages contain X-Sieve: cmu-sieve 2.0 header (I use 1.6.24)

  test message ~/.sieve shows that it would be rejected

  the /etc/imapd.conf contains: sieveusehomedir: true

  what now?

  here's more info:

  test of ~/.sieve doesn't print anything, here' ~/.sieve

-- ~/.sieve start
require reject;

if header :contains subject 123 testing sieve {
  reject testing sieve message rejected!;
-- ~/.sieve end

  test message from cyrus inbox, this is how I received the message that
was not rejected:

-- test message start
X-Sieve: cmu-sieve 2.0
Received: by (Postfix, from userid 1000)
id 624441D79A; Sun, 25 Nov 2001 17:14:30 -0800 (PST)
X-Mailer: mail (mailutils) 0.0.9c
Subject: 123 testing sieve
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 17:14:30 -0800 (PST)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Erik Steffl)

text of test message

-- test message end

  this is the result of running test rrr ~/.sieve (file rrr contains the
above message):

-- test ourput start
jojda:~...cyrus-imapd-2.0.16/sieve./test rrr ~/.sieve
rejecting message 'rrr' with 'testing sieve message rejected!'
notify msg = 'You have new mail

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Erik Steffl)
Subject: 123 testing sieve

Action(s) taken:
Rejected with: testing sieve message rejected!
' with priority = medium
-- test ourput end

  the message above is not rejected (I tested it after I switched to
lmtp). any ideas how to troubleshoot further? My guess is that cyrus
ignores the ~/.sieve, but not sure how to verify that and how to make it
process the file.

  I thought that the problem might be 700 permissions on my home
directory so I changed it to 777 (the same for ~/.sieve) but it still
does not work (the message is not rejected). Do I need to restart
something (it looks like there's no daemon for imap running)?

  next thing I tried to add the same rule with Subject (uppercase S), no



Re: sieve (and cyrus) - doesn't work - how to troubleshoot?

2001-11-26 Thread Erik Steffl
Dave Carrigan wrote:
 Erik Steffl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I thought that the problem might be 700 permissions on my home
  directory so I changed it to 777 (the same for ~/.sieve) but it still
  does not work (the message is not rejected).
 The mode 700 on your directory would definitely be a problem; mail
 delivery is run as cyrus, and cyrus wouldn't be able to stat files in
 that directory. However, mode 777 may also be a problem. It's quite
 possible that sieve refuses to run if the directory or .sieve file has
 too loose permissions, or the .sieve file isn't owned by the correct
 user. Try setting the directory to mode 755 and the .sieve file to 644.

  didn't help:

jojda:~ls -ld /home/erik ~/.sieve
drwxr-xr-x  141 erik erik 8192 Nov 26 01:43 /home/erik
-rw-r--r--1 erik erik  297 Nov 25 20:44

  any ideas how to troubleshoot this? how to get an indication that
cyrus is at least considering the file ~/.sieve?



Re: Linux/Windows Universal Benchmark

2001-12-01 Thread Erik Steffl
 That was not a very helpful answer at all. It's as bad as RTFM.

  RTFM is good answer, even more so when it includes info on which FM to

  sorry, I don't know any comprehensive benchmarks... depending on what
you want to test quake might be useful.


Re: Somewhat OT: First X uses DRI; 2nd doesn't

2001-12-01 Thread Erik Steffl
Kent West wrote:
 I'm currently sharing a Debian GNU/Linux box with my sister, and she
 generally starts X on VT7 via xdm, and I start my X on VT8 with
 startx -- :1 manually.
 I finally got direct rendering working on her X, but when I start up my
 side and run glxinfo|more I get the following error:
 Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
 Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
 name of display: :1.0
 display: :1  screen: 0
 direct rendering: No
 Any ideas how to fix this?

  I think that's it, the DRI only works for :0, even though I manged to
run it on :1, but still had messages about connecting to :0. quite


Re: global environment variables?

2001-12-02 Thread Erik Steffl
 On Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 02:51:27PM -0800, Peter Hicks wrote:
  On Sunday 02 December 2001 14:01, dman wrote:
   On Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 01:02:50PM -0800, Thomas Zimmerman wrote:
   | On 03-Dec 01:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   |  This I aready know. ...but seeing as I didn't ask how do I set an
   |  environment for my cronjobs but how do a set a GLOBAL evironment for
   |  the entire system, it doesn't actually help me much. :)
   | [snip other answer}
   | Just slip it in /etc/profile.
   This only works for shells that read /etc/profile (login shells).
   What Nemo and I are looking for is a way to set the environment for
   apps run via the panel (that don't have a login shell).
  What about /etc/environment?
 I put FOO=blah in /etc/environment and restarted crond, then I setup a
 small script executed from cron which simply did `echo $FOO`
 Result? nope. I'm afraid /etc/environment isn't that global.

  AFAIK cron is a bit special since it specifically only set very
limited environment (as documented on manpage). If you want some
specific environment for cronjob I guess you have to set it right there,
by sourcing some file or by setting it with cron job program/script.

  other than that /etc/environment should cover most of your needs.


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