Re: [api-dev] Re: OOo Basic Specification

2005-01-21 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Curtis Clauson wrote:
Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
Hi Curtis,
no, there is no specification available. Only the existing online 
help and the docu in the DevGuide. When you find bugs in both kind of 
documentation, you can easy help us by submitting an issue for the 

The Community will owe it to you

Thanks Juergen.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to submit issues when you have no idea 
if the behavior is a bug or part of an unknown and undocumented design.

The community would reap far more benefit if an OOo Basic language 
specification were a live document in the scripting project 
documentation section.

Well, first you search the the issues to see if it has already been filed.
You can post here and ask.
You can create an issue and have them tell you that it is not an issue.
I have found the people who deal with these things to be very polite, 
even when I am wrong and waste their time (which happens on occassion). 
Most of the bugs that I bothered to submit for the code have been fixed.

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Re: [api-dev] Python in 1.9.74

2005-01-29 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Ian Laurenson wrote:
I have put together a uno package that contains a Python component. The
component uses the os module. The package installs and runs fine 1.1.4.
In 1.9.74 (for Linux - Mandrake 10.1) I get the following error message
when installing the package via:
Tools  Package Manager...  My Packages (need to select
packages and then reselect My Packages for the add button to become
active)  Add... select the file.
( { { Message = pythonloader:
couldn't find core lement pythonloader.Loader, Context =
( 0x0 } }
Do I need to package the uno file differently or is there a bug or ...?
The file is available from:
Thanks, Ian

I have also seen this while trying to install some of Ian's really cool 
and very useful things

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[api-dev] How to create a database in OOo 2.0?

2005-01-29 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
I am so close, I can smell it, but it does not work. Any comments on the 
steps that I am missing... I think that I need to set default keys and 
that sort of thing...

The following macro tries to create a databsae document...
Sub NewDB
 Dim sDBUrl As String  'URL of a New Database document.
 Dim sTableName As String  'The name of the table to creat.
 Dim oDoc  'The newly created database document.
 Dim oTable'A table in the database.
 Dim oTables
 Dim oDescriptor
 Dim oCols
 Dim sName As String
 sDBUrl = private:factory/sdatabase
 sTableName = Address
 sName = ConvertToURL(C:\OODB\Address01.odb)
 'First, create the database document and set the database type
 oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sDBUrl,_blank,0,Array())
 oDoc.Name = sName
 oDoc.URL = sdbc:embedded:hsqldb
 REM Logically, I expect that I can call create instance on the database
 REM document. Unfortunately, this is not correct.
 oTables = oDoc.getTables()
 If (oTables.getCount()  1) Then
   oTable = oTables.createInstance(
   oCols = oTable.getColumns()
   oDescriptor = oCols.createDataDescriptor()
   oDescriptor.IsNullable = 0
   oDescriptor.Precision = 50
   oDescriptor.Name = LastName
   oDescriptor.Type = 12
   oDescriptor.TypeName = VARCHAR
   REM I do not have to create a new descriptor, I can use the existing 
   REM This makes things easier if I add similar columns.
   oDescriptor.Name = FirstName

   oDescriptor.Name = Address
   oDescriptor.IsNullable = 1
   oDescriptor.Precision = 200
   oDescriptor.Name = City
   oDescriptor.Precision = 50
   oDescriptor.Name = StateOrProvince
   oDescriptor.Name = PostalCode
   oDescriptor.Precision = 20
   oDescriptor.Name = PhoneNumber
   oDescriptor.Precision = 30
   oDescriptor.Name = FaxNumber
   oDescriptor.Name = MobileNumber
   oDescriptor.Name = DateUpdated
   oDescriptor.Precision = 0
   oDescriptor.Type = 91
   oDescriptor.TypeName = DATE
   oDescriptor.Name = CountryOrRegion
   oDescriptor.Precision = 50
   oDescriptor.Type = 12
   oDescriptor.TypeName = VARCHAR
   oTables.insertByName(sTableName, oTable)
 End If
End Sub

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Re: [api-dev] CDbl function

2005-03-07 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Sevastian `seva` Foglia wrote:
I found where problem is: environment variable LANG on linux.
If LANG is [EMAIL PROTECTED] this macro
Sub Main
Dim sVal as String
sVal = 0,30
print CDbl(sVal)
End Sub
return 0
If LANG is not set macro return correct value 0,3
Perhaps you should add this to the issue so that they can reproduce the 

Note: In OOo option Locale is set to Italian (Italy)
Although it is a hack, perhaps you can change the , to a ., and then 
use Val to convert the number rather than CDbl.

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Re: [api-dev] Problem with insertDocumentFromURL

2005-03-15 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Cristian Fonti wrote:

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak ha scritto:
Cristian Fonti wrote:
Hi to all,
i have a problem using the method insertDocumentFromURL:  when i use 
it to insert some formatted text (font size, font color,etc...) from 
another document, in the destination file appear at the top of the 
document 2-3 blank row... the code snipplets is:

xTextDocument = 
xText = xTextDocument.getText();

If i add 3,4,5,6 documents the number of white rows increase...
Please someone help me
Cristian Fonti

I ran the following test:
 Dim sURL$
 Dim oText
 Dim oCurs
 sURL = file:///andrew0/home/andy/film.txt
 oText = ThisComponent.getText()
 oCurs = oText.createTextCursor()
 oCurs.insertDocumentFromURL(sURL, Array())
The film.txt file, contains NO extra spaces. I did NOT see the 
problems that you mention.
Notice that I did use the 2.0 Beta.
I suspect that margins from the RTF file are inserted, but this is 
ONLY a guess. What happens with your code when you sue text files 
with NO top or bottom margins?

To correct the problem, i have insert TextCursor.gotoEnd(false);
after the insertDocumentFromURL
Another Question: it's possibile to insert some text (a string) 
between two documents RTF that i import with insertDocumentFromURL
Cristian Fonti
Use something similar to the following:
oCursor.getText().insertString(oCursor, text to insert, False)
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Re: [api-dev] Page size and Page format

2005-04-13 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
Cristian Fonti wrote:
Hi to all,
what is the property in Java Api to set the Page size(A4,A3...) and 
the Page Format (Landscape,Portrait)/Allignment in a Writer 
Document???  I use this code:
   XStyleFamiliesSupplier StyleFam = (XStyleFamiliesSupplier)
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStyleFamiliesSupplier.class, xTextDocument);
   XNameAccess StyleFamNames = StyleFam.getStyleFamilies();
   XNameAccess PageStyles = (XNameAccess)

   XStyle xStyle = (XStyle) 
  XPropertySet xPropertySetStyle = (XPropertySet) 
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xStyle);

i try to use:

but nothing...
Please someone help me.
I think that you must set the mode in the page style. You are setting 
the paper tray that should be used, but I expected you to set the 
IsLandscape property

Sub TestLandScape
 Dim oCurs
 Dim oPStyle
 Dim oPStyles
 oCurs = ThisComponent.getCurrentController().getViewCursor() 
 oPStyles = ThisComponent.getStyleFamilies().getByName(PageStyles)
 oPStyle = oPStyles.getByName(oCurs.PageStyleName)
 Print State of landscape =   oPStyle.IsLandscape
End Sub

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Re: [api-dev] hidden/show OpenOffice

2005-04-15 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
You might want to consider simply locking the controllers... :-)
The XWindow interface should support the SetVisible(boolean) method. The 
problem is that if a document is loaded hidden, there are some things 
that are apparently NOT initialized so setting the document visible 
after loading might cause a problem. At least this used to be the case.

Bob Crothers wrote:
We have a Java application which runs OpenOffice. There are times when 
we want OpenOffice in the background and there are times when we want 
OpenOffice to have the focus. We have trouble with OpenOffice taking 
the focus away from our Java application when we do not want it to 
have the focus.

How do I show a window after setting the Hidden property to true in 
the call to loadComponentFromURL?

Is there some other way of hiding and showing OpenOffice which Im not 
aware of?

Bob Crothers
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[api-dev] Re: [users] 1.9.95 script calling Calc built-in functions

2005-04-25 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
The returned object is typically a global object, so if you dispose it, 
then you can not get a new one until you restart I found 
this while playing with some database stuff.
Jahn, Ray (R.) wrote:

Thanks for the advice provided by Kohei.  I found useful content in both the DeveloperGuide and  

I now have a few more questions regarding the proper memory management.  Would 
appreciate advice on more reading assignment.
Is the object returned by createUnoService() a local object?  A global object?  
An object pointer (handle, in MS jargon)?  Is disposal operation needed to 
prevent memory leakage?  Can the same service be created multiple times, due to 
successvie calls from sheet cells to the user script routine?  Would there be 
efficiency concern if the same service is created repetitively?  (related 
questions on object integrity and memory management go on).
Thanks again.
-Original Message-
From: Kohei Yoshida [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 03:44 PM
To:; Jahn, Ray (R.)
Subject: 1.9.95 script calling Calc built-in functions
I've posted a solution to a similar question in the past, which you can find 
 ... (snipped)
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[api-dev] Re: [users] 1.9.95 script calling Calc built-in functions

2005-04-27 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
Jahn, Ray (R.) wrote:
Thanks to the explanation by Andrew Douglas Pitonyak and Mathias Bauer.
Scope: global vs. local vs. any other
Are all objects returned by CreateUnoService() global objects and therefore not to be disposed of by users?  If the answer is dependent on the exact service requested, is there a documentation specifying which are global and which are other types?  I tried the Developers Guide, version 2.0, and a few OO mail lists.  Not much luck so far.

One might argue that the situation is worse than you thought, because it 
is not just CreateUnoService that can return a global object :-)
I looked in the Developer's Guide regarding a Database Context and I 
found the following:

From the API perspective, these functions are mirrored in the service. The database context is a 
container for data sources. It is a singleton, that is, it may exist 
only once in a running API instance and can be accessed 
by creating it at the global service manager of the office.

In case you missed it, it says that the object is a singleton. This 
means that there is only one. The correct way to dispose of this object 
is probably to call dispose(). Of course, there is only one so if you do 
choose to call dispose(), then there will not be any instances of this 
object. You will rarely use the dispose method. If you obtain a 
connection, you should close() the connection. The only time  that you 
are likely to use dispose would be for content. For example, you might 
choose to dispose of some text content that is inserted in a document to 
make it go away. I usually use a different method to specifically remove 
the text content, however.

Is the FunctionAccess service object returned by CreateUnoService() a pointer to a singleton object, that is, the actual singleton FunctionAccess service object?

What options do you have to remove FunctionAccess? If you do not see a 
way to return or close it, then it is probably a global object :-) Lets 
test and see...

Sub CheckObjects
 Dim obj1
 Dim obj2
 obj1 = CreateUnoService(
 obj2 = CreateUnoService(
 If EqualUnoObjects(obj1, obj2) Then
   Print The objects are the same
   Print The objects are NOT the same
 End If
End Sub
The same object is returned each time, so probably yes. The Developer's 
Guide has an example and the object is NOT removed afterwards, so there 
is probably only one...

Memory management (leakage):
Is the memory automatically reclaimed (at an unspecified time) when the service objects go out of scope?
Is the memory management guideline independent of the script languages (Basic, Java-BeanShell, etc.)

For the singleton objects, they will not be released until OOo is 
closed. The point at which the memory used to reference to the object is 
released will be dependent on the language that you use and when garbage 
collection occurs. This is probably more clearly defined in C++ than in 
say Java, which can pretty much garbage collect when it wants to.
I have no idea what happens to a text table that is created but never 
inserted into a document or an instance of a user defined data type that 
is dynamically created.

There is no concern for memory leakage if all service objects returned by 
CreateUnoService() are mere pointers (handles) to the real (global) service 
The overhead of CreateUnoService() becomes noticeable when the repetition approaches 10 - 100 (1 million) in Basic on MS Windows 2000.

As does the call to the routine that performs the work.
' --- example code in OO Basic 1.9.95
option explicit
' simulate repetitive calls from sheet cells to CreateUnoService()
' assume 10 - 20 calls to built-in sheet functions to satisfy one cell request
' assume the same number of calls to CreateUnoService() due to the partition of algorithm logic 
Sub test_01()
dim ii as long, cnt as long, err as long
cnt = 100
for ii = 0 to cnt step 1
 err = call_sheet_functions()
msgbox( call_sheet_functions() repeats   cnt )
End Sub

function call_sheet_functions() as long
Dim oFunction as variant
oFunction = CreateUnoService(
' data processing section, call sheet built-in functions
call_sheet_functions = 0
end function
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Re: [api-dev] Problems with Page Style

2005-04-28 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
No comment on use in Java, but
Cristian Fonti wrote:
Hi to all,
i have a problem with the Api: I generate a new Writer document, with 
a Java procedure, with import others documents with the method 
Now, i would to use different styles for the header of right and left 
pages (in the left pages, i would that the text will be left-align, in 
the right, right-align).
I'm able to create a style and manage it, but i don't know how to set 
the different between right and left pages...
If you look at the PageStyle service:
You will notice that you can set the PageStyleLayout, which determines 

Also, look at the TextPageStyle, and notice that there are header and 
footer objects that you can set. You would typically set the left and 
right align of the contained text based on a Paragraph style, but you 
can certainly hard code the values in the text object itself.

How can i do it in Java???
Thanks to all
Cristian Fonti
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Re: [api-dev] new text document from selction by API

2005-05-02 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
Marc Santhoff wrote:
I need to make a new writer doc from another wroter docs selection. In
this case the clipboard cannot be used because the target doc has to
stay hidden (no dispatch with hidden docs).
How can this be done?

You might try something like save the document as a new document and 
delete everything that is NOT selected...

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Re: [api-dev] How to insert and remove annotation?

2005-05-31 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
Liao Yu wrote:

We can hide and show annotations in a text document via OOo 
API, but how can we insert or remove one with API?



An annotation is just a text field, you can remove it as any other text

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Re: [api-dev] Sequence of Texttables

2005-06-14 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Martin Thoma wrote:

Hello! I have a text-document which contains some tables:

Table1 (Named MyTable)
Table2 (Named My 2nd Table)

I copy+paste (executeDispatch) Table1 some times into the document:
Table1 (Named MyTable)
NewTable (Named Table 4)
NewTable (Named Table 5)
NewTable (Named Table 6)
NewTable (Named Table 7)
Table2 (Named My 2nd Table)

What I need is to access the NewTables in the right order.

I tried to use getTextTables, because I thought it returns the tables in the
order they are in to document, but it gives:

Table1 (Named MyTable)
Table2 (Named My 2nd Table)
NewTable (Named Table 4)
NewTable (Named Table 5)
NewTable (Named Table 6)
NewTable (Named Table 7)

I coulnd't rely on the table-name, because I don't know which tables are
already inside the document. 

My idea now is to store all table-names before the copy+paste, use
getTextTables and compare the names with the tables-names I stored - but I
have to be sure that the first table I get will be the first I inserted
(Table 4) and not some other of the new tables (like Table 6). Will this
ALWAYS be the case?



If I understand your problem correctly, you want to enumerate the text 
tables in the order that they are contained in the document. Is this 
correct? If so, remember that TextTables are stored as a paragraph, so 
you will find them while enumerating paragraphs.

Sub EnumerateTextTablesInOrder
 Dim oEnum
 Dim s$
 Dim oPar

 oEnum = ThisComponent.getText().createEnumeration()
 Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements()
   oPar = oEnum.nextElement()
   If oPar.supportsService( Then
 s = s  oPar.getName()  CHR$(10)
   End If
 MsgBox s, 0, Text Tables
End Sub

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Re: [api-dev] Calc Outline and cell address

2005-06-26 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

I also was unable to find anything, and I did search and inspect...

Laurent Godard wrote:

Hi all,

i play with calc Outline and experiences some troubles

1- on a sheet, using showDetail and hideDetail
hideDetail works even if only the adresse one cell of the range is 
used as argument

showDetail needs the whole range address though
Is it normal ? How can i use the showDetail with knowing only on cell 
of the group

2 when i'm on a cell, is there any method to know if it belongs 
actually to a group and retreive the bounds of it ?

Didn't find anything at range, sheet and component level :(

Thanks in advance


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Re: [api-dev] Re: newbie drawing question

2005-07-27 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
My guess is that this fails because you are using a macro to create a 
draw page in a Draw document, but you are running the macro in a Write 
document. A write document contains only one draw page, not multiple 
draw pages. In other words, you can not create a new draw page in a 
Write document (I should verify this, but I believe it to be true).

Senthilkumar Mehalingam wrote:

Hi All,

Thanks Andrew for your reply.

I am trying to create a macro which like MS Word's draw table for the 
Draw application allows the user to specify the number of shapes and 
then creates them. Just as Word's draw wizard asks for number of rows 
and columns I want to ask for number of shapes and their hierarchy(say 
1 root and two children) and creating them accordingly. I looked at 
DannysDrawPowerTools-2003-08-09.01 and Andrew's book on OO macros and 
got a lot of help and this is what I managed to do using both of them 
but am still having problems I cannot comprehend and would appreciate 
any assistance. After I click the Create button in the dialog I get an 
error in createDrawPages function


Private oDialog As Object

Sub StarPolyDialog()
Copyright (c) 2003 Danny Brewer
' Make sure this library, with its dialog is loaded which I checked
DialogLibraries.LoadLibrary( Standard )
REM I loaded the libraries and created a Dialog box of name ShapeDlg 
'having a REMnumeric 'field Count in it. I assgned the macro Sub 
btnCreateStarOrPoly_Clicked to REMbe assigned to the create button 
when it is clicked but inspite of the fact the
REM rectangels are not created. I traced the running step by step by 
the Single Step but REM am not able to trace the error

' Create the dialog object.
oDialog = createUnoDialog( DialogLibraries.GetByName( Standard 
).GetByName( ShapeDlg ) )

' Display the dialog.
' This routine call does not return until the dialog is dismissed.

' Execution does not reach this point until the dialog is dismissed.
End Sub

' This is called when the user clicks the Create button on the dialog 

Sub btnCreateStarOrPoly_Clicked

' Get the values of the controls in the dialog box.
nNumSides = oDialog.getControl( Count ).getValue()

' and pass it to the Builder function

Builder( nNumSides)
End Sub

Sub Builder( num )
' Make sure the TurtleGraphics library of modules is loaded. which I did.
BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary( TurtleGraphics )

End Sub

Sub drawFirstGraphic(num)
Dim oPage 'Page on which to draw
Dim oShape 'Shape to insert
Dim oPoint 'Initial start point of the line
Dim oSize 'Width and height of the line
Dim i% 'Index variable
Dim n% 'Number of iterations to perform
oPage = createDrawPage(ThisComponent, new Test Draw, True) ' create 
a new Drawing pag

n = num
' and try to create Rectangles in it
For i = 0 To n
oShape = 

oShape.setSize(createSize(4000, 1000))
oShape.setString(box 1)
oShape.Shadow = True
oShape = 

oShape.setPosition(createPoint(6000, 1000))
oShape.setSize(createSize(4000, 1000))
oShape.setString(box 2)
oShape.Shadow = True
oShape.ShadowXDistance = -150
oShape.CornerRadius = 100
Next i
End Sub

Function CreatePoint(ByVal x As Long,ByVal y As Long) As

Dim oPoint
oPoint = createUnoStruct( )
oPoint.X = x
oPoint.Y = y
CreatePoint = oPoint
End Function
Function CreateSize(ByVal x As Long,ByVal y As Long) As

Dim oSize
oSize = createUnoStruct( )
oSize.Width = x : oSize.Height = y
CreateSize = oSize
End Function

Function createDrawPage(oDoc, sName$, bForceNew As boolean) As Variant
Dim oPages 'All of the draw pages
Dim oPage 'A single draw page
Dim i% 'General index variable
oPages = oDoc.getDrawPages()
If oPages.hasByName(sName) Then
REM If we require a new page then delete
REM the page and get out of the for loop.
If bForceNew Then
REM Did not request a new page so return the found page
REM and then get out of the function.
createDrawPage = oPages.getByName(sName)
Exit Function
End If
End If
REM Did not find the page, or found the page and removed it.
REM Create a new page, set the name, and return the page.
oPage = oPages.getByIndex(oPages.getCount()-1)
createDrawPage = oPage
End Function


Thanks a lot.

From: Andrew Douglas Pitonyak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Senthilkumar Mehalingam [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL

Re: [api-dev] Browsing the source code

2005-07-27 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
I typically download the source code and then I use a text search on the 
whole thing. Of course, the whole thing is more than 1GB I think, so on 
my computer, this can take a long time. Especially since sometimes I 
search for the wrong thing :-(

Senthilkumar Mehalingam wrote:

Hi All,

I want to see how the cut,paste,undo,redo functionalities are 
implemented in If anybody could point me to the specific files 
and modules in which they are implemented I would highly appreciate that.

I want to know if Design Patterns are used in implementing them or 
not. If not I would like to try to implement it.

I would appreciate any help and advice.


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Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Browsing the source code

2005-08-01 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
The real problem is finding the specific code that you want. For 
example, I decided to look at the Writer specific code so I looked here:


and I searched for the word Clipboard. Probably NOT what you want. I 
also some stuff off of the core directories. In fact, I saw many many 
references. I expect that each portion will have its own handling code.

Senthilkumar Mehalingam wrote:

Hi All,

Thanks Andrew for your reply.

I did as you told but I cannot find the functions(cut,paste,undo,redo) 
inspite of a thorugh search as searching for cut finds .cpp files 
which have cut as a middle word in them and searching for cut finds 
no .cpp files. I got the source from
and am not sure if I did get the right version or I needed to get the 
most recent one from the CVS Server. The unzipped version had 116 cpp 
source files. Are the functions implemented in some other files having 
a different extension or am I making a mistake.

I would appreciate any help.


From: Andrew Douglas Pitonyak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [api-dev] Browsing the source code
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 22:02:58 -0400

I typically download the source code and then I use a text search on 
the whole thing. Of course, the whole thing is more than 1GB I think, 
so on my computer, this can take a long time. Especially since 
sometimes I search for the wrong thing :-(

Senthilkumar Mehalingam wrote:

Hi All,

I want to see how the cut,paste,undo,redo functionalities are 
implemented in If anybody could point me to the specific 
files and modules in which they are implemented I would highly 
appreciate that.

I want to know if Design Patterns are used in implementing them or 
not. If not I would like to try to implement it.

I would appreciate any help and advice.


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Re: [api-dev] [CPHennessy] [users] Print order '4; 1; 2; 3'?

2005-08-13 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Mathias Röllig wrote:

Am 10.08.2005 09:47 schrieb Turbo Fredriksson:


I don't know, why you would specifify the pageorder. If you print pages
1-8 with the 'brochure' option, you will get a 'book' with 8 pages in
the right order. Also pages 9-16, 17-32 aso.

Oki, so which variable do i set for this?

I can set the 'PaperOrientation' (using 
the 'PaperFormat' (using ''), 'PageRows' and 

But I can't figure out a way to specify to print in brochure format...

I think you need


What is Prospect Printing?

Until now I have never heard anyone indicate that they know what it 
means. You recommend prospect printing, so I assume that you do know. 
Previously, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what it is...

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Active cell from selection

2005-08-13 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Jayant Balraj Madavi wrote:


  I create a Range from Selection. how do I find the active cell ??

uno::Reference frame::XModel  xModel(
m_xDesktop-getCurrentComponent(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
uno::Reference table::XCellRange  xRange(

xModel-getCurrentSelection(), ::uno::UNO_QUERY);

Active cell is the last cell that is shown with white border .


If you have a copy of my free macro document, read the section titled:

Get the active cell and ignore the rest 

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Re: [api-dev] [CPHennessy] [users] Print order '4; 1; 2; 3'?

2005-08-14 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Marc Santhoff wrote:

Am Samstag, den 13.08.2005, 17:21 -0400 schrieb Andrew Douglas Pitonyak:

Mathias Röllig wrote:


I think you need



What is Prospect Printing?

Until now I have never heard anyone indicate that they know what it 
means. You recommend prospect printing, so I assume that you do know. 
Previously, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what it is...

Since I'm german and OOo / SO itself is based on work of primarily
german developers I suppose there may be a translation error that has
nerver been corrected, JDictionary tells me the german word Prospekt
stands for:

prospectus (?)

Do these tranlations make any sense?


Wow, Thanks. Yes, this makes a lot of sense. While I was writing my 
macro book, I wanted to document these options, but I did not know what 
prospect printing was. I posted some questions on the mailing lists, but 
I received no answers to this particular question. It is nice to finally 
find out what it means! Thanks again!

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[api-dev] CSV file opens a write document

2005-11-04 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

I am writing an extensive database and macro document here:

I have a macro that demonstrates how to connect to flat files using 
macros. My macro generates the data, loads the data into a Calc document 
using the scalc: Text - txt - csv (StarCalc) filter, and then connects 
to the flat file and the Calc document as a data source. This is all for 
learning, of course. On Windows, a Calc document is opened, and on my 
Linux box, a Write document is opened. Does this make any sense at all?

If you download the document listed above, search for Read Fixed Width 
File, which is listing 31 on page 65. There is a button that you can 
click on, which will automatically run the macro, which is also 
displayed in the text

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Re: [api-dev] macro doesn't run

2005-11-11 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
In my opinion, yes. If you want the default behavior, then do not 
attache anything else to it, otherwise, do it all in your own code.

Douglas Staas wrote:

Ok, so due to the rescheduling of threads, sometimes an OK button's events 
get fired as expected and sometimes the dialog is closed before those events get run? 
Does this mean that binding code to OK button events is generally a bad idea with Open 
Office? I'm just trying to understand. This subtle quirk appears to be unique to Open 
Office. Is this something that'll be addressed some day?



An OK button performs a default action. so, you think that it should 
only do what you told it to, but in reality, it is ALSO doing the 
default OK action, which you did not expect because you did not know 
what an OK button was.

Douglas Staas wrote:


Thanks to Paolo and everyone else who's offered ideas. Paolo's fix worked. 

11.3.3 appears to be very general. I don't see how it applies to this specific 

scenario. Then again, perhaps understanding the difference between an OK 
button and a Default type button would help. If so, where could I find 
documentation on that? ie: Where can I read about OK buttons causing a dialog to 
close before associated events are fired? 

Thanks, again. I'm sure I'll have more questions as I digest this and proceed. 


Hi Douglas,

Alle 19:16, giovedì 10 novembre 2005, Douglas Staas ha scritto:


My questions keep piling up. If this isn't the right place to ask them,
where should I seek answers/useful documentation? If this is the right
place to ask them, what do I need to do to engage in a dialog about these

* Macros don't run when a 2nd OO file is open unless the macro editor is
open. When will this be resolved?


I don't want to dig into details but ony let you know that IMHO your macro is 
not well conceived and perhaps your problem is only a side effect of that.

1) You have manually binded the events keyPressed and MousButton-pressed to 
the SetAllTexts subroutine

2) You have set the OK Button as Button Type = OK

I think that your problem is due to the fact that the 2) causes the dialog to 
close before the events has been raised.

This is the normal behaviour and you can find a detailed explanation of that 
in the DevGuide at:

11.3.3Special Behavior of Basic

BTW the DevGuide shows an example that covers exactly your situation.

However, my suggestion is to remove the binding of events and modify your 
PromptForValues as shown below.

Sub PromptForValues
  DialogLibraries.LoadLibrary( SlaySysLibrary )
  oDialog = CreateUnoDialog( DialogLibraries.SlaySysLibrary.SlaysysDialog )
  If oDialog.Execute() = 1 Then
  End If
end Sub

hope that helps


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Re: [api-dev] macro graphics handling is wonky

2005-11-15 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Douglas Staas wrote:

Attached is my newest binder cover Draw file. It prompts the user for a client 
logo and it displays the image in 4 locations. Sometimes all 4 locations are 
updated, sometimes 1, sometimes 2, 3 or ever zero. When less then 4 locations 
are updated, you can save the file, close it, reopen it and magically all 4 
locations show the correct image. What's going on here? I'm running the same code with the same input and getting different results. 

... actually, it looks like the attachment is too large for this list. 

In general, attachements are highly discouraged. Assume that I add a 1MB 
attachemt and send my email. Many people will recieve this one MB 
attachement. The majority do not care to see the attachement. Many of 
the people use a dial-up connection. So, most mailing lists 
automatically remove attachements. The preferred method is for you to 
host the document somewhere and then provide a link to it.

That said, there are many possible reasons for this particular problem. 
Sometimes, I have found that making some very simple rediculous change 
causes the problem to go away. Without looking at the macro, this is 
very difficult to say. I can think of a few things off hand that MIGHT 
cause the problem.

You create the object in such a way that the SAME object (or some shared 
portion is the same) is used in all places. When you save the document, 
only a reference is saved, and on opening, an entirely new copy is 
properly created for each object. I had this really strange problem 
while using arrays and strings. It turned out that I was storing a 
reference to a string each time that I added it to the array . When I 
was finished, every instance had the same value because they all 
referenced the same variable instance. It was very strange indeed.

If possible, create the smallest simplest macro that demonstrates the 
problem, and then if the macro is short, simply add it here. If not, 
then create it in a document such that it can demonstrate the problem 
and then post the document and send a link to the list.

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] disposing of macros

2005-11-15 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Douglas Staas wrote:

i'm reposting this question:

What is meant by provide for disposal when the document is closed? Where 
could I find this in the documentation?

Well, where did you read this? It is not possible to answer without 
context. No wait, I just ran a GOOGLE search on the exact phrase and 
found this:

Next time, quote enough of the message to provide context.

Here is the entire quote:

Sounds like everything is being loaded into memory and not being released when 
you close your original document. Does your on Open Event macro provide for 
disposal when the document is closed ?

One possible reading of this is that the open document has resources, 
such as graphics, or pointers, or some kind of internal structures. When 
the document is closed, Alex is wondering if all of the document's 
resources are released, deleted, freed, (no longer used). Kind of like 
what might happen if a program opened a file and then left the file 
opened. You could not create and use the file again, because it would 
already be listed as open.

I have no idea where this would be in the documentation, because it 
would depens on the type of resourced that might be causing the problem. 
One possibility might be that your macro uses a GLOBAL variable to hold 
a reference to a dialog. The document closes, but eh global variable 
still exists and can therefore not be referenced again. If this were the 
case, then loading the Basic IDE might cause these resources to be released.

This is, of course, all speculation on my part, espcially since I have 
not seen your macro.

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] disposing of macros

2005-11-15 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
I was able to extract one attachement from this email, so I took a look 
at it. I noticed a few unusual things.

Consider the OK button. The OK Button is listed as type OK button, NOT 
as a default button. Because of this, when you click on the button, an 
event is automatically fired, that will CLOSE the dialog.

The button also has some events tied to things such as key press and 
mouse click. There are two issues with this. First, you should probably 
just use the when initiating event, which covers both of the cases. 
Second,  when you click on the button, it is supposed to do two distinct 
things. The OK action, because this is an OK button, and use your 
events. Which is done first? Which is done second? The primary problem 
here, is that the OK action changes the state of the dialog. If these 
fire in a multi-threaded way, I have no idea which will be finished 
first and what the result will be. It is likely to be timing related and 
unreliable. Off hand, I reccomend that you use one method or the other. 
In other words, either let the action close the dialog, or perform the 
actions AFTER the dialog has closed if OK was used to close the dialog. 
Using the methods that you  describe, are likely to leave things in an 
unfinished state.

Douglas Staas wrote:

i'm reposting this question:

What is meant by provide for disposal when the document is closed? Where 
could I find this in the documentation?


[api-dev] disposing of macros
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Douglas Staas)
Thu, 10 Nov 2005 20:34:16 +


Re: [api-dev] macro doesn't run
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Douglas Staas)
Thu, 10 Nov 2005 19:16:52 +


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Re: [api-dev] disposing of macros

2005-11-16 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Douglas Staas wrote:

The button also has some events tied to things such as key press and 
mouse click. 

I have since changed this. I removed the event bindings and simply call the 
code like so:

   If oDialog.Execute() = 1 Then
   End If

Also, you hit the nail on the head. My macro uses a GLOBAL variable to hold a 
reference to the dialog. What should I do to clean up when closing the 
document? Or is this situation to be avoided altogether?


It looks like you are well on your way! There is a difference between 
GLOBAL, PRIVATE, and PUBLIC when they are placed at the module level.

If you ONLY need the variable to be visible in one module, then use 
PRIVATE. If you require it outside of the current module, then use 
PUBLIC. In general, you should only use GLOBAL if you want the variable 
to live for a long long long long time (I outline the differences in my 
book, but lack the desire to fully explain it here and now); an example 
would be for an event listener, which needs to hold its value between 
runs. Think of Global as similar to static.

I must be careful on my wording here...

You could perhaps explicitly set variables declared outside of a sub or 
function to be NULL after you use them.


Douglas Staas wrote:


i'm reposting this question:

What is meant by provide for disposal when the document is closed? Where 
could I find this in the documentation?


Well, where did you read this? It is not possible to answer without 
context. No wait, I just ran a GOOGLE search on the exact phrase and 
found this:

Next time, quote enough of the message to provide context.

Here is the entire quote:

Sounds like everything is being loaded into memory and not being released when 
you close your original document. Does your on Open Event macro provide for 
disposal when the document is closed ?

One possible reading of this is that the open document has resources, 
such as graphics, or pointers, or some kind of internal structures. When 
the document is closed, Alex is wondering if all of the document's 
resources are released, deleted, freed, (no longer used). Kind of like 
what might happen if a program opened a file and then left the file 
opened. You could not create and use the file again, because it would 
already be listed as open.

I have no idea where this would be in the documentation, because it 
would depens on the type of resourced that might be causing the problem. 
One possibility might be that your macro uses a GLOBAL variable to hold 
a reference to a dialog. The document closes, but eh global variable 
still exists and can therefore not be referenced again. If this were the 
case, then loading the Basic IDE might cause these resources to be released.

This is, of course, all speculation on my part, espcially since I have 
not seen your macro.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:
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My Macro Document:
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Re: [api-dev] macro graphics handling is wonky

2005-11-16 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

I appreciate being able to see some code :-)
Still did not get enough sleep. I sent a birth anouncement by email to 
family and friends before going to bed and then I started to receive 
telephone call after telephone call until late into the night. So, my 
mind is a bit clouded. I sometimes read the email to relax :-)

I see immediately that you do NOT declare all of your variables. Can you 
add Option Explicit to the top of every module. This can be a good 
thing at times. If you know that you have a string variable, then 
declare it as a string. For objects, I usually use a Variant, which 
means that I do not bother to name a type.

My suggestions shown below are guesses, I hope that they work.

Douglas Staas wrote:

Thanks. Below are some relevant code snippets. This might be related to my message titled: macro only works when there is a breakpoint. I haven't been able to reproduce this bug with a breakpoint and stepping over the code. When I step over the code, I switch between the macro window and the document window to see the behavior. I wonder if this causes some sort of a refresh that is lacking in my code? 


So, try to add something like:
Dim iCount As Integer
Dim oShape
Dim oPage
Dim ShapeName As String

sub x
   iCount = oPage.getCount

   For i = 0 to iCount - 1
   oShape = oPage.getByIndex( i )
   ShapeName = oShape.getName

   if ...
   elseIf ( ShapeName = ClientLogoBBCover ) then
   SizeAndPlaceGraphic( oShape, oPage, ClientLogoCover )
   elseIf ( ShapeName = ClientLogoBBSpine1 ) then
   SizeAndPlaceGraphic( oShape, oPage, ClientLogoSpine1 )
   elseIf ( ShapeName = ClientLogoBBSpine2 ) then
   SizeAndPlaceGraphic( oShape, oPage, ClientLogoSpine2 )
   elseIf ( ShapeName = ClientLogoBBSpine3 ) then
   SizeAndPlaceGraphic( oShape, oPage, ClientLogoSpine3 )
   end if
end sub


Hmmm, I did not know that you could declare your variables this way. 
Hmmm. Very interesting. First, note that you use the variable iCount in 
BOTH subroutines, but you NEVER declared them. Are you using an evil 
global variable, or one whose scope is limited to the subroutine? 
Declare EVERY variable so that you know its scope. How about the oShape 

Try changing the heading as follows:

sub SizeAndPlaceGraphic(BoundingBox, oPage, ByVal GraphicName$ )

At least change the GraphicName declaration if the others do not work.

sub SizeAndPlaceGraphic( BoundingBox as SvxShapeText, oPage as SdDrawPage, 
GraphicName )

   Dim oSize As New
   Dim oPos As New
   dim oGraphic
   iCount = oPage.getCount

   For i = 0 to iCount - 1
   oShape = oPage.getByIndex( i )
   ShapeName = oShape.getName
   if (ShapeName = GraphicName) then

   oGraphic = oShape
   end if

   if isEmpty( oGraphic ) then
   oGraphic = ThisComponent.createInstance( )
   oGraphic.Name = GraphicName
   end if

   cUrl = ConvertToUrl(  oDialog.GetControl( FileControl1 ).Text )
   if ( cUrl =  ) then

   rem No client logo selected
   oSize.height = 0
   oSize.width = 0
   oGraphic.setSize( oSize )
   maxW = BoundingBox.size.width
   maxH = BoundingBox.size.height
   oGraphic.SetPosition( BoundingBox.position )
   oGraphic.GraphicURL = cUrl
   OriginalAspectRatio = oGraphic.Graphic.SizePixel.width / oGraphic.Graphic.SizePixel.height

   oSize.width= OriginalAspectRatio * oSize.height
   if ( oSize.width  maxW ) then

   Shrink = maxW / oSize.width
   oSize.width = maxW
   oSize.height = oSize.height * Shrink
   end if

   end if
end sub


Douglas Staas wrote:


Attached is my newest binder cover Draw file. It prompts the user for a client 
logo and it displays the image in 4 locations. Sometimes all 4 locations are 
updated, sometimes 1, sometimes 2, 3 or ever zero. When less then 4 locations 
are updated, you can save the file, close it, reopen it and magically all 4 
locations show the correct image. What's going on here? I'm running the same 

code with the same input and getting different results. 

... actually, it looks like the attachment is too large for this list. 


In general, attachements are highly discouraged. Assume that I add a 1MB 
attachemt and send my email. Many people will recieve this one MB 
attachement. The majority do not care to see the attachement. Many of 
the people use a dial-up connection. So, most mailing lists 
automatically remove attachements. The preferred method is for you to 
host the document somewhere and then provide a link to it.

That said, there are many possible reasons for this particular problem. 
Sometimes, I 

Re: [api-dev] Strange effect when accessing TextCursor objects

2005-12-05 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Alexej Kryukov wrote:


in my projects I often have to iterate through text portions in
OOo Writer text documents. So, when trying to adapt my older programs
to OOo 2.0 I noticed the following strange problem. Let's take
for example the following macro (which basically does nothing,
just iterates through text portions in order to access their String

Sub IteratePortions ()
 oDoc = ThisComponent
 oText = oDoc.Text
 oEnum = oText.createEnumeration ()

 Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements
   oPara = oEnum.nextElement
   oParaEnum = oPara.createEnumeration ()

   Do While oParaEnum.hasMoreElements ()
 oPortion = oParaEnum.nextElement

 Select Case oPortion.TextPortionType
   Case Text
 oPortionCursor = oText.createTextCursorByRange (oPortion, 0)
 sPortionString = oPortionCursor.getString ()
   Case Else
 End Select
End Sub

If you run this macro on a document which is long enough, you 
may notice that each time getString() is called, a progress indicator

is shown for few time, with a label which says (if I managed
to make it out) Exporting document.

There is no such effect, if I call the getString() method for the
portion itself (i. e. execute oPortion.getString ()), instead of
creating an intermediate text cursor. However, intermediate text
cursors are often needed to workaround other OOo bugs, even if
creating them doesn't look necessary :(

This exporting looks quite irritating, not only because it
significantly slows execution of my functions, but also because
it doesn't allow me to create my own status bar indicator (which
may be quite important for long operations). So, can anybody
explain, which sort of exporting is performed here, and how can
I avoid it?

If anyone cares, I have verified this behavior. I modified the macro a 
bit so that it works on documents containing things such as TextTabels 
without crashing...

Sub IteratePortions()
 Dim oText
 Dim oEnum
 Dim oPara
 Dim oParaEnum
 Dim oPortion
 Dim oPortionCursor
 Dim sPortionString$

 oText = ThisComponent.getText()
 oEnum = oText.createEnumeration ()

 Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements
   oPara = oEnum.nextElement
   If oPara.supportsService( Then
 oParaEnum = oPara.createEnumeration ()   

 Do While oParaEnum.hasMoreElements ()
   oPortion = oParaEnum.nextElement

   Select Case oPortion.TextPortionType
 Case Text
   'oPortionCursor = oText.createTextCursorByRange (oPortion, 0)
   oPortionCursor = oText.createTextCursorByRange (oPortion)
   sPortionString = oPortionCursor.getString ()
 Case Else
   End Select
   End If
End Sub

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] getFormDocuments() in StarBasic

2005-12-10 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Daniel Brunner wrote:

I am trying to get a reference to the forms related to a DataSource in 
StarOffice 8.0. How ca I  transpose the following code snippet to 
StarBasic :

 public static void openFormInDesignMode(XMultiServiceFactory 
_rMSF) throws


   XNameAccess xNameAccess = 


   // we use the first datasource

   XDataSource xDS = (XDataSource)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

   XDataSource.class, xNameAccess.getByName( Bibliography ));

   XConnection con = xDS.getConnection(,);

   XFormsSupplier xSup = 
(XFormsSupplier)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XFormsSupplier.class, xDS);

   XNameAccess xForms = xSup.getFormDocuments();

   if ( xForms.hasByName(Form1) ){

   Object form = xForms.getByName(Form1); // to 
hold ref


   XComponentLoader loader = 

   PropertyValue[] args = new 


   XComponent formdocument = 




My idea was :

   dbContext = CreateUnoService( )
   xds= dbContext.getByName( Bibliography )
   login = 
   password = 
   con = maSource.getConnection( login, password )
   xForms = xds.getFormDocuments()  Rem --- nok !!!

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Download this document

And search for getFormDocuments().

Off hand, I do not think that you can get the form documents from a 
database document, not from the database.

Sub InspectFormsInDB
 Dim oContext
 Dim oDB
 Dim oForms

 oContext = CreateUnoService( )
 oDB = oContext.getByName( Bibliography )
 oForms = oDB.DatabaseDocument.getFormDocuments()
End Sub

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Integer Division?

2005-12-14 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Felix E. Klee wrote:

Am Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2005 12:11 schrieb Laurent Godard:

11 \ 3 = 3

I couldn't find documentation for this operator in the online help (1.1.3).  
How come?


or fix(11/3)

Well this probably uses a floating point number as an intermediary, which 
could introduce numerical errors.  This is not what I want.

Anyway, thanks for your help so far.

I believe that it is not documented. I documented them in my book by 
reading the source code

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] How do I generate an Error?

2005-12-17 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Felix E. Klee wrote:

In the online documentation and in a book that I have at hand (Open Office 
Programmierung by Rene Martin) I find explanation for handling errors.  But, 
what I'd like to know is:

* How can I let my code *generate* errors?

* If generating errors manually is possible, how do I set the error number and
 the error message?

While writing my book, my intial reading of the specification was that 
you could CAUSE a specific error to be generated. I was never able to 
figure out how. It is my opinion that this is because I misunderstood 
the documentation. When I read it again, (as in now) I see why I thought 
that, but you can not cause the error unless you really do cause the error.

Andrew Pitonyak
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[api-dev] getData() and getDataArray() do not work on text tables.

2005-12-20 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Should getData() and getDataArray() work on a text table?

I tested this on windows and linux using 2.01 release candidates.

Create a text document and add a single text table.

Add some data to the text table. Use at least two rows and two columns.

Now, run this macro

Dim oTable

oTable = Thiscomponent.getTextTables().getbyIndex(0)

Dim oData() : oData() = oTable.getDataArray()

Dim a() : a() = oData(1)

Print a(1)

MsgBox Join(a(), CHR$(10))

Print oTable.getCellByPosition(1, 1).getString()

The returned data is ALWAYS 0. Now, change getDataArray() to getData(). 
The returned values are still zero. What am I missing?

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] How to apply a paragraph style to a XTextTableCursor?

2005-12-21 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Peter Eberlein wrote:


in a former StarOffice version the following worked properly:

oTableCursor = oTable.createCursorByCellName(oTable.CellNames(0))
oTableCursor.ParaStyleName = MyStyle

Contrary to a normal XTextCursor this does not work in 2.0 anymore.

According to the api the service css.text.TextTableCursor includes the 
service with the missing property 

Any hints?



If you need to modify ALL of the paragraphs, I have macros that do this 
sort of thing. I am making updates to my macro document that descirbe 
how to work with text tables. I think that the version on my web site 
(which is not really the latest) has something that formats a table to 
match the OOo Authors format. In case it is too old, here is the macro

REM  *  BASIC  *
Option Explicit

Sub Main
End Sub

Sub FormatTable(Optional oUseTable)
 Dim oTable
 Dim oCell
 Dim nRow As Long
 Dim nCol As Long

 If IsMissing(oUseTable) Then
   oTable = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getViewCursor().TextTable
   oTable = oUseTable
 End If
 If IsNull(oTable) OR IsEmpty(oTable) Then
   Print FormatTable: No table specified
   Exit Sub
 End If

 Dim v
 Dim x
 v = oTable.TableBorder
 x = v.TopLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.TopLine = x

 x = v.LeftLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.LeftLine = x

 x = v.RightLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.RightLine = x

 x = v.TopLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.TopLine = x

 x = v.VerticalLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.VerticalLine = x

 x = v.HorizontalLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 0
 v.HorizontalLine = x

 x = v.BottomLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.BottomLine = x

 'v.Distance = 51

 oTable.TableBorder = v

 For nRow = 0 To oTable.getRows().getCount() - 1
   For nCol = 0 To oTable.getColumns().getCount() - 1
 oCell = oTable.getCellByPosition(nCol, nRow)
 If nRow = 0 Then
   oCell.BackColor = 128
   SetParStyle(oCell.getText(), OOoTableHeader)
   SetParStyle(oCell.getText(), OOoTableText)
   If nRow MOD 2 = 1 Then
 oCell.BackColor = -1
 REM color is (230, 230, 230)
 oCell.BackColor = 15132390
   End If
 End If
'  Inspect(oTable)
'  Inspect(oCell)
End Sub

Sub SetParStyle(oText, sParStyle As String)
 Dim oEnum
 Dim oPar
 oEnum = oText.createEnumeration()
 Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements()
   oPar = oEnum.nextElement()
   If opar.supportsService( Then
 'oPar.ParaConditionalStyleName = sParStyle
 oPar.ParaStyleName = sParStyle
   End If
End Sub

Be warned that this macro will ONLY work for a simple text table because 
of the way that it enumerates all of the cells.

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Re: [api-dev] Optional Parameters in Starbasic function call

2006-01-02 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Andrew Jensen wrote:


I attempted to write a function with the following declaration:

function findCodeVal( RegDSName as String, _
  TableName as String, _
  SrchColName as String, _
  SrchFor as variant, _
  RetColName as String, _
  optional isCaseSensitive as boolean, _
  optional isFuzzy as boolean, _
  optional aConn as variant, _
  optional UserName as String, _
  optional Password as String) _
  as variant

However, with this declaration,  isMissing returns False for every 
optional parameter, even when none have been pass in to functions call.

When I changed the order of the parameters to:

function findCodeVal( RegDSName as String, _
  TableName as String, _
  SrchColName as String, _
  SrchFor as variant, _
  RetColName as String, _
  optional UserName as String, _
  optional Password as String, _
  optional isCaseSensitive as boolean, _
  optional isFuzzy as boolean, _
  optional aConn as variant) _
  as variant

Then isMissing returned the correct response in all cases.  So is this 
because of the Boolean types as optional parameters?

If so, can any one tell me what other rules apply to order of optional 

Thanks in advance.

Andrew 'Drew' Jensen

(Apologies if this is a second posting, I sent this yesterday but it 
does not seem to have made it for some reason)

As of version, IsMissing will fail with Optional parameters if 
the type is not Variant and the missing optional parameter is 
represented by two consecutive commas. I first investigated this 
behavior after speaking with Christian Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is 
issue 11678 in issuezilla. The issue was closed with a note that it 
needed to be created under a different topic, which I know because I 
just went back and checked the status. This may be related Then 
again, I have not verified that the original issue is still a problem.

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Optional Parameters in Starbasic function call

2006-01-04 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Laurent Godard wrote:

Hi Bernard,

The bug was reported in IZ 30500. In versions 1.1.x and 2.0.1 it is 
still not corrected and not even documented, so it should not have 
status RESOLVED and FIXED.

perhraps reopen the bug and mark it as regression in keywords

where are optional parameters located in the source code ? I can 
perharps have a look


This is from OOo 2.0 RC 2 so it might have changed


   if ( rPar.Count()  2 )
   // #57915 Missing wird durch Error angezeigt
   rPar.Get( 0 )-PutBool( rPar.Get(1)-IsErr() );

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Re: [api-dev] Re: [users] Macro in 1.1.4 does not work in 2.0

2006-06-06 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Miguel Quirós wrote:

Thank you very much for your answer. As I told, I am not expert in
writing macros and I am just using the things that I can see are used by
the macro recorder (the dispatcher) and try to adapt them to my needs.

From your answer, I deduce that there are methods easier to use than the

dispatcher (.searchString).

Unfortunately, they are not easier, because you need to learn how things 
work inside of OOo.
Many examples are available that can be adapted to the problems that you 
want to solve. Also, sometimes the macro recorder works for what you 
want, and sometimes it does not.
I have a free macro document that contains many examples (this is 
different than my book):

There are so many resources that I can not easily list them all. There 
are code snippets with examples:

There is a forum that you can search:

My needs are to search all occurrences of a determinate string in a

You did not say why you wanted to search for every occurrence of the 
string. Ignoring the replace it part, here is an example that finds 
all occurrences:

Take a look at my macro document in section 7.14 titled  Search And 
Replace. Does this help at all?

and, in some cases just replace it by another simple string (in
which case I see that there is something called .replaceAll that may be
useful and easy to use) and in other cases by something more complicated
like putting a new string with special symbols, superindexes , etc in
it, in this case perhaps .replaceAll cannot do all the work.

As suggested, I am sending this message also to


Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Re: [users] Macro in 1.1.4 does not work in 2.0

2006-06-08 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Your welcome. Be certain to ask if you have other questions.

Miguel Quirós wrote:

El mar, 06-06-2006 a las 21:38 -0400, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak escribió:

Miguel Quirós wrote:


Thank you very much for your answer. As I told, I am not expert in
writing macros and I am just using the things that I can see are used by
the macro recorder (the dispatcher) and try to adapt them to my needs.

From your answer, I deduce that there are methods easier to use than the

dispatcher (.searchString).


Unfortunately, they are not easier, because you need to learn how things 
work inside of OOo.
Many examples are available that can be adapted to the problems that you 
want to solve. Also, sometimes the macro recorder works for what you 
want, and sometimes it does not.
I have a free macro document that contains many examples (this is 
different than my book):


Thank you again. I hava had a quick look and it looks like a magnificent
work (I imagine that the book will be even more magnificent). I will
need to find some time to grab at least the fundamentals of what it is
said here.


There are so many resources that I can not easily list them all. There 
are code snippets with examples:

There is a forum that you can search:


My needs are to search all occurrences of a determinate string in a


You did not say why you wanted to search for every occurrence of the 
string. Ignoring the replace it part, here is an example that finds 
all occurrences:

Take a look at my macro document in section 7.14 titled  Search And 
Replace. Does this help at all?


At first sight, I think I have found something useful. The result of
findFirst used as result.end can be used for findNext as starting point
to find the next occurence. Anyway, it is clear I would need to find
time to learn more, not easy ...

In any case, thanks a lot for your help.


and, in some cases just replace it by another simple string (in
which case I see that there is something called .replaceAll that may be
useful and easy to use) and in other cases by something more complicated
like putting a new string with special symbols, superindexes , etc in
it, in this case perhaps .replaceAll cannot do all the work.

As suggested, I am sending this message also to


Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Mapping of the UNO type hyper in StarBasic

2006-06-22 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Paolo Mantovani wrote:

Hi Christian,

sorry for my previous message.

Alle 09:20, martedì 20 giugno 2006, Christian Junker ha scritto:

Hi Paolo,
I have the same problems as you have here.
I guess there is no other way than using CreateUnoValue.


2) using CreateUnoValue might be too difficult for some to see or use
at first sight, thus making hyper a real type as single, double etc.
would make things more comfortable for the programmer. Would be good
to hear what Andreas Bregas thinks about that.

I only want to add that using CreateUnoValue is a workaround if you have to 
pass an hyper to an API method, but does not helps when you must get an 

I've also tried with the css.script.Converter but without any result, so any 
suggestions are welcome

thank you

Are you saying that you do not know how to convert the returned value to 
something that is usable when it is returned?

I noticed that some other types could not be created using any other 
method... I think that Byte was one of them...

Andrew Pitonyak
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[api-dev] Best way to find or identify redline

2006-07-03 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
Assuming a simple text document, I can enumerate text sections. I 
thought that I could find red line text by checking for the 
RedlinePortion service, but I can not. The example below finds redline 
sections by checking for the existance of a specific property in the 
property set information object. Am I missing something?

Sub MainRedLine
 Dim oPar
 Dim oParsEnum
 Dim oTextElementEnum
 Dim oSection
 Dim s$

 ' Enumerate over the paragraphs.
 oParsEnum = thisComponent.getText().createEnumeration()
 'or thisComponent.getCurrentSelection().getByIndex(i).createEnumeration()
 ' loop over all text elements
 Do While oParsEnum.hasMoreElements()
   oPar = oParsEnum.nextElement
   REM Search through paragraphs and ignore the rest.
   If oPar.supportsService( Then
 oTextElementEnum = oPar.createEnumeration()
 Do While oTextElementEnum.hasMoreElements()
   oSection = oTextElementEnum.nextElement
   REM Sections with redlines will support the following properties:

   'STRING/void  RedlineAuthor = Andrew Pitonyak
   'STRING/void  RedlineComment =
   'OBJECT/void  RedlineDateTime = [Can not convert Object to a string]
   'STRING/void  RedlineIdentifier = -371500180
   'ARRAY/void  RedlineSuccessorData = Empty
   'OBJECT/void  RedlineText = Empty
   'STRING/void  RedlineType = Insert
   REM Surprisingly, this is NEVER true, but I do find redline 

   If oSection.supportsService( Then
MsgBox The current block contains a redline.
   End If
   REM This will find them, however. Very odd indeed!
oSection.getPropertySetInfo().hasPropertyByName(RedlineType) Then

 MsgBox (2) The current block contains a redline.
   End If
   End If
End Sub

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Best way to find or identify redline

2006-07-03 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
And another question with redlines If I iterate over the redlines, 
how can I accept or reject them?

Sub MainIterateRedLine
Dim oDoc
Dim oViewCursor
Dim oContWin
Dim oRedLines, oRedLine
Dim k%
Dim lRet As Long
Dim sDum$

oDoc = ThisComponent
oViewCursor = oDoc.CurrentController.ViewCursor
oContWin = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow

oRedLines = oDoc.Redlines
for k=0 to oRedLines.Count-1
 oRedLine = oRedLines.getByIndex(k)
 oViewCursor.gotoRange(oRedLine.RedlineStart, false)
 oViewCursor.gotoRange(oRedLine.RedlineEnd, true)

 sDum = oRedLine.RedlineType oViewCursor.String  Chr(10)
 sDum = sDum  by:   oRedLine.RedlineAuthor  Chr(10)
 sDum = sDum  at:   oRedLine.RedlineDateTime.Hours  :   
oRedLine.RedlineDateTime.Minutes oRedLine.RedlineDateTime.Day  
.  oRedLine.RedlineDateTime.Month  .  
oRedLine.RedlineDateTime.Year  Chr(10)
 sDum = sDum  Chr(10)  Accept (yes), decline (no), or leave as is 
(cancel) ?   Chr(10)

 call oContWin.toFront() ' just for convenience when running from Basic IDE
 lRet = msgbox(sDum, 3, Tracking changes ...)

 select case lRet
 case 6 'yes
 case 7 'no
 end select
 next k

End Sub

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Re: [api-dev] Searching Tables or Cell Ranges in the Writer

2006-07-16 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
If you are using a macro to search, you can indicate where a search will 
begin. For example, you can specify that the search should start at the 
first position of the text object in the first cell of a table. Or, you 
could start searching from the last point before the text table begins.

You can then check the end position to see if it is after the text table 
of interest. There are, of course, certain difficulties when comparing 
ranges that are NOT in the same text object, but that is related to the 
details of solving the problem, rather than answering your high-level 

Kent Gibson wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion. Something like that might
work. Perhaps I should explain the problem a bit more.
I am having some quirky problems inserting images into
tables. So I thought I would render my table and
instead of inserting images, I would insert some text
(ie a url) then when I finished the table I would
replace the text with an image (with a macro). The
idea works great. But search only seems to work at the
document level. The idea won't work at the very end of
rendering, becuase I need to render the table (which
is in a frame) and then replace the images and then
check to see how big my frame is, because these frames
will be chained. 

I could render a table, do my search and throw out
previosly found tables (this may be computationally
very expensive at the end of a large document). Or
render my table, and do a forward search. But I am not
sure if either of these will work.

--- Peter Eberlein


Hi Kent,

Kent Gibson schrieb:

Is there any way to do a search using XSearchable


writer and set the scope to something other than


document, for example a table or a cell range?

I am pretty sure it works in calc with cell


but I can't get it work in the writer for anything


a document.


why not checking the found-objects (which are
XTextRanges), if they 
support one of the XTextTable-Services?




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Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Searching Tables or Cell Ranges in the Writer

2006-07-18 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
Well, consider this macro which sets all instances starting from the 
first table to bold. I did not attempt to see if the cursor had left the 
table for this macro.

Sub SearchTable
 Dim oDescriptor, oFound
 Dim oTable
 Dim oCell

 REM Get the FIRST text table
 oTable = ThisComponent.getTextTables().getByIndex(0)
 oCell = oTable.getCellByName(A1)
 'Exit Sub

 oDescriptor = ThisComponent.createSearchDescriptor()
 With oDescriptor
   .SearchString = one
   .SearchWords = False
   .SearchCaseSensitive = False
 End With

 REM oFound = ThisComponent.findFirst(oDescriptor)
 oFound = ThisComponent.findNext( oCell.getText().getStart(), oDescriptor)
 Do While Not IsNull(oFound)
   oFound.CharWeight =
   oFound = ThisComponent.findNext( oFound.End, oDescriptor)
End Sub

I will create a new section in my macro document and demonstrate a 
complete working example that searches ONLY the first text table.
This will be titled  Search only the first text table. I will finish 
this and post it before I go to sleep tonight.

Kent Gibson wrote:

odd, I tried everything I could to tell the search
where to begin. I am happy to use macros to get this
working. Do you have an example? I want to tell the
search to begin at an arbitrary table, first cell is
perfectly ok for me.

--- Andrew Douglas Pitonyak [EMAIL PROTECTED]


If you are using a macro to search, you can indicate
where a search will 
begin. For example, you can specify that the search
should start at the 
first position of the text object in the first cell
of a table. Or, you 
could start searching from the last point before the

text table begins.

You can then check the end position to see if it is
after the text table 
of interest. There are, of course, certain
difficulties when comparing 
ranges that are NOT in the same text object, but
that is related to the 
details of solving the problem, rather than
answering your high-level 

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Set width of column in texttable in basic

2006-07-20 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Download my free macro document and find section 8.7 titled Column Widths

Martin Thoma wrote:


I just want to set the width of a cell in a writers texttable (OO 2.0.2,
Windows). I found this message and adapted
it to basic:

oDesktop = createUnoService( )
Dim mArgs(0) As New
oDoc = oDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(file:///e:/, _blank, 0,
oTable = oDoc.getTextTables.getByName(Table2)
oT = oTable.TableColumnSeparators
oT(1).Position = 123
oTable.TableColumnSeparators = oT

But OO says that oT(1) has no member Position. Is it just too hot today
for me to get the clue or what could be the problem? Has somebody a working
example in basic to set the width of a texttable-column in writer?



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Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Apply Styles to Cell Range

2006-07-24 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Kent Gibson wrote:

Is there any way to apply a style to a range of cells
in the writer? As far as I can see you have to extract
the XText from every cell, create a cursor and then
apply the style. no?

Kent, you never mentioned what type of style that you want to set.
In my free macro document, I demonstrate setting the paragraph style for 
every cell in a row in a text table...

Find the section titled  Formatting a simple text table

Andrew Pitonyak
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[api-dev] LoadComponentFromURL using an XInputStream in Basic

2006-08-06 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

I am using OOo 2.0.3 on Linux FC4.

I store a binary file into a database - Base document if it matters. 
First I tried to use a stream:

oStatement.setBinaryStream(2, oStream, oStream.getLength())

The error message said that there was an error from the ODBC driver 
stating that the stream was NULL. I found that the following works:

lLen = oStream.getLength()
ReDim oData(0 To lLen-1)
oStream.readBytes(oData(), lLen)
oStatement.setBytes(2, oData(), lLen)

I can extract the data from my database to a file.

oSimpleFileAccess.writeFile(sURL, oStream)

Rather than writing the file to disk, I would prefer to load the file 

Dim oProp(0) As New
oProp(0).Name  = InputStream : oProp(0).Value = oStream
REM oProp(1).Name  = ReadOnly: oProp(1).Value = True
REM oProp(2).Name  = FilterName  : oProp(2).Value = writer8
StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromUrl(private:stream, _blank, 0, oProp())

When I try this, however, soffice locks up and I have to manually kill 

The closest that I could find to a solution is in Java, but it uses a

The speculation is that the XInputStream does not support XSeekable.

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] LoadComponentFromURL using an XInputStream in Basic

2006-08-08 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak


snip snip :-)

It can be solved ... if you implement an UNO Service which accepts a 
Sequence sal_Int8  as IN parameter and returns an 
XSeekable/XInputStream as result. Such service can be used in Java, 
C++, Basic, Phyton etcpp.

Currently I do not know if such help service still exists .-)

OK, for now, I will consider this as NOT possible unless I implement the 
service to do this myself.

b) Use another filter or dont specify any filter so 
loadComponentFromURL() can search for it's own one.

I have tried specifying, and not specifying, the filter.

Then it does not depend on your content. It seams realy a problem of 
your non-seekable stream. But I don not understand then why the office 
locked up. Normaly the call loadComponentFromURL() should return 
without  loading this content.

May be you can provide some stacks (produced with an attached 
debugger), which shows us, where the office is hanging ?

That I can try to do...
I use Linux (FC4). If you have any advise on which debugger to attempt 
to use, that would perhaps be useful. I will see if I can figure out how 
to do this with gdb. It looks like I can attach it to a running process!

Wahooo! I did not know that I could do that!

Here is the first time with the macro started from the IDE:

(gdb) bt
#0  0xf74517a5 in rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii () from 

#1  0xf21375a5 in ?? () from /opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/
#2  0xf2137a23 in ?? () from /opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/
#3  0xf213a81c in ?? () from /opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/
#4  0xf213aabd in ?? () from /opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/
#5  0xed3908e5 in component_getFactory () from 
#6  0xf24c8a97 in SbUnoObject::Notify () from 
#7  0xf7cfb6f9 in SfxBroadcaster::Broadcast () from 
#8  0xf2506add in SbxVariable::Broadcast () from 
#9  0xf250309e in SbxValue::SbxValue$base () from 
#10 0xf25065b9 in SbxVariable::SbxVariable$base () from 
#11 0xf24eb0a1 in SbiRuntime::FindElement () from 
#12 0xf24eb346 in SbiRuntime::StepELEM () from 
#13 0xf24e2938 in SbiRuntime::Step () from 
#14 0xf24b4dbd in SbModule::Run () from 
#15 0xf24b508e in SbModule::Notify () from 
#16 0xf7cfb6f9 in SfxBroadcaster::Broadcast () from 
#17 0xf24b7733 in SbMethod::Broadcast () from 
#18 0xf250309e in SbxValue::SbxValue$base () from 
#19 0xf25065b9 in SbxVariable::SbxVariable$base () from 
#20 0xf24eb0a1 in SbiRuntime::FindElement () from 
#21 0xf24eb625 in SbiRuntime::StepFIND () from 
#22 0xf24e2938 in SbiRuntime::Step () from 
#23 0xf24b4dbd in SbModule::Run () from 
#24 0xf24b508e in SbModule::Notify () from 
#25 0xf7cfb6f9 in SfxBroadcaster::Broadcast () from 
#26 0xf24b7733 in SbMethod::Broadcast () from 
#27 0xf250376f in SbxValue::Get () from 
#28 0xebc1a643 in basicide_choose_macro () from 
#29 0xebc09a12 in ?? () from 
#30 0xebc09afd in ?? () from 
#31 0xebc0cb56 in ?? () from 
#32 0xebc05d29 in ?? () from 
#33 0xebbfdcf2 in ?? () from 
#34 0xf27ce04d in SfxDispatcher::GetDisableFlags () from 
#35 0xf27ce382 in SfxDispatcher::_Execute () from 
#36 0xf27ce422 in SfxDispatcher::_Execute () from 
#37 0xf27f6033 in non-virtual thunk to 
const) () from /opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/

#38 0xebb8cf3c in ?? ()
#39 0xeb15feb8 in ?? ()
#40 0xebb8f8f0 in ?? ()
#41 0xff8526d0 in ?? ()
#42 0xf27f5ff0 in non-virtual thunk to 

Re: [api-dev] How can I concatenate a stream word collection

2006-09-07 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

aloizio wrote:


My goal is to store the merged document on a database as a byteArray. I am
not being able to do this. Then I am trying to stored the merged document on
disk and after moving it to the database.

Do you know where I can find one example about this?

In my current code I want to read a lot of word document from database as an
InputStream array, but I   am not being able to merge them into another

In AndrewBase.odt, I have an example that opens a document, creates a 
byte array, and dumps that into a database. I attempted to stream the 
data into the database, but streaming did not work. I had to obtain a 
byte array from the stream and then store that into the database.

Andrew Pitonyak
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[api-dev] field value in header not related to view cursor

2006-09-07 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
I wrote a simple macro to create a text like representation of a Write 
document containing a header and/or footer with the current page number. 
The view cursor traverses the pages, extracting header, text, and footer.

The interesting thing for me was that the header/footer content is 
static and does not update based on the location of the view cursor 
(footer contained the page number). In retrospect, I can understand why 
this is so, but I was also a bit surprised.

Any comments on this behavior?

Sub ExportText()
 Dim oDoc
 Dim oCurs
 Dim oVC
 Dim oStyles
 Dim oStyle
 Dim s$

 oDoc = ThisComponent
 oStyles = oDoc.StyleFamilies.getByName(PageStyles)
 oVC = oDoc.currentController.getViewCursor()
 oCurs = oVC.getText().createTextCursorByRange(oVC)
 REM Assume at the top of the loop that at the start of a new page
   oStyle = oStyles.getByName(oVC.PageStyleName)
   oCurs.gotoRange(oVC, False)
   oCurs.gotoRange(oVC, True)
   If oStyle.HeaderIsOn Then
 s = s  oStyle.HeaderText.getString()  CHR$(13)  CHR$(10)
   End If
   s = s  oCurs.getString()  CHR$(13)  CHR$(10)
   If oStyle.FooterIsOn Then
 s = s  oStyle.FooterText.getString()  CHR$(13)  CHR$(10)
   End If
   If NOT oVC.jumpToNextPage() Then Exit Do
 MsgBox s
End Sub

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Re: [api-dev] How can I concatenate a stream word collection

2006-09-08 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
I was never able to insert one document into another using a stream... I 
can open a document using certain types of streams (Never from a stream 
obtained from a database), but not insert (note that I use Basic).

aloizio wrote:


I am able to store a document like a stream into database using BLOB, but I
am not able to merge the documents that are in stream format.


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Re: [api-dev] How to get paragraph from TextRange

2006-09-29 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
If you can create a text cursor from a TextRange, then you can use the 
ParagraphCursor to jump to the start and end of the paragraph.

Julien Galand wrote:

Does someone know a reliable way to get the paragraph containing a 
TextRange (let's say it's collapsed), beside of course enumerating all 
paragraphs from the start of the text ? (which has linear complexity 
proportional to the number of paragraphs)

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Re: [api-dev] How can I insert a header only in the first page

2006-11-03 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

aloizio wrote:

How can I insert a header that appear only in the first page of the document?
I am using OpenOffice API, Java.
You need to use a different page style for the first page and a 
different page style for the rest.
You then enable the special header only in the first page page style. 
Do you understand styles well enough to implement this in styles to 
perform manually? After you do, then it is pretty easy to implement 
using the API by setting the page style on the first page. (but the 
first page style should set the next style to your standard page style.)

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] How can I insert a header only in the first page

2006-11-06 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

aloizio wrote:

I don't  understand styles well enough yet. Have you some example code? I
have been working with OpenOffice API for three months.
First, you need to know how to do this using the GUI. In other words, 
you must understand how styles work. After you understand styles and how 
to use them, then, and only then, should you attempt to code it using 
the API. If you do not understand how styles work, then understanding 
how to manipulate them from the API will not help.

I recommend that you start with the documentation project and/or the 
user's guide to first learn how to use styles.

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[api-dev] Create simple toolbar in basic

2006-12-12 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

What are the basic steps to create a simple toolbar in basic?

Assume, for example, that I desire a toolbar associated with Writer 
documents that supports commands such as next page, previous page, 
document start, etc...

Must I create an addon? I assume no.

If I wanted the toolbar in a specific document, I assume that I can use 
the documents configuration manager to create and then store the toolbar.

For all Writer documents, however, I am guessing that I need to use the 
ConfigurationProvider service, but this is only a guess.

My next guess is the layout manager, but that just seems wrong. I would 
love to see a simple example in Basic.

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Create simple toolbar in basic

2006-12-13 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Carsten Driesner wrote:

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

What are the basic steps to create a simple toolbar in basic?

Hi Andrew,

You don't need to create an add-on, but it would make life much easier 
if you just want to use built-in commands. No coding, just define the 
content of your toolbar in a xml file.

Never done this before... I should learn how.

For all Writer documents, however, I am guessing that I need to use 
the ConfigurationProvider service, but this is only a guess.
No, that's not the way to go. You have to retrieve the module ui 
configuration manager and there you can change module dependent 
toolbars. (See Basic example below) 

Thanks, the example was EXACTLY what I needed

In your example, you have the following code, which works:

 If ( oModuleCfgMgr.hasSettings( sTBURL )) Then
   oModuleCfgMgr.replaceSettings( sTBURL, oTBSettings )
   oModuleCfgMgr.insertSettings( sTBURL, oTBSettings )
 End If

This code, however, has a problem:

 If ( oModuleCfgMgr.hasSettings( sTBURL )) Then
   'oModuleCfgMgr.replaceSettings( sTBURL, oTBSettings )
   oModuleCfgMgr.RemoveSettings( sTBURL, oTBSettings )
   oModuleCfgMgr.insertSettings( sTBURL, oTBSettings )
   oModuleCfgMgr.insertSettings( sTBURL, oTBSettings )
 End If

While testing, I wanted to make a toolbar go away, so I REMOVED the 
settings. I was no longer able to create a new toolbar with the URL of 
the removed toolbar. There are no errors, it simply does nothing.

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[api-dev] How update options/configuration without restart

2006-12-13 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
Use Tools  Options calc  General  Press enter to 
move selection, and set a new value. Close the dialog, and the change 
is immediate.

If I use the API, however, I must restart OOo before the change is seen. 
For example,

Sub CheckConfigs
 Dim nodeArgs(0) As New
 Dim s$
 Dim oProvider
 DIm oUpdateAccess

 REM Properties
 nodeArgs(0).Name = nodePath
 nodeArgs(0).Value = org.openoffice.Office.Calc/Input
 nodeArgs(0).State =
 nodeArgs(0).Handle = -1 'no handle!

 REM the required Config Services
 s =
 oProvider = createUnoService(s)
 s =
 oUpdateAccess = oProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(s, nodeArgs())
 Print oUpdateAccess.MoveSelectionDirection =   

 oUpdateAccess.MoveSelectionDirection = 1
End Sub

If the MoveSelectionDirection is set to 0 (Down) using the GUI and then 
I use the macro to set the direction to 1 (Right), I must restart OOo to 
see the change. Well, the macro sees the change if I run the macro a 
second time. Is there a suitable method to convince OOo to recognize the 
change that is not a hack?

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Re: [api-dev] How update options/configuration without restart

2006-12-13 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Niklas Nebel wrote:

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
If the MoveSelectionDirection is set to 0 (Down) using the GUI and 
then I use the macro to set the direction to 1 (Right), I must 
restart OOo to see the change. Well, the macro sees the change if I 
run the macro a second time. Is there a suitable method to convince 
OOo to recognize the change that is not a hack?

You can use the property MoveDirection of service It takes effect immediately.


This is EXACTLY what I needed to know! Thanks!

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Create simple toolbar in basic

2006-12-14 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Carsten Driesner wrote:

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

In your example, you have the following code, which works:

 If ( oModuleCfgMgr.hasSettings( sTBURL )) Then
   oModuleCfgMgr.replaceSettings( sTBURL, oTBSettings )
   oModuleCfgMgr.insertSettings( sTBURL, oTBSettings )
 End If

This code, however, has a problem:

 If ( oModuleCfgMgr.hasSettings( sTBURL )) Then
   'oModuleCfgMgr.replaceSettings( sTBURL, oTBSettings )
   oModuleCfgMgr.RemoveSettings( sTBURL, oTBSettings )
   oModuleCfgMgr.insertSettings( sTBURL, oTBSettings )
   oModuleCfgMgr.insertSettings( sTBURL, oTBSettings )
 End If

While testing, I wanted to make a toolbar go away, so I REMOVED the 
settings. I was no longer able to create a new toolbar with the URL 
of the removed toolbar. There are no errors, it simply does nothing.
May be you have found a bug. I will check it. Just for your 
information, removing the configuration settings is not enough to 
really get rid of a toolbar. 2.0.x supports 
live-configuration and therefore would even show a toolbar without 
configuration data (the toolbar must be requested by the application 
code). You can see this if you use the toolbar configuration dialog 
via Tools - Configure - Toolbar and create a custom toolbar. You 
have to remove the window state of the toolbar via 
configuration access.


I have been documenting all of this...
I must remove the window state using configuration access. sigh

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[api-dev] getCellAddress() returns garbage

2006-12-21 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Is the method getCellAddress() deprecated?
I am not able to obtain valid results. For example, I ran the following 
macro on FC6 (with what ever came with the system, which means I am 
still on 2.04 with a fedora supplied build)

Sub TestCellAddress
 Dim oCell
 Dim oAddress
 oCell = ThisComponent.Sheets(0).getCellByPosition(2, 3)
 oAddress = oCell.getCellAddress()
 MsgBox Sheet =   oAddress.Sheet  CHR$(10)  _
Column =   oAddress.Column  CHR$(10)  _
Row =   oAddress.Row
End Sub


Sheet = -2268
Column = 32767
Row = -1189158716

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] getCellAddress() returns garbage

2006-12-22 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Cor Nouws wrote:

Hi Andrew,

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

Is the method getCellAddress() deprecated?
I am not able to obtain valid results. For example, I ran the 
following macro on FC6 (with what ever came with the system, which 
means I am still on 2.04 with a fedora supplied build)

Sub TestCellAddress
 Dim oCell
 Dim oAddress
 oCell = ThisComponent.Sheets(0).getCellByPosition(2, 3)
 oAddress = oCell.getCellAddress()
 MsgBox Sheet =   oAddress.Sheet  CHR$(10)  _
Column =   oAddress.Column  CHR$(10)  _
Row =   oAddress.Row
End Sub


Sheet = -2268
Column = 32767
Row = -1189158716

Returns 0, 2, 3 for me. Thus OK.
And when I use
   oCell = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection()
I also retrieve the correct (selected) address.

This with OOo 2.1 / XP
So maybe your system is just in need for a little break ;-)

Best wishes,

Thanks for checking. I will assume that there is an issue with the 
version built and supplied by the FC6 AMD64 distro.
I do know that it has the Novell stuff integrated, so it is not a 
straight OOo install.

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Re: [api-dev] getCellAddress() returns garbage

2006-12-22 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Laurent Godard wrote:

Hi Andrew,

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak a écrit :

Is the method getCellAddress() deprecated?
I am not able to obtain valid results. For example, I ran the 
following macro on FC6 (with what ever came with the system, which 
means I am still on 2.04 with a fedora supplied build)

it at a 64 bits platform ?


Yes, FC6 AMD64, standard distro, which means that it also includes the 
Novell stuff.

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Re: [api-dev] Dialogs: OK button can't call macros?

2007-01-24 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Johnny Andersson wrote:

Hi again...

2007/1/24, Malte Timmermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

This will return 0 for Cancel, something else (1) for OK.

So if execute() doesn't return 0, do your stuff.

One thing comes to my mind then: When dlg.execute() is finished (user
clicked OK or Cancel), I can do my stuff, which is to use the data from
the dialog, such as date, time and other info that the user selected, 

that data lost when the dialog is closed?


Although the dialog is closed, you can still access the dialog; only the 
view is gone. So, you can access the controls and extract information.
Also, if you do not use an OK or Cancel button, you can still write your 
own button event handler that closes the dialog. This assumes, of 
course, that you can access the dialog from within your handler. To do 
this, you must store a reference to the dialog in a variable that is 
publically visible in your method. I would provide more information, but 
I really need to sleep...

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Re: [api-dev] Re: Variant vs other types...

2007-01-28 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Johnny Andersson wrote:

Maybe I should put it another way:

Let's say that I have these lines, among others:

   Dim Ctl As Object
   Dim Doc As Object, Sheet As Object

   Dim A As String
   Dim  OBDef As Double ' Or whatever, it doesn't seem to matter in this
case, see further below...


   OBDef=DataSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(4,1,9,3).getDataArray() ' Now
OBDef seems to change to Variant.

You have a Calc sheet and you return a cell range based on its position.
Next, you call getDataArray() on the cell range.

The official return type is sequence sequence any  , which means 
an array of arrays of variants. My opinion is that this should cause an 
error because an array of arrays of any should not be assigned to a 
double unless the type can be coerced or cast into the double type. 
so, you found a but (that has been around a long time) in StarBasic. I 
rarely think about it because it has never caused me any problems. There 
might be some reason for the behavior but I am not aware of the reasons.

If you wanted the specific values, i expect you to write something like 

Dim oData()
Dim oRow()
Dim i%, j%
Dim s$

s = 
oData() = DataSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(4,1,9,3).getDataArray()
For i=LBound(oData()) To UBound(oData())
 oRow() = oData(i)
 For j = LBound(oRow()) To UBound(oRow())
   s = s CStr(oRow(j))
 s = s  CHR$(10)
MsgBox s

   ' By the way, (4,1,9,3) is E2:J4. Row 2 and 3 in that spreadsheet
contains numbers, row 4 contains text.

   A=OBDef(2,0) ' This doesn't work.

See above, it is an array of arrays, this is not a two dimensional array.

Okay, so far, no good.
When I look at the variables with Övervakaren (in Swedish, I don't 
have a

clue what it might be called in English, but I am talking about the tool
that helps me to see the content of variables while I step through the
macro, the button that allows me to select variables to watch in the 
API thing, has a pair of glasses on it and F7 does the same thing), it 

like OBDef(2)(0) is a Variant/String. What's the difference between
Variant/String and just String?
A variant can hold any type. So, you have a variant that references a 

So my question is really something like this:

How do I, in this meaningless example, make the content of OBDef(2,0), 
is a String variable, originally some text in cell E4 in spreadsheet 

to be copied to A, which is an ordinary String?

Does th example shown above help? If not...
oRow() = oBDef(2)
A = oRow(0)

What I would like to achieve is to copy a CellRange to a 2-dimensional
variable. Since some rows contains numbers and other contains text I 

that the type Variant could be useable, but obviously not...

No I really have to copy the CellRange cell by cell?
What do you really want to accomplish? Do you want to copy a range of 
data from one location to another? If so, you can use methods to 
directly copy the data. I have used cheat methods such as


Another solution would perharps be to create a struct (as it's called 
in C),

but is that possible in Basic?
Yes, you can create a user defined structure/type. To quote from my 
AndrewMacro.odt document.

1.1. User Defined Data Types
As of OOo 1.1.1, you can define your own data types.
Listing 5.51: You can define your own data types.
Type PersonType
 FirstName As String
 LastName As String
End Type

Sub ExampleCreateNewType
 Dim Person As PersonType
 Person.FirstName = Andrew
 Person.LastName  = Pitonyak
End Sub

Sub PrintPerson(x)
 Print Person =   x.FirstName x.LastName
End Sub
I gave a presentation at the 2004 OOo Conference in Berlin concerning 
creating advanced data types using structures. The examples are in the 
presentation available on my web site.


Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Re: Variant vs other types...

2007-01-29 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Johnny Andersson wrote:

2007/1/29, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

What do you really want to accomplish? Do you want to copy a range of
data from one location to another? If so, you can use methods to
directly copy the data. I have used cheat methods such as


No, a function will use the data (and other data) for calculation. The
function will return a value that will be written to another cell. The
function will be in a loop and use three of the values (one
column), different every time.

Very good. I assume that you now know how to do this.

 Another solution would perharps be to create a struct (as it's called
 in C),
 but is that possible in Basic?
Yes, you can create a user defined structure/type. To quote from my
AndrewMacro.odt document.

1.1. User Defined Data Types
As of OOo 1.1.1, you can define your own data types.
Listing 5.51: You can define your own data types.
Type PersonType
  FirstName As String
  LastName As String
End Type

Sub ExampleCreateNewType
  Dim Person As PersonType
  Person.FirstName = Andrew
  Person.LastName  = Pitonyak
End Sub

Sub PrintPerson(x)
  Print Person =   x.FirstName x.LastName
End Sub

Wow, I didn't know that! Now I have to rewrite everything macro and
every function I've made so far..!
They are not that many, on the other hand...

In your example above, is the following possible?

Sub ExampleCreateNewType
 Dim Person(100) As PersonType
 Person(0).FirstName = Andrew
 Person(0).LastName  = Pitonyak
End Sub

Try it, yes, it works

And is the following possible?

Type PersonType
 FirstName As String
 LastName As String
 ThingsToDo(9) As String
End Type

No, you can NOT have an array inside of a struct. You need to fake it:

Type PersonType
 FirstName As String
 LastName As String

 REM You can NOT have an array inside a structure
 REM ThingsToDo(9) As String
 REM But you can fake it...
 ThingsToDo As Variant
End Type

Sub ExampleCreateNewType
 Dim Person As PersonType
 Dim aa(9) As String

 Person.FirstName = Andrew
 Person.LastName  = Pitonyak
 Person.ThingsToDo = aa()
 Print UBound(Person.ThingsToDo)  REM Prints 9
 Person.ThingsToDo = DimArray(9)
 Print UBound(Person.ThingsToDo)  REM Prints 9
End Sub

And finally, is the following possible?

Type PersonType
 FirstName As String
 LastName As String
End Type

Type Human
 Properties As PersonType
 Friends(9) As PersonType
End Type
You can not have an array inside of a struct. A struct in a struct, 
however, is fine.

And even more finally, is there something similar to pointers in Basic?

I demonstrate this in the presentation I referenced.

I gave a presentation at the 2004 OOo Conference in Berlin concerning

creating advanced data types using structures. The examples are in the
presentation available on my web site.

Interesting! I'd better take a look there then!

Thanks for your reply!


Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] StarBasic - what to recommen and what to avoid?

2007-03-14 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
Your structs should pass by reference unless you purposely pass them by 


so, passing these should not be a performance issue. Much will be 
determined by how many times things are called as to what you should 
really do.

You can create your own services, but I assume that you would want to 
implement these in C++ or Java, not Basic.

Johnny Andersson wrote:
I have a question about what is recommended to do and to avoid when 

macros with StarBasic.

I think that one very convenient thing to do, is to create structs (as
they are called in C/C++), such as this one mentioned in another thread a
while ago:

Type PersonType
FirstName As String
LastName As String
End Type

Let's say that we created a rather complex struct with hundreds of 

and other structs, like this:

Type PersonType
FirstName As String
LastName As String
Status As MyStruct
End Type

Type MyStruct
Test1 As Integer
Test2 As Double
Blah As MyOtherStruct
End Type

Type MyOtherStruct
End Type


(The dots means and so on…)

So, now we want to do stuff. We will create a function that needs, say 
string variables. The function is only going to be used for this 
project, so

we don't need to make it general.

So here are two options that I could think of:


Sub Main
Dim A As MyStruct
Sim B As Integer

B=MyFunction(A.FirstName, A.LastName)
End Sub

Function MyFunction(A As String, B As String) As Integer
Dim C As Integer
'A and B are used to calculate C in some way, how is not important, it's
just an example.
End Function


Sub Main
Dim A As MyStruct
Sim B As Integer

End Sub

Function MyFunction(A As MyStruct) As Integer
Dim C As Integer
'A.FirstName and A.LastName are used to calculate C in some way. No other
variables of A are used.
End Function

One of the advantages with option 2, is that I don't need to include a 
of parameters when I call the function. In this example it was not 
that big

difference, but sometimes I need maybe 5 or 10 parameters.

On the other hand, and this is my question: Isn't option 2 more time
consuming? I am not sure how this works, but if the whole structure is
copied every time the function is called, I guess it will run slower. 
So how

does it work? Are all the variables copied to the function or is that
handled by a reference or something like that?

Should option 2 be avoided for extremely complex structures? Or should
option 1 be avoided?

Can you see more (and better) options for this kind of problem?

A bonus question: Is there anything like the C++ class in StarBasic? I
think VB use classes too… It feels like objects works like classes. They
have their own methods to handle their own variables, just like C++ 

but can I create my own?

Johnny Andersson

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] ImageURL in a UnoControlImageControlModel

2007-03-14 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Fernand Vanrie wrote:

Need to show Embeded Images in a UnoControlImageControlModel.

Giving a normal URL  to the ImageURL property works  fine,  but 
Internal URL's (from embedded Images) do not works

Is there a workaround ?

Can a internal URL been transformed to a normal URL ?

Tryed to use the Graphic-object of the Imagecontrol, but no luck, btw 
wathts te purpouse of the Graphic-propterty ?

Thanks for any hint
i think that internal URLs for graphics start with, which is probably only useful as trivia...

Take a look at section 5.9.1  Convert a linked graphic to an embedded 
graphic. in my free macro document, there is some application that might 
provide a hint using the bitmap.

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] extension's max supported OOo version

2007-03-24 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Mathias Bauer wrote:

Paolo Mantovani wrote:



Alle 20:20, giovedì 22 marzo 2007, Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany 
ha scritto:

Hi Stephan,


I suppose one can think of more things which contribute to an
extension's required environment, but are not guaranteed to be stable
over major OOo upgrades.

dispatch Url's are probably one of these things.

Not necessarily. My take on dispatch URL's is that they should stay
stable also except if we removed the functionality in a newer version.
But even in this case the code using it would still work; you just
wouldn't get a dispatch for the URL and so the dispatch appears to be
disabled, something the extension must be able to handle anyway.

So the generic nature of the dispatch API helps to keep the code
compatible even if the funtionality behind the dispatch might have been
changed or removed. Everything else can be dealt with in the code.

I also don't agree that the configuration might urge developers to
specify a maxversion. There are easy ways to deal with it as the
configuration also is a very generic one and so everything can be
handled in the code. In the worst case the extension can quit working
explicitly if a certain configuration access fails.

But I think Frank has mentioned one point where a maxversion *could*
make sense: using unpublished APIs. Changing an API used in an extension
can make it incompatible and let it crash. This is unavoidable for the
extension developer and can't be handled in the extension code.



How about the associated slot? Does that change between releases?

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Re: [api-dev] Finding the actual integer value of a numbered paragraph?

2007-03-31 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

ian_mcr123 wrote:


I'm working on an export filter for generating accessible HTML. I identify
the html list properties by inspecting the numbering rules of a paragraph
(so I find whether it uses Roman numerals etc.) and produce the
corresponding HTML.

Is it possible to identify the actual integer value of a numbered paragraph?

For example, consider the following list. In order to correctly restart the
html list after the paragraph I need the integer value of c (ie. 3) in
list item L3_2. At the minute I can only identify number by parsing the
anchor string of the paragraph. Is there a method of determining the
numbering value without parsing the string representation of the number?
(perhaps there is a particular property to query?)

1. L0_0
 a. L1_0
 i. L2_0
  a. L3_0
  b. L3_1

I experimented with querying the following properties (without sucess):

sal_Int16 numberingStartValue=0;
Any aNumberingStartValue;

= aNumberingStartValue;

if(aNumberingStartValue = numberingStartValue)
cout  numberingStartValue:  (int)numberingStartValue  endl;

bool isRestart;
= isRestart; 

I provided some information here:

I am of the opinion that you must either parse the text as you have 
done, or, track the numbering yourself, which only works if you start at 
the beginning of the document and have one for each numbering style.

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[api-dev] Where did the code snippets go?

2007-04-02 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Is it me, or did the code snippets page disappear?

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[api-dev] How to remove a shape from a Draw Page

2007-04-03 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak


This is a very interesting question and I spent an hour or so and was 
not able to solve the problem.

I am copying the dev mailing list to see if there are any clues there:

The problem:

Assume a draw document with a single shape selected.
I want to delete the single shape.
The code shown below obtains a reference to the selected shape from the 
current controller (because it is selected).

So, if I have a reference to a shape that is inserted into a draw page, 
how can I delete it?

I tried oShape.Dispose(), which crashed OOo.
I tried oShape.getParent().Remove(oShape), which crashed OOo.

Original code:

Sub Main

   Dim oShapeName as String
   Dim oDoc As Object

   oDoc = ThisComponent

   oDocCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()

   ' See what is currently selected.
   oSelection = oDocCtrl.getSelection()
   If IsEmpty( oSelection ) Then
   MsgBox( Zum Löschen muss eine Grafik makiert sein )
   Exit Sub
   If oSelection.getCount()  1 Then
   MsgBox( Bitte nur eine Grafik zum löschen auswählen )
   Exit Sub

   oOrigShape = oSelection.getByIndex( 0 )
   oShapeName = oOrigShape.getName()

   print oShapeName

  REM The Delete Function doesn't work

End Sub

Nice to hear from you again

I am overly busy (nothing new there), but I will take a quick look.

Michael Simader wrote:

Hi Andrew!

How are you? Hope you are find.
I think you know me, because you helped me with my macro for inserting 
a costum shape. It is working great and i updated the macro with a 
database and i am so proud of it. But now to the problem: If i insert 
a graphic in the draw document i make a entry in my database, but the 
problem is, if i delete a shape, i cant remove the database row. So i 
wrote a macro, where i can select a single shape and get the name of 
the shape (for deleting the database row), but the problem is, i can't 
remove the shape from the document. Do you know the methode for 
removing graphics?
Remove a graphic from a Draw document. Did you know that I cover this in 
my published book? Did you know that the Draw and Impress chapter are 
available as a free download from the publisher?

here is the macro which i want to use for deleting:

Sub Main

Dim oShapeName as String
Dim oDoc As Object

oDoc = ThisComponent

oDocCtrl = oDoc.getCurrentController()

' See what is currently selected.
oSelection = oDocCtrl.getSelection()
If IsEmpty( oSelection ) Then
MsgBox( Zum Löschen muss eine Grafik makiert sein )
Exit Sub
If oSelection.getCount()  1 Then
MsgBox( Bitte nur eine Grafik zum löschen auswählen )
Exit Sub

oOrigShape = oSelection.getByIndex( 0 )
oShapeName = oOrigShape.getName()

print oShapeName

   REM The Delete Function doesn't work

End Sub

Yeah, I do not expect you to be able to remove a shape this way.

best regards!
Your Michael

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Re: [api-dev] Where did the code snippets go?

2007-04-03 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
I am writing a new chapter for the OOo Authors site (Macro 
documentation) and I am documenting places to find macros (amongst other 

I assume, therefore, that I can probably include this in the list.

Juergen Schmidt wrote:
same for me, we have to wait on a answer from Tom Schindl who maintain 
the page.


Christian Junker wrote:

huch, cannot access it either.

2007/4/3, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Is it me, or did the code snippets page disappear?

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Re: [api-dev] How to remove a shape from a Draw Page

2007-04-04 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany wrote:

Hi Andrew,

not having an answer to your question, but ...


Assume a draw document with a single shape selected.
I want to delete the single shape.
The code shown below obtains a reference to the selected shape from the 
current controller (because it is selected).

So, if I have a reference to a shape that is inserted into a draw page, 
how can I delete it?

I tried oShape.Dispose(), which crashed OOo.
I tried oShape.getParent().Remove(oShape), which crashed OOo.

... for both of the crashes I would like to see issues in IssueZilla, if
possible :)


No Problem. I will enter an issue for both.

I will also assume that this is how I should remove a graphic.

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[api-dev] A link to explain extensions to my Mother please

2007-04-04 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
I am writing a section for OOo documentation for publication that 
describes OOo Extensions (as in, what are they, how to import, and how 
to activate). The target audience is interested in creating macros using 
the macro recorder; and I have a lot of text regarding that complete 
with pictures.

I spent a couple of hours following links and such, but I am still a bit 
confused. A link to a simple extension that is packaged and ready for 
activation would be great, preferably with a little readme that says to 
install this extension, do .

If you care, this is what I have so far.

An extension is a package that can be installed into to 
add new functionality. An extension, which can be written in almost any 
programming language, may be very sophisticated or simple. Extensions 
can be grouped into types:

* Calc Add-Ins provide new functionality for Calc, including new 
functions that act like normal built in functions.

* New components and functionality, which normally include some level of 
UI integration such as new menus or toolbars.

* Data pilots, which can be used directly in Calc.

* Chart Add-Ins with new chart types.

* Linguistic components such as spell checkers.

* Document templates and images.

Although individual extensions may be found in different places, there 
is an extension repository here:

?? How to import and activate an extension ??

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Re: [api-dev] A link to explain extensions to my Mother please

2007-04-05 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

THANKS Juergen, this does help! I really appreciate it.

Juergen Schmidt wrote:

Hi Andrew,

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
I am writing a section for OOo documentation for publication that 
describes OOo Extensions (as in, what are they, how to import, and 
how to activate). The target audience is interested in creating 
macros using the macro recorder; and I have a lot of text regarding 
that complete with pictures.

I spent a couple of hours following links and such, but I am still a 
bit confused. A link to a simple extension that is packaged and ready 
for activation would be great, preferably with a little readme that 
says to install this extension, do .


Tools - Extension Manager - select My Extensions - Add...

After the installation you can select an extension and can simply 
enable or disable it via the Extensions Manager dialog.

Hope this helps a little bit


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Re: [api-dev] strange value of (ItemEvent).Selected

2007-04-09 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
As a signed value, this would be -1, which might mean that nothing was 

just a guess.

Mikael De Bie wrote:


Using an ItemListener, I wanted to know if the action that triggered the
listener was a selection or anything else. I don't find another way that
to find the value of oEvt.Selected returned when it's not a selection
and to verify that value.

The value returned is 65535. All is working fine now, but I wonder why
THAT value ?

Does someone know something about that ?

Here's the code of the CspListBoxListener::itemStateChanged method :

void CspListBoxListener::itemStateChanged( const awt::ItemEvent oEvt )
throw ( RuntimeException )
//For an unknown reason, 65535 seems to be the value for a deselection
if(oEvt.Selected != 65535){



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Re: [api-dev] strange value of (ItemEvent).Selected

2007-04-10 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Is this a 64 bit version, or the standard build?

Stephan Bergmann wrote:

Mikael De Bie wrote:

On Mon, 2007-04-09 at 22:39 -0400, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
As a signed value, this would be -1, which might mean that nothing 
was selected...

That's what I've guessed too, but the value I get is always 65535.
That's why I'm wondering about that...

if someone knows another way to know if the action listened is a
selection or anything else, let me know...

This smells like a bug where some internal C/C++ unsigned short 65535 
(corresponding to signed short -1, presumably a special internal value 
representing nothing selected) is converted into a UNO long in a 
wrong way.  You should file an issue.




Mikael De Bie wrote:


Using an ItemListener, I want to know if the action that triggers the
listener is a selection or anything else. I don't find another way 

to find the value of oEvt.Selected returned when it's not a selection
and to verify that value.

The value returned is 65535. All is working fine now, but I wonder why
THAT value ?

Does someone know something about that ?

Here's the code of the CspListBoxListener::itemStateChanged method :


void CspListBoxListener::itemStateChanged( const awt::ItemEvent 
oEvt )

throw ( RuntimeException )
//For an unknown reason, 65535 seems to be the value for a deselection
if(oEvt.Selected != 65535){





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Re: [api-dev] Replaceing selected text with Basic Macro

2007-04-17 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Mathias Röllig wrote:

Am 17.04.2007 11:45 schrieb Johnny Andersson:


Is this what always happens or did I do something wrong?

I think no (twice).

I filed a issue:

Greetings MRoe

I replied to the issue, but I would have said that it was not a bug.
I provided code to demonstrate what is really happening here. It may be 
a bug, but it has been this way since version 1.0.

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Re: [api-dev] PageBreak in XTextTable

2007-06-19 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Michael Jeier wrote:

I have a long XTextTable in a writer document.
How can I get the number of the row, where a pagebreak occurs?

Thanks for your help.

Regards, Michael

I assume that you need to use the view cursor to count the lines. Ugly, 
I know, but I can think of no other way.

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Re: [api-dev] Question reg. Sound programming in Basic

2007-06-19 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Cor Nouws wrote:


I've functions in which quite often properties for controls are set.

Thus I could do A)
n times
  oCtrl = oDlgDoc.getControl(name)

or B)  n times
  SetMyControlProp (name)

which calls
  Sub SetMyControlProp (sN$)
oCtrl = oDlgDoc.getControl(name)
  End Sub

B) looks cleaner.
However, I've no idea if A or B is faster of better reg. memory usage.

Any ideas?

If I want to know, I place a loop around and count the system ticks to 
perform the action a few thousand times.

If execution time is sufficient, don't worry about it. If it is a 
problem, consider storing a reference to the control in a global 
variable and then access them directly.

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Re: [api-dev] Calc Basic Insert Table from text file

2007-07-01 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Volker Lenhardt wrote:
How can I insert a sheet table from a text file (UTF-8) in Calc using 

I only find the dispatcher with uno:insert, but what is the syntax? I 
don't get any further than to get the dialog to insert a table, but I 
want to use an existing URL directly.

Isn't there a way in the API?

OOo 2.1 (Windows XP), OOo 2.2 (SuSE Linux 10.1)

Regards, Volker

Although I will not demonstrate how to insert the file as a sheet, I can 
at least point you to code that will read it.

Look at AndrewBase.odt. I discuss CSV files. The macro named 
ReadFixedWidthFile(), creates a CSV file and then reads it into a Calc 
document. You might find something of use...

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Re: [api-dev] Calc Basic Insert Table from text file

2007-07-02 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Volker Lenhardt wrote:

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak schrieb:
 Look at AndrewBase.odt. I discuss CSV files. The macro named 
ReadFixedWidthFile(), creates a CSV file and then reads it into a 
Calc document. You might find something of use...

Thank you, Andrew, it helps me to open the file in question. You write 
to take 65535 for UTF-8 in the options, but I don't succeed. With e.g. 
0 or 850 I get the file, but with the wrong encoding, of course. I 
cannot find a list of valid code numbers, and I don't feel like trying 
65635 different settings ;-)

Can you tell me?

Regards, Volker
When I can not find the value, you can import it by hand and then 
inspect the values that are used. I have a macro to do this in a section 
titled something like I still can not import my csv file, what do I do 
now (but a shorter title).

I think, however, that Bernard has a good solution for you (a solution I 
did not know until I read it... Thanks Bernard).

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Re: [api-dev] Calc Basic Insert Table from text file

2007-07-02 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Volker Lenhardt wrote:

and got the GUI dialog to insert a sheet. Understandable, as I have no 
path mentioned. What is the syntax for doing so? When I looked for an 
API method I only got to

insertNewByName([in] string aName,
[in] short nPosition)

There is no means whatever to name a URL.
You are correct. This routine inserts a new blank sheet with the given 
name at the specified position. I will take a quick look to see if I can 
find a way WITHOUT using a dispatch.

Can you help me to the spot?

Regards, Volker

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Re: [api-dev] Calc Basic Insert Table from text file

2007-07-02 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

REM  *  BASIC  *
Option Explicit

Sub Main
 Dim oSheet
 oSheet = ThisComponent.getSheets().getByIndex(0), _
Sheet1, _
Text - txt - csv (StarCalc), _
FIX,34,0,1,0/3/8/2/19/10, _
End Sub

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Re: [api-dev] Calc Basic Insert Table from text file

2007-07-02 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Turns out I had an example in my book that snows how to link.

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

REM  *  BASIC  *
Option Explicit

Sub Main
 Dim oSheet
 oSheet = ThisComponent.getSheets().getByIndex(0), _
Sheet1, _
Text - txt - csv (StarCalc), _
FIX,34,0,1,0/3/8/2/19/10, _
End Sub

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Re: [api-dev] Calc Basic Insert Table from text file

2007-07-03 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Volker Lenhardt wrote:

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak schrieb:

Turns out I had an example in my book that snows how to link.

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

REM  *  BASIC  *
Option Explicit

Sub Main
 Dim oSheet
 oSheet = ThisComponent.getSheets().getByIndex(0), _
Sheet1, _
Text - txt - csv (StarCalc), _
FIX,34,0,1,0/3/8/2/19/10, _
End Sub

Thank you very much, Andrew, it works, though I think the API is 
slightly cloudy in this respect. :-(

I understand that returns a Sheetlink, but it doesn't, 
when I initialize oSheet by

oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().insertNewByName(Voodoo, 0)

I have to put it in 2 lines:

oDoc.getSheets().insertNewByName(Voodoo, 0)
oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByName(Voodoo)

This is bewildering behavior imho.

It returns nothing!

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Re: [api-dev] Some Calc Java Macro Issues:

2007-07-05 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
I believe that I have code (Basic) and Calc as a simple database from 
my web site and now available from the documentation project in the Calc 

As for speed, can you set all the data at one time (or in large groups) 
using setData or setDataArray?

Denis Camargo wrote:

Hi. I really need help in a few issues:

1) how can I turn autofilters on in a spreadsheet via java macro? I
found that the service DatabaseRange has a property Autofilter, that
should be set to true to activate the autofilters.

How do I access this property/service? In the API-DEV, theres an old
thread, but it did not get me anywhere, the guy was even invited to
share his solution as a code snipped, but never did so. (I will =)

The OOBasic macro generated by the macro recorder below activates the
autofilters, but I was unable to reproduce it using Java:

Sub Main
End Sub

sub filters

rem define variables

dim document as object
dim dispatcher as object


rem get access to the document

document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService(


dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, .uno:DataFilterAutoFilter, ,
0, Array())

end sub

2) I am having a terrible delay in writing the data on the
spreadsheet. My macro has to write around (20-30k rows * 9 cols) of
information (shading some blocks of rows with related info), and takes
around 2 hours to do so.

I can't put a sample of the code here right now, but basically i loop
through the items, with a nested loop for each row of data for that
item, finishing with the shading, like:

for( Pack p : packages) {

   lastRow = rowCount;
   rowCount = 0;
   for( Row r : p) {

   xSpreadsheet.getCell(x, y).setFormula( r.getData1() );
   xSpreadsheet.getCell(x, y).setFormula(r.getData9() );
   range = xSpreadsheet.getCellRange( rows from lastRow to rowCount,
cols 1 to 9)
   range.shade( isShade() );
   The code above doesn't work I know that. The real program
works, it just is taking too long to finish.

Is there a way to speedwrite the data? All the data to write to the
spreadsheet is available before I begin to write, so if there is a way
to write to big chunks of cells at once, that is not a problem.

My program works fine, its just it needs a huge optimization. I will
upload some real code once I get to a machine with a working USB port.

3  - On the same massive cell writing subject, how can I access the
menu command Insert - Spreadsheet from file... via macro? Because I
already created a standalone program that writes a tab-separated text
file with the data, and then I manually load the file. I lose all the
formatting the old macro did, but the whole 30k rows process goes from
2 hours to less than 1 minute. Maybe this is an alternative to problem

Thank you so much for reading all that up to here. Hope someone can
shed me some light.

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Re: [api-dev] Should a key event listener be called for the Ctrl key?

2007-07-10 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Christoph Lupp wrote:

Hi Andrew,

perhaps there is an misunderstanding.

You wrote in your question to the dev mail list:

Pressing a combination with the Ctrl key worked as expected, and the
Ctrl key was properly indicated in the attributes.

But a combination of CTRL with another key also don't work on my computer.
That's my problem. Only pressing the CTRL-Key is not important for me, I need
the possibility to check the combination of CTRL with (for example) the
arrow-keys (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT).
Christoph, I tested with Ctrl+1, Alt+1, and Ctrl+Alt+1 and the modifier 
for Control showed for these. The same is true for the arrow keys. Well, 
I only tested Ctrl+up_arrow because you said that the arrows do not work 
for you. Please note that I am using Fedora-7, the 64 bit version.

I see the bit 2 in the modifier for a control key.

The combination of ALT with another key works on my computer.

Many thanks for your help


P.S.: Do you know the xray-tool, is this a possibility for me?

Yes, I think that you should install and use the xray tool.

I wrote an object inspector before xray existed, and I still do use it 
because I prefer my inspector for some things. Over-all, however, XRay 
is certainly a better object inspector. You should be able to install 
and use it with no problem. I consider it highly recommended.

Zitat von Andrew Douglas Pitonyak [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

My opinion is that this is a bug! I can ask on the dev mail list!

 Christoph Lupp wrote:


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Re: [api-dev] Re: [gsl-dev] Re: [api-dev] Should a key event listener be called for the Ctrl key?

2007-07-10 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Thanks for that excellent reply!

(Philipp, I copied you on BCC to make certain you would receive my 
thanks even if you do not monitor the list).

Philipp Lohmann wrote:


Modifiers alone do not per se generate a key event in vcl for years but
a specialized KeyModChange (modifier changed) event. This is not bound
to the awt implementation, so I guess it is not available to any awt
customer. Moreover key mod change is not dispatched on every modifier
change, but only on key releases.

This peculiar behaviour has its origin in the rather unique feature that
 lead to the implementation of KeyModChange, namely the explicit
distinction that the left or right shift key was pressed and then
released. This action switches the writing direction.

The fact that you get a key input for Alt is a side effect due to the
duplicate role of Alt as KEY_MENU which is native on Windows and
emulated on other platforms.

So currently you don't get key events for modifiers, only for modified
keys. Only on Windows you get a key event for Alt pressed as actually a
side effect.

Kind regards, pl

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[api-dev] Insert a Draw document into a gallery

2007-07-17 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
OOo has very little clipart. I was asked to write a macro that will 
create OOo clipart galleries from existing folders of clipart.

I figured out how to insert links from a URL

oTheme.insertURLByIndex(sURL, 0)

I figured out how to insert the object as a graphic

   Dim oProvider  'GraphicProvider service.
   oProvider = createUnoService(

   Dim oProps(0) as new
   oProps(0).Name  = URL
   oProps(0).Value = sURL

   REM Returns a graphic object from the URL to the graphic.
   oTheme.insertGraphicByIndex(oProvider.queryGraphic(oProps()), 0)

Apparently, a large collection of available clipart exists in SVG format.
I installed the SVG importer from here:

I looked at the API, and it looks like I can insert a draw document 

I tried it using this code:

   Dim oDoc
   Dim ImportArgs(0) As New
   ImportArgs(0).Name  = FilterName
   ImportArgs(0).Value = draw_svg_import
   oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(sURL, _blank, 0, ImportArgs())
   If NOT IsNull(oDoc) AND NOT IsEmpty(oDoc) Then
 oTheme.insertGraphicByIndex(oDoc, 0)
   End If

A -1 is returned, which means that the image was not added (I can also 
see that the image is not added).

If you want to run the entire macro, it will be here until I resolve 
this problem (at which point, I will likely move it someplace on my 
macros page).

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:
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Re: [api-dev] Vá: Insert a Draw docum ent into a gallery

2007-07-18 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Worst case:

I will see if I can read the SVG and then export it as a different 
graphic type and then add that to the gallery. If we can run a different 
command line to convert all SVG files to something else, however, that 
might be easier. The API looks like it claims to support a Draw 
document. If I do not receive an answer here, I will see if I can 
download the latest copy of the code, check the code and then based on 
what I see there, I might open a bug report. the wording sounds like it 
might want something other than the document (because it uses the word 
MODEL, but it also indicates that it wants an XComponent interface).

Kálmán Szalai wrote:

Hello Andrew and Developers!

I checked the stability of SVG filter and some files not converted that
simple command line java application does. This application produce odg
files from svg, so I would like to know how we can import odg files. The
UI of gallery does not support to add odg and sxd files (interesting? -
the gallery supports many formats but not the default
formats)... Are there any way to import odg files via API?

Best regards,


Andrew Douglas Pitonyak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/18/07 5:57 de.

OOo has very little clipart. I was asked to write a macro that will 
create OOo clipart galleries from existing folders of clipart.

I figured out how to insert links from a URL

oTheme.insertURLByIndex(sURL, 0)

I figured out how to insert the object as a graphic

Dim oProvider  'GraphicProvider service.
oProvider =

Dim oProps(0) as new
oProps(0).Name  = URL
oProps(0).Value = sURL

REM Returns a graphic object from the URL to the graphic.
oTheme.insertGraphicByIndex(oProvider.queryGraphic(oProps()), 0)

Apparently, a large collection of available clipart exists in SVG
I installed the SVG importer from here: 

I looked at the API, and it looks like I can insert a draw document 

I tried it using this code:

Dim oDoc
Dim ImportArgs(0) As New
ImportArgs(0).Name  = FilterName
ImportArgs(0).Value = draw_svg_import
oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(sURL, _blank, 0,
If NOT IsNull(oDoc) AND NOT IsEmpty(oDoc) Then
  oTheme.insertGraphicByIndex(oDoc, 0)
End If

A -1 is returned, which means that the image was not added (I can also

see that the image is not added).

If you want to run the entire macro, it will be here until I resolve 
this problem (at which point, I will likely move it someplace on my 
macros page). 


Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:
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Re: [api-dev] Insert a Draw document into a gallery

2007-07-20 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

It is possible to add a Draw document to a gallery?

I tried oTheme.insertDrawingByIndex(oDoc, 0), which looks like it should 
work based on the API, but it does not work.

I traced things to this code in


::sal_Int32 SAL_CALL GalleryTheme::insertDrawingByIndex(
   const uno::Reference lang::XComponent  Drawing, sal_Int32 
nIndex )

   throw (lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException)
   const ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
   sal_Int32   nRet = -1;

   if( mpTheme )
   GalleryDrawingModel* pModel = 
GalleryDrawingModel::getImplementation( Drawing );

   if( pModel  pModel-GetDoc()  pModel-GetDoc()-ISA( 
FmFormModel ) )

   nIndex = ::std::max( ::std::min( nIndex, 
getCount() ), sal_Int32( 0 ) );

   if( mpTheme-InsertModel( *static_cast 
FmFormModel* ( pModel-GetDoc() ), nIndex ) )

   nRet = nIndex;

   return nRet;

What kind of drawing can I insert?

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:
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Re: [api-dev] Vá: Insert a Draw docum ent into a gallery

2007-07-25 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

My guess is that this is a bug, so I will probably open a bug report.

I did check the code, but there are a few things that require a much 
deeper understanding of the code than I have. Well, it would likely take 
hours to understand even though it is also likely very simple.

See svx/source/unogallery/unogaltheme.cxx

::sal_Int32 SAL_CALL GalleryTheme::insertDrawingByIndex(
   const uno::Reference lang::XComponent  Drawing, sal_Int32 
nIndex )

   throw (lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException)
   const ::vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
   sal_Int32   nRet = -1;

   if( mpTheme )
   GalleryDrawingModel* pModel = 
GalleryDrawingModel::getImplementation( Drawing );

   if( pModel  pModel-GetDoc()  pModel-GetDoc()-ISA( 
FmFormModel ) )

   nIndex = ::std::max( ::std::min( nIndex, 
getCount() ), sal_Int32( 0 ) );

   if( mpTheme-InsertModel( *static_cast 
FmFormModel* ( pModel-GetDoc() ), nIndex ) )

   nRet = nIndex;

   return nRet;

Kálmán Szalai wrote:

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/18/07 1:59 du. 

Worst case:

I will see if I can read the SVG and then export it as a different 
graphic type and then add that to the gallery. If we can run a different 
command line to convert all SVG files to something else, however, that 
might be easier.

We can convert it to ODG easily. This method is very same as SVG filter extension 
in OOo. So we can convert SVG-ODG -- the quality of conversion is not perfect 
but good enough, so it produces usable output.
The API looks like it claims to support a Draw 
document. If I do not receive an answer here, I will see if I can 
download the latest copy of the code, check the code and then based on 
what I see there, I might open a bug report. the wording sounds like it 
might want something other than the document (because it uses the word 
MODEL, but it also indicates that it wants an XComponent interface).

Interesting thing -- gallery - itself does not support sxd and odg files. So 
you can't add it to the gallery via UI. it is might caused because OOo does not 
support self format in gallery internally... I do not know, we mighe have to 
ask ka@ about this.
We have an issue about non importable sxd, odg files into gallery but no 
progression here...


Kálmán Szalai wrote:

Hello Andrew and Developers!

I checked the stability of SVG filter and some files not converted that
simple command line java application does. This application produce odg
files from svg, so I would like to know how we can import odg files. The
UI of gallery does not support to add odg and sxd files (interesting? -
the gallery supports many formats but not the default
formats)... Are there any way to import odg files via API?

Best regards,


Andrew Douglas Pitonyak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/18/07 5:57 de.

OOo has very little clipart. I was asked to write a macro that will 
create OOo clipart galleries from existing folders of clipart.

I figured out how to insert links from a URL

oTheme.insertURLByIndex(sURL, 0)

I figured out how to insert the object as a graphic

Dim oProvider  'GraphicProvider service.
oProvider =

Dim oProps(0) as new
oProps(0).Name  = URL
oProps(0).Value = sURL

REM Returns a graphic object from the URL to the graphic.
oTheme.(oProvider.queryGraphic(oProps()), 0)

Apparently, a large collection of available clipart exists in SVG
I installed the SVG importer from here: 

I looked at the API, and it looks like I can insert a draw document 

I tried it using this code:

Dim oDoc
Dim ImportArgs(0) As New
ImportArgs(0).Name  = FilterName
ImportArgs(0).Value = draw_svg_import
oDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(sURL, _blank, 0,
If NOT IsNull(oDoc) AND NOT IsEmpty(oDoc) Then
  oTheme.insertDrawingByIndex(oDoc, 0)
End If

A -1 is returned, which means that the image was not added (I can also

see that the image is not added).

If you want to run the entire macro, it will be here until I resolve 
this problem (at which point, I will likely move it someplace on my 
macros page). 



Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:
My Book:
See Also:

Re: [api-dev] Open Office VBA porting? or leave as it is?

2007-07-30 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Simon B. Margulies wrote:

Hi all,

I'm still evaluating open office as the new solution for my parents 
tax software, which has been built in excel with some vba scripts.


What do you think? Are there any developers using VBA in Open Office?
Is VBA supported in openoffice for windows AND os x?
Should all be ported to some other scripting language?

I suspect that I do not properly understand what you are proposing. Are 
you proposing to continue using VBA and then use that to access OOo? 
This would not be very cross-platform compatible.

Using Java should be, but it has a higher learning curve and you still 
need to learn the OOo API. Have you considered using StarBasic included 
with OOo?

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:
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Re: [api-dev] Open Office VBA porting? or leave as it is?

2007-07-31 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
I started this a few years back (so it is dated and incomplete), but it 
might be useful. I think that on the hosting web page, there are better 
links, but I threw this up just because I had it sitting around.

Simon B. Margulies wrote:

thanks for your answers!

I'm now looking into porting the existing vba-code to StarBasic and 
trying to get java working for future developments.

thanks a lot


On 30.07.2007, at 22:39, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

Simon B. Margulies wrote:

Hi all,

I'm still evaluating open office as the new solution for my parents 
tax software, which has been built in excel with some vba scripts.


What do you think? Are there any developers using VBA in Open Office?
Is VBA supported in openoffice for windows AND os x?
Should all be ported to some other scripting language?

I suspect that I do not properly understand what you are proposing. 
Are you proposing to continue using VBA and then use that to access 
OOo? This would not be very cross-platform compatible.

Using Java should be, but it has a higher learning curve and you 
still need to learn the OOo API. Have you considered using StarBasic 
included with OOo?

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:
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Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] how to do custom formula functions embedded in the document?

2007-07-31 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Ionel Maries Cristian wrote:

I belive some form of macro would be suitable for this job.
The function has to fetch some xml from a remote url, the
xml has to be parsed and the parameters for the url are
sent as post data (as xml)
I've failed to find apis for doing url fetching in basic.
Python would be suitable for doing that (rich standard
library, good docs) but, again, i've failed to find a way to use
python functions as formula functions (basic functions
are callable from a formula but, there is no obvious way
to call some python functions from the basic macro)

Any help is apreciated.
Have you looked at any stock quote examples with Calc? They usually 
obtain a document from a URL of some sort and then parse it.

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] AWT TREE: OOoBasic version of the ScriptSelector example

2007-09-07 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:

PS 2: though my English is very me-Tarzan-you-Jane, 

No, your English is much better than that.

isn't it wrong
Childs as plural of Child, instead of Children? 

Children is the correct plural for Child.

The Java API uses
Children for the plural ( z.B. DefaultMutableTreeNode.allowsChildren ,
.children, .getAllowsChildren() ... ), OOo API Childs.

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Getting printers via Basic or Java

2007-09-12 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
Download my free macro document and search for  Listing the supported 
printers This is for Basic.

Tobias Krais wrote:

Hi togehter,

I have to write a little uno package managing printer options. Up to OO
2.0, it was not possible to get the available printers via OO Basic. Can
you tell me whether this is possible now? If not, I have to write this
extension in Java...

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Print Listeners in OOo 2.0.2 (Urgent!)

2007-09-12 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Have you seen the solution in my macro document?

This might only work if the GUI is present (ie, not in headless mode).

Tobias Krais wrote:

Hi Hal,

Code would be a big help so I could compare what we've got.  I'll be 
glad to send you what I have.  Right now I'm working with a wrapper 
class to handle basic functions.  Do I understand, though, that you run 
the program once for each file you print?  Or does it loop through and 
print multiple files without being re-run?

My program runs once for each file. But modifying it shouldn't be a
problem for it is in good object oriented style.

It's not on this topic, but I see you had a question about getting the 
list of printers in BASIC.  I can't do that, but I do have a routine 
that gets the lists of printers on a system from Java.  It doesn't work 
directly with OOo, but it can get all the printers.  Will that help 

Yes, it will. That will be the solution I plan to implement if it does
not work in BASIC.

I'll send you a private mail with the relevant code.

Greetings, Tobias

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Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Styling cells in a spreadsheet in Basic

2007-10-24 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
I think that you set borders either using a Style (just a guess, never 
have done it, but it would imply that the style itself specifies the 
border), or by manipulating a cell (or probably a cell range, I am guess 
rather than grabbing a copy of my book). I know that I do cover this in 
my book, and maybe in my free macro document. I do have this bit of code 
sitting around (and I see that it uses a table, oops)

 Dim v
 Dim x
 v = oTable.TableBorder
 x = v.TopLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.TopLine = x

 x = v.LeftLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.LeftLine = x

 x = v.RightLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.RightLine = x

 x = v.TopLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.TopLine = x

 x = v.VerticalLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.VerticalLine = x

 x = v.HorizontalLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 0
 v.HorizontalLine = x

 x = v.BottomLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.BottomLine = x

 'v.Distance = 51

 oTable.TableBorder = v

This just gives you a hint at how to do what you want, since it likely 
does not do what you want.

Notice that I do stupid things like this...

 x = v.BottomLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.BottomLine = x

This is because the following will fail:

v.BottomLine.OuterLineWidth = 2

This fails because v.BottomLine returns a copy of the structure, rather 
than a reference to the structure. so, what the working code does, is to 
create and modify a copy, then assign it back. So, why does assigning it 
back work rather than just assign it to a copy? Well, you ask too many 
question :-) or, it is because it is internally treated as a set (I did 
not check the real reason).

Alexandro Colorado wrote:
thanks oliver however I dont see how to get the borders and width 
since is not color based is nowhere to be found near that IDL. The 
only border I found was for table which I am not sure is the same as 
the spreadsheet borders.

On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:14:45 -0500, Oliver Brinzing 

Hash: SHA1

Hi Alexandro

REM  *  BASIC  *


Sub Main
Dim oDoc as Object
Dim oCell as Object
Dim oRange as Object
Dim oStyles as Object
oDoc = ThisComponent

'direct (hard) cell formating ...   
oCell = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0).getCellByPosition(0,0)

oCell.CellBackColor = 256

'direct range formating ...   
oRange = 

oRange.CellBackColor = 128

' soft format via a cell style

oStyles = oDoc.StyleFamilies.getByName(CellStyles)
' change color of build in cell style Result
oStyles.getByName(Result).CellBackColor = 192

' apply to a range ...
oRange = 

oRange.CellStyle = Result

End Sub


Am 23.10.2007 17:50 schrieb Alexandro Colorado:

Hi I want to know how to style cells in a spreadsheet, things like
background color, border and width.

I am not sure if this is the best list to ask OOoBasic questions but
there it goes. If there is a better list for this, please let me know.

- --

GnuPG key 0xCFD04A45: 8822 057F 4956 46D3 352C 1A06 4E2C AB40 CFD0 4A45
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] list of propertyName's

2007-10-27 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Atte André Jensen wrote:


My cursor is over some text. I'd like to read the propertyes of the 
selection as with (in php):

$propertyValue = $cursor-getPropertyValue('CharWeight');

Where can I see a list of possible propertyName's similar to 

You can inspect the object with XRay, you can inspect the object in the 
IDE, you can look at the definition online, you can look at the debug 
properties of the object.

Andrew Pitonyak
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Re: [api-dev] Code-Highlighting in Basic IDE

2007-10-30 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

Thomas Krumbein wrote:

Hi Ariel, hi Malte,

thank you for the information.

Ariel Constenla-Haile schrieb:
See Andrew Pitonyak's Macro Document at

chap. 9 Formatting macros containg macros to format Basic code just 
like the IDE does.

OK, this is a fine start - and helps me really.

Best regards

My code relies on certain paragraph styles identifying the code and then 
uses character styles to format the different portions. If you highlight 
an entire formatted Calc Macro, you will have all of the required 
character styles.

I should check to see if I have the latest copy in my macro document 
I know that at one point I speed it up a lot.

If you desire the latest copy as a library email me and let me know.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:
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