Re: copying const struct

2013-10-15 Thread Jack Applegame

On Monday, 14 October 2013 at 18:36:00 UTC, Maxim Fomin wrote:
Funniest thing happen in cases like this when he reports the 
bug himself and soon fixes it, later bug is hit by someone else 
but during reporting it is realized that bug is already fixed, 
pull is pushed to master and everyone salutes Kenji.
Obviously Kenji has a time machine. With it, he discovers bugs in 
the future and fixes them in the present and sometimes even in 
the past.

Re: howto dispatch to derived classes?

2013-10-15 Thread Manfred Nowak
=?UTF-8?B?QWxpIMOHZWhyZWxp?= wrote:

 a virtual function like accept() can do the trick

This would require changes in the whole class hierarchy.

But because of
 The actual type of the object is implicitly stored in the
 vtbl of each type.
and in addition, because the statement
| writeln( getC.classinfo.create.classinfo);
gives the correct type there should be a possibility to dispatch to the 
correct `visit' function without any changes in the class hierarchy.

I see that a sequence of statements
| if( auto tmp= cast(Ci) getC) visit( tmp);
can dispatch to the correct `visit' function. But this again would 
require knowledge of all `Ci'.

A solution seems very close, but ...


Is this a bug, if so, how would you summarize it?

2013-10-15 Thread safety0ff

See this code:

On DMD it gives the error message if version=bug, but not if 
version=bug AND version=workaround1 (through 6).
On LDC it segfaults at run time if version=bug, but not if 
version=bug AND version=workaround1 (through 6).

Workaround1 - workaround4 are more or less boring.
However it is surprising that workaround5 and workaround6 work 
but in the bug (when there's two aliases) you then get an error 
message for each alias.

Problem: Cannot create class out of nothing using witchcraft

2013-10-15 Thread DoctorCaptain

dmd v2.063.2

Hi there! I'm terribly hopeful that you're more interested in the
problem at hand than my choice of title.

I've been using D for a while as my language of choice for
various projects here and there, and I've recently discovered
that template programming is magic. This is good. As part of the
process of finding anything magic that also works, I've been
going completely overboard with it. This involves, among other
things, creating empty classes using templates and mixins at
compile time, to build an inheritance hierarchy to do fancy
things. This is all essentially irrelevant, but brings us to my

The next logical step in my adventure here was to see if I could
create classes that weren't empty, but in fact has data members,
generated at compile time using variadic templates. The first
run-through went super well, and I was able to create classes
with arbitrary primitive data types.

However, ultimately I wanted these compile-time-generated classes
with arbitrary data members to have data members that were of the
type of the other classes that were also generated at compile

That is to say, I want to generate, at compile time, classes like

class MyClass {
 crazyTemplate!(MagicClassOne).MagicClassOne t1;
 crazyTemplate2!(MagicClassTwo).MagicClassTwo t2;

such that crazyTemplate and crazyTemplate2 each generate a class
definition at compile time, accessible as defined by the string

For example:

template crazyTemplate(string classname) {
 mixin(`class ` ~ className ~ ` {}`);

The bare class-generating templates work, and generating classes
that have arbitrary members at compile time using variadic
templates given an arbitrary list of basic types works, but as
soon as I try to use these template-generated classes as the
types of the members of this variadic template, things go awry.

I feel like what I'm trying to explain is a bit difficult to
parse without a minimal working example, so here is one:

import std.stdio;
import std.typetuple;
import std.traits;
import std.conv;

class BaseClass {}

template ChildT(string className)
 mixin(`class ` ~ className ~ ` : BaseClass {}`);

template isChildOrBaseClass(T)
 enum bool isChildOrBaseClass = is(T : BaseClass);

template GrabBagT(string className, T...)
 if (allSatisfy!(isChildOrBaseClass, T))

string genClassStr(T...)(string className)
 string classStr = ;
 classStr ~= `static class ` ~ className ~ ` : BaseClass`;
 classStr ~= `{`;
 // Demonstrate that the template itself is not the problem
 classStr ~= `ChildT!(BestChild).BestChild t1000;`;
 // Add arbitrary data members
 foreach (i, TI; T)
 // Neither of these work with the generated classes, but
the first
 // will work if GrabBagT is called with primitive types
and its
 // constraint is commented out
 //classStr ~= fullyQualifiedName!(TI) ~ ` t` ~
to!(string)(i) ~ `;`;
 //classStr ~= __traits(identifier, TI) ~ ` t` ~
to!(string)(i) ~ `;`;
 classStr ~= `void printAttempts() {`;
 foreach (i, TI; T)
 classStr ~= `writeln(` ~ to!string(i) ~ `);`;
 classStr ~= `}`;
 classStr ~= `}`;
 return classStr;

int main(string[] args)
 alias ChildT!(WorstChild).WorstChild WorstChild;
 alias ChildT!(MiddleChild).MiddleChild MiddleChild;

 auto magicObject = new GrabBagT!(
 MagicClass, WorstChild, MiddleChild).MagicClass();

 //auto magicObject = new GrabBagT!(
 //MagicClass, int, float).MagicClass();


 return 0;

That should compile and print out 0 and 1. Note the template
constraint that bars the template instantiator from trying to
instantiate GrabBagT with anything other than types that can be
implicitly treated as type BaseClass. I tried using
__traits(identifier) and fullyQualifiedName to get the actual
type of the alias passed in (like the BestChild declaration), but
the latter gives a mangled name, and the former gives just
whatever the bare alias was.

In any case. If the fullyQualifiedName line is uncommented, the
error is:

classAttributeGen.d(22): Error: undefined identifier
classAttributeGen.d(22): Error:
is used as a type
classAttributeGen.d(22): Error: undefined identifier
classAttributeGen.d(22): Error:
is used as a type
classAttributeGen.d(54): Error: template instance
classAttributeGen.GrabBagT!(MagicClass, WorstChild,
MiddleChild) error instantiating

If the __traits line is uncommented instead, the error is:

classAttributeGen.d(22): Error: undefined identifier WorstChild

Re: Array copy warning

2013-10-15 Thread bearophile

Benjamin Thaut:

I'm just in the progress of upgrading to dmd 2.063 and I now 
get the following warnings in my code:

 Warning: explicit element-wise assignment

I am having problems with code like this, that used to work:

import std.algorithm: reduce;
struct Foo { int x, y; }
void main() {
Foo[] data = [{10, 20}, {30, 40}];
reduce!((a, b) = a[] += [b.x, b.y][])([0, 0], data);

Now it gives:

test.d(5): Error: invalid array operation a[] += [b.x, b.y] (did 
you forget a [] ?)
...\dmd2\src\phobos\std\algorithm.d(763): Error: template 
instance test.main.__lambda1!(int[], Foo) error instantiating

test.d(5):instantiated from here: reduce!(int[], Foo[])
test.d(5): Error: template instance test.main.reduce!((a, b) = 
a[] += [b.x, b.y][]).reduce!(int[], Foo[]) error instantiating

Expanding the lambda doesn't fully solve the problem:

import std.algorithm: reduce;
struct Foo { int x, y; }
void main() {
Foo[] data = [{10, 20}, {30, 40}];
reduce!((a, b) { int[2] c = [b.x, b.y];
 a[] += c[];
 return c;})([0, 0], data);


...\dmd2\src\phobos\std\algorithm.d(763): Warning: explicit slice 
assignment result = (__lambda1(result, front(_param_1)))[] is 
better than result = __lambda1(result, front(_param_1))


Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Andrew
I've successfully built Pegged and I'm now trying to build vibe.d 
which requires dub so ...

andrew@islay:~$ cd dub-0.9.18/
andrew@islay:~/dub-0.9.18$ ls
binbuild-files.txt  examples   
LICENSE_DE.txt  package.json  source
build.cmd curl.lib  installer  LICENSE.txt

andrew@islay:~/dub-0.9.18$ ./
Generating version file...
fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point 
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM 
not set).

Running gdmd...
source/dub/internal/std/processcompat.d:301: Error: no identifier 
for declarator args2
source/dub/internal/std/processcompat.d:301: Error: alias cannot 
have initializer
source/dub/internal/std/processcompat.d:315: Error: no identifier 
for declarator args2
source/dub/internal/std/processcompat.d:315: Error: alias cannot 
have initializer


Any ideas what I'm doing wrong ?

Thanks for all of the hand-holding BTW.

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Dicebot

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 12:31:49 UTC, Andrew wrote:

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong ?

Thanks for all of the hand-holding BTW.

What is your GDC version? Looks like one with pre-2.063 front-end 
as it does not support `alias X = ...` syntax. vibe.d developers 
do try to support latest two released front-end versions but it 
is not as easy as it sounds (I hope situation will improve a lot 
once CI is finally up and running for vibe,d)

Re: Problem: Cannot create class out of nothing using witchcraft

2013-10-15 Thread Benjamin Thaut

Am 15.10.2013 10:03, schrieb DoctorCaptain:

dmd v2.063.2

Hi there! I'm terribly hopeful that you're more interested in the
problem at hand than my choice of title.

I've been using D for a while as my language of choice for
various projects here and there, and I've recently discovered
that template programming is magic. This is good. As part of the
process of finding anything magic that also works, I've been
going completely overboard with it. This involves, among other
things, creating empty classes using templates and mixins at
compile time, to build an inheritance hierarchy to do fancy
things. This is all essentially irrelevant, but brings us to my

The next logical step in my adventure here was to see if I could
create classes that weren't empty, but in fact has data members,
generated at compile time using variadic templates. The first
run-through went super well, and I was able to create classes
with arbitrary primitive data types.

However, ultimately I wanted these compile-time-generated classes
with arbitrary data members to have data members that were of the
type of the other classes that were also generated at compile

That is to say, I want to generate, at compile time, classes like

class MyClass {
  crazyTemplate!(MagicClassOne).MagicClassOne t1;
  crazyTemplate2!(MagicClassTwo).MagicClassTwo t2;

such that crazyTemplate and crazyTemplate2 each generate a class
definition at compile time, accessible as defined by the string

For example:

template crazyTemplate(string classname) {
  mixin(`class ` ~ className ~ ` {}`);

The bare class-generating templates work, and generating classes
that have arbitrary members at compile time using variadic
templates given an arbitrary list of basic types works, but as
soon as I try to use these template-generated classes as the
types of the members of this variadic template, things go awry.

I feel like what I'm trying to explain is a bit difficult to
parse without a minimal working example, so here is one:

import std.stdio;
import std.typetuple;
import std.traits;
import std.conv;

class BaseClass {}

template ChildT(string className)
  mixin(`class ` ~ className ~ ` : BaseClass {}`);

template isChildOrBaseClass(T)
  enum bool isChildOrBaseClass = is(T : BaseClass);

template GrabBagT(string className, T...)
  if (allSatisfy!(isChildOrBaseClass, T))

string genClassStr(T...)(string className)
  string classStr = ;
  classStr ~= `static class ` ~ className ~ ` : BaseClass`;
  classStr ~= `{`;
  // Demonstrate that the template itself is not the problem
  classStr ~= `ChildT!(BestChild).BestChild t1000;`;
  // Add arbitrary data members
  foreach (i, TI; T)
  // Neither of these work with the generated classes, but
the first
  // will work if GrabBagT is called with primitive types
and its
  // constraint is commented out
  //classStr ~= fullyQualifiedName!(TI) ~ ` t` ~
to!(string)(i) ~ `;`;
  //classStr ~= __traits(identifier, TI) ~ ` t` ~
to!(string)(i) ~ `;`;
  classStr ~= `void printAttempts() {`;
  foreach (i, TI; T)
  classStr ~= `writeln(` ~ to!string(i) ~ `);`;
  classStr ~= `}`;
  classStr ~= `}`;
  return classStr;

int main(string[] args)
  alias ChildT!(WorstChild).WorstChild WorstChild;
  alias ChildT!(MiddleChild).MiddleChild MiddleChild;

  auto magicObject = new GrabBagT!(
  MagicClass, WorstChild, MiddleChild).MagicClass();

  //auto magicObject = new GrabBagT!(
  //MagicClass, int, float).MagicClass();


  return 0;

That should compile and print out 0 and 1. Note the template
constraint that bars the template instantiator from trying to
instantiate GrabBagT with anything other than types that can be
implicitly treated as type BaseClass. I tried using
__traits(identifier) and fullyQualifiedName to get the actual
type of the alias passed in (like the BestChild declaration), but
the latter gives a mangled name, and the former gives just
whatever the bare alias was.

In any case. If the fullyQualifiedName line is uncommented, the
error is:

classAttributeGen.d(22): Error: undefined identifier
classAttributeGen.d(22): Error:
is used as a type
classAttributeGen.d(22): Error: undefined identifier
classAttributeGen.d(22): Error:
is used as a type
classAttributeGen.d(54): Error: template instance
classAttributeGen.GrabBagT!(MagicClass, WorstChild,
MiddleChild) error instantiating

If the __traits line is uncommented instead, the error 

Re: Problem: Cannot create class out of nothing using witchcraft

2013-10-15 Thread Benjamin Thaut
Your going way to complicated by actually passing the variadic arguments 
to the generator function. If you don't pass the variadic arguments to 
the generator function its way simpler and also works ;-)

Re: objects as AA keys

2013-10-15 Thread Daniel Davidson

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 05:44:25 UTC, captaindet wrote:


i am a bit confused.

the official language ref  ( ) 

Classes can be used as the KeyType. For this to work, the class 
definition must override the following member functions of 
class Object:

hash_t toHash()
bool opEquals(Object)
int opCmp(Object)

but now i stumbled on

int[typeof(O)] rc;
rc[O] = 42;
auto O2 = O;
// [...]
if (auto r = O2 in rc)
   return *r;
   return rc[O2] = compute(O2);

IOW explicitly taking the address may not be necessary when 
doing that kind of things.

and i did a quick test and indeed, it seems to work out of the 
box - without overriding any member functions. in my use case, 
i wouldn't be able to modify the class anyway.

so my questions:

why is it working, is it just syntactic sugar for using 
cast(void*)Obj as key?

what is the danger of using objects as keys? when would it fail?

as it seems to be working against language specs, will this 
'feature' eventually be removed?

(then maybe i should use cast(void*)Obj right away...)

thanks, det

Do you have an example where it is really working? The problem of 
not overriding those functions is that maybe you are not getting 
what you think. For example, the code below will print:

[aaa.S:42, aaa.S:43]

This is probably not what you want. If you don't override the 
functions how is the implementation to know what are equivalent 
keys? Below you would probably expect two S's that are default 
constructed to hit the same key spot in the AA. But this does not 
happen since the implementation does not know you want new S to 
equal new S because there is no opEquals.



import std.stdio;

class S {
  int[] o = [1,2,3];

void main() {
  S O = new S;
  int[typeof(O)] rc;
  rc[O] = 42;
  rc[new S] = 43;

Re: Problem: Cannot create class out of nothing using witchcraft

2013-10-15 Thread Artur Skawina
On 10/15/13 10:03, DoctorCaptain wrote:
 If what I am asking is unclear, I will be more than happy to
 explain in a different way. I tried to be simultaneously as
 succinct and as comprehensive as possible with what the issue is.
I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to do, but...

The issue is just that you are trying to access types that are
not available inside the GrabBagT template. With /built-in/ types
this of course works, as 'int' etc are always known.
One way to deal with that would be:

   template GrabBagT(string className, T...)
if (allSatisfy!(isChildOrBaseClass, T))

   string genClassStr(size_t TL)(string className)
string classStr = ;
classStr ~= `static class ` ~ className ~ ` : BaseClass`;
classStr ~= `{`;
// Demonstrate that the template itself is not the problem
classStr ~= `ChildT!(BestChild).BestChild t1000;`;
// Add arbitrary data members
foreach (i; 0..TL)
classStr ~= T[~ to!(string)(i) ~ `] t` ~ to!(string)(i) ~ `;`;
classStr ~= `void printAttempts() {`;
foreach (i; 0..TL)
classStr ~= `writeln(` ~ to!string(i) ~ `);`;
classStr ~= `}`;
classStr ~= `}`;
return classStr;


should chain be pure

2013-10-15 Thread Daniel Davidson
I would like to correctly annotate my functions with pure. I've 
hit a function that is calling chain which breaks purity. Is 
chain really not pure?

The relevant section of code is:

  auto sortedRage = assumeSorted!(a.when  

  auto trisection = sortedRage.trisect(needle);
  auto ccRate = Rate(0.0);

  if(trisection[0].length) {
ccRate = trisection[0][$-1].value;
  foreach(dateRate; chain(trisection[1], trisection[2])) {

Is there a reasonable work around?


Re: should chain be pure

2013-10-15 Thread bearophile

Daniel Davidson:

I would like to correctly annotate my functions with pure. I've 
hit a function that is calling chain which breaks purity. Is 
chain really not pure?

Phobos is slowly being annotated with pure/nothrow (and @safe) 
but not all functions are already tagged.

You could fix the problem sending a Phobos patch.


Re: should chain be pure

2013-10-15 Thread Daniel Davidson

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 13:43:55 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Daniel Davidson:

I would like to correctly annotate my functions with pure. 
I've hit a function that is calling chain which breaks purity. 
Is chain really not pure?

Phobos is slowly being annotated with pure/nothrow (and @safe) 
but not all functions are already tagged.

You could fix the problem sending a Phobos patch.


That is probably beyond my pay-grade at the moment :-)

If I just add pure to chain and run unittests all sorts of errors 
cascade and I don't think I'm in a position to pull it off.

If you are agreeing that chain should be pure and it is just 
following all the calls and making all of them pure, until that 
happens by the professionals - is there a casting solution so I 
can fake a pure and move on?

Re: should chain be pure

2013-10-15 Thread bearophile

Daniel Davidson:

If you are agreeing that chain should be pure and it is just 
following all the calls and making all of them pure, until that 
happens by the professionals - is there a casting solution so I 
can fake a pure and move on?

chain is a template, and in Phobos often templates are not 
annotated with pure/nothrow, the compiler infers those attributes.

Regarding your code, perhaps you can put your call in an impure 
delegate and than cast it, but D has no direct means to cast 
purity, because it's highly unsafe and it's against the idea of 
having purity in the language.

So I suggest to replace the pure in your function/method tree 
with /*pure*/, and later fix the code if/when chains becomes pure.


Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Andrew

What is your GDC version? Looks like one with pre-2.063 
front-end as it does not support `alias X = ...` syntax. vibe.d 
developers do try to support latest two released front-end 
versions but it is not as easy as it sounds (I hope situation 
will improve a lot once CI is finally up and running for vibe,d)

I think it's the latest version of GDC :-

which apparently supports 2.062. In the D community, is there not 
the concept of stable releases that all tools and libraries 
support or is it a free for all i.e. nothing works together ? Can 
I get an earlier version of vibe.d that is compatible with GDC ?

I notice that dub must be using a different version of phobos 
also :-

andrew@islay:~/dub/source$ gdmd app.d
dub/packagemanager.d:21: Error: module sha is in file 
'std/digest/sha.d' which cannot be read

Is this something I can update easily ?

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Dicebot

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 14:38:32 UTC, Andrew wrote:

I think it's the latest version of GDC :-

which apparently supports 2.062.

Ugh, don't know about ARM build but GDC itself currently supports 
2.063.2 version for both 4.8 and 4.9 branch.

In the D community, is there not the concept of stable releases 
that all tools and libraries support or is it a free for all 
i.e. nothing works together ? Can I get an earlier version of 
vibe.d that is compatible with GDC ?

Generally, only latest DMD release + latest library release are 
guaranteed to work. It is a big and complicated problem to get 
this right.

First, all 3 major compilers have incompatible ABI so they need 
whole own library stack built starting with druntime / phobos.

Second, bigger cross-platform programs like vibe.d have lot of 
version definitions that change behavior considerably (for 
example, various event drivers for vibe.d), on top of usual OS / 
processor versioning.

Combined together that creates an exponential configuration count 
that is almost impossible to test manually. Sonke (vibe.d author) 
has recently recognized what a disaster this creates and right 
now adding Continuous Integration testing is high priority target 
- but this is still work-in-progress.

As a result, with every small step from configuration common 
among library/program developers (usually it is latest DMD + 
x64_86 + Linux/Windows) probability of something breaking bad is 
damn high.

Actually, I don't know if vibe.d has ever been tested with GDC at 

Is this something I can update easily ?

If rebuilding GDC from sources so that it will catch 2.063.2 
frontend version is an option - it may help.

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Stefan Frijters

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 14:56:06 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 14:38:32 UTC, Andrew wrote:

Is this something I can update easily ?

If rebuilding GDC from sources so that it will catch 2.063.2 
frontend version is an option - it may help.

Looking at , 2.063.2 
support is also included in the ARM branch, cf. commit 1aa5755 
from June 30, so you should have it already I think. Where did 
you get the 2.062 info from?

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Andrew
Looking at , 2.063.2 
support is also included in the ARM branch, cf. commit 1aa5755 
from June 30, so you should have it already I think. Where did 
you get the 2.062 info from?

2.062 was mentioned on the GDC website as the latest supported 
D2. So I'm thoroughly confused then, why won't dub build as it 
looks as though it didn't support aliases and the phobos library 
looks as though it has sha1 missing ?

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Dicebot

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 18:41:50 UTC, Andrew wrote:
Looking at , 2.063.2 
support is also included in the ARM branch, cf. commit 1aa5755 
from June 30, so you should have it already I think. Where did 
you get the 2.062 info from?

2.062 was mentioned on the GDC website as the latest supported 
D2. So I'm thoroughly confused then, why won't dub build as it 
looks as though it didn't support aliases and the phobos 
library looks as though it has sha1 missing ?

Can you check the output for this micro-program on your GDC?

pragma(msg, __VERSION__);

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread H. S. Teoh
On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 09:19:56PM +0200, Andrew wrote:
 pragma(msg, __VERSION__);
 2060L  - seems I'm further advanced than everybody else :-)

Wow that's pretty old. The current language version supported by GDC is
2063L. You should probably consider upgrading GDC to at least 2.0.62
(but preferably 2.0.63). Lots of bugs and issues have been fixed since
2.0.60. :)


The volume of a pizza of thickness a and radius z can be described by the 
following formula: pi zz a. -- Wouter Verhelst

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Andrew

2060L  - seems I'm further advanced than everybody else :-)

Sorry, I thought it was 2.052, but now I see it's well behind 
since it should be 2.063. I'm rebuilding again from the master.

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Andrew

pragma(msg, __VERSION__);

2060L  - seems I'm further advanced than everybody else :-)

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Stefan Frijters

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 19:23:13 UTC, Andrew wrote:

2060L  - seems I'm further advanced than everybody else :-)

Sorry, I thought it was 2.052, but now I see it's well behind 
since it should be 2.063. I'm rebuilding again from the master.

Aha, oops, I have the same 2060L, but that is presumably because 
I forgot to 'git checkout arm', and the master branch on 
Johannes' fork is not up-to-date. The reason why this works while 
normal GDC doesn't is that this is so old it doesn't include some 
explicit architecture static ifs that were added later (and for 
which ARM was not available for some time).

I'm going to let this stuff rebuild overnight...

Re: objects as AA keys

2013-10-15 Thread captaindet

On 2013-10-15 08:32, Daniel Davidson wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 05:44:25 UTC, captaindet wrote:


i am a bit confused.

the official language ref ( ) states:

Classes can be used as the KeyType. For this to work, the class definition must 
override the following member functions of class Object:
hash_t toHash()
bool opEquals(Object)
int opCmp(Object)

but now i stumbled on

int[typeof(O)] rc;
rc[O] = 42;
auto O2 = O;
// [...]
if (auto r = O2 in rc)
return *r;
return rc[O2] = compute(O2);

IOW explicitly taking the address may not be necessary when doing that kind of 

and i did a quick test and indeed, it seems to work out of the box - without 
overriding any member functions. in my use case, i wouldn't be able to modify 
the class anyway.

so my questions:

why is it working, is it just syntactic sugar for using cast(void*)Obj as key?

what is the danger of using objects as keys? when would it fail?

as it seems to be working against language specs, will this 'feature' 
eventually be removed?
(then maybe i should use cast(void*)Obj right away...)

thanks, det

Do you have an example where it is really working? The problem of not
overriding those functions is that maybe you are not getting what you
think. For example, the code below will print:

[aaa.S:42, aaa.S:43]

This is probably not what you want. If you don't override the
functions how is the implementation to know what are equivalent keys?
Below you would probably expect two S's that are default constructed
to hit the same key spot in the AA. But this does not happen since
the implementation does not know you want new S to equal new S
because there is no opEquals.


in my use case i don't have multiple objects with the same state, so keying 
them per obj_ptr (if this is what is happening) seems to be sufficient for me. 
(the object classes are 3rd party so i cannot overwrite member functions 


Re: objects as AA keys

2013-10-15 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 10/14/2013 10:44 PM, captaindet wrote:

 Classes can be used as the KeyType. For this to work, the class
 definition must override the following member functions of class Object:
 hash_t toHash()
 bool opEquals(Object)
 int opCmp(Object)


 it seems to work out of the box -
 without overriding any member functions. in my use case, i wouldn't be
 able to modify the class anyway.

 so my questions:

 why is it working, is it just syntactic sugar for using cast(void*)Obj
 as key?

To be pedantic, hash values are of type size_t.

 what is the danger of using objects as keys? when would it fail?

 as it seems to be working against language specs, will this 'feature'
 eventually be removed?
 (then maybe i should use cast(void*)Obj right away...)

I don't know the definitive answer but my experience was the same when I 
wrote the following chapter:

Contrary to your current need, I say However, its default behavior is 
almost never what is desired. :)

 thanks, det


Re: Problem: Cannot create class out of nothing using witchcraft

2013-10-15 Thread DoctorCaptain

Fixing links:

If the template I am trying to instantiate IS NOT variadic, and 
I pass in an alias of an instantiated template, then the 
receiving template has all of the type information it needs. 

If the template I am trying to instantiate IS variadic, and I 
pass in a variadic list of aliases of instantiated templates, 
then the receiving template appears unable to retrieve all of 
the type information it needs out of each of the indexes of the 
variadic parameter. We get close with this next example, but 
the problem appears to be that it tries to create a static 
array of the tuple T of length i, instead of indexing into it 
to get the type (but if you provide an i greater than the 
actual length of the tuple, it complains about going out of 
bounds of the tuple length, meaning that it IS in fact aware 
that it's supposed to be indexing into a type tuple):

And to be absolutely clear, the underlying goal is to generate 
a class definition at runtime, which I can mix in and then 
instantiate, that can contain an arbitrary list of data members 
that are themselves generated at compile time by their own 
templates. I have demonstrated that it is possible to do this 
with a single arbitrary template instantiation in , but as soon as we try to do it with 
type tuples, it chokes. I am not sure if this is a compiler bug 
or I'm just out of my mind, but again, for the sake of academic 
advancement, lets try to solve the problem in complete 
disregard of whether we should.

Re: Problem: Cannot create class out of nothing using witchcraft

2013-10-15 Thread DoctorCaptain

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 13:14:46 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
Your going way to complicated by actually passing the variadic 
arguments to the generator function. If you don't pass the 
variadic arguments to the generator function its way simpler 
and also works ;-)

Thank you for your responses!

The following is a modified version of my original post code that 
incorporates a bit from all the answers I received, and certainly 
puts me farther along than I was:

Taking Benjamin Thaut's suggestion to move the alias's into the 
global scope, GrabBagT now has access to the types it needs to 
know about, and my witchcraft abomination of a magic class works 
as long as everything is available in the same file.


My original goal, going back to how I want to use this in the 
project I'm working on, is to define GrabBagT, and the associated 
templates, in a different file, such that I need only import the 
file and call:

auto magicObject = new GrabBagT!(MagicClass, SomeTypeAlias, 

Which brings us back to the original problem, that passing in 
aliases to instantiations of templates doesn't work, because the 
type information is lost. I understand the fundamental issue you 
folks were bringing up in your posts: GrabBagT cannot possibly 
actually have access to the real types of the aliases it's 
receiving, as those types aren't available in its scope (which is 
why bringing the aliases originally defined within main() out 
into the global scope makes things work).

But then this raises another fundamental issue, as I'm doing this 
exact thing successfully (passing aliases of template 
instantiations to other templates), where the only difference is 
the receiving templates do not have variadic parameters, and I 
throw the actual template parameter into the mixin itself. That 
is to say:

If the template I am trying to instantiate IS NOT variadic, and I 
pass in an alias of an instantiated template, then the receiving 
template has all of the type information it needs. Example:

If the template I am trying to instantiate IS variadic, and I 
pass in a variadic list of aliases of instantiated templates, 
then the receiving template appears unable to retrieve all of the 
type information it needs out of each of the indexes of the 
variadic parameter. We get close with this next example, but the 
problem appears to be that it tries to create a static array of 
the tuple T of length i, instead of indexing into it to get the 
type (but if you provide an i greater than the actual length of 
the tuple, it complains about going out of bounds of the tuple 
length, meaning that it IS in fact aware that it's supposed to be 
indexing into a type tuple):

Given that the compilation error messages in the last DPaste 
refer to the mixed in code after the class definition string is 
generated and returned, the issue has to be in the way the type 
tuple is treated, itself.

So, first, the template argument (variadic or otherwise) needs to 
be part of the STRING that is constructed and passed back to the 
mixin, so that it can then just naturally access GrabBagT's T 
type tuple parameter. This is how the non-variadic DPaste example 

Second, the variadic version seems to fail because the type tuple 
is not indexed correctly, to retrieve the type at that index, 
because it instead appears to try to make a static array of the 
whole tuple (which is odd because if you try to index the tuple 
with an index beyond its length, it suddenly knows it's a type 
tuple again).

And to be absolutely clear, the underlying goal is to generate a 
class definition at runtime, which I can mix in and then 
instantiate, that can contain an arbitrary list of data members 
that are themselves generated at compile time by their own 
templates. I have demonstrated that it is possible to do this 
with a single arbitrary template instantiation in , but as soon as we try to do it with 
type tuples, it chokes. I am not sure if this is a compiler bug 
or I'm just out of my mind, but again, for the sake of academic 
advancement, lets try to solve the problem in complete disregard 
of whether we should.

If any part of my explanation of our current status on this 
problem is unclear, I would be happy to explain in an alternate 

Thank you again!

cannot call impure function ~this

2013-10-15 Thread Namespace

I get this error:

/d701/f223.d(11): Error: pure function 'f223.getA' cannot call 
impure function 'f223.A.~this'

with this code:

import std.stdio;

struct A {
~this() {

A getA() pure nothrow {
return A();

void main()
A a = getA();

writeln(end of main);

But without pure and nothrow I get this output:

end of main

Why the compiler thinks that the function should/could call 

Re: how to handle memory ownership when interfacing with C/C++ via internal pointers

2013-10-15 Thread timotheecour

On Thursday, 10 October 2013 at 23:02:29 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:

Short version:
I have a struct A* aptr allocated in C/C++ with an internal
pointer aptr-ptr (say a double*)
I want to store a reference x (say double[]) in D to aptr only 
aptr-ptr, not through aptr directly as it's inconvenient in my 
use case.

How do I achieve that, so that when x goes out of scope, some 

for aptr will be called ?

Long version:

suppose I have C++ code:
struct A{
  A(size_t n){ptr=(double*)malloc(n);}

and a D wrapper around it:
extern(C){struct A; A*A_new(size_t n); void A_delete(A*a);

I want to use it as follows:

double[] get_x(size_t n){
 return A_new(n).A_ptr[0..n];

void main(){
// do something with x;

It's trivial to handle this via a class wrapper:
class A2{
this(size_t n){a=A_new(n);}
double*ptr(){return A_ptr(a);}
double[] get_x(size_t n){
 auto a2=new A2(n);
 return a2.ptr;
//this doesn't help much though, A2 will go out of scope when 
this function


but I don't want to maintain objects of class A2 around, just 

slices as above.

Is there some magic involving core.memory.addRoot,addRange 
(etc) I can use
so that a2 stays alive as long as x stays alive? (in which case 
when x goes

out of scope, 'a2' will too, and will call A_delete).


Is anything above unclear?

here are more details (in a simplified setting):

say, I have an image class D_image which has fields:
ubyte* ptr //pointer to memory
uint[2] size;

I'd like to interface with, say, a swig-wrapped opencv C++ image 
class Swig_image, so that when an object d_image:D_image goes out 
of scope (and its pointer ptr also goes out of scope), (with 
d_image constructed from an object swig_image of type 
Swig_image), then swig_image will also go out of scope.

again, this can be done by adding a field to D_image (say of type 
void* to make it work with any source), buy I'm wondering whether 
this can be achieved without adding this field, with some GC 
magic associating a pointer (ptr) to another pointer (cast(void*) 

This would make interfacing with C++ libs much easier as there 
would be no bookkeeping in user code.

Re: Problem: Cannot create class out of nothing using witchcraft

2013-10-15 Thread DoctorCaptain
I missed an extremely critical point. The working example with 
the single arbitrary template instantiation as a data member of 
the generated class, , has the 
template instantiation aliases inside of main, meaning the alias 
is NOT within the scope of GrabBagT, but it is able to get all of 
the type information it needs from the alias being passed in. 
Which reaffirms to me that the problem is not about whether 
GrabBagT needs to be able to see what the alias refers to 
(clearly it can figure it out), but that once these aliases are 
wrapped up into a tuple passed into the variadic version of the 
template, it stops being able to figure it out. Either the syntax 
I'm using is wrong, there is a bug in the compiler, or for some 
reason this extremely specific scenario isn't allowed.

In any case, example code that demonstrates the principle we are 
trying to achieve as working should be able to call 
magicObject.printSelf() and show that each of its arbitrary data 
members can call their own printSelf() methods successfully, as 
with the example, but with an 
arbitrary list of instantiated templates, instead of just the one.

Brain buster, this one.

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Andrew

Aha, oops, I have the same 2060L, but that is presumably 
because I forgot to 'git checkout arm', and the master branch 
on Johannes' fork is not up-to-date. The reason why this works 
while normal GDC doesn't is that this is so old it doesn't 
include some explicit architecture static ifs that were added 
later (and for which ARM was not available for some time).

I'm going to let this stuff rebuild overnight...

My build, from GDC master, went really well until it got to 
libphobos and then there were many architecture specific bits of 
code that just didn't include any ARM directives so it's probably 
currently impossible to build the latest libphobos on ARM.  I 
tried comparing the ARM fork but it was massively different and 
it looks like libphobos has been mostly rewritten since then.

I don't really understand why there are so many .d files that 
just seem to wrap standard os stuff - why not just use the 
standard installed C headers and avoid all of this overhead that 
needs maintaining ?

Interestingly the gcc Go compiler that is also included with gcc 
4.8 built and installed first time so I'm rather tempted to just 
to give up with D as this point after a valiant battle for the 
last few days.

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Dicebot

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 22:28:59 UTC, Andrew wrote:
I don't really understand why there are so many .d files that 
just seem to wrap standard os stuff - why not just use the 
standard installed C headers and avoid all of this overhead 
that needs maintaining ?

Those .d files are essentially just that - ported C headers so 
that you don't need to declared these functions manually. You can 
easily re-generated those from actual system C headers using tool 

Interestingly the gcc Go compiler that is also included with 
gcc 4.8 built and installed first time so I'm rather tempted to 
just to give up with D as this point after a valiant battle for 
the last few days.

Unfortunately, this is an area where difference in developer 
count is really notable. It is a dead end - support for more 
exotic platforms like ARM is lacking because there too few people 
who need it and new bypassers are scared from further 
investigation because of lacking support. There is hardly 
anything we can do until some volunteer will appear who is 
willing to champion this.

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Dicebot
P.S. I'd recommend to try to contact Johannes Pfau and ask if he 
has any plans for updating his ARM Phobos fork to recent version. 
Such changes should be probably integrated Phobos upstream 

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Andrew
After roughly hacking all of the 'static assert unimplemented' 
lines in libphobos to just do whatever X86 does, I got it to 
build and install. Now I'm on 2063L and now hello world builds to 
8MB instead of 2MB (although it strips to 760k - twice the 
previous version).

So now I resume my quest to build vibe.d by first trying to build 
dub and I get :-

andrew@islay:~/dub$ ./
Generating version file...
Running gdmd...
error: this cannot be interpreted at compile time, because it has 
no available source code
/usr/local/gdc/include/d/4.8.2/std/net/curl.d:195: note: called 
from here: dur(2L)

line 224 is trying to instantiate a Duration object. Any ideas ?

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Andrew
Unfortunately, this is an area where difference in developer 
count is really notable. It is a dead end - support for more 
exotic platforms like ARM is lacking because there too few 
people who need it and new bypassers are scared from further 
investigation because of lacking support. There is hardly 
anything we can do until some volunteer will appear who is 
willing to champion this.

I was hoping to actually learn D before I had to maintain it :-)

ARM is hardly exotic, it's the best selling CPU by a large 
margin. I bet even Microsoft ships more ARM Windows licences than 
it does Intel now.

I'll have a look at that dstep util and see if I can contribute 
some patches back in order to save some other hapless fool like 
myself from suffering the same pain.

Thanks for your patience supporting me BTW.

Re: [Font] Getting font folder on all platforms

2013-10-15 Thread Flamaros

On Friday, 6 September 2013 at 20:54:53 UTC, Flamaros wrote:

On Friday, 6 September 2013 at 16:05:43 UTC, Tourist wrote:

On Thursday, 5 September 2013 at 19:48:07 UTC, Flamaros wrote:
I am searching the right way to find fonts folder for each 
platforms (Windows, linux, macOS X)

On Windows it's generally C:\Windows\Fonts but a direct 
access seems brutal, it's certainly expected to retrieve this 
path by using some register keys?

Is someone know how it works for linux and/or macOS X?

I need to be able to retrieve fastest as possible the right 
file from the font and family name.

Windows: call SHGetKnownFolderPath with FOLDERID_Fonts as rfid.

Nice, thx.

Do you know if there is a table of fonts and there family, or 
need open all font file my self?

I need to do some more tests, but scanning the registry seems 
working under Windows.

Here is my test code :

string	fontPathFromName(in string name, in Font.Family family = 


string  fontPath = C:/Windows/Fonts/;
string  fontFileName;
Key fontKey;

fontKey = 

if (family == Font.Family.Regular)
fontFileName = fontKey.getValue(name ~  

else if (family == Font.Family.Bold)
fontFileName = fontKey.getValue(name ~  Bold 

else if (family == Font.Family.Italic)
fontFileName = fontKey.getValue(name ~  Italic 
else if (family == (Font.Family.Bold | 
fontFileName = fontKey.getValue(name ~  Bold Italic 

return fontPath ~ fontFileName;

assert(fontPathFromName(Arial) == 
assert(fontPathFromName(arial) == 
C:/Windows/Fonts/arial.ttf);	// Test with wrong case
assert(fontPathFromName(Arial, Font.Family.Bold | 
Font.Family.Italic) == C:/Windows/Fonts/arialbi.ttf);


Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Brad Roberts

On 10/15/13 3:38 PM, Dicebot wrote:

Unfortunately, this is an area where difference in developer count is really 
notable. It is a dead
end - support for more exotic platforms like ARM is lacking because there too 
few people who need it
and new bypassers are scared from further investigation because of lacking 
support. There is hardly
anything we can do until some volunteer will appear who is willing to champion 

I think you mean catch-22 rather than dead-end.  There's not more people helping support ARM due to 
ARM not yet working well, so there's no developers.

ARM's not exotic, it's just not on as many people's desktops.  Thats been changing rapidly over the 
last several years.

how to pass multiple arguments via a mixin

2013-10-15 Thread Timothee Cour
is there a general solution to pass multiple arguments to a function via a

see below for a partial solution using Alias, which fails for the last case

void main(){
  import std.stdio;
  string a=A;
  string b=B;
  writeln(a,b);// OK (prints AB)
  writeln(a,b);//OK (prints both addresses)
  writeln(mixin(`a,b`));//prints B
  import std.typetuple;
  writeln(mixin(`Alias!(a,b)`));//OK:prints AB
  //writeln(mixin(`Alias!(a,b)`));//CT Error: expression  a is not a
valid template value argument

Re: how to pass multiple arguments via a mixin

2013-10-15 Thread Dicebot
On Wednesday, 16 October 2013 at 00:36:46 UTC, Timothee Cour 


Have you tried run-time tuple?

import std.typecons;

Re: Problem: Cannot create class out of nothing using witchcraft

2013-10-15 Thread DoctorCaptain
I've gotten extremely close. The DPaste link that follows 
demonstrates three different templates:

The first template is capable of generating the string for and 
mixing in the definition of a class that has a single arbitrary 
argument. An object of that class is instantiated, and its 
printSelf() method is invoked to demonstrate that the arbitrary 
data member it was generated with is indeed what you would expect 
it to be. The magic here is fairly plain.

The second template is capable of generating the string for the 
definition of a class that has some arbitrary number of arbitrary 
arguments at -compile- time, through the use of variadic template 
parameters. The issue with this string is that the type at T[n], 
where T is the variadic template parameter, is mangled at 
compile-time. The data-member-generating foreach loop shows the 
three potential ways I attempted to get at the full type 
information. All three have some problem with it, with typeid 
giving a fully mangled type, fullyQualifiedName giving a mostly 
mangled type, and __traits(identifier) giving just whatever the 
alias was that was passed in. The two other commented-out code 
sections in this template was an attempt to resolve the type 
information at the time of mixin, rather than within the string 
generation function, but this doesn't work.

The third template demonstrates that D actually can resolve the 
individual types of the variadic template parameter correctly, so 
long as it's allowed to do this at runtime. The string printed as 
a result of instantiating this template shows exactly the class 
definition we want to be able to mix in at compile time, but this 
type information eludes us at compile time even though it's 
clearly readily available at runtime.

The code referenced above is here:

I'm not sure why DPaste is failing to compile the code, but I am 
compiling it with DMD v2.063.2. Also included at the bottom of 
the DPaste listing is the output I get when running that program, 
exactly as listed.

With all of that said, there is a fundamental difference between 
how the first template and the second two templates are written. 
The first one, which works, resolves the T parameter during the 
mixin. The second two try to resolve the variadic types during 
class definition string generation. I am pretty convinced at this 
point that if this is ever going to work, the variadic template 
parameter type tuple needs to be resolved during the mixin, like 
with the first example. The how is the question. Again, I 
attempted to have the variadic template parameter types deduced 
during execution of the mixin with the two blocks of 
commented-out code in the second template, but I had no luck 
there, as I got the same errors as I did in my previous big post. 

By the first template, we know that we can generate class 
definitions with arbitrary data members and mix them in at 
compile time using aliases for templated, 
compile-time-mixin-generated classes, but for each new arbitrary 
type we want the generated class to have, we need to have a 
distinct template parameter for the type.

By the third template, we know that we should have access to the 
fully qualified types in the variadic template parameter, but it 
at least appears to only be fully resolved at runtime (which I 
feel like is me misunderstanding something, but then that's also 
the root of our problem).

By the second template, we show that trying to deduce the types 
within the type tuple (the variadic template parameter) during 
class definition string generation does not work, which leads us 
to believe it must be resolved while mixing in the class 
definition using the templated types, but that also doesn't seem 
to work (as noted by the failed attempts in the two commented out 
blocks of the second template).

I feel like we're so very close to the answer, whether it's Oh, 
you just have to do this or You're crazy, this is impossible.

If only it was possible to summon Andrei. He'd know! Maybe it's 
some sort of a Bloody Mary thing?

Andrei, Andrei, An-

Re: how to pass multiple arguments via a mixin

2013-10-15 Thread Timothee Cour
doesn't work with ref args:

void fun(ref int a,ref int b){
void main(){
  int a,b;
  import std.typecons;

and we can't do a logic such as: if there's ref args use Alias, otherwise
use tuple().expand because there could be a mix of the two

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 5:56 PM, Dicebot wrote:

 On Wednesday, 16 October 2013 at 00:36:46 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:


 Have you tried run-time tuple?

 import std.typecons;

how to get a (ref) tuple from a static array ?

2013-10-15 Thread Timothee Cour
how to write a expand function that satisfies the following?

void fun(ref int a,ref int b){
void main(){

Re: Syntax for heap allocated void initialized arrays

2013-10-15 Thread Timothee Cour
On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 7:23 AM, bearophile bearophileh...@lycos.comwrote:


  I'm setting every element in the array, and every field of the
 element, so I should be safe, right?

 I think that's sufficiently safe. If the GC run before you have
 initialized those fields, and some of those fields are references/pointers,
 that could cause memory leaks until the next time the GC runs.

just to clarify:
is the following true?

int*[N] a=void;
  a[i]=fillValue(i);// some leaks may occur during foreach loop
//at the next GC run, no more leaks due to that piece of code


Return a const structure by reference.

2013-10-15 Thread Agustin
I'm having trouble trying to return a const reference of a 

public struct Structure {

public class A {
private Structure structure;

this(Structure structure)
this.structure = structure;

public ref const Structure getStructure() const {
return structure;

cannot implicitly convert expression (this.structure) of type 
const(Structure) to Structure

Re: Return a const structure by reference.

2013-10-15 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 10/15/2013 09:28 PM, Agustin wrote:

 I'm having trouble trying to return a const reference of a structure.

 public struct Structure {

 public class A {
  private Structure structure;

  this(Structure structure)
  this.structure = structure;

  public ref const Structure getStructure() const {

The two consts up there have exactly the same meaning: Even the first 
one qualifies the function (more correctly the implicit 'this' reference).

You want this:

public ref const(Structure) getStructure() const {

  return structure;

 cannot implicitly convert expression (this.structure) of type
 const(Structure) to Structure
