beginner's pyd question - exporting structs to python

2014-08-18 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi there.

Brief introduction, and a beginner's question.

I just started playing with D a couple of weeks ago.  I have been 
programming in C on and off since the late 80s, but I do finance 
for a living and my programming skills grew rusty.  I have a bit 
more time now to catch up with developments, and D looks a very 
intriguing robust alternative to C when python won't cut the 

I am trying to implement the Demark technical analysis indicators 
in D, and want to be able to call them from python.

So I have set up pyd okay, and the examples seem to work fine.  
Running on Fedora 20.  I am struggling a bit with the syntax on 
wrap_struct to export a struct and function returning a struct to 
python.  Here is what I have:

module hello2;

import pyd.pyd;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

struct t_mystruct {
  int i;
  string s;

t_mystruct hello(int[] inp) {
int i;
t_mystruct mystruct;

mystruct.s=hello there;
return mystruct;

extern(C) void PydMain() {


def: hello
Error: static assert  string parameters must be wrapped with 
Docstring, Mode, etc
   instantiated from here: Args!(, , t_mystruct, , 
hellostruct.d(30):instantiated from here: 
wrap_struct!(t_mystruct, t_mystruct)

error: command 'dmd' failed with exit status 1
[root@fedora demark]#

Apologies if it's in one of the examples - I did poke around, and 
couldn't see any obvious sample.

Many thanks.


Re: beginner's pyd question - exporting structs to python

2014-08-18 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thank to jwhear on irc who solved it for me despite claiming not 
to be a pyd guru.

In case it's of benefit, here is what works:

module hellostruct;

import pyd.pyd;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

struct t_mystruct {
  int i;
  string s;

t_mystruct hellostruct(int[] inp) {
int i;
t_mystruct mystruct;

for (i=0;iinp.length;i++)
  writefln(inp  ~ to!string(i) ~  is  ~ 

writefln( * ok, bye);
mystruct.s=hello there;
return mystruct;

extern(C) void PydMain() {

[root@fedora demark]# cat
import os.path, sys
import distutils.util

# Append the directory in which the binaries were placed to 
Python's sys.path,

# then import the D DLL.
libDir = os.path.join('build', 'lib.%s-%s' % (
'.'.join(str(v) for v in sys.version_info[:2])

import hellostruct
mystruct= hellostruct.hellostruct(inp)
print mystruct.i
print mystruct.s

Re: beginner's pyd question - exporting structs to python

2014-08-18 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
All the cool folk doing data analysis and visualization using 
Python no longer bother with hand written C (*) for when pure 
Python won't cut the mustard.  If Numba can't do the job, then 
Cython gets used.

I have all my computational pure Python source codes running as 
fast as C these days thanks to Numba. (And judicious profiling.)

I would say that Python folk will now only be looking to C, C++,
Fortran, D, for pre-written libraries in those language. Given 
all the codes are written in C, C++ or Fortran with none in D…

Thanks for the colour - I appreciate it.  I have played with
numba and pypy with numpy and it seems a powerful tool for some
kinds of jobs.  Perhaps it is my relative unfamiliarity with
python, but for the time being I feel more comfortable with C
type languages for other kinds of work.  As a pragmatic idealist,
one may as well use whatever tool seems to be pretty good
generally and which one feels confident in wielding to accomplish
the task at hand.

Out of curiosity, what do you use D for given your views about
the redundancy of C type languages for non-system programming?

Should use print as a function not as a statement. Use Python 3,
or if
you have to use Python 2 (which almost no-one does):

from __future__ import print_function

as the first statement.

Thank you.

Re: beginner's pyd question - exporting structs to python

2014-08-18 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 18 August 2014 at 18:08:59 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:




Does os.uname() not provide sufficient information?

This was boilerplate generated by pyd.

Re: beginner's pyd question - exporting structs to python

2014-08-18 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 18 August 2014 at 19:28:55 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Mon, 2014-08-18 at 19:00 +, Laeeth Isharc via 

On Monday, 18 August 2014 at 18:08:59 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


 Does os.uname() not provide sufficient information?

This was boilerplate generated by pyd.

Hummm… if I get time I feel a PR in order.

Perhaps I should rephrase.  I copied the example as a base, so 
technically it wasn't generated.  But no harm in tweaking the 

Re: beginner's pyd question - exporting structs to python

2014-08-18 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Whilst the hardcore Pythonistas remain Pythonistas, some of the
periphery has jumped ship to Go. Sadly D did not capture these 
folk, it perhaps should have done. It would be easy to blame 
fadism, but I think the actual reasons are far less superficial.

So I gather that you agree that what everyone is doing may not 
be the best in this case (python vs D) if there are no direct 
network effects beyond libraries and getting help and you have 
the freedom to determine your own platform choices?

For me, NumPy has some serious problems despite being the 
accepted norm for computational work.

If not too offtopic, do you have a link describing, or would you 
briefly summarize these problems?  I am intrigued.  And what 
would you suggest in its place?  Fortran?

Out of curiosity, what do you use D for given your views about
the redundancy of C type languages for non-system programming?

In a sense I could rightly be labelled a D dilettante. I had a 
possible startup a couple of years ago where we would have used 
D, but it never started. A side-effect was that I gave some 
support to David Simcha creating std.parallelism, but for the 
last couple of years my income has come from Python or 
Groovy/GPars with no real D activity.

Would you consider D stable enough/suitable for general financial 
market work with development initially by a small underresourced 
team?  Not ultra high frequency execution - at most legging in 
and managing longer term positions.  But I am more interested in 
sentiment analysis, producing technical analysis indicators that 
summarize market activity across many different securities, some 
bond arb stuff.  C++ just seems so ugly, and I feel uncomfortable 
only having python in the toolbox.  D seems so far to be quite 

Re: beginner's pyd question - exporting structs to python

2014-08-18 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Dr Russel Winder
41 Buckmaster Road
London SW11 1EN, UK

Are there any D users groups/meetups in London?  I see you are 
not far away (I am in Barnes).


building shared library from D code to import into cython

2014-10-07 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn


I am trying to create a shared library in D linked against phobos 
so that I may use this in a cython extension module for Python.  
Ultimately I would like to be able to use a D class or struct 
(via the C++ interface) and call it from within cython, since 
cython classes cannot be instantiated without the gil (and this 
prevents easy parallelisation).

I feel a bit foolish asking the question as there is a nice 
example here for working with plain C using dmd as the linker, 
and using dmd and gcc to create a DMD shared library statically 
linked to phobos.  However, I have not succeeded in creating a D 
library statically linked to phobos that works with cython and 

I tried it first with test C code to make sure I am able to get 
the C library/cython/Python interaction working.

#include stdio.h

long pytest(long a)
return a+1;

int main()
long a =pytest(100);
return 0;

cdef extern long pytest(long a)

cpdef pytestpy():
return pytest(109)

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize

ext_modules = cythonize([
 Extension(pytestpy, [pytestpy.pyx],

command line:
gcc -shared -o pytest.o
python build_ext -i
copied to /usr/local/lib
import pytestpy
it works

now try pytest.d
import std.stdio;

extern (C) long pytest(long a)
return a*2;

void main()
auto a =pytest(100);

command line:
rm pytestd.o
rm /usr/local/lib/
dmd -c pytest.d -fPIC
gcc -shared -o pytest.o 


import pytestpy

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: 

I guess it is not linking to the D runtime, but I am not sure 
what I should be doing to fix.

Any thoughts appreciated.

(The next step I was going to try when this works was C++ 
interface vs importing as a Cython class, but I thought best to 
start simple).

I am running this on 64 bit Fedora 20.



Re: building shared library from D code to import into cython

2014-10-07 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn


Thanks for the quick response.

The -defaultlib was left around from trying all kinds of 
combinations of dmd and gcc.  I am not used to gcc, and it will 
take me some time to become properly acquainted with all the 

I simply could not get it to recognize libphobos no matter what 
path settings I tried passing.$1tq$

I don't know whether this was necessary, but I did manage to get 
it to work after looking at a thread from a couple of years back. 
 I recompiled the D runtime and Phobos with position independent 
code (PIC) and pointed everything to that version instead, and it 
worked fine.  (Just export PIC=True, rename the posix.mak to 
Makefile, change the DMD path to /usr/sbin/dmd - in my case, and 
it all worked).

Next step is to try calling D interface from Cython.


In case anyone else should struggle with this in future.  
Makefile here:

PHOBOS_PATH=/opt/dmd2/src/phobos/generated/linux/release/64 pytest.d pytestpy.o
	dmd -fPIC -c pytest.d  #-shared 
	gcc -shared pytest.o pytestpy.o -o -lphobos2 -lpthread 
-lrt -L. -L${PHOBOS_PATH} -Wl,-rpath=.:${PHOBOS_PATH} -o -L-rpath=.:${PHOBOS_PATH}

pytest.o: %.d
dmd -c $

pytestpy.o: pytestpy.pyx
cython pytestpy.pyx
gcc -fPIC -c pytestpy.c -o pytestpy.o -I/usr/include/python2.7

rm -f pytestpy.c pytest.o pytestpy.o


extern (C) long pytest(long a)
return a*2;

cdef extern long pytest(long a)

cpdef pytestpy():
return pytest(109)

print pytest(102)
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize

ext_modules = cythonize([
 Extension(pytestpy, [pytestpy.pyx],

On Tuesday, 7 October 2014 at 22:46:09 UTC, Freddy wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 October 2014 at 20:55:59 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:


I am trying to create a shared library in D linked against 
phobos so that I may use this in a cython extension module for 
Python.  Ultimately I would like to be able to use a D class 
or struct (via the C++ interface) and call it from within 
cython, since cython classes cannot be instantiated without 
the gil (and this prevents easy parallelisation).

I feel a bit foolish asking the question as there is a nice 
example here for working with plain C using dmd as the linker, 
and using dmd and gcc to create a DMD shared library 
statically linked to phobos.  However, I have not succeeded in 
creating a D library statically linked to phobos that works 
with cython and python,

I tried it first with test C code to make sure I am able to 
get the C library/cython/Python interaction working.

#include stdio.h

long pytest(long a)
return a+1;

int main()
long a =pytest(100);
return 0;

cdef extern long pytest(long a)

cpdef pytestpy():
return pytest(109)

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize

ext_modules = cythonize([
 Extension(pytestpy, [pytestpy.pyx],

command line:
gcc -shared -o pytest.o
python build_ext -i
copied to /usr/local/lib
import pytestpy
it works

now try pytest.d
import std.stdio;

extern (C) long pytest(long a)
return a*2;

void main()
auto a =pytest(100);

command line:
rm pytestd.o
rm /usr/local/lib/
dmd -c pytest.d -fPIC
gcc -shared -o pytest.o 


import pytestpy

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File stdin, line 1, in module
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: 

I guess it is not linking to the D runtime, but I am not sure 
what I should be doing to fix.

Any thoughts appreciated.

(The next step I was going to try when this works was C++ 
interface vs importing as a Cython class, but I thought best 
to start simple).

I am running this on 64 bit Fedora 20.



Since when does gcc have a -defaultlib option?
$ man gcc | grep  defaultlib
object-file-name  -llibrary -nostartfiles  -nodefaultlibs
 This is useful when you use -nostdlib or
-nodefaultlibs but you do
 -nodefaultlibs is used.
 -nodefaultlibs is libgcc.a, a library of 

Re: building shared library from D code to import into cython

2014-10-12 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks for this.

I am aware of pyd and will take a look at source/build process.

Any thoughts on speed in 2014  of pyd vs using cython to talk to 
D directly via C/C++ interface?  I saw this old coment here:

 predict that the D version's relative slowness might have 
something to do with Pyd's somewhat awful handling of arrays (at 
least in part). More low-level and verbose, but possibly faster 
code could be written to compensate for this if this is indeed 
the problem. However, this is not a very attractive solution. 
(Optimally, Pyd should be capable of directly pointing D arrays 
at numpy arrays, but this is not actually implemented.)

On Friday, 10 October 2014 at 02:19:17 UTC, Ellery Newcomer wrote:
On Wednesday, 8 October 2014 at 00:25:57 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 


Thanks for the quick response.

The -defaultlib was left around from trying all kinds of 
combinations of dmd and gcc.  I am not used to gcc, and it 
will take me some time to become properly acquainted with all 
the options.

I managed to get it to compile with default dmd rpm:

fedora 20, x86_64

Are you aware of pyd? (

It knows how to build shared libraries, so I recommend you play 
with it, if only to watch how it does that. Biggest gotcha is 
starting up druntime.

Returning multiple arrays from function - struct or byref the only option?

2014-10-15 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn


I have to write a bunch of functions that operate on input arrays 
to return multiple output arrays.

In case helpful the inputs are price bars or economic data points 
(datetime, ohlc) and the outputs are nx1 arrays (I won't say 
vectors) of doubles or structs.

What is the best way to return multiple arrays in this kind of 
situation.  In Python I returned a tuple of numpy arrays, and the 
C way would be to pass a pointer to the return destinations, and 
I guess I could do the same in a D way by passing by ref not 

I see that I can return a struct containing dynamic arrays, and 
return it (by value of course).  I have read the forum discussion 
a while back over how to return multiple values, and tried using 
tuples.  I don't see that I can return a tuple of arrays - am I 
missing something?

Here is a simple case.  Can I do better ?


import std.typecons;
import std.stdio;

struct RetStruct
double[] a;
double[] b;

RetStruct myfunction(double x)
RetStruct s;
double[] a,b;
return s;

void main()

Re: Returning multiple arrays from function - struct or byref the only option?

2014-10-15 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Here is byref:

import std.typecons;
import std.stdio;

void myfunction(double x, ref double[] a, ref double[] b)

void main()
double[] a;
double[] b;
writefln(%s %s,a,b);

Re: Returning multiple arrays from function - struct or byref the only option?

2014-10-18 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks for the thoughts Meta and Ali.


On Wednesday, 15 October 2014 at 17:56:06 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 10/15/2014 09:48 AM, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

 struct RetStruct
  double[] a;
  double[] b;

 RetStruct myfunction(double x)

That's my preference. Tuples would work as well but they have 
two minor issues for me:

- Unlike a struct, the members are anonymous. (Yes, tuples 
members can have names as well but not when returning or 
creating conveniently by 'return tuple(a, b)'.)

- Unlike Python, there is no automatic tuple expansion so one 
has to refer to the members as result[0] and result[1], which 
is less readable than struct members. (Yes, there is some 
support for tuple expansion e.g. in foreach but it has some 
issues with the automatic foreach loop counter.)

Summary: I return by struct. :)


Re: Issue with WIKI example Win32_DLLs_in_D

2014-10-21 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
Funnily enough I was just playing with this last night trying to 
get Excel to talk to dlang DLL.  I borrowed a C example elsewhere 
on web and used a different .def file.  Something like this:

DESCRIPTION 'My DLL written in D'


useArray = useArray
usemyTest = usemyTest

Where the two functions exported from D to excel were as above.  
Try that and let me know.  If that doesn't work I will send you a 
link to from repository.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014 at 19:59:51 UTC, Andre wrote:


by copy and paste the example from
exactly as described, the following errors is thrown:

J:\Projects\Tests\Exampledmd test mydll.lib -g
OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.15
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D5mydll12__ModuleInfoZ

I created a batch program which executes the commands
as described on the wiki page:

dmd -c mydll -g
dmd mydll.obj mydll.def -g -L/map
C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\implib /noi /system mydll.lib mydll.dll
dmd test mydll.lib -g

Could you check whats wrong with the example and maybe update 
the WIKI page?


Kind regards

Dart bindings for D?

2014-10-29 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn


I have had a look around for these, but was not able to see them. 
 It looks perhaps like dart_api.h is the main file to convert - I 
will have a crack at starting this unless anyone knows of any 
already in existence.

Rationale for using Dart in combination with D is that I am not 
thrilled about learning or writing in Javascript, yet one has to 
do processing on the client in some language, and there seem very 
few viable alternatives for that.  It would be nice to run D from 
front to back, but at least Dart has C-like syntax and is 
reasonably well thought out.

Am I missing any existing bindings somewhere?



Re: Dart bindings for D?

2014-10-30 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn


Thanks for all the thoughts, and sorry it has taken me a little 
while to reply.

Adam - I liked your book very much: it really complemented the 
other resources out there, especially in communicating a 
refreshing spirit of enthusiasm and fearless exploration.

ketmar - I took a look at script.d very briefly.  I would love if 
I could use some kind of D-like and D-friendly scripting language 
on the client (Suliman has a point!), but my understanding is 
that I cannot if I want to use standard browsers without a plugin 
- Chrome, Firefox, etc.

BTW what was the story behind dscript?  It seems to have changed 
its name and no longer have so much connection to D:

It would be awesome to write front-end tools in D. However, 
there won't
be much browser support unless you're backed by Google or 

Etienne - yes, indeed.  That is exactly the problem.  In theory 
your suggestion of compiling D to Javascript sounds intriguing, 
but I wonder if in practice it will be worth it on the client (I 
confess that you likely know much more about this than me).  Even 
if interoperability with the ecosystem is possible, I suppose it 
will be clunkier to write in D compiled to JS than in Dart 
because there are fewer people pouring energy into the project to 
make it easy.  I don't mind reimplementing some things on the 
back end in order to make it fast, beautiful, and efficient but I 
have no interest in re-writing anything in user interface domain. 
 (Others may be different).

As a second-best, but overall pretty appealing choice 
(superficially, since I haven't written anything substantial in 
it), Dart at least has a C-like syntax, seems to avoid most of 
the JS infelicities, and has some of the benefits of 
type-checking.  It hasn't taken off yet, but my guess is it will.

What kind of client are you doing? If you are writing a web page,
you don't need any kind of script language API. JavaScript or
dart or whatever talk with your server application through http
requests or websockets, whereas script language APIs are meant
for extending your application in the same process. For example,
a text editor might have a script language to make custom
functions for hotkeys. - Adam Ruppe

Proprietary trading analytics and charting - still at an early 
stage so the design is not fully mapped out.  I understand that 
if I run D on server and Dart on client then I don't need to 
worry about APIs.  But 1) if I decide to run Dart on server and 
write my number-crunching analytics in D then I suppose I either 
need the Dart headers translated to D (API) or have the Dart web 
server talk to a D analytics server via a socket.  And 2) I 
cannot say that I definitely do not want to cache things and do 
some work on client, and so I need to see what's possible to 
avoid getting trapped in purely local optimum.  3) It's a long 
way from being relevant, but ultimately realtime data licensing 
occurs at local user level for Bloomberg etc, so much better to 
be able to tap in to a data source the user already has.

Dart makes most sense for internal web applications.- Ola

Yes - exactly my situation.

Dart VM is available as a standalone, which can be set up to act
as a web server. But you want to integrate it into D? - Ola

There are already C headers, and it is simple to wrap any C 
function manually so you can call it from Dart.  Perhaps it would 
be possible to do something like PyD (I am still learning 
templates/CTFE so I don't know), but for now I was just thinking 
of converting the 3000 line odd (but mostly whitespace) header 
from .h to .d.  Most of it's easy, but I struggled a bit with 
syntax for using alias in D to declare function pointer return 
types and parameters  (I think I get it now).

Why bother?  D seems just perfect for the particular kind of 
quant financial work I want to do, but for the time being it is 
lacking on web server and client.  Vibe.d is great, but is not a 
complete framework from what I have seen (which is fine, since it 
doesn't pretend to be one, but makes it harder if you don't want 
to spend your time on this).  And we discussed the client above.  
So I need to have some way for Dart to talk to D.

I don't think so, but integrating DartVM into D means you have to
deal with two different garbage collectors or put a substantial
amount of work into making D use the Dart collector.

Thanks for the warning.  I will have a low number of users, and 
whilst on occasion working data sets might be large, they won't 
stick around for very long so pre-allocating buffers should work 
fine (I hope).

Thanks once again to everyone for all the suggestions and 


On Wednesday, 29 October 2014 at 22:12:32 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 


I have had a look around for these, but was not able to see 
 It looks perhaps like dart_api.h is the main file to convert - 
I will have a crack at starting this 

alias and extern(C)

2014-10-30 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn


I am trying to translate the following from the Dart header:
typedef void (*Dart_MessageNotifyCallback)(Dart_Isolate 

So I made a little simple test to understand callbacks in D.  The 
code below works fine if you remove the extern(C).  But I get the 
error functionpointertest.d(6): Error: basic type expected, not 
extern with the code as it  is.

How do I use alias with extern ?



import std.stdio;
// test_typedef.d

//typedef void (*Dart_MessageNotifyCallback)(Dart_Isolate 

alias Callback= extern(C) void function(int);

extern(C) void testfn(int i)

extern(C) void testfn2(int i)

void foo(Callback callback)
//void foo(void function(int) callback)

void main()

Re: alias and extern(C)

2014-10-30 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
The code below works fine if you remove the extern(C).  But I 
get the error functionpointertest.d(6): Error: basic type 
expected, not extern with the code as it  is.

How do I use alias with extern ?


alias Callback= extern(C) void function(int);

Compiles as is with dmd 2.066. For 2.065 and older you have to
put extern(C) in front of alias:

extern(C) alias Callback= void function(int);

Many thanks, anon.

You are right - I was running older dmd on this machine.  It 
works fine with your modification, as you suggest.


Re: Dart bindings for D?

2014-10-30 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Ah - makes sense.  It is satisfyingly fast...

On Thursday, 30 October 2014 at 21:33:59 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Thu, 30 Oct 2014 17:39:13 +
Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

BTW what was the story behind dscript?  It seems to have 
changed its name and no longer have so much connection to D:
we have rdmd now, which can be used in shebangs and allows to 
run D
programs as shell scrips. it is able to track dependencies and 

compiled script, so 2nd and other invocations will be very fast.

simd and dmd compiler v 2.066 and 2.067.0-b1

2014-11-03 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn


Not sure if my code is correct - I wanted to build the simplest 
working example of simd use.  The following compiles and works 
under ldc (I have not disassessembled the result to see if it is 
using simd instructions), but generates a compiler error under 
dmd (2.066 and 2.067.0-b1 running under Fedora 20).

The only message is:

Internal error: backend/el.c 2874

Let me know if you think the code is okay, and if so I will see 
if I can figure out how to generate a bug report (if it's not 
something already known).



import std.stdio;
import core.simd;

void main()
short8 vec;

Re: simd and dmd compiler v 2.066 and 2.067.0-b1

2014-11-03 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 21:23:50 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

Reduced testcase:

import core.simd;

void main()
short8 vec;

I've filed a bug report:

Thanks - appreciate it.  Laeeth.


2014-11-04 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

what am I doing wrong here?

import std.math;
import std.stdio;

void main()
real fac;

[root@fedorabox util]# dmd bug.d
bug.o: In function `_Dmain':
bug.d:(.text._Dmain+0x3b): undefined reference to `rndtonl'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1

Re: rndtonl

2014-11-05 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks, Adam.

Should we perhaps make a pull to suggest updating the docs/wiki?  
As the point below is not what one would infer from the 
library reference page.

(If I say we, it's because I don't know what the protocol is, or 
whether my perception is right).

On Tuesday, 4 November 2014 at 18:39:29 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
I think rndtonl is a C library function that isn't always 
present in the system.

It doesn't work on my computer either and I can't find any 
documentation about it. It is probably not meant to be called 
by end users.

status of D optimizers benefiting from contracts ?

2014-11-09 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

31 minutes in, Walter Bright suggests that a supplementary 
benefit of using contrats is helping the compiler make 
optimisations.  He uses the example of being able to do faster 32 
bit arithmetic when the variables are longs but per contract 
within the bounds for 32 bits.

I wondered to what extent D compilers are doing this already 
(peeking at the contract), and what plans if any there are to 
incorporate these in generating fast code.



Re: status of D optimizers benefiting from contracts ?

2014-11-09 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks.  Laeeth.

PyD-like wrapping for Excel/VBA and Julia?

2014-12-18 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a bunch of D functions I would like to make available to 
Excel (and possibly Julia) without having to write wrappers for 
each function individually.

For Excel, I think one needs two levels of wrapper - one is to 
create a C style interface [using extern(Windows) calling 
convention, and pointers to doubles or structs rather than 
dynamic arrays], and the second is to write the VBA wrapper that 
calls the C interface.  (There may be more efficient purer ways 
of doing this, but I don't wish to spend time learning Excel 
internals/object models, and I know my route will work reasonably 

So a very simple D function:
double test(double[] inp,  ref double[] oup)
double sum=0.0;
return sum;

and my first attempt at a wrapper:

extern(Windows) double vbwrap_test(double* inp,size_t 
num_inp,double* oup,size_t num_oup)

double[] arg_inp;
double[] arg_oup;


return test(arg_inp,arg_oup);

I didn't yet write the bit that copies the result from test back 
to the calling double*.

Slowly learning metaprogramming/CTFE in D, and the code above was 
generated from the function definition by some horrible looking D 
code, ready to place into a string mixin.  I need to make it more 
general (to accept structs etc), and write the VBA wrapper 
generation too.

But if anyone has any useful pointers or suggestions or would 
like to help, do let me know.  I guess this project could be of 
broader application since in the financial and other sectors 
people still are stuck with Excel as a front end in many cases, 
for better or for worse.

I will look at LuaD and PyD and Adam's web.d for inspiration..

Julia was just something to think about further down the line.  I 
haven't used it much yet.



Re: PyD-like wrapping for Excel/VBA and Julia?

2014-12-19 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 19 December 2014 at 01:59:05 UTC, Ellery Newcomer 

On 12/18/2014 12:41 PM, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
I have a bunch of D functions I would like to make available 
to Excel
(and possibly Julia) without having to write wrappers for each 


I've thought about refactoring the reflection parts of pyd into 
a reusable library for e.g. resurrecting RuD. Come to think of 
it, that would probably be necessary for supporting pypy.

It'd be a heck of a lot of work, though.

For your wrapper, you can probably do something like

extern(Windows) double vbwrap_test(double* inp,size_t 
num_inp,double* oup,size_t num_oup)

return test(inp[0 .. num_inp], arg_oup[0 .. num_oup]);

with .dup sprinkled in as you see fit. And you don't need to 
explicitly copy the results back! Might need to take the ref 
off oup in test..

Thanks for the pointers, Ellery.

What was RuD?  RubyD?

There may be more efficient purer ways of doing this, but I
don't wish to spend time learning Excel internals/object 
models, and I know my route will work reasonably well).
ActiveX is not internal to Excel. Being a generic component 
interface, it's available over almost all microsoft technologies.

True, but how does that help me right a function I can call from 
a spreadsheet?  I had understood ActiveX was for scripting the 
app, but not so useful if you want to write a function  that can 
be entered in a cell formula.  So it seems to me that ActiveX 
doesn't create an obvious way to avoid  writing a C API wrapper 
and then VBA wrapper around that.

optimization / benchmark tips a good topic for wiki ?

2014-12-22 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
Replacing import core.stdc.math with import std.math in the 
D example increases the avg runtime from 19.64 to 23.87 seconds 
(~20% slower) which is consistent with OP's statement.

+ nobounds, release

Do you think we should start a topic on D wiki front page for 
benchmarking/performance tips to organize peoples' experience of 
what works?

I took a quick look and couldn't see anything already.  And it 
seems to be a topic that comes up quite frequently (less on forum 
than people doing their own benchmarks and it getting picked up 
on reddit etc).

I am not so experienced in this area otherwise I would write a 
first draft myself.


Data frames in D?

2014-12-26 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

I thought about it once but quickly abandoned the idea. The 
primary reason was that D doesn't have REPL and is thus not 
suitable for interactive data exploration.

The quick compile times could allow interactive data exploration

I agree with other posters that a D REPL and
interactive/visualization data environment would be very cool,
but unfortunately doesn't exist. Batch computing is more
practical, but REPLs really hook new users. I see statistical
computing as a huge opportunity for D adoption. (R is just
super-ugly and slow, leaving Python + its various native-code
cyborg appendages as the hot new stats environment).

There are tons of ways of accomplishing the same thing in D, but
as far as I know there isn't a standard at this point. A
statically typed dataframe is, at minimum, just a range of
structs -- even more minimally, a bare *array* of structs, or
alternatively just a 2-D array in a thin wrapper that provides
access via column labels rather than indexes. You can manipulate
these ranges with functions from std.range and std.algorithm.
Missing or N/A data is a common issue, and can be represented in
a variety of ways, with integers being the most annoying since
there is no built-in NaN value for ints (check out the Nullable
template from std.typecons).

Supporting features like having *both* rows and columns are
accessible via labels rather than indexes requires a little bit
more wrapping. We have a NamedMatrix class at my workplace for
that purpose. It's easy to overload the index operator [] for
access, * for matrix multiplication, etc.

CSV loads can be done with std.csv; unfortunately there's no
corresponding support in that module for *writing* CSV (I've
rolled my own). At my workplace we also have a MysqlConnection
class that provides one-liner loading from a SQL query into
minimalist, range-of-structs dataframes.

Beyond that, it really depends on how you want to manipulate the
dataframes. What specific things do you want to do? If you've got
an idea, I could work up some sample code.

So yes, there are people doing it in The Real World.
Unfortunately my colleagues don't have a nice, tidy,
self-contained DataFrame module to share (yet). But having one
would be a great thing for D. The bigger problem though is
matching the huge 3rd-party stats libraries (like CRAN for R).

Since we do have an interactive shell (the pastebin), and now 
bindings and wrappers for hdf5 (key for large data sets) and 
basic seeds for a matrix library, should we start to think about 
what would be needed for a dataframe, and the best way to 
approach it, starting very simply?

One doesn't need to have a comparable library to R for it to 
start being useful in particular use cases.

Pandas and Julia would be obvious potential sources of 
inspiration (and it may be that one still uses them to call out 
to D in some cases), but rather than trying to just port pandas 
to D, it seems to make sense to ask how one should do it from 
scratch to better suit D.


Re: Data frames in D?

2014-12-26 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

REPLs are over-hyped and have become a fashion touchstone that 
few dare argue against for fear of being denounced as un-hip. 
REPLs have their
place, but in the main are nowhere near as useful as people 

IPython Notebooks on the other hand are a balance between
editor/execution environment and REPL that really has a lot 
going for


Fair argument against an earlier poster but from my perspective, 
all I meant is that the absence of a shell is not a good reason 
to write off D for exploring data.  Because there is a shell 
already that could be developed, and because one can call D from 
python / Julia in a notebook.

Stats folks using R, love R and hate Python. Stats folk using
Python, love Python and hate R. In the end it's all about what 
you know and can use to get the job done. To be frank (as in 
open rather than Jill), D hasn't got the infrastructure to 
compete with either R or Python and so is a non-starter in the 
data science arena.

About the future you may or may not be right.  (Whether it is 
commercially interesting to run workshops in D for stats people 
is certainly a interesting question.  However given the ways that 
technology unfolds it may be that it is less relevant for the 
question I am most interested today in answering).

I want to do things in D myself, and I would find a data frame 
helpful.  I understand you don't program much in D these days, 
and that's a reasonable decision, but for those who want to use 
it to do quantish things with dataframes, perhaps we could think 
about how to approach the problem.  And having weighed your 
warnings, if you have any suggestions on how best to implement 
this, I would be open to these also.


Data Frames in D - let's not wait for linear algebra; useful today in finance and Internet of Things

2014-12-26 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 26 December 2014 at 21:31:00 UTC, aldanor wrote:
On Wednesday, 25 September 2013 at 03:41:36 UTC, Jay Norwood 
I've been playing with the python pandas app enables 
interactive manipulation of tables of data in their dataframe 
structure, which they say is similar to the structures used in 

It appears pandas has laid claim to being a faster version of 
R, but is doing so basically limited to what they can exploit 
from moving operations back and forth from underlying cython 

Has anyone written an example app in D that manipulates 
dataframe type structures?

Pandas has numpy as backend which does a lot of heavy 
lifting, so first things first -- imo D needs a fast and 
flexible blas/lapack-compatible multi-dimensional rectangular 
array library that could later serve as backend for pandas-like 

I don't believe I agree that we need a perfect multi-dimensional 
rectangular array library to serve as a backend before thinking 
and doing much on data frames (although it will certainly be very 
useful when ready).

First, it seems we do have matrices, even if lacking in complete 
functionality for linear algebra, and the like.  There is a 
chicken and egg aspect in the development of tools - it is rarely 
the case that one kind of tool necessarily totally precedes 
another, and often complementarities and dynamic effects between 
different stages.  If one waits till one has everything one needs 
done for one, one won't get much done.

Secondly, much of the kind of thing Pandas is useful for is not 
exactly rocket science from a quantitative perspective, but it's 
just the kinds of thing that is very useful if you are thinking 
about working with data sets of a decent size.The concepts seem 
to me to fit very well with std.algorithm and std.range, and can 
be thought of as just as way to bring out the power of the tools 
we alreaady have when working with data in the world as it is.  
See here for an example of just how simple.  Remember Excel 

Thirdly, one of the reasons Pandas is popular is because it is 
written in C/Cython and very fast.  It's significantly faster 
than Julia.  One might hit roadblocks down the line when it comes 
to the Global Interpreter Lock and difficulty of processing 
larger sets quickly in Python, but at least this stage is fast 
and easy.  So people do care about speed, but they also care 
about the frictions being taken away, so that they can spend 
their energies on addressing the problem at hand.  Ie a dataframe 
will be helpful, in my view.

Processing of log data is a growing domain - partly from 
internet, but also from the internet of things.  See below for 
one company using D to process logs:

A poster on this forum is already using D as a library to call 
from R (from Reddit), which brings home the point that it isn't 
necessary for D to be able to do every part of the process for it 
to be able to take over some of the heavy work.

[–]bachmeier 6 points 1 month ago

I call D shared libraries from R. I've put together a library 
that offers similar functionality to Rcpp. I've got a 
presentation showing its use on Linux. Both the presentation and 
library code should be made available within the next couple of 

My library makes available the R API and anything in Gretl. You 
can allocate and manipulate R objects in D, add R assert 
statements in your D code, and so on. What I'm working on now is 
calling into GSL for optimization.

These are all mature libraries - my code is just an interface. 
It's generally easy to call any C library from D, and modern 
Fortran, which provides C interoperability, is not too much 

See here, for just one use case in the internet of things.  They 
don't use D, but maybe they should have.  And it shows an example 
where perhaps at least log processing could easily be handled by 
what we have with a few small additional data structures - even 
if people use outside libraries for the machine learning part.

By using Splunk software, Hrebek said that his division’s leader 
product is able to offer customers a real-time view of operations 
on a train and to use machine learning to suggest optimal 
strategies for driving trains along various routes. Just shaving 
a small percentage off of fuel costs can mean huge savings for a 

Why Doesn’t BI Work for the IoT?

In both of the use cases just mentioned, for years, existing 
business intelligence technology had been applied to the problem 
of making sense of the data with little success.

The problem is not that that it is impossible to 

Re: Data Frames in D - let's not wait for linear algebra; useful today in finance and Internet of Things

2014-12-27 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

I think we are agreeing. Very lightweight editor and executor of 

fragments is as good, if not better, that the one line REPL.

Yes - the key for me is that the absence of a shell is by no 
means a reason to say that D is not suited to this task.  One may 
wish to refine what exists, but that is another question entirely.

Part of the problem here is tribalism. Most data science people 
want to
use the same tools that other data science people use, even 
though the

issue is to differentiate themselves.

Yes - we are answering two different questions.  I could not care 
less about persuading anyone en masse in a broad sector, those 
who think of themselves as being 'data scientists' included.  
It's silly, in my view, to think of it as an established field 
very distinct from others, and with a fixed way of doing things.  
If for no other reason that things are in flux and the sector is 
growing quickly, which means that there is room for many 
different approaches, and it is premature to think the popularity 
of approach X or Y today means that approach 'D' can't be 
productive tomorrow.

But as I said, I am less convinced in persuading anyone, and 
rather more concerned with getting a basic data frame in D up and 
running because I could certainly use it, and the hard work has 
been done already.  The basics should be an evening's work for an 
advanced D hacker, but it will probably take me longer than that. 
 In any case, since nobody else has come forward, I will keep 
working away at it.

A BLAS library is certainly a precusor, as is very good data
visualization tools, graphs, diagrams etc.

Perhaps a prerequisite to D being seen as a contender, but I 
don't see how it's a prerequisite just to have a dataframe, which 
is really a very simple yet incredibly useful thing.

Go has masses of people putting a lot of effort into Web. It's 
not the ideas, it's the number of people getting on board and 
doing things.

Also about the quality of the people.  (I have no view about Go, 
but have a very positive view on D).  When things get big there 
is a danger they get cluttered.  That's one blessing for D.

To get some traction in any of these areas, finance data 
analysis and
model building, or systems activity, it is all about people doing 

publicizing it and making things available for others to use.

Yes - so do you have any thoughts on what a data frame structure 
should look like?  I am trying to do and after that will make 

But it needs to be better than Julia in some way that makes
others sit up and take notice. There has to be the ability to 

some hype.

Don't care ;)  This concept of what is your edge is not my cup 
of tea because I do not see the world in those terms.  Something 
of high quality that's highly productive will over time stand a 
decent chance of becoming more widely adopted, whereas trying to 
force it into some kind of marketing framework can prove 

Right now, the main thing I care about is solving the problem at 
hand, because if it solves my problem well then I am pretty sure 
it will be useful to others too, and be so better than if one had 
adopted a more consciously 'commercial/marketing' mindset.

I would post the dataframe skeleton here, but it's too 
embarassing right now and want to read the std.variant library to 
see what tricks I can learn.  (A data series seems kind of like a 
variant, but with every cell the same type).  Obviously in some 
cases the data frame type is defined at compile time, like a 
struct, and that's easy.  But if you are loading from a file you 
need to be able to have dynamic typing for the column.

 I don't believe I agree that we need a perfect 
rectangular array library to serve as a backend before thinking 
and doing much on data frames (although it will certainly be 
very useful when ready).

Also, if there is a ready made C or C++ library that can be made 
use of,

do it.

Well, the hard parts of arrays themselves (and it's not that 
fiendishly hard, I would think) seem to need to be tightly 
integrated with the language, so I don't see how a C/C++ library 
will help so much.  For the linear algebra, yes...

hyping it up.

I recently discovered a number of hedge funds work solely on 
average based algorithmic trading. NumPy, SciPy and Pandas all 

variations on this basic algorithm.

Well, having worked for more or less quanty hedge funds since 98, 
I would think it unlikely that anyone depends only on moving 
averages although basic old-school trend-following certainly does 
work - it is just a hard sell to herding institutional investors, 
and does not fit very well with the concept of a 'career'.  (You 
have to be able to see the five years of subdued returns since 
2009 as just part of the cycle, which indeed may be the correct 
view when one sees markets as a natural phenomenon, but is not 
the view of asset allocators, or talented 

Re: Data Frames in D - let's not wait for linear algebra; useful today in finance and Internet of Things

2014-12-27 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 27 December 2014 at 16:41:04 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Sat, 2014-12-27 at 15:33 +, Laeeth Isharc via 

[…lots of agreed uncontentious stuff :-) …]

You write as if Christensen's book The Innovator's Dilemma 
had never been written, and nor had it been a standard 
textbook in business schools for some years.  You may have 
good arguments as to why he is wrong, or why it doesn't apply 
to D, but you haven't set them out, as far as I am aware.

In the post-production world as I know it (Nuke, etc.) The 
combination has never failed to be adequate to the innovation 
by film makers. In the image processing world the C++/Lua 

has never failed to adapt to the innovation needed by photograph
tinkerers. My point was really that the customers have never 
found an
innovative need that the extant platforms couldn't provide. I 
felt this
was somewhat different to the Christensen argument. On the 
other hand, I

may have missed the point…

No matter how plugged in a person may be, it is impossible to be 
aware of everything that is going on, especially in exactly the 
kind of domains Christensen talks about - ones that aren't by any 
standard important in a spot sense to the bigger picture, but 
that critically provide a quiet relatively uncontested niche for 
the seeds of something to unfold until it is ready to break out 
into the broader world.

So I think the point is that one shouldn't be bothered one jot by 
the disinclination of the people you know to want to use D, 
particularly since you are so plugged in to all these other 
worlds (and being an insider in a sense that matters today has an 
opportunity cost because it means one is not spending time and 
attention speaking to non insiders as much at that instant).  New 
growth will come from the fringes.

I think one should be very worried if the Adam Ruppe of the world 
would start to say D sucks - nice idea, but just not expressive 
enough for me, and I am switching back to Ruby and Python.  
Because that would indicate a loss of ground in the home niche.  
But somehow I don't think so...!  And meantime quietly things 
continue to develop.

What matters is not the challenges one faces, but how one deals 
with them.  An outpouring of frustration in recent days, and the 
result is we are going to get better docs, better examples, and 
who knows what else.  That's a sign of health.

Will post code I have in a few days.


Re: Data Frames in D - let's not wait for linear algebra; useful today in finance and Internet of Things

2014-12-29 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 29 December 2014 at 04:08:58 UTC, Vlad Levenfeld wrote:

Laeeth - I am not sure exactly what your needs are but I have a
fairly complete solution for generic multidimensional interfaces
(template-based, bounds checked, RAII-ready, non-integer 
the whole shebang) that I have been building. Anyway I don't 

to spam the forum if I've missed the point of this discussion,
but perhaps we could speak about it further over email and you
could give me your opinion? I'm at

Hi Vlad.

Thanks v much for getting in touch.

Your work sounds very interesting.  I will drop you a line in 
coming days.

Happy new year.


Re: Passing string literals to C

2014-12-31 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Argh - no way to edit.

What's best practice here?

D strings are not null-terminated.

char* cpling(char *s)
  return s;

extern(C) char* cpling(char* s);

void callC()


void callC()


am I missing a better way to do this?

Passing string literals to C

2014-12-31 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

What's best practice here?

D strings are not null-terminated.

char* cpling(char *s)

So toString(This i

Checking C return results against NULL

2014-12-31 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
Am I missing a more agreeable way to check the return value of a 
C function against NULL.  It's fine if it's a char*, but if it 
returns a pointer to some kind of struct, one has to go through 
and convert each instance of NULL to a cast of the appropriate 
return type.  Eg cast(funnystruct*)0

  if ((tomime_fields.fld_description==cast(char*)0))
throw new Exception(show_part_info: description is NULL);

Re: Passing string literals to C

2014-12-31 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks for the help.


Re: Checking C return results against NULL

2014-12-31 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks for the help.


Re: Can the order in associative array change when keys are not midified?

2015-01-01 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 1 January 2015 at 18:58:04 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On 1/1/15, Tobias Pankrath via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

You could implement an OrderedMap!(Key, Value) via
RedBlackTree!(Tuple!(Key, Value), (a,b) = a[0]  b[0]).

We could add this as an alias into Phobos or perhaps as just a
documentation line on the website.

V good point.

This is one of those small frictions that cumulatively raises the 
cost of adoption for newcomers who are not by nature hackers but 
want to get stuff done, and yet could be valuable members of the 
D community over time.  For whatever reason, there is some 
resistance for many people to ask for help in a forum and it is 
easy to be overwhelmed and give up.  Modern people don't have 
much tolerance for pain, even though that's an essential part of 
learning and being a developer.   And compare python where you 
have OrderedDict and a search will find many examples of how to 
use it.

I agree with comments about readability of library functions, but 
maybe also worth extending hints and tips for common patterns / 
code fragments.

What is the protocol for contributing to the wiki?  Can one just 
edit it ?

Re: simple question about using dub to import CyberShadow's aeutils

2015-01-03 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 3 January 2015 at 12:08:16 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 
On Saturday, 3 January 2015 at 11:58:48 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 

import ae.utils;

ae.utils is a package, perhaps you meant to import ae.utils.xml?

aha.  schoolboy error on my part.  thank you for your help, and 
especially for writing such a useful library and sharing it with 
the world.


simple question about using dub to import CyberShadow's aeutils

2015-01-03 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn


I would like to use the XML parser from CyberShadow's ae.utils - 
I am building a tool to index RSS feeds in elasticsearch 
(something like rssriver but with more complete functionality).

I am using dub to build the code.

So far I just have an empty boilerplate app.d with the line 
import ae.utils;

Using the suggestion from
dependencies: {
ae: =1.0.1

It cannot find ae/utils.d If I try replacing the = with  or 
just ~master it still does not build.  Error text below this 
message.  I suppose this might be because dub is designed to 
import a single package, and not just part of the hierarchy.

But if I change the import to just plain import ae, I still have 

What am I doing wrong?  I could just copy the file over, but I 
would like to try to do it properly.

Do let me know if you do not see this as the right forum to ask 
about dub.



Selected package openssl 1.0.0+1.0.0e does not match the 
dependency specification in package ae (=1.1.3+1.0.1g 
(optional)). Need to dub upgrade?

Target vibe-d 0.7.21 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Building rsselastic ~master configuration application, build 
type debug.

Compiling using dmd...
source/app.d(1): Error: module utils is in file 'ae/utils.d' 
which cannot be read

import path[0] = source/
import path[1] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/ae-1.0.1
import path[2] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/openssl-1.0.0_1.0.0e
import path[3] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.7.21/source/
import path[4] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/libevent-2.0.1_2.0.16
import path[5] = /usr/include/dmd/phobos
import path[6] = /usr/include/dmd/druntime/import
rsselastic executable

Error executing command run: dmd failed with exit code 1.
Selected package openssl 1.0.0+1.0.0e does not match the 
dependency specification in package ae (=1.1.3+1.0.1g 
(optional)). Need to dub upgrade?

Target vibe-d 0.7.21 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Building rsselastic ~master configuration application, build 
type debug.

Compiling using dmd...
source/app.d(1): Error: module ae is in file 'ae.d' which cannot 
be read

import path[0] = source/
import path[1] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/ae-1.0.1
import path[2] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/openssl-1.0.0_1.0.0e
import path[3] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.7.21/source/
import path[4] = ../../../root/.dub/packages/libevent-2.0.1_2.0.16
import path[5] = /usr/include/dmd/phobos
import path[6] = /usr/include/dmd/druntime/import
rsselastic executable

Error executing command run: dmd failed with exit code 1.

Other libraries - web site link, and other thoughts

2015-01-26 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
At the moment it goes straight go, which may be a 
bit overwhelming if you have just arrived at and want 
to see what it can do.

Is it worth changing to the library wiki write up page on 
libraries?  And making sure link to is prominent, 
saying is a registry of D libraries hosted on 
github.  There are currently XYZ libraries, of which ABC are 
under active development.

At the moment, the list of libraries on the wiki is fairly 
complete, but not oriented towards answering the question of how 
do I do stuff.  It would be nice to have a set of pages on this 
that mines the gold from the forums and makes it easy to find.  
Eg how do I navigate html or xml?.  Use dom.d or ae, and here 
are some simple programs.

Compare python community doc situation to ours.  (We are leaner, 
but that doesn't mean we can't do a better job),

Also say that if you cannot find the library you need, you should 
know that it is easy to interface to all C libraries (click for 
details), and that it is possible and fairly easy to interface to 
many C++ libraries (click here).

p0nce and others are doing great work on D idioms, but what is 
missing is pointers to examples of larger programs.  I know it is 
common sense if you are experienced to read the source of other 
projects to learn, but is it worth making this easy by having in 
the section on learning D some pointers to some model D code 

The FUD crowd on slashdot always brings up the Tango / Phobos 
split, but this is not prominently addressed on the web site.  
Should this not be answered in the main FAQ?

The compilation speed of dmd (and somewhat ldc) is a major 
advantage.  It is stunning in outright terms, and almost 
inconceivable if you come from the world of c++.  It really 
matters because it allows you to shift styles to iterative 
development.  So it should be featured on the front page, and 
there should be quantitative benchmarks (because that's what 
modern people like) comparing dmd to other language compilers as 
well as pointing out how quickly phobos compiles. A YouTube video 
may make it more concrete.  And there should be quotes from 
authoritative users of D talking about how useful they find quick 
compilation and iterative development.

People are lazy.  Or more charitably, not wealthy in terms of 
attention and time in the modern world.  The documentation is 
often written from the point of view of the compiler and library 
writer, and this is not the point of view of the user, who wants 
to know what he can do, and how he can do it.

In the interfacing to C tutorial, how about starting off by 
getting to the point.  Have the following section at the 
beginning, and maybe even make it crisper by saying that D can 
utilise all existing C libraries, and all that needs to be done 
is to translate the header  files to D.

Using Existing C Libraries
Since D can call C code directly, it can also call any C library 
functions, giving D access to the smorgasbord of existing C 
libraries. To do so, however, one needs to write a D interface 
(.di) file, which is a translation of the C .h header file for 
the C library into D.

For popular C libraries, the first place to look for the 
corresponding D interface file is the Deimos Project. If it isn't 
there already, and you write one, please contribute it to the 
Deimos Project.


In the spirit of accommodating peoples' attention poverty, why 
not say at the top that there are translation tools for objective 
C and C.  Click here to download dstep binaries (linux / win 
etc), and here to go to the github dstep site.  I confess that I 
struggled for ages unsuccessfully to compile dstep on my platform 
without realising that the binaries were available for download.

Similarly for C++, the web site starts off completely on the 
wrong note. While D is fully capable of interfacing to C, its 
ability to interface to C++ is much more limited. There are three 
ways to do it:

I hear much more limited, and think I am not going to bother 
with this (if I have not yet committed to the language).  Whereas 
in actual fact, as Walter pointed out in his talk, nobody else 
can interface with C++ and it is a marvel to be able to do so at 
all, let alone in a way that is much more complete than the docs 
suggest.  And it sounds like this phrasing is in any case 

Change to something like: Interfacing to C++ is a challenging 
endeavour for any language, but it is a challenge that must be 
met in order to take advantage of the large set of existing 
libraries and code bases in C++.  It is therefore a priority for 
2015 to implement an ability to link to a set of C++ that will be 
complete for most use cases.  Walter Bright spoke recently at 
Microsoft on this topic, and the reader may find the following 
forum threads of interest.

As things stand, the following features are complete:..., whilst 
there are limitations with respect to: 

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-14 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

I don't think you've read h5py source in enough detail :)

You're right - I haven't done more than browsed it.

It's based HEAVILY on duck typing.

There is a question here about what to do in D.  On the one hand, 
the flexibility of being able to open a foreign HDF5 file where 
you don't know beforehand the dataset type is very nice.  On the 
other, the adaptations needed to handle this flexibly get in the 
way when you are dealing with your own data that has a set format 
and where recompilation is acceptable if it changes.  Looking at 
the 'ease' of processing JSON, even using vibed, I think that one 
will need to implement both eventually, but perhaps starting with 
static typing.

In addition, it has way MORE classes than the C++ hierarchy 
does. E.g., the high-level File object actually has these 
parents: File : Group, Group : HLObject, 
MutableMappingWithLock, HLObject : CommonStateObject and 
internally the File also keeps a reference to file id which is 
an instance of FileID which inherits from GroupID which 
inherits from ObjectID, do I need to continue?

Okay - I guess there is a distinction between the interface to 
the outside world (where I think the h5py etc way is superior for 
most uses) and the implementation.  Is not the reason h5py has 
lots of classes primarily because that is how you write good code 
in python, whereas in many cases this is not true in D (not that 
you should ban classes, but often structs + free floating 
functions are more suitable).

PyTables, on the contrary is quite badly written (although it 
works quite well and there are brilliant folks on the dev team 
like francesc alted) and looks like a dump of C code 
interweaved with hackish Python code.

Interesting.  What do you think is low quality about the design?

In h5py you can do things like file[/dataset].write(...) -- 
this just wouldn't work as is in a strictly typed language 
since the indexing operator generally returns you something of 
a Location type (or an interface, rather) which can be a 
group/datatype/dataset which is only known at runtime.

Well, if you don't mind recompiling your code when the data set 
type changes (or you encounter a new data set) then you can do 
that (which is what I posted a link to earlier).

It depends on your use case.  It's hard to think of an 
application more dynamic than web sites, and yet people seem 
happy enough with vibed's use of compiled diet templates as the 
primary implementation.  They would like the option of dynamic 
ones too, and I think this would be useful in this domain too, 
since one does look at foreign data on occasion.  One could of 
course use the quick compilation of D to regenerate parts of the 
code when this happens.  Whether or not this is acceptable 
depends on your use case - for some it might be okay, but 
obviously it is no good if you are writing a generic H5 
browser/charting tool.

So I think if you don't allow static dataset typing it means the 
flexibility  of dynamic typing gets in the way for some uses 
(which might be most of them), but you need to add dynamic typing 

Shall we move this to a different thread and/or email, as I am 
afraid I have hijacked the poor original poster's request.

On the refcounting question, I confess that I do not fully 
understand your concern, which may well reflect a lack of deep 
experience with D on my part.  Adam Ruppe suggests that it's 
generally okay to rely on a struct destructor to call C cleanup 
code.  I can appreciate this may not be true with h5 and, if you 
can spare the time, I would love to understand more precisely why 

Out of all of them, only the dataset supports the write method 
but you don't know it's going to be a dataset. See the problem?

In this case I didn't quite follow.  Where does this fall down ?

void h5write(T)(Dataset x, T data)

I have your email somewhere and will drop you a line.  Or you can 
email me laeeth at  And let's create a new thread.


Re: idiomatic D: what to use instead of pointers in constructing a tree data structure?

2015-01-14 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 13 January 2015 at 17:41:53 UTC, Tobias Pankrath 
On Tuesday, 13 January 2015 at 17:19:42 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 

The GC is allowed to move structs around, as I undestand it.  
Under what circumstances do I get into trouble having a 
pointer to them?

None, a GC that moves structs around must update every pointer 
afterwards and as far as I know, the standard GC doesn't do 
that (moving things around).

You may not have a pointer inside a struct that points to the 
struct itself. This allows the compiler to elide some copies.

Got it - thanks.

Re: vibe.d Subdirectory?

2015-01-15 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 14:38:16 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 1/14/15 11:31 AM, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

To be very clear: in the simple case when you compile your vibe
application from multiple source files and diet templates etc, 
and you
will end up with an executable.  This can act as a server 
directly, or
you can make it an internal server on localhost called by php, 
or you
can call it from nginx as a CGI type application depending on 
the URL.

Pardon me for asking kind of a side question, but is there any 
online information on how to do this? I am contemplating 
migrating my in-house php-based application to vibe.d, but I 
wondered if I have to do it whole-sale (not much gratification 
until the whole thing is done) or piecemeal (then some parts 
are php, some are vibe.d, until whole thing is ported). I 
thought I could do the latter, but I don't know how to interact 
apache/php with vibe.d. The biggest question I have is how 
vibe.d and php can share session data. But I also have no idea 
which server should be in front, and how to call one another ;)

It may be that you have a reason for going with apache, but in 
case you have not looked into it (or the situation has changed 
since you last looked), you might consider nginx as a front end 
given better stability and performance.

If you make D read the PHP authentication then you need to write 
a new auth  scheme when you have gotten rid of PHP.  So it might 
be worth at some point considering moving this to an external 
service called by both D and PHP when  you can do so without 
breaking anything.

This might be worth a read:

Re: Getting a safe path for a temporary file

2015-01-17 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 January 2015 at 13:47:39 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
Is it currently possible to get the path to a safe temporary 
file, i.e. one that is guaranteed to be freshly created and 
will not override another existing file?

There's `std.file.tempDir`, which doesn't create a unique file. 
Then there's `std.stdio.tmpfile()`, which does, but it returns 
a `File` object, and its `name` property is `null`.

Did I miss something? IMO this is very import functionality. 
One use case is passing these names as command line arguments 
to an external program that doesn't support stdin/stdout.

I agree that it would be useful.

This is what I used, although there may be a better option:

Re: Getting a safe path for a temporary file

2015-01-17 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 January 2015 at 16:55:42 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
On Saturday, 17 January 2015 at 14:37:00 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 
On Saturday, 17 January 2015 at 13:47:39 UTC, Marc Schütz 
Is it currently possible to get the path to a safe temporary 
file, i.e. one that is guaranteed to be freshly created and 
will not override another existing file?

There's `std.file.tempDir`, which doesn't create a unique 
file. Then there's `std.stdio.tmpfile()`, which does, but it 
returns a `File` object, and its `name` property is `null`.

Did I miss something? IMO this is very import functionality. 
One use case is passing these names as command line arguments 
to an external program that doesn't support stdin/stdout.

I agree that it would be useful.

This is what I used, although there may be a better option:

Nice idea, but it still allows for intentional collision 
attacks :-(

The only really safe solution is one that generates (probably) 
unique names, then opens the file with O_EXCL|O_CREAT (or 
whatever other means the OS provides), and if it fails, retries 
with a different name. `std.stdio.tmpfile()` already does that 
(it uses `tmpfile(3)` under the hood), but doesn't allow access 
to the name.

I don't follow why a collision attack is applicable in this case. 
 Your stage 1 of generating unique names: how is this different 
from using a random uuid?

Re: casting SysTime to ubyte[]

2015-01-14 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

I really wouldn't advise doing that. SysTime contains a long 
represents the time in hnsecs since midnight, January 1st, 1 
A.D., and that
could be written to a file quite easily. But it also contains a 
reference to
a TimeZone object, so what you're doing would just be writing 
its address to
disk, which wouldn't do you any good at all, since that's 
specific to each
run of the program, even assuming that the object exists in 
both runs of the
program (which it would for UTC or LocalTime but not for 

time zones).

So, writing the stdTime (horrible name, I know) property to 
disk would work
just fine (that's the hnsecs as a long), but you're going to 
have to do
something smarter than that if you want to retain the time 
zone. And you're
not going to want to try and simply cast a SysTime to a ubyte[] 
and do

anything practical with that regardless.

- Jonathan M Davis

Thanks for this.  I still with my C habits had the idea the time 
would just be a flat struct.  So in this case better to write it 
as a string, which is what I have already done.  I just wondered 
why the other approach didn't work, and now I understand.

Re: vibe.d Subdirectory?

2015-01-14 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Actually I want to serve some JSON packed weather data (heck I
also wrote my Global Climate Model partially in D and in C) - 
so I guess, I can use vibe.d to build a cgi.

Cool.  Do you incorporate the influence of solar activity via 
galactic rays / cloud formation and via volcanic activity?  (This 
is not my field, but I am looking for a model that does).

However I also want to recieve some userinput, and parse it - 
and sometimes, php is simpler, because for a very small parsing 
task you dont want to worry abotu types and all. Does vibe.d 
support any HTML Preprocessor in the first place? If not PHP 
then Neco? Falcon? So that I do not always have to access my 
vibe.d based app, but I can simply change the page itself a bit?

It won't be quicker to write the parsing code in D if you are new 
to the language, but it is still pretty quick when you know how.  
There are regexes etc too.

What Ketmar says.  For a robust application it might be better to 
put it behind a proxy like nginx anyway.  In which case you can 
use your vibed application to serve up parts of your site and php 
for others.  Eg user submits a form and the result is posted to a 
url that nginx routes to your vibed app.

You could dispense entirely with the web server and do the whole 
thing in vibed, but you don't need to.  Although its a framework, 
you don't have to do much to turn it into a web server if you 
look at the documentation on the vibed page.  The forum there is 
also quite helpful.


Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-14 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

In the hierarchy example above (c++ hdf hierarchy link), by 
using UFCS to implement the shared methods (which are achieved 
by multiple inheritance in the c++ counterpart) did you mean 
something like this?

// id.d
struct ID { int id; ... }

// location.d
struct Location { ID _id; alias _id this; ... }

// file.d
public import commonfg; // ugh
struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// group.d
public import commonfg;
struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// commonfg.d { ... }
enum isContainer(T) = is(T: File) || is(T : Group);
auto method1(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }
auto method2(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }

I guess two of my gripes with UFCS is (a) you really have to

// another hdf-specific thing here but a good example in 
general is that some functions return you an id for an object 
which is one of the location subtypes (e.g. it could be a File 
or could be a Group depending on run-time conditions), so it 
kind of feels natural to use polymorphism and classes for that, 
but what would you do with the struct approach? The only thing 
that comes to mind is Variant, but it's quite meh to use in 

Void unlink(File f){}
Void unlink(Group g){}

For simple cases maybe one can keep it simple, and despite the 
Byzantine interface what one is trying to do when using HDF5 is 
not intrinsically so complex.

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-14 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// group.d
public import commonfg;
struct File { Location _location; alias _location this; ... }

// commonfg.d { ... }
enum isContainer(T) = is(T: File) || is(T : Group);
auto method1(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }
auto method2(T)(T obj, args) if (isContainer!T) { ... }

I guess two of my gripes with UFCS is (a) you really have to

// another hdf-specific thing here but a good example in 
general is that some functions return you an id for an object 
which is one of the location subtypes (e.g. it could be a 
File or could be a Group depending on run-time conditions), 
so it kind of feels natural to use polymorphism and classes 
for that, but what would you do with the struct approach? The 
only thing that comes to mind is Variant, but it's quite meh 
to use in practice.

Void unlink(File f){}
Void unlink(Group g){}

For simple cases maybe one can keep it simple, and despite the 
Byzantine interface what one is trying to do when using HDF5 
is not intrinsically so complex.

So your solution is copying and pasting the code?

But now repeat that for 200 other functions and a dozen more 
types that can be polymorphic in weirdest ways possible...

If you are simply have a few lines calling the API and the 
validation is different enough for file and group (I haven't 
written unlink yet) then why not (and move proper shared code out 
into helper functions).  The alternative is a long method with 
lots of conditions, which may be the best in some cases but may 
be harder to follow.

I do like the h5py and pytables approaches.  One doesn't need to 
bother too much with the implementation when using their library. 
 However, what I am doing is quite simple from a data perspective 
- a decent amount of it, but it is not an interesting problem 
from a theoretical perspective - just execution.  Now if you are 
higher octane as a user you may be able to see what I cannot.  
But on the other hand, the Pareto principle applies, and in my 
view a library should make it simple to do simple things.  One 
can't get there if the primary interface is a direct mapping of 
the HDF5 hierarchy, and I also think that is unnecessary with D.

But I very much appreciate your work as the final result is 
better for everyone that way, and you are evidently a much longer 
running user of D than me.  I never used C++ as it just seemed 
too ugly! and I suspect the difference in backgrounds is shaping 

What do you think the trickiest parts are with HDF5?  (You 
mention weird polymorphism).


Re: vibe.d Subdirectory?

2015-01-14 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 January 2015 at 11:40:26 UTC, seany wrote:

I am new to vibe.d and plying a bit with it.

I notice, that in case of Apache, there is a root directory, 
often by default under /var/www or /srv/http (resp. ftp) if you 
are using linux, and then every time the client sends a 
request, apache looks in to the root directory, deduces the 
subdirectory from the URI, and pulls the page up from there. 
Then it parses the PHP / other scripting commands, and prints 
the HTML as is, before serving it over http.

I want to know the equivalent of all these in vibe.d. The 
website has a documentation, but all what I find is that you 
will need an app.d, in a predefined directory structure. I 
however, do not understand, what the root directory is going to 

Is it going to be the directry where vibe.d is started?

Say, I start my vibe.d under /server, then I have an app.d 
under /server/a/app.d and /server/b/app.d

Do I access them via http://top.level.domain/a, resp /b, and 
app.d is like index.html / index.php which vibe.d looks for by 
default, or do i have to use http://top.level.domain/a/app.d

To be very clear: in the simple case when you compile your vibe 
application from multiple source files and diet templates etc, 
and you will end up with an executable.  This can act as a server 
directly, or you can make it an internal server on localhost 
called by php, or you can call it from nginx as a CGI type 
application depending on the URL.

The vibed directory layout is of no relevance after compilation 
(unless you put your static data there).

Re: Explicit Slicing of std.container.Array

2015-01-24 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 24 January 2015 at 13:11:33 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
Is there a reason why std.container.Array have to be explicitly 
sliced before being processed by range algorithms such as 
filter typically as

import std.container: Array;
Array!int a;
foreach (e; a[].filter!true) {}


Does memory allocation play a role?

I would like to see it be used in replace of D builtin arrays 
without any code changes.

One thing to mention in the revised docs in the introduction to 

Re: Turning Executable into Application?

2015-01-25 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 26 January 2015 at 03:36:32 UTC, Gan wrote:
With Xamarin Studio I create a D project and run it. It runs an 
Executable Unix file through the terminal. How can I turn that 
into an Application that doesn't open the Terminal?


Have you tried running your executable from the command line?  I 
suspect Xamarin is just opening a terminal for you as a 

Re: BitArray - incomplete implementation?

2015-01-23 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
To avoid confusion, the below is the code that fits the error 

import std.bitmanip;
import std.stdio;
import std.array;
import std.range:chain;

void test()
int[] a=[1,2,3,4,5];
int[] b=[5,4,3,2,1];
int[] c = chain(a,b).array; // chain two arrays of int

void test2()
BitArray a;
BitArray b;
BitArray[] d;
BitArray[] c=chain(a,b).array; // cannot chain two bitarrays
BitArray[] c=chain([a],[b]).array; // cannot chain two bitarrays
	BitArray[] e=chain(d,d).array; // cannot chain two arrays of 


int main(string[] args)
return 1;

BitArray - incomplete implementation?

2015-01-23 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn


Should the following code work?

import std.bitmanip;
import std.stdio;
import std.array;
import std.range:chain;

void test()
int[] a=[1,2,3,4,5];
int[] b=[5,4,3,2,1];
int[] c = chain(a,b).array; // chain two arrays of int

void test2()
BitArray a;
BitArray b;
BitArray[] d;
BitArray[] c=chain([a],[b]).array; // cannot chain two bitarrays
	BitArray[] e=chain(d,d).array; // cannot chain two arrays of 


int main(string[] args)
return 1;

bitmanip.d(23): Error: template std.range.chain cannot deduce 
function from argument types !()(BitArray, BitArray), candidates 
std.range.chain(Ranges...)(Ranges rs) if (Ranges.length  0  
allSatisfy!(isInputRange, staticMap!(Unqual, Ranges))  
!is(CommonType!(staticMap!(ElementType, staticMap!(Unqual, 
Ranges))) == void))
bitmanip.d(24): Error: template std.range.chain cannot deduce 
function from argument types !()(BitArray[], BitArray[]), 
candidates are:
std.range.chain(Ranges...)(Ranges rs) if (Ranges.length  0  
allSatisfy!(isInputRange, staticMap!(Unqual, Ranges))  
!is(CommonType!(staticMap!(ElementType, staticMap!(Unqual, 
Ranges))) == void))
bitmanip.d(24): Error: declaration bitmanip.test2.c is already 
bitmanip.d(25): Error: template std.range.chain cannot deduce 
function from argument types !()(BitArray[], BitArray[]), 
candidates are:
std.range.chain(Ranges...)(Ranges rs) if (Ranges.length  0  
allSatisfy!(isInputRange, staticMap!(Unqual, Ranges))  
!is(CommonType!(staticMap!(ElementType, staticMap!(Unqual, 
Ranges))) == void))

I cannot seem to concatenate - directly, or using chain - two 
bitarrays, or two arrays of bitarrays.

Re: BitArray - incomplete implementation?

2015-01-23 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
Yes, that error is caused by a bug of 
Having init function broke template constraints of 
chain(and must break dozen of other templates).

pragma(msg, ElementType!(BitArray[])) // prints 'pure nothrow 
void(bool[] ba)' - ElementType uses init property to 
determine types.

Thanks for this.  If I recompile phobos with the pull request 
(having edited out the init property entirely) then the code 
mostly works.

However, I still can't use join, joiner, or chain on two 
BitArrays.  Eg

auto x=joiner(a,b).array;

I can chain two arrays of BitArrays, but not join or joiner them.

If this is what ought to happen, why?

Re: foreach - premature optimization vs cultivating good habits

2015-02-01 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thank you Adam, Bbaz and Ola for the helpful thoughts.  I dumped 
them in a wiki page off the sandbox but needs editing and 

Re: foreach - premature optimization vs cultivating good habits

2015-01-30 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 30 January 2015 at 12:55:20 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 30 January 2015 at 11:55:16 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
As I understand it, foreach allocates when a simple C-style 
for using an array index would not.

foreach is just syntax sugar over a for loop. If there's any 
allocations, it is because your code had some, it isn't inherit 
to the loop. The doc definition even lists the translation of 
foreach to for in the case of ranges explicitly:

The most likely allocation would be to a user-defined opApply 
delegate, and you can prevent that by making it opApply(scope 
your_delegate) - the scope word prevents any closure allocation.

Thanks, Adam.  That's what I had thought (your first paragraph), 
but something Ola on a different thread confused me and made me 
think I didn't understand it, and I wanted to pin it down.

The second paragraph is very helpful - appreciate it.


Re: simple dub question - avoiding creating a vibed project

2015-01-05 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 January 2015 at 10:46:17 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On 5/01/2015 11:42 p.m., Laeeth Isharc wrote:

Figured out a fix:
 versions: [VibeCustomMain],

It is still mysterious as to why it is pulling in vibed though 
(I don't

import it, and I didn't think ddbc did).


isn't this a poor default for dub though?

ie if your parent project itself does not depend on vibed, the 
default should be that you take care of main yourself, and it 
does not try and use vibed's, no ?

simple dub question - avoiding creating a vibed project

2015-01-05 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn


I am building an example for hibernated (I put a main around the 
sample code extract from the website).

How do I stop dub trying to build a vibed project?

Here is my dub.json

name: ddbc example,
description: example for DB Connector for D language, 
similar to JDBC,

authors: [Vadim Lopatin,Laeeth Isharc],
license: Boost Software License (BSL 1.0),
dependencies: {
mysql-native: =0.0.12,
ddbc: =0.2.16,
targetType: executable,
libs-posix: [sqlite3, pq],
libs-windows: [sqlite3, libpq],
copyFiles-windows-x86: [ libs/win32/sqlite3.dll, 
libs/win32/libpq.dll, libs/win32/intl.dll ],
sourceFiles-windows-x86 : [ libs/win32/sqlite3.lib, 
libs/win32/libpq.lib ],

 targetPath: .,

Re: simple dub question - avoiding creating a vibed project

2015-01-05 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Figured out a fix:
 versions: [VibeCustomMain],

It is still mysterious as to why it is pulling in vibed though (I 
don't import it, and I didn't think ddbc did).

Re: simple dub question - avoiding creating a vibed project

2015-01-05 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

I opened an issue about this last year:



Any chance of a linux dtoh?

2015-01-06 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
I realize Walter has far better things to work on, but value of 
having a translation tool is considerable, since it opens up easy 
access to an enormous range of libraries.  It is not much work to 
do the translation oneself, but in the world as it is small 
frictions cumulatively have large consequences.  Access to 
libraries is a big advantage of python, and the like.  Once you 
have the wrapper in place, I find D as productive as python, but  
for now it is still a bit of work first.

There is also dstep, but this doesn't seem to compile right now, 
and I don't have time to figure out why and fix it.  (I took a 
look, and it is not so easy to figure out).  Something 
mambo/tango related.  I have raised a bug report.


Re: Any chance of a linux dtoh?

2015-01-06 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 6 January 2015 at 14:11:19 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
dstep is your only realistic chance currently. htod is 
completely unmaintained, even on Windows. Please report any 
issues found with it in relevant issue tracker.

I got it the wrong way around - yes, I meant htod.

I have reported the issue, and author doesn't know what is wrong.

Re: idiomatic D: what to use instead of pointers in constructing a tree data structure?

2015-01-10 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
Small recommendation (apart from the reserved word issue which 
you fixed): it's generally considered good D style to give 
structs and classes names that start with capital letters, 
JustLikeThis.  So, I suggest Node rather than node.

Very minor point, and of course, your code is yours to style as 
you wish, but it can be helpful to meet the standard style 
conventions in order to make it as easy as possible for 
everyone else to understand.

Thanks for the reminder.  I use D Style when I am writing 
properly, but haven't yet internalized it for a quick example and 
old habits die hard.

Re: Wrapping a C library with its own GC + classes vs refcounted structs

2015-01-10 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi Aldanor.

I wrote a slightly longer reply, but mislaid the file somewhere.

I guess your question might relate to wrapping the HDF5 library - 
something that I have already done in a basic way, although I 
welcome your project, as no doubt we will get to a higher quality 
eventual solution that way.

One question about accurately representing the HDF5 object 
hierarchy.  Are you sure you wish to do this rather than present 
a flattened approach oriented to what makes sense to make things 
easy for the user in the way that is done by h5py and pytables?

In terms of the actual garbage generated by this library - there 
are lots of small objects.  The little ones are things like a 
file access attribute, or a schema for a dataset.  But really the 
total size taken up by the small ones is unlikely to amount to 
much for scientific computing or for quant finance if you have a 
small number of users and are not building some kind of public 
web server.  I think it should be satisfactory for the little 
objects just to wrap the C functions with a D wrapper and rely on 
the object destructor calling the C function to free memory.  On 
the rare occasions when not, it will be pretty obvious to the 
user and he can always call destroy directly.

For the big ones, maybe reference counting brings enough value to 
be useful - I don't know.  But mostly you are either passing data 
to HDF5 to write, or you are receiving data from it.  In the 
former case you pass it a pointer to the data, and I don't think 
it keeps it around.  In the latter, you know how big the buffer 
needs to be, and you can just allocate something from the heap of 
the right size (and if using reflection, type) and use destroy on 
it when done.

So I don't have enough experience yet with either D or HDF5 to be 
confident in my view, but my inclination is to think that one 
doesn't need to worry about reference counting.  Since objects 
are small and there are not that many of them, relying on the 
destructor to be run (manually if need be) seems likely to be 
fine, as I understand it.  I may well be wrong on this, and would 
like to understand the reasons if so.


endsWith - for a string vs an array of strings

2015-01-10 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
I understand from previous discussion there is some difficulty 
over immutability.  I did not quite figure out what the solution 
was in this case:

import std.array;
import std.string;
import std.stdio;
void main(string[] args)
string[] test=[1,two,three!];
auto a=arghtwo.endsWith(test);

This does not compile...

test.d(7): Error: template std.algorithm.endsWith cannot deduce 
function from argument types !()(string, string[]), candidates 
std.algorithm.endsWith(alias pred = a == b, Range, 
Needles...)(Range doesThisEnd, Needles withOneOfThese) if 
(isBidirectionalRange!Range  Needles.length  1  
is(typeof(.endsWith!pred(doesThisEnd, withOneOfThese[0])) : bool) 
withOneOfThese[1..__dollar])) : uint))
std.algorithm.endsWith(alias pred = a == b, R1, R2)(R1 
doesThisEnd, R2 withThis) if (isBidirectionalRange!R1  
is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(doesThisEnd.back, withThis.back)) : 
std.algorithm.endsWith(alias pred = a == b, R, E)(R 
doesThisEnd, E withThis) if (isBidirectionalRange!R  
is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(doesThisEnd.back, withThis)) : bool))



casting SysTime to ubyte[]

2015-01-12 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

import std.datetime;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

void main(string[] arg)
auto a=Clock.currTime();
auto b=cast(ubyte[])a;

how do i get the time as a binary representation I can write to a 


Re: endsWith - for a string vs an array of strings

2015-01-12 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thanks for the help to everyone.  It seems a common thing to want 
to check an array as one may not know the variables at compile 
time.  Not that it's more than a few lines to do in D.  But in 
terms of language adoption, small frictions can have large 
consequences over time.  (Modern people don't have much patience 
or sticking power even if viewed rationally the ROI makes these 
things trivial.  That's also because in a corporate environment 
management are not always patient when somebody tries something 
new and not yet mainstream).  Making the standard library easy 
with no sharp edges might have a high payoff over time.

How would one add this note about needing to pass a tuple not an 
array to the docs or wiki ?  For docs, clone and submit a pull 
request?  How about wiki?

On Monday, 12 January 2015 at 07:49:16 UTC, Mengu wrote:

On Saturday, 10 January 2015 at 23:32:47 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Laeeth Isharc:

In D there is a feature that allows a function to accept 
both an array of items and items,

yes - it is funny there is not an overloading that accepts 

I meant this D feature:

void foo(T)(T[] items...) {
   import std.stdio;
void main() {
   foo(red, green, blue);
   foo([red, green, blue]);
   auto a = [red, green, blue];


for the curious, expanding tuples and typetuples on ali's book 
is explained at and at, 

Re: Wrapping a C library with its own GC + classes vs refcounted structs

2015-01-12 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks for the reply. Yes, this concerns my HDF5 wrapper 
project; the main concern is not that the memory consumption of 
course, but rather explicitly controlling lifetimes of the 
objects (especially objects like files -- so you are can be 
sure there are no zombie handles floating around).

An easy way is to just use scope(exit) to either close the HDF5 
object directly, or indirectly call destroy on the wrapper.  If 
you want to make it 'idiot proof', maybe ref counting structs 
will get you there (at possible cost of small overhead).  I 
personally don't tend to forget to close a file or dataset; its 
much easier up forget to close a data type or data space 

But struct vs class depends somewhat on how you want to represent 
the object hierarchy in D, no ?

Incidentally there are some nice things one can do using compile 
time code to map D structs to HDF5 types (I have implemented a 
simple version of this in my wrapper).  A bit more work the other 
way around if you don't know what's in the file beforehand.

Re: How to prevent sensitive information is displayed when the extension 'exe' is modified to 'txt' on windows?

2015-01-07 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

What you want is some kind of code obfuscation. The easiest 
thing for
you is to use exe compression. It is not going to stop a 

attacker, but ordinary people will not be able to extract any
information from it.

And I guess as an alternative to the utility you linked to, you 
could use D's ability to run code at compile time to encrypt your 
sensitive literals during compilation and then decrypt them on 
program startup.

Re: D Beginner Trying Manual Memory Management

2015-01-13 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
 I see, thanks! :) I've started liking structs more and more 
 recently as well and been pondering on how to convert a 
 class-based code that looks like this (only the base class 
 has any data):
 it's hard to tell by brief description. but having multiple 
 immediately rings an alarm ring for me. something is 

 wrong if you need to have a winged whale. ;-)
A real-world example:

H5::File is both an H5::Location and H5::CommonFG (but not an 
H5::Group is both an H5::Object (subclass of H5::Location) and 

H5::Dataset is an H5::Object
i see something named CommonFG here, which seems to good 
thing to

move out of hierarchy altogether.

bwah, i don't even sure that given hierarchy is good for D. C++ 
has no

UFCS, and it's incredibly hard to check if some entity has some
methods/properties in C++, so they have no other choice than to 
around that limitations. it may be worthful to redesign the 
whole thing
for D, exploiting D shiny UFCS and metaprogramming features. 

maybe, moving some things to interfaces too.

I just finished reading aldanor's blog, so I know he is slightly 
allergic to naked functions and prefers classes ;)

With Ketmar, I very much agree (predominantly as a user of HDF5 
and less so as an inexperienced D programmr writing a wrapper for 
it).  It's a pain to figure out just how to do simple things 
until you know the H5 library.  You have to create an object for 
file permissions before you even get started, then similarly for 
the data series (datasets) within, another for the dimensions of 
the array, etc etc  - that doesn't fit with the intrinsic nature 
of the domain.

There is a more general question of bindings/wrappers - preserve 
the original structure and naming so existing code can be ported, 
or write a wrapper that makes it easy for the user to accomplish 
his objectives.  It seems like for the bindings preserving the 
library structure is fine, but for the wrapper one might as well 
make things easy.

Eg here
line 146.  (sorry for duplication and messiness of code, which I 
don't claim to be perfectly written - I wanted to try something 
quickly and have not yet tidied up).

So rather than navigate the Byzantine hierarchy, one can just do 
something like this (which will take a struct of PriceBar - 
date,open,high,low,close - and put it in your desired dataset and 
file, appending or overwriting as you prefer).


which is closer to h5py in Python.  (It uses reflection to figure 
out the contents of a non-nested struct, but won't yet cope with 
arrays and nested structs inside).  And of course a full wrapper 
might be a bit more complicated, but I truly think one can do 
better than mapping the HDF5 hierarchy one for one.


Re: idiomatic D: what to use instead of pointers in constructing a tree data structure?

2015-01-13 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 7 January 2015 at 14:59:58 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Wed, Jan 07, 2015 at 02:52:51PM +, Laeeth Isharc via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

Another schoolboy question.

Suppose I am constructing a tree (in this case it is an AST).  
In C I
would have a pointer for the child to find the parent, and an 
array or

linked list of pointers to find the children from the parent.

Obviously, I could still use pointers, but that would not be

Not true. If you're using a tree structure, you *should* use 
Unless you're using classes, which are by-reference, in which 
case you

can just use the class as-is. :-)


The GC is allowed to move structs around, as I undestand it.  
Under what circumstances do I get into trouble having a pointer 
to them?

Re: idiomatic D: what to use instead of pointers in constructing a tree data structure?

2015-01-08 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

this conversation is so funny: well what's wrong with this . 
It's a keyword...

Aa Ha ha ha ha , rol.
Seriously, is it so complicated to use a D editor ? I mean with 
syntax color...

Man afraid to ask stoopid questions stays stoopid.  And compiler 
error message far from informative.
Not everyone is very visually oriented, and sometimes vi is 

Re: idiomatic D: what to use instead of pointers in constructing a tree data structure?

2015-01-07 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

ref is a reserved keyword.



idiomatic D: what to use instead of pointers in constructing a tree data structure?

2015-01-07 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Another schoolboy question.

Suppose I am constructing a tree (in this case it is an AST).  In 
C I would have a pointer for the child to find the parent, and an 
array or linked list of pointers to find the children from the 

Obviously, I could still use pointers, but that would not be 

I also could just use integer array index references.

A slice seems overkill to refer to just one object, but is that 
the best way ?

tango linking problem

2015-01-06 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

when trying to build dstep.

any thoughts?  (since I thought it may be a problem on my machine 
rather than something dstep specific).

Fedora 21 64 bit, release dmd.

Target tango 1.0.0+2.066 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Target mambo 0.0.3 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Target dstack 0.0.2 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Building dstep 0.1.1 configuration application, build type 

Compiling using dmd...
In function 
undefined reference to 
In function 
undefined reference to 
In function 
undefined reference to 
In function 
undefined reference to 
In function 
undefined reference to 
more undefined references to 

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1
dstep executable

Error executing command build: dmd failed with exit code 1.

Re: Any chance of a linux dtoh?

2015-01-06 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 6 January 2015 at 14:25:19 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Tuesday, 6 January 2015 at 14:14:28 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

On Tuesday, 6 January 2015 at 14:11:19 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
dstep is your only realistic chance currently. htod is 
completely unmaintained, even on Windows. Please report any 
issues found with it in relevant issue tracker.

I got it the wrong way around - yes, I meant htod.

I have reported the issue, and author doesn't know what is 

You must be referring to

You mention using DMD beta there. Please don't. Use last 
currently available public release. This specific beta is 
especially harmful being left-over from unfinished beta cycle.

Thanks for coming back, Dicebot - I had not seen the update to 
the ticket.

I downgraded dmd and now have a different problem with tango at 
link stage, which is progress of a sort.  (I updated the ticket).

Re: idiomatic D: what to use instead of pointers in constructing a tree data structure?

2015-01-07 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

 Not true. If you're using a tree structure, you *should* use

Unless you're using classes, which are by-reference, in which 
case you

can just use the class as-is. :-)

Thanks v much.

I just came to that realization also when I stepped away.

class node
string name;
node ref;

what's wrong with the code above ?  i get an error no identifier 
for declarator node.  (I have not used classes much, since 
structs often seem to be enough for what I need to do mostly).

Re: calling C variadic arguments with no 'argc' and only variadic arguments

2015-03-18 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 March 2015 at 05:38:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 03/17/2015 06:13 PM, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

 DMD gave me an error message for the following declarations:

 double mgl_rnd (...);
 double mgl_rnd_ (...);

Are you sure those are the right signatures? I don't think 
those functions take any parameters at all. I would try these:

double mgl_rnd ();
double mgl_rnd_ ();


My mistake.  Dstep got confused in the translation and wrote the 
sig as ...and I was tired and didnt check.  Thanks for looking 
into it.

calling C variadic arguments with no 'argc' and only variadic arguments

2015-03-17 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

So I ported the C API for MathGL to D, and it is up at (under dmathgl).  MathGL is a nice plotting

Later I will work on porting the C++ interface, but so far it at
least works for the simplest sample.  (Not tried anything else as
they are all written in C++).

DMD gave me an error message for the following declarations:

double mgl_rnd (...);
double mgl_rnd_ (...);

It says I need at least one fixed argument first.  But the C
headers are as they are.

I could work around this by writing a C stub

double mgl_rnd_(int dummy, ...)

but is there any way to call these functions without this

Re: pyd and converting arrays of strings

2015-03-18 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 March 2015 at 20:58:56 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 March 2015 at 17:09:27 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 


I am using PyD with latest stable LDC on Arch Linux 64 bit.

I have various structures I am trying to wrap to pass to 
python.  For example:

struct PlotLines
KPDateTime[] start_dates;
KPDateTime[] end_dates;
double[] y;
string[] colors;
long[] weights;
string[] styles;

import pyd.pyd;
extern(C) void PydMain()
def!(bokehDownload,PyName!bokeh_download, BokehBars 


PyD doesn't seem to want to wrap a string[] member:

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression 
(python_to_d(item)) of type string to dchar[]
Error: function 
no return exp; or assert(0); at end of function
Error: template instance 
pyd.make_object.python_iter_to_d!(string[]) error instantiating

  instantiated from here: python_to_d!(string[])
  instantiated from here: wrapped_member!(PlotLines*, 
colors, rw)

  instantiated from here: call!(PlotLines, PlotLines*)
  instantiated from here: _wrap_class!(PlotLines, 
PlotLines, , , Member!start_dates, Member!end_dates, 
Member!y, Member!colors, Member!weights, Member!styles)

  instantiated from here: wrap_struct!(PlotLines, 
Member!start_dates, Member!end_dates, Member!y, 
Member!colors, Member!weights, Member!styles)

error: command 'ldc2' failed with exit status 1

Any thoughts on whether I am doing something wrong, and if it 
is a PyD problem, how to circumvent it?



A quick glance over class_wrap.d suggests that pyd may not 
handle string[] correctly. I think it has the necessary special 
casing to deal with ElementType!string being dchar (not char), 
but this isn't triggered for string[]. I see you've filed a 
bug, hopefully someone will take a look. I might have time soon 
if no one else jumps on it.

Can you use immutable(dchar)[][] instead of string[]? That 
might work, but I haven't tested it.

Hi John.

dchar[] works, but I am not sure about immutable.  I turned the 
strings used to populate the struct into dchar by appending 
.array to the end (there may be a better way).

Thanks for looking at it.


pyd and converting arrays of strings

2015-03-18 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn


I am using PyD with latest stable LDC on Arch Linux 64 bit.

I have various structures I am trying to wrap to pass to python.  
For example:

struct PlotLines
KPDateTime[] start_dates;
KPDateTime[] end_dates;
double[] y;
string[] colors;
long[] weights;
string[] styles;

import pyd.pyd;
extern(C) void PydMain()
def!(bokehDownload,PyName!bokeh_download, BokehBars 


PyD doesn't seem to want to wrap a string[] member:

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (python_to_d(item)) 
of type string to dchar[]
Error: function 
pyd.make_object.python_iter_to_d!(string[]).python_iter_to_d no 
return exp; or assert(0); at end of function
Error: template instance 
pyd.make_object.python_iter_to_d!(string[]) error instantiating
   instantiated from here: python_to_d!(string[])
   instantiated from here: wrapped_member!(PlotLines*, 
colors, rw)
   instantiated from here: call!(PlotLines, PlotLines*)
   instantiated from here: _wrap_class!(PlotLines, 
PlotLines, , , Member!start_dates, Member!end_dates, 
Member!y, Member!colors, Member!weights, Member!styles)
   instantiated from here: wrap_struct!(PlotLines, 
Member!start_dates, Member!end_dates, Member!y, 
Member!colors, Member!weights, Member!styles)

error: command 'ldc2' failed with exit status 1

Any thoughts on whether I am doing something wrong, and if it is 
a PyD problem, how to circumvent it?



Re: Windows - std.process - Setting env variables from D

2015-03-30 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 12:28:19 UTC, wobbles wrote:
I'm trying to set environment variables that will be visible 
when my D program exits.
It is possible in a windows batch file using the set command 
(like set VAR=VALUE )

However, running this in D using:

import std.process;
import std.stdio;

void main(){

auto pid1 = spawnShell(`set VAR=VALUE`);
auto pid2 = spawnShell(`set`);

however, upon exit, there is no VAR=VALUE in the environment.

Using std.process.environment[VAR]= VALUE; doesnt store the 
variable in the parent either.

Any solutions that people know of?

Type setx /? in the command shell.  (Note the x).

Re: Windows - std.process - Setting env variables from D

2015-03-30 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 13:29:06 UTC, wobbles wrote:

On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 12:54:28 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 12:28:19 UTC, wobbles wrote:

Any solutions that people know of?

You can't from an exe, it is a limitation of the operating 
system (same on Linux btw, environment variable inheritance is 
always from parent to child, never from child to parent). The 
reason batch files can do it is that they don't run in a 
separate process, they just run a batch of commands inside the 
shell itself.

Altering the environment variables of a child process during 
process creation is the only way one process can directly 
change the environment variables of another process. A process 
can never directly change the environment variables of another 
process that is not a child of that process.

If you're an administrator, you could poke the system-wide 
variables in the registry and tell the processes to reload 

but of course, changing system-wide registry entries affects 
way more than just your parent shell!

If you need to change a parent shell variable, the only way is 
to do it from a batch file. You could perhaps run a .bat which 
sets the variable and calls your exe to help it do some work.

Thanks Adam,

Yeah, I knew it was the case in Linux, I just figured as 'set' 
worked in a batch file that it must be possible in Windows.

I think what I'm going to do is have my D program output the 
commands as strings that are required to set the ENV variables 
in the parent and then have a batch file to run the program, 
get its output and run the commands outputted from the D 
Can also have a bash file to do the same (using the source 

This is for setting up a build system we're using, and is 
normally run via Jenkins, so running it in a kind of ugly way 
doesnt really matter.

We're currently maintaining two seperate scripts to do this 
work, I'm trying to consolidate them. Maintaining one large-ish 
D script to do this work and 2 mini scripts to call them should 
be easier to maintain than 2 large bash/batch scripts.


You tried setx, and it didn't work ?  Or you don't want to set 
permanent environmental variables ?

Re: Windows - std.process - Setting env variables from D

2015-03-30 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
You tried setx, and it didn't work ?  Or you don't want to set 
permanent environmental variables

Yep, correct. Don't want them to be permanent. The systems have
to be clean for other tests at all times, so they need to be on 
a shell by shell basis sadly.

Thanks - was curious to know.  Laeeth.

Maxime's micro allocation benchmark much faster ?

2015-03-31 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
I was curious to see if new DMD had changed speed on Maxime 
Chevalier-Boisvert's allocation benchmark here:

I haven't had time to look at the Phobos test suite to know if 
this was one of those that were included, but the difference 
seems to be striking.  I am using two machines in my office - 
both of which are old x64 boxes running Arch Linux and are quite 
old (8 Gb RAM only).  Same manufacturer and similar models so 
should be same spec CPUwise.  Have not got time to install and 
compare different versions of dmd on same machine, so fwiw:

1mm objects
dmd 2.07 release: 0.56 seconds
dmd 2.067-devel-639bcaa: 0.88 seconds

dmd 2.07 release: between 4.44 and 6.57 seconds
dmd 2.067-devel-639bcaa: 90 seconds

In case I made a typo in code:

import std.conv;

class Node
Node next;
size_t a,b,c,d;

void main(string[] args)
auto numNodes=to!size_t(args[1]);

Node head=null;

for(size_t i=0;inumNodes;i++)
auto n=new Node();;

Re: Maxime's micro allocation benchmark much faster ?

2015-03-31 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
oops - scratch that.  may have made a mistake with versions and 
be comparing 2.067 with some unstable dev version.

On Tuesday, 31 March 2015 at 11:46:41 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
I was curious to see if new DMD had changed speed on Maxime 
Chevalier-Boisvert's allocation benchmark here:

I haven't had time to look at the Phobos test suite to know if 
this was one of those that were included, but the difference 
seems to be striking.  I am using two machines in my office - 
both of which are old x64 boxes running Arch Linux and are 
quite old (8 Gb RAM only).  Same manufacturer and similar 
models so should be same spec CPUwise.  Have not got time to 
install and compare different versions of dmd on same machine, 
so fwiw:

1mm objects
dmd 2.07 release: 0.56 seconds
dmd 2.067-devel-639bcaa: 0.88 seconds

dmd 2.07 release: between 4.44 and 6.57 seconds
dmd 2.067-devel-639bcaa: 90 seconds

In case I made a typo in code:

import std.conv;

class Node
Node next;
size_t a,b,c,d;

void main(string[] args)
auto numNodes=to!size_t(args[1]);

Node head=null;

for(size_t i=0;inumNodes;i++)
auto n=new Node();;

Re: Maxime's micro allocation benchmark much faster ?

2015-04-01 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 1 April 2015 at 10:35:05 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Wednesday, 1 April 2015 at 10:09:12 UTC, FG wrote:

On 2015-03-31 at 22:56, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

1mm allocations
2.066: 0.844s
2.067: 0.19s

That is great news, thanks!

OT: it's a nasty financier's habit to write 1M and 1MM instead 
of 1k and 1M.  :P

Yeah, what's with that? I've never seen it before.

One cannot entirely escape déformation professionnelle ;)  
[People mostly write 1,000 but 1mm although 1m is pedantically 
correct for 1,000).  Better internalize the conventions if one 
doesn't want to avoid expensive mistakes under pressure.

OT; Donald Knuth on beauty, efficiency, and the programmer as artist

2015-03-27 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
An old essay that may yet be relevant today at a time when 
intellectual fashion has continued in the direction he was moved 
to address in his speech.

there is a way to make a big improvement: it is still a pleasure 
to do routine jobs if we have beautiful things to work with. For 
example, a person will really enjoy wiping off the dining room 
table, day after day, if it is a beautifully designed table made 
from some fine quality hardwood.

Language designers also have an obligation to provide languages 
that encourage good style, since we all know that style is 
strongly influenced by the language in which it is expressed. The 
present surge of interest in structured programming has revealed 
that none of our existing languages is really ideal for dealing 
with program and data structure

CACM, December 1974

When Communications of the ACM began publication in 1959, the 
members of ACM'S Editorial Board made the following remark as 
they described the purposes of ACM'S periodicals [2]:
If computer programming is to become an important part of 
computer research and development, a transition of programming 
from an art to a disciplined science must be effected.
Such a goal has been a continually recurring theme during the 
ensuing years; for example, we read in 1970 of the first steps 
toward transforming the art of programming into a science [26]. 
Meanwhile we have actually succeeded in making our discipline a 
science, and in a remarkably simple way: merely by deciding to 
call it computer science.

Implicit in these remarks is the notion that there is something 
undesirable about an area of human activity that is classified as 
an art; it has to be a Science before it has any real stature. 
On the other hand, I have been working for more than 12 years on 
a series of books called The Art of Computer Programming. 
People frequently ask me why I picked such a title; and in fact 
some people apparently don't believe that I really did so, since 
I've seen at least one bibliographic reference to some books 
called The Act of Computer Programming.

In this talk I shall try to explain why I think Art is the 
appropriate word. I will discuss what it means for something to 
be an art, in contrast to being a science; I will try to examine 
whether arts are good things or bad things; and I will try to 
show that a proper viewpoint of the subject will help us all to 
improve the quality of what we are now doing.

As I was looking up these things about the meanings of art, I 
found that authors have been calling for a transition from art to 
science for at least two centuries. For example, the preface to a 
textbook on mineralogy, written in 1784, said the following [17]: 
Previous to the year 1780, mineralogy, though tolerably 
understood by many as an Art, could scarce be deemed a Science.

According to most dictionaries science means knowledge that has 
been logically arranged and systematized in the form of general 
laws. The advantage of science is that it saves us from the 
need to think things through in each individual case; we can turn 
our thoughts to higher-level concepts. As John Ruskin wrote in 
1853 [32]: The work of science is to substitute facts for 
appearances, and demonstrations for impressions.

It seems to me that if the authors I studied were writing today, 
they would agree with the following characterization: Science is 
knowledge which we understand so well that we can teach it to a 
computer; and if we don't fully understand something, it is an 
art to deal with it. Since the notion of an algorithm or a 
computer program provides us with an extremely useful test for 
the depth of our knowledge about any given subject, the process 
of going from an art to a science means that we learn how to 
automate something.

From this standpoint it is certainly desirable to make computer 
programming a science, and we have indeed come a long way in the 
15 years since the publication ot the remarks I quoted at the 
beginning of this talk. Fifteen years ago computer programming 
was so badly understood that hardly anyone even thought about 
proving programs correct; we just fiddled with a program until we 
knew it worked. At that time we didn't even know how to express 
the concept that a program was correct, in any rigorous way. It 
is only in recent years that we have been learning about the 
processes of abstraction by which programs are written and 
understood; and this new knowledge about programming is currently 
producing great payoffs in practice, even though few programs are 
actually proved correct with complete rigor, since we are 
beginning to understand the principles of program structure.

A scientific approach is generally characterized by the words 
logical, systematic, impersonal, calm, rational, while an 
artistic approach is characterized by the words aesthetic, 
creative, humanitarian, anxious, irrational. It seems to me 

Re: Maxime's micro allocation benchmark much faster ?

2015-03-31 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
Trying on a different beefier machine with 2.066 and 2.067 
release versions installed:

1mm allocations:
2.066: 0.844s
2.067: 0.19s

10mm allocations

2.066: 1m 17.2 s
2.067: 0m  1.15s

So numbers were ballpark right before, and allocation on this 
micro-benchmark much faster.

Re: Maxime's micro allocation benchmark much faster ?

2015-03-31 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 31 March 2015 at 22:00:39 UTC, weaselcat wrote:

On Tuesday, 31 March 2015 at 20:56:09 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
Trying on a different beefier machine with 2.066 and 2.067 
release versions installed:

1mm allocations:
2.066: 0.844s
2.067: 0.19s

10mm allocations

2.066: 1m 17.2 s
2.067: 0m  1.15s

So numbers were ballpark right before, and allocation on this 
micro-benchmark much faster.

Wow! props to the people that worked on the GC.

Yes - should have said that.  And I do appreciate very much all 
the hard work that has been done on this (and also by the GDC and 
LDC maintainers who have to keep up with each release).

Don't trust these numbers till someone else has verified them, as 
I am not certain I haven't messed up transliterating the code, or 
doing something else stoopid.  And of course it's a very specific 
micro benchmark, but it's one that matters beyond the direct 
implications given the discussion over it when her post came out. 
 I would be really curious to see if Maxime finds the overall 
performance of her JIT improved.

Re: OT; Donald Knuth on beauty, efficiency, and the programmer as artist

2015-03-29 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
The whole art/science vein of these Knuth quotes seems like a 
lot of BS, trying to situate computer programming in the 
long-standing and overblown science/humanities divide.

I should like to see an argument rather than mere assertion.  
Steve Jobs is not an authority on this subject, but I found his 
conception of placing Apple at the juncture of science and the 
humanities rather intriguing.

He characterizes the artistic approach as aesthetic, creative, 
humanitarian, anxious, irrational.

He was making a statement about how it was characterized in his 
time, in order to set the context for his further remarks.  He 
didn't express a view one way or another about whether this was a 
good characterization.

But of course, there are aesthetic elements to any human 
endeavor: the scientific camp simply favors different 
aesthetics.Anything beyond the most rudimentary science 
requires a great deal of imagination and creativity: it just 
requires learning a great deal of technical concepts first that 
may be harder to manipulate mentally.

Yes - so we agree about the most important part, because this has 
implications for how one thinks about language design, programmer 
productivity, quality, questions of measurement, and the like.

Of course art is humanitarian, as it's subjective and aimed 
at a human audience.  Hard to argue the science that brought us 
modern civilization isn't a hundred times more humanitarian, 
far beyond the superficial sheen of humanitarian art he's 
talking about.  Anxious and irrational are human emotions 
often possessed by artists, not qualities applied to art, 
fitting given they cannot produce anything of the great value 
of science.

Interesting perspective; I will leave it at that.

He is really arguing against the likely prevailing view of the 
time of programming as a dry, functional process and pointing 
out and pushing for the aesthetic qualities in programming, 
which is all fine.  But he then gets caught up in the false 
dichotomy and claptrap of the science/humanities debate, a lot 
of mumbo jumbo that is not worth getting caught up in.

He should have stuck to calling for more aesthetically pleasing 
programming languages and tools- the best contribution he could 
have made is to more precisely define what he thinks that 
aesthetic should look like- instead of needlessly laying out 
worthless and overly simplistic platonic definitions like the 
mindsets of Art and Science.  At least his piece gave us that 
premature optimization line, which is worth far more than 
everything around it.

That's rather the point - one cannot 'precisely define' what 
aesthetic excellence looks like because it uses at a basic 
cognitive level a different kind of mental process to that 
deployed in Cartesian analysis.  Analysis meaning breaking things 
down into their constituent parts, and thinking in terms of 
gestalts being the antithesis.  (That's one of the fascinating 
things about programming: non-programmers perceive it as mostly 
about analysis, but that is not the case).

There is a great desire by programmers and many other 
professions to see themselves as artists.  Well, there is art 
in everything, but they're not, and they should be grateful 
they aren't, or they wouldn't be paid anywhere near so well. ;)

There is more art in C and D than Java and C++.  I don't think 
that Knuth was playing a relative status game, but trying to 
bring peoples' attention to a facet of reality that he believed 
to be neglected yet important.  I believe it remains neglected 
and that the aesthetic element matters for good design, but we 
blind ourselves to this if we pretend the field is drier than its 
intrinsic nature truly is.

Re: OT; Donald Knuth on beauty, efficiency, and the programmer as artist

2015-03-29 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 28 March 2015 at 09:04:51 UTC, Messenger wrote:

On Saturday, 28 March 2015 at 01:09:44 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

On Friday, 27 March 2015 at 11:33:39 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
Hmm... science exists only as long as we don't understand 
something, then it disappears and only knowledge remains. 
Looks like he talks about engineering, but calls it science.

One dismisses Knuth discussing the topic for which he is 
rightfully exceptionally well known at one's peril.  He may be 
wrong, but one should agonize before being sure this is the 
case and read widely and carefully about the topic first.  
Often in our society people resolve cognitive dissonance by 
dismissing the awkward perspective that causes such 
discomfort, when one would reach a fuller perspective by 
putting up with the discomfort for a while before attempting 
to reach intellectual closure.

I don't believe he is making the confusion you suggest.

Without touching on what Kagamin said, one must also take care 
not to fall to argumentum ab auctoritate.

Argument from authority was not a fallacy in the time this began 
to be deployed.  After the European Dark Ages, there simply was 
not anyone alive of the ability, learning and discernment of the 
best minds of the past whose works had survived, and during the 
period of catching up (remember that as late as at the time 
Gibbon wrote classical achievements in urban infrastructure were 
way ahead of what we had in London - no sewers!)

This being said, I did not make anything tending towards an 
argument from authority.  I did suggest a man such as Knuth 
probably understood well the difference between engineering and 
science, and that in these sorts of cases where one is offended 
by reading something because it causes cognitive dissonance, one 
may benefit from suspending judgement temporarily and reading 
more by other authors resonant with the offending piece to try to 
make sense of the discomfort and either reject it on the basis of 
a now deeper understanding, or integrate some or part of it.  
Irritation triggers the growth of pearls, if one lets it.

I appreciate that many of us have better things to do.  But I had 
been thinking about why I find D appealing, and how I would get 
this across to future partners, and had also been thinking about 
various forum comments equating measurement with science, and so 
I found this Knuth piece highly thought-provoking.

Because it goes against the grain of the prevailing tendency, I 
shouldn't expect many to agree.  But there is nothing wrong with 
appealing to minority opinion, provided one does not become a 
crank.  In a sense that is in any case part of how I make a 

Re: OT; Donald Knuth on beauty, efficiency, and the programmer as artist

2015-03-29 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 29 March 2015 at 18:51:19 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Sunday, 29 March 2015 at 18:05:28 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
I appreciate that many of us have better things to do.  But I 
had been thinking about why I find D appealing, and how I 
would get this across to future partners, and had also been 
thinking about various forum comments equating measurement 
with science, and so I found this Knuth piece highly 

Because it goes against the grain of the prevailing tendency, 
I shouldn't expect many to agree.  But there is nothing wrong 
with appealing to minority opinion, provided one does not 
become a crank.  In a sense that is in any case part of how I 
make a living.

I completely agree with you about the aesthetic appeal of 
writing and reading D, it is one of the major draws of the 
language to me.  I've recently been dealing with some C code 
and it feels like going back to punch cards by comparison.  It 
is not a minor issue and Walter has often talked about 
optimizing for it.

The white-space formatting requirements of Python were one of 
the main reasons I rejected it early on.  Call it a 
superficial, knee-jerk reaction if you like, but I can't be 
bothered with a language that won't even let me insert 
temporary debugging code without formatting it just right.

Beauty will save the world.

But it's not mere indulgence because an accurate image of reality 
is beautiful, and programming is a human activity and emotional 
and psychological considerations cannot be wished away.

I can put up with the white-space stuff, but the lack of 
compile-time checking disturbs me and it seems like one needs the 
scarce resource of discipline more to write good code there.  (I 
do not claim to be an expert on Python).

using vibe.d to parse json

2015-03-23 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn


struct RawGoogleResults
string version_;
string status;
string sig;
string[string][][string] table;

enum json = 

auto table = deserialize!(JsonSerializer, RawGoogleResults)(json);

I cannot pass a string to deserialize (the documentation suggests 
an input range should be fine):

I have a feeling maybe deserialize doesn't do what I want, but 
what should I be using instead.  (I would like to parse the json 
and shove the results in the struct above).



Re: using vibe.d to parse json

2015-03-23 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 24 March 2015 at 04:53:39 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:


struct RawGoogleResults
string version_;
string status;
string sig;
string[string][][string] table;

enum json = 

auto table = deserialize!(JsonSerializer, 

I cannot pass a string to deserialize (the documentation 
suggests an input range should be fine):

I have a feeling maybe deserialize doesn't do what I want, but 
what should I be using instead.  (I would like to parse the 
json and shove the results in the struct above).



Okay - figured it out from the source code.

auto results = deserialize!(JsonStringSerializer!string, 

and easier to write:

struct RawGoogleResults
string version_;
string status;
string sig;
//Json!array[string][][string] table;
Json table;

Re: using vibe.d to parse json

2015-03-25 Thread Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn

Yeah, it is not very intuitive. But it works.


Next question - how can I correctly deal with inconsiderately 
chosen JSON field names like 'private' (which conflict in a 
struct declaration with D language keywords).  A hack is to do a 
search and replace on the JSON before presenting it to vibe.d, 
but I wondered if there was a better way.  Incidentally, vibe 
doesn't seem to like my replacing private with private_ - whereas 
privateX works.


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