Re: [IxDA Discuss] Cooper's reprise to the Insurgency of Quality (this time to developers)

2010-01-25 Thread dave malouf
(ok, last one I promise)

... did Alan just start the red state/blue state equiv to the design
community. I mean do I live in N. VA which is not real America for
some reason? Are there real interaction designers?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Cooper's reprise to the Insurgency of Quality (this time to developers)

2010-01-25 Thread dave malouf
... or maybe, I'm just not a real interaction designer.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Cooper's reprise to the Insurgency of Quality (this time to developers)

2010-01-25 Thread dave malouf
Hi Donna & William,

"analytical & empirical" are not bad so long as they are only a
part of a greater whole. If you loose the abduction process (using
the term "artistic" is a way to be pejorative in Cooper's piece
which I also find quite insulting) that is at the core of design
process and only concentrate on the linear deduction process that he
is describing, you basically loose the soul of design's power.

I often here (and now I'm responding to William) the phrase, we need
to speak their language, or in terms they understand. But I only hear
this phrase when considering how designers should speak to
developers. I NEVER hear anyone tell developers that they should
change their language, process, or methods to meet the designer's
understanding. This is the equivalent of developer/designer sexism.
What I mean is that rhetorically there is the same power arrangement
and assumption that one's way needs to be followed in order to have
authenticity. An interesting term that Cooper invokes again as a
device to be dismissive of designers who do not follow his total path
of interaction design, as if it is the path.

While there are many forms of agile, they are grouped together due to
affinities. I can be an atheist (anti-religion) in my relationship to
all religions and it is understood that I do not believe in a
higher-power. This is my feeling about Agile development methods.
They agree in some core things w/o which they are no longer Agile.
These are the things that I have been at odds with. Unlike Cooper
though, I have not been challenged to find a peaceful place within
Agile. Finding these lines of similarities assumes that this is a war
actually worth finding peace with, or more importantly worth fighting.

This notion of designer as craftsperson that Alan uses is at the same
time language I would use (design/craft) but twisted it into something
I find quite atrocious. By limiting the purview of designer to craft
alone "analytical & empirical" he has amputated the highest value
that design can offer any solution: humanity and humility. All for
the sake of making "developers feel comfortable" or so "[they] can

Now to the "core of interaction design" piece William talks about.
Yes, in much of practice we have limited ourselves to discovering fit
and validating design. But for many of us, this is not interaction
design, but interaction engineering. The design is in both the
emotional and in the ways we create new behaviors (not just fit
existing ones). This requires a temperament of strategy built on
understanding "why" as much as how and what. Cooper did allow for
the role of IxD as strategy builder/owner which is great, but he
isn't building that strategy on a design for impacting human beings,
but rather for fitting.

I do appreciate his push to developers. That they understand the
importance of vision creation. THAT was the one spot where I felt
hope amidst the trepidation in his piece.

I do think though his vision of IxD is one emblematic of Silicon
Valley and is in some ways in discord to that of more European
traditions of IxD.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to have quality engineering done
efficiently with the goal of the customer in mind (BTW do we design
for "customers" or "humans" or "humanity"?) but the developer
at his soul is a carpenter there to take the order of the architect,
contractor and building mogul. The designer is the architect who
works under commission and appreciated on his past value which
appreciates over time. The developer is appreciated for quality &
speed which is a commodity. (oh! that's going to hurt in the

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Web application design references?

2010-01-25 Thread Avinab Singh
Hi Cindy,

Over the top of my head this is what I can gather

Jared Spool's articles -
Book- Designing Interfaces by Jennifer Tidwell also available on the

Jakob Nielsen's Articles -
Luke Wroblewski's site -

Collection of resources -
UI Patterns -
Yahoo Patterns -
MSDN UI Guidelines -
Apple Human Interface guidelines -

When I want to buy UX reference books IxDA recommendations are my first look

Avinab Singh
MS Human Factors & Ergonomics
Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering
North Carolina State University

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 8:39 PM, Cindy Lu  wrote:

> I would like to compile a list of web application design references
> including books, articles, blogs and podcasts.  They need to be easily
> accessible by anyone.
> What are your frequently used references?
> Thanks in advance!
> - Cindy
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Cooper's reprise to the Insurgency of Quality (this time to developers)

2010-01-25 Thread William Abel
Dave -
Agile is not one way of doing things. It's a movement away from traditional 
software development. Agile embraces a process much more in step with the 
traditional design process. The people I've worked with who are leaders in 
agile, debate agile methods among themselves - and practice those methods that 
work for them. There is no agile movement to disagree with or fight - there is 
just the idealistic manifesto which is only the spark that ignited a flame. 
Real world agile is simply a collaborative development process rather than a 
development team locking themselves in a room and not coming out until the 
product is finished. Cooper speaks very clearly to this and suggest the 
interaction designer take the leadership role in the early stages of the 
product. I agree.

I believe Cooper's reference to aesthetics is through the word 'tactile'. The 
vast majority of developers do not discuss aesthetics - they don't understand 
it because it is not concrete. They have little knowledge and understanding of 
typography, color theory, or the basic principles of visual design.

Since when is interaction design not analytical or empirical - that is at our 
core is it not? It's interaction design's empiricalness that makes it so 
useful. If you recall from Cooper's 2008 keynote, he gave the advice that 
interaction designers should utilize their research and data as a tool to 
engage the developers. They respond to data and logic.

I read this new presentation feeling that what he describes is what I've been 
doing for the past year.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Web application design references?

2010-01-25 Thread Andrew Firstenberger
Pattern Tap is a great resource. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Cooper's reprise to the Insurgency of Quality (this time to developers)

2010-01-25 Thread donnamarie
I thought the talk/paper was excellent. While I do not believe that  
there is only one way to get to an effective end product - I think  
that Cooper's proposal is a sound step forward that will hopefully be  
embraced by the Agile community.

Dave, I also had to wonder - what is wrong with "analytical and  
empirical" work?
From you comments, I gather (and please correct me if I'm wrong  :-)  
) - that you don't think that they are part of the artistic process.  
Based on my coursework with working artists - they are very much a  
part of the artistic process.

I think Cooper's process description leaves plenty of room for  
aesthetics to be part of the work. While he doesn't mention it  
explicitly, he talks of vision, strategy, etc. Also, within the  
generative process, there is definitely a place for aesthetics (to  
adopt some of his and agile's terminology).

Although, I would agree that more whole-brained thinking terminology  
might be added (He did seem to lean toward left-brained terminology  
more than right or whole-brained.)

Just my thoughts based on a quick read. It is an excellent article.  
Alot of the meat is after page 20.

Thanks for bringing the article to our attention. Also, in a separate  
email, I will describe an art school activity/project that I thought  
of based on your email.

-Donna Fritzsche
 Ontologist, Information Architect, occasional Interaction Designer

The ONE thing that I feel the cooper piece has not evolved enough towards is
where I have left the standard world of software design and its very tacit
view of the world where at best user-centeredness is mostly about fit and
efectiveness towards issues of humanity, humaness, and aesthetics. But
mostly importantly where is the question of "why?" why build X in the first
place? This question which is so important to the "authentic interaction
designer" as Alan calls us (or is it them?) is missing from his piece. Also,
there is no mention of aesthetics and in fact a push that the interaction
designer is "analytical and empirical" which in my mind is as "inauthentic"
as an interaction designer can be.

What are you thoughts?

-- dave

Dave Malouf

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[IxDA Discuss] Cooper's reprise to the Insurgency of Quality (this time to developers)

2010-01-25 Thread Dave Malouf
I read the entire presentation with pause and trepidation. I have fought the
agile movement tooth and nail (and this piece hasn't changed my mind). This
piece gave me hope in that it looks towards a new type of software design &
development culture that we haven't seen yet and this I am welcome to.

Here's the link:
I call it a "reprise", b/c in 2008 he gave a talk with the same title at
Interaction 08.

The ONE thing that I feel the cooper piece has not evolved enough towards is
where I have left the standard world of software design and its very tacit
view of the world where at best user-centeredness is mostly about fit and
efectiveness towards issues of humanity, humaness, and aesthetics. But
mostly importantly where is the question of "why?" why build X in the first
place? This question which is so important to the "authentic interaction
designer" as Alan calls us (or is it them?) is missing from his piece. Also,
there is no mention of aesthetics and in fact a push that the interaction
designer is "analytical and empirical" which in my mind is as "inauthentic"
as an interaction designer can be.

What are you thoughts?

-- dave

Dave Malouf

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[IxDA Discuss] Web application design references?

2010-01-25 Thread Cindy Lu
I would like to compile a list of web application design references
including books, articles, blogs and podcasts.  They need to be easily
accessible by anyone.

What are your frequently used references?

Thanks in advance!

- Cindy

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Recruiting & cold calling: pitfalls?

2010-01-25 Thread Caroline Jarrett
Hi Melissa
> Huge thanks for the responses so far -- everything you've said has
> been helpful. We're moving really fast and need to have the info
> collected by tomorrow (which I failed to explain before, as we're
> moving so darn fast).

- set a policy for what you do if the contact is unavailable or whatever.
How many attempts? 
- decide whether to use call line identifier (more courteous, more likely to
have number picked up, but you then need to know how to deal with the 'who
are you' calls that result)
- whether to leave a message or not if you get a message taker instead of
the contact (voice mail or human)

What I usually do is set up a spreadsheet with columns for:
- up to 3 attempts to contact (3 columns)
- time for meeting if scheduled
- reference to document with meeting notes (if it happened)
- where to send the incentive (if accepted)
- any extra notes

I prefer to use CLI and I always leave a message if I get a message taker.
This means that I sometimes have to conduct some extra interviews, possibly
after the study has closed - but hey, it's worth it for the extra courtesy

Caroline Jarrett

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Recruiting & cold calling: pitfalls?

2010-01-25 Thread Melissa Casburn
Huge thanks for the responses so far -- everything you've said has
been helpful. We're moving really fast and need to have the info
collected by tomorrow (which I failed to explain before, as we're
moving so darn fast). 

In addition, we can't pre-screen via email because the client
doesn't have email addresses. That's why we're using the phone.
It's not ideal, but we're definitely approaching everyone with
respect and courtesy.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Recruiting & cold calling: pitfalls?

2010-01-25 Thread Audrey Crane
You might also give them the option to do the questions immediately or
schedule a follow-up time. Even though it's only 15 minutes, having
the option to schedule it later removes all the pressure and makes it
easier to say yes...

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Recruiting & cold calling: pitfalls?

2010-01-25 Thread Jared Spool

On Jan 25, 2010, at 1:37 PM, Melissa Casburn wrote:

A client has asked us to cold-call some existing customers to do some
fast research on purchasing decisions. This isn't an activity we
normally engage in, so I'm treading carefully.

The survey is fairly short (about 15 questions) and includes a $50
incentive. The call script looks tidy, with the incentive called out
very quickly. We believe the questions are short and clear, and easy
to answer via the phone (as opposed to a readable format like paper
or web). Anybody have additional items we should double-check, or
basic guidance from past experience using this technique?

Hi Melissa,

In addition to what Charlie suggested, I'd make it more of a  
discussion and less of a scripted survey. I'd make sure the people  
asking the questions really understand what you're looking for and are  
prepared for diving in deep with the customers.

The incentive isn't really the $50 for customers: it's knowing that  
they are going to influence something that's important. The $50 just  
shows you (and your client) has some skin in the game and aren't  
taking them for granted.

If you want to get really good, valuable information, you'll want to  
incent them by showing real interest in their answers. That means  
having someone who can really engage them and demonstrate a real  
curiosity. (It also means establishing clearly, through your actions,  
that this isn't a glorified sales call or timeshare-like pitch. You  
are there to learn, not sell.)

There are some tricks, like contacting through email first, to  
establish interest and set up an appointment. You want to explain,  
both in the initial contact and at the start of the interview, what  
you're hoping to learn and what you're doing with their information.  
You probably don't want to call it a survey, but something more  
engaging (which will vary based on who you're talking to). And you  
want to arrange to get them the money as soon as you can, even before  
the interview, if possible. (This demonstrates you're serious and it's  
a partnership, not exploitive.)

Hope this helps,


Jared M. Spool
User Interface Engineering
510 Turnpike St., Suite 102, North Andover, MA 01845
e: p: +1 978 327 5561  Blog:  Twitter: @jmspool

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Recruiting & cold calling: pitfalls?

2010-01-25 Thread Charles B. Kreitzberg
You probably will not have a problem if you are courteous and respectful of
your respondents time and priorities. People are generally willing to help
but are often really busy.

This is not really a cold call since you will be talking with existing

I would say that I am doing research and would be really appreciative if
they would be willing to answer a few questions that would take xx minutes.
If this is not a good time, when might I call back.

You might offer to talk with them after hours if that is an option.

And offering the incentive may help. Some people may not be able to accept
the incentive so I offer to donate it to a charity of their choice in their

And, if you can, you might want to "warm up" the respondent with an email
indicating that you plan to call.



Charles B. Kreitzberg, Ph.D.
CEO, Cognetics Corporation

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Melissa
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 1:38 PM
Subject: [IxDA Discuss] Recruiting & cold calling: pitfalls?

A client has asked us to cold-call some existing customers to do some
fast research on purchasing decisions. This isn't an activity we
normally engage in, so I'm treading carefully. 

The survey is fairly short (about 15 questions) and includes a $50
incentive. The call script looks tidy, with the incentive called out
very quickly. We believe the questions are short and clear, and easy
to answer via the phone (as opposed to a readable format like paper
or web). Anybody have additional items we should double-check, or
basic guidance from past experience using this technique?

Thanks in advance

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[IxDA Discuss] Recruiting & cold calling: pitfalls?

2010-01-25 Thread Melissa Casburn
A client has asked us to cold-call some existing customers to do some
fast research on purchasing decisions. This isn't an activity we
normally engage in, so I'm treading carefully. 

The survey is fairly short (about 15 questions) and includes a $50
incentive. The call script looks tidy, with the incentive called out
very quickly. We believe the questions are short and clear, and easy
to answer via the phone (as opposed to a readable format like paper
or web). Anybody have additional items we should double-check, or
basic guidance from past experience using this technique?

Thanks in advance

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Best role for UX in Agile/ Scrum - Customer vs. Implementer?

2010-01-25 Thread Davin Granroth
Kostanija, for the last year or so I've operated in two roles for my
employer. I work with a pair of agile/scrum teams. 

In general I'm UX Lead for the company, but also the Product Owner.
Product Owner in this case is pretty hands-on, taking care of some
activities that a scrum master would, in addition to representing the

Here are some pros and cons from my own experience.

Pros for UX person in PO role.
  * UX concerns/user advocacy get attention.
  * Because PO is part political, UX can be represented to execs.

Cons for UX person in PO role.
  * If there aren't other UX people in company, real UX work barely
gets done because being a PO takes a whole lot of time.

Ok, what I'm trying to push for is to have someone else take over
the Product Owner role (and angle for this person to be UX-inclined),
so I can be freed up to cultivate a healthier UX presence in the
company. In part, I'll be able to do the work, advise POs on UX
concerns, and mentor UX practitioners and developers on integrating
user experience into the iterations.

My fear is that by relinquishing the PO role, the priority for UX
work will slip. I don't think that will happen, though.

To help keep UX thinking active, I've declared that every Wed
morning will include a usability test. Informal and largely internal,
but at least to get UX and developers into the habit of doing
usability work. I think this will help shift thinking and awareness
across the agile teams.

I'd be curious about what other UX practitioners in agile teams have
to say.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Software for transcription?

2010-01-25 Thread Jared Spool

On Jan 24, 2010, at 1:32 PM, Jason Pamental wrote:

If you have the budget and the audio isn't too long you might look at - you upload your audio and based on rate you
get your transcription back in a few days or a couple weeks. The
lowest/slowest turnaround is 2 weeks for .75 per minute. When the
clips are short, it's incredibly reasonable - and in my experience
extremely accurate. They even sort out the names of the speakers and
offer it in text, HTML, PDF, etc.

I second the use of Casting Words.

They use the mechanical turk and the quality if very high. We've been  
using them for a while for our podcasts and research.


Jared M. Spool
User Interface Engineering
510 Turnpike St., Suite 102, North Andover, MA 01845
e: p: +1 978 327 5561  Blog:  Twitter: @jmspool

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Best role for UX in Agile/ Scrum - Customer vs. Implementer?

2010-01-25 Thread Rich Rogan
Scrum is great for communication within a team, as such, definitely UX
should be a "Chicken" as much as possible, ("Chickens" talk  and "Pigs" get
slaughtered or something like that right?).

Also as Design would probably be an iteration ahead of dev, and subsequently
need to focus on the "new", "Scrum Master" probably isn't the best role.

Successes with scrum I've had revolve around teams being "pragmatic" not
"dogmatic" in regards to Agile methodologies, I think this is the
overarching key that will lead to success.


Joseph Rich Rogan
President UX/UI Inc.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:16 PM, kostanija petrovic <> wrote:

> We are currently discussing what the best process role for UX within
> in Agile/Scrum would be.
> What is your experience? Which role would you recommend based on your
> experience and why?
> --
> Joseph Rich Rogan
> President UX/UI Inc.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Reloaded: Forrester's Take on IA

2010-01-25 Thread Rich Rogan
Design should go for "reach" in the enterprise, why limit ourselves
exclusively to the "web/ digital design" space, or for that matter
"creative/prototype/product room"?

UX/ID/IA all these disciplines should strive for "Enterprise"
integration/status/control. For design to stay exclusively in the "digital
space/design rooms", leaves the "C" level jobs for mainly Accountants and
Lawyers, (which is the bulk of present "C" level corporate America's

Our disciplines can aide organizations at all levels. Think about it, when
you have a problem and need "new solutions" and "new ideas", who do you
call, a bunch of accountants and lawyers?

It's a good thing and time for Design to go for "C" level, and "CEO" level
in all enterprises!

Joseph Rich Rogan
President UX/UI Inc.
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 9:07 AM, Peter Morville <> wrote:

> I've added a comment to the Forrester article, inviting enterprise
> architects to share their definitions via the Explain IA contest...
> would be great to build bridges between these different frameworks.
> On a similar note, I'd love to see some entries that show the relationship
> between information architecture and interaction design. Cheers!

Joseph Rich Rogan
President UX/UI Inc.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Reloaded: Forrester's Take on IA

2010-01-25 Thread Peter Morville
I've added a comment to the Forrester article, inviting enterprise architects 
to share their definitions via the Explain IA contest... would be great to build bridges between these different frameworks. On a 
similar note, I'd love to see some entries that show the relationship between 
information architecture and interaction design. Cheers!

Peter Morville
President, Semantic Studios

On Jan 25, 2010, at 6:08 AM, Milan Guenther wrote:

> I came across this free paper from Jan 13:
> Forrester Topic Overview: Information Architecture
> Forrester begins to include the UX-related definition of Information 
> Architecture in their own definition, and published this paper as an overview 
> of the IA topic. Very typical for the situation I as consultant often face in 
> the enterprise context is this statement from a client on page 2:
> “How do I settle the long-standing dispute between Web site designers and 
> data/information modelers, where Web site designers declare that IA is their 
> purview and is defined as the structure of our organization’s Web site as 
> opposed to what IA really is, which is the structure of information across 
> the enterprise? IA has been hijacked by the Web weenies.” (Enterprise 
> architect, financial services firm)
> Obviously they don't yet see the EIA developments, since they define UX only 
> on a application level. However the question remains: how to connect the two 
> worlds of IA? And: do we need "Enterprise Interaction Design" to further 
> confuse the world? :-)
> Milan
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] (Retaurant!) Menu Design

2010-01-25 Thread Sean Gerety
Some sites are doing this on the web already.  Check out the basecamp
pricing page.  Even with just four options they use it.  They use the "no columns", framing and bonus


On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 10:32 PM, Francis Rowland wrote:

> Clever stuff.
> It's interesting to see some of the differences and parallels in
> conventions between menu design and web design, which I am more used
> to.
> Hmmm... I'm hungry now!
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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[IxDA Discuss] UX London Early Bird Discount Ends This Week

2010-01-25 Thread Andy Budd
Just a reminder that the early bird discount for UX London runs out at
the end of this week. So if you're interested in attending I'd
recommend grabbing your tickets now to save £200.

Need some tips on getting your training budget approved? Kimberly
Blessing has some excellent advice on this front.

If you're not familiar with UX London, it's fast becoming Europe's
premier user experience conference. We've got some fantastic speakers
including Jesse James Garrett from Adaptive Path, Bill Moggridge from
IDEO and author, Scott McCloud. The event is a mix of inspirational
conference sessions and hands-on workshops, all for a single price.
The feedback from last year was amazing, so I hope to see a few of
you there.

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[IxDA Discuss] Happy Birthday Macintosh

2010-01-25 Thread William Hudson
I wrote a little birthday anecdote about the Mac from 25 years ago.
Computer historians among you might find it interesting:



William Hudson
Syntagm Ltd
Design for Usability
UK 01235-522859
World +44-1235-522859
US Toll Free 1-866-SYNTAGM  



Syntagm is a limited company registered in England and Wales (1985).

Registered number: 1895345. Registered office: 10 Oxford Road, Abingdon
OX14 2DS.


Attend our courses on Ajax design & usability, card sorting and web

CHI 2010 Conference (Atlanta, Georgia)

UPA 2010 Conference (Munich, Germany)


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] (Retaurant!) Menu Design

2010-01-25 Thread Francis Rowland
Clever stuff.

It's interesting to see some of the differences and parallels in
conventions between menu design and web design, which I am more used

Hmmm... I'm hungry now!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] (Retaurant!) Menu Design

2010-01-25 Thread John Gibbard
Some classic 'Choice Architecture' in here using primacy/recency
effects, framing and suchlike. I maintain that there is much to
discuss in the world of Behavioural Psychology (specifically Choice
Architecture [1]) that gets scant attention from those of us so
digitally minded.

Many thanks for promoting this URL William.



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[IxDA Discuss] (Retaurant!) Menu Design

2010-01-25 Thread William Hudson
An interesting article on how restaurant menus are designed to encourage
purchase of more expensive items:



William Hudson
Syntagm Ltd
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[IxDA Discuss] Reloaded: Forrester's Take on IA

2010-01-25 Thread Milan Guenther

I came across this free paper from Jan 13:

Forrester Topic Overview: Information Architecture

Forrester begins to include the UX-related definition of Information 
Architecture in their own definition, and published this paper as an 
overview of the IA topic. Very typical for the situation I as consultant 
often face in the enterprise context is this statement from a client on 
page 2:

“How do I settle the long-standing dispute between Web site designers 
and data/information modelers, where Web site designers declare that IA 
is their purview and is defined as the structure of our organization’s 
Web site as opposed to what IA really is, which is the structure of 
information across the enterprise? IA has been hijacked by the Web 
weenies.” (Enterprise architect, financial services firm)

Obviously they don't yet see the EIA developments, since they define UX 
only on a application level. However the question remains: how to 
connect the two worlds of IA? And: do we need "Enterprise Interaction 
Design" to further confuse the world? :-)


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Best role for UX in Agile/ Scrum - Customer vs. Implementer?

2010-01-25 Thread catherine Ryan

I've found that in Agile (as in most environments), unless there is
an already existing respect for the importance of UX, that one needs
to be first and foremost an advocate for UX.

The role is not confined to a title really. I have found the need to
push CE and time spent on user analysis and testing.

In Agile I've found this much easier due to the nature of the
methodology. Hold workshops, present all ideas, get feedback,
collaborate collaborate collaborate. Get feedback, iterate, Get more

An Experience Architect is the best term I could conjure. But it
involves much more than interaction design / visual design. 

The Agile methodology is very user centric, however, many
institutions are still to practice this part. And this is where we
come in. To tell them what "involving the user" is all about.

Contextual Enquiry is only going to happen if you make it so.

You need to be an analyst, and a bit of a Project Manager, and of
course a designer. You need to drive the vision towards usability.

Erm, yes, so what I'm saying is - Agile is a brilliant environment
to advocate usability. However, a methodology needs to be lived and
breathed by an organisation before we can actually benefit from such

I suppose that I have the question: How many "Agile" organisations
practice real Agile? How many butcher it?

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[IxDA Discuss] Best role for UX in Agile/ Scrum - Customer vs. Implementer?

2010-01-25 Thread kostanija petrovic
We are currently discussing what the best process role for UX within
in Agile/Scrum would be.

What is your experience? Which role would you recommend based on your
experience and why? 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Browse or Search

2010-01-25 Thread Richie Lau

On Jan 24, 2010, at 2:50 PM, Suba Periyasami wrote:

> A music site should attract not just the primary users who knows what their
> goals
> are (what they want to listen to and buy), but also the general audience who
> are not
> always familiar with the new artist or the playlist. Scanning the list by
> names, their images or  listening to
> sample of their songs helps to make a decision.

Those who are unfamiliar with music could use recommendations to make their 
decision. Top 10s, Hot Picks, and those who listen to this: also listen to that 

> I would  propose displaying search as a primary functionality  and a 'Browse
> by Artist or catagory' link below the search to
> cater to the needs of wide range of audiences.
Instead of category, I think genre could be better suited, especially if Music 
is a category within a larger set. A Filter function that specifies searching 
artists or genres

> Suba
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