Re: [slim] Controlling a hidden SB3

2008-01-07 Thread FredBasset

Kaizen28;255094 Wrote: 
> Hi All
> This presents something of a challenge for the SB3 given the need to
> see what is displayed to control it. I've seen a link where the Philips
> Pronto 9600 is used and this looks really promising as it's a remote I
> have me eye on.
> I'm curious to know how others have solved the problem of controlling a
> SB3 that has been hidden from view and if anyone else is using the
> TSU-9600.
> Thanks in advance.

I use the TSU9600, using the scripts you've referred to. I did not
write them though.

The first version is very good, I'm happy with it but it does not do
cover art. I'm told that the second (yet to come) version does cover
art and is faster. There is a small limitation with the TSU9600 scripts
that it can only control 5 SB3's (or transporters or receivers). I
suspect this is down to space on the screen but I've not asked the

I also use a Nokia 770, this is very cool but could be a little

Being able to use the TSU9600 was the clincher for me, I saw the Sonos
controller as pointless as it was limited to one device. My pronto
controls, TV, Receiver, 2 DVD players, 3 SB3's, 2 Satellite boxes and
will soon provide a real time xml weather update and control all the
house lighting. Once this is all done I'll probably add another couple
of TSU9600's.

Hope this helps:-)



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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread Mitch Harding
For me, the main reason I'd like to see 802.11n support is for use
with the wireless bridging capability.  I use that option on my SB3,
and plan to use it on the next SB3/SBR/whatever that I buy.  Having
the additional bandwidth would be nice if I add a lot of stuff behind
the bridge, but for what I need now 802.11g is fine.

I'm crossing my fingers that SB4/SBR2 has n support, though.  :)

On Jan 8, 2008 12:12 AM, kdf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think this is true.  At least, my early pre-n Belkin router
> doesn't suffer, so I'd be surprised if more recent ones do.
> 802.11G routers suffered when 802.11B devices were on the network, but
> part of 11N is the support for G and B without suffering from
> performance loss.
> As for not supporting it in a's a draft and also well
> beyond what the device needs for plenty of playback bandwidth.
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[slim] Down to the wire between SB Duet vs. Sonos

2008-01-07 Thread blorty

Ok, I need your help.

I am installing my whole home audio system and have just ordered a
complete Sonos system!  There is still time though.

I just heard the exciting news about the Duet. Frankly, after reading
the press material and searching through a number of posts, I'm still
confused about how exactly the SB & Duet system stacks up against

I'm looking at about 8 zones, some of which consist of in-ceiling
speakers whose speaker wire runs back to central home theater panel in
the family room.  The other zones would simply be local bookshelf or
outdoor speakers.

I would love to go with the SB family, because I feel it is much newer
technology, comes with an awesome user group that will continue to
press the envelope and seems less expensive.  Plus I'm quite peeved
with the fine folks at Sonos for not updating most of their (admittedly
good) hardware for 3 or so years.  It will kill me to plunk down my semi
hard-earned money on a system that might be obsoleted within months.

I currently own a wonderful SB3 and have been very happy with it for
providing us with single zone audio (before we moved to a bigger

Here are some questions/concerns:
Do I need to marry each SB receiver with an amplifier?  That starts to
seem more kludgy.  Doesn't the cost of an amplifier plus SB receiver
start to equal the cost of a Sonos ZP100 zone player?

What the heck is a powered speaker?  Apologies for being dumb, but the
only powered speakers I'm familiar with are sub-woofers and the
speakers that you attach to a computer.

To provide audio to the various rooms with in-ceiling speakers, could I
locate all the SB receivers in my family room and connect them through
my receiver there?  In that case, I suppose one couldn't watch TV in
the family room while listening to music in another room whose speakers
are powered by the family room receiver.

Listening to music without the computer on:
I understand I can use the squeezenetwork to listen to Pandora,
Internet radio, etc. without the computer on.  But could I listen to my
music collection on my NAS without the computer on?  It seems like I
would have to load my collection online to listen to music without the
computer on.  

Finally, what about the whole (draft) wireless N issue?
Although debated hotly on the Sonos forums, there sure seems to be an
issue with how well the Sonos system can co-exist with a wireless N
system.  Would the new SB family be at an advantage here?  It seems to
run wireless G, so perhaps this is just an issue with any wireless
product today.

I hope I don't come across as a Sonos plant or something.  Believe me,
nothing would please me more than to switch to a SB system at the last
minute and teach the Sonos team a lesson about the importance of
STAYING innovative with both hardware and software.

So any answers/insight you can provide related to the above is most


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread Peter
Pat Farrell wrote:
> Bizarroterl wrote:
>> I could complain how the duet controller doesn't have built in GPS, cell
>> phone, too big, too small, too expensive, wrong color, doesn't have a
>> built in browser, blah, blah, blah.
> At the risk of going way OT here.
> What he said.
> Why can't I buy a cell phone that is good at being a cell phone?
> Why do *all* of the cell phones tout their ability to play MP3 files, 
> display photos, and all sorts of stuff I don't want, and yet they have 
> at best mediocre functionality as a phone?

Because *I* and many people don't want to walk around with 4 devices in 
their pockets. I really hate this worn out argument. I know someone IRL 
who says the same thing, but then he goes out and buys another gadget 

> What ever happened to "do one thing, and do it well?"

It's alive and kicking on Unix. Of course, that's also a collection of 
very many tools built into one system.

> The Controller seems to be aiming to be a well designed wireless 
> controller for SqueezeBoxen and Transporters. Cool with me.

I agree there. But part of me is sorry that I now have 2 RC devices on 
my table instead of one Harmony to control all my stuff.


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread kdf

On 7-Jan-08, at 11:52 AM, stoobie-doo wrote:

> Any reason why the new devices aren't 802.11n draft 2.0 compliant.  
> With
> most n routers, mixing g and n clients slows the whole network down.

I don't think this is true.  At least, my early pre-n Belkin router  
doesn't suffer, so I'd be surprised if more recent ones do.
802.11G routers suffered when 802.11B devices were on the network, but  
part of 11N is the support for G and B without suffering from  
performance loss.

As for not supporting it in a's a draft and also well  
beyond what the device needs for plenty of playback bandwidth.

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[slim] Transporter vs. SB3 - my experience

2008-01-07 Thread mcb

My observations on comparing the Transporter and SB3.

For the longest time I was interested in a quality computer-based music
server, but I successfully dithered (joke) long enough for Slim Devices
to provide a solution in the form of the SqueezeBox 3.

I subscribe to Stereophile, so I was very interested in the Transporter
review - but while the prospect of better sound was attractive, I wasn't
sure I really needed another piece of expensive audio gear. Last month
Slim had its open house; I visited and came home with the Transporter
(special price of $1500 for the open house). Today, I returned it.

Here's the reasoning for my decision:

1. For my system (Transporter or SB3 into Krell KAV-300i into Thiel 2.3
via Synergistic interconnects and speaker cable) in my home with my
music, the Transporter was subtly better sounding (less congestion,
richer upper-bass, darker background, and greater dynamics) than the
SB3 - but you know what? The SB3, wall-wart and all, sounds pretty dang
good! I didn't use the balanced outputs and I used the provided power
cable for the Transporter, so that may be a consideration.

2. The Transporter was *much* flakier than the SB3: random pausing, one
or two random reboots, hanging on too many inputs too quickly (annoying
when adjusting the volume), display getting bright for no reason, etc.
It doesn't seem like a finished product. While I believe it will get
better (I develop software, so I understand), I expect better for the
price point.

3. I find the SB3 more attractive than the Transporter. The SB3 looks
like a real designer designed it (even if it has an overt Apple
flavoring). The Transporter has a 1980's "Hi-Fi" look to it - the
undifferentiated row of buttons, and faux rack mount handles. But then
again, rarely do I find audio equipment beautiful.

The front panel controls were useful to synchronize the Transporter
with the SB3 for my A/B comparison, but ordinarily I would expect to
exclusively use the nicer-than-my-cheesy-SB3-but-still-plasticky
remote. I find the haptic feedback to be unconvincing in this
application. Why pay for silly buttons and knobs that go unused?

I described these impressions to the Slim staff at the open house   -
little did I know that my dream configuration was about to be announced
(the Duet - although I would like a higher-end option).

My last observation was about some troubling distortion shared by both
the Transporter and SB3. While comparing the two, I listened to
Stereophile's Test Disc 3. On a flac encoding of track 3 (Empire Brass
Quintet - Sibley Sanctus Lyndian), I heard pronounced distortion from
the right channel. I didn't hear this from the CD or my computer
(Headroom Total Bithead + AKG 701). I thought the issue might be due to
the spatial encoding for this track, but I also heard problems in track
5 (Sara K - History Repeats Itself). The encoding log file reports no
errors - when I get a chance, I'll try ripping the tracks to wav format
to compare.

I will also say the 30-day return policy is great. There's no way to
really evaluated a piece of audio equipment unless you have at home in
your system. I'm still a Slim Devices customer and I eagerly await
their future offerings.


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Re: [slim] DLNA Compliance?

2008-01-07 Thread sander

The primary benefit to Logitech as I see it would be more people using
Squeezecenter and possibly more 3rd party development on server
optimization. It's also a "gateway drug" for people to get an idea of
what the clients are capable of.

The user benefits would be people who have Slim/Squeeze/whatever
players and other generic UPnP players wouldn't have to deal with
multiple servers with varying comprehension of tags/covers and such.

UPnP AV/DLNA is basically a browsing protocol, but Twonky and others
have shown by interfacing it to a database instead of a simple
directory structure it can actually be quite flexible. In the long run
I like to see database servers/protocols over simple file servers.

Anyway one more vote for DLNA and DAAP too. Firefly supports both.


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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread tamanaco

A couple days off the grid and Bang!... The Duet.

As you can see from the posts above, SD stole my idea and then instead
of outsourcing the remote to Logitech, as I suggested, it got acquired
by them. Had SD been publicly traded I could've made a killing. If I
don't get one of these controllers at a "massive"  discount.
SD\Logitech will be hearing from my lawyer.

Like others here I feel that a SC/SB specialized remote is the way to
go, but at the same time having at least "some" flexibility to control
the Receiver/Amp (At minimum Power on/off, select input Source and
control the volume of the receiver) would have made it more convenient
and the cost more justifiable. Without this flexibility this controller
remains very desirable, but a bit incomplete... for me. I guess a little
cross pollination with the Harmony engineers could have given this
Controller some essential "Universal remote" functions.  I really like
the fact that it's a one-handed remote, but to be honest it's a bit
bricky. I agree that I'll be able to hold my IPA in one hand and the
remote in the other, but something a bit more ergonomically designed
like the Harmony One would have been nice.

As it is, this controller is a "BIG" step in the right direction. As I
mentioned in the posts above, for me, listening to music is a "passive"
activity. Optimize the controller to provide good performance and ease
of navigation of the SC library and Squeezenetwork Services. Worry
about adding bells and whistles later. Configuring the SC, SB, SB
Receiver... etc should be left on the SC Web interface. I don't need to
"configure" plug-ins via the remote... panels with configuring options
just makes remotes too complex for everyone to use. If you "must then
keep the configuring options password protected. I don't want my wife
to start a Clear & Scan Library during a party. 

Good Job!

PS. I just heard from my lawyer... Free shipping and a discount coupon
for all existing SB owners would settle us out court.


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread bordo

New product looks great, but I'm disappointed that it does not have a
keyboard (numeric like the SB remotes).  I have played a lot with the
SONOS controller.  Both the original SONOS interface (scrolling through
songs) and their new search interface (scrolling through the alphabet)
really stink.  I think anyone who does any texting at all will find the
original SB remote better than the SONOS interface.  Hopefully the
scrolling on the new Duet controller is better than SONOS...or maybe
the keyboard will find its way on to the next version of the controller


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Re: [slim] Automatic Start of SlimServer System Preference On Mac

2008-01-07 Thread Michael Herger
> I upgraded to 7.0a and still getting same issue, though with slight
> different messages in the log:
> 1/7/08 5:49:38 PM[30] Starting SlimServer
> 1/7/08 5:49:38 PM[30]
> /Library/StartupItems/Slim/Slim: line 17: pushd:
> /Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/Contents/server: No such

Once SC7 is properly installed it shouldn't use any SlimServer* paths any  
more. Here's something seriously broken. Could you remove anything  
Slim/Squeeze* related and do a clean install?

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Re: [slim] Filtering out duplicate tracks?

2008-01-07 Thread syburgh

Library structure is a hard question. My experience is similiar:

I also do FLAC for local Squeezeboxes and MP3 (for the gym iPod). If
you're on UNIX, you could also work up some find + sort + grep magic to
delete old MP3 versions of FLAC encoded tracks if the FLAC and MP3 files
have the same filename.

In Linux/BSD/Mac OSX/UNIX the find and cp commands can make this easy
(recursively link/copy the entire directory with your choice of file
extensions, eg .flac+.jpg and .mp3+.jpg). In Windows ROBOCOPY can do
something similar instead of find. Maybe even XCOPY would work.

That said, it's probably most practical to reorganize your collection
unless you really want to hack SlimServer.

Within my SlimServer audiodir I have 

- */flac:* encoded CDs using hierarchy similiar to your own
- */pool:* tracks of unknown pedigree, mostly MP3
- */itunes:* AAC stuff, some unplayable using SB3
In my case, each of these is really a symlink to where the files really
live (Windows can also do this using junctions, eg NTFSLink).

The MP3s transcoded from FLAC are in another directory outside the
SlimServer audiodir using identical directory structure to the FLAC
originals. It's easy to merge FLAC and MP3 files to replicate your
current layout if you must have things arranged as you do now: just
copy one on top of the other, or better yet, just symlinks.

No one best way to do this, but hopefully this helps.


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread pichonCalavera

pfarrell;255793 Wrote: 
> Why can't I buy a cell phone that is good at being a cell phone?
> Why do *all* of the cell phones tout their ability to play MP3 files, 
> display photos, and all sorts of stuff I don't want, and yet they have
> at best mediocre functionality as a phone?
> What ever happened to "do one thing, and do it well?"
> The Controller seems to be aiming to be a well designed wireless 
> controller for SqueezeBoxen and Transporters. Cool with me.

Yeah, everyone has their needs, and we all want the perfect product
just for us :P . But let's face it, the Squeezebox Controller has the
main purpose of controlling our music coming from Squeezebox /
Squeezecenter / Squeezenetwork from the comfort of our home, I mean,
every application and every problem has different solutions, for this
case, the SBR has been built from the experience learned by their past
products (Squeezebox), from the competition (Sonos Controller, IPod
GUI, etc.), and the feedback from their customers, so I think it has a
very good chance of being a great product of it's kind, since it was
built by people that know how to do a digital music player right. If
they wanted to construct a Universal Remote for example, we won't be
reading this at the moment, since it would be a sure thing that it
would not be ready by now, more features... more time.

I myself won't be buying a SBR right now, since I already own a
Squeezebox 3, don't have the multi-room requirement to buy a Duet, and
like many people here, the $300 price is too much for me right now,
altough I'm very interested in how the software in the SBR evolves,
becuase in the end, im really interested in new ways of accesing my
music and internet music services/radio.


*rip* (eac) > *convert* (flac) > *tag* (musicbrainz) > *normalize*
(replaygain/foobar2000) > *albumart* (winamp) > *transport* (winscp) >
*store* (debian) >*rescan* (slimserver) > *play* (squeezebox) > *hear*
(sennheiser) > *scrooble* ( > *enjoy* (me :)

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Re: [slim] audiostream to slimserver

2008-01-07 Thread pasil

ok -I got it working again.  Once again I use the softsqueeze interface-
don't know what kind of voodoo is going on there.  Set the shoutcast
source encoder to something very simple -I started with 48kps and in
the player setting on slimserver use proxied streaming for "mp3
streaming method" then tune to and see if you can pick
it up.  I worked from there and can stream 96kps 44.1 ok.  If I try and
play both the SB3 and the softsqueeze emulator it will sputter and loop
and generally sound bad.   The other weird thing I noticed is sometines
the shoutcast server monitor will report connection closed but things
are still going fine- it does still show one connection in the lower
right corner.  good luck!-Paul


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread Pat Farrell
Bizarroterl wrote:
> I could complain how the duet controller doesn't have built in GPS, cell
> phone, too big, too small, too expensive, wrong color, doesn't have a
> built in browser, blah, blah, blah.

At the risk of going way OT here.
What he said.

Why can't I buy a cell phone that is good at being a cell phone?
Why do *all* of the cell phones tout their ability to play MP3 files, 
display photos, and all sorts of stuff I don't want, and yet they have 
at best mediocre functionality as a phone?

What ever happened to "do one thing, and do it well?"

The Controller seems to be aiming to be a well designed wireless 
controller for SqueezeBoxen and Transporters. Cool with me.

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread nspindel

I did some research on the threads and figured out what I needed to do
in order to get the mapped drives to work.  However this then triggered
the script running will cause the system to run slow error from Internet
Explorer that has been widely reported.  I saw a post saying to try
running Beta 3 to get rid of this problem, but I no longer see that as
an active link.  FYI, I'm running your RC1.



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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread Bizarroterl

I could complain how the duet controller doesn't have built in GPS, cell
phone, too big, too small, too expensive, wrong color, doesn't have a
built in browser, blah, blah, blah.

but I like the design, it's quite a bit less expensive than the
alternatives, and it's just what I was looking for.  I'll be ordering
one as soon as they're available.

BTW, Will a future upgrade include an email server and unlimited range?


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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread twylie

I stopped by the Logitech booth at CES today and got to play with the
Controller.  Even discounting what possibilities it may hold down the
road, I'll be buying one for what it can do today.  It's another slick,
dedicated product that does exactly what it's designed to do.  While not
yet perfect (long list scrolling which sounds like its high priority), I
have lots of confidence in the team and community to continue to make it
even better.  I've been a customer/evangelist since the SliMP3 days and
continue to appreciate the hard work of the SD/Logitech team.  

Great job and keep the innovation coming!



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread RalphO

Mongo;255545 Wrote: 
> I also had the error "0" return, after setting up mysql successfuly (
> and testing it). I had downloaded and extracted the program to a folder
> in program files. It would not work. I tried running the album catalogue
> program in it's original zipped format from my desktop and it worked.
> Maybe there is a clue here as to the real problem for those with the
> error "0" return.


I too tried this.  I did not get the program to run but I did not get
thge error 0.  In fact I got the previously reported Script is making
Internet Explorer run slow.  I am very surprised that this made a


Transporter/Audio Research SP9/Bryston ST4/Magneplanar MG1.6QR

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread RalphO

Phil Leigh;255126 Wrote: 
> Go to Start - Run
> type CMD
> type regsvr32 msdadc.dll (and repeat for each .dll file)
> Then reboot!
> This


I tried this but found that there were some dll files that I could not
re-register.  The message said that the dll file loaded but the
DIRewgister entry point was not found.  Thjis file can not be

I am not sure whethjer this is my problem or not.


Transporter/Audio Research SP9/Bryston ST4/Magneplanar MG1.6QR

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread nspindel

Hi Frank -

Great idea for a script.

I'm running it on my server with SC 6.5.4.  It runs to the point where
it finds all of the music, but I don't have any cover art displayed.  I
think I may know the issue, just not sure what to do about it.

My music is all stored on a TeraStation, and I have a drive mapped on
my server to the share location where the top of the music folder
structure is.  In Windows Explorer, I am able to refer to this mapped
drive without any issues.  However, for some reason I am not able to
use the mapped drive in SC.  I need to set the music location in the
server settings to the fully qualified path -
\\terastation\share\music\musiclibrary, as opposed to M:\MusicLibrary.

I suspect that your script is only compatible with a mapped drive
format, not fully qualified paths.  So you're able to extract the
genre/artist/album/title info from the mysql database, but then you
aren't able to find the cover art due to the fully qualified path

So either:

1)  I need to figure out why the heck SC won't recognize a drive mapped
to a network share, or
2)  If it's a known issue that SC can't use such mapped drives, then
perhaps your script could be made compatible with fully qualified



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread tamanaco

Lots of changes around here. I was gone for a couple days and we got the
Duet and ACC is up to beta 5!

I just tested beta 5 and I'm still having issues with album art not
showing up for albums whose Genre, Artist or Album name have extended
characters in their path. For example all of the Albums under the Genre
R&B are missing the album art.

I noticed that the order of the tracks for albums with more than 10
Tracks is not ordered. All my tracks are named xx. trackname.flac.
Where xx = 01-99.

When I select to sort by Album... is it possible to set it so that is
sorted by Genre (Alphabetically) and within each Genre by Artist
(Alphabetically). I find the layout when sorting by Artists is a bit
wasteful. I organized my Library without a common folder for albums
with Various Artists. See example below. (Lines below represents a
folder and subfolder)

_Putumayo Presents (Various Artists Compilations)
__ Album Name 1
__ Album Name 2
__ Album Name n

I set up my ripper so that the folder structure for all my albums
including albums with "Various Artists" is created using the following
[genre]\[Album Artist]\[Album Name]\[track]. [title]

I the case above "Putumayo Presents (Various Artists Compilations)" is
the [Album Artist] and then each track within each [Album Name] is
tagged with its respective [Artist]. 

For non-compilation albums [Album Artist] = [Artist]

Another thing, what about splitting the albums after a certain number
of tracks. A DJ gave me a bunch of CD Mixes and I ripped all the CDs to
the same folder... The DJ Mix folder has about 45 tracks numbered 1 to
45. I used track offset as I ripped each subsequent CD and I used the
DJ's logo as the Album Art for all 45 song. So the Album is named DJ
Mix and each track has the artist name associated with it. If I could
set ACC to limit the number of tracks per album and to continue with
the next song and with the same album cover in the next column it would
be nice. Btw, I believe this might be to much trouble to implement, but
I just wanted to put it out there.

Thanks again


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread RalphO

SilverRS8;255182 Wrote: 
> The server should be specified and can either be or
> localhost.
> What you can also do is try to connect using the mySQL query browser at
> You can use this to connect to the mySQL DB using a more ituitive GUI
> and you probably get a more detailed error message when it still goes
> wrong.
> Once you have installed it, run it and specify the connect data as in
> the attached screenshot. It the connect succeeds, you can browse
> through the table structure and create a query if you like to retrieve
> some data (but that is what the script is doing for you).
> If this still doesn't work, try removing an reinstalling slimserver as
> this will also reinstalla and register the mySQL DB.
> Hope this can be of any help.
> Frank

As I have got the ODBC connector to work okay now I am not sure that
this will help me.


Transporter/Audio Research SP9/Bryston ST4/Magneplanar MG1.6QR

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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread gorman

meep;255745 Wrote: 
> If the controller can control softsqueeze (?) save on the receiver and
> just plug your pc audio out into the car system? Or use a Nokia 770/800
> and get GPS as well?
> PeterI already have a GPS receiver, plus for car use I think the more
streamlined the user interface is the better.
Regarding Softsqueeze... anyone knows if the Controller is capable of
interfacing with it?


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread meep

gorman;255743 Wrote: 
> Is a setup like this reasonable/doable?
> 1 Car PC in the trunk running SqueezeCenter
> 1 Receiver in the trunk connected to the car's audio system
> 1 Controller in the car to control your music

If the controller can control softsqueeze (?) save on the receiver and
just plug your pc audio out into the car system? Or use a Nokia 770/800
and get GPS as well?



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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread gorman

Is a setup like this reasonable/doable?

1 Car PC in the trunk running SqueezeCenter
1 Receiver in the trunk connected to the car's audio system
1 Controller in the car to control your music


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread DaveBrennan

It looks good but like the SB I think I will wait for Version 3


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Re: [slim] GUTTED: The end of Pandora in the UK!

2008-01-07 Thread gorman

And then they complain about piracy (not Pandora, the music


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[slim] GUTTED: The end of Pandora in the UK!

2008-01-07 Thread Deano

This is part of an email I just received from Pandora:

This is an email I hoped I would never have to send.

Pandora will stop streaming to the UK as of January 15th, 2008.

We know there is a lot of support from listeners and artists in the UK
for Pandora and remain hopeful that at some point we'll get beyond

Again, on behalf of all of us at Pandora, I'm very, very sorry.

Tim Westergren
(Pandora founder) 


A sad sad day for the UK. Really gutted.


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Re: [slim] strange one..

2008-01-07 Thread funkstar

SoundBoy, did you post a thread about your problems?

If you didn't then there is every chance your problem still exists.
These things can happen to very small numbers of units. Helping the
development team to diagnose the problem could save someone less
technically proficient some trouble.


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[slim] Help with Artwork

2008-01-07 Thread jeffreyscurtis


I am running into a little problem with parsing the artwork file in the
latest builds of Slimserver 7 for OS X.  

I have a directory on the music drive named “artwork” and all of the
covers are named in the format “Album – Artist.jpg”.  For example
Belief by Netzer Ebb is named “Belief – Netzer Ebb.jpg”

In the settings for the server I placed artwork folder to
"/Volumes/Music/Artwork" and for additional filename I placed the name
%ALBUM – ARTIST.jpg (also tried lower case) the results are negative
for finding the album art.  This was based on the help file as shown

SqueezeCenter looks in the same path as the song, thus you would be
looking for the same artfile in this case. However there is an option
in Server Settings, Additional, Interface for setting filenames for
Artwork, Artwork Thumbnail, and for setting a central location for
artwork files. You can enter a specific filename if you use something
not found in the list (eg, artwork.jpg). You may also create filenames
based on song variables. If your first character is %, the server then
parses the rest of the string as an InfoFormat, the same as title
format is created.
As an example, you could create a single directory of songs and name
all your artwork as artist-album.jpg. For this, enter a setting of

The log file I believe indicates the server is trying to look in the
folder artwork correctly but then looks for the file name “album –
artist.jpg” instead of substituting the correct value.

Enclosed is the log output.  Any help would be appreciated.

Slim::Schema::Track::coverArt (271) Retrieving artwork for:
[17:11:52.2334] Slim::Music::Artwork::_readCoverArtTags (221) Looking
for a cover art image in the tags of: [/Volumes/Music/10 Years/The
Autumn Effect/01 Waking Up.mp3]
[17:11:52.2542] Slim::Music::Artwork::_readCoverArtFiles (265) Looking
for image files in /Volumes/Music/10 Years/The Autumn Effect
[17:11:52.3314] Slim::Music::Artwork::_readCoverArtFiles (284) Variable
cover: album - artist.jpg from album - artist
[17:11:52.3325] Slim::Music::Artwork::getImageContentAndType (153)
Image File empty or couldn't read: /Volumes/Music/10 Years/The Autumn
Effect/album - artist.jpg : No such file or directory [read_file
'/Volumes/Music/10 Years/The Autumn Effect/album - artist.jpg' -
sysopen: No such file or directory at
line 146
[17:11:52.] Slim::Music::Artwork::getImageContentAndType (153)
Image File empty or couldn't read: /Volumes/Music/Artwork/album -
artist.jpg : No such file or directory [read_file
'/Volumes/Music/Artwork/album - artist.jpg' - sysopen: No such file or
directory at
line 146



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Re: [slim] Automatic Start of SlimServer System Preference On Mac

2008-01-07 Thread elpesao


I upgraded to 7.0a and still getting same issue, though with slight
different messages in the log:

1/7/08 5:49:38 PM[30] Starting SlimServer 
1/7/08 5:49:38 PM[30]
/Library/StartupItems/Slim/Slim: line 17: pushd:
/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/Contents/server: No such
file or directory 
1/7/08 5:49:38 PM[30] sudo: Slim Slim command not found

1/7/08 5:49:38 PM[30]
/Library/StartupItems/Slim/Slim: line 20: popd: directory stack empty


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread aubuti

clarkgable;255713 Wrote: 
> Question:
> Will the new remote by itself (without the receiver) replace my Nokia
> 800 web interface control?
Answer: Yes, but only for controlling your SBs, not general web
browsing like you can do with the Nokia 800.


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Re: [slim] Rhapsody issue (empty library, etc.)

2008-01-07 Thread bopyanker

bjones10;255185 Wrote: 
> Can someone who uses Rhapsody please tell me what they see on the SB
> screen when they go into Browse > Music Folder > Rhapsody?
> I'm getting a simple "Empty" message. Don't see my library, etc. 
> Am able to use Rhapsody via SN, however. Many thanks.

I have rhapsody and what I see when I browse are the songs and artists
I have on my computer. However, not all my songs are viewable. Only my
wav or wma files. SB doesn't recognize rhapsody files. Only slim shady
does. So you have to burn and re-rip your rhapsody files. For me this
has been a long, slow process. Still working on it.


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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread Skunk

CardinalFang;255616 Wrote: 
> I hope so, I will persevere, but I personally wish it had *less*
> features and aimed to do the task of controlling the SB family as
> cleanly as possible. In other words, I'd rather have the basics done
> really well, rather than extraneous future capable features.

I agree. If a stripped down model could sell for $100 less I have a
feeling it would have gotten a much better reception here.


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Re: [slim] strange one..

2008-01-07 Thread SoundBoy

Scott - I never used the sync options. SS7 put one of my SB3 in endless
reboot loops while the other one was working fine. 

There is something fishy about that!!

sorry...  I hope the final SS7 version is working on all SBxs


Scott;255706 Wrote: 
> os x 10.4
> ss 7.0
> ok, this is a bit wierd.  I have 4 squeezeboxes.  The other day, the
> one in my son's room stopped working right.  Specifically, it turns on,
> gets an ip address, displays the screensaver correctly, displays the
> songs, and even looks like sound should be coming out.  However, there
> is no sound!  When I sync this machine with one of the other boxes, it
> works fine.  When I unsyc, the sound stops (but the display continues
> to mark time, as if it is working ok)
> any thoughts from the smart folks out there?
> thanks in advance,
> scott


Boy-oh-Boy-what a Sound

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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread clarkgable

I have two setups:
In my apartment I have a Transporter connected via ethernet wire to a
mac with an external drive; the mac can also access my wireless
In my country house I have an SB3 accessing music stored on a mac
Will the new remote by itself (without the receiver) replace my Nokia
800 web interface control?


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[slim] strange one..

2008-01-07 Thread Scott

os x 10.4
ss 7.0

ok, this is a bit wierd.  I have 4 squeezeboxes.  The other day, the
one in my son's room stopped working right.  Specifically, it turns on,
gets an ip address, displays the screensaver correctly, displays the
songs, and even looks like sound should be coming out.  However, there
is no sound!  When I sync this machine with one of the other boxes, it
works fine.  When I unsyc, the sound stops (but the display continues
to mark time, as if it is working ok)

any thoughts from the smart folks out there?

thanks in advance,



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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread Skunk

alstein;254775 Wrote: 
> But, again, if I am in one room and my wife is in another, then one
> controller seems insufficient 

Skunk;254782 Wrote: 
> You could get a duet plus an Sb3, rather than spare receiver

alstein;254954 Wrote: 
> I'm still stuck at the thought of having to move the remote controller
> from one room to another to control what I play.

JimC;255106 Wrote: 
> You don't have to move the Squeezebox Controller from room-to-room. 

Skunk;255134 Wrote: 
> No, but if somebody wants unique playlists in two zones it's likely
> because there is a unique listener in each zone, both probably wanting
> some form of control

JimC;255361 Wrote: 
> SB3 would be an ideal solution for them. Or a second controller.
> -=> Jim

That's why I suggested one :-)

I still think he should work around the inconvenience of sharing a
Controller if he's unwilling to spend the extra for the ideal: Sb3 plus
Duet. The minute I got one it became clear that the graphical remote was
the missing piece to the puzzle. 

So Alstein, either spend the $100 more (vs 2 Sb3) and get the ideal
Duet and Sb3, or spend $50 less for a Duet and extra Receiver and
somehow make due with one controller. But whatever you do, get the
Controller ! You're in position to get one cheaply compared to people
who don't need another player...


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread schatzy


Thanks for all the great work over the week end on this. 

Phil, Siduhe,

Thanks for all the work you guys have done also. 

"THE" I feel should be user selection for the artist not the Album
title. But then again what about "THE THE". As Phil has stated it will
always be a problem. I had forgotten about them and now i am curious
how SS 6.5 and SC7 handle it, have not listened to them lately.

As for the Year in the Title. I have always sorted by albums/CD's/Tapes
alphabetically but all my MP3's/FLAC's are by year in the album folder
name "c:\\mp3\artist\(1997)Album Title". Not sure why I did it that
way. But it does make it easier to follow the artist by musical
progression. Mya be it should also be a selection. Although to many
selections may make it overwhelming for some people.

Just my 2 cents.



Kitchen - SB3 - Russound R235LS Amp - Russound SP-M8IM speakers in
Main Stereo - SB3 - Nikko Beta 30 Preamp - Nikko Alpha 230 Amplifier -
Genesis VI Speakers

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread Phil Leigh

Siduhe;255676 Wrote: 
> Caveat - I have a lot of compilation albums (>60%) so I rarely sort by
> artist.  However, I've got quite a few albums that begin with "The".  I
> have SC set to ignore "The" when sorting, but I actually think I would
> like Album Catalogue Creator to follow the precise format rather than
> ignore the first word.  
> As Phil says, an option to do either would be ideal, but if I had to
> pick one, I'd go with "as titled".

Siduhe - I was only talking about artist, not album title (which I
agree should never be changed). But I think an option is the best

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Kimber & Chord

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Re: [slim] Automatic Start of SlimServer System Preference On Mac

2008-01-07 Thread JimC

elpesao;255693 Wrote: 
> I am also getting the same problem. it appears Slimserver is trying to
> create a logs folder under the /var/root/Library/Logs, but it does not
> have the necessary permissions. I have not found a fix yet. I just hope
> Slimdevices support would see this thread:
> Here is what's happening:
> 1/7/08 10:36:47 AM[30] Starting SlimServer 
> 1/7/08 10:36:47 AM[30]
> /Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/Contents/server / 
> 1/7/08 10:36:47 AM[30] Starting HP IO Monitor 
> 1/7/08 10:36:48 AM[30] Starting HP Trap Monitor
> 1/7/08 10:36:48 AM[30] mkdir:
> /var/root/Library/Logs: Permission denied 
> 1/7/08 10:36:48 AM[30] Slim
> Slim line 9:
> /var/root/Library/Logs/slimserver.log: Permission denied

We recently made the switch in all of the code to move from
"slimserver" to "squeezecenter"... try removing all the old slimserver
folders and install (not update) the latest nightly.  I'm not sure
whether or not you can reuse your old preferences, but you might want
to save them, just in case.

I'm guessing there's a conflict with the name transitions.

-=> Jim


"well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that."  --
BKlaas' college buddy

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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread dean blackketter
I've just put some placeholder pages in  
for the new Duet, Receiver and Controller products.

If anybody has a free moment, feel free to fill in the details from  
what you've learned here...



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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread Zaragon

It just occurred to me that the Duet makes creating a transportable
system a heck of a lot easier. Now that you don't need to see the
display as you would with an SB3 it would be a relatively simple job to
incorporate the receiver into a box.

You could take, say, one of the logitech 2.1 powered speaker systems
and install the receiver into the sub and hey-presto a transportable

The image just came to mind of those souped up sound system in vehicles
that compete for the loudest systems. Incorporate a receiver in one of
those and park it outside your home and have instant whole property
sound in one go :)


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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread Zaragon

You might want to keep an eye on your data usage though as it would be
easy to rack up a large bill especially with lossless formats.

Using WiFi rather than the cellular network would be cheaper.


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Re: [slim] Automatic Start of SlimServer System Preference On Mac

2008-01-07 Thread elpesao

I am also getting the same problem. it appears Slimserver is trying to
create a logs folder under the /var/root/Library/Logs, but it does not
have the necessary permissions. I have not found a fix yet. I just hope
Slimdevices support would see this thread:

Here is what's happening:
1/7/08 10:36:47 AM[30] Starting SlimServer 
1/7/08 10:36:47 AM[30]
/Library/PreferencePanes/SlimServer.prefPane/Contents/server / 
1/7/08 10:36:47 AM[30] Starting HP IO Monitor 
1/7/08 10:36:48 AM[30] Starting HP Trap Monitor

1/7/08 10:36:48 AM[30] mkdir:
/var/root/Library/Logs: Permission denied 
1/7/08 10:36:48 AM[30] Slim Slim line 9:
/var/root/Library/Logs/slimserver.log: Permission denied


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Re: [slim] DLNA Compliance?

2008-01-07 Thread Zaragon

Burt_Harris;251205 Wrote: 
> OK, this thread seems to back and forth about what DLNA role(s) it's
> talking about.   
> In plain terms: I'm looking for a device, perhaps something like a
> Squeezebox.  I've got music served up on an existing Windows Media
> Player infrastructure, and I'm planning on installing a Windows Home
> Server over Christmas.  I wan't something kitchen (stereo already in
> place.)  In DLNA terms, I think I want a PLAYER and CONTROLLER.   I
> don't want to install more software on the PCs.
> Funkstar & AndyG don't give me much hope that Squeezebox will ever do
> what I'm looking for.   OK, I can look elsewhere, but I'm interested in
> what's behind it.   What is this philosophy that's prevented this?   
> Will the relationship between Slim Devices and Logitec (a DLNA member)
> change this?

Burt in some ways you can get the best of both worlds. The windows home
server is a uPnP device, ie it will serve to devices that support that
standard. You can also install the SqueezeCentre or SqueezeServer on
the Home Server. By pointing it at exactly the same music share you can
stream to SB devices. That's how I'm running mine now.

OK I don't know the full capabilities of uPNP devices but the ones I've
played with haven't had anything like the capabilities of the SB
server/players. But you are able to use the same music library and it
doesn't cost you a penny more.

You won't need to install software on any of the PCs as you can either
user the Windows Media Player via uPNP or network share. SoftSqueeze
also really isn't hard to install and it offers an identical user
interface to the hardware devices which is great for non technical


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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread W1NDRUSH

radish;255688 Wrote: 
> Assuming you had the bandwidth, and the headphone port became
> functional, yes :)

3.5G on the cell phone should be enough though ?



SB3 + Meridian DSP 7000's 
SB3 + DSP-A1  + B&W 603's

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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread radish

W1NDRUSH;255682 Wrote: 
> Would it be possible to stream from home using a hooked up cell
> phone/wifi connection ? Wham/ABBA in glorious Lossless ? (using
> headphones into the non working jack of course).

Assuming you had the bandwidth, and the headphone port became
functional, yes :)


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread smcint

nicky6;255670 Wrote: 
> Hi!
> it seems everyone is really interested in the controller. Me however,
> is more interested in the sound quality. How does this new little black
> box called the Receiver fare against the ol' SB3 in terms of sound
> quality using the built-in DAC's (Wolfson vs BB)? And why did you go
> with Wolfson rather than BB?
> Also, since I haven't been reading the forum for quite a while, how
> much of this project is the "Logitech Monster"'s ;) baby and what is
> "The Good Guys from SD"'s ;) part? The black box is a tuned down(?) SB3
> delivered by the original good guys and the controller is derived from
> the Useless DJ BadSound system ;) and also formerly known as Jive?!
> Please fill me in ("The names have been changed to protect the
> innocent" or whtever they say in some documentaries ;) )
> Me too have been waiting for the prices of SB3's to get in a market
> based price range (i.e. ~149-199USD) to build my multi room sound
> system. Now I'm thrilled to read about the Receiver, but only if I
> don't have to buy a Controller with it (as implied regarding setup). I
> already have a remote to my SB3 (yes, I know I can't use it with the
> new receiver...) and have a Sony PSP and laptop etc to control the
> system.
> If SD/Logitech don't solve the remote-issue regarding setup, then I
> think it would be a really nice gesture of SD/Logitech to make these
> avail to previous customers for a lot less, say 149USD (which still is
> an awful lot of money for what is still a "simple" remote control with
> a color screen, albeit with lots of RAM and 802.11g built-in).
> I'm stil an avid admirer of the SB-conecpt and have friends who are.
> And as seen on this forum, LOTS of people are. So please SD/Logitech,
> listen closely to the songs of this bunch - please make the remote
> cheaper and also, make the receiver possible to setup without the
> remote.
> and, Sean or whoever can tell - please answer my question regarding the
> difference of the DAC's earlier in this post :) Very much appreciated,
> thanks and keep up the otherwise good work!

Sean has mentioned the sound quality being 'good' in the Audiophile
forum thread titled'We're going to need a bigger...external PSU?'. I'm
intrigued as well but perhaps we have to wait for reviews from users.
Considering the care and consideration for audio quality that has gone
into previous products from Sean et al, I doubt they would throw away
their reputation by selling a shoddy sounding box now.

As for the price, I was about to buy another SB3 anyway. $100 more for
the new remote to finally control the music from my dining table and a
completely hidden system is worth it to me. Sign me up!


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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread W1NDRUSH

Would it be possible to stream from home using a hooked up cell
phone/wifi connection ? Wham/ABBA in glorious Lossless ? (using
headphones into the non working jack of course).



SB3 + Meridian DSP 7000's 
SB3 + DSP-A1  + B&W 603's

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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread JimC

nicky6;255670 Wrote: 
> Hi!
> it seems everyone is really interested in the controller. Me however,
> is more interested in the sound quality. How does this new little black
> box called the Receiver fare against the ol' SB3 in terms of sound
> quality using the built-in DAC's (Wolfson vs BB)? And why did you go
> with Wolfson rather than BB?
> Also, since I haven't been reading the forum for quite a while, how
> much of this project is the "Logitech Monster"'s ;) baby and what is
> "The Good Guys from SD"'s ;) part? The black box is a tuned down(?) SB3
> delivered by the original good guys and the controller is derived from
> the Useless DJ BadSound system ;) and also formerly known as Jive?!
> Please fill me in ("The names have been changed to protect the
> innocent" or whtever they say in some documentaries ;) )
> Me too have been waiting for the prices of SB3's to get in a market
> based price range (i.e. ~149-199USD) to build my multi room sound
> system. Now I'm thrilled to read about the Receiver, but only if I
> don't have to buy a Controller with it (as implied regarding setup). I
> already have a remote to my SB3 (yes, I know I can't use it with the
> new receiver...) and have a Sony PSP and laptop etc to control the
> system.
> If SD/Logitech don't solve the remote-issue regarding setup, then I
> think it would be a really nice gesture of SD/Logitech to make these
> avail to previous customers for a lot less, say 149USD (which still is
> an awful lot of money for what is still a "simple" remote control with
> a color screen, albeit with lots of RAM and 802.11g built-in).
> I'm stil an avid admirer of the SB-conecpt and have friends who are.
> And as seen on this forum, LOTS of people are. So please SD/Logitech,
> listen closely to the songs of this bunch - please make the remote
> cheaper and also, make the receiver possible to setup without the
> remote.
> and, Sean or whoever can tell - please answer my question regarding the
> difference of the DAC's earlier in this post :) Very much appreciated,
> thanks and keep up the otherwise good work!

The entire Jive platform was designed and built by the original Slim
Devices team (with newly minted Logitech employees who were previously
long-standing community members), along with input from my product
marketing team (which are a mix of SD and Logi people).  There's not a
single bit of the Wireless DJ product in the Squeezebox Duet.

As I've said before, companies in the "mass" high-tech market generally
price up from production costs (which factor in a LOT of things beyond
material costs -- labor, yield, shipping, amortizations of costs of
design / tooling / etc.).  There's no reason to assume Logitech would
behave any differently.

-=> Jim


"well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that."  --
BKlaas' college buddy

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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread bklaas

nicky6;255670 Wrote: 
> the controller is derived from the Useless DJ BadSound system ;) 

I've seen this come up before. Let me answer: no, no, NO.

There is not a single line of code in the Squeezebox controller shared
with the Logitech Wireless DJ. The Squeezebox controller is engineered
entirely by Logitech SMS (formerly SlimDevices). The Wireless DJ was
not a product developed by Logitech SMS.

There is *zero* cross-pollination between these products.



"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread Siduhe

SilverRS8;255628 Wrote: 
> Personally i'm still strugling if I like 'The' to be stripped or not
> when sorting because I think I will look for bands at the 'T' when
> searching for e.g. 'The Killers'. Maybe other thread readers can give
> their opinion on this too?

Caveat - I have a lot of compilation albums (>60%) so I rarely sort by
artist.  However, I've got quite a few albums that begin with "The".  I
have SC set to ignore "The" when sorting, but I actually think I would
like Album Catalogue Creator to follow the precise format rather than
ignore the first word.  

As Phil says, an option to do either would be ideal, but if I had to
pick one, I'd go with "as titled".


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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread JimC

thing-fish;255454 Wrote: 
> If someone in the family is going to be the designated DJ that is OK,
> but if you want different music in multiple rooms controlled by  the
> occupants of the rooms, you're in multiple $299 controller land. 
> Fortunately there's still the SB3 for that configuration.
> To the degree that you guys are competing with Sonos, this looks like a
> great product.  Unfortunately (from my lower-end perspective), your
> customers are not only high-end, Sonos-considering customers.

SB3 is not going away.  There are customers for whom a different
stream, controlled by different people, in different rooms --
simultaneously -- is important.  If that's you, don't buy a Duet.  Put
an SB3 in each room and you're set.  IF in-hand control is important in
one or more of these rooms, you could use the SBC or a Nokia 770/800, or
an iPod Touch, or a smartphone, etc.

If you want a whole home music system, where you can have music in the
room(s) you're in, and control it from anywhere (ala Sonos), then Duet
is perfect for you.

It's a matter of what YOU want from your system and choosing the mix of
products that match your performance requirements and budget.

-=> Jim


"well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that."  --
BKlaas' college buddy

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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread nicky6


it seems everyone is really interested in the controller. Me however,
is more interested in the sound quality. How does this new little black
box called the Receiver fare against the ol' SB3 in terms of sound
quality using the built-in DAC's (Wolfson vs BB)? And why did you go
with Wolfson rather than BB?

Also, since I haven't been reading the forum for quite a while, how
much of this project is the "Logitech Monster"'s ;) baby and what is
"The Good Guys from SD"'s ;) part? The black box is a tuned down(?) SB3
delivered by the original good guys and the controller is derived from
the Useless DJ BadSound system ;) and also formerly known as Jive?!
Please fill me in ("The names have been changed to protect the
innocent" or whtever they say in some documentaries ;) )

Me too have been waiting for the prices of SB3's to get in a market
based price range (i.e. ~149-199USD) to build my multi room sound
system. Now I'm thrilled to read about the Receiver, but only if I
don't have to buy a Controller with it (as implied regarding setup). I
already have a remote to my SB3 (yes, I know I can't use it with the
new receiver...) and have a Sony PSP and laptop etc to control the

If SD/Logitech don't solve the remote-issue regarding setup, then I
think it would be a really nice gesture of SD/Logitech to make these
avail to previous customers for a lot less, say 149USD (which still is
an awful lot of money for what is still a "simple" remote control with
a color screen, albeit with lots of RAM and 802.11g built-in).

I'm stil an avid admirer of the SB-conecpt and have friends who are.
And as seen on this forum, LOTS of people are. So please SD/Logitech,
listen closely to the songs of this bunch - please make the remote
cheaper and also, make the receiver possible to setup without the

and, Sean or whoever can tell - please answer my question regarding the
difference of the DAC's earlier in this post :) Very much appreciated,
thanks and keep up the otherwise good work!


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread aubuti

IRJ;255651 Wrote: 
> I do not understand why the new SBR hasn't been enabled to be controlled
> by WiFi, to give users and especially long standing costomers a choice.
That's because it *is* enabled to be controlled by wifi. At the present
time you need the Controller for initial configuration of the SBR, but
after that it's all controlled by standard wifi or ethernet, nothing
proprietary about it. I'd be very surprised if this hurdle isn't
overcome early in the product life (remember, it's not shipping yet),
for much the same reasons that you have given.


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread shvejk

>To control an SBR one needs the new $250.00 controller so going the new
route would cost me $400.00 for one extra SB(R).

Hopefully, this will quickly be addressed by Logitech or by the
community. I cannot imagine a reason the controller could not be setup
by plugging a PC to the Ethernet port.

Otherwise, your option is to buy the controller and the SBR separately,
configure your SBR and return the controller. It is kind of silly.


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread Robin Bowes
IRJ wrote:
> Now they issue a new SB, the SBR, for an excellent $150.00. I became
> excited that I could pair with my original SBs and continue to control
> them all with my WiFi. Although some seem to think this is clunky, I
> find it highly satisfactory. But Nope! To conrol an SBR one needs the
> new $250.00 controller so going the new route would cost me $400.00 for
> one extra SB(R). Of course I could go and buy the SB3 for $300.00, but I
> already rejected this as not good pricing.

Actually, there's every possibility that it will be possible to set up
the Duet Receiver from some other software application, possibly even a
SqueezeCenter plugin.

There's no reason this can not be done - it's just that the code isn't
written yet!


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread Cry Havok

IRJ;255651 Wrote: 
> I still do not understand the SD pathway.
> For quite some time I have held off buying more SB(3)s as while I
> considered them excellent technically, I felt they had become rather
> over priced. I was hoping the morphing with Logitech's people would
> reduce the hardware cost of these machines.
> Now they issue a new SB, the SBR, for an excellent $150.00. I became
> excited that I could pair with my original SBs and continue to control
> them all with my WiFi. Although some seem to think this is clunky, I
> find it highly satisfactory. But Nope! To conrol an SBR one needs the
> new $250.00 controller so going the new route would cost me $400.00 for
> one extra SB(R). Of course I could go and buy the SB3 for $300.00, but I
> already rejected this as not good pricing.
> I feel somewhat cast aside, as an early customer of SB and being forced
> into new proprietary hardware to grow my system. I do not understand why
> the new SBR hasn't been enabled to be controlled by WiFi, to give users
> and especially long standing costomers a choice. It seems that SD want
> to force the new proprietary controller on all of us. Is the move away
> from opensource starting? Granted a new wholehouse system from SD now
> beats out Sonos nicely (in pricing and likely functionality), but it
> does seem that SD is becoming less friendly to its long time customers.

You've obviously skipped through the thread.  There's nothing stopping
you buying more SB3 units.  Everything seems to be remaining as open as

To put it bluntly, suck it up.  This is a company that's about making a
profit at the end of the day.  If you don't like it, buy other products,
but you'll be hard pushed to find other manufacturers that put half as
much effort into working with their customers and provide such an open

Me, I'm waiting for the UK release so I can buy one to go with my
existing SB3.  It isn't cheap, but it's cheaper and better than the
alternatives IMO and will integrate better with my stereo system than
another SB3.

Cry Havok

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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread Phil Meyer
>We're using the mailing list - which means the posting is sent withing seconds 
And is permanent.  Irrespective of when you delete the message from visibility 
in the forum, we will always get the message on the mailing list.  I wouldn't 
bother deleting posts - it's only confusing when people read replies to the 
post ;)

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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread stoobie-doo

Any reason why the new devices aren't 802.11n draft 2.0 compliant. With
most n routers, mixing g and n clients slows the whole network down. I
bet there are lots of people like me who would be relying on wifi for
the multi-room setups. It would be nice to have the higher speed and
lower risk of dropouts.


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Re: [slim] Couple Quick Questions on the new Duet

2008-01-07 Thread snarlydwarf

Zten;255634 Wrote: 
> That's an improvement. I actually have never been happy with the
> response time using the N770. I think I have just gotten used to it.
> Some skins seem worse than others in terms of responsiveness... Is the
> SBC as responsive as the IR remote?

It seems responsive "enough" for me, certainly faster than the n770. 
The UI is different, so hard to compare to the IR remote in terms of

> I found some more pictures of the SBC on the web and I was surprsed how
> large it looks in the persons's hand. It seems pretty big. I also
> noticed a comment that the SBC has an unused headset jack on it. Will
> it soon be "turned on" so that you can use the SBC like a portable MP3
> player? I'm always looking for entertainment when mowing the lawn or
> blowing snow

I don't think it is that large in the hands... it feels sort of like a
heavier and a bit thick hershey's bar in the hand, which seems like an
ideal size for me: the mass is nice, too: just enough to feel sturdy
without bulkiness... it is certainly a ton smaller than most of my
other remotes.

(I guess it is about the same size as the IR remote, but a bit thicker
and heaver... since it has far less buttons, it is trivial to operate
one-handed, unlike the IR.)


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread IRJ

I still do not understand the SD pathway.

For quite some time I have held off buying more SB(3)s as while I
considered them excellent technically, I felt they had become rather
over priced. I was hoping the morphing with Logitech's people would
reduce the hardware cost of these machines.

Now they issue a new SB, the SBR, for an excellent $150.00. I became
excited that I could pair with my original SBs and continue to control
them all with my WiFi. Although some seem to think this is clunky, I
find it highly satisfactory. But Nope! To conrol an SBR one needs the
new $250.00 controller so going the new route would cost me $400.00 for
one extra SB(R). Of course I could go and buy the SB3 for $300.00, but I
already rejected this as not good pricing.

I feel somewhat cast aside, as an early customer of SB and being forced
into new proprietary hardware to grow my system. I do not understand why
the new SBR hasn't been enabled to be controlled by WiFi, to give users
and especially long standing costomers a choice. It seems that SD want
to force the new proprietary controller on all of us. Is the move away
from opensource starting? Granted a new wholehouse system from SD now
beats out Sonos nicely (in pricing and likely functionality), but it
does seem that SD is becoming less friendly to its long time customers.


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[slim] Duet videos

2008-01-07 Thread USAudio

Here's one from CES 2008:

Any other videos out there?  Post'em here!


'SB3 > CIAudio VDA-2/VAC-1 > CIAudio PLC-1 > CIAudio D-200 > Revel
Concerta F12 + SVS SB12-Plus'

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Re: [slim] DLNA Compliance?

2008-01-07 Thread thomsens

radish;255595 Wrote: 
> I think people are looking for it to be a uPnP server rather than
> client.

Yes - I don't know the terminology, but I thought the context would
make it more obvious.  Slimserver should serve Rokus and the
like...whatever functionality that is.  That way, my AV receiver, my TV
and my SB/Transporter can be clients of SC.  Otherwise I have to run 2
servers and as more clients get added to my network, and the DLNA stuff
matures, the DLNA server becomes more strategic to me and I potentially
start looking at replacing the SC server (although my sunk cost in
SB/Transporter will help keep them alive).  I'd prefer for SD to be
able to control the other devices due to it's current functionality and
I'd probably be compelled to maintain an "audio only" server solution if
it did.  I'm not sold that you have to have one server for audio, video
and pictures too.  But that's primarily because the current options for
that stink.  The fact is that you need focus on each of those areas for
their unique applications, but all servers tend to treat them the same.
The one that does a good job at all three could really take some could also drive your client decision over time.

I, like many on this forum, am willing to pay more and go through some
level of pain to get the audio quality that SD provides, but I do have
a limit to the amount of complexity I'll take on without obvious
benefit.  For now, an SC server is very beneficial and the players are
some of the best out there.  As time goes on, the DLNA servers will
improve and high-quality players will be common.  SD will have to have
made some smart moves.  The more embedded they are in my home media
network, the better for them IMO.  Right now, it's a stovepipe for SD

BTW - I don't really understand the difference between a DLNA server
and UPnP either, but hopefully this still makes sense.


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread aubuti

Mnyb;255569 Wrote: 
> If my SB3 fails to conect to SN for some reason, isnt that a catch22 how
> do i piont it back SC (my computer) with the Controller ? do I have to
> bring forth the old remote or can future versions of SC7 take over from
> the serverside (i'm at 6.5.4 myself)
The Controller is a separate device on your LAN, so as long as your SB3
is still available on the LAN, you can tell it which music source (SC,
SN, other server) to go to via the Controller. At least that's how it's
supposed to work -- at present I can't get the beta controller to switch
music sources.


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread Phil Leigh

SilverRS8;255628 Wrote: 
> Hi Phil,
> Very good job done!! I look into it later and do some testing but very
> good to know that it can be done in a query. Personally i'm still
> strugling if I like 'The' to be stripped or not when sorting because I
> think I will look for bands at the 'T' when searching for e.g. 'The
> Killers'. Maybe other thread readers can give their opinion on this
> too?
> I just posted release candidate 1 with your previous suggestions. I
> only changed the album sort to newest album first instead of oldest
> first. I think this is more logical but ofcourse that is a personal
> preference.
> Thx again for your good work !!
> Frank

Frank it is a pleasure to collaborate with you! - you did all the hard
work without which none of this would be possible

Maybe the "the" problem could be a user choice? ... also, anyone with
albums by The The is ALWAYS going to have a problem :o).

Some people will want the artist name to not show "the" in the final
display...that could be switchable too.
as for year within artist - I've always sorted my vinyl/cd's as
chronological sequence within artist...maybe a few other people should
give their opinion?

Have a great evening

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Kimber & Chord

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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread ezkcdude

seanadams;255218 Wrote: 
> The receiver supports ethernet or wireless. The controller has only
> wireless.
> However, if the receiver is wired then it is possible to use the system
> without an access point, because the receiver can provide the wireless
> connectivity for the controller.

How do you set up the passkey, so that it can gain access to the
network? Or, do you not need to do this for ethernet connected devices?


There are 10 kind of people in the world - those who understand binary
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Re: [slim] Couple Quick Questions on the new Duet

2008-01-07 Thread Zten

That's an improvement. I actually have never been happy with the
response time using the N770. I think I have just gotten used to it.
Some skins seem worse than others in terms of responsiveness... Is the
SBC as responsive as the IR remote?

I found some more pictures of the SBC on the web and I was surprsed how
large it looks in the persons's hand. It seems pretty big. I also
noticed a comment that the SBC has an unused headset jack on it. Will
it soon be "turned on" so that you can use the SBC like a portable MP3
player? I'm always looking for entertainment when mowing the lawn or
blowing snow


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread SilverRS8

Phil Leigh;255590 Wrote: 
> Frank - cracked the "The " problem...
> two blocks of code changes: 
> 1):
> sQBase = "select IF ( LEFT(, 4)='The ',
> SUBSTRING( FROM 5), AS sort_name, "
> &_
> "CONVERT( USING utf8) as
> artist,CONVERT(albums.title USING utf8) as album,albums.year AS year,
> tracks.url AS filepath, tracks.tracknum AS tracknumber, " &_
> "CONVERT(tracks.title USING UTF8) as
> tracktitle,CONVERT(SEC_TO_TIME(tracks.secs),CHAR) as duration,
> genres.namesort AS 'genre' " &_
> "from tracks " &_
> 2):
> If iSortby = 1 then
> sQOrderBy = "order by
> sort_name,year,lcase(convert(albums.titlesort using
> utf8)),tracks.disc,tracks.tracknum;"
> Elseif iSortby = 2 then
> sQOrderBy = "order by lcase(convert(albums.titlesort using
> utf8)),sort_name,tracks.disc,tracks.tracknum;"
> Else
> sQOrderBy = "order by
> genre,sort_name,lcase(convert(albums.titlesort using
> utf8)),tracks.disc,tracks.tracknum;"
> End If
> Works great! (but there is a performance drop because the sort_name
> column is not indexed so the "order by clause" is slow...but not too
> bad with 28,000 tracks)
> Regards
> Phil

Hi Phil,

Very good job done!! I look into it later and do some testing but very
good to know that it can be done in a query. Personally i'm still
strugling if I like 'The' to be stripped or not when sorting because I
think I will look for bands at the 'T' when searching for e.g. 'The
Killers'. Maybe other thread readers can give their opinion on this

I just posted release candidate 1 with your previous suggestions. I
only changed the album sort to newest album first instead of oldest
first. I think this is more logical but ofcourse that is a personal

Thx again for your good work !!



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer

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Re: [slim] audiostream to slimserver

2008-01-07 Thread pasil

Don't know if I have any clues but I'm having the exact same issues as
you with both shoutcast and wave plugin not working on my XP machine. 
I've had the shoutcast solution working in the past if I went thru the
softsqueeze interface and both the emulator and SB3 would work but that
hard drive died and with  the newer software versions I can't get
shoutcast to work now.  Exact same server messages as you. I tried the
wave plugin and it wont capture more than 1.5 seconds of audio when I
followed the cmd line instructions on the main wave input plugin
thread.  I was blaming this on my integrated soundcard but I don't know
for sure.  Just seems like streaming the wave out mix from a soundcard
is a reasonable thing to do and it becomes a huge issue.  Let me know
if you figure anyhting out.  Try going thru the softsqueeze interface
and see if the emulator will play your stream.  Paul


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread SilverRS8

slimkid;255560 Wrote: 
> Would it be possible to extend the functionality to include the ability
> to use album artist/band tag where the album is a compilation - in a
> similar way how SS does it right now?
> thks

I just posted Release candidate 1 on
(i think it is quiet stable now).

FIXED:Display Artist name in tracklisting for 'Various Artist' albums
ADDED:Sorting by year inside artist albums (newest album first)
CHANGED:Removed leading zero in front of track duration times

A big thanks to Phil Leigh for his suggestions in a previous post.
These are now incorporated.



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer

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[slim] Squeezebox

2008-01-07 Thread orbyone


I have bought a few SqueezeBox units, and plan to use them in a
controlled environment. I want to serve music from Windows Media
Server, but want to monitor/log which songs each Squeezebox plays. Is
there any way to do it? Through some authentication? Or IP tracking? 



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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread CardinalFang

Mitch Harding;255620 Wrote: 
> Or one can always have the music transcoded to a lower bitrate for the
> SBC, since presumably it won't be used for audiophile-type listening
> anyway.  Of course, you'd lose FF/RW, but that may be worth it.
But you would still be streaming OTA, which drains the battery. Best
to synchronise whilst in the cradle and avoid the issue completely.


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Re: [slim] SS keeps going into "PAUSE" on it's own???

2008-01-07 Thread ttocs

I can report a *little* progress on this (I think).

I downloaded the beta version of SlimServer (now called SqueezeCenter)
to my PC (version 7.0) from and connected
both my squeezeboxes to it.  I didn't encounter the problem from 7.0
running on my PC (though I only ran it for an hour or so).

However, updating the firmware (as happens when you go to a newer
server version) seems to have helped when using 6.5.4 on the ReadyNAS
as well.  I still have the pause happen, but it only has happened when
doing a random playlist while the two squeezeboxes are synced.  I
haven't had it happen when playing full albums or a prebuilt playlist
over the course of several days. (my fingers are crossed)

Of course, I'd still like to see the problem actually solved...


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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread Mitch Harding
Or one can always have the music transcoded to a lower bitrate for the
SBC, since presumably it won't be used for audiophile-type listening
anyway.  Of course, you'd lose FF/RW, but that may be worth it.

On Jan 7, 2008 11:28 AM, CardinalFang
> One solution would be to to stick a big SD card in the controller, load
> it up with music when it's in the dock and charging, and stream from
> that with the WiFi turned off in a standalone music player mode.
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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread CardinalFang

Skunk;255212 Wrote: 
> I should have went back and re-read your post before responding because
> the form factor comments are relevant and not likely to change after
> beta. Honestly I didn't remember who's post he was talking about, and
> only meant to point out that it can't really be judged fairly yet. I
> have a feeling it's going to get a lot less clunky in the next couple
> weeks though, so please have the wife give it another try :-)

I hope so, I will persevere, but I personally wish it had *less*
features and aimed to do the task of controlling the SB family as
cleanly as possible. In other words, I'd rather have the basics done
really well, rather than extraneous future capable features. The motion
sensors are a novelty that will become a pain (they always get triggered
accidentally, I don't need a DAC in there, I already have 4 iPods around
the house, not to mention the music capable phones. Strip them all out
and give me a fast controller with fewer options in the menus and all
the setup that belongs on the server interface removed. I certainlty
don't need flickr, especially when the screen dims anyway after a
minute, and 3 different clock types is really rather silly.

Having said all that, no doubt I'll buy a receiver, if not another SB3
at some point. The other solutions never quite get the audio quality
aspects right for me.


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Re: [slim] Couple Quick Questions on the new Duet

2008-01-07 Thread Mitch Harding
I think the main advantage of the SBC over the N770 is that the SBC is
supposed to be much faster and more responsive than the current web
interface is.  If you're happy with the N770, however, then I think
you'd be better off buying the SB3.

On Jan 7, 2008 11:28 AM, Zten
> Seems pretty nice, but I am wondering if it is an upgrade to a guy like
> me. I use my SB2 with a Nokia N770. I have the SB2 plugged into my
> stereo in the family room and I use the IR remote when sitting in the
> family room. I can switch the music to outside spreakers and use the
> N770 when I am outside to control the music. So is there any advantage
> for a guy like me? The N770 has a much larger display and supports HTML
> and I bought it for only $129...
> Thinking about expanding. There is infrequent times (2 or 3 times a
> year when I take my SB2 into the basement and plug it into my old
> stereo (also, this is where I keep all my old CDs and CD player...!)
> becuase I want the flexibilty there for a party. If I was to expand and
> buy another SB so I didn't have to physically move this one box, would I
> be best to just get a SB3 or would there be an advantage to getting a
> duet, given I already have the N770? I could see going the route of
> just getting the Duet Reciever to save some money, but it appears
> Logitech has bundled the Recveiver with at least one Controller
> All comments appreciated!
> --
> Zten
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Re: [slim] BBC Radio - quality problem?

2008-01-07 Thread hornseaey

Thanks James. Glad it was at your end ;-)


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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread CardinalFang

Paul Webster;255511 Wrote: 
> I just left my Nokia 770 streaming - playing back through internal
> speaker. Most of the time it was close to the access point (so should
> be less battery use) but about 30 minutes was near the limit of its
> reception area. Result - about 1h50m streaming.

It'll also depend on the bit rate of the music. Try using an iPod with
Apple Lossless files and you'll see what I mean, although for slightly
different reasons. In essence the RAM buffer empties much faster, so
needs to be topped up by battery draining WiFi (in the case of the
controller) or spinning up a disk (in the case of the iPod). Since most
SB users have lossless or high bit rate libraries, this is going to be
an issue for battery life.

In cell phone land, which isn't probably that different, batteries are
mostly drained by the RF (WiFi is particularly bad) and screen
lighting, especially in low signal situations.

One solution would be to to stick a big SD card in the controller, load
it up with music when it's in the dock and charging, and stream from
that with the WiFi turned off in a standalone music player mode.


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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread bobharp

I'm looking forward to the Squeezebox Controller. 

It has now topped my birthday wish-list.

Good stuff.


Bob Harper

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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread jgs

The specs list Apple Lossless as a supported format, and don't mention
transcoding.  Does this mean that ALAC is now supported natively?  I'd
love to have FFWD/REW support for Apple Lossless (drat iTunes for not
supporting FLAC).


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[slim] Couple Quick Questions on the new Duet

2008-01-07 Thread Zten

Seems pretty nice, but I am wondering if it is an upgrade to a guy like
me. I use my SB2 with a Nokia N770. I have the SB2 plugged into my
stereo in the family room and I use the IR remote when sitting in the
family room. I can switch the music to outside spreakers and use the
N770 when I am outside to control the music. So is there any advantage
for a guy like me? The N770 has a much larger display and supports HTML
and I bought it for only $129...

Thinking about expanding. There is infrequent times (2 or 3 times a
year when I take my SB2 into the basement and plug it into my old
stereo (also, this is where I keep all my old CDs and CD player...!)
becuase I want the flexibilty there for a party. If I was to expand and
buy another SB so I didn't have to physically move this one box, would I
be best to just get a SB3 or would there be an advantage to getting a
duet, given I already have the N770? I could see going the route of
just getting the Duet Reciever to save some money, but it appears
Logitech has bundled the Recveiver with at least one Controller

All comments appreciated!


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Re: [slim] DLNA Compliance?

2008-01-07 Thread radish

Paul Webster;255576 Wrote: 
> SC (and SlimServer) is can already act as UPnP client ... isn't that the
> same as DLNA.
> It doesn't expose the full functionality of SC but it does mean that
> you can select music off your UPnP server using the SB remote.

I think people are looking for it to be a uPnP server rather than


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread bigfool1956

CES starts today (I believe) and that is a very important platform for
launching new product, hence the timing.

I'm sure SD and Logitech decided to launch with the functionality that
is currently reliable.

Bear in mind that launch and shop availability can be some months
apart, and that in the intervening time more functionality may become
available for the controller.


David Ayers
Music is what counts, hifi just helps us enjoy it more

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread Phil Leigh

Frank - cracked the "The " problem...

two blocks of code changes: 


sQBase = "select IF ( LEFT(, 4)='The ',
SUBSTRING( FROM 5), AS sort_name, "
"CONVERT( USING utf8) as
artist,CONVERT(albums.title USING utf8) as album,albums.year AS year,
tracks.url AS filepath, tracks.tracknum AS tracknumber, " &_
"CONVERT(tracks.title USING UTF8) as
tracktitle,CONVERT(SEC_TO_TIME(tracks.secs),CHAR) as duration,
genres.namesort AS 'genre' " &_
"from tracks " &_


If iSortby = 1 then
sQOrderBy = "order by
sort_name,year,lcase(convert(albums.titlesort using
Elseif iSortby = 2 then
sQOrderBy = "order by lcase(convert(albums.titlesort using
sQOrderBy = "order by
genre,sort_name,lcase(convert(albums.titlesort using
End If

Works great!

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Kimber & Chord

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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread erland

thomsens;255541 Wrote: 
> No offense to SD, but the initial explanation of "it cost us a lot to
> build, so it has to cost that much for you.  Plus, we'll do the basic
> stuff to make the remote control work, but enabling the extra hw will
> be your responsibility to take care of" comes off as a little arrogant.
> I understand and honestly believe that's not what the SD folks feel,
> but it can appear that way if you read through the early part of the
> thread - at least it did to me.  If it appeared that SD had a roadmap
> for more functionality, I might have felt differently.
I'm sure they have a roadmap, it's just not public.
I'm sure they are going to continue developing the Controller software
themselves, I suppose they just felt that the Controller offered enough
functionality for an initial release.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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Re: [slim] WAP Connection(s)

2008-01-07 Thread danco

Best thing seems to be to try it and see if it works.

Being able to deny an individual address, rather than having to allow
the addresses you want omitting the one you don't want, makes it a lot


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Re: [slim] The 'Duet' is here

2008-01-07 Thread shvejk

> A power outlet and some powered speakers with the remote in its cradle
may well be an outdoor hit though.

Yes, I agree.

Logitech sells quite good portable speakers with iPod dock. It should
be easy to adopt them to Squeezebox Controller.

Logitech should have this option available right at the product
announcement to avoid all the "why am I paying so much for a remote?"
questions. Or at least a clear product roadmap...

Anyway for geeks reading the forums it is still exciting option to look
for in the future.


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Re: [slim] DLNA Compliance?

2008-01-07 Thread Paul Webster

thomsens;23 Wrote: 
> It would probably be ideal for someone to build a plug-in to provide
> DLNA client support off of SC.
SC (and SlimServer) is can already act as UPnP client ... isn't that
the same as DLNA.
It doesn't expose the full functionality of SC but it does mean that
you can select music off your UPnP server using the SB remote.

Paul Webster

Paul Webster

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Re: [slim] SS keeps going into "PAUSE" on it's own???

2008-01-07 Thread RainmanRam

I've recently been plagued by bug 4354. So much so that my Squeezeboxes
were nearly useless, stopping, occasional dropouts and occasional
static bursts but the stopping was the worst. I wasn't getting more
than a few songs before the player would stop and for a time stopping
on just about every song. 

After reading Richard's comments (#61) it occured to me that I should
check the MAC addresses of my Squeezeboxes (2 of them) since I had them
change on me in the past (they should be set to the same address listed
on the sticker on the bottom of the device). One of my Squeezeboxes had
the wrong MAC address (last byte changed from 77 to 76 -- one bit
twiddled). I reset the MAC address and my network switches and have
been listening for about an hour without problem. I'm hopeful, but at
the rate it was failing last night and for days before and I'm thinking
there might be a relation. I'll post back if the problem starts up

- Ray


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread Mnyb

If my SB3 fails to conect to SN for some reason, isnt that a catch22 how
do i piont it back SC (my computer) with the Controller ? do I have to
bring forth the old remote or can future versions of SC7 take over from
the serverside (i'm at 6.5.4 myself)


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread SilverRS8

slimkid;255560 Wrote: 
> Would it be possible to extend the functionality to include the ability
> to use album artist/band tag where the album is a compilation - in a
> similar way how SS does it right now?
> thks

Sure. That is the change that Phil (with code snippet) has done and how
it should work. I'll put this into my code and post it this evening (it
now 17.45 here) as download.



Author of AlbumCatalogCreator for SlimServer

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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread Mnyb

How  will a transporter owner shift between a digital input or SC
without being conected to SC or SN. Or Controll volume etc.
With the digital ins it's possible to use transporter as a dac/preamp
without being connected to anything ?
An ir applet is much needed for that otherwise you need two remotes ;-)


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread jdc0730

earthbased;255515 Wrote: 
> Harmony integration?

Now that I would buy!


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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread SilverRS8

Kyle;254969 Wrote: 
> Wow!  This looks great!  Any way to get a complete tutorial on getting
> this to work with SB 6.5*?  Phil, is your post (8:02 today) fairly
> complete on everything that needs to be done?

It should really be that easy as installing the ODBC driver and than
run the script. For help regarding the ACC tool itself, the help screen
should address most questions.

Windows machines sometimes do have problems with the ODBC driver and
then the steps of Phil can be very helpfull.



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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-07 Thread slimkid

Would it be possible to extend the functionality to include the ability
to use album artist/band tag where the album is a compilation - in a
similar way how SS does it right now?



The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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[slim] Browser playlist not in sync with SqueezeBox display

2008-01-07 Thread RainmanRam

Somehow I've managed to mess up both (2 Squeezeboxes) playlist formats
in the browser interface. The playlist format on the SqueezeBoxes is
correct (TRACKNUM. TITLE - ALBUM - ARTIST) but the browser playlist is
displaying "1 from ALBUM by ARTIST". 

I had thought that the formatting for the playlist in the browser
interface was sync'ed with the device's format but that doesn't seem to
be the case. Where do I find the fomatting for the playlist the browser

A potentially related problem is that the TITLE FORMAT combobox
dropdown in the browser interface for the players reads: 


That doesn't seem right to me. 




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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-07 Thread toby10

sbjaerum;21 Wrote: 
> There is currently a test applet that makes it possible to control
> SB/Transporter using the IR emitter on the Controller.
> I am sure it is possible to extend on that so that the Controller will
> act as a universal IR remote.

Adding just some simple IR learning would be sufficient for my
purposes.  I would only ask that it could learn some basic AVR commands
(on, off, input select, volume, mute).


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Re: [slim] DLNA Compliance?

2008-01-07 Thread thomsens

The real issue is that SD's business model is to give away the server
and charge for the player.  I would guess from a market perspective
that a player is a player and the fact that the SB/Transporter are
probably better audio components is lost on the majority of folks
buying these products.  So, the value is therefore in the server
software which is where the rub is.  SD doesn't charge for the server,
so if they made it DLNA compliant (I'm sure easy enough to do), I could
buy a Roku and use SC for free to control it since the other DLNA server
products in the market stink.  Then SD would be in the business for
free.  The SB/Transporter supporting DLNA probably makes more business
sense for SD because at least they could still sell players - but
clearly it wouldn't make much sense for someone to buy one only to use
it with a DLNA server today - but it could in the future.  In my
opinion, SD can't ignore this issue.  They will probably have to dance
with that devil at some point to stay in the game.   It's risky, but
ignoring it would probably limit their success over the long run.  

It would probably be ideal for someone to build a plug-in to provide
DLNA client support off of SC.  That way SC can be the center of a
user's audio streaming world and eventually folks will realize the SD
products give them more functionality than their DLNA product does
which might bring revenue back to SD.  I just bought a TV and an AV
Receiver that both require DLNA, so now I'm evaluating DLNA servers. 
SD better have a strategy for integration with DLNA or have tremendous
value add to justify remaining an island IMO.  DLNA has standards and
pictures/video on it's side...I'm sure the servers will improve with
time as well.  I don't necessarily like running a single server for all
(since all implementations get clunky with all of that going one), but
it could become compelling over time.


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