Re: [slim] SB3 reboots after soon after starting to play

2018-12-22 Thread DanielTheGreat


Many thanks for your good advice, and especially for the list of part
numbers – very helpful.  I'll start looking for suitable caps after
Xmas, and perhaps try to find Ta or NbO2 types with the same footprints,
as they should last longer than Al electrolytics.

I'll report back when the job's done.

Season's Greetings to everyone!

(Gerroa, Australia)

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Re: [slim] SB3 reboots after soon after starting to play

2018-12-21 Thread DanielTheGreat

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Some other threads suggest replacing only a few capacitors (@ralphy made
> suggestions). I personally replaced them all on all SB I repaired, at
> the end of the day it's not too long and some are only accessible when
> surroundings ones are removed, so I took the brute force approach.

Oh boy, that's going to take some time, sourcing 23 SMD electros that
are drop-in replacements (physically + electrically) for all those on
the main SB3 PCA.  The two THD caps will be easier.  I might hook a 0R1
non-inductive resistor in series with the external supply first, and
monitor the R's voltage with a DSO in peak-detect mode, to see if
current spikes are indeed a symptom.

(Gerroa, Australia)

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Re: [slim] SB3 reboots after soon after starting to play

2018-12-20 Thread DanielTheGreat

philippe_44 wrote: 
> +1 and after that, this requires capacitors to be replaced. I "saved"
> another one last week. Working 100% now

Yes, I've tried all the 'usual' suggestions, to no avail.  So I'm about
to start checking the internal power supplies.  Pity there's no
schematic or illustrated guide on where to check these.

Any suggestions about the most likely culprits?  I've seen a post about
the 1.2V MCU supply, but I haven't started looking for it yet.

The puzzling thing is this reboot ONLY happens (repeatably) when I play
a song (a few seconds into it), NOT when it's sitting idle.  Yet the
current draw (I've hooked it up to a bench supply) changes very little
between idle and playing, which suggests to me it's not a supply issue. 
I'm a bit stumped, but will check the supplies anyway.

(Gerroa, Australia)

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Re: [slim] SB3 reboots after soon after starting to play

2018-12-19 Thread DanielTheGreat

Did you ever solve this issue, as one of my SB3's has started doing the
same thing!

(Gerroa, Australia)

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox v3 (Classic) remote repair kit

2018-05-08 Thread DanielTheGreat

chamonix wrote: 
> My 3 SB3 remotes look quite different than your PCB or unit pictured in
> your You Tube link.

You have me intrigued about your 'different' remotes.  The white one in
my video, branded 'Slim Devices' as you saw, came (2 off) with the two
original Squeezebox 3 units I bought on sale from Logitech just after
they bought Slim Devices.  Subsequent Logitech-branded SB3 remotes,
apart from being black, are identical inside and out to the original
Slim Devices ones.

Perhaps if you post a photo of your remote, someone here with experience
of Squeezeboxes other than the SB3 might be able to tell you which model
they were intended for.  I would guess there might be some considerable
overlap with the command codes for different models, such that the
remote from one model would probably still perform the basic operations
on a different model.


(Gerroa, Australia)

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox v3 (Classic) remote repair kit

2018-05-08 Thread DanielTheGreat

Sorry, but a replacement SB3 main board is not going to happen, from me
at least.  Compared to reverse-engineering a single- (or even double-)
sided PCA, doing that for a multi-layer PCA is a horrendous task.  It
would never repay the development cost, given the niche market it's

Even the replacement remote PCA has not/will not repay its cost (huge
PCB manufacturing setup cost for blind vias and gold finish!).  The only
reason I did it was that I *had* to because I had so many non-working
remotes and didn't want to spend money on second-hand replacements that
might also be on their last legs.

Now, getting to your SB3 that frequently reboots, I have a suggestion. 
Some time ago I had one of my SB3s that would occasionally reboot for no
apparent reason (not often; maybe once per month or so).  I suspected a
power supply problem, and swapped the plug-pack for one from another of
my SB3s.  Fixed it – no more reboots.  So then I put the 'suspect' power
pack on the bench and tested it – seemed fine: correct voltage even
under load.

After a bit more swapping back-and-forth and confirming that one was
reliable and the other not, I eventually noticed something different
about the DC connectors.  The 'dodgy' one had the old-style 'barrel'
connector, and the reliable one had the much better 'fork-style'
connector.  It then seemed only logical – the barrel style has no
springiness to ensure positive contact with the centre pin of the mating
connector, and sufficient vibration will cause it to momentarily lose
contact, causing the SB3 to reboot.

Thereafter I went round ALL my devices (not just SB3s) that use DC
connectors, and replaced all barrel style ones with fork-style ones. 
Subsequently, I came across this YouTube video that demonstrates the
problem beautifully:

Maybe your frequently-rebooting SB3 has one of these 'bad' connectors,
and is subject to more vibration than mine was, and thus reboots more


(Gerroa, Australia)

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[slim] Squeezebox v3 (Classic) remote repair kit

2018-05-04 Thread DanielTheGreat

Two of my five SB3 remotes died recently and another was only partly
functional (some buttons not working), due to bad PCBs, so I had little
choice but to design and have made a new PCB to repair them.

In case anyone else is in the same boat, I have made my boards
available, pre-assembled with all but the IC (can't find a source for
them!).  You'll find them at the following link, and the one after that
is a YouTube video showing how to replace the old PCB with my new one
(also linked in the first listing):

If you want to PM me directly you'll save 10% by avoiding 'final sale'
fees.  Don't be worried because only one is listed;  I'm just 'testing
the waters', and if that one goes quickly I'll assemble some more.

For the tech-heads amongst you, I've also attached the circuit diagram
('schematic' in countries speaking Pidgin English :-) of the remote.


|Filename: SB3_remote0_DSN.pdf  |

(Gerroa, Australia)

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Re: [slim] How to open an SB3 remote?

2016-04-28 Thread DanielTheGreat

For any future readers landing on this thread with the same question,
the answer to my original query (how to open the remote) is now
contained in my video:

(Gerroa, Australia)

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Re: [slim] Slim Devices SB3 - not responding to remote.

2015-05-04 Thread DanielTheGreat


Sorry for replying to this thread years after it finished, but I have
two malfunctioning remotes that I want to try to repair, but can't see
how to open them without damaging the case.  Do you remember how it's
done, and can you please tell me the trick?

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[slim] How to open an SB3 remote?

2015-04-27 Thread DanielTheGreat

I have a non-working remote for one of my SB3s that I want to try to
fix.  But I can't see how to open the remote's case without (possibly)
damaging it.

Anybody know how to get it apart without damage?

Daniel (Gerroa, Australia)

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Re: [slim] Where has No sync gone?

2010-12-03 Thread DanielTheGreat


Many thanks for explaining this.  Now I know what's happening, I can
unsync from the SB3 again.



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Re: [slim] Can't load some playlists

2010-09-30 Thread DanielTheGreat

Thanks for the clarification, Toby.

Mnyb, it's quite possible that there's a lot of garbage there.  I
naively assumed that 'upgrading' to a later version (by installing
'over' the old one, to preserve all my preferences) would do its own
clean-up.  I should have known better than to expect 'smarts' like
that. :-(

When I've got nothing better to do (distant future) I'll uninstall
SqueezeCenter, do a registry clean and then maybe give SBS one more
try, tediously re-entering all my preferences (maybe it was the clutter
that 'broke' it and stopped it from working on my system on previous



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Re: [slim] Can't load some playlists

2010-09-29 Thread DanielTheGreat

Mnyb;579511 Wrote: 
 That would be the cache directory in sbs too

Thanks for the reply, though not overly helpful...

Not sure what 'sbs' is, but as I said, SqueezeCenter's directory
structure is more complex than SlimServer's.  I found three 'cache'
subdirectories, and was still not sure which one(s) to delete:
C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\CPAN\Cache
C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\CPAN\Tie\Cache
C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\lib\Cache

I tried deleting just the one in the \lib\ directory, and that seems to
have fixed the problem (this time, at least).  Strangely, after doing
this and rescanning, that cache directory wasn't recreated!



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[slim] Can't load some playlists

2010-09-28 Thread DanielTheGreat

I'm running SqueezeCenter 7.2 and Squeezebox v3.  Don't ask me to
upgrade to a later SqueezeCenter - none of the later versions work on
my Win2kProSP4 system!

I'm having scanning troubles (it *has* worked correctly previously). 
Sometimes when I do a 'clear library and rescan', when it finishes it
does not display the correct statistics (far fewer tracks than I
actually have), and when I click on the 'playlist' link it shows *no*

Incidentally, I create my own playlists and store them in the playlists
directory SqueezeCenter is pointed to.

If I do an 'only rescan playlists', it then shows correct statistics
and a list of my playlists, but *some* playlists won't load.  I click
on the '+' button next to a playlist, but the IE6 progress indicator
flashes to full width in less than a second (it normally takes 30
seconds or more to load my big playlists (over 10,000 tracks), and the
player pane continues to show 'empty'.  Other playlists load OK.

In the old (SlimServer) days, I was told to delete the cache
sub-directory and start clear/scan all over again, but with the more
complex directory structure of SqueezeCenter, I'm not sure just what to

Any advice would be appreciated.


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Re: [slim] New user's experience on SC: Slow, unintuitive, generally not fun

2008-09-03 Thread DanielTheGreat

Mark Lanctot;332575 Wrote: 
 See http://[SqueezeCenter IP]:9000/html/docs/help.html then Technical

Thanks Mark; found it.


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Re: [slim] Goodbye SqueezeSlave! :-)

2008-08-25 Thread DanielTheGreat


No, the output from the MD recorder won't be ATRAC.  I'll be using an
old MDS-501 model, which has a neat feature whereby, if you DON'T have
a disc in the machine and press the RECORD button, it enables the AD-DA
converters and pipes the converted analogue signal straight to the
Toslink output (and to the analogue o/p via the DAC).

I don't plan to join the MD discussion, other than to mention that I
still use them for the car, where CDs are a most
inappropriate/inconvenient medium, and MDLP4 is great for 5 hours of
music (per disc) on a long trip (the quality is surprisingly
acceptable, though obviously not CD quality).

Rgds, Daniel


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Re: [slim] Goodbye SqueezeSlave! :-)

2008-08-24 Thread DanielTheGreat


Simpler, yes, but definitely not cheaper!  In Australia, the cheapest
you can buy a new SB3 is about AUD250, RRP is AUD499!

The 'Toslink sender' arrangement has other advantages though.  When I'm
ready to digitise my LP collection (those not available on CD), I can
hook up a high-quality digitiser (an old unused MD recorder) to the
turntable (part of the 'hi-fi' system upstairs) and feed its Toslink
output down to the office PC for recording to the HDD.

Rgds, Daniel


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Re: [slim] Sound card w Toslink for playing DTS FLAC files

2008-08-23 Thread DanielTheGreat

I've solved my DTS-on-the-server problem in a round-about way, which
comes with some advantages...

I bought a 5.8GHz AV Sender and a Toslink-to-coax S/PDIF converter. 
The surround receiver in my hi-fi setup has a Toslink output (from
whichever of its digital inputs is currently selected).  I pass that
Toslink output through the Toslink-to-coax converter and into the AV
transmitter's 'video' input.  Down in the home-office, where the
SqueezeCenter PC resides, I connect the 'video' output from the AV
receiver to a spare coax S/PDIF input on the surround receiver located

So now I don't need to use the awful SqueezeSlave or SoftSqueeze in
sync with the hi-fi SB3 - I just run the hi-fi SB3 'solo' (upstairs),
and receive its Toslink output back down in the office via the AV
sender!  DTS tracks now decode correctly on the office surround
receiver, so I'm chuffed.  And of course the downstairs sound is
perfectly in sync with upstairs, without any skips, pauses or bad sync
that you get with SqueezeSlave.  Another advantage of this method is
that the stereo audio I now hear in the office is gain-adjusted (from
track gain), something SqueezeSlave doesn't do.  So I win on several

Incidentally, I chose 5.8GHz (over the more common 2.4GHz, which should
also work) because the 2.4GHz band is a bit crowded in my house, with
the WLAN, three cordless phone handsets, and the microwave oven.  The
AV Sender was under AUD100, and the Toslink converter under AUD30, so
they cost me less than a top-end sound card would have, and anyway I
couldn't find a soundcard manufacturer who would guarantee bit-perfect
playback from SqueezeSlave.



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[slim] Goodbye SqueezeSlave! :-)

2008-08-23 Thread DanielTheGreat

After stuggling for many months with SqueezeSlave and all its faults
(and Softsqueeze is worse), while not being able to listen to DTS
tracks directly from the server, I finally solved the problem and
ditched Squeezeslave.  I now have DTS playback at the server, in
perfect sync (always) with the SB3 in another room, with track-gain
adjustment (for stereo tracks only).

To save duplication, check my latest post to this old thread for the

Of course I still have to suffer with SqueezeCenter, but hopefully only
for another year or so, till I retire and have time to write something
that executes efficiently. :-)



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Re: [slim] New user's experience on SC: Slow, unintuitive, generally not fun

2008-08-23 Thread DanielTheGreat

I'm fully behind Jooseppi, as indicated in my post some months ago:

My 3GHz Win2k PC is no slouch, and runs all other applications at the
speed I expect.  Maybe the comparison with Sooloos (whatever that is)
is unfair, but what about my previous comparison with Spider Player,
which is free?

In Spider, I can open the same 17,000 track (.m3u) playlist that I feed
to SqueezeCenter, and ask Spider to shuffle it, and in less than 1
second the list is shuffled and I can start playing immediately.  But
ask SC to shuffle a new list (of this size) it hasn't previously
shuffled, and it takes 1 or 2 MINUTES on my system.  There are many
other examples of SC's slowness, not least the the 50 minutes it takes
to 'scan' my library, a task it shouldn't need to do since I create my
own playlists (in a matter of seconds).

I agree that the interpreted and web-based nature of SC are probably
what kill it, and would like one day to write a 'dedicated' PC
application (in C) that does the few things I want, and fast (like
Spider Player, with which, incidentally, I have no connection - just a
satisfied user).

To this end, Mark, can you point me to the protocol for communicating
with the players, which you say is open and documented.



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[slim] Where has No sync gone?

2008-07-23 Thread DanielTheGreat

I have 3 SB3s, and regularly run one synchronised with SqueezeSlave
(yeah, I know the performance sucks, but what can I do? - just have to
wait till someone writes some decent software!).  Sometimes I get a
second SB3 to join this sync group.
But when I want that second SB3 to LEAVE the sync group, there's no No
synchronisation option in the SB3's menu!  I have to go to the server
and de-sync it using the SqueezeCenter menu.
I'm sure No synchronisation used to be available from the SB3 itself.
What's happened to it?


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Re: [slim] Where are my SC7 preferences?

2008-03-19 Thread DanielTheGreat

Michael Herger;280244 Wrote: 
 C:\documents and settings\all users\application

Michael, Many thanks; I've got 'em now (many more files than before!)
so can edit my backup batch file.



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[slim] Where are my SC7 preferences?

2008-03-16 Thread DanielTheGreat

Because all my player and server preferences are a pain to have to
manaully re-key when for some reason I have to reinstall SS/SC, as part
of my weekly backup routine I have been saving a copy of C:\Program

But now I've installed SC7, I can't find an equivalent preferences
file.  Can someone please point me to it so I can back it up?



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[slim] Old SB3 firmware versions?

2008-03-16 Thread DanielTheGreat

I'm not in this situation just now, but I can foresee the day when an
SB3 firmware update 'breaks' some feature that I use.  When that day
arrives I'll want to reinstall the previously-working firmware version,
until such time as the broken feature is fixed.

But where are the old firmware versions available from, and how would I
install one??



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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-15 Thread DanielTheGreat

smst;279113 Wrote: 
 Like so: *[**code]insert code here[/**code]*

  insert code here

 As a general tip, if you click the Quote button under any reply you
 can see the exact content of somebody's post, including tags.

Thanks smst, that's neat.  I guess there's a sticky post somewhere in
the Beginners section that explains this stuff, but I haven't yet got
round to looking for it :-)

funkstar;279565 Wrote: 
 Osmosis generally. I've been a follow of SlimDevices since before the
 first hardware was released back in 2001. I used to subscribe to the
 mailing list but moved across to the forums back in November 2005. I
 guess there is a lot of information a few of us just know, without
 realising where it comes from :)

OK, when I get the time to write something for my touch PC to eavesdrop
on the SB3 broadcasts (it'll be a year or two, when I retire), I'll know
where to come for advice :-)

funkstar;279565 Wrote: 
 I'll second Robin on this one. Nuke windows and re-install, I'd put a
 small wager on it being a lot slicker after that :)

No doubt you're both right, but it's a several days job to rebuild my
C: drive - reinstalling dozens of applications, reconfiguring them for
the way I work, downloading/installing web updates, etc.  I don't
really have the time for that right now (this is my work PC too [I work
from home], and I'm still working!).  But I have considered it
previously, and if I get really desperate I'll have to bite the



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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-13 Thread DanielTheGreat

funkstar, thanks for the explanations about the SC/SB conversations.  Is
there a central repository for such pearls of wisdom, or does one just
acquire them through osmosis?
smst, thanks very much for the metaflac code (metaflac came with my
FLAC download).  Using your command I created rrg.bat with just one
for %%f in (*.flac) do metaflac.exe --remove-replay-gain %%f
Then I just had to open a DOS box in each of my DTS sub-directories (a
simple right-click operation for each one) and issue the RRG command,
and all flacs in that directory were 'ungained'!  It's done, and now I
look forward to listeneing to my surround tracks shuffled in with the
stereo gain-adjusted stuff.  I'm prepared to wait a few years for the
SurrGain tag :-)))
Phil, I hadn't looked at the Windows log (never do), but I have now,
and found heaps of errors every day.  The most common one is an event
7000 for 'Service Control Manager', but a look at its properties
suggests it's related to my WinFast TV2000 Tuner (which I no longer
use) looking for a lost file.  Some similar errors relate to other
services not finding files - the scary thing is some of those
applications (e.g. AVG7) were uninstalled years ago, but are still
doing something on my system!
I suspect these errors are a result of the resizing partitions on my
RAID5 virtual drive (after adding an extra HDD) that I did a week ago,
when Partition Magic crashed in the middle of the process.  Scandisk
'repaired' lots of errors, and I was eventually able to complete the
resizing, but it looks like lots of files were lost in the crash. 
However the slow start-up of SS after a reboot predates that event by a
long shot.   Neverthelss I guess I'm going to have to identify all the
applications/services that are missing files, and reinstall (or
uninstall) them.  Surprisingly, so far I haven't noticed any bad
behaviour (I mean no worse than the usual Windoze bad behaviour :-)
since the resizing catastrophe.
Incidentally (smst), how do you create the little box around your code
fragment? [You can see I'm a complete novice to this forum stuff.]


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-11 Thread DanielTheGreat

Thanks Phil, yes, I think we're on the same wavelength.  I too had
considered changing the tag gains to 0dB, but haven't yet got round to
testing it (didn't have a good tag editor for a start - most don't seem
to allow gain editing!).  SMST's suggestion to kill the gain tags is
even better.  I eventually found a version of foobar2k that supposedly
works under Win2k, and will try to install/test it over the next few

Y360, my virtual memory was/is  set at a little over 6GB; should be

Robin, I'm running lots of other stuff on my music 'server' - it's my
'work' PC (I work from home) running Outlook, Skype, ZoneAlarm, POW,
and various other applications (IE6, Word, programming
environments/compilers, etc) as the need arises.  But I don't run any
anti-virus/spyware background tasks (they slow the PC too much). 
ZoneAlarm would be the main background cycle-stealer, with POW coming
into play when I run IE6.

SC is started automatically at boot-up from the Startup directory.  I
did notice that if I stop SS/SC before I reboot, the startup
'thrashing' time is much reduced, but I'll have to do some more tests
to quantify this (I can't right now; I'm in the middle of a big
processing job).  I found this disappointing too - I would have thought
SC would shut down correctly when commanded by Windows, without me
having to manually intervene.  To me, anything in the System Tray can
be ignored during shutdown - only programs in the Taskbar should be
first closed (especially Outlook, which suffers from the same problem
if not closed before rebooting - probably validating its .pst file
which wasn't properly closed).

Erland, my apologies!  I probably looked late at night and just looked
at the main (central) page content.  I've downloaded the 2 plugins now,
and will read the wikis when I have more time, to decide whether to
instal and try your additions.

This is absolutely no reflection on Erland and the many other people
who have contributed to the Slim product, but I tend to shy away from
products that need lots of 'add-ons' to make them work properly.  I
guess I've been 'conditioned' by the many commercial products that you
just install and they do (more or less) what they're supposed to, so
I'm not used to products that have grown like topsy from a band of
enthusiasts, and are still (effectively) in development.  But we're
slowly getting there!

SMST, you've made some great suggestions about special tags for
surround tracks - I heartily agree.  Indeed, I'd like to see it go one
step further and include a new gain tag (perhaps call it 'SurrGain'?)
that is NOT used by replay gain players, but is broadcast (when it's
present) along with the file header at the start of each track.  [I
know nothing about how SC 'broadcasts' the music stream via Wi-Fi, but
I'm assuming there's some sort of 'header' sent at the start of each
track, with the tag info etc).  With such a SurrGain tag, I could (when
I learn how to program network-aware DOS applications) reprogram my
DOS6.22 touch PC that controls most functions of my (overly complex)
surround system.  It could then adjust my system's 'pre-volume' so that
the DTS tracks sounded the same loudness as the replay-gain-adjusted
stereo tracks.  Of course I would need to empirically determine the
values and tag the SurrGain for each album, but with only a few dozen
DTS CDs, that wouldn't be arduous.


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Re: [slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-10 Thread DanielTheGreat

Phil, with all due respect, I have to disagree with your first sentence,
while agreeing with your second.  When 'Track gain' is selected for
volume adjustment, SlimServer/SqueezeCenter DOES 'scale' the audio
samples, thereby destroying the integrity of the DTS code stream.
There was some discussion last year about SS being made smarter by
recognising DTS bit-streams and disabling gain adjustments for those
tracks.  It was suggested that the developers would aim for this in
Rev. 7, but this clearly hasn't happened (I installed SqueezeCenter 7
yesterday and tested it today, and I still get white noise when volume
adjustment is enabled for a DTS track.  Disabling volume adjustment
['none'] allows DTS FLAC files to play perfectly through the
Squeezebox's Toslink o/p).

agentsmith, the new server (SqueezeCenter) has improved speed in only
one or two respects, but is still a dog in most others.  While loading
a moderate sized playlist still takes minutes, it seems to allow you to
start playing (the first track at least) before the full list has loaded
into the web interface.  And converting it from sequential to shuffled
now takes only seconds before play can start.

Marc, now that SqueezeCenter is faster at shuffling (or at least
allowing you to start playing before it's finished), the need to use
Random Play is diminished.  I had a look for Erland's SqlPlayList
plugin, but his download page doesn't include that plug-in.  I'll have
a further look when I get more time.

Another area where SS/SC is abysmally slow, that I forgot to mention in
my original post, is (re)scanning the music library.  SS was
particularly finicky about broken playlist links, so every time I
added, deleted or renamed tracks, I needed to rescan the library.  This
takes well over half an hour, during which I must suffer in silence :-( 
I'm hoping SC won't be so touchy about broken links, and will just do
what any intelligent s/w does, and skip the 'missing' track.

Which brings me to a related question.  I create my own playlists
outside of SS/SC, using a batch file and a few programs I've written
(takes ~24 seconds to create the 'everything' playlist and then derive
the artist and other playlists from it).  I don't understand why SC
needs to 'scan' anything.  Why couldn't I just navigate to a ready-made
playlist and say 'play this', and off it goes (just like Spider or other
Perhaps I'm missing something, and SS/SC was created for a completely
different purpose from what I expect it to do (just play my music,
anytime, without delay).  I guess what I want is Spider Player with a
Squeezebox driver! :-)
I must say it's been a great disappointment to me that SS/SC doesn't
handle external playlists well - SS wouldn't even display artist/title
information from an extended M3U playlist!  I've yet to test SC for
this.  Playlists seem such a powerful/flexible way to organise and
manage what you want to hear.  And if SC handled them properly, I
wouldn't have to bother editing my 15,000 tracks to add artist/title
tags - a task I don't look forward to!


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[slim] Why is SlimServer so slow?

2008-03-08 Thread DanielTheGreat

On my music server I have about 15,000 flac files.  I also have a few
hundred playlists, one in particular (all-nDTS.m3u) that contains the
paths of most of my non-DTS tracks (about 14,000) - I can't include my
DTS files because SlimServer corrupts them when replay gain is enabled.

I mostly play this playlist, in shuffle-by-track mode, through one or
more of my Squeezeboxes and/or Squeezeslave.  My music server is a 3GHz
P4 Win2k PC with 2GB RAM and heaps of HDD space free.
But almost everything I do with SlimServer takes ages!  If I change
playlists, it takes several minutes before I can play anything from the
new list.  If I change from sequential to shuffle it also takes several
minutes.  If I reboot the PC it is several minutes (with much
disc-thrashing) before I can play anything from SlimServer.  Why is
My 'yardstick' for how a music player should perform is Spider Player
(I'm currently running V2.104, but they've all been very efficient). 
If I run Spider (takes about 3 seconds to open), I can drag the
all-nDTS.m3u playlist into it and the tracks will appear instantly in
its playlist, and can be played instantly.  If I use its 'Miscellaneous
Actions/Other/Randomise' tool to shuffle the entire 14,000 tracks, it
happens instantly and I can start playing the shuffled list instantly. 

Why can't SlimServer work this fast?  Or is there an alternative
solution (retaining the Squeezebox h/w)?
Daniel (a frustrated Squeezebox owner :-)


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Re: [slim] Sound card w Toslink for playing DTS FLAC files

2008-01-16 Thread DanielTheGreat

Thanks for your further input.  But I've already tried setting the
volumes to 100%, with no success.
What I'd really like to know is how PowerDVD manages to bypass
whatever's altering the bit-stream, and produce perfect DTS surround,
when none of my audio players can do this!

Thanks also to Jotham - the Transit High-Resolution Mobile Audio
Interface might be the go if I can't find a suitable internal card (at
the right price) that does the trick, or (better) work out how to use
my present card the way PowerDVD does.



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Re: [slim] Wi-Fi Internet Clock Radio?

2007-12-16 Thread DanielTheGreat

I'm very happy with my second SB3 as a 'clock radio' (actually a
'clock-flac-player'!).  I have two decent speaker boxes (one each side
of the bed) driven by a sony mini hi-fi system (sitting on one of the
speakers), fed by the SB3 and its remote sitting next to the bed.  I
have the screensaver set to 'time' (and at a low brightness) so that at
any time during the night I can see what time it is, even while music's
Don't worry about the fiddly SB3 menu system - set it up from
SlimServer (just once), with whatever playlists you want for each
specified day, and with your appropriate wake-up volume setting for
each chosen day.
I leave the Sony amp's volume up 'loud', and control via the SB3
remote.  For example, falling asleep I use an SB3 volume of '20', and I
have each of my (weekday only) alarms set for volume '60'.  The SB3 has
the required sleep function (with good choices of sleep times), so I
can fall asleep to quiet music and be woken up by loud music (which
fades-up from zero volume beautifully - full marks to the SlimServer
programmers for that thoughtful touch!)
Works a treat for me - couldn't be happier with my alarm arrangement.


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[slim] SB3 IR remote codes

2007-11-13 Thread DanielTheGreat

My (overly complex) hi-fi system (many components) is controlled by a
touch-screen PC, so that no matter what device is the current source
(or recorder, or signal processor), a single remote control (or screen
button touch) will send out the appropriate IR code burst to control
that device.  Now that I have an SB3 as my main music source, I need to
integrate its IR codes into my touch-PC's control program.
I've measured the IR pulse-train widths, and now need to capture all
the key-codes sent by the SB3 remote.  Because these 32-bit codes have
a 'double' start bit, I'd need to reprogram my touch PC to handle the
unusual serial format in its 'universal' IR receiver, which would then
display the hex codes as I press each button.
Maybe someone can save me this extra programming by pointing me to a
source (table) of the 32-bit codes sent by each key?
Thanks, Daniel


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Re: [slim] SB3 IR remote codes

2007-11-13 Thread DanielTheGreat

Sorry guys, cancel that.  I found the codes in:
Problem solved!


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Re: [slim] Sound card w Toslink for playing DTS FLAC files

2007-11-02 Thread DanielTheGreat

As mentioned earlier, there are no ASIO drivers (that I could find) for
my sound card.  But yes, if they existed they should work under Win2k.


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Re: [slim] Sound card w Toslink for playing DTS FLAC files

2007-11-02 Thread DanielTheGreat

Sorry if I offended you; it was not my intention.  I appreciate any help
I can get.
I've had no prior experience with ASIO drivers (they're a new concept
to me), but from what I've read they need to be written by or
specifically for the card vendor.  There seems to be no such thing as a
'generic' ASIO driver (ASIO4ALL is apparently not a true ASIO driver,
and certainly doesn't work with *every* sound card and player
So I concluded that, since the Creative X-Fi Elite Pro lists only WinXP
support, that their supplied ASIO drivers would only work under WinXP. 
Are you saying that they should probably work under Win2K too?
Even so (and even if the price was reasonable), I would be reluctant to
buy something specified to be only for WinXP, since I may miss out on
other features/capabilities of the card that could be useful in
different circumstances.
Thanks again for your efforts.


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Re: [slim] Sound card w Toslink for playing DTS FLAC files

2007-11-01 Thread DanielTheGreat

MrSinatra (Frank?),
Thanks for the suggestion.  Unfortunately, apart from being a bit
pricey, that model only appears to support WinXP, and I run Win2000, as
Rgds, Daniel


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Re: [slim] Sound card w Toslink for playing DTS FLAC files

2007-10-31 Thread DanielTheGreat

Thanks for the tips - you got my hopes up for a while!  But after an
extensive search (and an unsuccessful play with ASIO4ALL), I eventually
determined that there are no ASIO drivers for my card.
But I've learned a few things from you already!  I hadn't heard of ASIO
drivers before (the only ASIO I knew is the secretive Australian
Security Intelligence Organisation! :-) and now I know the 'feature' I
need is 'bit-perfect' playback of WAV/FLAC files.
So I'd still be pleased to hear from anyone with card recommendations
(or even a suitable card to sell!).
Regards, Daniel


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[slim] Wireless bridge w DOS client half works

2007-10-29 Thread DanielTheGreat
 connection, I can write to the HiFi disc from Advsol5
(e.g. using WordStar 6, my editor of choice), and also in the reverse
direction (write to Advsol5 from HiFi). 

But when I take HiFi back upstairs and plug it into the Squeezebox, as
it boots up it again fails to connect to the Advsol5 resources (Error
53), so I still can't access Advsol5 from HiFi. But I *can* access
HiFi from Advsol5, including reading and writing files to HiFi.

Can anyone suggest why the Squeezebox wireless bridge works for one PC
but not the other, when using NetBIOS (NetBEUI) over TCP/IP. What
should I try next?


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[slim] Sound card w Toslink for playing DTS FLAC files

2007-10-29 Thread DanielTheGreat

I'm a newbie to this forum, so forgive me if this topic has already been
covered at length (please just direct me to the thread in that case).

I recently acquired a couple of Squeezebox 3's, and have set up one
with my Hi-Fi system, streaming the audio from my 'server' PC via a
wireless router. The Squeezebox connects via Toslink to a surround
receiver, and works perfectly playing DTS tracks from either WAV or
FLAC ripped DTS files.

But I also want to hear these same tracks on my second surround
receiver connected to the SlimServer PC (in a different room), also via
Toslink. Trouble is my present sound card (HDA Digital X-Mystique 7.1
Gold with X10 SPDIF Input Extension board), though connected via
Toslink to my second DTS receiver, won't play DTS WAV/FLAC files
correctly (I just get the usual analogue white noise).

This board correctly plays DTS CDs  DVDs when the 'S/PDIF In Loopback'
option is selected, provided the disc drive's digital output is plugged
into the Mystique's (internal) digital input (the board is then simply
passing-through the DTS bit-stream from the disc to the Toslink
output). But playing a ripped DTS track (via any of several player
applications, including SoftSqueeze) somehow corrupts the DTS stream.
I'm guessing it's changing the gain via the board's software mixer,
even if I disable all inputs other than 'WAV' and set its 'volume' to

So what I'm looking for is a (preferably low-cost) sound card that
allows playback of uncorrupted DTS WAV and FLAC files via a Toslink
output to an external DTS surround receiver, using any common player
software (but particularly SoftSqueeze and SqueezeSlave [now preferred
over the flaky SoftSqueeze]). The board must also have a Toslink input,
for digital recording.

Anybody have experience with such a board? Recommendations?  Preferably
something available in Australia (the Audigy 2 Platinum eX Audio Cards
currently being sold on eBay are not available to Australia).
Incidentally, I'm running Windows 2000 in a PC with PCI slots and room
on the front for a 5.25 module if required, if that's relevant.


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