Re: [Dorset] Unable to Make the next LUG meeting

2013-08-04 Thread Robert Bronsdon

On Sun, 04 Aug 2013 13:49:43 +0100, wrote:

I am working in Dubai, Australia, and Saudi Arabia over a six-week  
period so


Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday, 2013-08-06 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Email Sig. (Was: Raspberry Pi)

2012-03-05 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 18:11:26 -, Terry Coles  

On Monday 05 Mar 2012 17:51:36 Ralph Corderoy wrote:

There should be a single space after the `--' too before the
end-of-line.  I've set up the list's signature to have that but a bug in
the old version of Mailman that means it's stripped off
before sending.

Coo.  I never knew that there was supposed to be a space and I've been  
email clients since 1993. When I actually highlight the 'cut lines' the  

is obvious.

I suppose that since I've never had to put the 'cut lines' in manually,  
I had

no reason to see it.

For young whipper-snappers like me, it's an interesting read (skim really)

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday 2012-03-06 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Linux compatible 'N' ADSL Routers

2011-09-05 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 05 Sep 2011 17:00:04 +0100, Terry Coles  
Actually, there do appear to be issues with some routers which  
Windows Share browsing.  I recently tried three different Wireless  
Routers and  the first two (Netgear DGN2200 and DrayTek Vigor  
did not reliably  expose one of my Linux devices to the network  
Windows, Linux or (as I understand  it from web forums,  

In all honest this sound like a UPnP issue. ie. the Router is not
reliably passing UPnP data around the network. I've seen this in the

Personally I'm not a fan of the noisy network design where devices
constantly shout about what they offer.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday 2011-09-06 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Which Linux Distro for old laptop?

2011-03-30 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Wed, 30 Mar 2011 18:46:37 +0100, Brian Masterman  

I have an old laptop that I wish to install Linux on with audacity for  
recording purposes.

All the modern distros fail as the are too heavy on ram and disks etc.

I cry rubbish. Stop trying to enable Gnome/KDE with desktop effects and  
start looking at what you really need.

My laptop is often clocked at 900Mhz while I use it and I regularly run  
virtual machines with 256MB or less of RAM with no real problems.

Other than audacity what else do you need?

I would look to setup the laptop with XDM as the login manager. Dropping  
the user to a lighweight desktop, openbox (or one of the family) maybe  
even a tiling WM.

Check you've got useless services disabled, thought these will be eating  
more RAM than CPU. Do you really need apache, mysql or similar running (or  
even installed) I highly doubt it.

Have fun.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday 2011-04-05 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Openoffice 3.3.0

2011-03-20 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 20 Mar 2011 13:05:39 -, C A Wills  

No, the core fonts are installed; it's the latest new fonts in Win 7  
Office which cause a problem, to do with spacing again, they throw out  
the format.

Would it not be a whole host easier to ask students to submit work in a  
final document format? Not in a working draft format.

I'd suggest PDF for this. This would eliminate all but the most obscure of  
formatting issues. It would also allow students who do/can want to move  
away from MS Office to do so freely.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth, Tuesday 2011-04-05 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] [Wiltshire] Museum of Computing events

2011-03-01 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Tue, 01 Mar 2011 21:19:24 -, Ralph Corderoy  

Below is a post from the Wiltshire list;  I thought it may be
interesting enough to some Dorset members to forward on.  Any further
discussion can be found in their public archive.

If anyone heads up I'm a 2 minute walk from the Museum and would be  
willing to show people to a good pub ;)

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Blandford Forum, Wednesday 2011-03-02 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] FOSS licensing

2011-02-06 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 06 Feb 2011 11:59:22 -, John Cooper  

Well if it is GPL'd, it is effectively stealing and illegal.

Ack, the reason I shouldn't get into these.

Copyright infringement IS NOT stealing. The legal precident is set. The  
technical definitions are know. There is no stealing involved. This is the  
same argument running around the Media/Games industry now. Allowing you to  
download from me a copy of a CD I bought is not stealing in any sense. It  
is copyright infringement.

It all depends on what you want to do with the code. If you want people 
to actively contribute their changes for the good of the software

I do want people to contribute. I want the software to be good. I don't  
like being tarred with a brush of not caring.

I just don't feel the need to legally enforce that people have to change  
their habits to use the software. I write (or try too) F/OSS software for  
the good of everyone, not just a group who share the same beliefs as me.  
I'd prefer to see MS use a good networking stack than try to write their  
own. Fine it's a shame that they've allowed it to fester. I don't see what  
the F/OSS community lost and I do see what all Windows users gained.  
Surely allowing others to gain is part of the F/OSS ideal. I'm happy to  
let other people make decisions on whether or not they want to contribute.

There are also large projects, that are well contributed that use BSD  
style licensing. The projects move along quite happily. Some people  
incorporate this code elsewhere. The project still has that code. It still  
moves along.

If you don't give a monkeys whether the likes of M$ can take it anduse  
it to lock people in to their software

Again, stop tarring me with brushes. I do care that Microsoft lock people  
into software.

well license it like Apache and it is then lost in IIS!

Can you please tell me what part of the Apache/HTTPD has been lost? Please  
point me at the parts of code that are missing and I will gladly start  
hacking away on Apache code to get it back.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Blandford Forum, Wednesday 2011-03-02 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Music CD's to Disk

2011-01-03 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 20:22:09 -, Peter Merchant wrote:

I notice when I look at the directory on a CD for Full recording that it
has the full recording in four formats:

I'm gonna throw caution to the wind and presume this is a regular audio  
CD and you have some piece of software which is showing you these  
different file types as possible transcoding options. I can't imagine any  
reason for someone to bundle that lot onto a CD.


If I want to save them to my hard disk, which format is recommended?
The .ogg is the smallest in terms of size, but is there a downside?

cda is the uncompressed lossless file, these are probably pretty big so we  
can ignore these.
wma is an interesting microsoft format and although we could work it out  
from the file size we have no idea of the quality, so I'll ignore these as  

leaving us with ogg and flac. Both free codecs, good start. Flac is Free  
Lossless Audio Codec, the file will contain the same end information as  
cda but will compress it. Think like .zip or gzip etc. This should make  
the files a little smaller than cda but with the same output.

Ogg is a free codec very similar to mp3. It does lose some of the sound  
quality but this saves huge amounts of disk space.

The file format you should choose is dependant on why you are copying to  
your computer. If its just to listen to the music later then I'd say use  
ogg. If you have lots of disk space and a prized stereo connected to the  
computer either copy using flac or just play the CD ;)

If you're looking to archive you CD collection then use FLAC. It can be  
transcoded back to the original cda anyway.

P.S. A final word of caution, if your looking to copy straight from  
computer to an MP3 player in the future you might note wma support is more  
prevalent that ogg.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2011-01-11 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] wmv files won't play

2010-12-29 Thread Robert Bronsdon

On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 12:09:31 -, Tim wrote:

I installed Debian squeeze and the xfce desktop, thankfully most thing  
out the box, the one that does not is playing .wmv video. I am using the  
player to view these video but all I get  is the audio track no video,  
following link is a sample on one of the files I am trying to view  
a playing locally, it is a series of digital images made into a movie  
with an

added sound track using MS Photo Story 3)

I can confirm the problem is a lack of video. I can play other .wmv files  
fine but this one just has sound.

Whoever put the video together has missed a setting somewhere and made an  
audio only file. Unless there is some strange microsoft jiggery pokery  
going on to hide the video track.

The file does seem aweful big for just audio.

If you hunt through the below you'll notice mplayer doesn't even look for  
a video codec. It just reports no video stream.

$ mplayer eastbourne2007small.wmv
MPlayer SVN-r31628-4.4.4 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote  

Playing eastbourne2007small.wmv.
ASF file format detected.
[asfheader] Audio stream found, -aid 1
[asfheader] Video stream found, -vid 2
VIDEO:  [WVP2]  800x600  24bpp  1000.000 fps   31.8 kbps ( 3.9 kbyte/s)
Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object  
file: No such file or directory

[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 1
Requested video codec family [wmvadmo] (vfm=dmo) not available.
Enable it at compilation.
Cannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x32505657.
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 105.3 kbit/7.46% (ratio: 13159-176400)
Selected audio codec: [ffwmav2] afm: ffmpeg (DivX audio v2 (FFmpeg))
AO: [pulse] 44100Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Video: no video
Starting playback...

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2011-01-11 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Open Source in Government

2010-12-04 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sat, 04 Dec 2010 12:32:15 -, Sean Gibbins  

The notion of a community that co-operates and shares while striving for
excellence must surely be alien to our self-serving leaders and captains
of industry.

God damn communist - we needs to help our American allies in fending off  
these Russian commie beliefs!

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  The Broadway, Bournemouth, Tuesday 2010-12-14 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Interesting article

2010-12-04 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sat, 04 Dec 2010 09:02:04 -, Terry Coles  

Whatever the truth of this story, I suspect that we don't know what it  
is yet (and maybe never will).

Sadly I fear if anyone were to release the true story behind all of this.  
They'd be publicly branded a terrorist  
a rapist  
and it would be publicly encouraged to assassinate them

Sadly I feel we are entering an age where, if the powers-that-be do not  
want you to know the truth. You're safer to just believe what your told.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  The Broadway, Bournemouth, Tuesday 2010-12-14 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Interesting article

2010-12-04 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sat, 04 Dec 2010 13:49:17 -, Terry Coles  

ATM his crime appears to amount to 'having sex without a condom

Worse - the crime seems to be to be the condom splitting...

Trying to pull things back on topic (I should have restrained myself from  
posting about Assange). Fox News does seem to make the Sun look a credible  

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  The Broadway, Bournemouth, Tuesday 2010-12-14 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Files lost

2010-11-17 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Wed, 17 Nov 2010 18:49:27 -, Peter  Jill Harris wrote:

The command I put in was  rm -rf  ~/ .shotwell/Examples

I'm really hoping that is a joke or a typo

what you have done there is
rm -rf ~/
rm -rf .shotwell/Examples

I think what you wanted to do was rm -rf ~/.shotwell/Examples

If you did the former - then I hope your backup of ~ is recent ;)

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Somewhere quiet, Bournemouth, ???day 2010-12-?? 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Files lost

2010-11-17 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Wed, 17 Nov 2010 20:35:20 -, Sean Gibbins  

I guess the question to ask here is /where/ did you restore them to?

Is the question not _what_ have you restored?

you won't be able to restore just ~/.shotwell/Examples You need to restore  
your whole ~

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Somewhere quiet, Bournemouth, ???day 2010-12-?? 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Just testing

2010-11-10 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Wed, 10 Nov 2010 15:48:26 -, Peter  Jill Harris wrote:

Just checking I am still connected

Nope - I don't think you are ;)

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Somewhere quiet, Bournemouth, ???day 2010-12-?? 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Possible Bournemouth Meeting place (Natalie Hooper)

2010-11-08 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 08 Nov 2010 10:40:29 -, Ralph Corderoy  

No beer, but quietness, power, Internet?, perhaps even the ability to
put on five-minute talks on things.

Sure, it's called BUNIX ;)

I should post when we next have a meetup and maybe we can get some DLUG  
members along.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Somewhere quiet, Bournemouth, ???day 2010-12-?? 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] WTH?

2010-10-11 Thread Robert Bronsdon

Sorry - forgot to mention

The driver is still in a non-ready stage according to the developers.  
However it seems to be working just fine for me on Fedora.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-11-02 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] OT (ish): Accessing a SparcStation remotely with a graphical interface from a Windows Box

2010-10-11 Thread Robert Bronsdon

Presuming you have X installed on the SparcStation???
If not then this is your first step.

Is there a reason you cannot run a VNC or RDP server on the SparcStation?

If you absolutely _have_ to create an actual remote X instance from the  
SparcStation then your going to have to use something like which is an X client for windows.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-11-02 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] WTH?

2010-10-11 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 11 Oct 2010 15:54:37 +0100, John Carlyle-Clarke wrote:

Except then people would lose their wobbly windows! Ohnoes!!

Gallium shout stop that being a problem ;)

The people that would complain are those trying to game via. wine. The 3D  
support is still much slower than the Nvidia blob (to be expected).

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-11-02 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Evolution mail settings....

2010-10-11 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 11 Oct 2010 21:57:02 +0100, Bryn Jones  

Dear Canonical, Lets talk about scaling shall we?.

Is this a problem where the resolution is being picked up wrong or where  
the window is running off screen.

If your resolution is set wrong then that should be the fist fix.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-11-02 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] WTH?

2010-10-10 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 10 Oct 2010 10:36:53 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

Where is 10.10? What the heck are they playing at?

Getting the release right - not just rushing it out?

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-11-02 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] WTH?

2010-10-10 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 10 Oct 2010 11:37:50 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

Anyway, progress is smooth so far, except that so many files from so
many servers inevitably means variable download speed.
Probably done by 1330.

That would be the reason for distributing via. .torrent a much better  
protocol for this sort of this.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-11-02 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] WTH?

2010-10-10 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 10 Oct 2010 15:05:33 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

Fuck-ups like this aren't just embarrassing; they are harmful to Linux.

Sadly we still haven't ruled out PEBKAC

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-11-02 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Which distro would you install?

2010-10-10 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 10 Oct 2010 12:45:56 +0100, Terry Coles  

I did try bittorrent, but that only gave me about 1 kb/s.

I find torrents can take a few minutes to get up to full speed. This is of  
course presuming everyone in the seed pool is uploading at a decent rate.

Also note that until there are a decent number of full copies of the file  
in the pool things will be slow.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-11-02 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
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Re: [Dorset] Install day..... Maybe?

2010-10-09 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 15:43:04 +0100, Bryn Jones  

Are you saying BUNIX is willing to help out with my own harebrained  
scheme or with an install day?.

On a specific note - the install day.

I will bring your scheme up at the next BUNIX meet-up though. I'm sure  
some people would be able/willing to help out. Personally I'm just about  
to move even further north all the way to Swindon, so I'd probably not be  
much help.

To elaborate - we have been running within the uni for a couple of years  
now and have always had trouble getting new members along. *nix in general  
still has too much 'geek' attached to it (ironic seeing as we target  
computing degree students). We run an event once a month where we try and  
get a couple of people to give a presentation on something they've used or  
are doing that others might like a quick introduction to. We've also run a  
hackathon and would like to do more similar events.

One idea we have had recently as a get students more interested is to  
run an install day. People bring along their kit and those of us with  
experience help them through the installation and fixing those annoying  
issues that happen here there and everywhere. Drivers for this that and  
the other. It would also give some of our members a chance to ply people  
with alternative systems etc. We have people familiar with various BSDs  
and Solaris etc. I'm not saying people will want to install them on their  
desktop but some of the more experience out there may wish to try  
something new.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-11-02 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
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Re: [Dorset] Install day..... Maybe?

2010-10-09 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sat, 09 Oct 2010 13:31:27 +0100, Peter Merchant wrote:

In days gone by we could probably have used the university computers as
hosts, but they lock them down a lot more now. I have lost my lab, and
the Computer rooms in DEC are pretty fixed.

But it is simple to book a room and have everybody work there, It has
wireless access, and maybe even a VLAN wired port.

I have emailed Peter off list regarding this - but it might not be such a  
big problem ;)

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-11-02 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
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Re: [Dorset] Install day..... Maybe?

2010-10-08 Thread Robert Bronsdon
If you are serious about doing this then BUNIX are possibly looking to do  
something similar - if there is enough interest.

We are able to provide facility within the university and hopefully some  
budding students!

I am just wondering if we should/could pool efforts on this one.


Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-11-02 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Strange Wireless Behaviour

2010-09-27 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 27 Sep 2010 20:53:04 +0100, Terry Coles  

I presume that this is something to do with DHCP; I'm
certainly not getting an IP address.

Sounds like this could be the problem.

I can't comment on exactly how to fix this. I'm guessing Ubuntu - not sure  
if Ubuntu has taken on Network Manager. Restarting this is could work.

I'll have a rant at this stage and say OpenBSD still has the best wireless  
system out there. It's not got the complete compatibility list of Network  
Manager and wpa supplicant. But it ruddy well works.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Which distro would you install?

2010-09-23 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 18:30:28 +0100, Natalie Hooper wrote:

With the above in mind, which distro would you advise me to install on my
new desktop? I was thinking of perhaps openSuse or Fedora but not too  
sure if there is one distro considered better for programmers?

With all of the above in mind I would say use Ubuntu - you're familiar  
with it, seems logical.

However if you have the itch to try something new then I'd go with Fedora.  
It's my distro of choice. It gives you the most rpm based distro in my  
experience. I would argue SUSE is a very good enterprise desktop. Fedora  
is a little experimental, though you don't really notice it too much day  
to day. There are differences to Ubuntu, some config files etc. are in  
different places and there are times you'll want different packages for  
things etc. It's your choice if the learning if fun or a chore. There's  
always a community out there you can call for support ;)

Some people will warn you about rpm dependency hell. TBH I don't find that  
problem in any recent release. One word of caution, try not to install too  
many random repositories. Thats where you'll hit problems. At the same  
time, *DO* install rpmfusion, this brings the package count back up near  
the Ubuntu level and will avoid rpm hell.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
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Re: [Dorset] It's been a year in the pipeline.

2010-09-17 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Fri, 17 Sep 2010 08:25:00 +0100, Sean Gibbins  

precisely zero value on your peace of mind or your physical safety

I'll admit I speed at times. This doesn't mean I put precisely zero value  
on your safety. As with anything in life I take a calculated risk that  
something could go wrong. The limits are not based on scientific fact.  
In reality the 70mph limit was a snap judgement by a government put on the  
spot. Other limits have more basis and some are just fillers.

At 3am when I am the only car on the motorway, that 70 restriction goes  
out the window. Does that mean I'm not thinking about your safety?  
Similarly when I see a car on the hard shoulder I will often move to the  
middle lane. The rules are not hard and fast set and sometimes driving to  
the conditions is more appropriate than driving to the law.

I will agree there are people that don't drive to the conditions. Often  
though I think its the condition they are not watching, not their speed.

As a final point, a bad condition car (tires, brakes etc.) will have as  
much impact on a potential 30mph collision as doing 40mph in a modern good  
condition car. Stopping distances etc. taken into account. Remembering  
that fun TV advert (hitting at 30 has a 80% chance of survival - hitting  
at 40 has an 80% chance of death). The statistics are interesting if you  
swap cars around. That old Land Rover, even at 30 has a pretty high  
fatality rate. That modern small car has a pretty high survival rate at 40.

So am I placing less value on your safety just for driving a bigger car?  
am I placing more for driving a smaller one with pedestrian friendly  

Look at the county where the police, in a recent (admittedly political)

You mean the politicians did something their voters _wanted_ them to do.  
It's a revelation.

(On second reading this sound like I'm having a dig at Sean. This isn't my  
intention, more to have a dig at our current political position)

did precisely that with their speed cameras. There was an immediate 
increase in speeding offences.

In offences or in convictions?

And more importantly, what about the accident/injury/death rates? Were  
people getting from a - b faster and not doing any damage?

I accept many of the arguments about the potential for abuse of camera
technology, databases and biometrics, but rarely do I hear anyone state
that they have suffered directly as a result of that sort of thing.

Almost always, in my personal experience, the people most vocal in this
debate eventually reveal that they were ticketed for doing 40 in a 30
zone, and then go on to complain about the cameras being revenue
generators for the county, deviously placed, etc.

98 on a dual carriageway late at night, mid summer - good visibility dry  
roads - with no other cars in sight. Bright yellow standing camera. I was  
more interested in looking at the slip road to my left ensuring there were  
no cars looking to merge. Taking me to court over the whole thing cost  
them more than the fine I received.

62 (average over a quarter mile from standing) in a 40 - pegged by a big  
BMW estate sitting right on my tail. Turned out he had blue lights behind  
his front grill. Egg on face time. He was shocked I slowed when I entered  
the 30 and slowed down. More shocked that I justified myself. The 40 was  
in place because of a near-bye school, which I don't consider a hazard at  
00:30. Pavements all had fences to them and a grass verge before the road.  
Pedestrian bridge minimised the chances of anyone crossing anyway. Well  
lit road etc. good visibility.

And sadly, in another indictment of human nature, I suspect that
hard-hitting TV commercials educating folks to the dangers of speeding
have far less effect on the numbers speeding than the fear of punishment.

Very possibly. Is this because people have got too used to being provided  
half the facts and knowing the results from the data don't always mean  
very much?

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] It's been a year in the pipeline.

2010-09-17 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Fri, 17 Sep 2010 10:15:15 +0100, Sean Gibbins  

Do we do away entirely with speed limits and leave it to the individual  
to judge?

Not quite - but maybe we should have speed limits based on scientific  

Limits should also be variable given certain conditions, as they often are  
on the motorway. Why is the out of town road near a school a 30 at 2am?

Offences, apparently:

The report doesn't mention the accident rates - though across a one week  
period its hardly a fair judgement.

Always mentioned is the reduction rate of accidents. Is this the camera  
being put in place or the warning of a dangerous site, that reduces  

Out of interest, what upper limit would you place on that road?

Maybe we should consider how the isle of man handles national limits?

There is no direct speeding offence (on national limit roads) but you can  
be stopped for driving in a reckless manner.

Works over there.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Source for new Netbook with Linux or no OS?

2010-09-16 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Thu, 16 Sep 2010 08:24:01 +0100, Terry Coles  

Dell confirmed that they no longer supply Linux based computers of any  
model (spit).

This might just be in the USA but try contacting these guys

I refuse to pay £50 or so for the dubious privilege of owning Windows 7

Contact whoever you are buying from and ask about a refund on Windows,  
given it wont be used the shop should be able to claim the license key  
back from MS. Some shops are more accomodating with such things than  
others. I'd personally contact someone like or

Mum would never be able to use Windows. She's tried (she did a course 
aimed at old folks) and she finds it too complicated.

I'm hearing similar more and more. If you try to move to Linux it seems  
difficult and hard to use. If you haven't used a computer before then for  
many its the simpler choice.

I've read something recently about a guy running one of those old folk  
courses who found it easier to teach just the CLI. Without prior knowledge  
of a GUI people liked being able to tell the computer exactly what to  
do. Without being presented with forms etc. of things they could do.

HP Mini 5102 Netbook, SUSE Enterprise on it but should be easily swapped  

£360 (sadly)

But I'm struggling to find too many others. I think this is what happens  
when MS get to play FUD on manufacturers. A while ago (talking over a year  
now) an Asus Employee who was respected in their EEE/Linux department made  
an abrupt leave from Asus. Not long afterwards he released a blog post  
saying MS were making gestures towards not helping Asus in the future if  
they pushed ahead with promoting alternative systems.

Suffice to say the EEE Linux edition (which had been out-selling the XP  
one) started to disappear from shelves. It didn't take long for everyone  
else to follow suite.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Source for new Netbook with Linux or no OS?

2010-09-16 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Thu, 16 Sep 2010 10:39:58 +0100, Dan Dart  

I wonder why?

When you ship thousands, tens of thousands of machines a year maybe, and  
Microsoft turns around and says they'll either not support your business  
efforts or worse they will increase the wholesale price of windows. What  
else do you do?

Worse, it might not be nice but I tend to agree this is the right business  
move for MS here. Plenty of other businesses do the same. Near where I  
live there is a commercial vehicle service/repair center. About 8 years  
ago they signed an exclusive deal to work with Mercedes Benz. This deal  
entitled them to help from Mercedes with engineers etc. and big discount  
rates on parts. It has also meant a significant increase in the number of  
Mercedes vehicles on the industrial estate.

Now I don't know the ins and outs of a ducks ass regarding the legality of  
such deals but they make sense to the garage. Coming back onto point, non  
of the PC manufacturers appear to be big enough to fend off MS and the  
competition in the market place for others to broker similar deals.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Source for new Netbook with Linux or no OS?

2010-09-16 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Thu, 16 Sep 2010 11:05:50 +0100, Terry Coles  

Novatech seem to be able to do it.  I can buy any machine I like from  
them OS-free.

Most have taken a put at it over time.

I'd argue OS-free is different to with Linux especially a tailored Linux  
which arguably supports the system better than any MS offering would.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Source for new Netbook with Linux or no OS?

2010-09-16 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Thu, 16 Sep 2010 11:28:08 +0100, John Carlyle-Clarke wrote:

Shame, looks like you're right.  We only ship within the United States  
and Canada.  Strange, because most US companies I've dealt with seem  
happy to ship things overseas.  I've even bought car parts from the USA  
in the past and saved money that way, including shipping!  Perhaps your  
company that sells things properly could also be a UK distributor for  
System 76? ;)

Contact them and ask - about shipping to the UK and about becoming a  

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] 19 rack - one left to go. Collect from Melksham.

2010-09-16 Thread Robert Bronsdon

Oh don't do it to me. I need a rack and I'm in Melksham.

Moving in a few weeks time and I don't know if I'll have space in the new  

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] It's been a year in the pipeline.

2010-09-12 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sat, 11 Sep 2010 16:38:16 +0100, Peter Merchant wrote:

After reading this, and thinking about the cars speeding up our road, I
wondered how hard it would be to write a speed camera program for a

It wouldn't be very hard at all. However, I can't say I like the idea of  
vigilant policing.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] It's been a year in the pipeline.

2010-09-12 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 12 Sep 2010 10:36:37 +0100, Sean Gibbins  

It's not the same as sending Charles Bronson after them, is it? ;-)

Slippery slope

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] It's been a year in the pipeline.

2010-09-12 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 12 Sep 2010 11:07:36 +0100, Sean Gibbins  

I can't see where that particular 'slippery slope' is taking us, but  
would be happy to acknowledge your point if you can provide an example  
of where it might lead.

It gets the public accustomed to collecting evidence, dubious accuracy.  
against their peers.

(At this point I would like to define a crime as something which harms  
someone (very brief and there are pitfalls). Speeding does not harm  
people. Driving into someone at speed may harm them. Which brings my  
feelings of speed limits etc. in the fray)

It makes people accustomed, to aiding in the prosecution of their peers,  
in the process of 'potential crimes'. It also makes people accustomed to  
remote monitoring of their peers, by their peers. If I can monitor  
you-or-you, then the police can do it just fine.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] It's been a year in the pipeline.

2010-09-12 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 12 Sep 2010 12:03:47 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

It's very touching how people trust the police.
And very anti-social how they don't trust anybody else.
Such a society really is toast.

I like to think I trust the police as much as I trust anybody else - at  
the end of the day they are 'anybody' else.

My real problem with surveillance as such is I would much prefer police  
officers on the street, not sat watching TV screens. I'd prefer an officer  
driving down the M3 not sat in a room waiting for a letter to come through  
telling him I've been speeding. Active policing does reduce crime. Passive  
policing catches criminals once the crime has happened.

Comminities would be better off spending their time improving road  
conditions around dangerous areas and not in just trying to catch the  
people that cause a problem.

Do people speed past the school? What can be done to slow them down?

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] It's been a year in the pipeline.

2010-09-12 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 12 Sep 2010 12:40:50 +0100, Sean Gibbins  

On 12/09/10 12:10, Robert Bronsdon wrote:

Do people speed past the school? What can be done to slow them down?

Bung a camera outside and send them a hefty fine?

But you've not stopped them speeding. You've only caught them once the  
crime has been committed.

I'm not the biggest fan of them but speed humps force people to slow,  
maybe humps that can be moved out of the way during times where children  
and uncontrollable people are not near the road. What about making the  
visibility in the area better so should someone be in the road, it is  
easier to spot them and take evasive action (this doesn't stop the speed  
per se. but it does stop the negative consequences of speeding).

What about trying to direct traffic around the school in the first place?  
I understand this one is a case of large investment nowadays. What about  
new schools though, can they be placed where people don't have to be near  
the big fast road.

Believe me, it works with at least some of the population

And for every person it works with, it causes another person to lose faith  
in the legal system.

a friend was caught by a camera, fined and had the option of attending a 
course or accepting the points on his licence.

These courses annoy me. Mainly because myself and a friend were caught  
speeding within three weeks of each other, coincidentally.

I was caught on open Motorway at 10pm, no other cars in sight. He was  
caught in a village at around 15:30. Who gets offered the awareness  
course, the person who had only himself to harm in a freak accident, or  
the one stopping himself having reaction time around children?

That isn't to say education is a good idea. But it feels alot like my  
friend got let-off with a slap on the wrist and a stern talking too when  
I argue he was doing the more dangerous act.

I take your point about surveillance society and people snooping on  
their peers too, but I think there is a massive gap between any ideal  
and what we currently have.

Sadly yes - I am an idealist and can see what I'd like to have in place. I  
lack the how to get there.

In the meantime, if people are tearing up and down the street where your  
kids play and you can't get the police or council to take notice

Maybe this is the problem. We are unable to make the police/council take  
notice. Should the communication channels be better? Would more active  
policing allow the police to see the area in question?

I am certainly not suggesting that vigilantes seek out the offendersand  
punish them on the basis of evidence they have collected, dubiousor  

Of course not. Though would you not think less/gossip about the guy 3  
doors up in his fancy car if you caught him repeatedly on your system.  
What about Ms Smith the busy body up the road?

And I am not saying the slippery slope has to be followed. In many cases  
it doesn't happen, people often find the safe path around it. I'd just  
prefer not to make people walk along the precipice in the first place.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Bournemouth? TBD, Wednesday 2010-10-06 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Updating Software on Linux without rebooting

2010-09-06 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 06 Sep 2010 17:27:44 +0100, Terry Coles  

I can see how that can work for a desktop, because you will eventually  
shut the machine down, but AIUI, Apache can be updated on a running  
server without rebooting or restarting it and this has been a feature  
for years.

You don't have to restart the hardware - just the single program that has  
been updated. So on Red Hat systems you would service httpd restart (not  
sure how to do it on Debian)

On other systems you could just send SIGHUP to the parent process of the  

But the running apache instance will need to be re-started. It just  
doesn't require taking the whole system down.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting:  Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-09-07 20:00
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How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Windows applications making GRUB 2 unbootable.

2010-08-29 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 11:00:48 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

Are you seriously suggesting that a Windows Application will install
outside the Windows partition, outside the Windows boot partition and
over Grub? It sounds very unlikely. Wouldn't that destroy the boot
sector of a pure Windows system anyway?

It's being suggested that some application developers will go to any  
lengths to provide anti-piracy features. If its a matter of knowing 'x'  
sector on a disk should always be blank/unused. Then do people feel it  
unnecessary to write to it to protect their program.

It wouldn't kill the windows boot sector if its known that block is not in  

You could argue it would be absurd for a compact disk to install a  
root-kit just so it can be played on a PC. It's been seen before though

Any examples of these applications?

Agreed though - this whole story reeks of conspiracy and so without  
applications its difficult to verify.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting: Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-09-07 20:00 -- Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Windows applications making GRUB 2 unbootable.

2010-08-29 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 11:20:50 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

Root kits from DVD? Did they spread to Linux boxes too?

Nope - When you first inseted the CD (autorun enabled) or when you tried  
to play the CD security vulnerabilities in place would install a root-kit  
to the system. Once in place a user is unable to rip/copy the CD as the  
root-kit blocks this from happening.

Luckly it wouldn't work on other systems. Not even OS X.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting: Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-09-07 20:00 -- Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Windows applications making GRUB 2 unbootable.

2010-08-29 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 11:40:22 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

iTunes won't install on a virtual machine

Are you able to cite that at all?

I am aware it is not easy to mount the iPod into iTunes within a Virtual  
Machine but I've never heard of iTunes not installing at all.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting: Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-09-07 20:00 -- Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] CentOS - libgd/libpng error

2010-08-26 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Thu, 26 Aug 2010 23:01:23 +0100, David Wilkinson wrote:

# /usr/bin/webalizer
/usr/bin/webalizer: /usr/local/lib/ no version information  
available (required by /usr/lib/

Webalizer V2.21-02 (Linux 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5 i686) English

Any ideas on what the issue could be and how to fix it?

Well - you don't have libpng installed, which is a dependency for  

Oddly libpng is in the base repo so I'm not sure what you've done to  
remove it. Please tell me you did install webalizer through yum?

Either way a quick `# yum install libpng' should do the trick.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting: Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-09-07 20:00 -- Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] CentOS - libgd/libpng error

2010-08-26 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Thu, 26 Aug 2010 23:12:25 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

I know nothing of Centos, but if you have a synaptic package manager you
might want to do a search for libpng and if found, reinstall it.

Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting: Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-09-07 20:00 -- Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] linux mag

2010-08-24 Thread Robert Bronsdon
In my earlier Linux days I used to buy `Linux Format'. I slowly stopped  
buying it as I discovered most of the content I could find online (in  
various guises, not just the actual article).

If I knew someone new to Linux or someone who wanted to show off what they  
`could do' with Linux then I would say to give the magazine a go.

Robert Bronsdon

Next meeting: Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-09-07 20:00 -- Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...
How to Report Bugs Effectively:

Re: [Dorset] Netbook fault and Repair help.

2010-08-17 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Tue, 17 Aug 2010 11:30:38 +0100, Dominic Lonsdale wrote:

Can a CPU overheat so quickly ( after about 10 seconds) ?

Test it -- take the heat-sink off your desktop and see how long it lasts.  
Given its also got time to boot into memtest etc. I'd say yeah they'll  
easily get hot enough to trigger a thermal cut-out.

Sounds crazy but could you test this by putting it in the fridge or
freezer and then see how long it lasts after boot ?

I wouldn't advise risking the rest of the laptop exposed to condensation ;)

If its easy enough I'd take it apart remove the one stick of RAM you can  
and then re-test the thing. After that it would be an easy job to replace  
the stick and continue as normal. This would also give you a chance to  
clean the thing out and check that heatsinks etc. are seated properly

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Re: [Dorset] No GUI with Amarok

2010-08-17 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Tue, 17 Aug 2010 19:29:47 +0100, Terry Coles  

OK.  I've fixed it.  I took the Windows approach; I uninstalled it and  
re- installed it.  I vaguely remember uninstalling something this  
morning, which took out some KDE dependencies.  I suspect that one of  
those wasrelated. Anyway, I expect the GUI was in memory, so the problem  
didn't occur until I retarted the machine this afternoon.

Terry it would be worth going through the logs for apt (if it has them???)  
and finding what broke it, then passing the information on to those people  
who package KDE/Amarok. Its clear one of the packages has some broken  
dependency listings and that should really be fixed.

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Re: [Dorset] Bournemouth Pub Meet Tonight, Wed 2010-08-04 20:00.

2010-08-09 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 09 Aug 2010 12:38:38 +0100, Peter Merchant wrote:

 is this the ex- Mountbatten Arms?


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Re: [Dorset] BAckup software

2010-08-07 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sat, 07 Aug 2010 10:09:51 +0100, Peter Merchant wrote:

Thanks, Terry, but it is this last stage that gives the grief. k3b
collects all the files and folders that I want, but has a -known-
problem when it starts to write to a disk. I have used it before for
cutting ISOs out to disk as distros, and it is fine with that.

So the thread has ended up off topic, alot.

If K3B is able to burns ISOs properly then maybe you should look to build  
an iso yourself, then get K3B (or preferred burning software) to manage  
that for you separately to generating it.

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Re: [Dorset] FTP files blocked.

2010-08-07 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sat, 07 Aug 2010 17:39:05 +0100, Dan Dart  

Looks like either the format is incompatible (vastly differing
versions of glibc?) or the file was transferred in ascii mode when it
should have been transferred in binary mode. Take a look at your
settings on the FTP programs.

I would start with the Binary mode problem. This is only a problem if you  
are looking at compiled code, not bash scripts etc.

Am I right in expecting images would break as well as binary executables  
or am I confused?

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Re: [Dorset] BAckup software

2010-08-06 Thread Robert Bronsdon

On Fri, 06 Aug 2010 21:01:29 +0100, jr wrote:

rsync, scheduled via cron.

Or for true backups - rsnapshot

Honestly just set the thing up and let it manage hourly, daily, weekly,  
monthly whatever rsynced and hard-linked backups.

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Re: [Dorset] Off Topic?

2010-07-19 Thread Robert Bronsdon
TPB is currently under attack from every angle. There are several  
worldwide governments after their demise, including a recent legal ruling  
suing their ISP for 50,000 euro every day they remain up. TPB is currently  
moving servers again.

I can't see TPB making that in donations daily - maybe they will.

Whether or not people agree with downloading copyright material, the  
torrent protocol is a powerful way to share files and I blame much of the  
current 'problem' on various media outlets not using it to their advantage  
quicker, they had every chance. There are other good trackers and search  
engines out there. It doesn't take that much searching either.


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Re: [Dorset] Small C and Forth [was Re: 2010-07-06 Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum.]

2010-07-15 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Thu, 15 Jul 2010 13:45:08 +0100, Peter Merchant wrote:

Who's That? You can reply off line if you would rather not name names.

His name is Peter Knaggs - I'm fairly sure he would be happy having his  
name associated with Forth in any way.

A quick Google of him shows up much on Forth in general.

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Re: [Dorset] Small C and Forth [was Re: 2010-07-06 Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum.]

2010-07-14 Thread Robert Bronsdon

On Tue, 13 Jul 2010 23:24:35 +0100, Gemma wrote:

Oooh ! gee thanks Peter, I'll bear that in mind, before I reminisce  

HA! - I have a lecturer who feels forth is the best thing since sliced  
bread. Still works regularly on interpreters and is still convinced I  
should be writing programs using it.

Arguably there is still a world of Forth out there, you just have to look  
really hard.

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Re: [Dorset] XP on Ubuntu

2010-06-01 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Tue, 01 Jun 2010 13:10:29 +0100, Andrew Drapper  

  1. I have in the past had a number of pre-installed pc with XP, but
  only restore CD's I can probably find the COA Is there anyway to use  

The likely-hood is these keys are for an OEM (Original Equipment  
Manufacturer) version of XP. Which means that 'technically' they can only  
be used once by a hardware constructor.

I have had success in the past ringing the phone number that comes up in  
the validation wizard and telling them windows broke and I need a new key.  
They often cough up for an old OS.

 2. Do I need a full XP CD? Any ideas on where to get them. Ebay has many  
 that appear second hand, and often for Dell, will these work? If
 not, any ideas about where is the best place to get a full CD

There are no legal ways to download an XP cd (unless you have an MSDNAA  
license). However as long as you have a license I can't see anything  
illegal about installing XP from any source.

You could try one of your restore disks, some will just be a modified  
install CD, others are a ghost CD. IF you have a modified install CD you  
will get the bundled crapware though.

 3. Is Sun vertualBox a good idea?

Personally I'm a fan, though I'm a fan of many odd things. Its just such a  
simple program to use and I can't see any major drawbacks for SOHO use.

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Re: [Dorset] Slow night.

2010-05-26 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Wed, 26 May 2010 20:05:14 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

 It's going on nicely, as smooth as Ubuntu in every respect so far.

Not someone who plays .mp3s regularly then ;)

As a Fedora user I would advise and 'desktop' system has the RPM Fusion  
repository installed . The standard Fedora repositories only  
allow FOSS code inside them, the RPM Fusion has the rest ;)

Have fun

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Re: [Dorset] Slow night.

2010-05-26 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Wed, 26 May 2010 20:42:17 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

I tend to use this guide on fresh installs sadly [s]he has not  
released a F13 version as yet. Hopefully it will arrive soon. If your  
careful you should be able to follow the F12 guide and most things are  
likely to work on F13, be careful though.

 I'll bung on a couple of sample mp3 files in a mo. Thinking it looks a
 bit like Hardy, and the legal restrictions could be the American angle
 which used to cripple Microsoft?

Don't quote me on it but I get the impression Red Hat are aware of not  
upsetting people regarding re-distribution of non-free stuff. Mix that  
with a wish to go 'completely' F/OSS and you soon lose non-free support.  
This includes F/OSS derivatives of non-free codecs etc. A pain for first  
time windows users but not a big deal to anyone who has spent any time  
with Linux.

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Re: [Dorset] Slow night.

2010-05-26 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Wed, 26 May 2010 21:56:57 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

 But I still think that Ubuntu is better. Consumers want to compute, not
 sit an exam.

True - though the F/OSS pushers would reply with those steps should not be  

Hopefully updates arn't too bad with Presto enabled ;) - though most of  
that would have been fresh installed software and so wouldn't have seen  
the benefit.

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Re: [Dorset] Finding open ports and how to open/close them

2010-05-24 Thread Robert Bronsdon
Hmm - the first thought is puppy might not be an ideal 'demonstration'  
linux for someone fresh. Though its designed to be 'easy', its primary  
purpose it to be small. Small might work but isn't feature rich.

However, choice has been made now so I wont go on.

Apparenly puppy has a linux-firewall -

Checking the Puppy 5 livecd it seems to be under Menu - Network -  
Linux-Firewall Firewall

Catchy name I know. Its not a pretty app. but it does seem logical enough.

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Re: [Dorset] Finding open ports and how to open/close them

2010-05-24 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 24 May 2010 18:18:50 +0100, Terry Coles  

 I wouldn't say he is fresh; he's been playing with Linux for some time  
 and liked Puppy because it is so light.

Aah OK. It seemed he was new to Linux and I was worried may have made the  
wrong choice. I'm not convinced I'd use puppy for any kind of 'server',  
sometimes the best tool for the job is the one you know. Again won't push  
the issue.

Looking at the livecd on a virtual machine, yeah its an ncurses based  
iptables confuguration utility. It looks similar to the network  
configuration system in the RHEL text installer. It _not_ the same so I  
wonder if its an ncurses interface from the Debian world...

There is an option to turn the firewall off (or unblock all ports) I would  
go for that for testing purposes. If its being used in a 'safe'  
environment (I'm thinking home here) then turning the firewall off in  
general might not be the worst idea. Personally I've done it on my home  
network. The file/media server has iptables disabled. Makes life much  
easier and I suppose it 'might' have some performance benefit.

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Next meeting: C4L and Bournemouth, Wednesday 2010-06-02 19:00
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Re: [Dorset] OT: But Relevant - Google is releasing a new video codec

2010-05-19 Thread Robert Bronsdon
In general this should be very good news. In practice I'm not so convinced.

As yet I can't see the downside for the 'general' person. Ask me again in  
5 years time.

One fishy element is MS being heavely financially invested in h264 and the  
MPEG-LA, it makes little sense for them to turn their backs at this  
juncture without something being in it for them.

Sorry to be so pessimistic, as I said Ask me again in 5 years.

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Next meeting: C4L and Bournemouth, Wednesday 2010-06-02 19:00
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[Dorset] [Renamed] VirtualBox shared folders

2010-05-16 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 16 May 2010 10:09:30 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

 Also- I finally managed to set up folder-sharing on VirtualBox.
 It depends on having the guest extensions installed, which means a crap
 screen resolution, but it is the only way I know.

Hello Simon,

Just noticed this. In theory enabling the drivers should allow you to  
improve your screen resolution. Usually if you fullscreen the virtual  
screen the guest display will auto enlarge to fill.

Can I ask how much video memory you have assigned to the virtual machine  
(this can be found in the GUI under settings - display - Video Memory).  
As there is a limit on screen resolution based on the amount of memory the  
virtual graphics card can access.

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Re: [Dorset] Tour of C4L

2010-04-20 Thread Robert Bronsdon
You wont hear me saying no if I can make it on the date/time arranged

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Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting: Bournemouth - One Week Tonight

2010-04-11 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 11 Apr 2010 11:33:03 +0100, Ralph Corderoy  

 Yes, back when installing Linux could be a chore, and we had Bournemouth
 Uni access, folks used to take their hardware along to get problems
 looked at.

There have been times recently where I've felt that would be helpful.

 Sounds good.  I don't know if having it as formal as the normal BUNIX
 meets would be a good idea though.  There you have three talks.  I'm
 happy to listen to a talk but preparing one is probably more time and
 effort than us non-BUNIXers can spare.  :-)

Sure - I was more implying a general open venue (not a specific BUNIX  
meet). With students around I don't think anyone can complain with  
university resources being used. And the room we use as a group is  
particularly open to *NIX folk. So I can't see there being a problem.

 Perhaps folks just milling around machines chatting and looking at 
 whatever's of interest on them or about them?  What do others think?

I think the 'non-standard-english' term here is presactley

 Then again, BUNIX meets are open to those that aren't Uni staff or
 students?  So DLUGgers are free to gatecrash those?

Of course - I didn't mean to gatecrash this discussion with advertising.

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Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting: Bournemouth - One Week Tonight

2010-04-10 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 10:36:46 +0100, Peter Merchant  

 Well Kim, This sounds negative. What sort of venue would you suggest in
 order to entice you to attend meetings?

I'm probably speaking out of turn here - just send a shaddup my way if I  

I think me and Terry have spoken in the past about a time when DLUG ran  
small events where people could get together and 'do something'. Such as  
an install-athon.

I also know the guys at BUNIX would be interested in partaking/running  
similar such events and have tried in the past. Could it be suggested that  
the two groups merge-in-part on this basis. I know several of the BUNIX  
group come along to the DLUG events when possible.

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Re: [Dorset] OT: Sign up to oppose the Digital Economy Bill

2010-04-05 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Thu, 01 Apr 2010 17:36:44 +0100, Terry Coles  

 I'm not sure if you left out the sarcasm tags or whether you really  

Apologies - I did leave off the sarcasm tags.

I think the 'trialing' is one aspect of the 'pirates'. The other is that  
those are the people who are 'into' the content to begin with. Often they  
will purchase the bits they like the most and will download things they  
don't feel are worth their money.

That my experience anyway.

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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-04-07 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] OT: Sign up to oppose the Digital Economy Bill

2010-04-05 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sat, 03 Apr 2010 14:11:48 +0100, Andrew Montgomery-Hurrell wrote:

 Thats essentially what DRM is. As it's already been proven, it is  
 entirely ineffective. However, if they were free, time limited full
 songs would be a nice way of doing publicity and try before you buy.

My personal opinion is that the industry needs to reform their entire  
pricing structure.

Gone are the days people feel 'britney spears et al' require private jets  
and 50 bedroom mansions. Hows about we work out the price of a CD for  
everyone involved in the creation of each disk to earn a maximum of a  
£50,000 salary.

Bets on CDs hitting a few pounds (or less) and piracy dropping to 'almost  
nothing'. Sadly there will still be some piracy.

Same theory for games and movies. If the people involved only earned  
'regular' salaries the costs of each disk would be much more reasonable.

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Re: [Dorset] OT: Sign up to oppose the Digital Economy Bill

2010-04-01 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Wed, 31 Mar 2010 20:09:58 +0100, Terry Coles  

 people who illegally download buy more music legally than those whodon't.

*clearly* those people would spend even more if they weren't downloading  

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Re: [Dorset] OT: Sign up to oppose the Digital Economy Bill

2010-03-31 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Tue, 30 Mar 2010 19:33:05 +0100, Terry Coles  

 I realise that British justice is nowhere near as unjust as the US  

It seems our current governing parties are envious though.

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Re: [Dorset] HTML/PHP script

2010-03-31 Thread Robert Bronsdon
If page changes when viewed - are there differences if you 'log in' then  
it must be running some background code.

There will be some code running behind that form - though it would be a  
quick job to re-create it so I wouldn't worry too much.

Just to clarify - the php code runs on the server and when you make a  
'request' for a page the server will execute the code and will send to you  
the result of that code.


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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-04-07 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] HTML/PHP script

2010-03-30 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 16:44:58 +0100, David Stanton  

 This hardly seems something a ethical web designer would do without at
 the very least explaining it to and discussing it with their clients (my
 friends), who not being IT aware, wouldn't look at the source code and
 know anything unexpected was there.

I find it understandable that the web designer would want to track the  
site as it allows them to prove the work they are doing is beneficial etc.  
However there are much better ways of running analytics.  I would also  
expect your friends to have access to the analytics information at any  

It is also possible your friend has been told but never realised what this  

 The Maverick Monkey sequence of websites lead me to a site which
 referred to something called Adsense. I gather this is an extension of
 the Google Adwords(?) (the pay per click advertising system which brings
 up a link to a website when a keyword is searched for). As I
 understood it Adsense is a system which lets a third party (as some
 sort of sponsor) cream off a commission.

Something weird is definitely going on here. My advice would be for your  
friend to get the source code for the whole of the site, though being 'non  
IT aware' they might not know what everything is. It might even be worth  
getting someone 'web-aware' too look over the whole thing for them, though  
knowing who to trust may be difficult.


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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-04-07 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] HTML/PHP script

2010-03-30 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Tue, 30 Mar 2010 13:28:28 +0100, David Stanton  

 The site is up and running. I've copied the html code using ctrl-U
 facility on Firefox. There doesn't seem to be anything else untoward on
 it and no other scripts - that is except for spelling and other sloppy
 mistakes, besides a mail to link pointing at a non-existant mailbox!

Is it a static website or is there php code running in the background? If  
there is dynamic code running in the background you will NOT capture this  
 from firefox.

 What they have to do is obtain control and ownership of the domain or
 abandon it hope it won't do too much harm and set up another one.

If they have paid for the domain then they should request full control of  
the domain, specifically the login to the registrar.

They will then need new hosting and point the DNS entry to this new server.

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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-04-07 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] HTML/PHP script ... etc

2010-03-29 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 10:55:59 +0100, David Stanton  

 The problem is their site (such as it is) is registered at the moment
 in the name of the web designers who alone can edit it.

 If they control the domain name, they can make the address record for
 that domain point to another web server run by someone else.

 Could you expand on this a little please?

Just to expand on Ralphs point. If the relationship is sour then 'your  
friend' is able to just run the website on another server.

However they will need both the full code of the website and they will  
need control of the domain name at the registrar level. They will know  
they have this if they have a control panel somewhere that they can edit  
the IP address the domain name points too.

If 'your friend' has both of these things they are able to setup the code  
on a new server somewhere and they will be able to change their DNS to  
point at the new server.

Fully reading your first email I almost guarantee the javascript is there  
as a very poor analytic implementation.

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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-04-07 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] texlive problem

2010-03-14 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 15:04:15 -, Terry Coles  

 I think what the OP wants to do is paste his formulae into OOo and have  
 it display them in some way.  I can't see how to do it, but I feel as if  
 there should be a way.

Unfortunately for this instance, the use of formula in TeX is one of the  
most argued benefits of TeX. It is the reason many academic papers still  
rely on 'real' typesetters. The fact that the setter _can_ display complex  

 I remember doing something like this years ago, where I created the 
 formula, exported it as an image, and then pasted the image into
 my document.

I would suggest this may be the 'easy' solution. I would suggest getting  
familiar with a tool such as tex2gif (or similar) as exporting as an image  
and editing will be much easier than exporting as a pdf and then  
manipulating it.

Re-iterated, the use of complex formula in documents is not easy to  
develop, hence the continued use of typesetters.

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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-04-07 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] texlive problem

2010-03-11 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Thu, 11 Mar 2010 18:52:54 -, Peter Harris wrote:

 It does not appear in the applications menu and I
 can't find a way of starting it.

You don't 'start' any of the Tex packages per-se. You invoke them into  
your Tex source.

Like you don't 'run' certain development packages but compilation scripts  
and your own code can include them.

Without knowing exactly what you want to achieve it is impossible to help.  
So why did you install texlive-math-extra and what math functions does it  
provide that you want to use?

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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-04-07 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Preventing autodetection of IDE device

2010-03-10 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Wed, 10 Mar 2010 08:35:31 -, Tim Allen  

 I can live without the drive, so would be grateful for adviceon how I  
 can prevent the kernel autodetecting the drive.

To walk into the obvious door. Why can't you unplug the drive? Or just  
disable it in the BIOS?


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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-04-07 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Your Browser's Signature.

2010-02-02 Thread Robert Bronsdon
Interesting I'm running some tests on my windows virtual machines

Internet Explorer 6 on XP with a completely default install was unique
Internet Explorer 7 on Vista with a completely default install was unique
Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7 shared its fingerprint with one other  

It possibly has a lot to do with the lack of flash - but really nothing  
done to windows on those machines and even IE is coming up almost  
completely unique.

Less than interesting - Opera on Fedora with my array of plugins and  
codecs (reporting as plugins) and I'm unique here.

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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-02-03 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Public Spirited BT. Not.

2010-02-02 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 12:38:29 -, Dominic Lonsdale wrote:

 The torrent running FON user will have signed on to the BT FON
 connection using his BT log-in and will be identifiable as a seperate

Aah - I apologise for my naivety on the BT FON system. That could well be  
enough to save you, depending on how willing BT are to pass that  
information out.

 However, I fully accept your implication that this is unclear legal
 territory - I think I will ask BT and report back to you later.

 This could be interesting.

I would be interested on hearing what they way. The idea that this is one  
way to generate 'public' wireless is interested (at the very least).

Also regarding your earlier comment on your kids playing games (and  
bandwidth). Most games use very little bandwidth, in a multi-let house I  
would often be transferring less data than other people in the house as I  
was always gaming. The games are very reliant on latency times being low  
though. This is why games are affected by other games and by other people  
making large transfers.

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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-02-03 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Cloud Computing - Stallman's take

2010-02-02 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 22:25:03 -, Victor Churchill wrote:

 Being as the service is 'free'

I don't think cost has ever been his problem. I can see his point, your  
not locking yourself into 'their' technology but your also giving them  
your data. At least opening your business accounts in MS Excel your not  
handing your accounts to MS.

The open API allows you better access to your data - but there is no way  
to guarantee your data is deleted or any real way to protect it - using  
say google docs.

And yeah - I use google docs (my work does) and most of my emails are run  
through gmail.

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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-02-03 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Encoding Video for streaming

2010-01-20 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 18:04:17 -, Terry Coles  

 It's not that the file wouldn't play on the PS3; I couldn't even add it  
 the list of videos for streaming in MediaTomb.  Is there a way to do  
 this in the shell instead of through a browser so I can see the error  

that is odd.

Can I presume MediaTomb is adding 'some' files?

I think I was using the .avi extension with that script - sorry my email  
at the time was lacking in information.

I've not yet found a way to control MT from the CLI. That would be pretty  
useful though.

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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-02-03 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Encoding Video for streaming

2010-01-18 Thread Robert Bronsdon
Hello Terry,

Sorry for posting twice in a row but I didn't realise exactly the  
question. As before I've got a PS3 working quite nicely.

The main script I use is included below. It produces some large files but  
it does work on the PS3. I've had this working up to 720p content just  
fine so I know its OK.

I know precisely the battle your facing trying to work your way through  
the myriad of mencoder options, this seems to be working OK for me. Like I  
say its pretty much optimised for 720p video but will work for most things.

Its at least a starting point.


mencoder -oac lavc -ovc lavc -channels 6 -of mpeg -mpegopts  
format=dvd:tsaf -vf softskip,scale=720:-2,hqdn3d,harddup -srate 48000 -af  
lavcresample=48000:volnorm=2 -ofps 25 -lavcopts  
$1 -o $2

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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-02-03 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Dorchester Pub Meeting, Tonight, 2010-01-05 20:00.

2010-01-09 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sat, 09 Jan 2010 09:52:33 -, Peter Merchant  

 It's too late to study for the exam by then. They have had since
 December 14th to do that. Time to come out and chill.

I'm inclined to agree - as one of the students with an exam - however I  
have to put the exam down as my priority.

Painful exam I have anyway, networking exam that has to be answered the  
way the lecturer wants - not the way I feel the networking should be done.  
At least the other exams are the way I feel I should approach them.

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Next meeting: Dorchester, Tuesday 2010-01-12 20:00 *New date*
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Re: [Dorset] Dorchester Pub Meeting, Tonight, 2010-01-05 20:00.

2010-01-09 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sat, 09 Jan 2010 12:11:23 -, Keith Edmunds  

 Interesting. Care to summarise how the two methods differ?

An example from our coursework - people gained marks for putting a not  
putting firewall between an internet connect and a web-server. Those who  
put a firewall between did not receive the marks.

Of the people I know who did use a firewall they worked the system  
internet connection - firewall - web server. With access to non-web  
ports (for remote access - I used 22 for ssh some people used more  
Microsoft focussed ports - honestly remote desktop on a web server?) only  
allowed from a restricted list of ip addresses or something.

With this mark being 'lost' it was defended for a) security and b)  
resiliancy. If there is a firewall between the server and the internet  
then some protection from DDoS and other attacks can be put in place. The  
lecturer just stood and said, web servers should be open to the web so you  
don't need a firewall.

Like I say, even justified and (personally) correct answer just don't fit  
into his 10 year old text-books so they are wrong.

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Next meeting: Dorchester, Tuesday 2010-01-12 20:00 *New date*
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Re: [Dorset] Dorchester Pub Meeting, Tonight, 2010-01-05 20:00.

2010-01-05 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 11:12:44 -, Ralph Corderoy  

 So, perhaps it's easier the other way.  Who's planning on going to the
 Dorchester pub tonight?

Given I've two passengers I was going to play it by ear and possibly come.  
Most of the forecasts are putting the 'heavy' snow around 18:00. So I'll  
probably be on IRC at around 19:00 too see how bad things are. The met  
office is reporting they are only 60% sure of the prediction - I suppose  
snow isn't the easiest thing to predict.

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Re: [Dorset] Dorchester Pub Meeting, Tonight, 2010-01-05 20:00.

2010-01-05 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 18:03:40 -, Peter Merchant  

 and I wonder how many English have a shovel in their car boots?

Sorry - best I've got are some blankets and a full tank of diesel in case  
I get stuck.

It just comes down to only ever having snow for a week a year. I've just  
learned to avoid driving if I think things might get risky.

And as was said earlier - I'm more scared of other drivers than I am  
myself/snow. Some of the stories I heard last year from people at work.

I was going up the hill and started going backwards, so I just put my  
foot down

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Next meeting: Dorchester, Tuesday 2010-01-05 CANCELLED -- snow
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Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting: One Week Tonight

2010-01-04 Thread Robert Bronsdon
I shall be driving from Bournemouth to the meet this week. If anyone wants  
a lift give me an email offlist and we can sort something out - I'm pretty  
flexible and all I ask is a coke at the other end.


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Re: [Dorset] Sorry to say.

2009-12-17 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Thu, 17 Dec 2009 23:03:19 -, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

 As I said, I'm using the HP2133 Mini. Must be a Via issue.

The Via chips are pretty poor performers, if you are getting it to do  
large amounts of graphics work without offloading things onto a GPU then  
its not massively surprising it being slow.

Do you know if its got a dedicated GPU? if it does I would advise  
installing the drivers (even the binary ones if you have too) and giving  
it another shot.


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Re: [Dorset] Recommendation.

2009-12-07 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 07 Dec 2009 17:32:12 -, Simon O'Riordan wrote:

 I have been aware of the client, but for the cost of the electricity a
 commercial account is better. I have a sensible domain name as well.

 From this conversation I am getting the impression you are not running the  
client on the same machine as the web server. Is there any reason for this?


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Re: [Dorset] One disk or two?

2009-12-05 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sat, 05 Dec 2009 13:00:08 -, Andrew Drapper  

 Looking to put Ubuntu on a refurbished PC, Should I use a single
 drive, obviously the easiest, or should I put the os and programmes on  
 one disc docks on another,

That is a question only you can answer. From the sounds of it you already  
know the advantages and disadvantages of both so I'm not sure I can help  

 and if so how do I re-address the file system to the
 second disk?

The easy way to do this (if you choose too) would be to set it up at  
install time. While around the partition manager at install you should  
ensure that /home is mounted on the second disk. By putting /home on a  
different disk ALL users 'Documents' directories will be stored on this  
second disk. It should also sore most if not all user settings on this  
disk too.

It really is as easy as that, much easier than trying to move My  
Documents around on Windows - something I have had to do several times.

 Oh and while I am on it does anyone have any suggestions for creating a
 revisions backup of my documents?
 On Windows I an doing this with syncplicity.

Depending on what features of syncplicity you want too keep - a similar  
looking (I say looking as I have no experience of syncplicity so can only  
go by their homepage) would be dropbox

Other than that if your goal is revision control you'll find a wealth of  
RCS software out there all ready to be given a try.

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Next meeting: Dorchester, Tuesday 2010-01-05 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Wi-Fi in Pubs

2009-11-29 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 12:44:40 -, Peter Merchant  

 Now, Take the university, with it's 250-300 Wireless access points and
 16,000 students, and tell me that none of them have ever  downloaded
 anything not legit.  And it all comes over JANET (Joint Academic

I can take quite the opposite and KNOW completely that content has been  
shared over JANET for such purposes.

Oddly enough the law is in place to protect these people offering wifi for  
others use. I am not a lawyer but as far as I was aware its called  
carriers rights. The same principle that says if you take a bus into town  
and rob a bank, then get the bus home again. The bus company cannot be  
claimed as assisting you in the robbery. They were providing a publicly  
accessible service. Oddly enough its the same law that protects ISPs from  
getting sued when you or I 'steal' content.

This is also the reason many ISPs don't want to do too much content  
filtering, it stops them being a carrier and starts them on being an  
enforcer. As long as they are enforcing a law they have a legal  
responsibility to do it well. If they remain a carrier - nothing else -  
they hold no responsibility for what you do. Its just a shame some of  
these companies are so large they are above the law.

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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wednesday 2009-12-02 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Wi-Fi in Pubs

2009-11-29 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 13:09:51 -, Sean Gibbins  

 Instead of Lord Mandelson being paid a fortune to try and make bad,
 outdated law work in favour of his rich sponsors, perhaps we need to
 start employing forward-looking and tech-savvy law makers to overhaul
 the system so that everyone is afforded the protection they are entitled
 to, little folk and big business alike.

I hate to sound such a tin-foil-hatter or a 'you must fear your government  
doomer' but I honestly feel the reason the government aren't employing  
skilled legal staff in technology is because they know it would cause them  
to lose huge amounts of information and control over 'joe bloggs' on the  

I don't for one minute think the government as a whole don't know how much  
of a crock Mandelson's plans are. I just think its being ignored as it  
suites many people very well.

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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wednesday 2009-12-02 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] Wi-Fi in Pubs

2009-11-29 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 18:47:57 -, Mark Elkins wrote:

 In theory UK law decisions apply a test of reasonableness to them.  
 Therefore is it reasonable for those supplying any form of open public  
 internet access such as pubs, universities  etc to be prey to fines for  
 unlawful downloads?

But it has already been decided that if you share you wireless at home -  
ergo do not password it - then you are potentially liable. See for more.

 The recent decision to give everyone in Swindon some form of free  
 internet access would appear in theory to mean that those supplying that  
 internet access may be prey to fines as mentioned in the above article.

Would be exactly the point. I personally do not believe they are liable,  
there are several legal actions that say I am wrong.

 I think something is not right here - perhaps the pub itself has been  
 downloading loads of copyrighted material - maybe music for example.

Perhaps - but then the landlord/staff member should have been prosecuted  
at a private level, not the pub itself.

 Otherwise why would there be no appeal against the decision of the court  
 involved mentioned in the above article?

What if the landlord paid the fine through fear of negative publicity or  
the cost of the legal action in defending themselves. By paying the fine  
they are admitting guilt so there is no available appeal. By not paying  
the fine they run the risk of years in court trying to justify themselves  
as a fair carrier.

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Re: [Dorset] Next Meeting - One Week Tonight

2009-11-25 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 16:38:08 -, Terry Coles  

 I just remembered.  Won't we going to try somewhere different?  Did we  
 get a consensus?

I don't think one was ever reached.

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Re: [Dorset] OT: Help Needed - Using OpenOffice to do a T-Test

2009-11-20 Thread Robert Bronsdon

Maybe this is just because I'm running Fedora but - basic install of OO.o  
 from the main repos through Yum.

Open Calc
select a cell
click the little = sign by the function bar
Open the function wizard (odd icon to the left of the Sigma
Category statistics
TTEST is listed under those functions

Sorry if I've missed something critical but I think that TTEST should act  
in the same way as the one in Excel.


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Re: [Dorset] OT: Help Needed - Using OpenOffice to do a T-Test

2009-11-19 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 19:20:48 -, Terry Coles  


 My daughter has to do an assignment at Uni using a T-Test.  Although the  
 says that work can be submitted in Either MS or Open Office, they've  
 only told
 her how to do it in Excel and she only has OpenOffice.

 Is there anyone out there who knows how to do this or knows how to find  
 I never did statistics, so I have no idea what to look for.

 I found this:,
 but don't really know how to use it.  Ideally, she needs a step-by-step  
 similar to the one provided by the Uni for Excel.

Hello Terry,

Can you provide the instructions she has for doing it in Excel? It might  
be pretty easy to translate them into OO.o

 From what I can remember of TTests (its been a couple of years since I've  
touched them) I would have though OO.o would handle them in a very similar  
way to Excel.


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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wednesday 2009-12-02 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] OT: Help Needed - Using OpenOffice to do a T-Test

2009-11-19 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 22:14:01 -, Peter Merchant  

 Well, I'm blowed and need to retract this:

Big to small - same way time is written ;)

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Re: [Dorset] Moving Home partition - Re DLUG meet

2009-11-13 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Fri, 13 Nov 2009 10:30:47 -, Justin Stringfellow wrote:

 That said, I would have guessed that a decent SSD will be able to
 retire/reallocate flaky memory locations before they fail completely.

I tend to 'attempt' similar myself. I try to only write to a USB key once  
per session. So when I plug it in I will copy anything I am working on to  
a different disk (local - maybe even just /tmp) and will copy the file  
back up when finished.


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Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wednesday 2009-12-02 20:00
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