Re: what kind of problem is this fat arrow feature trying to solve ?

2013-10-02 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 02/10/2013 10:37, Claude Pache a écrit :

+1. The big win of arrow-functions, is that it prevents from using various 
ad-hoc kludges (`var that = this`, `[].some(..., this)`, etc), whose sole goal 
is to defeat some unwanted feature (proper `this` binding in callbacks). Not a 
killing-feature, but a nice addition that will help to reduce noise in code.

And for those that do not use any longer var that=this but .bind(this) 
the transition is easy: just remove .bind(this) and replace function by 
fat arrow, one of the most wanted feature for me.

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Re: what kind of problem is this fat arrow feature trying to solve ?

2013-10-02 Thread Aymeric Vitte
Andrea, it's difficult to understand why you think the fat arrow does 
not help or I misunderstood your point, if |this| is already bound to 
something, like for events, then you don't need it, if you want to bind 
to something else then you use bind, if you want to bind to the outer 
|this| then you use the fat arrow, that's extremely usefull, even in a 
DOM env, because for example while handling events you probably have the 
case of binding |this| again inside, but DOM is not only events, I am 
using a lot bind(this) in DOM, node, etc and will replace it as 
previously mentioned by the fat arrow when available.



Le 02/10/2013 20:11, Andrea Giammarchi a écrit :
You need to be sure about the `this` because today you can 
`bind(anyObject || this)` while with fat arrow you can only bind 
`this` so you need to be sure that the function context, the one 
everybody has always borrowed through call and apply, is the one you 
expect to be.

In a new direction where instanceof is being discouraged, the usage of 
this become critical.

As shortcut, fat arrow fails. `var o = {method: () = whatver;};`

As DOM listener it brings what `handleEvent` does since ever.
var o = {
  init: function () {
document.addEventListener('click', this);
// virtually the same of
document.addEventListener('click', (e) = this.handleEvent(e));
  handleEvent: function () {
this === o;

So I don't see many advantages on DOM world.

Once again, I am trying to understand where is the glory of this new 

I am not saying it should not be there, ES6 classes and generators 
already breaks the old syntax so it won't hurt a new utility as fat 
arrow is but where this will be exactly a better approach to the 
current situation ?

The only one that comes into my mind is the `once` event listener in 
node or eddy.js ... but `once` a part, and I admit in there it's 
handy, I cannot see many other real/concrete usages.

In CoffeeScript the fat arrow behaves differently having a dynamic 
this, am I correct?
So whoever is comparing fat arrow with CoffeeScript should be aware 
these are completely different beasts and there was my question about 
what is solving for the real world.

No need to talk about use strict.


On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

fat arrow does not add any capabilities but create the need to
be sure about the context.

This does not make sense. The problem of being unsure about which
this already exists. Adding arrows does not make it worse. The
new syntax makes it better, compared to 'var self = this;' or
.bind(this) hacks that are more verbose and easy to forget -- that
is, whose absence is easy to overlook.

In use strict fat arrow will bring a lovely `undefined` wich
is undesired so nothing is solved in there.

Stop comparing apples to oranges. If we have today

use strict;
function foo() {
  setCallback(function () { ... this ...}.bind(this));

Then you have no greater or lesser incidence of undefined-this
bugs due to someone calling foo() instead of, foo.apply,
or obj = {method:foo}, obj.method() by changing this code to use
an arrow:

use strict;
function foo() {
  setCallback(() = {... this ...});

If you don't like strict mode, keep that out of this thread.
Incidence of undefined-this bugs due to it do not change with arrows.


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Re: ES Native Mode proposal

2013-09-26 Thread Aymeric Vitte

There are other cases, like malicious code injection.

I don't know if it's really feasible without redefining the DOM on top 
of it but I feel the need since a long time, something that makes sure 
you are using the right XMLHttpRequest or other and not a modified one.

And something that prevents a bad script to do something like 



Le 26/09/2013 01:16, Andrea Giammarchi a écrit :
I think is not ... or at least is not real-world possibility. We have 
two scenarios:

  1. you know what you include
  2. you are the library included

In first case you don't need anything because you know the code and 
you know no script will hurt so you can even do whatever you want with 
natives ... who cares if that's convenient for you, why not.

The second case you might arrive too early, so no other library could 
work in a frozen env, or too late, the env has been already modified 
you can freeze it and live in troubles for you and other scripts.

I am usually the guy living in the first case .. with as less external 
dependencies as possible and where code is OK even if extended in a 
reasonable way but I don't think there is a reasonable solution for 
the second case.

Once again we all trid in the past and failed for usability, 
performance, not so secured env ... etc etc ...

As summary if you have a party in your house ... you better know your 
guests :D

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

It's not easy to freeze the world like Caja is doing, and it's not
easy to have a library that takes care of it securely, and the use
case is not always to use modules to have a fresh global.

Some years ago, doing widgets stuff inside web pages, I had a
RestoreNativeVar function restoring natives using strange hooks
like taking them from iframes (no comments...)

The issue is probably not TC39 only, but looking at W3C security
groups specs which apparently have some hard time defining
something secure, maybe SES concepts are coming late in the TC39
schedule, all new Web API define more globals, this is usefull to
have something that freezes the entire global when you need it
instead of hacking around.



Le 25/09/2013 23:50, David Bruant a écrit :

Le 25/09/2013 17:41, Michaël Rouges a écrit :

Hi all,

Given the number of scripts from various sources that may
be contained in a web page, there may be prototypingconflicts.

Be careful about what you include? To be proactive in that
process, freeze all builtins beforehand. You'll know soon
enough if something breaks.
If you do want to enhance prototype, isolate this code and run
it before freezing builtins.

The module loader API has something close to what you ask:

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Re: ES Native Mode proposal

2013-09-26 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I have just commented the Safe, closure-free... thread, and gave some 
thoughts about CSP, as mentioned I have some hard time understanding 
what it does protect, there is no mechanism for setting independently 
script authorities, see the example I provided and the responses I got.

For those interested I provided in the CSP thread a link to a FF bug 
report where it's explained how some security policy (here Websocket 
spec) forces me to do insecure things. I don't know what list can take 
care of it, there is a discussion in [1] too, for now I did not see 
really solid arguments showing that I could be wrong.

Maybe a solution could be combination of CSP and SES, I think SES should 
come now, as far as I remember it is planned for ES8, seems too late.

Solving the code loading issue is indeed the key point, but is it feasible?




Le 26/09/2013 10:22, David Bruant a écrit :

Le 26/09/2013 09:10, Aymeric Vitte a écrit :

There are other cases, like malicious code injection.

CSP goes a long long way in preventing these.

I don't know if it's really feasible without redefining the DOM on 
top of it but I feel the need since a long time, something that makes 
sure you are using the right XMLHttpRequest or other and not a 
modified one.
In environments where you don't have the option of freezing all 
built-ins, running your code first allows you to keep a reference to 
the initial XMLHttpRequest.

You may then wonder: how can I enforce running first?
= If you're in control of the webpage, it really is up to you to run 
trusted code *before* any other scripts. If you're building a library 
other will include at any point in time they want, hope for a standard 
environment, expect nothing.

And something that prevents a bad script to do something like 

The problem here is exactly the same problem than viruses.
The only reason viruses exist at all is the design mistake that led 
operating systems to consider than programs you (human being) start, 
run with the same authority than you. Indeed, any program you run can 
throw away all your files, send them over the network to whatever 
server, etc. Hence viruses.
Seriously, how did we end up in a world where Windows Vista (and 
later? I've stopped Windows) think it's a good idea to ask for a 
confirmation pretty much after any click where could would be run? If 
Windows has a way to know the second click is secure, how much harder 
is it to make sure the *first* click is secure!! This is insane!

Related is this interesting talk:
The SkyNet Virus - Why it is Unstoppable; How to Stop it
It's old and low-quality (video, not content), but it's really good.

In my opinion, the good question isn't how to prevent a bad script to 
do something like ...?, but rather how can I make sure that scripts, 
any script, can be loaded only with the authority it needs?. How did 
the bad script you're talking about above ended up with the authority 
to change globals?
CSP is a good start and says don't run scripts that aren't 
whitelisted. You prevent scripts you haven't chosen to run at all. 
For sure, they won't change globals.
Caja and Module loader allow to run partially trusted code with 
fine-grain (object-level) control of the exact amount of authority you 

In any case, the problem starts (and likely ends) with how code is 
loaded. When this problem is solved (and I think it pretty much is 
with CSP and Caja/Module Loader), then most script-related security 
problems are solveable.


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Re: ES Native Mode proposal

2013-09-26 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 26/09/2013 11:43, David Bruant a écrit :

Le jeu. 26 sept. 2013 11:11:40 CEST, Aymeric Vitte a écrit :

For those interested I provided in the CSP thread a link to a FF bug
report where it's explained how some security policy (here Websocket
spec) forces me to do insecure things. I don't know what list can take
care of it, there is a discussion in [1] too, for now I did not see
really solid arguments showing that I could be wrong.
I answered on the webappsec thread. Firefox blocks mixed content for 
good reasons. When receiving an HTTPS page, the browser shows lots of 
signs of the page being secure. If the page starts loading 
code/style/content with HTTP, these are subject to man in the middle 
attacks and suddenly, the browser gives a false sense of security to 
the user.

Mixed content is not blocked today. Again, it's difficult to say which 
one is more insecure between http with https or https with http, the 
first one is subject to a mitm attack since the begining.

Firefox isn't forcing you to do insecure things. Firefox is forcing 
you to make a choice: go all the way secure (so that it can shows 
strong signal to the user) or use HTTP.

I am not saying FF is the problem, FF follows the Websocket spec, which 
does not allow ws with https. I am explaining why I can not use wss 
(routers can not have trusted certificates), so I am forced to fallback 
to http. It's easy to deny the issue but that's a real life use case.

Maybe a solution could be combination of CSP and SES, I think SES
should come now, as far as I remember it is planned for ES8, seems too
SES exists now... sort of... with Caja. You don't need to wait, it's 
already available. Module loaders are also a major step forward.

Not very intuitive to use as far as I remember.

Solving the code loading issue is indeed the key point, but is it

Can you describe ways in which it isn't?

Do you know a way (even theoretical) to safely load code with web 
mechanisms that can defeat a mitm? This would necessarly imply another 
check mechanism on top of SSL/TLS


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Re: Safe, Closure-free, Serializable functions

2013-09-26 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I would like to defend against a potential mitm/code injection and 
ideally against globals modifications.

Unfortunately I have the ws problem which screw up a little bit the use 
case. So, we have the scenario that you see at the begining of [1], 
forget about the unsafe-inline, I thought it could apply to the worker 
but it does not.

I tried (as an experiment) to apply this case using CSP and I don't 
understand very well what the result does secure, as well as [2]



Le 26/09/2013 18:14, Alex Russell a écrit :

It's unclear what your threat model is. What do you want to defend, 
from who or what, and for how long?

On 26 Sep 2013 00:40, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

This is similar to the Native thread as Andrea mentioned.

Then when SES is coming?

It seems urgent to boost it, I have tried CSP recently, or at
least what works today, see [1] and [2], unfortunately I don't see
quite well what it does secure, today and tomorrow.




Le 26/09/2013 02:32, Mark S. Miller a écrit :

Hi François, your goals here have a tremendous overlap with SES.
In what ways is SES not satisfactory for these purposes?

The best short-but-accurate summary of SES, sufficient for this
question, is
section 2.3.

SES does not remove eval and Function, but rather replaces them
with confining equivalents which should be better for your
purposes. You can get SES from either


The security of SES is analysed at

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 4:29 PM, François REMY wrote:


TLDR == The web needs a way to express executable code that
does not rely on its parent context, is guaranteed to be
side-effect-free, and can be executed safely anywhere (even
in a different thread/worker/window/device, or as callback
for browser code being executed while the DOM is not ready to
be accessed)

It's been some time I've been working on this idea of a
Closure-free, Serializable function. This kind of function
would have no access to the parent closures they are defined
in, and only limited (read-only) access to the enclosing
environment (read-only Math, Object, Array, others...).

To the difference of other functions, those objects would not
be affected by the JavaScript running elsewhere on the page,
so in this closure-free function, Array.prototype.slice is
guaranteed to be the native slice function, not some kind of
polyfill or replaced function.

|function sort(array) as serializable {

|function sqrt(number) as serializable {
|return Math.sqrt(number);

|function __BAD_CODE__() as serializable {
|return new XMLHttpRequest(); // xhr not defined in ES6

Trying to export a global variable or modify any of the host
environment-defined objects would fail.

|function __BAD_CODE__(number) as serializable {
|globalNumber = number; // cannot write into the
global object

|function __BAD_CODE__() as serializable {
|Object.prototype.doSomething=function() {}; //
cannot write into the native objects

It's also important to note that any Object or Array created
inside this context will be passed to the calling context by
deep-cloning (or by replacing the safe Math object by the
host Math object of the calling code in the case of
environmental objects). Objects that can't be cloned
(non-serializable functions, for example) are just
transformed into null. We could also maybe use the idea of a
proxy though deep-cloning seems safer.

This makes sure it's impossible to leak the safe objects to
the calling context in any way (ie: the calling code can leak
anything to the called code, but not the reverse).

|var RealSin = Math.sin;
|Math.sin=function() {};
|function giveMeMath() as serializable {
|return [Math, Math.sin];
|var [m,s] = giveMeMath();
|// s

Re: Safe, Closure-free, Serializable functions

2013-09-26 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 26/09/2013 20:14, Alex Russell a écrit :
On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 9:56 AM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

I would like to defend against a potential mitm/code injection and
ideally against globals modifications.

Only one of those is a threat (MITM). The other is an effect of 
something happening (which you may or may not want). Conflating them 
isn't meaningful.

I am not conflating them, the idea is to defend against everything, as 
far as possible, including physical attacks like your colleague hacking 
inside your browser while you have left your office during some time, I 
don't find it so unlikely to happen, and quasi impossible to detect.



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Re: ES Native Mode proposal

2013-09-25 Thread Aymeric Vitte
It's not easy to freeze the world like Caja is doing, and it's not easy 
to have a library that takes care of it securely, and the use case is 
not always to use modules to have a fresh global.

Some years ago, doing widgets stuff inside web pages, I had a 
RestoreNativeVar function restoring natives using strange hooks like 
taking them from iframes (no comments...)

The issue is probably not TC39 only, but looking at W3C security groups 
specs which apparently have some hard time defining something secure, 
maybe SES concepts are coming late in the TC39 schedule, all new Web API 
define more globals, this is usefull to have something that freezes the 
entire global when you need it instead of hacking around.



Le 25/09/2013 23:50, David Bruant a écrit :

Le 25/09/2013 17:41, Michaël Rouges a écrit :

Hi all,

Given the number of scripts from various sources that may be 
contained in a web page, there may be prototypingconflicts.
Be careful about what you include? To be proactive in that process, 
freeze all builtins beforehand. You'll know soon enough if something 
If you do want to enhance prototype, isolate this code and run it 
before freezing builtins.

The module loader API has something close to what you ask: 

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Re: Promises: final steps

2013-09-08 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I have not read everything about the promise/future/re-promise subject 
but what I have read seems to show that everyone has a personal 
understanding of the thing.

So please see , 
code example that I have written for WebCrypto (ie real working case not 
using WebCrypto rewritten with WebCrypto promises), as explained I am 
using 'done' despite of the fact that it might be removed, because I 
don't see why I should use 'then' if I am not chaining anything.

As explained again, the example shows maybe that promises here are a 
kind of artifice, until other APIs implement promises.

How should I write this without 'done'?



Le 08/09/2013 19:06, Anne van Kesteren a écrit :

(Added back the other lists.)

On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 3:58 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Let's put done back in. It's the right thing.

Given what has been said thus far my
inclination is still to leave it out initially and give a version
without done() six months to a year to mature. Not having done() can
make promises harder to debug in the short term, but adding done() is
trivial to do later. And given the lack of native promise
implementations to date there's no way for us to test the done()-less
design without trying it first.

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Re: Deterministic enumeration

2013-04-25 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I don't know what is a determinist way for enumeration and who is right 
(I would be more enclined to keep the chronological order of property 
settings but if the strawman says the contrary there must be a good 
reason), but not knowing about #164, I wrote one day :

This was closed about 2s after I wrote it, but here what is not 
determinist at all is that the enumeration order can change depending on 
what you are doing.


Le 25/04/2013 20:56, Brendan Eich a écrit :

David Bruant wrote:


I've seen a bug report on Firefox [1] and was wondering whether 
deterministic property enumeration [2] was still on the table for ES6.

My comment from that bug:

Ignoring the SpiderMonkey threshold, we do have It was 
not promoted to harmony:proposals status for ES6. It's a bit late to 
jam in, but implementations along with that strawman should try to 
converge. I doubt the threshold will find consensus.

There's a long V8 issue on enumeration not using insertion order: I believe. Closed: 
WorkingAsIntended, still drawing fire from developers.




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Re: endianness

2013-04-03 Thread Aymeric Vitte
So, my suspicion was correct, I am using DataView methods like this 
here and on other projects) for historical reasons, because I started 
from node.js's buffers methods and then switched to ArrayBuffers with 
node.js's like methods, because in some cases I needed to use both at 
the same time or to be able to switch easily from one to another.

Then the use is not correct in theory, now performances seem to be OK 
(except node.js), so maybe most of the implementations are instantiating 
once a DataView for a given ArrayBuffer and keeping reference to it when 
you call it again?


Le 03/04/2013 00:52, Kenneth Russell a écrit :

Yes: API consistency. An ArrayBuffer is opaque; to work with the data
it contains, instantiate a view.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Kevin Gadd wrote:

Is there a reason why DataView wasn't specified as static methods that take
an ArrayBuffer in the first place? That would solve the problem of figuring
out when/how often to create DataView instances, and eliminate the garbage
created by using DataViews.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:23 PM, Kenneth Russell wrote:

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Aymeric Vitte

Le 02/04/2013 04:24, Kenneth Russell a écrit :

Agreed. DataView's methods are all simple and should be easy to
optimize. Because they include a conditional byte swap, they can't run
quite as fast as the typed arrays' accessors -- but they shouldn't
need to. DataView was designed to support file and network I/O, where
throughput is limited by the disk or network connection. The typed
array views were designed for in-memory assembly of data to be
submitted to the graphics card, sound card, etc., and must run as fast
as possible.

When you are streaming things, what's the correct use of DataViews?

ie : you are supposed to create each time you want to read some bytes a
DataView (which can be optimized or whatever, but still with some

Maybe it's outside of the scope of this discussion, I have already
examples, I still suspect that I am using it wrongly or that
are more adapted to webgl (ie static buffer manipulation) than network
streaming (ie dynamic buffer manipulation).

Probably I am wrong but really would like to know then what's the

If I understand your question, then the correct use of DataView is:
upon receiving an ArrayBuffer, create a DataView referring to it. When
iterating down the contents of the ArrayBuffer, continue to use the
same DataView instance, just incrementing the offset. In
abstract-tls/lib/abstract-tls.js there are some operations which
create a new DataView just to read or write a single element; this
isn't the correct usage. may be a
useful reference.

If you're handling streaming data then presumably you're receiving
multiple ArrayBuffers, one after the other. You should create one
DataView per buffer. The only challenge is properly handling the
boundary from one buffer to the next, if the boundary is within an
element like a uint16 or uint32.



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Re: endianness

2013-04-02 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 02/04/2013 04:24, Kenneth Russell a écrit :

Agreed. DataView's methods are all simple and should be easy to
optimize. Because they include a conditional byte swap, they can't run
quite as fast as the typed arrays' accessors -- but they shouldn't
need to. DataView was designed to support file and network I/O, where
throughput is limited by the disk or network connection. The typed
array views were designed for in-memory assembly of data to be
submitted to the graphics card, sound card, etc., and must run as fast
as possible.

When you are streaming things, what's the correct use of DataViews?

ie : you are supposed to create each time you want to read some bytes a 
DataView (which can be optimized or whatever, but still with some costs)?

Maybe it's outside of the scope of this discussion, I have already 
provided examples, I still suspect that I am using it wrongly or that 
ArrayBuffers are more adapted to webgl (ie static buffer manipulation) 
than network streaming (ie dynamic buffer manipulation).

Probably I am wrong but really would like to know then what's the 
correct use.


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Re: endianness

2013-03-27 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I think one day I would have raised this subject too. While doing [1] to 
[3], I was wondering during some time if I was using typed arrays 
correctly, because I found strange to have to create each time a 
DataView of a possible enormous buffer to read 2 bytes, and what the 
impact on performances.

Not talking about node.js that does not care about the fact that their 
DataView instantiation is ridiculously slow, it appears that the defect 
is present in FF too up to a certain version but it's corrected in the 
latest Nightly, so probably the answer is that there is an impact on 

Maybe it's not uninteresting to look at [3] where I am trying to compare 
3 methods (former string buffers, typed arrays without DataViews, and 
typed arrays with DataViews)

Or maybe I am still not using this correctly, all protocols used here 
are in big endian order, I did not read everything about the subject and 
why this decision was made but the basic reflex would be to add an 
endianness option to typed arrays.


[3] and

Le 27/03/2013 01:18, Brendan Eich a écrit :

Kenneth Russell wrote:
On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 4:35 PM, David  

[breaking out a new thread since this is orthogonal to the NaN issue]

While the Khronos spec never specified an endianness, TC39 agreed in 
May 2012 to make the byte order explicitly little-endian in ES6:

The de facto reality is that there are essentially no big-endian 
browsers for developers to test on. Web content is being invited to 
introduce byte-order dependencies. DataView is usually held up as 
the counter-argument, as if the *existence* of a safe alternative 
API means no one will ever misuse the unsafe one. Even if we don't 
take into account human nature, Murphy's Law, and the fact that the 
web is the world's largest fuzz tester, a wholly rational developer 
may often prefer not to use DataView because it's still easier to 
read out bytes using [ ] notation instead of DataView methods.

I myself -- possibly the one person in the world who cares most 
about this issue! -- accidentally created a buggy app that wouldn't 
work on a big-endian system, because I had no way of testing it:

In summary: we already agreed on TC39 to close this loophole, it's 
the right thing to do, and concern about potential performance 
issues on non-existent browsers of non-existent systems should not 
trump portability and correctly executing existing web content.

I am disappointed that this decision was made without input from both
of the editors of the typed array spec and disagree with the statement
that it is the right thing to do.

First, my apologies to Dave for forgetting the May decision. I was 
looking in the wrong place for a record of that decision!

Second, I understand Ken's point of view (old SGI hacker here) but 
have to question it on the grounds Dave raises: no one is testing, so 
there are very likely to be latent little-endian dependencies in 
deployed code today.

So why not codify this? Because it might penalize big-endian systems? 
The IP protocols use big-endian byte order (owing to the pre-Intel 
big-endian architectures of IMPs and early Internet machines) and so 
penalize Intel machines, and we take the hit (and it's small on modern 
super-scalar CPUs).

Ken, a couple of questions:

1. Do you know of any big-endian systems with market share that host 
JS implementations? It would be great to have a list.

2. Independent of the answer to (1), today's web browsers run on 
little-endian systems and that has very likely created a de-facto 
standard. If we codify it, we make the small to empty set of 
big-endian systems pay a price. Why is this the wrong thing for typed 
arrays but the right thing (in reverse! majority-architectures 
penalized) for the IP protocol suite?


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Re: Mutable Proto

2013-03-24 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 22/03/2013 19:33, Mark S. Miller a écrit :
On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

As far as I remember  when I looked at it, there was a getfreevar
function or something like this parsing the code (or I
misunderstood, see [1] but don't read the proposal, it's wrong,
even if I don't totally give up with the concept).

Are you referring to the function atLeastFreeVarNames at 
It does scan the source using regular expressions to look for all 
possible identifiers. But it doesn't do a full parse or even lex. As a 
result, it picks up identifiers in comments and literal strings as 
well. Security only requires that the code being scanned cannot 
contain have a free (and therefore global) variable reference without 
it being included in atLeastFreeVarNames's result.

Yes, exactly, indeed it's not parsing but rexexpeing.

But anyway, since it will change, does it exist an official
document about SES concepts (strawman or other) ?

Nothing official yet. But see

Thanks, for [1] there is a script supposed to tame the page, trying to 
use a kind of home-made Object.observe which just shadows some DOM 
prototype properties and assign getters/setters, unexpectedly the 
behavior is different in each browser, and globally this does not work 
at all as such, maybe the override problem, more probably when I am back 
to it.



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Re: Mutable Proto

2013-03-22 Thread Aymeric Vitte
As far as I remember  when I looked at it, there was a getfreevar 
function or something like this parsing the code (or I misunderstood, 
see [1] but don't read the proposal, it's wrong, even if I don't totally 
give up with the concept).

But anyway, since it will change, does it exist an official document 
about SES concepts (strawman or other) ?



Le 21/03/2013 22:17, Kevin Reid a écrit :


On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Kevin Reid wrote:

Yes. SES requires 'with' as a means to hook into 'global' variable
reads and writes; without it, it is impossible

without performing a parse and scope analysis of the code to be evaluated

to emulate the semantics of browser global environments, such as in:

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Re: Are frozen Objects faster ?

2013-02-15 Thread Aymeric Vitte
Typed Arrays are not frozen on FF, they are not extensible, only new 
typed_array(nothing) is frozen (just bad luck for your example :-) ).

Reading this thread, it seems that I am not using good practices, 
because I am using quite often the object literal indexed with numbers 
(var a={};a[1]=something), and I am using delete to remove the values 
(the object litteral becomes a kind of array with holes), and I really 
expect delete to remove the property, not to assign it to null. I find 
it convenient (despite of the fact that properties enumeration order in 
that case is let to the appreciation of the js engine and can change 
depending on what you are doing), is this not correct/impacting a lot 

One day maybe there could be an annex in ES specs about good practices 
and performances, or does it exist somewhere?


Le 14/02/2013 21:50, Andrea Giammarchi a écrit :
I wodner how come Firefox behaves like that then but I don't have 
tests to compare any difference between these two. I will write some, 

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:48 PM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

On 14 February 2013 21:36, Andrea Giammarchi
 Binary Arrays are indeed frozen objects, at least in Firefox,
and ultra
 Object.isFrozen(new Float32Array()) // true in Firefox

 Since these are ultra fast in Chrome too but not frozen, I
believe there is
 already a way to speed up typed stuff (didn't check how it's
done though) so
 I wonder how come Object.freeze() is not taking similar approach
 behind the scene the object improving all static properties getters
 (probably dropping those getters where possible unless defined
as such)

Frozenness is largely irrelevant for typed arrays, since all array
accesses are defined by a magic nameless getter/setter pair per the
WebIDL spec.


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Re: Array subclassing, .map and iterables (Re: Jan 30 TC39 Meeting Notes)

2013-02-12 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 10/02/2013 19:05, Allen Wirfs-Brock a écrit :

All the presentation decks from the meeting are publicly available at

the short form:

In ES5, today you can use Array.prototype as the [[Prototype]] of 
non-Array objects or apply the Array.prototype methods to non-arrays. 
 The behaviors they get are non-necessarily what you would expect if 
you would really subclass Array.  We need to preserve the existing 
behaviors for these existing use cases but would like to provide the 
more reasonable behavior when class extends Array is used to create a 

Array.prototype.concat is the most problematic of the existing methods 
in this regard.

After reading this thread and the slides, what is the plan for Typed 
Arrays (dedicated array like methods or Array subclassed like) ?

I see the constraints for subclassing, but the solution a.from(b,map) 
seems a little bit strange (even if I agree that it should return the 
same instance as a) , and what about concat, slice, etc as you mention? 
Couldn't we add something like a parameter to the methods :,thisArg, true) or,true) returns example's 
instance instead of Array (same processing as .of, .from), so you can 
explicitely say that you want to return the same instance and don't have 
backward compatilities issues (hopefully...) ?

I have used a lot Typed Arrays for [1] [2] [3] and all along wondering 
why Array like optimized methods were not available, especially concat, 
and why it was speced entirely in TC39 while a spec already exists 
(which specifies slice/subarray but surprisingly not concat), but it 
will be extremely usefull to have the Array like methods in the ES specs 
for Typed Arrays.



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Re: bis - Array subclassing, .map and iterables (Re: Jan 30 TC39 Meeting Notes)

2013-02-12 Thread Aymeric Vitte
and, I forgot and don't know exactly if this should fall here, a 
toString(encoding) method which supports streaming, see [3] using 

Le 12/02/2013 12:54, Aymeric Vitte a écrit :

Le 10/02/2013 19:05, Allen Wirfs-Brock a écrit :

All the presentation decks from the meeting are publicly available at

the short form:

In ES5, today you can use Array.prototype as the [[Prototype]] of 
non-Array objects or apply the Array.prototype methods to non-arrays. 
 The behaviors they get are non-necessarily what you would expect if 
you would really subclass Array.  We need to preserve the existing 
behaviors for these existing use cases but would like to provide the 
more reasonable behavior when class extends Array is used to create a 

Array.prototype.concat is the most problematic of the existing 
methods in this regard.

After reading this thread and the slides, what is the plan for Typed 
Arrays (dedicated array like methods or Array subclassed like) ?

I see the constraints for subclassing, but the solution a.from(b,map) 
seems a little bit strange (even if I agree that it should return the 
same instance as a) , and what about concat, slice, etc as you 
mention? Couldn't we add something like a parameter to the methods :,thisArg, true) or,true) returns example's 
instance instead of Array (same processing as .of, .from), so you can 
explicitely say that you want to return the same instance and don't 
have backward compatilities issues (hopefully...) ?

I have used a lot Typed Arrays for [1] [2] [3] and all along wondering 
why Array like optimized methods were not available, especially 
concat, and why it was speced entirely in TC39 while a spec already 
exists (which specifies slice/subarray but surprisingly not concat), 
but it will be extremely usefull to have the Array like methods in the 
ES specs for Typed Arrays.



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Re: Promises

2012-11-14 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I don't know when tasks.js will be usable (ie generators supported) 
but probably it's a very good solution to solve all the async (and 
resync) issues I had doing where 
unexpected and unpredictable things as well as performances reasons 
forced me to use [do_not_wait, setTimeout, clearTimeout,...] which makes 
part of the code look like a mess and that I found not easy at all to 

Le 13/11/2012 11:43, David Bruant a écrit :

Le 10/11/2012 03:14, Brendan Eich a écrit :

David Bruant wrote:
Personally, to synchronize different async operations, I've never 
read code more elegant than what Q.all offers.

What about task.js's join?
I feel it's pretty much equivalent. Maybe slightly less verbose. I'd 
write the same code with promises as:

Q.all(read(sleep.html), read(read.html)).then(function(f1, f2){
out.innerHTML += sleep.html:  + (f1.responseText.length) + 

out.innerHTML += read.html:  + (f2.responseText.length) + \n;

Generators + promises = tasks ;-)
It took me several months to understand the value of tasks.js and then 
I loved the idea (though I haven't used it because of the lack of 
generators in platforms). The code you linked to leaves me somehow 
uneasy, because it looks like sync code while it's async. Promises 
have this advantage that they make clear what's sync and what's async. 
But maybe I also need to step out of my comfort zone for this case...

What's the error forwarding/handling story for tasks?

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Re: global object in strict mode

2012-08-24 Thread Aymeric Vitte
We don't know what name has 'global' (ie var global=this, var 
window=this, etc)

This is what I tried to figure out here among others : (automatic, 
window.window=window), maybe impossible, unlikely, or whatever

I don't know well about this CSP proposal but it seems strange to me 
everytime something states that 'eval' is forbidden or stuff like this, 
a 'wrap' or equivalent would be better

Le 24/08/2012 19:51, Brendan Eich a écrit :

Kris Kowal wrote:
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Brendan  
I'm not sure what the problem is -- I read the old thread, and 
noticed the

var global = Function(return this)();
This is good for any code mode, strict or non-strict. Does CSP ban 

as well as eval?

CSP does forbid the Function constructor, by the edict “Code will not
be created from strings”. Section 4.2 “If unsafe-eval is not allowed…”

Sure, makes sense (I think I even knew that once -- have to catch up 
on CSP when I have some time, next millennium :-P).

Is it common to want an expression, usable in any context (non-strict, 
strict, CSP, deep in a function nest with potentially many names in 
scope, some of which might shadow globals), that evaluates to the 
current global object?

JS libraries do things like

(funciton (global) {
  // all the code here

and that works, as well as the brute force

var global = this;

approach. But one must take care not to shadow the name.

Could ES6 add a predefined global property named 'global', set to 
reference the global object? I suppose maybe - it would be writable or 
(to use WebIDL's term) [Replaceable]. We can't just make a const 
global, we will break extant code.

Is this global global important to standardize?

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Re: July 25, 2012 - TC39 Meeting Notes

2012-07-30 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 28/07/2012 01:55, Rick Waldron a écrit :

Explanation of specification history and roots in newer DOM mutation 

AWB: Is this sufficient for implementing DOM mutation event mechanisms?

RWS: Yes, those could be built on top of Object.observe

Probably I must be misreading the proposal (again), but if you take a js 
DOM project where almost all attributes are handled via getters/setters, 
how can we observe something ?

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Re: Updates to Object.observe

2012-07-24 Thread Aymeric Vitte
The goals of the proposal are indicated in the strawman but not the 

I am still wondering what I can observe in a DOM environment for example 
with the current proposal.

Le 18/07/2012 22:19, Aymeric Vitte a écrit :
I know this would induce other modifications in the specs but I am 
wondering why in the strawman examples o.x=6 does not notify 
(type=triggered or something like that), it does not modify the 
object but it could be interesting to get the notification t 

Le 18/07/2012 01:49, Erik Arvidsson a écrit :

We've done a bunch of updates to Object.observe in preparation for the
next weeks face to face meeting. The updates are based on feedback
from multiple people but more feedback is always welcome.

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Re: Updates to Object.observe

2012-07-18 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I know this would induce other modifications in the specs but I am 
wondering why o.x=6 (strawman examples) does not notify 
(type=triggered or something like that), it does not modify the 
object's property but it could be interesting to get the notification 
too (document.body.innerHTML=xxx)

Le 18/07/2012 01:49, Erik Arvidsson a écrit :

We've done a bunch of updates to Object.observe in preparation for the
next weeks face to face meeting. The updates are based on feedback
from multiple people but more feedback is always welcome.

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Re: [was ...]

2012-07-13 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 12/07/2012 01:17, Jason Orendorff a écrit :

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 6:04 PM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

If the answer is that it is not possible because of the same origine policy,
then it is not difficult to show that this policy can be broken already, by
some manipulations, then it's better to have something clean.

Please do explain what manipulations you have in mind here.

As I understand it, the same-origin policy is what prevents other web
sites you visit from sending HTTP requests to your bank (for example),
with your login cookie attached, and looking at the responses. It
seems like it would be a major security hole if that could be easily

Your example is specific, you need first to get the bank cookie which is 
not easy. More generally, MDN docs state :

The same origin policy prevents a document or script loaded from one 
origin from getting or setting properties of a document from another 

Then same MDN docs say :

|window.postMessage| is a method for safely enabling cross-origin 
communication. Normally, scripts on different pages are only allowed to 
access each other if and only if the pages which executed them are at 
locations with the same protocol (usually both |http|), port number 
(|80| being the default for |http|), and host (modulo document.domain being set by both 
pages to the same value). |window.postMessage| provides a controlled 
mechanism to circumvent this restriction in a way which is secure when 
properly used.

Then for example postMessage is breaking the first statement, not saying 
that it is not usefull, we did use it here, you go on a site, inject the code, 
select your gadget and then via iframe and postMessage you login and 
record the gadget on our site, but which is secure when properly used 
indicates that some bad uses could be made.

There is the cross domain xhr with access control too.

But coming back to my point, I am not talking about a download like a 
xhr where you can set cookies, do post requests, etc, just a download 
that fetch the source, so I don't see it more dangerous than script or 
img fetching (or System.load) for example.

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Re: [was ...]

2012-07-13 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 10/07/2012 13:40, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt a écrit :

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 7:36 AM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

Where System.eval does a simple eval if url is not a module.

Right, that's what `loader.eval` is specified to do for module loaders.

Where is it in the proposal ? I can not find it, what kind of eval does 
it do in that case ? What I see is :

Reflective evaluation, via |eval| or the module loading API starts a 
new compilation and linking phase for the dynamically evaluated code. As 
in ES5, the direct |eval| operator inherits its caller’s scope chain.

But again, difficult to eval something that you can not fetch...

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Re: [was ...]

2012-07-13 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Yes it's true, focusing too much on my needs, then forget it
Le 13/07/2012 11:39, Jason Orendorff a écrit :

On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 3:39 AM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

But coming back to my point, I am not talking about a download like a xhr
where you can set cookies, do post requests, etc, just a download that fetch
the source, so I don't see it more dangerous than script or img fetching (or
System.load) for example.

It's the difference between exposing every image on your intranet to
any random web page that asks for it, and exposing all data on your
intranet to any random web page that asks for it. Any web page could
start by fetching http://intranet/; and follow the links from there.
This kind of comprehensive spidering of an organization's internal
data is obviously not possible with img.

This is basic browser security stuff.  I strongly suggest reading up
before posting anything more on this topic.


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Re: [was ...]

2012-07-10 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I have given some examples, surprising that nobody else reacts with 
other examples. One of the use could be to be able to do the very simple 
thing :

var f=function() {

var a={};

var cb=function(code) {System.eval(code);console.log(a.b)};,cb);
//url's code -- a.b='b';

Where System.eval does a simple eval if url is not a module.

Or something like that, why do we have the eval(src) possibility in the 
proposal if we can not fetch src ?

Le 10/07/2012 01:48, Aymeric Vitte a écrit :

Le 10/07/2012 01:18, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt a écrit :

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 7:04 PM, Aymeric  wrote:

I would like to have the final word on that one.

If the answer is that it is not possible because of the same origine policy,
then it is not difficult to show that this policy can be broken already, by
some manipulations, then it's better to have something clean.

The same-origin policy is not the responsibility of TC39, and more
importantly it's not something that I can speak with the requisite
authority about.  Adding a convenience for fetching data using the
current fetch hooks of loaders is a possibility, but I don't want to
add more conveniences before it's clear they're useful.

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2012-07-09 Thread Aymeric Vitte

I would like to have the final word on that one.

If the answer is that it is not possible because of the same origine 
policy, then it is not difficult to show that this policy can be broken 
already, by some manipulations, then it's better to have something clean.

Le 06/07/2012 19:21, Aymeric Vitte a écrit :

Le 06/07/2012 18:52, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt a écrit :

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Aymeric  wrote:

OK, then are there objections to the async,callback) ?

This is just a version of XHR, but with a different cross-origin

and the former unlikely.

Why ? (Same origin policy ???) You said in a previous post :

If you want the ability to fetch the source the way that the loader 
would do it, and then not actually *load* the code, we could 
potentially add that

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Re: Static Module Resolution

2012-07-06 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 06/07/2012 03:17, Brendan Eich a écrit :

Aymeric Vitte wrote:
Then the sync xhr is absurd ? 

It's a botch that developers avoid , else they jank the user interface. 
Yes, as far as you can or as far as you want to avoid unnecessary 
complication, for example projet [1] is loading quite a lot of things 
using xhr and scripts (which are loading others), the priority was to 
load the user interface as fast as possible (offline feature, etc), then 
most of the loadings are async but the sync xhr could not be avoided 
(easy way sometimes but as far as I remember not using it could lead to 
situations that looked unresolvable)

 We've been over this. Are you seriously defending it?
Do we have a survey of the use of sync against async ? I think it would 
show that sync is much more used (wrongly or easy way again, but...). 
The possibility to have a sync xhr remains usefull, but I see that I 
will be opposed strong arguments (could not find previous discussions 
about it).

If not possible, could we have at least a,callback), 
as simple as just loading the url content and not caring about what is 
inside ? So we have an alternative to creating globals or linking to globals

[1] :

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Re: Static Module Resolution

2012-07-06 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Do we have a survey of the use of sync against async ? I think it
would show that sync is much more used (wrongly or easy way again,

I completely disagree with this. Most developers without the 
knowledge/skill to know why sync is bad are just going to use a 
library like jQuery - which uses async. I'm not aware of any major 
library that uses sync as a default for their ajax api or uses sync in 
their own code.

- Russ
I am not refering to libraries but to developers/sites that indeed are 
using libraries and then feel (usually wrongly) necessary to extend it 
with unofficial/not good libraries or their own and then add some stuff 
around that usually is sync, as far as I saw debuging node-dom or 
looking at usual web sites

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Re: Static Module Resolution

2012-07-06 Thread Aymeric Vitte

OK, then are there objections to the async,callback) ?

Le 06/07/2012 17:09, Russell Leggett a écrit :
On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

Do we have a survey of the use of sync against async ? I
think it would show that sync is much more used (wrongly or
easy way again, but...).

I completely disagree with this. Most developers without the
knowledge/skill to know why sync is bad are just going to use a
library like jQuery - which uses async. I'm not aware of any
major library that uses sync as a default for their ajax api or
uses sync in their own code.

- Russ

I am not refering to libraries but to developers/sites that indeed
are using libraries and then feel (usually wrongly) necessary to
extend it with unofficial/not good libraries or their own and then
add some stuff around that usually is sync, as far as I saw
debuging node-dom or looking at usual web sites

I'm not saying people don't do it, I was saying that the percentage is 
likely far smaller than you claim. Perhaps I'm deluding myself. 
Anyway, I don't think we should cater to something that is considered 
bad practice. As Brendan has said, lets lead the horses away from the 
rotting vegetables with better carrots.

- Russ


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Re: Static Module Resolution

2012-07-06 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 06/07/2012 18:52, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt a écrit :

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

OK, then are there objections to the async,callback) ?

This is just a version of XHR, but with a different cross-origin

and the former unlikely.

Why ? (Same origin policy ???) You said in a previous post :

If you want the ability to fetch the source the way that the loader 
would do it, and then not actually *load* the code, we could potentially 
add that

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Re: Static Module Resolution

2012-07-05 Thread Aymeric Vitte

I don't understand your comment about `window` and `document`.  They
are already globals in browser JS environments.
Please, take some time to read again my previous posts, I am refering to 
both server side's and browser's env, with 'window' and 'document' that 
are familiar as examples, but these could be 'mylocalvar1' and 
'mylocalvar2' in both (and in my server side examples 'window' and 
'document' are not supposed at all to be in fine globals)

As for async, there are a variety of ways to make it easier
No, the only way to ease your life is to define a lot of things as 
globals which some people like myself might not want to do, same as var 
script_=document.createElement('script') callbacks, modules are 
reproducing the same

I don't know if you develop everyday async code handling multiple asyncs 
stuff but it becomes all the time very quickly a nightmare

, but we
are *not* going to add synchronous IO as part of the module system.
The run-to-completion semantics of JS are non-negotiable.

Then the sync xhr is absurd ?

The non-negotiable word reminds me some famous vendor not implementing 
the sync xhr for obscure purposes (not blocking the app or something 
like this), I did not check since that time but I would bet they finally 
implemented it

It is really needed and looks so simple, do we have to live forever with 
the xhr limitations or can this simple thing be included ? (I understand 
it does not follow the global logic of modules/loaders but there might 
be a way)

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Re: Static Module Resolution

2012-07-04 Thread Aymeric Vitte
This is not exactly what I would like to do, I would like to decide 
where I want to run it and when (whether it's sync or async), the global 
environment can be protected by strict mode now if you don't eval within it.

Basically I would like to have :

var code=download(url); //download(./my_server_secret_script.js)

eval(code); //sync or asynch

The problem with the loader proposal is that you need a callback and it 
only extends the global scope, so the loader does not know the 
surrounding environment where it is called, example :


var callback=function() {
var window=some window; //not a global var
System.load('script.js',function() {console.log(res)}; //script.js 
-- var res=window.document.body


Real example here: , section :

document.onload=function() {
var EWA = require('ewa').EWA;
var ewa = new 

'ewa' was a normal script that was transformed into a module (even if on 
server side I could have loaded it and eval it (but with a callback), 
let's consider the same case where I need a public script into the 
browser), and 'window' and 'document' had to become super global vars 
to make it work

Using System.load I don't have to transform the script into a module but 
I still need to make 'window' and 'document' global vars, and I have now 
to use a callback

Then why not just a ?

Note : the above case is the exact real life representation of what I am 
trying to describe here :

Le 03/07/2012 21:06, Jason Orendorff a écrit :
On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 2:29 AM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

why can't we have in the module proposal (or somewhere) just the
possibility to load code and eval it (in browsers and server side
environments) ? ie why should I be obliged to transform my script
into a module and have to maintain both, or more if I want to
insure perfect compatibility ? The question is trivial and not
entirely related to modules or ES but since modules are
considered, why not adding this possibility now ?

Well, under the current proposal, you can say:
  System.load(url, function () {}, function () {});

This will basically just load the given url and run it, 
asynchronously. (The code is treated as a module, but IIUC the only 
difference that makes is that global variables and functions it 
defines won't pollute the global environment by default -- which seems 
like a good thing.)


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Re: Static Module Resolution

2012-07-04 Thread Aymeric Vitte
It's confusing maybe because what I am requesting is very very basic 
compared to modules/loader complexity and maybe I did mix it with an 
example not so basic.

I just want something that loads the code and then I decide what to do 
with it. Indeed on browser's side it would be like a cross-domain xhr, 
this does not exist but since modules will exist into browsers too, why 
not including this possibility ?

You are right, System.load(ewa.js, ...) would work, I did not say the 
contrary but to make it work I need to define 'window' and 'document' as 
global vars, I don't like it a lot if I care about separating contexts 
and then I have a problem if I want to have several 'window' and 
'document', and I have to use a callback (I know everything is based on 
async but in some cases it's quite complicate to handle, then if things 
can be sync that's not a bad thing)

Simply, something like :

var window=window1;
eval(code); //or whatever I like to do

var window=window2;
eval(code); //or whatever I like to do

Le 04/07/2012 15:39, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt a écrit :
I'm slightly confused about what you want here. If you just want the 
ability to download code, and then eval it using the loader mechanism, 
that's already there -- just use XHR to get the code, and then call 
`System.eval(...)`. If you want the ability to fetch the source the 
way that the loader would do it, and then not actually *load* the 
code, we could potentially add that, but it's tricky for recursive 
cases -- would you want all the relevant code, or just the specified 
module? Or do you want something else than this? Finally, I don't see 
why your example doesn't work exactly as: document.onload(function() { 
System.load(ewa.js, ...); }) 

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Fwd: Re: Static Module Resolution

2012-07-03 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Forgot to copy the list...

 Message original 
Sujet:  Re: Static Module Resolution
Date :  Tue, 03 Jul 2012 09:27:50 +0200
De :Aymeric Vitte
Pour :  Brendan Eich
Copie à :   Kevin Smith

Le 02/07/2012 20:09, Brendan Eich a écrit :

Again, sync loading is anathema in the browser. Any require usage must
be (1) callback-based, or else (2) based on a preprocessor (if not
full CPS-transforming compiler).

In case (1), let's say the underlying system (AMD) uses XHR and eval.
The March meeting's resolution would throw an early error (early in
the eval's phase structure, later in the script's phase structure) on
any import syntax in the eval'ed program.

In case (2), the require dependency is loaded before runtime, one way
or another. If the compiler generates ES6, no problem. If it generates
ES5, also no problem (ES6 - ES5 compilation entails compiling import
into something like what require compiles to).


All this is logical, today we have the situation of scripts (sync)
loading scripts (async) which is not really nice to handle, the debate
here was about compatibility between require and import, now what about
normal scripts (ie non modules), why can't we have in the module
proposal (or somewhere) just the possibility to load code and eval it
(in browsers and server side environments) ? ie why should I be obliged
to transform my script into a module and have to maintain both, or more
if I want to insure perfect compatibility ? The question is trivial and
not entirely related to modules or ES but since modules are considered,
why not adding this possibility now ?

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Re: Modules: use of non-module code as a dependency

2012-06-30 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I think I have already raised 10 times at least the fact that the 
current module proposal does not allow to load a non module so both are 
complementary and can interact between each others.

script .. is not available in non browsers environments

and 3) is unnecesary complicate

Le 30/06/2012 20:19, David Herman a écrit :

On Jun 30, 2012, at 11:06 AM, James Burke wrote:

Possible answers:

1) Unsupported. Error occurs.

2) jQuery is suggested to provide a file that uses the
new keywords.

3) Proposed: When jquery.js is compiled, and no import/module/export
modules are found, then the Loader will execute jquery.js to see if it
exports a value via a runtime API. It uses that value to then finish
wiring up the local jQuery reference for module foo.

I'm curious why you didn't include what seems like the most straightforward 
answer to me: jQuery continues to work as it did before, and just like always, 
you include it via a script tag and subsequently access it as a global:

script src=jquery.js/script
... $('#foo').blah().blah() ...

I'm wondering why you didn't include this option -- is it just because jQuery 
is a special case that creates globals, whereas you also want this to work for 
modules that don't create globals?


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Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-28 Thread Aymeric Vitte

I think we all agree that global isolation is the core purpose of a
module system.  (Is that incorrect?)

Partly agree? I believe that obviating the *need* for globals is the core 
purpose of a module system. I don't believe that modules should necessarily be 
strictly separated. Modules should be given clean local scopes so that they 
don't overwrite each other, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to 
still communicate via the global object.

Yes, exactly, if I can dare a comparison, a module could behave 
somewhere like the theorical 'wrap' here 
(sorry to bother with this), contexts are separated, you can not create 
global vars inside the 'wrap' but can access them, you decide what 
should come into the 'wrap' and what goes out, so what you can/want to 
share, a bit like having a super global outside and multiple globals 
inside the 'wraps' (or modules)

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Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-26 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 26/06/2012 20:54, Isaac Schlueter a écrit :

The linked blog post is a very rough cut of where my thoughts are on
the subject.  Expect changes and cleanup.  It does not represent a
fully-baked (or even half-baked) idea, but more like a general

I expect to clean it up and propose something at least half-baked to
this list soon, incorporating some of the feedback that I've gotten
from that blog post.


If we can focus what we do on the things that are very
essential to what we need, we can probably beat those odds :)

Regarding modules I don't know right now what would be the best in terms 
of syntax.

Node.js's way is good, except the transitive dependency issue 
mentioned  in your post which in some cases indeed can cause problems.

I had some hard time to get used to this commonjs/node.js way of 
separating modules which can not interact between each others, but now I 
don't find it bad (even good).

What I find bad (1) is the need of VMs, let's take node.js's one, it's 
calling c++ stuff, calling itself js's stuff, and at the end things are 
coming back to js (with some imperfections like node.js's VM not binding 
things correctly in some cases)

And what I find bad (2) is that the fact that a module could be a normal 
web js code (ie not a module, the web is composed of js code, not 
modules) seems to be minimized, and (3)  why should we continue to load 
cross-domain scripts via the script .. tag using onload to get the 
result (normal browsers) or onreadystatechange (abnormal browser) and 
then process it via global variables ? Using xhr for example (var 
code=xhr_result(xxx);eval(code)), this breaks the same origin policy but 
it's already broken by the capability of inserting scripts (then I am 
not sure about your proposal In Web Browsers with script..).

And what I find bad (4) is the impossibility of wrapping things as I 
describe here (maybe impossible, but at 
least it shows the idea, and the need) instead of being forced to 
transform js code into modules and play with globals, bindings and clone 

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Re: Existential operator (was: ||= is much needed?)

2012-06-21 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I guess the grep work is not easy to do, but I have tried (manually) to 
find ?. or ?( in coffee script projects, trying to seek into projects of 
main contributors.

Maybe not lucky or not really aware of the most popular projects, but I 
did not find any up to now.

According to my previous posts I am quite convinced it has an interest, 
I remain perplex regarding the use of ?( , then, I am really curious to 
see CS's uses, could you please highlight some projects ?

Le 21/06/2012 05:54, Jeremy Ashkenas a écrit :
As requested, running those rough greps again on the top ten most 
popular CoffeeScript repos on Github yields:

188 uses of object?.property

32 uses of object?[key]

50 uses of function?(args)

46 uses of variable ?= value

... and the other ones are a bit tricker to grep for. There are at 
least a handful more uses of the `function?(args)` style but with 
implicit parentheses: `function? arg1, arg2` ...

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Re: Why not NodeList#forEach :\?

2012-06-19 Thread Aymeric Vitte
When I made that one : it was supposed 
to be a fast and minimal implementation of the DOM, so it works in 
almost all real cases and do not crash in other situations.

The result is not bad but not as fast as expected neither minimal. Not 
minimal because I had to adapt to plenty of frameworks or sites's 
specific stuff but widely used. Not as fast as expected because I think 
property access is too slow (styles lookup for example for this project, 
it seems that the problem increases exponentially when trying to access 
undefined properties), I thought maybe it would be possible to implement 
virtual rendering but I had to surrender, no way today to do this in js 
I believe, it would be too slow, but maybe tomorrow if I read correctly 
this thread.

Regarding NodeLists, it's not an ES subject but I would say :

1- the world thinks it is an array
2- the world does not know it is updated dynamically (in an ordered 
way in addition ...)

As everybody I made my own NodeList (and other things such as 
CSSStyleDeclaration), not exactly w3c, which is to make it look like an 
array (like everybody again and future DOM specifications), so 1) is solved

But 2) (which is the dynamic ordered update of NodeLists) still 
continues to look useless to me and a huge handicap for performances, I 
suppose plenty of people will disagree, probably a question of 
experience, unlike jquery for example I never or rarely uses/used 
NodeLists and probably jquery users or just normal developers recall 
several time $('xx') or document.getElement(s)Byxxx, the question here 
has nothing to do with ES but is it really fundamental ?

Le 19/06/2012 17:37, Allen Wirfs-Brock a écrit :

On Jun 19, 2012, at 5:29 AM, David Bruant wrote:

Le 19/06/2012 14:11, Alex Russell a écrit :

is to give us a chance to fix this (among other) errors in DOM's design. Yes, 
it's up to DOM to fix it, but we need ES to adopt things like Allen's Object 
Model Reformation to help enable it:

I guess knowing what the elem.find() API is will help me understand this part 
better, because I'm not sure I see the link between the object model 
reformulation and fixing the DOM API. Can you elaborate further on that? (if 
this discussion already happened somewhere else, a link to that discussion will 
be enough,  of course)

Actual API design is probably an orthogonal issue.  What the Object Model Reformation proposal (which is 
probably better understood by its subtitle Decoupling [ ] and Property Access) does is permit the existing behavior 
of DOM collections to be directly expressed in JavaScript without having having to resort to host object magic.  It supports the 
general principle of: If the DOM needs to do it then it should be doable in pure JavaScript.  There are lots of reasons why for 
some objects it makes sense for indexed access to have different semantics than property access.  The DOM 
does this today. In an improved DOM API design it will probably also be the case.  The Object Model Reformation provides a 
semantic basis for designing such improved APIs rather than just making up host object magic that has no foundation in core 
JavaScript semantics.

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Re: Existential operator (was: ||= is much needed?)

2012-06-19 Thread Aymeric Vitte
Complement for my last sentence : if you are using ?. it means that you 
don't know if the thing does exist, then you are probably waiting for it 
to exist (asynchronous environments for example), then once you get it, 
it is very unlikely that you call it right away, I would like to see 
some examples

Le 20/06/2012 00:36, Aymeric Vitte a écrit :
Coffeescript seems to have some radical behavior (a.b?.c.d.e.f) a bit 
similar to what I suggested (which ok can not be in js)

But the discussion here still does not say how much a.b?() or 
a.b?.call(xxx) is used in coffeescript

Personnaly I was thinking that ?. should more allow to check existence 
rather than both checking and calling it if it exists, difficult to 
win everywhere

Le 19/06/2012 22:35, Allen Wirfs-Brock a écrit :

On Jun 19, 2012, at 12:37 PM, Jeremy Ashkenas wrote:

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote: ==, args)
  fun?(args) ==  fun?.call(undefined, args)

How are these equivalent? Won't  fun?.call evaluate to undefined
if fun is undefined and undefined(undefined,args) will throw...

 ... check out the compilation:,%20args%29%0A%0Awindow.method?.call%28window,%20args%29

Ah, this is actually close to what I was advocating 
for this particular case.  However, if I now understand correctly you 
are saying that

produces undefined if fun is null/undefined but will throw if fun is 
defined as:

   fun = new Object;
because it doesn't have have call property.

Also, it isn't clear to me why the second example 
(window.method?.call(window, args))  is only guarding for null and 
not undefined.  Is it only because you guard for undefined on 
variable references and not on property references?

Basically, I see what the code you generate is doing but the unlying 
semantics that yields that code is less obvious.

It doesn't eagerly evaluate to undefined ... the value of the 
*entire* expression is undefined if the chain is broken at the 
existential operator. That's much of the point of soaks: 

Ah, again.  I don't think Brendan's strawman will produce that 
result.  The ...?.i is going to get undefined when it does GetValue 
on the Reference produced for  Then undefined.can 
will throw in step 5 of 11.2.1 because the LHS is undefined.  Getting 
this behavior seems to requires modifying . as well as defining ?.


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Re: Existential operator (was: ||= is much needed?)

2012-06-18 Thread Aymeric Vitte
This is related to what I was trying to figure out in the more fun with 
undefined thread, maybe it is wrong or have too many impact but I was 
about to suggest :

8.9.1 GetValue (V)
5. If IsUnresolvableReference(V), return undefined

11.2.1 Property Accessors
Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
3. If baseValue is an abrupt completion or undefined, return baseValue.

Why not, instead of adding ? operator ?

Le 18/06/2012 07:11, Brendan Eich a écrit :

Sorry, meant to start a new thread for:

As the Syntax section hints, we can't also adopt CoffeeScript's ?( 
variant, which enables, go, here).baz and the like. The 
C syntax heritage prevails.


Brendan Eich wrote:

David Herman wrote:

On Jun 15, 2012, at 5:57 PM, satyr wrote:

On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 4:33 AM, David Herman wrote:

As for null, I can see how there's confusion about whether to use
null vs undefined, and so I can see why CoffeeScript would just
try to blur the distinction between them.

Not just for blurring. Rejecting `null` is essential for 
CoffeeScript's existence due to `?.`, the soak/safe access operator.

I think you could make a case for ?. defaulting for both but ?? 
defaulting only undefined. The case goes something like this:

- The purpose of ?? is to provide a default value when no value was 
provided. The way to say no value in JavaScript is undefined.

- The purpose of ?. is to fail soft when doing a property lookup. 
Both null and undefined throw when doing a property lookup.

Agreed. This is one choice, it's plausible because of the distinction 
between defaulting (which requires intentional passing of a please 
default sentinel value, or not passing a trailing actual argument) 
and soaking up null-or-undefined.

Yes, we could make ?? and ??= do the same for null as for undefined. 
I'm not sure that's the right choice, but it's a choice. For, though, the clearer choice is to avoid throwing, which 
means evaluating to undefined if is missing (evaluates to 
undefined) *or* has a value not coercible to object type (null or 
undefined). See

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Re: Existential operator (was: ||= is much needed?)

2012-06-18 Thread Aymeric Vitte

OK, ?. is enough and good

Le 18/06/2012 16:48, Brendan Eich a écrit :

Aymeric Vitte wrote:
Why not, instead of adding ? operator ? 

You mean ?. here, I assume.

The answer is because what you propose is an incompatible change to 
ECMA-262 (all editions) and JS back to its birth, which lets programs 
that throw currently continue to run, with possibly disastrous 
consequences (undefined flowing into the bank-balance database as 
NaN). There is no way that this kind of potentially-bug-hiding 
behavior should be the default semantics. It must be explicitly 
opted-into via new syntax.


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Re: ||= is much needed?

2012-06-15 Thread Aymeric Vitte
Yes, what I mean is that I did not see since a long time something like 
a===null?b:c or if (a===null)||b, and except for specific use like 
Object.create(null) I don't see a lot of null being used, then making 
the distinction for ??, ?: and others looks too subtle

Le 15/06/2012 04:20, Brendan Eich a écrit :

On Jun 14, 2012, at 6:38 PM, Aymeric  wrote:

Maybe I missed it, never saw the use of null since a long time, but I can be 

As Allen pointed out, null is specified in ECMA-262, e.g. Object.getPrototypeOf.


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Re: More fun with undefined

2012-06-15 Thread Aymeric Vitte
Probably there are very good reasons but I reask the question : why 
should the attempt to access a property of a variable equal to undefined 
global property not return undefined global property ? (ie a way that 
this works : if (a.b.c.d) {} when a,a.b, etc are not set)

This can be usefull when things get loaded asynchronously and then when 
you don't know when it will be available (it does not happen every day, 
but in some cases you don't have necessarily a callback or an event to 
tell you and then asynchronous stuff can start being extremely difficult 
to handle).

Example :

console.log(a);//Reference error, GetBase returns undefined


-- does not seem very logical, no ?

Maybe it was discussed thousand of times, but why not :

8.9.1 GetValue (V)
5. If IsUnresolvableReference(V), return undefined

Le 15/06/2012 01:22, Allen Wirfs-Brock a écrit :

On Jun 14, 2012, at 3:49 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Thaddee Tyl wrote:

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 3:29 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 This is a different issue, but I wonder how badly the web would
break if we
 made undefined a reserved word.  Does anybody in JS really
declare a
 different local binding for undefined?  In ES5 we got away with
 undefined read-only.  Maybe we should continue pushing and see
if we can
 eliminate the rebindable undefined hazard.

JQuery [1] famously has an undefined parameter, like so:

   (function( window, undefined ) { ... }(window))

Actually, this exists because undefined wasn't reserved. We would 
certainly remove the formal param in favor of an reserved undefined. 
Unfortunately, we can't take it back in extant code.

A wonder if this wart is hairy enough, that we wouldn't be justified 
in some explicit backwards compatibility hackery in the spec. to 
remove it.

For example, we could allow it to appear in parameter lists and 
provide a dynamic check to ensure that nothing (other than a real 
undefined) is passed.  Similarly we could explicitly allow:

  var undefined;

Certainly there is no particular reasons we need to allow:
  let undefined;
  const undefined=true;
  class undefined extends foo { }
or any other new binding forms redefining undefined.



What would happen in this case?

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Re: More fun with undefined

2012-06-15 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I am not talking about defining implicit properties or such things, 
neither having undeclared stuff looking declared, but just changing the 
behavior of retrieving a property when base is undefined, which will 
then be undefined.

If am I reading correctly the specs, doing this change will work for 
a.b.c.d, because undefined is returned first and nothing is set 
anywhere, unless I am wrong :

console.log(a); //reference error

var a;//undefined
console.log(a.b);//reference error

will become :

console.log(a); //undefined

var a;//undefined

Le 15/06/2012 15:52, T.J. Crowder a écrit :
On 15 June 2012 14:34, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

Example :

console.log(a);//Reference error, GetBase returns undefined


-- does not seem very logical, no ?

To me this would be a big step backward, after the very large stride 
forward this group made in ES's strict mode of making _assigning_ to 
an unresolvable reference an error rather than an implicit creation of 
a property on the global object.

For one thing, how is the engine to know that the `a` in question was 
meant to be `window.a`? Maybe I just forgot to put `var a` in the 
current scope. (In fact, that's usually what it is when I get this error.)

Scope is not the same as an object (although of course, the scope 
chain is conceptually made up of binding objects). If I refer to `a` 
in my code and `a` has never been declared, that's a bug, and as I 
haven't told it, the engine has no way of knowing what level in the 
scope chain I intended `a` to be in. If I access the `a` property of 
an object, and the property has never been defined, that could just be 
lazy initialization; the engine knows that I'm talking about that 
specific object (or its prototypes), because I've told it what object 
to look at.


(ie a way that this works : if (a.b.c.d) {} when a,a.b, etc are
not set)

Making the initial `a` evaluate to `undefined` wouldn't make that 
work: Instead of the ReferenceError, you'd get a TypeError (cannot 
read property `b` of undefined).

-- T.J.

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Re: ||= is much needed?

2012-06-14 Thread Aymeric Vitte


I put Rick's answer below too, in strict/correct code it can be used but 
what examples (except yours) ?

Maybe I missed it, never saw the use of null since a long time, but I 
can be wrong

Do you think it does worth the complexity for the operators we are 
talking about ? w3c is forced to define something as null, would look 
strange and not serious to define it as undefined in specs, but in 
reality this is let to the appreciation of developers (who usually don't 
care), and for comparisons/default, null will, I think, never be used, 
then it should probably behave the same as undefined

Le 15/06/2012 01:12, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Aymeric  wrote:

Nobody (except w3c) is using null, or when someone is using it, it is the
same way as undefined, and it is not explicit (ie a||b or a==b, not
a===null), I remind some old code where we could see the use of null but can
not find a single example of recent code, then the new operator(s) should
treat it the same way I believe, the problem is 0 here

Your experience isn't necessarily universal.  I've used null before to
mean something different than undefined.


There doesn't need to be an explicit check for undefined - anytime null 
is used as an intentional place holder and its value would be 
 _otherwise_ undefined counts as well.

And for your information, I am not w3c and I use null frequently (the 
same way w3c uses it).

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Re: ||= is much needed?

2012-06-14 Thread Aymeric Vitte
Just to be clear I am talking about the use of null in the scope of the 
current discussion (ie operators/default) only

Le 15/06/2012 01:37, Aymeric Vitte a écrit :


I put Rick's answer below too, in strict/correct code it can be used 
but what examples (except yours) ?

Maybe I missed it, never saw the use of null since a long time, but I 
can be wrong

The difference is known, do you think it does worth the complexity for 
the operators we are talking about ? w3c is forced to define something 
as null, would look strange and not serious to define it as undefined 
in specs, but in reality this is let to the appreciation of developers 
(who usually don't care), and for comparisons/default, null will, I 
think, never be used, then it should probably behave the same as undefined

Le 15/06/2012 01:12, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Aymeric  wrote:

Nobody (except w3c) is using null, or when someone is using it, it is the
same way as undefined, and it is not explicit (ie a||b or a==b, not
a===null), I remind some old code where we could see the use of null but can
not find a single example of recent code, then the new operator(s) should
treat it the same way I believe, the problem is 0 here

Your experience isn't necessarily universal.  I've used null before to
mean something different than undefined.


There doesn't need to be an explicit check for undefined - anytime 
null is used as an intentional place holder and its value would be 
 _otherwise_ undefined counts as well.

And for your information, I am not w3c and I use null frequently (the 
same way w3c uses it).

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Re: ||= is much needed?

2012-06-13 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Indeed, maybe both should be included.

What about this case :

if (typeof(api)==undefined) {try later} else if (!api.a) {try later} 
else if (!api.a.b)) {try later} else if (etc...)

which can be written : if 
{try later}

but can't be written with ?:

The best in that case would be to be able to do : if (!api.a.b.c) {try 

Why in accessors the attempt to access a property of |undefined| could 
not return |undefined| itself ?

Le 13/06/2012 09:45, T.J. Crowder a écrit :
On 13 June 2012 06:52, Brendan Eich wrote:

People don't default on the caller side (at the callsite) much, in
my experience. Dave may be seeing other sources, but it's
extremely rare in my experience to see

I'm with Dave on this, I do it fairly regularly, usually when a 
function turns around and calls another one with the arg and has no 
other use for the arg:

function doSomethingNifty(a, b) {
return doSomethingVerbose({
x: 1,
y: a,
z: b ?: 5
// ...

?= looks great, and Wes' point about confusion re ||= (or even |||=) 
and boolean logical operators definitely kills my preferred ||| for 
the non-assignment form if there's going to be an assignment form -- 
and we all want an assignment form.

Is the reason for using ?: rather than ?? because we may want it for 
my desired second ternary? E.g., from my other message:

a = b ?? c : d;


a = b !== undefined ? c : d;

Or that we want it (now, or in reserve) for something else? Because if 
not, I'd prefer to see ?? rather than ?:. It's easier to type and the 
double ?? calls back to the related ||. But again, only if we don't 
want ?? (now, or in reserve) for something else.

Very much looking forward to ?: (however we spell it) and ?=.

-- T.J.

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Re: ||= is much needed?

2012-06-13 Thread Aymeric Vitte
Typo below, I meant which can be written : if 
{try later}

Le 13/06/2012 12:12, Aymeric Vitte a écrit :

Indeed, maybe both should be included.

What about this case :

if (typeof(api)==undefined) {try later} else if (!api.a) {try later} 
else if (!api.a.b)) {try later} else if (etc...)

which can be written : if 
{try later}

but can't be written with ?:

The best in that case would be to be able to do : if (!api.a.b.c) {try 

Why in accessors the attempt to access a property of |undefined| could 
not return |undefined| itself ?

Le 13/06/2012 09:45, T.J. Crowder a écrit :
On 13 June 2012 06:52, Brendan Eich wrote:

People don't default on the caller side (at the callsite) much,
in my experience. Dave may be seeing other sources, but it's
extremely rare in my experience to see

I'm with Dave on this, I do it fairly regularly, usually when a 
function turns around and calls another one with the arg and has no 
other use for the arg:

function doSomethingNifty(a, b) {
return doSomethingVerbose({
x: 1,
y: a,
z: b ?: 5
// ...

?= looks great, and Wes' point about confusion re ||= (or even |||=) 
and boolean logical operators definitely kills my preferred ||| for 
the non-assignment form if there's going to be an assignment form -- 
and we all want an assignment form.

Is the reason for using ?: rather than ?? because we may want it for 
my desired second ternary? E.g., from my other message:

a = b ?? c : d;


a = b !== undefined ? c : d;

Or that we want it (now, or in reserve) for something else? Because 
if not, I'd prefer to see ?? rather than ?:. It's easier to type and 
the double ?? calls back to the related ||. But again, only if we 
don't want ?? (now, or in reserve) for something else.

Very much looking forward to ?: (however we spell it) and ?=.

-- T.J.

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Re: [ANN] JSFixed recommendations document

2012-06-07 Thread Aymeric Vitte


- fat arrow : I am not a fan of the syntax but it is usefull and does 
fix the unlogical behavior of |this| (the rules are the same for the 
|this| binding, it does not change except that you must apply it to the 
surrounding environment), the thin arrow (as soft binding's use I 
suppose) looks to be a concern of jquery people only
- Object.extend : too complicate if we see all the discussions around it 
(Put/defineProperty), should be replaced maybe by an 
Object.make(proto,props) or even an Object.clone
- Existential operator : good idea, I thought (maybe wrongly) that 
undefined.a should be undefined (then undefined.a.b.c is undefined), we 
encounter it everyday, the ?? proposal does not fix everything, now the 
case we can think about is when you load an API which loads scripts that 
are loading others asynchronously. Then you can never know when you 
api.a.b.c (or one of them) will be available, then you do :

if (typeof(api)==undefined) {try later} else if 
(typeof(api.a)==undefined) {try later} else if 
(typeof(api.a.b)==undefined) {try later} else if (etc...)

instead of :

if (typeof(api.a.b.c)==undefined) {try later} else {do the job}  or if 
(!api.a.b.c) {try later} else {do the job}

Le 07/06/2012 22:27, Anton Kovalyov a écrit :


When Angus first published his blog post some people got the 
impression that we're trying to either discredit TC39 and its efforts, 
or to replace it with our own committee. We value TC39 and feel like 
they are doing a great job and we have absolutely no interest in 
starting another committee or writing our own JavaScript spec. The 
goal of JSFixed was to collect feedback from interested developers and 
present it as a list of recommendations. And today we're publishing 
the first such 

We hope that both the committee members and outsiders will find this 
document useful. Let us know (here, on Twitter or on Github) if you 
have any questions or comments.


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Re: `with` revisited and related to object extension literals

2012-06-01 Thread Aymeric Vitte

No, you are not alone.

Mustache and cascade are interesting but maybe not extremely, extremely 

Then as people have tried since years, I did write too a 'with'-like 
proposal in strict mode, I already sent it some time ago and got 0 
feedback, maybe I did not present it the right way, it has almost 
nothing to do with the usual 'with' (which I find so strange that could 
never figure out how this could be used), it's somewhere the contrary, 
the concept is about the ability of binding things simply, not about 
making incredible mix-up of accessing/defining properties/var/bindings,  
so here it is again, not sure it can fit what you want but I have added 
more examples to show what it could simplify, and changed the title, 
it's not a 'with' revival, but a 'with' redesign, and then if 'with' is 
confusing (or not liked) it can be called another name :

It's a modest 'essai' (perfectible, maybe containing wrong or impossible 
things) so if it has to be destroyed, please be a little indulgent, at 
least I don't think one could say that the concepts behind it are not 
(very) usefull.

Le 01/06/2012 12:09, T.J. Crowder a écrit :
On 1 June 2012 06:05, Brendan Eich wrote:

Brendan Eich wrote:

you're just rehashing a concern based on appearances

which (I want to be clear; sorry for harshing on the 'with' point)
is a valid concern. We should discuss it directly, no
'with'-semantics mixed in.


Yes, very useful. I'll stick to things like to me, the syntax makes 
it look like those identifiers would be resolved via the scope chain 
and such. Won't mention `with`.

I'm a bit worried that people may have thought I was being derisive by 
talking about `with`, and that that may have raised hackles. I wasn't. 
I don't think `with` is a flawed concept at all (I recognize many do), 
so I don't use it derisively. I agree with, I think, the majority here 
including (if I'm not mistaken) your own good self that JS's original 
`with` had serious issues, which in my view were down to it using 
freestanding identifiers, intermixing object property resolution and 
scope chain resolution. But I have no problem with the _concept_ in a 
different form.

So in summary and (largely) in closing:

1. I quite like the _idea_ of the cascade proposal, because like Dave 
(I think?) I find the way cascades are currently done (a'la jQuery, 
via `return this`) less than ideal.

2. My concerns with it relate to freestanding identifiers and how that 
_looks_. See earlier note to Dave.

3. I think that concern can be dealt with without going to a 
`with`-like structure.

4. I also think they could be dealt with via a new `with`-like 
structure that did not put an object at the top of the scope chain, 
but instead introduced a placeholder token for the object reference as 
purely syntactic sugar (~. or similar). To me there's a lot of use 
there, including cascades. But I seem to be alone. :-) I find that a 
bit odd, given how similar to that the goals of the cascade sugar seem 
to be, but if I'm on my own, I'm on my own.


-- T.J.

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Re: New Object Extension Literal Strawman

2012-05-31 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I really like(d) the mustache proposal but unfortunately reached the 
same conclusion : too complicate and confusing for what it brings. It's 
surprising that the fundamental difference between Put and DOP was 
unknown from almost everybody (including myself), then a rapid and easy 
conclusion knowing that DOP is not very used could be : eliminate DOP, 
but it's not possible, one of its purpose is to avoid modifying again 
the prototype properties as could do the json attack described in the posts.

Anyway, the discussion slipped to the technical aspects only, then 
before imagining tons of syntax possibilities, maybe the use should be 
considered (normal use, not super and more complicated things), simple 
example :{width:0,cssText='xxx'} or{width:0,cssText:'xxx'} ?

How from a developper perspective do I know if cssText was defined 
inside CSSStyleDeclaration prototype or via outside getters/setters ??? 
Will I have to think about that each time I am using mustache ?

Then to secure it I would be enclined to use always =, which could 
look strange and confusing to normal developpers.

It's true that it can be compared somewhere to 'with' statement which is 
almost never used because maybe not so usefull and everybody stated that 
you can easily make a mistake, maybe the same may apply to mustache

Le 31/05/2012 11:35, Andreas Rossberg a écrit :

On 30 May 2012 22:33, Mark S.  wrote:

My concern is indeed the overall complexity budget. And I agree. I'm happy
to have both of these if we can make some real complexity cuts elsewhere. I
look forward to that other conversation ;).

I have the same concern. The syntactic complexity and subtlety of this
proposal seems relatively high for the limited value it provides. If
we are going to have class syntax anyway, I doubt that mustache or any
of its variants will see enough use to warrant adding it as well.

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Re: Subclassing built-in constructors

2012-05-29 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 26/05/2012 22:01, Brendan Eich a écrit :

Domenic Denicola wrote:

Is there a parallel to be drawn with 
__(define|lookup)(Getter|Setter)__, or is __proto__ different? I 
quite liked Allen's blog post about why IE decided to never support 
them [1]. Following that reasoning seems to lead to specifying 
Object.setPrototypeOf as a __proto__ replacement,

No. First, you missed Mark's argument that I paraphrased against a 
per-frame (window, global context) static method, which David Bruant 
acknowledged in this thread just eight messages back:

Once we're at it, for the sake of completeness there is probably no 
harm in adding a Reflect.setPrototype at this point, is there?

There is, just as there's a cost to Object.setPrototypeOf (the 
obvious place to put it to match Object.getPrototypeOf from ES5). 
Mark pointed out that he'd have to delete that static method too, and 
from every frame that might run SES code. But when mashing up SES and 
non-SES code, it would be better not to break the non-SES code by 
such deletion.

Having only the SES environment's Object.prototype.__proto__ to 
delete is better.
And I realize that the new hazard is not due to __proto__ in itself, 
but rather to the capability of arbitrarily changing the prototype of 
an object, so adding an Object.setPrototypeOf really is a step backward.


If I understand correctly the SES issues are linked to the capability of 
being able to modify the [[prototype]] internal property of an existing 
object, that's why it did not surface with the triangle proposal 
(because a new object is created)

Then what about something doing : obj = Object.create(proto,obj's 
properties) instead of obj.__proto__ = proto or setPrototypeOf ? Where 
obj's properties are handled internally

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Re: minutes, TC39 meeting Tues 5/22/2012

2012-05-24 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 23/05/2012 22:30, David Herman a écrit :

- I will be redoing the entire wiki to focus on community first, committee 
second, and to make the big picture clearer

I know writters don't have always time but maybe adding more examples 
and simple ones (even not reflecting the whole picture) in the strawmans 
would help a lot. For example the fat arrow strawman is very condensed 
for what it brings and it took some time before I start understanding 
what the soft binding strawman was about. Example of simple examples 
(hope this is correct) :

Soft binding :

var o={
msg:'I am o',

var o2={
msg:'I am o2'


o2.log();//I am o
   //without soft binding it should be I am o2

Lexical this (and dynamic this) :

var test='aaa';

var o={test:'bbb'};

var o2={test:'ccc'};

//without lexical this
o.m=function() {var self=this; var func=function() 
{console.log(this.test+' '+self)};func()};

var f=o.m;


o.m();//aaa bbb
  //this.test is not o.test

o2.m(); //aaa ccc
  //this.test is not o2.test

f();//aaa aaa

//with lexical this
o.m=function() {var self=this; var func=()=console.log(this.test+' 

var f=o.m;


o.m();//bbb bbb
  //this.test is o.test
  //lexical |this| is associated to dynamic |this| outside func
  //you don't need the var self=this statement

o2.m(); //ccc ccc
 //same as above

f();//aaa aaa

//other example

var f=o.m;



f(); //bbb
  //should be aaa if no lexical this

o2.m(); //bbb
  //should be ccc if no lexical this

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strict mode |with| proposal

2012-05-24 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Draft is here :

Maybe everything is not accurate regarding some comments and annex 
should include other examples but, before writing more, let's submit it

As mentionned in the gist, it is supposed to address several topics : 
security and wrapping, modules, multiple globals, VMs and proxies

It did not come up just this morning, it can be called a |with| 
nothing proposal, |with| is not light in specs and rarely used, it was 
eliminated in strict mode (even if some non strict/strict mode 
combinations use it, see recent cajaVM analysis) but maybe strict mode 
can give it another meaning.

The concept is simple and based on the implementation of VMs where if 
you have to pass something to |with| or other, then it's totally 
impossible to separate it completely from the initial scope (see annex)

There is a disruptive assignment floating in the |with|'s code : 
this=window (which then sets the ThisBinding and associated var 
bindings), which has to follow some rules (must be in root, can not be 
invoked twice, etc), might look strange but it's a kind of LHS lexical 
|this|, so maybe no more disruptive than the lexical this

At the end the result is simple and simple to use, does eliminate a lot 
of complications, is flexible (you can decide whether |with| stuff 
reminds isolated or not and vice-versa, clone global var or not, freeze 
stuff or not, etc), and probably light in terms of specs 

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Re: ECMA-262 purview? was re: FFT module

2012-05-22 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I don't see how a FFI could really help developers. What would be needed 
is a not empty intersection between,, WHAT WG, W3C, etc, unfortunately it is 
not the case at all

Or something like phonegap if it can become a standard (out of TC39)

The reality today is that it has became impossible to developp a web app 
supported by all platforms in a way that it looks like a native app 
(unless you get the fundings and appropriate team, or use something like 
phonegap, but what do you know about the future of phonegap ??). It 
requires too many efforts, my last projects are plenty of hack/hook (if 
ie, if webkit, if webkit  ios, if bada, if blackberry, if ff,  if 
webkit  chrome, if, if, if...), and attempts to use build-in js or css 
features (animations, motion, ...) generally lead to very poor results 
(of course there are plenty of perfect examples showing that this works 
very well, but once the examples get modified to match reality, it never 
works correctly), on your way you can be blocked by some surprising 
implementation orientations (like bada deciding not to implement the 
synchronous xhr), then moving forward usually you have to decide to 
eliminate some platforms. At the end, finally, you can package your app 
for selected platforms and your are welcome to put it on hundred of 
stores, pay for it, wait for reviews, share revenues, maintain it, etc

B. Eich is mentionning the good unification efforts in terms of 
specifications but some parties are missing and some regressions did 
happen too.

Indeed, in all this process you might have decided to use some well 
known apis for your apps, and one day you might discover that the apis 
have been shut down or that you have to pay for it, or that you will 
have to pay for it, or that it will be shut down and replaced by 
something else less performant that you must pay too. This is not fair 
of course since the community did participate to build these apis and 
just get in return the fact that its apps will no longer work, this is 
exactly my case today for past projects and ongoing (now blocked) one.

Nothing to do with the initial subject ? Yes, it does, the actual (web) 
world is (not) the best// of all// possible worlds and I don't think we 
can afford continuing having exploding  number of platforms, systems 
with different behaviors and no unified specs (not talking about tc39 here)

Maybe it's a dream or it's alreday too late

Le 22/05/2012 11:40, Claus Reinke a écrit :
Different native-code compilers and OSes (not always tied, btw) will 
choose different FFIs, depending on local macro- and micro-economics. 
Even today we have a choice between calling conventions on Windows 
(not always obvious; Rust has changed at least once in its young life).

That is all within the purview of a standard FFI to address. For 

the Haskell FFI has foreign import and export declarations that include
calling conventions, and I've seen both ccall and stdcall in practice,
depending on the native library and OS in question.

Haskell 2010 Chapter 8 - Foreign Function Interface 

Haskell code imports a Haskell library interface, it is up to the build
phase of a library with foreign declarations to connect Haskell calls
to native calls, sorting out the OS dependencies.

Sometime around 1997, I worked on connecting Haskell and Java code via 
their languages' native interfaces, before they arrived at today's 
standard FFIs. I found that the differing implementations (bytecode 
compiler/interpreter, native compiler) had come up with roughly 
similar solutions to similar problems.
The standardization processes merely removed accidental differences, 
and ironed out the kinks, based on practical experience. It also reduced

the need for pre-processors that had been used to retarget a single
Haskell code base to different implementation-specific FFI approaches.

Most high-level languages seem to have some form of FFI (SML, Java, ..).

The OS and compiler release schedules are decoupled from browser and 
other JS engine-bearing software cycles.

That's the whole idea of a standard FFI: it allows to specify a stable
interface, so that clients (here JS code running on JS engines) and 
providers (here their host platform environments) can evolve 
independently, without breaking code.

FFIs are inherently unsafe if not crippled or lumbered with a complex 
research project such as NaCl or Xax.

Safety is indeed a major FFI issue, and the dynamic and pervasive 
nature of JS environments makes it critical.
However, we have a whole ecosystem of JS code that relies on webviews 
nested in native code, where the native code freely re-interprets 
webview actions to trigger arbitrary native actions and to feed back 
their results to the webview.

JS FFIs already exist in practice. One point of a 

Re: ECMA-262 purview? was re: FFT module

2012-05-22 Thread Aymeric Vitte
TC39 is obviously not the right place for FFI, but the subject can be 

I and my former team did develop (modestly) quite a lot of stuff as well 
that could be called FFI, result : 0 in the middle/long term

Hopefully now the web gets some nice things like node.js at server side

But at device level, it should be up to vendors to propose a unified, 
performant and cross browser js interface, personnaly I will not go any 
more into the nightmare I described in my previous email, and I think 
less and less people will

It's a paradox, while the iphone brought light, shadow follows now with 
every vendor/platform thinking they can specify whatever they like, and 
others thinking they can shut down whatever they like (tip : the name 
starts by a G)

Le 22/05/2012 19:17, Wes Garland a écrit :
On 22 May 2012 12:54, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

I don't see how a FFI could really help developers.

FFIs are certainly helpful in many situations.  I don't think this is 
one of them.

Let me relay a relevant xperience. We develop applications in 
Server-Side JavaScript.  We have an FFI that, with some magic 
compile-time shims and a few other tricks, lets us write 
close-to-the-bare-metal applications that are portable without 
platform detection across many operating systems -- in fact, I 
believe, to any conformant SUSv3 implementation.  We write 
nearly-C-like code on Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS X, 32 and 64 bit, to 
give us nice JS libraries on top of the ugly, bare metal.

Our implementation is complete enough that we were able to write a 
complete WebSockets implementation in JS, that runs on many platforms, 
with no direct support in the host environment other than FFI, right 
down to the networking system calls, including the magic macros for 
select (FD_CLR et al).

Sounds great, right?  Well, it is for us, but it would make a lousy 
direction for a standard: the resultant JS is completely non-portable 
to Windows.  Or QNX. Or Gronch.  Or a myriad of other operating systems.

And that's the real problem. We have overcome the typical C porting 
problems -- endianness, word size, whether fstat() is a function or a 
macro, etc. but we're still nowhere close to being portable to 
where the web needs to run.  If we want to run anywhere, we would need 
to FFI up one layer of abstraction, to something like APR or NSPR, and 
then guess what? We would be no better off in any way than what the 
standards guys have been up to  -- and far, far, worse off in many.

That's why I believe TC-39 is not the right place for a JS FFI.


Wesley W. Garland
Director, Product Development
PageMail, Inc.
+1 613 542 2787 x 102

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Re: Remaining Hazards and Mitigating Patterns of Secure Mashups in ECMAScript 5

2012-05-15 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Finally I could hear the talk (++ too bad that the end is missing)

Then I took a look mainly at domado.js, startSES.js, repairES5.js

Quite clever, but quite complicate...

I did focus on cajaVM.eval and tried to theorically follow its process 
with an example as described below, with some small simplifications 
since security is one thing but the final result of VM processing 
(whether security is involved or not) is interesting too

Maybe it will be undigest for other readers since it is difficult to 
summarize if you do not have all the code, but again it's quite smart as 
js allows (even if I have some doubts about performances with all the 
getters and setters, and even with proxies being added later to help 
this), I hope my understanding is correct, the exercise is not just a 
vue de l'esprit, I have something in mind since some time related to 
this and other things that I might submit, maybe to simplify a little bit.

function compileExpr(exprSrc, opt_sourcePosition) {
  var wrapperSrc = securableWrapperSrc(exprSrc, opt_sourcePosition);
  var wrapper = unsafeEval(wrapperSrc); //eval
  var freeNames = atLeastFreeVarNames(exprSrc);
  var result = makeCompiledExpr(wrapper, freeNames);
  return freeze(result);

sharedImports : copy of the global object with original properties 
frozen (parseInt, etc);

imports : clone of sharedImports;  //this is now our virtual global 
for code execution
//ex : 
imports.parseInt -- parseInt

window : imports; //let's call it window for better understanding, see 
it as a gadget's own window, not the usual global window

window.window=window; //Assign window property to window refering to 
itself. I did not see it in the code but probably it is somewhere

window.d=d; //define it not frozen

window.f=f; //define it frozen

src='var a=a;window.b=b;c=c;parseInt=evil;d=D;f=F;this.g=g';

wrapperSrc='(function() {
  with (this) {
return function() {
  use strict;
  return (


wrapper=function() {
  with (this) {
return function() {
  use strict;
  return (



scopeObject= { //frozen
a: {get:scopedGet, set:scopedSet}, //set and get window.a
c: {get:scopedGet, set:scopedSet}, //set and get window.c
d: {get:scopedGet, set:scopedSet}, //set and get window.d
parseInt: window.parseInt, //initial parseInt, not evil
f: f

function() {
  with (this) {
return function() {
  use strict;
  return (


returns :

function() {
use strict;
  return (



whose's scope is still under the |with| statement where  :
a: {get:scopedGet, set:scopedSet}, //set and get window.a
c: {get:scopedGet, set:scopedSet}, //set and get window.c
d: {get:scopedGet, set:scopedSet}, //set and get window.d
parseInt: window.parseInt; //initial parseInt, not evil
f: f //frozen initial value

Then :

function() {
use strict;
  return (



//|this| does refer to window for code execution

window.a===a; //scopedGet result
window.b===b; //assignment by window property of window
window.c===c; //scopedGet result
window.parseInt===parseInt; //parseInt reassignment fails (frozen), 
scopedGet result

window.d===D; //scopedGet result
window.f===f; //frozen initial value
window.g===g; //|this| is window

Le 20/03/2012 06:27, Mark S. Miller a écrit :
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 3:10 PM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

'Avoid “this”. Use closures rather than prototypes'

Probably the public was stunned by that one... (technical problems
too, could not hear the video, just saw the slides)

Not really. I expected more resistance than I got. During the 20 
minutes of lively QA, this came up again. I clarified then something 
I should have said earlier in the talk. The objects that need to be 
defensive are those that might be exposed across a trust boundary, 
such as the counter in the first example. For objects purely inside 
one trust domain, given that we really are confident they cannot 
escape, they do not need to be defensive since their clients are all 
presumably intimately cooperative.

Technically for the purpose of your presentation, it is correct,
but I am coming back again to real life, you are using strict mode
and other means (such as questionnable setTimeout(xxx,0)) to
secure Bob.


Re: TC39 bashing

2012-05-13 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Le 10/05/2012 20:04, Anton Kovalyov a écrit :

it'd be really nice to have down-to-earth explanation of harmonized 
changes with code samples  that resemble real world use cases.


TC39 can not ask the opinion of every developers or community 
representatives, and developers can not spend their time following TC39

But I am not sure that TC39 does really realize how far they are from 
the advanced developers, not talking about the usual webmasters...

A side effect is that a lot of wrong things are advised or said on well 
known forums or projects, then things keep being developed wrongly as it 
is the tendance since a long time in the web world, and right code is 
reserved to a very specific elite, making both life of language 
designers and developers hard, making js less and less accessible

Then the truth should come from TC39 with the help of developers, and 
maybe a significant effort should be made to make things more 
understandable with simple real world use cases, starting with official 
strawman proposals/ES specs simplificated version annexes that could 
include for example this kind of attempt

A performances annex would be good too (ie what to use or not use if you 
care about performances)

On Thursday, May 10, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Mikeal Rogers wrote:

On May 10, 2012, at May 10, 20121:41 AM, David Bruant wrote:

Le 10/05/2012 04:44, Mikeal Rogers a écrit :
The core problem is that people who work nearly full time on 
designing a language are necessarily out of touch with people using 
it, and the people using it are ill equipped to balance the 
priorities all all the parties involved in designing it.
I understand your point, but I'm afraid I disagree with your vision 
which I think is too simplistic. Dave Herman's task.js is a library 
that has been suggested on the JSFixed thread about asynchronisity 
[1]. Dave Herman is part of TC39 and what he did seems to resonate 
well in the developer community.
It seems like you're opposing people who design the English language 
and people who use the English language. The world is not that 
dichotomic. People who used ECMAScript 3 felt the lack of .bind. 
People who design the language added it in ECMAScript 5.

I think a better strategy is for TC-39 to state definitively what 
is *not* currently working on or is of a very low priority. This 
would allow the community of people using JavaScript to tackle 
those problems more directly rather than just waiting. At some 
point in the future TC-39 can adopt or ratify behavior that has 
proved itself in the community. I know this process is eluded to 
often but I don't think you understand how much momentum gets 
sucked out of the community when they are under the impression that 
new behavior will be handed down from TC-39 and that their work may 
fall in conflict or out of date.

The recent discussion about Object.isObject is a great example. If 
this isn't happening please state so definitely so that we can 
rally around existing work (underscore) or build something new.
This point is interesting. Among the changes that TC39 have to make 
to the language, I see 2 categories. One is adding new language 
capabilities (WeakMap, proxies, lexical |this| functions, binary 
types, proto operator, etc.) the other is new built-in functions 
(for Array, Math, Object, etc.).
Maybe the latter category could be (partially) delegated to the 
developer community and ratified by TC39.
I foresee that with modules, a new field for this second category is 
opening and there will have some important discussion about what 
module should be in the standard and which shouldn't. Maybe the 
responsibility for this part could be also shared with the developer 
community since they are those who usually write these functions 
(out of need).

There is a difference to TC-39 but not much of a different to the 
community. The web developer motto is suck it up, if something is 
broken we write a workaround or monkey patch it, If something is 
impossible to do one way we find another way.

People in the community don't ask for WeakMap until there is a 
proposal. Instead they come up with other crazy ways to accomplish 
their end goals without needing such a type to varying degrees 
success (we're still finding leaks in FreeList in node.js http.js 
that might have been prevented had we had WeakMap a few years ago).

It might be beneficial to invite a few people from the developer 
community to meetings and to rotate them out so that no one becomes 
truly intrenched in the process.
Or that the developer community decide to gather by itself and then 
share feedback on es-discuss.

That's hard. JavaScript is a diverse community which also means that 
it is fragmented. I think the node.js community has a good core group 
of leadership with somewhat consistent ideas about what the community 
wants from the language. There are leaders in the web developer 

Re: Bound instance-function vending (was RE: Arrow binding)

2012-04-29 Thread Aymeric Vitte

1- Yes, several time that you mention it, and ++ from me each time

2- I prefer the dot notation rather than Object.extend, even if both are 

Le 28/04/2012 20:49, Kevin Smith a écrit :

Hi Angus!

1) Kevin et al suggested YAGN call/apply on (non-method)
functions. Here's a pretty neat example where call/apply is a
perfect fit for standalone functions - and would break if replaced
with fat arrows.

This is a great example.  Two points:

1.)  In this case, I think it's going to be pretty difficult to prove 
that a dynamic this arrow function would be any more readable or 
better than current syntax:

// On what basis is this:
this.initialize = () - { ... };

// any better than this?
this.initialize = function() { ... };

There are a couple of characters saved, but it's less readable.  Why 
introduce new syntax for such dubious gain?

2.) For mixin stuff like your example, I think the elegant solution is 
object literal extension syntax:

I'm not sure of the status of that syntax, but hopefully it will get 
included in ES6.


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Re: Remaining Hazards and Mitigating Patterns of Secure Mashups in ECMAScript 5

2012-03-20 Thread Aymeric Vitte
Thanks for your answer, I am myself involved since some time in the DOM 
and gadgets/widgets's interaction topic.

I will hear the presentation, right now I have a (stupid) problem of non 
working headphones.

Bob and Alice are ok, but sometimes a good real example can help (last 

setTimeout(xxx, 0 or 1 or 2 or 500) could be questionable because this 
is supposed to be fordidden (or not good code...), but surprisingly all 
major sites do use it, myself too (, 
regarding : web workers 
or postmessage -- bof, I used both in the past for other purposes, 
prefer setTimeout here

Then if I understand correctly a short summary could be that Caja does 
help for example iGoogle to move gadgets outside of iframes then they 
potentially could hurt things but Caja does prevent it and allow them to 
interact between each others safely (using ES5 improvements)

OK but not everybody is coding safely like Google (even if iGoogle code 
is very surprising...), then it's difficult to estimate the overall 
benefit and usuability.

   It's the same issue as multiple globals (if the concept of globals
   still exist in the future) I believe : how to separate completely
   several contexts while using objects between each others ? Looks
   very difficult

It's not exactly the same case in fact, except if each gadget becomes an 
entity with its global object derived from itself (but not an iframe)

For proxies, I am not expert, what does it bring to emulate the dom 
faithfully ?

Le 20/03/2012 06:27, Mark S. Miller a écrit :
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 3:10 PM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:

'Avoid “this”. Use closures rather than prototypes'

Probably the public was stunned by that one... (technical problems
too, could not hear the video, just saw the slides)

Not really. I expected more resistance than I got. During the 20 
minutes of lively QA, this came up again. I clarified then something 
I should have said earlier in the talk. The objects that need to be 
defensive are those that might be exposed across a trust boundary, 
such as the counter in the first example. For objects purely inside 
one trust domain, given that we really are confident they cannot 
escape, they do not need to be defensive since their clients are all 
presumably intimately cooperative.

Technically for the purpose of your presentation, it is correct,
but I am coming back again to real life, you are using strict mode
and other means (such as questionnable setTimeout(xxx,0)) to
secure Bob.

Sorry, but we're using these techniques in real life. And what's 
questionable about setTimeout? (or better,

Then what is the use of Bob if he can not do anything outside of
himself ?

Please do make an effort to surmount whatever technical difficulties 
you encountered, so that you can listen to the audio of the 
presentation. The slides were not constructed to be self explanatory, 
and the talk was clear on this point.

A much more trivial security leak could be that the calling
context does somewhere unexpectedly (or not) something like
counter.x.y.z=window (Ex : like passing a node to Bob since it
seems that Bob has to do some stuff with the dom to be usefull)

If Alice does not trust Bob, Alice should generally never give Bob 
direct unmediated access to one of her dom nodes. Instead, she gives 
him access to a virtual dom tree that wraps the real dom tree, 
allowing Bob to manipulate a subtree of Alice's dom tree. We 
constructed the Domado library 
for exactly this purpose.

The difficultly of emulating the dom faithfully in JS was also the 
original impetus for the proxy work. The Domado library above does not 
rely on proxies, as they are not yet as available as ES5.

It's the same issue as multiple globals (if the concept of globals
still exist in the future) I believe : how to separate completely
several contexts while using objects between each others ? Looks
very difficult

I might be wrong, but on what today's examples the demonstration
here could apply without Bob being useless or just returning
something like a mathematical calculation or such not touching
anything in the page ?

I'm sorry, I didn't understand these last two paragraphs. Could you 

You might also want to try some of the scenarios you have in mind at


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Re: Remaining Hazards and Mitigating Patterns of Secure Mashups in ECMAScript 5

2012-03-19 Thread Aymeric Vitte

'Avoid this. Use closures rather than prototypes'

Probably the public was stunned by that one... (technical problems too, 
could not hear the video, just saw the slides)

Technically for the purpose of your presentation, it is correct, but I 
am coming back again to real life, you are using strict mode and other 
means (such as questionnable setTimeout(xxx,0)) to secure Bob.

Then what is the use of Bob if he can not do anything outside of himself ?

A much more trivial security leak could be that the calling context does 
somewhere unexpectedly (or not) something like counter.x.y.z=window (Ex 
: like passing a node to Bob since it seems that Bob has to do some 
stuff with the dom to be usefull)

It's the same issue as multiple globals (if the concept of globals still 
exist in the future) I believe : how to separate completely several 
contexts while using objects between each others ? Looks very difficult

I might be wrong, but on what today's examples the demonstration here 
could apply without Bob being useless or just returning something like a 
mathematical calculation or such not touching anything in the page ?

Le 18/03/2012 19:25, Mark S. Miller a écrit :


On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 5:27 AM, David Bruant wrote:

Le 18/03/2012 02:06, Mark S. Miller a écrit :

 Has some new material relevant to issue we discuss on this list.
The end of the talk is missing, isn't it?

yes, The last comment from Dio (cc'ed) of InfoQ, the organization 
putting on the conference, says:

21 hours ago

by *Dionysios Synodinos*

Due to a technical issue (tape corrupted) the last 20' of this
presentation where lost. Please accept my apologies on behalf of
the InfoQ team.

You can find the *_full_* presentation slides in PDF format here:

I was very disappointed to find this out because the session went on 
for another 20 minutes or so, with some really great audience 
interaction. Oh well.

What are the 2 other attacks?

I'd try to guess:
1) Assuming Bob subscribes before Carol:
   // in Bob
   topic.subscribe(function republish(publication){
   if(publication === pub)
   topic.publish(other publication);


Since the call to publish is synchronous, Carol see the other
publication before pub while it should be the other way around
(according to Alice's intention regarding delivery order).

Very good. This is indeed the third attack shown on slide 48 of the 
pdf linked to above.

This can
probably be solved with a publication queue or redefining publish as :

   function publish(publication){
   setTimeout(prevousPublish.bind(undefined, publication), 0);

Making the call occur in a later turn guarantees that it happens after
the current turn. Event loop takes care of run-to-completion and turn

If Carol has all her subscribers before Bob's, I don't see how Bob can
attack on this front.

Very good again. This is the defense against the third attack, shown 
on slide 50. (With the applyLater helper function defined on slide 
49). It is shown again on slide 51 using the strawman infix ! sugar.

2) A DoS attack by adding subscribers within a subscriber

   topic.subscribe(function resubscribe(publication){


No, I consider this attack to be out of scope, as a DoS attack can be 
trivially mounted anyway by any code in that frame which receives 
control, simply by going into an infinite loop. (Regarding the browser 
timeout-abort workaround for infinite loops, these only defend against 
accidents. There are plenty of other ways for code within a frame to 
successfully DoS that frame.)


3) There were only 2 attacks left and this is more ambiguous, but
assuming the publication is mutable, any subscriber can alter it.
A complicated defense is to copy the publication and pass a copy
to each
subscriber. An easier defense is to pass immutable publications.

In a WebIDL-conformant platform, this could be easily achieved by
removing all setters of all event-related properties (they are all as
accessor on *Event.prototype objects).

Have I found the 2 remaining attacks?

As Felix says, you already saw attack #1 at slide 45. Attack #2 is 
Aborting the wrong plan on slide 47. The defense on slides 50 and 51 
defends against both attacks #2 and #3. And the code on those slides 
already incorporates the defense against attack #1.

And my concluding slide #52 was a callback to slide #3.


Re: BTF Measurements

2012-03-16 Thread Aymeric Vitte
Forget this below, sorry I got confused, coming back to your first email 
your tool does count function expressions that do not have this in 
their immediate scope, so indeed functions that potentially need the 
literal this, then you add object literal methods, then this leaves 
10% function that can keep the old syntax or get a new shorter syntax 
that does not bind this

OK, then I have tried again the tool on an ajax app 
(, the total BTF candidates drops to 77.6 %

I think it is due to the fact that :

var x=document.createElement('div');
x.onmousedown=function() {var};

var y=function() {var a=this;};

are not counted as BTF candidates

Since I have not yet understood what should become methods with the 
arrow/do or do proposals, I can not say more...

Le 14/03/2012 22:15, Aymeric Vitte a écrit :

So BTF stands for bound-this function expressions

But it does include case b (don't care about this)

Then in the next email you conclude :

Interestingly, when we take the sum of BTF candidates and object 
literal methods, we account for over 90% of function expressions.

Is it surprising ?

 This suggests that an additional short function syntax that does 
*not* bind 'this' may not be necessary.

??? Why because except object literal methods (+/-50% for which the 
lexical this is not supposed to be needed) most of the functions are 
the b case ?

I should be missing something important... don't understand exactly 
what the analysis does highlight, thanks if you can explain

Le 14/03/2012 13:46, Kevin Smith a écrit :

As far as I have understood Total Function Expressions is
supposed to return all functions that do not contain this in
their initial scope and that have a var self=this trick that is
used somewhere inside the function (ie function() {var
self=this;var b=function() {console.log('test')} is not a BTF
candidate because self is not used), correct ?

Sorry, no.  As stated previously, I'm assuming for the purposes of 
this analysis that BTFs will be used in cases where (a) we want 
lexical this and (b) we don't care about this at all.  Why in the 
second case?  Because BTF syntax will be more concise and will 
generally express the intent better.

When I started this research, I wasn't aware of the tri-lambda work 
being done, and specifically the proposal that there be two short 
function syntaxes:  one for classic functions (-) and one for bound 
this (=).  Clearly some of the BTF candidates could go either way, 
and we really can't make that distinction in this analysis.


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Re: BTF Measurements

2012-03-16 Thread Aymeric Vitte


I think I have missed something in the discussions (or globally) because 
I don't understand very well why methods are involved in lexical this.

But if it is so, why events handlers should be different from a js 
perspective ? Maybe you could include in the tool everything that is a 
method function expression

Probably it will be more clear once the proposals are updated (or maybe 
I read it in a wrong way but I don't see what happens to methods), and 
the example below illustrated (I have tried to write what it will 
become, probably completely wrong) :


var a=function() {var self=this;var c=function() {var a=self;return a}};
var test='essai';
var o={test: 'test'};
o.m = function() {var a=this.test;return a}
a = o.m;
var b=function() {};
test2: function() {var a=this;return a}
o.m(); //test
a(); //essai

- Tomorrow

var a=function() {var c=() = this}; (fat arrow)
var a=fn() {var c=() = do {var a=this;return a}; (fn + fat arrow)
var a=fn() {var c= do () this}; (do)
var a=fn() {var c= do () {var a=this;return a}}; (do)

test2: () = this
... same as above
test2() {var a=this;return this}

o.m = () = this;
o.m =() = do {var a=this.test;return a};
o.m = do () this;
o.m = do () {var a=this.test;return a};

o.m();//essai ???
a();//essai ???

Le 16/03/2012 14:44, Kevin Smith a écrit :

Hi Aymeric,

I'm glad we're on the same page.   I analyzed the code from that site 
and got the same results as you.  The percentage of BTF candidates is 
68% of all function expressions, but the combined BTF candidates and 
object literal methods are only 78%.

There are very few object literal methods in this sample, so in order 
to explain the 78% we're going to have to dig into the non-method forms.

As you point out, event handlers are attached using the following idiom:

element.onevent = function() { ...this... };

Although they are not trivially convertible to BTFs, event handlers as 
above can generally be refactored like this (using a purely expository 
BTF syntax):

element.onevent = () = { ...element... };

or even:

element.onevent = (evt) = { };

I think think analysis supports the idea that BTFs are widely applicable.


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Re: Class declarations

2012-03-16 Thread Aymeric Vitte
The first question maybe in all these discussions is what is needed or 
not (in real life).

In BTF discussions I gave an example where (surprisingly) for an app 
there were a very few prototype like declarations.

Because I just did not need it for this app.

The second question is maybe whether ES is designed for frameworks or 
apps, I will go for the second one, apps do not necessarly need 
frameworks, libraries, etc, and frameworks do help developers not to 
understand what they are doing

Then adding classes or such looks to complicate more things while 
existing prototype behavior is good

Maybe the focus should be put more on performances

Le 17/03/2012 00:22, Brendan Eich a écrit :

Mark S. Miller wrote:

I agree with Waldemar. Classes aside, since code like

let x = 3;
function foo() { return x; }

is statically legal, and is only wrong if foo is called before x is 
initialized, the dynamic dead zone is very valuable. Otherwise, the 
call to foo() silently proceeds with a meaningless result.

If you'd really rather have silent meaninglessness, use var instead 
of let.

Classes are sugar for objects with properties, though -- rememeber, we 
agreed to sugar the protoypal pattern, not the closure pattern.

A declared variable binding is different from an object property. They 
aren't the same thing.

And properties can be used before initialization in JS today (and in 
Dart -- you Google guys are not all following the same rules :-P).

It seems to me you're not agreeing or disagreeing with anything about 
classes as prototypal sugar, rather you're trying to reason about 
properties by pointing to let binding rules. Last July I flagged 
classes as subject to conflict and confusion in TC39 due to this 
declaration vs. property conflation. If we can't agree to avoid it by 
letting properties by properties, then classes are indeed out for 
ES6 -- and out of Harmony for now.


On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Brendan Eich wrote:

We can defer these by deferring guards and const instance
properties, and tried to do so. But IIRC at least Waldemar was
not happy leaving writable instance properties usable (with
default value undefined) before being initialized.

Of course, Dart allows this and discloses null on use before

class Foo {
 var a;
 Foo(a) {
   this.a = a;
main() {
 var foo = new Foo(42);
 print('main: ' + foo.a);

Tested at

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Re: BTF Measurements

2012-03-14 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I have tried the tool with node-dom ( 
to check what it would give on a whole site, not only a framework, see 
the result below for a usual web site (here, I 
did not compile it yet because it seems that there is a slight problem 
with the tool :

(function() {}) or (function(){var a=2}) etc ...

returns a BTF candidate...

I discovered it checking which 
returns 21 BTF (because I was surprised by the result, since these sites 
are using frameworks we should not expect a lot of BTF functions outside)

As far as I have understood Total Function Expressions is supposed to 
return all functions that do not contain this in their initial scope 
and that have a var self=this trick that is used somewhere inside the 
function (ie function() {var self=this;var b=function() 
{console.log('test')} is not a BTF candidate because self is not used), 
correct ?

-- script inline
Total Function Expressions*:0 0.00% of 0
Expression Functions**:0 0.00%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 0 0.00%
Block Functions:0 0.00%
-- script
Total Function Expressions*:417 52.85% of 789
Expression Functions**:132 31.65%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:2 0.48%
Functions with a single statement: 95 22.78%
Block Functions:190 45.56%
-- script
Total Function Expressions*:49 72.06% of 68
Expression Functions**:1 2.04%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 26 53.06%
Block Functions:22 44.90%
-- script inline
Total Function Expressions*:4 100.00% of 4
Expression Functions**:0 0.00%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 3 75.00%
Block Functions:1 25.00%
-- script inline
Total Function Expressions*:0 0.00% of 0
Expression Functions**:0 0.00%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 0 0.00%
Block Functions:0 0.00%
-- script
Total Function Expressions*:417 52.85% of 789
Expression Functions**:132 31.65%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:2 0.48%
Functions with a single statement: 95 22.78%
Block Functions:190 45.56%
-- script

Total Function Expressions*:21 100.00% of 21
Expression Functions**:0 0.00%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 17 80.95%
Block Functions:4 19.05%
-- script

Total Function Expressions*:1 50.00% of 2
Expression Functions**:0 0.00%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 1 100.00%
Block Functions:0 0.00%
-- script
Total Function Expressions*:1 100.00% of 1
Expression Functions**:0 0.00%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 1 100.00%
Block Functions:0 0.00%
-- script inline
Total Function Expressions*:0 0.00% of 0
Expression Functions**:0 0.00%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 0 0.00%
Block Functions:0 0.00%
-- script inline
Total Function Expressions*:0 0.00% of 0
Expression Functions**:0 0.00%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 0 0.00%
Block Functions:0 0.00%
-- script inline
Total Function Expressions*:0 0.00% of 0
Expression Functions**:0 0.00%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 0 0.00%
Block Functions:0 0.00%
-- script
Total Function Expressions*:6 60.00% of 10
Expression Functions**:0 0.00%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 2 33.33%
Block Functions:4 66.67%
-- script inline
Total Function Expressions*:0 0.00% of 0
Expression Functions**:0 0.00%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 0 0.00%
Block Functions:0 0.00%
-- script inline
Total Function Expressions*:0 0.00% of 0
Expression Functions**:0 0.00%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 0 0.00%
Block Functions:0 0.00%
-- script inline
Total Function Expressions*:0 0.00% of 0
Expression Functions**:0 0.00%
Expression Functions That Return an Object Literal:0 0.00%
Functions with a single statement: 0 0.00%
Block Functions:0 0.00%
-- script
Total Function 

Re: BTF Measurements

2012-03-14 Thread Aymeric Vitte

So BTF stands for bound-this function expressions

But it does include case b (don't care about this)

Then in the next email you conclude :

Interestingly, when we take the sum of BTF candidates and object 
literal methods, we account for over 90% of function expressions.

Is it surprising ?

 This suggests that an additional short function syntax that does 
*not* bind 'this' may not be necessary.

??? Why ? Because except object literal methods (+/-50% for which the 
lexical this is not supposed to be needed) most of the functions are the 
b case ?

I should be missing something important... don't understand exactly what 
the analysis does highlight, thanks if you can give more details

Le 14/03/2012 13:46, Kevin Smith a écrit :

As far as I have understood Total Function Expressions is
supposed to return all functions that do not contain this in
their initial scope and that have a var self=this trick that is
used somewhere inside the function (ie function() {var
self=this;var b=function() {console.log('test')} is not a BTF
candidate because self is not used), correct ?

Sorry, no.  As stated previously, I'm assuming for the purposes of 
this analysis that BTFs will be used in cases where (a) we want 
lexical this and (b) we don't care about this at all.  Why in the 
second case?  Because BTF syntax will be more concise and will 
generally express the intent better.

When I started this research, I wasn't aware of the tri-lambda work 
being done, and specifically the proposal that there be two short 
function syntaxes:  one for classic functions (-) and one for bound 
this (=).  Clearly some of the BTF candidates could go either way, 
and we really can't make that distinction in this analysis.


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Re: BTF Measurements

2012-03-14 Thread Aymeric Vitte
For me no. I have looked into popcorn.js today and could not convince 
myself that it was more readable, maybe it's a question of history or 
feelings (and to get used to it) but without being an expert in all 
languages, I consider js to be a unique (clever) language, using the 
arrow notation makes it look like others, this argument might look weak 
but for js or others I am not a fan of the arrow notation... will not 
make friends, I know

It is confusing right now whether the arrow proposal and do proposal are 
distinct/exclusive or not

I read about popcorn (-- Herby) :

error: ( msg ) - {
throw new Error( msg );

which should be

error (msg) {
throw new Error( msg );

Where is this specified ? And what happens with get: function() {.} 
or set ?

Le 14/03/2012 21:53, Allen Wirfs-Brock a écrit :

On Mar 13, 2012, at 6:20 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:


Over the weekend I applied David Herman's new tri-lambda syntax to 
Popcorn.js to see how it would look and feel:

So when I scan the diffs and my eye pass over pairs of changes like:

-(function(global, document) {

+((global, document) - {


- var DOMContentLoaded  = function() {

+ let DOMContentLoaded = () - {


-Popcorn.p[ api ] = function() {

+Popcorn.p[ api ] = () - {


-script.addEventListener( load,  function() {

+script.addEventListener( load, () - {

my eyes invariably go to the first line of each pair and I have a 
minor mental WTF moment when I look at the second line. Now some of 
this is no doubt a matter of familiarity, but does anyone really think 
that the second forms are more readable even with experience.  At 
least in western cultures, are brains are trained from a early age to 
recognize meaning in words. Symbols are far less common and symbol 
semantically meaningful symbol sequences are even rarer.

In what way does this syntax help people read and understand code?


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Re: Callable values: trying to summarize

2012-03-12 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I was not aware of this document when I wrote :

Reading my post again, it's indeed not clear at all that I was 
referring more to the syntax than block lamdas's principles and that 
this should behave as block lambdas, I got this answer :

Then I thought that the do proposals were definitely over, but 
it's not the case and I have too a preference for it.

So, taking my examples 1 and 3 (what is the baseValue property in 
your document ? Similar to my GetBase ??), how could we do that ? (or 
please someone, just crash the idea once for all so I don't think about 
it any longer)

The fn carrot for strict mode looks to be a good idea.

Le 12/03/2012 04:48, Allen Wirfs-Brock a écrit :

see for my current thougthts

On Mar 11, 2012, at 11:20 AM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

== Arrow syntax ==

The nicest proposal I have seen has been written by David Herman:

== More traditional solution ==

1. Short notation for non-TCP functions: use fn; enables one to abbreviate function as 
fn [1]. Optional, not sure if that’s a good idea: Implicit return of completion value 
and lexical `this`.

For example:
use fn; (x) { x * x });

2. Block lambdas for TCP-adhering callable blocks with lexical `this`, which 
previously seemed like the main contender. As a TCP-adhering syntactic 
alternative to block lambdas, Allen mentioned the following on Twitter:
do (args) { ... }

Open question: fn and function behaving differently seems like a bad idea, 
because then things are less consistent. But then you have to wonder if fn is 
really worth the trouble for only saving 6 characters.


Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


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Re: optional function keyword

2012-03-08 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Then you really have three somewhat modest proposals:

1. optional function.
2. braceless functions that auto-return the completion value of the
expression and exhibit TCP freakdeekness.
3. do-expressions blocks that evaluate to their completion value.

These three seem to combine to let you do all the good things that
block lambdas offer, and are pretty elegant and easy enough to explain
to new users, IMHO.  The do token sort of looks like it means Do
this right here, not in a separate context.

Indeed it looks more intuitive than block lambdas (IMHO).

A variant/extension of () do {...} could be do {...} that (if not 
followed by a while) will create Function() {...} that gets evaluated 
when retrieveing a property ([[Get]]) or when called directly, allowing 
new possibilities for this not all feasible with block lambdas or = 
, not impacting a lot current specs, easy to understand and use, 
examples  :

*1- this.x in prototype*

var f=(name) {;

nodeName : do {return}; //creates an object = 
Function() {return} with a flag reminding that it was a do 


var g=new f('test');
//nodeName : do {return};

console.log(g.nodeName); //'test'
//[[Get]] returns a function=Function() {return}, if the 
do flag is true [[Get]] does evaluate it as if g.nodeName was called 
(g.nodeName() -- function.[[Call]](g))

//this is evaluated to, where this does refer to g

*2- closures*

//old way
var a={name : 'test'};

var f=function () {
var self=this;
(function() {console.log( })();
}; -- 'test'

//new way
var a={name : 'test'};

var f=() {
(do {console.log(})();
}; -- 'test'

//old way
function writeNodes() {
  var self = this
  var writeall = function() {
for (var n in self.nodes) {

//new way
writeNodes() {
var writeall = () do {
for (var n in this.nodes) {

*3- json*

var x={
a: 10,
b: do {this.a},
c: {
d: do {return GetBase(this)}

//[[Get]] returns Function() {return this.a} and evaluate it (see 

//it is evaluated to this.a where this does refer to x
//returns 10

//[[Get]] returns Function() {return GetBase(this)} and evaluates 
it (see above)

//it is evaluated to GetBase(this) where this does refer to x.c
//returns x

var x={
a: do (this.b),
b: do {this.a}

console.log(x.b); //infinite loop...

*4- lexical this (??)*

var test = 'aaa';
var o = {test:'bbb'};
o.m = do {return this.test};
var f=o.m;

o.m(); //bbb
f(); //aaa

No improvement here, but if I am correct the improvement with block 
lambdas is not obvious too :

var test = 'aaa';
var o = {test:'bbb'};
o.m = {|| return this.test};
var f=o.m;

o.m(); //aaa
f(); //aaa

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Re: optional function keyword

2012-03-08 Thread Aymeric Vitte
I forgot to mention that the call to () do {...} should work as written 
in 11.1.7 in block_lambda_revival (if not my second example does not 
work), so the behavior is supposed to be the same (if 
[[FormalParameters]] is empty), I was more focused on the this stuff 
(do examples 1 and 3 look useless ?).

I did not say that block lambdas were not interesting and powerfull, I 
just think that this might be difficult to swallow/use by developpers, 
so an intermediate approach maybe was not bad, but apparently it is no 

Le 08/03/2012 19:22, Brendan Eich a écrit :

Aymeric Vitte wrote:

Indeed it looks more intuitive than block lambdas (IMHO).

Intuitions vary, but why does

function huh(a, b) {
  let toss = () do{return a*b};
  return 42;

where downward, if it calls its argument, forces a return of a*b from 
huh, and control never reaches the return 42, seem intuitive to you? 
Does the () do ... syntax by itself convey a Tennent sequel?

Block-lambdas have precedent, intuitive or not, going back to 
Smalltalk via Ruby, of behaving in this different and (to some) 
surprising way. They look odd enough to better call attention to the 
novelty, in my opinion, than a mix of () and do.

function huh(a, b) {
  let lambda = {|| return a*b};
  return 42;

Anyway, the current proposal has grammatical issues already plaguing 
arrow function syntax. Block-lambdas have no such problems. But this 
is not a contest: we could have shorter function syntax (e.g., 'fn' if 
not some prefix-less proposal that solves the grammar problems). And 
we could have block-lambdas on top.

What we won't have is full TCP in a function-body-plan. Sufficiently 
distinct semantics need markedly different syntax. Is '()do' 
freaky-deaky enough? I don't think so, right now.


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Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-06 Thread Aymeric Vitte

Yes, assuming that GetBase is usable (8.9) :

var obj = {
a: GetBase(this) // obj

But it is an internal function only, there are things defined in specs 
to access properties of objects but nothing the other way, because I 
believe the case never happens today.

The this proposal is not bad for me (and even good), if I take Lasse 
Reichstein's objection, I would say :

 {a : this.b, //undefined
  b : this.a } //undefined

Same as if you do : function f() {this.a = this.b; this.b = this.a}; var 
g = new f();//g.a undefined //g.b undefined

It does not solve your issue but it makes me think to a more global 
issue, the lexical this here or this post 
(which apparently did not passionate)

But this should not be applicable to functions only, this could be 
generalized to objects, where this unless explicitely bound to 
something should refer to the object itself, and not the global object 
(moreover that there are discussions about the future of the global object)

Then an Object.GetBase could be added to refer to the parent or outer 

I am not aware of all discussions (maybe it was already discussed and 
rejected) and it's not easy to see the whole impact of such change, but 
I don't think that the idea is absurd, I did not invent it myself and it 
would be more logical than the current behavior of this and avoid 
repetitives operations (var self=this, getters/setters, use of new (why 
do I have to use new in the example above ?))


A. Vitte

Le 05/03/2012 13:16, ??? a écrit :

  b: this.a

If you simply want this in JSON.parse,  it will not be hard to 
implement it in my library.
But I guess the problem is we have no way to refer to its parent. Do 
you have any ideas?

2012/3/5 gaz Heyes

It's a shame that this doesn't work with object literals :(
How nice would this be:

  b: this.a

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Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-06 Thread Aymeric Vitte
 Some object could have more than one ancestor.

Yes, so ? It's not in contradiction with what I am saying

Le 06/03/2012 14:58, 程劭非 a écrit :
 I prefer this to be root object. Some object could have more than
 one ancestor.

 2012/3/6 Aymeric Vitte

 Yes, assuming that GetBase is usable (8.9) :

 var obj = {
 a: GetBase(this) // obj

 But it is an internal function only, there are things defined in
 specs to access properties of objects but nothing the other way,
 because I believe the case never happens today.

 The this proposal is not bad for me (and even good), if I take
 Lasse Reichstein's objection, I would say :

  {a : this.b, //undefined
   b : this.a } //undefined

 Same as if you do : function f() {this.a = this.b; this.b =
 this.a}; var g = new f();//g.a undefined //g.b undefined

 It does not solve your issue but it makes me think to a more
 global issue, the lexical this here or this post
 (which apparently did not passionate)

 But this should not be applicable to functions only, this could be
 generalized to objects, where this unless explicitely bound to
 something should refer to the object itself, and not the global
 object (moreover that there are discussions about the future of
 the global object)

 Then an Object.GetBase could be added to refer to the parent or
 outer object

 I am not aware of all discussions (maybe it was already discussed
 and rejected) and it's not easy to see the whole impact of such
 change, but I don't think that the idea is absurd, I did not
 invent it myself and it would be more logical than the current
 behavior of this and avoid repetitives operations (var
 self=this, getters/setters, use of new (why do I have to use new
 in the example above ?))


 A. Vitte

 Le 05/03/2012 13:16, 程劭非 a écrit :
 b: this.a

 If you simply want “this” in JSON.parse, it will not be hard to
 implement it in my library.
 But I guess the problem is we have no way to refer to its parent.
 Do you have any ideas?

 2012/3/5 gaz Heyes

 It's a shame that this doesn't work with object literals :(
 How nice would this be:

 b: this.a

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Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-06 Thread Aymeric Vitte
Even if GetBase was existing I don't know if it would cover all your
needs but unless I missed something I don't get your last example (where
p is defined and where GetBase is supposed to be called ?)

Le 06/03/2012 16:33, 程劭非 a écrit :
 I mean the following case:

 var x = {

 x.a.p = x.b.p = {};

 So GetBase is not able to decide to return x.a or x.b.

 在 2012年3月6日 下午11:08,Aymeric Vitte
 mailto:vitteayme...@gmail.com写 道:

 Some object could have more than one ancestor.

 Yes, so ? It's not in contradiction with what I am saying

 Le 06/03/2012 14:58, 程劭非 a écrit :
 I prefer this to be root object. Some object could have more
 than one ancestor.

 2012/3/6 Aymeric Vitte

 Yes, assuming that GetBase is usable (8.9) :

 var obj = {
 a: GetBase(this) // obj

 But it is an internal function only, there are things defined
 in specs to access properties of objects but nothing the
 other way, because I believe the case never happens today.

 The this proposal is not bad for me (and even good), if I
 take Lasse Reichstein's objection, I would say :

  {a : this.b, //undefined
   b : this.a } //undefined

 Same as if you do : function f() {this.a = this.b; this.b =
 this.a}; var g = new f();//g.a undefined //g.b undefined

 It does not solve your issue but it makes me think to a more
 global issue, the lexical this here or this
 (which apparently did not passionate)

 But this should not be applicable to functions only, this
 could be generalized to objects, where this unless
 explicitely bound to something should refer to the object
 itself, and not the global object (moreover that there are
 discussions about the future of the global object)

 Then an Object.GetBase could be added to refer to the
 parent or outer object

 I am not aware of all discussions (maybe it was already
 discussed and rejected) and it's not easy to see the whole
 impact of such change, but I don't think that the idea is
 absurd, I did not invent it myself and it would be more
 logical than the current behavior of this and avoid
 repetitives operations (var self=this, getters/setters, use
 of new (why do I have to use new in the example above ?))


 A. Vitte

 Le 05/03/2012 13:16, 程劭非 a écrit :
 b: this.a

 If you simply want “this” in JSON.parse, it will not be hard
 to implement it in my library.
 But I guess the problem is we have no way to refer to its
 parent. Do you have any ideas?

 2012/3/5 gaz Heyes

 It's a shame that this doesn't work with object
 literals :(
 How nice would this be:

 b: this.a

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Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-06 Thread Aymeric Vitte
That will work everywhere, as I mentionned the issue is more global,
your case made me think about it, it's only the begining of a
suggestion, whether it's nice or not in the representation can be fixed
later, what I am questionning here is the abnormal/not optimized
behavior of this, still thinking about it, what I wrote below does not
solve all cases

Le 06/03/2012 17:33, 程劭非 a écrit :
 That will work in json but Object.GetBase is not so nice.

 Also I think GetBase(GetBase(GetBase(this))) looks a bit ugly.

 在 2012年3月7日 上午12:22,Aymeric Vitte
 mailto:vitteayme...@gmail.com写 道:

 Even if GetBase was existing I don't know if it would cover all
 your needs but unless I missed something I don't get your last
 example (where p is defined and where GetBase is supposed to be
 called ?)

 Le 06/03/2012 16:33, 程劭非 a écrit :
 I mean the following case:

 var x = {

 x.a.p = x.b.p = {};

 So GetBase is not able to decide to return x.a or x.b.

 在 2012年3月6日 下午11:08,Aymeric Vitte
 mailto:vitteayme...@gmail.com写 道:

 Some object could have more than one ancestor.

 Yes, so ? It's not in contradiction with what I am saying

 Le 06/03/2012 14:58, 程劭非 a écrit :
 I prefer this to be root object. Some object could have
 more than one ancestor.

 2012/3/6 Aymeric Vitte

 Yes, assuming that GetBase is usable (8.9) :

 var obj = {
 a: GetBase(this) // obj

 But it is an internal function only, there are things
 defined in specs to access properties of objects but
 nothing the other way, because I believe the case never
 happens today.

 The this proposal is not bad for me (and even good),
 if I take Lasse Reichstein's objection, I would say :

  {a : this.b, //undefined
   b : this.a } //undefined

 Same as if you do : function f() {this.a = this.b;
 this.b = this.a}; var g = new f();//g.a undefined //g.b

 It does not solve your issue but it makes me think to a
 more global issue, the lexical this here or
 this post
 (which apparently did not passionate)

 But this should not be applicable to functions only,
 this could be generalized to objects, where this
 unless explicitely bound to something should refer to
 the object itself, and not the global object (moreover
 that there are discussions about the future of the
 global object)

 Then an Object.GetBase could be added to refer to the
 parent or outer object

 I am not aware of all discussions (maybe it was already
 discussed and rejected) and it's not easy to see the
 whole impact of such change, but I don't think that the
 idea is absurd, I did not invent it myself and it would
 be more logical than the current behavior of this and
 avoid repetitives operations (var self=this,
 getters/setters, use of new (why do I have to use new in
 the example above ?))


 A. Vitte

 Le 05/03/2012 13:16, 程劭非 a écrit :
 b: this.a

 If you simply want “this” in JSON.parse, it will not be
 hard to implement it in my library.
 But I guess the problem is we have no way to refer to
 its parent. Do you have any ideas?

 2012/3/5 gaz Heyes

 It's a shame that this doesn't work with object
 literals :(
 How nice would this be:

 b: this.a

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Re: xxx : this.yyy in prototype

2012-02-25 Thread Aymeric Vitte
Declaring something like a:this.b in prototype is of no use (because in 
all cases it will be equivalent at the end to declare something like a:c 
where c=(this bounded object).b).

Intuitively, if we forget the specs and current behaviour, we could 
think that doing such, this could have a chance to refer to the new 
created object after the new statement, but of course it is not the case.

Instead we have to define getters and setters as mentionned below.

This can be compared to the var that/self=this trick in terms of 

Something that is useless could be transformed to something usefull, but 
right now I don't see a simple way to do it that creates more benefit 
than harm.


A. Vitte

Le 15/02/2012 19:21, Aymeric Vitte a écrit :
I did not find any related subject in discussions or specs so here it 
is :

var f=function(name) {

get nodeName() {return this._name},
get tagName() {return this._name},
get anotherNameInvention() {return this._name},
set nodeName() {},
set tagName() {},
set anotherNameInvention() {},

So in that case we have to define several getters and setters for 
something that is refering to the same object, slowing down the 
overall script execution, it would probably be better to have 
something like :

nodeName operator this._name,
tagName operator this._name,
anotherNameInvention operator this._name

var g=new f('test') -- g.nodeName is equal to g._name

While calling new the operator would indicate that g.nodeName must 
be equal to g._name whether _name is a property or a method.

nodeName, tagName, etc could be defined in f but this does not solve 
the case if we want them to be inherited properties.

Maybe no operator is required and the default behavior should be the 
one described above (what could be the use of declaring something like 
xxx : this.yyy in prototype ??? I have never seen it).

Example of use : js w3c dom implementation where objects own a lot of 
redundant properties.


A. Vitte

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xxx : this.yyy in prototype

2012-02-15 Thread Aymeric Vitte

I did not find any related subject in discussions or specs so here it is :

var f=function(name) {

get nodeName() {return this._name},
get tagName() {return this._name},
get anotherNameInvention() {return this._name},
set nodeName() {},
set tagName() {},
set anotherNameInvention() {},

So in that case we have to define several getters and setters for 
something that is refering to the same object, slowing down the overall 
script execution, it would probably be better to have something like :

nodeName operator this._name,
tagName operator this._name,
anotherNameInvention operator this._name

var g=new f('test') -- g.nodeName is equal to g._name

While calling new the operator would indicate that g.nodeName must be 
equal to g._name whether _name is a property or a method.

nodeName, tagName, etc could be defined in f but this does not solve the 
case if we want them to be inherited properties.

Maybe no operator is required and the default behavior should be the 
one described above (what could be the use of declaring something like 
xxx : this.yyy in prototype ??? I have never seen it).

Example of use : js w3c dom implementation where objects own a lot of 
redundant properties.


A. Vitte

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