Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-08 Thread Quildreen Motta
On 8 February 2014 07:37, Benjamin (Inglor) Gruenbaum ing...@gmail.comwrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Brendan Eich
 To: Kevin Smith
 Cc: Mark S. Miller, EcmaScript
 Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 16:05:20 -0500
 Subject: Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

  A *working* implementation should be created and solutions to
 real-world use cases should be programmed using the design before any spec
 language is authored.  Spec-language is apoor medium for communicating both
 design intent and programming intent.

  Yes, this.

 I just want to add my two cents on this part here.

 A lot of us are following this thread from the outside, being unable to
 keep track of all the meetings ambiguities and agreements and the such.
 Tracking it is hard with all the ambiguities and 'big words' people
 sometimes throw and unclear use cases.

 The way 'we' see it is:

  - Promises solve an interesting problem

They do. And that problem is representing the eventual value of
asynchronous computations, allowing you to compose them as usual. (there
are different approaches to this too)

  - There are a number of promise libraries that are *working*
 implementations that solve real world use cases. They have evolved for
 several years _for_ those use cases.
  - I believe that was a big consideration for adding them to the
 specification to begin with.
  - Promise libraries _could_ have added some of the methods and
 alternatives discussed here but didn't.
  - Q is not the only library nor it is the 'de facto standard'. Kris is
 very knowledgeable but was not the only one building APIs. There are at
 least 4 more libraries that do promises (RSVP, When, Bluebird, kew,
 vow...).  .chain , while very interesting is not very common to say the
  - Tens of thousands (probably more) of people have been using these
 libraries for years now.

Well, promises are a fairly old concept, with several different
implementations throughout the history of CompSci, and even in JavaScript
land itself. `.chain` itself is not common because it doesn't need to have
that name, but it is a common operation (`.then` encodes that operation,
for example, but you can't control when it gets applied). As for working
implementations of `.chain-able` promises, you can see:, and, although they are not
Promises/A+, it should be easy enough to implement `.cast` and `.then` on
top of those primitives.

There are three things you want to do with a promise:

- You want to sequence asynchronous computations, such that you can specify
computations that depend on a particular value. This is what `.chain` does.
- You want to transform the value of a computation, but the computation
itself is synchronous. This is what `.map` does, and `.chain` can
generalise `.map`.
- You want to assimilate the result of a different promise. This is what
`.cast` does.

Unfortunately, Promises/A+ only provide you with a `.then` method, which
does all of those things for you, but you can never control which of those
gets applied. Thus, `.chain` is a more general approach, and `.then` can be
easily derived from `.chain`. A specification should favour the general use
cases to make it easy for people to write more specific computations in
userland, instead of constraining the expressive power to particular
higher-level use cases. This is what the discussion on Promises right now
is about.

I mean no disrespect to the hard work of the people here. I know everyone
 who is participating in the discussion here is putting a lot of time and
 effort to better the language and the community. However, from my
 complete outside it sounds like:

  - There is a working tested solution that evolved through usage and
 solving real problems over several years*. *
   - The committee is dictating a lot of changes for it.
  - Changes are based on new design goals and theoretical considerations
 like purity. I'm not saying there are no very good arguments for
 non-recursive assimilation and .chain (there are) , but they're still being
 dictated over existing library solutions.

 I was under the impression the goal is to adopt what works in practice as
 much as possible and not dictate solutions from the sky. If someone wants
 `a different API there is nothing preventing them from creating a library
 and doing that - then coming back with Hey, our solution works, we have
 1000 dependencies on NPM or on second thought, that sounded very
 interesting but people are complaining about usage.

One of the problems with just following existing solutions is that you'd
also be copying the evolution mistakes and technical debts in those
solutions. The committee **is** considering the existing solutions, and the
use cases presented by people, which is a good thing. For example, for the
asynchronous map use case, 

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-08 Thread Quildreen Motta
On 8 February 2014 12:26, Benjamin (Inglor) Gruenbaum ing...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Quildreen Motta quildr...@gmail.comwrote:

 One of the problems with just following existing solutions is that you'd
 also be copying the evolution mistakes and technical debts in those
 solutions. The committee **is** considering the existing solutions, and the
 use cases presented by people, which is a good thing. For example, for the
 asynchronous map use case, `.then()` is not usable short of adding plenty
 of special cases, and special cases don't compose cleanly. Standards are
 difficult because what you decide will shape the solutions that people
 write in the language for decades, standards evolve slowly, that's why you
 have less chances to make mistakes — in a library you can make a mistake
 and promptly fix it in the next version, this is not true of standards.

 My problem with that paragraph is that promise libraries _have_ evolved
 for years. There are several libraries - Bluebird, Q, when, RSVP or any
 other promise library with _a lot_ of dependent libraries on NPM and more
 than a thousand stars on GH. They're all open source and At any point
 anyone could have:

  - Add 'chain' with a PR, explain why it's better and convince _any one of
 those_ maintainers why it should be added. I've seen work in Promise
 libraries several times.
  - Open an issue with convincing real life use cases and explain them -
 advocate .chain and get people to use it. I've seen this work in promise
 libraries several times and have done so myself.
  - Fork any one of them (most, if not all have permissive MIT licenses)
 and replace .then with .chain (or add it). It's also no problem to interop
 with existing A* libraries.
  - Build a new library and get users - I personally recently converted
 over 100 KLOC to use a promise library that didn't exist a year ago.

 I'd just like to add I did not make (at least intentionally) a single
 technical argument here. It's merely the process I'm concerned about.
 Choosing APIs that have no extensive use in the ecosystem over ones who do
 without first battle testing them concerns me.

It has been discussed at length before (, and continued
in es-discuss. Specially because there are use cases for the standard
library that are not covered by `.then` (Andreas has discussed them
before). And again `.then` is just a special case of `.chain`, so the
proposal that was being discussed was to give people `.chain` and `.then`,
where `.then` would be written in terms of `.chain`.

Quildreen (Soreλ\a) Motta  (
*— JavaScript Alchemist / Minimalist Designer / PLT hobbyist —*
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-05 Thread Quildreen Motta
I can understand the you can't have your cake and eat it too sentiment.
Indeed, I do think that having `.then()` and `.chain()` in the spec is a
mistake. The only thing that saddens me (and this also with some other
parts of the spec, such as Object.create) is that `.then()` is not an
orthogonal and composable primitive, it's a multi-method on top of simpler
primitives, but as with other parts of JavaScript, the simpler, orthogonal
primitives are not available for users to derive more complex functionality
from easily. That is, these higher-level primitives provide support to a
class of higher-level use cases, but not the necessary basis to support
these use cases in general, and this is a bummer for modularity and
re-usability. More so, I do think that just following de-facto standards
without acknowledging that there might be bugs on them you want to fix
when they are cheap to do so (i.e.: now, rather than after it becomes
standard) really bothers me. Fixing libraries today, specially with a
relatively new thing such as Promises/A+ is relatively cheap.

At any rate, I'm just venting now, and I agree that the spec should only
support either one or the other (even if `.then()` is just a combinator,
the addition of it on the specs would lead to unnecessary headache, since
it doesn't compose cleanly with other constructs). I am just sad that the
specs are once again favouring the higher-level, limited use cases.

On 5 February 2014 12:39, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 6:37 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 12:43 AM, Brendan Eich bren...@mozilla.comwrote:

 Kevin Smith wrote:

 - Promise.cast is renamed to Promise.resolve (remove old
 - Keep then, reject chain (NOT DEFER, reject!)
 - Renaming .cast thus removes over-wrapping (always-wrap)
 deoptimization in old Promise.resolve

 So basically, since September, we've seen:

 - A design proposal which achieved consensus
 - A spec implementation which completely ignored that consensus
 - And now a third design, which also throws out consensus and has
 been implemented by precisely no-one

 And all of this over 200 to 300 LOC.

 These shenanigans are deeply disturbing.

 I agree. I kept my nose out of it until it was front-and-center on the
 last day of the last TC39 meeting, and in context of threads here that were
 pushing (I was on side with you) to add .chain.

 The design proposal in September did not have consensus, for real. That
 proposal was changed after the September meeting (Mark has details). The
 implementation in V8 then added .chain based on an understanding from the
 May 2013 meeting (multiple, Rashomon views of consensus).

 There's still some concern about supporting Promise subclassing, too,
 but I think it can be handled without controversy (I could be wrong). It
 entails using the public-named methods (in case of overrides) consistently,
 and not using internal methods or other such shortcuts some of the time.
 Basically always use .then.

 Can we regain consensus on the September status quo ante, minus any do
 both half-hearted compromises that don't work? Mark, what do you think?

 I see no need to reopen this yet again. At this last meeting, we declared
 a new consensus, to keep the .cast and .then level, dispense with the
 .accept (previously renamed .resolve) and .chain level, and to rename .cast
 to .resolve.

 This kills the September AP2 consensus, in that we are no longer
 constraining the .then level's mechanics to be compatible with introducing
 (whether now or in the future) a .chain level. The September consensus was
 a compromise, in the do both mode that standards committees are tempted
 by. I have a deeper appreciation of those temptations now, having promoted
 it at the time. Given that we were trying to do both, Todd's AP2 was a
 wonderful way to minimize the pain. But I am now proud to see our committee
 once again rise above the do both failure mode.

 IMO, the most important argument against do both is that it would lead
 to perpetual confusion, as some libraries are written to the .then style
 and others are written to the .chain style. With AP2, these would live
 together as well as possible, but that's still not well.

 Regarding the comments in this thread, I haven't engaged since I have not
 seen any new points raised. All the old arguments are publicly archived. If
 you're about to repost a previously posted argument, please instead just go
 read the previously posted response. No one convinced anyone of very much
 that time, and repetition is unlikely to do better.

 The one remaining open issue for me is the means of flattening the output
 side of a .then operation. The end-of-september consensus flattened one
 level, but nominal typing and use of internal properties.

 Should be

 *by* nominal typing and use of internal properties.

 The current spec flattens using .then. The change was 

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-01-29 Thread Quildreen Motta
On 29 January 2014 10:45, Paolo Amadini wrote:

 On 29/01/2014 5.12, Kris Kowal wrote:
  In this case, a half pursuit of type purity is a side quest at the
  expense of users. Having two ways to resolve and two ways to observe a
  promise is unnecessarily confusing. In my experience, one method like
  then, that unwraps recursively, and one function, like Promise.cast,
  that automatically lifts if necessary, and then handlers that return
  into the waiting hands of Promise.cast are coherent and ergonomic.
  Having a choice between cast and resolve and a choice between then
  and chain, will leave developers unnecessarily confused and worried
  all the while they use or abandon Promises as too subtle.

 As an imperative programmer, I confirm I'm left worried and confused ;-)

 But I understand that functional programming might need more complexity.

It is, actually, more simplicity. The concept of `Promise.resolve` and
`Promise.chain` is simpler than `Promise.cast` and `Promise.then` (i.e.:
they represent orthogonal concepts, not complected). `Promise.cast` and
`Promise.then` may be, arguably, *easier* to work with, from a user POV,
since you don't need to make as many choices. I would argue that it would
make more sense to write `cast` and `then` in terms of `resolve` and
`chain`, however. But this seems to have already been decided.

Answering your previous question:

var p1 = Promise.resolve(Promise.cast(1));
var p2 = Promise.cast(Promise.cast(1));

`p1` will be a `Promise(Promise(1))`, whereas `p2` will be `Promise(1)` —
IOW, `Promise.resolve` will just put anything inside of a `Promise`,
regardless of that being a promise or a regular value, whereas
`Promise.cast` will put the innermost value that is not a promise inside of
a promise.

var p3 = new Promise(resolve = resolve(Promise.cast(1));
// is the same as:
var p3 = Promise.resolve(Promise.cast(1))

Quildreen (Soreλ\a) Motta
*— JavaScript Alchemist / Minimalist Designer / PLT hobbyist —*
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-01-28 Thread Quildreen Motta
So, if I understand correctly, it basically boils down to:

Promise.resolve :: a → Promise(a)

Promise.cast :: a → Promise(a)
Promise.cast :: Promise(a) → Promise(a)

But right now we'll only get `.then`, so transformations with nested
promises will flatMap automatically:

Promise.then :: (Promise(a)) = ((a → MaybePromise(b), (a → MaybePromise(b))
Promise.then :: (Promise(Promise(a))) = ((a → MaybePromise(b), (a →

But later, once `flatMap` is introduced, you'll be able to deal with nested
promises without breaking parametricity:

Promise.flatMap :: (Promise(a)) = (a → Promise(b))

If that's correct, I don't see any use cases for Promise.resolve right now,
unless a library where to provide a corresponding unspecified `flatMap`

On 28 January 2014 18:07, Paolo Amadini wrote:

 [Replying here since I'm not sure about how to move the discussion to
 the issue tracker without losing the context of Mark's observation.]

 On 28/01/2014 20.28, Mark S. Miller wrote:
  For people concerned only about the .then level of abstraction, I see
  little reason to ever use Promise.resolve rather than Promise.cast, and
  much reason to prefer Promise.cast. But fwiw we did agree to express the
  difference now, to be perceived by future and experimental uses of
  .flatMap in the future.

 I don't have a background on the .flatMap level of abstraction. In the
 following scenario, will users of getMyPromise() have a different
 behavior with .flatMap if the library code used cast rather than
 resolve? If so, this can definitely lead to confusion when .flatMap
 is introduced in the future since the callers cannot be sure about
 what the library did internally, assuming the library authors didn't
 intentionally choose one or the other.

 // -- MyLibrary.js

 function getMyPromise() {
   var a = condition ? getMyOtherPromise() : value2;
   return Promise.resolve(a);

 function getMyOtherPromise() {
   return Promise.resolve(value1);
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Quildreen (Soreλ\a) Motta
*— JavaScript Alchemist / Minimalist Designer / PLT hobbyist —*
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-01-28 Thread Quildreen Motta
On 28 January 2014 21:27, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

 On 28 January 2014 21:21, Quildreen Motta wrote:

  But later, once `flatMap` is introduced, you'll be able to deal with
  promises without breaking parametricity:
  Promise.flatMap :: (Promise(a)) = (a → Promise(b))
  If that's correct, I don't see any use cases for Promise.resolve right
  unless a library where to provide a corresponding unspecified `flatMap`

 The V8 implementation provides it under the name `chain', with the
 obvious semantics.

Considering that the fantasy-land specification uses the `chain` name as
well, this is really neat.
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Re: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-01-28 Thread Quildreen Motta
On 29 January 2014 01:27, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 7:47 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
  Andreas Rossberg wrote:
  Seriously, Haskell calls it=.
  Right, that thing. Did it have the f-l-a-t-... name in Haskell, or is it
  pronounced b-i-n-d always, monads or not?

 No, it's always called bind in Haskell.  The name flatMap was
 invented for Scala, to the best of my knowledge.

I suppose using names that don't give you a hint of the meaning of the
operation fits perfectly Haskell's (and Scalaz's) Avoid Success At All
Costs tradition 
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Re: JSCert: a JavaScript formalisation in the Coq theorem prover

2014-01-25 Thread Quildreen Motta
Ah, this looks really neat! :D

I wasn't familiar with any research on formalising JavaScript semantics
besides λjs, so it's neat to see more research on this front :)

On 25 January 2014 22:55, Gareth Smith wrote:

 Apologies if this is a duplicate - I tried sending this earlier, but it
 didn't seem to go through.

 Gareth Smith writes:

  We are pleased to announce JSCert, a formalisation of Chapters 8-14 of
  the ES5 standard.
  We've built JSCert using the Coq proof assistant, using the same
  metaphors and data structures as the ES5 standard, and following ES5
  algorithm listings line-by-line. This means we can evolve our formalism
  along with ECMAScript: local changes to the standard should mean
  similarly local changes to JSCert. At the same time, we've structured
  JSCert to make it as easy as possible to build analysis and verification
  tools on top.
  We also provide JSRef, an interpreter for ES5, which we have verified in
  Coq to correctly implement JSCert. We have also tested JSRef using
  test262. Since each line of JSRef has a close correspondence with a
  given line of JSCert and the ES5 algorithms we will be able to use code
  coverage tools to begin to evaluate how much of ES5 is covered by
  We very much hope that people will be interested in using JSCert and
  JSRef for investigating, for example, semantics-preserving compilation
  to ECMAScript, or other language analyses.
  You can find papers, code, talks and docs all at our website:
  The code is here:
  And our recent paper describing the project is here:
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Quildreen (Soreλ\a) Motta
*— JavaScript Alchemist / Minimalist Designer / PLT hobbyist —*
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ecmascript should support multi-threads

2014-01-12 Thread Quildreen Motta
The idea of having shared mutable state in a language is a horrifying one.
I'm glad JavaScript isn't heading in that direction.

We *do not* need threads for parallelism, and scaling in to use multiple
cores. In Browsers, we can already have isolated parallelism through
WebWorkers, which means that we can safely use all the cores in a machine
without the need of locks, and the possibility of deadlocks. Currently,
communicating between these workers is slow because you need to pay the
price of serialisation, but they work well for things that don't need to
communicate so often.

Value classes are planned for ES7, once they're in WebWorkers will be able
to efficiently share data between different workers, without the need for
locks and the possibility of deadlocks. This is both safer and faster (due
to the immutability of the data). As soon as v8 supports Value Classes,
Node will be able to leverage then to make parallelism a no-brainer. Until
then, the cluster module is the best you'll get.

Note that this will also allow us to get the same distributed semantics as
Erlang/OTP: isolated processes, crash-only systems with custom supervising
strategies. And that's a really awesome thing for writing robust and
reliable distributed/parallel systems :)

On 12 January 2014 13:59, Andrea Giammarchi andrea.giammar...@gmail.comwrote:

 if you are talking about node.js there have been recent improvements to
 the cluster module.
 I've used cluster even in Cubieboard2 and it works quite well using as
 many resources as possible if specified.

 Maybe that won't make JS like Java (thank Gosh!) but combined with linear
 and async callbacks it does a very good job.

 Hope this helped,
 best regards.

 On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 5:26 AM, 紫诡 wrote:

   hello, now javascript engine don't support multi-threads , because
 it's nouseful in brower.
 but, if engine in server, like node.js , it's will be need. although, we
 can use non-blocking
  API to do it, but it can't support multi cpu env well good.
 so , if javascript add SYNCHRONIZED keyword into, and hava Thread
 Manager API , it will like Java Language

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Quildreen (Soreλ\a) Motta
*— JavaScript Alchemist / Minimalist Designer / PLT hobbyist —*
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Optional Strong Typing

2013-08-31 Thread Quildreen Motta
Ressurrecting this thread whoo :)

I don't feel static typing making its way to JavaScript. It just wouldn't
fit. The core libraries haven't been designed for it, and the community
libraries haven't been designated for it. I'd say static typing in JS is a
lost cause now. Designing a language for type guarantees takes a far
different route than designing a overtly dynamic language — there are
plenty of operations in JS whose types that are not even predictable, which
often causes JITs to drop optimisations defined for one function or another.

However, guards and contracts are cool. They're run-time type checking, and
they'll just work with what we have right now. You won't get a Haskell type
system, but you'll get confidence about the inputs where it matters.

That said, you can still try to shoehorn types in JS by way of an external
tool or compile-to-JS language. TypeScript takes this route (Dart too, to a
point, but it's a watered-down-Strongtalk-for-teh-web, really). You still
won't have Haskell's type system, but you'll have a nice design and
documentation tool if you design your type system right. You can't achieve
much more than this if you're targeting JS, we can't change the language to
being Haskell, or ML, or Scala, since we can't break existing code.

To say that types are strictly necessary for large scale applications, is
a bit odd, though, and according to some research about effectiveness of
type systems, perhaps also incorrect — but I don't remember the name of the
papers, and I'm usually skeptical of such papers on CS.

On 24 August 2013 08:57, David Bruant wrote:

 Le 23/08/2013 19:38, J B a écrit :

  So the defacto response for large scale JS development will always be:
 Use X?

 Even if so, why would it be a big deal?

 Just to clarify a point, I read interesting definitions of what weak,
 strong, static and dynamic typing means [1]. Not sure how they are
 grounded with more formal definitions.
 Anyway, according to this definition, JavaScript is dynamically strongly

 I imagine your question is then why can't we have optional static typing
 in JS?. And I'm not entirely sure what the benefits would be for the
 entire language. Static typing has huge benefits at development time (early
 errors, errors more meaningful than undefined is not a function! Had a 5
 week experience with TypeScript on a real-life project that'll ship soon.
 That made a difference). The downside of JS types is that JS engines will
 have to verify them and that adds to total runtime cost, especially load
 time, which we don't need to be slower than it is now (something about a
 1000ms time to glass barrier [2]).
 Just to be clear, the main problem isn't JS engines ability to compile JS
 with optional static type, but more our practice to load too much code
 (that will have to be verified before running). Hopefully that trend will
 change, but the web isn't ready to add another static verification step I

 If the JS engine had knowledge of static types, *maybe* they could go
 faster (after the slower load time). But how much faster? Current JS
 engines go really fast after doing type inference when the code is type
 stable. The interesting part is that the instrumentation/JIT-**compilation
 costs only for long-running code (and not all the code we've loaded!
 especially not the unused paths!!), but practice shows that the cost is
 very small compared to the gains it provides.

 On a related note, I've recently been asked whether TypeScript compiled
 more efficient JS (cc'ing Luke Hoban to be sure I'm not spreading
 misinformation). My answer was that no, it doesn't by itself. TypeScript is
 very respectful of the input JS (and that's a feature!). However, the JS
 subset the TypeScript compiler encourages to write to has stable types and
 has a very strong chance to run faster in current engines.

 An interesting approach to static typing is asm.js. The interesting part
 is that the statically compiled part is very localized (and not
 whole-language-scoped), so its cost is localized. Brendan suggests [3] that
 ahead of time compilation can only provide better performance. I wonder
 what's the cost of the static verification is and how much it hurts load
 time. I'm especially wondering whether this cost will not hurt performance
 too much when people will load lots of unnecessary asm.js code (cc'ing Dave
 Herman in case he has answers on that topic), which is obviously not
 measured by current benchmarks.

 Anyway, whole-language static typing sounds like a bad idea and use X
 seems to be to good way forward. The compile-to-JS battle has just started.
 Let's be patient.


 [1] http://coding.****18/introduction-to-**

Re: Proposal: Add functionalities to the for/of protocol that take full advantange of the generators/iterators features

2013-07-30 Thread Quildreen Motta
 In principle, with functions-as-collections the yield and the whole
 generators stuff
 is not needed. If functions can be used on the right of 'in' or 'of'
 in 'for' then
 all 'yield' use cases that I saw so far can be implemented without the
 So why do we need redundant entities?

Semi-coroutines for asynchronous computations is one:
es-discuss mailing list

Re: More concise arrow functions

2013-07-26 Thread Quildreen Motta
 One company I advise tried it, and found that its unsyntax bit back in
 this way: code that compiled and seemed to do one thing did something quite
 different. This happens with JS due to ASI; it also happens just due to the
 C syntax heritage. But it happens more often with CoffeeScript, from what I

More of an issue with CoffeeScript's grammar, which is ambiguous in lots of
places, and with what I believe to be some bugs in the parser (those
Michael Ficarra could probably fix in CoffeeScript redux). I had some
examples back in the days I tried CoffeeScript where one-character
differences in an object declaration could lead to four entirely different
object definitions.
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2013-06-20 Thread Quildreen Motta
On 1 June 2013 20:52, Jorge wrote:

 On 02/06/2013, at 01:22, Brandon Benvie wrote:
  On 6/1/2013 3:44 PM, Jorge wrote:
   block: {
 if (true) {
   break block;

 But then... I'm not sure this is any better than an IIFE!

Anything is better than an Immediately Invoked Function-silly-Expression,
actually. The only reasonable use for that is to create a new scope in the
context of a statement:

void function() {

Block scoping/let makes this pattern completely unecessary. As for the
other arguments, you do not wrap a function expression in parenthesis,
they're already expressions so there's no need for that. At any rate, the
problem here is JavaScript's usage of statements instead of Expressions,
Expressions Everywhere.


var x = function(){ return foo }()

Quildreen Sorella Motta  (
*— JavaScript Alchemist / Minimalist Designer / PLT hobbyist —*
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Modules: Curly Free

2013-04-23 Thread Quildreen Motta
On 23 April 2013 09:34, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

 On 22 April 2013 17:03, Brendan Eich wrote:

  The more convincing argument would be interop with those legacy
  modules. But the magic for that will be in custom loaders, and AFAICS,
  the problems (and solutions) will likely be the same in either
  Yes, custom loaders can interop but as you say, people will have to do
  something if they want to rewrite to ES6 modules (and Node people may do
  this soon because they don't have downrev browsers to contend with).
  When all those (majority share NPM modules) authors rewrite, what should
  they have to say? it, really?

 You assume that everybody will just want to transplant their
 NPM-specific modularity conventions to ES6 unchanged. I don't know if
 that is true. In any case, I don't expect that default will make
 them any happier.


What remains to be seen is whether people writing CommonJS/AMD modules
today will want to move to ES6 modules at all ;3

Quildreen Sorella Motta  (
*— JavaScript Alchemist / Minimalist Designer / PLT hobbyist —*
es-discuss mailing list

Fwd: Modules: Curly Free

2013-04-22 Thread Quildreen Motta
On 22 April 2013 09:18, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

 On 21 April 2013 04:15, David Herman wrote:
  On Apr 20, 2013, at 5:17 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
  Moreover, ad-hoc seems to suggest some sort of arbitrariness, as if
 it's not well-motivated. It is in fact well-motivated, by a real
 requirement that otherwise requires a manual design pattern -- on the part
 of both the creators *and* the clients of libraries, note well! In fact,
 I've seen the design pattern arise in practice in other languages. And yet
 in existing JS module systems, no such pattern is required of a library's
 clients. (The clients are of course the important case. Yet another
 instance of the applicability of Mr. Spock's solution!)

 I'm sorry, but I'm afraid this is one of these moments where I have no
 idea what the heck you guys are talking about. ;)  It is a trivial
 naming convention, for a single identifier! How is a single name
 possibly more difficult to learn or remember than any additional piece
 of syntax, however simple that may be? And how is calling it a manual
 design pattern less hyperbolic?

The fact that explicitly naming things in your modules requires the user to
know the internal structure of the module they're dealing with when that
isn't exactly necessary adds some complexity (or a manual design
pattern). Patterns are nasty, patterns are eugh.

At any rate, take these two use cases:

First, someone publishes a module that is intended to use as a middleware
for processing incoming HTTP requests. Middlewares are just advice
functions that wrap around the main handler to do transformations to the
request object — they take one function, return a new function. These
things are composed using plain old function composition:

Say, in Node I have a library that works that way, and I want to process
JSON requests and output, which are two different modules. I would use
something like this:

var json_request = require('json-request-middleware')
var json_output = require('json-output-middleware')

compose(json_output, json_request)(http_handler)(80)

Now, if the modules are required to explicitly name their exports, I'd have
to remember what kind of name the author of that module used when I'm
really only interested in the module itself (or the middleware it is trying
to share with me):

import jsonRequestMiddleware from jsonRequestMiddleware
import jsonOutputMiddleware from jsonOutputMiddleware

compose(jsonOutputMiddleware, jsonRequestMiddleware)(http_handler)(80)

So far, so good. Nothing that a good memory (which I don't have, btw) can't
deal with. Just a little more of cognitive load can't hurt. Problems arise
when you start having a bunch of these modules (and with the Node
philosophy that's 99% of the cases) *and* somehow those authors have chosen
similar names for their exports. Now you need to remember the name they've
used *and* bind it to another name to solve a conflict, when you could just
be doing the binding anyways.

The second use case would be encoding parametric modules by a single
function exports. In this case, you need to unwrap the module anyways
before you can use it, because it depends on external stuff that you as the
client have to provide. Again, this maps rather straight-forwardly to
first-class modules in CommonJS.

var dom = require('dom')(cssSelector, eventBridge)
dom.query('.foo').on('click', function(ev) { /* event is sanitised here by
the eventBridge library */ })

This doesn't map that well to current ES modules because they're second
class (unless I've been so out of the loop that I've missed they being

import dom as domFactory
var dom = domFactory(cssSelector, eventBridge)

Requiring people to name that explicitly creates again unnecessary hops
that might be error prone, and deviate from the purposes of the module.
IMHO, that does mean things lose a certain clarity, but on the other hand
it could be argued that it just forces people to write code using different
design choices. This could mean that you fork the community because you
can't provide what one expects from a particular module system, and you end
up with a messier state than the current CommonJS/AMD/whateverElse.

Quildreen Sorella Motta  (
— JavaScript Alchemist / Minimalist Designer —
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Modules: Curly Free

2013-04-22 Thread Quildreen Motta
Andreas is suggesting we adopt a convention or design pattern for
anonymous exports. Dave is suggesting that it should be supported at the
syntax level, so you get language-level guarantees rather than wishful

On 22 April 2013 11:24, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

 Andreas Rossberg wrote:

 Just to be clear, what I suggested was having a single global
 convention for the name of the 'anonymous' export in every module, say
 ,it. No need to know the internals of anything. Your Node example,

 You are imposing a tax on everyone using modules and anonymous export,
 today a large base of users (modules are predominately anonymous export by
 counting NPM modules).

 Is there a way to be explicit about what the tax actually is? Andreas’
 convention looks like this:

  export let it = someValue;
  import it as foo from foo;

 If you replace it with default, you *almost* get David Herman’s
 proposal, which looks like this:

  export default someValue;
  import default foo from foo;

 The advantage of the latter is that you get a static check for syntactic
 correctness, right? I don’t see any other advantage (but that may be enough
 of an advantage).


 Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


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Quildreen Sorella Motta  (
— JavaScript Alchemist / Minimalist Designer —
es-discuss mailing list

Re: 10 biggest JS pitfalls

2013-01-03 Thread Quildreen Motta
I'm still amazed to see people rant about other people's perfectly fine
coding styles, when those are an overtly subjective matter, and therefore
no argumentation on whether Yes ASI or Nay ASI can be right.

The only facts about ASI are:

1.) It's a syntax error;
2.) Such syntax error is spec'd to be fixed in a deterministic process —
no guessing games here from a grammar POV;
3.) No absolute consensus on whether it's a good or bad feature exists;

On the other hand, Python and Haskell programmers seem to be fairly happy
with ASI in their languages. I, despite being a Pythonista, actually prefer
ECMAScript ASI rules to Python ones, but as Brendan said, more newline
significance would solve part of the problem — as in, we'd have rules a
bit closer to what Python has.


As for the list, I'd rather put the implicit errors that might go unnoticed
due to scoping/binding warts up there. Clearly calling a function without
defining an object should have |this| as Null (fixed) — and it aligns more
with the Functional First thingie —, and assigning to undeclared vars in
the current or upper-scopes should throw an error rather than create a new
property in the global object.

On 31 December 2012 15:47, Jorge Chamorro wrote:

 On 31/12/2012, at 15:55, Juan Ignacio Dopazo wrote:

  I'm surprised not to see Automatic Semicolon Insertion in the list.

 Yes I would ditch ASI altogether if only to force the javascrhipsters to
 put back each and every semicolon where it belongs: they are *delimiters*.

 No ASI would force them to stop writing in those silly -and ugly- dialects
 in which every now and then lines *begin* with a semicolon...

 As JS compiler *wants* semicolons as delimiters, instead of attempting to
 guess and fix buggy src code via A.S.I. which often results in failure
 anyway (even silent failures which is worse), it should better halt and
 complain loudly about syntax errors.

 IOW, Javascrhipster's style code is nothing but a big multi line syntax
 error, fixed by ASI.

 Happy new year!
 es-discuss mailing list

Quildreen Sorella Motta  (
— JavaScript Alchemist / Minimalist Designer —
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Array#sort(prop)

2012-04-01 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 01/04/12 18:49, Peter van der Zee wrote:

No idea whether this has been discussed before, but I find myself
continuously doing this when sorting arrays with objects:

arr.sort(function(a,b){ if (a.prop  b.prop) return -1; if (a.prop
b.prop) return 1; return 0; });

Couldn't we add an optional string argument to Array#sort that does
this for us? If supplied do the above, otherwise behave as usual. If
there's already a first arg planned for .sort (I haven't kept up),
make it the second arg.

I believe this would be better left for a higher-order helper function, 
given the sort function already receives a predicate:

function compareProperty(name) { return function(a, b){ return a[name]  
b[name]?  -1
:  a[name] !== 
b[name]?   1
:  /* otherwise */  
  0 }}


So, this keeps the `sort' function's semantics simple and straight-forward.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: arrow function syntax simplified

2012-04-01 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 01/04/12 15:08, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

On Apr 1, 2012, at 8:07 AM, Quildreen Motta wrote:

How is the above better (ignoring any controversy about line-beginning 
separators) than:

let ps = {
   lookahead ( n) { this.current().slice(0, n || 1) },
   current()  { this.text.slice(this.offset) },
   move(n)  { this.clone(this.text, this.offset + 1) },
   clone(text, offset)  {
  let r = Object.create(this);
  r.offset = offset || 0;
  r.text = text || '';
I forgot the object literal syntax was also getting a lightweight method 
definition syntax, my bad.

You'd perhaps avoid some of the confusion on dynamic `this' by making 
it explicit that `this' is just an additional parameter passed over 
to the function — albeit implicitly.

this isn't just an additional parameter and trying to turn it into 
such just creates more confusions. this (aka self) is a characteristic 
feature of object-oriented /methods/, not of functions. Methods only 
have meaning in the context of an object.  It is essential to the OO 
programming model that this/self is dynamically bounds  to the object 
that is the target of each method invocation.  In a well designed OO 
language the method invocation target is syntactically distinct from 
other parameters.  If this didn't have special OO semantics there 
would be no reason to have special syntax and semantics for 
defining/accessing this within a function.  However, in that case you 
don't have a OO language, instead you have a functional language that 
is used to provide a (low fidelity) simulation of OO constructs.
Hm, perhaps because of my mostly functional background — JS is the only 
OO language I've actually spent much time learning, — I've always seen 
methods as higher-order functions (target - a... - b), and the 
`object.method()' invocation pattern as just coupling single dispatching 
with a nice infix function invocation syntax.

Maybe I'm thinking more in terms of possible implementation details than 
concepts, which I'm not as familiar with.

It seems to work for Python, though there `self' is bound at the 
instantiation time.

I don't believe this is correct, if you mean object instantiation 
time.  You can view obj.meth in Python as a left-curry operation that 
creates a new function where the first parameter of meth is pre-bound 
to obj.  This is why Python does not have issue 3 above.

Ah, yes, you're right. The currying is done at the lookup/dispatch time.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Let's replace | with :: (was Breaking up the |...)

2012-03-17 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 03/17/2012 01:55 PM, François REMY wrote:
Wouldn't it be better to use 'as' for guards? Seems more intuitive and 
easier to type

   let A as Number = 3;
   let B as Email =;

   class ListNode {
   public nextNode as ListNode;
   public value; // no guard

However, it is'nt a reserved keyword. But I don't think anybody sane 
would use 'as' as a variable name. Additionnaly, we could also require 
'use guards' like we are going to require 'use fn'.

I'm pretty sure most mainly Haskell programmers doing JS would think 
about using `as' (and `bs', `cs', ..., `xs') as identifiers almost 
naturally. And I guess they would also feel it natural to use `::' for 
guards. But well, this is not Haskell :3

es-discuss mailing list

Re: How about replacing | with -

2012-03-04 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 03/04/2012 02:14 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

On Mar 3, 2012, at 11:17 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Dean Landolt wrote:

Does it /have/ to be ascii?

Does it have to be grawlix? [snip...]

I have two significant sized code samples that differ only in the use 
of beget in place of |




es-discuss mailing list

My major problem with a spelt out operator is that it gets difficult to 
tell it from the surrounding words at a glance. Though it gets a little 
better if one has some sort of syntax highlighting support, the symbols 
are just easier to spot in the code, which gives you the ability to just 
glance at related pieces of code (for those who abuse editors like Emacs 
for side-by-side views of the code, like me) and tell the relationships 
between those objects.

It's just that with a spelt out operator you actually have to read the 
whole line.

About the choice of a word operator vs a symbol operator based on 
whether the programmers are native English speaker or not, I don't think 
it would make much of a difference. I did have my concerns at first as 
well, but I haven't felt any additional cognitive load to remember 
either, so I think they both impose about the same amount of additional 
learning for a programmer that is unfamiliar with the additions in Harmony.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: How about replacing | with -

2012-03-04 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 03/04/2012 03:38 PM, Gavin Barraclough wrote:

On Mar 3, 2012, at 11:17 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Does it have to be grawlix? I proposed

 let sub = sup beget {p:1, q:2, r:3};

+1.  Using a symbol like an arrow makes a lot of sense when there is a 
clear directionality in the operation (e.g. chasing a chain of 
pointers in C), but the lack of consensus as to which direction the 
arrow should point in seems likely to be indicative of a larger 
problem - that either choice is going to be backwards, unintuitive, 
and confusing for a significant proportion the users.

The operation of prototypical inheritance, as implemented by JavaScript, 
has a clear direction, though. It's just a delegation from an object to 
a prototype, thus: `super | (or :, or ~, or ...) { p: 1, q: 2, r: 3 
}' makes sense.

With `super - { p:1, q: 2, r: 3 }', it could be argued that the 
operation as super is the delegation for the object, although I find 
it slightly counter intuitive, since property lookup starts at the base 
object and goes all the way up to the prototype chain (as an arrow 
pointing to the left would suggest).

es-discuss mailing list

Re: How about replacing | with -

2012-03-03 Thread Quildreen Motta
I find the syntax `proto - object' counter-intuitive. Anytime I think 
about prototype delegation,
the semantics are clear that an object `X' delegates to a prototype `Y'. 
This semantics don't map
well in `proto - object', instead you have something more along the 
lines `proto is the basis of
object', although the first thing that comes to mind is still `proto 
maps to object'.

And yes, this is a nitpick.

On the other hand, there are strong associations of such a symbol with 
different semantics
in other languages, property access and function shorthands being the 
most common. I'm
not sure introducing a symbol that's been used for entirely different 
semantics in the majority

of other languages is a good idea, and would bring more confusion.

- sounds too much like return (local or not).

So, at this point I still think `lhs | rhs' is the best alternative in 
syntax, as it lends itself easily to the
`rhs delegates to lhs', which is the core semantics of a delegative 
prototype implementation.

On 03/02/2012 07:30 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
It was recently suggested to me that it is unlikely that we will ever 
adopt - as as function expression shorthand symbol and that this 
means we could consider using that symbol sequence for other purposes. 
 In particular, it would be a reasonable and possibly less 
controversial alternative to the | symbol.  I would have no objection 
to that switch and have written the suggestion up at

Some examples of this usage of - include:

   MyObject.prototype  -  {a:1,b:2}
   let subclass = superclass -  function  ()  {};
   var  p = newRegExpMethods -  /[a-m][3-7]/

What do you think? Do you like - better than | ?  Is it ok to not 
have it available for some possible future function shorthand?


es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: How about replacing | with -

2012-03-03 Thread Quildreen Motta
I find the syntax `proto - object' counter-intuitive. Anytime I think 
about prototype delegation,
the semantics are clear that an object `X' delegates to a prototype `Y'. 
This semantics don't map
well in `proto - object', instead you have something more along the 
lines `proto is the basis of
object', although the first thing that comes to mind is still `proto 
maps to object'.

And yes, this is a nitpick.

On the other hand, there are strong associations of such a symbol with 
different semantics
in other languages, property access and function shorthands being the 
most common. I'm
not sure introducing a symbol that's been used for entirely different 
semantics in the majority

of other languages is a good idea, and would bring more confusion.

- sounds too much like return (local or not).

So, at this point I still think `lhs | rhs' is the best alternative in 
syntax, as it lends itself easily to the
`rhs delegates to lhs', which is the core semantics of a delegative 
prototype implementation.

On 03/02/2012 07:30 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
It was recently suggested to me that it is unlikely that we will ever 
adopt - as as function expression shorthand symbol and that this 
means we could consider using that symbol sequence for other purposes. 
 In particular, it would be a reasonable and possibly less 
controversial alternative to the | symbol.  I would have no objection 
to that switch and have written the suggestion up at

Some examples of this usage of - include:

   MyObject.prototype  -  {a:1,b:2}
   let subclass = superclass -  function  ()  {};
   var  p = newRegExpMethods -  /[a-m][3-7]/

What do you think? Do you like - better than | ?  Is it ok to not 
have it available for some possible future function shorthand?


es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-13 Thread Quildreen Motta
I have an obvious bias towards 1 because I think Unicode symbols
describe much better the underlying intentions and semantics than
their ASCII alternatives (usually), however not many people creates
mappings for these symbols on their .XCompose (or even have a compose
key handy).

I remember you mentioning that the Haskell-ish alternative `\x, y {
body }' or `.\x, y { body }' was not practical, because \ is already a
valid escaping character in identifiers (?)

Given those above, despite my usual disliking of Ruby syntax, I prefer
the pipes over parenthesis, given the latter has an already too
overloaded semantics, such that `{ (foo, bar) (2) }' would look pretty
confusing, at least to me. However, what about `{x, y: body}'? Granted
we don't allow labels immediately following a lambda block (and I'm
not sure labels are used much in the language, I could be wrong

2012/1/13 Brendan Eich
 We have three coarse-grained alternatives:

 1. λ  (params) { body }

 1a. One problem is what should we use for λ? 'lambda', 'block', etc. are not
 reserved the syntax. Whatever the identifier (including Greek lambda: λ),
 this is an incompatible change.

 1b. Another problem: this form looks like a function expression with a
 different introductory keyword, but Tennent's Correspondence Principle makes
 the meaning of body elements including |this| and return/break/continue
 radically different. Different-enough semantics should have different

 2. { (params) body }

 Putting the parameter list in parentheses is more consistent with function
 syntax, while putting the parameters on the inside stresses the block-ness
 over function-ness. By block-ness I mean (ignoring let, const, and function
 in Harmony) how code and {code} are equivalent.

 Of course this cuts against the syntax too: block statements are not
 first-class callables whose code bodies are evaluated only if invoked, they
 are statements evaluated eagerly when reached. This syntax is arguably too

 A point that I remember having come up in past TC39 meetings: if we ever
 want structuring forms (object literals or destructuring patterns) that use
 () for grouping property names, this syntax is future hostile.

 3. { |params| body }

 This is new-to-JS, idiomatic block-like -- but not too block-statement-like
 -- syntax for novel body semantics.

 The bars will drive some people to distraction. Others will grok, or already
 do via Ruby. This is not to favor Ruby, just to build on the belief that
 some precedent in language design is better than none.

 We could reject (3) in favor of (2) if we had an overriding non-aesthetic
 reason. I don't see one.

 Aesthetics vary. The more conventional look of (2) seems like a usability
 hazard to me, which trumps aesthetics. Again I'd rather have something more
 different-looking to signal the novel application of TCP.


 es-discuss mailing list

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Re: Alternative syntax for |

2011-11-22 Thread Quildreen Motta
2011/11/22 Bob Nystrom

 On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Brendan Eich bren...@mozilla.comwrote:

 Nothing there about arrays or regular expressions, and the function
 examples do *not* show anything like

  superFun | function (...) {...}

 Instead of Ahem'ing, could you cite what you claim is a prior proposal
 with specifics showing how it addresses object, array, regexp and function
 [[Prototype]] presetting?

 I'm guessing this been proposed before but I think you could handle all of
 those except RegExp with syntax something like:

 // object:
 { extends someObj, prop1: value, prop2: value }

 // array:
 [ extends someObj, value1, value2 ]

 // function declaration:
 function foo(arg) extends someObj { ... }

 // function expression:
 function(arg) extends someObj { ... }

 You could *maybe* cram it into RegExp with something like:

 /pattern/ extends someObj;

 I haven't been following the | discussion closely (it seems like it's in
 good hands and has lots of smart people poking at it) so forgive me if this
 was proposed and rejected for valid reasons while I wasn't looking. :)

From what I get of Claus' proposal, this is more or less what he's been

Though he seemed to be proposing it from a type-decl/declarative stand

type X :: JSObject (Proto proto) thing

to be roughy equivalent to `proto | thing'.

which would be in turn roughly equivalent to the imperative form:

thing = {} | /regex/ | function(){ } | [] | 1 | a  // - don't mind my
lazyness and treat this as several different kinds of possible objects in
the next statement
thing.[[prototype]] = proto

So, the | syntax would be a declarative form that composes something of
the type in the RHS, having a prototype as LHS, thus working for any kind
of object -- just as __proto__ does.

Then he proposed using the same syntax for doing pattern matching on the
prototype chain, which sounds quite cool.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: motivating | as structure representation, not operator

2011-11-19 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 19/11/11 13:42, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

(I'm thinking about blog posts here, which typically face the dilemma 
of talking about [[prototype]] vs 'prototype', to help
readers in the long run while confusing them at first, or talking 
about __proto__, to be understood in the short run, with possible 
problems later).

Where human language usually fails me is when I initially explain 
prototypes in the __proto__ (or Object.create() or Self-ish) manner 
and then get to constructors. Then I talk about the constructor’s 
prototype to avoid the longish “the value of the prototype property of 
the constructor”. But that’s confusing! It’ll get worse should 
constructors become prototypes of each other in the future.
Constructors are really the only confusing thing in JavaScript's 

implementation. The way I usually explain it is by first talking about
`[[Prototype]]' and the under-the-hood semantics using objects alone,
then explaining how constructors mess all that up :3

The special-casing of `new' has been my favourite topic so far.

That said, I find it interesting to think about | in terms of structural
notation rather than yet another complex layer on top of constructors.
In fact, I'd rather give up on constructors entirely, but I don't think
that's an option now =/
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist (why) classes ?

2011-11-13 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 12/11/11 19:07, John J Barton wrote:

This kind of discussion illustrates my point: JS is not sweet enough
because we are missing core operations for constructing prototypes in
a standard way.
Agreed. I've always thought about JS objects as sets, but it feels weird 
that I don't get disjunction, intersection and other basic operations 
out of the box.

Basically, I've missed primitives for:

- Creating objects that share properties from other objects (Object.create)

- Adding properties to an object (Object.extend)

Object.extend(Object target, Object sources...) → Object
(sources.reduce({|tgt, src|
Object.keys(src).forEach({|key| tgt[key] = src[key]})
tgt }, target)

Should `extend' copy all the properties? Only the own properties? I 
feel `own' properties make more sense.

- Defining new objects that extends on the [[Prototype]], which is 
basically Object.create followed by copying the properties of one or 
more objects over to the new instance. (Object.clone? Object.inherit? I 
never felt `extend' quite says it all)

Object.prototype.clone(Object parent, Object mixins...) → Object
(Object.extend.apply(Object.create(parent), mixins))

- Merging (while possibly flattening, as objects can't have several 
[[Prototype]]s) objects.

Object.merge(Object mixins...) → Object
(x = Object.extend.apply({}, mixins))

Dicts are probably a better answer for this one though.

- Creating instances from objects directly (new Stuff,, 
though I'm not sure there's much sense in having two different standard 
ways of doing the same thing. I guess JS is stuck with constructors =/

- Creating objects by removing/renaming certain properties from other 
objects, which is useful for object composition. Though I guess this 
would be handled by traits(?)

Of course, you still need a better syntax to express it all, and the 
proposed extensions to object literals come close to minimalist classes:

var foo = Base.clone({
method1() { },
method2() { },
get stuff() { }

var foo = Base | {
method1() { },
method2() { },
get stuff() { }

class foo extends Base {
method1() { }
method2() { }
get stuff() { }

That is, if we disregard private and other modifiers. If such modifiers 
were added to the Object literal (meh?), it would be quite the same 
thing. Except a full-blown declarative class syntax could be better 
optimised and would allow for a sugary syntax if/when traits/type guards 
are added.

var foo = Base | {
#constant: 1, // or const
@private_stuff: bar, // or private
method1() { },
method2() { }
get stuff() { }

class foo extends Base {
@private_stuff: bar; // or private
#constant: 1; // or const
method1() { }
method2() { }
get stuff() { }

Except I'm not sure the @private could be made to work without creating 
confusing semantics around it, so object literals would still be one 
step behind.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist (why) classes ?

2011-11-12 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 11/11/11 23:44, John J Barton wrote:

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 4:48 PM, Brendan  wrote:

On Nov 11, 2011, at 4:42 PM, John J Barton wrote:

Object.extend() does not exist.

Which one do you mean?

I mean Object.extend does not exist.

Irakli is using Function.prototype.extend, not something like PrototypeJS's 

Iraki wrote Object.extend().
`Object' is a function, though. So it shares stuff from the 
Function.prototype object :3

es-discuss mailing list

Re: making |this| an error (was Re: for own(...) loop)

2011-11-09 Thread Quildreen Motta
2011/11/9 John J Barton

 I'm sure this has been discussed before, but isn't is possible and
 desirable to make |this| illegal in using strict; when it can be
 determined from the AST alone that |this| will bind to |window|?  eg:

   Object.keys(foo).forEach(function(key) {
 // this is undefined- window

 This case kind of case is because, as others have noted, incorrect
 |this| binding most often occurs in two cases: 1) mixed OO and
 functional programming (as above) and 2) callback defn.

In `strict-mode', |this| would resolve to `undefined' inside that function
anyways. I'm not a fan of making constructs illegal just because
their semantics might be confusing, even more so when such
disallowance would vary highly in context. It would be bound to
make things more confusing, imho.

Block lambdas are the best solution I can see right now.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: for own(...) loop (spin-off from Re:, hasOwnProperty(), and inheritance)

2011-11-08 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 08/11/11 18:49, Brendan Eich wrote:
The recommended practice when writing for-in loops in JS today is to 

  for (i in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) {

Although many JS developers do not follow the recommendation (out of 
ignorance or intentionally, doesn't matter).

Should provide sugar for the recommended pattern? To make it 
compose with declarations and destructuring in the for head, it should 
use a contextual keyword immediately after 'for':

  for own (i in o) {

This is a small thing but it might pay off in the long run.

Isn't that just:

Object.keys(o).forEach(function(i){ body })

Iirc, that's faster than a loop with filter in v8 due to the 
aggressive function inlining, not sure about SpiderMonkey. It also reads 
better and it's more composable -- for me, at least.

I do use keep `var keys = Object.keys' and other hand aliases though.

It still seems to me it's overkill to add special syntax (and a new 
reserved word, yuck!) to something that isn't really worth it, given the 
Object API already provides those methods.

Also, are Object.values and Object.items standardised in 
They're quite useful?


es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: for own(...) loop (spin-off from Re:, hasOwnProperty(), and inheritance)

2011-11-08 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 08/11/11 19:19, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

I see two domains for the concept of “own” properties:
1. Meta-programming.
Could you expand on the use of `own' properties for meta-programming? 
I'm afraid I can't really envision it =/

2. Using objects as dictionaries.

Isn’t #2 the majority (at least as far as non-library-programmers are 
concerned)? Will the concept become less relevant once we have David 
Herman’s dicts?
I would think most of the cases where objects are used as dicts would be 
solved by using `Object.create(null)', today on ES5-compliant engines. 
Except for the nasty, nasty `__proto__' on engines that use that magic, 
but then you can proxy property access/assignment. It's quite ad-hoc, 
but works.

The dicts proposal looks nice though.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: for own(...) loop (spin-off from Re:, hasOwnProperty(), and inheritance)

2011-11-08 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 08/11/11 20:22, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

I see two domains for the concept of “own” properties:
1. Meta-programming.
Could you expand on the use of `own' properties for meta-programming? 
I'm afraid I can't really envision it =/

Whenever you copy properties from one object to another one, you are 
usually doing meta-programming (unless you use an object as a dictionary).

Hm, I see. I always tend to think of meta-programming in the Lisp sense 
(macros that mutate the AST), but I guess I see the point in generating 
objects dynamically.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: for own(...) loop (spin-off from Re:, hasOwnProperty(), and inheritance)

2011-11-08 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 08/11/11 21:36, Brendan Eich wrote:

Ignoring performance, a lot of stylish JS hackers use Object.keys(o).forEach. 
How many run into the wrong |this| (arguments/break/continue/return)? Not 
clear. Something to study.

Well, I use Object.keys, etc, a lot thorough my code. I can't remember a 
case where I forgot to pass the `thisObject' parameter to the 
`forEach'/`map' call in the last months, though it was weird when I 
transitioned to a more functional coding style.

I guess the number of cases I was bitten by the wrong |this| in the 
beginning is about the same number of ASI issues I ran into when I 
started using destructuring assignments for arrays. I'd assume that has 
a lot to do with coding habits — writing without properly thinking.

`reduce' and `reduceRight' don't have a `thisObject' argument. Why are 
they the only odd ones?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: for own(...) loop (spin-off from Re:, hasOwnProperty(), and inheritance)

2011-11-08 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 08/11/11 23:59, Jake Verbaten wrote:

However on average a lot more people will use for ... in with 
hasOwnProperty because ES5 environments are rare and a lot of people 
avoid the ES5-shim
Do you mean `rare' as in they have to work with the lowest common 
denominator (IE)? Because 
ES5-not-so-fully-but-somewhat-there-for-most-common-stuff environments 
are the majority, afaik.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Loyal Opposition to Const, Private, Freeze, Non-Configurable, Non-Writable...

2011-11-03 Thread Quildreen Motta
I think Claus summarizes nicely what I've been thinking about this thread,
and the opposition-for-the-sake-of-opposition that has been spreading
through the JavaScript community. Though most of that seems to be based on
JavaScript should be kept simple. I'd argue there doesn't need to be
conflicts between expressivity and simplicity. Remember, your concepts of
expressivity might not be the same as my concepts of expressivity, just as
the way you approach a certain problem might not be the same as the way
person B and C approach a certain problem.

And given that the methods to solve a problem doesn't immediately qualify
something as bad or wrong, if we can reach a common ground on what
group A needs for expressing their ideas, and what group B needs for
expressing their ideas, why shouldn't we? It's only a problem if said
features clearly reduce the expressivity of the language for a certain
group of users considerably (and that's when you should say it does, so
people working in the language can do better iterations on the particular
feature design), and I don't see it as being the case for const, private or
frozen objects, tbh.

JavaScript is a huge language, it's used by several people, and used to
solve several kinds of problems. Different problems need different
features, they need better syntax too -- that's why DSLs are lovely, and
why people keep creating them even though you could just as well write
everything in C. So, if instead of making a language one-size-fits-all
that's geared towards solving only a particular problem well, if we can
give people different flavours of the language by features that don't
conflict, or don't make the language a pain to everyone else, I think
that's something worth seeking.

Of course, we can't please everyone -- and I'm not saying we should, --
after all, languages are inherently biased. But that doesn't mean we can't
give people better tools for solving new problems. Isn't that what
programming is all about, anyways? :3

2011/11/3 Claus Reinke

 I'm not just talking about implementors, either. Some users will want to
 know d.m isn't going to change. They may not want to know that it's b.m,
 mind you -- they simply won't want that c.m assignment to be legal, or else
 if they do support such a thing, they don't want it to affect d's vtable.

 I would argue that developers who rely on these kinds of assurances are
 actually slowing down their own, and others, productivity. Assuming they
 wrote the perfect method and it should never be changed is a grand claim
 for anyone who isn't Donald Knuth. Assuming that the consumer of their code
 is responsible for their own bugs if they introduce them with monkey
 patching class methods seems fair.

 Ok, I have to wade in here: if you cannot see why some people
 want such features, why are you arguing against these features?

 [the you here is not (exclusively) about you, but about a pattern often
 exhibited by vocal and repeated opposition to things:-)]

 The Javascript user base is huge, with obviously different views,
 and this doesn't seem to be your discussion to have, does it?

 You could try to argue that warnings are better to have than
 errors in Javascript, eg, it should be easy to spot if someone is
 interfering with your code's base assumptions, but you don't
 want that to stop you from running that code anyway, knowing
 that doing so might be unsafe.

 Example: the switch from warnings to errors for non-essential
 features of JSLint meant that many JS coders can no longer
 use JSLint, so the switch actually reduced its effectiveness.

 So, if a proposed feature interferes with your use of the language,
 state that interference, and perhaps the proposals can be changed
 to accommodate your concerns. That is a discussion based on
 technical issues, which can make progress and can achieve targets.

 However, you might consider how your personal perspective
 affects your judgement:

 - if you're developing node, you're  at the start of the chain,
   no-one can interfere with your definitions
 - if you're developing node libraries, you have to keep up
   with node only, but you have to do that anyway
 - if you're using libraries from a single source only, you're
   still not likely to be affected, because those libraries are
   either consistent or have a bug that needs fixing

 - if you're using libraries from several sources, you'resuddenly open
 to a lot of trouble, as any library from
   source A might interfere with base assumptions made
   by any library from source B

 - if you're browsing the web, where many pages include
   code from dozens of sources, you're out of luck quickly
   if you cannot see what is conflicting with what
 - if you're in the business of trying to ensure that webusers won't
 run into trouble, you want to pin down
   what each page widget and ad module is allowed to
   do (whitelisting); and if you take that to its conclusion,
   you need to base your 

Re: Minimalist Classes

2011-11-02 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 02/11/11 11:01, Erik Corry wrote:

2011/11/2 Axel

super should desugar to, x)

What is that you don’t like about Allen’s proposal? You are still hard-coding 
the name of the super-constructor (which is what `super` nicely avoids).

lookup starts with the object that is the prototype of the object
defined by the object literal that contains the reference to super.

So it only works inside an object literal, whereas mine is easier to
understand and works anywhere.  If you are using it without any of the
other stuff you can even trivially get your minifier to desugar for
older browsers.
I don't think hard coding the name of the super-constructor is a
It is when you take into account that functions in JavaScript are not 
bound to an object, they are generic. You can simply assign any function 
to any object and it'll most likely just work.

So, what I mean is that, if you have `super' resolve to a hard-coded 
constructor name this is what you get (hell, I don't even use 
constructors anymore, those ugly, ugly things):

function Thing(name) { = name
Thing.prototype.describe = function(){
  console.log('A thing ' +

function Subject(name) {
Subject.prototype = Object.create(Thing.prototype)
Subject.prototype.constructor = Subject
Subject.prototype.describe = function() {
  console.log('A subject ' +

// For now, all is well, `super' in Subject will always resolve to Thing.
var car = new Subject('car')
// = 'A thing car'
// = 'A subject car'

// But remember that you can take any function and assign to any object
// Such that the following wouldn't work -- we want Teddy to be just
// a Subject here, not a Thing.
var teddy = { name: 'teddy', describe: Subject.describe }
// = 'A subject teddy'
// = 'A thing teddy'.

// Whereas with Allen's proposal, everything would work okay:
var teddy = { name: 'teddy' }

// The defineMethod call creates a new function `describe' that
// has its |super| reference bound to teddy's prototype
Object.defineMethod(teddy, 'describe', Subject.describe)

// And the new `describe' function can use this static |super| to
// determine where lookup starts
// = 'A subject teddy'

Of course, applying a function to another object is a different matter, 
which won't be solved by static super.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist Classes

2011-11-02 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 02/11/11 13:01, David Bruant wrote:

Le 02/11/2011 14:26, Jeremy Ashkenas a écrit :
(Full Disclosure: I'm still very opposed to const, private, and their 
object-lockdown friends, )

Regarding const, it's an optional keyword basically telling the 
interpreter hey, the value isn't suppose to change at runtime, please 
ensure it!. It prevents bugs of mistakenly redefining something that 
shouldn't be redefined. Why are you opposed to this?
Yeah, immutability and referential transparency are wonderful things. I 
wish JavaScript developers would rely more on it, it makes things saner 
to work with. Though is `const' the same as Object.freeze(thing) when 
`thing' is an object? Or does it just ensure that the slot in the object 
isn't reassigned?

Regarding private, I'm puzzled. Having private attributes in objects 
is necessary to implement encapsulation and get all the benefits of 
good object-oriented practices.
I still think `private' is quite overrated. It gets terrible if you want 
to test something and the developer went through all the trouble of 
making proxies to access everything, as well as making everything stateful.

That said, there are some valid use-cases for it... I guess?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Loyal Opposition to Const, Private, Freeze, Non-Configurable, Non-Writable...

2011-11-02 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 02/11/11 14:05, Jeremy Ashkenas wrote:
On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 11:01 AM, David Bruant wrote:

Could you elaborate on this point?
All object-lockdown I can think (non-configurability,
non-writability, non-enumerability, private names, const
variables, const classes) of is optional. Why are you against them?

I was about to say if you're unsatisfied, create a language which
doesn't provide features you don't like, like Coffeescript,
but... humm...
So, why being against the introduction of features in the language?

I'd be glad to elaborate -- but since it's off topic for minimal 
classes, changing the Subject here.

What draws people to dynamic languages is freedom.
I'd put `extensibility' and `expressivity' here instead, but sure. And 
JavaScript does pretty good at that --- not as much as Lisp, but oh 
well, it's not like I expected a C-family language to be that extensible :3

If I had my druthers, would generally embrace the spirit of 
JavaScript's dynamism (and freedom), and try to push those aspects 
further -- with better introspection and more flexibility -- instead 
of compromising with more restrictive static languages and adding 
lock-down keywords so that some programmers might feel safer.

Agreed. But there are other things here other than security constraints.

private does not add anything new to a property. If you don't want 
the property to be used outside of the class ... don't use the 
property outside of the class.
I still haven't found an use to private either, to be honest. Granted I 
often declare private functions and variables inside a closure, I 
always export them in an `internal' object, so it doesn't clutter the 
core API.

const does not add anything new to a variable. If you don't want to 
change the value of a variable ... don't change the value of the 
I'm not sure I agree here. Constants are not about security they're 
about abstractions. You name something that you'd otherwise have to 
write as a regular expression. In this case, they'd be like a really 
simple inline function, except they do no transformations.

freeze does not add anything new to an object. If you don't want to 
change the shape of an object ... don't change the shape of the object.
Again, immutability isn't just about security, but optimisation as well. 
You could also look at shared-memory threads, because I think they make 
a hell of an argument for frozen objects or immutability.

JavaScript should be about making it easier to write the right thing, 
and not so much about making it harder to do the wrong thing. After 
all, the former is purely positive, and the latter assumes that you 
know better than the engineer who comes after you. In the real world, 
you often don't.
Agreed, but note that none of the features above preclude JavaScript 
from being a free language that makes it easier to write the right 
thing. It'll be just as expressive as before. Also note that you can 
already achieve all of those functionality in current JavaScript, so 
having class-literals, as a declarative syntax, support them in a nice 
way is okay.

It's not like any feature can't be abused as you say. But the fact that 
a feature can be abused doesn't mean it should be never considered. 
JavaScript's `with' is a good example of that. You could create the most 
awesome and expressive module library using that, but no vendors have 
optimized it (as far as I know) because people considered it could only 
ever be abused and haven't used it.

Also, note that `with' makes a whole awesome use-case for `Object.freeze':

with (require({'library1': 'lib1'}, {'library2': 'lib2'})) {
// Would be equivalent to Python's
// import library1 as lib1
// import library2 as lib2
// But restricted to a block.

You could also use it as a dynamic let, and just as long as you freeze 
the object passed to `with', there's no reason one shouldn't optimize it 
as just a regular EnvironmentRecord lookup. Using `let' instead of `var' 
removes the thing about variable hoisting declaring the variable outside 
of the `with' scope, etc.

tl;dr; While `private', `const' and `freeze' could certainly be abused, 
that doesn't mean they don't have value... well, perhaps except for 
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Loyal Opposition to Const, Private, Freeze, Non-Configurable, Non-Writable...

2011-11-02 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 02/11/11 14:26, John J Barton wrote:
Another maybe stronger argument is simplicity: these myriad new minor 
features create a blizzard of chaff in the way of developers. One 
excellent example is Object.create(). Here was a terrific opportunity 
to simplify the language based on years of experience and analysis. 
But instead of an object as a second argument, we got a descriptor 
requiring many details for each property. Of course these details are 
important for the use-cases that need them. Unfortunately everyone 
else has to carry the baggage.
`Object.create' is not supposed to be used directly by end-users. It's 
for library writers. Library writers get the heavy weight and generic 
things, and transform that for a specific use-case. Of course, not 
having an `Object.extend' and other object composition functionality 
makes things a little too meh.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Loyal Opposition to Const, Private, Freeze, Non-Configurable, Non-Writable...

2011-11-02 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 02/11/11 15:41, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Nov 2, 2011, at 9:26 AM, John J Barton wrote:

Of course these details are
important for the use-cases that need them. Unfortunately everyone
else has to carry the baggage.

What exactly do you mean by carry?

Implementors have to implement. They get the big bucks and bear the burden for 
the greater good.

Most users *do not* have to carry all the ES5 APIs in their head. Almost no users ever 
even need to use Object.create. Perhaps this is a missed opportunity, but that's a 
different argument from what your use of carry implies.
Imho, no users *SHOULD* use Object.create directly. That's why 
abstractions exist — and first class functions make it easy enough to 
make them.

Also, there are plenty of libraries provide nice abstractions over the 
low-level part of the language (pd being the simplest one, I guess), to 
a point I think criticising a built-in feature for being too generic 
is kind of missing the point...

It's been this way with the DOOM too, isn't it?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist Classes

2011-11-02 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 02/11/11 15:42, Erik Corry wrote:

2011/11/2 Quildreen

I don't think hard coding the name of the super-constructor is a

It is when you take into account that functions in JavaScript are not bound
to an object, they are generic. You can simply assign any function to any
object and it'll most likely just work.

I think the chances are slim that you can take a function that does a
super call, put it on a different object, and it will 'just work'.
It's a pretty rare case.
most likely. Also, it should work if |super| were dynamically 
resolved, as long as the object implemented what's required by the call.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Loyal Opposition to Const, Private, Freeze, Non-Configurable, Non-Writable...

2011-11-02 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 02/11/11 15:49, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Nov 2, 2011, at 9:30 AM, Quildreen Motta wrote:

Also, note that `with' makes a whole awesome use-case for `Object.freeze':

'with' is gone in ES5 strict, ES6, and beyond -- you knew that, right?
Yep, and I still think it's a sad thing. Not that I use it anyways, the 
performance doesn't allow me to. And we're getting real `let'.

with (require({'library1': 'lib1'}, {'library2': 'lib2'})) {

This is still hard to optimize, even with the implied freeze under require.

Hm, not sure I understand why. I'm not a compiler writer though.

Also, you can't load code dynamically without nesting an event loop and 
violating run-to-completion, so I'm not sure how such a require would work.
Yes, but `require' could take a plain object out of a map or something, 
it could use a synchronous call. But I don't think that matters much here :3

This does remind me: JS's freedom is Dart's cannot be tooled and inherent 
performance problems, and without aggressive optimization work it can mean JS is measurably slower for 
some kinds of code than Dart (or Java).

(cannot be tooled is flat wrong, as past discussion here of 
static+dynamic/live-system analysis concluded.)

To inherent performance problems, I say feature and optimize harder. But 
it's worth mentioning, especially since you cited 'with', which is a bug that I brought ;-). Stupid-dynamic 
is just stupid and we should avoid it.

Freedom without fences and other tools for accountability fails at scale.
I still don't agree with `with' being a failure (perhaps the syntax 
ended up too ambiguous, yeah, and the thing about being able to change 
the shape of the objects and all, but...), I agree with the optimise 
harder though.

I wonder if it was the Racket guys who said that languages should indeed 
be dynamic, so compiler writers have more work to do :3

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist Classes

2011-11-02 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 02/11/11 16:21, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Nov 2, 2011, at 10:52 AM, Quildreen Motta wrote:

On 02/11/11 15:42, Erik Corry wrote:

2011/11/2 Quildreen

I don't think hard coding the name of the super-constructor is a

It is when you take into account that functions in JavaScript are not bound
to an object, they are generic. You can simply assign any function to any
object and it'll most likely just work.

I think the chances are slim that you can take a function that does a
super call, put it on a different object, and it will 'just work'.
It's a pretty rare case.

most likely. Also, it should work if |super| were dynamically resolved, as 
long as the object implemented what's required by the call.

We can't do dynamic super without adding a parameter to every function call 
everywhere (modulo optimization), or simulating Algolish nested scopes using 
dynamic scope hacks, or worse. This is something we won't do, I'm pretty sure 
Erik agrees.

Ah yeah, I'm well aware that dynamic super isn't happening.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist Classes

2011-11-01 Thread Quildreen Motta
While the class literal proposed by Jeremy is indeed nice, I think it
misses the point of *why* class literals are desirable. What you've
proposed can already be achieved, with the same sugar -- and without
introducing a new construct, so people using ES3 can also get it through a
library, etc -- by using object exemplars: Selfish, Prototoypes As Classes,

The e-mail Erik pointed has got most of it, though what I really think
class literals can bring in that makes them worth is a better and
declarative syntax for private/const members and traits. Static shape can
be achieved through `Object.freeze', right? I don't think that should be
what classes strive to provide. Yeah, static analysis is nice and all, but
I believe that goes against the nature of the language's own semantics, and
if classes are supposed to be just sugar over prototypical inheritance
(with the added benefits I mentioned previously), it makes more sense that
they don't make such shape guarantees, imho -- vendors could still optimise
for static shape, and fallback to non-optimised code if the instance's
shape change, which I guess is what is done today with prototypes(?) and
which I think should also be done for `with', but I digress.

Still straying a bit from the main subject here, I thought type guards were
supposed to be defined at the function level, no? Or is it that the shape
of classes would be used to determine the types used?

2011/11/1 David Herman

 There may be something wrong with the above -- but dynamic super() should
 be a solveable problem for, even if not entirely desugar-able into
 ES3 terms.

 The problem isn't so much whether it's possible to come up with a
 semantics by changing the runtime; I'm sure we could do that. The problem
 is finding a way to get the semantics you want without taxing the
 performance all other function calls in the language. (Also known as a
 pay-as-you-go feature: if you don't use the feature, it shouldn't cost
 you anything.) We don't know how to do that for super().

 So I guess in theory I agree it'd be nice if super() and class could be
 designed completely orthogonally, but in practice they affect each other.
 But at the same time, I think a class syntax where the body is restricted
 to be declarative is actually a nice sweet spot anyway. You can still
 dynamically create classes just like always, but the declarative form gives
 you a sweet and simple syntax for the most common case.


Yes, |super| is static to avoid the cost of passing an additional parameter
to every function call, whether that uses |super| or not.
Object.defineMethod is provided to make functions with bound |super| to
other objects. I also think that dynamic |super| makes more sense with
JavaScript, but vendors are concerned about performance -- plus,
Object.defineMethod should cover the other cases, albeit not as nicely as
dynamic |super| would.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist Classes

2011-11-01 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 01/11/11 22:18, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Oct 31, 2011, at 6:57 PM, Jeremy Ashkenas wrote:

'Evening, ES-Discuss.

After poking a stick in the bees' nest this morning (apologies, 
Allen), and in the spirit of loyal opposition, it's only fair that I 
throw my hat in the ring.

Here is a proposal for minimalist JavaScript classes that enable 
behavior that JavaScripters today desire (as evidenced by libraries 
and languages galore), without adding any new semantics beyond what 
already exists in ES3.

Let me know what you think, and feel free to fork.

Thanks, I did fork, and I made a Rich Corinthian Leather version, for 
the reasons given in the comments. In brief, I contend that 
over-minimizing will please no one: class haters still gonna hate, 
while class lovers used to batteries-and-leather-included will find 
the bare sheet metal poky and painful.

Love it or hate it, I'm ok either way :-P. But I do crave intelligent 


I like how clean the syntax is there, Brendan. I still feel class syntax 
would have more value if they presented a nice way for object 
composition besides inheritance.

None the less, I think we could well get rid of those `var' inside the 
class-body, as long as it's not executable:
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimalist Classes

2011-11-01 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 02/11/11 00:01, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Nov 1, 2011, at 6:57 PM, Quildreen Motta wrote:

I like how clean the syntax is there, Brendan. I still feel class syntax would 
have more value if they presented a nice way for object composition besides 

Traits were factored out and I consider adding them in this exercise to be a bridge 
too far.

Fair enough.

None the less, I think we could well get rid of those `var' inside the 
class-body, as long as it's not executable:

I don't think so, although Bob Nystrom's suggestions ended up simplified that 
way. It's awkward to use assignment expression as a declarative form. It 
suggests the body *is* executable. Instead, I went with 'var' as Bob did 

My view is that 'var' will die hard and for global-object-aliasing global 
variables, it's close to class prototype properties. There's no way to observe 
the prototype half-initialized. As noted, there's a risk people will think 
methods close over proto-vars/consts.

Hm, I don't think `lhs = rhs' suggests any more of a non-declarative 
form than `var'. Taking JS semantics into consideration, I'd say `var' 
is more misleading (whereas `lhs = rhs' just feels weird).

There's `public', but then, that's quite verbose. I guess people comming 
from a classical language with declarative definitions for class slots 
might still be used to it, none the less.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: More thoughts on Allen’s class definition pattern

2011-10-31 Thread Quildreen Motta
I still think | is more straight-forward to grasp to non-native speakers
-- they're likely to have stumbled upon that on UML classes, methinks.
Also, there's the problem of creating new reserved words in the languages,
imho it makes a language feel heavier and clunkier. I think one of the
greatest point of ECMAScript is that, despite the awful amount of reserved
words, the language still manages to be simple and straight forward for
people to grasp, except for a few semantic quirks here and there.

I don't think that evolution and simplicity have to be mutually exclusive.
Languages should strive to hide the perceived complexity from the end-user,
while still managing to be expressive. If we decide on using a keyword for
expressing |, this word should be as straight-forward and simple to grasp
for both native english-speaking people and non-native english-speaking
people, which I don't think any of the proposed words are =/

2011/10/31 Axel Rauschmayer

  I searched a bit and re-read Smalltalk, Self, Cecil, and Io docs to get
 a handle on what | does. It is not 'clone'.
  It's not 'copy' (Self) either, clearly.
  It ain't 'create' except in a vacuous sense that's also already taken
 by ES5 Object.create. It isn't subsuming in my view. refinedBy is
 closer but you'll get camelCaps keywords into JS over my dead body!
  I landed on 'beget' because 'create' is close but vague yet poisoned,
 and we need something pithy.
  Also, 'beget' does match the sire or hatch connotation of taking a
 parent (Self again) object and differentialy inheriting another object from
 it via proto-linking. Clone means make a twin and mutate. Copy is, well,
 just a copy -- arguably close to clone and one char shorter (so Self chose
 well). What we have with | is more like generate a child -- hence,

 Two more ideas:

 const Employee = Person to { ... }  // or any other preposition
 (prepositions are like operators)
 const Employee = Person parents { ... }

 Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: On class literals possibly not making it into

2011-10-30 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 30/10/11 01:07, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

Now, for the past few months, I've been defining my objects like this:

// where `clone' = Object.extend(Object.create(proto), props)
var Thing = function(){ return (
{ clone: _clone
, toString: toString

function clone(name){ return clone(Thing, { name: name }) }
function toString() { return '[thing ' + + ']' }

var Specific = function(){ return clone(Thing,
{ clone: _clone
, toString: toString

function clone(name){ return clone(Specific, { name: name }) }
function toString() { return '[specific ' + + ']' }

var foo = Thing.clone('foo')
var bar = Specific.clone('bar')

Where is _clone in the above code? You also could write the functions into the 
object literals then you wouldn’t need an IIFE.
Ah, those `clone' functions should be `_clone'. The underscore is just 
to avoid conflicts with the outer `clone' function.

Anyways, it is a matter of taste. I write function-heavy style, so I 
find it better to write something(other(x)) than 
this.something(this.other(x)). Defining the objects inside a closure 
allows me to define these little helper functions that would otherwise 
just clobber the prototype object if exposed — I usually expose them 
under a `internal' property though, so I can test them.

There's also the thing about my liking to have a list of all public 
properties of the object readily accessible in the code. With object 
literals it gets a bit more difficult, as the list of properties are 
lost in the definitions of such properties.

How about the following variation of your code? Would that still reflect your 
intentions or go against your taste? It’s very close to your next proposed 

 var Clonable = {
 clone: function() {
 var inst = Object.create(this);
 inst.init.apply(inst, arguments);
 extend: function(props) {
 return  Object.extend(Object.create(this), props);

 var Thing = Clonable.extend({
 init: function (name) { = name;
 toString: function () {
 return '[thing ' + + ']';

 var Specific = Thing.extend({
 // reuse Thing.init()
 toString: function () {
 return '[specific ' + + ']';

 var foo = Thing.clone('foo')
 var bar = Specific.clone('bar')

/// Using an extended version of object literals
var Thing = {
constructor(name){ = name }
,toString(){ return '[thing ' + + ']' }

var Specific = Thing| {
constructor(name){ = name }
,toString(){ return '[specific ' + + ']' }

var foo = new Thing('foo')
var bar = new Specific('foo')

That’s approximately how Irakli’s Selfish or my Prototypes as Classes work 
(both are ES5 libraries).
Yes, and to which I think class-syntax would be just a duplicated sugar 
— as long as you have the new | and .{ operators, that is.

The one thing class-syntax would excel at, though, is the current semantics for 
super calls in I find them particularly confusing, considering the 
relationship between functions and objects in JS. They make more sense with a 
static declarative syntax, but that might be just me.

Super-calls are the one thing that would stay the same between all current 
Hm, wouldn't most features covered by the class-syntax be independent of 
syntax in the end? My point was that the nature of static |super| fits 
more naturally the static nature of the class-syntax than the dynamic 
nature of prototypes, even though object literals are declarative. 
People are likely to think about class-syntax in the same manner they 
reason about them in classical languages, I guess.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: On class literals possibly not making it into

2011-10-30 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 30/10/11 09:45, Rick Waldron wrote:

On Oct 30, 2011, at 5:58 AM, David  wrote:

Le 30/10/2011 02:35, Quildreen Motta a écrit :


Are we overthinking classes?

Perhaps the reason for all this thinking about classes come from the
role constructor functions take in the language? I'm a bit sceptical
on constructors and constructor's own properties being that important,

I agree. Has anyone used constructor properties for static properties?
Just considering the DOM, constants are put on the prototype and
everyone sounds happy with it so far.

In jQuery, John/we put static methods and properties on the jQuery() function - 
this practice is used for anything that is not a selector match operation. This includes 
Ajax and Deferred (among others). Considering jQuery is used on26.6million websites, 
it's safe to bet that practice is in common use.

Ah, when I said `important' I didn't mean in the sense of how much 
people use it. I meant that the functionality can be achieved with or 
without constructors.

The only thing that changes is the order of importance of things. With 
constructors, the major player are functions — which arguably makes the 
semantics of prototypes a bit weird:

function Thing(parent, name) {
  // instance properties   = name
  this.childs = []
  if (parent)  parent.childs.push(this)

// constructor properties
Thing.sort = function(thing){
  thing.childs.sort(function(o1, o2){ return })
  return thing

// shared instance properties
Thing.prototype.sort = function(){
  return Thing.sort(this)

var something = new Thing(null, 'something')

With objects as the major players, you still get static properties, 
due to the nature of delegative behaviour sharing that [[Prototype]] 
has, it's just a little different:

Thing = {
  // instance properties
  new: function(parent, name) {   = name
this.childs = []
if (parent)  parent.childs.push(this)

  // shared instance properties
  sort: function() {
this.childs.sort(function(o1, o2){ return })
return this

  // constructor properties
  static: {
sort: function(thing) {

var something =, 'something')

Of course, people seem to be too used to the class-like way of doing 
things, that proposing such could be regarded as madness. Plus, 
getting rid of constructors is not reasonable at this point in time; as 
Brendan said, we're basically stuck with every semantic quirk the 
language has got so far.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: On class literals possibly not making it into

2011-10-29 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 29/10/11 21:03, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
There are two things is JavaScript that are simple and elegant and 
universally liked:

- Prototypes
- Object literals

How come we can’t transport that simplicity to classes? Once the 
objects have been created, we are happy with them, but how to best set 
them up is still controversial.

I still maintain that JS doesn't *really* need a declarative syntax for 
defining relationships between objects — call it classes if you will. 
What I really find lacking in the language are primitives that allow me 
to work with objects, by composing them, querying them, filtering them, 
whatever-ing them.

I think people already stressed enough the why of having a declarative 
syntax for all that (tooling, describing intent, simplicity, etc, etc). 
But there's also value in not having another full-blown and different 
syntax, imho, as we already have the triangle operator(?), the 
monocle-moustache operator(?) and object literals.

Now, for the past few months, I've been defining my objects like this:

// where `clone' = Object.extend(Object.create(proto), props)
var Thing = function(){ return (
{ clone: _clone
, toString: toString

function clone(name){ return clone(Thing, { name: name }) }
function toString() { return '[thing ' + + ']' }

var Specific = function(){ return clone(Thing,
{ clone: _clone
, toString: toString

function clone(name){ return clone(Specific, { name: name }) }
function toString() { return '[specific ' + + ']' }

var foo = Thing.clone('foo')
var bar = Specific.clone('bar')

/// Using an extended version of object literals
var Thing = {
constructor(name){ = name }
,toString(){ return '[thing ' + + ']' }

var Specific = Thing | {
constructor(name){ = name }
,toString(){ return '[specific ' + + ']' }

var foo = new Thing('foo')
var bar = new Specific('foo')

// Clear advantages:
// - Familiar syntax, whilst managing to be quite okay to work with
// - Declarative, but not static
// Clear disadvantages:
// - Using `new' in this fashion would require changing semantics for 

// - Kinda conflicts with constructor functions. I'd think that factories
// living inside objects and always creating new instances would be
// better, but I know old semantics won't be changed =/

/// Using class syntax
class Thing {
constructor(name){ = name }
toString(){ return '[thing ' + + ']' }

class Specific extends Thing {
constructor(name){ = name }
toString(){ return '[specific ' + + ']' }

// Clear advantages:
// - Cleaner
// - Can be easily extended to support sugars for traits, privates, and 

// Clear disadvantages:
// - Unfamiliar syntax (for the language itself, not for other languages)
// - Fixed syntax
// - Some could argue the name is quite misleading given the semantics, 
but I digress.

Now, I'm not sure class-syntax alone solve the main problems of working 
with objects and structuring programs in JavaScript — unless you always 
structure your programs using a huge inheritance tree, I favour object 
composition, so the class-syntax doesn't change much of what I find 
particularly counter-productive in the language. Other people's mileage 
may vary.

Anyways, what I feel the language should provide for aiding in the 
structure programs is:

- A way of sharing behaviour — semantically covered by prototypes, and 
the | operator is a nice interface for Object.create.
- A way of composing behaviours — traits and mixins. The latter is 
already widely used, afaics. Also the .{ operator.
- A set of primitives for working with objects as sets — join, 
difference and intersection operations, for example.

With class-syntax you can provide a nice interface to all those, but I 
believe the extension proposals to the Object literal already covers 
such cases as well, such that you'd get duplicated syntatical sugar for 
the same thing.

The major difference I see is that class-syntax, once defined, will be 
fixed. They might cover most cases now, but that might not necessarily 
hold true as the language and programmers evolve. Providing primitives — 
they're mostly independent from class-syntax anyways, which is cool — 
allows programmers to evolve the patterns on their own as well.

The one thing class-syntax would excel at, though, is the current 
semantics for super calls in I find them particularly 
confusing, considering the relationship between functions and objects in 
JS. They make more sense with a static declarative syntax, but that 
might be just me.

None the less, I believe the entry-barrier to both the object literal 
syntax and class-syntax to be in the same level, only the class-syntax 
looks cleaner and more elegant.

Are we overthinking classes?

Perhaps the reason for all this thinking about classes come from the 
role constructor functions take in the language? I'm a bit sceptical on 

Re: Inner functions and the value of this.

2011-10-15 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 15/10/11 11:47, Jake Verbaten wrote:

Im suggesting the rule is value of this binds at location of function 

I would expect an invocation of the function elsewhere to still have 
the this value of the other function (o1 not o2).

As long as people understand and follow the rule set it shouldnt be 
too confusing. Basically a function declaration/expression is 
automatically soft bound to the outer this.

I think soft-bound functions would make more sense than the current 
`thisObject' rules, but it's perhaps too late to change the semantics 
now. is an evolutionary step, not a revolutionary one.

I get mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I'd really love to see the 
semantic quirks solved, on the other, I'm not sure legacy code should 
break with the new version — perhaps it should, but Brendan mentioned 
that browsers vendors won't be maintaining two different VMs, so there's 

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Re: JsDoc based type guards

2011-10-14 Thread Quildreen Motta
2011/10/14 Peter Dekkers

 Some of the advantages I could see:

 1. JsDoc becomes a standard part of Language. This has to be a good
 thing  even without using it is as basis for stronger typing: a
 uniform way of documenting code.

I fail to see why One True Way for everything would be a good thing. It's
true that this aids community grow, but the JS dev community is already too
heterogeneous for that to work. See the endless discussions about Yay!
Semicolons vs Yay! ASI, braces, indentation style, documentation style,
object definition style, etc, etc, etc.

 2. No new language constructs are required.

That doesn't really make it an advantage. Unless the thing happens to be a
de-facto standard, which I'd argue it isn't.

I think my major pet-peeve against using strict types for contracts is:

1.) JS is not a statically typed language, it's an overtly dynamic language
with prototypical OO. Using it as the former -- contracts as a way of
enforcing is-a relationships -- is just ditching the whole language already.
For this to really work, we'd need ways to define abstract types,
interfaces, etc, etc, etc. Otherwise it's just bothersome with no added

2.) What you proposed is better delegated to being supported by tooling
alone, as Jake mentioned.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: JsDoc based type guards

2011-10-14 Thread Quildreen Motta
2011/10/14 Brendan Eich

 On Oct 14, 2011, at 9:25 AM, Quildreen Motta wrote:

  I think my major pet-peeve against using strict types for contracts is:
  1.) JS is not a statically typed language, it's an overtly dynamic
 language with prototypical OO. Using it as the former -- contracts

 Contracts are not necessarily static. In many languages they are dynamic.
 The work is a case in point.

That's true. We've discussed in the guards thread before
too -- whose syntax I'm particularly keen to, only not in JS. I wasn't
saying that contracts must be about static typing though, but that I got the
impression that his post was hinting at using a is-a relationship to define
contracts for certain functions.

 Nevertheless, guards are a strawman because having a single, extensible
 syntax for contracts, runtime checks, etc., could be useful to enough of the
 diverse JS community that standardization is worth the costs. We need more
 experience with this proposal, so I encourage people to implement it with a
 transpiler and experiment.

Yes, guards are an interesting addition to the language. Not only for type
safety (would we also be able to get multiple dispatch on type pattern
matching then?), but for documentation. I personally like the optional
typing in Dart, even though I'm a static-typing-hater (and the devs have
already said they won't support type inference directly in the language),
they're valuable as code intention annotations.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: JsDoc based type guards

2011-10-14 Thread Quildreen Motta
2011/10/14 Jake Verbaten

 On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Peter Dekkers wrote:

 I think the entire proposal based on auto generating gaurds from
 documentation is not that useful. It forces you into a type of
 documentation. I want to choose my documentation, I dont want these choices
 forced onto me.


This is what I was trying to get at :3
es-discuss mailing list

Re: JsDoc based type guards

2011-10-14 Thread Quildreen Motta
2011/10/14 Peter Dekkers

 I checked the strawman and it looks nice. However  the introduction of
 something like :: would surely not run on older VM's that don't
 understand that construct. Is that not a perceived problem more in
 general: adding a nice new language constructs that people won't use
 due to the fact that xx% of VM don't support it?

 Most proposals are already not compatible with ES5. Why? Because
nice syntax *matters*. It's not just about the semantics, surely semantics
are good and all, but considering the lack of flexibility on JS's language
syntax for introducing such new functionality in a nice manner, proposing
better and usable syntax becomes overtly important. After all, syntax is the
primary interface for programmers to express their thoughts, thus, it
deserves plenty of thought.

For functionality that should be backwards compatible, the support should
come through APIs, frameworks, libraries and tooling. All of which can be
already achieved for contracts.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Grawlix

2011-10-13 Thread Quildreen Motta
2011/10/13 Russell Leggett

 On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Douglas Crockford

 On 11:59 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 CoffeeScript users have to know JS semantics, even if they don't think of
 it that way.

 Syntax was the point, though, and productivity should be higher with
 CoffeeScript provided the user learns it, all else equal.

  Do we have any evidence of that? Is there real value in reforming the
 syntax, or is it an illusion?

 I don't like C's syntax. It tastes too much like Fortran. I find
 Coffeescript much more to my liking. But I have found the issue of syntax to
 be polarizing. Some of the web developers I've been talking to love
 Coffeescriptish lightness. But I am doubtful that that lightness results in
 better productivity. Typing is not where we spend the bulk of our time.

 I don't think less typing results in better typing. As you've said, typing
 is not the time killer. However, I think the argument could be made that if
 people enjoy what they're doing more, they will be more productive. This
  the claim and backs it up with some research. Is coffeescript vs.
 javascript big enough to be the difference between being happy or not? I
 think that depends on the person, but based on its popularity, I would say
 for some people it is.

Having tried both, I'm more inclined to JavaScript. While CoffeeScript is
certainly cleaner and usually more readable -- less noises, etc --, the
parser ambiguities and quirky indentation rules are terrible enough for me
not to use it.

I find JavaScript's syntax already pretty light comparing with other
C-family languages, mainly due to ASI.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Minimal type guards?

2011-10-13 Thread Quildreen Motta
Contracts would be interesting, but perhaps too expensive?

fib :: (Number) - Number
function fib(n) {
return n == 0?  0
 : n == 1?  1
 :  fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

or function fib(n Number) - Number { }

Not particularly proposing any syntax though. Not particularly keen on using
fixed types though -- as JS is not statically typed and types are not
particularly well defined, definitely not something I'd check for is-a
relationships --, I'd rather go with a predicate functions, but then that's
even more expensive.

2011/10/13 Axel Rauschmayer

 Similar to the minimal classes idea: Is there a sweet spot between nothing
 at all and full-blown type guards that would have a chance to make it into

 The minimal useful feature set that I can think of:
 1. instanceof checks: is an argument an instance of a given type?
 2. property name checks: enforce property names and property values. Use
 case: options in a function/method invocation.


 Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Grawlix

2011-10-13 Thread Quildreen Motta
This is the whole reason I love Scheme :3

2011/10/13 Claus Reinke

 But I am doubtful that that lightness results in better productivity.
 Typing is not where we spend the bulk of our time.

 Good language designs tend to have light syntax (but not all light syntax
 languages have good designs).

 The reasons have more to do with reading, and mostly
 with thinking about code, not just with writing.
 On one side, there is code comprehension: bulky but consistent syntax can
 win over light but inconsistent syntax, because the surprises and exceptions
 understanding more than the extra characters.

 Many coders from bulky syntax languages are afraid
 of lightweight syntax, because it (a) seems to take away the guiding
 framework of syntax or (b) seems
 to require a lot of re-learning (eg, symbolic operators).

 One has to realize that consistency makes for a better
 guiding framework than excessive syntax, and that
 lack of exceptions means that there isn't actually more
 to learn, because everything works the same way.

 This step takes a bit of a leap of faith, but if the language
 design is truly simple/general/consistent, then those
 who have taken that leap are very unwilling to go back
 (I'm tempted to compare it to taking off the training
 wheels, but won't do so for fear of being misunderstood;-).

 Note the importance of consistency: if the language is
 just a collection of shortcuts, or if there are too many
 unexpected corners and exceptions instead of general
 rules, short syntax is not going to make life any easier.

 On the other side, there are our limited brains: the less
 we have to pay attention to LOTS OF SUPERFLUOUS
 SYNTAX, the more complex code we can consider at
 once, in terms of problem-relevant concepts we encode.

 Light syntax alone doesn't improve productivity, nor
 do saved keypresses, but a language design that gets
 out of the coders' way, lets them focus on their ideas,
 and lets them express and hold large blocks of those ideas -in code- in
 their minds at once, that does. It does
 so by throwing fewer obstacles in the way, and light
 syntax tends to be one of the aspects of that process.


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Re: Minimal type guards?

2011-10-13 Thread Quildreen Motta
2011/10/13 Brendan Eich

 On Oct 13, 2011, at 3:29 PM, Kris Kowal wrote:

  Your proposal resembles Waldemar’s guards and trademarks.
  You might consider building on these to make a contracts proposal,
  separating the signatures from the declarations.

 You all have seen, I hope.

I think it's pretty apparent from my first example :3

  Alex’s question is whether some subset of these ideas is suitable for
  rapid consensus. I will refrain from speculating.

 We don't need to speculate. These failed to get rapid consensus in the May
 TC39 meeting, where they were presented. Lots of issues, see the notes.

I shall take a look at the proposals and subsequent discussions. I am not
familiar with either.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Class literals: things could borrow from Dart

2011-10-10 Thread Quildreen Motta
We already get factory constructors by default -- by returning an object
from the constructor function.

2011/10/10 Axel Rauschmayer

 In many ways, Dart feels *less* versatile than However,
 there are two ideas that would make a nice addition to class literals:

 - Named constructors: Without overloading, you need a way to distinguish
 - Factory constructors: are a way to mark constructors so that no instance
 is produced automatically. Then you can return cached instances or instances
 of a subclasses.


 Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Class literals: things could borrow from Dart

2011-10-10 Thread Quildreen Motta
By specs, a new instance is created and passed as the `thisObject' for the
constructor function anytime that function is called with the `new'
operator. It could be optimised as long as that object is not used.

function Point(x, y) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
return { x: x, y: y }
new Point(1, 1) instanceof Point
// = false

This can't be optimised because the `this' object is used. A more real-world
use case would be, however:

function Point(x, y) {
if (!(this instanceof Point))  return new Point(x, y)
this.x = x
this.y = y
Point(1, 2) instanceof Point
// = true
new Point(1, 2) instanceof Point
// = true

Not sure how engines optimise that particular case, I'm not much familiar
with JIT techniques either :3

2011/10/10 Axel Rauschmayer

 Right. Does that prevent an instance from being created? But it shouldn’t
 be hard to let a compiler perform that kind of optimization.

 On Oct 10, 2011, at 13:58 , Quildreen Motta wrote:

 We already get factory constructors by default -- by returning an object
 from the constructor function.

 2011/10/10 Axel Rauschmayer

 In many ways, Dart feels *less* versatile than However,
 there are two ideas that would make a nice addition to class literals:

 - Named constructors: Without overloading, you need a way to distinguish
 - Factory constructors: are a way to mark constructors so that no instance
 is produced automatically. Then you can return cached instances or instances
 of a subclasses.


 Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


 es-discuss mailing list

 Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.extends (was Re: traits feedback)

2011-10-07 Thread Quildreen Motta
2011/10/7 John-David Dalton

  As for the functionality, it should just be an n-ary function which
  the first object with all the _own_ properties of the other n-1 objects.
  keys clash give right precedence.

 I've used this flavor of extends too (minus the own properties part).

I also think this is the way to go. Object.extend should copy only own
properties, though. Other use cases can be dealt with by creating a small
abstraction to copy properties recursively. Or by providing a native
.deepExtend. I'd assume the majority of the use-cases wouldn't want to deal
with copying all descriptors -- taking into account we're not copying just
enumerables here, it could well be a problem -- since it'd bring in too much
overhead in each call.

  whether key clashes favour left or right isnt important. whether the
  value is undefined or the first object isnt important.

 Yap but chaining FTW.

I think Object.extend should return the target object. It makes no sense to
do otherwise -- considering the majority of JS native API either returns an
useful value, and most of them are pure.

By the way, what are your thoughts on pure vs destructive Object.extend?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: es-discuss Digest, Vol 56, Issue 57

2011-10-07 Thread Quildreen Motta
2011/10/7 John J Barton

 On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

 If you do something like
  var fuz = Object.extend(foo, {paper:'in', shoes:'my'});

 Then fuz will get all properties of Object.prototype, again, as
 duplicates. In the above, you are clearly most interested in what you see in
 the literal and those are the own properties.

 I don't understand how you can get properties as duplicates in JS.
 I disagree, since in my example I specifically point out that
 should work.

You can't get duplicate properties, because keys are unique. However, you'll
still get loads of clutter in the target object. Also, again, I'm not sure
the majority of the use-cases would be concerned with copying the properties
in the whole prototype chain -- that's expensive! -- and you could achieve
the latter easily by recursively extending the object.

 And this kind of extend enables poor man’s cloning as follows:
 var orig = { foo: abc };
 var clone = Object.extend(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(orig)),

  Sadly this code will fail since -- surprise! -- Object.create() does not
take an object as the second argument.

Object.create here is only taking a single parameter though. `orig' is being
passed to Object.extend. The kind of problems that arise when you have
overtly verbose qualified names that you can't even keep track of what's

I would prefer the name Object.copyOwnPropertiesTo(source, target) or
 Object.copyOwnTo(source, target) to the name “extend” (which, to me,
 suggests inheritance).

See previous point.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.extends (was Re: traits feedback)

2011-10-07 Thread Quildreen Motta
2011/10/7 John J Barton

 On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Quildreen Motta quildr...@gmail.comwrote:

 2011/10/7 John J Barton

 On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Axel Rauschmayer a...@rauschma.dewrote:

 If you do something like
  var fuz = Object.extend(foo, {paper:'in', shoes:'my'});

 Then fuz will get all properties of Object.prototype, again, as
 duplicates. In the above, you are clearly most interested in what you see 
 the literal and those are the own properties.

 I don't understand how you can get properties as duplicates in JS.
 I disagree, since in my example I specifically point out that
 should work.

 You can't get duplicate properties, because keys are unique. However,
 you'll still get loads of clutter in the target object. Also, again, I'm not
 sure the majority of the use-cases would be concerned with copying the
 properties in the whole prototype chain -- that's expensive! -- and you
 could achieve the latter easily by recursively extending the object.

 Again I'll ask you to consider that should work. That is what
 extend means.  How can we solve this?

 We don't need to flatten the prototype chain, we can extend it.
 Object.extend(a,b) can return an object whose own properties are the own
 properties of |b| on those of |a| and the prototype chain of |b| appended to
 the prototype chain of |a|, dropping duplicate prototypes.

I believe that would be solved more effectively with traits (Self traits, I
haven't had the time to read JS's proposal on that yet).
es-discuss mailing list

Re: traits feedback

2011-10-06 Thread Quildreen Motta
2011/10/6 John J Barton

 On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 10:37 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 On Oct 5, 2011, at 9:02 PM, John J Barton wrote:

  PrototypeJS (and Firebug) pre-date Object.keys() and .hasOwnProperty(),

 hasOwnProperty was in ES3 in 1999. PrototypeJS is IIRC 2005-era. Firebug
 is post-y2k.

  so their implementation was just what could be done, not what was

 Seems unhistorical :-|.

 Ok, so what is your theory then?

 This code was written by two of the premier JavaScript developers.

 If was intended, then Object.extend should also use  The
 experiment has been done, and is the correct semantics.

 If was not intended then what? If developers of this caliber aren't
 using the new results here, that's really discouraging.

 Actually there is a third possibility: it really does not matter.  The
 differences are not significant.

Actually, I am not sure  that having `Object.extend' copy all the enumerable
(or all own enumerable) properties by default is a good thing.

First, because that copying would be most expensive, and I don't think most
usecases would require the parent properties to be copied as well -- not to
say it's easier to have conflicts, even if we're talking just about
enumerable here, but then, not copying all the own properties, enumerable or
not, makes even less sense, imho.

Second point being is the expensiveness without bringing in a powerful
construct. If you need to grab the properties from an object alongside with
its parents, you'd rather use a prototype. And it would be easier in this
case if JS supported multiple [[Prototype]]s, like Self does. Object.extend
then could be regarded just as a means of copying parent-less objects --

Third point being that for additional use-cases it's easier to create an
abstraction layer that recursively copies the descriptors.

About own/own+enumerable, one has to ask what people use these extensions
for. Right now, I believe most people are just copying data from one place
to another, such that it's okay to copy only enumerable properties. But now,
let's take into account that ES5 introduced property descriptors and
getters/setters. Also, let's assume people wanted to use these for copying
behaviours as well -- ie.: using the objects passed to Object.extend as
mixins. In this case, I believe it makes more sense to copy all own
descriptors rather than just the enumerable properties, as some behaviours
might depend on a property that is there, but was intentionally marked as
non-enumerable to avoid problems -- hash implementations could use that.

I frankly don't think that these new semantic should be fully backwards
compatible with ES3-only code, for I believe will take a while to be
adopted. However, I would like hearing about what people's thoughts are on
enumerable+own vs all own property copying without regards to what has been
done in pre-ES5 code.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Grawlix

2011-10-06 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 06/10/11 19:56, John J Barton wrote:
Recent syntax discussions head in a completely different direction, 
introducing a seemingly large number of new symbols resulting in code 
that isn't readable by current JS, Java, or C devs. Instead of 
JavaScript they will be attempting to read GrawlixScript. I'm 
skeptical that this direction will be welcomed by developers.

There already is lots of complaints about syntax from developers, and 
they always spring up when someone brings topic on 
##javascript's IRC channel, for example.

Though I do believe there are two different groups in this case, those 
who want syntax either for static/contracts or conciseness, and those 
who don't want syntax because it makes the language needlessly complex 
--- neither opposing all syntax proposals or accepting all of them.

My personal opinion is that syntax should be kept minimal, while 
maintaining expressivity. Usually, well designed APIs provide a more 
expressive interface because you can mix and match them, and they are 
usually far cheaper (in complexity) than their syntaxes counterpart.

Surely, where APIs would otherwise add too much boilerplate, we need 
syntax. But I don't think that, in a highly dynamic language like JS, 
declarative/static syntax for every construct should be a major concern. 
But then, I'm no language designer, only a regular user. And perhaps 
I've been too much spoiled by Scheme.


On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Douglas Crockford wrote:

On 11:59 AM, John J Barton wrote:

GrawlixScript is the connection I guess.

No, grawlix is a term of art that can be used to describe some the
literal syntax proposals.

es-discuss mailing list

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es-discuss mailing list

Re: On I got 99 problems and JavaScript syntax ain't one

2011-10-05 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 05/10/11 22:05, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Oct 4, 2011, at 7:19 AM, Juan Ignacio Dopazo wrote:

Yes, tools should be better, but they need to start becoming better 
by themselves as previous discussions here have noted.

However, there are problems in the language that need to be addressed 
by both syntax and APIs. We need:

- A sane way of dealing with equality, identity and basically a lot 
of what's in

Some of that is due to implicit conversions, not any equality-ish 
I really never understood people's complaints about equality comparisons 
in JavaScript. There are only two operators, with clear and well defined 

`==' (Abstract equality) is used for comparing the value of two objects, 
without taking data-structure into account.

`===' (Strict equality) is used for comparing the value of two objects, 
taking data-structure into account.

Could someone enlighten me on what is not intuitive or sane about 
that? I mean, my starting point for comparing equality operator sanity 
is Common Lisp's with its 10+ equality predicates — some being 
implementation-dependant, so YMMV.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: On I got 99 problems and JavaScript syntax ain't one

2011-10-05 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 05/10/11 23:06, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Oct 5, 2011, at 7:01 PM, Quildreen Motta wrote:

On 05/10/11 22:05, Brendan Eich wrote:

On Oct 4, 2011, at 7:19 AM, Juan Ignacio Dopazo wrote:

Yes, tools should be better, but they need to start becoming better by 
themselves as previous discussions here have noted.

However, there are problems in the language that need to be addressed by both 
syntax and APIs. We need:

- A sane way of dealing with equality, identity and basically a lot of what's 

Some of that is due to implicit conversions, not any equality-ish operator.

I really never understood people's complaints about equality comparisons in 
JavaScript. There are only two operators, with clear and well defined 

`==' (Abstract equality) is used for comparing the value of two objects, 
without taking data-structure into account.

This operator is insane due to implicit conversions it does when operand types 
are not the same. In such cases it is not an equivalence relation.
I would argue this is not entirely true. It would depend on what you 
consider equivalence. As I said, the way I see the abstract equality 
algorithm is that it compares values — by which I mean primitive 
values, — such that it can't really take into account the data structure 
of the operands.

So, `1' equals `1' which equals `[1]' which equals 
`{toString:function() 1}' which might equal just about any other 
object which `toString' returns 1. In this case, the semantics are 
pretty sane (though some might argue about `[1]' and other objects). We 
could say it would be analogous to having a book in several different 
medias — ebook, paper, audio, etc. Just because the medias are 
different, it doesn't mean the contents of the book are.

I have to agree, however, that some of the conversions are not as 
intuitive — at first glance — as the ones in the relational operators, 
which always convert the operands to the a numeric primitive value. 
Perhaps some of the fault of abstract equality's usage might be on the 
lack of chaining comparisons, though:

// This is not what you'd usually assume it to be, based on mathematical 

2 == 2 == [2] // = false

// ...because operations are done this way
(2 == 2) == [2]
→ (2 == ToNumber(2)) == [2]
→ (2 == 2) == [2]
→ true == [2]
→ true == ToPrimitive([2]) // [2].valueOf().toString()
→ ToNumber(true) == 2
→ 1 == ToNumber(2)
→ 1 == 2
→ false

That said, I don't consider the semantics of abstract equality *that* 
complex to consider it a problem — there are some recursive conversions, 
yes. ToPrimitive might get confusing depending on how toString and 
valueOf are defined in the object. That might be a problem or an 
interesting feature depending on the particular use-case, considering 
how dynamic JS is.

That's not to say it's perfect in every single conversion, but it gets 
at least 90% of all the practical use cases right. Other people probably 
have a different opinion on this kind of equivalence coming from a 
strong or static/strong typed background.

`===' (Strict equality) is used for comparing the value of two objects, taking 
data-structure into account.

This operator is fine, unless you want to test (NaN is NaN) or (-0 isnt 0). 
There, you need is/isnt.

Is `egal' already in
es-discuss mailing list

Re: traits feedback

2011-10-05 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 06/10/11 00:02, Juan Ignacio Dopazo wrote:
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 10:36 PM, Jake Verbaten wrote:

Object.create does indeed require  propertydescriptors as the
second argument. This is the easiest way to send meta-data like

However it's verbose and the defaults are restrictive. I've
written a small library ( to make it less verbose, you might
find it useful.

That's what Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors would 
be for. I don't know why it hasn't gotten into Harmony yet.
Hm, how exactly would `#getOwnPropertyDescriptors' fix the verbosity of 
property descriptors when creating new slots in an object? Or were you 
referring to another issue? If so, I missed it, would you care to 
explain a little better?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Super-calls

2011-10-03 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 03/10/11 19:49, Erik Arvidsson wrote:

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 14:50, Axel  wrote:

It’s a performance thing support for dynamic super would slow everything
down and is thus not worth it. In the current spec, there is a method for
moving methods with super from one object to another. It’s not as elegant,
but given the performance cost of dynamic super, it’s the right call.

I'm not sure it is just a performance issue. I believe the semantics
is wrong too.

class B {
   a() {
   b() {

class C extends B {
   a() {
   b() {

var c = new C;
c.a(); // Should print 'C.b'

With a dynamic super the above would lookup b in the wrong object
(B.prototype instead of C.prototype)

As I understand, dynamic super is different from dynamic this.

With dynamic super, you'd still get `C.b' in that call, because the 
`thisObject' from the a function remains the same, super only changes 
the object in which the method is looked upon.

So, a desugared (and wrong, I reckon, but bear with me for awhile) way 
of writing that would be:

var C = {
a: function() { }
b: function() {
print('C.b') }}

var c = Object.create(C)
c.a() // 'C.b'

The problem with that explicit `B' is that a function doesn't really 
belong to an object in JS, it might be assigned to anything, and it's 
expect that it'll work all the same. So, the engine would need a way of 
tracking what the next object in the prototype chain is for *looking up* 
the method to use. Once it finds that method, it applies the method to 
the current `thisObject'.

The problem then, with dynamic super, becomes that one needs to pass the 
called method a hint of what the next object in the prototype chain is, 
since we can't use `this' — it'll always be the same in all methods 
called through `super'.

Static super solves that problem by placing that information directly in 
the method, so it's just a lookup away. Dynamic super solves that 
problem by passing the information as an implicit parameter to *every* 
function call, just like `this', thus being a perf problem.

I think it boils down to a performance vs semantics problem in the end. 
I personally think the semantics dynamic super provides fit better with 
a prototypical and overly dynamic language, as JavaScript is (at least 
ES5 is).

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Super-calls

2011-10-03 Thread Quildreen Motta

On 03/10/11 20:44, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
super being rare and moving methods being rarer, I think the tradeoff 
for performance is OK, especially as there will be a method that 
allows you to move methods. If performance wasn’t an issue, dynamic 
super would be preferable.
Hm, I wouldn't consider moving methods to be that rare, unless you're 
taking into account only people coding in a declarative style. In that 
case, moving a method would be a weird thing to do. On the other hand, 
if you're writing imperative prototypical code, moving methods might not 
be such a rare thing — more so if we take into account the lack of 
multiple-inheritance facilities in JS, which would lead someone to use 
things like mixins (thus, more overhead due to manual copying, but 
mixins are — or should be — parentless anyways).

Note, though, that this is based only on my own code. I am not much 
knowledgeable about the general use-case of JavaScript, so feel free to 
correct me where I'm rambling non-senses :3

Another point is what here should refer to in a situation like:

var oddball = {
clone: function() {
this.instances = (+this.instances || 0) + 1
return this }
  , describe: function() {
return + ' has ' + this.instances + ' copies' }}

var object = oddball | {
describe: function() {
return '#object ' + super.describe() + '' }}

var me  = object.clone() = 'Me'

var another = {
describe: function() {
 return 'The princess is in another castle.' }}

// = '#object Me has 1 copies'
// = '#object undefined has undefined copies'

In this case, should `here' take into account the object in which the 
action `describe' is defined, in this case resolving to 
`oddball.describe', or should it take into account the object that was 
the target of the action, in this case resolving to `another.describe'.

My opinion is that the latter makes more sense, but that's because I see 
`thisObject' not just as a data-container, but something that describes 
the full behaviours of a thing.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Another paren-free gotcha

2011-09-29 Thread Quildreen Motta
2011/9/29 Peter van der Zee

 On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 3:43 AM, Quildreen Motta
  I'm not sure how this is much different from the rules you have now with
  ASI, though if this were such a problem, a block statement could be

 I'm trying to make sure we don't add another feature that we'll later
 describe as yeah, wish we could take that out, but we can't, that
 ship has sailed. This ship hasn't sailed yet and if it does, I'd like
 it to be as clean as possible.

Yeah, perfecting things is something I can appreciate. My point, however,
was that I couldn't see a problem with Waldemar's first example since they
are consistent with the current ECMAScript semantics (ASI). I personally
find languages with few divergent semantic constructs better because you
have less to learn and worry about when coding.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: prototype focus

2011-07-01 Thread Quildreen Motta
Ah, oh yes. I think I fail at mailing lists :3

2011/7/1 Peter Michaux

 Did you mean to send this to es-discuss?


 On 2011-07-01, at 8:51 AM, Quildreen Motta wrote:

 Actually, in my opinion, constructor functions add needless complexity on
 JavaScript's inheritance mechanism, and yes, they do shift the focus from
 prototypical inheritance -- using constructors feels much more like creating
 a layer of metadata to extend some behaviours, than extending objects.

 With constructors, you basically have the following:

 1.) Want to extend Foo (an object).
 2.) Create a function Bar, write initialisation code (even if you don't
 need one).
 3.) Set Bar.prototype to an object that clones Foo.
 4.) use new Bar to construct a new object that extends Foo (and does
 initialisation) -- which might return some other object.
 5.) Extend the new Bar object as you see fit.
 6.) Use the object.

 With prototypes you have the following:

 1.) Want to extend Foo (an object).
 2.) Create a new object that points to Foo.
 3.) Extend this new object -- which you can do either manually or by
 calling an initialisation function on the object.
 4.) Use the object.

 The thing is: by removing the additional constructor function you simplify
 it. I had a really hard time trying to wrap my head around constructors and
 how they play with prototypes, lots of people out there face the very same
 problem when trying to use the OOP mechanisms that JavaScript provides,
 since it *looks* like the classical pattern they're used to, but in reality
 it works mostly different.

 You still see code around that does:

 function Foo() { }
 Foo.prototype = { describe: function(){ return 'Foo' } }

 function Bar() { }
 Bar.prototype = new Foo

 Some people are simply not aware that Foo is not a class, but something
 that is used to group initialisation and inheritance, so it would be only
 natural(?) for them to think that way when trying to extend something. Some
 people also think that `prototype' is a magical property used for
 inheritance of anything.

 With PaC you solve those problems by making the mechanisms that JS uses for
 inheritance explicit. That is, if you want to extend Foo, you just extend

 2011/6/30 Peter Michaux

 On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
  What problem have you solved by giving the prototype a name?

 The names I choose makes it clear to the reader that the prototype is
 one element (zero) in a set of elements (complex numbers).

 A name gives a reference to the object that is not related to any
 constructor function. Constructor functions are something separate
 from the prototype object (zero).

  The proposal is
  not (just) about giving prototypes names.

 Understood but it seemed that the proposal started from the idea that
 JavaScript needs to get back to its prototype roots. I don't think
 JavaScript has ever been far from its prototype roots especially if
 the programmer shifts to thinking about a prototype object instead of
 thinking about a functions prototype property.

  Problems that both prototypes-as-classes (PAC) and class literals (CL)
  trying to solve are:
  - Subclassing is hard and not directly supported by the language:
  prototypes, chaining constructors, super-references.

 Object.getPrototypeOf(this) is pretty long.

  - Class properties are not inherited

 Class property inheritance is definitely a secondary issue compared
 with the instance objects themselves.

  (CoffeeScript copies them “manually”).

 Which I think is unsatisfactory and has a lot of gotchas when some
 properties are arrays and other properties have primitive values.


 It seems to me that perhaps the PaC drifted too far or perhaps started
 too far from what JavaScript has already. If the idea is to shift the
 focus more towards prototypes, then starting from something like what
 I've written and adding super syntax would be more consistent with
 what JavaScript already has.


  If none of these issues are involved then today’s constructor functions
  Pros of each approach:
  (1) Pro CL: no need to support two kinds of classes: prototypes *and*
  constructor functions.
  (2) Pro PAC: look the same as class literals, but don’t need an extra
  translation step.
  (1) weighs heavily and will probably make it impossible to sell PAC to
  There is the precedent of Python having two styles of classes [1] at the
  same time, but I don’t think they diverged as heavily as constructor
  functions and PAC.
  If you want to argue against PAC benefits, take a look at Sect. 3 here: