Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-22 Thread Gavin Barraclough
As well as pragmas, macro-expansion would be a possibility!define fn functionundef fnG.On Jan 20, 2012, at 6:40 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

   	Allen Wirfs-Brock  
  January 20, 2012 
5:41 PM
  At the TC39 meeting we
 were trying to think of pragma candidates.It 
wouldn't surprise me if JS programmer would happily trade one:use
 fn;per file in exchange for being able to use
 "fn" as a synonym for "function". In terms of character counts, you 
come out ahead starting with the second function definition.Allen

I have considered this in the past. It always seemed too little, 
due to return. If it 
enabled another production:

 AssignmentExpression :
 fn Identifieropt ( FormalParameterListopt ) AssignmentExpression

(or we just added this unconditionally, without the pragma -- but 
the pragma is good too) then I'd be happy, finally.
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Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread François REMY
About 'ƒ': on my keyboard, there's no way to type it. I have to use ALT+its 
UTF8 keycode, and it doesn't work in all programs. BTW, since the default 
file format on Windows is not UTF8, expect many developers to use ISO-8859-1 
for their JS files. Personnaly, I use Notepad++ which allow me to use UTF8 
as default encoding, but I don't expect all devs to do that.

About the 'fn' proposal, I'm happy with it. Asking a 'use' statement just 
for that feature may prove a little excessive but if it can be merged with 
other can-be-breaking syntax reforms ('use es6'), why not. But, seriously, 
what really makes it impossible to use # or @? Those would have no compat 
issues, would require no header. Even if @ would be used in private-name, it 
would be in a completely different context. It's like the SQL guys who used 
'%' as wildchar in LIKE strings because '*' was already used as a shortcut 
in the SELECT operand; those use of the '*' symbol were completely 
orthogonal, and it would have been possible to allow both.


-Message d'origine- 
From: Jorge

Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 4:01 AM
To: es-discuss Steen
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

On 21/01/2012, at 02:34, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
how about ƒ (which has been mentioned many times)? It seems very 
appropriate and is even easy to type on a Mac (easier than square brackets 
on a German keyboard!).

setTimeout( ƒ () { ... }, 1e3)
setTimeout( `() { ... }, 1e3)

setTimeout( ƒ name () { ... }, 1e3)
setTimeout( `name () { ... }, 1e3)

ƒ name () { ... }
`name () { ... }
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es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread François REMY

This seems pretty easy to enforce to me.

function a(x) {

   let count = 0;

   if((x1)==0) count++;

   return count;

-Message d'origine- 
From: Brendan Eich

Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 2:08 AM
To: François REMY
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

Rust is a static language with many guarantees. It's not really
comparable to JS here.

JS extended with block-lambdas has no way to force downward-funarg-only
contract on functions called with block-lambda arguments. And indeed,
nothing goes wrong if those block-lambdas escape via the heap and are
called after the enclosing function's activation, which passed the
block-lambda down, has returned. Only if the block-lambda does a control
effect that would propagate to the enclosing function's activation is
there a dynamic error.

JS is a dynamic language. When you write it should only be allowed,
are you seriously proposing a checkable syntax and static check of some
kind? How would that work?

(Aside: I wish I had used fn instead of function in 1995!)


François REMY
January 20, 2012 1:38 PM
Just to add weight to my previous mail, you may find it interesting to 
notice that my proposed syntax match nearly exactly the proposed syntax of 
the new Mozilla-editored Rust programming language:

   call_twice({|| I am a stack closure; });

   call_twice(fn@() { I am a boxed closure; });

It confirms my feeling about {|| ...}: it should only be allowed in a 
context where the function still exists; it's a way to return the control 
back to the calling function when you need to call a callback-able 
function for some reason. At every other place, you should use 'normal' 
closures (the language-agnostic equivalent of ECMAScript functions), for 
which we should have a simplified syntax (aka syntaxic sugar). I don't 
bother if it has to start by @, #, %, µ, § or anyting else, but I feel 
strongly about the fact we need it.

Now, I think everyone got my point, I leave the final discussion to group 
members. But, at least, my message was sent. ;-)

Best regards,

François REMY
January 19, 2012 12:19 PM
It may be just a personnal taste, but I've to agree the current proposal 
(#() ...) seems very appealing to me. I did not respond to your mail 
proposing to use the Arrow syntax because it seems obscure to me. The 
distinction between normal and fat arrow is thin, does not make sense. 
You either need a function-object (which doesn't have 'this' mapping, has 
expandos) or a local-function (which has 'this' mapping, just need to be a 
[Call] target). If you need the first, you need a traditionnal function 
since you need something not-frozen that can be added to objects as a 
property at a later time. If you want 'this' mapping, you need something 
that only makes sense in a local context.

Additionnaly, the arrow syntax is illogical. You usually say I want a 
function of (X,Y) which returns X+Y or I want to transform X in 
X.toString, not From X, I want to get X.toString().

Freezing a local function seems as acceptable to me as it seemed to 
others. A LF should only be used in a controlled context where the 
function itself is just used as a function, not an object. But if it's not 
acceptable to other members, I'm not against a @(x) syntax that does not 
offer frozen functions (but I think it's a missed optimization 
opportunity). The point about Conditionnal Compiling in IE is not valid 
anymore since Microsoft has deleted HTML Conditionnal Comments because 
they were not standards (even if they were used a lot), so I don't think 
the obscure and fewly used JScript CC are meant to stay, especially if it 
hurts another proposal.

In my view of the thing, a local function should be used as a function in 
the mathematical sense of the term: you give a parameter, it returns its 
image by the function.

The cases we are trying to solve:

   var inc=#(x) x+1; x.toString());

   array.filter(#(x) isValid(x)); {
   while(x.previousSibling) x=x.previousSibling;
   return x;

For example, I don't see this as a good use-case of a LocalFunction :

   refreshLayout: function(e) {
   requestAnimationFrame(#(e) this.refreshLayout(e));

It should be a block lambda instead, because it's meant to 'continue' the 
current function in a sort of async while(true) loop.

   refreshLayout: function(e) {
   requestAnimationFrame({|e| this.refreshLayout(e) });

For all of the use cases where a mathematical function is requied, you 
just need some valid [Call]-able item. You will never add expandos on an 
function you don't know (ie that you received as a parameter). You'll wrap 
it before

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread François REMY

(sorry, last mail was sent by mistake)

This seems pretty easy to enforce to me.

function a(x) {

   let count = 0;
   let arr = [

   if((x1)==0) count++;

   return count;

can be compiled as :

function a(x) {

   let count=0;
   let arr = [...];
   let $lambda = {
   [Call]: {||


   $lambda.[Call] = function() { throw new InvalidTargetException(); }

   return count;

So, if the 'Array.prototype.forEach' function of has been modified to call 
the iter function asynchronously, it will not work.

As a plus, it allows a very powerful optimisation (block-lambda running in 
the same frame as the function itself).


-Message d'origine- 
From: Brendan Eich

Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:17 AM
To: Axel Rauschmayer
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

Axel Rauschmayer
January 20, 2012 9:24 PM

- Hard to type: reading is far more important than typing, it is very easy 
to adapt tools to help with typing.

ƒ is not particularly readable IMHO. It's florin, not mathematical
notation I've ever seen. Anyway we can't assume the compatibility break
is ok since it can occur in operand context in any expression.

- Not ASCII: I hardy every encounter non-UTF text files, any more. 
Non-ASCII seems to work well for Fortress.

Fortress, please. I invite @samth to comment now. I admire Fortress, but
it is not an exemplar or nearby language for JS.

I think use fn; (real pragma syntax), with the low-precedence 
assignment-expression fn (params) assign-expr production, wins. What do 
you think?

Having fn would be sweet. For many kinds of pragmas, it would be great if 
one could configure these per project (or per directory). Then one could 
put legacy code in one directory and ES6 code in another. And the weight 
of the pragmas would be negligible. Not sure how to do this, though; 
reminds me very loosely of CSS (centralized management of style).

You make a good point: use fn; may be too much to require in every
script element content.

Would fn make sense as an ES6 breaking change? I’d expect many people to 
be strongly in favor, possibly as many strongly opposed.

Don't forget that JQuery uses fn as an identifier (and not just
following a dot) all over.

Possible research (applies to ƒ, too):
- Poll people for their opinion

These are not decisive. I've been straw-polling audiences for a while.
Block-lambdas are doing well, but one must ask nothing, just
'function' and usually get a stronger response than any new syntax.

- Search JS code bases for how often the identifier fn is used (how?).

See JQuery sources. Unconditionally reserving 'fn' is a non-starter
IMHO. Recall also that we are trying to hew to One JavaScript -- few
to no refactoring woes moving code in and out of a module {...}
container or use strict; code block.


es-discuss mailing list 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Herby Vojčík

François REMY wrote:

About the 'fn' proposal, I'm happy with it. Asking a 'use' statement
just for that feature may prove a little excessive but if it can be
merged with other can-be-breaking syntax reforms ('use es6'), why not.
But, seriously, what really makes it impossible to use # or @? Those
would have no compat issues, would require no header. Even if @ would be
used in private-name, it would be in a completely different context.
It's like the SQL guys who used '%' as wildchar [and may have used *].

True for @, but not so for #. The latter is used to specify freeze. That 
is, you probably can write #@(x) {x+1}, but ##(x) {x+1} would be ridiculous.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Claus Reinke
I think use fn; (real pragma syntax), with the low-precedence 
assignment-expression fn (params) assign-expr production, wins. What do 
you think?

Having fn would be sweet. For many kinds of pragmas, it would be great if 
one could configure these per project (or per directory). Then one could 
put legacy code in one directory and ES6 code in another. And the weight 
of the pragmas would be negligible. Not sure how to do this, though; 
reminds me very loosely of CSS (centralized management of style).

You make a good point: use fn; may be too much to require in every 
script element content.

From the Haskell experience again: there, one can have language

feature options

- as pragmas in source code [1]
- as options in package descriptor files [2]

The former is better for source readability, and for being specific
about which files depend on which extensions. The latter is better
for avoiding repetition if every source in a package uses the same
set of options, and for package readability (making package
feature dependencies obvious without having to scan source files).
In-source pragmas override package-wide options.

One thing that Haskell doesn't have, which I have often wanted,
is the ability to define extension groups on a per-project basis:

if I always use the same sets of extensions (eg, yield and block
scoping, or modules and classes, or ..), then it would be nice
to define pragma groups in the package file, and just refer to
the group pragma in the source files. That way, use of language
features would be explicit in the source, but without repetitive
details. However, this is less of an issue in JS than in Haskell
(the latter has far more language extensions, with a very
conservative base standard, while all ES extensions currently
under discussion will be grouped in ES6).


[2] extensions: identifier list
   A list of Haskell extensions used by every module.
   Extension names are the constructors of the Extension type.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread François REMY

(sorry, last mail was sent by mistake)

This seems pretty easy to enforce to me.

function a(x) {

   let count = 0;
   let arr = [

   if((x1)==0) count++;

   return count;

can be compiled as :

function a(x) {

   let count=0;
   let arr = [...];
   let $lambda = {
   [Call]: {||


   $lambda.[Call] = function() { throw new InvalidTargetException(); }

   return count;

So, if the 'Array.prototype.forEach' function of has been modified to call
the iter function asynchronously, it will not work.

As a plus, it allows a very powerful optimisation (block-lambda running in
the same frame as the function itself).


-Message d'origine- 
From: Brendan Eich

Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:17 AM
To: Axel Rauschmayer
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

Axel Rauschmayer
January 20, 2012 9:24 PM

- Hard to type: reading is far more important than typing, it is very easy 
to adapt tools to help with typing.

ƒ is not particularly readable IMHO. It's florin, not mathematical
notation I've ever seen. Anyway we can't assume the compatibility break
is ok since it can occur in operand context in any expression.

- Not ASCII: I hardy every encounter non-UTF text files, any more. 
Non-ASCII seems to work well for Fortress.

Fortress, please. I invite @samth to comment now. I admire Fortress, but
it is not an exemplar or nearby language for JS.

I think use fn; (real pragma syntax), with the low-precedence 
assignment-expression fn (params) assign-expr production, wins. What do 
you think?

Having fn would be sweet. For many kinds of pragmas, it would be great if 
one could configure these per project (or per directory). Then one could 
put legacy code in one directory and ES6 code in another. And the weight 
of the pragmas would be negligible. Not sure how to do this, though; 
reminds me very loosely of CSS (centralized management of style).

You make a good point: use fn; may be too much to require in every
script element content.

Would fn make sense as an ES6 breaking change? I’d expect many people to 
be strongly in favor, possibly as many strongly opposed.

Don't forget that JQuery uses fn as an identifier (and not just
following a dot) all over.

Possible research (applies to ƒ, too):
- Poll people for their opinion

These are not decisive. I've been straw-polling audiences for a while.
Block-lambdas are doing well, but one must ask nothing, just
'function' and usually get a stronger response than any new syntax.

- Search JS code bases for how often the identifier fn is used (how?).

See JQuery sources. Unconditionally reserving 'fn' is a non-starter
IMHO. Recall also that we are trying to hew to One JavaScript -- few
to no refactoring woes moving code in and out of a module {...}
container or use strict; code block.


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es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
Great stuff. I’m equally intrigued by the `use fn` pragma: It allows one to 
selectively break compatibility.

Caveat: This kind of pragma introduces a lot of new complexity.

Pragmas would indeed become less burdensome if one could configure them on a 
per-project basis. It corresponds to Eclipse setting different Java versions 
per source directory. Ideas (not sure that they are worth the added complexity, 
but wanted to mention them):

- Meta-tag points to file that configures pragmas based on paths
- Custom, user-defined meta-pragmas that group several pragmas
- A pragma that points to a file with several pragmas

On Jan 21, 2012, at 11:09 , Claus Reinke wrote:

 From the Haskell experience again: there, one can have language
 feature options
 - as pragmas in source code [1]
 - as options in package descriptor files [2]
 The former is better for source readability, and for being specific
 about which files depend on which extensions. The latter is better
 for avoiding repetition if every source in a package uses the same
 set of options, and for package readability (making package
 feature dependencies obvious without having to scan source files).
 In-source pragmas override package-wide options.
 One thing that Haskell doesn't have, which I have often wanted,
 is the ability to define extension groups on a per-project basis:
 if I always use the same sets of extensions (eg, yield and block
 scoping, or modules and classes, or ..), then it would be nice
 to define pragma groups in the package file, and just refer to
 the group pragma in the source files. That way, use of language
 features would be explicit in the source, but without repetitive
 details. However, this is less of an issue in JS than in Haskell
 (the latter has far more language extensions, with a very
 conservative base standard, while all ES extensions currently
 under discussion will be grouped in ES6).
 [2] extensions: identifier list
   A list of Haskell extensions used by every module.
   Extension names are the constructors of the Extension type.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich

François REMY
January 21, 2012 2:14 AM

function a(x) {

   let count=0;
   let arr = [...];
   let $lambda = {
   [Call]: {||


   $lambda.[Call] = function() { throw new InvalidTargetException(); }

No, we are not specifying dynamic semantics based on a mutation to the 
[[Call]] internal property.

I wrote When you write it should only be allowed, are you seriously 
proposing a checkable syntax and static check of some kind?

I was alluding to ideas such as Ruby's yield operator, which is the only 
way to name the extra downward-funarg-only block argument, preventing 
heap escape (but of course, Ruby grew  params and so on, so had to deal 
with escape anyway).

This is no static check. It is unacceptable both as semantics and in 
real implementation costs.

Again, in general a block-lambda that escapes and is called after its 
parent function activation has deactivated is not a bug. It should not 
be forbidden uncondionally. The only requirement is that control cannot 
flow back to the defunct activation. Only such attempts via 
break/continue/return will throw.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich

François REMY
January 21, 2012 1:47 AM
(sorry, last mail was sent by mistake)

You sent your reply twice, to this thread and another. I replied to the 

As a plus, it allows a very powerful optimisation (block-lambda 
running in the same frame as the function itself).

That optimization is possible in any event, and optimizations are not 
semantics -- they are unobservable. What you are proposing is an 
unnecessary semantic restriction.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich

François REMY
January 21, 2012 1:34 AM
About the 'fn' proposal, I'm happy with it. Asking a 'use' statement 
just for that feature may prove a little excessive but if it can be 
merged with other can-be-breaking syntax reforms ('use es6')

Please read the notes from the tc39 meeting, and the recent threads. We 
are not requiring version opt-in. New syntax is its own opt-in.

The problem here is that 'fn' is not new syntax without complex 
parsing hacks. It's an unreserved identifier in ES1-5.

why not. But, seriously, what really makes it impossible to use # or @?

We've been over this already. # is for freezing, @ is for private names. 
The Matlab precedent of @ for function is quite weak (thanks for 
pointing it out).


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Jorge
On 21/01/2012, at 05:31, Brendan Eich wrote:
 January 20, 2012 7:15 PM
 Sorry, I don't follow, with that you mean something else or the acute 
 accent ?
 Oh, not ' but the diacritical on é, you mean?

Yes, the acute accent. For example. Or something else. You can choose almost 
any character you want.

 How do I type that on a US or UK keyboard?

I don't know, my keyboard is spanish. Here it's next to the P.

 We are not going to use non-ASCII characters, so you are still barking up the 
 wrong tree.

Aren't you discussing the possibility of using ƒ or λ for functions in this 
same thread ?

Well, the florín is not an ASCII character either.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich

January 21, 2012 12:14 PM
On 21/01/2012, at 05:31, Brendan Eich wrote:

We are not going to use non-ASCII characters, so you are still barking up the 
wrong tree.

Aren't you discussing the possibility of using ƒ or λ for functions in this 
same thread ?

No. I shot those down in the thread for several reasons. One is 
inability to type on many keyboards. Another is incompatibility (these 
are both identifier characters per ES3-5).

Well, the florín is not an ASCII character either.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread François REMY
-Message d'origine- 
From: Brendan Eich

 François REMY
 January 21, 2012 1:34 AM
 About the 'fn' proposal, I'm happy with it. Asking a 'use' statement 
 just for that feature may prove a little excessive but if it can be 
 merged with other can-be-breaking syntax reforms ('use es6')

Please read the notes from the tc39 meeting, and the recent threads. We 
are not requiring version opt-in. New syntax is its own opt-in.

The problem here is that 'fn' is not new syntax without complex parsing 
hacks. It's an unreserved identifier in ES1-5.

If it's the case, we should avoid that. Avoiding 'use' for the whole syntax 
and requiring it just for 'fn' is weird. But I understand we can't use 'fn' 
per se since it breaks compat. We should try to find something else (it's 
possible, at least).

 why not. But, seriously, what really makes it impossible to use # or @?

We've been over this already. # is for freezing, @ is for private names. 
The Matlab precedent of @ for function is quite weak (thanks for pointing 
it out).

Yes, but you didn't respond about where @ is used in private name, and why 
it makes the @() syntax ambiguous with that use. Since the @ is never used 
in the private name proposal, I can't check that on my own. My guess is that 
they don't collide.

Anyway, there are still other chars left, we should check if they are easy 
to type on various keyboards (on my keyboard they are): ['6', '~', 'µ', 


(BTW, I got the idea about the un-necessary restriction for out-of-scope {|| 
...}; instead of making them break, you can restrict them) 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich

François REMY
January 21, 2012 1:00 PM

-Message d'origine- From: Brendan Eich
 François REMY
 January 21, 2012 1:34 AM
 About the 'fn' proposal, I'm happy with it. Asking a 'use' 
statement  just for that feature may prove a little excessive but if 
it can be  merged with other can-be-breaking syntax reforms ('use es6')

Please read the notes from the tc39 meeting, and the recent threads. 
We are not requiring version opt-in. New syntax is its own opt-in.

The problem here is that 'fn' is not new syntax without complex 
parsing hacks. It's an unreserved identifier in ES1-5.

If it's the case, we should avoid that. Avoiding 'use' for the whole 
syntax and requiring it just for 'fn' is weird.

Weird doesn't quite dismiss the idea, since JS has 'function' and a 
shorthand for it -- along with a crucial new production adding an 
expression-bodied alternative short-function-expression -- is something 
users keep requesting. If the goal is to shorten 'function' yet keep a 
mnemonic shorter prefix, nothing grawlix will do. Why not 'fn'?

But I understand we can't use 'fn' per se since it breaks compat. We 
should try to find something else (it's possible, at least).

Some here are positive on 'fn'. We have been searching for usable 
shorter syntax for a while. We should not dismiss 'fn' so quickly.

 why not. But, seriously, what really makes it impossible to use # 
or @?

We've been over this already. # is for freezing, @ is for private 
names. The Matlab precedent of @ for function is quite weak (thanks 
for pointing it out).

Yes, but you didn't respond about where @ is used in private name, and 
why it makes the @() syntax ambiguous with that use.

You have to follow the strawmen that haven't made it, in particular


and es-discuss threads about foo@bar vs. foo.@bar, just @bar for 
this-relative addressing, etc.

Since the @ is never used in the private name proposal, I can't check 
that on my own. My guess is that they don't collide.

They collide conceptually by overloading @ for two quite different things.

If we want shorter *named* function expression syntax, then they collide 
syntactically with a fatal ambiguity absent more restricted productions:

  { expr; }

Is this an @-function-expression or a call to private this-relative foo 
passing bar?

Anyway, there are still other chars left, we should check if they are 
easy to type on various keyboards (on my keyboard they are): ['6', 
'~', 'µ', '£'].

Please re-read the recent messages on this thread: no non-ASCII. Also, ~ 
is in JS already!

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Claus Reinke

But notice that throughout this, no one advancing a proposal advocated
freezing by default. JS developers use function objects as mutable 
objects. Not just to set .prototype, also to decorate with ad-hoc and 
meta-data properties. Freezing is not wanted by default.

Another example: when defining parser combinators, I've re-defined
.toString, to make it easier to identify the parser combination in question
during debugging.

This would be less of an issue if core JS operations weren't biased
towards mutation. If it was easy to create modified function objects
without in-place mutation, freezing functions would be more acceptable.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Jorge
On 19/01/2012, at 22:14, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
 Suggestion: a community-edited page where we collect the rejected syntaxes 
 (= less running in circles) – simply copying emails (such as yours below) 
 there would probably suffice.

Has a backtick/accent grave ever been considered and/or rejected ?

Anonymous function expression:

setTimeout( '(){ ... }, 1e3);

Named function expression:

setTimeout( 'name(){ ... }, 1e3);


`(){ ... } // error: can't declare anonymous functions

`name(){ ... }
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread François REMY
 minizers without checking 
if ‘this’ is used in the function or not, I guess I can live without that (to 
the condition that I can do that: @(this=this, x) this.transform(x)).

I hope I’ve been more clear than in my previous mail,

-Message d'origine- 
From: Brendan Eich 
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 12:28 AM 
To: François REMY 
Cc: Axel Rauschmayer ; Andreas Rossberg ; Oliver Hunt ; es-discuss Steen 
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't 

 François REMY
 January 19, 2012 12:19 PM
 It may be just a personnal taste, but I've to agree the current 
 proposal (#() ...) seems very appealing to me. I did not respond to 
 your mail proposing to use the Arrow syntax because it seems obscure 
 to me. The distinction between normal and fat arrow is thin, does 
 not make sense.

Agreed, and that is another problem plaguing arrow function syntax as 
proposed. But if we rescue it by moving the arrow up front, we may solve 
this problem by dropping fat arrow. Shorter function syntax does not 
have to include shorter .bind(o) syntax.

 You either need a function-object (which doesn't have 'this' mapping, 
 has expandos) or a local-function (which has 'this' mapping, just need 
 to be a [Call] target).

We can't guess and I would not assume a local (nested, you mean?) 
function wants lexical |this| by default, overridden only by callee-base 
|this| when/if the nested function is called as a method. Mark Miller 
showed the problem:

in reply to

 If you need the first, you need a traditionnal function since you need 
 something not-frozen that can be added to objects as a property at a 
 later time. If you want 'this' mapping, you need something that only 
 makes sense in a local context.

You mean a block-lambda? I agree.

 Additionnaly, the arrow syntax is illogical. You usually say I want a 
 function of (X,Y) which returns X+Y or I want to transform X in 
 X.toString, not From X, I want to get X.toString().

I'm not sure what you mean here by illogical and your verbal 
expansions -- are you saying the arrow should come in between params and 
body? Yes, that is nicer and Jeremy Ashkenas followed that design (used 
in other languages of course) for that reason. But it makes for grammar 
trouble for two reasons:

1. (params) looks like a comma expression. We can parse it as such and 
then validate it using supplemental syntax as for destructuring, but 
it is a bit future-hostile.

2. If we want an expression body alternate syntax that prefers object 
literals over body blocks, we have to resolve this conflict:

Doing so is even more future-hostile in light of the new object literal 
extensions in ES6.

 Freezing a local function seems as acceptable to me as it seemed to 
 others. A LF should only be used in a controlled context where the 
 function itself is just used as a function, not an object. But if it's 
 not acceptable to other members, I'm not against a @(x) syntax that 
 does not offer frozen functions (but I think it's a missed 
 optimization opportunity).

Again, @ is wanted for private names -- all the few unused ASCII 
punctuators are wanted. Why are you insisting on @ here? It's not 
particularly associated with functions in other languages, or suggestive 
of functions.

 In my view of the thing, a local function should be used as a function 
 in the mathematical sense of the term: you give a parameter, it 
 returns its image by the function.

JS practice varies wildly. No developer consensus on this point.

 The cases we are trying to solve:

var inc=#(x) x+1; x.toString());

array.filter(#(x) isValid(x)); {
while(x.previousSibling) x=x.previousSibling;
return x;

This case is not like the one you showed earlier, and not so clearly bad 
for block-lambda. There is only one return, it's at the bottom, so 
completion value as implicit return value in a block-lambda wins:{ |x|
while(x.previousSibling) x=x.previousSibling;

It's not a requirement either way, of course.

 For example, I don't see this as a good use-case of a LocalFunction :

refreshLayout: function(e) {
requestAnimationFrame(#(e) this.refreshLayout(e));

 It should be a block lambda instead, because it's meant to 'continue' 
 the current function in a sort of async while(true) loop.

Oh but here is a case where you advocate a block-lamdba for an async 
callback. IIRC earlier you wrote that block-lambdas should be used for 
sync callbacks. I may have misread you though.

I dont believe there's a hard and fast rule. Of course, the block-lambda 
cannot break/continue/return if the enclosing function activation

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

January 20, 2012 1:22 AM

Has a backtick/accent grave ever been considered and/or rejected ?

Rejected, that is used by 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread François REMY
Just to add weight to my previous mail, you may find it interesting to 
notice that my proposed syntax match nearly exactly the proposed syntax of 
the new Mozilla-editored Rust programming language:

   call_twice({|| I am a stack closure; });

   call_twice(fn@() { I am a boxed closure; });

It confirms my feeling about {|| ...}: it should only be allowed in a 
context where the function still exists; it's a way to return the control 
back to the calling function when you need to call a callback-able 
function for some reason. At every other place, you should use 'normal' 
closures (the language-agnostic equivalent of ECMAScript functions), for 
which we should have a simplified syntax (aka syntaxic sugar). I don't 
bother if it has to start by @, #, %, µ, § or anyting else, but I feel 
strongly about the fact we need it.

Now, I think everyone got my point, I leave the final discussion to group 
members. But, at least, my message was sent. ;-)

Best regards,

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich
 to hear more about the specific reasons that led 
Arv and Alex think a LF should not be frozen.


PS: The synax I speak about for LocalFunctions would be:

   '#(' argument-list ')' expression
   '#(' argument-list ') {' statements* '}'

They would be 'bound-this' if there's a 'this' in their body, but can 
be left unbounded if there's no since it has no visible effet. If they 
don't reference variables of a scope, they should not use reference 
scope and may be reused accross function calls.

-Message d'origine- From: Brendan Eich
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 8:27 PM
To: Axel Rauschmayer ; Andreas Rossberg
Cc: François REMY ; Oliver Hunt ; es-discuss Steen
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If
you want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the
above syntax as the only function shorthand would be OK.

First, #(params) { body } was proposed by Arv and Alex:

Arv and Alex feel strongly that the shorter function syntax (anything
shortening 'function' syntax) must not freeze by default.

There was lack of clarity about whether completion value as implicit
return value was part of the proposal. If so, controvery, since there is
a completion value leak hazard. TC39 seems to agree the solution there
is something with different look  feel, such as block-lambdas.

But, making a one-char grawlix shorthand for 'function' while still
requiring 'return' is not considered enough of a shorthand. A possible
cure here is to support an alternative body syntax: #(params) expr.
However, this inverts precedence if done naively. It also runs into
trouble trying to prefer an object literal over a block statement. I've
worked on both of these in the context of

This superseded shorter_function_syntax, but ran into grammatical issues
that have vexed it.

But notice that throughout this, no one advancing a proposal advocated
freezing by default. JS developers use function objects as mutable
objects. Not just to set .prototype, also to decorate with ad-hoc and
meta-data properties. Freezing is not wanted by default.

I agree that for block-lambdas it's easier to say freeze by default.
For merely shorter function syntax, no. Functions are mutable objects
by default in JS. This matters for minifiers, which may not be able to
see all the mutations but would love to use shorter syntax for
'function' syntax, blindly.


Brendan Eich
January 19, 2012 11:27 AM
Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If 
you want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the 
above syntax as the only function shorthand would be OK.

First, #(params) { body } was proposed by Arv and Alex:

Arv and Alex feel strongly that the shorter function syntax (anything 
shortening 'function' syntax) must not freeze by default.

There was lack of clarity about whether completion value as implicit 
return value was part of the proposal. If so, controvery, since there 
is a completion value leak hazard. TC39 seems to agree the solution 
there is something with different look  feel, such as block-lambdas.

But, making a one-char grawlix shorthand for 'function' while still 
requiring 'return' is not considered enough of a shorthand. A possible 
cure here is to support an alternative body syntax: #(params) expr. 
However, this inverts precedence if done naively. It also runs into 
trouble trying to prefer an object literal over a block statement. 
I've worked on both of these in the context of

This superseded shorter_function_syntax, but ran into grammatical 
issues that have vexed it.

But notice that throughout this, no one advancing a proposal advocated 
freezing by default. JS developers use function objects as mutable 
objects. Not just to set .prototype, also to decorate with ad-hoc and 
meta-data properties. Freezing is not wanted by default.

I agree that for block-lambdas it's easier to say freeze by default. 
For merely shorter function syntax, no. Functions are mutable 
objects by default in JS. This matters for minifiers, which may not be 
able to see all the mutations but would love to use shorter syntax for 
'function' syntax, blindly.

es-discuss mailing list

Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
 (Aside: I wish I had used fn instead of function in 1995!)

How much does the fact that a symbol *could* be used (in theory) matter in 
practice? Most regexes I see for valid identifiers are still of the 
^[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*$ variety.

I’d expect λ to be in use in Greece, but how about ƒ (which has been mentioned 
many times)? It seems very appropriate and is even easy to type on a Mac 
(easier than square brackets on a German keyboard!).

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jan 20, 2012, at 5:08 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 (Aside: I wish I had used fn instead of function in 1995!)

At the TC39 meeting we were trying to think of pragma candidates.

It wouldn't surprise me if JS programmer would happily trade one:

use fn;

per file in exchange for being able to use fn as a synonym for function. In 
terms of character counts, you come out ahead starting with the second function 


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

   	Allen Wirfs-Brock  
  January 20, 2012 
5:41 PM
  At the TC39 meeting we
 were trying to think of pragma candidates.It 
wouldn't surprise me if JS programmer would happily trade one:use
 fn;per file in exchange for being able to use
 "fn" as a synonym for "function". In terms of character counts, you 
come out ahead starting with the second function definition.Allen

I have considered this in the past. It always seemed too little, 
due to return. If it 
enabled another production:

 AssignmentExpression :
 fn Identifieropt ( FormalParameterListopt ) AssignmentExpression

(or we just added this unconditionally, without the pragma -- but 
the pragma is good too) then I'd be happy, finally.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Jorge
On 20/01/2012, at 19:17, Brendan Eich wrote:
 Jorge January 20, 2012 1:22 AM
 Has a backtick/accent grave ever been considered and/or rejected ?
 Anonymous function expression:
 setTimeout( `(){ ... }, 1e3);
 Named function expression:
 setTimeout( `name(){ ... }, 1e3);
 `(){ ... } // error: can't declare anonymous functions
 `name(){ ... }
 Rejected, that is used by 

1.- There are not quasi literals in the language yet
2.- quasi literals could as well use something else (the acute accent ?) instead
3.- a shorter function syntax is almost at the top in the programmers' wish 
list for (unlike quasis)

Isn't it -perhaps- too soon to reject ` for functions in favor of quasis ?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

January 20, 2012 6:46 PM

1.- There are not quasi literals in the language yet

No, quasi-literals are approved for ES6. Already.

2.- quasi literals could as well use something else (the acute accent 
?) instead

No, that is used for string literals, since JS1 in 1995!

3.- a shorter function syntax is almost at the top in the programmers' 
wish list for (unlike quasis)

So what? No one except you is asking for ` and quasis won. Please adjust 
your expecations accordingly.

Isn't it -perhaps- too soon to reject ` for functions in favor of quasis ?



es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Jorge
On 21/01/2012, at 02:34, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
 how about ƒ (which has been mentioned many times)? It seems very appropriate 
 and is even easy to type on a Mac (easier than square brackets on a German 

setTimeout( ƒ () { ... }, 1e3)
setTimeout( `() { ... }, 1e3)

setTimeout( ƒ name () { ... }, 1e3)
setTimeout( `name () { ... }, 1e3)

ƒ name () { ... }
`name () { ... }
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Jorge
On 21/01/2012, at 03:59, Brendan Eich wrote:
 2.- quasi literals could as well use something else (the acute accent ?) 
 No, that is used for string literals, since JS1 in 1995!

Sorry, I don't follow, with that you mean something else or the acute 
accent ?

str = ´agudo´
• message: Invalid character '\u0180'
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

January 20, 2012 7:15 PM

Sorry, I don't follow, with that you mean something else or the 
acute accent ?

Oh, not ' but the diacritical on é, you mean?

How do I type that on a US or UK keyboard? We are not going to use 
non-ASCII characters, so you are still barking up the wrong tree.


str = ´agudo´
• message: Invalid character '\u0180'
Brendan Eich
January 20, 2012 6:59 PM

January 20, 2012 6:46 PM

1.- There are not quasi literals in the language yet

No, quasi-literals are approved for ES6. Already.

2.- quasi literals could as well use something else (the acute accent 
?) instead

No, that is used for string literals, since JS1 in 1995!

3.- a shorter function syntax is almost at the top in the 
programmers' wish list for (unlike quasis)

So what? No one except you is asking for ` and quasis won. Please 
adjust your expecations accordingly.

Isn't it -perhaps- too soon to reject ` for functions in favor of 
quasis ?



January 20, 2012 1:22 AM

Has a backtick/accent grave ever been considered and/or rejected ?

Anonymous function expression:

setTimeout( '(){ ... }, 1e3);

Named function expression:

setTimeout( 'name(){ ... }, 1e3);


`(){ ... } // error: can't declare anonymous functions

`name(){ ... }
Brendan Eich
January 19, 2012 11:27 AM
Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If 
you want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the 
above syntax as the only function shorthand would be OK.

First, #(params) { body } was proposed by Arv and Alex:

Arv and Alex feel strongly that the shorter function syntax (anything 
shortening 'function' syntax) must not freeze by default.

There was lack of clarity about whether completion value as implicit 
return value was part of the proposal. If so, controvery, since there 
is a completion value leak hazard. TC39 seems to agree the solution 
there is something with different look  feel, such as block-lambdas.

But, making a one-char grawlix shorthand for 'function' while still 
requiring 'return' is not considered enough of a shorthand. A possible 
cure here is to support an alternative body syntax: #(params) expr. 
However, this inverts precedence if done naively. It also runs into 
trouble trying to prefer an object literal over a block statement. 
I've worked on both of these in the context of

This superseded shorter_function_syntax, but ran into grammatical 
issues that have vexed it.

But notice that throughout this, no one advancing a proposal advocated 
freezing by default. JS developers use function objects as mutable 
objects. Not just to set .prototype, also to decorate with ad-hoc and 
meta-data properties. Freezing is not wanted by default.

I agree that for block-lambdas it's easier to say freeze by default. 
For merely shorter function syntax, no. Functions are mutable 
objects by default in JS. This matters for minifiers, which may not be 
able to see all the mutations but would love to use shorter syntax for 
'function' syntax, blindly.

es-discuss mailing list

Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If 
you want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the 
above syntax as the only function shorthand would be OK.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

   	Axel Rauschmayer  
  January 20, 2012 
5:34 PM
 much does the fact that a symbol *could* be used (in theory) matter in 
practice? Most regexes I see for valid identifiers are still of the 
^[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*$ variety.I’d expect λ to be in use in 
Greece, but how about ƒ (which has been mentioned many times)? It seems 
very appropriate and is even easy to type on a Mac (easier than square 
brackets on a German keyboard!).

It's hard to type λ on many keyboards. ƒ is easier, but neither is

js ƒ = 1
js ƒ
js λ = 2
js λ

We rejected these already for these reasons.

I think "use fn;" (real pragma syntax), with the low-precedence 
assignment-_expression_ fn (params) assign-expr production, wins. What do 
you think?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
Various thoughts:

 How much does the fact that a symbol *could* be used (in theory) matter in 
 practice? Most regexes I see for valid identifiers are still of the 
 ^[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*$ variety.
 I’d expect λ to be in use in Greece, but how about ƒ (which has been 
 mentioned many times)? It seems very appropriate and is even easy to type on 
 a Mac (easier than square brackets on a German keyboard!).
 It's hard to type λ on many keyboards. ƒ is easier, but neither is 
 js ƒ = 1
 js ƒ
 js λ = 2
 js λ
 We rejected these already for these reasons.

My thinking was: If no one ever uses λ as an identifier (not likely in Greece) 
or ƒ as an identifier (likely, given that most people seem to think JS 
identifiers must adhere to the regexes shown above) then one would be free to 
make them reserved tokens in ES6. Counter arguments:

- Hard to type: reading is far more important than typing, it is very easy to 
adapt tools to help with typing.

- Not ASCII: I hardy every encounter non-UTF text files, any more. Non-ASCII 
seems to work well for Fortress.

 I think use fn; (real pragma syntax), with the low-precedence 
 assignment-expression fn (params) assign-expr production, wins. What do you 

Having fn would be sweet. For many kinds of pragmas, it would be great if one 
could configure these per project (or per directory). Then one could put legacy 
code in one directory and ES6 code in another. And the weight of the pragmas 
would be negligible. Not sure how to do this, though; reminds me very loosely 
of CSS (centralized management of style).

Would fn make sense as an ES6 breaking change? I’d expect many people to be 
strongly in favor, possibly as many strongly opposed.

Possible research (applies to ƒ, too):
- Poll people for their opinion
- Search JS code bases for how often the identifier fn is used (how?).

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

Axel Rauschmayer
January 20, 2012 9:24 PM

- Hard to type: reading is far more important than typing, it is very 
easy to adapt tools to help with typing.

ƒ is not particularly readable IMHO. It's florin, not mathematical 
notation I've ever seen. Anyway we can't assume the compatibility break 
is ok since it can occur in operand context in any expression.

- Not ASCII: I hardy every encounter non-UTF text files, any more. 
Non-ASCII seems to work well for Fortress.

Fortress, please. I invite @samth to comment now. I admire Fortress, but 
it is not an exemplar or nearby language for JS.

I think use fn; (real pragma syntax), with the low-precedence 
assignment-expression fn (params) assign-expr production, wins. What 
do you think?

Having fn would be sweet. For many kinds of pragmas, it would be great 
if one could configure these per project (or per directory). Then one 
could put legacy code in one directory and ES6 code in another. And 
the weight of the pragmas would be negligible. Not sure how to do 
this, though; reminds me very loosely of CSS (centralized management 
of style).

You make a good point: use fn; may be too much to require in every 
script element content.

Would fn make sense as an ES6 breaking change? I’d expect many people 
to be strongly in favor, possibly as many strongly opposed.

Don't forget that JQuery uses fn as an identifier (and not just 
following a dot) all over.

Possible research (applies to ƒ, too):
- Poll people for their opinion

These are not decisive. I've been straw-polling audiences for a while. 
Block-lambdas are doing well, but one must ask nothing, just 
'function' and usually get a stronger response than any new syntax.

- Search JS code bases for how often the identifier fn is used (how?).

See JQuery sources. Unconditionally reserving 'fn' is a non-starter 
IMHO. Recall also that we are trying to hew to One JavaScript -- few 
to no refactoring woes moving code in and out of a module {...} 
container or use strict; code block.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-19 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
On Jan 19, 2012, at 8:27 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 To fix (2), how about reviving arrows and avoiding the non-LR(1) parsing for 
 grammar validation problem?

Couldn’t one always freeze such a function shorthand and then get syntax such 

 #(x, y) { x + y }

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-19 Thread Brendan Eich

Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 12:06 AM

Couldn’t one always freeze such a function shorthand and then get 
syntax such as:

 #(x, y) { x + y }

I'm not sure what you mean. I proposed this a while ago (Harmony of My 
Dreams) but we don't want frozen by design, and without the # the 
result is ambiguous without restricted productions, and hazardous on 
that account.

The idea that any grawlixy preifx will do is false. Hash is wanted for 
consistent freeze/seal prefixing. Arrow is better and putting it at the 
front solves the grammar problems with arrow function syntax as current 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-19 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
 Couldn’t one always freeze such a function shorthand and then get syntax 
 such as:
 #(x, y) { x + y }
 I'm not sure what you mean. I proposed this a while ago (Harmony of My 
 Dreams) but we don't want frozen by design, and without the # the result is 
 ambiguous without restricted productions, and hazardous on that account.
 The idea that any grawlixy preifx will do is false. Hash is wanted for 
 consistent freeze/seal prefixing. Arrow is better and putting it at the front 
 solves the grammar problems with arrow function syntax as current drafted.

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If you want 
anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the above syntax as the 
only function shorthand would be OK.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-19 Thread Herby Vojčík

Andreas Rossberg wrote:

On 19 January 2012 18:31, Axel  wrote:

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases?

Especially since the cases where you care most about short syntax are
throw-away functions.

The only sane reason I have seen for mutating a function is to set its
prototype property. But who wants to write constructors as short
lambdas?  Another use case is modelling C-style static variables as
properties, but you cannot do that with an anonymous function anyway
(I also don't regard it as particularly sane, but who am I to judge).

I'd say +1 for frozen shortcut functions. I also don't see the use case 
where mutating _the_function_ itself would be needed in such cases. It 
seems to me it is ok for big percentage of uses. If you need mutable 
one, use function.

Only fearful factor is when frozen one is used and in the runtime 
mutation is needed for something... but I could not find such use... 
wrapping such function is still possible, that is probably most 
possibility you need in runtime when monkey-patching or something.

Correct me if I am wrong.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-19 Thread Herby Vojčík

Brendan Eich wrote:

Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If
you want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the
above syntax as the only function shorthand would be OK.

First, #(params) { body } was proposed by Arv and Alex:

Arv and Alex feel strongly that the shorter function syntax (anything
shortening 'function' syntax) must not freeze by default.

Well, if #(x, y) {x+y} is not good because of # is used for freezing and 
freezing is not good (it is not, metadata is good argument for that), 
and if something-like-lambda-block is ok, some variation of lambda-block 
could be the shorter replacement for functions. These come to mind:

  {*a, b* a+b}
  {/a, b/ a+b}
  {^a, b^ a+b}
  {%a, b% a+b}

and there is still more infix operators...

maybe even {`a, b` a+b} if it does not create conflict in this context.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-19 Thread François REMY
It may be just a personnal taste, but I've to agree the current proposal 
(#() ...) seems very appealing to me. I did not respond to your mail 
proposing to use the Arrow syntax because it seems obscure to me. The 
distinction between normal and fat arrow is thin, does not make sense. 
You either need a function-object (which doesn't have 'this' mapping, has 
expandos) or a local-function (which has 'this' mapping, just need to be a 
[Call] target). If you need the first, you need a traditionnal function 
since you need something not-frozen that can be added to objects as a 
property at a later time. If you want 'this' mapping, you need something 
that only makes sense in a local context.

Additionnaly, the arrow syntax is illogical. You usually say I want a 
function of (X,Y) which returns X+Y or I want to transform X in 
X.toString, not From X, I want to get X.toString().

Freezing a local function seems as acceptable to me as it seemed to others. 
A LF should only be used in a controlled context where the function itself 
is just used as a function, not an object. But if it's not acceptable to 
other members, I'm not against a @(x) syntax that does not offer frozen 
functions (but I think it's a missed optimization opportunity). The point 
about Conditionnal Compiling in IE is not valid anymore since Microsoft has 
deleted HTML Conditionnal Comments because they were not standards (even if 
they were used a lot), so I don't think the obscure and fewly used JScript 
CC are meant to stay, especially if it hurts another proposal.

In my view of the thing, a local function should be used as a function in 
the mathematical sense of the term: you give a parameter, it returns its 
image by the function.

The cases we are trying to solve:

   var inc=#(x) x+1; x.toString());

   array.filter(#(x) isValid(x)); {
   while(x.previousSibling) x=x.previousSibling;
   return x;

For example, I don't see this as a good use-case of a LocalFunction :

   refreshLayout: function(e) {
   requestAnimationFrame(#(e) this.refreshLayout(e));

It should be a block lambda instead, because it's meant to 'continue' the 
current function in a sort of async while(true) loop.

   refreshLayout: function(e) {
   requestAnimationFrame({|e| this.refreshLayout(e) });

For all of the use cases where a mathematical function is requied, you 
just need some valid [Call]-able item. You will never add expandos on an 
function you don't know (ie that you received as a parameter). You'll wrap 
it before, if you really need that. If you want the full flexibility of a 
function-as-an-object, it means you need a 'true function'; LF are not meant 
to replace functions in the long run, they are made to serve the case where 
you want a short, action-related, contextual function. That means 'this' 
binding, if needed, just like it's in languages like dotNET.

However, I would like to hear more about the specific reasons that led Arv 
and Alex think a LF should not be frozen.


PS: The synax I speak about for LocalFunctions would be:

   '#(' argument-list ')' expression
   '#(' argument-list ') {' statements* '}'

They would be 'bound-this' if there's a 'this' in their body, but can be 
left unbounded if there's no since it has no visible effet. If they don't 
reference variables of a scope, they should not use reference scope and may 
be reused accross function calls.

-Message d'origine- 
From: Brendan Eich

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 8:27 PM
To: Axel Rauschmayer ; Andreas Rossberg
Cc: François REMY ; Oliver Hunt ; es-discuss Steen
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If
you want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the
above syntax as the only function shorthand would be OK.

First, #(params) { body } was proposed by Arv and Alex:

Arv and Alex feel strongly that the shorter function syntax (anything
shortening 'function' syntax) must not freeze by default.

There was lack of clarity about whether completion value as implicit
return value was part of the proposal. If so, controvery, since there is
a completion value leak hazard. TC39 seems to agree the solution there
is something with different look  feel, such as block-lambdas.

But, making a one-char grawlix shorthand for 'function' while still
requiring 'return' is not considered enough of a shorthand. A possible
cure here is to support an alternative body syntax: #(params) expr.
However, this inverts precedence if done naively. It also runs into
trouble trying to prefer an object literal over a block statement. I've
worked on both of these in the context

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-19 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
FTR: With block lambdas and object literal extensions, I wouldn’t want/need a 
function shorthand. I thought I had seen an opportunity for a more compact 
syntax (if and only if function shorthands are needed), but was wrong. Sorry.

Suggestion: a community-edited page where we collect the rejected syntaxes (= 
less running in circles) – simply copying emails (such as yours below) there 
would probably suffice.

On Jan 19, 2012, at 20:27 , Brendan Eich wrote:

 Axel Rauschmayer
 January 19, 2012 9:31 AM
 Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If you 
 want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the above syntax 
 as the only function shorthand would be OK.
 First, #(params) { body } was proposed by Arv and Alex:
 Arv and Alex feel strongly that the shorter function syntax (anything 
 shortening 'function' syntax) must not freeze by default.
 There was lack of clarity about whether completion value as implicit return 
 value was part of the proposal. If so, controvery, since there is a 
 completion value leak hazard. TC39 seems to agree the solution there is 
 something with different look  feel, such as block-lambdas.
 But, making a one-char grawlix shorthand for 'function' while still requiring 
 'return' is not considered enough of a shorthand. A possible cure here is to 
 support an alternative body syntax: #(params) expr. However, this inverts 
 precedence if done naively. It also runs into trouble trying to prefer an 
 object literal over a block statement. I've worked on both of these in the 
 context of
 This superseded shorter_function_syntax, but ran into grammatical issues that 
 have vexed it.
 But notice that throughout this, no one advancing a proposal advocated 
 freezing by default. JS developers use function objects as mutable objects. 
 Not just to set .prototype, also to decorate with ad-hoc and meta-data 
 properties. Freezing is not wanted by default.
 I agree that for block-lambdas it's easier to say freeze by default. For 
 merely shorter function syntax, no. Functions are mutable objects by 
 default in JS. This matters for minifiers, which may not be able to see all 
 the mutations but would love to use shorter syntax for 'function' syntax, 

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-19 Thread François REMY
Yet they are cases where a block lambda isn’t suited and where a ‘classic’ 
function is just too long to type (and would hurt performance as well). Look 
back in the thread for a sample. (Mainly: cases involving a ‘return’ in a loop 
or in a nested statement can’t be solved well using block-lambda).

Block lambda is not the solution since it wasn’t written to solve the cases 
where we traditionnaly use a 'local function’, but to solve new use-cases where 
we want our function to continue to run inside a function structure, or 
asynchronously. The old cases where we use “function() { ... { ... return; } 
... }” are not covered properly by block lambda, nor are intended to. 

From: Axel Rauschmayer 
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 10:14 PM
To: Brendan Eich 
Cc: Andreas Rossberg ; François REMY ; Oliver Hunt ; es-discuss Steen 
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't
FTR: With block lambdas and object literal extensions, I wouldn’t want/need a 
function shorthand. I thought I had seen an opportunity for a more compact 
syntax (if and only if function shorthands are needed), but was wrong. Sorry.

Suggestion: a community-edited page where we collect the rejected syntaxes (= 
less running in circles) – simply copying emails (such as yours below) there 
would probably suffice.

On Jan 19, 2012, at 20:27 , Brendan Eich wrote:

  Axel Rauschmayer
  January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

  Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If you 
want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the above syntax 
as the only function shorthand would be OK.

  First, #(params) { body } was proposed by Arv and Alex:

  Arv and Alex feel strongly that the shorter function syntax (anything 
shortening 'function' syntax) must not freeze by default.

  There was lack of clarity about whether completion value as implicit return 
value was part of the proposal. If so, controvery, since there is a completion 
value leak hazard. TC39 seems to agree the solution there is something with 
different look  feel, such as block-lambdas.

  But, making a one-char grawlix shorthand for 'function' while still requiring 
'return' is not considered enough of a shorthand. A possible cure here is to 
support an alternative body syntax: #(params) expr. However, this inverts 
precedence if done naively. It also runs into trouble trying to prefer an 
object literal over a block statement. I've worked on both of these in the 
context of

  This superseded shorter_function_syntax, but ran into grammatical issues that 
have vexed it.

  But notice that throughout this, no one advancing a proposal advocated 
freezing by default. JS developers use function objects as mutable objects. Not 
just to set .prototype, also to decorate with ad-hoc and meta-data properties. 
Freezing is not wanted by default.

  I agree that for block-lambdas it's easier to say freeze by default. For 
merely shorter function syntax, no. Functions are mutable objects by default 
in JS. This matters for minifiers, which may not be able to see all the 
mutations but would love to use shorter syntax for 'function' syntax, blindly.


Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-19 Thread Brendan Eich
Now you are forgetting the argument that TCP-conforming block-lambdas 
*should* look quite different from ...(params) {body} functions. This 
implies that shorter function syntax ought to follow the (params) {body} 


Herby Vojčík
January 19, 2012 11:40 AM
Brendan Eich wrote:

Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If
you want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the
above syntax as the only function shorthand would be OK.

First, #(params) { body } was proposed by Arv and Alex:

Arv and Alex feel strongly that the shorter function syntax (anything
shortening 'function' syntax) must not freeze by default.

Well, if #(x, y) {x+y} is not good because of # is used for freezing 
and freezing is not good (it is not, metadata is good argument for 
that), and if something-like-lambda-block is ok, some variation of 
lambda-block could be the shorter replacement for functions. These 
come to mind:

  {*a, b* a+b}
  {/a, b/ a+b}
  {^a, b^ a+b}
  {%a, b% a+b}

and there is still more infix operators...

maybe even {`a, b` a+b} if it does not create conflict in this context.



Brendan Eich
January 19, 2012 11:27 AM
Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If 
you want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the 
above syntax as the only function shorthand would be OK.

First, #(params) { body } was proposed by Arv and Alex:

Arv and Alex feel strongly that the shorter function syntax (anything 
shortening 'function' syntax) must not freeze by default.

There was lack of clarity about whether completion value as implicit 
return value was part of the proposal. If so, controvery, since there 
is a completion value leak hazard. TC39 seems to agree the solution 
there is something with different look  feel, such as block-lambdas.

But, making a one-char grawlix shorthand for 'function' while still 
requiring 'return' is not considered enough of a shorthand. A possible 
cure here is to support an alternative body syntax: #(params) expr. 
However, this inverts precedence if done naively. It also runs into 
trouble trying to prefer an object literal over a block statement. 
I've worked on both of these in the context of

This superseded shorter_function_syntax, but ran into grammatical 
issues that have vexed it.

But notice that throughout this, no one advancing a proposal advocated 
freezing by default. JS developers use function objects as mutable 
objects. Not just to set .prototype, also to decorate with ad-hoc and 
meta-data properties. Freezing is not wanted by default.

I agree that for block-lambdas it's easier to say freeze by default. 
For merely shorter function syntax, no. Functions are mutable 
objects by default in JS. This matters for minifiers, which may not be 
able to see all the mutations but would love to use shorter syntax for 
'function' syntax, blindly.

es-discuss mailing list

Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If 
you want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the 
above syntax as the only function shorthand would be OK.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


Brendan Eich
January 19, 2012 9:25 AM

I'm not sure what you mean. I proposed this a while ago (Harmony of 
My Dreams) but we don't want frozen by design, and without the # the 
result is ambiguous without restricted productions, and hazardous on 
that account.

The idea that any grawlixy preifx will do is false. Hash is wanted for 
consistent freeze/seal prefixing. Arrow is better and putting it at 
the front solves the grammar problems with arrow function syntax as 
current drafted.

es-discuss mailing list

Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 12:06 AM

Couldn’t one always freeze such a function shorthand and then get 
syntax such as:

 #(x, y) { x + y }

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-19 Thread Brendan Eich

François REMY
January 19, 2012 12:19 PM
It may be just a personnal taste, but I've to agree the current 
proposal (#() ...) seems very appealing to me. I did not respond to 
your mail proposing to use the Arrow syntax because it seems obscure 
to me. The distinction between normal and fat arrow is thin, does 
not make sense.

Agreed, and that is another problem plaguing arrow function syntax as 
proposed. But if we rescue it by moving the arrow up front, we may solve 
this problem by dropping fat arrow. Shorter function syntax does not 
have to include shorter .bind(o) syntax.

You either need a function-object (which doesn't have 'this' mapping, 
has expandos) or a local-function (which has 'this' mapping, just need 
to be a [Call] target).

We can't guess and I would not assume a local (nested, you mean?) 
function wants lexical |this| by default, overridden only by callee-base 
|this| when/if the nested function is called as a method. Mark Miller 
showed the problem:

in reply to

If you need the first, you need a traditionnal function since you need 
something not-frozen that can be added to objects as a property at a 
later time. If you want 'this' mapping, you need something that only 
makes sense in a local context.

You mean a block-lambda? I agree.

Additionnaly, the arrow syntax is illogical. You usually say I want a 
function of (X,Y) which returns X+Y or I want to transform X in 
X.toString, not From X, I want to get X.toString().

I'm not sure what you mean here by illogical and your verbal 
expansions -- are you saying the arrow should come in between params and 
body? Yes, that is nicer and Jeremy Ashkenas followed that design (used 
in other languages of course) for that reason. But it makes for grammar 
trouble for two reasons:

1. (params) looks like a comma expression. We can parse it as such and 
then validate it using supplemental syntax as for destructuring, but 
it is a bit future-hostile.

2. If we want an expression body alternate syntax that prefers object 
literals over body blocks, we have to resolve this conflict:

Doing so is even more future-hostile in light of the new object literal 
extensions in ES6.

Freezing a local function seems as acceptable to me as it seemed to 
others. A LF should only be used in a controlled context where the 
function itself is just used as a function, not an object. But if it's 
not acceptable to other members, I'm not against a @(x) syntax that 
does not offer frozen functions (but I think it's a missed 
optimization opportunity).

Again, @ is wanted for private names -- all the few unused ASCII 
punctuators are wanted. Why are you insisting on @ here? It's not 
particularly associated with functions in other languages, or suggestive 
of functions.

In my view of the thing, a local function should be used as a function 
in the mathematical sense of the term: you give a parameter, it 
returns its image by the function.

JS practice varies wildly. No developer consensus on this point.

The cases we are trying to solve:

   var inc=#(x) x+1; x.toString());

   array.filter(#(x) isValid(x)); {
   while(x.previousSibling) x=x.previousSibling;
   return x;

This case is not like the one you showed earlier, and not so clearly bad 
for block-lambda. There is only one return, it's at the bottom, so 
completion value as implicit return value in a block-lambda wins:{ |x|
   while(x.previousSibling) x=x.previousSibling;

It's not a requirement either way, of course.

For example, I don't see this as a good use-case of a LocalFunction :

   refreshLayout: function(e) {
   requestAnimationFrame(#(e) this.refreshLayout(e));

It should be a block lambda instead, because it's meant to 'continue' 
the current function in a sort of async while(true) loop.

Oh but here is a case where you advocate a block-lamdba for an async 
callback. IIRC earlier you wrote that block-lambdas should be used for 
sync callbacks. I may have misread you though.

I dont believe there's a hard and fast rule. Of course, the block-lambda 
cannot break/continue/return if the enclosing function activation is no 

   refreshLayout: function(e) {
   requestAnimationFrame({|e| this.refreshLayout(e) });

For all of the use cases where a mathematical function is requied, 
you just need some valid [Call]-able item. You will never add expandos 
on an function you don't know (ie that you received as a parameter).

No, but local functions are decorated with expandos in their local scope.

You'll wrap it before, if you really need that. If you want the full 

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-18 Thread Gavin Barraclough
Just a thought, has a prefix ^ been considered?A lambda that takes no arguments could be:	^{ /*...*/ }And a lambda with some arguments:	^(x,y){ /*...*/ }I just find this really readable, the syntax for lambdas that take no arguments is delightfully minimal (just one extra character!), my brain is well trained to expect argument lists to be delimitedby parentheses so I find this much easier to understand, and I find the ^ character pleasingly evocative ofλ. :-)cheers,G.On Jan 13, 2012, at 3:03 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

The { and } around the || 
make it pretty clear the || is not a boolean. Also you can put a space 
in {| |}. But mainly, as with any alternative bracketing system that 
uses an infix operator, we are relying on the leading { to make it clear
 that the immediately following delimiter, | in the proposal, cannot 
represent its usual infix role (| or ||).


   	john saylor  
  January 13, 2012 
1:11 PM
yes, i had the same impression [thx to those who supplied code 

one problem i came across in this domain is that a block lambda with
arguments is visually identical to a boolean or ['||']. context, i 
believe, will clarify this; but from a purely visual perspective, two 
adjacent pipe characters are almost archetypal for the boolean or 
operator [if i can speak about archetypes in computer programming].

   	Rick Waldron  
  January 13, 2012 
12:36 PM
  FWIW, After working through the
 example gists that I created last night, my opinion changed about the 
look of Block Lambda's with pipes. As others on the list have said 
previously and is now very clear to me, pipes provide a very distinct 
visual cue "this is a block lambda, expect X to happen here" where the 
{(args) expr } gets lost; these visual cues are important when you're 
reading and writing "real world" programs in _javascript_.


mailing listes-discuss@mozilla.org
   	Allen Wirfs-Brock  
  January 13, 2012 
10:51 AM
  I've updated a 
version of my Smalltalk collections implementation experiment to
 use block lambdas.This version is
 one that you should compare it to is
 you might expect, this new version is even closer in form to the 
original Smalltalk code.In particularly, I was able to 
eliminate all the artifacts that needed to be introduced because of 
function expressions don't have Tennent's Correspondence.In
 the source, I've tagged the lines where TCP is using /*TCP*/Allen___es-discuss
 mailing listes-discuss@mozilla.org
   	john saylor  
  January 13, 2012 
6:09 AM
  hello world!

i think this would be very helpful too [although, sadly, since i am 
overcommitted as it is, it will not be me].

   	David Herman  
  January 12, 2012 
6:09 PM
  On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:23 PM, François REMY wrote:

If not (as it seems to me), it means that a block lambda will not be used as a statement by itself. If it's the case, it should defined as an _expression_ only, where there's no anonymous block to conflict the syntax. That solution has been chosen for object notation in the past. That way,

  function() {
  (a, b)

would still be an anonymous block where

  function() {
  asyncAction(..., { (a, b) a.add(b); } }

would be a block lambda as an argument of an async function. No semantic change for an identical syntax, in regards to strict ES5.

So simple, and so brilliant. I love it!

I must say, the parens look much prettier to me, and they're of course more consistent with JS precedent.

It does help to write a reasonable chunk of code to compare syntaxes for uses of a feature "in the wild." Does some enterprising es-discusser wanna take a big JS program with a bunch of little anonymous functions, swap them out with block lambdas, and make two gists with the two different syntaxes? That'd be super helpful.

And since I still continue to hope we'll ditch the unprefixed anonymous block in some future revision of ES, that very small edge case could vanish at the same time.

I don't understand what you're referring to here -- what do you mean by "unprefixed anonymous block?"

Does it seems possible/acceptable?



es-discuss mailing list

___es-discuss mailing listes-discuss@mozilla.org
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-18 Thread Thaddee Tyl
On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Gavin Barraclough

 Just a thought, has a prefix ^ been considered?

 A lambda that takes no arguments could be:
 ^{ /*...*/ }
 And a lambda with some arguments:
 ^(x,y){ /*...*/ }

 I just find this really readable, the syntax for lambdas that take no
 arguments is delightfully minimal (just one extra character!), my brain is
 well trained to expect argument lists to be delimited by parentheses so I
 find this much easier to understand, and I find the ^ character pleasingly
 evocative of λ. :-)

This is really a matter of taste.

{ (a, b) ... }

^(a, b) { ... }

{ |a, b| ... }

Of course, some characters are easier to type than others, especially in
non-qwerty keyboards (I'm thinking about the pipe |).

But what matters most is readability, since code is more often read than
written. So far, people seem to think that pipes are more readable.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-18 Thread Brendan Eich
Yes, we've been over many 
prefixes, from Greek lowercase lambda to \ to ^. Two problems, one 
specific to ^, the other general to the body plan you propose:

1. ^ is taken as the bitwise XOR operator. So there's an "ASI didn't 
happen but the user expected it" hazard motivating us to restrict any 
operand (vs. operator) context overloading of ^ to start a lambda to 
have [no LineTerminator here] on the left of the operand-^. Otherwise 
valid JS of the form

  x = y
  ^{z: w}

is too easily confused for an assignment _expression_ statement 
(terminated by an automatically inserted semicolon, the mistaken reader 
thinks -- there could be comments and lots of blank lines between the 
two lines shown above) followed by a lambda.

Even with the above being forbidden by [no LineTerminator here] to the 
left of the lambda' productions right hand side, allowing x ^ ^{y} 
smells bad. But perhaps not as bad as pipes on the inside -- YMMV.

2. The TCP conformance makes anything like function (params) {body} an 
anti-pattern. Changing function to ^ does not avoid this problem. We 
want block-lambdas to look different from functions.

(2) is an overriding objection in my view.


   	Gavin Barraclough  
  January 18, 2012 
1:28 AM
  Just a thought, has a prefix ^ 
been considered?A lambda that takes no arguments 
could be:	^{ /*...*/ }And a lambda
 with some arguments:	^(x,y){ /*...*/ }I
 just find this really readable, the syntax for lambdas that take no 
arguments is delightfully minimal (just one extra character!), my brain 
is well trained to expect argument lists to be delimited by parentheses 
so I find this much easier to understand, and I find the ^ character 
pleasingly evocative of λ. :-)cheers,G.___es-discuss
 mailing listes-discuss@mozilla.org
   	Brendan Eich  
  January 13, 2012 
3:03 PM

The { and } around the || 
make it pretty clear the || is not a boolean. Also  you can put a space 
in {| |}. But mainly, as with any alternative bracketing system that 
uses an infix operator, we are relying on the leading { to make it clear
 that the immediately following delimiter, | in the proposal, cannot 
represent its usual infix role (| or ||).


   	john saylor  
  January 13, 2012 
1:11 PM
yes, i had the same impression [thx to those who supplied code 

one problem i came across in this domain is that a block lambda with
arguments is visually identical to a boolean or ['||']. context, i 
believe, will clarify this; but from a purely visual perspective, two 
adjacent pipe characters are almost archetypal for the boolean or 
operator [if i can speak about archetypes in computer programming].

   	Rick Waldron  
  January 13, 2012 
12:36 PM
  FWIW, After working through the
 example gists that I created last night, my opinion changed about the 
look of Block Lambda's with pipes. As others on the list have said 
previously and is now very clear to me, pipes provide a very distinct 
visual cue "this is a block lambda, expect X to happen here" where the 
{(args) expr } gets lost; these visual cues are important when you're 
reading and writing "real world" programs in _javascript_.


mailing listes-discuss@mozilla.org
   	Allen Wirfs-Brock  
  January 13, 2012 
10:51 AM
  I've updated a 
version of my Smalltalk collections implementation experiment to
 use block lambdas.This version is The
 one that you should compare it to is As
 you might expect, this new version is even closer in form to the 
original Smalltalk code.In particularly, I was able to 
eliminate all the artifacts that needed to be introduced because of 
function expressions  don't have Tennent's Correspondence. In
 the source, I've tagged the lines where TCP is using /*TCP*/Allen___es-discuss
 mailing listes-discuss@mozilla.org

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-18 Thread Gavin Barraclough
On Jan 18, 2012, at 2:09 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
   x = y
   ^{z: w}

On Jan 18, 2012, at 9:05 AM, Oliver Hunt wrote:
 Alas ^ is syntactically ambiguous in the non-argument case:

The ambiguity here doesn't seem particularly troubling. Under ASI this parses 
in a sensible fashion.
This seems unlikely to cause any confusion in real usage, since it only effects 
an object literal as an operand to a bitwise operator.

On the other hand, reuse of | seems somewhat more awkward. Based on the block 
lambda revival proposal, I believe:
{|x = (ab)| x}
{|x = (ab)| x}
{|x = ab| x}
Are all valid block lambdas, but:
{|x = ab| x}
Allowing an arbitrary subset of infix operators in initializer expressions 
seems an unfortunate wart, and potentially confusing to users of the language.

On Jan 18, 2012, at 2:09 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
 2. The TCP conformance makes anything like function (params) {body} an 
 anti-pattern. Changing function to ^ does not avoid this problem. We want 
 block-lambdas to look different from functions.
 (2) is an overriding objection in my view.

That's a fair point.
For my tastes reusing | as delimiters to the parameter lists is a step too far 
away from function-like syntax, particularly if it restricts an arbitrary 
subset of infix operators from initializers.

I'd suggest changing the terminator for the parameter list to something other 
than | ...
{|:  foo() }
{|x,y:  foo(x,y) }
But I'd hate myself if I did. ;-)


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-18 Thread Oliver Hunt

On Jan 18, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Gavin Barraclough wrote:

 On Jan 18, 2012, at 2:09 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
   x = y
   ^{z: w}
 On Jan 18, 2012, at 9:05 AM, Oliver Hunt wrote:
 Alas ^ is syntactically ambiguous in the non-argument case:
 The ambiguity here doesn't seem particularly troubling. Under ASI this parses 
 in a sensible fashion.

It doesn't


does not get any ASI, and is parsed (correctly) as a^b

 This seems unlikely to cause any confusion in real usage, since it only 
 effects an object literal as an operand to a bitwise operator.

I dislike the | mode quite a lot, the only obvious reason for that proposal 
existing is some peoples current love of ruby :)  Why not use the C++ lambda 
syntax?  or the MSVC lambda syntax? or the haskell syntax? etc, etc (Obj-C uses 
the ^ that we've already demonstrated is ambiguous :D )

 On the other hand, reuse of | seems somewhat more awkward. Based on the block 
 lambda revival proposal, I believe:
   {|x = (ab)| x}
   {|x = (ab)| x}
   {|x = ab| x}
 Are all valid block lambdas, but:
   {|x = ab| x}
 Allowing an arbitrary subset of infix operators in initializer expressions 
 seems an unfortunate wart, and potentially confusing to users of the language.
 On Jan 18, 2012, at 2:09 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
 2. The TCP conformance makes anything like function (params) {body} an 
 anti-pattern. Changing function to ^ does not avoid this problem. We want 
 block-lambdas to look different from functions.
 (2) is an overriding objection in my view.
 That's a fair point.
 For my tastes reusing | as delimiters to the parameter lists is a step too 
 far away from function-like syntax, particularly if it restricts an arbitrary 
 subset of infix operators from initializers.
 I'd suggest changing the terminator for the parameter list to something other 
 than | ...
   {|:  foo() }
   {|x,y:  foo(x,y) }
 But I'd hate myself if I did. ;-)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-18 Thread Brendan Eich

Oliver Hunt
January 18, 2012 11:37 AM

On Jan 18, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Gavin Barraclough wrote:
This seems unlikely to cause any confusion in real usage, since it 
only effects an object literal as an operand to a bitwise operator.

I dislike the | mode quite a lot, the only obvious reason for that 
proposal existing is some peoples current love of ruby :)

Not so -- I do not love Ruby. Also, this is essentially an _ad hominem_ 

 Why not use the C++ lambda syntax?

Because we cannot use (params) { body } without a restricted production 
*and* the result looking too much like a function, or run-together 
expression and block-statement. We've been over this.

Block-lambdas have significantly different semantics due to TCP 
conformance. They ought to look different.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-18 Thread Oliver Hunt

On Jan 18, 2012, at 11:41 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Oliver Hunt
 January 18, 2012 11:37 AM
 On Jan 18, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Gavin Barraclough wrote:
 This seems unlikely to cause any confusion in real usage, since it only 
 effects an object literal as an operand to a bitwise operator.
 I dislike the | mode quite a lot, the only obvious reason for that proposal 
 existing is some peoples current love of ruby :)
 Not so -- I do not love Ruby. Also, this is essentially an _ad hominem_ 

Many apologies, the ':)' was meant to imply that a knew that that wasn't a 
valid argument

 Why not use the C++ lambda syntax?
 Because we cannot use (params) { body } without a restricted production *and* 
 the result looking too much like a function, or run-together expression and 
 block-statement. We've been over this.
 Block-lambdas have significantly different semantics due to TCP conformance. 
 They ought to look different.

I guess.  Maybe the problem here is that I don't like the block-lambda concept 
itself.  I'll mull on i, and harass you at whatever magical location where 
meeting at tomorrow :D


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-18 Thread Brendan Eich

Oliver Hunt
January 18, 2012 11:45 AM
On Jan 18, 2012, at 11:41 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Not so -- I do not love Ruby. Also, this is essentially an _ad 
hominem_ argument. 

Many apologies, the ':)' was meant to imply that a knew that that wasn't a 
valid argument

Sure, I saw that -- just trying to stick up for myself as a non-lover of 

I think TCP is worth including in JS in a new special form. We've been 
talking about this since 2008 at least:

Anything we on this front is a new special form. We won't make a 
migration barrier or dialect/version fork and inflict TCP on functions. 
So then the issue is what concrete syntax might be best.

Looking at other languages is one way to hedge against the proven 
ability of any language designer to mistake the original for the good. 
Ruby's syntax has some basis in Smalltalk, but not much. Ruby is known 
to some JS developers but not all. There's some win here, but not 
decisive win.

Independent of Ruby, we've argued about other syntaxes, most recently 
{(params) body}, and everyone I saw champion that syntax came back to 
pipes to better distinguish the new special form from both functions and 
juxtaposed parenthesized expressions and block statements.

The fact that block-lambdas use the same {|params| body} syntax as Ruby 
in what I'm proposing is thus not an argument from authority (Matz's or 
other Rubyist's). The proposed syntax does not have anything to do with 
love of Ruby as in willing the good of Ruby (to use a sound 
definition of love). It has everything to do with loving JS *assuming* 
we want a TCP-conforming lambda special form.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-18 Thread François REMY
To be fair, after a long reflection, I have been concluding that no other 
proposal beat {|| ...} for block lambda at this time. Also, I’ve found some use 
cases where block-lambda are actually useful (something I was really curious 
about before thinking about it). In the future, they may even be used a lot by 
transpilers to emulate new language constructs in a ES-friendly way.

The main point I dislike with the current proposal is that it makes 
block-lambda used at places where I think they should not. It’s not because 
they are useful to solve some problems they are useful to fix all. Most of the 
time, when we want a lambda, we don’t want TCP. We want a new function. Just 
and only that. Since we want a new function, we are requesting function-like 
semantics. It’s logical.

An exemple:

function A() {
 let ret = {|x| return x; };
 let inc = {|x| x+1 };
 let j = 0;
 while (true) {
  if (j  3) ret(j);
  j = inc(j); 

I don’t think “inc” should be a block-lambda. It can be, if someone do that, I 
would not bother modifying the code. But it’s not the natural way to think. 
What we need here is not an “extension” of the current function (which is a 
block lambda is), we need a new function.

The problem is that the current syntax is too long :

let inc = function(x) { return x+1; }

I think (but I don’t say it’s what should be done, it’s up to debate) that 
alongside block-lambda, we should introduce a ‘canonical’ lambda proposal, that 
would just be syntaxic sugar for plain old functions.

The syntax I propose would be:

‘@(‘ + argument-list + ‘)’ + statement;

 // or if too complex
‘@(‘ + argument-list + ‘)’ + ‘{‘ + statement + ‘}’;

That would desugar to:

(function lambda_lineX_colY_fileZ(argument-list) {
return do {

That would allow the following samples :

let inc = @(x) x+1; x+1); { 
if(x.hasKey(‘a’)) {
} else {

and the more complex ones : {

while(x.parentNode) { 

if(x.tagName==’DIV’) { return x; } 


console.log(‘An element that has no parent DIV has been found.’);
return undefined;


Please note that the last one seems very complex to write using a block-lambda :{|x| let returnValue;

while(x.parentNode) {

if(x.tagName==’DIV’) { returnValue=x; break; }


if(returnValue) {
} else {
console.log(‘An element that has no parent DIV has been found.’);


That proposal does offer some middle ground between 

- ‘functions’ (classical functions)
- ‘lambdas’ which are local functions that are not meant to go outside the 
scope of an action
- ‘block-lambdas’ which are internal functions that are not meant to go outside 
the scope of a function scope.

Anyone can use what’s the most convenient for him, I think there’s room for all 
those things.

From: Axel Rauschmayer 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 8:48 PM
To: Oliver Hunt 
Cc: Brendan Eich ; es-discuss Steen 
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't
Maybe the problem here is that I don't like the block-lambda concept itself.

I’m curious: What do you dislike?

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-18 Thread Brendan Eich

François REMY
January 18, 2012 12:54 PM
To be fair, after a long reflection, I have been concluding that no 
other proposal beat {|| ...} for block lambda at this time. Also, I’ve 
found some use cases where block-lambda are actually useful (something 
I was really curious about before thinking about it). In the future, 
they may even be used a lot by transpilers to emulate new language 
constructs in a ES-friendly way.

Indeed -- and it's good to read this paragraph.
The main point I dislike with the current proposal is that it makes 
block-lambda used at places where I think they should not. It’s not 
because they are useful to solve some problems they are useful to fix 
all. Most of the time, when we want a lambda, we don’t want TCP. We 
want a new function.

I'm not sure about most, but you are right that we don't want one 
hammer for all nails. We have function already. It wants shorter syntax 
(some say). Providing block-lambdas does not help there, and may tempt 
misuse of block-lambda where function is better, just because of 
block-lambda's conciseness.

Just and only that. Since we want a new function, we are requesting 
function-like semantics. It’s logical.

An exemple:
function A() {
 let ret = {|x| return x; };
 let inc = {|x| x+1 };
 let j = 0;
while (true) {
if (j  3) ret(j);
  j = inc(j);
I don’t think “inc” should be a block-lambda. It can be, if someone do 
that, I would not bother modifying the code. But it’s not the natural 
way to think.

The TCP does help here, IMHO -- no 'return'.

What we need here is not an “extension” of the current function (which 
is a block lambda is), we need a new function.

Yet is 
in decline. But more below on that.

The problem is that the current syntax is too long :
let inc = function(x) { return x+1; }

It's not just the length -- the 'return' and arguably even the braces 
are too much for an expression-bodied function.
I think (/but I don’t say it’s what should be done, it’s up to 
debate/) that alongside block-lambda, we should introduce a 
‘canonical’ lambda proposal, that would just be syntaxic sugar for 
plain old functions.

Let's try not to use lambda two different ways, one of them not TCP. 
Lambda calculus and LISP fans want TCP.

The syntax I propose would be:
‘@(‘ + argument-list + ‘)’ + statement;

Two problems:

1. The semicolon can't be required, and if it isn't, then an Expression 
or AssignmentExpression statement as body inverts precedence fatally, 
because a function expression is a PrimaryExpression (ES6 fix, ES1-5 had 
it as MemberExpression, unobservably different and still high 
precedence). See

Adapting to your proposal:

function f() {return f}
var x = 3;
g = -  (a) a ? f : x++(1);

To fix (1), we want not simply a shorthand for high-precedence 
FunctionExpression, rather a new low-precedence production, as in 

AssignmentExpression :

Parenthesization will be required to use this kind of expression with 
higher precedence operators than , and = but those are rare operators 
with which to join any kind of function expression to other operators, 
with the possible exception of ( Arguments ) to invoke immediately. 
Immediate invocation would require parenthesizing the callee.

2. @ is wanted for private names. The precedent in Ruby and CoffeeScript 
for instance variables is strong.

// or if too complex
‘@(‘ + argument-list + ‘)’ + ‘{‘ + statement + ‘}’;

Definitely no ; at end here -- but this one is ok because the braces 
avoid precedence inversion.

To fix (2), how about reviving arrows and avoiding the non-LR(1) parsing 
for grammar validation problem?

ArrowFunctionExpression :
-  ArrowFormalParameters_opt AssignmentExpression
-  ArrowFormalParameters_opt ArrowBodyBlock_opt

ArrowFormalParameters :
( FormalParameterList_opt )
( this Initialiser_opt )
( this Initialiser_opt , FormalParameterList )

Someone with nick satyr mentioned this to me on #jslang 
just recently, referencing Ruby 1.9 and Perl6.

If this looks good I can edit 
and remove the words in it that set it up as a mutually exclusive 
alternative to

Please note that the last one seems very complex to write using a 
block-lambda :{|x|let returnValue;
while(x.parentNode) {
if(x.tagName==’DIV’) { returnValue=x; break; }
if(returnValue) {
} else {
console.log(‘An element that has no parent DIV has been 


Good point. 

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-13 Thread Quildreen Motta
I have an obvious bias towards 1 because I think Unicode symbols
describe much better the underlying intentions and semantics than
their ASCII alternatives (usually), however not many people creates
mappings for these symbols on their .XCompose (or even have a compose
key handy).

I remember you mentioning that the Haskell-ish alternative `\x, y {
body }' or `.\x, y { body }' was not practical, because \ is already a
valid escaping character in identifiers (?)

Given those above, despite my usual disliking of Ruby syntax, I prefer
the pipes over parenthesis, given the latter has an already too
overloaded semantics, such that `{ (foo, bar) (2) }' would look pretty
confusing, at least to me. However, what about `{x, y: body}'? Granted
we don't allow labels immediately following a lambda block (and I'm
not sure labels are used much in the language, I could be wrong

2012/1/13 Brendan Eich
 We have three coarse-grained alternatives:

 1. λ  (params) { body }

 1a. One problem is what should we use for λ? 'lambda', 'block', etc. are not
 reserved the syntax. Whatever the identifier (including Greek lambda: λ),
 this is an incompatible change.

 1b. Another problem: this form looks like a function expression with a
 different introductory keyword, but Tennent's Correspondence Principle makes
 the meaning of body elements including |this| and return/break/continue
 radically different. Different-enough semantics should have different

 2. { (params) body }

 Putting the parameter list in parentheses is more consistent with function
 syntax, while putting the parameters on the inside stresses the block-ness
 over function-ness. By block-ness I mean (ignoring let, const, and function
 in Harmony) how code and {code} are equivalent.

 Of course this cuts against the syntax too: block statements are not
 first-class callables whose code bodies are evaluated only if invoked, they
 are statements evaluated eagerly when reached. This syntax is arguably too

 A point that I remember having come up in past TC39 meetings: if we ever
 want structuring forms (object literals or destructuring patterns) that use
 () for grouping property names, this syntax is future hostile.

 3. { |params| body }

 This is new-to-JS, idiomatic block-like -- but not too block-statement-like
 -- syntax for novel body semantics.

 The bars will drive some people to distraction. Others will grok, or already
 do via Ruby. This is not to favor Ruby, just to build on the belief that
 some precedent in language design is better than none.

 We could reject (3) in favor of (2) if we had an overriding non-aesthetic
 reason. I don't see one.

 Aesthetics vary. The more conventional look of (2) seems like a usability
 hazard to me, which trumps aesthetics. Again I'd rather have something more
 different-looking to signal the novel application of TCP.


 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-13 Thread Brendan Eich
Arrows are not a live 
proposal because TC39 wants to keep LR(1) parsing for grammar validation
 (checking for ambiguities). We do not have consensus to change and 
there's no champion working on a credible alternative.

I could have dredged them up but they really are not happening, whereas 
we have recurring and live proposals for the three body-plans I listed.


   	Sam Ruby  
  January 13, 2012 
3:30 AM
  On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 12:20 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:
We have three coarse-grained alternatives:

If you are going to enumerate all potential alternatives (including
ones that you need to be rejected for one reason or another), then a
CoffeeScript inspired syntax should be included:

  (params) - {body}

- Sam Ruby

1. λ  (params) { body }

1a. One problem is what should we use for λ? 'lambda', 'block', etc. are not
reserved the syntax. Whatever the identifier (including Greek lambda: λ),
this is an incompatible change.

1b. Another problem: this form looks like a function _expression_ with a
different introductory keyword, but Tennent's Correspondence Principle makes
the meaning of body elements including |this| and return/break/continue
radically different. Different-enough semantics should have different

2. { (params) body }

Putting the parameter list in parentheses is more consistent with function
syntax, while putting the parameters on the inside stresses the block-ness
over function-ness. By block-ness I mean (ignoring let, const, and function
in Harmony) how code and {code} are equivalent.

Of course this cuts against the syntax too: block statements are not
first-class callables whose code bodies are evaluated only if invoked, they
are statements evaluated eagerly when reached. This syntax is arguably too

A point that I remember having come up in past TC39 meetings: if we ever
want structuring forms (object literals or destructuring patterns) that use
() for grouping property names, this syntax is future hostile.

3. { |params| body }

This is new-to-JS, idiomatic block-like -- but not too block-statement-like
-- syntax for novel body semantics.

The bars will drive some people to distraction. Others will grok, or already
do via Ruby. This is not to favor Ruby, just to build on the belief that
some precedent in language design is better than none.

We could reject (3) in favor of (2) if we had an overriding non-aesthetic
reason. I don't see one.

Aesthetics vary. The more conventional look of (2) seems like a usability
hazard to me, which trumps aesthetics. Again I'd rather have something more
different-looking to signal the novel application of TCP.


es-discuss mailing list

   	Brendan Eich  
  January 12, 2012 
9:20 PM

We have three 
coarse-grained alternatives:

1. λ  (params) { body }

1a. One problem is what should we use for λ?
 'lambda', 'block', etc. are not reserved the syntax. Whatever the 
identifier (including Greek lambda: λ), this 
is an incompatible change.

1b. Another problem: this form looks like a function _expression_ with a 
different introductory keyword, but Tennent's Correspondence Principle 
makes the meaning of body elements including |this| and 
return/break/continue radically different. Different-enough semantics 
should have different syntax.

2. { (params) body }

Putting the parameter list in parentheses is more consistent with 
function syntax, while putting the parameters on the inside stresses the
 block-ness over function-ness. By block-ness I mean (ignoring let, 
const, and function in Harmony) how code
 and {code} are equivalent.

Of course this cuts against the syntax too: block statements are not 
first-class callables whose code bodies are evaluated only if invoked, 
they are statements evaluated eagerly when reached. This syntax is 
arguably too block-like.

A point that I remember having come up in past TC39 meetings: if we ever
 want structuring forms (object literals or destructuring patterns) that
 use () for grouping property names, this syntax is future hostile.

3. { |params| body }

This is new-to-JS, idiomatic block-like -- but not too 
block-statement-like -- syntax for novel body semantics.

The bars will drive some people to distraction. Others will grok, or 
already do via Ruby. This is not to favor Ruby, just to build on the 
belief that some precedent in language design is better 
than none.

We could reject (3) in favor of (2) if we had an overriding 
non-aesthetic reason. I don't see one.

Aesthetics vary. The more conventional look of (2) seems like a 
usability hazard to me, which trumps aesthetics. Again I'd rather have 
something more different-looking to signal the novel application of TCP.


   	Brendan Eich  
  January 12, 2012 
7:23 PM

Sigh. Never mind, I'm 
thinking of statement not _expression_ context -- 

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-13 Thread Brendan Eich

   	Quildreen Motta  
  January 13, 2012 
5:30 AM
 those above, despite my usual disliking of Ruby syntax, I preferthe
 pipes over parenthesis, given the latter has an already toooverloaded
 semantics, such that `{ (foo, bar) (2) }' would look prettyconfusing,
 at least to me. However, what about `{x, y: body}'?

Parameters have optional guards (in the future), default value 
initialisers, destructuring patterns and so on. Using : is no good 
because, while we might manage to keep the grammar unambiguous, it is 
too visually light and is not a close-bracket. It's already used in ?: 
and labels.

 Grantedwe don't allow labels immediately following a 
lambda block (and I'mnot sure labels are used much in the language, I
 could be wronghowever).

Consider { x, y=a?b:c : body }.


   	Brendan Eich  
  January 12, 2012 
9:20 PM

We have three 
coarse-grained alternatives:

1. λ  (params) { body }

1a. One problem is what should we use for λ?
 'lambda', 'block', etc. are not reserved the syntax. Whatever the 
identifier (including Greek lambda: λ), this 
is an incompatible change.

1b. Another problem: this form looks like a function _expression_ with a 
different introductory keyword, but Tennent's Correspondence Principle 
makes the meaning of body elements including |this| and 
return/break/continue radically different. Different-enough semantics 
should have different syntax.

2. { (params) body }

Putting the parameter list in parentheses is more consistent with 
function syntax, while putting the parameters on the inside stresses the
 block-ness over function-ness. By block-ness I mean (ignoring let, 
const, and function in Harmony) how code
 and {code} are equivalent.

Of course this cuts against the syntax too: block statements are not 
first-class callables whose code bodies are evaluated only if invoked, 
they are statements evaluated eagerly when reached. This syntax is 
arguably too block-like.

A point that I remember having come up in past TC39 meetings: if we ever
 want structuring forms (object literals or destructuring patterns) that
 use () for grouping property names, this syntax is future hostile.

3. { |params| body }

This is new-to-JS, idiomatic block-like -- but not too 
block-statement-like -- syntax for novel body semantics.

The bars will drive some people to distraction. Others will grok, or 
already do via Ruby. This is not to favor Ruby, just to build on the 
belief that some precedent in language design is better 
than none.

We could reject (3) in favor of (2) if we had an overriding 
non-aesthetic reason. I don't see one.

Aesthetics vary. The more conventional look of (2) seems like a 
usability hazard to me, which trumps aesthetics. Again I'd rather have 
something more different-looking to signal the novel application of TCP.


   	Brendan Eich  
  January 12, 2012 
7:23 PM

Sigh. Never mind, I'm 
thinking of statement not _expression_ context -- and you can't start an 
_expression_ statement with {. Parade's back on. :-)


   	Brendan Eich  
  January 12, 2012 
7:21 PM

Sorry, thought about it 
more and I'm raining on your (and dherman's) parade :-(.

In an _expression_ but not statement context,

  ... { (x) e; }

is already a valid JS program if e begins with (, [, +, or - (the last 
two intended as unary operators but becoming binary).

Note that | bracketing avoids this problem. In no case can JS of any 
extant version have a legal sequence {|.

But because {( is already allowed, what comes after the closing ) can be
 the continuation of a parenthesized _expression_.

Even if you don't buy my "better to look different because not function"
 argument, this tilts the balance.


   	Brendan Eich  
  January 12, 2012 
4:53 PM

... continuing
 with my sent-too-soon message:
    function() {
   asyncAction(..., { (a, b) a.add(b); } }
You're right, this could be done. Allen's right that aesthetics matter, 
and so (aesthetic sensibilities in various people were formed by these) 
do older languages. Ruby uses || not (). Smalltalk uses | but 
differently, and of course does not use {}.
Apart from aesthetics, I argue that || are better because they are 
different from the overloaded () pair, which mean _expression_ grouping in
 the nearby context of the body of the block-lambda, e.g. a.add()b; 
above. () also are used around formal parameter lists. And of course 
they are used for control structure heads, e.g. if (foo).
Rather than overloading () yet again, for a different formal parameter 
list context (block-lambda parameter list after {), which is immediately
 adjacent to an _expression_-statement contexts (the block-lambda body), I
 believe we should use ||.
The Ruby precedent is another reason, and a particular reason to use | 
instead of some other candidate. But I'm mainly trying to persuade you 
here that () is not the best 

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-13 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jan 13, 2012, at 6:09 AM, john saylor wrote:

 hello world!
 On 01/12/2012 09:09 PM, David Herman wrote:
 It does help to write a reasonable chunk of code to compare syntaxes for 
 uses of a feature in the wild. Does some enterprising es-discusser wanna 
 take a big JS program with a bunch of little anonymous functions, swap them 
 out with block lambdas, and make two gists with the two different syntaxes? 
 That'd be super helpful.
 i think this would be very helpful too [although, sadly, since i am 
 overcommitted as it is, it will not be me].

I've updated a version of my Smalltalk collections implementation 
experiment to use block lambdas.
This version is
The one that you should compare it to is

As you might expect, this new version is even closer in form to the original 
Smalltalk code.
In particularly, I was able to eliminate all the artifacts that needed to be 
introduced because of function expressions  don't have Tennent's 
In the source, I've tagged the lines where TCP is using /*TCP*/

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-13 Thread Rick Waldron
FWIW, After working through the example gists that I created last night, my
opinion changed about the look of Block Lambda's with pipes. As others on
the list have said previously and is now very clear to me, pipes provide a
very distinct visual cue this is a block lambda, expect X to happen here
where the {(args) expr } gets lost; these visual cues are important when
you're reading and writing real world programs in JavaScript.


On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock al...@wirfs-brock.comwrote:

 On Jan 13, 2012, at 6:09 AM, john saylor wrote:

 hello world!

 On 01/12/2012 09:09 PM, David Herman wrote:

 It does help to write a reasonable chunk of code to compare syntaxes for
 uses of a feature in the wild. Does some enterprising es-discusser wanna
 take a big JS program with a bunch of little anonymous functions, swap them
 out with block lambdas, and make two gists with the two different syntaxes?
 That'd be super helpful.

 i think this would be very helpful too [although, sadly, since i am
 overcommitted as it is, it will not be me].

 I've updated a version of my Smalltalk collections implementation
 experiment to use block lambdas.
 This version is

 The one that you should compare it to is

 As you might expect, this new version is even closer in form to the
 original Smalltalk code.
 In particularly, I was able to eliminate all the artifacts that needed to
 be introduced because of function expressions  don't have Tennent's
 In the source, I've tagged the lines where TCP is using /*TCP*/


 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-13 Thread john saylor

On 01/13/2012 03:36 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:

others on the list have said previously and is now very clear to me,
pipes provide a very distinct visual cue this is a block lambda, expect
X to happen here where the {(args) expr } gets lost; these visual cues
are important when you're reading and writing real world programs in

yes, i had the same impression [thx to those who supplied code examples].

one problem i came across in this domain is that a block lambda with no 
arguments is visually identical to a boolean or ['||']. context, i 
believe, will clarify this; but from a purely visual perspective, two 
adjacent pipe characters are almost archetypal for the boolean or 
operator [if i can speak about archetypes in computer programming].

-- yeah yeah yeah -beatles
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-13 Thread Brendan Eich
The { and } around the || 
make it pretty clear the || is not a boolean. Also you can put a space 
in {| |}. But mainly, as with any alternative bracketing system that 
uses an infix operator, we are relying on the leading { to make it clear
 that the immediately following delimiter, | in the proposal, cannot 
represent its usual infix role (| or ||).


   	john saylor  
  January 13, 2012 
1:11 PM
yes, i had the same impression [thx to those who supplied code 

one problem i came across in this domain is that a block lambda with
arguments is visually identical to a boolean or ['||']. context, i 
believe, will clarify this; but from a purely visual perspective, two 
adjacent pipe characters are almost archetypal for the boolean or 
operator [if i can speak about archetypes in computer programming].

   	Rick Waldron  
  January 13, 2012 
12:36 PM
  FWIW, After working through the
 example gists that I created last night, my opinion changed about the 
look of Block Lambda's with pipes. As others on the list have said 
previously and is now very clear to me, pipes provide a very distinct 
visual cue "this is a block lambda, expect X to happen here" where the 
{(args) expr } gets lost; these visual cues are important when you're 
reading and writing "real world" programs in _javascript_.


mailing listes-discuss@mozilla.org
   	Allen Wirfs-Brock  
  January 13, 2012 
10:51 AM
  I've updated a 
version of my Smalltalk collections implementation experiment to
 use block lambdas.This version is
 one that you should compare it to is
 you might expect, this new version is even closer in form to the 
original Smalltalk code.In particularly, I was able to 
eliminate all the artifacts that needed to be introduced because of 
function expressions don't have Tennent's Correspondence.In
 the source, I've tagged the lines where TCP is using /*TCP*/Allen___es-discuss
 mailing listes-discuss@mozilla.org
   	john saylor  
  January 13, 2012 
6:09 AM
  hello world!

i think this would be very helpful too [although, sadly, since i am 
overcommitted as it is, it will not be me].

   	David Herman  
  January 12, 2012 
6:09 PM
  On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:23 PM, Franois REMY wrote:

If not (as it seems to me), it means that a block lambda will not be used as a statement by itself. If it's the case, it should defined as an _expression_ only, where there's no anonymous block to conflict the syntax. That solution has been chosen for object notation in the past. That way,

  function() {
  (a, b)

would still be an anonymous block where

  function() {
  asyncAction(..., { (a, b) a.add(b); } }

would be a block lambda as an argument of an async function. No semantic change for an identical syntax, in regards to strict ES5.

So simple, and so brilliant. I love it!

I must say, the parens look much prettier to me, and they're of course more consistent with JS precedent.

It does help to write a reasonable chunk of code to compare syntaxes for uses of a feature "in the wild." Does some enterprising es-discusser wanna take a big JS program with a bunch of little anonymous functions, swap them out with block lambdas, and make two gists with the two different syntaxes? That'd be super helpful.

And since I still continue to hope we'll ditch the unprefixed anonymous block in some future revision of ES, that very small edge case could vanish at the same time.

I don't understand what you're referring to here -- what do you mean by "unprefixed anonymous block?"

Does it seems possible/acceptable?



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es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-12 Thread Jon Zeppieri
On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Thaddee Tyl wrote:
 I have heard many fellow programmers say that, while block lambdas
 would be welcome, Ruby's |a, b| syntax is ugly.
 I thought I was the only one feeling this way, but since I am not, I
 would like to ask why the parentheses cannot be used there.

    { (a, b) a + b }

 cannot conflict with any existing program; at least I don't see how it can.

And if people choose to use newlines in their code?

{(a, b)
   a + b}

... already has a meaning.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-12 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jan 12, 2012, at 1:26 PM, Thaddee Tyl wrote:

 I have heard many fellow programmers say that, while block lambdas
 would be welcome, Ruby's |a, b| syntax is ugly.
 I thought I was the only one feeling this way, but since I am not, I
 would like to ask why the parentheses cannot be used there.
{ (a, b) a + b }
 cannot conflict with any existing program; at least I don't see how it can.

but it is ambiguous with  other currently valid statement blocks such as:

   { (a, b) + b}


  { (a,b)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-12 Thread François REMY
Am I wrong if I say there not a bigger issue with block lambda than with the 
current object notation on the matter?

I mean, does that code mean anything useful?

   function() {
   {|a,b| a+b};

If not (as it seems to me), it means that a block lambda will not be used as 
a statement by itself. If it's the case, it should defined as an Expression 
only, where there's no anonymous block to conflict the syntax. That solution 
has been chosen for object notation in the past. That way,

   function() {
   (a, b)

would still be an anonymous block where

   function() {
   asyncAction(..., { (a, b) a.add(b); } }

would be a block lambda as an argument of an async function. No semantic 
change for an identical syntax, in regards to strict ES5.

The case where you would like to use a block lambda as a stament can be 
resolved by adding parenthesis, like with the current object notation. And 
since I still continue to hope we'll ditch the unprefixed anonymous block in 
some future revision of ES, that very small edge case could vanish at the 
same time.

Does it seems possible/acceptable?

-Message d'origine- 
From: Allen Wirfs-Brock

Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 10:38 PM
To: Thaddee Tyl
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

On Jan 12, 2012, at 1:26 PM, Thaddee Tyl wrote:

I have heard many fellow programmers say that, while block lambdas
would be welcome, Ruby's |a, b| syntax is ugly.
I thought I was the only one feeling this way, but since I am not, I
would like to ask why the parentheses cannot be used there.

   { (a, b) a + b }

cannot conflict with any existing program; at least I don't see how it 

but it is ambiguous with  other currently valid statement blocks such as:

  { (a, b) + b}


 { (a,b)

es-discuss mailing list 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-12 Thread Thaddee Tyl
On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 11:23 PM, François REMY wrote:
 Am I wrong if I say there not a bigger issue with block lambda than with the
 current object notation on the matter?

 I mean, does that code mean anything useful?

   function() {
       {|a,b| a+b};

 If not (as it seems to me), it means that a block lambda will not be used as
 a statement by itself. If it's the case, it should defined as an Expression
 only, where there's no anonymous block to conflict the syntax. That solution
 has been chosen for object notation in the past. That way,

   function() {
           (a, b)

 would still be an anonymous block where

   function() {
       asyncAction(..., { (a, b) a.add(b); } }

 would be a block lambda as an argument of an async function. No semantic
 change for an identical syntax, in regards to strict ES5.

 The case where you would like to use a block lambda as a stament can be
 resolved by adding parenthesis, like with the current object notation. And
 since I still continue to hope we'll ditch the unprefixed anonymous block in
 some future revision of ES, that very small edge case could vanish at the
 same time.

 Does it seems possible/acceptable?

Looks like a great idea to me!
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-12 Thread Brendan Eich

François REMY
January 12, 2012 2:23 PM
Am I wrong if I say there not a bigger issue with block lambda than 
with the current object notation on the matter?

Please continue :-).

I mean, does that code mean anything useful?

   function() {
   {|a,b| a+b};

(You need a name for that function if it is a declaration, and from the 
context you show, it is.)

Does this perfectly valid JS mean anything useful?

  function f() {
(function (a, b) { return a + b; });

Nevertheless, it is legal. JS follows C (not Java) in allowing seemingly 
useless expression-statements. This can be a source of bugs. It is also 
required in some cases, namely when the function expression (in 
parentheses) is the completion value of a Program. In such a case that 
value could be the wanted result of eval or an eval-like host API.

If not (as it seems to me), it means that a block lambda will not be 
used as a statement by itself. If it's the case, it should defined as 
an Expression only,

Expression is already a kind of statement, via ExpressionStatement. 
Furthermore, an ExpressionStatement *already* cannot start with a left 
curly brace. Please read the grammar:

12.4 Expression Statement


ExpressionStatement :
[lookahead ? {{, function}] Expression ;

NOTE An ExpressionStatement cannot start with an opening curly brace 
because that might make it ambiguous with a Block. Also, an 
ExpressionStatement cannot start with the function keyword because that 
might make it ambiguous with a FunctionDeclaration.

where there's no anonymous block to conflict the syntax.

This is the conflict you're looking for.

That solution has been chosen for object notation in the past. That way,

   function() {
   (a, b)

That is already valid ES1-6.

Others have already replied, but the problem with redefining ( after { 
without untenable newline sensitivity is it is a backward-incompatible 


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-12 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:23 PM, François REMY wrote:

 Am I wrong if I say there not a bigger issue with block lambda than with the 
 current object notation on the matter?

I think you're correct.  An ExpressionStatment can not begin with a { 
so,without changing that rule,  there should be no potential for ambiguity 
between Block and BlockLambda.  The only issue is distinguishing ObjectLiteral 
and BlockLambda  and from that perspective a {(  is as good as a {| as neither 
is ambiguous with existing ObjectLiteral syntax,

At that point, it becomes a matter of taste.  Which of  {|x|} or {(x)} looks better to you?  I find the | | more pleasant and easer for my 
eyes to pick out, but I'm undoubtably influenced by many years of reading and 
writing Smalltalk code.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-12 Thread Jon Zeppieri
On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:23 PM, François REMY wrote:

 Am I wrong if I say there not a bigger issue with block lambda than with the
 current object notation on the matter?

 I think you're correct.  An ExpressionStatment can not begin with a {
 so,without changing that rule,  there should be no potential for ambiguity
 between Block and BlockLambda.  The only issue is distinguishing
 ObjectLiteral and BlockLambda  and from that perspective a {(  is as good as
 a {| as neither is ambiguous with existing ObjectLiteral syntax,

An additional consideration: for a block lambda's completion value to
be another block lambda, the {( syntax would require parenthesis,
while the {| syntax would not:

let succ =

With the grammar François is suggesting, this would be a syntax error
(I think), since the body of a block lambda is a StatementList_opt.
The {| syntax, on the other hand, can accommodate block lambdas as
expression statements, though, given another token of lookahead
(again, I think).
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-12 Thread Jon Zeppieri
On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 7:11 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Jon Zeppieri wrote:

 With the grammar François is suggesting, this would be a syntax error
 (I think), since the body of a block lambda is a StatementList_opt.
 The {| syntax, on the other hand, can accommodate block lambdas as
 expression statements, though, given another token of lookahead
 (again, I think).

 With two token look-ahead a | BlockLambda could be allowed at the head of a
 statement, but it still would not enable unparenthesized object literals at
 the head of a statement.  It seems like a cognitive burden to allow one  but
 not the other.  A simple { at the start of an expression statement must be
 parenthesized rules seems easiest to learn and remember.


That's a good point, but I think that unparenthesized block lambdas
might be worth this complication. I hadn't considered object literals,
at all, while writing the previous message, and I don't think that was
simply an oversight. Object literals and blocks have a similar syntax
but dissimilar meaning. Block lambdas, on the other hand, are
semantically kinda-sorta like blocks. You don't need to parenthesize
nested blocks in JS code. (In fact, you can't.) That leads me to
expect unparenthesized block lambdas.

I guess it depends, to some extent, whether you think block lambdas
and object literals have more in common with each other (both being
first-class values) than block lambdas and blocks do (both being lists
of statements).
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-12 Thread Brendan Eich

... continuing with my sent-too-soon message:

   function() {
   asyncAction(..., { (a, b) a.add(b); } }

You're right, this could be done. Allen's right that aesthetics matter, 
and so (aesthetic sensibilities in various people were formed by these) 
do older languages. Ruby uses || not (). Smalltalk uses | but 
differently, and of course does not use {}.

Apart from aesthetics, I argue that || are better because they are 
different from the overloaded () pair, which mean expression grouping in 
the nearby context of the body of the block-lambda, e.g. a.add()b; 
above. () also are used around formal parameter lists. And of course 
they are used for control structure heads, e.g. if (foo).

Rather than overloading () yet again, for a different formal parameter 
list context (block-lambda parameter list after {), which is immediately 
adjacent to an expression-statement contexts (the block-lambda body), I 
believe we should use ||.

The Ruby precedent is another reason, and a particular reason to use | 
instead of some other candidate. But I'm mainly trying to persuade you 
here that () is not the best choice just because it brackets formal 
parameter lists for functions.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-12 Thread David Herman
On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:23 PM, François REMY wrote:

 If not (as it seems to me), it means that a block lambda will not be used as 
 a statement by itself. If it's the case, it should defined as an Expression 
 only, where there's no anonymous block to conflict the syntax. That solution 
 has been chosen for object notation in the past. That way,
   function() {
   (a, b)
 would still be an anonymous block where
   function() {
   asyncAction(..., { (a, b) a.add(b); } }
 would be a block lambda as an argument of an async function. No semantic 
 change for an identical syntax, in regards to strict ES5.

So simple, and so brilliant. I love it!

I must say, the parens look much prettier to me, and they're of course more 
consistent with JS precedent.

It does help to write a reasonable chunk of code to compare syntaxes for uses 
of a feature in the wild. Does some enterprising es-discusser wanna take a 
big JS program with a bunch of little anonymous functions, swap them out with 
block lambdas, and make two gists with the two different syntaxes? That'd be 
super helpful.

 And since I still continue to hope we'll ditch the unprefixed anonymous block 
 in some future revision of ES, that very small edge case could vanish at the 
 same time.

I don't understand what you're referring to here -- what do you mean by 
unprefixed anonymous block?

 Does it seems possible/acceptable?



es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-12 Thread Rick Waldron
From the perspective of someone who writes JS every day, the parens look
and feel right.

Dave, you asked for some example code, this is actually from task.js:

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:09 PM, David Herman wrote:

 On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:23 PM, François REMY wrote:

  If not (as it seems to me), it means that a block lambda will not be
 used as a statement by itself. If it's the case, it should defined as an
 Expression only, where there's no anonymous block to conflict the syntax.
 That solution has been chosen for object notation in the past. That way,
function() {
(a, b)
  would still be an anonymous block where
function() {
asyncAction(..., { (a, b) a.add(b); } }
  would be a block lambda as an argument of an async function. No semantic
 change for an identical syntax, in regards to strict ES5.

 So simple, and so brilliant. I love it!

 I must say, the parens look much prettier to me, and they're of course
 more consistent with JS precedent.

 It does help to write a reasonable chunk of code to compare syntaxes for
 uses of a feature in the wild. Does some enterprising es-discusser wanna
 take a big JS program with a bunch of little anonymous functions, swap them
 out with block lambdas, and make two gists with the two different syntaxes?
 That'd be super helpful.

  And since I still continue to hope we'll ditch the unprefixed anonymous
 block in some future revision of ES, that very small edge case could vanish
 at the same time.

 I don't understand what you're referring to here -- what do you mean by
 unprefixed anonymous block?

  Does it seems possible/acceptable?



 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-12 Thread Rick Waldron
This one is from and
has more real world uses


On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:55 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 From the perspective of someone who writes JS every day, the parens look
 and feel right.

 Dave, you asked for some example code, this is actually from task.js:

 On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:09 PM, David Herman wrote:

 On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:23 PM, François REMY wrote:

  If not (as it seems to me), it means that a block lambda will not be
 used as a statement by itself. If it's the case, it should defined as an
 Expression only, where there's no anonymous block to conflict the syntax.
 That solution has been chosen for object notation in the past. That way,
function() {
(a, b)
  would still be an anonymous block where
function() {
asyncAction(..., { (a, b) a.add(b); } }
  would be a block lambda as an argument of an async function. No
 semantic change for an identical syntax, in regards to strict ES5.

 So simple, and so brilliant. I love it!

 I must say, the parens look much prettier to me, and they're of course
 more consistent with JS precedent.

 It does help to write a reasonable chunk of code to compare syntaxes for
 uses of a feature in the wild. Does some enterprising es-discusser wanna
 take a big JS program with a bunch of little anonymous functions, swap them
 out with block lambdas, and make two gists with the two different syntaxes?
 That'd be super helpful.

  And since I still continue to hope we'll ditch the unprefixed anonymous
 block in some future revision of ES, that very small edge case could vanish
 at the same time.

 I don't understand what you're referring to here -- what do you mean by
 unprefixed anonymous block?

  Does it seems possible/acceptable?



 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-12 Thread Brendan Eich
b) a.add(b); } }

would be a block lambda as an argument of an async function. No 
change for an identical syntax, in regards to strict ES5.

The case where you would like to use a block lambda as a stament can
resolved by adding parenthesis, like with the current object notation. 
since I still continue to hope we'll ditch the unprefixed anonymous 
block in 
some future revision of ES, that very small edge case could vanish at 
same time.

Does it seems possible/acceptable?

-Message d'origine- 
From: Allen Wirfs-Brock
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 10:38 PM
To: Thaddee Tyl
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

On Jan 12, 2012, at 1:26 PM, Thaddee Tyl wrote:

but it is ambiguous with other currently valid statement blocks 
such as:

 { (a, b) + b}


{ (a,b)

es-discuss mailing list 

es-discuss mailing list

   	Allen Wirfs-Brock  
  January 12, 2012 
1:38 PM
  but it is 
ambiguous with  other currently valid statement blocks such as: 
  { (a, b) + b}or  { (a,b) a+b  }Allen___es-discuss
 mailing listes-discuss@mozilla.org

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