[FairfieldLife] Re: The Alien in the White House

2010-06-10 Thread emptybill
Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear
And it shows them pearly white
Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe
And he keeps it, ah, out of sight
Ya know when that shark bites with his teeth, babe
Scarlet billows start to spread
Fancy gloves, oh, wears old MacHeath, babe
So there's never, never a trace of red

Bertold Brecht

According to Ralph von Wau Wau it's all part of the application of
political power - whether hits, misses, strident ideology or just

According to Mahatma Propagandhi, Joseph Goebbels, it is loyalty to the
people, loyalty to the idea, loyalty to the movement, and loyalty to the
master guide!

Which side are you on is usually the final question before either
joining someone's political theater or, instead, getting executed.

As for either politicos or devas/asuras, I'm not on anyone's side but
most assuredly I'm not on the side of immense beings whose leisure and
amusement is to play out  their designs in the human realm.

This of course sounds like fantasy to most people.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@...

 I don't get what the inhabitants of subtle worlds has to do with
Rabinowitz's not so subtle hit piece on Obama.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  Whether I agree or disagree ... isn't it still the shark's bite?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's email about his own sanity or lack of

2010-06-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sun...@... wrote:

   Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  Damn, mouses = mice, I'm falling off the Beethovenesque 
  standards that Rick has set for me, I love him and I hope 
  I can continue to be in his good books to slowly navigate 
  up on the food chain from FFL - BATGAP.
 Good luck with that.  For what I understand, you have to be 
 recommend by two of the five posters there. Then there is a 
 30 day probationary period. And then I believe you are required 
 to have BATGAP tatooed above  your left ankle. Many have tried, 
 and almost  as many have failed.

Thanks for this, Ray. Your first line almost caused
me to spit out my morning coffee laughing.  :-)

To be fair, I think there are at least 7 members of
BATGAP. And interestingly, possibly as a result of
the cross-pollenation of FFL and BATGAP recently,
some of them even dare to disagree with each other.
Quietly and gently, in a I still affirm that you
are almost as highly evolved as I am but on this
issue you make be full of shit way (without the
actual full of shit line, of course, more like
I'm not sure you've considered all the ramifica-
tions of believing this). 

For example, given a quick read-through yesterday,
someone's declaration that the scam-healer Trivedi's
recent comment that he could clean up the oil spill
instantly via his all-powerful Woo Woo if only he 
was asked to was greeted by (Gawd help us) actual
skepticism by at least two people. And when another 
person tried to advance the POV that Germans who 
viewed Hitler as their personal portal to God were 
really finding God there, that got some WTF feedback
from a couple of people, too.

I'm thinkin' that there is either Trouble In Paradise
or a few of the 7 members of BATGAP are in danger of
having at least one foot still on the ground. 

And, since I'm commenting on the differences between
the two Rick-spawned groups, I do have to mention at
least one significant difference I've noticed. On
BATGAP, there seems to actually be...and it's a good
thing I don't believe in God because He might strike
me with lightning for saying this, given my history...
less ego on BATGAP.

That is, there is a comparative absence of people 
trolling for attention and reacting badly if it is
not bestowed on them. Part of this may have to do 
with the No Raging Arguments Here sign clearly 
posted at the door...those who seem to live for
arguments and do everything they can to provoke and
prolong them would not be tempted to troll there,
because it's not their kinda fishing hole.

But this difference also shows up in the cases where
someone actually does speak up and not buy into 
another poster's sales pitch. The reaction of the
rejected salesperson does not seem to be a retreat
into infantile Tantrum Yoga, ego-assertion, and
name-calling. That seems to be a specialty of FFL.

Just subjective impressions on my part, not declar-
ations of truth. In other words, opinion...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Teaching Virtue

2010-06-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Having discipline (as in attending to things) in spiritual practice.

Who is more disciplined in their spiritual practice,
Buck -- the person who believes that spiritual practice
is limited to meditation, going to the domes or to visit
the occasional saint and stuff like that, or the person
who believes that everything he or she does all day,
every day, no matter how insignificant or mundane, is 
part of his or her spiritual practice? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Alien in the White House

2010-06-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptyb...@... wrote:

 Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear
 And it shows them pearly white
 Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe
 And he keeps it, ah, out of sight
 Ya know when that shark bites with his teeth, babe
 Scarlet billows start to spread
 Fancy gloves, oh, wears old MacHeath, babe
 So there's never, never a trace of red
 Bertold Brecht
 According to Ralph von Wau Wau it's all part of the application of
 political power - whether hits, misses, strident ideology or just
 According to Mahatma Propagandhi, Joseph Goebbels, it is loyalty 
 to the people, loyalty to the idea, loyalty to the movement, and 
 loyalty to the master guide!
 Which side are you on is usually the final question before either
 joining someone's political theater or, instead, getting executed.
 As for either politicos or devas/asuras, I'm not on anyone's side 
 but most assuredly I'm not on the side of immense beings whose 
 leisure and amusement is to play out their designs in the human 

Nice post, and excellent last paragraph above, EB.

That's my position with regard to Veda-thumpers.
They'd like to have it both ways...that the wars,
petty ego squabbles and genocides that fill the
pages of the Vedic literature they equate with
Truth are all metaphors, and not to be taken at
face value, but at the same time if they project
something like one of the verses suggesting that
man can achieve faster-than-lightspeed and travel
to other planets, that is Truth Incarnate.  :-)

The fascinating thing to me when dealing with 
Veda-thumpers is that they really don't see that
the actions of the gods and goddesses described
in its pages are *completely human*. Wars are
fought and whole tribes are exterminated because
some guy boinked someone else's old lady, or ran
off with some other god's sacred cow. It's Soap
Opera In The Sky.

And we're supposed to believe that these petty, 
completely-ruled-by-emotion, jealous-of-each-other 
assholes run the fuckin' universe, and that we 
should not only believe that they are In Charge 
of our lives but *revere* them for being In Charge 
by praying to them and offering them shit they want, 
like rice and ghee and off-key chanting?

At least the Christian God is an old fart who mainly
sits on a throne and strokes His long, hoary beard
and lets His son do the dirty work for Him. In 
their mythology He doesn't go running around trying
to pork other people's wives. If one had to believe
that some immense being was In Charge, better 
this one than the petty gods and goddesses of
Brahmaloka in my opinion.

 This of course sounds like fantasy to most people.

It sounds like fantasy to me, too. What is fascin-
ating is that there are some -- even on this forum
-- who accept it as not only reality but the 
Ultimate Reality. Go figure. 

[FairfieldLife] BP tries to clean up the spill

2010-06-10 Thread TurquoiseB
Comedy.com takes you inside the offices of BP as 
they try to clean up a terrible spill of brown, 


An allegory for our times...


[FairfieldLife] Has Sarah Palin combined nut job with boob job?

2010-06-10 Thread TurquoiseB
I think most here consider Sarah Palin a bit of a boob,
and many of the things she says...uh...blown out of
proportion to reality. 

Now even FOX News is speculating that her boobs may
have the same relationship to reality.


[FairfieldLife] Barry peels Onions

2010-06-10 Thread Jason
Don't need a black belt to peel the onions
Krish Ashok

 The Buddha, in one of his lesser followed
pieces of advice, implored his followers to
constantly question the status quo, to challenge
prevailing customs and mores, and more critically,
respect skepticism as a philosophy. And not
surprisingly, he wasn't the only founder of a
religion to say this - look deeply enough and one
finds the Charvaka school of agnosticism that
essentially says the same thing. There is even a
character in the Ramayana, Jaavaali, who
exemplifies the skeptic school of thought. Quite
obviously, it is one of the most commonly ignored
bits of wisdom in any religion.

It unfortunately runs headlong into the ego of an
individual. From the time when the schoolteacher
informs one that your answers to her questions
were not satisfactory and worse, not as good as
some of your peers, most people build a volatile
trigger for criticism. They say that with age
comes maturity but in the manner of
thinskinnedness towards others skepticism of one's
ideas and abilities, it only gets worse with age.

But our minds are complex things and we have
learned to build a veritable psychological onion,
layers of bad logic that prevent us from realising
what the Buddha the Charvaka school were really
trying to say. The very first layer is the fallacy
that one's community, group, country et al are
more correct than the others. This is not very
difficult to peel off, as mere knowledge of the
rest of the world and its diversity is enough to
give one pause about the absolutely supremacy of
one's group affiliations.

The second layer is a little more tricky. It's the
belief that what is old and traditional must not
be questioned. It is, for example, the belief that
anything arcane and written in Sanskrit is somehow
divine and even if we don't understand most of it
today, it must have meant something special so
best not to take any risks. A particularly
insidious offshoot of this belief is the opinion
that anyone questioning tradition must first be an
expert in it. While it is expected that it is
incumbent on the rebel to know what he or she is
rebelling about, simply using this as a crutch to
dismiss someone's arguments is silly. When a
fiveyearold kid asks his father why all the women
in the house are wearing uncomfortable black
burqas in the middle of summer, responding with
First read the Quran and then ask these
questions is ridiculous. It does not take a PhD
in music to point out, for instance, that someone
is singing out of pitch on a TV competition. A
straightforward exa­mple in most religions is
gender bias. Most people do understand that most
parts of the world discriminated against women for
most of our history and a large part of this bias
was enshrined in scripture. So when a Hindu
wedding symbolically glorifies the birth of a male
child (almost all mantras do), somebody pointing
that out does not need to be a Sanskrit black belt
to do so.

So the next time somebody tells you that before
you question custom and tradition, you first need
to be an expert, get your onion peeler out.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Teaching Virtue

2010-06-10 Thread Buck

  Having discipline (as in attending to things) in spiritual practice.
 Who is more disciplined in their spiritual practice,
 Buck -- the person who believes that spiritual practice
 is limited to meditation, going to the domes or to visit
 the occasional saint and stuff like that, or the person
 who believes that everything he or she does all day,
 every day, no matter how insignificant or mundane, is 
 part of his or her spiritual practice?

Well yes, is all part of the experience and the practice of discernment has a 
lot to do with the spin of the subtle spiritual system of the soul.  I should 
suspect that science will show it too in time as they would look further in to 
spirituality.  Like seeing the neuro-physiology of sin also by contrast with 
with what they are finding as the physiology of spiritual practices.  In the 
science as it is in the experience.  That contrast might well teach you to 
repent your ways if the scriptural advice won't.

 Sin requires a complex definition.  It is not a transgression against an 
arbitrary code of behavior decreed by a whimsical God.  The Creator made human 
a spiritual being, a soul endowed with an individualization of His own divine 
nature.  He gave to the soul, evolved from its own Self, the instruments of a 
body and a mind with which to perceive and interact with the objects of a 
maya-manifested universe.  

If man lives in perfect harmony with the machinations of these principles, he 
remains a spiritual being in charge of his body and mind.  Sin is that which 
compromises that perfect self-mastery.  It has its automatic negative effect to 
the degree of the influence of delusion with in it -involving no condemnation 
of an irate God.  Man's free-will actions simply harmonize and strengthen the 
expressed essence of his soul perfection or weaken and degrade it into mortal 
enslavement.   -Yogananda

Jai Adi Shankara,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Checkout Ravi Yogi's FB profile !!

2010-06-10 Thread shukra69
like a troubled 9 year old boy. you could live a more dignified and meaningful 
life, its not about psychiatric drugs

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@... wrote:

 Will do, but I have been playing with my 4 year old niece for the past 2
 days. We had so much fun that you have grossly underestimated my maturity.
 The existence is fulfilling one more of my last desires of taking care of a
 baby girl and I just can't explain how much fun I have had with her. My
 sister-in-law's sick, so there's pain, sadness, happiness, bliss, laughter
 all thrown in...I took care of my niece and we walk around aimlessly around
 parks, the whole apartment complex that has a beautiful trail, waterfalls,
 trees, birds, animals, everything is so alive. Malden, Mass is verily heaven
 on earth for me now. I have done so much in 2 days I wouldn't be dependent
 on anyone anymore for my joy, I'm just sharing my joy here in equal measure,
 you just don't have the heart to feel it. I can tell her some tall tales and
 she returns the favor in equal measure..LOL..she is such a joy, so innocent
 that I had to post it. Hope the parents don't read it and get mad at me. I
 learned it from my brother who makes up as he narrates, the story becomes so
 exciting and unpredictable and I was impressed. Everyone is a guru that
 teaches me, stories are more fun that the inane discussions we have here.
 What is a story is lost on me.
 Am I a yogi? Guru? Bipolar? Schizophrenic? brother, uncle, husband, lover,
 partner, father,..roles are lost, I make up as I go - I just don't know who
 I am and so  keep reminding me so I can keep taking you for a ride..LOL...
 Dil ke Surkh Diwaaron Pe Naam Hai Teraa Naam Hai Teraa...I have your name
 engraved in the bloody walls of my heart.
 (The word Shukra is in this song, shukra - surkh - red - bloody)
 I can leave my body in supreme joy now, my mother in the form of my niece
 entertaining me. In fact I gave a glimpse of leaving body to my brother's
 family, they don't realize how lucky they are, I was totally aware, my
 brother was sitting next to me with a dead pulse. He has forgotten it, how
 my body was dead but how I was so alive. They are one hell of a lucky
 family. I had practiced that earlier with my family and freaked my beloved
 out, my roommate totally ran away and I haven't heard back from him
 since..:-)..I actually thought I was dying, giving instructions on how to
 dispose of my body, later realized those were just practice runs...:-). My
 brother's family's one tough cookie - blessed and open minded. This has
 enabled me to identify who are in tune with me, they laughed when I said I
 was leaving my body, though in jest, half scared, I took it seriously and
 stopped the experiments. But I know how to use it when needed.
 May be I'm finishing old stories and starting new stories, nothing and
 everything makes sense..
 How are our stories any worse that the ones you have here. Everyone has a
 right to enjoy their stories including me. You can ignore it like I do
 yours, I search for my name and only read and respond the emails that have
 my first name in them..LOL..
 The pun is on my family, they were supposed to take care of me, now I take
 care of them. The whole world prays for me not realizing the irony of it.
 Now they have forgotten, no one bothers to ask about me now, I do all the
 work at the house with supreme joy and I forget the role I'm playing but I'm
 reminded by everyone..soon enough..
 Like I said this is just too much for your shukri brain to wrap around..so
 just use technology to skip my posts..
 On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 8:21 PM, shukra69 shukr...@... wrote:
  your personality maturation is barely that of an adolescent, you need to
  get help (counselling) to learn how to deal with adulthood.People knowing
  your age are expecting you to think and act as an adult. I hope you can take
  that with some good humor and act constructively with that understanding.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's email about his own sanity or lack of

2010-06-10 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 And, since I'm commenting on the differences between
 the two Rick-spawned groups, I do have to mention at
 least one significant difference I've noticed. On
 BATGAP, there seems to actually be...and it's a good
 thing I don't believe in God because He might strike
 me with lightning for saying this, given my history...
 less ego on BATGAP.

Yes, I enjoy the posting on BATGAP, and have noticed what you've just
mentioned.  I have to say that it seems to be the chat room version of
conflict free diamonds, as in conflict free dialog.  Yes, there are
some disagreements, but they are usually prefaced with a gentle

 That is, there is a comparative absence of people
 trolling for attention and reacting badly if it is
 not bestowed on them. Part of this may have to do
 with the No Raging Arguments Here sign clearly
 posted at the door...those who seem to live for
 arguments and do everything they can to provoke and
 prolong them would not be tempted to troll there,
 because it's not their kinda fishing hole.

 But this difference also shows up in the cases where
 someone actually does speak up and not buy into
 another poster's sales pitch. The reaction of the
 rejected salesperson does not seem to be a retreat
 into infantile Tantrum Yoga, ego-assertion, and
 name-calling. That seems to be a specialty of FFL.

 Just subjective impressions on my part, not declar-
 ations of truth. In other words, opinion...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Has Sarah Palin combined nut job with boob job?

2010-06-10 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , TurquoiseB no_re...@...

 I think most here consider Sarah Palin a bit of a boob,
 and many of the things she says...uh...blown out of
 proportion to reality.

 Now even FOX News is speculating that her boobs may
 have the same relationship to reality.


What's being suggested is that she just got implants
*recently*. The before photo that's being used as
proof is from the Runner's World shoot she did in
August 2009.

Funny thing, though, it appears she must have gotten
the implants back in 1984 for the Miss Alaska contest
and had them *removed* sometime between then
and the Runner's World photo shoot--

--and then had them put back again in time for the
T-shirt photo at the Belmont Stakes last weekend.


Also see this video for a more 3-D view of Miss Alaska:


(And for the record, it was a liberal blogger, Wonkette,
who started the rumor.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lock-down on the Gulf

2010-06-10 Thread brian64705
I sent your comment to James Fox via Facebook and he responded: 

I've got more info coming VERY soon that will support my oberservations of a 
strong military presence in that area. I also have footage from the air of the 
oil marching into the shores and wet lands coming within 5 hours. Thank you for 
writing to me and keep in touch,


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:
  Thanks!  I searched some of the many blogs that have reposted
  this and NOT ONE has any rebuttal of this story, or update.
 Well, you're welcome to repost what I wrote on those blogs
 if you think it'll help. (If you do, please omit my name, or
 identify me as Swift Loris, which is my handle for blog
  don't have a TV so I am glad to hear this guy has just got a
  real case of paranoia. He did report though on young guy said
  his dad worked on the cleanup and that it was far worse than
  the media were reporting.
 This was a 15-year-old kid, probably scared by it all,
 or enjoying scaring the filmmaker. Who knows where he got
 the idea? There has been talk *in the media* that BP was
 underestimating the flow, which is accurate, but the
 government has had independent scientists estimate it, and
 while it's more than was originally estimated, it's not
 vastly more--and it's being *reported* that it's more,
 so that's not a big secret.
 This filmmaker guy had only been there less than a day.
 It's not surprising there was a lot of hustle and bustle
 and tension in the town, because it's one of the big 
 staging areas for the cleanup, and also has some of the
 worst damage from the oil. Folks there would naturally be
 on edge and upset.
 I wouldn't suggest nothing the guy said was true, but he
 was taking bits and pieces and putting them together in
 a sensational way that misrepresents what's really going
  The two stories on Anderson Cooper last night were really
  shocking and may be the reason BP stock dropped another
  19% today. I think the biggest percentage drop since the
  crisis began.
  See these links:
  Video: Attorney: BP's 'conduct is criminal'
  Video: Rig survivors: BP ordered shortcut on day of blast
 Wow, that second one with the survivors is hard to
 watch. I hope they're getting treatment for PTSD,
 because they sure look like they're all struggling
 with it.
 Cooper did an excellent job interviewing them, I
 thought, straightforward but gentle, low key.
 But...bear in mind that everybody has an axe to grind.
 The TV people, especially the cable folks, have an
 interest in promoting the Bad BP theme because it
 gets them eyeballs. It doesn't hurt to take them with
 a grain of salt, including Cooper. Lawyers likewise.
 Cooper gets details wrong from time to time. I haven't
 seen one TV report or read one print story that is
 completely accurate.
 BP is a rotten company, and I hope they get what's
 coming to them. But that doesn't mean everything
 they do is wrong or that all their intentions are
 evil or that there are huge conspiracies between
 them and the government. As with everything else in
 the world, there are shades of gray.
 If you're interested in really knowledgeable
 discussion of this disaster by oil industry folks--most
 of whom are not, to say the least, fans of BP--take a
 look at this blog:
 I've been hanging out there since the beginning of the
 spill, mostly just absorbing. A lot of the discussion
 in the comments is way over my head technically, but
 enough of it is accessible to the layperson to make it
 The continuing discussion of the spill is just part of
 what's on the blog; look for the posts with BP Deepwater
 Oil Spill in the title. The posts themselves have a lot
 of good information, and  there's real meat in the
 comments. You won't become an expert, but if you stick
 around for a while, you'll know more than about 99 
 percent of the public does. It's a good place to check
 out rumors, too.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   BP sucks, no question, but this is crazy talk.
   There's been a no-fly zone (enforced by the Coast Guard
   and the FAA) over the spill site for weeks; it's nothing
   new. The Coast Guard has regular overflights every few
   days for the media so photos and video can be shot of the
   spill site and beaches and marshes and so on.
   The very last thing they need is for some small plane or
   helicopter to get in trouble and crash in the area of the
   There have been constant reports coming in from the media,
   so the idea that there's some sort of lockdown is absurd.
   You see the reports on the news every night--NBC has a

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: 2010 Summer Session IAA

2010-06-10 Thread Buck
I forwarded your post to old TM friends out in the world,
and this came back in response,

Yes, I've heard that there is quite a change going on with the TM movement.  
And nothing I am interested in right now for my spiritual path either.  I 
actually did a wonderful yoga treat with the SF Zen center at their facility in 
Tassajara - a very magical place.  Have you ever been or heard of it.  I really 
enjoyed their guest practice in their zendo - a very simple meditation.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays dickm...@... wrote:

 2010 Summer Session
 Invincible America Assembly
 Events on the Maharishi University of Management campus
 Summer Session IA Assembly July 3-31 Governor Refresher Block 1
 (Governor Recertification Course) July 10 through 24 July Visitors 
 Weekend, MUM July 16-19 TM-Sidhi Program Checking Meeting July 21 
 Guru Purnima July 25 National Governor Workshops July 26 through 28 
 Governor Refresher Block 2 July 29 through Aug. 7 Musical Workshops 
 Aug. 2-7 Meditator Residence Course Aug. 13-16
 Please note: for information about Governor courses, email 
 mailto:educat...@...educat...@... Contacts for the musical 
 workshops and the Residence Course are listed below. For information 
 on the Visitor's Weekend, see 
 Ongoing Events
 Advanced Techniques
 July 17-18 or by request; we will do everything possible to 
 accommodate you. Please call Wally DeVasier at (641) 919-8188.
 Maharishi Ayurvedic Treatments and Vedic Health Sessions at The Raj
 Ayurvedic health experts Mark Toomey, Ph.D. or Sankari Wegman, Ph.D. 
 are available by appointment. Call (641) 472-9580, Ext. 6. See 
 http://www.theraj.comwww.theraj.com for more information.
 Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems is also available at The Raj, and 
 can be scheduled at (641) 472-9580, Ext. 6.
 Maharishi Vedic Vibration Therapy (MVVT)
 Experts will be available this summer. To research and apply, see 
 http://www.vedicvibration.comwww.vedicvibration.com or call Deirdre 
 Meehan, (641) 469-6706.
 Maharishi Vedic Performances
 If you would like to attend a live Maharishi Vedic Pandit 
 performance-expected to be available many Sundays this summer-please 
 register online: www.invincibleamerica.org/vedic_performances
 Meditator Residence Courses
 To apply, please call Wally DeVasier at (641) 919-8188.
 Consciousness, Creativity and Music: Silence into Sound-enlivening 
 transcendence within and across musical genres
 A series of performances and hands-on workshops led by a variety of 
 professional Sidha and Governor musicians; may include a Maharishi 
 Gandharva Veda musician. For details, please contact Isabelle Matzkin 
 Programs for Children
 The Maharishi School is organizing a series of summer camps from June 
 21 through July 30, for children ages 5 through 10. For details, 
 contact Laura Bordow, (641) 472-9400 Ext. #5070, or email 
 Area Activities
 If you are considering bringing your family or simply want to enjoy 
 200% of life, walking trails, swimming and other sports, art, music 
 and theatrical events, and a variety of restaurants are all available 
 in Fairfield and nearby communities. For more detailed information, 
 check out this website: 
 You may also contact Bob and Carol Markowitz at 641-919-7045. They 
 will be happy to help.
 http://invincibleamerica.org/unsubscribe/Click here to unsubscribe

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Alien in the White House

2010-06-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptyb...@... wrote:

 Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear
 And it shows them pearly white
 Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe
 And he keeps it, ah, out of sight
 Ya know when that shark bites with his teeth, babe
 Scarlet billows start to spread
 Fancy gloves, oh, wears old MacHeath, babe
 So there's never, never a trace of red
 Bertold Brecht

Ugh. That really gunks up the Blitzstein

Oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear
And he shows them pearly white
Just a jackknife has Macheath, dear
And he keeps it out of sight

When the shark bites with his teeth, dear
Scarlet billows start to spread
Fancy gloves, though, wears Macheath, dear
So there's not a trace of red

But the original German is so much better:

Und der Haifisch, der hat Zähne
Und die trägt er im Gesicht
Und Macheath, der hat ein Messer
Doch das Messer sieht man nicht

Ach, es sind des Haifischs Flossen
Rot, wenn dieser Blut vergießt
Mackie Messer trägt 'nen Handschuh
Drauf man keine Untat liest

Last verse (usually omitted in the
popular versions):

Und die minderjährige Witwe
Deren Namen jeder weiß
Wachte auf und war geschändet
Mackie, welches war dein Preis?

Literal translation:

And the underage widow
Whose name everyone knows
Woke up and was [found she had been] raped
Mack, what was your price [did you charge]?

Bertolt Brecht himself singing, 1928:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lock-down on the Gulf

2010-06-10 Thread brian64705
He's posted video of his flight over Grand Isle yesterday as well as interviews 
on the streets of New Orleans on his YouTube channel:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_re...@... wrote:

 I sent your comment to James Fox via Facebook and he responded: 
 I've got more info coming VERY soon that will support my oberservations of a 
 strong military presence in that area. I also have footage from the air of 
 the oil marching into the shores and wet lands coming within 5 hours. Thank 
 you for writing to me and keep in touch,
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:
   Thanks!  I searched some of the many blogs that have reposted
   this and NOT ONE has any rebuttal of this story, or update.
  Well, you're welcome to repost what I wrote on those blogs
  if you think it'll help. (If you do, please omit my name, or
  identify me as Swift Loris, which is my handle for blog
   don't have a TV so I am glad to hear this guy has just got a
   real case of paranoia. He did report though on young guy said
   his dad worked on the cleanup and that it was far worse than
   the media were reporting.
  This was a 15-year-old kid, probably scared by it all,
  or enjoying scaring the filmmaker. Who knows where he got
  the idea? There has been talk *in the media* that BP was
  underestimating the flow, which is accurate, but the
  government has had independent scientists estimate it, and
  while it's more than was originally estimated, it's not
  vastly more--and it's being *reported* that it's more,
  so that's not a big secret.
  This filmmaker guy had only been there less than a day.
  It's not surprising there was a lot of hustle and bustle
  and tension in the town, because it's one of the big 
  staging areas for the cleanup, and also has some of the
  worst damage from the oil. Folks there would naturally be
  on edge and upset.
  I wouldn't suggest nothing the guy said was true, but he
  was taking bits and pieces and putting them together in
  a sensational way that misrepresents what's really going
   The two stories on Anderson Cooper last night were really
   shocking and may be the reason BP stock dropped another
   19% today. I think the biggest percentage drop since the
   crisis began.
   See these links:
   Video: Attorney: BP's 'conduct is criminal'
   Video: Rig survivors: BP ordered shortcut on day of blast
  Wow, that second one with the survivors is hard to
  watch. I hope they're getting treatment for PTSD,
  because they sure look like they're all struggling
  with it.
  Cooper did an excellent job interviewing them, I
  thought, straightforward but gentle, low key.
  But...bear in mind that everybody has an axe to grind.
  The TV people, especially the cable folks, have an
  interest in promoting the Bad BP theme because it
  gets them eyeballs. It doesn't hurt to take them with
  a grain of salt, including Cooper. Lawyers likewise.
  Cooper gets details wrong from time to time. I haven't
  seen one TV report or read one print story that is
  completely accurate.
  BP is a rotten company, and I hope they get what's
  coming to them. But that doesn't mean everything
  they do is wrong or that all their intentions are
  evil or that there are huge conspiracies between
  them and the government. As with everything else in
  the world, there are shades of gray.
  If you're interested in really knowledgeable
  discussion of this disaster by oil industry folks--most
  of whom are not, to say the least, fans of BP--take a
  look at this blog:
  I've been hanging out there since the beginning of the
  spill, mostly just absorbing. A lot of the discussion
  in the comments is way over my head technically, but
  enough of it is accessible to the layperson to make it
  The continuing discussion of the spill is just part of
  what's on the blog; look for the posts with BP Deepwater
  Oil Spill in the title. The posts themselves have a lot
  of good information, and  there's real meat in the
  comments. You won't become an expert, but if you stick
  around for a while, you'll know more than about 99 
  percent of the public does. It's a good place to check
  out rumors, too.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
BP sucks, no question, but this is crazy talk.

There's been a no-fly zone (enforced by the Coast Guard
and the FAA) over the spill site for weeks; it's nothing
new. The Coast Guard has regular overflights every few
days for the media so photos and video can be shot of the
spill site 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lock-down on the Gulf

2010-06-10 Thread authfriend
Brian, I looked at the NY Times this morning and found
I have to take back some of what I wrote:


Apparently some reporters' access *has* been restricted,
more or less arbitrarily. But there doesn't seem to be
any reason for it other than as a function of BP's
overall reflexive, bureaucratic lack of transparency; it
isn't a matter of trying to hide some far worse catastrophe
than we know about. The stated policy of both the government
and BP is to accommodate journalists as much as possible.

I was also wrong about the no-fly zone. Small planes *are*
allowed to fly over the site if they first get permission
from the FAA--although, again, some reporters have been
denied permission. It isn't so much a no-fly zone as it
is restricted airspace.

Sorry for misleading you on those points! Do read the Times
article for more details.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:
  Thanks!  I searched some of the many blogs that have reposted
  this and NOT ONE has any rebuttal of this story, or update.
 Well, you're welcome to repost what I wrote on those blogs
 if you think it'll help. (If you do, please omit my name, or
 identify me as Swift Loris, which is my handle for blog
  don't have a TV so I am glad to hear this guy has just got a
  real case of paranoia. He did report though on young guy said
  his dad worked on the cleanup and that it was far worse than
  the media were reporting.
 This was a 15-year-old kid, probably scared by it all,
 or enjoying scaring the filmmaker. Who knows where he got
 the idea? There has been talk *in the media* that BP was
 underestimating the flow, which is accurate, but the
 government has had independent scientists estimate it, and
 while it's more than was originally estimated, it's not
 vastly more--and it's being *reported* that it's more,
 so that's not a big secret.
 This filmmaker guy had only been there less than a day.
 It's not surprising there was a lot of hustle and bustle
 and tension in the town, because it's one of the big 
 staging areas for the cleanup, and also has some of the
 worst damage from the oil. Folks there would naturally be
 on edge and upset.
 I wouldn't suggest nothing the guy said was true, but he
 was taking bits and pieces and putting them together in
 a sensational way that misrepresents what's really going
  The two stories on Anderson Cooper last night were really
  shocking and may be the reason BP stock dropped another
  19% today. I think the biggest percentage drop since the
  crisis began.
  See these links:
  Video: Attorney: BP's 'conduct is criminal'
  Video: Rig survivors: BP ordered shortcut on day of blast
 Wow, that second one with the survivors is hard to
 watch. I hope they're getting treatment for PTSD,
 because they sure look like they're all struggling
 with it.
 Cooper did an excellent job interviewing them, I
 thought, straightforward but gentle, low key.
 But...bear in mind that everybody has an axe to grind.
 The TV people, especially the cable folks, have an
 interest in promoting the Bad BP theme because it
 gets them eyeballs. It doesn't hurt to take them with
 a grain of salt, including Cooper. Lawyers likewise.
 Cooper gets details wrong from time to time. I haven't
 seen one TV report or read one print story that is
 completely accurate.
 BP is a rotten company, and I hope they get what's
 coming to them. But that doesn't mean everything
 they do is wrong or that all their intentions are
 evil or that there are huge conspiracies between
 them and the government. As with everything else in
 the world, there are shades of gray.
 If you're interested in really knowledgeable
 discussion of this disaster by oil industry folks--most
 of whom are not, to say the least, fans of BP--take a
 look at this blog:
 I've been hanging out there since the beginning of the
 spill, mostly just absorbing. A lot of the discussion
 in the comments is way over my head technically, but
 enough of it is accessible to the layperson to make it
 The continuing discussion of the spill is just part of
 what's on the blog; look for the posts with BP Deepwater
 Oil Spill in the title. The posts themselves have a lot
 of good information, and  there's real meat in the
 comments. You won't become an expert, but if you stick
 around for a while, you'll know more than about 99 
 percent of the public does. It's a good place to check
 out rumors, too.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   BP sucks, no question, but this is crazy talk.
   There's been a no-fly zone (enforced by the Coast 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking on Religion

2010-06-10 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 Life may be astoundingly abundant out there.  Hawking is refusing to see that 
 life is a gimme -- built into the subtle laws of physics -- and if this is 
 so, then life isn't so damned insignificant as he's framing it. He'd argue 
 that even if life is automatic, we're in but one universe where that is true 
 -- a so-called Goldilocks universe that is just right for life, but that 
 there's an infinity of universes that might have no life possible.  I'd say 
 that decades in a cripple's chair is tilting his views about God's ability to 

Gosh, what a hideous thing to say. And all because Hawking doesn't
share your views, but do you really think he hasn't considered
alternatives. Your statement is an insult based on ifs you'd
*like* to be true. I also see why science is going to win.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   There is a fundamental difference between religion, which 
   is based on authority, and science, which is based on 
   observation and reason. Science will win because it works.
  When asked by ABC News' Diane Sawyer about the biggest
  mystery he'd like solved, he said, 'I want to know why
  the universe exists, why there is something greater than
  'What could define God [is thinking of God] as the
  embodiment of the laws of nature. However, this is not
  what most people would think of that God,' Hawking told
  Sawyer. 'They made a human-like being with whom one can
  have a personal relationship. When you look at the vast
  size of the universe and how insignificant an accidental
  human life is in it, that seems most impossible.'...
   I love his advice to his children...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking on Religion

2010-06-10 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Life may be astoundingly abundant out there.  Hawking is refusing to see 
  that life is a gimme -- built into the subtle laws of physics -- and if 
  this is so, then life isn't so damned insignificant as he's framing it. 
  He'd argue that even if life is automatic, we're in but one universe where 
  that is true -- a so-called Goldilocks universe that is just right for 
  life, but that there's an infinity of universes that might have no life 
  possible.  I'd say that decades in a cripple's chair is tilting his views 
  about God's ability to dance. 
 We should remember that Hawking has a history of changing his views on a 
 dime.  Who knows what he would say tomorrow when he gets up either on the 
 right or left side of his bed.

Hawking doesn't change views on a dime, he's a scientist.
He proposes explanations and they stand for as long as the
evidence supports them. New evidence, new theories needed.
Perhaps you doubt his credentials because he is always quick
to admit when he's in error. No absolutes there.

Big difference between all that and religions which can't 
change their POV without ceasing to be defined by the 
revelations that started them in the first place. Not without
a lot of side-stepping and special pleading anyway.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
There is a fundamental difference between religion, which 
is based on authority, and science, which is based on 
observation and reason. Science will win because it works.
   When asked by ABC News' Diane Sawyer about the biggest
   mystery he'd like solved, he said, 'I want to know why
   the universe exists, why there is something greater than
   'What could define God [is thinking of God] as the
   embodiment of the laws of nature. However, this is not
   what most people would think of that God,' Hawking told
   Sawyer. 'They made a human-like being with whom one can
   have a personal relationship. When you look at the vast
   size of the universe and how insignificant an accidental
   human life is in it, that seems most impossible.'...


I love his advice to his children...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking on Religion + Psycho Girlfriend 1-7

2010-06-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodle...@... wrote:

 Hawking doesn't change views on a dime, he's a scientist.
 He proposes explanations and they stand for as long as the
 evidence supports them. New evidence, new theories needed.
 Perhaps you doubt his credentials because he is always quick
 to admit when he's in error. No absolutes there.
 Big difference between all that and religions which can't 
 change their POV without ceasing to be defined by the 
 revelations that started them in the first place. 

Well said...here and in the previous post. The 
button-pushability of the God freak and the way
they feel they have to lash out at and demonize
the button-pusher never ceases to astound me. 

I really like your last sentence. I think it nails
the issue. The God freaks have spent so much time
investing in a concept and belief system and have
*identified with it* so strongly that they're 
terrified that if the belief goes away, so do
they. It's as if when one of these beliefs is
threatened, they actually feel that *they* are
being threatened, because they've come to think
that without that belief, they would have no 

If you want a concept to ponder, try to imagine
the God who would not only not be ashamed by 
having such people stick up for him, but be
proud of them. Psycho God.

And now for something completely different...

The only segue here is the word Psycho. These
links were posted on another forum by someone
who posts here from time to time but who shall 
remain nameless. I'll take the fall for this one
all by myself.  :-)

This is an example of a new phenomenon, the YouTube
TV series. Very well done and acted, IMO. And if
you've ever *had* a Psycho Girlfriend, you'll dig it.

Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 1:

Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 2:

Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 3:

Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 4:

Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 5:

Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 6:

Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 7:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Joran Van der Sloot Jyotish

2010-06-10 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   And now you're putting words in my mouth, even though
   I've made it clear on any number of occasions--including
   to you--that I'm highly dubious of astrology in general.
  So why keep defending it?
 As I've already pointed out, you can't productively
 critique something if you don't understand how it's
 said to work. I haven't been defending it, I've
 been trying to explain it to you.
 But it's clear you don't want to do the mental work
 necessary to get clear on it; you'd rather just toss
 off your own harebrained straw-man criticisms.

Oh right, I don't agree with you that it works in *any* 
noticeable way so *I* must have created a straw-man to 
argue against. This line of debate sounds familiar, you
can't prove it so it's *me* that's wrong, I'm just too 
stupid to understand you. Duh. 

And there's me who actually learned how to draw up
horoscopes MANUALLY, thus realising the amazing truth
behind the maths. It's bollocks. You wont find a jyotishee
to admit that because they probably all use computers and 
who knows, maybe they still think the sun goes round the 
earth. Just a straw-man of course, the fact it makes no 
physical sense is irrelevant to how well it works*


Same to you I'm sure.

* Just in case you don't get that sarcasm, I am waiting 
really patiently for some evidence, you'd think it'd be 
forthcoming and unarguable after all these years but I've 
not seen it. I've looked too, and seen jyotishees myself 
and met countless believers, all to no avail. Nothing 
beyond wishful thinking, projection and selective editing.
Funny eh? And also rather suspicious, still maybe the 
the practise that seems not to work actually does but 
untraceably, maybe that's what I don't understand eh?

Call me fussy but I like things to be demonstrable in a 
way that discounts any alternative explanations, especially
woo-woo or self-delusion. That's just me, moon in sagittarius.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking on Religion

2010-06-10 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jun 10, 2010, at 8:45 AM, Hugo wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:
 Life may be astoundingly abundant out there.  Hawking is refusing to see 
 that life is a gimme -- built into the subtle laws of physics -- and if this 
 is so, then life isn't so damned insignificant as he's framing it. He'd 
 argue that even if life is automatic, we're in but one universe where that 
 is true -- a so-called Goldilocks universe that is just right for life, 
 but that there's an infinity of universes that might have no life possible.  
 I'd say that decades in a cripple's chair is tilting his views about God's 
 ability to dance. 
 Gosh, what a hideous thing to say. And all because Hawking doesn't
 share your views,

Hideous is right.  Edg, get some help.
I'd say that decades (or at least years)
of having people not take you as seriously
as you feel you're owed has considerably warped your
views on how to fight fair without resorting to 
cheap, mean-spirited personal shots.

 but do you really think he hasn't considered
 alternatives. Your statement is an insult based on ifs you'd
 *like* to be true. I also see why science is going to win.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking on Religion + Psycho Girlfriend 1-7

2010-06-10 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:

 This is an example of a new phenomenon, the YouTube
 TV series. Very well done and acted, IMO. 

 And if you've ever *had* a Psycho Girlfriend, you'll dig it.

You mean there's another sort?*

 Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 1:

Hilarious but the sort of thing I can only watch
a bit of at a time. Scarily familiar I'm afraid to

I can't imagine what horrors lurk in the rest
of the episodes, I shall watch later once I've 
had a drink to steady my nerves.

*That's a joke everyone.

 Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 2:
 Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 3:
 Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 4:
 Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 5:
 Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 6:
 Psycho Girlfriend, Episode 7:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lock-down on the Gulf

2010-06-10 Thread gullible fool

This story is reported by Mel Fabregas. He lost credibility with me by pouring 
it on so thick. So, I put his name into a google search box expecting he would 
show up as an extremist. Sure enough, the blurb on the very first search hit 
The Veritas Show with Mel Fabregas is a weekly show exploring exopolitics, UFO 
and paranornmal phenomenona, conspiracies and current world events.
Now, I'm not saying anything he says is not true, because I don't know, but 
personally I would not forward stuff like this around unless it were 
corroborated by more sources.
Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Thu, 6/10/10, brian64705 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

From: brian64705 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lock-down on the Gulf
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, June 10, 2010, 9:01 AM

I sent your comment to James Fox via Facebook and he responded: 

I've got more info coming VERY soon that will support my oberservations of a 
strong military presence in that area. I also have footage from the air of the 
oil marching into the shores and wet lands coming within 5 hours. Thank you for 
writing to me and keep in touch,


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:
  Thanks!  I searched some of the many blogs that have reposted
  this and NOT ONE has any rebuttal of this story, or update.
 Well, you're welcome to repost what I wrote on those blogs
 if you think it'll help. (If you do, please omit my name, or
 identify me as Swift Loris, which is my handle for blog
  don't have a TV so I am glad to hear this guy has just got a
  real case of paranoia. He did report though on young guy said
  his dad worked on the cleanup and that it was far worse than
  the media were reporting.
 This was a 15-year-old kid, probably scared by it all,
 or enjoying scaring the filmmaker. Who knows where he got
 the idea? There has been talk *in the media* that BP was
 underestimating the flow, which is accurate, but the
 government has had independent scientists estimate it, and
 while it's more than was originally estimated, it's not
 vastly more--and it's being *reported* that it's more,
 so that's not a big secret.
 This filmmaker guy had only been there less than a day.
 It's not surprising there was a lot of hustle and bustle
 and tension in the town, because it's one of the big 
 staging areas for the cleanup, and also has some of the
 worst damage from the oil. Folks there would naturally be
 on edge and upset.
 I wouldn't suggest nothing the guy said was true, but he
 was taking bits and pieces and putting them together in
 a sensational way that misrepresents what's really going
  The two stories on Anderson Cooper last night were really
  shocking and may be the reason BP stock dropped another
  19% today. I think the biggest percentage drop since the
  crisis began.
  See these links:
  Video: Attorney: BP's 'conduct is criminal'
  Video: Rig survivors: BP ordered shortcut on day of blast
 Wow, that second one with the survivors is hard to
 watch. I hope they're getting treatment for PTSD,
 because they sure look like they're all struggling
 with it.
 Cooper did an excellent job interviewing them, I
 thought, straightforward but gentle, low key.
 But...bear in mind that everybody has an axe to grind.
 The TV people, especially the cable folks, have an
 interest in promoting the Bad BP theme because it
 gets them eyeballs. It doesn't hurt to take them with
 a grain of salt, including Cooper. Lawyers likewise.
 Cooper gets details wrong from time to time. I haven't
 seen one TV report or read one print story that is
 completely accurate.
 BP is a rotten company, and I hope they get what's
 coming to them. But that doesn't mean everything
 they do is wrong or that all their intentions are
 evil or that there are huge conspiracies between
 them and the government. As with everything else in
 the world, there are shades of gray.
 If you're interested in really knowledgeable
 discussion of this disaster by oil industry folks--most
 of whom are not, to say the least, fans of BP--take a
 look at this blog:
 I've been hanging out there since the beginning of the
 spill, mostly just absorbing. A lot of the discussion
 in the comments is way over my head technically, but
 enough of it is accessible to the layperson to make it
 The continuing discussion of the spill is just part of
 what's on the blog; look for the posts with BP Deepwater
 Oil Spill in the title. The posts themselves have a lot
 of good information, and  there's real meat in the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stephen Hawking on Religion

2010-06-10 Thread Duveyoung
Hideous?  Hideous?


1 : offensive to the senses and especially to sight : exceedingly ugly
2 : morally offensive 

Hugo you're getting a D- on your commentsee me after class.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodle...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Life may be astoundingly abundant out there.  Hawking is refusing to see 
  that life is a gimme -- built into the subtle laws of physics -- and if 
  this is so, then life isn't so damned insignificant as he's framing it. 
  He'd argue that even if life is automatic, we're in but one universe where 
  that is true -- a so-called Goldilocks universe that is just right for 
  life, but that there's an infinity of universes that might have no life 
  possible.  I'd say that decades in a cripple's chair is tilting his views 
  about God's ability to dance. 
 Gosh, what a hideous thing to say. And all because Hawking doesn't
 share your views, but do you really think he hasn't considered
 alternatives. Your statement is an insult based on ifs you'd
 *like* to be true. I also see why science is going to win.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
There is a fundamental difference between religion, which 
is based on authority, and science, which is based on 
observation and reason. Science will win because it works.
   When asked by ABC News' Diane Sawyer about the biggest
   mystery he'd like solved, he said, 'I want to know why
   the universe exists, why there is something greater than
   'What could define God [is thinking of God] as the
   embodiment of the laws of nature. However, this is not
   what most people would think of that God,' Hawking told
   Sawyer. 'They made a human-like being with whom one can
   have a personal relationship. When you look at the vast
   size of the universe and how insignificant an accidental
   human life is in it, that seems most impossible.'...


I love his advice to his children...

[FairfieldLife] Churchill story

2010-06-10 Thread parminides
During a recent Internet search I came across the following story about Winston 
Churchill that was posted by akasha_108 back in 2005 (cf. 

One day, it must of been in his conservative days -- he jumped parties two or 
three times for political expediency -- he was at the long trough urinal in the 
House of Commons. A labor party leader came in and Winston proceeded to shuffle 
down to the far end of the urinal. The labor leader, said, 'Lord Churchill, you 
appear a bit stand-offish today.' Winston, grunted and coughed out, 'I am 
concerned about the labor's party grand propensity to nationalize everything of 
substance they lay their eyes on.'

I love the story and would like to know the source. I cannot figure out how to 
email akasha_108 directly. It also appears that he hasn't posted here in 
several years.

If someone knows akasha_108, I would appreciate it if you passed this message 
to them. Alternatively, if you know the source of the story yourself, I would 
appreciate a reply to this post. Thank you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Alien und die minderjährige Witwe

2010-06-10 Thread emptybill
Very nice link ... hearing Brecht singing this is like being there

Some years ago I listened to an analysis of the English to German
translation. The German ended up to be much more subtle and nuanced. It
was way beyond Bobby Darin.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

  Bertold Brecht

 Ugh. That really gunks up the Blitzstein

 But the original German is so much better:

 Und der Haifisch, der hat Zähne
 Und die trägt er im Gesicht
 Und Macheath, der hat ein Messer
 Doch das Messer sieht man nicht

 Ach, es sind des Haifischs Flossen
 Rot, wenn dieser Blut vergießt
 Mackie Messer trägt 'nen Handschuh
 Drauf man keine Untat liest

 Last verse (usually omitted in the
 popular versions):

 Und die minderjährige Witwe
 Deren Namen jeder weiß
 Wachte auf und war geschändet
 Mackie, welches war dein Preis?

 Literal translation:

 And the underage widow
 Whose name everyone knows
 Woke up and was [found she had been] raped
 Mack, what was your price [did you charge]?

 Bertolt Brecht himself singing, 1928:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Churchill story

2010-06-10 Thread brian64705
 I find google the best way to find anything. I searched for your quote and 
only one hit came up... our very own Fairfield Life in 2005:


was the sole hit for the search:

My favorite Churchill quote as told to me in 1982 by my SCI teacher in London, 
John Windsor...

One day, Clement Attlee (the opposition at the time) visited Churchill in 
number 10 with important details to discuss. Churchill was occupied in the 
toilet at the time with constipation, but he promised he would only be five 
minutes. After ten, Attlee grew very irritated and ordered one of the workers 
in number 10 to fetch Churchill. Churchill told the worker he would be another 
five minutes. After another 10, Attlee was furious and ordered the worker once 
again to fetch Churchill, who was still in the bathroom. The worker approached 
Churchill, told him of the situation, and Churchill replied, Tell Mr. Attlee I 
can only deal with one shit at a time. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, parminides parmini...@... wrote:

 During a recent Internet search I came across the following story about 
 Winston Churchill that was posted by akasha_108 back in 2005 (cf. 
 One day, it must of been in his conservative days -- he jumped parties two 
 or three times for political expediency -- he was at the long trough urinal 
 in the House of Commons. A labor party leader came in and Winston proceeded 
 to shuffle down to the far end of the urinal. The labor leader, said, 'Lord 
 Churchill, you appear a bit stand-offish today.' Winston, grunted and coughed 
 out, 'I am concerned about the labor's party grand propensity to nationalize 
 everything of substance they lay their eyes on.'
 I love the story and would like to know the source. I cannot figure out how 
 to email akasha_108 directly. It also appears that he hasn't posted here in 
 several years.
 If someone knows akasha_108, I would appreciate it if you passed this message 
 to them. Alternatively, if you know the source of the story yourself, I would 
 appreciate a reply to this post. Thank you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Alien in the White House

2010-06-10 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptyb...@... wrote:

 Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear
 And it shows them pearly white
 Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe
 And he keeps it, ah, out of sight
 Ya know when that shark bites with his teeth, babe
 Scarlet billows start to spread
 Fancy gloves, oh, wears old MacHeath, babe
 So there's never, never a trace of red
 Bertold Brecht
 According to Ralph von Wau Wau it's all part of the application of
 political power - whether hits, misses, strident ideology or just
 According to Mahatma Propagandhi, Joseph Goebbels, it is loyalty to the
 people, loyalty to the idea, loyalty to the movement, and loyalty to the
 master guide!
 Which side are you on is usually the final question before either
 joining someone's political theater or, instead, getting executed.
 As for either politicos or devas/asuras, I'm not on anyone's side but
 most assuredly I'm not on the side of immense beings whose leisure and
 amusement is to play out  their designs in the human realm.
 This of course sounds like fantasy to most people.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
  I don't get what the inhabitants of subtle worlds has to do with
 Rabinowitz's not so subtle hit piece on Obama.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   Whether I agree or disagree ... isn't it still the shark's bite?

EB, if I understand you correctly, you're saying the gods are as crazy for 
political power as we are, so in the larger scheme of things, and since it's 
all about the shark's bite, (raping) there's no point in taking sides. O.K. 
it's a bit obtuse and I get that, but I'm still curious about *why* you posted 
Rabinowitz's article. 

I agree, no matter the endless misery gods or humans bring upon themselves, 
everyone, not just those who have taken bodhisattva vows, have a responsibility 
to help everyone find happiness and freedom from suffering. The question is, 
since everyone has a different idea about the causes of happiness and 
causes leading to suffering, how do we go about helping others without 
getting wrapped up in taking sides? At the heart of every political ideology 
there is a desire to alleviate suffering but eventually it falls short, ends up 
as a struggle for power, implodes, and makes way for a new ideology. The 
pendulum swings from left to right, attempting homeostasis somewhere in the 

Ideologies operate in the relative life, in the field of change, in 
disagreements, of taking sides and war. Maharishi's great gift to the world and 
gift from other enlightened beings who have graced our planet, leads us to 
Being, uniting us on the level of consciousness, and making us responsible for 
own happiness. I'll buy that over a political ideology, any day. 

That said, I'm still willing to take a stand for a political ideology that I 
believe can best serve our country at this point in time. The bottom line for 
me is that we have to learn how to work the nuts and bolts of political 
machinery as best we can so we can avoid driving our economy, educational 
system, health care, etc, etc, over a cliff.   

[FairfieldLife] Re: Churchill story

2010-06-10 Thread parminides
[I find google the best way to find anything. I searched for your quote and 
only one hit came up... our very own Fairfield Life in 2005]

Your mistake (and mine) was to assume that akasha_108's quotes were verbatum. 
They aren't. TurquoiseB suggested that I google Churchill stand-offish. This 
was much more fruitful, and I was able to find the source of story.

From the bottom of the page of http://www.inc.com/magazine/19881101/6028.html:

William Manchester, in his biography of Winston Churchill, The Last Lion, 
relates an incident from the 1940s. Churchill's archrival in Parliament was 
Labour leader Clement Atlee. One day in the men's room, Churchill arrived to 
find Atlee standing at the urinal trough. He positioned himself as far away as 
possible. 'Feeling standoffish today, are we, Winston?' Atlee asked. 'That's 
right,' Churchill snapped. 'Every time you see something big, you want to 
nationalize it.'

Thank you all for quickly coming to my aid.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Churchill story

2010-06-10 Thread parminides
I just noticed that my favorite Churchill story and brian64705's both involved 
Clement Atlee and the bathroom!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lock-down on the Gulf

2010-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
Thom Hartmann is reporting on this morning and talking with a 
congressman who is going to look into this.  This story also broke a 
week ago when he interviewed marine biologist Riki Ott and she reported 
that the pilot she was flying with over the area mentioned flight 

gullible fool wrote:
 This story is reported by Mel Fabregas. He lost credibility with me by 
 pouring it on so thick. So, I put his name into a google search box expecting 
 he would show up as an extremist. Sure enough, the blurb on the very first 
 search hit says:
 The Veritas Show with Mel Fabregas is a weekly show exploring exopolitics, 
 UFO and paranornmal phenomenona, conspiracies and current world events.
 Now, I'm not saying anything he says is not true, because I don't know, but 
 personally I would not forward stuff like this around unless it were 
 corroborated by more sources.

 Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
 - Amma  

 --- On Thu, 6/10/10, brian64705 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 From: brian64705 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lock-down on the Gulf
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, June 10, 2010, 9:01 AM

 I sent your comment to James Fox via Facebook and he responded: 

 I've got more info coming VERY soon that will support my oberservations of a 
 strong military presence in that area. I also have footage from the air of 
 the oil marching into the shores and wet lands coming within 5 hours. Thank 
 you for writing to me and keep in touch,


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:
 Thanks!  I searched some of the many blogs that have reposted
 this and NOT ONE has any rebuttal of this story, or update.
 Well, you're welcome to repost what I wrote on those blogs
 if you think it'll help. (If you do, please omit my name, or
 identify me as Swift Loris, which is my handle for blog

 don't have a TV so I am glad to hear this guy has just got a
 real case of paranoia. He did report though on young guy said
 his dad worked on the cleanup and that it was far worse than
 the media were reporting.
 This was a 15-year-old kid, probably scared by it all,
 or enjoying scaring the filmmaker. Who knows where he got
 the idea? There has been talk *in the media* that BP was
 underestimating the flow, which is accurate, but the
 government has had independent scientists estimate it, and
 while it's more than was originally estimated, it's not
 vastly more--and it's being *reported* that it's more,
 so that's not a big secret.

 This filmmaker guy had only been there less than a day.
 It's not surprising there was a lot of hustle and bustle
 and tension in the town, because it's one of the big 
 staging areas for the cleanup, and also has some of the
 worst damage from the oil. Folks there would naturally be
 on edge and upset.

 I wouldn't suggest nothing the guy said was true, but he
 was taking bits and pieces and putting them together in
 a sensational way that misrepresents what's really going

 The two stories on Anderson Cooper last night were really
 shocking and may be the reason BP stock dropped another
 19% today. I think the biggest percentage drop since the
 crisis began.

 See these links:
 Video: Attorney: BP's 'conduct is criminal'
 Video: Rig survivors: BP ordered shortcut on day of blast
 Wow, that second one with the survivors is hard to
 watch. I hope they're getting treatment for PTSD,
 because they sure look like they're all struggling
 with it.

 Cooper did an excellent job interviewing them, I
 thought, straightforward but gentle, low key.

 But...bear in mind that everybody has an axe to grind.
 The TV people, especially the cable folks, have an
 interest in promoting the Bad BP theme because it
 gets them eyeballs. It doesn't hurt to take them with
 a grain of salt, including Cooper. Lawyers likewise.

 Cooper gets details wrong from time to time. I haven't
 seen one TV report or read one print story that is
 completely accurate.

 BP is a rotten company, and I hope they get what's
 coming to them. But that doesn't mean everything
 they do is wrong or that all their intentions are
 evil or that there are huge conspiracies between
 them and the government. As with everything else in
 the world, there are shades of gray.

 If you're interested in really knowledgeable
 discussion of this disaster by oil industry folks--most
 of whom are not, to say the least, fans of BP--take a
 look at this blog:


 I've been hanging out there since the beginning of the

[FairfieldLife] Amreeka -- movie

2010-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
Here's another little indie gem I watched on Netflix last night:

It's a story about a Palestinian woman and her son who travel from the 
West Bank to Chicago to stay with her sister right as the US is bombing 
Iraq in 2003.

[FairfieldLife] Are you getting diabetes from your computer?

2010-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
How are those blood sugar levels after spending hours on FFL?

 (NaturalNews) Most people are familiar with type-1 diabetes and type-2 
 diabetes, but did you know researchers have discovered a third type of 
 diabetes? Type-3 diabetes, as they are calling it, affects people who 
 are extra sensitive to electrical devices that emit dirty electricity.

 Type-3 diabetics actually experience spikes in blood sugar and an 
 increased heart rate when exposed to electrical pollution 
 (electropollution) from things like computers, televisions, cordless 
 and mobile phones, and even compact fluorescent light bulbs.

[FairfieldLife] BP buys oil spill related search terms

2010-06-10 Thread Bhairitu
Will these crooks know no end to cover their butts?

Whether it’s a $50 million TV commercial blitz or BP CEO Tony Hayward 
snapping to a reporter that he wanted “his life back,” the company 
behind the nation’s worst oil disaster in history can’t seem to get its 
message right.

Now, the latest media misstep, according to media watchdogs and industry 
experts: the company has been buying up the top Internet search terms 
such as “oil spill” or “BP” – a move that places its corporate website 
at the top of search results pages.

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RE: [FairfieldLife] BP buys oil spill related search terms

2010-06-10 Thread Rick Archer
-Original Message-
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Bhairitu
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:33 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] BP buys oil spill related search terms

Will these crooks know no end to cover their butts?

Whether it's a $50 million TV commercial blitz or BP CEO Tony Hayward 
snapping to a reporter that he wanted his life back, the company 
behind the nation's worst oil disaster in history can't seem to get its 
message right.

Now, the latest media misstep, according to media watchdogs and industry 
experts: the company has been buying up the top Internet search terms 
such as oil spill or BP - a move that places its corporate website 
at the top of search results pages.

You can't buy search terms or buy your way to the top of the organic search
listings. They're just buying pay-per-click ads, bidding on various
keywords, which any relevant site could do, and bidding high enough to rank
at or near the top. Can't say that I blame them for trying to tell their
side of the story, as long as it's truthful. If it isn't it'll backfire on
them. They're under a lot of scrutiny.

[FairfieldLife] Fascinating Newage bias on Huffpost

2010-06-10 Thread TurquoiseB
Recently here and on BATGAP folks have been discussing gullibility, as
in the ability to believe that someone like Trivedi can claim that he
can clean up the oil spill via his powerful Woo Woo and have them
believe it completely, for no other reason than that he says he can.
When the twif who believes this was called on it, she cited the
research on his website. Some who checked out that supposed
research, as I remember, found it weaker and less substantial even
than the TM research.

But at least something existed, as I remember the thread here. Check out
this article, published by Huffington Post today under the headline
below. Sounds impressive, eh? I was curious to see what the cited
evidence would be. Imagine my surprise to find none.

I would be less surprised if I had posted this article here or on BATGAP
without comment and many people not only did not notice that the
evidence touted in the headline was never presented, but found the
theoretician's theory convincing enough that they ran out and bought
the book. After all, many of them still believe that they can fly
someday, with similar evidence -- someone saying it was so.

But the Huffington Post? What has *happened* to rational thought that
editors of a major news portal would allow this headline to slip

What Happens When You Die? Evidence Suggests Time Simply Reboots

by Robert Lanza, M.D.
Scientist, Theoretician

What happens when we die? Do we rot into the ground, or do we go to 
heaven (or hell, if we've been bad)? Experiments suggest the answer is 
simpler than anyone thought. Without the glue of consciousness, time 
essentially reboots.

The mystery of life and death can't be examined by visiting the 
Galapagos or looking through a microscope. It lies deeper. It involves 
our very selves. We wake and find ourselves in the present. There are 
stairs below us, which we seem to have climbed; there are stairs above 
us, which go upward into the unknown future. But the mind stands at the 
door by which we entered and gives us the memories by which we go about 
our day. Everything is ordered and predictable. We're like cuckoo birds 
who appear through a door each morning. We fancy there's a clockwork set
in motion at the beginning of time.

But if you remove everything from space, what's left? Nothing. The  same
applies for time -- you can't put it in a jar. You can't see  through
the bone surrounding your brain (everything you experience is 
information in your mind). Biocentrism tells us space and time  aren't
objects -- they're the mind's tools for putting everything  together.

I was a young boy when I realized there was something unexplainable 
about life that I simply didn't understand. I learned this from one of 
the last smiths in New England, when I, as a child, tried to capture a 
woodchuck on his property.

Over his shop a chimney cap went round and round, squeak, squeak, 
rattle, rattle. One day the blacksmith came out with his shotgun and 
blew it off. The noise stopped. Mr. O'Donnell pounded metal on his anvil
all day. No, I thought, I didn't want to be caught by him. Yet, I had 
my purpose.

The woodchuck's hole was in such close proximity to Mr. O'Donnell's 
shop that I could hear the bellows fanning his forge. I crawled 
noiselessly through the long grass, occasionally stirring a grasshopper 
or a butterfly. After setting a new steel trap that I had just purchased
at the hardware store, I took a stake and, rock in hand, pounded it 
into the ground.  When I looked up, I saw Mr. O'Donnell standing there, 
his eyes glaring. I said nothing, trying to restrain myself from crying.
Give me that trap, child, he said, and come with me.

I followed him into his shop, which was crammed with all manner of 
tools and chimes of different shapes and sounds hanging from the 
ceiling. Starting the forge, Mr. O'Donnell tossed the trap over the 
coals and a tiny flame appeared underneath, getting hotter until, with a
puff it burst into flame. This thing can injure dogs, and even 
children! he said, poking the coals with a fork. When the trap was red 
hot, he took it from the forge, and pounded it into a little square with
his hammer. He said nothing while the metal cooled. At length, he 
patted me upon the shoulder, and then took up a few sketches of a 
dragonfly. I tell you what, he said.  I'll give you 50 cents for 
every dragonfly you catch. I said that would be fun, and when I parted
I  was so excited I forgot about my new trap.

The next day I set off with a butterfly net. The air was full of 
insects, the flowers with bees and butterflies. But I didn't see any 
dragonflies. As I floated through the last of the meadows, the spikes of
a cattail attracted my attention. A huge dragonfly was humming round 
and round, and when at last I caught it, I hopped and skipped all the 
way back to Mr. O'Donnell's shop. Taking a magnifying glass, he held the
jar up to the light and made a careful study of the dragonfly. He 
fished out a number 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Amreeka -- movie

2010-06-10 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Bhairitu
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:22 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Amreeka -- movie
Here's another little indie gem I watched on Netflix last night:

It's a story about a Palestinian woman and her son who travel from the 
West Bank to Chicago to stay with her sister right as the US is bombing 
Iraq in 2003.
Saw it. Quite good, I thought.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Checkout Ravi Yogi's FB profile !!

2010-06-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Thanks shukri for helping me nail my core teaching down.

*Bhagwan Ravi yogi has no story, so he makes up stories as he goes along. **He
takes everyone on a wild, fun filled roller coaster ride.*

Thats it.

Its nothing new but simple, innocent and pristine. The stories or roles vary
depending the intensity of shukri on your brains. Someone like my niece is
so open so its easy to tell any kind of tall tale and she trusts, believes
and has loads of fun. Thats why all the gurus insist on faith and trust. The
intensity of fun is directly proportional to the amount of faith - as simple
as that. Its your choice.

Shukris are miserable since they have one story, they get manipulated and
are not in control, sometimes it matches the divine story resulting in
happiness and sometime it clashes resulting in misery. Anyway for some
shukris jealousy is a way to attach themselves to the essence, so Ravi Yogi
doesn't mind these and continues his plan.

All yogis will use metaphors or puns since essence is beyond language. So
most of the shukri brains get deceived for example yogic flying. There are
inane discussions, courses on that. But it is a metaphor or pun, flying
represents freedom, a true yogi is real free. A real yogi like Bhagwan Ravi
yogi flies every night. So you can get caught up discussing the finger that
points to the sky, or understand that the finger points to the sky and have
trust and faith in the essence to reach it.

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 4:00 AM, shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca wrote:

 like a troubled 9 year old boy. you could live a more dignified and
 meaningful life, its not about psychiatric drugs

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Alien in the White House

2010-06-10 Thread emptybill
Actually the old man on a throne is one of the images of Zeus
Pantokrator and also its derivative Christ Pantocrator. This is the
idea/eidos of God we get from the x-gen bible.

YHVH was initially just a mountain protector-deity later universalized
by the Hebrews once they encountered Platonism.

The ancient Greek and Hindu deities were more like actors playing out a
drama with humans and each other.

We could call it local cosmos opera or get fancy and call it Lila.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 At least the Christian God is an old fart who mainly
 sits on a throne and strokes His long, hoary beard
 and lets His son do the dirty work for Him. In
 their mythology He doesn't go running around trying
 to pork other people's wives. If one had to believe
 that some immense being was In Charge, better
 this one than the petty gods and goddesses of
 Brahmaloka in my opinion.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Checkout Ravi Yogi's FB profile !!

2010-06-10 Thread Rick Archer
Now he's a Bhagwan. With a massive following of one four year old. 
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Ravi Chivukula
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:03 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Checkout Ravi Yogi's FB profile !!
Thanks shukri for helping me nail my core teaching down.
Bhagwan Ravi yogi has no story, so he makes up stories as he goes along. He 
takes everyone on a wild, fun filled roller coaster ride.
Thats it.
Its nothing new but simple, innocent and pristine. The stories or roles vary 
depending the intensity of shukri on your brains. Someone like my niece is so 
open so its easy to tell any kind of tall tale and she trusts, believes and has 
loads of fun. Thats why all the gurus insist on faith and trust. The intensity 
of fun is directly proportional to the amount of faith - as simple as that. Its 
your choice.
Shukris are miserable since they have one story, they get manipulated and are 
not in control, sometimes it matches the divine story resulting in happiness 
and sometime it clashes resulting in misery. Anyway for some shukris jealousy 
is a way to attach themselves to the essence, so Ravi Yogi doesn't mind these 
and continues his plan.
All yogis will use metaphors or puns since essence is beyond language. So most 
of the shukri brains get deceived for example yogic flying. There are inane 
discussions, courses on that. But it is a metaphor or pun, flying represents 
freedom, a true yogi is real free. A real yogi like Bhagwan Ravi yogi flies 
every night. So you can get caught up discussing the finger that points to the 
sky, or understand that the finger points to the sky and have trust and faith 
in the essence to reach it.
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 4:00 AM, shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca wrote:
like a troubled 9 year old boy. you could live a more dignified and meaningful 
life, its not about psychiatric drugs

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Checkout Ravi Yogi's FB profile !!

2010-06-10 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Well it's a good start..

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com wrote:

  Now he's a Bhagwan. With a massive following of one four year old.

 *From:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
 fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Ravi Chivukula
 *Sent:* Thursday, June 10, 2010 1:03 PM
 *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Checkout Ravi Yogi's FB profile !!

 Thanks shukri for helping me nail my core teaching down.

 *Bhagwan Ravi yogi has no story, so he makes up stories as he goes along.
 **He takes everyone on a wild, fun filled roller coaster ride.*

 Thats it.

 Its nothing new but simple, innocent and pristine. The stories or roles
 vary depending the intensity of shukri on your brains. Someone like my niece
 is so open so its easy to tell any kind of tall tale and she trusts,
 believes and has loads of fun. Thats why all the gurus insist on faith and
 trust. The intensity of fun is directly proportional to the amount of faith
 - as simple as that. Its your choice.

 Shukris are miserable since they have one story, they get manipulated and
 are not in control, sometimes it matches the divine story resulting in
 happiness and sometime it clashes resulting in misery. Anyway for some
 shukris jealousy is a way to attach themselves to the essence, so Ravi Yogi
 doesn't mind these and continues his plan.

 All yogis will use metaphors or puns since essence is beyond language. So
 most of the shukri brains get deceived for example yogic flying. There are
 inane discussions, courses on that. But it is a metaphor or pun, flying
 represents freedom, a true yogi is real free. A real yogi like Bhagwan Ravi
 yogi flies every night. So you can get caught up discussing the finger that
 points to the sky, or understand that the finger points to the sky and have
 trust and faith in the essence to reach it.

 On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 4:00 AM, shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca wrote:

 like a troubled 9 year old boy. you could live a more dignified and
 meaningful life, its not about psychiatric drugs


[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Radical Peace: People Refusing War, by William T. Hathaway

2010-06-10 Thread Dick Mays

Fwd From: Ken Chawkin kchaw...@mum.edu

Below are two recent tweets on William T. Hathaway's latest literary 
work, Radical Peace: People Refusing War. The book presents the 
first-person experiences of war resisters, deserters, and peace 
activists in the USA, Europe, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Just released by 
Trine Day, it's a journey along diverse paths of nonviolence, the 
true stories of people working for peace in unconventional ways. The 
first and last chapters are posted on OpEdNews.com. He turned the 
last chapter of Radical Peace, Conscious Peace, into an excellent TM 
article, and it's been published in OpEdNews and several other web 
This last chapter discusses his TM practice, and the vision of 
possibilities it holds for world peace. It's a powerful work, which 
opens with this paragraph:

I was sitting in full lotus, body wrapped in a blanket, mind rapt in 
deep stillness, breathing lightly, wisps of air curling into the 
infinite space behind my closed eyes. My mantra had gone beyond sound 
to become a pulse of light in an emptiness that contained everything.

An intro and the complete last chapter are now posted on my blog: 

William T. Hathaway is a political journalist and a former Special 
Forces soldier turned peace activist whose articles have appeared in 
more than 40 publications, including Humanist, the Los Angeles Times, 
Midstream Magazine, and Synthesis/Regeneration. He won a Fullbright 
grant to teach at universities in Germany, where he continues to 
reside. He is an adjunct professor of American studies at the 
University of Oldenburg. William and his wife also run a small TM 
center there.

Hathaway is the author of A World of Hurt (Rinehart Foundation 
Award), CD-Ring, and Summer Snow. He is currently working on 
WELLSPRINGS: A Fable of Consciousness, which focuses on applying 
Vedic knowledge to ecology. A selection of his writing is available 
at www.peacewriter.org 

William also spent 7 years, from 1987-1993, as an assistant professor 
in the Master's in Professional Writing at MIU, now MUM.

Radical Peace: People Refusing War, by William T. Hathaway. Chapter 
15: Conscious Peace. http://bit.ly/93FT3khttp://bit.ly/93FT3k | 
Discusses his TM practice.

RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War, by William T. Hathaway. Chapter 
1: The Real War Heroes. http://bit.ly/8XOskVhttp://bit.ly/8XOskV

[FairfieldLife] Re: BP buys oil spill related search terms

2010-06-10 Thread brian64705
Yes I was appalled to see how the media were reporting this like it was a 
scandal. Anyone who uses Google should be able to know that the top items are 
paid listings on search. It's highlighted in yellow on my browser and clearly 
says sponsored link. No scandal here!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of Bhairitu
 Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:33 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] BP buys oil spill related search terms
 Will these crooks know no end to cover their butts?
 Whether it's a $50 million TV commercial blitz or BP CEO Tony Hayward 
 snapping to a reporter that he wanted his life back, the company 
 behind the nation's worst oil disaster in history can't seem to get its 
 message right.
 Now, the latest media misstep, according to media watchdogs and industry 
 experts: the company has been buying up the top Internet search terms 
 such as oil spill or BP - a move that places its corporate website 
 at the top of search results pages.
 You can't buy search terms or buy your way to the top of the organic search
 listings. They're just buying pay-per-click ads, bidding on various
 keywords, which any relevant site could do, and bidding high enough to rank
 at or near the top. Can't say that I blame them for trying to tell their
 side of the story, as long as it's truthful. If it isn't it'll backfire on
 them. They're under a lot of scrutiny.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: 2010 Summer Session IAA

2010-06-10 Thread Buck

similar e-mail on the side from before,
Yet another indication of big changes in the TMO.  I think it likely that 
Rajaism is going to go, be swept under the carpet, too weird and offputting.   
Things will loosen up.  A return to the mid 70's style TMO will be encouraged. 

 I forwarded your post to old TM friends out in the world,
 and this came back in response,
 Yes, I've heard that there is quite a change going on with the TM movement.  
 And nothing I am interested in right now for my spiritual path either.  I 
 actually did a wonderful yoga treat with the SF Zen center at their facility 
 in Tassajara - a very magical place.  Have you ever been or heard of it.  I 
 really enjoyed their guest practice in their zendo - a very simple 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays dickmays@ wrote:
  2010 Summer Session
  Invincible America Assembly
  Events on the Maharishi University of Management campus
  Summer Session IA Assembly July 3-31 Governor Refresher Block 1
  (Governor Recertification Course) July 10 through 24 July Visitors 
  Weekend, MUM July 16-19 TM-Sidhi Program Checking Meeting July 21 
  Guru Purnima July 25 National Governor Workshops July 26 through 28 
  Governor Refresher Block 2 July 29 through Aug. 7 Musical Workshops 
  Aug. 2-7 Meditator Residence Course Aug. 13-16
  Please note: for information about Governor courses, email 
  mailto:education@education@ Contacts for the musical 
  workshops and the Residence Course are listed below. For information 
  on the Visitor's Weekend, see 
  Ongoing Events
  Advanced Techniques
  July 17-18 or by request; we will do everything possible to 
  accommodate you. Please call Wally DeVasier at (641) 919-8188.
  Maharishi Ayurvedic Treatments and Vedic Health Sessions at The Raj
  Ayurvedic health experts Mark Toomey, Ph.D. or Sankari Wegman, Ph.D. 
  are available by appointment. Call (641) 472-9580, Ext. 6. See 
  http://www.theraj.comwww.theraj.com for more information.
  Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems is also available at The Raj, and 
  can be scheduled at (641) 472-9580, Ext. 6.
  Maharishi Vedic Vibration Therapy (MVVT)
  Experts will be available this summer. To research and apply, see 
  http://www.vedicvibration.comwww.vedicvibration.com or call Deirdre 
  Meehan, (641) 469-6706.
  Maharishi Vedic Performances
  If you would like to attend a live Maharishi Vedic Pandit 
  performance-expected to be available many Sundays this summer-please 
  register online: www.invincibleamerica.org/vedic_performances
  Meditator Residence Courses
  To apply, please call Wally DeVasier at (641) 919-8188.
  Consciousness, Creativity and Music: Silence into Sound-enlivening 
  transcendence within and across musical genres
  A series of performances and hands-on workshops led by a variety of 
  professional Sidha and Governor musicians; may include a Maharishi 
  Gandharva Veda musician. For details, please contact Isabelle Matzkin 
  Programs for Children
  The Maharishi School is organizing a series of summer camps from June 
  21 through July 30, for children ages 5 through 10. For details, 
  contact Laura Bordow, (641) 472-9400 Ext. #5070, or email 
  Area Activities
  If you are considering bringing your family or simply want to enjoy 
  200% of life, walking trails, swimming and other sports, art, music 
  and theatrical events, and a variety of restaurants are all available 
  in Fairfield and nearby communities. For more detailed information, 
  check out this website: 
  You may also contact Bob and Carol Markowitz at 641-919-7045. They 
  will be happy to help.
  http://invincibleamerica.org/unsubscribe/Click here to unsubscribe

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lock-down on the Gulf

2010-06-10 Thread Rick Archer
Thom Hartmann on this:
Thom's blog
Is BP Enforcing a No Fly Zone?
Late last month, Mississippi state House Speaker Billy McCoy (D) and Lt.
Gov. Phil Bryant (R) started a select committee to look into the BP oil
spill and would hold hearings this week. McCoy said, The people of
Mississippi deserve to know how this happened and what the future may hold
for this most valuable part of our state. However, earlier this week, BP
wrote a letter saying it wouldn't be showing up for the three-day hearings
this week. They, after all, are corporate royalty and don't need to respond
to the demands of mere elected officials of the state whose oil they're
taking and selling to China. 
In a related issue, I interviewed extensively a charter airplane operator in
Louisiana who said that during the first four weeks after the BP Oil
explosion a area of Temporary Flight Restriction or TFR extended 30 miles or
so around the Deepwater Horizon and has since expanded to cover virtually
every place that oil is in the water or hitting wetlands or land. This
representative noted that the command center for the crisis - out of which
the Coast Guard and other federal agencies are operating - is headquartered
in a BP training facility and, until the intervention of Louisiana Senator
David Vitter, whenever charter flight operators called for permission to fly
into the TFR they were extensively questioned about who they had on board
the plane, and if it was the press the right to fly over the area was
routinely denied. 
In the past few days, though, since the administration has moved from a
position of helping BP cover up the extent of their crime by spraying
dispersants and keeping the press out to a position of actively challenging
BP, flights are being allowed into the area with press aboard.

[FairfieldLife] Good morning, Sarah. It's me, Barack.

2010-06-10 Thread do.rflex

The President of the United States and the Pretend President on Facebook confer.

Take a look: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Crop Circle in beans ! Reported 7th June

2010-06-10 Thread Jason
  sri Rick-ji, Web pictures dosen't appear on daily digest format

--- On Wed, 6/9/10, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
Subject: [FairfieldLife] New Crop Circle in beans ! Reported 7th June
Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2010, 3:11 PM


Stony Littleton Long Barrow, Nr Wellow. Somerset. Reported 7th June. 
Map Ref:  ST734572 
This Page has been accessed

Updated Wednesday 9th June 2010




I took a chance today, no rain but no sun either… crop circles are really a 
challenge to photograph ! so nothing really good today but at least these few 
pictures will show the exact shape. There is no tramlines really but I think we 
are talking about a formation of 200/250 feet long. It's on a hill and it is 
slightly curved.
Olivier Morel

 he Impact of the Ancient and the New.  

Well done to Olivier Morel (WCCSG) for shooting these wonderful shots of this 
enigmatic formation which were taken in difficult conditions. 

The formations positioned next to Stony Littleton Long Barrow add significance 
to the whole event. With the timeline clearly seen at this location spanning 
from ancient times to the impact of this present and unexpected set of circles. 
Unexpected also because this is the first time a formation has appeared at this 

This adds a depth and complexity to this whole intriguing event. 

Well done again Olivier for undertaking such a long flight and bringing us 
these great aerial shots. 

Julian Gibsone (Director of the Crop Circle Connectors DVD's)

Images Olivier Morel Copyright 2010

Images Stuart Dike  Copyright 2010

The location high on the hillside overlooking a quiet valley close to the Roman 
City of Bath is quite stunning.  The Chamber Barrow of Stony Littleton is one 
of the finest Burial Chambers in Britain. Thought to be around 5000 years old, 
it resides in a remote location, cut off from the hectic 21st century. Perhaps 
one of the most amazing locations I have had the pleasure to visit, and yet 
only 40 minutes from my own home.  

The formation is located right next to the ancient mound.  The crop remains a 
mystery at the moment, as its very short, but however does have a yellow 
flower. At first glance we thought it was Old Canola, as most of the Canola 
fields are losing their flowers at this stage.  It is only 3ft in height with a 
much narrow stem than Canola. 

The crop inside had an extremely neat floor pattern, with minimal breakage.   
More to follow. 
Stuart Dike 





Make a donation to keep the web site alive... Thank you


  Images Olivier Morel Copyright 2010
    Map Ref:  ST734572 
   This Page has been accessed

Updated Wednesday 9th June 2010 





I took a chance today, no rain but no sun either… crop circles are really a 
challenge to photograph ! so nothing really good today but at least these few 
pictures will show the exact shape. There is no tramlines really but I think we 
are talking about a formation of 200/250 feet long. It's on a hill and it is 
slightly curved.
Olivier Morel

The Impact of the Ancient and the New.  

Well done to Olivier Morel (WCCSG) for shooting these wonderful shots of this 
enigmatic formation which were taken in difficult conditions. 

The formations positioned next to Stony Littleton Long Barrow add significance 
to the whole event. With the timeline clearly seen at this location spanning 
from ancient times to the impact of this present and unexpected set of circles. 
Unexpected also because this is the first time a formation has appeared at this 

This adds a depth and complexity to this whole intriguing event. 

Well done again Olivier for undertaking such a long flight and bringing us 
these great aerial shots. 

Julian Gibsone (Director of the Crop Circle Connectors DVD's)

Images Olivier Morel Copyright 2010
Images Stuart Dike  Copyright 2010

The location high on the hillside overlooking a quiet valley close to the Roman 
City of Bath is quite stunning.  The Chamber Barrow of Stony Littleton is one 
of the finest Burial Chambers in Britain. Thought to be around 5000 years old, 
it resides in a remote location, cut off from the hectic 21st century. Perhaps 
one of the most amazing locations I have had the pleasure to visit, and yet 
only 40 minutes from my own home.  

The formation is located right next to the ancient mound.  The crop remains a 
mystery at the moment, as its very short, but however does have a yellow 
flower. At first glance we thought it was Old Canola, as most of the Canola 

[FairfieldLife] Re: BP buys oil spill related search terms

2010-06-10 Thread WillyTex

 Will these crooks know no end to cover their butts?
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said that BP, 
the energy company responsible for the ongoing oil 
spill in the Gulf of Mexico, helped craft the bill 
proposed by Sens. John Kerry and Joe Lieberman that 
would tax businesses for carbon emissions and raise 
the cost of fuel for American consumers...

Read more: 

'McConnell Charges That 'Major Part' of Democrats' 
Cap-Trade Bill 'Essentially Written by BP'
By Penny Starr
CNS News, June 09, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Re: Good morning, Sarah. It's me, Barack.

2010-06-10 Thread WillyTex

 The President of the United States...

Obama says he's sick and tired of the Washington 
blame game, but still can't resist doling out 
piles of blame himself. His compulsive, reflexive 
finger-pointing at Republicans, George W. Bush 
and vague villains on the right is not only 
unbecoming, it also reinforces the gathering 
public verdict that Obama is a weakling...

Read more:

'Obama falls headfirst into the hypocrisy trap'
By Chris Stirewalt
Washington Examiner, June 10, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fascinating Newage bias on Huffpost

2010-06-10 Thread WillyTex

 Recently here and on BATGAP folks have been 
 discussing gullibility, as in the ability to 
 believe that someone like Trivedi can claim 
 that he can clean up the oil spill via his 
 powerful Woo Woo and have them believe it 
 completely, for no other reason than that he 
 says he can...
I studied with a guy who could turn huge rooms 
in convention centers gold, to the point where 
even the security guards saw it, but that never 
made me think he was enlightened, only that he 
could do cool things with light...

Subject: Re: Two simple questions
Author: Uncle Tantra 
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: March 16, 2003 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Are you getting diabetes from your computer?

2010-06-10 Thread WillyTex

 Are you getting diabetes from your computer?
 How are those blood sugar levels after spending 
 hours on FFL?
Apparently you are on FFL 24 x 7, so you'd 
probably be needing shots of insulin every three 
hours or so. It takes me about three minutes to 
read through the posts on FFL, and another two
minutes to respond to your questions.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: 2010 Summer Session IAA

2010-06-10 Thread Buck
Guru Purnima July 25 

Hey Dear Dick, is the Guru Purnima celebration going to be open as of old or 
exclusive and closed as has been usual for the last couple decades here?

Newly 'open', something like you wrote recently:
 Open and free to MUM Faculty, Staff, Students, IA, and anyone who
 practices the Transcendental Meditation technique.

Or, bring a valid dome badge to git in, as has been the rule?

A Guru Purnima kind of guru celebration where even long time regular practicing 
TM meditators in the community, like Rick Archer for instance, could
go to Guru Purnima.  If as old meditators they would like to honor, pay 
respects and go along.

Just wondering,

-Buck in FF

  I forwarded your post to old TM friends out in the world,
  and this came back in response,
  Yes, I've heard that there is quite a change going on with the TM 
  movement.  And nothing I am interested in right now for my spiritual path 
  either.  I actually did a wonderful yoga treat with the SF Zen center at 
  their facility in Tassajara - a very magical place.  Have you ever been or 
  heard of it.  I really enjoyed their guest practice in their zendo - a very 
  simple meditation.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays dickmays@ wrote:
   2010 Summer Session
   Invincible America Assembly
   Events on the Maharishi University of Management campus
   Summer Session IA Assembly July 3-31 Governor Refresher Block 1
   (Governor Recertification Course) July 10 through 24 July Visitors 
   Weekend, MUM July 16-19 TM-Sidhi Program Checking Meeting July 21 
   Guru Purnima July 25 National Governor Workshops July 26 through 28 
   Governor Refresher Block 2 July 29 through Aug. 7 Musical Workshops 
   Aug. 2-7 Meditator Residence Course Aug. 13-16
   Please note: for information about Governor courses, email 
   mailto:education@education@ Contacts for the musical 
   workshops and the Residence Course are listed below. For information 
   on the Visitor's Weekend, see 
   Ongoing Events
   Advanced Techniques
   July 17-18 or by request; we will do everything possible to 
   accommodate you. Please call Wally DeVasier at (641) 919-8188.
   Maharishi Ayurvedic Treatments and Vedic Health Sessions at The Raj
   Ayurvedic health experts Mark Toomey, Ph.D. or Sankari Wegman, Ph.D. 
   are available by appointment. Call (641) 472-9580, Ext. 6. See 
   http://www.theraj.comwww.theraj.com for more information.
   Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems is also available at The Raj, and 
   can be scheduled at (641) 472-9580, Ext. 6.
   Maharishi Vedic Vibration Therapy (MVVT)
   Experts will be available this summer. To research and apply, see 
   http://www.vedicvibration.comwww.vedicvibration.com or call Deirdre 
   Meehan, (641) 469-6706.
   Maharishi Vedic Performances
   If you would like to attend a live Maharishi Vedic Pandit 
   performance-expected to be available many Sundays this summer-please 
   register online: www.invincibleamerica.org/vedic_performances
   Meditator Residence Courses
   To apply, please call Wally DeVasier at (641) 919-8188.
   Consciousness, Creativity and Music: Silence into Sound-enlivening 
   transcendence within and across musical genres
   A series of performances and hands-on workshops led by a variety of 
   professional Sidha and Governor musicians; may include a Maharishi 
   Gandharva Veda musician. For details, please contact Isabelle Matzkin 
   Programs for Children
   The Maharishi School is organizing a series of summer camps from June 
   21 through July 30, for children ages 5 through 10. For details, 
   contact Laura Bordow, (641) 472-9400 Ext. #5070, or email 
   Area Activities
   If you are considering bringing your family or simply want to enjoy 
   200% of life, walking trails, swimming and other sports, art, music 
   and theatrical events, and a variety of restaurants are all available 
   in Fairfield and nearby communities. For more detailed information, 
   check out this website: 
   You may also contact Bob and Carol Markowitz at 641-919-7045. They 
   will be happy to help.
   http://invincibleamerica.org/unsubscribe/Click here to unsubscribe

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2010-06-10 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jun 05 00:00:00 2010
End Date (UTC): Sat Jun 12 00:00:00 2010
427 messages as of (UTC) Fri Jun 11 00:06:06 2010

51 authfriend jst...@panix.com
45 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
34 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
31 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
30 Joe geezerfr...@yahoo.com
21 WillyTex willy...@yahoo.com
20 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
20 Hugo fintlewoodle...@mail.com
19 Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com
15 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
13 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
12 ditzyklanmail carc...@yahoo.co.in
10 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 9 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 8 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 7 seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 7 merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 7 brian64705 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 7 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 5 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
 5 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 5 anatol_zinc anatol_z...@yahoo.com
 4 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 4 parsleysage meowthirt...@yahoo.com
 4 gullible fool ffl...@yahoo.com
 4 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 3 wayback71 waybac...@yahoo.com
 3 parminides parmini...@gmail.com
 3 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 2 merlin vedamer...@yahoo.de
 2 m2smart4u2000 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 jpgillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 2 wle...@aol.com
 2 Jason jedi_sp...@yahoo.com
 2 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 pranamoocher bh...@hotmail.com
 1 feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
 1 eustace10679 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Yifu Xero yifux...@yahoo.com
 1 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 1 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
 1 Ordinary Sparrow ordinaryspar...@gmail.com
 1 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 1 martin.quickman martin.quick...@yahoo.co.uk

Posters: 44
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2010-06-10 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@... wrote:

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): Sat Jun 05 00:00:00 2010
 End Date (UTC): Sat Jun 12 00:00:00 2010
 427 messages as of (UTC) Fri Jun 11 00:06:06 2010
 51 authfriend jst...@...

I can't see a Yahoo glitch or accidental double-post to explain this. Last 
night's post count was 46, and you posted 5 more times today, so it was a 
miscount on your end. You can post again on the evening of Friday, June 18th.

[FairfieldLife] Einstein was a man of faith !

2010-06-10 Thread anatol_zinc

Einstein's theory of General Relativity  predicted that light would bend 
bypassing a massive planet like the Sun. That was the only feasible experiment 
for his untested theory at the time since there were no lasers, etc.

Einstein was asked what if the experiment proves his theory wrong? He said that 
would mean the experiment was not done properly.

Amen !

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Alien in the White House

2010-06-10 Thread emptybill
Just a few points.

1.  A political ideology literally means a belief system or a set of
doctrines about why and how to govern through political power.

2.  Is a doctrine of power that defines and formulates all national and
personal values what you are looking to implement in peoples lives?
Will this save us from ourselves because somehow we can't possibly find
it on our own without these doctrines or beliefs?

3.  I don't contend that we are pawns of the gods but rather that
immense beings of real potency and actuality seek to influence human
minds and human destiny. They don't usually intervene directly
because intervening in human affairs directly or even by proxy would
entangle them in the endless vagaries of karmic causality.

   The best example of this is the mountain spirit yhvh,
protector of the Jews. If you'll remember, he directed his people to
mass murder all of the inhabitants of 60 walled cities and towns in
Canaan, not even allowing them to keep any cattle. This means they
murdered all the babies, children and women – all slaughtered by the
sword, sliced to pieces.

For directing this brutality,yhvh was engulfed in a matrix of karmic
reactions and ended up having to take birth as one of his own servants -
as a Jew in a life where inwardly he felt he possessed a deiform status
but was powerless to stop the dreadful karmic repercussions which felled

If this sounds strange to you then please remember that the fact that he
was apotheosized by the X-gens means that we were given interpretive
veils to shield us from even considering suchideas.

(I have heard x-gens rationalize that since their little god
created these condemned souls he could exterminate them –
where and when he wished.)

4.  The foundation for taking bodhisattva vows is known as bodhichitta
– an awakened heart. Bodhi means wakeful, chitta
means personal consciousness or heart awareness. (Yoga Sutra 3.34)

Without an awakened heart no one can realistically commit to taking
bodhisattva vows. Bodhisattva vows, however, are immeasurably important
because they establish a karmic connection across many lifetimes and
create a yogic directionality that supersedes our own personal karma
(i.e. karma based upon mere causality.)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@...

 EB, if I understand you correctly, you're saying the gods are as crazy
for political power as we are, so in the larger scheme of things, and
since it's all about the shark's bite, (raping) there's no point in
taking sides. O.K. it's a bit obtuse and I get that, but I'm still
curious about *why* you posted Rabinowitz's article.

 I agree, no matter the endless misery gods or humans bring upon
themselves, everyone, not just those who have taken bodhisattva vows,
have a responsibility to help everyone find happiness and freedom from
suffering. The question is, since everyone has a different idea about
the causes of happiness and causes leading to suffering, how do we
go about helping others without getting wrapped up in taking sides? At
the heart of every political ideology there is a desire to alleviate
suffering but eventually it falls short, ends up as a struggle for
power, implodes, and makes way for a new ideology. The pendulum swings
from left to right, attempting homeostasis somewhere in the center.

 Ideologies operate in the relative life, in the field of change, in
disagreements, of taking sides and war. Maharishi's great gift to the
world and gift from other enlightened beings who have graced our planet,
leads us to Being, uniting us on the level of consciousness, and making
us responsible for own happiness. I'll buy that over a political
ideology, any day.

 That said, I'm still willing to take a stand for a political ideology
that I believe can best serve our country at this point in time. The
bottom line for me is that we have to learn how to work the nuts and
bolts of political machinery as best we can so we can avoid driving our
economy, educational system, health care, etc, etc, over a cliff.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Teaching Virtue

2010-06-10 Thread Buck

   Spiritual-good in the TM sense would be that which promotes spiritual 
 Having discipline (as in attending to things) in spiritual practice.
  The Value of a Human Birth and the Importance of Right Action 
  —Guru Dev (Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math India 
  Do good works without hesitation. The Jiva has been experiencing samsara 
  for many, many births. It is only natural, therefore, that its tendencies 
  have become worldly. To turn its tendencies toward Paramatman and away from 
  samsara requires some effort. In reality, the aim of life is to stop the 
  mind from involvement with this world. If one engages in spiritual practice 
  and in thinking and speaking about God, the mind will start dwelling on Him 
  and after some time it will withdraw from the world on its own.
  In our daily affairs we should adopt a strategy of quickly attending to 
  good works and things related to the Divine. Should any wrong thought 
  arise, on the other hand, we should try to postpone it to another time by 
  saying, I'll do it tomorrow, or the day after next. In this way, wrong 
  action can be continuously postponed.
  To be born a human is more fortunate than to be born a deva (angel or 
  Divine being). Taking birth as a deva is considered comparable to taking 
  birth as any other life form. Birth as a deva is attained by those who 
  perform certain sacrifices and karma, etc. associated with divinity, with 
  the intention to enjoy divine pleasures. The minds of the devas wander 
  incessantly because of the abundance of enjoyable things in the heavenly 
  realms, and hence they cannot perform purushartha (Divine action - action 
  in accord with the cosmic evolution and individual destiny). For this 
  reason, the human birth is considered superior, because here, by doing as 
  much purushartha as possible, one can eventually merge with God.
  A human being is like a lump of pure gold, whereas devas are like pieces of 
  fine jewelry. Having been perfected as jewelry, their progress is complete, 
  and they cannot be further improved. On the other hand, gold which has not 
  yet been crafted by the jeweler, has unlimited potential. Hence the birth 
  of a human being is said to be the very best birth for action.
  Having attained this birth, one should not act carelessly, but should 
  conscientiously perform the best purushartha. Fulfilling one's own dharma 
  while keeping faith in Paramatman is the greatest purushartha. Strive to 
  become one with God in this lifetime. Have firm faith in the Vedas and 
  Shastras (Vedic scripture) and keep the company of saints, mahatmas and 
  wise people. Only then will the purpose of your life be fulfilled.
  To get a human body is a rare thing—make full use of it. There are four 
  million kinds of births which a soul can gather. After that one gets a 
  human body. Therefore, one should not waste this opportunity. Every second 
  in human life is very valuable. If you don't value this, then you will have 
  nothing in hand and you will weep in the end.
  Because you're human, God has given you power to think and decide what is 
  good and bad. Therefore, you can do the best possible kind of action. You 
  should never consider yourself weak or a fallen creature. Whatever may have 
  happened up to now may be because you didn't know. But now be careful. 
  After gaining a human body, if you don't reach God, then you have sold a 
  diamond at the price of spinach.
  Swami Brahmananda Saraswati-

The Good.

Right is that which produces a good influence everywhere.  Certainly 
right and wrong are relative terms and, therefore, nothing in relative 
existence can be said to be absolutely right or absolutely wrong.  But 
even so, right and wrong can only be judged by their influence for good 
or bad.  If something produces a good influence everywhere it can be 
said to be right.
 Science of Being  Art of Living
   Spiritual-good in the TM sense would be that which promotes spiritual 
   experience.  Evidently known by experience or culture.
   For whatever tribal reasons Maharishi did not delineate much and 
   obviously went his own way.  No ten commandments, no 'golden rule'.

One is cultural, they (the TM movement) don't teach much by way 
of ethics generally.
Mostly just 'meditate and act'.
The curricula stays way away from morality other
than cursory things like 'meditate and act', some scientific 
charts about social 
behavior, and then occasionally never do that which you know 
to be wrong as standard.  Not much by way
of particular ethical value related to spiritual practice.  
Nothing really 

[FairfieldLife] The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 1 of 8)

2010-06-10 Thread anatol_zinc
please be patient, part 2 of 8 gets more and more interesting

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-QA2rkpBSY part 1 of 8

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb3JI8F9LQQ part 2 of 8
