[FairfieldLife] China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World

2012-12-26 Thread John
This is an amazing accomplishment of their communist government.  As such, we 
wonder how were they able to get the support of Nature to complete this 
herculean task.


[FairfieldLife] Re: China, goldmine for Windoze Phoney?

2012-12-26 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@... wrote:

 Naah! Don't get fooled by this:
 The real reason is shortage of Snapdragon chips, etc! ROFLOL!


Samsung Ativ S has the fastest browser??

[FairfieldLife] 21 December 2012—Raja Luis reports on the Yogic Flyers at Monte Alban, Mexico

2012-12-26 Thread merlin

Maharishi’s Global Family Chat Summary
December 21, 2012

Raja Luis reports on the Yogic Flyers at Monte Alban
celebrating the start of a new time of harmony and peace 

Raja Luis thrilled us all with the news of the success of the Yogic Flying 
celebration at Monte Alban in Oaxaca, Mexico. 

He thanked everyone who helped make the gathering possible, and based on this 
success he invited everyone to come together for a global Yogic Flying 
competition next year. By that time it is planned that the project will have 
expanded, and many more schools will be participating, so there should be about 
eight times the current number of Yogic Flyers.

The TM Teachers at Monte Alban emphasised the deep ‘spectacular silence’ in the 
group meditation and TM Sidhi programme. 

The government organized the event beautifully. All the buses arrived in good 
time, and the Secretary of Education, his wife, department officials, school 
principals and teachers participated in the group meditation. 
Dr Bevan Morris thanked Raja Luis and his team of Teachers, saying the event 
marks a great highlight in the movement’s history – a huge turning point in the 
creation of groups to create Global Invincibility.

Raja Harris said that when he informed the Maharishi Vedic Pandits in the 
Brahmasthan of India, there was huge wave of bliss and clapping. They sent 
their congratulations and said they will do everything to support.

The report ended with a very moving video of students describing their 
experience with Transcendental Meditation.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Seasons greetings from Londinium...

2012-12-26 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 fyi - found Test For Echo, leading off with Half The World:
 (c) Rush
 Half The World

Good one. I always liked his lyrics, he's a kindred spirit to
me. I like his mix of science, spirituality and awe at nature.
He seems as genuinely amazed about life and the world as when he
was a kid. It's good to keep your eyes open like that.

It's unusual to have the drummer writing lyrics and I always felt
a bit sorry for the singer who has to get a catchy tune out of some
of his more technical stuff like this:


There are those who think that life has nothing left to chance
A host of holy horrors to direct our aimless dance

A planet of playthings
We dance on the strings
Of powers we cannot perceive
'The stars aren't aligned
Or the gods are malign...'
Blame is better to give than receive

You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice
You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill
I will choose a path that's clear
I will choose freewill

There are those who think
That they were dealt a losing hand
The cards were stacked against them
They weren't born in Lotusland

All preordained
A prisoner in chains
A victim of venomous fate
Kicked in the face
You can pray for a place
In heaven's unearthly estate

Each of us
A cell of awareness
Imperfect and incomplete
Genetic blends
With uncertain ends
On a fortune hunt that's far too fleet.

And another good Christmas one.

Time Stand Still

I turn my back to the wind
To catch my breath
Before I start off again.
Driven on without a moment to spend
To pass an evening with a drink and a friend

I let my skin get too thin
I'd like to pause
No matter what I pretend
Like some pilgrim
Who learns to transcend
Learns to live as if each step was the end

(Time stand still)
I'm not looking back
But I want to look around me now
(Time stand still)
See more of the people and the places that surround me now
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each sensation a little bit stronger
Experience slips away
Experience slips away

I turn my face to the sun
Close my eyes
Let my defences down
All those wounds that I can't get unwound

I let my past go too fast
No time to pause
If I could slow it all down
Like some captain, whose ship runs aground
I can wait until the tide comes around

(Time stand still)
I'm not looking back
But I want to look around me now
(Time stand still)
See more of the people and the places that surround me now
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each impression a little bit stronger
Freeze this motion a little bit longer
The innocence slips away
The innocence slips away...

Summer's going fast, nights growing colder
Children growing up, old friends growing older
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each sensation a little bit stronger
Experience slips away
Experience slips away...
The innocence slips away

That's from Hold your fire one of their best albums.

 Half the world hates
 What half the world does every day
 Half the world waits
 While half gets on with it anyway
 Half the world lives
 Half the world makes
 Half the world gives
 While the other half takes
 Half the world is
 Half the world was
 Half the world thinks 
 While the other half does
 Half the world talks 
 With half a mind on what they say
 Half the world walks
 With half a mind to run away
 Half the world lies
 Half the world learns
 Half the world flies 
 As half the world turns
 Half the world cries
 Half the world laughs
 Half the world tries 
 To be the other half
 Half of us divided
 Like a torn-up photograph
 Half of us are trying
 To reach the other half
 Half the world cares
 While half the world is wasting the day
 Half the world shares
 While half the world is stealing away
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  Power pop at its best - you've reminded me - I have a few Rush CDs and what 
  a better band for Xmas?? Time to rock!!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
Wow, it *does* sound defective - Refund! Yeah, I have quite a cassette 
collection too, mostly from 80's and 90's - REM, Rush, E. Costello, T. 
Heads, Bowie, etc. and, er, The Psychedelic Furs(!). 
   The first four names there were among the things I downloaded
   before giving up, Rush have been my fave band since I was 14! 
   And they're still going strong.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ 
  I bought one from Sandisk a couple years ago. The user interface is 
  awful. What I did though was load my own music on it manually (not 
  using the autosync function), and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Seasons greetings from Londinium...

2012-12-26 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 Same to you, old chap!  We're having a rather wet weather here in San 
 Francisco, CA as well.  But I like it better than the snow that I used to 
 endure when I was in Seattle, WA.

I love a bit of snow, it's so rare over here these days though. It
doesn't like like we'll get any this holiday, nature is still
paying it's debt from all the dry years we've had recently and
most of the country is underwater.
 We have many reasons to celerate during this Christmas season.  For one, the 
 Mayan prophesy was wrong.  And, we get live another cycle of the Mayan 
 calendar count, hopefully.
 Further, I'm still looking for evidence of higher consiousness among our 
 leaders here in the US.  By the looks of it, they're about to lead the 
 country over the fiscal cliff very soon, if they don't get their act 
 together.  Stay tuned.

It sounds like a disaster is looming, or is it the press making a
mountain out of a molehill? Difficult to tell from here.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  Merry Christmas y'all.
  Hope you are having a super time whatever you are doing and
  wherever you are. And that you get some traditional crimbo
  weather to remember rather than the warm rain we have here.
  I'm busy putting to the test the a new theory that too much 
  chocolate isn't necessarily a good thing. I'm starting to suspect
  it will be proved correct. looks like the dog will be forced to 
  endure another long walk in the woods or I won't have any room for 
  tea and mince pies. Luckily she is the stoic type.
  I also hope you didn't get a Sony walkman MP3 player because
  mine is driving me nuts. It's got to be faulty as no human
  could design something so difficult to use unless they were
  seriously sadistic which doesn't sound like a good marketing
  strategy to me.
  I think the BBC must have believed the Mayan apocalypse prediction
  as they didn't bother making any thing worth watching and are 
  instead broadcasting old episodes of Porridge and Blackadder's
  Christmas Carol. Marvellous. Life could be a lot worse.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Hurt Community

2012-12-26 Thread Buck

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   Xeno, the model of Bevan as the supreme TM leader to follow is different 
   than Hagelin's.  The general on the Western Front of the British army at 
   the Somme who then again followed after the Somme at Ypres is the better 
   example of Bevan.  The commonwealth general was committed to massive 
   infantry frontal assault against the machine gun and other modern 
   weaponry well past the time when it had been well proven obsolete.  That 
   guy was pig-headed as a character trait.  He had all the credentials to 
   leadership and was certainly supremely confident in himself, so much so 
   that he could not see any problem with his play book or reason to change 
   or do something otherwise.  It was only a matter of will to carry the 
   infantry assault to the breakthrough!  On the opening day of the Somme 
   the Brits took 20,000 casualties.  Within weeks it was 400,000.  The 
   flower of Greater Britain.  He had all the credentials and that way of 
   confidence about him.  After the Somme he went on and did it again at 
   Ypres with another 250,000 casualties.  He got brought home as the 
   unassailable 'hero of the Somme'.  Little ground, heavy casualties.  The 
   numbers tell the story of Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig sort of like the 
   tenure of our university President with the movement's Dome numbers.  
   Like Haig our guy has certainly been resolute to a fault.   
  B.H. Liddell-Hart, a distinguished military historian who had been wounded 
  on the Western Front, went from admirer to skeptic to unremitting critic. 
  He wrote in his diary:
  He [Haig] was a man of supreme egoism and utter lack of scruple--who, to 
  his overweening ambition, sacrificed hundreds of thousands of men. A man 
  who betrayed even his most devoted assistants as well as the Government 
  which he served. A man who gained his ends by trickery of a kind that was 
  not merely immoral but criminal.
  Om Shanti, It reads so Om similarly!
 A Flaw of excess in Any one Virtue-
 This is the key to Haig's failure as a general. Every virtue becomes a flaw 
 when pushed to excess. Daring becomes impetuosity. Prudence becomes 
 irresolution. Will and resolution become stubbornness and pigheadedness. Haig 
 evidently believed that will and resolve could carry any obstacle.
 The indictment against Haig and his pigheaded insistence of fighting Third 
 Ypres at a cost of more than 250,000 British casualties is not simply one of 
 losses, though that would be enough. What secures Third Ypres' status as one 
 of history's great military blunders is the fact that while Haig thought it 
 was a victory, the battle very nearly lost the war for the Allies. 
 Churchill dryly points out, hopes of decisive victory…grew With every step 
 away from the British front line and reached absolute conviction in the 
 Intelligence Department. 
 If there was deep mistrust between civilian and military leadership, Haig was 
 to blame for it. Swathed in sublime self-confidence, he always promised great 
 success and, as events unfolded, changed the definition of success. So he 
 felt contempt for the politicians, and they for him. The politicians were in 
 the right but didn't have the courage to act on their convictions and simply 
 fire Haig. The compromise--letting him keep his command but denying him the 
 reserves he needed--was the worst of many bad alternatives. 
 Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig became the youngest major general in the army 
 in 1904. At the outbreak of World War I, Haig helped organize the British 
 Expeditionary Force, then took command of it.
 A similar course to a young Bevan coming in to position by Maharishi in the 
 1970's as the equivalent of a TM Movement's Field Marshal from then 
 supplanting others.  Haig is a tremendously interesting example of the 
 'deceived' and 'failed' in so costly leadership emerging with laurels.  In 
 numbers and costs in war that were spectacular in a way similar like the 
 decline of TM in the Bevan years.  So it is and ere we are with Bevan the 
 Prime Minister now the right hand of our TM King resolute to the end.  

In Churchill's devastating judgment, Haig wore down alike the manhood and the 
guns of the British army almost to destruction. Keegan is also merciless: On 
the Somme, [Haig] had sent the flower of British youth to death or mutilation; 
at Passchendaele he had tipped the survivors in the slough of despond.
Of the final assault that carried the ruined, pointless little village of 
Passchendaele, British military historian J.F.C. Fuller, wrote, To persist…in 
this tactically impossible battle was an inexcusable piece of pigheadness on 
the part of Haig.  This is the key to Haig's failure as a general. Every 
virtue becomes a flaw when pushed to excess. Daring becomes impetuosity. 
Prudence becomes irresolution. Will and resolution become 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Seasons greetings from Londinium...

2012-12-26 Thread card

Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon:

1 laNDra (prob. fr. the French %{londres}) , London L.   [:D]

L. = only in lexicons?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread seekliberation
I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  Statistics 
like this:

1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market bubble 
crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero

I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people hide 
the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience:  I've 
been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, verbally 
insulted, and none of the people who did these things were gay/lesbian (at 
least not openly).  

This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to the 
really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that homosexuality is 
a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough to think that 
homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate than heterosexuals. 
 Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying humanity without any help 
from the homosexuals.   


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 8,000 Mayan YFers?

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
From my point of view, if the so called yogic flying was a effective as 
claimed, you would see the greatest effect at the epicenter, meaning closest 
to the flying group - this should mean over the years extraordinary results in 
Fairfield and Jefferson County or even all of Iowa - but it hasn't EVER 
happened. The TMO says that it has effects all over America but things stay 
the same in the local area? TMO has consistently said Ah, we had a great 
effect cause we said we had a great effect, believe us when we say we have a 
great effect and keep sending money so we can continue to have the grand 
effect that we say we are having.

There is another post here on FFL talking about the grand effect of the MExican 
group that refers to how well the government organized the event, how they 
brought the buses in on time - WTF!! If the Mexican government organized the 
event, why did the TMO ask for donations to pay for having everyone bused???

With or without a tinfoil hat, I can see these guys are wanting to continue to 
ride the gravy train - I look forward to the day that Tony, Bevan and all the 
rest are exposed for the frauds they are, the TMO folds, Marshys nevvies in 
India raid all the Movements assets leaving the TMO in ashes and Bevan and the 
boys have to make a living for themselves washing dishes or some other menial 
labor job, worrying how to pay the rent and utilities like the rest of us 
instead of living off the fat of the land in a global ashram paid for by others.

 From: doctordumb...@rocketmail.com doctordumb...@rocketmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 2:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
8,000 Mayan YFers?

Merry Christmas, MJ! ...wait, lemme secure the hat au foil de tin, prior to 
responding with substance...ok, set:

Yeah, it is tough to prove a negative. On the background of an always difficult 
world, how do you show evidence that something even worse didn't happen? As the 
French would say, impossible. lol

Over the last 60 years, there has been a lot of progress and a lot of conflict. 
Who to assign praise/blame to? I like the overall trend that more people are 
empowered to do what they want to, globally, even though it results these days 
in some terrific violence. 

Along with the potential for chaos, though, pervasive local, national, and 
global, communication, is also making it difficult to maintain the obsolete 
power structures of the past - e.g. the last US election secured, because of a 
YouTube video revealing the true nature of the loser. And secrets of any kind 
have become impossible to keep (WikiLeaks). How porous everything has become.

Is it the much vaunted Age of Enlightenment? Pretty obviously not, though now 
that things are breaking loose, in flux and in motion, we have half a chance in 
hell of getting there. :-)

ok, hat back on wig stand...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I cannot dispute the numbers of flyers in India or Mexico cuz I am not there 
 - I wish with all my heart the things you say would have been or even would 
 be true, but the state of the world as it is is proof enough for me that the 
 effect of both group practice of TM and the yogic flying has been an utter 
 failure, not because of lack of numbers but simply because the stated effects 
 just aren't there - nearly 60 years is more than enough time for proof to 
 surface - it is all still just a promise of futures and I wouldn't buy them 
 from the TMO anymore than I would Bernie Madoff - but it woulda been nice if 
 it hadda been true
  From: srijau@... srijau@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 8:53 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
 8,000 Mayan YFers?
 There are more than tens of thousands of students and pundits in India and 
 you will have no problem with the independent confirmation of that, indeed 
 the problems of the largest private educator in India and the legal disputes 
 over the land assets for future Pundit campuses have been raised in 
 Parliament; as well the extraordinary successes are everyday in the Indian 
 press for all to see as Maharishi Vidya Mandir students are constantly in or 
 at the top of educational competitions all the time. Yes there was some money 
 'wasted by Maharishi's way of dealing with the corruption of the permit 
 authorities in India by presenting them with a fait accompli instead of going 
 along with institutionalized bribery, but all kinds of financial safeguards 
 including detailed reporting and close donor supervision of expenditure have 
 been put in place now.
 The cost of buses meant that there could not be many Yogic Flyers to Monte 
 Alban and indeed it is unlikely one could even rent that many buses on short 
 notice. If 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU I knew a 
guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a great deal of 
prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known someone were gay they 
would be asked to leave the university as apparently the TMO thought being gay 
reflected badly on the TMO - I had never heard this at the time and asked 
around and several people said it was true pretty much throughout the entire 
official Movement. At the time I was still a TM junkie, so didn't know what to 
think except that it was a pretty screwed up attitude for the Movement to take. 
Anyone know anything about the TMO's stance on gays and lesbians?

 From: seekliberation seekliberat...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:19 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  Statistics 
like this:

1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market bubble 
crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero

I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people hide 
the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience:  I've 
been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, verbally 
insulted, and none of the people who did these things were gay/lesbian (at 
least not openly). 

This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to the 
really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that homosexuality is 
a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough to think that 
homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate than heterosexuals. 
 Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying humanity without any help 
from the homosexuals. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 A Cameroon archbishop stated so.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: China, goldmine for Windoze Phoney?

2012-12-26 Thread Share Long
My youngest brother in law is giving me his old Ipad.  I'm going this morning 
for lessons from my 19 yr old nephew who's good at all that.  Yay!

 From: card cardemais...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 3:52 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: China, goldmine for Windoze Phoney?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@... wrote:

 Naah! Don't get fooled by this:
 The real reason is shortage of Snapdragon chips, etc! ROFLOL!


Samsung Ativ S has the fastest browser??


[FairfieldLife] Re: China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World

2012-12-26 Thread merudanda
.. able to get the support of Natureand  a little little effort-an
aesopean's  little by little-may be  [;)]
CCTV in English
And for our Mandarin lovers  at FFL
sì yì céng yóu chù
qiáo líng zài dù shí
jiāng shān rú yÇ'u dài
huā liÇ gèng wú sÄ«

Remember the temple, this route has been traveled before,
Recalling the bridge that has been crossed again.
It seems the hills and rivers have been waiting,
And  flowers and willows become selfless now. ..

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John  wrote:

 This is an amazing accomplishment of their communist government.  As
such, we wonder how were they able to get the support of Nature to
complete this herculean task.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Buck
Dear Jack,
Let me try.  Probably that it is a non-issue as it relates to spiritual 
practices like this meditation which the TM movement is about, that it's an 
issue the TM movement does not need to 'have a position on' let alone sponsor a 
position on.  That people who want the TM movement to make a position one way 
or the other need to get a different hobby.  That people who try to use the 
movement's apparatus of teaching meditation to push their own other activist 
agendas should leave the organization.  It's about that simple a Dharma.
-Buck in the Dome

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU I knew a 
 guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a great deal of 
 prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known someone were gay 
 they would be asked to leave the university as apparently the TMO thought 
 being gay reflected badly on the TMO - I had never heard this at the time and 
 asked around and several people said it was true pretty much throughout the 
 entire official Movement. At the time I was still a TM junkie, so didn't know 
 what to think except that it was a pretty screwed up attitude for the 
 Movement to take. Anyone know anything about the TMO's stance on gays and 
  From: seekliberation seekliberation@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:19 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
 I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
 humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  Statistics 
 like this:
 1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
 bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
 unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
 I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
 hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience:  
 I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, 
 verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were 
 gay/lesbian (at least not openly). 
 This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
 demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
 the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
 homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough 
 to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate 
 than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying 
 humanity without any help from the homosexuals. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

2012-12-26 Thread Share Long
Buck, do you remember the author and or book wherein Hagelin was supposedly 
John Adams reincarnated and Bob Roth was Thomas Paine?

 From: Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 9:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

Casting John Hagelin as George Washington
would be really good.
And our Turqb as the Prince Juda Ben Hur.
Great Christmas. 

 Hope to get to The Crossing
 before the day is over.  One of
 the Best Christmas stories.
   Ben Hur
   We started with Ben Hur X-mas eve...
  Ben Hur meets Jesus


Re: [FairfieldLife] How long will it take to reach CC-MMY

2012-12-26 Thread Share Long
Maybe what's happening is some projecting of human qualities onto God?  

I thought doing TM was practicing all 8 limbs at once.  Does it say that in 
back of Science of Being?

 From: wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 7:52 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] How long will it take to reach CC-MMY


I think you need to practice ALL eight limbs of YOGA, Yes? MMY says all eight 
limbs MUST be practiced simultaneously, Charlie used to say, 7 lifetimes.  

Why is God a *jealous* God? Because unless you put HIM first, he will not come!


[FairfieldLife] Re: China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World

2012-12-26 Thread merudanda

  China still needs billions more in rail investment to remove
bottlenecks in cargo transport, ease overcrowding in passenger transport
and develop commuter lines in its sprawling mega-cities.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:

 .. able to get the support of Natureand  a little little effort-an
 aesopean's  little by little-may be  [;)]
 CCTV in English

 And for our Mandarin lovers  at FFL

 sì yì céng yóu chù
 qiáo líng zài dù shí
 jiāng shān rú yÇ'u dài
 huā liÇ gèng wú sÄ«

 Remember the temple, this route has been traveled before,
 Recalling the bridge that has been crossed again.
 It seems the hills and rivers have been waiting,
 And  flowers and willows become selfless now. ..


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John  wrote:
  This is an amazing accomplishment of their communist government.  As
 such, we wonder how were they able to get the support of Nature to
 complete this herculean task.


Re: [FairfieldLife] China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World

2012-12-26 Thread Share Long
I get the impression that lots of Chinese people live quite dharmic lives.  I 
think that would give support of Nature.

 From: John jr_...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 3:42 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World

This is an amazing accomplishment of their communist government.  As such, we 
wonder how were they able to get the support of Nature to complete this 
herculean task.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread seekliberation
During my time at MIU/MUM, the question came up in private conversations.  Open 
discussion about homosexuality never came up in class; anything controversial 
was never to be talked about in class.  

But in private conversation, it was agreed upon by most that homsexuality was 
bad for evolution, according to Vedic Science.  Personally, I don't know of any 
of the 5 major world religions that don't have a derogatory attitude towards 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU I knew a 
 guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a great deal of 
 prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known someone were gay 
 they would be asked to leave the university as apparently the TMO thought 
 being gay reflected badly on the TMO - I had never heard this at the time and 
 asked around and several people said it was true pretty much throughout the 
 entire official Movement. At the time I was still a TM junkie, so didn't know 
 what to think except that it was a pretty screwed up attitude for the 
 Movement to take. Anyone know anything about the TMO's stance on gays and 
  From: seekliberation seekliberation@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:19 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
 I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
 humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  Statistics 
 like this:
 1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
 bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
 unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
 I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
 hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience:  
 I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, 
 verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were 
 gay/lesbian (at least not openly). 
 This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
 demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
 the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
 homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough 
 to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate 
 than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying 
 humanity without any help from the homosexuals. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

2012-12-26 Thread merudanda
Hi my dear Christmas Angel... and that John Hagelin was the
reincarnation  of James Otis, a Boston lawyer who was considered to be a
genius, who  helped spark the revolutionary movement by taking the
British to court  regarding the Writs of Assistance, an illegal search
and seizure law?

Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul
Groups ...
  By Walter Semkiw may be?
http://tinyurl.com/cvd5vhm http://tinyurl.com/cvd5vhm
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 Buck, do you remember the author and or book wherein Hagelin was
supposedly John Adams reincarnated and Bob Roth was Thomas Paine?

  From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 9:48 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

 Casting John Hagelin as George Washington
 would be really good.
 And our Turqb as the Prince Juda Ben Hur.
 Great Christmas.

  Hope to get to The Crossing
  before the day is over.  One of
  the Best Christmas stories.
Ben Hur
We started with Ben Hur X-mas eve...
   Ben Hur meets Jesus

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

2012-12-26 Thread Share Long
Oy, my memory is definitely flawed, angelic or not (-:
yep, that's the one I was thinking of, thanks for having an unflawed memory.  
Also angelic perhaps?

Well the resemblance is pretty cool I think.  What a funny old world...How 
about Roth and Paine?

 From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:37 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

Hi my dear Christmas Angel...and that John Hagelin was the reincarnation 
of James Otis, a Boston lawyer who was considered to be a genius, who 
helped spark the revolutionary movement by taking the British to court 
regarding the Writs of Assistance, an illegal search and seizure law?

Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups ...
 By Walter Semkiw may be?
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 Buck, do you remember the author and or book wherein Hagelin was supposedly 
 John Adams reincarnated and Bob Roth was Thomas Paine?
  From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 9:48 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies
 Casting John Hagelin as George Washington
 would be really good.
 And our Turqb as the Prince Juda Ben Hur.
 Great Christmas. 
  Hope to get to The Crossing
  before the day is over.  One of
  the Best Christmas stories.
Ben Hur
We started with Ben Hur X-mas eve...

   Ben Hur meets Jesus


[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Buck
You know, the extraordinarily revolutionary thing about Maharishi's teaching is 
that it says that everyone should meditate.  Not just should but must for very 
sound scientific reasons.  Meditation for all Regardless of politics, gender 
roles, even sexual orientation that this meditation and the science of 
meditation is the essential ingredient for all humanity moving progressively 
forward in their birthright. Even tea-party nuts, vegans, omnivores, atheists, 
Republicans and Islamicists.  It is important that we not let little things get 
in the way of people coming together in meditation and enlightenment.  
-Buck in the Dome   

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@... 

 During my time at MIU/MUM, the question came up in private conversations.  
 Open discussion about homosexuality never came up in class; anything 
 controversial was never to be talked about in class.  
 But in private conversation, it was agreed upon by most that homsexuality was 
 bad for evolution, according to Vedic Science.  Personally, I don't know of 
 any of the 5 major world religions that don't have a derogatory attitude 
 towards gays/lesbians.  
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU I knew 
  a guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a great deal of 
  prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known someone were gay 
  they would be asked to leave the university as apparently the TMO thought 
  being gay reflected badly on the TMO - I had never heard this at the time 
  and asked around and several people said it was true pretty much throughout 
  the entire official Movement. At the time I was still a TM junkie, so 
  didn't know what to think except that it was a pretty screwed up attitude 
  for the Movement to take. Anyone know anything about the TMO's stance on 
  gays and lesbians?
   From: seekliberation seekliberation@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:19 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
  I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
  humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  
  Statistics like this:
  1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
  bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
  unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
  I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
  hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience: 
   I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, 
  verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were 
  gay/lesbian (at least not openly). 
  This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
  demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
  the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
  homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough 
  to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate 
  than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying 
  humanity without any help from the homosexuals. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread merudanda
welcome to gaYogi.org --Namaste, and welcome!
This gaYogi site is  dedicated to gay men [and our friends] exploring
and unfolding what  almost everyone feels deep inside…
There must be more to life, I'm sure  of that. I just don't
know how to get there.
Photo: Celebrating a birthday with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Switzerland,
and further in text:
My partner  Scott and I are long-time practitioners of the
Transcendental Meditation  (TM) Program. I studied with Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi, the founder of  Transcendental Meditation, starting in 1973 up
until 2008 when he passed  on. I became a Certified Instructor of TM in
1974 after extensive  training, and continued my education with advanced
courses in India and  Europe over the past few decades. I've taught
over 1,000 people to  successfully meditate, including volunteer
programs across the USA as  well as in Sierra Leone and Liberia (West
Africa), Iran, India, Thailand  and the Philippines.  ..
Seems to be endorsed or at least accepted by Thomas E. Roth because it
Please contact me to arrange a free orientation meeting, or for further
Thomas E. Roth, Director
The Transcendental Meditation® Program of San Francisco
Maharishi Foundation USA / 501(c)3
Email tr...@tm.org
  mailto:tr...@tm.org Visit http://www.tm.org/sf  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation  wrote:

 During my time at MIU/MUM, the question came up in private
conversations.  Open discussion about homosexuality never came up in
class; anything controversial was never to be talked about in class.

 But in private conversation, it was agreed upon by most that
homsexuality was bad for evolution, according to Vedic Science. 
Personally, I don't know of any of the 5 major world religions that
don't have a derogatory attitude towards gays/lesbians.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
  I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU
I knew a guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a
great deal of prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known
someone were gay they would be asked to leave the university as
apparently the TMO thought being gay reflected badly on the TMO - I had
never heard this at the time and asked around and several people said it
was true pretty much throughout the entire official Movement. At the
time I was still a TM junkie, so didn't know what to think except that
it was a pretty screwed up attitude for the Movement to take. Anyone
know anything about the TMO's stance on gays and lesbians?
   From: seekliberation seekliberation@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:19 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against
  I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to
destroy humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.
Statistics like this:
  1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing
market bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who
justified unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
  I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some
people hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from
experience:  I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal
belongings stolen, verbally insulted, and none of the people who did
these things were gay/lesbian (at least not openly).
  This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society
then demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a
fraction to the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the
idea that homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not
stupid enough to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any
faster of a rate than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than
capable of destroying humanity without any help from the homosexuals.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John  wrote:
   A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
Buck I was simply curious as to what the unofficial official position of the 
TMO was/is about gays - the few I knew at MIU were really afraid of being outed 
and dismissed from MIU based apparently on treatment and events that had taken 
place among the TMO in Canada. The people I talked to at the time all said the 
Movement frowned on gays, thought it made the TMO look bad and that 
unofficially the Big M was down on homosexuality, so being that there are a lot 
of old timers here on FFL, I wondered if they knew anything about it.

You seem to be afraid that yet another aspect of the seamy underbelly of the 
movement will come out, you know like the Movement keeping files on meditators 
in the Fairfield community, eveybody s'posed to be celibate or they won't get 
enlightened and all the other unofficial official stuff the TMO has always 
lived by? 

So I am curious if the TMO has had an unofficial policy of meditation for 
everyone (but no gays in our Global Country of World Peace, please) or were the 
gays at MIU just being paranoid? By the way what in the world do you think is 
revolutionary about Maha saying everyone should meditate? I haven't seen any 
other meditation teachers saying No, just a few folks should do our 
meditation. All meditation teachers of all kinds think everyone should 
meditate. There is not one thing revolutionary about that  - besides everyone 
doing TM would have been good for Maha's bank account. No surprise there.

 From: Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 9:00 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

You know, the extraordinarily revolutionary thing about Maharishi's teaching is 
that it says that everyone should meditate.  Not just should but must for very 
sound scientific reasons.  Meditation for all Regardless of politics, gender 
roles, even sexual orientation that this meditation and the science of 
meditation is the essential ingredient for all humanity moving progressively 
forward in their birthright. Even tea-party nuts, vegans, omnivores, atheists, 
Republicans and Islamicists.  It is important that we not let little things get 
in the way of people coming together in meditation and enlightenment. 
-Buck in the Dome 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@... 

 During my time at MIU/MUM, the question came up in private conversations.  
 Open discussion about homosexuality never came up in class; anything 
 controversial was never to be talked about in class. 
 But in private conversation, it was agreed upon by most that homsexuality was 
 bad for evolution, according to Vedic Science.  Personally, I don't know of 
 any of the 5 major world religions that don't have a derogatory attitude 
 towards gays/lesbians. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU I knew 
  a guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a great deal of 
  prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known someone were gay 
  they would be asked to leave the university as apparently the TMO thought 
  being gay reflected badly on the TMO - I had never heard this at the time 
  and asked around and several people said it was true pretty much throughout 
  the entire official Movement. At the time I was still a TM junkie, so 
  didn't know what to think except that it was a pretty screwed up attitude 
  for the Movement to take. Anyone know anything about the TMO's stance on 
  gays and lesbians?
   From: seekliberation seekliberation@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:19 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
  I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
  humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  
  Statistics like this:
  1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
  bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
  unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
  I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
  hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience: 
   I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, 
  verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were 
  gay/lesbian (at least not openly). 
  This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

2012-12-26 Thread merudanda
...and Deepak the Chopra was a physician during American Revolution and
a very close friend of John and Abigail Adams. [;)]

To your question about Roth/Paine see chapter 19
Unfortunately it remains completely stuck in the physical reality of 
reincarnation, without ever even entertaining for the moment  other 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 Oy, my memory is definitely flawed, angelic or not (-:
 yep, that's the one I was thinking of, thanks for having an unflawed
memory.  Also angelic perhaps?

 Well the resemblance is pretty cool I think.  What a funny old
world...How about Roth and Paine?

  From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:37 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

 Hi my dear Christmas Angel...and that John Hagelin was the
 of James Otis, a Boston lawyer who was considered to be a genius, who
 helped spark the revolutionary movement by taking the British to court
 regarding the Writs of Assistance, an illegal search and seizure

 Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul
Groups ...
 Â By Walter Semkiw may be?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  Buck, do you remember the author and or book wherein Hagelin was
supposedly John Adams reincarnated and Bob Roth was Thomas Paine?
   From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 9:48 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies
  Casting John Hagelin as George Washington
  would be really good.
  And our Turqb as the Prince Juda Ben Hur.
  Great Christmas.
   Hope to get to The Crossing
   before the day is over.  One of
   the Best Christmas stories.

 Ben Hur
 We started with Ben Hur X-mas eve...


Ben Hur meets Jesus

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU I knew a 
 guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a great deal of 
 prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known someone were gay 
 they would be asked to leave the university as apparently the TMO thought 
 being gay reflected badly on the TMO - I had never heard this at the time and 
 asked around and several people said it was true pretty much throughout the 
 entire official Movement. At the time I was still a TM junkie, so didn't know 
 what to think except that it was a pretty screwed up attitude for the 
 Movement to take. Anyone know anything about the TMO's stance on gays and 

Marshy apparently thought that homosexuality wouldn't happen 
in the AofE. Obviously then he saw it as violation of natural
law but one that individuals can't help, it's just a yuga thang.

  From: seekliberation seekliberation@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:19 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
 I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
 humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  Statistics 
 like this:
 1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
 bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
 unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
 I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
 hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience:  
 I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, 
 verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were 
 gay/lesbian (at least not openly). 
 This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
 demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
 the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
 homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough 
 to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate 
 than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying 
 humanity without any help from the homosexuals. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
Even tho I am not a fan of the TMO I think this is pretty cool - I saw the 
earlier posts about gays and it brought that episode at MIU back to my mind so 
I was just asking if any old timers remembered anything about it. 

The reason I even head about any TM gay prejudice at the time was I had the 
hots for a raven haired French Canadian gal who didn't give a crap about me 
except to cry on my shoulder when her life wasn't going well. She was in love 
with this English Canadian who didn't seem interested in her but she goddamn 
well set her cap for him and pursued him and pursued him and pursued him 
relentlessly until finally told her he couldn't go out with her cause he was 

She came to my pod room one night in tears right after he told her and she 
didn't know WHAT she was gonna do since she was convinced they were soul mates 
(based on the fact that he had nearly all the qualities on the list she had 
made of her ideal man - I kid you not.)

So then she told him she had told me that he was gay and he got upset so I 
talked to him and said Look man I'm not gonna tell anyone, its your private 
business. But what's the big deal anyway? This is MIU we all just meditate. We 
are all equal here.
So he proceeded to tell me stories of prejudice against gays in the Canadian 

 From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 9:08 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

welcome to gaYogi.org --Namaste, and welcome!
ThisgaYogi site is 
dedicated to gay men [and our friends] exploring and unfolding what 
almost everyone feels deep inside…
There must be more to life, I'm sure
 of that. I just don't know how to get there.

Photo: Celebrating a birthday with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Switzerland, 1979
and further in text:
My partner 
Scott and I are long-time practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) 
Program. I studied with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of 
Transcendental Meditation, starting in 1973 up until 2008 when he passed on. I 
became a Certified Instructor of TM in 1974 after extensive 
training, and continued my education with advanced courses in India and 
Europe over the past few decades. I've taught over 1,000 people to 
successfully meditate, including volunteer programs across the USA as 
well as in Sierra Leone and Liberia (West Africa), Iran, India, Thailand and 
the Philippines. ..
Seems to be endorsed or at least accepted by Thomas E. Roth because it says:
Please contact me to arrange a free orientation meeting, or for further 
Thomas E. Roth, Director
The Transcendental Meditation® Program of San Francisco
Maharishi Foundation USA / 501(c)3
Email tr...@tm.org
Visit http://www.tm.org/sf  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation  wrote:

 During my time at MIU/MUM, the question came up in private conversations.  
 Open discussion about homosexuality never came up in class; anything 
 controversial was never to be talked about in class. 
 But in private conversation, it was agreed upon by most that homsexuality was 
 bad for evolution, according to Vedic Science.  Personally, I don't know of 
 any of the 5 major world religions that don't have a derogatory attitude 
 towards gays/lesbians. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU I knew 
  a guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a great deal of 
  prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known someone were gay 
  they would be asked to leave the university as apparently the TMO thought 
  being gay reflected badly on the TMO - I had never heard this at the time 
  and asked around and several people said it was true pretty much throughout 
  the entire official Movement. At the time I was still a TM junkie, so 
  didn't know what to think except that it was a pretty screwed up attitude 
  for the Movement to take. Anyone know anything about the TMO's stance on 
  gays and lesbians?
   From: seekliberation seekliberation@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:19 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
  I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
  humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  
  Statistics like this:
  1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
  bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 

[FairfieldLife] Re: How long will it take to reach CC-MMY

2012-12-26 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Maybe what's happening is some projecting of human qualities onto God?  
 I thought doing TM was practicing all 8 limbs at once.  Does it say that in 
 back of Science of Being?

Would limbless yoga be faster?
  From: wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 7:52 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] How long will it take to reach CC-MMY

I seem to recall MMY saying that in about 5 years one would develop 'quite a 
lot of cosmic consciousness'. Regarding the MMY video, the sage Nisargadatta, 
1897-1981, is reputed have have experienced full realisation (i.e. unity) in 
less than three years. And he 

1. Was married and had a daughter. 
2. Owned eight tobacco stores.
3. Smoked cigarettes all his life.
4. Ate meat.

 I think you need to practice ALL eight limbs of YOGA, Yes? MMY says all eight 
 limbs MUST be practiced simultaneously, Charlie used to say, 7 lifetimes.  
 Why is God a *jealous* God? Because unless you put HIM first, he will not 

Here is what Mark Twain said about the god of the Torah (or Old Testament from 
the Christian perspective):

  Jealousy. Do not forget it, keep it in mind. 
  It is the key. With it you will come to 
  partly understand God as we go along; 
  without it nobody can understand him. 
  As I have said, he has openly held up 
  this treasonous key himself, for all 
  to see. He says, naïvely, outspokenly, 
  and without suggestion of embarrassment: 
  I the Lord thy God am a jealous God.

  You see, it is only another way of saying, 
  I the Lord thy God am a small God; a 
  small God, and fretful about small things.

  He was giving a warning: he could not 
  bear the thought of any other God 
  getting some of the Sunday compliments 
  of this comical little human race -- 
  he wanted all of them for himself. He 
  valued them. To him they were riches; 
  just as tin money is to a Zulu.

  But wait -- I am not fair; I am 
  misrepresenting him; prejudice is 
  beguiling me into saying what is not 
  true. He did not say he wanted all of 
  the adulations; he said nothing about 
  not being willing to share them with 
  his fellow gods; what he said was, 
  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

  It is a quite different thing, and 
  puts him in a much better light -- 
  I confess it. There was an abundance 
  of gods, the woods were full of them, 
  as the saying is, and all he demanded 
  was that he should be ranked as high 
  as the others -- not above any of them, 
  but not below any of them. He was 
  willing that they should fertilize 
  earthly virgins, but not on any better 
  terms than he could have for himself in 
  his turn. He wanted to be held their equal. 
  This he insisted upon, in the clearest 
  language: he would have no other gods before 
  him. They could march abreast with him, but 
  none of them could head the procession, and 
  he did not claim the right to head it himself

  ...Do you think he was able to stick to 
  that upright and creditable position? No. 
  He could keep to a bad resolution forever, 
  but he couldn't keep to a good one a month. 
  By and by he threw aside and calmly claimed 
  to be the only God in the entire universe.

There is a hand-written note Twain inscribed in a copy of one of his books:
  All gods are better than their reputation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 8,000 Mayan YFers?

2012-12-26 Thread obbajeeba
Posts like this, bring logic to the clarity achieved in taking time to sit and 
meditate.  :)  Thank you michael jackson.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 From my point of view, if the so called yogic flying was a effective as 
 claimed, you would see the greatest effect at the epicenter, meaning closest 
 to the flying group - this should mean over the years extraordinary results 
 in Fairfield and Jefferson County or even all of Iowa - but it hasn't EVER 
 happened. The TMO says that it has effects all over America but things stay 
 the same in the local area? TMO has consistently said Ah, we had a great 
 effect cause we said we had a great effect, believe us when we say we have a 
 great effect and keep sending money so we can continue to have the grand 
 effect that we say we are having.
 There is another post here on FFL talking about the grand effect of the 
 MExican group that refers to how well the government organized the event, how 
 they brought the buses in on time - WTF!! If the Mexican government organized 
 the event, why did the TMO ask for donations to pay for having everyone 
 With or without a tinfoil hat, I can see these guys are wanting to continue 
 to ride the gravy train - I look forward to the day that Tony, Bevan and all 
 the rest are exposed for the frauds they are, the TMO folds, Marshys nevvies 
 in India raid all the Movements assets leaving the TMO in ashes and Bevan and 
 the boys have to make a living for themselves washing dishes or some other 
 menial labor job, worrying how to pay the rent and utilities like the rest of 
 us instead of living off the fat of the land in a global ashram paid for by 
  From: doctordumbass@... doctordumbass@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 2:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
 8,000 Mayan YFers?
 Merry Christmas, MJ! ...wait, lemme secure the hat au foil de tin, prior to 
 responding with substance...ok, set:
 Yeah, it is tough to prove a negative. On the background of an always 
 difficult world, how do you show evidence that something even worse didn't 
 happen? As the French would say, impossible. lol
 Over the last 60 years, there has been a lot of progress and a lot of 
 conflict. Who to assign praise/blame to? I like the overall trend that more 
 people are empowered to do what they want to, globally, even though it 
 results these days in some terrific violence. 
 Along with the potential for chaos, though, pervasive local, national, and 
 global, communication, is also making it difficult to maintain the obsolete 
 power structures of the past - e.g. the last US election secured, because of 
 a YouTube video revealing the true nature of the loser. And secrets of any 
 kind have become impossible to keep (WikiLeaks). How porous everything has 
 Is it the much vaunted Age of Enlightenment? Pretty obviously not, though now 
 that things are breaking loose, in flux and in motion, we have half a chance 
 in hell of getting there. :-)
 ok, hat back on wig stand...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  I cannot dispute the numbers of flyers in India or Mexico cuz I am not 
  there - I wish with all my heart the things you say would have been or even 
  would be true, but the state of the world as it is is proof enough for me 
  that the effect of both group practice of TM and the yogic flying has 
  been an utter failure, not because of lack of numbers but simply because 
  the stated effects just aren't there - nearly 60 years is more than enough 
  time for proof to surface - it is all still just a promise of futures and I 
  wouldn't buy them from the TMO anymore than I would Bernie Madoff - but it 
  woulda been nice if it hadda been true
   From: srijau@ srijau@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 8:53 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
  8,000 Mayan YFers?
  There are more than tens of thousands of students and pundits in India and 
  you will have no problem with the independent confirmation of that, indeed 
  the problems of the largest private educator in India and the legal 
  disputes over the land assets for future Pundit campuses have been raised 
  in Parliament; as well the extraordinary successes are everyday in the 
  Indian press for all to see as Maharishi Vidya Mandir students are 
  constantly in or at the top of educational competitions all the time. Yes 
  there was some money 'wasted by Maharishi's way of dealing with the 
  corruption of the permit authorities in India by presenting them with a 
  fait accompli instead of going along with institutionalized bribery, but 
  all kinds of financial 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU I knew a 
 guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a great deal of 
 prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known someone were gay 
 they would be asked to leave the university as apparently the TMO thought 
 being gay reflected badly on the TMO - I had never heard this at the time and 
 asked around and several people said it was true pretty much throughout the 
 entire official Movement. At the time I was still a TM junkie, so didn't know 
 what to think except that it was a pretty screwed up attitude for the 
 Movement to take. Anyone know anything about the TMO's stance on gays and 

Funny, half my friends at MIU in the 1980's were gay, more men than women, and 
no one ever seemed that interested in hiding that fact nor was I ever under the 
impression that it would have ever been an issue at the school. If it had, our 
class would have been severely decimated after the expulsions!
  From: seekliberation seekliberation@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:19 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
 I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
 humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  Statistics 
 like this:
 1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
 bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
 unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
 I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
 hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience:  
 I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, 
 verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were 
 gay/lesbian (at least not openly). 
 This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
 demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
 the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
 homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough 
 to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate 
 than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying 
 humanity without any help from the homosexuals. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@... 

 I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
 humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  Statistics 
 like this:
 1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
 bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
 unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero

Homosexuals are much too busy being fabulous to commit any crimes, sweetie.

 I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
 hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience:  
 I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, 
 verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were 
 gay/lesbian (at least not openly).  
 This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
 demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
 the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
 homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough 
 to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate 
 than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying 
 humanity without any help from the homosexuals.   

You're late to the party, Steve. 

1980 DSM-III creates a new class, the psychosexual disorders, including 
psychosexual dysfunction, paraphilia (fetishism), gender identity disorder 
(transsexualism), and ego-dystonic homosexuality

1987 DSM-III-Revised deletes the diagnosis of homosexuality entirely, leaving 
the paraphilias and sexual dysfunctions as the two main classes of sexual 

Folks who believe homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural also believe 
Jesus walked the earth among the dinosaurs. Fortunately, they aren't stupid 
enough to believe homosexuals are destroying humanity because that would be 
reeealy stooopid.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 8,000 Mayan YFers?

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
I admit it was inspired - it came to me in meditation, so you are welcome.


 From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 9:51 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
8,000 Mayan YFers?

Posts like this, bring logic to the clarity achieved in taking time to sit and 
meditate.  :)  Thank you michael jackson.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 From my point of view, if the so called yogic flying was a effective as 
 claimed, you would see the greatest effect at the epicenter, meaning closest 
 to the flying group - this should mean over the years extraordinary results 
 in Fairfield and Jefferson County or even all of Iowa - but it hasn't EVER 
 happened. The TMO says that it has effects all over America but things stay 
 the same in the local area? TMO has consistently said Ah, we had a great 
 effect cause we said we had a great effect, believe us when we say we have a 
 great effect and keep sending money so we can continue to have the grand 
 effect that we say we are having.
 There is another post here on FFL talking about the grand effect of the 
 MExican group that refers to how well the government organized the event, how 
 they brought the buses in on time - WTF!! If the Mexican government organized 
 the event, why did the TMO ask for donations to pay for having everyone 
 With or without a tinfoil hat, I can see these guys are wanting to continue 
 to ride the gravy train - I look forward to the day that Tony, Bevan and all 
 the rest are exposed for the frauds they are, the TMO folds, Marshys nevvies 
 in India raid all the Movements assets leaving the TMO in ashes and Bevan and 
 the boys have to make a living for themselves washing dishes or some other 
 menial labor job, worrying how to pay the rent and utilities like the rest of 
 us instead of living off the fat of the land in a global ashram paid for by 
  From: doctordumbass@... doctordumbass@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 2:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
 8,000 Mayan YFers?
 Merry Christmas, MJ! ...wait, lemme secure the hat au foil de tin, prior to 
 responding with substance...ok, set:
 Yeah, it is tough to prove a negative. On the background of an always 
 difficult world, how do you show evidence that something even worse didn't 
 happen? As the French would say, impossible. lol
 Over the last 60 years, there has been a lot of progress and a lot of 
 conflict. Who to assign praise/blame to? I like the overall trend that more 
 people are empowered to do what they want to, globally, even though it 
 results these days in some terrific violence. 
 Along with the potential for chaos, though, pervasive local, national, and 
 global, communication, is also making it difficult to maintain the obsolete 
 power structures of the past - e.g. the last US election secured, because of 
 a YouTube video revealing the true nature of the loser. And secrets of any 
 kind have become impossible to keep (WikiLeaks). How porous everything has 
 Is it the much vaunted Age of Enlightenment? Pretty obviously not, though now 
 that things are breaking loose, in flux and in motion, we have half a chance 
 in hell of getting there. :-)
 ok, hat back on wig stand...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  I cannot dispute the numbers of flyers in India or Mexico cuz I am not 
  there - I wish with all my heart the things you say would have been or even 
  would be true, but the state of the world as it is is proof enough for me 
  that the effect of both group practice of TM and the yogic flying has 
  been an utter failure, not because of lack of numbers but simply because 
  the stated effects just aren't there - nearly 60 years is more than enough 
  time for proof to surface - it is all still just a promise of futures and I 
  wouldn't buy them from the TMO anymore than I would Bernie Madoff - but it 
  woulda been nice if it hadda been true
   From: srijau@ srijau@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 8:53 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
  8,000 Mayan YFers?
  There are more than tens of thousands of students and pundits in India and 
  you will have no problem with the independent confirmation of that, indeed 
  the problems of the largest private educator in India and the legal 
  disputes over the land assets for future Pundit campuses have been raised 
  in Parliament; as well the extraordinary successes are everyday in the 
  Indian press for all to see as Maharishi Vidya Mandir students are 

[FairfieldLife] Re: China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World

2012-12-26 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 I get the impression that lots of Chinese people live quite dharmic lives.  
 I think that would give support of Nature.

Hi Share, I don't understand what you mean here. What is a 'dharmic life', what 
gives you that impression and how does support of nature result, what form 
would it take (a high speed railway)?
  From: John jr_esq@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 3:42 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World
 This is an amazing accomplishment of their communist government.  As such, we 
 wonder how were they able to get the support of Nature to complete this 
 herculean task.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 8,000 Mayan YFers?

2012-12-26 Thread obbajeeba
Yes. It kind of like one imagines one's desires. Then when something makes it 
possible to have a clearer mind, some try to harness it into a money pit.. a 
romantic money pit with crowns of glory and amrits on every vastu... sort of 
like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=sKns1uatyNgvq=medium

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I admit it was inspired - it came to me in meditation, so you are welcome.
  From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 9:51 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
 8,000 Mayan YFers?
 Posts like this, bring logic to the clarity achieved in taking time to sit 
 and meditate.  :)  Thank you michael jackson.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  From my point of view, if the so called yogic flying was a effective as 
  claimed, you would see the greatest effect at the epicenter, meaning 
  closest to the flying group - this should mean over the years extraordinary 
  results in Fairfield and Jefferson County or even all of Iowa - but it 
  hasn't EVER happened. The TMO says that it has effects all over America but 
  things stay the same in the local area? TMO has consistently said Ah, we 
  had a great effect cause we said we had a great effect, believe us when we 
  say we have a great effect and keep sending money so we can continue to 
  have the grand effect that we say we are having.
  There is another post here on FFL talking about the grand effect of the 
  MExican group that refers to how well the government organized the event, 
  how they brought the buses in on time - WTF!! If the Mexican government 
  organized the event, why did the TMO ask for donations to pay for having 
  everyone bused???
  With or without a tinfoil hat, I can see these guys are wanting to continue 
  to ride the gravy train - I look forward to the day that Tony, Bevan and 
  all the rest are exposed for the frauds they are, the TMO folds, Marshys 
  nevvies in India raid all the Movements assets leaving the TMO in ashes and 
  Bevan and the boys have to make a living for themselves washing dishes or 
  some other menial labor job, worrying how to pay the rent and utilities 
  like the rest of us instead of living off the fat of the land in a global 
  ashram paid for by others.
   From: doctordumbass@ doctordumbass@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 2:43 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
  8,000 Mayan YFers?
  Merry Christmas, MJ! ...wait, lemme secure the hat au foil de tin, prior 
  to responding with substance...ok, set:
  Yeah, it is tough to prove a negative. On the background of an always 
  difficult world, how do you show evidence that something even worse didn't 
  happen? As the French would say, impossible. lol
  Over the last 60 years, there has been a lot of progress and a lot of 
  conflict. Who to assign praise/blame to? I like the overall trend that more 
  people are empowered to do what they want to, globally, even though it 
  results these days in some terrific violence. 
  Along with the potential for chaos, though, pervasive local, national, and 
  global, communication, is also making it difficult to maintain the obsolete 
  power structures of the past - e.g. the last US election secured, because 
  of a YouTube video revealing the true nature of the loser. And secrets of 
  any kind have become impossible to keep (WikiLeaks). How porous everything 
  has become.
  Is it the much vaunted Age of Enlightenment? Pretty obviously not, though 
  now that things are breaking loose, in flux and in motion, we have half a 
  chance in hell of getting there. :-)
  ok, hat back on wig stand...
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   I cannot dispute the numbers of flyers in India or Mexico cuz I am not 
   there - I wish with all my heart the things you say would have been or 
   even would be true, but the state of the world as it is is proof enough 
   for me that the effect of both group practice of TM and the yogic 
   flying has been an utter failure, not because of lack of numbers but 
   simply because the stated effects just aren't there - nearly 60 years is 
   more than enough time for proof to surface - it is all still just a 
   promise of futures and I wouldn't buy them from the TMO anymore than I 
   would Bernie Madoff - but it woulda been nice if it hadda been true
From: srijau@ srijau@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 8:53 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Even tho I am not a fan of the TMO I think this is pretty cool - I saw the 
 earlier posts about gays and it brought that episode at MIU back to my mind 
 so I was just asking if any old timers remembered anything about it. 
 The reason I even head about any TM gay prejudice at the time was I had the 
 hots for a raven haired French Canadian gal who didn't give a crap about me 
 except to cry on my shoulder when her life wasn't going well. She was in love 
 with this English Canadian who didn't seem interested in her but she goddamn 
 well set her cap for him and pursued him and pursued him and pursued him 
 relentlessly until finally told her he couldn't go out with her cause he was 
 She came to my pod room one night in tears right after he told her and she 
 didn't know WHAT she was gonna do since she was convinced they were soul 
 mates (based on the fact that he had nearly all the qualities on the list she 
 had made of her ideal man - I kid you not.)

I was at MIU from 1975-1980 and then in FF again in 1982. When exactly were you 
there? I think I know both of the people you are talking about. Was that 
Canadian girl's name Rhona? (I think it was or maybe my memory is hooped on 
that one, she was very attractive and lived in my pod.)
 So then she told him she had told me that he was gay and he got upset so I 
 talked to him and said Look man I'm not gonna tell anyone, its your private 
 business. But what's the big deal anyway? This is MIU we all just meditate. 
 We are all equal here.
 So he proceeded to tell me stories of prejudice against gays in the Canadian 
  From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 9:08 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
 welcome to gaYogi.org --Namaste, and welcome!
 ThisgaYogi site is 
 dedicated to gay men [and our friends] exploring and unfolding what 
 almost everyone feels deep inside…
 There must be more to life, I'm sure
  of that. I just don't know how to get there.
 Photo: Celebrating a birthday with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Switzerland, 1979
 and further in text:
 My partner 
 Scott and I are long-time practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) 
 Program. I studied with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of 
 Transcendental Meditation, starting in 1973 up until 2008 when he passed on. 
 I became a Certified Instructor of TM in 1974 after extensive 
 training, and continued my education with advanced courses in India and 
 Europe over the past few decades. I've taught over 1,000 people to 
 successfully meditate, including volunteer programs across the USA as 
 well as in Sierra Leone and Liberia (West Africa), Iran, India, Thailand and 
 the Philippines. ..
 Seems to be endorsed or at least accepted by Thomas E. Roth because it says:
 Please contact me to arrange a free orientation meeting, or for further 
 Thomas E. Roth, Director
 The Transcendental Meditation® Program of San Francisco
 Maharishi Foundation USA / 501(c)3
 Email TRoth@...
 Visit http://www.tm.org/sf  
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation  wrote:
  During my time at MIU/MUM, the question came up in private conversations.  
  Open discussion about homosexuality never came up in class; anything 
  controversial was never to be talked about in class. 
  But in private conversation, it was agreed upon by most that homsexuality 
  was bad for evolution, according to Vedic Science.  Personally, I don't 
  know of any of the 5 major world religions that don't have a derogatory 
  attitude towards gays/lesbians. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU I 
   knew a guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a great 
   deal of prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known someone 
   were gay they would be asked to leave the university as apparently the 
   TMO thought being gay reflected badly on the TMO - I had never heard this 
   at the time and asked around and several people said it was true pretty 
   much throughout the entire official Movement. At the time I was still a 
   TM junkie, so didn't know what to think except that it was a pretty 
   screwed up attitude for the Movement to take. Anyone know anything about 
   the TMO's stance on gays and lesbians?
From: seekliberation seekliberation@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:19 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
   I often wonder if these people who claim 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
Cool - I am glad to know it - I guess the fellow and his friends from Canada 
were just paranoid or maybe the Canadian TMO had some homophobes running things 
for a while - dunno

 From: Ann awoelfleba...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 9:53 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU I knew a 
 guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a great deal of 
 prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known someone were gay 
 they would be asked to leave the university as apparently the TMO thought 
 being gay reflected badly on the TMO - I had never heard this at the time and 
 asked around and several people said it was true pretty much throughout the 
 entire official Movement. At the time I was still a TM junkie, so didn't know 
 what to think except that it was a pretty screwed up attitude for the 
 Movement to take. Anyone know anything about the TMO's stance on gays and 

Funny, half my friends at MIU in the 1980's were gay, more men than women, and 
no one ever seemed that interested in hiding that fact nor was I ever under the 
impression that it would have ever been an issue at the school. If it had, our 
class would have been severely decimated after the expulsions!
  From: seekliberation seekliberation@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:19 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
 I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
 humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  Statistics 
 like this:
 1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
 bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
 unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
 I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
 hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience:  
 I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, 
 verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were 
 gay/lesbian (at least not openly). 
 This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
 demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
 the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
 homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough 
 to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate 
 than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying 
 humanity without any help from the homosexuals. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  A Cameroon archbishop stated so.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
I was there 85 - 87 - both the people I referred to came at about the same time 
- I don't think they had been there prior to 1985

 From: Ann awoelfleba...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 10:05 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Even tho I am not a fan of the TMO I think this is pretty cool - I saw the 
 earlier posts about gays and it brought that episode at MIU back to my mind 
 so I was just asking if any old timers remembered anything about it. 
 The reason I even head about any TM gay prejudice at the time was I had the 
 hots for a raven haired French Canadian gal who didn't give a crap about me 
 except to cry on my shoulder when her life wasn't going well. She was in love 
 with this English Canadian who didn't seem interested in her but she goddamn 
 well set her cap for him and pursued him and pursued him and pursued him 
 relentlessly until finally told her he couldn't go out with her cause he was 
 She came to my pod room one night in tears right after he told her and she 
 didn't know WHAT she was gonna do since she was convinced they were soul 
 mates (based on the fact that he had nearly all the qualities on the list she 
 had made of her ideal man - I kid you not.)

I was at MIU from 1975-1980 and then in FF again in 1982. When exactly were you 
there? I think I know both of the people you are talking about. Was that 
Canadian girl's name Rhona? (I think it was or maybe my memory is hooped on 
that one, she was very attractive and lived in my pod.)
 So then she told him she had told me that he was gay and he got upset so I 
 talked to him and said Look man I'm not gonna tell anyone, its your private 
 business. But what's the big deal anyway? This is MIU we all just meditate. 
 We are all equal here.
 So he proceeded to tell me stories of prejudice against gays in the Canadian 
  From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 9:08 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
 welcome to gaYogi.org --Namaste, and welcome!
 ThisgaYogi site is 
 dedicated to gay men [and our friends] exploring and unfolding what 
 almost everyone feels deep inside…
 There must be more to life, I'm sure
  of that. I just don't know how to get there.
 Photo: Celebrating a birthday with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Switzerland, 1979
 and further in text:
 My partner 
 Scott and I are long-time practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) 
 Program. I studied with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of 
 Transcendental Meditation, starting in 1973 up until 2008 when he passed on. 
 I became a Certified Instructor of TM in 1974 after extensive 
 training, and continued my education with advanced courses in India and 
 Europe over the past few decades. I've taught over 1,000 people to 
 successfully meditate, including volunteer programs across the USA as 
 well as in Sierra Leone and Liberia (West Africa), Iran, India, Thailand and 
 the Philippines. ..
 Seems to be endorsed or at least accepted by Thomas E. Roth because it says:
 Please contact me to arrange a free orientation meeting, or for further 
 Thomas E. Roth, Director
 The Transcendental Meditation® Program of San Francisco
 Maharishi Foundation USA / 501(c)3
 Email TRoth@...
 Visit http://www.tm.org/sf  
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation  wrote:
  During my time at MIU/MUM, the question came up in private conversations.  
  Open discussion about homosexuality never came up in class; anything 
  controversial was never to be talked about in class. 
  But in private conversation, it was agreed upon by most that homsexuality 
  was bad for evolution, according to Vedic Science.  Personally, I don't 
  know of any of the 5 major world religions that don't have a derogatory 
  attitude towards gays/lesbians. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU I 
   knew a guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a great 
   deal of prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known someone 
   were gay they would be asked to leave the university as apparently the 
   TMO thought being gay reflected badly on the TMO - I had never heard this 
   at the time and asked around and several people said it was true pretty 
   much throughout the entire official Movement. At the time I was still a 
   TM junkie, so didn't know what to think except that it was a pretty 
   screwed up attitude for the Movement to take. Anyone know anything about 

[FairfieldLife] Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread Buck
Dear FFL moderators, would you please go in and excise this post (330685) from 
the FFL archive.  The writer had no business using someone's private name in a 
post like this here.  Had the writer had more sense she certainly could have 
discreetly sent an iquiry directly to Jack and not outed the person publicly on 
an internet forum.  This is extremely bad form. Git rid of the post and the ban 
the author for complete breach of guideline.  This is extremely bad.
Thank you,


[FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

2012-12-26 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Buck, do you remember the author and or book wherein 
 Hagelin was supposedly John Adams reincarnated and 
 Bob Roth was Thomas Paine?

No, but I remember the book that portrayed Maharishi
as the reincarnation of Santa Claus and Bevan as 
Rudolph, until he got so fat he couldn't fly any
more and they had to use his nose as a night light
in Santa's house. 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Rick Archer
A friend of mine got kicked off campus in the 80’s (expelled – he was a 
student) because he was openly, somewhat flagrantly gay. These days he’s in the 
good graces of the movement and doing a lot to help in various ways. Charlie 
Lutes used to claim that Maharishi had made dire predictions about the fate of 
gay people, such as “it would be better had they never been born”. I don’t know 
much more than that.


From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Michael Jackson
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 6:40 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity



I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU I knew a 
guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a great deal of 
prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known someone were gay they 
would be asked to leave the university as apparently the TMO thought being gay 
reflected badly on the TMO - I had never heard this at the time and asked 
around and several people said it was true pretty much throughout the entire 
official Movement. At the time I was still a TM junkie, so didn't know what to 
think except that it was a pretty screwed up attitude for the Movement to take. 
Anyone know anything about the TMO's stance on gays and lesbians?




From: seekliberation seekliberat...@yahoo.com 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:19 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity



I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals. Statistics 
like this:

1. Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
2. Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
3. Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market bubble 
crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
4. Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
5. Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero

I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people hide 
the fact that they're homosexual. But I can say this from experience: I've been 
lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, verbally insulted, 
and none of the people who did these things were gay/lesbian (at least not 

This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to the 
really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that homosexuality is 
a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough to think that 
homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate than heterosexuals. 
Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying humanity without any help 
from the homosexuals. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , 
John jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@...  wrote:

 A Cameroon archbishop stated so.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread seekliberation
 Folks who believe homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural also believe 
 Jesus walked the earth among the dinosaurs. 

That's not true.  I have no beliefs about Jesus being with dinosaurs or 
anything similar to that. I just simply believe that sex with anything other 
than the opposite sex of your own species is pretty much a perversion.  When I 
say perversion, I don't mean in a negative way, I just mean unnatural.  It 
seems obvious, at least to me, that the penis fits in the vagina, and there 
seems to be a reason for this: procreation.  Now, do I think it's a bad thing 
if someone wants to do something different with their sexual organslet's 
say have sex with something other than the opposite sex, or with an object or 
another species?  No...there are much worse things going on in this world and 
much, much worse unnatural acts going on (murder, theft, rape, Justin Beiber, 

But if you're saying someone is stupid for thinking that homosexuality is 
unnatural, then that implies you think it is natural.  The justification is 
that some people are simply 'born that way'.  Well then, that simply means that 
everything everyone has ever done is natural, and there is no such thing as 
unnatural.  When I was a kid, I knew deep down inside I didn't want to work for 
money.  So I snuck into my parent's bedroom looking for loose change to go play 
video games with.  So, my desire to steal was natural because I was 'born that 
way'.  Ted Bundy felt deep inside that he wanted to kill people.  It was a rage 
he was born with.  So killing people is natural because some people are 'born 
that way'.  I'm not associating homosexuality with murder, i'm just having a 
hard time understanding why people think homosexuality is 'natural'.  Just 
because someone is born a certain way doesn't mean the way they are born is 
'natural'.  Is ADD/ADHD natural?  Are saimese twins natural?  Is Schizophrenia 
and Manic Depression natural?  No, they aren't natural, but some people are 
born with these issues.  Just because we're born a certain way doesn't 
automatically mean that what impulses we have when we're born are 'natural'.  

In no way am I saying homosexuality is bad or wrong in an evil or immoral 
sense.  I'm just saying that from my perception it is a deviation from what is 
natural.  I have a lot of personal habits myself that are unnatural, and I 
wouldn't be offended one bit if they were labeled as such.

Besides.and trust me on this one, I wish I wasn't attracted to women.  It's 
a curse I have to live with until my dying day.  I envy men that get to spend a 
lifetime with another man.  Could you imagine the ease of that relationship?  
Instead, I have to spend the rest of my life getting yelled at for not putting 
the toilet seat down, purchasing expensive jewelry, explaining why I have to go 
to work, getting yelled at for fingerprints on the stainless steel appliances, 
every time i'm playing a video game I catch hell, I have to deal with a 
mountain of pillows on the bed that serve no purpose,  etc...  

Fortunately, they aren't stupid enough to believe homosexuals are destroying 
humanity because that would be reeealy stooopid. 

I'm in 100% agreement with you on that one, IT WOULD be reeeally stpid.


  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Dear FFL moderators, would you please go in and excise this post (330685) 
 from the FFL archive.  The writer had no business using someone's private 
 name in a post like this here.  Had the writer had more sense she certainly 
 could have discreetly sent an iquiry directly to Jack and not outed the 
 person publicly on an internet forum.  This is extremely bad form. Git rid of 
 the post and the ban the author for complete breach of guideline.  This is 
 extremely bad.
 Thank you,

You idiot Bucko, what did you think I said she was gay?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread seekliberation
I read the post after seeing his proposal of exiling you from FFL.  I can't 
figure out for the life of me what was wrong with that post.  

But then I realized from my impression of Buck's past posts that he is a TB, 
and he is fully dedicated to diving in the transcendent realm of consciousness 
and aligning himself with natural law.  Therefore, his words, actions, and 
decisions are all in tune with the Unified Field, whereas you and I are are not 
as in tune with the Unified Field, and therefore we are supporting ignorance in 
this world with our posts.

Therefore, out of dedication to enlightenment and eliminating ignorance, out of 
respect for the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, I concede to Buck's 
decision to exile Ann from FFL.  I also propose that I am exiled from FFL too, 
being as I am not as 'in tune' with the Unified Field.  Every post from myself 
and Ann will only act as a Rakshasha to the divine efforts of those dedicated 
to living in accordance with natural law.  

Please, exile us Rakshashas.  We are not in tune with natural law, and 
therefore we are prone to making mistakes.  And moreover, our presence on FFL 
interferes with Buck's efforts to create heaven on earth, a truly divine and 
noble cause.  Every post we submit interferes with the divine waves of natural 
law that will eliminate ignorance, hunger, war, and suffering for eternity.  As 
long as Ann and I are posting on FFL, we are holding humanity back.  The fate 
of the world lies upon this decision.  

We don't have any time left.  We are the most important generation of all 
generations of all time in the history of all worlds and all civilizations 
since the beginning of time.  If we don't act now and remove Ann and I from 
FFL, all will be lost.  The divine perfection of Buck, the TMO, and MMY will 
not eliminate negativity for all of eternity if we waste any time.  We must act 
now.  Remove awoelflebater and seekliberation now.  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 You idiot Bucko, what did you think I said she was gay?

[FairfieldLife] Re: China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World

2012-12-26 Thread John

I'm tending to think that money and the profit motive were responsible for the 
completion of this project.  This is very extraordinary in that a communist 
nation is not supposed to be motivated by such bourgeois incentives.

Nonetheless, the support of Nature can come in mysterious ways.  Maybe there is 
such a thing as cultural or ancestral karma which is responsible for this feat.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 I get the impression that lots of Chinese people live quite dharmic lives.  
 I think that would give support of Nature.
  From: John jr_esq@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 3:42 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World
 This is an amazing accomplishment of their communist government.  As such, we 
 wonder how were they able to get the support of Nature to complete this 
 herculean task.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread John

It can be argued that homosexuality inhibits the growth of Creative 
Intelligence.  The gross effect if not checked is the collapse of society.  For 
example, many of the countries in Europe are losing population and are not 
replacing those who have died.  As such, there will be no young people who 
could take over the jobs of the country which would contribute to the loss of 
productivity, or at worst the collapse of society.

This trend has not yet reached this level of concern in the USA.  But it is 
worth watching what would happen in Europe.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@... 

 I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
 humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  Statistics 
 like this:
 1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
 bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
 unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
 I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
 hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience:  
 I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, 
 verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were 
 gay/lesbian (at least not openly).  
 This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
 demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
 the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
 homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough 
 to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate 
 than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying 
 humanity without any help from the homosexuals.   
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Rick Archer
You mean there are so many gay people in Europe that they're birth rates are


From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of John
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 11:28 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity




It can be argued that homosexuality inhibits the growth of Creative
Intelligence. The gross effect if not checked is the collapse of society.
For example, many of the countries in Europe are losing population and are
not replacing those who have died. As such, there will be no young people
who could take over the jobs of the country which would contribute to the
loss of productivity, or at worst the collapse of society.

This trend has not yet reached this level of concern in the USA. But it is
worth watching what would happen in Europe.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , seekliberation
seekliberation@... mailto:seekliberation@...  wrote:

 I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy
humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals. Statistics
like this:
 1. Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 2. Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 3. Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market
bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 4. Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified
unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 5. Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
 I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people
hide the fact that they're homosexual. But I can say this from experience:
I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen,
verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were
gay/lesbian (at least not openly). 
 This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then
demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to
the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that
homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough
to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate
than heterosexuals. Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying
humanity without any help from the homosexuals. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , John jr_esq@ wrote:
  A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@... 

 I read the post after seeing his proposal of exiling you from FFL.  I can't 
 figure out for the life of me what was wrong with that post.  
 But then I realized from my impression of Buck's past posts that he is a TB, 
 and he is fully dedicated to diving in the transcendent realm of 
 consciousness and aligning himself with natural law.  Therefore, his words, 
 actions, and decisions are all in tune with the Unified Field, whereas you 
 and I are are not as in tune with the Unified Field, and therefore we are 
 supporting ignorance in this world with our posts.
 Therefore, out of dedication to enlightenment and eliminating ignorance, out 
 of respect for the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, I concede to 
 Buck's decision to exile Ann from FFL.  I also propose that I am exiled from 
 FFL too, being as I am not as 'in tune' with the Unified Field.  Every post 
 from myself and Ann will only act as a Rakshasha to the divine efforts of 
 those dedicated to living in accordance with natural law.  
 Please, exile us Rakshashas.  We are not in tune with natural law, and 
 therefore we are prone to making mistakes.  And moreover, our presence on FFL 
 interferes with Buck's efforts to create heaven on earth, a truly divine and 
 noble cause.  Every post we submit interferes with the divine waves of 
 natural law that will eliminate ignorance, hunger, war, and suffering for 
 eternity.  As long as Ann and I are posting on FFL, we are holding humanity 
 back.  The fate of the world lies upon this decision.  
 We don't have any time left.  We are the most important generation of all 
 generations of all time in the history of all worlds and all civilizations 
 since the beginning of time.  If we don't act now and remove Ann and I from 
 FFL, all will be lost.  The divine perfection of Buck, the TMO, and MMY will 
 not eliminate negativity for all of eternity if we waste any time.  We must 
 act now.  Remove awoelflebater and seekliberation now.  

Amen to that seekliberation. And while we're at it you seemed to have achieved 
your goal:
you found liberation and I am joining you!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  You idiot Bucko, what did you think I said she was gay?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Bhairitu
There are lots of gay people in the arts so the idea that homosexuality 
inhibits the growth of Create Intelligence is ridiculous.  And what 
about people like Alan Turing?  You might not be looking at FFL if not 
for him.

On 12/26/2012 09:27 AM, John wrote:

 It can be argued that homosexuality inhibits the growth of Creative 
 Intelligence.  The gross effect if not checked is the collapse of society.  
 For example, many of the countries in Europe are losing population and are 
 not replacing those who have died.  As such, there will be no young people 
 who could take over the jobs of the country which would contribute to the 
 loss of productivity, or at worst the collapse of society.

 This trend has not yet reached this level of concern in the USA.  But it is 
 worth watching what would happen in Europe.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@... 
 I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
 humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  Statistics 
 like this:

 1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
 bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
 unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero

 I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
 hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience:  
 I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, 
 verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were 
 gay/lesbian (at least not openly).

 This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
 demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
 the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
 homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough 
 to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate 
 than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying 
 humanity without any help from the homosexuals.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
 A Cameroon archbishop stated so.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators et al ... pls. sanction Bucko

2012-12-26 Thread emptybill


Yer such a bodhisattva ...  immolating yerself to protest injustice. You
musta been a Tibetan last lifetime.

I have a better proposal. Immolate Bucko.

Buck has abused this forum endlessly by repeatedly posting senseless,
single word posts designed by his warped TB mind to waste our
forum's time and place. This is clearly an attack against everyone
here, even god- who definitely isn't here. (Old god may be
all-present but he/she/they/it most surely ain't present on FFL.)

Please sever Bucko from FFL and the absent god for at least the rest of
the week. He hates us and we love him, which proves we're the only
gods to be known here.

This punishment will teach him a lesson fer sure.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation  wrote:

 I read the post after seeing his proposal of exiling you from FFL.  I
can't figure out for the life of me what was wrong with that post.

 But then I realized from my impression of Buck's past posts that he is
a TB, and he is fully dedicated to diving in the transcendent realm of
consciousness and aligning himself with natural law.  Therefore, his
words, actions, and decisions are all in tune with the Unified Field,
whereas you and I are are not as in tune with the Unified Field, and
therefore we are supporting ignorance in this world with our posts.

 Therefore, out of dedication to enlightenment and eliminating
ignorance, out of respect for the Unified Field of all the Laws of
Nature, I concede to Buck's decision to exile Ann from FFL.  I also
propose that I am exiled from FFL too, being as I am not as 'in tune'
with the Unified Field.  Every post from myself and Ann will only act as
a Rakshasha to the divine efforts of those dedicated to living in
accordance with natural law.

 Please, exile us Rakshashas.  We are not in tune with natural law, and
therefore we are prone to making mistakes.  And moreover, our presence
on FFL interferes with Buck's efforts to create heaven on earth, a truly
divine and noble cause.  Every post we submit interferes with the divine
waves of natural law that will eliminate ignorance, hunger, war, and
suffering for eternity.  As long as Ann and I are posting on FFL, we are
holding humanity back.  The fate of the world lies upon this decision.

 We don't have any time left.  We are the most important generation of
all generations of all time in the history of all worlds and all
civilizations since the beginning of time.  If we don't act now and
remove Ann and I from FFL, all will be lost.  The divine perfection of
Buck, the TMO, and MMY will not eliminate negativity for all of eternity
if we waste any time.  We must act now.  Remove awoelflebater and
seekliberation now.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  You idiot Bucko, what did you think I said she was gay?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Dear FFL moderators, would you please go in and excise this post
 (330685) from the FFL archive.  The writer had no business using
 someone's private name in a post like this here.

Buck, the rule on FFL refers to using the real identity of FFL participants who 
post anonymously. Post 330685 does not fall under that rule.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 8,000 Mayan YFers?

2012-12-26 Thread doctordumbass
Yeah, the story that TM or TMSP automatically results in benefits is sort of a 
fake-out. I found this out by taking the practice at its word, so to speak, for 
years. And yet, it wasn't until later, when I did the hard work of examining 
what was being revealed to me, through meditation and the siddhis, that I began 
to integrate the benefits and really understand where the practices and results 
fit into my life.

So for a long time it hasn't been the story of the TMO or the beliefs in this 
or that, for me. After enough years I built up enough spiritual momentum so 
that the path became mine, alone. I continue to compare my experiences against 
that which I was told, or a particular framework or template I have come across 
(e.g. MMY's 7 SOC or the Kundalini Chakras). Unlike the past in which this 
would bring conflict as I was less sure of my self, now it brings clarity, as I 
am able to see my ongoing truth, as revealed by my experience, vs. whatever any 
spiritual master or text says.

Regarding the TMO, Bevan all of those people - just let them all go, and find 
your own truth, beyond any of it. As for their day of reckoning, dharmic 
balance, it is always inevitable with all of us, whether we are there to 
personally witness it of another. We all have to play by the same rules, even 
those who attempt to set themselves above the rules, for a little while.:-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 From my point of view, if the so called yogic flying was a effective as 
 claimed, you would see the greatest effect at the epicenter, meaning closest 
 to the flying group - this should mean over the years extraordinary results 
 in Fairfield and Jefferson County or even all of Iowa - but it hasn't EVER 
 happened. The TMO says that it has effects all over America but things stay 
 the same in the local area? TMO has consistently said Ah, we had a great 
 effect cause we said we had a great effect, believe us when we say we have a 
 great effect and keep sending money so we can continue to have the grand 
 effect that we say we are having.
 There is another post here on FFL talking about the grand effect of the 
 MExican group that refers to how well the government organized the event, how 
 they brought the buses in on time - WTF!! If the Mexican government organized 
 the event, why did the TMO ask for donations to pay for having everyone 
 With or without a tinfoil hat, I can see these guys are wanting to continue 
 to ride the gravy train - I look forward to the day that Tony, Bevan and all 
 the rest are exposed for the frauds they are, the TMO folds, Marshys nevvies 
 in India raid all the Movements assets leaving the TMO in ashes and Bevan and 
 the boys have to make a living for themselves washing dishes or some other 
 menial labor job, worrying how to pay the rent and utilities like the rest of 
 us instead of living off the fat of the land in a global ashram paid for by 
  From: doctordumbass@... doctordumbass@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 2:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
 8,000 Mayan YFers?
 Merry Christmas, MJ! ...wait, lemme secure the hat au foil de tin, prior to 
 responding with substance...ok, set:
 Yeah, it is tough to prove a negative. On the background of an always 
 difficult world, how do you show evidence that something even worse didn't 
 happen? As the French would say, impossible. lol
 Over the last 60 years, there has been a lot of progress and a lot of 
 conflict. Who to assign praise/blame to? I like the overall trend that more 
 people are empowered to do what they want to, globally, even though it 
 results these days in some terrific violence. 
 Along with the potential for chaos, though, pervasive local, national, and 
 global, communication, is also making it difficult to maintain the obsolete 
 power structures of the past - e.g. the last US election secured, because of 
 a YouTube video revealing the true nature of the loser. And secrets of any 
 kind have become impossible to keep (WikiLeaks). How porous everything has 
 Is it the much vaunted Age of Enlightenment? Pretty obviously not, though now 
 that things are breaking loose, in flux and in motion, we have half a chance 
 in hell of getting there. :-)
 ok, hat back on wig stand...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  I cannot dispute the numbers of flyers in India or Mexico cuz I am not 
  there - I wish with all my heart the things you say would have been or even 
  would be true, but the state of the world as it is is proof enough for me 
  that the effect of both group practice of TM and the yogic flying has 
  been an utter failure, not because of lack of numbers but simply because 
  the stated effects just aren't there - nearly 60 years 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread emptybill

No reason to worry. The muslims will fill all the job slots until there
are no longer ordinary Europeans left.

What those multi-wife muslims could not accomplish by attacking europe
in the middle ages, they will achieve by overtaking the population it in
a few more years.

Got Koran?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John  wrote:


 It can be argued that homosexuality inhibits the growth of Creative
Intelligence.  The gross effect if not checked is the collapse of
society.  For example, many of the countries in Europe are losing
population and are not replacing those who have died.  As such, there
will be no young people who could take over the jobs of the country
which would contribute to the loss of productivity, or at worst the
collapse of society.

 This trend has not yet reached this level of concern in the USA.  But
it is worth watching what would happen in Europe.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@
  I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to
destroy humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.
Statistics like this:
  1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing
market bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who
justified unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
  I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some
people hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from
experience:  I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal
belongings stolen, verbally insulted, and none of the people who did
these things were gay/lesbian (at least not openly).
  This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society
then demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a
fraction to the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the
idea that homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not
stupid enough to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any
faster of a rate than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than
capable of destroying humanity without any help from the homosexuals.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John  wrote:
   A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL

2012-12-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, David fiskedavid@ wrote:
  I am always surprised when I read such rude and discourteous 
  posts here. There must have been something lacking in your 
  upbringing. It is not too late to remedy that. Courtesy is 
  an admirable quality. Then you can add compassion.
 I am always surprised when people react to perfectly 
 good words as if they were somehow offensive. When it
 comes to the word moist, that surprise turns to 

As Barry knows perfectly well, the reaction was to the
idea expressed in the post, not to the word itself.

 I can understand when women overreact
 to it out of self-gender hatred,

Very few women these days react to anything out of
self-gender hatred, much as it may satisfy Barry's
fear and hatred of women to think so.

 but guys???!!!

Guys who have some sensitivity. Of course that would
befuddle Barry.

 But you're not alone:
 As for wondering whether the word can still apply in 
 any way to someone 70 years old, I kinda think that
 kind of speculation is warranted, too.  :-)

You'd never have the chance to find out, but if you did,
you might be surprised.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
   But, Bob, would Judy be *moist* enough for you?? ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  Dear FFL moderators, would you please go in and excise this post
  (330685) from the FFL archive.  The writer had no business using
  someone's private name in a post like this here.

 Buck, the rule on FFL refers to using the real identity of FFL
participants who post anonymously. Post 330685 does not fall under that

I Shall Fight On!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTkuZtlH91s-Buck the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 There are lots of gay people in the arts so the idea that homosexuality 
 inhibits the growth of Create Intelligence is ridiculous.  And what 
 about people like Alan Turing?  You might not be looking at FFL if not 
 for him.

I'm thinking/hoping today has been full of ironic posters but if not, hoo boy!
And if it wasn't for our wonderful gay population there would virtually BE NO 
ARTS and a lot less creative and beautiful things on this planet. If that ain't 
creative intelligence I don't know what is.
 On 12/26/2012 09:27 AM, John wrote:
  It can be argued that homosexuality inhibits the growth of Creative 
  Intelligence.  The gross effect if not checked is the collapse of society.  
  For example, many of the countries in Europe are losing population and are 
  not replacing those who have died.  As such, there will be no young people 
  who could take over the jobs of the country which would contribute to the 
  loss of productivity, or at worst the collapse of society.
  This trend has not yet reached this level of concern in the USA.  But it is 
  worth watching what would happen in Europe.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@ 
  I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
  humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  
  Statistics like this:
  1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
  bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
  unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
  I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
  hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from 
  experience:  I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal 
  belongings stolen, verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these 
  things were gay/lesbian (at least not openly).
  This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
  demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
  the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
  homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid 
  enough to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of 
  a rate than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of 
  destroying humanity without any help from the homosexuals.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

[FairfieldLife] For the Brit Marling fans

2012-12-26 Thread Bhairitu
It was a dark and stormy Christmas night.  The kind of night to catch up 
on a couple more movies.  One such movie, Arbitrage features Richard 
Gere, Susan Sarandon, Tim Roth and Brit Marling (Sound of My Voice, 
Another Earth).  Richard Gere plays a billionaire who wants to sell 
his trading empire but gets in trouble.  Marling plays his daughter who 
is an executive in the company.  Marling didn't have to do a lot of 
research as she has a degree in economics from Georgetown University and 
may have worked at Goldman-Sachs (IMDB says she turned it down and the 
film's director claims she did work there briefly).  The writer-director 
Nicholas Jarecki also is no stranger to the world of big finance. Both 
of his parents were Wall Street traders.  His introduction to the world 
of film was at 16 years old being hired as a consultant on hacking for 
the movie Hackers.  He decided to go into film because he noticed that 
the director was the center of attention for Angelina Jolie.

This is an excellent film and the rental Bluray was complete with 
commentary (and excellent one BTW) and extras.

Rented Silent Night on Vudu and was disappointed that the sound was 
stereo.  I even stopped the film and ran their DD+ demo which 
accordingly played as it should but not the film.  Probably a little to 
brutal for FFL'ers and a Canadian remake of the 1984 classic. Highlights 
include Donal Logue as a bad Santa making children cry and probably 
the most humorous moments of the film.  Also stars Malcolm McDowell and 
Jaime King.

A Christmas bonus was Doctor Who: The Snowmen on BBC America.  It 
featured the comely Jenna-Louise Coleman who apparently is going to be 
Doctor Who's cohort on the coming season.  As usual another fun Doctor 
Who watch.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
SeekLib, I am angry with you for posting this - I hurt my lower back pretty bad 
2 days before Christmas and it still hurts like hell - my acupuncturist and 
chiropractor are both on vacation and when I read this post I laughed so hard 
it made my back hurt more - damn it no more funny stuff!

 From: seekliberation seekliberat...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 12:02 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

I read the post after seeing his proposal of exiling you from FFL.  I can't 
figure out for the life of me what was wrong with that post. 

But then I realized from my impression of Buck's past posts that he is a TB, 
and he is fully dedicated to diving in the transcendent realm of consciousness 
and aligning himself with natural law.  Therefore, his words, actions, and 
decisions are all in tune with the Unified Field, whereas you and I are are not 
as in tune with the Unified Field, and therefore we are supporting ignorance in 
this world with our posts.

Therefore, out of dedication to enlightenment and eliminating ignorance, out of 
respect for the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, I concede to Buck's 
decision to exile Ann from FFL.  I also propose that I am exiled from FFL too, 
being as I am not as 'in tune' with the Unified Field.  Every post from myself 
and Ann will only act as a Rakshasha to the divine efforts of those dedicated 
to living in accordance with natural law. 

Please, exile us Rakshashas.  We are not in tune with natural law, and 
therefore we are prone to making mistakes.  And moreover, our presence on FFL 
interferes with Buck's efforts to create heaven on earth, a truly divine and 
noble cause.  Every post we submit interferes with the divine waves of natural 
law that will eliminate ignorance, hunger, war, and suffering for eternity.  As 
long as Ann and I are posting on FFL, we are holding humanity back.  The fate 
of the world lies upon this decision. 

We don't have any time left.  We are the most important generation of all 
generations of all time in the history of all worlds and all civilizations 
since the beginning of time.  If we don't act now and remove Ann and I from 
FFL, all will be lost.  The divine perfection of Buck, the TMO, and MMY will 
not eliminate negativity for all of eternity if we waste any time.  We must act 
now.  Remove awoelflebater and seekliberation now. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 You idiot Bucko, what did you think I said she was gay?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL

2012-12-26 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 No, no Bob, this is a distinction you made to me, awhile
 back, regarding your absolute preference for the *moistness*
 of a younger woman - someone thirty-ish, was I believe your
 cut off point. You weren't talking about cake, you were
 talking about *pussy*. Remember?

FWIW, the only post from Bob I can find in the archives
that contains the string moist was one in which he
attributed a liking for moist young women to Barry. As
far as I can tell, Bob never expressed a preference for
same himself.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  I've never thought of Judy as a piece of cake; if you're asking me if I 
  admire her, absolutely (I admire everyone with talent). 
  Are roses any less beautiful when they have fully bloomed; I guess it 
  depends on your taste.
  From: doctordumbass@ doctordumbass@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 1:23:08 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL
  But, Bob, would Judy be *moist* enough for you?? ;-)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
   Thank you for your warm wishes, I never tire of the laughter
   I get from reading your posts when you box the ears of the 
   veracity challenged. 
   The Wife sends her best, and my family wishes you a very Happy Christmas 
   and fantabulous 2013:
   From: authfriend authfriend@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 3:02:52 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL
   What a treat you've brought us (including a glimpse of 
   your charming self, even if it's just a quickie).
   Thank you so much for the video. I won't have time to
   watch the whole thing until after Christmas (I'm getting
   ready to go out of town tomorrow), but I took a look at
   the first few minutes, and I know I'm going to enjoy it
   a lot.
   Most cordial wishes to you and The Wife for a superb
   holiday. You sure have started ours out with a bang.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 8,000 Mayan YFers?

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
But I'm so very enamored of the TMO in ashes...

 From: doctordumb...@rocketmail.com doctordumb...@rocketmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 1:09 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
8,000 Mayan YFers?

Yeah, the story that TM or TMSP automatically results in benefits is sort of a 
fake-out. I found this out by taking the practice at its word, so to speak, for 
years. And yet, it wasn't until later, when I did the hard work of examining 
what was being revealed to me, through meditation and the siddhis, that I began 
to integrate the benefits and really understand where the practices and results 
fit into my life.

So for a long time it hasn't been the story of the TMO or the beliefs in this 
or that, for me. After enough years I built up enough spiritual momentum so 
that the path became mine, alone. I continue to compare my experiences against 
that which I was told, or a particular framework or template I have come across 
(e.g. MMY's 7 SOC or the Kundalini Chakras). Unlike the past in which this 
would bring conflict as I was less sure of my self, now it brings clarity, as I 
am able to see my ongoing truth, as revealed by my experience, vs. whatever any 
spiritual master or text says.

Regarding the TMO, Bevan all of those people - just let them all go, and find 
your own truth, beyond any of it. As for their day of reckoning, dharmic 
balance, it is always inevitable with all of us, whether we are there to 
personally witness it of another. We all have to play by the same rules, even 
those who attempt to set themselves above the rules, for a little while.:-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 From my point of view, if the so called yogic flying was a effective as 
 claimed, you would see the greatest effect at the epicenter, meaning closest 
 to the flying group - this should mean over the years extraordinary results 
 in Fairfield and Jefferson County or even all of Iowa - but it hasn't EVER 
 happened. The TMO says that it has effects all over America but things stay 
 the same in the local area? TMO has consistently said Ah, we had a great 
 effect cause we said we had a great effect, believe us when we say we have a 
 great effect and keep sending money so we can continue to have the grand 
 effect that we say we are having.
 There is another post here on FFL talking about the grand effect of the 
 MExican group that refers to how well the government organized the event, how 
 they brought the buses in on time - WTF!! If the Mexican government organized 
 the event, why did the TMO ask for donations to pay for having everyone 
 With or without a tinfoil hat, I can see these guys are wanting to continue 
 to ride the gravy train - I look forward to the day that Tony, Bevan and all 
 the rest are exposed for the frauds they are, the TMO folds, Marshys nevvies 
 in India raid all the Movements assets leaving the TMO in ashes and Bevan and 
 the boys have to make a living for themselves washing dishes or some other 
 menial labor job, worrying how to pay the rent and utilities like the rest of 
 us instead of living off the fat of the land in a global ashram paid for by 
  From: doctordumbass@... doctordumbass@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 2:43 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
 8,000 Mayan YFers?
 Merry Christmas, MJ! ...wait, lemme secure the hat au foil de tin, prior to 
 responding with substance...ok, set:
 Yeah, it is tough to prove a negative. On the background of an always 
 difficult world, how do you show evidence that something even worse didn't 
 happen? As the French would say, impossible. lol
 Over the last 60 years, there has been a lot of progress and a lot of 
 conflict. Who to assign praise/blame to? I like the overall trend that more 
 people are empowered to do what they want to, globally, even though it 
 results these days in some terrific violence. 
 Along with the potential for chaos, though, pervasive local, national, and 
 global, communication, is also making it difficult to maintain the obsolete 
 power structures of the past - e.g. the last US election secured, because of 
 a YouTube video revealing the true nature of the loser. And secrets of any 
 kind have become impossible to keep (WikiLeaks). How porous everything has 
 Is it the much vaunted Age of Enlightenment? Pretty obviously not, though now 
 that things are breaking loose, in flux and in motion, we have half a chance 
 in hell of getting there. :-)
 ok, hat back on wig stand...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  I cannot dispute the numbers of flyers in India or Mexico cuz I am not 
  there - I wish with all my 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   Dear FFL moderators, would you please go in and excise this post
   (330685) from the FFL archive.  The writer had no business using
   someone's private name in a post like this here.
  Buck, the rule on FFL refers to using the real identity of FFL
  participants who post anonymously. Post 330685 does not fall
  under that rule.
 I Shall Fight On!

Fight in one hand, spit in the other, and see which one fills up first. Or, 
sumpin' like that. In all seriousness, though, I can't believe you're fixated 
on a stupid little rule on FFL when there's the very real homosexual menace 
that truly threatens to wipe out all of humanity.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
God damn my back is not going to survive another few posts of this kind -  
every time I laugh it hurts

 From: Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 12:42 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

You mean there are so many gay people in Europe that they’re birth rates are 
From:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of John
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 11:28 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

It can be argued that homosexuality inhibits the growth of Creative 
Intelligence. The gross effect if not checked is the collapse of society. For 
example, many of the countries in Europe are losing population and are not 
replacing those who have died. As such, there will be no young people who could 
take over the jobs of the country which would contribute to the loss of 
productivity, or at worst the collapse of society.

This trend has not yet reached this level of concern in the USA. But it is 
worth watching what would happen in Europe.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@... 

 I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
 humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals. Statistics 
 like this:
 1. Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 2. Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 3. Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
 bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 4. Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
 unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 5. Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
 I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
 hide the fact that they're homosexual. But I can say this from experience: 
 I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, 
 verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were 
 gay/lesbian (at least not openly). 
 This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
 demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
 the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
 homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough 
 to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate 
 than heterosexuals. Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying 
 humanity without any help from the homosexuals. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  A Cameroon archbishop stated so.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
Holy Smokes, all I did was relate a little story, with the names left out as an 
adjunct to explaining why I was curious about the TMO's attitude about gays - 
you never know what's gonna happen on FFL

 From: Ann awoelfleba...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 12:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@... 

 I read the post after seeing his proposal of exiling you from FFL.  I can't 
 figure out for the life of me what was wrong with that post. 
 But then I realized from my impression of Buck's past posts that he is a TB, 
 and he is fully dedicated to diving in the transcendent realm of 
 consciousness and aligning himself with natural law.  Therefore, his words, 
 actions, and decisions are all in tune with the Unified Field, whereas you 
 and I are are not as in tune with the Unified Field, and therefore we are 
 supporting ignorance in this world with our posts.
 Therefore, out of dedication to enlightenment and eliminating ignorance, out 
 of respect for the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, I concede to 
 Buck's decision to exile Ann from FFL.  I also propose that I am exiled from 
 FFL too, being as I am not as 'in tune' with the Unified Field.  Every post 
 from myself and Ann will only act as a Rakshasha to the divine efforts of 
 those dedicated to living in accordance with natural law. 
 Please, exile us Rakshashas.  We are not in tune with natural law, and 
 therefore we are prone to making mistakes.  And moreover, our presence on FFL 
 interferes with Buck's efforts to create heaven on earth, a truly divine and 
 noble cause.  Every post we submit interferes with the divine waves of 
 natural law that will eliminate ignorance, hunger, war, and suffering for 
 eternity.  As long as Ann and I are posting on FFL, we are holding humanity 
 back.  The fate of the world lies upon this decision. 
 We don't have any time left.  We are the most important generation of all 
 generations of all time in the history of all worlds and all civilizations 
 since the beginning of time.  If we don't act now and remove Ann and I from 
 FFL, all will be lost.  The divine perfection of Buck, the TMO, and MMY will 
 not eliminate negativity for all of eternity if we waste any time.  We must 
 act now.  Remove awoelflebater and seekliberation now. 

Amen to that seekliberation. And while we're at it you seemed to have achieved 
your goal:
you found liberation and I am joining you!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  You idiot Bucko, what did you think I said she was gay?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Bhairitu
On 12/26/2012 10:43 AM, Ann wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:
 There are lots of gay people in the arts so the idea that homosexuality
 inhibits the growth of Create Intelligence is ridiculous.  And what
 about people like Alan Turing?  You might not be looking at FFL if not
 for him.
 I'm thinking/hoping today has been full of ironic posters but if not, hoo boy!
 And if it wasn't for our wonderful gay population there would virtually BE NO 
 ARTS and a lot less creative and beautiful things on this planet. If that 
 ain't creative intelligence I don't know what is.

If anything, homophobia limits creative intelligence or displays a lack 
of it.

 On 12/26/2012 09:27 AM, John wrote:

 It can be argued that homosexuality inhibits the growth of Creative 
 Intelligence.  The gross effect if not checked is the collapse of society.  
 For example, many of the countries in Europe are losing population and are 
 not replacing those who have died.  As such, there will be no young people 
 who could take over the jobs of the country which would contribute to the 
 loss of productivity, or at worst the collapse of society.

 This trend has not yet reached this level of concern in the USA.  But it is 
 worth watching what would happen in Europe.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@ 
 I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
 humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  
 Statistics like this:

 1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
 bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
 unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero

 I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
 hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from 
 experience:  I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal 
 belongings stolen, verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these 
 things were gay/lesbian (at least not openly).

 This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
 demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
 the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
 homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid 
 enough to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of 
 a rate than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of 
 destroying humanity without any help from the homosexuals.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
 A Cameroon archbishop stated so.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread seekliberation
On facebook, 2 of my classmates from high school are openly gay.  One of them 
was on the honor roll every year since elementary school and graduated in the 
top 5% of his class.  He is currently working for an art studio.  The other one 
had the highest SAT score in our Junior year in the high 1300's.  He finished 
his bachelor's degree, but I don't know what he's doing for a living now.  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 12/26/2012 10:43 AM, Ann wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  There are lots of gay people in the arts so the idea that homosexuality
  inhibits the growth of Create Intelligence is ridiculous.  And what
  about people like Alan Turing?  You might not be looking at FFL if not
  for him.
  I'm thinking/hoping today has been full of ironic posters but if not, hoo 
  And if it wasn't for our wonderful gay population there would virtually BE 
  NO ARTS and a lot less creative and beautiful things on this planet. If 
  that ain't creative intelligence I don't know what is.
 If anything, homophobia limits creative intelligence or displays a lack 
 of it.
  On 12/26/2012 09:27 AM, John wrote:
  It can be argued that homosexuality inhibits the growth of Creative 
  Intelligence.  The gross effect if not checked is the collapse of 
  society.  For example, many of the countries in Europe are losing 
  population and are not replacing those who have died.  As such, there 
  will be no young people who could take over the jobs of the country which 
  would contribute to the loss of productivity, or at worst the collapse of 
  This trend has not yet reached this level of concern in the USA.  But it 
  is worth watching what would happen in Europe.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@ 
  I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to 
  destroy humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals. 
   Statistics like this:
  1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
  bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
  unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
  I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some 
  people hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from 
  experience:  I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal 
  belongings stolen, verbally insulted, and none of the people who did 
  these things were gay/lesbian (at least not openly).
  This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society 
  then demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a 
  fraction to the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the 
  idea that homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not 
  stupid enough to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any 
  faster of a rate than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than 
  capable of destroying humanity without any help from the homosexuals.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Dear Jack,
 Let me try.  Probably that it is a non-issue as it relates to spiritual 
 practices like this meditation which the TM movement is about, that it's an 
 issue the TM movement does not need to 'have a position on' let alone sponsor 
 a position on.  That people who want the TM movement to make a position one 
 way or the other need to get a different hobby.  That people who try to use 
 the movement's apparatus of teaching meditation to push their own other 
 activist agendas should leave the organization.  It's about that simple a 
 -Buck in the Dome

The TMO is busy saving the planet from self-destruction and this fellow worries 
about it's position on gays ?? Is he off medication or something ? He seriously 
needs a checking.

BTW; Maharishi had several gay secretaries and TTC Course Leaders and it was 
never an issue.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 A friend of mine got kicked off campus in the 80’s (expelled †he was a 
 student) because he was openly, somewhat flagrantly gay. These days he’s in 
 the good graces of the movement and doing a lot to help in various ways. 
 Charlie Lutes used to claim that Maharishi had made dire predictions about 
 the fate of gay people, such as “it would be better had they never been 
 born”. I don’t know much more than that.

Haven't heard that one, but perhaps Maharishi was right ? Anyway he was much to 
busy trying to save the planet from itself than being preoccupied with gays.
However, it must be a great strain for any system, male or female to feel you 
are in a wrong body and the rate of suicide amongst gays is supposed to be very 
high. According to Adgar Casey homosexuals did'nt handle the transistion from 
another gender in the previous life, thus the extreme imbalances found in 
certain gays.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World

2012-12-26 Thread Share Long
Those pictures of Chinese people young and old, male and female practicing 
qigong all together outside.  I think they lead such healthy, simply lives.  
That's what I mean by dharmic and I think it can be expressed in many ways.  
But in this case I was replying to John's question about support of Nature and 
the herculean task of completing the railway.

 From: Ann awoelfleba...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 8:58 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 I get the impression that lots of Chinese people live quite dharmic lives.  
 I think that would give support of Nature.

Hi Share, I don't understand what you mean here. What is a 'dharmic life', what 
gives you that impression and how does support of nature result, what form 
would it take (a high speed railway)?
  From: John jr_esq@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 3:42 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World
 This is an amazing accomplishment of their communist government.  As such, we 
 wonder how were they able to get the support of Nature to complete this 
 herculean task.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread azgrey

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
Dear FFL moderators, would you please go in and excise this post
(330685) from the FFL archive.  The writer had no business using
someone's private name in a post like this here.
   Buck, the rule on FFL refers to using the real identity of FFL
   participants who post anonymously. Post 330685 does not fall
   under that rule.
  I Shall Fight On!

 Fight in one hand, spit in the other, and see which one fills up
first. Or, sumpin' like that. In all seriousness, though, I can't
believe you're fixated on a stupid little rule on FFL when there's the
very real homosexual menace that truly threatens to wipe out all of


[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread John

The answer is NO.  It is apparent, however, that a number of European countries 
is not having enough children to replace those who have died.  From what I've 
learned, a society needs to produce a little over 2.2 number of children to 
maintain the present population and infrastructure.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 You mean there are so many gay people in Europe that they're birth rates are
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of John
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 11:28 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
 It can be argued that homosexuality inhibits the growth of Creative
 Intelligence. The gross effect if not checked is the collapse of society.
 For example, many of the countries in Europe are losing population and are
 not replacing those who have died. As such, there will be no young people
 who could take over the jobs of the country which would contribute to the
 loss of productivity, or at worst the collapse of society.
 This trend has not yet reached this level of concern in the USA. But it is
 worth watching what would happen in Europe.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , seekliberation
 seekliberation@ mailto:seekliberation@  wrote:
  I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy
 humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals. Statistics
 like this:
  1. Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  2. Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  3. Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market
 bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  4. Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified
 unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  5. Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
  I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people
 hide the fact that they're homosexual. But I can say this from experience:
 I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen,
 verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were
 gay/lesbian (at least not openly). 
  This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then
 demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to
 the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that
 homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough
 to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate
 than heterosexuals. Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying
 humanity without any help from the homosexuals. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , John jr_esq@ wrote:
   A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

2012-12-26 Thread Share Long
Yikes, cognitive dissonance happening!  Somehow can't picture the cute guy in 
the Christmas hat picture saying these words.  

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 10:03 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Buck, do you remember the author and or book wherein 
 Hagelin was supposedly John Adams reincarnated and 
 Bob Roth was Thomas Paine?

No, but I remember the book that portrayed Maharishi
as the reincarnation of Santa Claus and Bevan as 
Rudolph, until he got so fat he couldn't fly any
more and they had to use his nose as a night light
in Santa's house. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
I will let others here on FFL who are more articulate respond to your asinine 
comments about gay people - as to Maha the great fraud, he was interested in 
his bank accounts - show me the evidence of his trying to save the planet and 
I'll take raja training - I am more persuaded by accounts of people like Mark 
Landau and Billy Clayton than anything else these days as to Marshy show me 
the money Yogi's motivations.

 From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 2:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 A friend of mine got kicked off campus in the 80’s (expelled †he was a 
 student) because he was openly, somewhat flagrantly gay. These days he’s in 
 the good graces of the movement and doing a lot to help in various ways. 
 Charlie Lutes used to claim that Maharishi had made dire predictions about 
 the fate of gay people, such as “it would be better had they never been 
 born�. I don’t know much more than that.

Haven't heard that one, but perhaps Maharishi was right ? Anyway he was much to 
busy trying to save the planet from itself than being preoccupied with gays.
However, it must be a great strain for any system, male or female to feel you 
are in a wrong body and the rate of suicide amongst gays is supposed to be very 
high. According to Adgar Casey homosexuals did'nt handle the transistion from 
another gender in the previous life, thus the extreme imbalances found in 
certain gays.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 It can be argued that homosexuality inhibits the growth of Creative 
 Intelligence.  The gross effect if not checked is the collapse of society.  
 For example, many of the countries in Europe are losing population and are 
 not replacing those who have died.  As such, there will be no young people 
 who could take over the jobs of the country which would contribute to the 
 loss of productivity, or at worst the collapse of society.
 This trend has not yet reached this level of concern in the USA.  But it is 
 worth watching what would happen in Europe.

There's too many people on earth by a factor of ten. We are long-
term unsustainable. Trouble with your idea about european countries
is that it's the indegenous populations that are shrinking (but not
by much) but the birth rate of immigrants is making up for it - to
the consternation of many.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@ 
  I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
  humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  
  Statistics like this:
  1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
  3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
  bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
  unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
  5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
  I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
  hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience: 
   I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, 
  verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were 
  gay/lesbian (at least not openly).  
  This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
  demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
  the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
  homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough 
  to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate 
  than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying 
  humanity without any help from the homosexuals.   
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: JUDY!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus Returns!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New!!!!!!!!!!!!

2012-12-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:


And not a moment too soon!

Thanks, obba. I hadn't seen this. I kinda doubt the film will
ever get made, but one can dream...

For those who've never seen it, here's the original video, 
the prequel to the trailer:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
And so with Rick's quoting Charlie your response isn't Oh, maybe M did have a 
bad attitude toward gays its maybe there is something inherently spiritually 
wrong with gays so that Marshy is right? Man, you talk about somebody needing 
an attitude adjustment - anyone who thinks, including a fake holy man that God 
judges ANYONE for who they love and how they love them is incorrect.

 From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 2:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 A friend of mine got kicked off campus in the 80’s (expelled †he was a 
 student) because he was openly, somewhat flagrantly gay. These days he’s in 
 the good graces of the movement and doing a lot to help in various ways. 
 Charlie Lutes used to claim that Maharishi had made dire predictions about 
 the fate of gay people, such as “it would be better had they never been 
 born�. I don’t know much more than that.

Haven't heard that one, but perhaps Maharishi was right ? Anyway he was much to 
busy trying to save the planet from itself than being preoccupied with gays.
However, it must be a great strain for any system, male or female to feel you 
are in a wrong body and the rate of suicide amongst gays is supposed to be very 
high. According to Adgar Casey homosexuals did'nt handle the transistion from 
another gender in the previous life, thus the extreme imbalances found in 
certain gays.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 8,000 Mayan YFers?

2012-12-26 Thread doctordumbass

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 But I'm so very enamored of the TMO in ashes...
  From: doctordumbass@... doctordumbass@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 1:09 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
 8,000 Mayan YFers?
 Yeah, the story that TM or TMSP automatically results in benefits is sort of 
 a fake-out. I found this out by taking the practice at its word, so to speak, 
 for years. And yet, it wasn't until later, when I did the hard work of 
 examining what was being revealed to me, through meditation and the siddhis, 
 that I began to integrate the benefits and really understand where the 
 practices and results fit into my life.
 So for a long time it hasn't been the story of the TMO or the beliefs in this 
 or that, for me. After enough years I built up enough spiritual momentum so 
 that the path became mine, alone. I continue to compare my experiences 
 against that which I was told, or a particular framework or template I have 
 come across (e.g. MMY's 7 SOC or the Kundalini Chakras). Unlike the past in 
 which this would bring conflict as I was less sure of my self, now it brings 
 clarity, as I am able to see my ongoing truth, as revealed by my experience, 
 vs. whatever any spiritual master or text says.
 Regarding the TMO, Bevan all of those people - just let them all go, and find 
 your own truth, beyond any of it. As for their day of reckoning, dharmic 
 balance, it is always inevitable with all of us, whether we are there to 
 personally witness it of another. We all have to play by the same rules, even 
 those who attempt to set themselves above the rules, for a little while.:-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  From my point of view, if the so called yogic flying was a effective as 
  claimed, you would see the greatest effect at the epicenter, meaning 
  closest to the flying group - this should mean over the years extraordinary 
  results in Fairfield and Jefferson County or even all of Iowa - but it 
  hasn't EVER happened. The TMO says that it has effects all over America but 
  things stay the same in the local area? TMO has consistently said Ah, we 
  had a great effect cause we said we had a great effect, believe us when we 
  say we have a great effect and keep sending money so we can continue to 
  have the grand effect that we say we are having.
  There is another post here on FFL talking about the grand effect of the 
  MExican group that refers to how well the government organized the event, 
  how they brought the buses in on time - WTF!! If the Mexican government 
  organized the event, why did the TMO ask for donations to pay for having 
  everyone bused???
  With or without a tinfoil hat, I can see these guys are wanting to continue 
  to ride the gravy train - I look forward to the day that Tony, Bevan and 
  all the rest are exposed for the frauds they are, the TMO folds, Marshys 
  nevvies in India raid all the Movements assets leaving the TMO in ashes and 
  Bevan and the boys have to make a living for themselves washing dishes or 
  some other menial labor job, worrying how to pay the rent and utilities 
  like the rest of us instead of living off the fat of the land in a global 
  ashram paid for by others.
   From: doctordumbass@ doctordumbass@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 2:43 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can anyone independently validate the claim of 
  8,000 Mayan YFers?
  Merry Christmas, MJ! ...wait, lemme secure the hat au foil de tin, prior 
  to responding with substance...ok, set:
  Yeah, it is tough to prove a negative. On the background of an always 
  difficult world, how do you show evidence that something even worse didn't 
  happen? As the French would say, impossible. lol
  Over the last 60 years, there has been a lot of progress and a lot of 
  conflict. Who to assign praise/blame to? I like the overall trend that more 
  people are empowered to do what they want to, globally, even though it 
  results these days in some terrific violence. 
  Along with the potential for chaos, though, pervasive local, national, and 
  global, communication, is also making it difficult to maintain the obsolete 
  power structures of the past - e.g. the last US election secured, because 
  of a YouTube video revealing the true nature of the loser. And secrets of 
  any kind have become impossible to keep (WikiLeaks). How porous everything 
  has become.
  Is it the much vaunted Age of Enlightenment? Pretty obviously not, though 
  now that things are breaking loose, in flux and in motion, we have half a 
  chance in hell of getting there. :-)
  ok, hat back on wig stand...
  --- In 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 No reason to worry. The muslims will fill all the job slots until there
 are no longer ordinary Europeans left.
 What those multi-wife muslims could not accomplish by attacking europe
 in the middle ages, they will achieve by overtaking the population it in
 a few more years.
 Got Koran?

There you go.  That's the concern of governments over there.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John  wrote:
  It can be argued that homosexuality inhibits the growth of Creative
 Intelligence.  The gross effect if not checked is the collapse of
 society.  For example, many of the countries in Europe are losing
 population and are not replacing those who have died.  As such, there
 will be no young people who could take over the jobs of the country
 which would contribute to the loss of productivity, or at worst the
 collapse of society.
  This trend has not yet reached this level of concern in the USA.  But
 it is worth watching what would happen in Europe.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@
   I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to
 destroy humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.
 Statistics like this:
   1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
   2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
   3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing
 market bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
   4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who
 justified unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
   5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
   I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some
 people hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from
 experience:  I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal
 belongings stolen, verbally insulted, and none of the people who did
 these things were gay/lesbian (at least not openly).
   This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society
 then demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a
 fraction to the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the
 idea that homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not
 stupid enough to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any
 faster of a rate than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than
 capable of destroying humanity without any help from the homosexuals.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John  wrote:
A Cameroon archbishop stated so.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  It can be argued that homosexuality inhibits the growth of Creative 
  Intelligence.  The gross effect if not checked is the collapse of society.  
  For example, many of the countries in Europe are losing population and are 
  not replacing those who have died.  As such, there will be no young people 
  who could take over the jobs of the country which would contribute to the 
  loss of productivity, or at worst the collapse of society.
  This trend has not yet reached this level of concern in the USA.  But it is 
  worth watching what would happen in Europe.
 There's too many people on earth by a factor of ten. We are long-
 term unsustainable. Trouble with your idea about european countries
 is that it's the indegenous populations that are shrinking (but not
 by much) but the birth rate of immigrants is making up for it - to
 the consternation of many.


You hit the nail on the head.


  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation seekliberation@ 
   I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to 
   destroy humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  
   Statistics like this:
   1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
   2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
   3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
   bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
   4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
   unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
   5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
   I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
   hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from 
   experience:  I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal 
   belongings stolen, verbally insulted, and none of the people who did 
   these things were gay/lesbian (at least not openly).  
   This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
   demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction 
   to the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
   homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid 
   enough to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of 
   a rate than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of 
   destroying humanity without any help from the homosexuals.   
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
A Cameroon archbishop stated so.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread doctordumbass
I can't say for saving the planet - pretty subjective any way you slice it - 
his techniques worked for me. I read the BG and SBAL a long time ago, and was 
already pretty distant from any part of the TMO twenty years ago. Ignored the 
rest. 'Nuff said. 

I appreciate your outrage - perhaps you can write some letters to the TMO 
leadership, expressing your feelings closer to the source. For example, I have 
sent some real zingers to my city council on occasion, and showed up when 
necessary. It is empowering. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I will let others here on FFL who are more articulate respond to your asinine 
 comments about gay people - as to Maha the great fraud, he was interested in 
 his bank accounts - show me the evidence of his trying to save the planet 
 and I'll take raja training - I am more persuaded by accounts of people like 
 Mark Landau and Billy Clayton than anything else these days as to Marshy 
 show me the money Yogi's motivations.
  From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 2:48 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  A friend of mine got kicked off campus in the 80’s (expelled †
  he was a student) because he was openly, somewhat flagrantly gay. These 
  days he’s in the good graces of the movement and doing a lot to help 
  in various ways. Charlie Lutes used to claim that Maharishi had made dire 
  predictions about the fate of gay people, such as â€Åit would be better 
  had they never been born�. I don’t know much more than that.
 Haven't heard that one, but perhaps Maharishi was right ? Anyway he was much 
 to busy trying to save the planet from itself than being preoccupied with 
 However, it must be a great strain for any system, male or female to feel you 
 are in a wrong body and the rate of suicide amongst gays is supposed to be 
 very high. According to Adgar Casey homosexuals did'nt handle the transistion 
 from another gender in the previous life, thus the extreme imbalances found 
 in certain gays.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  A friend of mine got kicked off campus in the 80’s
 (expelled †he was a student) because he was openly,
 somewhat flagrantly gay. These days he’s in the good
 graces of the movement and doing a lot to help in various
 ways. Charlie Lutes used to claim that Maharishi had made
 dire predictions about the fate of gay people, such as
 “it would be better had they never been bornâ€.
 I don’t know much more than that.

That was 30 years ago. I can understand, although I can't
sanction, the idea that back then flagrantly gay people
would threaten the TMO's reputation. That should no
longer be a concern; hopefully this is an example of
a trend.

 Haven't heard that one, but perhaps Maharishi was right ?

If 30 years ago Maharishi meant that the life of a gay
person in this society was likely to involve a great
deal of misery because of homophobia--to the point where
such a person might wish they had never been born--that
would make some sense. But I doubt that's what he had in
mind, sadly.

 Anyway he was much to busy trying to save the planet from
 itself than being preoccupied with gays.

 However, it must be a great strain for any system, male or
 female to feel you are in a wrong body

That is by no means a common concern for homosexuals. Most
gay people have no complaints about their gender and no
desire to change it.

 and the rate of suicide amongst gays is supposed to be very high.

The *vast* majority of the psychological distress suffered
by gay people related to their sexual preference is the
result of society's disapproval.

Fortunately that is decreasing rapidly, and we should see a
corresponding decrease in the suicide rate among homosexuals.

 According to Adgar Casey homosexuals did'nt handle the
 transistion from another gender in the previous life, thus
 the extreme imbalances found in certain gays.

Again, extreme imbalances in some gay people is much more
likely the result of homophobia than of psychological
problems inherent in the fact of their sexual preference.

In the absence of homophobia, in other words, there would
not be any more gay people with extreme imbalances than
in straight people.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL

2012-12-26 Thread Emily Reyn
Welcome back Judy!  Thank goodness you are here to help out with the veracity 
of FFL.  

 From: authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 10:48 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 No, no Bob, this is a distinction you made to me, awhile
 back, regarding your absolute preference for the *moistness*
 of a younger woman - someone thirty-ish, was I believe your
 cut off point. You weren't talking about cake, you were
 talking about *pussy*. Remember?

FWIW, the only post from Bob I can find in the archives
that contains the string moist was one in which he
attributed a liking for moist young women to Barry. As
far as I can tell, Bob never expressed a preference for
same himself.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  I've never thought of Judy as a piece of cake; if you're asking me if I 
  admire her, absolutely (I admire everyone with talent). 
  Are roses any less beautiful when they have fully bloomed; I guess it 
  depends on your taste.
  From: doctordumbass@ doctordumbass@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 1:23:08 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL
  But, Bob, would Judy be *moist* enough for you?? ;-)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
   Thank you for your warm wishes, I never tire of the laughter
   I get from reading your posts when you box the ears of the 
   veracity challenged. 
   The Wife sends her best, and my family wishes you a very Happy Christmas 
   and fantabulous 2013:
   From: authfriend authfriend@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 3:02:52 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL
   What a treat you've brought us (including a glimpse of 
   your charming self, even if it's just a quickie).
   Thank you so much for the video. I won't have time to
   watch the whole thing until after Christmas (I'm getting
   ready to go out of town tomorrow), but I took a look at
   the first few minutes, and I know I'm going to enjoy it
   a lot.
   Most cordial wishes to you and The Wife for a superb
   holiday. You sure have started ours out with a bang.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

2012-12-26 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
  Ben Hur
  We started with Ben Hur X-mas eve...
 Ben Hur meets Jesus

Chariot race (this is the longest clip--10 minutes--that
I could find):


If you can watch it full-screen, you get some faint sense
of what it was like to see in a movie theater. It remains
a masterpiece of filmmaking. (No CGI!)

[FairfieldLife] Re: China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World

2012-12-26 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Those pictures of Chinese people young and old, male and female practicing 
 qigong all together outside.  I think they lead such healthy, simply 
 lives.  That's what I mean by dharmic and I think it can be expressed in 
 many ways.  But in this case I was replying to John's question about support 
 of Nature and the herculean task of completing the railway.

Pretty big jumps of logic and observation here. As I understand it, you have 
concluded, from seeing some pictures of a few Chinese people doing 'energy 
work' in the form of Qigong, that they therefore lead simple and healthy 
lives so therefore China as a country will succeed in building a high speed 
railway. Er, OK then, got it.
  From: Ann awoelflebater@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 8:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  I get the impression that lots of Chinese people live quite dharmic 
  lives.  I think that would give support of Nature.
 Hi Share, I don't understand what you mean here. What is a 'dharmic life', 
 what gives you that impression and how does support of nature result, what 
 form would it take (a high speed railway)?
   From: John jr_esq@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 3:42 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] China Opens the Longest Rail Line in the World
  This is an amazing accomplishment of their communist government.  As such, 
  we wonder how were they able to get the support of Nature to complete this 
  herculean task.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Dear FFL moderators, would you please go in and excise this post (330685) 
 from the FFL archive.  The writer had no business using someone's private 
 name in a post like this here.  Had the writer had more sense she certainly 
 could have discreetly sent an iquiry directly to Jack and not outed the 
 person publicly on an internet forum.  This is extremely bad form. 

Agreed. If Mr. Jackson must take a shit why can't he do in the privy, why here 
? I suppose those things never learnt as a young person is difficult to do as 
grown up.   

Git rid of the post and the ban the author for complete breach of guideline.  
This is extremely bad.
 Thank you,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

2012-12-26 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   Ben Hur
   We started with Ben Hur X-mas eve...
  Ben Hur meets Jesus
 Chariot race (this is the longest clip--10 minutes--that
 I could find):
 If you can watch it full-screen, you get some faint sense
 of what it was like to see in a movie theater. It remains
 a masterpiece of filmmaking. (No CGI!)

This materpiece race was staged by Yakima Canutt, the grandfather of modern 
stuntmen, and his son doubled for Charleton Heston in long shots and some 
dangerous situtations. They also lost a ($100,000 at the time - 1959) 65mm 
Mitchell motion picture camera which crashed to the ground when one of the 
chariots smashed into the camera platform.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL

2012-12-26 Thread Bob Price

Also, I've never made any reference to his wife and
moisture, or said I was in my thirties (The Wife is in her thirties); I'm in my
sixties, and the best description of me, on this forum, was Obba's where she
mentioned something about bathtubs and spitting out sesame seed oil. 

My theory on Doctor Dumbass is that he's been channeling
Turqb so much lately we may have to give Max a call, and get a quote for an
online exorcism; if we're too cheap for that, we always have emptybill.


From: authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 10:48:48 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 No, no Bob, this is a distinction you made to me, awhile
 back, regarding your absolute preference for the *moistness*
 of a younger woman - someone thirty-ish, was I believe your
 cut off point. You weren't talking about cake, you were
 talking about *pussy*. Remember?

FWIW, the only post from Bob I can find in the archives
that contains the string moist was one in which he
attributed a liking for moist young women to Barry. As
far as I can tell, Bob never expressed a preference for
same himself.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  I've never thought of Judy as a piece of cake; if you're asking me if I 
  admire her, absolutely (I admire everyone with talent). 
  Are roses any less beautiful when they have fully bloomed; I guess it 
  depends on your taste.
  From: doctordumbass@ doctordumbass@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 1:23:08 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL
  But, Bob, would Judy be *moist* enough for you?? ;-)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
   Thank you for your warm wishes, I never tire of the laughter
   I get from reading your posts when you box the ears of the 
   veracity challenged. 
   The Wife sends her best, and my family wishes you a very Happy Christmas 
   and fantabulous 2013:
   From: authfriend authfriend@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 3:02:52 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL
   What a treat you've brought us (including a glimpse of 
   your charming self, even if it's just a quickie).
   Thank you so much for the video. I won't have time to
   watch the whole thing until after Christmas (I'm getting
   ready to go out of town tomorrow), but I took a look at
   the first few minutes, and I know I'm going to enjoy it
   a lot.
   Most cordial wishes to you and The Wife for a superb
   holiday. You sure have started ours out with a bang.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

2012-12-26 Thread Share Long
other possibilities meaning other dimensions? (-:

 From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 8:22 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies

...and Deepak the Chopra was a physician during American Revolution and a very 
close friend of John and Abigail Adams.

To your question about Roth/Paine see chapter 19
Unfortunately it remains completely stuck in the physical reality of 
reincarnation, without ever even entertaining for the moment  other 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 Oy, my memory is definitely flawed, angelic or not (-:
 yep, that's the one I was thinking of, thanks for having an unflawed 
 memory.  Also angelic perhaps?
 Well the resemblance is pretty cool I think.  What a funny old world...How 
 about Roth and Paine?
  From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:37 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies
 Hi my dear Christmas Angel...and that John Hagelin was the reincarnation 
 of James Otis, a Boston lawyer who was considered to be a genius, who 
 helped spark the revolutionary movement by taking the British to court 
 regarding the Writs of Assistance, an illegal search and seizure law?
 Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups ...
  By Walter Semkiw may be?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
  Buck, do you remember the author and or book wherein Hagelin was supposedly 
  John Adams reincarnated and Bob Roth was Thomas Paine?
   From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 9:48 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas Movies
  Casting John Hagelin as George Washington
  would be really good.
  And our Turqb as the Prince Juda Ben Hur.
  Great Christmas. 
   Hope to get to The Crossing
   before the day is over.  One of
   the Best Christmas stories.

 Ben Hur
 We started with Ben Hur X-mas eve...

Ben Hur meets Jesus


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How long will it take to reach CC-MMY

2012-12-26 Thread Share Long
I'd say pretty effortless (-:

 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 8:26 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: How long will it take to reach CC-MMY


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Maybe what's happening is some projecting of human qualities onto God?  
 I thought doing TM was practicing all 8 limbs at once.  Does it say that in 
 back of Science of Being?

Would limbless yoga be faster?
  From: wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 7:52 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] How long will it take to reach CC-MMY

I seem to recall MMY saying that in about 5 years one would develop 'quite a 
lot of cosmic consciousness'. Regarding the MMY video, the sage Nisargadatta, 
1897-1981, is reputed have have experienced full realisation (i.e. unity) in 
less than three years. And he 

1. Was married and had a daughter. 
2. Owned eight tobacco stores.
3. Smoked cigarettes all his life.
4. Ate meat.

 I think you need to practice ALL eight limbs of YOGA, Yes? MMY says all eight 
 limbs MUST be practiced simultaneously, Charlie used to say, 7 lifetimes.  
 Why is God a *jealous* God? Because unless you put HIM first, he will not 

Here is what Mark Twain said about the god of the Torah (or Old Testament from 
the Christian perspective):

Jealousy. Do not forget it, keep it in mind. 
It is the key. With it you will come to 
partly understand God as we go along; 
without it nobody can understand him. 
As I have said, he has openly held up 
this treasonous key himself, for all 
to see. He says, naïvely, outspokenly, 
and without suggestion of embarrassment: 
I the Lord thy God am a jealous God.

You see, it is only another way of saying, 
I the Lord thy God am a small God; a 
small God, and fretful about small things.

He was giving a warning: he could not 
bear the thought of any other God 
getting some of the Sunday compliments 
of this comical little human race -- 
he wanted all of them for himself. He 
valued them. To him they were riches; 
just as tin money is to a Zulu.

But wait -- I am not fair; I am 
misrepresenting him; prejudice is 
beguiling me into saying what is not 
true. He did not say he wanted all of 
the adulations; he said nothing about 
not being willing to share them with 
his fellow gods; what he said was, 
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

It is a quite different thing, and 
puts him in a much better light -- 
I confess it. There was an abundance 
of gods, the woods were full of them, 
as the saying is, and all he demanded 
was that he should be ranked as high 
as the others -- not above any of them, 
but not below any of them. He was 
willing that they should fertilize 
earthly virgins, but not on any better 
terms than he could have for himself in 
his turn. He wanted to be held their equal. 
This he insisted upon, in the clearest 
language: he would have no other gods before 
him. They could march abreast with him, but 
none of them could head the procession, and 
he did not claim the right to head it himself

...Do you think he was able to stick to 
that upright and creditable position? No. 
He could keep to a bad resolution forever, 
but he couldn't keep to a good one a month. 
By and by he threw aside and calmly claimed 
to be the only God in the entire universe.

There is a hand-written note Twain inscribed in a copy of one of his books:
All gods are better than their reputation.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
Ann asked me a question but you are trying to fault me for some thing - I bet 
if I had always made I am a Marshy junkie and he was een-lite-ened and could 
NEVER do no wrong and all the people who say so are rakshasas like you have, 
you would have no problem with the exchange between Ann and myself. 

 From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 4:34 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Dear FFL moderators, would you please go in and excise this post (330685) 
 from the FFL archive.  The writer had no business using someone's private 
 name in a post like this here.  Had the writer had more sense she certainly 
 could have discreetly sent an iquiry directly to Jack and not outed the 
 person publicly on an internet forum.  This is extremely bad form. 

Agreed. If Mr. Jackson must take a shit why can't he do in the privy, why here 
? I suppose those things never learnt as a young person is difficult to do as 
grown up. 

Git rid of the post and the ban the author for complete breach of guideline.  
This is extremely bad.
 Thank you,


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread Share Long
I always thought it was a jyotish thang (-:

 From: salyavin808 fintlewoodle...@mail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 8:25 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 I am curious as to the TMO's position on gays - inthe 1980's at MIU I knew a 
 guy from Canada who was gay and he claimed that there was a great deal of 
 prejudice from the TMO toward gays as in if it were known someone were gay 
 they would be asked to leave the university as apparently the TMO thought 
 being gay reflected badly on the TMO - I had never heard this at the time and 
 asked around and several people said it was true pretty much throughout the 
 entire official Movement. At the time I was still a TM junkie, so didn't know 
 what to think except that it was a pretty screwed up attitude for the 
 Movement to take. Anyone know anything about the TMO's stance on gays and 

Marshy apparently thought that homosexuality wouldn't happen 
in the AofE. Obviously then he saw it as violation of natural
law but one that individuals can't help, it's just a yuga thang.

  From: seekliberation seekliberation@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 7:19 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity
 I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going to destroy 
 humanity ever did any research on the statistics of homosexuals.  Statistics 
 like this:
 1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs. heterosexuals
 3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the housing market 
 bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who justified 
 unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
 5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
 I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because some people 
 hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this from experience:  
 I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal belongings stolen, 
 verbally insulted, and none of the people who did these things were 
 gay/lesbian (at least not openly). 
 This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in society then 
 demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a fraction to 
 the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the idea that 
 homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also not stupid enough 
 to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at any faster of a rate 
 than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than capable of destroying 
 humanity without any help from the homosexuals. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  A Cameroon archbishop stated so.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Ann asked me a question but you are trying to fault me for some thing - I bet 
 if I had always made I am a Marshy junkie and he was een-lite-ened and could 
 NEVER do no wrong and all the people who say so are rakshasas like you have, 
 you would have no problem with the exchange between Ann and myself. 

Don't worry MJ, Bucko was trying to get ME in trouble, not you and Nabby has 
gotten confused somewhere. I'll take full responsibility here for mentioning a 
name from MIU back in the 70's of someone who was a straight, female student at 
the time. But it appears we are the 'victims' of sloppy reading -  among other 
  From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 4:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Dear FFL moderators, would you please go in and excise this post (330685) 
  from the FFL archive.  The writer had no business using someone's private 
  name in a post like this here.  Had the writer had more sense she certainly 
  could have discreetly sent an iquiry directly to Jack and not outed the 
  person publicly on an internet forum.  This is extremely bad form. 
 Agreed. If Mr. Jackson must take a shit why can't he do in the privy, why 
 here ? I suppose those things never learnt as a young person is difficult to 
 do as grown up. 
 Git rid of the post and the ban the author for complete breach of guideline.  
 This is extremely bad.
  Thank you,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:


 Don't worry MJ, Bucko was trying to get ME in trouble, not you and Nabby has 
 gotten confused somewhere. 

No, I was commenting on MrJackson neverending idea that projecting his own 
issues and deeprooted personal problems on to the TMO, and his willingness to 
fly his willie here for all to see is for him a perfectly normal, though 
disgusting, way of behaving. I was suggesting that if he wants to puke a privy 
is more suited than in a public place.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
They just don't like it that I don't praise Marshy and believe he and the 
Movement poop gold, silver and rose petals

 From: Ann awoelfleba...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 5:06 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Ann asked me a question but you are trying to fault me for some thing - I bet 
 if I had always made I am a Marshy junkie and he was een-lite-ened and could 
 NEVER do no wrong and all the people who say so are rakshasas like you have, 
 you would have no problem with the exchange between Ann and myself. 

Don't worry MJ, Bucko was trying to get ME in trouble, not you and Nabby has 
gotten confused somewhere. I'll take full responsibility here for mentioning a 
name from MIU back in the 70's of someone who was a straight, female student at 
the time. But it appears we are the 'victims' of sloppy reading -  among other 
  From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 4:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Dear FFL moderators, would you please go in and excise this post (330685) 
  from the FFL archive.  The writer had no business using someone's private 
  name in a post like this here.  Had the writer had more sense she certainly 
  could have discreetly sent an iquiry directly to Jack and not outed the 
  person publicly on an internet forum.  This is extremely bad form. 
 Agreed. If Mr. Jackson must take a shit why can't he do in the privy, why 
 here ? I suppose those things never learnt as a young person is difficult to 
 do as grown up. 
 Git rid of the post and the ban the author for complete breach of guideline.  
 This is extremely bad.
  Thank you,


[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread emptybill
Europa is waning.
It's destiny is Dar-as-Salam.
Wait for it to come here.

It should be our concern too.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
  No reason to worry. The muslims will fill all the job slots until
  are no longer ordinary Europeans left.
  What those multi-wife muslims could not accomplish by attacking
  in the middle ages, they will achieve by overtaking the population
it in
  a few more years.
  Got Koran?

 There you go.  That's the concern of governments over there.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John  wrote:
   It can be argued that homosexuality inhibits the growth of
  Intelligence.  The gross effect if not checked is the collapse of
  society.  For example, many of the countries in Europe are losing
  population and are not replacing those who have died.  As such,
  will be no young people who could take over the jobs of the country
  which would contribute to the loss of productivity, or at worst the
  collapse of society.
   This trend has not yet reached this level of concern in the USA. 
  it is worth watching what would happen in Europe.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seekliberation
I often wonder if these people who claim homosexuality is going
  destroy humanity ever did any research on the statistics of
  Statistics like this:
1.  Percentage of murders committed by homosexuals vs.
2.  Percentage of rapes committed by homosexuals vs.
3.  Percentage of members of congress responsible for the
  market bubble crisis that were homosexual vs. heterosexual
4.  Percentage of congress, DOD, and Dept of State members who
  justified unnecessary wars who were homosexual vs. heterosexual
5.  Percentage of theft and fraud committed by homo vs. hetero
I don't know if there's a way to research these stats because
  people hide the fact that they're homosexual.  But I can say this
  experience:  I've been lied to, assaulted, cheated, had personal
  belongings stolen, verbally insulted, and none of the people who did
  these things were gay/lesbian (at least not openly).
This is very typical hypocrisy, to create severe problems in
  then demonize some other social group who doesn't contribute even a
  fraction to the really serious problems that you do. I'm open to the
  idea that homosexuality is a perversion and unnatural, but i'm also
  stupid enough to think that homosexuals are destroying humanity at
  faster of a rate than heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are more than
  capable of destroying humanity without any help from the
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John  wrote:

 A Cameroon archbishop stated so.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas

2012-12-26 Thread Bob Price


I enjoyed your story; I was reminded of the schism that
developed between Jung and Freud where a similar phenomenon played a part. As
you may know, early in their relationship, Freud saw Jung as his heir apparent,
but could not accept Jung's theories on the collective unconscious.

In Jung's biography Memoires, Dreams, and Reflections
and the film  A Dangerous Method, there are references to an
incident in Freud's study, during an argument they were having about whether
consciousness existed beyond the physical plane, when a loud shot came from
Freud's bookcase as if the bookcase was about to split in two.  Jung looked at 
Freud as if to say:
you see, and not missing a beat Freud said it was
a completely natural phenomenon for wood to do that. 

I know intellectually Freud was right; when I was in the
timber business I shipped kiln-dried wood from Oregon to Jeddah via Panama, and
the fluctuation of the moist (ure) content (moving from temperate to tropic to
desert climates) could cause some fairly severe checking and cracks in the wood;
that said, Jung's theories, and his insights, explain more to me about the
inner life I've experienced, in different waking, dreaming, meditative, and 
states, than Freud’s more scientific explanation does. I say that as an


From: seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 8:41:15 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas

Hey Bob,

Guess I was trying to be too clever in my reply.  What I was trying to say, is 
that I could stand a steady diet of posting from you.

Re: Mountains.  What a hassle to  be carrying around an extra 25 pounds.  Even 
if I could lose 10, it would help out.

Strange occurrence I'll share:

This morning the whole family was up early to open presents so we could get out 
the enjoy the newly fallen snow.  

At one point, I tried to dim some of the lights, but they wouldn't dim and kept 
flickering. I kept trying and they kept flickering.

I thought, oh, another repair.  Later in the afternoon, I mentioned it to my 
sister when she was getting ready to go back to N.M., and she said it might 
have been my mom and dad saying hello.  She mentioned in a light-hearted, 
joking fashion.

That did not occur to me, and I still  don't see it.  But it was interesting,  
since the lights were working great when we got back for lunch.

Anyway, thinking of you with your tribe,  brought this to mind.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:

 A treat to hear from you; I will always cherish your comment
 that my posts were like foie gras; something to look forward to, but not every
 day (or something like that). 
 I also remember you create employment when Hermes
 smiles in your direction. I wish you, your family, and your business, a Merry
 Christmas and a very, very prosperous New Year. 
 Enjoy the mountains:
 From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 1:14:22 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas
 Thanks Bob,
 We're here in Colorado right now, and my sister brought along her little 
 Dachshund, Acorn, so it's sort of letting everyone focus on this cutie.
 Oh, and Bob, praise me, or scold me, but just keep talking to me every once 
 in a while.  Nice to have you back for at least a visit. (and hopefully 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
  I was sorry to hear about Buttons, if something happened to
  my Jack Russell (Jackie Chan), the world would be a much darker place; like 
  bumper sticker says: 
  I'm trying to be the person my dog thinks I am. 
  Jackie suggested I send you this link, when he's feeling down he
  likes to watch Orson Wells doing magic tricks:
  From: laughinggull108 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 6:37:47 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Christmas
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
   Yeah too many posts last week and I had to have my 18 year old cat put to 
   sleep - I was very attached to her - so I been kinda quiet since then.
  From http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/330439 where
  Steve wrote: Well, my wife just called. Our black and white long hair 
  kitty, Buttons, has cancer is going to have to be put down. The daughter 
  just went upstairs crying. I'll likely start crying as soon as I see my 
  wife. We had Buttons for about 15 years.
  Dear Michael  Steve,
  Please accept my sincerest condolences on the loss of a family member. I'm 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster

2012-12-26 Thread Michael Jackson
You idiot, I was asking if anyone knew of any unofficial attitude on the part 
of the Movement towards gays based on conversations I had at MIU with a couple 
of gays who claimed there was at the time institutionalized prejudice. How is 
asking a question so objectionable to you? Are you so deeply afraid of seeing 
the TMO is not the Guardian of the Universe you think it is? And BTW I did not 
assume it was a negative attitude the TMO had or has, I was asking for 

I note you don't revile Rick or the deceased Charlie Lutes for his input and 
Charlie quotes.

I also note that you ignored my response to merudanda's post about the gay TM 
group - I think it is good that it denotes a lack of  prejudice towards gays on 
the part of the TMO

I also note that the unpleasant tone and vile language and imagery you useshows 
youto be a perfectexample of the kind of personality that often develops after 
many yearsof regular practice of TM and the TM Sidhi programme - angry, 
unpleasant, fearful of any truth or fact that shows TM and its fraudulent 
founder are and werenot the saviors of the earth, and by extension that youare 
not a mini-savior. You disgusting imagery is ironically in keeping with the 
TMO's image - we say it leads to bliss and all goodness and good behavior but 
my actual behavior is more akinto a David Lynch film.

 From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 5:18 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderators, pls. sanction this poster


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:


 Don't worry MJ, Bucko was trying to get ME in trouble, not you and Nabby has 
 gotten confused somewhere. 

No, I was commenting on MrJackson neverending idea that projecting his own 
issues and deeprooted personal problems on to the TMO, and his willingness to 
fly his willie here for all to see is for him a perfectly normal, though 
disgusting, way of behaving. I was suggesting that if he wants to puke a privy 
is more suited than in a public place.


[FairfieldLife] posting for someone

2012-12-26 Thread Rick Archer
Ordinarily I don't like to play middleman, but someone asked me to post
this, and in a weak moment, I said yes:


I came up with an idea of what's opposite of the Unified Field. Since in
John Hagelin's (a world reknowned quantum physicist) work he says the
Unified Field is pure knowledge, I imagine the opposite would be
not-knowingness. Also since the Unified Field is everything I imagine the
opposite would be Nothing. However this nothing is something as it would
have to be manifest with boundaries. I haven't come up with the answers to
this yet but somehow it is still connected to the Unified Field. Also this
is way out there but in Meta-physics they talk about polarities in the
universe, Love and Fear; Love being all there is and fear being false
evidence appearing real. However, this fear, would still be something as a
concept. Once again in Hagelin's work he refers to Hidden Sector matter
being what thoughts are made out of. Maybe this is how the nothing gets
created. This is totally intellectual, but, if nothingness (Shain McVay
Matter) was from a concept, maybe that's created from John Hagelin's hidden
sector matter idea. (You can find this on the internet). Maybe a concept is
nothing and it is relative to the Unified Field; picture the Unified Field
in 3D with something going out of it toward you. This matter sits onto of
the Unified Field, I see this in my head btw. I believe it's in another


Also I was thinking about the first dimension and a light was there, like
you would see in a tunnel. Then I saw my grandpa waving at me tell me it's
okay to come to him. Then when I entered I saw the Heavens going out like a
triangular thing. then I looked to the side and saw Shain McVay Matter and
saw that it was me all along. 


Anyways, have a good one FairfieldLife

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL

2012-12-26 Thread obbajeeba
Yes, welcome back Judy and always nice to see Emly here!  
Holding the fort, I noticed the Turq calmed his punches down and tried to make 
good with his hat picture above the waist.  I suppose now he will start to send 
love taps out and I enjoy all of this...go get em, Judy..!!!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Welcome back Judy!  Thank goodness you are here to help out with the 
 veracity of FFL.  
  From: authfriend authfriend@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 10:48 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  No, no Bob, this is a distinction you made to me, awhile
  back, regarding your absolute preference for the *moistness*
  of a younger woman - someone thirty-ish, was I believe your
  cut off point. You weren't talking about cake, you were
  talking about *pussy*. Remember?
 FWIW, the only post from Bob I can find in the archives
 that contains the string moist was one in which he
 attributed a liking for moist young women to Barry. As
 far as I can tell, Bob never expressed a preference for
 same himself.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
   I've never thought of Judy as a piece of cake; if you're asking me if I 
   admire her, absolutely (I admire everyone with talent). 
   Are roses any less beautiful when they have fully bloomed; I guess it 
   depends on your taste.
   From: doctordumbass@ doctordumbass@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 1:23:08 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL
   But, Bob, would Judy be *moist* enough for you?? ;-)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:


Thank you for your warm wishes, I never tire of the laughter
I get from reading your posts when you box the ears of the 

veracity challenged. 

The Wife sends her best, and my family wishes you a very Happy 
Christmas and fantabulous 2013:


From: authfriend authfriend@
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 3:02:52 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL


What a treat you've brought us (including a glimpse of 
your charming self, even if it's just a quickie).

Thank you so much for the video. I won't have time to
watch the whole thing until after Christmas (I'm getting
ready to go out of town tomorrow), but I took a look at
the first few minutes, and I know I'm going to enjoy it
a lot.

Most cordial wishes to you and The Wife for a superb
holiday. You sure have started ours out with a bang.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL

2012-12-26 Thread emptybill
and get a quote for an online exorcism; if we're too cheap for that, we
always have emptybill.

Sorry but I only do esorcisms. Demons are so weak and boring,
that I don't waste my time.

However, little god-impersonating spirits are more troublesome
for the easily inspired and slack-jawed among us.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:

 Also, I've never made any reference to his wife and
 moisture, or said I was in my thirties (The Wife is in her thirties);
I'm in my
 sixties, and the best description of me, on this forum, was Obba's
where she
 mentioned something about bathtubs and spitting out sesame seed

 My theory on Doctor Dumbass is that he's been channeling
 Turqb so much lately we may have to give Max a call, and get a quote
for an
 online exorcism; if we're too cheap for that, we always have


 From: authfriend authfriend@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 10:48:48 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  No, no Bob, this is a distinction you made to me, awhile
  back, regarding your absolute preference for the *moistness*
  of a younger woman - someone thirty-ish, was I believe your
  cut off point. You weren't talking about cake, you were
  talking about *pussy*. Remember?

 FWIW, the only post from Bob I can find in the archives
 that contains the string moist was one in which he
 attributed a liking for moist young women to Barry. As
 far as I can tell, Bob never expressed a preference for
 same himself.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
   I've never thought of Judy as a piece of cake; if you're asking me
if I admire her, absolutely (I admire everyone with talent).
   Are roses any less beautiful when they have fully bloomed; I guess
it depends on your taste.
   From: doctordumbass@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 1:23:08 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL
   But, Bob, would Judy be *moist* enough for you?? ;-)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price  wrote:
Thank you for your warm wishes, I never tire of the laughter
I get from reading your posts when you box the ears of the
veracity challenged.
The Wife sends her best, and my family wishes you a very Happy
Christmas and fantabulous 2013:

From: authfriend
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 3:02:52 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL
What a treat you've brought us (including a glimpse of
your charming self, even if it's just a quickie).
Thank you so much for the video. I won't have time to
watch the whole thing until after Christmas (I'm getting
ready to go out of town tomorrow), but I took a look at
the first few minutes, and I know I'm going to enjoy it
a lot.
Most cordial wishes to you and The Wife for a superb
holiday. You sure have started ours out with a bang.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Same Sex Marriage Is a Crime Against Humanity

2012-12-26 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@... wrote:

 A Cameroon archbishop stated so.



[FairfieldLife] Re: How long will it take to reach CC-MMY

2012-12-26 Thread wgm4u

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Maybe what's happening is some projecting of human qualities onto God?  
 I thought doing TM was practicing all 8 limbs at once.  Does it say that in 
 back of Science of Being?

MMY referred to Patanjali's limbs as *means* not *ends* in his Bhagavad Gita, 
(in the appendix on Yoga).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL

2012-12-26 Thread obbajeeba
Bathtubs and sesame oil..I vaguely remember...bubbles and bathtubs, hmmm, I 
never sent pictures to you of that!  Alright, is this a hint that someone 
shared those pics?

Spitting...blowing bubbles?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:

 Also, I've never made any reference to his wife and
 moisture, or said I was in my thirties (The Wife is in her thirties); I'm in 
 sixties, and the best description of me, on this forum, was Obba's where she
 mentioned something about bathtubs and spitting out sesame seed oil. 
 My theory on Doctor Dumbass is that he's been channeling
 Turqb so much lately we may have to give Max a call, and get a quote for an
 online exorcism; if we're too cheap for that, we always have emptybill.
 From: authfriend authfriend@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 10:48:48 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  No, no Bob, this is a distinction you made to me, awhile
  back, regarding your absolute preference for the *moistness*
  of a younger woman - someone thirty-ish, was I believe your
  cut off point. You weren't talking about cake, you were
  talking about *pussy*. Remember?
 FWIW, the only post from Bob I can find in the archives
 that contains the string moist was one in which he
 attributed a liking for moist young women to Barry. As
 far as I can tell, Bob never expressed a preference for
 same himself.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:
   I've never thought of Judy as a piece of cake; if you're asking me if I 
   admire her, absolutely (I admire everyone with talent). 
   Are roses any less beautiful when they have fully bloomed; I guess it 
   depends on your taste.
   From: doctordumbass@ doctordumbass@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 1:23:08 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL
   But, Bob, would Judy be *moist* enough for you?? ;-)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:


Thank you for your warm wishes, I never tire of the laughter
I get from reading your posts when you box the ears of the 

veracity challenged. 

The Wife sends her best, and my family wishes you a very Happy 
Christmas and fantabulous 2013:


From: authfriend authfriend@
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 3:02:52 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Christmas FFL


What a treat you've brought us (including a glimpse of 
your charming self, even if it's just a quickie).

Thank you so much for the video. I won't have time to
watch the whole thing until after Christmas (I'm getting
ready to go out of town tomorrow), but I took a look at
the first few minutes, and I know I'm going to enjoy it
a lot.

Most cordial wishes to you and The Wife for a superb
holiday. You sure have started ours out with a bang.


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