Re: [Felvtalk] PCR test reliability

2009-03-18 Thread Stefania

 i think you owe it to others who
 adopt from this shelter and the shelter itself to tell them
 about this.  maybe they don't realize that they should
 test all cat coming to them and maybe they are staffed by

I spoke to the volunteers of the shelter about my cat, but the situation has 
gotten worse. They says they informed me he was not tested and I remember 
clearly they did not. So, we are on opposite sides.
However, they now do test their cats, even if I think that those tests cannot 
be accurate 100% due to the living situation in a shelter, where many cats are 
together and diseases can be spreaded easily.

The situation in my home is:
Trudi, FIV- FeLV+, with dermatitis and stomatitis. She seem better than before, 
but not ok. She has a check-up scheduled for next saturday.
Ginny, negative for both.
Babette, negative for both and under vaccination just now (she got the first 
shot and on saturday she will receive the second one). I hope everything is 
Miro, FIV and FeLV+, under this last two weeks has developed a serious illnes 
that can be something of the liver or FIP! This was the final stroke, for me.
I'm very very sad. The vets suspect FIP or another disease and we sent a sample 
of its abdominal liquid for a PCR.
Does anyone have info about FIP?
I have read a lot and discovered that it's very difficult to diagnose, so maybe 
he has another disease and it's better to treat him for them.
I know that FIP has no cure.



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[Felvtalk] R: Hello- new to the list.

2009-03-04 Thread Stefania

I also had my cat, Trudi, diagnosed with FeLV only recently, and she is almost 
9. She was not tested as kitten, but she was alway vaccinated.

I too don't know if she were positive as a kitten or what.


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[Felvtalk] R: Valentino Please add to the CLS :(

2009-02-16 Thread Stefania

I's so sorry for your losses!
It's a pain, I can understand it very well.



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[Felvtalk] Trudi (was: PCR test reliability)

2009-02-16 Thread Stefania

I have some good news: my two little ones, Ginny and Babette, are negatives and 
well. Ginny has been vaccinated two times already (she is two y.o.) and Babette 
is only 6 months and we have to wait after she recover from her operation to 
vaccine her.

My dear Trudi is now taking:
- Baytril for any infection
- Orozyme for stomatitis
- Ribes pet (vitamin E)

My vet also gave me Retopix (Aldemidrol) spot on to control dermatitis, but 
when i put it on Trudi, she starts licking herself and her hair away and to me 
it seems worse. 
I don't understand!

In these days, after taking Baytril, it seemed a bit better. In the places 
where she had lesions now she has crusts. But with this drops she becomes 
obsessed and bite and licks herself.

Do you have any experience of something similar?


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Re: [Felvtalk] PCR test reliability

2009-02-12 Thread Stefania

 Hi Stefania!  Beautiful  pictures of Trudi, Natale and
 Babette.  I just love Babette's ID card!  I hope Trude
 is well now.

Natale is actually Christmas! :-))

My cats are Trudi, Miro, Ginny and Babette. I also have a visiting cat who I 
call Gigio, but you cannot touch him.

About thyroid: I will ask the vet, tomorrow, when I'll go there.
I noticed that today Trudi's hair is smoother (yesterday I used a wet tissue to 
clean her, without any shamppo, only water), but she keeps on licking herself 
on the chest and forearms. It happens more in the evening.

About the mouth: she is better. The new vet to whom I took her, gave me Orozyme.
I used it yesterday, but the nose and mouth seemed better also before it.
I also gave her Baytril yesterday and today.

I don't understand if the fact that she has a positive ELISA plus a positive 
PCR test indicates that she is in the viremic phase, i.e. she has just catched 
the FeLV. This could be consistent with the new cat coming here, even is she 
has been tested negative at ehe age of 4 moths (2 moths ago). She maybe wasn't 
negative and since she was living in a shelter...

Tomorrow I will have her re-tested together with Ginny and I'll have the total 


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Re: [Felvtalk] R: PCR test reliability

2009-02-11 Thread Stefania

 Does the vet tell you what he thinks caused the dermatitis? 
No, the vet says that it could be amoxicillin but it could also be something 
FeLV related or even fleas.
We tried to eliminate amoxicillin and fleas, first.

The cat, however, keeps on licking herself bald. She does that on her chest, 
near the two forearms.
I agree with you about the transmission :-)

I don't mean to intrude here, but what type of gel did you get for the 
I cannot tell just now because I left the recipe at the pharmacy (they had to 
order the gel) and will go there in the afternoon to take the gel.

Your cats are very cute!
Thanks! I also agree with you on vets. It's very difficult, as for human, to 
find a doctor who keeps up to date.

Today Trudi's nose is a bit better. I hope interferon did something.


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Re: [Felvtalk] R: PCR test reliability

2009-02-11 Thread Stefania

 Did he do blood work for thyroid problems?

They had her blood tested and I have all values, such as iron, proteins, 
cholesterol etc...
Is there anything more specific for thyroid?


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Re: [Felvtalk] R: PCR test reliability

2009-02-11 Thread Stefania

 One of my cats, Misty, who is FELV negative went through a
 period of obsessive licking where she literally took hair off and had
 bald spots.  Vet thought it might be nerves--she's a bit of a
 nervous nelly and is absolutely obsessed with food.  Let me go back 
 through my notes to see what we did but whatever it was, it worked and she 
 sort of stopped

It could be also something like that, because Trudi has never been to the vet 
as much as in these days and she's nervous, in fact.


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Re: [Felvtalk] PCR test reliability

2009-02-10 Thread Stefania

 I am certainly not diagnosing your cat. In humans a smooth
 tongue is a symptom of anemia. Anemia is common in FELV cats. Are her
 gums pale? I had severe anemia and my tongue was very sore as well. Could be 
 why  she is not grooming it hurts.
Thank-you Sally and all! I don't think she has anemia, because her blood test 
gave good results: she only has a higher level of cholesterol, but the other 
things are ok.
Today I will go to another vet at 11.00 and I will explain everything to her in 
order to understand what is happening.

Yesterday I had another shock: my other cat (I have 4 cats) who comes from a 
shelter and was before a stray cat, is positive both with FIV and FeLV. When I 
took him from the shelter they did not have him tested and did not say 
anything. He has a chronic rhinitis because he was ill as a kitten, but he 
copes well, eats, etc...

I did not test him when I took him because I was ignorant and I thought that 
FeLV could be transmitted with prolonged contact or fight and sexual 
intercourse. Since he was neutered and was a quiet cat, I wasn't worried.

Now, with my older cat being diagnosed wiht FeLV, I'm proceeding to test all 
other cats, and this is the surprise: HE is ill, so the most probable thing is 
that this cat came to my house and brought FeLV with him, because my older cat 
has always lived with me and been strong and in excellent health and have never 
had contacts with other cats because of her very strange behaviour (a sort of 
Mr. Monk!).

The shelter is responsible for this, and now I'm very worried for the other two 
cats. Even though they are vaccinated against FeLV, I know that the vaccine 
cannot guarantee 100% coverage (is coverage the right word?) against the virus. 
If my older cat, who is always by herself and does not even go where the other 
cats go, has been infected, I cannot imagine what happened with the other two, 
who are close friends with this poor cat and are always together grooming 
theirselves and playing.

I'm really sad and disillusioned.

I learned, however, that cats can live many years even if they're positive, so 
... let's hope.

Thank you all,
I will write the news later. This list is a blessing.


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Re: [Felvtalk] PCR test reliability

2009-02-10 Thread Stefania

 Give them suppotive cats good food and lots of love. 
Yes, I already use good food of quality and in fact I have this infected cat 
since 2007 and he's living very well. I hope my older too will regain energy 
and be well again, even if I know that their destiny will be to develop 
something serious.

I do not blame my shelter as it was animal control and his fate was death
My shelter claims to give away only tested cats, but this was not the case and 
now... they're even blaming me for causing a possible infection to the last 
kitten I've adopted!!!
This is a pain, because it was their fault and now they're attacking me.

I'm really sad for this, because I never complained with them about giving care 
to the cats they gave me in a poor health condition.

I have 4 cats and two of them are mine: the older one (Trudi) comes from a 
friend of mine who had a queen with kitten, the other one (Ginny) was found by 
me on the road, and kept. These two are healthy and have never been to the vet, 
except for the vaccination. The other two (Miro and Babette) come from the same 
shelter and both developed rhinitis and had problems with their eyes etc.
In these two months, since I took the 4th cat, I've been almost 20 times to the 
vet!!! And it's going on...

But I think we will survive, eventually!


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[Felvtalk] R: PCR test reliability

2009-02-10 Thread Stefania
can anyone help me?
My cat has dermatitis and she keeps on taking away her hair. I don't know
what to think! My vet says we have to wait but the cat gets worse.


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] PCR test reliability

2009-02-09 Thread Stefania

 Make sure there is no thyroid problem.  Hair loose is a
 common sign of that.

Could it be that she is allergic to amoxicillin or to the anesthetic?
She developed this dermatitis two day after we stopped amoxicillin and the day 
after she was sedated to take a blood test.

Can this change the results of PCR?

I'm really upset and my vet thinks that the dermatitis has not been caused by 
the medication, but I cannot agree with that.


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Re: [Felvtalk] PCR test reliability

2009-02-09 Thread Stefania

 Check with another vet.  A specialist testing the Royal
 Princess Kitty Katt (not FeLV+ but diagnosing cancer) about
 killed her with some medsof course he said it wasn't
 the drugs but she straightened up under the care of her
 regular vet.  For over a week I thought she was dying.  She
 could barely move.  If your gut tells you one thing and the
 vet says another check it out.  I can't answer your
 other questions but I am sure someone on the panel can.  The
 amount of knowledge and experience here is amazing.

Thanks a lot.
I'm very anxious with my cat because she has NEVER been ill in all her life and 
now she has everything?!?!? I cannot understand, really.
I cannot accept that she is Felv+ and has never never had any slight problem in 
NINE years of age!

She has never taken any medication, except for one injection of Baytrill two 
years ago, because she had ache in her throat.

How can she be Felv+ and have other problems?

If you read my first message I described her current problem: saliva production 
+ strange tongue (it seems smooth and not as a cat tongue has to be) + red and 
watery nose (but not as in a cold!, it's the nose itself that is wet).


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