Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

2010-03-09 Thread Christy Buchin

Gray Kitty was diagnosed in 2007 as FeLV +.  He now test negative, however, we 
are dealing with Steroid Responsive Regenerative Anemia.  He has been on a high 
dosage of Pred for a year.  We are looking into alternatives such as 
 Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 19:47:44 -0500
 Subject: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive
 My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+. So by making the decision to mix I have 
 condemned him. He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and Prednosolone. 
 Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has anemia living longer then a few 
 Felvtalk mailing list
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Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

2010-03-06 Thread Ashley Vanover
My 3 year old Kong was diagnosed with FeLV and nonregenerative anemia  
6 months ago. The vet told me he had about 3 weeks to live and sent  
him home with me to presumably die. Needless to say, he didn't die,  
and today seems as happy and healthy as he was before he was  
diagnosed! Don't give up--anemia isn't always a death sentence.

Kong had 3 blood transfusions while he was hospitalized, and I know  
the red blood cell cycle of a cat is short, so I was worried that when  
the transfusions wore off he would be right back where he started, but  
so far he is holding his own. He has been taking Prednisolone for the  
entire 6 months, and we are close to weaning him off of it. I guess  
the real test will come when the pred is totally stopped.

I wish you the best of luck with Casper. Kong literally came back from  
death's door (he couldn't walk, was hypothermic, had a heart  
murmur...if I hadn't gotten him to the vet when I did, he would've  
been dead within hours) and hopefully Casper will be as lucky as he was.

--Ashley and Kong

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive and our Introduction

2010-03-05 Thread Sharyl
Lisa, I wanted to thank you for providing a loving home for these positive 
kitties.  I understand how difficult it must have been when Chessie got sick.  
There is so much we don't know about FeLV.  Some kitties are mixed with no 
adverse impact and others can't.  

I waited a couple of weeks after the booster shot for Stormie before mixing 
mine.   Tiki and Pequita had been getting their annual FeLV vaccine for years 
since they did go outside on supervised excursions.  Stormie was a new rescue 
but came from the same colony as my positives.  

I love them all but my positives have a special place in my heart.  Bright 
Eyes, CJ, Houdini, Mattie, Molly Brown and Mae have crossed the Rainbow Bridge 
but Rocket and Sissy are doing fine after 2 1/2 yrs.  Sweet Max seems to have 
FIP in addition to being a positive but I love him every minute of every day.

--- On Thu, 3/4/10, David  Lisa Ogg wrote:

 From: David  Lisa Ogg
 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive and our Introduction
 Date: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 8:29 PM
 I am rather new to this list, but wanted to ask Sue how
 long ago was it that sweet Casper was vacinated for Feline
 Leukemia before she tested positive? I am just curious as I
 am learning so much about this horrible
 disease.   I have been reading many posts
 since I joined in January and I just want to say thank you
 to all of you out there who care for these positive furballs
 like a do.   I can't believe how much I have
 learned.   I also would like to share my
 story with you.
 My daughter and I foster for a small rescue in PA (bottle
 babies is our specialty) and we have just recently became a
 positive house.   Prior to January, we had a
 negative cat, Polly (our own) which we adopted in 2006 and
 Chessie, adopted in September 2008.   In
 December of 2008, we took in a foster cat from a vet that
 had a hip injury and the original owners were going to have
 her put to sleep due to lack of
 finances.   The vet felt that Jasmine (1-2
 years old) had such a sweet personality and deserved better.
 She contacted the rescue and asked if we would be willing to
 take her. Before we brought her home, she was tested at the
 vets for Feline Leukemia and it came back
 negative.   She had her surgery, spayed, etc.
 and healed fine.   Anyway, Chessie became
 sick right around Christmas and when he stopped eating, I
 took him to the vet and he tested
 positive.   He progressed very fast and
 passed away in January.   After having the
 other two cats tested, Polly was negative (has since died
 due to tumor), and Jasmine tested positive.
 This caused a big stir in our house and the lady we foster
 for as that meant several cats needed to be tested.  In
 January we also lost 2 other kittens who were adopted out
 which were exposed to my Positive cats while they were
 kittens (and later, since one of them wasn't adopted right
 away, the one was exposed to the cats from the lady we
 rescue from).  After much testing between the lady who
 we rescue cats for and our house, we have determined that
 Jasmine seems to be the one who has spread
 it.   We are assuming that she is a
 carrier.   She is a very healthy cat. 
   Since one of the other cats at our rescue (in another
 house) tested positive, we took her in.   We
 have many more cats there that have tested negative, but are
 getting retested in a couple of months.
 Today we just added a beautiful, positive Snow Shoe girl to
 our family.   We have named her
 Tootsie.  She was found 3 weeks ago by a friend of mine
 and was neglected/abused.   My friend took
 her in and has saved her (had an exposed trachea and
 gangerine) and didn't think she would find anyone with a
 cat(s).   Surprise!   My
 friend has dealt with a lot of trauma/wounds, but has never
 seen anything like this.   We look forward to
 providing for her and giving her the best care she could
 have.  Thanks for letting me share.


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

2010-03-05 Thread Emeraldkittee
Might it be a false positive?  Will you confirm it with the IFA?
Obviously, this is terribly difficult and emotional, and I am so sorry you are 
dealing with this.  Your intent was always to provide a loving home for all 
your babies, and that you have and will.  I've heard of kitties having their 
anemia 'corrected' if you will, so perhaps this can happen with Casper.
Try not to waste your energy on guilt - try and channel it in to love, because 
they will pick up on mom's sadness.  You are not a bad person and you didn't do 
anything wrong.  It was a choice worth taking, so it 'is what it is'.  
big hugs.

--- On Thu, 3/4/10, Frank  Sue Koren wrote:

From: Frank  Sue Koren
Subject: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive
To: FeLV talk
Date: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 6:47 PM

My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+.  So by making the decision to mix I have 
condemned him.  He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and Prednosolone.  
Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has anemia living longer then a few months?
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

2010-03-05 Thread Sally Davis

Junior was initially anemic and treated for Feline Infectious anemia. See

They can test negative and stil have it. So treatment may be warrented. He
improved with the antibiotic and they anemia went away. Also you might want
to join the feline anemia group in yahoo.
On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 1:43 AM, Frank  Sue Koren fs...@roadrunner.comwrote:

 Casper's anemia is slightly regenerative according to the vet..  What
 kind of meds is Wolfie on?

 - Original Message - From: Amy
 Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:34 PM

 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

  So sorry to hear about Casper.  I have one cat with leukemia that became
 anemic in September of last year.  He is still holding his own.  He does
 have non-regenerative anemia so I asked how it is that his HCT isn't
 dropping if he's not making more red blood cells.  I guess the spleen and
 another organ can make some red blood cells too.  Do you know if Casper has
 regenerative or non-regenerative anemia?  Either way I hope you have lots of
 time left.  I think it totally depends on what's causing the anemia to begin
 with.  I asked the internist if non-regenerative anemia is a definite death
 sentence.  She said there is no way to tell how long Wolfie will continue to
 hold his own but she hopes he lives until he's 20.  I know that's not going
 to happen but it never hurts to hope.  We know his odds aren't good now that
 the leukemia is in his bone marrow but his odds of living this long weren't
 good either and he did.  Hoping for the best for Casper.


 My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+.
 So by making the decision to mix I have condemned him.
 He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and
 Prednosolone. Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has
 anemia living longer then a few months?
 Felvtalk mailing list

 Felvtalk mailing list


 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 8.5.435 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2721 - Release Date: 03/03/10

 Felvtalk mailing list

Sally(me), Eric (not a cat),Junior(angel), Tiny(angel) Fluffy(soul mate
angel), Lionel(angel),Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black(MIA), Lily, Daisy, Pewter, Junior Junior, Hotdog (newest) Silver, and
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

2010-03-05 Thread Sally Davis

Junior was initially anemic and treated for Feline Infectious anemia. See .Cats can
test negative and still have it. So treatment may be warrented.Junior
improved with the antibiotic and the anemia went away. Also you might want
to join the feline anemia group in yahoo,

Best of Luck,

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 1:43 AM, Frank  Sue Koren fs...@roadrunner.comwrote:

 Casper's anemia is slightly regenerative according to the vet..  What
 kind of meds is Wolfie on?

 - Original Message - From: Amy
 Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:34 PM

 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

  So sorry to hear about Casper.  I have one cat with leukemia that became
 anemic in September of last year.  He is still holding his own.  He does
 have non-regenerative anemia so I asked how it is that his HCT isn't
 dropping if he's not making more red blood cells.  I guess the spleen and
 another organ can make some red blood cells too.  Do you know if Casper has
 regenerative or non-regenerative anemia?  Either way I hope you have lots of
 time left.  I think it totally depends on what's causing the anemia to begin
 with.  I asked the internist if non-regenerative anemia is a definite death
 sentence.  She said there is no way to tell how long Wolfie will continue to
 hold his own but she hopes he lives until he's 20.  I know that's not going
 to happen but it never hurts to hope.  We know his odds aren't good now that
 the leukemia is in his bone marrow but his odds of living this long weren't
 good either and he did.  Hoping for the best for Casper.


 My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+.
 So by making the decision to mix I have condemned him.
 He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and
 Prednosolone. Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has
 anemia living longer then a few months?
 Felvtalk mailing list

 Felvtalk mailing list


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 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 8.5.435 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2721 - Release Date: 03/03/10

 Felvtalk mailing list

Sally(me), Eric (not a cat),Junior(angel), Tiny(angel) Fluffy(soul mate
angel), Lionel(angel),Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black(MIA), Lily, Daisy, Pewter, Junior Junior, Hotdog (newest) Silver, and
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

2010-03-04 Thread LauraM

Oh crap.
I remember how I felt a few months back when I found out that Bridget was 
positive - her brother Chutney suddenly crashed and died (he, too, was anemic) 
not even 5 weeks after testing negative on the snap test. I had both with my 
cats, and while I suspect they had contracted the virus before coming to my 
house, who knows? Maybe I have another healthy cat who's actually positive...I 
always think I should retest everybody to be on the safe side but in a way I 
don't want to knowthey're already together, already exposed to whatever the 
others might have.
Charlotte, who passed away nearly a year ago, had tested negative when I 
adopted her but started having symptoms a year later. Again, did she have a 
latent infection or did she contract it here? I'll never know.

--- On Thu, 3/4/10, Frank  Sue Koren wrote:

From: Frank  Sue Koren
Subject: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive
To: FeLV talk
Date: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 7:47 PM

My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+.  So by making the decision to mix I have 
condemned him.  He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and Prednosolone.  
Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has anemia living longer then a few months?
Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive and our Introduction

2010-03-04 Thread David Lisa Ogg


I am rather new to this list, but wanted to ask Sue how long ago was it that 
sweet Casper was vacinated for Feline Leukemia before she tested positive? 
I am just curious as I am learning so much about this horrible disease.   I 
have been reading many posts since I joined in January and I just want to 
say thank you to all of you out there who care for these positive furballs 
like a do.   I can't believe how much I have learned.   I also would like to 
share my story with you.

My daughter and I foster for a small rescue in PA (bottle babies is our 
specialty) and we have just recently became a positive house.   Prior to 
January, we had a negative cat, Polly (our own) which we adopted in 2006 and 
Chessie, adopted in September 2008.   In December of 2008, we took in a 
foster cat from a vet that had a hip injury and the original owners were 
going to have her put to sleep due to lack of finances.   The vet felt that 
Jasmine (1-2 years old) had such a sweet personality and deserved better. 
She contacted the rescue and asked if we would be willing to take her. 
Before we brought her home, she was tested at the vets for Feline Leukemia 
and it came back negative.   She had her surgery, spayed, etc. and healed 
fine.   Anyway, Chessie became sick right around Christmas and when he 
stopped eating, I took him to the vet and he tested positive.   He 
progressed very fast and passed away in January.   After having the other 
two cats tested, Polly was negative (has since died due to tumor), and 
Jasmine tested positive.

This caused a big stir in our house and the lady we foster for as that meant 
several cats needed to be tested.  In January we also lost 2 other kittens 
who were adopted out which were exposed to my Positive cats while they were 
kittens (and later, since one of them wasn't adopted right away, the one was 
exposed to the cats from the lady we rescue from).  After much testing 
between the lady who we rescue cats for and our house, we have determined 
that Jasmine seems to be the one who has spread it.   We are assuming that 
she is a carrier.   She is a very healthy cat.Since one of the other 
cats at our rescue (in another house) tested positive, we took her in.   We 
have many more cats there that have tested negative, but are getting 
retested in a couple of months.

Today we just added a beautiful, positive Snow Shoe girl to our family.   We 
have named her Tootsie.  She was found 3 weeks ago by a friend of mine and 
was neglected/abused.   My friend took her in and has saved her (had an 
exposed trachea and gangerine) and didn't think she would find anyone with a 
positive cat(s).   Surprise!   My friend has dealt with a lot of 
trauma/wounds, but has never seen anything like this.   We look forward to 
providing for her and giving her the best care she could have.  Thanks for 
letting me share.


- Original Message - 
From: Frank  Sue Koren

To: FeLV talk
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 7:47 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+.  So by making the decision to mix I have 
condemned him.  He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and 
Prednosolone.  Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has anemia living 
longer then a few months?

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

2010-03-04 Thread create_me_new
I'm so sorry to hear this. I've always mixed mine with no transmission. But 
that was a personal choice.
I know some people on this list have successfully treated anemia. It depends on 
what is the underlying cause. They give Doxy in the hopes it is Hemobart.
I hope for the best for you and Casper.
--Original Message--
From: Frank  Sue Koren
To: FeLV talk
Subject: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive
Sent: Mar 4, 2010 7:47 PM

My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+.  So by making the decision to mix I have 
condemned him.  He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and Prednosolone.  
Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has anemia living longer then a few months?
Felvtalk mailing list

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive and our Introduction

2010-03-04 Thread Frank Sue Koren
Our negative cats are due for their vaccinations this month.  I let Buzz out 
of his quaranteen room the first part of April of 2008.  The others were 
vaccinated through the month of March. Then again last year.  Now I am 
wondering if the vaccinations did any good at all.

You have a very interesting history.  Thank God for people like you who take 
care of the ones who most need it.
- Original Message - 
From: David  Lisa Ogg

Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 8:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive and our Introduction


I am rather new to this list, but wanted to ask Sue how long ago was it 

sweet Casper was vacinated for Feline Leukemia before she tested positive?
I am just curious as I am learning so much about this horrible disease. 

have been reading many posts since I joined in January and I just want to
say thank you to all of you out there who care for these positive furballs
like a do.   I can't believe how much I have learned.   I also would like 

share my story with you.

My daughter and I foster for a small rescue in PA (bottle babies is our
specialty) and we have just recently became a positive house.   Prior to
January, we had a negative cat, Polly (our own) which we adopted in 2006 

Chessie, adopted in September 2008.   In December of 2008, we took in a
foster cat from a vet that had a hip injury and the original owners were
going to have her put to sleep due to lack of finances.   The vet felt 

Jasmine (1-2 years old) had such a sweet personality and deserved better.
She contacted the rescue and asked if we would be willing to take her.
Before we brought her home, she was tested at the vets for Feline Leukemia
and it came back negative.   She had her surgery, spayed, etc. and healed
fine.   Anyway, Chessie became sick right around Christmas and when he
stopped eating, I took him to the vet and he tested positive.   He
progressed very fast and passed away in January.   After having the other
two cats tested, Polly was negative (has since died due to tumor), and
Jasmine tested positive.

This caused a big stir in our house and the lady we foster for as that 

several cats needed to be tested.  In January we also lost 2 other kittens
who were adopted out which were exposed to my Positive cats while they 
kittens (and later, since one of them wasn't adopted right away, the one 

exposed to the cats from the lady we rescue from).  After much testing
between the lady who we rescue cats for and our house, we have determined
that Jasmine seems to be the one who has spread it.   We are assuming that
she is a carrier.   She is a very healthy cat.Since one of the other
cats at our rescue (in another house) tested positive, we took her in. 

have many more cats there that have tested negative, but are getting
retested in a couple of months.

Today we just added a beautiful, positive Snow Shoe girl to our family. 

have named her Tootsie.  She was found 3 weeks ago by a friend of mine and
was neglected/abused.   My friend took her in and has saved her (had an
exposed trachea and gangerine) and didn't think she would find anyone with 

positive cat(s).   Surprise!   My friend has dealt with a lot of
trauma/wounds, but has never seen anything like this.   We look forward to
providing for her and giving her the best care she could have.  Thanks for
letting me share.


- Original Message - 
From: Frank  Sue Koren

To: FeLV talk
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 7:47 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+.  So by making the decision to mix I have
condemned him.  He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and
Prednosolone.  Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has anemia living
longer then a few months?
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

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Version: 8.5.435 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2721 - Release Date: 03/03/10 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive and our Introduction

2010-03-04 Thread Laurieskatz
Bless you and your family for helping all these kitties. I am so sorry for
your losses.
My Squeaky was also figured to be a carrier. He was symptom free for 22

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of David  Lisa Ogg
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive and our Introduction


I am rather new to this list, but wanted to ask Sue how long ago was it that

sweet Casper was vacinated for Feline Leukemia before she tested positive? 
I am just curious as I am learning so much about this horrible disease.   I 
have been reading many posts since I joined in January and I just want to 
say thank you to all of you out there who care for these positive furballs 
like a do.   I can't believe how much I have learned.   I also would like to

share my story with you.

My daughter and I foster for a small rescue in PA (bottle babies is our 
specialty) and we have just recently became a positive house.   Prior to 
January, we had a negative cat, Polly (our own) which we adopted in 2006 and

Chessie, adopted in September 2008.   In December of 2008, we took in a 
foster cat from a vet that had a hip injury and the original owners were 
going to have her put to sleep due to lack of finances.   The vet felt that 
Jasmine (1-2 years old) had such a sweet personality and deserved better. 
She contacted the rescue and asked if we would be willing to take her. 
Before we brought her home, she was tested at the vets for Feline Leukemia 
and it came back negative.   She had her surgery, spayed, etc. and healed 
fine.   Anyway, Chessie became sick right around Christmas and when he 
stopped eating, I took him to the vet and he tested positive.   He 
progressed very fast and passed away in January.   After having the other 
two cats tested, Polly was negative (has since died due to tumor), and 
Jasmine tested positive.

This caused a big stir in our house and the lady we foster for as that meant

several cats needed to be tested.  In January we also lost 2 other kittens 
who were adopted out which were exposed to my Positive cats while they were 
kittens (and later, since one of them wasn't adopted right away, the one was

exposed to the cats from the lady we rescue from).  After much testing 
between the lady who we rescue cats for and our house, we have determined 
that Jasmine seems to be the one who has spread it.   We are assuming that 
she is a carrier.   She is a very healthy cat.Since one of the other 
cats at our rescue (in another house) tested positive, we took her in.   We 
have many more cats there that have tested negative, but are getting 
retested in a couple of months.

Today we just added a beautiful, positive Snow Shoe girl to our family.   We

have named her Tootsie.  She was found 3 weeks ago by a friend of mine and 
was neglected/abused.   My friend took her in and has saved her (had an 
exposed trachea and gangerine) and didn't think she would find anyone with a

positive cat(s).   Surprise!   My friend has dealt with a lot of 
trauma/wounds, but has never seen anything like this.   We look forward to 
providing for her and giving her the best care she could have.  Thanks for 
letting me share.


- Original Message - 
From: Frank  Sue Koren
To: FeLV talk
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 7:47 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

 My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+.  So by making the decision to mix I have 
 condemned him.  He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and 
 Prednosolone.  Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has anemia living 
 longer then a few months?
 Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

2010-03-04 Thread Amy
So sorry to hear about Casper.  I have one cat with leukemia that became anemic 
in September of last year.  He is still holding his own.  He does have 
non-regenerative anemia so I asked how it is that his HCT isn't dropping if 
he's not making more red blood cells.  I guess the spleen and another organ can 
make some red blood cells too.  Do you know if Casper has regenerative or 
non-regenerative anemia?  Either way I hope you have lots of time left.  I 
think it totally depends on what's causing the anemia to begin with.  I asked 
the internist if non-regenerative anemia is a definite death sentence.  She 
said there is no way to tell how long Wolfie will continue to hold his own but 
she hopes he lives until he's 20.  I know that's not going to happen but it 
never hurts to hope.  We know his odds aren't good now that the leukemia is in 
his bone marrow but his odds of living this long weren't good either and he 
did.  Hoping for the best for Casper.


 My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+. 
 So by making the decision to mix I have condemned him. 
 He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and
 Prednosolone.  Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has
 anemia living longer then a few months?
 Felvtalk mailing list


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

2010-03-04 Thread Cougar Clan
Please throw away the calendar and enjoy your time one  
knows when they are going to leave this world.  We really do start  
dying the day we are born.  As far as guilt you are feeling, put it  
away.  Casper is lovedthat is what is important.

On Mar 4, 2010, at 6:47 PM, Frank  Sue Koren wrote:

My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+.  So by making the decision to mix I  
have condemned him.  He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and  
Prednosolone.  Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has anemia living  
longer then a few months?

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

2010-03-04 Thread Frank Sue Koren
How did you get the anemia turned around in the positive cat that is 13 
pounds now?

- Original Message - 
From: Laurieskatz

Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

I am so sorry to hear about Casper. I do think sometimes the ones we think
become FeLV+ were already positive (like my kitty who the vet said 

carried it in his bone marrow).
YES re the anemia! My niece rescued a FeLV+ adult cat almost 3 years ago.
She is a happy and healthy 13 lb girl!
We also rescued a kitten who was a suspected victim of the food recall. He
was also very sick with anemia and is still alive ...3? or 4 years later.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive

I'm so sorry to hear this. I've always mixed mine with no transmission. 

that was a personal choice.
I know some people on this list have successfully treated anemia. It 
on what is the underlying cause. They give Doxy in the hopes it is 

I hope for the best for you and Casper.
--Original Message--
From: Frank  Sue Koren
To: FeLV talk
Subject: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive
Sent: Mar 4, 2010 7:47 PM

My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+.  So by making the decision to mix I have
condemned him.  He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and 

Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has anemia living longer then a few
Felvtalk mailing list

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

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Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.435 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2721 - Release Date: 03/03/10 

Felvtalk mailing list