Re: VO dosing question and Lucy update

2007-01-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Here we go, FELV studies, I knew I had these saved somewhere:

And the main webpage:
And a general uses page:

Please DO print these out and shove them under the nose of any vets you can
get them under! Maybe if the veterinary community pushes hard enough, the
FDA will get their ass in gear and get this approved in the USA!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
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Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

Re: internist thinks Lucy has FIP

2007-01-21 Thread PEC2851
Dear Michelle,
I was so saddened to read the vet's diagnosis for FIP (dry) w/ your sweet  
As I've said before, I have encountered both wet  dry FIP - at the  shelter, 
and at my home when I was fostering many cats,,
I encountered the 'wet FIP w/ (too) many shelter catsThey did  see a 
specialist, and fluid drawn from abdomen was indicative  of FIP.  Along w/ the 
Elisa test showing VERY high titres!
When I had FIP in my home, it was the dry form.At that time, some of  
the symptoms displayed that I sought treatment for were: a) High  Fever   
b)Lethargy and  c )chronic conditions, URI, eye  infections - that would NOT 
respond to normal AB's  I had FECV titers  run on all my fosters, but not 
personal clan
I lost my Dusty, an older boy and a former street survivor from  Baltimore.  
And then I lost my Oden, at only 2 - who I had since I bottle  fed him.  Their 
necropsies confirmed FIP...
Recently, my Puma was diagnosed w/ toxoplasmosis  FIP.Upon getting home 
after my lengthy hospital stay, Puma was just not  right   He was eating 
tons, drinking much, urinating  much, even in his bed, while he slept... And, 
he was lethargic, sleeping more  than usual, and being very vocal Also, 
chronic ear problems. (My room mate  gave him the nickname RattleHead!!)
So, I expected it to be thyroid  kidney disease, due to his age  (17+).  So, 
I had my rescue partner take us to the specialist, where he ran  MANY tests!  
Was I ever surprised w/ the results, as it was NOT thyroid or  kidneys - 
those levels were fine!!!   His FECV titer was VERY  high...
We cleaned his ears while at vet, and was given special cleaner to use  every 
week.  Also, Baytril ear solution.   Also, he was rx'd  clindomycin  
prednisone.  And, he is also on daily sub-q  fluids
When I had a question, my vet, who NEVER suggested euthanasia suggested I  
bring him back in. But, me being too soft, was afraid I might be forced 
 the decision!!  So, I just refilled his meds, and  he is doing really well, 
much to my surprise, and delight.  I did promise  that I would NEVER let him 
suffer, and, he really seems to be doing  well.   He still eats ALOT, Evo  
Nutro dry, cooked chicken w/  rice, and, YES, I do give him canned Fancy Feast! 
He LOVES that,  especially the new kind   It's not exactly a high 
quality food,  but at his age I figure he's entitled to eat whatever makes him 
I just wonder if he was exposed when I had it at my home!  That was  YEARS 
ago But, he did come from a high-kill Ga. shelter, w/ no history,  other 
than his age!  (And, because he was 11 or 12 at the time, they  weren't even 
going to place him up for adoption - an immediate gas chamber death  sentence! )
So, he has had many good years w/ me, brought me much  happiness...  I 
only pray that he won't suffer, and goes peacefully in  his sleep
I do give him daily vitamins, and use RR in the water.
I hope they are wrong about your Lucy.  But, if not, I hope Puma's  story 
will give you inspiration  (He's an 'ole man, but definitely a  fighter!!)
Keep us updated please. (W/ my vision problems, I am not online as much as  
before, but I do try to keep up w/ the threads)
Patti (and Puma  the rest of my clan!  )

Re: Lucy--what to do?-- anyone have acemannan??

2007-01-21 Thread TenHouseCats

you're up against the old medical model, which holds true in veterinary as
well as in human medicine: diagnosis/treat/cure. if you can't do those
things in one swell foop, blame the patient!


 Renee, I think the main difference between the way Dr. Clifford treats
you with Emily and the way he's treating Michelle with Lucy is that Emily's
breast cancer is considered more treatable, where they are not giving
Michelle any hope, and are more or less annoyed that she hasn't given up yet
with something they see as terminal. At least that's what I'm pulling from
what's been posted here. Almost like they are saying well, she's old and
she's got FIP, there's nothing we can do, but yet they don't seem to be
AWARE of the studies that prove Feline Interferon Omega's effectiveness on

Michelle, if I were you, I would be slamming copies of studies down on
some desks around that place and making some heads roll if they treated me
so disrespectfully! It might not hurt to REMIND them that you are PAYING
them for their service, and even if your cat is hopeless in their eyes,
you DESERVE to get your money's worth of consultation!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
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Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Lucy--what to do?-- anyone have acemannan??

2007-01-21 Thread Gloria Lane

O yea... medical model.

Actually, I think I'd be looking into Acemann or ImmunoRegulin or  
sometime like that...

Best of luck,


On Jan 21, 2007, at 8:05 AM, TenHouseCats wrote:

you're up against the old medical model, which holds true in  
veterinary as well as in human medicine: diagnosis/treat/cure. if  
you can't do those things in one swell foop, blame the patient!

Renee, I think the main difference between the way Dr. Clifford  
treats you with Emily and the way he's treating Michelle with Lucy  
is that Emily's breast cancer is considered more treatable, where  
they are not giving Michelle any hope, and are more or less annoyed  
that she hasn't given up yet with something they see as terminal.  
At least that's what I'm pulling from what's been posted here.  
Almost like they are saying well, she's old and she's got FIP,  
there's nothing we can do, but yet they don't seem to be AWARE of  
the studies that prove Feline Interferon Omega's effectiveness on FIP!

Michelle, if I were you, I would be slamming copies of studies down  
on some desks around that place and making some heads roll if they  
treated me so disrespectfully! It might not hurt to REMIND them  
that you are PAYING them for their service, and even if your cat is  
hopeless in their eyes, you DESERVE to get your money's worth of  

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):
Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

RE: internist thinks Lucy has FIP

2007-01-21 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Though, from my experience, the criteria does not hold truth for my cats -- I 
have about 5 or 6 cats who fall into all the three criteria for years and years 
and they don't have FIP - I guess the clinical signs are the critical key 
points here -- without the right clinical signs, don't necessary rely on these 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of G. Lane
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:53 PM
Subject: RE: internist thinks Lucy has FIP

Thanks for all the great info ...


At 11:01 PM 1/20/2007, you wrote:

Here is one more link on diagnosing FIP, the 
percentages that rule FIP in or out are interesting.

An excerpt from this site:

How is FIP diagnosed?

Because we can not rely totally on the antibody 
test for a diagnosis, we must combine the 
history, clinical signs, laboratory results, 
FCoV test result, and possibly radiographs to 
come to a probable diagnosis. The only way to 
be absolutely sure of an FIPV infection is to 
50, 50, 350, 300)biopsy affected tissues and 
have them examined by a veterinarian 
pathologist. As a result, most often the 
diagnosis is made after the cat has died, a 
postmortem examination has been performed and tissues have been examined.

In an attempt to try to make the best diagnosis 
we can while the cat is still alive, we can 
follow these criteria for a cat with clinical signs of FIP:
* The cat has a low number of lymphocytes: 1.5x103 cells/µl.
* The cat has a positive FCoV test result (titer  1:160).
* The cat has elevated globulins in his blood  5.1 gm/dl.

If the cat meets all three criteria, the 
probability the cat has FIP is 88.9%. If the cat 
does NOT meet all three criteria, the 
probability the cat does NOT have FIP is 98.8%.

In those cats who have fluid in the thorax or abdomen that can be analyzed:
* If the gamma globulin fraction in the 
 fluid is greater than 32%, the chances that the cat has FIP are almost 100%.
* If the albumin fraction is greater than 
 48% or the ratio of albumin to globulin is 
 greater than 0.81, it is almost 100% certain that the cat does NOT have FIP.

 From this discussion, you can see that a 
 certain diagnosis of FIP is not made very 
 easily. Remember, the gold standard for 
 diagnosis of FIP is through microscopic 
 examinations of biopsies (a procedure called histopathology).


RE: internist thinks Lucy has FIP

2007-01-21 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Michelle - I have to disagree with you internist - I know that she is
trying to figure out what's possible - my gut feeling is that it's not
FIP - you could send out Lucy's blood work to University of Glasgow for
profile of FIP if you want to be more certain - dr. Addie says, about 75
to 85% of the samples comes to the lab turns out to be not FIP - and
they are usually all form the cats who have been diagnosed as possibly
FIP by either their regular vet or internist -


As for my cats, I really do know when my cats have FIP or are going to
have FIP if I don't do anything about it - or don't have FIP when my vet
may suggest that they may have FIP - I have been 100% right about it - I
just think, whatever causing Lucy is related to felk virus and not
corona virus - as I know from the fact that felk virus does somehow
cause anemia and high temperature and fluid as well.  I am not a medical
doctor, obviously - so I may not be credible -but I have surprised my
vet how always right I have been about this -


Michelle,, 100% of the time, when my cats had FIP (6 of them) - in
addition to hypergloubumia and  hypoalbumia (sp) - their total and
direct and indirect bilirubin are higher than normal range - and 65% of
the cases, they were mild anemia (and become severe anemia in time)
corona  titer are not necessarily high - and 100% of the times, their
amylase are higher (but don't worry about it if all other categories are
not higher along with it - as often by itself, it does not mean anything
by itself -I really really don't think what Lucy has is FIP - I can't
stress it enough -


Michelle - you don't want to wait too low to start on epogen as it takes
for a while to work,, when HCT/PCV goes down to 18 - that's the time to
start - my Ayumi as you may or may not know who has unknown cause of
nonregenerative anemia (she is not FIP or CRF kitties) - she has been on
epogen since her PCV went to 18 - in three weeks, finally she started to
respond and PCV is going up slowly - you need to start epogen right away
if it is non regenerative anemia as it may help Lucy as well, but you
don't want to run out of time,,, which happened to my felk kitty,



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 2:15 PM
Subject: internist thinks Lucy has FIP


Well, the internist thinks Lucy has FIP. Despite the abdominal effusion,
she thinks it is dry FIP because the fluid does not look like FIP fluid,
and that the fluid is resulting from the effects of FIP on other organs.
She thinks it's FIP because of something that was found in the biopsy of
the lymph node, I can't remember what it is called but something like
granular something, or granulitis, or granuloma, which goes with FIP and
not with most other kinds of inflammation. Other possibilities are
infection somewhere, the effects of her IBD inflammation, or
pancreatitis, but she said that the lymph node being the way it is
normally goes only with FIP so she really thinks it is that.  I am of
course very distressed by this. She said she could do exploratory
surgery to diagnose better, but I do not see the point since FIP is not
treatable. I want instead to try to treat for the other things it could
be. So a broad spectrum antibiotic with anearobic properties (she said
clavamox or clindamycin-- any ideas which i should do, I have both?).
And up her steroids for IBD/pancreatitis.  And perhaps switch her diet
to a novel protein diet if there  is one that would also be ok for
pancreatitis.  And she is on feline interferon and I would like to get
acemannan, and then monitor her HCT and if it goes too low try epogen.


any thoughts? Has anyone actually had an internist, rather than a
primary care vet, say FIP when it was not?




RE: internist thinks Lucy has FIP

2007-01-21 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Another thing to add is that - with FIP - it usually shows gradual and
subtle loss of appetite and therefore, if it's a kitten, stagnancy of
weight gain, and if it's an adult - lose of weight and rough coat - this
was also true to 100 % of the time for all my cats - it just seems that
Lucy's condition seems to be more acute that what it would normally be
for FIP symptoms - 


And, whatever your internest is saying about granulities or granuloma, I
don' think it's really reliable for FIP detections - otherwise, I would
or dr. addie and dr. ishida who have been studying treatment and
diagnosis for FIP for the past 20 years would have known about it - are
you talking about electrophoresis test by any chance? 


Also, I had cytology done for my Ayumi from lymphnodes as well - it may
differentiate cancerous cells from others- and her result came back as
sort of vague - she also did ultrasound, and we are pretty sure that she
does not have cancer either ---I just don't remember hearing about
lymphonodes can tell FIP or not - you can directly email to dr. addie if
you want - she won't diagnose Lucy, but give you a general idea - she
has been very supportive and caring when I was having difficult time
losing all of my babies..





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 9:16 AM
Subject: RE: internist thinks Lucy has FIP


Michelle - I have to disagree with you internist - I know that she is
trying to figure out what's possible - my gut feeling is that it's not
FIP - you could send out Lucy's blood work to University of Glasgow for
profile of FIP if you want to be more certain - dr. Addie says, about 75
to 85% of the samples comes to the lab turns out to be not FIP - and
they are usually all form the cats who have been diagnosed as possibly
FIP by either their regular vet or internist -


As for my cats, I really do know when my cats have FIP or are going to
have FIP if I don't do anything about it - or don't have FIP when my vet
may suggest that they may have FIP - I have been 100% right about it - I
just think, whatever causing Lucy is related to felk virus and not
corona virus - as I know from the fact that felk virus does somehow
cause anemia and high temperature and fluid as well.  I am not a medical
doctor, obviously - so I may not be credible -but I have surprised my
vet how always right I have been about this -


Michelle,, 100% of the time, when my cats had FIP (6 of them) - in
addition to hypergloubumia and  hypoalbumia (sp) - their total and
direct and indirect bilirubin are higher than normal range - and 65% of
the cases, they were mild anemia (and become severe anemia in time)
corona  titer are not necessarily high - and 100% of the times, their
amylase are higher (but don't worry about it if all other categories are
not higher along with it - as often by itself, it does not mean anything
by itself -I really really don't think what Lucy has is FIP - I can't
stress it enough -


Michelle - you don't want to wait too low to start on epogen as it takes
for a while to work,, when HCT/PCV goes down to 18 - that's the time to
start - my Ayumi as you may or may not know who has unknown cause of
nonregenerative anemia (she is not FIP or CRF kitties) - she has been on
epogen since her PCV went to 18 - in three weeks, finally she started to
respond and PCV is going up slowly - you need to start epogen right away
if it is non regenerative anemia as it may help Lucy as well, but you
don't want to run out of time,,, which happened to my felk kitty,



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 2:15 PM
Subject: internist thinks Lucy has FIP


Well, the internist thinks Lucy has FIP. Despite the abdominal effusion,
she thinks it is dry FIP because the fluid does not look like FIP fluid,
and that the fluid is resulting from the effects of FIP on other organs.
She thinks it's FIP because of something that was found in the biopsy of
the lymph node, I can't remember what it is called but something like
granular something, or granulitis, or granuloma, which goes with FIP and
not with most other kinds of inflammation. Other possibilities are
infection somewhere, the effects of her IBD inflammation, or
pancreatitis, but she said that the lymph node being the way it is
normally goes only with FIP so she really thinks it is that.  I am of
course very distressed by this. She said she could do exploratory
surgery to diagnose better, but I do not see the point since FIP is not
treatable. I want instead to try to treat for the other things it could
be. So a broad spectrum antibiotic with anearobic properties (she said
clavamox or clindamycin-- any ideas which i should do, I have both?).
And up her steroids for IBD/pancreatitis.  And perhaps switch her diet
to a novel protein 

Re: internist thinks Lucy has FIP

2007-01-21 Thread BoardMailbox
Did you ask the Internist about helping you get acemannan?  
In a message dated 1/20/2007 4:16:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,  

Well, the internist thinks Lucy has FIP. Despite the abdominal effusion,  she 
thinks it is dry FIP because the fluid does not look like FIP fluid, and  
that the fluid is resulting from the effects of FIP on other organs.  She  
it's FIP because of something that was found in the biopsy of the lymph  
node, I can't remember what it is called but something like granular  
or granulitis, or granuloma, which goes with FIP and not with most  other kinds 
of inflammation. Other possibilities are infection somewhere, the  effects of 
her IBD inflammation, or pancreatitis, but she said that the lymph  node 
being the way it is normally goes only with FIP so she really thinks it  is 
I am of course very distressed by this. She said she could do  exploratory 
surgery to diagnose better, but I do not see the point since FIP  is not 
treatable. I want instead to try to treat for the other things it could  be. So 
broad spectrum antibiotic with anearobic properties (she said  clavamox or 
clindamycin-- any ideas which i should do, I have both?). And up  her steroids 
IBD/pancreatitis.  And perhaps switch her diet to a  novel protein diet if 
there  is one that would also be ok for  pancreatitis.  And she is on feline 
interferon and I would like to get  acemannan, and then monitor her HCT and if 
goes too low try epogen.
any thoughts? Has anyone actually had an internist, rather than a primary  
care vet, say FIP when it was not?


Re: internist thinks Lucy has FIP

2007-01-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I agree with Hideyo, send out Lucy's samples for Dr. Addie's profile in the

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2007-01-21 Thread Lernermichelle
Has anyone here had experience with toxo? Lucy has not been tested for it,  
which I am starting to think is crazy. Maybe the granuloma cells in the lymph  
node don't show up with toxo, but otherwise her symptoms could fit-- I just 
read  that it can cause anemia, fevers, and abdominal effusion, and FeLV+ cats 
are  more susceptible and she does in fact catch mice a lot-- she is quite the 
hunter  when feeling well.  Is it crazy she has not been tested for it? Would 
you  test for it even though it requires drawing blood and she is pretty  
anemic?  I am feeling my blood pressure rise while thinking about this. I  
alternate between being resigned and hopeless about the FIP diagnosis and  
palliative care only, and questioning the diagnosis. If anyone has any  
knowledge of toxo and whether you have seen these kinds of signs with it--  
especially abdominal effusion-- please tell me.  I am going to take her to  my 
vet tomorrow, I think.
I have thought of sending stuff to Dr. Addie. However, I would rather test  
for things that are curable than take the extra blood necessary to confirm FIP. 
 If FIP is confirmed it does nothing for me or her because there is no 
treatment  (except perhaps VO, which I am giving her).  Am I missing something 
why  I should send in? It would have to be blood, because her abdominal fluid  
definitely does not look like FIP effusion. 

Re: toxoplasmosis

2007-01-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes, you're missing the fact that if you send it in, and Dr. Addie can prove
it's NOT FIP, then you can mark that off the list and move on to other
options, and not have to wonder if it is or isn't FIP. The more things you
eliminate as possibilities, the closer you come to the TRUE diagnosis.
Process of elimination. As to if she can handle the blood draw, well, I'd
find out exactly how much blood they needed before I decided, if it's not a
lot, then it's probably worth the blood draw... if they need a few TUBES,
then yeah, you might want to not do it at this point. I do think it also
requires a abdominal fluid sample as well, if you can get any out.

I will research the toxo symptoms

Oh, and sorry if my emails got weird and off-beat last night, I was writing
fast replies to quickly skimmed emails between bouts of explosive
diarrhea... at 3 AM! Must have been all the talk about IBD!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
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Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

winter day, home with the cats

2007-01-21 Thread Sally Davis

Today has been a miserable day here in VA. Freezing rain and sleet brought
me home early from work. This gave me time to spend with Junior and my other
cats. Junior seems to feel better. His ears are almost normal looking.  I am
not sure what cause the hematomas because he did not shake his head or paw
at them. Of course he is still egtting medicine for his eyes. He vision is
very limited in his good eye. It is still dilated from the infection. He is
eating better although I am enticing him with anything he will eat. He gets
Lysine in baby food.

My thoughts about Tiny. Tiny always has a cough throughout his short life.
Not a bad cough and not even every day. Just sometimes he would cough after
purring. When he was a kitten he did have a URI and his sinuses smelled
terrible. He thew this off on his own. I had suspected he had heartworms
even though not real common in cats I live on a lake in mosquito infested
woods. I asked the vet he saw last summer if this was a possibility and
though she did not test for it gave him revolution. At that time he had a
bad URI which the cough was very severe, just like the one he had the day he
died, but instead of dying he just coughed spastically. It knocked him off
his feet. It would explain his sudden death. He did test a faint positive on
the snap test but never really had symptoms nor did he catch Junior's last

Right now Daisy is crying out pitifully. In the mist of my Feline Luekemia
crisis last fall, I had to put off her spaying. I advised the shelter I got
her from of what was going on so they did not bug me for the papers. ITwo
weeks ago I called a low cost clinic to schedule her spaying and they
called back. Ususally you get an appointment in a week or two, this time
it was over a month. So Now I have to wait until Feb. 27 to get her fixed in
the meantime, she is coming in heat. What a royal pain.  I have always
gotten my females fixed before their first heat.
OK the waether is making me think too much.

Thanks everyone for your support. This is the best group.

Sally, Junior, Daisy, Grey and White, Spike, Lily, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black, Silver, Speedy

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can

Re: winter day, home with the cats

2007-01-21 Thread Kelly L

At 03:24 PM 1/21/2007, you wrote:

cuddle with your kitties and celebrate the fact spring will arrive

Today has been a miserable day here in VA. Freezing rain and sleet 
brought me home early from work. This gave me time to spend with 
Junior and my other cats. Junior seems to feel better. His ears are 
almost normal looking.  I am not sure what cause the hematomas 
because he did not shake his head or paw at them. Of course he is 
still egtting medicine for his eyes. He vision is very limited in 
his good eye. It is still dilated from the infection. He is eating 
better although I am enticing him with anything he will eat. He gets 
Lysine in baby food.

My thoughts about Tiny. Tiny always has a cough throughout his short 
life. Not a bad cough and not even every day. Just sometimes he 
would cough after purring. When he was a kitten he did have a URI 
and his sinuses smelled terrible. He thew this off on his own. I had 
suspected he had heartworms even though not real common in cats I 
live on a lake in mosquito infested woods. I asked the vet he saw 
last summer if this was a possibility and though she did not test 
for it gave him revolution. At that time he had a bad URI which the 
cough was very severe, just like the one he had the day he died, but 
instead of dying he just coughed spastically. It knocked him off his 
feet. It would explain his sudden death. He did test a faint 
positive on the snap test but never really had symptoms nor did he 
catch Junior's last URI.

Right now Daisy is crying out pitifully. In the mist of my Feline 
Luekemia crisis last fall, I had to put off her spaying. I advised 
the shelter I got her from of what was going on so they did not bug 
me for the papers. ITwo weeks ago I called a low cost clinic to 
schedule her spaying and they  called back. Ususally you get an 
appointment in a week or two, this time it was over a month. So Now 
I have to wait until Feb. 27 to get her fixed in the meantime, she 
is coming in heat. What a royal pain.  I have always gotten my 
females fixed before their first heat.

OK the waether is making me think too much.

Thanks everyone for your support. This is the best group.

Sally, Junior, Daisy, Grey and White, Spike, Lily, Ittle Bitty, 
Little Black, Silver, Speedy

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our 

please help us if you can 

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Re: winter day, home with the cats

2007-01-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry the weather is bad and you're missing work because of it! It's pretty
cold here, and our heater keeps going out. The landlord seems reluctant to
fix it or have it replaced. I keep having this nagging feeling that I am
forgetting something important, I can't figure out why. It's weird.

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
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Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

Re: toxoplasmosis

2007-01-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michelle, I can't find anything to suggest abdominal effusion is a symptom
of Toxoplasmosis, would you mind posting where you saw that? All the sites
I've seen says most cats show no symptoms at all. Of the ones that mentioned
symptoms, nothing popped out at me as being similar to FIP. here are some
examples. says:
The signs of toxoplasmosis in pets are nonspecific: fever, loss of appetite,
depression. Further signs may occur depending on whether the infection is
acute or chronic, and where T. gondii is found in the body. In the eye, it
can cause inflammation; in the lungs, pneumonia; in the heart, arrhythmias;
in the digestive tract, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and jaundice; in
the nervous system, seizures, paralysis and loss of nerve function; in
muscle, a stiff gait and loss of muscle. says:
The most commonly reported clinical signs associated with feline
toxoplasmosis are anorexia, weight loss, lethargy, dyspnoea (due to
pneumonia), ocular signs (iritis, chorioretinitis) and pyrexia. Other less
common features include gastrointestinal signs (vomiting/diarrhoea),
neurological signs, lymphadenopathy, jaundice, myositis and abortion. says:
Most cats show no clinical signs of infection with Toxoplasma. Occasionally,
however, clinical disease-toxoplasmosis-occurs, kittens and young adult cats
being more often affected than older animals. Lethargy, depression, loss of
appetite, and fever are typical early nonspecific signs. Pneumonia,
manifested by respiratory distress of gradually increasing severity, is the
outstanding sign in many cats. Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) may
cause vomiting, diarrhea, prostration, and jaundice (yellowing of the mucous
membranes). Inflammation of the pancreas and enlargement of lymph nodes also
occur. Toxoplasmosis can also affect the eyes and central nervous system,
producing inflammation of the retina or anterior ocular chamber, abnormal
pupil size and responsiveness to light, blindness, incoordination,
heightened sensitivity to touch, personality changes, circling, head
pressing, twitching of the ears, difficulty in chewing and swallowing food,
seizures, and loss of control over urination and defecation. says:
Often, there are no clinical signs to this disease in cats. On occasion,
there are some early non-specific symptoms such as lethargy, depression,
loss of appetite and fever, especially in kittens and young adult cats. The
most outstanding sign in most cats is feline pneumonia, which shows up as
respiratory distress that continues to increase in severity. Toxoplasmosis
can also affect the eyes and the central nervous system, producing
inflammation of the retina, possible abnormal pupil size, and even
blindness, lack of coordination, personality changes, circling, head
pressing, ear twitching, seizures, difficulty in chewing and swallowing
food, seizures, and loss of control over urination and defecation functions.
Hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver, can also occur which can bring
about episodes of vomiting, diarrhea, prostration and jaundice, which is
yellowing of the mucous membranes. The pancreas can also become inflamed and
the lymph nodes may become enlarged.  says:
  a.. Toxoplasmosis is a multisystemic infection characterized by
granulomatous inflammation associated with tachyzoite proliferation in the
  b.. Organs and tissues commonly affected include lymph nodes, liver, lung,
brain/spinal cord, and eye.
  c.. Toxoplasmosis may cause focal or generalized lymphadenitis,
encephalitis, pneumonitis, myocarditis, and retinochoroiditis.
  d.. There may be associated fever, weight loss, and lethargy.

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):
Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

Re: toxoplasmosis

2007-01-21 Thread Lernermichelle
It's called peritoneal effusion, and here are some links to places that  
mention it:
There are more, but both of those do.
Another symptom of toxo, besides fever and effusion, can be anemia:
I saw it in many more, but did not save the links.
I also found a case study (unfortunately diagnosed via necropsy) where the  
ultrasonic and aspirate results were the same as Lucy's-- enlarged mesenteric  
lymph node with granulatamous inflammation and thickened intestinal loops. 
That  cat was also anemic, though much less so than Lucy (pcv 27, I think).
Seems worth treating for. I started her tonight on clindamycin, which is a  
treatment for toxo. I am taking her to the vet tomorrow and want the test done  
too, i think.
In a message dated 1/21/2007 7:36:57 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Michelle, I can't find  anything to suggest abdominal effusion is a symptom 
of Toxoplasmosis, would  you mind posting where you saw that? 


Re: toxoplasmosis

2007-01-21 Thread Lernermichelle
here is another link listing abdominal effusion:

Re: toxoplasmosis

2007-01-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yeah, for sure, if you have the right meds on hand, I don't think it could
hurt to try! It appears I have more links to add to my site!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):
Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

Re: winter day, home with the cats

2007-01-21 Thread Sally Davis

I spent the whole afternoon with Junior. First I took a nap. I have not been
sleeping to well lately. Junior sees a little bit. I took him out of my
bedroom into the living room. He managed to find the scratching post and he
had a grand time with that. You should see the door frame to my bedroom. The
is no room for a scratching post in the hallway.

Missing work is the pits, because I am an hourly employee, I have less than
2 days vacation to last until march, and I think there is another systm on
it's way. Here's crossing my fingers that doesn't happen. Good news is we
still have power. I started the generator yesterday to make sure it would
start. Eric is disabled and cannot do those tyes of things.

I hope everyone is safe and warm.



 Sorry the weather is bad and you're missing work because of it! It's
pretty cold here, and our heater keeps going out. The landlord seems
reluctant to fix it or have it replaced. I keep having this nagging feeling
that I am forgetting something important, I can't figure out why. It's

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):
Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can

Re: winter day, home with the cats

2007-01-21 Thread Marylyn
Re the scratching post:  Can you fasten one to the wall like a picture?  I've 
seen some type of frame covered in whatever you want the cat to scratch then 
literally secured (firmly please) to the wall.

I hope you don't lose any more work.  

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sally Davis 
  Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 8:26 PM
  Subject: Re: winter day, home with the cats

  I spent the whole afternoon with Junior. First I took a nap. I have not been 
sleeping to well lately. Junior sees a little bit. I took him out of my bedroom 
into the living room. He managed to find the scratching post and he had a grand 
time with that. You should see the door frame to my bedroom. The is no room for 
a scratching post in the hallway. 

  Missing work is the pits, because I am an hourly employee, I have less than 2 
days vacation to last until march, and I think there is another systm on it's 
way. Here's crossing my fingers that doesn't happen. Good news is we still have 
power. I started the generator yesterday to make sure it would start. Eric is 
disabled and cannot do those tyes of things. 

  I hope everyone is safe and warm.


Sorry the weather is bad and you're missing work because of it! It's pretty 
cold here, and our heater keeps going out. The landlord seems reluctant to fix 
it or have it replaced. I keep having this nagging feeling that I am forgetting 
something important, I can't figure out why. It's weird. 

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat: 
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library): 
Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw! 

  Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story 
  please help us if you can 

Re: winter day, home with the cats

2007-01-21 Thread Sally Davis

Well the trim is already ruined, but I do need to break him and the other
cats from using that spot. They also tear up the carpet there as well.


On 1/21/07, Marylyn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Re the scratching post:  Can you fasten one to the wall like a picture?
I've seen some type of frame covered in whatever you want the cat to scratch
then literally secured (firmly please) to the wall.

I hope you don't lose any more work.

 If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise with
their fellow man.

- Original Message -
*From:* Sally Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Sunday, January 21, 2007 8:26 PM
*Subject:* Re: winter day, home with the cats

I spent the whole afternoon with Junior. First I took a nap. I have not
been sleeping to well lately. Junior sees a little bit. I took him out of my
bedroom into the living room. He managed to find the scratching post and he
had a grand time with that. You should see the door frame to my bedroom. The
is no room for a scratching post in the hallway.

Missing work is the pits, because I am an hourly employee, I have less
than 2 days vacation to last until march, and I think there is another systm
on it's way. Here's crossing my fingers that doesn't happen. Good news is we
still have power. I started the generator yesterday to make sure it would
start. Eric is disabled and cannot do those tyes of things.

I hope everyone is safe and warm.



  Sorry the weather is bad and you're missing work because of it! It's
 pretty cold here, and our heater keeps going out. The landlord seems
 reluctant to fix it or have it replaced. I keep having this nagging feeling
 that I am forgetting something important, I can't figure out why. It's

 Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
 Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):
 Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story

please help us if you can

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can

Re: winter day, home with the cats

2007-01-21 Thread Kelly L

At 06:41 PM 1/21/2007, you wrote:

Just a few pieces of carpet remnant nailed up on 
the wall and some cat nip spray,,


Well the trim is already ruined, but I do need 
to break him and the other cats from using that 
spot. They also tear up the carpet there as well.


On 1/21/07, Marylyn 

Re the scratching post:  Can you fasten one to 
the wall like a picture?  I've seen some type of 
frame covered in whatever you want the cat to 
scratch then literally secured (firmly please) to the wall.

I hope you don't lose any more work.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures

from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who

will deal likewise with their fellow man.
  St. Francis
- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sally Davis
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: winter day, home with the cats

I spent the whole afternoon with Junior. First I 
took a nap. I have not been sleeping to well 
lately. Junior sees a little bit. I took him out 
of my bedroom into the living room. He managed 
to find the scratching post and he had a grand 
time with that. You should see the door frame to 
my bedroom. The is no room for a scratching post in the hallway.

Missing work is the pits, because I am an hourly 
employee, I have less than 2 days vacation to 
last until march, and I think there is another 
systm on it's way. Here's crossing my fingers 
that doesn't happen. Good news is we still have 
power. I started the generator yesterday to make 
sure it would start. Eric is disabled and cannot do those tyes of things.

I hope everyone is safe and warm.


Sorry the weather is bad and you're missing work 
because of it! It's pretty cold here, and our 
heater keeps going out. The landlord seems 
reluctant to fix it or have it replaced. I keep 
having this nagging feeling that I am forgetting 
something important, I can't figure out why. It's weird.

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):
Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

Junior needs your help with his care fighting 
Feline Leukemia. Our story 

please help us if you can 

Junior needs your help with his care fighting 
Feline Leukemia. Our story

please help us if you can 

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.410 / Virus Database: 268.17.3/642 - Release Date: 1/20/2007

Re: winter day, home with the cats

2007-01-21 Thread Sally Davis

I will give it a shot.

Thanks for the suggestion


On 1/21/07, Kelly L [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At 06:41 PM 1/21/2007, you wrote:

Just a few pieces of carpet remnant nailed up on the wall and some cat nip

 Well the trim is already ruined, but I do need to break him and the other
cats from using that spot. They also tear up the carpet there as well.


On 1/21/07, *Marylyn* [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
Re the scratching post:  Can you fasten one to the wall like a picture?
I've seen some type of frame covered in whatever you want the cat to scratch
then literally secured (firmly please) to the wall.

I hope you don't lose any more work.

 If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise with
their fellow man.
 - Original Message -
From: Sally Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: winter day, home with the cats

I spent the whole afternoon with Junior. First I took a nap. I have not
been sleeping to well lately. Junior sees a little bit. I took him out of my
bedroom into the living room. He managed to find the scratching post and he
had a grand time with that. You should see the door frame to my bedroom. The
is no room for a scratching post in the hallway.

Missing work is the pits, because I am an hourly employee, I have less
than 2 days vacation to last until march, and I think there is another systm
on it's way. Here's crossing my fingers that doesn't happen. Good news is we
still have power. I started the generator yesterday to make sure it would
start. Eric is disabled and cannot do those tyes of things.

I hope everyone is safe and warm.


 Sorry the weather is bad and you're missing work because of it! It's
pretty cold here, and our heater keeps going out. The landlord seems
reluctant to fix it or have it replaced. I keep having this nagging feeling
that I am forgetting something important, I can't figure out why. It's

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):
Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story

please help us if you can

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.410 / Virus Database: 268.17.3/642 - Release Date: 1/20/2007

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can

Re: winter day, home with the cats

2007-01-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It's cold here, but the heat is staying on so far since we relit it last
time. It's 2 degrees out now, according to my porch thermometer. They make
flat cat scratching pads you can hang on a doorknob.

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):
Declawing Creates SUFFERING, Please don't declaw!


2007-01-21 Thread Belinda
Just wanted to let you know I wasn't able to get a hold of my 
friend at all this weekend, will try calling her at work tomorrow, I 
know she's been sick with flu.  Hope Lucy is feeling better and better!!


happiness is being owned by cats ...


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