Re: [Felvtalk] Stomatitis and FeLV cats

2018-04-24 Thread Maribel Piloto
Hi all,
I have a very sweet indoor-only gray tabby named Spencer who at only 2 yrs of 
age sadly tested positive for FeLV.   Spencer has developed stomatitis which 
makes it very hard for him to eat.  He had always enjoyed his food but in the 
last few months it's gotten to the point where he only gets in one or two licks 
before he yelps and runs away in pain.  He's lost weight as a result.  I know 
that for stomatitis, the long-term solution is usually a full-mouth extraction 
of all teeth.   In May I will be getting a bonus at work and plan on taking him 
to a dentist I've used many times before to get him evaluated for the procedure 
and probably have it done.   In the meantime, I've been giving him a powder 
called Plaque Off which is supposed to help with stomatitis.  I can get Spencer 
to eat the baby food that comes in these tiny jars and is just 
chicken/turkey/ham and cornstarch so I mix the powder with that.  So far, it 
hasn't been doing much.   In the past, when I've had otherwise healthy cats 
with stomatitis, I've gotten them shots of Depo Medrol every other month or a 
couple of times a year and this has cleared the swelling.  Depo is a steroid 
which reduces inflammation but also, suppresses the immune system.
For those of you who may be familiar with stomatitis and Depo in FeLV...
do you think the full-mouth extraction is the way to go?   
Do you think it would be ok to get Spencer at least one shot of the Depo to 
alleviate the stomatitis until I can get him the full-mouth extraction in May?  
Spencer likes those jars of baby food but I'm sure they don't have all the 
nutrition a cat needs.  Any supplements you can recommend that I could add to 
those - giving him something by mouth is impossible.
Would appreciate any thoughts/advice you can share.
Maribel & Spencer
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Stomatitis...

2018-04-24 Thread Maribel Piloto
Thank you Bob.  I'm definitely gonna get him the Depo this weekend.  It's just 
terrible to see him wanting to eat more and not being able to.
I feed colony cats and had one Leuk+ guy at one of my colonies who lived 8 yrs 
after first testing positive and he was always in good health until the last 
few months.  Interestingly enough - he lived with other cats at the colony and 
none of the others I've tested from there ever got it.
I'm hoping I can give Spencer at least some good years.
Maribel "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are 
-Mohandas Ghandi

 Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 3:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stomatitis...
So sorry to hear the little spencer is FeLV...    On the plus side... 
He's made it to 2 yrs old and in my ( not extensive but growing) 
experience... if they don't die in the first year they often can last 
and...yes...  it appears that full mouth extraction is the "gold 
standard" for Stomatitis.. it has always bothered me that they still 
have not come up with something that can address this damnable infection 
without costing Kitties ALL their  teeth Again, on the " bright" 
side... cats do remarkably well without teeth.   I'm surprised that 
Spencer isn't eating more of the baby food as it takes very little mouth 
pressure to get it down...  I've fed cats a diet of almost total Baby 
food ... both syringe and freely taken and think it is just great.  
If I were going to do it long term I'd look for a Taurine supplement as 
I doubt that Baby food has sufficient Taurine for optimal Kitty 
Health.    ** I'd definitely go with the Depo injection...   or 
, secondarily  Prednisolone... both will help with inflammation ( and 
therefore pain) with the side benefit of increase in appetite.   
Your devotion to this Kitty is obvious in your post and I wish you and 
the little guy all the best I'd love to see you and he have more 
comfortable years together..

> ----------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 18:27:23 + (UTC)
> From: Maribel Piloto

> To: "" Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stomatitis 
> and FeLV cats
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi all,
> I have a very sweet indoor-only?gray tabby named Spencer who at only 2 
> yrs of age sadly tested positive for FeLV.?? Spencer has developed 
> stomatitis which makes it very hard for him to eat.? He had always 
> enjoyed his food but in the last few months it's gotten to the point 
> where he only gets in one or two licks before he yelps and runs away 
> in pain.? He's lost weight as a result.? I know that for stomatitis, 
> the long-term solution is usually a full-mouth extraction of all 
> teeth.?? In May I will be getting a bonus at work and plan on taking 
> him to a dentist I've used many times before to get him evaluated for 
> the procedure and probably have it done.???In the meantime, I've been 
> giving him a powder called Plaque Off which is supposed to help with 
> stomatitis.? I can get Spencer to eat the baby food that comes in 
> these tiny jars and is just chicken/turkey/ham and cornstarch so I mix 
> the powder with that.? So far, it hasn't been doing much.?? In the 
> past, when I've had otherwise healthy c
>  ats with stomatitis, I've gotten them shots of Depo Medrol every 
> other month or a couple of times a year and this has cleared the 
> swelling.? Depo is a steroid which reduces inflammation but also, 
> suppresses the immune system.
> For those of you who may be familiar with stomatitis and Depo in 
> FeLV...
> do you think the full-mouth extraction is the way to go??? Do you 
> think it would be ok to get Spencer at least one shot of the Depo to 
> alleviate the stomatitis until I can get him the full-mouth extraction 
> in May??? Spencer likes those jars of baby food but I'm sure they 
> don't have all the nutrition a cat needs.? Any supplements you can 
> recommend that I could add to those - giving him something by mouth is 
> impossible.
> Would appreciate any thoughts/advice you can share.
> Maribel & Spencer
> "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are 
> treated."
> -Mohandas Ghandi
>  -- next part --
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 18:39:58 +
> From: Amani Oakley To: Maribel Piloto
>     "felvtalk@felineleukemia

[Felvtalk] Anemia and Aranesp

2018-05-10 Thread Maribel Piloto
Hi all,
I have a Leuk+ girl who is getting very anemic.  Her name is Flaqui.  She 
showed up at one of the colonies I feed a couple of months ago (already spayed) 
and was so thin I thought she was an elderly cat with not much time left so I 
took her home to give her some comfort in her final days.  When I took her to 
the vet it turned out that she isn't that old (vet things 4-5) but she's Leuk+. 
  I decided to keep her in my room where I have another Leuk+ guy.  I'm 
building a little catio for them outside one of the bedroom windows so they can 
enjoy the outside.
Flaqui's numbers in January 2018 were...
RBC - 4.15 M/ul (5.00-10.00) LOWHCT - 20.2% (30.0-45.0) LOWHGB 6.8 g/dl 
(9.0-15.1) LOWMCV 48.7 fL (41.0-58.0)MCH - 16.5 pg (12.0-20.0)MCHC - 33.8 g/dL 
(29.0-37.5)RDW - 20.5% (17.3-22.0)%RETIC - 1.3%RETIC - 53.2 K/uL (3.0-50.0) 
HIGHWBC - 15.30 K/uL (5.50-19.50)EOS - 1.8 K/uL (0.10-0.79) HIGHPLT - 663 K/uL 
(175-600)Everything else was normal
I started her on Liqui-Tinic which is a supplement containing iron and B-12 
among other things.  Also giving her Vetri-DMG.   She initially had very bad 
diarrhea but I managed to clear this with Metronidazole.  She's also been 
dewormed and got Revolution.   Despite eating and showing an interest in food, 
she has been losing weight (down to 5 lbs) so last week I had bloodwork done 
again.  Here are the results...
RBC - 3.79 M/ul (5.00-10.00) LOWHCT - 14.8% (30.0-45.0) LOWHGB 8.1 g/dl 
(9.0-15.1) LOWMCV 39.2 fL (41.0-58.0) LOWMCH - 21.4 pg (12.0-20.0) HIGHMCHC - 
--- g/dL (29.0-37.5)RDW - 21.7% (17.3-22.0)%RETIC - 1.1%RETIC - 40.7 K/uL 
(3.0-50.0)WBC - 22.73. K/uL (5.50-19.50) HIGHNEU - 18.48 K/uL (2.50-12.50) 
HIGHPLT 698 K/uL (175-600) HIGHEverything else was normal
My vet told me to start her on Clavamox since the white blood cell count was 
high which is indicative on an infection somewhere.  I was really alarmed by 
the HCT number because I had a cat with chronic renal failure and anemia some 
years back and I know that once the HCT numbers get below 20% it can be very 
dangerous.   With that cat, Grayson, I used Aranesp very successfully to treat 
his anemia.  He eventually succumbed to the kidney failure but the Aranesp kept 
his anemia at bay.
I've been reading that blood transfusions are one of the things to do with 
Leuk+ cats once the HCT numbers get low but blood transfusions in my area 
(South FL) are in the $1000 range and I manage 6 colonies and have other cats 
at home with medical needs including one that needs a full mouth extraction for 
stomatitis and I just can't spend that type of money on Flaqui.
Do you guys think that Aranesp is something that would work on her?  She does 
not have kidney problems.  However, based on the reticulocyte levels, she does 
seem to have  non-regenerative anaemia.   I read this document at Tanya's 
Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease that explains that the 
reticulocyte level needs to be adjusted based on PCV...

In particular, since reticulocytes are commonly expressed in percentage terms, 
they need to be adjusted to allow for the degree of anaemia, i.e. 1% 
reticulocytes in a cat with a PCV of 20% is twice as many as 1% reticulocytes 
in a cat with a PCV of 10%.   Let's assume your cat's PCV is 18% and the 
measured reticulocyte count is 0.75%. You multiply the PCV by the measured 
count, then divide the result by the normal PCV level (35% for many 
laboratories). In this instance, you would get an adjusted result of 0.39%, 
which indicates non-regeneration. In contrast, if your cat's PCV was 13% and 
the measured reticulocyte count was 0.75%, your adjusted result would be 0.28. 
This also indicates non-regeneration, but it is more severe (i.e. the lower the 
corrected value, the lower the regenerative response).

Flaqui's adjusted reticulocyte level is 14.8HCT X 1.1 RET = 16.28/35 = .46 
which indicates non-regeneration.
Any help would be appreciated.  Flaqui has been doing better the last couple of 
days.  I think the Clavamox helped - but I really wish I could improve those 
HCT numbers.
Maribel & Flaqui.
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi___
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Anemia and Aranesp

2018-05-10 Thread Maribel Piloto
Thank you guys.Very encouraging.  Now let’s see if I can get my vet to 
prescribe the Winstrol.   I’m sending him all the things you have written.


"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi

> On May 10, 2018, at 11:02 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
> Thank you Sandy. You saved me from repeating what I have posted so very often 
> now.
> Mirabel, regarding the Aranesp, it is a product which mimics the effects of 
> erythropoietin. I do not believe it will assist because erythropoietin tells 
> the bone marrow to produce more red cells. With FeLV, it infects the cells in 
> the bone marrow which produce all three cell lines (red cells, white cells, 
> platelets). The cells are taken over and destroyed by the virus, which means 
> that the bone marrow can no longer produce red cells, white cells and/or 
> platelets. The erythropoietin or Aranesp is speaking to these cells and 
> telling them to churn out more red cells, but the bone marrow cells can no 
> longer do that. My experience with the Winstrol is that after my cat had the 
> very worst results (HAEMATOCRIT OF FIVE!!!, ZERO % RETICULOCYTES, etc.) and 
> AFTER I had given him several bouts of blood transfusions, the Winstrol 
> turned back on the bone marrow and he began producing red cells, white cells 
> and platelets again.
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Sandy
> Sent: May-10-18 8:48 PM
> To: Maribel Piloto;
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Anemia and Aranesp
> This is long because I just copied this whole conversation - but your answer 
> lies in this combination of drugs - make no mistake this will work if your 
> vet will give it a try - there is nothing to lose - BUT you and the vet need 
> to act immediately. - good luck. You will probably get more responses - Sandy 
> W
> Winstrol – 1 mg twice a day
> Doxycycline – 1/5 to ¼ tablet (100 mg) twice a day
> Prednisolone – ½ 5 mg tablet, twice a day
> If there are problems with the intestines (vomiting, constipation, slow 
> moving stools, stools of large diameters, all of which might be indicative of 
> the effect of the virus on the intestines) you can try adding ¼ tablet of 
> apometocloprimide.
> If the haematocrit level is REALLY REALLY low – like below 5-8, you might 
> consider starting the Winstrol at 2 mg twice a day for a week, to try and 
> kickstart things quickly, but given that there is going to be a likely 
> increase in liver enzymes with the use of Winstrol, recognize that this might 
> also increase the liver enzymes faster.
>  Hope this helps! Amani
>  From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of gary
> Sent: January-27-17 4:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] My baby recently diagnosed with FeLV
>  Amani,
> Could you please give the dosages used for Zander's Protocol? I know they 
> must have been previously given, but I cannot seem to find them.
> Thanks,   Gary
>  On 9/16/2016 8:52 AM, Amani Oakley wrote:
> Hi Sherri
> I hope you got some good news today. However, as you know, my experience is 
> that the Winstrol needs to be used long term before the red cells are back 
> into the normal range. I continue to recommend use of the Doxycyline to 
> interfere with viral RNA synthesis. The Winstrol does not attack the virus, 
> though I believe it makes the cat stronger overall and able to fight back. 
> But at the outset of the treatment regime, I believe you must have the 
> Doxycycline on board to try and reduce the viral load, or at least, keep it 
> from rising.
> Amani
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Hi Liz
> The only thing that works to turn back on red cell production is Winstrol 
> (Stanazolol). It is an ANABOLIC steroid (as opposed to most steroids we are 
> used to getting, like prednisone, which is a corticosteroid.
> Anabolic steroids are ones which build muscle, tissue, etc.
> Adding Winstrol to the combination of medication you have your cat on right 
> now, would be the best thing to do. The Doxycycline acts to slow down or 
> inhibit the reproduction of the FeLV virus by interfering the RNA 
> duplication. The prednisone is helpful in keeping inflammation at bay, but 
> neither of these helps to increase the red cells. The Winstrol acts directly 
> and very quickly on the bone marrow and seems to get red cells generated 

Re: [Felvtalk] Anemia and Aranesp

2018-05-12 Thread Maribel Piloto
Thank you everyone.  Vet was impressed with all your e-mails and agreed to get 
me the Winstrol and other two meds.   We’re trying to get it from a local 
pharmacy but if not, Roadrunner apparently has it.

One question - how soon after I start this drug regimen should I have bloodwork 
done on Flaqui to see if it’s working?


"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi

> On May 12, 2018, at 5:32 PM, Ardy Robertson  wrote:
> Hi Maribel,
> I totally agree about Zander’s Protocol being your best option, and that it 
> needs to be started as soon as possible. One thing I might add, if it was not 
> mentioned in the comments by Amani and Sandy is that if your vet will order 
> it for you, they might not know of a source for it. Your vet can prescribe 
> and order it online at  -- this is a large 
> compounding pharmacy in Arizona, and they will ship it anywhere. Their phone 
> number is 866-578-4420 if you want to call them. The Winstrol comes in 
> several flavors, and forms. I believe it was around $40 when I used it for my 
> Tigger. Best wishes to you and Flaqui.
> Ardy
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
> Maribel Piloto
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 10:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Anemia and Aranesp
> Thank you guys.Very encouraging.  Now let’s see if I can get my vet to 
> prescribe the Winstrol.   I’m sending him all the things you have written.
> Maribel
> "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
> -Mohandas Ghandi
> On May 10, 2018, at 11:02 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
> Thank you Sandy. You saved me from repeating what I have posted so very often 
> now.
> Mirabel, regarding the Aranesp, it is a product which mimics the effects of 
> erythropoietin. I do not believe it will assist because erythropoietin tells 
> the bone marrow to produce more red cells. With FeLV, it infects the cells in 
> the bone marrow which produce all three cell lines (red cells, white cells, 
> platelets). The cells are taken over and destroyed by the virus, which means 
> that the bone marrow can no longer produce red cells, white cells and/or 
> platelets. The erythropoietin or Aranesp is speaking to these cells and 
> telling them to churn out more red cells, but the bone marrow cells can no 
> longer do that. My experience with the Winstrol is that after my cat had the 
> very worst results (HAEMATOCRIT OF FIVE!!!, ZERO % RETICULOCYTES, etc.) and 
> AFTER I had given him several bouts of blood transfusions, the Winstrol 
> turned back on the bone marrow and he began producing red cells, white cells 
> and platelets again.
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Sandy
> Sent: May-10-18 8:48 PM
> To: Maribel Piloto;
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Anemia and Aranesp
> This is long because I just copied this whole conversation - but your answer 
> lies in this combination of drugs - make no mistake this will work if your 
> vet will give it a try - there is nothing to lose - BUT you and the vet need 
> to act immediately. - good luck. You will probably get more responses - Sandy 
> W
> Winstrol – 1 mg twice a day
> Doxycycline – 1/5 to ¼ tablet (100 mg) twice a day
> Prednisolone – ½ 5 mg tablet, twice a day
> If there are problems with the intestines (vomiting, constipation, slow 
> moving stools, stools of large diameters, all of which might be indicative of 
> the effect of the virus on the intestines) you can try adding ¼ tablet of 
> apometocloprimide.
> If the haematocrit level is REALLY REALLY low – like below 5-8, you might 
> consider starting the Winstrol at 2 mg twice a day for a week, to try and 
> kickstart things quickly, but given that there is going to be a likely 
> increase in liver enzymes with the use of Winstrol, recognize that this might 
> also increase the liver enzymes faster.
>  Hope this helps! Amani
>  From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of gary
> Sent: January-27-17 4:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] My baby recently diagnosed with FeLV
>  Amani,
> Could you please give the dosages used for Zander's Protocol? I know they 
> must have been previously given, but I cannot seem to find them.
> Thanks,   Gary
>  On 9/16/2016 8:52 AM, Amani Oakley wrote:
> Hi Sherri
> I hope you got some good news today. However, as you know, my experience is 
> tha

Re: [Felvtalk] Anemia and Aranesp

2018-05-12 Thread Maribel Piloto
Hi Amani and everyone else who’s been helping me with this post - I shared the 
recommended drug protocol with a friend of mine who isn’t a vet but has worked 
for years in animal rescue and has also worked at both the local Humane Society 
and the local county shelter.  She also attends a lot of vet conferences.  She 
sent me the following...

> If your vet is willing to prescribe this regimen, I'd give it a try with one 
> CRITICAL CHANGE.  NEVER use doxycycline tablets/capsules with cats as doxy 
> can cause esophageal strictures.  You can get compounded doxycycline is 50 
> mg/ml, so dose would be 0.4 - 0.5 ml twice a day.

Do you foresee any issues with using the Doxy in liquid format?   I also wanted 
to get the Prednisolone in liquid as Flaqui is very difficult to pill.


"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi

> On May 10, 2018, at 11:02 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
> Thank you Sandy. You saved me from repeating what I have posted so very often 
> now.
> Mirabel, regarding the Aranesp, it is a product which mimics the effects of 
> erythropoietin. I do not believe it will assist because erythropoietin tells 
> the bone marrow to produce more red cells. With FeLV, it infects the cells in 
> the bone marrow which produce all three cell lines (red cells, white cells, 
> platelets). The cells are taken over and destroyed by the virus, which means 
> that the bone marrow can no longer produce red cells, white cells and/or 
> platelets. The erythropoietin or Aranesp is speaking to these cells and 
> telling them to churn out more red cells, but the bone marrow cells can no 
> longer do that. My experience with the Winstrol is that after my cat had the 
> very worst results (HAEMATOCRIT OF FIVE!!!, ZERO % RETICULOCYTES, etc.) and 
> AFTER I had given him several bouts of blood transfusions, the Winstrol 
> turned back on the bone marrow and he began producing red cells, white cells 
> and platelets again.
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Sandy
> Sent: May-10-18 8:48 PM
> To: Maribel Piloto;
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Anemia and Aranesp
> This is long because I just copied this whole conversation - but your answer 
> lies in this combination of drugs - make no mistake this will work if your 
> vet will give it a try - there is nothing to lose - BUT you and the vet need 
> to act immediately. - good luck. You will probably get more responses - Sandy 
> W
> Winstrol – 1 mg twice a day
> Doxycycline – 1/5 to ¼ tablet (100 mg) twice a day
> Prednisolone – ½ 5 mg tablet, twice a day
> If there are problems with the intestines (vomiting, constipation, slow 
> moving stools, stools of large diameters, all of which might be indicative of 
> the effect of the virus on the intestines) you can try adding ¼ tablet of 
> apometocloprimide.
> If the haematocrit level is REALLY REALLY low – like below 5-8, you might 
> consider starting the Winstrol at 2 mg twice a day for a week, to try and 
> kickstart things quickly, but given that there is going to be a likely 
> increase in liver enzymes with the use of Winstrol, recognize that this might 
> also increase the liver enzymes faster.
>  Hope this helps! Amani
>  From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of gary
> Sent: January-27-17 4:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] My baby recently diagnosed with FeLV
>  Amani,
> Could you please give the dosages used for Zander's Protocol? I know they 
> must have been previously given, but I cannot seem to find them.
> Thanks,   Gary
>  On 9/16/2016 8:52 AM, Amani Oakley wrote:
> Hi Sherri
> I hope you got some good news today. However, as you know, my experience is 
> that the Winstrol needs to be used long term before the red cells are back 
> into the normal range. I continue to recommend use of the Doxycyline to 
> interfere with viral RNA synthesis. The Winstrol does not attack the virus, 
> though I believe it makes the cat stronger overall and able to fight back. 
> But at the outset of the treatment regime, I believe you must have the 
> Doxycycline on board to try and reduce the viral load, or at least, keep it 
> from rising.
> Amani
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Hi Liz
> The only thing that works to turn back on red cell production is Winstrol 
> (Stanazolol). It is an ANABOLIC steroid (as

Re: [Felvtalk] Reconstituted Doxy

2018-05-13 Thread Maribel Piloto
Thanks Bob and everyone else.


"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi

> On May 13, 2018, at 2:21 PM, ROBERT CHAPEL  wrote:
> My recollection re: the stand against Doxy Tabs is that they are often large 
> and hard to get all the way down the cats throat without getting stuck   
> I DO apologize that it's been so long since I was giving my cats Doxy in pill 
> form successfully( had found a coated small pill) but... if you can 
> afford it ...diamondback drugs can formulate tasty chewies with Doxy that 
> many cats love ( mine ate them down with relish)  Believe Sandy might be able 
> to weigh in on this?? Don't have experience with liquid form... but be 
> assured there iis always a way a drug can be administered to a cat... if one 
> has the time, ability and funds   The chewies are not cheap
> Bob in Warwick NY
>  On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 01:44 AM, wrote:
>  > Send Felvtalk mailing list submissions to
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of Felvtalk digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>   1. Re: Anemia and Aranesp (Maribel Piloto)
>> --
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Sun, 13 May 2018 01:43:43 -0400
>> From: Maribel Piloto
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Anemia and Aranesp
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Hi Amani and everyone else who?s been helping me with this post - I shared 
>> the recommended drug protocol with a friend of mine who isn?t a vet but has 
>> worked for years in animal rescue and has also worked at both the local 
>> Humane Society and the local county shelter.  She also attends a lot of vet 
>> conferences.  She sent me the following...
>>> If your vet is willing to prescribe this regimen, I'd give it a try with 
>>> one CRITICAL CHANGE.  NEVER use doxycycline tablets/capsules with cats as 
>>> doxy can cause esophageal strictures.  You can get compounded doxycycline 
>>> is 50 mg/ml, so dose would be 0.4 - 0.5 ml twice a day.
>> Do you foresee any issues with using the Doxy in liquid format?   I also 
>> wanted to get the Prednisolone in liquid as Flaqui is very difficult to pill.
>> Thanks
>> Maribel
>> "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
>> -Mohandas Ghandi
>>> On May 10, 2018, at 11:02 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
>>> Thank you Sandy. You saved me from repeating what I have posted so very 
>>> often now.
>>> Mirabel, regarding the Aranesp, it is a product which mimics the effects of 
>>> erythropoietin. I do not believe it will assist because erythropoietin 
>>> tells the bone marrow to produce more red cells. With FeLV, it infects the 
>>> cells in the bone marrow which produce all three cell lines (red cells, 
>>> white cells, platelets). The cells are taken over and destroyed by the 
>>> virus, which means that the bone marrow can no longer produce red cells, 
>>> white cells and/or platelets. The erythropoietin or Aranesp is speaking to 
>>> these cells and telling them to churn out more red cells, but the bone 
>>> marrow cells can no longer do that. My experience with the Winstrol is that 
>>> after my cat had the very worst results (HAEMATOCRIT OF FIVE!!!, ZERO % 
>>> RETICULOCYTES, etc.) and AFTER I had given him several bouts of blood 
>>> transfusions, the Winstrol turned back on the bone marrow and he began 
>>> producing red cells, white cells and platelets again.
>>> Amani
>>> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
>>> Sandy
>>> Sent: May-10-18 8:48 PM
>>> To: Maribel Piloto;
>>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Anemia and Aranesp
>>> This is lo

[Felvtalk] Winstrol, Doxy and Prednisolone

2018-05-16 Thread Maribel Piloto
Ok guys - thanks to ALL the help from everyone - I got the Winstrol, Doxy and 
Prednisolone (all in liquid from Diamondback Drugs) and I'm ready to start my 
Flaqui on this to treat her anemia.  One more question - I give Flagui 
Liqui-Tinic which is an iron/B-12 supplement 1ml twice a day.  Now I have to 
incorporate these other three medicines into her regiment.  So should I give 
all these liquids to her at the same time?  Should I wait for an hour or more 
in between liquids.  It seems like a lot of liquids and different medicines to 
give at the same time and I suspect it would REALLY stress her out (she isn't 
the easiest of cats to medicate).  What do you guys do with your cats?
Thanks.Maribel & Flaqui "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its 
animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Meds all at once.....

2018-05-17 Thread Maribel Piloto
Yes - this is one of my fears.   Over the week I work and feed colonies and so 
I only see Flaqui in the morning and late at night.  She sleeps with me but it 
would seem as if whenever I was awake, I would be plunging medicines down her 
throat.  I was concerned about the interaction of the medicines but if you guys 
don't think that's a problem, I will definitely do everything at once.
 "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi

 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 10:31 AM
 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Meds all at once.

At those time that I have had to give multiple meds I preferred ( both 
for my own comfort and my relationship with my Kitties) to do it all at 
once ( usually 2-3 times a day) I found that when I tried spacing 
meds out throughout the day my cats regarded me as this evil being that 
was only going to cause them discomfort ( " Hey every time he reaches 
for me it's only to shove something down my throat!!!  what's up with 
Yeah...maybe it was me imagining it butmassed meds worked better.    
BTW in those instances when one or two of the meds were injections I 
did those at different times of the day   I would not have had that 
freedom, however, had I not been retired at the time..   Sometimes 
the exigencies of life dictate what one MUST do

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Spice didn't make it

2018-08-15 Thread Maribel Piloto
Sorry to hear about Spice - but great way to honor her memory by trying to help 
those strays.   If you can get them fixed and vaccinated early maybe you can 
keep others from acquiring Leuk.  Spice would be proud.
Maribel "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are 
-Mohandas Ghandi

  From: Ardy Robertson 
 To: 'judith cook' ; 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 7:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Spice didn't make it
Judy - So sorry to hear about Spice, but she was fortunate to have you!  I 
believe stray kitties “show up on our street” for a reason, they are next in 
line for a place in your heart. Best of luck.ArdyOn Behalf Of judith cook
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 3:26 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Spice didn't make it  I have been putting off and putting 
off this letter.  I had high hopes for Spice.  She started out responding well 
to the treatment, and I really thought that we'd make it.  However, after about 
a month, she suddenly started having trouble breathing.  The vet took x-rays, 
and she had an enlarged  heart, was retaining water in her abdomen, and had a 
tumor on her liver.  I decided that she'd had enough, and had her euthanized.  
She was purring the whole time, and went quietly as I petted her.  Thank all of 
you for your encouragement and your information and your research.  I do wish 
we'd find a sure-fire cure, and REALLY wish people would get their cats 
vaccinated young.  My big cat, Budda, misses her, I can tell, even though they 
were not close buddies.  There are a couple of stray kittens who have showed up 
in on my street, and I'm going to try to catch and tame them.  I've done it 
before, and contrary to common opinion, I have found that they make fine pets.  
My best to all of you and your kitties. 
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] URI and FIV

2018-10-17 Thread Maribel Piloto
Hi Sandy,
Very often what they have is the Herpes Virus which is VERY common in cats.   
They then have flareups every once in a while which manifest as an URI.   You 
can add a supplement to their food called L-Lysine which will reduce the 
flareups and help with any current ones.  I purchase this one from Amazon which 
is just a white powder I sprinkle on their food...
Maribel "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are 
-Mohandas Ghandi

 Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 12:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] URI and FIV
Please don't get too freaked out about their URI's We have a lot of 
FIV cats at the shelter and they weather the URI's as well as the 
others...Yours may well too.  I agree that they should have ABX if the 
infection has taken hold and particularly if there is green purulent 
exudate...  If they are hard to pill a compounding pharmacy is a great 
idea ( always found liquids FAR easier to administer to uncooperative 
Kitties.  thanks for your concern for these kitties...


> Subject: [Felvtalk] Felv positive support urgent
> Message-ID: <238687431.1.1539756882239@localhost>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> I adopted 2 male cats with fiv. Can anyone give me info to help 
> minimize the symptoms of upper respiratory infections?
> I am using homeopathic nasal, cough, and immune support in their food 
> and water.  Is there a product that will boost what i am already 
> using? Sandy
> Sent from Xfinity Connect Application
> --
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2018 00:35:47 -0700
> From: Gloria To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Felv positive support urgent
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=utf-8
> I would get an antibiotic to help their compromised immune system and 
> suggest a compound pharmacy to provide a liquid form- I?m no vet, and 
> do not have medical training , so, take this as a layman talking-I 
> currently have 15 cats in our home-strictly inside only-so take this 
> as only a layperson sharing?imho- you need a stronger solution as you 
> evaluate the risks.
>  So sorry you?re struggling with this, it?s hard, I know!
> Gloria
> -g ??
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 16, 2018, at 11:17 PM, Sandy Millard  wrote:
>> I adopted 2 male cats with fiv. Can anyone give me info to help 
>> minimize the symptoms of upper respiratory infections?
>> I am using homeopathic nasal, cough, and immune support in their food 
>> and water.  Is there a product that will boost what i am already 
>> using? Sandy
>> Sent from Xfinity Connect Application
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> --
> Message: 4
> From: Sandy Millard To: ,  Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Felv positive 
> support urgent
> Message-ID: <157934234.5.1539774293963@localhost>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Thank you. What do you mean "a compound pharmacy"?
> After reading as much as possible, all I can do is keep Sonny 
> comfortable and make sure he eats good food.
> I dread what is to come.

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Shelf life for Winstrol

2019-02-19 Thread Maribel Piloto
Hi all,
Around May 2018 I had an anemic Leuk+ cat named Flaqui and bought the regimen 
Amani mentions in the e-mail below this one with the Winstrol, Doxy and 
Prednisolone.   I never got a chance to use the meds with Flaqui as she passed 
before I could do so.   Today I just received the results from bloodwork of 
another Leuk+ cat I have named Buster.  His Hematocrit is at 11.5 and I would 
like to start him on this regimen before he gets any more anemic.   Do you all 
know if I could still use the meds?   They have been kept on the door of my 
fridge since I got them.  
Here are Buster's other numbers...
Glucose - 62 Low (normal is 80-200)Sodium 143 Potassium 4.6Chloride 113CO2 13 
Low (normal is 15-28)Sodium/Potassium 31Anion Gap 22Serum Osmolality 309Urea 
Nitrogen 56.5 High (normal is 15-37.5)Creatinine 2.0BUN/Creatinine 28Total 
Protein 6.6Albumin 2.4Globulin 4.2A/G Ratio 0.6Calcim 6.7 Low 
(8.9-10.9)Phosphorus 4.8 (2.4-8.0)CL/P Ratio 24Bilirubin Total 0.02Bilirubin 
Direct 0.02Alk Phospatase 17ALT (SGPT) 21AST (SGOT) 27GGT 1Creatine Kinase 
139Cholesterol 158Triglycerides 30Amylase 1261Leukocytes WBC 24.7 High 
(5.0-17.5)Erythrocytes RBC 2.54 Low (5.50-10.0)Hemoglobin 3.4 Low 
(8.0-15.0)Hematocrit 11.5 Low (24-46)MCV 45MCH 13.2MCHC 29.1 Low (30-38)Seg 
Neutrophils 73Band Neutrophils 0Lymphocytes 22Monocytes 4
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi 

From: Felvtalk []On Behalf Of Sandy
Sent: May-10-18 8:48 PM
To: Maribel Piloto;
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Anemia and Aranesp
This is long because I just copied this whole conversation - but your answer 
lies in this combination of drugs - make no mistake this will work if your vet 
will give it a try - there is nothing to lose - BUT you and the vet need to act 
immediately. - good luck. You will probably get more responses - Sandy W
Winstrol – 1 mg twice a day
Doxycycline – 1/5 to ¼ tablet (100 mg) twice a day
Prednisolone – ½ 5 mg tablet, twice a day
If there are problems with the intestines (vomiting, constipation, slow moving 
stools, stools of large diameters, all of which might be indicative of the 
effect of the virus on the intestines) you can try adding ¼ tablet of 
If the haematocrit level is REALLY REALLY low – like below 5-8, you might 
consider starting the Winstrol at 2 mg twice a day for a week, to try and 
kickstart things quickly, but given that there is going to be a likely increase 
in liver enzymes with the use of Winstrol, recognize that this might also 
increase the liver enzymes faster.
 Hope this helps! Amani
 From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of gary
Sent: January-27-17 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] My baby recently diagnosed with FeLV
Could you please give the dosages used for Zander's Protocol? I know they must 
have been previously given, but I cannot seem to find them.
Thanks,   Gary
 On 9/16/2016 8:52 AM, Amani Oakley wrote:
Hi Sherri
I hope you got some good news today. However, as you know, my experience is 
that the Winstrol needs to be used long term before the red cells are back into 
the normal range. I continue to recommend use of the Doxycyline to interfere 
with viral RNA synthesis. The Winstrol does not attack the virus, though I 
believe it makes the cat stronger overall and able to fight back. But at the 
outset of the treatment regime, I believe you must have the Doxycycline on 
board to try and reduce the viral load, or at least, keep it from rising.
Felvtalk mailing list
Hi Liz
The only thing that works to turn back on red cell production is Winstrol 
(Stanazolol). It is an ANABOLIC steroid (as opposed to most steroids we are 
used to getting, like prednisone, which is a corticosteroid.
Anabolic steroids are ones which build muscle, tissue, etc.
Adding Winstrol to the combination of medication you have your cat on right 
now, would be the best thing to do. The Doxycycline acts to slow down or 
inhibit the reproduction of the FeLV virus by interfering the RNA duplication. 
The prednisone is helpful in keeping inflammation at bay, but neither of these 
helps to increase the red cells. The Winstrol acts directly and very quickly on 
the bone marrow and seems to get red cells generated again, quite promptly. At 
least it did for my Zander, and I have been contacted directly by several 
people from this group, who have reported to me that they also saw almost 
immediate (within 3 days) evidence of their cats’ gums/ears/pads pinkening up.
The problem is that Winstrol is a controversial drug because it is also what 
professional athletes use to get bigger, strong

Re: [Felvtalk] Shelf life for Winstrol

2019-02-19 Thread Maribel Piloto
THANK YOU Amani.  Going to try to help this guy before he needs a blood 
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi 

On Tuesday, February 19, 2019, 1:12:50 PM EST, Amani Oakley 
Yes – you can use the meds. They don’t even need to be refrigerated and if 
anything the concern would be that being kept in the fridge may expose them to 
moisture. They can be kept at room temperature and dry and they will not 
“expire”. Many meds are like this.
See this link for an interesting discussion about “expiring” 
From: Felvtalk  On Behalf Of Maribel Piloto
Sent: February 19, 2019 1:03 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Shelf life for Winstrol
Hi all,
Around May 2018 I had an anemic Leuk+ cat named Flaqui and bought the regimen 
Amani mentions in the e-mail below this one with the Winstrol, Doxy and 
Prednisolone.   I never got a chance to use the meds with Flaqui as she passed 
before I could do so.   Today I just received the results from bloodwork of 
another Leuk+ cat I have named Buster.  His Hematocrit is at 11.5 and I would 
like to start him on this regimen before he gets any more anemic.   Do you all 
know if I could still use the meds?   They have been kept on the door of my 
fridge since I got them.  
Here are Buster's other numbers...
Glucose - 62 Low (normal is 80-200)
Sodium 143 
Potassium 4.6
Chloride 113
CO2 13 Low (normal is 15-28)
Sodium/Potassium 31
Anion Gap 22
Serum Osmolality 309
Urea Nitrogen 56.5 High (normal is 15-37.5)
Creatinine 2.0
BUN/Creatinine 28
Total Protein 6.6
Albumin 2.4
Globulin 4.2
A/G Ratio 0.6
Calcim 6.7 Low (8.9-10.9)
Phosphorus 4.8 (2.4-8.0)
CL/P Ratio 24
Bilirubin Total 0.02
Bilirubin Direct 0.02
Alk Phospatase 17
Creatine Kinase 139
Cholesterol 158
Triglycerides 30
Amylase 1261
Leukocytes WBC 24.7 High (5.0-17.5)
Erythrocytes RBC 2.54 Low (5.50-10.0)
Hemoglobin 3.4 Low (8.0-15.0)
Hematocrit 11.5 Low (24-46)
MCV 45
MCH 13.2
MCHC 29.1 Low (30-38)
Seg Neutrophils 73
Band Neutrophils 0
Lymphocytes 22
Monocytes 4
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi

From: Felvtalk []On Behalf Of Sandy
Sent: May-10-18 8:48 PM
To: Maribel Piloto;
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Anemia and Aranesp
This is long because I just copied this whole conversation - but your answer 
lies in this combination of drugs - make no mistake this will work if your vet 
will give it a try - there is nothing to lose - BUT you and the vet need to act 
immediately. - good luck. You will probably get more responses - Sandy W
Winstrol – 1 mg twice a day
Doxycycline – 1/5 to ¼ tablet (100 mg) twice a day
Prednisolone – ½ 5 mg tablet, twice a day
If there are problems with the intestines (vomiting, constipation, slow moving 
stools, stools of large diameters, all of which might be indicative of the 
effect of the virus on the intestines) you can try adding ¼ tablet of 
If the haematocrit level is REALLY REALLY low – like below 5-8, you might 
consider starting the Winstrol at 2 mg twice a day for a week, to try and 
kickstart things quickly, but given that there is going to be a likely increase 
in liver enzymes with the use of Winstrol, recognize that this might also 
increase the liver enzymes faster.
 Hope this helps! Amani
 From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of gary
Sent: January-27-17 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] My baby recently diagnosed with FeLV
Could you please give the dosages used for Zander's Protocol? I know they must 
have been previously given, but I cannot seem to find them.
Thanks,   Gary
 On 9/16/2016 8:52 AM, Amani Oakley wrote:
Hi Sherri
I hope you got some good news today. However, as you know, my experience is 
that the Winstrol needs to be used long term before the red cells are back into 
the normal range. I continue to recommend use of the Doxycyline to interfere 
with viral RNA synthesis. The Winstrol does not attack the virus, though I 
believe it makes the cat stronger overall and able to fight back. But at the 
outset of the treatment regime, I believe you must have the Doxycycline on 
board to try and reduce the viral load, or at least, keep it from rising.
Felvtalk mailing list
Hi Liz
The only thing that works to turn back on red cell production is Winstrol 
(Stanazolol). It is an A

Re: [Felvtalk] Cleaning? Retesting?

2019-02-22 Thread Maribel Piloto
Keep the Leuk+ guys in a separate room with their own litter box and their own 
scooper.  Do not mix food or water and put any towels, beds, toys they use 
through the washing machine before using it for other cats.   Washing hands all 
the time is not something that I normally do EXCEPT be careful about not 
getting any of their fluids on you (blood, urine, saliva, poop, eye/nose 
discharge) and then potentially getting that on your non-Leuk guys.
Also - if you're keeping your Leuk guys in a separate room, make sure to block 
the bottom of the door so the cats can't put their paws through or smell one 
another and possibly sneeze on each other.   You can get a piece of wood the 
length of the door and about 2 ft high and prop it up there with something 
heavy like one of those big litter pales or better yet - install some screws or 
other hardware on the wood around the door so you can just slide the wood in or 
out as you need to.  Whatever you use make sure the cats can't move it because 
cats are very curious and they will try to move it or get through in order to 
see what's going on on the other side.
If you regularly are going to have Leuk guys in your home either by pet sitting 
or rescuing them, I would get your non-Leuk guys vaccinated just as extra 
- Original Message -
From: Lorraine Johnston 
Sent: Fri, 22 Feb 2019 10:10:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [Felvtalk] Cleaning? Retesting?

Hello again,


For those of you who have both FELV+ and - cats, how strenuous are your 
cleaning efforts? For instance, do you wash hands after just petting? Do you 
have your negative cats retested every year?


Thank you,


- Lorraine


"Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no 
one can imagine."  - Alan Turing 


Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)

2020-08-05 Thread Maribel Piloto
Does anyone know of local pharmacies that sell Winstrol.   My cat Amy is dying 
from anemia - two blood transfusions already.   Her HTC was at 17 after the 
transfusions but is now back down to 11 a few weeks later.   I ordered the drug 
from Wedgewood Pharmacy online but even paying for next day delivery they tell 
me it won’t get to me until Monday.   I need it quickly.


"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)

2020-08-05 Thread Maribel Piloto
I had to give my vet instructions on Winstrol and the info on how to order it.  

Amy is not eating.  I’m syringe feeding her baby food, Liqui-tinic, giving her 
some subq fluids.


"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi

> On Aug 5, 2020, at 7:11 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
> I don’t know of any pharmacies, unless you get it through your vets. They 
> may be able to order it sooner.
> However, I know it seems like a nerve-wracking time to wait, but my Zander 
> dropped down to a 5 haematocrit and survived. Mind you, at that point, he 
> needed to be in an oxygen tent. Your cat will be all right by next Monday - 
> slow and lethargic and she may have to catch her breath on stairs, but Zander 
> dropped down to 10 after his transfusions, and you couldn’t tell from his 
> behaviour. 
> Obviously, it is better if the vets help you out and get the Winstrol to you 
> sooner so you don’t need to worry, but all is not lost if that isn’t an 
> option.
> Amani
> -----Original Message-
> From: Felvtalk  On Behalf Of Maribel 
> Piloto
> Sent: August 5, 2020 6:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)
> Does anyone know of local pharmacies that sell Winstrol.   My cat Amy is 
> dying from anemia - two blood transfusions already.   Her HTC was at 17 after 
> the transfusions but is now back down to 11 a few weeks later.   I ordered 
> the drug from Wedgewood Pharmacy online but even paying for next day delivery 
> they tell me it won’t get to me until Monday.   I need it quickly.
> Maribel 
> "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
> -Mohandas Ghandi
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)

2020-08-06 Thread Maribel Piloto
The problem is that force feeding her is stressing her out.   I tried to 
syringe feed her some baby food with liqui-tinic this morning and she started 
breathing open mouth and moaning.   She just gets up to turn positions now and 
just lays back down.  I know she needs another blood transfusion but after 
paying $3500 for the first two I have no funds left.  Even that I was only able 
to pay with the help from a friend and a GoFundMe fundraiser.
They never were able to figure out what is causing the anemia.  She is neither 
FIV nor Leuk pos.   She tested negative for a slew of blood parasite and other 
parasites they tested for.   The Winstrol is my last hope but I fear that by 
the time I get it she will be gone or too weak.   I live in South Florida and 
cannot believe that there isn't a place anywhere around here where I can't get 
that.  I've been calling every pharmacy in town it seems.
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi 

On Wednesday, August 5, 2020, 07:35:28 PM EDT, Amani Oakley 
 Can you get the vet to call the pharmacy and order the meds urgently? I agree 
that if Amy is not eating, Winstrol may be helpful on that score as well, and 
you cannot wait until Monday if she isn’t eating.

One thing I learned how to do with cats who weren’t eating is to take soft wet 
cat food, ball it up into a ball about the size of a marble, pry open their 
mouths, and lob the food to the back of the throat. Some of it gets spit back 
up, but once you get the hang of it, most of it goes down. I have found that 
doing it this way also seems to cause the cat to ultimately get a bit more 
interested in eating, once some of the food has gone down - usually after a few 
sittings though.

I agree that giving her baby food via syringe is also a good way to get food 
into a cat who won't eat on her own.


-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk  On Behalf Of Maribel Piloto
Sent: August 5, 2020 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)

I had to give my vet instructions on Winstrol and the info on how to order it.  

Amy is not eating.  I’m syringe feeding her baby food, Liqui-tinic, giving her 
some subq fluids.


"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi

> On Aug 5, 2020, at 7:11 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
> I don’t know of any pharmacies, unless you get it through your vets. They 
> may be able to order it sooner.
> However, I know it seems like a nerve-wracking time to wait, but my Zander 
> dropped down to a 5 haematocrit and survived. Mind you, at that point, he 
> needed to be in an oxygen tent. Your cat will be all right by next Monday - 
> slow and lethargic and she may have to catch her breath on stairs, but Zander 
> dropped down to 10 after his transfusions, and you couldn’t tell from his 
> behaviour. 
> Obviously, it is better if the vets help you out and get the Winstrol to you 
> sooner so you don’t need to worry, but all is not lost if that isn’t an 
> option.
> Amani
> -Original Message-
> From: Felvtalk  On Behalf Of Maribel 
> Piloto
> Sent: August 5, 2020 6:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)
> Does anyone know of local pharmacies that sell Winstrol.  My cat Amy is dying 
> from anemia - two blood transfusions already.  Her HTC was at 17 after the 
> transfusions but is now back down to 11 a few weeks later.  I ordered the 
> drug from Wedgewood Pharmacy online but even paying for next day delivery 
> they tell me it won’t get to me until Monday.  I need it quickly.
> Maribel 
> "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
> -Mohandas Ghandi
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)

2020-08-06 Thread Maribel Piloto
I ordered it from Wedgewood already.   Problem is that even paying $30 for 
overnighting it they say it won’t get to me until Monday.   They need time to 
compound it and then there’s the weekend.


"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mohandas Ghandi

> On Aug 6, 2020, at 11:39 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
> Sorry Maribel – looking back at your original posting, I see that you ordered 
> the drug from Wedgewood, so my suggestion is not helpful.
> Have you got anything around for pain in cats? Buprenorphine, Gabapentin, 
> etc.? If Amy is experiencing significant discomfort or pain, alleviating that 
> will put her in a better frame of mind and may help with her appetite. If the 
> vet can’t get you the Winstrol in a hurry, surely he can assist with some 
> pain medication? My vets give me the Buprenorphine in a dermal cream, which 
> can just be rubbed into the inside of the ears.
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk  On Behalf Of Maribel 
> Piloto
> Sent: August 6, 2020 12:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)
> The problem is that force feeding her is stressing her out.   I tried to 
> syringe feed her some baby food with liqui-tinic this morning and she started 
> breathing open mouth and moaning.   She just gets up to turn positions now 
> and just lays back down.  I know she needs another blood transfusion but 
> after paying $3500 for the first two I have no funds left.  Even that I was 
> only able to pay with the help from a friend and a GoFundMe fundraiser.
> They never were able to figure out what is causing the anemia.  She is 
> neither FIV nor Leuk pos.   She tested negative for a slew of blood parasite 
> and other parasites they tested for.   The Winstrol is my last hope but I 
> fear that by the time I get it she will be gone or too weak.   I live in 
> South Florida and cannot believe that there isn't a place anywhere around 
> here where I can't get that.  I've been calling every pharmacy in town it 
> seems.
> Maribel 
> "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
> -Mohandas Ghandi
> On Wednesday, August 5, 2020, 07:35:28 PM EDT, Amani Oakley 
>  wrote:
> Can you get the vet to call the pharmacy and order the meds urgently? I agree 
> that if Amy is not eating, Winstrol may be helpful on that score as well, and 
> you cannot wait until Monday if she isn’t eating.
> One thing I learned how to do with cats who weren’t eating is to take soft 
> wet cat food, ball it up into a ball about the size of a marble, pry open 
> their mouths, and lob the food to the back of the throat. Some of it gets 
> spit back up, but once you get the hang of it, most of it goes down. I have 
> found that doing it this way also seems to cause the cat to ultimately get a 
> bit more interested in eating, once some of the food has gone down - usually 
> after a few sittings though.
> I agree that giving her baby food via syringe is also a good way to get food 
> into a cat who won't eat on her own.
> Amani
> -Original Message-
> From: Felvtalk  On Behalf Of Maribel 
> Piloto
> Sent: August 5, 2020 7:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol (Stanozolol)
> I had to give my vet instructions on Winstrol and the info on how to order 
> it.  
> Amy is not eating.  I’m syringe feeding her baby food, Liqui-tinic, giving 
> her some subq fluids.
> Maribel 
> "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
> -Mohandas Ghandi
> > On Aug 5, 2020, at 7:11 PM, Amani Oakley  wrote:
> > 
> > I don’t know of any pharmacies, unless you get it through your vets. They 
> > may be able to order it sooner.
> > 
> > However, I know it seems like a nerve-wracking time to wait, but my Zander 
> > dropped down to a 5 haematocrit and survived. Mind you, at that point, he 
> > needed to be in an oxygen tent. Your cat will be all right by next Monday - 
> > slow and lethargic and she may have to catch her breath on stairs, but 
> > Zander dropped down to 10 after his transfusions, and you couldn’t tell 
> > from his behaviour. 
> > 
> > Obviously, it is better if the vets help you out and get the Winstrol to 
> > you sooner so you don’t need to worry, but all is not lost if that isn’t an 
> > option.
> > 
> > Amani
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Felvtalk  On Behalf Of Maribel 
> > Piloto
> > Sent: August 5, 2020 6:59 PM
> > To: felvtalk@f