Re: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller, focused groups

2008-06-19 Thread Matt Chotin
Well, given that we set up the javaflexcoders list and the phpflexcoders list 
and they get some traffic but not a lot, I don't know how actively we'll 
promote.  As far as assigning moderators, I don't want to take that on.  Set up 
the list, run it for a while, see if it takes.  In the meantime, as I've said 
all along, I'm going to continue working with the team at Adobe as we try to 
move our forum infrastructure to a much better place.  Long term I think having 
that system which can operate with multiple sections, multiple email addresses, 
nntp support, visibility into what's been answered and what hasn't, user 
ratings, etc is the right thing to do and I'd rather invest my energy towards 

I'm not going to do anything to prevent anyone from setting up whatever list 
they want.  Folks do it all the time, there's a Flex list on houseoffusion and 
that attracts some CF folks.  There is a Google list that still gets a few 
posts a month.  Those Java and PHP lists that I mentioned, or the weborb stuff 
that you've mentioned.  Our team was needed to get flexcoders off the ground, 
but I think we're far enough along that guaranteed Adobe presence is not a 
requirement for a successful list.


On 6/19/08 7:52 PM, "Anatole Tartakovsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I guess, the majority of the group tends to like the way things are now. That 
is hardly surprising given initial posting that most people who do not like the 
current solution would unsubscribe.
It also came to the light that enterprise developers have some restrictions in 
selection of the client (email) software and problems with getting too many 
messages. It is also obvious ( by monitoring the messages for few month back) 
that the questions on  "enterprise" topics are rarely followed and some design 
questions are answered on a different level then the original question. As a 
result, we see fewer of such messages lately. Potentially, enterprise part of 
Flex business might not be getting fare share of attention.

So, here is the question - if we create separate list to see the need for 
enterprise list - would Adobe be willing to include links to it in the usual 
places/promote it/assign moderators?

Anatole Tartakovsky
Farata Systems
On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 6:01 PM, dnk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 19-Jun-08, at 2:03 PM, brucewhealton wrote:

Maybe we need groups for different users at different experience
levels. I think this list is so big that it is hard to find a
response or thread, especially when one posts a question and wants to
find out if someone responded. I have to look and look to see if I
can find that thread anywhere, and it gets confusing when one sees so
many similar, though different threads. I'd like a feature to show me
threads that include messages where I've posted comments, questions,
or etc.

I tend to be one that prefers one list, and monitoring all things (I like 
to see what is out there and what else is going on with the tech on all 
levels). However with a little thought about this, the reality is this, if it 
stays as one, most are creating rules to manage or delete, etc. anyways. If we 
split, the same applies in some form or another. no one will ever be happy on 
all levels.

So if the powers that be decide to split, go for it I will just subscribe 
to all the relevant ones I wish to monitor and organize how i want (probably 
all dumped into a flex folder as it is now). But it gives those who wish for 
more relevance more power to do so. Either way I can sort and have the exact 
same info in my inbox. It just gives those who want a more targeted inbox the 
ability to do so. My only suggestion is to not over split. Pick your 5-10 (or 
what ever the magic number seems to be) and go for it.

It is all a matter or preference, but one way (to split to a point) seems to 
offer more flexibility.

Not even $0.02.. but


Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?

2008-06-19 Thread Joseph Balderson

this["myObject" + idNumber];

-- whether myObject is a MovieClip or a textField or whatever, is from 
an AS2 technique where you would declare MCs or TXTs on the stage with a 
for loop, or actually have them declared on the Flash IDE stage at 
authortime, so it does make sense, it's just old skool. I cut my teeth 
on techniques like this, back in the day.

But you're right, putting newly declared objects in an array is a better 
method than storing the id or "index" in the instance name itself.

Of course now we have much more sophisticated iterative instantiation 
techniques like Renderers. Wish to heck we had them five years ago... :)


Joseph Balderson, Flash Platform Developer |

Gordon Smith wrote:
> You can't use code like
> this["movie_number_" + idNumber];
> unless you've pre-declared vars (or getter/setters) named movie_number0, 
> movieNumber1, movieNumber2, etc. -- which doesn't make any sense because 
> you usually don't know how many you'll need -- or made your class 
> dynamic -- which isn't recommended because dynamic vars are slower. 
> Otherwise, you'll get a runtime error that, for example, movie_number3 
> isn't a valid property on your class. (I don't remember the exact 
> wording of the error message.)
> So forget about that. You need to understand how to use an Array to keep 
> track of multiple instances. It's easy:
> 1. Declare an instance var of type Array and initialize it to an empty 
> Array:
> public var textBoxes:Array = [];
> 2. Every time to create a new TextBox, push it into the Array. For 
> example, inside some method, do
> var textBox:TextBox = new TextBox();
> = bar;
> addChild(textBox);
> textBoxes.push(textBox);
> 3. In any other method, you can refer to textBox[i] to get the ith one 
> you created.
> Gordon Smith
> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> *On Behalf Of *David Pariente
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:18 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?
> Wow, that answer will really help me! :)
> What if it's not movies, but some other object that i wanna create 20 times?
> I thought it should get inside some kind of Array, but not sure if its 
> this way too.
> i.e.
> var MyTextBox:TextBox=new textBox();
> what if i need N instances of that MyTextBox? Should i create an Array 
> before that? What's the right way to put those  textBoxes into the  Array?
> I'm sorry for the basic of my questionbut im quite new to AS3 and 
> OOP, and i did use and misuse of evals a lot in AS1 and AS2.
> Thanx a lot for the help :)
> - Mensaje original 
> De: Josh McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Para:
> Enviado: jueves, 19 de junio, 2008 14:16:50
> Asunto: Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?
> No worries, the equivalent of
> eval("movie_number_" + idNumber);
> would be:
> this["movie_number_" + idNumber];
> To explain, in actionscript 3 (and in Javascript), these two references 
> are equivalent:
> this.someField = true;
> this["someField"] = true;
> trace("the value is " + anObject.button7) ;
> trace("the value is " + anObject["button7"]);
> Notice the fact that it's a string. You can also use numbers (this is 
> how arrays work), and other objects, but with objects the runtime simply 
> calls .toString() and then goes ahead with the string, IIRC.
> -Josh
> On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 9:20 PM, David Pariente  > wrote:
> Thnx for the psicological help :)
> Tecnically i come from AS1 and AS2 where i used to create multiple 
> copies of movieclips, and created with a name as:
> eval("movie_number_"+idnumber);
> maybe i should need an easy example of how to create multiple objects 
> dinamically, and most important, how to access them later.
> Thnx, u guys are kind ;)
> - Mensaje original 
> De: Josh McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com >
> Enviado: martes, 17 de junio, 2008 0:50:17
> Asunto: Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?
> Gordon,
> I can live without eval() and associated evilness, but I'd sell my left 
> testicle for the ability to mark a Proxy as extending or implementing 
> various classes or interfaces.
> Mario - As for this sort of pseudo-eval that theyou're after, you could 
> definitely cook up something similar to that without *too much* work, 
> but I don't think it's the correct solution to whatever the actual root 
> problem is. We need more information as to context to be more help :)
> -Josh

Re: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
I'm building a Container (SnapinContainer), which in future I'd like to be
able to extend to put anything into. But it's specifically designed to
contain several instances of another container (Snapin), which doesn't
itself extend canvas, but puts its children in a canvas because I'm hiding a
lot of voodoo from less experienced Flex developers who need to be able to
build Snapins with the visual editor in Builder, and I want them to be able
to use styles for layout.

You're right that for now I can make the Snapin class use a subclass of
Canvas with a different measure method, but that doesn't help me use it for
any component, nor does it help if a developer decides for whatever reason
to put a Canvas in their Snapin.

If there were an easy way to call measure() and updateDisplayList() in a
UIComponent I could just emulate the system as it is, and for children of
SnapinContainer simply keep calling them in a loop until I get a stable
answer, and use that.

The problem stems from the fact that I re-order the children of
SnapinContainer based on their size, it's suppose to organise things in the
best way it can to make best use of the visible real estate. But many of its
children will be setActialSized larger than measured because the whole point
of it is to keep things looking neat, and we want them to line up.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 3:16 PM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  What do you need Canvas for?  Can you just use a custom Container with a
> better measure() method?
>  --
> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *Josh McDonald
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:48 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and
> measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?
> The problem is that I'm building a container that can in theory contain
> anything, but will definitely contain things that contain Canvases. I guess
> I'm stuck cooking up a hack... :)
> -Josh
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry, I wasn't clear.  Canvas doesn't factor out centering and you end up
> in an infinite loop.  My recommendation is that you supply a custom
> measure() method that factors out the centering.
>  --
> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *Josh McDonald
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:32 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and
> measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?
> Actually given it first grows to 160, then goes back to 161, it's waiting
> until the measure() is within one pixel :)
> resized to 100 x 50
> resized to 130 x 50
> resized to 145 x 50
> resized to 153 x 50
> resized to 157 x 50
> resized to 159 x 50
> resized to 160 x 50
> resized to 400 x 200
> resized to 280 x 109
> resized to 220 x 64
> resized to 190 x 50
> resized to 175 x 50
> resized to 168 x 50
> resized to 164 x 50
> resized to 162 x 50
> resized to 161 x 50
> -Josh
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:30 PM, Josh McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That what I thought it should do, but it doesn't. Here's a simple test
> case:
> layout="absolute">
>  width="160" id="lb" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
>  label="Mess It up" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
> Unless I'm mistaken, It shows that when the current size is not the correct
> measure size (as it gets bigger on creationComplete, or as it gets smaller
> when you click "mess it up"), you get a loop of updateDisplayList(),
> measure(), etc until updateDisplayList() is followed by a measure() that
> reports the same size that was last passed to updateDisplayList().
> -Josh
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Measure() should return the bound of the children factoring out centering
> offsets.
>  --
> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *Josh McDonald
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:21 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure()
> and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?
> Hey guys,
> I've got a problem with some layout code I'm working on. I'm positioning a
> bunch of components, and their positions are determined by their measured
> size. However they are also being expanded larger that their measured size
> on occasion, which sends me into an infinite loop whenever one of my
> containers contains anything that's centred.
> I've figured out that this is due to CanvasLayout.measure() measuring
> children with horizontalCenter / verticalCenter at their current position,
> rather than at 0,0 which would make more se

RE: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?

2008-06-19 Thread Alex Harui
What do you need Canvas for?  Can you just use a custom Container with a
better measure() method?


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Josh McDonald
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and
measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?


The problem is that I'm building a container that can in theory contain
anything, but will definitely contain things that contain Canvases. I
guess I'm stuck cooking up a hack... :)


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > wrote:

Sorry, I wasn't clear.  Canvas doesn't factor out centering and you end
up in an infinite loop.  My recommendation is that you supply a custom
measure() method that factors out the centering.


[  ]
On Behalf Of Josh McDonald
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and
measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?


Actually given it first grows to 160, then goes back to 161, it's
waiting until the measure() is within one pixel :)

resized to 100 x 50
resized to 130 x 50
resized to 145 x 50
resized to 153 x 50
resized to 157 x 50
resized to 159 x 50
resized to 160 x 50

resized to 400 x 200
resized to 280 x 109
resized to 220 x 64
resized to 190 x 50
resized to 175 x 50
resized to 168 x 50
resized to 164 x 50
resized to 162 x 50
resized to 161 x 50


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:30 PM, Josh McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > wrote:

That what I thought it should do, but it doesn't. Here's a simple test
 " layout="absolute">

Unless I'm mistaken, It shows that when the current size is not the
correct measure size (as it gets bigger on creationComplete, or as it
gets smaller when you click "mess it up"), you get a loop of
updateDisplayList(), measure(), etc until updateDisplayList() is
followed by a measure() that reports the same size that was last passed
to updateDisplayList().



On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > wrote:

Measure() should return the bound of the children factoring out
centering offsets.


[  ]
On Behalf Of Josh McDonald
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:21 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure()
and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?


Hey guys,

I've got a problem with some layout code I'm working on. I'm positioning
a bunch of components, and their positions are determined by their
measured size. However they are also being expanded larger that their
measured size on occasion, which sends me into an infinite loop whenever
one of my containers contains anything that's centred.

I've figured out that this is due to CanvasLayout.measure() measuring
children with horizontalCenter / verticalCenter at their current
position, rather than at 0,0 which would make more sense to me. Not much
I can do about this. It smells like a bug, but it might be on purpose.

What should I do to combat this problem? I was thinking maybe setting a
flag on updateDisplayList, that will make the next call to measure()
return the same size no matter what, but that seems like a hack to me.
And if there's an occasion where updateDisplayList() isn't followed
immediately by measure() it'll break, and various other things just make
it seem very frail.

Has anybody come up against this sort of thing before? How did you
tackle it?



"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   


Re: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
The problem is that I'm building a container that can in theory contain
anything, but will definitely contain things that contain Canvases. I guess
I'm stuck cooking up a hack... :)


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Sorry, I wasn't clear.  Canvas doesn't factor out centering and you end
> up in an infinite loop.  My recommendation is that you supply a custom
> measure() method that factors out the centering.
>  --
> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *Josh McDonald
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:32 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and
> measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?
> Actually given it first grows to 160, then goes back to 161, it's waiting
> until the measure() is within one pixel :)
> resized to 100 x 50
> resized to 130 x 50
> resized to 145 x 50
> resized to 153 x 50
> resized to 157 x 50
> resized to 159 x 50
> resized to 160 x 50
> resized to 400 x 200
> resized to 280 x 109
> resized to 220 x 64
> resized to 190 x 50
> resized to 175 x 50
> resized to 168 x 50
> resized to 164 x 50
> resized to 162 x 50
> resized to 161 x 50
> -Josh
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:30 PM, Josh McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That what I thought it should do, but it doesn't. Here's a simple test
> case:
> layout="absolute">
>  width="160" id="lb" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
>  label="Mess It up" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
> Unless I'm mistaken, It shows that when the current size is not the correct
> measure size (as it gets bigger on creationComplete, or as it gets smaller
> when you click "mess it up"), you get a loop of updateDisplayList(),
> measure(), etc until updateDisplayList() is followed by a measure() that
> reports the same size that was last passed to updateDisplayList().
> -Josh
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Measure() should return the bound of the children factoring out centering
> offsets.
>  --
> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *Josh McDonald
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:21 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure()
> and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?
> Hey guys,
> I've got a problem with some layout code I'm working on. I'm positioning a
> bunch of components, and their positions are determined by their measured
> size. However they are also being expanded larger that their measured size
> on occasion, which sends me into an infinite loop whenever one of my
> containers contains anything that's centred.
> I've figured out that this is due to CanvasLayout.measure() measuring
> children with horizontalCenter / verticalCenter at their current position,
> rather than at 0,0 which would make more sense to me. Not much I can do
> about this. It smells like a bug, but it might be on purpose.
> What should I do to combat this problem? I was thinking maybe setting a
> flag on updateDisplayList, that will make the next call to measure() return
> the same size no matter what, but that seems like a hack to me. And if
> there's an occasion where updateDisplayList() isn't followed immediately by
> measure() it'll break, and various other things just make it seem very
> frail.
> Has anybody come up against this sort of thing before? How did you tackle
> it?
> Cheers,
> -Josh
> --
> "Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
> :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
> :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> "Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
> :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
> :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> "Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
> :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
> :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [flexcoders] imports in super and sub class

2008-06-19 Thread Gordon Smith
Yes. Imports in a superclass are not inherited by a subclass.


Gordon Smith

Adobe Flex SDK Team


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of learner
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:54 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] imports in super and sub class


Hi all,
this is a dumb confusion that I have
I have a sub class extending its a parent class

Now if i import a class in some parent class .
.so do i also need to import that class in sub class if i need anything
from that imported class in sub class?

Please clarify


RE: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?

2008-06-19 Thread Alex Harui
Sorry, I wasn't clear.  Canvas doesn't factor out centering and you end
up in an infinite loop.  My recommendation is that you supply a custom
measure() method that factors out the centering.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Josh McDonald
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and
measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?


Actually given it first grows to 160, then goes back to 161, it's
waiting until the measure() is within one pixel :)

resized to 100 x 50
resized to 130 x 50
resized to 145 x 50
resized to 153 x 50
resized to 157 x 50
resized to 159 x 50
resized to 160 x 50

resized to 400 x 200
resized to 280 x 109
resized to 220 x 64
resized to 190 x 50
resized to 175 x 50
resized to 168 x 50
resized to 164 x 50
resized to 162 x 50
resized to 161 x 50


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:30 PM, Josh McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > wrote:

That what I thought it should do, but it doesn't. Here's a simple test
 " layout="absolute">

Unless I'm mistaken, It shows that when the current size is not the
correct measure size (as it gets bigger on creationComplete, or as it
gets smaller when you click "mess it up"), you get a loop of
updateDisplayList(), measure(), etc until updateDisplayList() is
followed by a measure() that reports the same size that was last passed
to updateDisplayList().



On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > wrote:

Measure() should return the bound of the children factoring out
centering offsets.


[  ]
On Behalf Of Josh McDonald
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:21 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure()
and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?


Hey guys,

I've got a problem with some layout code I'm working on. I'm positioning
a bunch of components, and their positions are determined by their
measured size. However they are also being expanded larger that their
measured size on occasion, which sends me into an infinite loop whenever
one of my containers contains anything that's centred.

I've figured out that this is due to CanvasLayout.measure() measuring
children with horizontalCenter / verticalCenter at their current
position, rather than at 0,0 which would make more sense to me. Not much
I can do about this. It smells like a bug, but it might be on purpose.

What should I do to combat this problem? I was thinking maybe setting a
flag on updateDisplayList, that will make the next call to measure()
return the same size no matter what, but that seems like a hack to me.
And if there's an occasion where updateDisplayList() isn't followed
immediately by measure() it'll break, and various other things just make
it seem very frail.

Has anybody come up against this sort of thing before? How did you
tackle it?



"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   


RE: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?

2008-06-19 Thread Gordon Smith
You can't use code like


this["movie_number_" + idNumber];


unless you've pre-declared vars (or getter/setters) named movie_number0, 
movieNumber1, movieNumber2, etc. -- which doesn't make any sense because you 
usually don't know how many you'll need -- or made your class dynamic -- which 
isn't recommended because dynamic vars are slower. Otherwise, you'll get a 
runtime error that, for example, movie_number3 isn't a valid property on your 
class. (I don't remember the exact wording of the error message.)


So forget about that. You need to understand how to use an Array to keep track 
of multiple instances. It's easy:


1. Declare an instance var of type Array and initialize it to an empty Array:


public var textBoxes:Array = [];


2. Every time to create a new TextBox, push it into the Array. For example, 
inside some method, do


var textBox:TextBox = new TextBox(); = bar;




3. In any other method, you can refer to textBox[i] to get the ith one you 


Gordon Smith


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:18 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?


Wow, that answer will really help me! :)

What if it's not movies, but some other object that i wanna create 20 times?
I thought it should get inside some kind of Array, but not sure if its this way 


var MyTextBox:TextBox=new textBox();

what if i need N instances of that MyTextBox? Should i create an Array before 
that? What's the right way to put those  textBoxes into the  Array?

I'm sorry for the basic of my questionbut im quite new to AS3 and OOP, and 
i did use and misuse of evals a lot in AS1 and AS2.

Thanx a lot for the help :)

- Mensaje original 
De: Josh McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Enviado: jueves, 19 de junio, 2008 14:16:50
Asunto: Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?

No worries, the equivalent of

eval("movie_number_" + idNumber);

would be:

this["movie_number_" + idNumber];

To explain, in actionscript 3 (and in Javascript), these two references are 

this.someField = true;
this["someField"] = true;

trace("the value is " + anObject.button7) ;
trace("the value is " + anObject["button7"]);

Notice the fact that it's a string. You can also use numbers (this is how 
arrays work), and other objects, but with objects the runtime simply calls 
.toString() and then goes ahead with the string, IIRC.


On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 9:20 PM, David Pariente mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:

Thnx for the psicological help :)

Tecnically i come from AS1 and AS2 where i used to create multiple copies of 
movieclips, and created with a name as:


maybe i should need an easy example of how to create multiple objects 
dinamically, and most important, how to access them later.

Thnx, u guys are kind ;)

- Mensaje original 
De: Josh McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com  >
Enviado: martes, 17 de junio, 2008 0:50:17
Asunto: Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?


I can live without eval() and associated evilness, but I'd sell my left 
testicle for the ability to mark a Proxy as extending or implementing various 
classes or interfaces.

Mario - As for this sort of pseudo-eval that theyou're after, you could 
definitely cook up something similar to that without *too much* work, but I 
don't think it's the correct solution to whatever the actual root problem is. 
We need more information as to context to be more help :)


On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 4:27 AM, Gordon Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com 
 > wrote:

Why are you lost without eval()? What would you use it to do? Many 
developers think they need it when they really don't; there are often other 
ways to accomplish what they're trying to do.


Gordon Smith

Adobe Flex SDK Team


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ] On 
Behalf Of David Pariente

Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 7:35 AM


Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?


They answer u about eval() cause that was what eval() was for. I used 
it so often in AS1 and AS2. Lost now in AS3 without it :(

- Mensaje original 
De: mariovandeneynde mailto:[EMAIL 



Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to rotate a Combo Box

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
Now that's what I call a "gotcha" :)

Ladies and gentlemen, this is why we can't fork the list without Adobe's


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Combobox (and Button and a few others) use bold fontWeight.  You have to
> embed the bold version of the font as well.  I believe it looks something
> like:
> @font-face{
> src: url("assets/ARIALBD.TTF"); /* copy from Windows/fonts/
> folder */
> fontFamily: myArial;
> fontWeight: bold;
> }
>   --
> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *wyattwang
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 19, 2008 12:06 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [flexcoders] Re: How to rotate a Combo Box
> Thanks. Here's the test app:
> layout="absolute">
> @font-face{
> src: url("assets/ARIAL.TTF"); /* copy from Windows/fonts/
> folder */
> fontFamily: myArial;
> }
> ComboBox {
> fontFamily: myArial;
> fontSize: 20;
> }
>  textAlign="center" width="131" x="198" y="169" height="33"/>
> --- In , "Alex
> Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > The internal TextInput doesn't rotate? Post a test case.
> >
> >

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Converting simple XML data into Array

2008-06-19 Thread Alen Balja
Check the HTTPService resultFormat property.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 7:11 AM, flexawesome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   hey there, I was using loop to push them into Array
> Is there a way to convert this XML file into Array more easily?
> thanks
> file name1
> file name2
> file name3
> .

Re: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
Actually given it first grows to 160, then goes back to 161, it's waiting
until the measure() is within one pixel :)

resized to 100 x 50
resized to 130 x 50
resized to 145 x 50
resized to 153 x 50
resized to 157 x 50
resized to 159 x 50
resized to 160 x 50

resized to 400 x 200
resized to 280 x 109
resized to 220 x 64
resized to 190 x 50
resized to 175 x 50
resized to 168 x 50
resized to 164 x 50
resized to 162 x 50
resized to 161 x 50


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:30 PM, Josh McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That what I thought it should do, but it doesn't. Here's a simple test
> case:
> layout="absolute">
>  width="160" id="lb" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
>  label="Mess It up" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
> Unless I'm mistaken, It shows that when the current size is not the correct
> measure size (as it gets bigger on creationComplete, or as it gets smaller
> when you click "mess it up"), you get a loop of updateDisplayList(),
> measure(), etc until updateDisplayList() is followed by a measure() that
> reports the same size that was last passed to updateDisplayList().
> -Josh
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Measure() should return the bound of the children factoring out
>> centering offsets.
>>  --
>> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
>> Behalf Of *Josh McDonald
>> *Sent:* Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:21 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure()
>> and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?
>> Hey guys,
>> I've got a problem with some layout code I'm working on. I'm positioning a
>> bunch of components, and their positions are determined by their measured
>> size. However they are also being expanded larger that their measured size
>> on occasion, which sends me into an infinite loop whenever one of my
>> containers contains anything that's centred.
>> I've figured out that this is due to CanvasLayout.measure() measuring
>> children with horizontalCenter / verticalCenter at their current position,
>> rather than at 0,0 which would make more sense to me. Not much I can do
>> about this. It smells like a bug, but it might be on purpose.
>> What should I do to combat this problem? I was thinking maybe setting a
>> flag on updateDisplayList, that will make the next call to measure() return
>> the same size no matter what, but that seems like a hack to me. And if
>> there's an occasion where updateDisplayList() isn't followed immediately by
>> measure() it'll break, and various other things just make it seem very
>> frail.
>> Has anybody come up against this sort of thing before? How did you tackle
>> it?
>> Cheers,
>> -Josh
>> --
>> "Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
>> :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
>> :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> "Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
> :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
> :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
That what I thought it should do, but it doesn't. Here's a simple test case:"; layout="absolute">

Unless I'm mistaken, It shows that when the current size is not the correct
measure size (as it gets bigger on creationComplete, or as it gets smaller
when you click "mess it up"), you get a loop of updateDisplayList(),
measure(), etc until updateDisplayList() is followed by a measure() that
reports the same size that was last passed to updateDisplayList().


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Measure() should return the bound of the children factoring out centering
> offsets.
>  --
> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *Josh McDonald
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:21 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure()
> and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?
> Hey guys,
> I've got a problem with some layout code I'm working on. I'm positioning a
> bunch of components, and their positions are determined by their measured
> size. However they are also being expanded larger that their measured size
> on occasion, which sends me into an infinite loop whenever one of my
> containers contains anything that's centred.
> I've figured out that this is due to CanvasLayout.measure() measuring
> children with horizontalCenter / verticalCenter at their current position,
> rather than at 0,0 which would make more sense to me. Not much I can do
> about this. It smells like a bug, but it might be on purpose.
> What should I do to combat this problem? I was thinking maybe setting a
> flag on updateDisplayList, that will make the next call to measure() return
> the same size no matter what, but that seems like a hack to me. And if
> there's an occasion where updateDisplayList() isn't followed immediately by
> measure() it'll break, and various other things just make it seem very
> frail.
> Has anybody come up against this sort of thing before? How did you tackle
> it?
> Cheers,
> -Josh
> --
> "Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
> :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
> :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [flexcoders] Re: How to rotate a Combo Box

2008-06-19 Thread Alex Harui
Combobox (and Button and a few others) use bold fontWeight.  You have to
embed the bold version of the font as well.  I believe it looks
something like:


src: url("assets/ARIALBD.TTF"); /* copy from Windows/fonts/
folder */
fontFamily: myArial; 

fontWeight: bold;

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of wyattwang
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 12:06 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: How to rotate a Combo Box


Thanks. Here's the test app:

src: url("assets/ARIAL.TTF"); /* copy from Windows/fonts/
folder */
fontFamily: myArial; 

ComboBox {
fontFamily: myArial;
fontSize: 20;



--- In 
, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The internal TextInput doesn't rotate? Post a test case.


RE: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?

2008-06-19 Thread Alex Harui
Measure() should return the bound of the children factoring out
centering offsets.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Josh McDonald
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:21 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure()
and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?


Hey guys,

I've got a problem with some layout code I'm working on. I'm positioning
a bunch of components, and their positions are determined by their
measured size. However they are also being expanded larger that their
measured size on occasion, which sends me into an infinite loop whenever
one of my containers contains anything that's centred.

I've figured out that this is due to CanvasLayout.measure() measuring
children with horizontalCenter / verticalCenter at their current
position, rather than at 0,0 which would make more sense to me. Not much
I can do about this. It smells like a bug, but it might be on purpose.

What should I do to combat this problem? I was thinking maybe setting a
flag on updateDisplayList, that will make the next call to measure()
return the same size no matter what, but that seems like a hack to me.
And if there's an occasion where updateDisplayList() isn't followed
immediately by measure() it'll break, and various other things just make
it seem very frail.

Has anybody come up against this sort of thing before? How did you
tackle it?



"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex/AIR Mailing list?

2008-06-19 Thread dnk


bnk is a little slow.


On 19-Jun-08, at 7:28 PM, barry.beattie wrote:

--- In, dnk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Appolocoders.

with a typo like that Google may have trouble:

Steve, this is what "bnk" meant


Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?

2008-06-19 Thread Joseph Balderson
And I stand corrected, you cannot use eval to evaluate an expression, or 
use it on the left side of an equation as of Flash 5:

BUT... looking through my bookmark archives, there is the D.eval class 
in AS3, which does allow you to use full evel functionality in AS3:

...Which Andrew Trice used to good effect in his "Drawing API Explorer":


Joseph Balderson, Developer | | 705-466-6345

Josh McDonald wrote:
> You could evaluate any single expression though, right? Like eval("4 / 
> 2") == 2. That worked? Maybe it's been longer than I thought :)
> -Josh
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 10:26 AM, Tracy Spratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
> You could not run code with eval(), for sure in AS2.  I can't say
> for sure in AS1, as I never used that.
> Tracy
> -- 
> "Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
> :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
> :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

[flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm Event Question

2008-06-19 Thread barry.beattie
>  They certainly deserve consideration to be
> rolled into Cairngorm proper.

hmmm, on listening to that podcast a while ago, I got the distinct
impression that there was a  - not a disagreement as such - but
certainly  a difference in viewpoint, especially for the reasons that
UM went to the  effort of developing it.

I mean, Tom put forward a very articulate and persuasive case but
should the extensions be part of the core or remain add-ins for people
to decide for themselves?

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller, focused groups

2008-06-19 Thread Anatole Tartakovsky
I guess, the majority of the group tends to like the way things are now.
That is hardly surprising given initial posting that most people who do not
like the current solution would unsubscribe.
It also came to the light that enterprise developers have some restrictions
in selection of the client (email) software and problems with getting too
many messages. It is also obvious ( by monitoring the messages for few month
back) that the questions on  "enterprise" topics are rarely followed and
some design questions are answered on a different level then the original
question. As a result, we see fewer of such messages
lately. Potentially, enterprise part of Flex business might not be getting
fare share of attention.

So, here is the question - if we create separate list to see the need for
enterprise list - would Adobe be willing to include links to it in the usual
places/promote it/assign moderators?

Anatole Tartakovsky
Farata Systems
On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 6:01 PM, dnk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  On 19-Jun-08, at 2:03 PM, brucewhealton wrote:
> Maybe we need groups for different users at different experience
> levels. I think this list is so big that it is hard to find a
> response or thread, especially when one posts a question and wants to
> find out if someone responded. I have to look and look to see if I
> can find that thread anywhere, and it gets confusing when one sees so
> many similar, though different threads. I'd like a feature to show me
> threads that include messages where I've posted comments, questions,
> or etc.
> I tend to be one that prefers one list, and monitoring all things (I
> like to see what is out there and what else is going on with the tech on all
> levels). However with a little thought about this, the reality is this, if
> it stays as one, most are creating rules to manage or delete, etc. anyways.
> If we split, the same applies in some form or another. no one will ever be
> happy on all levels.
> So if the powers that be decide to split, go for it I will just
> subscribe to all the relevant ones I wish to monitor and organize how i want
> (probably all dumped into a flex folder as it is now). But it gives those
> who wish for more relevance more power to do so. Either way I can sort and
> have the exact same info in my inbox. It just gives those who want a more
> targeted inbox the ability to do so. My only suggestion is to not over
> split. Pick your 5-10 (or what ever the magic number seems to be) and go for
> it.
> It is all a matter or preference, but one way (to split to a point) seems
> to offer more flexibility.
> Not even $0.02.. but
> dnk

[flexcoders] Re: Flex/AIR Mailing list?

2008-06-19 Thread barry.beattie
--- In, dnk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Appolocoders.

with a typo like that Google may have trouble:

Steve, this is what "bnk" meant


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Adding non-XML property to an XML object

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
I hope not, and that's really not a nice solution to your problem. Imagine
if you're hit by a bus next week and your replacement is trying to debug
your code?

It sounds to me like you either want to be converting your XML into a list /
array of regular objects, or (more likely) you just need a labelFunction
with a bit of smarts about it.

Worst case I suppose you'd want to build a subclass of Proxy around your XML
list, but that (along with overriding stuff in XML / XMLList) seems like
*way* too much work for what you're trying to achieve, which seems to simply
be more useful visible information for the user in the datagrid.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 12:01 PM, frank_sommers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> A broader issue, I guess, is that XML is a subclass of Object, and I
> do not know how to call an operator on the superclass, e.g.,
> xml.super.myProperty = p. This doesn't work, obviously. Is there a way
> to override the XML object's specialization of the . and [] operators?
"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex Debugger Ignoring all breakpoints/Errors

2008-06-19 Thread Joseph Balderson
The ongoing investigation is here:

This one bug is having me wait until this is resolved to install Firefox 3.


Joseph Balderson, Developer | | 705-466-6345

Matt Chotin wrote:
> FYI, we have found that there are some extensions when enabled in Firefox 3 
> will cause the debugger not to work.  We're still investigating.  You need to 
> disable the extensions from the Firefox controls, not from the control 
> itself. Greasemonkey and Adblock are known perpetrators.
> Matt
> On 6/19/08 11:09 AM, "aut0poietic_us" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm definitely using the "Content Debugger Plugin Player WIN
> 9,0,124,0" as verified from both the URLs you provided above.
> I've heard mentioned in my googling this that Greasemonkey could have
> something to do with the problem, but I've got it disabled. I might
> try uninstalling it in a bit (got a 2 hour render running for same
> project).
> --
> Flexcoders Mailing List
> FAQ:
> Search Archives: 
>! Groups Links

[flexcoders] Problems with updateDisplayList() and measure() and infinite loops + bug in CanvasLayout?

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
Hey guys,

I've got a problem with some layout code I'm working on. I'm positioning a
bunch of components, and their positions are determined by their measured
size. However they are also being expanded larger that their measured size
on occasion, which sends me into an infinite loop whenever one of my
containers contains anything that's centred.

I've figured out that this is due to CanvasLayout.measure() measuring
children with horizontalCenter / verticalCenter at their current position,
rather than at 0,0 which would make more sense to me. Not much I can do
about this. It smells like a bug, but it might be on purpose.

What should I do to combat this problem? I was thinking maybe setting a flag
on updateDisplayList, that will make the next call to measure() return the
same size no matter what, but that seems like a hack to me. And if there's
an occasion where updateDisplayList() isn't followed immediately by
measure() it'll break, and various other things just make it seem very

Has anybody come up against this sort of thing before? How did you tackle



"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[flexcoders] Re: Adding non-XML property to an XML object

2008-06-19 Thread frank_sommers
--- In, "Tracy Spratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can't see how this would be possible.  XML is essentially a string.
> When you pass a complex object via xml, you have to serialize it into a
> bunch of metadata that describes the object, so the receiver can
> deserialize it back into an object instance.  Like SOAP.
> What do you need to do?

I'm displaying XML data in a DataGrid, and it would be very convenient
to "annotate" the XML data with some non-XML objects. 

As the XML is retrieved from the network, I'd like attach some non-XML
objects to some XML nodes. Then, when the user, selects a row in the
DataGrid, I could use the objects associated with the appropriate XML
node to handle the item selection.

I know there are many work-arounds doing this, but I was just
wondering if there was a handy way of simply adding properties to the
XML nodes.

A broader issue, I guess, is that XML is a subclass of Object, and I
do not know how to call an operator on the superclass, e.g.,
xml.super.myProperty = p. This doesn't work, obviously. Is there a way
to override the XML object's specialization of the . and [] operators?


-- Frank

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex Debugger Ignoring all breakpoints/Errors

2008-06-19 Thread Matt Chotin
FYI, we have found that there are some extensions when enabled in Firefox 3 
will cause the debugger not to work.  We're still investigating.  You need to 
disable the extensions from the Firefox controls, not from the control itself. 
Greasemonkey and Adblock are known perpetrators.


On 6/19/08 11:09 AM, "aut0poietic_us" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm definitely using the "Content Debugger Plugin Player WIN
9,0,124,0" as verified from both the URLs you provided above.

I've heard mentioned in my googling this that Greasemonkey could have
something to do with the problem, but I've got it disabled. I might
try uninstalling it in a bit (got a 2 hour render running for same

[flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm Event Question

2008-06-19 Thread Tim Hoff
Ha, UM that is. 


--- In, "Tim Hoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Don,
> This Flex Show episode
>  de-41-Universal-Mind-Cairngorm-Extensions-w-Thomas-Burleson>  is 
> informative.  Thomas Burleson, from UI, did a great job explaining 
> Cairngorm UM extensions.  They certainly deserve consideration to be
> rolled into Cairngorm proper.
> -TH
> --- In, "donvoltz"  wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for your responses.
> >
> > I agree with the idea that binding should work, I have set up 2
> > datagrids with the same data provider, the standard data grid 
> > fine when the model locator is updated, however, the advanced one
> > does not. Is it because I am using a grouping tag with the 
> > data grid that the refresh() is needed or should this work with
> > binding as well?
> >
> > Also, I have looked at the UM Cairngorm. It looks interesting but 
> > little beyond me. Do you have any recommendations for getting more
> > information on using this than what is supplied at google code?? 
I do
> > not understand the idea of event hooks.
> >
> > Thanks again for the useful information
> >
> > Don
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm Event Question

2008-06-19 Thread Tim Hoff

Hey Don,

This Flex Show episode
  is very
informative.  Thomas Burleson, from UI, did a great job explaining the
Cairngorm UM extensions.  They certainly deserve consideration to be
rolled into Cairngorm proper.


--- In, "donvoltz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for your responses.
> I agree with the idea that binding should work, I have set up 2
> datagrids with the same data provider, the standard data grid works
> fine when the model locator is updated, however, the advanced one
> does not. Is it because I am using a grouping tag with the advanced
> data grid that the refresh() is needed or should this work with
> binding as well?
> Also, I have looked at the UM Cairngorm. It looks interesting but a
> little beyond me. Do you have any recommendations for getting more
> information on using this than what is supplied at google code?? I do
> not understand the idea of event hooks.
> Thanks again for the useful information
> Don

[flexcoders] Converting simple XML data into Array

2008-06-19 Thread flexawesome
hey there, I was using loop to push them into Array 
Is there a way to convert this XML file into Array more easily?  



file name1
file name2
file name3

Re: [flexcoders] Scale Children Proprotiionally

2008-06-19 Thread Richard Rodseth
Who you calling funky? :)

I was looking for something that would scale children, or a single child, to
fit or center them/it if the container was larger. Never did complete it,
but yes you may find the thread informative.

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 5:53 PM, Josh McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Probably wrap them all in a Canvas within your parent container, and set
> scaleX / scaleY on that container when the parent container size changes.
> There's been a bit of discussion about scaling on the list recently, so
> check the archive. But I think that was about trying to do something a
> little funkier than what you're after.
> -Josh
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 8:52 AM, Ethan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Greetings -
>> Is there any easy, property, etc. to to have all the children some
>> container, let's say a canvas, scale their size and position as the
>> size of the parent container changes?
>> cheers, ethan
>> --
>> Flexcoders Mailing List
>> FAQ:
>> Search Archives:
>>! Groups
>> Links
> --
> "Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
> :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
> :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Scale Children Proprotiionally

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
Probably wrap them all in a Canvas within your parent container, and set
scaleX / scaleY on that container when the parent container size changes.
There's been a bit of discussion about scaling on the list recently, so
check the archive. But I think that was about trying to do something a
little funkier than what you're after.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 8:52 AM, Ethan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Greetings -
> Is there any easy, property, etc. to to have all the children some
> container, let's say a canvas, scale their size and position as the
> size of the parent container changes?
> cheers, ethan
> --
> Flexcoders Mailing List
> FAQ:
> Search Archives:
>! Groups
> Links

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
Guess it's been longer than I thought ;-)

Thanks for clearing that up tho!


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Tracy Spratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  No.
> Since I still have 1.5 installed, I created a test app to be sure.  It
> errors with the message:
> "There is no property with the name '4/2'"

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Adding non-XML property to an XML object

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
When you do:

var xml : XML = ;

It looks like it's a normal hierarchical Object the way you can get things


But it's not really, it's an E4X object, which is a special case. You can do
all sorts of funky stuff, but until you reference a "text" node or an
Attribute (which will always be a string), every Object you get back will be
an XML or XMLList, which is just sort of a "pointer" to one or more nodes
inside your original root XML.

When you call

someXML.newName = myDate;

>From the top of my head, what's really happening is the creationg of a new
node named "newName" which contains a single text node containing
myDate.toString(), or perhaps the result of a call to SimpleXMLEncoder or
something along those lines.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Frank Sommers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> I'm trying to figure out how to add a non-XML property to an XML
> object. The XML object implements both the . and [] operators so that
> anything assigned via these operators becomes XML or XMLList. I would
> like to somehow revert to the regular behavior for the . and []
> operators so that I can assign non-XML properties to an XML object.
> For example, I may have an XML object as in:
> var x:XML = ;
> And a variable, such as:
> var d:Date = new Date();
> I would like to be able to assign the value of d as a Date to x. With
> a regular object, this works just fine:
> var o:Object = new Object();
> = d;
> But using the same notation for the XML object creates an XMLList,
> i.e., a child of the XML object:
> = d;
> // is now an XMLList.
> Is there a way to override this behavior so that d is added as a Date?
> Thanks,
> -- Frank
> --
> Flexcoders Mailing List
> FAQ:
> Search Archives:
>! Groups
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"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Re: multidimentional ArrayCollections and collectionEvent....

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
Definitely! I should have suggested that :)

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 10:27 AM, Bjorn Schultheiss <

> the change event would still be dispatching from the myOtherArr though.
> perhaps in your view or whatever is listening to the change event for
> myArr you can loop through its items, check if any are
> arrayCollections and then listen to their change events as well.

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm Event Question

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
Disclaimer: I don't use Cairngorm or UM, so I might be wrong! But I do take
a keen interest in all that is Flex :)

Basically, in Cairngorm, from your View, you dispatch an event telling your
command to do some stuff, and then you wait for the model to change before
the view knows to take some action (like say mark the data as saved
on-screen, or close a dialog, etc). Which eventually leads to your model
being polluted with things like status flags, feedback, and other sneaky
things that are really just a back-door direct coupling between command and
view that shouldn't really be in your model.

When you build a UMEvent, before you dispatch it you say something like

myEvent.successCallback = this.thingsWereDoneHandler;
myEvent.failCallback = this.somethingWentWrongHandler;

And the UM extensions will keep track of your event, and anything that is
kicked off by the command, and will call back into your view object to let
it know the success / failure of whatever you may have initiated.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 10:27 AM, donvoltz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for your responses.
> I agree with the idea that binding should work, I have set up 2
> datagrids with the same data provider, the standard data grid works
> fine  when the model locator is updated, however, the advanced one
> does not. Is it because I am using a grouping tag with the advanced
> data grid that the refresh() is needed or should this work with
> binding as well?
> Also, I have looked at the UM Cairngorm. It looks interesting but a
> little beyond me. Do you have any recommendations for getting more
> information on using this than what is supplied at google code?? I do
> not understand the idea of event hooks.
> Thanks again for the useful information
> Don
> --
> Flexcoders Mailing List
> FAQ:
> Search Archives:
>! Groups
> Links

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm Event Question

2008-06-19 Thread donvoltz
Thanks for your responses.

I agree with the idea that binding should work, I have set up 2
datagrids with the same data provider, the standard data grid works
fine  when the model locator is updated, however, the advanced one
does not. Is it because I am using a grouping tag with the advanced
data grid that the refresh() is needed or should this work with
binding as well?

Also, I have looked at the UM Cairngorm. It looks interesting but a
little beyond me. Do you have any recommendations for getting more
information on using this than what is supplied at google code?? I do
not understand the idea of event hooks.

Thanks again for the useful information


[flexcoders] Re: multidimentional ArrayCollections and collectionEvent....

2008-06-19 Thread Bjorn Schultheiss
the change event would still be dispatching from the myOtherArr though.
perhaps in your view or whatever is listening to the change event for
myArr you can loop through its items, check if any are
arrayCollections and then listen to their change events as well.

--- In, "Durres76" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> collectionEventKind.Update does not seem to fire when subitems within
> a collection change, i.e.. 
> myArr = new ArrayCollection();
> myOtherArr = new ArrayCollection();
> myArr.addItem(myOtherArr);
> the update event does not fire if myOtherArr changes. it does if myArr
> changes.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: showing the HandCursor over itemRenderers

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
Yeah, this is definitely going in the FAQ when somebody cooks it up ;-)

*digs through old source*

The secret sauce you're after is mouseChildren="false"


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 7:52 AM, Tim Hoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Hi,
> Here's one way:
>  width="200" dataProvider="{myArrayCollection}">
>  mouseChildren="false">
> -TH
> --- In, "djhatrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi, I have a list component, problem is the handCursor only shows by
> > the edges, (yes, buttonMode=true, handCursor = true and
> > mouseEnabled=false is set on my itemRenderer...
> >
> > Is there a way to make the handcursor to show up over the entire
> > itemRenderer... or is there a way to force the handCursor to display
> > some how?
> >
> > Thanks, Flex is bangin!
> >

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [flexcoders] Adding non-XML property to an XML object

2008-06-19 Thread Tracy Spratt
I can't see how this would be possible.  XML is essentially a string.
When you pass a complex object via xml, you have to serialize it into a
bunch of metadata that describes the object, so the receiver can
deserialize it back into an object instance.  Like SOAP.


What do you need to do?




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Frank Sommers
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 6:29 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Adding non-XML property to an XML object



I'm trying to figure out how to add a non-XML property to an XML
object. The XML object implements both the . and [] operators so that
anything assigned via these operators becomes XML or XMLList. I would
like to somehow revert to the regular behavior for the . and []
operators so that I can assign non-XML properties to an XML object.

For example, I may have an XML object as in:

var x:XML = ;

And a variable, such as:

var d:Date = new Date();

I would like to be able to assign the value of d as a Date to x. With
a regular object, this works just fine:

var o:Object = new Object(); = d;

But using the same notation for the XML object creates an XMLList,
i.e., a child of the XML object: = d;
// is now an XMLList.

Is there a way to override this behavior so that d is added as a Date?


-- Frank


Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
You could evaluate any single expression though, right? Like eval("4 / 2")
== 2. That worked? Maybe it's been longer than I thought :)


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 10:26 AM, Tracy Spratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  You could not run code with eval(), for sure in AS2.  I can't say for
> sure in AS1, as I never used that.
> Tracy

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] multidimentional ArrayCollections and collectionEvent....

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
You might want to file a feature request in Jira for CollectionEvent,
CollectionEventKind, and CollectionView to be extended to listen for
CollectionEvents on individual items inside a Collection.

Still won't help if you're adding objects that contain a collection field,
though :)


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 10:17 AM, Josh McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Say I have a class - assume everything is bindable for the sake of my
> typing in gmail ;-)
> class MyObj {
>   name : String;
>   id : Number;
>   address : Address;
> }
> I make an ArrayCollection "myCollection" containing a bunch of MyObjs.
> var tmp : MyObj = MyObj(myCollection.getItemAt(7));
> = "Blue"; //Should generates event
> tmp.address = new Address("123 Fake St"); //Also should generate event
> tmp.address.postCode = 5432; //Should not.
> Say I add the instance myFoo to an ArrayCollection:
> myCollection.add(myFoo);
> Inside CollectionView, the following happens (more or less, not real
> variable / class names, and I can't remember the order off the top of my
> head):
> 1. Add foo to the internal storage
> 2. Is foo an IEventDispatcher? If not, goto 4
> 3. foo.addEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent, itemChangedHandler)
> 4. this.dispatchEvent(CollectionEventKind.ADD)
> Now the default behaviour for objects is to dispatch PropertyChangedEvents
> only when the actual value of their fields is updated. When you call:
> tmp.address.postcode = 7654;
> Address will dispatch a PropertyChangedEvent, but tmp will not. The end
> result of this is that the collection doesn't know about the change.
> In your case, you're adding myOtherArr to myArr. When you change something
> inside myOtherArr, it dispatches a CollectionEvent, but not a
> PropertyChangeEvent. And since CollectionView is only listening to
> PropertChange and not CollectionEvent on the objects that it's watching, it
> never knows about the change.
> You might get notified when you add or delete something in myOtherArr,
> because it probably dispatches a PropertyChangeEvent for myOtherArr.length.
> But don't quote me on that ;-)
> Hope that helps! I only know because I spent a lot of time in
> a week or so ago building an indexer for lists :)
> -Josh
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 6:08 AM, Durres76 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> collectionEventKind.Update does not seem to fire when subitems within
>> a collection change, i.e..
>> myArr = new ArrayCollection();
>> myOtherArr = new ArrayCollection();
>> myArr.addItem(myOtherArr);
>> the update event does not fire if myOtherArr changes. it does if myArr
>> changes.
>> --
>> Flexcoders Mailing List
>> FAQ:
>> Search Archives:
>>! Groups
>> Links
> --
> "Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."
> :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
> :: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] multidimentional ArrayCollections and collectionEvent....

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
Say I have a class - assume everything is bindable for the sake of my typing
in gmail ;-)

class MyObj {
  name : String;
  id : Number;
  address : Address;

I make an ArrayCollection "myCollection" containing a bunch of MyObjs.

var tmp : MyObj = MyObj(myCollection.getItemAt(7)); = "Blue"; //Should generates event
tmp.address = new Address("123 Fake St"); //Also should generate event

tmp.address.postCode = 5432; //Should not.

Say I add the instance myFoo to an ArrayCollection:


Inside CollectionView, the following happens (more or less, not real
variable / class names, and I can't remember the order off the top of my

1. Add foo to the internal storage
2. Is foo an IEventDispatcher? If not, goto 4
3. foo.addEventListener(PropertyChangeEvent, itemChangedHandler)
4. this.dispatchEvent(CollectionEventKind.ADD)

Now the default behaviour for objects is to dispatch PropertyChangedEvents
only when the actual value of their fields is updated. When you call:

tmp.address.postcode = 7654;

Address will dispatch a PropertyChangedEvent, but tmp will not. The end
result of this is that the collection doesn't know about the change.

In your case, you're adding myOtherArr to myArr. When you change something
inside myOtherArr, it dispatches a CollectionEvent, but not a
PropertyChangeEvent. And since CollectionView is only listening to
PropertChange and not CollectionEvent on the objects that it's watching, it
never knows about the change.

You might get notified when you add or delete something in myOtherArr,
because it probably dispatches a PropertyChangeEvent for myOtherArr.length.
But don't quote me on that ;-)

Hope that helps! I only know because I spent a lot of time in a week or so ago building an indexer for lists :)


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 6:08 AM, Durres76 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> collectionEventKind.Update does not seem to fire when subitems within
> a collection change, i.e..
> myArr = new ArrayCollection();
> myOtherArr = new ArrayCollection();
> myArr.addItem(myOtherArr);
> the update event does not fire if myOtherArr changes. it does if myArr
> changes.
> --
> Flexcoders Mailing List
> FAQ:
> Search Archives:
>! Groups
> Links

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?

2008-06-19 Thread Tracy Spratt
You could not run code with eval(), for sure in AS2.  I can't say for
sure in AS1, as I never used that.



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Josh McDonald
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?


I'm fairly certain that while you could run code with eval() it wouldn't
have any side effects. It was some sort of temporary scope that was
thrown out after execution or something, or you could only get side
effects by calling a function. But, last time I wrote AS2 code, it was
on Flash MX so my memory is hazy ;-)

While I'm also from a graphic design background, I'm a pretty
experienced Java etc programmer so I came to Flex from that perspective.
I might not always be the best person to understand your point of view
when you're asking questions, but I'm willing to give it a shot :)

Also when you're asking a question like the original, we're better able
to help if you provide some context as to what you're trying to achieve,
as well as the technical quesion you're asking.

What I mean is, the technical question is "how do I emulate
eval('movie_' + number)", but the context is "I'm trying to create a
scrollable list of 6 text boxes". That way we know whether answering
your question is enough, or if we should give you a nudge to a more
"flex-like" solution, such as "here's how you do that, but you probably
want a List component"


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 6:22 AM, Joseph Balderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > wrote:

The array accessor [] does not quite duplicate what eval() used to. From
my recollection you could actually run code with eval, which of course
is impossible to do with []. I know there's a way to do code injection
in AS3, but I don't remember the tecnique offhand.

The interesting thing about [] of course is that AS3 can do
two-dimensional "arrays," and you can "chain" two array accessors
together to make both the object and its property dynamic, like so:


Which makes things very interesting. Of course this only works if the
property exists or the class is dynamic.

A for loop and the [] syntax is much lower level and much more efficient
than a repeater, but of course a repeater is bindable and has other
useful stuff.

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   


Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
I'm fairly certain that while you could run code with eval() it wouldn't
have any side effects. It was some sort of temporary scope that was thrown
out after execution or something, or you could only get side effects by
calling a function. But, last time I wrote AS2 code, it was on Flash MX so
my memory is hazy ;-)

While I'm also from a graphic design background, I'm a pretty experienced
Java etc programmer so I came to Flex from that perspective. I might not
always be the best person to understand your point of view when you're
asking questions, but I'm willing to give it a shot :)

Also when you're asking a question like the original, we're better able to
help if you provide some context as to what you're trying to achieve, as
well as the technical quesion you're asking.

What I mean is, the technical question is "how do I emulate eval('movie_' +
number)", but the context is "I'm trying to create a scrollable list of 6
text boxes". That way we know whether answering your question is enough, or
if we should give you a nudge to a more "flex-like" solution, such as
"here's how you do that, but you probably want a List component"


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 6:22 AM, Joseph Balderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The array accessor [] does not quite duplicate what eval() used to. From
> my recollection you could actually run code with eval, which of course
> is impossible to do with []. I know there's a way to do code injection
> in AS3, but I don't remember the tecnique offhand.
> The interesting thing about [] of course is that AS3 can do
> two-dimensional "arrays," and you can "chain" two array accessors
> together to make both the object and its property dynamic, like so:
> this.someInstance.someProperty
> ==
> this["myObject"]["daProp"]
> Which makes things very interesting. Of course this only works if the
> property exists or the class is dynamic.
> A for loop and the [] syntax is much lower level and much more efficient
> than a repeater, but of course a repeater is bindable and has other
> useful stuff.

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to rotate a Combo Box

2008-06-19 Thread Josh McDonald
Do you need the "src" in the css when using an [Embed]? Maybe it's causing
the font to not *actually* be embedded? Just taking a stab, I haven't used
embedded fonts.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 5:05 AM, wyattwang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks. Here's the test app:
> @font-face{
>src: url("assets/ARIAL.TTF"); /* copy from Windows/fonts/
> folder  */
>fontFamily: myArial;
> }
> ComboBox {
>fontFamily: myArial;
>fontSize: 20;
> }
> textAlign="center" width="131" x="198" y="169" height="33"/>
> --- In, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > The internal TextInput doesn't rotate?  Post a test case.
> >
> >
> --
> Flexcoders Mailing List
> FAQ:
> Search Archives:
>! Groups
> Links

"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[flexcoders] [ANN] Semantic Web & Flash community

2008-06-19 Thread Aldo Bucchi

you can find more details here:

Please join the discussions. That's where most of the action will be for a
couple of months ;)


 Aldo Bucchi 
+56 9 7623 8653

[flexcoders] Scale Children Proprotiionally

2008-06-19 Thread Ethan Miller
Greetings -

Is there any easy, property, etc. to to have all the children some 
container, let's say a canvas, scale their size and position as the 
size of the parent container changes?

cheers, ethan

Re: [flexcoders] how to change to dot of line chart datatip

2008-06-19 Thread coder3


is there a way to make the image matching the color of the chart line? i
might have a bunch of different color lines that need to show in the chart.


Mario Van den Eynde wrote:
> You can use the following code
> setStyle("itemRenderer", new ClassFactory(components.icoontje)); 
> where components.icoontje is just an image of a small custom made dot
> image...
> - Original Message 
> From: coder3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1:21:16 AM
> Subject: [flexcoders] how to change to dot of line chart datatip
> Hi,
> I made a line chart, with showDataTips= "true", so it has a datatip with a
> dot to show the position on the chart. by default, the dot is a light
> color
> dot with a circle, but i would like to make the color darker, and remove
> the
> circle if possible, like the dots in google finance,
> http://finance. finance?q= goog. i am not sure how to do it.
> help!
> thanks
> C.
> -- 
> View this message in context: http://www.nabble. com/how-to- change-to-
> dot-of-line- chart-datatip- tp17956721p17956 721.html
> Sent from the FlexCoders mailing list archive at

View this message in context:
Sent from the FlexCoders mailing list archive at

Re: [flexcoders] ByteArray as VideoDisplay source

2008-06-19 Thread Steve Mathews
Nope, not possible. There is a feature request for it in the Player Bug DB.
Go vote for it to 'hopefully' see it implemented.


On 6/19/08, Joshua Garnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know of a way to connect a VideoDisplay or Video object to a
> locally created ByteArray as opposed to a NetStream source?  or perhaps how
> to sub-class NetStream in order to manually feed bytes from a ByteArray to
> the Video object?
> Essentially what I want to do is have a custom loading routine that I will
> write and then pass that data on manually to a Video object.  Any help would
> be appreciated.  Thanks!
> --Josh

[flexcoders] Adding non-XML property to an XML object

2008-06-19 Thread Frank Sommers

I'm trying to figure out how to add a non-XML property to an XML
object. The XML object implements both the . and [] operators so that
anything assigned via these operators becomes XML or XMLList. I would
like to somehow revert to the regular behavior for the . and []
operators so that I can assign non-XML properties to an XML object.

For example, I may have an XML object as in:

var x:XML = ;

And a variable, such as:

var d:Date = new Date();

I would like to be able to assign the value of d as a Date to x. With
a regular object, this works just fine:

var o:Object = new Object(); = d;

But using the same notation for the XML object creates an XMLList,
i.e., a child of the XML object: = d;
// is now an XMLList.

Is there a way to override this behavior so that d is added as a Date?


-- Frank

[flexcoders] Re: Problems with Flash Player not recognized and problem with flex app loading

2008-06-19 Thread brucewhealton
Where do you set that flag?  Is it in a configuration file somewhere?
 If so, I still have not found the config file that I saw mentioned
elsewhere when I did a search on this error.

--- In, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a file at: file:///C:/Users/Bruce-PC/Documents/Flex
>   Builder
> 3/chapter11Begin/bin-debug/data/slideshow.xml?
> Is the -use-network flag on?  Try changing its value.
> Try serving the app from http:
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of brucewhealton
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 5:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Problems with Flash Player not recognized and
> problem with flex app loading xml
> Hello all,
> I'm getting the error in Internet Explorer, (IE) when I try to run
> any application from Flex Builder CS3. This shows up when I am in
> Flex Builder CS3 and select Run on an application or when I open an
> application in IE from the server if it was created in Flex. The error
> is: "Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This content
> requires the Adobe Flash Player. Get Flash" 
> This just lets me go to adobe's page to get Flash Player. If I bring
> up a page, in IE, on the web that has Flash, like the Flash
> Content loads fine and I can verify that I have the debug version of
> the Flash Player. I even ran that install of the Flash player that I
> got off
> Adobe's site, the Debug version and it installs just fine. Still,
> though I get the same error. This error only happens when I select
> Run from the Flex Developer application or any file ever created in
> Flex Builder and it only happens in IE.
> Now, Firefox will load the Flash content created by Flex. However,
> it gives me an error saying that it cannot access the xml file. I'll
> include the full text of that error message below. It's long but I
> don't know how much would be needed to understand and explain what is
> going on. Hopefully the first couple lines will detail what is going
> on. I did try removing the read-only attribute on the xml file, but
> now that I think about it, that shouldn't matter as it is just
> reading the file in the application. Oh, I did a search on this and a
> few fixes were suggested but none of them seemed to work or I couldn't
> find a file that I needed to edit. The fixes do only address how to
> find a cfg file in Windows XP and there is no similar file on my
> Windows Vista system at all.
> See the error code below, please.
> Thanks in advance,
> Bruce
> [RPC Fault faultString="Error #2148: SWF file
> file:///C:/Users/Bruce-PC/Documents/Flex
>   Builder
> 3/chapter11Begin/bin-debug/HTTPServiceDemo.swf cannot access local
> resource data/slideshow.xml. Only local-with-filesystem and trusted
> local SWF files may access local resources." faultCode="InvokeFailed"
> faultDetail="null"]
> at
> mx.rpc::AbstractInvoker/
> ke 
> ()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\rpc\src\mx\rpc\
> 3]
> at
> mx.rpc.http.mxml::HTTPService/
> ::invoke 
> ()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\rpc\src\mx\rpc\http\mxml\HTTPService
> .as:234]
> at
> mx.rpc.http::HTTPService/send()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\rpc\src
> \mx\rpc\http\]
> at
> mx.rpc.http.mxml::HTTPService/send()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\rp
> c\src\mx\rpc\http\mxml\]
> at
> HTTPServiceDemo/___HTTPServiceDemo_Application1_creationComplete()[C:\Us
> ers\Bruce-PC\Documents\Flex
> Builder 3\chapter11Begin\src\HTTPServiceDemo.mxml:3]
> at
> at
> at
> mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\fr
> amework\src\mx\core\]
> at mx.core::UIComponent/set
> initialized()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\UIC
> at
> mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()[E:\dev\3.0.x\framewor
> ks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
> at Function/
>  ()
> at
> mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher2()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\proj
> ects\framework\src\mx\core\]
> at
> mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\proje
> cts\framework\src\mx\core\]

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller, focused groups

2008-06-19 Thread dnk

On 19-Jun-08, at 2:03 PM, brucewhealton wrote:

Maybe we need groups for different users at different experience
levels. I think this list is so big that it is hard to find a
response or thread, especially when one posts a question and wants to
find out if someone responded. I have to look and look to see if I
can find that thread anywhere, and it gets confusing when one sees so
many similar, though different threads. I'd like a feature to show me
threads that include messages where I've posted comments, questions,
or etc.

I tend to be one that prefers one list, and monitoring all things  
(I like to see what is out there and what else is going on with the  
tech on all levels). However with a little thought about this, the  
reality is this, if it stays as one, most are creating rules to manage  
or delete, etc. anyways. If we split, the same applies in some form or  
another. no one will ever be happy on all levels.

So if the powers that be decide to split, go for it I will just  
subscribe to all the relevant ones I wish to monitor and organize how  
i want (probably all dumped into a flex folder as it is now). But it  
gives those who wish for more relevance more power to do so. Either  
way I can sort and have the exact same info in my inbox. It just gives  
those who want a more targeted inbox the ability to do so. My only  
suggestion is to not over split. Pick your 5-10 (or what ever the  
magic number seems to be) and go for it.

It is all a matter or preference, but one way (to split to a point)  
seems to offer more flexibility.

Not even $0.02.. but


[flexcoders] Re: showing the HandCursor over itemRenderers

2008-06-19 Thread Tim Hoff


Here's one way:



--- In, "djhatrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I have a list component, problem is the handCursor only shows by
> the edges, (yes, buttonMode=true, handCursor = true and
> mouseEnabled=false is set on my itemRenderer...
> Is there a way to make the handcursor to show up over the entire
> itemRenderer... or is there a way to force the handCursor to display
> some how?
> Thanks, Flex is bangin!

[flexcoders] Re: Library Project Help

2008-06-19 Thread jmfillman
That resolved that issue, and created another, similar issue :-)

I'm using some popUp titleWindows. I import them into the component 
like this:

import myComponents.popUp1;

And then I launch the PopUp like this:

var popWindow1:popUp1;

The Library Project generates the following error:

could not find source for class 

--- In, Jeffry Houser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For itemRenderers I believe you have to specify the full class 
> So, move the files to the subfolder and change the itemRenderer 
value to 
> "MyComponents.itemRenderer1"
> jmfillman wrote:
> > >From my component mxml file in the myComponents sub-folder, I am 
> > referencing the itemRendere like this:
> >
> >  > textAlign="center" visible="false" dataProvider="{list0Array}" 
> > backgroundColor="#535353" borderStyle="none" themeColor="#535353" 
> > itemClick="modifyAD(all0List.selectedItem.index, true)" 
> > itemRenderer="itemRenderer1" itemRollOver="rollOver(event); 
> > contextMenu=cm" itemRollOut="contextMenu=null"/>
> >
> > If I put the itemRenderer in the same folder as the component, I 
> > a build error that it can't find itemRenderer1. If I put it in 
> > root of the "src" folder, one level above the component, it works 
> > perfectly, but then the Library Project can't find it.
> >
> > --- In, Jeffry Houser  wrote:
> >   
> >>  I'm not sure why that would be.  Maybe if you shared some code 
> >> problem would be more obvious. 
> >>
> >> jmfillman wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Only the itemRenderes are in the root directory. If I put them 
> >>>   
> > the 
> >   
> >>> sub-Folder (myComponents), then the components in the sub-
> >>> cannot find the itemRenders.
> >>>
> >>> --- In, Jeffry Houser  wrote:
> >>>   
> >>>   
>   Assuming Flex Builder 3; src shouldn't be included in the 
>   So your path is just "itemRenderer1". 
>   I would recommend against putting components in the root 
> > directory 
> >   
> >>> in 
> >>>   
> >>>   
>  this manner. 
>  jmfillman wrote:
> > I'm creating a Library Project that is linked to my working 
> >   
> >   
> >>> project. 
> >>>   
> >>>   
> > My Build Path links to the "src" folder from my working 
> >   
> > project, 
> >   
> >   
> >   
> >>> and 
> >>>   
> >>>   
> > I have selected all the relevant files, including my 2 
> >   
> >   
> >>> itemRenderers.
> >>>   
> >>>   
> > Within the "src" file, I have a folder that contains 3 
> >   
> > component 
> >   
> >   
> >   
> >>> mxml 
> >>>   
> >>>   
> > files, and the 2 itemRenderers are at the "src" level. My 
> >   
> > Library 
> >   
> > Project returns the following error for the itemRenderers in 
> >   
> > the 
> >   
> > Library Project:
> >
> > "could not find source for class src.itemRenderer1."
> >
> >
> > src (folder)
> >itemRenderer1.mxml
> >itemRenderer2.mxml
> >
> >myComponents (folder)
> >   component1.mxml
> >   component2.mxml
> >   component3.mxml
> >
> > Why?
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > --
> > Flexcoders Mailing List
> > FAQ: 
> >   
> >   
> >>>
> >>>   
> >>>   
> > Search Archives:
> >   
> >   
> >>> 40yahoogroups.comYahoo! Groups Links
> >>>   
> >>>   
> >   
> >   
> >   
>  -- 
>  Jeffry Houser
>  Flex, ColdFusion, AIR
>  AIM: Reboog711  | Phone: 1-203-379-0773
>  --
>  Adobe Community Expert 
> > 

> >   
> >>>   
> >>>   
>  My Company:  
>  My Podcast: 
>  My Blog: 
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Flexcoders Mailing List
> >>> FAQ: 
> >>>   
> >
> >   
> >>> Search Archives:
> >>>   
> > 40yahoogroups.comYahoo! Groups Links
> >   
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>   
> >>>   
> >> -- 
> >> Jeffry Houser
> >> Flex, ColdFusion, AIR
> >> AIM: Reboog711  | Phone: 1-203-379-0773
> >> --
> >> Adobe Community Expert 
> >> 
> > 

> >   
> >> My Company: 

[flexcoders] multiple mxml files to produce multiple swf files?

2008-06-19 Thread baztheman

Is flex-mojos by default looking for src/main/flex/Main.mxml? and
produce Main.swf? What if I have a.mxml and b.mxml in flex directory
and want to produce Main.swf, a.swf and b.swf? What should I do?



[flexcoders] How can i include library path when using flex-mojos?

2008-06-19 Thread baztheman
I am kind of frustrated when using flex-mojos when I cannot find the
exact syntax to match the mxmlc usage. I used "mvn -Dfull
help:describe -Dplugin=flex-compiler-mojo and couldnt find how I
should include "library path". Am i going into a wrong path?

Here is the original command:

e} -locale=en_US'
../../bin/mxmlc $OPTS PhotoViewer.mxml

How should i implement this in flex-mojos? So far I have the following
errors which I can resolve in flex builder by adding
src/main/flex/locale/en_US into the "flex build path"...

[ERROR] Unable to resolve resource bundle "strings" for locale "en_US".
[ERROR] Unable to resolve resource bundle "strings" for locale "en_US".
[ERROR] Unable to resolve resource bundle "strings" for locale "en_US".
[ERROR] Unable to resolve resource bundle "strings" for locale "en_US".

Thanks. A.

[flexcoders] can someone help with blazeds integrated with CF8? all i get are JRun errors.

2008-06-19 Thread Derrick Anderson

I have followed the instructions on adobe labs for integrating blazeds with
CF8 to the letter and restarted everything, /flex2gateway still works

so i'm trying to run Chris Coenraets example collaberation mortgage app to
make sure everything is working right-

i have added the channel definition for my-longpolling-amf and added the
'mortgage' destination which uses it.

all i get are 500 errors in the proxy when I try to use the app

JRun Servlet Error500 


I'm just looking for 1 example of BlazeDS/ColdFusion8 working right and have
not found one yet.  Can someone out there please guide me to what I'm
missing?  Why is setting this up so damn difficult???  All my other apps
that used regular remoting are now fubar'd with the same error too.  Sorry,
i'm just starting to lose it.


[flexcoders] Re: Overriding a rest parameter

2008-06-19 Thread Dave Kong
Nevermind. I'm an idiot. This does it:

override function info(... rest):void
{, rest);

--- In, "Dave Kong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cool, this answers one of my questions as well.
> Now, taking this a step further, how do I override something like the
> which has the signature info(message:String, ... rest)?
> info.apply(this, rest) obviously won't work. Do I need to insert the
> message param to the head of the "rest" array?
> --- In, "caffeinewabbit"
>  wrote:
> >
> > Alex, you are the king of everything that is awesome, thank you very
> much!
> > 
> > I keep forgetting that functions are objects just like virtually
> > everything else in AS3, and now that you've pointed apply() out, I see
> > where its mentioned in the docs. Thanks for reminding me of that as
> well.
> > 
> > --- In, "Alex Harui"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Something like:
> > > 
> > >  
> > > 
> > > override function foo(... rest):void
> > > 
> > > {
> > > 
> > > rest[1] = "bar'
> > > 
> > >, rest)
> > > 
> > > }
> > > 
> > >  
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > From:
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> > > Behalf Of caffeinewabbit
> > > Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 8:06 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [flexcoders] Overriding a rest parameter
> > > 
> > >  
> > > 
> > > I have a method in a parent class that I need to override in a
> > > but the parent's version of the method uses a rest (...)
parameter as
> > > its only argument.
> > > 
> > > Since the argument arrives in the overridden class as an array,
how do
> > > I then pass that data on to the original method (i.e.
> > > super.function())? Is there any way to indicate that an array should
> > > be treated like a rest parameter?
> > > 
> > > I've since solved my application specific issue using a different
> > > approach, but I wasn't able to find anything that addressed the
> > > problem above in the Docs, through Google, or here on Flexcoders.
> > >
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Overriding a rest parameter

2008-06-19 Thread Dave Kong
Cool, this answers one of my questions as well.

Now, taking this a step further, how do I override something like the which has the signature info(message:String, ... rest)?

info.apply(this, rest) obviously won't work. Do I need to insert the
message param to the head of the "rest" array?

--- In, "caffeinewabbit"
> Alex, you are the king of everything that is awesome, thank you very
> I keep forgetting that functions are objects just like virtually
> everything else in AS3, and now that you've pointed apply() out, I see
> where its mentioned in the docs. Thanks for reminding me of that as
> --- In, "Alex Harui"  wrote:
> >
> > Something like:
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > override function foo(... rest):void
> > 
> > {
> > 
> > rest[1] = "bar'
> > 
> >, rest)
> > 
> > }
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > From:
> > Behalf Of caffeinewabbit
> > Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 8:06 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [flexcoders] Overriding a rest parameter
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > I have a method in a parent class that I need to override in a child,
> > but the parent's version of the method uses a rest (...) parameter as
> > its only argument.
> > 
> > Since the argument arrives in the overridden class as an array, how do
> > I then pass that data on to the original method (i.e.
> > super.function())? Is there any way to indicate that an array should
> > be treated like a rest parameter?
> > 
> > I've since solved my application specific issue using a different
> > approach, but I wasn't able to find anything that addressed the
> > problem above in the Docs, through Google, or here on Flexcoders.
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Flex and Flash 9 movies in Firefox

2008-06-19 Thread Kevin Fauth
I'm pretty sure you can't do anything about that.  I've found that
setting focus to the SWF only works in IE; e.g. - where you do a
javascript .setFocus() to the swf object and the text box in the Flex
app already has focus.

It's just a difference between IE/FF unfortunately...

It's a little 'hacky' in my opinion, but if you absolutely need keyboard
events from a non-focused swf, check out Gary Bishop's blog about a
creative way of doing this by capturing keyboard events with Javascript.
I've had to do it for a number of things I've worked on and it works for
me, but only on those browsers with Javascript enabled...\

- Kevin

--- In, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For me, it happens in every browser.
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Behalf Of Michelle Grigg
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 10:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Flex and Flash 9 movies in Firefox
> Hi guys!
> I'm perplexed.
> I have a Flex 2 application that runs a little Flash 9 movie within it
> at one point. This SWF requires user interaction in the form of
> typing a letter into a textbox.
> Strange things occur in Firefox when, once you get to the frame with
> the textbox (focus is set to it so that the cursor is blinking), then
> alt-tab to another window and go back, you cannot interact with the
> textbox at all. The cursor has gone, and clicking on the control does
> nothing. Clicking on a button works, however.
> Anyone know how to fix this? Anyone even had this problem themselves?
> It ONLY happens in Firefox.
> Cheers,
> Michelle

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller, focused groups

2008-06-19 Thread Joseph Balderson
brucewhealton wrote:
> Maybe we need groups for different users at different experience
> levels.  I think this list is so big that it is hard to find a
> response or thread, especially when one posts a question and wants to
> find out if someone responded.  I have to look and look to see if I
> can find that thread anywhere, and it gets confusing when one sees so
> many similar, though different threads.  I'd like a feature to show me
> threads that include messages where I've posted comments, questions,
> or etc.  

Again this is a mail client problem, not a list problem IMO. I have 
Thunderbird filters set so that all posts I make are tagged as 
"responded", colour-coded and filed in my [flexcoders] folder. Likewise 
I can tag certain threads as "watched" if I wish (though it's not 
sophisticaed enough to give me an alert -- waiting for TB3.0 :), so I 
can find them later. Similar things can be done with Googlemail.

> If there was a chat room that would be great too.  Again, a grouping
> by experience level might be good.  Many projects or applications do
> have lists/groups for newbies and such, as well as more experienced
> folks - who will sometimes discuss things that have no meaning yet to
> the new user of Flex.
> Thanks,
> Bruce
> --- In, Sherif Abdou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ya i wrote the same thing like yesterday but Mr. Chotin said that is
> what the purpose of the Flexdev network on  adobe. I was thinking
> along the line of just creating a Flex/AIr/Coldfusion app and open
> sourcing it too. Combine Adobe Feeds, mailing list, chat and
> everything but i think the FlexDev on adobe does a good job. 
>> - Original Message 
>> From: Enjoy Jake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 6:52:55 PM
>> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller,
> focused groups
>> I forgot to mention the idea of including chat rooms as well. We
> could have a "lobby", a few breakout rooms (eg: "Flex Components",
> "DataGrid", "BlazeDS"), and also allow users to create their own chat
> rooms (for one-on-one help). It's a lot easier to give/receive help
> when there is the possibility of immediate feedback
>> - Original Message 
>> From: Enjoy Jake <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:56:16 PM
>> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller,
> focused groups
>> The first time I sent this, it only went to flexcoders-owner@
> yahoogroups. com. I apologize to those who received it twice.
>> Maybe a mailing list like this isn't the best choice. Maybe it's
> time to create a more customized solution for solving our problems.
> I'd be happy to put something together (and even host it on my server)
> if you guys think it would be useful. I'm thinking a cross between a
> mailing list, phpBB, and digg would be nice. We could have a large
> number of tags the author could choose from, some sort of rating
> system for solutions, and easy-to-use search functionality.
>> I'm thinking a Flex front-end with BlazeDS to communicate with a
> clean and efficient Java back-end that's using Hibernate.
>> Again, if you think this would be useful and people are willing to
> offer some input as to what functionality we need, I'd be happy to
> work on it.
>> Jake Hawkes
>> - Original Message 
>> From: Tim Hoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:46:45 PM
>> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller, focused
> groups
>> Very well put Joseph; quite impressive prose and insight.
>> -TH
>> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Joseph Balderson  wrote:
>>> From the perspective of someone who in his opinion is only just edging
>>> into the "advanced" category in Flex, I've been a lurker for many
>> years
>>> but only just now gradually changing to a more active status on the
>> list.
>>> To me, the volume of emails to the list was intimidating, until I
>>> decided to manage my lists a little better through Thunderbird
>>> filtering, and be disciplined about the time I take every day to
>> review
>>> the list, so it doesn't impact my productivity, much like I do every
>> day
>>> with the MXNA.
>>> So I'm not convinced that splitting up the list simply to make things
>>> more efficient and the volume less intimidating for some people
>>> outweighs the potential risks. I agree with Tim Hoff (16/06/2008 10:53
>>> PM) -- my concern is less for new users and lurkers than it is for
>>> frequent posters who are the lifeblood of this community, having to
>>> divide their precious attention from one list to however-many, which
>>> would dilute the quality of all lists, and could ultimately lead to
>>> abandonment by regular users on all lists.
>>> A community such as this must be a delicate balance between questions
>>> and answers, new users and advanced

[flexcoders] Creating a MaxRestorePanel using Viewstacks...

2008-06-19 Thread tdjoiner42
Hi all!

I'm new to Flex and to this group and feel very fortunate to have 
this site to post questions to :-)

I bought the book Adobe Flex 3 "Training from the Source" and it has 
a great Lesson in showing how to create Maximize and Restore Panels.
Page #258 Lesson 10.

I followed everything that the book suggested but the problem that I 
am having is that the example was using the panels in an 
application.  My panel is it's own component page that is being 
called from a main page that has viewstacks. My panel will be one of 
the viewstacks.

On the left side of the page is an accordion, on the right side of 
the page is my viewstack pages which calls my component page that I 
created using the MaxRestorePanel example from the book.

The issue that I am having is that I do not know how to make the 
panel maximize to the full page which will cover over the accordion 
as well.

Has anyone ever created a panel with the max and restore buttons that 
can maximize the full page even though the panel is being called 
within a viewstack?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


[flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller, focused groups

2008-06-19 Thread brucewhealton
Maybe we need groups for different users at different experience
levels.  I think this list is so big that it is hard to find a
response or thread, especially when one posts a question and wants to
find out if someone responded.  I have to look and look to see if I
can find that thread anywhere, and it gets confusing when one sees so
many similar, though different threads.  I'd like a feature to show me
threads that include messages where I've posted comments, questions,
or etc.  

If there was a chat room that would be great too.  Again, a grouping
by experience level might be good.  Many projects or applications do
have lists/groups for newbies and such, as well as more experienced
folks - who will sometimes discuss things that have no meaning yet to
the new user of Flex.

--- In, Sherif Abdou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ya i wrote the same thing like yesterday but Mr. Chotin said that is
what the purpose of the Flexdev network on  adobe. I was thinking
along the line of just creating a Flex/AIr/Coldfusion app and open
sourcing it too. Combine Adobe Feeds, mailing list, chat and
everything but i think the FlexDev on adobe does a good job. 
> - Original Message 
> From: Enjoy Jake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 6:52:55 PM
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller,
focused groups
> I forgot to mention the idea of including chat rooms as well. We
could have a "lobby", a few breakout rooms (eg: "Flex Components",
"DataGrid", "BlazeDS"), and also allow users to create their own chat
rooms (for one-on-one help). It's a lot easier to give/receive help
when there is the possibility of immediate feedback
> - Original Message 
> From: Enjoy Jake <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:56:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller,
focused groups
> The first time I sent this, it only went to flexcoders-owner@
yahoogroups. com. I apologize to those who received it twice.
> Maybe a mailing list like this isn't the best choice. Maybe it's
time to create a more customized solution for solving our problems.
I'd be happy to put something together (and even host it on my server)
if you guys think it would be useful. I'm thinking a cross between a
mailing list, phpBB, and digg would be nice. We could have a large
number of tags the author could choose from, some sort of rating
system for solutions, and easy-to-use search functionality.
> I'm thinking a Flex front-end with BlazeDS to communicate with a
clean and efficient Java back-end that's using Hibernate.
> Again, if you think this would be useful and people are willing to
offer some input as to what functionality we need, I'd be happy to
work on it.
> Jake Hawkes
> - Original Message 
> From: Tim Hoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:46:45 PM
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller, focused
> Very well put Joseph; quite impressive prose and insight.
> -TH
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Joseph Balderson  wrote:
> >
> > From the perspective of someone who in his opinion is only just edging
> > into the "advanced" category in Flex, I've been a lurker for many
> years
> > but only just now gradually changing to a more active status on the
> list.
> >
> > To me, the volume of emails to the list was intimidating, until I
> > decided to manage my lists a little better through Thunderbird
> > filtering, and be disciplined about the time I take every day to
> review
> > the list, so it doesn't impact my productivity, much like I do every
> day
> > with the MXNA.
> >
> > So I'm not convinced that splitting up the list simply to make things
> > more efficient and the volume less intimidating for some people
> > outweighs the potential risks. I agree with Tim Hoff (16/06/2008 10:53
> > PM) -- my concern is less for new users and lurkers than it is for
> > frequent posters who are the lifeblood of this community, having to
> > divide their precious attention from one list to however-many, which
> > would dilute the quality of all lists, and could ultimately lead to
> > abandonment by regular users on all lists.
> >
> > A community such as this must be a delicate balance between questions
> > and answers, new users and advanced users, lurkers and frequent
> > contributors. My concern is that for many, the formula works, our
> > numbers are steady, and there is still a huge number of A-list
> > participation. In attempting to improve the list, we could be killing
> it
> > -- so we need to be very sure of our data before proceeding IMO.
> >
> >
> > A FAQ would be very welcome, as would Doug's recommendation for most
> > commonly asked threads, as would tags, regardless of what the decision
> > is on the split.
> >
> > But

[flexcoders] showing the HandCursor over itemRenderers

2008-06-19 Thread djhatrick
Hi, I have a list component, problem is the handCursor only shows by
the edges, (yes, buttonMode=true, handCursor = true and
mouseEnabled=false is set on my itemRenderer...

Is there a way to make the handcursor to show up over the entire
itemRenderer... or is there a way to force the handCursor to display
some how?

Thanks, Flex is bangin!

[flexcoders] Re: HTTPService: Not Getting Fault Event When App Server Down

2008-06-19 Thread wwwpl
That fixed it, thank you.  I set the HTTPService requestTimeout to 10 
seconds and I received the fault error.  Thanks.

--- In, "valdhor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> requestTimeout?
> --- In, "wwwpl"  wrote:
> >
> > When our app server (tomcat) goes down while our Flex application 
> > up, we are not getting the fault event error when making an 
> > send call.  We don't get a result either.  We need to handle this 
> > gracefully.  I do get the invoke event in this scenario but that 
> > doesn't help much.  Any ideas?
> >

RE: [flexcoders] Help on error: Invalid AMFX packet. Content must start with an node

2008-06-19 Thread Seth Hodgson
Hi Clem,

Use the SecureAMFChannel on the client and the SecureAMFEndpoint at the server. 
Make sure your endpoint URL is correct (starts with "https://...).


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of gnu wolf
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Help on error: Invalid AMFX packet. Content must 
start with an  node

Hey Seth,

I'm not getting anything from the response, no headers and no status code. 
Pretty weird.

I had this request headers tho:

POST /samples/messagebroker/http HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:9400
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: 
Gecko/20080404 Firefox/
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Content-type: application/xml
Content-length: 653

It seems like it's still talking to the HTTP channel and not the AMF channel. 
If i'm using HTTPS, I should be talking to SecureAMFChannel, right?

I already enable SSL in my blazeDS tomcat and use a self-signed keystore file.

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 7:50 AM, Seth Hodgson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey Clem,

That raw request you're seeing is the client-side channel handshake with the 
server endpoint. This happens before any general messages/requests/data are 
shipped over the channel/endpoint connection. For some reason the response to 
this initial request isn't returning the server half of the handshake as valid 
AMFX. Do you see any other raw response info (say response headers and response 
status code) in addition to that odd body?

Once this initial connect-time handshake is working, the SOAP request will be 
sent to the server where it'll be proxied through to the actual target SOAP 


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of gnuwolf
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 10:45 AM

Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Help on error: Invalid AMFX packet. Content must 
start with an  node
Hi Seth,
Thanks for replying.
I'm creating a webservices client for Netsuite.
The usual SOAP request for login operation would look something like this:";
Raw request from charles is this:";>

Raw response was blank or some character like this: 

Error from the flash debugger is this:
[MessagingError message='Invalid AMFX packet. Content must start with an  

RE: [flexcoders] BlazeDS broadcast updates to others?

2008-06-19 Thread Seth Hodgson
Actually, BlazeDS does support push via AMF/HTTP streaming. RTMP supports 
duplex client-server interactions over a single socket. HTTP is a 
request/response-based protocol so is not duplex by its nature and in order to 
simulate a duplex connection the client most open one HTTP connection to the 
server to receive pushed (or polled) data over, alongside a separate HTTP 
connection to send data to the server. The client-to-server connection is 
transient, opened only when the player has something to send to the server.

For streaming AMF/HTTP, the server writes data down to the client directly over 
the open connection, with no polling involved. Things like Apache connectors or 
old proxies that buffer HTTP response streams interfere with this, in which 
case we recommend configuring your ChannelSet to fallback to long polling or 
simple polling. Long polling provides a better client experience than simple 
polling on a set interval, because poll requests will be parked on the server 
to wait for something to return (using a timeout to avoid excessively long 
waits). For lightly loaded apps, this can significantly reduce the polling load 
on the server, and it means clients receive 'pushed' messages more immediately 
then they do with simple polling. Because each poll response is complete (as 
opposed to streamed/chunked) they are never buffered by connectors/proxies/etc..

BlazeDS doesn't include our NIO-based endpoints (RTMP and NIO-based AMF/HTTP 
streaming and long polling), so its streaming and long-polling support is 
implemented on top of the current Servlet API which only supports blocking IO. 
This means that you must limit the number of streaming or long-polling 
connections that the server accepts in order to avoid the possibility of 
putting all the container's request handler threads into a wait state, and we 
expose config settings for that. The next rev of the Servlet spec is adding 
limited support for async IO, and at that point BlazeDS will be updated to take 
advantage of it to scale to higher numbers of streaming and long polling client 

There's some more info on the channel options/behaviors here:
And the docset for LCDS 2.6 also contains much more information in this area.

In answer to the original question, the samples that are included with the 
BlazeDS turnkey contain some messaging examples. At a high level, you use 
Producer to send messages to the server and Consumer to subscribe for pushed 
messages from the server. Take a look at these client-side classes, the 
server-side Message Service, and the samples that use these.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cutter 
(Flex Related)
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] BlazeDS broadcast updates to others?

BlazeDS does not have true push (RTMP), it emulates push through 
polling. Basically your
update would push a message to a gateway, that then broadcasts that
message to a specific channel for BlazeDS, and the client's polling
would pick up that message from BlazeDS in it's next polling cycle
(think the default is 8 seconds, but that can be adjusted in the xml

I don't have a demo, but Andy Matthews is doing a presentation to the
Nashville ColdFusion User Group next Thursday night (which will be
simulcast over Adobe Connect) that will show an application that does
this, and goes into some detail on the hows and whys. (
should post the Connect URL once it's closer to the preso)

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

markflex2007 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not sure if BlazeDS have broadcast feature or not that means it
> broadcase to other clients when one person update something in the same
> Flex application.
> Please give me a demo if you have the url or samples
> Thanks a lot
> Mark

[flexcoders] Re: Digital Camera Control in Flex?

2008-06-19 Thread nathanpdaniel
You should check out the VideoDisplay component for starters.  If you 
want to do that with a Flex based web app, look into Networking and 
Communication because you'll have to save the image from the camera, 
upload it to a server, then download it.  Flash 9 doesn't have access 
to the local file system.  But I hear Flash 10 will (not sure if that's 
true or not though).

--- In, Dan Pride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to issue commands to a locally connected digital camera 
and retrieve the image file, rename it and store it locally.
> Any pointers on where to go to figure this out?
> Thanks
> Dan Pride

[flexcoders] multidimentional ArrayCollections and collectionEvent....

2008-06-19 Thread Durres76
collectionEventKind.Update does not seem to fire when subitems within
a collection change, i.e.. 
myArr = new ArrayCollection();
myOtherArr = new ArrayCollection();

the update event does not fire if myOtherArr changes. it does if myArr

[flexcoders] Re: way way OT: another "flex"?

2008-06-19 Thread Tim Hoff

That's what I thought.  I had read this blog post:


--- In, "Doug McCune" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's Flash, I decompiled it. It's got scripts all over movieclips.
> Doug
> On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 1:06 PM, Tim Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > 16 city / 22 highway; oh yeah. It's funny, when this site first came
> > out it was touted as being written in Flex. Looks more like a Flash
> > site though.
> >
> > -TH
> >
> > --- In, "Alex Harui" aharui@ wrote:
> >>
> >> Just like the AIR bus tour, Matt and Ely will travel the country in
> >> Ford Flex touting Flex 4 when it ships. Watch for them at a gas
> > station
> >> near you.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> >>
> >> From:
> > On
> >> Behalf Of dnk
> >> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:24 AM
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: way way OT: another "flex"?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> never hurts to ask?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 19-Jun-08, at 10:13 AM, Matt Chotin wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Is it wrong of me to ask the company to buy one though just because
> >> the synergy?
> >>
> >> On 6/19/08 8:28 AM, "simonjpalmer" simonjpalmer@
> >>  > wrote:
> >>
> >> Looks more like the left-overs from the Range Rover parts bin...
> >>
> >>
> >
> >> NGE_ROVER_RngRvr_exfrpass34.jpg
> >>
> >
 >> r/400/06_RANGE_ROVER_RngRvr_exfrpass34.jpg>
> >>
> >> --- In
> > 
> >>
> >
 >> m> , Paul Hastings paul.hastings@
> >> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > found this serendipitously while googling for flex...i like the
> >> but it
> >> > looks like a mini cooper on steroids ;-)
> >> >
> >> >
> > 
> >> >
> >>
> >
> >

Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?

2008-06-19 Thread Joseph Balderson
The array accessor [] does not quite duplicate what eval() used to. From 
my recollection you could actually run code with eval, which of course 
is impossible to do with []. I know there's a way to do code injection 
in AS3, but I don't remember the tecnique offhand.

The interesting thing about [] of course is that AS3 can do 
two-dimensional "arrays," and you can "chain" two array accessors 
together to make both the object and its property dynamic, like so:


Which makes things very interesting. Of course this only works if the 
property exists or the class is dynamic.

A for loop and the [] syntax is much lower level and much more efficient 
than a repeater, but of course a repeater is bindable and has other 
useful stuff.


Joseph Balderson, Developer | | 705-466-6345

Josh McDonald wrote:
> No worries, the equivalent of
> eval("movie_number_" + idNumber);
> would be:
> this["movie_number_" + idNumber];
> To explain, in actionscript 3 (and in Javascript), these two references 
> are equivalent:
> this.someField = true;
> this["someField"] = true;
> trace("the value is " + anObject.button7);
> trace("the value is " + anObject["button7"]);
> Notice the fact that it's a string. You can also use numbers (this is 
> how arrays work), and other objects, but with objects the runtime simply 
> calls .toString() and then goes ahead with the string, IIRC.
> -Josh
> On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 9:20 PM, David Pariente <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
> Thnx for the psicological help :)
> Tecnically i come from AS1 and AS2 where i used to create multiple
> copies of movieclips, and created with a name as:
> eval("movie_number_"+idnumber);
> maybe i should need an easy example of how to create multiple
> objects dinamically, and most important, how to access them later.
> Thnx, u guys are kind ;)
> - Mensaje original 
> De: Josh McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> Para: 
> Enviado: martes, 17 de junio, 2008 0:50:17
> Asunto: Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?
> Gordon,
> I can live without eval() and associated evilness, but I'd sell my
> left testicle for the ability to mark a Proxy as extending or
> implementing various classes or interfaces.
> Mario - As for this sort of pseudo-eval that theyou're after, you
> could definitely cook up something similar to that without *too
> much* work, but I don't think it's the correct solution to whatever
> the actual root problem is. We need more information as to context
> to be more help :)
> -Josh
> On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 4:27 AM, Gordon Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com
> > wrote:
> Why are you lost without eval()? What would you use it to do?
> Many developers think they need it when they really don't; there
> are often other ways to accomplish what they're trying to do.
> Gordon Smith
> Adobe Flex SDK Team
>  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ] *On Behalf Of
> *David Pariente
> *Sent:* Monday, June 16, 2008 7:35 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?
> They answer u about eval() cause that was what eval() was for. I
> used it so often in AS1 and AS2. Lost now in AS3 without it :(
> - Mensaje original 
> De: mariovandeneynde  >
> Enviado: lunes, 16 de junio, 2008 12:08:26
> Asunto: [flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?
> No, I'm just wondering if there is a way to convert a string to
> actual
> actionscriptcode. ..
> , "Michael Schmalle"
>  wrote:
> >
> >  Hi,
> >
> >  There is no eval() in actionscript if that is what you are
> wondering.
> >
> >  Mike
> >
> >  On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 5:33 AM, mariovandeneynde <
> >  mariovandeneynde@ ...> wrote:
> >
> >  > Greetings,
> >  >
> >  > I was wondering if the following situation wo

Re: [flexcoders] Re: way way OT: another "flex"?

2008-06-19 Thread Doug McCune
It's Flash, I decompiled it. It's got scripts all over movieclips. w.


On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 1:06 PM, Tim Hoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 16 city / 22 highway; oh yeah. It's funny, when this site first came
> out it was touted as being written in Flex. Looks more like a Flash
> site though.
> -TH
> --- In, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just like the AIR bus tour, Matt and Ely will travel the country in a
>> Ford Flex touting Flex 4 when it ships. Watch for them at a gas
> station
>> near you.
>> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On
>> Behalf Of dnk
>> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:24 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: way way OT: another "flex"?
>> never hurts to ask?
>> On 19-Jun-08, at 10:13 AM, Matt Chotin wrote:
>> Is it wrong of me to ask the company to buy one though just because of
>> the synergy?
>> On 6/19/08 8:28 AM, "simonjpalmer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>  > wrote:
>> Looks more like the left-overs from the Range Rover parts bin...
>> NGE_ROVER_RngRvr_exfrpass34.jpg
> > r/400/06_RANGE_ROVER_RngRvr_exfrpass34.jpg>
>> --- In
> > m> , Paul Hastings paul.hastings@
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > found this serendipitously while googling for flex...i like the name
>> but it
>> > looks like a mini cooper on steroids ;-)
>> >
>> >
>> >

[flexcoders] ByteArray as VideoDisplay source

2008-06-19 Thread Joshua Garnett
Does anyone know of a way to connect a VideoDisplay or Video object to a
locally created ByteArray as opposed to a NetStream source?  or perhaps how
to sub-class NetStream in order to manually feed bytes from a ByteArray to
the Video object?
Essentially what I want to do is have a custom loading routine that I will
write and then pass that data on manually to a Video object.  Any help would
be appreciated.  Thanks!


[flexcoders] Re: way way OT: another "flex"?

2008-06-19 Thread Tim Hoff

16 city / 22 highway; oh yeah.  It's funny, when this site first came
out it was touted as being written in Flex.  Looks more like a Flash
site though.


--- In, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just like the AIR bus tour, Matt and Ely will travel the country in a
> Ford Flex touting Flex 4 when it ships. Watch for them at a gas
> near you.
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Behalf Of dnk
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: way way OT: another "flex"?
> never hurts to ask?
> On 19-Jun-08, at 10:13 AM, Matt Chotin wrote:
> Is it wrong of me to ask the company to buy one though just because of
> the synergy?
> On 6/19/08 8:28 AM, "simonjpalmer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  > wrote:
> Looks more like the left-overs from the Range Rover parts bin...
> NGE_ROVER_RngRvr_exfrpass34.jpg
> --- In

 m> , Paul Hastings paul.hastings@
> wrote:
> >
> > found this serendipitously while googling for flex...i like the name
> but it
> > looks like a mini cooper on steroids ;-)
> >
> >

> >

[flexcoders] Re: SecurityDomain.currentDomain causes weird loaderInfo.url

2008-06-19 Thread mydarkspoon
Thanks Alex,
I couldn't find any info about it elsewhere...
I guess it got to be one of the most difficult things to search on
google since there is no way to search for brackets and the word
import is too common in flex issues...grrr.

Thanks again,

Almog Kurtser

--- In, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, known issue.  No way to avoid that we know of.
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of mydarkspoon
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 2:36 AM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] SecurityDomain.currentDomain causes weird
> loaderInfo.url
> Hi,
> I have swf file loaded into another swf from different domain. The swf
> is loaded into the same security domain (SecurityDomain.currentDomain).
> Both swf explicitly trust each other's domains so I don't experience
> any security violations.
> The loading works fine and I'm able to do cross scripting, however, I
> experience one strange problem: the loaded swf's url (loaderInfo.url)
> turns out to be a concatenation of the loader url + loaded swf url.
> For example, I created domains in my hosts file: "loader" and
> "content", both are localhost and only meant to simulate cross domains:
> When the swf from http://content is loaded into the swf from
> http://loader, it traces it's url, which I expected to be:
> http://content/FileThatTracesItsUrl.swf
> However, instead of the above url ,it traces out this exact url:
> "http://loader/[[IMPORT]]/content/FileThatTracesItsUrl.swf";
> This only happen when the SecurityDomain is set to
> SecurityDomain.currentDomain, if the swf is loaded into new
> SecurityDomain (by not specifying it, or passing null), the url
> resolves to:
> http://content/FileThatTracesItsUrl.swf
> which is just what I expected to happen.
> For the mean while, I simply extracted the correct url using
> String.substr, nevertheless, I'd be glad to know what's the reason for
> this or how this can be avoided.
> Thanks in advance,
> Almog Kustser.

[flexcoders] Re: string to actual actionscript code?

2008-06-19 Thread Amy
--- In, David Pariente <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Wow, that answer will really help me! :)
> What if it's not movies, but some other object that i wanna create 
20 times?
> I thought it should get inside some kind of Array, but not sure if 
its this way too.
> i.e. 
> var MyTextBox:TextBox=new textBox();
> what if i need N instances of that MyTextBox? Should i create an 
Array before that? What's the right way to put those  textBoxes into 
the  Array?
> I'm sorry for the basic of my questionbut im quite new to AS3 
and OOP, and i did use and misuse of evals a lot in AS1 and AS2.
> Thanx a lot for the help :)

If you use a repeater, this will happen automatically:

will give you an array of TextBoxes that you can access with

MyTextBox[0] - MyTextbox[n], where n is the number of items in your 
data source.

You can also do this manually

var MyTextBox:Array;

for (i=0;i<=numLoops;i++){
   MyTextBox.push(new TextBox());

You'd refer to them the same as above.



[flexcoders] flex+coldfusion8 w/blazeDS integrated --docs?

2008-06-19 Thread Derrick Anderson
i can't find any documentation that shows how to setup applications for
BlazeDS when BlazeDS is integrated with CF8...  Everything always assumes I
have the turnkey installed.  On my development box, I'm trying to create a
Flex project that uses BlazeDS but have no idea what to put for the
LiveCycle options when I don't have tomcat running locally, is there a guide
anywhere out there to walk me through this?


[flexcoders] Re: LineSeries and itemRenderer

2008-06-19 Thread littlebeetle7
Hi there,

I believe you can do what you want simply by retrieving the "data"
property within your Renderer class.
If your renderer extends UIComponent you just have to do a
within your updatedisplaylist function, and data should contain an
element of the dataprovider linked to your lineseries. You just have
to cast it to the wanted type.
But if your renderer extends ProgrammaticSkin for example you would
need to also do "implements IDataRenderer" and implementing set data
and get data.
>From the flex charting component "CircleItemRenderer"

 *  @private
 *  Storage for the data property.
private var _chartItem:ChartItem;

 *  The chartItem that this itemRenderer displays.
 *  The CircleItemRenderer does not depend on any properties 
 *  of the chart item.
public function get data():Object
return _chartItem;

 *  @private
public function set data(value:Object):void
if (_chartItem == value)

_chartItem = value as ChartItem;

You can then use the _chartItem casted to the wanted type within
As a side note: you might also want to check if your item != null
before using it in updateDisplayList.

I hope that solves your problem !


--- In, "y.mauron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I have a LineChart, with a lineSeries and a renderer for this series: 
> In my renderer I can retrieve the information such as x and y but I
> would like to pass an additional information from the dataProvider of
> my chart. Is it possible ?

RE: [flexcoders] flash9f.ocx crashes

2008-06-19 Thread Jonathon Stierman
No other ideas?


Is there any more information I could give that would be helpful?


I did go through the application and make all event listeners use weak
references.  I also updated the Loader object to cache items.  So rather
than constantly load and unload external .swf files, it load and saves
them once, and checks for existing references before going out to
download again.  Results in a slightly higher overall memory
consumption, but hopefully more stable.




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jonathon Stierman
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 12:37 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] flash9f.ocx crashes


I did run a profile last night.  As far as I can tell, everything is


Peak Memory: 3486 k

Current Memory: 1482 k


3486k isn't anything that should be causing the system to run out of
memory and crash.  There aren't any class instances hanging around that
shouldn't be there.  Memory doesn't "staircase up" after the GC runs.
Everything appears to be collected properly.  Unless I am
mis-interpreting the data... If someone feels so kind as to take a look
at a snapshot and confirm my interpretations, here's an image of what
I'm analyzing.  I left the profiler on over-night, and this is what I
came in to in the morning - so there are *lots* of cumulative instances
for a few classes: 


This app does load static .swf's on a timely basis (every 2 seconds or
so).  I vaguely remember hearing that loading external .swf files can
cause memory issues - could that be the case?  And would those leaks not
be present in the profiler?


On a related note - "Peak Memory: 3486 k."   What exactly does that
mean?  When I've watched the app run inside IE7 or Firefox, the browsers
memory usage increases far more than 3 megs worth.  Is there really that
much browser overhead when running Flash apps?




[flexcoders] Optimization of ItemRenderer on a LineSeries

2008-06-19 Thread littlebeetle7
Hi there,

I'm currently using a flex chart with 2 lineseries. I specified for each
of them a custom itemrenderer.
Here is the simplified code that I'm using :

package myrenderers

public class MyRenderer extends ProgrammaticSkin  implements
private var _chartItem:LineSeriesItem;

public function MyRenderer()

public function get data():Object
return _chartItem;

public function set data(value:Object):void
if (_chartItem == value)

_chartItem = value as LineSeriesItem;


override protected function
super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
var g:Graphics = graphics;

//Some code to retrieve the proper size/positioning/color wanted

// Draw a grey circle
g.beginFill(0xBABABA, 1.0);
g.drawCircle(positionUsed, positionUsed, radiusUsed+1);

//Other drawing routines, to create the wanted shape

}//End of updateDisplayList function

All works fine until I reach the amount of 100 points on each series,
where the rendering becomes a little choppy, especially since we are
using an animation whenever the dataprovider of each series is updated.
So in order to optimize the rendering, I was thinking of 2 different
1.Have our designer give me a swf that would simply be a vectorial image
and then add this swf within the updatedisplaylist of my itemrenderer.
2. Run the drawing code only once at the beginning of my app, save it in
a shape and reuse that shape in the updatedisplaylist of my itemrenderer
instead of redrawing each time the same thing.

I'd like to get some of your input,which solution would be better to
lighten the work load of the flashplayer, and also if I should make my
renderer derive this way:
public class MyRenderer extends mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin  implements

or another.

Thanks a lot in advance for your input.


Re: [flexcoders] Generating AS3 code from Java

2008-06-19 Thread Marvin Froeder
Flex mojos has a mojo to that...*generator*-mojo

If you uses maven


On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:06 PM, andrew. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Hi,
> I am using a Flex UI talking to a Blaze DS / Java backend. The sever has a
> set of DTO
> objects used for talking to Flex and other web services.
> Is there any open source tools out there to generate the AS3 code from
> Java? This should
> be a fairly easy program to write using reflection, but someone must have
> done it before.

[flexcoders] Re: How to rotate a Combo Box

2008-06-19 Thread wyattwang

Thanks. Here's the test app:";

src: url("assets/ARIAL.TTF"); /* copy from Windows/fonts/
folder  */
fontFamily: myArial;   
 ComboBox {
fontFamily: myArial;
fontSize: 20;




--- In, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The internal TextInput doesn't rotate?  Post a test case.

[flexcoders] Passing Values between windows

2008-06-19 Thread bredwards358
In the application I'm currently developing, end users need to log in
to utilize it. Also I need to keep track of who is logged in so that I
can input that into a local database after certain actions. I've tried
using a public variable in a commonly used class, however since an
instance of that class is newly declared when a new window opens up
the value is set back to null, making it unusable. I've heard of using
an actionscript file inside a package used by the App containing the
variables but since the examples I've seen have them as static and
const variables and thus can't be changed from their default values.
So my question is this, is it possible in AIR to pass the value of a
variable from the native application window to another window component?

To help clear things up, essentially the user logs in and the username
is set as the value of a variable declared someplace, then in another
window, an action takes place, info is recorded in the database and
the app looks up the username in the variable, and records it along
with the other stuff in the db.

[flexcoders] Digital Camera Control in Flex?

2008-06-19 Thread Dan Pride
I would like to issue commands to a locally connected digital camera and 
retrieve the image file, rename it and store it locally.
Any pointers on where to go to figure this out?
Dan Pride


[flexcoders] User Interaction during Transitions

2008-06-19 Thread giopaia
jumping from stateA to stateB back to StateA
I received an "already parented" error.
when jumping between states is faster than the transition times
the error jumps out because when you go back into stateA
his childs have not been removed yet...

tried to use a copy of the AddChild class apart from two points in the
AddChild.apply() and AddChild.remove() methods:
1) where the error jumps out in the AddChild.apply() method:

// Can't reparent. Must remove before adding.
if (target.parent)
var message:String = resourceManager.getString(
"states", "alreadyParented");
throw new Error(message);

I thought that if the actual parent and the new parent are the same it
should be ok to reparent or to make a removeChild...
so I added to the test condition...

if(target.parent == actualParent)
throw error

2) the point supposed to restore the state
   in the AddChild.remove() method: 

I've added checks before the removeChild() calls 


to avoid the 2052 error: 
"The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller"

Now I have avoided a few errors 
the addition and removal of child seems to work fine 
but I'm getting weird behaviors with some other objects
that shouldn't be affected because are on the stage
all the time and the states change only their visibility...

I'm quite new to all the Flex Framework
but after struggling with Transitions
for a while (almost two weeks now) I was wondering 
if any of the subscribers of this list has some guidelines,
best practices or advices to give about
how to handle user interaction using transitions.

Thanks in advance for any help
Really hope not to seem stupid or ridicolous in my questions
but sometimes is just difficult to find the right
sources of informations or you have to know a bunch
of things before figuring out what's the better thing to do.
Thanks again

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Library Project Help

2008-06-19 Thread Jeffry Houser
For itemRenderers I believe you have to specify the full class name.  
So, move the files to the subfolder and change the itemRenderer value to 

jmfillman wrote:
>From my component mxml file in the myComponents sub-folder, I am 
referencing the itemRendere like this:

textAlign="center" visible="false" dataProvider="{list0Array}" 
backgroundColor="#535353" borderStyle="none" themeColor="#535353" 
itemClick="modifyAD(all0List.selectedItem.index, true)" 
itemRenderer="itemRenderer1" itemRollOver="rollOver(event); 
contextMenu=cm" itemRollOut="contextMenu=null"/>

If I put the itemRenderer in the same folder as the component, I get 
a build error that it can't find itemRenderer1. If I put it in the 
root of the "src" folder, one level above the component, it works 
perfectly, but then the Library Project can't find it.

--- In, Jeffry Houser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I'm not sure why that would be.  Maybe if you shared some code the 
problem would be more obvious. 

jmfillman wrote:

Only the itemRenderes are in the root directory. If I put them in 
sub-Folder (myComponents), then the components in the sub-Folder 
cannot find the itemRenders.

--- In, Jeffry Houser  wrote:

 Assuming Flex Builder 3; src shouldn't be included in the path.

 So your path is just "itemRenderer1". 
 I would recommend against putting components in the root 


this manner. 

jmfillman wrote:

I'm creating a Library Project that is linked to my working 
My Build Path links to the "src" folder from my working 
I have selected all the relevant files, including my 2 

Within the "src" file, I have a folder that contains 3 
files, and the 2 itemRenderers are at the "src" level. My 
Project returns the following error for the itemRenderers in 

Library Project:

"could not find source for class src.itemRenderer1."

src (folder)

   myComponents (folder)


Flexcoders Mailing List

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Jeffry Houser
Flex, ColdFusion, AIR
AIM: Reboog711  | Phone: 1-203-379-0773
Adobe Community Expert 

My Company:  
My Podcast: 

My Blog: 

Flexcoders Mailing List

Search Archives:

40yahoogroups.comYahoo! Groups Links


Jeffry Houser
Flex, ColdFusion, AIR
AIM: Reboog711  | Phone: 1-203-379-0773
Adobe Community Expert 

My Company:  
My Podcast: 

My Blog: 

Flexcoders Mailing List
Search Archives:! 
Groups Links


Jeffry Houser
Flex, ColdFusion, AIR
AIM: Reboog711  | Phone: 1-203-379-0773
Adobe Community Expert 

My Company:  
My Podcast: 
My Blog:  

RE: [flexcoders] Re: way way OT: another "flex"?

2008-06-19 Thread Alex Harui
Just like the AIR bus tour, Matt and Ely will travel the country in a
Ford Flex touting Flex 4 when it ships.  Watch for them at a gas station
near you.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of dnk
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: way way OT: another "flex"?


never hurts to ask?



On 19-Jun-08, at 10:13 AM, Matt Chotin wrote:

Is it wrong of me to ask the company to buy one though just because of
the synergy?

On 6/19/08 8:28 AM, "simonjpalmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > wrote:

Looks more like the left-overs from the Range Rover parts bin...

--- In 
 , Paul Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> found this serendipitously while googling for flex...i like the name
but it
> looks like a mini cooper on steroids ;-)


Re: [flexcoders] adding space in an array collection

2008-06-19 Thread Willy Ci
have you try " "?
ac.addItem({name:first_name_traffic.text + " " + last_name_traffic.text});
works for me.


maybe today is a good day to write some code,
hold on, late me take a nap first ... Zzzz

Q: How do you spell "google"?
A: Why don't you google it?

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 2:15 PM, ghus32 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   ac.addItem({name:first_name_traffic.text + last_name_traffic.text});
> Is there a way to add a space between first name and last name in this
> code. I tried adding "" but that didnt work
> Thanks

RE: [flexcoders] Disabled items in dropdown

2008-06-19 Thread Alex Harui
Well, unfortunately, we didn't think it common enough to build into
CombBox.  You can work with my example and modify it or maybe someone
has already solved it, but it isn't built in.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Richard Rodseth
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Disabled items in dropdown


I just want the (very) common form/dialog element that has a few items
to select, some of which might be disabled. I realize that ComboBox can
support a long scrolling list. If there's another control I should be
using, by all means enlighten me. PopupMenuButton only opens on a click
in the arrow, and doesn't drop down in quite the same way.

If I'm not mistaken, the example on your blog doesn't do anything about


On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 9:50 AM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > wrote:

Menu supports disabling, but dropdown List doesn't?  You can disable
list selection via an example on my blog.


[  ]
On Behalf Of Richard Rodseth
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 8:54 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Disabled items in dropdown


I realize this is probably an FAQ, but it beats me why I can disable
items in a PopupMenuButton, but not a ComboBox:

So I was thinking of trying to style the PopupMenuButton to look more
like the Combo (centered menu, click anywhere to open). But if anyone
has a ready-made solution, I'm all ears.



Re: [flexcoders] Re: way way OT: another "flex"?

2008-06-19 Thread dnk

never hurts to ask?

On 19-Jun-08, at 10:13 AM, Matt Chotin wrote:

Is it wrong of me to ask the company to buy one though just because  
of the synergy?

On 6/19/08 8:28 AM, "simonjpalmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Looks more like the left-overs from the Range Rover parts bin...

--- In  , Paul  

> found this serendipitously while googling for flex...i like the name
but it
> looks like a mini cooper on steroids ;-)

[flexcoders] Re: HTTPService: Not Getting Fault Event When App Server Down

2008-06-19 Thread valdhor

--- In, "wwwpl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When our app server (tomcat) goes down while our Flex application is 
> up, we are not getting the fault event error when making an HTTPService 
> send call.  We don't get a result either.  We need to handle this 
> gracefully.  I do get the invoke event in this scenario but that 
> doesn't help much.  Any ideas?

[flexcoders] adding space in an array collection

2008-06-19 Thread ghus32
ac.addItem({name:first_name_traffic.text + last_name_traffic.text});

Is there a way to add a space between first name and last name in this 
code. I tried adding "" but that didnt work


[flexcoders] Re: Flex Debugger Ignoring all breakpoints/Errors

2008-06-19 Thread aut0poietic_us
I'm definitely using the "Content Debugger Plugin Player WIN
9,0,124,0" as verified from both the URLs you provided above. 

I've heard mentioned in my googling this that Greasemonkey could have
something to do with the problem, but I've got it disabled. I might
try uninstalling it in a bit (got a 2 hour render running for same

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flex Debugger Ignoring all breakpoints/Errors

2008-06-19 Thread Douglas Knudsen
I'll add to this to look at this URL
to ensure you actually have the debug player


On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 1:52 PM, Tracy Spratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Glad you are working agin.  I will post this anyway, in case anyone finds
> this thread in the future.
> If you have not done so yet, verify the Flash Player version by visiting
> this url:
> Often it is hard to get Flash Player versions switched successfully.
> Tracy
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of aut0poietic_us
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flex Debugger Ignoring all breakpoints/Errors
> Minor update: I FINALLY have the debugger working in IE. Not entirely
> sure what the solution was, however, it dawns on me the other thing
> done to this system recently was install Firefox 3.
> I remember some problems with RC versions, but I thought that was all
> resolved. Either way, would be nice if FF would cooperate with the
> debugger, but my level of panic has dropped some.

Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

[flexcoders] Re: Flex Debugger Ignoring all breakpoints/Errors

2008-06-19 Thread EddieBerman
I noticed the same problem after installing Firefox 3. I'm now using
IE until I learn of a way to have it work again.

--- In, "aut0poietic_us" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Minor update:  I FINALLY have the debugger working in IE. Not entirely
> sure what the solution was, however, it dawns on me the other thing
> done to this system recently was install Firefox 3.
> I remember some problems with RC versions, but I thought that was all
> resolved. Either way, would be nice if FF would cooperate with the
> debugger, but my level of panic has dropped some.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: way way OT: another "flex"?

2008-06-19 Thread Steve Mathews
Think you can convince them to do a contest? Build a great Flex app
and win a Flex vehicle.

On 6/19/08, Matt Chotin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it wrong of me to ask the company to buy one though just because of the 
> synergy?
> On 6/19/08 8:28 AM, "simonjpalmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Looks more like the left-overs from the Range Rover parts bin...
> --- In 
>  , 
> Paul Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > found this serendipitously while googling for flex...i like the name
> but it
> > looks like a mini cooper on steroids ;-)
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Flexcoders Mailing List
> FAQ:
> Search Archives: 
>! Groups Links

Re: [flexcoders] Disabled items in dropdown

2008-06-19 Thread Richard Rodseth
 I just want the (very) common form/dialog element that has a few items to
select, some of which might be disabled. I realize that ComboBox can support
a long scrolling list. If there's another control I should be using, by all
means enlighten me. PopupMenuButton only opens on a click in the arrow, and
doesn't drop down in quite the same way.

If I'm not mistaken, the example on your blog doesn't do anything about


On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 9:50 AM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Menu supports disabling, but dropdown List doesn't?  You can disable
> list selection via an example on my blog.
>  --
> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *Richard Rodseth
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 19, 2008 8:54 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [flexcoders] Disabled items in dropdown
> I realize this is probably an FAQ, but it beats me why I can disable items
> in a PopupMenuButton, but not a ComboBox:
>  dataProvider="{treeDP2}"
> labelField="@label"
> />
> So I was thinking of trying to style the PopupMenuButton to look more like
> the Combo (centered menu, click anywhere to open). But if anyone has a
> ready-made solution, I'm all ears.

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller, focused groups

2008-06-19 Thread Enjoy Jake
One-on-one chats could be saved and made searchable. But it seems like no one 
liked my idea anyway, so I won't bother with it.

- Original Message 
From: Tracy Spratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:45:29 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller, focused groups

Also, I prefer my donated time help the entire
community.  I would not participate in one-on-one chat.  I like the maillist.

From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] On Behalf 
Of Paul Andrews
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 6:34
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re:
Splitting FlexCoders in smaller, focused groups
Shudder. If it doesn't come through my mailbox, it doesn't
- Original Message - 
From:Enjoy Jake 
Sent:Thursday, June 19,
2008 12:52 AM
Subject:Re: [flexcoders]
Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller, focused groups
I forgot to mention the idea of including chat rooms as well. We could
have a "lobby", a few breakout rooms (eg: "Flex
Components", "DataGrid", "BlazeDS"), and also allow
users to create their own chat rooms (for one-on-one help). It's a lot easier
to give/receive help when there is the possibility of immediate feedback


RE: [flexcoders] Re: Flex Debugger Ignoring all breakpoints/Errors

2008-06-19 Thread Tracy Spratt
Glad you are working agin.  I will post this anyway, in case anyone
finds this thread in the future.


If you have not done so yet, verify the Flash Player version by visiting
this url:


Often it is hard to get Flash Player versions switched successfully.




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of aut0poietic_us
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:30 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flex Debugger Ignoring all breakpoints/Errors


Minor update: I FINALLY have the debugger working in IE. Not entirely
sure what the solution was, however, it dawns on me the other thing
done to this system recently was install Firefox 3.

I remember some problems with RC versions, but I thought that was all
resolved. Either way, would be nice if FF would cooperate with the
debugger, but my level of panic has dropped some.


RE: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller, focused groups

2008-06-19 Thread Tracy Spratt
Also, I prefer my donated time help the entire community.  I would not
participate in one-on-one chat.  I like the maillist.



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Paul Andrews
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 6:34 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller, focused


Shudder. If it doesn't come through my mailbox, it doesn't happen.

- Original Message - 

From: Enjoy Jake   


Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 12:52 AM

Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Splitting FlexCoders in smaller,
focused groups


I forgot to mention the idea of including chat rooms as well. We
could have a "lobby", a few breakout rooms (eg: "Flex Components",
"DataGrid", "BlazeDS"), and also allow users to create their own chat
rooms (for one-on-one help). It's a lot easier to give/receive help when
there is the possibility of immediate feedback


Re: [flexcoders] BlazeDS broadcast updates to others?

2008-06-19 Thread Cutter (Flex Related)
BlazeDS does not have true push (RTMP), it emulates push through 
polling. Basically your
update would push a message to a gateway, that then broadcasts that
message to a specific channel for BlazeDS, and the client's polling
would pick up that message from BlazeDS in it's next polling cycle
(think the default is 8 seconds, but that can be adjusted in the xml

I don't have a demo, but Andy Matthews is doing a presentation to the
Nashville ColdFusion User Group next Thursday night (which will be
simulcast over Adobe Connect) that will show an application that does
this, and goes into some detail on the hows and whys. (
should post the Connect URL once it's closer to the preso)

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

markflex2007 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not sure if BlazeDS have broadcast feature or not that means it
> broadcase to other clients when one person update something in the same
> Flex application.
> Please give me a demo if you have the url or samples
> Thanks a lot
> Mark

[flexcoders] looking for documentation on FB3 .actionScriptProperties file

2008-06-19 Thread icodeflex
hi everyone,
I have been digging around but was unable to find documentation on the
.actionScriptProperties file for FB3. I am specifically interested in
more info on the libraryPath, libraryPathEntry, and compiler properties.

Anyone know where I can find the documentation?

thank you!

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